#he doesn't really view lunar as a person
i just noticed (thought that has been plaguing me for two weeks) that I accidentally made witch eclipse too emotional and now I have to rewrite (reverse thought process cuz the only thing written was a timeline) his personality to make him a little less uh that
#random#witch eclipse#i think with all the silly stuff i've been drawing with him i kinda just forgot that he's supposed to be cold and cruel and volatile#cuz the way he's coded at the moment means that he's not going to get the pendant by any means necessary so uh#that's gotta be changed somehow#i do like the way i've characterized him tho#in the witch au he's not really as...explosive? as the og eclipse?#like yea he's like that but also he's kinda just? there?#i dunno how to explain it#he was angry and lashing out and everything in the beginning#but after realizing that no one was around to comfort him for his outbreaks#he kinda just. stopped experiencing emotions#he repressed a lot of stuff#that's kinda where his current personality stems from#where he always has to be doing something to prevent his brain from thinking about things he doesn't want to think about#i dunno how I'm going to incorporate lunar into this tho#because his relationship with lunar is similar to how it is in cannon#except he's not verbally abusive to lunar#he's not really physically abusive either#well at least not directly#he doesn't really view lunar as a person#he sort of just sees him as an extension of the pendant and a way to figure out its secrets and whatnot#kc-as caring as he was with eclipse-sort of established the fact that eclipse was just a project to him#this feeling increased greatly after the Argument#but that's where eclipse's behavior towards lunar stems from#anyways#rambles#in the tags specifically#wonder how much of this is gonna save#witch au
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mlarty · 5 months
I've been really curious about your ocs, the ones for your universe "Utroba" specifically your lady doctor (does she have a name?) cause I adore her design but what's her personality? Does she have any supernatural abilities? Is she a hero or villain? Stuff like that.
Oh wow question about UTROBA, god yesssss thank you for asking. A lot of things in this project are still really raw and we only share concepts and some art, but we have something to tell about this lovely woman
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Her name is Grigora Vocula. She is the second main character of one of our UTROBA stories after Temir and his companion-partner. She is a doctor of medicine, and also a teratologist and aberration consultant — think of her as a special pathologist who studies the original mutant monsters (aberrants), and also helps in investigating cases with them and sometimes with local cultists
She's not the villain in our story, but she's not a hero either. She's just a very good doctor who knows how to do her job, but she gets involved in a very big story. Her personality is inspired by characters like Dana Scully, Dankovsky, Gregory House, Filipp Preobrazhensky, Kim Kitsuragi... Grigora is cold, emotionally closed, authoritative, cynical, but lives her work like a real nerd and can really be passionate if we talk about her as a professional. She doesn't see personalities in people and is surprised when they see a person in her
While she lacks empathy, she is faithful to her personal principles and the law, viewing the world around her as a system of rules and logic. She is used to being alone, living alone, and working alone. Okay, not entirely alone; Grigora has a little dog — proof that someone can be really dear to her, even though she denies it. In any case, dead bodies have become much better friends for her than colleagues... However, Temir destroys everything one day when he suddenly decided to awakens on her table right before the autopsy. It’s a looooong story
She doesn't have any supernatural abilities, but at some point she will have to face the risk of becoming what she is fighting against — an aberrant, and it will look something like this
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And a few lil facts about her
She's tall. Like.. really tall. 192 cm of authority
A heavy smoker
Grigora is a lunar. Lunarism is similar to our albinism in UTROBA, but with its original lore. It also affects her appearance, making her skin and hair colorless, and her eyes moon-yellow. So she make up her eyebrows and eyelashes to make them black
Loves crosswords and card games
A representative of the intelligentsia and has a privileged status in communist society
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ghostsandfools · 2 months
The psychology behind Lumini
Would Lunar and Gemini be a healthy couple? I don't fucking know, I've never read or consumed anything to do with psychology in my life, I have no idea what the fuck I'm talking about here, I genuinely don't know shit about mental health, BUT I'M GONNA TRY ANYWAYS! So if my takes here suck then sorry.
Lunar idolizes Gemini WAY too much. And that's absolutely going to set their relationship back. It's good to admire your romantic partner, but you need to realize they aren't perfect. YOU aren't perfect, so if you view your partner as a perfect person, you're going to end up feeling like you'll never be enough for them.
You have to realize that you and your partner both have flaws, and recognize that you can work through them together as a team. Gemini, despite how much I love them, has flaws. Lunar is going to have to realize that eventually, but I don't think that'll completely get rid of the issue.
Lunar is just a guy. He got thrown into all this star power stuff randomly. and Gemini is his TEACHER. It's okay, because they're both adults so it's not creepy, but even then, you should never EVER be in a relationship with your boss/educator. Gemini's job is to make sure he's progressing steadily with his star power abilities. And since the astrals are so impatient, they kinda have to hurry him along with his learning. Having your partner teaching you something is stressful, because you want to impress them and do well for their sake. It's even worse because for Lunar and Gemini, it's not "I have a hobby i think you'd enjoy, how about I teach you?" For them it's "You NEED to learn this quickly and without struggling or else my brother is going to fucking KILL YOU." Star power is a life or death thing. Lunar having feelings for Gemini is definitely going to make learning harder for him, not because he'll be distracted by them instead of learning. but because Star power is his entire life purpose now and if he doesn't learn how to control it, the consequences could be very grave for him.
On top of that, he doesn't know Gemini very well. Which is fine, people get crushes of course, but they'll need to take things slow with each other if they want to get to know each other better and work through their other issues.
Gemini needs to be more understanding of Lunar's emotions. It's clear that they care for Lunar, but they're very tough on him, and I don't think they understand the mental effects of that.
Gemini feels things differently than any regular earthling. Their feelings are clearly more rooted in logic. They can feel angry and sad and happy, but it's different than how we would. For example, when they rejected Lunar, they gave him a logical explanation as to why they didn't want to pursue a relationship with him, then didn't understand why he was so sad. They thought explaining it logically would help him feel better, but that's not how feelings work. Sometimes people feel sad or happy or scared or angry for no reason, and that's okay. You don't have to justify your feelings or have a logical reason behind them for them to be valid, but I don't think Gemini understands that, and that's okay, but it's something they'll need to work on. Right now, they seem to think Lunar is immature or over emotional, but that's not true. He's been through a lot, and they really need to begin to understand that.
Now. The elephant in the room. When Lunar killed Eclipse, Gemini got pretty mad at him. Which is reasonable, he did kill a guy. I don't really think either of them were in the wrong in that situation though. I've seen some people say Gemini was downright abusive in their reaction, and I've seen some people say that they should've been harder on Lunar, but I wanna see things from both of their points of view. When Lunar saw Eclipse, he was scared. Seeing an abuser again is terrifying, I don't know what I would've done in his shoes. With the way Lunar's mind works, he could've just lost control of himself, he could've regressed from the stress of the situation and not known what to do, and with the way Eclipse was taunting and threatening him, it makes sense that he'd have a violent reaction. It doesn't justify what he did, but it does explain it. Gemini had every right to lash out at him though, because they trusted him and they spent a lot of time training him so he wouldn't do something like that again and he still did. And maybe, for the first time in a while, maybe they couldn't control their emotions either. Maybe they let their anger get the better of them.
Now, I think it actually shows how strong they are, because they were able to recover from what happened. Lunar apologized for what he did, and they've started to rekindle their friendship and build up trust again, and that's good! Because it shows that they can have arguments and still get over it. I've just got one issue with how their arc is going. I wish Gemini apologized too. I know Lunar did kill a man, but they really, REALLY hurt him. I wish they said sorry. But generally speaking, I'm glad that they're becoming friends again.
Another thing about Gemini is their upbringing. They don't talk about the other astrals very much, and I wonder what their life has been like so far. The other astrals seem more like coworkers to them than siblings, and I wonder if anyone other than Lunar has shown them affection before. Did Aries ever play games with them? Did Libra ever comfort them when they were feeling sad? Did Taurus ever show them how to use their powers? Or did they have to learn everything on their own? Sadly, we don't know. But based on how they talk about the other astrals, I'd wager not. And if that's the case, being in a relationship might be a challenge for them. They don't know how to respond to affection, they don't know HOW to be in a relationship. And in all fairness, neither does Lunar. They would be each other's first lovers, which is even more stressful, because neither of them know what the hell they're doing. If they want their relationship to last, they'd have to be perseverant as HELL.
Anyways. I just spent 45 minutes writing that....
Again, I'm not a psychologist! I'm just some random person! I have never studied mental health in my LIFE! Not to mention, I was gaslit A LOT as a kid. I have some pretty sucky parents, so I don't know what a healthy relationship really looks like either! That being said, if I said anything so unbelievably, ungodly incorrect, please correct me! I need to learn more about mental health so maybe then I can ALSO start feeling better.
I have been shipping Lumini since the episode where they went to Paris together, and I was NOT expecting the shows to actually explore the possibility further. I would LOVE for them to get together in canon, because they both need some love and affection. I think it's good that they have these flaws, because they can grow together and progress as characters, and I'm glad they aren't just some cookie cutter automatically healthy no issues whatsoever relationship. I really do hope things end up working out for them.
