#he has had a very big couple of days. he met 3 new people in two days and he has been doing such a good job!!!
watchmegetobsessed · 6 months
OLD GRUDGES (part 1)
A/N: wooohoooo im bringing something new!!! i feel like it happens so rarely it's like a miracle lol anyway, this will be hopefully a couple of parts (probably about 3) and lets all pray i will actually finish it lol
WARNING: sexual content
SUMMARY: Harry and Y/N go way back. Working together was like a dream when 1D was still going strong. Now, years later, when they end up working together again, things are very different. Mostly because Y/N seems to be hating Harry passionately. But he has not idea why.
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Everyone loves Harry Styles. It’s a known fact, not just amongst the people who actually know him, but all around the world. He is known as one of the most unproblematic celebrities, someone who gives just as much if not even more respect as he gets, always kind and patient with others, rarely loses his temper. It’s hard to imagine that there is anyone walking this planet who doesn’t see him as a lovable, sweet man.
Well, it might be hard to imagine, but there is actually one person who has a very different opinion when it comes to the british popstar. 
And that person is music producer, Y/N. 
The interesting thing is that their history goes way back into his 1D days. Y/N was an up and coming name in the industry, just started working with bigger names when she got the chance to produce several songs on the band’s third studio album. Harry remembers her as a bubbly, funny girl who is passionate about her job and is also excellent in it. Working with her was easy and motivating, she was always eager to perfect songs to an extent Harry couldn’t even imagine and that’s why songs like Story Of My Life, You & I and Midnight Memories were such hits. Y/N put her heart and soul into them, which eventually earned all the recognition they deserved. 
Harry loved working with Y/N and she was in talks of working on their fourth album as well, but the deal ended up ditched and she went on to do other projects and they somehow had a fallout. It was a shame, but he hoped his path would cross hers again. 
Years and years went by and so much changed by the time their professional ways finally met again. Jeff brought her name up when Harry just started writing for his fourth solo album and Harry gave him the go to do whatever it takes to get her on the project. A few weeks passed and Harry didn’t get any confirmation about her and just when he was about to bring it up to Jeff, he hit him with the news.
“Y/N is in for five songs. Contract should be signed by Wednesday and you can start working next week.”
Harry wondered why it took so long to get her on board, but he brushed it off because he knew she was a big name now herself and had plenty of offers from which she could choose from. He was excited to work with her and simply see her again.
It was utter shock for him when she was the complete opposite of what he remembered. Okay, that might be an overstatement, but Harry could feel something was off instantly.
She was still bubbly and fun, but for some reason, she had a certain iciness and bitter attitude whenever her focus was on Harry. To anyone else it was unnoticable, Harry knows, because he asked Jeff about it.
“What are you talking about? She is awesome,” the manager said with a shrug and Harry tried to tell himself it was all in his head, because if Jeff doesn’t see it, it’s not real.
But it kept happening and it felt even stronger when it was just him and her in a room. Sometimes she even pretended like he wasn’t there, sometimes her snarky comments were all he got and they just strengthened him in his belief. 
He wanted to ask her about it, he tried, several times, but his attempts just bounced right off her icy behavior so eventually, he gave up and there was only one thing left for him to do.
Return what he was getting. 
Yes, it is childish, but he felt like he needed to deal with her unreasonable hatred towards him somehow and this was the easiest way. Was it a smart idea to practically become enemies when working together on his album? Of course not. But it just happened.
And going against each other became their thing. 
They were great in arguing, disagreeing even when they could easily compromise, riling each other up and lashing out on each other when the tension had been building up for hours. It got to the point where others started to notice that something was off between the two of them and when Jeff questioned Harry about it, he couldn’t give him a reasonable explanation.
“She started it,” he said and instantly felt like a kid, telling on his classmate at school. But this is all he could say, because he had no idea why she was acting this way. And he has to live with it while they work together.
Something is off. Harry knows it. Something about the melody… or the guitar… or is it the lyrics? He can’t tell, he has listened to the recording a million times so it all melts in his ears and he can’t identify what’s setting him off every time he hears it. 
“Why don’t we take a break?” Jack, the technician suggests, turning in his chair. “Y/N will be here in twenty, I’m sure she’ll–”
“Okay,” Harry snaps, just so he doesn’t finish. He knows what he wanted to say. 
She’ll know what’s wrong and will correct it in a second.
Y/N always knows what’s wrong and most of the time it’s a perk, of course it is, but today, Harry feels like it’s gonna make him want to crawl out of his body. Maybe it’s because he’s been in the studio for five hours and he got nowhere or maybe because Mitch will have his first ever solo gig tonight and Harry has been worried his fame or relation to him might ruin this experience for him. 
Either way, today he is just extra pissed by the fact that Y/N will be the one to solve this mystery. 
“I’m gonna grab a coffee,” he clears his throat, standing up from his seat. “Do you want one?” he offers, feeling a bit guilty he snapped at Jack.
“Uh, yeah, just an espresso is fine, thanks man.”
“Sure, I’ll be right back.”
Putting on his headphone, Harry jogs across the street to the tiny coffee shop he’s been a regular at. He likes the place because they are discreet and their coffee is just simply amazing, though they swear there’s nothing extra in it. 
He waits for the two coffees at the end of the counter and scrolls on his phone in the meantime. Emails, messages, there’s always something to answer to. He sends out a few replies before he ends up in his calendar. It’s neatly color coded and he takes pride in keeping it up-to-date all the time so he can always be on top of his game, no matter what. 
His eyes land on one particular date. Five weeks from now Y/N’s contract expires and if the five songs are done by then, she’ll be out of Harry’s life again. Seeing how the work is going, she’ll easily outdo that number so there won’t be any reason for talk about an extension. 
An unsettling feeling spreads in his stomach as he stares at the date but he doesn’t have time to figure it out because  he is snapped out of his thoughts when the two paper cups are placed in front of him. He is trying his best to keep a positive mindset as he returns to the studio’s building. With the two coffee cups in his hands he makes a right turn and then stops at the door, seeing Y/N sitting where he did previously, already listening to the recording with Jack with a critical expression on her face. 
Harry doesn’t interrupt them, just stays put and waits for her feedback. When she is done listening, she leans back in her seat.
“It’s the bass. Or more specifically the lack of it. Can you double it? Let’s see how it changes.”
Jack is quick to do as she asked and then he starts the song again and…
Harry wants to scream and laugh in bliss at the same time, because it’s perfect now. He’s mad he couldn’t spot such an obvious thing, but he is also happy it’s finally sorted out. It’s just a shame Y/N was the one to do it and not him. 
“Great, so this is done then,” he makes himself noticed as he walks into the studio and hands over one of the cups to Jack. 
When he looks at Y/N he can see that familiar, irritated look on her face that’s almost always there when he’s around. He hasn’t decided if he wants to physically wipe it off, or…
“Thanks for bringing one for me,” she comments in a bored tone, turning back towards the screen.
“You weren’t here when I went out.”
“But you knew I was coming.”
Harry opens his mouth, but then closes it, because this time she is kind of right. And it irks him even more today.
It’s gonna be a challenging session today, Harry thinks as he takes a seat.
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It’s always exciting for Harry to be behind the stage when he’s not the star of the show. Kind of like a whole different world.
He hasn’t been here for long, but he’s been trying his best to stay as unnoticed as possible and let Mitch take the spotlight. Just a few minutes ago Sarah put him on Scout-duty which he gladly took up on, he’s always happy to spend time with the little guy. This time he is letting him explore freely and he’s just following him around to make sure he’s safe. Scout seemingly enjoys the adventure with uncle Harry, who doesn’t really pay attention where he is heading. 
That’s how they end up in the green room where Y/N is.
Y/N and Sarah have worked together a while ago, which is a random coincidence how they are connected outside of Harry. Because of their history, Y/N is often where they are, however she was never around when Sarah and Mitch were playing for Harry. 
Scout runs up to Y/N, arms in the air, asking to be picked up and Harry stops a few steps away from them when he realizes who he just found.
“Hey there, little guy! Are you all by yourself?” Y/N asks, settling the boy on her hip.
She’s changed since they parted ways in the studio. Harry has always admired her sense of style, which mostly consists of basic pieces, almost like a capsule wardrobe, but there’s always something extra, something vibrant on her that makes her sets interesting. Tonight she is wearing a simple black dress with a rather low back cut, simple heels, simple makeup, but she added a silky scarf with vivid colors and shapes around her neck that brings Harry’s attention to the curve of her neck and collarbones, almost as a cheeky invitation for his eyes to her naked skin. 
He has to fight the urge to touch her.
Despite the spiteful relationship they’ve been sporting lately, Harry had to deal with a rather unreasonable desire for Y/N in a physical way.
Unreasonable, because he never thought he could be attracted to someone who pisses him off so easily, yet there’s been plenty of occasions when Harry found himself imagining scenarios he could never admit to her, not when she hates him with such obvious passion.
Tonight it’s not just the outfit, but also the way she’s handling Scout. It’s not just women who find it incredibly hot when the opposite sex is great with kids, Harry can definitely feel something inside him moving as he watches Y/N sway from side to side with the little boy in his arms.
“Uncle Hazza is here!” Scout points at him, answering her previous question. Y/N looks up and because Harry was already looking at him, he catches a slipping moment where there’s no irritation on her face, but it returns quite fast when her gaze settles on him. 
“Ah, hi,” she says, lips pressed together as she nods, acknowledging his presence. 
“Hey. Long time no see.”
As soon as the words leave his mouth he regrets it. Who says that? Why did he even say anything else other than hi? He smacks himself in his mind. 
Part of him expects her to say something like ‘not long enough’ but she just keeps quiet and turns all her attention to Scout. Harry feels out of place, he is supposed to be babysitting, but Y/N is taking care of Scout, Harry knows he is in good hands but Sarah asked him to watch over him. Should he leave? Or just keep standing there awkwardly?
“You can go, I’ll watch him,” Y/N says, as if she could read his mind. 
“You sure?”
“I’m pretty sure I can take care of him until Sarah is back.” Her reply is not just dry, kind of offended, nothing Harry wouldn’t expect from her, but it’s still irking him.
“I didn’t say you’re not capable, I just–”
“I’m not in the mood for this,” she cuts him off with an icy look. Harry is too stunned to reply, just watches Y/N walk away with Scout. 
He almost finds it amusing how easily she can piss him off, not many people have been able to do that, in fact, Harry thinks she does it the best. 
Clenching his jaw he takes a deep breath to calm his nerves and then just lets it all go. 
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The after party is always kind of Harry’s favorite. The stress is over, it’s just the relief and celebration that is left.
Mitch’s show went well, that’s what Harry expected, but it’s still great he was right. Seeing his friend be the star of the show was an experience he is glad he could be part of. Now that the core of the group has moved to a nearby bar, Harry has loosened up thanks to the couple of drinks he’s had. 
He’s been mostly sticking to the familiar faces he knows, rotating between the same few people  while enjoying how under the radar he is currently. 
The more drinks he has had, the less he’s been able to control where his gaze goes. To be exact, he’s been finding himself looking Y/N’s way the past hour or so. That damn dress and scarf, it’s like she’s put a spell on him that forces him to keep wanting to look at her. 
Harry is not experienced with feeling like this. Being attracted to someone who he hates, it’s such an ambivalent impulse, he can’t think straight. Or maybe it’s the amount of tequila he has drunk tonight, either way, it’s getting a rise out of him. 
From the corner of his eye he sees her slip out to the back where the smoking area is, he hesitates, shifts his weight from one leg to the other before making the leap and heading after her. He has no plan, no idea what he wants to ro will say to her, but he just feels like he has to talk to her.
Stepping out to the dimly lit back alley he is met with a few people scattered around, having a cigarette with drinks in hand, talking or scrolling on their phone and then he spots Y/N on the left, standing by the wall, cigarette in one hand, the remaining of her drink in the other as she stares ahead of her. 
She doesn’t smoke regularly, but she does enjoy one in certain social settings or when she’s had a few drinks. Harry knows it from years ago, because they shared a cigarette at a party, back then she seemed thrilled to spend time with him, he remembers all the conversations they had while working together, telling each other stories, sharing their plans, Harry truly thought they would remain good friends on this extraordinary journey, yet they ended up here.
As Harry walks towards her, she notices him and he sees her lips twitch in annoyance. 
“Care if I join?” he asks and she just shrugs without a word, avoiding to look at him. 
They stand there in silence for a while, she is lazily puffing the smoke out from time to time.
“Is it still just an occasional thing?” he tries to strike up a conversation.
“Mhm,” is all he gets as a reply.
“Have you tried to put it down fully?”
“Why are you doing this?” she snaps at him, finally looking his way. 
“Why are you trying to chit-chat when we both know we don’t do that?”
“And why don’t we?” He challenges her. “Tell me why we are like this in the first place, because I have no idea.”
She stares at him for long moments and he awaits her answer like nothing before, but then she shakes her head and turns to the pin beside her, puts the cigarette out and flicks it into the bin. Then, without another word she is already heading back inside.
It takes a moment for Harry to start moving again, but he is quick to catch up with her in the hall that leads to the restrooms. 
“Y/N, give me a fucking answer!” he demands, grabbing her wrist to pull her back before she could escape, but she shakes his hand off as she comes to a stop, turning towards him.
“I owe you nothing!” she hisses at him. “I owe you no one, but especially you!”
“What the fuck does that suppose to mean?! I never thought you owe me anything!”
“I’m not doing this, Harry, leave me the fuck alone,” she growls and tries to leave, but Harry pulls her back again, determined to get an answer this time. 
“Don’t think I will just swallow everything down forever. I will get to the bottom of this, whether you like it or not. It’s your choice if you make it hard on both of us.”
She is looking back at him with wide eyes, this time his hand remains on her arm as they stare each other down in the empty hallway. Neither of them knows what will be their next move, the tension is so thick, it’s almost suffocating.
But then it all changes.
If someone asked who moved first, they wouldn’t know. One moment they are standing like stone statues, barely even breathing, then the next moment they are kissing like there’s no tomorrow.
It doesn’t take long until Harry has her pressed up against the wall, his hands roaming her body, feeling her up the way he fantasized about before, they are both rough and impatient, she is clawing at him, moaning into his mouth when his hips press against hers and she feels how hard he’s gotten already. 
Blindly, Harry pushes the closest door open which happens to be the staff’s bathroom that someone left unlocked, lucky for them. Still glued together they stumble inside, Y/N kicks the door open before Harry pushes her against it and he locks it before his hand returns to her tempting body. 
He has never acted like this when it comes to sex. He does like to spice things up sometimes, but the way he’s biting her lips or unbuttoning his pants or reaches under her dress to pull her underwear down is just so out of character for him, yet so freeing. 
Nothing is said, but when her hands pull his hard, leaking dick out of his pants, there’s a fleeting look they exchange that says it all, just how much they both want it. 
It’s the fastest pace he’s ever experienced, yet the most passionate too. They moan at the same time when Harry pushes into her and starts moving in a rush, desperate for relief. She’s panting and whining for more, the only form of speaking she is able to as she holds onto Harry who is focused on keeping up his quick and steady pace while holding her left leg up to ensure the perfect angle. 
The animalistic need is there for them both, making them act like this is what they must do to stay alive. It’s messy, fast and mind-blowing and they don’t need much time to reach the peak. As she comes her nails dig into her shoulder and she bites into his bottom lip so harshly it draws blood, but he doesn’t care, only follows her into bliss just a second later. With the last bit of his consciousness Harry pulls out right before he comes, covering her thigh with the white, sticky evidence of just how much he enjoyed the past minutes. 
They are breathing heavily and Harry feels like a thick haze is still lingering around his head, stopping him from realizing what just happened. Y/N however is ahead of him and when reality comes crashing down on her, her instinct to flee kicks right in. Harry is still trying to clear his mind when she grabs a paper towel and cleans herself up as fast as possible and Harry only snaps out of his trance when she is already unlocking the door.
“Y/N, what the— wait!” He can’t go after her as she slips out of the room because he is still pretty indecent, so he has to pull his pants up and can only rush out then, but by that time she is already gone.
He’s quite frantic as he tries to find her in the bar, but she is nowhere to be seen. Harry returns to the rest of their group, hoping to catch her somewhere but she has vanished into thin air. 
“Hey, have you seen Y/N?” he asks Mitch, his eyes still roaming the place.
“Nah, haven’t seen her since she went out to smoke.”
Harry groans and makes his way outside, maybe she’s there waiting for a car, but as he steps out to the street he sees no trace of her. Fishing his phone out of his pocket he doesn’t hesitate before dialing her number. The line rings once, twice and then… it goes to voicemail.
“Hey, this is Y/N. Do whatever you want after the beep.”
“Fuck!” Harry ends the call and he has to stop himself from throwing it against the nearest wall. 
This is not how he planned. Well, he didn’t plan any of it, especially not fucking Y/N like a horny teenager. He wanted to solve this whole issue between the two of them but instead he just created another one.
A stupid, giant one. 
Thank you for reading, please like and reblog if you enjoyed and buy me a coffee if you want to support me!
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ushiwakatrash · 3 months
The Bakusquad as Roommates
A/N: Hey babes, it's been a while! I've been so busy will college so I really couldn't write. But, yeah, I'm (kinda) back <3333
!Warning!: smoking (weed too)
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According to the new rules, UA has decided to place two people per room.
