#he cares about hanging on to his own power and thats it. if i could kill him with my hands i would
gingerswagfreckles · 8 months
To demand that 1.1 million people evacuate an area with 24 hours warning before god knows what is insane and the Israeli government knows it. This is collective punishment merging quickly into full-on genocide and Netanyahu deserves to be tried for the same war crimes the Nazis were 70 years ago.
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barkly-523 · 2 months
About Dutch van der Linde
Hello tumblr rdr space! I do not go here, but I post on tiktok sometimes and have a dear buddy of mine who ive been talking to about some posts on here!
I will post a proper introduction at a later date, but for now I would like to put my own two cents in on some stuff ive been seeing recently, about Dutch.
Dutch is an incredibly COMPLEX character, and I feel that some people really horrifically miss that point sometimes. whether it be "Oh, he bonked his head!" or "Oh, this man is a monster!" both points are on opposite ends of the spectrum, but I believe they greatly miss the overarching theme of his character and who he is, and was, as a person. To merely dismiss all of his actions by saying "oh, hes just a monster, abuser, groomer, thats why hes the way that he is" shows nothing above a surface level understanding of his character, nor the characters of the people around him and those who choose to work with him. These characters were designed to have depth, to be studied, and understood on a deeper level. Why take such a basic explanation? I am not here to say Dutch is not without flaws (because he has alot of those), but I AM here to say that calling dutch a "groomer" or some sort of "cult leader, master manipulator" is just, factually incorrect.
Firstly, with the grooming point. This is an incredibly stigmatized word nowadays, so its crazy to use in general here, but by no means were people "groomed" into being outlaws. These people had flaws of their own, took bad paths, and ended up crossing paths with Dutch. Why did they cross paths with him? Well, I went through every "how they joined the gang" story I could find, and its about a 50/50 split between they tried to rob or kill dutch, Or that they were on the run and dutch gave them a safe place to stay, with some exceptions. The odds of these people bumping into someone far worse, in all cases, are exceptional. Most of the gang were in bad places when dutch found them, and they were getting desperate. Its incredibly possible they wouldve bumped into someone who wouldve killed them instead. John was saved from being hanged. Had Dutch and Hosea not been there, he wouldve died. Arthur outright says "dutch saved me, saved most of us." and although things did not turn out right at the end of the day, to believe that dutch was nothing more than a power-hungry manipulator is shown to be incorrect in the media itself. Colm exists. Hes literally right there. An antagonist who; doesnt know the names of the men in his gang, is shown to hit Kieran, who cares more for numbers than connection. Their feud goes back YEARS, and it all seems to stem from a fatal disagreement about how things were being run. When they split paths, Dutch keeps a tight knit gang of people who he considers family, Colm continues to grow his gang in numbers. At the very start of the game, dutch makes it clear that hed prefer the gang doesnt split up, that they stick together so *he can be sure everyone is okay.* He shows sympathy for Sadies situation, and takes her in to help her. Not once is it stated shes obligated to be there, in fact, its stated that she can stay as long as she needs to, to get back on her feet. She has the final say on whether she stays in the gang or not. The reason so many people stayed in the gang until it was actively collapsing, is not because dutch was forcing them to stay. They saw him as family just as he saw them.
Its why his character arc is so interesting. Its why watching his downfall is impactful. he ISNT a bad man, he does bad things out of desperation towards the end of the game, just as other gang members did in the very beginning. Dutch had bad tendencies, but he had people there to help him stay on the right track. His beliefs were good, its why he had people who stuck with him. They believed in what he taught. He had incredibly intelligent people in his gang, I'll use Lenny and Hosea as my examples for now. Lenny was taught by his father to judge peoples character, and even if his time with the gang was short he absolutely wouldve picked up on dutchs behavior if he was hiding behind some sort of mask. and HOSEA, has been with the dude for 20 YEARS. You cannot fake something for that long, and hosea is far from stupid aswell. He is a conman by nature. If dutch was trying to con everyone, surely he wouldve noticed. Arthur still regards dutch incredibly highly for a good majority of the game. He sees the man as a mentor and is clearly deeply affected watching dutch spiral and do bad things as the game goes on. At the beginning, when told Dutch had shot a girl on the blackwater job, his first response is to say that it "doesnt sound like him". Dutch is shown to have remorse for his actions, although he chooses to rarely talk about blackwater, and avoids the subject when its brought up, he explains to hosea, with shame, that he "really messed up" in blackwater. Micah had egged dutch on (as stated by John in a camp interaction) and dutch is shown to be regretful, that job really put everything in motion, but I truly believe micahs manipulation is what changed dutch.
Micah fed into his impulsive side, and tried to reassure him when things went wrong. When Arthur was kidnapped by Colm, Micah explained that Arthur was the type to wander, and surely, theyd see him back at camp. Dutch, ONCE AGAIN, shows regret. He shouldnt have put Arthur in such a position, and knows it. Dutch has impulsive tendencies, he has paranoid thoughts. This is shown in multiple camp interactions and even stated in one of the games first journal entries about the land they were going to settle on before the ferry job. To simply blow off all the depth of his character by saying "oh, hes bad" is so,, lame? Why focus on dutch specifically to say he did all of these bad things on his own accord when micah is, right there. Dutch literally goes crawling back to him in the epilogue. Partly for revenge, since seeing arthur on the cliffside was able to briefly break him out of the funk hed been in for the last few months (albeit far too late), but also partly because I dont think he knows how to be alone. I dont think he can handle it. Hosea and Arthur had been by his side the longest, and he had to watch both of them die. Late game conversations between dutch and arthur have always been fascinating to me, and even in Guarma dutch is still set on going back to keep the gang together. Thats his family, and he cannot lose them too. He outright states he'll do whatever it takes to make sure they survive. Arthur is startled by this, as dutch has been shown to be deadly and irrational, he isnt processing things well, and cannot handle the pressure on his shoulders, and it certainly doesnt help that Micah is in his ear telling him that Arthur and John are betraying him. He clearly doesnt want to believe it, but he cannot wrap his head around hoseas death, and assumes that the only way it couldve happened was if someone ratted, completely overlooking micah.
Dutch is not a smart man, and truthfully, he should have never been in a position of power, but he is not evil. He was desperate, and he was trying to keep his family together. Although I do not agree with the "Trolley Theory" for reasons stated above, I highly doubt him bashing his head like that helped with his mental state either. Dutch is desperate. Dutch does bad things, but he is far from a bad man. He helped the people in his gang, and although the found family turned sour in the end, they mattered to him, and it mattered to the gang. Dutch, CANONICALLY, was not always "bad" either. Arthur, Dutch, and Hosea robbed a bank, took what they needed, and gave the rest to the local orphanage. Dutch scolded Arthur for robbing someone who was "too poor" and said that doing that made them just as bad as the system they were fighting against, Dutch helped Hosea get on the right track and stopped him from stealing just about anything he could get his hands on. Dutch is a man who had good ideologies, and wanted to help people in his own way, but the pressures kept adding up and it broke him. Dutch, in RDR1, is a more objectively "bad" character, But look at how they fleshed him out in rdr2. Was the cliff scene nearly as impactful before the release of rdr2? absolutely not! Playing as john, we were thrown in with a baseline knowledge of their history, and now knowing the full story makes the cliff scene quite the harrowing experience if youre able to grasp the intricacies of dutchs character, to look at him as more than "just a villain".
