#harry styles baby
freedomfireflies · 1 year
I would love to read a blurb from you about H taking care of his newborn baby boy 🥺
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Don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t—
Harry’s hands shake as he slowly reaches down into the bassinet to retrieve the tiny human screaming for his attention and care.
Truth be told, he’s honestly not sure which one of them he’s telling not to cry.
Nevertheless, the squirmy infant begins to wiggle in his large palms as he brings the child up toward his chest.
“It’s okay…it’s okay, you’re all right,” he whispers, doing his best to speak in his most soothing tone. “Another nightmare, huh? S’okay, I get it. I get them, too.”
There’s some wet cooing as Harry cups the child’s bottom and tucks them just under his chin, right over his racing heart. 
He’d read that skin-on-skin contact is crucial for newborns to create a strong bond, so now he spends a majority of his time shirtless just in case the child needs that added comfort.
And if Harry is being honest with himself, he probably gets more comfort out of it than the baby.
After a moment, the fussing begins to subside, and Harry exhales the deep breath that had been caught in his lungs as he unwinds. Then, he moves for the rocking chair in the corner of the room, gingerly taking a seat as the baby begins to fidget in his hold.
“Okay, it’s okay,” he murmurs, swaying them back and forth. “It’s all right, I’ve got you. Daddy’s got you.”
The sweet baby brings its tiny thumb to its mouth, tucking it between small, pouted lips as it begins to settle.
“There you go,” Harry says, lashes fluttering as he looks down. “I know, it’s hard to sleep without her. Especially when it’s all you’ve ever known…”
There’s a catch in Harry’s throat as he glances back up, eyes falling to the side of the bed where she used to lay. 
It’s been three weeks. Only three weeks since Harry had to come home from the hospital alone, and he has absolutely no idea how he’s made it this far.
He doesn’t sleep. Which isn’t unusual for new parents, but it goes deeper than that. He doesn’t sleep because he doesn’t know how. He doesn’t know how to sleep in a bed she’s no longer in.
And he doesn’t eat, either. Because he can’t stand to go into the same kitchen she used to love. The same kitchen she used to spend each of her Sunday mornings in as she cooked them pancakes and listened to French music.
He doesn’t go out. He doesn’t leave their house. He’s a stranger to the outside world and apart from when his mother comes over to babysit, he doesn’t talk to anyone.
It’s just him and the baby now.
And he doesn’t exactly want that to change. He doesn’t want to lose these moments because at least he can pretend that he still has her.
She’s everywhere. Her memory lives within this house. Within their child. He can see her in the baby’s eyes. In the way it tries to smile or reach out and grab onto his thumb when it needs him close by.
And it breaks his heart because their baby will never hear the sound of her laugh or feel her reassuring touch.
He has no idea if he’ll be enough. If he can give this child the life it deserves or the love he knows she would have given them. 
He can only do what she would want him to.
His best.
“She loved you so much,” Harry whispers, cheek pressing into the baby’s head. “So, so much. The last thing she ever did was hold you and tell you she loved you. You were the most important thing in the world to her.”
The child only coos as it slips back into a dream-like state, still curled up against Harry’s bare chest as he rocks them back and forth.
Harry smiles. “It’s you and me now, okay? Us against the world. Us. Always.”
He means that more than he's ever meant anything in his life.
And that’s a promise he doesn’t plan to break.
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It's short, I know, but I AM planning a second part so I can explore all the other amazing ideas you guys sent in, I promise!!
Thank you again so much to the original anon, and I hope you don't mind that I changed a couple tiny details! 😭💞
~ Other Harry Blurbs
~ Full Masterlist
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hstylestuff · 3 months
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like or reblog if you save
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britswriting · 1 year
When Mummy's away; we play! h.s
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Summary: Harry's baby surprises him on stage!
Request: No
Warnings: All fluff Xx
Pairing: Y/N + Harry are married
Trope: Dadrry!
MC: Harry
Rate: Everyone
Word Count: 500
Repost/translations: No
You can find this imagine on Wattpad here
Anywhere else, it is reposted without my consent, please report for stolen content!
Harry was standing at his mic, beautifully singing Matilda when he noticed the crowd's screams were a lot louder than normal; popping his eyes open, he scanned the audience, confused.
He made eye contact with a fan, seeing him pointing at the big screen, cranking his neck to see; a big grin landed on his face.
There was his son being filmed, crawling up the stairs.
"It appears we have a guest" He chuckled, hearing the screams.
Harry happily walked over to the side where the steps were, squatting as he opened his arms; encouraging his son. "Come here lovie!" The mic picked up, the crowd cooing at the words. "Come to dada, come here! — Good boy!" Harry cheered, his baby finally reaching the top of the steps. Harry happily picked up his son, kissing his cheek and adjusting his mic.
"Wembley! This is my son, he's learned to crawl" Harry laughed, kissing his son's cheek again. "Where's mummy?" He questioned, walking over to where his wife normally was. "Did mummy abandon you? Where's your mum? Y/N?" Harry spoke into the mic, confused. "I guess we do have a guest, I don't know where your mum went" Harry hummed, bouncing his son a little.
"I guess we're having an intermission" Harry spoke in a baby voice, his son wiggling out of his hold. "They weren't kidding when they said once they learn to move, it's all they want to do!" Harry told the crowd, keeping an eye on his son who was crawling across the stage towards Mitch. "I guess I'm to blame for this one" Harry chuckled, "During sound check I sort of uh.. encouraged this earlier. Ya know? When it was safer… — has anyone located my wife?" Harry questioned again, eyeing towards his manager.
On the big screen showed Harry's 1 year old son messing with Mitche's shoelaces, Mitch wiggling his foot which was frustrating the baby,
Harry covered the mic with his hand, moving it away from him; his back to the crowd as he called for his son, gaining the baby's attention.
Harry and Y/N had decided to keep his name a secret, but the baby quickly turned around at his name, a grin on his face, ignoring whatever Harry had said which ended in Harry walking over and picking him up.
"Terrible twos came early" Harry muttered in the mic, the crowd laughing.
"I guess I'll be sitting down with my little love for this next one! If anyone has located my wife, let me know!" He announced, carefully sitting down on the stage, his son now in his lap, fascinated by the corded mic.
As Harry sang Matilda, he kept looking down at his son, not being able to hold back his smile.
This was home.
Harry was informed once the song was done that Y/N had been located, tsking his wife as she climbed the steps.
"Want to tell the arena where you were off to?" Harry spoke in a fake parental tone which made his wife grin.
"I had to go to the loo! Jeff was babysitting!" She defended, grabbing her baby from her husband.
"So it was Jeff's fault! Typical" He tsked, chuckling, removing the mic and leaning in, whispering in Y/N's ear before covering their faces and then kissing his son, waving bye bye.
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harrrystyles-writing · 11 months
Little Family
Sinopse: Onde S/n assisti a uma entrevista onde Harry diz que ainda a ama.
Personagens: Ex!Harry X Leitora.
Avisos: Um pouco ou muita angústia com final feliz?
Frases: Você foi embora e eu implorei para que isso nunca acontecesse porque eu ainda te amava, você não acha que merecia alguém que estivesse disposto a ficar? /Você é um maldito narcisista. /Por favor, eu não posso, eu não quero discutir esta noite./ Por que você esperou tanto para me dizer como se sente ?
NotaAutora: Juntei dois pedidos, com muitas frases kkkkk mas achei que elas se encaixaram tão bem, então espero que gostem🥰
Pedido anonimo| Pedido: fluff n14º aqui
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Você saiu do carro e respirou fundo, tentando acalmar todas suas emoções, já era muito difícil ver Harry após decidirem dividir a guarda de sua linda garotinha quando ele terminou o noivado, mas após ter visto aquela maldita entrevista, certamente não sabia se conseguiria vê-lo sem desmoronar.
Às palavras dele ainda ecoavam em sua mente.
— Então, Harry, você agora é pai, certo? Como está a paternidade para você?
— Eu amo ser pai, minha pequena Anne é a melhor coisa que aconteceu em minha vida.
— S/n, é uma boa mãe?
— S/n é uma mãe incrível, ela é muito compreensiva com minha carreira, à dedicação e amor que ela dá a nossa filha é admirável e eu a amo mais por isso.
— Ahhh! Que lindo, mas vocês estão separados, certo?
— Sim, infelizmente, mas S/n é o amor da minha vida, é a mãe da minha filha, um amor desses não desaparece assim.
— Se arrepende pelo término? Se não for muito difícil dizer.
— Todos os dias, mas acho que não há salvação para mim.
— Oh! Harry Todos nós merecemos uma segunda chance, tenho certeza que se ainda se amam acharam o caminho de volta.
— Quem sabe um dia, eu realmente gostaria muito de consertar as coisas.
Segurando firme todo ressentimento, apertou a campainha, suas mãos não conseguiam ficar quietas nos poucos segundos que esperou a porta ser aberta, Harry com um sorriso no rosto apareceu, ele estava tão bonito como sempre, com seu cabelo recém cortado, a barba feita, foi impossível não sentir aquela pontada de saudades ao olhá-lo.
"Oi." Disse tímida.
"Oi" Ele parecia feliz em vê-la.
"Anne está pronta?"
"Bem, na verdade, estamos jantando."
"Eu disse que viria às 20:00, ela já deveria estar pronta, Harry." Você suspirou irritada.
A cada minuto perto dele era uma tortura.
"Nós perdemos um pouco a noção de tempo enquanto brincávamos, me desculpe." Ele coçou a cabeça. "Por que você não fica um pouco? Você está com fome? Se quiser pode jantar com a gente?" Sugeriu casualmente.
Como se não tivesse destruído seu coração.
"Não estou, mas posso ficar um pouco."
Sentar naquela mesa era estranho, parecerem uma família, quando agora não passavam de dois estranhos.
Mesmo você insistindo que não, Harry preparou um prato para você, ele ajudava a pequena Anne a comer os legumes.
"Muito goxtoso papai." A garotinha de 2 anos agradeceu.
"Obrigada minha pequena." Ele sorriu.
Era agonizante ver aquele momento feliz entre pai e filha.
Você não tocou na comida, mas o ajudou a tirar a mesa, depois que sua filha terminou de comer, e o observou terminar de arrumar as coisas de Anne para levá-la para casa.
"Eu vi a entrevista." Não conseguiu evitar dizer assim que viu Harry amarrando os sapatos de sua filha.
"O quê?" No mesmo instante ele virou-se para você.
"À entrevista que saiu hoje, sobre você, sobre nós, às pessoas não param de me marcar."
"Me desculpe, eu só…"
"Tudo bem." Você o interrompeu. "Mas não nos mencione de novo, eu não sei que tipo de marketing você pensava ganhar com isso, como bom pai ou noivo arrependido, mas por favor não nos envolva nisso."
"Eu não... Eu nunca faria isso com vocês."
"Como disse que nunca ia nos deixar? Mas olha o que aconteceu não é?"
"S/n!" Ele se levantou, tentando se aproximar.
Ele estava tão arrependido. Não foi intenção menciona-lá na entrevista, apenas saiu.
"Não me toque, por favor." Ele se afastou no instante seguinte. "Obrigado."
"Eu quero muito poder esclarecer as coisas, podemos ter essa conversa, hoje?" Ele disse tímido. "Uma hora temos que conversar."
"Por favor, eu não posso, eu não quero discutir esta noite."
"Não tenho essa intenção, eu só quero conversar, eu prometo que depois disso você pode só ir embora sem dizer nada, se quiser."
"Você faz muitas promessas para alguém que as quebra na primeira oportunidade." Isso foi como uma facada no coração de Harry. "E não acho que seja uma boa ideia, eu preciso levar a Anne para casa, já está tarde."
"Ela pode dormir aqui, um dia a mais não fará mal, eu faço uma xícara de chá e podemos conversar como dois adultos, só me dê essa chance, por favor?" Ele implorou com seu olhar triste. Era uma ideia estúpida, mas você gostaria de ouvir o que ele tinha a dizer, vocês nunca tiveram uma conversa após o término, talvez essa fosse a hora certa. "S/n?"
"Tudo bem."
Demorou um pouco mais de meia hora quando Harry apareceu na cozinha novamente, você não se atreveu a ficar com ele para fazer sua filha dormir, era muito doloroso, então em um abraço apertado e um beijo você se despediu dela na porta do quarto improvisado que ele fez, antes dele começar a contar a história de ninar.
"Oi." Ele sorriu ao vê-la sentada em sua banqueta.
"Ainda gosta de chá de frutas vermelhas com um toque de mel?"
"Sim." Seu rosto corou.
Ele ainda lembrava.
Já faz um ano desde que ele simplesmente foi embora e tem sido os piores meses de sua vida, mas estar ali sentada vendo ele preparar o chá, você não sabia por que, mas a fez se sentir em casa.
"Aqui está." Ele passou a xícara fumegante antes de ficar em pé recostado ao balcão em sua frente.
"Está... Está tudo bem se eu disser que eu realmente... Eu realmente sinto sua falta?" Ele gaguejou sentindo seu peito apertar.
"Não, acho que você perdeu esse direito no momento em que me abandonou."
"Eu não abandonei você, eu continuo aqui, cuidando de Anne."
"Você continua aqui por ela, não por mim, então não diga que sente minha falta, não fale que me ama em rede nacional quando você nem merece dizer meu nome depois do que fez." Você despejou todo ressentimento guardado em cima dele.
"Me perdoe, eu não queria que as coisas fossem assim, eu realmente não queria."
