#hate being femme sometimes
sangronxx · 2 years
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spartalabouche · 1 month
sometimes its really obvious how much people dont actually believe presentation=/=gender when they see their nonbinary friend go from extremely masculine to relaxing back into femininity once theyre comfortable with their gender and every time they call it detransitioning with zero indication thats what their friend is calling it. i dont know how to tell you this but sometimes you present a certain way for social reasons and not because thats how you actually feel. sometimes you experience dysphoria about your body that is actually related to how people view you and not how you feel about your body. i really dont think its that uncommon for trans people to swing really hard in one direction for the affirmation and then relax back into a different presentation once they are more comfortable in their gender
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celebrate-lesbianism · 4 months
Love and support for femmes who don't wear makeup, get their nails done, or shave 💖
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wizardnuke · 5 months
"are you a top or bottom" well first im gonna ask what definition that you're using for that cause there's the actual meaning of positioning and then there's the really intrusive implication that there's an inherent power dynamic in all gay sex related to who is giving and who is receiving. and then i'm not gonna answer either way cause thats not anyones business. what the fuck man
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queer-reader-07 · 1 month
god how i hate dysphoria
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wetpapert0wel · 2 years
bisexual .
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bvg9 · 3 months
Modecai and Rigby stop stereotyping feminine women in wlw relationships as bisexual and their masc girlfriends as lesbians or you're fired
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eddiesjeandiovest · 9 months
They need to invent a steve being femme fic that doesn’t play into misogynistic and homophobic tropes
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isaacthedruid · 1 year
(spoilers for the Barbie movie)
As a trans-masc non-binary person, I saw myself in Allan. I’m a boy but not a Ken, I'm Ken-like but not quite.
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Allan’s role of being awkward, unsure and a little out of his element but still trying to help the Barbies through the chaos and events caused by the Kens, is how I feel as a trans-masc person who is still trying to advocate for women and discuss the issues they face.
I don't identify as a woman anymore but I still grew up as a girl, I lived as a young woman for 14 years, and people continue to be misogynistic towards me when they think I am one-- customers will talk to my male coworkers instead of me, when I’m the person with the answers
I wasn’t expecting to see myself, in terms of gender, in the character often described as Ken’s boyfriend, though it is said in a more playful, joking way rather than any attempt at representation. I’m gay and this version of Allan is definitely queer as well. Yet, that’s a separate story which has already been written, here’s an excellent article about that. [LINK]
Allan isn’t Ken, and he isn’t Barbie either. Allan is simply Allan, an idea with both masc and femme traits. He doesn’t fit into anything specific, he just is. Allan can wear Ken’s clothes but also Barbie’s pink jumpsuit-- but when he's not doing that undercover mission with the Barbies, we only ever see him wearing his own clothes. A set of clothes worn only by him, that iconic striped outfit that is signature to the real Allan doll.
Additionally, notice the horse patch on the front of his shirt, he never changed his clothes unlike the rest of the Kens when they discovered the patriarchy and a new version of masculinity, a toxic and destructive one. Allan only added something to his clothes to “fit in” or act as if he did, but he hated what the Kens did to Barbieland. He also wasn't brainwashed and never acted upon those destructive abilities that were laid out for him. He could've just joined the Kens and broke stuff and drank copious amounts of "brewskis" but he didn't.
Allan is different and it's constantly stated, "there's only one Allan" in this world of Kens (and Barbies).
I will never be Ken nor will I ever be a Barbie again, I’m not happy in either. I’ve tried both, neither is my style (or title). I wear Ken’s clothes as well as Barbie’s, and sometimes I wear Allan’s.
But, I like Allan’s clothes best, they fit me well.