This turned out to be far more ranty then I wanted, but I am so tired of seeing so much mischaracterization and demonization of a character with literally days worth of content to look at and study that shows some of the points I see from people to just be blatantly wrong. Lol
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gold-rhine · 1 year
i’m only half-joking about Itto as geo archon tho. like the thing is that he is seemingly not part of any ongoing or past main storylines and hoyo likes to include all 5 stars at least at some point in some role. And the characters that didn’t play their part yet all have set ups for the future, waiting for pay off. Like Mona is clearly set up for when Hexenzirkel will come into play. like yeah mb Itto is an exception to the rule and he’s just hanging out, being charismatic and comic relief, but like thats not ergonomic storytelling. And if he does have some future major storyline to play out, I think it can only be becoming geo archon.
hear me out:
1.i’m replaying liyue rn and the throughline of “The new lord of geo will arise sooner or later” is brought up several times by several characters, both Ning and Zhongli also name new geo archon as a solution for the mora production crisis. Why would hoyo set up the whole mora crisis and address it several times if they are not going to bring it up? it would literally not be a problem if they didn’t say there needs to be a geo archon for mora.
2. Itto is very similar in character to young Morax - stubborn, brash, proud, brute force, charismatic, cares about protecting what he sees as his people, able to inspire loyalty even in ppl who lost hope.
3.he’s also set up for character development arc. he’s strong, has heart of gold and is a natural leader, but he wastes all of it on childish games. this is like obvious set up for classic ruler finally finds an area to apply himself and learns to take responsibility 
4. Itto’s right hand is Kuki, who comes from shrine maiden background, but she finished Liyue law school. Like??? thats such a specific set up that gives her both knowledge of religious institutions AND specifically Liyue laws. like hello?? she is the best advisor new geo archon could ever have
5.the only time Itto did show up in major storyline was the chasm, which connected him both the adepti thru Xiao and to Liyue goverment thru Yelan and Yanfei. 
6. Hoyo loooooves doing like subversions of expectations and ~~future mirrors the past and everything repeats~~ shit with a twist. Ning and Itto would mirror Zhongli and Guizhong rule of a strong himbo archon whos bad at money and innovative smart woman, but with a twist that their personalities are switched - Itto is charismatic and never shuts up about nonsense like Guizhong, Ning is serious and stoic like Morax. There was a popular theory that Ning is Guizhong reincarnated bc she has a lot of ties to Guizhong symbolically thru glaze lilies, ballista, etc, but I think its not reincarnation, it’s that she is the parallel to Guizhong in the new era. 
7. there are some incorrect fools with bad taste saying Ning and Itto would not get along, but like. Listen. He’s an orphan who was thrown out his village due to prejudice, but didn’t give up, formed his own crew who are intensely loyal to him, he’s unruly, loud, obnoxious, funny, brash, but has a heart of gold and when he has to protect his ppl, he has a spine despite goofing around other times. Thats literally Beidou. Itto is specifically Ning’s favorite type of emotional support himbo, not to mention that powerful ppl in general are drawn to Itto due to his sincerity (Ayato, Yae)
if i was a youtube lore person i’d throw in superficial shit like Itto has a lot of King and Royal descriptions tied to him, despite not having any actual royal heritage, but i just wanna share fun theory that i think is buried in the narrative
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romana-after-dark · 7 months
Blessed be the Fruit: Chapter 4
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Commander!Joel Miller x Handmaid!Reader
Series masterlist Join dark!Romana's tag list Dark!Romana's Masterlist
Summary: Joel fills you up. That's it. Thats the fic.
AN: It's pretty much smut
Content and Warnings: DARK JOEL! DUB CON!
Although no violent rape happens like in TWW, reader is under systemic misogyny and a society of ritualized sex abuse. Everything other than the violent rape scenes, everything that happen in either The Handmaids Tale book or show are liable to happen here including but not limited to discussion of rape, child abuse, child marriage, ritualized sexual abuse, sexual abuse in general, acts of violence, major character deaths, mentions of miscarriage but never shown and never pregnancies we know of. Big ole homophobia warning, specifically in regards to lesbophobia. As for Joel, PIV sex, breeding kink, degrading (slut, whore etc but thing like Raider!joel) forced breeding and breeding kink, power dynamics, Joel is not the good guy but he’s also not the worst, slightly rough sex but not violent. Warnings are liable to be added as the story goes but I’ll always update. As always if I miss something please tell me, but i extensively label my warnings and in the end media consumption is your own choice. If you would like to know if this is a happy ending or not you can message me and I’ll tell you that way I don’t spoil for everyone but you can decide if this is for you.
Immersability: Reader has long hair, can conceive children theoretically.
Additional warnings: SMUT CHAPTER spanking, spitting. BREEDING KINK, Joel insulting his wife tee hee. Gina slander.
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In Gilead, women were segregated by color. Pink was for child girls, white was for unmarried but marriage age women. This phase never lasted long. As soon as they were married, the wives of commanders got blue and wives of working women got green. Martha’s had tan, Aunts had brown, Handmaids red.
These colors were never supposed to mix, with the exception of the ceremony and when a mother or martha parented a child.
But you watched as Ellie’s white and Riley’s blue entangled together, but separating to their rightful distance.
“It’s not what you think!”
“We were just-”
Thinking fast, you shut the door to the panty, giving privacy in case Gina or Thomas come looking for you. “What the hell were you thinking!”
Ellie blinks up at you, surprised by the reaction, but Riley was still in panic mode, trying to protect Ellie. “She didn’t do anything, I swear, I just got caught up and tried to kiss her but she didn’t kiss me back!”
That was a lie, Ellie had been quite involved in the kiss.
“I don’t care that you were kissing!” You hiss.
Ellie narrowed her eyes. “You seem like you care.”
“I care because  if it had been Gina or the other Mrs. Miller, or commander Bedford or Lisa! You could be on the wall!”
She paused, watching your reaction before talking slowly, Riley slightly hyperventilating to her right. “Does that mean your… not going too…”
“Of course I’m not, jesus, you guys are just kids…” Truthfully, you didn’t know much about being gay outside of Gilead propaganda but you thought execution was awfully strong a punishment… and even still, Riley was only 16, and Ellie 14. There wasn’t much of a crime that could justify harming them. Ellie was trouble, that much was obvious, and it would take every resource Commander Miller had to keep her alive. You would be joining him and his brother in this attempt.
“I won't tell tell anyone.” you confirm to their great relief. “But you two have got to be more careful!”
“We will! I promise!” With that, Ellie took Riley’s hand and began to head out the door.
She dropped Riley’s hand, and the two scampered out the pantry. You grab the needed wine.
“Ellie give’n you any trouble? I notice she’s hanging around you a lot.” 
Joel asked, sipping his whiskey as you played chess. Conversation had come more and more easily, but seeing that tomorrow was the ceremony, you knew what tonight was going to entitle. Still, you appreciated the time spent playing the board game and chatting. It was a nice change. You had begun to really value these nights. It was a few times a week, on the nights Commander Miller wasn’t teaching Ellie or when he needed to get a good nights sleep. He made you feel like a person, and you began to feel more and more comfortable. The younger Commander Miller still attempted to talk to you, but you could not fully trust him, even if Angela did. Angela was really the only person you trusted inexplicably. A beautiful, smart, and powerful woman, Angela seemed to tow the line, knowing exactly how much she could get away with it. Of course, it helped that her commander was very lenient.
Gina had been getting worse. Her and Deborah liked to make little jabs at you when she was over or when you went with Mrs. Miller over to Thomas’ house. It seemed as if she had picked up on something. Did she know Joel and you spent time alone? Had she noticed you and Ellie spending more time? Was your friendship with Angela suspicious? Angela was not liked amongst the wives, and wives have nothing better to do than talk. 
Gina loved to make comments on your weight, but the ones that irked you the most were calling you quiet, saying you didn’t talk much, you weren’t interesting or didn’t have much going on in your head… whose fault was that? Ellie filled you in on Gina’s life before the Gilead. Gina was a part of the problem, a woman who ad championed anti-choice rallies and campaigning to shut down planned parenthood, to take away Obergefell v. Hodges, and using her blog and later vlogs to promote a traditional lifestyle. Gina stated proudly that she would not be allowing Sarah to attend college, and that her “homeschooling” focused on womanly tasks. Sarah would never have a chance to reach college, nor high school. It was Gina’s beliefs that you should be demure, quiet, and only speak when spoken to. You didn’t need a brain to have children. Why did she suddenly have a problems with you being quiet when her issue with Ellie was she talked too much.
