#he just goes wahwahwah
yugen001 · 5 months
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MAY 3, 2024
YIPPEEE abu’s birthday
146 notes · View notes
iphoenixrising · 4 years
How do you think the boys will react to Dr Tim in fear gas (like full dose of it)??
Hi babe.
I’ve said it before, but ah. Be careful what you wish for, heh. 
But no, really hasn’t poor Dr. Tim been through enough? Guy has already narrowly escaped collapsing bridges, been up close and personal with the Joker, fought off Scarecrow’s goons, AND was smack dab in the middle of an honest-to-God Arkham Riot.Now we’re going to just get him all up in some fear toxin? Good Lord, can the man get a break? He hasn’t had some smut in a while tbh. (winks over to chippon)
Mentions of child abuse 
Mentions of gore, blood, grossness 
You will be crying by the end. Guaranteed. 
Extreme mental and emotional HURT 
Tim’s fears are Jesus-Fucking-Christ level bad 
You’ve been warned :D
He’s not even back to work yet after that ambulance wreck, still feels the road rash, pulled muscles, and residual owfuck from a little rough and tumble time at Arkham Asylum. 
But, he’s in a convenience store for fuck’s sake because Jay wouldn’t let him have coffee this morning (nah, Sweets. Ya ain’t godda get up yet. Jus’ go back ta sleep wid’ me, yeah? We’re gonna stay here all warm n’ snug. Sshh. I gotcha, Timmy), and he’d managed to wrangle himself out of Jay’s arms when he woke up again, found out there’s only enough grounds for a shitty, weak pot, and Tim can’t even stand the thought of it.
Unfortunately, he gets a whole lot of random bad guys stopping in for those terrible hot dogs and road drinks on their way out of Gotham.
(Crane looks just as horrifying as he remembers from the hospital that one time, and Tim fervently hopes, hopes none of these henchmen recognize him in a beat-up hoodie and saggy sweatpants.)
What makes matters worse?
Crane isn’t even trying to be, you know, an evil villain.
There’s a put-upon sign behind the mask, and the fear gas comes out of nowhere, getting everyone in the store because the guy just doesn’t want to deal with civilians right this moment. He missed the break-out and decided to have a party all on his own, but he hasn’t even gotten the time to get the plan for his next evil scheme ready yet.
So he raises a hand and sprays a little gas to keep people from being lucid enough to call the cops and rat him out. He needs some time for a good getaway.
Tim, however, sees the inevitable coming and is frozen to the spot, can’t get his weak knees to unlock so he can at least try to duck. Instead, he gets it full in the face.
In a sweep, Crane sprays the small store as his henchmen drop a $20 in front of the coughing clerk and take off back out the door. Hotdogs and all.
Tim scrabbles for his phone, the noxious cloud makes his eyes water, his lungs fucking burn on the first choked, shocked breath. Even when he tries to hold his breath, he’s too terrified, knees going out just as he thumbs the screen behind his back.  
“Timmy?” is tinny and far away while he tries to at least breath shallow, eyes dart to the door, his brain tuned into the whole get out and away before the inevitable happens.
He’s got to get to Jay, he’s got to get out of here and get to someone. If he starts talking while hepped up on fear gas, he could give away everyone’s secrets. He could tell random strangers who everyone really is, he could tell anyone their weaknesses, he could put everyone in danger.
Building blocks. If he can get to a lab, to Steph’s, back to his penthouse, anywhere not here, he can probably crack the building blocks of the toxin before it takes him over completely.
He doesn’t even hear, “Baby? Ya there? Didja butt dial again? Thought I tol’ ya ta stay in bed with me, yeah?”
Not with the door right there.
All he has to do is make his weak knees fucking work, ignore the burn in his lungs, his brain, his eyes teary with the cloud still thick around him, with the abrupt slam of his heart in his chest, with the sudden shadows in the niches that hadn’t been there before.
He just has to get to that fucking door. Has to be able to run.
Tim manages to mostly get there before the screaming starts.
Dick is working the day shift in the uniform when word Crane struck come over the wire.
Whenever it’s one of the big bads, he gets close enough to get the details before handily disappearing to slip into something a little more comfortable.
(He knows his ass is spectacular in the Nightwing suit.)
A boop from his pocket is his Batcomm notification, and he pops it in just as he dips into the men’s room with a plan to get out one of the usual windows.
“We’ve got Crane on the move, O. Might want to drop B a line.”
“Already aware, Boy Wonder. It’s more severe than you realize.” His phone goes off as Dick is shimmying out the window and up the building where he keeps a spare suit in a nice waterproof bag hidden in the overhang.
When he checks whatever oh shit is added to a potentially deadly scene, he’s got a text from Jay and a picture from O.
