#speared like mukuro poisoned like sakura
makedamnsvre · 1 year
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he is risen
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catboyebooks · 1 month
monokuma tries to take advantage of mukuro's weakness by sneaking up on her as she's still on her knees. his claws, which i take it can do actual damage (i don't remember this ever being demonstrated in the games, but sure, i believe it) are aimed at her neck, but before he gets there sakura intercepts and swats him away. she tells monokuma that if he's just going to attack students like that there's no reason to participate in his game. togami calls her a fool and then he and celes start bickering about whether or not sakura deflecting monokuma's attack counts as violence against the headmaster.
maizono runs towards naegi to see if he's okay (checking if he's still a viable candidate to use as a fall guy later?) but before she can reach him monokuma yells at her to be careful and to stay back from those two (naegi and mukuro). he's broken character. his tone is different from before. monokuma announces to the group that mukuro is the terrorist responsible for trapping them inside the school, and naegi is her accomplice. this of course is a shock to everybody. asahina asks what monokuma is talking about and we get an infodump, but of course basically none of the info is real:
monokuma claims to be somebody named "besshiki madarai" with the title of shsl hacker. he says he's one of their upperclassmen and he managed to hack into monokuma from outside the school.
in response to questions about what happened to the real junko, monokuma says that she's probably being held captive somewhere in the academy, if she hasn't already been killed.
monokuma tells the group that all of them were exposed to sleeping gas on their first day at hope's peak and taken hostage by terrorists. mukuro and naegi belong to whatever terrorist group is responsible (he's vague on the specifics), so they probably know how to get out.
he does tell them about mukuro being a part of fenrir, and that she's already killed 10+ people associated with hope's peak. that part's all true i reckon.
once he's impressed upon them that mukuro is dangerous (and used this to justify having tried to kill her just now with the spear trap), monokuma gets asked how naegi fits into all this and he says naegi was probably forced to cooperate with the terrorists, or perhaps mukuro seduced him.
at that last bit, maizono goes pale (isn't it so embarrassing when you're halfway through seducing a guy to use him in your schemes and you learn somebody else already beat you to it?), and mukuro starts protesting. she yells that naegi isn't a terrorist. the others are quick to notice that she's not denying being a terrorist herself. celes also points out how it's odd that mukuro would be so protective of somebody she supposedly just met, and togami points out how naegi knew mukuro's real name. togami also reveals to the group that he knows about fenrir, and is aware that all members are tattooed to show their affiliation. monokuma pipes up to say that mukuro's tattoo should be on the back of her right hand, and urges the group to take a close look in case the tattoo is covered up with foundation.
i have to note at this point that mukuro has been aware from the get-go that junko is just doing a bit, there is no "besshiki madarai," but this is where it really hits her how serious junko is about framing her for the entire killing game.
there's now a fair amount of suspicion being directed mukuro's way, but some students are more focused on questioning monokuma. leon asks "madarai" why he can't just rescue them already and monokuma says it's possible the whole school is rigged with explosives and poisonous gas, so it's not safe to try and enter. maizono asks about the motive videos they were shown and monokuma says he doesn't know anything about that but things in the outside world are bad, there are terrorist attacks happening on a global scale.
fukawa (who has been trying to avoid looking at naegi so that the blood doesn't cause her to pass out) asks sakura if she can just beat mukuro to death already for being a terrorist and sakura says they don't know for sure if mukuro is a terrorist yet. she tries to approach naegi to examine his wounds, but monokuma yells at sakura not to come any closer. mukuro realizes that if the other students aren't allowed near him, it's up to her to try and ensure naegi doesn't die. however, the others (at least some of the others) are still focused on determining whether or not she's a terrorist. to settle the debate and potentially save naegi's life, mukuro takes off her blonde wig and confesses to being a terrorist. naegi isn't a terrorist, though, she tells the others. the group isn't convinced — how did naegi know mukuro's name, then? mukuro isn't much of a debater and she knows that if she tries to explain the memory loss to them they'll think she's lying. instead she tries a different tactic and says that the most important thing right now is to treat naegi.
this is also a weird place to split the post but this scene is a total clusterfuck (complimentary) and goes on a while, so i am in fact going to split it here
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jangmo-othewarrior · 2 years
Welcome friends to a segment I like to call:
Miscellaneous dr!corruption AU Info-Nuggets!
Chihiro's wrist whips are fully retractable to the point where only the barb-like ends poke out of their wrists.
Celeste is the only THH cast members to react positively to her Husk changes.
Fuyuhiko's Husk form is actually the largest in the GD cast.
Sakura is the largest Husk in THH, and, surprisingly, Kaito is the largest Husk in V3.
Kaito is not the heaviest though, that trophy belongs to Gonta. (Yes there is a reason for this.)
All talents are transmitted to the characters' husk forms, which can lead to odd scenarios.
Though their forms share common elements, Syo and Toko have completely separate Husk forms.
