#he also styles his sisters' hair a lot so he is actually pretty good at it
hoperays-song · 1 year
Johnny’s Hairstyles
So, in my human au, Johnny has natural 3b hair type! So it would look something like this:
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(What I was able to make in picrew as the curliest hair in this style for reference)
But, in humid climates, 3b hair can get frizzy with humidity. So while Johnny keeps his hair natural a majority of the time, he will braid and style it if the show is traveling to a more humid area!
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comradekatara · 3 months
i don’t want to watch natla but i appreciate very much you posting about “zuko’s little faggot diary” that shit made me crack up laughing ty
that’s just canon to me. he’s a boy who loves to monologue. of course he keeps a diary. how else is he gonna keep track of his special interests. where else is he gonna write down his angsty poetry. you know he spent months tracking aang down taking detailed notes on his garb, his fighting style, his flight patterns, and not once ever bothered taking note of his name, even though he easily could’ve learned it from the million times katara screamed it over the course of their fights.
which, if you’ll allow me to go on a tangent, is another thing that bothers me. when ppl are like “zuko learned their names because they all say one another’s names constantly.” and you think that means he actively made an effort to REMEMBER it????? you must be out of your damn gourd if you think that the most one-track minded human being in the history of the universe is paying attention to anything that doesn’t directly interest him in that very moment. but i digress.
i just KNOW that zuko was soo mad that he lost his diary after his ship got blown up by zhao because years of precious poetry and avatar lore, burned to cinders by that PHILISTINE!!!! and then as a refugee in the earth kingdom, he languishes, diaryless, because he’s too embarrassed to actually spend what little money they have on something so extraneous. and then once back in the fire nation he obviously can’t keep a diary because azula will do everything in her power to read it (he learned that the hard way as a child). but then, finally, once he flees to the western air temple, he can actually keep a diary again, now that he is surrounded by nice, normal people who don’t actually care enough about him to snoop through his belongings.
or so he thinks.
now, aang, being a respectful young lad, would never share his findings with the rest of the group, especially since none of them have actually warmed up to him yet. but that doesn’t prevent him from reading everything zuko has ever written in that diary. and of course, he doesn’t tell zuko, because he has the tact and savvy to know that if he alerts zuko to his snooping, then he will simply hide his diary better, or even worse, stop writing in it altogether. and zuko can’t stop writing!! for he has a poet’s soul!!!
also, zuko has somehow gathered a lot of information on sokka that aang himself did not know, despite being friends with him for nearly a year now (like the fact that he dated the moon??? or the fact that his mother was killed by the fire nation??? although that one he really should’ve figured out on his own. considering that he and katara are siblings, and thus logically would share a mother). and so aang really needs zuko to keep updating his SOKKA LORE notebook because he feels kind of guilty that he knew basically nothing about his friend and yet zuko, the least observant person he has ever met, is somehow an expert in sokkology (although aang is deeply offended on katara’s behalf that he simply refers to her as “sokka’s sister” or sometimes “the angry one”).
for the record, aang never actually puts together WHY zuko is so fascinated by sokka. he’s just like “of course he’d be intrigued by sokka. he has a very complex mind, what an adventure to attempt to fathom the depths of his psyche.” like he just assumes that zuko is using sokka as a case study for completely innocuous reasons. he also assumes that zuko, like any teenage boy with eyes, is infatuated with katara. not at first, obviously, because to zuko she is still “girl sister, long hair” but eventually. once they reconcile, and become friends. and then his diary makes a sharp turn from carefully documenting any and all sokka lore to “katara said this really funny thing today” “katara is so nice and pretty” “katara is such a good waterbender” and suddenly aang is NOT having fun anymore!!!! halt the presses!!!!!
so aang just kind of sulks to himself for a while because it’s not like he can TELL anyone about his NEW ROMANTIC RIVAL in the BID FOR KATARA’S AFFECTIONS, but he does try to vaguely intimate to sokka and toph that it bothers him. and toph’s just like “what?? you mean all those times she hooked up with haru at the western air temple???” and aang’s just like. “HARU??????!!?!!??!?!?”
anyway. zuko isn’t a complete idiot, so after a few good years of being friends with aang, he finally catches onto the fact that aang has been keeping up with his diary every time he visits the palace, after like, the fourth or fifth time that aang accidentally lets a piece of information slip that he only could’ve known via reading zuko’s diary. so zuko decides to mess with him, and starts keeping a fake diary in the place he used to keep his real diary (columbus style) and writing shit in it like, “aang’s recent experimentations with facial hair are so embarrassing. just because you’re finally old enough to grow a weak little mustache doesn’t mean that you, under any circumstances, SHOULD. i bet katara is throwing up puking every day just having to kiss his horrendous furry mouth.” or, “katara said that she thinks roku was not only hotter, but also a way better avatar than aang, and personally, i agree. if he was still the avatar today no one would ever go hungry and we would have total world peace.” or, “aang is way too comfortable going shirtless. if i had that scrawny lanky body i would cover that shit up with a big ol sweater every day.” or, “aang said something really mean the other day and it hurt my feelings and i cried alone in my room for 3 hours. aang is literally a bully????”
and aang can’t even SAY anything because zuko is allowed to say whatever he wants about his friends in the privacy of his own journal, but also he decides that if zuko truly hates him so much, then he will simply stop visiting the fire nation so frequently, out of respect to his friend. at which point zuko realizes that he may have gone too far, so the next time aang visits him, he puts his real diary in his drawer with an entry that reads, “i can’t believe aang keeps falling for my fake diary prank. he doesn’t even know that im messing with him. and he never will, because my system is flawless, and i’ll never ever lose track of which diary is the real one and which one is the fake.”
at which point aang runs headfirst into a meeting between fire lord zuko and his senior council and is just like “ZUKO!!!!!!!!!!! YOU IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!” and tackles him in a hug with no regard for propriety. he nearly gives zuko a concussion from the force of his hug. but dammit if it isn’t worth it.
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mediumgayitalian · 3 months
What are some of your Will headcanons?
Any angsty ones?
hair style:
will's hair has a Mind Of Its Own. it is impossible. brushing it? keep dreaming. styling it? dude just give up
he can, however, wrangle it into two french braid pigtails. those are fun.
in the august after the giant war, the aphrodite cabin take it upon themselves to 'style' nico, including giving him these little elastics with a skull charm (like this but with skulls), but he doesn't like tying his hair back very much (too tight) so he gives them to will as a joke.
will LOVES them.
he literally wears them almost every day. the next time they go out on a supply run, nico sees these little elastic charms and buys them for will. he can't summon the courage to give them to him face to face but he leaves them on his bed. will adores them, too, and it starts something of a tradition of people giving will charm elastics as a small thank-you.
he has a collection of them and wears them whenever he wears his hair in braids.
his favourites are the skull charms, though.
artistic ability:
will really doesn't have many musical talents. he's hard of hearing and while hephaestus-made hearing aids definitely work better than mortal ones, it's not really something that can be cured, so he has a lot of trouble staying on key/making music himself.
however! apollo is the god of poetry and art in general -- that is more than just visual!!
will is a really good writer, poetry especially. he's very articulate and verbose and writes with startling clarity. he's written a lot of songs and a lot of poems, although he hasn't shown anybody in years.
he used to share them with his older brothers and sisters and sibling, but...well. obviously that's no longer an option.
he's never stopped writing, though. he may keep it to himself, but it's kind of an open secret. he's scribbling in his notebooks all the time -- it's impossible not to notice.
his friends and siblings, however, are the only ones who know that he writes creatively. they've peeked over his shoulder here and there (and also kayla is a huge huge snoop, like, badly, and austin is easily convinced to be complacent in her crimes), and sometimes he says things that are just kind of poetic.
no one else knows, though. he's deliberately obnoxious about it -- every once in a while, at campfire open mics, he'll clear his throat loudly and grin as people groan and recite something so bad apollo might have written it. most people think will's quite bad at writing, actually.
another thing he's really good at is drama, which is a surprise to absolutely no one. although beyond his regular histrionics, chiron had shakespeare as part of his curriculum, and will could play puck like nobody's business. he recited a mercutio so good once lee actually cried with laughter (so did everyone else). on a hauntingly beautiful february in 2004, he played ophelia by the creek so beautifully that it was silent for a good four minutes after he finished.
there are very, very few people at camp who remember that. will hasn't recited anything in a while.
an unexpected bonus of his medical knowledge, actually, is a really good understanding of depth, space, and anatomy.
he's a surprisingly good artist.
it started pretty normal -- he was having trouble articulating a question to michael one time, and in a fit of frustration drew a diagram to try and explain himself. it was really good, even as rushed as it was, so michael used to give him 'homework' that was hand-drawing posters of various body systems to hang in the infirmary.
it was kind of spooky how will could do it without looking it up. just close his eyes and start sketching an accurate nervous system. cool though.
