#harry styles breakup
Yes, Sir! —Capítulo 18
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Personagens: Professor! Harry x Estudante!Aurora. (Aurora tem 23 anos e Harry tem 35)
Aviso: O capítulo só tem o ponto de vista de Harry.
NotaAutora: Perdão a demora para atualizar a fic.
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— Oi! Meu amor. — Violeta disse assim que atendi o telefone — Acabei de deixar as meninas com a babá!
— Ótimo! Já estou indo buscar você. — Tentei parecer animado, mas todo cansaço não me ajudava.
— Você quer cancelar nossa noite?
— Por que?
— Eu conheço você bem o suficiente para saber quando está fingindo.
— Só estou cansado, você já contratou a babá e também fez a reserva, vamos aproveitar.
— Tudo bem, estou te esperando.
Eu não estava nem um pouco com vontade de sair para um date e não era pelo cansaço. Aurora me ligou, me mandou mensagem e eu nem tive coragem de responder.Eu era simplesmente um covarde miserável que não teve a decência de dizer a ela o que eu sentia, mas como eu poderia? Dizer que a amava não valeria de nada quando ela descobrisse sobre Violeta, porque ela vai descobrir, não há mais tempo para mim.
Assim que estacionei minha esposa entrou toda animada no carro, ela estava linda, sua maquiagem pesada e sua roupa justa, não podia negar que não mexeu comigo, que uma parte de mim sentiu sua falta.
— Oi! — Aquele sorriso um dia fez meu mundo inteiro balançar.
— Oi.
— Posso te beijar? — Ela se tornou uma mulher tímida de uma hora para outra.
— Porque está me perguntando?
— Não sei Harry, ultimamente você tem estado tão distante que nem sei mais se eu posso beijar meu próprio marido.
— Pode.
Aqueles lábios, eram doces, mas não tão bons quanto os de Aurora.
— Vamos?
— Sim. — Ela entrelaçou os dedos aos meus com um sorriso.
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A viagem até o restaurante foi terrível, Violeta estava determinada a me provocar, sua mão quente ficou em minha coxa o tempo todo. Eu só queria chegar logo que assim que vi o estacionamento apressei-me para achar uma vaga, logo que o carro desligou eu prontamente fui abrir a porta para ela, estendendo a mão para ajudá-la a sair do carro.
Afinal eu ainda era seu marido, ela merecia isso, uma noite sem que se sentisse rejeitada.
— Obrigado meu amor, que cavalheiro.
Sua mão rapidamente entrelaçaram-se a minha, não hesitei, mas eu deveria?
Já não sei mais o que é certo ou errado, meu coração grita pela Aurora, eu sinto tanto a falta dela, mas Violeta é minha esposa não é a ela a quem deveria estar venerando?
O lugar era lindo, todos os nossos anos de relacionamento nunca jantamos em lugar tão chique, talvez estejamos mesmo, no fundo do poço e Violeta estava tentando de tudo para reacender a chama do nosso amor.
O jantar foi agradável, nós se esquecemos quase completamente a tensão que havia entre nós há muito tempo, nós rimos e flertamos como se fossemos dois recém casados e apaixonados, eu me senti estranho por estar gostando tanto da companhia dela.
— Foi muito legal hoje. — Minha esposa sorriu para mim enquanto caminhavamos para o carro. — Eu me diverti muito.
— Eu também — Sorri de volta abrindo a porta para ajudá-la a entrar.
— Sabe, amor. — Violeta começou assim que entrei no carro. — A noite não precisa acabar agora.— Ela parecia nervosa, ela estava nervosa eu a conhecia muito bem para ler sua expressão facial.
Eu senti meu coração acelerar, quando a sua mão delicada tocou meu rosto o virando para ela
— Eu quero você, H. — Sussurrou antes de unir seus lábios aos meus.
Eu não consegui resistir, me deixei levar pelo momento e o prazer que os lábios da minha esposa me davam, minhas mãos a puxaram mais para mim, até que estivesse sentada em meu colo, suas mãos puxavam meus cabelos, enquanto seus quadris roçaram em mim.
— H.— Ela gemeu baixinho em meu ouvido.
E um estalo, o som da voz de Aurora apareceu em minha mente, eu via ela em minha frente.
— Para!
— O que foi?— Violeta me olhou assustada.
— Acho melhor pararmos.
— Por quê?
— Alguém pode ver— Menti.
Mas eu não podia continuar.
Eu não estava mais apaixonado por Violeta, eu só estava me apagando a um passado onde nós éramos realmente felizes.
— Eu não ligo.
— Baby, vamos para casa, eu não quero fazer isso aqui.— Segurei seu rosto e forcei-me a beija-lá. — Quero fazer direito.
— Promete que vamos transar quando chegar lá? — A voz manhosa e triste dela me fazia sentir culpado.
— Claro. — Afirmei só para vê-la sair de cima de mim.
Eu não sei bem o que aconteceria quando chegasse, não sei se resistiria a minha própria esposa, eu estava muito confuso e me sentindo muito culpado.
— A babá está lá em cima, vou avisá-la para ir. — Violeta dizia enquanto tirava os sapatos assim que chegamos. — Por ser tarde talvez ela precise de carona, voc�� pode levá-la para mim? E passar na farmácia pegar uns preservativos, acho que já encaixotei os que tinham aqui em casa.
— Claro querida.
Aproveitei o momento para ir até o banheiro, entrei rapidamente e lavei meu rosto.
— Mas que porra você está fazendo? — Indaguei a mim mesmo, várias vezes.
Eu amava a Aurora, eu a amava.
Ouvi uma movimentação na cozinha, devia ser a babá.
— Está Pronta? — Questionei arrumando a gola da camisa, sem nem olhar para cima.
Mas no instante que ela se virou eu quis morrer.
Eu fiquei paralisado ali, olhando a mulher a minha frente, minha boca se mexia, mas não saia nada.
Era a Aurora, ali bem na minha frente.
A babá!
Ela era a porra da babá!
— Aurora?! — Minha mente se recusava a acreditar. — Aurora o que faz aqui? — Como ela descobriu? Ela me seguiu? Ela contou tudo a Violeta? — Aurora, me responde. — Eu caminhei rapidamente até ela segurando em seu braço. — Como me achou?
— Achou?! Que porra você está fazendo aqui?! Eu não te achei, eu nem sabia que estaria aqui. Você é irmão da Violeta ou coisa assim? — Ela também parecia tão confusa.
— Querido?! — Violeta surgiu atrás de mim e eu quase gritei. — Aí está você, meu amor não esqueça de dar uma boa gorjeta, ok?
— Aurora!— Violeta gritou assim que a viu cair no chão. — Harry faça alguma coisa. — Eu estava paralisado. — Harry!
— Vamos tentar acordar ela.
Fui de encontro eu corpo pálido no chão, segurei sua cabeça em minha mão, tirei seus cabelos ruivos do rosto, acariciei seu rosto e a vi se mexer.
— Ei você está bem?
— Eu... Sim. — Ela tentava se levantar rápido.
— Tem certeza? Precisa de um médico? — Minha esposa acariciava os cabelos de aurora tão preocupada como eu.
— Eu estou bem, sempre acontece isso, minha pressão cai às vezes.- Aurora se levantou.
— Tem certeza? Você parece um pouco pálida. — Minha esposa tentou tocar nela novamente, mas Aurora pareceu esquivar-se.
— Sim, eu vou indo.
— Espere meu marido vai levá-la.
Porra não!
— Não precisa.
— Você acabou de desmaiar. — Violeta encheu um copo com água e a entregou. — Por favor querida, você foi tão boa para mim hoje o mínimo que posso fazer é isso, já que não quer ir ao médico, tem certeza que não quer sentar um pouco?
Aurora estava cuidando das minhas filhas enquanto eu quase trepei com minha mulher, isso não podia estar acontecendo.
— Eu estou bem, não se preocupe.
— H, ajude-a a chegar em casa, tá bem?
— Ok — Foi tudo o que eu consegui dizer.
Eu ajudei Aurora a entrar no carro, sabendo que tudo estava prestas a desmoronar.
Eu pensei que no instante que estivemos sozinhos ela iria gritar comigo, mas ela ficou quieta, um silêncio absoluto que me causava arrepios.
— Aurora. — Eu queria explicar tudo.
— Não. — Ela desviou o olhar.
— Aurora me deixe explicar.
— Eu não quero! E assim que estivermos longe o suficiente para que ela não veja o carro me deixe sair.
— Eu não posso deixar você sozinha essa hora na rua.
— Eu não posso ficar mais um minuto com você nesse carro.
— Aurora por favor.
— Já estamos longe, por favor me deixa sair?
— Não posso.
— Eu vou pular desse carro, me deixa sair. — Ela tentava abrir a porta do carro com força.
— Aurora, pare de ser estúpida, você vai se machucar.
— ME DEIXE SAIR AGORA!- Ela começou a gritar batendo em meu braço, e por um instante pensei que iria bater, única saída foi parar o carro.
— Aurora!- Gritei assim que a vi saindo correndo do carro. — Pelo amor de Deus espera por favor. — Fui rápido em ir atrás dela. — Aurora, por favor, eu só quero conversar.
— Não há o que falar. Não quero mais ver você.
— Me deixa explicar, eu sinto muito, eu não queria que descobrisse assim.
— Assim como? Na porra da sua casa?! Com a sua família! — Eu podia ver suas lágrimas caírem. — VOCÊ TEM UMA FAMÍLIA! UMA FAMÍLIA HARRY!
— Eu sei, sinto muito, mas é complicado.
— Complicado? É por isso que não respondia minhas mensagens? Eu disse que te amava, como você pôde fazer isso comigo!
— Me perdoe, por favor.
— Você tem sua família, precisa voltar para elas, eu não quero ver você nunca mais.
— Por favor. — Segurei em seu braço. — Aurora, você é importante para mim, me deixe levá-la, me deixe explicar tudo. — Aproximei- me acariciando seus cabelos. — Eu quero poder contar tudo para você.
— Devia ter feito isso antes. — Ela se afastou. — Adeus Harry.
Ela saiu correndo sem rumo, eu não sabia o que fazer, se corria atrás dela ou a deixava ir.
Essa noite, antes de ver Aurora na minha cozinha, eu até cogitei que talvez fosse melhor ficar com Violeta, não porque eu a amava tanto quanto eu amo Aurora, mas, porque era o certo a se fazer, era mais fácil tentar consertar algo que está quebrado do que admitir que aquilo não funciona mais, talvez eu sentisse que merece mais alguém como Violeta do que Aurora em minha vida, afinal Violeta era como eu, uma traidora tentando se redimir, mas Aurora, ela era pura, inocente e eu não deveria ter a metido no meio dessa bagunça que era meu mundo, mas eu fui egoísta demais para deixá-la ir antes que eu fodesse com tudo.
E agora tudo o que o meu coração mais gritava era para não deixá-la ir, eu não conseguiria aceitar a ideia de perder ela.
Eu não podia escolher ela.
Eu não deveria ir atrás dela.
Então como um covarde eu dei meia volta, entrei no meu carro.
Eu a deixei sozinha...
Eu a deixei chorando...
Eu a deixei com medo...
Eu voltei para casa...
— Tudo certo querido? — Violeta tinha aquele olhar de esperança assim que entrei casa. — Querido? — Eu passei por ela sem dizer nenhuma palavra. — Harry? — Eu subi as escadas. — Harry!? — Ela me seguiu e segurou meu braço. — O que foi? Aconteceu algo?
— Eu quero...
— O que você quer?
— Eu quero o divórcio.
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Obrigado por ler até aqui 💗 O feedback através de uma ask é muito apreciado! Também como um reblog para compartilhar minha escrita com outras pessoas!