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starheirxero · 3 months
NEXUS AND MOON FINALLY MET!! :D And Ruin is being the cryptic freak he is/affectionate <3
I wanted to point out something really interesting to me-
The last two days of episodes mention a few rather interesting things! Specifically character motivations!
Though subtle, there are lines that tell us a lot about the characters' thought processes, and it really jumped out to me!
In "Lunar gets kicked out", Moon mentions why he wants Lunar to live with them. He feels responsible for them.
Though it seems obvious once you think about it, it tells us not just a lot about Moon and his relationship to Lunar, but Lunar's relationship with Nexus as well.
Moon has a guilty conscience, often thinking of himself as the cause of the problem. This has been a problem for a long time, even prior to his death.
Though he's been incredibly casual, his actions still lay heavy on him, though he has trouble expressing it.
Lunar came from his head. This is where his code developed.
Moon naturally feels responsible for them! Another factor of this could also be his knowledge of being stuck in someone's head.
Its also interesting to note, that Lunar didn't correct or reassure him, instead being upset at the wording! This could mean, that Lunar does feel hurt and left behind, which makes sense!
After all, they died, and when they came back, their big brother was just…gone, sacrificing himself for someone who, in Lunar's eyes, caused much more harm than good.
It actually tells us a lot about their relationship with Nexus as well!!
Nexus knows, where Lunar comes from, and feels the same level of responsibility. He likely felt guilty about Moon's departure as well!
I'm not sure when this happened, but I know Nexus once said, Moon wouldn't have cared about Lunar's death.
This was, of course, his own resentment speaking, but it explains his protectiveness, which was turned up a notch when it came to Lunar!
He's trying to make it up to them.
Lunar's point of view is a whole cane of worms itself- It's been something I've been thinking about for a long time, though I never found the right words for it!
They obviously love Nexus, that much is clear. But they seemed rather avoident of him. It's much different from their relationship with Earth and Sun.
Lunar is a selfish person. They try not to be, and try their best to be empathetic, something they tend to struggle with.
Despite this though, this part of them sometimes peeks through. That's not a bad thing, of course, it makes their character human, and honestly really fun!
Point is, this especially happens around Nexus.
A good example being the Dazzle episodes with those two.
Lunar is a lot more demanding towards him in them, and their little moments of the "sibling dynamic", seem rather tense, much different from the joking atmosphere they usually have around their other siblings. Nexus seems genuinely hurt by Lunar's lack of interest, not even bothering with a simple thank you.
And honesty? It makes sense.
Lunar's perspective on the situation is honestly so fascinating to me!
The tension started, when Eclipse came back.
However, even though they were angry at being babied, something that makes a lot more sense now with Nexus' guilt involved, that wasn't what set them off.
Instead, it started going down hill once Nexus made a deal with Eclipse, and thought of letting him live.
Because Moon had seen everything.
He has seen the dents marking his own metal, inflicted upon him by Eclipse to hurt Lunar.
He knows about Lunar's fear and discomfort, when it comes to Sun's glow feature.
He heared Lunar's thoughts, his doubts, once mentioning, that Lunar can't exactly hide things from him.
Hell, it's been established, that Lunar could see Moon's memories, so theres a likelyhood of the reverse being possible as well.
Moon even brought them to Solar's dimension, for the sake of closure, knowing their time with Eclipse was still eating them up inside.
He should know the pain inflicted on them. Yet he doesn't, because this isn't Moon.
This is Nexus. A replacement. A new person, wearing their brother's face and pretending to be him.
This isn't their older brother anymore. This isn't the guy, who they ran to, when they couldn't take the abuse anymore.
This isn't the person, that took them in. This isn't the brother, that gave them a home. He's not the one, that tried to encourage their interests, or scolded Sun when he accidentally made them cry.
No, this brother is long gone, sacrificing himself for a killcode who hasn't brought anything but misery.
Because Lunar doesn't know about KC's change of heart, or his regret.
In Lunar's eyes, Killcode is nothing but the monster, that caused psychological warfare to his brother, and forced them out of Moon's head.
Of course, there's going to be resentment towards Moon.
"Why would you leave me behind, and at the mercy of my personal demon, for someone who caused us harm?"
And naturally, this resentment would fall upon Nexus as well.
But it only really started to rear its ugly head, when he spared Eclipse.
Because this is the painful moment, that truly paints Nexus a different person.
A replacement, a stranger in a loved ones body.
A reminder of what they lost.
And they know, they are in the wrong.
They know the moment, that they acknowledge Eclipse's death, caused by their own hands, was a mistake.
But they are selfish. They are selfish, and they cannot help but put themself first. They cannot help, but put their own feelings first.
Holy shit, I did not expect to write a whole paragraph-
I needed to get this out of my system though- Lunar is like an insect to me, affectionately! I need to study them under a microscope-
That being said, this also plays into Nexus' development!
In "Moon and Nexus meet", Nexus says some pretty interesting things, mentioning, that Dark Sun is the only one who enjoys what he makes, the only one, who let's him do what he wants to.
This tells us, that Nexus truly did feel like a replacement for Moon.
He felt like he needed to be someone else, pretend to be something he's not.
He needed to be Lunar and Sun's lost brother. He needed to be Earth's reliable, big brother, when, technically, he existed last.
There were too many expectations on him, both from the people around him, and also himself. He likely built up a lot of resentment as well, and now he's letting it all flow out. A bit of this resentment could be heared, when Lunar did not give him that single thank you.
There's definitely more in play here, but I think, this has been eating him up for a long time, long before Solar died. However, Solar's death made him realize, that he can't be Moon, no matter, how hard he tries.
Nexus never truly had an identity of his own, instead being pushed into someone else's.
And of course, there's Eclipse. It always comes around to him, it seems-
I think, the last two MGAFS episodes give us quite the insight into his moral code.
And interestingly enough, it's incredibly similar to Ruin's!
If it's for the greater good, it doesn't matter, who gets hurt.
It doesn't matter, if FC is in pain and relives a traumatic experience, as long as the havoc wrecking ghost gets destroyed.
It doesn't matter, if Puppet has to die, if it means, keeping the multiverse alive.
It doesn't matter, who I hurt, because the star can do anything, and I will create an utopia.
It's such an interesting, morally grey point of view!!
AND YOUR WHOLE RAMBLE ABOUT LUNAR N MOON N NEXUS YEAH!!!!!!!!!!! I DON'T HAVE PRODUCTION ADDITIONS I'M JUST NODDING SO FURIOUSLY!!!!! I had almost totally forgot about the whole "not even a thank you" with Lunar and Nexus and now that you've reminded me of it, I realize just how long this has been building up for!!!!
It's so many layers of sad to me too because neither of them are necessarily in the wrong. Lunar was mourning where Moon used to stand and Nexus was trying to be someone he literally couldn't be and it just... clashed. No way around it.
And yesyes like u said with Lunar and Moon too!! There's a lotta unaddressed bitterness from the fact Lunar woke up after death and Moon had just up and died to someone Lunar still thought of as a Pretty Shitty Guy!!! And even just unaddressed stuff from before they died, it's just. a lot.
There's so much turmoil between the lunar models and its just awuagahgh it fucks me UP.
And Eclipse's morals yesyesyes!!! They are awfully Ruin-like aren't they?!?!! I wonder if that's something to do with them both being eclipsed models or if it's something with how they were both brought up or if maybe Eclipse's are so Ruin-like now bc that's who made him or whatever yk..... Exactly like u said it's such a fascinating case of grey morality wohoo!!!!! ^_^
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waterizsilly · 5 months
I'm making a TSAMS au comic series called "twinkling stars"!
So here's our mc(main character) star!!
He's a amalgamation of sun,moon, Eclipse, and lunar, so you might be wondering- "how are they all in the same body??" well here's the explanation;
So when sun and moon were fighting over control, note that in this dimension/au moon doesn't have a kc but sun does, tho sun surpresses it, after a while they managed to make peace with each other but in the process, two new consciousness were born inside the mindscape (Eclipse and lunar) Eclipse is sun's repressed kc, while lunar is a conscious that grew from moon due to his "redemption" when him and sun made peace, Eclipse was angry sun surpressed him for 3 years, but this Eclipse doesn't really get dragged by his emotions, though he did punch sun after he saw him, but after a while of talking with each other, everyone just.. grew with each it, so basically this is TSAMS but if nothing bad ever happened lmao, they go to Golden Freddy however since the body couldn't support that many people in it, so they train with magic and while they were, not all of them were talking at the same time anymore, like a new voice came out, a mind which all of them dubbed "star" which is the main conscious of the body with everyones personalities, when star finally fully Mastered magic with golden, he went back to the pizza Plex, he was friends with LITERALLY EVERYONE, he wanted to make something due to daycare's lack of security, so he made a security bot he named "blood moon" basically anyone viewed as a threat he'll kill in an instant, but he doesn't really have a conscious, like everyone else, he's like solar flare and jack, just an ai,but he slowly grows sentience,but even when star was aware he was just an ai of, he treated him well like family.
