#he is actually very enjoyable if you take out all the murder bits
yunvind · 1 year
parfyon semyonovich rogozhin:
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insanelyadd · 11 months
#LetSansRest Day!
Hello everyone and welcome to year two of Let Sans Rest Day! Same as last year it's August 9th.
Before we get into some prompts, a little bit of a mission statement. Last year I said this day was for everyone who's a fan of Sans Undertale or anyone who's tired of every image they see of him being him Suffering. This is still true, but I do want to additionally address something I saw a few different people mention.
I have actually received criticism for daring to suggest that Sans not be tormented to the point of insanity, and that this day where I implore people to make realities where Sans doesn't become a creepypasta insane murderer man from the agony he is subjected to, isn't a stand against ableism like Let Papyrus Say Fuck Day is. *stares in bipolar psychosis and PTSD directly into your eyes* Obviously that's a load of shit, and even though Sans is more popular than Papyrus (I say, as a Papyrus Enjoyer) a lot of the content around Sans is very specifically about him suffering. So simply out of spite for these comments (including someone who saw last year's announcement and directly commented "No <3" on the post) I will be continuing this holiday indefinitely, just like LetPapyrusSayFuck Day. Die mad about it.
Just like how I have ADHD and relate to Papyrus and see the way the fandom treats him as the infantilization of neurodivergency like autism and ADHD, I can look at works in this fandom of Sans that demonize traits of mental illness like trauma, hallucinations, delusions, and mania. And I can say these are both bad actually. Not going to call anyone a bad person for engaging in these things, of course, that would be a bit goofy of me, I'm just saying the imagery used for these things is Very Loaded and a lot of people are mishandling them.
So anyways August 9th is the day we let Sans Undertale out of his Torment Nexus so he can:
Have lemonade at the beach or pool
Go stargazing while camping out in the woods with friends and family
Get smothered in cute baby kittens and puppies
Go to therapy and play with one of those magnetic sculptures all therapists seem to own
Take a nap on an inner-tube on a lazy river
Get to see the leaves change color for the first time
Play basketball with Papyrus
Fall asleep in a basket of freshly dried clothes
Go to a public greenhouse to look at all the different flowers on the surface
Perform stand-up for humans who all love his terrible puns
Please tag the post with #LetSansRest, #Sans, and #undertale as well as any other applicable tags for characters, relationships, etc. This day is primarily for classic Sans but it's not like I can stop you from drawing Fell Sans not being subjected to his own, personal, goth-themed Torment Nexus.
This is meant to be a day for everyone who wants Sans Undertale to go to therapy and feel better. People who want to put him in a hamster cage with plenty of things to prank for enrichment. People who want to win him one of those massive stuffed animals at the county fair.
If you want to participate please be mindful of some things:
I will be monitoring the tag to reblog things! I have ptsd and would appreciate if ships involving Papyrus or Frisk (and similar) with Sans are avoided. This is simply for my mental health and I greatly appreciate it. <3
Do Not post angst to the #LetSansRest tag. It is meant to be an angst free tag for him.
Don't worry if you can't participate on the exact day! Just like with #LetPapyrusSayFuck Day you can use the tag and post to it any day! :>
Hope you're able to participate and have fun! <3
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yandere-daze · 5 months
This is probably the most niche thing I have ever posted but I just finished playing Tyrion Cuthbert: Attorney of the Arcane ( a game you should totally play btw!!) and I have many horrible thoughts about this man. I´m going to go insane if I don´t put this out into the world sooo... here we go!
I also feel like at some parts it kind of doubles as a character study so take that, I guess?
3.4k words
gn reader
tw yandere, stalking, manipulation, murder, societal pressure, guilt-tripping, obsession
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General Yandere! Aster Headcanons
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So Aster himself is a very interesting character in my opinion. He´s very idealistic and sees the corruption of the nobility in the kingdom to be completely unacceptable. He cares a great deal about the commonfolk and because of that, the crown prince is very well-liked by the public, even before he becomes the king
Compared to many other nobles who are haughty, arrogant, or intimidating, Aster gives off the vibes of someone who is very friendly and approachable. Something about him just feels different in comparison.
And it is this friendly and open-minded appearance that would make his darling feel more at ease when approaching him to talk. Talking to Aster just doesn´t feel as scary or annoying as having to speak with other nobles. His positive attitude actually makes conversing with him an enjoyable experience
I think it might actually be more likely for him to fall for a commoner instead of a noble. Nobles in the court are cutthroat and only interested in their own wealth and power and Aster is just sick of that. You being a commoner means that there´s a better chance for you to actually be an honest and hard-working person, something I think he would want in a partner.
If you are a commoner, you might accidentally meet him when Aster is out and visiting the city for once. As we can see in Chapter 3, he would try to hide his identity as the crown prince from you if you don´t recognize him. He much prefers you talking to him as if he was simply any other person as opposed to you bowing down before him and carefully choosing your words if you were to find out who he was. He would instruct the Kingsguard to follow him a bit more discreetly, so as not to catch your eye and to never openly acknowledge his title when in your presence. He´d hate for this casualness with you to be destroyed like that.
You two talk about your daily life and the struggles you face ( him being very careful and vague when talking about his own profession, as he doesn´t want you to find out about his rank). Even though he gives off a cheerful and exciteable impression, he is indeed listening very carefully to what you have to say and makes sure to memorize it all. He needs to know everything there is to know about you, needs to know all of your preferences and opinions.
He listens especially carefully when you mention your frustrations with the nobility, how they wield all the power and money in the world and keep it to themselves while the common folk have to slave away while worrying about if they can afford the roof above their heads this month. His gaze noticeably darkens for a moment as he hears this but it´s quickly gone when he nods his head and agrees with what you´re saying. The nobility is a blight on this land.
It´s very frustrating for Aster to hear this because he knows it´s true. His visits have shown him firsthand how bad daily life for the common folk can be. He has seen with his own eyes how the members of noble houses can get away with absolutely anything. Even the justice system protects them, all their crimes are simply swept under the rug or an innocent civilian is forced to take the fall for them. It´s atrocious and Aster is so frustrated that nothing is done about it. He wants things to change but he´s only the crown prince, he doesn´t yet have the power to change things. He needs to bide his time until he becomes king and then he will rip all these corrupt off their power.
But it´s still quite some time until then so for now, he needs to focus on what he can do while he´s still powerless.
Hearing you speak about wanting to make the world a better place for the common folk in your own way with such conviction really resonates with Aster. All his life, he´s been surrounded by vultures trying to curry favor with him for when he ascends the throne in the future. He has seen countless forced smiles and false promises but he can see in your eyes that you speak with truth and honesty. And he can´t help but really resonate with that. He likes talking with someone like-minded that doesn´t treat him differently, someone that he can be himself around.
Aster can´t help but visit the city more frequently from then on, telling his father that he has important business to attend to there as an excuse. Well, it´s not really a lie, is it? Seeking you out couldn´t be any more important to him.
You´re quite surprised by how often you seem to randomly see Aster nowadays when you hadn´t at all seen him before but maybe he just moved in recently? You don´t know that he secretly orders guards to follow you around daily to then report to him what you did all day. As much as it pains him, he can´t simply go out every single day so hearing about your day is the next best thing. This way, he also gets to learn about the things you do in your day-to-day life or the things you do when you think no one is watching. Oh, how he longs to have been there himself, just watching you! His heart yearns for you and yet his princely duties often leave him way too busy to visit you as often as he would like to. But well, at least he always knows exactly where to find you if he ever finds himself with enough free time <3
But well, there is one very simple but very big problem with this situation, aside from him being the crown prince and you a commoner. He has been in an arranged marriage for years now. Ever since they were little, Aria Steelwind, a noble of one of the four main noble houses has been promised to him. And he has never been more disgruntled by this than now.
Sure, he did respect Aria in some ways. Instead of simply living her cozy noble life, she took her own path as a prosecutor to fight for justice within the corruption that is their justice system. She´s the only prosecutor willing to arrest a noble for their crimes and yet, her actions change so very little. What a naive fool she is to think that working within the system is going to have any sort of lasting impact.
No, Aster knows better. He has seen his father having to make all sorts of compromises to not displease the nobility when introducing changes. What was left were only hollow words and small changes. Small changes would never be enough to truly change this world for the better. Aster knows that if he wants things to change, he will have to take things into his own hands
From there on out, things would go over much like in the game during case 5, which is why this is my last major spoiler warning. Please do not continue reading from here if you don´t want the game spoiled for you as I will discuss the events happening at the end here.
Alright, so. Case 5. Naturally, for the sake of continuing this headcanon post, I´ll have to change up things a bit because otherwise, Aster is a little bit too dead to continue plaguing his darling afterwards. So let´s assume that in this timeline, Aster actually gets away with his crimes for one reason or another.
He used Aria´s affection and love for him and tricked her into signing a blood contract by disguising it as a marriage license. Now, Aster has full control over her mind and body, her soul forever his to use. And he didn´t hesitate for even a moment to use her as a means to further his own goals.
