#harry helping a fan come out yesterday was just on the news
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multifandomsw · 10 months
summary: After an encounter with your old best friend, she gave you her number to catch up. When you decide to send her a message, someone else replies. Was it destiny?
warnings: angsty, fluff, not much tbh
author’s note: I’m so thankful for all the support!! I love you all so much and would love to interact with you! Big thank you to @manrocket-mo 💓💓 She helped me A LOT and it’s because of her that I even got the motivation to write this. She basically helped me with the whole plot sooooo thank her!
Part 5
Apologies masterlist
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Everyone was rushing around and making last preparations for the upcoming show.
He could hear the crowd roaring in anticipation and singing along the songs that were being played. Sometimes, Harry would be nervous to go on stage and hearing the crowd would even worsen it. Other times, it would calm him and make him happy to know that the people were waiting for him to go on stage.
Nevertheless, Harry was always overwhelmed with emotions before going on stage.
This time though, Harry felt numb.
His was sitting on the floor in a quiet corner. His legs were pulled to his chest and he leaned his head against the wall while he waited.
He didn’t wait to go on stage, though. No, Harry waited for his phone to ring.
He turned the notifications off for anyone but you, desperately hoping for anything.
A message, a call, even a text stating that you were okay would be enough for him.
Harry let out a frustrated sigh as he took his phone and looked at his messages for the millionth time that day.
Harry: Hi. I don’t know what’s going on, but I just want you to know that whatever happened, I’m here for you.
Harry: And I miss talking to you.
Harry: God, you already mean so much to me.
“I shouldn’t be telling her that.”, Harry mumbled to himself. “Not now, at least.”, he decided before deleting the last message.
Harry: I hope you’re okay. Please reach out if you see this x
Harry turned his head when he heard footsteps approaching him.
“You look miserable.”, she pointed out and sat down next to Harry. “Thank you.”, Harry rolled his eyes and Sarah let out a small chuckle.
“No, seriously. I’ve never seen you so desperate when it comes to a girl.”
Harry scoffed. “I just need to know what happened.”
Sarah nodded her head. “I get it, I really do. But it’s only been a day. Give it some time. Give her some time to process whatever happened. Go on that stage and hold your speech and make a thousand people happy, Harry. Like you always do.”
Harry looked into her eyes and flashed her a genuine smile. A smile that faded only seconds later. “I just wish I could make her happy, too.”, he whispered quietly.
Harry took a deep and long breath before he stepped on the stage and the crowd erupted into chaos.
He couldn’t help it, he couldn’t stop his smile when he saw his fans all dressed up, all looking at him with such admiration and adoration.
He blew some of his fans kisses and waved at others. “Hello Munich!”, he greeted everyone and suddenly, the crowd went quiet.
“First of all, I want to thank you for coming! I hope you’ll have the time of your lives today-“, he began, his voice cracking at the end of the sentence. “I don’t deserve this, I don’t deserve you.”, he continued, closing his eyes for just a second and taking it all in.
He would never grow tired of this.
“There was something happening at yesterday’s concert. Some fans treated another-“, he let out a deep breath. “Another fan of mine very badly. I don’t know what exactly happened, but I know things like this happen quite often.”, he continued.
“I don’t want things like that to ever happen at one of my concerts again. Here, we treat people with kindness. We respect each other, we love each other. This should be your safe place, a place to connect with other fans and make new acquaintances. If you treat another fan badly, for whatever reasons, you’re not welcomed at my concerts. If you do so, you didn’t understand what my team and I stand for and, thus, you’re not truly a fan of mine.”
Harry stopped for a second, letting the crowd take his words in as he thought about his next ones. “If you’re the fan that was treated badly, and you know exactly who you are, reach out to my team. I’d love to give you tickets for another concert of mine. No one deserves to be treated like that.”
The crowd cheered and Harry let out a breathy laugh. “This being said, enjoy the concert and treat people with kindness! The next song is for someone who means a lot to me and doesn’t even know about it.”, he bowed as the first tunes of Cherry started to play.
Don’t you call him baby.
We’re not talking lately.
A week.
It’s been a whole week since Harry has heard from you and he was losing his mind.
Your phone was turned off and his messages didn’t even come through. Your phone had been turned off for a whole week.
In the past few months, he had grown so used to you that he had forgotten to appreciate you more. Now that you weren’t answering any of his messages anymore, Harry felt lonely.
He had no one to talk to when he felt particularly down, exhausted, agitated, furious or happy anymore.
There had been so many moments in the last days he wanted to tell you about.
For instance, on Saturday, when Harry went shopping he saw a Cherry pillow. He sent you a picture of it but never got an answer. On Monday Harry snapped a picture of the sunset, because he remembered that you told him how much you loved them. Harry even sent you the speech he held in Munich.
Harry: 🎥
Harry: Was this at your show? What happened?
Harry stared at his phone before he decided to click on Twitter. Everyone was talking about his interaction with you. They were all trying to find you. His fans were speculating whether you two knew each other. They were also talking about his speech, trying to find out who Harry dedicated Cherry to.
If only they knew.
Harry scrolled through the Tweets simply because he wanted, no needed, to see your beautiful face, to hear your sweet voice over and over again. There were at least a thousand screenshots and screen recordings in his gallery just of you.
But he felt guilty. People were attacking you and criticizing your song choice, your outfit or even your appearance.
It was then that Harry truly understood that his fans were simply jealous for you were the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on. Anyone who couldn’t see that was just blinded by jealousy.
Oh, how he hoped you didn’t see what his “fans” wrote about you. He hoped you’d stay away from social media.
He hoped he could delete every single video of you, every single Tweet about you.
You didn’t deserve that.
God, he hoped, with every fiber of his being, that you were okay. Harry was truly going out of his mind. Endless scenarios of what might have happened entered it every few seconds and he simply couldn’t take it anymore.
What if something happened to you?
Harry shook his head, trying to get rid off his thoughts. Sarah was right. You just needed time. Time to process whatever happened at the concert, time to calm down.
But he wished that you’d talk to him, to H. You always did. He’d trust you with your whole life, so why didn’t you seem to trust him?
You closed your eyes, trying to control your heavy breathing.
You listened to the sounds you heard. The heavy footsteps, the loud chattering, the loudspeaker announcements.
It didn’t help. Nothing helped.
As you opened your eyes again, you watched people running around, pushing through the crowd and trying not to miss their flights.
You were overwhelmed by emotions and it felt like you couldn’t breathe. The airport air was just so heavy.
You tried to calm down and tried not to panic. This was your choice, a new opportunity, a new life, a new beginning.
In truth, you were running away. Running away from your family, from Jack and Jules, from the people in your town.
But still, this could be a new beginning. You had been offered a scholarship to King’s College London a while ago. You had originally decided not to accept the offer because you were afraid. Afraid of meeting new people, of having no one and living alone.
Now, though, you realized that you didn’t have much to lose anyway.
You sighed, pulling out your phone and turning it on after a whole week. As much as you didn’t want to admit it, you needed someone to talk to. You needed H.
You felt bad for not contacting him. H had always been there for you, whatever happened. But the past week was just so rough. You didn’t want to burden him with your problems.
It caught you off guard, the several messages and even calls from H. You didn’t realize you meant that much to him. But it seemed like he really cared for you.
Someone really cared for you.
When you saw the video H had sent you, your heart squeezed in your chest. It was a video of Harry Styles.
After what had happened at the concert you couldn’t listen to his music anymore, couldn’t even look at the videos you took at the concert. Every time you did, you were reminded of what happened at the concert.
Nevertheless, you clicked on the video and it seemed like your heart broke right in your chest. Harry Styles was talking about you. He was talking about what had happened at the concert. He was offering you tickets to one of his concerts.
Which was one of the many reasons he was your favorite singer. He was so selfless, he always cared for his fans. He-
Jules’ words rang in your ear.
No one will ever like you. Harry talked to you because you stood out in the crowd. He pitied you because of how you look.
You knew her words held no truth and yet, every time you thought of what had happened, you just felt so humiliated.
Were you really so unlovable and unwanted?
Before the concert you would have never declined that offer. You would have reached out to Harry’s team. But now you couldn’t. You wouldn’t.
You: I’m sorry. I’m fine, H.
It wasn’t even five seconds later when H answered you.
H: Cherry.
H: Oh god, I’m so relieved. Are you sure you’re okay? Do you need anything?
You: I’m so sorry, I should have answered your messages
H: It’s okay, Cherry. I just need to know what happened.
You: Jack stood me up at the concert
H: Who would ever stand you up? He’s an idiot, Cherry
H: Did something happen?
You: I met him at the concert
You: He was with Jules, my old best friend that I told you about
You: Turns out they’re dating and have dated for a long time. They just wanted to humiliate me. Jules said some very mean things and I just needed time to process everything
H: Oh, Cherry.
H: They don’t deserve you
H: Jack doesn’t deserve you, no one does.
H: Do you want to talk about what she said?
You: I promise that I trust you, H
You: But I don’t really want to talk about it
You: It just feels like no one truly cares about me
H: That’s bullshit
H: I care about you
You: But I don’t even know if you truly exist
You: Or who you are
You: I don’t even know what you look like
H: Trust me when I say that you’re the person who knows me best
H: You know the most vulnerable version of me
H: I trust you with every fiber of my being. I want us to be honest with each other
H: And if anything like this ever happens again, which I hope it will not, please talk to me and don’t shut me out
H: You can trust me
You: I promise I do
You: Talking about honesty, I have to tell you another thing
H: Yes?
You: This sounds ridiculous. This is ridiculous
You: Remember that scholarship I told you about? You told me to accept it
You: And I did. I’m moving to London
You: Today
H: What?
H: That’s not ridiculous
H: I’m so happy for you
H: God, I can’t stop smiling. This is a new beginning for you
H: When will you land? And at which airport?
You: Around 2pm at Heathrow.
H: Where will you sleep?
You: I was thinking about an Airbnb
You: I don’t have an apartment yet
H: Be careful
H: You’ll find something
H: I can’t believe you’re moving to London
H: How are you feeling?
You: Anxious. I don’t know if I made the right decision
H: I’m sure you did
H: I hope London will make you feel better
You: I hope so too
You: I have to go, H. I’ll write you when I’m in London
Harry couldn’t stop staring at his phone. He couldn’t wipe the smile off his face.
He wished he was in London right now. He wished he could see you. He needed to.
When his tour would be over, though, you’d be living in the same city. There would always be the possibility of seeing each other.
Which was ridiculous, London was a very big city. But Harry was always delusional when it came to you.
He knew it was wrong, he knew that he shouldn‘t be doing it, but he needed to make sure you were fine and safe in London.
So, Harry took out his phone and called Lucy, a close friend of his who lived in London.
The phone rang a few times before she picked up. Harry could hear some chattering and noises in the background and figured that Lucy was taking a walk through the city.
