#he also does call everyone other than the doctor mr or ms :')
brokenhardies · 2 years
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Walker Scobell as James Smith - The Child IV
“Good news! I successfully replaced all my emotions with jokes!”
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@darth-caillic​ @sterling-writes​ @ryutabas​ @reirvival​ @arrthurpendragon​ @foxesandmagic​​ (want to be added or removed? send an ask or a dm!)
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justiceamberheard · 2 years
Johnny Depp’s Rebuttal
Walter Hamada, president of DC-based film production for Warner Bros
He tells the court that Amber Heard was never released from her Aquaman contract or rehired;
Her role in the film was determined in the early development of the script, which would have happened in 2018, he says, saying that her role was never reduced.The movie was built around the characters played by Momoa and Wilson, who were the "co-leads", Mr Hamada says, and tells the court that Heard's role was never affected by anything to do with Depp.
Mr Hamada again says Aquaman producer Rob Cowan had concerns over her chemistry with star Jason Momoa;
Dr David A Kulber performed surgery on Johnny Depp's severed finger
Asked if Depp could have "grabbed someone" with the cast on his hand, Dr Kulber said he could have "attempted" to but he is not sure how successful he would have been;
Dr Kulber says Depp could have caused this damage using his other hand.
Richard Marks
Mr Marks tells the court he does not agree with Ms Arnold's opinion that Heard would have earned $45m over the next few years.
It is not likely that Heard would have taken on several film roles similar to Aquaman afterwards, he says.
Mr Marks says none of these stars is comparable to Heard. Momoa was Aquaman rather than a "supporting character like Mera", Gadot was Wonder Woman and Zendaya goes by one name, he tells the court.The best predictor of future earnings is past earnings, Mr Marks adds.
Michael Spindler
Asked about Ms Arnold's testimony on estimated economic damages suffered by Heard, he says he believes it is "not adequately supported" and "unreasonable". He says "there was no calculation per se" on damages.
Mr Spindler agrees that the actress's career in terms of "earnings and star power" was "on the upswing" between 2013 and 2019. 
Doug Bania
 Mr Schnell said the majority of messages also contained the words "hoax, fraud, fake" - similar to words used by Mr Waldman.Mr Bania says he also analysed the same data to see if the tweets "contained the Waldman statements". Mr Bania tells the court his analysis shows that 35% of the negative tweets were prior to the Waldman statements being made. Just 2% of the tweets were posted during the period in which the statements were published, between April 2020 and June 2020, he says. 
Mr Bania says the low figure for Heard's positive Q Score, and the high figure for her negative Q Score, tells him Heard "does not fit in as a comparable with these actors".He describes Heard's Q Scores - which were taken before attorney Adam Waldman's statements but after Aquaman's release - as "terrible".
Morgan Night manager at Hicksville
Mr Night says he had previously briefly met Depp at The Viper Room - a nightclub Depp previously owned on Sunset Strip. He says he had not met Heard previously.
He says the innkeeper - who he says was called Jenna -  went home to get her guitar, and played with Depp around the campfire.  He describes Heard as "being annoyed" about this, and "interjecting". He says Heard "seemed to be having a nice time with her friends", but later saw the actress take Depp to one side and heard her "yelling at [Depp]". He says he found the situation "triggering" and tried to go somewhere where he couldn't hear the shouting. He says Depp "was cowering, and almost afraid".
He says he cannot say if Depp was intoxicated. He says the evening "petered out around 3am" and everyone went to bed. He says he also went to bed, and saw and heard nothing further.
He says he saw a broken light fitting when he went into the trailer. The light fitting is referred to as a "sconce".
Heard's lawyer Elaine Bredehoft challenges Mr Night, saying "You're a big fan of Johnny Depp aren't you". Mr Night says "No", which was a lie. After his testimony he unfollowed that account.
He also left a tweet under ThatUmbrellaGuy.
Doctor Richard Shaw
Mr Shaw says he believes Dr Spiegel violated the Goldwater Rule, which states that psychiatrists should not give a professional opinion about public figures whom they have not examined in person.He also says he believes his opinions were "unreliable".
Jennifer Howell, who is the CEO and founder of The Art of Elysium 
Ms Howell the company had previously been given an anonymous check for $250,000 on behalf of Heard. Ms Howell confirms that she has previously testified that she believes the anonymous donor was Elon Musk.
Candie Goldbronn
She says to this date, heard has not donated any further money to the hospital, or fulfilled her full $3.5m dollar pledge. Ms Goldbronn is briefly questioned by Heard's team, who ask her if the pledge had an expiry date, and whether it has expired, and she says no, the pledge had no expiry date and has not expired. Ms Goldbronn says Amber Heard made a donation of $250,000 in January 2018.
Kate Moss
"We were leaving the room and Johnny left the room before I did, and there had been a rainstorm. As I left the room I slid down the stairs and I hurt my back. "I screamed because I didn't know what had happened to me and I was in pain. He came running back to help me and carried me to my room and got me medical attention."
Shannon Curry
Curry, who is appearing in court for the second time as a rebuttal witness, has previously told the jury that Heard suffered from "histrionic and borderline personality disorders" and "grossly exaggerated symptoms of PTSD".Speaking in court today, she says "feigning is exaggerating symptoms of a disorder" and that Heard scored highly for this.She says Dr Hughes "misrepresented" tests and results that she used in her evaluation of the actress.Asked if she agrees that Heard has PTSD, Curry says: "I do not."
She continues: "When a person has true PTSD it is difficult for them to work… it causes extreme levels of distress and impairment… extreme alcohol abuse… they become homebound… they're certainly not going to events, they're not having success in their film career, usually."
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writing-in-april · 4 years
Dr. Jekyll or Mr. Hyde (1/?)
Part One: The introduction
Spencer Reid x Female Reader
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Summary: Reader meets a mysterious stranger at the library during a book club meeting.
Part Two, Part Three
Series Masterlist
A/N: Hey Heyyy! This is my first Dom!Spencer fic in so long!!! My last one was also funnily enough for a fic swap as is this one! I had @aperrywilliams for the fic swap organized by @imagining-in-the-margins. I had so much fun writing this one- it’s based on a prompt that I got from @andiebeaword and @spencers-dria helped me by guiding me with the book club idea- with a little twist! I am considering making this a series, if y’all are interested PLEASE let me know- I really want to because I had so much fun writing this. Thanks to all y’all for reading and requests are open!!
Warnings: 18+, Dom Spencer, Public Sex (is anyone that surprised??), Impact Play, Post Prison Spencer, Use of the nickname Doctor during sex, Spencer is a brat tamer, Spencer is morally ambiguous but doesn’t do anything explicitly immoral
Main Masterlist Word Count: 3.0k
As soon as you walked in through the large wooden doors it felt like history hit you over the head with a book. Even though it was on the small side for a library it still probably held more books than a normal public library, almost every wall was adorned with built-in shelves stacked from bottom to top with old books. They ranged in every subject you could think imaginable, from every point in history imaginable, and from every point of view that was imaginable. When you had first discovered this place it had felt like you had been transported to another world. You were surprised that more people didn’t know about this old library nestled in the corners of D.C, it was just sitting there idly watching as history passed by day by day, while it sat writing down all its secrets.
A meeting of the classics was scrawled on the standing white board you saw right when you walked into the library. A meeting of the classics from 7pm to 11:30 in reading room C were the exact words, you didn’t even really need to read them as you had been looking forward to this event for weeks.
You made your way down to the reading room that was specified, only encountering a few stragglers similar to yourself on the way down. You were somewhat new to the events that this library ran, only coming to the past four months. It was quickly becoming your favorite thing to do every month.
There was always a theme to each of the parties, ranging from different eras of history, specific novels, and including things that were open to interpretation. Tonight’s theme was as stated on the white board, a meeting of the classics, which had been described as “Pick your favorite literary icon from a classic novel and dress up as them.”
You had decided to not pick a character from a classic novel, but rather an author, Mary Shelly. You based your entire look on the iconic writer of Frankenstein (with a twist of course) because it had been your favorite novel as a child, it still was your favorite novel.
Once you had made it into the large reading room you took in the full room like you did every week. People were dressed as many outlandish characters, with some being more difficult to decipher than others. As you walked around the reading room you could feel the eyes of another on you.
You could feel his stare following you intently as you walked around mingling with the others that you had met before. The eyes belonged to a man you hadn’t had the pleasure of meeting yet, a man dressed as someone instantly recognizable, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. What other iconic character would be split down the middle, half innocent doctor and half evil alter ego.
Even behind the costume you could tell how attractive the man was. He was extremely tall and lanky, with deep brown eyes and the fluffiest brown hair you had ever seen.
“Who’s that?” You asked the married lady and gentlemen dressed up as Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy. Maybe it was shameful that you didn’t know their actual names, but you guess that’s what some people want when they come to an event like this
“That’s Dr. Spencer Reid, he hasn’t been here for a while and he sometimes misses things because of work. You didn’t hear it from me, but I heard he got in trouble with the law, that’s why he hasn’t been here for almost six months.” Her gossipy voice was drenched in fake sugar that made you gag on the inside. You still did appreciate her information as it gained you the name of the man who couldn’t stop staring at you like he was trying to figure you out.
“Must not have been that bad if he’s already out now, or maybe he’s innocent.” Ms. Bennet shrugged her shoulders at that. You may have even been naive to not heed her warning, but the idea of getting to know the mysterious fluffy haired man that had been staring at you all night was too intriguing for you to ignore.
“Who are you?” The mysterious man asked when he finally decided to approach you instead of staring at you from across the room.
Trying to maintain the same level of mystery as the man had you dodging his question with a simple redirect, “Who’s asking?”
“I thought it was quite obvious who I was.” He was right it was obvious, but why would you let him know that despite the fact that you knew what character he was you could tell the man underneath was the real mystery of it all.
“You’re the one who is not obvious.” The back and forth you had already picked up with him was thrilling, you sensed the fact that in most conversations you would have with him it would be a kind of battle that you would have to win.
“If you must know, kind sir, I am dressed as Mary Shelly, author of Frankenstein, with a bit of a modern twist.” You made sure to call him sir instead of his earned honorific this time, to see if it would poke any buttons.
“I am not a sir since my name is Dr. Spencer Reid. I can see now who you are dressed as, but I would still argue that it is not what the intentions were when they set this up.” You could tell that he was only teasing you with the way the inflections of his voice sounded, you were glad your teasing had been a moderate success.
You did also provide him your name before deciding to poke his buttons once more,“But, isn’t she a classic, Dr. Reid?”
“But, you have not made her a classic anymore by putting as you say a ‘modern twist on things’ though I must say it does look well made.” You would’ve been offended if you could not tell that it was all in jest, though you still got the sense that you still were not seeing what all this man was about.
“Thank you, Doctor I made it myself. However, you still haven’t answered my question yet, Dr. Reid.” You asked the next question hoping he would get what you were implying, “Who are you?”
“I suspect you may already know, but I am dressed half as Dr. Jekyll and half as Mr. Hyde.” At least he started to somewhat catch on to the hidden meaning in your words, though you still had not dug up the real answer you were looking for. He was too intriguing to persuade you to stop digging, you wanted to find who the doctor really was, not the partial mask he was still using.
“Yes, I suspected as much, but aren’t you breaking the rules by dressing up as technically two characters?”
“Were there rules that said I couldn’t dress up as two characters?” He fell nicely into the small trap you had set for him, retorting quickly without thinking. Which you found odd for a man that was clearly intelligent.
“No, but were there rules that said I couldn’t dress up as a classic author with my own twist?” The look on his face had let you know you had won the debate. You smirked with triumph as you glanced over the man, taking note of each of his handsome features in case you would never see him again.
You decided to pivot the conversation to another question that was on the forefront of your mind,“Do you have a dark side, Dr. Reid?”
“Doesn’t everyone?” He was deflecting, but he didn’t seem agitated by your question, simply amused by your dogged curiosity.
“I am curious though, what are you exactly underneath it all Dr. Jekyll or Mr. Hyde?” Your coy smile was most definitely not lost on him, he could see right through your facade. He could see right through Mary Shelly to find the true you underneath. You only wished you could figure him out as well, you wondered how he got so good at being able to read people in an instant.
“I haven’t figured that out yet.” Well, at least you got the answer to what you were looking for, even if the answer wasn’t as straightforward as you may have been expecting. But, you were realizing that Dr. Spencer Reid was probably anything but straightforward.
Your heart was pumping fast, his words had a bigger effect on you than he had probably expected, your panties hidden underneath your long dress were dampening quickly. Though as you saw the smirk on his face grow as you fidgeted in your chair you realized that maybe this was intention all along.
You excused yourself for a moment with a veiled excuse of going to the bathroom. You hoped he’d follow right behind you, to see that you were going to one of the empty reading rooms. If you had read his intentions correctly the heavy doors on each of the rooms should significantly squash any noises he or you would make.
Sure enough after an appropriate amount of time had passed so as to not raise suspicion, the good doctor (that may or may not be good at all) entered the empty room.
He brought you into a dominating kiss that made you want to cower at the same time as be completely defiant. You fought with valor as he tried to consume you entirely with the kiss, not letting his tongue slip into your mouth for as long as you could hold off. In the end you still lost the fight when he lifted you up onto one of the large wooden desks in the room, causing a gasp to fall from your lips that finally gave him full access to your hot wet mouth. He suddenly pulled away to pinch your cheeks together with his hand to make you look at him which made you whimper pathetically at first, but you appreciated his next question immensely.
“Do you want this?” You nodded as vigorously as you could with his hand pinching your cheeks.
He however was not satisfied with my eager nod and prompted you to confirm once more with an even harsher tone, “Speak up when you’re talking.”
“Yes, Doctor.” You replied with his honorific instinctually and you were pleasantly surprised with the eager groan that came from his lips in response. Plus, you were slightly rewarded with being able to feel his lips on your collarbone, sending even more shivers down your spine.
“Let me know immediately if that changes.” The contrast of his sweet meaning words with his hand gripping your jaw was jarring, but you couldn’t deny that you enjoyed it. It just made you want to be as bratty as possible because even if he was harsh there was still the underlying care in everything he did, you felt safe.
“Maybe I should just call you Mister instead, since that’s clearly your dominant side.”He growled into your neck that was quickly getting covered in hickies, next thing you knew he flipped you around to face the desk closest to you with your back to his chest.
“Bend over.” He commanded, to which in response you opened your mouth to retort. Instead of letting you run your mouth as you had done before he wound his hands through your hair and pushed you down to take the position he wanted. He then pulled up your dress to uncover the panties you had soaked through. You thought maybe he was going to give me some relief of the ache in my core, but you were given a harsh slap on your ass instead.
A whimper involuntarily came out from your lips from the harshness of the slap that you assumed was revenge for not following his commands. He then spoke with deadly conviction, “I want you to say thank you, doctor after every time I spank you.”
You only agreed because you were afraid that if you did not comply now he may not give you what you wanted. So, as soon as the next stinging slap came down on the same spot as before the phrase fell from your lips, “Thank you, Doctor!”
He continued his repeated hits onto your ass and you made sure to never miss thanking him with a cry. Once he was satisfied with how much you were punished for your sassy remark he rubbed over the inflamed skin of your ass with his large, unbelieving hands. He moved your panties to the side to dip his deft fingers to run through your folds, collecting some of your wetness. You whined loudly and perhaps pathetically in response to him only lighting touching you instead of obliging the heat you felt everywhere.
“Be patient, you’ll get what you want since you decided to start listening to me.” He snapped which caused your knees to buckle again.
“I can be patient, Doctor.” He definitely appreciated the continued use of his honorific in this scandalous situation as he let out a groan almost every time you said it. Instead of answering you he started to undo the pants of his outfit, a pair of slacks that were also equally as split as the rest of his costume. You didn’t look back to see his cock because you did not want to be punished by him twice in one night. But, you certainly felt it.
You could tell just as he was running the head of his cock through your folds and pulling your panties to the side again that he would be the biggest you had ever been with. What should have worried you slightly only ended up sending a shock through your core instead. He was at least somewhat gentle when he finally started to enter you, letting you get somewhat adjusted before sinking in all the way to the hilt.
As soon as he sensed that you had adjusted he started a rough brutal pace, not that you were complaining as he hit all of your most sensitive spots as his cock dragged through your walls.
He made no effort to stifle the loud moans that were coming from your mouth, maybe he thought the thick wooden doors would stifle the noises. But, there was no way no one would be able to hear the unintelligible wails that were coming from you.
“You like bringing out this side of me don’t you?” He rasped out after he pushed your torso back down to flat on the desk once you started to lift yourself up on your elbows. When you only answered with a noise that was not understandable he prompted you to speak up with another slap on your ass and said, “I said earlier to speak up when you’re trying to talk to someone.”
“Yes, Doctor!” You finally were able to cry out with a few more slaps to your ass from him.
Each time you kept getting close to the edge he’d pull away from you slightly dashing your orgasm away from you cruelly. Each time you decided to whine out loud to voice your displeasure even if it was involuntarily he would just prolong edging you for even longer. You were babbling incoherently when he pulled you by the hair so your back was pressed into his chest and after a few more moments of hearing you beg nonsensically with tears in your eyes he finally gave you the command,
“You can cum.”
“Thank you, Doctor!” You wailed as your orgasm washed over you in devastating waves, you were sure no other man had made you finish so hard in your life. You kept repeating, “Thank you, Doctor!”over and over until you had completely come down from what was arguably the best orgasm of your life. Your own orgasm helped propel his forward, and you made sure to confirm out loud that you were ok with him cumming inside you. The warmth that filled you as he pumped into you a few more times caused one last groan to come from you that was weirdly harmonious with the groan from the doctor.
Normal aftercare wasn’t really applicable in this type of situation, you hardly knew him and the added fact that you were in an old library with a party down the hall didn’t help either. He still cleaned you up with a softness you had yet to see from him during your short encounter. Aloe probably would’ve been the best option to soothe your raw bottom, but he did massage you for a few minutes after he cleaned the rest of you. He had even made sure your clothes that were not period accurate, as he had pointed out earlier, were neat before you both left. There were no cuddles and soft loving words exchanged, but you still felt immensely cared for by a man who claims he might not be a good man. He was a strange case.
“You still never answered my question, Doctor.” You stated as you stood on the steps of the library after you two had slipped out to leave.
“That’s because I still don’t have an answer.” And, with that you parted ways into the cool air of D.C. You hoped he had the same feelings as you when you had both parted ways, you wanted to see him again. There was another meeting next month, maybe then you would get your chance again.
The thrill that ran through your veins whenever you interacted with him, whether he was fucking you or having a rousing conversation about classic literature made you want him no matter whether he was Dr. Jekyll or Mr. Hyde. You’d take them both.
Part Two, Part Three| Series Masterlist
Tag list (message me if you want to be added):
All works:
@shotarosleftpinky @90spumkin @kyra-morningstar
Spencer Reid/CM:
@calm-and-doctor @destiny-tsukino @safertokiss @slutforthegubes
Dom Spencer (new tag list):
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idy-ll-ique · 4 years
Didn’t Know Where Else To Go.
Pairing: Mob Boss!Sebastian Stan x F!Reader
Genre: Fluff and Angst
Warnings: violence, assault, death, mentions of smut at the end and curse words
Requested: Nope
The hero shows up at the villain’s doorstep one night. They’re shivering, bleeding, scared. There’s also a slightly dazed look in their eyes- they were drugged. They look like they were assaulted. Looking up at the villain, swaying slightly as they’re close to passing out, they mumble “...didn’t know where else to go...” then collapse into the villain’s arms.
Summary: Sebastian Stan: a mobster boss. Everyone in the city hated him. When he meets Y/N, a new bartender at his favourite bar, she makes it clear that she also doesn’t like him. What changes?
Author’s Note: Hey peeps! The aforementioned prompt is something I read on Tumblr and really liked it. So I decided to write a fic loosely based on it. I hope you guys enjoy this! (This has been in my drafts for a long time, I’m currently working on 2 requested fics)
Sebastian POV:
"Boss, there is someone at the door."
"Send them in," I commanded, looking up from my book. The person who walked in with him was… instantly recognizable. My jaw dropped— she had been crying. Her pupils were dilated, she was taking short, fast breaths and her voice was frail. "What are you doing here?"
"Didn't know where else to go."
With that, she did the most YA-Novel-Female-Protagonist thing she could do— faint.
It all began 7 months ago. The person who was at the door was Y/N Y/L/N, a bartender at one of my favourite bars ever in the city. The thing is, when we first met, she hated me. Let me take you back 7 months.
I entered the bar, smirking when everyone turned to look at me. They looked away just as quickly, their voices becoming hushed. I looked around, stopping when I saw the bartender. Whoa, this was someone new and damn was she cute. Smiling, I walked over and sat down in front of her.
"Hey, was— oh. What will you like, sir?" I rolled my eyes at her. "Come on, why does everyone do the same thing? What is it about me?" I joked, winking. "Um, the fact that you're a fucking mobster and have been terrorizing the city for the past few years and would kill anyone if they question you? Uh, I don't know, actually," she snapped.
I froze. The woman seemed to really hate me. Here I was, thinking if I buttered her up enough she'd come home with me. I told her my order and looked away from her. "So, why here?" she asked me as she prepared my drink. "I really like this place, I've been here before loads of times. I don't plan to stop," I shrugged.
"Ugh, just my luck," she mumbled under her breath, rolling her eyes in disgust. "Look, you don't have to be fucking rude, okay?" I retorted. "Oh yeah? What are you gonna do? Shoot me? That's what you like to do, right? Kill people. Innocent people, let me be precise. No wonder everyone in the city except your goons hate you."
With that, she slammed my glass on the counter and stormed away from me, going to serve another customer. I was left staring at the glass, my figure shaking with repressed anger. She knew damn well I never laid hands on innocent people. No one in the city hated me.
Or did they?
The shaking stopped. What if she was right? I mean, she was much closer to the civilians than I was, what if they all hated me? "Uh, excuse me," I called out, hating how my voice cracked slightly. She glanced at me. "What do you want?"
"Ask the questions first," she huffed. "Does… does everyone really not like me?" I asked her. She stopped cleaning the glass, set it down and looked straight at me. "Yes. They don't like you. You're a mobster boss, dude! Have you seen films with mobster bosses? All of them, evil as hell. See how everyone in the bar became quiet when you came in?"
She had a point. "You know I would never lay a hand on innocent people," I defended myself, glaring at her. "Look, I'm sorry but we can never be too careful. What if you snap one day? What if you go rogue? Everyone lives in fear. They're afraid of you. And it's not like I can change everyone's mindset all at once."
"I guess you're right," I muttered, downing my drink in one go. "Hey, Mr Stan?" I looked up. "Y/N Y/L/N. I shouldn't have snapped at you," she apologized quietly, holding her hand out. "Doing this to get onto my good side?" I teased and she laughed.
