#he disappears for a while
pandeesall · 7 months
What Vince thinks about during his smoke break:
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kiksniko · 9 months
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i have hualian disease and it's fatal i'm afraid
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wigglebox · 3 months
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Destiel Pride - Day 21; Most faithful mirror
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lacebird · 4 months
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just him and purple ♡
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dizzybizz · 7 months
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ms jay herself (and apple)
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nelkcats · 1 year
Vengeful Knight
When Danny moved to Gotham he didn't think that would be a problem, his rogues agreed to let him go (or at least, most of them) and it was a good opportunity to get his college degree.
Of course, you can't spend your whole life with ghosts without getting attached to them or having them getting attached to you. Although most of them had promised, Danny was well aware that not all of them were going to keep that promise.
A good example was Fright Knight, who instead of staying in the Realms decided to move in with him and provide additional "protection"; the halfa figured it made sense, since he was now "heir" or whatever, he was just setting him back a few years.
Fright Knight took his job very seriously, mostly hiding in Danny's shadow and keeping watch. That was fine until the halfa got caught in a rogue attack in Gotham and inevitably, Frighty decided to do his job and press a sword down their throats.
Danny escaped from there soon after, but this trend continued to happen (rogues, muggers, even cops, anything "dangerous" ended up with a sword around his neck).
When he read in the Gotham newspaper about the "spirit of a knight" and "Gotham's recent problem with nightmares" he knew he had to do something about it. He was almost certain that people were going to consider him a vigilante or worse, a bat.
Besides, the nightmare dimension was getting pretty crowded and Danny didn't want to be part of the trauma of half the population in Gotham.
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cavyfinder · 9 months
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sorunort · 2 months
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i said in another post i was rping loop in a multifandom rp group and i'm having a lot of fun! so much fun that i made a giant doodle sheet of loop's glitch....that i haven't even gotten to rp yet but am so excited to im getting carried away. whoops
(in the context of the group, think of glitching like in spiderverse, they don't belong in this new world/dimension so their existence rejects it. we can do whatever we want for glitches so i just made loop's that they get their humanity back. yknow. for misery whenever they unglitch and go back to being a star [thumbs up])
i think my favorite here might just be the Go there Go Into the Dark catcrumb edit lmao
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puppetmaster13u · 10 months
Prompt 94
Danny has no clue what he’s just agreed to but Ellie seems happy about it, so it can’t be too bad. Ellie is honestly surprised but more than a little touched her template-dad gave her permission to let her new clone-union-totally-not-a-revolution use his lair as a home base. Now she just needs to help Klarion figure out how to make those portal-bracelets for each of them…
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jjyo--01 · 3 months
you’re edwin payne. you’re a british schoolboy in the 1910s and you keep to yourself, mostly. you find your penny novels more interesting than people. there’s one boy who seems to like you but you’re too afraid to talk to him lest you make a fool of yourself. you fall asleep one night, unaware that anything might be amiss. you’re violently wrested from your slumber and dragged away scared and confused. your kidnappers are your classmates and they gag you and pin you down. one familiar boy starts chanting and—oh god, what are they calling you? you struggle against them but their grips are just too tight and before you know it the room is silent. you glimpse something crawling in a dark corner. so do they. now it’s your captors’ turn to be scared. in an instant, they’re gone, combusted into flames at a single touch. a demon reveals itself to you and you beg for mercy, for your life. it’s the only thing you can do. but the demon isn’t interested in sparing you, and he drags you down to hell.
at least he said he was sorry.
now you’re in hell. you think you’re dead, but you’re not. the demon is there too, and now he owns you. you think you’re dreaming—no, not dreaming. this is a nightmare you’ll wake up from at any moment. but the more time passes, the less faith you have that this is true. the demon says he doesn’t want you, he has no use for a living human. and so you find yourself alone, tethered in darkness while the demon searches for a trader. he finds one, and you’re brought out to meet him. this demon is different from the one who brought you here, you can feel it. more evil, more sinister. nevertheless, you attempt to take it in stride. you extend a hand and introduce yourself. the demon takes your hand with a hungry grin and you are transported in the blink of an eye. you find yourself in a poorly lit, dingy room with hallways of equal quality stretching and connecting with each other as far as you can see.
it’s eerily quiet and you instinctively know something is wrong. you stand and survey your surroundings. there’s no one here except you. but there is something. a massive lump sits in a dark corner, covered in shadows. you can’t get a proper look at it, but you don’t dare draw any closer. it shifts it’s position and you hear the clanging of a thousand pieces of glass. now you’re confused, but you’re not curious enough to investigate. you need to find a way out of here as quickly as possible, so you make a break for it. you ignore the thing and duck through the nearest hallway as fast as your slippers will take you. then you trip and fall, not quite stifling a sharp cry. you’ve scraped your knees and your palms are bleeding. but it’s no matter, you’ll force your way through the pain.
