#harry potter inagine
Snape x reader - hold you
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Hi! About this: "Hi! Would you be okay with writing a fic with Snape and female reader where he finds out that she is self harming and helps her out? Mostly fluff and angst? Thank you so much! 💫🖤" - Anon 💜
TW: mentions of self harm
He wasn’t supposed to found out, he was never supposed to find out it was the last thing you wanted.
Severus stared down at you and you stared back up at him unable to form any words as tears fell down your face.
“What have you done?” He asked.
You shook your head burying your face in your knees as he crouched down and looked at you, slowly rolling up your sleeves he looked at the scars on your arms.
Fresh and new.
Severus had his suspicions, but it wasn’t until he watched you pull your hoodie on that he was sure.
He ran his fingers along the scars and he sighed, moving his hand from your arm to the back of your hair, running his fingers through it.
“Why would you do this?” He asked.
“I’m sorry… I’m so sorry…”
You fell into him, wrapping your arms around him as you cried heavily and he wrapped his arms around you tightly.
“Why would you not talk to me? Tell me?”
“I didn’t want to worry you…”
Severus sighed once more, pressing his lips to the top of your head as he closed it his.
“You should have said something..” he whispered.
He wasn’t sure what to do about it, he had no idea to handle a situation like this, but right now his mind was just flooded with thoughts of making sure you were okay.
“Have you any fresh ones?”
You slowly shook your head and he pulled away from the hug, placing his hands on your cheeks to make you look at him and he wiped your tears away.
“Promise me love.”
“I.. I promise..”
He searched your eyes for a second before nodding.
“Okay. I believe you. When was the last time you hurt yourself?”
“About a week ago..”
He nodded again.
“I don’t want you to do this to yourself, you’re far to beautiful to scar yourself like this (Y/N).”
Severus helped you stand up and he led you to the bed and sat you down.
He stood in front of you and took his cloak off, resting it on the bed he placed his hands on the bottom of your hoodie and looked at you.
Nodding you let him take it off and you pulled your shirt down and he carefully took your arms, inspecting them.
He looked at every scar and mark, and he looked at you.
“I don’t want you doing this to yourself..”
“I’m so sorry Severus..”
He walked around to his side of the bed, taking his jacket off he sat down and held his arm out, and you shuffled over, resting your head on his chest as he held you.
“If you ever have to do that please come find me. I don’t care where I am or what I’m doing. Come and find me (Y/N).”
You nodded and he looked down at you.
He was going to wait for you to sleep and remove anything you could hurt yourself with, but right now all he needed to do was hold you.
Be there for you.
That was the most important thing
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lovedaisy02 · 2 years
Me throughout my entire English Lit degree
Me: The author is not dead, that's silly it doesn't make sense. People psychologically slip up they are in their works--
JK Rowling + Twitter
Authors been dead forever, knew it all along.
Who needs them?
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dubiouslexism · 4 years
Draco: Your glasses are broken.
Harry: I can see that.
Draco: Can you?
Harry: Shut the fuck up.
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beautifulmadnesss · 4 years
Requests Open
here are the things I'll take requests for:
-outer banks
-harry potter
-Cassandra clare books
-hunger games
-13 reasons why
-walking dead
-probably more, so feel free to ask for anything!
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alswonderland · 6 years
Can anyone send me some really good Newt Scamander fics? Smut or anything?
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The Girl (Part 2)
A/n: redid this because it was fucked your and I didn’t want to delete it. :)
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From there on there was something between Sirius and Y/n. It wasn't long before he warmed her up to him and they became friends. Fifth year ended and she was very close to all the Marauders, and Lily and her friends. All summer her and Sirius wrote back and forth, letters coming back and going out almost the second they were received from the other, desperate to get the next response. Sirius let himself depend on her for comfort and support while he had to deal with his family, and she revealed that her own home life was also not pleasant. Her parents were proper - she was in a pure blood family. Sirius related to her struggle of their need to be perfect and presentable and pretty in every sense of the word, and he really understood her want to be nothing like them.