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neonvqmpire · 2 years
pronouns are confusing but not in the way transphobes think i just dont knowww ahggg
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genderqueerdykes · 6 days
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thank you both for this, i was literally in the process of writing a post about this as i saw these.
i came out as bisexual when i was about 19 or 20 years old, in 2011 - 2012. this was such a difficult thing because everyone around me suddenly had very pointed opinions on me. suddenly i wasn't queer anymore, i was a straight person. i asked people why and they said well bisexual people are half straight, which makes you straight, which means gay people don't want to be around you. i was told nobody likes bisexuals because they're too straight to be gay and too gay to be straight
i had a literal personal dilemma because i didn't feel like that at all. when i was realizing i was bisexual i was realizing i was attracted to all genders in a queer way. i did NOT feel like my attraction to men, women or genderqueer people was straight in any way, shape or form. i've always fit in much better in both gay and lesbian circles. those have always been my home, and my community
in the early days of my transition, when "genderqueer" wasn't even remotely heard of, i had to try to transition into being a man to be seen as trans at all. i went from being forced into lesbian spaces to being forced into gay male spaces. nobody let me pick where i was existing. i was being pushed around. i liked both lesbian and gay male spaces, but i was being told when i could and couldn't occupy the spaces. and then when it came out i was bi everyone called me a traitor and said i was a straight person
my best friend at the time came with me to pride meetings and when her mom found out about that, and that i was bi, she told my friend she couldn't come to those pride meetings anymore, and that i was turning her daughter into a lesbian. her mother would not stop calling me a lesbian all throughout my life. from early childhood, she thought me and her daughter were dating because i was butch and she was femme and we were very close. her mom carried this belief into adulthood, asking her outright if we were lovers. her brother thought we were, too, and taunted us about it.
my own mom weaponized lesbianism against me. she hated how butch i was. she hated that i "looked and acted like a lesbian". she called me a butch and a bulldyke hatefully. she told me not to dress or look certain ways or else people would assume i, and her by some proxy, were lesbians. my mom was insanely butch so i don't really know why this was being leveraged against me but either way when i became a young adult and my mom was trying to force me to learn to drive (something i am terrified of doing due to having 2 dissociative disorders), she asked what kind of car i would ideally like. i said a truck. i was standing there in a purple plaid shirt and she just sighed and went "I knew you were a lesbian." she pointed out my shirt. she was weaponizing lesbophobic and butchphobic stereotypes against me, but either way, reinforcing that i was a lesbian in one capacity or another
i got so tired of my friends harassing me for saying that if i was bi that meant i was straight and i needed to stop calling myself gay because i wasn't, and that it was an "insult" to the gay community. note that nobody gave a singular flying fuck about the bisexual community at all. i was literally bullied out of identifying as bi, because my straight cishet male friends hated it, and my lesbian identifying GF was uncomfortable with it because it made me sound too straight.
the thing is, none of these people asked what being bisexual meant to me.
i actually liked the lesbian community a lot. i really love other lesbians. i have always been attracted to lesbian and butch identifying people for as long as i could remember. i loved seeing strong butch women on TV, even if there were rude jokes. i loved the idea of being a masculine person who is sometimes a queer masculine woman. i loved the idea of being with femmes, i loved queer women and people who took femininity to the next level. i also loved seeing gay men when and wherever they existed. i always felt like i fit right in, and like i was seeing a reflection of a part of myself i needed help discovering.
i have almost always, as long as i can remember, identified as a gay man, and a lesbian, at the same time. my attraction to men, women, and people of all genders is queer no matter what gender of mine is involved. it doesn't matter. i have never felt "half gay half straight" which is why people weaponizing heterosexuality against me as a bisexual forced me to strictly identify as a gay man for almost a decade. it was painful to ignore my butch lesbian side, and to stop identifying as gay, because people would criticize how attractive i found women, and other people
if people had let me exist and explain what bisexuality means to me, they could've understood that bisexual is an inherently deeply queer attraction no matter what genders are involved, but NOBODY cares to listen to the bisexual. everyone LOVES to speak for us because we're just "straight people invading the queer community."
we've had it. bisexuals are queer. even if they DO identify as "half straight" they're STILL queer. let bisexuals define bisexuality. there is no one size fits all form of bisexuality. every single bisexual defines it differently and that's the point. it's a very complex identity with many layers that often relate to gender and presentation as well as attraction.
let bisexuals define bisexuality.