Kaede can now produce piano notes out of her voice box. She primarily uses this skill to write exceedingly complex piano music.
Everyone is 95% sure Mondo has an organ similar to an engine somewhere in his body now, but nobody wants to ask him where.
(Taka and Chihiro know, though.)
Teruteru has a large mouth on his stomach. It can't talk and everyone is very glad that it cannnot.
Admittedly, Kirumi does appreciate the extra appendages for completing requests.
Nobody can tell what Kazuchi is supposed to be. A shark? Hyena? His hair - fur? QUILLS? - are still pink though.
Junko is arguably more insane here than in the canon, which is saying something.
All of the Warriors of Hope Husk designs have elements from the mechs they use in the boss battles (i.e. drills, bombs, sniper elements, etc.).
Byakuya's husk form is surprisingly small.
The Four Dark Devas of Destruction still love and appreciate Gundam, even though his Husk form has far too many teeth and his skin actually secretes poison now.
Kiibo is the only member of any of the casts to never be infected with corruption. Da robot just vibes with his physically mutilated friends :)
Yasuhiro's hands kinda resemble frog feet now. It freaks him out.
Chiaki is unfortunately still dead in this au (and her death is even more nausea inducing that before), but AI!Chiaki does still exist and loves her classmates very much.
DR3 does still happen, though I do want to rework a lot of shit to make it fit better.
Mondo's head can be pulled off now. Though he initially despised it, he eventually enjoys using it to freak out FF employees.
Rantaro, Chihiro, and AI!Chiaki are the only characters to not reach Stage 4 or 5.
Peko and Maki both have blade like appendages on their Husk forms for obvious reasons.
Mukuro has spear like appendages instead.
Kokichi's heart is actually partially outside of his body, and you can see his heartbeat if you watch his chest for a couple of seconds.
Sayaka and Leon's main gimmicks are the opposite of one another. Sayaka draws Husks in with her voice and Leon can yell so loud that they run as far away from him as possible. These two gimmicks are used in puzzles together to get certain enemies into certain places.
Instead of a respiratory illness, Kaito's muscle mass is physically rotting away for most of the V3 run. He, in true Kaito fashion, hides this from the others for as long as he possibly can.
Nagito's Husk form is also rotting away. However, Nagito is also the only Husk with regeneration, AKA a healing factor. Just like his luck, Nagito's body is also in a constant cycle of good and bad.
( Na%!+0 !$#'t th÷ 0n/y 1 w×*h a heal!#9 5@c+0r. A// St@93 6 $ub&3c+$ a/$0 h@53 a heal!#9 5@c+0r.)
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crazynekochan · 4 years
Dangan Persona AU
Palace #7
Ruled by Makoto Naegi.
Captive is Mukuro Ikusaba (held captive in cell; will be executed for her crimes in the alternate reality if not rescued in time; picked very much the worst day to dress as Junko).
Shadow manifests as Makoto but wearing a creepy long black cloak, like he is the judge, jury and executioner (which he is), who turns into a 4-armed angel, one wielding a shield, the other a huge revolver (like truth bullets), and the 2nd pair holding up the weight of the world’s hope on his shoulders as a shining globe that seems to get heavier as the battle progresses. It’s also immune to Curse skills, which is rather unfortunate because that’s what everyone was betting on it having since Lincoln (and therefore Makoto)’s weak to Curse skills.
Palace is Hope’s Peak as ala the first game but much more pastel, with the walls instead draped in soft silk, light shining down in jarring contrast to the giant metal plates over the windows. It gives everyone the creeps, especially when the 2nd half starts with much more blood and gore appearing on the pristine sheets and floors.
As a little peep to the next palace, this is also where they get a glimpse of a Shadow Nagito. The original had gotten curious and just barely went a bit into the Metaverse. He managed to get out right away, but not before causing his shadow to be spotted tending to a strange memorial garden of class 78 before vanishing.
Finally after frankly too many puzzles, they arrive at the midway point of Mukuro’s show trial at a near exact replica of the red door to the trial grounds. They open up and find the elevator, but what is much more relevant is the metric fuckton of Junko photos and Monokuma memorabilia all over the room, almost all of them horrifically destroyed in rage, aimed at the faces in particular. Since Mukuro was dressed as Junko the day she got abducted (Junko had a scheduling issue and made Mukuro dress as her for class, even though no one else really bought it), this makes everyone rightfully very nervous and reluctantly head down, despite the sick feelings roiling in everyone’s stomachs, because they’re not gonna like this. And nope, they didn’t like it at all.