“Hi.”, he greeted her. “How are you?”
“What do you want?”, Lucy let out a breathy laugh. “You always want something when you call me”, she emphasized.
Harry chuckled. “You know me so well, Lucy. I need to ask you for a favor.”
Lucy hummed. “Is it about the girl you told me about? Otherwise, I’m not helping you.”
Harry only rolled his eyes. “Lucky for me, it’s about her.”, he paused for a second, not quite sure how to ask her. “This might sound crazy, which it probably is, but she’s moving to London. She’s arriving at Heathrow at around 2pm. I don’t know if you’re free today-“
“You want me to befriend her”, Lucy interrupted Harry. Harry breathed in deeply. “I know it sounds crazy, but she doesn’t really have any friends. I just- I don’t want her to feel alone in London. It’s a new beginning. I just want to make sure she’s fine.”
Lucy stayed quiet for a few seconds, before she sighed. “Okay.”, she gave in. “Where will she be and how does she look like?”
Harry couldn’t stop the grin on his face even if he tried. “You’ll find her at Starbucks. I’ll send you a picture. Thank you, Lucy.”
“I only do this because I know how much you care about her.”
You: I landed!
You: I’m at Starbucks right now
H: What a surprise
H: How was the flight?
You: It was okay, how was your day?
H: Better now that I know you landed safely
You: You’re disgusting
H: But you still like me
“Excuse me.”, a voice called out and your head shot up instantly. You came into view with a girl around your age.
She looked very sweet. She was smiling at you, her blonde hair falling into her face. What stood out the most, though, were her bright blue eyes.
She was everything you wished you’d be.
“You lost your money.”, she explained, giving you the ten pounds you must have accidentally dropped. “Oh, thank you very much, that’s very kind of you.”
“No problem.”, she flashed you a toothy smile and her eyes wandered to your tote bag. “Are you a Harry Styles fan?”, she questioned you.
“I was- I am.”, you stuttered. “I love his music, too!”, she giggled excitedly.
“I’m Lucy.”, she introduced herself, motioning to the seat across from yours. “Go ahead.”, you nodded before introducing yourself, too.
“You’re not from here, are you?”, she asked you. “No, I just moved here.”, you explained. “Still figuring out things. What about you?”
“I’ve been living here my whole life. I was just waiting for a friend, but her flight got canceled.”, she explained. “But if you ever need help, I can show you around.”
You looked at her quizzically, intrigued by her kindness, but still accepted her offer. “That would be very nice! Thank you!”
“I’m glad to help.”
taglist: @st-ev-ie @hsstylesrings @bubblespower101 @ravisinghs-wife @mopeymousey @shishcabobsworld @stylesfever @valntynebaby @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @harryspirate @xxlunathewitchxx @hannah9921 @fingermonkey101 @amateurduck @babyiamperfectforyou @ravisinghs-wife @creativelyeva @fanficismydrug @manrocket-mo @crimeshowjunkie @lomlolivia @pagesfalling @harryssky1 @buckybarnessimpp @melancholy-help @annesauriol @tea-and-toast463 @sheslikeacurse @kuntxrgraudunkelbunt @itsgigikay
I can’t find half of the blogs, I’m sorry😭😭
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louisisalarrie · 5 days
Hi! I am bbg anon from yesterday (the fairly new one). I had read on one of the other blogs that ppl in the fandom are assuming that harry's next stunt might be with a man. It may be possible because he had been through a lot of queerbaiting allegations and HS4's response (any more might dampen his reputation) might have to do with how they want to navigate it further. I never thought that H and L would come out separately. But I had read that a lot of veteran larries thought they were seedings of a CO of H in 2015. Ending bbg is an indication of Louis being gay and Larry being real (indirectly within the fandom and outside as well if anyone has their suspicion). I think what they can do when bbg ends is to show that Harry and Louis aren't together anymore (that's the least they can do) because there's no way in hell bbg ending won't create a Larry buzz. And Harry has already been accused of queerbaiting. I think if Harry is to stunt with a man, it's a good time to end babygate. Because Harry is dating someone else now. In the present moment. And Louis had a kid for almost nine years. He must be het. And then Louis must dip for another year and come back with LT3. Maybe stunt with another woman while Harry is out with a man? I think showcasing that they have broken up is a good barter for ending babygate. It will also help Harry in his queerbaiting allegations? What do you think?Harries might be supportive if it's not Louis he's in a relationship with. Solo louies will also be sympathetic towards Louis and accept the fact that he had been cheated on with the fact that he's a father and that Louis isn't with Harry at least. Us, Larries, on the other hand will know as we always do 🤪
Hey anon! Lovely to hear from you.
Yep, I think you’re on the right track here. And again, I can’t shut my damn mouth/stop my damn brain ever so this is now an official welcome to the show!
In short, bbg was the perfect stunt so Harry could come out and Louis 100% couldn’t be tied to him, because he was a dad. It separated their relationship from the public and when you think about the time this was all happening and their team, this was the best way to solidify the end of larry, while allowing Harry to be free. How could Louis be gay if he has a kid and is fucking every little blonde thing at a club? He can’t possibly be gay, and could never possibly be with Harry, so that was the plan. It was pretty foolproof, to the public and antis at least, until it all fell apart.
Now, we’re looking at a switch in stunts. Harry comes out, and yes, if he has to stunt with a man, so be it. It’s no different than stunting with a woman, but it is an acknowledgment of his sexuality and that’s an important step forward. As I’ve said before, this is a shitty long process and it’s not gonna be easy, but if we survived bbg, we can survive anything.
So, Harry comes out with a boyfriend in the ramp up of HS4. Explains some of the love songs, right? Removes queerbaiting allegations, which you’re right, is now tarnishing his brand, and solidifies an undisclosed sexuality that’s certainly not straight. If he is seen as bisexual/not straight but still likes the gals, he still has huge market appeal and it’s not gonna lose the amount of followers he’d lose if he came out as gay. What is his sexuality? I couldn’t tell ya. But he’s not straight, that’s for sure.
Anyway, maybe this will be the best way to visualise it and theorise:
1. Louis finishes tour, has a couple of festivals, and stays far away from Harry before taking a break/writing. Opposite sides of the world.
2. Harry comes out with a boyfriend in some pap pics in the lead up to HS4, just holding hands or something. No snogging or anything, just small caresses that pick up the public’s interest. It can be a very lowkey coming out to begin with, and still while he’s flapping about kinda quietly like right now and not 100% in the public eye yet. Think of it as… a soft launch to test it with the fans.
3. After some more little soft launches of his new relationship (Insta story perhaps), Harry and boy start ramping up the PR by making more appearances and hanging out with some other super high profile celebs (this boy will not be high profile, and perhaps an influencer or something instead. They won’t be getting another proper fandom involved. That would be bad news bears).
4. Harry makes some “thank you for accepting me” style tweet, and posts an image that’s just plain colour or something, that will allude to HS4.
5. Harry drops HS4, and is active on social media more so than usual. Connecting with fans, listening parties, etc.
6. After the initial HS4 hype drops a bit, seeding starts that Louis and baby mama are having fights over F, and the timing is VERY important here between larry btw. But a possible good reason would be that now louis is done with tour, he wants to spend more time with F, B is like “nooooo u left him for so long you can’t have more custody than what you have rn” and then that ends up in court and paternity test etc. bc she’s being super shady. Also keeps his name relevant while being off tour.
7. Harry carries on with fan interaction and projects, some more pap walks with boy and perhaps something more intimate.
8. It’s further seeded by “insiders” and then confirmed by Louis’ team that he’s not the dad/he’s having personal issues right now/pls respect his privacy bc he going through some SHIT
9. H and boy are going well, he’s booked in a tour, and Louis disappears completely from public eye/social media.
10. Louis reappears months later, on the other side of the world to Harry bc he’s on tour, and says that he’s not the dad, he’s gonna still love F like he’s his own kid, and that he’s gonna just focus on writing and spend some time with his family.
Boom. 10 steps to happiness. Now, granted that the above all goes well, it seems like the perfect plan. It ends bbg, allows Harry to come out, makes the public sympathise with Louis and gives him the “good guy” award while also upholding his hettiness, and keeps larry rumours super far away.
After that happens (which could probaaaaaably take about… 6 months? If it’s done correctly? Lol) the next step is larry reconciliation, which would probably take another 4-6 months to get them fully comfy, and then it’s a decision on whether they get to come out before, during, or after a 1d reunion. Which is a whole other bucket of fish.
Alas, 10 steps, which if done right, minimise harm to both Harry and Louis immensely. This is a foolproof plan that yes, willl lose them some followers, but can be handled correctly by the right team.
So, fingers crossed that the game will begin soon!
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alltheselights · 7 months
Hi Emma! I really value your opinion, and I was just wondering about your thoughts on everything? I.E. the fandom, Louis… You always seem so levelheaded compared to others so I wanted to ask. Have a good night!
My only real thoughts about it are that it's really tiring to be in this fandom and see what's happening with Louis. On principle, I'm probably an exception to a lot of Larries in that I don't really care if he wants to dunk on Larries, though he chose a really stupid way to do it. A large group of these fans try to make everything he does about Harry and disrespect him regularly. For me, that's not the part that really bothers me.....it's everything that comes along with it.
I wish I understood the contradictory choices that Louis makes regularly but I just don't. He wants success and enjoys success, but he continues to surround himself with incompetent team members who don't promote him properly. He wants a broader audience to enjoy his music, but nobody outside of his existing fanbase ever hears about his music unless it's from fans' efforts. He wants people to take him seriously as a musician and is annoyed by Larries, yet he pushes other aspects of his personal life to the forefront of his public image through interviews, his documentary, and tweets. He's proud of his most recent album and feels that it represents him as an artist, yet he cuts those songs from his setlist on tour and performs covers instead. He cares more about touring than anything, but he frequently skips songs from his setlist, doesn't put effort into his stage outfits (or even hair sometimes now), and has said several times that he's hungover and not feeling his best during his shows. He adores his fans and treats them incredibly well most of the time, but the fan interactions that frequently get traction with a broader audience are things like yesterday's rude tweets or him aggressively flipping off fans who tried to rip his clothes at the barricade (as deserved as that may be, it's not really a good look).
It's just.....so incoherent? Like I truly don't understand why he and the people around him make the choices that they do based on what he himself says he wants and cares about.
He's playing some massive venues on his Latin American tour, which was just announced, and yesterday was the perfect opportunity to talk about that and push how excited he is about it during his Twitter reply spree. Instead, even 24 hours later, all people are talking about is his reply to that Larrie when he could have just fucking ignored that stupid ass tweet. A bunch of things related to that tweet were trending on Twitter - along with "Freddie" because of his two tweets about his supposed child - and now there are articles about another Larry denial. Is Louis on tour? Has he put out any albums? Is he still a musician at all? Nobody in the general public has any idea, but at least they know that he denies Larry on a near yearly basis and that he has a kid that is apparently his twin. Congrats!