Surveillance footage from inside a convenience store where Crane evidently attacked some civilians. His breath catches when one of the faces turned away to try avoiding the gas is–
“Fuck,” is a little breathless with a very different kind of fear, and Dick immediately turns it up a notch, throwing his suit on and slapping a domino over his eyes. “What can you tell me, O?”
Quick check on what he’s got to work with.
“B and Rob are already in pursuit. Signal is approaching to assist. As far as we can tell, this is the only place Crane managed to hit. Everyone’s mostly been accounted for by GCPD.”
“I sense a but coming–” and he checks his phone two seconds before time to fly, and the text from Jay is something about Tim and screaming, and now he won’t pick up the phone...
“O?” Because dread strikes him in the chest.
“He’s the only civilian missing. He must have already taken off before the patrol car got there.”
“He was hit with fear gas, and he took off?”
The jumpline is already in his hand before he even hits the edge of the roof at a run. It’s go time.
So, it’s a race to find Tim, all doped up on fear toxin and probably tripping out of his mind in one of the most dangerous cities in America where people like the Joker and Two-Face might hold a grudge.
Jason was already suited up before he sent that text to Dickie, was outta there when the sounds came over the line, the familiar screams. It’s a particular flavor of terror spelled out that Timmy, was probably in trouble.
He hits up O with the deets while Nightwing hits the almost-night, making the first swing fucking count.
The world alters and shift around him, almost throwing him off his feet more than once.
He’s already completely lost his sense of direction, trying to keep his eyes closed in a last ditch effort to keep the hallucinations at bay.
(It’s just chemicals fucking with your brain. You can beat this. It’s not real. None of it is real. You know that. You know it’s just–
Brick under his fingertips, abrading the sensitive skin. Stumbles over a curb, and the loud whonkkkkk almost rips a surprised yip out of him. Tim cracks his eyes open, heart picking up when the yellow lights look like the porch light from the Johnson’s house–
– before they brought him back.
“He’s…a special child. He needs more than we can give him–”
“He can’t get along with the other children, so I’m afraid–”
“Well, you see. Mary is pregnant! It’s-it’s a miracle, and we like Tim, really we do–“
Tim grits his teeth, hears so much wahwahwah than anyone really talking, telling him to get the hell out of the street, what is he thinking?
But instead of a shadow of a motorist that had pretty much almost run him over, all he can see is Detective Gordon, way back when he’d been the one to come to the Drake’s manor and give him the news.
His mom and dad weren’t coming back, not ever.
“N-No,” he whimper screams, slamming his eyes closed, and takes off again. It’s a full tilt run, every person he meets with someone else’s face.
Michael McCannon, the guy that beat the shit out of his foster kids.
Lilly Wright, wanted the income from having a foster in her house, didn’t care if he went to school, if he slept, if he ate, if he was dead in a gutter because he fell off a roof running after–
He smacks his palms into brick, scraping his face, turns and there’s Tony Stark back when he’d first met. Intimidating and imposing, eyes narrowed in distaste.
He runs faster, only half recognizes the buildings as he goes. He knocks into someone, eats face in an alley, panting and sweating, eyes full of tears, brain on fucking fire.
“Drake!” Hissed from the shadows, the darkness parting for red, gold, and green.
But it’s too much red, too much red.
“N-no, nonono,” and now he’s outright sobbing, scrabbling to his feet because Dami, Dami, is in a ragged, torn tunic, skin broken and blood fucking pouring out of him.
He’s got both hands on the vigilante, brain failing him, spitting out the mortality rate of being run the fuck through.
“No, no, no Dami, Dami,” he’s pressing on the worst wound, tears streaming down his face, babbling incoherently, apologizing, begging this kid, the little brother he should have had, not to fucking die and leave him too.
Robin, laying where the doctor had apparently thrown him, is staring up in shock, hands on Drake’s forearms where he’s pressing at some imaginary wound.
“Don’t die, Dami. Stay with me! Please stay with me!” Is fairly screamed in the cold night.
And Robin catches his breath at this, this, as one of Drake’s worst fears.
“D-Don’t leave me. I can’t lose you. I-I can’t lose you, too.” Tim weeps, pulling both hands back, staring down at what must see as blood and viscera.
“I am sorry, Timothy,” Robin breathes out hoarsely, frees a hand to pull back, teeth clenched against what he’s about to do, and punches their doctor with real intent.
As he hopes, Tim goes down like a stone, unconscious on the dirty ground, tears still on his face from terror and grief.
In a breath, Robin is on his feet, kneeling over Drake, tapping the comm in his ear. “Hood, N, Father. I have located him. He has been…affected. I am uncertain if the anti-toxin in my belt would do further harm, so I have not administered it as of yet.”
“Rob,” Hood’s response is immediate, “Big Wing’s with Daddy Bat takin’ care a’ the last of ‘em.  I’m headin’ atcha now.”
