#have this helpful snek boy
masquenoire · 11 days
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Barring any new asks, I think that's the last of those 'icons only' memes and it was very fun doing them all! Thank you so much for sending them in everyone, I'm feeling more confident about activity again and will hopefully be inspired to write a bit more often from now on providing schedule eases up sometime soon!
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learnyouabiology · 1 year
Fun Fact: Hognose snakes are dramatic lil guys!
I am particularly fond of the snakes known as hognose snakes, and my reasons are both understandable and correct.
This is a hognose snake:
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(They received their name by having the sweetest lil snoot to ever require a boop – image source)
They use these adorable snoots to burrow under sandy soil using a sort of nuzzle-y motion. They then use these burrows as a place to sleep at night, hibernate in the winter, and lay their eggs. 
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(you could say they’re into... the Underground Scene! ...ok yeah i’ll show myself out – image source)
Plus, they come in a variety of delightful colours!
We've got brown! Beige! Yellow! Black! Red! Orange! Tan! Kinda greenish! Orange again!
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(pretty sneks! – Here’s all the image sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)
And, to be clear, the snakes pictured above are wild snakes. No selective breeding by humans in these noodly bois! At least, not in these specific individuals. probably. I guess a few of them could be escapees... 
But most importantly: These snakes know the true meaning of DRAMA
Hognose snakes are actors, first and foremost. When they feel threatened, the first thing they do is puff out their neck into a hood. 
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(like cobras, this hood is made by FLEXING THEIR NECK RIBS. which: gross – image source x)
This superficially makes them look like a cobra, but what they’re actually trying to do is make themselves seem bigger, and therefore scarier. Possibly those dark spots on their neck helps with that! 
Any resemblance to real-life Eurasian cobras, real or fictional, is purely coincidental
Also, it makes its mouth do this:
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(Snakes that SCREAAAAAAAM. – image source)
honestly, if I didn’t already know that hognose snakes were harmless, this would ABSOLUTELY make me leave it the hell alone 
But if all of that^ is unsuccessful at scaring away the predator, the hognose snake pulls its signature move: playing dead
If you think that is a lame signature move, then you are wrong, because hognose snakes put EVERYTHING into their performance and I love them for it.
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(they’re serious, they’ll do it!  – image source)
((I’m actually going to stick the rest of this under a read-more, bc the pictures of the alive-and-physically-fine hognose snakes do kind of look like a legitimately-dead hognose snake, if you don’t know what to look for. 
So, uh: cw for a snake being too good at pretending to be dead))
Behold: a series of completely healthy, unharmed snakes!!!
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(to help with their self-esteem, we ask that you at least pretend to believe that they are dead – image sources 1, 2, 3, 4)
Honestly, the photos don’t do it justice. Here’s my favourite video of the whole wonderous performance: 
But to review:
There's writhing! There's dramatic noises! There's flipping onto their back and opening their mouth wide and letting their tongue hang out! There's excreting a combination of  intentionally smelly substances!!! Truly a master of the art of being left the hell alone (*^▽^*)
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(yep. deeeeefinitely dead. not just faking it. nothing worth eating here! – image source)
Personally, my favourite part of this is how they insist on rolling onto their back, even when they are rolled back onto their stomach. 
Seriously, if you try to roll them right-side-up, they will flip back over. It's as though they believe that a good, proper dead snek MUST be on its back, obviously.
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(truly fearsome – image source)
Sadly, the hognose snake may have made itself too scary, according to humans.
Out of fear, these snakes are commonly killed on sight 😔. I once heard someone proudly brag about how they’d killed a dozen cobras! In southern Ontario! Where cobras do not live! This is both extremely frustrating and deeply sad.
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(safe enough to hold! although maybe don’t, just because this snake IS probably experiencing mortal fear, which is not a good feeling – image source © Dean Stavrides)
So just to highlight: hognose snakes are completely harmless. They’re just pretending to be fearsome!
(not that people should be killing venomous snakes either, imo. Let the danger noodles LIVE THEIR LIVES)
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(i is baybee, pls do not hurt me – image source)
And now some bonus facts to help raise us out of that downer:
Hognose snakes are toad specialists! Their favourite food is toads, which is unusual, because toads are poisonous. Hognose snakes deal with this by force of will and also, at least two amino acid substitutions, maybe (Mohammadi et al. 2016). Possibly a few other things help with this, also (Feldman et al. 2016).
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(is snek eat toad? or does toad wearing cape of snek? impossible to tell, really – image source)
Also, I have a confession: hognose snakes... are venomous. Technically.
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(itty bitty little fangs at the veeeeery back of their mouth!  – image source)
They are known as rear-fanged snakes, which means they have fangs aaaall the way at the back of their mouth. The venom they produce seems to be toad-specific, and is considered to be harmless to humans unless you happen to have an allergy but that's the exception rather than the rule
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(the two hognose species. They are both baybee, but in different ways actually there might be more than two species but these are the two i’ve actually learned about so ALL WELL   – image source)
Also, hognose snakes are big cowards NOT aggressive and I've never even heard of anyone getting bit by a one (outside of one feeding mishap, which we can all agree was an ACCIDENT). 
The series of events that would need to occur for you to be envenomated are so unlikely and bizarre that I assume you would have to be TRYING to get bit.
This has been Fun Fact Friday, bringing you the forbidden noodly boys to try and keep them a little more safe!
Sources, because I know me and SO DO YOU:
Averill-Murray, R. C. (2006). Natural history of the western hog-nosed snake (Heterodon nasicus) with notes on envenomation. Sonoran Herpetologist, 19(9), 98-101.
Buchanan, Scott W.; Timm, Brad C.; Cook, Robert P.; Couse, Richard; Hazard, Lisa C. (2017). Spatial ecology and habitat selection of eastern hognose snakes. The Journal of Wildlife Management, 81(3), 509–520. doi:10.1002/jwmg.21218 
CHS: Canadian Herpetological Society https://canadianherpetology.ca/species/species_page.html?cname=Eastern%20Hog-nosed%20Snake
COSEWIC. 2021. COSEWIC assessment and status report on the Eastern Hog-nosed Snake Heterodon platirhinos in Canada. Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada. Ottawa. xi + 45 pp.  https://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/services/species-risk-public-registry/cosewic-assessments-status-reports/eastern-hog-nosed-snake-2021.html
Cunnington, G. M., & Cebek, J. E. (2005). Mating and nesting behavior of the eastern hognose snake (Heterodon platirhinos) in the northern portion of its range. The American midland naturalist, 154(2), 474-478.
Feldman, C. R., Durso, A. M., Hanifin, C. T., Pfrender, M. E., Ducey, P. K., Stokes, A. N., ... & Brodie Jr, E. D. (2016). Is there more than one way to skin a newt? Convergent toxin resistance in snakes is not due to a common genetic mechanism. Heredity, 116(1), 84-91. 