"Come on, man! Doing this to show people you're not all you seem to be." I took her hand and shook it. "It's very nice to meet you, Y/N." She nodded and went back to cleaning the glasses. "Can I get one more drink?"
"I hope you didn't drive here." 
"I came on foot, actually. My house is just down the block." She gasped, startling me. "Mr Stan, giving your address away to strangers? How irresponsible of you!" I couldn't help but laugh. "I guess I trust you to not do anything bad." I spent another 2 hours there, chatting with Y/N.
She was a really fun person to be around. She had completed her education but was searching for jobs. In the meanwhile, she had decided to work here. 
By the time I was done drinking, I was too tipsy to even walk. "K, I'm goin'," I slurred, standing up. "Mr Stan, don't— oof," Y/N hissed as I fell off the chair in my intoxicated state. She rushed around the bar and helped me stand, wrapping her arms around my waist. "You can't walk in this state."
"I need to go home," I whined. "As it turns out, you've stayed long enough and now it's closing time. Let me get my coat." She dumped me on the chair and went to fetch her coat. I admired her from afar. 
She wore a mini-skirt that was flirtatiously snug around her thick thighs and a tank top. When she wore the coat, it extended past the skirt. Her hair was pulled into a messy bun and she was looking very sexy in the dim light. "Damn," I whispered under my breath, smirking.
When she returned, she helped me stand. I draped an arm around her shoulder and we stepped out of the bar. "Okay, which direction?" I pointed to the right and we proceeded to walk. "Have you ever gotten this drunk before? Because it's obvious you can't handle booze."
"Not really, I usually have to stay sober for my job. We need real intellectuals in the mob biz, you can't have drunk idiots running a mob," I laughed, finding it hard to keep myself upright. Shouldn't have drank so much…
"Right now, sir, you are a drunk idiot," Y/N sighed, rolling her eyes. "Thank you, I will take that as a compliment. Plus, you can just call me Sebastian, it's okay." She shook her head and silence fell between us. "Tell me when we're there," she spoke quietly as I felt a headache coming.
"Being drunk sucks," I pouted, "I'm not even having a good time! It hurts everywhere—" "Probably because you fell off the chair." "—and my head hurts! I don't understand why people like to be so drunk." She sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose.
"You are seriously reminding me of my ex-boyfriend. He couldn't handle drinks either and I always had to babysit him when he got back home drunk," she muttered. "You can babysit me anytime!" I said cheerfully. "You're drunk, Sebastian, stop flirting with me."
"But you're so cute."
"Thank you, that is very kind of you."
"And se— we're here! That's my house!" She stopped in front of my house and rang the bell. "Is anyone at home or do I have to tuck you in?" she joked. "Nah, my best buddies and right-hand-men live with me. One's name is Chris—" Just at that moment, Chris opened the door.
"Wha— Sebastian? Are you drunk?"
"Sorry sir, I didn't know he couldn't handle drinks. I'm Y/N Y/L/N, the new bartender at Red Tavern." With that, she passed me to Chris. "Thank you for bringing him home, Ms Y/L/N. It's not your fault he got intoxicated, he should've known when to stop. He didn't cause trouble, did he?"
"Oh no, of course not, sir. He's fun to be around," she commented, gesturing towards me. I grinned. "Please, he's really not, you don't have to lie. Anyway, thank you so much again! Do you want a lift home? I can ask Anthony to drive you home." 
"That would be great, thanks. My house is in the opposite direction, it's a bit far…"
"Absolutely no problem. Anthony!" 
A few minutes later, my other friend, Anthony Mackie came downstairs, rubbing his eyes. "Yeah— oh, Sebastian is— damn." He tried to hold his laughter in. "Yeah. While I get him to his room, do you mind dropping her home? That's Y/N, she brought him home." Y/N waved at him.
"Of course, I don't mind. Thanks, Y/N, for taking care of our boss." She shook her head, waving her arms in dismissal. "Absolutely no worries, sir." They walked away, closing the door behind them. "She's cute, right?"
Chris blinked at me. "You have a crush on her!" he guffawed. "Duh, man. Did you even look at her? Girl was oozing sexiness," I smiled in fond memory. "Okay this got weird fast, I'm just gonna take you to bed." He got me to my room, placed me on the bed and left.
As soon as my head hit the pillow, I passed out.
End Flashback.
"Y/N!" I yelled, jumping out of my seat to catch her in time. "Get a suite ready," I barked angrily at a few people, who immediately ran in fear. "And you, get me some water and a blanket." The person nodded shakily and ran out of the room. I picked Y/N up and carried her to the couch, laying her down. I sat next to her, checking her temperature.
Oh no, I needed a doctor. I took out my phone and called my personal practitioner but before I could speak, Y/N coughed. "Y/N," I whispered, cutting the call. "Sebastian, it hurts," she moaned. "Don't worry, doll, I'm calling my doctor. Stay here tonight."
"I don't have anywhere else to go." I froze. "Your house?" I asked. "That's… that's where I got attacked. I can't go back," she cried. "Wait, just— just take rest, we'll talk when you're better. Get some sleep, I'm calling my doctor." I called him again, glancing at Y/N when she took my other hand and closed her eyes. 
I chatted with him for five minutes; he said he'd take half-an-hour to get to my place. "Damn it," I grumbled, keeping my phone on the table. Just then, one of my servants returned with the glass of water and the blanket. I thanked her and she left the room, so it was just me and Y/N.
"Y/N, sweetie, can you please get up for me?" She opened her eyes. "What?" Oh God, she was getting weaker. "Have some water." As soon as I held the glass of water in front of her, she freaked out. Screaming, she pushed the glass out of my hand and it fell to the floor with a 'clang', the water spilling everywhere.
"No, no water, no… no…" She sobbed, pulling at her hair. "Okay, okay, no water! No water! Y/N, calm—" I grabbed her hands and clutched them in mine. She stopped sobbing; looked at our hands and then at my face. I brought her hands to my lips, softly kissing them. "No water. It's okay, Y/N, you're safe with me."
"Safe," she breathed heavily, "That's what he said to me before he poisoned me!" Who was he? Okay, she was getting insanely paranoid now… "I'm not like him, Y/N, I don't wanna hurt you," I whispered, looking straight into her eyes.
"Yes, you are! You both can't handle drinks!" she yelled, her tears beginning to flow once more. "Wait." My nostrils flared. Her ex-boyfriend, he harmed her? "Y/N, please, this is not good for your health, why don't you try to calm down? Breathe, baby girl, please," I pleaded.
She seemed to momentarily come to her senses. "Sebastian…" Without warning, she sat up and flung herself in my arms. And for once, I didn't mind holding her close. "You're okay with me. I'm not him. I am not going to harm you, Y/N, trust me," I mumbled into her hair, rubbing her back.
"I trusted him," she sobbed, "And he tried to kill me." This time, my anger won. I vowed to myself, if I don't kill her ex boyfriend in the next 24 hours— "I am nothing like him. We may have one shared trait," I rolled my eyes at its stupidity, "But I am nothing like him. For once, I wouldn't harm you even in my dreams."
Her sobs started to subside. "That's it, doll, don't cry. I'll keep you safe. Even if I die trying, I'll let no harm come to you." For 7 long months, I missed her. I missed her a bit too much. Every waking moment of mine was spent thinking about the beautiful bartender.
She was in my dreams. She was constantly on my mind. I longed for the moment when I could meet her again and ask her out. Alas, that time never came. 
A week after we met, I had to go to Romania for some important work. I spent three months there and when I was back, Y/N was no longer working at the bar. She found a new job and I had no way of locating her anywhere.
I knew Anthony dropped her home that one time but when I asked him, he told me she had asked him to drop him off somewhere else. From there, he said, she was going to walk alone. He offered to drop her home again, but she refused. Having no choice, he returned without knowing where she lived.
That resulted in me not knowing where she was. I was heartbroken and told myself to stop thinking about her. I became more and more engaged in work, I became moody, temperamental and cold-hearted. Everyone started fearing me more now.
And I finally saw what Y/N meant.
What if you snap one day?
That day was closer than I thought. Even though I became a much more accomplished mobster, there was one thing I couldn't do even if I tried— forget about the love of my life. 
"Seb, it hurts." I was brought back to the real world. "What hurts, baby girl?" I whispered, pulling her closer. "Head. Stomach. Legs. Arms. Heart." I smiled sadly at the last word. "I'll help you heal, Y/N, you don't have to go anywhere until you're better." She nuzzled into my neck. "I'd like that."
Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. "Come in," I called out, it was probably the doctor. Sure enough...
"Mr Stan? Oh, you have a guest." I tried to shift to make space for the doctor, but Y/N whimpered. "It's okay, Mr Stan, she clearly feels safer with you here." I placed Y/N on my lap, covering her with the blanket. "This is my friend, Y/N," I spoke fondly, though I really wanted to add 'girl' in front of 'friend'.
"Nice to meet you, dear, I am Dr Greenwood." With my help, he quickly ran some tests on her. "Hm, she has a fever, her heart rate is very fast and that's not good. Is there any other problem you're facing?" She nodded. "Headache and stomach ache."
"She claims to be poisoned," I added. "Oh dear me! I need to run a blood test, will you be so kind as to extend your right arm?" She did as he told her and he quickly took some blood. "Will she be fine?" I asked worriedly. 
"Well, she seems to be doing okay currently, which means the poison hasn't affected her yet. How about I get back to you by the morning? Just keep an eye on her and if something happens, bring her to the hospital."
"Okay, doc. Thank you." He nodded and got up. "Bye!" Y/N called out weakly; he smiled at her and left, closing the door behind him. "You've got to tell me everything, doll," I whispered, putting her down on the couch. She lay down and I sat on the floor near her head.
"Okay, I will tell you. It was a few hours ago," she began quietly, "I was at home, watching the seventh season of Brooklyn Nine-Nine when someone rang the bell. When I opened the door, my ex burst into the room forcefully. He pushed me."
My breathing sped up. "He pushed you? How dare that asshole—"
"Let me finish?"
"Go ahead, love, I'm sorry."
"Right, so he was very very drunk. And he was talking about how I broke his heart by breaking up with him and how he was so mad at me that he wanted to kill me. In front of me, he popped open the bottle of beer with him and poured an entire bottle of poison in it! An entire bottle! Then he attacked me and pinned me to the couch, forcing me to drink the poisoned beer."
"How did you escape?" I whispered. "By kicking him in the balls. Unfortunately, I ended up gulping down a sip and panicked. Seeing no other choice, I pushed him as hard as I could and he collided with the table. He hurt himself and became unconscious. I ran out of the house to the first place I could think of— here."
"I'm glad you came to me, Y/N, you'll be perfectly safe here. Our security is top-notch," I chuckled. She smiled, too. "Where are Chris and Anthony?" she noticed. "They're in Romania. They decided to stay back."
"Wait, that's where you were this whole time? You didn't come to the bar again and until then, I found another job so I quit. I thought you would never come back. I missed you a lot," she pouted. "I missed you, too. I was actually in Romania for 3 months and when I came back, I couldn't find you. I didn't even know where you lived, I didn't know where to look."
"What matters is now we're back together again!" she squealed. "You should rest for a while," I muttered, running my fingers through her hair. I checked the time, it was almost 2 am. Laughing when she yawned, I sat up. "I guess I should."
"Come, I'll take you to your room." I stood up with Y/N still in my arms. "I don't wanna be alone," she worriedly spoke, "What if he's awake and comes looking for me and finds me here?" 
"No one is finding you here," I sighed, "I'll stay with you, okay? Just tell me your address." Without thinking, she narrated her entire address and looked up at me with sleep-hooded eyes. I walked into the suite my people had readied for her and placed her down on the bed.
"I'm right here, just relax and try to sleep," I crooned, running my fingers through her hair. She immediately closed her eyes, which relieved me because she was listening now. When her soft snores filled the room, I heaved a breath and got up. Covering her with a blanket, I left the room, quietly closing the door behind me.
"This is the place," I spoke to myself, stopping my car under the building. I got out and entered, taking the elevator to the sixth floor where she lived. When I reached her apartment, I noticed that the door was still open. I walked in, my gun ready as I looked around the place. Wow, Y/N maintained this place well.
I searched every room thoroughly, starting with the living room, then the kitchen and then the two bedrooms. Shit, did the asshole leave? Y/N told me she left him in the living room. I was about to leave when I heard belching coming from one of the bathrooms. I opened the door to the one closest to me, only to see someone puking in the toilet.
"Ew," I whispered and he looked up. "What the fuck—" He flushed the toilet and wiped his mouth with the toilet paper, "—are you doing here?" I realized he was still under the effects of heavy drinking. "Y/N told me everything," I sneered, hiding my gun behind my back.
"She knows you? Pfft, I knew she was a whore, why would she leave me for a goddamn mobster? Everyone in the city hates you," he jeered back. "Um, why don't you consider this? You're an abusive and possessive asshole and Y/N left you because you obviously were treating her badly?" I snapped.
"Don't get smart with me," he snarled, taking out a knife from his back pocket. "Oh," he snorted when I glanced at the knife, "Yes, I came prepared to cut that bitch up if she tried to fight back." The language he was using to describe Y/N was getting to me now.
"Enough!" I stated firmly, so firmly that even he paused. "I will not have you talking about Y/N like this, you are crossing a line." He returned to laughing. "Care too much about one of your sluts? What is she, your girlfriend?" Okay, he didn't have to rub it in…
"I said—'' I whipped out the gun and pointed it at him, "—enough. If you don't stop badmouthing Y/N—" He interrupted me again by laughing. "Of course, you're gonna shoot me. You like to murder innocent people, that's all you are! A bloody, fucking cold-hearted murderer! Y/N would never leave me for a guy like you! She is your slut!" he spat.
"Are you listening to yourself?! You tried to fucking kill Y/N because she couldn't put up with your abusive ways and your disturbing habits! I do not kill innocent people and I don't plan on killing them ever," I growled, "However, I do make exceptions for abusive boyfriends who treat my friend wrong!" 
With that, before he could retort, I fired three bullets at him. All three hit him in the chest and I watched as he fell against the floor, instantly dead. Some of his blood sprayed on my clothes and face, which made me scrunch up my face in disgust. But as I watched his lifeless body on the floor, a smile bloomed on my face. 
Y/N was safe.
I checked myself in the bathroom mirror, washed my face and decided to go back. But before I could, I realized that Y/N would be spending some time with me and would need her necessities. So before leaving, I packed two full-sized travel bags with her clothes, electronics, footwears, toiletries and sanitation products; anything I deemed necessary for day-to-day living.
Soon, I left the apartment with the bags to go back to Y/N.
I looked up from my book as Y/N sat up, yawning and clutching her head. "Y/N, the results came back, you're going to be fine," I told her happily, sitting down next to her. "Really?" A smile bloomed on her face. "Yes! Dr Greenwood said you didn't swallow too much poison and that you will most likely excrete the amount you swallowed." She nodded.
"That's great news! I'm glad he brought one of those cheap poisons instead of the deadly ones," she giggled. Just his mention made my temper snap. "Oh, don't even talk about that jerk," I snarled, "I took care of him last night and now he won't be bothering you anymore."
She blinked at me. "You killed him, didn't you?" she deadpanned and I blushed. "I mean— I didn't—" I stammered but gave up when she raised an eyebrow. "Yes, I killed him," I muttered, looking at my lap. When she placed her hand on my cheek, I turned to look. "I'm not mad at you. Bitch had it coming."
I burst out laughing at her word choice, which made her smile, too. All of a sudden, she leaped up and wrapped her arms around my neck, catching my lips in a kiss. I stopped laughing and put my arms around her waist, kissing back. Had this just happened? Was she kissing me?
"I love you, Sebastian," she murmured upon pulling away, straddling my lap. I kept the book away and pulled her closer. "Really? I love you, too." She snorted. "Kinda obvious, you killed a man for me. I wasn't going to make a move on you but now I'm sure."
"Hm, my intelligent sweetheart," I grinned, leaning forward to kiss her again. The problem was solved and all was well. "What are your plans for the day?" she asked me, trailing a finger down my face, jaw, neck and chest. "Hm, don't have any," I smirked, pulling her closer.
"Wanna stay and… have some fun?"
"Boy, do I?"
Y/N laughed loudly as I flipped us over, laying down on top of her. Her laughs soon transitioned into moans as I attacked her neck and jaw with kisses.
We did have fun.
A lot of it.
A bit too much of it.
But who cares?
I was finally with the love of my life and everything was good.
A/N: Leave a like if you enjoyed! Thanks for reading!
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thebookreader12345 · 4 years
Identity Loss - Chapter Two
Chapter One     Chapter Three
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“Sam, is she gonna be okay?” William asked the older doctor who was examining me. I had no idea what was going on, but I went with it. What I did know though was that Sam, or Dr. Abrams, was the head of Neurosurgery. And because he was checking my head, that must have meant I had gotten a head injury, only I couldn’t remember how.
“She seems fine. Nothing looks to be wrong. I’m guessing the amnesia is from the head trauma. Either that, or it’s from the lack of oxygen she received when Mr. Wilson tried to choke her,” Dr. Abrams responded. Who was Mr. Wilson? And why was he trying to choke me? 
“Is it permanent?” William questioned.
Dr. Abrams shrugged. “All cases are different. Sometimes memory loss is only temporary. But there are cases where the amnesia was permanent. What I’m saying is that I don’t know, which, by the way, sounds so weird coming out of my mouth.”
William sighed. “Okay. Thanks, Sam.” And with that, Dr. Abrams left the room leaving me alone with William.
“So, William,” I start, only to be cut off.
“It’s Will,” William interrupted. “You always call me Will. Everyone does.”
“But the coat says William,” I point out.
“Y/N, can you stop arguing with me? Please? I’m having a rough day,” William stated.
“You’re having a rough day? I can’t remember a damn thing about my life except for my name,” I argue.
William ran a hand through his curly ginger hair and took a seat next to my bed. “I know. And I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have gone off on you like that.”
“It’s okay,” I admit. “If I were in your place, and you couldn’t remember me, I’d be a little pissed too. So, Will, mind telling me about my life?”
“It’s a lot,” Will reminded me. “You sure you’re ready?”
I nodded. “As ready as I’ll ever be. And I’ve got nothing else to do, so why the hell not.” Will laughed softly, and seeing him smile brought a small sense of joy to me. It was weird though because I didn’t know him at all. Well, amnesia me didn’t know him, but the real me, whoever she was, did.
“Okay. I guess we’ll start at where we are. This is Chicago Med. It’s where you work as an ED doctor,” Will told me.
“Doctor, huh? I must’ve been smart,” I exclaim.
“Smarter than me, yeah, which is really hard to admit, but it’s true,” Will claimed. “So there��s that. And then there’s uh, there’s your relationships.” Will then stopped for a moment to gather his thoughts, and I was on the edge of my seat. Was I popular? Did I have lots of friends? Was there a boyfriend in the picture? A husband? Kids? My thoughts were all over the place, yet somehow I managed to calm myself down. “Your best friend’s name is Maggie Lockwood. She’s the charge nurse down in the ED. There’s also Natalie, another ED doctor who you’re really close with.”
“And?” I question, urging him to continue.
“And then there’s me,” Will added.
“So we were friends then?” I ask. Will hesitated, which seemed pretty weird to me, but then again, I couldn’t remember anything, so maybe he acted like this all of the time. Finally though, he spoke up.
“No, we weren’t friends. We were uh, we were engaged,” Will murmured and nodded to my left hand. I looked down at the arm encased in a sling, and that’s when I saw the engagement ring that sat on my finger. It looked beautiful, even in the terrible hospital lighting, and I especially loved how the jewel glittered in the light.
“You don’t really seem like my type,” I joke, which broke the silence. “But then again, I don’t know anything about myself, so maybe you are.”
Will cracked a small smile. “You’ve still got your humor. That’s good. Look, I’ve got to get back to work, and even though I really want to stay, Ms. Goodwin will have my job if I do something wrong again. But, if you need anything, anything at all, you tell one of the nurses to call me and I’ll come right up.”
“Okay,” I say and watch as Will stood up and made his way to the door. “Oh, and thank you, Will, for everything.” Will gave me another smile, and with that, he left my room. Throughout the day, Will stopped by every so often to check in on me, and it was nice seeing a familiar face. Well, I probably knew all of the nurses and other staff milling around in and outside of my room, but I didn’t know their names, so they were basically foreign. And then, that night, Will came back into my room. He didn’t have maroon scrubs on this time, and he had a satchel slung over his shoulder. “What’s that?” I ask and point to the satchel.
“Your things,” Will replied and set the bag down on the edge of my bed. “Now, get dressed. I’m taking you home.” Will waited outside of my room while I replaced my hospital gown with the clothes in the bag. It was just a pair of jeans, a plain white t-shirt, and some boots. Maybe this is what I was wearing the day of my accident. As I put on my new clothes, my mind drifted to the fact that I was going home. I had no idea where “home” was, and the dozens of possibilities flew around my head. Did I live in a house or apartment? Was it more modern or contemporary? Were there any pets? Once I was dressed, I met Will outside of the hospital room.
“I’m ready whenever you are,” I declare.
“All right then. Lets go,” Will spoke and led me out of the hospital. The drive home only took a few minutes, and I enjoyed the ride. I loved looking out the window, admiring all of the buildings that we passed. The old me probably knew this route by heart, but the new me was excited to see everything. Soon, we pulled into the parking lot of an apartment complex, and I climbed out of the car. Inside of the building, Will and I ascended the stairs to get to the second floor, and we walked down a hallway, stopping at the door at the very end. Will fished his keys from his jacket pocket, and then he unlocked the door, pushing it in. I stepped inside first, dropping my bag and shoes off by the door before taking it all in. It was so weird seeing the place where I lived, but not remembering anything that happened here. The good news was, the place looked homey, and from where I was standing, I could see that there was a bedroom and a bathroom down past the kitchen on the right, and another bedroom at the end on the left. I started in the living room first since it was right in front of me, and ran my hand along the back of the couch as I looked around. As I was taking everything in, something on the end table caught my eye. I walked over, and upon seeing that it was a picture frame, I picked it up to examine the photo inside. To my surprise, it was an engagement photo. In the picture, Will and I were kissing in front of Lake Michigan with the Chicago skyline in the background. I stared at the picture, desperately trying to remember that afternoon, and when I couldn’t remember a single detail, I sighed and set the frame back down on the table. “You want to order some pizza?”
“Uh, sure,” I respond. “What do we usually get?”
