#hate having such a specific craving for a story
penspolin · 2 days
Benedict Bridgerton & Freedom: A Character Study
I think many would agree that Benedict Bridgerton's storyline in season 3 so far has been rather stagnant, potentially deja-vu-inducing. Benedict pursuing an unconventional love interest is nothing we have not already seen from the series. But despite the cyclical nature of Ben's plot, it could suggest more about his characterization (more specifically, his subconscious desperation) than what first meets the eye.
Art & Societal Detachment
Much of Benedict's plot in seasons 1 and 2 revolved around his relationship with art. Symbolically, art is a means of escape from the real world, just as it is a means of interpreting that world or one's place within it. Since both Colin and Benedict struggle with society (in similar, yet still different, ways), it only feels right that Colin feels a personal connection with writing while Benedict expresses himself through art.
It goes without saying that Benedict has poured his soul into his artistic pursuits; it is a part of him, and so naturally the revelation that Anthony bought his place in art school is a massive blow to his self-confidence. Colin experiences something similar: it's as if both brothers are struggling with this question of what it means to be themselves, not merely "Bridgertons" (side note, but the series title is interesting to me in that it calls upon the family's reputation, despite that reputation creating conflict in so many of the characters' stories).
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Benedict makes several comments throughout the show that serve other characters' plots, but they speak so much to how he sees the world. For example, in S2 he tells Anthony:
"Poetry is the art of revealing precious truth with words."
By suggesting that poetry "reveals" something else, Benedict is implying that the world is made up of concealed truths. In other words, art is a means of seeing the world (and society at large) more clearly. Which brings me to...
Freedom (& Tilley Arnold)
Season 3 Benedict feels purposeless. The promotional material has indicated as much, and we saw it early when his only means of fulfillment (performing Anthony's Viscount duties while he was away on honeymoon) was taken away.
Season 3 Colin rejects society internally but tries to embrace it outwardly. Benedict has played the part himself before, but he's never pretended to enjoy it (see: his dancing at balls this season).
Ben is a rake, but he's not the kind that chases women to build his reputation. Colin was a rake to fit in, but Benedict is a rake because...well, because he wants to be. An important distinction. The similarity with Colin, however, is revealed through a conversation between Benedict and Mondrich.
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Benedict views society as a cage outside of marriage. Once one becomes married, they become free. He even uses that word (a season 4 hint, perhaps? Could Ben's next pursuit of 'freedom' be finding the love of his life?).
We know Benedict hates these imposed restrictions. The most fascinating thing is that even when he has lost a huge part of his identity, Ben is still inherently searching for something, someone, to represent that detachment from society that he so craves. It's why he seems so disinterested in courting--why he runs anytime he is forced into the "societal" box. He is subconsciously searching for anything that removes him from this box...and who better than a bold, unconforming widow?
In my eyes, if Benedict falls in love with Tilley Arnold, that ultimately says more about him psychologically than any true bond between them. It is the idea of her that he falls back on so strongly after the blow he's suffered losing his art, the one thing that made him feel whole. She's temporarily filling a void.
Last point--the symbolism of masquerades. It's an interesting contradiction that concealing one's physical identity is actually exposing one's inner identity. That is to say, the writers have a chance to play with these ideas--self-expression, freedom, facades, escapism, etc.--at the masquerade ball (whenever we see it). It's such a poetic representation of what Benedict is searching for. I'd argue it's almost all subconscious at this point. Benedict seemed so sure of himself when he had art, but now the tables have turned on him--he's like Colin in S2: purposeless. The brothers' stories mirror each other, but the resolution of their problems is unique.
Here's hoping the showrunners/writers take advantage of the opportunity to do something more with Benedict's character in the second half of season 3. And fingers crossed this is all gearing up for Benedict as S4's lead. Seeing Colin in the spotlight in S3 presents a nice comparison with Benedict's own struggles.
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fuzzyhairedfreak · 2 months
suddenly desperate to read a long slowburn garashir fic set entirely on the defiant in early season six but I have never Actually found such a fic
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lewisvinga · 4 months
young and beautiful | oscar piastri x fem! reader
summary; due to her pregnancy, y/n wonders if oscar will always love her, if he will love her after she’s had their baby, after she’s no longer young and beautiful
warnings; mentions of pregnancies (duh), body image, insecurities, reader is mentioned as religious at the end but it will make sense 😣
taglist; @namgification
word count; 1.2k
note; think this is the longest written fic i’ve done lol
‘born to die’ series masterlist !
f1 masterlist !
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“What should we ask Daddy to bring us, little bee?” Y/n hums, patting her swollen belly as she rummaged through her closet for her silly pajamas.
Oscar was about to leave a meeting and promised to bring her whatever she wanted. It seemed like the bee, their baby, was craving Mexican food. Y/n hums to a tune as she sends a quick message to her husband before grabbing the silky pink pajamas.
She kept her hands on her stomach out of habit. Now that she was nearing 8 months, her stomach had grown significantly. She missed her small bump from the first trimester, but having a huge stomach was inevitable.
Y/n lets out a deep sigh as she takes off the maternity dress she wore for errands. She glances in the mirror and notices the bright red marks on her stomach. She applied many types of creams to try to avoid getting stretch marks but she couldn’t avoid it.
As much as she loved how hard her body was working for her and her baby, she hated seeing those same red marks. Her mind wandered off to how she was going to look after having her baby.
She’s seen plenty of videos on motherhood. A few talked about how different a mother's body will be after childbirth. Many gain weight and many have loose skin that will stay forever unless they get plastic surgery. She’s also heard stories of women whose husbands or boyfriends left them due to how different their bodies looked afterward.
Y/n began to overthink as she stared at herself in the mirror, dressed in nothing but a comfortable pair of bra and underwear. She knew she would no longer have the body she had before becoming pregnant.
Her skin will be all loose. Her stomach will be all flabby. Her chest will become bigger than usual and most likely end up uneven from breastfeeding. She was absolutely terrified that Oscar would no longer love her.
Even if the Australian driver practically praised the ground she walked on, Y/n was terrified of him leaving all because her body wouldn’t look the same. She hadn’t realized how much time had passed and how her eyes were tearing up until she heard his voice.
“Y/n? Love, where are you?”
“I’m changing!” She calls out in a panic, pushing her thoughts to the back of her head as she rushes to put on her silk pajamas. She rushes out of their shared room and down the stairs. Oscar calls her to be careful as she approaches the dining room.
“Osc! We missed you.” She says with a soft smile, wrapping her arms around him as much as she can despite her belly. He kissed the top head in reply and gently patted her stomach.
“Hope you’re hungry because it smells amazing.” He says with a chuckle, taking the boxes of food out from the brown bag. Her craving for Mexican food quickly covered up her insecure thoughts from moments before.
She had forgotten about them until she had just finished doing her skincare routine before going to bed. She had struggled a bit to lean down to wash her face.
Oscar was quick to notice her mood as she walked waddled back into their shared room. She lets out a huff, laying down on her side beside him, and keeps her eyes on the TV playing some random movie.
“Love, are you okay?”
Silence fills the room as Oscar asks the question. Y/n couldn’t help but tear up at his gentle tone. She felt stupid for overthinking that he could ever leave her when he’d do everything for her, even stopping by the grocery store after getting take out because she only liked a specific vanilla ice cream with her churros.
“It’s stupid.” She mumbles, wiping her tears away before he could notice. Unfortunately for her, he immediately noticed. The McLaren driver furrowed up his eyebrows in concern as he shuffled closer to her, gently wiping away her tears.
“It’s not stupid if it makes you cry, my love.”
“It’s just-“ She began, pausing to take a deep breath. “My body looks so different. I appreciate it for growing our little bee but it’s going to look so different. I already have so many stretch marks and after I have our little bee, my stomach is gonna be all flabby and stretched out!” She cries out, turning to look at an even more concerned Oscar.
“And I’ve heard stories of husbands leaving their wives after childbirth and after getting older and having multiple children. I’m not gonna look the same as I did a year ago, Oscar.” Y/n takes a deep shaky breath, letting the tears go, “I’m scared you’re gonna take a look at me with disgust. Will you still love me after? When I’m no longer young and beautiful? I hope you will. I mean, I know you will. But it’s just-“
“Y/n.” Oscar interrupted her, cradling her tear-stained face with her hands. He wiped away the tears from her rosy cheeks as he gently kissed her. “I will always love you. From a year ago during hot summer nights in mid-July, when we were wild, to a year from now when we’re holding our baby in our arms. Y/n, you’re the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever laid my eyes on. I love everything about you, your pretty face and electric soul. Yes, your body will look different but that’s because you’re working so hard to give our little bee the growth she needs. But I will always love you, when we’re young, when we’re old, and when we’re nothing but souls floating around.”
His words made her tear up even more. He lets out a chuckle, wrapping his arms around her shoulders and pulling her in close. “See this?” He questions, holding up his hand and showing the gold ring on his ring finger. “You’re stuck with me forever whether you like it or not, my love.”
Y/n lets out a shaky laugh, sniffing as she uses her tear-stained silk sleeves to wipe her nose. She looks up at him with nothing but adoration. Her face immediately seemed to light up compared to how she was feeling before. She reached up to gently caress his cheek. He was like her sun. He always knew how to make her shine like diamonds.
“Bee and I are so lucky to have you, Osc.” She whispered as she leaned in, kissing his lips softly. Oscar pulled her in as close as he could, deepening their kiss.
“More like I’m lucky to have you.” He whispers against her lips, “I’d be dead without you.” He adds as they pull away. She lets out a small laugh, lightly hitting his shoulder as they settle in bed.
She wasn’t overthinking anymore due to his reassurance. She lay against his chest as they watched the movie that was playing softly in the background.
