#he calls her “my girl” which feels like a term of endearment
cephalofrog · 27 days
hades 2 spoilers below the cut. rambling about a post-final boss piece of dialogue
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this is such an interesting line and it makes mel's character SO good to me
like. her entire life was marked by the tragedy that took place when she was too young to remember, and from the moment it happened it was expected that she would be fully dedicated to making it right, because that was her family that was taken. that was the mother and father and brother that, if they'd had the chance to raise her, she would love more than the world itself. she should want them back more than anything.
but, the thing is? she has other love. she has hecate and the other people in the crossroads. she can't miss the love that she didn't have from her family because it never happened - and yet, her entire life from the moment chronos took them, she was expected to be so angry and stricken with grief over it that she would be willing to dedicate her entire life to killing him.
because that's what she should be doing with all of that anger and loss - it should fuel her to kill chronos. that's her goal. that's what she has been training for her entire life.
mel is a good person - she does want her family back. she meets her father for the first time and it's a deeply emotional moment for her. it's important to note that she doesn't actually mean what she says here. but she's been expected to be motivated by loving them so much that ever expressing that she doesn't actually love them as much as she's supposed to has never been an option. nemesis tells her that she isn't fully motivated by loving them in order to hurt her - and it hurts her because it's true (at least to a degree that she finds unacceptable within herself).
and when she gets that crucial step closer to achieving her goal - death to chronos, and here he is, about to die - he asks her to hypothetically pick between not achieving that goal, and potentially doing harm to the family that she is meant to love than anything...
and the motivation to kill him, the thing that has been drilled into her over and over, the first line that you hear her speak when you start the game - that is what wins.
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First Time With Someone Like You…
Eddie Munson x fem!Reader, brief mentions of Billy x reader
Word count: roughly 10.1K
Eddie and his girlfriend finally put a label on it at last and now they’re feeling ready to take another new step together.
Warnings: NSFW (Minors do not interact), oral (f receiving), protected p in v sex, mentions of kinky shit but no kinky shit, reader’s first time having sex, inexperienced reader, terms of endearment (baby, pretty girl, sweetheart), AFTERCARE INCLUDED BECAUSE YES, fluffy sweet sex. 
Author’s note: I got a message the other day from @wdsara48 sending some very sweet thoughts about Bumpy Ride which is my other NSFW piece currently published and asking if I had ever written Eddie with an inexperienced reader and yes I have! This is that piece! It's again part of the same longer work that most of my Eddie stuff is from! Anyway it's on the longer side and I hope you all enjoy!
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The Hideout was never a big spot, never drew a big crowd, but recently Corroded Coffin had managed to get a bigger gig - a going away party for a good friend of Gareth’s. The group had all banded together in order to make sure their setlist was flawless, down to a t, and needless to say, it had paid off. 
Corroded Coffin had just finished their rendition of “Jessie’s Girl”, which had left the crowd more than satisfied and their pockets heavier than usual as they began packing up their belongings. Music blared over the speakers, although it was nothing compared to them live. Eddie was also a little stoked on the premise that his girlfriend was here - something that always made him excited. Up until this point, they had never said the words to each other and had never put an official title on it but now…tonight they were ready to introduce her to the band as the girlfriend. People were still laughing and talking, but Y/N and her friend Jude who she had come with weren’t quite ready for the party to be over.
 “Hey Y/Nnnnnn”, Jude sang as they ran up and poked their friend. “Jonathan’s going to drive Nancy, Robin, and I home. Do you want to come?” 
“Oh,” Y/N said as she looked between her friend and the boy she was now thrilled to call her boyfriend, before shaking her head, “Thank you but…I think I have other plans. I appreciate it though! Have fun! And be safe!” She tacked on to the end despite herself. Jude engulfed her in one last hug. 
“You little freak “ they whispered, before heading out the door with the rest of their friends. Eddie was closing his guitar case and walked over to the bar to collect a few last donations people had left for the band. Once he gathered his money, he smiled and jogged to Y/N.
“Hey you”, he looked down at her. 
“Hey there yourself,” she laughed as she took one of his hands into hers, “You put on a remarkable show Munson. Really.” He blushed.
“What can I say?,” He took a pause before asking, “Seriously, what can I even say to you right now? I’m getting so distracted.”
“Maybe brief introductions to your bandmates who I don’t know and then…” Y/N had to take a little breath to gain the courage to ask, “We go back to yours?” Eddie looked into her eyes with disbelief. He grabbed her hand and started fiddling with her fingers out of nerves.
“For sure, yeah. They’ve been dying to meet you”, he said absent-mindedly, as he pulled her over to the boys sitting on the stage. “Hey fellas, there’s someone I want for you to meet”, Eddie beamed. Y/N stood at his side, his hand still in hers as she gained the attention of his bandmates. 
“Hi, I’m Y/N. I’m Eddie’s girlfriend.” God did it feel good to say it at last. The band stood in stillness. 
This stillness lasted for eternity. 
Gareth and Jeff looked at each other, trying too hard to hide their smile. Finally, Harrison broke the silence.
“Wow…” he cleared his throat. “ That’s… excuse me….that’s really cool.”
“Yeah, it’s nice to finally meet this girl that Eddie hasn’t been able to shut up about, since the beginning of summer,” Jeff reached out to shake her hand. Y/N let go of Eddie’s hand to return it only for Eddie to take the free hand on the other side of her with a little squeeze.
“It’s equally as nice to meet his wonderful bandmates at last,” Y/N said, returning the hand squeeze with one of her own. 
“Honestly we thought he was making you up,” leaned Harrison, who leaned on the mic stand in order to properly shake his head. 
“Oh really?” Y/N laughed as she looked at Eddie, “He made me sound too good to be true?” 
“You would not believe it. He said you were hotter than Phobe Caits,” Jeff laughed. “Which you actually are,” Eddie turned to face Jeff with a look on his face that spelled out danger, “Respectfully,” Jeff modified with his hands up in the air.
“No one is actually hotter than Phobe Caits,” Y/N said with a smile, “But I appreciate the compliment. Well, I don’t mean to keep you all from cleaning up, let me know if I can help but if not, I’ll just wait until you’re done.” 
“Hey, no worries at all. Just enjoy the music, we’d be happy to give you a ride home,” Harrison said. 
“Considering that I am the one that drove you gentlemen here, I’ll be the one to offer,” Eddie said with a hint of agitation in his voice. He faced Y/N and winked. “The ride offer is also extended to you. We won’t be very long. Right men?”
“Right,” they barked. Y/N decided to let them work and headed to take a seat at the bar until they were done packing up, enjoying the people still partying around her. It wasn’t very long at all before Eddie slid up next to her.
“Hey,” he tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear, “Just so you know I didn’t do anything tonight. Like, I’m sober. In case you wanted a ride home. Scout’s honor,” he smiled and put up his hand. “And I am totally down for if you want to come over, but if you….” he faded.
“I really would like to if you want,” Y/N said softly, “I am sober too. I had half a drink and called it quits and…I want that but only if you do.” 
“Legendary,” he chuckled. He took her hand. “By the way, my van smells like armpits because of those little shits. Just so we’re clear,” he led her to the door of the bar. He took her hand and led her out of the bar and towards his van parked at the very edge of the parking lot.
“And the smell of weed?” Y/N teased completely as she enjoyed their hands swinging back and forth together. 
“Yeah…that’s me,” he chuckled as they got closer to the car. “You don’t mind it too much?”
“It’s ok, I’ll just have to sit closer to you since I like the smell of your cologne,” she smiled, making his heartbeat pick up.
“Damn,” he opened the car door for her, and offered his help, “you’re making me feel like a princess tonight.” 
“Simply trying to return the favor since you always make me feel that way,” she beamed at him as she got in the car before the rest of the band brought their stuff out and began loading it in. He shut the door gently behind her and continued to hold her hand through the window. He kissed her hand gingerly and then simply leaned against the rearview mirror, gazing at her. He completely ignored his band’s cries for help and complained. He just sat and looked at her. 
“Nice view?” She asked without looking at him. He said nothing. He lost his smile. His face turned into something else. Before Y/N knew it, he was kissing her more passionately and carefully than she had ever been kissed. 
“EDDDDIIIIIEEEEE” the band cried together. He parted from her regretfully and took one last look in her eyes before he continued onto the driver's side. Y/N was absolutely breathless as she processed it with all her fingertips coming up to trace over her lips. Eddie was opening the driver’s side door before she knew it and she had long forgotten his bandmates were present.
“Do me a favor baby and buckle up,” he said as he reached over and buckled Y/N’s seatbelt for her before not buckling his own, “it’s gonna be a bit of a rough ride.” 
“Hey Eddie, are there seat belts back here?” asked Harrison.
“Nope.” Eddie turned on the ignition and pulled out of the space, “Clench your butt cheeks to the seats and shut the hell up!”
Eddie drove as recklessly as possible, having absolutely no regard for the safety of his fellow bandmates… only becoming careful when he remembered Y/N was in the car. 
“Get out” he would say as he pulled up to their house. 
“I had fun Eddie,” they would say sheepishly.
Finally, when the last member had been dropped off, Y/N could watch the tension leave Eddie’s shoulders. 
“They’re good friends, huh?” She asked. 
“They are,” Eddie pulled his van into reverse and sped off the road towards his castle, “They’re young and can be idiots though.”
The pair fell into a comfortable silence until Eddie deemed that as usual, he had something more he needed to say.
“I am beyond proud to be your boyfriend,” He started making Y/N smile, “But I think, for your sake, we should come up with some kind of protocol. I’m not sure if you’d want anyone else to know that we were dating. It could ruin your reputation.” Y/N looked over at him as he drove, processing for a minute. 
“Respectfully, Eddie, I don’t care about my reputation. But…I do understand if you care about yours,” she said honestly, “I mean having me as your girlfriend kinda ruins the scary guy who hates everyone thing you’ve got going.” 
Eddie shook his head and gripped her thigh tighter. “Believe me, if I had things my way I wouldn’t be thought of as scary. People just fear what they can’t understand. And for everyone else in this dumb hick town, I am an enigma.” He pulled into a lot that had multiple trailers and drove slowly. He pulled up to his Uncle’s trailer and turned off his headlights. “I’m saying that it could be potentially dangerous for you. You could be the target of a lot of hate and gossip. Just promise me you will think about this….” Y/N felt her heart break for him just a tiny bit as she looked at him. Taking his face into her hands and turning her to look at him she nodded.
“I will. I promise,” she placed a soft kiss on his cheek which made him melt, “Thank you for taking care of me.” 
“I got you,” He murmured softly, “Always.” Y/N beamed as she leaned over and kissed him on the lips gently before pulling away. He let out a light giggle before he practically leapt out of the car and scurried to open her door for her. “M'lady," he offered her his hand. She giggled as she took it and allowed him to help her out of the car, shutting the door behind her. 
“Thanks, Eddie.” 
“It’s actually Sir Eddie, to be precise, Lady L/N '', he led her to the front door, puffing his chest out to be the most chivalrous version of himself that he could be. 
“Yes sir,” Y/N said with a laugh as she headed up the steps to stand beside him. Hearing this gave Eddie superhuman strength and he bounded up the stairs to open the door for him. Good to note, Y/N thought to herself.
“Just so you know, my Uncle works nights and I think he’s staying with his girlfriend tonight,” Eddie opened the door and bowed to let her in first. 
“That’s probably for the best,” Y/N said as she stepped inside. She admired the place, the hats that lined the walls, the countertop filled with stuff, and how warm it felt instantly, the warm lighting making her feel at ease. “I mean… never mind,” she cut herself off and stepped fully inside, pushing nerves and fear of saying the wrong thing aside.
“Sorry about the mess,” Eddie said as he moved some things here and there as Y/N continued to take it all in. She thought for a split second he maybe hadn’t heard her remark from before but as he turned to her she knew he had, “And don’t make me laugh. You know what we’re about to do”, he grabbed her hand and pulled her to the left of the trailer into the far right room. “This is me”, he opened the door for her, revealing his bedroom. 
“Wow,” Y/N said, admiring how eclectic it was. The walls were crammed with stuff and despite things being fairly clean, she could tell the place was usually messy. 
Maybe I wasn’t the only one hoping for this, Y/N thought as she looked around, admiring the photos and band posters as she stepped all the way into Eddie’s room, missing that he closed the door behind and leaned against it as he watched her. Without thinking much about it she pointed to the blank spot on the wall which was remarkably out of place with the rest of the decor. 
“For your guitar?” She asked. 
“Oh yeah!” He nodded as he took a step off the wall, his eyes trained on Y/N, “You should meet her sometime. Her name’s Roxie and she has the clarity of an angel. But she’s out in the van and…. I don’t feel like she’s my main focus right now”, he grabbed her waist and pulled her in so that her back was pressed against his chest drawing a gasp from her as he moved her hair to expose her neck to him, “No offense Roxie,” he whispered before placing a kiss on Y/N’s neck softly and delicately to test the waters.
“Very respectful of you to leave her in the van when having another woman over,” Y/N teased as she leaned into him, head tilting back to rest on his chest, giving him permission to continue. He smirked and complied leaving another, and another. 
“She’s a strong and independent woman. I guess I have a type”, he said as his hands slid down her waist, giving a little squeeze to her hips. “I’d never leave you in a car though, to be clear,” Y/N laughed out loud as she slipped off her jacket. 
“I appreciate it,” She said as she turned to face him. “Eddie, I just want to say if you have any hesitati-”. He picked her up between her legs and threw her on the bed. She would have bounced but before she could Eddie wrapped his arms around her thighs, effectively pinning her hips down as he looked at her from between her legs, kneeling on the ground still. He looked at her for a moment before confessing with a sigh, “I’m hesitating like crazy.”
“Because…?” Y/N prompted as she sat up just a bit to be closer to him. He grabbed her wrists and threw them back on the mattress, positioning himself comfortably on top. He paused and looked at her for a moment before his expression shifted and he let out a sigh as he sat up to kneeling, leaning back on his hands. 
“I…I’m gonna be honest here and vulnerable and stuff,” he said, trying to keep his demeanor casual but Y/N could tell he was being serious, “But I’ve never been with someone I actually care for in the way I care about you. Most people want to hook up with me - get the town freak’s dick, learn a bit about themselves so they can get off, and leave - and that’s fine but…I guess I’m worried that since I’ve never been with anyone I cared about beyond wanting to learn…well stuff…I won’t compare to Hargrove,” he said with a little look down before shaking his head, “Which is stupid I know-”
“I wouldn’t know what Billy is like,” Y/N cut him off as she sat up. Eddie looked at her and raised a brow. 
“But you…” Eddie’s eyes went wide as he looked at her, “You and Billy never did it?”
“Nope,” Y/N said, not meeting his eyes, “We did not…we just…made out a couple of times…” His expression changed, it lightened. 
“Oh,” he slowly rubbed the sides of her thighs back and forth. “So… and correct me if I’m wrong. This would be your first?”
“Yes,” She said, looking at him because if she couldn’t admit to him she wanted him to be her first she didn’t deserve to have him as such, “It would be.” He leapt up with a drive she knew only from days when he was really pumped for Hellfire. 
“Well, then this is ALL WRONG”, he paced back and forth looking for something. “Hmmm.” He stopped when he saw his stereo. “Well, we obviously need music,” he smirked and bolted to his cassette shelf, diving in and throwing random tapes on the wall. 
“No! Seriously?” Y/N asked as she sat up, laughing as she took the time to examine his room a bit more to distract herself from the nerves, “Eddie I don’t think that’s…” Her eyes caught on a metal shiny piece hanging from the wall near where he was searching for music and she felt her breath catch in her throat. Why did he have those? Just then “I’m On Fire”, by Bruce Springsteen. The soft guitar played through the speakers as Eddie tried to diffuse the tension. 
“Oh,” he ran to his desk and ripped out a piece of notebook paper. He went to work doing something on it, but Y/N was all too distracted by the handcuffs on the wall. He finally turned around and offered her an origami rose made out of said notebook paper. “Next time, I’ll get you a bunch. Sorry, I only had one,” he sat on the bed next to her and brushed her hair aside, drinking her presence. “Whatcha looking at?”. 
“Nothing,” she said far too quickly as she turned back to him, beaming at the rose and at him. “That’s impressive,” She said, trying to clear her mind and focus on how sweet he was being, despite her stomach being in knots. 
“Well, middle school Munson didn’t have the musical talent or sexual prowess that he does now. So…. I… spent all my time making origami.” Y/N laughed out loud, a smile coming to her face.
