#he literally . tried to die for their sins but not to save them. to kill them all šŸ˜
makedamnsvre Ā· 1 year
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he is risen
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soulmatebracket Ā· 1 year
Soulmate Bracket: Round 1 [Side A ā€” Part II]
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Provided reasoning under cut:
Gilgamesh & Enkidu
literally made for each other...
'In the most ancient of the stories that compose The Epic of Gilgamesh, he is a helper to Gilgamesh. As those legends evolved into chapters of a great epic poem, Enkidu's role changed profoundly. Much more than a sidekick or a servant, he is Gilgamesh's soul mate, brother, and equal, even his conscience.'
Meliodas & Elizabeth
Meliodas is the son of the demon king, Elizabeth is the daughter of the goddess. They fell in love and tried to stop the holy war. As punishment, their parents cursed them - Meliodas cannot die, and Elizabeth will be reincarnated eternally without her memories - as soon as she remembers her past lives, she dies in 3 days. Meliodas keeps finding her in every one of her lives even though it hurts him because she doesn't remember who he is and he can't tell her, and he can't die himself.
Meliodas and Elizabeth were both killed and placed under curses, as being a demon and a goddess respectively they werenā€™t supposed to fall in love. Meliodas was immortal; he could die but returned to life every time. Elizabeth was reincarnated perpetually as a human with divine powers who had no memories of her previous lives and, in every lifetime, met and died in front of Meliodas. She could regain her memories, but doing so triggered her curse and she would die three days later. Meliodas explicitly states that heā€™s loved every incarnation of Elizabeth heā€™s met, and every incarnation of Elizabeth is explicitly stated to have loved Meliodas (to the point that he comes to believe itā€™s a part of her curse). Eventually theyā€™re able to break their curses and end the series happily married with a son.
"Okay, look, this bracket literally describes Meliodas (immortal) and Elizabeth's (reincarnated) story! What's that story, you ask? Well, 3,000 years ago, there was a demon (Meliodas) and a goddess (Elizabeth) who fell in love despite the war that had been going on between their races since the first demon and goddess was created. Their parents (the Demon King and the Supreme Deity respectively) didn't agree with this of course and together cursed them. Meliodas was cursed with Eternal Life; he stopped aging, living on forever, and if he died, no matter how it happened, he resurrected again. Elizabeth was cursed with Eternal Reincarnation; time and time again she was reincarnated as a human with no memories of her former lives, destined to always meet and fall in love with Meliodas, and if she regained all her former memories, she would die 3 days later in front of Meliodas without fail. As the story of the manga/anime picks up, Elizabeth is living her 107th reincarnated life. Once again, she meets and falls in love with Meliodas, who has loved every single one of her. Once again, she regains her memories and is destined to die 3 days later. Meliodas, who promised the very first reincarnation of Elizabeth that no matter what happened, even if she would die again, he would break the curse, is desperate to save her, even willing to sacrifice his own emotions and becoming the next Demon King himself (something that he never wanted to be and that would mean him returning to the Demon Realm and losing his found family). Elizabeth is determined to save Meliodas from himself, even if it means she will die again, lose her memories and leave the people she loves from this life behind. In the end, Meliodas and Elizabeth fight together and break their curses (even killing their parents), and they still love each other. Even without the curse and the fates tied to it, they still love each other more than anything. There's a brief point in the manga/anime where Meliodas may have to permanently live in the Demon Realm or the human realm will tear itself apart, and what does Elizabeth do? She decided to go with him, even if that means she'll never see her father, sisters or friends again. Because she loves him and she never wants to lose him again. At an earlier point in the story Meliodas actually dies and Elizabeth ends up travelling into his memories and sees him promising her when she was just a little kid that he would always come back alive to her, which is exactly what he does, just in time to save her from an attack. Later on, after the curse is broken and all enemies defeated, the two travel together, visiting all the places they have met and fell in love. When they return home, they become the King and Queen of her kingdom and even have the first ever demon-goddess baby (who looks exactly like a combination of his parents by the way, like proof of their eternal love). Anyway, sorry for the super long rant, I just don't know how to summarize a 3,000-year-old love story stretching over 107 different reincarnations and lifetimes."
Love forbidden by their parents, the Demon King and the Supreme Deity, so they literally got cursed. Both of them reincarnate when they die. Meliodas losing his emotions more every time and Elizabeth losing her memories every time. Still, they find each other and Meliodas has been through a lot of Elizabeth reincarnations.
Mostly for the tragic romance. Like they're been fighting to be together against powers that vastly outdo their own, and as a gay litle goblin it feels. idk. feels familiar even if they're a straight couple.
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nonpracticinghumanbeing Ā· 11 months
I'm thinking about how some people STILL claim Edward wasn't abusive but just defending himself against Izzy's supposed abuse. And I'm thinking about the symbolism in 4 and 5 and I'm losing my fucking mind.
Izzy still doesn't feel like he belongs, even after everything the crew have done for him. His prosthetic leg is super wobbly because he STILL doesn't believe they want him now that the immediate danger is over. He has no idea how he fits in now or what is expected of him and his fragile new leg is a symbol of that. He keeps to himself, he drinks constantly and he snaps at every attempt at interaction from the crew. He believes he is alone, even among the crew.
Then he tries to intervene to save the crew *yet again* (if he was the selfish asshole the antis like to paint him as why on earth would he even bother to do this?) and the leg breaks - and Izzy is sure he is alone with it, as proven by his "we are born alone and we die alone" mantra. And what do the crew do? They fucking fashion him a new - much more stable and durable - leg. They go out of their way to fucking paint it gold. They drop it off at his door without any attempt at talking to him, which is a wonderful gesture of kindness on their part, proving that they know *exactly* what he needs.
And it literally changes Izzy, even if he doesn't like to show it. He finds his footing again, both figuratively and literally. He becomes more open towards Stede, offering to train him (also great character development for Stede, realizing just how incompetent he is and who to turn to for help). He starts fucking whittling to deal with his trauma (as unhealthy as this is, it is at least *an attempt* to deal with it). He pretty much returns to his pre-Kraken ways, going on raids with the crew and even getting complimented by Stede on his swordsmanship (because that's just *what he does*). An most importantly, he is treated by everyone as one of their own, meaning that they care for him and provide whatever help he needs.
Meanwhile, Edward starts as everyone's enemy. Stede is the only one who wants him around, with Izzy being unable to properly voice his feelings. They vote him out. They ALL want him gone, and not just his old crew. Everyone. They realize that at his worst he's capable of killing them all on a whim and they don't want him in their safe space. They LITERALLY call it a walk of shame because they realize Ed deserves punishment for his actions.
They DO eventually let him back in, but the circumstances of this are so damn telling. He's standing before him like a penitent, confessing his sins. He's wearing a sackcloth AND a bell that adds to his humiliation while making sure he doesn't sneak up on anyone ever again. This is LITERALLY a medieval penance ritual and he doesn't even try to argue with it because he knows that he deserves it and that it is necessary if he wants to be allowed back aboard the Revenge. So he just goes on slowly repairing the damage he's done one crew member at a time, knowing he has to put work into gaining their trust back.
