#he can still be a lopunny
caffeinerabbit · 3 months
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(Note: I originally started to write this as a quick and dirty backstory for Latte, which explained why she was chosen as Benji's mentor, and why she behaves the way she does. Once I started writing, however, it was like some floodgate opened and now I have a full blown setting and story arc in my head. I'd love to turn it into a comic, but I don't think I have the patience for that, so I'm giving serious thought about turning it into a multi-chapter illustrated fanfic, with the occasional comic for fun.
In any case, here's the first piece of lore, possibly with more to come. The story continues under the cut, with potential spoilers for down the line - and please forgive the melodrama!)
Latte's Story
Latte is a veteran exploration team member, and in her prime she was considered one of the Guild’s elites. Even though she’s semi-retired now (for reasons) she’s still highly regarded as one of the best, and from time to time the Guild will seek her help when they have a difficult task in front of them.
She’s also a thoroughly unpleasant person. Sarcastic, aloof, and generally unfriendly to most people, she spends much of her time alone, either drinking her days away or just kind of blankly existing.
(And yes, this PMD setting has booze. You can’t tell me that a civilization whose diet consists of 90% berries and fruit hasn’t stumbled upon fermentation.)
When Benji the human-turned-buneary just happens to show up one day and the Guild becomes aware of him, past experience tells them that something bad is about to go down. They know that Benji and his partner Finn need to be brought up to snuff ASAP, and to that end they enlist Latte to act as the duo’s mentor, which she reluctantly accepts after much pleading.
From the moment their eyes meet, Latte and Benji can’t stand one another. Although she’s typically hard to get along with in general, for some reason she takes an immediate and intense dislike of Benji in particular, constantly snarking at him, mocking him when he messes up, and directing a weirdly immense amount of ire his way. For his part, Benji is utterly perplexed as to what exactly he did to piss off this giant rabbit woman, returning her vitriol in kind. Her being the final evolution of his new form doesn’t help matters either, since he’s mildly embarrassed by his current situation, and she’s a reminder of what he has to look forward to if he winds up stuck in the Pokémon world permanently.
Ostensibly, as a lopunny, Latte has a firmer understanding of Benji’s potential capabilities than most, and can train him better than anyone else could. That’s the excuse given, anyway, but it’s only a small part of the whole truth on why the Guild chose her.
Which is that Latte once had her own human partner, and that together they saved the world.
When Latte was still a young buneary, she stumbled upon a hapless human in pokémon form, much in the same way as Finn did with Benji. Although shy, withdrawn, and slow to make friends at the time, she easily formed a fast friendship with the outsider, and he was able to draw her out of her shell. After joining their local Guild and going on multiple adventures together, their bond grew ever closer, with Latte effectively viewing her partner as the center of her world.
Eventually, the big apocalyptic threat that always seems to accompany humans made itself known, and after much grit and determination, Latte and her partner were able to defeat it. Despite the hardship they’d faced up to that point, the relief, pride, and closeness to her partner she felt in that moment left her the happiest she’d ever been in her life, triggering her evolution into a lopunny right there on the spot – an evolution that probably never would have happened if she’d never met her friend and remained that sad, lonely girl back in her home village.
The joy, however, was short lived. With his task fulfilled and his original life waiting for him back home, the higher powers determined to return Latte’s partner to the human world. Not long after the pinnacle of her existence, she watched as her closest and only true friend, the person that gave her life meaning, purpose, and who she was secretly deeply in love with, evaporated into a wispy yellow flow of sparks and energy.
And unlike in the games, he never came back.
Latte’s world was devastated. As the initial shock wore off, in its place took anguish, and a desperate pleading with the higher powers to please, please bring her friend back to her. Pleading that went silently, but firmly, unanswered.
In time, the anguish itself faded into numbness, and Latte again found herself feeling utterly, completely alone. She wasn’t even able to celebrate and take solace in the victory that she and her partner had earned, since the Guild swore her to secrecy lest the populace at large learn just how close it had come to complete annihilation – and in turn learn that this has all happened before, and will likely happen again. Outside of the Guild masters, her vanishingly small circle of friends, and a handful of other people privy to the information, nobody knew that they all owed their lives to Latte and her partner.
Trying to fill the void in her soul and distract herself from depression, Latte doubled down on her Guild work, becoming one of the top Explorers and Rescuers in the world’s Guild system. She eventually realized that she couldn’t remain in her home village and ever hope to become whole again, because everything there reminded her of him. Packing up what little she had, she moved far away to another village whose Guild master was sympathetic to her plight, attempting to build herself a new life.
It didn’t take. Between Guild missions and the bottle, Latte’s life went more or less on auto pilot. She took on fewer and fewer jobs, and eventually only took work when the Guild sought her out specifically. Regardless of his advisors’ grumbling, calling her a freeloader and dead weight, the Guild master made no effort to force Latte to do anything. He knew of the sacrifice she had made, and letting her live her life in what little peace she could muster was the least he could do.
Out of Latte’s numbness, a sense of resentment also took root, growing over time. She and her partner were still effectively children when they went on their adventures, and like most children, the transformed human had an upbeat and unblemished view of the world. He would regale her with stories about his world, about things like airplanes, movies, video games, amusement parks, all the different kinds of food you could ever hope to eat and all the different places you could ever hope to visit - they’d even been to their moon! She held the Earth in awe, and wished that someday, somehow, she could go there as well.
But when the time came, he didn’t take her with him. He got to go home to paradise. She was stuck here.
In spite of herself, she found herself growing angry at her long-lost friend. A part of her knew that it wasn’t his fault, that he had no more say in the matter than she did, but nevertheless he had abandoned her. The hurt continued to grow, the resentment hardening ever stronger. How dare he. How dare he.
For several years, this was the internal stalemate in which Latte found herself. Going through the motions of life, doing what was needed of her when asked, drowning her sorrows when left to her own devices. The numbness dulled the resentment most of the time, and she had resigned herself to just playing out the clock on life.
That is, until he arrived.
From the first moment she laid eyes on him, Latte knew exactly what Benji was. His mannerisms, the way he moved, the way he talked, the way he held himself. Everyone else might have mistaken him for this clumsy, confused little first stage, but to her it was as glaringly obvious as though she were staring into the sun. And in tow he held another innocent, unsuspecting soul, one that undoubtedly worshiped the ground he walked on. One whose heart would inevitably be shattered into a million pieces and scattered into the wind, never to be made whole again.
All of the anger and resentment that she had fought so hard to bury came flooding back like a tidal wave. All of the broken dreams, all of the unfulfilled promises, of once bright future that now laid forever beyond her grasp. How dare this insipid little bastard come here and cause this to all play out once again. How dare he.
She knew what his being here meant, and knew what was at stake should he fail. With a generous amount of loathing she agreed to mentor the duo and train them for their appointed task, and to do so to the best of her ability. But she would be damned if she allowed history to repeat itself. All she wanted was to get this whole business over and done with, to send this little shit packing back to where he came from.
The sooner, the better.
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primarinite · 6 months
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just realized i never posted my rescue team character redesigns oops
ninetales: shiloh (they/them)
-reworked to be a snowdrift (alolan) ninetales because it makes more sense with the climate they live in and spike chunsoft are COWARDS for not including the regional variants of pokemon in gens 1-3 that got one.
-actually only has 8 tails (lost one in the havoc encounter).
-@ all of the ties that bind heads out there: does their design remind you of anyone in particular? :3c
gengar: havoc (he/him)
-his real (human) name was alphard. he discarded this name and adopted havoc instead after his transformation, as he was hoping that it would make others want to avoid him entirely, as he felt like he didn't deserve any kindness or decency after what he had done. unfortunately for him, medicham and adder (ekans) are stupid and like him. he starts using alphard again after tureis is saved.
-he has a permanent frostbite scar on his right hand from when he grabbed shiloh.
-team meanies fully disbands after tureis' rescue and gengar decides to spend his time giving back to the community in pokemon square for forgiving him. he pretty much becomes team fable's biggest fan and hypes up mayar and turies after she joins (newlin.....exists), not that he will ever admit it.
-after the tureis rescue, mayar tells alphard that regardless of what he's done in the past he's still deserving of love and compassion and that he's not a bad pokemon. alphard becomes smitten with her after that (<- guy that is desparate for companionship). mayar thinks that he's funny and forgives him for the whole "sending a violent mob after her and newlin" thing, and they hookup eventually. everybody in town (especially newlin) hates it but they're still supportive.
-other than newlin he becomes the most active participant in team fable's research into mega evolution when their focus shifts over to that.
gardevoir: tureis (she/her)
-joins team fable for a few years before eventually joining team charm after meeting lopunny. the switch from rescuing to exploring excites her, especially since she's been unable to go anywhere for years. mayar and newlin are very supportive of this. medicham also joins in hopes of getting stronger by travelling to make up for fainting in wish cave.
-being trapped took a heavy toll on her physical body that left her very ill for a long time. she couldn't do much without getting weak and winded, and was severely underweight upon being freed. everyone was supportive of her just doing what she can while part of the team (though she was barred from partaking in mega evolution research due to being a massive strain on the body and could be lethal in her condition). she's much healthier as of joining team charm, which is her main motivation for getting out there and travelling.
-there is a 30ish year gap between rt and explorers in my lore, so by the time she appears in explorers she's in her late 50s/early 60s. still kicking it!