And it's annoying because solo Louies are so busy enjoying that a Larrie got publicly dunked on that they can't even see that this kind of shit actually doesn't help Louis at all. Oh, sure, it's driving away fans! And I know that a lot of solo Louies think Louis would be better off without Larries (and trust me, I feel that about some Larries too when they're making everything about a relationship instead of his career) but the reality is that Louis shouldn't drive away fans. There are ways to deal with annoying fans that don't include publicly degrading them and making MORE fucking headlines about rumors that you supposedly want to die out. If he was actually trying to expand his fanbase and then tried to get rid of fans that aren't here to appreciate him as an individual or his solo career, I could respect that.....but that's not what's happening. Instead, he drives away existing fans and does nothing to add new ones.
As someone who has loved him since 2012 and wants nothing more than his success, watching his lost potential over the course of so many years has been one of the worst things ever. I see things like what happened yesterday and see the reactions to it (both people getting angry and leaving AND people rejoicing because they're too short-sighted to realize that this doesn't solve problems and only hurts Louis in the long-run) and I just roll my eyes. I'm not upset, I'm not angry, I'm just tired. It's hard to keep saying that you want better for someone who doesn't seem to want better for themselves.
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mywrittingwonderland · 2 months
Toronto or London
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Hello Everyone, Am I back? I am not sure, but I just really got stuck in my head these past few days, and well, I figured writing would help me. I didn't really proofread this, so I apologize in advance. I also don't necessarily love this that much, but at least it got me out of my limbo phase. Warnings: None really Word Count: 2,510 Summary: She has always been in love with Toronto; she just didn't know why yet.
- - - - - - - - -
“Toronto or London?” — Jimmy asked as the last question of the fast questions round.
“Toronto” — Emily replied, without a second thought to the question. Which got the audience and all her fellow colleagues to look at her by surprise. 
“Wait a minute, weren’t you born in London? What makes you choose Toronto?”
“Honestly? I just have always had a good feeling about Toronto, even though I never really got spend that much time there, I hope that at some point once I have a break I manage to go touring on that city.” — She replied, with an honest response. The truth is that she always had a good feeling when she was around Toronto, she just didn’t know why. - - -
“Shawn, someone told me you wanted to tryout for a few acting gigs, and that Harry has been pushing you to do it?” — Shawn laughed at the question while nodding his head confirming the information. — “So my question to you is, if you had to work with any actor/actress who would it be?” 
“Oh wow, that’s a difficult one Jimmy, but I think I would have to say Emily Wilson, I just really love everything she does, like it would be such an honour. I am a huge fan! Honestly even meeting her would be a huge honour” 
“Well I was told she loves Toronto! So maybe it won’t be that hard to find her roaming around the city, you could just ask her on a date you know?” — Jimmy joked.
“I don’t think I would ever even dare to do that!” — Shawn answered, his face definitely a bit flustered.
“Well, but moving on to business Shawn, talk to us about your new album!”
“So, Emily lets talk about your new film, you are now shooting in Toronto, right?” 
“Yes, and it has been an amazing experience to be able to be in Toronto for 3 months now, I really love this city so much!” — She replied with a smile on her face.
“That’s so great! I hope you managed to finally go to all the places you wanted to visit around the city, did you manage to have the time to do that?” 
“Oh, I really wish! We barely stopped during the filming process because I need to run to London right after this, we are starting to shoot The Selection series with Netflix, as you all know, so I manage to visit a few places but definitely have to come back.”
“So, if you had to choose between life in Toronto or London, which one would you choose?” 
“Toronto!” — She answer without second thoughts. — “Don’t get me wrong I love London, but there is just something about here that I can’t take my head off it.” 
 - - -
“Girl I just loved your work so much! I mean you know I love your acting gigs but your song, I just don’t know how you didn’t win song of the year! It was my song of the year for sure!” — Billie said as soon as she spotted Emily at the Grammy’s after party.
“Come on! You are queen here today, don’t even start! You killed it!” 
“Thank you! It means a lot coming from you! I heard you are back to filming in New York this month? Maybe we can meet up for a coffee when you are around?”
“Actually, I just finished filming yesterday, I am heading to Toronto tomorrow, and then back to London for more filming.” — Emily said a bit sad she would miss the coffee with Billie.
“No wayyyy! Wait up, I will probably head to Canada for a few days too, Justin recommend me a very nice retreat in which paps won’t find me, and I am in need of some offline days, especially after this crazy night, I feel like I can definitely go for that!” 
“That’s amazing, if you want you can come with me in the plane and we have that coffee and you can tell me more about how was this masterpiece production”
“I am in girl! Let’s go!” — Billie answered before being dragged by her brother to answer to a phone call they had just got.
- - -
“Wait up! You have never talked with Shawn or Justin before? Even though you have been obsessed with Canada your entire life? How is that even possible? 
“You know I was nominated for a song for the movie I did right? I don’t actually sing B.” — Emily said laughing at her friend.
“Oh shush girl, you just won a grammy yesterday for best song for visual media, maybe you don’t want to admit but you are good in what you are doing” 
“Billie, I literally have one song out!”
“True! But still…” 
“Enough on me and my obsession with Canada, tell me more about what you have been up to! It has been so long since we had time to actually talk!” — Emily answered, eager to know more about her friend.
- - -
“Shawn there is an invitation for you to go to this interview tomorrow with Emily Wilson, I know it is last minute but if you want to do it, we can do it.” — Andrew said over the phone.
“Wait, what? Really? Of course I want to do it, should probably talk to Camilla first about it, but yes.” — He said, immediately texting his girlfriend about the interview as he knew she could become a bit insecure with Shawn going to an interview with his celebrity crush. But her response came out being super supportive which made Shawn at ease about going.
- - -
“Hello you guys, I was told you had never met! And honestly I didn’t believe it!” — The interviewer at the radio said making Shawn and Emily smile at each other before answering.
“I honestly just never spent enough time here to get to meet new people, I am always hanging out with the crew and it just never happened, but it is an honour to finally meet you Shawn!” — Emily said with a smile.
“No, please the honour is all mine! I just really cannot believe this is happening right now and I am not sure I know exactly how to properly behave, I am like your number 1 fan!” — He said, totally fingerling over her and making her giggle. 
“Normally Emily comes over to talk about acting, but today we will talk about song writing, and her process on writing and recording her song for a Disney movie! How did that happen?” 
“Well Kate, I don’t even know myself if I am being honest, I knew I would have to sing, but when Julia contacted me asking if I wanted to help with writing it took me a lot by surprise, it was the first time I ever wrote a song in my life, so I definitely was not expecting the response we got, honestly I really believe it was all Julia’s magic and I ended up being there with her by a struck of luck or something” — She answered.
“What do you think of the song Shawn? And how it is writing for you?”
“What do I think of her song? I wrote with Julia a few weeks after they finished recording and Julia couldn’t shut up about you and how you brought all the sparkles into the song, and I really think it is an amazing vulnerable song and that you really should give yourself some more credit, I really love it. And about writing, for me this song is an example of what I am trying to do every day, really just pouring my soul into it and making feelings into words.” — He answered making her blush a little. 
“Thank you Shawn, we don’t have a lot of time today unfortunately, so we chose one question from fans for you to answer: If you had to choose between writing in London or anywhere else in the world where would you choose to go?” 
“I really like recoding in LA, but London is on my top 5 places too.” — Shawn answered and waited for Emily.
“Toronto, 100%! If there is one place I feel the most comfortable being in such a vulnerable state is Toronto for sure.”
“Time is up, guys thank you so much! I hope I get to see more of you around Toronto Emily, and Shawn let’s please meet up soon! I will see you again tomorrow to talk about the process of filming Game of Thrones with Emilia Clarke!” 
As they left the recording room, Shawn finally had the chance to compliment Emily properly.
“I really really love your work so much, you have no idea! — He said in an exited way which made her smile. — Can I hug you? — He asked and she immediately nodded and was engulfed in his hug. She really had a strange sensation when they were hugging, it was the same sensation she felt whenever she would arrive in Toronto, it felt like home. “Is it too much if I ask for an autograph too?” — He asked, making her laugh.
“Of course, here you go.” She signed on his notebook.
They talked for over an hour after the interview, and he also left her his number for whenever she was around if she needed company to tour on his city. She knew he had a girlfriend but at the same time she couldn’t help but to wonder which is also why she promised herself to never text him.
- - -
“Our final question of the night” — Elen said with a pout and the audience also made a sound of protest. “I know, I know you love her, I love her too!” — She said taking Emily laugh
“And I love you all of course” — She said seeing a kiss to the audience.
“If you had to make a song duet, and I mean a real one, not one with me for this show. Who would you like to sing with?” 
“Shawn Mendes” — She said, very fast and without thinking too much.
“Oh wow, that was fast, is there something going on that we don’t know about? You definitely do make a lot of visits to Toronto.” — Elen said, leaving it open to her to interpret it.
“I just really like the way his voice sounds” — She said, bluish a little when she noticed how her response sounded. — “ And of course if we record in Toronto even better”
“Smooth Emily, I guess we all will have to let that slide since our time is up for today”.
- - - 
“So Shawn” — Elen Paused —“Do you watch my show?”
“Whenever I can, I do.” 
“A few months ago we had an interview with Emily Wilson, and apparently she really likes your voice” — She said making him blush because he had no idea what she was talking about.
“I am not exactly sure what you are talking about Elen” — He answered, not wanting to mess things up with his favourite star.
“Here is Emily on this show, and what she said” — Elen replayed the clip, and Shawn immediately felt his blushing. “Adorable right?” — She said making him close his eyes for a second and smile timidly.
“I really like the way her voice sounds too, not only in music but also everything she has even acted on, she is perfect in everything she does” — He answered and bit his lip softly at the end, still embarrassed by the situation.
Later that night he was surprised when his phone received a text from Emily, as he hadn’t really talked to her in over a year.
Emily: I will be in Toronto next week, if you are around and want to meet for a coffee maybe?
Shawn: Text me your hotel once you have it and I will pick you up and show you around the city if you want a proper tour.
- - -
“Connor I am sincerely nervous for this. — Shawn said for the 100th time that day.
“It will be fine, honestly I can’t believe it took you guys so long to actually go on a date!” 
“What do you mean, Man I did have a girlfriend before remember?”
“Shawn, we both know your relationship with Mila started for the wrong reasons, and honestly the possibility of it evolving was very slim.” — He said referring to the publicity stunt they had agreed and that later evolved into a relationship. — “You love her, but only as a friend, whereas you have been fungirling over Emi for years, even before Camila.” 
“I am not sure if you saying that helps a lot to soothe my nerves at all” — He said adjusting the collar of his shirt and deciding it was time to leave.