Um silêncio se instalou no ambiente por alguns minutos.
"Eu só quero que você saiba S/n, você não sai da minha mente, é uma merda, eu não consigo te esquecer, foi difícil para caralho esse ano sem ter você por perto e eu vivo de migalhas, só esperando você aparecer para trazer e pegar a Anne e eu poder te ver, eu sinto falta de como éramos, vocês significam muito para mim, você significa muito para mim."
"Você está brincando comigo?!" Você riu amargamente. "Você é um maldito narcisista." Você apontou o dedo para ele. "Se eu realmente significasse muito para você, você teria ficado." Você não queria brigar com Harry, mas não conseguia parar de sentir toda a dor e raiva que ele causou. "Você foi embora e eu implorei para que isso nunca acontecesse porque eu ainda te amava, você não acha que merecia alguém que estivesse disposto a ficar?" Você pensou que nunca mais iria chorar por Harry, mas estava errada.
"Eu estraguei tudo, eu sei, mas não há um dia que não pense e me arrependa disso." Diz cabisbaixo. "Você não merecia, eu sei disso." Ele levantou o rosto, você pôde ver que ele também tinha seu rosto molhado pelas lágrimas. "Eu só fiquei com medo, medo de estragar tudo e, no fundo, eu realmente fiz isso."
"Do que você tinha tanto medo? Porque eu não entendo Harry, eu fiz de tudo para que déssemos certo." Você se levantou, não conseguindo mais se manter parada naquela cadeira.
"Eu sempre achei que nunca seria o suficiente para você, para nossa filha, eu não poderia te dar uma vida normal à vocês, eu queria, como eu tentei, o primeiro ano em que passamos com nossa filha juntos foi incrível, aquela bolha que criamos em volta de nós era perfeita, eu nunca fui tão feliz em passar todo aquele ano com vocês em casa, havia aquela maldita pandemia, mas eu estava com vocês, em casa e eu nunca me sentir tão normal, porém quando eu precisei sair de novo, voltar para minha vida de shows e mais shows e isso foi me consumindo, me fez sentir inútil pra caralho, como um pai ruim e um noivo ruim, então pensei que fosse melhor só deixá-la livre para achar alguém que pudesse te dar tudo o que eu nunca poderia dar."
"Por que você esperou tanto para me dizer como se sente?" Você aproximou-se um pouco mais, não o suficiente. "Se você me contasse isso, nós poderíamos darmos um jeito em vez de deixar chegar tão longe."
"Porque assim que tivemos a Anne, você sempre fazia planos sobre a casa perfeita, sobre nosso casamento perfeito e nossa vida perfeita e era assustador, eu sentia como se você esperasse que eu fosse outra pessoa, sempre mencionado o casamento perfeito e monótono de seus pais, como você invejava a vida normal que eles tiveram, era como se eu não pudesse me encaixar nesse papel perfeito de pai e marido que você tanto sonhava."
"Harry! Eu nunca pedi para você mudar por mim, eu sempre amei você e nossa vida como era, sim, talvez não fosse como eu queria muitas vezes, mas ainda era você e ainda era nossa pequena família e era isso que importava." Você se recusou a acreditar nele.
"Você nunca disse, mas era como eu me sentia perto de você e era realmente muito difícil para mim então eu só precisei ir, mas eu arrependo todos os dias por isso porque eu pensei que seria melhor assim, que era o certo a se fazer, mas depois de um tempo eu realmente comecei a me perguntar se havia feito a coisa certa, porque o vazio em meu coração não parecia ter fim." Ele deu um passo em sua direção e você não se afastou desta vez.
"Eu sinto muito, eu nunca quis que se sentisse assim, se eu soubesse talvez eu pudesse só mudar e consertar o que estava errado."
"Eu sei que não, mas não havia como consertar porque o problema não era você nunca foi você, hoje eu entendo que projetei todo meu medo em nossa família." Às mãos dele viajaram até suas mãos, envolvendo-as levemente, quando você não se moveu, ele soube o que precisava dizer. "Eu te amo"
"Não diga isso, por favor, não."
"Você não precisa dizer nada, eu só quero que saiba."
"Harry, você não sabe que dizer coisas assim me machucam?"
"Me deixa consertar as coisas, fazer isso passar."
"Eu não posso simplesmente deixar você entrar na minha vida de novo, entende? Você causou essa dor!"
"Eu sei, eu sei e sei que sou o único que posso fazer ela ir embora."
"Não é tão fácil, você foi embora por um motivo, então por que desta vez seria diferente?"
"Porque eu vou fazer dar certo, eu não me importo com o que tenho que fazer, eu deixo minha carreira de lado para viver uma vida com vocês se for preciso, porque eu odeio o que nos tornamos, odeio não acordar todos os dias ao seu lado e não suportaria vê-la com outro alguém, eu to aqui agora implorando por uma chance, eu quero consertar as coisas, por favor, me dê a chance de mostrar que mudei, me dê a chance não apenas por nós, mas também para a nossa Anne, ela merece crescer e ver seus pais juntos, você pertence à mim e eu pertenço a você, nós dois sabemos disso, não há como negar que nascemos um para o outro."
Ele pareceu tão sincero, tão desesperado, você sentiu isso no fundo da sua alma, sua confissão fez seu coração se apertar, você realmente queria acreditar, mas seu ego ferido ainda a deixava desconfiada.
"Eu não quero que você se sinta pressionado de novo em dar a vida perfeita para mim, eu não quero que você desista do seu sonho, Harry, eu nunca quis." Você murmurou tristemente. "Eu não quero que se sentia como se sentia, então do que valeria a pena estarmos juntos se você não estivesse feliz?"
"Porque eu não me sinto mais assim e nada disso importa se eu não tiver você, eu não sou feliz sem você."
"Harry, eu... Eu estou com medo."
"Tudo bem ter medo." Ele pegou seu rosto entre as mãos. "Eu também estou." Aqueles olhos verdes estavam focados nos seus como se visse sua alma.
"Podemos ir devagar?" Suspirou fechando os olhos. "Ainda preciso de um tempo para conseguir olhá-lo sem que meu coração doa."
"Eu esperaria mil vidas por você, porque vale a pena esperar por você, então , quando você estiver pronta, estarei bem aqui." Harry proferiu descansando sua testa na sua.
Você se aconchegou nos braços dele em um abraço e Harry não conteve o sorriso que invadiu seus lábios, era tudo o que ele mais queria, ter sua pequena família novamente.
Muito obrigado por ler até aqui! Se gostou por favor considere deixar uma ask aqui, com seu Feedback, isso é realmente muito importante pra mim e minha escrita 🥰
Taglist: @say-narry @umadirectioner @harry-sofrida
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haarrrys · 6 months
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⌗fluff !
❛ boopeep - summary : y/n is hiding something, or someone, from harry, who is on the other side of the world.
⌗angst !
( to be added )
⌗insta !
( to be added )
⌗dadharry !
( to be added )
⌗series !
❛ harry x amani - summary : random oneshots of singledad!harry and his daughter amani! 🍼🍪🧸
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sunkissedlouis · 2 months
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harry at the man united vs luton game 02.18.24
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harrywavycurly · 4 months
It’s been 8 years since Harry said “I mean…” and slapped his box closed on tattoo roulette while Niall recovered from a panic attack right next to him and I’ve thought about it everyday since.
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shawnxstyles · 6 months
baby honey 2
summary: you and harry need to talk. so, you do. along with other things.
song: Fantasy- the driver era
words: 7.2k
warnings: SMUT (f- receiving [oral, choking], daddy kink, slight dumbification, mentions of voyurism/exhibitism [not clearly stated] and porn, protected sex, dirty talk!!), language, and a very blunt y/n.
note: i actually got a part two out not that long after the first part?? omg?? monumental moment here guys. enjoy! PART ONE!
secret pornstar!harry x secret pornstar!y/n
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DaylightDaddy [verified]: What are you doing to me?
You were waiting by your computer for the longest sixteen minutes of your life. That’s how long it took Harry to watch your less-than-ten-minute video and then text you back. Your heart, which was still flat on the floor of your stomach, leaps excitedly when it sees Harry’s message on your computer screen.
That message alone verified to you that DaylightDaddy was indeed Harry. Of course Harry would bring back his infamous saying at a time like this. You wanted to ditch the conversation on this website and text Harry personally. You also wanted to go to his house and pounce on him for being ridiculously attractive and vulnerable. You were an idiot by not saying anything yesterday and he was an idiot by being so blunt and angry. You both could have ruined not only your friendship but your chances at being something more by not talking. Communication is key, yet you’re still locked.
Maybe because somewhere in the dark crack of your heart, you’re terrified that you’ll be vulnerable to a man that’s six years older than you just for him to say that he doesn’t actually like you. He just likes your breasts and the idea of sleeping with you.
But that’s not Harry, right?
Without responding to his message, you grab your phone that has been forgotten on your floor. The second you sent that video to him you chucked it across the room and hoped for the best. It seems as though it worked, but at the same time, there is still so much unsaid with Harry. So many feelings you need to work out. But first, you need to talk and figure out how you both actually feel. Is it just lust? Is it just the fact that you two work together? Or is it something more?
Y/N: harry
He texts you almost simultaneously.
Harry: Y/N
Your fingers freeze at the keyboard. Even though you were just talking to him, how do you bring up such a serious conversation. We need to talk? Or I need to talk to you? They both sound bad.
Harry: Are you working today?
You and Harry both know damn well neither of you works. Him asking this question just seems like he’s continuing to avoid you, and avoid the inevitable conversation that you guys need to have. Did your video not spark a lightbulb in his head? How can he not tell that you do feel whatever he feels? Maybe even more…
Y/N: i am not, but i think you know that
Y/N: can we talk? are you busy?
You know he’s not busy, but that doesn’t make his reaction any scarier.
Harry: I’m free
Harry: Do you want to come over
It was one of the scariest texts he’s ever sent. After what just went down between you two, inviting you over could mean anything. It’s clear there’s a strong attraction connecting you both, but there is also a lot of murky water that needs to be cleaned.
Y/N: yes
Harry: Let me pick you up
That stubbornness inside of you that Harry is all too familiar with wanted to fight him. To tell him that you are more than capable of driving yourself, even though you only have Penny’s car for one more day. But him suggesting to pick you up showed his desperation to see you. And maybe that was a good thing. Maybe the forward action instead of the backing away was what you two needed.
Y/N: okay
Y/N: give me an hour!!
You needed time to think about it of course.
Within that hour, you were going crazy. You took a warm, hard-pressed shower in order to massage all the tension in your body and hopefully in your mind. You thought about every possible scenario about seven thousand times, hoping that you’d get it right. This time, you planned to say the right words and not stand there like a fucking statue when faced with his vulnerability. This time, you were going to be vulnerable too, because you’ve never had a chance at something more like this before. And you don’t want to ruin it just because you’re afraid. How lame is that?
While you were waiting for Harry to text you, you pace around the room. Your eyes averted to your computer that was still lying on your bed, and the only thing you could think about was your conversation with Harry. Not only had he called you attractive but he compared your beauty to everyone on the website and still said you were the most attractive. Was that just him flirting? Or was he being serious? You wondered if Harry really felt that way about you and you hoped you would find out soon.
On that thought, you never even checked if his money went through. You know the second that it does you’ll be giving it right back to him. So, while you’re still waiting, you open up your bank app on your phone. Even though you’re sitting on your bed now, your leg is still bouncing up and down, anxiety infiltrating your blood like the most insane drug.
When you finally comprehend the number that is present on your screen, your eyes nearly pop out of their sockets. You blink a couple hundred times before briskly checking your most recent transactions. In neon green letters an extravagant $2000+ appears in front of you. Your hand jaggedly and slowly finds its way over your agape mouth, bewildered at Harry’s extreme act. What on earth would cause Harry to willingly send you that much money? Yes, you have complained about your financial situation, but you also clearly denied Harry of a loan. Now, you have to send his money back and it’s going to be really awkward. Another thing you have to add to your list of “Things to Talk Through with Harry”. Just as you close the app, Harry texts you that he’s at your place.
“Hey,” You manage to cough out as you slide nervously into his passenger seat.
“Hey,” Harry replies with a thick swallow. His grip on the steering wheel changes from intense to loose every few seconds before he starts the car.
There’s a low hum on the radio along with his air conditioning blowing cool air towards you. But other than that, no one had said a word. You peek over the dashboard a few times to see the road, wondering how far Harry lives from you and how quickly you can get out of this car. You hoped when you got to his house that this unbreathable, anxious tension would have died down, so you two can finally sort this shit out.
As a few more minutes pass by, you realize that you hate this. You hate the awkward silence that’s dawning over your friendship and making you overthink every single word. It’s never been like this with Harry, ever. You’ve never had to second-guess your late-night conversations and he never had to restrain his friendly charm. This, this tension, is unlike both of you.
You have to talk. Maybe you should mention the money?
“I know y’want to say something. Just say it, please, I can’t stand this awkwardness,” Harry blurts out as he stops at a red light. You inhale and blink, suddenly feeling a bit more alive with the sound of his voice.
“I looked at my bank,” You said, looking down at your lap. You were already being shy and you haven’t even got to the actual vulnerable stuff yet. What is wrong with you?
“Have you?”
“Yeah, and I saw the money you gave me.”
“Harry, you know I can’t take that,” Now, you turn your head towards his, which is safely facing the road. But you know he sees you and you know he’s stressed with your stubbornness.