you realize you’re lost so you turn back, but you freeze before taking your first step. the thing that you couldn’t get a good look at is standing in the doorway, blotting out what little light shone through. it starts crawling toward you—slowly at first, but it picks up speed. the clanging rings in your ears and fear strikes through your heart. you run, but it’s faster than you. god, it’s faster than you. then your leg snags and a shooting pain runs up your body. you look down and see dozens of tiny limbs clawing at your skin, ripping it apart. you hear yourself scream, a bone-chilling, bloodcurdling scream with which you didn’t know your lungs were capable. it’s tearing into your body now. your arms, your torso, your chest. blood fills your throat and then you can’t scream anymore. you feel like you’re on fire. the last thing you see is a head made of a dozen glass faces.
and then you die.
and then you wake.
you see the same dark room as before. you clutch your stomach, the one that had just been ripped out, though the skin is now unmarred. your chest is similarly intact, as is your throat. there is no evidence that you’ve been mauled to shreds, but you feel it in your soul. your body remembers it too. just as you’re coming back to your senses, you hear the creature clambering back through the hall closer to you. you make yourself as small as possible, but it’s dragging something along with it. you squint, and see the most gruesome sight imaginable. it’s you. it’s your body, mangled and broken, covered in blood, hardly recognizable. your gut twists and you feel dizzy. that’s you. it was you. but now you’re here, and your body is there. so what does that make you? you don’t have time to think before your let out an involuntary sob. something squeezes around your heart as you realize your grave mistake. the creature turns its focus onto you. you know what’s about to happen and there’s nothing you can do to stop it.
you’re edwin payne. yesterday, you were reading your favorite book instead of listening to a lecture. now you’re in hell, and this is your unspeakable reality for the next 73 years.
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hoofpeet · 1 year
Re: archeops imitating voices: what if it learned to say cute things like “hello”, “wanna treat?” And “I love you”
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Ough.. I feel like having a large & dumb bird be able to talk could backfire in some ways
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undeaddrabble · 5 months
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Abstrabbit nation we're so back
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corisbrainrot · 4 months
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guys who are healing 🐛
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im-smart-i-swear · 4 months
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"Pinepaw, I'm so happy to see you."
@barrenclan (sorry for being obnoxious. You posted the issue like 2hrs ago and i'm losing my marbles already. I hope youre happy with yourself)
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fungus-no69 · 4 months
Little things on defiant pc (you/your pronouns) ft. Gn Bailey, Harper, Remy and Wren
pc bites a lot, Bailey typical human trafficking, pc is implied to have been attacked by/visited the wolves, mentions of Harper's medical malpractice, amab Harper???? (dick jokes), mention of the wolf tf in Remy's, mention of pc in prison in Wren's, pc is joked to (possibly) have rabies, pc is feral in general
You're a little terror.
You're fucking impossible to wrangle. If Bailey does manage to force you into restraints and sell you somehow while you're still kicking and screaming like you're being murdered you show up again within an hour or two.
They sold you to a party of rich people why are you covered in twigs and fur??? Why do you have (wolf)shrooms?????
Half considers putting a bounty on your head. Might.
Daydreams about the day you finally pay them
Harper is fighting for their life over here- you're showing up after passing out, being sent to the asylum every now and again, get them riled up and just escape???? Kissing them while your hands wander to their-
You sneaky little shit.
Yeah sure, Harper can just..... not creep on you but they can't help it! :( you're so cute!!!!! So what if they get a bit close or stick their fingers in your mouth to test your gag reflex? (you bite them so hard it breaks the skin and they have to get their rabies shots)
They are not a masochist. Ignore the boner.
Always half hard and ready to go with you I'm sorry.
You get taken to the Underground farm and tell Remy to go suck a fat one
You get muzzled for that. Also the whole biting thing you've got going on I guess.
With the wolf tf they are going to try and turn you into cattle without letting you out with the others. They know you probably won't eat the cows but they're not taking any more chances here. You've already made sure that half of the staff needs vaccinations against several infections and diseases (advised by Harper, who seems all too acquainted with you and your 'habits')
Why can't you eat grass normally....
What the fuck do you mean you befriended the horses. You can't even get along with people- oh you escaped.
When they see you working with Alex they damn near have an aneurysm. They just smile at you, strained. Why must you torment them like this.
Please stop eating the blackjack cards
It's literally that image like 'the smart kid wondering how he's losing to me : me eating the pieces when he's not looking' yk the one except neither of you are winning because you're fucking eating the cards.
You guys meet up in the prison so much to the point that they're not even surprised anymore.
More shocked you got caught.
It would USUALLY be concerning how horny they get over you but it's Wren so yeah.
Expect to be teased and egged on
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cosmos-and-whatever · 1 month
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I got a bit of inspiration from this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VqwPGCAySHc
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