She was fiery and funny and headstrong, but they taught her that being so was obnoxious and unattractive and that any man she should ever think of marrying would hate that about her. She was taught that she was to be quiet and shy, for that was attractive, and that her opinion not only didn't matter, but that it was unwanted and not in her post to offer.
Sirius offered to take her in if she were to get away from them and come to be with him. He kind of jumped around for the most part, with nights at home but days with James and the gang, but he had told James (only) that she had a similar situation as he did and James was more than willing to invite her along on Sirius' visits. He offered again and again, giving her friends to turn to and a place to call home, but she declined every time. She was not ready to really tell him why she was bound to the life she lead, and he was not prone to pushing for he secret that she obviously held from him, respecting that if she wanted to, she would tell him when the time came.
Sixth year the two were inseparable, and the draw between them was obvious. They grew very strong feelings and she became more herself through him. She joined in his pranks and he joined in her study time, her keeping him studious and him keeping her fun. The two went well together and the more they got to know each other, the more they got along.
Sixth year ended and they were practically dating without the title with how they flirted and joked around. Lily, James, Remus, and even Peter had gotten so fed up with the constant playful flirting and pretend dating, just to have the two deny feelings, that they set out all summer to get the two together. Y/n magically convinced her parents to allow her to stay with Lily over Summer on a total and genius lie her and Sirius concocted and with James and Lily dating, Lily often dragged her over to James' house when she went, where Sirius usually tended to be.
The time together really set the two off, and even James' family was starting to see why James and Lily were so hell bent on getting the two together. By the end of summer, James finally got Sirius to admit that he was totally and completely head over heels in love with Y/n. But, not one single person could get Y/n to admit it. If they pushed too hard, she would pull away and seclude herself. She would hang out with Petunia instead of Lily and pretend to be a muggle for Petunia's sake, becoming that shy and stuttering girl again. This often upset Lily very much to see her best friend being close with her sister. Since Petunia didn't really want to get close to any kind of witch, even such a cool and submissive one that would stay quiet and get things for her and not only listen to her gossip but also agree with her just to keep her happy, Y/n never did this long. She cared about Lily's feelings far too much.
Of course, as things do, it all changed.
Summer was practically over. The whole gang was doing some last minute shopping for their last year at Hogwarts and James had convinced Sirius to make a move, with some serious help from Lily and Remus. Peter had been too distracted that day to really help, and he'd lost interest in the two, but the others were still determined.
Hiding his nerves, he walked next to Y/n as they all strolled and Lily, James, and Remus dropped behind, Peter far behind them, dragging behind very slowly. The two talked and joked and he slung his arm around her waist as she stopped to admire a new broom in the window of a broom shop. She didn't react, as she was used to him being flirty and acting like her boyfriend. She didn't react, as she enjoyed this position, even though she wouldn't admit it. She didn't react - on the outside.
As they began walking again, Sirius took a deep breath and moved his hand - which had dropped from her waist as they walked - to her hand that swung by her side as she walked, intertwining their fingers. He nervously glanced at her face to see her fight down a smile, and to notice a blush creeping up her neck. He was flirty, but he'd been more so today. More touchy, his fingers brushing her everywhere. Her hair, her waist, her fingers, her face, as he brushed a piece of hair behind her ear of wiped a piece of food or dirt off her cheek. He'd been very touchy and close and payed very close attention to her today and it was a little more than she was used to, but nothin that she didn't love and enjoy very much.
He noticed her reaction and it gave him encouragement. Hope.
Towards the end of the day, after shopping was done and they had all returned back to James' (Lily and Y/n made a stop at Lily's first to drop their new stuff off) Sirius pulled Y/n aside and into the night air. She shivered but followed him into the cold without a jacket, because she could handle a bit of chill.
Sirius moved behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist, leaning down to whisper in her ear and turn her attention to the gorgeous night sky. He pointed out constellations and rubbed her stomach softly with his thumb. Then, when she really started to shiver, he pulled away to take his jacket off. He'd planned this very meticulously and had even gotten Lily to help by getting her to take Y/n's jacket so she'd be chilly when he took her outside. He turned her to face him, wrapping his jacket around her shoulder, and she smiled.