“That’s sweet,” She admitted, “Do you do this for all the girls?” She said in an attempt at an old cheesy line, batting her eyes in a mock manner. 
“The other girls haven’t seen my bedroom”, he replied matter-of-factly. Y/N sat in silence, her eyes wide as she took in that information.
“Oh,” was all she managed, her mind drifting back to the handcuffs as she went red. Is that because he has his personal stuff here? Maybe it’s because he didn’t want them to know him…does he want me to know him? Her mind raced and he could tell by the hazy look on her face. 
“You like that?” He got up and started walking towards the wall. He looked back at her with a knowing smile. 
“Yes,” she said, completely honest, “Not to sound like a cliche but…it makes me feel…special-god, that’s such a shit thing to say-”
“Oh no, not at all,” he smirked getting closer to the wall, “I like them too. I only break them out for special occasions.” 
“Oh!” Y/N said quickly as she looked at him, “No, I didn’t mean…I meant that no one else has been here…I didn’t…” 
“Hm?'' he scrunched his face as he turned to look at her again, his hands coming to rest on his heart in mock pain. “I’m surprised at you, L/N. Do you not like it?” He pointed to the Metallica poster right next to the handcuffs. “I thought you loved Metallica- Oh did you think I was talking about…” he trailed off, trying to feign, trying to read her thoughts on the handcuffs matter. But genuinely, he was curious despite the fact he was teasing her to put her at ease. 
He hadn’t considered that they would use those ever, especially not for her first time. He didn’t mind if Y/N was vanilla which would have been his guess looking at her. Sure, she could and did talk back from time to time, something he adored, but he wouldn’t have pinged her as being kinky. But Y/N was unlike anyone he’s ever met. And if she wanted it, he’d be happy to oblige. 
“Oh god,” She said as she buried her head in her hands and laughed, “I’m so sorry, I can’t…I just…” She couldn’t even complete the thought she was laughing so hard. This broke him from his thoughts and completely focused fully back on her at this moment.
“You laughin' at me L/N?” He took this as a challenge. He puffed out his chest. This only made her giggle more as she looked up at him with a beaming smile. 
“I like Metallica,” she started as she continued to smile at him, “I also like the fact that I am the first person you’ve had here, for this…and I do like the handcuffs but not for tonight,” she said as she continued to smile at him but it shifted to a smirk at the end, “You’ve gotta ease me into it.” Eddie’s eyes went wide for a split second. Holy shit. She not only rose to the bait, she baited me back. This girl is going to be the end of me. She batted her eyes up at him and he realized in this moment of shock she had managed to get the upper hand, something he couldn’t allow. 
“Hey now”, he bent down on his knees, looking up at her. “Don’t get cocky”, he flipped her over on her back and pinned her hands down on the mattress. “That’s my job”, he paused for laughter. “Get it? Cocky?”
“Yeah, yeah,” she laughed as she looked up at him, “I get it alright. You’re so…I don’t even have words to describe you!” 
“Ah jeez you can’t think of any?” his eyes ran over her body. “Do I make you that nervous?”
“You don’t make me nervous,” she said honestly, “You make me happy and feel important and…you just make me feel like me. Sex…” She hesitated before shaking her head, “Sex makes me nervous!”. His demeanor faltered slightly. 
“Understood”, he said with the most seriousness he could portray, despite the fact that she had just made his heart explode. “ And we don’t have to do anything at all if you don’t want to-”
“No!” she said quickly, “it’s not that! It’s just…look I’ve made out with people but this is totally different from that,” Y/N said quickly, “Because I didn’t love any of them so this is different because…” She trailed off as she realized what she had admitted to. Sure the thought had been in her mind for a bit but she had never dared to say it out loud. Eddie almost missed that last part because he was concentrating so deeply but he heard it. He wanted to ask her if he had heard her correctly. That was his intention. To ask her and then if he heard her correctly. That was the plan.
But he knew he had heard her correctly. He knew it. And instead of replying, the words were moving too fast in his brain and it was all he could do to pull her into him and press his lips to hers. 
Y/N gasped as he did it, her heart racing before she melted into him, her hands coming to tangle in his hair as he laid her back down. It was only an instant before he was all over her, his lips touched every inch of her he could. He quickly slotted his knee in between her legs and pressed into her, the whine that fell from her mouth like heaven, drawing a sigh of his own. He moved away from her mouth as he pressed kisses down her jaw and to her neck. He was deliberate in his actions, strategically pressing kisses until he felt her grip on his hair tighten, earning a smirk from him. He began to abuse the spot, sucking and gently nipping at her skin as she muffled her sounds with one of her hands.
“Come on,” he coaxed as he pulled away ever so slightly to revel at the sight of her lust-blown eyes as she laid under him, “let me hear it all, baby. Just us, and you sound so pretty.” It was at that moment that he pressed his knee into her even more, drawing a whine from her that she didn’t hide as she gripped his black button-up which was still half done and revealed a couple of his tattoos. 
“Eddie,” she said softly as she looked up at him. 
“Yes, baby?” He prompted with a teasing grin as he leaned down to press more kisses to her neck, trailing lower to her collarbones. 
“Remember when you said it was my next adventure to find out how many tattoos you had?” She asked, trying her best to keep her voice steady as he continued on his course. He hummed in reply, and though he couldn’t see it, a smirk came to her face.
“How can you expect me to do that when you’re still dressed?” The chuckle that fell from his lips had her thighs pressing together, his knee still embarrassingly sandwiched between them so she knew he could feel her move. 
“Trying so hard to get me out of my clothes,” he said in a mock attempt to shame her as he pulled back a bit, “Too bad for you I’m a gentleman so…” He went to his knees once more and looked at her with pupils blown wide, “Ladies first.” Y/N’s smirk only grew as she got up from where she was laying down on the bed and first took off her fishnet tights, setting them aside with her jacket. She reached for the hem of her dress before turning her attention back to him. 
“Sure you don’t want to undress me?” The grin on his face would put the Cheshire cat to shame as he leaned back on his hands. 
“Nope,” he popped the p loudly as he leaned back even further, truly getting comfy, “I want to watch you strip for me.” Y/N slowly pulled up her dress without any more fanfare, his request being more than enough to do her in. She set aside her dress and was suddenly struck with nerves once more as she stood in the underwear she had carefully chosen. She went to meet Eddie’s eyes to get any sense of how he was feeling about it all and felt her breath hitch in her throat at the way he was looking at her.
She had people have crushes on her along the way. She’d made out with a few different people, enough to count on a single hand, and she had had sex before but no one, no one on earth had ever looked at her like Eddie was looking at her now. 
He pushed off of the bed and stood up, taking slow steps toward her as his eyes raked over every single inch of her bit by bit. When he came to stop in front of her, he gently took her arms which had come up on instinct to cover herself, and lowered them at her sides, allowing him a full view. She looked at him as he stared at her body, his one hand coming up to cup her bra-covered breast.
The piece she had chosen was mostly sheer with a few red lace flowers covering here and there and without an ounce of padding, something all too obvious as he ran his thumb over her nipple before giving her breast a soft squeeze. 
“Fuck,” he groaned as he felt how soft she was underneath his hand. His eyes then met hers, his free hand coming up to rest on her cheek, “You are the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen.” Any semblance of the cocky arrogant character he had put on at his show and even the teasing tone she so commonly heard from him had left his voice. As she looked up into his eyes, all she could see was sheer adoration, idolatry even. 
“You’ve seen me in my underwear before,” She said with a soft giggle as she thought back to the night last summer their little group of friends had all stripped down to their underwear for a midnight Lover’s Lake swim. His expression didn’t change as he looked at her. 
“But this is different,” his voice was deep and so full of emotions she couldn’t name as he spoke, “You’re letting me see you, touch you…you’re letting me take you as mine and allowing me to become yours. This is…you, are everything.” Y/N looked at him with that same look of adoration he had been giving her written across her face. Their eyes met again before he pressed his lips to hers once more, softly this time, so gentle it was like he thought she was at risk of breaking. She kissed him firmer, more so to assure them both that they were here, really here, together than anything else. He kissed back with equally as much passion, his hand on her breast squeezing even tighter to match drawing a gasp from her. 
Before she knew it, his hands had come to her hips and he had picked her up, her only option was to wrap her arms around his neck and legs around his waist. He let out a hum into their kiss as she did, his hands coming to hold her ass and giving it a squeeze. 
She gasped not only at the action but at the feeling of his cool rings against her heated body. He made his way to sit on the edge of the bed, resulting in Y/N sitting in his lap as he continued to kiss her. When he pulled away it was only so he could trail one of his hands up to her neck, kissing down the other side as he used his hand to manipulate her body exactly how he wanted it, listening to every little sound she made as an indication of what she wanted. He wanted to learn every single intricacy of her body, mind, and soul. He wanted to know her heart as well as he knew his own. He kissed her neck all over until he found a spot that made her breath hitch. He smiled as he did, beginning to gently nip at the skin there. When her fingers tangled into his hair and she let out a whimper that made him throb in his pants, he all but lost it. 
“You like it when I leave marks on you, pretty girl?” He asked between kisses, his hand that was on her neck coming to grasp her breast and gently pinch her nipple, drawing a moan from her. “Need words, baby.” 
“Yes,” She moaned out, fingers pulling in his hair as her head fell back when he went right back to it at her confirmation. “Feels amazing.” Eddie’s mind wandered momentarily and he pulled away causing her to whimper in complaint. He looked at her as she sat in his lap and a question came to his mind. 
“Y/N, has anyone ever eaten you out?” 
“No,” she confessed breathlessly as she looked at his swollen lips, ones she was sure matched her own. “I um…people have offered but I didn’t feel comfortable returning so I didn’t want them to so…but I’m ready now, with you.” 
“Oh, sweetheart,” he praised as he gently brought his lips to hers before pulling away and smiling at her, “All I want in the world right now is to eat you out without wanting anything back. I just want to make you feel better than you’ve ever felt before. We’ll have plenty of time to fully explore each other later if you ever want to. And if you don’t that’s ok, alright?” She looked at him and he watched as the tension visibly left her body as she leaned in to gently press her lips to his. As they kissed, her hands came down to the buttons on his shirt and she began to undo them. He let out a hum of approval as she did, pressing kisses to her neck and breasts as she continued until his shirt was fully unbuttoned. He untucked it from his pants when it was and opened it so she could better see him once he had. Y/N pulled away and her eyes ran up and down his body, reveling in the sight. She brought her hands up to where the shirt was on his shoulders and looked to him for permission to push it off his shoulders. He nodded, giving her all the confirmation she needed to expose his torso to her. 
She took this moment to look at the tattoos on his left shoulder, ones she hadn’t been paying that much attention to the first time she had seen him shirtless out of a need to be polite and not stare. But now, she really took them in. There were two of them on the left side of his chest, a spider and a demon. The spider was a bit higher up but they rested very close. She took a moment to trace her fingers over them as he watched her before she leaned in, pressing soft opened mouth kisses to them. Eddie’s hands both flew to her his as she felt him grind up into her, hard as a rock as she worshiped his body. She moved ever so slightly, pushing him to lay down on the bed so she could be on top, trailing kisses down his torso and to the little trail of hair that led down below- 
A little whimper of pain came from Y/N as Eddie’s hands tangled in her hair and pulled her up to straddle him. 
“Shit,” he swore as he moved his hands from her hair and gently cupped her face in his hands searching for any indication, “Did I hurt you? I’m so sorry-”
“It’s ok,” Y/N said, pressing a kiss to his lips to stop his worries. She pulled away to find that the concern had partially eased and she felt a little bit bolder, leaning in to whisper to him, “Besides, I like having my hair pulled.” 
“Jesus,” He swore as she pulled back and smirked down at him beneath her, “You, Y/N L/N, are going to be the death of me.” Y/N chuckled and leaned down to continue as Eddie’s hands wound in her hair again, pulling much more deliberately this time. “Baby, this is about you, not me,” He scolded as he sat up, taking his hands out of her hair and running them down her body, “And I’m trying so hard to be gentle so make it easy for me pretty girl. Don’t you want to be good for me?” He knew it was a risk that Y/N might be against being spoken to in such a way but he watched as her eyes glazed over and her jaw dropped just a bit as she nodded. 
“Then do me a favor, pretty girl, and lay down for me.” She complied in a heartbeat, moving out of his lap and laying down on the bed. He smiled at her as he took a moment to admire her before kneeling beside the bed and adjusting her so she was exactly where he wanted her. 
“Spread your legs for me.” She did, a hint of embarrassment and anxiety coming up as she knew he may not like what he saw. She knew people who condemned girls for having bigger thighs and stretch marks and things like that and for a brief second, she let herself consciousness kick in, something Eddie seemed to be remarkably aware of. 
“Hey Y/N,” he said, drawing her gaze to look down on him, knelt between her legs, “We don’t have to do this if you don’t want but I’m telling you now, you are the most stunning person I’ve ever laid hands or eyes on. Genuinely. You have nothing to be nervous about.” She melted as she could see the honesty in his eyes and again he watched her relax. He brought his hands up and slowly parted her thighs, loving the goosebumps that appeared on her skin as his rings came into contact with her body. He had to fight the moan that threatened to slip from his lips at the sight of the wet patch on her underwear with every fiber of his being. He pressed kisses all over her thighs, slowly working his way closer to her still-covered core, his hands finding their place on her hips as he held her on the bed. When he did finally get to her core, he pressed a soft kiss to her heat through her underwear, drawing a gasp from Y/N. 
“Do you want me to take them off?” He asked gently as his thumb ran circles on her lips. 
“Please,” she said, a smile coming to his face as she angled her hips in such a way that he could pull them off. He leaned up and ever so gently removed her underwear, setting them aside. 
“Holy shit,” He whispered as he looked at her. He knew he needed to be slow, to ease her into it, so he tried his best, repeating the kissing of her thighs, this time without her underwear there until finally he got to her core. He pressed a soft kiss to her clit and felt her hips move on instinct, keeping them pressed to the bed. He continued, slowly getting bolder until he slipped his tongue inside of her. 
Soft whimpers and moans fell from her consistently now as she relaxed into the pleasure he was so skillfully giving her. She felt so very at peace and was truly unable to do anything else but think about him between her legs. 
“Eddie-” She moaned out, the man letting out a moan of his own at the way she moaned his name. 
“Yes, baby?” he asked, briefly coming up for air. 
“Can you…can you also…”
“Y/N say the word and it’s yours,” He said as he leaned back to be able to look at her, “Anything you want baby.”
“Can you use your fingers too?” She asked sheepishly. The grin that lit up Eddie’s face instantly melted any worries she had about being needy. He replied with actions not words, instantly slipping two of his fingers inside of her causing her to gasp. 
From their previous encounters - though simple and brief ones - he knew that usually two was her comfort zone but if he was going to actually fit inside of her he wanted to use at least three. The general theory was if he started with two instead of one then three wouldn’t be such a stretch. 
That theory seemed to be working as she whimpered and moaned from the stretch beneath him. 
“You’re doing- so good,” he praised between moans as he put his mouth right back to work, sucking on her clit like his life depended on it and right now, it felt like it did. As much as he wanted to solely focus on her pleasure, he couldn’t help the little grind of his hips against the carpet every time she moaned. It slowly became a consistent rocking until he feared he was going to cum completely untouched just from eating her out. While he’d love to do that another day, tonight they had a plan and if she had gotten herself all ready for it, he refused to spoil it by finishing too early. He had been so distracted by his name coming out in moans from lips that he hadn’t even registered it was probably because he had been fucking three fingers into her for a while. Her hands were tangled so tightly in his hair and he quickly put two and two together on what was coming, leaning it to suck on her clit more as he continued doing exactly what he was doing until Y/N suddenly gasped and moved away from him with a little, “stop.” Eddie’s hands let go immediately and went into the air as he looked at her breathing heavily. 
“I'm sorry-“
“No, no,” she shook her head at him, moving back closer as her chest heaved, “I was just…I knew I was going to…squirt and I didn’t want it to be while you were-“ 
“Oh my god,” Eddie said as he pressed her down against the bed and climbed on top of her. “You were going to squirt and you stopped me!” 
“Yes!” She nodded, “I…most guys wouldn’t want to be anywhere near that!” 
“First off, yes they would,” Eddie nodded, his fingers already back between Y/N’s legs slowly slipping inside of her again, “and secondly, we already know I am not ‘most guys’.” He went back to what he had been doing before and watched as Y/N relaxed under him at his words. He liked this even more because of how at peace she seemed so he kissed his way down her body and got right back to it. Instead of changing anything he was doing, he continued right on with what he had been doing, putting his whole heart into it and reveling in the fact that he was able to get her like this. It didn’t take long until she was crying his name again, her eyes squeezing tightly closed and her fingers tugging at this hair with a vice. 