his older sister, cass, encouraged him to branch out of anatomy diagrams and create whatever he liked. she made the unfortunate mistake of giving him several cans of paint and free reigns on blank infirmary walls (they're freaky and boring) to a nerdy eight-year-old -- that's why r2d2 and c3po are chilling on the wall by the mortal medicine cabinet.
he doesn't paint a lot now, 'cause he doesn't have the damn time, but when rachel finds out who painted the infirmary walls she hounds him until he takes a morning to paint with her. they have a lot of fun. they end up with more paint on each other and their clothes than their canvases, predictably.
when will was a kid, he had twelve older siblings.
apollo tends to have kids in brackets. he is, as everyone knows, a hoe, so he'll be busy on olympus or with artemis and go a while without having any kids, and then he'll be on earth for like three years and have a litter. so a lot of his kids end up the same age.
before the war, in the same cabin, there was: cass, the oldest, 18, somewhat year-long; diana, 18, year-long; lee, 16, somewhat year-long; michael, 16, somewhat year-long; gabriel, 15, summer-only; leanna, 15, summer-only; mercury, 15, summer-only; kate & phoebe, 14, summer-only; laurel, 13, summer-only; amir, 13, summer-only; melody, 12, summer-only; and will, 8, year-long (for now).
their abilites were pretty vast and well-rounded, and they came from all over the continent.
there was a time when the infirmary wasn't understaffed at all.
will doesn't like to think about it.
on their birthdays, apollo leaves them all a gift on their bunks (or their beds at home, if their birthdays aren't in the summer).
each of them gets a piece of blessed gold jewelry when they're ten. will got a pair of threader earrings with thin blue sapphires that he loves. he can't wear them often because they're a genuine hazard in the infirmary (yes, more than flip-flops) and he doesn't want them ruined. but he wears them on the rare days he has off.
he actually has quite a lot of jewelry! because he is a sappy nerd, he has two watches: a hephaestus-made one, totally waterproof, weatherproof, and monsterproof, because it helps quell the anxiety when so many people are counting on him (he has to know when people will be better and how long he can be away from his patients, also used to tell people to fuck off when he's on break lol); and his mother's much nicer watch that she gave to him when she dropped him off at camp for the first time -- it's not changed for the time zone. he knows what time it is for her, and it makes him feel better about being so far away from her.
he wears both watches on the same wrist, ala chad danforth.
he has a third watch. it was lee's. it's got r2d2 on the face. will got it for him with his own money when he was nine years old, for his birthday. it lives in a box under his bunk. it's cracked and broken and never tells the right time except on 1:52 p.m. on june 30th, although the year gets farther and farther off every time will checks it.
contrary to popular belief, will does not actually wear the same pair of cargo shorts every day.
...because he has seven pairs of the same shorts.
he does have other shorts through. namely swim trunks and a pair of tighter shorts he wears specifically to kick ass in volleyball. he didn't try for this or anything, he got the shorts at the thrift store, but he's pretty sure they might be designer. he gets a lot of compliments from the aphrodite cabin when he wears them.
he also has a collection of nerdy t-shirts (his anakin sand-rant t-shirt is worn to threads), novelty pajama pants, hoodies, and flannel.
he has more than one tattoo. he has several, actually; constellations, lines from freckle to freckle so faint you can barely see them: the seer, the drummer, the archer, the tiny lion, the archangel, the maiden, the lyre, the twins, the boat stern, the hearth, and the singer.
just plain will:
he's slightly red-green colourblind.
when he gets mad, his cheeks puff up and he gets all red in the face before erupting. his older siblings used to call him tinkerbell.
he gets teased for being so dramatic that he was named for the most dramatic apollo kid who ever lived -- shakespeare. but his actual, legal name is just plain will solace. when pregnant, his mom used to mutter 'it's you, me, and sheer fucking force of will, baby' to herself a lot, as a kind of mantra, and then will was born and she thought it would be kind of funny to name him will (she was right). lee invented william andrew solace so he'd have something to yell when will got in trouble lol.
he has the climbing wall record. this is because he climbs a lot of trees. he has no explanation and no one is going to stop him.
when he was a kid, and the whole mythology thing was explained to him, he misnderstood michael's explanation of food sacrifice as one to be done to all theoi/mythical beings. he worked his way to praying through the entire pantheon, a horde of minor gods, hestia, chiron, argus, and half the nymphs before someone caught wind and explained to him properly. it is the main reason all the nymphs and dryads are so endeared by him. he used to go around asking their names and very seriously writing it down in his little notebook to pray to them properly.
he carries around notebooks constantly. at first, diana gave them to him because he was driving everyone bonkers with his endless questions and she needed Five Minutes, Will, Gods, Please of silence, but he really took to it and wrote everything in there. he keeps them all as a sort of diary. kayla reads them any time he has his back turned.
it is really, really hard for him to talk about his siblings. but he knows kayla and austin feel kind of left out and hurt about it, since they didn't get the chance to know them like will did (the kids never met them), so sometimes, late at night, he calls them softly over to his bunk and they curl up, one under each arm, and he tells them stories until his voice goes hoarse and they're long asleep.
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venuscnjunctpluto · 1 year
Astro pt. 6
Credits: @venuscnjunctpluto
*A lot of sex workers have cap + Gemini energy in their charts. I think the cap makes them money driven and the Gemini gives them a carefree attitude towards sex.
*multiple women on 90 day fiancé have Virgo and cap placements. (darcey, anfisa . Chantel has a Virgo moon and mercury. Anfisa and Darcey (+ her twin sister) have cap moons and Virgo venuses. All of the women mentioned were somewhat stuck up and gave off Barbie energy. But once you watch them they were pretty chill some what lol
*Ik a guy w mars square Uranus who’s a stunt performer and Lewis Hamilton (the hot race car driver) has this aspect as well. They are the definition of dare devils.
*If you’re attracted to men look at your mars for the type you go for. If fire you’ll really like fire or air sun men (also include signs that square or opposite your mars) if water you’ll really like water or earth sun men (also squares/oppositions) for example as a sag mars I really like fire and air sign men but also Pisces and Virgo men too. Also the house it’s in can play a role mine is in the 8th so Scorpio suns can get it too.
*Mutable placements are theeeee funniest sorry not sorry
*I love mars-Chiron men they’re so gentle and comforting. Venus-Chiron men can also attract women w prominent Chiron aspects. I have Chiron conjunct MC and my mercury plus it squares my moon all tight orbs. They have a hard time in society bc they’re usually not aggressively masculine like society wants them to be. And they’ll attract women have their own wounds they need to work through so relationships can be hard. “Call out my name” by The Weeknd would be a good representation of them.
*I feel bad for Pluto in 7th their partners will try to change them and feel comfortable criticizing them.
*Someone pointed out Selena Gomez has three men who write songs about her The Weeknd, Justin, and Charlie puth. I want to point out she has mars-Pluto so like I said previously she attracts men with Scorpio influence *coughs* passionate and obsessive. The weeknd is a Scorpio moon w moon conjunct Pluto. Charlie is also a Scorpio moon and Justin is a Scorpio rising.
*She also has Venus conjunct chiron which is so sad bc it makes sense why she sung “the heart wants what it wants” Venus-Chiron can go through a lot of intense heartbreak that they end up channeling into music.
*Honestly I don’t think Hailey is necessarily obsessed w Selena I think she’s obsessed with Justin and she’s his ex. Taurus moons will stalk their significant others ex and constantly try to find evidence of them stepping out. They are beyond possessive.
*It’s also weird to me how many sag placement women can be bullies. Idk maybe the Jupiter influence exaggerates their ego (sun) or their aggression (mars) but all the bullies at my hs had sag placements. My 8th house stellium and Lilith made me bullied if anything.
*Rob Lowes son has Sun in 1st and they have similar mannerisms and can bounce off of eachother well in their Netflix show
*When a man’s mars conjuncts a woman’s sun…she’s the one who’s going to humble him. A guy Ik said an aqua girl was the only one who matched his toxicity and he’s an aqua mars. When reversed (man’s sun conjunct a woman’s mars) he’ll be her ideal type of man.
*Having Plutonian energy as a woman is really hard the older I get the harder it is to make genuine friends. I’m watching this girl who I’ve been talking with in class causally start dressing like me. I’ve also had friends try to copy my hair, how I talk, and my style. It seems stupid but it makes me uncomfortable.
*Sagittarius suns and Taurus suns get into the worst arguments😭
*Libra rising men 🤝 oversized shirts
*Libra mars women🤝 bending their back in pictures to show off their butts
*Capricorn moons are so harsh it’s actually funny
*capricorn placement men and their side hustles. My cousin is a cap rising and this cap sun guy both starting fixing iPhone screens on the side.
*Stormy Daniels has many 3rd house placements and from watching her interviews she’s really sharp. She also has a talent in communication as she was the editor of her highschool newspaper.
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Hi! Just asking for some super fluffy hc's about how reader is tom and bill's triplet/younger sister or older sister... would reader be in the band along with her brother's or not? Do they have a good sibling like relationship (do they might often,etc.), would reader have the same style as Tom or Bill or a mix of both of their styles... also reader also be close with Gustav and Georg?? 🤭🤭 (I noticed that I said 'reader' a few times now so sorry about that) take your time on this and i appreciate it if you can do this!! 💓
(Hello! Sure I can! I hope you enjoy this and thank you for requesting!)
