#so all that you see there he did that. he stabbed himself he propped up the spear to stab him he tied himself down he stabbed himself
makedamnsvre · 1 year
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he is risen
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jezabelle9299 · 2 months
Broken Lungs S.R x FEM!Reader
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CWs- Spoilers for season 5, depictions of asthma and use of a nebulizer, mentions of gunshot wounds, and health insurance not covering necessary medication.
Quick Infodump- Oxygen saturation levels should be 95-100%, lower than 93% should seek immediate help from a healthcare professional, and lower than 85% can cause severe damage to the brain because of a lack of oxygen.
Overture: Spencer is recovering from the knee surgery he needed after being shot in the field, when he sees a familiar face in the hospital being treated for an asthma attack.
A/N- This is based on my own experience with asthma, but it's different for everyone, so the relatability may vary with this one. But I was stuck at home all day because of an air quality alert so I did this instead of getting ready for the semester that starts in two weeks.
After one of his worst days in the field, Spencer ended the day in a hospital bed unable to walk. Hotch had been stabbed, and he had been shot. Both would be ok, and they were in separate hospitals to recover. The team alternated who would come to visit, and when. It usually took until the nurses kicked them out at the end of visiting hours, for them to actually leave. 
It’d been 2 days since his surgery, and the nurses had given him permission to walk around with his brace, on crutches. He’d never used them before, so he walked around the floor to the nurses’ station to get some more jell-o, and then around the hall back to his room. He allowed his curiosity (or nosiness) to get the better of him, occasionally glancing in at the people with their doors open, giving them a small smile or wave. Until he saw a familiar face. 
You’d worked for the FBI for a few years, working on the same floor as the BAU, but you weren’t in the field. You were sitting up in a hospital bed, playing solitaire in one hand, holding what looked like an oxygen mask to your face with the other. You looked up when you felt his eyes on you, and there he was, trapped in the doorway. You’d think you were hallucinating if not for the brace on his knee, and the crutches he was propping himself up on. He didn’t move from the threshold until you gave him a small wave, jumpstarting his movement into your room. 
You’d heard about Hotch’s incident, but you weren’t in the office yesterday, and since Spencer’s injury happened later in the day, you had no idea why he was here. You pulled the mask spraying (terrible tasting) medicine into your lungs from your face. You could stop for 30 seconds to see what he was here for. 
“Hey Spencer, what–um, what brings you here?” He hesitated, because you’d know since the 5th floor of the FBI building was the most gossip-ridden place he’d seen since high school. Yet he had no idea you’d be here. It’s not even as if you never talked, whenever he was in the office he’d stop by your desk to talk to you. He figured that you hadn’t gotten tired of him yet because he was gone a lot, although in reality you’d never tire of hearing his voice.
“I got shot in the knee, I’ll be fine, the real question is why are you here?” You’re sure it’s on government record, something Garcia could find in two minutes if she looked, but you still didn’t like talking about it. You knew it was stupid to be embarrassed of it, but you couldn’t help it. Every time it got brought up, you felt like the dorky character in a movie carting around their inhaler all the time, the butt of some cosmic joke. 
You preferred to think of it as an inconvenience more than anything. It didn’t come up often because you weren’t in the field, and when you needed to use an inhaler, you measured your breathing long enough to get to an empty bathroom or supply closet. You’d just blame the jitters that came after on too much coffee, and no one would ask any questions. This time, the inhaler wasn’t working, the next step in medication, a small machine similar to what you were supposed to be hooked up to now, wasn’t working either. So you drove to the ER feeling like you’d just run 10 miles, and they were making you stay 36 hours to give you stronger medication in intervals. 
“No reason.” You didn’t know why you even bothered with that response. Neither did Spencer, tossing you an apathetic look. He knew how squeamish you got when attention was drawn to something that made you look vulnerable, which is why he let it slide every time you walked into a supply closet looking flushed and panicked, with a soundtrack accompanying every time you took a breath, only to come out 5 minutes later with no supplies. 
 “Ok, really? Why would you even try it, you’re hooked up to a nebulizer and your oxygen saturation is at 90. What happened?” He was using the tone he only ever broke out for interrogations and proving Morgan wrong, but you still wanted to minimize the attention drawn to this not so glamorous piece of your life. You wanted Spencer to see you as someone he could date, even someone he could love, so this was not ideal to the image you’d been trying to show at work. 
“I have gross broken lungs. It’s really no big deal.” He laughed, but there was minimal humor behind it. Like he couldn’t even fathom you thinking this was ‘no big deal’. 
“I would venture to say you being in the hospital because you were unable to breathe is a very big deal.” While you loved when Spencer got a little bit cocky, you decided it would be more fun to make the little vein in his forehead appear again. So you tossed a vague shrug.
“Well I’d say getting shot is a much bigger deal. So why don’t you sit down, eat your jello, and tell me what happened to you, while I finish this thing.” He couldn’t argue with that, because at the very least he wanted you to feel better and the medicine currently going to waste while you were talking was the only way to accomplish that, so he relented. 
He didn’t want to move your things to the floor, but they were occupying the only chair in the room, so he made himself comfortable at the foot of your bed. He always wanted to be closer to you anyway. Setting his crutches next to him and opening the small cup of jello he’d somehow been holding this whole time, he reiterated his answer from before. 
“I told you already, I got shot in the knee, went into surgery, and now other than having to use these crutches for a while, I’m fine. Just need to spend a little longer in recovery before I can go back home to minimize the risk of infection.” He took a bite of jell-o just as a show of finality, like there was nothing more to say. Like a gunshot wound was not a huge deal. 
The whirr of the machine started to slow down, the medicine sputtering instead of coming out in a steady steam, meaning you could finally be done. You set it on the table by the bed, right next to your abandoned game of solitaire, and as soon as you set it down Spencer’s attention was back on your wellbeing. 
“Ok your turn, what happened?” 
“I’ve had asthma since I was a kid, and I just got unlucky today. It’s always worse this time of year, and my inhaler wasn’t really doing anything for me. Our health insurance plan doesn’t cover the more expensive meds unless I’m in the hospital, so here I am, for the next 36 hours.” You made a point to turn your exasperated expression into a cheesy smile, hoping to convince him to stay for just a little while longer.  “But the bright side is that since you're here I don’t have to play solitaire anymore. That was getting old fast.” You grabbed the cards, giving them a quick shuffle.
“So what do you say Vegas, are you up for a round of poker?” You hoped that would distract him from fussing over you, and luckily it did. He was satisfied you were ok, and the last thing he wanted was to push you too far, and for you to ask him to leave. So he let the smile take over his face. 
“Always. But i'm not going to go easy on you just because of your- what did you call them- broken lungs?” That got a good laugh out of you. Admittedly wheezy, but still one of the most beautiful sounds in the world to him. 
“Gross, broken lungs. And I wouldn’t dream of it.” You dealt the cards, already knowing you’d lose. You didn’t even know how to play poker. But word around the office was that most of your coworkers wouldn’t play with him since he always won. But you didn’t mind, you mostly just wanted someone to hang out with, and you were overjoyed that person was Spencer. He won, of course. Only gloating a little bit at how badly he beat you, and while you were dealing the second round of cards, you couldn’t help but vocalize what had been in the back of your mind for a few minutes now. 
“Hey Spencer, could I ask you a favor?” He had a mix of worry and willingness to help all over his face. 
“Could you–not tell anyone in the office? Just. You know how they are, they would make a fuss about the whole hospital thing and it’s just not necessary.” 
“Where do they think you’re going to be for the next day and a half?”
You looked down like a kid who just got caught in a lie. “I kind of told Hotch I had a cold.” Spencer just sighed in response. 
“I really do think you should let them fuss over you. You deserve it, and you know Penelope lives for that sort of thing.” That you couldn’t deny, no matter how much you disagreed with him saying you deserved to be cared for. 
“Please, Spencer?” 
“Alright, but they might walk past your room in the morning. Garcia said she was coming, and you know she’ll drag at least one person along with her.” 
“Noted. I’ll close the door in the morning. Thank you Spencer, seriously, it means a lot.” You put your hand over his and it felt like every thought he’d ever had was gone from his brain at your touch. He couldn’t believe his dumb luck at meeting someone like you. Just to be in your orbit, to see and know you, felt like it could only be accomplished by divine intervention. Selfishly, he wished that you’d be staying a little longer, so that you could both leave together. Even more selfishly, he wished that you would leave with him, and come to his apartment. There he could take care of you, make you feel special until he could finally convince you that you deserved it. Deserved everything. 
You moved your hand to start tapping it on your leg, and while Spencer knew the side effects of respiratory steroids, he couldn’t help the nagging feeling that something was wrong. That maybe he did something wrong. 
“Is there something on your mind?” 
“No, it’s just the jitters. I used to get them so bad when I was a kid, my parents would have to practically hold me down. It’s like I have the energy to run a mile, but I can’t actually do it. I’ll calm down in a bit, but I’m probably going to get really rambly first.” 
“I’d love to listen to you talk, and I love being on the other side of a ramble.” It was just then that a nurse came in to ask if you were feeling better, charting your vials,  reminding you that you need to take your next dose in 4 hours, and telling you that an orderly would be in to set it up then.
Just when she was getting ready to leave she turned her attention to Spencer. “I’m sorry, but I am going to need you to go back to your room Dr. Reid. You both need to get some rest.”
He reluctantly told her that he would and just as soon as he’d come in, he disappeared again. He gave you a wave when he was gathering his crutches, but no real goodbye. You of course waved back, but you couldn’t help but feel disappointed. You really liked him, and you thought maybe he really liked you too. And yet, he only gave you a wave. 
All of the adrenaline moving through you, getting you all worked up finally won out, and stupid as it may sound, tears started to prick the corners of your eyes. Just as you closed the door to your room to get some privacy while you cried, your phone started to ring, and you couldn’t help but think; What now? You answered it without looking, and on the other side of the line was the person you wanted to hear from the most. 
“So what did you want to talk about? I have all the time in the world.”
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"Turn Around..."
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One shot fic. (Not relating to any of the established series.) This is a bit different from what I normally draft up, kind of like the Robin Hood one shot, which is also a non-yandere fic like this one. Pls enjoy.
Thank you for taking the time and reading my stories and drabbles. To show your support, please consider donating into my ko-fi account ♥️
Warnings: Unprotected smut, breakup, lovers reunited, makeup sex, rough sex, a little bit of angst, taken for granted, apologetic make lead, regretful male lead, and drama. "Dont know what you got till it's gone" type vibe. not proofread but figured i'd get this out to keep yall busy until i get the next chapter of TO out 😉
Summary: You and Heeseung had a break up, despite all that has happened, you find out that you weren't the only one hurting.
“Hey.” he stands calmly at the door. You avoid making eye contact, too nervous and shy on what to say. A bit of a ridiculous notion considering you knew the man very well, dated for quite some time in fact, yet the lack of his efforts drove you to the point where you had to kill off the relationship, for our own happiness. The only issue was, that you’re not sure if you’re any happier now than you were when dating him. Nodding, you respond back with a soft “hey…” 
Walking in, his initiative causes you to walk back. He lets himself in and gently shuts the door behind, never breaking his sight away from you. You kept shifting your sight from one area on the floor, to another. He continues to take his steps forward, and you keep taking them back. Soon, he has you pinned against the wall. Palming the wall, one hand off to each side, he traps you in his arms and leans in, wanting to get closer. You dip down and swoop under his arm to get away freely into the open space, walking over to the living room, much to his grimace dismay. 
Sitting on one end of the couch, you cross your legs and prop your hands up to rest your chin. Intent on avoiding eye contact, you look away and kept your face in the opposite direction. He walks over calmly and sits next to you. 
“Heeseung stop. Could you please just get your things and go? I’m not in the mood to talk.” you snap, rubbing your temples as you adjust your body to shift up and away, standing before the tall window, waiting for him to move along and to get out. But he doesn't. 
Looking up from where you were just sitting, he remains on the couch wide eyed and slightly appalled. Sure, he went along with the break up, even dabbled and went on some dates even though you both had just broken up merely two weeks ago. However, it didn’t mean that he wasn’t hurting either. He only went and saw other girls just to try and take his mind off of you, but how are you supposed to know? He left you no choice, you didn’t ever see your relationship coming to an end. You worked and tried to get through to him, but he never listened, so then you were left with no choice but to break things off, yet you couldn’t help but feel stabbed when his nonchalant attitude and response to your initiation was given, almost too easily, as if he was thinking about breaking up himself. 
Seeing you standing in that silk camisole dress, lazily covered with the matching satin short robe over it, had him feeling some type of way. How long has it been since he saw you like this? No makeup, hair laying freely and barely dressed. You looked so beautiful, stunning in fact, and yet your body language and attitude made you achievable for him to grab hold on. Did he really lose you for good?
“Y/N…” he tries once more, keeping a respectable distance away, so as to not add any fuel to the fire. “Can’t we just talk?”
That did it for you. NOW, he wants to talk? Now? After seeing a handful of girls, pretending like you no longer mattered after you presented him with the words “I’m not sure if this is working out…I wished you would just be more considerate, yet you just always put me off to the side. Maybe we should consider a brea–” 
Remember the tone he had in his voice, he cut you off and finished your sentence, almost as if he was eager and looking forward to the word…as if he was taking your initiation as an opportunity to end everything without having to do the dirty work himself. “Break? Yeah sure, I think that would be good for us.” he told you. Never once trying to figure out the meaning behind your initiative, nor did he ever try to fight for you. But now, it seems he had a change of heart, but you weren’t wanting to hear any of it. Not after having a string of girls by his side the last few nights. What were you? A rebound? Were you just a safety net since it didn’t work out with those girls? What is this? 
Turning away, you snapped in a harsh tone. “No!”
“What?” His voice was a little more firm, and he seemed a bit irritated by your attitude. 
“I said no. I don't want to talk.” 
“Why are you–” he pauses. “Y/n…you act like you’re the only one that is affected by all this. You’re not. I’m struggling too, you know.” 
“Yeah, I can tell. You’re hurting so much, how many girls did you seek out for comfort? Five? We’ve only broken up two weeks ago and you never once wanted to talk, until now.” 
Standing from his seat, he grew offended by your words and replaced his soft and gentle gaze with a more stern and harsh one. Walking over to you, he nearly traps you in as he breaches your personal space and begins to walk you back to the wall, again. 
“What? You think those girls meant something? Seriously?”
“Are you kidding me? Don’t pretend you’re hurting, you nearly jumped for joy when I brought up the idea of taking a break. You think I don’t know? Get over yourself Heeseung!” Turning sharply, you try to get away from him, but his movements are quick and he restricts your fleeing attempts by hugging you from behind. You struggle and try to break free, yet the moment he pushes forward with you grasped in his arms, shoving you up against the wall chest first and his chin resting on your shoulder, burying his face in your neck, you begin to falter, but mentally maintain your resistance. Taming you, he senses your physical strength decreasing front he struggles, and continues to push you in, resting you on the flat surface as he closes the distance between your backside and his chest. Stroking his thumb, he caresses your waist as he hugs tightly. With small brush strokes of his lip, he softly pecks on the soft area of your neckline. 