 Jared, C., Luiz Mailho‐Fontana, P., & Maria Antoniazzi, M. (2021). Differences between poison and venom: An attempt at an integrative biological approach. Acta Zoologica, 102(4), 337-350.
Liu, C., Chen, Y., Zheng, Y., Bo, J., Yang, C., Xu, S., & Zhang, S. (2022). Wear Resistance Improvement of Keeled Structure and Overlapped Distribution of Snake Scales. Journal of Bionic Engineering, 1-11. Citing abstract.
Mohammadi, S., Gompert, Z., Gonzalez, J., Takeuchi, H., Mori, A., & Savitzky, A. H. (2016). Toxin-resistant isoforms of Na+/K+-ATPase in snakes do not closely track dietary specialization on toads. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 283(1842), 20162111. 
 Nature Conservancy of Canada: https://www.natureconservancy.ca/en/what-we-do/resource-centre/featured-species/reptiles-and-amphibians/eastern-hog-nosed-snake.html
Plummer, M. V., & Mills, N. E. (1996). Observations on trailing and mating behaviors in hognose snakes (Heterodon platirhinos). Journal of Herpetology, 30(1), 80-82.
Rouse, Jeremy D.; Willson, Robert J.; Black, Ron; Brooks, Ronald J.  (2011). Movement and Spatial Dispersion of Sistrurus catenatus and Heterodon platirhinos: Implications for Interactions with Roads. Copeia, 2011(3), 443–456. doi:10.1643/ce-09-036     
Seburn, D. 2008. Recovery Strategy for the Eastern Hog-nosed Snake (Heterodon platirhinos) in Canada. Species at Risk Act Recovery Strategy Series. Parks Canada Agency, Ottawa. vi + 24pp.
Schwartz, V. & D. Golden (2002). Field Guide to Reptiles and Amphibians of New Jersey. New Jersey Division of Fish and Wildlife
VHS: Virginia herpetological society http://www.virginiaherpetologicalsociety.com/reptiles/snakes/eastern-hog-nosed-snake/eastern_hognose_snake.php#:~:text=Heterodon%20is%20derived%20from%20the%20Greek%20words%20heteros,meaning%20%22broad%20or%20flat%22%20and%20rhinos%20meaning%20%22snout%22
Young, R. A. (1992). Effects of Duvernoy's gland secretions from the eastern hognose snake, Heterodon platirhinos, on smooth muscle and neuromuscular junction. Toxicon, 30(7), 775-779. https://doi.org/10.1016/0041-0101(92)90013-U
Young, B. A., & Morain, M. (2003). Vertical burrowing in the Saharan sand vipers (Cerastes). Copeia, 2003(1), 131-137.
SARA: threatened https://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/services/species-risk-public-registry.html
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ollie-lolly · 1 year
The Obey me brothers in: "The morning after"
Obey me brothers X gender neutral reader
Warnings: Suggestive, swearing
Started and finished on: the 8th of april 2023
Note: Happy early birthday to my favorite snek boi Leviathan! <3 I love this little shit to bits. Tell me if you want the side characters too! As always reblogs and constructive critism is always appreciated!
word count:489
-Will already be fully dressed by the time you wake up
-That is if you don't wake up by this old ass man's alarm clock
-On the rare occasion that that isn't the case, he'll drink coffee while waiting for you to wake up
-He loves sharing coffee with you in the morning 
-Don't even dare to eat in his bed 
-Will treat you like royalty the morning after, since he can be quite rough during sex
-Will reward you for being his "stress reliever"
-"I was great wasn't i?"
-Needs cuddles
-This man is clingy as fuck
-Morning kisses on your body
-Will make up tons of excuses as to why you two are late to school
-He can't convince anyone cuz he is loud as fuck
-As soon as he wakes up he will try to hide his face in your back when spooning
-I like to imagine that he kinda loses himself when he is having sex. So morning clarity hits this man hard
-He is very insecure, so please assure him that he did well
-Please for the love of god please don't mention what happened the night before during breakfast. He will just shut down
-"Please restart Levi.exe"
-Will read to you in the morning if you like!
-Cuddles with you him and his sneaked in cats in the morning
-While reading the devildom news paper, he'll ask questions on what you did and didn't like from last night
-Will ask you what you would want to try next
-Will carry you to breakfast
-He has this love struck look in his eyes as soon as you wake up
-"Good Morning beautiful"
-Wants to get ready with you
-Shared morning shower is a must
-Shower sex?
-He puts you in front of his vanity mirror and starts brushing and doing your hair
-The amount of crumbs in his bed 
-Will lovingly greet you when you wake up
-Breakfast in bed is guaranteed
-I headcanon him as a service top, just ask and he'll do it!
-Will spoon feed you breakfast if you'll let him
-If you are okay with it. Beel will invite Belphie to enjoy breakfast in bed together
-No doubt about it, you always wake up first
-He will cuddle you to prevent you from leaving
-You have to help him get dressed 
-He will tease you the entire morning during breakfast if you will actually make it
-"Now what did you call me last night? I can't seem to remember"
-Will look around the room to see how many people he can piss off in the shortest amount of time
-"Sorry dear, duty calls"
-He will leave breakfast for you though!
-He uses magic to keep it fresh and warm
-If he actually has the time for once in his goddamn life he will massage you
-He will literally stop in the middle of sex if Diavolo needed him
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sweetbunpura · 2 months
ok, ok. Hear me out on the Animal Lover Yuu! Eventually each dorm gets/befriends one of Yuu’s animals and adopts them into the dorm. For example, Murder the raven/crow goes to diasomnia (like Diablo for Maleficent) and vibes with Lilia’s bats. Heartslaybul gets a deer or a ferret (a group of ferrets is a business! And that fits Riddle’s vibes). Our lovely fox could befriend Savannaclaw, he plays underhanded tricks but is a good nap buddy for Leona. Octotrio has a duck, loves the water in the lounge, helps Jade collect mushrooms, chases out riff raff for Azul, and is the same level of crazy hyper as Floyd. Scarabia has a snek (Jamil does not appreciate the irony but does like that it keeps Kalim busy) who is VERY pretty and likes to sit on Kalim’s head like a turban or around Jamil’s neck. Pomfiore has a falcon or other bird of prey, they clean their feathers regularly with Vil, hunt/stalk with Rook, and are ‘manly’ enough to hang out with Epel. Ignihyde gets our lovely loyal pupper, Ortho says it reminds him or the Cerberus dog bots (from chapter 7) and our good boy is patient enough for Idia to warm up to (despite being a cat person).
An unintended side effect of the boys bonding with the animals from Ramshackle is that the animals become biased in the shipping war. Each one encourages Yuu to spend time with THEIR dorm, and thinks their dorm would make better mates for the Ramshackle prefect. The animals all get along back home, but on campus they take sides and aren’t afraid to play the cute/sad pet card to get their way.