Another Kaulitz Kid
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They're so annoying istg
They are pretty protective because you're their siblings also, but they can be dumb as hell
Bill is the sorta more laid back one with you
And Tom can be an asshole who likes teasing you
Let's say you're all three triplets, you're in the band also!
They wouldn't exclude you from that and you all had a dream to get famous together with your friends
Bill and you have a pretty good relationship
You guys are comfortable around each other, annoy each other and practically everything siblings do
Same with Tom but he just loves annoying the fuck out of you
You guys argue and bicker a lot
Especially in interviews when Tom is just letting everything go
He loves embarrassing you and Bill
If you do it back it turns into an all out war
Arguments get actually pretty scary at times
Things are broken, insults are flying
But then you guys just are like
"Wanna get food…?"
You guys never apologize to each other I'm sorry
It just physically makes you unable too apologize to your brother
If Tom or Bill ever see you with a guy or flirting with a fan they feel like dying
Tom is just like
"No. Nope, nope, no." And legit dragging you away over his shoulder as Bill is yelling about how you can't do that
If you're the girl triplet especially
They treat you no differently than they treat each other, Gustav and Georg
They do not give a single shit if you're a girl
They will man handle you, throw you around, mess up your hair, mess up dates, photobomb you and everything
They will never let you date unless you hide it from them
You ever sneak out the hotel rooms or wander off
You just wander back in and the lights turn on, Bill sitting cross legged in a chair
"Where have you been?"
"Um….I was out with…Tom."
Tom swivels around the chair all smiling, just happy to be included
"Try again."
"Uh- Georg and Gustav?"
"Don't involve us!"
You have either a completely different style than them or a mix of both
It really just switches all the time
Bill loves doing your makeup and hair and matches with you on the daily
Especially if you're the barely younger sibling
Speaking of older and younger, Tom never lets you guys forget he's older and will never let you guys love it down
If you're older than him though, he's bullying Bill sm and is bullied by you
Even if you aren't a triple and are just an older sibling, you most likely are still included in the band
If you're like a few years older that is
Tom is constantly saying you're old as shit and about to wither away, no matter how older you are
Bill actually likes hanging out with you when he was younger and still
It's died down a bit but he actually got a sense of fashion from you growing up
If you're not in the band, he's always happy to see you supporting them from the crowd or backstage
Tom wouldn't say this but growing up when they got famous he was pretty bummed they couldn't see you a lot when touring
If you're other, a triple and in the band or not, you are actually pretty close to Georg and Gustav
You're either a best friend or an older sister figure too them
You annoy them just as much as you do Bill and Tom
Georg messes with you and Gustav just lets you run your entire parade with no objection
But one thing is for sure
You can't do shit without anyone of them not asking what you're doing or where you're going
Will never let you have your own life
You're stuck with these assholes
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truegoist · 2 years
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##CHIGIRI BOYFRIEND HCS ! requested by anon(s) !!
WARNINGS: g/n reader , bathing together (no sex pipe down) this got requested twice & im a whore w no understanding of time so I’m sorry okay
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-how does it feel having a boyfriend prettier than you??
-seriously though it can be annoying how effortlessly pretty he is, but hey that also means you’ve the perfect dress up doll in your hands
-style his hair, dress him up. He’ll scowl and nag at you saying he can do all that himself, thank you much. even if he does say that, chigiri never actually attempted to stop you for real (he’ll never admit taking a liking to that. never)
-his sister and mother did that a lot to him so he’s actually a pretty good model
-chigiri is so gentle with you, even while holding your hand he makes sure to never squeeze much, his touch on your skin is always gentle and his kisses always start light as feather
-normally, he prefers to take quick showers before starting the day but he’s always down to have a bath with you, even the idea of sitting inside the warm water with you in his arms with a few candles light is so relaxing to him
-still, even if how much he might want to bathe with you, you will always have to ask him first. he just can’t bring himself to ask you for such thing.
-he also likes to lay on your lap, especially after training. play with his hair while whispering him random things and he will fall asleep almost immediately. bad for you though as he’s a real light sleeper and any move you make will wake him up. good luck on not moving an inch for hours
-He’s a GREAT listener btw he doesn’t talk much but he just knows exactly where to ask questions and how to make you know he’s still listening. You could be talking about the most boring thing he ever heard but he will still listen to you just because you want to talk about it
-Downside of having such a pretty boyfriend is that everyone too, is head over heels for him and it’s like he’s genuinely oblivious to that??? You can’t figure out if he ignores the looks he gets or really does not notice but your boyfriend sure is dense when it comes to confessions, even you had to try at least 3 times for him to get you had romantic feelings for him
-His density only increases when he starts dating you, as now his eyes only see you and no one else isn’t even in question
-Chigiri likes to be the big spoon, it doesn’t matters if you’re a head taller than him, he just likes to put his chin on top of your head while you’re snuggled close to his chest. it makes him feel warm
-other than training almost all his time is spent with you, and he doesn’t wants it any other way. Being able to spend so much time with someone without getting bored is a new experience to him, considering most of his life he preferred to keep a reasonable distance from others
-whenever your opinions differ he just tells you the one who goes from a to b fastest is right. curse him for that
-overall he’s definitely an amazing boyfriend (one of the best among blue lock fr)
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tetitous · 3 months
OK I think I'm good to give my thoughts about the last 2 episodes now (warning, it's long)
I'm so fucking wilded out by the whole wakfu extraction scene. It was absolutely painful.
I have to applaud the transition between Yugo's old and new VA, it was super clean. I really like his voice, it's so soft and yet you feel it has some power in reserve, though for Valentin Vincent (yes, if you're an ff7 fan you see it, I see it too) to win over Fanny Bloc in my heart he'd need to give me a godlike performance, for now I need to grow used to the change.
I believe I said somewhere some time ago that Eliatrope landing on the WoT could have some drastic repercussions, seems like I was wrong then, I'm okay with that.
Poor Nora, I just- she's only ever done her best, she mourned for a brother who used her like a puppet, how fucking cruel is it that now her powers is what's putting the world in danger and there's nothing she can do about it. Efrim being so devoured by his hunger that he feels hatred for Eliatrope and doesn’t care about even his own twin sister is so sad. He calls Eliatrope an egoist, as if anyone was owed her life force, and he sees nothing but sustenance. I do remember someone saying that you become someone else when you discover what true hunger feels like, it's what him being folded in two over his own stomach reminded me of. I hope there is some way out for them, but I'm not sure that I can be hopeful.
Talking about that, Toross Mordal. He can't forget himself to his own anger, like the others, but his mind still can't prioritize anything else. It's interesting to me that to him Yugo was just a means of sustenance, and yet he showed him more sympathy seemingly than he did to Nora, the central piece to his plan. Does Yugo remind him of someone else? Himself? I also think a lot about the way he's on loop about how Eliatrope "could have kept on feeding his people for centuries", he says it so often, and I wonder if it's meant to parallel Eliatrope's "we're doomed" attitude. They're both on loop about their own situations.
The whole dichotomy between "monster" and "pure" seems to reach some conclusion, that probably being that these two concepts don't really mean anything but "who we feel like we're allowed to demonize or not".
It's very strong with Qilby, who's been labeled as both by people. He's been a blast those last 2 episodes, I wouldn't call it a redemption arc, but an acceptance of his complexity. Yugo was right in s2, Qilby cannot deal with loneliness, and moreso by the void. The one thing he really wants is for things to exist so that he can discover them, to compensate for his lack of connexion. Beyond that he understands that no one can truly get him, and that's okay, he seems to have done some self-reflection if he actually came to that conclusion without much anguish. He's reuniting with the one person who can get it, hopefully at some point some form of compromise can be done so that the White Dimension never becomes a necessity again.
Turns out Lokus WAS a Mechasm after all, interesting to have rebooted the species a little. You can be "worthy" of them, the conditions of this being kind of unclear. Given the parallels between the Eliacube and the Eliasphere, it seems, strangely enough, that both Yugo and Qilby have been deemed worthy. I'm kind of fascinated, I want to understand how they work a bit more, but I don't think we'll be given much answers.
I have so many thoughts about Yugo it's unreal. First I want to comb his hair, he's pretty but haircare isn't on point, tbf that's part of the charm I think. Because I really, really want to be the one to comb his hair. Yeah he's already going up there on the babygirl list. That's powerful.
The fact that Yugo has a mind protection mechanism thanks to the Eliotropes is beautiful to me. They, or at least Oropo, did want someone, anyone, to aknowledge them, and Yugo going from refusing to accept them to giving them a full Persona-style recognition was nice. I want to know more about them, specifically I want to see which aspects of them are their own, and which they originally got from Yugo, because I see them both as some extensions of Yugo and as their own people. To me, the moment you are separated from your "original being", you start to be "you", so something different. Oropo only being one of many actually helps me to appreciate him more. Still an asshole though. Yeah I do believe they're real, otherwise Yugo couldn't have come up with Bouillon, y'know? Let me just have some Yugo chilling with his not-quite-clones from time to time, let me figure out their individual deal.