- - -
“Okay, so since you are here, and we are being honest with each other, I though we might as well go for Spill your Guts or Fill your Guts!” — James said being filled by a round of a applauses. — “Everything in here is vegetarian, so you can eat everything, or nothing if you decide to answer the questions.”.
“Oh God, this does not look good at all, but yeah, I am ready, ask me”. 
“We are nearing the finale of your series with Netflix, are there any spin-offs of the series being prepared for later? Or is that the last of The Selection we will see? — He asked making her close her eyes.
“Come on James, that is really not fair, I can’t answer this.” — She said trying to sound a bit mad, but laughing at the end.
“That’s all right, you can always go for the onion and garlic tea.” — He said, and she took a sip making a lot of effort to not throw up in the process.
“My turn, James, is there any celebrity who you refused to invite to your show before?” — She read her question and smiled at him.
“She really knows what she is doing you guys, nop I guess olive pudding for me it is” — He said looking a bite of the disgusting looking olive pudding.
“Emily, some photos have been circling around the internet, and I we are all wondering if they are real, so I would like to read Shawn’s last 3 messages to you” — He said making her blush, they still hadn’t officially confirmed nor denied anything, but their photos of the grammy’s were all over the internet already so there was really no hiding to do anymore.
“Okay, I guess you can do that” — She said after verifying the messages quickly.
“Oh wow! I was not expecting that you guys! I really wasn’t, okay so let’s do this:
Hi Emi, I really really miss you. I hope James is not too mean to you, Love. Good luck, I love you, and see you later.
“Awww… you guys are melting our hearts right now.” — He said taking her phone close to his heart. — “IT’S REAL EVERYONE!” 
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romaine2424 · 11 months
Daily Blog July 2, 2023
So I'm mad at my beta! We were chatting back and forth on Discord originally about my WIP fic I'm writing. Yes, the one were I wrote the first 7 chapters back in 2007 before HPDH was released. Anyway, the fic will have 4 parts, and part 1 is the original. I asked her to beta the older chapters so they would be ready to go. Ummmm, she mentioned the whole premise of the fic, was making her anxious. So I stopped her from doing anymore and said no worries. Betaing should not cause stress. Okay we'll get back to me needing a beta at the end of the blog today.
But this is not why I'm mad at her. No.... she mentioned she's writing for @hd-fan-fair this year and did I take a look at the prompts. I said absolutely not because I always get sucked in. So we chatted some more and she said oh just take a look and tell me which one you would write for if you were participating this year.
You see where this is going don't you... Since my muse is on fire these days. I spotted a prompt and boom, full shorter story popped into my head. The final lines and everything. So, yes, I've joined the fest and I blame my beta! Actually, I love @myaulophobia dearly.
What I'm reading:
Yesterday I said I would be reading the first posted story for @hd-wireless. Um, that will be tonight. Because I was just taking a look at my Tumblr feed when @drarryspecificrecs posted the longest Drarry fics for June. Bam! So I read Tandem (92K) by fast-brother (AO3). Who is also another NEW author. OMG where are they coming from? We are so blessed in Drarry. This story, this story I read until I fell asleep last night and woke up early on this Sunday morning to finish it.
Here's the summary: Harry and Draco meet by accident six years after the war. Harry's an Auror with a drinking problem and Draco's a broke student. Things don't work out well. Six years after that, Draco joins the British Auror Office as a Potioneer.
Here's a little more from me: Draco was sentenced to 15 years probation of No Magic and all vaults and Manor confiscated. Lucius and Narcissa were sentenced to Azkaban. The Ministry was a mess during the trials and the Ministry is still in a mess. Ron is Head Auror (love this!) and Harry is also a mess. Great Auror, but drinks too much, has sex too much, and works to hard to push down those hard to deal with feelings.
The story is written from alternating POV, which is quite nice and helpful in understanding the place where both of them are coming from...not a good place originally. The story starts with the meeting after the first 6 years, which is rough. Then Draco moves on, marries, and makes something of his life as Potioneer in France. However, he has no magic so he's learned to do things for himself instead of relying on others' magic to help him. Draco is hired with insistence of one Ron Weasley to come back and work for the Aurors as their UK DMLE Potioneer. Then sparks start to fly...
This fic has one of the best relationships between Ron and Draco that I've read. Hermione too, but mainly R & D. They all love Harry, but...... And Harry, oh I love this Harry despite his being an arse in so much of it. However, he has his story and his telling of what happened in the Forest is unforgettable. And you, too, will fall back in love with our Harry.
There are so many scenes that are memorable but I'm not going to say anymore. You need to read this fic and give one of our New Drarry authors love.
Tandem on AO3
Rom needs Beta Help!
Let me state up front that I do have an Alpha, the wonderous and amazing @m0srael. What I'm looking for is a strong SPAG beta and if you can spot inconsistencies and/or canon issues, even better. I'm an engineer by trade and cannot tell you the last time I took an English/grammar class. I'm terrible with my commas! As my beta was also my Britpicker... I might need one of those later on.
Here's the link to The Azkaban Letters so you can read all of the pairings and warnings. Yes, it is a Drarry fic but.... The prologue is also available to read. The fic, I think will come in at about 200K. I have 90K written. It's broken down into 4 parts and Part 2 will be the longest.
I'd list more but no need to bore most of you. So if interested take a look at the link and prologue. If that doesn't scare you and are interested, you can DM me here on Tumblr.
Thanks for this personal indulgence!
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writteninthesewalls28 · 5 months
A story about a girl wanting to find out the truth
A/n: Chapter eleven already… @niallermybabe this is the new one btw!
Warnings: curse words, mentions of death
Milly’s POV:
"Did Louis call yet?" Calum asked me, standing in our kitchen, preparing the pancakes. I shook my head.
My brother had been released out of the hospital, the next day after our rather unexpected and turbulent arrival. We left two days later and now have been back in Adelaide for about two weeks. And- well. Our apology had been very emotional for both sides.
(Flashback, the day after Milly and Calum arrived in London)
"Louis, darling. I'm just gonna grab a coffee, gonna be back in a few minutes." Harry said, shooting a glance at Calum who also stood up from his chair in the hospital and said: "Yeah, I'm gonna join. Do you want something too?" Looking at me, but I only shook my head.
I still had a pounding headache from my panic attack yesterday night. Everything would help, but certainly no caffeine. Speaking from experience.
As soon as the two men left the room, I was left in silence with my big brother. There was so much to talk about, but no one was brave enough to take the first step and start talking. After the longest 2 minutes of my whole life, I finally figured, he wouldn’t say anything.
"Lou, look. I’m sorry, so sorry.“ I took a deep breath, didn’t really thought it would be so hard to say sorry to a person you grew up with. Me and Louis normally always had a really good relationship, I never would have guessed one single thing could turn it upside down. "I know you deserved better, I should’ve checked my phone and give you and Calum more information." Half way through my 'speech' I started tearing up. I truly was sorry and just wanted to fix this. I could no longer live with this broken relationship, I needed my big bro again. But I wasn’t brave enough to say that to him.
"I also owe you an apology." He finally said. I sighed in relieve.
I slowly walked towards his hospital bed and kneeled down to the floor to look at him.
Tears were shining in his eyes too.
"I shouldn’t have gotten so angry and said all these mean things to you. I just-" His voice cracked and he let out a shaky breath. "I care about you. I want to protect you. For me, you are still the little girl, building sand castles and asking me to help." I didn’t notice the tears on my cheeks, till Louis slowly wiped them away. He chuckled and continued talking. "I sometimes forget you are all grown up. And how grown up you are. I never thought, you'd turn into such a beautiful, strong and amazing woman, Milly."
This, this is my brother. How I always will remember him.
"Thank you Louis. Thank you for giving me the chance to fix this. Just remember that I am very sorry for what happened. Next time, I'll be more careful. I won’t make you worry so much again. Promise." I stood up and hugged him. Louis gave the best hugs. I saw so many posts from fans about his hugs, but to really get them, you have to experience yourself.
His hugs always make you feel so comfortable and calm. That’s what I miss the most when I'm back in Australia and not with him.
"Gonna miss you." He said while hugging me.
"Yeah, me too. Australia is too far away from home."
My brother and I agreed on calling each other once a week to stay in contact and don’t let anything come between us again. However, he mostly forgot about these calls and wasn’t home on Wednesdays. It was just a quite annoying new bad habit of my silly big bro. But honestly, I didn’t even care in the slightest. As long as us two have a fixed relationship again, I am happier than ever.
Suddenly I felt a warm hand on my left shoulder. Calum. He put down the big plate with 3 steaming pancakes down right in front of me on the table. I realized, I've been pressing my chin onto the edge my cup filled with tea for the past few minutes and now my front hair got wet from the hot steam exiting the Harry-Potter themed mug. I quickly put it down and gave Calum a little smile. I knew that both him and Niall knew how exhausting these past few days have been for me. Mentally and physically I felt just empty. Like the energy to search for my parents never even existed. I desperately wanted to continue, but right now it just didn’t seem like I actually could.
"Mills, have you thought about what you want to do for your birthday this year?" Calum asked after sitting down on the chair next to me, slowly taking a sip out of his coffee cup (we had enough arguments about the issue that coffee is just disgusting but he wouldn’t believe me, so I decided to ignore it).
"Oh… I totally forgot about that one…" My 26th birthday, on 20th of October, was only about one week away, but with all the stress over the last days I completely forgot (or ignored, who knows..) about it. What would I want to do on my birthday though?
When I was a child, my mom always gave us the opportunity to decide on an activity we could do with the whole family. I very clearly remember my 10th birthday where we went horse back riding. The little brown horse that I sat on did not want to go forward, no matter what I would do. And I, I just started crying. Out of nowhere, the horse ran away and I fell off and broke my arm. The only birthday I ever spent in the hospital.
Mom didn’t let us siblings pick any other physical sport activities for the next 3 years, much to the disappointment of Louis, a very talented football player at the time, who loved making fun of Lottie when she didn’t make a goal again.
The first few birthdays after moms passing, the siblings spent together, mostly crying in each other’s arms. Then, everyone slowly started living their own life. Louis was busy with writing songs and being a Judge at the X-Factor. I moved to Adelaide to be close to Calum and to live with him.
I would never admit it, but me and Louis held the Tomlinson-sibling-team together. After the death, Lottie, the actual older sister, simply couldn’t. So I took her part. And when it was us two, Louis and me, leaving forever, we all knew the relationship between us 7 siblings would never be the same again. Too much happened, there suddenly were too many kilometers between us.
Hence, how would I possibly want to spent this next birthday?
"Milly, are you still on earth, or did you get lost in space again?" Calum asked with a huge grin on his face.