“Let go, baby,” he commanded and she did. Her release gushed over his face and he licked her clean with a fearless new to him. He had been with others before but never anyone who got this reaction out of him. It was only when she let out a little whimper of pain he realized she was already feeling overstimulated and he couldn’t have that…not yet. 
“How are you, pretty girl?” He asked as he came to rest over her again. She nodded as she looked up at him, a smile on her face as she pulled him in for a kiss. It was gentle and sweet and he felt his heart melt at her sweetness despite what they were doing. 
“So good to me,” He murmured as she pulled away to kiss down his neck. Her hands quickly found his belt buckle and began to mess with it, a pathetic-sounding whine coming from her when she realized she couldn’t figure out how to undo it. He chuckled as he batted her hands away before pressing a kiss to each one. 
“I got you,” He smiled and she returned it as he undid the buckle. He quickly set it somewhere on the floor to be forgotten about as he sat back on his knees. Y/N quickly sat up and ran her hand down to where his hands were on his zipper. 
“Can I?” She asked, looking up at him with complete adoration. He couldn’t deny her anything and nor would he ever want to so he just nodded and sat back, allowing her to do exactly as she wished. She unzipped his jeans with one hand, using her other hand to trail down his body, following the little trail of hair downward. As she finished unzipping his jeans and looked to him to get up and take them off, something he complied with, slipping them off and setting them next to his belt. Now in just his black boxers, he couldn’t help but feel the slightest bit of anxiety. What if he couldn’t please her? What if he couldn’t manage to learn what she liked? He stood with his back facing to her for clearly too long as she was out of bed. 
“Hey,” Her voice was soft as she gently turned him to face her, her one hand coming up to turn his face to look at her as her free hand held his hand, “We can stop here if you want or do something else-”
“No,” He shook his head, “I want this. Really. I want you.” Y/N smiled at him and gently pressed a kiss to his lips before it became less gentle. She managed to move both hands to Eddie’s chest and he walked back until his back hit the door with a little gasp at how easily she had taken over. She chuckled as she began to press kisses down his chest, her one hand coming down to palm him gently over his boxers which made him gasp again. 
“Is this ok?” She asked as she pulled away from his neck for only a moment, taking in the sight of how beautiful he looked with his head thrown back against the door, his eyes shut in pleasure. 
“Yes,” he replied, a breathy moan following. “You can…you can take it out if you want.” Y/N didn’t reply with words, smiling as she did exactly that. She took it in for a moment, her eyes going wide as for the first time ever she processed the idea of him being inside her. She ran her thumb over his tip gently causing another groan to come from him as his hands grasped her hips with a force. He was so hard and she was impressed that he hadn’t finished yet but god did she feel bad for him. She wanted to please him so bad so that’s exactly what she set out to do. She stroked him gently, seeing what he liked and what got the best reaction from him, reveling in each sound he made. As soon as she started to get the hang of things, one of his hands moved from her hips and took hold of her wrist. Her eyes shot up to meet his which were now open and looking at her. 
“Sorry,” he said gently, “You were doing great…it’s just, I’m pretty worked up so I didn’t want to finish yet.” Y/N smiled at him and nodded 
“I get it…but I mean…you made me-”
“It’s different,” he said as he picked her up again and carried her back to his bed, laying her down gently, “Takes me longer to get back to it.” His choice of phrasing made her giggle and his focus snapped to her, “You’re really laughing at me? Now?” 
“Yes,” she replied as she shook her head. He chuckle and pressed a kiss to her lips before pulling away. 
“Well, we can’t have that,” He said as he leaned over and opened up one of the drawers near his bed. He easily found a condom and held it up to her, his expression going a bit more serious. 
“You’re sure?” 
“Yes,” she said as she took it from him and opened it much to his surprise, “I’m ready.” He watched with a smile as she pulled it out and rolled it onto him, careful as always with delicate hands before setting the wrapper aside. He wrapped her thighs around his waist and looked down at her. 
“Tell me if you need me to stop at any point, ok?” He said as he lined himself up. She nodded, words escaping her at this moment. Right as he was about to press in, he heard her speak. 
“Just…be gentle. Please?” He felt his heart melt at her plea. Eddie leaned down and kissed her so softly and whispered, “I promise,” as he began to press in. Y/N automatically tensed at the feeling, it was brand new to her and he pulled away from their kiss to whisper to her. 
“I know,” he said as he fought for his own breath as he waited with just the tip in her, “Just breathe for me, baby.” She nodded through a whimper and took in a shaky inhale, causing him to press into her a bit more, “There you go,” he praised. “Just keep breathing.” While she relaxed for a moment, she instantly tensed again as he started to move.
He instantly noticed and without a word brought his hand up to hold hers, pressing them both into the mattress with a gentle squeeze. The tiny gesture and his soft smile allowed her to breathe easily. Eddie smiled as he noticed the calm this brought Y/N, pressing another kiss to her lips as he slowly pushed into her, stretching her out. As he did, her eyes squeezed shut and her toes curled as a moan was forced from her lips. Their one set of hands parted and Y/N’s nails instantly find their way to Eddie’s back. He let out a shaky moan as she left marks he knew he’d love to see in the mirror tomorrow.
“Fuck. I’m not even halfway in and you’re already...so tight...fucking...damn.” Y/N squirmed under him as he attempted to let her adjust, his words causing her to want more than he was giving her. 
“Don’t squirm,” Eddie commanded in a dark stern hiss, causing Y/N to instantly stop moving and clamp around him, forcing a moan as Eddie buried his head into her neck. Interesting, he thought storing the information away for later. He pulled his head out of her neck and spoke gently, “I’m going to push the rest of the way in now, ok?” Y/N nodded at him and he began to slip in once again. 
“Fuck,” He swore as he bottomed out in one fatal thrust causing them both to gasp, “God Y/N, you feel so good.” She managed to give a little nod to him which instantly caused him to check in with her.  
“How are you feeling?” He asked, making sure to remain very still to give her time to adjust to the sensation.  
“It hurts just a tiny tiny bit,” She confessed, thankful that all the rumors she had heard about it hurting a lot the first time were just that. “I just feel...full.” He gave a little chuckle and began to pepper kisses all over her cheeks before kissing her lips again. 
“Well that’s good,” He smiled as he pulled away, “All I want is to make you feel good, baby. You were still a bit tense. Just relax now, pretty girl,” He purred as he ran his hand down her body, “I’ve got you and everything is going to be ok.” Seeing the genuine and kind look in his eyes made Y/N instantly melt and any trace of tenseness was gone. A dull ache soon settled between her hips and she found herself rolling them in an attempt to ease the pressure causing Eddie to let out a little hiss.
“Is that my sign to move?” He asked with a smile. 
“Please,” Y/N begged softly. Eddie can feel his heart melt at her little plea. Instantly, all he wanted to do was hold her and never let go but he quickly brought himself back to the moment at hand. He pulled out just a little before thrusting into her making her let out a little gasp of a moan at the feeling - his own moans echoing along with hers. Eddie then dropped his weight to his forearms on either side of her head which brought them even closer together. He slid both of his hands into her hair lightly as he quickened his pace causing more moans coming from the pair as they began to fully lose themselves in it all. 
Even through the pleasure of it all, Y/N could tell how remarkably gentle Eddie was attempting to be and it made her heart flutter. Despite his best efforts, Eddie naturally became a bit rougher by second nature, but as things speed up and the knot in Y/N’s stomach came closer to bursting, she don’t mind a bit. Her free hand tangled into his hair and pulled causing him to groan into her neck, nipping at the skin there enough to leave even more marks. Call him possessive, he was and wanted her and everyone else in this stupid fucking town to know that she was his now. 
His need to mark her up though was only overcome by his want to etch every expression that crossed her face into his memory, so he pulled away to watch her beautiful face contrast beneath him.
“Fuck,” He swore as she let out a cry as he hit what he assumed was her G spot, angling to make sure he kept that up, “So fucking pretty for me.” Y/N could tell how close Eddie was getting by the absolutely stunning expressions painted on his face and the little praises that he uttered. His one hand slowly found its way to her clit and he softly attempted a couple of different things to see what elicited the best response. After a particular movement, he felt her tighten around him with a high whine and he knew he'd hit the jackpot. He repeated the movement while continuing to thrust into her, causing Y/N to cry out in response as she felt the coil come this close to snapping. 
“Eddie, I’m going to-”
“I know baby, I know,” He moaned as she clenched around him, “Cum for me.” His command was all it took for her to come completely undone beneath him. Her high and the feeling of her gripping him like a vice was all it took to have him finding right along with her, burying his face into her neck to muffle the long whine that came from him as he pressed as deep as he could get into her. He continued to thrust into her, allowing the pair to ride out their highs before finally stilling. They both lay there, breathing heavily a mess of tangled limbs and sweat, glowing with love. Finally, when he caught his breath, Eddie pulled away enough that he could see Y/N’s face. 
She was always beautiful but damn did she look good post-orgasm. He wanted to burn the sight of her into his brain forever.
“How are you feeling, pretty baby?” He asked as he ran his hands through her hair and cupped her cheek. Y/N’s eyes fluttered open and Eddie swore he died and went to heaven as she looked up at him, the love in her eyes and smile on her face all too innocent considering what they just did. 
“So good,” Y/N replied, her voice high and soft, music to Eddie’s ears, “How are you?”
“So good,” he echoed back to her, pressing a kiss to her forehead, “I know I just like…popped your cherry and all,” he smiled as she giggled at the expression, “But I still can’t believe you’re real.”
“I’m real,” Y/N giggled as she flicked his forehead, making him beam, “That real enough for you?”
“Yeah that works,” he said as the pair fell into giggles making them both realize Eddie was still very much inside. “Oh shit,” He swore, “I’m gonna pull out now, is that ok?” 
“Mhm,” Y/N hummed as she gave his hand which was still held in hers a little squeeze. He gave her a small smile as he pulled out both of them letting out little moans as he did. He instantly wrapped her into his arms, holding her so close to him as she buried her head into his chest. She had never felt so safe in the arms of another person before, wanting nothing more than to hold him forever. 
“You did so well,” He praised her, “You know that?” He pressed kisses onto the top of her head as she stayed buried in his chest. 
“Thank you,” came her soft reply.
“You don’t have to thank me for praising you baby,” He chuckled.
“No, for…for everything,” she said as she pulled away ever so slightly so they could look at each other. Her eyes were so sleepy as she looked at him but the adoration was still written all over both of their faces. 
“Oh Y/N,” he said as he leaned in, pressing a kiss to her forehead, “You don’t need to thank me for that at all, baby. I loved it. I really loved it.” 
“Me too,” she replied as she beamed up at him, shifting ever so slightly and grimacing. It was that little grimace that reminded Eddie of what needed to come next. 
“Baby, I’m gonna get stuff to get you cleaned up, okay?” He asked as he gently pulled away. 
“M’kay,” she nodded as she looked at him, “But don’t be gone too long.”
“Getting all clingy on me already?” He teased as he slowly slipped out of bed and slipped off the condom, throwing it away before looking back at her, his eyes going wide.
“Fuck,” He swore as he took in the sight of her sprawled out in his bed completely fucked out. The very worst part of him had never wanted to take a damn Polaroid so bad but his top priority was getting her cleaned up and comfy. 
“Weren’t you going somewhere?” Y/N teased as she realized the effect she was having on him, rolling onto her side to give him a different view. He chuckled at her and gave her ass a little swat as he left the room.
“Little brat,” he reprimanded as slipped on his boxers, “And here I was trying to be chivalrous.” 
“Chivalry is dead Munson,” She said as he walked into the bathroom and wet a towel with warm water, ringing it out before heading back into the bedroom.
“Oh yeah?” He asked as he gently ran the towel over her body, cleaning her up, “Then what, pretty girl, would you call this?” 
“Common courtesy after that,” Y/N giggled as she looked up at him. He shook his head and gently moved the towel to clean between her legs, lifting her one leg as he did and pressing a kiss to her inner thigh. 
“I don’t know,” He teased as he set the towel aside when he was done, “I think I’m a pretty chivalrous guy.” 
“You are,” she said with all genuineness. 
“Anything else I can get for you?” He asked softly as he cupped her cheek again, “Water? Food?”
“Clothes?” Y/N asked as she looked down at her still very naked body. 
“Right,” Eddie said as he got up and walked over to his closet before thinking better of it and coming back over to her, “Wanna come pick out your pjs?” 
“I get to pick?” The joy in Y/N’s voice, as she sat up with a little wince, made Eddie’s heart melt. God I lo… his thoughts trailed off with a little pang in his heart as he made his way over to her. 
“Mhm,” He nodded as he picked her up bridal style in his arms making her smile, carrying her over to his closet, “Take your pick.” She looked through his little t-shirt collection before looking at the Metallica one he had been wearing the second time she had met him. 
“That one,” she said with a point. He smiled and nodded as he set her back down on the bed, grabbing it out for her and bringing it over to her. 
“A good choice,” He said as he watched her slip it over her head. 
“You wore it when Jude first brought me over to your house to pick up their drugs,” Y/N said as she searched for her underwear. “Can you bring me my underwear?” Eddie was frozen and didn’t even register her request. “Eddie?”
“You remember what I was wearing?” He asked softly as he looked at her. 
“Of course,” she nodded, “I thought you looked so handsome. You are so handsome-” Y/N couldn’t even get her thought out before he pressed his lips to hers, pressing her into the mattress again before he pulled away. 
“Sorry,” he said with a sheepish chuckle as he wrapped her in his arms again, “I don’t know what came over me-”
“Don’t apologize,” she said with a smile as she pulled him fully into bed with her, “Just stay here with me?”
“Always,” he replied and he meant it with every fiber of his soul. The pair curled up together, limbs tangled, needing to be so close and neither one had ever slept so well in their lives as they did that night. 
So that's the fic! Yay! 10k words bby! As always, likes, comments, and reblogs are throughly appreciated!
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exchangestudentnova · 11 months
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Features: Yandere! Pro player Alexis Ness and Kaiser's crush! afab! Reader
Content: SFW, suggestive, manipulation (on Ness's part)
Term of endearment used for reader: cutie, darling, pretty thing
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Ness knew that Kaiser liked you even before Kaiser himself could recognise his feelings for you.
If you ask anyone else, they'll say they aren't sure, after all Michael Kaiser does not wear his heart on his sleeve.
But it's different for Ness
Being Kaiser's support as a midfielder and his loyal friend made Ness very good at judging Kaiser's emotion. And the one Kaiser felt for you was love.
Even his action spoke of such. Purposefully making eye contact with you from across the room, letting you sit next to him, long conversation that never seem to end. Even the small touches here and there did not escape his eyes.
Well, it's not like there was any bad blood between Kaiser and Ness. It's just that Ness can't bring himself to forget the pain and sorrow brought by Kaiser's words as he casually abandons him to go join another team. How he seems to forgot how hard Ness worked to let him be the star of the show. Now playing for different teams, they only have light conversations during events that invite all the German football clubs.
In events where you, a famous event organiser, were there.
"Hm? How is it that you're sitting all by yourself?" Ness did not hesitate to strike up a conversation when he saw the chance. "Oh, if its not Alexis Ness, care to join me for dessert?" "The only dessert I see is standing in front of me" he remarks with a wink, making you laugh sweetly. Oh he definitely understands Kaiser now. "Well but I'm not the type to refuse an offer from a cutie like you" "Oh another great football player calling me cute today, is it my lucky day or what?" 'Another' huh?
He guides you towards the couch where he orders a luxurious dessert for the two of you, on his tab of course. Conversation is made, him asking about you and you asking about him. It must have been quite a while before Kaiser's topic came up.
"So, for how long have you been friends with Kaiser?"
"Kaiser and I go way back. We used to be on the same team"
"Ah he did mention that! He's so debonair and sexy!"
"Oh really? Did something special happen?" You nod. "I said we'll go out on a date if he manages to score a hat trick in his next game. And guess what? He said he'll do it! Ahh he's so cool"
"Well that's Kaiser for you. If he said so he'll most likely do it. *sigh* but it is sad to see such a pretty thing like you being nothing but a name to cross off of his list"
You had 'shocked' written all over your face. "W-what do you mean?" Here it is. " Oh you didn't know? How he's just pursuing you just to get you in bed? Just a little bit of fun before he loses interest in you" "B-but how is that possible? I thought-" "Oh darling I wouldn't have told you about it if I didn't see many girls running out of his bedroom with tears in their eyes"
You looked genuinely sad, an expression which made him almost regret what he has done. "Hey, it's okay, you didn't know. Don't look sad. Here, put your head on my shoulder" Ness comforted you through the pain he had to create himself.