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creptolli · 2 months
Pet names from the entire CoD ensemble (TF141, Los vaqueros, Graves, Alex & Farah, Hadir, Valeria..)
because it’s actually painful when I see someone use one that I could not imagine hearing from them (no hate it’s my problem not anyone else’s 😭🙏)
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A/N: y’all I’m not from any of the character’s countries meaning idk standard terms of endearment in their countries/languages (о´∀`о) - especially the Arabic ones
Also, I may do another one with Makarov, Nolan, König (ew), Horangi and anyone else y’all want!
@medic--main for you :33
Kyle ‘Gaz’ Garrick
MY BABY (anywho)
- definitely uses ‘Love, Lovey, Babe, Baby’
- could hear him possibly saying ‘Darling’
- maybe ‘Sweetheart’
- honestly probably wouldn’t use his lover’s name as much to their face. More while referring to them.
- If you ever got married, he would 100% jokingly yell “HUSBAND/WIFE!!” Whenever someone wanted to speak to you.
Rodolfo ‘Rudy’ Parra
- y’all idk Spanish but if you have any ideas for pet names in Spanish then yes.
- ‘Amor, Corazón, Cariño’ [Love, Heart, Darling]
- ‘Darling’ is something that could be heard at points in time but likely not when dating, more married.
- would interchange between ‘Amor/Love’ in conversations.
- Would use your first name a lot, especially when other people are around. It’s not that he’s insecure or anything, he just prefers using your name.
Phillip Graves
- ‘Sweetheart’ violent screaming
- ‘Darling’ more violent screaming
- Could at times use ‘Baby, Love’
- rarely says ‘Babe’ instead of ‘Baby’
- ‘Honey’ <33
- ‘Doll’ or ‘Dolly’
- honestly wouldn’t use your name a lot, sure sometimes when he’s in conversation with others, but even then he just says ‘the missus/mister’ or ‘my sweetheart’
- would sometimes tease you when you’re dating by using your last name rather than your first name when wanting your attention. Idk it’s an authority thing. 😏
John Price
- ‘Darling, Love, Sweetheart’ melts
- again, before you took his last name (or he takes yours), he would call you by your last name.
- ‘Lovey’ when he wants to be a pain tease
- in marriage he would often say ‘Sweetie’
- sometimes uses ‘Honey’ or ‘Hon’
- sometimes he would use your first name.
Alex Keller
- ‘Babe, Baby’ an insane amount.
- Sometimes, but not often, ‘Love’
- probably uses stupid names or inside jokes that no one else understands.
- if you speak another language, he 100% try’s to learn it and use names from it (he’s absolutely terrible to the point of it being painful, but he’s adorable in trying nonetheless).
- used your first name a lot, sometimes used your last name as a joke.
Farah Karim
- ‘My Love’ is her go to <33
- never ‘Babe’ but sometimes (rarely) ‘Baby’
- ‘Honey’ or ‘Hon’ especially.
the next ones I got straight off of Google so I apologise in advance if they’re wrong (´;Д;`)
- ‘habib albi’ This term of affection means “love of my heart” - حبيب/حبيبة قلبي
- ‘ya hayati’ “my life” - يا حياتي
I would put more but that fucked up my keyboard and took about 10 minutes (copy and paste was a pain in the ass)
Hadir Karim
- said ‘Babe’ once and immediately regretted it, he thought it sounded stupid. It did
- never ‘Baby’
- sometimes he says ‘Love’ or ‘My Love’
- Has a lot of inside jokes that he uses to make fun of you (he means it in good fun).