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and I'm sorry I left, but it was for the best my little dove...
absolute solitude: selected poems, dulce maria loynaz (tr. james o'connor) // the glass essay, anne carson // boyish, japanese breakfast // @uglyfruit // yves olade // hunger, harry styles // a not admitting of the wound, emily dickinson // no surprises, radiohead // fourth of july, sufjan stevens
11K notes · View notes
missmielyhoran · 11 months
You're losing me
inspired by a heartbreaking song by my mother, Taylor Swift
Face claim- Maddison Beer
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Liked by Harryfan1, Y/Nfan3, Harryfan4 and 1,982,334 others
DailyMail 'As it was' singer, Harry Styles and Popstar Y/N Y/L/N broke up after 5 years of dating
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Harryfan1 I refuse to believe this
Y/Nfan2 it's a ✨️no✨️ from me
Y/Nfan3 Nope they're getting married next month
Harryfan2 someone tell me this is a prank or fake news or something
Y/Nfan1 I don't believe shit until Y/N says something
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Liked by Harryfan2, Y/Nfan1, Y/Nfan3 and 1,236,113 others
DailyMail Photo surfaces of Harry and Y/N having argument yesterday in front of a restaurant
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Harryfan1 First off all fuck paps and fuck them for not giving them privacy
Y/Nfan2 What- look at her face omg
Harryfan3 Love Harry to death but wtf did that man do
Harryfan2 No they're my parents :(
Y/Nfan1 I'm crying like a child in divorce
A month later-
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Liked by Y/Nfan1, sabrinacarpenter, Harryfan1 and 6,880,921 others
Yourinstagram I wouldn't marry me either a pathological people pleaser
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Y/Nfan2 NEW MUSIC???
Harryfan1 God damn she's going all in
sabrinacarpenter None of you are rady for what she's cooking
Y/Nfan1 don't scare us!
Y/Nfan3 she's going to break all of our hearts
Y/Nfan1 Fuck Harry! His loss!
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Liked by Harryfan3, Harryfan2, Y/Nfan2 and 986,543 others
DailyMail Video of Harry Styles making out with model emily ratajkowski is going viral
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Harryfan2 I know a pr when I see one
Y/Nfan2 WTF?!
Y/Nfan1 He got out of a 5 year relationship and is making out with some model a month later?
Harryfan2 He's allowed to move on, he doesn't need your approval smh
Harryfan1 I don't know how to feel
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Liked by sabrinacarpenter, Y/Nfan1, Harryfan2 and 4,237,890 others
Yourinstagram My heart won't start anymore for you
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Y/Nfan1 Girl stop teasing us
Y/Nfan3 I'm so excited to drag Harry
Harryfan1 I won't survive this I just know
Y/Nfan2 If anyone says something bad they will catch these hands just know
Harryfan3 She's going to milk this for her benefit
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Liked by tchalamet, Y/Nfan1, Harryfan1 and 7,908,672 others
Yourinstagram You're losing me out now
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sabrinacarpenter Bestie this is too sad...i love it
Yourinstagram Thanks babe❤️
Harryfan1 I'm definitely not crying in Taco Bell's parking lot
Y/Nfan2 I'm unwell
Y/Nfan3 If this is the first song, she's going to have to pay my therapy bill when album comes out
Harryfan3 Mid
Y/Nfan1 Onw to Harry's, I just want to talk
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Liked by sabrinacarpenter, Y/Nfan2, Harryfan1 and 4,890,765 others
Yourinstagram You're losing me mv on midnight?
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Y/Nfan1 she looks like an angel
Harryfan2 OMG YESS
sabrinacarpenter Yes yes and yes
tchalamet Yes queen serve us
tchalamet you look absolutely breathtaking btw❤️
Y/Nfan3 Timmy what are you doing here
Yourinstagram Thanks Timmy
Y/Nfan1 Timmy and Y/N back? Yes absolutely!
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Liked by Harryfan2, Y/Nfan3, Y/Nfan1 and 324,567 others
Y/Nupdates Y/N spotted hanging out with her ex Timothee
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Y/Nfan2 OMG
Y/Nfan1 I love them smm
Harryfan1 idc if they're friends or dating I love them together
Harryfan3 Now no one is saying she just got out of relationship why is she making out smh the double standards
Y/Nfan1 First it's been a long time and second she's not eating his face in front of everyone when the breakup is still fresh
Y/Nfan3 the comments are not it🙃
Part 2
Taglist- @tenaciousperfectionunknown @that-daydream-look @harryspirate @tiaamberxx @lomlhstyles @vmpellie @sunshinemoonsposts @jayde515
Please Like,Comment and Reblog!
You can talk to me and tell me how you felt about this here♡ requests are closed sorry
I love you, drink some water
1K notes · View notes
Strange Mercy.
Summary: After hooking up with Harry occasionally, you fall pregnant. The real problem starts when he begins touring, and no matter what, you can never seem to make it past fans - or even the guards in order to tell him.
A/N: (D/N) = Daughter’s Name
Reader Pronouns: She/Her
Length: Medium
TW: Cheating, Single Pregnancy, Violence While Pregnant (Slight), Hookup, Angst (Fluff at the end)
Celebrities: Harry E. Styles
Song(s) To Listen To: Strange Mercy - St. Vincent
You met him at a party. You had been a groupie of some lowly band, really just because you liked their music, but since then, their guitarist had taken a liking to you. You had hoped this meant you were his girlfriend, and yeah, he’d sleep with you and take you on ‘dates,’ but he’d do this with other women, too.
Truthfully, Harry wasn’t even supposed to be there. The party was in New York, close to the building that happened to be throwing an after party for an awards ceremony. So when he saw you smoking a cigarette outside the building, watching the dirty guitarist flirt with a few girls to the left of you, he approached you.
“Erm,” He began, shifting your attention.
He was dressed rather lavishly, but casual for the party. He wore a floral Gucci button up shirt and dress pants with Gucci shoes. The Apple Watch against his wrist read, “You’ve Arrived!”
“Is this The Louvat? It doesn’t really look like it…” His accent was thick, rolling off his tongue slowly.
Taking another drag, you chuckled a bit, “No, this is Lamar, the bar a bunch of shitty bands play at? You must have mistyped it.”
You looked back at your ‘boyfriend,’ watching as he slid a hand up one of the girls’ waist. You settled into your fluffy coat a bit more.
“Here,” You took his phone and typed in the right thing, “So you don’t miss it.”
Harry blinked. It was odd not to be noticed, but he wasn’t complaining, and eased into it, “Thank you.”
“The Louvat, how’d you miss that?” Another chuckle escaped your lips, “Hasn’t it got paparazzi littering the place?”
Furrowing your brows, squinting and pressing your lips into a thin line, you asked, “Are you famous?”
This time, it was his turn to chuckle nervously, “Eh,” He shrugged.
You softened your face a bit, glancing at Luke, the guitarist, who now was caught up wrestling tongues with a different girl. You looked down, “Well, you should probably get going, huh?”
You flicked your cigarette to the side, and he noticed the man you were looking at.
Dipping his eyebrows in worry, something came over him, “Would you like to come with me? Completely free. You just, I don’t think you really belong here, is all.”
A pink dusted your cheeks, and you couldn’t help but blame it on the cold Fall air.
“I…” You looked toward Luke, but the stranger stepped closer, gently turning your head toward him by the chin.
“Think of yourself, alright?”
Those sea green eyes could have controlled you. Suddenly, it wasn’t chilly. It was warm, stemming from your heart.
“Aright,” You responded softly, “I’d love to go.”
To be honest, he could have been a kidnapper or a killer, but could one have such sweet eyes? And to be fair, you’d rather be anywhere but here.
He smiled at you softly, “Well, I’m quite early since I had a feeling I’d get lost. Let’s get you something to wear, yeah?”
You’d been dressed the opposite of him - wearing a sleazy coat lined with faux fur zipped right as low as it could be without showing too much cleavage, Daisy Dukes, and a pair of tennis shoes. All to impress some boy that didn’t seem to want you anyway.
You’d felt hot earlier, but in the presence of this stranger and his enchanting eyes, you melted with embarrassment.
“That would be great,” You sighed with a smile, “Someone told me to wear this here, and now he’s off flirting with someone else.”
“I see,” Harry began, “Then you need to choose what you like…” He trailed off.
“(Y/N). (Y/N) (L/N),” You took a hand out of your pocket and held it out, but he kissed it instead.
“Harry Styles. Nice to meet you, (Y/N).”
Luke caught a glimpse of you leaving with your handsome stranger, angrily shouting after you, but you flipped him off and laughed as the car strolled on, turning back to Harry soon after.
Harry had found himself enchanted by your laugh. You were gorgeous in the face of revenge.
And that’s where it began. You’d become good friends since then, and when you made your ‘debut’ accompanying him, you’d been dressed in lavish branded clothes, from your dress to your heels to your accessories.
You owed him a lot, really, but working as a waitress really sucked. You didn’t get paid much, unless some guy had taken a liking to you and you flirted back a bit.
But now, every attractive guy seemed less and less so, even when your coworker, Emma, seemed to gleam the handsome men. Harry, though, seemed more beautiful by the minute.
“I still can’t believe your friends with him,” Emma sighed, obviously envious, “And that you didn’t know who he was!”
She had begged you so many times to get him to meet her, and you refused, knowing her and her…tendencies. Not that you disapproved, you just wanted to keep Harry safe. Safe. What a weird way to put it.
Your shift had just ended and Emma was on break, though you weren’t even listening as you fixed your makeup and waited for your ride.
He came strolling in soon after, curls gorgeously bouncing with his steps, smiling from ear to ear when he caught a look at you.
The diner was nearly empty now, so he noted he could make a quick entrance and exit.
“H!” You smiled and ran toward him, hugging the taller man, “You all packed up?”
He nodded, hugging you back, “Yeah, but you call me if that Luke is giving you anymore trouble, alright?”
You nodded, starry-eyed and so obviously enamored, “Thank you.”
It was Harry’s yacht party when it happened. The both of you were as sober as can be. You had admitted (hesitantly, of course) that you were afraid of the water, and Harry, without the bat of an eye, decided that he would watch over you and drink nothing for the night.
Ultimately, you felt bad, but noted that he seemed to be having as much fun at his going-away party as he would under the influence.
“(Y/N),” He started, once he managed to come away from the crowd of celebrities you still couldn’t process were actually there, “I rented the yacht out for the night. After the party, you wanna take it around?”
Your heart leaped at the opportunity to have Harry alone, and you nodded, “That sounds great!”
And when the time finally came and the last person left, he turned to you with a huge smile.
Who would have thought that you’d be here, with the most handsome man you’d ever seen? He had a goofy smile and eyes that glittered, the ocean reflecting on them.
He was perfect.
“There are some pretty things out here,” He had spoken, excitement bleeding into his voice, “I wanted to show you.”
You were quite surprised that he even knew how to drive a boat, but you felt safe with him either way as he steered it through the night.
And there you sat together, staring at the stars that seemed so much clearer out in the open. His hand found the small of your back quickly but softly, and he smiled into the night sky.
“All of those guys forget that we’re just humans. We’re nothing compared to the stars,” He spoke, not even turning to you.
You hummed happily, not even noticing when he did face you, “Except you, (Y/N).”
You met his eyes in confusion, raising a brow before he continued, “I’ve never met anyone like you.”
You smiled bashfully, looking down, “Ah…I’m not that special, H.”
“But you are,” He scooted closer, “I…I knew from the moment we met that there was something different about you.”
Your eyes glimmered when they met with his again, your heart skipping a beat as the salty ocean air nipped your cheeks, “That means the world to me.”
Cupping your face in his hands, he inched your faces closer, “(Y/N)…would you let me love you this once? Before the tour starts again.”
Your face flushed red. And suddenly it made sense. Harry had felt something for you since you met, only he decided not to pursue anything after your breakup, and when you explained to him just how much relationships scared you since Luke. He figured that if dating a minor celebrity hurt you that much, then dating him would only be worse.
But he’d be leaving soon. And you’d miss him so, so much.
You nodded softly, lips parted before his met yours.
The butterflies began to fight their way out of your stomach, even as the kiss grew in intensity, and when he hoisted your legs around his waist, carrying you to the bed downstairs.
There wasn’t much thought for either of you, as he looked down at you, straddling you, “And you’re sure…you want to do this?”