Amalia is going to pop off, love that for her, curious about what her and Yugo's reunion is going to be like.
We heard nothing from the Percedals, well for now their big arc has been handled I guess, but they'll probably come back for the finale, their friends will need all the help they can get, after all. Actually so much of Eva's personality can be understood through the prism her abandonment issues, but her it doesn't feel like we have reached the point where her arc can be considered close, but her deciding to trust Flopin, trust the people around her, to give them love, really reminds us how far she's come from the person who refused to adress Amalia by anything other than "princess".
Also not much of Ruel, he's probably going to be torn between his two treasures: his money and his friends needing him, and Ruel is generous in the ways that matter. At least that's my expectations. Kinda wish we had more comic relief moments, but let's be real, it wouldn't have been appropriate atm.
I'm surprisingly normal about the fact eliatropes seem to be able to make their own clothes.
Did I say everything I wanted to say? Ah no, wait
The scene where Ad is being all self-depreciating and Qilby's coming back like "Hey, missed me?" Was hilarious, I actually laughed out loud and I really needed it.
Bro Qilby calling Amalia superficial. On the one hand she does rely a bit too much on appearances, on the other Qilby can talk, he doesn't know her and makes some pretty mean assumptions. Wrong ones at that, because Amalia knows Yugo and loves him beyond appearances, and so does Yugo. The irony of it all isn't lost on me.
Armand had such a wisdom glow up, good for him.
Other thoughts may come up, but that's what I have right now. Can't wait till next week I'm too excited
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cntoesussie · 6 months
The TF2 Mercs and hair-related things (stuff i thought of while in the shower)
wiliest hair imaginable
but he combs it out (occasionally)
sorry bout that
doesn’t have naturally oily hair
doesn’t mind really
Knows the standard military buzzcut
that’s about it
also knows jack shit about caring for hair
do they have hair?
but they like styling it
has one of these things to do it:
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yeah you know the ones
loves dying hair wild colors (none of the mercs trust them)
knows how to care for his hair fairly well
he just doesn’t do it a lot
he can actually make himself look extremely nice when he tries
really likes lime-scented products
because yes
i said so (projecting)
bald ™️
but he took care of his sisters’ hair before
does it rather well actually
he can braid pretty fast
he’s even timed himself once
his current record for Yana is currently 1:46.93 minutes
he definitely wraps his head in towels after a shower though
it's canon i said so
also bald ™️
but he's grown out and styled his beard several times
won't you let him do it to you too?
he's been thinking about making a robotic scalp
that idea got scrapped immediately
has arguably the healthiest hair on the team
knows what vitamins and minerals and stuff are good for it
concocted his own shampoo
smells like hand sanitizer and artificial grape
nobody trusts it
but it works
rat's nest ™️
bro has got the scraggiest hair out of all of them
also really oily (spy's jealous)
can slick it back after weeks of not washing his hair and call it a day
bro's both greying and balding
but he makes it work
jealous of sniper
has not very oily hair as well
but he knows how to take care of it
he's like one of them gossipy hairstylists
'oh mon Dieu did you see what Sniper did with his hair, he's such a rat'
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riiceghost · 6 months
um no one asked but here’s some Val hcs I have:
killjoy knits and crochets, I like to think she learned this from a coworker at kingdom cause I think she’s a very creative person but can’t take a break for the life of her so crocheting and knitting is her way to be like all technical and stuff but take a nice break bc those activities (CAN BE) very relaxing
Raze can cook an amazing meal! I think she’s great at cooking and makes these beautifully looking and tasting meal however I think she struggles with baking since with cooking she does what I call the Asian way of cook; she just goes with the vibes of the meal and gets the right ratios every time but baking is like a fine delicate art so like as much as she tries she just cannot bake.
Sova bakes like a fucking master this man will and can bake anything he’s like “oh you want this really intricate baked good? I gotchu” and makes it. like wtf
He’s also not a natural blonde he actually has black brownish hair (it’s either a brownish black or a very very dark brown that looks black sometimes) and on this note he helps all the agents dye their hair when asked like he normally helps jett but sometimes gekko is lazy and asks for help, neon asks for help with the underdye she has, sometimes he helps yoru and fade too!
Phoenix gifts people cologne and perfume I have no reasoning for this other than I think it’s funny but he means it very well and gets the most fitting scents for everyone
sage cannot keep a plant alive for the life of her. She tries to hard but they all keep on dying some how. she gets distraught about it because everyone assumes she can and gets her plants but she can’t.
Skye regularly holds wood carving lessons at the protocol, all agents have stopped by at least once and she keeps everyone’s first attempt. Breach, Gekko, Killjoy, Raze, and Omen are the most frequent.
Yoru is very good at styling hair and will always give a hand to his fellow agents if needed, albeit reluctantly and constantly complaining. Sage and Skye don’t hear his complaints though.
Astra is pretty much the protocols 2nd mother. As much as everyone jokes sage is the mom, Astra does her part in watching over everyone! She helps out with minimal tasks, offers help to everyone, checks up on people and makes sure they’re doing alright, yells at people to take breaks (cypher, killjoy, sage, brimstone), keeps up a positive and lovely atmosphere and keeps everyone in line when needed!
K/AYO holds a game night every thursday night for everyone! Usually board games, sometimes video games. He has written very specific rules including: no playing Mario kart, Uno, and sorry. Monopoly is fine as long as no one gets into a fight. (He def has more, but these are the ones in BOLD)
Sova, Skye, and breach go on morning jogs together regularly! Others are free to join them! Fade and Deadlock tend to join them every now and then.
Deadlock and Sova r very much sibling energy but on a more chill level.
Gekko’s crew helps around the base a BUNCH. Wingman helps sage a lot, dizzy helps in the kitchen, thrash helps at the range, and mosh is very much emotional support.
On that note Jett and Neon ask jokingly for a therapist to be hired, Brimstone actually considers it every time because some people here are concerning then turns it down due to it being a security hazard.
Brimstone has a little box for people to put requests into: these requests can be about anything. Raze has asked for a free for all or team death match style of paintball! Viper, kj, cypher, and breach always ask for more equipment. Some agents ask for hobby stuff, trips, or group bonding. He goes through them every week and if it’s urgent like fixing something, they normally tell him or sage straight up.
Everyone in the protocol don’t really talk about their past, like ever. However, if the moment is right, they’ll drop a bomb to make a story or lesson really stick. Sova dropped the fact he has 5 sisters when Jett and Phoenix got into a fight and he had to tell them to quit it or else he’d make them hand write apologies together and stick them into a shirt like his sisters did to him and his younger sister. silly stuff like that nothing serious yk.
Also on the note of Sova (can you tell hes on of my favs) I don’t think he HATES cypher, just dislikes the fact he’s so secretive yet will through out information about others. He feels as if it’s hypocritical and dislikes this. idk if I explained this very well and can go more into detail it’s kinda fun I like cyberowl a lot !!
Harbor also realllyyy likes pottery, he’s a historian yk and sees a bunch of artifacts and pots that are from decades ago. He’s learned how to replicate and learned how respective periods made their pots/anything else clay related!! he’s very much into historical accuracy of how artistic things are made (ie paintings, clothes, pottery, and more)
Im half awake so the harbor one is a little wild but yeah if u want more lmk I got plenty.
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kunoimochi · 10 months
Can you list your ocs types? Both male and female if that doesn't bothering you
Ok this is long so please take your time reading it :3 a lil bit warning tho it have a um very unique content so
Oh and i skip the 5th grade male characters since i already answered this kind of question for them before, i also didn't add the oc's with ninjutsu gakuen since um i can't think one for them 😭
4th grade
- fukuko Oishi
Ofc we all know fukuko she probably want to end up with someone who have a pretty hair but other than that fukuko unconsciously always attracted to a man who treat her badly as she once before have a crush to her bully. But this is not always the case, someone who good at making her laugh or feel embarrassed will work to, for example Mikagu and yes she once have a crush on him not knowing that Hiiragi is in secret relationship with him since they're 1th grade. Knowing fukuko gonna end up with nadare really tell alot about her type actually as nadare is a mix of mikagu and fukuko old bully, nadare probably the first guy that fukuko confess to (and probably the first one that rejected her and accept her in the end)
- Hiiragi kure
Hiiragi type probably the same as fukuko except for the bully part since she's easy to kick people ass no one dare to bully her, she sometimes give a tsundere ish personality to someone who easily and love teasing her. She always have fantasy about end up with a prince or a cool samurai make her have a very high standards. Her end game is Mikagu and we all know mikagu doesn't have the characteristic features of a prince or a cool samurai obviously but he have the gentleman and overprotective personality towards Hiiragi make her feel safe so she's still love him anyway even though she think that Mikagu is very stupid.