They came out to see the trial already underway, 2 large stands loaded with masked figures to the sides of the room and a high circle of 15 podiums surrounding Mukuro, chained into a kneeling position as the Judges gazed down upon her. The party looks up to see them, and finds something rather strange. On one side are 9 funerary portraits on raised poles, with the 6 judges in black robes in front of them, all focused on Mukuro. The Judges are cognitive versions of the DR1 survivors, all looking much worse for wear (cognitive Hiro looks exhausted, cognitive Hina is silently sobbing with a funerary portrait of Sakura in her hands, even cognitive Kyoko looks like she was in mourning), with Shadow Makoto in the center as the chief Justice. It’s right at the ending of the trial, and Mukuro is declared guilty for conspiracy to end the world, to the disgust and horror of the crowd.
Mukuro tries to argue, saying that this must be a mistake, they have the wrong person. Shadow Makoto tells her that no, they know full well who she is, Mukuro Ikusaba (full name, no honorifics). He continues, telling her, in no uncertain terms, all of the crimes he knows of from the alternate timeline committed by the Ultimate Despair. “And to prevent that from occurring, we must tear the despair out, root and stem. Junko would be nothing without her little cronies, after all. What better way to end this right now than by her dearest sister’s death, leaving her powerless?” Then the Shadow has her trapped inside of a cage and sent down to the dungeons to await her execution, before the party can help her.
The rest of the palace works in a similar way to the first half, but everything goes into straight up horror movie territory. Like they were creeped out before, but now it was fucking all sorts of terrifying. It’s pretty much an amalgamation of all of Makoto from the other timeline’s trauma and survivors guilt from the first game. This part of the palace also has a bunches of minibosses that they have to fight through in the second half because holy crap, those things are fucking horrific. The minibosses are all the souls lost to the killing school life and it is very much not pretty. Sayaka covered in blood impaled with knives; Leon tied to a pole, pummeled to a pulp, chucking bloody baseballs; Chihiro with his head bashed in, using a mess of cables and screens to interact with the world; Mondo as a hellish biker that seems to be melting; Taka the terrifying sergeant with his head bleeding; Hifumi with his head bashed in as well, using his horrific Junji Ito-style magical girl drawings for attacks; a thing so burnt and smashed up that they could only identify her as Celeste because of the twin drills; Sakura as a silent warrior, constantly coughing up poison and blood. Even a makeshift “Mukuro”, hardly able to move from all the spears through her body. Holy crap, did that freak everyone out and make them very glad when they next saw their friends again at dinner because they’re alive!
The time limit this time is because Shadow Makoto, while being a twisted mess of repressed anger, sadness, and misery, is also fundamentally a good person and doesn’t want to kill Mukuro before she had even done anything, even though he knows that she’s guilty as sin of conspiring to destroy the world and everything in it (in the canon timeline). That’s actually where the party comes in, because by the time they clear the palace, the Shadow had finally decided that it was now or never and he needed to do this now. When they rush in to stop him, that’s when the boss fight starts.
The fight is genuinely hard as hell and the Shadow isn’t holding back. The attacks are all similar to the various minigames from DR1, just with a Persona flair. Makoto’s providing as much support as he can without being able to control his own persona, with the Shadow lashing out every time that Makoto offers his emotional support. Eventually, they notice that the giant ball of hope is getting heavier to the point of nearly crushing Makoto, who’s holding up the globe like Atlas holding the sky. His Shadow’s about ready to cry, begging the others to stop as Makoto encourages them all to keeping fighting and to not give up now. The battle only stops when they finally get Makoto to confess that he’s not always the bright ball of sunshine that they think he is and that even he needs help sometimes. With that resolved, the shadow returns to being Makoto’s persona, now instead of Lincoln, he is Logos (basically the closest to Jesus as I can get without making an even bigger mess in the MegaTen universe)
[Holy shit, I feel like I wrote a whole novel here! I’m ending this here, good night!}
Mod: The design for Makot's shadow is so flipping awesome. It’s so fitting for Makoto considering that he’s the main speaker during the class trials (cause MC and all) and this is literally a trial his shadow is holding, with the shields and revolver in each hand. Though my favourite is him holding up the worlds hope like Atlas with the sky, cause it’s still my favourite part of his character development that he admits in the DR3 anime that he’s sometimes really overwhelmed with always having to be positive as the Ultimate Hope but still keeps it up for ever (and as entertaining the anime was, it was one of the only good things it did story wise, but that’s a different topic altogether...)
The palace must be so disturbing for the party, cause up until now every palace was basically a fantasy place representing something of the person’s life/personality. But now they are in a twisted and later on gory version of their own school, and still don’t know anything of the past timeline. But things are starting to get unravelled now. Though most disturbing must be the memorial garden for their very much alive friends. The fact that the survivors, who were not among the memorial photos, are the judges who look like they experiences something very awful and traumatic. Not to mention the tons of destroyed Junko photos
That the minibosses are the victims in an all horror like fashion, where I’m imagining something along the lines of DR3 anime with Makoto’s despair hallucination, must be so brutal cause these are literally the “corpses” of their friends that are attacking them, who are in this timeline alive and happy
I can only imagine how hard it must have been for everyone to see how Makoto’s shadow actually is, which is basically being overwhelmed with all the support he has to give all the time. Cause everyone does lean a lot on Makoto (not that leaning on people is bad, but there is a limit how much one person can handle, even for Makoto)
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immaaskchu · 4 years
So for my new request, can you write a one shot that features the DR1 survivors holding a funeral for their fallen friends and classmates please? What do you think?