“But you already did. It’s in your account, yeah?”
“Okay, but–”
“I don’t understand why you won’t take my money. Is it not good enough for you or somethin’?” Harry’s voice has become more agitated, making his last turn a bit sharper. You see him take a deep breath as he pulls into a driveway of a nice house. It was nice because the lawn was green and cut and the color of its walls were a pleasant cream color with a smooth navy blue as its border. It wasn’t the biggest house ever, but Harry was more practical than that. He didn’t need some huge, showy house in order to seem cool. Harry was already cool, whether he knew it or not.
“All money is the same, you doy.”
“You didn’t want it when I said I could loan it to you. Then I found a way to give it to you because you earned it and you still won’t take it. How does that make sense?”
“That’s different!”
“How is that different?”
“You of all people should know!”
Harry groans out of frustration and gets out of the car. “Let’s just get in the house.”
You follow suit, shutting the car door a little more roughly than you thought. Before you know it, you’re in his house and it’s just so Harry. His furniture is smooth; all browns and woods. He had pictures of his family scattered along with abstract art. By his decently sized television is a large record player next to an impressive case of vinyls. He even has a miniature bookshelf full of books that would probably bore you, but it still fascinates you.
“What, have you never seen a house before?”
“Don’t get all snappy with me. We were supposed to talk.”
“You make it difficult.”
“Why? Because I won’t take your money?”
“That doesn’t help,” he crosses his arms before dropping to sit on his couch. Again, you follow him, but keep your distance. You don’t miss the way his house smells just like him; a homey breeze of fresh air with a sprinkle of nature. It was earthly and friendly and charming. Just like him. “But it’s your stubbornness.”
To be fair, your stubbornness is one of Harry’s favorite traits about you. But it’s also the one that gets under his skin the most. He admires the way you can stand up for yourself and you know how to get exactly what you want. But he’s noticed that your need for independence interferes with your other desires.
“I can’t help it. I was born to fight,” You sighed out, lying against the couch cushions. “At least that’s what my dad always says.”
“I don’t want to fight, Honey,” The new nickname has rows of shivers cascading your skin. You feel a tingle in your stomach that you get when he says something charming or flirtatious. It’s impossible to fight the butterflies and heart pulses he gives you.
“Me either,” You take a deep breath, just like you did in the shower and just like Harry did in the car. This was your time to be vulnerable, to be first. You wanted to show Harry that you cared and that you weren’t just being stubborn to be annoying. You loved when you guys would close together, even if you consistently told him you would do it yourself. You loved the late-night talks you would have while cleaning up the bar, talking about anything and everything in order to waste time. You were endeared that Harry always walked you to your car in the early morning after the doors were locked just to make sure you were safe. You missed the way his hands felt on your arms when he caught you and the feeling of his chest pressed closely to yours. Friends don’t crave like that. No, because you weren’t friends. You were more and you both knew it. You cared about him and you appreciated his care for you. Shit, you freaking liked him and it took you both revealing your secret identities to prove it. Even if you two haven’t technically talked about it.
“Everything you told me that night. Was it true?��
There was a weighted beat. One that was long and heavy enough to shatter the earth.
“Yes, of course it was. Why would I lie about that?”
“I don’t–” You turned to face him. “I’m not…good at this stuff. I don’t randomly hook up with people or go on dates. I especially don’t go to their house after sending them a video of me orgasming to confess my feelings to them.”
Harry blinks. He didn’t think you would mention it so vulgarly, but maybe he doesn’t know you like he thought he did. But he would like to. He doesn’t sound like you’re accusing him of doing those things, more of just you warning him about yourself. Harry does extract the little hint of your words and uses them to interrogate you.
“Feelings. What feelings?”
“Well, currently I’m frustrated–”
“Y/N,” his voice of seriousness causes your eyes to drop into your lap. You fiddle with your thumbs like a nervous kindergartener on their first day of school. It wasn’t like you to get so shy. You were a bartender for a living; you couldn’t be shy. But you just haven’t reserved these types of feelings for someone in so long it feels foreign. It feels as though you’re stretching outside of your comfortable zone and forcing you to be sheepish with your eyes down.
“Fine. I like…our friendship. A lot. But this week made me realize that I want more than that. With you,” You peer up at him through your eyelids, hoping not to see his face cringe with disgust at your words. But Harry’s face is flattened straight with nothing but the intent of listening. He even has a sparkle of softness in his eyes that makes your heart lurch out to him. He cared, and it showed in his features. Your mom always told you that people’s real emotions were always revealed on their face, and it was written like a love letter over his.
His patient silence makes you want to fill it with some type of conversation due to the uncomfortableness with your sudden vulnerability. Skittishly, you swallow in an attempt to coat your dry throat. “But I haven’t got much further than that. I know that I’m attracted to you. I mean, fuck, you saw the video, right? I probably didn’t even need the bullet–what did I just say? That’s not what I wanted to say. I wanted to say that I don’t want this to just be an attraction because I don’t think I could handle that. That felt good to say. I think I’ve said “say” too much and now it sounds weird…”
“I feel that way too,” he replies, the smallest curve of his lip breaking the straight line. He adores the way you rant when you're nervous, it is now a new thing he is adding to his list. He loves making you nervous because you give him little details about yourself. “Thank you for finally getting the balls to tell me. Took you long enough.”
You didn’t expect him to say that. You didn’t practice that in the shower! “Me?! You were the one who was avoiding me!” You were shouting, but it was all fun now. A laugh followed as a bright smile crept on your face. Something like a weight felt lifted off your shoulders, off your chest.
“But who said something first?”
“You said you liked my breasts and that you get jealous easily. Doesn’t seem like you were confessing any feelings,” You jokingly roll your eyes as he scoots closer to you.
“Why would I get jealous if I didn’t like ya? Thought I made tha’ obvious.”
“Could have been more. Then we could have avoided this all together.”
“You probably would’ve just stood there with y’mouth open.”
Your mouth indeed falls open as he laughs, his comment causing you to gasp in joking offense. You take that moment to punch his shoulder, but his hand catches your wrist during the movement. Your laughs are halted when you both realize how close you are; your thighs were touching and his face was only a few inches from yours. The whiff of his scent gave you flashbacks to last night when he caught you and you were pressed perfectly against his toned chest. Thinking of his chest made you remember the videos you saw online and how addicting they were to watch, especially after you found out it actually was Harry. Now, you know how porn addicts come to be.
Unintentionally, you lick your lips while looking at his. You don’t miss the way he does the same, glaring at your lips like he’s starving and their his last meal. Your lips have haunted him ever since your first day; painted in red and screaming fierce. The way you smiled was mesmerizing to Harry, but you could say the same about Harry’s effortless charm. It’s been too long dreaming and imagining your lips on his own. Now, with everything out in the open–besides the whole porn star thing, which is for another time–maybe he can finally kiss those lips. Kiss them so well that he ruins any other man for you in the bar, in school, in porn, in life. Staring at your lips made Harry think crazy things. He can’t even imagine the filth his brain will conjure if he sees your naked body in real life.
He’s getting too ahead of himself.
“You smell good,” You whispered, forcing yourself to break the pressing tension. You two were slowly inching towards each other, so he could feel your words float over his own lips like a ghost. He hums at the feeling and the compliment. “Like a forest.”
“How long are we gonna sit like this until I can kiss ya?” The statement made your cheeks blaze with fire and your stomach tumble.
Clearly you were both done beating around the bush.
“I was waiting for you to ask! What if you didn’t want to? You know how important consent is too–”
But Harry doesn’t wait for you to stop your incessant rant. He smashes his lips to yours like he’s been dying to all this time. Your lips mush together, creating a warm, gooey feeling inside of your stomach. Harry releases your wrist and slides his hands down to your waist and carries you over to his lap. You gently bite down on his bottom lip seductively, causing him to groan against you. His rough hands pinch the skin of your hips, making you squeak in his mouth. He uses the opportunity to slide his tongue in, exploring your mouth like its new land on earth.
It’s been so long for you, you can barely remember the last time you’ve been kissed. But you know for damn sure it was never like this. It was never this fiery, this passionate, this wanted, this needed. Kissing Harry was like drinking water after being dehydrated; so obsessively satisfying, you can’t get enough. Until you drink too much and then your stomach hurts, but you doubt that will happen.
Harry can feel himself growing impressively hard underneath you. Even with you above him fully clothed has his body and mind going haywire. He’s not sure how far this is going to go, but he’s also not sure how long he’s going to last. Shit, if you even palm his bulge he might come.
And you thought he didn’t want this.
Your hands around his neck slide their way down his chest as his grip on your hips gets tighter. He pushes you closer, making you arch your back until your breasts are pressing against his chest. The abrupt movement causes the kiss to break, a breathless gasp eliciting from your swollen mouth.
“Jesus,” Harry huffs out.
Harry ignores your question. “What do y’want?”
“You…? I thought I made that pretty clear–”
“Don’t be a smart mouth. Or I’ll put it to good use,” His threat sends a tingle straight to your core, which was covered by your soaking underwear. Just the idea of him forcing you on the floor to take his cock in your throat was erotic enough for you to get off of. Actually doing it might make you come on the spot. “What, you like that?”
“What if I do?”
“Then I can make it happen, baby.”
“But what if I want something else more?”
“Say the words.”
You hesitated. As a porn star, you’re pretty good with dirty talk. In the past, you have had no problem whispering sweet, seductive words. But Harry has your tongue tied, brain mushy, and body gooey.
“I want you inside of me.” You were straight-forward. Honest. After this whole ordeal with you two, you figured you both deserved some relief.
“I’ve been waiting too fuckin’ long for those words.”
Without wasting another minute, Harry lifts both you and himself off the couch. You make a little squeal sound before grabbing on tight to him so you don’t fall. When you somehow get to his bedroom, you’re gently tossed on his bed with a smile hanging from your lips. Harry climbs over you and immediately tugs the hem of your shirt.
“Please take it off.”
You did not need to tell him twice.
Harry did just as you asked as quickly as possible because you two were both getting a bit desperate. Like before, Harry loves edging and teasing and being in control. And one day, he’s going to do it all with you. But right now, he just needs to be inside of you, as selfish as it sounds.
Once he flips your shirt off, you’re brisk to clip off your bra. Goosebumps pimple along your skin in anticipation of what’s to come as Harry’s eyes flit over your body. He swallows harshly, mind swimming in a thousand thoughts that were all related to you. His searing gaze only makes you more flushed with heat, elbows sinking into the mattress while you wait for him to do something. You push yourself up and tug the end of his T-shirt.
“Well, what is it? Why are you looking at me like that?”
“‘Cause you’re really here.”
“That is so sweet, but please, fuck me first. I need it.” Maybe his searing gaze also gave you a newfound confidence that allowed you to say what was actually on your mind. His intense stare made you feel powerful. Like you were in control.
“Jesus Christ, we have to fix that mouth,” he growls as you slide off his shirt over his head while he kneels on the edge of the bed. You don’t even get another word in before he’s crashing his lips back onto yours in another heated kiss.
It’s not much different from the first one–maybe a little more sloppy because you’re both getting needy. Both your mouths are sloshed together with sparks tingling on your tongues. Those sparks are igniting flames within your souls, making the stress and yearning worth it. Everything felt worth it when you two were this close together.
With the same passion, Harry forces himself away from your mouth and down your neck. He’s not gentle with his teeth, nibbling with each peck of your skin he passes. Each nick injects excitement through your veins, turning you on more than you would like to admit. You already know that there will be little marks because your skin is so sensitive, but you can’t find it in yourself to care. You actually are endeared by a bunch of little marks rather than a few huge ones. Maybe you can pass the miniature hickies off as freckles…
When Harry gets to your breasts, he wants to stop and stare. Take a few long minutes to just encompass the beauty that is in front of him. But he assumes you don’t want to be ogled anymore, since he was standing still and gazing at you like a teenage girl taking a picture of a pink sunset. So, instead, his lips enclose around your nipple. His tongue glides around it, feeling its pointiness peak until he is satisfied with the sounds coming from your lewd mouth. He does the same to the other side until you’re panting and your heart has turned erratic.
His pink lips trail down your torso, marking each inch of skin with a bit of saliva and a warm kiss. His fingers traced your shape, gently scratching at your sides until you were practically squirming in his touch. You’ve never been this wet in your life and it was driving you insane. Harry was driving you insane.
“So soft, Honey,” he coos when he reaches the waistline of your pants. You help him remove the clothing, so you’re not wasting anymore time because it’s blatantly obvious you’re both desperate as hell. His compliment made your skin tingle and your spine shiver. That nickname would be the death of you, you were sure of it. He made you feel all hot and dizzy but also made you gooey and cared for. It was an intense combination of emotions that you definitely needed to sort out. But after you get his cock inside of you.
Yeah. You could settle for that.
Harry now had a full view of your underwear, which was completely soaked through. But at this point, you’re not even embarrassed as much as you are needy. Hell, you’re even spreading your legs wider for him so he has quicker access to you. Yeah. It was that bad.
“Look at you all wet and drippy,” Harry smirks as he hooks his fingers in your panties. He surprises you by pulling them up, the fabric being consumed by your pussy lips. “Such a pretty cunt. Never even seen you this wet on a video. I must be special.”
“It’s all for you, Harry. Or should I say Daddy?” Now, you were smirking. You were only teasing, but at the same time, you were testing the waters. If Harry’s username used the title, you had an inkling that he had some type of kink towards it, right?
