#he asked what batch i was in
orangerainforest · 3 months
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Crosshair: *laying in bed, having a depressive episode*
Hunter, leaning in the doorway and about to pick up some random objects and walk awkwardly around the room: Hey…
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redbean-nom · 27 days
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fascinated by the implied fennec-ventress-phee friend group in tbb. even more interesting (funny) when you add boba in there during the tbobf era.
#star wars#tbb#the bad batch#tbobf#tbb phee#fennec shand#boba fett#asajj ventress#bossk#black krrsantan#i think fennec is literally the only one of bobas friends shorter than him lol#phee is normal about it#ventress on the other hand#she is like 6 ft tall she is using everyone as an armrest#okay but. now that boba is at actual war with the pikes#ventress is probably the best possible ally for the situation#like one. LIGHTSABERS AND THE FORCE#two. shes already on the pikes bad side; she has no rep to lose with the pikes if she does help boba#three. nobody in bobas entire retinue knows how to command anything larger than a small strike team#between boba fennec and krrsantan they're a full team of lone wolf solo hunters#they can barely coordinate a four person team let alone an army big enough to fight the pikes#in that last battle in bobf iirc boba straight up disappeared and returend with a rancor kaijuing everything with 0 warning to his friends#and they just kind of lost track of the shiny vespa gang#anything larger than krayts claw and boba just. loses everybody#he's busy fighting not looking for people!#on the other hand theres ventress who has several years of commanding literal millions of droids in massive-scale battles#boba: listen ill forget about quarzite if you help. please. i have an army and no clue what to do with it#boba: my friends dont know either i already asked#phee is their resident smuggler (very very useful when dealing with pike spice trade) and probably knows all the tattooine pike routes#boba please. you need some diversity on your team. you can't fight a war with eight solo assassins smushed together.
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heyclickadee · 6 months
Every day I wake up and I'm compelled to reblog the Scarf Lore™ Comic
Hi! And thank you! I’m glad you enjoyed that one! I’m sorry it’s taken me forever to answer this—I completely missed the ask. Buuut here’s a little follow up comic (it’s not really funny like the scarf lore one was, but I do make Hunter and Echo sit down and talk:
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The hug 🥰
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wolf vs cat, you know,
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blueberrybanee · 4 months
Guess who's back, back again
Hi, I know I haven't made any of my own posts since like Christmas, but I'm sorta back now, I think ‼️ First post of 2024 is more Discord bullshit because I thought it was funny and I'm very hyper after watching the new TBB trailer 🚗
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I. Don't know how to explain any of this because most of it is made up of oddly specific and absurd inside jokes between me and my friends + really bad humor (Don't talk to your besties after watching TBB S3 trailer guys /j)
(Part 2 comin' btw cuz I still have more screenshots to show)
That God damn Cad Bane car post got to me, man. I should not be finding it this funny hours later (Here's the post btw)
(Tagging the besties @linminty @twixedworlds @white-knight7255 and @ghastly-poltergeist isn't in any of these screenshots but I am tagging you anyway whether you like it or not cuz you a bestie /pos!!!)
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clownery-and-fuckery · 6 months
How did I miss it.
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echo: you're making me claustrophobic. omega: what does claustrophobic mean? wrecker: it means he's afraid of santa claus. echo: no, it does not- omega: ho ho ho! wrecker: stop it, you're scaring him!
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iftitah · 11 days
accidentally opened lj's whatsapp chat from april 2023 and almost kmsed reading 2 texts couldn't even scroll above
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firefly-fez · 1 year
so do you think next week’s episode will showcase that mission with hunter and echo feat. disagreements on whether they should join rex’s cause
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upsidedowngrass · 1 year
do you think liam and stone would be friends if they ever met outside of The Plane again
(put under a readmore cus i ended up talking a LOT lol :) )
i think they could be friends!!! i think stone liked the contestants. while im pretty sure stone picked liam to give the notes to 1) because he is a backpack. he can hold notes. and 2) he seems the MOST stubborn of all of the contestants, so think compared to the chance for things to end well (or at least, the best they COULD end), liam was the best bet to pick thru all possible courses of action
but even outside of that stone generally seems to like them all, helping bryce when he didnt need to, visibly looking guilty for having to sabotage amelia, etc. i think they showed liam one of the notes bc they WANTED him to understand that theyre trying to help, and i think there was a chance hed understand, but he just happened to Not. with everything we know abt stone (which unfortunately isnt much), he looks like he WANTS to help them because he cares, and i think they wouldve liked to be friends with them, and to have met all of them under better circumstances. (he obv knows about the concept of friends because he knows everything, but i think they dont really get many opportunities to meet New people given. being from a world of Just rocks) point is that i think stone would love to be friends w liam!!