It is all so beautifully written, with Izzy's new leg making him confident enough to sit around in Stede's room and put his fucking leg(s) on the desk and Edward owning up to his actions and allowing Lucius to punish him in whatever way he wants. It is CRYSTAL CLEAR which of them is fully redeemed in the crew's eyes and which has to work very hard to earn forgiveness.
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christianchasity Ā· 9 months
introducing: dirty dudes must die! (a npmd au i made up in my mind in less than 10 minutes)
Okay so synopsis: Same events play out like in NPMD, but when Max was talking to them, Grace stood up and was about to tell Max something but before she could say or do anything- CRASH. The gang and Max rush down to save her, and Max tries to say that he was s- "SHUT UP MAX. YOU'RE JUST LIKE THE REST OF THESE DIRTY, SINFUL PEOPLE. DIRTY DUDES MUST PAY! DIRTY. DUDES. MUST. DIE." Two weeks later, everybody feels.... strange. Not better, but...strange. Jason is getting ready for the big game, when- "Jason." Jason dies, the gang gets investigated. Blah blah blah. Grace kills the same people. Richie, Ruth, Ms. Tessburger, Solomon Lauter. The summoning happens, Max has intercourse with Grace, Grace gets sucked down. Max is talking to PJ, (the girl from "literal monster"). Max pulls out the book and kills her. And Nerdy Prudes Must Die begins.
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inne-edoftherapy Ā· 1 year
Good Omens Title Sequence theory
Recently I saw a post where Neil answered an ask about whether there are any clues about season 3 in the season 2 title sequence and he said yes. So I rewatched the sequence couple of times, made screenshots and i also watched BTS of making it. Here is what I found:
In the later part of the title sequence, that is also named the Finale, which was also what Neil described season 3 as, Crowley and Aziraphale seam to lead the huge group of demons and angels to the cinema, I first thought it was just demons, but you can see both Gabriel and Saraquel up front. What caught my attention I that already in the title sequence we can see a banner that says ā€œthe second comingā€, itā€™s next to Muriel and it is one of the many other banners, but is the most clear to read. I tried to read others and this is what I got, itā€™s not a lot, I am lowkey blind and these are blurry:Ā 
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Exodus - which is by definition a mass departure of people. The biblical exodus we know is departure of Israelites from Egypt. The whole Moses talks to a burning bush God, brings down the ten commandments, parts the Red Sea. I could be either a future flashback that we will see or it could literally describe the mass leaving of demons and angels, that we can see in the title sequence, lead by Aziraphale and Crowley, first towards the cinema and the up the mountain of what I think is trash or just bunch of things with a very gloomy door at the end which might represent God, because it seams like the most obvious answer, but considering God in the show does not interact as much, they probably need to go through his receptionist - Metatron. As to what I feel about Metatron and his cosmic oat milk latte and the sinister music that accompanied him as he stared sown Crowley, well another show about angels I watched (itā€™s Supernatural) taught me that Metatron is generally evil and manipulative.Ā 
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Here is the glowy door.
Redemption time - by definition the action of saving of being saved from sin, error, or evil. It might seem that it adresses the demons, but in my opinion it doesnā€™t really make sense? I think it rather refers to the saving Earth from evil, which might be the second coming so maybe also Metatron and the great plan?Ā  Still working on why, but I guess since the whole bunch is lead by Crowley and Aziraphale, it seems like a huge revolution.Ā 
The Kingdom Come - either death, heaven and/or the next world. Itā€™s in one of the prayers - ā€œThy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.ā€ To be quite honest here is where my interpretation skills die.Ā  I think it might be them bringing ā€œkingdom comeā€, death, end to the great plan/Metatron, bc I donā€™t think you can kill God? That makes the most sense to me.Ā 
I also noticed a bunch of different era Crowleys that I donā€™t think weā€™ve seen in this season? But I might be delusional.Ā 
BUT ITS JUST A THEORY ! ok matpat wannabe
(All screenshots are from the title sequence found on youtube)
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sweetescapeartist Ā· 2 years
Imagine making up lies about Yamcha to make Vegeta (who was currently evil) look like a better person.
The same Vegeta who Future Bulma lied about to her son because Vegeta was very evil and uncaring.
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The same Vegeta who would have let Bulma and his own infant son die if Future Trunks didn't save them.
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The same Vegeta that Bulma knew was so evil that he definitely went to Hell as she lied to her son about there being good in Vegeta.
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(Vegeta first began to change from evil to good after he spent 1 yr training in the Room of Spirit & Time with Future Trunks. And Vegeta gained some respect for his son from the future after he attacked him when Vegeta was helping Cell achieve his perfect form. Future Vegeta never changed from evil to good because he never had a "Future Trunks" to be the catalyst of his change.)
All of this evidence and yet DB fans continue to lie about Yamcha. They go along with the lies that Bulma told Trunks, even though he found out the harsh truth; his mom slept with an evil man and lied to make her son think better of herself and better of his evil father by telling her son that Yamcha was a cheater.
Even if Yamcha was a cheater (evidence shown in the manga reveals YAMCHA IS NOT A CHEATER) does that mean Vegeta was "better" than Yamcha? NO. Vegeta directly threatened to kill Bulma multiple times, commits genocide, & his ultimate goal was to kill Goku then the others in his way. Then his future self died an evil man while the present Vegeta got a chance to change thanks to Future Trunks.
Is being a pure evil murderer really better than being an alleged cheater? Present & Future Vegeta killed Namekian children in the last arc & only didn't continue to kill ppl on Earth because Goku was stronger than him with SSJ. Then, Present Vegeta was going to let his own son and baby momma die, & he then put the world in danger just to stroke his Saiyan pride.
Yamcha was nowhere near as evil as Vegeta was nor did he ever cheat.
Meanwhile, Yamcha wanted to marry Bulma and was sad after he found out she had a child with their 100% still evil enemy who threatened all of their lives (& recently threatened Bulma's life) and Vegeta was partially responsible for most of the Z Warriors deaths. And let's not forget that...
Yamcha was the one to tell Future Trunks that his father cared for him.
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Trunks began to despise his own father, but Yamcha is the only one who told Trunks about what Vegeta did; That his father did actually care about him. Why? What did Yamcha have to gain from it? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.
Yamcha just wanted Trunks to return home happy. Yamcha literally helped bring hope to the future. Yamcha even made Future Bulma (who lied on Yamcha) feel better about herself when her lie to make Vegeta look good ended up being barely true in an alternate timeline.
Why do so many ppl hate this man?
And let's not forget how Yamcha tried to save Bulma's relationship in the Buu Saga.
Dude moved on from her and now just wants to help out a friend. A friend who was so extremely depressed to the point she fainted in disbelief that her husband killed hundreds of people (and almost her too) just to fight Goku.
Yamcha tried to fix Vegeta's sins & he did. But many in the fandom still spread the lie that Yamcha knew Vegeta died & he made a wish to only bring back the good people so that Vegeta would stay dead. A blatant lie. Goku told Yamcha, Bulma, & the others that Gohan & Vegeta were dead AFTER they made the wish.
Stop lying on Yamcha. Y'all gotta be obsessively jealous to keep lying about a good man.