All he could think was how gorgeous she was and how much he loved her, and he realized that if she ultimately rejected him - especially if she truly only saw him as a friend, he would be completely heartbroken and crushed. He would be devastated. It made his nerves spike and his heart race, his stomach twist. Merlin, let her love him back...
She looked up at him, to thank him, and just like that first day, she noticed the look in eyes. Desperate and scared, vulnerable. Hopeful. Her eyebrows rose in concern then her eyes widen in surprise as he leaned his forehead on hers, his hand wrapping from his thumb on her cheek to behind her head. She sucked in a breath as he leaned in suddenly and pressed his lips softly to hers. He closed his eyes, squeezing them tightly, resting his lips barely on her, hoping beyond hope that she'd kiss back.
Her hand reached out and flattened against his chest and his heart skipped beat as he realized she was going to push him away. Then her hand paused, and she seemed to switch gears, her rigid body relaxing and her hand instead gripping his shirt, pulling him closer. Her other hand went to his hair, intertwining into his dark, wild locks, and his free hand moved to her waist, pulling her body close. Y/n tilted her head and the kiss deepened between the two and Sirius' heart soared.
Finally he leaned back and both gasped for air, eyes fluttering open and gazed locking. He smiled shakily. "I- I thought you didn't like me?" Sirius managed.
She blushed. "I thought I - But then- I, um..." her blush got worse and Sirius laughed, wrapping one arm around her waist to bring her close again and moving his other hand to cup her face, brushing his thumb on her cheek.
"I love you," he whispered. Y/n swore either her heart was beating so fast and so loud Sirius could hear it and she couldn't because of shock, or it had stopped all together, because she could feel nothing but overwhelming joy. "I have for a while now, I suppose. My feelings are very real, and we have so much in common and I want to be there to protect you and make you laugh. I want to be there to wake up next to you in the morning when you have nightmares, or have you wake me up from my own. I want you by my side to study with and flirt with and kiss in public. I want you in my life - forever. I love you. I know we're young and I'm a player or whatever. I know that you might not believe me because I've told girls before that they're pretty or that I like them, but I swear to you I've never said the word love to anyone but you. And Y/n I - I love you so much." He touched his forehead to hers, annunciating his point with the contact.
She beamed. Her mouth opened and the words that came out her mouth shocked, thrilled, and scared her, but were no less true than Sirius'. Just less passionate and poetic, as she wasn't as good with words as he was. They were more simple, but Sirius knew how much they meant and how full of passion and feeling they were. He knew the entirety of the meaning behind the words, even though she only simply said, "I love you, too."
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the-fae-folk · 5 years
You have such a beautiful imagination! I love your description of the Winter Court especially. How do you come up with such original, creative descriptions and stories? Or does it just come naturally? (I love fantasy and writing, but I don’t have the inagination to be as good as you:/)
Why thank you, child! You are very kind indeed. But you know…I was not always as good as I am now. Would you believe that when I very first started out writing, at a very young age, my biggest problem was that I could never think of anything to write? My dearest mother tried to fix the problem by buying a book of prompts to give me ideas. I hated it. In my opinion, both then and now, the prompts were all boring and not at all what I wanted to write about. However, they did help. Despite my young and rage filled self…I got better as I wrote, even about things I didn’t want to write about.I was also, from age 3 and upwards, an avid reader. A vast love of fantasy filled my veins as I read everything I could catch hold of. Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, The Last Unicorn, Alice’s Adventure’s in Wonderland, Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream, The Phantom Tollbooth, The 13 ½ lives of Captain Bluebear, and a thousand more. I was not too keen on other genres, though later in life I would grow a great love for various forms of Creative Nonfiction, Poetry, Science Fiction, and even Academic Writing. But despite my inclination towards Fantasy, I read everything.Do you have any idea what that can do to the mind of a child? Filling up their heads with the pages of trillions of books? Expanding their mind to new heights from which it can never entirely descend from? It is like a door opening in a place that has not had fresh air in a very long time, and the rushing winds of life come crashing in, filling up every available