-first image is her appearance in rt, second image is her appearance in explorers
-never recovers her memories of alphard but, for reasons she can't describe, she feels a strong kinship with him. the two become good friends.
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faislittlewhiteraven · 7 months
So seen a few 'What if the ISAT cast were in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon' posts...
And I'm gonna put my hat in the ring because darn it I've been thinking about this for over a week now and I want to infect others with these ideas.
Siffren: Hisuian Zorua - White, adorable AND comes free with a neck ruff to hide their face in, but well, doesn't it fit Siff extremely well lore wise too? Just a cute little guy that's a remnant of a home and life forcefully taken away, Normal enough to be among the living with no issues but also Ghost because there's something missing... Something lost that shapes them, tears at them but they just can't let go... Also they eat a lot, have a good amount of mischief in their nature and use 'illusions' for self protection so like. It's a perfect fit really~ XD (Also the 'red' aspects during the Vs Friends fight makes me wonder if in the PMD version of ISaT Siffrin is evolving so wrong somehow that the universe is breaking and a huge chunk of the fight is the party basically mashing B button in utter terror~ XDDD)
Isabeau: Ditto - No joke, Isabeau had me really stumped for ages because what kind of pokemon species goes from nerd to buff to eventually somewhere in the middle during their evolution line but then I realized 'Wow I'm an idiot. There's a pokemon all about Change that can be any form right over there!' and thus Isa-Ditto was born in my mind. I like to think he's almost always in the form of a Marchoke, Zangoose or Scrafty or something that to the others is big and buff but Isa's warm smiling ditto face always stops him from ever looking intimidating, and back in the 'nerd' days Isa probably stuck to being a Gothita/Gothorita, if only because they're about the only mon I can think of with braids and they do seem like a good form if one wants others to stay away so they can focus on studying and stuff...
Mirabelle: Minccino/Cinccino - Ok, most of my reasoning for this one is because Mira visually reminds me of the Minccino line (those eyes <3 And her ribbon! <3) but like, she IS pretty studious and helpful and probably cleans up after everyone and that's Cinccino as anything to me, plus the sheer way this mon blitzs with Skill Link... IDK I just really feel the line suits her.
Odile: Kanto Persian or Purugly - After realizing Siff, Isa and Mira were all Normal types I decided to make it a thing and since under this logic Odele couldn't be a Kadabra (as was my first instinct), the idea of her being this big old book reading cat affectionately rolling her eyes at everyone else's nonsense just had so much appeal <3 Leaning Persian if only because its design matches her visuals better but the thought of her as a Purugly feeling comfortable enough around the others she doesn't puff up her fur via her tail around them is pretty cute/very 'seems standoff-ish but is secretly affectionate Odile' so I'm still struggling to choose between them.
Bonnie: Zigzagoon - Bonnie was probably the hardest to pick out because there were so many possibilites (Aipom for the mischief? Munchlax for the cooking/food vibes? Oh but what about Meowth for their weird hug face???). But then I realized pokemon of all sorts could do all of those things and what really stands out about Bonbon is their 'NPC somehow on the big adventure and doing their best' vibes so a spunky little Zigzagoon using their 'Gluttony' expertise in food to 'Pick Up' the party's sprits felt really fitting (also they way they dart in and out of combat with their Quick Feet just. It works you know? XD). Not sure which Zigzagoon form would be most fitting for them but currently leaning Galarian if only because Siff being weak to Bonnie fits hilariously well, it matches with Bonnie's 'desire to be edgy despite still being adorable' vibes and the mental thought of them far off in the future, all grown up and protecting their family as a big bad Obstagoon gives me a ton of warm fuzzies so yeah~ <3
Euphrasie: Lopunny - Look, it's just the hair, the affectionate personality and her being really really tall compared to the others alright? Only the party is actually Normal locked to me! X'D (I could see her as an Altaria or a Mega Ampharos as well but Lopunny just feels more 'right' somehow.)
The King: Hisuian Zoroark - . . . In my defence, he's an incarnation of malice born from the loss of his home/life with long long hair who acts as Siffrin's foil, pushes them towards 'discovering the red' and yoyos between tragically lamenting and being a ruthlessly, cruel monster who would hurt a child. There was no other option.
Loop: currently torn but leaning Cosmog/Cosmeom or Mimikyu for most of the game and Necrozma/Ultra Necrozma for the Act 6 secret fight - Finally the one non Normal type! And the fact it's the eldritch feeling Loop is kinda perfect? Helps them stand out more at least, and well you really can't beat Ultra Necrozma for 'star shaped thing that is both terrifying, potentially world ending and in immense amounts of pain'. (...Also its weak to Siff's H!Zorua and Bonnie's potential Dark type so it fits type wise also XD).
Change God: Mew - Do I really gotta explain why? (Legendary, has Transform, cute and sweet but also a little bastard, etc- It ticks all the boxes XD
So... Yeah. Those are my In Stars and Time 'what Pokemon would the main cast be' thoughts.
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dalooneylass · 8 months
The Chains Pokémon partner parings explained.
Hi this is that post where I try to explain my reasoning for pairing each Link with their Pokémon partner + a little fun fact about each Pokémon.
Sky with Dragonite
Sky and Dragonite have quite a few things in common. Their both big, loveable, caring beings who are always ready and willing to help those in need, their both also A LOT stronger than they initially seem. Sky being a literal demon god slayer, and Dragonite being a Pseudo Legendary Pokémon that can control the weather at will.
I imagine that Sky met his Dragonite before his adventure when it was still a little Dratini, they love to take naps together, and go on long flights around Skyloft.
Fun Fact: Pseudo Legendary Pokémon get their title from the fact they have a base stat total of 600, which is the same as most Legendary Pokémon, and are extremely difficult to evolve, Dratini taking 55 levels, or 207,968 experience points earned to evolve into its final form, Dragonite.
Four and his Eeveelutions
To be honest there really wasn’t any other Pokémon besides the Eevee line that had enough evolutions or unique forms/variants to give Four. But even then it’s still a good pick, Eevee can evolve into one of 8 different Pokémon. Jolteon, Vaporeon, Flareon, and Espeon being the most obvious picks for Four/The Colours, Jolteon being the next best thing for Green since there’s no Flying type Eeveelution, and Espeon for Vio due to his book smarts and relation to Shadow, with Vaporeon and Flareon being perfectly fitting for Blue and Red respectively.
I picture Four meeting his Pokémon between his adventures in Minish Cap and Four Swords Adventures, as Eevee, and then taking them with him through the latter adventure. And while Green, Blue, and Red found the evolution stones to evolve their Eevee at some point or another throughout the adventure, Vio and Shadow’s Eevee evolved during their time together when Vio was pretending to be a traitor (Eevee evolves into Espeon and Umbreon through high Friendship during the Day and Night respectively). And that while the Colours were struggling to work together during FSA, their Pokémon were working with each other just fine. After Shadow sacrificed himself, Four cared for his Umbreon.
Fun Fact: Shadow’s Umbreon likely knows Shadow isn’t really gone, but has no solid way of communicating this to Four.
Time with Celebi
Pretty simple really. Time is a time travelling fairy boy from the forest who’s possessed by a deity, Celebi is a time travelling forest guardian fairy who IS a deity.
I believe that Time would meet his Celebi some time after Majora’s Mask, but before the War of Ages.
Fun Fact: Time’s Celebi is nicknamed Navi.
Double Fun Fact: Time’s Celebi Navi may or may not actually be several different Celebi (Cuz there’s actually like a bajilion of these lil onions babies all zipping throughout time and space) and Time has yet to figure this out.
Note: Still a’nt actually settled on whether Navi IS multiple different Celebi or just one single Celebi. Tell me which one you guys think it is in the comments. I genuinely love to hear your thoughts and feedback.
Or I might make a poll or something.
Legend and Lopunny
With the fact that Lopunny is a rabbit Pokémon with a pink shiny, the connection seems pretty surface level, and that I paired the two just cuz I genuinely like Lopunny (Which I admittedly do) but when you look a little deeper into Lopunny’s character, they actually do have more in common with Legend other then aesthetics.
For one, Lopunny evolves via Friendship (Like Espeon and Umbreon) HOWEVER Buneary, Lopunny’s pre evolution, is actually hard to befriend at first, as Wild Buneary always start out with a friendship level of 0, (something usually reserved for Legendary Pokémon) Legend too is a bit rough around the edges and a little hard to get to open up at first, but a loyal companion and friend once he lets people in. As well Lopunny, while not one to go out of it’s way to pick fights, IS a strong and capable fighter, who could hold its own alongside Legend in combat, and much like how Legend has a wide variety of tools in his arsenal, Lopunny is able to learn a wide variety of Moves. Plus both Legend and Lopunny could totally put on one heck of a show if they wanted to.
I would think Legend meets his Lopunny as a Buneary after all his adventures where set and done (But before LU of course) and while they didn’t get along all too well at first, they actually warmed up to each other rather quickly and have become the best of pals since.
Fun Fact: Due to how Pokémon breeding and Egg Groups work, Legend’s Lopunny is able to be siblings with Fable’s partner Pokémon, a Delcatty.
Twilight with Herdier
I wanted to pare Twilight with a Pokémon that would not only work well with his profession as a Rancher, but also not overshadow or replace Epona’s relationship with Twilight, nor the Chains relationship with Wolfie. So I went with Herdier, A loyal and sturdy hard working dog Pokémon that just like real dogs has been working with humans both on and off the farm since ancient times.