When there was nothing else to do at the daycare, star would travel dimensions due to curiosity and fun, he met alot of people, he met friends, enemies, and.. someone who was very special to him.
But one day when he was jumping around dimensions,he tried going back to his dimension he landed in a void.He was incredibly confused, he looked at the info, of his dimension, as it said "dimension not found" then he realized that his dimension was destroyed, he broke down knowing everyone he loved there was gone.
So he goes on a quest on trying to find the main dimension, (TSAMS) he's aware of the main dimension, and how his dimension is a different version of it, but he noticed that no matter what happened in that dimension, they managed to always get back up and win, so he thinks that maybe that they can help him get his dimension back.
So now he goes on this long journey on finding the main dimension with the help of some of his different acquaintancess/friends throughout the dimensions.
Feel free to ask questions^^!!
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goodolddumbbanana · 3 months
So I am right, apparently. Moon has toasted the shit out of Nexus.
Poor boy. Getting eliminated by the "superior" version of himself, must leave a burn.
(man, if I have my old self call me cringe and emo, and my name is oc teenage phase, I would die from embarrassment.)
Also, even though Sun doesn't actually say anything, but with his hesitation and he speaks Nexus's name with the tone of parents seeing their child walk into their emo teenage phase and change their name into something cringe like "Dark princess or sparkle pony", make me laugh.
Like, Sun has to repeat that name again. Like he didn't even believe why Moon or Nexus said that.
(Moo--Nexus, I guess you are not past your furry phase yet.)
Okay, sidenote: Nexus mistakes Sun's name with him. And it seems like he has not completely gone nuts and cut ties with his "family" yet, because he still cares what Sun thinks about him, even though it comes out as sass.
(If Nexus doesn't give coins about what Sun or the family thinks about him, he wouldn't think about making another murders or assuming immediately that Sun and the others hate him and don't want him.
Also, the way Nexus talks about Sun, it gives me a vibe of "Sun is the most ill mentally person that I know and he is so sensitive about me went nuts, he immediately went with you and lived in another house.")
I think in Nexus's view, Sun is the snowflake. Because even though he used to love Sun, he sometimes jokes about Sun's hallucinating episodes (sorry, can't remember the name of this mental issues problem) and down straight humiliation Sun because of it when Nexus went nuts.
I think Nexus still holds some pieces of his care for Sun, because it seems like he tries to avoid talking about him .
Another sidenote, I see some people say Old Moon gets along really well with the others and the family just forgets and replaces Nexus with Moon, which I must say is outrageous not true.
Nexus right now is still a hard spot for everyone. No one is coping very well, with Earth doubting her ability and wanting to have a pet just to vent out all his problems; Lunar seems like out of track, he is just numbing himself and doesn't want to think about Nexus. (Classic trauma defense reflex)
Especially Sun. You can see his voice shift into something like he can't breathe and seemingly shaking just like how he talked with Jack. He doesn't seem to care about Moon's jokes about Nexus (how Nexus the dumb one, how Nexus tries to have an intelligent battle with him...) and immediately just wants to step back and sit down.
Old Moon or Moon doesn't actually get along with Sun. They are pretty awkward with each other, when Moon still tries his best to prove that he is better now while still a little bit falls in the same good old Moon's manner. Only now he has not hit Sun or directly yells at Sun to shut up.
We can see some moments, when Sun just immediately shuts down, and doesn't talk back to Moon.
(remember the gravel's history? Sun has spent 10 hours rambling it to Nexus. He is also pretty much more confident and comfortable with Nexus than Moon, cuz we rarely see them play games with each other anymore these days and Sun usually is very quiet when Moon says something outrageous about Nexus or when Moon is doing something stupid. )
It seems like they had not found their dynamic yet.
In the old old Moon and Sun. Moon will take the lead and Sun even though nervously, still happily tagging along. With Nexus and Sun, they are seemingly both equal, with Nexus feels like he is the younger brother to Sun. Nexus is still the one who leads, but feels like Sun has to tag along by force and has a ball to stand up for himself.
(he is still nervously though. He seems to hardly care or impressed anymore. Sun in those moments just gives up on trying to do anything because all his efforts are seemingly useless and he just leaves Nexus and Solar having fun. )
And now, it seems like when Moon tries to support Sun and hear Sun out, to be a better brother, Sun just accidentally falls back into his old habits with Moon.
( Be quiet when Moon needs. Don't talk back to him. Do as he says. Don't be stupid and impulsive.)
Sure he is getting better at having a backbone and stand up for himself. But It is ironic that right now Sun is exactly what Moon wants Sun to be back then.
So yeah, I think their dynamic now still has a lot of problems that can be improved and I am really eager to see more of how Moon tries to bribe Sun and the celestial family into getting comfortable with him, and him being smartass while trying to sneakly replace and flushed every single piece of Nexus's appearance out of celestial family's life.
F@cking a@shole, but he is kind of funny right now though with how he just like Nexus, accidentally makes Sun can't talk about the others because he doesn't like seeing Nexus in better light.
#Also, do you guys think Sun would think deeply about Nexus when he stays alone? Like how Dark Sun tries to get rid of Nexus, and how Nexus still willingly stays and works with him.
#Do you guys think how Nexus would rather go off railed and associated with some one danger and use him than staying with his family would make Sun think he is a bad brother?
Like he used to not be good enough for Moon, now he is not good enough for Nexus?
How does he have no energy to keep it together anymore and not even care if he upset Moon to some degree?
(like Sun becomes more sassier, and I can say, a little bit of colder. Sure, he still cares for Moon, and keeps his mouth shut when it comes to sensitive topics.
But He was rarely impressed by the mafia and sass Moon so much in jail. He doesn't argue back with Moon and just shut up like he gets tired of that and just changes topics. He straight out calls Moon out for his bullshit about his technology, about how weird it is, and just doesn't even care if Moon tells or doesn't tell him anything.
He seems to have a trauma response of how Moon gets injured though. He is so scared of hurting Moon, making every magic come out of him all just harmless. Turning people into goose, making rock into rubber fish. He immediately runs back at Moon when he thinks Moon is in danger , and just straight walks away when Sun realizes it's just another of Moon's bullshit thing.
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ikamigami · 5 months
I'm scared that the longer Sun's alcohol problem will be ignored the more reckless he'll act and it'll eventually lead to a drama..
"What reckless things he did?" You probably ask yourself now.
After he started drinking alcohol he became more aggressive when angry, he was flirting with Foxy when he seemed weirded out whenever ship was mentioned before, he gave Dazzle 5 boxes of Dum Dums (the smallest box that I found had 120 lollipops which is 780g of candy 😭 and he gave Dazzle 5 boxes which is 3,9 kg of candy.. 🫠) and he stole sushi for 100$.. it's a lot of money.. this restaurant lost close to 15 500 yen.. you can for yourself how much this amount is valuable but it's a lot..
So you can see that Sun acts more and more recklessly.. I'm betting that Moon's mental breakdown happened later then Sun teaching Dazzle because we know that Sun took care of Moon afterwards.. or that's what I think.. Sometimes it's really hard to tell when it comes to the timeline of events in these shows..
Anyway even if this may not seem as a big deal for you.. it may become a big problem sooner or later..
I'm afraid that Sun will do either something really dangerous or stupid and the drama will ensue..
He already broke a law because he stole something..
I'm slightly disappointed (I can't find better word) with Earth because while surprised at first that Sun wanted to give Dazzle 5 boxes of Dum Dums she let him do this eventually..
It doesn't matter that Dazzle is huge.. I think that no one should it almost 4 kg of candy.. 😕 (if human ate this amount of candy in one sitting they'd risk having cardiac problems which can end up with death)
Like I said in one of my posts I think that Earth ignores signs that Sun has some serious issues because she feels safe around her older brother and doesn't want to disrupt this. Even if it's understandable that she wants to rely on her older brother I think that she knows better than that and should at least recommend Sun going to a different therapist..
I like Earth and I'm sure that she wants to have some peace in her life after all these traumatic events that happened. Even if she was sharing most of her problems with Solar it's easy to see that she views Sun as a safe person, a safe place she can rest in..
The first person she went to after Lunar killed Eclipse was Sun. I bet that she feels comforted by the fact that Sun is the oldest and despite that he went through a lot he's still the same caring person. She views Sun as someone who is smart especially in regard to social and emotional matters..
Around Sun she lets herself act like a younger sister she is. She feels safe and lets herself act silly knowing that her older brother is right there for her..
That's why she can't be Sun's therapist. Because even if she cares about Sun deeply she favorizes their sibling relationship more than therapist - patient relation. It's because it's a conflict of interests. Sun is Earth's older brother so she seeks comfort in him so when he comes for therapy from her it completely switches their places, it flips their relationship totally..
Even if she tries her best to distance herself from being Sun's younger sister during therapy sessions it's impossible to completely eradicate the way she views him. Also it's way harder for Sun to open up to her because she's his younger sister - someone he takes care of, not the other way around..