It was the next event where Ness met Kaiser, the one 3 days after Kaiser's match. "Hey Kaiser, long time no see! Congrats on your hat trick! It must have been difficult to pull off" Ness congratulated him with a handshake. "Of course, it's bound to happen when you're the best striker in the world" he has an arrogant smile plastered on his face, but his eyes are searching for someone. Ness knows who.
"Alexis~" "Darling! You're here!" You flug your arms around Ness, his first name rolling off your tongue showing your intimate relationship. Kaiser eyes widen as you proceed to place a kiss on his cheeks. You don't even make eye contact with Kaiser as Ness speaks for the two of you.
"Sorry I did introduce her. This is my girlfriend"
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kneelingshadowsalome · 8 months
Belly dancer reader got me thinking about König with an Arab Engel who is hypervocal about how much she likes him, Arabic has some intense terms of endearment so her telling him تقبرني which basically means "bury me in a grave because I don't want to live without you" or calling him habib albi (love of my heart). making him an absolute FEAST for breakfast because what do you mean you just want a sandwich? you are getting at LEAST 5 different plates to choose from plus some nice tea while they listen to Fairuz ✨
I like to think he would LOVE how possessive Arab women can get, man can't compliment a woman without getting side eyed by his girl and scolded when they're in the car and gets the full sass "go sit on her lap then, since you want to act like a little boy 🙄" we're hella physical too so he should expect a slap on the arm or to be bitten on the cheek as warning lol.
he leaves for deployment smelling of incense and oud, rich, spicy and sensual. she gives him some perfume oil as both something to remember her by and to ward of any potential women who might want some (girl, who? you're the only one insane enough to handle him XD) plus some charms to keep him safe <3
I’m sorry but why is this so HELLA CUTE
Our man gets a feast for breakfast? He’s in heaven and let me tell you he needs it, König eats huge amounts of food, he needs a lot of fuel and his metabolism is crazy quick and if he doesn’t get enough to eat he starts to feel grumpy or even dizzy >:( Would someone please slip some protein bars into this man's tactical vest before he leaves on a mission so he doesn't kill everyone on his team?
And he’s all possessive but wait a minute, a woman getting possessive of him? Is this even happening? (Also please the way I laughed my ass off at the “Go sit on her lap then, since you want to act like a little boy” LMAO König is in love. He will sit only and ever in your lap now.)
And please don’t get physical with him! Do not get physical unless you want to get squeezed (possessively) or slapped on the butt (lovingly) or get your tits and neck and hips covered in love bites after that. König will return all grabbiness and biting and violation of personal space tenfold.
And uhhh König has a serious scent kink did I ever tell you? So if he can still smell you or of you when he sadly has to leave, our boy will be in a much calmer mood when he’s doing his dirty nasty kind of disturbing job to get the money to buy you everything you want.
König is getting so much love and attention and food he can't take it all in 🥺 All those endearment terms and poetic cooings are about to turn him into a 6'10 marshmallow 🥺 And CHARMS? To keep him safe?? Please no more, this man is about to flop.
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allysunny · 9 months
how would you feel about Miguel x deceased!reader angst like he is looking at old videos of his old life with Gabi??
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Fragments of Yesterday | Miguel O'Hara x Fem!Reader
Words: 3.6k
Warnings: Character death, blood, descriptions of violence, angst, very sad Miguel. If I missed anything, please do let me know!
A/N: I AM BACK??? I am SO sorry for the delay! Uni has just started once again, and I was busy sorting everything out. These first few weeks are super hectic, and I barely had any time to write. Anyways, I hope you like this piece! I'm not entirely sure how I feel about it - I think I've written better stuff. I love the ending but something feels off, maybe it was too abrupt? Not sure I like how it turned out. But! It's very angsty and sad, and I had a blast writing it because I LOVE writing angst (shocking!)
Also, I tried to do some more research on the spanish language and on how to use endearement terms. I would hate to be disrespectful to a culture and language that isn't mine, so if there's anything wrong with the spanish here, please do let me know, and I promise I will do better! I'm also deathly afraid of fetishizing Miguel and his culture, so please do call me out if my writing ever does that. It really isn't my intention.
Anyways, I hope you guys like it! I haven't forgotten about my other requests, and am working on them :) Just please, be patient with me. Thank you! <3
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“Papa! Papa, look! Doesn’t Mama look gorgeous?” His precious little girl said, pulling him by the hand. The camera he held captured only what was before him, which shifted in just a few seconds. He’d been sitting down on his living room’s couch, camera pointed at the floor as he tried to figure out how to get it to work. Then, he was crossing every room in his apartment until he was met with the sight of you, standing right in front of your mirror.
“Stooop looking at the camera!” Gabriela shouted once more, tugging his arm. He did what she asked, placing it down and walking towards you. Your daughter looked adorable in her pale pink dress, all frills and ribbons, a flower headband adorning her head and pulling her curls back. “Look at her! Look at Mama!”
And so he did, and wow.
You looked…
“Cat got your tongue, Miggy?” You looked over your shoulder to give him a flirty smile. Your face was in full display, since you’d pushed your hair back to form a ponytail, and only a single rebellious strand fell, giving you that air of effortless, timeless beauty Miguel has always considered you to have.
He took you in. The dark blue dress that fitted you perfectly, long, silky sleeves flowing as you moved around. The sweetheart neckline was flattering on your body, hugging your figure in all the right ways, and making your husband salivate just by looking at you.
“Doesn’t Mama look like a princess?” Gabriela asked once again, looking up at you in awe. You smiled and bent over, taking her cheeks in your hands, and placing the most tender kiss on top of her forehead.
“You’re the princess, mija. You look wonderful.” The little girl beamed, hands resting on top of yours. She then turns to her Papa, who’s still smiling like a fool.
“Answer, Papa!”
You tilted your head to the side, smiling at your husband.
 “Go on, Papa, answer your daughter.” You said to him with a small chuckle.
Miguel gathered his thoughts. His gorgeous wife was standing right next to his beautiful daughter. The two most precious people in the entire world were standing right in front of him, making this a sight to remember.
“You’re right, mija. Your Mama does look like a princess.” You blushed at his words, doing a silly little twirl for him and your daughter. Gabriela’s jaw fell wide open, and she clapped happily, claiming you really were a princess.
The you in the video got closer, meaning Miguel approached the both of you with his camera. Turning it around, the three of you could finally appear in one frame together. Him, all sharp cheekbones, and tired eyes, you, all dazzling smile and sparkling gaze, and your daughter, a sweet mix of the two.
“Say hi to the video,” he said happily, and the both of you obliged. You, waving gracefully, and Gabriela doing it as if her life depended on it.
The video ended.
Right away, another one started.
“Shhhh, she’s sleeping!” You hushed your husband as soon as he stepped into the room. You’d been nursing little Gabriela for a while now, and after what felt like an eternity, she’d finally fallen asleep. Her tiny mouth was parted, and the slow rise and fall of her chest was a gentle reminder that she was alive and well.
“Just wanted to record this moment,” Was the reply Miguel gave you. He pointed the camera at you and melted at the sight. Lately you’d been complaining about your appearance – your hair felt dry and flat, the bags under your eyes were huge, and your body had gone through a lot of changes. But Miguel?
He saw a beautiful and radiant woman, whose body had transformed to accommodate his child. Whose smile was ever as dazzling, whose eyebags were a testament of the love and care you had for your daughter. He saw a goddess, and he hoped his video camera lens could capture that.
“She looks like you.” You said with a smile, finger lightly tracing the round, chubby cheek of your child. “I personally think it’s quite unfair. I did all the work.”
“I’d say I worked quite hard myself,” Miguel replied, sitting close to you, and giving you a chuckle, “I mean, if it weren’t for me…” You raised an eyebrow, and Miguel was quick to shut up, but not before giving you a light chuckle. “Fine, fine. I guess it is unfair.”
He placed the camera on top of the small coffee table in front of the couch and placing a protective arm around your figure. His hand came up to caress his little girl’s head, and although you weren’t used to the sight of mighty Miguel O’Hara becoming putty whenever he saw her, you couldn’t say you weren’t pleased.
“Mis hermosas chicas…” He mumbled, glancing up at you. You swore you could see pure, sheer, raw adoration in those eyes of his. How you loved whenever your husband got like this, when he sat down and idolised the hell out of you and your little girl.
Big bad brooding Miguel O’Hara was a lovesick fool, and a proud father. How sweet.
The last video was the most recent.
“Come, come, Papa! Hurry up!” This point of view was odd, floating up in the air, ominously overlooking the O’Hara family. Gabriela had asked Lyla to film the occasion, and she happily obliged.
“Mija, I’m not exactly getting younger, slow down,” Was the lie he told her – as if he, the one and only Spiderman, could not catch up with a child. Still, he adored playing into Gabriela’s antics.
“Keep your eyes closed, otherwise it’ll be spoiled!”
You smiled at the two of them, cautiously watching from afar, to make sure your daughter didn’t accidentally have Miguel run into a wall or a door – there was no way you’d let something like that ruin the surprise the two of you had spent days preparing.
“Watch your step…” Gabriela muttered, carefully leading her father down the stairs to the rooftop of your building.
A spider-sense would be useful on most occasions, but Miguel found himself trusting you completely. Besides, it’d only ruin the surprise. He didn’t want that. He’d seen the small gestures that were meant to keep him far away, found the both of you whispering and plotting on the couch, only to loudly change topics as soon as he walked in – his wife and daughter were very thorough about this surprise.
“Alright, you can open them in three… two…. One… Sorpresa!” Gabriela yelled excitedly, pointing at the lively scene before her.
The roof was nicely decorated, full of lights and colourful balloons. There was a small table with a very expensive-looking bottle of wine, and his favourite empanadas. Hanging on by a few stripes of colourful tape, was a banner with the words “Congratulations on the promotion!” hand drawn on them.
Miguel was speechless.
He’d confided in you that he was going after a promotion at his job. He started working longer shifts, coming home at the oddest hours, and barely getting any sleep, but it eventually paid off. Not only was his salary better, but he would be able to spend more time at home, spoiling his wife and watching his little girl grow.
A smile graced his features.
“You did all this for me, nena?” He asked, turning to face Gabriela who smiled at him proudly.
She nodded enthusiastically, grabbing him by the hand and pulling him near the table.
“Mama helped! Look, we have all your favourites. I even helped make the empanadas! And we got those crunchy fries you like – see? Congrats Papa!”
It was hard not to feel happy. He had always found his daughter’s happiness to be the most contagious thing in the world, and often found himself indulging in whatever shenanigans she might have, if only it meant keeping a smile on her face. The same applied to you – Miguel was whipped, to say the least.
Which was why everything had become so much harder when the two of you passed away.
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Miguel remembers it as if it was yesterday.
An anomaly had broken loose on HQ – a Green Goblin variant, one who wasn’t even supposed to exist, vicious and cruel. It resented being locked up by the leader of the Spider Society and was out to get whatever or whomever he loved the most. This man was cunning. He evaded every single Spiderman Miguel sent after him, even going as far as to almost knocking him unconscious, and, hiding in plain sight, stole whatever records Miguel had on you.
They were mostly safety plans and protocols, but with the help of the technology from his own (somehow inexistent) universe, the Goblin was able to find you and Gabriela. It took a while for Lyla to wake Miguel up. He was nearly out, and those few moments he spent on the floor trying to regain consciousness, had been precious. If it weren’t for those moments, perhaps you’d still be alive.
You were picking her up from school, walking hand in hand as she told you all that happened to her that day, recalling every single detail. You were smiling, and so was she.
As soon as the Goblin left HQ, Miguel knew exactly where he was headed.
From then on, it felt like a race against time.
His heart pounded loudly against his chest – he needed to get you to safety as soon as possible.
Miguel asked (more like demanded) Lyla to call you, and for a few mere seconds, it seemed like everything could work out. He tried to sound as calm as possible; there was no need to freak you out, not when you had Gabriela with you, and the most important thing was getting you to safety.
“Hey honey,” You greeted him with that warm tone, and Miguel could swear he could hear your smile in those words.
“Hi Papa!” Gabriela interjected, to which you chuckled.
“I was just picking her up from school – “
“Mi amor, listen to me, I need you to get Gabriela and hide, right now. Just do as I say, please, find somewhere you can hide, and – “
He was cut off by the sound of a scream, coming from the other side of the phone. A scream that was most likely yours.
He ran faster, swung faster, he as much as flew to you.
But while Miguel tried to hurry the shock up to get to his family, the Green Goblin was already there, frightening you and Gabriela, who had walked inside a bakery to get a treat before heading home. You were standing in front of her, in a feeble attempt to protect your little girl from harm.
“Stay back!” You yelled, removing a small gadget from your pocket. A sort of mix between a gun and a taser, a small invention Miguel had concocted to keep you safe. Should it the target, they’d feel terrible amounts of pain not only from the bullet, but also from the electricity said bullet would shoot through their body. You fired it once. Then twice. Then a third time, but to no avail. The Goblin’s suit was too thick, and you’d perhaps have made the same damage if you threw rocks at him. It was useless.
“Well look who we have here.” His words were acid, disgusting and lethal, and they almost made you cower before him. Almost. You had to be strong for Gabriela. Miguel was sure to be here soon, you knew it. “Such a pretty little thing. And his offspring.” The way he said the word made it seem like he detested the taste of it, and for some reason, it made you stand taller in front of your daughter.
“Let’s see how he likes feeling the same kind of despair I did.” The Goblin snarled, seizing you with only one arm. He was big, bigger than you, bigger than your sweet Miguel – this creature was a monster, and a big one. Grabbing you seemed like an easy task for him.
“Mama!” Gabriela yelled, arms reaching up to try and pull you. It didn’t work.
“Let me go, you disgusting vermin!” You pounded your fists against his chest, tried slapping him, punching him, clawing his eyes out, but it seemed like you were only tiring yourself out instead of harming him. “When Spiderman gets here…”
“Spiderman? Oh, you poor thing. You really think Spiderman will come?”
“He’s here! Spiderman’s coming!” You could hear the relief in Gabriela’s voice.
But that relief did not last long.
The Goblin looked to his side, snarling as soon as he spotted Miguel, who was approaching at an abnormal speed.
“Well, well…” The creature snarled, looking between you and Miguel. “I wish I had more time. I do like a bit of dramatics. Hey Spidey? You watching?” Having said this, the creature strengthened his grip on you, and, after floating a few meters above the ground, released you. Well, he didn’t simply release you. He threw you against the floor with all the strength he could muster.
Time seemed to stop for him.
It was like Miguel could see you in slow motion, tears falling from your eyes as you glanced at him, silently begging him to do something. The life you two had carved with each other flashed before your eyes. Meeting you at that shitty empanada place, bringing you flowers, saying “I do”, holding you tightly as you clutched that positive test in your hands, crying with joy at the sight of you with your daughter, kissing you before going to work. They replayed in his mind repeatedly, and he all but flew in your direction, hoping he would be fast enough to save you.
The loud “thud” coming from below him informed him of otherwise.
In that moment, Miguel didn’t know what to do. He had no idea what had just happened. He couldn’t process the information that was standing right in front of him. You, limbs contorted in a billion different positions, eyes wide open and terrified, a big pool of blood forming by your head.
What was happening? Why were you on the floor? Why weren’t you moving?
Miguel was used to death. He was used to not being able to save everyone – more than once did you have to coax him back to sleep after nightmares, ones that derived from his inability to get every single person to safety. But actually seeing you on the floor like this? It was the hardest thing Miguel had ever tried to process. He had never accepted the idea of you dying. In his mind, he’d always be able to save you.
“Spiderman! Spiderman please – help me!” It was Gabriela’s frightened voice that made him look up from your figure. And he wished he’d done it sooner.
Miguel had to deal with villains and anomalies in a daily basis. Some liked talking. Some liked taunting. Sometimes, these two characteristics managed to buy him some time, managed to get him to save the civilians, to get him to save the day. But this Green Goblin was different. He wasn’t interested in talking. There was no self-centred monologue, no well-crafted speech that allowed him to swoop in and save the innocent passerby. This Green Goblin was out for blood.
