#have some angst y'all
iilmunchkiin · 2 months
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Starlo... now is not the time to ask that...
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sillypenguinwitch · 1 year
okay so i'm not trying to make this a ~thing~ or a hot take or whatever, but can we talk about how all the hyped up queer shows still predominantly feature mlm couples? i'm not saying there aren't wlw shows/movies or the mlm-focused shows don't also feature wlw characters/couples, just... they either get nowhere near the same amount of hype, have some other main plot, end with at least one of them dying or experiencing something traumatic, get cancelled after one season in the middle of their arc, or they're not the main couple. And that's not to discount the representation you can get from secondary characters of course but just... ugh I want a heartstopper or rwrb or young royals or skam or love, simon or i don't even know... with girls. And I know I'm not the first person to bring this up and I know it's not that simple, but seeing all the hype for heartstopper and rwrb this week makes my heart ache a little bit so i needed to say this somewhere.
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Hey, does anyone ever think about the fact that Esther literally tearing apart and killing Monty in order to make him human would have been the near-death experience that allowed him to see ghosts and want to deck something? No, just me?
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loafyall · 7 months
"Who did this to you..?"
Okay well I kinda lied that I would write the part two of "I can't" in a day but it took me three days so i apologise for making everyone who read part 1 and were waiting for part two!
I had exams going on and I'm finally free!!
---------------main story..----------------
Summary : Yanqing is found the next morning of the incident, In an abandoned street of the Aurum alley, It's time for jing yuan to find out what happened to Yanqing and jing yuan's about to kill, torture that bastard and he is planning too.
Yanqing was never this late at coming home and reporting back to jing yuan, Well, Yanqing was always late at coming home, But it was different.
-he wasn't home at all.
It was only until morning that Jing yuan realised that Yanqing hasn't came home yet, Which obviously, Got jing yuan worried, Perhaps he's with dealing with mara-struck? Or already at the training grounds?.
--no, Yanqing would have never woken up before jing yuan, It's unlikely for him to do that.
It's probably around the time for Noon before jing yuan starts slightly panicking as he hasn't seen yanqing in such a while already, Eversince the patrol started last evening, He hasn't been home since. Perhaps he could ask madam Fu or the helm master about yanqing's whereabouts but he already knew their answer would surely be no.
There's loud knocking on the door, It's probably the knights.
And yes it was the knights, Just as jing yuan thought, Why were they here?, That's when the bad news comes in when one cloud knight finally speaks.
"General, There's something you need to see." That cloud knight respectfully speaks, His head bowed down. "It's about lieutenant yanqing." And that's where jing yuan eyes widened at the mention of his (son) retainer.
"Please, Go on." Jing yuan said, Trying his best at remaining calm, But he couldnt.
That's probably when the other cloud knight tells him, Yanqing was found in some dark abandoned street of the Aurum alley, And that's what Sushang had reported in earlier.
Now jing yuan was worried, Way worried about his retainer, he got up from his seat, As he put his own pen down in which he was signing his paperwork with.
"We'll need to go there immediately, Send a medical party there immediately, You may be dismissed." Jing yuan had said that in an authoritative tone, He was going to kill that bastard who did that horrendous thing to yanqing when he finds out who he is, He's in great trouble.
"Tch, Can't take the whole thing in one go and had to pass out that early?." That's cloud knight said, That bastard who tried to Do the Ungodly with Yanqing, Yanqing was practically crying and aswell as shaking as he tried to cover his half naked body.
Some bruises and scars were around his hands and back, Few on his legs, His tears soaking into the ground and his clothes, Yanqing's Vision was blurry, And with pouring rain it made it all worse.
Yanqing felt like he's a worthless child who doesn't deserve happiness, The way he's been traumatized is Ungodly, There were bodily fluids, and blood was there, Which could've made Yanqing vomit, Blood was gushing out from the bruise given by that bastard, Yanqing as going to going to pass out soon because of the pressure.
Yanqing's tears didn't come to a stop as he laid there, Motionless, He was unsure of what to do, He wanted to try and get up, But that man who did this to him had him pinned down by his foot on Yanqing's stomach, It was sure that the guy would leave a few more bruises on him before feeling satisfied .
There was a loud scream coming out of yanqing's dry throat when that bastard punched Yanqing on the stomach, Yanqing was tightly gripping on his own stomach, Trying so hard not to cry as he looked at that guy.