“Meet me at the Black Bird. Hurry,” Robin cuts off, and gently, oh so gently for his normal, lifts Tim’s upper body against his chest, points a gauntlet at the roof to fire the jump line, reel them both in.
At sixteen, the youngest vigilante has nearly outgrown the doctor, and has no trouble lifting Tim up to carry him across the roof, occasionally looking down to make sure Tim is still out.
His own vehicle, the Black Bird, is hidden close to a safe house for the Bats. Balancing Tim in his arms, he taps his utility belt, the container hiding the car folding away.
Hood is on the ground, immediately takes Timmy from Rob, looking at the scrapes on his face.
“In, in!” Robin snaps, shooing Hood in the back with their Doctor. “We must get him to the Cave immediately.”
He dives in the driver’s seat, revving the engine fast, tapping his mask for the whiteouts to slide up. He takes in the immediate area with a glance, and peels out into the night.
Jay deactivates the helmet, tosses it in the front seat, wraps both arms around Timmy in his lap, tapping the comm to listen up at Dickie and B on clean-up whiles he winds up to get all the deets outta the Demon.
“Tell it ta me straight, Lil’ D. How bad wassit?”
He’s looking in the rearview because the kid’s eyes always give him away.
He ain’t prepared to see the Demon blinking rapidly, jaw clenched tight. “He is fully effected. Hallucinations, inability to discern outside voices. I called to him. He was not able to hear me. See me, yes, but he believed I was…dying. He attempted to treat me, asked me not to…”
Robin makes a hard right turn, shoves his foot against the pedal to drift it. He shoves in the clutch, shifts the gears, biting down on his lower lip (“Don’t leave me, I can’t lose you.”).
He evens out, hitting the Robert Kane Bridge to take them out of Gotham proper and closer to the Manor.
“Dames?” Jay makes it soft because the kid is obviously shook.
Robin pushes the car to 105 mph to sail over the bridge.
“His fear was he would be unable to save me. The wound…he believed the wound made by Hush would kill me yet again, I believe.”
Jason Todd breathes in sharply, freeing up a hand to fit at the back of Rob’s neck, make circles with his thumb.
“Sorry that mighta brought ya back.” His tone is low with sympathy, empathy.
And for a moment, Damian Wayne, not Robin, leans back into that hand, lets it ground him while the night flies by the window, while he watches the darkness for everything while he downshifts, when the road starts getting less defined further out of the city they go.
“It is not that,” Damian admits, “one day, one of us, perhaps all of us, will not return. Nothing he can do will prevent that.”
“I know, Baby Bat. Let’s hope it ain’t any day soon, you feel me?” And Jay, tries to keep it gentle, tries to keep the circles going, tries to be easy about it so Baby Bat won’t try ta pull away, put it all back inna box to fester.
“Agreed. However, do not be surprised if he comes to fighting. We must monitor his vitals closely if this toxin is similar to the last batch.”
“I gotcha. S’all right, we’re gonna take care of him, ain’t we?”
Damian makes an affirmative noise and leans forward out of Jay’s grip, pressing the gas, then gearing back up.
Tim comes to as the restraints are tightened, Alfred Pennyworth securing several sticky discs to his chest, and a pulse oximeter to his finger.
“We’ll see you soon, Son. Be a good boy while we’re gone.”
Makes his eye fly open wide, his heart slam painfully against his rib cage, his arms jerk where his wrists are restrained.
“Boys,” a cultured voice calls the second his eyes open, but Tim can’t see anything, not with his heart in his throat, not with his Dad’s voice ghosting out after over a decade and a half.
When he glances over, horrified at the tall figure coming closer, hands raised up in surrender, and his eyes were empty, gorey sockets, black sludge from the empty cavity. Purple lips and half-rotting flesh, the last clothes he’d seen his father wearing, his best suit, the one he’d wear to Drake Industries on the stints they were home and Dad worked in the office.
Tatters and grave dirt, bone peeking out from shriveled flesh…
“Dad,” is a broken, hoarse croak, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I tried. I tried to be good,” and the closer his dead, decaying Father gets, the more he fights whatever is keeping him still, won’t let him run for his own fucking sanity, “I tried! I tried and you still didn’t come home! It wasn’t my fault, it wasn’t–!”
He chokes, gags because Dad is right by the bedside, and now Tim can see the inside of his black mouth, the tongue putrid and pale without blood, and the smell–
He’s probably screaming, even if he can’t hear himself.
Something is strapped over his face, and he fights it, knows it’s a plastic mask, pumping something into his lungs, just like the fear toxin.
A turn of the head, and it’s the reversal of his first meeting with-with
The Joker.
Harley isn’t on the table bleeding out this time. It’s the two of them standing over him, a huge needle full of green sludge right by the Joker’s shoulder, right next to his horrifically sick smile.