“Your favorite is sausage and green peppers,” Will reminded me as he put his stuff away. “Make yourself at home while I call in the order.” I nodded and took a seat on the couch, but it was hard, knowing that I had a life before this, a great life, and I couldn’t remember a thing about it. After about half an hour, the pizza arrived, and we ate dinner in complete silence. It felt like we should have been talking about something, maybe work, but because I had amnesia, there was nothing to talk about. “You can have the master,” Will told me once it was time for bed. “I’ll take the guest bed.”
“That’s okay,” I protest. “You should have the better bed.”
“I insist,” Will pushed. “Seriously. After everything you’ve been through, you could use the rest. I’ll see you in the morning.” And with that, Will retreated into the smaller bedroom. In the master bedroom, I dug through the dresser to find some pajamas, settling on some flannel pants and a tank top, and once I had changed, I climbed into bed. It was weird though, having this big bed all to myself, and all I could think about was wanting Will to be snoring softly next to me. So, I got out of bed and walked to the other bedroom. Peaking my head inside the doorway, I saw that Will was in bed staring down at his phone, and he glanced up when I entered.
“Hey. What’s up?” Will asked.
“It was uh, it was kind of weird being in there alone, so I wanted to come ask if you’d sleep in there with me. I know it’s probably awkward for you because I can’t remember anything, so if you don’t want to, I understand,” I admit.
“No. It’s cool. I’ll stay in there with you,” Will stated. Will and I then made our way back into the bigger bedroom and got situated. Now that Will was here, I felt more at ease.
“Thanks for doing this,” I murmur and turn to face Will.
“No problem. Goodnight, Y/N,” Will muttered and turned away from me.
“Night,” I mumble softly. I tried to fall asleep, but my mind was wide awake, and all I could do was think about Will. I had my doubts about him at first, but now I could see why the old me fell in love with him, and it was because I was slowly falling for Will all over again.
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vanillann · 4 years
the 1994 battle of the performers (luke patterson x f.reader)
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i. love. this. series. (also i hope you like this chapter idk how i feel about it)
word count: 2.3k
the 1994 battle of the performers masterlist
Chapter 2: Spaghetti Night
My heel hit the leg of the coffee table, my body going numb at the idea of ruining my knee. As I watched myself almost hit the hard ground of the studio, I felt two hands grab my shoulder.
I was bought slowly to the ground by two of the dancers, Florence and Regan, as they made sure I was okay. A few other girls we had recruited of the dance number rushed to my side, each asking was okay. Devon, the male dancer for the team asked a few other girls to step back as he checked my knee.
“Does it hurt?”
“I’m fine, I didn’t even hit the ground,” it wasn’t a lie, that fall didn’t affect my knee badly and after a few minute break, I’d be back to choreographing the team.
“Milo’s was looking-“
A few girls looked over their shoulders when we heard the band walk in through the open doors of the studio.
“What happened?”
Luke almost dropped his glass as he hurried to one side, Reggie to my other quickly.
“I’ll get the first aid kit,” Bobby’s voice echoed over the room but before I could stop him Alex was rushing him out the room.
“My heel hit the coffee table, I’m fine,” I did my best to calm each member of the band, Reggie easily calmed down once I had a quick smile. Alex didn’t say anything as he hovered over me, keeping an eye on Devon as he touched my knee.
“We can get rid of the coffee table”, Luke spoke, watching Devon’s finger ghost over my knee before he spoke up.
“Maybe you shouldn’t do that since you aren’t a doctor.”
“I read about different techniques to massage hurt muscles when I found out about (Y/N) injury,” he spoke back, smiling to me before I pushed his hand away.
“Thank you, Devon, but I’m fine.”
“I got the first aid kit,” Bobby yelled back, holding above his head and pushing through the group.
“I’m fine,” I was exhausted at repeating the words at this point, I just felt and I’d be fine.
“Your heels are bleeding.”
I looked up at Alex, following his line of sight to my heel that hit the coffee table. It wasn’t a lot of blood, I didn’t even notice it, but it was enough to have everyone in the room panic.
“I’ll do it,” Luke ripped the bandaid from Bobby’s hand but I grabbed it from his own.
“I’m not a child, I can take care of myself,” I opened it up and handed the trash to Reggie who held his hand out for it.
“I think practice is over for today,” Alex turned to the members, each one agreeing that I needed a break.
“No! We’ve only been going for like an hour!”
“More like three,” Luke squeezed my shoulder and pointed to the clock on the wall, surely it wasn’t almost five?
“We will meet Monday afternoon,” Regan held her hand out to me, which I happily took. Luke was at my side, his hands ghosting around me but never touching me.
“Shhh!” Alex held his finger over my mouth, quickly pulling it away once he realized.
“Sorry I forgot we aren’t that close-“
“It’s fine, we are close enough for you to be honest with me,” I smiled, sincere with him. Alex was nervous about my presence, I could tell how he avoided certain jokes and such. I just wanted him to understand that at this point, they were the closest friends I got.
“Hey, call me later and we can go over different ideas,” Devon pulled me from my thought, smiling as he wrapped one arm around me and brought me to his side.
“Uhm, yeah sure,” I spoke gently, giving his side a squeeze and nodding once he let go.
“Bye guys,” I waved everyone off, each saying it back and leaving down the long driveway of Bobby’s house.
“Are you sure you’re okay?”
I looked over my shoulder and Reggie and smiled.
“I’m fine, you all need to stop making a scene,” I went to move to the couch but my leg cramped up, my face morphing into one of discomfort.
“Making a scene, huh?”
I said nothing about Luke’s comment and grabbed his arm instead, each boy in a panic and not knowing if they could touch me or not.
“It’s fine, I don’t bite.”
As soon as I spoke, I felt hands on my let’s and arm, each trying to help the situation but making it incredibly awkward.
“How about I sit on the couch?”
Each agreed, weird shuffling to the couch that was against the wall. Once I made it and I turned around and flopped backward, letting go of Luke’s arm in the process.
I closed my eyes, letting my palm dig at it for a minute before I noticed the burned feeling on my face. As I opened my eyes, each boy watched me with worry.
“I am fine, I’m going to malfunction if I have to say it again!”
I knew it was out of worry, if I wasn’t running off adrenaline I would have been more worried. After the revelation two weeks ago I had been pushing myself, thinking I was the same dancer I was before.
But I wasn't. I felt more and I had to think about moves more often, I wasn’t the same dancer and I thought the more I kept the dancer the more would come back to me.
But that didn’t look to be the case.
“I need to get home,” I muttered, smiling slightly when the cramp went away.
“Are you gonna be okay?”
I nodded, sitting up straighter with no help and pushing off the couch as if nothing happened.
“I’m not in a nursing home for a reason,” I winked at Alex, gaining soft chuckles from the other members.
It was nice, feeling like we were all friends. I couldn’t tell if we were or not. I only ever came over for practice and we didn’t speak about much besides the battle or sometimes about Milo’s, but otherwise, that was the end. But sometimes we’d be sitting around waiting for the other dancers, and it felt light and airy, easy. We could laugh and make little jokes with each other, it just would’ve been nice to be able to call them friends.
They were good guys, I knew that.
I looked around the boys to see a taller woman, smiling widely at the band. She was gorgeous with tan skin and messy hair. She had wild curls and older band tees that had some holes around the collar.
“Dinner,” the woman, who I was pretty sure was Bobby's mother, held her arm out as if to tell the boys they could exit.
Each jumped with joy, smiling as they all made their way from the studio to the driveway.
“You must be (Y/N), the boys told me about you,” she smiled as I slowly made my way out, not as excited as the boys who were already at the door waiting.
“Nice to meet you,” I smiled, proud to have finally met the woman who’s been letting me dance in her studio.
“Even nicer to meet you,” she took a right, walking to the door of the gorgeous house. I took a left, prepared to hit the sidewalk and make it back to my empty house.
“Where are you going?”
I turned around, watching as Bobby and his mother waved me over, holding the door open for me while Alex, Reggie, and Luke waited inside.
“Oh I can’t Ms-“
“Call me Heather,” she called back, jogging slightly as she left Bobby to hold the door. She jogged till she stood in front of me, guiding my shoulders back to the house.
“Dinner is on us,” she smiled, watching me as I grabbed the railing to the small steps and walked up. Bobby smiled as he gave a joking bow, a smile gracing my lips and Reggie was jumping at the scene.
“It’s a tradition that to be part of the band you have to eat at the Wilson household,” Reggie smiled larger as I actually walked in the house.
“I’m not part of the band,” I corrected, pointed a finger over my shoulder as I admired the high ceilings and the beautiful wooden architect.
“Eh, close enough,” Luke pulled the back of my shirt, silently telling me to follow him. It wouldn’t be hard to find the kitchen by the way the smell cascaded each hall, making the house feel homer than ever.
As I stepped foot into the dining area, I saw Alex finding a plate in a cabinet and setting it at the table.
“Mr. Wilson out of town,” Heather muttered, filling in the small blanket she assumed I had.
“You know what that means!”
Each boy seemed to jump over this news, which was odd. Who wanted their parents out of town?
“Spaghetti night!”
The boys seemed even more excited, taking their seats with giant smiles on their faces. I said nothing, still taking in the family photos of the happy family and the gorgeous china.
“I think we’ve overwhelmed her,” Alex whispered, not quite enough but still light.
“I just didn’t expect this,” I didn’t know how to explain it but it was weird eating a meal at a table with people, I hadn’t done it in so long.
“Well expect it now,” Luke but back, patting the seat between Alex and him, Reggie and Bobby on the other side with a spot for Bobby’s mom.
I had barely made it to my seat when Luke was pulling me down, smiling widely as Bobby’s mother walked out with a giant bowl of noodles in one hand and sauce in the other.
“Bobby dear, grab the breadsticks,” she called as she placed the bowls in the center of the table. Bobby wasted no time as he hurried to the kitchen for the breadsticks.
“You’ll love this,” Luke smiled, reaching for the silverware in the noodle bowl. I was shocked when he grabbed my plate, placing food on it, instead of his own.
“Heather taught me how to be a gentleman,” Luke spoke as he gave my plate back, sending a wink my way in the process.
I hide my smile with my hand, turning to look the other way to come face to face with Alex.
“You need to try it first, band rule,” he pointed around the table as all eyes waited for me to dive into the food. I decided not to wait, as Luke looked like he was going to cry if he didn’t eat soon, rolling some around on my fork before I brought it to my lips.
The noodles were perfectly done and the sauce absorbed itself perfectly. I could taste a hit of basil and maybe some pepper as the food melted on my tongue. I smiled as I chewed, giving a big thumbs up once I finally swallowed.
Each boy didn’t waste time, reaching for breadsticks and carrots, laughing about lord knew what as they did so.
“So (Y/N),” Luke turned to me halfway through the night, spaghetti sauce smeared across his chin.
“-How does it feel to officially join Sunset Curve,” he smiled goofily, doing his best not to show he was speaking with food in his mouth.
“I’m not a part of Sunset Curve, remember?”
“Well you’re the official choreographer of Sunset Curve,” he spoke back, picking up a breadstick and smashing it in his mouth.
I only laughed, not worried about it too much. I was on the band until the battle then we’d move on. It’d be nice to be friends with the guys but that didn’t mean we’d still talk.
It would be fun while it lasted.
“I have a mason jar in my mailbox, Milo says you need an official one,” Heather spoke, smiling widely as I did my best to keep my drink down.
“That’s not necessary,” I tried to argue but Alex placed a hand on my shoulder.
“You can’t get out of this one,” he gave me a straight face but as soon as I started laughing he followed behind me.
“I’m sorry,” I laughed along, trying to look back at Alex but every time we did we started laughing again.
“Is there an inside joke I’m not getting?”
Reggie’s words caused Alex and me to laugh harder, trying my best to calm my nerves for the first time that day.
“They are going to rise against us now,” Bobby spoke up, standing from the table dramatically and moving to get something from the kitchen. Alex bumped his shoulder with mine, making my nerves from earlier disappear completely.
The dinner went on with laughs and jokes, which made me feel truly like a member of the band.
“I should really head home,” I spoke as Bobby took my plate to be washed off, placing the napkin that Luke put on my lap as a joke back on the table.
“Let me walk you,” Luke stood up beside me, handing his plate to Reggie who followed Bobby into the kitchen.
“I’m fine.”
“What if you fall?”
I rolled my eyes, waving to Heather who was in the kitchen, thanking her for the nice home-cooked meal.
“I’m not dancing, I can walk perfectly fine,” I said my goodbye’s, Alex giving a quick side hug with his before I walked to the door with Luke trailing after me.
“I’m fine,” I spoke for the millionth time that day, smiling over my shoulder and I left the warm house to the cold outdoors.
“Fine, if you fall scream,” Luke crossed his arms, watching me walk down the stairs to the long driveway.
“Will do!”
I have a thumbs up over my shoulder, not daring to look back as I made my way down the driveway to the sideway.
“I mean really yell,” his voice echoed back, making a laugh boil over to the night sky above me.
“I’ll scream bloody murder just for you Patterson!”

the 1994 battle of the performers taglist:
@gia-kerks @notwonder-woman @poisoned-girl @phantompogues @dovesgrangers

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Emergency! Part 2
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Part 2 – Accidents
Summary: Dean and Cas of Squad 51 discover Dr. Kline involved in a car accident. The car accident killed another driver involved, but orphans the daughter. The Reader has to cancel her and Dean’s date night for her to go into work. Squad 51 is on the rescue again, a house fire. The night begins to calm down, Dean is off finally and heads to the reader’s house for much needed R n R.
Warnings: Smut (P in V, Protected and Unprotected sex (always use a condom)), Language, Dirty talk, Car accidents, scary situations, mild angst, fluff
Word Count: 1,925
Mobile Masterlist
Emergency! Masterlist
a/n: The timing of these is not a daily event, it can bee weeks/months apart. Sadly, I’m jumping it ahead, I just don’t know how far ahead. Joys of me being creative.
They sat on his couch, starting out watching Netflix. Then it turned into a make out session.
Their lips danced with one another, their tongues gliding across one another.
Her hands guided down his chest and stomach.
The mere contact caused a moan to escape his throat to which she swallowed down.
They pulled away finally for air, their lips plump and swollen.
“If we keep this up, I’m not gonna last.”
“Neither am I, Dean. I’m getting to the point I want you in me, and fuck me so hard…”
His lips crashed into hers once again, only kissing her harshly quick. He pulled away.
“Keep talking dirty like that sweetheart, and maybe I will.” He growled.
“Fuck me Dean, I want you in me, now.”
He picked her up, kissing her again. Her legs wrapped around his middle as he carried her to his room.
“As you wish sweetheart.” He says between kisses.
 Jack Kline, one of Rampart Emergency hospital’s youngest doctors. He does specialize in surgeries, baby deliveries, and even orthopedics. He does a little of everything at the hospital.
He drove down a residential street to get to work. He approached a four way stop. The intersection was pretty empty. He was the only one there. He looked both ways, despite cars parked on the curbs, and the summer season with the trees low branches fully bloomed of vibrant green leaves, he could see no car coming down from either direction. Determining it clear, he slowly accelerates. Only to be hit on the passenger side, the impact hard enough to knock him out.
 Dean slowly pulled out of her, her legs trembling from the sheer force of her climax slowly calming down.
“You okay sweetheart?” Dean asked.
“Oh yeah. More than okay.” She hums.
He smiles, and works out of the used condom to throw it away.
He heard her phone vibrate on the nightstand next to them.
She groaned.
“I got it for you.” He says. Getting up to get it. He hit answer.
“Y/N Y/L/N’s phone, Dean speaking.” He answered.
“Hi, my name is Dr. Singer, tell Ms. Y/L/N we need her to come in if possible.”
“Sure thing, I’ll let her know.”
The phone call ended quickly.
“Work?” she asked.
“Yeah, Dr. Singer, they need you to come in.”
“He didn’t say why?”
“No, because I’m not you.”
“Well, I’ll shower really quick and then I better go.”
 She gone into work, heading for Bobby’s office.
“What’s up Bobby?” she asked walking in.
“I called you in here because, one someone called in and two…Jack was involved in a car accident.”
“How is he?”
“Just some bumps, bruises, minor cuts. Nothing major. But the other car, the driver died on the scene, and orphaned a seven-year-old girl.”
“Does he know?”
“He doesn’t. I almost don’t want to tell him because he will beat himself up over it.”
“We all beat ourselves up over loss. It’s normal. But he needs to know the accident wasn’t his fault. My brother’s a cop, he said the accident wasn’t his fault. That driver ran a stop sign and caused a chain reaction.”
“Still, you know how Dr. Kline can be.”
She nods.
“Now, your just doing Nurse Ruby’s 6am-6pm shift. She was scheduled to be in the ICU working the Eastern halls, you better head up there.”
“Will do, see you later.”
Bobby waves her off with a kind smile.
 Back at Station 51 the very next day, Dean came in at his usual time. So far a quiet morning.
“So how are you settling at the new place Cas?”
“It’s great, closer to the station, it has extra room. My neighbors are pretty friendly. One of them, Meg, she happens to work with Y/N at the hospital.”
“Wow, small world.”
“Yeah. How about you? How’d your date with Y/N go last night?”
“She had to go into work, a nurse called in. She called me on her break letting me know that. But the date went well.”
“Think there’ll be another date for you guys?”
“She and I are planning on seeing a movie tomorrow night since I’m off two days.”
“You two, I swear are meant to be.”
“We’ve only had two dates Cas, slow down.” Dean chuckled.
The stations alarm going off.
“Station 51, Squad 51, Station 64 Squad 64, and station 72, structure fire. 623 North Lions street.” Said over the alarm’s intercom.
“Here we go, another one.” Cas says, jumping into action, running to the squad truck.
“Another one.” Dean says. Getting in the driver seat roaring the engine to life and everyone in the station left to the location.
 “Jack, it was not your fault.” Bobby tried to soothe the young doctor.
“But a girl is orphaned because of me.”
“Because of her dad driving recklessly. You didn’t do anything wrong.” Y/N pitched in. “My brother said he ran a stop sign according to eyewitnesses in the area. He was speeding, and ran a stop sign.”
“We can fix wounds as if they were nothing. But how can we fix this? How can I fix this?”
“You’re not gonna let this go are you?” Bobby groaned.
“Not until I know someone can take care of this girl.”
“I’ll go make calls, you go home Kline, you need to rest.” Bobby insisted firmly.
“Jack, go home. We got this.” Y/N says.
“Fine, just, call me. Keep me in the loop. Please.”
“We will, no go home and rest man.” Y/N says as Bobby left the office.
Jack left with a slump in his shoulders, as he walked back out of the hospital to take a cab home.
“Who told him? I knew this would happen if he found out.” Bobby asked.
“Think it was Abaddon. Don’t think she was thinking it through, as always.”
“How’d she find out in the first place?”
“She stood outside your office when I saw you the other day. My guess she overheard.”
“I’m gonna have a talk with her, she needs to watch it, or it could lead to major HIPPA Violations.”
“Alright, well, my shift is technically over, and my three day weekend starts. Need me for anything before I go?”
“No, go home, rest up. have a great weekend.”
“Bye Bobby, see you Monday.”
But she couldn’t make it out the door fast enough when a squad brought in a familiar face.
“We had a fire, a back draft shot him across the property.”
“What are his vitals?” she asked, kicking back into nurse mode.
“BP 130 over 85, breathing labored and shallow,” Dean began reading off of his chart. “Head injury sustained, pupils uneven and dilated.”
The emergency medical staff managed to cut Cas out of his clothes. And she saw a bruise right around his ribs.
“Possible broken ribs, get him x-rayed, and lets get other scans to find any bleeding. Especially of his head. Stat, go.” Y/N ordered.
The medical team taking Cas to radiology to get scans necessary to find anything else wrong so they can work on fixing him up.
Y/N turned her attention to Dean.
“Dean, are you okay?”
“He knocked me out of the way, Gabe opened a door, we thought the fire was under control. And he knocked me out of the way just as the backdraft happened.”
“Dean, he’s fine. Just banged up. It could have been worse, but it’s not. He’s fine.”
“Son,” John says, tearing the couple’s attention.
He saw Dean’s distraught expression as his son turned to face him.
“Y/N, can you take him home. I can have Michael drive the squad back to the station. But I don’t want him alone tonight.”
She nods. “I can do that Mr. Winchester.”
“Please, call me John. And thank you.”
She managed to guide Dean to her car, and she drove them to Dean’s house.
 “Jack, I have good news.” Bobby says.
“What’s that?”
“That girl, she has an aunt that lives up north. She’s coming down to pick up her niece. She got full custody of her yesterday.”
“That’s good, at least she has family to take care of her.”
“It is.”
“’Scuse me.” A sweet girl’s voice was heard behind the doctors.
“Hi sweetie, how are you doing?”
“Good, I heard I’m gonna live with my aunt. I’m just so happy and I just want to say thank you.”
“Thank you? Really?” Jack asked.
“Yes, my dad wasn’t a good dad. He was mad at me for getting an D on my report card, he hit me a few times and we were going home.”
“Did everyone in your family know your dad abused you like that?”
“Yes, my aunt always threatened to take me away from daddy if he hit me again or hurt me again.”
“Then I’m glad to know you’re going to be safe from here on out.” Jack says with a smile.
The girl smiles back and gives the young doctor a hug.
“Thank you again doctor.” She says sweetly.
“It’s no problem sweetheart.”
 Just as Y/N and Dean turned in for the night, Dean lied down flat on his back, staring blankly at the ceiling.
“Dean,” she says quietly. “You okay?”
“That could have been me.” He says just above a whisper.
“But it wasn’t, and you know he’s going to be fine. Meg updated me and Cas is going to be okay.”
He nods.
She turned towards Dean, kissing him on his cheek, then down to his jaw line.
He closed his eyes to her giving him this attention.
Just as her lips pulled away, he turned his head to her meeting her lips with his in a sweet kiss.
Their lips moved in perfect sync with each other.
Dean moved, hovering over her, his hips between her legs, humping against her clothed core. Pulling a moan out of her.
“I need you sweetheart.” He says quietly.
“I’m here baby, you’ll always have me.” She says, bringing him down to kiss her more, deepening the kiss.
He worked his boxers off of him, she also worked out of her panties.
He lined at her entrance, and gave her a glance.
“I’m on the pill, you’re good.”
He slowly pushed the head of his half hard cock through her soaking folds until he was fully seated in her.
Their lips meet again in a loving kiss as they slowly moved against each other. His hips guiding him out slightly with each thrust. Hitting her sweet spot with calculated and angled thrusts.
She met up with his slow pace, a thin sheen of sweat building on both of their faces and bodies.
His pace began to speed up just as his breathing picked up as well.
Her hips were beginning to jump out of rhythm.
Their lips pulled away, but only slightly, just ghosting over the surface as their breathing began to pick up faster.
“Dean,” she whined.
“I’m almost there, I got you baby girl.”