It was way too easy to use the contract to control her body, forcing her to go out and kill several important nobles attending the king´s funeral while he stayed behind, creating an alibi for himself. And truly, after several witnesses saw Aria kill these pesky nobles, who would ever think the new king would have anything to do with it? He wasn´t even close to any of the crime scenes!
And of course, it´s even easier to completely erase Aria´s memories of what took place. And now that he has completely covered his tracks, no one can prove that Aster had anything to do with it.
By doing all of this, Aster has killed two birds with one stone: He has successfully killed two heads of four of the main noble houses and his fianceé is going to prison for what she has done, effectively ending their engagement. Now Aster is the one sitting on the throne with the noble houses significantly weakened without a family head to guide them, making them less of a threat to his power. Now that he has all the power, he will change the kingdom for the better.
Of course, the common folk only learn about the fact that Aster has ascended the throne with the news kindly leaving out the fact that a massacre had taken place. Still, with this new information getting out it´s almost impossible for you not to learn of Aster´s true identity. All this time, the person you had been conversing with so casually was the then-prince, now-king of this kingdom. To say you´re shocked would be an understatement. What are you supposed to do now? Oh, you can´t even begin to think about how many times you must have disrespected him by speaking to him as if he were simply any other person. Surely nobles must have some sort of rules regarding addressing people, no?
Oh, you must have embarrassed yourself thoroughly in front of him! But then again, he was very nice when he was talking to you and even enjoyed joking around. So maybe he was different? You weren´t quite sure but thinking about it that way made things easier for you.
To say you were shocked when King Aster de Wyverngarde stood in front of your door one day would be a grave understatement. You don´t know what to say or what to do, now that you know who he truly was. Are you supposed to bow down in front of him? I mean he´s the king so you probably should, right?
Aster merely sighs disappointedly when you clumsily bow down in front of him.
"There´s no need for such formalities. We´re close, right? You don´t need to bow down in front of me."
"But.. you´re the king, right? I mean, it feels weird to talk to you so normally now."
He´s quite saddened to hear this. He knew this would be how you would react if you found out the truth, it´s the very reason why he went to such lengths to prevent you from finding out.
"Don´t worry, nothing has changed between the both of us. May I take you for a walk?"
He smiles and offers his arm to you, only nodding his head and assuring you that it´s fine when you seem to hesitate. So you go along and let him lead you out of your home and into the bustling center of the city, where the streets are filled with people. Naturally, everyone gathers outside and cheers when they see the new king walking along the streets.
Aster is very well-liked by the common folk for his open and honest demeanor and his willingness to help them. Everyone has high hopes for him, believing that he will be the one to finally make things fairer for them, the one to push back against the corrupt nobles using them for their own gain. And well, in one way or another, they´re certainly right about that. Aster doesn´t hesitate when it comes to removing vultures feeding off of other´s hard work.
After getting over their initial excitement over seeing the beloved king, people begin to notice that you´re holding onto his arm as he walks you around town with a wide smile on his face and people begin whispering amongst themselves. Who are you and why are you with the prince? Judging from your clothes, you are a commoner just like them so how do you know him? And young Aster seems to be holding you awfully close, is something going on there? Everyone has heard that the engagement with Aria Steelwind fell through because she had turned out to be just as corrupt as all the other nobles, breaking Aster´s heart. Were you his new love? It would certainly be something for the king to be in love with a commoner.
You´re beginning to notice the people whispering and you get quite uncomfortable at their staring when Aster suddenly stops and turns around to face you. You almost walk right into his arms at the sudden stop, a sheepish look on your face. Aster simply smiles and takes one of your hands into his, staring right into your eyes.
And then the rug is pulled from right under your feet as Aster gets down on one knee, the crowd quickly bursting into cheers as he pulls out a small little box and presents it to you.
"My love", he begins speaking and you feel your heart plummet into your stomach. You notice that he seems to be talking quite loudly on purpose, as the crown quickly reacts to his words, growing silent as to listen carefully.
" We have known each other for a long time now. We had to hide and share our love in secret. But from this day onward, I want us to show ourselves to the rest of the world, to let them see the love and devotion we have for one another."
You´re just standing there, frozen in shock, almost incapable of processing his words. Our love? Just what was he talking about?!
"As you well know, I have gone through immense heartbreak in the past, I have had my trust and heart broken once before but with you, I want to start over. I trust you completely and vow to be by your side for all eternity if you will have me. I love you more than anything, my love. Will you give me the honor of taking me as your husband?"
The atmosphere is tense, the people around you holding their breath in anticipation but some voices still ring out from inside the crowd.
"I can´t believe it, a king proposing to a commoner! His love for them must be so strong, it´s so romantic!"
"The king is such a kind and benevolent soul, they must be overcome with happiness right now! Look, I think they´re on the verge of tears!"
"It truly is terrible what happened with his past engagement. To be betrayed like that, His Majesty must have been beside himself with grief. He deserves this new chance at love."
You hear voices ringing out all around you, and you feel completely overwhelmed, unsure of what you should do now. Everyone looks at you so expectantly, everyone is practically screaming at you to say yes and yet, that´s not what you want. You´ve never even thought about marrying Aster, to have this sprung on you so suddenly is terrifying. You feel like you´re losing your grip on yourself when you suddenly feel a squeezing feeling on your hand.
With a start, you look down to see Aster holding your hand tightly, enacting almost an excruciating amount of pressure. The look on his face is more akin to a smirk now than the soft and innocent look he had before. He knows that there´s no way you could say no under these circumstances. By dragging you out into a public area he has forced your hand to agree to his proposal.
What foolish commoner would ever reject a king? It would be a blatant show of disrespect and they would surely be shunned by their peers for being so ungrateful. Furthermore, Aster had a great reputation amongst the common folk, no one would show you any sympathy if you tried telling them that he was lying about you being in love. Who would ever believe you over the ruler of this country? If they´re being charitable they would chalk up your protests to being shy about the entire ordeal.
You´d also have to be a real monster to reject King Aster´s heartfelt declaration of love after he had already been betrayed by his past fianceé not very long ago. How could you hurt him after what he went through? Of course, no one knows what really happened with Aria, no one knows how Aster was the one who used and manipulated her. The truth had been conveniently hidden from the public and twisted to serve his own goals. After all, who would want a known murderer sitting on the throne?
And it is through all this pressure that you finally crumble, a solemn expression on your face as you mutter the word Aster had been wanting to hear you say so desperately.
"Yes", you relent.
The dark expression on his face immediately vanishes and he gets up from his kneeing position, wrapping one arm around you while using his other hand to slide the ring on your finger. This is the happiest day in his life and sooner or later, you will see this his way.
Naturally, after what you had just witnessed, the facade is gone and you no longer see Aster as an innocent and kind person only looking out for the best of others. You don´t learn about the true darkness within him and the crimes he has committed in the name of "doing what needs to be done", but you know that he can´t be fully trusted.
Aster is of course saddened by this because he wants you to love him just as much as he loves you but he figures that there´s nothing to be done about it now. You will simply grow to love him in time, there is no other option for you now. Your fate is already sealed, how would you ever get away from the king and more importantly, your fiance? You two are engaged and everyone knows about it, he made sure that the news would be spread fast. A king marrying a commoner is very unorthodox and almost scandalous but if anything, it only makes the common folk trust him even more.
Now that you´re engaged, Aster won´t let you stay at your old home anymore, he sends a carriage to immediately pick you up and take you to the castle where you will be living for the rest of your days. There, he will try to spend as much time with you as possible within his very busy schedule. He believes that sooner or later, you will come around to your new life. He understands that this must be all very shocking for you right now but he´s sure you will get used to it.
In the meantime, he will gift you anything you might ever wish for. Anything to get you accustomed to your new life by his side, anything to win back your favor after the stunt he had pulled when proposing to you.
Rest assured though that he´ll never let you wander away from him too far. You´ll spend most of your time within the castle walls and when he can´t be with you, he will still send guards to trail behind you and keep you safe while also keeping tabs on you.
He tries to be soft with you, trying really hard to gain back your trust. He quite likes holding you close, holding your hand, or kissing your cheek. It feels so romantic. This is the love he had been denied all his life, this is what he always wanted.
Naturally, he won´t let anyone interfere with your relationship. You are his and anyone that thinks differently has to be removed. He has no remorse when it comes to getting rid of any perceived rivals, though he wouldn´t get his hands dirty himself. Anyone that defies him must be removed, it´s the only way that he can build his ideal world, a world in which you are by his side forevermore.
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hajihiko · 1 year
What did you make of DR3's explanation for how the characters became Despairs?
I dont like it. Here's a re-write i was thinking about
Ok note: this is what would have made the School Life thing more enjoyable TO ME. Not gonna fit for everyone obvi
Ok first of all. Junko loses most of her potential if you take away her being sneaky and manipulative, which we barely even got to see in the games, so I want that in ACTION.
Second of all, this takes time. More than just like a single moment of anime hypnotism. Junko was definitely working her suckers for at least a year. I dont know how that reflects on the timeline and I dont super care
Chisa's class is full of chaos, these are some of the rowdiest students you'll find. They have potential for getting along, but they're also Very Troubled, and Chisa is a kind soul who tries to help them out with various issues. Actual attention paid to these kids being, like, KIDS, but also having some major red flags in their backgrounds that could escalate out of control very fast.