He’s wearing a mock head lamp and white coat, Tim’s own badge dangling from his pocket. He turns to the smaller figure of Harley, the nurse sidekick with a frightening set of tools. The orbitoclast is brown with old blood and brain matter, the leucotome wire is rusty, the plunger to send that wire into his brain almost black with old gore.
And he fucking chokes.
“Hold on to those, Nurse. If my wonderful formula doesn’t do the trick, then we’ll have options! Huh, huh, huh,” and the bastard leans into him, that sickening smile, those wide, lucid eyes.
“He’s going to be our good boy, one way or the other, isn’t he?” And the dark growl of it, the promise is what makes him start screaming again.
Hands on his straining arms, a big body right by the bed when he turns, flinches away as far as the hold could let him.
“Oh no. No no no,” is a whimper, a plea, “I didn’t say anything to anyone, Mr. Johnson, I swear. I didn’t tell anyone anything.”
The grip on his arms becomes bruising, painful, terrifying all over again.
Tim clamps down, remembers the beatings hadn’t been as bad if he could keep quiet.
“Jesus Christ, you’re such a little shit.”
It’s Mr. Johnson’s words, but Jason’s voice.
“You need a good ass beaten’, kid. That’ll straighten you right out. That’s what all you fuckers need. Lucky for you I don’t mind making sure you keep on the straight and narrow.”
He doesn’t realize he’s chanting, “don’thitme, don’tdon’tdon’t, please please,  don’t,” while Mr. Johnson backs off, the old recriminations and reprimands rolling right out in Jay’s smooth baritone.
He’s outright sobbing, arms trembling above his head where he’s trapped, trapped. He can’t move, he can’t run, he can’t hide, he can’t–
And a blink takes him to the same fire escape outside his penthouse where he’d found Nightwing bleeding out, pulse already weakening, breathing shallow–
The whiteouts on that domino are up so he can see Nightwing’s blue eyes flutter open weakly, can see the hand move gingerly to the bleeding wound on his abdomen.
“I can help you,” he yells out, hoping to make those eyes look at him, to get the vigilante to come to him, “I can save you, but you’ve got to get here.” This time his hands, his arms, his whole body is straining to get free, to reach the vigilante that needs him, that’s dying on him while he fucking watches.
The vigilante half-smiles at him, finger stripes more dark than blue, and his head goes back, visibly slumping.
“Nightwing, Nightwing, look at me! Open your eyes!” He knows he’s begging, fighting, but there’s bands around his chest, around his wrists, his ankles and thighs.
“I need, I need sutures, gloves, blood bag, and-and, I need, I need–“ but Nightwing’s head flops and his chest stutters, “LOOK AT ME! You can’t die like this, you can’t. I’m right here, I can save you!”
He sobs out loud, whole body jerking to get free.
“Ssshhh, baby doll, ssshhh,” makes him open his eyes even though he can barely see through the tears streaming down his face, his sobbing, his heart pounding copper in the back of his throat.
And there’s Jay, lying on his chest, all soft and sweet, with a post-sex grin. He’s too beautiful to be real.
“Jay?” He croaks.
“Yeah,” all soft and sweet.
Until he tilts his head, and the horrific smile below his chin leaks rich red down his throat.
“J-Jay?!” His eyes go wide and horrified because there’s his vigilante boyfriend bleeding out all over his chest, far gone enough to be silly and loopy with blood loss.
“S’okay, yeah? When s’time, s’time. Don’t gotta be sad about it, Timmy.”
“N-No, no, put-Jay, listen to me, put pressure on it, okay? Put both hands and press down. You-you’re loosing too much blood. I need you to–“
“That ain’t what’s happening here, Timmers.” Slurry and low, Jay’s face getting pale, eyes fluttering. “Like I tol’ ya b’fore. One day…one day I ain’t gonna come back. S’ just gonna be my time.”
And Tim’s shirt is wet with it, Jay’s blood staining him, soaking through his clothes, the weight of his big body heavier as his strength goes, as his eyes get dimmer, the jade flecks all but gone.
“You can’t. Jay, babe, you can’t. You have to fight. Please fight,” his hands are straining, but he’s so tired, weak, isn’t strong enough to get to them, to save them from their fates. "I don't... I can't be the last one left standing again. I can't. Please, fight. Please!"
'"Nah, Baby. Small right now. Love ya. Love ya s'much."
"I love you too," he sobs, can't breathe, can't think.
(He’s never been strong enough, has he? He’s not strong enough to be what they need.)
He finally can’t fight anymore, just stays pinned under Jay’s weakening body to cry and shake apart.
“Do something,” Dick yells, tears running down his face where he’s pinning Tim’s legs down so he stops hurting himself fighting the restraints.
Alfred, eyes narrow and wet-looking, huffs and turns on his heel abruptly. He fishes out supplies from the cabinet, uses a clean hypodermic to puncture the sedative.