Just like Legend and his Pokémon, Twilight meet his Herdier back when it was still just a little Lillipup some time after Twilight Princess, and they do everything together! Work, play, fight, and just overall in joying the simple things in life, Herdier loves to play with the village children, and is happy with its life with Twilight overall.
Fun Fact: Twilight’s Herdier is actually already passed the level when it should have evolved, but hasn’t due to it holding an Everstone, a item that, when held, prevents a Pokémon from evolving even when the conditions for evolution have been met. Herdier has the Everstone because it’s happy as a it is right now, and is in no real rush to evolve, and Twilight respects his Pokémon’s wishes to say a Herdier.
Wind and Clauncher
Again a pretty simple reasoning behind this pairing. Wind loves the Great Sea, the colour blue, and lobsters. Clauncher is a Water type Pokémon that lives in the sea, that is blue, and is a lobster.
Again just like Legend and Twilight, Wind meets his Clauncher after his adventures in Phantom Hourglass, but before LU. Wind loves his Clauncher, and Clauncher does love Wind back, tho that doesn’t mean they don’t get in fights, as Wind and his Clauncher are both hotheads. (Wind taking weeks to get Clauncher to stop attacking Arill’s Wingull, or any Wingull in general for that matter, and being VARY upset with Clauncher during that time. And Clauncher being upset when Wind thinks that he isn’t good enough as a hero or a big brother, despite it being completely untrue, casting Clauncher to become moody with Wind) But they can still both be sincere when it really counts. And will comfort the other when the other is feeling down.
Fun Fact: Wind’s actually had his Clauncher for the same amount of time that Legend and Twilight have had their Pokémon for, but Clauncher has yet to evolve due to Wind lacking the Time to properly train it.
Hyrule with Ribombee
I paired Hyrule with Ribombee due to their similarities. Hyrule is half Fairy, and Ribombee is a duel Fairy type Pokémon. Hyrule is a capable Magic user, and Ribombee is a strong Special Attacker. Hyrule has the ability heal his allies, as so too does Ribombee. Not to mention their both small and cute.
I imagine that Hyrule actually meet his Ribombee as a Cutiefly during his first adventure in Zelda 1, and that while Hyrule was apprehensive about bringing a tiny little Bug Pokémon like Cutiefly on a dangerous quest, Cutiefly did a surprisingly good job holding it’s own against the monsters in the dungeons. And after that, the two have been best buddies ever since.
Fun Fact: Hyrule’s Ribombee has the Ability Honey Gather. Meaning after a battle, Ribombee has a chance of just finding some random honey. Ribombee happily shares this questionable sourced with Hyrule afterwards.
Warriors and Aegislash
Picking out a Pokémon partner for Warriors was the trickiest, I initially thought about giving him a Kingambit, but felt that it didn’t really suit him, as while Warriors does lead an army and is a tactician, I felt that Kingambit’s style of fighting didn’t really suit Warriors. Aegislash however are known to work with people and leaders such as kings, and are known to be good judges of character, which I feel was more fitting. Also I thought it’d be cool to have Warriors use his Aegislash like a sword. (The Pokédex says you shouldn’t do this, but it’s been established that the Pokédex is being written by edgy 12 year olds, and a character did it in one of the mangas, so it should be fine)
Warriors met his Aegislash during the War of Eras, not sure if was already an Aegislash or not tho. Despite the communication barrier between them, the two often do battle planning together, and fight really well together. Aegislash and Warriors a’nt afraid to tell the other off if they were bing stupid, or pushing themselves too far, but also are happy to compliment each other if the other for doing well.
Fun Fact: Warriors Aegislash has a Sassy Nature, meaning it loves bitter foods and hates sweets. Don’t ask me how a sentient ghost sword can eat, it just does.
Wild and his Hisuian Zoroark
And finally we come to Wild and his Zoroark. When I was looking through the Pokédex to see what Mons would fit well with Wild and saw Zoroark, I knew that it would make the perfect partner Pokémon for Wild. A loyal, wild fox Pokémon and master of trickery that will protect its pack no matter what.
Much like the others in the Chain, Wild did not meet his partner as a fully evolved Pokémon, but as a Zorua. But he didn’t meet it as a Hisuian Zorua. They meet each other when they were kids, before Wild had the weight of the world on his shoulders, and back when Zoroark was still a regular Zorua, they became close friends, and where together through thick and thin. Zorua was there when Wild became a knight, Zorua was there Wild when he became Flora’s appointed knight, Zorua was there during the memories, Zorua stood by Wild’s side when Calamity Ganon attacked, Zorua died by Wild’s side during the Battle of Fort Hateno.
And while Link was placed into the Shrine of Resurrection so that he may revive and defeat the Calamity 100 years later, Zorua was not. But Zorua did not need the Shrine of Resurrection. Through the power of they’re hatred for Calamity Ganon, and they’re love for their trainer Wild, Zorua rose from the dead, reborn into the world anew in the form of a Hisuian Zorua. They wanted on the Great Plateau for over a hundred years for Wild to revive, likely evolving during that time. And when Wild finally awoke, it was the happiest day of they’re life. But it was also they’re life, as Wild remembered nothing of his life before the calamity. But even then Zoroark stuck by Wild’s side throughout his adventures in BotW, through thick and thin, and they defeated Calamity Ganon together, along with the Champions, and Zelda. And while the spirits of the Champions and the King passed on afterwards, Zoroark did not, as always Zoroark continued to stand by Wild’s side, through TotK, and Beyond.
The Fun Fact about Wild’s Hisuian Zoroark, is that it uses its power of illusions to help Wild recall his lost memories.
OK! This was a long post but I did it, I hope you all find my progress interesting, and that I did a good enough job of explaining it. If you want to look into this sorta stuff yourself go for it. Sorry for the Wild bias, I hope you have a lovely day/night and goodbye.
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insomnia-moon · 5 months
i care IMMENSELY and need to know the teams the gyms the story and all of it my hands are open my listening ears are on please please please 🤲🏻
kendy, kendy, kendy!! sorry, that this took so long it has been an absolutely wildly busy/burnt out point in my life!!!
@reveluving idk if you’re a big pkmn girly, but i feel like you would love this too 👉🏾👈🏾
i actually made teams for like 8 characters for my batman fics so let me know if you want to see another one for my damian/oc wip. 🥺
for jason and my self-ship oc, bella
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jason would be a dark-type gym leader by day, and definitely the leader of a violent criminal organization by night.
but what he’s doing isn’t too bad! he controls nightclubs, underground battling rings, and casinos like the ones in the game. just like in canon though, he never lets anybody harm children and he’ll hunt down any trainers in his area that are found to be abusive.
he’s tall, tough and scary but he’s sweet to his pokémon. if a kid loses to him at the gym, he won’t even take the prize money, he’ll just buy them ice cream! if teenagers or anyone older loses to his gym, he’ll just donate the prize money to local homeless shelters and places that house less fortunate children and pokémon. (not like he needs it with all of the money he makes.)
i will leave whether or not he kills people to how dark you interpret the universe to be; he would never harm a pokémon, though. anybody else remember when lance straight up murdered a team rocket member in gold/silver?
anyway this is his team!!
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shiny duskull; it’s less of a pokémon he uses for battling and more just his constant companion. it’s his partner, despite being a ghost type because it’s red, masked, represents the grim reaper/death, and is a symbol of scared, crying children.
houndoom: also carries the imagery of death/hell, but it represents and his love for dogs, especially ace the bat-hound!
scrafty: it’s based on street fashion and being a delinquent, rebellious hoodlum, which fits pretty well given jason’s upbringing. duskull is his partner, but scraggy was probably the first pokémon he had.
absol: it’s a protector especially to children but is misunderstood constantly because people think it’s a bad omen of destruction, which reminds me of his reputation :(
honchcrow: it’s a mob boss, there’s not much else to say.
bisharp: wears metallic red armor and the pokédex calls it ruthless and unchanging in expression when it hunts and kills. it also usually has an army of smaller pokémon that do a lot of fighting and cutting down for it.
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my oc isabella works at a bookstore, which is where her romance with jason blossoms. she’s down to earth and represents the every day people of gotham in a way that the batfamily can’t, so she would definitely be a normal type trainer; similar to how lenora in bw runs her normal-type gym out of a library in the back of a museum.
the bookstore however wouldn’t be a certified gym by the league, rather it’s more of a training space for people who want to research and practice more - she’d probably limit herself to one battle a day at the very end of her shift as a way to destress and if you win, you can get any book of your choosing for free!
jason won several times and still paid ‘as a tip’ when they first met, just so she would like him more. When she tried to return it, he only agreed to take it back if he could use it to take her on a date :(
here’s her team:
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maushold: while in my actual stories, she’s comically afraid of mice, she and jason end up having a set of twins girls! plus maushold is just an inside joke with my sister who helps me develop a lot of my batman fanfiction ideas. 🥰
lopunny: because of the way it looks, people forget that lopunny can kick your ass. which is the same as isabella, who isn’t a trained fighter, but could absolutely sock you out. plus, especially with its mega evolution, lopunny takes a lot of inspiration from dancing, and isabella represents the latin side of my heritage, by being a bachatera/salsera! again, this is a love letter to my sister who’s 2nd fav is buneary!
eevee: she’s adaptable! plus, like jason, she loves puppies!
blissey: for her calming, motherly influence! (if trainers were allowed to 7 pokemon, i’d give her a kangaskhan for this too!)
cyclizar: come on. you can’t marry jason todd, without loving motorcycle rides. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
noctowl: her partner! represents her love for books and she’s a night owl, like everyone in gotham!