- Any of the Arabic words from Farah’s list (I’m aware that Uzikstan has its own language.. because I searched it up.. but they also speak Arabic - it’s just not as well spoken)
- sometimes try’s out ‘Sweetie’ or ‘My Sweet’
More Arabic below ⬇️ (again I’m so sorry if it’s wrong it’s from Google I know absolutely nothing about the language, please correct anything if you do know🧍‍♂️)
- ‘ya helo’ “my beautiful” - يا حلو/حلوة
- ‘ya amar’ “my moon” - يا قمر
John ‘Soap’ MacTavish
- ‘Hen’ & ‘Honey’ for sure
- Often also uses ‘Sweetheart’ and ‘Sweetie’
- probably uses ‘Bonnie’ if he’s with a femme partner (idk much about Scottish slang)
- loves to yell ‘WIFE/HUSBAND’ if y’all ever get married.
- Would probably jokingly say ‘Dear’ or ‘Darling’ to sound fancy (it sounds so weird with his accent that it always makes you giggle)
- ‘Doll’ and ‘Dolly’ while dating, not as much during marriage.
Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley
- ‘Dear’ when married, also uses ‘Darling’ a lot when married but plays (teases) when dating.
- he sometimes, but it’s usually rarely, ‘Sweetie’ or ‘Sweetheart’
- apparently ‘Duck’ is a British term of endearment? Idk it says older gentlemen use it and he seems like he would say it. Old man soul
- sometimes says ‘Love’ or ‘Lovey’ when he’s sleepy.
- uses your first name a lot, not as much your last name.
- unless you get married, in which he uses your last name all the time (whether you take his last name or he takes yours)
Alejandro Vargas
- He uses a lot more English than Spanish around you unless your first language is also Spanish.
- He loves to tease you with inside jokes and all sorts of complicated Spanish compliments if you don’t speak the language.
- ‘Cariño’ & ‘Amor’ a lot.
- Doesn’t usually use ‘Corazón’ but it will rarely slip.
- ‘Cielo’ [Sky] sometimes, but again, not so much.
- sometimes says ‘Babe’ or ‘Baby’
Valeria Garza
Gods there aren’t enough women
- lovesss calling you ‘Corazón’ and ‘Cielo’ especially right next to your ear while holding you from behind, pushing her body weight onto you.
- ‘Mi Vida’ [My Life] sometimes
- ‘Mi Rey/Reina’ [My King/Queen] a lot, especially if she’s treating you to dinner/luxury.
- Doesn’t often use English pet names, but when she does she favours ‘Love’ or ‘My Heart’ (she often translates Spanish names directly into English)
Here’s the website I used (for mainly Arabic) ⬇️
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ilynpilled · 2 months
i do find it kinda silly when ppl get mad at fanon jaime feminization or what not. like im sure sometimes versions of it and the way its discussed is unfounded and frustrating but the text absolutely touches on these topics with him repeatedly lol. i often find fans pulling out “female coded” shit with male characters meaningless nonsense and not at all applicable but if it isnt like that annoying shit then im sorry but the text is very deliberately playing with stuff like jaime being the maiden for brienne instead of the warrior and so on in order to continue to discuss gender constructs and roles. like cmon it is cersei’s twin brother ofc george is gonna do a lot of gender shit especially once his sword hand which is his source of physical prowess and is extremely tied to masculinity in his culture is maimed. like if we are not doing “the dudebros hate kylo ren bc hes femme coded” shit then its fine and not even discussion being pulled out of our asses
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garciaasfluffypen · 1 month
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jealousy jealousy
pairing: jemily x reader word count: 1.8k warnings: men are creeps!!! protect your drinks ladies and femme presenting humans, alcohol mention, attempted drink stealing, alludes to dynamics in the bedroom (jj hates being called mommy*), #topjjrights, reader has long enough hair that jj can hold onto it, female leaning terms of endearment a/n: i tried to keep this gender neutral as possible, though there is ONE line where i couldn't think of anything better than "our girl" so that's what it ended up being. request from this ask *(yes thats a callout to aj not knowing what the term "mother" means)
the case felt like it had lasted ten years. it was one of the longest ones you could remember working on, spending almost three weeks rotating through the same six outfits you had packed in your go-bag and occasionally stealing your girlfriends’ shirts. it was only fair that morgan decided to take everyone to the bar before the jet left in the morning. you and morgan were approximately three beers in when everyone else started trickling in. your eyes fell to your girlfriends, the two of them walking over to the bar before they came over to the booth you and morgan had claimed in the corner. you knew their orders by heart. emily would get whatever the fanciest looking drink the bartender could make was, and jj would go for whatever was on tap. you typically got whatever they wanted to order for you, which most of the time was something fruity. it didn’t matter to you, since it meant your girlfriends were taking care of you. 