Y/n started to get tired when she noticed Oscar became fast asleep. She lets out a yawn and gets comfortable against his side but not before whispering a quick prayer.
Dear Lord, when I get to Heaven, please let me bring my man. When he comes, tell me that you’ll let him in. Father, tell me if you can.
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princekeerys · 1 month
Lucifer x shy Baker reader
very first lucifer story and i can’t tell if i like it or hate it lol but i hope u guys enjoy it!! :)
☾. °.   ࿐  ` , •
sugar. butter. flour.
that’s how most of your days went — baking pastries in one of hell’s finest bakeries, serving regular, everyday sinners, to the fanciest overlords of hell. it was tiring work, starting everything from scratch each and every morning and making sure every bite would be the freshest it could be.
you, yourself, weren’t an overlord — just a normal city goer on the streets of pentagram city, doing your job to make a living. even in hell you’re expected to pay rent; but i guess that’s why it’s called hell.
the door chimes, signalling a customer entering your quiet little bakery that smelled of strawberries and sweetness.
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“hello, darling” and there he was — lucifer morningstar, the king of hell, himself. you look up from where you were putting the last of your pies in the display case, your cheeks becoming as red as the strawberries you cut up earlier. “oh, your majesty! hello!” you make your way to the front counter, hoping he doesn’t realize how flustered he makes you merely by his own presence.
oh, he absolutely notices. and it feeds his ego tenfold.
he rests his elbow on the counter, resting his chin on the back of his hand.
“i believe i ordered a dozen of your finest cupcakes. shaped like ducks, to be more precise” you chuckle to yourself — who knew the king of hell would get so much enjoyment out of rubber ducks? “let me go get those for you, your majesty”
“oh, dear, there’s no need for formalities. lucifer’s just fine. especially since i’m in here oh-so often” he looks at you with half lidded eyes, raising his eyebrows at you. he knows exactly what he’s doing to you when he speaks in that tone.
you try not to stumble over your own two feet as you get the fancy pink box that has a clear lid, perfectly displaying his highness’s order. you can feel yourself trying not to shake with nerves because satan, he’s so beautiful. “i’m beginning to think you come in here for more than just the sweets i bake” you place the box with fragile goods down in front of him on the counter. lucifer chuckles at your statement, drawing small circles with his pointer finger on your counter. “oh, really? and what makes you say that, hm?”
“i-i don’t know… maybe it’s just an observation, but you come here more than the regulars. and when you do, you usually strike up a conversation with me for hours on end until i have to tell you we’re closed” you chuckle shyly, recalling the countless times lucifer has come in just to talk to you, or give you so many compliments that turn you into a blushing mess.
you don’t understand why he has specific interest in you; he barely knows you, and you him. only in the fairytales in your mind are happily holding hands together.
“oh! haha! that!” he looks nervous, fiddling with his jacket lapels and wiping none existent dirt off his sleeves, not realizing how many times he’s come in just to see you. but he can’t help it, he’s craving the sweetness you give off of lavender and daydreams that it spins him poetic; and he hopes that maybe one day you’ll let him have a taste (you will). “i suppose you just have a way of… drawing me in, i-i guess”
“i just work here, lucifer… you don’t even know me”
“well then, perhaps we should change that then, don’t you think?” you furrow your eyebrows in confusion, tilting your head like a small puppy. lucifer’s heart nearly beats out of his chest. “what do you mean?”
“i meaaan… come by! a-and share some cupcakes with me! and we can also have tea! or chocolate milk! we don’t even have to have the cupcakes! i can get something made for us! michelin-tasting menu, free à la carte!”
you giggle at his excitement and lucifer swears he could listen to that sound for the rest of eternity.
“i-i get off work at five?” you ask with a shy smile, pink dusting your cheeks at the thought of a date with the man you’ve been crushing on for so long. “then i shall see you then, my dear” he kisses the back of your hand with a gentleness that leaves your head spinning as he picks up the box of duck-shaped cupcakes and walks out of your bakery.
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please reblog/comment if you enjoyed my work, it’s greatly appreciated ♡
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mitch-the-silly · 3 months
Hewwo! Just read "Aggroo of a Bleeding Heart" and it just made me crave more of Yandere Vox! May we please get a story of him preventing the reader from escaping? She also somehow is immune to his hypnosis so he'll have to try harder >:)
OF COURSEEE!!! Omg, I just LOVE Yandere Vox. I need him expeditiously-
Anyway, here! Here's your Yandere Vox! :DDD
As mentioned in other posts, reader is gender-neutral due to no specification on gender being made.
Yandere!Vox x gn!Reader
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You banged on the doors of your glorified enclosure: a five-star suite in the V-Tower. The door wouldn’t budge so you punched it out of spite. “Show yourself, coward!” You cried, looking directly at one of Vox’s cameras. You knew he was looking at you, he always was. Frustrated upon hearing no reply, you sat down on the floor, hugging your knees. You wanted to leave, and despite none of this being your fault, you couldn’t help but feel like you earned this. You fell for his bait hook, line, and sinker. He pampered you with gifts, gave you this place to stay, and just when you decided he was getting too close for comfort, he trapped you.
You sighed, getting up, sitting down on your bed, looking at your phone. You wanted to call a friend, but you found their contact was erased from your phone. Only Vox, Val, Velvette and a few friends that Vox knew had no intentions of getting you out of your prison remained saved in your contacts. “Oh, fuck you, Vox!” You yelled, “Only ten contacts in my phone! I know you did this, you sick bastard.” Your protest was met by silence again. Oh, how that ticked you. The way he silently observed you. Yeah, he was always watching but he was never brave enough to talk back to you. But you had a brilliant idea to get him to say something.
“You know, maybe if I had someone to talk to, I wouldn’t be so upset over my contacts. Maybe I wanna leave because there’s no one here to keep me company.” You whined.
The camera before you stayed silent for a bit, but then crackled into a voice, “You’re needy, aren’t you? Can’t conform to being a pretty little doll? I left you in your room, is that not enough for you?!” Vox complained over the camera’s speaker.
“Humans need interaction. If you really wanted me, you’d try to build a bond with me!” You spat back.
“So I do have to go over there and put you in your place.” He huffed. The noise stopped as the speaker cut off. You immediately assumed he’d ignored you, but you were promptly proved wrong.
From the camera zapped out a figure of the likeness of Vox. Later materializing, revealing to, in fact, be the man himself. “You know, you’d be more enjoyable to observe if you could just be still and sexy.” He huffed jokingly. “But I have to admit I like your spite; it adds a layer to your sexyness~” He cooed, moving closer to you, caressing your chin as he activated his hypnotic eye. If he couldn’t get you to listen by asking nicely, then maybe he could get what he wanted.
You jerked your face away from him, “You won’t even put the effort into asking me out for dinner, or even asking me out at all and you already want me to be your pretty little princess in a tower.” You spat, backing up from him, and sitting on the other side of your bed.
Vox huffed, you were one of those… his power didn’t work on you. He just hated having to try harder to appease people. “Fine then. I’ll ask you to go out with me. And if you want a dinner date you have a wonderful balcony. I could just organize a candlelit dinner.” He thought out loud.
“You’re still not taking me out of this room?” You retorted in disbelief.
“Oh, I’m not stupid, babe~ You just wanna leave. I’m not letting that happen.~” He chuckled, sitting next to you, holding your waist. “But just how do I get rid of that nasty attitude of yours?~” He cooed, taking your hand and kissing it.
You rolled your eyes, “You had me once. But you fucked it up by locking me in here when some random guy talked to me.”
“You smiled at him.”
“Am I not allowed to smile anymore?!” You replied in disbelief.
“It wasn’t a regular friendly smile, I could see the way you looked at him.” Vox scoffed.
“Ok, and? We’re not in a relationship. If you want me to keep to myself then make it official. Others won’t flirt with me either.” You suggested, a bit annoyed.
“Make it official? Oh, please! Don’t make me laugh! You know I can’t go out in public and freely say I have a thing for you! You’re more like… a dirty little secret~.” He chuckled.
“And why is that?” You complained, scooting away from him.
“Because think of the scandal! And while it would bring in a lot of money… I’m not gonna ridicule myself! My image and the image of the Vees has to be pristine, you know this, sweetheart~.” He explained, kissing your cheek afterwards.
You rolled your eyes, “What now then? You’re just gonna leave me here?”
“If you want someone to talk to, I’m a camera away, sugar~.” He chuckled, zapping away and into the camera where he came from.
You tried to run to catch him, but to no avail, “You fucking idiot! That sounded stupid!” You yelled at the camera. After which you sat back down on your bed. Maybe things would get better after this conversation. It was you he wanted after all.
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wyfy-meltdown · 8 days
Nagisa has such a complex and emotional backstory (the one presented within Magia Record) and while I love the memes, I'd also love to see her analyzed the same way as the Holy Quintet girls more.
When it comes to Nagisa's relationship with her mother, it is clearly emotionally and verbally abusive in a very realistic way. Nagisa loves her mom. Her mom is still her mom despite everything, and Nagisa wants to love and forgive her. Nagisa also hates her mom; The mom who yells at her, is implied to hit her, and tells her she's wasting money and time. Nagisa tries her best to support and care for her mom despite everything; she acts like a hit dog still coming back to the hitter because it's all she has.
Speaking of dogs, I want to draw parallels between Nagisa and Inui. Kyuubey specifically mentions that another girl in similar circumstances* (*to Nagisa) wished to have the attention of the boy she liked; cut to Inui, who talks to Kyuubey about her worries with the Sleepwalking Ghost and her boyfriend. From this we can guess that Inui is impoverished, has a difficult relationship with her mom, and has the same goal as Nagisa; to be loved in a conditionless way by someone who endlessly hurts them.