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Round 1 - Side B
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Propaganda below ā¬‡ļø
tw unreality skip to eddie
His feet are washed in a scene very reminiscient of Saint Peter being washed by Jesus, his leitmotiv is stronger than ever in the scene in front of the church, and his whole arc is about forgiving those who sinned against him.
I'm pretty sure he's actually russian orthodox but rules say that's allowed. His conversation with Katya Jesus told them to turn his cheek literally made me cry ahhh greatest mafia movie of all time
Eddie (tw mentions of suicide)
He meets Venom (the alien goo parasite that inhabits his body) in a church. Eddie is depressed and about to end his life and just before he does it goes to church and prays to God to forgive him because suicide isā€¦ yā€™know, a sin. Anyway Venom possesses him and saves his life and they have a crazy relationship/love story and the stained glass window in that church becomes important symbolism for them <3 He is the most catholic man ever
Admittedly, most of Eddie's insanity has little to do with Catholicism, he's just a deranged weirdo (affectionate) but he was suicidal once and went to a church to ask forgiveness before killing himself. That's where he met the symbiote and their relationship has parallels to both marriage and religion.
Listen listen he is the epitome of Catholic trauma. Heā€™s got the angst. The repression. The je ne sais quoi. His whole story is basically very dependant on churches if that makes any sense. Like he tried to kill himself in a church and thatā€™s when he bonded with the symbiote. They stopped a symbiote invasion by fuĢ¶cĢ¶kĢ¶iĢ¶nĢ¶gĢ¶ crying out in agony in a church. EDDIE AND VENOM GOT MARRIED IN CANON IN THE CHURCH WHERE THEY MET. He also has so many breakdowns in churches and we love that for him.
He meets Venom in a church and has a lot of religious moments connected to Venom. They also sort of get married in the church they met at? It's gay. Eddie is catholic and in a committed relationship with an alien and it's gay.
(Cw suicide mention) He's canonically Catholic and has such a funky (read: kinda fucked up) relationship with it. When his life fell apart he went to a church to pray for forgiveness for the sin of committing suicide and to ask God to kill spiderman i think but then before he could actually do anything an alien came down and connected with him (in a gay way) and he was like "are you an angel". Also his sense of morality is totally fucked, its like "if you've done something bad once you deserve to die" and I like to think that's related to the specific brand of Catholicism
killed a cop in church (amazing spider-man 1963 comic, issue 300), had a homoerotic rebonding moment with his symbiote in church (venom: planet of the symbiotes comic), asked jesus to carry out a hit on former coworker peter parker (spider-man 3 movie)
more here
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lloydfrontera Ā· 9 months
So I think it's pretty well established that one of the biggest sins of Lloyd and Alicia's relationship is that they just don't interact enough to justify them being endgame.
So imagine an au where Suho get's transmigrated into the body of a palace servant instead of Lloyd Frontera. He'd still be forced to work hard and bust out his civil engineering knowledge to make money because I assume palace servants are mostly paid in room & board. But of course Alicia would notice this talent and want to keep him close. And since Suho doesn't have a Barony to go back to, he has no reason to turn down her jobs as long as she keeps paying him. (This is going off of the novel's characterization of her where she tells Lloyd that she isn't a tyrant and won't force him to work if he doesn't want to).
Plus I'm positive she suffers from Swordmaster Syndrome like Javier, so Suho would definitely offer her his lullaby service in order to gain some sort of leverage over her as well. There could even be rumors that the two are actually sleeping together and that's why Suho keeps getting jobs and titles. It would be really funny if whatever body Suho transmigrated into was just as plainfaced as Lloyd and the entire court is throwing a tantrum over it. Especially if Alicia is completely unbothered by it as she has spent her entire life surrounded by stupid and petty rumors. And since anything relating to romance is one of the few things that can fluster Suho, I could see him being secretly bothered by these rumors, even though he tries to hide it. This could then force Alicia to grow an empathy bone and help this man she has genuinely grown to trust and care about, and maybe even love.
As their relationship and level of trust progresses, I think it would be different enough from Lloyd's relationship with Javier to be interesting. Where Lloyd has to reestablish, for lack of a better word, trust with Javier and then prove that he would make first a good lord and then a good friend (and lover lol). Whereas with Alicia Suho would not only have to prove himself to her, but also overcome the huge power imbalance and status between the two of them. That could actually be a great way to visualize how close their growing as Suho rises in noble status to become closer and closer to her equal.
Speaking of Javier, if the restoration of fate is still a threat he might wind up being one of the main protagonists. Because Suho wasn't transmigrated into LLoyd, he wouldn't have saved the Barony so Javier begins his journey as the lone protagonist destined to lose virtually everyone and everything he ever loved. But also Suho wasn't there to build up his trust with him, so when Javier learns that either he or Suho has to die or else the entire continent is screwed, he has no reason to believe that Suho isn't some loose cannon threat. But by this point he has gained the trust with Alicia and there is no way she is letting Javier kill the man she loves. Maybe she orders Javier's execution/suicide, but would the other nobles/kingdoms allow that after Javier has spent years as a wandering hero? So now Suho is left with three options; 1. Die, 2. Somehow find a way to kill the most overpowered man in history, 3. Let everyone he knows and loves die, mostly at the hands of the woman he loves the most.
god. when are you dropping the fic again.
this is a way more compelling way to make me interested in alloyd than anything bk moon ever wrote. what the hell.
personally i cannot handle the idea of lloyd and javier not being close in any way shape or form it literally doesn't compute in my head but. this is so fucking good i can ignore the screeching little gremlin in my brain.
just a comment, i don't think alicia suffers from swordmaster syndrome. she's already a swordmaster by the time the novel starts, she probably powered through her insomnia and then learned how to shut down her augmented senses to fall asleep just like javier expected to be able to do when he became a swordmaster. javier just had the misfortune of becoming reliant on the lullaby service and then was unable to quit it once he already experienced it. alicia didn't rely on it before she was swordmaster and so suho wouldn't have been able to leverage it against her once she was.
but everything else is fucking amazing i love it <3
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marrecarandgi Ā· 10 months
Now that a week has passed since that horrible ending of FTWD, how would you have liked Troy's story to be wrapped up?
Thanks for asking! I guess itā€™s gonna be a LONG oneā€¦
If I absolutely had to wrap his story, then I wouldā€™ve made him and Tracy leave the main group/PADRE behind. Itā€™s hard for me to say that this season had any arcs, but the potential was there - Troy appears both stuck in his old ways and being perceived by other characters as the person he was 12 years ago, but during the season he realizes that heā€™s already changed a long time ago and lets go of some things and ideas that he has been carrying around like deadweight.
I saw a lot of people say that Troy is irredeemable because he ā€˜killedā€™ Alicia, but for Tracy to believe the lie about being her kid, that mustā€™ve happened ~8 years ago very shortly after Serenaā€™s death. A much younger Troy who havenā€™t really experienced fatherhood yet lashing out in grief is very different from this idea of current Troy seeking out Alicia in cold blood that some people seem to have.