With a subtle grunt, he yanks your legs closer to him and widens them even further apart. He doesn’t even hesitate to rip your panties in half and discard the now wasted fabric.
“Harry!” You yelled, shocked at how quickly bare you are. And that he just shredded your underwear. But it was also kind of hot. Like very hot. He slapped the inside of your thigh as a warning, a stinging zip coursing straight to your core.
“No more Harry for you. Since y’want to be such a smart mouth, when you speak, y’better say Daddy.”
Before you know it, his head is lowering towards your cunt. His lips latch onto your clit similarly to your nipple and suck. You let out a gasping moan, fingers instantly clawing at the sheets of his bed. His tongue delves into your folds and warmly slips into you like you wished his cock would. But you were currently in heaven with the heat of his mouth devouring you like his last meal on Earth.
The way his large hands gripped and man-handled your thighs was enough to leave bruising. But you wanted the bruising. You wanted to feel the pain and soreness of this tomorrow just in case it never happens again. You’re not sure what all of this is going to mean for you guys, but you don’t think this will be the end. No, you think it’s going to be the beginning.
You could feel yourself getting wetter with each lick and slurp. Your tailbone was beginning to ache from arching your back to the absolute max. Once that all-too familiar feeling was rushing towards you like a train, Harry’s mouth only got quicker. He even started spitting on your cunt and watched the juices mix together, and that only made your insides clench at the lewdness of it all. Harry was a dirty, dirty man. You knew he was only showing bits and pieces of himself. You wanted to unravel it all and learn more about him and what he liked. But maybe that was for another time…
Without realizing it, your hands were sewn in his brown curls, forcing his head to remain on your clit until you reached your high. Harry’s groans were muffled into vibrations as you tugged, getting more pleasure through them. Your hips were moving in circular motions, but Harry pressed you down with his forearm to keep you flat and still.
“Har–” He pinched your ass, causing you to shriek and correct yourself, “Daddy, please, I’m so close. I’m right there.”
You rarely begged. On your livestreams and videos, you were confident and sexy and seducing because that’s what your audience liked. It’s what you’ve learned and grown to do. You weren’t used to needing something from someone else so fucking bad that you were pleading for them to make you satisfied. Harry’s mouth was currently your kryptonite because you would do anything for him to get you to the finish line.
He suckled on your clit for a few long seconds before you were coming in his mouth. Chants of his title were echoing loudly in his room that the neighbors probably thought you were dying. You were, just in a different way. Harry was gladly swallowing all your juices , his chin sloppy with all them. When it all got too much, you tried to push him away, but he didn’t move until he was completely done.
“Taste so sweet. Just like honey.”
He doesn’t fail to bring more heat onto your skin, even after just having his mouth on you. Something about the way he compliments you and manages to incorporate the word honey will always get you. He seems to read you so easily, and no one’s ever done that before.
“Knew from the video that you’d taste amazing.”
“I can’t believe you sent me that video by the way.”
“What? Why?”
“What if it wasn’t me?”
“It’s my job, Harry.”
“So? You were moanin’ my name. That means it’s for me. You’re for me.” The staring that was occurring between you quickly ended as your eyes flitted away from him. You made sure to look anywhere else but him as you heard the sound of his pants falling. Sometimes, Harry could be pretty blunt in the way he claimed you, but at the same time very guarded. He’s saying that you’re his, but you two haven’t even discussed things that far yet.
“Says who?”
“Says me. Right now,” Harry practically growls as he climbs over your body again, his insane physique hovering over you. You never thought you would actually see the day that Harry–the charming, tattooed, sexy man you worked with–was on top of you. You’ve only ever envisioned him in your wet dreams doing the most sinful things known. God wouldn’t be able to forgive the sins you’ve conjured in your brain.
You don’t even get to retort because you’re only thinking about his cock. You had felt his impressive bulge on the couch and assumed he had been rocking himself into the bed while eating you out. As he kissed your neck again, you would feel his hardness poking at you greedily, but you haven’t even looked at it yet. It was probably just as pretty as it was in all his videos.
He extends himself towards his night stand while you’re caught in your thoughts, snatching a condom. You’re glad he didn’t ask to go bare like most guys do. But “most guys” to you are a bunch of college losers who just want to get their dick wet and don’t actually care about the consequences. If you were to get pregnant, they probably wouldn’t even blink an eye before leaving. But you knew Harry wasn’t like that. No, he was the type to think things through and actually be mature about things. Besides the fact that he avoided you…but it’s not like you were very mature about it either. Maybe the age distance between you and Harry was something that you needed. The college boys just weren’t doing it for you.
It’s strange how so many thoughts can sprout from a simple as Harry grabbing a condom. The bare fucking minimum.
“What’s wrong?” Harry’s voice was full of concern as his thick thumb rubbed over your warm cheek. You hadn’t even realized how close he had gotten since he had stretched over towards the drawer and you didn’t know that he’d already put the condom on. So, again, you missed the sight of his huge, God-like dick in-person. Despite all of that, a ping of appreciation hit you right in the heart at Harry’s attention to detail because you know that those college boys wouldn’t have noticed a damn thing.
“Nothing, I–”
“Don’t lie, Honey. Do y’still want this? We don’t have to,” he reassured, eyes sparking with something that was different from the hidden lust. His voice could be rough and firm, but it could also be soothing and sweet. He had these sides to him that he would encompass. Not necessarily switch like a light but transition into smoothly.
“Harry, I’m fine. I promise. This is the only thing I want right now,” You rested your hand on top of his on your cheek. At that moment, everything felt a little more intimate. A little more love-like. The idea of sex turning into “love-making” currently terrified you, but the racing of your heart wasn’t from fear. No, it felt like it was exciting and anxious but in the best way. “Actually, I would be not so fine if you didn’t put your dick in me.”
“You have such a dirty mouth when you’re blunt, Honey,” Harry smoothes his hand down your body and finds your clit again, rubbing gentle circles over the throbbing nerves. Even though you just came only minutes prior, you continued to get wet with every second you were waiting for him. The sight of his body with all those beautiful designs was enough to get you ready for another. He didn’t even have to work you up.
“Thought that’s what you wanted.”
“I’m hearin’ more attitude than screams of m’name. Let’s change that.”
With a devilish smirk, Harry pushes himself close to you and levels into you. His cock enters you slowly but fully as your lungs forget to breathe. Realizing this, you breathe before Harry can scold you about it. His dick was nearly all in because you could feel the weight of his thighs hovering over you deliciously along with the rest of his tattooed body.
When Harry hears and sees you take a deep breath, he pulls out just to push back in again. You elicit a shaky moan as Harry groans gravelly near your chest.
“Fuckin’ hell,” Harry moans louder into the air as his thrusts become harder, more direct. With just those few thrusts, he already knows exactly where your weakness is and makes it his life goal to hit it every single time.
Harry’s hips move rapidly, pinning your body to the bed as you wiggle underneath him. His muscles are contracting against the pressure of each insane plunge into you while your insides are being reassorted. His size makes it difficult to move, difficult to breathe, yet you’re loving it immensely.
Staring at his arms, you don’t even think about grabbing one of his arms that’s holding him up and laying it on your neck. One of Harry’s furrowed eyebrows lifts up in surprise before that familiar smirk is plastered right back onto his smug face.
“Fuckin’ filthy. I knew you were. What else are y’hiding from me?” Harry’s hand wraps around your neck just as you silently asked. As his fingers block your air flow just enough to make you a little fuzzy, your cunt clenched around his cock. Besides your moans and groans and whimpers, the sound of skin to skin is bouncing across the bedroom like your own personal song. Your anthem. When he releases, the blood flow returns, but he keeps his hand there. “C’mon, Y/N, tell me. What other kinks do you have?”
“I know y’like it rough. Don’t like it when Daddy goes too easy on ya. Do you like to be spanked too? Hmm? Slapped and bitten? Like to have marks all over you so everyone can see?” His brutal thrusts never stop, not even when his breath becomes a little lost. He’s slamming into you like he’s trying to make a dent in your organs, and quite frankly, he just might if he keeps going at the rate he is. But you don’t seem to care too much at the moment. “Do you like people watching? Is that why you post videos of our pretty, little cunt all over the internet? So people can watch you?”
“I don’t hear you,” his voice, raspy and sexy, whispered in a low-threat type of way as his hand rubs over the pulse of your neck temptingly again.
“I g-guess I do like people watching me…” Your voice was breathless as your mind became foggy. Harry did have a way of doing that to you, especially with his hand on your now strained neck. “L-Like when you watch me.”
“‘Course you do. That’s ‘cause you’re dirty. Just like me.” If it was possible, he rocks into you more barbarically until your legs are shaking. You can feel the muscles in your thighs start to spasm, urging to close as you chase your inevitable high.
“Daddy, God, you’re so big. So, so big,” You whined helplessly into the sex-filled air. Your hairs were scratching, tugging, pulling, clawing at everything at the same time, trying to manage all the intense pleasure that was coursing through your body. It was almost too much to handle. Harry seemed to know how to push your limits without killing you, and you’ve craved that feeling for so long. “L-Love your cock. Oh my God!”
“Poor baby. I’ve gotten you all cock drunk; you can’t think of anything else besides m’cock. ‘S that good, huh?” A choppy chuckle elicits from his mouth and wavers over to your ear. Your chest was pressing into his as your core clutched with the sense of near-orgasm. “Gonna come soon, baby?”
“Yes, yes, yes…” You were a mumbled, grumbled mess. You couldn’t think straight, couldn’t talk straight. Harry was impairing all of your abilities with his dirty talk and his magical dick.
No, seriously. Was it like a thick magic wand or something?
Harry squeezes on your neck a couple times, lightly, just to push you right over the edge. Harry seemed to be a quick learner when it came to your body because you were instantly coming then. As Harry felt you orgasm for the second time tonight, he finally let go of his own. When you were coming around his tongue at the beginning of this all, he was having a hard time trying to not come in his own pants. He may have been stupid last night and selfish earlier, but he wasn’t going to do it again. He was going to make up for being a selfish prick and show you how he actually treats a woman. Because you deserve to be treated with nothing less than the best.
After you’re both settled, Harry regretfully slips out of you. Clearly, you felt the same way because you whined as he removed himself. After being inside of you and passing through the gates of heaven, why would Harry want to leave? But even though Harry wants to be as close to you as possible by simply cockwarming all day, he doesn’t want to rush this. It’s new, even if you guys have been friends for some time.
Plucking off the condom and knotting it, Harry waltzes towards his bathroom to grab a towel to clean you up. The soft smile on your face when he returns highlights how grateful you are for his aftercare as he gently wipes up the mess both of you helped create.
“How do you feel?” Harry genuinely asks before placing the towel at the foot of his bed. He briskly moves to his dresser to pick out a new pair of boxers.
“I’m sorry if this offends you, but you have a great ass,” You bluntly state, completely avoiding his question. “But I’m okay.”
Harry laughs as he slips on the clothing. “Just okay? No pain?”
“Yeah. If okay translates to “my vagina is broken for every man ever and both my legs are going to hate me tomorrow”,” You smile innocently as Harry grabs two shirts. He chucks one at you, smiling goofily. It hits you in the face with a laugh before you slip it over your head.
“Good? I might have to take a week off work to heal from the damages.”
“Guess you’ll just have to stay in my bed.”
You roll your eyes before pushing yourself off his bed, contradicting his statement.
“Where are you going?”
“I’m going to my real boyfriend’s house,” You roll your eyes again facetiously and leave his room, rounding the same corner that he did before yelling, “Bathroom!”
When you return, you plop yourself on Harry’s bed like it was normal. It was comfortable. It felt right. It wasn’t awkward, it wasn’t forced. That was the good thing about two friends getting together. After sex, or work, or school, or just a bad day, or even a good day, they could always just talk. As you sat on Harry’s bed, it was easy to joke and make conversation while still feeling that subtle spark of electricity in between you two. That spark was the difference between platonic and romantic.
“We should watch a movie,” You suggested.
“Where should we look? PornHub?” His dry humor made you laugh as you cozied up in his bed. He didn’t hesitate to pull you close and you liked that. Maybe a little too much for your own good. Your heart was thumping in a way that was melting away the frozen walls around it. It made you happy that something in your life finally seemed to be working out.
“Maybe start with Netflix,” You laid your head on his shoulder as the ironic logo appeared on his TV. “I, um.”
“What?” Harry peeked down at you.
“I think I like this a lot,” Harry smiles at you. He could tell from the beginning that it was hard for you to say things like that to him. That’s why it made him feel like such an asshole for storming out the other night. You needed time to process everything he had just told you, but he was too nervous for your rejection, so he left. Even though he’s six years older than you and may seem more mature, everyone makes stupid and selfish mistakes.
“Well, I hope so, Honey, ‘cause I do too,” Even those simple words have the ability to warm and satisfy your scared, little heart.
“But I’m still not taking your money.”
i hope you all liked these two :))
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missmielyhoran · 10 months
He looks up grinning like a devil
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your parents think their sweet catholic girl is in the city working as an assistant to big ceo but is she really?
(Sugardaddy!Harry × reader)
A/N- Idk where this came from lmao
[Warning- Smut, if you squint you will find the plot, slight voyeurism, oral (fem receiving), virgin reader, Harry being a dream ngl, daddy kink]
You were skipping up the office stairs leading to the elevator, hands full of shopping bags and lunch from his favorite restaurant you picked up.