(This deviates from the original plot line)
See the Dekusquad version here.
Bakugou Katsuki 爆豪 勝己
Did not like the thought of sharing his space with someone random but as per UA's orders, what choice did he have?
Very clean and very strict about house rules
Will constantly nag about how you can't do chores right
Your first weeks were a disaster. He was so scary and so intimidating, you thought he was the concentrated essence of evil
He's blunt and mean, but you figure out he just has a hard time expressing himself
One morning, he cooked breakfast for you but went with lame excuses like "I accidentally cooked too much." or "You look dead so fuckin' eat!"
Since then you went along with his shitty excuses and used them when giving him dinner
"Bakugou, you can have this 'cause I don't feel like eating anymore." or "They looked good so I bought twice as much for, uh, no reason at all."
Seeing your efforts in trying to be a good roomie, he warmed up to you eventually
Now y'all just argue like an old couple
Kirishima Eijirou 切島 鋭児郎
Looks tough, but he’s the sweetest guy you’ve ever met.
A literal angel
Day 1: friends
Day 2: besties
Day 3: you would take a bullet for him
He’s kinda messy and his punching bag takes a lot of space but hey, no one’s perfect
He always waits for you before he eats, and always saves you a plate when you’re running late because of extra training
You seek each other for comfort. Especially when Kiri feels insecure about how his quirk isn’t flashy or how he thinks it won’t make him a top hero one day
You, of course, would never want or let him think that way. It will never be a chore to remind him how he’s so strong and sturdy and how his muscles are hot
You know how much potential he has so if you have to repeat it a thousand times again and again, so be it
Kaminari Denki 上鳴電気
Had the idea of the old ‘bucket of water on top of the door’ prank as a big welcome to his roomie
What he didn’t calculate is that you have very sharp and fast reflexes.
Before the bucket falls on you, you hit it and the water splashes on Denki
Both of you were stunned at first but you recovered quickly and said “feeling cold, sparky?” with such a smug smirk
His face instantly got red and he stormed out of the room with comical tears shouting ‘MEANIE!!’
An hour later he returns, 2 popsicles in his hands. He hands you one as an apology and both of you reconcile, even if it’s his entire fault
You both get in trouble for blasting heavy metal at 3 in the morning MULTIPLE TIMES
The two of you made an agreement to do this ritual with headphones on because Mr. Aizawa had threatened to make you switch rooms
Sero Hanta 瀬呂範太
Ah, the potheads unite
It was a secret that you tried to keep under wraps since but the your roomie figured you out instantly
At first you both just shared vapes, trying out different flavors the both of you would buy
until you saw a bag in the bathroom that had an oh so familiar scent
You confronted Sero about it but he just gave you a 'what's the big deal' look so you shrugged it off
a few nights later he invited you for a session and you obliged, only if he kept it hush
this has been a routine since you could remember and Aizawa has never suspected you. I don't know about Mr. tape man though.
Ashido Mina 芦戸 三奈
There was no adjustment period for the both of you whatsoever
You both became instant besties and shared EVERYTHING
from skincare to clothes to maybe thongs at times but hey, girls do that shit
As if being roommates wasn't enough, you still hung out after class hours
Mina has been your greatest support system especially with boy trouble
Break a man's heart and she's as proud as any mother could be
Your heart is broken? A tub of ice cream and shitty movies are ready for you
She loves you like her own sister and constantly worries for you
Honestly the best roomie in town
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chlmtsdoll · 20 days
Guys I loved writing the first short n sweet inspo fic so here’s more bc that ovulation album is too good <3
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౨ৎ Summary: your hosting a slumber party at Art’s mansion. But you can’t quite stay away from your pull to get the man in a room where there are no others. Inspo from Bed Chem by Sabrina Carpenter 🤍
+ 18 | very much smut !, unprotected sex, age gap, (reader early 20’s) dilf!Art, size kink, first daddy kink fic (omg) semi-public sex, oral (f) reviving, pet names, this made me feel a bit slutty just writing it, needy!reader, fatherly Art ;)
A/N: the fucking edits on tiktok of Mike to Bed Chem are making me go insane ! just when I thought there was no possible way for me to be crazier over this man omfg. So I had to give the girls a fic to go w it ofc <3
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It was like fate. The day you met him.
Nothing could of been more perfect when the stars aligned to bring you to accompany your solid group of trust fund friends to one of his tournaments that evening. You were like most girls your age, makeup, pop music, nice ornaments for your wardrobe — you weren’t the kind of girl that could say she knew much about sports, and certainly little to nothing to be caught landing a seat at the us open... but eventually that grew to be a substantial part of what found him to be so drawn to you.
It was that day when you’d been in the bleachers watching the blonde play like it was his life’s greatest prophecy. For the first time in your still too little years of living, you’d never felt that aroused by a man you’d only saw from the mere view of him hitting a ball with a racket.
But he was unearthly.
Built like how men used to be. Face like it came straight from heaven. Serve like he knew a thing or two in bed.
You were drunk on want, need for him. You were damn lucky your friends were loaded enough to go to all the after parties with most of the star athletes. It was insane to you that you would follow the vip and your most sports driven friends (enthusiast if you will.) to where the elites spend their time. You wanted a nice hang out. Good food. Expensive drinks. But it was between you and the universe that you’d leave with so much more.
You were in a sheer dress and kitten heels when he spotted you. Just his star studded sly smile from across the event hall, when he saw you and your friends conversing in mostly a pretentious manner like most kids your age did when they could afford the lifestyle most people only dreamed of. But not you, you were entranced, pulled away. By his wide, blue eyes that you assumed filled with the same yearn you’d been struck with. And to your quick manifest, Art was gazing right back at you.
Only sharing a couple brief exchanges with the tall and stature, modest but kindly — beautiful and magnetic man around mutual friends, before you’d both been rushed to leave. Him with his team, and you with your entourage.
Like that you were tied to the tennis star in the blink of a moment. And Soon enough — being photographed with him around the heat of the city.
Games, athlete dinner parties, press events. Even photos of you two sharing more than a couple of words, maybe even kisses, behind menus at glamorous rooftop restaurants. Magazine outlets went crazy through the roof in just a few weeks time. Milking whatever they could out of Art Donaldson and his controversially younger girlfriend.
They didn’t have enough tabs on what you two had officially been to one another and that was perfect for the two of you. Because now that time has pushed you and the blonde closer and more into each other — you’d spend days and nights locked away with Art in his new found mansion post his former divorce. Home so beautifully articulated and big enough for you to be extra generous with your time with the dream boat of a man.
It would go down in history what the two of you had done in every room.
Now, a gorgeous weekend ahead of you after your week that was always filled with Art treating you to the finest cooked dinners, at home date nights filled with breezy smiles and full closeness to balance your dates out on the town. Going wherever you felt just to hold hands under umbrellas and traffic lights. With all the new adorned love in your life, and man with too much mystic taking up your time, it had been a good minute since you saw your girlfriends, caught up or shared a drink. You were just so wound up in Art and the way he treated you like a princess to, and in your own world.
So you’d asked Art if you could host a sweet little sleepover for you and your girls at the mansion — and of course he complied. It was anything for his perfect girl since the beginning.
“I could ask the chef to whip up some,” Art spoke into you as he held your hips in his vast hands running carefully over the hem of your satin bottoms as you stood in the middle of the spacious kitchen with him.
“That’s okay, I wanna do it.” You laughed softly, as you stared up at the man. “Nothing says fun girls night like making our own home made friandises”
Art had tilted his head in slight confusion with eyes in question to your tone when you’d practice what you’d been learning in your French courses on him. It was all the most adorable to you really. Your laugh echoed.
“Treats, baby.”
“I- - I knew that,” He scoffed and your giggles were infectious with delight to him.
“It’s gonna be fun. We’ll watch movies, paint our nails, share snacking tips. It’s been so long since I’ve seen the girls.”
Art grinned at the way you lit up with excitement, and his icy eyes looked down at your figure below him. He tried not to bite down on his lip at the way you were in the pajamas usually he only saw you in. Pink lace two piece jammies. Completely recognized because he got them for you. The transparency to them was way too easy on the eyes.
Arts tongue darted out to wet his lips before he questioned, “Is that what you’re wearing ? There aren’t gonna be any boys.. right ?”
“No, silly. That of course counts out you — if.. you wanna join us.” You looked up at him through your lightly mascara coated lashes, it felt as if the flirtatiousness through your gaze just hooked Art by the belt.
“No, no. I’ll give you and your friends your space, doll.” The blonde gave you a chary little smile, “I really doubt they’d want an old man around while you’re trying to have fun.”
“Quit it ! You’re not old. And they adore you.” You stood on the tips of your toes, Art met you so you could leave a sweet kiss on his cheek, with a blush to your own.
“Thank’s for letting me have this little party, baby.”
“Course, what else would be better use for all this space ? Other than for the amusement of twenty something girls.”
Art chuckled and you surely were in agreement, because when your girlfriends did arrive it was immediately shrieks of girlish camaraderie and chatter of awe as you brought them around the place of posh and eloquent nature. Your laugh could of been heard from the other side of the place where Art had eventually been stored away for the night while your hands were knee deep in cookie dough and rainbow sprinkles. Pj sets all from the brands you and your friends never stopped talking about. Having your night filled with reruns of classic movies to sipping champagne.. and the wine, red, (your pick) was certainly slipping through you as the moments went on.
You’d been with your best friend when you two had a moment alone to catch up in one of the halls of the buoyant abode. Whispers and giggles coming from between the two of you as a glass of wine hung from your palm.
“God, he was a such a cutie.” She coo’d as you two had found a very special wall of framed photos of Art from back in his prime tennis days. The blonde around your age who seemed filled with joyfully energetic faces and awards from across the globe. A smile woke upon your face as you folded your arm to admire the man you’d now call your own.
“Sometimes I wish I’d known him then,” you simpered. “But I’m beyond lucky now. Because he’s still cute, and sexier.”
You tittered fondly and your friend laughed with you as she playfully tugged on your shoulder. “You gotta lock that down, y’know… you’ll be like- - hella famous just from being a world class tennis superstars hot young wife.”
She announced as she sipped on something burgundy and you thought with a heightened grin. She couldn’t have been farther from right. And as the months go by you would fall farther and farther head over heels for Art every day. You’d be his wife in an instant. That was the dream after all, and you could certainly say you’d been living one.
“I guess I’ll just have to wait for him to put a ring on it..” You smiled with a dazed shrug as you embarked your wine glass to your lips again.
“He better.” Your friend chirped with a proud glint and you couldn’t help but stay stuck in your thought of your boyfriend who’s been just a few rooms away for the past couple of hours while you’d been enjoying all the perks of your girls making the most of their time with you. But you couldn’t help but want Art to be nearby now, and the red wine in your system maybe hit more than just your head — you couldn’t even try to fight it.
You missed your man.
So after you’d take in a few more drinks and a bit sensually themed games with your friends, you’d made your attempt escape off to find Art. Slipping away from the girls was easy when you’d have every necessity needed to execute a very graceful grown up girl sleepover provided for them.
You’d been walking down the hall heading to where his office and master bedroom would be at the end of the home, and as you passed by the lush kitchen area, to your surprise, there he was. Muscles looked enchantingly delicious in this light as they flexed to pull on the fridge handle and when he turned, his eye line met your glance staring back his way (of course you’d both arrive at the same time.) Arts lips began to curl in an amours grin when he saw your petite figure making it’s way over to him with the same like of smile across your face.
“Hi, baby. You having fun?” He glanced down at you through his blonde lashes to meet your nod, only following up with a soft titter as you stepped closer to the man. He almost immediately picked up on the lust laced within your eye and the way you slightly leaned onto the fridge door with your aura basically gooing with sex at him now. The blonde had an eyebrow furrowed as he chuckled just a bit and he sized you up.
“Are you drunk, princess?”
“No. No… no,” you shook your head.
It had been true. You weren’t drunk, but a little wine tipsy and horny ? Definitely.
Art hummed and put the back of his hand to your forehead gently as he observed your state. “Did you eat?”
“Mhm, did you ?”
“No. That’s why I came down, not to stalk you. I promise.” The man laughed, to which you did as well and you only raised your arms so they could embrace your boyfriend’s shoulders with a soft hum.
“Y’know, if you’re hungry, you can eat me.” Your finger tips grace Arts neck unashamed as you smile into the crook, and he took in a breath, proceeding to hold you close.
“Oh- -” his chuckle matched your giggle as he noticed you’d changed again. His hands were gliding up the ruffle of the even more transparent sheer cover on you’d been dressed in. Lime tinted. The shorts were near pantie like.
“Mmm, I miss you, I want you.” You peppered kisses as close as you could to his earlobe from your height and Arts breath hitched as he was weak to your slow but enticing touch to him. Fogging up his knowledge that you’d been right in the middle of the open kitchen that was just a few ways down from the living area your friends had been in.
“Here, sweetness ? Your friends- -” Art murmurs down to your ear, but you just locked your arms just above his shoulders without a care.
“And- - ? What about them ? I need you,” you whined. “I want your touch.”
“Yeah? You want me to touch you?”
You nodded again with a naughty giggle and the blonde was smirking now, his hands roamed your body. Large and groping your curves. As much as he knew what was rightful, Art just couldn’t deny your cling to him in that damn near lingerie that had him going almost unbearably hard beneath his jeans since you walked in. Feral even. It was beginning to get miserable as you pressed your dainty chest against his, he felt your nipples grow hard and sensitive against the cloth. So into his aroma, presence, like you were a moth to a torch.
He’d fallen into your pecks merging with his now. Kissing you against where the cupboards stand like your lips were candy. Your small legs stumbling as the man towered over you “Fuck, you look amazing in that set.” Art pulled away from your plump lips to view your gorgeously perfect petite body. You batted your lashes once. And his attain just couldn’t be stopped. Art slid his hands across your soft ass cheeks, massaging and kneading it in his palms before leading up to laying a solid smack which made you hiss out an excited squeal-like giggle. Your fingertips slid down his ample biceps brushed with virile bristles of hair.
“If I had known you’d like this set so much, I would of worn it much sooner for you.”
Art leaned into you and he held a sly smirk, “this was your plan all along, yeah? Wearing that to get my attention so I would come out here and fuck you in the middle of your slumber party.. you’re such a naughty girl.”
You only giggled more into his skin with a slow exhale, your freshly painted french tips exploring him as he explored you. Art took his sweet time just feeling the way your ass jiggled in his palms and you felt like you’d been going weak in the knees before his tender contact turned rough when he turned you around without warning, making you gasp.
Art made sure you could feel how hard you’d gotten him as he pressed himself to your core. Facing the counter, you lost yourself in complete bliss just to the feeling of not knowing where he’d pleasure you next — Arts restrained bulge against your clothed cunt was just something else. The blonde pushed up your sheer top just a bit and pressed a kiss to your shoulder, you made a soft noise with it.
“Feel what you do to me, pretty girl.” Art nibbled on your earlobe and you sunk your teeth into your bottom lip to subtle your smile. His hands bracing your hips as he stared down at your lacy panties and your minx-like eyes followed Arts famished expression while he licked his bottom lip.
“All yours, daddy.” Your sweet voice immediately made Art go nearly lightheaded and that was it. He melted.
The man tucked both his thumbs into the fabric and pulled your panties down clean with raucousness, followed up with him getting down on his knees before spreading you with his palms and your hands reached for the marble with a soft whimper.
“That’a girl, stay open for me.. Let me taste you.” Art huffed out before he pushed one of your legs up on the counter and you breathed out at the feeling of him making your body his toy for amusement. Art took his fingers and ran them up your folds, getting them wet with the slick of your pussy. Your cheeks turned scarlet just at the wonderful pad of his index running against your core like that , making you let out a soft, “oh..” by the way he moved to rub around your clit. Arts lips kissed on your exposed inner thighs, and your jaw became unlocked extraordinarily far when his tongue finally rolled on the soft tissue.
He was splitting you clean open on the counter as tiny whimpers escaped your throat. You were lost in the draw you had to the man making you feel surpassing of even the way you played it all out in your head. “Mmm, yeah- - yes” you panted and the man flicked his digit over your bud at the same time he’d been making out with your cunt. Letting deep groans flow throughout your opening. You’d been on the tip of your toes for him. Letting him suck where you pulsed till you’d been overstimulated if he wanted.
Your head had been spinning from the friction of his perfectly sculpted nose rubbing against your sensitive area. Art was known to be gifted with his mouth so much so, you almost wondered if your friends would have heard if you just couldn’t keep your moans level — but with the way Art held your hips, fucked his tongue into your cunt like you’d been his last meal, your anxiousness washed away. All you could do was let the shake of your thighs and Arts dripping oral member lead you to a crisp pleasurable cry.
“Shit,” Art took a brief exhale as he pulled away from your entrance, dampened lips of your juices going wide with a grin and he ran his palms over your slick thighs again,
“you’re so fucking wet for me, princess. You gonna take my dick? Let me make you feel good?”
“Mmm, please. Fill me up, Art. I wanna feel you.”
“You gotta be quite for me, baby.” Art stood to his feet.