Among others, she tries to get Chiaki to come out of her shell and interact with the others more. This is hard, because Chiaki is not exactly receptive to it at first, but theres a little bit of unity between all the students anyway and they slowly start becoming friends. Chiaki uses this friendship guidance to befriend a lonely boy who often stares longingly at the school, whom she's noticed by silently sticking to the background when he's around. This will come in handy later.
Until, certain students start hanging out with their junior of 1 year, who always seems to be kind of slinking around and hanging with at least one student a day. Chiaki notices this because a) shes very quiet and mostly goes unnoticed when she's in the background, and b) she only needs half her attention span to play games anyway.
The people Junko hangs around get noticeably worse, though not necessarily more divided; just sort of 10 steps backwards for every 1 step Chisa helped them take. The rude and mean ones stop trying to be kinder, the shy and meek ones retreat even more, etc. Chisa is at a complete loss with this, but Chiaki confides in her that it might be the new student making trouble. Chisa takes over, and encourages Chiaki to keep trying to make friends with the others, which Chiaki does.
(Mahiru gets scared into telling no one what happened / what she suspects happened in Natsumi's murder, and gets rid of the evidence, as advised. The evidence she throws away gets mailed to Fuyuhiko, who is encouraged to avenge his sister. Guess who orchestrated all that?)
Chiaki does not fall into Junko's claws, because she's quiet and unobtrusive and, importantly, less desperate for what Junko can give her than the rest is. Chiaki does, after all, have her teacher who took the reigns and told Chiaki to grab her own oxygen mask first, and her Lonely Boy to confide in, and whenever she starts to lose herself, he gently reminds her to stand firm. That's right, the secret weapon was the friends we made along the way, just like in the ending.
(Hajime is probably just doing things more or less like in the anime, maybe listens to Chiaki's growing worries about her semi-friends, shits getting fucked and the only conceivable way Hajime can help is by agreeing to be a lab rat obviously what else. Biggest downfall is wanting to be there for Chiaki, but not letting her be there for him in return. Because inferiority complex.)
Chisa goes to confront this troubled mystery girl; Junko catches her too and starts working her nasty magic- for example, did you know two of your students were a part of a murder? Aren't you supposed to be guiding them? Do you know what's really happening in this school? Do you wanna see the human experimentation they just started? Did you know your best friend is in love with your crush and you can't confide in either of them anymore actually? Etc.
Chiaki is all alone now. When she finally DOES confront Junko, once the whole class along with the teacher has been sort of indoctrinated and her Lonely Boy has ditched her and she's feeling a bit brave because of it all), Junko kills her horribly in front of everyone as they do nothing. Not because they were hypnotized, but because they choose to. This is what really marks the point of no return for them. Chiaki was a quiet and harmless and mostly very nice girl, and her death was pointless, and they were a part of it, and they got away with it.
Instead of being a practically perfect student council president, Chiaki has more of an NPC theme, falling into the background more but also being honest and nice and willing to work with people. Then later, obviously, she really is an NPC and repeats the process, but this time she manages to save her boy and therefore her class.
(I'm not opposed to Chiaki being JUST an AI and never a part of the class at all, but I havent thought about it as much so idk any good points)
Hajime retains the same themes, but gets to be more of a juxtaposition of Junko, sneaking into everyone's hearts by befriending them and helping them move forward instead of backwards. He wins with the power of friendship and all that jazz.
Everyone else gets way more accountability to take. No hypnotism or brain poking, just digging into the worst parts of themselves and then indulging them entirely (with the help of Ultimate Charismatic Cult Leader Junko). I think the most interesting thing about this whole narrative could be that Anyone is capable of intense cruelty, and Anyone can choose to be a better person moving forward.
anyway in my mind that's what happened differently.
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ind3cisive-cl0wn · 3 months
Iv put way too much though into an ace attorney au for dungeon meshi, and idk if this has been done before, but here's my take-
Chillchuck would be a prosecutor - probably the Winston Payne of the au. He is smug and overconfident but loses his shit way too easily in court and lies/manipulates evidence (not that uncommon for aa prosecutors tbh but in a more overt way)-
Also he would need to stand on things to be tall enough to see over the table and I think that would be funny/ provide a good gimic for his character.
Marcille would be the falsely accused but with kinda solid evidence for why they are being accused- she seems to have a proclivity to be in bad situations but I do not think she would actually kill anyone unless it was 100% valid and deserved + I think it was probably a wrong place wrong time situation and she was littraly just existing and found a crime scene and tried to take manners into her own hands wich made her 2000% more suspicious.
Laios would be a defense attorney that knows all of the material and what he's supposed to do in theory -but is over exited to use the knowledge and gets carried away and jumps to conclusions a bit to hastily
Falin would be the younger sidekick type characters that the aa protagonists always have that end up being very useful at keeping the protagonists (laios in this case) grounded and pointing out pretty obvious stuff they didn't get + her and marcellus can be childhood friends so in a case where marcellus is the defendant it can cause dynamics ++ her going missing could be an overarching plot
Kabru would also be a prosecutor- probobly the main one- that kinda hated laios at first but they grow to kinda get along like they hang out outside of work but kabru still things he's a freak and keeps his work/confidentiality above there friendship (like a pheonix-edgeworth situation but with less gay undertones sorry laios x kabru enjoyers). He would be relitivly collected in the courtroom until laios said some unhinged shit that turns out to be correct somehow
Senshi is the only one I can't figure out tbh I dont think he would be a prosecutor because that doesn't seem in character but I don't think he would be a defense attorney because he would think it's silly/not very affective- I genuinely just think he would hate the court system as a whole finding it unfair and under developed.
I could see him as a re-acuring side characters that comes up once in a while who just happens to be a key witness or comes to help in some way but idk.
Speed round for everyone else
- shuro is a witness that seems pretty confident in the testimony, and you only find contradictions on a technicality and/or small detail
- cithis is a prosecutor on par with von'carma (probably spelled that wrong) senior- aggressive and tries to end the case asap whatever the cost
- namari is a defense attorney that seems very put off at first but does what she can for her clients
- izutsumi is an unreliable witnes that ends up giving away vital info after being pressed enough
- mithrun barely survived an attempted murder and maizuru made you take his case
- sissel did a murder but feels justified (hell, he might even be justified depending on the case)
Plz note this theoretically would take place in an ace attorney style world that just happens to have multiple diffrent races so magic probobly would not be as common as in dungeon meshi but it's not off the table
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kanatajelly · 1 year
general yandere headcanons - floyd
floyd leech - twisted wonderland
warnings: general yandere themes, unhealthy relationships, physical abuse, biting, brief mention of blood, mentions of verbal abuse/humiliation, mentions of murder (both others and darling), mentions of kidnapping, honestly floyd is his own warning
word count: 1707
what kind of yandere are they?
Floyd is a very intensely possessive and clingy yandere. He is always physically near his darling, and is usually touching them in some way. Floyd’s love language is definitely physical touch, and that is brought out in the worst way possible if he’s a yandere.
Like his brother, I think he’d take some time to examine his darling and confirm his interest in them, but it escalates a lot quicker for him than it does for Jade. He would also take a more direct and overbearing approach to get close to his darling, as it’s not his style to do things quietly. Floyd would rather just jump in and make his presence known to them. No point in making them wait, they’re gonna have to get used to him anyway.
He can also be quite violent, both towards his darling and other people around them. Floyd is very quick to anger and isn’t the type to change his approach based on who he’s handling. From past experiences, he knows that a nice, hard squeeze fixes most things. It’s not like he doesn’t enjoy it. Speaking of enjoying it… yeah, Floyd is pretty sadistic as well. No surprises there.
Floyd is also easily prone to being jealous. His possessiveness over his darling is very strong, and he wants them to be his and only his. Why need anyone else? When Floyd is jealous, everyone within viewing distance can tell. Depending on the mood that he’s in, he’s either super whiny, aggressive, or bitter in response to being jealous. You can never tell how he’ll express his jealousy until he actually does it. It just makes him that much harder to deal with.
how do they treat their darling?
Floyd is a bit of an odd case in terms of how he treats his darling. He strikes this weird mix between being absolutely lovestruck with them, and treating them so badly that you’d think he hated their guts. He is definitely not an easy yandere to deal with due to this unpredictability of his.
Physical abuse is not off the table at all. Floyd knows how strong he is, and he isn’t afraid to show off some of that strength to intimidate his darling into submission. Whether it be in the form of squeezing them until they can barely breathe or biting them so hard that they start to bleed, he will not hesitate.
Speaking of biting, Floyd absolutely loves leaving marks on his darling, especially with his teeth. He would bite them almost anywhere, but visible places like the neck or hands are the best, since it would be hard for them to cover those up. Leaving marks on his darling is like publicly announcing that they’re his. It’s very loud, and it’s very Floyd. However, he wouldn’t stop with just his teeth. I can imagine Floyd also leaving bruises on his darling’s body, not only as a way to show others who they belong to, but also as a lasting reminder of what happens if they defy him.
