#he just chills though. like ey just kinda goes with it in a sort of 'you ever have those days where this might as well happen?' sort of way
bloomingbluebell · 5 months
no i don't have a favourite link ahahaha what makes you think that *pointedly not looking at the copious amounts of evidence that says it's botw/totk link*
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simplyreveries · 6 months
Diasomnia boys with a reader that's really prone to panic attacks, but hides it really well?
Like, sometimes they get really jittery and stuff, but that's just them being them! It gets better, usually. If not, they go to the bathroom chill, even when they're literally going to die inside.
And they kinda knew cause they went on a boat date, then they just kinda started saying they were uncomfortable and stuff and they ended up having a huge panic attack, like how would they react?
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malleus draconia
he is very observant, especially over someone like you. it's his own way of showing care and affection if anything. malleus usually seems to have a watchful eye over you-- your wellbeing is something he finds really important to him. he can quite easily tell how nervous and how much anxiety building up in you. with that being, however, he is a bit... awkward showing how much he does want to help you. he doesn't understand that part well. now, he doesn't express it, but it does he feels a strange and foreign sense of powerlessness because he wants to be able to magically take it all away.
malleus is incredibly gentle; he does go out of his way to still try even though he can't fully solve it for you. when he notices the jitteriness or even as soon as you seem to be unable to focus, if you're alright with the touch- he'll carefully slip his hand to hold yours and trace his thumb over the top of your hand. he will give you reassuring affirmations or looks. though, he tends to just slip you away from whatever you're around and give you the best sense of peace he can.
with that being said, that's what he prompts to- he knows you seemed to feel somewhat better during your times with him outside ramshackle at night, where you may find comfort just trying to ease your breathing outside. he'll be there, quiet but someone for you if you wish to speak. and once again, because this is still new for him- whatever you want practically goes because he just ultimately wants you to feel better. so even if that's space, stay in silence, or talk about something else to get your mind off it. he will gladly give any of it.
lilia vanrouge
lilia already has this caring and doting nature around him- and that always applies to you. he can sense what you're feeling from a mile away. he knows you so well already and only wants nothing more than to help you. lilia genuinely wants to be someone you can lean and rely on. despite the trouble or teasing to others he can bring- he is very careful around you. especially during the aftermath of any of them, he is ready to be there.
he is always seeming to check on you. when you seem to be bouncing your leg, fidgeting, biting your lip or nails- very quick to notice- he'll calmy hush a "do you want my help, dearest?" something of that sorts and give a reassuring smile. he never wants you to feel bad for it and make it any kind. he also wants the approval from you if you want or need him around to ease yourself.
when you've dealt with one, carefully, he'll try to ease and calm you down after the adrenaline high you were just experiencing. he'll always seem to have a caring smile on his face when he asks if you''ll let him hold you for a moment. i have a feeling his hugs, with the addition of soft humming or strokes are the epitome of safe.
at first, he was new to handling these kinds of things- he felt completely unsure how to help when all he wanted to do was do just that. much like malleus, but honestly, probably even more so- his quiet nature can most likely prove to be some help when it comes to your panic nature. anything he says or does, even if he is a bit internally worried about how to handle it himself, is so gentle and soothing. it hurts him seeing how much you have to deal with- so he'll do everything and anything he can for you. in moments especially where you're talking to others and feeling anxious, he'll take over for you.
silver is protective by default; it only heightens around you. he wants nothing more than for you to be and feel safe. he is knight, he really couldn't push that part away from him if he tries. in the midst of the moment his focus is solely onto you. if you'd allow him, he hold your hands and let you squeeze them as tight as you want, trying to help guide you through it the best way he can. even if it's difficult and you feel like a mess, he is right there with a worried look and this aching desire to fix it for you.
after it slowly wears of, he might recommend and try coaxing you to fall asleep. he doesn't leave your side if your comfortable enough to allow yourself to. he'll lightly trace your arm and try to have you match your breathing with his.
sebek zigvolt
sebek would probably have the most confused time trying to help you- not in a bad way- like anyone else he wants to help you, but he has zero clue how to even begin the first few times. he gets so concerned and when he gets worried it comes out as loud unintentionally. or maybe even aggressive to others in a sense of thinking someone was bothering you. and clearly that's the last thing you would need, so he tries his best to be more cautious of himself for you. there are times where he's been kneeled in front of you sitting looking up to you with a "tell me what i can do for you" attitude. he gets so serious,,,
like silver, he's a knight and wants you with a sense of security- he doesn't want to feel like he failed you on that. he would go out of his way after he starts to slowly understand them- to spend his spare time reading about it and even go to lilia for help on comfort. so, at times like this during an instance on a date he would be ready all the more.
him trying to help you does feel rather by-the-book scientific ways of helping you get through it. but he genuinely tries and is solemn about it. he does stumble a bit nervously sometimes, because he still can't quite think straight when you're experiencing anything sorts of bad. but sebek does his absolute best.
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s1m0nth3swag · 4 months
Gotta yap about my Dead boy boyfriends sorry chat
I physically need to talk about them but my friends haven't watched the show yet (WATCH IT OTS SO GREAT AAHHHHH)
Some short imagines/ short scenario type of stuff? Idk
Not proofread (atp I don't know what that word means ngl I never proofread my studf)
It is currently 11pm for me, I am tired, this probably sucks but I do not care actually
☆ Imagine meeting the two for the first time and you genuinely cannot speak because they're both a little too gorgeous, I mean, Edwin slays his outfit and Charles has the biggest brown eyes. Pretty boys fr
★ I just think that, if you're another ghost, Edwin would like you more at first, if you're alive, Charles would (because of the whole Charles hates being dead thing and Edwin doesn't like being around the living)
☆ In this scenario, let's play with you being alive and (mostly) well. Involved in one of their cases, maybe, or you went into Jennys shop to get meat or something (if you don't eat meat pretend you're cooking a meal for a friend or something)
★ Probably immediately you kinda notice a strange aura (totally not Charles staring you down because he's never seen someone as cool and swag as you) - and let's be honest you aren't even surprised when you meet Crystal and she's looking at the corner all weird.
☆ meeting them again however, you probably just had some near death experience (maybe you wandered into a haunted house, or you somehow got involved in the whole Esther business) and you probably don't even care that ghosts exist because yeah, kinda checks out
★ Charles is probably immediately on your heel (Edwin is just the tiniest bit jealous) asking you all sorts of questions (Edwin is just the tiniest bit interested as well)
☆ getting to know them better, Edwin finds he quite likes yapping about cases with you (my autistic ghost boy needs someone that ACTUALLY listens to what he says) he will be overjoyed if he starts talking about a case and you go "Oh wasn't that the one where.." because yes!! It was that case! You remembered!! Good job!!!
★ I feel like the whole relationship would come along naturally at some point. Just you complaining how you can't sleep because your pillow is too warm and both of them offering to stay with you since ghosts are pretty cold
☆ they have the mutual agreement that they're somewhat sharing your affection since you give both of them the same. They'll just have conversations like "did you already tell them [...]" and "Oh, yeah I did could you do [...] for them?" Already being fully in the mindset of 'we can and will make this work with three people'
★ I think Charles would actually have a more difficult time when the relationship officially starts though. He just has so much affection for you and Edwin that he's almost bursting, but Edwin doesn't always like touch so he has ti be careful and look for the signs and you actually have to keep yourself up and cared for instead of being able to cuddle 24/7
☆ Just a silly boy struggling with not kissing and hugging both his partners at all times (though he has two hands, and will be the middle part whenever the three of you walk somewhere.)
☆ Edwin is more a acts of service type of guy while Charles, obviously, is big on physical touch, so whenever Charles holds you back from doing laundry or the dishes, Edwin will do it for you so you can chill out
★ doesn't mean you don't do things for the boys, though. You regularly get books for Edwin (which he's happier about that he shows) and always give Charles the chance to talk to you without any judgement (same goes for Edwin, though he doesn't use that offer as often as Charles)
☆ Imagine Charles rescuing Edwin from hell and that night the three cuddle up with each other even though Edwin and Charles don't sleep, just so you can hold both of them to make sure they're still there and well
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chosoniisan · 10 months
A risk worth messy reward ↠ kamo choso
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↠alternative title: swapping spit with choso, literally
↠pairing: kamo choso | sorceress!reader
↠setting: post canon, not at all compliant
↠genre: nasty, nasty fluff
↠caution: suggestive; height/size difference ("my" choso is over 6ft); unhealthy-ish/complicated relationship; kinda owner/pet dynamics; coercion (?); lots of tongue
↠summary: after yet another rural-steeped mission, your first priority is finding the nearest bed to fall into; conversely, choso has other things on his mind
↠authoress' notes: my initial plan had been to write a hc about the oddities of choso, how he has some bizarre and inexplicable habits, but writing hcs (without plot) isn't my strength, so I opted for what could be considered "snapshots" instead :')
also, the context, setting-wise, for this is that once the dusts settles post canon, the high-ups (the smattering of them still kicking), let choso live conditioned on you acting as his controller at all times, lest you risk ending up on the execution chopping block, too. . .
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A ripely full moon, and the air’s refreshed with a slight chill:
by all means the sort of mid-autumn night you’d want to bottle up and take with you.
You might just have to overlook the chunks of entrails sticking to your soles, though. And maybe you can pretend that it’s the crickets droning in the grass and not the crisping of bone dissolving into nothingness. As if on cue, you resist the urge to sigh to keep the tang of death, thoroughly worn over, from invading your lungs any more than it already has.
It’s not quite how you’d envision your evening—but beggars can’t be choosers. And on the bright side, at least you’re fully intact, all your limbs present and accounted for despite enough close calls to last you a lifetime. Sure, you might have said the very same thing last time (i.e. a handful of days ago), and you’ll no doubt mirror that sentiment next time too (i.e. in another day or so), though you take your blessings when you can get them.
Granted, your good luck quickly runs its course since there’s hardly anything fortunate about the strain of curses the far-flung reaches of the countryside seem to breed to no end. Who would have thought that the higher you climbed the rankings the more acquainted you’d become with woodland critters the size of your hand (excluding cursed spirits, mind you). Then there’s the persistent feeling of otherness crawling over you like a second skin the longer those prying eyes rake and rove over you. (If only they knew that a city girl and her dutiful charge were the last bit out of place in these parts.)
“I mean it when I say that you’re a lifesaver, Choso.” Your poignant ring is all the encouragement he needs to scrap making sure that dead is actually dead this time around and squeeze himself back into your sphere again. Crunch, crunch, crunch goes the tall grass giving way to your missing piece because obviously solace by another name is your side. Leave it to him to be over 190 centimeters of delicately endearing. “I wasn’t expecting that other special-grade, but, of course, you’re always covering for me in a pinch—I honestly don’t know what I��d do without you.”
In that moment, you’re the stargazer of him; a face lighting up the pearly night beyond measure. “I’m always following your lead, though. You’re a lot more experienced than me, too, so the best I can do is try to keep up. Because I don’t know what I’d do if something happened to you.” A dash of sheepishness colors the downward wisp of lashes brushing against his cheeks, but that isn’t enough to distract him from the sway of you in his shadow (even if he has to really drop his head to horde that eyeful for himself). “I’m glad we make a good team,” his brief lull is beseeching, the tilted head even more so, “at least I think so.”
For the sake of his tenderly bleeding heart, your nodding doesn’t miss a beat. “Yep, we sure do. . .! And every good team needs some rest, so I should go ahead and text our supervisor and let him know we’re finished up here.” Another thwarted attempt at a sigh, so you settle for a mild quirk of your lips amidst reaching into your pocket for your phone spared from the fray. “We’ll have to stay the night in town, which isn’t ideal, but we can take the first train back home in the morning.”
The faster you can confirm the rendezvous spot, the faster you can sink into a warm bath and then beneath a cozy comforter, so you’re already a few rapid-fire texts deep when Choso pulls on your sleeve.
“Wait. Before that. . .” he begins, slow, measured as if he’s taking the time to taste every word before it leaves his lips. Like that’s not enough to prod at your attention, you’re especially perceptive to rose stain swashed across the expanse of his face, and if you didn’t know any better, you’d think him too innocent to sell his soul to the devil for a life of strife alongside you. Though perhaps innocence in its purest state is wetting his hands in blood, bearing your burden of nocturnal calamity with the occasional slip of diffidence. “Can I. . .” Gulping down that lump in his throat. “Can I have my reward now?”
It's your turn to sound things out for good measure.
“Your. . .reward?” (Emphasis on the furrowed brows there.)
He bobs his head once, meanwhile you’re rifling through the pages of your mental archives in search of this reward, whatever it is. A contemplative hum sifts through you at the recollection of saying something in the realm of treating him once this mission wrapped up; admittedly, it was the sort of remark made in passing, but if it’s Choso, you don’t mind staying true to your word. Besides, you have an inkling of what he might have in mind (or you hope you know him well enough to make that guess. . .there’s only one way to find out).
“You’re talking about the souvenirs near the station; I think you were looking at the sweet dumplings, yeah? I don’t know if that shop is open this late, but we can go over and check—”
“No, not that.” Vehemence strums in his tone, so much so that you start a bit, setting off the ripple effect of him offering you a repentant look in return, one that’s still very clearly brimming with fervor. “I did a good job, right? And you promised I could have a reward if I was really good.” As a matter of fact, he’s not wrong, but his moonstruck gaze, expanding, plants an unnamed sensation between the open spaces in your chest. (You’re not daunted by him, it’s just that unpredictability has never been your forte.) “. . .So I was thinking that I wanted you.”
Doesn’t have a chance to click together in your brain until the warmed heart of his palm envelops your entire cheek, and even then you’re still too many steps behind by the time he’s level with you: face-to-face, eye-to-eye, lips. . .dangerously close. Inhaling a mingling of dried copper and powdery musk doesn’t help you figure out what he means by wanting you, having you; rather, with each fanning of his breath over you in crests, you’re gradually unraveling into something entirely unlike you. Something a lot more nerve-ridden.