You didn’t care. All you could think about was dick. Arts phenomenal dick. You wanted him to toss you over and split you open till you were sobbing on his thick member, your wine drunk friends would understand. A girl has her needs.
The risk made your blood pressure rise as the moment went on, when Art reached over you to tug your panties dangling from your thighs all the way down — he kicked them off to the side. Taking note of his own belt buckle and undoing it quickly, which you only grew more greedy by the sound of him unzipping his fly. The blondes aquamarine orbs swam with the need to pump you fuller than you’d ever taken him.
“Bend over for me, sweet girl..” Art breathed out softly as his slightly calloused hands ran from your hip up your spine while you did so, bending over fully and displaying your sweet dripping cunt for the mans lidded eyes. He sucked in his breath and his now aroused dick twitched when it unveiled from his boxers — going barmy with just how tiny and soft you looked beyond him.
“So fucking tight and small- - your amazing with the way you take me when I barely fit in, sweets.”
You bit down on your finger as you watched Art run his hands over your ass. Take your hips and line his cock up with your hole. He hissed at the way your soaking cunt wet his tip, you almost croaked out a deep moan at his gestures to tease your pussy. Just nodding along as you’d gone cock drunk before he’d even been in you. Your nails run at the marble counter as Art slowly burrowed into your drooling core. Working you open as his cock disappeared into your body inch by inch — he pushed your thigh higher onto the ledge as you whined at the stretch.
“Ah.. mmm- - fuck, fuck, fuck,” you groaned as you adjusted to the size of his warmth finally filling you full. Art was big. And he’d never want to put you, his sweet doll in discomfort for long, never. So when he started to plunge into you, he watched as your face scrunched up from ache to pleasure in time. His name sputtering from your mouth as you clawed at the counter top and he watched your pussy lips that were just throbbing around his erection like it was begging to be so sporadically fucked by him.
“That’s it baby doll,” his own groans heightened as his hips knock into your cervix, chasing that spot of yours till you were moaning and whimpering like a slut around him. Hole so full with yours and his pre-cum and you sucked in your bottom lip, tussled hair going wild on your back. You just had to look over your shoulder to watch him — see Arts gorgeous face as he snapped against you all shimmering with light sweat as he focused on the way a ring of your wetness pooled around his base.
“You love this, hu? Getting me to fuck you while your friends carry on without you- - At your party. But you just had to come.. looking for daddy’s cock, yeah? You love being a dirty, dirty girl for me.” Art rasped as he clenched his jaw with the overwhelming feeling of your tight cunt clenching him. It made your skin feel like it had been sparked with fire, so exhilarated. He put his hands in your hair to fuck into you as your jaw dangled open.
“Oh! F-fuck! I needed that big fucking dick, daddy… w-want you to cum all over me, mmm- -” you were choking out whimpers and your pretty little hole dripped with Arts pre-seed slipping from you, making it drag out when he pulled out of your pussy to turn you around and pick you up in one swift motion. Your high pitched gasp echoed as you wrapped your legs around the mans abdomen and Art set you on the counter. His lips curl up into a smirk and his eyes met your wide doe set ones. Slipping back into you he watched you cry out his name. Rutting into your heavenly body at this angle, hands go squeezing your thighs, and Art kept them apart as he took you at a wild pace. Hitting that gooey spot till you didn’t remember your own name. “Good fucking girl. That’s it- - such a sweet thing for me, taking all of my cock. It was made for you, doll.”
You couldn’t even catch your self as you’d leaned back on the counter and let Art pound into you. Your tits bounced with each thrust and you were shuttering as your orgasm ripped through you without warning. “Yes ! Ooh- - shit, yes yes yes…” you were whining out as you came on Arts dick. He held your legs spread as he grunted and watched you soak him uncontrollably. You loved it. Feeling like his perfect little gift. Art licked over his lips at the sight of your beauty, throwing your head back in bliss, he pulled out of you and pushed up your dainty little baby doll top — making space as he pumped his throbbing dick over your stomach till he himself came hard. Ropes shooting out on your candescent skin and making sure some got on your pussy just for the fun of it, he grinned and trailed his thumb up your gentle inner calf that had been dangling by his side.
You were whimpering like you’d gotten your brains fucked out to the sweetest soundtrack you’d ever heard. Art was so cinematic in moments like these, he leaned up to kiss at the nape of your neck, cheek, and lips.
“Pretty, perfect girl.. I love you.” Your gentleman muttered against your mouth. You smiled and sunk your teeth into your bottom lip as Art brought your panties up to help you slip them back over your thighs and to your feet as steady as you could. Dressing himself as well, he glanced down at you through his hooded eyes to see your impressively only slightly disheveled state. You were just always glowing, it was hard to make that go away anyways.
“You sleeping down here tonight?” Art buckled his pants again as he questioned you with a soft raised brow. You started to smirk at the way he was heading. You shrug.
“Maybe, maybe not… I’ll sneak into your room when they’re sleep, if you want.” You offered the man, the glint in your eye saying you’d suck his cock and let him have you in as many different positions as he’d like in a couple hours till you were all tapped out. The blonde only scuffed and towered over your presence that was still taken by your hoyden attitude, just to turn you back towards the door way.
“Go host your party.” he taunted almost fatherly, to then leave a light slap on your ass that made you giggle on the way out.
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dearsnow · 3 months
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- you lost contact with the boy next door, and you believe your life is better for it. (bradley “rooster” bradshaw x fem!reader, ⚠️ adult topics mentioned, part of the series “out of touch”)
OUT OF TOUCH: It’s been twenty years since you last saw Bradley Bradshaw, and, suddenly, you realize he’s finally grown up.
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word count: 1,003
a/n - aaaaaa my top gun obsession as of late is currently taking up everything in my brain 🥹 now that i’m out for the summer, i really am going to try to finish what i started. come along for the journey, if you dare <3
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You were never “together” together with him. You used to wish you were, praying desperately to every fallen eyelash and coin in a fountain and 11:11, but nothing could make Bradley Bradshaw, the only thing your teenage self wanted, settle down.
Instead, you followed him like a lost puppy, and he reveled in your affection. He was fifteen years old, just barely starting to grow his hair out, and you were fourteen. He was also your neighbor, something you could not get out of your giddy head every time you caught a glimpse of him riding his bike outside your window. You supposed it was a thing of proximity; you fell for the only boy you had ever really talked to, and he wanted a warm body.
It was an innocent crush. You liked the way he moved his (frankly horribly styled, which you only realized later) hair out of his brown eyes, and he liked that you liked him. So you went out on “dates”, and you had a fun time, and he inevitably left you to fend for yourself when his friends came around. It took two months of this for you to finally realize that it just wasn’t going to happen.
As soon as you pulled yourself off of your metaphorical knees, he was attached to another girl. A blonde named Rebecca with curves that were certainly not age-appropriate, even at seventeen. You hated her, for a time, but looking back on it, she had the same lovesick look in her eyes that you did. He had that effect on everyone.
When Bradley left, you didn’t even miss him.
You’re thirty-four now, with a brand-new sparkle in your eye. Things are perfect. You just accepted a new job in sunny San Diego to be closer to your long-term boyfriend, and really, life couldn’t be better.
After high school, you moved halfway across the country to attend your dream college, where you met Derick. He’s a nice guy. He brings you flowers, knows your drink order by heart, and, most importantly, he isn’t afraid of commitment. He has a big, shiny ring tucked in the back of his sock drawer, and you won’t ever tell him you know where it is.
Even your job is amazing, which is something people rarely get to say. You got the opportunity to own and manage a cafe quietly nestled into the cozier part of the California coast, and you wouldn’t change it for the world. Its proximity to a naval base is also a great thing, as uniformed men line up in droves for an early morning coffee or the odd pastry on their cheat days.
You’re hardworking, and finally, finally, it’s starting to pay off. You smile to yourself as you pull the morning’s cash profit out of the cash register and divide it into folded envelopes. Nothing, you think, could ever go wrong.
Bradley’s life is great, too. That’s what he’d like to think, at least. He has friends. He loves his job. He loves the freedom of hooking up where he wants when he wants, without anyone trying to tie him down. He likes condoms and birth control, too, which are very important to his lifestyle. But when he looks at couples, rings around fingers and hands tucked into back pockets, something inside of him gives a little.
He’s never been one to stay in one place. He moved around a lot as a kid, and some essential part of that stuck with him. His job doesn’t make it easier, either–he’s constantly on the move. Now, though, he’s living in San Diego semi-permanently, and his roots are beginning to dig into the sand. And the whole time, he’s stayed depressingly single.
Women want him. There’s no doubt about it. He’s young enough, at thirty-five, for the twenty-something’s to chat him up, but old enough for the forty-somethings to not feel creepy talking to him. He’s fit, smooth, confident, and if he wants to take it that far, very good in bed. Despite all of that, he’s never found anyone that could truly tie him down. He’s getting a little tired of it at this point.
“Lord, she’s the hottest thing I’ve seen all week.” Fanboy moans into his palms. There’s a croissant on a napkin in front of him that he hasn’t even touched.
Hangman grins from behind him. “You gotta get us there so we can take a shot. As a humble man, I can firmly say that she won’t even think about her boyfriend when I walk through the door.”
The daggers are going on about their new crush of the week. Apparently, Fanboy had spotted what he describes as a “cuteness off the charts” cafe owner on his quest for a new dessert spot. There’s only one thing that deterred him from sweeping her off of her feet: she has a boyfriend, one that she’s evidently quite serious about.
Rooster isn’t into taken women. It’s too much hassle, and he doesn’t like getting in the way of a relationship. He’s made that mistake in the past, and gotten a black eye to show for it. A bit of him is curious, but he won’t take that bait.
“I want to go back. Maybe… maybe I can say the croissant was so good that I had to get another. Guys, you need to go with me. It’s serious serious.” Rooster can firmly say that he’s never seen Fanboy so worked up about a girl before. Who in the world could make his friend geek out like this?
Phoenix chimes in from her spot behind Rooster. “I don’t condone messing around with girls with boyfriends, but I’ve gotta see her for myself.”
Fanboy stands, determination written on his face, as he takes a bite of the croissant. “Let’s go. And you guys better not steal my thunder.”
Rooster rolls his eyes, but follows behind his very smitten friend. He’s in for an interesting (if not somewhat funny) afternoon.
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Taglist: @m1dnightsnackz @itsarabellebabes
195 notes · View notes
Fuckin' with the Ecosystem - Chapter 1
Characters: Carmy Berzatto x Reader, Richie and Sydney
Summary: Carmy has come to accept his struggle when dealing with his dead brother's failing restaurant, he reaches out to you for some guidance from an old friend. You realize it may be more of a challenge than you first thought with the clashing of personalities and family.
Warnings: Cursing, Angst
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This is not what Carmy wanted. He wanted it, but not like this. He stared at his brother's memorial card pinned to the cork board completely dissociated in the office.
Through all the years, Carmy begged Mikey to work with him here. All the ideas Carmy would share of what his brother could do with this place. The potential. Mikey never wanted him near this place. Now here he is, like some sick joke, Carmy is finally here. But picking up the broken pieces that Mikey left him with nothing else. No note, no letter. no fuck you. Just a restaurant on the verge of shutting down.
His phone vibrated breaking him from his resenting thoughts, bringing him back to reality.
You looked down at your phone to double check the address. Across the street, there was a sad little restaurant that had clearly seen better days. The building itself was rundown. The sign was faded. Overall the place hadn't seen love in awhile and it showed.
You took a deep breath of the cold winter Chicago air in your lungs and looked up and down the street before making your way across.
You tried pushing open the door to find it locked. Taking your phone out of your jacket pocket and popping up Carmy on your phone holding it up to your ear.
"Hello?" Carmy voice feeding through the phone.
"Outside" You stated, wanting to get out of this raw breeze hitting your side.
He hung up and you heard a ruckus inside before the door jolted open. Carmy face emerged from behind the door and a smile appeared.
"You're here... finally, " a sense of relief washed over him.
To say that last couple days have been overwhelming would be an understatement of his life.
He arms went over your shoulders enveloping you into a big hug.
"It's been too long." He whispered pulling away.
It was. It's been awhile since you've connected, 3 years, maybe? An environment like a heated kitchen in a three star restaurant can bring people together or apart. It's either or. Carmy and you were shaky at the start. Having moments of frustration and rage especially when he first started.
You held the strap of the bag to your shoulder as you looked around. The place was .... mediocre at best. The floors were stain, the walls had chipped paint and were discolored. The deli was far from new or well-looked after. The smell of stale bread was in the air.
You continue to look around until your eyes landed on Carmy who was looking back, waiting for a reaction. He was tense. His arms folded behind his head, hands clasped.
You walked further into the deli, making your way around the counter. As you got closer you started hearing voices. Well, shouting. It was coming from the double swinging doors.
Richie always made an entrance whenever getting a new introduction and this was no different. He burst through the doors with a big grin on his face.
"Ayye, you must be our knight and shining armor, ight?" He announced raising his voice.
"More family than friend" Richie gave you a wink leaning over for a hand shake.
"This is Richie, family friend." Carmy gestured, still standing behind you.
"Oh, nice to meet you" You smiled and eyed up the big personality that you just met.
"Carmy here hasn't stopped fuckin' talking about y -"
"Cousin that's not tru- " Carmy spoke over feeling his cheeks get slightly heated.
Richie raised his eyebrows in disbelief. "I'm not lying" He chuckled.
You glanced over at Carmy to see him roll his eyes.
"A'ight, let's show ya around" Richie stepped aside and directed his arm towards the doorway.
Making your way to the back where it was... chaos, to put it lightly.
The kitchen had no order or very little from what you could see. The layers of voices that filled the room was overwhelming. Everyone introduced themselves before getting back to what their task was.
You tried to take note of the duties getting done, Tina was prepping a stock of some kind. Ebra, the meats. Marcus was in his little corner cracking eggs into a bowl. Richie was... Well you had no idea what Richie was doing. He seemed to bounce around station to station pissing people off or getting in their way.
Carmy was there all morning trying to get food prepped in a timely manner but efficiency has always been the challenge in this God forsaken place. It didn't help that one of the most important chefs wasn't in and was running late with that. Carmy glanced at his phone and saw a text from Sydney.
"Sorry, running late. Be there in 15!"
Carmy gave a thumbs up before locking his phone and putting back in his pocket. He doubled check with everyone knew what they were doing for the last part of prep before doors opening.
"Uhh, the office?" You asked, standing next to him trying to grab his attention.
He completely forgot about you for a moment as he got more stuck into the kitchen.
"O-oh shit yea, sorry" He apologized wiping his hands on a rag tucked into his apron. He took a quick glimpse of the crummy clock on the wall.
"3 Hours til' service Chefs" He shouted.
"Yes Chef" Everyone responded without hesitation.
Carmy led you out of the kitchen and down the hallway. To the left, there was a small box room. Peering around the doorway, you saw an oversized desk that took over too much space in the room. One file cabinet squeezed in the back right corner. You take a couple of steps inside, and the room feels even smaller when in it. You looked around, seeing the piles of disorganized paper everywhere. Random knickknacks covering the desk and a dim table light cascading its warm hue across it.
You took your bag off and placed it on the chair, which looked like it was on its last legs. Literally.
You glanced up at Carmy. His hand was on his face, his fingers resting against his lips. Worry was written all over his face.
"I tried to... um.. " He shifted, crossing his arms and leaning up against the doorframe.
"To organize it, but I, I would always get pulled away before making a difference" He said pressing his lip into a fine line.
"It's a lot" You sighed, picking up some pages glancing at them.
You looked back up at him trying to give your best reassuring smile.
A noise came from the front, followed by the rush of footsteps coming closer.
"Carm, I'm so sorry" A rushed voice spoke.
"The appointment took way longer than expected" Sydney continued, popping her head around the corner.
"Oh, you must be Carmy's friend?" She leaned forward with her hand.
"This is Sydney" Carmy introduced nodding his head to her.
You smiled shaking her hand.
"I've heard so many great things." She grinned.
"Same to you," you said, flickering your eyes between Sydney and Carmy.
Sydney squeezed by Carmy, you heard the loudness of voices leaking through from the kitchen with the door opening and it fading away as it closed.
"Look, I know this is a lot. It's fuckin' crazy." Carmy sighed scratching the back of his head.
"If you want to get the hell outta ere, I won't hold anything agains-"
"I'll do it." You interrupted.
He froze. He looked at you with his mouth slightly open. The weight he felt on his shoulders was immense. He felt guilty even thinking about involving anybody else like Sydney and you. He was involved because he was family. He had no choice in the matter at this stage.
"You serious?" He raised his eyebrows.
You nodded. You remembered all the times you were struggling years ago. The forced promotion you got and how ill-prepared you were for it. The nights you spend studying different type of permits, financial documents, health and safety guidelines and inspections. Carmy was there next to you. Both you googling unfamiliar legal terminology so you could understand a single sentence on the letters.
Carmy didn't expect you to agree to this. He had set himself for you to take one look at this place and dip. He knew how many opportunities that were thrown at you, you'd be crazy to stick around here. He was flabbergasted and had no words.
He stood there for a moment before double checking with you.
"You sure?" He asked raising his eyebrows.