space. Suddenly it becomes easier to breathe, easier to live, easier to grow.It is a journey of years, with constant practice, that brought me here. I explored interesting places and forced myself to talk to new people and make friends. There were books to read, events to experience. I watched television shows and researched religions, I read through scientific essays about subjects which would never have any effect on my own life. All of this I did because I enjoyed it, not because I had some goal in mind. But all of it helped me to grow my imagination. With constant practice my writing skills grew as well. I challenged myself to research archaic forms or new styles and I tried to copy the style with my own ideas. I even created a few of my own forms of writing by building off of other forms I’d tried. This little blog is my attempt to further develop my skills by challenging myself to work within a set limitation of subject. You say that my writing is original and creative. And that you don’t have the imagination to be as good as me. Well, I didn’t pop out of the ground with my skills and my imagination the way they are now. I had to become that way through living life, through understanding myself, and through putting constant effort into practicing my skills.What I am trying to say, Child, in my very roundabout way…is that I firmly believe that you too have the ability to write of wondrous things in equally wondrous ways. It takes time, of course, and immense effort. The imagination, like the skill of writing, is another muscle which you must strengthen by using it and challenging it. But it is not impossible.You say you love writing, so let me put it this way. Imagine for one moment that you are both writer and story. You cannot just sit back and let the world write you. It will do it wrong, somehow. So you have to take up the pen and write yourself, the way that you want to be. I believe in you.
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fortunecookierose · 7 years
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For a friend
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I'm sure everyone is unfollowing me en mass
@bodoramzap this is all your fault (jk)
1-Who is your favourite Marvel character?
Very typically, it's probably Spiderman. Atypically, it's not from Tom Holland, though I do love him. Otherwise, probably Iron Man.
2- Who would save from Thanos? (If you saw that movie)
Probably the poor science child
3- What’s the first video you remember watching on youtube?
I don't remember, actually. The first youtuber I remember is some Animal Jam lady? Slushy 2151
4- Who’s your favourite Harry Potter character?
Probably Sirius or Regulus
5- Do you get popcorn at the movies?
I love popcorn at the movies, so yes, typically a coke slushie and a popcorn
6- What’s your favourite song?
It changes, typically something from Inagine Dragons like Selene
7- What fictional character have you ever releated the most to?
I relate to a lot of fictional characters, even my own.
8- Do you love any movies/tv shows that no one else has seen when you mention it?
Yep! Can't think of any though because I'm awful.
About to hit you with some sister promo here,
9- Do you like this video?
It looks ight, I like the idea. I was surprised it wasn't a rick roll
And now some self-promo, 
10- Have you read my flash fictions I rarely post?
I adore the flash fictions you post. On the rare occasion my notifications work properly, I kill my data plan to read them ASAP.
No more of these because I've run out of ideas and I'm sure everyone hates 'em.
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specialagentlokitty · 2 years
Snape x reader - just want love
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Werewolf!Snape x wife!professor!Reader / scenario: 3 It is fullmoon on halloween night and the two teachers are engoying their night. BUT the students keep knocking on their door and Severus gets mad. Because he wants all the attention and not some annoying children in ridiclous costumes. - Anon 💜
Trying to hide the fact that there was a werewolf in the building on Halloween night was next to impossible.
Dumbledore had told you all in order to keep with the tradition for the muggle students, teachers were going to be giving out candy from either their rooms or classrooms to students trick or treating.
Looking at the werewolf pacing back and forth in your bedroom, you sighed and rolled your eyes at him.
“I know you want attention Severus, but not yet.”
He huffed and sat himself down, staring at you intently.
You used to be terrified of him, of the fact he was a werewolf. You accidentally stumbled across him trying to get out of the school fast enough, but he didn’t make it.
He transformed and you were terrified, but you did manage to help get him outside before any wondering students found him.
He spent months encouraging you he would never hurt you, and you finally let him prove it.
Turns out his werewolf side had taken a liking to you just as he did.