Master Jason is staring up at Master Tim’s face, trying to be that boy in the Robin cape from all those years ago. Trying to be strong in the face of such horrors.
“Master Bruce, account for general anesthesia,” Alfred calls briskly and injects carefully into the IV.
“Understood,” the quickly working vigilante calls back from the lab, running the number a second time, darting looks at his children doing one of the hardest jobs he’s ever asked them to do.
He can tell by how Damian’s shoulders are shaking, Dick is opening crying against Tim’s hip, Jay’s lower lip trembling, eyes wet where he’s keeping Tim’s forearms pinned around the IV in his arm.
He add the variables, taking deep breaths, makes mental notes all over the place to look into Tim’s past foster parents.
Johnson. Right.
And the hardened bat can’t say his heart isn’t thundering in his throat watching Tim’s struggle, scream, cry out in grief, trying to use his reasoning and logic, having the fucking Joker of all people as part of his perpetual nightmares…
Bruce takes a calming breath, forces himself to be the Bat while he aches for the kids.
Twelve hours later, he comes to somewhere not his Penthouse or Dick’s apartment.
It’s chilly wherever he is, but for some reason his whole body just aches, hurts like he’d been in another damn car wreck or something. It’s too much effort to lift his head and look around, not when he’s pretty sure he’s in Dick’s lap, recognizes the smell of Dick’s jugular.
He hums a little, glad someone at least gave him a blanket because he’s at least mostly warm. His nose is pretty cold, but he just snuggles into Dick’s neck and sighs.
He tries to raise his knees to fold in, get warmer, but his heels bump into legs, and cracking his eyes open, he realizes Jay is sitting by Dick on the floor of the Cave, Tim laying over their laps.
He’s got a cotton ball taped to the inside of his forearm, and no idea why. He blinks a few times, lifts up enough to see Dami on Jay’s other side, head nudged against Jay’s shoulder. A hand is still on Tim’s ankle.
The sudden need to go to the bathroom drives him from their huddle on the cold floor, but at least he spreads the blanket out over them after he manages to pull out of their arms without waking them.
From their faces and expressions, whatever he isn’t immediately remembering couldn’t have been good.
But first, bathroom. Then, maybe coffee? Because that? Would be absolutely stellar at this juncture. Maybe some ibuprofen.
Luckily, there’s swanky digs in the Bat Cave, a set of lockers, showers, nice hot tub for long soaks after a night of kicking bad guy ass.
All the vigilante amenities.
He’s bleary and sore, staggering to the bathroom, noting B is asleep on the big computer, and Alfred sitting back in another chair, tea cup and saucer on the hard drive next to him.
He smiles a little, wonders if he can find a few more blankets somewhere.
A glance in the mirror as he was washing his hands shows him a bunch of road rash city. Man, he must have been caught up in the middle of something again.  
He splashes cold water on his face, works out the low throbbing ache of his bandaged wrists.
He’s shuffling back, thinking about just waking everyone the hell up to send people to bed, like themselves because his ass is numb, and there’s warm beds upstairs. When there’s pounding footsteps, skitters, and slides, whoosh of air, and Dick is right there up in his face, panting like he’d just sprinted all the way across the Cave in a quick hurry.
He blinks up, still bleary about everything, his throat and voice wrecked as fuck, “hey honey. How was your night fighting shitty bad guys?”
He has no idea why Dick’s expression crumples, his eyes getting teary out of nowhere. He’s not prepared for Dick to start crying, to see his beautiful boyfriend hold a hand over his eyes and break down.
“Dick? Dick?”
He goes from holding himself, shuddering with the cold and ache in his bones, to up in Dick’s face, hand on his shoulder, looking for some injury, something to tell him how to help–
But Dick takes a few shuddering breaths under his hand, and Tim just wriggles his arms around Dick’s chest to hold on for a few long seconds before he gets full-on octopus hold right around his everything.
(Okay, that’s a relief.)
“…was it bad?” He asks softly, making circles with his palms as wide as Dick’s hold will let him.
“Y-Yes. It was bad. You don’t remember?” Dick sniffles against the side of his head, rocking them both gently.
“Not yet.” He shrugs an unconcerned shoulder. As someone who’s had a concussion (okay, okay, concussions), and has worked in the medical field in one of the most dangerous cities on the fucking planet, he knows there are plenty of bad guys with chemical weapons that don’t always leave short term memories in tact.
Dick shakes a little and holds him tighter.
“Fuckfuckfuck. Didja find 'im??!” As Jay rounds the corner and almost slams right into them.
He skids to a stop as Dick swiftly shifts them around out of the way. Jay doesn’t do anything to dislodge Dick’s grip, but palms the sides of Tim’s face, his eyes a hard, icy blue.