You nodded confidently.
He came over to you giving you a quick hug before pulling away.
"Thank you" He said meaningfully, still holding onto your arms firmly.
"Cos, this shit ain't right!" Richie barges through the swinging doors shaking his head.
Carmy turned around to face him.
"What?" Carmy asked followed by an exhausted sigh.
Sydney came through next. "This is how it needs to be Richie!" She exclaimed bringing her hand to her forehead with frustration.
"Naw, you're fuckin' with the ecosystem" Richie yelled over her pointing his finger.
"W- What?!" She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion gesturing her hands up.
"Hold up, hold up" Carmy yelled over them both as they continued to loudly bicker.
He glanced at both of them until they looked at him.
"Cousin, what the fuck are you talking about ?" Carmy questioned.
"Look at this shit." Richie turned around and busted back through the swinging doors into the kitchen.
Sydney rolled her eyes and followed with Carmy behind her.
The tension in the place never seemed to let up. Everyone had their way of getting things done and if it changed, war broke lose. Which seemed to happen more often than not.
You glanced over to your right to see Fenway Park poster crudely taped onto the wall. Mikey must have been a Red Sox fan, a fleeting thought that ran through you head. You moved your bag and settled yourself in the chair. The chair that creaked with every movement.
In the kitchen, Richie was still on Carmy's ear about the changes that Sydney was making. Small changes like the layout of the spice rack and the organization of the walk-in freezer.
"Cos, look what she did" Richie leading the way to the freezer.
"Yeah, I asked her to do that." Carmy responded looking into the freezer and bending down to see if the stock was in the order the way he wanted it,
"Thank you" Sydney said appreciatively to Carmy.
"Wai- What?" Richie said his face completely baffled.
"Yea, this freezer was not following health and safety policy. We coulda been shut down for this if we got unscheduled inspection" Carmy explained walking away from the freezer and walking through the stations making sure everything was on track.
"Mikey never di-"
"Mikey had no fuckin' idea what the hell he was doin'." Carmy spoke over Richie taking a teaspoon and tasting the stock.
"Tina, add more salt to this please" He spoke to her over his shoulder.
"Yes Jeff" She replied.
Richie worked his way around Tina, still following Carmy.
"I don't like the way things are going on around here" Richie watched as Carmy picked up the container of onions and moved them to the other side of the counter.
"Tis' not my problem, Cousin," Carmy continued, turning around and cracking open the oven door, checking on the beef.
"This is your brother's house. I was running it fine without you." Richie exclaimed leaning more into him.
"Then why didn't he leave it to you then?" Carmy retaliated back instantly looking Richie directly in the eyes.
Carmy walked away and left the kitchen slamming the swinging doors on his way out. Richie stood there for a moment and shook his head. He worked his way to the back of the building. Mumbling profanities while taking a cigarette out of the pack and placing it between his lips. Took a light and a deep breath in. The more changes that happen, the further he felt from Mikey. The heavy feeling sat in his stomach as he stared off into the distance.
He thought about all the times Mikey and him would fuck around in the back. All the stories they shared. Both of them lean up against the shitty fence. How excited Mikey was after buying the place. The big plans both of them had.
It hit Richie. It hit him like a train. Mikey was gone. He wasn't going through those doors anytime soon. Richie eyes flickered, and his trance broke with the loud clatter of noise from inside. His eyes whelmed up, and the more he held his tears back, the harder the lump got in his throat.
He wiped his dampened eyes with the back of his hand roughly. Inhaled deep on his last drag before flicking the cigarette on the ground and released the smoke from his nostrils.
Richie heard his name being called by Sydney from the kitchen. He exhaled tiredly and rubbed his face down with his hand. He wanted this day to be over. He turned around and dragged himself back in, slamming the door behind him.
Chapter 2
Author's note: I've decided this is going to be a series. I have no idea how long. I really enjoyed writing this. My suggestions are officially open! If you have any thoughts or ideas, let me know!
Enjoy guys :)
Masterlist of other fics
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firefly--bright · 1 year
jean kirstein modern headcanons!!!
warnings : none! gender neutral pronouns used, if any.
a/n: HI HELLO I'm so so SO sorry for the late fics. my finals ended like a month ago and oh my god I've just been Going Places™ like my schedule is jam packed with meeting up with people i haven't seen in three months because of the exams :/ I'm working on the requests!!! i promise, i read them and i am working on them. but!!! here are some headacanons to.... make up for the lack of content :3
taglist : @mrsnobodynobody , @holding-ishu-and-a-book
✿ masterlist is in linked in pinned post! ✿ enter my taglist ✿
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• he doesnt have a big sweet tooth but he LOVES chocolate like can't live without it. if you're also a chocolate person, he'll buy your fav ones for you and lowkey judges you for it ("why would you like this one???? the one i like is wayyy better you should get those")
• he's most definitely a friend's to lovers type guy. he never really thought he would be, though. he's a hopeless romantic and falls in love with anyone and everyone BUT he's also, as mentioned before, more hopeless than romantic. he'll yearn for the person from a distance, so he doesn't really think that he would go and fall in love with his best friend, of all people. you fall first he falls harder type beat yk?
• he's kind of gives off this confident, cocky and kind of intimidating vibe about him. when you first met him you just knew he thought a little too highly of himself. but after getting to know him, he's super vulnerable and soft and actually tries to be close to you. his intimidating Mr. i-fold-my-arms-over-my-chest-to-show-off-my-biceps persona is just a front, like he thinks being that coccky guy will make people think he's like mysterious or something and want to be his friend/partner
• i have a bi jean agenda actually
• thinks VERY highly of you. asks for your advice on everything even if you might not be good at giving it, hed want to know what you, specifically, think
• he's an architecture major :D i know alot of people have diff headcanons of him doing pol-sci/law (which are all valid tbh i agree with those hcs) but!!! i think he chose architecture because he has the right amount of passion for it. it's the closest thing to art he can have. he loves art but he's also aware that it doesn't...pay well, neither does he want to loose his passion for art. hes heard one too many stories of people choosing art and regretting it because their passion for art is no longer just a passion. Jean's scared he'd lose his love for it.
• isn't really used to physical touch, and if you're a touchy feely person, he's a little surprised when you hold him for the first time. he quickly grows into loving your touch tho and initiates cuddles :)
• hes kinda super smart. like he scores really well in class and always has. not only that, but he's gifted athletically as well
• he's more of a listener than a talker, i think. hed initiate conversation, ask you about you day and let you take away the conversation. doesn't really mind if it's "all about you", but if you ask him about anything, he'd gladly talk.
• hes actually SO shy when it comes to actually doing relationshippy things. the first time you held hands as a couple and not just friends, he had a nervous breakdown. he couldn't even look you in the eyes when he asked you out on a date, even if it was just a casual movie night at home
• he's very organized, surprisingly. he's not a clean freak but he just likes knowing where things are. rarely rearranges anything because it not only frustrates the hell out of him, he'd also have to get used to the new arrangements.
• he has a fixed skincare routine!!! he had acne as a teenager so he started taking skincare more seriously. knows a lot about different products, and if you don't have a fixed skincare routine, he'd tell you to have one. if you have super sensetive skin (like me) and can't handle anytjing other than basic face wash, he'd remind you to wash your face every night.
• he also is protective of his hair!!! he used to have dyed hair, but it didn't go well. he TRIED to bleach his hair but failed and half of his hair came out :')) he never dyes his hair anymore but he does freshen up his mullet every now and then. doesn't let anyone but his mom and you touch his hair.
• asks you if you can help him with oiling his hair because he saw one of those tiktoks saying they work really well. if you're anything like me and are used to oiling your hair every week, you'd massage his hair and his eyes close and his entire body relaxes the moment your hands weave through his hair <3
• LOVES showing you off. either in little ways (by swinging your hands together while walking) or by literally making his entire Instagram page about you. all of his six posts (he rarely posts, but whenever he does it's all about you) have you in them. the cheesiest captions, too. if that wasn't enough, he'd have (y/n)'s with your fav colour heart emoji next to your name in his bio to let literally everyone know who he's with.
• he actually loves to cook!!!! as said before, he'd very organized, so i feel like he'd also be into meal prepping. he watched those aesthetically pleasing videos of people rearranging their fridges with ungodly amounts of plastic cabinets. his own fridge is sort of a mess becahse he doesn't know what goes where :') but he does meal prep, and sometimes even packs you lunches with lil notes
• speaking of notes, he's not really good at talking about his love for you. like he'd show it in so many ways but he can't say it out loud. not only does he get uncharacteristically shy, he's always had issues with saying the words "i love you" out loud, so he either writes about it or draws you <3 you'd find random notes and letters written to you, sometimes with just. a cheesy joke, sometimes he actually Tries and writes a whole letter for you pouring out all the things he can't say out loud.
• the start of your friendship, you two bicker alot. it's clear you care about each other, but he loves teasing you because he knows you'll shoot back.
• he wears really thin eyeliner on special occasions <3 he doesn't like bold looks, but he does like how subtly the eyeliner makes his eyes look different. if yiure good at makeup, he'd ask you to help him.
• has a plethora of diff hats tbh like he collects them like an addiction. he has a fedora and beanies and bucket hats and normal embroidered hats. he has so many it's concerning
• he's very good at driving. when the two of you started getting closer, he'd ask you on long late night drives, either for take-out or just to listen to music and talk. he enjoys your company while driving. if you usually have motion sickness in cars, you will never feel nauseous in his car. he drives very smoothly, not too fast and not too slow. he's kind of a perfectionist (not extremely) and literally screams at Connie to slow down when he goes even a little over the speed limit. he drives the whole time in every road trip.
• his fav dessert is cheesecake. his unpopular opinion is that they're the perfect ratio of sweet and savoury, crunchy and soft.
• hes one of those people to fall asleep anywhere and everywhere. on the couch, at the table, no matter how loud it is or how bright it is. he's a light sleeper and also a snorer. if you're cuddling together, he'd either lay on top of you or wraps not one but both of his arms around you. one under your neck to provide a nice neck cushion, and one draped over your stomach.
• he runs warm, which is both a blessing and a cruse. in summers, even if he'd want to cuddle with you, you feel the need to get as far away as him because he's just so warm. you'd wake up in your own sweat if you do decide to take the risk and let him cuddle you. in winters though, his warmth is very welcome.
• loves it when you hug his arm while walking. if you're tired and kind of lean into him, expect him to eat that shit UP because he loves your warmth as much as you love his. loves it when you lean into him or hug his bicep. even flexes his muscles for effect (you definitely tease him for that)
• is not a fan of thunderstorms, he kind of has bad memories. either from being left out while the ither kids play in the rain, either from the rumbling and the scary sound that comes with thunders that resembles the sound of his angry father or its just how inconvenient it is.
• his dad wasn't really in his life that much, always away on business. every time he would come home, he'd srot of criticize jean's hobbies :( his mom eventually seperated from Jean's father and started her own bakery, hence Jean's love for chocolates.
• he panics very hard when you feel sick. he jumps right into his mama bird genes and makes you a soup from either his mother's recipie or he'd call your mother and ask her for her own sick day recipies. he'd feed it to you and refuse to leave you alone until you've had your meds.
• he loves kissing your forearm for some reason. you loop your hands around his neck after kissing him, so it's the closest to his mouth. he turns his head slightly, closing his eyes as he pecks your forearm :3 it's kinda a weird spot to like kissing, but it's really endearing when it comes from him.
• he has a couple small tattoos here and there. two of the five he has have actual meaning whereas the other three are just for fun
• he wants whatever you want. if you want children in the future, he'd be there with you. if you want nothing but a large house and a couple pets, he'd love to make your dream come true. he's passionate and extremely good at what he does, and he takes pride in it.
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applejuicefruit · 2 years
hey, could you do a, trigger warning by the way, where the reader was harassed in the street/ and or in the workplace and she comes home sad, but doesn't tell kylian anything, he tries to talk to her about what it happened, and in the end she ends up telling him and he comforts her and in the end you decide, if you can and feel comfortable, thank you. <3
thank you for requesting this one!
also tw : violence, harassment , verbal abuse , non consensual touching, don’t read if it makes you uncomfortable!!!
kylian mbappe x reader
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You loved your work.
You really did.
You worked for a big photography company based in Paris. Always working with famous photographers coming from all over the world. Your company worked for important museums and events all over the country and that’s how you met Kylian. You and your colleagues were sponsoring the company during some football event and when he was asked to take some pictures for it he couldn’t help but be mesmerised by you. Your beauty and kindness made him fall in love with you.
You started dating a couple of weeks after your first meeting and now, two years into the relationship things were going wonderfully amazing, both for him and you.
A few things were changed inside the company, as it began to expand internationally your boss decided to hire more people so they could help with the amount of work you all had to do.
One of this people was Luis. He was kind and shy at first. He was a little bit older than you but not that much. You’ve been his mentor when he first started, he knew he could rely on you especially when there were so many things do to and he had no idea of where to start. You were always welcoming with anyone who asked for help so you didn’t mind spending more time at the office helping him out.
He tried to ask you out once but you stopped him right away, telling him you actually have a boyfriend.
He got the memo and never made any kind of requests to you, instead he asked you to forget about his failed attempt so you could be just friends - of course you agreed, in the end he was your colleague and you wanted to work with good energy.
One friday night you and Luis were staying over finishing some project that you didn’t want to finish the next day. You already texted Kylian telling him you were getting home late because of work and, even if he sounded sad he knew how much you loved your work so he couldn’t really complain, not after all the nights you spent awake waiting for him to come back from training.
“I think we’re almost done” Luis said writing something on his computer.
“Yup. I’m all done with these pictures…” you showed him and closed the computer waiting for him to be done.
“Give me a minute and I promise you that you won’t see me again until next Monday” he joked and you laughed a bit.
Once he was all done you stood up from your chair and went to grab your jacket but Luis hands stopped you.
He took your wrist and turned you to him.
“Are you okay?” you asked him, concern evident in your voice since he was acting a bit strange.
“Why don’t we stay here for a bit longer? No one’s here…” he whispered and something told you that you had to turn around and run as far as you could but his hands still on your wrist stopped you from doing so.
“Luis I think we should go home…and rest, we’re clearly very tired…” you tried to calm him down, panic surging in you.
“Perhaps…you should come home with me? What do you think?” he said taking a few steps over and putting his hands on your hips “I could show you some things that your football boyfriend doesn’t know…he doesn’t deserve you. He’s probably fucking a new girl every night when you’re not home…I could really show you some things” he said while one of his hands grabbed your butt and squeezed it a little.
“Please Luis stop…just let me go and I won’t say anything about it…” you said, tears falling from your eyes.
“Why? Why should I let you go? You know what I’m saying is the truth…in these past years he has probably cheated on you every single time you weren’t there…” he said and you tried to not let those words into you. You’ve always been insecure about your relationship, mostly because you didn’t look like any kind of models Kylian dated, and you didn’t look like any other football player’s girlfriends. You were just you with a normal job and a normal life, no one special or famous. Even now that you and Kylian were dating you wanted your life to remain private, not looking for money or fame.
But Luis knew your weak spot and he was trying to get into your head.
“It’s not true…I love Kylian…he would never do something like that” you said back and he laughed.
“Maybe…or maybe he’s fucking a model while you’re here all alone with me…” he said, his lips ghosting over your ear and it made you shiver. You were completely terrified. And alone.
“We could have some fun now…” he squeezed your ass again trying to get into your panties.
You were scared and you had no idea of what to do, but adrenaline was rushing through you so, with your knee you reached his lower parts a kicked as strong as you could. You saw him leaving his grip on you and clenching down from the pain and in that moment you ran outside the building, not even caring about your jacket or laptop. You only got your bag and your car keys and you reached for your car. Your hands were shaking and you couldn’t focus on the road but your main goal was to reach home and kylian’s comforting arms.
You were driving too fast but you didn’t care.
Once you reached home you didn’t even bother to park your car, you just left it there once the gate was opened.
Kylian was currently laid on the couch scrolling through his phone when he heard your engine stop, sign that you were arrived.
You opened the front door and Kylian swore he almost died when he saw the state you were in. Your eyes red and puffy and your face wet with tears, your body was shaking and you couldn’t breathe.
“Y/n? Babe? What happened?” he ran to you when he saw you couldn’t even stand by yourself.
You tried to speak but no word came out of your mouth.
“Princess talk to me…are you hurt? What happened…baby? Please talk to me…” he said reaching for your hands “can I touch you baby?” he asked softly and you nodded. He wrapped his arms around your body and you let your tears fall while he softly stroke your back.
“Shh…it’s okay baby” he whispered trying to soothe you “can you tell me what happened baby?”
“He…he touched me and I just-I didn’t do anything, I was paralyzed” you explained and he was fuming, someone touched you without your consent.
“Who baby?” he asked even if he knew who did it.
“Luis…he-he tried to…” you couldn’t even finish your sentence that you began crying again. Kylian got what you meant and he was so mad at Luis that he was sure he wouldn’t have his job the next day.
“It’s okay baby, it’s over now…you’re here and he can’t hurt you, you’re safe baby” he comforted you and that’s all you needed.
“Why don’t we sit on the couch for a bit? I can prepare you a cup of tea if you want to…” he suggested but you shook your head.