Dananronpa survivors holding a funeral for their classmates Word count: 700+ Warning(s): Mentioning’s of death and suicide. (Contains spoilers)
I am so sorry this took so long! @princeasimdiya12 I hope you like it!
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You would have thought a day so sad would be a day shrouded in darkness
But the sun shone
It shone brighter than it ever had before
Fluffy white clouds danced through the sky
Forming shapes unknown to man
The breeze whistled with cries of pain and laughter of children as it flew pasted the 6 survivors
Naegi Makoto
Toko Fukawa
Byakuya Togami
Aoi Asahina
Kyoko Kirigiri
Yasuhiro Hagakure
The ones whose hearts continued to beat
As shallow as each thump was
It continued
Their bodies continued to move
And their minds continued to recite the memories
The memories of their friends
Their smiles
Their laughs
Their thoughts
Their ideas
Their fear
The bear
The girl
The death
The executions
The blood
The screams
The pleads
The silence
The pain
The nightmares
The accusations
The terror
It played
Loop by loop
Day by day
Vivid as the light of a child’s eye
The memories they wished to erase
The good with the bad
Wanting it all to go away
But here they stood
In a field of flowers
9 caskets lined up ready to descend into the earth where they once came
With lives that left yet too soon
Not a single eye was dry
As well as some tried to hide their tears
Streams of salt poured down across the faces of those who still awoke in the mornings
Those who less than a month ago
Were with the ones they cherished
Who heard them speak
Who felt the same fear
The same hatred for the bear
With pain given from the same bi-haired girl
They had found the bodies with innocent eyes
Declared the sinner with horror sitting in their throats
Watched their comrades scream later stop
Now here they stand
Entered as children
Left as adults
No time had passed
Only terror and fear
Mental scars that would last forever
As scared and tear filled as they were
Flowers danced as the dirt was thrown from the shovels
Shovels held by children with no shine within their eyes
Scents of the brown earth and colour enticed flowers roamed the air around them all
Black clothes shuffled with the wind and movement
Fear no longer present
Only sad smiles
Small tears
And pained children
One by one
The caskets were lifted
Raised into the air
And placed into the holes dug by those who knew them
Decaying bodies protected by ones that stood strong and proud
Names lay engraved upon stones
Stones rested by head near clumps of earth the wooden caskets slept beneath
A separate piece of stone spread across each graves head
Stating death and how it happened:
 Jin kirigiri
Burned and left for dead.
Forever remembered as one who lost their life for another's pleasure.
 Sayaka Maizono
Stabbed within the stomach and hidden in a bathroom.
Forever remembered as a murderer. Killing for their own escape.
 Mukuro Ikusaba
Impaled with spears seen with the eyes of comrades.
Forever a murderer's accomplice yet betrayed and thrown aside as a toy.
 Leon Kuwata
Beaten to death by objects he hated most. Baseballs and a bat.
Forever known as a victim, killing for his defense.
 Chihiro Fujisaki
Struck to death by one he trusted most.
Forever remembered as one who lost their life to another's fear and anger.
 Mondo Owada
Electrocuted and liquefied.
Forever known as a murderer with a heavy conscience and pain on their shoulders.
 Kiyotaka Ishimaru
Struck on the head and left for dead.
Forever known as one who lost their life and best bro.
 Hifumi Yamada
Struck on the head, later dying post-strike.
Forever remembered as one who lost their freedom.
 Celestia Ludenberg
Executed by crushing of firetruck.
Forever remembered as a little bitch.
 Sakura Ogami
Poisoning of herself. Suicide.
Forever remembered as one who wanted nothing more than love.
 Alter Ego
Crushed due to excavator.
Forever remembered as Chihiro's best friend.
 Junko Enoshima
Crushed / executed herself for losing her game.
Forever remembered as the one who ruined us all.
 "Byakuya! You can't write Celestia was a 'little bitch'!"
"Shut up Aoi."
 There the sun shone
Brighter than it ever had
Smiling down on the bickering children
Smiling on the ones who made it
 "The sun does not shine for a few trees and flowers, but the wide world's joy."
-      Henry Ward Beecher
So why?
Why didn’t it shine for them all?
~Mod REM
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despairofthefuture · 3 years
Despair of the Future: Prologue
Knock knock knock!
A series of knocks on the door earned Yasuhiro's attention, causing the Ultimate Clairvoyant to turn his head towards the noise. He threw his legs over the side of his bed and stretched his arms over his head before standing and walking over to his door. When he opened it, he was surprised at who was on the other side.