"Yeah, yeah. I’m still here, just did a quick trip to the past again." Calum helped me a lot during the first few months after mom’s death and had to deal with a very depressive girlfriend, who either didn’t want to even get out of bed in the morning or lost herself in her work, so she could ignore the pain. I was so grateful for him, and that he never even thought about leaving me. So he obviously knew that I would sometimes get lost in the past, but he also knew how to get me on the right track again.
"I got a little idea for your birthday." He quietly said.
"Ohhh, please tell me!" I said, rather relieved, maybe it could still be a good day after all.
"Since Niall is staying a little longer, how about we throw a little garden party with Niall and Luke, Mikey and Ash? Some other people if you want to—"
I interrupted him with a sudden hug. "Yes! You are the best." I whispered in his ear. A garden party with the people closest to me made me feel comfortable and safe. That could actually work and turn this day into something nice.
But first, I deep down knew I had to go and do something different before this little party.
Calum’s POV:
You guessed it. She left him again. Well- not left left him, but she made her way to the other part of Adelaide, to the neighborhood where her parents lived before they moved away. At least that’s what she believes. Calum, however, knew the truth. The house is empty because her father died and her mom, pregnant with Milly, moved away.
When Milly announced her plans for this day last night while watching the second Kissing Booth movie (yes, they fell in love with the trilogy), he turned quite anxious. What if she finds out and cannot live with the truth, what if she falls into the deep hole again, the same hole when her mom died? He wasn’t sure if he would be able to get her out of it once again, after all that they went through together. Both of them weren’t the strongest anymore. But, right now, he couldn’t change anything anyways, so he grabbed his guitar and waited for his bandmates who announced to visit him today so they could decide on the final songs for the new album.
Right in that moment the doorbell rang.
That has to be Luke, he’s the only one who’s always too early. Quite an annoying habit if you ask Calum.
"Hey mate!" A smiling Luke said when Calum made his way to the front door and opened it. "Good to see you!"
The exchanged a quick hug and then decided to already go to the music room and wait for the other two men.
"So…is Milly here today?" Luke whispered. At first Calum reacted rather irritated. Why would he ask that? But he quickly realized, what it was for.
"No she actually had to leave today, it was very urgent." After this little- situation, where he told the three boys about Milly’s plans, he never mentioned it again. And to be honest, he didn’t really want to talk about it with them in the first place. It was something, Milly should decide on whether the band should know about it. So, since then, he always made up excuses why Milly wasn’t there.
Turns out they need lots of groceries and Milly even has to do something for work when she’s actually on vacation… he felt bad to lie to his bandmates like that, but this was the easiest way.
"Well, about her birthday present…" Luke said, but couldn’t finish the sentence because the two got interrupted by the doorbell.
Maybe they could continue this talk after the others left again. He really hoped so. Milly’s birthday present was something he had planned for almost 3 months now, if anything goes wrong, he'd be very mad and disappointed about it.
Calum and Luke greeted the two other men at the door together and quickly got back into his music room.
When he and Milly changed rooms a year ago, Calum really put all his effort into this room and tried giving it a personal touch. Milly’s old office was one of the biggest rooms on the second floor in the house, so he knew right at the beginning, he wanted to include a little sofa so he and the guys could sit down together and have a chat. He painted the walls in his favorite color, olive green, which really gave the room a cosy aesthetic. Of course there was lots of technical stuff in the room, taking up lots of space: computers, recording equipment, microphones.
But the most important part, the heart of the room, were the instruments. Calum had 3 bass guitars, 2 normal guitars and a small drums kit for Ashton in the room. Whenever Calum didn’t want to talk to anyone and just needed some time to think, he just sat down here, in this room, and hummed a melody while playing a quiet song on the guitar, it relaxed him in an admittedly strange way.
The two awards they got for Youngblood and Sounds good, feels good hanging on the wall, always reminded him, HOW lucky he got. To find these amazing three people, to tour with One Direction, to get this incredible fans, but most importantly to meet Milly, most likely the love of his life, the person he’s gonna grow old with.
"Okay, so. Let’s start easy, which songs should definitely be a single, which songs should have a video?" Ashton asked. Their manager informed them, all the songs were already recorded, they just needed to know which songs will be the final album and they need to find the right strategy to release the music.
"I think Old Me is the right choice for a music video." Micheal said into the silent room.
Calum nodded. "Yeah, Old Me kind of deserves it, doesn’t it?" He said. The song represents our story as a band and what we’ve been through. It’s very special to all of us.
„Yeah, you’re right.“ ,Micheal mentioned, "But I don’t think it'd be a good idea making it a single, it’s too- slow for that."
The day went on like this. Talking, deciding, arguing, mocking Luke. Till all three of them (finally) left and he didn’t get a chance to talk about Milly’s birthday present with Luke.
Milly’s POV:
I parked my car in the same spot that, even though I now visited it the third time, still feels so strange to me. The fact that I already got so far in the search and will probably find out even more today, made me happy on one side, but the other side of me just was scared of what I would possibly find out today. What if its too much for me to handle?
I made my way to a door, the same door I had stood in front of when Calum called me and told me Louis was in the hospital. It seemed so far away, even though it was just three weeks ago.
My heart felt like it was about to jump out of my chest when I reached out to the doorbell and rang it.
Then I waited.
And waited.
And then I heard steps in the house, walking towards the door.
When the door opened, I couldn’t see the person opening it, but heard a soft woman voice.
"Hello dear, can I help you?" She asked and opened the door further so I could finally see her. She was older, probably in her 70s or 80s, had short, grey hair and wore a thick pullover with white and dark blue stripes.
The warm smile on her face made me feel more relaxed.
"Well, I don’t know if you can help me, but… well.", I took a deep breath. What can possibly go wrong with being nice and asking?, "Do you know something about the last owners of this house?" I asked, hoping for a 'yes'.
The warm smile on the woman’s face slowly faded and turned into a confused and curious look. Oh no. Of course she didn’t knew them, could’ve been too easy.
"Well, why are you asking?" Wait, maybe she still met them.
"Long story…" I said, waiting for her to say whether she has enough time to listen to what I had to say.
"I’m just an old grandma, I have time." She responded, asking me to come inside.
The couple, whose names were Lily and Evan Hudson, lived in a small and tiny house with vintage and sometimes old furniture. You could feel that very sweet people had lived her for many many years. The history in this house was undeniable.
Lily’s husband was as lovely as herself, they were literally made for each other.
All three of us sat down in the kitchen, Lily even gave me a cup of tea.
When I told them about my story, where I grew up, the first time I came to Australia, when I moved in with Calum and the things I already found out about my parents, I saw tiny tears shining in Lily’s eyes.
Surprisingly, it felt rather easy to tell complete strangers about me and my history. I wasn’t nervous at all and did not have to cry when explaining the sudden death of my mom. Maybe that are the effects of being a lawyer, you get better at talking about particular topics and issues.
When I finished, I got compassionate looks from both of them.
Lily was the first to break the silence. "Well, this is a very fascinating story, I must say." She looked at her husband, as if she wanted to convince him to say something to me.
"Umm… yeah. And now you came here to ask us for information?" He instead said, much to the disappointment of his wife. I nodded, they weren’t angry at me, were they? Let’s just hope not…
"And of course we'd love to help you, right Evan?" Lily gave her husband a threatening look. These two were really funny, the way they were messing with each other made me chuckle slightly. In my mind, I imagined Calum and me acting like this when we’re old and grey.
I have to admit, I think about our future together quite often. There was no doubt, I wanted to grow old with him. I wanted to have a beautiful wedding with all my friends and family. I often dreamed about an amazing proposal, with lots of rose petals and him kneeling down on one knee.
But this would most likely not happen, Calum was a romantic guy, but he was extremely shy and would probably never have enough courage to propose. I knew that.
But a girl can dream, right?
"It would mean so much to me if you could tell me anything about them." I said to the couple.
"Well, so what I can tell you, is that your parents were the most nice people you can ever imagine. Just like you!" Evan responded, smiling at me. And that caused my poor heart to make a little jump. They had been nice!
"They moved here because it was the only house they could afford at the time. Holly loved talking to others and had often friends over.", Lily said, smiling and giggling when she thought about it.," She was like a social butterfly! But your dad. Oh well, he didn’t feel comfortable. Everyone could tell." Lily laughed and Evan continued talking, still having a wide smile on his face. You could definitely see, these people really liked my parents.
"When they found out Holly was pregnant, they threw a little party in their garden behind the house. We were so happy for them, they’d be the perfect parents." All these little stories made me so happy and helped me feel more connected to them. It truly helped talking to this couple. With my search and with healing my inner child.
"But- if everyone was really happy for them… why did they gave me away?" I asked, a question that had been in my mind for the last few minutes, since they started talking about Holly's pregnancy.
Lily let out a sigh and compassionately touched my arm.
"They moved away before Holly gave birth to you, we did not knew they gave you away…and to be honest, we are truly surprised that the really did" She said, not knowing she just shattered my heart to pieces.
I was so sure, I'd find out everything today. But, of course it couldn’t be that easy.
"We did knew that they left a few pictures behind though. Arthur had a troubled past and wanted to close up with that chapter by leaving these pictures behind, he told me only one day before they moved." Evan added, giving me a little bit of hope that I could still find them. Somehow. Somewhere.
"But you have no idea to which place they moved, right?" I asked, already expecting a 'no', which I received in form from a head shake.
"I- I got one final question." Lily and Evan gave me an encouraging nod, giving me some extra strength. "Were they really loving me?" Somehow, my voice started breaking and tears formed in my eyes. This was a little too much for me after all.
Lily immediately stood up from her chair and embraced me and I let out a quiet sob. My heart felt like it crushed together by these many emotions that I felt at the same time. Confusion, Anger, Sadness and Hope.
When she let go, she looked at me closely and responded: "They did, don’t you worry." And then added something that gave me even more incentive to finally meet them. "You have your father’s eyes. It’s crazy, look Evan!"
When her husband took a closer look at me, he said the same thing. " it’s true, I always thought his eyes looked like an actual piece of chocolate, yours remind me of that too."
I slightly chuckled and thanked them for helping me so much. After all, I didn’t want to stay as long. They probably had so much other stuff to do.
Without me noticing, Evan stood up and when he came back he suddenly handed me a little piece of paper with a telephone number written on it.
"I can’t promise you anything, but Ms. Jackson had been a very close friend of Holly's. Maybe she knows where they are now and how you can meet them." He said.
What. The. Hell.
I could maybe meet them?! Oh my god.
Tears started forming in my eyes again and I quickly hugged Evan, much to his surprise actually. But I didn’t care about that.
I got a number from a friend. From an actual friend of theirs.
Even when I parked my car in front of my house, I still couldn’t believe it, that I was so close to my goal. My goal that I had for years and years.
Much to my surprise, I noticed Niall's car that he loaned at the airport when he cane to Australia. Him and Calum were most likely listening to their songs together and playing around like two middle school boys. Idiots.