If you had intended to chime in after scrambling to make sense of the situation (or not), the reality is that you’re simply opening the door for him to carve a place inside you. Literally. Considering it’s not the sound of a mildly articulated concern that echoes in the air, but a muffled squeak when he catches his lips on yours, inviting himself into the niche of your mouth before you can try to recoil. Even when you do think to reel away, his arm is already circled around your waist, seizing you into the bulk of him to the point that you can’t tell where one of you begins and the other ends.
You’ve long given consideration to the fact that Choso’s spent more time sealed than unsealed, that to this very day he’s still working out the kinks of what it means to be mostly human—but this. This goes beyond his idiosyncrasies of not knowing the particulars of kissing. No, this is nothing of a kiss and everything of devouring you whole.
As susceptible as you are, he has no trouble crowding his tongue against yours, which is the difference between tasting him and choking on him. Testing the waters is the last thing on his mind (you suspect it had never been there in the first place) when he’s using the anchor of his hand to steer you right where he wants you, because how else could he map the ridges of your palate without you shrinking like the violet you’re steadily flowering into. Intrusive is him eating away at your lips like a man starved, but it’s also the blooming of heat curled through your insides with a particular penchant for the midst of your tummy.
The compulsion to stagger back is second nature to you, except he’s unnaturally folded into you, so there’s really nowhere for you to skitter off to, especially not with the fixation given to a mesh of sticky pink. And it feels foreign, sinfully so, as he overwhelms you with broad, saliva-rife sweeps of his tongue, undeterred by your stagnate self, too paralyzed by the knotting in your core, the blistering up of sweat at your temples, and the uncut wildness—or is that obsession?—of him before your very eyes. Either way, it’s just the push needed to send you over the edge of quiet bleating. . .that finds its premature end swallowed into him for safekeeping at the bottom of his stomach, just like every other morsel of you.
Heady appreciation is quick to follow on your heels by way of a long-winded moan from him, to you by virtue of his snare. The stammering in your chest is the clear mark of being caught off guard, and Choso in all his fevered glory capitalizes on your lapse of self to plunge his tongue as deeply as it’ll reach. Nevermind the fact that there’s no stifling the stuttered heave around him or the full-bodied quaking against him, either, he’s still singularly focused on partaking in the mess of you. Willingly or not, you can’t help but indulge him when you’re varying shades of fluster, and it’s the gilt reflection of your disarray that has you clamping your eyes shut. Too bad for you, darkness doesn’t temper the dizzying sensation clambering through your veins that’s becoming more, and more, and more intertwined with him.
(You don’t know how much longer you can weather the storm of him, or if you’ll even be able to mend what he’s already bitten through, and maybe it would have been preferrable if he had taken your skin & tissue with him. He took something far more softly perverse.)  
Though in the end, it’s of his accord, only, that he spares you of the kind of smothering that’ll have you icesheet cold against him in no time flat. And you use spare loosely because he simply moves to sucking and nibbling on your bottom lip as if parting from you means imminent death. If he’d give you a chance, you could assure him that his fears of relenting are unwarranted, but in the thick of hungry fascination, he’d rather stripe his tongue along the corner of your mouth to gather up a stray bead of slick. Whether yours or his, you don’t know—you do know that when he’s done, it’s every bit of his tacky memento etched on your skin.
His gift to you for letting him have one of your deepest intimacies.
As expected, he doesn’t keen over from unlacing himself from you—truthfully, his hand is still palming at your cheek, so it’s not a full untethering—though you’re certainly not boasting a modicum of stability yourself. If that unyielding hold around your middle is anything to go on, you suspect that he doesn’t seem to mind in the slightest; you might even say that he’s savoring in the ruby-rich reliance of his handler.
“Uhm,” Reticence returns with a vengeance despite having just rooted through you mere moments ago; the moonlight glancing off traces smeared across his lips a testament to that. “. . .Do you we could see about those dumplings now?”
And of course you’ll oblige him—even knowing you’re complicit in preserving his devotion.
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n0cturna1-m3 · 2 years
Stupid Bastard | Bottom Simon 'Ghost' Riley x Top Male Reader | Smut
Fem/Minors DNI
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Warnings; Very heated makeout session, dry humping, anal fingering, little big of degradation, kinda dumbification? its implied. anal sex, bareback, lube, rough sex, soft preperation though, no aftercare but they cuddle so, Ghost is probably OOC
Request; "Can you write a ghost x himbo male reader? The reader is in 141 and acts like a himbo always throwing flirty comments at ghosts and teasing him... maybe Simon like goes to their room and smut ensues?"
A/N; Sorry this came out later than expected, i cut off the tip of my thumb lol. ALEJANDRO FIC COMING SOON (hopefully)
About 3.1k words (much longer than expected LMAO
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It seemed that Y/N was always fucking with Ghost. That’s how he saw it, at least. Whether it be flirting with him unknowingly or giving him “friendly” remarks over comms, getting handsy with him without understanding the underlying message that was sent to the Lieutenant when he did so.
When he would grab onto the hem of Ghost's shirt, holding it in his fingers, or when he would slide his hand in between his vest and back, the stark difference between their body temperature caused chills to run through his body. It was as if Y/N always had to have some sort of contact with Ghost when they were in the vicinity of one another, but the constant toying was driving the dirty blonde mad. It was starting to affect his performance on the field, and mistakes while in combat were something that he couldn’t afford.
All of this led to Ghost’s failed attempts at talking to Y/N about his touchy nature. It went nowhere.
“You don’t see the problem?” Ghost questioned, leaning forward and borderline glaring at the H/C. “You're joking.”
“You don’t see the problem?” Ghost questioned, leaning forward and borderline glaring at the H/C. “You're joking.”
“No, I’m not!” He threw his hands into the air in defence, shaking his head as if to say ‘I’m being honest.’
“How do you have your position,” He scoffed, pinching the bridge of his nose before placing his hands flat on the counter, glowering at Y/N. “You need to stop with the touching. And the flirting”
Y/N cocked his head at him, quirking an eyebrow and looking at him in confusion. “Why?”
“What do you mean ‘why’? It’s weird.”
“But I like you.” Ghost stared at him and hung his head, slumping his shoulders and groaning.
“Nevermind,” He said before walking away. Y/N watched him leave as if he expected him to turn around and explain his frustration.
The “intervention” had gotten Ghost nowhere. Y/N had sat next to Ghost at the briefing later in the day, and it allowed him to absentmindedly rest his hand on Ghost's thigh the whole time. It left Ghost standing outside Y/N’s room after showering, unfathomably pissed off and unbearably hard. He knocked twice.
“Uh, give me a minute!” He yelled. Ghost opened and closed his hands that rested at his sides as he waited. He could hear him fumble around behind the door before opening it. He looked dishevelled. His H/C hair was damp from a recent shower and the sweatpants he wore rode down on him, sitting low on his hips, paired with a dark shirt that didn’t fit him well.
“Ghost! What can I do for you?” He asked, opening the door wider and leaning on the frame. Ghost didn’t respond, grabbing his throat instead and walking him back into his room, shutting the door and locking it. He pinned the man against it and leaned into his face, staring at him.
“You know what you’re doing,” Ghost said, tilting his head at him. Y/N blinked at him, saying nothing. “Act as dumb as you want, I don't give a shit. Just-” He eyed Y/N’s body up, stopping at his groyne before meeting Y/N’s eyes again. “I knew it.”
Y/N moaned as Ghost ground his erection on Y/N’s, the H/C’s hands moving to hold Ghost’s hips. Ghost squeezed his throat and grabbed onto Y/N’s forearm with his other hand, his jaw slackening behind his mask.
“Please,” Y/N whimpered, rocking his hips against Ghost. “Simon…”
Ghost let go of Y/N’s throat to lift his balaclava to his nose, promptly pressing his lips to Y/N’s jaw and kissing it. He trailed up to Y/N’s lips and connected them, starting it off sweet and tender, their lips moving in sync with one another, but quickly turned into biting and sucking on the poor H/C’s lips.
He tasted like strawberry chapstick, and it was tearing Ghost apart from the taste. He could eat him alive. Y/N pulled away, huffing slightly to try to catch his breath, and looked down at Ghost who was staring at him with a look that Y/N had only ever seen him wear when a mission went foul. His eyes were dark and half-lidded, eyebrows furrowed and creasing his skin.
Y/N leaned in and kissed Ghost again, snaking his hands back from holding the blonde’s hips to the back of his thighs. He squeezed them tightly and then picked Ghost up, hoisting him onto his hips.
“Jesus fuckin’ christ, Y/N!” Ghost exclaimed, his hands shooting up to hold Y/N’s shoulders in a death grip, wrapping his legs around Y/N tightly.
“Sorry,” He replied, walking deeper into his room. Ghost busied himself by sucking on Y/N’s neck, biting and kissing the S/C skin. He wanted to leave as many marks as he could. Not even a turtleneck would cover his handiwork, that much he was certain of. Y/N placed Ghost on the bed, the blonde yanking him down. Y/N barely managed to put his hands out to stop himself from crushing Ghost who had pulled his face in again, biting at his lips while his hands worked on removing Y/N’s shirt. Y/N pulled back to aid in Simon’s efforts, pulling his shirt over his head and tossing it elsewhere in the room.
Ghost cupped the back of his neck and jerked him down, kissing him quickly before flipping them both over, and straddling Y/N. He grabbed at Simon’s thighs again, hands shaking slightly as he ground down on Y/N’s clothed erection. Ghost removed his shirt and threw it behind him, his balaclava still covering his face. Oh, how Y/N wished he could gawk at his face again, but he hadn’t shown his face again since the ‘Ghost’ mission.
Y/N ran his hands up Simon’s torso, occasionally pinching at the soft skin. He admired every feature on his body, every curve of muscles and fat, the numerous scars from knives and bullets. His face heated up when he started groping Simon’s chest. Y/N thumbed at his nipples, squeezing his hairy pecs and watching the skin dip beneath his fingers. Ghost let out a breathy groan at the feeling of being fondled, the sound going straight to Y/N’s cock. Ghost sat back a bit, grinding his ass on the man beneath him. His eyes were boring holes into the H/C’s body.
Leaning forward to grab the bottle of lube he spotted on the side table, Ghost struggled to reach it but managed to snatch it. He sat back again, Y/N having moved his hands to hold his waist, and looked down at his face. He was looking up at him with a worried face, his eyebrows furrowed, and his bottom lip bit between his teeth, chewing on it gently. His E/C eyes are almost unnoticeably glossy.
“I don’t-” He started before turning away from Simon, deciding that the wall beside the bed was far more interesting. “Want this to be a one-time thing…”
Simon’s mouth opened and closed as he searched for words while Y/N continued to glare at the wall. His hands had fallen from holding Simon, instead resting with his fingers intertwined over his stomach. The blonde took in a sharp breath.
“Good, I don’t want it to be either,” He said, pulling off his mask and setting it and the lube beside him before cupping Y/N’s face in his hands. “So take me out for lunch tomorrow, yeah?” Y/N looked up at him, his eyes darting around his face in search of a lie, nodding his head upon finding none. Ghost patted his cheek and leaned down to kiss him softly. He hummed in appreciation and wrapped his arms around Simon’s waist again.
He let one of his hands trail down to cup Simon’s ass, loathing the sweats that covered him. Ghost caught on and got off of Y/N and started to remove his pants and boxers, Y/N followed suit and sat up, propping himself on his forearm and reaching out to Ghost with his other arm. Ghost climbed back onto the bed, straddling Y/N’s hips once more.
Popping off the cap to the lube, Ghost poured a generous amount onto his fingers, closing it and tossing it aside as he coated them in the viscous liquid. Y/N watched him with a look that Sumon couldn’t describe quite right. A mix of both adoration and admiration. It had Ghost feeling a little embarrassed, but it wasn’t a bad thing. Quite the opposite.
He brought his hand behind him, the other planting itself firmly on Y/N’s lower stomach, and rubbed his fingers over his entrance.
“Wait,” Y/N said, Ghost looking down at him. He was squeezing his waist tightly. “I wanna do it. Can I?”
Simon’s breath hitched, but he nodded and grabbed the bottle of lube again, handing it to Y/N who eagerly opened it and poured it into his hand, not bothering to close it before tossing it aside. He sat up, forcing Ghost to sit in his lap, and snaked his hand underneath the blonde, pressing the pads of his fingers against his entrance. He slid in his middle finger easily, Ghost sighing at the pressure inside of him and gripping Y/N’s shoulders tightly. Y/N pushed his finger in and out of Ghost slowly, adding a second finger soon after.
At this point, Ghost had his hand covering his mouth. Y/N was spreading him open so carefully, slowly scraping his soft insides with his rough fingers and blunt nails. Y/N didn’t pick up on the impatience that was growing in the man before him. He was enthralled with the tight heat that was enveloping his fingers, entrance squeezing him as he added another. Ghost craned his neck, resting his forehead on Y/N’s shoulder as he curled his fingers and spread them again. He held Y/N’s bicep in a vice grip, digging his fingernails into the flesh as he panted against Y/N’s hot skin.
The little breathy moans that were barely audible fueled Y/N. His cock twitched from lack of stimulation, but his pleasure was not a priority. He was focused solely on Simon, who had begun rocking his hips back on Y/N’s fingers slowly.
He picked up the pace of his gentle movements, opting to thrust into him harder, curling his fingers as he went, subsequently massaging his prostate. Ghost was grunting quietly and buried his mouth into the crook of Y/N’s neck, biting to silence himself while the other held his upper back to keep him stable. Ghost closed his eyes tight, letting go of the H/C’s neck and turning to kissing and sucking hickeys onto the S/C skin again. Y/N was working him open so well, every button in him being pressed, every switch pulled. It was intoxicating.
Ghost bit Y/N’s Adam's apple lightly, sucking a hickey on it after. He dug his fingers into Y/N’s H/C hair and pulled his head back, the latter pausing his movements and looking into Simon’s eyes.