"Junko!" The future teller exclaimed. "H-hey! What's up?"
The Ultimate Fashionista beamed at him, flashing him a peace sign. "Yo! I'm great, Hiro! Hope I didnt bother you!"
Hiro shakes his head, standing to the side to allow Junko entry. "No, no! I was just surprised to see you! Like, no offense or anything, but I wouldve thought youd be too good to spend anytime with someone like me!"
Junko raised a brow as she walks into his room. "That sounds like if anyone were to take offense itd be you."
Hiro scrunched his eyebrows as Junko continued.
"Anyway, I stopped by cause I was wondering if you could read my future!"
The older Ultimate blinked in surprise. "Wait, really?" He asked. "No one ever takes me up on that offer!"
The fashionista shrugged, looking around the boy's room. "Eh, I think they're overreacting. I mean, most fortune tellers are lucky to get a five percent accuracy rate. The fact you have thirty percent is really impressive!" She turns to him, still grinning. "And I have something I really wanna know if it comes true!"
Hiro couldnt help but smile, happy someone finally recognized his talent. "In that case, sure! I'd be more than happy to tell your future!" He told her, going over to his desk and gathering his clairvoyant supplies. "And since you're one of my friends, and the only one to recognize how amazing my abilities are, I'll even do a reading for free! Hows that sound?"
The pig tailed girl's smile widened. "Aw, that's really sweet of you, Hiro! Thank you!"
Hiro shrugs as he sits cross legged on the floor and lays his supplies in front of him. "Ah, it's no biggie." He assures her, patting the ground in front of him to signal for her to sit as well. When she does, the fortune teller beams at her. "Alright! What do you say we start with a simple palm reading? That way I can get a good feeling for if this thing you wanna happen will come true!"
Junko nods. "Sounds good to me!" She agrees, and holds her right hand out to him, palm out.
Hiro takes her hand in his own and, taking one of them, begins tracing the inside of the girl's hand. He closes his eyes, concentrating on the lines he feels as he tries to make a connection to Junko's future.
These are the only things Yasuhiro can hear.
The scent burns his nose, causing his eyes to tear up. The smell is overwhelming, as if he were standing in a pool of it up to his waist.
Panic rises in the clairvoyant's chest, and his head shoots around, desperate to see something, to find where he is.
He wished he hadnt.
Sayaka was propped up against the bathroom wall, a kitchen knife protruding from her stomach with blood splattered around the room, and on the idol's body.
Junko-no. That had to be Mukuro. Her telltale freckles gave it away, despite her attempt to disguise herself as her twin-impaled by spears and left lifeless on the gymnasium floor.
Leon, Hiro's closest friend, was pelted by baseballs, his body left battered, bruised and bloody tied to a pole.
Chihiro, bludgeoned by a dumbbell and tied by an extension cord.
Mondo, reduced to nothing but butter.
Taka and Hifumi, their heads caved in.
Celeste, burned to cinders.
Sakura, her own life taken by poison.
These images flooded his mind. No matter where he looked, he saw them. His friends, his classmates, the ones he cared about dearly, dead in brutal ways.
Yasuhiro clamped his hands over his mouth, feeling bile rise into his throat. Before anything could come up, he saw one last image, and this one caused his blood to run cold.
Junko, the one he was reading the future of, stood at a podium. She was proudly proclaiming how this was all her doing, how she wanted all the world to feel such despair, and how she loved watching them all kill each other to escape a world that was in ruins.
And suddenly he was back.
"Gah!" Hiro let out a scream as he gasped for air. His hand grasped at his chest as he looked around frantically. The comforting scenery of his room relaxed him slightly, and his heart slowly began beating normally again.
"Hiro? Are you alright?" Junko's voice caused Hiro to jump and look over to her. The girl had her head tilted. "What did you see?"
The clairvoyant stared at her, the images he saw before invading his mind, nearly causing him to panic again. He managed to swallow it back down. "A-ah, yeah. I-Im fine! Y-you uh, dont have to w-worry about a thing! Everything you want g-goes off without a hitch!" He told her shakily.
Junko furrowed her brow, but at his answer her face brightened. "Really?! Shit, nice!" She stood up. "I think that's all I need. Thanks so much, Hiro! You're the best!" She smiled at him and waves. "You take care now, you look like you've seen a ghost!" She giggled before opening Hiro's door and leaving.
And then Hiro was alone.
As soon as he heard the door closed, the fortune teller shot to his feet and began panicking. "W-what the hell did I just see?!" He exclaimed, pulling at his hair. "All my friends...they...they were dead! And...so brutally! And Junko..." His face paled. "...She did that. She caused all of that pain, that...suffering!" He shook his head, gripping it tightly with his hands. "No. No that cant be true. It cant!"
"Tch, now you dont believe in your abilities?"