We even have a parallel with Madison, who assumed that Nick has been dead for years and didnā€™t even look for him, finding out that Charlie killed him as a misguided 11yo, but still violently lashing out at her and sending Charlie to her death. Madison fully expected Charlie to die, and if that confrontation happened right after Nickā€™s death with no one around to act like her conscious, then I have to assume that she wouldā€™ve killed Charlie. I mean, Madison isnā€™t above killing kidsā€¦
So, I wouldā€™ve brought more attention to when ā€˜killingā€™ Alicia mustā€™ve happened and how that parallels Madison while also highlighting what Troy didnā€™t have back then - time to process and a support system to stop him like Victor and Daniel tried with Madison. Otherwise, thatā€™s just hypocrisy. Which this season was full of, but it went completely unaddressed.
Every ā€˜goodā€™ character was acting like they know Troy, when most of them saw him maybe once or knew him for a couple of weeks at best, but theyā€™re very sure about the opinions they have on him, even tho 12 years have passed. They also act like his perception of those events isnā€™t correct, while their is.
Itā€™s especially evident with Daniel acting like Troy has lied to Tracy about Ophelia, when he absolutely told her the truth. Ophelia did poison a lot of innocent men. As unfair the situation was for Walker and his people, what most ranchers were guilty of was peacfully living on the land that was still legally bought from the tribe, and then also trying to protect their home.
If they were somehow not innocent enough, then Nick was poisoned and almost died too, but Madison sure kept her mouth shut about that little detail while literally having Nickā€™s ashes on her. She, herself, beat Ophelia up for what Tracy says she did, but for some reason Daniel never gets challenged on rejecting the truth.
Letā€™s not forget that the scene leads to Strand realizing that Daniel is only there because he wants to hurt Troy for causing Opheliaā€™s death by killing Tracy, and then Daniel and Madison actually try to kill Tracy in an unnecessary cruel way only to be stopped by Strand. Seems like a very weird thing to not explore more, when Troyā€™s main sin is ā€˜killingā€™ their daughters. These people are not better than Troy, in many ways they are worse, so, if they deserve another chance and to go their separate ways than so does he.
Troy was really on his best behavior this season. He is constantly accused of being the worst, but his actions donā€™t support it. He takes over the hotel with no casualties, he doesnā€™t intend to kill Charlie, her offers to take over PADRE peacefully, he refuses to side with Crane, he saves Madison - heā€™s not killing anyone just because he can, and is ready to avoid all casualties.
Iā€™ve seen people treating Troy killing Lucianaā€™s men as some kind of proof that he didnā€™t change, but they had an option to just leave the place before Troy even came. Troy was there only because his kidnapped child sent a distressed call from that location. He was wiling to resolve that peacefully too, but was forced into a shootout by men that were either directly responsible for kidnapping Tracy or guilty by association, men that were also getting in his way of saving Tracy from being killed by Madison and Daniel. He wasnā€™t after these men, as they for some reason assumed.
Troy was not in the wrong in that situation and, overall, he proved every character that badmouthed him wrong with his actions. Charlie says that Troy only cares about hurting Madison and not PADRE? Troy saves her life and proves that safety of his daughter (the reason he wanted PADRE) is more important. Daniel says that Troy is a lier? But what he told Tracy about Ophelia was true, and he either confesses about other stuff or lies to protect his child. Strand acts like Tracy needs to be rescued from Troy? Troy is literally the best parent this show had. And so on.
It boggles my mind that the show is either unaware that Troyā€™s words and his actions are so different or is aware, but unwilling to do anything with it. Kinda like it does absolutely nothing to call out other characters (baby snatchers, attempted child murderers, killers for hire, ex tyrants and such) on their hypocrisy when judging Troy. So, going back to the original question, I would address all that and make all the characters realize how similar they are, and that they have no ground to judge each other. That the only good thing they can do is go their separate ways, as they seem to be much better people when they are not in close proximity.
Oh, and if Iā€™m not allowed to keep Serene ā€˜aliveā€™ long enough to have Troy put her out of her misery and him and Tracy burry her together, then I would give him more time to process her ā€˜deathā€™. I think she serves as a perfect symbol of Troy clinging to things that are no longer there, his ā€˜deadweightā€™. He seems to blame Alicia and Madison for her death, but he went from someone who ā€˜killedā€™ Alicia out of grief to someone who saves Madison. Allow him to meaningfully burry his past and that be proof of his change and the fact that his revenge quest is over.
If I donā€™t actually have to finish Troyā€™s story, then I would retcon the shit out of this season with one simple fix - unreliable narration from a severely traumatized 8yo girl.
You saw Madison push a dull ass object through Troy as if heā€™s made out of dough? No, you didnā€™t! Tracyā€™s mind exaggerated that wound. You saw Troy dead on the ground? No, you didnā€™t, because Tracy already ran away, and thatā€™s her mind filling the blanks. You saw a dozen adults standing there doing absolutely nothing after she ran away? No, they all ran after her and left injured Troy behind to be rescued by his men, who should be in the area anyway.
You saw walker!Troy? Well, that being a false memory child mind came up with to cope with trauma makes far more sense than an 8yo, who got easily overwhelmed by walkers multiple times before, spending an entire night searching through the remains of a 5000 horde that was just in the area, in the dark, and actually finding her dad, who went in some random direction, without being eaten alive.
Then her digging a grave for a 6ā€™1 man in the ground that was so frozen that it could hold a horde, with her bare hands too. Then easily finding her way back to Madison, who got saved from a gunshot by a tiny soft silver necklace, and digging her out from under rubble. Then an 8yo knowing some ā€˜field medicineā€™ that allows you to heal chronic lung issues with zero oxygen tanks and such.
None of these things make sense and the show would be better, if they will get retconned as Tracy running away too early to see Troy die, shooting Madison (but the bullet only grazing her, which is something Tracy could actually know how to deal with later) or just knocking her out and then spending the night crying holed up somewhere close while her mind makes these fixes to allow her to go back and help the only adult she has to rely on for survival.
Then I would continue Troyā€™s story, where he first gets better physically and mentally, maybe finds a new community of interesting characters (that isnā€™t just 13 ā€˜fanaticā€™ men, but also a little boy, so, do Troyā€™s men have families with them that we never see? What happened to the boy? Why even add a boy, when a grown ass man couldā€™ve told us that Tracy is goneā€¦) before going to find his daughter who wonā€™t even be with Madison and Alicia at that point (because I donā€™t want to see them again) who left Tracy with whatever first community they found (good for her).
Thatā€™s my pitch for the first 2 seasons of a Troy spinoff.
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felixcloud6288 Ā· 4 months
Higurashi: Atonement Chapter 11
I think this chapter more than any other emphasizes the theme I've said Higurashi is about.
Keiichi was a messed up guy before coming to Hinamizawa.
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It's a bit hypocritical of Rena to say Keiichi isn't her friend due to him hiding his past from her when he doesn't know anything from her past either.
The same is true of when Keiichi said the exact same thing to Mion in Abducted by Demons.
I want to give a quick comparison between how Keiichi and Rena's pasts have been presented to us. Part of Rena's past was given to us in Abducted by Demons while part of Keiichi's past was given in Curse Killing. Then the full stories were given in this arc.