“Stop fucking with me. Put it in,” He demanded, pulling the (Hair Type) tight to assert his point. Y/N moaned at the tension and nodded, sliding his fingers out of the man on top of him. He groaned at the feeling of being empty, but he pushed it aside and reached for the discarded bottle, sitting back and squirting a large amount of it onto Y/N’s aching cock. He gasped at the feeling, huffing as Ghost jerked him off a couple of times to spread it evenly.
Laying back again, Y/N placed his hands on Simon’s thighs and glanced up at him through his eyelashes, E/C eyes meeting Simon’s own. He held the base of Y/N’s dick and adjusted himself to press the tip to his entrance. He slowly lowered himself, pausing after about two inches were inside him. He spread his hands over Y/N’s stomach and hung his head as he sank further onto Y/N’s dick. His hair fell over his face, mouth agape, and his chest heaving with deep, raggedy breaths.
Y/N reached up and cupped Simon’s jaw, stroking his cheekbone with his thumb. He trailed back to grasp the back of his neck, carefully pulling him down to connect their lips again. The action caused Ghost to take Y/N into him completely, bottoming out while their chests pressed together. The blonde let out a hearty moan from deep in his chest, it is swallowed by Y/N’s mouth promptly after. Y/N’s hands moved down Simon’s body slowly, resting on either of his asscheeks and gripping them tightly, spreading them and adjusting himself to carefully thrust up into Simon’s tight hole.
“Ah, fuck!” He groaned, pulling away from Y/N to sit up again, grinding against Y/N. He carefully lifted himself up and down, panting quietly with his eyes shut tight.
The way he rocked his hips allowed Y/N’s cock to brush his prostate. The lack of a condom allowed Ghost to feel every inch of Y/N scraping inside of him. Every vein, the burning heat, the little twitches when he clenched around him.
Y/N was looking at him hazily, his eyes drifting around Simon’s body and eventually stopping upon meeting his gaze.
Ghost grunted as Y/N pulled him to his chest and flipped them over, still very much inside of him. Y/N kissed his collarbone.
“Oh, fuck! Not even a warning?!” Ghost moaned and slapped the back of Y/N’s head, pulling his hair to view his face. He bottomed out as Simon’s legs wrapped around him loosely.
“I’m sorry, Simon,” He whispered, kissing the corner of his mouth and cheek, burying his face in his neck again. Ghost grunted in response, running his hands over Y/N’s sweaty back and enjoying the feeling of his muscles under his fingertips.
“Keep going hard like that…” He muttered. It was just barely loud enough for Y/N to hear, immediately sat back and pulled out, flipping Ghost onto his stomach and lifting his lower half.
“Bear with me a moment,” Y/N said, reaching something that Ghost couldn’t see. He had his face buried in a pillow to hide his embarrassment of having his ass on display for the other man. Y/N squirted more lube onto Simon’s twitching entrance, shoving his cock in after. Ghost dug his fingers into the pillow and moaned deeply. The new angle allowed Y/N to fuck him deeper and harder, his prostate being stimulated while his own cock rubbed between his stomach and the bedsheets.
Y/N had Ghost laid flat on the bed, ass angled up with his legs spread while he thrusted into him with fervour. Y/N sat back a little and pulled Ghost somewhat into his lap, his face still buried in the pillow with his chest to the bed. Y/N held his hips tight in his hands as his hips slapped against Simon’s thick ass.
Ghost was nearly screaming into the pillow, tears brewing in his brown eyes as he bit the fabric between his teeth. It became wet with his saliva quickly, soon with a few tears that shed from the overwhelming pleasure he was receiving. Y/N snaked his hand around Simon’s front, grabbing his cock that was weeping pre-cum and began stroking it quickly.
“Aug!- Fuck, Y/N!” He cried, fisting the sheets and pillow as his legs shook.
“Ah, don’t squeeze too tight, I’ll cum,” Y/N said, a bead of sweat rolling down his forehead. Ghost moaned in response, bucking his hips into Y/N’s hand. He leaned forward and began planting kisses along Simon’s shoulders and upper back, engraving every sound he made into his mind.
“Cum- cumming!” Ghost moaned, muffled by the pillow between his teeth. Y/N let go of his hip and reached for him, grabbing him by the neck and pulling him up onto his knees. Y/N tilted his head and kissed him, holding his jaw while keeping up the pace of his thrusts and hand movements. Ghost dug his nails into Y/N’s skin as he came, his eyes rolling back and mouth opening in a silent scream. He jerked him off a few more times, slowing his thrusts until he stopped.
Cum coated Y/N’s hand, placing Ghost back on the bed and pulling out of him. Ghost turned over and looked at Y/N who was licking his hand clean of his cum.
“You’re disgusting,” He said, reaching for Y/N’s dick and holding it. Y/N moaned as Ghost stroked him a few times before sitting up slightly and moving to be in front of it.
Y/N watched in awe as Ghost took him into his mouth, sucking on the tip and slowly taking more down his throat while his hands fondled his balls and stroked what he couldn’t take inside his mouth. Y/N came quickly, coating Simon’s tongue in the bitter liquid. He pulled off of him with a sour face.
“Ah, I’m sorry!” Y/N said, cupping his hand in front of Simon’s face so he could spit out his semen. He did so, glaring at Y/N in the process. “I really am! I forgot to tell you.”
“I’m never sucking you off again.” Y/N whined at Simon’s statement, wiping his hand off on the sheets and working it off, leaving the fitted sheet and a thick blanket. Ghost laid down, turning away from Y/N and stealing most of the blanket.
Throwing the disgusting mess of sheets onto the floor, Y/N turned off the light and crawled under the blanket and pressed his chest against Simon’s back. He wrapped his arms around him, one hand resting over his heart.
“Goodnight, Simon,” Y/N whispered, kissing the back of his neck and staying there.
He hummed, taking Y/N’s hand in his and choosing to ignore the feeling of Y/N smiling against his skin.
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warmerstranger · 1 year
ft. yandere popular senior x gn junior reader
Inspired from the song, 'The secret about that girl' by E ve! But it's the gender-bend version of it (人*'∀`)。*゚+ would this be a songfic?
°°``Marked as and not excluding: Yandere (manipulative, boy trynna make you all jelly and shit, abuse of power, obsessive tendencies, blame pinning -not on reader-, stairs, broken bones and blood -not reader-), reader is referred as you, no beta read we die like daiki's sanity, also reader's kinda awkward and in denial of crushing </3 but that's not really the focus.
°°``2k+ words.
Recommended to read for those 16+, please proceed with caution.
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Standing near the school gate with the senior whom you always admire—Daiki Junichiro—was like a dream come true. The sun begun to set though its bright glare towards you was as strong; marking the night time that stalled for you who borrowed him just a bit. Because when you heaved out an 'I love you!', you were reminded of how this scene was similar to how those romance stories goes—too good to be true. But your pounding heart served as the living proof that this moment was indeed real.
Some school security guard commented without looking up from his newspaper. “A youthful love, huh. Good luck on that.”
Refraining from rolling your eyes, you pursed your lips instead. Hurriedly at the same time a pause was rooted in place, you sorted out a proper explanation from the disorganized words piling up inside your mind.
“Um wait, so please don't misunderstand first, I just want to understand my feelings by doing this on your.. poor self haha... It's confus—I mean I'm confused whether, I truly have a crush on you which is unconfirmed obviously.” you winked reassuringly. “or I just thought that you're amazing and I really actually think so..? Ah, whatever. In short, I just want to get to know you better, sorry in advance!” you bowed.
A chill breeze washed over the stretching silence, which felt more torturous as it went on before a hearty chuckle reverberated right from the dream boy himself. “Hah—haha.. I'm sorry. It's... very much out of nowhere, I was expecting for another mindless confession to occur. But it's a wrecked train that hit me instead, spilling your feelings on me so suddenly like that. Did that help you at least?”
You blinked, unbelieving of his smile that seemed so radiant when it blurred with the dusk hue. “..hmm, I don't know yet actually.. I'm, distracted by the fact that.. this is really.... Oh, wait, let me try another.” Breathing in, you exhaled on top of other sentences. “I'm really amazed by your.. charm which is because you always... work hard being the top student and still so humble, oh and also.. uh, I forgot what I want to say. I.. you get the gist of it, surely? This is like.. a test! Yeah, just a social experiment!”
He nodded, still keeping that same smile. “Thank you for the compliment. I'm sure I could hear it for hours because it feels the most genuine. ...I hope I can be of help to you, then? I'm sure, you're greater in ways even I, an upperclassman, can't presume. People tend to know more the strength of others than themself, so... It's possible if you just haven't learn it and hone the skill tha fits you the best. If you're still here living up to this point, there will come the time for you to know.” The senior patted your shoulder before raising his hand up beside his lips as a pondering gesture. Behind his studying eyes, you could feel your soul being read through.
It was a momentary vulnerability however when he spoke up again. “How about we have a study session together? I'll be glad to help any problems you might have. The advantages will return to both of us, I could have the experience and you could get the knowledge.”
“Great idea! More better than having me keep looking up to you, it's so boring...”
You tried to scan his face that still kept a friendly smile plastered on it, then continued your talking “I.. want to be hit, I mean, by the truth!... that you're also a human like me and you have some weak points. Anyway, yeah, I want to learn more of yourself as.. a human being rather than an example or idol, I guess.” Shrugging, you sighed with an exasperated smile.
He brought a hand to conceal his grin. “Ahaha, I appreciate the honesty. You have a good start from here on out, I believe in you that you can even become more better than me.”
“Hm, okay. Well...” you ambled outside the gate with him. “Thanks for the time you spent for me, senior. See you.. tomorrow?”
“Just call me Daiki, junior. Okay? Drop the honorifics from now on, we're friends. Meet you again tomorrow! Careful on your way home.” He waved which you replied with another.
Things picked up at a rather good point that you felt hopeful for another step forward.
The school bell rang, signaling that it was time for lunch. Almost everyone scurried outside the class leaving only you, your best friend, and few others. Gathering your things, you stuffed them into your bag so the table were clear. When you lifted your head, there was Junichiro already standing in front of your desk. “Hey, (name), do you mind if we spend the lunch time together?”
You turned to her from your side who was accompanied by a stony face like usual. Seeing a new face, the senior reckoned. “Ah, you must be their friend? I'm Junichiro from Class 3-7, glad to meet you! If you want, you can join too, I wouldn't dare to separate you guys!” he chuckled.
She nodded. “Harune Risumi.” Before addressing you. “Lunch, your choice.”
Since you were used to having Harune around, you accepted the offer without hesitation.
“Alright.” He grinned gleefully in return.
No matter how much the conversation randomly turned out, he ended up talking the most. You and him realized when Harune made an effort to chat more—guiding the topic back on him—that Junichiro had been asking so many things about you. It prompted him to apologize because he was just really excited to know you. Only then did he begun to expand the topic related to him, while still connecting with how or what would your opinion be. But you somehow could feel the distaste about some other students he mentioned... or was it your imagination?
ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ... ♫♬♪
After school ended, you set foot into a restful cafe; abiding his advice as it would be good to study in an enjoyable environment.
Now that the ordering business was out of the way, you took out and laid the needed materials on the table. The most difficult problems were written on your notebook. A topic had then arisen in your mind when you missed his frown as if dissatisfied.
“Wh-” “He-”
You blinked, slowly registering that you cut him off. “Sorry, you can go first, senior.”
“What about we cool off our mind a bit here before starting?” he smiled softly.
“Oh, sure. I'll do it while I gather my thoughts and prepare some questions.” you nodded before sipping your drink.
Concentrating intently on your topic ideas from earlier, you were unaware of how his eyes examined every slightest miniscule of change in your expression, assuming he was just looking down at the strewn notebooks on the table like you.
▶ • ılıılıılılılı ɪ ᴊᴜsᴛ ʀᴇᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀᴇᴅ, ᴊᴜsᴛ ʀᴇᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀᴇᴅ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴏғ ᴄᴏᴜʀsᴇ ɪ’ᴍ ʙᴀʀᴇʟʏ ʜᴇʀᴇ, ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ, ᴏʀ ᴀɴʏᴡʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀᴛ ᴀʟʟ
Questions were soon traded back and forth. The utmost knowledge spilled by him; some things becoming more clear and ended up making sense. Various complains also slipped out from the two of you about the most annoying thing from some subjects. You both even laughed on silly pet peeves or habit certain teachers had.
Discreetly, he took note of that where his memory would be tested to repeat the exact words you said into the locked diary on his phone.
“It'd be good if we could still be friends even after you graduate, huh, senior?”
Daiki nodded. He will be sure to make that happen, it was an oath swore within his heart full of warmth about you to the brim.
▶ • ılıılıılılılı ɪ ᴡᴀɴɴᴀ ᴛᴏ ᴛᴀʟᴋ ᴛᴏ ʏᴏᴜ, ᴛᴀʟᴋ ᴛᴏ ʏᴏᴜ sᴏ ʟᴏɴɢ. ᴛᴇʟʟ ʏᴏᴜ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴜᴍʙ ᴛʜɪɴɢs ᴛʜᴀᴛ ɪ ᴛʜɪɴᴋ ᴜɴᴛɪʟ ᴅᴀᴡɴ.
Passing by weeks full of study sessions which were slowly changing to be only a bonding time, you started to get cozy indulging in the same tradition over and over.
All the times learned about Daiki; weaknesses, mistakes, and others while he found out yours was making your rose-tinted view of this 'perfect' upperclassman recreated to a realistic one.
That was the good thing.
The bad thing was you developed a blooming post-crush towards him that left you this urge to take the next step in a relationship with him, pushing you to refuse his next study session invitation with an explanation to end the tradition. You don't think you were ready to have things even more at risk and crumble if you were to confess. On top of that, his feelings for you does seem to regard you as his junior only...
“We don't need to have the studying session ordeal anymore. I think we already learn enough from it. We can still be good friends at least, um... To hang out once in a while?” you uttered out the words hesitantly, tone faltering near the end.
Stunned, he then frowned before suddenly smiling close-eyed. “Really? I'm glad if that's the case then! Of course we can, my offer to help are always open though!”