“No please, I just want you…” you said hugging him, holding him for dear life.
“I’m not leaving baby, I promise you” he helped you sitting on the couch while he sat next to you.
You were still pretty shocked, still trembling but your cries stopped.
“Did he hurt you?” he asked you but you said no.
“Did he…” he didn’t even want to ask you that but he had to know if anything bad happened.
“No he didn’t. I stopped him before he could do anything…he just, his hands were all over me and I felt my body completely numb, I wasn’t even reacting…” you said feeling guilty about what happened. Kylian sensed it too but he comforted you.
“Baby, it wasn’t your fault okay? None of this…he’s just a dick who can’t accept a no, it wasn’t your fault…you’re just a victim but I’m glad you’re okay…you’re safe” he kissed your forehead and held you in his arms.
“Why can’t people be nice? Sometimes I wished I was fucking Cinderella and I lived in a fairytale, why can’t that be the real world?” you asked and Kylian soften a bit.
“You’re too good for this world baby…we don’t deserve you” he said kissing your cheek, making you smile a bit.
“He’s dead…his career’s over, I promise you he will never hurt you or anyone ever again” Kylian said with a poisonous voice. You knew Kylian was pretty famous, especially in France, he was seen as a God, capable of incredible things and you also knew he had his contacts. Plus your boss was a huge PSG fan so he only needed to call him to have Luis fired.
Kylian didn’t care if he was going to ruin a man’s life. He couldn’t care less, not when that man harassed you, tried to get his way to you, touched you without your consent and scared you. Kylian was so mad he could have killed him but you needed him and his comfort and he was going to take care of you as long as you needed him.
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b00tyliciousbabe · 1 year
my baby daddies - ep. 1
my comeback era xx
arón piper x male reader
summary: inside edition the slutty thoughts i have for mr piper xx
notes: hi ppl, hope y’all missed me. i’m back, after like a year of hibernation, with another imagine! hope you guys are all doing well <3 i will be releasing 2 other series (‘the DILFs’ and a surprise one 🤭) so stay tuned! plus y’all better thank me, I lost this draft not once, but TWICEEEE! happy with this iteration though.
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apologies in advance y’all this is gonna be chaotic…and my spanish is very rusty.
you met arón on the set of ‘elite’ because you were in between working with the hair and makeup team whilst designing the costumes. You had familiarised yourself with the entire crew and made loads of friends but from day 1 it was clear that your connection with him was unparalleled. the pinnacle of romantic chemistry. it’s giving one of those moments in the films when the two lovers have their meet cute, staring into each others eyes and the rest of the world is just in their peripheral because at that moment only two people exist - you and him. From then on, the whole crew shipped you guys together, with your work besties ester (who plays carla) and mina (who plays nadia) urging you to make out with him. He too was not exempt from this teasing, and a lot of his fellow male cast mates lowkey pressured him to ask you out. Whilst the premiere was coming up, you began sorting out the final designs for the next season, he ran into the studio wearing nothing but calvin briefs.
“Y/N, you’ve gotta help me.” He said desperately. You were taken aback. You’d never seen someone look so hot while they were needy.
“hey arón, what seems to be the problem?” He threw his hands up in the air in frustration. “can’t you see I’m practically naked?” You bit your lips taking in all of him “failing to see the issue here” which garnered a chuckle from him. “please y/n i’m so lost right now, i have no clue what to do” arón began panting which made you panic a lil bit. Placing your hands on his chest, you calmed his beating heartbeat “it’s okay, you know i’ve got you” Pulling one of your personal designs from the rack, you dressed him like he was your ken doll.
“i can do my own buttons you know,” he smiled watching you concentrate and manipulate the fabric to accentuate his features “i know but you wouldn’t be able to execute the vision i had for you in my mind” his eyes softened “you base your designs off me?” you looked up and met his gaze. “i’m not tryna give you a big head or anything, because it’s already quite elliptical, but kinda i guess.” he giggled as you watched his smile make his face look even cuter. “awww you got a lil crush on me,” aròn chuckled as you playfully beat his chest. “i mean, you’re handsome af I’ll give you that,” you felt his chest heaving with passion “why do you ask?” aròn held both your hands stopping you from working. “y/n,” you look up, all doe-eyed, surprised at the lack of distance between your lips. he breathed closer, opening the gates to your mouth as he graced you with a peck that lasted what felt like ages. the rest was history; that night he debuted the two of you as a couple to which was met with so much love.
you are at your gushiest whenever aròn smiles. it just makes you feel so happy seeing him so cute and all. stroking his cheek in the morning staring at him grinning in his sleep - probably dreaming of you.
the art of communication has always been strong in your relationship. your spanish-german bf was trilingual and meeting you pushed him to learn more on the side. your spanish was decent, certainly nothing to be proud but it improved drastically working on the show and being with aron. you were also highly proficient in two other languages and so he was adding to your roster. your relationship with him was a testament to the betterment of both people in a couple, you both pushed each other to try new things.
aron’s love language is definitely physical touch closely followed by gift giving, and so it made sense that he would buy you jewellery (even giving you his own) so he could both adore and adorn you. your favourite present he’s ever given you was the ‘A’ necklace he flaunts in a lot of his insta posts. he just loves seeing it around your neck - he’s yours. he even has an ‘A’ tattoo that now always reminds him of you.
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even in the bedroom the necklace pays a huge role:
“my pretty little muñequita, fuck you feel so good.” he praised, railing you painstakingly slowly in missionary. you watched his eyes mirroring your overstimulated expression, as it darkened with his desire for more. you moved to his necklace which swung gracefully with every deep thrust. “ughhh” aròn’s moans got even loader you picked the pendant up and put it in between his teeth to muffle him. the sweat began to drip off his face as he began to imprint his teeth into the crystals, groaning in pleasure. “Nghhhh nghhh nghhh” it was getting too much for him as he dropped it, all red, hot, and bothered, directly into your mouth. You bit it seductively making your bf smile. other times when he’s hitting it from the back in prone bone, your hot bodies are cooled by the ice around his neck providing an amazing sensation when he spurts his warm cum inside you.
aròn is pretty decently hung, a bit on the skinnier side, nothing monstery, but deffo larger than average and it bends to the left. his favourite position is probably missionary; he wants to see the pleasure he’s giving you. the moans, your eyes, your lips, he wants to soak it all up and treasure every single expression you make whilst he’s inside you. you really like cowgirl as you’ve noticed it gets the most laughs and smiles from him, your biggest weakness. aròn loves it as well. the sight of you holding his pecs, bouncing up and down his pole as he grabs your ass sends him into overdrive. “shit mi amor, ughh, fuck, you sure know how to ride my dick.”
his kryptonite is oral. he’s such a whore for that mouth of yours. you guys waited for quite a while to have any nsfw activity because you wanted to establish a deep romantic connection first. so about 6 months into your relationship, you gave him head for the first time and OH MY GOSHHHH. you were coming back from date night, aròn wore an unbuttoned white dress shirt with chains and rings, all styled by you. it was raining and y’all decided to walk around the city and so tour chivalrous boyfriend offered his blazer to stop you from getting cold. you had never been more attracted to him. the way his wet hair laid messy on his head, abs protruded through his drenched shirt, it turned you on. so when you got into his apartment, you grabbed his hand and took him into the bedroom.
“despacio baby” he chuckled. you pushed him onto the bed, straddling and welcoming him with a kiss. you felt him grow beneath your ass, a sign for you to get on your knees. “y/n, wait what are you doing” aròn says as you began to unbuckle his pants. you didn’t hear, your brain too loud with horny thoughts to answer him. “cariño…” he held your hands at his belt. “are you sure you want to do this.” he asked worriedly, knowing how important sex was to you. “i’ve never been more sure of anything in my life” you mirrored his smirk, as he moved his hands, unbuttoning his shirt whilst you pulled his pants to his trousers. His tan cock stood strong, pink tip peaking through his freckled foreskin. he had a light brown bush leading up to his happy trail, urging you to lick down from his abs to his balls. “I’m so hard right now,” you started bobbing up and down and noticed how much of a panter he was. when he was close you started to deepthroat, to which he responded with a loud moan, yanking his dick out of your mouth and giving you the nastiest facial ever.
fucking loved it, as if he couldn’t love you more already…you were such a cockdrunk slut for him.
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music plays a huge part of your relationship. when you guys are in the sheets, the symphony that comes from your bedroom is actually next level. oftentimes, aròn catches you humming and singing in the shower, to your embarrassment. “why are you hiding your face, your voice is incredible.” he praises. for his upcoming album, whilst in the studio, you came to check up on your bf bringing your freshly homemade brownies that you knew he loved. you knew aròn had been having a bit of a hard time completing one of the final tracks. as his team listened back to the record your bf was getting frustrated “ughhh it’s shit!” as he growled chucking song sheets across the room. “y/n you’ve got to speak to him, no one else is getting through to him and we are on a tight deadline” the executives who were present at the times warned. “he’ll be ready, i can assure you” you urged everyone else to leave the room. “aròn.” he didn’t answer. your tone softened, “papí…” you moved to him, noticing how tense he was getting. he looked up at you with teary eyes, hurting at how anxious he was getting. you knew what to do. “come on.” he followed u back into the recording booth. the track was playing, and all you did was talk, he spoke about his issues with fame, love, and life, and it was the perfect outro/interlude. you also added background vocals and harmonies into his tracks and the media went wild for it!
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dckweed · 1 year
Can you write a fic about Hangman and his friend from childhood and when she found out she was pregenat, her (former) bf broke up with her? You can make it as angsty or fluffy as you want.
absolutely love this! i had a couple of ideas and i hope you love the one that i landed on for this prompt! again guys, feel free to send in more, i love new ideas! this is honestly alot longer than i anticipated it to be and im so so so sorry but i got so wrapped up in it for some reason but hi how are you? also, would we want a part two to this maybe? make Jake and Babygirl a series? idk man i could vibe with it. anyway, comment, reblog, send in asks <3
warnings: angst, fluff, mentions of pregnancy, mentions of abortion and guilt and shame.
disclaimer: I did not add in abortion to make a stance on pro choice, nor did i add it in to make a stand off to pro lifers. Please do not bring the matter of pro choice or pro life into my comments or you will be blocked from my blog. This is a topic that makes me incredibly angry as a woman, abortion may not be something thats for you or that you'll ever find yourself doing, but that doesn't mean that its not an option for other people. Not every person will make the same choices as you, can we please remember and respect that? Everyone has a different stance on this topic and that is okay, but theres no need to argue.
part two
'YOU'RE NOT ALONE, OKAY?' jake seresin.
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When Jake had called you last week, he had heard it in your voice immediately, even though you tried so desperately to hide it. The sadness, the fear. Before you had even finished telling him how much you missed him, he had cut you off with a: "What's wrong, babygirl?" Babygirl. He had called you that from the day he'd met you, and it had annoyed you greatly at first but over time it came to be second nature to respond to it and you had stopped rolling your eyes after a year or so. You and Jake had been stuck together like peanut butter and jelly from your very first day together. You were 13 when you had first moved into his hometown, your family had bought the ranch right next to his and his mama had made her happy way over to come say hello, a grumpy and annoyed Jake in tow.
You often laughed at the memory, Jake had come off as he usually did, ego-fueled and jackassy, though you later learned that it was just a front to survive in his big family of all boys, where he just happened to be the youngest and treated like the baby. You had even called him a jackass on that day, and he quickly followed it up. "Babygirl, has anyone ever told you that you're a brat?" Even at 13 he had the playboy names that he'd learned from watching his older brothers. He was appalled that you swung your arm back and popped him one right on the cheek, leaving his eye black for the next two weeks. He was enamored by you immediately and from that moment on was by your side every waking moment of the day.
Relationships had come and gone for both of you, both of you having your hearts broken more than once and seeking the other out for comfort, there had been many a night spent on one of the others living room couch with fuzzy blankets and cake while one of you cried. You and Jake were so bonded that most of your partners took it threateningly, girls he liked enough to bring around his family (including you) took offensively to you almost immediately, and your boyfriends took his presence in your life personally, and this time? Well, this time was no exception.
"..you still there?" You sobbed out a terrible cry that had him sitting up straight on his couch. You felt terrible immediately and tried to reel it all back in, you were calling to congratulate him on the permanent placement after the uranium mission, all of which you had heard details about every single night. "Y/N, what happened?"
"Jake..he left me.." You cry, trying not to snot all over yourself as you looked down at your bathroom counter, panic flooding your tone. It had been two weeks since he'd been gone, and you had been fine because you knew you didn't need him, but you were scared now. Scared for your future, scared to tell Jake about the two positive lines on the two pregnancy tests sitting on your sink, because what if he left you too? "I dont even remember what it was over," Him, always him. "but it just hurts so fucking bad because it's like two fucking years of my life wasted on this goddamn asshole and he went and..just..left."
He had left. Had taken every single one of the things he had kept at your home, and had even gone as far as blocking your number, all because you said you had wanted to go take a trip to see your best friend Jake when he was finished with his detachment, even though you had just seen him two months before. He had called you a whore when you first told him you thought you were pregnant, it hadn't been more than two weeks since you'd last seen Jake and he was absolutely convinced that you two had fucked, even though he had been with you the whole time. You couldn't understand why every guy you dated thought that there was something between you and the man who had always been your best friend, or why his girlfriends treat you the way they did, but you tried not to dwell on it for too long.
"Y/N." Jake sighs, the sounds coming from your end of the phone absolutely tearing him apart. It always tore him apart, the way that you would fret and cry over these..these boys that hadn't ever treat you in the way that you needed to be treated, or let alone loved you in the way that Jake knew you needed to be loved, because he did love you in a way that you would probably never know. He had always been to afraid to tell you, too afraid of it making you uncomfortable enough that you would leave his life. Maybe not immediately, but over time, and that thought scared him even more than telling you how he truly felt because goddamn he couldn't and wouldn't ever imagine a life without his babygirl in it.
Two hours of crying on the phone, of convincing you to calm down and to take your damn vacation like you had planned, because you deserved it, and 14 hours later, Jake had you in his arms, held tightly to his always muscular chest as he basked in the feel of you, the scent of your hair and perfume. You looked a mess, you were a mess he knew, but he didn't care.
"I missed you so much.." You sniffle, pulling away from him. You wipe your eyes as you look up at him, his usual charming smile plastered across his stupidly handsome face, you couldn't help the smile that spread across yours at the sight.
"No tears, babygirl, no tears.." He says, bringing a thumb up to help you wipe your eyes. You lean into his touch, as if that was all the comfort you needed in the world and you watched the way his face softened, you loved that.
"Happy tears, i promise." You chuckle, leaning against him as he lead you to the baggage claim carousel for your flight. Your suitcases were easy to see, he'd seen them a million times before and didn't even need to double check to make sure he was right, he recognized the small stain on the bottom by the wheel that had been his doing. "You don't have to carry my bags Jake, you've already done enough by coming to get me."
"I always pick you up from the airport whenever you visit," He says, looking down at you as if what you said was absolutely insane. He grabbed the cases with ease and started wheeling them away, letting you carry your carry on bag. "Besides, if my mama ever found out i didn't carry a woman's bags for her, she'd drag me out of work by my ear and give me a talking to." He says only half jokingly. Mama Seresin had been a strict woman, but a loving one and had instilled all the southern gentlemen charms in all of her boys, quite proudly she liked to say.
"I know, and i feel like it's alot to ask, I dont mind carrying my own bags, Jake.." You say, following after him. You wore a baggy sweatshirt and some shorts, you knew it was hot in the San Diego area but you weren't wanting to risk Jake asking if you'd gained weight if your normal clothes looked different, you weren't ready to tell him yet.
"And i feel like it's the least i could do, you literally sat on an airplane for four hours just to come see me, you dont need to carry your bags to the truck too.." He says in a way that told you not to argue about it any farther, so you don't.
The trip to his truck isn't too long, he managed to find decent parking not far from the arrivals gates and you had planned your flight for a time when you knew it wouldn't be massively busy, but the drive to his off base apartment felt like it took hours. Jake talked most of the time, making sure the A/C was blowing on you at full blast because you looked sweaty, telling you about his friends and how they couldn't wait to meet the girl he was always talking about, about how he was looking forward to having a permanent position at the TOP GUN academy, even though it meant he couldn't be close to you at home anymore.
You listened the whole way, but your mind was on the little thing in your womb now, growing by the moment. Your mind was on the man who had up and left you as soon as you said it might have been a possibility because he swore you were a whore. Your mind was on your own Mama, who had passed away many years ago, you wished she was here to tell you what to do. You knew you could go to Jake's mama, she had always been like your own in some ways but you also knew that she couldn't keep a secret to herself, Jake would be the first phone call as soon as you were out of earshot and you didn't want him to find out in that way. You didn't want him to find out at all, afraid of what he would say, of disappointing him, you hated that thought more than you hated the thought of your Daddy being disappointed at you.
You had contemplated making an appointment at planned Parenthood, you knew you weren't too far along, it was still a possibility for you, but you couldn't bare the thought of it, as upset as you were. The universe had given you this curveball for a reason, you had to believe that, even if you didn't agree with it. You had to believe that this accident had a purpose.