Enjoy the chaos hun!! 😘
Each animal tries to sell Yuu on each dorm like it's real estate. Murder's over here like " You get a prince, a general, and two body guards." Marahute, the golden eagle, tells Yuu about the wonderful day they had with Pomefiore: "An actor and a Model, an exceptional hunter such as themselves, and manly apple." Scorch, the ferret, babbles about the unbirthday party they went to: "A baker, a Magicam magician, a nice rebel, a lawmaker, and a law breaker!" Wimdy's taking about the great nap they took with Leona, and all the things they stole with Ruggie (Yuu told them to put it back, but Wimdy kept half of it.)
Hista, the viper (ironically enough), sings a tale of their day: "A merchant's son and his powerful adviser, plus there would be plenty of room for us!" Scourge, the duck, goes on about their day in Octavinelle while humming a familiar tune: "A remarkable businessman, a man who loves nature, and one who can cook up an amazing meal." Floppy's having a field day in Ignihyde: " You two good boys! And a little brother!"
Yuu tries laughing it off, but they're noticing how the animals are trying to pair them up with a few of the dorm members...
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drenched-in-sunlight · 4 months
ok i have two anon messages, one of them i won't publish because i think it's a little mean to Godwyn and i don't want to damper ppl's fun if i can help it. i understand your frustration anon but it's sth i personally don't feel that bothered by.
the other anon contains light spoiler about Messmer so im answering it under the cut. please note that i don't mind spoilers, and though i make an effort to hide them until the DLC drops, please beware when you open the reply to my post from now on !
Light spoilers for the dlc Some of Messmer's knights abandoned him and betrayed him for being a snek boi (literally) i wonder who is his other parent, since we are certain his mother is Marika so he might be the result of Marika getting freaky with the GEQ or some serpent god. Actually it would be so hilarious and cool if messmer was born from marika in the same way Athena was born from Zeus
As I mentioned before I don't really care who is his other parent is (sorry Messmer's other parent... if you even exist 🤣 i think since he has the same butterfly motif, he should be a child solely coming from just Marika herself, like Miquella and Malenia... i need that trio so bad...), but the detail about his soldier turning on him makes me wonder if the snakes being seen as traitor to the Erdtree is something out of Marika's control. HEAR ME OUT.
I'm having this whacky idea that the Greater Will is troubled by Messmer's power and his devotion to only Marika, and not them. Plus they view Marika's affection towards him as a sign of weakness unbefitting a God (*stare at Goldmask's remark about Marika*), so they declare snakes as traitor to separate him from his mother. Marika had no choice but to send him to Land of Shadow to protect him (explain why it's stated that he fled from the Erdtree)... and he carried on fighting for her despite everything.
That would also explain why after Messmer Marika tried to distance herself from her later children, as evidently her love could become their death sentence .... or well that's where my delulu led me 🥲🥲
(that being said... if his other parent is the GEQ i think i'll be VERY invested indeed lmaooo Marika breaking hearts left and right like a normal sunday)
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jayjay-thejet-plane · 7 months
I GIVE UP the twitter link was only working for those who have the app… so im risking it and just posting it here😶
This is a nsft continuation of my wincest homework help comic, sketches (at the end) and musings under the cut😎
(warning for some VERY nsfw thoughts and power bottom dean lol)
snek pek:
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(this sam is at the end of gr 12 and is 18, and this is definitely not the first time theyve had… relations)
After every question dean does something like kiss sam or mouth at his neck etc. but then at some point the reward is moving them to a bedroom, next question sam gets pushed to lay down on the bed, next dean sits in his lap, but when sam goes to put his hands on his brothers waist dean grabs sams wrists “nuh uh sammy, you have to earn that, be a good boy and keep your hands up here and dont move unless i say you can” and pushes sams hands up so theyre crossed above his head on the bed.
(Sam reacts VERY well to being called good boy)
Now dean rewards each correct answer by taking one article of clothing off of either himself or sam, interspersing the stripping with things like licking up sams chest, pinching a nipple (either sams or his own lol), grinding down on sam, biting his earlobe, sucking on sams tongue for a moment etc. as rewards.
Sam is having an incredibly hard time focusing of course and theyre both rock hard from all the teasing by the time theyre naked.
Deans starts prepping himself then, turned around so sam gets an eyeful without being able to touch. Inbetween adding fingers (as rewards of course) dean does things like licking a stripe up sams cock, sucking a hickey into his inner thigh, biting at his hipbone etc. until hes ready and then sits on sams dick (or just puts the tip in maybe?) for the next reward
(could also have dean let sam suck his cock for a bit as rewards before the prepping🤔 dean just holding the tip on sams lips while gripping his hair with one hand and holding the cue cards in the other between questions and rocking back and forth into sams mouth or just letting him suck on the tip for the rewards. Sam is looking just totally blissed out, barely able to answer the questions, eyes unfocused and of course still not touching dean at all or moving without permission))
ANYWAYS now dean is almost through the cue cards and is just sitting on sams dick, maybe slowly rising and dropping himself a couple times as rewards until the last question, he tells sam that hes allowed to move if he gets it right. Sam does get it right of course and as soon as he is allowed to move he snaps, super wound up from all the teasing and flips them over to fuck his brother before dean can finish saying “good boy”😎
Sketches are of that last bit, plez enjoy😈
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shsy7573 · 8 months
Random Lucifer (Hazbin Hotel) Character/Song Analysis Kinda Thing… I Guess
Okay, so yeah, Luci has 100% taken over this page. So what? I’m not obsessed, you are.
Anyway, I’ve been listening to “More Than Anything” on repeat since it dropped, and like a lot of the fandom I tear up every single time… but unlike a lot of the fandom, it’s not because of the sweet father-daughter moment (which, don’t get me wrong, doesn’t help the situation because it’s just so damn wholesome).
No, what gets me is how, just through a couple subtle moments, the show is able to convey just how absolutely shattered Luci is as a character. And, you know, because he’s my favourite, bestest, snek-baby-duck-boy, it makes me a little emotional…
So now you’re all gonna hear about what goes through my mind every time I listen to it. YAY!
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“Charlie! You don’t understand, Heaven never listens. They didn’t listen to me. They won’t listen to you!” / “You don’t know that—” / “I do!”
It starts before the song even truly begins. When I’m listening, it’s usually these first few lines that grab my attention. I end up replaying the first 4-5 seconds of the song over and over again because the pain in that “I do” is so fucking good! (And because I like to suffer apparently cuz I end up sad. Life of an angst lover I guess).
It’s the first time we see him with actual tears in his eyes. The raw delivery of that line is so attention grabbing, and manages to say so much in such little words.
I think the reason this particular scene tickles my brain so much is because it’s the breaking point for his character in a way. I am, and always will be, a sucker for moments where a character’s walls finally come down, and we get to see what’s been festering inside. When their deepest thoughts and how much they’re hurting are revealed. The entire song is what that is for Lucifer, starting with these two words right here. I truly cannot put into words just how much my breath is taken away by Jeremy’s delivery of this line. I cannot articulate how much I love it, and how important it is for Luci’s character. it just hits so deep and so right for me and I love it.