Inui is a perfect parallel for Nagisa; Nagisa has become disillusioned with the concept of "love" to the point of viewing all fairytales and stories in a gloomy light; Nagisa has not been loved in the way a child needs to be loved, and so cannot fathom the type of carefree love shown in fairytales. Inui on the other hand is so desperate for the attention and love she hasn't gotten she's gotten into a relationship with (presumably) the first douchebag who showed any kind of interest in her; she craves a fairytale romance and to be swept off her feet by a prince and so in her mind Sho can't be anything but that prince. Both of them cling to their delusions and coping mechanisms while further being hurt by people supposed to love and protect them.
Nagisa resents her mother despite craving her affection; she considers using her wish to make her mom regret being unkind to her (a vengeful fantasy of an abused child [she hopes for an apology and for things to become perfect]) before finally settling on making her mom unknowningly seal her own doom (ie, the cheesecake).
Nagisa's cheesecake is an incredibly important object for both literal and symbolic purposes. She wished for it instead of saving her mother's life; It represents her final revenge against a woman who never treated her kindly. It also represents the unobtainable love Nagisa searches for even as Charlotte; "unable to make the cheese she loves" aka "unable to obtain love". There is a more uplifting (albeit dark) symbolism here too; that being Charlotte's unfortunate decapitation of Mami. Mami, who in Rebellion is Bebe's caretaker and mother figure, is eaten by Charlotte: Mami is the "cheese" Charlotte loves and has finally found.
Nagisa is abandoned by everyone: the only one who hasn't abandoned her is her mother, who is convinced Nagisa will abandon her. They have a vicious cycle of mistrust and dependence. Right before she becomes a witch, Yuu promises "I'll never leave your side"; after taking the only person who never abandoned Nagisa, Yuu promises "I'll never leave your side". Those were some of the last words Nagisa heard: the crippling loneliness, guilt, and betrayal that sunk in is what caused the birth of Charlotte. What makes it worse is those are words Nagisa was likely told by her parents at some point: afterall, parents will say anything to comfort their child, especially before something like hospitalization or leaving the family entirely.
Nagisa is 12 at her oldest possible age and 8 at her youngest possible age. She is a tragic figure on the same level as Sayaka, Kyoko, and Mami. The only true closure we have for her at the moment is her relationship with Mami (and the other Holy Quintet members) in Rebellion.
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feelbokkie · 9 months
Things SKZ does when you're pregnant
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☀️Feelbokkie M.list☀️
genre: fluff
pov: 2nd person
description: just cute things skz would do while you are pregnant
pairing: bf!skz x reader with a uterus
warnings: swearing
word count: 1,021 (unedited)
©feelbokkie (2023) — all rights reserved. reposting/modification of any kind is not tolerated.
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방 찬 (Bang Chan)
Plays Music for Your Bump
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he bought one of those headphone sets that you can use to put on baby bumps the second he found out they existed
it's basically a Channie's room (rip Channie's room)
he's prescreening all the songs beforehand though
got to make sure they're baby appropriate
plays a few skz songs
red lights and drive are hard passes
plays a wide variety of music
he's trying to create a musical genius at this point
with his genes, it's very much possible that this might happen
takes the baby's suggestions every seriously
"The baby kicked," "They must really love this song," "Or they hate it," "...Hey, if you like the song, kick. If you hate the song, stay still!" "Chan, don't confuse the child." "Hey, maybe they're a dancer like their uncles."
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이 민 호 (Lee Min-Ho)
Making All of the Food You're Craving
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yes, even the bat shit insane ones like pickles and peanut butter
he knows that it's 50% his fault that you're hungry and want specific things and that you're doing 100% of the work so the least he could do was make you what you and the parasite baby want to eat
the first time he did it, you were talking to yourself about something you were craving, not thinking he was paying attention
you were debating if you should order it or go out and buy some and take it home
he immediately went into the kitchen and made it without a second thought once he realized that you were probably craving it because of the baby
he came back some time later and just placed the food in your lap
you legit cried
blame the hormones
one time you asked him directly make you something and he jokingly said no
you cried again and he felt so bad that he made it and got your favorite dessert
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서 창 빈 (Seo Chang-Bin)
Lifts Your Bump
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definitely feels guilty and responsible for you being in this situation
i mean he partly is to blame but you were there too
so he will constantly just come up behind you and lift up your bump to get your back a break
and he'll stay there for a while
and if you two go to the beach for whatever reason, the first thing he's doing is digging a bump shaped hole so you can lay on your stomach comfortably
buys that bump comfort tape and helps you tape your stomach to give you some relief throughout the day while he's out working
did research to make sure he was doing it safely of course, he doesn't want to hurt you or the baby
helps you do some exercises and stretches to ease your pain too
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황 현 진 (Hwang Hyun-Jin)
Paints You and Your Bump
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the second he found out that you were pregnant, he got several ideas of things to paint on your stomach
started earlier than he probably should have
but when you started getting bigger and more self-conscious, he decided to paint a portrait of you and your bump
and he makes you look like some sort of angel or divine being
you almost don't believe that he painted you
hangs it where he knows you'll see it often
greatly boosts your confidence
will also play on it constantly
"how are my muses doing today?"
also paints a mural in the baby's room in his free time because he can
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한 지 성 (Han Ji-Sung)
Tells Your Bump Stories
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more specifically, he's giving the baby a detailed play-by-play of whatever show he's currently watching
you bought one of those mics you can attach to your stomach so you could talk to the baby and it is almost always in his hands
"...and their dad is kind of an asshole--you don't have to worry about that, your dad is cool as fuck" "Jisung, language," "if we normalize swearing when they're young, we won't have to worry about them having the mouth of a sailor like Felix. I read it in a book" "...I don't think they mean while the baby is still in the womb,"
reads them them manga too
if he's watching tv and you're sitting next to him, he's pulling out the mic and narrating everything that's on the screen
will sing every once in a while, have to prepare the baby for the rest of their life now so they're not shocked once they're born
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이 용 복 (Lee Felix Yong-Bok)
Massages and Foot Rubs
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he massages you and gives you foot rubs anyway, especially if you ask for them
but when you told him you were pregnant, one of the first things he did was research how to safely massage you
secretly practiced on the boys so he wouldn't hurt you or the baby until he was confident enough to massage you
still was nervous to actually massage you
rubs your feet more often than the rest of you because it's safer
once you're towards the end of your pregnancy and increasingly uncomfortable from all the added weight you're carrying, he gets over his fears and massages you to give you some relief
Will cuddle you after too while resting his head on your bump
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김 승 민 (Kim Seung-Min)
Talking and Singing to Your Bump
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this man has been talking to his baby the second he learned that their ears are fully developed
and he's talking to them like a normal person, not baby talk
full conversations too
he'll come home for a long day of work and come tell both of you about his day
often comes and lays his head on your bump and sings to it
just little songs mostly
also sang songs in his JYP voice because why not
whenever you express discomfort, he is lecturing the poor unborn child
"Seungmin, they're not even born yet." "Y/n, please, I am having a private conversation." "Sorry, my bad."
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양 정 인 (Yang Jeong-In)
Weekly Progress Shots with Your Bump
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mostly, he's having fun taking pictures of how much you're growing each month
every week without fail he is pulling out the camera and harassing you to take the picture
will style you and get props so you can have fun with it
one of the more common props is whatever food item the baby is the same size as
makes a video with all of the pictures and finishes it with the last photo of you holding the baby where the bump was
he's already planning the baby's month photoshoots
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interconnectedmatrix · 2 months
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What if...?
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The feminine urge to write something about Barbatos admiring the MC from afar. I'd love to call this idea "To Every 'You' I adore" and honestly I'm digging it.
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♡.. In a scenario where in almost every universe, almost every timeline, the MC chooses anyone BUT him. Although instead of taking action, Barbatos swallows it all down, often watching MC from a distance. Was it fair to think luck was on the human's side?
♡.. When Mammon took MC to the casino, they seem to have won every bet.
♡.. When Leviathan told MC about this raffle to get tickets to a concert of their favourite idol, they seem to get that PLUS VIP access backstage.
♡.. With Satan they went to the finest of cafés and tasted the most delicate of confectionery. With Asmodeus MC kept 'accidentally' trying new garments for them to love. With Beelzebub it's all you can eat, much to the sweet grin they had while wiping off the crumbs off the sin's face.
♡.. With Belphegor was special; MC's constellation perfectly aligned at the time of their date — so they themselves could admire from afar.
♡.. With Solomon they'd fly through the skies in a hot-aired balloon, looking down at city lights of a new place. Or better: new to Solomon, but held deeply in MC's heart. A place that they themselves could admire from afar.
♡.. With Simeon, MC could accidentally spill ink on the parchment, and instead of ruining the page it created waves of gray; a scenery of inspiration for the setting of the angel's new story. A place so far, to be admired in the lens of the reader.
♡.. Lucifer would comment at how MC's luck was astonishing, terrifying even. It's odd to think how a mere human would always have good fortune. Almost always.
♡.. With Lord Diavolo, MC would go and chuckle at their humble remark, while the prince's lips placed soft kisses on the human's knuckles. How their smile brings light in the darkest days of the harsh coldness the Devildom brings. The sheer warmth present in their every word. It's not always the case, but that was how he viewed it.
♡.. Barbatos would put up an indifferent smile, watching the human mingle with his lord. It was in one of these instances where even with the immense ability to control time, he felt powerless. Much to the fate's dismay, this was when he hated the path of destiny. In almost all outcomes, it was least likely he'd end up with his beloved. How he adored MC, even if they were bound to never be his.