Hiro whirled around at the voice, and he froze at the image of his best friend, Leon Kuwata.
The red haired boy smirked and waved. "Hey, Hiro! Wassup, bro?"
The clairvoyant just stared at him. "Wh...I...I dont understand. How did you get in my room? Why are you floating? A-and why are you transparent?!"
The baseball star rolled his eyes. "Wow, dude, you really arent the most observant." The ginger moved closer to his friend, getting right into his face, which caused Hiro to take a step back. "I'm dead, Hiro. I'm a ghost."
Yasuhiro's eyes widened. "Wh...what?! No! Hell no, that cant be true! I just saw you this morning!"
Leon held his hands up. "Whoa whoa, calm down, dude!" He tried to soothe the older man. "I'm not that Leon! I mean, I am, but not?" He scratched his head. "Its...complicated." he shrugged before continuing. "Basically I'm from the future. You know those visions you saw? Yeah. If they come true, that's what's gonna happen to me and all our friends." His expression becomes serious. "And you're the only one who can stop it."
Hiro's eyes widened even further, and he took several steps back. "What?! What the hell?! Are you crazy?!" He exclaimed. "If all of this is true, a-and I'm still not convinced this isnt all just a fucked up dream, how the hell am I of all people gonna stop it?! You know me, dude! I'm not brave, or smart, or strong or anything!"
Leon sighed. "Hiro, you're the only one who knows Junko's plan. You're the only one who can see me. You have to do something to stop her, or it wont just be our class that gets fucked over. She's gonna destroy the whole world."
Yasuhiro freezes. "The...the whole world?" He repeated, his voice a low whisper. He felt like he was going to faint. This was all too much. The fate of the world was on his shoulders? What the hell was going on?
Leon watched his best friend and frowned. "Look, I can tell you're overwhelmed. Obviously you need some time to process all of this, so take it. I'll come back later. Just...you gotta think about it."
As the redhead finished his sentence, Hiro watched as he began to disappear. "W-wait, Leon!" The brunette exclaimed, reaching his hand out towards him. "Dont go! I-Im still confused!"
But despite his pleas, Leon vanished before his eyes. Hiro stared at the spot the ghostly vision of his friend had been moments ago.
Suddenly he collapsed to his knees, the exhaustion of having learned all of these things finally catching up to him.
Yasuhiro stares blankly into space, running through everything once more in his mind. He had no idea how to process this.
And then he heard it.
The quiet whispers of many spirits as they begin making contact with him.
Yasuhiro Hagakure is now open for questions!
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What would happen if all the murders/executions failed in danganronpa due to Makoto's luck/hopeful nature. Ex: Makoto seeing Leon looking for his screwdriver & managing to talk both him & Sayaka out of murder.
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Interesting concept there. I like less murder happening. I hear not being killed is good for you in the long run
Makoto Wins By Literally Just Existing
Sayaka and Leon:
-Something in his gut tells him to check on Sayaka again even in spite of what she’d warned him of. Opening the door to see Leon entering the room with a screwdriver in hand is not what he expected
-He doesn’t even really think before rushing in after Leon to stop him. He almost gets stabbed in the gut by said screwdriver, but does manage to calm Leon down to the point of getting an explanation for everything (The room definitely hadn’t looked that messy when they’d traded earlier)
-Coaxing Sayaka out takes much, much longer, and involves a breakdown on her part and an admission to her plan to frame Makoto. He’s understandably hurt, but given the circumstances and his overall nature he can’t find it in himself to be mad at her and instead find himself sympathizing with her. He assures her once more that they will find a way out without resorting to murder
-Sayaka is left with a broken wrist, but it’s a small price to pay for being able to live another day
-It’s through sheer luck that Makoto caught a glimpse of the spears before Monokuma summoned them. There was a faint glimmer that tipped him off
-He was able to shout at her to get her to move in time. A spear barely grazes her arm and leaves a deep cut as her worst injury
-At a comment Monokuma makes about how much worse that could’ve ended, she realizes that without Makoto she would be dead, and that her sister had more than likely been planning on killing her since they’d concocted this killing game
-Her loyalties slowly but surely begin to shift in that moment
Chihiro and Mondo:
-Makoto happens to be up for a last minute snack when he notices Chihiro sneaking around with an athletic bag. Curious and slightly concerned, he follows from a distance to see what’s going on
-He’s unfortunately not very good at being stealthy, and accidentally alerts Chihiro of his presence. Chihiro runs in fear and darts into the locker rooms, much to Makoto’s surprise
-He follows and Mondo is surprised to see them both, though for slightly different reasons. Faced with little choice, Chihiro confesses his secrets to the both of them.
