#harry is a horcrux
liquidluckandstuff · 1 year
They are in the middle of dinner when Harry stops eating. His eyes stare unseeing at the wall opposite of him. The fork in his hand drops and clatters onto the table before falling onto the floor drawing the other's attention.
"Harry," someone asks. He doesn't know who. Their voice sounds so far away.
The air in the room suddenly feels too thin and Harry can't seem to catch his breath. His eyes fill with a look of terror and he seems as though he is trying to say something but all that comes out is a whimper.
Harry stands and turns to leave but falls to the floor, his breaths come quicker. He reaches for his scar which is burning more fiercely than it has ever done before. Something is wrong. So very wrong. Voldemort is afraid.
Tears fall from his eyes as he stares unseeing up at the ceiling. In his mind he feels something piercing his skin through his chest, his arms, and his legs. They hold Voldemort him down draining him of his strength and magic.
"Someone get Dumbledore!"
Then, something stars filling him, replacing the magic it took. It's so cold it almost burns his veins as it enters him. There is no escape no matter how hard he struggles.
He Voldemort is screaming. He was foolish to trust Severus after everything he had done, but it did not matter now. The only thing he wanted to do was escape before this thing drove him to madness.
Suddenly, he is looking through someone else’s eyes staring up at the enchanted night sky. Dumbledore comes into view, a worried look on his old face.
"Help me," He says with a voice that does not belong to him.
So in this plot
Voldemort would have been trapped by this fairy tale/legendary tree of renewing that he thought would make him more powerful (it totally does he just didn't realize how much it would suck)
and is going mad with how painful the process is.
Harry would connect with him while it happens and is desperate to save him because Harry cannot block out Voldemort, and now Voldemort doesn’t have the strength to block out Harry so they are both being tortured by it.
Voldemort would have to guide Harry to where he is and save him and of course discover Harry is his Horcrux while Voldemort becomes super powerful blah blah blah
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hp-shippy-prompts · 11 months
Snape: Potter, the Dark Lord has instructed me to-
Snape: ....
Snape: What are you wearing.
Harry, with a ring on his finger, a locket around his neck, a diadem in his hair, and an antique goblet on his lap, his arms crossed and a scowl upon his face: Apparently he likes to play dress ups.
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realitybitesyouknowit · 11 months
A prophecy left unfulfilled, a family torn apart by repercussions of war and one child left to a life of neglect. But there were those not content to allow this to pass. Harry Potter may have been abandoned at the end of the war but he will rise to be more than any could have imagined. Minimal bashing, rated M for violence etc. Harry/Tonks, James/Lily Main plot begins GOF
Harry Potter, M, English, Drama & Family, chapters: 23, words: 316k+, favs: 8k+, follows: 8k+, updated: Nov 15, 2020 published: Mar 31, 2018, [Harry P., N. Tonks] Sirius B., OC
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toorumlk · 25 days
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from bright-eyed and bushy-tailed to political fugitives on the run
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coquetteriddle · 3 months
insane ass tomarry book quotes we dont talk abt enough
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garforprongs · 4 months
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was thinking about Harry’s hair getting longer during the war
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hmdaaaa · 17 days
till Death do us part (never) 🐍⚡
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izharmilgram · 9 months
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happy birthday voldemort :3
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tommarvoloriddlesdiary · 11 months
Tom: I can't love anyone more than I love myself.
Harry, exists: ...
Tom: What a relief that the Horcrux in you is a convenient loophole.
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aethon-recs · 5 months
Themed Rec List | Tomarrymort Recs by Horcrux ⚡👑🏆🔒💍
I wanted to put together a rec list of Harry/Tom fics with a core focus on horcruxes outside of Diary Tom (the most popular horcrux) and Voldemort himself. Please enjoy these 22 fics that feature one of Tom's horcruxes and their special relationship with Harry.
There’s a ton of interesting variation that can be explored within a Harry and horcrux Tom ship — from where the horcruxes are located and when Harry can conceivably meet them in canon (for example, the Cup horcrux is harder to access than the others); to what age they were made by Voldemort and how that would shape their personalities and interactions with Harry; to the different magical properties that they might embody, depending on the vessel that was chosen.
Finally, it looks like Scarcrux and Locket are the most popular choices (after Diary Tom), and we absolutely need more Cup horcrux fics!
⚡ Scarcrux
Amensalism by @cindle-writes (E, 6k, complete)
Scarcrux becomes sentient after the encounter in the Ministry in Harry's 5th year and takes Harry for an adventure.
Bolide by @vdoshu (T, 3k, complete)
On October 31, 1981, a tiny piece of soul attaches himself to Harry Potter in order to survive. This is his story.
Creatures of the Dark we are by @hikarimeroperiddle (M, 28k, complete)
Banished to his cupboard at age 4, Harry learns to listen only to the Voice in his head. Its teachings warp all Harry could have become until no more than dark magic and devotion remains. Visions of a wraith with red eyes complicate matters, especially when Harry and the Voice follow it to Hogwarts so Master can get his hands on the Philosopher’s stone.
Eulogy by @meles-merrivale (E, 6k, complete)
You run through the things you have to do for the day. It is, admittedly, a very short list. Wake up. Be clean. Be ready. An empty life, some might call it. You don’t. It is the life He has given you, and so it is what you deserve.
last rites by @cindle-writes (E, 5k, complete)
Harry has an hour before he walks to his death in the Forbidden Forest. The horcrux in Harry’s scar decides to take matters into its own hands.