You hummed the song you were listening to in the car and greeted everyone back. To everyone, you were Harry's younger beautiful girlfriend or dumb arm candy, as some said, you didn't care. Everyone either wanted to be or have you, and it was thrilling.
You reached on Harry's floor and greeted his assistant, who was a sweet guy looking not much older than you.
You pushed opened the door to Harry's office and saw him typing away on his computer, his blazer thrown over the back of his office chair, his sleeves rolled up and glasses resting on the bridge of his nose.
You bite down on your lips to not whimper out loud, but the small sound you made got his attention. He smirked, looking up like the devil your parents warned you your whole life about.
Oh, your parents would have a heart attack if they knew.
He raked your whole body up and down. You were wearing the short, flowy red dress he loves. Your hair is half tied up by a ribbon with few in front framing your face and a simple cross laying between your breasts.
"What are you doing so far away babygirl?" Harry said, leaning back in the chair and spreading his thighs more, inviting you in.
You put down the shopping bags near the entrance and walked towards him with the food packets in hand.
"I brought your favorite food" you said, lifting the food packet in the air in front of Harry. He pulled you on his lap and put the food on the desk.
"Thank you so much love but I want to start with desert today" He said as his fingers found his way towards your dripping pussy.
"It will go cold-""I will order another one" He said while nipping on your neck and once his fingers found your clit you forgot about everything that wasn't him.
Harry gently picked you up, and your heel claded legs wrapped around his waist on instinct. He kept nipping on your neck as he put you down on the desk.
His hands worked skillfully as he took off your panties and slid down on his knees, leaving open mouth kisses all over you. You were gasping for air, but he didn't care. He loved it when you let out breathless whimpers.
It was a heavenly torture.
"Always so wet for me, aren't you baby?" He said cockily. He kissed your inner thighs and watched you squim with lust blown eyes.
His thick finger ran up and down your sodden folds while his other hand ran up your body and gripped your chin, keeping your eyes on his.
Keeping the eye contact on he leaned closer and kitten licked your pussy making you let out a small whimper. He grinned like a devil, looking up, and all the hell broke lose in the best way possible.
He sucked on your clit while his middle finger circled your entrance all while his eyes watched all your moves. Then suddenly he pushed whole finger in, in one go making you almost scream out.
"Mr. Styles the papers- Oh my god" You heard someone say behind you but you couldn't have cared less. The person yelled series of sorrys and ran out of the office as fast as they could and you knew you will be the talk of the whole office tomorrow.
You clenached around Harry's finger as he pushed another one in. He chuckled and pulled back from your swollen clit.
"Your virgin little pussy is gripping my fingers you tight. I can't even fathom about how my cock will feel" He said taking eyes off you and watched the mess you were making on his hand.
"You know how many times I have come at night thinking about fucking your brains out." He asked gripping your cheeks so hard they hollow up, your lips part but nothing except airy moans come out.
"You're a mess on my fingers babygirl what will you do if I take you right here? huh?" He said standing up to his full height in front of you and leaned down to capture your lips into a open mouth kiss.
"Good little Christian girl is sitting on a office desk getting finger fucked by her older sugar daddy. What will your parents think?" He shook his head, "Such a whore" He clicked his tongue mocking you.
Meanwhile your eyes were getting blurry and the coil in your stomach was inching to breaking point. It wasn't helping that his words, so sinful words were escalating it.
"Be a whore, my beautiful whore and come on my fingers. Come for daddy babygirl" He said as he increased the pace of his fingers, repeatedly hitting the spot inside you.
And then everything went white, you were floating away on the cloud, angels were singing, and you were in pure ecstasy.
Maybe this was the heaven your mother talked about.
You didn't realize you have lost your balance and was now laying on the cold glass desk of Harry. He pulled his fingers and thank god you were so out you and sucked them clean couldn't see it cause you would have jumped his bones.
After a few moments you came back to duller life and out of you colorful cloudy world.
"There she is. You okay babygirl?" Harry asked as his fingers rubbed circles around your knees in comforting way.
"Yeah" You said breathless, "Very tired" You added. Harry laughed and pulled you off the desk.
"C'mon let's take all this and go home." He said picking up all the bags and lunch and kissed your sweaty forehead.
You smiled and followed him out, and if you weren't so out of it, you would have realized he called his house home for the first time.
Taglist- @tenaciousperfectionunknown @that-daydream-look @harryspirate @tiaamberxx @lomlhstyles @vmpellie @sunshinemoonsposts @jayde515 @yeehawbrothers @sleutherclaw @ikea2-0 @thechaoticjoy @astridcommings @grapejuicebluesrry @gxbiqs
I know I said I will update stages of grief and I will but I didn't want to leave you guys without anything so here is little something.
I hope you guys liked it and if you did please tell me here♡ I love it when you guys talk to me
Please take care of yourself and drink some water. Love you.
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jarofstyles · 7 months
Sea View
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Hello my lovely babies. Here is a sugar baby!H one shot. 
I hope you enjoy them. 
Check out our Patreon for early access and 100+ exclusive writings!
WC- 3.7k
Warnings- public sex/exhibitionism, unprotected sex, slight degrading but also praise kink, soft!dom H
The Italian sun was turning his skin golden. He knew that it was definitely time for a sunscreen application again, but the beams of warmth felt too damn good on his body to be assed to get up.
Besides- he had Y/N’s leg hitched over his as she napped in the familiar sunbeams he was soaking in.
After a particularly stressful week, Y/N had had enough. She chartered a yacht, called her assistant to defer her calls and woke Harry up from his meditation nap to pack his bags. They were on the private plane before he even properly woke up, but he couldn’t complain.
The water was impossibly blue, the weather was perfect and their boat was heavenly. He’d never been on a vacation quite like this. He’s actually been to Italy for a bit when he did an exchange program, but he hadn’t been able to just relax. He’d spent his time exploring and studying when he was here, picking up the language, learning the people, his surroundings. There wasn’t time to just… be
A week back in Italy with the best food, a private boat and villa and the most beautiful woman he had ever met, all expenses paid? He would be a fool to turn that down. All he needed to do was help her unwind. That meant hiding her work phone from her, massaging her shoulders, letting her sleep on him like she was now, and giving her every bit of affection and sex that she could possibly want.
‘You work so hard, darling. Deserve a break. I’ll take care of you.’ Was what he had told her when they boarded the boat, kissing her lips as he felt her hands grip his shorts. They had been particularly slutty this trip, something he really liked. His new brand of shorts were cut closer on the thigh, in a variety of colors. Y/N had appreciated them greatly.
It was after the first round of sex that day that Y/N requested they spend some time up on the deck. The warmth was welcome to her, he could tell. It was his job to relax her, to keep her sane, and he liked to think he did a pretty good job of it- both with his words and his cock. This time, though, he could tell she had been particularly drained from work and he made it his mission to keep her as relaxed as possible. Their drinks sat on the ledge behind them, condensation sweating the glasses. Y/N’s book was abandoned with a bookmark haphazardly placed in it, her cheek pressed against his bicep.
The concept of a midday nap for her was unheard of. Harry had been with her for a while now, and in his time knowing her he had never experienced it. That’s how he knew she was really exhausted. Fingers stroked the hair from her face with his opposite hand, simply observing her as she slept. A soft vulnerability was painted on her features as her guard was completely down. In her sleep, Harry could see just how sweet she could look. In everyday life, she was a very powerful and merciless businesswoman. She was wealthy beyond his comprehension and she had gotten to that point because she took no prisoners. She had to, in order to get what she wanted. He’d seen firsthand her cold demeanor and her stoic, practiced words when she was at work and they’d be interrupted.
No one besides Harry had ever seen the woman beg for anything. No one had seen tears drip down her face when she was overstimulated, no one had seen how mushy she got after an entire night of hot sex where he took care of her. Despite the fact that they switched around who was in charge and he very much loved being a good boy for her, Harry liked seeing her soften up for him. Being exposed to a side of one of the country’s most powerful people that no one else had gotten the chance to see? It made him feel powerful all in himself.
When their arrangement had started, she had taken the reigns for the most part. She’d needed to get comfortable with him, which had taken some time. The first night he had taken over control had been a bit of a power struggle, but she took to it well after getting a real taste of what Harry could do.
Being able to comfort her, even in moments like this, made him smile.
“I can feel you staring.” Y/N voice slurred against the skin of his arm, rubbing her nose against it as she shifted to tuck her face into his neck. “Rude.”
Harry’s heart warmed with the rays of the sun, turning slightly so he was facing her before gathering up her sleepy form in his arms. “How could I not stare? When the lioness is asleep, it’s the best time to observe the beauty.” Lips pressed against her warm forehead, letting her leg tighten around his waist. Looking down, he could see some of the bruises he had left on her silky skin. Fingerprints on her thighs, a few on her hips. A sense of satisfaction went through him as he felt her lips give a chaste peck to his throat, exhaling heavily. He had done this. He got to experience this woman fully.
“Lioness? I’d say Tigress, if anything.” Her sleepy laugh made him smile. “How long was I out?” Stretching her body out, she shook for a second before curling back up against his side. It did things to his heart that he didn’t want to talk about.
“An hour.” His fingers returned to her waist, rhythmically dragging up and down the curve of it. “Passed right out. You’re exhausted, love.” It was a bit concerning. Y/N handled pressure very well, stress even better since Harry had entered her life- but he could see some cracks forming before they’d left. “M’glad you took us here. You needed a break. I worry about you.” He spoke against her hair, knowing she didn’t like it when he worried.
“I’m okay.” Her voice was soft. “I… I remembered what you’d said about feeling a breaking point coming and doing something about it before you reach it. I was there.” Opening up wasn’t easy for her in the slightest, but Harry had been her confidant for a bit now. He never judged her, always stressed the importance of mental health along with her physical. “I just wanted to go somewhere we could just relax. It’s still hard for me.”
That much, Harry knew all too fucking well. Y/N was always wound up tight. She was coiled like a snake for most of her day. Being a woman in her position, unfortunately she had to be. She had to work twice as hard and be twice as defensive because men were awful and believed they deserved her position, her success more simply because they were men. It was sick and wrong but Harry understood why she had to feel on the guard all the time.
“I know it is.” The reply was soft. “But m’teaching you, aren’t I?” He was a very relaxed person now that he didn’t have to work at the bar. He was able to work on his music, do his yoga, bake his treats, and focus on this fucking gorgeous woman’s pleasure. For some, it wouldn’t be fulfilling. For Harry? It was a dream come true. He loved teaching her how to relax.
“You’re doing a good job.” Y/N chuckled, pulling her face from the refuge of his neck. “Got a pretty boy with equally as pretty words to help me with that.” Her own fingers came up to stroke the facial hair sprouting on his face. She was a very big fan of it, he was finding out. He hadn’t shaved in a few days and she seemed mesmerized.
“Just pretty?” He smiled, feeling her finger pop into his dimple. “I’d prefer… beautiful. Gorgeous. Ruggedly handsome, even. Sexy is acceptable too.” The quips were met with a laugh from the woman, face tilting up and catching his lips.
Harry was pleasantly surprised. Y/N was shy with her kissing at times. It wasn’t that she didn’t like it- she reacted with her whole body when he kissed her- but she didn’t initiate it too much. The opportunity was not going to be wasted. His mouth responded immediately, a happy hum leaving his throat. Fingers gripped her thigh and pulled her tighter against him as she shyly brushed his tongue against hers. Impressive. She was making a lot of the first moves, and he was ecstatic about it.
She tasted like orange juice, the mimosa’s from breakfast back on her tongue. Harry was taking in every bit of it, one hand curled around the back of her neck while the other kept her thigh against his hip, languid greed encompassing the kiss as he took a bit of the control away from her. There was that buzzing in his stomach, cock thickened as her body heat outshined the sun. In the middle of the boat, he didn’t have a care in the world other than keeping her satisfied.
“Mmm.. S’sweet.” He mumbled against her lips, going back in for more. “Open that pretty mouth f’me. Don’t be shy. I want everything from you.” He was going to milk this for everything he could. Her fingers slid into his hair, the manicured nails gently grazing his scalp and making him groan loudly. Chills flushed on his skin as he pulled her closer, cock pulsing in the shorts as he felt her arch into him. She knew what that did to him, the minx.
His tongue found hers before he sucked on it lightly, fingers diggling into her thigh as he pulled back just a bit. He felt her fingers tug on his hair again, trying to pull his mouth back to her own. It was refreshing to feel her need for him. “You’re starting something, darling.” He warned slowly. “M’not going to stop it if you continue.”
“Don’t.” Was her reply, pushing herself further against him. “We can do anything.”
Harry was surprised by her response. They definitely weren’t fully alone, but no one would come out on to the deck if they weren’t requested. Y/N had asked for privacy beforehand. The crew of the large boat stayed below deck… And honestly? Harry didn’t give a fuck if someone from another boat saw them. He was going to take this opportunity to pleasure his woman.
Rolling them over, he heard her squeak as he hovered on top of her. Eyes opened, the lusty haze making her grin as his body was backlit from the sun. He looked like her own personal angel. Swollen pink mouth and scruffy face, he was sent directly from wherever wet dreams originated from to be the one that took care of her.
“Filthy girl.” He whispered. “S’that what you want? Do you want me to do whatever I want to you?” He leaned his nose against her nose, brushing the skin as she nodded.
“Yes.” The word was breathy, unlike her normal cadence.