“Yes,” You replied quicker than you meant to, “Yes, I’m sure.”
He was going to say something, but was only surprised when you pulled him by his collar and kissed him deeply.
The gentle beams of bright ocean light woke you, and you found yourself covered from your chest down to your thighs in a thick white comforter that felt like the softest thing in the world.
When you turned, you were met with an empty bed, making your heart sink. You’d trusted Harry dearly, would he just leave like Luke would?
You felt your mood begin to sour, that was, until you heard soft singing from above, and smelt blueberry pancakes, your favorite from the diner.
It was Harry, you would come to recognize, and your frown morphed into a wide smile. Once you were able to find the complimentary robe, you slipped it on, noticing it said, ‘Mrs.’
You giggled, figuring Harry had the matching one.
“Good morning, my sweet creature,” He set a plate down on the bar table for you, and another for himself, “How’d you sleep?”
You sat down and began to eat, thanking him before doing so, “Quite lovely, prince of pop.”
He exhaled a laugh, tying the robe around him once more, seeing as it was coming loose.
Part of you hurt, because you knew that you still weren’t quite ready - Like had messed you up terribly, and though Harry made you feel safe, there was still a block.
“Hey,” Harry’s hand met yours as you chewed your food, “I promise this doesn’t change anything. We can remain friends until you’re ready to decide, alright?”
You smiled sentimentally, overwhelmed with his understanding of you, “Thank you, H.”
He kissed your hand gently, and the two of you finished breakfast in peace.
He left less than a week later, taking your source of light with him. You wouldn’t be able to have him back at your house for almost a year, and though you could still visit, it would be hard.
It started with small things. About a month after he left, you began to wake up in the middle of the night more often, restless. Your chest became sore, no matter what, scaring you since your mind jumped straight to the idea of cancer.
It wasn’t until you sat on the toilet after spilling up last night’s dinner that you realized.
You were late.
And the theory became fact as you held onto the two pregnancy tests later that day, hand shaking in fear.
You were happy, of course, but you were anything but ready. Neither of you were.
The rest of the night, you were pacing, trying hard not to freak out in your small, bummy apartment, to no avail.
That night was more restless than the ones before it, and at 4:36 in the morning, you finally decided to tell Harry.
ME: We need to talk. Call me.
And just as quickly as it was sent, there was a reply.
HARRY: Due to insufficient funds, your service has been shut off until further notice. If you think that this is a mistake, or you would like to make a payment, please click the link below.
What awful timing.
It had come between either the phone bill or the rent this month, and you’d decided that you quite enjoyed shelter, but now you regretted it.
There was your friends you could meet in the morning, but Harry would never answer a message from an unknown number, especially one claiming such shocking things.
And who could you even talk to about this? Your family hardly spoke to you, ever since they found out you’d dated Luke, and this would only drive them away further, using their religion as a scapegoat for their pushing you away.
So you’d have to track him down. How hard could it be?
You saved for about three months, finally getting enough money for a plane ticket to meet Harry again, and though you couldn’t afford the concert ticket, you did your best efforts to come up with a plan.
As you idly watched the clock tick by, you prepared yourself for what was to come. Fan girls. Guards. Flashing lights. Nauseating smells.
And then you packed your bag and were on your way. Sneaking in was pretty easy, actually, especially when you recognized one of the guards as the one who drove the two of you to the party that fateful night.
The hard part was getting backstage during his intermission.
You had made it through, but now here was this giant man hassling you. He was buff, standing at at least 6’4”, and looking down at you through his sunglasses. You couldn’t have been farther apart.
“Hey, miss. You’re not allowed back here,” He raised a brow, stepping in front of you again, “I won’t say it again.”
You shook your head, “How many times do I have to tell you? I’m a friend of Harry’s, and I really, really need to tell him something important!”
You pushed forward, trying to reach the bright vanity, but the man pushed back with his hands. Instinctively, you grabbed your belly as you fell, landing on your side, a forearm holding you up.
“Hey! I’m fucking pregnant! What the hell?!”
He didn’t seem to care, hoisting you up by the arm on your belly, to your feet. The grip hurt, and you closed your eyes tightly, “I don’t care. I’m doing my job. It’s your fault if the baby dies because of you, you sick whore.”
He had obviously been frustrated, you’d noticed, and maybe he was right. Who were you to sleep around with Harry? Or with Luke? With anyone? What good did it do you but bring you here?
Tears started to sting your eyes, but all you could mutter was, “You’re stupid.”
He tossed you on the ground again, and you landed like before, not even meeting his eyes.
“Very bold of you to s-“ He began, but suddenly froze cold at a voice.
“(Y/N)? Bryan? What the hell are you doing?!” It was the fastest you’d ever heard him speak.
Bryan, you guessed, turned, his mouth agape, “A trespasser.”
“That’s my friend, you idiot! And any man who treats anyone like that shouldn’t be here in the first place!” Harry was now in his face, not even noticing your bump, “You’re fired!”
He looked over to you and his eyes widened in a second, “Oh my god. (Y/N)…you’re pregnant.”
“Really?” You chuckled sarcastically, a bit annoyed at the man as Harry helped you up, “I almost wasn’t when he kept rag-dolling me everywhere.
“Fucking leave,” He turned to the man, venom seething through his words, and when he did so, escorted by other guards, Harry turned back to you.
“I’m so sorry, love. I’ll make sure he’ll never be near us again,” He looked down at the bump, a bittersweet smile on his face, “Was it Luke?”
You felt safe with him, like usual, and you felt butterflies begin to swarm your insides.
“God, no,” You paused, looking down before meeting his eyes, “It’s yours.”
He froze completely, and you panicked, “But…I don’t mind raising it on my own, Harry. You’re a pop star and I knew what I was getting into, plus you’ll be busy. We can keep it a secret a-“
“No,” He spoke sternly yet softly, his hands holding yours as he smiled down at you, “No.”
“I don’t think there’s anyone else I’d want to have my kid,” He chuckled, “I would tell you you have pregnancy glow, but you always look that good.”
He was practically beaming, “God, I’m going to be a father! I can’t believe it! Thank you, thank you,” He hugged you tightly before pulling away, looking as if he realized something grim, “But, erm…if you want to raise it separately and as friends, that’s okay.”
You smiled solemnly, admiring just how stupid this boy was, quickly pulling him by his collar and smashing your lips on his.
When you pulled away, he blinked for a few seconds, “Did I get my point across?”
He nodded, smiling like an idiot.
“Then go out there and focus on your fans, okay? I’ll be in the private booths.”
The night, you thought, couldn’t have ended more wonderfully, but that’s when you were proven wrong. He stood on stage, finishing the previous song, Grapejuice, when he abruptly paused the show.
“Before I continue, I want everyone to know something,” Your heart skipped a beat, “I would like to dedicate this next song, Matilda, to everyone.”
The sentence brought your anxieties back down, “But most of all, (Y/N).”
And the tears began to fall for you, a hand over your mouth in surprise.
“She’s a wonderful girl, a long-time friend of mine who was never treated how she deserved to be treated. The kindest person I know, and the strongest,” He continued on, “And I’m honored to be the father of our baby.”
The crowd erupted into screams and cheers, and tears began to fall from him as well. Shifting his weight on his other leg, he gave his signature air kisses before the music began to play.
“You were riding your bike to the sound of ‘It’s No Big Deal.’”
When she, (D/N), finally arrived, it was the best thing to ever happen to either of you. Harry would have sworn by it, despite his very fortunate life, and even as she grew to a toddler, she looked just like him.
It made you smile as you held onto your husband of two years, “God, she looks just like you. From her eyes to her nose to her jaw.”
She was playing with the Golden Retriever puppy you’d gotten to grow up with her. She giggled even as she fell onto her bottom and was covered in kisses.
“She reminds me of you, most of all, love,” He looked at her lovingly, “I’m just worried she’ll be lonely growing up. I can’t imagine not having Gemma with me. I know we rushed into it a bit for her sake, but it’s the best thing we’ve ever done. Well, aside from (D/N).”
You bit your lip slyly, “Don’t worry, H. She won’t have that problem in about seven months.”
His heart stopped, and he practically leaped up in joy, pulling you in by the waist and spinning you.
“You could have destroyed me and refused to be with me. You could have never told me she was mine or worse. When I met you, I knew you were going to be in my life forever. Thank you for taking mercy in the stupid pop star who knocked you up,” Harry met your eyes, speaking softly, “You’re my blessing, my strange mercy.”
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comfort-person · 10 months
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Don’t you call him baby
Request: hi! I’ve been obsessed with the song ‘cherry’ lately and was wondering whether you could write something about it? I’m so hyper fixed on it and AH I just need something smutty and angsty if possible? Thank you!!
A/n: I haven’t mentioned it but I went for a job interview and I got the job!! Hooray!
Minors please do not interact
Warnings: smut, exes, toxicity, mention of arguments, angst… jealous Harry. Protective Harry. Dominant Harry. Degrading/ praise. Cheating kinda? Rough… as well. Very sexual scenes. (Make up sex pretty much) if this isn’t your thing/ it makes you uncomfortable please scroll past. But if you read and are easily effected by some strong/ tense scenes please read at your own discretion. Much love, A. x
Harry styles x fem! Reader
Inspirations from cherry:
Don’t you call him baby
Did you know I still talk to them?
“How is she?” His voice cut through the silence, Harry had decided to meet up with one of your closest friends. It took a lot to convince her but she eventually gave in to his constant requests of knowing how you were doing. Noa sat opposite Harry her chin resting on her knuckles as she gazed at him “harry I know you care about her… but y/n wants to move on. It’s time to move on.” She spoke calmly and sensibly. She never got involved between drama or toxic relationships but you had been constantly stressing over the fact that Harry was so bluntly concerned about you. You hated it. In fact you despised him and wished he would go and find a new girl to date… but Harry didn’t want that. He didn’t want a new girl. He wanted you. “I know, Noa.” He muttered to her his hands rubbing against each other slightly before he sighed “is she okay though? In herself? I haven’t seen her in a while…”
Noa stared at the man, deciding to give him the benefit of the doubt and believe he only wanted the best for you. “She’s okay.” She nodded her head smiling, “she’s happier.” Those words tore him apart, selfishly so, you were happier without him? That alone was difficult to comprehend yet he forced a smile “that’s good.” Noa nodded her head “yeah… she misses you though. I’m sure you both miss each other. But she’s moved on… and you have to as well.” Harry should’ve listened- but those words but she’s moved on made his heart plummet. What did she mean by that? Did you have a new boyfriend? Someone who made you happier than ever? Was Harry truly not enough for you? He felt jealousy creeping up within him yet on his perfectly sculpted face was nothing but calmness. But under that was a storm brewing.. messy and huge. “She’s got a boyfriend?” He soon asked gawking at her and Noa gazed at him, clearly not wanting to discuss anymore and Harry quickly cut her off before she could’ve said anything else:
“You know what. Never mind… I’m sorry it’s none of my business.” he smiled falsely before shaking his head “it was nice meeting up with you again. We’ll have to do it some other time… yeah?” Or in better words- we’ll meet up to talk about y/n more. Harry didn’t like to admit it but he was a tad bit crazy. But in a way that he adored you and loved you… so much so no one else could love you the way he loved you… he was frankly obsessed with you. You were the one who made him happiest. The one to make his whole world light up around him… you dragged him out of the darkest pits of hell and saved him. You both had history with each other and that was clear. He missed you. It angered him that you had moved on so quickly but he had decided then and there that he wasn’t going to let you live that down… he would make you realise all over again just how much you missed him… all of him.
And so that’s exactly how it played out. Harry still had a key to your apartment from when you were together and so he allowed himself in before situating himself on your bed laying against the headboard as he simply awaited for you to stumble upon him. He wasn’t sure how you would react… maybe scream at him? Hit him? Punch him? But he found himself praying that you would kiss him and tell him you loved him still. But love wasn’t that easy now was it? He was a jealous man but he refused to see his jealousy. You didn’t even split from each other because of anything horrible like cheating or whatever- it was just a dumb argument. But seeing it now it was incredibly stupid and if Harry could’ve turned back time then he would’ve. All he wanted for you was for you to be happy.