5th grade
- ameko Isa
Ame really hate boys, have something to do with her backstory make very dislike someone her age. Because of her hatred towards boys she really gard to attracted to someone and not the type have that her teenage romance. She's probably someone who have a daddy issues, she always attracted to someone FAR older than her. Have history flirting with male teachers in yahiko gakuen, it's not like the teachers pay attention to her tho. Like someone who take care of her and doesn't show affection in public. But just because of her daddy issues doesn't mean she can't end up with someone her age, she need a partner that can show her proper care and very mature is already good enough.
- Asahina Isa
Unlike her sister Asa doesn't hold hatred towards boys her age because of her mindset 'not all the men is the same'. She like pretty man because it's very nice to look at pretty face every morning. Very easily falling in love to someone who show her a lil bit of affection since she's so desperate for love. She's the type that run away from home with a man she barely knew (give a vibe like anna from frozen fr). She want someone who honest and genuinely like her, someone who is independent are good too because she's secretly very dependent women.
6th grade
- Risshū Anzai
Risshū really love pretty girls (i mean who don't girls are really pretty) he's are the type of guy who go with the flow since he's doesn't have a clear type in his mind. But he will list feature that he hope his partner have for example; someone who good at cooking, have a very good humor, calm, kind etc... You know the good characteristic but he's unconsciously attracted to intimidating women, someone who give him the scary glare whenever they're having a fight (it's turned him on–) probably try to rizz his female enemies.
- harukaze Eto
Yep pervert man have a questionable type very well– but anyway, harukaze mentioned he like a women who tied het hair up in ponytail styles. Someone who athletic is extra point because athletic women probably have a lot of energy(?). Someone who shy is also good so he can teasing them anytime. But harukaze being himself is not very choosy because in his eyes all women have their own quality so he doesn't care who he's end up with.
- Maori date
A very simple guy, as long that person know when they need to leave him alone and be there when he's need attention he doesn't ask much. His love language probably quality time and gift giving. Love independent women, he say independent women usually have a very unique personality. Since he's always a goody goof ball and have a personality of golden retriever someone who act like black cat probably suit him, he just want to make his partner happy. Oh yeah one more thing someone who good at massaging since he always have a back problem.
- Roufuu Goto
This guy get a long with harukaze very well because of 'certain' reason. Let's be honest here this both get along because of their type and kink's. Roufuu really love soft spoken women, someone who polite and have a good attitude. Like long hair women since he love to play and decorate people hair (or he just one to pull them). Even though his personality and interest is very feminine, he have a very masculine mindset so he really love someone who dependent with him.
- Raiyuu Hori
I don't think this narcissist man will ever got a partner but oh well, the type of girl Raiyuu want in his mind probably like a traditional wife you know what i mean, someone who can cook and stuff. But he also like someone shine brighter than him, someone who is talented, selfless and pure. Since he have a very strong leadership personality he tend to protect people but if there's someone who try to protect him instead he probably will be very flustered and blushing mess because– well this is First time happens to him so he doesn't know how to react. A good listener so if you talk much to him dw he like it.
- Haruji ishii
Another guy who doesn't care of what kind of person he will end up with, as long his partner love him regardless he doesn't care. Probably someone who have a deredere personality, he thinks that type of person is very adorable.
- korishirou itohi
He love language is physical touch so if he end up with someone doesn't mind this kind of affection. Love bokukko/tomboyish girl but not too masculine yk. Someone who can handle his annoying ass, laugh at his joke and eat his cooking.
- Naoyu shobe
This guy probably end up with someone who always nagging him. He need someone who can take care of him because sometimes he can be ready careless, he's not the type who do trouble but since all his friends is troublemaker he became involved with them. So someone who care and have mother like personality pretty fit with him (for clarification he doesn't have mommy issues)
- kyojin Iwamoto
Doesn't mind anyone actually as long the person doesn't act like a btch
- kyonosuke tao
He want someone who have a soft and soothing voice, someone who willing to help him ready in the morning. If that person still stay with him after all handle his personality hassle, they're the one.
- arihiko Tanji
He doesn't know tbh
- hagemu shirai
Probably someone who doesn't jugde him with the path he taking (talking about being a Hatakeyama apprentice). He have a very ugly mark in his body (effect from practicing black magic smh) he just hope his partner doesn't frightening by this, someone who caring about him, always honest and doesn't do stupid thing without him.
- itsuzo nisshi
Probably someone who can handle his personality because I won't :3. It's either someone who calm that can control him or someone who have a bigger anger issues than him so they can punch him or something. Someone weaker than him physically or mentally probably works that way he will try control his temper so he will not hurt his love one.
- norisuke kinno
Someone who ignore his stalker behavior :3. Please cutie patotie just curious about your life but he doesn't mean to be a creep. When talk about his personality someone who show kindness to him is already good enough tbh eventho he doesn't show any interest.
- Ikuna Mino
I mean if there's a guy who genuinely interested in her she won't mind. Probably someone who is not related with Hatakeyama family in anyway please she despise them.
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artzychic27 · 8 months
Just more DC Kids stuff, but now with the Akuma Class as the kids of DC Villains/Antiheroes
Marinette: Joker
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It’s a… Little weird between her, Adrien, and Rose
Wears a lot of purple
She and Zoé have a mock rivalry going on
Keeps emergency tanks of laughing gas hidden all over the school for… Emergencies
Adrien: Harley Quinn
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Every bit as wild as his mom, but Gabriel forced him to tone it down… Then he met his classmates
Carries around a sledgehammer for reasons
He and Marinette sort of have a brother-sister relationship going on
As an act of youthful rebellion, he will be dying his hair pink and blue
Alya: Riddler
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Runs a popular blog called “Riddle Me This” where she challenges her readers to brain-teasing mysteries and puzzles
She also enjoys mystery novels
Has a cute pair of question mark earrings
Not very fond of her dad’s fashion choices. Especially that bodysuit
Nino: Clayface
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Impersonates his friends, but it’s all in good fun
Very malleable skin
He likes to sneak into the cafeteria during lunch to grab seconds
He does pottery in his spare time. No joke, his stuff is good
Chloe: Terra
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Prefers to work with diamonds rather than “Lame rocks.”
When she’s really pissed off, expect an earthquake
It’s a… Whole thing with her family and step family. Reunions are kind of weird
Well, as long as she’s finding free diamonds, it’s fine by her
Sabrina: Two Face
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Like her dad, she can’t make decisions without flipping a coin
Coincidentally, the left side of her face has a birthmark she’s not particularly fond of, so she hides it with a lavender half-mask
Her dad keeps trying to get her to embrace it, though. (Good dad Two-Face, because yes)
She’s got a little coin purse!
Kim: Killer Croc
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Born with sharp teeth and scale patches on his arms, legs, forehead, and torso
Flaunts them proudly
Gets along well with Fang
Likes to swim around in the Seine
Max: Lex Luthor
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He a genius! So, canon
Dresses all fancy and shit like a mini business man
Had dozens of robot assistants, but Markov is his favorite
Gets along pretty well with Ismael despite… Everything
Ivan: Bane
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Students keep trying to get him to join the wrestling team, but he’d rather just read
Like his grandfather, he’s ready to topple the government
There’s a bit of Venom in his system, enhancing his abilities by a bit
He can and will punch someone treating another person unfairly
Myléne: Scarecrow
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All she has to do is look at you dead in the eyes, and you can see your worst fear, no Fear Toxin needed
Has straw-like hair that’s surprisingly easy to style
Hates seeing the scarecrows sold at Halloween pop-up stores. It’s just so insulting
Nightmares for her are like good dreams
Nathaniel: Giganta
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Actually pretty good friends with Denise
A “modest” size for him is about fifteen feet
Not very fond of Lila after the stuff her dad said about his mom
His max height is 100ft
Alix: Cheetah
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Don’t let her near catnip, alright?