▶ • ılıılıılılılı ᴀɴᴅ ʏᴏᴜ’ʀᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴏɴʟʏ ᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ɪ ɴᴇᴇᴅ ɴᴏᴡ ᴀɴᴅ ᴀʟᴡᴀʏs, ɪ ᴅᴏɴ’ᴛ ɴᴇᴇᴅ ᴀ ɢʀɪᴘ ᴏɴ ʀᴇᴀʟɪᴛʏ.
“No. I mean, nah, don't need to.. All those lessons.. helped me a lot! So, I want you to.. just focus catching up.. the things in your life I guess? You would graduate soon anyway! I would be happy if I can help you too, in case you need any. Thanks for everything, senior! Goodbye!”
You didn't see the early signs—a displeased frown and pair of eyes that were boring into your back...
Not long after, slowly but surely he chose to avoid you in public for unknown reasons. Keeping his distance, shortening most talks to a brief greeting.
“Damn, screwed up big time...” you plopped yourself over the table, as Harune's look swept over you in a raised brow.
“Your feeling?”
Your head turned to the side where Harune stared back, resting her head sideway on her table.
“Well... I feel like it's not fair, just because I often spend my time with him and liking him, then if I go out telling him that I have feelings for him... Things might change. He might feel really.. uncomfortable? Awful? etcetera. Man... and you see how he acts with me now, maybe he caught on to me.”
▶ • ılıılıılılılı ɪ’ᴍ sᴇᴇɪɴɢ sɪᴅᴇs ᴏғ ʏᴏᴜ ɪ ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ ᴋɴᴇᴡ ʙᴜᴛ sᴛɪʟʟ ᴛʜɪɴᴋ
Listening your explanation, she hummed. “About him?”
“Well I'm not him—”
Harune sat up. “Discuss. Investigate. You can try.” She scowled, her eyes held resolution. “Things are going in a wrong turn.” she muttered.
Together, you advanced on searching the person in question with a newfound determination, supported by your friend. But, he wasn't at all in his class. A girl near the class door then spoke to you. “You should know by now if you're his friend, he likes to be invited by someone who wants to confess so they're probably behind the gym building again or somethin'.”
So you then reached the said place only to discover he wasn't there. Harune speaks up. “Ask around, let's.”
Splitting off from her, you explored for possible hidden places. On your way back inside the school building, some whisper of your last name catched your ears making you stop right around the corner.
“It's real, the rumors ab...t ... and Junichiro, they were ..ing it in the student council room beca... ... meeting ... ” The voice were getting distant so you hurried over to a room on third floor.
Now, you stood outside the farthest room at the corner of hall which had a 'Student Council' tag hovering above its door.
Weighing up the choices, a sound of lock from inside decided it for you as the door was opened by the person himself.
Junichiro's bewildered widening look met your eyes, his gaze switching off faintly to a torn expression as he murmurs out a “..missed you.” you barely heard.
..Um.. uh, can we talk?” you asked.
“Sorry, I'm in a hurry, maybe later?” he mustered up a wry smile.
“Oh, y-yeah that's—”
He brushed off past you so suddenly you didn't get the chance to stop him. Turning away from him, you saw someone else sitting inside the room; a student from another class stared at nothing in particular with their mouth hung open a bit. “Whywhy...”
Your curiousity brought you closer to them but they suddenly screamed. “Go AWAY! Wh—” The moment they looked up to you, a realization sparked in them that they glared. “You.. you ruined my life! Can't you be gone from my liFE! Because of you—” They harshly pushed away your side and ran away.
You then took your steps out soon, again continuing to seek him out by entering directions he might had gone to and finally spotted him from far when the first hour bell already rang off.
▶ • ılıılıılılılı ᴡɪᴛʜᴏᴜᴛ ʏᴏᴜ, ɪ-ɪ-ɪ ᴄᴏᴜʟᴅɴ’ᴛ ᴋᴇᴇᴘ ᴍʏ ʜᴇᴀᴅ sᴛʀᴀɪɢʜᴛ
Those multiplying rumors about him dating with people here and there who were either your look-alikes, had your features or name similarity didn't help your judgment either. People were also avoiding you, even portraying you in all sort of colorful words they gossiped about.
And two scene you witnessed settled it. Two times you saw him kissing two different people which you recorded and kept in your phone as precaution measures.
You racked your mind thoroughly, thinking what could possibly the reason and cause that pushed things to go this way. Poor thing you are, unaware of how his mind raced with scenarios of doing all kind of things to you if you were to replace their place. But he wouldn't do that, no, he was your perfect senior after all and things were best that way instead for him, for you. Or perhaps, he was simply feeling spiteful.
One evening at school similar to that time you first time 'confessed' to him, you confronted Junichiro in a locked room and having Harune guard it. That way, you would finally make him fess up no matter what.
Taking a deep breath, he calmly explained. “Around that time after you left, someone... dragged me off to somewhere. I think that person eavesdropped on us, and she thought... she could do whatever she wanted! By restricting my freedom to interact with you along with ways of trying to make you jealous. Or she'll...” He gripped your shoulders. “-Risumi will share negative rumors that could ruin your reputation. There's already some leaked, though, I'm sorry,” his eyes were down, wavered in a thin veil of sadness.
Keeping your mouth shut as you thought deeply, you answered. “That's unbelievable.. I...”
“I know, it must be really.. shocking for you especially since...” He shook his head slowly. “This is part of why I don't... I'm afraid to tell you.”
Unease were eating at you, so you played along with him for a bit until you went with Harune to some hidden place and telling all you knew. She proved with certainty; her alibi. She was your best friend for years even before going to the same high school together.
The truth was already obvious by that point.
Deciding to keep this between you and her, you both were going to report everything to the teacher along with prove and complete alibi.
The signs were there, but you didn't pay them much attention. That flawless image of him that he always kept up...
When you descended the stairs down with her, she fell down. Pushed.
You knew it instantly as you feel the realization dawning on you. What just transpired...
Blood leaked from her head, peeking from strands of hair, pooling under and—
“Maybe I overdid it a, huh. But I just had to. I figured she might the problem...” a voice cut in. The voice you knew very well and had grown to like. It was revealed when the voice's source walked down to approach it.
He stared at you deeply, his face blank in the dim stairwell. “Is this thing still your dear friend? Looks a bit wretched to me.”
The accident soon spread like wildfire. But with his serious expression and unshaken voice again, Junichiro cleared up everything; that it was only an accident in purpose of self-defense as she tried to harm him. His words were supported by another big lie accusing that your best friend was the villain all along because her 'motive' made sense. Smooth but powerful—the effect he held. He ended it with a confession, causing you and him to be known as a couple.
Even your school swept that incident under the rug and sealed it shut by money. Everyone was done with it. Only you knew the truth, keeping it as a treasure saved for Harune.
Like today, too, you clutched her pale hand as she lied on her white hospital bed. Your loving boyfriend put his hand over yours, but you ignored the sweet nothings he whispered that could only cut through your already wilting heart.
A demon in angel's shape you want nothing to do with anymore.
ɪғ ᴛʜɪs ɪs ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴇʏ ᴄᴀʟʟ
ʟᴏᴠᴇ, ᴛʜᴇɴ ɪ ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ’ᴠᴇ
ʟɪᴋᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ᴛʜᴀᴛ sᴏᴏɴᴇʀ...
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yandere-sins · 4 months
I've been reading your orca stories, and Nerrokan is my favorite. Would you ever consider writing a short POV of how the sirens respond to Bad End 3.2?
It doesn't feel like Krill or Lyr like reader outside of being a plaything, but with Nerrokan it's harder to tell at that point in the story. They do seem to have some sort of feeling at that point already though?
(Reading heavily into the "Human, let's sleep over it" line where Nerrokan seems to be warning reader that staying is a bad choice.)
Thank you for reading my stories and enjoying them! However, I don't think I will make another story addition to that, sorry. :')
But I can give some thoughts on what I think is the outcome.
If you are asking about how they'd react to the reader trying to drown themselves, I will have to disappoint you, very few of my stories would actually go that way—I'm more of a "there is no escape" kinda gal. Reader would probably be picked up by some orca and be brought back to the community spot all like "I found you, you're so clumsy! But no wonder since you're a human."
It's a big pack, even if reader wishes that their eyes aren't on them all the time ^^'
So yeah, drowning is not an option and the orcas definitely won't be happy with the mishap, becoming much less confident in leaving the darling with the others and starting to take turns staying with the darling. Which is only making them more depressed in the long run since Lyr and Krill are somewhat 'eh' about their time with the darling unless it involves something fun for them too, like mating. Only Nerrocan likes to actively spend time, take them to the surface, chill in the sun, teach them orca tradition, and make them happy etc.
As we discovered in their stories, Lyr and Krill really don't harbor deeper feelings for this mate, but I suppose it's a bit like an arranged marriage—you develop your new normal and come to terms with each other. However, since Nerrocan is mated to them, the rest of the orcas just assume that goes for all three. Especially since they are so protective and still respected in the pack.
Lyr would never have another child with this human and probably move on to his dolphin!mate at some point.
Between Krill and Nerrocan, if there is another child, it would probably be Nerrocan's. Simply because he treats his mate better and is involved so they might actually develop a closer relationship. Which in turn leads to Krill's mother finally being dethroned, but even though we didn't get to see much from her, Nerrocan's mom isn't much better as a leader.
Krill would also probably come to resent Nerrocan and his aunt for it, and eventually the human and his own child. Strangely, he can't get over the death of his own mom despite wanting nothing more than to be rid of her. It's a pride thing and the fact that he suffers from the demotion the most.
As for your last point, Nerrocan did want reader not to make a hasty decision because he had already planned on taking them away. Them agreeing and giving themselves to the others was fatal to his plan so he wanted them to 'sleep over it'. He couldn't proceed to execute it once their life were too entangled with everyone's and perhaps he also didn't want to. He got to be with them regardless, even though them growing more and more depressed inevitably hurts him too.
Hope this gave you some ideas for the continuation! Thank you again for reading ♥
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eyewol · 3 months
Mari's relationship with the Ivory household
I planned for it be generalized as a whole, but I feel like it'd be more fun if I gave them separate perspectives of one another. The post is long... again; I get a bit passionate with writing sometimes. Do enjoy reading though.
➷ Mari and Randal ♛ | 3% and 73%
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➷ Mari hates Randal. She despises him. That 3% is just generosity speaking. (Imagine escaping to be free, only to be trapped in someone's house and becoming their pet)
➷ She'd rather be far away from him. Being around non-humans scares her, fearing that she'd be cannibalized one day.
➷ Whenever he's around, she goes into this little act and pretends to be chill with it but when it gets tiring, she'd wander off or hide into a small space where she could fit and get out without problem.
♛ He knows she hates him. How could he not when people at his school does too, and I believe that—back then—there was at least a few good souls that tried to give him a chance but ended up all the same. He recognizes that act anywhere.
♛ He sees it as some sort of game, to see how far until she breaks or explodes out of anger. It's fun for him to see her hold back. Humans are interesting, aren't they?
➷ Mari and Sebastian ☆ | 54% and 55%
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➷ Sebastian is alright in her books, though  she'd sometimes question if he really is human after finding out that he's been there for months before she arrived.
➷ She commends him for being able to eat most of the questionable stuff that Randal gives them, claiming it to be "food" (She would rather eat paper than that disgusting abomination. Even the slop from the slaughterhouse would've been more appetizing)
☆ He's relieved that there's another human in the house, but not so close with her. Kinda wished that they were but she's always distant.
☆ Kinda creeped out when he found her staring at the wall for who knows how long, or that time when he witnessed her being able to tell whose footsteps belong to who.
➷ Mari and Luther ♚ | 23% and 64%
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➷ Out of all of the members she hates, Luther is highest on the somewhat tolerable list. Her only problem with him is that he's unpredictable and unreadable.
➷ His uncanny appearance really bothers her but so far, he has not done anything too bad to make her really hate him.
➷ He reminds her of one of the employees in the slaughterhouse that she used to be in, which subconsciously made her behave more out of habit.
♚ Quite a lovely pet, don't you think? A stray from the outside, brought in by his brother. How nice! She doesn't seem to be troublesome, unlike someone (Sebastian).
♚ She does seem to hide and wander a lot, he would have to assign one of his catmen to keep an eye on her in case she gets lost or get trapped somewhere around the house.
♚ A welcomed addition to the family since she knows how to clean things up without the need to be told; he notices that she's not a fan of spills.
➷ Mari and Nyen ♠︎ | 10% and 16%
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➷ The feeling is mutual; doesn't really like him all that much.
➷ Really hates his crude behavior, especially when he gave her that whole hierarchy spiel, just like when Sebastian first arrived in the house.
➷ She could feel his stare, his footsteps are near. It irritates her that he's keeping an eye on her. She feels like he knows what she's up to.
♠︎ Nyen is suspicious of Mari. A quiet human who wanders off to who knows where, and the fact that his master told him to keep an eye on her is telling him something.
♠︎ Tolerates her enough but could care less, similar to how he tolerates Nyon.
♠︎ She doesn't bother him, nor does he bother her as well. They'd talk sometimes but only if it's necessary; very short conversations.
➷ Mari and Nyon ◆ | 40% and 45%
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➷ She sometimes forgets that he exists. He's so quiet, but that's a good thing for her.
➷ Mari doesn't see him much as a threat, but if he does, the hammer hidden inside one of her costume's leg would do the trick.
➷ Doesn't like the smell of weed on him tho, reminds her so much of the stuff that they'd give to the other humans in the slaughterhouse before they are dragged and never to return again.
◆ He doesn't have a lot of opinions on her other than that she likes to roam around and would catch her staring into space.
◆ They'd sometimes just sit in silence together and watch whatever is being played on the tv. 
◆ His master told him to keep an eye on her when he can: stop her from eating paper, wandering off to dangerous sections of the house, to hiding in such cramped spaces. He's kind of worried.
➷ Mari and Nana 𓆗 | 1% and 2%
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➷ She hates that snake to her core, she almost lost her life to that woman while trying to be familiar with the layout of the house.