“Stop…” You whimper out, trying to ignore the beautiful sensation of how his lips felt gently kissing, and sucking on your skin. “Stop…please….get away…”
“You really want me to get away?” he mumbles, with a mouth full of your delicate skin in his mouth. “Then say it. Tell me in all sincerity that you want me to stop and I’ll leave.” 
With your arms pinned to your body by his embrace, you reach up and lean your palms against the wall, pressing your body against his. You tilt your head back, resting it against his shoulder, you didn’t want him to stop, nor did you want him to leave. But you had to be strong, for the sake of mending your broken heart. So, with a shaky breath, you whined out. 
“Get away…” you nearly whispered, your hair draping over your face and your robe coming undone, bearing the nakedness of your shoulders and cleavage. “Just…get away…”
A slight pause was present, before he leans in and resumes his efforts as he takes in a mouthful of your soft skin, just below your ear, this time he was less gentle and more rough in his manners. 
“I said no….” you whimpered. His arms tightened around your arms and waist, and he slightly lifts you before shoving you further up against the wall, pressing your cheek to rest against the surface before whispering in your ear…
“I don't believe you.” 
Shooting his hand around, he lifts the hem of your camisole up and fingers his way through panties. He called you out on your bluff and you didn’t seem to mind, because now you get to show how much you missed him, that you didn’t want to leave. You get to show him that you were hurting, and that he left you without any options or hope to continue forward, that you were just at the lowest part of your life. He knew it too. He wasn’t being his best self with you, in fact he was selfish and led you with so many false promises, it’s no wonder you proposed a break up. It didn’t hit him until you started to usher out those words, but before you could finish, he beat you to the punch, all because he saved himself from the heartbreak of hearing you say it, so he had to say it first. Figuring he would save himself by hurting you, then to be hurt directly, he found that it was all for nothing. Right after walking away and leaving you to go on your own, a sharp pain hits him inside, and he immediately regrets it. He regretted going with the flow, and letting you go so easily. Fact is, he turned around, wanting to run back after you, but seeing your backside facing him, walking in the opposite direction without so much as a glance back over to him, compelled him to look the other way and to move forward, after all, it seemed you had no trouble doing just that. 
Taking your hand, he intertwined his fingers with your own, his kisses became more passionate and his embrace became tighter as his hands roamed. God he missed you. He missed how your body felt against his, and how your skin tasted. He missed how you sounded when he kissed that one little spot on your neck, and how your body shakes when he touches you. He missed you too much. 
“Tell me you don’t want me to leave this time….tell me we belong…tell me…so I can do what I’ve really been wanting to do for the last two weeks…with the one woman I’ve been wanting. Tell me baby…”
Softly sobbing, you whimpered and gasped out, immediately trying to catch your breath as you cried out your words. 
“I never wanted it to end in the first place…” 
Peeling his head back, he stood slightly shocked at your words. Before he could ask questions, you finally let it all out. It was long overdue, and the most painful sense of release you ever felt. 
“Why couldn’t you just have turned around?....I stood…watching you walk away. I mentally begged for you to turn around and come back…but you just kept moving on…you left me crying….and I just had no choice but to finally do the same….you didn’t come back. What was I supposed to do? Stand and wait in that spot forever? And those girls?....I just knew…you didn’t care….” 
Your words hit deep and cut a wound that may never heal. He had no idea that you waited. He did turn back but he was too late…probably by mere seconds. The image he recalls of you walking away, was imagined with you displaying a calm and tranquil look on your face. Now, he understands that you made your way back home in tears that night, and longed for him to come back to you. 
He gulps. In a single brief moment, your entire relationship flashes before his eyes, and he realizes that not only did he not give you his best during, but he didn’t give it to you after. Yeah, he tried to get his mind off you by going on dates, but how were you supposed to know that? He started to think how his behavior must have looked to you…how hurtful it must have been to hear about his rendezvous while you were sitting here longing for him to come back. But what killed him in all of this was that, had he just been less attentive towards his friends and set his priorities straight, none of this would have happened. How many times did he come home and skip eating the dinner you prepared, all because he decided to eat with the guys after work. Or whenever you asked to spend time with him, and he promised you he would have another day, one where he didn’t have plans, yet that day never came. How many times did he wake up, shower, and quickly breezed through the kitchen and sees that you prepared breakfast for him, yet instead of sitting and eating with you, thanking you for taking the time to feed him, he picks bits and pieces off his plate and heads out while jutting out the words “see ya!” and quickly leaves so he could be the first in line at the coffee shop…that coffee shop…the coffee shop you loved yet he never took you with. He knew your favorite order yet never brought you back anything. He was always so focused in grabbing his drink and heading to work, where he could spend nearly the entire day chilling out with the guys doing what they love, spending a great deal of overtime, before finally calling it a night. How many times did he have the opportunity to come back home, especially after seeing all his friends dipping out to go back to their loved ones that were waiting for them…and yet he stayed back, opting to hit up buddies who were single and could spare the time, instead of coming back home to you. How many times did he come back home so late at night, finding you already asleep. How many times did he crawl into bed with you, and instead of hugging you and kissing you, he turns the opposite direction and falls asleep, leaving you to not only feel lonesome during the day when you’re awake, but at night when you’re asleep too. Just how many times…did he take you for granted? 
He didn’t have any words. He felt hurt…he felt a great deal of pain, and it was nothing that you did, you were great…you were perfect in fact. The one that hurt him was himself.
Remaining silent, he leans back into your neck. Shoving his lips against your ear, feeling the shrug of your shoulders as the oversensitive sensation of feeling his lips pressed against you was immense and triggered potent arousal. Whispering, he merely tells you “I’m sorry…” 
His soft whisper made you cry even more. Feeling you shake as you sobbed harder, he holds on tightly and kisses you on that soft spot again…and again….and again. Until your sobs turned into moans. Sucking on your neck, he reaches up and grabs onto your throat, gently but firmly holding on as he pulls your hips back. His free arm hugs your waist and tugs onto you, while his grab around your neck keeps your face and chest close to the wall. Pressing his groin against your derriere, he takes in a large whiff of your scent, that subtly sweet perfume that he liked so much…he missed it. The one thing he grew complacent in taking in daily, yet the moment he thought he lost it forever, he realized it was the most beloved scent produced in this world. The feel of your touch, your skin, hair, and your soft lips, was something he didn’t realize how much he loved. It had been longer than two weeks since he last felt you, growing too comfortable and spending more time away from you throughout the course of your relationship, it had been a while since you both were last intimate. It wasn’t that he didn’t love you or cared, he just didn't have his priorities straight. He just always thought that no matter what, you were always going to be around for whenever he needed or wanted you. But when was that? When did he express how much he needed or wanted you? When did he last make you feel appreciated and desired? More importantly, when was the last time he made himself available to you? Knowing that you wanted and needed him, yet he never was there for you. 
“God…I’m such a fucking idiot…” he hums out with a mouthful of your skin sucked in to his mouth. Lifting you once more, he flings you over and softly lands you on the couch, laying atop your backside as you rest on your stomach and chest. “He–Heeseung…”
“Why was I so fucking blind…” his words gasped out in a near whisper, it was gentle and calm, yet the manner of his physical touch was the exact opposite. Nearly ripping off your dress, the straps snap loose as he roughly pulls it down, and tears your panties off. Hanging by the bits of thread and pieces of fabric, it loosely hangs on your thigh while he smooths his hands over the softness of your smooth skin, grabbing onto your cheeks firmly as he squeezes your derriere. 
“Why did I not see what was in front of me?” Leaning forward, he places his lips on your back shoulder, and sucks on various regions. Firmly holding onto your waist, he fishes out his stiff member and rides it in between your cheeks, squeezing it to nestle in between as he strokes it up and down. “How could I not see that I had the best thing that’s ever happened to me?” Taking a hold on the back of your neck, he slowly feeds himself inside your cavity, pressing in. You weren’t entirely ready, and the lack of prepping made it hard for you to take him in, not to mention it had been so long. Yet his eager desire to have you made him impatient, he needed you now…he wanted you…he wanted to please himself but also, to please his queen. 
“Why did I not show you just how much you mean to me….why didn’t i do it sooner?” Thrusting in hard, his groin smacks against the soft plumpness of your cheeks, you screamed out as he rams himself in, reaching the depths of your gut as he pushes through all of your stagnant walls. Fully in, he pauses before continuing. He had to take a moment to enjoy the feeling of burying his cock deep inside you….after missing out for so long. 
“Why wasn’t I better for you?” Sliding out, his tip breaches its exit, providing you with some relief as you catch your breath, only for him to shove it back in with fierce momentum. “He–Heeseung!” Gripping onto the sofa cushion, you brace through the pressure of pain and pleasure as he roughs up your womanhood. He was being so demanding with the way he was thrusting, yet his words were so beautifully spoken with genuine sincerity and sympathy. He truly was sorry, and now, he wanted to show it, even if it meant he had to mix his love with fucking you into pieces. 
“Why didn’t I tell you how I’ve felt all this time?” Thrusting, he jolts forward and bucks his hips, causing your body to rumble and shoot forward, only to be retracted back as he pulls you in, all to repeat his performance in jutting his cock back into you deeply, shiting your body forward. 
“Why wasn’t I home often?” Thrusting and pumping his cock fiercely, you felt the sting of his thickness tearing you open. It had been too long, your body nearly forgot what it felt like to have someone, much less him, pelting you with their girth. Even though you were devotedly waiting for him, and yearned for him, he left you empty and unfulfilled so many nights, and you spent each evening alone and drifting off into a dream where you weren’t sleeping lonesomely on an empty bed. Now, he was here, and for the first time in so long, he was not only making love, but he was fucking you like his life depended on it. He didn’t want to take it easy, or slow, he wanted to go in deep and hard. He wanted his performance to match the ferocity of his love and yearning for you. 
“Why did I let you sleep alone all those nights? I should have been there to kiss you to sleep.” Deepening his thrust, the curved edge of his lengthy member hits your sweet spot. Soon, there was no pain, only the pressure of pleasure and ecstasy. 
“I should have touched you more.” increasing speed, he forces the moisture of your secreted fluids to squelch in and out. Your body gushes out, you could feel yourself releasing the warm liquid your body was producing, seeping out, and glazing his cock as he continues to fuck you. 
“I should have loved you harder.” Grabbing onto both sides of your waist, he pumps his cock in and out, faster and faster as he holds you steady. 
“I should have been better. I should have been so much better.” Slapping into you, his groin and thighs stains your skin red as he continues to slam himself in, going deeper and deeper. 
“I should have….fuck….baby you feel so good…I should have…I should have….” 
“Heeseung!! Ugh!” He continues with his pace as you reach behind and smack your hands over his, digging your fingers onto his wrists as you feel the snap in your gut release the high of your orgasm. 
“Fuck baby….you’re making me cum…..” 
Your body shakes uncontrollably and you scream out his name, which transitions into tiresome whimpers as you catch your breath. All the while he slows down, going in deep and slow, passionately slow. Admiring the view of his length smoothing in and out of your womanhood, he savors the feeling of releasing every bit of love, anger, sadness, and regret into you. Still thrusting, his thumbs stroke your skin and he bids you to answer. 
“Tell me you missed me…”
“....I missed you…” 
“Tell me you want me.”
“I want you…”
“Tell me you need me.”
“I need you.”
“Now tell me you love me….”
“....I love you….”
Leaning in, he rests his weight on top of you as he tenderly kisses your cheek. His cock remains buried in, and goes in deeper as he propels forward and lays atop your body. “Then turn around…and don’t let me go. I’ll do the same.” 
Enjoyed this piece? Show love and treat your girl to a cup of coffee. ♥️ 
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ladykailitha · 3 months
Icarus Part 13
Hello! I've cut my backlog literally in half with this move and while I hate seeing it that low (seven chapters I have waiting to be published) that is it's point after all.
After the nice meeting with Nancy, Robin brings the news to the boys who have a much different perspective on the issue.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12
Robin was the last to arrive at Steve’s swanky apartment. Spence was on the grill frying up her tofu burger first so the meat wouldn’t touch hers. Simon and Shane were in a heated discussion about Brandon Sanderson and his contribution to the fantasy genre. Her best friend was coming out of the kitchen with all sorts of vegan options for her to chose from.
She went over and greeted him with a kiss on the cheek, taking a couple of the bowls from him so he could go back and get more.
Once everyone had gotten their food and settled in Robin told them about her meeting with Nancy and Chrissy.
“So she’s going to apologize to our Stevie?” Simon asked around a bite of his potato salad.
Robin nodded stabbing her salad with a fork. “That’s what she said. I’ll believe it when I see it, though.” She took a bite of her food.
“Yeah,” Steve agreed. “Though ti doesn’t surprise me she’s not with Jonathan anymore.”
Robin tilted her head with a frown. “What do you mean?”
He sighed and pushed his food away not feeling very hungry at the moment. “Both of us had been pretty vocal about the white picket fence and the two point five kids. I’ve changed my mind on that obviously,” he waved at all of them. “But Jonathan was always his mom and Will first, especially after Will’s kidnapping. He was never going to be ambitious in the way she wanted.”
“His little brother got kidnapped?” Shane asked in wide-eyed shock. “Holy shit.”
“Yeah, it was this whole thing,” Steve said, nodding and leaning back on his chair, propping his arm on the back. “But everyone knew that despite all his dreams of being a wild life photographer, he was always going to pick somewhere close to home.”
“So yeah,” Robin said rolling her eyes and cocking her head. “She said she as going to apologize, but I told her she had to that and a shit ton of grovelling before I would consider her to rep the band.”
Steve phone went off and he picked it up. He frowned at the number. He answered it with a confused, “Hello?”
“Steve? Steve Harrington?” the cool feminine voice asked.
“That’s me,” he replied sitting up in his seat. “How can I help you?”
“It’s Nancy Wheeler,” she said after a moment. “I got your number from the record label, I hope that’s okay.”
“Uh, yeah,” he said in surprise. “Yeah, that’s fine. Wow, the Nancy Wheeler. We were just talking about your meeting with Celeste earlier.”
“Oh,” Nancy said, “I was hoping to call after you had finished speaking with her about it. I can call later.”
Steve shook his head. “Nah, it’s fine. We were mostly done anyway. We were just having dinner.”
“Are you sure?” she pressed. “If you’re eating, I could call back later tonight or even at a convenient time tomorrow?”
Steve rolled his eyes and Shane covered his mouth to hide the bubble of laughter that sprang to his lips. “I said it was fine. How are you? I understand you’re a hot shot music agent now.”
He could almost feel her smile on the other end when she said, “Something like that.”