With three more thrusts her walls clamped down hard around him, milking him of his release. Their thrusts slowing, getting them through their high.
His hips came to a stop, still fully seating in her as he rested on his elbows, brushing her hair from her sweaty face.
“You okay?” He asked.
“I’m so good, you?”
“Better, now that I’m with you.”
“Get some rest Winchester, I’m not going anywhere.” She says, holding him close. Feeling him relax in her hold as they cuddled.
“I love you, Y/N.”
“I love you too Dean.”
Dean Girls:
@pandazombie69, @luci-in-trenchcoats, @supernatural-jackles, @becs-bunker, @evansrogerskitten, @winchesters-favorite-girl, @mlovesstories, @jayankles, @jeaniespiehs20, @akshi8278, @lyarr24, @anotherspnfanfic​, @flamencodiva​, 
Copying and reposting someone else’s content is plagiarism and illegal. This work is property of supernaturallyobsessedchic. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. These works contain material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of these works may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher. An electronic reference link to the original posted work may be provided for purposes of promotion or assistance of publication by the readers discretion, if proper credits are given to the author in the re-post. 3/20/2021
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hyperpsychomaniac · 3 years
The Woodchuck Leader Assessment - Chapter 5
DT17 Fanfiction
Summary: When Launchpad’s ability to supervise children is called into question, Dewey tags along on a Junior Woodchuck trip to support his best friend.
Chapter 1
Also cross-posted on fanfiction.net.
Despite saying ‘ow’ multiple times, Launchpad had been prodded way more than he was comfortable with. The doctor had kept at it until he’d mercifully declared he didn’t have any broken bones and could go home. Launchpad usually didn’t like hospitals, apart from the food, partly because he could never understand what everyone was doing to him, but mostly because he didn’t like being left alone after his friends had to go home. But today, he would’ve happily stayed overnight if it meant he could just go straight to sleep.
Finally free of his tormentor, Launchpad pushed his soggy clothes into his duffel bag with leaden arms. No broken bones, but his entire body ached. He had bruises absolutely everywhere and his muscles felt like he’d way, way overdone it at the gym. His stomach was still knotting up with cramps and he’d only stopped coughing up water about an hour ago.
And he couldn’t stop sneezing. Launchpad felt another coming on, screwed up his face, but to no avail as it only came exploding out with greater force. It jarred his whole body, and Launchpad groaned.
“Bless you.” Della stood in the doorway to the hospital room.
“Oh, hey. You got here quick.”
“Um, yeah? You dropped my kid in a river and I got a call to say you were both been taken to hospital, of course I…”
Launchpad lowered his gaze. “I’m sorry.”
Della held up her hands. “No, no. You jumped in after him! I didn’t mean… wow, I’m bad at this. I mean… thank you. You jumped in after him; you got him out. That’s the important part.”
“Is he…?”
“He was right here…” Della leaned back out into the hallway. “Dewey. Come on, sweetie, it’s okay.”
A sneeze sounded from down the hallway and then Dewey stuck his head around the door. He was far from his usual exuberant self, shivering and wrapped up in one of Della’s spare jackets.
Launchpad swallowed the lump in his throat. They’d said Dewey was fine but it was different actually seeing him standing there. This time, he’d been strong enough to save his friend. “Hey Dewey, how are you feeling? That river was really cold.”
Dewey stared up at him, wide eyes filling with tears, then rushed him. Launchpad dropped to his knees and grunted as Dewey slammed into him, buried his face against his chest, and sobbed into his one dry shirt. “I thought…” Dewey finally choked out. “I saw you go over the waterfall. I didn’t know what happened to you, and you were only in the water because of me, and…”
Launchpad squeezed him back tight. “It’s okay, I get it. It’s scary, huh?”
Della stepped over and gently squeezed her son’s shoulder. “Huey told me the guy assessing you was a real jerk. Both to you and the kids. Why the hell have they got someone like that in the Junior Woodchucks? If I get my hands on him…”
“I’m going to talk to the Duckberg head leader,” said Launchpad, as he rubbed Dewey’s back. “She needs to know he hasn’t changed. I don’t know why they even brought him back.”
“Won’t that look bad? You dobbing him in when he’s probably going to give you a bad report?”
Launchpad gulped. He hadn’t thought of that. “She’ll… she’ll listen to me. And I’ve got to try, even if Jack’s report gets me kicked out. He made me feel like garbage as a kid. I can’t let him talk to kids like that.”
Dewey sniffed as he extricated himself from Launchpad’s arms.
“You okay, honey?” said Della.
Dewey pushed the remaining tears from his eyes and squared his shoulders. “You’re not garbage, LP. If Mr Russell won’t give you a good report, I’ll go in and give you one. I mean, I’m not one of your Woodchucks so I can assess you, right?”
Launchpad ruffled his hair. “I’m not actually sure. But thanks.”
“Come on,” said Della. “The other parents have picked up their kids already. But I figured I could drive the bus back for you. You’ve been through enough for one day. It’s the least I can do.”
Launchpad’s shoulders slumped. “Aw man, thanks Della. I need to sleep. And it’ll be way comfier on the back seat than in the driver’s seat.”
“Um… right.”
“Launchpad, Launchpad!”
“Huh?” Launchpad snorted and sat straight up, then winced and put a hand to his stomach. The world spun in a groggy dimly lit soup and, for a moment, he wasn’t sure where he was.
Concern creased Della’s face under the harsh bus lighting. “Aw, man. I’m sorry. You were really out of it. I already took Dewey and Huey home, you slept right through it. But you can’t stay on the bus all night, you’ll be super stiff.”
Launchpad sneezed, then rubbed at his beak. He could already feel his muscles stiffening up, although he wasn’t sure how long he’d slept. It was dark outside.
Della grabbed up his duffel bag and carried it into Mr McDee’s garage for him, so at least he didn’t have to do that. Launchpad trailed her inside. He picked his jacket up where he’d left it slung over his curtain railing, put it on, then sunk onto the sofa.
“You’re… going to sleep in that?”
Launchpad hugged his arms. “Yes.” Somehow, the jacket felt warm and safe.
Della looked about awkwardly, then tucked the duffel bag away into a corner. “Are you going to be alright? You know if you need anything… ?”
Launchpad smiled faintly. “No, I think I just need to sleep. Not on a bus. I’m probably going to feel this in the morning anyway.”
Della winced. “Yeah.” She rubbed at her arm. “Listen, I know you and Dewey are real close anyway. But what you did… I mean, you didn’t have to do that, and…”
Launchpad blinked up at her. “Of course I did.”
Della’s shoulders slumped. “Aw LP, I… stuff it…” She thew her arms around his neck, eliciting a grunt, and her fingers dug into his jacket. “Thank you.” She held him for a long moment, before pushing him back. “Just get some sleep, okay?”
As he strode into the Duckberg Junior Woodchuck headquarters Launchpad checked over his prompt cards yet again. He’d written a few of them himself, most had input from Violet and Huey, and they’d had to explain the one to him that said ‘conflict of interest.’ Despite the preparation Launchpad still had no idea how this would go down. But he had to speak up for his Woodchucks.
As he approached the Duckberg head’s office, voices carried down the hall, and Launchpad stalled.
“I’m done I tell you. One ran through camp and…. and I don’t think he was even wearing any underwear. I had to retrieve three items of my clothes from various trees. What the hell does ‘Boomer’ mean anyway? And then the damned kid had to go and throw himself in the river; I can’t deal with crap like that anymore. I don’t need to go on camping trips to do assessments, let me handle the paperwork, and if you need me to chew out any of your leaders who get out of line, I’m your man, but keep those kids away from me.”
Launchpad gulped and forced himself into movement. “Um…” The door to the head’s office was open, and he knocked tentatively on the frame.
Jack whirled around. “Launchpad…”
Behind her desk, Emily Hooterman, head of the Duckberg Woodchucks, stared wide-eyed between the two of them and visibly winced.
How the heck was he supposed to do this with Jack here?
“I’ll… just… yeah, I’ve had my say, Emily. I’ve… paperwork.” Jack moved for the door, stopped, then loudly cleared his throat.
“Oh, sorry.” Launchpad stepped back to let him through.
Jack moved into the hall, slowed, then spun around and stabbed a finger into Launchpad’s chest. “What you did was really dumb!” He glared at him for a moment, chest heaving, then lowered his finger. “But, I guess you can swim through a bloody raging torrent, so… I’m glad you and the boy are okay.” And with that he turned and ambled off down the hallway.
Launchpad stared at his old leader’s rapidly retreating back. What the heck had just happened?
“Wow…” Emily shook herself. “Launchpad, sweetie, you look… it’s okay. Get in here and close the door.”
“Um, sure, Ms H.” Launchpad gulped, shut the door, then sat down in the chair across the desk from the old owl.
She looked at him over her glasses. “Launchpad…”
Launchpad winced. “Sorry. Emily. See, this is why it’s great my Woodchucks can call me Launchpad. It is going to be so much less confusing for them when they’re adults.”
Emily didn’t appear to be listening. She stared at is chest, then a faint smile touched her beak as she looked back up. “You’ve put on your swimming badge.”
“Ah, yeah…” Launchpad fingered his sash self-consciously. The morning after Della had taken him home, he’d woken sore and stiff, and a little melancholic. He hadn’t had the energy to do anything useful, so he’d ended up going through some of his old Woodchuck stuff. He hadn’t realised he’d been looking for something that reminded him of Calvin, not until he’d found the old badge. As he’d held it in his hand, it had seemed silly not to put it where it belonged. Even then, when he’d sewed it on, it’d felt like a tiny hotspot on his chest, something that shouldn’t be there, and any second someone was going to call him on it. “I mean, the kids saw me swim over a waterfall so, I guess, I can’t really pretend that, I, I can’t…”
“Sweetheart,” Emily said gently, “you’ve more than earned that.”
Launchpad straightened. “I need to talk to you about something important.”
“Your assessment?”
Of course. Jack had already handed it in. Emily had read it. Launchpad could feel his guts tightening, but he shook his head. “No. Not exactly. Mr Russell… Jack…” He pulled out his prompt cards and shuffled them shakily. One slipped to the floor. He groaned and looked at it mournfully. He was still too sore to stretch that far. As long as it wasn’t the ‘conflict of interest’ one.
Emily winced. “Launchpad, wait…”
Launchpad’s gaze hardened. He shoved the rest of the cards back in his sash as he turned to Emily. “I don’t like the way Jack spoke to my Woodchucks, and I don’t think he should be in a position where he can make them feel like… like he did to me when I was a kid. I know he’s supposed to be the one reporting on me, and this probably looks bad, but… well, I’m really mad at him.”
Emily sighed. “You wouldn’t be the first leader who’s complained. But I think your Woodchucks may have solved both our problems for us.”
“Huh? How?”
“Did you hear what Jack was ranting about when you walked in here? Your kids scared him, or at least really annoyed him. He just came in here to tell me he’s done going on trips. He still wants to help out with the Woodchucks, just as long as he doesn’t have to deal directly with the kids. And, well, he’ll probably still upset some of the adults but I think they can handle him.”
“So, he’s not…”
“He’s not going to be anywhere near the kids.”
“That… was easier than I expected. I mean, the last time he got kicked out, it took…” Launchpad lowered his gaze and rubbed at one of the bruises on his chest.
Emily chewed her lip. “Listen, Launchpad, lets back up for a second. I need to apologise to you. I don’t assign the assessors. Jack got put with you. When I found out I meant to give you a heads up. But I got busy, and… I’m sorry. Especially after everything that happened with the Duck boy, look, I’m so, so sorry. I know it couldn’t have been a fun trip for you.”
Launchpad shrugged. “So… does this mean I still get to be Woodchuck leader?” He tried to keep the hope out of his voice.
Emily picked up some sheets of paper from her desk. “Well, Jack’s assessment was certainly… interesting.”
That told him nothing. Launchpad gulped as his gaze sat squarely on the far too thick document in Emily’s hands. “I don’t know what he said but… I know what I did wrong anyway. I shouldn’t have left the kids alone with him all night. He just… he just upset me, and I didn’t mean to, but I ended up spending the whole night up on the bus. I dumped them on Jack, and maybe it would’ve been okay if it’d been someone else, but I wasn’t there to stop him talking down to them. They’re my responsibility, and I screwed up. Whatever else he’s got in there, he’s probably being unfair, but if that’s there, then… it’s true…” He hung his head.
“I’m not surprised he upset you, given your history, and, well… Jack. It’s okay, and like I said, I’m sorry I put you in the position. But he doesn’t decide who stays and who goes. I do. Most of his report was, well… standard Jack. Although he rambled on a bit more for you than I’ve seen him do anyone else. He says he still thinks you’re crazy, but at least you’re crazy enough to do something dumb to actually save a kid… I think he intended that as a compliment.”
Launchpad raised his head. “Wait, he said that?”
Emily shrugged. “I think that may have been what he was trying to do when he bailed out of here. And tell you off, but, you know, that’s Jack.”
“So I can stay right? I mean I figured you keep sending me assessors, I probably was doing something wrong.”
“Launchpad, the biggest reason you keep getting stuck with assessors is because you’re the only one of our leaders looking after your Woodchucks by yourself. If you had a parter or two, you’d be able to back each other up, and we wouldn’t have to keep sending someone to check up on you to settle down concerned parents. But,” she winced. “It does help if you don’t wake up hibernating bears.”
“Okay, I’ll try to do better next time…”
“You did plenty good, Launchpad. And I get how hard it must’ve been jumping in that river for you.”
Launchpad smiled faintly. Jumping in the river had not been hard the part. Not to go after Dewey. “Thanks.”
“Look, I think Jack’s gone. But if you need to stay a few extra minutes to be sure…”
“There was… something else I wanted to ask you about,” Launchpad said in a rush, before he could chicken out. He hadn’t written it on his prompt cards because he hadn’t wanted Violet and Huey to see it yet.
“What is it?”
“I… I just wanted to know if it’d be okay if I… look, the kids got a bit stupid, partly to help me, partly because of the stuff Jack said. What they did with Dewey, I don’t think they realised how dumb that was, and I…” Launchpad pressed back into the chair and hugged his arms. “I wanted to ask if I could tell them about Calvin.”
“LP… You… you don’t need to ask me about that…”
“I mean, I think they kind of know what happened from what I was yelling at Jack. But I thought maybe it would help them understand how stuff can go wrong even when you’re trying to help someone? And that how they talk to people matters, and… I’ll leave out some bits but I thought I should ask first, because Woodchucks is supposed to be fun, and, well… I guess its just not a very nice story.”
He looked up, and far from looking horrified, Emily was smiling at him with watery eyes. “I think that’s a great idea. You might even… maybe you could share it with some of the other Woodchuck groups?”
“I… I don’t know…”
Emily held up her hands. “Sorry. Just, yes, of course, just tell your Woodchucks. But let me know how it goes?”
Launchpad nodded as he stood to his feet. “Yeah, I can do that.”
“Launchpad, wait.” Emily got up and moved around her desk to meet him at the door. “Is it okay if I give you a hug?”
“Yeah, Ms H. I think I need that.”
This time, as she put her arms around him, she didn’t correct him.
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batfamscreaming · 4 years
ok i did the complaint so I’ll write up the cheat sheet.
Way back when manga and anime were first being translated to English, especially by fan translators, a lot of scanners chose to keep in honorifics. Honorifics function a little bit like the Miss/Mrs/Mr/Mx system in english, mixed with an informal/formal ‘You’. Unlike Mr/Ms, where it’s a title that’s consistent, honorifics change based on the speaker’s relationship with the addressee. One person may be addressed with all manner of honorifics, depending on how many different ‘status’ relations they have.
I learned these in like. 2000s/2010s, so if there’s been a recent upheaval in honorific usage in Japan that I don’t know of, that’s my bad, but this is the basics rundown. the way i’m typing may imply a gender binary but that’s just because I don’t know the specifics of what japan does w neutral language and you’ll have to ask someone who knows more.
Because the original examples from the nickname post were bnha, most of these examples are also going to be bnha lol.
-san: this is most similar to how Ms/Mr is used in english. When in doubt with an adult, it’s usually -san. Girls around the speaker’s age group and up are also called -san by default, generally. Kids may also refer to their older relatives with -san, like Oka-san, Onii-san, Oji-san, etc. but usually not the other way around.
-kun: this is usually for young men or between men of the same age-ish. It’s fairly casual and not a hard rule on gender. It isn’t insulting to use for girls, and may imply endearment.
-chan: chan is feminine, but usually just for girls younger than the speaker. It’s kind of a cute honorific (which is why in bnha Tsuyu (san) asks to go by Tsu-chan instead). Again, usually girls around the speaker’s same age would be -san, except in the case of Tsu wanting to be cutesy, or calling your gf -chan. It might be comparable to calling someone ‘honey’ affectionately. This is why Bakugo Katsuki’s nickname being Ka-chan is fucking adorable and bewildering to everyone around Izuku. It’s like running around calling him “Boomy”.
-sama: used like san, but for someone very important. Like god or something. Someone using -sama on themselves (hi papyrus) is being very braggerty. Like putting “The Great” in front of a name.
no honorific: you fam. .... or you being Real rude to people. For example, Kirishima in english calls everyone bro... because he is super informal and just drops honorifics because he is fam. Bakugou doesn’t usually use honorifics because he doesn’t care to be polite. Some of that rudeness is translated into the nicknames he uses all the time. It’s kind of like referring to your boss by their first name. It could be friendly, or you are on your last fuck.
-sensei: this is a job-based title, and is roughly equivalent to ‘teacher,’ but it is in general for someone who has a certain skillset that the speaker benefit(ed) from, like a doctor, lawyer, etc. In higher ed, it ‘Hakase’ may be used instead of sensei. Again, not everyone will call a teacher sensei-- Aizawa’s students call him Aizawa-sensei, but because Yagi is not a student, he uses Aizawa-kun, because Aizawa is a jr in the hero world.
So those are like....fairly common honorifics. There are others and other levels of them. They can be used to form nicknames as well. For example, the only way to make Ka-chan even more cutesy might be to make it Ka-tan, which is a babytalk version of -chan.
Honorifics also make it easier to tell the difference between siblings since last names are usually used by default. I was reading a fic where there was a brother-sister thing in the same class, and the running joke was someone would say their last name and they would both respond. It... would probably not happen that way, because between -san, -kun, and -chan, there were three ways to distinguish between them. Since it was a boy-girl duo I’d guess they’d use girl-san and boy-kun, or if one was slightly older than the other that one may get -san, etc. Fuck man, maybe they’d just uses -shonen and -shojo to differentiate them (as All Might calls Midoriya-shonen-- translated as “Midoriya my boy!” usually.)
This is a long post to beg people to consider the function in linguistic jokes. You don’t need to like. KNOW japanese and understand all the puns and whatever-- and I am goddamn begging you we not bring back bad honorific desu ne in fanfic-- but sometimes the jokes jarr enough with just having the setting in Japan that like. I keep reading. But I am also kept up at night staring at the ceiling, unable to forget.
Free me.
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schrijverr · 4 years
What’s up with that Sims guy?
After the Apocalypse Jon becomes an uni teacher, three students take in interest in what’s up with this weird new professor.
On AO3.
Ships: JonMartin
Warnings: none, but tell me if I missed anything or if you want me to tag something!
Time and space moves differently around the Fears, something that could be confusing and strange, but also pretty handy as Jon and Martin had discovered during the Apocalypse. It meant that when they’d turned the world back to normal, banishing the Fears far away, no one had even noticed it had happened.
With Elias, uhm Jonah, gone their ties to the Institute had lessened. However, Jon was still depended on statements, but Martin had decided that being away from it all would be better for him, so Jon was now working part time, while Martin kept an eye on the place.
Which is how Jon had ended up as a professor at a university. He was filling in, because the current professor had gotten pregnant and they hadn’t been able to find someone more suitable than Jon to replace her temporarily.
Jon knew he didn’t have the credentials necessary, but he Knew everything with the help of the Beholding, so he hoped that would be enough to get him through the year.
So here he was, standing in front of a big hall that was slowly filling up with students, who were eyeing him with a mix of curiosity, confusion and uneasiness.
Once everyone had settled down he took a deep breath and started: “Hello everyone, I’m Jonathan Sims and I’m replacing your previous professor until she returns from her maternity leave. I have an oversight of what you all need to know and do this semester, so lets get started with that right away.”
Jane looked down at their new professor and shifted in her seat uneasily. He was strange, or at least had a strange aura surrounding him. Jane wasn’t once for judging on appearances, but it was hard not to wonder what the Hell had let a man such at him to this.
He was short, sure, but he wasn’t small and he had a big presence to make up for it. His black hair was streaked with gray, but he had a youthful face that didn’t quite match up, although the tiredness that hung around him seemed old.
Beside that he was also littered with scars. It was hard not to notice the white circles that contrasted with his dark skin, it could be acne scars if they hadn’t been on his exposed forearms as well and so perfectly round. And those weren’t even his only scars, the entire palm on his right had was covered with a burn mark and the open buttons on the top of his shirt exposed a white thin scar across his throat.
So, yeah, strange.
He started to introduce himself and his voice was posh and low, but overall pleasant to listen to, she supposed. This didn’t stop her from exchanging a small look with Jesse, her best friend. Jesse raised her brows at her and the message was received, they were so going to talk about this later.
Later came as soon as they were out the door. Jesse leaned over and said: “Tell me I wasn’t the only one who got a weird vibe from that guy.”
Jane laughed and shook her head and answered: “You weren’t, I mean, this who building is filled with stuffy academics and suddenly this random dude walks in with the scars of a thug? That’s weird.”
Jesse nodded and asked: “What do you think happened to him?”
“I don’t know.” Jane shrugged, “But it seems pretty rude to just ask.”
Jesse sighed, then perked up with a realization: “We could plant a seed in Sams head.”
“No, you wouldn’t.” Jane said, mischief bubbling up inside her eyes. They had known Sam since their first year and were pretty close with the guy. Sam was also known for not being the most delicate or observant and unafraid to ask personal questions. If he was curious, he would ask.
“I would.” Jesse grinned back, she tugged her along through the crowd with an: “Come on!”
They found Sam easy enough and Jesse plopped down next to him and started: “Hey, Sam. What did you think of our new professor?”
Sam shrugged and scratched his forehead as he said: “Dressed like every other pretentious asshole in here, posh accent. But seemed to know his stuff. Normal teacher if you ask me. Why?”
Jesse inflated: “Come on. Don’t tell me you haven’t even noticed!”
“Noticed what?” Sam asked with a frown.
“The scars.” Jane said.
“Oh, were they scars.” Sam said, “I thought he had weird freckles.”
“Weird fr-” Jesse began before cutting herself off and asking: “Aren’t you curious why they’re there? I’ve never seen scars like that.”