“Hey Spidey,” The Goblin was once again floating midair on his platform, holding Gabriela by her neck. Shocking hell, her neck. Miguel used his webs, swinging as fast as he could, following the creature, who, with every word, floated higher and higher. “Remember what you told me back in your little Society? That you would defeat me? What were the words you used? Oh. That’s right, you said you’d crush me.”
Shit, shit, shit. Why was he so damn slow. Why was the Goblin so damn fast. A few more meters and he’d be there. A few more meters and he’d be holding his little girl, he would save his little girl, he’d save her and take her home, everything would be fine –
“I guess I’m the one who’s doing the crushing now.”
A rippling scream came out of his daughter’s mouth.
The kind of sound no parent should hear coming from their child.
He could hear the sound of bones crushing. The sound of breath coming to a halt.
And then, as if the girl was nothing but trash, he released her.
Miguel lunged in her direction, and by some miracle, was able to get a hold of her before she fell to the floor.
“Gabi, Gabi, look at me. Talk to me Gabriela, please.” He mumbled as soon as he safely landed on the floor, hands coming up to check her face. And that’s when his eyes landed on her neck. Her small, frail neck, completely shattered by that monster’s hands.
Miguel doesn’t quite know what happened next. He saw red, and the only thing he remembers, are the limbs of the Green Goblin scattered around the street. Some in his hands. Some on the floor. The creature’s throat was right under his foot.
And what came next was pain.
Unbearable pain.
Learning to live without you and Gabriela had been the hardest thing he had ever done.
In fact, it was so hard, he still didn’t know how to do it.
There were the nightmares, the terrible nightmares he had the first few months. He saw your death in his dreams repeatedly. Miguel couldn’t close his eyes. If he as much as blinked, he would be met with your figure, lying on the floor, lifeless eyes filled with tears, or his daughter’s tiny neck in that horrible position.
It was as if all the good memories he had with you had vanished, giving room to the awful images of your dead bodies.
So, he settled for the videos.
Visual memories of the three of you as a family. Some of you were from Christmas time. Perhaps you were decorating the Christmas tree, as a fitting playlist (most likely chosen by you) played in the background. He had a few of Gabriela opening her presents. Soccer balls and equipment, books on her favourite hobbies, a big teddy bear and other toys a child her age would like.
Videos of the three of you out on dates. At the zoo, pointing at the giraffes and laughing at their silly smiles. At the park, eating ice cream and observing the clouds.
Some videos were just from the two of you. Walks in the park you wished to remember, lazy mornings long before Gabriela was born, where you set the camera on your nightstand and press kiss after kiss against his naked back, picnics on the rooftop of your apartment.
Miguel would forever be grateful to you, for always bringing a camera everywhere you went, or insisting to record every waking moment your family spent together with your phone. It had been these recordings that Miguel turned to on his darkest hours.
Sometimes, Peter B. and the kids found him hunched over his desk, silently crying as he clutched your daughter’s teddy bear in her hands. He would whisper to it, apologising profusely for not being able to save her, for being a terrible father and an even worse superhero. The group had also caught him whispering words to the framed pictures he had of you. He’d cry and ask for forgiveness, ask for advice, ask for a sign that you were still with him, somehow.
It hurt to see Miguel like this.
He refused to be Spiderman for a few days, claiming he wasn’t good enough to protect the city. If he couldn’t protect you and Gabriela, surely that must mean he is not fit to save anyone at all. But with a lot of convincing from Peter, he realised that your deaths were the reason he had to protect the city. To keep things like these from happening ever again.
Miguel looked at the screen in front of him.
You were so gorgeous. You always had been. Even when you looked away in embarrassment, or when you woke up, hair tousled in every direction, or bent over the toilet, puking your guts out. You were so beautiful. Right now, he watched as you helped Gabriela get ready for her birthday party, combing her hair and putting it up on two little pigtails. Your little girl looked radiant. Everyone said she looked like Miguel, but he saw you in her eyes, in the way she smiled, in the way he helped others.
In fact, Miguel saw her everywhere.
He saw her in the gentle way the sun kissed his skin whenever he felt too defeated to wake up. He saw her in the way his pieces of bread looked like funny shapes. He saw her in the way birds played with each other midair, chirping and spreading their wings in a sign of freedom.
And he saw you too.
Whenever the breeze blew lightly against his face, he could swear it was your lips he felt against your temple. Whenever his food was too hot against his tongue, it was as if he could hear you say, “Slow down guapo, the food ain’t going anywhere”. Every time he saved someone, he could hear you, oh so vividly, as you praised him and told him you were proud of him.
Learning to live without you and Gabriela had been the hardest thing he had ever done.
In fact, it was sohard, he still didn’t know how to do it.
But he was learning.
And if his wife and daughter stayed by his side like this – he was sure he could do it.
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A/N: That's it! I hope you guys liked it! I can't wait to show you guys what other requests I've been writing. They're all so creative!
Have an amazing day, everyone!
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freshbakedbreadstick · 11 months
No. 1 Party Anthem - Mikey Berzatto x F!Reader - Chapter Two
Past!Mikey Berzatto x F!Reader
Carmy Berzatto x F!Platonic!Reader
Richie Jerimovich x F!Platonic!Reader
Summary: You knew that returning to The Beef wouldn't be easy, but you also didn't know it would be this hard either. 
Warnings: All my fics are 18+ regardless of the content. Heavy spoilers. Mentions of grief, death, mental health issues, strained relationships, sharp objects, mild violence, and injuries.
Word Count: 3.1k
A/N: My sweet snickerdoodles . . . I just wanna say that i adore you all . I completely forgot to mention (wow breadstick you forget a lot for being a fanfiction veteran I know I know) but this is a slow burn . All things will be revealed in due time . Patience will grant you mercy one day, but that day is not today so sit tight and read on ! ! Also, i may or may not have written this at 5 am while dealing with a bout of insomnia which is why the ultra specific time is mentioned at the end lolllll . Ily babes I hope u all enjoy ! 
*Note: "mija", directly translated from Spanish, means "my daughter" but in this, it is being used as a term of endearment (fem.) similar to "darling" or "sweetheart"
Taglist: @marysucks-blog
MASTERLIST / Prologue / Chapter One
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The Beef was silent, an accomplishment that would be thrown into the history books. Chef chatter aside, no conversations about the latest happenings, no jokes, and nothing else aside from kitchen happenings was mentioned. 
To say it was tense is an understatement. 
But here you were, ignoring the way that the extremely sharp knife you were using to chop some vegetables would probably struggle to cut the thick tension in the air. 
From across the kitchen and standing by the door of the office was Sugar. 
Her eyes felt like they were seering holes on your back. 
She chewed her bottom lip with her arms crossed and eyebrows creasing, watching you carefully. She noted the way you carefully yielded the knife, avoiding your fingers and skillfully chopped the onions into a julienne cut. 
The memory of when Carmy taught you how to do that, years ago, on a night when Mikey was cooking dinner for all five of you, popped into her mind. She could practically smell the browning of garlic and even hear Mikey teasingly warning Carmy that his girl better come out of the lesson unscathed, Richie laughing loudly in the background. 
With a sigh, Sugar turned to walk back into the office, catching Richie's eyes before closing the door behind her. Richie winced, unsure what to do with Sugar's silent communication of 'do something!'.
Beside you, a stranger grabbed a bowl of chopped onions from you. Turning out of instinct, you and the stranger made eye contact before she smiled briefly and turned away. You couldn't help but feel elated that someone from here, anyone, looked at you without this watery, dejected look in their eye that they either hid or showed unabashedly.  
Carmy barks out a couple orders, as usual, before passing you, "Behind."
He placed his hand onto your shoulder, gripping it softly but right as he put it there, it disappeared. You barely had any time to react to it, feel the warmth for a split second before he moved away to continue his work. Your shoulder twitched as you paused for a second before resuming your task. 
Everyone around you kept moving, efficiently calling out to one another to keep this machine of a restaurant going. They moved quickly and without doubt, from one place to another but they all managed to migrate back to their original stations. 
And here you were, standing over a cutting table, holding a knife, with a never ending supply of onions to chop. 
The onions just kept coming. 
"Hey uhm…"
Once you thought you finished cutting them all, more just appeared there. You didn't notice if someone put them there but, if you did, you just seemed to block it out. 
You could always put the knife down and step away from the onions, but you didn't. This was your station, you were needed here. If you stopped, what would happen? What would you do? What would everyone else do? 
Carmy yelled out your name. 
You whipped your head around, making yourself stumble. Everyone around you looked away in an instant, busying their hands and eyes. 
"Everyone's getting ready to go now," he said, trailing off into a softer tone at the end. 
You blinked and nodded, placing the knife down and wiping your hands on your apron before approaching the office where Sugar stood. There she held your stuff, still looking at you in a way that made that pit in your stomach come back. You forced out a smile, trying to show her that you were okay, but that look never went away. 
As Ebra was about to leave through the backdoor, he paused and turned to you. He nodded and tried to smile but it came out looking like a mix of a smile and wince that made you want to both laugh and cry. 
Ebrahim said your name, making you furrow your brows, before he said, "Your return is welcomed." 
With that, he left. 
Slowly, you began to nod your head, looking off to the side. His words felt oddly comforting. You had known him for a long time now as he was a long time chef here at The Beef and while your conversations used to be extensive, this one line he shared with you now said everything that needed to be said in the moment. 
Marcus and the stranger who smiled at you earlier, whom you came to know as Sydney, were chatting quietly by the lockers before they too passed you as you took off your apron and handed it to Sugar. 
"It's nice to have you around again," Marcus said, before reaching forward to embrace you. 
You embraced him back, squeezing your eyes shut as you were reminded of how every 'hello!' and 'goodbye!' the two of you shared while at The Beef was accompanied with a hug, like a slow simmered and flavorful sauce that perfectly complemented a dish. 
Sydney nodded and gave you a tight smile, "Nice to meet you…" 
You nodded back and cleared your throat, giving her your name as you awkwardly introduced yourself. Despite spending the whole day with each other, you never once formally introduced yourselves, just listened to others throw your names back and forth. 
"It's nice to meet you too." 
The two left quietly.
Tina, Manny, and Angel all walked toward the door. The two men nodded in your direction before leaving while Tina stopped and smiled warmly. 
"I'm glad you came, mija*," Tina whispered, reaching to place her hand on your arm. 
You could feel the worn skin of her hands press into your skin, making goosebumps appear over your arms. 
Hiking her bag over her shoulder, Tina left with a glance back to you. 
The door closed, leaving only you, Sugar, Carmy, and Richie to be the only ones inside The Beef. Fak had left earlier in the day, hugging you tightly much to the dismay of Richie who made it known that he thought Fak was smothering you. But you appreciated Fak's sweet nature for a brief second until it became a reminder of once was, making your mood sour as he left. 
The clank of the back door closing made you look over to the three others in the building with you. Carmy was wiping down some of the tables in the kitchen, Richie was glancing at you from the front counter as he messed with the register, and Sugar was chewing on her lip and staring at the floor beside you. 
All three looked like they wanted to tell you something but couldn't. Well Carmy looked like everything he did want to say was buried deep inside and he was just going to ignore it all, Richie looked like he wasn't sure how to start the conversation, and Sugar looked like she desperately wanted to start the conversation but didn't want to upset you in the process. 
With all your stuff in tow, you gave the three of them one more glance before shrugging and turning around, feeling relieved that the day didn't end in tears, a yelling match, or at the hospital. So you turned around, ready to go home and not deal with this stuffy air or pity and grief anymore. 
You froze, face squeezing together. You were this close to getting out… this close! 
You let go of the breath you didn't know you were holding and slowly swiveled around on your feet, soles squeaking underneath you. 
You knew that all three of them spoke at the same time, voicing the exact same thought at once. But no one spoke when you turned, only looking away from you. 
The lights buzzed quietly and the clock in the office clicked softly, being the only sounds that echoed in the room. Your eyes shifted from each of the three as you felt yourself getting more and more desperate to just go home. 
Carmy was the first to break the silence, making you take a sharp inhale, "You did good today, Chef." 
You sighed, "Thank you, Chef." 
He rubbed the back of his neck, other hand on his waist. His back was still turned away from you so you had no idea if he was cringing from what he said out of the blue or meant it genuinely. Either way, you would've said thank you. 
Sugar said your name before continuing, "It's okay to feel-" 
Richie interjected rather quickly, "Do you have a place to stay, cousin?"
Both you and Carmy winced as Sugar and Richie shared a quick glare. They then turned their attention back to you, gazes softening. But you and Carmy both understood the implication, making you both squirm a bit. 
You opened your mouth to respond, before closing it again, feeling a bit like a fish. But nevertheless, you carefully chose your words and continued, "If there's anything you really want to tell me, get it over with now." 
You looked around again. You can feel yourself getting increasingly agitated at the way they all avoided your gaze as if looking at you would be enough to make you shatter into millions of glass pieces. 
Carmy simply nodded and looked away at your statement, making you roll your eyes. So he was just going to ignore everything, okay then.
Sugar hummed to herself, foot tapping on the floor quietly before she finally said, somewhat exasperated, "It's okay to feel… not okay, okay?"
This made you snort.
She looked at you, somewhat taken aback, as you coughed, trying to cover the unexpected snort you just let out. 
"Yea… I know." You said, brief humor disappearing. 
"Have you been to therapy or anything?" She continued, surprising you. 
You stood up straight, actually considering her words. Therapy was something that felt somewhat foreign to you. While you were no stranger to it, having been for other things before, you hadn't gone specifically for Mikey's death. If anything, you avoided it. 
"Uhm… no I haven't…" 
Sugar sighed, "You uhm, if you haven't already, which i'm sure you have, you should consider going…" 
You closed your eyes, the implication of going to see a professional about this making you nervous. But before you could get deeper into those thoughts, Richie spoke up. 
"Where are you staying at?" He asked. 
"I'm at my parent's, right now." 
His forehead creased before he continued, "Are you here for a while or…?"
Sighing you let your hands clap onto your thighs, "I guess so… as far as i know i have nothing out west." 
At this, he perked up, "You'll be okay there..?" 
The way he worded that sounded like a cross between a question and a statement, as if he was both reassuring you that you would be okay at home and asking you if you would be okay at the place where you got the news of your boyfriend’s death. 
"Yea." You stated in a matter of fact tone that even surprised yourself. 
You rolled your shoulders back, holding your head up high. You walked into The Beef earlier that day hoping to pretend that you were the same confident and fun person you were prior to Mikey's death yet all that just melted away the second you were inside. But it was never too late for you to bring that facade back, was it? 
You smiled and took a deep breath, "You all have my phone number, if you need me, call or text me. You also all know where I'm at right now, you are free to come over anytime. It was really nice seeing you all, goodnight." 
With that, you left, closing the door and leaving all the unanswered questions that the people you once considered family had behind. 
You didn't hear from any of them until a week later. You had avoided them and The Beef in the time being, choosing to stay at home whenever your parents tried to get you to do minor outings like joining them to shop at the grocery store or walk around the neighborhood. You knew that you would have to pull your weight around the house soon too, but would probably choose to do laundry, yard work, cooking meals, or cleaning before going out and risking running into someone you knew. 
Or even worse, a reminder of what you lost. 
So you stayed at home, leaving the few belongings you brought with you in boxes around your room. They, like you, were stuck in limbo, unsure whether or not you would be staying or going. 
The only tangible thing you really had anymore were your thoughts. Somedays they made you laugh and other days, they made you cry until you fell asleep with puffy eyes and a nauseous stomach.
When Richie called you three days later to meet him at some random address, you were confused. His rough voice was oddly soft, speaking carefully and clearly. He didn't answer any of your questions either, just reiterating the directions and that he was fine. You were even more confused when you realized that you were meeting him outside an urgent care in the city. The confusion only grew into panic when you saw that he was sitting in a wheelchair with a nurse behind him next to the front curb of the building. 
As your car slowed down in front of him, you quickly unbuckled yourself and hopped out of your car but before you could say anything, the nurse spoke up.
"Make sure he keeps the area dry for the next 24 to 48 hours. He needs to gently clean the area with water twice a day after that. Replace the bandage twice a day and then everytime you clean it. Richard should already know what to do but I thought this information should also be relayed to you." 
"Uh... okay." You said, smiling nervously at her. 
Your eyes shifted to Richie who looked at you guiltily. 
After both you and the nurse helped Richie into the passenger seat of your car, the two of you took off in silence. Soft jazz played on the radio, tuned to some random channel you didn't bother to change because you were too busy wondering how you even got here. 