“No, she’s nice company.” You had been teaching Ellie to read, Joel didn’t know that. 
A small smile peaked on Joel's face. “I think she’s lonely. Riley has wives duties now and she’s in kinda a limbo… more or less.”
You nod, besting him in the game with a final move. You consider whether your next words were your place or not, but said them anyway. “Has Commander Miller spoken to you about Commander Bedford?”
Joel’s eyes darkened at the mention. “He has, made me promise not to say anything to her… Doesn’t want her getting to secretive, but I damn near lost it when he told me.” He notices the board.
“Well I’ll be damned…”
Standing, Joel shuffled over and resituated himself on the couch you were up. Up close, the fine lines of age were clear on his face but he was no less handsome, no less broad, the soft and sharp contrast of features melding together so perfectly striking. “You’re quite clever, you know?” Joel mused, placing a hand on your thigh.
Your voice is quiet, a juxtaposition to your bold words as you attempt to sound brave. You wanted so badly to be like Angela, to be like Ellie, to be brave in the face of the horrors. “I think a lot more of us are than you think.”
“And yet, you can’t even read.” His eyebrow raises in a challenge. For a moment you are so shocked by his words you cant even be offended. Then the statement settles. How dare he! How dare, as one of the founding members of The Sons of Jacob, he’s responsible for taking away your right to- Joel’s face melts into a smirk, and then into a chuckle. He was fucking with you.
“Oh, you’re joking.”
“Of course I am.” His soft laugh ends, his eyes stealing into something darker, and although his smile remains, the motive behind it changes. “But isn’t this better?”
That gets your attention. “... better?” 
“Yeah, better…” His hand creeps up a little more on your clothed thigh, leaning in just a bit more. “You don’t have to worry about anything but spreading your legs…” He pried your legs open and you allowed him access easily. “Get fucked…”
“You think that’s all we have to worry about?” Your attempt to sound strong was, frankly, pathetic. 
Joel’s hand went up quickly, cupping your sex over your thick dress and frumpy underwear not making you gasp nonetheless. “If you’re a good girl, yes.” His face was suddenly next to you, his breath hot on your skin as he spoke lowly. “Are you a good girl?”
You try to not cave, you try to at least put up a little bit of show to prove you aren’t that easy… but your mouth chases his lips, whimpering as he pulls away before you can take a bite. Between your legs is fire, melting to his touch that was just not enough, teasing, edging…
“I said,” He reiterated, voice dark and harsh now, lightening his touch on your mound. “Are… you… a… good girl?”
Your resolve broke quickly. “Yes, yes I’m a good girl!” Instinct forced you to buck up into his hand, desperate for more pleasure.
“Yes, you are.” Joel slips slotted against yours and you opened your mouth for him without thought. “Mmmm hungry girl…” he begins to rub your clit with the heel of his palm as his other hand laid you down. “Don’t you worry, I’ll make sure you fulfill your biological destiny, beautiful girl.” His hips settle between her legs, replacing his hand with the shadow of his hardening cock as he devoured you.
Joel’s hands moved to your thighs, squeezing and rubbing down your calves and to your ankles before pulling the skirt up to your waist. Your underwear were practically bloomers, not flattering by any means, but just still looked at you hungrily before taking his pocket knife out and-
“Joel?” You squeak, forgetting your formalities as a peak of fright flows through you.
“Hush now.” Joel covers your mouth and you freeze, but all he does is cut off your underwear. “Don’t wear any next time, we won’t have this problem.”
As soon as your mouth is released, Joel is flipping you over to your stomach and then pulling you up by your waist so that you are on your knees; your hands braced against the armrest of the red velvet couch. Suddenly, your ass and legs were cold as Joel flips up the cotton skirt. His left hand opened by his point and thumb wide, sliding between your cheeks as he began fingering you, dominant hand undoing his pants. Despite the blood pounding through your ears, you hear a *spit* and then a *fap fa fap* before he’s notched at your entrance. You don’t have a moment to breath before he’s pushing in halfway, pulling back, and then ramming directly into you, full length, full speed, full power.
“JOEL!” You scream, before a hand is slapped over your mouth again. “Goddamn, can’t keep quiet for one fucking minute.” Joel smacks your ass, not hard enough to leave a mark but to get your attention and god does it, forcing your cunt to inadvertently clench around him. “Fuck, you like that don’t you?” When you nod, he smacks you again, harder, making you cry out into his hand again, and then his face is nipping at your neck. “Or maybe you want to be heard, is that it? You like the thrill, the risk? Bet that’s why you fucked that guard, can’t get off without a little danger.” He removes his hand with another warning to “shut the fuck up, unless you wand Gina to hear.”
“No” you try to deny with a whine. “You feel so, oh commander, just feel so good!”
With a hand now free, he went back to his minstrations on your bundle of nerve, fucking you full of every inch of girth. “I bet you like being the other woman, you like lying between my wife's legs as she’s stuck helpless, watching you get stuff, watching you struggle to take it inside.”
“C-commander…” It was building quickly inside you, the wet squelch of your cunt telling him just how much his words affected you.
“Ready to be bred, to be filled, to carry my child as your belly swells… ugh, fuck…” The thought of you pregnant with his baby turned him on even more. The baby was Gina’s idea, something she wore down on his with constant nagging… so it really wasn’t his fault he was fucking the handmaid, right? That was the point wasn’t it?
“Wanna have your baby, Commander, wanna fullfill my, oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck! My biological destiny!”
“You will, beautiful, you will, no matter how many times I have to fuck you, no matter how many times Gina has to watch you stretch around my cock.”
Your arms can’t hold you anymore, the heat between your legs spreading to you whole body and melting you until you collapse on the couch, gripping on to the arm rest for dear life as Joel repeatedly rammed himself into your tightening channel. “Want her to watch.”
“Yeah, I bet you do, dirty girl.” Joel gripped your hair, yanking your face toward him and spitting on your face before shoving it back into the couch. 
“Want that bitch to suffer.” You mutter into the couch, muffled by half your face stuffed with the velvet coving. “Watch someone more worthy take your seed.”
“God DAMN!” His thrusts grew sloppy, but no less filling. “Need you to cum, need you to cum so I can fill you up.”
You’re panting, sweating, feeling his slide through your walls as you edge closer to your release. “Tell me.”
“Tell you what, beautiful?”
“Tell me I’m better than her.”
Joel groaned loudly in your ear before straightening up, gripping your hips for leverage. “You’re so much better than her, sweet girl. You’re pretty than her, more obedient, fuuuuuck, so much fuck tighter.”
“I don’t even cum inside her anymore, because she’s not worthy to take my seed.” He was teetering on the edge, desperately trying to find stability in your body. “But you, pretty girl? I’m gonna give you every last drop, and make her watch you grow and feed my baby, all because you’re better than her.”
Getting ahead of it, Joel shoved your face into the armrest and you out scream your orgasm into it. Joel’s pounding never stopped as he spilled into your eagerly, clenching cunt. “Good girl, good fucking girl, take it all…” Joel collapsed above you and you had wished you had both gotten naked so you could feel his sweaty, stick skin on yours as he kept you plugged up…
Though you were fucked out, eyes closed and only have concious, Joel kisses your neck, fae, lips and eyes whisping sweet nothings about how beautiful you were, how perfect you took him, how you were a good girl.
His hand slithered under you, splaying it under your belly. “My good girl, gonna knock you up, I just know it.”
Still breathing heavily, you lazily attempt to kiss back whenever Joel’s lips reached yours, but it was more akin to mouthing at him. “Did you mean it?”
“Mean what?” Joel nuzzled at your neck, kissing lightly. Couldn’t leave any marks.
“I’m better than her?”
A loud, wet, sloppy spit-and-tongue-filled kiss as Joel latched onto you with his mouth before unplugged your cum-soaked cunt. “By a million miles.”