So now when Earth is physically distanced from Sun due to him living in completely separated area from her and he's seemingly doing better - he seems more relaxed (due to alcohol intake), she ignores any signs that Sun has some serious issues because he's her older brother and she feels safe around him so naturally she doesn't want to disrupt it..
"He seems so happy. The happiest I've ever seen him. If he had a problem, he'd definitely tell me about it." - I can imagine that's what Earth is thinking to herself.
It's completely fine because it's normal that she wants her older brother to feel better.. but it's not okay that she tries to give him therapy when she clearly isn't suited to help him due to conflict of interests..
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alexandraisyes · 2 months
What do you think about each Celestial family member having their own villain arc?
In theory? Yeah that's an interesting concept
With the show's canon? No. That sounds like a total disaster when the only person they really have left is Earth.
Sun: Killed the original bm, Tried to kill Eclipse, Purposefully scared Lunar, broke Moon's computer in anger, blah blah blah. Honestly, he hasn't done anything that bad past those things. And he tried to fix things afterward, but I'd still call that his "villain arc" because he was acting downright vile. And yes I know it's because he was dealing with a psychotic breakdown, which is why I'm not being that hard on him. But also he spent months pushing Nexus away and then was upset that Nexus wasn't like old Moon when he never really made an effort to get to know who Nexus was, he just assumed he was like Moon.
Old Moon: God I could literally go on all day. He's a villain in his own right. Abused Sun physically, mentally, and emotionally for years. We still haven't seen a proper apology or acknowledgment of that. Friends with Monty, which should be a crime in itself. He's literally done whatever he wants whenever he wants the entirety of his existence and blown up at people when they try to tell him no. He's only bothered to care when things are out of his control, he's been known to be a control freak and borderline obsessive.
Lunar: Killed Eclipse, loves to threaten to shock people for pissing him off, plus he's always been a very morally grey character. He does what benefits Lunar and doesn't care about what other people think or how it will affect them. He's a little bit narcopathic, to be honest. He lied about Eclipse abusing him for over a year just to get sympathy points, and it's only been in the past few months that he's come clean about the fact that Eclipse never abused him. He's two-faced and immature.
Nexus: Currently going through it, someone send him cookies, please. Bro is dealing with a virus and psychosis and is not having a good time, and I'm honestly slightly upset that they're actively villainizing him when he's quite literally mentally ill. Especially since he's more or less dealing with the same thing Sun was a year? Two years? ago.
Eclipse: I know he's not a part of the celestial family/related to anyone anymore, but he literally made the purpose of his existence into being a pain in the ass three separate times.
Ruin: Also not in the family but we all know his crimes (being too silly)
Solar: I don't consider him as part of the family the same way I don't consider Ruin or Eclipse as part of it. However he's cold and calloused in his own right (he is an Eclipse after all, even if he's supposed to be a "nice" one) and has been known to have something of a temper. I wouldn't say he's ever had a villain arc, but also he's a very morally grey character (again, he is an eclipse). I feel like if he had any less restraint we would have an entirely different view of him.
Killcode: Not part of the family but bro literally started as a cannibalistic freak like-
So of all the "positive" characters that leaves us with Earth. And so far she's managed to be angelically (this is a compliment to her self restraint) composed and hasn't caused any damage. So far. I really hope they don't give her a "villain arc" because she's like a breath of air in the dysfunctionality. Like yeah, she's dysfunctional and fucked over in her own right, but she hasn't tried to kill anyone. She hasn't tried to hurt anyone (besides bm but that was a security/defense protocol and they lowkey deserved it). I like Earth, I hope they just keep doing what they're doing with her.
I know a lot of people don't like Earth and call her a "Mary Sue" or some shit but I think that just comes from a lack of media literacy because she's a very detailed and complex character who's more than just "a pretty face and kind personality with daddy issues". Y'all who say that are just being offensive and rude, and it comes off as extremely misogynistic. Yes she has her flaws, but I don't see people hating the rest of the cast like they hate her.
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synnthamonsugar · 4 months
11. Sharing Secrets Eris/Ikora
With a dazzling sparkle, Ikora Rey transmats to Cadmus Ridge clad in long quilted robe and a full mask — half protection against the cold, half insurance against would-be witnesses. Still, her face burns with the sudden change in temperature between her orbiting jumpship and the inhospitable Europan air. 
Eyes watering, she spots Eris Morn, likewise head-to-toe in cold gear, shadowed in the icy crags of the cliffside, a sudden alertness in her typically hunched posture. She wants to sprint over, but maintains a casual pace until she's sure she's out of any lines of sight, closing the last few steps between them with long, fast strides. She and Eris lock in a tight embrace, comforted by each other's warmth against the biting winds, linked arms soothing the pain of each other's long absence.
This whole region of Europa is a Darkness zone. It's not the first time Ikora has had her Light suppressed, nor is there any threat of permanence. Still, she feels an amorphous ache of loss, sharpened by her inability to provide the sun's warmth in this moment. "I do apologize for the cold." 
"It's not your fault."
"What really happened here? I know about the crash — that one of the Bray facilities was destroyed in the process. There are ground reports that something inside caused this."
Whatever relaxation that settled in Eris' stance evaporates off. "In the course of removing VIP #2029's forces from the Exoscience Facilities, a fireteam led by VIP #2014 boarded an orbital weapons station. They prevented Taniks from launching a nuclear strike, but catastrophically deorbited in the process."
"By the Sky, Eris, tell me everyone's okay —"
Eris swallows, and the knot of anxiety that has settled in Ikora's chest since the beginning of all this tightens. "All six guardians and their ghosts are alive. VIP #2014 is still recovering as her Light slowly returns. She's repeatedly refused monitoring and off-planet transport. I don't believe she will budge on this matter . . . 
"I wanted to tell you — Vanguard surveillance and House Salvation signal-jamming be damned. I had half a mind to open an ascendant manifold to the Tower and deliver the news in person."
Ikora shakes her head. "Operational security is paramount. You did the right thing."
She doesn't relax. 
"And the Darkness?"
"Inside the Deep Stone Crypt lies an anomaly similar to the one on the moon. It was exposed in the collision."
"Inside—? Clovis Bray knew?"
"We recovered logs . . . he built the entirety of the exomind transfer process around it. VIP #0101 would be able to explain in further depth . . ."
Ikora's mind swims as she begins to consider the implications. Latent paracausality had long been suspected in exos, but she never would have guessed such a direct link. The history of the Golden Age would be reconsidered. Books would be written and rewritten. Scholars and theologians would debate what it meant for beings birthed of Darkness to walk among the Traveler's chosen. Her own views of humanity and the Light would change in ways she couldn't yet conceive. 
"Ikora? Are you okay?"
" — Yes. This is a lot to take in at once." 
"It has been for all of us."
The wind whistles over the canyons, a strange, reedy keening that's almost mistakable for a distant murmur of music. 
"Eris, how are you holding up?"
"I've been through worse," she replies dryly. "My companions are more troublesome than I'd like, but less so than I'd feared. Loath as I am to say it, we make a fine team, and I trust them despite everything."
Ikora feels a fraction of the weight in her chest lift. She'd been hesitant about Drifter's and Elsie's uneasy alliance with Eris — but Ikora's faith that Eris could navigate whatever challenges they presented was well–placed.
Perhaps, Ikora hoped, she was even a good influence on them. 
"And your research?"
"We have made significant progress in harnessing the powers first encountered in the Lunar Pyramid."
Rustling through the pockets of her cloak, she produces her ahamkara bone shard, alight in soft licks of green flame. Flexing her hand slightly, it extinguishes and crystallizes into silvery ice. 
"In our experiments, the use of stasis produces no insidious psychological or paracausal effects. It doesn't look impressive, but this represents a breakthrough. With the combined powers of Light and Darkness, even our most formidable enemies will crumble before us."
"The three of you are exceptional. Lightbearers are insatiable in their quest for new weapons. When word gets out, are you certain your results will be repeatable?"
"We are still people, Ikora, as vulnerable to corruption as any. We cannot stop a bad actor from using stasis to bad ends . . . but it will not induce corruption as other applications of the Darkness have. It is a tool in an arsenal; a powerful one, but without any motive of its own."
Ikora stares, transfixed, at the ball of concentrated stasis in Eris' hands. With another twitch, the ice dissipates. The bone reignites its wreath of soulfire.
"Will you learn with me?"
That was the question on Ikora's mind since Eris first spoke with certainty that the Darkness could be tamed. Was it not a Warlock's duty to plumb the depths of knowledge, to understand all that she can, to peer into oblivion, to chart her path past it? Learning stasis would make her among the first of her kind. A leader and mentor not just of warlocks, but of an entirely new class of guardians who walk in both Light and Darkness. A trusted elder of tomorrow.
She still finds herself saying what she told herself every time she considered it: "No."
"Why not?" Words that could have been confrontational from anyone else were gentle, almost pleading, from Eris' lips. 
The worry and doubt she so carefully manages threatens to overflow like sickness — does, in one rivulet of admission. "I may study it, but I can't use it. I must be a beacon of the Light."
"I won't try to change your mind."