Has fur on her forearms, thighs, and has catlike eyes
When she’s growling, don’t get near her. That’s how you lose a finger
Has a necklace made of the fangs of predatory animals she established dominance over
Rose: Poison Ivy
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Her skin has a slight green tint to it whenever she uses her powers
The school’s local perfume dealer
She and Adrien became step siblings after their moms got married, and are loving every second of it
Is always giving flowers to her gorgeous girlfriend
Juleka: Catwoman
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She’s the only klepto in class now
Grows her nails long and files them to a point
Shares Chloé’s love of diamonds
Dresses in a lot of leather
Lila: Doctor Psycho (Yeah, I’m including her)
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Constantly using her powers to create all sorts of discord amongst her classmates
Has her dad’s temper, so she doesn’t rely too much on her lies
Always messing with Nathaniel
Alya absolutely hates her with a burning passion
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strangesickness · 5 months
i think richie tozier is really into glam metal. i think as a preteen he was really into rock n' roll because bill was really into rock n' roll, and i think bill would mostly listen to very core rock n' roll, not branch off into sub genres too much, he really appreciates the early stuff i think. but richie, at like 11 years old hears livin' on a prayer on the radio and he's immediately hooked. his parents buy him slippery when wet for his birthday and a bon jovi poster. his parents are pretty clueless about this stuff so wentworth takes him to the store so they get the right one. maggie's pretty sure bon jovi's for girls, but is just excited she isn't going to have to deal with her son playing the same three records over and over again anymore.
when richie's twelve the bon jovi poster gets moved to his door, so that it's hidden when he has it open. he feels guilty when he looks at it. it's his favorite poster though and it gets rotated around his room a lot.
when he's fourteen there's a bon jovi concert in maine and he convinces his parents to let him go so long as his sister goes with him to chaperone. it's a pretty life changing experience for him. his sister ends up really liking the music too, so thats cool. he gets a t-shirt that quickly becomes faded and soft from constant wear.
all the lights and effects and just the energy really flips a switch for him. it's not just bon jovi anymore, he's spending hours in the record store, he gets a job so he can buy a CD player, it takes a ridiculously long time to get to that point.
he also gets big into KISS because of course he does. he probably spends more time looking at the cover of his paul stanley album than he does listening to it. he may spend an unhealthy amount of time gazing longingly into paul stanley's eyes but his favorite is probably ace frehley. he has a ridiculous amount of magazines that he just got for interviews with them. this is the era of glam haircuts for richie. it takes him at least two years to figure out he actually has to style it though, so that's fun.
he tries to make his own music but he's hot garbage at it, he moves on to trying to play his favorite songs on guitar, which he also sucks at, he eventually gets desperate and tries to play on bill's mom's piano. he is swiftly removed from the household. he gets really good at singing his favorite songs though.
i'm not really going anywhere with this. richie tozier likes glam metal. it awakens something gay in him.
you can find some relevant images and some more of my commentary under the cut.
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slippery when wet, the first album richie sought out on his own, and the beginning of the end of his heterosexuality.
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i'm not going to say this is the poster, because i don't know enough about this stuff to confirm if this poster would've been sold around the right time. but you get the picture. ideally it would be this exact poster, but i'm not picky. i think richie comes home from school one day and looks at this poster and has a fucking. biblical experience. like it's just a normal school day, and then he just goes home, closes his bedroom door, turns around to take off his shoes, and stares this man straight in the eye and just thinks "holy shit he's beautiful" i think the poster sleeps in the closet that night.
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this is the paul stanley album i'm talking about. i think this is also richie's main haircut inspiration, but it takes him years to figure out what hairspray is. lucky for him his hair is naturally curly so he didn't look too stupid, but things weren't ideal.
i think he takes a lot of style influence from various musicians, but he's never willing to part with his dear patterned button ups, so his workaround is: obnoxious button up + leather jacket as we saw in the movie.
he really likes cinderella, and feels a little betrayed when they change genre direction in the 90s. i think he sees tom keifer
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wearing a lot of jewellery and decides he also wants to wear a lot of jewellery but ends up either hating it, or forgetting it, he also never convinces his parents to get his ears pierced. if he ever manages it, it's because bev did it herself, she probably screwed it up pretty bad too, and he just ends up with some pretty gnarly scaring on his right ear.
originally posted january 27th. reposted january 29th.
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s0methingmoonlit · 11 months
So what if O!Sky was soft?
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Ah, the brainrot just won’t go away. I think FNF Soft is wonderful! Mostly because the concept and aesthetic, and Grace! She’s my favorite of the bunch. Oh, I could ramble on and on about her, but we’re focusing on the Skyverse, especially O!Sky! This is my design for her! I tried my best to imitate Alex’s style, I think it’s pretty good. A little wonky on the limbs though.
Madison has a unique sense of fashion, I mean she wants to look stylish so makes sense. She’s a part time hair stylist, but dreams of becoming a fashion designer. She dyed parts of her hair blue because that was her second favorite color. She loves purple the most, and it’s pretty much 99% of her closet. Madison is not too short, only 5”2. But there are many more people taller than her, which is why she wears platform shoes. I was originally going to make her similar to her sister, but I think it’s better not to do that since that wouldn’t make much sense, mostly because of her backstory. If you wanna read it, just click or tap the magic button (aka keep reading LOL)
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The two photos above are two other outfits. Madison’s outfit on her reference sheet is very similar to the second image, only that in the traditional drawing, the skirt is flowing, while in the one above, is a tight skirt, like the one in the third image.
Now let’s get into the backstory…
Madison wasn’t abused in her past like Benjamin was, but instead she heavily bullied someone. Specifically her younger sister. Yes, I do mean the Soft Sky we all know and love.
The Sky Siblings used to live in “The city of Stars” together with their parents. The father worked very busy as a Tailor, so they didn’t suffer too much financially. When they were young, Madison was always the one doing better at… pretty much anything. Sports, art, singing…whatever you name. At least their mom’s eyes. Mom would always give her older daughter attention and neglects her younger daughter. Because of that, Madison liked to treat her sister like crap, always bragging about herself and how she was better while Sky couldn’t “do anything” or was just “stupid and talentless.” She said lots mean things every single time she had a chance to. Their mother always just brushed it off as playful teasing because they were just kids! Kids don’t know morals. Same thing happened with the dad, but unlike mom, he actually started to slowly catch on to Madison’s hateful behavior. He then constantly reminds her to be more nicer to her younger sister, but that didn’t seem to work. He also began noticing that his wife was actually neglecting Sky. Before the siblings started middle school, the parents had a discussion with each other, which then turned into an argument, which lead to them getting a divorce. Sky and their father stayed at home, while Madison and their mother moved to another city. And that’s when Madison slowly starts to realize her behavior that past years. The less she was with her sister, the more days that went on, the more she felt guilty for her past actions. Her superiority complex slowly turned into an inferiority complex.
Nowadays, she’s much more mature, but isn’t very open to others. In other words, she’s very mysterious. She has a nice facade in order to please customers at her job, but in college she’s very avoidant of others. Like I said before, she strives to become a fashion designer, but also mustn’t reveal too much of herself. So yeah the reason Mother Mairest reminds Madison so much of herself is because she acted too much like her younger self. Also she only sees herself in Marilyn and not Frank is because 1) He’s ugly (at least Marilyn has a decent fashion sense) and 2) Madison never physically hurt Sky, at all. Even as a child she would never go far to physical harm. So no, Madison couldnt have caused that to Sky’s left eye.
Unfortunately, Mama Sky is a not a good mom in this AU. Actually, we know absolutely nothing about O!Sky’s mom OG universe, but I’ve always assumed she’s a good mother! But despite this, Madison still maintains a good relationship with mom. I mean, Mama Sky isn’t manipulative or abusive towards her, just was playing the favorite game in the worst way possible. I know many parents play favorites but this mother just takes it too far
“Ok, but what about Benjamin Fairest? What does Madison think of him?” Good question! You see… I actually didn’t think that far. Well, this is literally called the soft AU so the characters should seem less rambunctious and more calm. I guess Madison would just be neutral towards him. Like she wouldn’t care about his existence, she only wants his parents to get a good well deserved punishment. So yeah, he’s just okay in her eyes.
“What about Grace/Pico?” She has no idea who either of them are. Actually she knows the latter, but that’s only because a bunch of people made jokes about him in her high school.
“Wait, Sky Sky Curls?” I headcanon Soft Sky’s real name would be “Libby” but again, it’s only canon in my head, so I tend to stay away from using that.
I went on several different baby name websites for names that meant “heart.” Yes that is a reference to Old O!Sky’s sister being named Hearts. I kinda sorta gave up because I was doing this late at night. I chose Libby, or Libi, because it meant “my heart” or “girl” which isn’t exactly what I wanted, but I guess it was good enough.
Basically Libby was what I personally thought was most fitting for Soft Sky. If you read the small crossed out text, ok then.
Hmm… I guess that’s about all I could say! If you have any more questions, then the ask box is open! I think even people who don’t have a Tumblr and only came from my insta can use the ask box. You can ask anonymously or not.
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i love ur headcanons so much!! can you do your choice of characters (bonus points if hajime!!) with a gyaru s/o? i think it would be interesting!
feel free to ignore:) take ur time!
Hello anon! I’m so glad you like my headcanons :D I tried to pick out some characters that would fit well with this prompt, so I went with Rantaro, Celeste, and Tsumugi (+ hajime!). I hope those are okay! This was fun to write— Enjoy! <3
-Mod Kirumi
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Hajime, Rantaro, Celeste, and Tsumugi with a gyaru S/o!
Hajime Hinata
•Hajime will admit, he’s not really well-versed in gyaru fashion, so he may need you to explain some things to him, or help him find articles for him to read through
•Even before he met you, he had always found your fashion style cool
•Bright, and definitely different, yes, but it had a unique sense to it that piqued his interest
•So, when he began talking to you, and getting even closer to you, he was more than happy to learn about the gyaru style
•He‘ll even go shopping with you!