Your next ceremony came and went, and you came on Joel’s cock once again, just as you did in his office again, and again, and again. Although he got you undressed, Joel  never undressed himself, only enough to free himself from the confined of his pants. You wondered why… but wondered what was underneath him clothes… you wonder as you touched yourself on nights he wasn’t with you.
Walking back from Fishes and Loaves with Angela, she wasn’t super talkative as she had a cough. The spring was making her allergies act up. As she parted, however, she caught you before you entered the hearshot of the Miller’s driver. “Listen, I can’t say much… but…” She looked around before continuing to your confused face. “Whatever happens tonight… just go with it, okay?”
Fear struck you, uncertain on what is interrupting your routine. “What?”
“Joel is going to ask you to dress up and get into a car… and just trust me, you’ll be okay.” She began to walk towards her home next door, but you grabbed at her sleep, panicking. “Wait, what do you mean? Why can’t you tell me?”
She looked apologetic. “I’m sorry, I love you but I don’t know how much I can trust you just yet.” She pulled away.
Enough distance was put between you that you could no longer speak freely and had to watch her red walk away as you wondered what could possibly be happening tonight…
This was mostly smut lmfao but thats okay. Got a lil into cucking Gina and that may come up earlier. Fuck Gina.
Next chapter, if you have watched or read the handmaids tale AU, you probably have an idea what's going to happen... but lets just say we'll have a special guest hahaha
Joel and his breeding kink... ANYWAYYYYYYY
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nonbinarykai · 28 days
righhhhht and she was loyal!!! she loved her dad!! she loved him and he just (would have) let her die!!!!! and later in crystalized (i think the seasons kinda blur together lmao) she talks about wanting a family?? and??? that felt so loaded to me? its not just about wanting the stability (that kai cant give, but this is not about him. i have my own thoughts about the smith siblings and their commitment issues, but thats for later) but family? she just. is a family person. she was INTRODUCED as a family person, and i know ninjago probably sidelining her wasnt some intentional thought out desicion, but i like to headcanon it as her SPECIFICALLY not joining the ninja bc. theyre so obviously a family. and. she just needs to distance herself from that a bit, to find out whi she is outside of a group (*frantically writes a 15k character study following her throughout her journey into self discovery bc FUCK it makes me (someone who grew up in a cult) a bit insane)
and and. the tattoo?? like she was marked along with the rest of his followers, no different than a pawn, a mere minion. does she still have the tattoo?? that permanant physical reminder?? bc chen changed her, irrevocably. even after she turns back from becoming a LITERAL SNAKE AGAINST HER WILL (body horror angst, anyone?) she still has a mark.
i just. i want to give her more love and attention bc god holy shit. AND SHE COULD HAVE REALLY INTERESTING DYNAMICS WITH THE GROUP!!! IF PEOPLE JUST REMEMBERED HER!!!!!
she has to have formed some sort of bond with nya and lloyd after hunted. does she talk to him abt evil dads? i want to see her bond with zane over their love of cooking. does jay ever tell her abt her role in sky bound? they could talk abt their experiences turning into snakes lmao.
and her element is so interesting!!! literally absorbing others powers how cool is that?? what are the specifics? is there a time limit to how long she can use the power once she has it.
anyway this is getting too long but you get it. she needs to come back in dragons rising. she needs to bond with jordana over being ex-cult kids following her redemption, bc that girl is getting redeemed.
(i apologize for any typos i tried to be careful)
Can’t believe you didn’t mention how Cole’s fav restaurant is canonically Chen’s noodles which means he probably has ended up seeing skylor a lot and it’s possible they became friends.
Anyways I agree. I feel like it makes sense that even though skylor was abused she still loved her father. Thats unfortunately why a lot of abused kids stay with there parents to try to make it work. But I also wish skylor had more agency in choosing to go against her father other than “boy told me to”.
Speaking of which I do wish we saw more of skylors social life outside of whatever *he* shows us. It genuinely makes alot of sense for skylor to have some connection to the other ninja in some way. The only indicator of ppl she hangs out with is chamillie and that’s it. I want to see her have a group of friends that are completely detached from the ninja. Like regulars at her restaurant.
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poopyballz28 · 2 months
Similar to "kill, marry, or kiss", but replaced by "green flag", "yellow flag" or "red flag"...
Baki, Retsu and Katsumi.
How are you about to give me the silliest, kindest characters and expect me to not give them all the green flag. Outrageous. But alas, I'll rank them depending on how good they'd be in a relationship (since thats what I assume you meant) Enjoy! (Also sorry for no red flag...I just...cant do that to them)
Retsu - Yellow flag
Barely any downsides to being with this guy, he's just generally very caring and does his best to understand his s/o's feelings as best he can. He'll definitely be there to talk with them about things that may be stressing them out. He'll respond with a bit of a simple answer, but it's very thoughtful and deeper than it seems at first. It feels almost like the answer was in front of them all along. But I will say, Retsu can get very reckless sometimes. We all know his incredible love for martial arts can get him to do some quite impetuous things that could get him severely hurt, and I doubt that a lover could really get him to stop doing such things. He loves fighting with every fiber of his being, even when he knows its can be extremely dangerous for him. They'd have to really do a lot to get him to be more careful, but he'll never let anything stop him from walking his own path. Yellow flag because of the somewhat rash decisions he makes when it comes to fighting that may upset or worry his s/o.
Katsumi - Green Flag
Wow, this guy is a god sent. He loves his s/o more than he loves himself, doing everything in his power to show them his love. If it's giving them little trinkets relating to their interests or just generally enjoying their company, he's always there to show them he cares. While he's usually doing something related to martial arts or karate (his special interest) (sorry) most of the time, he makes sure he always finds time to hang out with them. If it's going on dates or whatnot. He would absolutely love if they came to the dojo and trained with him. Seeing them indulge in one of his favorite things brings a smile to his lovable little face. Overall, just a really good boyfriend.
Baki - Yellow flag
God, this kid is an inconsistent character. Just...speaking factually here. But we can deduct how good of a lover he is by looking at his scenes with Kozue. And I think I can confidently say, he wouldn't be too bad of a boyfriend. I mean, we see how silly and compassionate he is with Kozue so it's not unfair to say he's a really fun and caring lover. Something that comes to my mind immediately when thinking about Baki in a relationship is when he told Kozue, straight up, he doesn't own her. He wants her to do the things she wants to do, even if it gets in the way of their relationship all because he loves her and wants her to be happy. Really shows how good of an s/o Baki is. I will say though, he's a bit similar to Retsu in the sense that he can be a bit heedless when it comes to fighting. He can also be pretty clueless when it comes to flirting and other things related to that. It just flies right above his head every time. They'd have to really say it to him straight if they want him to get the hint. But in the long run, he's a really nice boyfriend and he loves his s/o near and dear.
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dejablueballs · 1 year
Deja Blue/Avatar hc
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a/n: Just some silly ideas and hcs abt the blue crew. Wanted to put in my two cents, they're random and are just my personal mind vomit. They have no real personalities or lore so regard this as horseshit if you want <3 also these were all the ones I could remember!!!