“And the burnt hand and the scar on his neck.” Jane continued, “Those don’t appear randomly.”
Both looked at her now, heads to the side in confusion. Jane said: “Oh, didn’t see those?”
Jesse and Sam shook their heads. “Well,” Jane explained, “He has this burn on his hand like he gripped a hot burning coal or something and this line here,” she drew on her neck with her finger to signal where it was, “like someone tried to slit his throat. Makes me wonder what he did before this job.”
The three of them fell silent. Lost in thought to what could’ve happened to their new mysterious professor before all of this.
The next lesson didn’t clear anything up in the slightest. While they were discussing the 17th century literature circles Sam had raised his hand signaling he had a question. Jane and Jesse, who had decided to sit behind him tensed up. He got called on and asked: “Dr. Sims, what did you do before this?”
Dr. Sims frowned and pushed up his glasses, before saying: “You don’t have to call me doctor, it wouldn’t be deserved. Just Sims is fine, or Mr. Sims if that feels better. And I’m the A- an archivist.”
“Am?” Sam blurted out.
Sims laughed humorlessly and said: “Yeah, part time now.”
Then he went back to the lesson and didn’t acknowledge any more questions about his life. Jane didn’t know how he did it, but he seemed to just know which people had questions about the lesson and which about him.
She walked out the hall with Sam and Jesse, who said: “That wasn’t insightful at all.”
Jane agreed: “Yeah, in what danger would an archivist be that leaves that kind of scarring?”
Sam shrugged and pulled out his phone as he said: “I can Google it.” the he muttered more to himself: “What kind of danger experiences an archivist, cool yeah.”
Jesse strained her neck to look on his screen and asked: ‘Well, what does it say?”
“Nothing much actually. Just a bunch of online archives and stuff.” Sam said.
Jane had a bit of a light bulb moment and suggested: “What if you type in Jonathan Sims?”
“Jonathan?” Jesse asked.
Jane shrugged and said: “It’s how he introduced himself during the first lecture.”
Sam typed in the name and his eyebrows crept further up to his hairline as he read the results of his search. Jesse couldn’t take it anymore and ripped the phone out of his hand, quickly scanning the page and gasping. Jane was now also curious and asked: “Well, tell me.”
She showed her the screen and Jane read the headlines. ‘Explosion at the Wax Museum, two survivors.’ The small excerpt reads: Last night there was an explosion at the wax museum, cause is still unknown, but suspected attack. Two survivors were found on the scene. Basira Hussain and Jonathan Sims, the latter of which is in a coma…
Underneath that is another headline. ‘Attack at the Magnus Institute unearths body of former archivist Gertrude Robinson’ with a picture of a big fire brigade, some police and an ambulance under it, she can vaguely make out Sims getting loaded into the back of one of them.
And lastly a small report into the murder of Gertrude Robinson, listing Jonathan Sims as one of the suspects along with one about an older guy, who was apparently found dead in Sims office.
Jane leaned back and whispered: “What the actual fuck.”
After that the rumors spread over the campus and by the time the next lecture rolled around the whole room was buzzing with nervous energy. Sims took one look around the room and sighed: “You are probably not going to let this go in favor of learning something that will actually be useful. Correct?”
A murmur went through the crowd, they had realized that the rumors had most likely reached Sims, but they hadn’t realized he’d be so straightforward about it.
“Okay.” Sims said, “I am willing to sacrifice ten minutes of my lecture for inquiries, but I will not promise to answer.”
Then he waited. Sam was the first to raise his hand and when called upon he asked: “How did you get the scars?”
Sims thought about it, the class thought he was thinking about how to bring it delicately and thoughtful, but inside Jons mind he heard Martin laugh at him and tell him he was an idiot after Jon had told someone the round scars had come from tripping. In hindsight it hadn’t been a good excuse, so Jon decided that vague was probably the safest way to go and said: “A workplace incident.”
Without raising his hand this time Sam asked: “Did it happen during the attack on your workplace? Why would anyone even attack archives?”
“The Archives are a small place in a big organization.” Jon began to explain, ignoring the fact that the Archives had been the target, “And in the end it turned out to be an aggressive infestation, just an accident.”
“Why your institute then?” Sam asked.
“Depends on if you believe in the paranormal, but you have to excuse me, Mr. Jacobs. It seems you are not the only one with questions.” Sims replied, then he turned to the other side and said: “Yes, Ms. Hendrickson?”
“Did you murder anyone?” she asked, clapping her hand over her mouth afterwards in shame of the question that she had blurted out.
Sims didn’t react to the harsh and accusatory question, just said: “If I murdered anyone, I wouldn’t be here, but in prison, don’t you agree?” then he smiled, but somehow Jane didn’t feel comforted by it.
Jesse spoke up, causing Jane to duck into herself in the hope that she wouldn’t be noticed in her seat next to Jesse. She asked: “Then who murdered them?”
Sims huffed a breath, blowing a strand of hair out of his face in the process and answered: “That would’ve been my former boss, I have to say I’m happy to see him gone and his replacement is more than capable.” he looked at the clock and clapped his hands, making more than a few people flinch. Then he stated: “That’s enough questions, time’s up. Lets get back to the symbolism in poetry during the Renaissance.”
And so life continued with Sims as their professor. There was still something uneasy about him, like he was just a sliver off in a way you couldn’t pinpoint, but felt in your bones.
But he was actually quite nice. Which was weird in itself, since he could be pretty prickly and snappy if he found your reasoning or answer particularly stupid or ignorant and he was generally grumpy, but that changed completely if you actually had a problem and needed help. He would listen and then explain with the things you could understand, it was as if he could look at you and know what you needed to understand. That was also strange, but it was nice to have someone explain so correctly.
He was also a walking encyclopedia. He had fun fact about everything and when they said everything they meant everything. When he noticed Mary had died her hair he said: “I like your hair, did you know hair dye contains over 5.000 chemicals.”
Then when Jamie asked what kind of tea he was drinking he answered: “Lady Grey, it was created by Twinings in the early 1990s to appeal to the Nordic market, which found Earl Grey too strong.”
While discussing Oscar Wilde he commented: “Funny how important this guy is, since he has only published one novel in his life.”
When Kyra stumbled in late telling him the taxi had broken, he replied with: “Well cars have about 30.000 parts, so it isn’t far fetched that something broke.”
The funniest part about it was that it just happened to slip out it seemed. He was also just as surprised as them when something like that tumbled out of his mouth and he always covered it up with a small cough, before ignoring it had happened and moving on with his lesson.
It had become a bit of a game among students to make him say a fun fact. Sims had caught on to it, but he didn’t seem to mind all that much, his lips only tightening the littlest amount and his eyes tiring slightly.
So all in all, after two moths of lessons they felt like they knew the guy. He was nice in a grumpy way, could tear you apart verbally if he wanted to, had a lot of facts and worked part time as an archivist, which was apparently a pretty dangerous job.
Jane, Jesse and Sam had become pretty close to him, often staying after class to ask a few questions about the subject, help clean up, try to pry into his private life. The last thing never seemed to work, but it was fun to try and Sims had never let on that he minded it. He even seemed to enjoy their little chats.
Then one time after class, he suddenly looked up, frowned and stalked out of the hall. Quickly sharing glances the three followed after him, curious what had gotten his attention so suddenly.
They walked through a bunch of the main halls, then through a few quiet corridors until they were much further than hearing range, making them slightly uncomfortable. There was a kid, first year probably, barely an adult still very much baby faced, crying on the floor, knees drawn tight to his chest.
Cautiously Sims approached him and gently lowered himself to the ground. The kid looked up at him with a startled face, but Sims shushed him and gently asked: “What’s wrong?”
There was something off about the words, something compelling. The kid starts to speak, he had a slightly northern accent: “It’s all so different here with the big buildings and large crowds with loads of people everywhere, still I’m all by myself. No one want to talk to the dumbass from north, who has trouble with the tubes, you know.” he sniffled a sad chuckle, “And everything is just so overwhelming and I have no one to guide me or to talk to and I hate it. Then I saw everyone just talking about a party and I know it’s dumb, but I heard them say they were going to invite everyone and someone asked even me, but then they laughed and said of course not and I just couldn’t anymore, so I went here and I cried.”
It seemed he was finished and went back to small sniffles and silent tears. Sims gently put a hand on the kids knee and said: “Did that help?”
“Yeah,” the kid looked at him, “bit cathartic, honestly. Sorry for the trouble.”
“Oh, it’s no problem, Edward.” Sims said.
The kid didn’t seem to realize it, but the three silent watchers noticed the kid had never mentioned his name.
Sims went on: “If you like, you can come over to my lecture hall. There are a few older years there, nice people, who I’m sure will want to help you. And a cup of tea.”
Edward rubbed his eyes and said: “They wouldn’t want to talk to me, I’m a loser and I don’t want the to think I’m even more one by telling them what happened.”
“I’m sure you won’t have. They’ve been where you are.” Sims responded, there was a bit of an edge to his voice and they realized he knew they were there and he was right. Jesse had been too brash, Jane too shy and Sam too blunt, it’s what had made them flock together. It was much better now, but they all remembered those awful first weeks. Without saying a word they hurried back to Sims hall.
When he came back they were making tea and lounging around. Jesse greeted him: “Hey, Sims. Where were you suddenly off to?”
Jane pushed her slightly and said: “Don’t pry.” then she turned back, “Want a cuppa, we just put on the kettle?”
Sims smiled and said: “I’d like that, could you make one for my friend, Edward here, as well. I had forgotten I was going to meet him, he’s curious about the Minor course and I thought maybe you could tell him a bit about it. If it isn’t any trouble, of course.”
“Of course not.” Jane smiled, then gestured to a chair: “Here, come sit with us.”
Edward did and later left feeling much better with a few new friends.
Friends, who were beginning to be suspicious about their teacher. They had a lengthy discussion about his knowing stuff and his spooky vibe. But no certain conclusion could be made and they decided that the mission for this year was finding out at least one personal fact about their teacher to prove he was at least somewhat normal.
They didn’t have to wait long. Their classes had been thrown around due to an unfortunate miscommunication. So two classes were switched, causing Sims to teach on Wednesday instead of Thursday for just one week. He looked a bit pale that day, but nothing out of the ordinary. It was the season, so no one spared it a second thought. Until a larger man came through the door after a gentle knock.
He was tall, about 6ft2, and chubby with a crème sweater and jeans. His face was freckled and he wore a gentle smile like it was second nature. His hair was curly and looked very soft, he in his entirety looked soft, you know, like the kind of person you know gives good hugs the moment you see them.
Sims was the only one who didn’t seem startled by his knock, just looked at the man and frowned as he said: “Martin, what are you doing here?”
“Sorry, sorry, Jon.” the man, Martin, said apologetically, “I know you said not to come and such, but I saw you had forgotten your statement and I know how you can get without them, so I thought I’d bring them to you.”
“I was going to read it tomorrow.” Sims said, “It can wait for one day. It’s not like it used to be.”
“Yeah, I know that as well, but we agreed that a rhythm would be good for you and your body to get used to.” Martin replied, holding out a folder.
Sims grabbed the folder and sighed: “You’re probably right, annoying as that may be, but couldn’t it wait till after I was done?”
“No, I’m meeting Daisy to discuss the proper storage of a Hunt artifact and you know how Daisy can be.” he answered.
“Yeah, I know.” Sims chuckled, absentmindedly touching the scar on his neck.
“Besides, I wanted to see you.” Martin said, then he brushed a lock of hair, that had freed itself from Sims’ messy bun, behind Sims ear and pecked him on the cheek. Turning to leave immediately after calling out over his shoulder: “Read it, Jon! And don’t forget to pick up milk on the way back if you want any good tea.”
Martin opened the door and Sims smiled, like a real and soft and dopey smile, as he touched his cheek and yelled back: “I will, say hi to Daisy from me.”
Then Martin was gone and the silence that had fallen over the hall with Martins entrance was broken. Multiple people called out questions and it was a bit of a chaos. It took a few minutes to get everyone settled down again and Sims returned to his lecture as if nothing happened. Sam called out from the second row: “Really, Sims? Nothing?”
Sims shoulders sagged, he had clearly hoped he could get away with it and was sad that it hadn’t worked. He said: “Mr. Jacobs, although I appreciate your interest in my personal life, I hope that I don’t have to explain how normal it is for my husband to come bring me something I forgot at home.”
The hall exploded again, but Sims ignored it all again telling them there were more important things to talk about, for example the lecture, which will be on the exam.
For Jane, Jesse and Sam it was enough. Their teacher was weird and off, but he was nice enough and if someone as soft looking as the Martin figure was willing to marry him, then he was good enough in their opinion and not worth the detective work.
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From Eden
Warnings: Head Injury, Violence, Jealousy, Mentions of Miscarriage and pregnancy, ritual sex, stalking, creepy behaviour
AO3  <<<Previous
Chapter 5
You had always been a heavy sleeper, thinking of it as an advantage. There was no waking you unless you were violently shaken awake. Michael had figured this out and used it to his advantage. Ever since you had moved into the 9th floor, Michael had slithered into bed beside you every night. He used his magic to lower the temperature of the room, so you’d snuggle into him for needed warmth. Clinging to him without you even knowing you were doing it. He would spend the nights sending you dreams, watching your unconscious reactions to them. Occasionally he’d spend the time with his hand on your stomach, rubbing it, thinking about the future he was going to give you, the one you didn’t know about yet. //// “Who the fuck is Y/N?” was the question being asked in the harem. The king had visited a few nights ago, he slipped up and had moaned your name. A name no one in the harem had. The girls were now angry and suspicious. Who was this pathetic little ant that occupied their King’s mind? Was she better than them? They had done some digging, what they found was a kick in the teeth. You were just a measly little grey, a blip on the radar, some random girl that should be lucky enough to be in their presence let alone the Kings. Of course, he had fucked greys before, but it was never serious enough to even know their names. And now here you were, infringing on the sacred space of the harem without even being there. He chanted your name like a prayer and the girls threw it around like a curse. You were a grey, they could just get rid of you, no one would notice. But they were merciful, so you’d just get a warning for now. //// You had been called last minute for a delivery shift; this would be your last one. You were headed to the harem in your overalls, you had a royal garden to get back to. As you entered the harem, all eyes were on you. You looked around, stunned, you had never been noticed before so why was everyone staring at you? You didn’t like the look on the six harem girls’ faces. “You’re Y/N then?” a girl sneered. You could just nod in reply. She nodded to a guard. He came forward and whispered a quick ‘sorry’ before hitting you over the head, making you black out. //// You came to, tied to a chair. The bright light of the room pierced through your skull, making it hurt. The same six sneers surrounded you. “Who the fuck even are you?” asked one of the girls. You couldn’t reply. She slapped you hard enough for your lip to split. You could taste the blood in your mouth. You weren’t having this, so you spat at her with your bloody spit. “Who the fuck do you think you are? Do you treat his Majesty like this too? Does he know what an insolent piece of shit you are?” another girl shouted. “King? What king? Is the coke getting to your brain or something?” you replied. What the fuck were these girls on about. “You have the wrong person ladies, I spend my days knee deep in mud, not on my knees.” Someone pulled your hair back, “there’s only one Y/N in this whole place. It’s the only name to come out of his mouth recently,” she spat, slapping the other side of your face before letting your head drop. Your lip was split, both cheeks red and swollen and your head was pounding. You still had no idea what the hell was going on. “Can you guys hurry up. I don’t know what you want from me, but I have a shift to get back to.” “I’ve had enough of your attitude!” the girl proceeded to punch you on the side of your nose, a sickening crack indicating it was broken. You could feel the excruciating pain, disorienting you even further. You not replying was seen as an invitation for the girls to take it all out on you. All that frustration of the past five years was taken out on you. You blacked out again, not knowing how long they went on for. //// You came too two days later in the hospital wing. Everything hazy to you and your face in so much pain. The doctor came in, “Oh Miss Y/N you’re finally awake, please don’t get up yet, you’re very concussed right now and you might be sick.” “W- what happened?” you slurred out. “No one knows, you were found slumped in a corner on the 5th floor and severely injured. As for injuries, you have a broken nose and cracked jaw. There are other minor injuries like your split lip. Finally, you have a lot of bruising.” You winced just hearing about it. The doctor gave you further instructions, you had permission to recover in your room with a further week on bed rest. Ms Mead came to collect your morphine-ed out self, slowly walking you to your room. “Do you remember anything kid?” she asked. You raked through your brain, “I went to make a delivery to the harem and that’s the last thing I remember.” “we’ll look into it. HE was worried about you, you know.” “he? Adam?” “Adam?” she hesitated, “Oh yeah, Adam. He was worried, he’ll visit soon.” You reached your room, she took you in and led you to the bed, tucking you in. “I’m not a baby Ms Mead,” you whined. “Shut it, I’m under special orders. Stay in bed. Understand? We need you nice and healthy before the end of the week.” She shut the door and left you to sleep. End of the week? Why were you needed then? You didn’t dwell on it too long, falling asleep. This was the first time you weren’t working for five years and you were going to make the most of it. //// Michael was raging. How dare they touch what was his. The two nights you weren’t next him were sleepless, he’d become so used to your presence. He was thinking of the millions of punishments those girls would get for their actions. But he would have to wait for the end of the week, he had other things to do. He strolled into your room, seeing you fast asleep. The sight of bandages on your face caused a pang in his chest, and anger, lots of anger. He slipped under the sheets beside you and you snuggled into him. He let out a sigh, finally having you in his arms again. Careful not to wake you, he inspected your bruising and broken bones. He held your face in both hands, resting his forehead against yours, sending gentle pulses of magic to your injuries to speed up the healing process. This was a rare occasion where his magic was used to heal, it was usually used to destroy. You’d be good as new, unblemished by the end of the week, ready for the next stage of Michael’s plan. //// You were giving orders from the bed, being unable to do anything yourself. Ms Mead tried to complain but you pointed out that you were only instructed to not leave the bed, no one specified you couldn’t work from it. She reluctantly let you continue, especially after seeing the way you were recovering. The centre of the garden was to be completed this week. The door opened, you spoke without looking up from your laptop, “Hello Mr inspector.” “How did you know it was me?” “Your irritating presence can be detected from miles away,” you smiled. He sat down next to you on the bed, rearranging pillows to make himself comfortable. You turned to just look at him, eyebrow raised. “What?” he asked. “Take your shoes off, I sleep here.” He huffed and kicked his shoes off, flinging them across the room like a child, reclining back into his throne of pillows. You rolled your eyes and got back to work, your typing the only sound in the room. “So,” he broke the silence, “how are you doing now miss scientist, you still look like you got dragged backwards through a hedge.” “I’m recovering quite alright actually, thank you for asking. But also, you did drag me through the mud last week,” you pointed out. “Quite the dirty girl last week weren’t we miss Y/N,” he trailed his fingers up your spine and to your neck. The touch was light but enough to make you shiver and stop typing. You cleared your throat, “uhm, well, yeah we were in literal mud.” He just hummed and continued with his light touches. He noticed the ribbon in your hair was the one he gave you, delighted at the fact you kept it. You had started typing again, so he pulled the ribbon out of your hair and began to lightly scratch your scalp. You felt like a cat, almost purring at the action. It felt so good, so tender, without thinking you leaned into his touch and closed your eyes, just enjoying the brief moment. You were putty in his hands at this point and he was relishing in it. He gently pulled you back to his chest and you let him, lost in a sort of spell. Neither of your said anything. He used his magic to gently lull you to sleep, you would need all the energy for the full moon tonight. //// You awoke to the sound of hissing, thinking it might have been caused by your concussion. But you were compelled to get out of bed anyway. When had you fallen asleep? You can’t remember. It was like your legs moved on their own, leading you out of your room. The hallway was silent, only that hissing sound was getting louder. So, you followed it to the garden. It lay practically barren except for the greenery in the centre and the ring of trees surrounding the alter. The moonlight shone down onto it. You worked from centre out, the rest of the garden not yet being complete. You felt something around your ankles. Looking down to see snakes slithering around you, but you didn’t feel the need to scream, instead walking ahead to the alter. A figure was kneeling on it, as if he was waiting for you. You walked forward, the image becoming clearer and clearer. ‘Adam’ was waiting for you; bare as the day he was born with his hand stretched out for you. Without thinking, you took it, feeling a warmth envelop you; he pulled you to kneel in front of him. Your eyes finally locked with his, getting lost in those icy blues, the moonlight giving them a glow. You realised you were as bare as him. not knowing why or how. He didn’t give you much time to think, leaning and resting his forehead with yours. He whispered something to you, you can’t remember what, but you nodded. He then started whispering in Latin, still keeping his eyes locked with yours. He stopped and kissed you hard, you kissed back with equal passion. You had been thinking about these lips for weeks, all day and all night in your dreams. They were as soft as you’d imagined them to be. He pulled away, a string of saliva connecting you both. You felt an intense heat overcome you, a burning desire to have him inside you, for him to claim you. He smirked as if he was reading your thoughts. You didn’t notice him pull out a knife until he began to cut into his arm. Deep channels dripping red liquid onto him and the pentagram below you. He pulled your arm out, and did the same to you. You winced a little at the sting, but it wasn’t painful, it just seemed to intensify the heat you were feeling. He finished the other cut and whispered to you, “Cover me in your blood dear one, and I shall do the same to you.” You followed his instruction, your hand painting him red, feeling the heat of his skin, every muscle that twitched, all because of you. He started from your neck, making you moan when he reached you breasts, pinching your nipples before moving down to your stomach. He took his time gently coating your stomach, whispering more Latin as he did so, increasing the heat you felt; you were sure you were dripping onto the alter. He pulled you in for another kiss, both of you painted red with each other. He pulled away and kissed down your neck, making you moan when he sucked on your sensitive spots. He reached your nipples, sucking on one while palming the other breast. “These will be so full soon,” he groaned out. His hands eventually reached your slick folds. You moaned at the feeling of his fingers. “P-please I need you inside me so much,” you whimpered. He just chuckled, pushing you onto your back, kneeling between your spread legs. He looked down at you, wiping the tears that you didn’t know had formed. “Look at you, so desperate for me, so desperate for me to fill that virgin pussy of yours.” You nodded and mewled as he slid his cock over your core, coating himself with your juices. “You’re practically weeping for me.” He lined himself up, gripping your hip with one hand and holding yours in the other. He pushed himself into you slowly, both you moaning at the sensation you had waited so long to feel. He bottomed out and sat still, pressing his palm on your stomach. “I’m the only one who’ll ever be this deep inside you.” You pressed your hand where his was, shivering at the fact you could feel him from here. He slowly began to thrust, splitting you in half on his cock. He watched himself entering you, grinning at the fact that he would be the first and only one. You pulled him down for a kiss as he picked up the pace; your moans increasing in volume. You could feel your muscles begin to tighten for that inevitable release and Michael rubbed your clit. “Tell me what you want from me and I’ll give it to you.” “Please I want you to fill me up.” He began to rub faster. “You want the antichrist to fuck a baby into you huh? You want me to breed that virgin cunt already?” “Yes, please, that’s all I want,” you cried out. You don’t know what overcame you, it really was all you wanted at the moment, it was all you had dreamed about, to be filled by him, to be claimed by him, to give into that animalistic instinct. “Then say my name,” he growled, “Scream it, I want god to hear it.” He rubbed faster and his pace got quicker, both of you on the edge. You could feel yourself about to snap. “M-Michael! Michael! Michael!” you chanted out. This was Michael, the King of the new world, the antichrist but to you he was your ‘Adam’. You came with a cry of his name, the euphoria washing over you. He followed not long after. “Fuck, Y/N you want this so bad you’re milking me dry,” he huffed out. Kissing you while slowly pulling out. He held your face in his hands while you both caught your breaths, looking at each other with dazed out smiles. He moved his hand over your stomach, feeling for the little life you had created. The moonlight made you both glow in your little Eden. The blood from the ritual seeped into the pentagram shaped channels and spilled out into the soil below. The trees around you absorbed the liquid, making the pomegranates on the trees ripen, ready for picking. Michael used his magic to pick one, splitting it in half while whispering something, the juice dripping down his hands and onto you. He hand fed you some seeds, and you did the same for him. No words were spoken. He cradled you to his chest and lifted you, making his way out of the garden. You were so tired, falling asleep in his arms before you could see where he was taking you.