You hadn't noticed that Jake had pulled into a small parking lot, or that he had even parked the car at all until his hand waved in front of your face, snapping you out of your reverie. "...Earth to Y/N..." You blinked rapidly a few times, taking in a deep breath as you turned to look at him. "You good?"
You smile forcefully, and his eyebrows furrow. "Sorry, i spaced for a minute. It's been a long couple of weeks, my brain wasn't all the way with it.." You say, looking outside the windshield. "Why are we at the beach?" You ask, your eyebrows furrowing now. A sandy strip of beach was in front of the truck, you could see the waves crashing against it and you could make out some people milling about, birds flying over head. If you squinted, you could make out a couple of surfers on the water, waiting for a decent swell to ride in.
"Because i live in the building right over there." Jake says softly, getting the feeling that something other than the breakup was bothering you. You were usually full of chatter, typically, jake couldn't get a word in edgewise when you were around, and he loved that about you, but today? Today it was all him and that worried him.
You glance towards the building to your right, confused. "Oh.." You shake your head and unbuckle your seatbelt, opening the door to his truck to get out when his large hand on your elbow stops you, his fingers wrapping around it and pulling you back towards him. "...Jake?"
He sighs, looking at you with that stern, but probing glance, as if he were looking into your soul. "..Are you sure you're okay?" He asks after a moment of hesitation, he wanted to know what was going on but he didn't want to push it too hard.
You could have cried right then and there, and you almost did as you could feel the tears welling in your eyes, your chin quivering as you tried desperately not to let them fall. You could only hope that he didn't notice. "Yeah," You nod, giving him the best smile that you possibly could, putting your other hand on top of his and giving it a squeeze. "I'm okay Jake, i promise.."
Jake doesn't believe you, not one bit but he knows that he'll figure out whats going on eventually, or you'll break down and tell him. You always did. He nods once, letting go of your arm before taking the keys out of the ignition and hopping out. You follow suit, having to jump down before joining him at the bed of the truck, where he lifts your bags out and sets them down.
The rest of the day goes smoothly, you settle into the guest room that he had made up for you, and you catch up with him on what he hadn't filled you in on over the phone. He made you lunch, and took you for a walk on the beach, letting you lean against him as you enjoyed the smell of the ocean.
Jake couldn't help but wish that he was able to do that with you all the time, hold you while you guys walked on the beach, or make lunch and eat it with you. He loved being with you all the time, and he always had, he just had never realized until it was much too late that it was because he loved you. He didn't like to dwell on it too much though, he didn't like the yearning and the sadness and anger it brought him. There was no need for it when you were with him now, even if only for a little while.
By the time sunset comes around you're starting to turn into the you that he's used to, the happy, goofy babygirl he had always known, and he can't help but think it's because you're happier here with him than you were with your ex, wishful thinking, he knew. But alas, a man could dream, couldn't he?
You were sat on the couch in Jake's living room, watching a game show like you used to when you were kids when you heard his phone ping with a text message. You chuckle as he groans grumpily, half asleep with your legs in his lap, and shifts to reach for his phone on the small table next to the couch.
You watch him roll his eyes and poke his tongue out as he types out a reply to whomever it was, you grin before poking him in the chest with your foot. "What was that eyeroll for?" You ask, half amused and half curious. You always were the nosey type. "Was it Rooster?" He had told you about how rocky their friendship was, but that it was getting better, you knew that Rooster could annoy the hell out of Jake without even trying and you thought it was absolutely hilarious because you knew that you used to do the same thing.
Jake sighs, looking at you with that million dollar smile of his. "If you must know, Babygirl," He starts and you cant help but giggle a little. "It was Phoenix, the squad are all heading to the Hard Deck and they wanted to know if I was coming." He says and you hum at him in response. "I'm telling them no, I'm sure you don't want to go and i don't want to leave you alone."
You think on it for a moment, staring at him before making your mind up. "Lets go." You say, sitting up and swinging your legs off of his lap. You miss the pout that he makes, his eyebrows furrowing at the loss of your touch. "I want to meet your other friends, i bet they could tell me some stories." You say with a giggle, going towards the guest room to change into better clothes.
Jake watches after you and stands with an exaggerated sigh after a moment. "Fine, but I'm only going so they tell you the good stories!" He says and you cackle knowing damn well that they would probably spin you some tales about the man you've known for a good portion of your life, you didn't mind because you could tell them some things that would make them piss themselves in return.
It wasn't long before the two of you are out the door, Jake locking it after you before walking with you to his truck. You were honestly feeling alot better about things with your ex after only being with him for a few hours, Jake always had that affect on you to make things feel better when it felt like the world was tumbling down around you.
You sing along to the country station as Jake drives, the windows down in his truck letting the ocean breeze flow through the cab as you guys go along the coast, and within a few moments you see the lights of the Hard Deck through the windshield and take note of the full parking lot.
"Damn Jake, is it always this busy?" You ask, slightly on edge by the amount of people that were probably in the bar, you put your hand on your tummy subconsciously, which Jake caught out of the corner of his eye as he found a parking space. That struck him as odd, you had never been the socially nervous person before.
That was Jake's first clue. You declining a chilled tequila in favor of water was his second, and honestly it was the only one that he needed to make the assumption. You never turned down tequila, especially after a breakup like this. Eyebrows furrowed in thought as he introduces you to his friends, Jake watches you throughout the night, merely sipping on his beer as he did, keeping an eye on you as moved throughout the bar.
Phoenix and Rooster absolutely loved you, they couldn't believe that you and Jake had been friends for as long as you had, or that you could stand to be around him and his ego. Bob had thought you were his long distance girlfriend from the way that he always talked about you, and the fact that he rarely every called you anything besides Babygirl. You chuckled at the trio, about to tell them that he had never once in your entire friendship called anything other than Babygirl if it wasn't absolutely necessary, when you felt your stomach lurch as Penny brought a plate of seafood around your area of the bar. Quickly, you excuse yourself, just barely making it to the bathroom before the vomit spews out of you.
Jake was hot on your tail, had even followed you into the bathroom to dutifully hold your hair for you, his large hand rubbing your back as you heaved the contents of your stomach into the toilet. "Jesus Y/N.." He says, a serious edge to his voice. He wasn't sure what he was upset about, the fact that you hadn't told him immediately, or that your boyfriend had left you. "How long?" He asks when you stand up, wiping your face with a paper towel he had handed you.
You let out a soft sigh, making your way to the sink where you splash your face with water, hoping that if you delayed the answer he would go away. He catches your eye through the mirror, arms crossed over his chest as he gives you that look of pure concern.
"..Two months, i think.." You finally say and Jake's jaw clenches. Your lip quivers, terrified that he's angry with you as scared tears well up in your eyes. "He..he called me a whore..he thought i slept with you and he called me a whore and he left and he took all of his things and he blocked my number and jake i dont know what to fucking do because this wasn't part of my plan!" You wail in one breath, completely breaking down in the bathroom of the bar.
Jake is almost startled by your outburst, but it quickly turns to anger at the words that left your mouth, at the accusation that your ex had made towards you. Jake knew you were a fiercely loyal person, you wouldn't have ever cheated on him, but he was more than certain that he would have cheated on you, how else could he have called you that so easily?
Jake swallows his anger, noticig your tears coming harder and faster down your face and crosses the small bathroom to pull you into his arms, letting you rest your face on his chest as he holds you, letting you sob all over his shirt. "It's okay, Babygirl.." He says, looking at the sight in the mirror. If there was one thing Jake Seresin knew for certain, it was that he was going to make sure you were cared for, it may not have been his baby but you absolutely weren't on your own in this, he wouldn't let you be. "You're not alone..i promise you.."
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yiga-hellhole · 2 months
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hiii i was going to make more of these but i realized i cant be arsed for all of them in one big batch. anyway @smilesrobotlover thank you bestie for reminding me this template exists. too bad there isnt a slider for "beats the other up - is beaten up" because you know the boys are FIGHTINGGGG
some rambling under the cut
big spoon and little spoon is a straightforward one because well, you're not going to get a bigger damn spoon than zant. he's massive. but sometimes even he likes feeling small and cared for, so they're not beyond having him fold his spindly limbs up like he's a dead spider and let ghirahim scoop him into his arms
i don't see them as a big "sharing clothes" type of couple. ghirahim's are far too small for him and his wardrobe flusters zant to no end. inversely, ghirahim wouldn't be caught dead in most of zant's things. but zant would find a lot of enjoyment in giving him clothes
pet names, ghirahim has like 2~3 for zant that he uses, and they're never particularly sappy or anything. zant however makes up new ones every other day. he's sick in the head
introverted-extroverted scale is a little complicated because ghirahim strikes me as more ambiverted. he's well-versed socially and loves attention, specifically loves bullying people, but after spending so long in solitude without proper peers, i think being alone has grown rather comforting for him too. who knows how it'll pack out when he has more like-minded individuals around him? i'm not sure yet.
for love-language, like i said, ghirahim isn't very sappy. he's far more touchy-feely in that aspect where he will just grab and kiss and tease when he feels the need. zant is a solid 50-50 because he loves being touched but also makes up sappy little nicknames on the spot or a long-winded declaration of love to the point it starts getting a little annoying. he's just kind of intense.
confession... well ghirahim would be quick to start doing things that typically denote a couple, but leaves it up to zant to actually officiate the whole thing. partly because he has issues. but also because he loves any chance at making him flustered (issues... 2!)
i don't think either of them are scared of bugs. but ghirahim is callous in getting rid of them and zant will just add them to his personal collection if he can catch em
twili society is rather high-tech. they probably have vehicles of some kind, and zant strikes me as the kind of guy who can drive. irresponsibly, i'll grant, but he'll do it. ghirahim would know how, but he refuses to. he's spoiled like that
the cooking one is funny because anyone in my server will know about the 'zant meal' phenomenon. he can cook, at least to keep himself alive, but the things he makes are horrifying to witness. unprecedented flavor profiles and chaotic execution. just don't worry about it. ghirahim, meanwhile, has a built-in chemical compendium and a heat sensor. theoretically he'd make an excellent cook and baker. he just doesn't want to.
zant loves affection, but is a very private person. he knows ghirahim is very showy and obnoxious, so if he lets him get away with slobbering his face even once, he;d have to deal with it every single hour of the day. and that'd embarrass him!!
theyre BOTH overprotective. it's a problem. though, zant in the sense of, "i want him to be all mine, i want to be all he thinks about, i want him by my side every minute of the day", and ghirahim in the sense of, livestock guard dog with spiked collar to murder wolves.
ghirahim has more relationship experience in that he's met many faces in his millennia of living.... but this kind of romantic intimacy is unknown to him. the whole song-and-dance of courtship he knows, but genuine love, he doesn't. zant had one FWB in college that he fell in fairy-tale love with and planned their wedding in his head after one (1) kiss. needless to say when that guy broke up wih him he was very normal.
i think the horny-awkwardness-jealousy levels speak for themselves.
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wonderingpanda · 1 month
MM/Tales Mikey and his S/O. being "improv bf and ballet gf"?
Improvisational Ballerina
Tottmnt!Mikey x Ballerina!Reader
Ok, I had no idea if that post was going to get out there but it did so that’ll you guys! I have 3 other request to work on at the moment and I love them all so thank you, keep it coming! I tried to stick to clichés mostly as I really wasn’t sure how to write this but I hope I did well so please, enjoy!
You and Mikey first met in dance
It seemed like a fun elective and most of his improv friends were doing it so he figured, why not?
Upon entering the classroom, you were one of the first people he noticed
You were just sitting there, doing some personal stretches before warm-up, and all he could think was
“Damn, that girl can bend like spaghetti! Or pizza I guess. Mmmm I love pizza. Shoot, now I’m craving pizza! With a golden crust and gooey, delicious cheese…”
“Mikey! We’re about to start dude.” He was so deep into his own thoughts his friend had to snap him out of it. Wouldn’t be the first time either
“Oh yeah totally, I’ll be right there.” And as he moved to go find a spot, he couldn’t help but notice you gazing over in his direction. Interesting… very interesting
As time went by he kept being drawn to you. He noticed you in the halls, at lunch, but most of the time he’d be caught looking over at you during dance
Eventually, the class had to split into groups and each work on an ensemble piece to present. Turns out, you guys had quite a few mutual friends and ended up being dragged into the same group together
Mikey, ever the extrovert, immediately took the opportunity to introduce himself and you guys got to talking
He found out you were mainly there to do ballet. Also contemporary (as that was the main focus of the class) but mainly ballet
Also apparently the school has a dance team, sick!
He did get to hear all about the ballet classes you take out of school and all the pain joy that rehearsal brings
In all honesty, you love it, it just requires a lot of physical strength
From that day onwards, you guys kept talking and hanging in class, then out of class, then out of school
It was awesome and Mikey couldn’t be happier, he had found a new close friend
As you two hung out more, some feelings started to grow
Nothing really changed much but close contact like high-fives and hugs became increasingly heart-racing
Even sitting next to each other was enough to raise your heart rates
Also villains might of seen you two hanging out every now and then so there may have been some kidnappery that left you in need of saving
But it’s fine, you’re fine
Everything’s fine
It was actually after one of those daring rescues that he finally asked you out, after an attack on the school
He had originally planned to do a dance with your friends and make it a big gesture
But after that fight, he didn’t want to take any chances and possibly leave it too late
So, once everyone was safe and everything, he immediately ran to you
Y/n! Are you hurt or anything? Don’t worry Mikey, I’m fine. Okay cos I kind of have something to ask you. Sure, what is it? Will you go out with me?
He said it, straight up just like that
You said yes, obviously, but it wasn’t your answer he was super worried about
He just wanted the chance to let you know how he felt
And so, you two were quickly recognised as a couple around school
A theatre kid and a ballet kid, two performers each with unique styles that somehow mixed perfectly
Now, you had known who Mikey and his brothers were long before you two even first talked
I mean, the whole school knew about them; it wasn’t any big secret
But you’d never really talked to them in-person before not until they started teasing Mikey about his crush on you
Then they had to help save you and from there friendship was inevitable
Seriously, you can’t just ignore someone after they’ve helped save you… multiple times
And believe me, it doesn’t matter that you two were dating now, they still loved teasing Mikey about it
So sometimes you had to take extra measures to ensure payback was efficient
But don’t worry they still have their shells on, for now
However, there was one close friend of Mikey’s whom you struggled to get comfortable with
While I hate to say it, you and April didn’t get along easily
Being a ballet kid sometimes came with a bad rep and for someone like April, who had been picked on by so many people (including the ballet kids), trust wasn’t always easy to instil in others
You did manage to become friends though. Yes, some of the ballet people you hung out with weren’t the best and yes, you may have laughed along with their cruel jokes to try and fit in but that was the past
Also, surprisingly, April is super forgiving and chill so everything’s good between you two now
As for how you and Mikey are as an actual couple, well…
There’s running through halls
MIKEY, DROP THE GLITTER BOMB! But Donnie made it just for meeee! That doesn’t-no-stop-get back here you turd! TURD!? What kind of an insult is that! Mikey! Catch me if you can!
Crying to movies
Why’d they have to kill the dog! I don’t know. I loved that little guy. *sniffle* I-I know *simultaneous sobbing*
Mikey teaching you improv
So the idea is we go around in a circle and keep a steady rhythm. And you keep that rhythm by using hand gestures and yelling ‘wah’? Exactly! Ok… just wondering, how does this relate to improv? I don’t know. I guess it’s cos it makes you think on the spot. Right.
And you teaching Mikey ballet
Come on, stretch! Ahhh! Stretch! I-I can’t! Yes you can! Now STRETCH! Aaaoooww!!!
Oh, and sometimes you have to be a bit strict with him
Mikey loves chaos and has been raised on it but you’ve been taught to follow the rules so much that not doing so almost seems terrifying
So if, on the odd occasion, Mikey is trying to hide something from you it’s ok
He’s not cheating, just breaking the law
He loves attending your concerts and follows no laws of theatre etiquette when attending which can be embarrassing but also adorable
You, on the other hand, found it almost life-changing to go to one of Mikey’s improv nights
The audience interaction and goofy scenes made it all so thrilling and exciting
And while you do have friends who had been doing improv for ages, you’d never actually attended one of the shows before
But your bf is the exception, forever and always
You still haven’t met his dad as you refuse to enter the sewers and Splinter still struggles with coming out in broad daylight
And your parents are yet to hear of your relationship as you have no idea how they’d feel about you dating a mutant turtle
They do, of course, know of your friendship but perhaps you’ll wait a bit before breaking the news that it’s a little more now
And the shots they’d make you take just for kissing him, the thought is draining
Besides, it can’t be that dangerous to kiss a turtle… can it?
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And don’t worry, I didn’t forget about the precious mutanimals
They know of you but you are yet to meet, you’ll talk eventually though
Overall, your relationship is messy, chaotic, thrilling and partially secretive
But that’s just how it is when you’re with a theatre kid
I hope I did good. Also, I’m an ex-ballet kid and a current theatre kid so I found this hilarious to write. And I do mean ex-ballet kid, I haven’t done proper classes in years so apologies if I got some stuff wrong. Anyway, as usual, please have a lovely day/night wherever you are!✨
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canmargesimpson · 5 months
Fruity four in NYC
ive posted this like at least 3 times in different accounts and they always get deleted so im posting its again lol
Corroded coffin has been really blowing up, and since Eddie signed a deal with his manager, he started going on tour. The tour was a month long, and they went through a bunch of cities till they got to their last destination. New York City.