Once you stopped at a red light a couple blocks away, you spoke up, "Why the fuck are you sitting in my car with stitches???"
Richie snorted and winced, "I'm fine, thanks for asking." 
You groaned, rolling your eyes and accelerating as the light turned green, "Okay well you're alive so that's all that matters. Now tell me why you're sitting in my car with stitches."
Richie leaned his head against the window, looking out, "...Do you even want me to tell you? It has to do with The Beef…" 
You were silent, debating. On one hand, you were worried and wanted to know what happened, but another part of you warned you that this piece of information would only begin dragging you back to the very place you didn't want to go back to. 
Meanwhile, the soft jazz continued, filling in the space of silence between you two. 
"Fine." You finally murmured.
"Shit got messy with this new to-go thing that Sydney added, which was her fault by the way, and fucked everything up right before the lunch rush. Marcus was too busy focusing on his donut to do his job and it all just… blew up in our faces!" Richie gestured wildly, very obviously still upset. 
You nodded slowly, drumming your fingers on the steering wheel as you imagined what he was saying.
"Carmy threw a fucking fit and was yelling at everyone and when I tried to step in, I only ended up arguing with Sydney and when I tried to be the bigger person and walk away, guess fucking what, i get stabbed."
"What?!" You jerk, alarmed. 
The car swerved a bit making Richie groan as he put pressure onto his wound. You quickly straighten the car and mumbled a curse followed by an apology.
"I'm okay! I'm okay! Sydney was holding a knife and didn't say anything so when I moved with my back to her, I moved into the knife she was holding. It wasn't like she tried to stab me or anything, she was just being stupid." He quickly adds, adjusting himself in his seat with a wince as he tried to quell your fear. 
You slumped back into your seat, chewing so hard on your bottom lip that you hissed in pain when you bit too hard, "Jesus…"
"Sydney quit and Marcus pretty much did too, fucking assholes. I got halfway through the lunch rush before Tina forced me to go get medical attention. Carmy was too pissed off to say anything about it but yea…" 
You parked your car in front of the place you knew as Richie's apartment. You got there purely by muscle memory, which made Richie's chest tighten when he noticed but didn't say a word about. 
You sighed and pinched the bridge of your nose, "So you're telling me that all hell broke loose today, Carmy lost it, Syd and Marcus quit, and you got stabbed?"
Richie nodded, "In the ass."
You stared at him blankly. 
"Well fuck."
"Fuck indeed."
This made you both chuckle to yourselves. 
"So what now?" 
This made Richie shrug, "I don't know but, I'm going back again tomorrow and I'll just have to see…
one step at a time." 
Richie wasn't a sap, he knew that. He hated huge displays of affection, greeting cards with cheesy lines, and stickers that were meant to be encouraging but actually seemed condescending. 
So when he randomly blurted out that last part aloud to you, he thought he would grimace the same way he does to sappy things he hates. 
But he didn't. 
It felt right in the moment and judging by the way he noticed your tense frame soften in your seat, it felt right for you too. 
"One step at a time," you repeated, turning to smile softly at him.
Richie sagged in his seat, swallowing the knot in his throat. He hadn’t seen you smile this genuinely since before Mikey’s death. 
That night you laid in bed and stared at the ceiling, doing what you seemed to do best nowadays: thinking. 
So much has changed since you were last here, not only with the places but the people. Yet, you felt the exact same. Cutting your hair, living in a new place, and leaping into the arms of a new person never once changed you. 
But in that brief exchange with Richie before you dropped him off, something inside you changed. You couldn't pinpoint it, no matter how many hours you spent lying awake trying desperately to figure out what it was. 
As scary as it was, it also felt good. It felt warm and soothing and not at all artificial. Not at all like what some words said to you after the funeral services were like.
It was at 5:17 am, in the darkness of your bedroom, that you decided that you would go to The Beef the next day and take it one step at a time.
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wavy-arms · 6 months
"You shouldn't ship them! They see each other as siblings!!"
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I've seen people say this about Rengoku and Mitsuri again and again, very often as a way to shut down others who are having fun with the Renmitsu ship. Not only is it annoying to constantly run into this from people who don't really know what they're talking about, but it's also inaccurate and way oversimplifies their cute dynamic! Let's dig deeper.
For a moment, let's also just forget about the above panel where she is very obviously all 🥰 at him and, instead, let's go straight to the source: what the Pillars all think about each other in the official guidebook. Better yet, let's look at it in the original Japanese!
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Now, I am still a student of Japanese. I am by no means fluent, so if I make any mistakes, please feel free to let me know! I'm always looking to learn something new.
First, from Rengoku:
Sainō ga sugoi! Waza no dokusō-sei mo sugoi! Kawaii kōhai!
In the first two sentences, he's praising her big time! "Her talent is amazing! The creativity/ingenuity of her technique is also amazing!" In the last sentence, he calls her a cute kōhai. If you're familiar with the term senpai, then kōhai is the alternative. It's just a term to refer to a junior coworker or classmate. Mitsuri joins the Demon Slayer Corps. after him, and he was her mentor before he became the Flame Hashira. (However, in the Rengoku gaiden, he tells her that they are no longer master & student, but instead equal peers. Overall, he clearly thinks she's very skilled and also cute.
Next, from Mitsuri:
Kakkoii onii-sama! Issho ni shugyō shite tanoshikatta. Kawaigatte moratta!
The first sentence, translated literally, just says "Cool big brother!" Now, one thing that makes Japanese both fun and difficult is that speakers often rely on context and omit entire parts of the sentence that an English speaker would normally use. In this case, in English, you wouldn't just say "Cool big brother!" You might say something like "He's like a cool big brother to me" or "I view him as a cool big brother figure." In this case, we don't have that. What we do have, however, is cultural context! In Japanese culture, familial terms are often used as terms of endearment or respect with people close to the speaker or even politely with strangers. So it would be normal to call an older male "big brother" even if they weren't actually your brother. (Kind of similarly, if you're at all familiar with Korean culture, girls often call their own boyfriends 오빠 (obba), which means — you guessed it — "older brother.") Here, Mitsuri refers to Rengoku as onii-sama, and that last part is important! The -sama suffix is super polite and formal, and long story short, you wouldn't normally refer to someone in your own in-group (family, circle of friends, etc.) with such a formal, respectful title. It is, however, a term you might use to refer to someone else's brother. So there's a very good chance that she's not saying "he's my cool older brother" but instead "he's a cool older brother!" And he is! He's an amazing older brother to Senjurō, and Mitsuri knows this. [UPDATE: I've spoken with a couple people who know way more about the Japanese language than me and, apparently, in this context onii-sama literally just means "guy." 🤣 She's literally just saying "He's a cool guy!"]
[UPDATE #2: I've also recently learned that kakkoii doesn't really mean "cool," but is instead a compliment specifically to men that means something more like, "good-looking, handsome, or cool in a manly way." INTERESTING. 👀]
In the next sentence, she says, "It was fun training together!" Pretty straightforward. The last sentence is very, very interesting, because at a cursory translation, Google would tell you that it just straight-up means, "I was loved!" Sounds intense, but that's not really accurate. Let's break it down. Kawaigatte moratta! Kawaigatte, if I'm not mistaken, is an inflection of the transitive verb kawaigaru, which Jisho translates as "to be affectionate to; to treat tenderly; to dote on; to show one's love (for); to cherish." Other translations usually say something like, "He really doted on me." But essentially she’s saying, "He treated me with tenderness/affection" or, "He made me feel loved/cherished." 💖
So there you go! Not that a fan ship like Renmitsu even needs this kind of validation anyway, but it might be nice to have something you can keep in your back pocket for the next time someone is being annoying about it. There's enough here to show that they really have a lot of affection for each other. They're so adorable~!
(Side note: there are other examples of Mitsuri's attraction to him in the gaiden [pictured above] and in at least one of the light novels. I might write about that, too.)
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artzee-bee · 9 months
Rory x Erica x Reader Headcanons
Fandom: My babysitter's a vampire
Request: "I read your poly! bethan hcs and I wanted to request poly benny x rory x reader or rory x reader x erica if possible!! whichever one you feel more comfortable with :)"
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: implications of a toxic relationship in the beginning but it's not bad, I swear!
A/n: headcanons are weird to me cause I just end up writting a short story anyways. Might make another part to talk more about the relationship itself
Your relationship definitely started on a…rough patch
You and Rory got together first. It happened very naturally, as he couldn’t really hide his affections from you (not that this mattered at all to him) and you found him more and more endearing and adorable with every passing day
You and Erica got together almost 8 months later. She realised her feelings for you during a school dance and made it her mission to steal you away.
Rory was actually excited for you, funnily enough! Of course both of you acknowledged how hot Erica was and he thought it was so cool that his girlfriend was approached by someone like her (gave him a new sense of confidence too). He was the one who encouraged you to reply to Erica’s advancements, assuring you he was totally fine with it!
It took Erica a long time to agree to “sharing” you with Rory. She tried time and time again to have you change your mind, but you stood your ground firmly, explaining that you loved him with all your heart, so she could either accept the terms or move on
A lot of disagreements in the beginning over Erica’s possessiveness, but things got even worse when she started catching feelings for Rory as well
All of a sudden, she’s picking fights over everything! Rory’s name can’t even be uttered in conversation without some sort of volcanic reaction. She often feels guilty about these moments, but she finds it really hard to navigate her new found affection for somebody she used to see as such a weirdo. Now she can barely suppress a smile when he offers to pay for her coffee as well while out or pretend to be annoyed when he’s oversharing about his special interests
You figure it out for her. The realization hits you all at once one day, during another argument in which Erica tried to convince you to ditch your plans with your boyfriend and stay with her! It almost makes you laugh at how simple this whole thing could’ve been solved
You told Rory everything (with Erica’s consent of course) and he was over the moon. He was pacing around the room, giggling like a little kid, hugging you, twirling you, posing and making all sorts of funny remarks about how much of a ladies man he is before he finally picked up the phone, called Erica, and asked her on a proper date
Things calmed down a lot after that. Arguing halted at once, even though it still took all of you a little bit to get accustomed to this new dynamic.
You and Rory tried to make Erica as comfortable as possible. She’s very insecure and concerned with maintaining her image in front of the school and her feelings felt very conflicting at first, but soon, she learned to get over her fears. On your first date together as a throuple, as she looked at the two of you sharing a menu across the table from her, she knew she loved you more than she loved being popular, whatever that meant
Rory loves boasting about his two beautiful girls. Takes every occasion to rub it in Etahn and Benny’s noses, which definitely makes for an entertaining scene
Erica finds it exciting to rediscover and explore some of the more geeky subjects that she used to be passionate about before. You encourage her a lot and she eventually learns to have a fun time exchanging theories and information with Rory about whatever topic.
You always keep extra sunglasses and sun protection in your bag for them, in case one of them forgets (it’s always Rory, and Erica always teases him for it but it’s okay, cause even if he’s forgetfulness would have enraged her in the past, now she’s just grown to accept it as another trait of her lover’s, whom she loves very much)
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rose-l-20 · 1 year
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Dad Head-canons - T.I.K
Warnings: Mentions of childbirth/pregnancy, Dad jokes
AFAB reader. fluff.
Summary: How I see Tom as a Dad with the help of my current wave of baby fever 😂
Sorry if it’s a bit all over the place!
1000% takes as many days off as he can both during your pregnancy and the first couple of months after you give birth. 
Two words “GIRL DAD!!!!”. I’ve seen SO MANY other peoples HCs on multiple platforms saying the same thing and i’m so glad im not the only one that thinks this. I see him being the “as long as they’re healthy” type, but the minute the doctor announces “it’s a girl!” he (respectfully) would burst into tears of joy and bounce around the room and mumble “I knew it”.
As well as helping take care of the little angel, he would have the eye of a hawk when it comes to your recovery. Always makes sure you’re taking the right vitamins, drink plenty of water, have eaten all 3 meals of the day plus snacks/fruits, helps you with postpartum care and gives you cuddles, love and praise. 
Has a million different nicknames/terms of endearment to your daughter. some are sweet like, “My Princess” “My World” “Munchkin”. some are funny like, “Miss wriggle-giggle” “Milk-coholic” “sassy-gassy” which you laugh at every time.
I see Ice doing local or base related jobs (like teaching) instead of missions because he wants to be as close as possible to his family. 
When it comes to milestones, if he misses even one of them he will be excited but feel both jealous and utter disappointment. When it comes to your daughters first word, he makes it his mission to have her say “dada” first to the point he hides a photo of himself in the flat surface of the mobile above the crib. 
If he succeeds, he will brag about it for months until she eventually says “Mamma” and then he will stop. If he looses, he would mope around the house for a while in self pity and say “how dare you” as soon as the “Mmm” sound starts.
I see him being good at: dressing wounds (of course giving it a kiss), morning routine, school lunches (you write the note), homework help, bike training and first swimming lesson.
I see him being not-so-good at: night time routine, school drop off, being serious when his children have done something bad and keeping his wallet closed (his weakness is the puppy eyes and will spoil).
Invites all his Naval friends over to meet the bubba and they all refer to themselves as “Uncle ____” to which the both of you love and melt over. They all are super respectful by making sure they wash their hands and arms before getting the all clear to hold her.
as she hits 3 years old, her personality/mannerisms shows up in full swing and its the perfect combination of the both of you. His cockiness, compassion, and smile are the main ones. 
At this point you are pregnant with your second child, and Tom is on the way to becoming Admiral. Both being equally as important and exciting. 
Your daughter is already calling herself “Big sister” and wants to let every person she encounters to know and feels prideful when she gets told “you will be the best sister!”.
The two of you take her to her first day of kindergarten and even though your body has double the amount of hormones, Ice cried the most/hardest and once she was out of site and settling in you had to drag him out because he would stand there all day if he could. 
Soon you welcome twins. Another girl and a boy, which delighted you both and made your first born very excited.
Ice loved getting to experience the growth of 2 children. he loved seeing all the similarities and differences between them.
Ice made sure to be equal and take care of you the same way he did with your first pregnancy/birth, but would admit he found it harder as it wasn’t just the three of you. Tom hated to admit that he needed assistance some days and both sets of grandparents were more than eager.
When all of them were old enough (ages 8 and 5), Ice took them to work and showed them everything and there was not one bored face out of the three.
When taking them into his office so he could get an hour or two of work in, the oldest daughter asked “why aren’t there any pictures of girl Pilots or Rios Papa?” and he went on to explain why and how that was going to change soon. This ignited a flame in the 8 year old, and she got to work on her call sign, which at that age was “Snowflake”. 
Tom may not be taking professional missions anymore, but in the back yard with a DIY cardboard MiG-28 he was on at least 4 a week and for the first time in his career he was a Rio.   
All your children love Career’s day at school as they get to bring in Admiral Tom “Iceman” Kazansky! and because of the amount of times he was asked to come in, he was gifted a display in the school and he gave them some of his medals and gear for it. 
When Tom became a Dad, he became a Dad. this means he does the “i was watching that” when he looked dead asleep, gets off the couch with a “woah” and his Dad jokes were enough to make his children want to run for the hills. Tom evolved more as the years went by to the arms crossed legs shoulder width apart when speaking to his “daddy’s group” friends.
When the kids are tweens-teens he switches from the “trying not to laugh” dad to “I give you these rules because I care (but still trying not to laugh)” dad. Definitely does the “who, what, when, where, why?” When they start hanging out with friends and partying.
Takes his children on joy rides with his Admiral privileges. He even gave them their own helmets designed and custom to each child.
Would 100% help with them wanting to apply into flight school, would shine his rank in the absolute worst case scenario.
Gives a speech at all the graduation ceremonies, but cries when it’s one of his kids class and the audience and you “aww” at it.
Always makes sure that he takes you on date night throughout the years and spoils you like he always does.
Just a genuine and amazing dad
If you want more or another list of Headcanons feel free to request
Lia 🤍🧊
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bellysoupset · 25 days
I hope all is well with you, Soup. Not sure if you've gotten more info about your health, but I've been thinking about you. If you feel like answering, can you talk about nicknames/terms of endearment your characters have for each other? Not just for the couples, but obviously those too. But like, does Vince have something he usually calls Jonah, and vice versa? Or only when they're annoyed with the other, or at some other particular time? Only if you have the time/desire to answer, of course. I know I've been kind of needy, lol.
I thought I didn't have any nicknames between my characters, but then I sat down to answer and realized I actually do!
(about my health, thank u for the well wishes. I'm still waiting for my appointment day and going slowly crazy over it urgh)
"Honey" is how Vince and Wendy call each other and they save that exclusively to one another.