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front-facing-pokemon · 9 months
prey vs predator eyes is pretty much a myth btw, predator animals can still have eyes on the sides of their head. it's the pupils that show which is which, actually- many prey animals have very large round or flat pupils, but most predators have smaller thin vertical pupils, or their pupils are still round but much smaller. (even that also doesnt really matter between predator and prey... herbivores are more likely to have the "prey" pupils even though some herbivores are at the top of their food chains and arent hunted by anything)
what determines the position of your eyes is actually just where they need to be for the circumstances of your environment, which is why animals like hippos and alligators/crocodiles have side-facing eyes: they don't need to worry about being hunted, because theyre at the top of their food chains, but they have to worry about other members of their species, which can be anywhere around them and might pose a danger to them. same reason sharks have side eyes; they live in the water, and prey and other sharks can be anywhere around them, so they need to be able to see all sides.
so in summary, zekrom doesnt have predator eyes. he just needs to watch out for that bitchass reshiram
this tracks. i also just think calling lopunny a prey animal is very funny. and such like this. something-something cartoon animals but i appreciate the infodump
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↑ speaking of fixations. i've had increased motivation to play pokémon recently bc of the dlc and such but i understand this. hyperfixation is a powerful thing
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hells-wasabii · 7 months
Discussion question, if the Hotel Crew(Charlie Vaggie Angel etc) had pokemon what pokemon do you think they'd have?
Alrighty! So I really like Pokémon so I’m super hyped for this discussion!
So when it comes to Pokémon it’s more like Pokémon you encounter along the way so I can’t really speak too much on Pokémon they’d have on a journey, so I’ll be sticking with partner Pokémon
Please keep in mind these are just my opinions. I’ll also be formatting it and putting it in my Masterlist
Characters: Hotel Residents
Type: Discussion (Hotel Residents main partner pokemon)
Let’s start off with Charlie!
Charlie really gives Shaymin vibes! Between the two different forms and the fact this a generally happy Pokémon that cleans pollution I feel the two would be a good fit. They’d both want to help he’ll become a better place
Vaggie I can see having a dustox to fit her moth aesthetic, though I suppose she’s not a moth is she? No I feel as if a dustox will also match her personal journey, starting as a wurmple when she was an exorcist. A simple case of book not matching it’s cover
As for Angel aesthetic would match up with a lopunny but also because Lopunny tend to be hyper sexualized, but still a pretty decent pokemon to have around! (I had a lopunny on my team in diamond so I might be biased)
Husk would have a meowth or a persian for sure. He grew up in a casino when he was alive so i think that would translate into a pokemon for the gambler. Meowth and persian are both pokemon who are associated with riches and gambling. Not to mention, husk is also a cat. I think that they'd be a pretty decent match.
Alastor is initially a little more tricky in my opinion. At first i thought oh he'd have a rotom since he’s the radio demon, but no, he's not that technologically advance of a character. Instead i went a little more with a different element of his character and paired him with a Bannette
Nifty would definitely have a pokemon who enjoys cleanliness, like a Swablu. They like to clean stuff with the tufts of feathers on their body. I feel like one with the right personality would be a pretty good partner pokemon for niffty.
For Sir Pentious, part of me wants to stick him with an Eggsecute but I feel like he’d have a set of them regardless. So instead I’m giving him Helioptile. It matches his aesthetic to a degree and I can absolutely see him having them help with his machines too
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prof-peach · 2 years
What do you mean when you say Minerva no longer belongs to Peach? Was she traded? Did she not want to be Trainer owned?
Minerva is a fussy Pokemon, she likes things the way she likes them, indulges in fine fabrics, enjoys being brushed and preened, and of course peach has always done this for her, catered to it her entire life, even when money was tight, she would do her best. So much so, she learnt to sew and tailor so she could enjoy new outfits for cheap. Not once has that Pokemon ever had to ask for anything, she’s been adored.
This did not change when grey turned up, he was more fashion forward than peach, and he got along with Minerva, they shared a lot of love for finer things.
And then plum came along. Since she started coming and going from the professors home, she had been drawn to Min, and in turn, the lopunny gravitated to her too. Every time the trio got five minutes to relax, plum would mindlessly brush out her fur, or help her put outfits together. They truly bonded. It has been two years, and they’ve become thick as thieves. When Minerva isnt with her actual trainer working or hanging out, she’s with Plum. This did not go ignored. Peach often looked over at the sofa and saw them flicking through a magazine together, or swiping through fashion blogs on a phone, discussing trends, figuring out new uses for old items once they cycled back into the hottest trends. They clicked. She’d be a fool to ignore it.
And so, knowing plum’s only Pokemon was Missy, a less than strong dragonair with a tendency to get distracted, and the fact that her family was now a well known threat to them all, she decided it was a wise move to perhaps bring the subject of changing Minerva trainer officially. She took her old friend out to the berry fields, normal work, min liked to collect fruits and do these odd jobs, and while they worked, the subject was brought up. Minerva though shocked, wasn’t against it, she would still be able to come and go from the house, she would forever be peach’s darling friend, nothing would truly change, but it was painfully clear that she belonged with the ranger, they got along like a house on fire.
Peach did not tell plum of her plans, instead initiating a battle with her as training, a little fun more than anything else. Missy the dragonair, vs Minerva the lopunny. The poor dragon didn’t stand a chance, outpaced by the normal type. Defeated and somehow not surprised, plum laughed it off, caught unawares by the professor handing her a pokeball and a smooth mega stone for Minerva.
Peach trusts plum to love her partner, to cater to her, and sees that they truly fit as a team. She also knows Minerva will keep her safe should there be an invasion, an attack, or god forbid, her family turn up and start to cause trouble. She feels better knowing that Missy isn’t her only defence.
It is the highest honour peach can possibly bestow, handing one of her beloved personal partners over, trusting her to do right by them. Seeing as she got Minerva as this dusty flea ridden little mess many years ago, and helped her grow into the fabulous, perfect Pokemon she is today, there is a lot of love and respect between the two. Enough to know when it’s time for a change for the better.
Plum of course cried like a baby because she’s like that, nothing surprising, and mega-evolution training has begun, peach no longer needs the skill set, and so she was happy to give her own keystone up, and help the ranger learn to do it safely, it’s become their little weekly event, a tough session sure, but plum enjoys it, and Minerva is happy to spend time with both her partners working hard together.
So while Minerva is still in the house, still around and part of everyone’s life like normal, technically she is plums partner now. A mutual decision. Peach has picked up Riot instead, a midnight lycanroc she travelled Galar with, who is incredibly brutal in nature, and needed more hands on time.
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zstargalaxy · 2 years
Hello! could we please see part 2 of Litleo!mc pleeease
Grown Up Cheka x Pyroar MC
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Continuation to this post : Part 1
All throughout your life you know that you were missing something...you were missing them.
Though you were young at the time, those lingering memories of magic, Overblot, Chaos and friends back in Twisted Wonderland had never left your mind.
So your determination, sweat and tears were finally paid off when you had caught found one of a way back to Twisted Wonderland during your journey to catch Giratina.
With Giratina's help, you were able to come travel between two worlds while also being able to reconnect with old friends from long ago.
You couldnt believe how much they have change.
And they couldnt believe how much YOU had change.
To think that the small little tyke from tem years ago has grown into a fine yet fierce young lady with already having a reputation as one of the strongest trainers in her home region.
Though they were shock and confused when you had told them that you were now a Pyroar, the evolve form of Litleo.
With some explanation, and a (mixed emotions) conclusion that it is similar to Puberty, they all congratulate you as they remmebered how you always wish to become a strong Pyroar twelve years ago while you in return congrats them with their own accomplishments aswell.
Like Riddle becoming a renowned Healer while also having some freedom of his own from he's mom, Deuce becoming a Law Enforcer, Azul becoming a great businessman, Kalim becoming the head of his family's own business, Jamil's Travelling, Epel helping with he's family's farm and so on.
Lilia sobbed that he no longer can adopt you like he had tried numerous times when you were still a little Litleo all those years ago with Malleus, Sebek and Silver holding him back from getting those adoption papers.
Speaking of Lilia, he was touch when he had meet your Noivern, Lily, who you had raised from a little Noibat.
Atleast it was self explanatory to you why you subconsciously name her Lily...
Well, atleast Malleus would take a look at how a dragon-type looks like from yoir world.
All of them had the privilege to see your full team as they gaze in wonder and suprise at how strong these pokemon are, especielly since it would be considerd great feat with magical and special creatures that arent normal can be hard to tame here.
Delfox, Persian, Mightyena, Midday Form Lycanrock, Noivern and Lopunny are the members of your team, and now Grim, who has been under Crewel-Senpei's car for the past twelve years, is gonna join the team now that you had come back to him.
He and Persian would probably rivals for your attention.
Leona cant help but swell in pride at how far you have gone since he had last saw ya.
You and the Savannaclaw Trio would probably have one of the most wholesome Reunion ever.
Ruggie messed with your hair as commented how the little cub had finally gotten her claws, chuckling to you that you were so adorable and troublesome back then~
You and Jack quickly became proper sparing partners, interested on how battles work for gijinkas like you back at your home world.