Lucifer isn’t just saying that he knows Heaven isn’t going to care about her plan (I don’t think anyone thought that’s all he was saying but whatever). He is saying that he knows what Heaven does to dreamers. He knows what they’ll do because he has already been there, and it destroyed him. They took his ideas that they saw as too outlandish, and they squashed them. Cast him aside. And he paid the price for it when he went bashing their back and did his own thing anyway.
Luci is a broken dreamer. Throughout the entire episode, and the series as a while, we are given very strong hints of this. However, it’s not until this song that we really see it in action. It’s not until these moments that we are able to see past both the veils of “Imposing King of Hell” and “Goofy Guy who’s trying his best but not great at Dadding,” and get a look at how genuinely depressed this man is.
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“My dreams were too hard to defend.”
This scene eight here. The more I see it, the more I fall in love with it. Just a great example of ‘show don’t tell.’
He’s talking about having big ideas, he’s talking about giving people a chance and reaching outside the normal, he’s talking about being cast out of Heaven. I just love the parallel he’s drawing between Charlie’s mission, and his own past.
Charlie created the hotel in an attempt to give people who have been seen as lesser to all of Heaven some sort of chance. She is choosing to have faith in them, and to open up opportunities for them to lead a better life.
Lucifer, when he gave Eve the fruit, was taking a chance to allow humanity the chance to have free will. He wanted them to experience everything life had to offer for themselves like angels got to. He offered a chance for them to lead a better life.
He had everything, and he had complete faith that what he was doing was right. All the light and hope of his dreams was right in the palm of his hand. He had so many ideas that he thought, if they were saw through, would make the world a better place.
But it didn’t work out for him.
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“And in the end, I won’t lose it all again.”
Now, the first seconds of dialogue may be what I keep rewatching, but this has got to be my favourite visual of the entire song. It’s such powerful imagery, and I fangirl over it every time.
Look at how small he looks in that shot (I know, I know, he’s tiny regardless, but like seriously). He is completely outnumbered, hopelessly overpowered, totally at the mercy of all his Heavenly superiors… and he’s all alone.
He lost everything because he had the gall to dream. It’s not hard to look at the song (and the episode at large, really) and find not only his feelings of being wronged, but also his immense guilt. It shows in how much he hates Sinners. They are basically the worst of what he did, a constant reminder of the day his mistake caused him to lose his home and everything he held dear, and they are all he gets to see. Only being permitted to see your failures for all eternity? No wonder he’s fucking depressed.
The day Heaven cast him out was the day he stopped dreaming. Because dreaming big only leads to pain, failure, and suffering.
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“I just don’t want you to be crushed by them like… like I was.”
This next moment is kinda self explanatory and obvious and really doesn’t need any commentary, but I’m gonna talk about it anyway. Because I love it, and I love him, and… you know… angst. I’ve mentioned my lust for it several times now throughout this post, you really shouldn’t be surprised.
I just feel so bad for him. Lucifer made one mistake. One simple, misguided mistake that ended up introducing evil into the world, and all of Heaven came down on him for it. And, you know what, in the narrative presented by the show, what he did wasn’t that bad. He just wanted to give the world’s newest creations the same freedom angels had, and it backfired horribly. Lucifer, like Charlie, was an idealist who saw the best in people and wanted to help.
And what did he get for his good intentions? Shoved into the cesspool he unintentionally created, and forbidden to ever see anything good that came from his dream.
If I had to guess, Lilith was the only thing keeping his mental health afloat for a long time… and then they had Charlie.
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“The tales about your lofty dreams. I’d listen breathlessly, imaging it could be me.”
His daughter became the light of his life. Something that he cherished and indulged more than anything else in the world. To him, she was perfect, and he wanted to do right by her in any way he could.
Lilith told their daughter stories of all her father’s dreams regardless of what he thought of them, and when the little princess came asking him… how could he refuse? How could he refuse her anything?
So he shared them with her. All the tales of grandeur, and fantasies of everything he wished the world could have been. All the dreams he had long since let go.
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“And in the end, it’s the view I had of you that show me dreams can be worth fighting for.”
Now, the scene where Lily take’s Charlie away has always been excellent brain fodder for me because of how somewhat ambiguous it is. You could interpret his sadness to have SO MANY meanings. However, I have inevitably decided on two potential head-cannons/theories to share here for what could possibly be going through Snek-King’s head.
One: Lucifer loves his daughter, but he feels estranged and like he’s failed her in some way. She’s such a joy, such a wonder, and in a way it's his fault she’s trapped down here with all of human ties worst. He wasn’t to be close to her, and to make the world perfect for her… but he already feels like he’s failed her in the most unforgivable way. He keeps his distance because part of him doesn’t want her to have a super high of an opinion of him. It’s kind of his depression manifesting, saying that ‘she shouldn’t admire you and your stupid dreams when they’re the reason she’ll never see true light and happiness.’
The angst addict in me likes this one more, but still I’ve got another one that always pops.
Two: He feels like he’s selling her false hope, and he can kind of see the place her innocence is headed. He’s seen the horrors of the world, and he knows the more he indulges her dreams and fantasies, the more she’ll suffer when she sees that’s not what the world is like. He knows from personal experience how much it hurts when your dreams come undone, when you lose hope in the world.
Listening to Charlie’s actual lyrics, she tells him that he was the one who inspired her to dream, that he was right to dream, and that she’s not going to back down. In the song, Luci realises that 1: maybe he didn’t fuck us as badly as he thought and that she actually doesn’t blame him and wants her in his life and/or 2: she has her mother’s willpower, and she’s never going to stop dreaming or let her world be sullied like he did. She’s so much stronger than he was.
So he lets her in.
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(Side note… AWWW, look how TINNYY he is! He’s so small. The start contrast in the second image gets me every time)
There’s a bit of symbolism in the song which I ABSOLUTELY adore, and it has to do with the wings. In the flashback, Charlie mentions his “lofty dreams,” when we see the duck, which later transforms to have multiple sets of wings. Later in the song, when Lucifer finally lets her in, he also sprouts those wings.
And I just love this, because I think it acts as the perfect symbolism of him finally opening his mind again. Not just to his daughter, but to the possibility of dreaming in general.
He takes her to a circus, a place filled to the brim with spectacles and thrills, a place where humanities wildest imaginations seem possible.
But even though he’s beginning to open up, and he’s willing to help her in whatever she does, he’s not ‘fixed.’ His depression and self doubt and feelings of hollow emptiness and guilt and apprehension aren’t gone.
And he’s still terrified of seeing her spark go out like his did.
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This tiny smile break is so addicting to watch for me. It speaks volumes. Once again, my angst loving heart eats it up every time. It says, “I’m still worried, and there is still so much shit going on in my mind right now about all of this, but I’m here for you.”