Miles Quaritch: Objectively, bad at sex. Was an old man in his prime with power and money to burn, i can assure you he doesn't care about where the clit is much less if his partner cums. Probably doesn't believe in the female orgasm. Thinks ten minutes of missionary is good enough. If he really cares about who hes fucking sure he'll give you a good time but 9/10 hes just not fun in bed [think of strickland in tsow]
Lyle Wainfleet: Loves fat women, gotta be 200lb and over to ride this ride, no stretch marks? no service! Will deny so because of toxic masculinity. Acts disgusted and laughs with his little friend group to keep up appearances but will be on his knees begging for his big babe to sit on his face the same night
Recom Mansk: Doesn't laugh often, its very hard to make the stone cold bastard even snicker but when he laughs he fucking laughs. Big snorting chortling open throat guffaws, cant be controlled or stopped. He has the tendency to puke if he laughs too hard so thats another reason he keeps it under wrap. weak ass gag reflex
Recom Z-dog: was a hardcore horse girl her entire adolescence and never quite grew out of it, daydreams about riding and owning a direhorse
Recom Fike: insecure manlet, was a short man and is now the shortest recom. Tends to puff up, flex or otherwise start shit to assert his masculinity. Stands on his tippy toes during arguments. Can't argue without tearing up, learned how to mask it when human but now he just pops if overwhelmed
Recom Prager: the man with the plan, i.e recreational drugs. Always keeps an ounce or a tab on him, hence the spaced out look. Living as a human on pandora can be stressful so he found a great way to cope. Nothing hardcore just reggie, acid, valium etc etc just small things to help ease stressed soldiers. If caught he will lie and throw whoevers closest under the bus
Recom Ja: just notebooks upon notebooks of bad poetry, keeps one on hand in case ideas ever spark or if smthg abt pandora really inspires him. Its all very bad or bland poetry, hes smart enough to know so and never shares anything he writes. Probably some "saw a snail, effervescent" type bullshit in there or ripped off lines to strengthen his stanzas. Keeps small logs on his day to day life, very boring
Recom Brown: loves taking selfies of himself, working out, meetings, private or hang time. Doesn't matter, just enjoys self documentation. probably has a locked folder of his own dick pics. Def the type to measure
Recom Lopez: was raised devout catholic, priest, baptisms etc etc all the big catholic stuff so you'll usually see him with a silver cross necklace or a rosary during special occasions [good friday, ash wednesday, lent, chrsitmas etc etc] Not preachy about it but hes silently judgmental. Listens to sermons with headphones while alone or working out. Always be able to catch him watching the older sunday service channel since he doesn't have access to earth cable in real time. Has several small christian tattoos. He's like mac from always sunny, basically
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littlegeecko · 8 months
Has Faker ever made his own connections to EXEs in your au? Besides his origins with Lord X
You absolute fool i will take this chance to ramble so sit down on the strapped chair
Short answer: No, not many at least
Long Answer:
Faker is a creation of Lord X that, at least in my own interpretation and AU, he was made from the core of his existence, the darkness of the void itself, all the hate, the negative feelings, the power, the emotions deep within Lord X's being about humanity aside from seeing them as his little game. Faker has been in this box comfortably since forever and technically there was no issue with that, not even when he tried to attack Lord X in multiple ocassions.
Until he realized that, unlike Lord X, he cannot adapt to new emotions that arent the ones previously mentioned, which makes him, in theory, "inperfect" and "incomplete". He's selfish, hes evil, he doesnt care about others much unless they're ones he can control and use in his favor.
Hes not physically capable of understanding nor feeling normal emotions such as platonic/romantic love or form interpersonal meaningful connections, or even develop normal hobbies like Lord X does with the piano and singing, he sees them as unnecessary and meaningless for him to exist.
He can feel something tho, and its resentment, at Lord X.
And because of that resentment, he has tried to NOT be like him, specially after seeing how "weak" and "soft" he has become because of Sunky and that blue thing (Majin) Is this what a connection with another living being does to you? he wants nothing to do with that.
However, getting to be outside the void from time to time and being exposed to his creator/father's odd, new behaviour, and the way he treats others around him, his new Creation included (Sunky) Faker has found himself...longing
Longing for what? he's rather X himself than be treated by Lord X the same as Sunky, and he finds the actions with the blue thing disgusting at best, so what is he longing for exactly?
In my AU, since most complicated situations such as these ones can be turned into some little funny thing (Such as Faker's complicated feelings about Sunky being funnily summed up to him suffering Only Child Syndrome all of the sudden), you could say Faker's longing for Companionship, he feels lonely and it makes him feel stupid and weak, so he ignores it
But he has found himself hanging by other living creatures in a calmer manner more times than he'd like to admit, like his barebones attempt and having a sonic-like team with Wechidna and Vulpes (The latter being a faker-so Tails my s/o made) and ending in complete desaster since Faker just likes the idea of them being like a team of sorts, even if he hates Wech's guts and Vulpes tries to stay away from him/them in general
The rest of the characters are just treated dismissively or like inferior beings by Faker; Sanic, Majin, Fleet and Sunky and other people they'd consider friends. And Then
There's Scorched.
But, thats an story for another inbox message nah? haha
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vaguewrites · 3 months
Tell me more about that anti hero squad
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I'm so glad you asked
So they're part of a comic I'm working on where the basic premise is a group of villains are introduced to a rehabilitation program to help them process their traumas and get the help they need, both to help them on their path to redemption and to boost up the number of heroes in the world because there's very few now. I'm still working on the details and worldbuilding, but that's the basic premise. It's a character study about heavily traumatized people finding community and love within each other, building a found family and helping to save a world they once saw as hopeless and shitty. It also takes place over the course of several years, I'm thinking 5, so their ages listed are what they start as.
The starting main characters are;
Raze (Kaito Shimoda):
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Raze is 21, Japanese, and is the leader of the group, mainly because he recognises everyone's strengths and weaknesses and gets them to work together as a team. He was the son of a yakuza gang member who had the "brilliant" idea of trying to overthrow the boss so he could get power for himself. Only his plan was discovered and both he and his family were made an example of. Raze only survived because earlier that evening he had a massive fight with his parents over the fact that they didn't like the crowd he was hanging out with or that his test scores were extremely poor, so he snuck out and didn't come back until early the next morning. When he saw police cars and ambulances outside their house. And then he saw what the yakuza had done to his little kid sister Haruhi, who he'd shoved aside when she tried to comfort him after the fight and told her to get lost.
It's her little phone charms that he keeps tied around the handle of his sword so he can never forget her or the state the yakuza left her in, because he wants to do worse to them. He was 15 at the time of the murders and spent the next few years honing his skills as a martial artist and swordsman (both skills he was already developing beforehand he just didn't take them as seriously at the time) so he could hunt down each and every last member who hurt his family.
He's primarily motivated by shame, guilt and self loathing, he wants to make up for the fact that he wasn't there to protect his family, that his last words to them were "I hate you" and that he'd told his little sister that he didn't care about her, for her to get lost and stop bothering him. His character arc revolves around learning to let go of the guilt and to allow himself to heal and move on. He's been punishing himself for years by isolating himself and wallowing in self pity and thats not healthy.
Mama Croc (Bella Roth):
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I'm still working on her design.
She's the black 37 year old former wrestling champion from New Orleans, who fell dangerously ill to a strange disease no one could identify or find a cure for. She spent all her money on doctors and when she became too sick to fight anymore, her company dropped her. So she was forced to seek experimental treatment which led to her horrific mutations as the crocodile woman.
She's the rock keeping everyone else together, able to keep a cool, calm head even in the midst of chaos. She's used to being regarded as a dumb bulk of muscle, but she's actually got a razor sharp wit. After she had to give up her own daughter to foster care when she became too sick to properly take care of her, she develops a mother/daughter bond with Plague Witch and shows her compassion, empathy and love. She and Raze also used to work together from time to time and he was the first criminal who didn't treat her like dumb muscle so she's fond of him too and she uses pet names for everyone. If she calls you doll, babe or gorgeous, you know you're in her good graces. Her character arc focuses on her learning to love herself again and reuniting with her long lost daughter, and even finding true love in the one place she never expected it.
Mainly the one superhero who never gave up on her and who always believed she was incredible and deserved better than to just be some cowardly villain's bodyguard.