In Rena's case, the partial story was given by Ooishi and it emphasized Rena's past cases of violence and psychosis without giving us any reasons why. In Keiichi's case, he was the one telling us the partial story and while we're told about the buildup to his crime, we don't actually get the crime itself.
Rena is very upfront to us that she committed horrible acts in her narration, but Keiichi didn't bring his acts up until Rena confronted him over it.
In many stories, this would be proof that Keiichi is in the wrong because he's trying to keep something from his past a secret while Rena is in the right for admitting to what she's done. But I want to take a different approach based on what their friends said when Keiichi told them everything.
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This is a story about repentance, forgiveness, and second chances.
Keiichi is ashamed of what he's done, and he's trying to be a better person because of it. He doesn't bring it up and he doesn't have to. He's already confessed and atoned and is always trying to be better.
But when Rena openly admits to us what she has done and the person she has been, I think it's a sign she hasn't truly moved on from her past. She doesn't believe she's been forgiven or atoned for what she's done. She didn't try to be a better person; she abandoned her old self and tried to be a new person.
That next part hits us just as hard as that bat hit Mion.
This is the answer arc to Abducted by Demons. But all this time, we've been seeing a story that parallels it rather than seeing the truth of what happened.
But now we get to see the answer to that arc. And it's not just the answer to what actually happened. It's answering what could have been done to stop this.
Rika has said she will die on June 25th in this arc. I'm cheating by looking ahead, but I can argue that it is likely June 24th during this scene (Happy birthday Satoko!!). And I've previously determined that Keiichi killed Mion and Rena on June 24th in Abducted by Demons.
It's a bit of a stretch, but I want to believe that Mion said "Hurry up and feel better!" at the literal same moment in time in these two arcs. And that coincidental overlap is what caused Keiichi to remember his actions in Abducted by Demons.
In Eye Opening, Rika said they should forgive the people who entered the Saiguden because they were sorry for it. And when Shion said only Oyashiro can decide, Rika simply said she's Oyashiro-sama's priestess.
And now we know that Oyashiro really does exist and speaks to Rika. Oyashiro really did want to forgive Keiichi and Shion for their trespass. And Rika did what she could to save Keiichi because he had confessed and could be forgiven.
And just now he confessed his sins from Abducted by Demons. And in response, Rika once again is doing everything she can to save him. And salvation comes from knowing he can be forgiven and understand how he can try to save Rena.
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In Abducted by Demons, Rena considered her failure to help Satoshi a great sin and saving Keiichi was her greatest second chance. To the very end, she tried to save him. And though it took much longer than it should have, her words did reach Keiichi.
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And now that Keiichi has realized what he did, he's realized this is his second chance. He didn't trust in his friends, but now he will never distrust them again. And he will believe that he can reach Rena and stop her from becoming what he became.
And Rika, who has seen her friends make these mistakes over and over, is willing to fight to save this doomed world.
Call me a pro-shipper but I squealed when this happened.
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This arc has been two different perspectives fighting each other to paint the narrative as they head toward a destined tragedy. We already know how this is expected to end: Rena will blow up the school, killing herself and all her classmates.
The "question" perspective has shown us what has led Rena to do this. Meanwhile the "answer" perspective has shown us why she is mistaken. But now the "answer" perspective is no longer about showing us what really happened. It is now focused on stopping the tragedy that is supposed to happen.
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squidsandlanterns Ā· 9 months
Wick Head Cannons for how I think the twins came to be and the shadow entity (?) probably being involved- (Actually this is just a ramble-)
Ok so.....
This is really just a thought that has been rotting and scratching in the back of my mind from a year and some months now and it's just......
So you know how most of Wick's lore is basically left up to up to interpret? Well a lot of people seem to lean into the "Mary cheated when John left for war" but..... explain when in the audio of Mary begging God to "forgive her of her sins, she was evil from the day she was born,and she hopes to be released from her sins" (that part has me questioning some things-) and the babies crying we can literally hear what seems to be a demonic growl at the end....
Now, I know that the possible theory of her cheating may be true but....what if the twins weren't of a regular father? But a demon? Like we hear in John audio when he was going to kill himself that Mary had "Invited the devil into their bed" and she blamed her problems on the church she loved so much.....
Now that may mean that
Speculation one:
Mary probably slept with a demon and in turn face birth to the twins (and they may be actual changelings), she freaks tf out, goes to the church about it (well more like the pastor) and he like "no bae I ain't fixing that shi you throw those devil spawns TF out, and get yo ass in here after and start repenting" and she may not have she keeps them, John comes home, find out his wife fr cheated and all of a sudden when he's arguing with her Tom starts crying (because the shadow entity came back for them to place a curse of sickness) and shi starts down spiraling. LIKE FAST. Benny at that time knew what was going on but not to a great extent until he died and Mary at one point use to actually care and love her children but with John probably isolating himself, the pastor pressuring her about the evil she brought into the world and the shadow entity seemingly lurking around in the forest (I think it was in one of Calebs audio John was telling him that he's not strong enough to fight of the evil in the woods or smth-) probably waiting for an opportunity to strike.And it did get one. All because of Mary. She starting neglecting her kids, probably even starved the twins and Caleb (look at them, I mean seriously why do the look so malnourished??? Even when Caleb was alive he looked like a skeleton already-). I think the only person that got a little attention was Benny (Old Man Edwards audio about Benny). So when kids started dying (She most likely killed the twins. Probably suffocated and burnt Tim (in his NWO design and mask) and for Tom it was more brutal like.... Chased her kid around, beat him and then probably shoved him off the bridge or in the well.... I'll save this for later) And when she died the pastor peiced together that "Oh fuq this placed is cursed ASF there's a demon fr fr" tries to perform an excorsim but the entity shows up and is like "Nawh today you gon die" and the cue his death by the twins....huh.....now that I think about it maybe the pastor helped Mary kill the twins-???
Uh that's it I guess, please send me your ideas on what probably went down in Wick......Jesus that was in my brain for so long....I didnt even write this properly-
Oh well-
Thank you for reading my spiral into insanity.
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librathefangirl Ā· 1 year
What do you think the sins and Zeldris thinks about Meliodas death at this point? I know the sins would be sad but won't blame but still be in 5 stages of grieve and Zeldris well... that would be a different story. I think he would be extremely angry that his brother died at the hands of Elizabeth. The same woman who made his brother suffer and had the audacity to be the one to kill him after what she had put him through :(((
This fanfic:
Love it!!!
This is actually not something I thought a lot about when I wrote this fic. Because A) the focus was on Elizabeth and her feelings, and B) the story doesn't really deal with what happens after Meliodas' death except the immediate aftermath - so this ask was a lot of fun!
Now, let's see if I can answer this somewhat organized. Also consider yourself warned, this is gonna get looong XD
Okay, so, the Sins.
I definitely agree with you there, they would be upset, sad, caught in their own grief, but they wouldn't blame Elizabeth. However, I do think they would blame themselves. Meliodas knew what he/they were doing, and he would have done it all again, if it meant the others lived. And the Sins know this, because they know Meliodas. He sacrificed himself for them - that's something that would weigh heavily on them. They all got ambushed and overwhelmed, they failed to defeat their enemies and that resulted in Elizabeth having to use her move and Meliodas dying because of it. Just like Elizabeth, they too would be haunted by the what-ifs, the constant question if they could have saved him if they'd just done something differently.
