#hartwin fic
gatergirl79 · 4 months
Chapters: 8/? Fandom: Kingsman (Movies) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Harry Hart | Galahad/Gary "Eggsy" Unwin Characters: Merlin (Kingsman), Roxy Morton | Lancelot, Michelle Unwin, Daisy (Kingsman) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Post-Kingsman: The Secret Service, No Kingsman Golden Circle, Bisexuality, Bisexual Eggsy Unwin, Gay Harry Hart, Smut, Fluff, Sexuality Crisis, Mission fic (without the mission), Harry & Daisy Cuteness, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Work In Progress, Internalized Homophobia, Homophobic Language Summary:
In preparation for a mission where he must sleep with a male target, Eggsy turns to the one man he trusts to show him the ropes, and in doing so he discovers a thing or two about himself.
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oldfangirl81 · 5 months
Hartwin | You can be the boss
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annaofaza · 2 years
Roxy squeezes Eggsy's arm as Merlin closes his eyes, and begins updating Harry’s file.
Final logout procedure for HARRY HART.
Are you sure you wish to continue?
“All right, here we go...” Harry’s voice says. 
Everyone startles: Merlin with his fingers frozen just above the keyboard, Roxy putting down the glasses, and Eggsy in the middle of smoothing his hand over the newspapers on the wall.
“So...if you’re seeing this, I suppose it means that I’m...dead.” Harry shrugs, wincing briefly, and Eggsy places a hand over his mouth. “Hope it was suitably impressive! Not by heart attack or an incident with the coffee machine you need to fix, Merlin.”
The quartermaster’s eyes are wet. “You bastard,” he chokes. 
“I also want to say to Arthur, if he’s watching this, fuck you.” Harry smiles. “I’ve wanted to say that for years to your face, so I’ll say it again: fuck you.” 
Eggsy laughs. 
“But seriously, I just wanted to say to some of you...thank you. Especially to you, Merlin. You saved my arse a thousand times and back, and I’ll know you’ll be blaming yourself for this, old friend. Don’t. It was very likely my fault, anyway.” Merlin shakes his head. “You’ve been my dearest friend and handler for years, and I can’t thank you enough for that.” 
Harry pauses for a long while, and Merlin looks. Thirty seconds to go. 
“And Eggsy?” Eggsy freezes. “You never knew.” 
Roxy places a hand on his arm, clutching. 
“I love you. I’ll miss all of you very much. Except for Arthur. And...I wish you the best.” Harry nods. “Don’t you dare get rid of Mr. Pickle.”
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Binding of See Me Once, See The Way I Feel by the gifted @elrhiarhodan!
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A binding to fit a work about people brought together by the legacy of entomologist Adalbert Seitz. Green three quarter leather binding, marbled endpapers, and tipped in copies of Seitz' butterfly plates, all based on different editions of his books on macrolepidoptera.
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I’m really enjoying binding as a method of celebrating and validating transformative works as well as a pro-community gesture. In keeping with that idea, I’m happy to make the author a copy at no cost for themselves if they’d like one. Thanks!
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pineau-noir · 8 days
Is there a hartwin or kingsman server? I need to talk about my newest obsession omg
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artknifeandglue · 2 months
want to write fic of Hartwin cuddling on a stormy day but also wanna read fic of them fucking nasty
except I gotta work late so now I get to do neither :/
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elletromil · 11 months
The Way of the House Husband
For @honey-bee-britt
Some crack we talked about years ago set in the Come Back (Home)
The Way of the House Husband
Harry would like it noted that, for once, he didn’t start it.
He had been doing his best to completely ignore the men that had been following after him for the better part of the day.
He even sent a text to Merlin about them, trusting that Kingsman would deal with whatever that was about in the next few days. It’s not anyone’s fault that the henchmen had proven themselves to be complete amateurs by deciding to act a mere hours after starting to stalk him.
Of course, Harry knows that he looks rather unassuming now, out of his suit, with his beard and his eye-patch. But had their roles been reversed, he would have waited at least a few days to properly establish his mark’s routine before attempting anything.
And if he walked into a deserted alley that isn’t part of his usual itinerary, it is simply because the men following him had already been closing in on him and he hadn’t want to accidentally involve any innocent bystanders in whatever was going to happen.
He had not been goading them into action. Not at all.