And that’s what counts.
Luci’s character showed a lot of colours, and came a long way in this singular episode, but he’s still got a big uphill battle to climb. He still has to come back into his own where dreams are concerned. Maybe he never will, not completely. Realistically, he’ll never go back to the way he was.
But maybe, just maybe, in helping his daughter he’ll find something worth believing in again.
That is, of course, if they decide to give him a character arc beside ‘Dad who is trying and doing better,’ but for that only time will tell.
And THAT concludes my rant on the Rubber Ducky Ruler. If you stuck around this long, good for you! I wrote this whole thing on a limb at midnight, and NO I’m not going to go back and edit it because why would I ever want to see all the horrid grammatical and spelling errors I’ve inevitably made.
Maybe I’m off the mark on all of this. Maybe I’m head-cannoning too much. Maybe I’m just trying to suck out every hint of potential angst out of a song that’s supposed to be sweet and wholesome. That’s for you to decide. But for me, I’ve decided that I’m satisfied with this analysis. In the end, I just needed to express all the thoughts bumbling around in my head SOMEWHERE before I exploded, and unfortunately, I feel like I’ve run all my friends dry talking about this baby to them, so now it’s your turn. But, anyways, I think that about wraps things up. It’s time to go to bed.
Farewell, stay hydrated, and have a lovely rest of your day/night :)
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getosbunsblog · 2 years
Levi (Snek boi) x reader smut
CW: TWO PENISES. Handjob, blowjob. Slight jealousy issues. He puts only one in cuz he’s like scared. Mammon is in here too cuz ur a slut. Ahem 69, cum play (don’t play with your food kids). Cervix breach. You’re just filthy here. Shitty plot but that’s not why you’re here anyways, you want snu snu.
You and Levi had become close friends over the time you’ve been in devildom. Having mutual interest and such. He’s actually developed quite the crush on you. Whenever he’s nearby he blushes and loses all his train of thought. But you’re also the only person who he can relax with.
He heard you giggling down the hall in mammons room. While he felt envious, it was nothing new. You always found that moron amusing. The giggling stopped though. Almost suddenly. And no one was talking. He stood up to hear slightly better and then he heard a loud thud. He bolted out of his room. He still heard noises so he quietly opened the door. You were sitting on mammons pool table while his head was in between your legs. You were moaning his name over and over again. Levi could feel himself turn as red as a tomato. Out of anger and slight arousal.
You saw a light from the coroner or you’re eye. The door had been opened. “Oh shit is it Lucifer again?” Was your first thought but then u saw lavender hair and a flushed face. You started lightly smacking mammons head but he didn’t get the message. Levi was just there wide-eyed and in shock. Also in disbelief at how dumb mammon is. You then started yelling “LEVI, LEVI” which made mammon come up and go “what ya sayin that geeks name for? I’m the one eating you out. That virgin couldn’t make you feel like this” mammon glared at you, you pointed to the door. Terrified he turned around and saw Levi standing there. Face red and a slight bulge in his pants “WHAT ARE YOU STANDING THERE FOR?! A FREE SHOW? SCRAM” and with that Levi did, he ran with tears in his eyes.
Levi pov:
Was that how you and mammon talked about him when he wasn’t there??? He started sobbing at the thought of you not actually liking him and just pretending too. We’re you always pretending??? He was crying so hard at the thought of his Henry secretly hating him. His only friend. He barley noticed he was hard. Whilst upset he couldn’t not get hard seeing you half naked on that pool table. Panties hanging on your ankles while your shirt was taken off. Clearly you were braless or atleast just expecting mammon to fuck your brains out. Mammon was right he could never make you feel as good. It was for the best that he was the one doing it. And then he heard a knock at the door “Levi” you said sweetly. He froze. What now?! He stayed silent but you heard him shuffling. “Levi, please I’m sorry about what mammon said” he thought it was sweet. That you came to apologize knowing how sensitive the third born is. “Levi, open up let’s talk” but he was terrified. And said “can you give me a minute?” He needed to get rid of this hard on. And your sweet voice wasn’t helping. So innocent and sweet. Like honey and nectar. He heard light sobbing behind the door. You must’ve thought he was mad at you. He stood up and bolted to the door. He would rather you see his embarrassing hard on than have you cry. He swung open the door and saw u with tears in your eyes, hugging yourself. He grabbed you and pulled you in. Sitting down onto his couch with you beside him
Your pov:
You sat down feeling so bad about the situation you were crying. You climbed into Levi’s lap and put your arms around his shoulders. He was blushing like usual but you just sat there whispering apologizes to him “I’m so sorry Levi, you and me both know that you could make someone feel just as good as mammon can, it’s not right for him to be mean about you lacking experience, I actually think it’s sweet” he looked at you and responded “sweet huh?” “Yea like you’re waiting for someone special”
You pulled out from his neck where u we’re nuzzled and smiled at him. Giving him a kiss on his forehead. Something inside him just imploded and he went for your lips. Locking his lips with yours. You responded kindly to the kiss and moved your lips onto his as well. His tongue poked out tried to get into your mouth. It felt different. You briefly pulled away to confirm something. His tongue sticking out you realized he had a tongue like a snake. “Wow” he looked away “I-I-I know it’s weird, we can stop-“ you slammed your face back on his. God his tongue was sexy. You wish he would eat you out with that tongue. As you continued your hard nipples pressed through your button down and onto his chest. He ripped it off popping the buttons. It was strange to see Levi so dominant. you liked it though
His mouth latched onto one and you started moaning. You were already so sensitive from not finishing earlier. He let it go with a pop. You slid your body down until you were on your knees between his legs. You undid his pants and tried to pull them down before your hand was stopped. “N-no. It’s um different than what you usually see” you kinda just assumed he was uncircumcised or some simple shit. “Levi it doesn’t matter to me, I just wanna be close to you” he then let go of your hand. His face softening. You pulled his face down and two massive cocks smacked you in the cheek. “Holy shit” you stared at him like a kid in a candy store. He looked surprised at your joy. You took the smallest one. (Even though it was still 8.5 inches) into your mouth and started stroking the top one with your hand. He starts lowly whimpering. But then the dominant side comes out again. “Stop” he very clearly demanded, you looked at him surprised. He then laid straight across the couch and then told you to get on top. When you went to hover over his cocks he corrected you. He pulled your cunt to his face. Pulling down your pink lacy panties, with a string of your fluid attached. He left your pretty plaid skirt on the though.