She cleared her throat. “I’m actually calling to see you wanted to meet me for lunch tomorrow, I wanted to catch up and well...really to apologize. We were both so young, but that was no reason to treat you the way I did.”
Steve pinched the bridge of his nose and put his elbow on the table to prop up the hand that was holding the phone. “You’re right, it wasn’t. But sure, I have a few days off, I could meet you for lunch tomorrow. What time and where?”
Nancy gave him the information and then rang off. Steve threw his phone on the table next to his plate and threw himself against the back of the chair in frustration.
“Well color me shocked,” Robin said with a raised eyebrow. “I didn’t think she would actually go for it. Chrissy and I were actually going to go through another list of agents to find one more suitable.”
Spence rubbed the bottom of his lip. “I’m not sure I like the idea of Steve going alone. Because she can say she apologized and that Steve was unreasonable and get us blacklisted for other agents.”
Steve felt an uneasy twist to his stomach at that. But not just that, he just didn’t trust her. He didn’t even know how he was talked into letting her into his life in the first place. She was all apologies now, but what about later? What about after she finds out Steve and Eddie are dating? Would that be a conflict of interest? What if she’s homophobic? What if she outs him before he has a chance to do it himself?
He came to himself with a start. He looked around to see that everyone was looking at him in concern.
“Hey, hon,” Shane said, tilting his head down to look at Steve. “You doing alright? You don’t look so good.”
He didn’t see Robin but as he came further into himself he could feel the warmth of her hand as she rubbed circles around the pulse point on his wrist.
“There you are, dingus,” she said with a teasing lit to her tone. “You really had us worried for a minute. Where did you go?”
Steve let out a shuddering sigh and then another. “Sorry, I guess I just got caught in a spiral of bad thoughts.”
Robin’s other hand came up to squeeze his. “We don’t have to take her as our agent,” she murmured. “Hell don’t even have to go talk to her if you don’t want to. Or we can all go. Whatever makes you comfortable.”
“I don’t think she’s apologizing to Steve because she’s actually sorry,” Simon said with a sneer, “I think she’s doing it because she sees dollar signs. If she signs with us that is going to make her a shit ton of money and open her up to even bigger clients. Corroded Coffin was already established when they hired her but if we hit the stratosphere while she’s repping us she’ll be in a sweet spot to have the doors open for her.”
Robin stood up. “I guess what I’m hearing is that none of you trust her with Steve. She already knows who each of the band is, because she signed the NDA. But just say the word and I’ll walk away.”
Steve took a deep breath and let it out slow. “I want to hear her out. If she’s actually sincere. But you’re all right, I can’t go alone.”
“Take Robin,” Spence suggested. “She’ll expect you to bring your best friend.”
Shane shook his head. “I think he should take one of us. Maybe Simon, he’s the most ripped out of all of us. I want him protected.”
“I’m down,” Simon replied with a grin.
Robin shook her head, a sly grin on her face. “No, no. Take Eddie.”
“What the fuck?” Simon said rearing his head back, offended. “Why him and not me?”
She put her hands on her hips. “Because he encompasses everything we need. A good friend, who won’t let her walk all over him, like me. An imposing guy like Simon. He might not look like much out of the leathers, but in them and he looks like he could snap you in two. Also, he’s worked with her for a number of years and would be a better judge of if she’s being genuine.”
Spence and Shane shared a glance.
“Sorry, darling,” Shane said with a shrug, “I’m gonna have to go with Robbie on this one. Plus, she’s going to have to know about their relationship anyway.”
Spence chewed on his bottom lip fitfully.
“What’s on your mind, Spence?” Steve asked. “I smell your hair burning from here!”
Spence snorted, “Oh fuck off!” But a giggle escaped anyway.
“You got a problem with Eddie?” Robin asked tilting her head to the side as she regarded their drummer.
Spence waved his hands in front of him. “Oh hell no! It’s not about Eddie, it’s not really about Steve going to meet Nancy.”
Simon frowned and put an arm around him. “What’s going on then?”
“Steve is being too nice about this whole thing,” he murmured. “She didn’t just cheat. She didn’t just string him along. She knew going into the relationship what Steve wanted. Yeah, it’s bit unrealistic to imagine marrying your high school sweetheart. But there is a reason it’s so prevalent in all our media. Because it can happen, because it has happened before. And then her excuse was that Steve wasn’t ambitious enough? Why?”
Steve furrowed his brow as he thought about it. That was an unusual dig. He was a senior in high school, how much more ambitious did she want.
Robin shrugged and said to fill the silence, “I’m not sure because I didn’t become friends with Steve until after the whole mess, but my guess is that he wanted to take what the Europeans call a gap year. A year to just be a kid before jumping into college.”
“Something my parents weren’t fond of either, if I’m honest,” Steve scoffed.
Shane waved his hand toward Steve to indicate that was most likely the cause. “And there it is. It’s so insane everyone expecting to kids to go right into school without taking the time to figure out what you want to do with your life. Hell, you have to apply in January. That’s half way through your senior year. You’re supposed to know what you want in life before you even finish high school? That’s fucked up on all levels.” Through the whole rant, he gestured wildly with his hands.
“I didn’t get to into college my first try,” she said, “Because my parents made too much for me to get assistance but not enough for them to pay for it themselves. And then I met you guys and the rest is history.”
There were nods all around.
“It is up to Stevie to forgive her,” Simon said with a grimace. “But some part of me doesn’t want him to.”
Steve straightened up in his chair. “Why not?” He cocked his head to side, looking like a confused puppy dog.
Simon huffed out a sigh and squirmed in his chair, looking down at his food. He poked at the top of his hamburger bun, picking at the sesame seeds.
“You shouldn’t have to sacrifice your ego for us to get a good agent.”
The silence that followed filled the air with a thick sinking feeling.
Steve straightened his spine. “I’m not the weak-willed, touch-starved kid she remembers. I have three of the best mates a guy could ask for, a platonic soulmate, and a boyfriend that loves me for me. If she thinks she can swan into my life and walk all over me like she did before, she has another think coming. I’ll meet up with her and take Eddie. But make it absolutely clear, I have everyone’s backing on this. If I walk away, we all walk away.”
There was still some grumbling, but it was ultimately it was up to Steve. He made the necessary calls and then they settled down to finish their dinner.
Slowly the mood improved as the night went on, but it never did reach the heights of a laid back night with friends.
Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20
Tag List: Four slots remaining
1- @mira-jadeamethyst @rozzieroos @itsall-taken @redfreckledwolf @zerokrox-blog
2- @gregre369 ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence
3- @goodolefashionedloverboi @carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog @irregular-child @blondie1006
4- @yikes-a-bee @bookworm0690 @anne-bennett-cosplayer @awkwardgravity1 @littlewildflowerkitten
5- @genderless-spoon @y4r3luv @dragonmama76 @ellietheasexylibrarian @thedragonsaunt
6- @disrespectedgoatman @eyehartart @dawners @thespaceantwhowrites @tinyplanet95
7- @iamthehybrid @croatoan-like-its-hot @papergrenade @cryptid-system @counting-dollars-counting-stars
8- @ravenfrog @w1ll0wtr33 @child-of-cthulhu @kultiras @dreamercec
9- @weirdandabsurd42 @useless-nb-bisexual @stripey82 @dotdot-wierdlife @kal-ology
10- @sadisticaltarts
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futterurl · 11 months
Hii do you do angsty smut? I’m craving angst & smut for Josh futturman . Love your first work here btw ❤️
tysm anon i fucking LOVE angst and smut mixed. literally two in one combo. i got u :b apologies if this wasnt what u were looking for!!
WARNINGS: angst, bleeding, pretty graphic, smut (mdni!), oral(f!receiving), p in v, creampie, afab reader
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you clutched your side, agony hitting every inch of your body. getting shot in your side wasn’t how you thought this mission was gonna go.
it was supposed to be simple: have everyone eat the Kronish balls, save the day, yada-yada. in and out. that wasn’t the case, however, when everyone who wasn’t borderline poisoned by the kronish balls turned out to be bionic.
josh wasn’t looking behind himself, not seeing a bionic creeping up to him at a quick pace with a knife in hand. you ran as fast as you could, trying to tell him to watch out.
you pushed josh out of the way, causing the bionic to stab you right in the side. the pain hit immediately, agonizing pain. you doubled over, wanting to remove the piece of steel. you knew this would only make it worse. you had to keep it in, at least until you were able to get somewhere safe.
“shit.” tiger panicked, seeing you on the ground, clutching your torso for dear life. you looked up at her with weak eyes, coughing up spurts of blood.
“gotta. got’ get help.” you tried to speak as hard as you could without exerting too much effort. she was able to pick you up and avoid the bionics, which wolf was going crazy with.
“guys! abort the mission. s’ in critical condition!” tiger yelled at josh and wolf, seeing their expressions drop as they saw her holding you, borderline limp in her arms. as they fended off the last of the bionics, they raced over to see you, crying and tired.
“fuck, fuck, this is my fault, fuck.” josh started talking at 100 miles an hour.
“this is nobody’s fault. someone get a goddamn car and bring us home.” wolf yelled. they all raced over to the car they took, tiger slamming on the gas the second you all piled in, josh now gently bringing you into the back.
“fuck, hurts s’ bad, fuck.” you grit through your teeth, hand bloody from holding onto your side. josh had propped you up against the car window. he kept his hand right on top of yours, whispering endless strands of “i’m sorry” and “this is my fault” through tears. this was the last thing he wanted to do, especially to the girl he loved, even if she didn’t know.
you were so selfless, you took a fucking knife to the torso for him. he owed you his fucking life, if you were okay after this, that is. he was gonna make sure you were okay. he clung onto your other hand and held onto it for dear life.
in just minutes, tiger was stopping the car in front of josh’s house. josh took you into his arms, racing up to his room, flat out ignoring his parents.
he laid you onto his bed, propping you up high with a good amount of pillows.
“i have a first aid kit in my bathroom. go get it. it’s in the cabinet.” he yelled at tiger and wolf. he couldn’t stay one second away from you. not like this.
wolf ran to get it, coming back in mere seconds. he had a wet rag. “we gotta take the knife out and put this over it immediately.” he panted.
“take my hand. this might hurt.” josh offered, holding out his hand to you, which you took into yours with ease.
“one, two, three”
tiger removed the knife, to which wolf covered you with the wet rag. you screamed and wailed as you crushed josh’s hand with yours. you had never experienced that amount of pain in your entire life.
“the worst is over. you did it.” tiger tried to ease your worries, offering you painkillers in the first aid kit wolf had brought.
“fuck. still hurts s’ fucking bad, fuck.” you silently cried. this felt like torture. you felt like you were going to puke.
“can you guys give us some privacy please? sorry, she’s overwhelmed and i know how to help her.” josh said, looking at tiger and wolf. “can you guys go talk to my parents? tell them we’re all good?”
they got the signal. they quickly left and shut the door behind them.
josh looked at you. “fuck, i’m so sorry. this is all my fault. i didn’t want you to get hurt like this, i’m so sorry…” he started to tear up.
you caressed his face. “it’s okay, josh. it wasn’t your fault, nothing you could’ve done. i’m still alive, aren’t i?”
“i know, but it shouldn’t be you with the fucking knife in your side.” he replied. he was really worried about you, his heart racing. he didn’t want you to be hurt. at all. he’d gladly take a knife for you for this to be overwith. for you to not be in any more pain.
“it’s okay, really. i jumped in.” you yawned, starting to get tired.
“okay, okay.” he wasn’t gonna argue with you anymore. “is there anything i can do for you?”
you squeezed his hand. “go to sleep with me for awhile?” you asked in a hushed tone.
nothing would’ve made him happier. he couldn’t be away from you, not now, not ever. he wanted to make sure that you’d be safe. with him. in his arms.
“of course. i..i’ll stay here with you. as long as you need.” he took a few pillows from under you, letting you lay down, he laying down next to you. you cuddled up to him a bit, making him blush. thank god the light was dimmed low.
“thank you…” you drifted off as you muttered those words. josh looked down at you, watching you fall into a deep sleep. he couldn’t keep his eyes off you. even after dying, you still looked so fucking perfect. how?
why would you take a knife for me? he asked himself, over and over. i hate seeing you like this.
the last thing he wanted to do was to see you in pain, and now he saw you in pure agony, on his behalf. he felt lime such a shitty person. the least he could do is lay with you.
he wouldn’t admit that was what he secretly wanted all along. he caressed your cheek before laying his head down, joining you in a peaceful slumber.
you spent the next couple days attached to josh like you two were conjoined at the hip. he was constantly there for your every need, whether that be for water, food, painkillers, anything.
you were healing up nicely. sure, you were still in pain, but it was significantly less than what it originally was. having josh by your side helped a lot.
you two were laying in his bed, when the painkillers sort of wore off. you winced.
“you okay?” he asked, concern in his voice.
“yeah, just hurts a bit.” you responded.
“you need anything? i can get it.” he offered.
“no, josh, really, it’s fine.” josh had been there for you at your every need, you were starting to feel bad. it felt like he was being a servant for you.
“i don’t want you to be in pain though.” he looked lost in thought. it looked like he wanted to say something.
“is there something on your mind, josh?” you asked.
“uh..uh, kind of. you ever have something on your mind but you don’t wanna say it because you don’t know if it’ll ruin something but you really don’t know what reaction you’ll get-” he started to talk faster and faster as he talked more and more.
“josh, we’ve known each other for what, how many years? we’ve talked about anything and everything. you can talk to me.” you propped yourself up to look at him.
he looked nervous. well, he always looked nervous. this time, however, he looked super nervous. something was on his mind.
"i was just gonna say, um, that, uh, i know a way to make you feel better...but, uh, it's kinda weird...yeah." he started stammering over his words.
"what is it, josh?" you asked. did he just bite his lip?
"i...i could make you...y'know..." he looked from your face down to your body, back up to you.
"make me what?" your heart started beating ever so slightly faster. might he be alluding to...?
"i...i could make you...make you cum. i know it's not a painkiller or anything, but it might take your mind off stuff. it's stupid, i..i should stop talking now. i shouldn't have said that. it's stupid. i'm sorry-"
you cut him off by putting your hand gently under his jaw and kissing him passionately. you started to grasp at his hair, holding it in fistfulls.
once your lips disconnected, you started breathing heavily. "josh, i'd love that. please. really." you never thought he'd ever ask you to do anything like this.
"really? am i dreaming?" he asked, rubbing your forearm gently.
"no. please, josh. make me feel good." you pleaded. now that the idea was out there, you were dead set on this. you didn't want anyone but him.
he got on top of you, starting to kiss your lips, your cheeks, your jawline, your neck. everything. it felt perfect. you could already feel your focus on your pain being subsided to this.
he lowered himself, settling in between your thighs, rubbing your hips. he held the ends of your shirt.
"can...can i see how it's doing first? just to check? don't wanna make it worse." he played with the hem of your shirt.