Ikora loves this aspect of hers' and Eris' relationship: their ability to let each other be unapologetically who they are. To never feel the need to live up to or shrink away from reputations. Yet she considers a world in which she feels comfortable touching the Darkness, living up to her full potential without fear of optics, or others' judgment. 
The timer she'd set buzzes, signaling her departure.
"Please be careful. Aunor will keep looking, and I can't hold her off forever."
She and Eris press their faces together in a contactless kiss. 
"Until next time—"
"Clarity in action, love."
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crepes-suzette-373 · 10 months
Sanji and his brother(s), and Kamen Rider?? (also, sun and moon... and dragons)
Credits to this Twitter post that mentioned that Sanji seems to take inspiration from Kamen Rider Black.
When I poked around that a little, surprisingly the similarity fits not just Sanji, but his brother(s) too. I put the plural in brackets because Kamen Rider Black only has one brother, and I'm not sure if the lore necessarily fits into all 3 of Sanji's brothers. Maybe it's just one of them.
I'm going to start with a long winded summary of the Kamen Rider part first, so bear with that one second before I dive into the Sanji stuff.
(also it veers off into utter madcap theory about mythology again)
Kamen Rider Black's protagonist, Minami Koutarou, lost his parents at a young age and was adopted by his father's friend. He gained an adoptive brother, who coincidentally has the same birthday date as him (so, not blood related, but "almost twins" in a way).
The two brothers were kidnapped by the evil alien/monsters to be become candidates of their new King. Koutarou was to be implanted with the Sun Stone to become Black Sun, and his brother Nobuhiko implanted with Moon Stone to become Shadow Moon.
Koutarou's adoptive father/Nobuhiko's father had "sold" his services to the evil group in exchange for research funds, so he had to participate with the experiments (including experimenting on his own sons). However, knowing that their personalities/memories are going to be erased in the process, he intervened to save them, and was killed in the process.
Only Koutarou made it out, while his brother was left with the evil group. Koutarou gained powers, but still had his humanity, so he became the superhero Kamen Rider Black. His brother, who ended up losing his humanity, became the evil fighter Shadow Moon.
This is similar to what Sora did for her kids. The details of the circumstances are different, but the rough summary of it matches.
Other similarities include the fact that Kamen Rider Black and Shadow Moon aren't actually wearing protective suits or armour. The armour-like appearance is actually "exoskeleton"/hardened skin.
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(text is Google Translated from the Kamen Rider official site just to save time, so the wording is somewhat funny but it should still make sense)
Kamen Rider Black looks like that because when he "henshin", he transform into a grasshopper-like alien form first, then his skin hardened into that armour-like appearance. Shadow Moon is permanently in the "armour" form, and doesn't seem to have a human form anymore (at least in the original series).
While Sanji can "henshin" back and forth between normal state and exoskeleton (for now), his brothers just have the exoskeleton permanently.
Edit: Also, the way the Germa raid suits are activated is very similar to how a number of more modern Riders activate their belts to transform:
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Okay, now we have established the similarity, but what does it mean?
Possible foreshadowing
In the sequel series, Kamen Rider Black RX, Shadow Moon regained his humanity and helped Kamen Rider Black, but dies in the end.
I sure hope this is not what's going to happen to Sanji's brothers, but it's not an unlikely possibility for the plot to go this way.
Sun and Moon
This is where it really goes into galaxy brain hyperthink. Feel free to ignore from this point onwards if that's not your vibe.
Black Sun and Shadow Moon sounds like they can imply solar and lunar eclipses. Lunar eclipses can be "red", when it happens in the form of the "blood moon". If Sanji's abilities ("black leg", "stealth black") is a reference to Kamen Rider Black, then if Shadow Moon's counterpart is just one person, then it might be Ichiji, the "red" one.
And besides, in some parts of Japanese tradition, "red" can be seen as the opposite of "black". Black is the colour of the north and represents the element water, red is the colour of the south and represents fire.
Aside from that, old Japanese traditions view black as "night", and red as "the sun/sunrise". Thus, opposites, as well as reaffirms the sun/moon-night/day imagery.
The sun and moon tomoe
A sub theory of the above. While Ichiji's power seems to be meant to be "light", many people in the fandom considers his power to be related to fire and heat. Occasionally one would see fanarts with the theme of "Ichiji and Sanji the fire duo".
They have a point. "Sparking" is written with the kanji for light sparks, but those sparks also still imply "fire" (the word includes the fire kanji, and refers to sparks that has the potential to cause fire). This reinforces the "counterparts" theory.
Speaking of fire, sun, and moon, there is a certain object that combines those:
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These are the great taiko drums used for gagaku or bugaku traditional dances. The drums are framed in fire shapes, and as such is often known as the "flame drums" kaendaiko 火烟太鼓.
The left drum is decorated with the sun, and the right drum with the moon. It's not always like this, but sometimes the Sun's tomoe curl right, like Sanji's brows, while the Moon's tomoe curl the opposite way, like his brothers.
I've talked about how the Germa skull's eyes resemble tomoe. I've talked about how I suspect Germa has connection to the moon. I also mentioned that there might be a theme of "sun and moon team ups".
The Kamen Rider connection, and the tomoe on the drums, I really hope are hints that would point to Sanji fully reconciling with his brothers properly.
Here be dragons: Sun and moon reversal?
Many people has theorised that Sanji's powers are Lunarian-based, and here's my take on it. Despite its name, though, Lunarians by design seems more closely tied to the sun.
To quickly reiterate, King's design looks similar to Garuda, from both Hindu and Japanese mythology:
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The Japanese thought that Garuda is associated with fire and the sun. Not to mention, the black wings (and maybe even the dark skin) brings to mind the legend of the "crow who resides in the sun", the Yatagarasu.
So a fire bird with sun imagery, but named after the moon? Sun/moon reversal. Like a Yin Yang twist.
In connection to the drums from the previous part. The sun drum has dragons, the moon drums has hou'ou ("Asian phoenix"). It's not just because of these drums specifically, it's also in part based on Yin Yang philosophy. Dragon is seen as Yang, and the sun is also Yang. In fact, the Chinese and Japanese word for the sun is "the great Yang" (taiyō 太陽). So they are paired together. The moon is Yin, and because the hou'ou is seen as feminine (Yin), they are paired together as the counterpart to the other pair.
While a hou'ou is nothing like the Western phoenix, we have seen from Marco that Oda-sensei can consider them as the same thing. Marco's fruit powers are based on the western phoenix, but one of his attacks is named after the hou'ou.
If Sanji, who has "sun imagery" (from the Kamen Rider connection), has connection to "fire bird" imagery, then will his brother(s), who has moon connections, get "dragon" imagery to them later?
Ichiji, sparks, and the dragon
Conspiracy upon conspiracy.
Some time ago I pointed out that in terms of the name, Ichiji's "sparks" seems to be connected to his brothers (not Reiju, just his brothers). Besides that, "sparks" 火花 seem to just be byproducts that is not necessarily wanted.
Sparks from electric charge: What you want is electricity. Sparks are either just there, or it's occurring because something's wrong.
Crackling fire sparks: Those are just there as well, and while it can look aesthetic, it's secondary to the fire itself.
Sparks from iron welding/smithing: It's just a byproduct of the metal bring grinded or hit. Not to mention, the sparks are actually hazardous.
This seems strange for a power name, although it could be that sensei was just finding a kanji that's the closest thing to the English word "spark". Maybe this was actually a thing from the older generations of Super Sentai.
Still. Let's imagine that the "spark" being something rather odd for a power is a hint that something is amiss.
That last one from the smithing is what I want to point out here. There is a certain god of blacksmithing in Japan, who shares a name/is syncretised with a dragon. It is Ame no Mahitotsu no Kami.
There is a certain shrine called Tado Taisha in Mie prefecture that used to enshrine a dragon god, known as Ichimoku Ren. However, over time, because of various reasons this dragon god and the blacksmith god became joined as one entity and worshipped in the same shrine.
Following the Phoenix/Dragon theory from above, maybe the one who will get dragon imagery specifically will be Ichiji. Not saying that he will transform into a dragon, that's overdoing it. Just "imagery" associated with it. Perhaps instead of using the Eastern dragon, who are typically associated with wind and rain, the imagery will be more like a Western dragon who are associated with fire.
Although it would be funny if his "true abilities" turn out to be related to wind, though.
Also, the blacksmith god and the dragon are partially syncretised because they both have one eye, so I do wonder if it's possible that under his glasses Ichiji is actually missing one eye? I doubt it since both his eyes were glowing when he did Sparking Valkyrie, but on the other hand, what if like Stealth Black the sparks were all from the suit? What if the glasses generates the light, and it has nothing to do with Ichiji's actual eyes? And that his actually built-in augmentations is not that? I'm just saying.
And a little more detail, in relation to the missing eye theory: Ichimoku Ren and Ame no Mahitotsu both lost their eye because their own activities injured themselves. Blindness from smithing sparks is a common occupational hazard for blacksmiths, and that's how Ame no Mahitotsu lost his eye. Ichinoku Ren lost an eye in a storm, either while trying to stop the storm to protect the people who worship him or while causing the storm in a fit of rage (karma?).