“Hey, Sweets, hey,” low in a dark way, not the usual, fun dark way. Tim has a strike of fear, takes stock of himself, of Dick, of Jay, wonders who else in the Cave might be hurt! That’s why they’re here. Someone got hurt coming after his ass, didn’t they?
“Dami? B?” He interrupts, eyes going from Jay to Dick and back.
“Fine, everyone’s fine,” is curt, short with him in a way that doesn’t make sense. He doesn’t have enough evidence.
“O-kay. You both are fine. B and Dami are fine. Alfred?”
Over his head, his boyfriends exchange a look that is really starting to worry him.
But the next twelve hours are virtually impossible to escape. The sordid details come out once Tim remembers being in that convenience store. He gets snatches of half-lucid memories, probably never will remember the entire things. The brain is the most fascinating part of the body for a reason, not only as the control center, but also as the decision-maker on what things to blot out to protect itself. 
By the time Dami starts out, they’ve migrated up to Wayne Manor, parted ways to shower and wash off the night. Dick and Jay bracketing him in, being absurdly gentle, consistent soft touches, fingers wrapping around his, hands on his back, kisses pressed into his hair.
There’s some scrapes on his forearms along with the ones on his face, washed gingerly in the shower where he finally feels warm again. Alfred leaves a special bled of his healing goop and has set out pajamas for all of them before he left, requesting them to please come have breakfast.
Tim’s stomach rumbles while they’re getting dressed, and he’s pretty much picked up, and carried down the massive staircase.
(Ugh, this is after the bridge fiasco all over again.)
But the end result: food and coffee in Wayne Manor, so bonus?
Dami is looking at him like a kicked puppy. A perpetual pissed off kicked puppy, but he tilts his head to the side inquiringly, raising his eyebrows in invitation.
“I found you almost at Sheldon Park,” Dami starts softly, but at least everyone’s eaten first.
He flinches a little when Bruce tells him what he’d said about his Dad. When Alfred tells him about the Joker and Harley Quinn either going to inject him with some crazy sauce or lobotomize him.
(Yup. Pretty horrifying either way.)
Dami tells him about seeing everyone die around him while Dick has a firm hand on his knee under the table, their chairs closer together than necessary. Jason gives no shits keeping his fingers wrapped up tight, squeezing occasionally. Alfred keeps the mug in his free hand full, stands just by Dick’s other shoulder.
“I mean,” he finally starts after everything is out in the open, “it’s literally a toxin that fucks with your brain chemistry. Not shocking I’d see pretty awful things. I see awful things...a lot, so,” he shrugs a little helplessly in the face of the whole family looking utter raw and split open. “I...I’m...sorry, really sorry I worried everyone. I’ll try to stop getting into trouble so much, you know? But, um. It is Gotham.”
The family crowds around him, bringing in rank around the table. 
And if he doesn’t have to stay at the Manor for the next week, geeze, and get coddled as fuck by the Batfamily, and get picked up from Mercy General every. single. night. for a while, and get wrapped up against two incredible vigilantes that whisper soft things against his throat, his ear, his mouth, his, well, his everything. 
If he doesn’t get Bruce herding him into the study where the fire is burning, and it seems like the Batman is the most patient person ever to let him–let him talk about some of those old pains when he was in the system. 
If Alfred literally can not make him eat enough food to be satisfied. Ever. And gives him a side-eye when he starts to push away a plate that has even a bite left.
(Alfred pizza is god-level, and you’ll never convince him otherwise. But if he eats anymore, he’s going to die. Please stop killing him with your tasty love.)
If Dami doesn’t make him watch NatGeo Wild with popcorn and boxes of candy, then grudgingly plays Mario Kart with him until Rainbow Road is like theirs. No questions asked.
If he finally doesn’t go back to his penthouse, breathes in the familiar smells, gets absolutely destroyed in the Best. Possible. Ways for the next five straight hours. If he isn’t a boneless pile of I can’t possibly come again, for the next week at least. 
If Baby Bird, Timmers, Sweets, Timmy, and Baby aren’t wrapped around him with arms and sweet kisses pressed to his forehead and hair every time he leaves for work or they leave for patrol.
If he was before this, in the slightest bit uncertain he belongs with them, as part of their family–
–he sure as hell knows better now.
At least that’s one less thing to be afraid of.
In Tim’s fear fueled delusion, the Joker is Alfred, Harley is Dami holding equipment to treat him. His dad was really B taking the blood samples from Alfred to analyze. He’s horrified once he realizes what Tim is seeing.
Mr. Johnson, the abusive foster parent is Jay, which Tim kind of associates because of the accent.
Dying Nightwing is Dick bent over to hold his legs down, and the next switch is really Jay laying over him upper body to keep him from hurting himself more.
(Congrats for making it to the end. *Hands tissue*)
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night-zaveri · 4 years
Curse Of Strahd Quotes : Session Three
“That's a bad idea I think” “wh- wh- wh- what??”