"yeah, yes. do it." you responded.
he lifted up your shirt to your ribcages, examining your bandages. it still looked pretty nasty, but it had certainly healed a lot since a few days ago.
"fuck...i'm still so, so sorry. i really am." he started to get a bit teary eyed while tenderly rubbing the skin by your bandages, careful to not get too close to where it would hurt.
"josh, really, it's okay. it happens. please. i don't want you to feel bad about this. it really is okay." you scratched at his hair.
"okay, okay...m'sorry. lemme make it up to you." he pressed a kiss to your stomach as he unzipped your shorts. he pulled them down slowly, not wanting to make your body jolt or be in any more pain that it was already in. he lost his breath, looking at you in just your shirt and panties. he still couldn't believe it.
"you...you okay?" you asked.
"y-yeah. i'm great. just...can't believe this is happening. you're so beautiful." he lay his head on one of your thighs, giving it a light kiss. that made you shudder. you didn't realize your thighs were that sensitive.
"thank you, thank you..." you started to mumble, becoming a bit nervous.
josh sensed your nerves. "you know, you don't have to let me do this, if you don't want me to. i know it's very up and personal."
"no, i really do, it's just...i'm just...nervous, is all. just...go slow please." you asked.
he played with the hems of your panties. "don't worry, i'll go as slow as you need." he pressed a kiss to your hip bones. "would you...would you mind if i took these off?"
"please. take them off." you were starting to get desperate.
he slowly eased them down your legs, getting a glimpse of your glistening pussy. he felt his eyes widen.
"can i...can i make you feel good?" he asked, pressing a kiss on your pubic bone.
"please, josh. want you to make me feel good so badly." you were practically begging at this point.
he lowered his head just a bit, propping himself truly inbetween your thighs, licking a stripe up your slit. you shuddered, new to the sensation. it felt weird, but in a good way.
"that feel okay?" he asked.
"yes, josh, for the love of god, please...more." you begged.
his tongue rested on your clit, rubbing it with the wet muscle. this sent shivers down your spine. it rubbed back and forth on the tiny area. you let out a moan, back starting to arch off the bed.
"shit...feels s'good josh, oh my god." you moaned, him drinking up your moans.
his lips attached themselves around your clit and just sucked. this sent all sorts of waves of pleasure through you. you pulled at his hair as he sucked at your clit. he ran his tongue in circles around the sensitive bud. had he ever done this before?
his tongue ran down your cunt, entering your tight hole with a moan from you. his thumb snuck up to your clit, not giving it a break as he rubbed tight circles around it.
"feels t' good, holy shit..." you were becoming putty in his hands as he tongue fucked you.
"you taste s' fucking good." he moaned into your pussy as his thumb became even faster around your clit, using your slick as lube. "love every part of you, fuck."
it didn't help that he was practically groaning into your cunt as he went down on you, letting out little whimpers and moans into you.
he heard you start to get louder and louder. he knew you were getting close to your release. his head went back up to your clit, giving it even more stimulation.
"josh...so close, oh my god..." your hips were starting to slightly buck up into his mouth.
"i know, pretty girl, not gonna stop until you cum down my fucking throat." he pleaded, urging you as he sopped at your clit, constantly hitting the bundle of nerves. your thighs got tighter around his head.
"i...oh my god...i think i'm gonna..." you started to pant hard, getting lost in the pleasure.
"c'mon. let it out. cum in my mouth. please. make me happy and cum on me. wanna make you feel so fucking good." he said in between licks.
one of them in particular make the tight band forming in your stomach snap, you finally getting that sweet, sweet release as you moan incoherent babbles to josh, as his tongue slowly eased at your cunt.
once you came down from your high, he started to rub little circles around your hips again. "you okay?" he asked.
"fuck...that was really fucking good, josh. oh my god." you panted as he peppered your stomach in kisses.
"good, m' glad." he rubbed the skin close to your bandage. "did i do anything to make it hurt any more?" he asked, worry etching on his eyebrows.
"no, it's all fine...i feel really good right now." you looked down at him, his face a mess of saliva and your slick. that was hot.
"good." he came up a little bit, you getting a peak at his erection standing through his pants.
"do you...do you want me to take care of that?" you asked, alluding to something more.
he caught his breath. "uh..are-are you sure? i know you just...y'know. you sure you want to?"
"please, josh. i want you to fuck me." you had never felt so desperate than you did right now. you needed him.
"i don't know if this is gonna hurt you. if it does, tell me and we're done." he said, getting out of his pants, his erection standing up in his boxers. your eyes widened. you couldn't believe he was going to be inside you.
"thank you josh, i will." you pulled him in to a kiss, your hand traveling down to his boxers, lightly gripping at his clothed cock. he let out a whimper.
"that feel good?" you asked.
"yes, fuck yes that felt good. but this is about you, not me. gonna make you feel good again. promise." he pulled away as he swiped down his boxers, freeing his girthy erection.
he positioned himself, sitting up on his knees, pulling one of your legs over his shoulder, alligning his cock with your dripping cunt. he ran his tip over your clit, you both shuddering.
"i..i'm gonna put it in now, okay?" he asked for permission, hands gently holding onto your hips, careful not to hurt you with the pressure. "i'll go slow, i promise."
"please." you whimpered.
he pressed it at your entrance, his tip slowly going inside you. he let out a shudder as he traced his thumbs back and forth on your thighs, trying to ease your nerves.
"fuck, oh my god. only have the tip in but it feels s' fucking good. you're so tight. fuck." he started to become a whimpering mess.
he slowly pushed his hips forward, entering you even more, at such a slow pace to make sure you weren't in any pain. sure, you had done this before, you told him, but it had been some time since. the last thing he wanted to do was make you hurt down there too.
"put the rest in josh, please." you whimpered.
he obliged, slowly bottoming out. all the sensations hit him at once: your tight, sopping cunt squeezing his cock. he knew he wouldn't last long.
"god, you're so tight, holy shit, feels so fucking good." he wailed, praising you as he caressed your hips. "you good?"
you nodded. you felt so full, it felt amazing. he looked at you with care and concern, like you were the only person in the world right then. it was perfect. he was doing all this for you.
"please start moving. feels good." you pleaded.
he nodded furiously, taking an experimental thrust into you, to which you both moaned out to. he was constantly letting out strings of "oh god" and "fuck" into the room as he started to grip your thigh.
he started to get into a motion, him pistoning in and out of you at a quick pace. your tight gummy walls pulled him in with every thrust, his cock hitting every sensitive spot inside you with every thrust.
"oh my god, you feel so good. love this pussy so much, holy shit." he was practically worshipping you at this point as his hips drove into yours, you letting out moans in response.
one of his hands found itself at your cunt, his thumb starting to bully your clit in tight circles, you letting out a loud moan in response.
"josh, getting close, oh my god. fuck!" you pleaded for him. his thumb around your clit started to move even faster as his hips drove into you, hitting every spot.
"gonna cum soon, please cum with me." he pleaded in between moans, hips moving even faster. you broke down into a moaning mess as you felt another orgasm coming.
"you're so hot, holy shit. wanna fuck you like this forever. wanna get lost in this pussy. please. want you to come on my cock over and over again. shit." he let out rambles as he started to reach his peak.
these words let you to your second orgasm, your cunt becoming even tighter around his cock as you moaned as loud as possible, yelling his name. your cunt squeezing him made him come undone, cumming inside you.
he kept thrusting into you, riding out both of your highs, until you came down. he put your leg down, him slowly pulling out and laying down on you, being careful to not lay down on your bandage.
"that...that felt so good josh, oh my god." you started to play with his hair and rubbing his back.
"good. m' glad. i really wanted to make you feel good." his head lay on one of your breasts, paying attention to your breathing pattern.
"you..you really helped. i feel really good right now. thank you." you squeezed him into a hug.
he put one of his arms around you, enjoying the warmth of your body. "i'll always be here for you, i owe it to you. i'll stick bt your side, no matter what.
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a/n: womp womp sry if that was kinda mid (im a loser if u couldnt tell)
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Jeff's Valentine
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Summary: Natasha and R go on a Valentine's Day date without Jeff, leaving a very upset landshark in Yelena's care.
Word Count: 3086 Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Reader Warnings: Nat and Yelena threatening each other, some romcom bashing, otherwise it's all just fluff :) A/N: It's been a few months since the last entry to the JFU, but everyone's favourite landshark is back :) I hope you all enjoy and, despite the title, it's quite light on the actual romance part. Also this isn't proofread.
Part of The Jeff Fictional Universe
Jeff mumbled tiredly, finally settled into bed for the night. You’d kept him active all day, taking him to the beach, buying him treats, and giving him all of your time overall which, to Jeff, made your next betrayal even worse.
The landshark hadn’t settled into his own bed that night – despite the plethora of options he had – he’d made himself comfortable on yours, which meant waiting for you and Natasha to settle down before he could go to sleep. He groaned again, but neither of you took the hint, both of you continuing your conversation as if he hadn’t interrupted.
“It’s going to be the perfect day,” Jeff heard you promise. Natasha reached out to cup her hand around the side of your face; since neither of you were even looking at him, Jeff huffed once more and stomped around the bed, clearing the space for him to flop suddenly into a curled-up ball. 
“Just the two of us,” you continued. Jeff faced away from you, if you weren’t sleeping soon then there was no point in him staying up.
“Not even Jeff.” The amphibious creature took some issue at that. Gone was his prior sleepy state and in its place – a whole new readiness to fight. What did you mean ‘not even Jeff’? Where would he be? What day could be perfect without him?
You glanced briefly at the agitated shark, but your attention was soon drawn away when Natasha propped herself up on one elbow. Jeff relaxed too, confident in the belief that his other parent would step in to defend him… until she didn’t. What she did do was turn your head back to face her, then leaned in to kiss you.
“I’ll trust your plans, love,” she smirked, “afterall, it can’t be worse than that Valentine’s a couple of years back.”
“In Paris?” you hummed, “romantic destination at least.”
“For the couples who choose to go there, maybe, not the ones on last minute missions. You almost bled to death.”
“Oh, yeah. Getting stabbed isn’t in the plans tomorrow though, don’t you worry.”
“Mmmm, good. I can’t wait to see what is. Goodnight Y/N, and goodnight Jeff.”
“Mrrrr,” Jeff responded, scathingly, though Natasha didn’t know it. He felt somewhat content in his action of wishing you both a bad night, but still fumed from the end of the bed at the fact you had planned activities without him. He vowed never to forget this betrayal and, as he fell asleep, planned to take vengeance in the morning until you reconsidered your plans.
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By morning, all was forgotten. Jeff had never had the best memory, but his anger was about to be reignited.
Natasha prised herself slowly and carefully out of bed, taking caution not to wake you as she did so. Unfortunately, that meant walking further away from the bed than usual on her route to the door, and closer to Jeff's corner bed – which he'd retired to midway through the night.
“Mrrrr,” he grumbled, his sleep now disturbed.
“Sorry Jeff.”
Jeff didn’t forgive Natasha with the apology, but he was curious as to what she was up to, so stood up and stretched before padding after her. After slipping through the door, he continued to follow the assassin as she muttered some sort of recipe; he perked up significantly when he realised her destination was the kitchen.
The land shark bounded to her side, purring and butting against Natasha’s legs to attract her attention.
“I’m making pancakes for Y/N, Jeff, do you want to help?”
Natasha stared at him blankly. “I’ll assume that was a yes,” Jeff heard her mutter, then he was hoisted into the air and deposited on the kitchen counter. “You have to wash your hands first though.”
The redhead shuffled away while Jeff hopped into the sink, where he sat and nudged the tap on in order to wash his hands and his feet and, well, practically his entire body in the end. 
Eventually, he flipped the water back off and fell back to sit with all four legs stretched out in front of him, so that he could show his clean hands to Natasha.
“Very good, Jeff,” she approved, “you can help now that you're clean.”
“Mrrrr,” Jeff beamed.
“Why don't you just sit there while I finish off the batter, then I'll make you one and you can taste test. Sound good?”
“Yeah, thought you'd like that.”
Natasha hurried around for a few seconds more, whisking the bowl until she felt content. Jeff, meanwhile, grew impatient, so grabbed a saucepan from the side and dragged it along the counter, onto the stove, which he then switched on.
Natasha frowned at the action, while Jeff flopped back into his hind legs and grinned incidentally. “I'm not sure how you know how to do that,” she muttered, “but thanks Jeff.”
As the redhead got to work, Jeff didn't take his eyes off the batter: from the final bit of mixing, to the pouring, to the misshapen thing in the pan, Jeff knew his mission.
“Mrrrr!” he alerted a few moments later. Natasha had gone off to prepare a tray for you, leaving Jeff worried that she would forget about his pancake and feed it to him burnt. She had previous.
At Jeff's alert though, Natasha came running back over to hastily flip the pancake. She patted Jeff's head in gratitude for his warning, knowing she would have burnt it otherwise. She had previous. Then returned to her set up.
Finally, Jeff's pancake was done, and Natasha served it to him with a wide smile. “Look, it's your face, Jeff!”
Jeff looked down, then back at her, then at his reflection in the kitchen sink. He did not resemble this beige blob, but no matter, he could still engulf it, so he did.
“How is it?”
In truth, Jeff didn't have it in his mouth long enough to notice a taste, but he grinned and gave a thumbs up anyway, setting Natasha into action. She began to pour vaguely heart shaped servings into the pan, which Jeff monitored, as Natasha never seemed to know when to turn them. Together, they produced a good stack of heart shaped pancakes which she carried up to serve you in bed.
Jeff followed her upstairs and hurried around to your side of the bed to stare and beg for food, which you sneakily provided, until it was time for you and Natasha to get up and ready for the day. 
You dressed yourself, picked out clothes for Natasha, and even grabbed some of Jeff's things, giving him hope that he would be accompanying the two of you. The feeling was exacerbated when you called him to the car and strapped him into his car seat. His excitement grew and grew… until he realised that he recognised the roads you drove down; he'd been to this place before.
“My favourite nephew!” 
Jeff wagged his tail politely, but turned to you pleadingly. As excited as he was to see Yelena, all he really wanted was to stay with his parents, which he knew wouldn’t be happening if they’d brought him here; he would be left all day, at the very least. While Natasha thanked Yelena again for taking him, Jeff pulled at the ends of your trousers, drawing your attention just so he could whine and plead to you with wide, watery eyes.
“Jeff, you usually love it here,” you crouched down to his level and whispered. His eyes seemed to be getting larger and sadder by the second, so you ducked your head, knowing any more of this and you’d fold to his wishes. “I’ll be back tonight, I promise.”
“Nat and I are going to be doing couple-y stuff, and you don’t want to be around that, do you?”
“I wouldn’t”
“We know, Yelena.”
“The land shark is better with me,”
“That’s why he’s here, Yelena.”