About twenty minutes passed, you had just finished up a small date with your new boyfriend. You loved him. You truly did. But he wasn’t Harry. You missed Harry terribly, neither of you spoke to each other and every day you found yourself wanting him more and more. You missed the smell of his cologne, the way he would run his fingers through your hair… you just missed him. A soft sigh left your lips your key held in your hand as you slowly pushed the key into the keyhole before unlocking the door and opening it. You shrugged your jacket off, hanging it up and locking the front door before heading straight for your bedroom. You were tired and just wanted to sleep… but you missed Harry. Sleep usually helped ease your mind but no matter what it would always be difficult. You were craving his love, his attention, his touch… all of him. But that was so wrong, wasn’t it? You slowly walked into your room before freezing at the sight your eyes widening, lips slightly parting as you stared at the man on your bed. The man you still adored. You blinked, a shaky breath leaving your lips. “Hi,” he spoke with a smile but you just stared unable to react before eventually you shook your head “Harry you need to leave.” You murmured softly but the way his eyes travelled up and down your body subtly made your heart flip upside down your breath catching in your throat. “You want me to leave?” He asked raising his brows slightly “Harry please…” he slowly stood up from the bed as he walked towards you “you’re just saying that.” He murmured gently his eyes searching yours that had a look of need, urgency and fire in them “I know you. I love you. I want you.” Your lips remained parted and you stared at him in shock… he wanted you? What did he mean by that? “What do-“ “I mean I really… really want you.” The look in his green eyes told you it all, your wide doe like eyes widening even further before you shook your head lightly “I can’t Harry. I’ve got a boyfriend…” you spoke quietly and the man smiled slightly “I’m aware of that, sweetheart…” but before you could’ve even asked how he knew he was already talking again “he doesn’t give you what you need, does he? He doesn’t fuck you long and hard right? He doesn’t grab you by the throat and tell you who you belong to. Does he?” His eyes bored into yours your breathing now more frantic, your stomach fluttering dangerously before his slender ring adorned fingers reached up gently grabbing a hold of your chin before he leaned in looking more deep into your eyes “does he?” You blinked your eyes, breathing faster now before you shook your head an accomplished smirk forming on those pretty lips of his, “do you want that? Do you need that? Hm you pretty thing?” And you found yourself nodding frantically feeling butterflies travel elsewhere throughout your entire body, some fluttering down straight into your already throbbing heat, eyes wide as you clenched your thighs together attempting to be subtle about it whilst also attempting to add enough pressure to take the edge off of it.
“Good thing I’m here then” he spoke smiling before he pulled you in roughly his lips colliding with yours in a hot passionate kiss, the kisses were slightly sloppy, your hands resting against the sides of his neck as he soon wrapped his arms around your waist gripping onto you tightly, his fingers soon sliding underneath your T-shirt which he soon slid up your body before discarding it on the floor, which were then followed by your jeans his hands gliding up and down your body skilfully, creating all those little goosebumps which had your knees weak, his lips remained connected to yours before he trailed the sloppy kisses down to your neck leaving open mouthed kisses against your soft skin before he pulled away gazing into your eyes “get on the bed. Get comfortable.” Those words alone had another flurry of butterflies consume your stomach and you rather quickly got onto the bed, backing up until your back was against the headboard your hungry eyes remaining on his “good girl, I see you can follow orders hm?” See how long that lasts… your eyes remained on him trying to guess what he was going to do next but you watched as he remained standing still, hands lightly crossed over his chest his eyes scanning shamelessly all over you watching how your chest raised and fell so angelically whereas your thighs clenched together so incredibly tightly. He didn’t speak, allowing you to listen to your heavy breathing and indefinitely the sound of your heart racing in your ears. He found it adorable how your cheeks were already flushed…. He hadn’t even started and you were already a mess. “Oh my poor pathetic baby, hm?” A soft chuckle left his lips before he walked closer to the bed until his knees were touching against the end of it “reach down.” He demanded you feigning a slight confused look. “Don’t be stupid, darling. Use that pretty head of yours… you know what I’m asking of you.” You remained still. Eyes on him your breathing increasing all over again before he smirked “fine. Play with yourself.” Those words made your eyes widen, but your hand, like it was being controlled by a puppeteer slowly crept down, your hand moving your panties to the side your fingers immediately getting to work. You were already soaked… embarrassingly so. Your head lightly tilted backwards, lips parting as a low gasp left your lips your fingers gliding teasingly up and down, before one started circling around your clit a whimper leaving your lips.
Harry’s hungry eyes remained on you, watching as you played for him, watching with careful eyes. Listening to your reactions… “mhm just like that sweetheart. Just like that.” He spoke softly his lips parted as he just watched you play for him. “You sensitive baby?” His tone was accusing, your brows furrowed slightly as you were too lost in your own pleasure. Usually your fingers didn’t help you whatsoever but with Harry just watching it made the moment more intense. More insane. Incredibly hot. You didn’t respond, making the man tilt his head to the side “hm? Is that a no? Darling you know that I know you. You cant fool me…” he watched your brows furrow deeper and deeper and he smirked before slowly walking round to the edge of the bed where his large hand soon wrapped around your wrist, stopping you from toying with yourself before he used two of his fingers to drag up and down your slit, your hips jolting and he smirked cockily staring down at you, your eyes glossy from the ceasing of pleasure “you are sensitive” he analysed gently before chuckling gently “how many times?” His tone was dangerous and your lower lip trembled “I-I don’t know…” you whispered softly and he stared deeply into your eyes “so you played with yourself… yesterday? Did you?” Your cheeks became flushed again and he chuckled “darling don’t go shy on me. It’s okay if you did…” his tone was so comforting but you knew him as much as he knew you. “I did… but…” you paused and he raised a brow “but?” He trailed off and you studied his eyes “I played whilst thinking of you.”
Those words stunned the man yet they also turned him on that much more the bulge in his jeans larger, making his jeans more uncomfortable. “Jesus Christ baby…” he whispered before he abruptly and without warning grabbed a hold of your hips, pulling you to the edge of the bed so your hips were dangling off of the edge before he helped pull your panties off his knees soon buckling as he knelt down, pulling your legs to rest over his shoulders arms locking around your thighs, pulling you impossibly closer “don’t you dare close your eyes. Look at me. Got it?” You nodded your head furiously, feeling his breath fan against your sopping cunt “verbal sweetheart c’mon” he cooed out and you whimpered “yes.. yes!” He smiled large hands gripping onto your thighs before he lowered his mouth down to your aching core “what a good girl hm?” He spoke, before his licked a stripe up your slit a low groan leaving his lips before his lips wrapped around your clit, tongue starting to flick mercilessly against it as he began sucking against it slightly your head tilting backwards in awed making the man you dream about slap your thigh slightly reminding you to keep your eyes on him- your eyes locking with his as he stared deeply into your soul. Whilst doing that, his fingers paid close attention to the hole that clenched around nothing before his slid one of his fingers in beginning to thrust in and out slowly and carefully, your eyes squeezing shut “y/n…” he growled out sending vibrations throughout you and you moaned out, yet your head flew forwards eyes locking with his again, a second finger being eased in, his fingers thrusting in and out steadily and slowly- curling ever so slightly hitting that spot within you making your back arch slightly from the fact that you had been so touch starved recently and you were now getting what you wanted. Exactly what you wanted. His eyes pierced into your own and you panted, he felt the way you clenched around him and instantly quickened his pace soft whines leaving your lips “louder” he demanded, your whimpers turning into loud moans as your hips attempting to buck up into his mouth and fingers yet from the grip he hand on your thighs you stood no chance.
“h-harry I-I’m gonna-“ you felt the coil tighten to the point you knew it was inevitably going to break, but all that came to a agonisingly teasing halt as Harry stopped. Your desperate body writhing, attempting to get more of his touch. “Ah ah… you don’t get to cum. Not just yet.” His eyes bored into yours and he smirked your flushed face contorted with need, before a little chuckle left his lips “tell me why you want to? Why you deserve to, hm?” Your eyes glared into his hungrily that soft smirk on his perfectly sculpted face “i-I’ve been good… i- I just need you…” you whined out in that whiny voice that he loved so much, his head soon tilting wanting to hear more of it “and? Come on baby, sooner you get it over with sooner I can make you feel good…” he was so arrogantly calm about it all, yet under all of that facade he was wanting to fuck you hard. You breathed heavily, panting, eyes squeezing shut as moans of need left your lips before you panted out a very soft: “I love you…”
And that was all he needed to hear before he tapped your thigh three times with his index finger, asking for you to move, and so you did- laying on your back on the bed. You watched as he took his belt off, his clothes being discarded hurriedly but rather lazily all at the same time your mouth practically watering at the sight of him before he clambered on top of you, lips smashing against yours, your lips moulding with his- connecting like the last piece of a puzzle before he aligned his cock with you before he thrusted in, your eyes instantly rolling to the back of your head, your legs locking around his waist- nails digging into his back as you panted heavily “fuck fuck fuck” you whined out, soft grunts leaving his lips his face buried slightly into the crook of your neck his hair a mess making him look that much more hot “feel so good” you spoke breathing heavily as he found a perfect rhythm the only sounds being a mixture of both of your moans and skin slapping against skin. He left kisses against your neck, hickeys being littered all over your warm silky skin. “Don’t call him baby again… don’t… don’t…” he spoke through slight grunts “do you understand me? Don’t want you seeing him again.” His tone was dangerous, possessive and needful, you nodded your head weakly your walls clenching desperately around him your nails scratching into his back “good girl. Good girl.”
“Who makes you feel this good?” “You do Harry…” your voice was pathetically weak from the pleasure rocketing throughout you and soon enough that coil was tightening all over again, his thrusts had become more sloppy and his moans were growing louder. His lips connected with yours, his head slightly pulling back making a string of saliva pull from both of your lips before snapping as he kissed you again “cum…” he groaned out against your lips and just like that the euphoria wrapped around both you and him your moans being muffled by his lips, his loud moans soon too being muffled as he dug his teeth into your shoulder, his thrusts continuing- helping you through your high before he stopped, body slumped against yours, heart to heart- bodies hot and sweaty your lips slightly swollen from how hard and rough he had kissed them but you didn’t care… the pleasure didn’t stop. It was continuous. But you loved it…
His green eyes soon met yours and you smiled lazily up at him his hand soon cupping against your cheek “love you so much” he muttered softly and you smiled pressing a gentle kiss to his lips “love you too…” your eyes searched his before he kissed you again “missed you.” He murmured softly and to say those words were highly reciprocated was an understatement. You both missed each other terribly… and finally… you were back together again. Finally.
Literally my first time writing long smut so please excuse how terrible it is😭 hope you liked it! Anyways if you’d all like a part two or another smutty story then lmk! Or just send in a request! All the love always, Amber x
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nicholasnelsons · 2 years
anyways new harry styles album with songs called it feels like a movie, spit on me, pines, i am worried darling, venice, and wilde 4 u when bc i think that would be hilarious truly
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avatar-anna · 2 years
“I just want to catch up. As friends.”
Hi I wanted to know if I could request something where harry is the one who fucks the relationship up (but no cheating bc we would never go back) and the reader is living their best life and has maybe even slept with a person or two and harry is miserable but they do end up together again and have a happy ending and she forgives him bc she loves him and she's like " I want you. I don't need you. Remember that" anyway sorry if it's not good or whatever. You don't have to do it remember that. Anywho live for your work !! <3
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“Just come tonight.”
“I just want to catch up as friends.”
“We can do that, can’t we?”
Those were the things Harry said to you over the phone when he called you out of the blue.
You’d been broken up for about three months. For good this time. Your relationship with Harry was...rocky. On and off. Toxic? No, not toxic, but breaking up with him for the last time was freeing.
After being completely heart broken for almost two months, but you were past that now.
So much so that when Harry called you earlier today, you agreed to his request to come to one of his shows. It had been enough time, and there was a time where you and Harry were close, and you wanted to explore that again. As friends, of course.