Teasing and humiliation are also things I could see Floyd doing to his darling. He’s very confident in his abilities to keep them where he wants them, and he would share this fact with them in a not-so-nice way. 
Though, don’t get me wrong. With all the things I’ve said Floyd would do to his darling, it’s not like he wants to kill them or break their mind completely. In the end, he is obsessed with his darling, and he derives enjoyment from “playing” with them. Killing them or causing them to become unresponsive due to mind break would ruin his fun, not to mention take away someone he has a deep attachment to.
On a slightly less violent note, Floyd is very physically affectionate, and that still holds true here. He does have moods where he’s more cuddly, but he just likes having his hands on his darling at all times regardless of his temperament. Holding their hand, wrapping an arm around their shoulders or waist, hugging/squeezing them, kissing them, etc… Floyd is also not ashamed of being physically affectionate in public. Doesn’t matter who’s around, he’s doing whatever he wants. Sure, he would prefer doing more… intimate actions behind closed doors, but that won’t stop him from giving his darling bone-crushing hugs or suffocating kisses in the middle of a crowded place.
In terms of kidnapping, I think it really depends on the situation. Floyd is confident enough in his ability to threaten, beat up, or even kill anybody who gets close to his darling, as well as keeping his darling in a position which he wants them to be in; so kidnapping is not seen as a necessity for him. However, in more extreme situations where there’s a really persistent competitor or his darling is really testing his patience, Floyd may resort to kidnapping. Though it’s pretty unlikely overall.
what kind of person would they obsess over?
Honestly, I think Floyd could become obsessed with anyone that he deems interesting or fun enough, much like his brother. Though he may fall more easily for someone who has especially interesting reactions to what he does.
Therefore, I think that someone who’s a little shy or easily startled would be a prime target for Floyd. He’d love seeing the shocked expressions or listening to the little sounds of surprise that they make in response to his teasing and sudden physical affection.
Conversely, I think that he could also fall easily for someone with a more fiery personality, since they would also have interesting reactions. Their reactions would be more on the explosive side when compared to a shy darling, but Floyd would be enthralled nonetheless. He does like bothering Riddle a lot in-canon, so there’s that too.
Floyd would become interested in someone at first because of his desire to see how far he can push them with his heckling. However, at some point, he’d become more concerned with simply seeing their reactions to the things he does rather than seeing them unravel. That’s where the obsession kicks in.
I did mention that Floyd may like a darling who’s on the fiery side, but too much fire and he’s uninterested. It’s the same on the other end; he might like someone who’s on the meek side, but too much submissiveness and they’re boring. Floyd is a difficult yandere to please. You kind of have to draw a fine line between being interesting enough to make his obsession persist, and being permissive enough that you’re not setting his temper off with every little defiant remark you make.
are they aware of their actions? how dangerous are they?
Unsurprisingly, Floyd is quite the lucid yandere. That being said, I think he does lean into the delusional side sometimes too. He’d be aware of his obsessive and possessive behaviour, but he just really doesn’t care. Why should he, when he’s just doing what he finds fun?
The delusional side of his kicks in when his obsession is more on the intense side. I think Floyd would sometimes fall victim to the thought that he and his darling are meant to be together, especially when he’s in his more cheery moods. However, if his darling does anything to break that delusion, such as defying him or acting afraid around him, Floyd switches back to normal rather quickly… and angrily.
Also unsurprisingly, Floyd is a very dangerous yandere. His lack of regard for anyone other than himself is probably the thing that contributes to his dangerousness the most, especially when it comes to how dangerous he is for people other than his darling. Furthermore, he has lots of other threatening traits: unpredictability, physical abuse, possessiveness, suffocating clinginess, and so on.
On the other hand, if his darling somehow finds a way to please him, or if they develop feelings for him as well, that would make Floyd considerably less dangerous towards them. There are certain things that would never go away - like his constant need to touch his darling in some way, or his bites that hurt a little too much - but some of his violent traits would slowly disappear if his darling is being compliant and interesting enough to him.
Floyd is also very dangerous to others, and this is not dependent on how his darling treats him. If anyone gets between him and his darling, Floyd has absolutely no remorse in beating them within an inch of their life. He might also kill them if beating them up doesn’t work. Murder isn’t necessarily his first option, but he also wouldn’t hesitate to kill someone if need be.  
what is their most dangerous trait? how far would they have to be pushed to bring it out?
Floyd’s most dangerous trait is definitely his deep disregard for anyone other than himself. He does what he considers most enjoyable or interesting at that moment, and he considers everything else to be less important than his whims. 
I do think Floyd could be a rather patient yandere, given the right situation. He doesn’t want to lose his darling, so he would apply some level of control to his own actions. For example, he wouldn’t jump to giving his darling a permanent injury or killing them. However, there is one important condition to satisfy for this to be true: the fact that his darling is still interesting to him.
If his darling were to ever make Floyd bored or set him off, the little bit of concern he has for them evaporates so quickly. Suddenly he’s back to treating them like everyone else; he stops controlling himself around his darling and does whatever he wants to without considering their well-being at all. In this state, he’s very likely to critically injure or kill his darling, especially if he’s frustrated or angry with them.
Overall, as long as his darling keeps Floyd relatively content and does nothing to dispel his interest in them, they’re probably fine. It’s a very delicate balance though: Floyd’s emotional volatility makes the task of dealing with him a difficult and fragile endeavour. And the second he gets bored or snaps… it’s not gonna be pretty.
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archivalofsins · 9 months
Gunsli as a Mikoto enjoyer you must be losing your shit now that his second trial is drawing closer and closer! You're going to avidly defend him, right?
Me *carrying a large stick around the panopticon*: FUTA, MU I JUST WANT TO TALK COME OUT! GET THE FUCK OUT HERE!
Futa & Mu: We're not on trial anymore-
Me: The phones...
Them: Huh?
Them: ?!
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Well?! Any answers?
Mu: You already did this with me during my trial?!
Yeah, it wasn't really about you it was just for the bit-
So, huh Futa?! Huh whose phone, is it?! Because I know this isn't your phone for several reasons!
So, let's run this down from the beginning-
Question 1
Which cellphone is Futa's?
Sorry, to disappoint but in the battle between iPhone and Android Futa is firmly on the side of Android.
This is made abundantly clear by the fact that unlike Yuno who owns wireless earbuds, Futa's owns wired ones. Something not supported on Apple devices since 2016.
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So, why did someone who owns an android phone have what appears to be an Apple charger plugged into his laptop near that flash drive? Well chances are he hooked up that iPhone to his computer to get some information off the phone, erase that information, then move it from his laptop to that flash drive.
We also know this iPhone isn't Futa's because he displays the UI of his actual phone while looking through the color inverted version of twitter-
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At which point we can see his UI is completely different from the phone we see breaking at the end of Bring It On.
Futa's phone is also put on full display at the beginning of Bring It On and in other instances showing multiple physical discrepancies between it and the phone that breaks at the end.
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From camera placement to general make of the phone and the brightness on the red of the phone case. All things that have remained consistent over the course of Milgram. Making it more apparent which phone is his.
Question two,
Why would Futa take someone else's phone and what information could he need?
He states what he needs and what he's using the phone for at the beginning of Bring It On,
"Found one…! Countdown till I make you say sorry. Let’s go! A victory march! Dan-Da-Dan. Eat this! Don’t act like you have no idea! We won’t forgive you. You’re the crazy one! Ban-Ba-Bang." - "All evil hypocrites should disappear. I won’t stop until you say “sorry”. Now let’s begin to hunt down the liars."
He's using it to get information on the people involved in the incident and track them down.
The rest of the members of the party he was working with for a time. That ended up putting all the blame for that incident on him. This is probably why he's not hanging out with them when he goes to the arcade and is instead watching from a distance.
Using the situation to get rid of two people at once since the hat girl was possibly involved with the group as well hence the line,
"Flames closing in, are both sides losers?"
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"Fuck it! You won’t be forgiven; it was stupid licking each other’s wounds." - "You can’t escape, how do you like the taste of punishment." - "You gotta be kidding, I’m an undead hero!"
I've already speculated that Futa's murder was the result of him reacting to the outcome of the hat girl situation and that Futa and this other victim were a part of the same group before.
(I have made way too many posts on Futa: X, X, X, X, X, X, X and many more. Back to the topic at hand though.)
However, the hat girl could have been uninvolved with the group as well. Yet, taking into consideration the very targeted and extreme harassment the group is depicted doing in Backdraft while Futa is looking on in shock and terror I think it's hard for me to not consider this being personal in some way.
That display perfectly calls back to these lines of Futa's in Bring It On,
"I won’t stop until you say “sorry”." - "Now, let’s be reasonable. We are the ones that blow the horn for justice. We will punish you down, this is a warning."
Futa has made it abundantly clear he only does this until the other party apologizes or backs down. Something the hat girl was already doing while the others continued to attack her anyway.
In Backdraft, Futa also spray paints the ones who did this in black as they were doing it. Then we see their tags on the image of the victims have been spray painted over on the wall with black as well once it cuts to the girl.
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Black is used as the color to highlight the words on Futa's second trial CD as well,
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I believe this color is being used to highlight Futa's version of justice. Just as he says in the voice drama that Es and him are no different, both simply stating that something was bad and things going out of control.