You ignored the sibling bickering and turned back to Jeff. “Yelena is right, buddy, you’ll have a great day here with her and Fanny, then we’ll be back to pick you up before you know it!”
He whined again but, with great difficulty, you turned away to follow Natasha out of the door, ready to begin the date you’d spent weeks planning. You could practically feel Jeff’s teary eyes boring into your back, so you didn’t dare turn around, knowing you could never leave that sight behind.
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Yelena could put up with a lot – The Red Room had put her through a lot – but this day with Jeff had somehow managed to find and push at her limit. You'd been gone for an hour now, but Jeff still sat at the front door, right where you left him, crying and scratching and howling in displeasure. 
She hadn't seen Jeff this distraught since the day they first met, and that was not an event anyone wanted a repeat of. 
“Can you talk to him?” she asked Fanny when the crying got too much to bear. The dog told her head but, after a pointed finger from Yelena, made her way towards the mopey land shark. She wasted no time and judged Jeff harshly for his attention, before springing forward with her front half lowered playfully to the ground.
“Mrrrr,” Jeff pouted, though already noticeably less melancholy. Fanny barked and jumped towards him. Jeff growled, then sprang up, running in circles around the living room to goad the Akita into chasing him. They played like that for several minutes, while Yelena breathed a sigh of relief and settled back into the sofa, glad the whines had finally given way to playful yaps; they were much more manageable.
The two animals did eventually calm down though and, when Fanny went to lay at her owner's side, Jeff followed, climbing into the Widow’s lap rather than snoozing on a hard wooden floor.
“Hello Jeff”
“You are happy now?”
“Mrrrr,” Jeff shrugged, He glanced to the door, then back at Yelena, before his features drooped.
“They are celebrating Valentine’s Day,” Yelena told the shark patiently, watching his face for any indication of how he felt about it.
“Means they do lot of romantic things together. Couples do. But they must leave you behind because they are a couple, and you are not.”
Jeff frowned and shuffled on Yelena’s lap until his hands were freed. “Alone,” he signed, then pointed to himself.
“Yes, in a dating sense, but so am I. It is not so bad to be alone.”
“Couple. Join them?”
“Double dates are an option, but-”
Jeff cut her off, signing urgently, “You. Me. Couple.”
Jeff nodded.
“I am flattered, Jeffrey Landshark, but we are too far apart in ages, and different species; I don't date anyone even of my own species.”
Jeff looked down dejectedly, his face downcast as he signed “alone” again.
“One day you can find a nice land shark partner, if that's what you want, but Valentine's is not all about couples. There is a lot you can do, little land shark! Treat it as a normal day, spend time with friends, enjoy the alone time… here, let me show you.”
Yelena nodded her head as she stood up, in a clear sign that Jeff should follow her; he took the hint and leapt gently off of the sofa. Fanny looked up at the movement and decided to trail her owner too. So Yelena paced through the house, her two animals marching in step behind her, until she pulled a box out from a hallway cabinet, half-full with crayons and stickers and pink slips of paper. Fanny sniffed it curiously.
“Natasha and I used to do this every year,” the younger assassin explained. Meanwhile, she'd picked the box up again and led the troupe back to the living room table.
“We would watch funny movies and make each other cards. Look, see, this is from your mother-”
A pink card was shoved into Jeff's hands; adorned with a blood-red heart on the front, Jeff opened it to see Natasha's neat, calligraphic handwriting, not that he could read any of it.
“Mrrrr,” he said.
“Yes,” Yelena replied, not understanding him at all, “she was angry with me that year. I threw her out a window a couple days before.”
“Mrrrr,” Jeff tried again, this time signing “can't read” alongside it.
“Oh, yes, she has bad handwriting, hard to read. I will read it for you.” Yelena beckoned for the paper, which Jeff passed back to her.
“Dear Yelena,” she read aloud, “sometimes I am glad I didn't kill you. Lots of love, Natasha.”
“She is very sincere.”
“Let's make cards. You can give it to your parents when they pick you up, yes?”
Jeff nodded, and the two of them set to work. The TV was switched on and played a collection of rom-coms that the network has chosen to air for Valentine's day, allowing Yelena to laugh at the tropes and throw popcorn at the TV whenever it became too unrealistic for her to believe. In turn, that kept Jeff and Fanny entertained, as they scrambled to get to the fallen popcorn first.
“Mrrr?” Jeff asked at one point, after Yelena had cut and folded the card for him. He had one hand on the front of the card and a red pen balanced between his teeth, which he hovered just above the page.
“You want to outline your hand?” 
Jeff nodded, causing the pen to lower and mark a red line on his hand.
“Okay, let me do it then,” Yelena stepped in, taking the pen off of Jeff. “You want a full outline? If you move your fingers together it is like a heart.”
Jeff tried it, moving his first finger towards his thumb, then his other two towards each other on the other side. Yelena had been correct; thanks to his short, sharp fingers and a rounded hand, it did form a somewhat heart-like shape when traced. 
“There we go. A perfect heart!”
Jeff looked at the paper. The heart was about as perfect as Natasha's pancakes had been that morning, but he considered that maybe the sisters didn't know what a heart was supposed to look like, and he was content to let them live in ignorance. Jeff gave a thumbs up.
Yelena handed the card back and turned to the TV once more.
“Why are they kissing! They just met!” she yelled suddenly, jolting both Jeff and Fanny from their relaxed positions.
“I am sorry,” she grumbled calmly, “they are just dumb.”
Fanny huffed and settled back into her bed, while Jeff went back to colouring in his Valentine's card. And so, they settled into their routine for the rest of the day.
There was, of course, a break for lunch, and then again to walk Fanny (and Jeff, but in his mind he walked the other two). The rest of the time was spent doing arts and crafts in the living room, moving on from the Valentine's card, to friendship bracelets, to Yelena teaching Jeff simple origami.
By the time you and Natasha came to pick up Jeff, late in the evening, the table overflowed with stacks of folded paper, beads, and glitter covered cards; and your landshark blended right in with how much glitter he had spilt on himself.
Natasha gasped and practically ran into the house. You panicked, thinking she would storm in and reprimand Yelena for the mess, but, to your surprise, she headed straight for the table and fell to her knees beside it. “You brought out the crafting stuff!” she exclaimed, in a tone totally opposite to what you had expected, then beckoned you over right before she began to rifle through the mess.
You closed the door slowly, sensing that your original plan to quickly pick Jeff up and head home would be no more.
“What's going on?”
Natasha ignored you, and instead looked up to her sister, “I remember writing this one, you'd pushed me out of a window just before it.”
Your head swung rapidly to Yelena, who shrugged at your expression, “We were only one floor up.”
After knowing the pair of them for years, you knew when it was best to let things slide, and this was one of those times. Further questioning would only yield more questions than answers.
“Y/N, come sit down,” Natasha smiled and pulled you down to her side, “this is what Yelena and I used to do every Valentine's day.”
“Before she met you,” Yelena added.
“Do you mind that I'm joining?” you asked the younger Widow directly, even as Natasha piled heaps of craft equipment in your lap. “I don't want to intrude on a sibling tradition.”
Yelena glared at you for a few seconds, long enough to make you sweat under her gaze, before she eventually broke into a smile and shook her head. “No, no. It is a family tradition, and you are family now. I do not mind. Come, the land shark can show you how it's done.”
With Yelena’s blessing, you shuffled around at the table and got to work making a love letter of your own. The message you wanted to convey came to you quickly, and the page soon filled with your expressions of love. Natasha finished hers at almost the same time, and you all agreed to exchange them at once.
“Three, two, one-”
Yelena pointed Jeff towards you and Natasha, but he shook his head and turned back to her, depositing his card in her lap. Meanwhile you and Yelena had both pushed your cards across the table to Jeff, and Natasha’s to Yelena.
“Thank you, Jeffrey Landshark,” Yelena said earnestly, “I am touched.”
“Hey, I gave you a card too!” Natasha complained, only to be shushed by her sister.
“You are not as special as Jeff.”
Natasha looked to you for backup, but you only shrugged. Though you pulled her into a side hug immediately after, of course, because she might have pushed you through a window if you hadn't.
“This is a bit awkward, huh?” you whispered, smiling against her hair as she rested her head on your shoulder, the both of you watching Jeff and Yelena exchange friendship bracelets and admire their Valentine's day cards. “Put our hearts out there and didn't even get a single card back.”
“You put your heart out there? Oh…”
“Natasha… why does this just say ‘die’?”
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Jeff taglist: @unexpected-character​ @wolferine
General Taglist: @canvascoloredin @fxckmiup @wizardofstories
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zukosdualdao · 4 months
a soft place to land
zutara month, day 16: injury recovery, @zutaramonth
summary: in the aftermath of an assasination attempt on katara, she finds herself safe in his bed, zuko looking after her from the bedside.
warnings: assasination/murder attempt, complicated thoughts about punitive judgment and executions, etc, excessive use of adverbs, lmao.
other notes: title taken from "a dream is a soft place to land" from waitress.
Katara’s eyes flicker open. She immediately sets to prop herself up on her elbows, struggling not to groan with fatigue and discomfort as she does. 
The sheets underneath her are gold and silken, the room around her faintly familiar.
She’s in the Fire Nation. She’d been here as an Ambassador for the latest treaty revision. A servant… a man dressed as a servant, anyway, he’d served her tea in the private chambers kept for her here, and her throat had begun to swell, panic building as it did, chest burning as the door slammed ominously shut behind him. She remembers lifting her hand shakily, trying to guide her blood to keep the toxins from working through it, but she couldn’t tear it out of her without extracting her own blood, it was no use, she couldn’t think—her head met the floor, brow slick with sweat, she was going to die…
As she looks around in the darkness, it occurs to her exactly where she is now.
He’d come looking for her just in time.
The last thing she remembers before her awakening is the taste of something herbal and sickly sweet, being overcome with sick and the aftermath of bile, Zuko’s gentle hand cradling the back of her head, and then succumbing to the darkness.
“I’m right here,” he says quietly in the dark, and when she turns just slightly to her right, she can see shadows cast over his house face. He’s sitting in a chair by her bedside, folding in on himself and wringing his hands until he casts his worried gaze up to meet her eyes. “It’s okay. You’re really okay.” He sounds almost disbelieving. “How do you feel?”
It’s quite the inverse of the last time she was here when he was the one prone on the bed, marked by lightning, and she waited up all night for him to wake again, too wired to sleep, needing to keep a weathered eye on his wound.
“Not amazing,” she manages a bout of shaky laughter. “But I’m alive, so that’s something. How did you know what to… ?”
Zuko was alone when he arrived and fed to her what must have been the antidote, though she thinks she remembers the patter of other footsteps arriving after the fact, possibly a sea of medics.
At this, Zuko leans back in his chair a little, rubbing an embarrassed hand at the back of his head. “Oh—my mother learned about plants and things from her mother.” Zuko’s mouth tilts into a frown. “I think she was an herbalist? I’m not sure.” He shakes his head. “I didn’t know what they’d used but—we keep something stocked here. It’s not a cure-all, but…” Shrugging again, he sighs. “Thank Agni it worked.”
“Forget Agni,” she murmurs. “Thank you.” Something that might have been panic if not for her weariness swells in her chest suddenly. “The man… ?”
Even through the darkness and the haze she still finds her mind in, she catches the way his pupils dilate, the way his posture stiffens. She’s seen him angry like this before. Protective-angry. She imagines his fingers are probably curling hard against the edge of his chair as he grips it, but looking down to check seems difficult and unnecessary. “Hired assassin.”
“Oh.” It’s sort of strange to think she’s an important enough figure that someone would try to assassinate her, that her death wouldn’t be a simple murder but rather to make some political statement or another. “That’s new. For me, anyway.”
Zuko’s had a few attempts on his own life in the past year, as she recalls. Most of them she read about through letters after the fact—she was here for the last one, though, and thank the spirits for that. Stab wounds are simple enough to heal with her bending—if they don’t bleed out first, which can happen more quickly than one might expect. Needless to say, Katara’s glad she was around.
Zuko says the next like an oath. “The assassin is being dealt with.” With a confusing mix of shame, fear, and relief, she wonders how. Zuko’s not the type to execute, certainly not without trial, which is how things would have been done in the Fire Nation in days past. Mostly, she’s relieved for that, but still, she finds herself wondering whether she’ll regret being such a ready proponent of the right to trial and imprisonment over execution in the weeks to come. There is a swallow of fear in her throat, but it might wisp away once this isn’t all so fresh. 
But perhaps that’s something to think on later.
 “So are his benefactors,” Zuko spits out the word like it’s full of poison itself. “I’ve written to your father and Sokka and to Aang,” he adds. Katara’s stomach clenches unpleasantly in a way she suspects only has a little to do with the day’s events. Zuko doesn’t know she and Aang haven’t spoken in months, that they’re no longer together. “Spirits, Katara, I’m so sorry.”
Katara frowns as she leans back against the pillows. “What for? You didn’t poison me.”
“It was done on my watch, in my palace, because some group of fucking noblemen I’ve been trying to appease are—I keep trying and failing to make things better, and instead…”
“Zuko,” she glares at him in the hopes that it will quiet his self-recrimination. It does, quite efficiently, and she smiles. “Not everything gets to be your fault. Will you just accept my thanks for saving me instead?”
At this, she yawns, and she watches as his expression softens in the dim light of his bedroom.
Zuko rolls his eyes then, but there’s a faint smile playing on his lips, too, and she’s glad to feel the mood lighten again, though she can feel weariness starting to take her once more.
“That’s what you and I do,” he allows quietly after a moment, his (pretty, she thinks hazily, so pretty) amber eyes shining with the truth of what he’s saying. “We save each other. Get some more rest, Katara.” 
Still a little awake, but with her eyes closed, she asks drowsily, not even sure she manages the words, “Will you be here when I wake up?”
Zuko’s answer is quiet but certain. “Of course I will.”
Katara hums as she falls back into the allure of sleep, safe with the knowledge Zuko is watching over her. 
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talisidekick · 2 years
Thanks for being so compassionate! As someone who's had to defend himself from assault pre transition and assault and attempted trafficking during transition which has contributed to some agoraphobia centered on thoughts like "damn, wasn't safe off T not safe on it", it's been rlly scary seeing ppl shrug off how transmascs are endangered in real life in service of discrediting transandro discourse. Cool seeing who's really real I guess????? anyways hope you're well and warm. Srry about my run on sentence lmao
There is absolutely nothing to apologize for. We only get to see one side publically, and that's pretty much just trans women issues. Media likes to cover just us. I rarely see news stories about just trans men. We don't see the stories about trans men getting stalked or followed around in stores by total strangers, getting attacked in public, rarely a mention if a trans man gets killed. It's happening but you don't see it. You don't see a flood of forum posts about the constant dismissal of, unique brand of hatred around, or the types of dangers faced by trans men.