➷ She had never felt so much dread and fear in her life. Adrenaline rushed to her head because the next thing she knew, she's still alive but bruised, hammer in her hand and running until her legs burn.
𓆗 She ruined her beautiful face! How dare that clown ruin her perfect complexion!
𓆗 Nana couldn't believe that human had the gall and audacity to aim at her face and bruise it. When she gets her, she won't let anyone stop her from eating that clown.
➷ Mari and Kitty Carpet 𓃠 | 86% and 52%
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➷ Why does she have her face? How is she here? Wasn't she supposed to be dead?
➷ Upon first sight, Mari was in great denial before she eventually came around and got attached without even knowing it despite her efforts not to.
➷ During her walks around the house, she'd always keep an out for a certain orange cat and find comfort from her.
𓃠 Doesn't really know who she is or why she visits her a lot, but the company is welcomed nonetheless.
𓃠 Kitty likes their interactions, would come over to her whenever she recognizes that white and grey black-spotted outfit anywhere.
𓃠 She doesn't mind getting pampered, it's nice to be petted.
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rayshippouuchiha · 6 months
Sorry Ray, this is the anon that sent a message asking for permission to ramble vaguely spoiler-y info about my favorite character at you ages ago. Not sure if you even remember, since it’s been a few weeks since you gave the go-ahead. It took me a while to get all my thoughts in order, because at any given time I will start spontaneously frothing at the mouth over thoughts of this character but I’ve never tried to put all of those feelings into words at once, so I kinda procrastinated a bit that first day, and then work got freaking CRAZY and I just couldn’t even get back to it until now. I think I was finally able to put it all together in a way that kinda makes sense, so here it is at long last. I do have to warn you it's gonna get pretty long though, so get ready, bc here we go.
Let me paint a picture of the scenario for you. We’ll start by imagining the typical "Groundhog day" deal; usually we can expect the people involved to be classified into two categories – first, the main character, who remembers everything and whose actions cause (and eventually stop) the loops, and then everyone else around them, who all remember nothing and don't even notice anything except for the "final" timeline.
Following the typical Groundhog Day tropes, we could expect our main character to either wish for the loop/wake up in it or some other such situation, then spend the remainder of their time in it trying out various different scenarios and getting into a whole host of shenanigans trying to escape it, while the rest of the cast react in various ways, usually starting out funny/light-hearted, then sad or angry as our MC fucks up more and more, then finally all becoming happy by the “final loop” where the MC gets their shit together and achieves the loop-ending conditions (usually by making everyone happy). In this particular piece of media I’m so obsessed with, however, our MC is not trying to escape the loop – they’re delighting in it.
We the “audience” don’t realize the true horror of such a thing at first, because we’re delighting in the joy of every one of the (masterfully crafted) characters reaching their happy ending, but it turns out that for the person with the time powers, finding the “happily ever after” is not enough. They’re used to the power of the loop now, are in full control of it, and are having the time of their life finding out just what happens whenever they try to change anything. They’ve been at it for so long that the people trapped in the loop with them have stopped mattering, and they’ve gone on to try literally everything they can think of to try, up to and including killing everyone, because they figure why should they care? No one would remember anyway, so they get to use their time powers to the fullest, no consequences, right?
Except, no, not in this case. Because there is a third category of character in this particular Groundhog day nightmare; one person trapped in the loop, but not controlling it, who knows.
At first, both MC and us the “audience” don’t know this. This character acts like a carefree, goofy, lazy jokester, pulling pranks and making puns, generally having laid-back fun all the time – the last person you’d expect to be going through something so awful. But pretty soon, signs start to appear that there’s more to him than meets the eye. If you watch him veeery carefully, it looks like he might have some kind of power over time and/or space? And then he gives a sort of cryptic warning that makes you go hmmm but then stop thinking about, because he goes right back to pulling harmless practical jokes on people as if nothing’s wrong.
But then there’s a sudden shift – he tells the MC that if he hadn’t promised the opposite they would have been dead already. It is an incredibly chilling moment, seeing this generally laid-back guy become downright menacing, but even then, some of the people seeing this unfold might not yet realize the horror of his situation because this happens during one of the “kinder”, initial loops. They might wonder why he would say such a thing, either not yet understanding the implications of the MC’s power or not getting where his hostility could come from, since up to that point he mostly behaves in pretty much the same friendly fashion. Other people can end up thinking he’s being too harsh, because the MC is using their powers for good, right?
Pretty soon, as we watch more loops unfold where the MC gets increasingly violent, we end up seeing that thought is wrong, and they absolutely deserve his hatred. Even so, this guy’s response to the ever-escalating brutality is actually… way too chill? Most other people in the world try to fight back at one point or another, but he never does. In fact, unless the MC has actively killed his family in that particular loop, he never stops acting friendly, even when other friends and acquaintances have died. This is of course, very intriguing, and we can’t help but wonder what his deal is as we go along this journey.
Then we reach the worst possible scenario, where the MC has killed every single person for miles around, and when he makes a final stand to try to stop them once and for all, we find out the whole truth - He reveals that he has known what the MC has been doing all along, has been dealing with similar loops for a long time, and as a result has become somewhat nihilistic.
After all, he has been at the mercy of this person (and their predecessor with a similar power) for an incredibly long time. Just, imagine what that would do to a person. This is not your typical “Groundhog day”; it’s not limited to a few loops lasting a week at most. Remember, these people are actively trying to do literally everything that could possibly be done. They’ve not only tried every iteration of everything there is to do in this place, but also talked to and killed every person in every possible combination, just to see how their loved ones or acquaintances react, to the point where they no longer see them as people. How long would that take? Depending on how creative and determined they were, it could have taken years, especially if they spent several days or weeks on every loop, as they surely would have.
Just imagine, what do you do, if you know time is looping, but it could take days, weeks, months, or years, before time loops back around to the “starting point”, but you never know and have no way to tell or predict when any loop will end? You can expect everything you know and worked for so hard for the past however long to disappear, just like that, like a snap of your fingers, and you have to accept it. There is nothing you can accomplish, you have no power to do anything. Any effort can be reversed, at any given time, at some points for no reason you can understand because everyone was happy, but still this being, this… uncaring demigod, resets again. And again. And again. So nothing you do matters, nothing you try changes anything in the long run, not really, because this apathetic, unsympathetic, almost sociopathic person controlling the lives of you and everyone around you cares about One Thing, and one thing only; their own enjoyment. Their curiosity. The “need” to know what happens. A need that drives them to do the unthinkable time and time again. Because, again, who cares? As far as they know, no one can remember, no one will know, there are no consequences. So they loop, and they loop, and they loop, over and over and over, until it must have been decades, maybe even centuries, since the loops started.
And I just, whenever I think too hard about this piece of media, and this character, and what you can find out about him, it wrecks me, okay? It just, destroys me. Because when we think about it, taking all of this into account, his behavior makes perfect sense. Characters around him talk about how he gives only the bare minimum effort, call him lazy, but of course he is. Of course being caught in an eternally-looping hell cycle would wreck your motivation, because why put anything beyond the minimum required effort into anything, if it could all be lost in an instant with no warning? Why try to stop this person, if any progress towards that goal could be turned back whenever the person with the time powers wishes? Also, of course he acts aloof and laid-back - he seems to have taken refuge in apathy, trying to show that he cares as little as possible, because how would caring help except for making him hurt more?
How do you process all of that? Even if he doesn't completely remember (and we have no way to know whether he does or not, because why would he let the MC [and the audience with them] know that he remembers, when they might use that against him just to see how he reacts to further loops? I know I wouldn’t), how do you deal with the knowledge, the weight of thousands of lives lived and lost, thousands of deaths for yourself and everyone you love that you can't help, that you can't stop, that you have no way to control or prevent, that no effort made and no dream fulfilled ever matters because nothing lasts? How do you stay sane?
But that’s not all! Now, the hidden hostility is the one that makes sense, while the friendliness he showed most of the time is the questionable one. Why bother acting so inviting? Turns out, as we find out during that last terrible fight, that it’s because he figured that maybe this person that has caused him so much pain, this individual whom he should see as an unfeeling demon, might be doing all of this because they were unhappy. He was secretly hoping they could be friends, so they would be so happy they became satisfied with their reality and let time run its course. And doesn’t that just break your heart? Even after everything, he hasn’t lost his caring heart, even showing at times that he’s worried about this monstrosity that has the potential to doom him, that he can never know which facet he’s going to get next; the friend or the killer. He sees this person who has caused untold amounts of pain to him and everyone he knows, but he still held on to hope that they might change, that they could be better, that the friend he found in the kinder loops was lying there beneath the surface somewhere; so he offered food and laughs and friendship and hoped for the best. GODDAMNIT *pounds fists against the walls*
Extra-heartbreaking fact: We can find out later that he has a way to keep track of events between loops – a place exclusively for him that time cannot touch. During one of the happier loops, where everyone’s dream gets fulfilled, he gets a picture with all of his friends and family together, including the abomination that made it possible, and he places it in the only location where the loops will not erase it - because he wants to remember this forever even if it hurts, even if the loops reset and they lose the memories, he wants to keep this… which means we know for certain that if the MC decides to reset time after reaching the happiest possible future he definitely knows they betrayed him. I am in agony goddammit. Like, I just imagine how he felt the times when the anomaly resets the loop and does it all again; everyone’s dream is fulfilled, everyone is happy, and he races back to that place, to put a picture commemorating the happiest day of his life in a spot where it will never go away… but there’s already an identical picture there. Can you imagine how that would feel? This person who’s earned your trust has betrayed you, maybe even a thousand times over, and whatever they said they feel this time they don’t care, they can’t, not really, or they wouldn’t have done something like this. It’s awful why am I thinking about this again why am I doing this to myself asdfghsrgsdfd *crying screaming frothing at the mouth*
Okay, going back to his final stand, knowing everything we know now, why does he try to stop the MC in that final battle, if nothing matters? Simple; turns out if the MC succeeds and murders everyone, they’d get strong enough to end time itself, and despite it all, even though he’s dealing with what must be severe depression, even though he holds no hope for himself and has nothing he looks forward to, he still wants the best for his family and friends. He still cares about them, wants them to have at least a chance to be happy, even if it’s just temporary, so much so that he’s willing to use every last bit of his considerable powers, every trick up his sleeve, every ounce of willpower still in his body to fight what he knows is an unwinnable battle, over and over and over, just on the one in a thousand chance that he can force the anomaly to stop, or convince them to try any other possibility. It just explodes my brain every time I take even a second to think about it *weeps*
Anyway, thus end my entirely-too-long rant about my favorite piece of media and character. Hopefully you enjoyed it even a little. Maybe think of it as an AO3 oneshot in this trying times? Lol
Thanks for hearing me out, love ya!❤️
Forgot to add one thing to my crazy long rant about my favorite character just now (see the previous “Groundhog day” ask if you need context sorry but I just had to add this):
It doesn’t help my obsession that I see people misinterpret him so often. It’s infuriating; they fall for the mask he wears and the role he plays, the ways in which his circumstances have forced him to act, they say “he’s so strong, how could he be so apathetic? How dare he not try from the beginning to stop this nightmare?” or “wow he’s still so aloof even when his friends die, he really doesn’t care about anyone but himself” and I’m just like… are we looking at the same person? Are we interpreting the same piece of media? Where have they been? How have they not noticed the million little ways in which he shows he cares? He clearly appears to be coping with serious mental health issues; he wants nothing, finds it hard to do anything but joke or sleep, may be eating less, doesn’t bother with getting anything for himself, and doesn’t seem to be able to honestly find anything to look forward to most of the time. He is a deeply hurt individual struggling basically alone (because no one else is aware and they can’t be made to remember, not for long) to survive a horrifyingly bleak situation but still he makes sure his family has everything they could possibly want or need, still takes care of his friends to the best of his ability, still makes sure to bring joy to others even when he admits he can no longer feel it himself, still finds it in himself to care about the “harbinger of doom” (so to speak), and is still a fundamentally kind person, who cares so, so much despite his best efforts to the contrary and I just- I love him, I love him so so much, and it makes me so angry how others fall for his façade of apathy and brand him as uncaring. He deserves the world, I know he’s fictional but I’d die for him.
Ok, NOW I’m done. Sorry again, just made an already long ass rant even longer lmao but tbh I have no regrets I feel free uwu
I can tell that this has got you by the entire soul and after reading this I honestly can't blame you because hot damn that's a lot.
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celestialaviva · 7 months
I'm curious, what relationships headcanons do you have for the Alan Becker characters?
For example, what is the relationship between the Hollow Heads/Color Gang? Or do you have any ships?
Sorry if I'm annoying, I'm just really curious!
You're alright!
To be honest with you, I mostly consume AvA/M content than create my own headcanons ^^;;;
That is to say, I don't think too hard about mine? They just. Float around, and come up whenever I draw something and I just go, "Ah yes. That is them."
I don't ship anyone and mostly see the CG as best friends who live together like a family. Not totally siblings but just. Just found family? It's very hard to describe but here's some duos:
Orange and Green - I see them as creative rivals. Also kinda see them as the responsible ones of the group- even though I actually headcanon Orange to be younger than the four, he just has responsible one vibes lmao. They're said to be close since they're the first to make contact with each other, and I imagine Green was at first responsible (sort of) for Orange for a little while in the beginning until Orange became confident and comfortable enough around the group. I feel Orange interacts with Green the most in the group because of this.
Green and Blue - They hang around each other a lot, and that kinda makes me think that they always did even before meeting Orange. Minus Orange, they seem to be the ones with eyes for detail in the group, so they likely bond over that too sometimes. They look after each other often, checking in on each other. Green's impatience and Blue's pacifism clash sometimes, but they almost always seem to be on board with each other's ideas.
Green and Yellow - They like to one up each other especially in competitions. I feel they annoy each other the most and are spiteful of each other. But, I can see them just having each other's backs anyhow. Chill when chill, unless either one of them disturbs the peace, yknow for fun. They are both mischievous for sure.