they made their way over to your table, both of them sneaking an arm around your waist and leaning into you. you made sure to press a kiss into jj’s neck and then promptly placed one on emily’s cheek, knowing all too well you would start something you couldn’t exactly finish at that moment if you went anywhere near emily’s jaw when she had alcohol in her system. the three of you curled up together in the corner, happily striking up a conversation with your teammates. eventually, morgan decided everyone needed shots and made his way over to the bar to grab everyone a round of shots. you usually didn’t do shots, but decided why the fuck not. a few shots wouldn’t hurt you. as long as you didn’t get sick on the plane like last time you went out drinking with morgan, everything would be fine. 
three drinks in and everyone was starting to feel it. you knew your tolerance was a bit higher than your girlfriends, but you felt it slipping considering you hadn’t eaten a single thing since breakfast and it was currently getting close to being midnight. was it a good idea? probably not. but that was a problem for tomorrow. your fingers twirled through jj’s blonde hair as you leaned into her side, emily slipping out to follow morgan and make sure he could carry all the shots he was about to order. sometimes you wondered where the man kept his extra drinking money, but decided not to question it since the alcohol was free for you. jj’s fingers danced along your thigh, moving up a bit til they were on your hip. you leaned your head back into her shoulder, a silent plea for her to continue what she was doing. 
jj knew exactly what happened when she got alcohol in your system, the game getting more and more dangerous by the minute. it was almost as if they had planned to get you going, knowing all too well that you would drag them out to the dance floor at some point and let all the tension flow from your body as you danced with them. your arms would always end up wrapped around jj’s neck while emily pressed up behind you, her arms wrapping around the two of you protectively while you danced to the beat of the music. jj nipped at your ear, her grip on your hip tightening as she waited for the alcohol to hit your system. emily appeared to catch on the second she and morgan got back to the table, sliding back into her spot and resting a hand on your upper thigh. her other hand went to play with the hair at the nape of your neck, another thing that would get you out to the dance floor rather quickly. you reached out to your cup for another sip, not noticing until you put it to your lips that it was pure ice. with a small pout, you shimmied yourself out from your girlfriend’s grasps. clocking morgan talking to a group of girls a few tables over, you silently told your girlfriends you’d be back as you made your way over to him. 
“i’m getting another drink! your tab still open?” 
“you know it hot mamas. get what you want!” 
with a smile and an appreciative peck to morgan’s cheek, you made your way to the back of the club where the bar was. you took a minute to scan the people around you, barely clocking the group of young twenty somethings in the corner who had been staring at your group all night. the vodka in your system from the shots you had taken was finally starting to hit, and all you wanted to do was drink, dance and forget the past three weeks had ever happened. you, emily and jj had barely had time to spend with each other, only scraping by precious moments in the hotel room as you all cuddled in bed together. sure, you had snuck away to get chinese one night, but it wasn’t the same since you were all technically on call. but now that the case was done, you had planned on spending the next week snuggled up in the arms of your favorite people with silly romcoms on in the background. 
while you longed to be in the hotel laying in bed with a bottle of emily’s favorite wine and a six pack of jj’s favorite beer to be split between the three of you, you had to admit it was nice to get out and let loose. sometimes you needed to get way too much alcohol in your system and sweat your ass off dancing to stupid pop hits. and the fact you were doing it with some of your closest friends was a bonus. was it silly to say your coworkers were some of your closest (and only) friends? sure. but it was the truth. you spent so much of your life surrounded by them, it was only fair that they were top priority on your short list of people who were allowed to see you with your walls down. especially emily and jj. they wiggled their way into your life and intertwined themselves so intricately that it was going to be nearly impossible to get them out. 
turning around, you felt an arm slip around your lower back as you waited for the bartender. you stiffened, trying to make it clear to whoever was behind you that you were indeed starting to become uncomfortable. 