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Through The Years Pt. 10
A/N: feedback is so so appreciated! THANK YOU SO SO MUCH TO EVERYONE WHO WAS KEPT THEIR PATIENCE WHILE I WROTE THIS! (also, this is kind of short, my apoligies)
tags: @a-girl-who-loves-disney @the-romanian-is-bae @bihoeofmanyfandoms​
takes place during: The Avengers
Italics= flashbacks
NEW YORK, 1942
“As you all know, a threat has risen. Commander Johann Schmidt has his eyes on something new; they call it the Tesseract. The power it holds is unlimited and unknown. If it falls into the wrong hands, especially in times like these, this is a war we won’t win. Meeting dismissed.” Dr. Erksine said, as all the agents seated around the table got up, desperate to go home. 
You had dozed out ages ago, and would’ve practically fallen asleep if it weren’t for Howard. He laid a hand on your shoulder and shook you. 
“Y/N/N, it’s time to go. C’mon. I heard your favorite radio show is on tonight.”
“Thanks, Howwie. It’s just, there’s something-”
“This Tesseract thing? I know were supposed to believe everything Dr. Erksine tells us, but this is a stretch-”
“Except it isn’t, Howard. I got a bad feeling about this one. You know how strong my intuition is.”
“I know. That’s what worries me.”
The Hellicarrier is quiet as it floats across the night sky, and you absentmindedly type some data that Tony had given you a few minutes ago. You weren’t going to  lie; you were scared then, and you are scared now. It seems like history is repeating itself; some bad dude wants to get his hands on the Tesseract and if he isn’t stopped, a lot of people will die.
Only difference was, you didn’t have a brother this time. 
Blinking back the tears that were about to escape, you kept typing as Dr. Banner was scanning the scepter for gamma radiation, and Tony was solving several different equations and theorems and god knows what all at once. 
“Well, we’re going somewhere now. The  gamma readings are definitely consistent with Selvig's reports on the Tesseract. But it's gonna take weeks to process.” Banner said, letting out a sigh, laying down the object he was using to measure gamma readings on Loki’s scepter.
“We bypass their mainframe and direct route to the Homer Cluster we can clock this at around 600 teraflops.” Tony replied from across the room.
“And all I packed was a toothbrush.” Bruce said, going back to the computer.
“You know you should come by Stark tower sometime. Top ten floors, all R and D. You’d love it, it’s Candy Land. I’m talking to you too, Auntie. Paris must be as boring as-”
“How- Tony, I can promise you its not. Paris is fine.”
“But Pepper and I miss you in New York. Think about it, will you?”
“Sure will, hun.”
“Thank you for the invitation, Mr. Stark. But last time I was in New York- I sort of broke Harlem.” Dr. Banner said. 
“Well I promise it’s a stress-free environment. No distractions, no surprises.” Tony says, while poking Bruce in his side with an electric current.
“Tony, leave him be!” you say, taking the current away from him. 
“Hey! Are you two nuts?” Steve says, scolding Tony as he walks in. 
“Oops. Jury’s here. Tell em your secret, Dr. Banner. Bongo drums, mellow jazz, bag of weed?”
“You think is is funny, Mr. Stark? Threatening the safety of everyone on this ship? No offense, Dr. Banner. You neither, Y/N.
“None taken, sir.” Bruce says, while still working on the scepter.
“Don’t worry about it, cap.” you say, while finally snatching the current from Tony’s hand and placing it down on the countertop to continue working.
“You- you don’t have to worry, capsicle. Last time I checked, you spent over 66 years stuck in the ice. You don’t know how anything works here. This little gadget-” he getsures to the comm in his hand. “will let us know everything S.H.I.E.L.D has been hiding from us since the beginning of it’s existence.”
“This is going to cause trouble.”
“Ding, ding, ding. We got a winner. Congratulations, you’ve just won a free box of popsicles. Or is that too cold?”
“What have you three been doing all this time?” Fury’s voice cuts in as he walks into the lab. “You’re supposed to be locating the Tesseract.” 
“We are. The model’s locked and we’re sweeping for the signature now. When we get a hit, we’ll have the location within have a mile.”
“You’ll get your cube back, director.” You say, crossing your arms, after hopping to sit on the table with Tony. 
“No muss, no fuss.” he passes you the blueberry bag, then looks at the screen “What is ‘Phase 2′ anyway?”
At this point, Steve has had enough and decided to intervene. “Phase 2 is S.H.I.E.L.D uses the cube to make weapons. Sorry, the computer was moving a little too slowly for my taste.”
“Captain Rogers, we have gathered every part of information possible related to the Tesseract. This does not mean-” He’s interrupted by none other than Tony.
“What about this Nick? What were you lying?” Tony said, turning the computer so Fury could see it clearly. 
Steve takes one look between the two men, but keeps his gaze on Tony, and says “I was wrong director. The world hasn’t changed a bit.”
Thor and Natasha enter the room and Bruce asks them “Did you two know about this?”
“Dr. Banner, you might want to think about removing yourself from the premises.” Natasha said.
“I was in Calcutta, I’m pretty sure I can handle this, Ms. Romanoff.”
“Loki’s been manipulating you.”
“And you’ve been doing what exactly?” 
“Dr. Banner, You didn’t come here because I batted my eyelashes at you.” She fired back, crossing her arms. 
You hopped off the table, and on the hilt of the sword on your left side, if tensions just so happened to go to another level. 
“And I’m not leaving because you’re getting a little twitchy. What I do want to know is why S.H.I.E.L.D is using the Tesseract to build weapons of mass destruction!”
“Starks, Ms. Carter, General Philipps, should the case arise that we get our hands on this - ‘Tesseract’ - as it appears, it shall not, under any circumstances, be used for weapons of mass destruction. It goes against everything we stand for. Everything the SSR stands for.” Erksine says, addressing the group.
“But Dr. Erksine, The rise of facism in Europe is a threat to our national security, and if the SSR can not make weapons of not necessarily of mass destruction, but weapons to protect the country, how are we to protect the nation?” General Philipps said from across the table. 
“Excellent question, General. That’s were Y/N and  comes in. Y/N, if you will.” Erksine said, gesturing to you.
Straightening yourself up, you opened a file. “I’ve thought of this concept for the past couple of months- although just a concept, It would, has General Philipps mentioned, make weapons not of destruction, but of protection. This is why, I’ve decided to name the concept- S.H.I.E.L.D. Get it? A shield is supposed to protect, and that’s what this will do.”
“And what does it stand for, Y/N?” Peggy asks. 
“Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division.”
“And it’s purpose?”
“To Protect and Serve, Dr. Erksine.”
“I like it, but we will discuss  it further on Monday. Meeting Adjourned.”
“And I’m not leaving because you’re getting a little twitchy. What I do want to know is why S.H.I.E.L.D is using the Tesseract to build weapons of mass destruction!”
“Banner, calm down.” Natasha said cautiously. 
“No, Romanoff. He had every right to be mad and confused. With all respect, director, me and my brother did not start S.H.I.E.L.D so we could pull stuff like this.” you said.
“But we have a reason, Stark. It’s because-” Fury points to Thor “him.”
“Me?” Thor questions.
“Yes, you. Last year Earth had a visitor from another planet who held a grudge on a small town. We learned then that not only are we not alone, but we are hopelessly, hilariously, outgunned.” He finishes, diverting his eye to you, but saying nothing.
“Your work with the Tesseract is what drew Loki to it, and his allies, as a signal to all the realms that Earth is ready for a higher form of war.” Thor booms.
“A higher form of war?” Steve questions.
“You had us in a corner, Thor, we had no choice. We had to come up with something.” Nick fired back.
“A nuclear deterrent. Cause that always calms everything down.” said Tony.
“Remind me again how you made your fortune, Mr. Stark?” Fury asked.
“I’m sure if Stark industries still made weapons you both would be knee-deep in-” Steve was cut off by you.
“That’s enough, Steve! Leave it alone!” you exclaimed.
“No, hold up capsicle, how is this about us?” Tony asked, in a tempting manner.
“Are you midgardians really this naïve?” Thor asked.
“Oh please, are you that immature?” Natasha said, looking between Thor and Fury. 
“Everyone, we’re a mixture for chaos. A ticking time bomb waiting to explode.” Bruce said. 
“You should step away, Doctor.” Fury said to Bruce, before being overlapped by Tony. “Why shouldn’t the guy let off a little steam?” Tony asked, putting a ahnd on Steve’s shoulder. 
“You know damn well why!” Steve yelled.
“I’m starting to want you to make me.” Tony said, coming face to face with Steve.
“Big man in a suit of armor, take that off and what are you?” 
“Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist.”
“He’s not wrong-” Natasha said, shrugging her shoulders.
“Thank you, Romanoff! Someone with sense on this ship.” Tony said, thanking Natasha.
“I’ve seen guys none of that worth ten of what you are. The only person you fight for is yourself. You’re not one to make sacrifice play, to lay down your life for someone else. You better stop playing the hero.” 
“Steve-” you began, now both hands on both swords, both of them on your waist.
“No! You better stop acting so cocky, Rogers. You’re a lab rat, everything special about you came out of a bottle.” Tony fires back.
“If you think your think you’re so special, put on the suit then, lets go a few rounds.” 
“I’m not afraid to hit an old man.” 
“Stop it you two! You’re acting like children!” You yelled, cutting both of them off.
“You are ALL acting like children, man up, all of you!” Fury said. 
Bruce kept his eyes firm on Loki’s scepter. It seemed to glow even more now, but all of you had to resolve the argument first. 
“Something’s coming. Something bad.” Bruce muttered. “I can feel it.” 
“Keep calm, Banner.” Natasha said, and both her and Fury put a hand of the holster of their gun.
“Dr. Banner, please-” You began. 
You were once again cut off, but not by anyone talking. Thor, Natasha, Bruce, Fury, Tony, Steve and yourself were knocked down to the floor, scattered all over the room.
“What the hell was that?” Natasha asked. 
“Engine’s been blown off. I didn’t want to say I told you so, Agent Romanoff.” Bruce said, while helping you up from the floor. 
“You alright, Tony?” you ask, as You help Tony up.
“Just fine, aunty. You?”
“Barely hurts, tones.”
“What the hell was that, Fury?” Natasha asked. 
Fury looks out the window before running out of the room.
“Agent Barton.”
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theonlinemuse · 4 years
And me and @freckledpianoman are back with more Beth Chapel content! Continuing from this post, here’s even more headcanons about our favourite Dr Mid-Nite: 
Beth is nearsighted and started wearing glasses when she was three and a half. Bridget started noticing that her daughter kept squinting all the time and eventually took her to an eye doctor, attributing Beth needing glasses so early to all the times that she hid under the covers with a flashlight and read late into the night instead of sleeping 
Her prescription is really strong and while her glasses correct most of her vision, she still needs accommodations like enlarged and high contrast texts and other visual aids 
Chuck eventually becomes another accommodation since he acts as a cross between telescopic and magnifying glasses and a talking watch 
She’s fluent in French thanks to her grandma Beatrice’s influence and she can carry a conversation in Spanish (she picked it up from Bridget, who often talks with her patients in Spanish) and Norwegian. That last language throws people off when they first hear about it, but it comes in handy when four-year-old Pieter Cross and his family (who don’t speak much English) move to Blue Valley from Trondheim, Norway 
Yolanda grumbles about not being able to talk to Beth in Spanish class whenever she’s home sick from school because she's the one decent conversation partner she has in that class
Rick often practices translating for his French class with Beth. Once he goofed and said “madame le docteur”. And poor Beth was close to shaking him and going, “Rick, that's wrong on so many levels” 
He knows by the incredulous look on her face that he’s all sorts of wrong and he blushes all embarrassed. But later he mistranslates on purpose just to see her adorable reactions 
She wants to pick up more languages eventually (she’s deciding if she wants to take both Mandarin and Arabic in college like her dad did) and is currently learning ASL 
Beth is a Star Trek fan thanks to her dad’s influence. She and James would watch reruns of Deep Space Nine while she was growing up and it was their way of bonding. While that tradition didn’t happen as often when Beth started high school, she and Yolanda (who had watched Voyager with her brother and cousins) eventually start a tradition of watching Star Trek Discovery 
Beth and Yolanda’s love for Star Trek is often a point of contention with Rick and Courtney, who are both Star Wars fans. It’s been the subject of a lot of arguments about what to watch for JSA marathons. Pat is usually the tie breaker 
Beth learned how to garden from her grandma Beatrice, who raises African violets in her rooftop garden. Beth’s backyard isn’t big enough for a garden so instead she keeps all sorts of plants in her room, including little teacup succulents on her bedroom windowsill and in honeycomb shelves 
While her backyard’s too small for a garden, there’s a pink dogwood tree and she loves reading and having picnics under it when it’s in bloom. In the summer Beth makes her own butterfly feeders and hang them from the tree and watch the butterflies gather 
She grew up listening to Schoolhouse Rock thanks to her dad, who would play their songs in the kitchen whenever he made breakfast on Saturday mornings while she was growing up. Even now, Beth sings along to them whenever she hears them and Chuck starting adding them to karaoke mode, including her favourites “Three is a Magic Number”, “The Tale of Mr Morton”, and “The Energy Blues” 
When she was in middle school, she started using the melody of Schoolhouse Rock songs to memorize things like country names and the periodic table. She used the latter to help Rick memorize different elements for his chem class. Yolanda actually caught Rick softly singing to himself at his locker when he was searching for his notes for one last read through 
“Beth got you to sing? Willingly?” “I wasn't singing, you’re hearing things.”
Courtney is weirded out by the fact that Beths texts with Mike of all people, but it's mostly through gifs, emojis, and random memes. She has no idea what they even talk about, saying that Beth texts with Mike more often than she does with Rick, much to the latter’s annoyance. In reality Beth and Mike talk about robotics competitions, the latest episode of whatever they were binging (this week was Julie and the Phantoms), and their ongoing bet on when Courtney and Yolanda will finally get together
If Beth wins, Mike has to help upgrade her costume and if he wins, she owes him an ice cream cake 
“It's like their own little nerd language, it makes no sense.” 
Her style icon when she was little was Ms Frizzle. Beth thought that Ms Frizzle’s themed dresses and jewellery were so cool and she wanted to dress up like her. She still loves Ms Frizzle’s style and you can see the influence it has on Beth’s fashion from bright colours, unique patterns, and quirky jewellery 
Beth has a special section in her closet for Ms Frizzle like outfits that she wears to the children’s library she volunteers at. It makes her very popular with the kids there 
She actually dressed up as Ms Frizzle for Halloween in seventh grade 
Despite being on opposite sides, Beth and Cindy have a begrudging respect for each other similar to Betty and Wilhelmina’s relationship on Ugly Betty, Beth being the JSA member that Cindy tolerates the most
Cindy begrudgingly thinks that she does know a thing or two about fashion because she often upcycles clothes. Courtney’s surprised that Beth’s still alive after she said that Cindy dresses like an evil PTA mom within earshot, though she did kidnap Beth a few times for a shopping spree 
“Get in loser, we’re going shopping!” “Did you just quote Mean Girls?”  
The first time they had a standoff, Cindy went “please, I’m Japanese, you’re Black, we’re not talking around this thing like a couple of dull white people” 
Cindy once called Rick a feral raccoon and smirked when it made Beth accidentally burst out laughing 
While Beth is more than confident with her personal style, but she’s still very new to makeup in general. Yolanda and Artemis (even Cindy much to everyone’s shock) have taken it upon themselves to help experiment with makeup and find out what she likes. Beth immediately knows that she doesn’t like mascara, even as Yolanda scolds her to stay still while she’s trying to put mascara on her
“You’re making it seem like I’m torturing you.” “Your superhero costume has claws, that doesn’t exactly scream safe.” “I’ll have you know I’m very practiced with my claws, now stay still!” 
Beth likes the lipsticks and glosses much better, she likes the different colours and how it feels on her lips 
She has to get used to the feeling of makeup on her face in general, but she doesn’t mind it and she’s shocked when she looks in the mirror. It’s still very much her, but it's like she’s glowing. She can’t stop smiling and the girls all look at her fondly 
And they also exchange knowing looks, knowing that Rick is going to lose his mind 
She did a history report on Bessie Coleman in middle school and she eventually drew inspiration for her Dr Mid-Nite costume from looking at photos of Bessie’s pilot outfit 
Beth and her mom often did ceramics classes when she was a kid. They weren’t very good at it at first, but the little lopsided knick knacks they made always made them laugh. Beth and Bridget got better over the years with Beth painting colours and patterns on whatever her mom helped her make before they went into the kiln. She thought they would be plain otherwise and Bridget agreed with her 
While ceramics classes have since stopped, they still use the honeycomb mugs and planters that they made and painted when Beth was in middle school. Bridget uses one for the aloe vera plant she keeps in her office at the hospital 
Beth is allergic to pineapple. She found out during a school trip in third grade when Henry offered some of his fruit salad and she ended up with a swollen face and tongue, which really freaked Artemis and Cindy out. Yolanda and the villain kids ended up taking care of her until the ambulance came and Beth jokes that it was the one time the JSA and ISA kids worked together on something 
She now carries an epipen in her backpack and Rick has taken to carrying a backup one in his jacket in case Beth can’t get to her backpack in time 
She had a stargazing phase that she never grew out of. Her parents got her a mini telescope for her fifth birthday and Bridget started teaching her about the solar system before Beth started learning about constellations on her own. Bridget jokes that if her daughter hadn’t been set on becoming a doctor, she would’ve gone into astrophysics 
Beth still has a telescope set up by her bedroom window. Sometimes when she has trouble sleeping and she’s not in the mood to read, she’ll look for constellations through the telescope while Chuck chimes in with little known star facts 
She also has a starry globe nightlight and a constellation globe
She and Rick sometimes have stargazing “dates” out on her back porch. They curl up together in a patio chair with midnight snacks while they watch meteor showers. Sometimes Yolanda and Courtney will join them, curled up together in the other patio chair  
Beth and Courtney often have karaoke nights at the Pit Stop after Pat souped up Barbara’s old karaoke machine. The usual playlist includes fun 80s and 90s jams as well as modern songs like Bruno Mars, Lizzo, and Janelle Monae. Yolanda often joins them for girl group songs (Little Mix is a favourite), even though she protests that she’s not much of a singer when she’s not singing Selena songs 
Rick gets roped into doing a song too, much to his dismay. Courtney pouts and complains that he has to because there’s an unspoken rule that everyone has to sing
“I don't sing, dammit.” “Oh really, are you forgetting about that little ditty you were singing before your chem test?” 
Beth sees how nervous Rick is and decides to go easy on him, finding a slow, bluesy song that he can keep up with and assuring him that even if he can’t croon those long deep notes, everyone will cheer him on. He ends up giving the best performance of the night, shocking the girls and impressing them all 
He blushes when he sees Beth looking at him all starry eyed 
When Beth was growing up, her family would have game night every Thursday and they were always old fashioned board games like Clue, Scrabble, and Pictionary. Whenever they would play Clue, Beth would always choose to be Miss Scarlett while her dad would switch between Professor Plum and Colonel Mustard. Beth could never beat her mom at Scrabble and it often ended up with Beth’s chemistry words versus Bridget’s medical terms 
While game nights have since stopped, James will sometimes have Beth join him for a card game at three or four in the morning after he comes back from a business trip. He taught her how to play games like crazy eights, gin rummy, and cribbage when she was in middle school and it’s now their way of catching up after he comes back from travelling  
Both her parents are only children. James’ family was originally from California before he moved to Nebraska for work while Bridget’s family are of Louisiana Creole descent and hail from Omaha. Beth is quite close to Bridget’s side of the family, especially with her second cousin Delphine’s family. Beth sometimes helps look after Delphine’s daughter Eliana whenever she and her husband are in town 
Rick once mistook Eliana for Beth’s baby, hilarity ensued
Beth has a love for animals and since the fandom has collectively decided that Beth is a Disney Princess, she has a particular talent for being an accidental animal tamer. During a mission, three of the ISA’s attack dogs made a beeline for her and attacked her with doggie kisses instead of doing their job 
The ISA are torn between being pissed (“when the hell did Mid-Nite become an animal tamer?”) and confused. Sportsmaster is vaguely impressed and takes it as a challenge 
Later they tried scaring Beth with a python, which only really worked on Yolanda (“oh my god, what is that?”) while Beth just boops the snake on its snout. The snake swooned. So did Rick 
After Rick and Yolanda recover from the shock, they look at the trio of attack dogs follow Beth all the way to the Pit Stop and go “we’re not keeping you”. Rick just hopes that the trio are the only attack dogs that follow her back home. He wishes that he had been more specific because he was not expecting an actual maned wolf suddenly coming up and sniffing all over Beth during a visit to the Dugan-Whitmores’ cabin
“What the fuck, where did that come from and why is it all over Beth?!” 
It turns out that Beth didn’t realize that she had a cookie in one of her pockets and the maned wolf caught a whiff of it and was now trying to find it. The way it sniffs her is ticklish and she’s laughing the entire time 
Once the maned wolf brought over a friend to see Beth and Courtney goes, “aww, he met another–oh my god, that’s a panther!” The panther also wanted one of Beth’s treats and it swooped in between her and Rick and started pawing at her like a spoiled kitten 
Rick picked Beth up and carried her inside because “we can’t trust her outside anymore” 
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221bshrlocked · 5 years
thought you were mine (1)
Pairing: Bucky x Reader (ABO Dynamics)
Words: 4921 (not even mad about it)
Warnings: Smuuuut. Pining. Some form of angst. Really dirty dirty talk.