Even though he didnt show it through that tired and smirking face, he is proud on how far you are now, from a Litleo to a Pyroar, and that you have a strong team with ya to make sure of it.
"Better not to let your guard down, Cub."
"Wouldnt think of it, Mister Pyroar~"
Ruggie is really rubbing of ya.
Yet Leona isnt exactly prepared for when you and he's nephew meet again.
Cheka was practically jumping physically and mentally in joy when he was told that you had come back.
He knew that you werent just a figment of he's childhood imagination!
He literally pounce and hug onto you like there was no tomorrow with great strength that he had gotten over training.
Oh Arcerus, he has grown.
He has a lean yet a very built frame, matured yet recognizable face features and he's signature fiery hair has grown to the same length as that of he's Father and Uncle.
Two of you hit it off immediately once again just like when you two were kids.
You even meet he's two other friends, a Warthog and Meerkat beastman, during a tour through the Afterglow Savanah.
The three boys quickly were amazed at your pokemon when you show them, eyes shined in awe at how marvelous and powerful your partners are.
You even decided to show them how a Pokemon battles like with your partners and your own self.
The only words they could muster is wow.
Cheka knew that you were interasting from the start! And now look at you!
You two decided to even prank your other two friends by stalking like predators in the blades of grass and than pounce on them, making the meerkat and warthog scream in shock and horror.
The four of you ended up in a game of chase with you and Cheka riding ontop of Noivern as a result.
Falena and he's wife chuckled at the sight of you two being so close, already knewing of whats to come next in the near future.
It kinda reminds them on how they used to be before they were married.
For old times sake, during a small outing in a near by lake with lush greenary, you use ember on some uncook barbecue and gave one to Cheka as you gave some of the rest to your pokemon.
That trick was and still is the best.
Cheka decided to play a little trick on you, by swinging onto the lake and pulled you in once you had look for him in the body of water.
As a fire-type, it wasnt exactly easy nor good to bath nor swim in water so you quickly came back up the surface in a wet state as Cheka came along after with he's hair sticking to he's face.
You playfully glared and push him back onto the waters as you remove your hairband to fix your hair.
The heir couldnt stop staring at your current state of wet yet slick hair and soft facial features as you comb your hair and put it back up as a ponytail.
"Take a picture it will last longer"
Your teasing caused you and Cheka to have another chasing game until he had pounce and made you two roll down a small hill and then onto soft grass.
Laughter and chuckles filled the air that came from the two of you as you stayed in your postion of Cheka being above you and you being below him.
You two stayed there for a few moments, enjoying the peaceful surroundings and taking a breather from the chase you two had.
Cheka was quickly pulled back when he was kissed at cheek, you chuckling at he's adorable reaction until he returned the gesture.
The silent area didnt need words to tell that the two of you are enamored with eachother ;)
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rozetheeuwu · 4 months
Flowers can bloom any season, day or night.
Edit: Finally posted it on Ao3
Summary: Miles defeats Sirius in Belrose mansion, but hears Laura screaming upstairs. What will he do?
Characters: Miles Moore (OC), Laura Belrose, Saphira Belrose, Sigmund Connal, Sirius (Paul Clark)
Miles's pokemon are all pink colored, so the pokemon he has are already pink or the shinies are pink.
His mons nicknames for this section: Siren (Primarina), Blossom (Lilligant), Flowercrown (Comfey), King (Pyroar), Prince (Lopunny), Mouse (Alolan-Raichu)
Not beta read.
Wordcount: 2821
“Energy Ball!” 
Chandelure’s purple flames shone brightly as it fired a ball of energy at Miles’s Primarina.
“Siren!” Miles shouted out in worry, but his Primarina took the hit and shook off the damage. His shiny pink hue was dirtied by the damage he received, but he still stood strong “Pri!”
Miles sighed in relief before commending one final attack “Hyper Voice! Let’s finish this!” Siren let out a deafening sound of waves, his ability turning it into water type.
The attack knocked out the Chandelure in one go, taking out the Meteor Admin’s last Pokemon.
“Blasted…” Sirius muttered under his breath before returning his pokemon “So you still have fight in you.”
Siren stood next to Miles as he glared down at Sirius, however both of their eyes widened when they heard a scream from upstairs. Everyone in the room turned to look at the hallway that led upstairs “Laura?!” Miles shouted, but he got no reply.
“Oh?” Sirius said “After an ocean of ill-tidings, fortune smiles on me after all.” He turned to look at Miles again with a smug smile “It sounds like someone upstairs has been hurt.”
Miles continued to look at the hallway with a nervous and worried expression, Sirius continued "So, will you rush upstairs to help her, and let me do as I please?” a small pause before he continued “Or will you abandon your friend to keep me fast in place.”
A choice, a painfully difficult choice. Miles looked down at the floor.
Something bad happened to Laura and the twins are left defenseless, but he can’t possibly leave Charlotte and Shelly alone. Even if Sirius and the orderlies have been defeated, those two kids would easily be overpowered by three adults.
He clenched his fist, his eyes closed shut, Siren frowning as he held his trainer’s hand. He couldn’t save them all, someone had to be there to help him-
Miles' eyes opened and he looked up, Saphira had appeared. 
Suddenly his thoughts got back in order and his body moved, he ran towards the staircase “Siren, stay here and help Saphira if needed!” “Pri!” Siren got into position, He probably should have given Saphira some kind of warning, but he didn’t have the time.
When he reached the top he saw Laura paralyzed on the floor. “Laura!” His voice was filled with worry, he kneeled down and grabbed her gently, he sent out his Comfey “Com?” 
“Flowercrown, help her!” The pokemon nodded and started to use Floral Healing. “M-Miles, he attacked me before I could do anything… The twins… Q-quickly.” Laura muttered, still in pain. Miles nodded and gently put her down before running to the end of the hall.
“Stop!” He shouted. There Sigmund was, his Electivire next to him, ready to enter the last room. He frowned “You… I had hoped they would’ve been able to stall you longer. I almost had them.”
Miles glared at him “Step aside from there, Sigmund. You’re not welcome here.” Sigmund raised an eyebrow “And what authority do you think you have over me?” he asked, his voice calm and cold.
Miles kept his composure as best as possible “You broke into this house and attacked one of the residents living here. You have no authority here.” Sigmund crossed his arms “I have authority over the children you kidnapped and took here.” Miles huffed “You have no proof of them being here.”
Sigmund stepped closer “Charlotte her sisters live here, you’re here. I believe it’s very likely that the children you took are here.” 
"Likely, which means you don’t know for sure.” Miles argued back.
Sigmund stared Miles directly in his eyes without saying another word. Miles doesn’t realize he’s holding his breath.
“...” Sigmund stayed quiet, he then turned to the door to open it up. “Stop!” Yelled Miles, he reached for his pokeballs “Or I’ll use force.” He didn’t want to. He doesn’t like using force, he doesn’t like violence. 
…But these kids had to be protected from Sigmund. The doctor stopped for a second before opening the door, he made eye contact with the twins. Both of their eyes widened.
Miles grabbed his Lilligant’s pokeball and sent her out, the pokemon remembered the doctor from their previous encounter and got into battle position. “Last chance.” he threatened “I’ve defeated you before, I’ll do it again.” Sigmund turned back to look at him, he stared for a moment before smiling and turning back fully to Miles. Miles' confidence dropped as Sigmund approached. “If I recall you faced the orderlies downstairs, and I believe I heard Sirius’s voice not soon after as well.” Miles took one step back as Sigmund took one step forwards. “It’s true that you have defeated me before, but I believe your pokemon are in no condition to fight me.” His gaze lingered towards the end of the hall.
“I knew I couldn’t defeat Laura so I made sure she would be unable to battle me, my team is healthy.” Miles backed up against the wall “So tell me, Miles. How are you able to defeat me in your current state?” He’s right. Although none of Miles’s pokemon fainted against Sirius, King, Mouse and Prince were still very injured. Siren is downstairs, Comfey was treating Laura. Blossom was the only one who did not have to go out to fight before and was at full strength, but she couldn’t possibly take Sigmund’s team up alone.
He couldn’t protect these kids.
…How could he protect his own siblings if he can’t even do that?
Miles looked down defeated, Sigmund huffed “As I thought.” he turned back towards the room “You can’t face me, now if you’ll-” “H-he won’t have to face you alone.” Both of the men turned towards the other end of the hall and saw Laura approaching. Flower Crown held onto her, keeping her steady as it still used Flower Healing, next to Laura was her own Lilligant.
Sigmund let out an annoyed sigh and Miles looked worried “Laura, are you alright?”
Laura smiled at Miles “Y-yeah… I’ll be fine.” her movements were a little slow but she stood next to Sigmund. “I’ll ask you again doctor, please leave my house.”
Miles had regained his confidence, even if his pokemon were weakened he knew Laura would easily be able to back him up. Sigmund looked at the pink-haired duo before taking a step back from the room. “...I can tell when a battle has been lost.” he sounded bitter. He started to walk past them, his Electivire following him “...Lizzy… Lizzy what do I do…?”
Miles and Laura looked at each other with some confusion. 
“Is everyone okay?” Anna walked out of the room, followed by her brother “Anna, I told you to stay hidden until we knew they were gone!”
Sigmund stopped in his tracks as the twins walked out of the room “Electivire, 150 volts on Noel and Anna.”
The twins looked in horror as the Electrivire approached them quickly and shot an electric shock their way. “No!” Miles jumped in front of them and got hit with it, he fell forwards onto the floor.