"Babe/baby" is my universal nickname and all my couples use it with each other, as well as they use that with their friends. Wendy tends to call Bella "babe" and Bella has called Leo "baby" in more than one fic.
Bella calls both Vince and Luke "big guy", but mostly Vince.
Vince only calls Bella "beautiful"
Everyone and their mother call Leo "kid/kiddo". Vince, Wendy and Jonah call Leo "blondie" when they're being sarcastic. Sometimes Vince calls him "goldilocks"
Very rarely people will call Bella "ginger/red", but when it slips up its normally Vince or Jonah.
Vin calls his younger sister "bambi", which is both meaning the little deer and a simplification of the italian "bambina" which means girl.
Jonah calls all the girls "darling", but only when he's worried.
Only Bella calls Luke "Lu", which is a derivative of latin languages that tend to shorten the name to the max.
If Bella is feeling particularly corny she'll call Lucas "mi luz" (my light), and it started as a mockery but has stuck around.
Leo calls Jonah "angel" and Jonah is starting to call him that too.
Everyone calls Leo "Casper" given how white he is.
Bella sometimes calls Luke "gringo"
Bella is the one that calls Wendy "Tink" the most, but Luke has called her that before. Mostly other people call Wendy the full "tinkerbell", but Bella shortened this like she shortens everything.
If Luke is feeling veeeery cheeky he'll call Bella "Isa" because he knows it makes her flustered. It's not a name he uses in bed! It's a family nickname and that makes her feel like a teenager.
Jonah is the only one who calls Wendy "Dee" and he only does that when feeling horrible/super thankful and in a rush.
Jonah gets very VERY snappy if any man calls Leo "baby" in front of him (he bites Vince's head off in a fic because of this).
Jonah and Luke both call each other by the surname if they're particularly prickly that day. Atwood/Banks.
Bella calls Luke "handsome" when she's feeling frisky
Vince has ALL the old fashioned nicknames for Wendy, including "doll" and he hasn't tried "baby girl" because of its bad reputation, but give him a few years
Lucas full names his friends/SO when he's pissed. "Isabella Atwood-Martinez!!" / "Vincenzo Monacelli!!!". Vince does this too, but only with the guys.
"dude/man" is a mandatory nickname in the group.
Lucas calls Wendy "ma'am" because he likes how it makes her blush.
Leo has Wen saved in his contacts as "Wicked Witch of the West"
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1-lightofjustice · 5 months
Using "Sibling Title" in Romantic Relationship Is NOT Incest
You know, interacting with majorly English community about Asian media made me realize that English doesn't have any "sibling title", something that was so common in Asia (and perhaps other continent too cmiiw), thus I noticed some of them have a little difficulty on perceiving what "sibling title" actually meant. Combined with shipping war and incest allegory, many misunderstanding are created. Somehow yesterday I happen to stumble upon two of them in almost the same moment so I wanna make this post to vent my frustration.
First is this :
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The segment that they meant is when Kota called Izuku "nii-chan" and Ochako "nee-chan" after Ochako's speech.
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Yes, Kota called Izuku "Big Brother" and Ochako with "Big Sister". But really, even the translator clearly explained in their translation that "nii-chan" and "nee-chan" are not only title for older siblings but also title/name for a young teen or 20-ish boy/girl (overall people still in youth). Other people on twitter (X who?) pointed out that Kota means those title in relation to him and not to Izuku-Ochako, which is true, Kota may think of Izuku and Ochako as his big brother and sister at that situation. But even if he's not, he will still use "nii-chan" and "nee-chan" titles toward Izuku and Ochako because that's the title that was correct from person on Kota's age to people on Izuku/Ochako's age. Of course, that doesn't mean Izuku and Ochako are bounded by sibling/familial relationship in any form.
For example, this is a "7 years old" kid Conan ("a young boy" in disguise, for complicated reason) called 18 years old Heiji and Kazuha with "nii-chan" and "nee-chan" while at the same time helping them to hook up. He didn't really think of them as his brother/sister like in personal level, but he still used "sibling title" because that was the appropriate ethic for him.
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Next is the example in broader sense, but the point is still because they are "brothers", there's no way Gilgamesh and Enkidu have romantic relationship.
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let's pretend it's not completely bizarre to input arabic perception on a story with a language that way predates arabic, with different time, culture, and setting. Let's use arabic now. Brother in Arabic is "akhi", derived from Akkadian "ahu", the language that was used on 12 tablet Epic of Gilgamesh standard version ("Ses" is Hittite/Sumerian version).
This is the excerpt from Epic tablet by Andrew George, when the word "ahu" is used to described Gilgamesh and Enkidu :
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The thing is, "ahu" may meant brotherhood, but they don't necessarily mean bounded by familial forbid-to-marry relationship. The word "ahu" can mean brother of same social standing, close male associate, or the proof of companionship, for example King Tushratta used "brother" (ahu in akkadian, shesh in sumerian) to Pharaoh Egypt which they have brother-kingdom relationship. Of course they are not "family" with each other and their family can marry each other.
Even if, as the commenter said, translated into arabic, "akhi" is not meant for strictly brotherly relationship. The word itself means "brother, close male friend, male associate". In fact, there's webtoon in my country (Muslim majority) that has female lead called her love interest "akhi". And this is her pray so God can make her meet her "akhi".
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Translation : "There has been 6 years passed but I still haven't meet "akhi". Please God lead him to be close to me"
Of course when the female lead called her crush "akhi" she doesn't mean that there's familial feeling from her to him that prevent her for wanting to marry "akhi". And readers from my country completely expect her to still call her husband "akhi" even after marriage.
Those "sibling title" are not and never strictly platonic. Those are title for almost-familial-but-not-really attachment, usually to emphasis social construct. It just, I don't know the exact term but I call it "polite endearment title". When it comes to romantic relationship/marriage, even with "sibling title" there will be no incest feeling involved as long as the couple are not bounded by blood of close family, share the same mother's milk/wetnurse, nor raised together from before puberty (the latter may depend on situation).
P.S : I wonder, do English users find it weird if we Asian use the exact same title for sibling and for romantic partner? Like, you guys know that Korean fangirls called their idols that they want to date/marry as "oppas" in the same word as they call their "oppa" in home, right? I am Javanese, I call my blood-brother "mas", and I expect to use that word for my husband too, like my sister who called her husband "mas" even though she's older than him.
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kawawababy · 1 year
over our love
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{oliver wood x reader}
Oliver was standing outside the changing rooms with his teammates after just giving one of his long speeches about teamwork and victory and all the hard work they’ve done blah blah blah… At least that what it sounded like to most of his teammates. Particularly his fellow 7th years, having to hear his long-winded speeches more than anyone else on the team. After so many, they all start to sound the same.
Though his fellow Gryffindors get it. If they win this quidditch game, they’re in the finals for the cup. Which has been Oliver’s dream since he got on the team. Slytherin has won the cup seven years in a row, and he is determined to break that streak. They’re playing against Ravenclaw today. Not necessarily a hard opponent but it wouldn’t be too easy either. They have good chasers, and Ravenclaw’s seeker, Cho Chang, is a more graceful flyer than most.
The players were just talking amongst themselves waiting for the call to head into the pitch. Oliver was standing outside seeming to be waiting for something as his eyes looked off to the side every now and then. Oliver and his girlfriend have a routine before every one of his games since they started dating. Y/N would greet him right outside the quidditch changing rooms, just right before they were to go on to wish him well and to give him a good luck kiss. But the girl was nowhere to be found.
“It’s almost time.” He thought. His anxiety growing more and more by the second. He needed to see her. He needed to feel her presence to put him at ease.
So, what if he’s playing against her house? That shouldn’t matter right? There’s no way she wouldn’t show up for him. She’s going to show up.
She has to.
After what seemed like a millionth time looking over, he finally spotted someone wearing blue and silver robes walking towards him. Oliver let out a sigh of relief. Worry leaving his body replaced with a kind of excitement and love that just makes your stomach flip. Oliver sees his beautiful girlfriend smile and wave at him as he heads towards her, meeting her halfway.
“You were cutting it a bit close there leannan” he said as his arms wrapped around your waist while yours automatically went around his shoulders, fingers intertwining behind his neck. His term of endearment, though you hear it quite often, doesn’t fail to give you butterflies.
“I’m sorry my love but I had to secure my seats at the Ravenclaw section with Pen” You answered with a small pout that you knew Oliver couldn’t resist. He studied your face just for a quick second before awarding you with his smile.
“That’s alright. You’re here now.” He assured, leaning down to get his long awaited good luck kiss. It all would’ve been perfect had you not leaned away from him as his lips was just about to touch yours. He pulled back and you almost laughed at the shock and confusion written all over his face. He couldn’t believe you just deprived him of his kiss. His kiss he’s been waiting all day for. The audacity.
“You seriously didn’t think you were going to get a good luck kiss from me today, do you?” You asked. Your boyfriend didn’t say anything but just looked at you like your question was the dumbest question he has ever heard.
“Ollie, you’re playing against my house.” You explained. “Why would I want to wish you good luck?”
“Leannan, please don’t do this to me.” He whined.
“I’m sorry Ollie but I want you to lose.” You shrugged, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
Oliver’s mouth opened wide in shock along with his eyes. He couldn’t believe you just said that.
“I can’t believe you just said that.” He let out. “How could you say that to your own boyfriend? The love of your life?”
“I can say it because the love of my life is trying to beat my house’s chance of getting the quidditch cup.”
“Are you seriously putting our houses over our love?” he asked, feigning hurt.
“Are YOU ready to put our love over our houses?”
You got him. You got him good.
“Leannan, pleeeaase don’t do this to me.” He whined again causing you to laugh at last resort attempt to win you over.
“You're really not going to give me my kiss?” Oliver asked again, wanting to be really sure.
Your fingers rubbed the nape of his neck providing little comfort as you shook your head no. He groaned placing his forehead on yours.
He looked at you again and asked, “well if you’re not here to wish me good luck, then why are you here?”
“Well.. I know who my boyfriend is. Just wanted to remind him to be safe and to please try to not get himself hurt.” She answered, playfulness out of her eyes, now filled with worry.
“That’s very sweet of you. I’m sure he’ll appreciate that.” He said, giving you a reassuring smile.
“I’m serious Oliver.” His government name coming out of your mouth. “I know how you get. I want you to be able to achieve your dream, but it’s not worth it if you’re in the hospital wing as a result.”
Sensing the seriousness and worry on your tone, he conceded.
“Okay. Okay. I promise to be safe and to not get too injured.” He said, kissing your nose for extra assurance.
“Thank you.”
You both turn your head toward the Pitch as Lee started his announcements.
“You better go.” You told him, pushing him lightly away from you. “Go out there and suck.”
Instead of being offended he just gave you a smirk and started walking backwards towards his teammates.
“Last chance to give me my kiss angel.”
You glared at him playfully while shaking your head.
“I hope you lose.” You said in a sing song voice, finally turning around and walking away before you break your urges and actually give him his kiss. Instead of pretending to be offended, he just laughed to himself amazed at how competitive you truly are, even if you’re not on the quidditch team.
“Alright ladies, lads, and pals.” He turned around facing his quidditch team. “We have a game to win.” He flashed them with cocky smile and his team knew that he was in the Ollie Zone. A term you created when nothing can get in between Oliver and his victory.
The team walked into the tunnel leading out into the pitch, standing in their designated spots waiting for the door to open so they could fly out and greet the audience. Harry, overhearing the last seconds of the conversation between you and Oliver, couldn’t help but ask...
“Did I hear your girlfriend tell you ‘I hope you lose.’?”
Oliver looked at Harry smiling at him.
“My girl is very competitive Potter.” He explained, taking his broom, and putting it between his legs. Harry followed. “One of the many things I love about her.” Oliver concluded proudly.
Before Harry could question it even further, Lee announced Gryffindor’s entrance and the door opened letting Oliver fly out into the pitch with his teammates right behind him. As Oliver flies around the pitch going over the student sections, he slows down towards Ravenclaw finding his girlfriend right at the front row sending her a wink. She playfully sticks her tongue out him and he lets out a laugh flying over to his position infront of the goalpost. Oliver is determined to win this game. Especially now as payback because his girlfriend didn’t give him his good luck kiss.
You don’t ever want to mess with his kiss.
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exchangestudentnova · 11 months
Veluriyam Mirage
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Features: Yandere! Kaeya Alberich and KoF Knight! Willing! Afab! Reader
Content: NSFW/smut, initially dubcon, praise kink, slight breath play, slight bondage, slight knife kink, voice kink
Term of endearment used for the reader: Dear, pretty girl, sweet thing
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"Will you go with me? Mom told me to invite my friends as well!" The way Klee came up to you to join her to visit a domain was so cute! She said she's going to meet a friend of her mom's, but all the way to Sumeru? The thought made you a bit concerned about her safety, so you decided to join her. Then again who are you to say no to a bit of a relax time?
So now you're here in this place called the Bottleland along with Ms. Eula, Klee, The Honorary Knight and Sir Kaeya. Or just Kaeya as he instructed you to call him so. There were other people as well an Inazuman war general and a Sumeru's forest ranger trainee.
But your eyes couldn't help but fall on the Cavalry Captain. You have such a big crush on him ever since the day you saw him on the opening ceremony inviting the new Knights in the Knights of Favonius. He's well loved by almost everyone in Mondstadt so it's no surprise you feel a bit flustered by his presence as well.
The Mascot, or the caretaker called Idiya asked for everyone's help in fixing the Bottleland back to how it was normally, by collecting all the parts to restore the main mechanism. It was a long but fun journey as you were getting along with everyone and at last! the domain was restored!
"Please enjoy your stay in Bottleland" Idiya announced.
Klee left with the Honorary Knight and Kokomi while Eula and Collei went for some dance sessions. Which left you and Kaeya together. "Are you free at the moment?" his silky smooth sound vibrates in your ears like a melody. "N-no I'm not. Why do you ask?" "If you're free then I'll like you to come with me"
Kaeya takes you to a huge, colourful pavilion that you remember visiting before as here you found Eula's relative. "We're here again?" you question as Kaeya ushers you inside.
It was dimly lit as compared to before, with only the light at the top illuminating the entire space. You walk up to the center of the stage as Kaeya followed you. With a tap on your shoulder, you turn around to ask-
Kaeya takes your lips and seals them with his in a fiery kiss. You stumble back, not expecting him to start such an action. He secures you with a firm hand on your waist, while he pushes stray hair from your face with the other. The two of you only part when the dizziness from the lack of oxygen hit you. "Kaeya what is the meaning of this?" "Oh don't look at me like that. Did you really think I won't notice the way you eye me up and down? They way you bit your lip when you think I'm not looking? The way you get wet when I speak- he leans down, breath hitting your ears- this close to you?"
You open your mouth to speak but one of his hands already starts cupping your underwear, while the other wraps around your neck, putting pressure enough to decrease the oxygen going in your brain. "Now you'll only talk when I tell you to talk okay pretty girl?" you barely manage a nod as he pushes your underwear aside, collecting your arousal in the tip of his finger running along your slit. He licks his finger while his eyes close in appreciation of your taste.
He pushes you from your neck, forcing you to move backwards. Soon your back hits a slender pillar, most likely used as a prop. The hand around your neck lowers you on your knees, sliding your back on the wooden pillar.
"Won't you undress for me pretty girl?"
You quickly remove your clothing, leaving youself in your underwear.
"Wait here" he instructs as he vanishes in the darkness.
He returns with a decorative ribbon. "Your wrist sweet thing". He ties both your wrists togther behind the pillar, now you cannot escape at all.
He steps back, biting his lips at the beauty in front of him, looking cute tied up at his mercy.
He removes the dragger from his back, running the blunt side along your collarbone, your abdomen and your inner thighs. You hiss at the contact with the cool metal, the sensation heating up your body more amd more. Finally he turns to the sharp side, cutting your underwear, leaving you exposed. Your breasts release with a bounce, rushing all of Kaeya's blood in his pants. He cirlcles your nipples with the blunt edge of the dragger, eventually tossing it aside and taking them in his mouth, one by one. You squirm from the texture of his wet tongue, his hands undoing his pant.
"Is it okay for us to do it here?" You ask hesitantly. Kaeya looks at you with his lust filled eyes. "Of course sweet thing, it's the perfect place I say. No one is here to listen to your moans and scream, so be as loud as you want hm?" He's now rubbing his cock up and down your pussy, arousal gathering at the tip. He pushes it in, your mouth letting out a small squeak in answer.