Adding to this Es (and the audiences) judgement of Futa is represented with the same color at the end. As if visually stating the judgement the audience gave to Futa should actually be given to these people instead and reiterating the little difference Futa sees between what he did and what Es and the audience is doing now.
Backdraft even going as far as to have the eyes behind Es be the same color as the spray paint, the people in the group are portrayed using to harass that girl. Making it seem as though by punishing Futa we're supporting the people who did this instead of the other way around.
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This makes Futa's question of,
"Should I succumb, make your wish come true?"
Come off as though he's not only speaking about Milgram (Es, and the audience), but the others involved in the harassment of that girl who may have begun doing the same to Futa hoping he'd react in a similar way to their previous victim.
Something alluded to through this image and messages at the end of Bring It On.
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QRT Storm Pazuzu (=Futa)            I think I’ve got all her details now. Based on her previous tweets I’ve worked out her school. The fact she lives so close is hilarious lol Judgement☨Onizuka You’re the worst offender of all.
"Full of yourselves, are you?" - "Bye bye idiots and devils with the faces of angels." - "You gotta be kidding! I’m the real hero!" - "You gotta be kidding, I’m an undead hero!" - "You’re the crazy one! Ban-Ba-Bang!"
Also we see in Bring It On through Futa's inverted colored phone screen that his icon looks like blue fire or mirrors JudgementOnizuka's normal colored one and vice versa. Implying some sort of connection between the two of them.
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It's also telling that Futa is represented by fire and Onizuka water especially given the repeated line of,
"Can't douse this fire."
Within Backdraft.
The lyrics,
"Don’t get cocky, you in that cypher!"- "Holler-holler from safety, so worthless."
These lines can not only refer to the audience or Es but the people he used to hang out with or individuals getting overzealous/too confident with their harassment online. Something the group he used to be in did.
Backdraft also shows off Futa's willingness to just fight head-to-head about it through the line.
"The fight’s up here! Come up to the ring and face me!"
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"You won’t be forgiven, a coward, never!"
Question 3
How did he get the phone? Whose is it?
"Are both sides losers?" - "The fact she lives so close is hilarious lol."
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It's more than likely the hat girl's phone. Just like the phone we see get smashed in After Pain appears to have belonged to Mu's victim and former friend. Once again, making this another way Futa and Mu parallel each other and why they were paired up.
If the hat girl were also in the group or followers of these people before she began getting harassed, Futa would have an easier time looking over, keeping up with, and figuring out who was responsible for the harassment. That is if he did get her phone after she died.
It would also be similar to how Mu's victim seems to have been involved with Mu or the friend group Mu was in before she passed away as well. However, the phone could belong to Futa's actual victim then when we see it falling to the ground and breaking in Bring It On could be during the altercation portrayed in Undercover.
One thing is for sure Futa and Mu both use breaking phones as imagery for silencing others-
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That and they both have a very firm grasp of framing.
Futa would still be able to look over old interactions he was in from his own phone. So, like with Mu in After Pain and It's Not My Fault there may be some playing around with time. In fact, I think there may be playing around with time present in all the prisoner's music videos that becomes more overt depending on the prisoner's personality.
In Futa's case, this is probably why the interactions on his own phone have those inverted colors while the interactions on the one we see break later does not. This coloring choice could denote that these interactions happened before what we are witnessing now. You know how flash backs are usually put in grey or muted colors.
Just as it's implied through After Pain that the messages on Mu's phone happened before her bullying. Futa just goes about displaying this in a vaguer manner.
There are also these things from Bring It On as well that I covered elsewhere before, but I believe it was in reply to someone else's post or something because I can't find it in my archive.
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These read,
I also mentioned this before with this but again can't find it but on the map during the final fight we can see Futa's indicator moving away while appearing to spawn back in.
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Also the D in world is styled after his twitter icon-
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And at the beginning of Bring It On his phone switches between the Bring It On screen and his twitter feed each time the video glitches before he heads out-
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So, yeah- Some credit for all the work Futa did trial one trying to cover up the truth is long overdue.
Whelp that's it. Fuck you Futa for pulling one over on me though really thought that was his phone he dropped.
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linderbeegames · 6 months
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[ID: Title screen of Paradise Killer. Showing its name with the following characters behind the text. A man in a wide-brimmed hat and a long-sleeved shirt with a cut-out chest. A man with robotic arms and a pink mohawk. A woman with a gold headpiece resembling a halo. Woman pointing forward accusingly. A man made of gold with their arms outstretched. A woman with a streak of blue hair in a fun pose. A red skeleton wearing a white and gold blazer making a shocked face and holding sunglasses. There's also an island full of trees, and an ominous skull floating above it all.]
You wander around talking to people and finding clues.
You're investigating a murder! It's a closed-island mystery, so the suspects are limited
The characters are very distinct and enjoyable. Did you see that skeleton dude? He's cool as hell.
There were a couple of reveals that literally made me gasp, and even more that made me forget to breathe. It's so fun.
The world-building is so interesting and unique.
One of my favorite games of all time
Chillness (5/5)
No timers whatsoever
All I did was just walk everywhere and talk to everyone and I’m pretty sure I’ve got all there was to know
At the end you have to make a few choices that require you to draw your own conclusions, but I think it would be fine if you took wide gaps in between sessions because it takes good notes for you and it saves in checkpoints and is pretty obvious when you picked wrong
As far as I can tell there’s no consequences from saying literally anything to anyone. If you mess something up, you just start the conversation over again.
There's optional collectibles around where a couple of them needed careful platforming, but no actual clues needed any skill.
You might get a bit lost, but there's lots of landmarks.
Queerness (4/5)
You can be very gay. You can even flirt with a lady with a deer head!
Beauty (5/5)
It's a fun simple hyperwave style with 2-D NPCs that turn to face you in a slightly creepy way.
The character design is so cool; it made me want to keep staring at everyone forever.
I think if the textures were more detailed, it would be overwhelming. I wouldn't change a thing.
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Book Review 21 - A Deadly Education by Naomi Novik
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I honestly entirely forget who recommended this to me, but I owe them a thank you. Absolutely not something I would have ever picked up on my own, but a really enjoyable read. My exposure to Novik’s work is extremely limited, which is to say I’ve read Spinning Silver, but I’ve been vaguely meaning to give more of her stuff a try for a while. Didn’t enjoy this as much as that on a few levels, but that’s just the YA/adult genre jump as much as anything, probably.
It is very much a YA book, more than anything I’ve read this year (even more than Iron Widow, probably). From the entire plot being about making friends in high school being a literal life or death struggle to El “most powerful mage ever but only for evil things she tries to avoid so only a half dozen people ever realize how special she is’ Higgins to the booklength awkward teenage ‘literally unclear whether we are dating or not’ romance. So! Broadening my genre horizons some, I suppose.
El’s internal monologue was a bit of a trial for the first half of the book or so, I’ll admit. Not to say that it didn’t ring true to life, but she was just so incredibly fifteen, you know? Generally became significantly more tolerable once she started actually acting and coming out of her shell instead of devoting herself entirely to angsting about how much everyone hated her and trying to convince herself that she was a machievellian villain in waiting.
Though, to pick a nit that probably annoyed absolutely no one but me – I’m willing to accept El’s magical savant-ness as the price of admission, but the whole gradual reveal with her mom actually being world famous felt...odd? Cheap? Like in the beginning she’s very firmly characterized as this kind of head-in-the-clouds well meaning but not particularly perceptive or effectual hippie type, and then it’s gradually revealed that she’s actually the best healer in the UK and has set the global standard for a lot of spells and-. And it’s not like the reveal was actually doing anything dramatically, except making early book El’s isolation and lack of friends even more self-imposed, which was hardly necessary at that point. (Honestly ‘supporting cast go from being nobodies to retroactively being world-famous in their fields’ is the sort of decay I tend to associate with long running serial fiction. Weird to see it happen over the course of one book.) But that’s really just a minor pet peeve.
Orion was a great character, or at least a well-done example of an archetype I adore. ‘Selfless, heroic and dedicated to the point of it being kind of offputting/creepy Chosen One type who is (and I can’t emphasize this enough) not the protagonist. Partially because ‘there’s a much more conventionally heroic adventure story happening 5 degrees to the left’ just makes most stories a little bit more amusing, but also because someone really earnestly believing ‘my entire life is a means to a higher end, a fine tool set to a magnificent or at least a necessary purpose’ reliably drives me absolutely insane about them. That said the only reason I’m not absolutely certain he turns out to be either secretly evil or destined-to-be-the-antichrist is because the end of book cliffhanger makes that almost too obvious and on-the-nose.
Taking a bit of a step back, it’s interesting that the book didn’t really have any individual villain? Like, some other students are antagonists at times, sure, and there are plenty of horrible gribbly monsters (I adored basically all the horrible gribbly monsters), but none that really last as antagonists? Either defused or convinced to step aside/help or brutally murdered with magic. The entire finale was basically extreme high stakes facility maintenance. So yeah, interesting, not my usual expectation of YA.