Yellow and Blue - I love this duo in canon! Even in the very early episodes, I've always loved that they seem close. Blue often being the emotional one and Yellow often being the one trying to comfort them. I don't know man, I see them as soft towards each other? But not afraid to mess with each other either.
Red and Yellow - Prankster duo. They enable each other's curiosity and terrible ideas. Though, I do think Yellow wouldn't always be on board. It's funny to me Yellow is more cautious while Red just goes straight into situations so Yellow unfortunately has to deal with that.
Red and Blue - I don't see them often together but I always find them so wholesome. They compete over little things, push each other playfully, and awe over cute animals. They're just. They wholesome
CG and Purple - I love the idea of Red and Green being the friendliest towards Purple. I mean, that's true in canon too, with Green especially. Blue and Purple would bond over plants. Yellow and Purple would bond over code, and be competitive with each other as well. With Orange, Im not sure? They're okay with each other I guess?
CG and Mango - Neutral, Im guessing. They're forgiving of a grieving old man/lh but would certainly not forget about the entirety of s3. Now whether or not Mango and Purple live together, I honestly do not know. I do like to think Purple is welcome to stay in Mango's home but they just go elsewhere often, whether to stay in minecraft or do some temporary job.
For the Hollowheads:
Chosen and Dark - They were best friends, and then fell out due to a misunderstanding. I don't really want to believe Dark is truly dead, but Chosen would unfortunately believe that. Angst™. Tbh I actually don't have much for them unless canon tells me more, so this is all I have.
Chosen and Orange - Siblings. I've always liked the idea Orange looks up to Chosen, and I guess Chosen would kinda be uncomfortable with that. And then AvA 6 ep 1 happened, so now Orange knows Chosen is a dork. A very caring older sibling dork. Who kidnapped and endangered him- but still.
I unfortunately have nothing for Victim. (Canon and Fanon)
This is messy, and I apologize profusely
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yakuzacanons · 9 months
Hope you’re well and that I’m not bothering you, is it okay if I request a sort of headcanony thing about Zhao where his S/O is Majima’s (adoptive?) daughter? Like if Majima was kinda overprotective, how’d he react when he finds out? Idk if this is weird or not thank you <3
SKSKSK this is so funny to me??? I've never done anything like this before so hopefully it's up to snuff n all that. Headcanons below. Last one for today, big sick rn.
First of all, Zhao just didn't know. Had he known, he would've been like "Listen, I'm pretty sure I got into a fistfight with your dad". In his defense, she wouldn't be surprised hearing that. Majima kind of gets into fights with LOTS of people.
Zhao isn't exactly scared of Majima but once he finds out his girlfriend's dad is Majima, he's like "...Okay, what now?" I mean, of course he knows he'll meet the guy eventually but what the heck are they going to say to each other?
On the flip side, Majima always knew his daughter would at some point grow up and probably eventually find a partner and even get married one day. He doesn't have a fatherly instinct in the same way that Kiryu does with Haruka but he does have that same protectiveness.
Majima would never demand that his daughter do or not do something, but he's seen her get heartbroken a couple of times before and it was only at the behest of his daughter that those guys weren't walking around missing an eye themselves right now. Of course, his daughter hasn't told Zhao about that yet...
In the end, they decide to invite Majima over for dinner at Zhao's place. They figured since Zhao's such a great cook and Majima is easily pliable with food, it's the best scenario. Plus, it's a private setting so they don't have to worry about being in public with Majima because... well, he's HIM.
Majima jokingly complains the whole way there, saying things like "Whaddya mean this guy's gonna cook dinner? If he's tryna impress me, it ain't gonna work!" Secretly, he's thinking it must be pretty serious if he's about to meet his daughter's boyfriend at the guy's house. And he's going to cook food too? He must be serious about his daughter then too...
Zhao doesn't come out to greet them as he's busy holding a giant ass wok in the kitchen. From the smell, Majima seems temporarily pleased but he's a little snippy about the fact Zhao didn't even come out to say hi. His daughter also goes to the kitchen to help Zhao plate the food. Meanwhile, Majima sits down grumbling to himself about manners and how the dinner better be damn good.
Once Zhao finally steps out of the kitchen and the two make eye contact, Majima literally just lets out a loud "ACK" and recognizes him immediately. Zhao just kind of waves hello casually. Majima just kind of sits there shocked for a little bit while his daughter fills up a plate for him and Zhao pours them all some tea.
Majima finally snaps out of it and starts making all kinds of noise about how come no one told him when his daughter said she was dating a guy named Zhao that it just so happened to be the same Zhao that he got into a fight with before the Omi dissolved. His daughter hands him his plate and in his noisy panic, he quickly snatches the plate out of her hands and haphazardly shovels some food into his mouth, still talking and yammering away.
He instantly realizes it was a mistake to doubt Zhao's cooking because the food immediately makes him shut up. His frenzy is placated with each bite and eventually he just kind of looks at Zhao and nods. In hindsight, despite having gotten into a fight with Zhao at one point, the guy always seemed pretty chill. Plus, he did help with dissolving the Omi... also, his clothes are kind of cool?
All in all, the night ends up going pretty well. Majima enjoys the food but to his surprise, and kind of to his daughter's surprise too, he enjoys the conversations with Zhao more. Seeing how genuinely happy his daughter was all the proof he needed though: this guy might be the real deal. Provided he doesn't get into a fist fight with him ever again.
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slashingdisneypasta · 4 months
I was re-reading our conversations related to Ben, and with the Toon Patrol VS Looney Toons posts you made, it got me thinking. Imagine if Bugs Bunny met and/or flirted with Poppy!
I'm guessing maybe they could've met at Poppy's work, with Bugs needing some kind of suit for an event or new show (I think I remember him in a maestros suit?). Or, if Stu is a fan of Warner Brothers, Poppy could take him to a meet and Greet! (I need to write more for Pop and Stu. They are so precious 🥹). But either way, I can imagine Poppy being shocked if the celebrity starts to flirt with her! Though maybe a part of her feels charmed, too. It's not everyday a star takes an interest in you (though, of course, if she's dating already she'll kindly turn him down ^^)
Imagine how the other weasels would react to this! Omg especially Psycho. Imagine if Poppy isn't even dating one (or two *cough*) of them. If so, maybe Bugs can charm her into a date?? Imagine Smartass getting all huffy she's dating an elite (he doesn't want to lose his friend). Imagine if they're crushing on her, they try to sabotage the date! I'm sorry, I've been buzzing about this for a bit XD
Ngl... I may or may not have a few thoughts related to Poppy x Bugs already 😅😅😅😅 he's the best of both worlds! Charmibg when he needs to be, and a cunning jerk.
I NEED TO KNOW ALL OF POPPY'S BOYFRIENDS REACTIONS TO BUGS FLIRTING WITH HER!! XDD I'm sure Ben takes it badly XD But how about Henry? Does he feel defensive?? Yes he's very charming- but no one's more charming then Bugs Bunny XD It would be so fun to see him get all protective over Poppy XDD
And yes- Bugs has all kindsof costumes, suits included!! XD I can totally see Poppy becoming Bugs' favourite seamstress! Imagine he goes to her all the time, even after she politely turns him down (Or... they dated once or twice, decided there was nothing between them, and parted amicably?? And she's still his favourite seamstress! So Poppy has this very famous, very mischievous ex who still hangs around that all her future boyfriends have to find out about and put up with XD). Imagine him introducing her to the Evil Queen later on XD He wants to do something nice for her for doing so much work for him over the years... and he also wants to see her all flustered XD What? He's a stinker XD
OH IMAGINE BUGS BEING ONE OF THE FIRST PEOPLE TO REALISE/FIND OUT POPPY'S BI. LIKE, HE SORT OF GETS A VIBE FROM HER, AND SINCE HE'S VERY PUBLICALLY OUT HIMSELF, WHEN HE ASKS HER SHE DOESNT IMMEDIATELY SHUT HIM DOWN. ... AND THEN HE INTRODUCES HER TO HILDA. He doesn't attempt to out her or anything, keeps the secret with grace (He's not THAT kinda stinker.), but that doesn't mean he doesn't lightly tease her.
But I'm getting off topic XD Anyway- I love this idea so much XDD I wish i could give you the weasels individual reactions to Poppy and Bugs dating but my brain is just ot working that way today- but rest assured it would be hilarious XD And Greasy and Psycho would for sure be the ones trynna sabotage it.
Wheezy s e e m s chill... but he doesn't trust this rabbit at-fucken-all. He knows his politics; he watches the most TV of the group 🤣 He's the one Poppy told where she was going, thinking she could trust him, and he told Greasy and Psycho- knowing they'd go and keep an eye on her at the very least XD Anything else they do?? Thats just a bonus. "Stu are ya sure ya don't wanna go with them?"
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batsplat · 3 months
let’s be shallow and objectifying, who’s the most handsome/attractive motogp rider, current grid and from the past, in your opinion??
so, an important caveat here is. I am a lesbian. obviously that means I'm the best-placed to give an accurate assessment on these matters and in many ways am the definitive authority... but there is perhaps a little bit of a tendency to just rate blokes highly if they meet the 'if you squinted could you trick yourself into thinking they were a woman' criterion. also not to get into the ins and outs of how sexuality works too much, but it does become more about persona for me when you've not got the same instant physical attraction? like how much are you into how they behave, into the vibes, into the complete package...
all of this obviously means that valentino automatically has a leg up as certified evil lesbian. everybody knows about the 125cc dyke years, but honestly if I squint I can still see it for much of his career (which btw is why personally the least attractive I think I've ever found him aren't any of the haircuts that everyone hates but his 2002 where he looked like 'just some guy'). shout out to his early yamaha years, definitely could pass as a lesbian. also even when he's got the sideburns I can dirtbag lesbo him in my head. without getting too much into valentino hairstyle rankings, I do also actually like his shaved head eras, it's very lean and mean. very butch realness, if you will. he's in the mancrush territory for me like he is actually quite hot
other retired riders... there's like a very specific time period where casey looks quite nice, in his early ducati years where he's wide eyed and surly and has a good camera smile but is also kinda grumpy a lot of the time. not necessarily attractive but sort of like a doe? skittish. like you kinda want to pat him on the shoulder and tell him to chill out? I think his face is quite nice to look at, but it kinda fades when he goes to honda and falls prey to 'just some guy' syndrome. he looks quite nice post retirement though, *gestures vaguely* rugged but in a nice way. I'm struggling to think of a single other retired rider I find attractive... chris vermeulen in the suzuki leathers looked kinda appealing actually. pre-valentino the sport really was 'just some guy' all the way unfortunately... maybe crivi deserves a shout out
from the current grid... uh. there's some guys I know are objectively attractive but also do nothing for me 99% of the time. marc does sometimes fall into this category unfortunately, like he's got a very compelling face but it's also too perfect? he does more for me these days!! a few more lines, bags under the eyes and all that... back in the day he did just look too much like a cross between a barbie doll and a literal toddler. I WILL SAY he's deeply attractive specifically at misano 2019 when he's got that massive grin while being booed (jerez 2005 important sister moment where valentino looks fantastic too). in general, every time he looks a bit psychotic I go 'yeah I get it' I think? like the motogp unlimited moment where joan is kinda terrified of him and marc looks like he's trying to figure out whether he can muster the energy to eat him, that really makes me go 'OH yeah now I understand'. luca I think is also clearly good looking, but again just a bit too much, he's very ooh look I'm a walking sculpture, good for him and all but also too much. I don't think pecco is attractive, but also his sister clearly does just look like the female version of him and she's INCREDIBLY hot, 12/10 girl call me, so I guess pecco probably is too? might do more for me if he got rid of the facial hair, but he does look quite... idk, soft, like I'd pat him on the head. aleix has a very firm jaw, he can definitely get it. also could be a lesbian without too little adjustment. not that this is the metric, but just saying! uh... fabio looks quite nice? when he had the bisexual leathers earlier this season he moved me, also he's got a nice voice. vinales occasionally has his moments, but it really depends on what he's doing with his hair and facial hair situation at any given time. um. that's it
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tangytiramisu · 2 years
Oh! The karaoke event sounds like so much fun!
Can I request Bucci gang reacting to the reader singing "Oh no!" By Marina and the diamonds?
Thank you and have a nice day 😊
Hello!! Honestly, great song choice. 👌🏻 Some of the headcanons got a bit sad so I’m sorry about that, but I hope you still like them!
Also I’m a fan of your works so thank you for requesting! ^^
(JJBA) Karaoke Event 🎤- Reader Sings “Oh No!” by Marina and the Diamonds [Bucci Gang]
Warnings: Song talks about not feeling good enough
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Bruno Buccellati
When it starts he’s already waiting intently for you to start singing.
As you sing, he pays close attention to not only your voice but also the lyrics and he quickly realizes, wow this song is actually rather sad.
He wants to believe that this isn’t how you feel but since you’re the one who chose this song, he sort of can’t help but worry a bit.
As a capo, he completely understands what it’s like to have many expectations put on you, and he knows plenty of other people who’ve had to face the same difficulties throughout their life. It’s not easy.
When you finish singing, he claps loudly, congratulating you for your performance. He doesn’t ask you why you chose this song to avoid making you feel uncomfortable, but regardless of your reasons, he makes a greater effort to show you that he appreciates your hard work.
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Leone Abbacchio
He sort of stares at you the entire time, listening to you sing as he takes little sips of wine. You can’t really tell what he’s thinking.
He’s honestly kinda digging the song. While pop isn’t really his thing, he’s into more serious and depressing lyrics, so he’s content.
Unlike Buccellati, he takes your performance at surface level and doesn’t speculate. He just thinks you like the song and decided to sing it. Besides, he isn’t really the type to dig into people’s personal lives.
He will casually applaud you after you’re finished, but if he ever finds out that you chose this song for deeper reasons he will be more protective of you in the future (don’t ask him about it though, he will be tsun 🤫).
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Guido Mista
He’s pretty chill when it starts, grooving along with the tune while watching you.