“Miles!” Laura exclaimed, her eyes widened in fear. Miles’s Comfey and Lilligant tried to rush to help their trainer. “Grab him.” The Electrivire grabbed Miles by his ponytail and dragged him away. Blossom and Flowercrown growled “L-let him go!” Laura demanded, her Lilligant rushed forward as well, Sigmund looked at them and spoke up “Don’t try anything now, you don’t want to accidentally hurt your friend in the process do you?” The Electrive held up the unconscious trainer in front of it. 
Everyone froze, Miles’s pokemon were growling still but they didn’t want to risk their training getting caught in the crossfire. Sigmund stared at Miles “You’re not who I wantedLizzy what do I do with him… You’re right… You’re right.” Sigmund looked back at the three trainers in front of him “I know I can’t take you children back with me right now, but I’ll take this one with us so that next time there will be one less obstacle in the way.”
“Hey you can’t take him!” Anna shouted, Noel just stood next silently to her and held her hand to comfort her.
Sigmund turned around and started to walk away to the nearest window to escape out of.
Downstairs, Sirius’s transceiver went off.
“You… Captured Miles? Very well, it’s better than leaving empty handed.”
Siren let out a panicked cry, Saphira looked confused “Miles?” Sirius glared at her “That’s my cue to leave, I’ll look forward to NOT seeing you again.”
With that Sirius and the orderlies retreated, Saphira waited for them to be gone “Sigmund…” No, not now. She had to check on her siblings “Charlotte, Laura?! "Where are you?!”
Charlotte called out to her “Saphira! We’re in the kitchen, is the coast clear?” Saphira wanted to run over to the kitchen before she heard Laura call out “Saphira!” She turned around and saw Laura tumbling off the hallway, the twins and Miles’s pokemon behind her. She limped over to her sister.
Siren rushed over to his teammates who explained what happened to him. The three pokemon slumped down sadly, unsure what to do.
“Saphira…” Saphira grabbed her younger sister “What happened to you?” She asked, “T-The doctor didn’t even try to fight… He just straight up attacked me, but that’s not- Miles he-” Laura started to tear up, Saphira gently grabbed her face and wiped the tears away. “They took Miles, I know.”
Saphira hugged her younger sister as she started to silently cry. Charlotte and Shelly ran out of the kitchen, Charlotte upon seeing her sister cry walked over and put a hand on Laura’s back in a comforting manner.
“T-The doctor he attempted to shock the- The twins, but Miles jumped in front of them and then he- I-I was supposed to protect the twins, but because I couldn’t Miles- Miles he-”
Saphira held Laura close “It’s okay… It’s okay… I’ll get him back.”
The two pulled away from each other, Laura wiped away her own tears this time “I-I’ll come along.” She said, Charlotte put her hand on Laura’s shoulder “Me too, Miles saved me once so I think it’s time to return the favor.”
“No, you two are staying back. Laura got hurt already and I’m not letting you get hurt as well Charlotte.” Charlotte crossed her arms and huffed “Ugh, fine. Kick their asses for me.”
Saphira smiled at her “Of course, first I have to figure out where they went.” 
“They might not be too far from here.” Laura said “A little while ago a group of similarly dressed men began constructing all that machinery in Tanzan Mountain.” She explained, her older sister nodded, “Good, then I’ll go there, rip their faces off, take back Miles and tear their base down.” Saphira started to walk towards the door “Stay here everyone.” Laura and the kids stayed put, but Miles’s pokemon followed her immediately. 
Laura frowned, she wished she could go to help Miles. The conversation she had with him before he left to Spinel Town played in her head again.
“I wish I was more like my sister. When she was 18 she acted much more like an adult than I do now.” Laura said as she poured Miles some tea before he left. “Really? I think you act quite mature for your age.” He said with a comforting smile “Thanks for the tea!” Laura smiled back “You’re welcome!” She poured her own tea before continuing “...Thank you saying that, by the way… I try my hardest. I just feel like I should be more mature than I am right now.”
Miles let out a soft laugh “Laura turned 18 only recently. You may technically be an adult, but you’re still a teenager.” Laura looked at him, appreciation written all over her face. As they drank their tea Laura remembered the first time they met in Obsidia park “Miles,I believe when we first met you mentioned that you are the guardians of your own siblings. May I ask you about them?” Miles looked surprised for a second before nodding “Sure, go ahead.”
“...How involved are you in their lives?” she asked, “With my two youngest siblings I’m very close. One is a toddler and the other… Well he doesn’t have any friends so I’m the only one he’s got. I was hoping moving somewhere else would help him make some more friends. Then there’s… Rose.” Miles smiled sadly as he looked at his tea 
Laura leaned closer, curious after the sudden shift in tone “Are you two… Not close?” Miles sighed “We used to be close, but… Well she’s a teenager and I guess they always are looking to be independent but recently she’s been pushing me away a lot.” His sad smile turned into a frown. “At first I thought I was just being overprotective and gave her some more space until one day she yelled that I shouldn’t have to be the one to look after her, that it’s not fair to me or her or our two brothers.” Miles continued “Our parents were all messes, different moms and dads, some of them are alive but can’t or won’t take care of us… So I chose too be the parent in my sibling their lives..”
Laura looked at him before looking down at the reflection in her drink “I see…” She took another sip from her tea. “I think I understand how your sister feels.”
Miles looked at her “Yeah?”  Laura nodded “Saphira has always looked out for us in the orphanage, but it was at the extent of her own well being. Sure she wasn’t allowed to take us with her, but she’s made multiple attempts. I want to look after her the same way she has looked after Charlotte and I…” She clutched her cup a bit tighter. “Everytime I ask if she needs help or wants to talk about anything that bothers her she tells me not to worry about her and to just let her take care of me.”
Laura let out a defeated sigh “Even though I’m an adult now she still tries to act like my mother. I don’t want her to be my mother, I want her to be my sister.” tears welled up in her eyes “I try my best… I do the cooking, cleaning, groceries so she doesn’t have to, but… I just wish I could be there for her.”
Miles stared at her silently before extending his hand to her “Hey, Laura.” She looked down at his hand and then at him. She put her hand in his, he put his other hand over hers and held it tightly 
“Laura, you being here with her right now is already helping her so much. The fact that one of her sisters is now safe and with her again must have already lifted so much worry and stress from her shoulders.”
Laura slowly smiled again “Thank you, Miles.”
“...” Laura’s frown turned into a determined look “Saphira, wait! I’m coming with you!” Her older sister was halfway through the door but stopped and turned around. “I already told you, no. You were hurt once, I’m not gonna let it happen again.” Laura ran up to her “And I’m telling you that this is what I want!” 
Saphira frowned “Laura please.” Laura still looked determined “Miles is the first friend I made since leaving the orphanage. Although I haven’t known him for long, he means a lot to me and I want to help him!” 
Saphira put her hand on her younger sister’s shoulder “Look, I get that. He’s your friend and he saved Charlotte, so I want to help him out, but I don’t want to see you hurt anymore.” Laura put her own hadn over her sister’s “I don’t want to see you hurt either.”
Saphira sighed “You don’t have to worry about me.” Laura removed her sister’s hand “Yet I do. Saphira, I’m an adult now. I can make my own decisions, and I’m choosing to come help you out and save my friend.” Saphira looked her sister in the eyes, the determination she hadn't seen from her sister before, yet the loving and caring nature of Laura was written all over her little sister’s face. Saphira smiled as she felt a sense of pride.
“Very well.” The older sister said “But if things get too dangerous you’re leaving, got it?” Laura smiled at her “Deal!” Laura turned to her younger sister and the other kids “We’ll be back soon!”
As they closed the door behind them Miles’s Comfey wrapped itself around Laura’s neck and his Lilligant grabbed her hand, Siren stood next to Saphira. She giggled “Alright you three, we’re gonna save Miles!”
Saphira grabbed her other hand and they went off to save Miles.
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pokege-ne-project · 8 months
(shaymincafe) Shaymes @ Pop: So what made you decide to move to the city? Was it because of the people? The experiences? Accessibility? Or were you just trying to do something new?
"Heyyyy, g'evenin'! Thanks for sayin' hi." The Lopunny didn't seem like they would lose steam any time soon. "That can be a longer bit of story, but hey, we got time!"
Pop cleared their throat a bit and started. "Once upon a time, little ol' Pop just left a mean Trainer, not e'erybody's one, mind ya, but this guy sucked! He ain't the focus though, anyway! The only reason he matters 'ere is that I was in Pinwheel Forest at the time. 'Course, only knowin' that I was in that big city a bit ago, I jus' booked it! Don't think I ever ran that fast ever b'fore."
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"Hey, maybe th' bridge was maybe welcomin' me home!" The Lopunny laughed hard, but it didn't seem to be 'at' it. "It's still home now, even if I'm now way up north o' it. Hopefully it'll welcome me back when it's good to."
Ask hints have been updated!
@shaymincafe, @pokeask-magi-retreat
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whichuniverseisthis · 7 months
It's THAT chapter. Beware of spoilers!
First - Vs Lopunny
Previous - Final dimentional duel II
Next - Final dimentional duel IV
Last - Final dimentional duel XI
Chapter 17 / Chapter 433
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At this point point I won't analyze anything anymore, I'll just point out stupid stuff like her "Hooray!" over her completely serious face.