I mean more broadly the actual villain is of course the entire fucked up system, both social and metaphysical, underlying the school. The role of a brutally competitive education system as recruitment method allowing particularly competent or promising immigrants and members of the lower classes to join a ‘meritocratic’ elite while also filtering out the most troublesome or incompetent children of that elite and using their failure to legitimize the easy inheritance of all the others is, perhaps, a slightly on the nose analogy. But, again, kind of the price of admission.
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dragontamerno3 · 2 months
DS9 S1 E20 - In The Hands Of The Prophets
Soooooooooooo.... I finished S1. And I officially hate Space Karen.
I want to get this out of the way so I hopefully never have to say it again because praising this character hurts me deep in my religiously traumatized soul (lol), but she is *really* good. I mean, of course she was going to be well played given the actress who plays her (RIP Louise Fletcher), but she's so fucking good at how evil she actually is. We're meant to hate her, I get that. But the writing and acting is phenomenal when it comes to this level of religious bigotry and scheming.
I have seen actual people IRL that were just a couple steps down the ladder from being pure fanatics to this dangerous level and the shit they've said in some cases were almost word for word how she spun in.
We started out the episode though with a fun note on Keiko joking with Miles and clearly hinting at something that is probably just supposed to be her playing at being jealous but definitely reads as swinger language to me. Which, from what I've gathered DS9 is one big polyam fam so I may be picking up on those vibes.
Which, I'm kinda sad Neela was the traitor here. I called it when the tool was discovered missing though "it" hadn't been revealed to be secret traitor levels yet and I just assumed she used the tool for some reason. I still knew it was her and when the episode went on and murder turned into potential terrorism I was just... bummed. She seemed to truly be getting alone with Miles and the scene in the shuttle def added to my polyam/swinger thoughts, but she really seemed to actually care for him. This didn't take away from my... enjoyment, can one really call it that when one is also seething? Anyway, it didn't take anything away from the episode from me, if fact it kinda made it feel a bit more realistic cause I have absolutely lost people I cared about because of religion. It just sucked.
Then Winn shows up at the school to talk religious nonsense and the "real" trouble starts. Oh I hate that woman.
And then Kira backing Winn? I know she's also got her own spiritual beliefs and journey but that felt... a bit much? Not aligned with who she had been up to this point? Not the teaching the kids part but the "lets separate everyone" idea. It definitely threw me out of the scene for a bit. I accept it, though, based on the very end of the episode where she explained that she hoped her beliefs were as strong as Winn's, but this was the one bit of writing that I disagreed with. If something has to wait to the end to be explained like this, it could use some fixing.
Quark and Odo meeting in secret to talk about a case seems to me like the writers were trying make up an excuse to get them alone together....
Watching Winn turn all the parents and kids against Keiko was frustrating. The Bajorian food seller not selling to them because of this wasn't so much upsetting as it just made me roll my eyes, but I adore Miles for wanting to jump the counter for his wifes honor lol
When the school blew and Miles ran towards it? And then Odo had to hold him back so he didn't jump into the fire? My heart. It was such a good scene.
I think my favorite part of this episode was Siskos speech. The "You've just made your first mistake" speech. I'm being a bit egotistical for this bit, though. I love it cause these are the same exact speeches I like to make in my ttrpgs. The "You think you've won but really you've severally underestimated us and we're going to ruin you now" speeches are my fucking favorite and I live for them. Sisko wins the gold star for this one.
8.75/10 cause I couldn't decide if I wanted to rate this one a 9 or an 8.5 so split the difference lmao
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so.... I just finished my first read through of Clementine Book Two and... spoilers below the cut, but what the hell did I just read?
I don't even know what rating I'd give this honestly?? It was certainly more enjoyable than Book One but probably not for the reasons intended..... 2/5 stars for now?? I think?
I guess my feelings about this second installment are... it feels like a very big missed opportunity.
The art style is significantly improved though the characters do still sometimes look like potatoes, but the environments? Lovely. Really makes me wish this was done in color but alas, the walking dead is allergic to color.
The story goes that Clementine, Ricca, Olivia, and their pet cat Dr Barnaby ended up crashing the plane in Canada... because if you'll recall from Book One, they all escaped in a plane after Georgia decided to be evil and murder Amos, then tried to murder everyone else.
So they're in Canada, and Clementine's leg got so infected due to lack of proper cleaning that she goes into a coma for a month... no really, she goes into a coma. But it's okay, because Ricca and Olivia manage to flag down a boat to help them. Clementine wakes up on this island, we're introduced to a whole new cast of characters, we see how the island works, all that.
I like the Island group. They're not as likable as the Ericson crew, or any of the groups from the games. But we've got:
Miss Morro: the "doctor" of the island
Emi: She saved them and brought them to the island.
John: Miss Morro's son
Amir: A kid who lost his arm because his father didn't believe him when he said a dog bit him and he was too little to fight getting it cut off. Also one of my favorites.
Shu-Fen: she's probably the most interesting of the new cast. She and her family were on vacation here on the island when the outbreak occurred, and since she's originally from Taiwan, she's slowly trying to piece together a map to see if it's possible to ever make it back home.
Ginette and Giles: elderly couple who only speak French.
Mercy: a little girl that Ginette and Giles take care of.
There's a lot more focus on emotional drama and trauma, which I don't mind, especially since we're not given any real antagonist... well, I guess the closet person to an antagonist is Miss Morro, but she's just kind of... an asshole? She's verbally and physically abusive with her son. She's petty. After Clementine and Ricca have a big fight, Miss Morro says things clearly meant to hurt Clementine, and imply that Clem's incapable of love.
Miss Morro used to be a pathologist who performed autopsies, and her whole thing is she spends all of her time in her little hut doing these autopsies on every walker the group kills, she documents everything, and then buries them. She prioritizes this over the living people of the group in a way that feels like she's trying to convince herself that she's a good person?
Honestly, I was waiting for the big reveal that she was actually doing science experiments on the walkers... but alas, that's what I mean when I say this book feels like a wasted opportunity.
But don't worry, we have more drama because guess what. No, really, take a guess at what was revealed part way through this book. Do it. Guess.
That's right, Olivia's pregnant.
Yep. Apparently she and Amos had sex in Book One, and now Olivia's pregnant.
But why, though?
Can I share my conspiracy? Imma share my conspiracy, I think Tillie's fucking with us now. I know I've said time and time again, "When you review the comic, leave Tillie out of it," but my tinfoil hat says she's getting the last laugh and honestly? .....I'm here for it, ngl. I don't have the fucks to care anymore.
Because c'mon. Another side character from Clementine's group having a baby that she'll have to help raise? If Olivia dies next book and Clem and Ricca have to raise that baby, I'm gonna laugh.
Oh my god, what if they name the baby Amos Junior...... AJ 2.0
do it, Tillie, doooo iiiiiit
what, no I'm not losing my mind shut up I am so normal about this
Anyway... Clementine even has this line of dialogue: "I've seen a baby born before, but it was so scary I blocked it out." You blocked it out??? Are we talking about Christa? or Rebecca?? If it's Rebecca, that means Clementine blocked out AJ's birth.
It's absurd, right? And Olivia is soooo uneducated about it! Clementine finds her in the lighthouse and Olivia tells her she got bit *because she felt something move inside of her*..... and then Olivia asked why it matters when she last had her period.... How the hell did she and Amos even figure out what to do, honestly.
Speaking of Amos, my hopes and dreams were crushed. He did not come back as a twist villain, he only came back as the voice of the dream sequences.
No Lee in this book, btw. Or AJ. Amos served that purpose this time and I am disappointed. I still refuse to believe he's actually dead, you gotta show me his dead body or his walker form. We still have one more book, I'm just saying. He could come back. I won't lose hope. It wouldn't be the most ridiculous thing to happen.
And I guess I should talk about Clementine and Ricca... y'know, I kept an open mind. I really did. I went into this wanting to ship it because it's pointless to go into this mad, y'know? I can't change it, there's nothing I can do about it. So I had high hopes that we would get more development on their romance and we did... it just wasn't good.
Clemricca isn't a very healthy relationship, nor is it entertaining. Clementine's fickle, Ricca's demanding. She tells Clementine that she's willing to wait for her since Clem's still hesitant about these feelings. But then they get into an argument and I just... here's the dialogue. I would show the actual pages but from what I've found, no one has actually uploaded the book yet and I don't have a means to do it myself but:
Clementine: I don't want you to think that anything is more important to me than you. Ricca: That's kind of how you made it sound. Clementine: What I meant to say was that I… I want this island to be safe for us. We can't do anything if we're dead. Ricca: What do you mean "do"? Kiss? Date? Talk about how we actually feel? The dead decide when that can happen? Clementine: … Ricca: I love you. And I'm pretty sure you love me too. But you're not making me feel loved. You're making me feel you just want to protect me or… Clementine: But I do want to protect you. It's all I ever think about. Every minute of every day. Ricca: I don't need saving, Clem. I need you to love me. And I need it to be always. It can't start and stop. Clementine: …I… Ricca, turning to leave: Oh my god, maybe this has all been in my head- Clementine: Ricca- Ricca: I get it, okay? Clementine: If I let… If I let myself… Ricca: Forget this. Clementine: You said you would wait for me! Ricca: That's not fair. You want me to wait for the impossible!? Clementine: No, I- Ricca: I'm done, Clem. Clementine: Ricca, don't go in yet, please, we can talk more- Ricca: What else is there to say?