You got the memo and continued giving kitten licks to his other cock now. While switching your hand to the bottom one. He ran his pronged tongue across your clit. You were so into sucking his cocks. You didn’t hear a video start. You noticed he took a hand off your ass and you tried to look to see what he was doing but he thrusted his hips into your mouth and distracted you once again. “WHO MAKES YOU FEEL THE BEST BABY?” He said. “You, you Levi. No one else” you said sobbing “ah yea say my name again, player 2” You were screaming his name onto his cock. You came and squirted on his face and his phone. He then started pulsing in your mouth. Cumming on your face and in your mouth. You turned around your face covered in his cum and your tongue sticking out. Also covered in his cum. You put your fingers on your tongue and started to play with the cum. “Hehe look it has blue sparkles in it” you said innocently. He finally stopped recording. You looked so happy playing with the white liquid with blue glitter in it. It was falling onto your chest and tits. “Aw, no. It tasted good” you said with puppy eyes.
He wiped the cum off your face with his thumb and put it in your mouth. You hummed in satisfaction at the taste. He pulled it out, a trail of saliva following the thumb and leaned onto his chest kissing his neck. You had no intention of finishing yet.
Mammon, still pissed about being interrupted laid down on his bed groaning in disappointment. He decided it was probably time to sleep. As he was drifting off he heard a “ding” from his phone. He checked, it was Levi. He sat up to see better as he waited for the video to load, he assumed it was a meme video. But then he saw the thumbnail of you naked and playing with Levi’s cum and screaming his name
“Oh it’s on Levi”
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omg-snakes · 1 year
With the handling style you showed off with Lumi - what are some signs that your snake doesn't want to be handled? Sometimes my snake will shove me, and im not sure if it's because he doesn't want to be held or not because he's always fine after I pick him up, but I want to respect his boundaries as much as possible even if he doesn't retaliate when I don't.
Hey friend!
Some of the indicators that a snake isn't feeling it would be huffing or hissing, tail-rattling, flailing (big drama!), leaving the area or retreating to a hide where they feel safe, or a hard and repeated shove with the body. It does kinda seem like your boy is saying, "don' wanna," when he's shoving you, but unless it's accompanied by some other indicator that he's not feeling up to interacting, this may be the snake equivalent of a teenager being asked to get up off of the sofa and do a minor chore. They'll grumble, but it's for their own best interest and overall enrichment. If he's not showing any signs of stress during handling then he's probably getting some benefit and just didn't in the moment want to have to get up for it.
Snakes are natural introverts, and as an introvert myself I know that I benefit from regular social activities even when I'm not necessarily enthusiastic about them. While we don't want to personify snakes with human traits, it does make sense that socialization, within reason, is necessary to maintain the human-friendly nature of a well socialized pet.
An occasional invasion of his personal space will help to inoculate him against future self-isolation. The key is understanding the difference between "ugh, fiiiiiiiiine" and "I'm really not up for being social right now and I need to be left alone."
I hope your grumbly guy is actually having a nice time interacting and just being a lazy snek.
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boosting-sasi-artists · 2 months
Sanders Ask Blog Masterpost!
Just as the title says! A place to find ask blogs for Thomas Sanders characters!! Have fun! And if you don't see one here you can ask me to put it on!
Most of these are just ones I've stumbled upon or inactive ones I followed a few years ago or were sent in to me. I unfortunately don't have many that I actually know about that are active, so suggestions are helpful!
Some haven't been updated in a while but they don't say they're inactive, I tried to only put ones who haven't updated in years in the inactive area, I will switch any around that needs to be.
Send me more that may not be here!
Let's start!
Asking Characters!
Ask Furry Sides! (My favorite.)
Dragon Witch Virgil
Ask Nico and the Sides
Ask Succubus Sides
Ask Patton
Ask Deceit Sanders
Ask Power Sides
TSS Swap AU Ask Blog
Ask The Snek Man
Ask The T Sanders Sides (inactive) -> Continued Here
Ask Sanders Sides
Ask The Rowanverse
7 Years Gone TS Sides
Ask Sanders Puppets
Agere Dukeceit
And last a little self promo cause I love them! Dark Boys Road Trip! & Apartment Bound AU! (oh and this one I forgot about Shenanigans AU there hasn't been any interaction with it hence me forgetting it)
Ask Virgil Anxiety Side
Ask Prince Roman
Inactive (maybe) or on Hiatus.
Ask Stranded Sides
Sides in Wonderland
Mindscape Form AU
Animal Guides AU
Logan Has No Powers AU
Patton Sanders Killed a Man
Quarantine Sides
Menagerie AU
Ask Roleswap Sides
Ask Guardian AU Sanders Sides
TS Unsolved
Supernatural Sanders
TS Sides Ghost AU
Ask Monster Sides
Sanders Creatures AU
Sky High AU
Ask Virgil Vlogs
The Marching Sides
Mind God AU
Shuffleboard TS (last post in 22 but has only two posts)
Ask Dark Logan (story inactive but mod still posts about it)
Other Ask-ish Type Blogs!
Sanders Sides Confessions.
TS Sides Head Canon
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abluehappyface · 1 year
The third installment to the Remilia Takeover! It's the retro cover this time! This one is so fun to listen to! I think I got the retro feeling just right here! Having three chiptune drumlines here is really helping!
@motsimages @magicalgirlpropaganda @mango-frog @mayumijoutouguu @nucg5040 @caniscreamintoanabyss @castanets@lesserbeans @leafboy-the-great @k4ndi-c0spl4y3r @kinokomynx @he-was-beautiful @hecho-a-mano @funkyfrogofficial @fembutchboygirl @semisentient-entity @siegesquirrel42 @soulless-paper-bag @space-frog-boy  @insertusernamethatsnottaken @the-cinnamon-snail @the-kneesbees @that-bastard-with-all-the-bones @reblogging-corner @rude-occurrence @womensrightsstegosaurus @22ndcenturyschizoidman @please-put-me-in-the-microwave @hoodie-prince-kid @da-silliest-snek @scarletdestiny @lonelyprinceofthedark @chengoeshonk @oneweekwitch
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aziraphales-library · 2 years
Hello! Thank you so much for your incredible job of finding all of those written gems and helping us to get to them )) as a newcomer to this beautiful fandom I appreciate it very much. My question would be, if there any fics with a snake form Crowley? Not terribly angsty ones, would be ideal. I just like the idea of our fussy angel interacting with a good old snek boy ))) Thank you in advance ☺️
Hi and welcome to the Good Omens fandom! We have a #snake crowley tag that you should definitely check out. Here are some more to add to the collection...
I don't mind by Word_Addict (G)
After a visit to Heaven, Aziraphale has a meltdown. Fortunately, Crowley is there to help with snake hugs.
Under the Skin by LadyWallace (G)
Sometimes Crowley hates his snake form, especially when it's time to shed. Aziraphale, worried he hasn't seen his friend for several days, decides to go and check on him only to find a very disgruntled and uncomfortable demon. (Friendship, h/c, fluff)
Hide and Smite by Captain_Lilja (G)
“They’d perfected the art of dancing around each other, dodging the questions that mattered, and acting as if their prior wounds had never existed. Talking had never been their strong point. It was their actions that had always spoken for them. And right now, Crowley’s actions were, to put it simply, baffling.”