Once he's fully in, his hips move at a steady speed, hands grabbing your waist tightly and your tongues dancing to create a saliva bridge from his lips to yours. You lock your legs around his waist, a knot in your abdomen forming at a fast rate.
He speeds up, chasing his own release. His hand findd your clit and starts to rub it, sending extra waves of pleasure through your body.
"Gonna cum for me hm? Gonna be my good girl?" you can't even recognise your voice, running hoarse due to all the screaming "Yes I'm your good girl! Gonna cum.." you're almost there, just a little bit more..
"Cum then sweet thing"
His voice was just the thing you needed as your body starts to convulse, your orgasm comes in waves, his own just seconds after yours.
The two of you catch your breath, his forehead pressed against yours. He unties your wrists and helps you dress up. Both of you make your way out together, hand in hand, rushing to reach back quickly before someone comes looking for you two.
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psychangels · 8 months
been thinking abt the different dynamics and general relationships between the gang. so here's those thoughts summarized, with my more in-depth ones under the cut
chai and peppermint they have a very fun dynamic, with their bickering and bantering. the evolution of their relationship is fascinating and sweet, and i will forever love how peppermint starts caring about chai fairly early on and lies horribly about it to his face because she doesn't want to admit to anyone—least of all herself—that she's getting attached
chai and macaron their dynamic is just nice and sweet. chai helps macaron grow more confident and tries to help him relax. macaron helps chai by rooting for him and complimenting him when others won't. it's also rlly cute how they're the only ones to refer to each other with nicknames/terms of endearment (mac and little guy respectively)
peppermint and macaron endlessly fascinating to me how they both love roxanne and what she built so much that, despite not meeting due to her keeping them at arms length, they're ultimately brought together
macaron and cnmn their dynamic is so fun! cnmn's bluntness contrasts well with macaron's cautious nature. love how macaron built cnmn because he didn't want to be alone...and was self-aware enough that he needed help to also make them a therapy bot
chai and cnmn such an interesting dynamic. the guy that supresses basically any and all negative feelings and hides his past and pains; the therapist robot that recognizes that, but is just tactful enough to not call him out on it...for the most part
cnmn and peppermint kind of a similar dynamic to cnmn and chai. she appreciates cnmn for his more analytical side than his goofiness
cnmn and korsica these two can be fun. korsica definitely appreciates how direct cnmn is. i think post-game, they probably bond a bit over how they both got pretty fucked up by kale physically.
chai and korsica their dynamic is just...truly fascinating to me. mostly bc of their parallels. i've made a post talking about that in the past, though, so i won't repeat myself. but i also really like their differences. the main one that i always think of is her drive to challenge herself and need to do more, which contrasts with his more lax nature
peppermint and korsica they're neat. they get along well because they're pretty similar. both assertive, tactical, and confident in their own skills; share a distaste for puns and a need to keep busy; total dorks. post-game i imagine they grow pretty close.
macaron and korsica these two have a lot of potential for a interesting dynamic. they both look up to and respect roxanne a lot, and knew that something was wrong with the company but did not act due to their own beliefs. her levelheadedness is a good counter for his anxiety.
chai and peppermint their relationship starts off the most strained out of all of them, with the exception of korsica for obvious reasons. something that i find interesting is how she starts to care about him fairly early on. despite being (understandably) mad at him for blowing her cover, she checks in on him and compliments him throughout the parry tutorial. later, when she shows up at macaron's lab, she runs in saying, "don't be dead!" and lies horribly about being worried about him when he asks.
the two of them both seek out loneliness and prefer to be on their own. but it's interesting how, despite being described as the "loner hacker girl," peppermint is actually far more inclined to seek help and companionship than chai. she clearly doesn't want to admit that, though, considering how, as i said earlier, she lies about being worried about him. she does sort of let it slip when she mentions how 808 provides companionship as well as being a spy drone, though
the two of them have a very fun dynamic. they bicker and banter. their interactions are often filled with a sort of confidence, if that makes sense. not really sure how to explain. all of the lines they say to each other when she gets called in are sort of assertive in some capacity; that same confidence. there's a growing trust there.
chai and macaron their relationship and dynamic is very nice. there isn't as much to say as the previous dynamic, but that's because they don't rlly have a whole lot of growth in terms of theirs. it stays basically the same the whole time. but that makes sense and works well, because macaron's growth is centered around him becoming more confident. which chai is great for, because he's probably the most confident member of the whole gang aside from peppermint and probably cnmn.
they're the only members of the gang to refer to each other with any sort of nicknames/terms of endearment (chai calls him mac; macaron calls him little guy), which is neat. also really cute.
also, to discuss the lines that they say when he's called in: they're actually fairly assertive and confident. they have no lines where they check-in on each other, but this time there are no exceptions. i honestly find this a little strange, i feel like out of all of them, macaron would want to check on chai the most.
peppermint and macaron something that i find so interesting about their relationship is how they both seemed to be very close to roxanne despite the ways she held them at arms length, yet they never met until recently-ish. it makes sense why. but it really does make me wonder if roxanne never even had pictures of her kids in her office or anything similar. i also find it fascinating how their love of roxanne, and what she built, is what eventually causes them to meet
we don't really get to see them interacting one-on-one much, but they seem to get along relatively well. they have a lot of similar interests and hobbies (stem stuff), which definitely helps with that. i can imagine them helping each other out with projects when one of them is struggling with a certain bit of code or figuring out a design or...other tech-y things
macaron and cnmn the bffs! i love them. it's really interesting to see sort of a reverse of peppermint and chai, who sought loneliness and preferred being on their own, with macaron, who was sort of forced in many ways to be on his own but chose to seek companionship by making cnmn. i also find it fascinating how he specifically chose to build them with the purpose of being a sort of therapist. it shows how self-aware he is. i also find it hilarious that he named him CRAP, most likely without meaning to
their dynamic is very fun! cnmn's bluntness has a nice contrast with macaron's more nervous nature. the way that macaron prefers peaceful options, whereas cnmn is totally down to fight, but simply can't due to macaron's preferences being reflected in their design. inaction vs action, but in a friendly and compassionate way
chai and cnmn such an interesting dynamic. the guy that supresses basically any and all negative feelings and hides his past and pains; the therapist robot that recognizes that, but is just tactful enough to not call him out on it...for the most part. i get the sense that chai is sort of wary of cnmn in some ways because of that. but he also respects them and enjoys their company. they have fun! they're both silly fellas! they enjoy puns!
i love how cnmn has his own sort of growth, and chai, while he doesn't fully know how to help them with it, does what he can: offer his support. it's very sweet. it's also interesting because it's the reverse of what you would expect. you'd think cnmn would be the one helping chai with his insecurities, but instead they're the one being offered comfort and support
cnmn and peppermint kind of a similar dynamic to cnmn and chai, but i don't think peppermint's really wary of cnmn. she enjoys his company more for his analytical side, rather than his goofy one. i think she appreciates his bluntness. she also appreciates that he knows when to and when to not share his thoughts and perceptions, for obvious reasons
i wish i had more to say about them, but similar to macaron and peppermint, we don't get to see the two of them interact one-on-one. and they don't have As much in common, aside from that cnmn knows how to hack. the two of them likely aren't particularly close, but that doesn't mean they don't care abt one another.
cnmn and korsica these two can be fun. korsica definitely appreciates how direct cnmn is. i think post-game, they probably bond a bit over how they both got pretty fucked up by kale physically. they would try to help her feel less self-conscious about her scars, and offer support on the whole in regards to some of her insecurities. in turn, she would teach them to fight and help them with their own insecurities in regards to how they feel like they don't do enough for the team
in terms of actual canon interactions, this is another one where we don't get to see very many, so i don't have much else to say. but i do think they'll become fairly close
chai and korsica these two are so interesting to me. they're the only ones with voice lines when she's called in where they ask one another if they're okay ("korsica, you got this?" "you alright, chai?"). she also actively compliments him, unlike the others ("good timing!" "very precise, chai!"). and, of course, she has her moment where she compliments him in the hideout after she joins the team. also special shoutout to him calling her "vandelay security's finest" (heard if you perform one of her jam combos)
their dynamic is just...truly fascinating to me. mostly because of their parallels. i've made a post talking abt that in the past, though, so i won't repeat myself. but i also really like their differences. the main one that i always think of is her drive to challenge herself and need to do more, which contrasts with his more lax nature
peppermint and korsica they're neat. they get along well because they're pretty similar. both assertive, tactical, and confident in their own skills; share a distaste for puns and a need to keep busy; total dorks. post-game i imagine they grow pretty close. peppermint helps korsica with her implants and things down in security; korsica helps peppermint with getting rid of some of kale's bullshittery that's still left
i'm viewing their dynamic here from a more platonic lens, but peppermint's crush is important to take into account. though i'm not sure how much it would really change up their dynamic, aside from peppermint's flustered-ness causing potential cute/silly moments
macaron and korsica these two have a lot of potential for an interesting dynamic. they both look up to and respect roxanne a lot, and knew that something was wrong with the company but did not act due to their own beliefs (macaron didn't want to fight; korsica pushed down her feelings because she had finally achieved her dream). they also both have arm implants, which i'm sure macaron helps her adjust to
her levelheadedness is a good counter for his anxiety. i imagine her presence, though perhaps intimidating at first, can actually be rather calming. especialy since she is known to offer reassurance to those that need it (her interactions with chai being the primary example). i see the two of them as pretty good friends
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cetaitlaverite · 1 day
Can we hear you talk about fred and rosies first kiss scene?
absolutely you can!! under the cut because it got long 😩❤️
so even though there were a few moments before this where freddie and rosie might have kissed, their first kiss was only ever going to happen with the piano. i toyed with the idea initially of it being in rosie’s plane - a fun fact is that there was a whole other scene originally that i wrote for freddie telling rosie that she loves him for the first time, which also took place in the pilot’s seat of rosie’s plane, but which did not make the cut - but music is so much more central to their connection than planes or pilothood or anything like that so i redirected to music instead.
so yes!! the piano!! i knew from quite early on that their first kiss would be while they were sitting side by side at the piano. first kisses hold so much weight in my fics and even though this is my quickest burn yet it was still important to me that it happens in a setting which suits the characters. every one of my couples’ first kiss is symbolic in some way!! for freddie and rosie, their connection first blossoms because of music: rosie first properly falls in love with freddie when he hears her play the piano, freddie starts to play the piano again because of the hope she feels after meeting rosie, a big step in their relationship is when they dance together for the first time, etc etc etc. it’s in the title too!! music is so central to these two that the scene needed to revolve around it in some way - music always opens them up to each other and makes them so much more vulnerable.
enough rambling about setting (you probably really did not expect this much detail 🤣 but a lot of thought goes into my scenes!!) so the song freddie plays is called ‘meine freuden’ which means ‘my joys’ in german (freddie will later call her daughters this as a term of endearment). it’s also from a book of music rosie gave her for christmas. all of this binds them together - there was no way they weren’t going to kiss in this scene because i wrote it into the fabric hahahah
the dialogue they exchange right before they kiss is some of my favourite all time freddie x rosie dialogue: “i like the way you look at me” from freddie and, in response, “sometimes i find it hard to believe that you exist” from rosie. this is the crutch of what first draws them to each other - and it’s mentioned again in a very important chapter later!! freddie immediately feels seen by rosie, even when they first meet. you may have noticed that a lot of her narrative was fixed on his eyes. she goes through her life feeling loved, yes, but not ever massively feeling seen and rosie sees her immediately. when she tells him she likes the way he looks at her this means a whole lot to her.
and rosie saying that he finds it hard to believe that freddie exists plays on how completely other she is than every other girl he’s dated in the past, or even the ones he’s known. there’s an otherworldly quality to her in his eyes - his narrative will sometimes refer back to how she seemed untouchable to him when they first met. so this confession draws on a sort of escapism she offers him; the world she creates for him when they’re together is unique to her and to them as a couple and it is so prominent in what he loves about spending time with her.
this has been an essay - i’m so sorry!!! but thank you for asking!!! this is most certainly a lot more than you bargained for in asking this but as i say i put a lot of thought into the details so it’s nice to get to mention it sometimes!! ❤️
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allaboardthevespa · 10 months
Let's go everyone: time to share my Ellabby headcanons
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Been wanting to get these out there for a good long while. I won't HC too much about what happens in the present season cuz it's still airing, but this is how I see them as a couple.
So when everyone grows more used to Gabby's eccentricities or Ellie helps everyone accept her more, I can definitely see Alec, Jake, Dan (once he apologizes for trying to vote Gabby off), Ashley+Will and Drew getting along with them best. They all keep in touch with one another post-DC. And I definitely see Jake and Ashill going "awww!" when they're being affectionate or exchanging words of love...while Drew just holds up a piece of paper saying "Nice" lmao
In terms on if they met the contestants of Total Drama...I feel like they'd get on best with Bridgette (especially her), Geoff, Izzy, Owen, Dawn, Ella, Jasmine, 2023 Emma (provided she's not still dating Chase) and the Vegans from RR. Maybe Gwen too.
It's already canonically confirmed that Gabby owns a LOT of pets, though given her father didn't take care of them well...oof. Well when they move in together they're gonna get a LOT of pets. Like...a LOT a lot of pets.
Ellie's the kind of girl that usually is introverted, quiet and often a little snarky, but I get the feeling she just melts like putty when she's with her girlfriend, and they tend to be quite affectionate in public. Nothing over-the-top or constantly make-outy like Geoff and Bridgette, but they love to give each other hugs, lots of kisses on their forehead, nose, cheek and a few lip kisses too, and exchanging lots of "I love you"s and terms of endearment.
Speaking of which, I see them as a pet name-using couple, but nothing sugary like "sweetiekins" or "googoopie", but rather simple ones like "my love", "darling" and "honey", or pretty-sounding ones like "forest rose" and "twinkling star". Gabby's favorite pet name for Ellie is "Sunset Angel" while Ellie's favorite pet name for Gabby is "Nature Princess".
Given the kind of person Gabby is, they don't go to big, bustling cities often for their vacations, often preferring less busy places like small towns and countrysides.
They also love having picnics. Especially in parks and gardens, or on beaches at nighttime.
Along with picnics, one of their favored kinds of dates is to simply go on nature walks together in quiet places like a forest or a meadow, just enjoying nature and one another's company.
They. Love. Exchanging flowers. Gabby's favorites are tulips and hyacinths while Ellie's favorites are peonies and lavenders. They often sneak in some red roses too to represent their love for one another. (Oh and they love stitching flower crowns for one another two.)
They're both pretty ticklish. However I feel like Gabby's the more ticklish of the two. Ellie loves tickling her simply cuz it makes her happy to see Gabby laughing (and she LOVES the way she laughs)
Every night when there's a full moon, they go out to cuddle underneath it together. Even if it's raining, cuz they l-o-v-e to kiss under the rain
Ellie's great at playing guitar and is an AMAZING singer when are we going to get a musical DC season???. She often loves serenading her girlfriend when they're out on nature walks or moonlit cuddles. (Definitely seeing her singing some girl in red tunes here. Especially "we fell in love in october" or "I'll Call You Mine")
Close to their second anniversary I feel like Ellie worked with some of her fellow DC campers she befriended in season 1 and the likely All-Stars season to bring Gabby on a safari vacation to Africa. And on the night of the anniversary itself (which was also a full moon night), they went on one of their nature hikes through the beautiful wilderness. The entire time, Ellie told her just how much she loved her, more than anything else in the world, and how happy she made her - and at the climax of that night, Ellie proposed to her. Yes there were tears of joy, from BOTH of them.
At the wedding, which took place deep in a forest just like Gabby would love, almost everyone from DC was present (not gonna say who's banned yet depending on how the rest of Season 1 goes...Yul's definitely banned though), as well as a good amount of Total Drama contestants. Alec was their best man while I get the feeling Lill and Ashley were their maids of honor. They gave one another wedding rings with star ruby gemstones (also Dan is the ring-bearer because yes). Oh and since Ellie wished to work in fashion, Imma say she designed both her and Gabby's clothes. Also Kai being their officiator won't leave my head cuz he's a very nature-minded person and he'd definitely see a good future for the two of them.
I see them moving in together in a cabin or cottage in a forest or mountainside (these two girls give big cottagecore vibes)
I'm seeing them use IVF to have their daughter. As for names I'm seeing something nature-related like Rose/Rosie/Rosita, Autumn, Daisy, Willow or Hazel.
Well that's all I'm coming up with for now, time to rest my brain lol
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