Smiling at the werewolf who was sitting staring at you, you rolled your eyes slightly and walked over, gently patting his head as you grabbed the empty bowl form behind him.
“Just a few more hours, I promise.”
He made a small whine.
“Just lay down, I’ll be back.” You smiled.
Kissing his head, you grabbed your wand and the bucket of candy you just refilled.
“Don’t look at me like that.”
Casting a spell on your room so no one could hear him, you slipped out and locked the door shut and sat at your desk to grade some papers.
You just wanted to curl back into bed and go back to reading so Severus could sleep.
You’d seen what being a werewolf had done to Remus, and you knew Snape used to be like that, but with you around he was content and happy.
“Happy Halloween!” Hermione chirped.
“Hello you three, and the first years behind you.” You smiled.
“They were scared to go on their own, their scared of Snape.“ Harry said.
You nodded your head.
“I understand, we’ll he’s not here right now. So you’re all very much safe.”
You gestured them all over and they all stood in front of you.
“You’re our teacher this term?” A first year asked shyly.
“That I am, Professor Snape and I take turns teaching potions. He’s better at the practical side, I’m better at the theory side. I also happen to teach some muggle subjects to, such as first aid and cooking just in case you are in a situation you aren’t able to use magic.”
The first years nodded their heads and asked a few more question before finally taking some candy and disappearing.
A few more students came by and it felt like hours before finally all the students had gone to bed.
Kicking your feet up on your desk you were reading a book when you heard the classroom door being pushed open.
“Is that everyone?” You asked.
“Yes, thank you so much.” Dumbledore smiled.
“No problem, but you’ll probably have to say sorry to Severus.” You laughed.
“How is he?” McGonagall asked.
“He’s well, I believe he’s sleeping.”
“Wonderful, well you can head to bed now.” She smiled.
You smiled and nodded, seeing them out you locked the door and with a flick of your wand, you put the lights out and went back into your bedroom.
Severus didn’t even bother looking up from his position on your floor.
Getting changed, you lit the candle next to your bed and climbed into it, looking outside at the full moon.
“Only a few more hours.” You spoke softly.
Hearing your voice, Severus shot his head up and quickly jumped up, growling lowly before realising it was you.
He jumped up on the bed and laid himself down, resting his head on the pillow next to you as he looked at you with beady eyes.
“I’ll read to you.” You laughed.
You’d gotten used to looks he gave you, you knew what they meant.
You started to read aloud, and after a few hours you grew tired and shuffled down to go to sleep.
What woke you up was someone wrapped their arms around your waist.
Smiling, you turned yourself over and buried your face into his chest, taking a deep breath as you felt him rub circled on your back.
“I don’t like them.” Severus mumbled.
“I can tell.” You laughed.
“Is one peaceful night without being bothered so hard.” He grumbled.
Looking up at him you shook your head at him and leant up, kissing his jaw as you tucked your head under his chin and closed your eyes.
“We can have a peaceful few days before school starts again.” You mused.
“I will gladly take that.”
He kissed the top of your head. Then he pulled you further into him, covering you up with the quilt and he closed his eyes as well.
This was probably the only part about being a werewolf he enjoyed, holding you after he was back to normal, knowing you were there with him every step of the way
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specialagentlokitty · 3 years
Remus x Daughter!reader - not right
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Could I request a Remus Lupin x daughter reader fic please! Love your HP stuff! Could reader get detention with Umbridge for screaming at her for calling Rem a half breed. Then when Remus finds the scar he goes full protective papa. So sorry if that’s too much! Also how have you been?? - Anon 💜
The moment you saw her you hated her, the pink, the high pitched voice, the fake behaviour. You hated everything about Umbridge with a burning passion, and everyone knew.
As you were walking down the hallway with your friends, you saw her stood talking to Snape and McGonagall.
“At the end of the day, he was nothing except a half breed who should not have been teaching defence against the dark arts.” She smiled.
“Professor Lupin is a brilliant teacher, he cares for his students. Regardless of his heritage.” McGonagall defended.
“A half breed should not be teaching at a school of magic children.”