And that scream alerted The other cloud knights who were trying to find Yanqing by Jing yuan's order.
"shit." That bastard cursed as he ran away not to be seen by the cloud knights as he put on his knight uniform and that bastard ran away, Leaving Yanqing fully finished and traumatized.
And that's where Jing yuan found Yanqing as he followed the shout.
But Jing yuan immediately came to an abrupt stop when he saw Yanqing.
Covered in bruises, His hair messed up badly, Blood almost everywhere, Yanqing's tear-soaked face as yanqing looked at him, Jing yuan sweared to Aeons that he wouldn't vomit, And then there was a dry, Crying voice coming out of Yanqing.
"G-general?.." That was the only thing yanqing said, Before he Passed out into his exhaustion.
"Yanqing!." Jing yuan couldn't think of this, This was the last thing he wanted to imagine to happen to yanqing, He quickly rushed to the boy, He removed the hair coming on his eyes.
Thank Aeons that boy had just passed out, Or there could be worse casualties than that.
"Knights!, we found him!, Get him back to the Medical institution." Jing yuan ordered as he lifted up Yanqing in his arms.
That boy barely weighed alot, He was fit and all, Although he doesn't eat alot and jing yuan who's knows how many times he has scolded him to eat and not skip his meals.
Anger was already boiling inside Jing yuan as he watched Yanqing being operated by the Alchemy commission's healer Lady, Bailu.
The question on jing yuan's head was
'Who and why did they do this to him?.'
Jing yuan litterally would litterally kill the person and make sure they go even worse in the shackling prison, Maybe Jing yuan would but the balls of the guy and choke him with his own hands and feed the remains of the bastard to Mimi.
But for now, He just had to be there for Yanqing.
Slowly, Yanqing opens his eyes, He doesn't seem scared, But more relieved as he's out of that bastard's grasp, He doesn't even realise that Bailu's talking to him.
"heyyy!! Don't ignore me!." Bailu just pouts, As she stared at Yanqing, Yanqing looks at her.
"sorry.." Yanqing sighs.
"Are you okay?." Bailu asks
"...." Yanqing isn't sure how to respond, He doesn't want to worry Bailu, So he simply states "yea, Much better than before." Yanqing just puts on a small smile, Before staring at his hand again.
"Yanqing." there was the same familiar voice, Jing yuan, His eyes were softer, As he say down beside yanqing's bed.
yanqing has the feeling to cry as he say his (father) General, He wanted to tell what that bastard did to him.
"who.. did this to you?." Jing yuan said, As he held yanqing's other hand, Yanqing gulped and looked down, Not wanting to show his tears.
"I-im sorry General, I-i didn't know how to stop him, I know, I'm too weak." Yanqing admitted as tears feel down his eyes.
Jing yuan couldn't believe what yanqing just said to him, Yanqing was never weak, He is a child, A child with ambition to be the best, But that bastard who did this to him, Needed to be punished In the worst way possible, That guy tried to take Advantage of a Child, A FREAKING 14 YEAR OLD.
"Oh yanqing.." Jing yuan sighed, As he pulled the blonde boy into a hug, "it's not your fault and it was never your fault, you're still 14, I should also be the one to blame here to sending you with that cloud knight." Jing yuan said, As yanqing cried into his arms. "Who did this to you?." Jing yuan asked, As yanqing let out a voice. "A cloud knight named.... Xiun."(Yes I made up a name.)
Now jing yuan was clearly angry and wanted to punish that bitch called Xiun, He sweared if he sees Xiun, He will murder him alive and feed his remains to Mimi, Who would be very happy to Eat the meat.
But for now
He's happy that Yanqing's alright, He needs to recover, Mentally and physically.
I hope you enjoyed this part!! Let me know if you want an additional part of Jing yuan ruthlessly murdering that Bastard to did that to Yanqing!!
Sorry for any grammer mistakes and all, I hope you guys liked it! (Btw part 1 is in my Blog, Go read that before you read this!!!)
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pluviophile6104 · 3 months
The Heart Killers hasn't even started shooting yet but I'm already thinking how Bison will be so heartbroken by Kant's betrayal and First Khaotung will make us all crying messes with their phenomenal acting. Yey can't wait 🥲
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cupophrogs · 6 months
Can we send him a letter? At least to tell him you found rich (autocorrected to rise for some reason)
Sadly, there's no way to get anything sent from inside the factory. Drew got really upset the first time Poppy suggested contacting his Uncle. Nothing goes through, this far underground.