“Why do you always vore your dice before a session?”
“What was that?” *mouth full of dice* “wid i huffinb stubder?”
“I need to find the voice hold on… huAA”
“He’s gay he doesnt care!”
“I dont know people punch shit all the time??”
“Great, we're good at that.. No were not thats a lie”
“I don trust like that” “I do!”
*Makes fun of human for not having darkvision*
“It is a vibing slab as you say”
“wHeReS fRaNkIe??”
“Gonna vibe with the skeletons and dust bunnies?”
“Guys i dont think the kids are alive awahawahwahwah!” “whawahwah!!”
“Gaymer youve betrayed me!”
“Guess what homies! I got a three!”
*A tentacle snake monster??*
“Tene sounds like a squeaking toy as theyre brought down to one hit point”
Tenes life: aight imma bout to head out
We gonna kill this thing then dieee
Tene fukin ded
Penetrated by a giant beak
“Yea” “yea” “yea” “yea” “...gotta roll to hit the chest”
“11 hits a chest because… it's a chest..”
“A 13 hits a chest because it is, in fact, a chest”
“These two? Dead. These two? Fucking Dead.”
“I look up carnelian and all i get are amethyst penises”
“A 15 hits a chest because it is, in fact, a chest. You bust open the chest because it is, in fact, a chest.”
“Tene fucking dies and youre like ‘ouw my finger nail ohwooh”
“12 hits a chest because it is in fact a chest. You smash the chest because it is not very strong”
“You open up the skin pouch to find 11 gold wow worth it!”
*Aesthetically pleasing human skin pouch*
“Newt here vibin with the corpse of Tene”
“So much about the chests…”
“Oh still dead? Aight next room”
“Im gonna eat my pizza now its getting cold” “Shut Up” *wheeze*
“So if I were to push Tene..” “Tene would Die. Instantly.”
“Its disappointing water.. Its warm its sad water..”
“As theyre drinking water comes out of the hole” “A water fountain!” *In ref to the hole in chest*
“You can just call me daddy” *Tene shookth*
“I probably shouldn't but i'm definitely going to”
“I'm not talking about the novel by polish-english writer Joseph Conrad!”
“Thats gonna be brutal” “What” “Dont worry about it”
“Hanging onto the ledge, kinda vibin, close to death” “Newts gonna reach out over the ledge” “...Long live the king..”
“22 damage” “26” “23 damage!” “26” “26 DAMAGE!!”
“Joke’s on you, I have spells! Awahwahwahwah!!!” “Wahwahwah!”
“Nah theyre gucci, trust me”
(About a ghoul) “He needs a manicure.. His wig has been snached”
“Its kinda nasty not gonna lie”
“We cast spell and we die?” “Basically yea”
“Oh god Tene gonna die… again”
“18 hits a ghoul because it has no armor and is undead”
“A ooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnneeeeeeeeeeeeeee……” ;A;
“You sounded like a cat hacking up a hairball” “Thank you i try”
“Yes, but consider this! Tenes stupid. Tene is dumb”
“You see the ghoul, you get shookth”
(Writing initiative) *Ghoul der*
“You lobotomized it instantly…” “Sick!”
“It was already dead but now its dead dead”
*Tene dies AGAIN* “Hes monchin on that good flesh” “THIS IS THE SECOND TIME THIS SESSION”
“TENE IS A LITERAL MOTH!!! TENE IS FUCKING STUPID!!!!” “They just want the lamp”
“Pretty nice not gonna lie. Nice cut, pretty deep in there”
*Covered in brain matter* Kinda warm not gonna lie”
“That's a NATURAL 20 YOU CANNOT KILL ME!!” “It attacks you again, does a 17 hit?”
>Holy shit Tene is actually about to die this is not a joke i FEAR
“Just fucking punch it”
“Tene wakes up for a sec to see this (cool action scene), goes ‘fuckin sick’ then dies”
“Thinks about poking it, doesn't, but definitely thinks about it”
“Bards can either be extremely overpowered or weak ass motherfuckers”
*Makes a bad pun* “Listen here you little shit-”
“I wanna-” *Sudden unintelligible screaming* “What! What happened?!” “I uh stubbed my toe..”
“Youre gonna like this” “Oh shit”
“You have 30 torches and 15 candles, isn't that lit?”
Relation ended with Frankie and Newt, now friends with Lamp
“Thieves tools! Now you dont have to smash chests anymore!”