So, Eddie invites steve, since their dating, but steve can't be without robin, so she comes along too. But robin can't be without Nance, so nance is also included. So the four of them go to the big city together. The entire pack was stuck in a already crowded tour bus.
Since  none of them could cook, they decided to go to some diner, and found one that was very similar to Benny's back in Hawkins, so they went there every day. So Friday morning, the four of them were eating together. So they wouldn't raise suspicion, Steve and Nance sat together on one side, and Robin and Eddie on the other. But of course they sat across from their partner.
Eddie ordered some sunny side up eggs with bacon (he arranged it into a smile, obviously). Robin got some waffles and a smoothie, while nance got pancakes too, but with a coffee. And Steve, he not only got his sandwich with his orange juice, but he also got the waitress number. But of course, Eddie just threw it away with a frown.
As they ate, they started hearing the crowd from outside, cheering and shouting, which quickly grabbed their attention. Eddie, who was next to the window, was starring in awe at the large amount of people with banners and signs. Of course, being attracted to chaos, Eddie jumps off the chair and runs outside with a piece of bacon in his mouth. Then ran robin after him, making sure to slurp the last out of the smoothie. Then ran Steve, calling for Eddie, and finally Nance, who made sure to leave a 20 dollar bill on the table.
Once they were all outside, they started at the people rioting and shouting, holding signs and posters about the lgbtq+ rights. People, rainbows and noise all around them. Eddie quickly grinned and got himself into the plethora of people shouting. Steve went to follow him, but lost sight of his boyfriend quickly. Robin tried to keep him in place, so they wouldn't get separated. Nance went to ask for an explanation to some of the people participating, but only got the same chant everyone was yelling
"Love is Free, Love has no Rules!"
Steve turned around and looked at the couple and held his hands out
"Okay, Eddie's concert is at 6,  so at 5 all of us meet back a t the hotel. I'm gonna go find Eddie, you guys.... Idk"
now, this are a few things that happened during that protest
Robin went into the crowd to see what the hell was going on. As she walked through the protest, she got to meet a group of lesbians, who had experienced the same thing she did with Tammy Thompson. She felt so comfortable being able to talk it out loud with someone who understands how it feels.
Nancy, met this old woman who had a bunch of pamphlets, brochures, papers, and even a magazine about the lgbtq+, which Nancy took and started reading. All of them filled with information and facts about the community.
Eddie, who was just trying to talk to as many people as possible, ended up meeting the one and only RuPaul herself. Of course Eddie freaked out to meet a real drag race for the first time, even better yet, RuPaul. So Eddie, trying to act as cool as possible, asked for makeup advice, because he just couldn't get the eyeliner right, and he too used to try on his mom's hill as a kid, trying to be like the guys from KISS. Rupaul, gave him all the information he needed on makeup, told him his hair was amazing (Eddie just bragged about the cool cream his boyfriend got him) and told him the perfect store to buy hills in men's sizes.
Steve accidentally bumped into an ex football captain, high school prom king, and jock of the school, who also had a hard time coming out to himself. They bonded and shared their issues about having shit parents. Steve might have gotten a little too emotional
Both robin and nancy, got little rainbows on their cheeks painted by a non-binary person who was so nice. Then as they walked out, Nancy, by instinct, grabbed Robin's hand. Then they went into the middle of the protest, to make sure they were around people who wouldn't judge them, and kissed for the first time in public.
Eddie got himself robbed of a bunch of shit, and stuff from the parade. Which was how Steve found him, wearing a tank top with the words ``Love is free'' and a bunch of bullshit on his arms and a poster saying "Homophobia sucks, but my boyfriends sucks better", and he also was wearing a rainbow flag as a cape. Eddie might have gotten a little too excited but it was worth it.
After talking to one guy, Steve felt much better about himself and just went to Eddie and kissed him, in the middle of the street. Eddie obviously kissed back, but he couldn't reach for steve since all of the shit in his arms would fall
When the clock hit 5, they were all back at the hotel. Since they've all had an exhausting day and really wanted to be with each other, they all stayed in one room. At first Eddie and Nancy had to share one room, and Steve and Robin shared the other, since they didn't want to look suspicious. They went all to eddie's and nancy's room, where eddie was getting ready for his show, nancy was passing out the pamphlets and steve and robin were talking
Robin, who was holding a brochure, was reading the definitions of the different sexualities and their names, reading them outloud for everyone in the room to hear
"Bisexual: Those who are attracted to more than one gender"
"More than one gender? like... liking men AND women?" steve asked
"i mean you could also like non-binary people, or Agender, or whatever they prefer"
"I like men and women.... Does that make me.... Bisexual?"
"Yes steve, that's literally what i've just said"
Steve, who was putting the pieces of the puzzle together, then stood up tall with a proud smile "Im bisexual"
"I think i might be too" nancy agreed "I mean... I still like guys, and I love robin so... I guess im bisexual too"
Robin smiled and kissed nancy on the cheek
"Okay next, Lesbian: female who is attracted to other females. That's me!"
"But wait, Nancy also likes girls, doesn't that also make her a lesbian?"
"no steve '' Robin sighed "but... picture it like this, i'm a vegetarian, okay? so i only eat vegetables. Nancy on the other hand is omnivorous, meaning she eats vegetables AND meat. Not because she eats veggies, makes her a vegetarian"
"OOOOOOOOOOH, that makes sense, so like, nancy and me are omnivorous, cuz we eat males and females, and you are a vegetarian because you eat only women"
"But then what makes that eddie?" Steve pointed to his boyfriend who was practicing his eyeliner, and finally looked good.
"I think i might be pansexual" eddie said
"what's that?"
"Here it is! Pansexual: those who love others no matter the gender or sexuality"
"So wait, if robin is vegetarian, me and nancy are omnivorous, then eddie eats what?"
“Oh Steve, boy” Eddie says as she leans into his boyfriend “I eat everything in my way. But you… You steve boy… you are my favorite meal”
“EW!” robin whined as she covered her ears and trying to erase that memory as fast as possible.
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irlcats-bracket · 1 year
Bracket 5 Semifinals 2
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Blackie vs Maccabee
check their descriptions and catpaganda (new for blackie)
This is Blackie, submitter's little one-eyed wonder. He lost his eye to glaucoma quite a few years ago, but he's doing a lot better now, and still likes to play with his sister, Artemis. His name is Blackie because that's what the shelter named him and submitter's family couldn't agree on a new name for him so it stuck, but submitter themselves call him 'Big Boi' because of just how massive he is. He was once very timid, but with time and love and patience he is now a certified lap cat who will come right up to strangers to demand pets. He has a wonderful squeaky meow and when he purrs it sounds like two cats purring at once. He likes to have people watch him eat and he will guide submitter's mom over to the couch and make her lay down just so he can sleep in her lap. Also, when he lays on his back, he covers his belly with his tail. Pictured is him in his signature polite boi sitting pose
- weird old man
- known to bite people's elbows when prompted
- frequently sleeps with one (1) limb stretched in a random direction
- the reason submitter can't have pineapples in the house
- knows the word "treat," meaning it cannot be said out loud around him
- they got him for chanukah (hence the name). diversity win! this cat is jewish!
- they paid $150 to buy him a half-page ad in submitter's high school yearbook because he's worth it <3
has a post made by his human as a separate propaganda piece. it has bribery. the offer as far as i know still stands
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also has agitational posters!!
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So glad to see Blackie still in the competition! His response so far has been "aow."
Truth be told, I'm running out of propaganda. If he make it to the next round, I'm gonna try my darnedest to capture his meows on video, which I haven't been able to do before because he sees me coming with the camera and starts purring XD
For now, more assorted Blackie facts!
Very rarely, when he gets the zoomies, he'll laugh. Like "huhuhuheueheHUEHEUE" kinda laugh.
I like to let him sniff human food/whatever I'm holding just to make sure he feels included (still doesn't like anything but pizza crumbs). But he has gagged on pickled ginger, banana, and CBD rub. He always gets really embarrassed when he gags tho
Ever since I got a job, he has been following me to bed and jumping on my chest to get the pets that he now lacks during the day.
If he sees you getting out the cat brush, he''ll lead you over to where he wants to be brushed.
On that note, when I had hurt my leg one time, Blackie saw that I wasn't leaning down to pet him and instead lead me over to the couch to have me sit down to pet him. He kept that up for a couple months once he saw how relieved it made me.
More Blackie propoganda! This time I bring you big boi in motion
Assorted Blackie facts:
A brave man when it comes to thunderstorms. But the vacuum? His mortal enemy.
The friendliest cat at the shelter. But the staff forced me to pick him up and hold him to get a picture and he got terrified and peed on me.
We think, based on how he acts, that he may have grown up in a home with dogs. But the mark on his ear is one done by our local neuter and release program, so we don't know if he was a stray, an outside cat, etc. But he's one of the friendliest cats I've ever met.
Will go up to his sister and put his head down to get it licked. But as soon as she goes to lick him and flattens his ears and raises a paw like he's gonna hit her. Sometimes they fight and sometimes they just walk away. We don't think he's trying to trick her because he acts genuinely confused throughout this process.
Sometimes he uses his back paw to scratch the back of his front leg when he's sitting down and it's so cute <3
These are old photos from when I used to hold a camera down and snap a photo when they leaned in to sniff the lens.
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Blackie is our older cat and is such a gentleman. He is eager to love, he does the quickest slow blinks I've ever seen from a cat. He has a two-layered purr, it literally sounds like a cat purring as popcorn is being made in the background. He lost his eye to glaucoma when he was younger but he runs around and plays and teases his sister Artemis like a kitten. And his eyebrow whiskers grew down over his missing eye! He's not a big fan of people food but he has a fondness for pizza crumbs (NOT the crust. Just the crumbs off the plate when you're done eating the pizza). He walks like he's gingerly stepping through flowers and he's so gentle that the one time I overstimulated him and he wanted to bite me, he just shoved his closed mouth against my hand. He has a super long tongue and if you scratch the right spot between his shoulder blades he will lick the air. He's my precious boy who started out so scared but he's so brave and social and happy now just typing this out makes me wanna cry and go give him scritchies.
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swissboyhisch · 1 year
Sorry But I really Like Her
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Pairing: Nico Hischier x Jack Hughes' Ex!Reader
Summary: You head to Newark to see your parents new place after avoiding it like the plague. Maybe this time, something with make you want to come back.
Word Count: 1670
Warnings: None I think
Request: YES
ANON: can you do smth where you were dating Jack and then broke up and then the reader somehow gets with Nico ??
A/N: This is basically a part two to PROM QUEEN
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Being in New Jersey was something you had been avoiding for years. But your family had moved and the short distance from New York made them want you to visit. After months of them begging you finally gave in. Newark; a place where you couldn’t avoid seeing your ex. Billboard. Posters. TV. 
First thing you did before going to your parents home was get a drink. You found this little bakery around the corner from your parents. Honestly you were delaying the inevitable. It was a cute shop that had many display cases full of baked goods. Many calling to you.
“How may I help you?” The young woman behind the counter asked as you stepped up. 
You ordered your favourite drink and a slice of cake before sitting at a table in the corner. You had a couple minutes waiting for your order. People watching had become a pastime you had picked up in New York. The city had gotten lonely and being here felt a little better. 
“Here’s your order.”
The cup and food was placed in front of you. You smiled at the waitress as a thank you. A sip helped calm your nerves. Already you had heard multiple people talking about your ex. The asshole who broke your heart in highschool because he got drafted to the NHL. To the Devils. Jack Hughes, your boyfriend for 3 years before his ego got too big for his head. 
But thanks to him, the heartbreak, you have become a model. You were so proud of yourself. For how far you’ve come. Secretly, you hope that Jack has seen one of your works, maybe a cover or two. Regretting ever breaking up with you.
A cough pulled you from your vengeful thoughts. “Excuse me?”
You looked over to see a man with a backwards cap standing there. He was handsome. Very cute. The outfit worked for the end of the New Jersey winter. 
He blushed, “I uh, would you mind if I sat with you? You caught my eye and I…”
 “Sure,” You agree, nodding to the empty chair opposite you. 
“My name is Nico.”
You reply with your name before taking another sip. At this point you weren’t sure if he knew who you were or not. “How’s your day going?”
“It’s been okay,” Nico answered. “Just had work this morning. Wanted to treat myself after. How about you?”
“Oh, I’ve just come for a visit. My parents just moved here and I live in New York so they’ve been pestering me to come visit.”
The conversation flowed between the two of you. Hitting it off immediately. By the end of your drink, you could tell he had no clue who you were. It was refreshing and made you want to see him again. Nico was easily the nicest guy you’ve ever met. From first impressions that is.
“I have to go, but did you want to exchange numbers?” Nico asked.
You couldn’t help the blush spreading over your cheeks. “I’d love to.”
After exchanging numbers, you parted ways. You headed to your parents where you were surprised by seeing a familiar car in the driveway. It made you hesitate. Finally mustering up the courage, you knocked on the door.
“That must be my baby,” You heard your mum gush to someone inside. The door was thrown open and you were pulled straight into a hug. “Oh my baby!”
You followed your mother inside, through the new house and to the kitchen where Ellen Hughes was sitting at the dinner table. 
“Hi Ellen.”
“Hello sweetheart,” The woman greeted, sending you a soft smile.
Your mum clapped excitedly, “Ellen’s just invited us to Jack’s game on the weekend!”
“Oh really?”
“Isn’t that wonderful?!” Your mother exclaimed. 
It wasn’t exciting for you. Honestly, it was the last thing you wanted to do. But you promised your mother you’d hang out for the week, even staying at the house instead of driving back and forth between the big apple and the city. You’ll probably come to regret agreeing. 
Your phone buzzed. A text. From one particular person. Nico. 
While trying not to seem rude, you sat with the women at the table, having a drink with them. You messaged back and forth with Nico. Conversation seemed to flow easily with the Swiss. He wanted to get to know you and you wanted to get to know him. You found yourself smiling more and more as his texts came through. Something you haven’t done for years. 
The next few days were spent texting Nico whenever you guys could. He still had to work, travelling for it it seemed, so the texts weren’t 24/7 but pretty damn close too. You found yourself enjoying your time off and spending your time however you liked. Oh and can’t forget the occasional call with Nico when he could.
“Are you ready for the game?” Your mum called up the stairs. 
Grabbing your jacket, you walked down to join your parents and Jim and Ellen who kindly offered to pick you guys up for the Devils’ game. The chances that you’d be spotted at the game were high. So the outfit was well coordinated. Despite hating your star ex, you had enjoyed watching hockey since you were a kid. Now you avoided it until today. 
You had decided to just say fuck it and enjoy the game. Promising yourself to go down and watch warmups from a closer spot than the box you’d be sitting in with the Hughes’ family. Which came quicker than you’d expected. Warm-ups were on you and you headed down to the lower bowl. A few people had asked you for an autograph but you mostly flew under the radar. Which you appreciated. 
“Please welcome your New Jersey Devils to the ice!”
One by one players skated on. The first you recognised was Jack. Looking much more mature than when you were in highschool. Before the draft. You avoided looking in his direction. Choosing to watch the remaining players come out of the tunnel and onto the ice. One in particular caught your attention. He seemed familiar but as he did his lap around their half of the ice, you realised why he was familiar. Nico. 
Nico skated on the ice, stick handling and doing his thing when something caught his eye. A certain woman standing in the crowd. He couldn’t help himself. Coming to a stop in front of you, he held up the puck and tossed it over. Giving you that pearly white smile.
“Surprised to see you here,” He shouted, hoping you’d hear him.
You caught the puck and shrugged. “I like hockey, what can I say?”
He went back to doing his thing while you watched. Nico felt good about the game. Didn’t hurt that the cute person from the bakery was watching. What you didn’t realise though was that Jack had gone to join Nico during warmups when he saw the scene. 
You. The one who got away. Talking to his friend. His captain. Both of you are smiling from ear to ear. A smile that was once aimed at him.
“Who was that?” Jack asked Nico as he joined him near the bench.
“I met them at a bakery near here after training the other day,” Nico answered. Jack could tell he was smitten. “They’re  lovely. I’m gonna ask them out.”
Jack couldn’t believe it. You were here and not even for him. It was his one regret, letting you go that day back in senior year. A model. You became a famous model while he made his name in the NHL.
As the boys took a drink during ad break, you were shown on the big screen. The title card comes up announcing to everyone who you were. Famous Model for Vogue. Behind you were Jim and Ellen. Everyone knew you were sitting with his parents. 
“Why is she sitting with your parents?” Nico asked. His brows furrowed when he recognised the people around you.
Jack sighed, “She’s my high school ex. Apparently my parents invited her parents and she was in town. Tagging along. Didn’t even know.”
“I’m still going to take her out,” Nico states. He was adamant. “Sorry, but I really like her and want to see where this could go.”
“Don’t worry, she’s worth it,” Jack answers as he skates away.