Harry grinned that filthy grin that made Y/N’s cunt clench around nothing, the promise of more in his eyes making her blink up at him. She had worked so hard, kept it together so well.. All she wanted to do was fall apart under him. Be dirty, take a risk for once in her controlled life. They’d fucked around many places, but she could see other boats not too far away. She knew it was risky.
“Oh, sweet fucking girl. You’ll let me tug this top off?” He questioned, tugging the cups of her bathing suit down slowly to give her a chance to say no. She didn’t. He pulled the fabric over her pebbled nipples, grunting in his throat as he took a look at her beautiful tits on display for him. “Hm.. Beautiful girl. That’s what you are.” Dipping down her body, he showed no hesitation taking one of her nipples into his mouth.
Sucking on the bud, he heard her gasp and fingers grip his hair as he methodically pulled the sensitive nipple into his mouth, brushing his tongue against it. So warm, her skin smelled like her body wash and salt from the ocean as he lathed his tongue over it again. Teeth brushed it ever so slightly as he pulled back, eliciting a gasp from her before he switched breasts with a satisfied groan.
Yes. This is what his girl needed. His sweet, overworked, filthy minded girl. His cock was dripping into his shorts, the risk of the situation and her need for him arousing him more than he had been in a long time.
“More.” She whimpered. The one word was enough to get him to pause, looking at her with his blown out eyes. Mournfully releasing her nipple again, his wet lips opened to speak to her.
“More? Are you asking for me to fuck you, pretty baby?” His low tone made her clit throb, nodding frantically as she felt him press his fingers against her covered cunt. The bathing suit did little to hide her arousal. He could feel her heat, feel the slickness of her, and he knew he needed to take her. Now. “Yeah? Y’want me to tug this to the side and slip right in?” He spoke against her lips, pressing a kiss there before moving to her jaw. “Want my cock tucked up inside you, nice n’snug?”
Fingers tugged the fabric to the side, leaving her slick cunt exposed to the ocean air. To him. She shuddered under him as she peeled her eyes open, watching in anticipation as his hand went for his shorts between them. Slipping them down just enough to expose himself, he grit his teeth. “Hm?” His voice prodded her. He was covering her body, sure, but it would be obvious what they’d be doing.
Her body jolted when he tapped the ruddy tip of his leaking cock against her cunt, nestling it between her slit while he got himself wet.
“Yes.” She had been reduced to a beg. Y/N was usually much more talkative, much more of a tease, but she couldn’t be right now. This was exactly what the woman wanted. She wanted Harry to take over and make her forget all of her troubles. “Please. Just do it.”
Harry didn’t need much convincing.
She was still a bit sensitive from their sex when they’d woken up, a broken whimper leaving her throat as she felt the tip press into her. It was embarrassing how wet she was just from this. The man had made it near impossible to not be affected by his presence and she was too tired to pretend she wasn’t.
Harry’s cock was thick and long and the perfect size to fuck her dumb. To make her mind shut up about anything other than how good it felt. After long days in the office, it’s exactly what she’s needed. It was no different now, eyes falling shut as her head rolled back, legs closifn around his hips to urge him deeper. There was no need to fake that she wasn’t greedy.
“Fuck.” Harry grunted, feeling himself bury into her. “You needed it again. My poor girl. Needed me to take care of you.” He pressed his mouth against hers again before slowly moving, grinding inside of her as her fingers tugged the hair at the nape of his neck. It was a tight, wet paradise being locked inside of her. Shallow thrusts, feeling her clench up around him, he slipped a hand under her head to hold the back of her neck.
“Needed me so bad that you’re taking my cock right in front of everyone. What a filthy, nasty girl you are. So desperate for my prick to be buried in that sweet little pussy all over again that… you don’t even care if you’re caught.” He was working her up. Dirty talk got to her. Stimulated her in a way that he knew she wouldn’t admit to loving when she wasn’t hanging off his cock, but when she was?
She ate it up. Every crumb.
Legs stayed tight around him as he moved slowly, so fucking deep that she could cry. This was what she needed. Harry was right. She was desperate and dirty and she didn’t care if people were even right next to them, she had wanted him to be inside of her more than anything. This was her escape.
“No, my dirty girl just wants to soak me again. You want people to see how wet you get around me? How filthy and sticky you leave my cock every time I pull out? It goes right down to my thighs, you know.” His velvety voice was wrapped around her head. “You’re not happy unless m’balls deep inside of you. Greedy thing.” He crooned, feeling a bit more of her slick coating his cock. Fuck, he was obsessed. “ But this is a newer development. You’ve always like the idea of someone seeing but… they definitely can right now.”
It got to him, too. His dick was swallowed in her sweet relief, but he knew he wouldn’t last too long. Despite the slow thrusts, they were deep and a bit rough, moving her slightly when he bottomed out. Each thrust was rewarded with a squeak, a moan, a whimper. He was addicted to hear what noise he got next.
“They can see it, baby. If they turn their heads, if they look over, they can see you being fucked. Clinging to me, keeping me close. There’s no way they will be able to mistake it.” Despite the fact he eas covering her and his shorts weren’t fully down, the movements made it obvious. Harry’s always been into adventurous sex, always been into exhibitionism, but it was different here. It sent a heady zing right to his cock. Being a show off, an attention whore, he was in his prime.
“Harry…” she whispered, head tilting back as he bit down on the lobe of her ear. “I can’t. M’gonna cum if you t-talk like that.” She was going to regardless. The sweet press into her spot, his spot really, was perfect. There had been worry that maybe he wouldn’t be able to get her off at the beginning of when they met- no man had properly done it before- but he had exceeded all expectations. He was hers. She was keeping this man as long as she possibly could. He was perfection. Indulging in her like this was just one of the many reasons.
“You’d cum if I was silent. Your cunt loves my cock. Doesn’t she? Loves to be fucked in any way. On your knees, your stomach, riding me… but especially when people can see it.” He licked over her neck, the filth of it making her nails dig into the back of his neck. The stab of pain made him moan, moving a bit harder. It wasn’t fast, wasn’t hurried in the slightest. It was lazy and hot and so goddamn good.
“Yes. I love it. I-I want them to see.” She admitted in a slightly slurred voice, the pleasure already building up with his thrusts. Like sparks over her body. “Want them to watch. I’m gonna-“ she couldn’t finish the word, one of the thrusts stealing her breath.
“I know you want that, my filthy slut. Such a little whore for me.” He laughed, breathy and hot as he covered her lips back with his own. He was about to cum. He could feel her begin to quiver around him. “Going to soak my cock and let them see? So fucking dirty. Letting me fuck you out on this deck, not a care about anything other than getting filled. S’gonna make me cum too.” He looked at her with hazy eyes. The sweat on her forehead, the stickiness of their skin under the hot Italian sun.
All of this was erotic.
“Let go for me, angel.” He decided to pull out the language he knew she loved, nestled against her lips. “Voglio sentirti Bella ragazza. sempre così perfetto. Lascia che mi prenda cura di te, sempre.”
Y/N couldn’t stop it. The rasp of his voice, the Italian falling off his tongue, she came with an intensity she didn’t expect. Mouth falling open as he stole her breath, she finally expelled a moan as she came all over him. Slicked up, creamy and hot, she pulled him in and tried to push him away as the orgasm was worked through.
Harry wasn’t far behind, gritting his teeth as he cursed. His balls tight, he released the heavy load into her cunt, stuttered movement of his hips making him grunt with each finishing stroke. He painted her walls white, pushing it in deep as he groaned against her mouth. Breathing each other in, the movement stopped.
Y/N was full in every sense of the word, legs loosening but staying wrapped around him as her body loosened all its limbs. It was exactly the thing she had needed.
“You okay?” He asked softly, nudging his nose back against hers before pressing chaste kisses to the corners of her lips and the heated cheeks. “Did so good. Fucking perfect, as usual.” His praises made her lips quirk in a smile, returning a chaste peck before falling back to her blissed out features.
“Mhm. Perfect, actually.” Her response was a giggle, the relaxation back on her face. “But I’d like you to stay inside me for a bit.”
Harry rose a brow, trying to keep his softening erection at bay. “Will you behave? I need the nap now.” He needed a bit of time before going again- though keeping himself warm on her cock was a very nice addition to the day.
“Probably not. But I’ll let you sleep for a bit on my chest before I bother you for some more.” She replied, carding her fingers through his slightly sweat damp hair. His forehead fell against her shoulder, shaking in a laugh as he kissed the skin.
“Anything for you.”
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narrycherries · 9 months
🌼like it’s the only thing I’ll ever do🌼 part 5 (dadrry)
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word count: 3.2k
warnings/tags: harry x reader, dadrry, fluff
(a/n: you guys voted, so the baby name is revealed: Vivian/Vivy)
You happened to be waking up when you heard the noise through the baby monitor. The baby was whining and babbling to herself in her crib, waiting for someone to tend to her. You turned off the monitor so it wouldn’t wake up Harry before you left to go get her.
When you opened her door and flicked on the light, she pulled herself up and started giggling, excited to see you. She was still a bit wobbly, but she was getting better at trying to stand.
“Good morning, Vivy.” You said with a laugh as you scooped her up. “I should’ve known you weren’t gonna let me and Dada sleep in.”
“Da da!” She squealed, snapping her head around looking for him.
You tickled her side. “We’ll go see Dada in a minute.”
She continued to mumble little sounds to you as you changed her diaper and let her pick a stuffed animal to carry to the bedroom. She grabbed a small pink bunny, one of her favorite ones, and held it by the bow around its neck.
Once you were done, you made your way back to the bedroom. Harry was still asleep, his arms tucked by his sides as he laid on his stomach. He had shifted since you left, probably noticing you weren’t there anymore.
“Da da.”
“Shh, let Dada sleep a bit longer, baby.” You sat her on the bed so you could pull your shirt over your head.
It was easier to completely take it off, especially when you were comfortable and in the privacy of your bedroom. When you picked her up again, she let out a squeal and a few giggles, which made you grin at her.
“Mommy’s pretty girl, yeah? You’re such a cutie.”
She smiled back, but soon settled on your lap as she realized she was getting hungry. You let her latch on whenever she was ready. The older she got, the easier it was for her to do this more on her own, but it was also harder for you to handle the pain. She was cutting another tooth, so it hurt occasionally. She definitely got comfortable as she nursed, which made you slightly hopeful that she’d fall back to sleep.
After twenty minutes, she decided she was done. You slipped your shirt back on and sat her on the bed between you and Harry. At first, she was occupied with her bunny, not really paying him any attention. The moment he let out a grunt, her head lifted and her eyes went straight to him.
“Da da da.” She waited a moment, then whined because he didn’t answer. “Da da.”
“Give Dada some pats, like this.” You said as you reached over and pulled the blankets back, gently patting your hand against his shoulder blade.
She gave you a curious look then proceeded to copy you, but with a bit more force. The sound of her hand smacking his skin made you laugh.
“Do it soft, baby girl. Don’t hurt Dada.” You demonstrated again.
“Ma ma ma.” She softly spoke as you took your hand away and allowed her to try again. She did it only slightly softer, and this time he groaned.
“Da da da!” She squealed, quickly grabbing onto his back with both hands, and every nail digging into his skin.
You couldn’t resist laughing as she started slapping him with both hands, chanting his name over and over in between her giggles. You got a video of her doing it, just so you could show him later. It was always so adorable to watch her interact with him, and this was making your heart flutter. She squeaked as he opened his eyes and shifted his head.
“Vivy.” His voice was scratchy, but she definitely knew he was awake now.
“Da da da.”
He chuckled and brought his arm from his side to put it around her. She had been sitting on her knees, so when she fell forward onto his head you both started laughing.
“G’morning, baby. You’re a little ray of sunshine this morning, hm?” He said as she started climbing onto his back, one hand tugging his hair for support.
“She’s been happy since she woke up, Dada.”
He smiled as he finally got a chance to see you. “Vivy.. can I get up, baby?”
“Da da da da!” She started patting his back again, well her version of patting.
“That means no.” You said in a whisper, making him playfully roll his eyes.
“You girls make all the rules, yeah?”
“Someone has to keep you in line.”
“Da da!” Vivian suddenly shrieked, making Harry flinch and you laugh.
“C’mere, babe.” Harry tried to look over his shoulder at her. “I wanna give you some cuddles.”
“Ma ma!”
Harry laughed. “Telling on me, hm?”
“Ma ma ma ma.” She continued.
“Someone’s going to be in trouble.” You gave him a nudge as you laid down, leaving a space for the baby whenever she decided to get down.
“Please go easy on me, m’already getting beat up.”
“Vivy, give Dada a break.” You smiled as she looked your way.
She was grinning like crazy still, very pleased by the fact her parents were with her and paying her some attention. Harry looked back at her, calling her name to get her attention. She leaned towards him, pressing her forehead against his ear. He chuckled and tried his best to reach for her without knocking her over.
“C’mon, baby girl.” He said with a smile as she squealed straight into his ear, making it ring for a moment. “Come cuddle with Dada.”
“Da da!” She happily shrieked back.
It didn’t take any more begging. Harry rolled over the moment she climbed onto the mattress between you two and, of course, nuzzled her way into his arms, right against his chest like she liked. You were always so in awe at the way they acted together - how special he was for her and how much he adored her. You decided you’d give them some space, besides you had some alone time with her earlier anyways. It was his turn. His eyes shifted to you as you pushed yourself up on your hand, your lips finding his quickly. He grunted, furrowing his brows while you pressed a few pecks against the baby’s head.
“Where y’goin’?” His voice was still scratchy from his slumber, which made your heart flutter. The simplest things drove you insane sometimes.