Summary: Your heat arrives unexpectedly and Natasha isn’t around to help you like she usually does. What happens when another alpha gets a whiff of your scent and some lines are crossed?
A/N: I know I have been away for so long and I am really sorry. I don’t know why I have no motivation but I promise I’m trying. I decided to just write whatever comes to mind even if it is shitty just so I get the crap writing out of my system and then I could get to the good writing again. There will be either one more part or two more parts.
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You tapped out for god knows what time in the last ten minutes, shaking your head at Natasha when she stood up with a grin and helped you off the ground. She tried to tell you how she got the upper hand this time, but you brushed her away, wobbling to your drink before sinking to the ground and drowning in the cold liquid.
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you’re distracted.” She snatched the towel from your hand before sitting next to you, dabbing her neck and reaching for her own drink.
“You don’t know better then.” You growled back, turning away from her immediately when you saw her raise an eyebrow at you.
“Careful omega, or we’ll give those agents something to talk about.” She smiled at you before taking in your facial expressions, grunting when you looked to the ground and ducked your head to the side, silently giving her your submission before struggling to stand up. She followed suit and patted you on your shoulder, turning to the other end of the gym when she saw where your attention was focused.
“Why am I not surprised?” She whispered before taking her things and walking towards the group of alphas and grinning when one of them left almost immediately.
“What’s wrong with him?” Natasha pointed at Bucky, maintaining eye contact with him until he went back to his weights.
“You know very well why he’s avoiding you.” Steve whispered right back, shaking his head when Sam raised his hands as soon as Natasha crossed her arms at the tone. “Come on you know she’s not my type Steve.”
“I know that, and Sam knows it, and pretty much everyone in this compound knows that! But you somehow, randomly, always find a way to have her submit to you in front of him and let’s be honest, that’s not something you’d want to see from the omega you’ve set your eyes on in, literally, decades.” Steve angrily stuffed his jacket and water bottle in his duffle bag before wrapping it around his arm.
“Who said I’m doing this randomly?” Natasha chuckled when Sam left, muttering something about not wanting to know what the plan was. Steve, on the other hand, swore under his breath, catching onto what Natasha had in mind. “This is a dangerous game you’re playing Romanoff, and I’m not sure Bucky will like it.”
“He’s obviously too thick-headed to do anything so I’m just giving him the little push he needs. Besides, they’ll thank me later.”
“Don’t get involved Nat.” Steve puffed out his chest, his blood boiling at hearing someone talk about Bucky in such a way. But it was a big mistake to do that in front of subordinates, his nose flaring when the smell of fear clouded his judgment.
“Mind your own fucking business Rogers.” Natasha growled right back, turning around quickly when she heard you running and grabbing her arms to try and pull her away from Steve. She could also smell the hint of fear in the air and took your hands right away, rubbing your wrist slowly and telling you that her and Steve were just getting a little carried away.
“Calm down love, it’s fine.” She wrapped her arm around your neck and pulled you in, nudging your scent gland softly before laughing and turning away. You slowly began to calm down, telling her it was best the two of you leave because you felt light-headed from all the angry pheromones pumping through the air.
She led you out of the gym, turning around just in time to see a very red-faced super soldier throwing imaginary knives at her. She could tell he was about to go into rut and hoped you weren’t able to smell him. You, on the other hand, could definitely smell his scent. It was so much stronger than before and you thought he might start his rut soon but that shouldn’t have been possible. Tony and Bruce had him on strong scent blockers so technically, you shouldn’t have been able to smell that minty scent you’ve grown so fond of in the last few months. But here you were, breathing the sweet aroma as much as you can until you realized it was making you dizzy. A dull strike of pain shot through your stomach and you blamed the alphas almost fighting for it. You needed to leave the gym as soon as possible and the opportunity presented itself on a silver platter when you saw Natasha and Steve arguing.
While Nat was talking to Sam and Steve, you couldn’t keep your eyes off of Bucky, watching him almost lift the entire fucking machine off the ground. Something had made him angry and you wished you could run to him and soothe the pain away, finding it heart-wrenching that your alpha needed to be taken care of and you couldn’t do it. Your mouth watered when you saw his jaws clenching, sweat forming on his forehead & neck and rolling down his shirt. Then he noticed you were staring at him and dropped the weights aggressively, turning around to avoid looking at you because had he maintained eye contact, he would have lost it and pulled you away from everyone. 
Wait, since when was he your alpha?
You brushed the thought aside when Natasha told you she’ll go shower so the two of you could walk around for a bit.
Bucky almost broke the wall when he saw Natasha nuzzling your neck. He wasn’t sure when the two of you started getting this close but he didn’t like it. He didn’t like it one bit. And the fact that you didn’t tell her to stop angered him even more. She could’ve easily calmed you down without getting this personal! As soon as you walked out, Bucky was able to breathe again. He was barely keeping himself together, the smell of iris flowers flooding his brain and making him go crazy. For some odd reason, it was even sweeter when you were at the gym. Maybe it’s because you were sparring with Natasha but that shouldn’t do it. He knew everyone was on scent blockers most of the time. Then again, his sense of smell was heightened when he received the serum. Whatever caused him to be able to smell your scent this strongly drove him mad with lust and anger, and he knew one more interaction with you today and he would be pushed over the edge. So he decided to return to his room and stay there until he made sure he was in the right mind to have a conversation with anyone without wanting to rip their heads off.
Bucky left the gym abruptly, his mind replaying the way your eyes roamed over him as he worked out. But he was imagining it right? Because there was no way you’d be checking him out. You never gave any indication of your interest. Actually, you never even conversed with him for a long period of time outside missions. His rut must’ve made him misunderstand signals. But you smelled so fucking good.
When he realized his nerves wouldn’t calm down for the rest of the day, he stayed inside, going as far as ignoring Steve when he came around to ask him if he wanted anything before he left for an urgent mission.
It was hours later when you woke up after your walk with Natasha. She was doing a hell of a job keeping you calm and collected when Steve called and said there was a mission. You whined and felt horrible but still told her to go. She could smell the lies on you when you told her everything would be fine. It’s not like this was your first heat or anything.
Kicking the covers away from you, you struggled out of bed into your kitchen, grabbing as many cold water bottles as you could before returning to your bed. You asked Friday to turn down the temperature in hopes that the chill air would help but it was only a matter of time before things took a turn for the worse.
A fleeting thought invaded your mind and you brushed it aside quickly, refusing to dwell on it because knowing the state of incoherency you would soon be in, the decision would not be in your favor.
Three floors down, Bucky was pacing back and forth, metal arm whirring and making him angrier because he needed some quiet, but he would never receive it. He kept on thinking back to the morning interaction with you and Natasha, his blood boiling when the image of you nuzzling in her neck was brought back over and over again. He growled at the memory, realizing that he’d need to speak with Bruce and Tony when they return because clearly, their fucking suppressants didn’t do shit.
He was about to grab his phone and call Steve when a whiff of your scent hit him. His body froze. There was no way he could smell you when you were nowhere near. Unless…
“Sergeant Barnes, it appears that Ms. Y/L/N is in need of…medical attention. Her vitals are unstable. Should I call Mr. Stark or the doctors upstairs?” Why the AI chose to tell Bucky this information he would never know.
“How long has she been like this?” Bucky asked through gritted teeth.
“About four hours Sir.”
“Fuck me!”
“I don’t see how this could help the situation Sergeant Barnes.” Friday responded instantly and had Bucky not been on his very last nerve, he would have laughed at the sarcasm.
Not thinking about the consequences, Bucky pushed through his door, choosing to ascend the stairs instead of taking the elevator to calm his nerves before he approached you.
As soon as he was on your floor, his stance wavered. He smelled iris flowers all around him to the point of almost choking on the sweet scent. Before he could walk to your door, he heard your faint whines calling for him from behind your apartment. Bucky closed his fists in an attempt to control himself before approaching your door. He was about to knock when it was pulled open for him aggressively.
And the sight in front of him took his breath away.
You were wearing nothing but a sheer nude camisole that left nothing to the imagination, skin sweaty and slick running down your legs. Your hair was dishevelled, chest heaving before you attempted to take a step forward.
Your legs unfortunately gave out on you before you could go to Bucky. But he was quick, leaning forward just in time to catch you before you fell to the floor.
“Sweet omega,” Bucky whispered before carrying you back to your bed. He could tell you tried to make a nest for yourself but it wasn’t up to your standards. Slowly laying you down, he stepped away and grabbed as many pillows and blankets as he could, placing them around you before getting behind you on the bed.
“Alpha…please, hurts so much. Need you, James please alpha I-” Your little whimpers were music to his ears, but Bucky couldn’t betray your trust, not when you were in no mind to make any proper, consenting decision.
“I know ‘mega, I know doll, wanna help you so fucking badly, wanna make you cum on my cock till you can’t fucking remember anything else…but I can’t. I’m sorry darlin’.” Those were not the words you wished to hear from the one man you’d wanted since forever. You whined, tears rolling down your cheeks as his hands soothed your arms.
“Alpha please…I’ll be so good to you. Don’t you wanna knot me Bucky? I’ll do whatever you want me to do, just- fuck please, please.” You begged and begged but to no avail. Bucky cursed into the night air, wishing he could take you right then and there, but he knew that once the two of you finished, everything would be different.
“Fucking damn it, I’m sorry baby. I’m so sorry. Come’ere.” Bucky turned you around easily in his arms until you were straddling his thighs, the show of strength making a new wave of slick run down your thighs and wet his sweatpants. Bucky couldn’t tear his eyes away from the sight in front of him. You looked so fucking incredible, so fucking ready and hot for him. Knowing he was the one turning you on made him harder than a rock, but he pushed the thought back again.
“Shhh, I know doll, omega you’re so sweet. So wet and beautiful for your alpha huh?”
“Yes, yes all for you. Always for you James.” Bucky made sure he’d ask you about that little comment later but now, he needed to make sure you weren’t in pain. He held you close to him, letting go for a second to take off his sweatshirt before wrapping his arms around you and bringing you flush to his chest. Looking into your eyes, he gave you a warm smile before taking hold of your neck and drawing circles right under your hair, pulling you to his neck until your nose was nudging his scent gland. He noticed your heart rate was slowing down, in return calming him down a bit. He thought he’d have to ask you to stay in his arms but the opposite happened. You wrapped your arms around his back, fingers feeling every muscle movement on the naked skin before you rubbed his scent gland harshly.
Bucky was losing his mind with every pass you made. His hold tightened around your form, his brain refusing to think of your hard nipples brushing against his chest and the impossibly wet sweatpants beginning to flood his boxer briefs.
“That’s it doll, there you go. Just wanna help you out baby, don’t want anythin’ else. Wanna know you’re safe. Is that alright Y/N?” Bucky whispered into your ears, watching your neck like a hawk and sensing your heart rate speed up again. You hummed and nodded, not wanting to distract yourself from the task at hand for one moment. Bucky couldn’t help but chuckle, knowing how hard it must be for you as well. He kept on lulling you and massaging your back, occasionally sliding his hands a little too low or too harshly. You’d moan against him before nudging his gland aggressively in return. The longer you scented him, the hotter you grew. Having an alpha in your arms that refused to knot you was painful but some part of you understood why he wouldn’t go there.
Suddenly, Bucky combed his flesh hand in the nape of your neck, pulling you away from him and not giving you a chance to ask any question before he was mirroring your actions. Keeping his metal hand on your exposed skin to keep you cool, Bucky leaned forward, leaving wet kisses on your own scent gland before nipping at it lightly. He could feel you shaking in his arms, happy that he was the one causing such a reaction from you. He continued to bite and lick your neck, his hold on you surely leaving marks in the near future and the thought of knowing you’d have more than one mark on your body because of him caused him to growl.
You started rubbing yourself on his thighs, nails digging into his skin the needier he became with his actions.
“Such a needy omega aren’t you doll? You wanna cum baby? You wanna show your alpha just how slick that pussy can get? Fuck darlin’ you’re driving me mad. Wanna bury my face in that sweet, wet cunt of yours. Wanna fuck you with my tongue doll, lick you dry and have you drench me. Goddamn omega, you’re so good for me.” Bucky pulled away, holding your waist tightly before flexing his thigh muscles in time for you to rub your pussy on him. Supporting your weight on his shoulders, you looked away embarrassingly, eyes aimed at the ceiling as you continued to use him to get to your pleasure. Some part of your brain registered the fact that he was in control this entire time, not once forcing himself on you even when he was told he could. The fact that an alpha like him allowed you to use him so you could relieve yourself, without even asking for anything in return, was making you emotional and lustful.
“Look at me omega, fucking look at me when I make you cum.” Bucky growled, his voice shaking you to your core and you couldn’t help but obey him, eyes slowly drifting until you met his barely blue orbs. He was somehow as breathless as you, a flush taking over his features and making him look all the more handsome.
“Bucky, Bucky, oh god….Bucky,” you prayed his name with every pass of your soaked pussy over his thighs, mesmerized by how patient he’s been so far.
“Yeah doll, ‘m right here, keep going love, wanna feel this cunt drench my thighs baby. Fucking hell, smell so good, so perfect. So fucking warm and sexy using me to get off. Come on darlin’, cum. Cum. NOW!” James growled the last bit, biting his lower lip when your legs started shaking and you screamed his name as you continued to fuck yourself on his thighs. Bucky puffed out his chest, rolling over until you were beneath him. He was breathing harshly, the new position making him realize he might lose the control on his alpha. Before he could pull away, you crossed your legs behind his back, making him fall against you, his weight making you feel safer. You could feel his cock twitch against your wet thighs and you rolled your hips a few times, arching your back against him and keeping him flush against you.
“Y/N please…I c-can’t, fffuck you feel so good, omega, listen-” Bucky was saying one thing but his body was doing something else. His hips swayed against your naked core, and he was almost ashamed of how he was humping you like a fucking teenager. You both looked down in unison, watching your cunt wet his crotch.
Bucky didn’t mean to look down but as soon as he saw your pussy, something snapped in him.
He pushed off of you instantly, walking away from the bed to the balcony in an attempt to calm himself down and smell something that was not you. He could hear you shuffle behind him and hoped to god you were either putting something on or settling down beneath the covers.
“Alpha…” The moan came out so lewdly Bucky was close to coming in his pants. He turned around to try and tell you that he should leave when he stopped breathing.
“Y/N I think I should g-”
Bucky’s eyes took in your body, now free of the camisole and open for him. He walked around the bed slowly, calculating his next steps wisely as he committed this image to memory. You were on your knees, face against your pillow, hands fisting the covers and ass round and ready in the air.
“James.” You licked your lips and watched him fight an inner battle with himself. Bucky wanted nothing more than to pull his sweatpants down and shove his cock in your pussy and fuck you till neither of you remembered the current year. He swallowed the lump in his throat, kneeling down on the bed and grabbing your hips before pushing you on your back. He grabbed his sweatshirt and pushed it into your arms before laying down and pulling you into his arms.
“Sleep doll, you’ll need your energy for later.” You frowned, wanting to ask him why he continued to turn you down but his hold on you only tightened. Bucky continued to stare at the ceiling, pushing his own desire back and urging you to continue scenting him. You obliged, knowing this was probably as close to a comforting-Bucky as you could get. You decided to make the best of these moments, shoving the sweatshirt beneath the covers before wrapping your arm around his chest. You could feel his muscles tense when he felt your nails digging into his skin, relaxing against you as soon as you nudged his scent gland again. Bucky couldn’t help but pull you closer to him when he heard you take a long whiff of his neck, finally relaxing enough to not hurt your feelings any more than he already has.
But as much as he tried, Bucky couldn’t get an ounce of sleep. Not when he felt your skin getting warmer by the minute. You however, had no trouble dozing off, finding the alpha’s presence much more helpful than you thought.
Then your heat decided to kick it up a few notches and you became restless again. Bucky felt your uneasiness before you did, attempting to pull away and see what he can do. He realized his mistake as soon as your eyes fluttered open, a look of absolute need written all over them when Bucky dared to make eye contact. Before he could say anything, you took hold of his metal arm, wrapping it across chest quickly and making sure Bucky couldn’t pull it away. He didn’t know what to do, his lips shivering when he looked down and saw where his thumb was. Bucky’s fingers twitched against the hard nipple beneath his hand, incapable of stopping the small action when it occurred again, this time a little rougher and firmer.
“J-James-” Your raspy voice broke the silence, your own hands laying above Bucky’s and pressing it harder against your breast. “Please. Ple-please James.” The sound of his name falling from your lips had him angrier than ever, more at himself for being in this situation than anything else. You dared to wrap one thigh around his hip, wanting to get any small relief from the alpha in your arms.
“Ahh fuck, doll you gotta stop doing that. I can’t. You know I can’t.” Bucky tried to reason calmly with you but the wrecked voice only edged you on, your hips bucking against his already wet sweatpants. Knowing this would only get worse for him, Bucky did the first thing that came to mind even though the more rational part of his brain begged him not to take this any further. Not caring how rough he was being with you, Bucky took hold of your wrists and flipped your around, pulling your back flush to his chest before sitting up against the headboard with you between his thighs.
“You want some relief doll? Fine, I’ll give you some fucking relief. Open your legs.” He growled against your ear, no longer shying away from touching you. You were so focused on how perfect his metal arm felt against your chest that you didn’t hear what he said.
“Omega, I said…open your fucking legs!” Bucky bit your shoulder, his fingers pinching and rolling your nipples harshly until you obeyed his command. Your legs were shaking in anticipation, eyes looking down at your sweating limbs and watching as he played your body like he was your mate. Bucky didn’t bother to take things slow, a part of him thinking speeding this up would get him some closure. Just one more touch, one more look at your skin reacting to him, one more. He pretended this would help him out, not realizing things were only going to get worse after this.
“So fucking pretty, smell so good doll. Smell like me, fuck I want you. I want you so fucking badly ‘mega. I can hardly breathe baby, can’t think straight anymore. Everywhere I go, I only think about you. How you’d fit in my arms. How perfect this cunt would be choking my cock. How pretty our neck would look with my mark on it. How fucking wet you’d get with just the thought of your alpha having his way with you. God baby I wanna fill you up, breed your fucking cunt so no one would dare come near you. You’d like that wouldn’t you love? Hmm?”
“Oh James don’t stop. D-don’t stop. Alpha please. Make me yours. Make me yours James. I don’t want anyone else.” In a moment of overstimulation, you pulled your neck all the way back until your head rested on his shoulder, presenting yourself for him to have his way with you. Bucky only growled at the pure submission he could feel, biting on your shoulders harder before continuing to rub your pussy. He cupped your breast with his other hand, watching your pussy as it drained the sheets beneath the two of you. his eyes went everywhere, from the way your legs opened up for him to how your nipples hardened with every pass of his fingers against him. He was close to exploding, his cock straining harshly against his sweatpants and making him wish he wasn’t an honorable man.
You kept on rubbing your back against his crotch, the biological part of your brain begging you to reach around and grab him. And when you tried to move, Bucky knew what you were attempting to do, distracting you with switching his actions. His right arm trailed up your body, drenching your skin with your own juices while his left arm descended your hot skin grabbed at your thighs. He wanted to distract you as quickly as possible, coating his metal fingers with your cum before slowly inching two fingers inside your clenching pussy. You gasped against him, looking down and crying out his name when he fucked you relentlessly. Bucky was close to asking if this was okay with you but then he felt the way your walls squeezed his fingers and knew this was probably helping out more than he thought. The cold of his hand was doing wonders to your aching core, opening you up like never before until you couldn’t take it. You came around his fingers, hands trying to grab at anything to keep you sane.
When he didn’t stop, you turned around and begged him, swearing and whispering against his scent gland and hoping he would have some mercy on you. But then he turned you around in his arms until you were sitting on the bed, his fingers still knuckle deep inside of you.
“Fucking look at me. Look at me when I make you cum Omega. This what you wanted right? You wanted me to make you cum? Don’t even know what you do to me…driving me fucking insane. Fuck that’s right. Scream my name. Scream your alpha’s name omega. Fucking looking at me now!” For the first time during that night, Bucky was the one initiating the kiss, his lips devouring your own like he belonged to you as he fucked you with his fingers. You moaned into the kiss, not sure if the tears falling down your cheeks were because of how sensitive you were or the fact that he continued to call himself your alpha yet he refused to fuck you.
When it was all too much, you grabbed his wrist to attempt and slow him down, hands moving to his biceps when he continued to drive you mad with need.
“Ple…please. No more. N-no more.” You were heaving against him, your breaths coming in shallow and quick. He stole one last kiss before reluctantly tearing himself away from your body. Your eyes suddenly felt heavy, limbs incapable of moving on their own. When Bucky saw the state you were in, he smiled to himself, knowing it was because of him that you were like this. Lifting you up slowly, he laid you on the bed again and pushed his sweatshirt near your head. You were about to ask him where he was going when sleep took over from how forceful your orgasm was. Bucky wanted to change the sheets but the sick part of him knew that if he were to try to do so, he’d probably end up stealing the wet sheets and keeping them for himself. Lord knew how hard the past few hours were on him but he still wouldn’t want to disrespect you like that.
He laughed at that last thought. It’s not like he didn’t already cross the line.
Stealing one last look, Bucky asked Friday to update him every few hours in case your heat got worse. And Bucky swore to God the AI was too embarrassed to reply to him but it did so anyway. He left your quarters with an unsettling feeling in his chest, a feeling he did not expect to feel anytime soon. And when he arrived at his room and shut the door, it felt like someone has stabbed his heart with a knife and twisted it to make sure he was in pain. The control he had on his alpha ceased to exist and Bucky couldn’t try to calm himself down even if he tried. He threw his chair across the room, growling into the dark air as the chair shattered through the balcony sliding doors. Stripping quickly, he walked into the shower and turned on the cold water, standing under it until he could no longer smell you on his skin. But he knew that wouldn’t be possible until at least a few days when his scent gland was no longer holding the trace of what the two of you had done.
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Functional Dysfunction - Rheese - Chapter 1
written by @anotheronechicagobog​
A/N: This is a new series I’ve been trying to work on and I’m so happy that I’m finally done the first chapter! It’s IMPORTANT to note that this the fic I took a survey for a while back so; Sarah Reese has a double specialty of ED and Neuro. Also, it’s a bit AU so be prepared for that. 