After the game finished, Ellen and Jim ushered you towards the locker room. Your parents happily chat to them while you stood off to the side. You hoped to god that if Nico had found out that he was still willing to see you. When the door opened, Nico came out first. His eyes landing on you a bit further back.
“So you’re Jack’s ex?” Nico spoke first as he come to a halt in front of you.
“I want to see where this could go,” Nico interrupts.
You smile shyly, “Are you sure? It’s messy, he’s your teammate. I understand–”
“Do you want to go to dinner? I know it’s late but I know this really cute diner.”
You didn’t reply as your eyes came to fall on Jack. Without another moment, you agreed to the date. Nico wanted to take you on a date. It made you happy. You hoped you both could leave without having to talk to Jack but he called your name.
You frown as your turn to face your ex. “What is it?”
“I’m sorry,” Jack states.
“I don't care. Because of you, without that heartbreak, I wouldn’t be where I am today.”
WIthout so much as another word, you and Nico left Jack standing alone in the hallway with both sets of your parents watching in silence. Nico escorted you to his car and opened the passenger side door for you to climb in. Shutting your door, he walked to his side and climbed in. Starting the car.
You smile at Nico. “Let’s go. I’m looking forward to this date.”
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@findapenny @mp0625 @hischierhaze @11zegras @lvrzegras @francesfarhadi @cixrosie @daisysthings @jayrami3
231 notes · View notes
warnings: mention of alcohol
pairing: modern(ish)!Sihtric x you (f)
summary: some weeks had passed since you found Sihtric, and he started to adjust to the present time, in his own way.
word count: 2.3k
Note: direct follow up on part 3!
taglist: @clairacassidy @finanmoghra @uunotheangel @bathedinheat @hb8301
'Apologise to my lady. Now.' 
[part 1] [part 2] [part 3] [part 5]
Sihtric had been living with you for a few weeks now, and he had accepted that going back home was not that easy and would take time, if you'd ever even find a way. Slowly but surely you adjusted to each other. You shared the bed every night, but kept a comfortable distance, except you'd wake up in his arms every morning without knowing how or why. You weren't sure if he was aware of it, but you never brought it up and neither did he.
You started to trust him more and gave him a little more freedom, until you came home one day and found him as he was about to light a fire in your living room. He said he was cold, so he had hoarded all kinds of paper, and even some of your plants, which he had found in your apartment. He had it all piled up on the floor and you caught him as he opened a box of matches. At least he had opened the window, so he had given it some thought after all, but you kept a close eye on him again ever since.
He knew about the magic that you called matchsticks. You had shown him a few days before the almost catastrophic moment. He was completely blown away by the fire you made with that little stick. He had clutched his necklace, and it took him an hour to believe that it wasn't witchcraft. 
And the next couple of days you had to buy new boxes every day. You'd watch him strike the matches and he'd watch them burn until it almost burned his fingers. And it never failed to make his eyes grow big when he lit one. 
You had gotten very fond of him, and maybe even more. But you had little time to think about that. Today was Beltane, and you had to prepare yourself for the celebration. You wanted to take Sihtric with you, but you told him that your friends could not know the truth about him, which he understood and agreed to. As he was a pagan, he understood the celebration even if he didn't really celebrate this particular sabbat, but he was eager to join you.
Early in the evening you made your way through the forest, to a big open field which was crowded with people. Your coven was part of an open Beltane celebration. There was music, food, drinks and all kinds of rituals to participate in. You were happy to be there with Sihtric by your side, until a few of your fellow witches came up to you and asked who he was. You never made up a backstory for him, and they knew you never just showed up with a random guy. You gave him a panicked look, which he picked up on.
'My name is Sihtric,' he said, 'we met recently. She has been helping me out with… things.'
'Helping you out?' one friend asked.
'With things, huh?' another chuckled.
'Shut up!' you hissed to them.
'Are you the one that called her like 40 times in an hour?'
'I do not know what you speak of,' Sihtric answered.
Your friends gave you sneaky winks and cheeky smiles before you all made your way into the crowd, towards the big bonfire. Sihtric managed to steal a drink from a table without your knowledge, and he sipped from the bottle.
'This is not ale,' he said puzzled, and he offered you a sip.
'Ale?' you said, 'wait, where did you get that? How did you pay for that?'
'What?' he nearly shouted.
Sihtric couldn't hear you. The music and the people around you were too loud, and without thinking he leaned in and pulled you closer. His hand on your waist and your lips next to his ear. You felt a little dizzy and figured it must have been that sip of cider.
'It's cider,' you giggled, 'you don't like it?'
You pulled away to look at him, but his hand remained on your waist.
'I never said that,' he smiled and winked. 
You definitely felt dizzy now, and it wasn't the cider. You were saved by the sound of cheers and managed to take a step back from him. A group of people had started to dance around the maypole, and someone shouted that the celebration had officially begun. You and Sihtric both cheered upon the announcement and he pulled you close again. He was very affectionate this evening, and it made you feel flustered the whole time, and you blamed it on him just feeling the Beltane spirit. 
Beltane is the time to celebrate earth's blessings. But also to rejoice in warmth, passion and fertility. It was the perfect time to manifest new beginnings. It's a celebration of life, which can make these celebrations often a little flirty. But you weren't complaining. You liked this Sihtric. It looked like he was comfortable and enjoying himself. And enjoying you.
Soon your small coven gathered around you and you knew it was time for the little ritual you had prepared with them. You explained to Sihtric that you were going to burn bay leaves that have blessings, wishes and gratitude messages written onto them. He sat back as you formed a circle, and he curiously watched the ritual. 
Not much later you joined him again, and now it was really time to celebrate. You all made your way back to the bonfire and it was time to dance, allowing those new and positive energies to enter your life. Sihtric watched you dance as he stayed close, helping himself to a few more bottles of cider. All went well, until one of your friends came up to you and Sihtric, and asked Sihtric where he came from.
'I am from the past!' he cheered with a very slight slur, and you realised he was tipsy.
But how? He didn't have that much to drink and the cider wasn't that strong. Wait. Was it somehow stronger than that ale he was used to?
'The past?' your friend asked and frowned.
'I think Sihtric had too much to drink!' you shouted over the noise and chuckled, 'if you will excuse us,' you said and you pulled Sihtric away from your friend.
'Sihtric! What are you doing?' you asked, a little annoyed.
'What?' he asked with a sweet smile.
'You need to stop talking, you can't tell people that you're from the past!'
'As if they would believe me,' he scoffed, and took another sip.
'But what if they do? What am I going to do then?'
'I don't know, what will you do?' he chuckled and gave you a flirty look as he bit his lip.
'Hm?' he hummed, 'what will you do then?'
His hands found your waist again and your heart was beating so fast you could hear it inside your head, over the sounds of the celebration.
'Sihtric,' you smiled and shook your head as you made a poor attempt to pull away from him.
'So what will you do? Make me shut up?' he teased and he pulled you closer again.
'Sihtric, you really need to stop talking.'
'Or what?'
Your lips were inches away from each other when suddenly some drunk man bumped into your shoulder and spilt his drink over your shoes. The man seemed unbothered and stumbled further.
'Yeah, excuse you!' you yelled, and the drunk turned around.
'Shut the fuck up,' the drunk slurred.
'I'm sorry?' you said, irritated.
'I said, shut the fuck up,' the drunk burped, 'whore.'
Sihtric quickly pulled you back to him as you were about to storm towards the drunk, who made his way towards you already, and Sihtric shoved you behind him as the drunk man came closer.
'Apologise.' Sihtric said sternly.
'No,' the drunk laughed. 
'Apologise to my lady. Now.' 
You watched Sihtric get up in the man's face, and you felt this could go wrong very fast. You quickly stepped towards both men and placed your hand on Sihtric's arm.
'Sihtric, leave it. It doesn't really matter.'
You pulled Sihtric away from the man but his eyes didn't leave the drunk. You took his face in your hands and gently guided his gaze towards you. When Sihtric finally snapped out of his stare, you saw a rage in his eyes unlike any you had ever seen.
'Sihtric?' you said, 'are you okay?'
'I wish to fight him,' he hissed, and he spat on the ground in the direction of the drunk, 'make the square!' 
'What? No! Sihtric, leave it, it's not that big of a deal, okay?'
'But he disrespected you,' Sihtric snarled.
Instinctively he pulled you closer and wrapped his arms around you, as he kept eyeing the drunk man who now slowly stumbled away from you.
'Most men are like that here,' you shrugged.
'They shouldn't be.'
'Yeah, well,' you sighed and gave him a weak smile.
He kept you firmly pressed against his chest, and he kept his jaw clenched. You couldn't help but lightly stroke his back with your fingertips now, and after a moment you saw the tenseness leave his body slowly. Then Sihtric looked down at you.
'Are you okay?'
'I'm fine, Sihtric, really,' you smiled. 
And you saw his lips hesitantly curl into a smile.
'Is that how you deal with people back home? Just fight anyone who displeases you?'
'We make the square.'
'The what?'
Sihtric couldn't help but chuckle at your confusion and shook his head.
'It doesn't matter. I'm here now, and you are okay, right?'
'Yes, lord,' you teasingly slapped his arm, 'I am okay. But you have something to explain.'
'Do I?'
'Why did you call me your lady?'
Sihtric shrugged with a smile. 'Aren't you, kind of?'
'Well,' you stammered, 'I, uh, no, but…'
You sighed and gave up. You had no argument. You liked that he had called you his lady, and maybe he was right.
'Nevermind,' you rolled your eyes.
'Thought so,' Sihtric smirked.
'Excuse me?'
'Oh, don't pretend like you don't sleep in my arms every night.'
'Wait,' you said, 'you know about that?'
Sihtric laughed. 'How could I not know? I pull you close every night.'
'You were always aware of it?'
'Yes, lady.'
'But you never mentioned it.'
'And neither did you.'
You had no comeback to that. It was true, you had never mentioned it. Because you didn't mind it.
'But if you don't want it, no offence taken, I won't do it again,' Sihtric said and he let go of you.
'I never said that,' you scoffed.
Sihtric smiled and stepped back closer to you. He slowly moved his hand up to your neck, and you felt a heat rise in your body when you felt his other hand on your lower back. He leaned in and gently pulled you against him until his lips met yours. 
His lips were soft, yet his kiss was firm, and you felt the scars on his skin as your hands found their way up his exposed arms. You felt his strong embrace and tasted the cider on his lips, and you suddenly didn't care about anything anymore. The noise around you seemed to fade away and it felt as if it was only you and Sihtric now.
The universe had gifted you Sihtric. You had found him, or he had found you, it didn't matter anymore. All that mattered was that he kissed you with a passion you had never felt before, and you desperately wanted this to last. For the first time in years you finally felt care free. As if everything had led up to this moment. 
The moment you felt that everything would be okay, that everything would work out just fine. And you knew you had to enjoy this moment. This was a sign from the universe and from your spirit guides. 
It was Beltane. The celebration of new beginnings, new hope, new light, new chances and new love.
And you took Sihtric back home with you before midnight, long before the celebration would end, but you had your own plans now. 
You and Sihtric stumbled up the stairs of your apartment building. You felt his hands everywhere, pulling and pushing you. And his lips never left your skin, kissing, biting and sucking you. You couldn't reach your front door fast enough and you dragged him inside your apartment, where Sihtric picked you up and threw you over his shoulder. He quickly found your bed in the dark and threw you on it, he switched on your nightlight and then he lowered his body down onto yours.
'Lights on?' you chuckled.
'I want to see you,' Sihtric smirked, and he gave you a teasing lick over your lips.
This man was a gift to you and you were dying to unwrap him.
You made out for a while until you both couldn't resist each other anymore, and you told him to hold on a moment as you hopped to the bathroom. Better safe than sorry. He was a medieval man after all, you chuckled to yourself, god knows where he had been before you. 
'Lady, you better get back in here now,' you heard Sihtric tease through the door. You laughed.
'Someone's a little demanding, huh?' you teased back as you took a quick look in your bathroom mirror, fixing your messy hair the best as you could.
'You have no idea, princess,' Sihtric laughed, and the mischief in his voice had simply set you on fire.
You smiled and blushed at his words as you took a quick glance at the time. It was exactly midnight, to which you bit your lip in excitement, knowing you were going to spend the rest of the night with Sihtric. In your bed. And if he would call you princess again, you knew you'd be on your knees for him in no time.
You closed the door behind you and turned to your bed, ready to rip Sihtric's clothes off. 
But then your smile faded, the air left your lungs and your heart seemed to stop. 
Your bed was messy but empty and your apartment was deafeningly quiet.
He was… he was just gone. 
It was midnight, and Sihtric was gone.
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the-elder-polls · 19 days
Response to the formal invitation :'3 *throws my stupid TES children at you*
(P.S. his story is everchanging as I figure out what the heck is happening in TES lore, but all of the core elements will likely stay the same) SO, his name is Djai. Djai the Curious, to be exact. Djai is a khajiit, more specifically Cathay. I'd like to split the information of him in two parts because his story is very much "before all of that shit happened" and "after all of that shit happened". His story is also very much based on the saying "curiousity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back". He lived in Elsweyr for his first years of life, before his parents sold him along with a familial artifact for many reasons. Luckily, through black market slave trading he actually was "bought" by some rich people, but luckily they had some common sense(Crazy for people in TES, I know) , and they raised him pretty much like their own child. They brought him to skyrim, where he would grow up. When he was a young adult, he "moved out", so to say. He actually just said "fuck all of this shit" and went adventuring. He traveled for a long time, met some people, made some important connections - which led to him joining the collegue of winterhold under a fake/pen name, and eventually becoming the archmage, before he resigned because he wanted to adventure more. Later, he met an argonian woman Wonders-About-Stars, who had grown up in morrowind [Most likely in solstheim.] and only recently arrived in skyrim. They became rivals for a long time, but eventually they became friends and got married. Bought a house in riften and,, happy ending for them both, right?
. . . But something wasn't quite right. Djai wasn't satisfied with this, like, at all. Sure, for some people maybe his life would be perfect but he - he craved new adventures. To do something, rather than settle down and live comfortably. And so, instead of doing that, he started going out almost every day to a cave, or a place he deemed interesting, and also started a collection. . . He also became a lot more paranoid than before, almost always feeling that he was being watched. First it was just random artifacts. Anything that was sort of unique, or appeared unique enough to him was added to this collection. But it soon appeared that this would be quite a big collection if he continued that. So he moved on to rarer artifacts: he only considered items that were very rare, or even legendary worthy of adding to it. Until one day, he came across an artifact that would change his life. Forever. A certain book. . .
From his wife's POV, Wonders-About-Stars woke up one day, just to find her husband gone. Didn't think much of it; He's gone all the time, not a big deal probably forgot to tell he was going on one of his adventures again. But the circumstances of his disappearance was getting stranger and stranger the more she discovered. And the more time had passed. One day of him being gone turned into days, then weeks, and when it was a couple of months - she's had enough, and she left their house. No, she wasn't coming back without him. Or, at very worst, without knowing what happened to him.
Meanwhile, Djai's out there living his best life. He got a patron in the face of Hermaeus Mora. Pros; Acess to funky library dimension, gets to satisfy his curiosity and do a bunch of chores for Mora that are centered around knowledge and books. Oh, also, he now has tentacles, so that's a plus. Cons; he now has quite a monstrous appearance. Being that long in apochrypha + under Hermy's influence doesn't do any good for your sanity or appearance. Another con is that he now has Mora in his head permanently and that's annoying hearing that guy go "ERM, actually" every time you think about something the wrong way. Also some side effects from his time in apochrypha for him are really similiar [I based them on it soo] to the symptoms of rabies in cats. He's also friends with my Dragonborn, Isabella/Abdulamassu [She's a dunmer who lived in morrowind until going to skyrim. No, she didn't live in solstheim. Yes, she did go to skyrim because life was absolutely shit] and her "brother" [Not by blood. Or, to be fair, very very distant relatives by blood, but it's complicated to explain. They've just decided that they're so close that they're going to be brother and sister] Ziikreh, my dragon priest OC who's pretty much a TES version of a boomer complaining about "back in MY DAY!!" because he was dead for, like, a LOT of time and got fully resurrected when the dragons got resurrected [Again, it's complicated, but his soul is connected to the soul of a dragon so when the dragon "woke up" he also did]
They are all my Skyrim OCs!! I have a bit more, but it's already getting long, so I'll wrap it up here.
I also have OCs for Oblivion and Morrowind, but since i'm in the process of playing both games rn I don't know the lore fully, so they're underdeveloped at the current moment!
Just going to spoil it by sayin my Morrowind OC, Ma'eric, is based on my friend's cat. That all started as a stupid joke about how her cat is very similiar to a khajiit, and now I made it real lmao. Ma'eric is a necromancer who isn't sure who he is quite yet, he can't help but feels like someone trapped in the wrong body. Always having to pretend that the body fits him by acting like a different person, when in actuality, it does not. Hm, I wonder what that could be foreshadowing. . .
OH THAT'S ALL SO COOL. hermy mory hitchhiking a ride in my head would also drive me a bit cuckoo bonkers. also the dragon priest's soul being tied to their dragon is SO COOL i love it
fact for a fact: my oc version of konahrik was pledged to vulthuryol, the dragon you find in blackreach
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