So you were at Madison Square Garden, his first ever show there as a solo artist.
Harry promised to take care of tickets, but you ended up buying your own and giving the free ones to your friend and her girlfriend. When you and Harry broke up for good, you were known to the world as “the woman who broke Harry Styles’ heart.” You didn’t need the attention from fans while you and Harry were having this weird, new experience.
The back of the venue wasn’t so bad. Young girls were dressed to the nines and singing their hearts out while you swayed in time with the music. He was so talented, was so meant to be a star. You used to tell him that you couldn’t imagine him doing anything else, which was part of the problem in your relationship.
You never wanted Harry to change, or give up his life for you, you would never ask him to do that. But you wished that just once in a while he would choose you over the music. Not all the time, just a few. The last straw was when he said yes to performing at the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show, after you’d asked him not to. It wasn’t because you were insecure around models or anything like that, but that he would be around one or two of his exes, some of which you had a feeling would try to take this opportunity to throw themselves at him.
He said he wouldn’t, but caved when his managers urged him to do it. Betrayed wasn’t the right word for how you felt, but something close to that was fitting. It felt like he only cared about his career, that he’d grown comfortable with you not putting up a fight when he had to be somewhere or do something or jet off to another continent at the drop of a hat.
You couldn’t do it anymore. So when Harry returned from the fashion show, he came back to an empty house and a note that explained why you left. You hadn’t really spoken to him since.
Until his phone call. It surprised you, but what surprised you more was how much you wanted to see him. So, going with your gut, you said yes, but on your terms.
Harry was a force on stage, high energy and passion in every note he sang and with every strum of his guitar. He still used the one you gifted to him after he finished his album, and the sight of it tugged at your heartstrings in a way that you didn’t expect.
Getting over Harry was hard, but you did it. He’d been a part of your life for a long time, and letting that companionship go, letting go of the one person who knew every little thing about you, wasn’t an easy feat.
But you did it. You started going out again, seeing friends at bars and brunch tables. You changed your hair, but only slightly, thinking that maybe you just needed to change the person you were with Harry on the outside to solidify that fact on the inside. You worked long hours and volunteered at an animal shelter by your apartment. You were healing, finding out who you were without Harry.
You even made an online dating profile, though you didn’t use it very much. A coffee date here, dinner and a movie there, but none of them stuck. Not that you really wanted them to, you just wanted to see if you could do it. See if you could be a girlfriend to anyone but Harry.
As the night progressed, Harry performed a number of songs. You knew all of them, but it was like hearing them all for the first time now that you weren’t together.
And then he started playing the familiar chords of a song. One that wasn’t on his new album.
“If I could fly, I’d be coming right back home to you.”
It was your favorite One Direction song, and Harry knew that. He used to hum it under his breath whenever you were laying together, or say, “Missing half of me more than usual today, baby,” over the phone while he was away. In a lot of ways, it was yours and Harry’s song, even if he was the one singing it.
You still there in shock, eyes wide as phone flashlights winked on and lit up Madison Square Garden like it was the night sky. You expected him to search for you in the crowd, but he didn’t, just kept his head down and his eyes closed for most of the song. He opened them briefly during the bridge while the whole crowd sang to him, and you swore you saw tears in his eyes, but it was hard to tell because of how far you were from him.
Your suspicions were confirmed when he wiped his eye at the end of the song, but you couldn’t tell if it was because of the touching moment with his fans or if it was you.
The rest of the concert went by in a daze. Harry continued to perform like nothing was the matter, but all you could do was replay that performance over and over and over again.
Your emotions were all over the place, buzzing around inside your body and making you weak in the knees. Doing your best to stay upright, you watched the rest of the concert in a daze.
When it was over, you thought about what to do next. To call him, to text him, to try to go backstage and see him. You had to do something, you just didn’t know what.
But Harry decided for you, his name appearing on your phone screen with an incoming call.
“You said you would come.”
“I know, I just—”
“No, Y/n, why would you make a promise like that and then just hang me out to dry?” he said with a sniffle. Was he crying? “I—I know we’re not together anymore, but the decent thing to do is tell me if you changed your mind about coming.”
“Harry, I—I came. I’m still here,” you said, feeling breathless for some reason.
“You what? But you weren’t—”
“I gave the tickets to a friend and bought my own,” you explained. “I thought it would be easier to watch from a little further away.”
“You’re here?” Harry sounded hopeful, and you could practically see his eyes lighting up.
“Yeah, I was just deciding what I should do—”
“Come here. Backstage,” he blurted. Pahsing for a moment, as if to contain himself, he said, “I—It would just be nice to catch up, you know? I’ve missed you a lot.”
The words, I missed you too were on the tip of your tongue, but you didn’t let them fly.
You and Harry were walking a fine line. Emotions were running high after the concert, and while he was inviting you backstage with the simple request to “catch up,” you knew that could lead to more. The question was, did you want it to?
Your life had been in shambles after leaving Harry, but you’d since picked up the pieces. You learned how to live a life that didn’t have him in it, and it was a good life, one you enjoyed quite a bit.
“Y/n? Did you hear me? I was wondering if you—”
But Harry was...Well, he was Harry. So charming and so kind and so endearing. If he said the right things, you would cave, and that was what worried you.
“I’m scared,” you said, cutting him off.
“I’ve, um, I’ve learned how to live without you, and I’m scared that’ll all come crashing down if I see you.”
The only sounds over the phone for a few seconds were heavy breaths and the occasional sniffles, from you and Harry.
Then, in a voice so small, you were surprised it could even be Harry’s, “I haven’t.”
That made your stomach drop. You figured he would’ve moved on by now, that he would at the very least be okay. But he didn’t sound okay. Not at all.
“And—And I don’t want to, Y/n. I still love you. I don’t think I can move on. I’ve tried, but I can’t, I just can’t.”
Fresh tears welled in your eyes. Deep down, you knew that. After hearing that song, you just felt it in your bones that he was still in love with you.
So what did you do now? You’d broken his heart once before, and you didn’t think you had it in you to do it a second time. But you also broke up with him for a reason. A valid one.
And you’d moved on. Not to anyone in particular, but you weren’t the same person anymore. You were more independent, more outgoing. Would you revert back to going along with whatever Harry or his managers planned if you let yourself be loved by him again?
“I don’t know if I could do it again, Harry,” you said, trying to hide the wobble in your voice. “I came second to everything when we were together, and I would never get in the way of your career, but—”
“Do it. Get in the way. Y/n, please. I’ll never make the mistake of making you feel like anything else matters more to me than you do. Just—please. Can you come here? So we can talk?”
You found yourself nodding, wiping tracks of tears from your cheeks as you did so.
That was all you ever wanted from him. To know that you meant more to him than a performance or a writing session or a fitting.
“I—I’d like that,” you eventually said, nerves coiling in the pit of your belly.
“Thank you,” he muttered under his breath, but you weren’t sure if f you were supposed to hear that or not. “Just, um, make your way backstage. I’ll let someone know you’re coming.”
“Okay. See you then.”
You hung up the phone, but part of you didn’t want to, even if it was silly. You walked towards where you’d seen Harry and his band disappear after the show ended. Just as he said, you were let in without any fuss, and when you rounded the corner of a dark hallway, someone was at the end of it. It was dark, and all you could see was a silhouette, but you would know it anywhere.
Subconsciously, you picked up speed, letting your legs carry you quickly to where he was waiting. And when you were close enough, you launched yourself at him, cradling the back of his head with your hand while he squeezed you as tight as he could.
“I’m sorry,” he sobbed, his shoulders shaking with the sheer force of his crying.
You held him tight, letting him get all of his emotions out before speaking. You were sorry too, of course. Leaving him the way you did wasn’t right, but you were so hurt, you felt it was the only way to make him understand. And you worried that if you tried to break up with him to his face, you wouldn’t have been able to do it. So you took the cowardly route.
When the shaking mostly subsided, you leaned back far enough to hold his face in your hands.
“I forgive you.”
Harry’s smile was watery and weak, but it held hope, and you were sure you looked about the same.
Carefully, you lifted up on the balls of your feet and leaned in, pressing the gentlest kiss to his lips. It was short and sweet, but held every little thing that you couldn’t find the words to say.
Harry was quick to shake his head. “No. I’ll never be busy when it comes to you. I promise.”
“Are you busy right now?”
That was a pretty big promise, one that you weren’t sure if he would be able to keep, no matter how much he may have wanted to.
But you were okay with that. He meant it, and you believed him, and you just wanted to be in his arms again.
You’d moved on, and it was a fine life without Harry. You would be happy living without him, perhaps even better off, but you didn’t want to live without him. So you took his hand in yours, kissed his knuckles, and led him out of the venue, hoping against all hope that following your heart would lead you to a greater happiness.
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heyangel28 · 1 day
A/N: Idk where this came from but 🤷🏼‍♀️ enjoy x sorry it’s not a story, just something until I no longer have writers block
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anna-banana-415 · 1 year
alright but who came up with “on his tomlinsown” cuz that shits so fucking funny lmao
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oioi cah, vc pode fzr um concept do número 15 de angust (o harry fala isso p sn) e 8 fluff (a sn diz para o harry)?
Frases:Ouça, eu perdi muitas pessoas na minha vida, eu aprendi a lidar com isso, mas você é diferente, eu não aguento se for você, não posso te perder. /Estou aqui porque me importo com você.
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Harry Concept#7
A cabeça de harry doía, ele já se viu nessa situação, as brigas em seu relacionamento com S/n quase sempre terminava em um longo tempo longe, eles já voltaram e se separaram algumas, tudo por conta das inseguranças de S/n. Harry entendia, ela não foi a primeira a se sentir assim, mas ele se odiava por sempre não conseguir fazer suas ex-namoradas se sentirem 100% confiantes em amá-lo e com S/n não foi diferente.
"Eu não sei se isso vai funcionar Harry." Ela confessou. "Não estamos bem, não estamos bem há um tempo, eu sinto que nunca me encaixarei na sua vida e cada dia que passa fica mais difícil."
"Você é minha vida."
"Não! Eu não sou." As lágrimas voltaram a cair. "A música é sua vida, como eu queria ser, mas eu não me encaixo aqui, nem sei o que te fez pensar que alguém como eu seria bom para você."
"Porque eu te amo." Ele segurou seus braços. "Eu te amo muito S/n, por favor não faça isso comigo, não me faça escolher entre você e meu sonho."
"Porque não seria eu, não é?"
"A música é quem eu sou, sem isso eu não conheceria você, não teria a vida que tenho, não poderia dar tudo o que você quer."
"Mas eu quero você." Ela gritou. "Você é tudo o que eu quero, como não entende isso? Eu não me importo com nada disso, eu só me importo com você."
"Você me tem, eu estou bem aqui, mas você ainda quer ir." Ele suspirou fundo
"Porque eu não sou boa para você, eu não consigo mais ver um futuro onde eu e você ficamos bem."
"S/n." Ele iniciou.
"Não, por favor, me deixe terminar." Ela soltou-se olhando fixamente para ele. "Estou aqui porque me importo com você." Segurou em seu rosto. "Eu contínuo aqui porque eu amo você e só você Harry, o homem carinhoso e gentil, homem que fez aquela horta de morangos atrás da minha casa só porque são meus favoritos, não o artista Harry Styles que quase sempre não tem tempo para mim, aquele que me deixou sozinha em meu aniversário, eu não me apaixonei por ele." As lágrimas começaram a cair dos olhos dele também. "Eu sei é muito egoista da minha parte, mas nós ultimos meses eu tenho sido massacrada por Harry Styles o popstar que tem o mundo em suas mãos e tudo a avalanche que vem com esse título, eu não sei se consigo lidar com isso, então talvez seja a hora de seguirmos em frente."
"Ouça, eu perdi muitas pessoas na minha vida, eu aprendi a lidar com isso, mas você é diferente, eu não aguento se for você, não posso te perder." Ele suplicou, escondendo seu rosto nas mãos dela.
"Eu não sei se eu consigo."
"Se você me ama fique!"