What if Ichiji's powers went haywire one day, and he injured himself then?
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oceanspray5 · 2 years
Thinking of post Winter/Stars Above Adri with her riches that Cinder graciously granted her through allowing her to keep Garan's patent and how she'd undoubtedly make a lot of money off of it but it would ultimately do her and Pearl absolutely no good because Emperor Kaito is a petty bitch who hated Adri for Cinder without even knowing what she had done just cuz Cinder disliked her so the minute he finds out what Adri has actually done, he's beside himself with the desire to murder her with his own hands or throw her in prison.
Except Kai can't really do that being the diplomat he has to be and all so instead he Very Pointedly does not invite her to the Annual Peace Ball (despite Linh Garan's invention being... yknow... the reason they have peace). Naturally people have questions because there is a song specifically announced to be played in honor of a Linh Peony and Kai mentions Linh Garan by speech but Linh Adri and the living daughter Linh Pearl are noticeably absent.
Someone asks Kai and all he does is pleasantly respond, "We will not be sharing their company." It's a very abrupt sentence. No "unfortunately", no "pleasure of their company", not even a "tonight" to imply this is a one time deal. So naturally people have even more questions when this continues to happen. At every single ball Emperor Kaito ever throws.
Its well known that Queen Selene of Luna is very tight lipped about her life before the revolution and refuses to answer questions about it which drives Kai up the wall cuz Adri takes every opportunity to capitalize on having "raised the Queen of Luna" but Cinder is too busy to actually bother with Adri anymore.
That's when Iko steps in. Cinder may be content to stay quiet and forget Adri exists but Iko most certainly will not let that vile woman get away with everything. She openly declares in great, as the personal assistant and longtime trusted friend of Queen Selene, that Adri's stories are bogus and even adds some incriminating evidence from her data bank as proof. Iko figures she'll deal with the fallout from Cinder later except Cinder really doesn't care if Adri is being slandered all across the galactic media.
But things take an even more dramatic twist when Princess Winter Hayle-Blackburn uploads a video addressing the revealed information. She's sobbing loudly at the injustice her dear cousin suffered and how horrible it is that Cousin Selene "escaped one Levana only to go and be thrust into the arms of another". The Lunars are in an uproar. Their beloved Princess is crying and their beloved Queen had been living a life of misery even on Earth! Winter denies any maliciousness on her part with an innocent smile. She was simply so overrought with emotions at learning of how cruelly her beloved cousin was treated that she had to express them to the world.
Emperor Kaito, being such a paragon of truth and champion of honesty, decides to stir the pot further by declaring his own observations of having first met Queen Selene and admits that while he never got to see her treatment first hand, he did see the toll of that treatment on the Lunar Queen. He also opens up the very much open secret at this point: as emperor he cannot in good conscience invite the perpetrator of Queen Selene's miseries to any happy occasions thrown by the crown as they directly oppose his views on how to show gratitude for the brave young woman who saved them all. Earth is an uproar too at this point having grown fond of Cinder and especially the Eastern Commonwealth who take pride in the fact that Queen Selene grew up in their country.
Adri is besides herself. Her business keeps running, grudgingly as ever customers keep buying Linh Garan's invention. But she is a social pariah and she and Pearl are never again seen as respectable in proper society for the abuse she heaped on Cinder. Meanwhile, Peony and Linh Garan (alongside Michelle Benoit and Logan Tanner) are honored for their sacrifice by the world for helping Cinder become the revolutionary to usurp Levana.
Cinder, personally, is not entirely on board with her life being so exposed but then again it already was pretty well known to begin with. She can't help but love Kai and Iko and Winter (and the Rampion crew cuz i know they'd join in yet idk how yet) for caring about her so much they refuse to let Adri have any ounce of respect despite the parting kindness Cinder offered to her. They let her keep her hands and heart clean while defending her and she'd be lying if she said she didn't kick back with a popcorn bucket now and then after some far too stressful meetings to read some netposts by angry Lunars and Earthens about how much they hate Adri.
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See... I didn't even say I have a problem with SolarMoon. I literally said "I don't care what y'all ship" At least do not add words in my mouth. I couldn't careless about shipping in this show that's main thing for so long is about family. You and your friends quickly became defensive when I am not even accusing you of incest shipping. I WASN'T accusing you of that nor am I trying to "GOTCHA" you. Reread my message if you have to. Being quickly defensive and assuming I'm trying to get a moral high ground when the point of my first message doesn't even involve SolarMoon, you immediately reduce me to some kind of malicious dumb hater of the ship that, again, I didn't even mention nor express hatred towards.
The point of my previous message was, Earth said in that ranking video when Lunar immediately placed Solar on the sibling rank "Does he count as sibling? He's, he's a cousin" I GET IT, that they are not bio-related and Earth likes to give a title to people she holds dear, and that she's not making/using a family tree. If Earth sees him as a cousin, what's wrong with that? Why not let her label him as a cousin to her, instead of going "No, no one in the celestial siblings views him as a cousin" when clearly Earth does. She wouldn't give him a familial title if she doesn't see him as that familial title. That's my point and I'm sorry that it wasn't clear in my first message. And I probably missed the video where Earth apologized to Solar for giving him the cousin title and Solar showing discomfort for it. I didn't see that happening in any episodes so far as I am rewatching. All I've watched is Solar saying that "it doesn't roll off the tongue"
Okay. I debated wether to reply to this, but I think I will.
I will be fully honest with upmost transparency.
I understand where you are coming from.
Truly I do.
But at the same time. Someone coming to my askbox and accusing me of spreading lies is an accusation I don't take lightly.
And if you read like 20 plus bad faith attacking Anon messages in the past month.... That wears mentally on you. So when one person comes with general confusion toward the mater, when it looks like the same asks that are designed to trap me, and especially when they're on Anon, you would be a little defensive and use the ask as a talking point for other things.
So I do apologize if my initial response came out as aggressive or defensive.
The whole "cousin as a joke" thing is very up to interpretation of this whole thing.
Is Solar saying he's a cousin cus he thinks it easier, or if he really sees himself as one?
If he does? If he's a robot, can't he change his mind?
Can Solar still be considered a member of the family?
Also yeah.
I've had "cousins" who were friends of the family, who I wasn't biology related to in any way. They were just the daughters and sons of my parents friends in college.
So theoretically, if we ever developed feelings I think my parents would be supportive. Because that's the "cousin-friend" and not the "bio-cousin"
Same thing as having a mom or dad friend in the group.
And is there anything inherently wrong with viewing Solar as a cousin? Or strictly related?
No. Absolutely not.
If you view them strictly as family, that is Your interpretation and by all means, I won't take that away from you.
But I personally don't view Solar as related. He is still a close family friend and member of the family without being those things.
I shipped Solarmoon since Summer of 2023. I only very recently as of this year been vocal about it with mixed reception.
And I know SolarMoon will not happen. I don't want it to. And I know the show is about family bonds. And I know thats the VAs for a fact do not care about this.
At all.
It's just a funny little thing I speculate about for fun.
Especially when it comes to things that happen in the show, I just use it as a spring board for speculation and fun headcanons. So when I say "I ship them as Au" it literally means "the cousin label was never given to him in the first place, or he used it as an excuse and changed his mind later."
Which, is a thing.
Cause again.
They're robots.
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an-aura-about-you · 3 months
guess what we have all decided it's too lazy a day to go on a hike, so I'm jumping right into Handbook for Mortals Chapter 3:
when we last left our hero, Scheherazade started yelling at Mac the technical director because he made the oh so unreasonable request of asking to schedule a meeting with her to go over the mechanics of her trick so it can be safely incorporated into the show. because, y'know, no other technical director in the world would ask that. Charles comes up to end the row, takes Zade to his office, and asks her to tell him everything. the chapter ends there and we're never gonna see that meeting.
which means it's time for Chapter 3: The Hierophant
-Zade talks about how for the first time she's really out on her own as if she doesn't have baby's first job at daddy's show.
-I don't understand why her first day would be with wardrobe. seems like her measurements could have been taken during the week that the administrative slop was taken care of.
-there's a tangent about Halloween costumes and Zade mentions how she always wants her costume to both be completely recognizable and something so unique that no one else has it. do I even have to mention how not possible that is? it may not fit the letter of having your cake and eating it too but it certainly fits the spirit.
-for some reason Zade has to strip down to her underwear for her measurements. I know this is for cheesecake purposes, but I've had my measurements taken before and I was able to just. wear my clothes. I COULD see this making more sense in a Vegas show since skimpier costumes might need more precision, but there's no indication of that? besides, I would think the most important aspect of the costume for Zade's dive is that it would be a swimsuit.
-we're introduced to Zade's chatty costumer Lil and more or less get her whole backstory. however, we're not seeing Lil say it. we're just seeing Zade think it to us. and she ends up tuning Lil out as she continues to get measured. this is another part of what I was talking about before about how Zade wants people as objects and not as people. she doesn't care to listen to Lil, doesn't concern herself with any sort of professional camaraderie. you don't HAVE to be friends with your coworkers, but coworkers are one of the easiest sources of friends in one's adult life since a lot of friendship relies on proximity at the start of it. and Zade is essentially alone in Las Vegas, so making connections is actually pretty vital. but Lil only matters to Zade as far as what she can do for her, like giving Zade compliments or making Halloween and renfaire costumes for her.