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I still find amazing that "time", "space" and "matter" were already listed as Pryce's, Lance's and Giovanni's objectives back in the GSC arc, when the fourth gen games didn't even exist yet. I don't know how long did it take for Johto to finish its run, but I highly doubt it ended anywhere after 2005.
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My favorite part of these two in the manga is that Volkner isn't depressed, he's just a piece of shit who likes to make fun of others. And they totally did stuff together.
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A little bit of Pearl appreciation who can understand Giratina's movements right away. I would be terrified at the idea of challenging that thing.
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This is the part where I say: oh no. Actually, the protagonist of the book I'm reading does exactly this, which is a pretty funny coincidence.
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Dia, no, go back, Dia-
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Goddammit. Yes, I'm putting this entire scene, fuck you.
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This is the part where my heart broke in a thousand pieces all over again. Pearl only wants to hear Dia joke so badly. He wants to see the life in him. He just wants to have fun with him. This is the part where you remember they're just kids, not even strong trainers like Red or Green. And yet they're forced to fight and basically die.
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Knowing what comes after, the characterization they gave Regigigas is so cool. A Pokémon that was asked to keep the peace, and following the instruction to the bitter end.
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peachypede · 1 year
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Been a while since I've redrawn the centiskorch hybrid Pecha! This au was big on my old blog, and I missed it, so I wanted to do a new version now.
Gonna finish up the Galvantula Emmet I made for this au (and add on Ingo as well who is a chandelure hybrid)
Some more info under the cut
Calhoun is a very incomplete centiskorch hybrid in this au (he has no physical showing traits, only a tolerance for heat and a stomach that can handle raw bug). He had no idea that he even carried the gene until Pecha was born. Pecha's mother was disgusted by her but stayed to see if she could have a normal baby, but Rawst came out with sharp teeth and fire antennae still, so she left Cal with the kids.
There's still some bigotry towards hybrids in my version of the hybrid au. Hybrids who have more cute looking features like Lopunny or Emolga can usually get normal jobs, but hybrids that have more unsettling features usually only find jobs that are "out of sight, out of mind"
In Pecha's case, she's a tucked away seamstress for a small boutique, fixing up dresses and such while tucked away in a closet space of a room. She often looks down on the streets below, watching couples and wishing she could find someone someday.
Although Cal raised her with a lot of love, Pecha thinks she'll never find love again due to how creepy the normal person finds her centipede lower half.
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fated-normal-767 · 5 months
Pokemon Au for theproject . I think Kronos would one day find like an esprit in a box on the side of the road or something and just absolutely adore it for a few months before being manipulated into giving it up since having a psychic type known for its loyalty makes it a lot more difficult to manipulate the man . After that he’d probably just use temporary rental teams (and accidentally still form bonds with them because even if he knows they aren’t his he still feels cared for y’know? and be really sad when they have to give them back)
He would also own a litwick . Yes, he knows it’s draining his life force he just doesn’t care .
Oulixes would own a growlithe because of how obedient they are .
Dalilah would own a buneary that knows frustration . Buneary is a part of a friendship evolution line but starts at 0 friendship . The fact that it isn’t evolved despite probably being Dalilah’s starter is telling . (She quickly moved onto furrets and linoons) . Frustration also gets stronger the lower the friendship so, as you can assume, it’s at full power .
( though perhaps it would be more in character for her to fake friendship for the sake of evolving it ? Perhaps a lopunny that learns return would be even more chilling in a dramatic irony sort of way .)
You’re so right about Kronos, as per usual you are perhaps ceo of understanding that man. I think oulixes would have a houndoom also. I think it’d be really in character for dalilah to have a lot of pokemon that are basically small animals and then one thing that’s known to be terrifying or something but Yeagh. I love the idea of using the friendship mechanic for it also.
the only one I know a full team for is yuki because I have always associated her with fairy type Pokémon.
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almilcery · 3 months
I have something in the works of a very minor AU for this franchise (plus an AU of the AU I am currently hyperfixating on that has many of the same lore + all of the headcanons & changes but is still quite different, however no one is here for that).
There are many things different between this and the actual games, but the lore is relatively the same (just the main protags of each region are the same person in this instead, as all of them were replaced by an OC of mine created because I always used the same name for all my playthroughs).
It mainly just changes certain ‘mon's typings (and also sometimes abilities) and throws in some of my headcanons, a decent chunk being from others that I have since adopted.
(ideas under the read more so you aren't blasted with something you don't want on your feed):
That's enough insight, now to my changes (as that's really all that's different):
First off, the Pokémon changes:
Gen 1
Charizard is now Fire/Dragon (the point of dragon-types in gen 1 is irrelevant)
Blastoise is now Water/Steel
Male & Female Nidoran are now the same pokemon, just with major gender differences + different evo lines
Hitmonchan must instead evolve from Tyrogue by having higher attack than defense at level 20, while the opposite is for Hitmonlee at the same level
Gen 2
Meganium is now Grass/Ground (an idea from Woop on YouTube)
Johtonian Typhlosion is now Fire/Rock (it's the Volcano Pokemon, what did you expect?)
Feraligatr is now Water/Dark
Feraligatr is now Feraligator cause no more 10-letter character limit, baby
Sunflora is now Grass/Fire (another idea from Woop)
The Blissy line is now Normal/Fairy
Gen 3
Sceptile is now Grass/Dragon
Volbeat & Illumise are now Bug/Electric (Woop)
Milotic is now Water/Dragon
The Dusknoir line is now Ghost/Dark
Chimecho is now Psychic/Steel (Again, Woop)
Gen 4
Luvdisc now evolves into Amomoloma with max friendship
Milotic is now Water/Dragon
Luxray is now Electric/Dark
Lopunny is now Normal/Fighting (it's no longer exclusive to the Kalos Mega Evo)
Lopunny no longer has Klutz as an ability
Gen 5
Serperior is now Grass/Dragon (plus a few more Dragon-type moves despite having 6 as of gen 9)
Samurott is now Water/Rock (receiving a wider movepool if it doesn't have enough rock-type moves already like I'm pretty sure is the case)
The Liepard line is now Normal/Dark
Audino is pure Fairy instead of pure Normal
Maractus is now Grass/Water
The Eelektross line is now Electric/Water
Amomoloma is now Water/Fairy
Fraxure and Haxorus are now Dragon/Steel
Druddigon is now Dragon/Rock
Gen 6
Florges is now Grass/Fairy
The Gogoat line is now Normal/Grass
The Heliolisk line is now Electric/Ground
Gen 6 (technically)
Fairy-types have always been a type acknowledged since actual research by professors on them began
Gen 7
Tsareena is now Grass/Fighting (& could probably get more fighting-type moves along with that change)
Gen 8
Cinderace is now Fire/Fighting (like I thought it was until at least a week ago)
The Eldegoss line is now Grass/Fairy
The Grapploct line is now Water/Fighting (like I initially assumed)
The entire Hatterene line is now Psychic/Fairy instead of it just being Haterrene
Now onto the headcanons (some of which are still brewing):
Giovanni is definitely at least engaged to Rocket Admin Ariana, even having a neglected kid with her (*ahem,* Silver, *ahem*)
Agatha of the Kantonian Elite Four and Bertha of the Sinnohan Elite Four are sisters
Melony is Drayden's sister (iirc you can be American while being the sibling of someone who is British due to how America works)
Melony is the mother of Unova's Subway Bosses, with Gordie and the twins being half-brothers
The subway twins are trans and aro-ace
The subway twins are also autistic, but it's more visible in Emmet as Ingo masks and is way better at that than he should be (even if some traits still shine through, like rambling about certain things and also zero volume control)
Iris is actually Galarian and the cousin of Galarian Champion Leon as well as his little brother, Hop (she's canonically not initially from Unova)
Given Iris' incredibly close bond with Drayden—which gave him the honorary title of "Grandpa" by her (as Drayden was the one who helped her after he brought her to Unova), Drayton of the BB League Elite Four has an honorary cousin (so do the subway twins + Gordie but shush)
And to separate past from present, here's some Hisui heacanons:
Professor Laventon is an ancestor of Leon and Hop (and I guess also Iris in that case)
Professor Laventon is Galarian himself
The Survey Corps' Leader, Cylene, is the ancestor of Galactic Leader, Cyrus
Warden Arezu isn't just an ancestor of Galactic Commander Mars, but also Rocket Admin Ariana and thus Johtonian Rival Silver
Warden Lian is an ancestor of Ground-type Gym Leader Clay (+ Lacey of the BB League Elite Four)
Clan Leader Adaman and Irida are both ancestors of Sinnohan Photographer Perrin (no one would be better for the man than his former rival since the whole "Almighty Sinnoh" feud has finally been resolved between them)
Mai is an ancestor of Sinnohan Marley (she looks fucking identical to her, so how couldn't she be?)
Sabi is an ancestor of Sinnohan Cheryl
Gaeric is an ancestor of Kalosian Ice-type Gym Leader Wulfric
Misfortune Sister Charm an ancestor of both Agatha and Bertha
Misfortune Sister Clover is an ancestor of Sinnohan Ice-type Gym Leader Candice
Misfortune Sister Coin is an ancestor of Galactic Commander Saturn
Melli is openly bisexual (even with potential stigma during the 1800s), but because of his self-centered personality and horrible, horrible attitude towards everyone but Adaman, no one wants his ass
Kamado's wife left him years before the events of Legends: Arceus took place with their then unborn kid (yes, they only had one kid who eventually led to Professor Rowan; suck it, bitch)
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antihibikase2 · 6 months
From across the field, Slater holds a Pokeball close to his chest. Steadying his cold breaths, he flashes a nervous smile to his partner- who now serves as his opponent, his teacher in the art of battle.