"Harry, voce fala com tanta calma como fosse tão fácil pra você, mas eu não sou assim."
"Eu assim porque eu já estive nessa conversas tantas vezes." Ele olhou para ela, as lágrimas acumulando em seus olhos. "Fique! Me de uma segunda chance, uma segunda chance para nós."
"Por quê?"
"Porque é isso que pessoas que se amam fazem, elas não vão embora quando está difícil, elas não desistem da outra, não desista de nós, não desista de mim."
"Você está exigindo muito de mim."
"Eu sei, porque o amor é isso, sacrificar tudo por quem você ama e eu estou te pedindo que você faça isso por mim, porque eu morria se não existe a música, mas só a idea de não ter você na minha vida é insuportável." Ele estava cansado, seu peito doía. "Mas se não está disposta a isso, tudo bem, só seja sincera e diga que não me ama o suficiente para estar ao meu lado nos momentos ruins."
"Eu te amo, não duvide disso, não droga que não estive nos momentos ruins, por quantas vezes eu fui odiada só por estar eu seu lado, quando você nem estava lá por mim, eu te amo o suficiente, mas você me ama o suficiente para ceder um pouco por mim?"
"Eu prometo que farei da minha vida a missão de te deixar feliz pelo resto dela, dar tudo o que eu tenho! Tudo o que é meu é seu, você diz que eu tenho o mundo em minhas mãos, então ele é seu porque eu daria ele para você num piscar de olhos, mas por favor não tire minha excencia e quem eu sou só porque é difícil me amar."
"Eu não seio que dizer."
"Diga que fica, diga que me aceita como eu sou e tudo bem se você tem medo."
"Eu tenho muito medo."
"Eu também tenho, tenho medo da fama me puxar e eu não me reconhecer, mas é você quem me trás de volta à realidade, deixa meus pés no chão, sei que juntos nos podemos fazer isso, eu sei."
"Eu não sei, é muito pra mim."
"Tudo bem." Ele já havia perdido a esperança.
"Me perdoe, por favor não me odeie."
"Eu nunca odiaria você, eu te amo."
"Eu também te amo."
"Mas não o suficiente."
"Não do jeito que você precisa."
Então ela partiu e desta vez foi pra sempre.
Muito obrigada por ler até aqui.
E se gostou favorite e reblogue! Isso me ajuda demais ♥️
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cigsandchampagne · 1 year
I CANNOT wait to see Harry on his first LATAM stop. He’s gonna be so happy and unhinged
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missmielyhoran · 11 months
You're losing me (2)
Part 1 // Masterlist
Face Claim- Maddison Beer
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Liked by Y/Nfan1, Y/Nfan3, Harryfan1 and 879,023 others
DailyNews Popstar Y/N Y/L/N at the Brits Award brought Actor Timothee Chalamet as her date. Are the couple back together again?
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Y/Nfan1 Yesss I love them
Harryfan1 Do you think she took him cause she wanted to make Harry jealous? She knows he's going to be there👀
Y/Nfan3 Wait-
Y/Nfan2 Hope Harry's crusty ass is regretting leaving her
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Liked by Harryfan1, Y/Nfan1, Y/Nfan3 and 100,876 others
Harryupdates umm guys...
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Harryfan3 WTF weren't they fighting publicly like three months ago
Y/Nfan1 Yeah I don't like this
Y/Nfan2 Omg yes please
Harryfan4 Maybe they're friends. Both are pretty unproblematic, won't put it past them being friends
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Liked by sabrinacarpenter, Y/Nfan3, tchalamet and 4,987,123 others
Yourinstagram Thank you so much for all the love you guys have shown to 'You're losing me' and in appreciation and celebration of me winning Brits Award a new song 'Hits different' will be out at midnight🩷
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Y/Nfan2 Congratulations babe you deserve it
Harryfan1 That song is about Harry you can't convince me other wise
Y/Nfan2 Maybe it's about timmy and her moving on
tchalamet beautiful date ever
Yourinstagram ever?🤨
tchalamet yes ma'am
Y/Nfan3 ugh get a room
sabrinacarpenter "love is a lie" is definitely something I said
Timmy's ending-
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Liked by Y/Nfan1, Harryfan1, Y/Nfan2 and 99,990 others
Y/Nupdates Timothee spotted near Y/N's recording studio
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Y/Nfan2 the fit🤌
Y/Nfan1 He brought her coffee🥺
Y/Nfan3 Studio? She's recording?
Harryfan1 and she's going on tour! multitasking queen
Harryfan3 attention seeker
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Liked by Y/Nfan2, Y/Nfan1, harrystyles and 7,897,674 others
Yourinstagram Atlanta you were great tonight. Can't wait for the second night. Love you all🩷
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Harryfan1 I had the pit seats it was amazing🫶
Y/Nfan3 talk about soft launching boyfriend lmao💀
Y/Nfan2 The fit? The performance? Chef's kiss
Y/Nfan1 Oh she slays everytime
tchalamet oh who's that handsome fella?
Yourinstagram Idk but he brought food so who cares
Y/Nfan3 Harry liked?
Harry's ending-
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Liked by Harryfan1, Harryfan3, Harryfan4 and 8,902,564 others
harrystyles Satellite. Out now.
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Harryfan1 Look me in the eyes and tell me this is not about Y/N I dare you
Y/Nfan2 I can't
Harryfan2 it screams Y/N omg! wall-e is her favorite😭
Harryfan3 I bawled when stomper's battery died😭
Harryfan4 omg yes😭
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Liked by Y/Nfan3, Harryfan2, Harryfan1 and 101,765,109 others
Harryupdates Y/N taking pictures with some fans at Harry's concert
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Harryfan3 Stop following him! she's literally obsessed
Harryfan4 girl you're the obsessed one if you're commenting on a post that was posted 2 minutes ago that also of someone you hate
Harryfan1 mom dad back together🤞
Y/Nfan1 She looks gorgeous😭
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Liked by Harryfan2, Harryfan1, Y/Nfan1 and 123,456,789 others
DailyMail Singer Songwriter Harry Styles and Y/N Y/L/N back together? The couple were spotted kissing near a small coffee shop by some fans and are speculated to be back together after breaking up just 3 months ago.
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Harryfan1 I'm not crying you're
Y/Nfan1 I'm way too invested in their life it's scary
Harryfan4 ngl I knew they'll get back together they always do
Y/Nfan2 I don't like this
Harryfan3 me too
Y/Nfan3 literally no one gives a fuck about that
I couldn't decide so here are two endings
Taglist- @tenaciousperfectionunknown @that-daydream-look @harryspirate @tiaamberxx @lomlhstyles @vmpellie @sunshinemoonsposts @jayde515 @yeehawbrothers @sleutherclaw @ikea2-0 @thechaoticjoy @astridcommings @grapejuicebluesrry @gxbiqs
Talk to me here♡ cause I genuinely love it when you guys tell me how you felt about the post good bad idc
640 notes · View notes
Scott Street.
Summary: You’ve risen to new found stardom, but an old flame from the past insists on winning you back. A continuation of You’ve Become My Ceiling.
A/N: Genuinely sorry for the infrequent posting! I’ll get around soon. Formatting was also getting on my nerves.
Taglist: @reveriehs @belovedcherry
Reader Pronouns: Any
Length: Long? 5,667 Words.
Celebrities: Harry E. Styles
TW: Angst, Cheating
Song(s) To Listen To:
Your hands gripped the slick phone, eyebrows furrowed and heart feeling frozen and still. The phone was attempting to tell you that you’d missed a call, but your eyes were out of focus as you gathered your thoughts.
It was Harry.
Part of you wished it to be a dream, but the other part was curious, yet cautious. Your life had been a little bland the past few years, though you’d never admit it, you missed the adventures and midnight memories.You missed your best friend. That’s who you were still grieving, not the cheating liar who broke your heart over six times.
It had been a week and you’d failed to notice the call, only now discovering it while cleaning out your phone. There was a voicemail, but your hands were far too shaky to play it. You gave yourself a moment to calm down and played it slowly.
A small chuckle came from the recording, “Heh. Um, hey, (Y/N). I know I’m the last person you want to hear from, but…You know I’m proud of you. And also…I’m sorry. So, so sorry.”
His voice broke a little, “I know how much pain I caused now. I was stupid and young and it’s not an excuse, but I’m just really sorry. I wish I could do it all back again. I still can’t find the answer to why I did the things I did to you, either. You were the one thing that had loved me since before I was famous. I was an idiot to have let that go.”
There was sniffing on the other end, “You’re such a good person. And I…I really hollowed you out. I never even gave you a true apology. I miss my best friend. I became someone I didn’t know or want - someone I’d be repulsed by now. Someone I’d never want around you. I’m sorry.”
Harry cleared his throat, “But I’m proud of you, is all. You left and did greater things for yourself.”
It was silent for a moment again, “I never knew you could sing so beautifully. I’d like to hear it in person, if I could. You took a big part of me when you left, (Y/N). I still…I still feel the same way. Always have. But, um…Get back to me when you can- I mean, if you want. Alright. Bye.”
Taking a deep breath, you waited until the longing finally brushed itself off of you and was replaced by neutrality. The old memories resurfaced. Finding Harry in bed with another. On a date with someone you’d seen with him before.
You put your phone down and walked away, trying to collect yourself.
As for Harry, four and a half years changed him just as they did then. When you left, the guilt destroyed a piece of his heart, and he made his best attempt to be what he couldn’t be for you. He hadn’t dated since then, hadn’t felt he was worthy enough, really. He’d dedicated the entirety of Harry Styles - his debut album - to you, though he was sure you had no idea. Even now, his journal was filled to the brim with songs about you, most prevalent, some variation of a song he’s called, “Falling.” It was a heavy song, but the lyrics stuck with him.
They told the story of his departure from you, cheating and all, though the public wasn’t aware that it even happened.
His apartment smelt of lavender and poppies, even as he made his breakfast and did their daily duties. His album had released about a year ago, maybe a little less, and he hit stardom like he had never expected it. Taking a break from touring for even a week was well worth it. He loved his fans, sure, but it was draining to be a musician. Nonetheless, he was grateful.
Harry didn’t even expect you to make a call back. He just wanted to say sorry, truly, from the bottom of his heart, because he was different then. Fame changes you. And he should have never let that happen to him.
He knew he didn’t deserve your forgiveness.
So it was a surprise to him when a message appeared on his phone two months after the initial voicemail.
Y/N: Hey, Haz.
Jack was a tall man who was more legs than anything. He was stern, always looked at you with a taut expression, and would put you in your place, but oh, how he was completely soft for you. You’d met through his grandparents, who he took care of in his nice, spacious house. He and his grandparents were your neighbors, but you’d met his grandparents at a park years prior, engaging in small chat very often.
They’d loved Harry, though you were both sure they had positively no idea who he was aside from your boyfriend. Lily, the woman, would never hesitate to pinch his cheeks and comment on how amazing the two of you looked. You’d both expressed hope in wanting to be like them, growing old together, but here you were without your other half.
After your breakup, you’d rented a cozy apartment right next to Jack and his family’s house (though it was unbeknownst to you), and found that the park was relatively close to it. But as you walked on the trail, you came to find that everything seemed to have lost its shine. No longer did the water glisten so bright, or did the roses avoid withering like they simply couldn’t die, but everything was so undeniably…normal. Harry had shaken your life, only to disappear later, leaving you back in something that should have been comfortable, but was instead foreign. Normalcy was foreign.
“Oh, my dear!” The familiar voice, loaded with a beautiful French accent, slipped its way into your ears, and you tore your eyes away from the pond, behind you and finding the couple, holding something up to you, “You’ve dropped this.”
Lily brought the small item to you, showing you that in her gloved hands lay a necklace, a mother of pearl inside the locket. Harry had gifted it to you for your one year anniversary.
You furrowed your brows at the memory before she noticed it.
“Where is the handsome boy?” She tried to get her point across, even with the language barrier, “The one with the curly head? Tall? Le Britannique ?”
You felt the winter air nip at you more than it already had in your light jacket, “No, no, he is not here.”