whether or not LIAM would wanna b friends is a diff question tho. liam doesnt seem like the type of guy whod necessarily hold anything against stone, since he gradually seems to respect stone more and more as he follows the notes, but i think there Could be some discomfort there. if stone hadnt written the notes, he never wouldve gone to bryce, he never wouldve died a bunch more times, and he never wouldve gotten stuck in airys world. but then again, if they hadnt written them, if airy had still died, all of the contestants couldve been trapped on the plane literally forever, and julien wouldve been stuck in the waiting room forever
i think liam would still think about stone pretty fondly, and historically he hasnt really been concerned about 'people who could remind him of his time on the plane, but 'well this person reminds me of my time on the plane' given everything with bryce, but during all that he was still very much. not in the mentality of being at home. (after he got home, he seems to REALLY still feel stuck on the plane, esp if what he says to bryce is anything to go off of) it could be very different once hes home, and because? i think stone ended up kinda STILL being with him thru s2, just symbolically. so i think it could be complicated for liam
but all of this aside? i think any discomfort he may feel would maybe be set to the side. liams pretty passive by nature, and i think being able to be friends with stone would actually kinda end up giving him a sense of closure about some things!!! most of his interactions with stone WERE somewhat strained, but i think liam wouldnt rly even think abt that
i dunno!!! but i think theyd make good friends if they had the opportunity to meet again. liam makes conversation pretty easy when he wants to, even though its not smth he especially goes out of his way to do, but i think when he would like to he can be VERY annoying abt it. if he wanted some level of Knowing stone, because i think it could be Nice to have stone be less of this ominous figure whos motives werent super clear but did ultimately help (assuming in this hypothetical he and stone meet again on earth, but i think in airys world stone could be. actually pretty nice for him to meet again? dont know!) and instead this Person who helped him and his friends, he would be a bit stubborn about it, and maybe a bit awkward about it, but i think stone would be okay with it. stone seems very 'reluctantly WILL do things for the greater good but would like to do helpful things that DONT make people upset instead. wants to just get along with people but just ISNT in a situation where they can' and also generally patient (i think they have to be patient given the world theyre from) so i think itd work out!!!!
anyway this post is long and idrk how clear it is BUT its fun to think abt!!!! idk how liam would get the chance to meet stone again but i would LOVE if it did happen
#hfjone#ask#i actually sometimes consider the idea of all of the stones in stones world functioning as a hivemind#and stone being teleported out didnt so much as sever that but that if this was the case maybe? he still had the information they always wi#but made them smth of an offshoot of the hivemind but not separated from it. like a new mushroom#and i think that would make stone have a complex idea of having friends but thats an inherently very interconnected existence#but thats not really relevant to this post#well it kinda is but not super relevant#also sidenote that i was somewhat confused for a while on why stone is so big compared to the rocks in their world#but also batch 2 commenting on some of them being larger than they are in their own world implies that being sent to the plane#kinda like. scales ppl?#and also gives them a general form that may be a bit divorced from what they look like in their own world#like w texty being outside of their 'body' (aka laptop)#so i think. stone on earth? might be a bit tiny. w no limbs#since the stones in his world dont have any. and also i think the eyes r figurative and they dont literally have them#whenn the flashlight shows all of them??#so stone might literally just end up looking like a random rock if they were on earth#but i gotta think abt that more#ok im getting off track#TY for the ask i love an opportunity to talk abt stone i wish we knew more abt him#for a while stone was my 2nd fav!!! now its amelia (who had been 3rd) but stone is STILL means so much to me
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something something some yakuza antagonists ideals are completely valid and if they just went about them a different way the whole situation wouldnt have been life or death something something. something something i will agree with an antag (nishiki WHO SAID THAT) more if their reasoning behind what theyre doing is solid enough (yeah girl be mentally ill i support you i'll get you help too) something something
this goes for outside of yakuza too idk why im adding it but like. personally i love antags more than the protags because 1 more interesting 2 bro 99% of the time theyre just so mentally unwell if they had help as a child or just someone by their side supporting them enough in life they wouldnt be doing any of that shit 3 half the time theyre just. right. about the status of things? and i got that autistic sense of justice behind me so i automatically side with them like they go about it the wrong way but theyre right my bad 4 not all antags are evil even theyre literally there because the protaganist needs a foil the whole light needs dark dark needs light thing blah blah 5 theyre bad bitches i cant deny a bad bitch their non-heroic deeds.
i need to type up another slideshow about the intricacies of characters and why so and so did what they did or why so and so shouldnt be faulted for their ideals. god i love writing about characterization i love writing i need to write of course people can dislike "bad guys" theyre written to be disliked because of the perspective you see them from but i love being like oooh hoo hoo you are a hidden gem you are a diamond in the rough damn ya ass fat whats ya trauma? oh god this is long uhm. yeah :]
anon you're spitting but im too drunk to make a good response just know im nodding and listening and agreeing
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rowanhoney · 10 months
Whenever I feel strange and distant from myself I like to go on google maps street view and explore the villages where my family are
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merinelsa · 1 year
#that last post really unleashed some feelings#aunties always used to ask me what my brother was currently doing#and I was like he's in college#and their next question always used to be in which engineering college he was studying in or some question already assuming he took up#engineering#and it used to always make me so furious like bitch there are other courses than those two fields one can pursue#just bc both my parents were engineers doesn't mean my brother wants to be one#he has his own mind and dreams that he wants to achieve#and then once my math teacher when I talked about my brother taking up history and international relations course was like so he's not as#smart or intelligent as you or something shitty like that and I was like how does him not liking math equate to his level of smartness#everyday I thank all lords that my brother was able to escape such narrow minded people and moreover escape from courses that would've#killed him#but God the shit he had to go through from both the society and my parents for a long while#the trauma he was subjected to on a daily basis bc of his different interest I wish I couldve done something for him through those years#I wish I had enough maturity to blow some sense into those people#and now in my batch I see people like my brother who couldn't escape struggle through the course#for some people the only reason they came to this field was to make their parents proud as if that should be anyone's goal in life as if th#dreams dont matter and some others being forced into it#there could be millions of 3 idiots and taare zameen pars but our fucking society never changes#I'm so tired of this trend I'm so tired of our children being sacrificed for this
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albonium · 2 years
what a day 🥲
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