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To quote: "Even with how repetitive this scene gets, his immortal beloved never ceased to amaze him like the very first time."
Who knows? It sounds almost like a lovesick idea as I myself am unsure if this leans more on fluff or angst. Tell me if you guys liked the idea, or how you may suggest that I improved it! ^^
Aka this is Vee's Barbatos brainrot since I've been craving Barb content but also very specific kind of Barb content so this is me attempting to fill that void before Solomon or Mammon take over my writings.
Anyhow, that is my "What if?" Scenario! :D
That is all and have a nice day~! 🫶
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epeboch · 8 months
I really love worm, and it's infested my brain deeply since I read it. I was a teenager who related too much to alienation, and bullying, and the craving of some amount of power over anything.
It's a work that I think was deeply important in my growth into an adult person (which sure is embarrassing but that's okay) and I want to share it with people. Some of its just because I like it when I can talk to people about things I like that I normally can't but god, it's hard to recommend!
Its author is bigoted in an extremely specific manner, in the liberal 'i have so many unconscious biases that actually Aren't Bad because society agrees with me'.
He hates addicts, is homophobic, racist, and is deeply deeply committed to sharing a worldview with like, some annoying American foreign policy wonk.
I have a certain impulse to put these things in less brash language, and talk about how clearly wildbow's worldview includes some deeply deranged stuff about the global south (south america is a continent of criminals and africa is a continent of warlords), deeply sinophobic anxieties (china is an evil empire that's going to kidnap you for power) or queer people (it's pandering if the relationship isn't predatory, sorry how did you describe that schoolteacher's hands?). There's a million other things I haven't mentioned as well. The list never ends.
It's long, too, that never helps. 'oh here, please read the Bible so that I can talk to you about how much I love Michael, Homestuck so that I can talk about Rose Lalonde, etcetcetc'. Its a lot to ask!! And people have still done it!! And I feel bad about it!!
The front page of the parahumans site says something along the lines of 'this story has ever conceivable trigger, be wary' and it's true. It makes it so deeply difficult to recommend to my friends which are almost entirely made up of traumatized queer people.
The worst part is that they listen to all my stupid disclaimers and read it anyways. The worst part is that I've never recommended it to someone who didn't like it. The worst part about worm is that it's good.
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we-love-dilfs · 1 year
HC of Having a Baby With Rio
A/N: Thank you all for 100 followers! I know that it’s not much and so many people have thousands and thousands, but it’s more than I thought I would get :)
A/N 2: I also created a masterlist that is pinned on my page for all my Rio and other character stories. If there is another concept or character you would like me to write for, just let me know!
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• when you first found out you were pregnant, you were worried as hell
• you knew what Rio did and how dangerous it was
• but that wasn’t what scared you most
• what scared you the most was telling Rio
• you knew how much he loved Marcus, but he had never mentioned having another kid
• your mind kept racing with thoughts of him leaving you
• you knew that he loved you, and realistically he would never leave you
• but your fears grew too big to be deflated by rationale
• he found you sitting on the couch
• he heard Marcus in his room, but he was too worried about the sight in front of him to go greet his son
• there you were, on the couch, staring blankly ahead with tears in your eyes
• he crouched down in front of you to ask what’s wrong
• you couldn’t help it
• you just blurted it out and prepared for the worst
• he didn’t know what to say
• having a baby was a happy thing, but you seemed terrified
• so he just scooped you up into his arms
• that’s when you broke
• you started sobbing and expressing your fears
• he couldn’t believe what you were saying
• he spent the entire night reassuring you that he was happy, and he was not going to leave you
• he spent your entire pregnancy doting on you
• he even did most of his work from home to be with you
• he refused to let you even lift a finger
• at first you thought it was cute
• but after a while you began to get annoyed
• you were pregnant, not helpless
• still, it did come in handy in the middle of the night when you got a craving
• it didn’t matter what time it was or what you wanted, Rio was prepared to get it for you
• one night you were craving a milkshake from a specific place, but the nearest restaurant to get it had a broken machine
• so he drove another 30 minutes (on top of the original 10) to get you one
• it didn’t matter to him that he spent over an hour driving at 2 am
• he was determined to get you your milkshake, and even brought home fries, because he knew when he got home, you would regret not asking for them
• but despite always being willing to help with your cravings, he didn’t always understand them
• one day you mentioned that you really wanted both peanut butter AND pepperoni
• he didn’t show it, but Rio was disgusted by the idea of it
• still, he dutifully fulfilled your request, albeit horrified by the fact you enjoyed it
• when it came time to deliver, you were scared, but mostly in pain
• Rio held your hand the ENTIRE time, refusing to let you go, even when you were swatting at him with your other hand
• he spent a lot of time yelling at the doctors to give you something for the pain
• he hated seeing your tear-streaked face contorted in pain
• when the doctors told you it was time to push, you practically froze
• you had been screaming at them for hours to get the baby out, but now that it was time, you began to worry
• you started sobbing to Rio about how you weren’t prepared and you couldn’t possibly be a good mom
• but he squeezed your hand, rubbed your head, and gave you a kiss on the cheek, assuring you that you would be the best mother
• when the baby finally came out, it brought tears to his eyes
• and just when he thought that he couldn’t get any happier, they let you hold the baby
• he knew then that he was a goner
• after you and the baby were cleaned up and you had a moment to rest, he had his grandmother bring Marcus in
• he was just as excited as his father was
• and when Rio saw his son cuddling with you while cradling his new baby sibling, he knew that he’d be perfectly okay with having as many children as you’d give him
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newcaptainofsquad9 · 2 years
Being  Corlys’ Bastard Daughter in a  Secret Relationship with Rhaenyra Would Include...
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I started writing this weeks ago and recently finished. Kinda went ham on it, sorry if it got too long! I’m also working on fics about this concept so stay tuned. Also spoilers for House of The Dragon up to episode 7, Driftmark. Hope ya’ll enjoy!
• You were Laenor and Laena’s half sister, since you were Corlys’ bastard daughter but you were legitimized in his eyes once you came into adulthood. 
• Rhaenys accepted you with open arms, seeing you as a daughter just as she saw Laena and Laenor as her children respectfully. 
• You didn’t care much for lady-like duties, choosing to chase behind Laenor and the other knights of your house to train in sword and shield. Corlys had his issues with it of course, but as long as you did what you could to keep up appearances, he was fine. Rhaenys was there to teach you all about being a lady, while sharing much of the fierceness a Targaryen could hold.
• Like Laenor, you had different tastes to what was expected of you. 
• You much preferred the company of the ladies of court as your father frequented Kings Landing as King Viserys’s master of ships. Being around other ladies of court wasn’t frown upon much, you were safe from rumors, unlike your brother Laenor, it was easy to navigate yourself through your specific tastes since close bonds between women of the court were common.
• It remained common as you could keep them, a few lingering smiles here and a few compliments there, until you met the crowned Princess herself, Rhaenyra Targaryen.
• She was betrothed to your brother Laenor but he didn’t see her like that, yet you did. The Princess noticed you, and complimented you accordingly:
“You’re just as pretty as your brother, Lady Y/N,” Rhaenyra said before kissing your hand. 
• Laenor may have been her betrothed, but Rhaenyra spent much time with you: listening of your tales amongst the sea with your father while Rhaenyra told you stories of dragons, even mentioning that she’d like to take you on the back of Syrax if you’d like to. 
• During Laenor and the Princess’s wedding, the both of you kept running into each other on the dance floor. Her eyes tracing your body as she moved from man to man, attention on the way the music took you. 
• Kept a close eye on you until the violence began, going straight towards you, keeping you safe through all of chaos. 
“I need to find my brother!” you said.
Rhaenyra shook her head, hands still holding yours. 
“I must protect you for him, my lady.”
• You knew you had feelings for the Princess after she married Laenor. The ten years away from her while she was in Kings Landing and you on Driftmark made you crave for her presence again. So you wrote to her, along with Laenor and Laena, respectively as she was in Essos. 
• Rhaenyra oft wrote back, telling of her children and how much she missed you. She detailed your beauty in her letters, joking about how she’d rather be the wife of another Velaryon than your brother.
• You gushed at the letter once it got to you, thinking over a fortnight of what to say back to the Princess. It was treason and down right wrong to think of Rhaenyra in a nonplatonic way yet the Princess’s words drew you with so much tenderness inside. 
• Rhaenyra’s letters kept arriving, wondering when you’d get back to her: both physically and by letter. You didn’t mean to leave her in the dark, but after hearing about her relations with Harwin and how she adored him saddened you. You wished to be the sole love she adored.
 • You didn’t write her back until Laena’s death, pouring out everything you thought for her and the hate you felt for Laena going off with Daemon to Pentos, for making Rhaenys a wreck and making your father quiet, so much so that he didn’t talk much until the funeral. 
• You and Laena weren’t the closest, yet she always made an effort to understand you the most, boasting that the blood of old Valyria was still strong in you, whether you weren’t full Velaryon or not. She never looked down or joked about your preferences, encouraging it along with Laenor.
• Laenor took Laena’s death the hardest though. You tried sticking by his side during the funeral, trying not to crack under your uncle Vaemond’s words of Velaryon blood, glancing at Rhaenyra’s own boys and you. It made it hard for you to handle your grief when anger bubbled inside, forcing you to clutch your hands tightly that red nail marks carved at your palms.  
• Rhaenyra noticed however, prompting her youngest son there, Lucerys to comfort you in some way. The boy reluctantly looked to his mother, than to you before bounding over (thanks to a stern, yet easygoing nod from Rhaenyra) and taking one of your clasped hands into his tiny one. 