But at least I could tell them about my truly exciting news together!
I opened the door in Milly-style-speed and quickly started searching for the two men and finally found them in Calum music room on the second floor.
I was right.
"Mills!" Niall exclaimed when I suddenly appeared in the door frame.
Calum got up from his little chair and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. "How was it?" Strange, was it just me, or did he look quite scared? I'm probably just overthinking again, as always.
"Guess what, I got a telephone number of an old friend from my mom! She maybe still knows them!" I said, starting to jump and squealed at the end. It just was such exciting news!
Both of them joined in on my little happy dance and we spent the rest of the night, listening to Niall’s music together and eating pizza to celebrate my amazing day.
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alarrytale · 4 months
Happy Friday, Marte! Two things for little discussion.
Talking about Louis´ closet and his flamboyancy/mannerism - just yesterday I told my friends that I will probably travel to Munich in September to see Louis and just to get away from my normal life for a bit. And when I send them the first announced artists, I noticed there´s Tokio Hotel playing there as well. I don´t know how much you loved/hated them 20 years ago when they were popular mostly in the central Europe but the singer Bill Kaulitz has never done a comingout but it´s very obvious where his sexuality stands imo. So it just makes me into daydreaming how it will be adorable if Louis manages his hard closeting trauma from 1D, stop targeting to het male audience and stop doing this wannabe toxic masculinity (which is totally fake ´cause like how can a soft, flamboyant and dainty gay fits into toxic masculinity anyway) and just be proudly and openly himself. IMO he doesn´t really need to do coming out, he still has F on his back to be "safe" but just wanted to share opinion that there are queer artists that are not out and we still know they are queer because they are themselves. And Louis can easily be one of them and I think it will help him to get new audience from queers.
Seeing Louis is still in Sydnes, one part of me is happy that he is is enjoying time off with his friends in Sydney because who would want to be stuck in the middle of the winter in sun-less Europe when you can be in warm sunny Australia. But second part is sad that he´s still there and not with his boy who is not with him but in London (according to some fans on twitter who witnessed him there and there last and this week). But I know they know what they are doing so guess H is busy working and Louis is just enjoying vacation and that´s why they are not together now.
Happy friday to you too, anon!
I have no knowledge about Tokio Hotel. I agree that it would be a dream if Louis managed to overcome his closet restraints and rebranded his image into something not so toxic and something closer to who he'd want to be and project without societal and label pressure. I think the whole situation is coplex. Harry is out there acting flamboyant without it hurting him, but with Louis (who is naturally flamboyant, it's not put on) it might be too much since he's not straight passing like Harry is. If Louis suddenly were percieved to be gay by the gp, larry rumours would return and all eyes would be on Harry. Sony wouldn't have that. Bg wouldn't be enough. So i think there's still pressure on L to supress his flamboyancy and it's tied to contracts, bg and Harry.
Louis is still in Australia. The sightings of H in London from random twitter accounts is an old trick they use to place him where they want him to be. I laughed when i read them, because it's too detailed and not tweeted like a fan would. There is no need for H to ride citrus fruit bikes in populated places if he's not papped or stunting. The only reason he's out there doing it is for promo, and for it to be promo he must be papped. So pics or it didn’t happen. It just made me even more sure H is in Australia with him. If H is not it's because he's working like you said. L might also be having a week off and will head back to London soon. We'll see!
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veryfancydoilies · 5 months
hello there merry christmas!! i was your secret santa. i had such a lovely time getting to know you and i hope we continue to interact from here on out! i love the vibes of your blog. i saw in your description that you might be a harry potter fan as well? (correct me if i’m wrong) but i am a proud gryffindor myself. tell me, have you read all the harry potters/films? if so, have you got a favourite?
i didn’t want to mention a very important detail about me/my blog as i was afraid i would be giving my identity away too soon but, i am a massive 10cc fan. i have a bit of a thing for their lead guitarist, eric stewart, who is tremendously talented and just the most adorable thing i have ever seen. i would be more than happy to tell you more about 10cc if you are interested, but they are a lot like the beatles and for me personally, they are my soulmate band. i’ve only known about them for about a year but i can tell you that it feels as if i have known them for as long as i have known the beatles.
well i hope you are having a wonderful christmas season, my dear. thank you for such terrific discussions, and of course you are always more than welcome to swing by my blog whenever you like. anyways, i will talk to you soon. may all your wishes come true ✨
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Oh hi there!! Merry Christmas to you!! I hope you're having a wonderful Christmas! I've been spending time with family since yesterday and got a lot of good presents! So you like classic rock AND Harry Potter! AND you're also a Gryffindor!! Yep we're going to get along just fine lol. I actually got a HUGE book fot Christmas that has behind the scenes pictures from the HP movies and concept art. Truthfully I've only watched the movies. I tried to read the books in the past but I never got into them though. I'll try again at least little. I could skip around if I want too. Also I've been sort of distancing myself from HP merchandise because of JK Rowling's bigotry. Have you read the books and watched the movies? Whay do you think of them? I didn't really like the ending to be honest (ugh those terrible wigs) but themovies are still very special to me.
I've never heard of the band 10cc so it's unlikely I would have looked them up but thanks for being cautious anyways! I've been careful to not reveal too much about my interests myself when talking to my Secret Santa partner. Yeah I’d love it if you could tell me more about them. I like exploring music. From blog your blog I can tell you also like George Harrison and John Lennon :). I really like them too. I’d love to talk about them with you too. I’m still lacking in Beatles knowledge so if you could help me out I’d really appreciate it! You remember that ask game I posted? Iwant to post a new one and I’d like you to ask me those questions because I want us to get to know each other even more and I thought it would be fun? I told my Secret Santa partner the same. If you’d like me to ask you those questions, I’m happy to do that too! Talk to you later and thank you for being my Secret Santa! Merry Christmas!
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statementlou · 2 years
what would you say to louis fans who can’t help but stress over charts and numbers and etc? like i really wish i didn’t care but it’s just so annoying seeing harry fans calling him a “flop” and making fun of his voice or w/e and then there were those awful reviews from the guardian and whynow too. i think i wouldn’t stress as much if louis hadn’t said he would love for fitf to be commercially successful bc i really really want him to have that bc he deserves it so much but i don’t think he will and that makes me really sad :(
okay well first of all, I'm sorry you're feeling stressed! That's no fun :( For starters- while Louis did let slip that sure, he wouldn't object to FITF being commercially successful (like once) he's said many, MANY more times that it is NOT his priority. He seems to have a very healthy relationship to the idea of it being a hit, like wouldn't that be a kick?! But it would be a fun extra, not the goal. When asked to define success for himself recently, he said it was to be happy with the music he's making and that he is, he's said many times in the past he defines success as being able to tour, he issued a whole manifesto letting us know that he would be pursuing something other than commercial success with this album before he even began writing it- the man knows the industry and he knew what he was choosing, and yesterday he told us yet again that he is on twitter a couple times a day and sees a lot more than people think. This last one is connected I believe; all of this talk about what kind of success he wants isn't something he's telling the GP, he's telling US, he's telling YOU. He's literally saying, chin up love, I'm good. Please stop worrying about me! Because he sees the discourse and what people say, and he is addressing it directly. So you know, who needs me when LOUIS has himself addressed the topic!
But what I would say? I would say that I think this isn't about him, it's about us. He's literally a multimillionaire living his absolute best life and *loooving it* right now, but we aren't! We're just Common People trying our best to survive a brutal and miserable world that attacks us every day with more stresses and fear, and we turn to fandom and to Louis to have something NICE, something that feels good and doesn't make us want to cry. So when that escape is full of negativity or isn't going the way we want it to it really feels like shit and hits hard. And the like ideal world answer to that problem is to go all Louis and say paradise is in your own mind, don't rely on stuff outside you for happiness because you can't control it so it may let you down at any time, but I know- that's high level goals, that's not necessarily realistic in the day to day. What you can do though is remember that the idea of being here in this fandom is that it's supposed to give you happiness and ease and relief from the outside world, and once you've remembered that it makes it easier to see how to fix where it's going wrong. UNFOLLOW EVERYONE WHO POSTS CONTENT THAT MAKES YOU FEEL STRESSED OUT! Literally. Just do it. Mean harries OMG why would you want to see that?!? Block. Bye. People making fun of his voice??!! Literally insane and definitely on the wrong side of history, laugh at them, and then block. Anyone who thinks Louis *can't* write a number one hit in his sleep is honestly stupid, he wrote dozens?? The man wrote so many he got bored of it and was like, guess I'll take on a new challenge now... (If it was by 1D and it was a banger...!) Who cares what they say? I didn't know Louis got a bad review in the Guardian! And that's fine! I don't care!! I saw that important indie music magazine NME gave him 4/5 :))) That was nice. News I can use! I come here and scroll down my dash and see everyone being happy and showing me Louis being happy and it's nice and it's fun. Unfollow everyone you don't know that posts that stuff, if you have friend blogs you feel like you can't unfollow, blacklist all their tags or their name so you don't see the negative content. Find new blogs. If you feel like you can't make the leap to actually unfollow people, try making a separate tumblr (like from a diff email) and just following no stressful blogs and try that dash for a while without changing your old follows, just see what it's like. Every time you see something that makes your stomach clench, unfollow or blacklist. See if it could work out for you.
Listen: I know everyone says this, and people are just like suuure but I can't actually do that, I need to know what's happening but I PROMISE- nothing important is actually happening with all that! On the rare occasion it's actually interesting or whatever, it'll cross over. Unstressful people will talk about it in a less stressful way, either to discourse or to make fun, and you'll find out, and you won't have missed anything. Seriously- try it. I know it *feels* like we owe it to Louis to stress about this stuff or something, like if we don't think about it we're letting him down or something but that's just anxiety thinking! It's magical thinking: if I don't reblog the good luck post something bad will happen. If I tap in a certain pattern it will protect me. If I keep on top of everything people are saying about Louis I can help him. Magical thinking is a symptom of anxiety disorders, and no shame in that who doesn't have fucking anxiety these days, but it also FEEDS them, and the last thing we all need is more anxiety. Care for yourself by giving yourself the gift of an easy and pleasurable online experience! I want that for you and so would Louis.
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rarepears · 2 years
Got any new fic recs to share? 👀 Much appreciated ❤️
I'm not a fan of genderbender fics usually - because a lot of them just change the gender of a character so that something is now gay or het just Because and don't really do much to change the person's backstory/thoughts/personalities (if that makes sense? I'm not saying that a character has to change in personality, but their life is different because the world would see that character differently and thus react differently. The most obvious being a female character feeling more pressure to marry, have children, etc.). Anyways, this genderbender fic has some of the best character development and growth I've ever seen??? I literally cried, tears dripping down my face, reading this thing because oh boy oh boy did I feel all the emotions of the narrator. Everything was just so three dimensional, even all the facets of love that was described. Like come for the Liujiu, stay for the explorations of Luo Binghe's complex and Issues. (And OG!Shang Qinghua too.) I FELT SO MANY THINGS while reading make sure i die first by pennydaniels so GO GO GO.