One of the men suddenly grabs him by the elbow to stop him and Harry sighs inwardly as he dubs that man ‘Amateur #1’. If he had had an ounce of intelligence, he would have waited for the rest of his group to properly block all of his target possible escape route before making his move. The alley Harry lured them into isn’t quite so narrow that at least one of them couldn’t have made it in front of him
But no, the five of them are all still behind him. A good push on Amateur #1 and a short run towards the nearest busy street would be all Harry needs to escape them.
If he had felt like he was in any actual danger at all.
So instead, he turns around to face the men, easily slipping out of the grip on his arm in a way that feels entirely coincidental, offering his most polite smile. “May I help you gentlemen?”
It’s Amateur #2 who answers, which might mean he’s a a leader of some sort for this group of thugs, but since he seems as much of an idiot as the others, Harry doesn’t bother relabelling him as such in his mind.
“You’d better follow us quietly gramps.”
A couple of them smile in a manner that is probably meant to be menacing, but Harry has seen fiercer expression from Daisy the last time they played pirates. He does take offence at the ‘gramps’ however.
He knows his hair is more grey than brown now, but surely he doesn’t look that old, does he?
He’ll have to ask Merlin next time he sees him. Or maybe Roxy. Eggsy, no matter how much he loves him, cannot be trusted on this.
“And why should I?”
He’s still going for hapless innocence, but judging from the worried look Amateur #5 throws over his shoulder, the mask is probably starting to slip. Or maybe that man has better survival instincts than the others and can subconsciously feel that they ’re the ones currently facing a predator.
“Let’s just say it would be better for your health. It’s your boy toy we want.”
He can feel his eye twitch lightly at what the man just insinuated about Eggsy. It wouldn’t be the first time people make an assumption about them after seeing them together, but that doesn’t mean Harry’s blood will ever stop boiling over such comments.
“Yeah gramps,” Amateur #3 continues, without noticing how Harry’s smile has hardened into something that is definitely less polite, “just don’t make a fuss. We don’t want to hurt you.”
“Oh well, that’s a relief. Unfortunately for you, I have no such reluctance.”
His smile is all teeth now and before any of the men can process what he just said, he swings the grocery bag in his left hand at Amateur #1’s face.
The fight is over quickly, leaving five unconscious men laying on the ground and Harry barely out of breath.
Either he’s kept in a better shape than he expected since retiring or whoever hired those men truly scrape them from the bottom of the barrel.
What a waste of his time.
He sends a new text to update Merlin on the situation and ignores his friend’s attempt at calling him. He’s already too late to start on the lasagna he had planned for dinner tonight and if wants a chance to finish plan B before Eggsy’s return, he can’t allow himself any further delays.
Whatever Harry is cooking tonight, it smells delicious, not that there’s any surprised there.
Eggsy deftly avoids stepping on the dogs trying to jump on his legs as he beelines to where Harry is standing at the oven in his apron, pressing his face between his shoulders and wrapping his arms around his waist. Harry, as always perfectly aware of his surroundings, relaxes into the embrace for a moment before his attention is taken back to the pans in front of him.
After the day he’s had, Eggsy doesn’t mind and just lets himself follow whatever movement Harry is making, basking in the silent domesticity of it all.
When he finally steps back after a quick kiss under Harry’s jaw, he notices the bags full of grocery sitting on the counter.
“Busy day on your end too luv?” He asks as he starts putting away the items.
“Hmm. No, not really. About the same as usual, I’d say. Tell me about yours instead.”
Eggsy knows a deflection when he hears one and usually he wouldn’t insist. Whatever it is Harry doesn’t want to say, either he’ll resolve it on his own or he’ll come to Eggsy when he’s ready to talk about it.
But then he gets to the cans and, considering how Harry has been doing most of the shopping since his return to London because he has much higher standards over quality than Eggsy does, seeing the state they’re in is kind of worrying.
“Harry? Why are these cans so dented?”
Most people wouldn’t notice the way Harry grows slightly tense at the question, but Eggsy isn’t a Kingsman spy for nothing.
“Let’s just say I had a little incident today.”
Unimpressed, Eggsy raises an eyebrow in Harry’s direction, even if the other man is still keeping his back to him. Given the fact it’s a habit he’s picked up from Merlin whenever the handler is reacting to Harry’s bullshit, there is no way Harry doesn’t know what expression he’s making right now.