His expression doesn’t change much as the song goes on. He does notice the heavy lyrics though and tilts his head slightly in surprise.
He widens his eyes at the more “graphic” lyrics and exchanges glances with Narancia, but like his friend, he will take it at surface level. This isn’t the first cheerful sounding song he’s heard that has dark lyrics.
He whoops and claps for you when you finish, telling you that you rock.
Though Mista is a really loyal friend and if he finds out that this song is somehow related to something you have gone through, he will make every effort he can to show you that he appreciates you.
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Narancia Ghirga
Being the music lover he is, he’s already swaying slightly to the beat when the song begins.
You start singing and he’s watching intently, still bopping a little to the beat. He doesn’t seem to be paying much attention to the lyrics.
That’s until he hears “‘Cause I feel like I’m the worst so I always act like I’m the best” and he’s like wait,,, what???
His eyes widen and eyebrows furrow in realization and he looks at Mista.
He becomes more visibly concerned at “I’m gonna fail, I’m gonna die” and looks to the side with worry. His expressiveness is sort of adorable.
You may even notice him knowingly glance at Fugo every now and then.
Regardless of the lyrics, he takes your performance at face value, and claps and cheers really enthusiastically. He will ask why you chose this song though, and if it is for personal reasons, he will be extremely supportive and hug you tightly, telling you how brave you are. He loves his friends so much 💕
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Panacotta Fugo
There’s no character that relates to this song more than he does.
At first he watches you nonchalantly while resting his cheek in his palm.
When the song starts he actually likes the sound of the music. While he’s more of a classical music fan, it’s still a pleasant tune.
Though as the song goes on his demeanor changes and he looks lost. Almost as if he’s… remembering things…?
“If I fail I’ll fall apart…”
Wow, this song hits him right in the heart, it’s almost as if the artist dedicated it to him. He’s never related to a song so much and, while the memories make him sad and maybe even tear up slightly, it lifts part of the weight off of his shoulders.
He’s too dazed to applaud you when you finish. Though he definitely asks you to tell him again what song it was, albeit shyly.
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Giorno Giovanna
Like Abbacchio, it’s hard to tell what’s going on in his head, other than the focused look he’s giving you.
But he’s sort of wondering what made you choose this song. Is it because you like the way it sounds? Or do you connect with it in some way?
He finds the contrast between the cheerful music and sad lyrics interesting.
And he’s 100% reading your body language to confirm whether you actually relate to the song or you’re just singing it for fun.
He doesn’t show much emotion throughout the entire thing but you can practically feel him examine your every move.
He claps for you when you finish, still observing you. If he thinks that you just chose this song for fun he doesn’t do much except compliment you with a smile, though if there truly is a reason behind your choice he will look out for you even more in the future.
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Trish Una
Ooo the beat is nice! She’s visibly more lively once the song starts and listens intently as you sing.
Though she soon realizes that this song is deeper than the music may let on and is a bit taken aback. Though that doesn’t mean she doesn’t like it!
She sways ever so slightly as you sing, though she lowkey hesitates when you get to the “I’m gonna fail, I’m gonna die” part.
She claps politely when you’re finished, complimenting your song choice and making sure to ask you the name of the band later. Though if she overhears you talking about personal reasons behind this song she will make an even bigger effort as your friend (even if she was great already) by hanging out with you more often 🥺💗
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scribblestatic · 6 months
been feeling really bleh and sick in March and April's not looking too much better, so here's a quick idea just cause
Kinda like the Miko AU and kinda like canon, but different
So, like, Izuku's like a medium, but he doesn't have any real control over it and doesn't realize it's happening when it does. He knows something is wrong because he started getting sick when he was little despite being perfectly healthy as a little kid, but he's not sure what.
Now, he's a pale, slightly gaunt boy with eyes too big and shiny and seems sort of fragile with small smiles and soft speech.
But sometimes he gets locked in place and he fazes out. His body doesn't move, forced mostly still by some sort of innate instinct in his cells, imprisoning whoever came in, but giving them the opportunity to speak. He sometimes moves, though, stiltedly as if it's hard to do so in such a state.
Though, there's one that doesn't have to move much. A reoccurring presence. It's powerful enough that it can move things simply being inside of Izuku.
However, it's not the kindest, whatever it is.
It says hurtful things. It's mocking, malicious in a sense. It seems to enjoy producing fear and pain, all while Izuku doesn't know what he said to make the people around him come to hate him. Even his relationship with his mom has become tepid, strained from words she inherently knows he didn't say, but it hurt her all the same.
Not knowing what he says, Izuku steadily stops speaking until he barely says anything at all. Instead, he goes about his day, tinkering with things. Eventually, he becomes good enough to get into U.A.'s tech course and plans to join that way.
By his teen years, he's more cognizant to the things that possess him, but he still has absolutely no control over it. As such, he decided to go to home school to reduce the amount of people he was around. So, he's a rather lonely 14-year-old. But, he's had access to the internet, knows how to use it, and gained access to many paywalled studies by requesting permission from the authors to view it. So, he has quite a bit of technical knowledge that he's able to utilize.
Still, his physical abilities suffered. He's still rather weak and fragile when it comes down to it, and due to some of this deterioration, despite his young age, he uses a rollator. It has a basket he can put items in, and a seat for whenever he gets too tired. He sits on it when doing his work, spending a long time alone, listening to music or humming.
Though U.A. accepts him, many students give him a wide berth immediately. The energy around him is odd, like there's a chill clinging to his skin. The teachers are a little weirded out by it, considering his file says he has no quirk.
But nothing shows itself until Eraser Head visits Power Loader while he's working on a project after school.
The two are talking with their backs to him, but then they both freeze up. Something in the air felt colder. Izuku also stopped humming. His shoulders twitched, and his hand dropped the tool he was just using.
"Midoriya? Oy, kid--" Power Loader began, but--
He gurgled. Eraser Head immediately went over. He was faster than the other hero since he wasn't in large, heavy-duty gear. Thinking he was possibly choking on something, he turned Izuku's rollator to him so he could check his mouth and throat for any blockages.
But instead, Izuku's large pupils stared up at him as he gasps again, his throat clear. The dark marks on his face darker than before, the boy's thin hand grabbing his in a vice grip.
His skin was like ice. And, much to Eraser Head's surprise, when he pulled to get the boy to let go of him, he didn't.
When Izuku breathed out, it came as a white puff of steam despite the temperature in the room not having changed.
A few seconds, those blown-out eyes staring up at his face. Izuku, slowly, with blue-tinted fingers, traced his own right eye, staring directly at the older man.
Then, he started to laugh.
It wasn't normal, however. Though the boy barely spoke, he did speak enough for at least Power Loader and a scant few other staff and teachers to know what his voice sounded like. And his usual soft tone was still there, but it was drowned underneath a scratching, deep, ragged sound. Like someone many, many years older than the boy was.
He grinned, his teeth shining in the light, his pupils having somehow expanded beyond normal bounds, consuming more of his eyes.
"Better be careful, pretty man. Or you'll lose ya pretty face."
A hitch in his breath.
"Or rather...yer little ducklingssss will."
The lights above and near the two flicker as Izuku's breath continues to come out as fog.
"But that'll hurt even more, won't it? Watching their facesss decay right in fronna ya."
Eraser Head stopped trying to dislodge him, staring firmly at the boy gazing back at him, categorizing everything happening for a future report.
"I can't wait to watch ya ssssquirm..."
He started laughing again, a crackle in his voice. Then louder and louder still. His cackling echoed in the room as the lights flickered.
Then, the lamp closest to Izuku cracked and shattered, glass spreading on the ground behind him, and the hand gripping Eraser Head's wrist loosened, weakening. The boy leaned back, falling against the back of his rollator as Eraser Head immediately moved to steady it so the boy wouldn't fall out.
Everyone was quiet except for Izuku's deep gasping as he resurfaced from...wherever he went. Steadily, cognition returned to him, and he looked around blearily, his pupils back to their normal size. He finally gazed up at Eraser Head, and his expression fell.
Then, he closed his eyes, brows scrunched in distress.
Contrary to before, this time, his voice came out as a whisper, soft and hoarse.
"...What did I say?"
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bigbrainkatrina · 1 year
Why Do You Even Like Me? - a Kim Possible/Shego fanfic
Having a crush on Kim Possible is embarrassing. Shameful. Career ending. It’s just not okay.
But looking at her right now? Shego can’t help herself.
Having a crush on Kim Possible is embarrassing. Shameful. Career ending. It’s just not okay.
But looking at her right now?  Shego can’t help herself.
Drakken’s plan is simple: Lure Kim Possible away to her silly frilly Prom Night with a boyfriend that is  actually  a minion planted by Drakken, giving Drakken free reign to take over the world, and the whole time something has just been  gnawing  at Shego.
Shego  hates  Kim’s boyfriend. He’s just, like, such an asshole.  Such  an asshole. She deserves better. Much better. Like her. Except as a girlfriend. Drakken should have planted Shego as the fake girlfriend, but no, that’d be sad. She could never.
She’s waiting in the shadows right now, Kim is in her battlesuit. She thinks she’s rescuing her boyfriend, Eric, actually Synthodrone 901, from Drakken’s clutches, but he’s about to betray her. He’s going to break her heart, and it’s not cool. Kim was just panting moments ago, bruised and bloodied from her last fight with an armada of ninjas, and now her face is lighting up with unrivaled joy. She’s running to wrap her arms around her fake boyfriend’s neck. 
She’s so  beautiful  when she looks happy. Kim  deserves  to be happy. So Shego makes the choice, and she blows Eric open through the stomach. Kim screams, Ron screams, and Eric screams. Shego sprints up to where the three of them are, holding her hands in the air as green acid pours out of Eric and he promptly deflates to the floor.
Kim looks at Shego, wrinkles under her eyes. Her chest is heaving again, jaw clenched, she’s in shock probably. “What… just happened?”
Shego takes a deep breath. Drakken’s going to kill her when he finds out. 
“It’s a long story, Princess.”
Shego really doesn’t like defeating her boss—er, Dad, Drakken’s her dad—but she does enjoy seeing Kim’s satisfaction and relief when the whole operation goes boom. As the cops drag Doctor D off, Shego walks up to him and holds the police van’s doors open. “Dude, that plan was seriously messed up.”
Drakken just looks away, so wounded. 
“I’ll break you out in a week,” Shego whispers, and that gets his attention. “But we need to talk about boundaries, this was over the line. Okay, ciao.” She struts off to where Kim and Ron were just standing and—well, it’s just Ron. 
“Where’s Kimmie?” Shego asks, feeling sort of awk around just the Buffoon, and maybe a little self-conscious.
“She’s just explaining what happened to the police,” Ron gestures over to Kim doing just that. “They, uh, don’t really get why they aren’t arresting  you , heh heh. And tee-bee-ache, Sheegs—”
“Don’t call me that.” She is  so  not interested in developing a bound with this dope.
“—okay okay, worth a shot, but I don’t really get it either?”
Shego frowns. What is she supposed to say? Well, probably the truth? No, no, that’s weird. Super weird. No thanks.
“I just, uh, ya know, this plan just seemed kinda messed up. I feel uncomfortable being involved in something that would hurt Kimmie like that.”
Ron blinks. “I’ve just never seen you be so soft, Shego. What’s your deal, man?”
She snaps. “Hey man, chill out, I got my own biz, okay?” 
But of course Ron doesn’t leave it there. So. Annoying. She needs to be cool though, this guy is Kimmie’s best friend.
“I’m just sayin’. I mean like, you beat Kim up all the time, why was tonight different?”
Shego’s jaw clenches. She can’t hold it in. “Because he was messing with her head you idio—”
“ Hey! ” Kim cuts in between them, touching both of their chests to push them back. “Oops, bad touch, Shego, sorry.” 
Yeah, Kim just touched Shego’s boobs by accident. Maybe Kim is a little too comfy with her. Kinda weird. 
Blushing, Kim continues, “I don’t know what you’re fighting about but calm down, both of you, okay? Tonight’s a good night, I… really really want tonight to be fun somehow. That sucked so much, and… you guys feel me?”
Ron looks at Shego darkly and nods.
Shego sighs. “Well, I hope you guys have fun at your Prom thing tonight, I’m gonna head out.”
Kim frowns suddenly, wrinkles forming in her forehead, voice getting quiet and small. “Oh? Oh, that’s, that’s okay I guess. Yeah, you had a rough night, betraying your dad and all.”
Shego feels so confused. Why is Princess disappointed? Weirdo. Kim  always  makes things harder than they need to be.
Ron slips in. “Kim, so uh, this is gonna sound so dumb, but me and Shego were arguing about just that. Crazy, huh?”
“You were?” Kim raises an eyebrow.
“We were?” Shego says at the same time.
“Yes!” Ron cries out, throwing an arm around Kim’s shoulders. “See, Shego here thinks that you can’t go to Prom if you don’t go to high school, and I’m telling her  Prom is for everybody  , who cares if you’re homeschooled by a mad scientist? If you chillin’ like the Ron-dog, you can  totes come!”
Shego could slap him. Why is he doing this? Wasn’t he pissed at her a second ago? Why did he change his mind?
“Oh cute,” Kim’s smile crinkles her cheeks, but not too much, like she’s holding something back. “Well, yeah, you can come to Prom with us then, Shego.”
No getting out of it now. Ugh. No, fuck this, she’s Shego! She can be an asshole, it’s like expected of her and stuff—
“Actually, um,” Kim blushes again, fidgeting with her palms. “I want to rephrase that. I was wondering… if you could… um… heh, come to Prom with  me ? Specifically.” There’s an intense uptone as she finishes, like she’s so scared of asking. 
Wait wait wait wait wait wait.
Shego steps forward and points right at Kim. “You…”
“Yes,” Kim says primly.
“...want to go… to Prom. The dance thing.”
“With  me ?!”
Shego does the same exact uptone.
This whole thing is just so awkward. Like first off, they ain’t even riding to prom in a car. They are all crammed together on this stupid scooter with Stoppable at the wheel, and they all have to hold each other’s sides like it’s a conga line. Shego likes the idea of holding Kim’s hips, or better yet, having Kim hold hers, but like, no no no. 