I dunno, Ricca, what else is there to say? Because I'm speechless.
By the way, at this point they haven't even had their first kiss. They don't have that kiss until the very end of the book...... and then they have sex. I think?
Again... but why, though?
It's not explicit, nothing is shown, it's not really anything, it's just implied that it happens through dialogue and a "fade to black." I don't even know how to talk about it, and I keep questioning myself like, "IS that what's happening??" but again, it's not explicit or sexualized in any way, it just is and I don't know how I feel about it. Hopefully I can collect myself for the big review and properly discuss it because... I think I get what the story's going for with it, but I don't love that direction, y'know?
So much happens in this book that I haven't covered, like... so much happens, it's longer than Book One and there are more characters. There's a lot of bullshit, but it was honestly enjoyable for what it was until the ending... which the ending was a problem in Book One, too.
I haven't covered that big tragic ending yet, I'm saving that for my in-depth review. I don't know when that will be out, I want to read this a few more times and be thorough. If y'all have read it let me know your thoughts. I'm very interested to know what you thought of that ending, just... all of it, Chapter Seven onward.
Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go read a palate cleanser and to collect my thoughts.
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John Hart + 59 (absolutely no pressure but I hope this inspires you! <33)
59. "You never had the best ideas."
John had been in tight spots with Jack before, but going on three hours, and with still no sign of the manhunt above the floorboards ceasing, it was going from sexy to much less than. The hollow beneath the loose floorboard had only been designed to hold one, but John’d had no qualms about forcing himself down on top of Jack, squishing tight and leaving Jack with no choice but to allow it or else give away both their positions.
Not that Jack would have given him away. Strange as it was, Jack actually seemed to like him again. He’d agreed to come with on John’s assassination contract for a particularly fiendish demagogue, happy to make a date night out of infiltrating their gala. John was still waiting for the catch.
The first few minutes had been enjoyable. Jack had kissed him, quietly, tongue inevitably tasting the blood splattered over his lips but never recoiling. John could feel him hard against his thigh, and wished they had the room to maneuver, just enough to move a few layers of fabric and slide together even closer. But they had to settle for a lazy and very quiet rutting, never enough to come. They could have, but they both knew how unrestrained the other could be, and with heavy footsteps still racing above them, they eventually gave up in favor of simply waiting.
John was so tired of waiting. He’d never been patient, and having a hot, ready, and willing Jack beneath him he couldn’t finish off was not helping his oft-missing virtue. The traffic above had died down slowly as the demagogue’s forces had decided the assassin must have made it out of the building. But there was still several corpses, and John knew that violence on this level would attract a lot more than coroners. They would have to either wait longer for the initial investigation to die down, or take the risk of not being able to take down whatever police were still waiting for them.
“You know,” Jack said, so quiet John felt more than heard the words in the vibrations from his throat. John unashamedly had his head curled on Jack’s shoulder and had for a while. “I did say we should have gone with my plan.” John rolled his eyes.
“Bursting in guns-akimbo may work for you, immortal man, but you saw the security. My way was much neater.” John really thought it had been elegant. He hadn’t been able to bring any weaponry in, even their vortex manipulators had to be left behind. Time Agents were very much persona non-grata in this regime. But John had hacked in and made a very important change to the menu, and it had been easy to liberate his and Jack’s light but sharp steak knives that the catering had provided. He still had one, tucked inside his coat, and he was going to keep it. Lovely blade.
Point being, once inside, the guards were a lot less wary about weaponry. No one noticed a missing knife or two as the caterers rolled away their dish carts, and when the party moved onto the dance floor, it had been all too easy to send Jack to introduce his alias to the demagogue, and for John to step up behind them and slit their throat.
They hadn’t meant for anyone else to die but it all got a bit violent after that. All John did, at Jack’s request, was run. He left the murder weapon in one guard’s shoulder but then they had made it into the antechamber with the window that was supposed to be ajar. Sometimes attentive household staff were the bane of his existence. But he hadn’t extensively researched the manor for nothing, and here they were, snug as two murderous bugs in a floorboard.
“I’m just saying,” Jack said. “This was a pretty weak back-up plan.” John jabbed him in the gut and Jack let out a weak oof.
“You can let up on the insults until I can kill you properly,” John said sweetly. “I’d do it now, but you’d stink and give the whole game away.”
“How generous,” Jack teased, and turned his head to kiss John. As if to reassure him he didn’t mean it. John still found that strange.
“Like you would have done much different,” John mumbled before much longer had passed. He couldn’t actually see Jack’s face, but he could almost feel his surprise. Perks of knowing each other so long and so deeply. “You never had the best ideas.”
For a few moments too long, Jack didn’t respond, and John started to panic despite himself. He’d given himself rules for when Jack had decided to want him again, rules of how not to mess it up. Insults were a big one. He had no way of knowing when he would cross the line that made Jack decide he was no longer worth it, and so he had to play it safe. But it was uncomfortably warm and tight and as any good narration would have previously mentioned, John was not a patient person. Irritation made it that much harder to be good.
“You’re right,” Jack said, and John nearly choked on his next breath. “This does seem like exactly the kind of stunt we would have pulled back in the day after one of my plans.” John was deeply relieved Jack wouldn’t be able to see the smile that broke on his lips.
“Throwback, hm?” he purred instead, nuzzling into Jack’s neck and willing his heartbeat to steady itself.
“But now we’re older and ever more patient.”
“Not that patient,” John added, pressing a light kiss to Jack’s jaw. Jack gripped him tighter.
“No, not that patient.” One hand slipped between them, rubbing teasingly over John’s crotch. “I think we can take them. What do you say?” God, John needed to keep Jack between his thighs until they both reached some higher plain, and that required being back on their ship with no one to disturb them and out of this hole.
“Oh, you know I can take anything,” John promised. Then he pulled a maneuver he really hoped would go as fluidly as the action movie vibes demanded. He pushed upward, tossing the loose floorboard aside, then took hold of Jack, and forced him up to stand as he rolled down and took the space once occupied by Jack’s legs. “Let’s see if you can, lover.”
Jack looked at him, insulted, but only for a second before leaping out of the hole and running with a scream at the nearest adversary. John slipped the knife out of his coat, waited for a pause in the gunfire, then followed after. It would be far too unfair to let Jack have all the fun after all.
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anonymous-dentist · 9 months
I didn't *start* following you for horror aus but now that I know they exist I'm super into it! I've never seen the evil dead (< very bad with gore despite being a horror enjoyer) but I really liked the bit you shared and I'd love to hear more about it if you have any more thoughts
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Let’s combine these two!
So my au takes heavy heavy inspiration from the Evil Dead 2, in which Ash and his girlfriend Linda go to a cabin in the woods and hear a recording of the reading of the Book of the Dead: the Necronomicon. Doing so ends up with Linda super fucking dead and Ash trying to survive the night as he’s attacked by demons known as deadites, who are basically the possessed forms of both dead and alive bodies. Like Linda, who goes between being ‘herself’ (a very pretty 80s actress) and trying to murder Ash with a chainsaw (a decapitated shriveled corpse made out paper mache). Or Ash’s hand (Ash’s hand) which also tries to kill Ash with a chainsaw. And with a knife. And with a bunch of dishes. And with a chainsaw again.
But that’s the actual movie.
The au takes inspiration from that:
Cellbit and Roier go on vacation to an old cabin in the woods to try and reconnect after the death of Roier’s son, Bobby, made Roier start to distance himself. It’s a weekend trip at an old abandoned cabin alone in the woods, what can go wrong?
Well. First the car gets stuck in the mud and can’t move. And then a storm starts to hit. And then the power goes out in the cabin. And then Cellbit finds a creepy old record in the basement while looking for the generator. And then he listens to it while Roier is in the shower.
And then Roier gets out of the shower and he finds his boyfriend missing. And then he finds his boyfriend dead. And then his boyfriend proposes.
See, Cellbit is a deadite now. He’s super fucking dead, let’s make this clear right now. But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t still love Roier! But he kinda just wants to kill him and turn him into a deadite, too, so they can be together in the End Days as the dead overrun the earth and kill every last living soul on it. But it’s because he loves him!
Meanwhile Roier does Not want that! He likes being alive! So he’s forced to spend the night running away from his crazy dead boyfriend AND the forces of the undead as they try and kill him, too, because it isn’t just Cellbit in the woods. The trees are alive. They’re angry. They’re hungry.
Luckily, Cellbit is fully willing to kill all these other demons to keep his guapito safe… enough for him to be the one to get to him in the end. He wants to be the one to kill him :( If he doesn’t, then they might not get to be together :(
TLDR; Roier gets his Final Girl moment. Tragedy precedes
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tyrantisterror · 7 months
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So! Fun fact, paladin used to be my least favorite class of all the main D&D character classes. The combination of Having to Stick to A Strict Set of Rules and being explicitly devoted to a god just screamed "Religious Fundamentalist" to me and I'm just not a fan of those in real life and have no desire to play as one. Well, it turns out 5e stripped out most of the religious aspect and focused Paladins on "a knight with a code of ideals and ethics they follow very strictly." You're no longer a Paladin of Abadar or Kord or Stingus McBingus or Definitely Not Jesus In a Pair of Grouch Marx Glasses, but a Paladin of the Oath of Devotion or the Oath of Ancient Truths or the Oath of Vengeance et cetera. Technically that should be more or less a surface level difference but for some reason it's very significant to me, much more enjoyable now that god(s) is out of the picture.