“Does that ‘little incident’ have anything to do with Merlin asking me to tell you to stop ignoring his calls and also that you owe him a whole batch of baklava?”
He hadn’t worried when Merlin contacted him via his glasses when he was making his way home, mostly because the handler had only sounded exasperated, but maybe he should have. With their decades of spy work, even taking Harry’s few years of retirement into consideration, sometimes the two men have a rather skewed judgment.
Harry has the decency to turn away from the stove at that point and offer him a sheepish smile.
They look at each other for a moment, until Eggsy decides that if Harry isn’t telling, then he doesn’t really need to know. If Merlin hasn’t gone into the details with him earlier, the issue has probably been dealt with already. And as long as Harry isn’t hurt, which he doesn’t seem to be, Eggsy is finding it hard to muster the energy to care.
Until he gets to the last bag, that is.
“The fuck you did to those carrots Harry?”
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to-proudly-go · 11 months
Sunday/Fic snip!
Thank you @spikybanana for the tag! It's technically Monday where I am but I'm still gonna post this one 😂
This is a Hartwin wip!!
In a rare moment of inelegance, Roxy flapped her arms up and down, exasperated at Eggsy’s sheer bullheadedness. “If you don’t call that being head over poison-tipped Oxfords for you then what else could it be?”
Eggsy, the lovable idiot, just shrugged. “Indigestion? Or maybe diarrhea, I think he had the runs this morning.”
Roxy stared at him for a long, hard moment. When Eggsy started to squirm underneath her gaze, she whipped her phone out of her coat, pressed a few buttons, and brought it up to her ear. “Merlin? Merlin, we have a problem. I can’t deal with this.”
The phone’s speaker crackled with a sigh. “Ah. It seems like we find ourselves in the same circumstances, Lancelot.”
“Harry too?”
“Um, Rox? What--”
She snapped her hand up and raised her index finger threateningly. Eggsy shut his mouth.
Roxy sighed. “Alright, then. Should we proceed with Plan B?”
“I believe it would be wise. Will fifteen minutes be enough?”
“Let’s make it twenty to be sure.”
“Fine by me.”
Roxy ended the call. She sighed once more and pinched the bridge of her nose, sensing an incoming headache.
The headache shuffled close to her, unsure of his welcome after Roxy’s admonishment. Before he could utter another word, however, Roxy grabbed Eggsy’s sleeve and began herding him away (more like dragging, if you asked Eggsy, but he was currently spluttering as his best mate started herding him someplace.)
“Roxy! What the hell is going on—stop that, you’re wrinkling my suit!”
“Shut up and follow,” Roxy growled.
Eggsy wisely shut up and followed.
“He thought that Eggsy was blushing because of indigestion, Roxy. Who blushes because of that?” Merlin groaned, thumb and index finger coming together to massage the aching area between his brows. Roxy could relate.
“Oh my God. Eggsy said the same thing.”
“I don’t know what to do anymore with these oblivious idiots.”
No pressure to do the game!! @tideswept @mischievouschan4
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phreakology · 6 months
This is kinda my last option because i have not been able to find this fic and have dug through my entire history and saved fics.
Tumblr, you're my last hope 🤦‍♀️
I am looking for a kingsman fic. In it, Eggsy is able to talk to animals or hear them mentally or something and when he's a kid it freaks his mom out. If I remember right he crashes the car because the fox was just out looking for food for her kits
In training he goes after Charlie because Charlie hit his dog to train it and Eggsy tells Merlin that he can train both his puppy and Charlie's. He keeps both dogs and I think he makes Harry take one of them to Kentucky with him. I also seem to remember Eggsy like possessing a racoon or something to help Harry during the church scene.
I know this sounds like some fever dream but I promise it's not. If anyone knows this fic or where to find it or any information, please I'm begging, let me know. This has wormed into my brain and I've not had any peace from it for like 3 weeks. I would dearly love to reread this fic as it's one of my favorites!
Thank you!❤️
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mastercherry · 2 years
What the HECK do I want to write about right now? Why do I like so many fandoms? Why do I have so many ships? Why am I making this so hard for myself?