-and now Zade feels awkward because she doesn't have anything to compliment Lil on in return for Lil's compliment to her. now this might just be a guess, but do you think you MIGHT have some idea of what to compliment her on if you, oh, I don't know, paid attention to her while she was talking to you?
-Zade gestures to some costumes and asks, "You make any of these?" which sounds like a risky move if you haven't been paying attention to the conversation since she very well might have mentioned that.
-and we get the first of our infamous italics breaks, sections of the book that follow a character besides Zade so they appear to be in the third person. as for why Sarem does this, my guess is that she's one of the like 17 people who read EL James's The Mister because that book does the same thing between its two main characters. however, there are sections of the italic parts in this book that this IS still from Zade's first person pov, so I'm not sure what exactly is going on.
-also the whole reason we jump to another perspective is so we can catch Mac peeping on Zade while she's in her panties. can't miss the optimal view for cheesecake.
-like. I'm no prude about this, but there are right and wrong ways to do the cheesecake and this is just engineered all wrong. let's look at a slightly better example from Lunar 2. in that one, it makes SENSE that Lucia would have to undress completely because she's wanted by Althena's Guard and her dramatic red and black outfit is too distinctive. our protagonist/her love interest Hiro does not look in on her, but pervy Ronfar finds a spot because he wants to watch. Hiro accidentally sees what's happening but only because he's trying to block Ronfar's view and falls into the room. it's obvious why the scene is here, but Hiro still retains a measure of higher ground because he didn't initiate it or willingly participate.
-I also want to take a moment to say that this scene confirms Zade is whiter than white. We will come back to that.
-(though I guess that really isn't surprising since Zade's family have been landowners in Tennessee since the 1700s. I know we're never gonna come back to that, but I'm also not gonna forget it.)
-man, we are pushing the "enemies" part of this enemies to lovers arc. you guys had exactly one spat. yeah, a Meet Ugly can be sufficient fuel for a while, but it's been a week and there hasn't been any other word of how Zade and Mac might grate on each other.
-actually if I'm gonna be talking about enemies to lovers, I'm gonna talk about how to do it well because it feels so easy to botch. now obviously writers can write whatever the hell they want and I don't have to like it. but the dynamic I personally crave with enemies to lovers is people who are equal but opposite and recognize that. they don't have to recognize it right away, but it does work best if they recognize it during the enemies stage because from there comes respect for the enemy, and that's the foundation that they're going to land on when they're inevitably pushed onto common ground. we sometimes see this sort of thing in superhero comics when they have to work together with a villain from their rogues gallery that is into crime for reasons besides hurting people. the hero in that situation knows and trusts that the villain won't do any killing because they have that moral in common even though they are otherwise on opposite sides. this sort of team-up also requires an acknowledgement, spoken or otherwise, that the hero and the villain have complementary skills that aid them in this shared goal. to me a good enemies to lovers arc should have that kind of flavor.
-oh geez I haven't even mentioned Tad yet in this. I probably should since he's Thomas Ian Nicholas's character and thus a major side character. he's Mac's best friend, and he catches Mac peeping on Zade. he's just here to do what I'm gonna guess is the same shtick his character does in American Pie. though I will give Tad this: when someone asks him why Mac's so moody, he at least leaves it at, "Don't worry about it, it has nothing to do with you." I can at least respect that. (it might be the only thing I respect about him, but hey.)
-hey we finally got the introduction to our other love interest Jackson! holy shit, the mess of who this character is is way more interesting than the character himself. let me see if I can cram in all the juicy bits. Jackson in this book is the front man for this fictional version of real life band the Plain White T's. he is also Jackson Rathbone's proxy character, the guy who played Jasper in the Twilight movies. Rathbone's here because he was in the band 100 Monkeys, which the author used to manage. I hesitate to call this cringe because I'm usually a proclaimer of "cringe is dead long live cringe," but holy shit is this supremely awkward. especially since Rathbone's gone on record saying he doesn't like Sarem too much.
-"Why can't I form sentences that actually make any sense right now?" I mean why start now?
-oof, the repetition about Jackson's guitar and Zade wondering if he's in the house band.
-Jackson is impressed that Zade knows how to play the guitar. I'm gonna put a little reminder here that Chapter 0 of this book ended with Zade listening to a Chicks song, an all women band where every member can play the guitar.
-and we're back for another installment of When Is This Story Set? Jackson has shown up to give Zade a tour of the place and she has to run back to get her phone. He quotes Right Here Waiting by Richard Marx, and our 25ish year old protagonist got the reference right away. this indicates to me that Zade is probably around my age since I also got the reference but don't know if the majority of people younger than me would because that song came out like three years after I was born. the only reason I got the reference is because the song was on one of those compilation albums that was advertised all the time when I was little. I was 25 in 2011, so this actually sort of tracks with the year we got before and the story might take place in the early 2010s.
-also I find that hilarious if Sarem is still insisting that she'll play Zade in the movie that still hasn't been made because if she IS around my age, well, I'm 38 now. the "teens" in the movie version of Grease are more convincing.
-"I had been so scared about my decision to leave home" well you did a poor job showing it because the chapter when you left home had you singing along to your radio in high spirits.
and that's what we end the chapter on, Zade being glad she decided to move to Vegas because hot boy. I'm tempted to move on to the next chapter because hoo boy is THAT going to be a shitshow, but either way I'll end this post here.
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visionthefox · 1 year
Hi love your art!
I agree with you SAMS was a really fun show, the gameplay used to have a little bit of lore or sometimes it was connected to the previous the episode.
But now what do we have? We have a lot of plot holes like for example:
-How did Bloodmoon got out of Sun's mind? Connected to a computer? Did he turn into goo and walked out? (If that's the case wouldn't sun notice it?).
-What happened to Eclipse's feelings? (From the October episode that i don't remember the name but basically he said something along the lines of "why do i care?" Or idk)
-What was Lunar's original plan? (Like we know he was plotting something from when he said something along the lines of "everything is going according to plan").
-What the hell happened in the first episode we saw Moon's mind (i don't remember the name of the episode but it's a recent one, but a lot of Persona references in that episode).
And those are some of them that I can think right now i know there's more out there.
I really was hoping something more interesting with KC, Bloodmoon, and Eclipse i mean i don't know why but i felt like it was going to be an amazing plot, but i think it got scrapped because they had to rush the arrival of the MOST AMAZING SISTER IN THE WHOLE WORLD (notice the sarcasm) Earth. Including the video where the creator basically tells sun about the arrival of this sister felt really really rushed (I'm no video editor/actor so i don't know).
I wish they could've expanded more on what's going on Moon's mind not just the episode where the files got corrupted and we only got to see the Computer's side and the first meeting of them, like more inner thoughts, I mean if they were going off persona 5 with the palaces, you really got to see the person who they were and it physically represent how they view the world and it would've been a great idea to keep KC as a code and have Moon confront himself (a physical manifestation of KC) just like in Persona 4, or have Sun along side Lunar or someone else to battle against Shadow Moon (in this case KC) because maybe after the battle he will have his treasure stolen and wake up feeling better and maybe just maybe apologize to sun. But the way the executed that it wasn't good, i think they just forgot about it and prioritized Sun effing up the runes to bring back the magic and have a touchy moment with the sister.
KC going to Kmart and seeing Glamrock Freddy which was supposed to be his "redemption" felt more like a joke. I thought that KC taking over Moon's body would've triggered something within moon because he doesn't like being trapped inside his head (or so he screamed in the episodes prior of Eclipse and Lunar taking over) also with KC taking over him I thought he was going to be mischievous.
I don't know why but i have a gut feeling that now that Eclipse has the star, he is going to be convinced either by Earth (because power of words and friendship (sarcasm)) or someone else would be like "please we need to get moon back to his original form" and Eclipse will give the star to help the cause.
I don't know, but sorry for this long ask. Yeah sorry.
HI!! thanks you!! and oh boy! a long ask <3 !!!
Blood moon coming back as a ghost was maybe to make the fans shut up over Sun being an "evil asshole like Eclipse" for killing a literal murder animatronic.. since there is no way.. NO WAY he can be a ghost.. its a damn robot!! but I do gotta say.. I do hope he may be fully back, he is wasted potential for a comic villain..
-Eclipse going back to his "wanna rule the world" type of mind its trully annoying.. some ppl managed to guess when that ep was posted that maybe Eclipse pushed Lunar away because he didnt knew how to feel loved, Lunar was so caring so nicer to him! , something too new for Eclipse, who was pushed away, treated like trash and talked down by Moon, (plus, his egocentric, manipulator minset had to come from someone.. dont ya think?) but any change for a developent was trashed when KC showed up again..there was so many ways his character could have develop, but he didnt..