“how’s it going, cute stuff? rough week?” 
a dry chuckle fell from your lips. “you could say that.” 
“what are you drinking? i’ll get you one.” 
“you’re very nice, but i’m spoken for.” you turned away from him, flagging down the now free bartender. 
in the back of your mind, you could feel jj and emily’s eyes on you as the man edged closer and closer. you wished you had gotten one of them to come up with you, but it was too late now. you had ventured up here yourself, thinking that nothing bad would come of it. boy were you wrong. the bartender got you a new drink, putting it on morgan’s tab. you went to reach for it before you were interrupted. 
“let me take this back to your table, sweetheart.” the man reached for your drink, not even waiting for you to answer. 
“absolutely the fuck not.” you grabbed his wrist, pressing into his pulse point. 
“aw come on, just let me take it for you.” 
“you must not of heard me when i said i’m spoken for.” 
“that’s what they all say. and hey, if there’s no label, it doesn’t mean anything.” 
as if on cue, jj came up to you and wrapped her arms around your waist. “is this man bothering you, sweetheart?” 
“mmm,” a cheeky smile appeared on your face. “just a little bit, mommy.” 
you were absolutely poking a sleeping bear, considering jj hated being called mommy. however, you needed to fend off the man in front of you, and what better way to do that then to get jj all pissy and controlling? you could feel her demeanor change, her hand sneaking up your back until she had her hand wrapped around your hair. 
“is that so? you do remember who you came here with, right?”
“i do.” 
“who are you here with?” 
“you. and emmy.” the man's eyebrows raised as you reacted to your hair being tugged. 
emily appeared on the other side of jj. “what’s going on here?” 
“some dickhead is trying to steal our girl.” jj practically spit out the sentence. “had to put y/n in their place, they were going along with it.” 
that was totally a lie, but the man didn’t have to know this was exactly the game you three typically played when people were hitting on you. 
emily grabbed at your chin. “you do remember who you belong to, yes darling?” 
“yes,” you nodded. “i do.” 
“then why were you flirting with…” emily looked the man up and down. “that?” 
you fell into the part quite easily. “i didn’t mean to, i swear!” 
out of the corner of your eye, you could have sworn you saw the guy pop a boner. you tapped jj’s leg twice, your signal that it was unfortunately not working as well as they planned it to. 
“go back to the table, lovey.” jj let go of your hair, taking your drink from your hand. “i’ll get you another one, considering this man child tried to take it from you. can’t trust men these days.” 
“hey, now that’s a big accusation-”
“accusation or not,” emily stepped closer to the man. “it’s never okay to steal anyone’s drink. no matter how nice you’re being. and by the way, it’s a criminal offense, and all three of us work for the fbi.” 
the man stiffened as emily patted him on the shoulder, grabbing you and pulling you close. you leaned into emily’s shoulder, hiding your face slightly as you let out a shuddering breath. it had been a hot minute since you had come that close to getting your drink spiked. it was a miracle you were still standing and not halfway slumped over some random guy’s backseat on their way downtown to do whatever they wanted with you. but your girlfriends had come to your rescue, and that’s all that mattered. 
jj handed you your new drink. “you okay, lovey?”
“i am. sorry i had to pull the mommy card. i know you don’t like it.” 
“you know i’d slip into any role you needed me to, right? bedroom or not, i’m yours.” 