And! This is also the second time they had to watch Meliodas die, unable to do anything to help him. Except this time, with the curse broken, he is truly dead. I think Merlin especially would struggle with that. She's known him for 3,000 years, through all the years of the curse. After the Ten Commandments killed him, she alone knew that he would eventually resurrect. I think both she and Elizabeth, given their respective pasts with Meliodas, would have a hard time with the fact that he really won't come back to them this time, no matter how much time passes.
I also wanna take a moment to talk about Ban before we move on to Zeldris. Ban and Meliodas' relationship is definitely one of my favorites in the anime, and it only gets better along the way! I mean, through secret reveals, murder attempt, literal death, their bond just gets stronger. And that's not even mentioning the millennia they spent together in Purgatory. Which I think is especially noteworthy in this scenario, since that means that except for Elizabeth and Merlin Ban is the one with the longest history with Meliodas. Personally I think Ban would be mostly angry - maybe even get stuck in that stage of grief - because to me it seems like that's the emotion he most easily falls back to when faced with things like this. He wouldn't blame her, but I think he would be angry at Elizabeth and even more at Meliodas himself, for doing this. Which I also think would make him even more angry at himself - he tried to kill Meliodas once in an attempt to save Elaine, who the hell is he to judge?? We saw how angry Ban was at his helplessness when Meliodas lost his emotions, at how he couldn't do anything to help him. I think it would be like that, except so much worse this time. That time, Meliodas was still there (not himself, but there), and in the end, Ban could help him (go to Purgatory to find his emotions). This time, there's nothing that can be done.
Now then... Zeldris...
His relationship with Meliodas' is such complex, but since this is taking place after the curse is broken, they're also in a better place than they have been in literally 3,000 years. Now, as with many of my fics, it gets a little fuzzy about how in line with canon this takes place, but... Even if Zeldris isn't ready to call Meliodas is brother yet, I think he would at least be entertaining, in his own mind at least, the potential of a relationship they now can have. Their father is dead, they're free to choice their own lives. For the first time, Zeldris was faced with the possibility of actually getting his big brother back, of getting to actually talk and bond with him as he always wanted. And then Meliodas is killed. It's heartbreaking to think about, and I think Zeldris would struggle a lot with that grief. He lost his brother all over again and now he will never be able to forgive Meliodas for what he did all those years ago or rebuild their relationship.
Zeldris, like Merlin and Elizabeth, would also struggle with the finality of Meliodas' death. Growing up like they did, with Meliodas being this big-shot demon, the demon even goddesses feared, the next Demon King, and on top of that just being Zeldris' big brother that he looked up to so much, gave Zeldris a (in a way) skewed view. I think that back then, to Zeldris, Meliodas seemed almost invincible. And no matter how his opinion changed, 3,000 years later, Meliodas was still there, unchanged and hopelessly himself, and then Zeldris helped kill him, but Meliodas still came back. So, I think that it would be a hard pill to swallow for him as well that Meliodas truly is gone this time.
As for his feelings about Elizabeth's role in Meliodas death -well, obviously he would be angry. I think most people would be angry if someone was the cause behind their brother's death. That being said, given that this takes place after the curse is broken, I don't think Zeldris would have been as angry as if this had happened earlier because I believe his view on Elizabeth has changed. Still, unlike the Sins, Zeldris doesn't actually know her and while they see the Demon King as the root of all Meliodas' suffering, to Zeldris Elizabeth is still the one who pulled his brother away from the demons and set off the start for all of his suffering.
Another thing that's worth thinking about in this scenario is how did Zeldris find out about Meliodas' death. Did he find out by himself? Did Merlin or one of the other Sins tell him? Or was Elizabeth herself the one who told him? If Elizabeth was the one who told him, I think his anger would be more directed at her. Because she would then also be directly connected to not only Meliodas' death but to Zeldris finding out about it as well. Also, I doubt Elizabeth in her own guilt would explain and phrase the event in the same way that the Sins would. If instead Merlin or any of the Sins would tell him, someone who doesn't hold Elizabeth responsible for his death the way she herself does, then I think Zeldris anger would be more directed against the enemies who actually attacked them and brought forth the events leading to Meliodas' death.
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hanako-san Ā· 2 years
Hanako's Selfishness
I was talking about it few times ago. This really last post about Hanako's selfishness.
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Hanako in his past life he give up everyting. He decided "not go anywhere" He had dreams which he wanted realize in future,his passion to moon and comos's beautiful thing. He gave up for some reason on his own future for the purpose of killing his brother. He gave up the life that Tsukasa had given him. Don't know why Hanako killed Tsukasa, don't know the twins entire past to say anything. One thing is for sure - He must have had good reason to kill Tsukasa. I really feel annoyed by now that I have only crumbs of Hanako's past life.. It's hard to say anything when the twins' past is broken into fragments. It is unknown what happened between Amane and Tsukasa when Tsukasa returned to his home. Knowing AidaIro, something terrible must have happened.
Amane's life was a hard, disease, he couldn't have fun with Tsukasa, every effort made him difficult, all the time in the room on the bed, later Hanako was beaten by an unknown perpetrator, he decided to commit a grave sin and doom himself to eternal suffering. He took the life of the person he loves, he gave up his own life and future,he has no friends,his life was full of sorrow and suffering.
Amane becomes Hanako who must act as a god to forgive him for his actions.
Being supernatural said he doesn't care someone has to die, but I consider it an absolute lie. If it weren't so, that wouldn't be comforting a weeping Nene in the opening chapters.
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Does not care? Is he selfish? Not. Here Hanako shows Nene support and comfort her,If he doesn't care about who is going to die, but cares about people's feelings? Here it is clearly shown that this is not true. Hanako's concern shows that he is not indifferent and not selfish and, not being selfish in the beginning chapters, her friend.
He admitted this in the PP arc
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PP arc I've already seen this desperation in him. Hanako didn'timprison them in the PP arc, Tsukasa did. Hanako is responsible for trying to stop Nene and the rest. Hanako is responsible for imprisoning Nene to keep her from leaving PP. He did it to make Nene live a happy life without sacrificing anyone else.
Everything changed when Nene made the official wish to Hanako-san It was a contract between Hanako and Nene. Hanako decided to fulfill her wish (I already wrote about Nene's wish and her guilt in sacrificing Aoi). "He could refuse" Sure he could have refused that, but then he would also be considered "cruelty,he's not caring about Nene's life", so it's easy to complain when both options are wrong and there is no proper decision to make everyone happy. He knew that he would have to take the life of a person close to Nene's heart. Hanako fulfilled the contract he made with Nene by her wish. Literally at this point, Nene gave him again the burden that he decided to lift.