Kim should hate Shego. This is dumb.
Then there’s the matter of the dress. Apparently Shego can’t just wear her evil catsuit to prom.
They stop at a near empty thrift store in a small town along the way, with Ron waiting at the door, beating his foot like a rabbit, staring at his watch and putting on a show. “Five minutes ladies!” 
He’s kinda endearing though. Shego grabs at the first thing she sees that it’s in her size, she doesn’t even really know what color it is. “This is good, let’s—”
“Whoa, whoa, hold on, sailor,” Kim chides, digging her whole body into the circular rack, hips sticking out and bopping up and down with her voice. “Why are you rushing?”
“I dunno, it’s just a dress,” Shego shrugs. “It’s not a big deal to me, and hey—it’s pink, my favori—”
Kim’s hips stop bopping.
“—okay okay, I can’t wear red, totally clashes with my skin,” Shego sighs, putting it back. “We need to hurry though, Princess. Prom ain’t all night—”
Kim jumps out of the rack with five dresses balanced on arm. “Okay then, go go go go go go!”
They go through the dresses pretty fast, with Kim waiting outside the dressing room stall.  
“One minute one minute!” Ron claps his hands together. 
One minute, okay. Shego can deal with that. She only got through four dresses, but that’s fine. Number 3 is black and cool and cheap, totally good enough for Prom. But before she can even get out of the stall with Number 3 in hand, Kim grabs her by the shoulders and pushes her back into the booth. It actually kind of makes Shego laugh, Kim is just like,  so  intense over this. 
“What’s so funny?” Kim asks, hands gripping Shego’s shoulders like twin vices.
“You, you crack me up sometimes,” Shego chuckles.
“Oh, really?” Kim blushes. “A-anyways, I wanted to say I really want you to try on this last one, it’s kind of my favorite and I know you’ll look so cute in it.”
Shego slumps and puts on a very serious face. “Kim.”
Kim just pouts and aaaaah! It’s so cute, dammit. Serious face always works on Dad. “Alright,  fine  , I’ll try on—” She picks up the final dress, and it  is  pretty damn cute. 
It’s dark green with a cute floral print all over it, and very soft looking but—ugh, it’s one of these dumb zip-ups with the button on top. “—no no no, Princess. We got less than a minute to get out of here and those things take  forever  to get on.”
“Ron can shove it and give us an extra minute, he’s just being silly,” Kim says, picking up the dress. “Um, and—it’s—it’s not that bad if you have, someone, h-helping you. Is that okay?”
Shego blushes lime when she’s embarrassed, which makes Kim laugh. 
The first thing that comes to mind is she’s down for it as long as she gets to see Kim change too, but like, that’s dirty. And way  too forward. Because, ya know, this is their first date and—
—no no no! This is  not a date. This. Is. Platonic. Yeah. Kim only asked for Shego specifically because she knows Shego’s a better dancer than Naco Boy over there.
“Y-yeah, that’s fine. Just be quick, alright?” Shego sighs and Kim squeaks with excitement, moving fast. Thankfully, Kim spends no time ogling, she’s very focused on getting Shego into this dress in the most comfortable way possible. 
It’s still kind of weird being in just her underwear in this cold room for precious seconds, with some hyper girl blurring around her body. But Kim is just so respectful, it makes her feel so… so… safe? Kim needs to stop, because Shego is just so smitten.
When it’s done, Kim spins Shego over to the mirror and—wow. This dress is  perfect . It’s sleeveless, which shows her well-toned arms, and it cuts off really low, showing some serious leg. The dark green brights out her skin tone in a very spectacular way, the floral print masking it enough that it’s not too much.
And… it has  pockets . Shego finds herself smiling and gently elbows Kim. “Alright, you win, Possible.”
It’s so… loud. Lights are flashing, music is booming, and people are sweating. Everyone’s on their feet dancing and Shego just feels so… out of place. Like sure, she’s crashed supervillain parties before and they were way more rad, but she knows literally none of these people aside from Kim. (Ron doesn’t count.)
That’s not even acknowledging the fact that she’s even  with Kim. Sure Kim has been really nice to her tonight, but like, this could just be vengeance. Ron argued with her, Kim is probably still upset over Eric, maybe neither of them forgave Shego and they’re just playing her up, getting her all soft and shit. They’re smiling at her because they’re holding in laughter. Ha ha, Shego has a crush on Kim, so funny.
There’s a strain on Shego’s arm and she dimly looks up to see Kim holding her hand, looking back with so much concern. Because her dumb scheme is falling apart.
“You alright?” Kim asks.
Shego swallows and thinks for a moment. She just stopped her Dad from taking over the world with his greatest plan ever—because a sad face from Kim makes her weak at the knees. It’s happening again too, Shego’s crumpling.
Well not this time, baby.
“You thought you could fool me, didn’t you?” Shego sneers, eyes narrowing into slits. 
“Wh-what?” Kim gets closer and Shego immediately backs up. At least Kim takes the hint and drops the hand hold. “What do you mean  fool you ? D-did I make you uncomfortable?”
“Drop the act, Princess. Your vengeance is done. I look like an idiot. See ya.” She turns on her heel and peaces the fuck out, taking long strides under these dumb balloon arches, the music fading more and more. She stops at the edge of the campus and looks back, cursing herself for looking back. She kinda wants Kim to chase after her. But no one is coming.
She takes her heels off and finds somewhere to sit so she can think.
Shego ends up in a forest clearing, sitting on wet leaves, back to a tree trunk. Everywhere else was covered in fallen Li’l Diablo bots that will get picked up tomorrow probably. Just seeing them pisses her off so much. 
Shego thinks for a moment and feels blind fury, and she doesn’t want to go there, not in a forest. She feels her arms twitching as they try to hold back her power, but it’s coming. She’s sparking and glowing. 
She moves fast, setting up a bonfire that won’t catch on anything and start a forest fire after using her powers to dry it out, and gets it burning with her plasma. It’s kinda cool seeing the green light illuminate the clearing a little. She leans back and still—her thoughts just go to anger. 
So she screams, or rather, she roars into the night and pounds the bark behind her, smudging the eyeliner Kim put on for her. Damn. She wanted to take a picture of that, no one’s ever done her makeup before and… no, it was probably dumb makeup to make her look dumb and—
Leaves rustle. Shego jumps to her feet, power springing to her hands and without even thinking she lobs the plasma bolts—
—diverting them at the last second as she realizes who is standing by her. The plasma hits the leaves. Thankfully, they don’t catch because of how damp it is out here. But there’s Kim, illuminated in neon green, hugging herself, Ron’s mission outfit layered over her sparkling blue dress (the dress’s fabric pushes out from the waist of the cargo pants). 
“How fucking long have you been following me?” Shego snaps. “Go away.”
Kim flinches. “I will if you want me to. And um, I don’t know, a while? I wanted to make sure you were safe… I guess I—I guess I messed up. Sorry.”
Shego falls back to the ground and grumbles. “You can get closer, it’s fine. You’re probably cold, huh?”
“Yeah,” Kim nods, sitting a full two feet away from Shego. “Ron explained it to me a little bit, he said that he thinks that kinda stuff too, about people making fun of him by pretending to like him. But that’s not… c-can I get closer?”
Shego groans and allows it. Kim scuttles over and slides in next to her, relaxing immediately. Even in this dumb outfit she must have thrown together in ten seconds, she’s still pretty cute. It’s the distress in her eyes. It’s becoming quickly apparent to Shego that she really screwed the pooch on this one, but she doesn’t know how to, like, own up to it.
“It’s my fault,” Kim continues. “I haven’t been direct with you at all because I’m nervous, and I can see how—”
“I’m sorry,” Shego says in a husky tone, and takes Kim’s hand very tentatively. This time she wants to appreciate Kim’s touch. “Shit, you’re freezing.”
Kim nods, and Shego notices how her teeth chatter. 
“Let me hold you for a second, I can warm you up enough so you can stomach getting out of here.”
Kim nods and slumps into Shego’s arms. They stay like this for a while, not saying anything.
“I know a place where we can go,” Kim mutters when she feels alright. “To talk.”
Bueno Nacho is definitely in disrepair after the Li’l Diablo bots were destroyed, but hey, the heating works. Kim slips out of the black turtleneck and sits in one of the booths, quiet. 
Shego sits across her, not really sure what to say. 
“Shego, I asked you to come to Prom with me because… I like you.”
Shego looks up. “Why?”
“ Why ?” Kim repeats. “I mean, you’re funny. You always seem like you’re in control of your life, you’re super smart probably. And I think—you’re fun.”
“Fun,” Shego repeats. “I don’t get it. How am I  fun ?”
“Well, whenever we fight, you have fun, I have fun, it’s a good time.”
Shego draws back. That’s true. She never fights Kim with the intention of destroying her, she just wants it to be a show. It’s really cool seeing the shit Kim can pull off when pushed to her limit and beyond. 
Shego clutches her elbows and looks away. “I like that when someone punches you down, you always get back up. I wish I could do that.”
Kim sighs. “You could get up right now?”
Shego snorts. “This is so dumb, we’re both sitting here, like,” her voice deepens into a typical dumb idiot impression. “ I like you because you have pretty hair, and I like you because you’re good at running , like what are we, ten years old?”
Kim giggles. There she is.
Shego looks back with a wry smile. “So you  like me?”
“Y-yes,” Kim flushes. 
Shego raises an eyebrow playfully, and purses her lips. “So do you  like  me or  like like me?”
“Um,” Kim’s cheeks glow even brighter. “I think I made it kinda obvious—”
Shego gets up with a burst of energy and takes Kim’s hand, pulling her out of her seat and catching her against her chest, Kim’s head bent up towards Shego who looks down. 
“Let’s dance, Princess.”
Prom is so fun the second go around. It’s Shego’s first time having fun at a party without needing to drink anything. Kim just has this energy that keeps her going. She dances so hard, and her moves are so sloppy it’s hilarious, but she just loves doing it. And Shego likes dancing with her and laughing along.
Ron even cuts in a few times, doing some really dumb nerd shit, like the Charleston. Usually, Shego would be pissed but like, it’s just fun. 
She only gets nervous when the slow dance music comes on. They both reach for the other’s lower back and blush. Kim moves her hand up and grabs onto Shego’s shoulder, squeezing in close to her as they slow spin around, guided by the sway of their hips. 
It’s impossible to ignore Kim now, she’s literally in her face, consuming her vision, and staring at her so dreamily. It’s maddening, and making her sweat. So Shego just goes for it, she moves in and kisses Kim so softly. It’s electric, it feels so good and—
Kim slips away after a few seconds and their foreheads slide together. 
“You alright?” Shego asks, a little concerned.  “I misread, I’m sorry, I—”
“I just need a second,” Kim takes in a very theatrical breath and looks back at Shego with light in her eyes. “It’s been a long night. Let’s keep going.”
Kim gently comes in and kisses Shego, again and again and again and it’s so unreal. Any minute now, it feels like Shego’s going to wake up, but the dream just keeps on going.
Ugh, so corny. Kim really brings that out in Shego.
When the song starts to fade and the lights flicker back on, Shego leans into Kim’s ear and whispers. “So my Dad is kind of in jail now? His mooks are probably mad at me, would it be okay if I crash with you?”
Shego waits on Kim’s bed while Kim meets with her parents downstairs. Kim figured that bringing a supervillain into the household might make things complicated. Apparently her Dad is like, super protective. So Shego busts in through the window and waits like Kate Winslet does in  Titanic , just with her clothes on. She feels like it’s a funny bit.
Five minutes later, Kim slips into the bedroom and shuts the door behind her, locking it, and gasping in relief before she even notices Shego. “You’re so precious..”
Kim rolls onto the bed besides her, voice dropping to a whisper. “This is going to be really complicated, isn’t it?”
Shego gives it a second, appreciating the concern on Kim’s face, how she bites her lip and her eyes brow knit together. Finally, she whispers back. “Whatever. We’ll make it work. Yo, do you have some jim jams I can borrow?”
“Yeah,” Kim gets off the bed and digs into one of her drawers, coming back out with some sweatpants and a tank top. She tosses them over in a neat pile. “Bathroom’s down the—oh right, you’re a stowaway. Um. We can just change in here I guess, uh, no peeking.”
A few minutes later they’re both wrapped up in bed together. Shego feels sort of cheated; Kim’s wearing this super cute flannel get-up that makes Shego want to start kissing her again, but no, definitely not in bed, and not  that yet. They need to take this slow.
“This is so surreal,” Kim says, lips just inches from Shego’s. “I… never thought you’d be here in my room like this, as my, um, girlfriend. I’m really happy, today was like,  so shitty. But somehow this was the best night of my life.”
Shego finds herself smiling like a dope and shakes it off fast, tickling Kim’s chin. “Better get used to it, Sunshine.”
Kim smiles and closes her eyes, nestling closer to Shego, one of her legs slipping between Shego’s, one of her hands intertwining with Shego’s somewhere. Her lips smack a few times and she dozes off so peacefully. 
Kim breathes so softly, and is just so cuddly. Shego always kinda knew Princess would be like this, but… it’s bizarre laying across her living it. This shouldn’t be happening. Shego was part of a scheme that night to break Kim’s soul. Regardless of what Kim will eventually say to justify it, Shego is accountable to that.
But she also earned this. She made Kim happy, and Kim feels  safe  around her. Well, Shego kinda feels safe around her too. She chances resting one of her arms around Kim’s back in a hug, and lays back, knees drawing in slowly as she dozes off. 
“You are such a gift,” Shego whispers.
And to her horror, Kim mumbles back with a manic yet cute grin. “I know. Still awake.”
“Oh. Uh. Heh heh. Heh. Great.”
“Shh,” Kim pulls Shego in and kisses her, noticeably restraining from going too hard. “Go to sleep… we’re okay… we’re safe with each other.”
And Shego believes that. She really does.
She rests easy that night, and many more.
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