“the same goes for me. whatever you need me to do to make sure you’re safe, i’ll do it.”
“promise.” jj and emily both squeezed your hands. “do you want to stay or go back to the hotel?”
“can we go back to the hotel? i’ll down my drink first but-”
“don’t worry, i stuck your water bottle in my purse. come back to the table, put your drink in there and we’ll head back, yeah?” 
you smiled. “gods, what would i do without you?”
jj wrapped her arms around you. “hopefully there’s never a world where you’d have to find out.”
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doubleca5t · 1 month
As someone with a fat femme bodytype, I actually do appreciate the love shown to us by you. Thank you for being normal and not an asshole like those anons. (You don't have to post this, just wanted to let you know it's nice to see people actually don't hate us sometimes)
Thank you anon 💞 I'm glad at least one person on here appreciates my sexy fat woman posting
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fungusgnat444 · 2 months
Random König headcanons
SFW and NSFW also (don’t worry if you just want SFW everything is labeled), mentions of anxiety/poor self worth, autistic coded König, nerd könig, angst if you squint, mentions of size difference, mentions of a gun kink(nothing too fucked up I promise), könig wears a buttplug lol, Slight breeding kink, mentions of creampie, assumed unprotected sex (wrap it up tho fr), König being a lil freak in general honestly, kinda sub König in some parts but also some dom, afab femme reader, descriptions of anatomy(mostly him but a little about reader too),reader works with könig, I think that’s it
Real name: Jacob Schröder
Age:26 (born September 30th because I said so)
home town: Badgastein (it’s so pretty and snowy☺️)
appearance: 6”10, deep auburn curly hair, very pale with freckles, large, aquailine nose, super thick eyelashes and eyebrows, blue/green eyes (like mostly blue but with a little green)
Although he love physical touch his favourite love language is quality time and I can not be convinced otherwise. At first you thought it was a little creepy how he would just silently sit with you basically doing nothing but he genuinely likes just spending time with you. Sees you alone in the mess hall? Even if he’s already eaten he’ll just sit and watch you eat in silence. Reading a book? He’ll sit you in his lap and read over your shoulder (secretly thinks most of the books you read are garbage but he doesn’t really care). He honestly just likes that you’re there, you don’t even have to do anything lol. Likes physical affection too but in a more subtle way usually. Sometimes cuddling and making out or whatever overwhelms him and makes him feel claustrophobic. Most of the time he just likes holding your hand or having his hand resting on your thigh or playing with your hair while you have your head in his lap. Loves it when you play with his hair too, usually puts him to sleep.
speaking of which this man can and will sleep anywhere. On days he’s not working he’ll probably have to have at least one nap or he’ll get all grumpy. As much as you feel bad for him when he’s tired you have to admit he always looks so cute. All puffy eyed and pouty. Often forces you to nap with him even if you tell him you’re not tired. If you just wait for him to fall asleep and try to leave he’s immediately awake and holding you so tight you almost feel like you’ll pass out. He could sleep through an air raid but if you try to leave he’s on high alert. Also I fear because he’s broken his nose so many times, this man’s snoring will make your house shake.
I can’t explain why but I feel like he’s a massive nerd. Like has a protective glass case filled with warhammer 40k figurines, probably spent his entire live savings on a pc, camps out at stores when a new game is getting released, rants at you about the Halo lore type of nerd. also he’s definitely forced you to watch Star Trek and hates that the next generation is your favourites. Is definitely a dungeon master So if you show even the slightest interest in dnd our boy is stuttering, blushing, trying to get you to join his dnd group. Bitte schatz, I came up with a whole new campaign just for you🥺 you’ll like it I swear.