•Hajime’s not the best with fashion, though, so... he’ll probably just smile and nod at whatever you try on and tell you he thinks you look wonderful
•He does think you look wonderful in everything
•On special occasions or holidays, he’ll get you clothing and accessories you liked!! (and some makeup, if you liked to wear it)
•He... is not well-versed with makeup, either, so he usually just sticks to giving you mascara or eyeliner in hopes you actually like it
•Hajime will often compliment you, as well!
•He’ll tell you that he likes your outfit, or that he thinks your makeup looks nice, etc.
•He knows that you enjoy this type of fashion, so he’ll always try to acknowledge it when you put efforts into your look!
•He really loves you and who you are
•No matter what, Hajime thinks you are absolutely gorgeous
•Don’t forget that, okay?
Rantaro Amami
•Rantaro has 12 sisters, so it’s safe to say he’s seen it all
•They’ve gotten into several fashion trends, and he ended up having to research them as well
•So, when he met you, and eventually began dating you as well, he was pretty knowledgable about gyaru fashion!
•He knows that there’s a lot to it, though, so he’s more than happy to just sit down with you and have you ramble about the subject
•He’s always happy to learn more! And he’s curious to know what your favorite parts are about the particular fashion
•Rantaro’s also pretty good with nail painting and makeup! If you want him to paint your nails, he’ll patiently sit down with you and paint them whatever color you’d like, and then wait for it to dry
•He’d also be more than happy to do your makeup! He’d want to know your favorite lipstick/gloss colors, or the color palette that you often like with eyeshadow
•He admittedly wears some makeup himself, so he’s fairly good with applying it!
•Rantaro’s also a rather verbal person, so you’l definitely get compliments from him!
•Before you go on a date, he may give you a smile and a comment on how stunning you look, or if you decided to do your makeup at home, he’d tell you specific things that he loves about it
•He finds you absolutely gorgeous, and he’s sure to let you know!
Celestia Ludenberg
•While Celestia definitely aligns more to the gothic fashion, she knows quite a lot about the gyaru style
•You stuck out to her— she always noticed your brightly done makeup and your unique fashion choice, as well as the color you chose to have your hair
•All of it... appealed to her— you were an intriguing person to her
•That’s what led her to approach you, and slowly begin conversations with you
•If you two ever went out on a date, it was primarily to the mall or a shopping area!
•Not to say you two never went anywhere else— however— you both enjoyed fashion, what better date to have than to help each other pick out clothing?
•Celestia would be honest with you in the dressing rooms, though
•If something didn’t flatter you entirely, she’d be sure to let you know
•...However, you’ve come to find that most of the time, she’ll say, “That looks good on you, but I like the previous one better.”
•She thinks you look absolutely stunning in everything— and it shows through her words
•Celestia would help you do your makeup!!
•She would pay close attention to how it was supposed to be done, even watching you do it a few times before practicing on you one day (with your permission!)
•She didn’t do half bad! While improvements could definitely be made, you went out in public with the look she gave you
•She wouldn’t admit it, but that made her heart flutter and a smile to grace her lips
•Celeste would make sure that you were always loved and respected for who you were
•What she wears is an important factor to her, so she’s happy to be with someone who understands that, even if just a little
•She loves you very much, and she’ll never stop admiring your beauty!
Tsumugi Shirogane
•Tsumugi found your style different, but she really enjoyed it!
•She loved the way you looked— the way your clothes perfectly matched your body, and how wonderful your accessories looked
•Tsumugi loved it all— And she very frequently compliments you!
•Her cheeks may flush a bit when she does so, but even if they do, she always manages to utter a compliment about your makeup, your hair, etc.
•If you’re dating Tsumugi, be prepared for her to sew things for you!
•As for gifts on holidays, or even out of nowhere just because she wanted to, you’ll walk into your room with some new clothes, accessories, and maybe even wigs if you wanted to wear those sewn and created for you, folded neatly onto your bed
•You always notice that it happens to be your favorite colors and favorite accessories
•Tsumugi’s someone who really likes to speak with her actions— you’ll tell her that you find a certain shirt pretty at the store and suddenly, that is exactly what you get as a gift for your birthday
•Tsumugi really likes to style your hair!
•You’d think that as a cosplayer, she’d be more interested in picking out outfits for you, but she likes to smooth out and brush your hair after a long day, or add bows or style it to get you ready for the day
•She’s really careful with you— lacing her fingers through her hair and making sure that you look your best
•She loves you very much— and she hopes you know that!
•No matter how you look or what you wear, you’re always going to be her darling!
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azumasoroshi · 1 year
guess who just watched summertime rendering (it's really good)
guys what the FUCK
(spoilery-review stuff will be below the cut but tldr: summertime rendering is really good, subverted a lot of my expectations, gorgeous animation, keeps you on your toes and has smart characters and good writing, just try not to cringe too hard at some of the haha boobs/haha panties jokes i swear there's not too many)
okay funny story. i got interested in this anime literally yesterday because one of my favorite channels was analyzing its ending song by chance
and i was like oh it's like anohana but a murder mystery? interesting premise. doesn't necessarily guarantee that it's good, the animation looks pretty at least, but it's 25 episodes and my attention span kinda sucks...
and i see the main girl in a swimsuit and im like alright. the second there's a really weird zoom on her chest im out
(my live thought process pictured below)
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and the first shot or so was of the swimsuit girl (ushio) without any weird zooms so i was like okay hey we're in the clear so far
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one minute ten seconds. dawg. that actually has to be a record of some sort
and i was 🤏this close to dropping the anime but i really wanted to see the dark horrifying stuff so i continued anyway
like. maybe that's a one off joke. maybe they wont do it again and that was just to get weirdos to be like AYYY and keep watching. maybe there is hope
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there was no hope.
but i hung on anyway because right after that was the OP and it looked really interesting mostly because there were no anime visuals at all until the very end
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which was. shinpei being a little bit silly. little but quirky. vibing persona 3 style baby baby baby baby baby baby baby
so yeah i decided to keep watching until the end of the first episode despite my apprehension because i just. wanted to see the dark shit go down. uaghhhhhh
and i kept watching EVEN THROUGH the clear insinuation that the mc's adopted sister was in love with him and that the mc was in love with his other adopted sister and the police officer was looking at porn in public and then FINALLY
(major + ending spoilers start here)
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they killed my favorite character.
and then they killed the younger sister and then they killed the MAIN CHARACTER AND I WAS LIKE DAWGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG
like i was expecting it to be dark but i didnt expect them all to straight up die on screen with blood splatters n everything :sob: wasnt expecting the time loop either
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like. you gon have this gorgeous animation just to make the characters' deaths that much more brutal. holy fuck
i realized the other anime this reminded me of. this anime is a anohana x kagerou project crossover. thats fuckin crazy i kinda dig it
people also compare it to re:zero which is fair cuz it has the time travel, the unexpected brutality, the short haired girl who gets rejected in favor of the long haired girl (lmao) i just like kagerou project more
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it somehow didnt connect the first time that it wasn't mio and i was like huh i wonder why they suddenly skipped time
and then when this scene rolled around for the second time i literally like. it hit me so fast and i was like FUCK. i was like genuinely terrified help
and then she started stabbing the ever loving shit out of totsumura and i was like oh okay! guess i dont have to wait in suspense for what she'll do at the very least
and then she stabbed shinpei in the throat and i was like OH OKAY
that scene also terrified me cuz like the phone call happening while the killer is nearby is a classic horror trope but like. i dont watch horror usually. that's my worst nightmare
it was on his third death that shinpei really started to shine for me as a protagonist because like. he's smart. notably so! it was really nice because the classic horror starts to fade away at this point and everything becomes a giant chess match
fair enough though cuz bro was like "LMAO NAH I REFUSE TO DIE AGAIN THAT SHIT PAINFUL AS FUCK" (and then repeatedly died a bunch more anyways)
it's interesting that his whole "take a step back" thing is like. a trauma response too. we love dissociation representation lmfao
shinpei was also really quick to adapt to everything and it took a LOT of shit going down to make him finally lose his composure, but he gets back in it and doesnt waste time and it was really refreshing because yknow anime (and the horror genre in general) with its overdramatic clueless protagonists
and also!!