“Please be nice.”
“Don’t worry,”
His glasses shone under the summer sun, a hint of mischief in his tone. 
He knew Slater would get upset if he held back- and Slater, as much of a liar as he was, would poorly hide how a loss affected him, with flushed cheeks and a thinly-veiled lie.
Regardless of how this battle would end, Descante would get what he wanted- but, realistically, he felt that the battle would go in his favor.
“I’m very nice.”
[ Battle! Vs. Slater ]
They sent out a pair of mirror images- Descante’s Tornadus against Slater’s own.
Through the mighty roars of the beasts and the howling beasts, it’s unknown to any spectator whose voice resounds.
“Knock off!”
The same two commands are repeated twice for each trainer; and as soon as they appear, the soon they pivot out of the field.
Taking his Tornadus’ place, Slater’s Rotom whirls out of its Pokeball and into the battle, leaving a trail of static and droplets of water. 
“Washy! Hydro Pump!”
A swirl of sand forms around Descante as he calls out his next Pokemon. 
“Hippowdon! Stealth Rock!”
After one Hydro Pump follows another in quick succession- and Descante’s Hippowdon is out of commission.
He flicks his glasses, adjusting them to his face. “Wait- how do I,” He holds onto his headphones, still clinging on the side of his head. “How do I deal with Rotom-?”
“I don’t know!” Slater cries in a panic, holding his cardigan around himself in the midst of a sandstorm. “You picked this team for me!”
“Oh, I did,”
He grabs onto the next Pokeball in his belt, sending out his Stoutland, undeterred by the weather conditions.
“Washy, come back!”
“Stoutland, Return!”
“Bunny, go-!”
She doesn’t get a chance to Mega Evolve, either. Mimicking her trainer’s panic, Bunny is caught off guard as Stoutland rams into her, sending her flying and crashing against the walls.
Stoutland shakes its head from the impact, a silly little smile plastered on his face as the other Pokemon is recalled.
Descante is barely able to hold back an amused smirk. It was adorable to see both Slater and his Lopunny flustered. “Well, Doggy fell in love it seems. I would have too.”
“That’s not funny!” Slater squeaked out, cheeks flushed red as he sent Tornadus to the field. “I panicked!”
“You did. And it seems you’re still quite nervous,” 
Stoutland shakes off whatever lingering thoughts it had about Slater’s Lopunny, ramming into the legendary without much of an effort. Amusingly, it’s blown into the spot just next to where Bunny left a dent- this time leaving a hole.
“Lesson number one, angel- always keep your cool.”
Holding the side of his face with one hand and a Pokeball in the other, Slater murmured. “Easy for you to say. All this, and you still have time to be cool- mentally and physically."
“You flatter me.”
In his flustered state, he sends out a Pokemon befitting the situation. 
Magearna twirls into the field as the sandstorm subsides, its rabbit-like ears clicking like the antennae of a bug-Pokemon. Perhaps it was trying to calm its trainer.
“Stoutland, go.”
“Let’s, um,” Slater pats his own face, trying to steady himself. “Okay, let’s see where my luck takes me now. Um, Focus Blast-!”
It withstands the attack, pointed feed skidding through the soil and leaving a trail on the grass. 
Before Stoutland can retreat to its position, the cannon in front of its face fully charges- and Stoutland is blown away, just as it had with Slater’s other two Pokemon.
This does little to deter Descante- his angel, thankfully, was lucky. The last thing he wanted was a one-sided beatdown.
“Good, good,” He takes another Pokeball. “I suppose you can make up for inexperience with faith.”
“It’s all I have, you know.”
Tornadus is once again sent out on the field.
“Heat Wave!”
In a show of irony, Descante’s attack misses.
In the split second he was utterly dumbfounded by the comedic timing of it all, Slater pointed his finger at the Tornadus. “Dolly, Ice Beam!”
A thin laser of ice blows through the field, striking the heart of Tornadus.
He sees Slater smiling a little behind his sleeve-clad hand.
“..faith, huh?”
“That-” He adjusts his glasses again, trying to hide his own embarrassed expression with his hair. “That was a cruel joke.”
“Now that’s funny.”
A Beast Ball is sent out next- he had gotten Slater “acquainted” with the Ultra Beasts much earlier on, so as to not completely overwhelm him with their presence in their battle.
But perhaps, that was a mistake on Descante's part as well.
He had expected the piercing rocks to instantly one-shot the automaton- but, holding onto a single glimmer of hope, Magearna persisted, its cannon ready once more.
“Volt Switch!”
With that, Slater takes down three of Descante’s Pokemon in a row- at the cost of Soul-Heart being reset.
Slater’s own Hippowdon emerges, setting up the Sandstorm once more.
“Remain focused,”
Was it to himself, or to Slater? It didn’t matter.
“I can still win.”
Toxapex takes the stage, a little creature many in Descante’s college were fond of, despite its cruelty to Corsola. 
“Stealth Rock!”
“Toxic! Then Scald!”
Toxapex hurls a purple pile of sludge at Hippowdon, immediately followed by a burst of boiling water. 
Finally, Descante’s last Pokemon was forcefully sent to the field. 
Another angel just like the one standing across the field, Nihilego.
Descante raises an eyebrow. 
“Sludge Wave.”
Resisted, as expected. But with the buildup of Toxic, and another Sludge Wave, Hippowdon would be no more- and both Nihilego and Toxapex could make do with the rest of Slater’s party.
That was the plan.
And unlike Slater’s Magearna, Nihilego faints in an instance, its body nearly shattering into a thousand pieces of glass.
Droplets of venom splatter on the field, nearly brushing against Descante’s cheek.
Wide-eyed and mouth agape, Descante could not help but raise his voice in wonder at the sight of Slater, who seemed to have realized something.
Victory was in his grasp.
“Your Hippowdon-” He sputters. “It runs Earthquake?”
“Um, yes-”
“It-” Slater waves his hands around. “Um, I had a battle before, it was against a Clefable- long story short, she didn’t have any attacking moves and all Clefable did was stall, so-”
In the midst of his amazement, Toxapex returns to the field, his last Pokemon standing.
“Baneful Bunker.”
The next Earthquake that Slater hastily commands doesn’t hit.
He knew he was going to repeat that action- and by that next turn, Hippowdon would succumb to the effects of Toxic.
Still, he had three remaining, one of which was-
“Earthquake, your last one!"
Hippowdon’s last hurrah barely left an impact. His Rotom once again appears, but just as Descante plans his next move-
“Volt Switch!”
Steel was immune to Toxic- but Magearna faints upon arrival, courtesy of the rocks Descante had set up earlier. Toxapex’s attack fails, and it whines over the feeling of leftover static dancing around its body.
Rotom appears once more, and after two turns of Baneful Bunker, another Volt Switch lands, to be followed by a Recover.
When Slater sends his last Pokemon, Descante couldn’t help but stare.
Big eyed and sweet like a tart apple, with two small wings fluttering on its back- Victini looked just like Slater as much as Lopunny and Magearna had; but Descante supposed that should have been obvious, given that he had themed Slater’s current party over Pokemon he would love.
And Pokemon that resembled him, but neither Slater nor NEO PRO needed to know that.
“Baneful Bun-”
The shimmering crystal in Victini’s hands glows, floating out of its hand and shining a heavenly light down upon it and its trainer.
The Z-Ring Slater had borrowed started to glow in tandem with the crystal, and, with a flustered expression, he strikes a pose.
Oh no.
The wrath of two angels descends upon him and his Toxapex as Slater’s finger, directed at the both of them, points downwards.
“Stored Power!”
Laying on the grass, covered in a mix of poison and sand, Slater fusses over Descante with an apologetic expression.
“I, ah-”
“You didn’t tell me.”
“I’m sorry, I had Hippowdon’s moveset changed a while back, please don’t be mad-”
“Angel, you didn’t tell me how much you improved!”
He’s caught off guard when Descante suddenly stands up, lifting him off the grass and twirling him around in an uncharacteristic public display of affection.
“Oof, Descante-”
“You were training so hard all this time-” 
Admittedly, he would have thrown the match if he was overwhelming Slater, but-
“-and it really paid off. I’m so proud of you.”
The other’s eyes lit up. “..you are?”
“Absolutely. I- you’re really good, you should train with me, and-”
He was cut off by the beeping of Slater’s Xtransceiver- a notification to remind him to prepare dinner.
“..let’s do that tomorrow,” Descante cuts himself off with a smile, rare and fond; something he reserved only for Slater. “How about we go out for dinner tonight? As a treat for you.”
Slater’s ears perked up at the sound of a reward.
“We can, ah,”
Slater immediately thinks of his options, barely able to conceal his excitement.
“Take the subway to Black City. A little further down there, we can eat at that seafood place in Undella I keep telling you about, if it’s okay?”
From behind him, the only Pokemon that wasn’t a rental, Bunny, chirps in agreement. Her fur slightly tousled, body still vibrating with the adrenaline from earlier-  she was exactly like Slater in every way.
Though Slater was the one getting rewarded, Descante found a prize of his own in that pleasant smile.
Anything for his angel- as long as he was happy, Descante was happy too, whether he won or loss didn't matter.
“Sounds good.”
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