My introduction to questioning my gender was actually FROM transandrophobia. The reason for this is I've had more of a curvy figure since ... well forever, even though my body was producing T on it's own. I got A LOT of compliments on it by pretty much all my friends (which were mostly girls, and yes that probably should have been a sign but I'm a bit thick sometimes, okay?) because I was "unconventionally sexy" because of it. I'm now remembering I do have a shirtless picture somewhere from before I was on HRT ... I'll work up the nerve to show that at some point to prove that point. Anywho, because of this, a random ass stranger had been following me as I went to grab a few things from a walmart after my shift. It was weird as fuck. Uncomfortably close, constantly looking at me but not what they were pretending to, and I kind of knew this dick was waiting until there was no one in the aisle before pulling something. I'd been mugged before at 14 and 15 so at 24 I was kind of like "I'm not getting stabbed in a damn Walmart" and just made sure to be quick. I got out of the store and met up with some old work friends and just let them know someone was following me and I wanted to wait them out. Props to my friends at the time, they bullseyed the dude (to be fair he wasn't being stealthy) and called him out. And he yelled back "You'll never be a real man" to me. My friends laughed at him because as far as we all knew, I was cis. But this would happen two more times in the same week. A lady would tell me I shouldn't be doing "this" to myself with a full body gesture, and that god "loves" me; and a college colleague flat out dismissed my concerns on something because "only a real man would need to worry about that". It got me wondering if this was a new fad, to hate on someones manliness, and upon looking that up I learned about what exactly transgender meant, the experiences of trans men and women (just a bit on women, my concern was on trans men at the time), and thought it was kind of cool there were people who'd know two sides to the gender spectrum. But it must SUCK to have to go through the bullshit I did and actually be affected by it. Like, no one has any right to tell another man they're less of one.
This whole situation would actually come back to help me 2 years later in finding myself. I'd only really looked up trans men and curiosity mid covid lock down would lead me to look up non-binary and then trans women. However, transandrophobia is how I, a trans woman, got her start. So it boils my blood when I see people talk about T being toxic or trans men having it easier. It shows a complete lack of understanding and a lack of acceptance and willingness to empathize. Trans men and trans mascs have different issues, that doesn't make them lesser, and while those issues may not affect me, it doesn't make it less of my problem to help deal with where I can. I know certain issues I'll have no experience on, no idea how to help, but that doesn't mean I can't still offer to be support. Everyone should be doing the same, and shame on those who aren't.
You deserve equal treatment and support in your fight for it, not dismissal. Those that dismiss the issues of trans men aren't allies, they're transphobes. And fuck transphobes.
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ellilyre · 6 months
I finished ToA not long ago and I wanted to write down some thoughts/scenes that stick with me
(in chronological (ish) order, watch out for spoilers)
Theres an italian girl at camp ! It means Nico gets to practice and speak italian ! (which probably haven't happened in about 70 years)
Will introducing Nico as "my boyfriend". I already knew they would be canon, but reading that line felt weird /pos
Apollo sees Solangelo and think of himself and Hyacinth
That night when Kayla and Austin disappeared and Apollo left to look for them, it probably was the first night Will ever spent alone in his cabin
Apollo's insane body dysmorphia. He's a god, he can always take the physical form he is the most comfortable and confident in... Until now. He is stuck in a body that isn't his, he feels ashamed, when he sees certain traits in others he find them charming or pretty, but when it's on him then it's disgusting. He complain that everything is this body's fault (ex. he wouldn't have been touched by the Eurynomos if it wasn't for his chub.)(I could go on for hours)
Lityerses ! I love that guy. Idk why i love him that much. He is my best guy.
Apollo's reaction to Commodus' name. His flashback of him. So painful he was physically sick.
Apollo talking Helios out of killing them, because he just want to be free, not to hurt them.
Jason. I'm not talking about Jason. I can't speak about Jason.
Frank and Apollo ! They are so fond of each other !!!
Apollo heard all of Frank's prayers when he was unclaimed and wished he could've adopted him.
And Frank respecting Apollo as a god although he is *vaguely gesture at Apollo/Lester*
Reyna saying aloud that she doesn't want nor needs romance. It's so rare to see aromantic representation and Rick did it so well.
Literally Apollo singing his way out of situations.
FRANK'S SELF SACRIFICE!!! (He already had one of my favorite character development before that)
APOLLO KILLING COMMODUS ??? why do never talk about that it's one of the best deaths I've ever seen that was BADASS AND FULL OF EMOTIONS.
Apollo slowly dying out of poison and the Dodona Arrow doing everything it can to keep him conscious.
I hope Dakota didn't get killed off just to give Lavinia the role of Centurion. I love my boy Dakota, and his death felt kind of meaningless, except for her rank up :/ also i feel like it doesn't suit Lavinia. Some ppl are strong and good and trustable but just not made to order others. (ill prop make a full post about that)
Dionysos confirmed to be an annoying little brother!
Nico. How does Rick manage to always give him more issues. Leave the kid alone.
When Will glows, Apollo is genuinely impressed and tells him how proud he is.
Nico destroying Nero's door with his giant zombie bull. That was cool.
When Apollo gets stabbed in Nero's tower and think it's the end, he prays "Zeus, Artemis, Leto, anyone"
And in general the few parts he talks about Leto, he's such a momma's boy and I love it.
When Apollo left for Delphi... I was fully expecting Meg to go with him. I was so worried that he went alone while already feeling that weakened from the previous events.
Artemis is here when Apollo wakes up. She's by his side, she's the first person to tell him he succeeded, she hold him while he sobs...
The first thing he does is to greet his horses :) and then to see his friends.
When he gets back to the Dodona bush ! To tell them all how brave and heroic the Arrow have been !
I could spend hours talking about the character developments of Apollo, Meg and the Dodona Arrow (i love the arrow so much you have no idea) but its for another day
There's many things I didn't talk about, but the post is already long enough. I love those 5 books, and Apollo is an amazing narrator.
I love the Arrow of Dodona with all my heart.
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isylovesbigboys · 11 months
"𝐃𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐟𝐮𝐜𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐬𝐭 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐬?”
ꕥ Synopsis: you go to surprise your boyfriend at work but accidentally embarrasses him, he make sure to show you whose boss in the elevator
—character: Kokonoi Hajime
—series: Tokyo Revengers
warning: mdni, smut, exhibitionist, blow jobs, fingering, ts!dom!kokonoi, sub!fem!reader
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Kokonoi snapped back, looking towards you with an irritated expression. After all, you did just accidentally walk into a meeting wearing nothing but stockings and an oversized shirt, which belonged to Koko. You thought it would be a funny idea to seduce your boyfriend, you had his timetable at work down to a T and was so sure you'd catch him alone whilst he was at work, however- this didn't go how you wanted it, you didn't mean for anyone else to see you, especially some of his closest co-workers of Bonten.
"Get out!" Koko yelled at you. "Or do I have to get you out myself?"
You stood in the doorway of his office as a shocked expression sprawled out upon your face. All eyes were gazed upon your semi-exposed body, You have never felt more dirtier than you did in that very moment. Kokonoi's expression didn't seem to change as he stood up and slammed his hands on his desk, looking more irritated than ever- you could practically feel the anger and shame radiate off him.
You fled his office in complete embarrassment, picking up your coat on the way, which you left over the arm of the chairs outside his office to cover yourself with. You swiftly made your way down the corridor, anxiously wandering around the building until you stumbled upon the elevator, looking nervously around hoping no one would recognise you, you waited for it. Thankfully, the 'ding' of the door opening put you at ease as you raced into the empty elevator, you sighed and rested against the metal handrail as the doors began to close.
A low, stern voice made its way to you as you turned around to find a semi-angry white haired man standing in between the doors, propping it open with his hands before stepping inside. You looked around nervously trying to avoid Koko's heavy gaze upon you.
"Koko, I'm-" you began to speak, a slight shake in your voice as you addressed him. You hated seeing him angry, although he's never been anything but gentle towards you, he was intimidating when he was angry and you prayed you were never on the receiving end of it. You winced, expecting him to shout loud at you.
"You're what? Sorry? Do you know how much of an embarrassment you were-" Koko spat at you, you could sense the hostility he was projecting, his tone was angry but his voice was quiet- trying not to make a scene. "- and look at you, is that my shirt? You're dressed like some slut. Are you even wearing clothes underneath that?"
Koko's words stabbed you like a knife, he made you feel so dirty,there was no love in his voice. You looked at him, still not speaking, his eyebrows were furrowed with a slight scowl on his face. Koko suddenly hit the emergency stop button and the elevator shook to a rugged halt, you lost your balance and tripped back into the corner, falling onto the floor. Koko stood still and stared at you as a slight smirk formed onto his face. He rolled up his sleeves as he walked towards you bending down to meet your eyes, he placed his index finger and thumb under your chin and lifted your face to meet his.
"So, y/n, are we going to finish what you started?
You can't deny you grew a little excited by his dominating tone, you became like putty in his hands when he acted like this. Suddenly, you were roughly lifted off of the ground by Kokonoi as he pulled you up by the arm without a warning. You let out a pained yelp but was quickly silenced by Kokonoi pushing you back, sandwiching you between the wall and himself.
"This isn't yours" Kokonoi spoke gesturing the top you were wearing. "Off. Now"
He commanded you. You felt hypnotised by his words and shamelessly did what he asked of you, your hands quickly made their way to the top button of your shirt but you started to fumble due to pure excitement, you grew agitated as you were struggling to undo them. Koko could see this. 
"Not fast enough, y/n" He teased, saying your name in a singsong tone, his voice was calm.
He started to grow impatient with you and ripped the top off himself throwing it, and your coat, onto the floor, leaving you in nothing but a black laced bra with matching undies he gave you as a present paired stockings. He scoffed at you and rolled his eyes, placing his hands on your bra, softly massaging your breasts, ever so slightly running his finger tips over your nipples earning a high pitched whine from you. Your breath hitched at his action and you slightly arched your back in response,breathing more heavily. You bit your lip trying to keep back any sounds your body wanted to make, not wanting to show how much you were intoxicated by his touch you were.
Kokonoi's soft lips then met with your jawline, he delicately left a trail of kisses down your neck, softly starting to suck on your skin , you mewled quietly at his actions. He did this several more times before spinning you around so you were facing the mirror, you looked disheveled as you could see several dark love bites on your neck, visible for everyone to see. He pressed himself against you bringing his hands back up to your breasts, he lifted up your bra so he could feel your pointed nipples, he rolled them between his warm index finger and thumb, every so often squeezing and flicking them, you whined more- drunk on his touches.
"Mmhm" You caved, you started to moan under his touch and lent your head back onto Koko's shoulder, closing your eyes.
"No, look in the mirror" He commanded "Look at yourself, getting felt up in public, you enjoy this don't you? God, you're such a slut"
You looked at yourself, he was right, your mouth was slightly opened, moans echoing around the elevator and he did barely anything, you were already left wanting more. You could feel yourself getting impatient and started squirming onto Koko's crotch, you could start to feel the wetness between your legs. It started getting uncomfortable. You wanted him so badly, you wanted him to do unspeakable things, suddenly you felt your left breast lose the warmth of his hand. His hands feathered it's way up to the corner of your mouth, touching your body on his way, his two fingers made its way to your mouth where they hovered above your lips.
"Now, y/n, suck these like the good girl you are, you can do that, yeah?
He asked as he shoved two fingers into your mouth, resting them between your teeth. You gasped slightly before running your tongue around his fingers, coating them in your spit. You swirled your tongue around them several times closing your eyes, imagining something bigger in its place. He then started to shove his fingers slowly back into your throat, hitting the back of it. He repeated this several times until he was satisfied, smiling at the act.
"Mmffph...mffmf...mngff "
You choked at the feeling, tears started welling up in the corners of your eyes as you were trying not to gag on his fingers, you clenched your fists trying to distract yourself from the uncomfortableness of his action.
"That's a good girl, take it all, there we go" he said gently to you, stroking your hair, as if he wasn't doing unspeakable things.
He took his fingers out of your mouth, coated in your thick spit which trailed from his fingers to his mouth. You slightly coughed looking at yourself in the mirror, seeing the drool fall from your mouth and your mascara smudged from the tears. He then bought those fingers down to your aching core- hovering just above it. He lovingly kissed the back of your neck then looked at you in the mirror. You gave him a nod, allowing him to carry on. He slid your underwear to the side with his other hand and slowly entered his fingers into you.
"Geez, y/n, have you seen the mess you made down here, I didn't even need your spit"
Those dirty words he said made you feel so slutty, but you loved the way he spoke to you. He started gliding his fingers in and out of you with great ease, your soft moans filling the elevator, he was lightly hitting your cervix and it was sending you over the edge.
"Mmhm, Koko, p-please. T-this feels so good" you moaned out to him, making him know how good he felt. "Go, faster, please"
He smirked at your sad attempt at begging, he curled his fingers and started moving more roughly inside of you, you felt a knot started to form in your lower stomach. Kokonoi used his free hand to add pressure to your clit, you saw him sucking his finger in the mirror before moving down there, so his fingers wouldn't be dry. He started rubbing your clit in circles as he sped up fingering your dripping cunt. You saw yourself in the mirror, you saw him in the mirror, he looked lustful. He didn't slow down his actions and the more he toyed with you the louder and louder your moans became, you started breathing more heavily. He knew you were close and he didn't want you to have all the fun so quickly, just before you could finish, he stopped and pulled his now soaked fingers out.
"Koko, ngh, w-why?" You said out of breath, damp hair from your sweat sticking over your eyes. You turned around and looked up at him- that's when you saw it out of the corner of your vision, a flashing red light. Your eyes widened at the sight of it, confused as to what the red blinking light belonged to. Koko saw your expression and looked up towards it. Now smiling.
"Oh that? Don't mind that? The boys are just having a good view from the camera they installed"
He said so nonchalantly, like he didn't hear what he said. Like his co-workers wasn't watching him doing such whoresome things with his girlfriend in the elevator. He looked back towards you, smirking down at the sight of you, oh how he loved to see you in this state, panting like his dog, he could ask you to do anything and you'd do it without a question.
"Let's put on a show for them, Princess"
He took his hands and bought them to his waist, he started to unbuckle his belt, making sure to keep eye contact with you whilst doing this. "Now, can you return the favour?" He asked, tilting his head to the side, with a shit-eating grin plastered on his face. It didn't take long before you got the hint, you knelt down on the ground before lightly touching him through his underwear, you could feel that he was hard, you put your mouth up to his bulge kissing him through his underwear, you could feel him tense up at your action. You grabbed the top of his underwear, bringing them down exposing himself to you.
You grabbed the base of his slightly leaking cock whilst putting your lips around his head, suckling on the top, soft grunts were heard coming from the man, his noises turned you on even more. You took more of him in your mouth- slowly moving your head back and forth. You closed your eyes imagining him fucking you senseless, it only drove you to go further. You took one of your hands and ran it over your nipple-craving more pleasure, moaning around his cock. This only made him buck forward, making his cock hit the back of your throat. His hand grabbed your hair in a fist and started moving your head himself, hitting the back of your throat with his cock.