In that same vein, reading female!Tywin Lannister and seeing how so many things change with Tywin being female and how many things don't change is so... exhilarating? A Lioness Still Has Claws by WickedTheRedHorse
for all those pages thumbed by Star_flaming could be a whole ass standalone romance movie on its own - the worldbuilding is just so good. The developing relationship is so detailed and deep and honestly it feels sort of like a modern version of uhhhh Jane Eyre - well, as much as Argus Filch can be a Jane Eyre lol. It still all fits within Harry Potter canon which makes this even better. Also you just gotta appreciate it when Filch is written in such a relatable way. He's got a phD in art conservatorship, is underpaid, and gets ignored by people who Don't Appreciate The Things That He Does.
You like misunderstandings right? You should, considering you are on my tumblr blog. So if you want to see Gojo come to all the wrong conclusions and generates a whole ass world ending conspiracy theory that he convinces so many people to be true... you got to read this yesterday: helping the world via murder, a guide by your local reformed terrorist by RK7200 Also JJK X Naruto crossovers are fun period.
If you read The King's Avatar, check out this gemstone in the fandom: Autumn Empire by EmpressFiend. We love getting a younger and older version of the protagonist running around, pretending to be brothers, as they decimate the competition.
Okay, here's my first warning, don't read this author if you don't like being baited with the MOST amazing premise and idea and then be left hanging without only 1 chapter to satisfy yourself. This author is very much the embodiment of "shine brightly but live a short life" if we are talking about how their fics get updated lolololol. I'm going to tell you though, reading about Kakashi and Orochimaru getting tossed to Tatooine is worth it: here i am coming, with the good news of me, and you hate it by QuenchiestCactusJuice99
Happy reading!
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persephoneflouwers · 2 years
can u elaborate more on ur tags about h not doing mp promo? 👀
Alright, but I just want to say this is not a statement whatsoever. I just like the elaborated process behind every possibility lol so im very open to discussion
But first, let me ask you a question and I want you to be as honest as you can. If you were a director (a normal one), would you want your movie to be strongly associated with H now? Not acting wise, but in terms of the negativity and bad attention Harry brings to your projects? It’s not even his fans, because many would support him, rightfully so. It’s more like the negativity following him from his non-fans and literally any person outside his professional bubble.
I am trying to fact check the news of the anticipation of the london premiere, but many My Policeman UAs reported the premiere in London was on October 18th. For some reasons, it turns out to be on October 15th when Harry’s show in Chicago has already been scheduled for months. It felt weird, right? The 18th news could be false, as far as I know, btw.
It’s not even the fact he’s not there, but it’s the way they keep making sure he’s seen anywhere else. It was the fan pics and the dog vid (?????) in Chicago, it was the pics from the Wolf Alice concert, it was the video for the mercury award (was that a towel on his shoulder? Was it there because he was recording it in a hurry? Was it there to cover the merch name on his sweater because he’s a walking billboard but only if his team can profit out of him? But that video was… telling to say at least - mind you, I know he’s a singer and that was for his career but it would take him literally 30 seconds to record a message - or a tweet, a wink on the story, anything! - if he couldn’t make it to London). All meant to let us know he’s simply not there for the movie. I want to go in the other direction a little, because it happened in the past before, so he doesn’t come from nowhere. How would people take this behaviour if it was related to the other movie? They would say he doesn’t care, that he doesn’t want to be involved. They would consider the director words about his fans absolutely fake and they would find shady things in posts (like David’s, bless him, he seems such a sweet and nice angel). The “every publicity is good publicity” state of mind doesn’t always apply. Sometimes, some things need a smoother approach and a movie like my policeman could benefit from it. It’s not like a “vade retro Harry Styles”. Nothing like that. I think they genuinely appreciated H there, but still my opening question stands. It is also possible this was the deal and conditions from the very beginning. Some sort of restraint to the rumours about the sexuality. Like he could do the movie as long as he wasn’t part of the promo much (share some trailers and go to the TIFF premiere and that’s it), there’s no way to know for certain.
Not to mention the way they keep giving the fandom hints of something new coming, like the you are home site first and the gill thing yesterday night. If you’re just sitting there and getting second hand information about what is happening around him, It feels like stealing the thunder a bit? Maybe? Again, this could be just the poorest timing schedule in the history of the world.
It’s sad because for him, knowing what we know and knowing what his reputation is, all this is even more alienating from the community. I don’t want to sound as a person who doesn’t have sympathy towards a closeted person or whatever, because I do. As a person who’s not out myself, I know. Really I do. And that’s why I can’t be here and watch how this punishment is constantly pushed on him. I’m not looking the other way, but there’s nothing I can do and for someone like me who has devoted her own life in helping people and swore on the Hippocrates vow, sometimes it’s too much. I’ve been silently protesting and in my little world that is working because I’m still standing for my own values. I had to take several steps back and that’s why I don’t engage with his content that much. I will jump on anyone else’s throat if they don’t love him the right way. Still. I couldn’t care less of these movies, but it’s so sad the constant favouritism they have been showing. I just can’t help wondering what the hell he signed for and who is really having his back at the moment. I call him my Persephone for a reason. At the end of the day, I hope he’s just doing fine and that the things he’s getting out of all this are worthy on the long run. Obviously people are allowed to live the fandom experience in the way they are more comfortable. So please be kind on somebody else reaction.
Also as I’m writing this, gems (interlude) by little simz started playing. It seemed very fitting. Go have a listen <3
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For Fans of... The Great British Bake Off
Enjoy these sweet reads in honor of yesterday’s season premiere! 
Rosaline Palmer Takes the Cake by Alexis Hall
Following the recipe is the key to a successful bake. 
Rosaline Palmer has always lived by those rules - well, except for when she dropped out of college to raise her daughter, Amelie. Now, with a paycheck as useful as greaseproof paper and a house crumbling faster than biscuits in tea, she’s teetering on the edge of financial disaster. But where there’s a whisk there’s a way... and Rosaline has just landed a spot on the nation’s most beloved baking show. Winning the prize money would give her daughter the life she deserves - and Rosaline is determined to stick to the instructions. However, more than collapsing trifles stand between Rosaline and sweet, sweet victory.  Suave, well-educated, and parent-approved Alain Pope knows all the right moves to sweep her off her feet, but it’s shy electrician Harry Dobson who makes Rosaline question her long-held beliefs - about herself, her family, and her desires. Rosaline fears falling for Harry is a guaranteed recipe for disaster. Yet as the competition - and the ovens - heat up, Rosaline starts to realize the most delicious bakes come from the heart.
This is the first volume in the “Winner Bakes All” series. 
Caramel Pecan Roll Murder by Joanne Fluke
Embracing a sweet escape from her usual routine at The Cookie Jar, Hannah gets asked for her help in baking pastries at the local inn for a flashy fishing competition with big prizes and even bigger names. But the fun stops when she spots a runway boat on the water and, on board, the lifeless body of the event’s renowned celebrity spokesperson. Famed TV show host Sonny Bowman wasn’t humble about his ability to reel in winning catches, and no one knew that better than his tragically overworked sidekick, Joey. Did Joey finally take bloody revenge on his pompous boss - or was Sonny killed by a jealous contestant? With goodies to bake and a mess of fresh challenges mixed into her personal life, it’s either sink or swim as Hannah joins forces with her sister, Andrea, to catch a clever culprit before another unsuspecting victim goes belly up…
This is the 28th volume of the “Hannah Swensen” series.
Chef’s Kiss by T.J. Alexander
Simone Larkspur is a perfectionist pastry expert with a dream job at The Discerning Chef, a venerable cookbook publisher in New York City. All she wants to do is create the perfect loaf of sourdough and develop recipes, but when The Discerning Chef decides to bring their brand into the 21st century by pivoting to video, Simone is thrust into the spotlight and finds herself failing at something for the first time in her life. To make matters worse, Simone has to deal with Ray Lyton, the new test kitchen manager, whose obnoxious cheer and outgoing personality are like oil to Simone’s water. When Ray accidentally becomes a viral YouTube sensation with a series of homebrewing videos, their eccentric editor in chief forces Simone to work alongside the chipper upstart or else risk her beloved job. But the more they work together, the more Simone realizes her heart may be softening like butter for Ray. Things get even more complicated when Ray comes out at work as nonbinary to mixed reactions - and Simone must choose between the career she fought so hard for and the person who just might take the cake (and her heart).
The Coincidence of Coconut Cake by Amy E. Reichert
In downtown Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Lou works tirelessly to build her beloved yet struggling French restaurant, Luella’s, into a success. She cheerfully balances her demanding business and even more demanding fiancé…until the morning she discovers him in the buff - with an intern. Witty yet gruff British transplant Al is keeping himself employed and entertained by writing scathing reviews of local restaurants in the Milwaukee newspaper under a pseudonym. When an anonymous tip sends him to Luella’s, little does he know he’s arrived on the worst day of the chef’s life. The review practically writes itself: underdone fish, scorched sauce, distracted service - he unleashes his worst. The day that Al’s mean-spirited review of Luella’s runs, the two cross paths in a pub: Lou drowning her sorrows, and Al celebrating his latest publication. As they chat, Al playfully challenges Lou to show him the best of Milwaukee and she’s game - but only if they never discuss work, which Al readily agrees to. As they explore the city’s local delicacies and their mutual attraction, Lou’s restaurant faces closure, while Al’s column gains popularity. It’s only a matter of time before the two fall in love…but when the truth comes out, can Lou overlook the past to chase her future?
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lovecanyon · 2 years
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dad!harry x reader
"We’re here in Brooklyn, New York with Harry Styles and Y/N soon to be Styles."
Both Harry and Y/N make eye contact and laugh. James puts his hands on his hips as he looks at the couple with squinted eyes.
"I will not third wheel today." James jokes making Harry and Y/N laugh even harder. "I will not! Stop laughing!" He playfully glares at the couple.
"If I’m with you two, then I’m pretty sure I’m gonna be the one third wheeling." Y/N mumbles, crossing her arms. James and Harry look at each other and smile.
"Pretty much." Harry nods.
"So we have three hours, three hundred dollars to shoot a music video for Harry’s new album. Now we have no locations, we don’t know what we’re doing, we don’t know where we’re shooting it." James explains to Harry and Y/N. "But we are gonna give it our best try." He smiles which makes them look nervous.
"We will try." Y/N smiles as Harry nods along to her words.
"Yeah." Harry nervously agrees.
After one failed attempt of a stranger giving up their home, the next try was more successful. A group of girls opened up the door and widened their eyes at the sight of James. Harry was up against the wall with Y/N hiding. He had his arm tightly wrapped around her waist so she wouldn’t be seen.