In which Crowley causes mischief, Aziraphale is oblivious, a snake is chased around the bookshop, and feelings are discussed.
It’s Getting Hard, This Holding Back by ZehWulf (T)
6,000-odd years is a long time to evolve a romantic relationship, but as a near-immortal being, Crowley had patience. True, they had lost momentum right around reaching the Speaking Looks and Meaningful Gestures stage, but at the time Crowley had been more or less content to let things idle.
Now, he was determined to shift things back into gear, and that gear was Explicitly Romantic Physical Expressions of Affection.
A Snake on the Run by Varjo (G)
ATTENTION: an Australian red-bellied black snake was apprehended in St. James’ Park. The animal wounded nobody before Animal Control seized it. No information is available at the moment on how the snake got there or who might be its proprietor. If you have any information on this or should be the proprietor, please contact...
Found a friend, while the sea was running wild by Toyota_Hobbies (T)
Aziraphale has lived at the coast for years, gaining his sustenance from the sea. When he finds a strange serpent swimming at his usual fishing spot, he traces a new objective: to catch it and uncover its mysteries.
- Mod D
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madraleen · 1 year
Genshin Impact - To the Stars Shining in the Depths Act III and Act IV Commentary (full spoilers)
-Finding a quiet place to read a book?! Not me relating to Paimon?!
-I love the Furina-Neuvillette interactions.
-Oh, the House of Hearth is in Fontaine? I wasn’t sure.
-”A personal relationship with the administrator” - NEUVILLETTE, WHAT! Hoyo, why you feeding us the good Wrio/Neuvi content like that
-No, I don’t want that cake, the Knave brought that cake, what are you up to, Monsieur Neuvillette?
-I also think spoilers are despicable, thank you Charlotte (*and I’m just realizing post-quests that in the end we never catch up with Charlotte??)
-I see. We are guilty of eating the cake. Neuvi, you little snek.
-Did Childe get teleported in the Abyss or something
-Wriothesleyyyy! Is he cat-oriented? Dog-oriented?
-Why is our baby Lyney in prison! Oh, he should be Arlecchino’s spy, yeah? We’re disrupting Wriothesley’s business so bad
-What Neuvillette and Wriothesley have to discuss is not for your ears, Paimon. Let them be.
-The rizz of Lyney to leave us a card, jeez.
-The two spies from the two sides, we really are star-crossed lovers, aren’t we, Lyney
-Oh, Lyney actually goes out of his way to tell us everything, good boy. Or he might be manipulating us, but you know what, eff it, I choose to trust Lyney and take him at face value.
-Lyney, your crush is showing.
-Sigewinne’s lil shoes tho.
-Childe, I love you, but investigating you is taking too long and I’m not interacting with any main characters and I’m starting to grumble
-Is Alexis’ VA Diluc’s VA…? They sound so similar (JP dub).
-How long has Childe been in prison???
-Lyney really said “We will not take advantage of my crush. Lynette! To the infirmary!”
-We are the Romeo and Juliet of Genshin, Lyney. Deny thy Father, Lyney.
-Traumatic flashbacks Lyney?? “This is not like what happened last time, the situation is different now”??? He is SUFFERING, omg LYNEY
-”A parents’ evening” hahaha
-Us to Siggie: “If you’re close with Neuvillette, why not learn a thing or two about virtue from him?” Wow, we’re going all out on protecting and standing up for the Lyney siblings, huh. Look at us go.
-Ah yes, patch 4.1, the “Lyney Has a Breakdown” patch.
-Wriothesley and Sigewinne are so unpredictable.
-”Lyney has finally begun to stop tensing the muscles on his face” ??? JUST HOW CLOSE ARE YOU WATCHING HIM, AETHER
-I love the siblings’ interactions, they’re so soft, and I love that we finally see more of them with Freminet. They are adorable.
-Why is Aether smiling when admitting we’ll tell our little Fatui friends everything, lmao.
-Wriothesley about to become his technical consultants’ best man.
-The siblings see us as familyyyy waaaaaahhhh :’))))
-I was like, what is Wriothesley gonna do, PUNCH the water? But yes, ofc, he’s cryo, he’s legit gonna punch the water.
-The Neuvillete-Wriothesley-Clorinde interactions are so interesting, they’re such a power group of people. Also they’re Levi, Erwin and Mikasa, THESE ARE MY PEOPLE! Also, I’m very happy we see more of Clorinde, and for some reason extra happy that she works with Wriothesley because it just makes sense, somehow. They seem to match so well.
-Furina Marie-Antoinette-coded huh
-Arclecchino is pyro? I mean, she’s not wrong with her questions at Furina. But see, this just makes me think even more that Furina DOES have a plan… but not this Furina. That she split parts of herself… for reasons. And they’re somewhere. Including in the Oratrice. And she’ll become Furina-Furina again in the next Archon Quest. Maybe she even used part of her to make Neuvillette into who he is, idk.
-Are we seriously reassuring the Knave that Lyney et al are good little Fatui? We’re so fond of them.
-Oh? Father(-in-law) knows I’m close to her son?
-Dude, it’s so cool speaking so civilly and openly with Arlecchino, especially after dealing with Dottore and Scaramouche.
-I would also be happy to cooperate with you, Arlecchino, I really would! Even Aether’s not reacting negatively, he’s not outright rejecting it.
-It wouldn’t be a Neuvillette patch without some Water Dragon tears.
-We are actually asking if he’s the Dragon!!
-And he just outright said yes?!?! WHAT! Refreshing.
-Ooooh, such interesting lore! Dragons are weaker now because part of their power is the basis of the Archons’ Authorities!
-Freminet hang-out when
-Lyney’s like, “YAAAAY, Father approves of my crush! My crush didn’t immediately clash with Father! YAAAY!”
-I love the way our relationship with the siblings is evolving
-90% of the people we’ve met in Fontaine: “This is normal human behavior, right? I’m doing it right, right?”
-Wriothesley and Neuvillette trying to flirt will be like, “Wanna bring the water… And I’ll bring the tea… And have a tea-making session…”
-AAAHH, I can’t wait for Act V, it’ll be probably be the finale, right?
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crowsongart · 3 months
i wamt
To attack
One of your suns and/or moons
This is a threat /jk (or am I?)
(Ok but to be serious, you dont have to add any of them to ur artfight, just thought thisd be a silly thing to say okay bye)
pffft oh i can absolutely add them to the art fight X3 which ones would you prefer for me to post the most? We have, MerMer (mermaids), Mirror Star (idols), Mini Naga (snek bois), Jurassic Stellars (indorptor bois), Shut Eye (cowboys). All in the color for you choice :3
(it’s a saying btw)
saying that since i don’t exactly have the best reference for everyone yet, but picking on of them to make my priority will be big help
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ozrockbitway · 1 year
Happy Monstober Month! 🎃 🐺 👑 🎃 📱📜🎃
Got any spooky thoughts or headcanons you'd be willing to share with us?! 👻
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>sees monstober
my brain, instantly: oh you mean dragons???
okay dragons aren't that spooky though (I'm biased <3) but!! I guess some spookier thoughts would be vampires?? I remembered this animation existing recently. I always forget/remember it but now I got vampire THOTS!! also been thinking about Nagas lately for whatever reason?? snek boys...