I guess lunar plan was to just free Moon, and then.. leave? as he sounded very suprised Moon allowed him to stay.. him being a more "silly but still mature" was great, he had the early mindset of Sun, but the determination of Moon.. then for some reason he lost his smart and now is "bean baby".. ugh
-Moon mind its just a lot of nonsense..wasted potential again..
KC being another face for Moon could have been soo much better.. since KC its just a code line , who affected him , it could have been a perfect way to show the two sides of Moon ! one that wanted to change and be better and other who wanted to do as told, kill and rule! two desires wearing two faces!
KC being a dad was odd, I thought it would be just a joke.. since Moon was always the more grounded, the more "mature" it made sence KC took a more "im your dad" type of mind set..as a joke..
the chances for a dymanic of good vs evil! in the most dumb , hilarious and silly drama way was there but nooo they had to be soo "edgy" too "dark"..it stupid..
and totally, that video was so many errors.. Sun model doesnt even move!
we know they can not do battles but I SEE your point.. its sound WAAAY better to what we got.. a more serious aproach to Moon mental state.. the brother coming along to help one of them.. a more meanful bonding time..
since its no surprise, Moon is not an angel. he is an asshole, liar who often put his problems first, then looks at the rest.. maybe by accident? but he is somewhat toxic, but that could have been fixed so much better..
I honestly see Eclipe trying to get rid of any other universe, do a thanos snap , but then , by some DUMB ASS reason, be defeated
someone gets the star, save Moon ass, he gets to learn NOTHING, Earth gets to stay , Lunar comes back and Sun gets even more ignored.. and .. honestly.. I dont hate the show.. I just wish they took the drama way and was focused on a actually well written story,, its clearly they make up things as they go.. and .. I dont like it.. at the end of the day, its a silly channel.. I rather see other thing to have fun.. have you hear of murder drones?~
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mandiemegatron · 9 months
I’m not good at assumptions, but I would love for you to tell me about your partner(s). Maybe tell me how they view/prepare for Christmas, or some other holiday if you’re not a Christmas person. ^_^
Quiiinnn 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭😭😭
This is such a cute ask, oh God now I have to stop and think lmao !!
Okay, under the cut bc I feel like this is gunna get a lil long 😭🙈
Law ; quiet and warm during the holiday season. I'm not huge for Christmas things (we love childhood trauma 🥰) and he's very understanding of that. We say we're not gunna do gifts but we always end up spoiling the shit out of each other. Makes sure to double, triple check that I'm doing okay - it's a little overwhelming sometimes but he's quick to scoop me up and hold me hostage in his office until I feel better. He actually comes to bed with me and stays the whole time, even if he doesn't fall asleep at all/right away. (He always has a book with him just in case🤭)
Shachi ; the party animal. Constantly singing caroling songs while running around the Tang, decorating. Keeps mistletoe in his boiler suit pocket for whenever I come around - even when it's not Christmas. It'll be mid July and the man will whip it out at the most random time and I can't help but laugh and then smooch the shit outta him 🤭🤭🤭 Saves the tree topper for me, even though I always pass on putting it on (I let Bepo do it bc he loves it). No gifts, mostly bc he's a broke bitch but once in a while, we randomly gift each other things, just because🥰🥰🥰 More quiet nights, long cuddles and soft kisses - constantly reminding me that I'm enough and that I'm loved. It's just perfection. 😭😭
Eustass ; also hates the holidays so it works out. Will decorate but i don't expect anything over the top from him. He mostly keeps to his workshop, i usually sit off to side and watch him do his thing, until he needs my smaller hands to hold something together while he welds. Constantly waking up to something new that he made - butterflies, usually, but I've gotta flowers, a little bumblebee, a lunar moth and a ugly ass lizard (it looks really sad but I love it, he was drunk and I wasn't going to say no to a gift that he made 🤭🤭😂😂) Constantly in his lap, he gets very touchy and grabbed during this holiday seasons (which works for me!) so everyone usually finds me there either reading or doing a lil doodle. He's just happy that I'm there lmfao 😂😂😂 will gift each other things but more out of love than for reason of the season.
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LMAO it sure did get long, thank you so much for this ask, I feel like i went off a lil but I just got so excited 😭😭😭😭💖💖💖💖
Thank you thank you thank you !!!
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dimensionalspades · 11 months
"It isn't that simple-- why do you keep asking me to do that?" They're entangled together again-- something he shouldn't be engaging in anymore. On all accounts, these visits should have stopped the very moment any contact was made. It's getting difficult to justify coming out here when he finds himself asking less and less relevant questions-- instead sinking so deeply into Jack's bizarre, fleeting embraces.
Maybe he just enjoyed the implication that Jack needed him, whether he was simply an instrument for comfort or solace-- it didn't really matter, did it?
But when Jack expresses agitation when he begins to indicate it's time to take his leave, it's hard to tell where the prickliness comes from. Never quite physically preventing or deterring him from returning-- Sigma still had begun to notice an annoying increase in the amount of disapproval he expressed upon the doctor beginning to take his leave. Insisting that he didn't have to return to them, that Talon wasn't even good for him-- worst of all, asking him why; why he would ever return to them after every horrible thing they've subjected him to.
No matter what the soldier would claim, it was beginning to feel as though he wanted to know why Talon, and not him instead.
… But Jack won't even acknowledge what they've been doing-- the way they find themselves readily slipping beside one another as if they weren't actually enemies, or how, for the last six visits, not one question has been asked or answered in regards to either Talon or Overwatch. It's treated as if it were something unspoken, that if one of them were to break the silence in regards to it, that it would, finally, come to a conclusion. It isn't something he'd mind-- if only he'd stop pushing. Why would he push so hard for something he doesn't even acknowledge in open conversation? It would be nice to know what they were-- or even what they were doing together.
"… I still need them, Jack. They are the only ones capable of-- or even willing to-- returning me to the Lunar Colony. I cannot leave-- I have told you this." He speaks evenly, lavender eyes slipping shut as he suppresses the pang of frustration-- and avoids gazing up into Jack's eyes from where he lies draped over Sigma's chest lethargically. "-- Why must I adjust when I have made no such request of you…?" Sigma rasps tiredly, turning his head to the side to glance around the makeshift living space. "Is it because I refused to tell you the nature of my return to the Colony? Or is… something else on your mind…?" [some sigma angst for jack bc ♥]
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. Sometimes he knew he could be less of what Sigma needed. Both due to his situation and due to how he viewed Talon. Sigma was different from them, he was part of them, he was both, somehow, and Jack's brain fought with that. To him, it was simple. Talon treated Sigma poorly, he should leave.
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. Maybe part of it was that Jack still struggled to wrap his mind around what Sigma was, how he existed, how he functioned as he was. Sigma and Siebren were not the same. Siebren and he had a vastly different relationship than him and Sigma. But they were the same person. They were aware of each other, aware of him in relation to the other in a sense.
. Neither. Both. And then both again. Talon, Sigma, Siebren, Were all these things too tightly interlinked to ever truly be separated?
. It gave him a headache trying to understand all of it. Wouldn't it be simpler to be free of Talon? Suppose not.
. Maybe he really had been pushing Sigma too much about it. His hatred of Talon could have colored his tone, spilled annoyance into places it shouldn't be. He knew his determination could latch onto anything, become a nuisance that did not break until some goal was achieved, but here, it was not a nebulous goal (fix this, fix that, fix all of the things he broke), it was a man who very much knew what was at stake, knew what he risked coming out to spend so much time with Jack.
. Sigma's reaction more upset him in the sense that he despised the notion he could have caused more distress to the man.
. "No." There's a pause. What Sigma did for himself, Jack usually didn't question, so long as it was for himself and not for Talon (again, interlinked, of course). But, again, linked. He furrowed his brows, realizing that it was difficult to parse his feelings, sitting up more fully, then, his expression morphing to one of deep concentration. Their legs remained somewhat awkwardly threaded together, Jack doing nothing to pull more contact away. Talon, Sigma, Siebren, a tight mesh. Jack wished to pluck one or two threads out, but he could not, only making a mess of the tapestry that made up Sigma's life.
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. "Just bothers me, I guess," he added after some moments. "But you're right." Of course. "Think it seems like hell for you working with them." It wasn't like anyone else really could (or would) help the scientist get back to the Colony. Resources were thin everywhere, and Sigma's entire situation was difficult to explain- not to mention Talon's hands in things. The second they found out, they'd come down on him anyways, of that Jack was certain. Finally, he looked back down at the man. "I'm sorry. You're right."
. Maybe, in the end, it was that something else. Frustration that he'd fallen for someone inside of Talon, frustration at where he was in the world (and his own choices that led him there), frustration that he'd laughed off retirement and love a hundred times as Strike-Commander when the two of those were the only things he wanted at the moment. A part of it remained the frustration that he couldn't adequately give Sigma much. A place to rest, an ear to listen, some meals, a few laughs. Nothing concrete, nothing that would last. He'd give the world just to have a place they could live quietly.
. If he could even admit what they were to himself, much less Sigma or Siebren.
. "I'll see you next time, then?" His features softened considerably, now, part of a smile on tired lips. "Won't be lazy, and I can cook something instead of ordering."
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