"He could return Aoi when they came for her" Not. He didn't, and I wasn't surprised by his attitude, it was predictable. At least I knew it from the beginning, because Hanako was ready to take a second death for a loved one. He stood in front of Akane and Teru. Hanako fought Teru, the person he fears, but he did it for Nene. He was ready for anything. He has tried to fulfill the contract he had with Nene. Hanako faced an enemy he knew he had no chance with, which shows his desperation to save Nene's life
But didn't he really care about Aoi's life? Not. He cared about her. It was in his best interest to protect her, but he didn't have to ask about her life, but he did.
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Without saving her, he could fulfill Nene's wish, but at the same time he wanted to help her survive this last journey, because he knew well that it was a terrible experience and he wanted to help her with a conversation. He didn't have to - but he did. He showed her concern in a certain way. He's not being selfish here either. He showed sympathy for Aoi for her fate, but had no intention of withdrawing from his contract with Nene.
So he admitted that he knew that Nene would not agree and he did everything in his own way and in a secret. But that's normal. I don't see anything strange. The contract had to be fulfilled, and through Nene her friend became a victim of her wish.
Hanako doesn't want to give up for Nene's life because he "controls her choices" or "loves so much", I believe there is more to it. Hanako also faced death and didn't want to die, neither did Nene(Nene lied to Hanako whe she said "it's okay" and he knows it)
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Amane's life was supposed to last "a month" For Nene "year" I see a lot of similarity between them. And I also think Hanako knows perfectly well what Nene is feeling. He showed her concern for a start, tried to extend her life by other methods because he cared for her life from very start!
Nene is not the only person Hanako cares about. Kou's second person. Also showed in earlier chapters. Mokke would steal every now and then, and Hanako would return the things to their owners. He asked Kou to help him get something that this person appreciates very much and it belonged to Kou. He didn't have to say that this "person appreciates it", and yet he knew, and yet he took into account that this amulet could be valuable to him.
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Hanako began to change before disappearing, he said
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Hanako thought of both of them and wanted things to stay as they are. Of the boy who gave up his dreams by killing his brother for some reason unknown to me, he wanted things to stay the same without changes
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I don't consider him a selfish boy. It's a boy who goes through character development and changes. He shows concern, is not selfish and tries to fulfill his duties as best as possible. His duties include not only saving students and keeping order between the supernatural and human, but also fulfilling wishes at the right price.
He don't want to give up? Let him try. The fight against destiny is hard, but no matter what Hanako do, I'll be on his side
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bells-of-black-sunday Ā· 1 year
@axewhirl replied to your post ā€œ//literally do not mention t.arhos around me I...ā€:
ā€‹I'm pulling out my pepe silvia board, but it's fine: I honestly think the main reason Tarhos and Vittorio are so hated as characters is just because of click bait youtube videos that proclaimed he could stall out the game until the servers timed when realistically that never happened. I remember one morning playing 10 games against knights back to back and honestly he's not any worse than any other anti-loop killer in the game, I hated playing against Nemesis and Twins far more, he has very clear indications of what you're supposed to do in certain situations we can even see that in the showcase done by a beloved streamer between a top knight player and a top skull merchant player.
I also think the fact that really the only lore channel in the community called Tarhos and Vittorio's lore "boring" also played a role in it, but what is their lore really? Tarhos fundamentally is a deconstruction of the Edwardian romanticism of the renaissance that led to what we see of knights saving princesses and being generally forces of good when at most points in history knights were just glorified gangs to the point where tournaments had to be made and organized to stop them from killing people.
He is a child slave, he's not some noble man who went to go protect the holy land or save people, he's a man whose lived all his life being treated like nothing more than a dog on a leash. He is not rich. He is not pious. Even though he's been groomed into that lifestyle even he sees through the churches bullshit, to him there is no sin there is no right or wrong it's just some big mix of cosmic mud he'll never care to make sense of.
Either all of it is good or none of it is in his eyes. To him the only thing that separates him from other people is he doesn't lie to himself about what he's doing. He is hurting people not that he has or ever had a choice in the matter, he's just grown to cope in a way that he enjoys it. As we can see in his tome he talks about everything that's happened to him like it happened to someone else an example being:
""There was a village quite far from here. A small army advanced on this village on a mission, I suppose, to butcher the barbariansā€¦ to make this world a better place. Rather than be killed by a stranger or be taken as a slave these villagers had chosen to die by their own accord."
Tarhos scoops a few more maggots and tosses them into the mouth.
"I remember one mother had poisoned her family without hesitation or remorse. The love and strength of will it must have taken to do that is something Iā€™ve yet to see in all my experiences on the battlefield and off. I have been around nobles and knights my whole life and all Iā€™ve seen is cowardice steeped in the rotten stew of lies and hypocrisy.""
He is very clearly talking about when he was a child and his mother poisoning his family to try and avoid exactly what he's been through. On the other hand you have Vittorio, the survivor he came with, a 13th century Italian lord whose a pacifist who tried to find the fog, because he was told it was a paradise without violence or death. And debatably there could be a part of the entity like that, but that's not what either of them found.
Tarhos didn't even care about what Vittorio was doing until whatever happened over the course of the months they had been traveling together made one simple order, "Find another way", piss him off enough to kill and claim all of Vittorio's land for himself. Granted, could be entity influence after all Tarhos did carry the paradise stone out of those catacombs and it's what Vittorio's been unwittingly searching for the entire time, but Tarhos still makes a comment about how Vittorio only wants him to not be violent so he can sleep well at night.
That he doesn't deserve to hold such ideals Vittorio's entire fortune was secured with nothing but violence and stepping on others to secure such a petty need. He's a coward. The most cowardly lord he ever had served. Yet even in his tome, Tarhos doesn't hate him as much as he pretends to. Not only does he not kill Vittorio, he actively talks to him and thinks aloud telling him war stories and asking if he thinks he's mad, but especially so when other lords take notice of what Vittorio was studying.
That becomes the only reason why Tarhos is keeping him alive, because suddenly this idea of paradise is a much bigger deal than he thought. He's offered money, land, etc. to the people that want him dead, but the only thing they want is what Vittorio has on paradise. Which honestly could be the founding of the Black Veil for all we know. So of course when he gets pulled into the fog with the only 3 people he trusts he's going to see the entity as paradise.
And I can only imagine what he thinks when he sees Vittorio again.
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moonstone27ls Ā· 2 years
Owl House ep 2....
Spoiler warning...
Iā€™m warning you....
Go any further and youā€™ve been spoiled.....
.... no complaining I warned you...
Last warning..........
SoooooĀ  a lot happened. Am I disappointed? Hell no, I loved all of it. I also love how Camila even though she was scared/didnā€™t understand anything she was still very much in mama bear/caring for ALL the kids mode. I LOVE HER.
I also love how sheā€™s still trying to help her baby girl in all this struggle. I hope this marks some self healing for Luz and that sheā€™s forgiving herself. I LOVED her Palisman its original and unique just like Luz :3. I LOVED how Camila is trying to embrace her nerd side she suppressed when she bonded with Hunter/Gus XD.
Loved how Rain got all animeĀ ā€œooohā€ over Edaā€™s owl form... what Iā€™m surprised is that King hasnā€™t tried to ask the Collector to remove her curse... I mean IF heā€™s that mysterious one who made the owl beast curse.