"You both could come out now."
All the girls immediately gasped at the sight of Y/N and Harry which made James roll his eyes.
"I didn't get that type of reaction." He grumbles.
"May we film a music video here?" Y/N asks one of the girls. Swiftly she gets a bunch of nods in response. To be honest, the girls thought they were dreaming, Y/N and Harry Styles in their apartment didn't feel real.
"Can we take a look around?" James questions. Once they get permission to look around, they find a closet full of party supplies which James screams excitedly at.
While Harry and James were looking for props, Y/N went to look around in the bedrooms. What she didn't expect to find was a Harry Potter version of Harry, painting. Or a One Direction perfume. In her opinion she thought it was amazing that they were fans of Harry.
"Why do I love that." Y/N points to the perfume. James soon comes into the room followed by one of the girls. Immediately he notices the Harry Potter painting hung up.
"Oh my god. We need to hide all of this, I'm worried you're a psychopath." James jokes which makes Y/N and the girl laugh. "Harry don't come in here!" He shouts.
"I'm thinking this is a bathroom shot. Harry you in the bath, Y/N on the ledge." James explains his idea as he enters the bathroom followed by Harry and Y/N.
Once Harry was in the tub and Y/N was sat on the ledge, James turns off the lights and starts a fan that had a assortment of colorful lights attached to it. Before the music starts James tells Y/N and Harry how to act.
They had to act "awkward" with each other. Pretend their friends locked them in a bathroom together at a party.
"You guys don’t know each other. Harry you’re dedicating a whole song to her, just gawk at her like usual. And Y/N you hate Harry." James tells Y/N and Harry which makes them laugh. "Enemies to lovers type. Now act like it! Play the track, start the track!"
Daylight starts to play as Y/N bites her lip to suppress a smile.
"Act hot, both of you. You know the worlds gonna go insane when this comes out." James calls out.
Daylight, you got me cursing the daylight
Daylight, you got me cursing the daylight
As Harry sings along Y/N is instructed to stare down at him. When they make eye contact they burst out laughing making James playfully groan.
"Alright. Get up! Get up!"
The girls and James then began to decorate the apartment leaving Y/N and Harry in the bathroom talking.
"I was in a Christopher Nolan movie. Now this is my dressing room." Harry says, looking around the bathroom. Y/N let’s out a cackle as Harry turns to her.
"And I was just having your kids yesterday." Y/N shrugs.
After having confetti thrown at their faces, hauled to the roof by James wearing a green suit and impersonating Mick Jagger, Y/N and Harry were now sat on the couch surrounded by the girls who owned the apartment waiting for their friends to arrive.
Y/N knew their friends were here once she heard a few screams. It made her smile they way, they freaked out over Harry.
"Stop! Stop! I will have you removed!" James yells making Y/N laugh. When Harry stands up he grabs Y/N’s hand pulling her up with him. "Say a proper hi and keep it together. I will tase you. I will tase you."
Harry and Y/N greet the people that had just walked in which made them feel like they were dreaming. Harry Styles and Y/N L/N in a their friends New York apartment? That sentence seemed like a joke.
But it was real.
"So we’re having a party! Don’t treat Harry and Y/N like Harry and Y/N. Treat them like…you know someone called Chris and Heather." James shrugs his shoulders.
Daylight begins to play again as everyone becomes to dance including Harry holding a zebra stuffed animal.
Soon the doorbell rings making James drag Y/N with him to the door. After the door is open it reveals the pizza delivery guy who looked nervous. It made Y/N wanna laugh.
"Wait you know what. Come in, we need you." James calls back the guy, bringing him inside the apartment.
"Is it to late to do carpool karaoke?"
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eykismyfav · 2 years
My Thoughts On Otto Octavius...
NWH Spoilers below!
Okay so I’m not done talking about Otto and I saw a post yesterday that really broke my heart by @letstrekintospace​ which I will link here please read and check this out if you haven’t already they does a really good job dissecting the scene where aunt May asks Otto if he wants water. They touch on a lot of things that I am going to touch on.
In the beginning of the Spider-Man 2 when we are first introduced to Otto he is a very happy, kind and humble man who loves what he does and his wife.
Man was trying to create clean and cheap energy He is a good guy.
He is friendly with Peter and sits down to have tea with him. 
He even gives Peter love advice like come on that scene was adorable. 
Otto also clearly has a distaste for Harry Osborn he is polite maybe a little blunt but the boy is paying his bills so he puts up with him even if he isn’t a fan.
THIS behavior is Otto Octavius.
But after the Fusion Reactor explosion and the hospital scene there is a rapid descent into Doc Ock who in my mind is completely separate from Otto even though Otto is still in there deep down or maybe closer to the surface then one might think. 
I think even directly after the hospital scene Otto feel almost instant remorse for what had happened. 
I think an interesting take would be that Otto represent Ego and the tentacles are his Id or basic instincts (this is in reference to Freud's psychoanalytic theory. Look it up or don’t. Freud was weird and had a weird thing about sex but it’s interesting to think about.) 
Anyways moving on with this character analysis.
When Otto is first talking to his Tentacles he is hesitant to do bad things he knows hurting people and robbing banks is wrong he makes a point to point it out. 
But he is a man who just lost his wife who he loved very much and his reactor exploded which is what killed her you have to believe that he blames himself probably more then he should.
He is easy to manipulate.
Also The tentacles are coded to do one job and one job alone help with fusion reactors they are going to be persistent.
I think a lose argument could be made for maybe Otto believed the faster he made the Fusion reactor work the faster the voices in his head would stop.
I can only imagine waking up with four new voices in your head to be overwhelming and painful like really think of how loud that must be.
Doc Ock always has sunglasses and looks to be in pain I think it is likely he is suffering from Migraines caused by the constant noise in his head
In the end of spider-man 2 he even recognizes what he is doing is wrong he knows that and he dies stopping it.
Now I could say more but it has been a while since I have watched the movie so I apologize if I missed anything huge. 
Now NWH Doc Ock is angry and sad and looks to be in pain like mentioned earlier.
After losing his fight with Peter (which he went into very overconfident in my opinion at least.) and losing control of the tentacles I can’t even fathom how much the tentacle would be yelling and belittling him.
By the middle of NWH Otto is confused and overwhelmed by his new environment and is overly hostile at the idea of being “fixed”
Here is the thing Otto is not against being fixed at least not in my opinion I think the tentacles are manipulating him into believing that being fixed id bad for him in order to protect themselves.
Now a little fact about me the only scene in NWH where I almost cried was when Otto looks up and says “It’s so quiet. I almost forgot what it’s like.” (that isn’t exact sorry.) 
That shit hurt and it hurt a lot.
He smiles for the first time saying hello to Norman and Otto Octavius is back.
He instantly starts helping Peter with finding cures and in the end helps the Spidermen to win which I think was an incredible conclusion for his character.
Now this goes without saying Alfred Molina did a fantastic job portraying both Otto and Doc Ock he has incredible nuances to his portal and is fantastic to watch. He deserves so much praise for that and the fact he came back after 17 year to wrap up his characters story and give the fans more is touching. It is so clear that he loves this character and it shows whenever he is on screen.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk
Ps. If you like this and would like me to over analyze any other characters let me know.
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pterodactylterrace · 3 years
The Captain’s Love Language
I’ve never done a head cannon before, so bear with me!
Captain Syverson’s love language, according to me.
He’s not big on grand, expensive gifts.
He’d rather show up with some flowers he’d picked himself along the side of the road because they looked like they’d go great with that new vase you just got yesterday.
He’s tried to cook for you, he really did. He almost caught the kitchen on fire the last time he tried. He’d made his attempt at biscuits and gravy. He’d put the biscuits in the oven and stepped away to let the gravy simmer. He came back almost an hour later when the smoke alarm went off. 
The look of resigned defeat on his face as he tossed the pan into the sink and turned the water on was one to remember. Who knew the grizzled army captain was capable of such an adorable little pout. Did I mention that the biscuits were fine? They were completely ok. It turns out it’s hard to burn things when you forget to turn the oven on.
Nicknames all the time. Sugar, Sweetheart, Sweetness, Darling, Babydoll, Dumplin’, Cupcake, Princess, Honey, Love Butt.
It gets to the point that whenever he says anything you respond automatically. You just assume it’s another nickname for you.
It usually is.
He is a possessive bull of a bear.
If he doesn’t have a hand physically on you while you two are in public, you can guarantee he’s lurking nearby.
You’ve had a well meaning woman approach you before when he set you free in a candy store one day.
You were poking through various Harry Potter themed treats when an older lady crowded in close, leaning in to whisper in your ear that she’d noticed a man following you and watching you very closely.
“Big burly guy?” “Yeah.” “Thick beard and a belt buckle with a bull on it?” “Yes.” “Yeah I know. He can’t come in candy shops without spending half his paycheck so he waits for me outside.”
He really can’t, though. He’s tried stopping on the way back from work to get you a treat on a few occasions when he knows you’ve had a bad day.
Before he knows it he’s in the triple digits at the checkout.
In his defense, MOST of it was for you. Except the tabasco chocolates. Those were for him, and he wasn’t sharing. You pretend not to notice the candy rapidly depleting without your help.
He has a strict “Ladies First” rule in the bedroom. Or living room, or kitchen, or truck bed, or any of the various other places he’s laid claim to you.
He won’t let you touch him until you’ve cum at least once. 
Quickie is not a word in Kama Sutra. If he doesn’t have time to bed you right, he’s not even going to bother.
That’s not to say he won’t finger you or eat you out. He just doesn’t bother with himself.
He insists that your body is something that should be savored, not devoured as quickly as possible.
You’ll never forget the time you two had tried a crazy new sex position and you landed in the hospital with a sprained neck.
Syverson had fallen over laughing when you had to explain to the doctor (after also telling the receptionist, the triage nurse, and your attending nurse) that you hadn’t been in a car crash, but that your injury was instead a result of a sex accident. 
You saw the doctor high five Sy through the curtain when they thought you couldn’t see them.
Then there’s that time you found a kitten hiding under your car. Sy had told you more than once that he wasn’t a fan of cats. But you know what he is a fan of? You.
So he bites his tongue as you go crazy buying everything the tiny kitten could ever need. He was only mildly visually concerned when you’d taken up embroidery to customize the kittens various break away collars.
Aika has a new best friend following her everywhere, and he does his best not to be too jealous that the little feline shit is stealing the affections of both his girls away from him.
But then one day you find him sleeping on the couch with the cat curled up in his burly arm. He may not like cats, but he loves you and they make you happy. So he may as well get to used to it because if having an 8lb assassin living in his house makes you happy, then he can live with it. 
Because he loves you so much he burns dinner and lets you adopt stray cats just to see that twinkle in your eye. 
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