"Mmffph...mffmf...mngff " the noises you made were like music to Kokonoi's ears, he let out several grunts and occasional moans.
"Playing with yourself, y/n? Keep going, let's see how filthy you are" Koko spoke in a seductive tone and he clenched his fist full of his hair, pulling you back slightly. You were a mess, you did exactly that.
You now had both hands on your nipples as Koko slowly used your mouth to fuck himself, spit drooling from your mouth landing on your chest, which you used to play with your nipples. You slightly traced around them, whilst flicking and twisting them gently- all whilst tears fell from your eyes as Koko hit your gag reflex again and again and again.
"You're such a good girl, y/n" Koko spoke with a devious tone, grunting between some of his words, a light flush covering his face. "now let's see how quick you'll come for me"
Koko pulled you away from his leaking cock, once again getting down to your level. He looked at you with such animalistic eyes, enjoying the view of you playing with yourself. "Don't stop what you're doing" He moaned into your ear, his hot breath left tingles all the way up your back and neck. He sat cross legged and smirked, inviting you to hop onto his lap, you slowly dragged your body onto him. Your core placed directly on top of his buldge. "Now, ride me" koko grinned. "Don't put it in though, you don't deserve that luxury"
You fell forward into his chest, your overstimulated nipples felt like they was going numb over your own teasing, but you didn't stop. You starting rocking yourself on him, your clothed core dripping, all the pleasures you built up felt like it was going to explode. Moans fell from your lips, you wouldn't be surprised if people on the outside heard you. You pressed down so your clit felt him, your hips sped up- you could heard Koko moan slightly, looking at you half-lidded, not taking his eyes away. You moved your hands to his shoulders, then around his neck pulling his head into your neck so he couldn't see your face, in exchange one of his hands traveled back up to your nipple- keeping the same pleasure as before, your body felt like it was going to explode.
"F-fuck~ Koko" moans spilled from your lips as you were reaching your climax, your hips aching from the movement but you refused to stop, you felt like your vision was going black as all the tension you felt down there released, you let out a loud, airy moan as you came to a slow stop, you pulled yourself closer to Koko, embarrassed from what you've just done.
"I think my princess has finally deserved my cock after that show, dontcha think?" Koko smirked, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a condom, ripping it open with his teeth before putting it on himself- you could barely keep yourself up above him, your legs were numb. You stared at him before pulling him into a kiss, your whole body felt like it was trembling. You pulled away from his lips, your body jumped as you felt his strong hands grab your hips, guiding you up so you you were lined up over his cock. Koko grabbed your underwear at the side and ripped them. "Not going to be needing these" he said,  his hands returned and he guided you down onto him, entering you.
You felt his thick cock travel through you, all the way up to touch your cervix, a loud moan escaped from your lips as a grunt did from his. You both were already breathing heavily, your hands was around his neck and you slowly started to ride him gently. Kokonoi put his hands on the floor and leant back, mouth agape and let out a moaned sigh. You rocked back and forth on him, the gentle pleasures flowing through you both, you grinded down hard onto him, trying to feel as much as him you could take, you could feel his cock hit your cervix, you sped up a little, moaning evertime he nudged your g-spot, moans erupted from both of your mouths. Soft moans of 'fuck' and 'oh gods' leaving your mouths. Koko held your hips still and he shuffled you both so he was leaning against the wall, he quickly bounced you down wanting to resume the feeling of your clenched walls around him, he decided to keep a tight hold on your hips- gripping harshly, wanting to take more control, he lifted you up and slammed you back down onto him, you let out a pained moan as he hit your cervix quite hard, he did this again...again...again...again...again. Koko let out loud groans, eyes full closed. Each time you were slammed down you let out a deep moans
"K-koko, holy shi-it" you cried out to him, letting out a long, loud, ungodly moan. "Don't stop,Koko, I swear please don't you dare stop"
He adored your begging, he groaned- Koko bucked his hips up in-sync with slamming you down, again and again. You were whining and moaning, begging him not to stop, your breasts bouncing against his chest, sweat dripping from body and heat radiating from his. you could tell koko was close as his grip became pained and he continued to speed up- his mouth started licking around your breasts, forcefully flicking your nipples with his tongue, trying to care for them equally. He rolled his tongue around your left nipple, taking it between his teeth gently biting, sucking gently whilst his right hand came up and started to abuse your other one, squeezing it hard and tugging on it. The pleasure became too much and you became overstimulated, the sudden amount of pleasure made the feeling in your core explode and you finished on him. He didn't slow down his movements and continued to pump into you, before finishing himself. You both collapsed, panting heavily, wet from sweat, clothes torn and chucked around the elevator.
"Koko- holy shit" you cried into his chest, smiling largely, still feeling pleasure from the sex, you rested your ear against his chest hearing his heart beat fast. He felt him place a kiss on your forehead "Sorry, I didn't mean, I didn't mean for this to be so intense, are you okay, y/n?" He asked, clearly out of breath, his voice seemed genuinely concerned, he was stroking your shaking thighs soothing you. You looked up at him, placing a kiss on his lips. "Yeah, I feel amazing" you giggled giddily.
You got off of him, sighing that there was nothing to clean you both up with, dreading what comes next. Koko adjusted himself and pulled out the emergency button, having the elevator restart up, he pressed the button to the top floor- his floor. You looked over at him " Koko? shouldn't we pop home and get cleaned?" Koko grinned. "Not yet, we need to get a little review from our viewers first" he winked at you, still grinning from your embarrassment, you were dreading going back to his office.
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ragingbookdragon · 2 years
reader dying in Alejandro’s arms with all the angst and drama you could possibly write would be *chefs kiss*
There’s blood.
So much blood.
It covers the floor from the entrance to the home to the living room where she’d managed to prop herself up against the wall.
The bouquet he had in his hands hits the floor along with the bottle of champagne that shatters into a million pieces exactly like his heart as he scrambles from the entrance to her side, hands automatically replacing where hers had been pressed up against her stomach.
There’s at least three stab wounds.
His eyes flood with tears, panic in his voice as he tells her to hold on for all it’s worth, he’s going to get her help, he’s going to save her, he’s going to—
Her cool fingertips graze his chin and he stops, gaping at her as she smiles, blood on her teeth, It’s okay, Alejandro, it’s okay.
It’s not okay!
He’s angry, rage already filling his bones at who did this to his young wife, the light of his world and hope for peace, hatred for himself for not being here to protect her.
She pulls him to her. Help me go in peace, mi amor.
His breathing seems to stutter as she slumps against his chest, his arm curling around her head, other caging her torso against him protectively.
I need you to promise me something, Alejandro.
Tears seep into her hair from his shut eyes, he can’t bear to respond. Anything.
Necesito que sigas adelante.
He nods his head, can’t trust his words.
No quiero decir que te necesite para sobrevivir. Necesito que vivas.
Cómo se supone que debo vivir sin ti?
She grips his hand with what failing strength she has. Alejandro, you’re going to have to find the answers somewhere else. Prométeme esto, Alejandro.
He pulls away, takes her face in his hand, presses forehead to hers, staring into her eyes. Prometo.
Her eyes shine bright and Alejandro fears it to be the last time he’ll ever see such beauty in his life, like the sunrises and sunsets of Las Almas. She starts to go slack against him, head tucked into his neck, he feels when her breathing stops.
Something seizes every nerve in his body, a frigid trepidation and fathomless ache taking home in every crevice it can find. He cups her cheek, feels the warmth already leaving her skin and stares up at their newly established wedding photo on the mantel.
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thecookietheatre · 1 month
As you look around the woods for your sheep you stumble on a group of large men. As you get a better look you see that the man with a skull mask was cutting up the sheep that you had been looking for.
You had winced about it since it was one of the newest sheeps you had received from your older brother. You decided to confront them but first you grabbed a long pointy branch that was the size of a sword. 
You take a deep breath and walk out from the bush. “W-why did you k-kil my sheep? H-he had a m-mark on his thigh that means he was branded.” You say shakily as you hold the stick in front of yourself and stand in a defensive position.
The men are all silent for a good 2 minutes before Soap responds with a shrug. “Well, sorry little lassie, We didn’t realize that this sheep belonged to someone.” 
“W-well… I guess it is a little late to get mad at- Ah hey!” You squeak as Ghost stands up and grabs the tip of the stick and jerks it forward but before it falls out of your hands you stab Ghost with it and he lets out a soft groan as it pierces his skin.
“Oh, crap, I am so sorry. You just scared me.” You say in a panicked tone as you drop the stick and run to go see if his forearm is okay.
“I can give you props for breaking skin with a stick. This isn’t just a small cute either, You got like half of and inch in my arm.” Ghost says in amusement as he pulls the stick out of his arm and lets it drop to the ground before he grabs some piece of cloth from one of his vest pockets and holds it to his bleeding forearm. 
“Y-you are bleeding so much. How about someone grabs the sheep and I will take you to my cottage so I can fix you guys some supper and stitch up the mess I made.” You say sympathetically and the men all look at each other before an older man with a hat nods with a grunt.  
Around 10 minutes go by and you have arrived at your cottage. The cottage is not too big but not too small. Its the perfect size for only one person. 
In the back yard area is a very large amount of land that just has a fenced in area with a barn to the side. The barn is painted a light pink or I guess a very faded red and white.It is a big enough barn though that it also has a top floor that would keep all of the hay. You also have a few milk cows and around 19 sheep. You did originally have 20 but there was an incident. 
You let the men into the cottage and make your way to the kitchen where Soap puts the mostly cleaned sheep into the sink before returning to the men that are scattered in the living room and the small dining table that is a circle table with 3 stools surrounding it.
You decide on making a sheep and vegetable stew and go back to the men as it boils. 
“So why are you guys so deep into the woods?” You ask softly as you walk out of the kitchen with a fruit that looks like a dragon fruit but is mainly blue with soft pinks,
“We were going hunting but didn’t get very far.” Price shrugs as he pulls out a cigar.
“Please dont smoke inside.” You say softly as you bite into the fruit and what looks like blood pours out of the fruit and onto your lips and everyone stares in confusion.
“What is that? I have never seen something like that before.” Soap asks as he stands up to look at the fruit.
“It is a blood fruit from my dimension. It is called a blood berry. It is what vegan vampires drink from instead of humans or animals.” You shrug.
“What- YOU ARE A VAMPIRE!?!” Gaz yells in horror and awe.
“Oh… Yeah…” You say sheepishly.
“Wow, calm down. We should be safe if they aren’t going to eat us.” Price says in a gravelly voice as he gets up to leave outside for a cigar break.
“Thanks for not smoking inside.” You mumble a soft thanks to him.
“Anytime doll. After all, it is your home and you did take us in and are going to feed us.” He says with a soft smile before walking outside and closing the door softly behind himself. 
“I think the stew is done.” You say softly as you close your eyes and inhale the scent of the stew.
“Ill go dish it out for everyone.” You say as you stand up and walk to the kitchen.
A few minutes later and you bring out everyone's food before grabbing the last bowl from the kitchen and going outside to personally hand it to Price.
“Here you go. Supper is ready.” You say in a soft and sweet voice as you hand him the stew and gives a soft nod and smile.
“Thanks.” He mumbles as he takes another drag of his cigar.
After dinner is done you clean the dishes and go outside to do your chores.You milk the cows and put the mild into plastic zip lock bags before using a machine to vacuum seal it then put it in the freezer in the barn all after you sift and filter the milk. After that you make sure the sheep, cows, and 2 pigs have some hay and freshwater and go back inside. 
“You guys can stay in my barn on the top floor. The only thing up there is some hay but other than that it is fully clean and ready to be slept on. If you want you can also use the hay for beds. I don’t mind.“ You say softly as you see Soap tiredly rub his eyes.
They quickly take up the offer and grab all of their backpacks and head to the top floor of the barn after you hand them a gas torch to see as it was now around 10 pm and mostly dark. They left with a tired thank you and soon after you change into your pajamas and go to bed too.
Next morning you wake up before the men and decide to make them some peach oatmeal and some chocolate milk. 
Soap is the first to wake up and as he sees you dishing up the food he leaves the door happily to go wake up the others. 
Around 20 minutes later and everyone is coming inside still half asleep but as they smell the food they almost all Immediately wake more up. You swore you could see a wet spot on Ghost’s mask from him drooling.
“Thank you luv.” Price chirps as he takes a bite and basically melts into the chair.
“This is one of the bestests breakfasts I have ever had.” Soap says in awe as he sips on his chocolate milk.
“Well thank you.” You say proudly from the kitchen as you wash up the dishes and counters. 
Soon after they are packed up and take a piss they pack up and before leaving to go back to their hunting trip they hand you a bouquet of flowers that Soap had picked from a nearby rose bush off of your property from when he took a piss.
“Thank you.” You say softly as you plant a kiss on the back of everyone's hand. 
“No problem. Thanks for the amazing meals and nice place to sleep for the night. We will hopefully come and visit again. Bye!” Ghost says in a soft but gravelly monotone voice.
Next thing you know you are sitting in front of your computer and writing a book about what has happened with a soft but happy smile on your face.
Words: 1347
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cloudcountry · 1 year
wait, are you a piano? piano, azul lover?? :0 if so, helloou I follow your other blog, I love your opinions <3 but if it's not you, the same, helloooo I'm glad to find more blogs xd well I would like to request headcanons for riddle, azul, vil and rook reacting to their female reader (they are already in an established relationship~) doing this: " happy-pharrel williams by: cara delevigne :) " just like the video mc is a model who is always herself, dances and likes to make faces in her photo shoots ;)) tkm!!
SUMMARY: Riddle, Azul, Vil, and Rook dating goofy model!!
COMMENTS: i don't have another blog so i think you have me confused with someone else ^^" but hello anon!! you are actually my first requester and i thought that video was really sweet (in a weird way AHSGFDAH) sigh i havent heard that song in YEARS.
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Riddle Rosehearts
At first, Riddle doesn’t know what to make of your photoshoots. The pictures his mother had hanging in their house did not look like the pictures you take at all.
You’re going to have to tell him that those pictures his mother has are of really really old people that posed for hours and not modern modeling.
“Wait, so you mean you don’t wear—?” “Nope! I wear modern clothing and my shoots are super chill! You should come watch sometime!”
It’s nice to see you so happy though. You're so confident when you're in your element. It’s a side of you that Riddle truly admires since not many have your charisma. It’s a quality he values in the Queen of Hearts (even though his dormmates will tell you he doesn’t have much of it himself, oops!)
He will actually make time to come to your shoots since you asked him to. He’s a bit awkward, eyes darting around the room at all the equipment he doesn’t recognize.
Then he sees you, and you wave so happily to him that he can’t help but smile too. He’s surprised at how calm you are in front of the camera, and even more surprised when you start making silly faces and dancing around.