The Fool (Frank Grey)
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The Fool is of Romani/Irish heritage but was born in America and he's 19. His family owned their own circus but when they refused to pay protection money to a mob boss, their circus was burned to the ground and The Fool was the only survivor of the massacre. He was thrown into foster care and bounced around between families where he suffered terrible abuse. I won't go into detail here but it was bad and left him with a distorted view on love and relationships, to the point where when he ended up in an incredibly abusive relationship with a girl who exploited his trauma to keep him in line, who physically and mentally abused him and made him dependant on her, even if it meant sticking with the clown gimmick he hated because of the memories it dragged up (and she insisted they keep it because it was "cute".) His character arc focuses on him breaking the bonds of abuse, learning what genuine love, compassion and empathy is like and with the support of his friends he's finally able to break up with his toxic girlfriend and start on the path to recovery. He even ditches the clown gimmicks over time but keeps the Fool because his girlfriend used it as a dig to mock him but he's reclaimed it and made a mockery of her instead. He primarily uses explosives and a hammer when he fights.
He and Raze have similar backstories but whereas Raze was more seeking to atone for not being there to save his family, the Fool is angry and wants to make the mob boss bleed for what he did. They're both revenge stories but different sides to it, if that makes sense, and because of their shared trauma they grow closer and help each other cope with the nightmares and the triggers, and over time they fall in love but its a slow, slow burn. Because the Fool has trauma from men and they have to love each other as friends first before they can fall in love with each other.
Plague Witch (Eva Kirkland):
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Plague Witch is the 16 year old Native American with an alien parasite living inside her that attached itself to her when she was only a little girl. After her shape-shifting powers were discovered she was abducted from her home and experimented on for years to the point she suffers with amnesia and can't remember a time where she wasn't stuck in a cell and tortured every day.
She's the most powerful member of the group with her shape-shifting powers allowing her to morph her arms into swords or massive, deadly claws. The biggest drawback though is that she's still only 16 and her powers require concentration to manifest, and when she loses that concentration the form breaks down, or when she becomes moody or loses control of her temper, her form fluctuates and loses its efficiency. So that's why she's kept with Mama Croc, who teaches her patience and how to keep a cool head even in tense situations. She also develops a brother/sister bond with Raze because she reminds him of his sister Haruhi.
Her character arc is about her finding a family again and developing from a social outcast with severe anger issues and anxiety, to a level headed and outgoing young lady who winds up becoming the next leader after Raze decides to pass the mantle onto her.
This was very long I'm very sorry but I'm so glad you asked because I love talking about these guys :)
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stardustpinkart · 5 months
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"Why cant I get her out of my head?"
Huntceda, Goldenlight, Huntluz, etc.
Luz is a girl that seems to effect peoples lives without even trying. Has a way of changing them and there point of view. And another way of doing it, effecting Hunter, could be devolping a crush on her.
The Bioling Isle as we see used to be a more open, happy place. Untill Belos came along with his stupid rules and laws. It created distrust, paranioa, classism, etc etc etc. Hang out with only the right people, act only a certain way. In the Emperors coven, they seem the worst. No one really seems to make friends, or, scared to, becuase some people you just cant trust so how do you know who to talk to? They will use it against you, stab you in the back and only care about climbing the social ladder, power and prestige. Examples of this are Kikimora, that plant lady and the illusionist guy. Some actually dont like the way things are though, like Darius and Steve, but, as said, who can you trust?
Handmaids is kinda like this too, saying what you really think of feel can get you in danger, your walking partner is even encouraged to tell on your for your own "good".
And if I remember right yeah Hunters got warped views on the world growing up in the Emeperors coven. People hruting you, lieing, trickery, is the norm? So he doesnet know any better.
Meeting Luz I think would be a big opener to how things can be diffrent. One way to take it, IF you wanted him to like her. He's never met anyone like her. Shes warm, shes caring, shes open, shes so DIFFERENT from the people in the coven. Its exiciting, its strange, even nervous.
And this could make him think about her all the time. Maybe a crush? It might be something that he thinks is love, might be something that passes. Love is not an instant or always first time only time thing.
I could see him wanting to keep her somehow, like Flapjack. Something, that gives him hope, brings him joy, just for him. Maybe in some cases try to bring her in to the coven like Lillith wanted to with Eda? To keep her close, make things "right" somehow she just needs to "change". But above all I like the idea of him wanting her for himself. If his Uncle knew...
So thats various ways I like to imagine this pairing. PS, I do like Lumity and Huntlow, the have great chemistry, but I also think you can like various things not just canon and its not dimissing other pairings. Purists really get my goat and spiol the fun, fandoms should be about enjoying not sticking to certain "rules".
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am sick so if you'd like to speak some suitehearts/killjoys thoughts to me i would love to hear them :P
im sorry ur not feeling well :(( heres a (too goddamn long sorry) summary of all the suitehearts Thoughts i was struck with in latin earlier to hopefully make you feel a bit better <33
so first i was just thinking abt Benz and how hed get roped into the show via threats from bli and then i was like ohhh okay what if they offer him a lab space/equipment to do whatever experiments/research he wants if they agree to being on the show. bc like at this point its abundantly clear that hes not gonna work for them by making new drugs as originally planned but they dont want to risk losing his potential (and they wanna show that theyre still fucking in control) so they make them this "deal" (which theyve really got no other option to take if they dont wanna die) and he gets this lab and figures he can find a way of counteracting blis bullshit sort of in secret bc he knows hes never gonna be able to get this equipment anywhere else
AND THEN i started thinking abt how this would effect his relationship with everyone else on the show (namely Sandman and Donnie bc Crab atp basically just exists off set in a drugged up haze) and i started thinking that maybe thered be some tension there bc the others are either poor or poor AND heavily demoted from past positions of power, and they look at Benz with his higher education and seemingly wealthy lifestyle and they think hes an enthusiastic participant in the system thats fucked them both over. so maybe theyre both kinda dicks to them off set but im thinking Benz doesn't really care bc he doesnt hang around much anyways if they arent filming- hes gotta spend every possible second in the lab yk? and then i started thinking about what might push them all to really talk and become friends which led to THE fucking idea ever
so one day Sandy and Donnie are looking for Benz in his dressing room bc they were supposed to start filming like fifteen fucking minutes ago god Benz this isnt just your show stop being so fucking selfish and come do your job- but they stop as just outside the door as they very clearly hear Benz arguing with someone important and they're saying something about a deal? and Benz sounds pissed saying this wasnt in the agreement and they said he could research whatever he wanted and they cant just do this- if they take this from him hes done. he's walking. they already took everything else from him so if they dont let him have this then hes off the fucking show and they can just try and catch him when he runs. and Whoever theyre talking to is just like "lolz okay well if you're leaving guess were gonna have to recast everyone for 'consistency' so i guess all the others have no reason to be kept around anymore-" and its like. a VERY clear threat on the rest of the Suitehearts' lives and Benz fucking freaks out. he backtracks immediately apologizes for speaking out says they can take his research he doesnt care jesus just dont bring them into this they didnt even do anything
so then Sandy and Donnie are like "ohhh What The Fuck :D" and they kinda feel like assholes for making assumptions bc clearly this isnt the first time Benz has been threatened (and its very much implied that blis gone through with last threats when he wasnt compliant) and theyve both already had their own shit building up and their hatred for bli was already basically at the tipping point already so yeah. they confront Benz and Benz tells him that theyd been trying to develop a sort of blocker for bli's pills. something people in the city can take to negate their effects. he didnt even know if it was possible or if he was on the right track with his research but apparently bes gotten close enough to something for bli to have to step in now. and the other two are obviously like ?????? WHAT THE FUCK YOU MEAN YOU LITERALLY INVENTED A WAY TO FREE PEOPLE FROM BLIS CONTROL WHAT THE SHIT WE HAVE TO HELP YOU SAVE THAT SHIT RIGHT THE FUCK NOW
and Benz is all like "well technically idk if ive invented shit yet bc i haven't actually tested the drug on anyone" and the others are like "bet okay you need a test subject? lets yoink Crab". Benz is incredibly fucking against doing that bc Consent and Ethics. he lets it slip that he does have a stash of the drug already made and hidden in his apartment and hes just gonna test the shit on himself but Sandy and Donnie are noooot fucking having it bc "dude. you understand they arent gonna let you go after this right? even if they keep you alive, they are gonna start tightening the reigns and pumping you full of shit and then youre gonna be the one who needs the blockers" and yeah they really do have a point there so Benz agrees to join them on the escape plan theyve been devising (which side note. yeah those two were planning on running away together anyways but thats a different post probably-) and what follows is the most stressful fucking two weeks of all of their lives as they start discreetly gathering the shit theyll need to leave all while having to wrap filming this season and dealing with management watching their every fucking move and making vague ominous comments about "the future of their careers" AND theyre slipping Crab these new fucking pills and having to keep a close eye on them and keep them calm as theyre slowing coming out of their trance and realizing Oh Fuck Im In The City
and then like. it all comes to a head and they very publicly are chased by a bunch of crows in costume bc they end up having to fin in the middle of filming and i havent thought much abt this lart yet so yeah. thats what i spent all of latin thinking abt I HOPE YOU FEEL BETTER SOON KAZ <333
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cowvboyenema · 6 months
EEMDROB dirk too please. i am a cop
Under the cut, because I <3 my dash and feel compassion for my mobile warriors
no listen, i get it rose, i know the whole "Your prevalent daddy issues can only rear their head so many times before this relative hydra of parental responsibility gets you labeled as, dare I say it, a parent." shpiel like the back of my hand, im not into it right now
you can just be casual bros with a man who happens to look like you, im not taking him under my wing and tucking him in to bed, lending the final couch out so i can shiver miserly on the rooftop
im just kind of hanging
its fun, you know?