I don't really have headcanons atm my mind is too filled with the fact we're getting Glorious Masquerade in twst soon...no thoughts head empty only twink Frollo
but umm!!! werewolf!Jack and vampire!Vil seem neat!! One day I might do it...I think Vil wouldn't be that type of vampire who hates werewolves but he'd be so nitpicky about their fur lol helps Jack look nicer despite the fact he shouldn't?? He'd also be a very OP vampire...
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ciaossu-imagines · 1 year
Day freeeeetreeee. So how do Homra members react when being beaten in a card game, but then finding out y/n was sneaky snek and cheated really well?
This was an interesting one, so thank you so much for sending it in! I hope you’ll enjoy the headcanons!
Mikoto honestly doesn’t get too invested in card games. He’ll enjoy them well enough, but he’s just playing to pass the time and enjoy, and he doesn’t really care that they beat him. It doesn’t bother him; you win some, you lose some and he doesn’t even give it a passing thought. Finding out later that they won only by cheating isn’t really going to change that fact and he honestly won’t care that much.
Kusanagi does enjoy cards and he fancies himself to be a pretty great card player, someone who can read his opponents pretty well. So, someone would have to be a really great cheat to get their cheating past his sharp eyes, especially since he’s used to using some underhanded tricks himself, back in the day, to help him gain information or to gain the upper hand in a deal. It won’t really bother Izumo so much that he lost as it will bother him that he didn’t catch them cheating. He’ll honestly want to know what tricks they used to cheat, both for his own knowledge and so that he can be on the look-out for it if he plays cards with them, or anyone else.
Totsuka does play to win when he plays games, be they card, board, or video games but he’s an excellent sportsman and he’s not going to be at all upset over losing the game, even  if they had played fair and square. Finding out after the fact that they had cheated, Totsuka wouldn’t really get all that upset, but he would get curious as to what tricks they used to cheat and would probably ask them if they could teach him how to use those same tricks and any other ones that they knew. It’s not that Totsuka really wants to go and cheat; it just seems like a cool and interesting skill to acquire, and Totsuka is always on the lookout for cool new things to add to his ever-expanded interests and skills.
Anna honestly finds most card games boring, except for solitaire, which she does enjoy, and she doesn’t play them overly often. Honestly, their win just meant that the game was over quicker, and Anna liked that fact, even if she really doesn’t like to lose. When she found out later that they only won through cheating, she’d be kind of torn between not caring because, again, it just meant that the boring card game she’d played with them was over in a shorter amount of time and between being mildly peeved because she lost unfairly, and it should be counted as her win because of their underhanded methods. Either way, she definitely will remember their cheating ways and is unlikely to agree to play cards with them again.
Kamamoto honestly loves cards and he’s definitely one of those guys who has a weekly poker night with the boys. When they asked him to play cards, he was completely down for it, because he finds card games fun and he thinks he’s good at them. Honestly, he’s mostly in it for the fun and the companionship, but when they win, he is a little bummed out because who really enjoys losing and he’d even bet them that loser had to buy the other supper. So, finding out later that they won only by cheating? He’s kind of pissed off, but only because it means he lost out on that free meal, and he’ll make them promise to treat him for the next two nights before he forgives them.
While video games are usually more up Yata’s alley, he finds a good card game pretty enjoyable. With any game, Yata really does play hard and plays to win because the boy has a competitive streak a mile wide, and competition is part of why he enjoys games. He’s really getting annoyed as they keep winning and winning, no matter how many times he challenges them to another round and he’s honestly a pretty sore sport about it at the time. Finding out later that they won only by cheating makes him feel vindicated, in a way, because he knows he was playing better than they were and that he should have been winning, but at the same time, it definitely pisses him off and he’s definitely starting a fight over it.
Shouhei’s always up for a card game, mostly because it’s a great way to pass the time with friends. To him though, cards aren’t something you play so much as it’s just something you do while having a conversation and spending some friendly time with someone, so he’s not exactly playing to win or investing too much mentally into the outcome of the game. When he loses, it really, genuinely doesn’t matter to him at all, because he had fun and got to hang out with them and enjoy their company for a bit. He’d honestly laugh and take it in good humour when he finds out later that they were cheating.
Bandou likes to think he’s really great at cards and he’s bragging going into the game, telling them how he’ll try to take it easy on them. When they start winning, no matter how many rounds they play with him, he’s getting frustrated and annoyed and of course, he’s definitely accusing them of cheating. In his mind, they’re definitely cheating and that’s the only reason they’re winning so often, and he bailed on the game kind of really peeved at them because he’s not the best sport. When he finds out they were really cheating later on, it just reopens that wound and Bandou’s back to yelling and being pissy at them, swearing off ever playing cards with a cheat again.
The only card games Chitose’s willing to play with them involving stripping every time you lose a hand and some happy endings, so really, if they’re agreeing to his terms and playing with him, he’s not really caring if he won or lost because, in the end, he definitely won in his mind. Their cheating would only make him amused and make him tease them, telling them that if they wanted to see him naked that badly, all they ever need to do is ask.
Dewa has a few card games he really enjoys, like rummy and cribbage. Most other card games kind of bore him or he just doesn’t really get, so those would likely be the only two games he’d agree to play with them, and they’re really games that he is quite good at. He’d be a little suspicious of how easily they won, but he’s not going to accuse them of anything because honestly, sometimes the cards just don’t fall in your favour and that might have been his luck. He’s going to be a little wary though and still have that tingle of suspicion and he’s honestly a little relieved later on when his suspicions are proven right, just because it puts those suspicions to rest and leaves him feeling a little vindicated and a little bit vain in how good his instincts are. He honestly would look down on them a little for cheating, especially since there weren’t really any stakes in the game or reason for them to do so, and he definitely wouldn’t agree to play anything with them again.
Eric honestly doesn’t like card games. He doesn’t understand a lot of them, and it gets really frustrating for him, since he gets pissed off and snappy when he doesn’t understand things and ends up feeling stupid. It’s really unlikely for him to agree to play cards with them for that reason, so it’s really unlikely that they’d even get a chance to cheat.
Fujishima is another one who really doesn’t enjoy cards. While he would agree to play if he had a lot of time to kill, it’s probably a children’s game since he doesn’t know too many card games, like Go Fish, War, or Old Maid, games that are really hard to cheat at, so finding out after his loss to them that they cheated just kind of makes Fujishima more curious as to how they managed to cheat than anything else.
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