Once your shoot is over, you bounce over to him with a smile and ask what he thought. Well, he thought you were stunning. But is he going to tell you that straight up? Unfortunately, no he won’t.
But it’s obvious enough in his pink cheeks and proud expression.
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Azul Ashengrotto
“Well, my dear angelfish, if you ever want to have a photoshoot in the Mostro Lounge, I would not be opposed to allowing you that opportunity!” Free promotion for the lounge hell yeah!
Azul is shocked when you not only take him up on his offer, but use his tables and chairs as props. He walks in on you brandishing a chair like it's a weapon, screaming bloody murder as you stab at the air.
He’s flabbergasted. He is bamboozled. He is shocked. Angelfish...what are you doing?! Despite all his questions, he hangs back and watches you work, eyes wide and brow furrowed in confusion.
He watches you set down the chair and run over to the bar, where you place a glass on your head and balance it for the camera. Azul tenses up because omg that glass is EXPENSIVE—
He has to hide his face in his hands and scream quietly when you set the glass down and run to one of the tables, climbing on top of it and beaming at the camera. He doesn’t understand what kind of photoshoot this is at all.
Like, how is he supposed to use these as promotional photos? People should not be acting like this in the Mostro Lounge...he’s only making an exception because it’s you.
There’s a small part of him that expects you to start taking things seriously at some point, or that you’re just joking around with your crew right now. That time doesn’t come.
Your photoshoot wraps up, and you run over to Azul and hug him tightly. He laughs nervously, patting your back.
“So angelfish...what was all that?” “It’s how I model!!” Gah, he can’t say anything to that smile.
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Vil Schoenheit
Vil is impressed to hear that you’re a model and offers you a collaboration. Of course, that offer will only stand if you’ve been following his skincare routine.
Now, Vil is a more serious model. It proves difficult to model with him, but surprisingly, you two manage! The crew thinks you may have a telepathic connection or something.
Because while Vil is posing, with no expression on his face and he holds the camera's gaze, you’re behind him with his hair dryer, pretending to dry your hair.
There's another shoot they do where Vil poses for you, and you’re pretending to do his makeup. You stick your tongue out and shut one of your eyes for emphasis, a dramatic facial expression that makes Vil want to roll his eyes.
He adores you, he really does, but he didn’t expect you to be so goofy in your photoshoots. Especially when you start dancing around with cans of spray paint.
You threaten to spray him and he gives you an ice-cold glare that only makes you laugh even harder. “Improvised hair dye,” you call it. Vil can’t say he agrees, but since you didn’t actually do anything to his hair he can’t complain.
Once the photoshoot is over, Vil takes mental notes on your style of modeling and suggests the next photoshoot should be about contrast.
You shrug and say it sounds fun, and Vil is baffled that you agreed so quickly, but then again should he really be surprised? You’re all about having fun.
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Rook Hunt
Oh, Rook adores this! He thinks you look radiant and would buy tickets every day to see you frolic on whatever set you’ve chosen.
He would love to prep you for the shoot too, whether that be makeup or hair or helping you with your outfit! Please let him help...please.
Your crew might have to kick him out if he makes too much of a racket yelling about how amazing you look.
It really is quite flattering, but sometimes they need things a little quieter so you're not too carefree.
He'll bring you a bouquet after every modeling session just to display his unbridled support (but not without a cheesy line about the flower's beauty being nothing compared to you.)
If you ever bring up him being in your photoshoot, Rook will be shocked but absolutely elated. You want him in the presence of your beauty?
He fits your carefree attitude so well and is a natural in front of the camera!! Of course, if any of the people working your shoot mention this, he'll start rambling about Vil's beauty and how it prepared him for this day.
I hope you're ready to have a guest at your photoshoots a lot now!! Rook isn't letting this one go.
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rand0mfangurlstuff · 6 months
I'll Look After You - Bucky x Y/N
This is my first ever fanfic. I dont know why I wrote this, I never ever thought I'd actually write a fic or post it. But this just wouldnt leave my head. I hope you enjoy and please give me feedback!
It had been a tough misson. They lost a lot of men. Bucky had gotten a bad concussion and broke two ribs. Despite Buckys protests that her was fine, he was put straight to the infirmary. He was told he would have to stay there for at least a week if not longer. At this news Bucky almost had a fit. He wanted to go back up in the air as soon as possible and 'show those Nazi pigs who's boss'. His protests went on deaf ears.
She noticed on the first night that he was awake much later than the other patients. She turned out the lights and told him to rest, to which he just nodded. At 4am when the other nurse came to take over; she noticed he was still awake. Surely soon sleep would take over him.
Bucky couldnt sleep. No, Bucky refused to sleep. With sleep came nightmares. Nightmares of torn off legs and burnt faces. Planes exploding right infront of his eyes. The sound of his men screaming in pain and fear. No. Bucky would not sleep.
The following night she was greeted to the same thing. All the men fast asleep and Major John Egan wide awake. Though it was clear by his sunken in eyes he was exhausted. He tried his best to hide his frequent yawns behind the book he was reading, but she could see and hear them clearly. 'Major Egan, you should be asleep by now.' 'I'm not tired.' he said as he fought back another yawn. 'You're exhausted. And your body needs sleep to recover. You'll never be cleared to get back in that plane if you dont sleep.' Noticing the stern look on her face Bucky decided to feign sleep so she would leave him alone. 'Fine, I'll go to sleep. Goodnight.' 'Goodnight Major.'
As much as he tried not to, Bucky did fall asleep as soon as he closed his eyes. Around forty minutes passed, forty minutes of blissful slumber. Cradled among the warm blankets and soft pillows of the infirmay; his body was totally serene. His mind however, was in turmoil. As the nightmares came once again, Bucky started to cry out in his sleep. 'Curt! Curt! Engine 3! Buck...' She heard him straight away, he wasnt the first pilot to have these types of dreams. His body thrashed against the bed. 'Major Egan, its okay, Major wake up.'
He shot upright in his bed with a scream. He wasnt flying the misson. He was in bed, with two thin arms wrapped around his torso. He looked at her then, really looked at her. She was scared. A shocked and timid look on her face. Was she scared of him? 'I'm sorry, I dont know what-' 'You had a nightmare. It's okay. It's normal.' Normal. Bucky did not feel normal. He had always been able to keep his cool. Not feel a thing. Now all he could do was feel. Feel the ache in his soul and the ache in his ribs. 'I'm sorry Nurse...' 'Y/N' she said with a warm smile. She was sitting on the edge of his bed. He hadnt seen her this up close before. She had long hair, it looked soft. Her eyes were kind, and her gentle smile made him feel something he wasnt sure of. 'Y/N' he played with her name on his tongue, he liked the way it sounded. It suited her perfectly.
He tried to sit up against the headboard, make himself look less vulnerable. As he moved he gasped at the stabbing pain in his ribs. 'God damn!' 'Easy there Major, let me help.' She adjusted his pillows and helped prop him up. She was so close he could smell her perfume. Warm, vanilla, like a freshly baked cookie. But also spicy. He felt intoxicated. He missed the last thing she said to him he was in such a trance. 'I'm sorry what did you say?' With concern all over her pretty face, she said 'I'm just going to get you some more pain meds okay?' she turned and walked to the medicine cabinet.
He took a deep breath and tried to calm his heart rate. He wasnt sure if it was going so fast because of the nightmare, or her. She returned a moment later with two painkillers and a glass of water. 'Here you go Major.' He took the pills from her delicate hand. 'Bucky. You can call me Bucky.' He swallowed the pills. 'Mm Bucky. Cool nickname.' His heart skipped a beat hearing his name from her mouth. And she thought it was cool? He felt like a fourteen year old again. 'You should go back to sleep Major. You need your rest.' Bucky knew there wasnt a hope in hell of him going back to sleep, but he smiled and nodded so to not dissapoint her.
An hour later she was doing her rounds, checking on each patient; most of who were sleeping. Except one. Major John 'Bucky' Egan. 'Bucky, why arent you sleeping?' He lifted the book in his hands 'It's just this book Y/N, I gotta know how it ends!' She smirked, 'I saw you finish that book yesterday.' His face grew red. He'd been caught. But he couldnt possibly humiliate himself by admitting he was afraid of going to sleep for fear of his own mind.
Y/N could see it. Just as she'd seen it plenty times before. Though this case was definetly the worst. She didnt know much about Bucky, but the way the other nurses talked about his charm and swagger made her this he was not the type of man who would willingly admit his fear. She wouldnt force him to either. She grabbed the chair next to his bed and pulled it closer. She picke up the book from his lap and opened it on the first page and started reading. 'In my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me some advice that I've been turning over in my mind...' 'What are you doing?' The confusion on Buckys face would have made a great picture. 'You've read this book twice in two days? I have to see what all the fuss is about.' She continued to read out loud in a soft melodic voice. A voice so soothing and gentle it sent Bucky straight to sleep. Even after he nodded off Y/N kept reading. Hoping that her voice could reach him in his dreams and keep him away from the darkness that lurked in his mind.
The next morning, Bucky awoke to a sight so rare, so unthinkable, he had to blink several times to make sure it was real. Y/N was still by his side, asleep on the small wooden chair, her cardigan draped over her. She had stayed, stayed by his side all night long. It was at this moment Bucky realised this was the first night in a long time he'd slept the whole night through without a single nightmare. Because she was there to protect him.
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Grim Reader here ☠️ I’m wondering about Bucky and his feelings about that baby….and how it plays into his adjusting after the camps and post-war. I assume it’s going to be a painful memory for him and when he finally finds someone, he’s worried about miscarriages….like if someone as noble and good as Ida Brady can lose a baby, then someone with his checkered past and actions doesn’t deserve a child either? Idk, it just makes me think of how self-destructive he’d continue to be in his relationships post war because of the things he’s seen and had to do. And he already feels wildly out of place bc of how alone he is, but add to the fact that he thought of himself as the father and that’s brutal.
Hello my dear, I’ve missed you, *pets head*
I’ve got a rather massive one shot queued up on this very aspect, it’s not the full of it, no, but it’s a massive part of his arc in this story and the bereft feeling that peacetime brought with it. While I have a vague intention for his marriage and family to closely resemble his real one in this AU, it will be postponed, rash as he may be once he marries anyway, it’s simply not at all on the cards in 1945 for this AU, his emotional fidelity is split about three ways in this one, and there was a whole life he has planned and dedicated to himself that didn’t happen, twice over. It is going to be brutal but it’s also one of my fave parts as it explores what a heart this man has, beyond a romantic one.
Here, have a snippet, I haven’t got a title for it yet but it takes place after Jack Brady’s wedding in 1945:
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There is a stubborn silence in which she can hear Bucky’s labored breaths practically repeating that he is not, in fact, weeping into her pillow mid morning on a Saturday in Victor, New York. She pats his arm -suit yourself- and pulls away to begin her day. She lights a cigarette, not having fully quit the filthy habit since camp, and grabs a pair of slacks and a shirt from the closet, needing a shower.
“You kept your baby doll.” his voice comes muffled and stuffy from the bed, she glances over and sees he has barely moved, only turned on his side to stare at the threadbare doll propped on her bookcase.
“That’s Minnie.” Ida introduces them with a grin, “Don’t sound so shocked Major, I’d have thought you’ve been in enough boudoirs to know that plenty of women keep their dolls.”
Bucky keeps staring at Minnie morosely, not laughing at her tease. “Did you keep it for your daughter?” he asks.
Sometimes John Egan reminds Ida of a callously curious child, his sympathy sometimes as wounding as his barbs. She refuses to read into it, he is hungover and he is confused by her childish relic; she keeps pace in her routine and replies with honesty, “I hadn’t thought about it.”
“Well I do.” he mutters instantly, bitterly, accusingly.
“Beg pardon?” she cautions him.
“I think about your baby all the damn time.” he turns around in the sheets then, sits himself up in her bed, eyes raw and dangerous.
The frog from Egan’s throat now takes up residence in Ida’s, she thinks she might choke on her own breath. “Why-“ panicked, her chest begins to shutter, ears ringing, hands cold. Why would he say that? “Bucky!” she'd have taken a stab in the heart over this, why would he- “Why would you say that?” she begs hoarsely, forced to sit beside him on the bed as her legs are no longer steady.
“You really don’t?” he begs in turn, looking as wretched as she feels.
“I-I-“ Ida digs her fingernails into her thigh, willing the cacophony in her head to cease, to get a grip back on the lid of that tiny coffin, “I’m not doing this. Not this morning, not when I’ve got breakfast to make for a household of people and -my brother just got married, Egan! Is this really the time to bring it up? They’re going to make jokes about you being in here! God’s sake -can’t you possess a modicum of sensitivity.”
It’s not a question. It’s an insult and he takes it on the chin. He knows that his own question -asking if she even recalls her dead child- was one of his own. That doesn’t prevent one last building tear to slip the dam and join the mess on his cheeks, because his heart is nothing if not on the opposing team.
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
You go over your notes left on your desk as you approach the table. Another John Doe. Male, late teens to early twenties, hair... red, eyes, brown. Cause of death was apparently open heart surgery gone wrong - if you called ending up in a candy box feet away from his corpse a little mistake. In place of the organ, a note had been shoved in the cavity which had been taped to the last page. The finger prints on it are fresh.
"Missed you."
" Wink."
Propping himself up on his elbows, Devlin lays stomach first on the operating table with his legs swinging and hearts in his eyes. Left eyelid spasming, he forces it open and jams his finger in his eye, pulling out the colored contact he worn. The thing's he did for love. It was a bitch to put in, and it hid one of his best features. Finding goldem contacts on short notice was harder than he thought it would've been.
"Fuckin' nightmare these things. Almost stabbed out my eye so I wouldn't have to put it in....." He flicks the contact off his finger and tugs on his copper locks, orange roots already poking through. "Soo? What do you think? I make a sexy red don't I?"
"....Did you just say the word "wink" out loud as you winked?"
"Ah, don't sweat the small thing. Devlin slides off the table and ties the sheet over his lower hand around his waist as he steps towards you. "All that matters right now is that we're together again. Like we should."
He leans in for a kiss, blowing one to you rather than making contact. The first time you crossed paths Devlin had drunk and partied himself into a coma he didn't wake from even after getting hit by a car. He woke up on your table, still shitfaced and someone hands deep in his guts. Normally he'd like to at least be on a first name bases, but this new face was hot enough for him to let it slide. The fear wore off by his third visit, but while annoying as he could be - the company was welcome.
"Everytime you come in here you take away seconds I could be working on actual cases.... Buy me dinner without punching someone for making eye contact with me for more than five seconds and we're even."
Fuck it- Devlin dives in for that kiss which you don't refuse. Whether you actually liked him back or just wanted to make a dead man happy didn't matter - for now. Either way, his heart would always been in your hands. He made you hold it while it was still beating once. "No promises, Babes."
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