Warnings: swearing, vomit, unplanned pregnancy, talk of abortion
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The waiting room was a decent size, but she still felt small. Surrounded by medical diagrams and leather couches, and pregnant women, and pregnant women with children. She felt completely out of depth and she was finding it hard to breathe. Her tunnel vision was only broken when the nurse called her name. The older woman smiled at her obvious nerves and Sarah was instantly relieved, not because of the woman’s assuring demeanour, but because she knew that if she had gone to a doctor at MED instead of Planned Parenthood, she would have instead been met with shock, judgement, and awaiting a comment from Doris.
“Dr. Singh will be with you in a few minutes.”
“Thank you.”
So Sarah laid back on the examination table in the flimsy blue paper gown with her unmentionables in the breeze, because of course, Sarah found herself in a situation where she’d need a transvaginal ultrasound instead of a pap smear. She closed her eyes and counted to ten, trying to calm herself down.
“Ms. Reese?”
“Hello, I’m Dr. Singh. You believe you’re pregnant?”
“Yes, I took two home tests, I’ve been nauseous but only between two and four in the afternoon and one and four in the morning, I missed my period, I’ve been fatigued, and my breasts have been sore. And it’s... Uh, it’s Dr. Reese, actually.”
“Okay, then. Are you in your residency?”
“Halfway through my second year.”
“So you know how this works then.”
“Did you bring any support? We have counsellors and resources you can use. Your mental and emotional wellbeing is just as important as your physical health.”
“I’m fine. I just want to get the pregnancy confirmed and then book an abortion. I’m in my second year of residency, the father was a one night stand, and my main source of income comes from my mother who would not approve of me having a baby out of wedlock.”
“I completely understand. Med school was hard enough for me without pregnancy and then a baby. We’re still going to have a counsellor talk to you about it beforehand, make sure that you’re making the decision for you and not for anyone else.”
“Alright, I guess.”
“Well, let’s get started, shall we?”
Sarah was right, she was pregnant. She wasn’t surprised and it didn’t change how she felt. So when she walked into her next shift she didn’t expect a concerned Maggie to approach her. “Hey Sarah, are you okay?”
“I’m fine, Maggie, why? Did something happen that I don’t know about?”
“You’re pale, you haven’t been eating much lately, and you’ve been more tired lately. What’s going on Reese, are you sick? You can talk to Goodwin and she’ll give you time off.”
“I’m grateful that you’re worried about me Maggie, but I’m not sick or anything, I promise. It’s just stress.” Sarah tried and failed to tell herself that she wasn’t technically lying, but pushed that thought to the back of her mind and took in Maggie’s disbelieving demeanour.
“If you’re sure...”
“I am.” Maggie gave her a look that clearly said ‘I don’t think you’re telling the truth but your lie is plausible so I’m letting it go for now’ as she exited the doctor’s lounge, leaving Sarah alone. She took a deep breath as she put her stuff in her locker before grabbing a clean pair of scrubs. After she’d changed into them she looked into the full mirror of the dressing room, staring herself down. She willed against herself not to do it and lost. She turned to the side and placed her hands over her abdomen. She knew that the fetus inside of her was tiny, the size of a sesame seed, but... She didn’t know what she was doing, truthfully. So she shook her head and squared her shoulders before tying her hair back and walking up to the nurses’ station. “What have you got for me, Maggie?”
Andrew Pierson was seventeen and optimistic, something that both she and Rhodes admired. It made their daily rounds and checkups much easier. On most days they both went at the same time so that both departments were able to get first-hand results and to prevent miscommunication. The only problem was that they were always at 3:30 pm, smack dab in the one-hour afternoon window of Sarah’s ‘morning’ sickness. She did her best to quell it in advance; ginger tea, fresh air, mindful of what she’d had for lunch, and she was always drinking water. Sometimes though, like today, morning sickness couldn’t be quelled or repressed. She and Rhodes were discussing Andrew’s latest brain scan and what his injury meant for a valve replacement, when it reared its ugly head like never before. The bile was rising up her throat, fast and hot. She stopped talking in the middle of her sentence, drawing attention from her colleague and her patient. She didn’t register dropping her tablet. She darted into the adjoining bathroom and emptied the little liquid she had in her stomach. Even after it was all out she had to sit there dry-heaving. The burning discomfort in her throat didn’t bother her like it used to, and the painful twisting in her stomach annoyed her more than anything else at this point. When the hellish nausea finally passed she was able to register that she wasn’t alone. Rhodes stood behind her, holding her hair back for her. She turned to look at him and he clearly felt unbelievably awkward, like her, but she did see worry clearly on display behind his eyes. “What’s going on, Reese? You’ve been sick all week.” She hastily got on her feet, only for Rhodes to have to steady her when her balance wavered and mind spun from doing it too fast. After she was okay enough that Rhodes could let go, she warily made her way to the sink to rinse her mouth, only to find that there was some vomit on the edges of her lips and chin, only furthering her embarrassment as Rhodes tried to make eye contact in the mirror.
“It’s nothing-”
“Okay, stop. This is not nothing, you don’t think I’ve noticed how pale and nauseous you get every day? I may have my head wrapped around for too much but I’m not an idiot. Not to mention, you literally just dropped our patient’s brain scans to vomit. You are not fine, actually, you know what? Let’s just go down to the ED, get you checked out-”
“No. Absolutely not.”
“Reese, these are continual symptoms, they could be the sign of-”
“I’m pregnant.”
“... Oh.” Sarah bit out harshly, turned the water off, and left the bathroom, leaving Rhodes standing by the toilet, as she blinked back tears. The look in his eyes, the acknowledgement, the pity. She picked up her, thankfully undamaged tablet, as a demure Dr. Rhodes came to stand beside her again. “I’m very sorry Mr. Pierson, I think I ate some bad sushi yesterday. Let’s just finish our appointment and then we can get you started on your new preparation plan so that you’re ready for surgery, okay?”
“Sounds good, and I hope you feel better soon, doc.”
Dr. Rhodes had spent the remainder of Andrew’s appointment standing beside her clearly shocked and somewhat muted. When they both left though, he steered her into the closest conference room he could find. “Are you okay?”
“Of course I am, now if you’ll excuse me I have other patients that need my care-”
“What about you? Who’s caring for you? You’ve been really sick, and although pregnancy explains it, it doesn’t change the fact that you have concerning symptoms or that Maggie is one bathroom trip away from admitting you into the hospital herself. Because I haven’t heard anything about you in any of the gossip I’m going to assume that you haven’t told many, if any at all, people here. So is there anyone who knows? Anyone who can help you out? And what about the father? I mean you’re pregnant, you’re going to have a baby. Have you spoken to Goodwin yet? She’ll work with everyone to make sure that you’ve got everything you need-”
“Okay, stop! No one knows and I want to keep it that way. I’m not... I’m getting an abortion. And I just...” Sarah took a deep breath as she blinked her tears away. Not now, not at work, not in front of Dr. Rhodes.
“Hey, hey, hey, it’s okay.” He stood there awkwardly, his arms hovering around her form, unsure of whether he should embrace her or not. Sarah shrugged his hand away and took a few controlled breaths. “I won’t tell anyone, but, does anybody know? And I don’t mean from work, I mean in general, do you have someone to talk to about this? Or take you to and from the procedure?”
“No but it’s fine, I’ll just call a cab after.”
“What if something goes wrong during the procedure, who are they going to call? You have to list an emergency contact.”
“I’ll be fine, everything will be fine.” Sarah took a steadying breath as she tried to quell her morning sickness, again, and stop her body from shaking. “Are you trying to reassure me? Or yourself?” Sarah honestly didn’t have an answer for that.
Sarah cursed herself constantly over the fifteen-minute drive it took to get to Molly’s. Not only did she reveal a pretty damning secret to one of the hospital’s top surgeons, but she hadn’t been able to get out of going to the bar with the rest of the ED staff. And since Molly’s was a firefighter bar, owned by a few members of the 51st firehouse, the father of her child was most likely going to be there. She sat in her car, trying not to let the dread fill her as she stared at the ornate door of what was now her least favourite bar, not that she enjoyed drinking enough to have a favourite. She took the seat next to Maggie and tried to join in on the laughter that was being shared amongst her colleagues. But she couldn’t, she felt hot and cold all over, her breathing was tense, her chest was constricted, and her smile didn’t quite meet her eyes. The fact that Jimmy Borrelli, the father of the unborn child inside of her that he didn’t even know about, was staring at her with familiar lust-filled eyes, and that Connor Rhodes, currently the only person who knew about her pregnancy, just entered and looked at her with a mix of shock, horror, and concern, did absolutely nothing to help with her stress or her pregnancy symptoms. Rhodes made his way over to the table with a guarded look on his face. “Hey guys, how about I get the next round?”
“You’re not new anymore Rhodes, we know you’re not a complete stuck up ass, you don’t have to keep trying to bribe us.”
“Thanks for your words of kindness, Halstead, but this isn’t bribery, this is me offering beer.”
“... Fair enough, man. I think we’re all up for it.”
“Great, hey Reese, would you mind helping me carry it all over?” The meaningful look Rhodes sent made it clear he was using this as an excuse to talk to her away from their co-workers. “Sure.” She tried to sound chipper as she hopped out of her seat, but her voice was tired and it cracked partway through the word. Rhodes visibly frowned and Sarah could feel the concerned stares from her co-workers. They walked to the counter and nodded at Hermann, ready to wait until he was available. “I know that you’re... ‘Cancelling your subscription’,” he spoke lowly, mindful of all the ears around them and how fast gossip flourished among the groups present, “but you still, you know, have it. Should you be drinking?”
“I’m not. I’ve missed too many get-togethers and because of my, uh ‘binge-watching’. People, Maggie in particular are getting suspicious. And honestly, even though I’m ‘cancelling my subscription’, I can’t bring myself to do anything to harm... You know. I, uh, I don’t even drink, really.”
“Yeah, I know. Is there anything else I can get you, then?” Sarah shook her head even though her stomach had turned on her and was eating itself. The bodily organ betrayed her, making an audible growl that could be heard above the music bursting out of the speaker directly above them and the loud mixture of conversations that made nearly everything inaudible. He raised his eyebrow as she scolded herself internally and tried to ignore the warmth creeping up to her cheeks at his bemused expression. “You sure about that? How about some food? I hear that Mills has taken up working the kitchen here, the food should be good.”
“The food is great! And I’m not just saying that because I own that place.” Sarah jumped at Hermann’s voice, not knowing he’d gotten back to them.
“Would you mind showing me a menu then, Hermann? I won’t turn down free food.” Sarah nodded her head at the man standing next to her with a slight smile on her face, feeling better than she had all day if she was being honest. “Oh, is the good doctor buying again?”
“Yes I am, which reminds me, three pitchers of Coors please, and-”
“Spaghetti and meatballs.”
“And spaghetti and meatballs, please.”
“You got it. Here’s your beer, glasses for everyone, and your food’ll be brought over to you when it’s done.”
“And Reese?”
“Give us a good review, will ya? We could use all the help we can get to gain some traction for the kitchen.”
“You got it.”
Sarah eyed the tower of glasses she had in her right hand, concentrating far more than necessary if she was being honest, to make sure that she didn’t drop them. When Sarah set the glasses and full pitcher down she took the opportunity to look around the tables at her colleagues. Everyone had gone back to their conversations, and weren’t regarding her with caution, except for Maggie and Manning. They shared a look with each other, then her. “I’m fine, promise.” They shared another look with each other before discreetly taking her hands into theirs. “We don’t believe you.”
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imagine-fight-write · 4 years
Banana Fish, Vol. 1, Part 6
Hello, everyone! Time ran away from me again, laughing manically, but I am back!
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So today Ash, after shooting his (former) gang members silly & laying down the law, goes to a doctor. Yes, really. But not just any doctor! No, no. This doctor is no longer licensed and does abortions. In the 80s. Which is also when this was written (1987, to be exact.) Well. I have no idea what to think, apart from Doc guy (his name is Meredith, a lovely name & looks it too) - Not-Doc Meredith has guts. No matter if who agree with what he does or not. But more importantly! Ash is wearing his lovely, comfy, totally 80s but comfy wool coat (pg. 65.)
(I want it so bad. Can’t you tell?)
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And before I gush over the roller coaster ride that’s Ash & Meredith’s smack down conversation, I must bring your attention to Mr. Meredith’s poor assistant, Ms. Brandish. She’s a bit cold to Ash, asking he has an appointment when Ash is clearly a regular. Ash notes this, then says this line: “My own professional advise is to go throw that virginity away somewhere. Anywhere. I heard it rots if you don’t use it.” (pg. 65) And I’m just WHAAATTT? WHAT?
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Like, good grief Ash, what did she do to you to be so mean? That’s utterly rude. Was he in a bad mood or something - I mean yes, he just got betrayed by 2 gang members & had to shoot them up & chase them off, that’s got to have cut him up, it’s clear his gang are people he trusts - he’s not walking on sunshine here.
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No, scratch that! It doesn’t matter! You do not insult someone over how little or how much sex they have. Also, making assumptions is stupid! Just because someone’s single doesn’t mean they’re a virgin! Idk. This just blew me for a loop. I’m just baffled. Especially because, far as I know, Ash is never so rude again. Not to someone who has less power than he does (this is called “punching down”.) Maybe part of why this struck me so hard is because Ms. Brandish is a female character, of which Banana Fish has a distinct lack of. Like female street gangs. Where are the female street gangs? (wines).
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I mean, Fruits Basket has them in spades, to the point of you wouldn’t even know gangs of dudes exist, because they’re never mentioned! So why not Banana Fish? Sigh. I’m not going to forget this (the insult or lack of female street gangs). But nobody’s perfect & Ash in particular has all the cause in the world to be messed up when it comes to sex (though that’s no excuse.) Don’t ever insult someone that way! Moving on. To a glorious, glorious smack down conversation. I LIVE for the conversations in Banana Fish and here the wit’s sharp as a knife. I love it. I love this even more than Ash’s convo with Dino which I gushed hard over in Part 5. 
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Was it Part 5? Agh, numbers.
Yes, it was. I am right, like always.
Anyway, I like Ash & Meredith’s covo more.
This is because, unlike his convo with Dino, Ash is on equal footing here, able to take and give smack talk. Neither he or not-Doc Meredith loses, it’s just an ongoing thing, and I love it. So, top of pg.66, Meredith comes out of surgery looking shady as all get out (the surgical mask doesn’t help.) So we already know he’s shady even before Ash confirms he’s not a licensed doc.
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(And everyone says early Banana Fish art isn’t good - nach.) So. Ash starts things off with a quip, “Business is booming down at the clinic” only to inform us, “Mister Meredith is no longer licensed by the state of New York.” Also, Ash looks exactly like the smug teen he is when he says this, lounging in the not-doctor’s chair. I love it. I have to wonder. How did this relationship start? Is Ash’s comment a subtle reminder he could get Meredith in trouble if he wants? (It’s a very Dino-like thing to say, ugh.) Because it sure sounds like it. But Meredith also knows at least something about Ash’s past (see later in their convo) just as damaging. But at the same time Meredith does help Ash out in a major way later on - So no, I don’t think Ash is blackmailing him. Or if he is, Ash is mostly bluffing & Meredith knows this. Note also how Ash is bad at being nice to grown men (because of course he is.) So that might be part of his edge here.
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And Meredith doesn’t take this lying down. He shoots back, “I have news for you Ash - that “J.D.” of yours doesn’t stand for Juris Doctor.” I’m scratching my head at this. It’s obviously an insult of some sort (at Ash’s intelligence? Which - haha, we all know Ash is smart at this point. Right?) Thoughts? Can anyone explain? Anyway, Meredith muses on the surgery he just did, “She had a fibroid on her uterus.” I have no idea what that means (tho I could guess) but it sounds awful. Ash quips, “you do sterilize the dustbuster first, right?” “Dustbuster” meaning uterus, I think. Also, dustbuster is a marvelous word. So fun to say. Makes me think of dustbunnies. Meredith is just, “take the medicine & go.” Like, give the man a break Ash, he just performed surgery. The medicine is, of course, for Griffin. Meredith warns Ash that it “only works for minor attacks” & “he should be in a hospital.” (This sounds like an old argument.) Ash snaps back with a great line, “What would they do - plant him in their vegetable garden?” Valid point. But - maybe actual doctors could help Griffin? Wouldn’t that be wonderful? Also note how this tells you Meredith knows about Griffin. He doesn’t know that Griffin is Ash’s brother (see later in convo) but he still knows about Griffin & his vegetable state. This is a lot of trust Ash has for Meredith, is what I’m trying to say. Ash being a teen with trust issues up to here. But, because he doesn’t know, Meredith asks, and you can hear the sneer in his voice, “Besides, what’s he [Griffin] to you? Don’t tell me he’s your lover.”
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Sigh. Meredith also makes the assumption Ash is gay and shames him for it. Though it also raises the question - how does Meredith know or find out about Ash’s past, the one Marvin hinted about with the “movies”? Or does Meredith assume Ash is gay based on the context of him caring for an older man? (who he clearly hasn’t seen, or he’d know right away Ash & Griffin are brothers.) I hope for my health he didn’t watch those “movies” Marvin mentioned. But I don’t think so. I don’t think Ash would trust anyone who watched them. I wouldn’t either. And beat them with a stick. Anyway! More brilliant conversation (pg. 67) Ash - “I’ve got a favor to ask.” Meredith - “Uh-oh. Got confused and knocked someone up? I didn’t know you had it in you.” (Ouch. Zing.) Also, again the implication Ash only sleeps with men. Seriously, what is Ash’s reputation, & why does he have it? But then Meredith is nice.
“I’ll take care of it. I mean, being a dad at your age is a heavy responsibility.” Which is true. Ash is 17.
  But also, way to assume Ash doesn’t want to be a dad. 
  Not to mention - have you noticed where he (Ash) lives? The (delightfully) dingy apartment Griffin is in? The fact that Ash has like, 1 set of clothes, 1 jacket, 1 coat, & a vest. Ok, scratch that, 2 shirts. But still! I have no idea what he does for $$$. Wait. Hold up. Stop. 
Maybe that’s why everyone thinks he’s gay, because he sells himself . . . . . . . . .
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Don’t mind me, I’m going to bawl my eyes out in a corner and simultaneously cuss out everyone who thinks, “No, buying somebody for sex is fine, of course they enjoy it.
 And I pay them well -”
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Whoo. I’m not recovered, but I am back.
Curse my avid imagination. And then bless it, because I love my imagination. No, I assume Ash does other stuff to get $$$. He’s a leader of a gang, for crying out loud. (I have no idea what they do, haha.)
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Does anyone know? Please comment! Let’s continue. Meredith is all (snigger) “Did you knock someone up?” (and grown-ups call children childish.) Ash punches back with, “Not your usual services” and shows Meredith a packet of what was in the vial. Banana Fish. (pg. 68) Am I the only one whose ever only seen those paper medicine packets only in manga? There was one in Rurouni Kenshin too. Is this more of a Japan thing? Anyway, Meredith is like, “What is that?” Ash confirms it’s not dope & asks him to analyze it. Meredith is like, “Sure, for overtime” meaning “if you pay me” and Ash goes, “When you don’t have your hand up, you’ve got it out,” 
Reminding the reader of how Meredith was grumbling about Ash having to call him before he comes in. Then Ash says, “Be seeing you.” And all I can think of is The Prisoner, an obscure British T.V. show, 
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Brilliantly reviewed by Dominic Noble here:
But wait! There’s more! Ash quips,
“Don’t let any of those tiny ghosts haunt you.” Meredith fires back, “I’ll do your autopsy for free when they fry you in the chair.” Ah, I love it. Such beautiful wit. This is how you write dialog. The reader doesn’t have to be told point blank Meredith does abortions - it’s eluded to in the dialog. Or that he & Ash have been doing this for a while, Ash paying for the medicine and picking it up. Even Meredith’s question of what relationship Ash has with the guy he’s getting the medicine for sounds like an old question he’s asked before. Or maybe I’m completely wrong & they’ve only been doing this for a few months. Who knows. Regardless, their banter is so refreshingly playful and equal compared to Ash’s convo with Dino. Sure there’s a power play, but it’s equal. And speaking of Dino -
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I love his shocked expression top of pg. 69. This is the start of the famous duck scene I had to gush about in the last post. My priorities are important and valid! Anyway, Angie (and his fabulous mustache) is reporting to Dino that Ash was found with the body of the poor Banana Fish guy by his 2 (former) gang members. Dino rightly surmises Banana Fish guy might’ve said something or Ash took something off his body (both are true, as we know.) I like Dino’s contemplative face. The study is such a mob boss 80s den, I love it. Dino’s polio shirt with cravat bothers me, though. *I can’t spell cravat, help me. Top of pg. 70 - oh hi, Marvin, almost didn’t see you on the last page. Marvin asks to “grill” Ash, a.k.a. question him, and Dino is all, “No, no, he’s a sharp one.” (meaning Marvin’s not? Ha! But it’s true!) We learn the 2 (former) gang members are in the front hall, and this happens: Dino has a great line, “I think they’ve heard enough stories.” Angie goes “Sir?” Both he and Marvin have marks noting surprise or shock, or maybe flinching? But I don’t think either one is exactly surprised or puzzled. More - ugh, please not this. And Dino clarifies, “Drive them down to the Pine Barrens and kill them both.” 
(Like, he doesn’t trust them to know they need to kill both of them, not just one).
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But I can’t laugh because, not only is Dino ordering them to commit murder, but to kill 2 boys. 2 boys who know nothing. And they do. I will never forgive Angie. His mustache can burn to ash. Hercule Poirot’s is better!
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And eventually the police find them (their bodies.) But first scene change! It occurs to me that there’s no real chapters in Banana Fish. I really think it’d help. But considering it came out in the 80s, maybe chapters weren’t a thing yet? Remember, manga volumes are essentially complied pages of the manga / comic from a magazine put into a book. There’s no chapters in a magazine comic, so there’s no chapters in the volume - yet. I’m surprised Banana Fish volumes haven’t been reissued with chapters & chapter title pages. Mine’s from a 2nd printing in 2018. Huh. Anyway. The police found the Banana Fish guy! And have no clue who he is. Bummer. Pros for the autopsy guy, Gordon, for being a Black guy, but also eloquent, (pg.71) *I can’t spell autopsy or eloquent “A gentleman among corpses, detective.” - This makes me think of Sherlock Holmes.
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(That’s Basil Rathbone, for those in the back.)
The autopsy guy continues,
“Three neat holes like a suit coat. Nice and clean . . . You have to appreciate such distinctions in this profession friend. Why, the state of that fellow we have in here last Tuesday? . . . Made it very difficult for me to enjoy my hamburger.”
So Ash’s (former) gang members are good shots? Makes sense.
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And that’s all for now. Hopefully I’ll be on time next Wednesday & we’ll meet Max, Ibe, and Eiji!!!! There is a diabolical plot against Ash! A bar fight!
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