• Your wall of rage tumbled just a bit, breaking your intense focus to see your nephew staring with wide eyes, steady and ready to bolt back to his mother and father if things grew awry. All you wanted was some one there who understood your pain, your rage, your heartbreak. You knew of the rumors, you may have been away from court but the gossip always ran throughout the seven kingdoms. The words bastard and Strong thrown around carelessly of Rhaenyra’s boys so much so that you felt terrible for them or even considering the truth that they weren’t Laenor’s boys.  
•Whether they truly had the “saltiest and thickest Velaryon blood” didn’t matter, even though  you were a Velaryon in Corlys’ eyes, yet in other members of the house’s eyes you were still the Sea Snake’s bastard daughter. A title you could never escape from. You didn’t know what Lucerys went though but you held his hand anyway, pulling him close for a hug. You may not know what the boy went through but it had to be something similar to your own strive.
•The boy hesitated but returned it immediately, clutching onto you for the rest of your uncle’s speech. You felt loved, you may have only met your nephew but you could tell Rhaenyra and Laenor loved and raised him decently so far. 
“I-Is aunt Y/N all right?” Jacaerys asked as he approached you and Luke, holding his mother and father’s hands. 
Luke glanced up at you expectantly, hugging into your side, as if asking his brother’s question a second time.
“Y-Yeah,” you said. Your voice rough but you tried your best in sounding all right. “T-Thank you for worrying about me, boys.”
Rhaenyra met your eye as you ruffled the boys’ hair, totally not buying your words at all. 
“Laenor, take the boys to bed, please?” Rhaenyra said. She patted your brother’s arm before continuing. “I’ll be along shortly.”
Laenor seemed just as worn out as you, doing what his wife told was simple yet he still was rather sluggish in taking Jace and Luke’s hands, leaving you and Rhaenyra alone. 
 • Rhaenyra drew closer and like her son, she was cautious of touching you. 
“Alicent, and her father have been watching me,” she said as she glanced past and beyond you discreetly. “Walk with me to the beach?”
“Have I some how entered your circle of rumors, Princess?” you said.
Rhaenyra smiled weakly. “Something like that, my lady.”
  • Once you walked enough of the beach and nightfall began to cover you both thanks to the decline of the sun, Rheanyra took you into her arms, wrapping you close by the waist.
• Her touch. Finally feeling her skin, her warmth for over ten years made the emotions bubble up in you yet again as tears flowed from you. 
“I’m here,” Rhaenyra whispered. She pressed a hand to the back of your head. “I-I’m so sorry, Y/N”
You held onto her, crying into her chest, babbling about everything you held against you for the past ten years.
“I-I don’t know what to do,” you sobbed. “With Laenor being your king consort and Laena dead, I possibly couldn’t be Lady of Driftmark or Lady of the Tides as a--”
Rhaenyra took your face before you could even say the word bastard. Through your tear stained eyes you saw her own crestfallen expression, water clinging to her own eyes. 
“You are a true Velaryon,” Rhaenyra declared. “It may not be official but I promise as queen you will be. It will be my first act.”
• The Princess then kissed you, hard, fierce and fiery as kissing a Targaryen should be. You shivered in her arms thanks to the brisk air Driftmark held, especially close to the sea as night continued to crawl through the final peaks of sun.   
  • Rhaenyra’s hands traveled over your waist, holding you as if you’d sail away at any moment, ship off for another ten years. 
“Come with me, us to Dragonstone,” Rhaenyra said. Desperation written on her face as she panted from your previous make out. “Be my lady in waiting, my sworn sword, I don’t care I-I just need you with me!”
The words “sworn sword” hit you in a sour way. 
“Like your former? He’s replaceable? W-Would I be?” you said.
Rhaenyra’s grip on your sides grew rough; you gasped at the slight pinch in pain as she pulled you to be inches from her lips again. 
“I loved Harwin, he can never be replaced,” she said, solidifying your worries. “But he isn’t you. A-And what I feel for you isn’t quite the same as I had with him.”
You shook your head, speaking the truth of the rumors. 
“You’d have children with me?” you said. “I-If we could?”
“I would and more, you’d be my Queen consort instead of your brother,” the Princess responded cheekily.   
• The both of you shared more kisses, along with touches that lingered. Rhaenyra wanted to go further, you both did but the lost of loved ones sought you both against it for now. 
• When you both found Jace, Luke, Baela and Rhaena bloodied from their scuffle with Aemond, you immediately formed a shield around all your nieces and nephews with Corlys, Rhaenys and Rhaenyra. 
• Luke clung to you instantly as Alicent tried attacking the boy, almost cutting you if Rhaenyra didn’t stop the mad Queen first. 
  • When Alicent cut Rhaenyra, you were at the Princess’s side but not before Luke scurried to her left, you to her right. You held her as she bled, immediately calling for a maester for not only Rhaenyra’s wounds but for that of your nephews and nieces as well. 
• You stayed by her side as the maesters stitched her arm. Luke clung to you again, asking his mother if she was all right while Jace held your other hand. Rhaenyra reassured him with a kiss on the forehead before doing the same to Jace. 
“You boys have cause a lot of trouble tonight. Now go off to bed, for real this time,” Rhaenyra said. 
Her boys did what they were told but not before hugging Rhaenyra then you as well. 
• Rhaenyra began to notice how much her boys got attached to you, especially Luke and deemed you as a second mother to them after your permanent stay on Dragonstone, and having them squire under you and Laenor.
• You became a quasi mentor to your nephew Luke, since he’d inherit Driftmark as Lord of the Tides. Of course he had trouble getting seasick but you still reassured him that he’d make a fine Lord of the Tides and helped him during short sea trips from Dragonstone to Kingslanding to help him adjust to life on the sea. 
• Rhaenyra would always fly over with Syrax to ensure that the both of you arrived and departed safely. 
• She always welcomed you with a tight embrace, checking over you as soon as she was done ensuring Luke was in one piece. 
•  Rhaenyra always found time to be alone with you, always thanking you for being amazing with her boys and always made sure you felt all right here with this family she cultivated on Dragonstone. 
“I hope you feel a part of this family as much as I believe you are,” Rhaenyra said while she held your hand. She cuddled next to you while she played with the braids of your silver hair. “Have ever I told you how beautiful your hair is?” 
You grew sheepish at her words, especially at the mention of being her family, finally a part of her life and finally able to be with her. 
“You really see me as your family?” you said as you tucked yourself against her chest. “What does that make me? Secret lover to the heir apparent?”
Rhaenyra shook her head and gave you a deep kiss. 
“You will be my only sole lover, Y/N Velaryon, a true Lady of Driftmark right next to the Queen of the seven kingdoms.”    
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violetsiren90 · 20 days
New Rules | Teaser
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Table of Cotents: Teaser (Prologue); Don't pick up the phone
Pairing: f*ck boi!Jisung x f!Reader
Genre: choose your own adventure; drabble/vignette series; angst and smut; f*ck buddies; college/post grad
Summary: Jisung has had you wrapped around his finger for the last half-decade. You know good and well that it's time to move on…but you can never seem to follow your own rules long enough to shake him.
*Based on the lyrics of "New Rules" by Dua Lipa
Content warnings: 18+ (minors, dni) Explicit smut; toxic relationship; Jisung is a manipulative little shit (There will be specific trigger warning for each update); For prologue: undressing, kissing, necking, dry humping, groping, fondling, Jisung has been drinking; lots of negative emotions and psychological conflict, raw LUST.
Word Count: Each drabble will probably around 1500-3000 words; total number of drabbles undetermined.
Author's Note: This is gonna be my fun little side project while I work on a my heavy chapter fic! Another one of my attempts at trying new things this year - a choose your own adventure centering around toxic romance. 😈💔🥀 Each update will have a poll at the end which will determine where the next drabble goes. The readers will literally be deciding the trajectory of this story! If you would like to participate throughout the series, let me know in the comments and I will add you to the tag list for updates!
As always, if no one has told you today, please know that you're loved, and worthy of love! 🧜‍♀️💜
(first poll below)
His hand finds the tack fastener on the front your jeans, and as he slips it deftly through the buttonhole with his finger and his thumb you feel a familiar chill creep into your chest. One little motion and it’s as if he snuffs out an invisible flame inside of you. And yet, you want them there, his fingers on the wick.
Tasting the liquor on his tongue, you pull away to press your lips below his jaw and against the thrum of his pulse point. You can feel from the force and urgency of his nimble hands as they skirt and grasp your form after peeling away your pants that it’s going to be quick and dirty. It always is, every time you cross the blurred boundaries of your friendship into the realm of carnal pleasure.
It never starts that way, though.
It starts with fingers gently lacing through your own, large pleading eyes full of innocence that dip to your lips and kindle darkly with lust…and then a kiss; one you’ve nearly starved for craving. That’s always how it starts.
But then, eventually and inevitably, you feel it - the sudden shift. The moment he drops the pretense with a simple word or touch that falls like an executioner's axe over the feeble hope that you so relentlessly resurrect.
He lets out a soft little whimper, tilting his head back to bare more of the skin of his throat, and just as quickly as the first flame extinguished, another licks through your viens. You scrape your teeth over his smooth, taut flesh and you feel him tremble beneath you. If just for a few moments, drenched in the scent of cheap booze and the pallid lens of moonlight, he’s yours for the taking.
And you want him, but fuck him. You hate him for pretending to care about you every single time when all he cares about is how you can make him feel. You hate yourself for how you let it consume your flesh and seep into your soul - the feeling that you are the only one who can bring him to that place between the planes of reality in which he finds deliverance through your body.
You pin his shoulders back against the headboard roughly, lascivious eyes drinking in his expression as it contorts with the intensity of his gratification at the plush, rhythmic pressure of your mound over the knot in his jeans. Thin cotton and rough denim massaging one another and at the friction growing damp.