“M’gonna take a bath. Wan’ you to have some baby time.”
Harry sighed, reaching for your hand. “Babe, you don’t have to go. We can love on our little bug together, y’know?”
You licked your lips and smiled, shaking your head slightly. “She’ll be perfectly happy with just getting some love from Dada.”
“Da da da.” The baby repeated his name, her face was now mushed in the crook of Harry’s neck. She wanted to be as close as possible.
“I guess you deserve a nice bath, hm?” He pursed his lips for a moment, then let a smile shape to them. “Enjoy your alone time, darling. We’ll be waiting for you.”
“I know.” You squeezed his hand while your lips met his once again, just for a few seconds. “Don’t steal all her cuddles.”
Harry pinched your wrist before letting you slip away from him. “I’ll save you some.”
To Harry’s surprise, the baby was completely fine with you leaving her alone with him. She’s slowly starting to overcome some of her anxiety. You believe that she if she feels safe and comfortable, then she won’t freak out as much or at all really. And now right, she couldn’t get more comfortable.
She was laying on Harry’s chest, her small fingers toying with the chain around his neck. He always worried the pendant would come off and she’d try to put it in her mouth, but he knew right now she was safe. She was just occupying her attention by pinching it and rubbing the chain against her skin. It was a comforting thing that she did often. He never minded. It kept her happy and that was all that mattered to him.
“Vivy.” Harry mumbled her nickname quietly as she let out a few soft whines. He was concerned because she had been so quiet for the past fifteen minutes. “Baby doll.”
She gently moved her head, which he took as a sign of having her attention. She didn’t seem very active anymore, which was bothering him. Maybe she just wanted to relax and rest. He hoped nothing was wrong, he couldn’t possibly handle that right now.
“Da da da.” She spoke back, her small hand slapping down on Harry’s chest.
He chuckled and gave her sides a tickle. She squealed, struggling to sit up on his chest. He helped her and kept a hold on her waist once she was up. She reached for the necklace again, this time pulling the chain up with her.
“Do you miss Mama?” He asked softly, not sure if you could hear him or not from the bathroom across the room. She looked up at him, eyes widening at the mention of your name. He smiled sweetly to her. “Yeah? Bet you do, hm?”
“Da da da.. Ma ma.. ba ba.” She kept on babbling, saying a few things he recognized but mostly it was just noises.
He couldn’t help but laugh at how cute and confident her words were, even if they were hardly words. She let go of his chain and slid off his chest, which made him roll back over to keep a hold of her. The last thing she needed to do was tumble off the side of the bed and hurt herself.
“Mama’s taking a bath, baby girl. She’ll be back in a bit.”
“Ba ba!” She suddenly said as she grabbed the stuffed bunny off the bed.
Harry watched in amazement as she rubbed her hand over the texture of the fur, almost as if she was petting it. The bunny was one of her favorite stuffed toys. Lately, she has been gravitating towards it more than usual. Harry figured it was because it was cute and soft.
“Mooo!” She threw her arms up, the bunny flying from her loose grip.
Harry chuckled and reached for the toy, it had went a bit far out of her reach. “Baby, m’afraid bunnies don’t say moo.”
“Moo! Moo.. moo, Da da.” She said back, very sure of her words.
“If you say so, baby cakes. Moo moo.” Harry made the bunny do a little dance, which made her giggle and reach for it. She tried copying him, which was just adorable to witness. “Speaking of cake.. my angel’s birthday is coming up, hm?”
She was now fully focused on shaking the bunny around, imitating the actions he was doing. It was cute to watch her make the toy dance and soft, quiet “moo’s” come from her mouth as she watched it move around in the air. She hit it against the bed a few times, giggling as she babbled nonsense sounds.
“You’re going to be the cutest one year old in the world. We’re getting you the prettiest cake, baby girl. All pink and sparkly for Dada’s princess.”
Vivian’s eyes lifted and she grinned, letting out a shriek that made her shoulders lift and her nose scrunch. Harry pressed his hand against her back as she began rocking from excitement. He wasn’t sure what specific word made her so happy, but he figured it was princess. Even though he knew she probably didn’t care what the word actually meant, she knew that her daddy called her that a lot. He figured it was one of her favorites.
“Yeah?” He nodded. “So excited for your party? I bet you’re gonna get all the presents in the world.”
“Da da.” She said as if she was trying to get his attention - little did she know, she already had that. “Da da da.”
He lifted his brows and smiled as she extended her arm, the bunny in her hand. He wasn’t sure if he needed to take it, but when she dropped it in front of him, he figured that’s what she wanted. He picked it up and sat it against his chest, making her giggle and fall forward on her arms.
“Da da!”
“Is this my bunny now?” He asked with a tone of shock in his voice. “Can’t believe you gave me your favorite bunny!”
“Da da!” She replied just as excitedly as before.
“Aw, my sweet baby.” He cooed as she crawled the very short distance to him and put her arm around his neck. Her face smushed against his, making him chuckle and put a tighter grip on her. “Dada’s got the cutest little bug, doesn’t he? My pretty girl. Love you so much, princess.”
“Da da da.” She pressed her open mouth to his cheek, slobber covering his skin instantly. Her version of a kiss was always so cute, even though it was messy.
“Thank you for the kissy, baby girl. Dada loves you the mostest.” He rubbed his nose against her cheek, making her squeal from the ticklish feeling.
Once she calmed down, he noticed that she was acting tired again. He lifted her above his head, making her grin and stick her tongue out. A bit of drool was pooling in the corner of her mouth, and he quickly put her down before it dripped onto him. She let out a little whine, but he could tell it wasn’t because of any distress. She was comfortable back on his chest, his arms holding her tight.
“Go back to sleep, angel baby. Dada won’t let you go.”
You took a very long bath, mostly because you wanted Harry to have time with the baby - but also because your bones were aching and you wanted to relax in the burning hot water. You dried off and wrapped the towel around your body before leaving the bathroom. You were greeted by a sleepy smile from Harry and a quiet mutter of your name from the baby, who was still laid on Harry’s chest.
“Going back to bed?” You asked while walking over to them.
Harry sighed. “Thought she would.. but she kept whispering for her Mama.”
“Whispering?” You lifted a brow, somewhat smiling back at him.
He patted her back gently. “Mhm. She was quiet for a bit, but once she started she didn’t really stop.”
“My poor baby.” You pouted to her, but she didn’t try to sit up. She seemed tired still, which was worrying you slightly because you thought she had slept good.
“She may be hungry. I asked if she wanted a ba-ba but she just said Mama back.”
Harry sat up with a groan, placing the baby on his lap. Her head fell against him, her hand gripping the skin over his stomach. It hurt a little, but he wouldn’t’ dare make her stop.
“I’ll nurse her in just a second.”
You walked over to the closet to grab something to put on, but as soon as you disappeared beyond the door, the baby started whining.
“Baby, hold on. Mama’s coming back.” Harry told her with a gentle sigh. “She’s gonna give you somethin’ to eat, promise.”
You could hear them both from the closet, but you didn’t try to rush back in there. You knew that the baby needed to learn how to cope with you not always being around her, and same with Harry not being there. She’s gotten a bit better, but she’s still learning. Harry kept a hand on her back, slowly rubbing in circles to soothe her, as he waited for you to return.
“See, there Mama is. Told you she was coming.” Harry said with a smile as you walked back into the room, now wearing a pair of cotton shorts. The t-shirt you planned to put on was hanging from your fingertips.
“Was she a good baby while I was gone, Dada?” You asked as you joined them on the bed, laying the shirt beside you to put on once you were done.
He chuckled while you scooped her from his lap. “She was a bit playful with me, yeah. Got sleepy though.”
“Sleepy? Hm, you don’t need to sleep til your nap later on, baby love.” You told her as you adjusted her in your arm and leaned against the headboard to relax your spine.
Harry watched as she latched onto your breast and curled her arm against her own chest. He wondered if she wanted to hold onto something, so he quickly grabbed the bunny she had given him earlier. You were about to question what he was doing, but he lifted her arm and laid the bunny down before you could get the words out.
“The world’s best Dada.” You whispered as his eyes caught yours.
He shook his head, grinning back. “She’s got the world’s best Mama, too.”
You hummed as he joined you against the headboard, his arm sliding around your back. His fingertips gently rubbed against your hip, which made your heart skip a beat. You missed him a lot in that way, missed the intimacy. It hadn’t been forever, just a few long days, since you last got to spend time with him alone. You thought maybe you could mention it today and he would do his best to make it happen. With the baby becoming very needy and his work on new music piling up, it was hard to find the time. You held out hope, he always came through for you.
A few minutes ticked by, and the thought was bugging you now. You swallowed gently and looked over at him. He had his phone in his hand, mindlessly scrolling on it as he waited for the baby to be done so you could officially start the day together. You licked your lips and glanced down at his legs. You missed the way it felt to have him resting his body on top of yours.
“Harry.” You mumbled, much quieter than you wanted to.
He hummed back, his eyes still on the screen. You looked back at the side of his face, admiring how handsome he was, even his profile. You felt a tug in your stomach, but you tried to ignore it. You were nervous, even though there was no reason to be.
“I think.. we should have some.. Mommy-Daddy time later.”
He clicked the button on the phone to lock it and dropped it on the bed. His head turned and his eyes met yours immediately. It happened so fast that you didn’t have time to look away. A thick layer of blush rose to your cheeks. You watched him lick his lips and gently bite on his cheek as he stared at you.
“Yeah?” He smirked softly. “I do miss you a lot.. been a few days.”
“Do you want to?”
He smacked his lips. “Of course!”
His eagerness made you laugh. You looked away from him and down to the baby, who was satisfied with her current arrangement. Harry gripped your waist, leaning into you so his lips could press against your jaw.
“Gonna love you on so good, babe.”
(a/n: someone requested some morning time dadrry content, so hope u enjoy! It’s a bit short, but I love this pairing + baby so don’t worry! More to come x)
@walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @victoriasigaard @ariiscringe @harrystylesrealwifeong @harlowsgirl @lomllover @haniaaa04 @cherrymelonx @mydearestsunflower6 @oh-austin @coralsweetsharmony @eiffelmezarry @cupcakemachete @s0phlabrunette @fangirl125reader @luvonstyles
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dreamy boy
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hsonlyangelxo · 3 months
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Off stage Harry is so soft 🥺🥹🤏🏻❤️
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obiwan · 1 year
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Harry Styles wins Album Of The Year at Grammys 2023
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Ooi cah ^^ vc pode fzr um concept 5 e 14 smut pfv?
Frases: Se estivéssemos sozinhos agora, o que você faria comigo ?/Apenas Amigos?! Seus amigos fazem você gemer assim?
Masterlist ✨
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Harry Concept #3
Deitada com a cabeça no peito de Harry, você suspirava tranquila percebendo os raios de sol iluminando o quarto dele, seu corpo ainda nu debaixo dos lençóis, talvez com algumas marcas para denunciar a noite salvagem que tiveram.
Tudo começou com um erro que ocorreu quando você e Harry estavam se sentindo carentes, cedendo aos desejos carnais, não demorou muito para que se tornasse uma rotina e vocês concordarem em ter uma amizade colorida.
"Ei." A voz rouca dele chamou a atenção quando sentiu-a se mecher para sair da cama. "Já está indo?" A mão dele envolveu a sua.
"Sim, sabe que nunca passo o dia aqui." Diz deixando um selinho antes de levantar-se.
Os olhos dele seguiram seus movimentos enquanto vestia suas roupas.
"Ei, S/n?"
"Hm." Você cantarola.
"Você sabe que pode ficar se quiser... certo?"
"Sim." Riu colocando seus sapatos.
"Seria legal compartilhar o café da manhã com você um dia."
"Harry, já conversamos sobre isso, você conhece as regras."
"Eu sei, mas..."
"Sem mas, desse jeito funciona, não quero perder isso." Inclinou-se na cama deixando mais um beijo. "Te vejo a noite na festa da sua irmã." Sorriu antes de deixá-lo sozinho com um biquinho de insatisfação.
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Ele estava a olhando nos últimos 10 minutos, desde que chegou a festa, Harry simplesmente te seguia com os olhos, bufava a cada cara que falava com você, deixando quase na cara que vocês tinham algo.
Você: Você está fazendo de novo — teclou rapidamente para ele.
Harry: O quê?
Você: Me encarando como se quisesse me comer, eles vão perceber.
Harry: Mas eu quero comer você, eu sempre quero.
Você: Só pare!
"Ei S/n, esse é o John, o amigo que falei." Gemma apareceu fazendo-a deixar o celular de lado.
"Oi." O homem bonito ao lado dela cumprimentou-se.
"Olá." Sorriu educadamente.
"Então eu vou deixar vocês conversarem um pouco, tenho que ver onde meu namorado está."
Ela deu um tapinha no seu ombro com uma piscada antes de sair.
"Gemma me fala muito de você."
"Jura?" Sorriu para ele.
"Sim, mas eu gostaria de conhecê-la por mim, se você deixar é claro."
"Eu adoraria."
Do outro lado da sala, Harry sentia seu sangue ferver, o ciúme começou a dominá-lo a ponto dele atravessar o pequeno espaço e se colocar ao seu lado.
"Ei, posso roubá-la um pouco?" Perguntou presunçosamente ao homem, segurando em sua cintura.
"Harry." Você virou-se surpresa.
"É seu namorado? Gemma não me falou que namorava o irmão dela." O homem questionou um pouco confuso.