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felixvanhuss · 1 year
Yo. I am fucking desperately searching for a fic in a mostly-dead fandom lol. Kingsman fic, Hartwin ship, it was somewhat of a role-reversal thing where Eggsy is the one sent to Kentucky and is "killed" and he figures that Kingsman is trying to kill him so he goes into hiding. I do not remember the name of the fic or who wrote it, I do not remember the plot beyond that (and the fact that I loved it), but I do remember the author calling it a sort of "reverse-reichenbach" thing either in the description or an A/N or something. Either I forgot to bookmark this fic and it's somewhere on Ao3 I just haven't been able to find it, or it got deleted (I will cry if so) and if it was deleted and you know what fic this is and you have a PDF of it I will love you forever if you send it to me. I won't post it anywhere, I swear to god. I just wanna read it again blease
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The phrase “wanting to fuck a father figure is a rite of passage” actually did wonders to my understanding of shipping like it’s not because i view those two as a family that it’s true and that it should only be explored that way
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annaofaza · 2 years
When Harry comes back from Kentucky during one of the biggest downpours Britain has seen, Eggsy can’t quite believe it. 
They’d just called off the search when the Statesman contacted them about a mysterious homeless man who wandered into their base and strongly resembled the late Galahad. Merlin told everyone (notably, Eggsy) to not jump to conclusions, but after five minutes of talking to the stranger via glasses, the quartermaster began preparations for Harry Hart to return home. 
Harry looks worse for wear, bundled up in a suit and overcoat that didn’t quite fit him and what could be accurately called an eye patch. He also hobbles on a cane, gait unsteady and right hand trembling, only speaking when Merlin asks him direct questions. Eggsy stands back, wanting to rush forward and embrace him, but sensed it isn’t the right time. 
Gone is the confident gentleman who could take out five people in a bar under ten minutes. Instead, once Harry gets settled in one of the hospital beds, Eggsy could see the very exhausted, very mortal man. 
“The doctors are just going to run some brief tests, and then you can sleep,” Merlin says. 
Harry closes his eyes, resting his head on the pillow. “That sounds very good right now, though,” he adds, “it would be nice to sleep in my own bed.” 
“I don’t think you’re quite up to it now,” Merlin replies. “But, yes, that can be arranged. Eggsy, you don’t mind, do you?” 
“It’s his house,” Eggsy says. He wondered, very briefly, what the process was when a formerly dead occupant returned to reclaim his property. 
“You’re living in my house?” Harry turns, turning to Eggsy at last. 
“Yes, I can move if you like...” Eggsy begins, but Harry shakes his head. 
“I thought Edward would inherit it,” he murmurs. 
“No, Harry,” Merlin says, voice gentle. “He didn’t...”
Harry turns away. “Of course,” he murmurs softly. “A great many people died that day.”
“Harry,” Merlin begins, but Harry shakes his head. 
“No, it’s like you said,” he interrupts. “We’ve all lost people.”
“Do you want something for the pain, Galahad?” the doctor asks. 
Harry shakes his head. “No,” he says. “Nothing that will...something less stronger.”
The doctor hesitates. “Not morphine, then,” she says. “But maybe some tablets?” 
“He would have been twenty-three today,” Harry says, almost dreamily. His hand cranes upward, fitting itself over Eggsy’s shoulder. 
Eggsy doesn’t dare move. “Who?” he asks. 
Harry’s eyes close. “My son,” he whispers. 
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Binding of The Sunne in Splendour by the excellent @elrhiarhodan!
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A binding to fit a story about people brought together by a royal bloodline. Endpapers are 14th century embroidery fragments depicting a falconer with her loyal companions and being crowned. White English roses surrounding a stag and boar as described in the work.
I’m really enjoying binding as a method of celebrating and validating transformative works as well as a pro-community gesture. In keeping with that idea, I’m happy to make the author a copy at no cost for themselves if they’d like one. Thanks!
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darcyfirth · 4 months
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2 more wips to go ig? one is a disney princes!hartwin au and the other is the paranormal club!hartwin but its merlin & harry being students in that club whereas eggsy is the mysterious creature
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artknifeandglue · 3 months
Made-up fic title (if you'd like to answer): The scent of sucess
!!!! perfumer AU Hartwin
In which master perfumer Harry Hart gets his wallet stolen by a boy who doesn't succeed mainly because he HAS to know what damn scent Harry's wearing, and Eggsy Unwin turns out to be exceptionally gifted at distinguishing fragrances and composing them despite having no formal training, so he gets Hired (provisionally) and taught the ropes
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