-Both are accepting, and luckily though Mondo still freaks out at his comment about being strong, Makoto’s own hopeful speech about what strength is and how different it can be is able to placate him enough to be coherent again
Taka, Hifumi, and Celeste:
-Celeste is still motivated by the money Monokuma offers and makes a plan to go after who she finds annoys her the most (AKA Taka and Hifumi, first to help her then to kill herself)
-Unfortunately for her trying to get Taka into a place where he’s alone proves more difficult than expected. Especially because he’s taken a liking to learning about things from Makoto and is often with the lucky student
-She eventually just decides to try and attack Hifumi instead, but Makoto also happens to be in the art room when she attempts to kill Hifumi and he hears the screams and intervenes
-She’s just so done that she gives up at that point. She’s not very happy with the Ultimate Lucky Student after that though. She does eventually feel regret over her actions though at least
-She’s driven to suicide once her status as traitor is revealed, no longer wanting her life to be a point of contention for the others
-Unfortunately (or fortunately) for her, the poison she’d selected was slower acting than she’d expected, which gave time for the others to discover her
-Makoto and Hina are the first to find her purely by chance, and he’s then the one to gather the others and scramble to save her life
-She’s made to drink an antidote by Makoto and Kyouko, and secretly she’s extremely grateful for his happening upon her
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mythgirlimagines · 5 years
Dr1 victims surviving their attacks (including mukuro)
I keep trying to stray into the murders-gone-wrong style but I made sure not to!
Sayaka Maizono:
Sayaka was well aware of the horrible pain in her abdomen as well as the pain in her wrist. And, well, she wouldn’t have been surprised if she didn’t make it until morning.
Lucky for her, thought, Makoto checked on her first thing, and found her in the bathroom.
He called for the others, and she was treated, barely conscious. She was sore for a long time afterward.
Mukuro Ikusaba:
It was by sheer luck that the spears didn’t pierce through anything vitally important.
Before she could collapse into unconsciousness, she heard the others gathering around to help her.
Thankfully, they were able to help her to the best of their abilities, and she was able to keep living- with a new vendetta against her sister.
Chihiro Fujisaki:
Mondo panicked immediately. He didn’t know a thing about head injuries, but Chihiro was still breathing, so that meant he’d pull through, right?
He started calling for help as Chihiro drifted in and out of consciousness.
While Chihiro had a severe concussion, there was no other brain damage, as assessed by Kyoko, who had handled enough corpses to know.
Kiyotaka Ishimaru:
He was in the same boat as Chihiro was; he was barely holding onto consciousness.
It took longer for anyone to find him, though, which led to a decreased chance in pulling through.
He got lucky; sometimes blows to the back of the head like that could cause blindness, but he didn’t have any horrible ramifications.
Hifumi Yamada:
He was found before he could die, and the others did a good job of giving him quick treatment.
Because of some of the stress he was under from Celeste’s plan, however, he had a longer recovery to go through.
He was glad he didn’t have amnesia or anything. In fact, it felt like he had a better memory after.
Sakura Ogami:
The poison she ended up choosing was very slow-acting, something she did not foresee.
She thought she was a goner by the time Hina, Makoto, and Kyoko broke the window of the door and came in.
They gave her antidote immediately, and she was perfectly healthy again within a day.
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crackimagines · 5 years
Oh my god, Dr cast death quotes like the ones in fire emblem? Could you do that too pretty please?
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Okay, now here we go, this is what that Fire Emblem was about to turn into.
Thanks for the ask anon, I hope you enjoy! 
Context: Whenever a character in Fire Emblem gets killed, they have one tiny bit of dialogue before perishing.
DR1 Cast when they fucking d i e
Sayaka, stabbed through the stomach, bleeding out.
(Sayaka) “Nozomi…Rise…K-Kanami…Mako…to…I’m so…sorry…-”
Mukuro, impaled by several spears
(Mukuro) “T-This…wasn’t mean to…h-happen…Junko…w-wh…y…-”
Leon, being shot by a thousand baseballs to the cranium.
(Leon) “N-No! NONONO! NO! Not like this please, god! PLEASE! NOT LIKE THIS!…….-”
Chihiro, fading away after being clocked by a dumb-bell to the head.
(Chihiro) “Dad…I..hope I’ll…see…you…-”
Mondo, about to be executed.
(Mondo) “Hey bro….sorry to have kept you waiting…”
Kiyotaka, bleeding out.
(Kiyotaka) “Everyone…p-please make it out safe…-”
Celeste, burning at the stake.
(Celeste) “How fitting…My own greed is my downfall…Well then, I accept this fate…”
Sakura, slowly dying of poison.
(Sakura) “Sorry, Hina…Please…Be strong for…me…-”
Junko, about to be pancaked.
(Aoi) “I-I’m…so scared…I…don’t want…to..g…-”
(Toko) “T-This is fine…trash like me….is…bound to…disappear…”
(Hagakure) “…God, buddha, aliens, whatever is there…I’m ready for ya…”
(Byakuya) “S-So…be it…The Togami family…will…it’ll…live…without me…-”
Bonus: Makoto and Kyoko bleeding out together
(Makoto) “Heh…Come on…get a good look at this view…”
- Kyoko crawled over to Makoto, leaving her hand on her wound, and they looked up at the skies together.