“Youve lost so many brain cells” “Braincells gone” “Never had ‘em”
*Singing the beyblade theme song*
“OMG we're all lying on the bed no homo! Just kidding, full homo uwu”
*Catboy Strahd Von Zarovich*
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the-rumbless · 7 years
On the topic of other alien races in SU (x) I still vote Yellowtail. And no, not because of some anti-autism thing in regards of his son. Onion has a very odd design. He and his dad have no ears (a gem thing too) and are extremely pale (which is apparently contagious, just look at Sadie). His ways of non-verbal communication and how he acts is NOT alien. That’s very human. In fact, we have the whole Onion Gang to prove this. (Also, wasn’t there a rule in SU that all characters appears at least twice, reason why we seen Andy, Kevin and Morty twice? Will we see these lovely Onion Gang kids again? I love em so much!)
With the Onion Gang in mind, the only autism=aliens message could be taken from the lack of relevance from the established humans whom also read as autistic. But I have another concern and reason to see Yellowtail and Onion as aliens. Yellowtail speaks in a language that we as an audience are supposed to find humorous in its simplicity and inability to understand. He just goes “wahwahwah”. If this is to be taken as earth language then they just make some “weird Europe” joke and that is xenophobic. Non-English languages are not illogical, unpretty or a joke. And European people are not all white people, which this would imply, them being the only ones we seen. This is a harmful message. Especially with how poor the show has developed the state and history of earth in regards to colonization etc. (x)
On a narrative level (they won’t do anything with) I kind of like that Onion and Steven would be both half human / half alien and that Vidalia and Greg who already have a meaningful connection both ended up dating aliens. And yeah, in general any earth-residing non-Gem alien that are present out of travel or fled from a now Gem invested planet is all great lore stuff.
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peleth · 7 years
hmmmm alright im gonna try and give my opinions on tlj, i’m very tired tho and sore because i had the front row corner seat in a huge theater and everything looked skewed but hey, at least i managed to snag a seat instead of waiting two weeks to see it
first of all, whose god awful idea was it to not have jj abrams direct the last jedi? no matter how much the dude sucks irl i’m...ya messed up buddy. ya really did it this time
thoughts, kylo thoughts, bc lets be real i’m a kylo bitch forever, however much i may regret it rn
ugh ok my htoughts are really fucking jumpy rn this is gonna be a messy post. i’m....disappointed. with kylo’s end actions, BUT i’m hoping jj abrams will save it. gather up the pieces and glue them back together
i’m not necessarily a fan of full redemption. that’s not an option anymore, it could have been, but then what would the third movie be lol. it would be stupid to think kylo would have been turned like that, so easily, like “oh woops spent the last decade being a bitch but now that this hot girl is here i regret it all, time to go back to mommy”
i don’t think jj abrams (and im saying this to reassure myself lol) will treat kylo as some laughable villain to be defeated. there is a balance between rey and kylo, and it’s not gone. i’m a fan of the “they both go grey” theory, but idk with what rian johnson did it seemed to imply the jedi weren’t done for, cuz rey, or whatever, its boring, i hate that shit, ya done fucked up rian, ughhukj,jhjmgjh;
what ppl (anti kylo folks) are gonna interpret this as is like, oh rey rejected kylo, time to throw a tantrum, stupid ugly emo kid wahwahwah abuse wahwah fiction is real life whatever but tbh no matter how bad this director fucked it up kylo is still a conflicted character that goes deeper than rebelling against parents because he idolizes darth vader or whatever ants think happened
i’m hoping that in the last film, rey and leia (if they keep her alive, which im not sure how that would go, rest in peace carrie fisher) would be catalysts to kylo’s downfall and not REDEMPTION but separation from the complete darkness. it’s boring and cliche to make rey and kylo light and darkness. it would be much more interesting to have them both conflicted. rey, tempted by the dark, kylo, pulled by the light. their dynamic can be SO good if jj abrams pulls this the right way
also i’m not into reylo, just mostly because 1) het 2) i’m indifferent to rey, tbh, but *film student voice* THE SYMBOLISM
anyways enough about that and onto darkpilot, cuz that’s the second thing i care about most and im too tired to stress myself out about this
like oobbbvviooousssllyy it’s not REALISTIC (its just not realistic echoes in my mind) for it to be canon that poe and kylo knew each other before ben’s fall BUT thank god they haven’t filled in the gaps, because gaps mean interpretation, and interpretation means FANFICTIIIOOONNNNNNN
i dont want this ship to be like, idk, my big otp back when i was a wee weeaboo was tobidei and because of the constant “is he obito or madara” debate and the final reveal of who tobi was and the absolute shittiness of his story i couldnt ship tobidei anymore it just. was bad
and if they do kylo like that, like, make him a pissbaby who gets killed as a villain with no more conflict or whatever angst, that’s dumb and i’m not here for it
darkpilot for me was mostly just dubcon childhood lover angst anyway so who cares, kylo will only be redeemed in fic and poe and kylo will only have known each other in fic, soyeaaaa
basically i liked the film but i have qualms with how they did it and my i’m too tired to genuinely criticize it, lol
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