Although it might be a little toxic I definitely think he can be overly protective/possessive of you. Honestly you kind of like it but you know he only acts this way because he’s insecure. Making you sit in his lap when he has friends over so they know not to look at you to much, making you wear his jacket if you get too much attention in public and glaring at any man who walks past. You always know he’s feeling jealous when his pupils are like pin pricks and he’s breathing like a bull with his fists clenched. He’s gotten into fights a few times so you usually have to calm him down. He’s always super embarrassed and apologetic after. Buying you some expensive pretty thing so you don’t hate him. Even if you don’t care or kinda like it he always feels guilty. He feels guilty a lot in general with you. That such a pretty sweet girl is stuck with him. As such he doesn’t take compliments very well. Usually clenching his jaw and furrowing his thick brows while he mutters something passive aggressive to himself, “Scheiß lügner…”. Although if you keep saying the compliment and giving him attention he’ll eventually start believing you. Blushing and struggling to look at you.
Probably takes him quite a while to feel comfortable showing you his full face or even telling you his real name. Even once you’ve already seen it sometimes he still hides his face on days he’s feeling particularly insecure. Once before you’d seen his face you asked one of his friends, horangi, about it. He said they’d known each other almost a decade and he’d only seen his face a few times, most of which were accidental. König had a pretty miserable time as a teenager. He only really bulked out when he was about 17, right before he joined the military. Believe it or not he was pretty scrawny for most of his life. Once he said he used to be built like a lamppost. Before the military he was generally quite quiet and timid. He still is almost always very quiet. This in combination with his more nerdy interests and the fact that talking to a pretty girl for too long gave him a nosebleed made him a pretty easy target for bullies. He was always shy about his appearance but in the early days of his military career his self esteem plummeted when he got a face full of shrapnel during a mission. Luckily they got him to a medic fast but there’s only so much they could do. He hates the scars. Hates the attention. You’re the only person who’s ever made him feel better about it. Kissing every scar, cooing at him while he cries into your chest after another shitty day. Tell him you’re proud of him and how handsome he is. Even if he doesn’t believe it, he at least feels better knowing you believe it at least.
He has barely any experience but he fucks with such desperation that it never ceases to make your legs shake. Loves folding you into whatever position he wants and just spearing you like a fish in a barrel, unable to move or escape. Can get a little too rough sometimes when he’s lost in the moment but the moment he sees any form of discomfort from you he whispering soft apologies in your ear and slowing his pace till he’s balls deep just gently grinding against you while he kisses away your tears. As much as he loves treating you like a rag doll. Deep down all he wants is to satisfy you. Sometimes he won’t even fuck you he’ll just eat you out for a few hours like he’s digging for gold. Love tasting you more than anything else. Especially when you’re overstimulated and clutching his empty head between your soft thighs like you’re trying to crush him.
this man is hung like a god. It’s almost too big. Every time it’s a struggle for you to take it all. The struggle only makes it hotter for him. Loves it when you look up at him all teary eyed, pouting because you’re disappointed you can’t fit anymore in. He loves making a mess of you and he’s so fucking good at it. But he’s just as much a mess for you too. Whimpering and panting like a dog with your hands around his neck. Begging you to let him fill you up with yet another load.
I feel like he probably has a few kinks that are a little obscure. Like he loves eating you out through a pair of tights, hearing them rip loudly in his tight grip right before he impales you. Wearing a buttplug while he’s fucking you makes his brain turn to sawdust. Sloppily plunging into you in doggy and drooling on your sweaty back from above. Letting you ride him, telling him he’s not allowed to move while you hold the barrel of one of his handguns against his forehead or stuffed in his mouth (it’s unloaded of course, he’s not actually insane). If you surprise him by pulling the trigger, that little clicking noise will have him gasping shakily and his eyes rolling back. The noises he makes are absolutely whorish. So desperate and loud and involuntary.
he loves aftercare both giving and receiving. After sex he’s just as fragile as you are. Usually shaking and panting for a good while as he peppers you in thousands of kisses. Loves having a bath with you after. You laying on his chest while he washes your hair for you. Always asks you if he did a good job. He’s like a puppy after he’ll do anything you ask.
German translations: “bitte schatz” please sweetheart. “Scheiß Lügner” fucking liar
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