She tilted her head in confusion, her husband watching over her, knowing even less English than she did. Harry had always been the translator for you, so speaking without him made it frustratingly harder.
“He has been gone for quite some time.”
You looked down, and in this, they seemed to both understand you. Paulie, her husband, took his coat off, placing it over your shoulders. The weight seemed comforting now.
“Aw, mon chou, come have a cup of tea with us,” Lily held your shoulders, slipping the necklace into your hands.
Despite your protest, you found yourself in their lovely home, surprised to see that they were a direct neighbor, “Jack, nous avons amené un chien errant !”
Lily smiled back at you before turning back and looking down at someone in the next room. You entered it, never really breaking away from her vibrant blue eyes, before you saw what she was looking at. Or rather, who. He was young, maybe just a bit older than you, and had eyes more alluring than hers. He had a slim figure and face, with a longer nose that matched, and tousled, short brown hair. His slender fingers were placed on the piano keys as he sat. He was breathtakingly handsome, really, and despite you not finding any sort of attraction in him, seeing as you just met, there was no doubt about his conventional attractiveness.
“Bonjour ?” He’d asked, his right eye squinting as if he were trying to scan every detail about you.
His expression softened into a smile shortly after, his eyes half-lidded when he got no response, “Hi. I see you’ve met my grandparents. Eager, aren’t they?”
You smiled back, chuckling, “You could say that.”
And it all started there. You’d started to take piano and French lessons from Jack, who after hearing about your still unnamed ex, wanted to help the best he could. You’d taken up piano for your career, and French, well, simply to prove to yourself that you really didn’t need Harry. Not for French, and not for life.
You and Jack had been good friends for a year now, knowing each other for about three before you’d really connected, so it felt right to turn to him and spill your gossip all over his fancy blue canopy bed during a hangout.
“Wait…” He started, surprised and clutching his elbows, arms crossed, “Your ex is Harry Styles?!”
You stuffed your face into a pillow, “That’s what you take away, Jack?! Everyone knows that!”
“Well, I didn’t! You know I can’t handle all the social media stuff, I avoid it like the plague!” Defensively and rather playfully, he rested a hand on his chest. He was wearing a brown and green sweater vest with brown dress pants and a white shirt, a nice green bowtie to tie his look together for his last day shadowing a French professor.
“The point is,” You giggled at the older man who seemed more like a best friend to you now, “I’m really not sure what to do here. He sounds so sincere, and maybe I fell out of love with the person he became a long time ago, but if he’s the same person I grew up with…Well…”
“No way. You can’t go back,” He paced, a hand on his chin, a habit of his you’d always loved.
You whined, “But can’t I? If I just want to rekindle the friendship we had before-“
“What are you going to do when you find him in bed with someone else again?”
Your heart stopped. He was right, of course.
“I’ll be respectful,” You responded sternly, “He isn’t mine.”
He rolled his eyes and shook his head, “Well, I can’t change your mind. I know you. Just be careful. It could be good for you, who knows? I just…don’t want you to get hurt again, (Y/N).”
Smiling with excitement, you thanked him countless times for listening to you and your rambles. You left shortly thereafter, and his smile fell as soon as the door shut behind you.
It was then you texted Harry, just a simple text, though it took you hours to finally hit the send button. He responded not a minute later, and you jumped at the sound.
HAZ: (Y/N), hi.
The name you never bothered to change in your contacts.
The two of you texted on and off casually, before deciding that maybe it would be better to catch up in a coffee shop. You were nervous, admittedly, but nonetheless stunned when you were escorted to your private booth at the Beachwood Café.
All you wore was a jumper and jeans, nothing too fancy, but you couldn’t help trying to style your hair in a way he would like.
He had been the first to arrive, you’d seen him in the window, twiddling his thumbs anxiously. God, did he look good as ever. His hair had grown out a bit more than the last time you saw him, and he’d dressed in clothes more personal to him, a shirt with small puppies printed on it under a knitted cardigan, baggy jeans and rings. He was definitely richer than the last you saw him, but the thing was, he was still your Haz, that much was noticeable.
The waiter led you to your table and you gently sat your bag down on the floor, sitting across from him. He’d been waiting for you, not even ordering yet.
“You look amazing,” He spoke, seemingly subconsciously.
“You’re not so bad yourself, H.”
And it was true. He looked cleaner, happier. Like he was taking care of himself. Everything was going well, and to be honest, it made you beyond happy. It was as if you were friends again, and nothing bad ever happened. Eventually, the topic reached Gemma somehow.
“So, I heard Gemma finally graduated,” You continued, “That’s wonderful! I always knew she could do it. She’s rather smart.”
“She’s great! She’s married now, you know. He’s wonderful, just feels a bit…weird. That she has someone now and I don’t.”
“Recent breakup?” You’d asked, a genuine question.
“No,” He chuckled, “Not at all. I worked on myself. Haven’t dated since you.”
A small gust of wind came through the window beside you, and you blamed the shivers on that. There was a gentle pause, but you shook your head and continued, “Oh, I see.”
There was obviously still a spark there, you’d noticed. Your heart still beat wildly to the tune of his.
“But, erm,” You continued, and he cleared his throat, “That makes me feel old.”
He scoffed playfully, his arms crossed, “What does that make me, then?”
You giggled. The two of you weren’t so far off, really. Just a couple of months, but he always managed to mention it.
“An old man,” You joked, and even the humor was still there.
His chuckle sent butterflies throughout your stomach.
“So, how’s the band?” You tilted your head.
You hadn’t really noticed that breaking things off with him would essentially alienate them, too.
“Well, Mitch and Sarah are getting married,” You did a bit of a double take.
“Wow, I mean, I knew it was going to happen, I just had no idea.
“A lot changes in our lives,” He spoke smoothly as the waiter came.
“Hey guys, my name is Carson, I’ll be your server this morning! What can I get for you?” He was younger, bright-eyed.
“I’ll just have an Americano and the strawberry crepes,” Harry didn’t even have to look at his menu, and yet you were scrambling to know what you wanted before he got to you.
“Alright,” The waiter wrote it down before turning back to you, “And for the spouse?”
Your face flushed red, “Oh, no, I’m not!”
Harry only chuckled and watched in amusement as the waiter became embarrassed, too.
“Jeez, I’m so sorry, then what can I get for you?” He rubbed the back of his neck and you giggled once more.
“Hazelnut hot latte and almond croissant, please, Carson.”
He nodded and left soon after.
“I listened to your songs, by the way,” Harry began slowly, “How’s that?”
“Well, one thing they don’t prepare you for as a strictly-solo show is how heavy the equipment is, like the drums? Jeez, don’t get me started.”
He laughed, shaking his head, “You’ve always took on way more than you could carry.”
“Yeah, well, suppose that’s me,” A smile found its way to your face, “But being alone is good. I needed that.”
He nodded again, “Yeah, I think I did, too.”
There was the beginning of a pause, but you still refused to let it linger, “I live on Scott Street now.”
“Oh, by the rose park?” He perked up, “I love that place.”
“I know,” You said bashfully, “Harry, our first date was there.”
“Wasn’t sure you’d remember,” He smiled back.
“But how could I forget?”
It had been magical, with swans skimming the water, almost as in love as you and Harry were. Had been. Are.
“Oh, but remember that old French couple we ran into? I know it’s quite random, but I ran into them again while I was having a bad day. They noticed we weren’t together anymore, and next thing I knew, I was at their house drinking a cup of tea. They’re quite nice. Their grandson, he lives with them, showed me a bit of piano.”
He remembered it well, you had said that you wanted the two of you to last even longer than they, and you had even hoped they’d be your spitting metaphorical image in decades.
“Anyway, I’m learning French now, I guess. And I found out we’re neighbors, isn’t that weird?” Carson set everything down on your table as you talked.
“Anything else for now?”
“No, thank you,” Harry didn’t even look up at him, listening intently. He didn’t even notice when Carson had left.
“So, now I take piano lessons on Fridays, and French lessons on Tuesday and Thursday. But his grandparents have been acting a bit odd - think they want me to stick around for more than just lessons,” You chuckled and sipped your latte.
You could’ve sworn Harry’s eye twitched, but you dismissed it, “That’s…great. I’m glad. You always wanted to learn French.”
“Right? You should come with sometime, you’d like him,” You hadn’t even noticed you were now arranging a second hangout. But he did. He always noticed.
“I’d love to,” It was oddly fast.
“Well, he’s invited me to a dinner party for his work - he’s a French professor. But he’s only been out of college a couple of months. Got his PhD. He’s nice, I think you’d like him!”
You looked down, fiddling with your thumbs, “But if you’re busy that’s totally fine! I just don’t wanna stick out like a sore thumb, is all. And it was always more fun when we stuck out together.”
He blushed, and in that moment, he would have done anything in the world you’d ask of him.
“Consider my plans all clear that day, alright?” He held your hands, “It's about time we did something as friends again.”
You nodded with a smile, “Okay, you’re right.”
You two split ways shortly after, Harry having insisted on paying the bill. He was happy to be talking to you, sure, but there was still a sinking feeling he felt when you were mentioned.
You had piano lessons that night, and you wore the same outfit, feeling exhausted just from the interaction. Jack had greeted you happily.
“Mon cherie! (Y/N), come in!” He stepped aside, “Nana and Papa are out, so it’s just us today.”
“Would you like something to drink?” Jack reached for the cupboard, “Nana just got this new wine, and I think it’s quite lovely.”
“Sure!” You agreed, sitting at their small dining table, “Oh, Jack, I hope you don’t mind! I invited a friend of mine to come to the meeting with me. Both of us have always been interested in French, so I figured it would be perfect!”
Jack, in all truthfulness, assumed it would be a woman, and thus, agreed.
“Not a problem, cherie,” He handed you a glass, full with dark red liquid, and he drank from his cup slowly.
You watched him aimlessly, his Adam’s Apple defined, bobbing up and down. Like he hadn’t had anything to drink all day. Jack was like that, he’d forget to eat, sleep, drink. He was always so busy with work. You admired him for it.
“You know, you should remember to drink more often. Have you eaten at all today?” Tilting your head, he shook his and set his cup down.
“How could you tell?”
You chuckled and stood up, holding one of his cheeks in your hands, examining his lips, “You drink way too desperately.”
He was a little stunned, to say the least, and gripped the counter, his stomach in knots.
“But,” You wiped his upper lip with your thumb, ridding the excess wine off before moving to the stove, “I’ll make you something. I owe you after all these free lessons, anyways.”
He slumped, disappointed, but continued onward, “I could never ask that of you, but…that sounds very nice.”
“Then consider it done, Cherie.” You mimicked him, getting to work.
Afterward, your lessons continued as normal, and you were actually getting pretty far along.
“So, (Y/N),” Jack finally looked up from his paperwork, having left you with some French worksheets, “Nana and Papa wanted me to invite you to The French Riviera with us. Figured it would be a good learning experience. I agree, what do you think?”
You thought hard before answering the question on the worksheet and looking back up at him, shrugging, “Sure! That sounds lovely. When?”
“Well, they plan to order the tickets this weekend. We were just waiting on your oh-so-busy schedule,” He smiled, his dimples showing rather lovely.
“Oh, I can do it anytime! The glory of being a musician with no tour dates. Your meeting is in a month, yes?” You finished your worksheet and turned to him.
He nodded, causing a single strand of hair to fall in his eyes, “Oui, mais la réunion sera courte .”
You exhaled a chuckle at his quiz, “Okay, then how about next weekend?”
“You’re getting good, Chérie,” It gave you a proud smile.
“Then it’s settled. Send me the details,” You checked your clock, “Jeez, it’s already 8PM. I was supposed to write another song for the debut album.”
“Well, feel free to use me as a muse,” He smiled again, and it was a joke, but something struck you quite suddenly.
He had been there for you for years, and the thought of thanking him never even crossed your damned mind, distracted by your old lover. As you entered your house, you walked straight to your desk, completely in a trance as you thought about him. He was amazing, someone everyone should have in their lives, so how come you’d never noticed?