its been a while since i was dipshit dave with no responsibilities, who my kid brother thinks is fun to chill with
im always celebrity dave, or this dave, or that dave
its nice just relaxing and fucking around with yiffin, i dont get to just fuck around and ramble at people who understand what im saying anymore
its been real nice
yeah yeah, i know, forgot about the perils man, you warned me about the stakes
hes got his own brother shit to figure out, im not forcing myself on him, i just remember being alone and responsible and fucking things up a lot myself, god forbid a man reach out and say he understands too and also if you have time im trying to fuck up drunk jenga so if you could kick the shit out of my hand while you stumble my pile over that would be great
okay, if were joining ship point fingers at dave and his open daddy issues HES not fair, he is LITERALLY my little brother
you want me to be mean to my little brother?? my tiny tyke??? youre fucked
no i know hes not dirk, and im not going around slangin shoulders with him or whatever dumb bullshit youre thinking about but
its complicated man
like i masturbate but i dont cum, its like a power thing-
lmaoo stop stop stop okay chill
hes nothing to worry about, its just like
hes my baby bro if some horrible end of the world thing happened, and its not like i can be the dude he knew, were two different dudes, but hes sort of like
you know
hes my little bro
im not his guy, hes not mine, and in the middle hes my little brother and im his big, so who fucking cares if we piddle around each other nervously for a while
i think youre looking at this from the wrong light man
its dirk
yeah yeah i know you know it's dirk, but i mean its DIRK
if he wants to hang with me and fuck around thats literally not my choice, little man has his way of getting things, so why fight that shit when i could be nosing in for quality movie time
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new outlaw team!
this is the idea i had for jasons all girl/gay squad that i think he deserves, so! my oc outlaws team for jason i as follows: (it gets really long from here sorry)
a bue/green lantern (afab enby gothamite artist that doesn’t bind) that was inspired by red hood at the moment before their (almost) death and thus got both a green and blue power ring bc red hood gave them hope in their last moments and they found the will to survive. surprised the fuck out of everyone and when the green lanterns of earth told them they had to head to Oa and Odym to get their space sector they said nope! not being a space cop bc no.1 acab! and no.2 theres no pay? and no healthcare?! not in this economy! so they’ve been putting off going to Oa and talking to the gaurdians, instead hanging around red hood bc what else are they supposed to fucking do? does actually agree with jasons philosphy on how gotham doesn’t change and they should do something about that fucking clown, also happens to be half british and thats why their really creative in their rude insults, humongous balls, big enought to call batman a cunt to his face, and doesn’t tolerate conditional love (transphobic family probs) and! happens to have jasons dog from before, when asked why they said they found her on the streets and doesn’t know what happened to the previous owner. (jason knows, isabella got possessed by essence and then was never heard of again oops)
a speedster from the future (where else?) and is trying to stop the apocolypse. she’s kind of like her own red hood in terms of the speedster family, in which no one will take responsibility for the hurt they caused her and instead blame her for something that literally wasn’t her fault. (someone they love probably died and they couldn’t stop it, so blamed it on her for the shittiest of reasons), bc of this they exiled her from the city where the apocolypse begun (ground zero) and thus she could see the death cloud coming and managed to out run it into the past to try and stop it. i figured she would be massive adhd representation as well that goes undiagnosed for a long time bc they think its just how speedsters are (except her brain runs so much faster than the average speedster and therefore everyone thinks shes stupid bc she can’t catch her thoughts in time.) hella emotional bc of the adhd, a fucked up perception of time bc adhd and speedster, jesus its just the worst combination known to man. also imagine her with Lil Nas’ hair in that one pic (those cute ass fucking twists)
an atlantean that is basically female jason momoa, and really reminds jason of artemis to the point where the squad end up talking about how jason misses his amazon. Shes the tallest with tattoos all over her body, especially her giant beefy arms. she has atlantean magic and hydrokinesis, and even hydromancy (seing the future through water). shes a prodigy when it comes to atlantean magic, but in the middle of her 3rd year in magic school she had a traumatic exprience that fucked her up a lot. (person in authority abused their power i think you know where im going with this) bc of this she changed and her grades fell and she dropped out to escape her abusers watchful gaze and touch. when confronted about it she eventually broke down and told her mother, but that was the wrong thing to do. at first her mother told her that shes lying to escape trouble bc who would want her? shes too masculine to ever have someone want her. then she was told that she should be happy, somone finally wanted her. then she was told that it was her fault, she must have done something to lead on such a respected man, and that she was lying and she secretly wanted it. Bc of her masculine nature she faced a lot of misogyny and transphobia (from her mother) despite not being trans, bc terfs don’t care about masculine women, and reinforce the patriarchy throught their bullshit of thinking if women don’t fit in a perfect model of feminity then you are “as bad as men”. eventually she left atlantis and headed to the surface, bc mans world cant be worse than mothers world. She would understand what it’s like to be betrayed and failed by your parent same as jason, and i feel like those two are a “kill everyone if you die on me” kind of duo. is also a lightweight when it comes to human alcohol. very funny when she thinks she can drink everyone under the table bc she could jellyshot pretty heavy in atlantis and then procedes to get shit faced from a 5% wheat beer. on the floor crying after one drink lol.
the fourth and final member (excluding dog) would be a white martian that all four of them rescue. the speedster tracked the energy source of the apocolypse and discovered it was underwater, deep underwater. so redhood, lantern and speedster track down someone who can go that deep, our beloved atlantean. deciding to take the job (bc why not this shits interesting) the four of them head under, and going in blind, make an absolute mess. they have no blue print of the place, no clue what they are looking for or what to do with it if they find it. its possibly the end of the fucking world and they’re just bashing heads left and right, fighting goons all the way to the middle of this underwater base. and there, in the middle of a glass contanment cell, is a fucked up looking martian. Martian manhunter said all the white martians were gone, but clearly fucking not. none of them know about (white) martians or what they did, so they gladly rescue this fucker. not knowing what else to do, they bring the base down before fleeing with their prescious alien. (jason did do some hacking before they left and stole the data, but has yet to decode it) When the martian wakes up, it remembers literally nothing, and it becomes an entire plot point to figuring out how this sweet and confused creature could possibly end the world. and they are sweet! white martians have been written as villains for manhunter since the beginning (and there has only been one! white martian that has befriended manhunter, mad discrimination against an entire race), but this lil dude is just scared, and loves korean dramas. When manhunter discovers them, i think it would be justice league vs outlaws bc of the prejudice against our poor lil alien. they would probably be extremely genderfluid in the coolest way bc of shapeshifting, and also bc martian genders and sexes are a completely different binary to a humans gender binary, therefore wouldn’t fit on it all. would probably have a very feminine presentation though bc they are mostly surrounded by women and afabs, and are trying to fit in.
christ this got away from me. anyway, jason deserves women who understand him and can be his actual family. these girls and gays 100% convinced him to steal the batmobile and they wrecked his “memorial” in the batcave. ready to dunk on(fist fight and kill on a tuesday) Bman at a moments notice. jason’s polycule that call batman a bitchless furry to his face in front of the justice league. He is the only man and it makes him feel safe.