"Não! Somos só amigos." Riu tirando a mão de Harry de si. "Você me da, um minuto?" Deu um belo sorriso quando o mesmo concordou.
Então rapidamente levou Harry para o corredor vazio do andar de cima.
"Que merda você pensa que está fazendo?" Indagou brava.
"O quê?"
"Não se finja Styles, você sabe que foi o maior empata foda agora."
"Ele não faria você se sentir bem como eu faço." Ele deu uma piscadinha.
"Diga logo o que quer Harry." Cruzou os braços.
"Você só pode estar de brincadeira né?"
"Nem por um segundo."
"Harry, todos nossos amigos estão aqui!"
"Eles nem devem ter percebido que saímos." Ele a pressionou contra a parede.
"Não fode Harry." Tentou o empurrar, mas obviamente a força dele era maior que a sua.
"Na verdade, é exatamente isso que eu quero fazer baby." Sussurrou em seu ouvido causando arrepios.
"Não podemos." Choramingou. "Tem muita gente aqui."
"Se estivéssemos sozinhos agora, o que você faria comigo?"
Harry sempre conseguia o que queria, ele a provocava até ceder, ele sabia exatamente como mecher com você.
Os seus lábios se curvaram em um sorriso antes de se inclinar deixando rastros de beijos molhados em todo o pescoço dele, sua mão desceu até o cós de sua calça jeans onde acariciou seu membro duro.
"Se estivéssemos sozinhos, você sabe que eu estaria ajoelhada para você agora."
"Porra." Ele tombou um pouco a cabeça para trás.
"Mas não estamos sozinhos." Piscou para ele saindo de seus braços.
Harry não deixou quieto, ele a pegou pela cintura levando-a para o banheiro onde ele se certificou de trancar bem a porta. Antes que você pudesse raciocinar, a mão dele subiu para segurar sua bochecha, seus dedos acariciando sua pele quando a beijou com firmeza. Seus próprios braços envolveram firmemente o pescoço de Harry, os dedos correndo em seu cabelo, sentindo o arrepio percorrer por seu corpo. Ele a empurrou contra a porta suavemente com um sorriso presunçoso enquanto caía de joelhos sem quebrar o contato visual.
A sua respiração estava ficando mais rápida a medida que as mãos grandes deslizavam por suas coxas, o tecido de vestido lilás acomulou-se em seu quadril, deixando a vista a linda calcinha de renda branca que Harry teve o prazer de colocar de lado antes de deixar um beijo molhado em seu clitóris, com os braços ele afastou mais suas pernas dando total liberdade para comê-la como ele gostava. Styles enterrou o rosto entre suas coxas, lambendo lentamente seu clitóris sensível e provocando sua entrada. Você não pôde deixar de soltar um gemido suave, a língua dele era sempre de tirar o fôlego, não importava o quão errado era estarem em uma situação como essa, era a última coisa que pensava agora.
Você podia senti-lo gemer baixinho contra o sua boceta toda vez que ele ouvia gemer seu nome, a maneira como você dizia o nome dele era hipnotizante: um gemido tão carente, Harry não tinha outra escolha a não ser dar o seu melhor só para ouvi-lá mais uma vez.
"Porra, tão bom."
"Eu sei, baby, talvez deva repensar no que disse sobre mim para aquele babaca." Ele parou só para provocá-la. "Apenas Amigos?! Seus amigos fazem você gemer assim?"
Óbvio, era uma pergunta retórica, ele sabia a resposta, ele era o único que levava você as nuvens, ninguém fazia o que ele faz por você.
"Então diga querida, quem fode você tão bem?"
"Só você."
"Boa menina."
A língua dele voltou a deslizar em seu clitóris, dois dedos lentamente deslizaram para dentro de você movendo-se em um ritmo perfeito, a sensação dos dedos de Harry com o prazer de sua língua lambendo e chupando seu clitóris como se a vida dele dependesse disso era tão bom e não demorou mais que dois minutos para levá-la direto para seu orgasmo, em um gemido alto, com suas pernas tremendo incontrolavelmente de prazer, sua boceta molhando e apertando os dedos dele, você estava nas nuvens.
"Tudo bem?" Ele questionou tirando-a de seu transe.
"Eu pensei que eu devesse estar de joelhos para você." Riu o ajudando a levantar.
"Não se preocupe, amor, eu com certeza iriei cobrar isso." Piscou.
"Na sua casa depois?" Disse esperançosa, arrumando seu vestido no lugar.
"Você sabe que sim." Harry ajeitava suas calças tentando disfarçar sua ereção. "Mas só se prometer ficar e me deixar preparar o café da manhã para você." Ele segurou a maçaneta que você tentava abrir.
"Harry." Choramingou em protesto.
"Diz que sim." Ele fez um beicinho fofo.
"Tudo bem." Revirou os olhos, bufando de brincadeira.
"Ótimo, eu vou primeiro." Um beijo foi deixado em sua testa antes dele sair sorrateiramente dali louco para que a festa acabasse logo só para ter mais uma noite incrível com sua amiga colorida e quem sabe algo mais.
Taglist: @say-narry @zarry-fics
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watermelonlovershigh · 2 months
"Y/n, I really want a baby!" /blurb/
AN: i started writing this the same day Gemma announced she had a baby but you know me, i'm a slow writer and proofreader. so sorry it took me a few days to have it finished and posted. hope you enjoy and make sure to leave your feedback. xoxo
This story contains: talks of wanting a baby, heavy persuasion, small smut scene, breeding kink maybe?
{ husbandrry - soft!harry - uncle!harry - current harry era }
word count- 1,484
After the pregnancy announcement of Harry's older sister Gemma, Harry has become sick with the case of baby fever and tries to convince you over and over to start having children now rather then later.
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Ever since Harry has become an uncle to his sister Gemma's new little baby girl, he's had massive baby fever. And it's not like you're opposed to having a baby with Harry. Of course you want a baby with your husband of a year, boyfriend of nearly eight years. But your original plan was to wait for another year or two and that's what you were hoping to stick to. But Harry is mighty convincing.
Gemma had invited you and Harry over to her little house back in Holmes Chapel that she shares with her long time boyfriend, Michal. Harry's been finished touring for about a month now so you had a bunch of free time to make the drive up there. When you arrived, you got the sense something was up. There was this sneakiness in the air that you couldn't ignore.
But that all ended after your dinner, as you sat on Gemma's nice plush couch, when she looks to you and then to Harry before blurting out, "We're having a baby."
Harry's eyes nearly bug out his head and he shouts, "What! Oh My God!!" He stood up from his spot on the couch as Gemma shook her head yes and walked over towards her, giving his big sister a big, warm hug. You allowed the brother - sister duo to have a moment before also standing up.
Once Gemma parted from the hug she had with her baby brother, because Harry never breaks hugs first, she reaches out to embrace you in a hug. "Oh My God, congratulations. To you both. I'm so excited for you guys."
Gemma whispers a, "Thank you." in your left ear before stepping back again.
After giving Michal a quick hug as well, Harry questions, "Wait, does Mum know?" His face is still in complete shock.
Gemma nods and responds, "Yeah, she was the second person I told. First being Michal of course. "
You each sit down again and continue the conversation, "I bet Anne sobbed when you told her."
Giggling, Gemma replies, "Oh yes. She first shouted in surprise, quite like Harry did, then cried. It was adorable and sweet."
Later that night on your drive back home to London, you look over to the driver's seat and notice Harry has tears in his eyes. You can only see that in the dark because the street lights are reflecting off his shiny eyes. Quietly, you coo, "Harry, what's wrong? Why are your eyes all watery?"
He turns his head to look at you quickly before watching the road again, then answering, "S'just, m'so happy for Gemma. M'gonna be an uncle. But then it got me thinkin', one day m'gonna be a dad and m'gonna get to hold our small baby and care for it and love on it. They get to call me dad. Y/n, I really want a baby." After saying that last sentence, Harry lets a full blown sob come out. One that you debate whether or not to have him pull over because you don't want him to crash the car.
"Oh baby," you say in a gentle tone, reaching over the center console to run your hand soothingly up and down his arm, "it's okay. You're gonna be the best uncle to your niece or nephew and the best dad to our kids one day."
"But what if I don't want to wait for one day? What if I want kids now? Y/n, can we start tryin' for a baby?"
You giggle at his eagerness and respond, "We said another year or two, remember. But I'll consider bringing the wait time lower. Just let me have time to think on it.
A couple weeks have gone by since Harry found out he was gonna be an uncle and his baby fever has yet to go away. You haven't gave him an answer on whether or not you want to start trying right now and Harry hasn't brought it back up either. He didn't want to bother or pressure you with answering such a big question. But, he has been bringing more persuasive hints your way.
For instance, the other day you were walking in the park and Harry spotted a little girl running up into her daddy's arms. Harry gets your attention at the sight and whispers, "Can you imagine, our little girl or boy runnin' into my arms? Where they know they'll be safe and loved. Of course your arms too but them feelin' love from their daddy is somethin' extra special."
And the imagine of that does get your ovaries tingling, you can't lie. Just picturing your child running into Harry's arms after a day at school, or after getting a little scrape on the knee, or when someone was being rude to them on the playground. Knowing their daddy will love and keep them safe. Ugh, maybe you do want a baby now.
Another time Harry has shown his baby fever recently is in bed. Right now you're on birth control so you still get to have raw sex and Harry takes advantage of that. Whispering in your ear while making love, "Gonna put a baby inside of you. Fill you up with my cum and give you all the babies in the world."
You breathed out while holding his body closer to yours, "You know I'm..... I'm on birth control, right?"
"Don't remind me. Let me just pretend, alright." Harry mutters while thrusting in to you with love and care. Obviously he knows you're on birth control and he'd never interfere with your medication knowing it's something you requested to be on for the time being. But that doesn't mean he can't pretend he's knocking you up.
And it's something Harry does, not just that time but several times following. Really every time you have sex after Gemma's pregnancy announcement where he got baby fever.
What the final straw was to make you want kids now rather than wait until later was when Harry's niece was born and you saw Harry interact with her for the first time. A day after Gemma had given birth, she allowed you and Harry to come visit. Anne had visited first, obviously since she's the mum and grandma, but next it was you two.
When you walked into the hospital room filled with pink balloons and flowers, you saw Gemma propped up in bed with her baby cuddled to her chest. Michal sitting next to the bed in a chair. Gemma waves you both over and asks Michal to grab the baby from her arms and hand her to one of you. (you and harry washed your hands before entering the hospital room) He offers the baby to you first but you shake your head no and say, "Let Harry hold her first."
Michal hands over his baby girl to Harry and it's like some kind of instinct comes forth with how natural he makes it look holding a day old baby. Looking down at the small baby in his arms, Harry coos shakily, clear emotions in his voice, "Oh My God, Gemma, she's beautiful. So small and delicate."
The view in front of you was the best sight you think you've ever seen. Your husband holding his baby niece for the first time. And now all you can picture is you in that hospital bed, looking over at Harry but instead of his niece, he's holding your baby. The one you created together with the love you made. Maybe even doing some skin to skin contact.
On your drive back home from the hospital, you blurt out, "Harry, I want a baby. Like right now." Harry nearly crashes the vehical. He has to actually pull over so he can make sure he heard you correctly.
"Y/n, what'd you say?"
"You heard me correctly, H. I want a baby right now. Not in a year or two. Seeing you with your niece today did something to me. Made my ovaries flutter and this big desire to see you holding our baby. A baby we made together." you explain softly.
Not thinking twice, Harry surges forward and crashes his lips to your. One hand cradles your face while the other settles on your thigh over the center console. Then breaking away to catch his breath, Harry smiles wide and speaks, "Yeah, you wanna make a baby together? When we get home m'gonna stuff you full of m'cum and get you so fuckin' pregnant."
His words turn you on beyond belief. And though you took your birth control this morning, you know tomorrow you're flushing the rest down the toilet. Harry knows the likelihood of getting you pregnant tonight is unlikely because you took your birth control today, but that isn't going to stop him from fucking you until his seed eventually sticks. Whether that takes days, months, or years.
(no more tags are allowed because i've hit my number limit. sorry : ( )
tag list: @one-sweet-gubler // @harryscherrysugar // @hsfanficsrecss // @lollypopsx // @harrycanyonmoonn // @itfeelslikemytherapisthatesme // @damnasstyles  // @mrsstylesharry // @softmullet  // @meetmyblondemuffins  // @thegirlnextdoorssister // @stanleystyles  // @haarrrys // @michellekstyles  // @skyangel57   // @the-gardener-31 // @lhharrylilpumpkin // @yousunshine-youtemptress // @clairestylessss  // @kissmyaxe140  // @goldenmelonsugar-hi // @kaitieskidmore97 // @florencepughily  // @alienorknight //@dancearoundthelivingroom  // @swiftmendeshoran
 // @luv-flor7777  // @alohastyles-x // @tenaciousperfectionunknown  // @sleutherclaw // @siredtohybrid // @whoscamila // @a-strange-familiar  // @golden-elodie // @mrspeacem1nusone //  @goldenkhae // @lntwithhrry  // @shadowygladiatorlight  // @manifestrry  //@mendesblurb // @sunshinemoonsposts  // @depersonalizationsucks // @academiaghost // @zendayassimp // @reveriehs // @vsnnstuff // @dancinsunflowerkiwi // @quinnsgrapejuice // @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite // @justlemmeholdyou // @hsonlyangelxo // @luvonstyles // @howdey
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