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i immediately pegged sou as the loud dumbass yosuke/ryuji type (i love them and their depth, im talking about surface level) best friend who wingmans for shinpei and immediately gets sus of shinpei and gets killed first n shit
but that was my bad like damn sou was a really good character
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to be fair this was his first introduction
and the line "I should tell Sou everything" with a shot of the sky is REALLY FUCKING OMINOUS, so i feel like that was a bit of a bait and switch on the author's part lmfao
i stopped taking screenshots around this point so ill just talk about a bunch of parts that stood out to me pff
she's so autistic and so smart and so just. god. i love her
i literally wanted to cry seeing him in the ending like dawggggggg he's SO cute id marry him no questions asked
he and hizuru were my favorites along with nezu because badass old man SLAYS
i also surprisingly really liked ushio lmao i thought she'd be like the usual manic pixie dream girl and then just based on her being in a swimsuit but like. she was honestly a joy as a character lmfao
like. her being the biggest powerhouse next to hizuru? did not see that coming, we love a girlboss!! and she's also smart and forward-thinking despite the airheaded vibes so like damn. good character! i really liked what little we got to see of the real ushio interacting with her shadow too, it was a nice bit of character building + it was funny lmao
mio was the only character other than shide that i just straight up did not like lmfaosgkjhsjg the whole "im in love with my stepbrother" was just. fuckin. weird to me from the start and you have no idea how fucking relieved i was that shinpei didn't accept her confession or get with her at the end
of course it's like. not any better that he got with his other stepsister. but like mio was more annoying so it's fine (😭)
she ended up being a damsel in distress who didnt really do anything up until the school fight where she still didnt do much, and with how much ushio emphasized "protect mio" you'd think she' have some sort of plot relevance but nope she just. thought about her brother a lot and confessed after 20 episodes and got rejected and cried
it's like all the buildup to her confession was PURELY to buildup for the ACTUAL confession which was shinpei telling her that he was in love with ushio
which is lame
like jesus her shadow had more plot relevance than her. i literally liked her shadow more than her like ????????
tokiko was a good character though i liked the "i didnt dirty my hands for this" foreshadowing and also her being a lesbian was an unexpected surprise that i liked lmfao she's a fuckin real one for still encouraging mio to be with shinpei despite being madly in love with mio. what the hell was that "i want her to see all of me" line like girl????
shide was a good smart villain, he kinda started getting cheesy typical anime villain by the end but by that point the anime was pretty firmly in the action/strategy genre and relying a lot less on the horror/mystery part so it was alright
i did love the talk he and shinpei had about video games and the FF7 namedrop was hilarious lmfao
it was cool how they had the callback to him being a video game nerd during the first fireworks festival with that 2d 3d king thing
absolutely despise him for what he did to hiruko though like. ew.
i didnt really get why hiruko deadass reverted into this weird lookin baby thing at the end but like haise was cute i liked her
didnt understand how they literally changed history either but i guess the magic eyes are like "fuck time lmao all my homies hate time" so oh well, i guess it works
the ending was really a full on "everybody lives and is happy" type deal but like. i didnt even mind man i was literally ecstatic seeing hizuru's boobs again like holy shit. you know you're watching a weird ass anime when you start crying at the fucking fanservice scenes like ohhhh my god
and like goddammit they deserve happiness
although. i was a bit pissed that they brought ushio back to life. like yeah she deserved to be brought back and yeah i do love her but rip the themes of grief and regret i guess
the show was never really about grief so i get why she was brought back but like ueeeuueueuueuee the whole "i don't want to do anything i'll regret again (including leaving ushio before we had the chance to say goodbye) so i have to keep moving forward" was really good character stuff and hrekjajsghjhsg i guess it paid off at the end???
whatever ill take getting hizuru and ryuunosuke back no matter the narrative costs
anyway yeah really good anime, definitely exceeded my expectations (which were pretty low to be fair though), i did watch all 25 episodes within 24 hours so i might be a little insane
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ritzy-reminiscence · 11 months
─♣️─ Lackadaisy : Lacka-Lacy² !
⸝⸝ tl;dr : a continuation of this post, and more headcanons for Lacy Hardt ! I always felt like the last post wasn't enough, so here I am with more ! :D
⸝⸝ note : it's a repost, actually ! i decided to change some things up a bit and make it cleaner overall, as the old one was me on like, two cups of coffee and a gummy candy T-T
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Dog person Lacy? Dog person Lacy.
Lacy, despite what many thinks, is actually very energetic. Well, energetic when it comes to tennis, anyways. I feel like she'd love for a dog that matches her energy; preferably a big one too, like a border collie or a dalmatian.
I just know Lacy would love to play fetch with dogs. And if possible, she'd train them to play all sorts of sports (coughcoughtenniscoughcough) with her as well !
But alas, she couldn't get one, because of both her work schedule and the lack of space in her shared apartment, so she compromises by feeding and petting the nice stray dogs that hang out near the apartment building.
Oh, and speaking of apartment ! Lacy, while she earns a pretty good salary, preferred to live with someone else so that she can save money by splitting the rent.
Actually, a lot of things Lacy do are to save money !
Going to the supermarket to pick up groceries? She's either walking or riding a bike.
Buying groceries? Coupons, coupons, coupons. Remember to pick out the ones at the back, sure they're two days away from the expiration date, but you can finish that in less in a day, anyways- Ask for discounts. Ask for discounts.
Eating out? LMAOOO what's that ?? Lacy's never heard of it. Nothing beats homecooked food plus it's cheaper so ...
And Lacy doesn't do this because she's a penny-pincher; she does spend some good money from time to time, but it's mainly for quality shoes or coats, or hair styling products (Lacy didn't get her perfect curls by using bad products on them, after all). When you're Sedgewick Sable's personal secretary, appearances matter a lot.
And speaking of appearances, Lacy doesn't really wear much makeup. The most she wears is the tiniest bit of peach eyeshadow, the softest hint of a blush, and the most subtle touch of lipstick. All drugstore bought, of course! The heat in her workspace can be oppressive, and there's no use going the whole nine yards for makeup if it's all going to melt off halfway through the work shift-
I feel like Lacy does journaling .. ?? Like, she feels like the type of person that would keep a journal.
It's nothing too fancy -- just a notebook that she probably got as a freebie at some grocery store or other place, and a pen that she'd had for God knows how long. She doesn't write in it everyday, just when she feels like it.
And "when she feels like it" means that either something happened at work, or she got something new, or she experienced something she's never experienced before.
Honestly I feel like most of her entries are just something along the lines of "Wick got shitfaced drunk at work again. And I had to clean up his mess in every sense of the word again."
Without the cursing, of course - Lacy doesn't seem like the type of person that would curse in public nor private. Though she might utter a swear under her breath every now and then -
And don't get me wrong, Lacy likes Wick as a superior and she's aware that she's getting treated better than most people in her position,,, but sometimes she just has to wonder why she still sticks around -
And then she remembers that he pays a hell of a good salary and that she's be committing self-sabotage if she decides to quit 💀
We don't get a lot of information about her home life and her relatives, but to me Lacy always seemed like she would be the breadwinner of her family. I like to imagine that she frequently sends money to them, even after they told her that they're holding up just fine on their own.
To me, Lacy also seems like the oldest out of her siblings. She gives exasperated big sister vibes, especially when it comes to her panels with Wick in them😭
ALSO !! Lacy's family, in my headcanons, aren't that well off. Sure, they didn't get the shortest end of the stick, but they weren't living lavishly either. I imagine that Lacy, being the eldest, saw how difficult their home life is and decided to push her way to the top -- legally, of course. She's a smart girl, after all, and once she has a bee in her bonnet, she's doing anything to make it happen.
And I don't know what it is, but Lacy feels like she's not from St. Louis, like she's from a bigger city and only recently moved to St. Louis for a job.
That being said, Lacy gets homesick a lot. Her hometown is just a train ride from St. Louis, but given the nature of her work as Wick's personal secretary / coffee fairy / babysitter, she couldn't really find the time to squeeze in a visit.
So she compromises by keeping photos of her family near her -- on her workspace is a framed photograph of her, her two younger sisters, and their parents. It was a formal family picture, everyone's dolled up in their Sunday's best, their smiles oddly mechanical like most family photos.
On her bedside table is another framed photograph, but this time it was a lot more .. fun. It was taken when Lacy was in high school, and summer vacation had just started. They were in the beach, happily tanned in their bathing suits. Lacy had one hand holding a rapidly melting ice cream cone, the other clutching the brim of her hat (she never really took well to the sun). All of them were grinning broadly. After all, Dad had worked extra shifts and overtimes at his work to be able to afford this trip, and they were going to make every second count.
And in her wallet, a ton of small photographs of her home -- badly taken shots of the kitchen and living room, barely visible captures of their shared bedroom with it's three beds -- Lacy's the only one neatly made -- and candid shots of her family members.
She misses them an awful lot, so she calls home as often as she can. Sure, the bill gets bigger and bigger after the first two dozen minutes, but Lacy doesn't care how big the phone people charge her, as long as she's able to talk to her family.
In the rare occasion that Lacy visits home, she blows all of her savings on presents for her siblings ("Lacy, honey, your father and I are completely fine without any presents, so don't bother and treat yourself to something you want instead, alright?"). She brings home the sweetest candies and cakes from the sweetshop, the latest toys and dolls that all the kids are playing with, books with the most vividly illustrated pages, and, occasionally, a new dress for Mom and a new pair of leather shoes for Dad. What are they going to do about it, anyways? Lacy's already bought it >:)
She spends her visits at home playing with her siblings, getting as messy as she could before going back to the clean-as-a-whistle getup for work. She loves her family and knows them like the back of her own hand, and although it breaks her heart to wave goodbye from the windows of the train, she still does it anyway, waving wildly and shouting at the top of her lungs until the train rounds the corner and vanishes from sight.
This has nothing to do with my headcanons but I just love their exchange of dialogue here ; like, I can feel the Big Sister Lacy Energy™ from these panels so much
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