You felt the rage boil up inside of you, how dare she speak like that. Especially about your father, especially in front of Snape.
Storming over, you tossed your books to the floor catching their attention.
“(Y/N) leave it!” Ron called after you.
You were having none of it, stopping in front of the three teachers you had a fire burning in your eye.
“Don’t you dare speak about my dad that way you bitch!” You yelled.
“Excuse me?”
“Miss (L/N) go to your next class.” Snape warned.
“No, because I’m not letting her be disrespectful to my dad. Or you professor. So what if someone is a half blood? Or a full blood? Or a the only witch or wizard in a family of ordinary humans?” You asked, “power doesn’t come from your heritage, it comes from you as a person.”
You took your tie and cloak off, throwing them to the ground.
Students stopped to watch the altercation, everyone who was passing by and even a few other teachers had stopped to see what was going on.
“Without my uniform what am I?”
“A delinquent.” Umbridge huffed.
“So be it, I’m a delinquent. But if everyone student in this school were to one day remove their colours, the prideful green of Slytherin gone. The intelligence of blue for ravenclaw gone. The soft yellow for hufflepuff gone, the red of the courage from Gryffindor gone. What will you do?”
McGonagall smirked a little, and did Snape when Umbridge never said a word in reply.
“Would you really be able to saw you could tell who was pure bloodied and who wasn’t?” You asked lowly.
“Well of course!”
“Go on then, tell me!” You yelled, “tell me you’re really going to separate people based on who their parents are!”
“That’s enough!” She yelled.
“No it isn’t! Tell them what you are Umbridge!” You yelled.
“You’re coming with me to detention.” She said shakily.
You grabbed your belongings and turned to the crowd who had gathered to watch.
“How many of you think she’s a pure blood?”
Quiet a few people raised their hands and you laughed.
“Sorry, but she’s not. She has two muggle parents.”
“That’s it!”
She grabbed your arm while everyone was whispering and dragged you away.
You didn’t care what kind of punishment she had for you, you got your payback in her for insulting your dad, and you wouldn’t have changed it for a thing.
In her office she made you sit down on a chair and handed you a quill.
“I know what this is.” You mused.
“Oh really, in that case I want you to write I must not tell lies over and over again until the message sinks in.”
You started writing, feeling the pain burn in your arm. Writing one sentence you set the quill down and smirked at her.
“The message hasn’t sunk in then don’t lie.”
“I don’t know what you mean professor, it has. You said write until it sinks in, and it has. Are you a pair?” You asked, offering her the quill.
She growled a little but didn’t say anything.
“Cya later mudblood.” You hummed.
Because of this you always had altercations with the new professor, and as it came to Christmas for you to go home you were feeling more fuelled to annoy the teacher when you got back.
“Come on (Y/N) you can’t keep getting in trouble like this.” Harry sighed.
“She’s a bitch, so what?”
“Just lay low after Christmas.” Hermione said.
“I’ll think about it.” You smiled.
They all shared a look, they worried for you but they didn’t know how long it would be until both you and Umbridge stopped holding out on one another.
“Miss (L/N).”
You turned around to find Snape stood there, arms crossed against his chest.
Waving the other students away and walked over and smiled at him.
“Although I can not condone your actions… thank you.”
You knew what he was talking about and smiled ever brighter.
“Merry Christmas sir.”
With that, you ran on to the train.
Remus was waiting for you when you got off, and you crushed him into a hug.
He spoke with the other three for a few minutes before you guys set off.
“How was it?” He asked.
“It was pretty good.” You beamed.
You weren’t going to tell him what happened with Umbridge, and for nearly a week you avoided telling him. But when you came down for breakfast without a jumper to cover your arms, it was Sirius who spotted it.
“What the hell happened?” He asked quickly.
At first you were confused until remus gently took your arm to inspect it.
“I must not tell lies?” He asked.
You sighed softly and sat down, running a hand through your hair.
“I didn’t wanna tell you guys…”
You then explained everything, from her calling your dad a half breed to what you had done and everything after that point.