A dance that you've memorized.
Another piece of your being chips away, as it does each time you relent to the greed of his hands and mouth, and a shiver slithers down your spine as his beautiful fingers slip up your shirt to grope at your breast.
When was the last time you felt truly whole? When, outside of the minutes of breathless darkness when he fills you?
~To be continued~
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Forbidden Fruit
Pairings: Copia X AFAB!Reader Type: Smut Summary: Copia loves bending it over onstage, and you just need to show that ass some appreciation. Warnings: Eating out and pegging Word Count: 2834 Notes: Read here on ao3. This is an AFAB!Reader story, but I don’t think it has specific pronouns. If you want to read this with different pronouns or as an AMAB!Reader story, literally hit me up, and I will send you that version, or repost it. Please don’t be shy in that regard :) Also, I’m going to be real, I wrote this so long ago, I just never ended up posting it (it was literally my first time writing smut), so I don’t really remember a lot of what happens here.
There were nights where it was difficult to be away from Copia. Especially with him constantly gone on tour, leaving you with nothing to do. Sure you could try to do some chores with the siblings, or garden with Primo, or just do literally anything, but that never seemed enticing enough.
Instead, you just decided scrolling through TikTok would be a better idea because on occasion, Copia’s gorgeous face would pop up and make the day better. Not that you did that all day every day, but a good portion of your day was spent scrolling on that god awful app.
When Copia finally got his break, you were beyond excited for him to spend his time with you while he prepared for the US leg of the tour.
Copia was beyond relieved when he got out of the car and saw you running towards him, jumping in his arms for a hug and a kiss.
“Did you miss me, dolce?” He asked, gently laughing and holding you tightly.
“Of course I didn’t. I just wanted to run and hug you and never let you go because I hate you,” you joked, knowing he would get a laugh out of the cheesy statement. He let you go, placing a hand on your cheek and smiled. You held his hand to your face and melted into his touch.
“Well I missed you, amore mio. Come, let’s sneak away and leave the ghouls to do the unpacking.”
“How could I say no?” You giggled, pulling him into the Ministry without another word.
He followed along, pleased with how happy you were to see him. When you finally got to the bedroom, he quickly undressed, getting into more comfortable clothing, and laid down, pulling you close to him. “How are you more gorgeous each time I return?” He asked, pulling you into a kiss, then trailing down to nip at your neck and collar. “I could just eat you up,” he chuckled.
“Copia,” you said, sucking in a breath.
He looked up. “Hm?”
“Fuck, I missed you,” you responded, pulling him into a passionate kiss.
“Care to show me just how much my dolcezza missed me?” He chuckled, pulling away.
The moment he pulled away, you flipped him over, sitting on his lap. “You know, you had no reason putting on these pajamas when you knew I would be pulling them off anyways,” you said, pulling off his shirt.
“Maybe you are right,” he said, grabbing your hips and pulling you towards him. “Maybe I just wanted to have you undress me,” he smirked, kissing you again. Rolling your eyes, you kissed him back, moving only to tug his pants off so that he was clad in only his boxers. “I feel that you are a little overdressed for this occasion, tesoro.”
“Well maybe I need someone to help me with th-” He wasted no time in flipping you over, pulling off your shirt and shorts, leaving you exposed except for your underwear. “Well someone’s eager.”
“I have been without you for far too long. I’m not delaying this any longer,” he said, ripping your panties off next.
“Those were expensive!” You gasped, playfully shoving him.
“I will buy you new ones,” he dismissed, flipping you over, trailing kisses down your body until he reached your dripping cunt. “So wet,” he mused, sliding a finger through your slick. “All for me?”
“Oh, fuck, yes. All for you,” you moaned, back arching at the contact. He brought his finger to his lips, moaning when the taste of you hit his tongue.
“I’ve been craving a taste of my favorite dish. I’ve waited far too long,” he said, burying his face in your cunt.
His tongue worked magic, swirling around your clit as he pressed one finger into your entrance. You grabbed a handful of his hair, eliciting a groan from him that vibrated through your entire body. “Oh sweet Lucifer,” you moaned, grinding against his face. He pushed another finger in, angling directly for that sweet spot he knew would have you melting into the bed.
He kept his eyes on you as you squeezed yours shut. He pumped his fingers in and out while he continued to eat you out like a man starved. The noises the two of you were making were downright filthy. He was drawing moans out of you, his fingers making squelching sounds as he fucked you with them.
“Shit shit shit, yeah right there,” you chanted as you felt a familiar coil building in your stomach.
“Are you going to cum?” He asked, continuing to pump his fingers in and out of you. “Going to cum all over my face and my fingers?”
“Fuck!” You shouted as he dived back into your pussy, clenching around his fingers. “I’m gonna cum. I’m gonna cum. Fuck, unholy fuck!”
“That's it. Cum for me,” he said, sucking your clit with more fervor and angling his fingers just right. It was enough to send you over the edge. He worked you through your orgasm, and only pulled away once you started flinching from overstimulation. “That’s it. Good girl,” he praised, coming to lay next to you as you came down from your orgasm. He put a gentle hand on your chin and pulled your face to look at him, then pulled you into a sweet kiss.
You moaned at the taste of yourself on his lips, and he pulled back with a chuckle. “Ready for round two?” He smirked.
With a nod, you knew it was bound to be a long night.
Quiet time was valued by you and Copia both. A way to destress with each other and just chill out without having to talk or do anything. He had been reading a book for the past thirty minutes while you scrolled through your most recent addiction that is the app TikTok – with headphones on of course. There was no reason to disturb the peace.
While scrolling, you found countless baking videos, some BookTok videos, cosplay, but most importantly…tour videos.
A lot of them were with the ghouls being chaotic demons onstage. They were entertaining, but what piqued your interest most was the Copia clip that popped up.
Adjusting your posture, you watched what the creator called a ‘crack video’ of the random things that happened during Mummy Dust.
Some of it was the ghouls, Dewdrop slamming his fist into his guitar, reaching for a person in the crowd, and then jerking off in time to ‘cum’ with the confetti. Or Phantom holding his guitar at weird angles, posing with an oddly threatening aura, or trying out some new hip thrusts. Even Rain and Cirrus had their moments in the video.
But what interested you the most was when Copia popped up. He was just as chaotic as the ghouls. Growling, thrusting, slapping imaginary asses, and fingering the air. But it couldn’t get any better when you saw the perfect angle of someone filming as he bent over, wiggling his ass back and forth as if taunting someone to come and fuck him.
Someone coming up, bending him over the bed, moving their hand from his groping his ass to roaming up his spine, then pressing his head in the bed as they fucked him…Sathanas…what an image…
Clenching your thighs together, you watched as he began to bend forward, sticking his perfect ass out for everyone to ogle. And fuck did he look good. Every curve of him made your mouth water. It was too much just to look at, but you couldn’t look away as he wiggled his ass. He looked absolutely delectable.
 A small moan slipped out of your mouth at the thought of pounding him into neck week, and Copia gave you a look.
“Everything alright, amore mio?” He asked, placing a bookmark in his book and setting it aside as he looked at your phone and removed your headphones.
“How have I never seen this before?” You mused, looking at him with a mischievous grin.
“Ah, so I have caught your attention?”
You rolled your eyes. “When do you not?” You paused and looked at him, admiring his unpainted face and mismatched eyes.
“What are you thinking?” He asked, quirking an eyebrow.
“I want to fuck you,” you stated bluntly.
“Well, I am happy to let you climb on to-”
“No. I want to fuck you.”
He gave you a confused look, and you slid off the bed, going to look for the box you had hidden in your dresser. You set it on the bed, then crawled on top of him. He placed his hands on your hips as you began rocking against him, his cock quickly hardening at your movements. “Amore…”
Leaning in to kiss him, you let a small moan slip through your lips. “I want to fucking devour you. Every inch of you is absolutely perfect. Please, Copia, let me…”
“I need a little more context, yes?” He chuckled, nipping at your neck. “What’s in that box, il mio cuore?”
You brought one hand back, blindly searching as you kept your eyes on him and leaning in for another kiss. When you opened it, his eyes went wide.
A nicely sized black dildo, harness, and a bottle of lube were all that was in the box. ‘Oh,” is all he said.
“You can say no.” He just stared at you and the contents of the box dumbly. “Copia?”
“Cazzo,” he cursed. “Si, yes, please,” he said, quickly scrambling to remove his clothes.
A chuckle escaped your lips as you grabbed both of his hands, then leaned in to nip at his neck. “Let me worship you,” you whispered.
He visibly shuddered. “Please,” he begged. You began unbuttoning his pajama shirt, trailing sloppy kisses from his neck to his stomach, leaving practically no bit of skin dry. You made sure to pay close attention to his nipples, biting at one and pinching the other, then switching every few moments. Finally, you made your way to the waistband of his pants. Sitting up, you gently pull the fabric off of him. Of course, no underwear. What was the need when he was next to you? Made for easy access.
You stripped him fully, then began gripping his thighs, appreciating how meaty they were. He let out a moan when you dug your nails in slightly, causing his back to arch.
“Please, amore. I need you,” he moaned, his hands desperately reaching out for you.
“Not yet, darling. I said I wanted to worship you, and I meant it.” Sliding down his body some more, you made your way to his calves. They were so defined that you couldn’t help but press kisses to the soft skin. You trailed kisses back up to his thighs, then began biting, enjoying the way that he bruised easily, allowing you to mark him however you pleased.
He was moaning and desperate, and you knew this was just getting to the point of annoying teasing, which isn’t the intended goal. Bringing one hand to cup his balls, you licked a long stripe up his cock, taking the head in your mouth and swirling your tongue in ways that made him see stars.