Uhhh am I shocked that Kikimora went all nutso and tried to be King or whatever... nah sheā€™s been hinted early on to be nuts and the stereotypical villain we see in cartoons.Ā 
King... I feel sooo sorry for King because heā€™s just like Luz trying to save everyone and help everyone. I wanna just squeeze that adorable baby! (also who also thought it was cute that Camila basically said almost the same thing Luz said when she first saw King XD)
Then we have the Collector... uhh Iā€™m gonna be blunt I feel more sorry for him than I do Belos. And I know thats gonna shock fandom or offend people cause I know since the last ep came out I heard nothing butĀ ā€œPhilip sympathyā€ stuff. To a degree I got it... but until something changes... sorry/not sorry I donā€™t feel a LOT of sympathy for Belos/Philip. The wholeĀ ā€œbeing hauntedā€ by his murdered victims and still refusing to take responsibility. I donā€™t see aĀ ā€œOh Philipā€™s been brainwashedā€ orĀ ā€œPhilip loved his brother so much thats why he went on a murderous rampage and killed his brother Caleb SOOO deserved to dieā€. Philip is literally LOOKING at his sins and refuses to acknowledge what he is. Heā€™s... heā€™s Kikimora they are characters who could have had good potential in another path but choose to follow the bad one. Again CHOOSE.
I love him as a villain this is great stuff. But heh... its a mix on sympathy... I mean I dunno have him do a Vader moment where he does something to SAVE Luz... oh wait no heā€™s not... heā€™s gonna kill Luz and her friends/mother or try to have the Collector do it for him. So yeah no.
But back to the Collector.. we donā€™t know much about his past/background/or species? (and thats not all Dana Terraceā€™s fault... thats YOUR FAULT DISNEY) But from what I can guess... thereā€™s something hidden he didnā€™t want King to find out. And its hinting he might be somewhat anxious from being left in solitude in wherever he was banished to. So yes for a brief moment when he asked King to let FranƧoise stay with him. I felt sorry for the god like/or child like Bill powered character here. I mean heck heā€™s referring to Odalia as Mamadlia. I feel like thats hinting he wants what the others have... but heā€™s either not understanding or whatever I dunno Iā€™m not a whatever psychiatrist.Ā Ā 
Anything else... I admit I wonder what Belos is planning... I get why heā€™s manipulating the Collector... but what is his ultimate goal.... is he actually gonna kill himself just to end the demon realm (I assume he would if he posses puppet Rain and again GUESSING if he gets the Draining spell working again... wouldnā€™t that mean heā€™d go with his puppet host?). Does he hope that turning the Collector against the demon realm? Or have that enough so he can continue the draining spell? I mean his body was literally falling apart on him... I just am trying to figure out what his end game here... I mean even if he possesses toy Rain... what will he do? He hates them all so much that he wanted to go back to the Human world... so would he just go back in what he possessed... Or does he have an actual plan B and the Collector is just a distraction?
But also... how did Belos know where Lilith/Eda were hiding? oO I mean I guess puppet Rain heard things? maybe but that wasnā€™t established.... yet.
Also ... what did Luz see in that inbetween world? Was it another Collector?... Is it a creature? Evelyn? Another Titan?... Calebā€™s spirit?
Also.... Hunter/Willow.... they HELD HANDS(sorta) THEY WERE BOTH BLUSHINGGGGG! Come on people we saw it she was blushing when he saved her!! And when Willow had ... I wanna say panic attack?Ā  or just say the pressure finally caved on her. Moment he heard her put herself down and refer to herself as aĀ ā€œhalf witchā€. He broke those vines and went to her! He told her she meant a LOT to him. That moment!! GAH THATS LIKE AMITY/LUZ! Its those moments that make me love the ship! And GAHHHH he was blushing when she said it back later!! THEY ARE JUST LIKE AMITY/LUZ TOOO PURE FOR THIS! I LOVE THEM SOOO MUCH!!Ā  And Belos/Philip better leave them alone or I dunno wish more bad luck on him. I say that cause he pretty much hated Evelyn... so how is he gonna like it when he sees that hisĀ ā€œnephewā€ fell for a witch just like Caleb.Ā 
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mcx7demonbros Ā· 2 years
Damnation - Solomonā€™s Case
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This is a continuation of my Damnationā€™s Series (like literally everything Iā€™ve written about damnation). However, it can be read separately.
First, I want to talk about Solomonā€™s immortality. Many assume Solomon would be save forever thanks to his immortality (i.e. he would escape eternal punishment). However, I believe Solomonā€™s immortality is relative, not absolute, meaning it could be removed from him or something stronger than his immortality could destroy him.
I divide immortality into two types, absolute and relative. Absolute immortality belongs to God alone. Being self-existent, having no beginning and no end, absolute immortality is an attribute of God.
Holy God, Holy Strong, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us. (The Trisagion)
Souls are also immortal, and this immortality is absolute in the sense of it couldnā€™t be removed or changed, but also relative in the sense that this immortality needs to be sustained by God.
Relative immortality can be achieved by human, only through some extraordinary means. And like the name indicated, this kind of immortality can be overcome by something stronger than it. However, trying to attain this immortality is sinful in itself.
Since the fall of human, every human are fated to die one day, an effect of Original Sin. Adamā€™s sin is transmitted to his posterity, not by imitation, but by descent. (Dogma no. 63 of the Catholic Church). Trying to achieve bodily immortality means going against Godā€™s punishment, which is no different from a criminal trying to escape their lawful penalty.
Think about it. Only a person with no hope for the afterlife would try to achieve immortality. The person clings to this life on earth, its transitory wealth, its pleasure, its forbidden knowledge, etc.
Solomonā€™s immortality belongs to the second category, the relative immortality. Proof? Grim Reaper(s) tried to take his souls multiple times. Had Solomonā€™s immortality being absolute, the Grim Reaper(s) would have been trying in vain. But as Grim Reaper(s) is death incarnated and death is under their jurisdiction, they sure know what they were (still are) doing. Meaning, Solomonā€™s immortality is not absolute.
Even if the Grim Reaper(s) never manage(s) to capture the Sorcererā€™s soul. Thereā€™s still the Apocalypse at the end of time. According to some theories, the Earth will be covered by fire (contrast with Noahā€™s time which is with water), this fire will surely kill at least all living human beings. The fire is never defined I believe, but the death of all human at the end of time is decreed by God, with 100% certainty. If Solomon makes it to this point, his immortality will surely ends and he will die. After the death of all human, come the dreadful Judgement Day
Dies irae, dies illa
Solvet saeclum in favilla,
This day, this day of wrath
shall consume the world in ashes,
(Requiem Mass - Sequence ā€œDies Iraeā€ - Day of Wrath)
On this dreadful day, demons will accuse you before the just Judge. For Solomon, which demons but his 72 will accuse him. Asmodeus and Barbatos, whether they want it or not, will accuse Solomon on that dreadful day, pulling him down to Hell with them.
I guess I gotta make a separate Masterlist for this topic. Guess Iā€™ll talk about Simeonā€™s case next.
@sparkbeast20 saw your comment in the reblog on the previous post so I tagged you to clarify Solomonā€™s case
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