(Kyoko) “…Best seats in the house…”
- Makoto weakly smiled.
(Makoto) “Kyoko…thanks for…everything.”
(Kyoko) “Come on…don’t talk like that…-”
(Makoto) “You got us through this and…we finally put an end to despair once and for all…I’m…proud of you……-”
(Kyoko) “Thanks, Makoto…”
(Makoto) “…”
(Kyoko) “...Makoto?”
- Kyoko looked over to Makoto, who had his eyes closed, smiling. 
- She had tears in her eyes as she looked back up, she raised her hand, and saw the blood pouring out. A smile barely formed at the end of her mouth, as she closed her eyes as well, joining Makoto.
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mythgirlimagines · 6 years
Trigger Happy Havoc murders gone ridiculously wrong? Not like 'oh god, Kyoko/Naegi figured out I'm the murderer, I'm gonna die' wrong, but 'Sayaka attempts to stab Leon but thrusts the knife too far forward and knocks herself out on the doorframe' wrong.
I hope these are good, I’m not sure I had the best grasp of this one
Sayaka’s murder:
Leon had better reflexes than she considered. So when she lunged at him with the knife, he stepped to the side and she banged her head into the doorframe.
She let go of the knife then, clutching at her head instead. She was fairly certain she just gave herself a concussion.
Leon agreed to help her out so long as she didn’t try anything again. They came up with a cover story in case anyone asked, and buried the hatchet, so to speak, albeit a bit uneasily.
Mukuro’s murder:
Junko misjudged the trajectory on the Spears of Gungnir. Rather than piercing through Mukuro like she planned, they missed her completely and scattered across the gym.
It was enough to startle her away from Monokuma, but she still needed to be punished in some way, otherwise Junko wouldn’t be able to get her out of the way.
But…how despairful that her original plan didn’t work! Plus, no doubt Mukuro was going to be mad at her now. She could live with this for a little while.
Chihiro’s murder:
The momentum of the weight in Mondo’s hand made him hit his head on the workout machinery behind Chihiro. Chihiro was staring at him in shock as he slumped to the ground, but thankfully he was still alive.
Chihiro ended up sitting with him until he woke up, thinking of what he was going to say and how he would confront Mondo’s seemingly accidental murder attempt.
They ended up helping each other out verbally more than physically, and no murders happened that night.
Kiyotaka’s murder:
Hifumi didn’t know about this thing called momentum. Momentum was what made him smack his face into the wall when Taka ducked at the last moment to retie his shoelaces.
Taka was bewildered, to say the least, and just left to alert the others of any malicious intent Hifumi might have.
After waking up in there with no murder victim, Hifumi was incredibly humiliated, and under constant watch by his classmates because of his murder attempt.
Hifumi’s murder:
Hifumi is easily stronger than Celeste. Celeste, of course, overlooked this. She was too confident in her plan to be hung up on something so small.
He smacked the hammer out of her hand easily, asking her over and over what she was trying to do. He could’ve screamed for help, but he kept quiet for now.
Celeste was so ticked off that she tried reaching the hammer again to complete her perfect plan, but Hifumi kept blocking her path until she finally gave up, annoyed. She could always finish this later.
Sakura’s “murder”:
The poison she thought she got from the chemistry lab wasn’t poison. Rather, she accidentally threw a wrench in her plans by grabbing a certain poison that only worked if certain other requirements were achieved; otherwise, it was not lethal.
Hina kept checking on her, though, so she couldn’t exactly sneak out to get the right poison or even ask Hina to get it for her.
Instead, she stayed in the room for a while, talking herself out of her plans. She didn’t consider before how her plans would affect Hina, her best friend, who would likely be the first to find her. So she left the room, and decided to spend time with Hina instead.
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crazynekochan · 5 years
AU: Mrs. Naegi is actually a Reaper and both Makoto and Komaru have gotten some of her powers (such as tracking souls, knowing who's going to die and when, magical stealth powers, & the ability to take souls to the afterlife (insta-kill)). When Makoto gets locked in the killing game, he's so tempted to use his powers to just find the mastermind and kill them but he made a solemn vow to never kill anyone with his powers. Doesn't stop him from preventing everyone's deaths though (including Junko).
His skills would come in handy in a killing game. He would be able to sense when someone is about to die and thus prevent it by getting in-between every single time. He doesn‘t leave Sayaka alone, he joins in when Chihiro meets Mondo to train together, he watches Celeste and Hifumi and stops them, and he goes to Sakura before she can take the poison. He would also be able to pull Mukuro away before the spears can hit, a bit like in IF (I think? I never read it)
Though while he wouldn‘t do anything, he could also easily win the killing game by using his powers to kill. No one would be able to figure that out
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