“Vita mia-” he moaned, cut off when you took him fully into your mouth. He laced a hand through your hair to steady himself. “Please, I want to en-enjoy you. I’m going to cum if you -if you keep doing that.” 
Although he asked for it, he whined and bucked his hips when you pulled off. “Bend over the bed,” you commanded, and he couldn’t help but obey. He looked like a desperate whore with how fast he slid off the bed and stuck his ass out, but this wasn’t the time for degradation. This was time for worship. “Fuck, you’re so pretty,” you whispered, bringing hands up to knead into his ass. “So perfect~”
“All for you,” he breathed out, trying to push his ass further into your hands.
“All for me, but you’re the one flaunting it onstage. Are you really that needy for attention?” He whined in response. “I’ll give you attention, darling…don’t worry,” you assured, grabbing the bottle of lube from the box. Slicking up your fingers, you smeared some around his hole, causing him to lurch forward at the sensation. “Color?” You asked as you began hooking the dildo into the harness and sliding it on.
“Green,” he huffed out, already overwhelmed by the simple touches he’s received.
With his confirmation, you pressed one finger into him, enjoying the way he clenched at the sudden intrusion. He let out a groan and tried pushing himself back. You placed a hand on his hips to still him, then began thrusting the single finger before adding a second, alternating between thrusting and scissoring to stretch him open. 
“Please, I’m ready. I need you,” he moaned, pushing back against your fingers. He let out a sad noise as you retracted them.
Smearing whatever lube was left on your fingers and a bit more poured from the bottle, you lined up with his hole, barely pressing the head of the dildo into him. He let out a whine, and tried pushing back.
You put a hand on his hip and leaned to whisper in his ear. “Settle,” you said as you began pushing in. He grabbed the bed sheets, twisting them in his hands as you moved. You got about an inch in, then pulled out slightly, and pushed forward more, until it got to the point where your thighs were touching the meat of his ass.
“Your fucking ass is…sathanas this is fucking amazing,” you said, letting the dildo sit in his ass as if he were nothing more than a cockwarmer.
He moaned in response, trying to move on the dildo on his own, prompting you to move. Starting slow, you thrusted forward, eliciting a delicious groan from him. “Amore mio, please…more…” he begged, letting his head fall to the bed, muffling his noises.
Gently, you turned his head to the side, examining his handsome face as you stared in his glassy eyes. “Don’t hide those pretty noises, darling,” you said, punctuating the end of the sentence with a gentle thrust.
He let out a surprised moan, and lost control of what spilled from his mouth.
“You’re so pretty from here. Sathanas, how have I never done this before?” You asked, picking up the pace, punching out moans and grunts. “Taking me so well. Like you were built to be fucked.”
He let out a spent “uh-huh,” in response, fisting the bedsheets and closing his eyes.
“Bet this is what you think about on that stage. Getting dicked down. Wanted to be bent over, and let everyone see just how good you are. So fucking good.”
“Please, tesoro, I need more,” he pleaded. And who were you to resist such a beautiful plea?
One hand trailed up his back, while the other reached around to stroke his cock, which was slick with pre. He was absolutely dripping. It was such a beautiful thing.
He let out a high pitch moan once you hit his prostate dead on. “Yeah? Like that?” He nodded. “Fuck, Copia, you’re so beautiful like this. Laid out and bare, letting me treat you how you deserve. So good.”
There was an attempt to match the pace of stroking his dick in time with your thrusts, but it didn’t last long when you kept nailing directly into his prostate, and his hips began moving on their own.
“Amore, please, can I cum? I need to cum,” he asked, bouncing back on the silicone, not letting you keep your pace.
“Cum for me. Show me how good I’m making you feel.” You twisted your wrist, jacking him off at a simple pace, then swiping a thumb over the tip.
He shuddered and tensed, streams of white covering your knuckles. You fucked him through the orgasm, only getting slower when he began to twitch from the overstimulation.
Carefully, you pulled out, then removed the harness. He stayed in the position until you helped him move to lay on the bed.
He looked practically ruined, and oh so beautiful. “I’m going to grab a washcloth, love, I’ll be back,” you said, slipping off to the bathroom.
He looked half asleep when you came back, and you gently tapped his cheek. “Still with me?” He nodded. “Good.” You took the wash cloth and began wiping him down. You laid next to him, whispering praise while you stroked his peppered hair.
After a few minutes, he came back down to earth. “You didn’t cum,” he said, cuddling into you.
“I wasn’t doing that for me,” you responded, wrapping an arm around him.
“And if I asked to eat you out?”
“Then I would be a fool to say no,” you laughed. He grinned before disappearing between your thighs.
You would definitely be doing this again.
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mvltisstuff · 1 year
Hey! Can you please do a enemies to lovers (both in 118) with eddie diaz? Thanks:)
chasing pavements - e.d
Tumblr media
summary: request
eddie diaz x reader
gif from @agentoutofdiaz
a/n: THREE MORE FINALS GUYS I GOT THIS 🤌🤌 also i am absolutely not up to par with the quality of my enemies to lovers, but i hope you still enjoy 😉
y/n asked herself the same question every single day at the beginning of her shift. what had she done to make eddie hate her so much? it seemed like he physically was unable to smile when she was around. he avoided her like the plague when in reality, she just wanted to be professional about this.
it’s a natural human response to dislike someone back. people never want to be hated and often get frustrated with the other person involved. y/n always thought the word was too harsh, always regretting it when she said it, but there was no other word to describe their relationship.
eddie’s life has been nothing but uncertainty. having a life with nothing to expect led him to loneliness, craving any form of relationship he had. after the army, he struggled with trying to get back to reality. y/n brought him back too easily, and it irked him.
it didn’t help that she was eerily similar to him personality wise. he hates to admit it, but y/n reminds him of all the things he wishes he could change in himself and she is the constant reminder of that. he couldn’t pick something specific out that he didn’t like through all the time of being bugged by her.
as a prime example, y/n walked into work that morning and almost instantly, eddie’s laugh faded away. she wasn’t even going to say anything, she couldn’t deal with him with everything else going on. her family has been on her case the past few weeks and it doesn’t seem to be over. she’s completely burnt out, eddie being part of the ash. she still showed up at work at the 118, perfectly on time for everyone else is her escape.
there’s no denying that she is a wonderful addition to the 118. she’s wildly talented in her field and knows exactly where she’s needed. she’s looked up upon by her coworkers.
“hey, y/n!” buck says, excited to see his friend.
“hi, buck,” she replies, lightly smiling trying to shield any thoughts from eddie or what she’s dealing with. she looks around at everyone, picking around at the bowl of fruit someone had cut up. the team had noticed she’d been off, zoning out and not celebrating with them as much. the thought she was avoiding them after work, and she really was.
she figured anything eddie had to say to her would just add to the pile of stress that she had, so she let him go out with the team for drinks and other stuff. everyone loved eddie, and if she caused problems with him, she thought they’d take his side without hearing the story.
of course, the affect of athena has rub off on bobby and his investigation. he wanted to have a little fun, seeing how bad y/n and eddie were together. he knew working together and saving people would be fine, so he decided to put them on ambulance together. of course, both of them thought they’d been denied to get through the gates of heaven when bobby passed out the demand. the first call was simple, driving to the hospital silently other than vital checks and orders. the next was too, neither of them speaking to each other unless they were administering something. the last call was particularly difficult for y/n, being a close reminder of what she had to deal with at home.
it was just a little kid, being the scapegoat of all the families problems. all the fights, he sat and listened to something he couldn’t control. he was so little that he called 911 out of fear, the police and the ambulance showing up. y/n was relieved no one was actually hurt and no one needed to go to the hospital, but something about it really sent her over the edge.
she was driving the ambulance back to the station, eddie in the passengers seat. she said harmless words to him, “poor kid, it sucks having to deal with that.”
“well, there’s nothing we can do. cant intervene.”
“i know, i just wish i could’ve helped-“
“what could you have helped, y/n?” he interrupts abruptly, causing her to glance at him. “clearly, you have no clue what it’s like to go through that because you wouldn’t be so caught up on it. it’s not like you would’ve made a difference anyway.”
his words were like a sword in her chest. there’s no way he really things she’s no help. the impact she’s made in the community is noticeable, and she tries so hard everyday to make the own community of her last name come together. he was hitting way too close to home, and it was her last straw before the light tears formed on her waterline. she blinked them away, trying to clear her sight but the stinging in her eyes kept bringing them up. she was already embarrassed enough, and crying in front of her the person who hated her was even more humiliating.
“jesus, y/n,” eddie mocks. “you’re a damn adult, there’s no valid reason to be crying right now.”
as they get closer to the station, she pulls into the garage, parking carefully before she shakily shoves her door open. thank god her shift ended before his did, so she could get out of this hellhole. “screw you, diaz,” she says as one final press to his button. he leans back in his seat, not expecting her to retort back to him.
she rubs her red eyes, shuffling out of the car and abandoning the ambulance behind her. eddie couldn’t even bring himself to get out. he thought he might be having a heart attack because of the new feeling he has. did he feel bad for her? he didn’t think that was possible, she’d had enough pity come her way. when y/n walked past everyone and into the showers, hen, chim, and buck gave him a look that had, “are you serious?” written all over their faces. y/n scrubbed off every last word she had received from eddie, or she tried, at least. they stuck with her like a spider in a trap, along with the other baggage she’d been carrying.
the alarm had gone off while she was in the showers, telling her that eddie was gone on a call with the rest of the team. she went into the locker rooms to get the rest of her stuff and leave this exhausting day behind her. she was shoving her stuff into her duffel bag when eddie’s phone started going wild in his cabinet. he usually brings it on calls. she didn’t let the curiosity get the best of her, needing no more reminders of him in her mind. so, she climbed into her car and started the drive home, even though nothing would be different there.
she notices someone sitting on the sidewalk against the stairs of a building. she knew who it was instantly. eddie’s son, christopher, had been waiting outside which was very odd. school had ended a while ago. his red crutches were sitting next to him and he looked around desperately for anyone he knew. she knew she couldn’t leave him there, and eddie didn’t have his phone, so she pulled into the parking lot next to the building.