Sirius and remus were fuming.
“I’ll kill her for doing such a thing.” Sirius growled.
“Sirius it’s okay!” You smiled.
Remus shook his head and walked over, gently wrapping you up in a hug.
“It’s not okay, she shouldn’t be doing this. You should’ve told us and we would have dealt with it.” He sighed.
You shrugged lightly, you knew they weren’t going to let this go so you couldn’t argue with them.
“We’re coming back with you and we’re going to talk with the Umbridge.” Remus grumbled.
“Sirius is meant to be hiding.”
“I’ll come out of hiding for this.” He smiled.
You flicked your gaze between the two and just smiled with a shake if your head. There was no talking then out of it and you knew it
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specialagentlokitty · 4 years
Draco x reader - Over time
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Hi! Could you write a platonic Draco imagine where the reader is a Hufflepuff so he doesn’t like them at first, but they end up bonding? Thank you :) - @hahaboop 💕
When you came to hogwarts, your rep warned you to stay away from Slytherins, especially Draco Malfoy, who just so happened to be in the year above you.
For the most part you didn’t see him, but when you did he would glare and intimidate you.
Quietly padding down the corridor, you held you books tightly to your chest, eyes nervously flicking around. When you turnt the corner, you nearly crashed into someone and yelped, jumping back.
“Watching it!”
You recognised that voice, and you shrank back even more.
“I.. I’m.. sorry Draco..” you whispered.
There was a really tense silence, and you shyly looked up, noticing Draco was holding a book on herbs.
“That’s a.. good book...” you muttered.
Draco furrowed his brows, glancing at the book in his hands.
“You’ve read it?”
“Yeah...” you nodded, “I’m top of my class...”
Darting around Draco, you stared scurrying down the.
“Hey!” Draco called, “stop!”
Suddenly stopping, you started to shake a little bit as you heard him walking closer, his shoes tapping on the floor until he stopped in front of you once more.
“Top of your class?” He asked.
Nodding shyly, you dared to meet his peircing gaze before quickly averting your eyes.
“Help me.”
Your eyes bulged, but you very quickly nodded.
“Meet me in the library after dinner.”
You nodded frantically again and scurried away.
Straight after dinner you rushed to the library, finding the stone cold slytherin you say one seat away from him.
He slid you his sheet of paper and you read over the questions, nodding your head as you did so.
“Okay, this is pretty simple.”
“Are you calling me thick?” He hissed.
Jumping, you frantically shook your head.
“N.. no!”
Draco scowled and you refused to say anymore, you simply just wrote down everything he needed to know before running away.
This is how it went for weeks, but as time went on the pair of you got a bit closer and opened up to one another.
Padding down the hall, you found Draco stood with his group of friends and shrank back a little.
“Oi! Get here!” One shouted.
You heard a thump and the same slytherin yelped in pain.
“Don’t speak to (Y/N) like that.” He snarled.
Draco cast you a rare smile and you smiled sheepishly back
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why do i feel like blaise would be into 50 shades of grey kinda shit?? like he would tie you up so you can’t move and he’d touch himself in front of you to tease you and when he finally gave in to you he’d blindfold you and fuck you hard omg i’m sweating
He definitely is, I haven’t read or watched 50 shades but Blaise definitely makes you read it to him and he is resting his head in your lap so he can watch you get flustered and stumble over some parts but it always ends up with your pants off and Blaise in between your thighs or he will stop you and make you bookmark a page because it was really kinky and hot and he wants to try it.
But he definitely touches himself in front of you when you’ve been bad and has your hands tied back and he loves you in a blindfold because he just loves all your pure reactions
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i feel like hermione would have a huge praise kink, whether she’s giving the praise or receiving it she would just love it. like just imagine having soft sex with her and her whispering in your ear how good you’re doing
I definitely think you are right.
Hermione loves soft sex and she loves it just being really passionate and intimate and I feel like she loves praising you and is always doing it and then you start praising her and she is like wait omg no I love this.
And sex just turns into you both hyping the other up and just having it be so soft and full of love and adoration 🥺
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