Look at me. by @crowcrowcrowthing (M, 1k, complete)
A dark night of the soul.
Pitch Black by @kagariasuha (E, 2k, complete)
The proximity of Horcruxes can influence anyone - especially Harry.
sandpaper kisses, paper cut bliss by @xodahafez (E, 27k, WIP)
Harry Potter survives the Killing Curse, but so does the horcrux within him. And this horcrux has been dangerously infatuated with Harry for seventeen years.
saw you in a dream by @duplicitywrites (E, 2k, complete)
Harry has had this dream before.
👑 Diadem
A peculiar way of fitting together by @being-luminous (T, 2k, complete)
“Aren’t you going to ask me why I’m wearing a diadem?”
Dance Me On and On by @duplicitywrites (E, 19k, complete)
In his first year at Hogwarts, Harry overhears Quirrell interrogating Binns about an artifact from over a thousand years ago. Five years later, Harry uncovers Rowena Ravenclaw's Diadem in the Room of Requirement and finds himself pulled into a kingdom in the throes of a mysterious masquerade ball.
In Just a Moment, You’ll Be Mine by @dividawrites (E, 34k, WIP)
Tom has been stuck inside the Ravenclaw's Diadem for decades, alone, with nothing but his slowly fading memories. One day he feels a pull towards someone and gets interested. And then he gets obsessed.
Death is not an Escape by @whitepinkdandelions (T, 2k, complete)
The Lost Diadem of Ravenclaw is full of endless wisdom, so it only makes sense that it gets its hooks into Harry much faster than the rest of them.
🏆 Cup
Thirst by @obsidianpen (E, 27k, complete)
Things go awry when the trio beaks into Gringotts. Harry finds himself trapped, locked in the Lestrange vault, wandless and alone... With a horcrux.
🔒 Locket
Arson by @rudehellion (M, 8k, complete)
The hunt for Voldemort's Horcruxes is going poorly. In need of some space to think, Harry offers to take the first watch over camp and slips out into the snowy night. Unable to shake his dark thoughts, Harry finds himself drifting and he begins to dream. What he sees changes everything.
knock it off (part 1) / crave gets slaked (part 2) by @theonceandfuturequeenoftarts (E, 6k, complete)
At some point during Harry's time with the Dursleys, pain got crossed with affection. A kick from Dudley or having his arm yanked by Uncle Vernon at least means they’re acknowledging his existence. It’s not love, but it’s something. Too bad for Harry he carries that through to his less dysfunctional relationships.
The Cost by Blood_Stained_Fingers (M, 8k, complete)
The cost of making a horcrux was steep and when Voldemort manages to kill Harry, destroying the horcrux within, Harry finds out the exact price of losing a piece of your soul. It made a cruel joke that if Voldemort loved his horcruxes, Harry should love them too.
The Dead of Night by @cybrid (E, 6k, complete)
An empty house. A glint of gold. A dream. Or: running away from Privet Drive goes terribly for Harry.
The Ties That Bind by @mosiva (E, 8k, complete)
Harry finds the locket at Grimmauld Place, but it has a curse laid on it. When Harry triggers it, he finds himself trapped with the locket version of Tom Riddle, both of them stuck within the enchantment until they can find the way out. Or so Harry thinks.
Whole by Emriel (E, 20k, complete)
The horcrux hunt goes wrong and Harry fails to destroy the locket horcrux. Tom Riddle hands him over to the Dark Lord as a present for they know he holds part of their soul. In their care, Harry learns that feelings, no matter how toxic, are hard to get rid off.
💍 Ring
Personal Assistant by @phantomato (E, 10k, complete)
“And that’s it? I call ‘Tom’ and you show up?” “Yes,” Tom answers.
shelter from the storm by @cindle-writes, @duplicitywrites (E, 7k, complete)
After being left behind by the Dursleys, Harry stumbles upon an empty shack in the middle of nowhere, where he finds a mysterious ring underneath the loose floorboards.
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coldemergency · 5 months
Harry: This is so weird
Tom: I assure you this is much weirder for me
Voldemort: How the fuck did this happen?
Voldemort: and how did you get into my house-
Harry: It’s a long story
Tom: You really weren’t joking about the nose thing
Voldemort: I will kill the both of you
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toctua · 8 months
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Favorite Horcrux 💚🐍
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hp-shippy-prompts · 11 months
After the success of creating a living Horcrux, Nagini, Voldemort begins to contemplate creating a human Horcrux, giving him a servant even more useful than his Death Eaters.
The one he considers? Severus Snape.
Snape has already proven himself powerful, resourceful, and clever, as proven by the way he’s managed to straddle both sides of the war so he will always be on the winning side - and self preservation is a desirable attribute to a potential Horcrux. As well as this, having him as his Horcrux will allow him to bypass his mental defenses, giving him unbridled access to the man’s thoughts and motives, just as he enjoys with Nagini.
Yes... Severus would be the perfect subject to become his human Horcrux... 😏
(Harry: 😧)
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passiveslthrn · 1 month
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«The ring. 1943»
The last holiday of Riddle family
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iamnmbr3 · 6 months
So it’s kind of implied that the accidental part of Harry and Voldemort’s connection is one sided - i.e. that they’re both connected but only Harry gets flashes of Voldemort’s life without actively trying to go into his mind but not the other way around. But imagine if it was both ways and Voldemort who has so long been cut off from humanity and from normal mortal life sometimes randomly got to experience Harry going about his daily business and doing normal things like eating and talking to people and feeling the sun.
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koshlis · 1 month
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My Boosty
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