“christopher? what are you doing here?”
“tía was supposed to pick me up but she didn’t show up, so i was gonna walk home.”
“oh, buddy. i’d call your dad but he’s on a call.”
“i just want to go home,” chris says, making a frown form on y/n’s face.
“you have a key, right?” christopher nods. “here, i’ll bring you home and i can make you something to eat.”
she helps him get into the car and he tells her where to go, eventually pulling up the the house of eddie. he’d probably flip his shit if he knew she was here, but he’d want his son safe at home more. it’s not like she could’ve taken him to her apartment, eddie would be livid.
the 118 had arrived back at the station, putting away their gear and setting their stuff back where it should be. eddie had overheard someone say that there were repeated calls to someone in the locker room, so he decided he should probably check his phone. his heart skipped a beat when he saw his tías name flashing across the screen a million times. “tía! ¿que paso?”
“it’s christopher! i completely forgot he was getting out at a different time and i was picking him up,” eddie hears her say and he almost drops his phone to the ground. “i went to the school, and he wasn’t there, edmundo.”
“what?” he says. “ok, i’m leaving now, i’ll go look. maybe another parent dropped him off.”
eddie speeds over to his home, passing all the cars slower than him. he would never recover if something happened to chris. he wouldn’t be able to live with himself. he slams his car door shut, running to the door and frantically turning the doorknob. he rapidly moves inside, shouting christopher’s name, praying for a reply. he walks into the kitchen to see y/n standing over a boiling pot, and his face goes pale as a ghost when he sees her.
“he’s in the living room with headphones on. i found him trying to walk home,” y/n tells him.
“where was he?”
“the offices on north west,” she takes notices of his expression. “i’m sorry, eddie. i can leave in a minute. i would’ve called you, but-“
“no apologizing, don’t worry about it,” he says, calmly. “thank you. so much, y/n, thank you.”
she nods, smiling lightly because this might get her in the door a bit better. “it’s really not a problem. i was happy to do this for him, i just wanted him safe for you.”
she begins to gather her belongings like her phone and wallet, putting it back into her purse and picking up.
“y/n, wait,” eddie says, placing a hand on her arm. “i have to say i’m sorry. i was nothing but a complete dick for no reason and i had no clue you had so much going on. i got yelled at by hen and was told to lay off.”
y/n laughs a bit, “are you only saying this because hen told you to?”
“absolutely not. y/n, you just saved my son. god only knows what could’ve happened, i mean we live in a massive city. it means the world to me that you were there for him when i couldn’t be. i’ve treated you like shit and you’ve never even done a bad thing. you just… scared me.”
“i scared you? i think you can take the prize there, eddie.”
“ok, maybe not scared, but i was intimidated. because i see so much of myself in you and i couldn’t handle that.”
“it’s ok, really. i just need breather for a little. i am that little kid that we got called to today and you completely disregarded it. i would have never done that to you.”
“i never, ever want to make you feel like that again. i want to make this work, you and i. so, stay for dinner tonight. you already went through the hassle of cooking for him, why don’t you eat it?”
“i’m happy to make boxed mac and cheese for him anytime, eddie. and i’m here for you and your kid whenever you need it.” she and eddie sit down at the table, letting whatever was on their chest come out as christopher played video games in the other room.
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the-goose-caboose · 2 years
What your stardew valley bachelor/bachelorette says about you
In my opinion
Which is correct
You’re boring I’m sorry, you crave a life so simple that the only way I can describe it is beige
You heard “girl who does art and lives in the woods” and turned your brain off from there, you’re either super nice or a horrible person
You though crypto was cool at some point but you are now violently against it
You started to like her because she has purple hair and after her 2 heart event you were head over heels. Also you deeply wish you could eat items that are not edible
Masochist, pretty women who hate you is your type and you knew that she was the one you’d marry the moment you saw her.
You’re absolutely an incredibly kind person. You just enjoy stuff and have been championing cringe culture is dead for years
I assume you were doing all of the bachelors and you realized you actually really liked his story. Also I have to imagine you use a male farmer
You get way more hate than you deserve. You love dark academia.
I trust you implicitly, you give off incredibly good vibes. You’re sleep deprived but you’re doing your best.
You have 20 curated playlists for each specific mood
You’re incredibly basic but that’s ok, because you’re either an incredibly competent writer or artist (and if you say you’re not then you’re wrong)
No you cannot fix him. You loved shadow the hedgehog as a kid.
And finally
You are lovely and perfect in every way. You are correct.
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apatura-ires · 11 months
Listen. I am not a Souvieshu fan, but I am a Souvieshu truther, in the sense that I hate how people misinterpret his character. People in this fandom seem to genuinely think Souvieshu is a guy who will chase any pretty woman, or that he’s a creep who specifically wants women who are childish, and easy to control, but like. Neither of these are true? (Souvieshu is still absolutely a creepy weirdo but like. In a different way. I’m sick of fans using the word pedophilic to describe Souvieshu, because it’s not even fucking correct in application to him, even when used as a short hand for when someone likes childish, sheltered and innocent people. Like this is a side note but you people have got to stop throwing that fucking word around.)
Souvieshu doesn’t want just any pretty woman. He specifically has only ever, truthfully and genuinely loved Navier, even if that love has become warped, and that’s a fact. Rashta is his side piece, yes, but it’s clear that Rashta is just some girl that he’s infatuated with, to fulfill his emotional needs, and eventually, for his political ones as well. He was never in love with her. It’s always been obvious that Souvieshu craved Navier’s affection, and that he has been wanting to try and not only make her happy, but rekindle their bond.
Please take note that:
1. Souvieshu knows Navier puts on a mask for people. These two used to be super close, and that likely carried on a bit into their marriage. But eventually, Navier starts putting up walls, and eventually, she starts doing it to him. There could be plenty of reasons for this, but it doesn’t matter, because they both seemed to have mutually drifted apart. Souvieshu is shown actively trying to get past her facade, although, he does so poorly, because he comes at her with a sense of entitlement most of the time.
2. Souvieshu likes Rashta, because Rashta gives him what he craves from Navier; which is to say, Rashta gives him affection, is expressive, has easygoing and light hearted conversations with him, and is able to speak honestly with him. Things that he and Navier used to be able to do with one another. His literal first observation of Rashta, is that she’s easily pleased and excited over small things, which is directly paralleled to a later chapter, where Souvieshu and Navier dine together on her birthday. Souvieshu asks Navier to smile, to which, she complies and gives him a fake one, and Souvieshu then asks her to be sincere about it. Navier makes a comment about needing to be actually happy to do that, so Souvieshu tries to make her happy by giving her a gift. This doesn’t go well with Navier, and like most of their arguments, Souvieshu ends up wishing that Navier could just be more expressive in a sincere, non-petty manner. He is always asking Navier to drop her mask with him. With Rashta, Souvieshu didn’t initially have to dig past a mask to know how she felt. Souvieshu liked her honesty and openness, and while he considered her innocence and childish nature part of her charm, it’s also implied that those traits are traits he could only handle when he was in the mood for it. It’s not actually something he likes, and we see further along the story that her childishness begins to grate on him. Furthermore, there’s a point in the story where he becomes sick, and he mentions that Rashta is not a calming presence, but Navier is.
3. This is the big one (and also me just making observations and assumptions), but both Souvieshu and Navier didn’t know that they loved each other. This is a big one for Souvieshu specifically, because he never assumed that Navier loved him, the way he loved her. I’m sure that’s probably one of the big reasons why he took Rashta in as his consort— and it’s because he sincerely thought Navier wouldn’t care beyond it being a possible image issue, and he genuinely thought that it wouldn’t hurt her. It’s actually Navier who is frequently bringing up that their marriage is one of convenience in her inner monologues— although I don’t doubt that she’s actually brought it up before as well, which probably wouldn’t help his assumptions that Navier wouldn’t be hurt if he brought a consort in.
Do you know why, it’s so upsetting to see Souvieshu mischaracterized? It’s because (outside of how people just slap on whatever term they think is fitting of him) Souvieshu’s side of the story is just as important as Navier’s when it comes to the intensity of the tragedy, that is their lost friendship and love. The gut wrenching heartbreak here, isn’t just from Navier being effectively cheated on, but it’s the fact that they both loved each other, and that all of this heartbreak could have been avoided if they both sincerely talked to each other without any hidden motives. Souvieshu didn’t seem like a bad guy before he took Rashta as his consort. As a matter of fact, I’m fairly certain that if Navier and Souvieshu had patched their relationship, and even confessed to one another, that Souvieshu would have brought Rashta in as a servant—possibly even asking Navier to make her a lady in waiting. Souvieshu wouldn’t have been so emotionally deprived to want Rashta, Navier wouldn’t have had reasons (that she couldn’t get past) to hate Rashta, and Rashta wouldn’t have had a reason to hate Navier.
And to be clear and reiterate, I do not like Souvieshu as a person. He’s a possessive, hypocritical freak, who didn’t take the time to actually get to know Navier again, and was almost always the instigator in their arguments. His love for Navier has warped and changed, and even if it’s ‘genuine’ in the sense that he sincerely loves her, it’s still not healthy. I am not an apologist, I just think he’s an interesting character. His character being misinterpreted, dilutes the tragedy of his relationship with Navier, full stop, and that is what frustrates me.
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