If reddit's anything to go by, a lot of people have struggled to keep to their oath when playing a Paladin in Baldur's Gate 3 - a video game doesn't have the adaptable reasoning of a human Dungeon Master, after all, so there's bound to be moral gray areas that you could talk out in an in person game that a video game has to take a hard rule on. The Oath of Devotion seems to be the one people struggle with the most - it's the one where you're a classic Knight in Shining Armor, basically.
So yeah I actually have not had trouble keeping my Dark Urge PC true to his Oath of Devotion for most of the game so far. There have been almost no situations where I could stay on the straight and narrow path with him, and one could argue there's a bit of foreshadowing in the fact that even the Bard Incident in Act 1 didn't break it for him (can't hold a guy accountable for something his evil god blood did without his permission I suppose).
The first time I was tempted to break my oath was towards the end of Act 2, when I was trying to recuse some prisoners from a prison run by the evil cult at the center of the game's plot. Having played this before, I know that it's basically impossible to keep all those prisoners alive if you let them out while the guards are still alive, because they WILL try to help you fend off the guards and WILL get full-on murdered if they do so.
But you can't just murder the guards if you're a paladin of the oath of devotion because they aren't actively hurting you or the prisoners - they're just doing their job of watching a prison, not engaging in torture or what have you. It's not immoral, but it's against your code of valor. So the only way to save all the prisoners was to take out the guards without my paladin swinging his sword at them.
And, well, I have that cool cloak that turns you invisible when you kill someone, and some invisibility potions, and a level 9 rogue with sneak attack and a pretty deadly short sword/dagger combo, and the guards aren't THAT tough if you get them one on one by, say, sneaking up on them... so Astarion helped Durge uphold his oath.
Luckily for Durge, there's nothing in his oath that says he can't one-shot an evil illusory doppelganger with a smite evil attack.
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phantomenby · 2 years
Request: Could I have an imagine with the poly lost boys with a gn partner who is very good at making people feel dumb? They can insult anyone and make them double check their words as they didn't realize reader was insulting them.
Make sure to stay hydrated and please message me if you need more clarification. Stay well!!
Thank u I am drinking dehydrate jooce
TW: violence, othering, a bit gory
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David's eyes flickered in your direction when he heard your deep intake of breath, watching your face grow darker as the college guys Marko and Dwayne had chosen for the night went on and on about their stupid college-business-internship-shit you didn't care to hear about for another second.
So far one of them had wrongly explained both the stock market and tax laws, while the other boasted about how his parents think taxes are just used to give handouts to lazy people.
David nudged you as your fists began to curl, "wanna go?"
No you shook your head subtly, you didn't want to leave you wanted to murder them.
Even the usually hardy Paul had begun to make less than playful jests towards the pair a few times, one of his hands slowly gripping Dwayne's thigh tighter in order to make his intentions clear.
I mean, they're going to die anyway, sometimes they would survive, you didn't need to eat often but when emotions were high and someone particularly grated on your nerves they practically wrote their own death sentence.
Deciding to finally butt in you leaned forward, bare arms crossed on the old wooden picnic table, taking your chance as 'Darren' or 'Dudebro numero uno' was in the middle of a spiel about how the government was really full of communists who hated America-
"Hey, you know what I just love," everyone's eyes lifted to look at you, dudebro numero dos giving you a less than enjoyable glance over, you flashed your teeth at him before moving back to Darren, "I love how easy it is just just like, print more money, and fix the economy."
You were, how did Marko put it last time, 'talking out of your ass'? Like honestly, who even needed to take some boring, stressful economics class when money was- wait you should be saying this-
"I mean, money isn't real," numero dos - or Moe as you now recalled - clenched his jaw, "so we can just print more y'know, then everyone is ri-"
"Thats not how it works-" Darren tsked, making Marko smirk beside him as he turned his eyes back to his date, "if you actually went to some form of um, education-"
"Actually I went to Yale," that was true, only it had been back in 1873 and you were most definitely not there as a student, more of a diner, "and trust me, none of those dunderheads treated money like it was real."
At least not until they were begging for their life.
That stunned them both for a moment until the two of them decided to go for you together, mimicking your pose, but draping themselves much futher across the table than you had.
"If you went to Yale then what college were you in, hmm?"
You scoffed, shrugging and responding just as plainly, "the business one obviously-"
"There isn't a business college."
"Yes there is."
Moe straightened up, irritation lining his brow, "no there isn't-"
You cut him off, "did you go to Yale?"
The human spluttered, caught "well- well no but that-"
"So how would you know?" You had them now.
Moe tried again, "that doesn't matter, it's public information-"
"Yet you, and your genius friend, don't know all twenty-three Yale colleges?" There were only fourteen. Max.
The man might as well have combusted into fire and ash on the spot with your last few words.
Darren brought you back to him with a long, drawn-out breath like he was trying to suck everyone into his lungs. "Listen, bud, people like us know more than people like you-"
"Yet you didn't know that there was a business college at Yale, sounds as though people like you don't know as much as you think you do."
You stood from the table, hearing the two men follow you while your pack waited behind, letting you enjoy yourself with them.
Paul turned to Marko while you disappeared into an area hidden by some trees and thick overgrowth, "told you they were duds dude."
Marko rolled his eyes, letting his gaze move to Dwayne who was lighting up a joint, reaching for it as soon as the brunette was done.
He knew Paul was right, he just didn't like when it meant him being wrong.
The four of them listened on as the far-off screaming began, musing about their day like you hadn't just stomped Moe's femur while Darren garbled through his lack of vocal cords.
It didn't take long for you to finish up, returning to them with a few extra stains but just in time to finish the third smoke that had been lit in your time away.
"Next time we should just eat them."
Dwayne grinned in agreement, looking where you stood across from him, "next time."
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nkn0va · 3 months
wagner and kaguya with an s/o who has a habit of being a sarcastic smart-ass?
I'm writing this to be gender neutral for S/O but I'm imagining their voice in my head specifically as Rusty. Go watch his stuff, he's funny as hell.
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-Wagner didn't really know much of what to expect from you, especially if you're a guy. She hasn't had too much experience with social interaction outside of the people closest to her in the Licht Kreis. She decided to probe at you a bit and see how you'd respond to some haughty, snide remarks.
-She's caught off guard to say the least when you bite back with some scathing sarcasm of your own. She's immediately intrigued by you, no one thus far has dared to talk back to her like that.
-Contrary to what most people would believe, she actually finds your smartass remarks rather refreshing. You're not afraid to be honest with her and have witty back and forth banter. People immediately start likening the two of you to and old married couple, though obviously they're not saying that out loud.
-This intrigue and appreciation soon turns into something more, something Wagner would have never ever thought would happen to her.
-A relationship proper probably doesn't change much. You two were already playfully bickering like you'd known each other for years, just saying the most outlandish, out of pocket things to each other like it was nothing.
-Wagner definitely appreciates the fact that you're so self reliant and assured. It's nice to have an S/O she's confident is able to defend themselves, at least in a non-physical confrontation. If you can defend yourself physically she's even more in love, In-Birth or not.
-If you're the type that has a shorter fuse she's more than happy to sit back and watch the entertainment as you tear into the person with the most asinine, odd insults you can think of that somehow work and leave your target with much lower self confidence than they had prior.
-Wagner's not really the type to interfere unless shit really hits the fan and starts getting too physical for her liking. Other than that she takes great enjoyment out of her S/O knocking some cocky bastard down a peg, especially if they're trying to get close to either of them for whatever reason and doesn't know how to take a hint.
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-Kaguya's certainly one to tease and poke fun at people in her own right, but it wasn't quite like what you did.
-You were very upfront about what you thought at any given time, and you made sure people knew when you were displeased or when you didn't think all that highly of them.
-It was pretty jarring for her to start, but she found it quite amusing in it's own way. Upon first approaching you she earns herself a smartass remark for her teasing as you saw right through it. This only intrigued her even more.
-She does eventually drop the act when she sees that it isn't gonna work on you and becomes more genuine. She's actually quite pleasant to be around when she wants to be.
-Kaguya seems to think the same of you. When you put down the smartass act you're quite easy for her to get along with. A relationship seems to bloom pretty naturally from there. And also from the fact she's hot as hell.
-If someone were to ever react a bit too aggressively to her teasing you're very quick to shut them up, to which afterward she makes a joke or two about you being her knight in shining armor.
-She can't hold back a laugh at your witty remarks on a situation to try and downplay the significance of it. The way you make something sound so non-trivial will always lighten her mood. She likes a partner who can do that.
-Also she finds it hot when you chase off some dude trying to hit on her and verbally murder him.
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