Drew grumbles to himself, straining to keep his frustration quiet while the others sleep huddled together. He sits away from the big snuggle pile of toys, leaning against the wall and staring at his phone screen. He hits his knee in frustration.
"Oh come on, you piece of shit!" He whispers, anger boiling beneath his sternum. Taking a deep breath, he tugs at his hair, praying to the stale air that something - just one message - would go through. The blue bar at the top of his screen disappears, and a red text box reading "Not delivered" loads in below his texts.
A broken, hopeless whine tears through Drews throat before he can stop it. He freezes, pursing his lips to stifle any more sounds in fear of waking his friends. In her sleep, one of Kissy's soft hands slides next to his foot, resting against it.
Drew breaks.
As quietly as he can manage, Drew sets his phone aside and lays down on the dirty floor, pulling Kissy's hand to his face with trembling fingers. He holds it to his forehead while his tears clear paths on his face through the grime.
He needs help.
Just one message.
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inafever · 1 year
Hello friends! This is another post made for pointing out heartbreaking season 2 moments to you. I'm gonna make sure you're never gonna run out of angsty ideas and are definitely suffering here as much as I am. Let me begin
In this essay I'm gonna talk about that little scene where Crowley's tidying the bookshop *while soft and hopeful music plays in the background* until Aziraphale, comes back of course. because when he's back they are going to have an extremely alcoholic breakfast at the Ritz and just a little us time...
And maybe he gets to lovingly watch the angel from behind his sunglasses while he's happily indulging his breakfast as always, Maybe they get to talk about some stuff and maybe he conjures up the heart to tell Aziraphale the things he always wanted to say after all this time. maybe if he's lucky and things go well, he even gets to kiss his angel so sweetly while the nightingale song plays in the background, and it would be their song forever. Right? Right.
Yes friends. That's the moment we get to have our hopes up, so high, right before the FIRM GROUND GIVES WAY beneath our feet and we drop the nice 6 storeys fall to devastation :)
Cause you know what happens instead of that...
+Also the meme version as a bonus
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theinfinitedivides · 1 year
the way proper subs aren't even out for some of y'all and you're already talking sh*t on MDL about whatever decision Gil Chae makes in ep 9 based on the comments of those who watched it without subs......... i can smell the misogyny from here
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rotisseries · 10 months
the amount of people on that post who straight up don't fucking get what I mean when I say "conflict free fluff" is an actual nightmare
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hjartasalt · 1 year
Hey not to be a bitch or anything but maybe don't tag my posts where I talk about my very real trauma disorder that affects me in real life with some fandom nonsense
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verfound · 1 year
FIC: Coffee Shop Soundtrack: 5/10 (MLB; Luka)
Notes: I think we’re due for some fluff, don’t you?  Fluff sprinkles, at least.
Ch 1 | Ch 2 | Ch 3 | Ch 4
Coffee Shop Soundtrack
Chapter Five: That Friday He Ruined Date Night
Friday was going to be an awesome day, if the morning was anything to go by.
Luka was by no means a morning person.  Back when he was still in school, he had had to set multiple alarms – usually no less than five – just to ensure he was up in time for class.  Sometimes even that hadn’t worked, and Juleka had taken to stashing a bucket by her bed for ‘emergencies’ (which, in her language, was any time she felt like being an ass and waking him up with ice water – which happened more frequently once he’d started dating Marinette).  After he’d graduated and started to more actively pursue a career in music, he’d found the life of a musician pandered better to the night life, as well.  Jagged Stone had told him on multiple occasions that was the life, and he’d better get used to it if he was serious about this career path.  He’d been fine with that, as he’d always worked better at night, anyway.
Marinette was the same way.  While she had tried to become more disciplined once she started lycée, her schedule was still chaotic enough that mornings were not her best time.  She also set multiple alarms, usually blaring the loudest rock song she could find (or the most annoying – there had been that stint where she’d used an upbeat banjo song from an American zombie show; it had been absolute hell – the song was catchy enough that it had been stuck in his head for months).  The alarms didn’t always help, as she often worked late into the night.  It seemed the creative mind was naturally a night owl, but it also meant that – even with her still finishing school – their schedules usually meshed, and it worked for them.