With eyes that make you melt,
He lends his coat for shelter,
Plus he’s there for you when he shouldn’t be,
Waits for you, then sees you through.
You smiled softly, hearing a guitar strum in your head, and suddenly your heart felt warmer than it originally had. The night really hits you, and next thing you know, you’ve got a demo at 2.56 AM.
You smiled wide now, your heart running rampant over a daydreamy thought you had of your neighbor. It’s not like you actually feel this way about him, but imagining yourself in something so plausible seems lighthearted and warm. Reaching for your phone, you bite your lip, wanting another opinion on the song, but not knowing if your relationship with Harry has evolved enough yet. It’s soon, but he still feels like your closest friend. You decide to go through with it anyway and text him.
ME: Haz! Want to hear something new I’ve just come up with over the course of seven straight hours?
It was actually very, very surprising when he responded a few minutes later.
HAZ: Yeah! FaceTime?
You smiled wide, feeling your heart skip a beat before agreeing. His phone call came in shortly after, and you were met with a very groggy Harry, his hair messy and in his face.
“Harry,” You looked at him suspiciously, “Why are you even up this late?”
He grew rather embarrassed, you could tell by the way he hid his face from the camera subtly, “Never bothered to change the ringtone you set.”
You could have died of embarrassment right then and there. The old ringtone you chose for your beloved boyfriend at the time, mind you, a very, very famous celebrity, was, in fact, a loud rooster. How much more embarrassing could you get? Laughing instead, you smiled wide. Things were going back to your normal, after all.
“Anyways, you let me know if this is good, okay? And be brutally honest.” Harry raised a brow in suspicion but quickly settled down as you began to play the guitar, strumming it gently.
“Daydreamer,” You began, and he felt his body go cold, in shock and in amazement. Hearing it semi-live, and completely personal was extremely different than the borderline music stalking of your singles he’d done recently.
“Sittin’ on the sea, soaking up the sun,” You changed the hit a higher note at, “He is a real lover, of making up the past and feelin’ up his girl like he’s never felt her figure before.”
You strummed gently for a few seconds, tying the calmness of the song together, “A jaw dropper, looks good when he walks, is the subject of their talk. He would be hard to chase, but to catch and he could change the world with his hands behind his back, oh.”
You strummed on some more, too nervous to look Harry in the eyes, despite him on the screen, and with a higher voice, began to sing more, “You can find him sittin’ on your doorstep, waiting for a surprise. And he will feel like he’s been there for hours, and you can tell that he’ll be there for life.”
This verse had been completely different, with you dragging on words and indulging in the beautiful memory, “Daydreamer, with eyes that make you melt, he lends his cost for shelter, Plus he’s there for you when he shouldn’t be, waits for you, then sees you through.”
Harry felt completely inferior in your presence, your voice sounding like he’d never heard it before. Instead of low and emotional, it was high and nostalgic, and for a moment, the thought that the song was about him struck him. Higher, you continued, “There’s no way I could describe him. What I’ve said is just what I’m hoping for, but I will find him, sittin’ on my doorstep waiting for a surprise. And he will feel like he’s been there for hours, and I can tell that he’ll be there for life.”
You slowed the guitar down, “And I can tell that he’ll be there for life.”
There was a moment of silence as you set the guitar off the bed, your face completely red after realizing the complete feeling of the song.
“(Y/N)…” Harry began, obviously now waking up completely, “That was amazing.”
“You mean it? It’s not too cheesy?”
He shook his head fast, “No. I don’t even know who it’s about, but you’ve got me falling in love with him, too.”
You smiled softly, happy to hear that he enjoyed it, “You sure? I don’t want it to sound creepy if I tell someone it’s for him. I just wanted to write something about someone who’s helped me so much.”
Continuing on, you fiddled with your sleeve, “Jack’s just so great.”
His heart dropped, and he furrowed his brows in jealousy, his stomach in knots as the idea of a love song for someone else hit him.
“He’ll love it,” He responded, not really thinking much as he did so, spaced out.
“Oh, just so you know, I’m going to France soon! Jack’s grandparents invited me, and I think it would be good to learn.”
Harry nodded, biting his lip as he snapped back into it, “You’re right. Be safe, okay?”
“Oh, don’t worry about me! I’ll be completely safe. It’s you I’m worried about, Haz. You’re quite the klutz.”
He chuckled, and from there, the conversation continued. It was like nothing had changed from your old years, and the night was talked away by two silly teenagers in love. When you woke up, a smile found itself on your face as you quickly noticed Harry’s sleeping face displayed on the camera. You’d fallen asleep before him, but he’d stayed.
His eyes were closed, revealing his long eyelashes. Were they always that curled? His lips parted for a moment and he heaved a great sigh, mumbling something before brushing hair out of his face. He was ethereal.
The trip came sooner than you’d noticed, and you didn’t want Daydreamer to be the last single released. It was so out of place from the rest of the album, but if you didn’t use it, then you wouldn’t have another single. There was one song you’d half-written, but it felt too personal, and besides, you’d already released a song about Harry. It felt like overkill. But it also just felt right, as a final goodbye to the situation.
Jack looked down at you as you sat with your guitar, “So, you want me to preview the song, yeah? Then we can go to France?”
He was teasing you, wanting to seem agitated, but you’d never heard him so much as raise his voice or seen him even furrow his eyebrows with a mean stare.
“Yes,” You chuckled, “I just don’t know if this song is too much. I had breakfast with Harry the other day and it came to my mind a week or so later.”
“Go on, then,” He sat down across from you, “I’m sure I’ll love it either way.”
But in his heart, he hated the fact that he was listening to a song you wrote about another man.
“Okay,” You took a deep breath, strumming.
“Walkin’ Scott Street feelin’ like a stranger, with an open heart, open container. I got a stack of mail and a tall can. It’s a shower beer, it’s a payment plan,” You recalled the first few weeks of moving out and how harsh it was. All you wanted was to be happy with him, but instead there were constant reminders that he was no longer there. Stacked up bills and inquiries about single-household payments, and the liquor which he hardly ever let you drink in fear you’d succumb to its temptation.
“There’s helicopters over my head every night when I go to bed. Spending money and I earned it, when I’m lonely, that’s when I’ll burn it,” You had complete control over yourself, sure, but at what cost? As you strummed, you felt tears pricking your eyes.
“Do you feel ashamed,” Singing clearly, it surprised Jack, who was already stunned silent, “When you hear my name?”
“I asked you, ‘How is your sister? I heard she got her degree.’” You detailed a conversation.
“And I said, ‘That makes me feel old.’
You said, ‘What does that make me?’
You asked me, ‘How is playing drums?
I said, ‘It's too much shit to carry. And what about the band?’
You said, ‘They’re all getting married.’”
You continued on, “Do you feel ashamed when you hear my name?”
You began strumming a tune for a long time, tapping your foot to the sound of the beat. Maybe you went a little overboard, but it didn’t matter. You could tell Jack was glued to you.
“Anyway, don’t be a stranger,” More strumming, “Anyway, don’t be a stranger.”
And on a quieter note, you continued to the final line, “Don’t be a stranger.”
“Jesus Christ, you know you’re talented, don’t you?” Was all your friend managed the day as you set the hollow instrument down, completely taken away.
“Aw, you’re just saying that.”
“I mean it!” He didn’t hesitate as you rubbed the back of your neck.
“Thank you, Jack,” You smiled softly, “And you should be pleased to know that I’ve written something dedicated to you, too.”
His heart was almost definitely leaping, “You did? Can I hear it?”
“Mmm, maybe in France,” You teased.
You found France to be quite lovely, filled with beautifully blue clear water, and lovely locals that had a tendency to mistake you and Jack as a couple. Despite the mishaps, you’d gone to see various things. The art galleries, cafés, bars and lounges, they were all magical, and today you’d be seeing the ocean for the first time ever.
Harry was not so amused by the photos you’d sent him. He was glad you were having fun, yes, but he hated that it wasn’t with him. He was the one who promised you he’d take you to see the ocean, and he was the one who was supposed to take you to see it for the first time. Not some idiot with a PhD who didn’t know half of the things he knew about you. He was angry, not at you or Jack, but with himself. It hurt so much to see you with another, and you weren’t even his. How must you have felt during your relationship with him?
And now, he was drinking whiskey in his bedroom, strumming notes mindlessly. His phone rang once, but he didn’t really notice it, the volume being off. That was until he felt he was finished with his guitar and set it to the side of his bed, finding that he’d dropped his phone. The screen showed brightly that he had missed a call from you, and soon later, after he’d turned his sound on, the rooster notification sounded throughout the room. He chuckled and turned it down, already slightly tipsy before he began to play the voicemail on speaker.
It was you, practicing your French.
“Coucou! Tu dors ? Oh, j'suis désolée…(Hey! Are you asleep? Oh, I’m sorry…)” You sounded lovely in French, like the language was made for you.
“Bah (Well…),” You began but decided to take it back, “Non... Nan, c'est pas important… (No, it’s not important.)”
“Ouais, on a été à la plage, et maintenant on— (Yes, we went to the beach and now we—)” You were telling him about your day, just as you had been for the past few days as you kept in touch. He was smiling as he heard you, but then he picked up on a voice in the back, assuming it was your friend.
He heard something about the dinner, but then the words hit him. Mon cherie. My dear. My darling. My love. Had something already happened?
“Parfait ! (Perfect!)” You answered Jack, “Allez ! (Let’s go!)”
The voicemail ended abruptly, leaving him cold, staring at the wall in his bedroom, utterly dumbfounded. His strongest coping mechanism was always songwriting, and maybe that was a habit you’d picked up, but he sighed and pulled his laptop onto his lap.
Mon cherie. Cherry.
He’d use your voicemail in it, he was sure, and he chewed on his necklace as he looked down upon the lyrics later.
Don’t you call him baby.
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penelopespoety · 9 months
What am I now?
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Story background : This story is based on the song “Falling” by Harry Styles
Summary : you’ve lost yourself after a long relationship with your ex “Harry” and you thought you could pull it together but you can’t lost in your thoughts and wondering what you did wrong
Pairing : Harry styles x fem!reader
Warning: could by signs of depression, crying, and losing yourself!
A/N : I hope you enjoy :)
“Here I am again” you said to yourself while laying in your bed looking up at the ceiling
This is the 1st whole week since you and harry have been broken up
Harry always made you feel safe, while being with him depression was never part of you vocabulary
what am I doing with my life? you said feeling so ugly and disgusting
“I have become something you would’ve never let me become hairy” you said taking one last sip of the liquor you had and slightly giggled but nothing was funny
I just can’t bring myself to get up and get ready for anything
What am I now you thought
You finally force yourself to get up and walk to the closet
You can’t help but to look over at the other side of the closet
And you see that’s it’s still completely empty, you were just hoping his clothes would just magically appear
PLEASE,PLEASE…… this has to be a bad dream you said crying
“My harry can’t really be gone” you said with tears slowly falling
“How can he say he loves me and then just get up and walk away did I mean anything to him??” you thought wile looking up trying to stop the tears
You walk downstairs to the front door and started crying
You were hoping he would walk though that door and say it was just a long day of work And that he missed you so much that he will never be out for that long again
I just want to be in his arms I miss brushing his hair out for him every morning trying the be the best girlfriend ever
You fell to the ground crying
I care about you so much harry please come back to me
“Is my harry really gone”……… you said crying
“I’m sorry am I now that someone that you never want around??”
“Do you not need me anymore? Cause I feel like you’ll never need me again”
No more calling me your girlfriend, no more long hugs before bed, no more play fighting, no more late night walks, no more writing music together it’s all over
WHAT AM I NOW HARRY…… a monster?, a weirdo, a leach that just won’t let go?? Tell me something someone
“What am I now harry I can’t move on” you cried……………
“Im falling again I’m falling again IM FALLING harry”
The end
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loushome28 · 1 year
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thingsiwhispertopaper · 9 months
I dedicate gorgeous to him because the first time we met I did mock how he spoke and I couldn’t pinpoint his accent but now ages later his voice is my favorite sound and when he’s holding our baby and singing to her I think I’ll fall in love all over again.
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