AND he has his dog!!! and she wont be named dog. she will be called michael bc its really funny to me. jason just turns to his dog in the car next to him and says “michael you seein this shit?” and its batman making out with catwoman. they boo at them.
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mango-shpango · 1 year
ok i dont think im ever gonna finish rattlesnake or at least this version of the story so ill give yall a basic summary of what was gonna happen:
after techno finds out about tommys little vigilante life, he decides to train tommy to become a better fighter. improving the relationship between the two as well as tommys kick assery. while this is happening, in the hero world they find slime spreading throughout the town. no one can seem to find where the bright green substance is coming from. both techno and tommy try to figure out whats going on while keeping their own teams blind to the duos alliance. purpled also pops up a lot more during this time, spending patrols with tommy as they try to mend the bridge between the two. quackity also starts working more and more, leaving tubbo by himself a lot more often so the boy chooses to hang out with his uncle schlatt instead of being home alone. the two were always close after all.
the slime starts spreading more and more, until it covers up the entire city. every corner every wall everywhere theres slime. the heroes can’t figure out if this is some dumb prank or if theres more to it. tommy also stumped, but he has more hints than the heroes do. so thats good. he asks purpled for help, not wanting to worry tubbo and ranboo too much. purpled agrees to help. so the two set off to find the cause of this slime. they find that a lot of it leads back to las nevadas, a villain group led by none other than quackity (i never made a name for him ok shush)
after telling techno, they plan a way to end it. getting the intel needed. they go. but it doesnt go as planned. when they arrive they see purpled standing outside. turns out purpled works for quackity and spilled all their plan to him. so now they gotta fight a shit ton of villains. great. yippee.
tommy and techno try to hold them off as best as they could, but theres only so much you can do with a power that physically drains you. techno calls for the heroes and they arrive, but not fast enough. tommy is tired. everything hurts. he closes his eyes as he sees wilbur runs towards him.
tommy opens his eyes and sees a woman. she looks familiar, but tommy just doesnt know why. as he gets up he looks around. theres nothing. just him and the woman. the woman tells him that hes here to early, his time isnt done. tommy doesnt seem to care, he just wants to sleep. the woman cant let him. after all a gods child can never truly sleep. tommy forgot he was a gods kid. specifically the goddess of death and- oh shit thats his mom- oh shit hes dead-
the woman (mumza) tells him that he is important. he is the life to death. she tells him about how his powers bring life to the earth and how he must stay alive, because without him, death will reign. tommy doesnt get it but he just nods. mumza sighs and send him back, with a “say hi to them for me” and soon tommy is back on the battlefield.
and wilbur has caused a shitshow. the souls under his power running rampant, burning and scaring everything and everyone they could. death is in control. but once he sees tommys ok hes kinda chill.
soon the battle ends with las nevadas veing defeated and the green gloop forming as something named charlie- he apologizes and then goes back into the ground never to be seen from again.
then yada yada happy family moments and yeah! thats all ok now i cant feel bad that i wont finish the fic
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regular-john-16278 · 2 years
theres outcomes that could occur today that im thinking about while having a v lazy morning sat on my laptop in bed. they could be spoilers or just me rambling so if u dont wanna see regardless dont click my loves and have a lovely gay kinnporsche day
soooo Porsche either says yes or no to vegas, this is something that has to happen
Pete goes to investigate Vegas further, as a way to prove his trust in Porsche, this is something that has to happen
so looking at those, its highly likely that Porsche says yes.
that leaves Kinn most likely frustrated, and easily agreeing to Pete doing the investigating thing.
also, it is known that at some point vegas kidnaps Pete, thats not exactly a spoiler. and this is more than likely going to happen while Pete is doing his investigation
MY thoughts ere are that he probably wouldnt kidnap Pete while Porsche is staying with him, its just too likely that Porsche will run into Pete and all the supposed trust he had in vegas to begin with will totally leave
soooo this means that Porsche will probably leave the minor family household before Pete even gets there?? so maybe he uses Vegas as a means of escape, hangs out there briefly and then finds a way to leave again
I feel like he wont stay long, him assuming Kinn came to his cell to apologise says it all. he still trusts him, hes expecting him to have some kind of second plan. I totally get that, and I think its entirely likely, sure Kinn has trust issues and has been let down, but realistically if Tawan (a guy he has shitty trust in to begin with) finds all that spying stuff in his room and proves it to be Porsche's, what does that prove exactly? they already have CCTV installed in the room that seemingly everyone on the detail has access too, i mean fucksake Porsche is the bodyguard stationed outside of his room.
Kinn must know that Porsche was spying on Tawan for reasons relating to his devotion to Kinn, as well as Porsche following them both when they left to get the evidence.
so when Porsche leaves, does he go straight back to the major family house?? or does he run back via his own house to check on his brother?
Ive only heard whispers of this so idk if its true bc i havent and will not read the novel but Tawan kidnapping Chay?? if that occurs, then its vvv likely Porsche goes back via his own house, if not stopping to stay then at least looking through the window to check he is still there and living his life
theres a chance Kim could be there when this occurs, or that Chay is just vibing playing guitar like he usually does. REGARDLESS, Tawan could see this somehow i feel (if the fact he kidnaps Chay is real and not like a fever dream I had and have convinced myself someone said). Tawan is tracking Porsche now, he escaped and cant exactly go straight back to Kinn, so it is entirely in Tawan's interest to see where else Porsche goes.
Hes a crazy motherfucker, so he sees Porsche caring about someone other than Kinn and uses this as his opportunity to have something hanging over his head??
IDK im theorising and idek if that actaully occurs, but if we're thinking about Tawan and what he really wants, its probably the position next to Kinn with as much information and power as he can get his hands on. This would be when he would use Porsche, blackmail him using his brother to get what he wants
ive run out of thoughts for now but ill come back to this later after another coffee.
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dragonakina · 1 year
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scout is image #1 she is the younger sister of pepper star scout she prefers to be called scout. her antlers are made of magic ice called forever ice that never melts and if you touch them you can get frost bite. and her fur/skin is so cold if you hug or touch her for too long you will get hypothermia. she also has the ability to freeze her enemies in forever ice they will stay alive as long as their in it and it will keep them from aging too so it can also save someones life say someone is about to die from something there is no cure from or from a bad injury she could freeze then and it can save them by keeping them alive till a cure can be found! she is a kind and caring reindeer and she tries so hard to make friends but nobody wants near her afraid to be frozen or to touch her she tries to help people but is always denied cuz she also sometimes freezes the things she touches (fucking elsa reindeer i guess lol wtf) she loves it when people rub her antlers she used to have a friend who would do it but she passed away now her brother does it for her! even after he gets frost bite he is her best friend! and takes care of her! pepper image #2 is a loyal and caring brother who has no powers of his own besides slight amunity to scouts coldness. he has always been there for his sister and is always hanging out with her he is also very protective of her as well he will beat the shit out of anyone who physically, verbally or emotionally hurts her and he doesnt like it when other reindeer call her P.A.T fat (thats a way of calling someone hot) he has never left his sisters side not since their parrents died when they were young! (and they both live in the north where its cold)
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