That Friday, however, found him up just before sunrise.  By all accounts, he shouldn’t have been: he had been up late the night before, and he’d been enjoying a deep, restful sleep.  Possibly the best sleep he’d had in about a week.  He was vaguely aware of a sound, of movement from Juleka’s side of the room, and sleepily assumed she was getting ready for school.  It wouldn’t be the first time she had accidentally woken him up.  Usually he’d just roll over and go back to sleep.  Probably stuff his head under his pillow.  And yet, that Friday, he found himself attempting to stay up.
Because, that Friday, there was a Marinette in his bed.
And he really liked having a Marinette in his bed.
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lokiinmediasideblog · 25 days
Thanks for the tag! @eek-a-tron
bold the trope you prefer:
slow burn or love at first sight • fake dating or secret dating • enemies to lovers or best friends to lovers • there was only one bed or long distance correspondence • hurt/comfort or amnesia • mutual pining or domestic bliss • canon-compliant or fix-it • smut or fluff • angst or crack • redemption or dark fic • reincarnation or character death • one-shot or multi-chapter • arranged marriage or accidental marriage • college romance or middle age romance • time travel or isolated together • neighbors or roommates • oh no they’re hot or monster s.o. • fantasy au or sci-fi au • apocalyptic au or modern au • historical au or isekai fic
no-pressure tagging: @nostalgia-tblr @queen-of-meows @whoreslut-supreme @theneonghosts @tardisesandtitans @andy-skull @bisexual-panic + anyone that wants to join
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hirazuki · 2 years
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Headcanon time! 
We don’t know too much about Maedhros’ extended stay in Angband other than it was a bad time, but like. I like to think that Mairon was an increasingly frequent visitor to Thangorodrim, and outside of his capacity as torturer, because: 
One, this is a Top Quality™ prisoner. Someone of Mairon’s sharp intellect wouldn’t be able to resist the promise of potential worthwhile conversation. I interpret the silmarils as a kind of addictive substance, with Melkor becoming progressively more obsessive, reclusive and distant after acquiring them and his relationship with Mairon thus gradually changing, leading to Mairon becoming more independent and effectively in charge, yet lonely. 
And two, they would have so much to talk about and like... not bond over, obviously, mostly because one of them is chained to a cliff face, but just have a certain unspoken understanding pass between them, as Feanor’s son and Melkor’s heir; two people who are, essentially, at the head of their respective forces at this point and have had their lives and relationships with others irrevocably changed by these jewels. I can imagine Maedhros picking up on this, even through all the blood and pain, and being like “haha, you think it’s bad now? Brace yourself, it’s only gonna get worse, source: personal experience.” And kind of flipping their relationship on its head, making Mairon the one who is tortured and a prisoner, despite being physically free and in a position of power. 
ANYWAY the gist of it is that I love them both dearly and so I think it’d be neat if they interacted more
(edit: full video is here!)
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egginfroggin · 11 months
Had the mental image of Iced Tracks Zisu finding out that Ingo went like more than a decade with basically no physical contact and immediately seeking to remedy his touch starvation.
Lots of little touches and shoulder bumps get put into their everyday routine. It's like they gravitate towards each other whenever they're in the same room (which happens frequently). Standing very, very close to each other when they present together, closer than most royal couples tend to stand to each other -- there's no space between them at all.
She'll adjust his crown even when it's perfectly straight, and, after a time, he takes to fiddling with her hair.
Also, head bonks. They do it. Bonk your shoulder, bonk your back, bonk your head and make both our skulls rattle, yeh. We call that blunt force affection in this castle, dang it.
Basically, Zisu looks at it as a decade of touch deprivation and makes it her mission to make up for it. Ten-odd years is a long time to miss affection.
And I know that that's not how touch starvation works -- it's not like a meter that can be replenished and then bam, you're fine, it's an ongoing ailment that takes time to work through the psychological effects of -- but just as... a storytelling element? Is that the right word? Fluffs, it's for fluffs. Narrative frippery.
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nanabanonana · 11 months
my issue w believing that ozai held zuko's face when he gave him the scar is that i don't believe that's the type of person he is.
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taegularities · 2 years
so uh... stupid question, but you guys still enjoy cmi despite the angst, right? 🥲
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