#he literally just f*cks with people and it's great
gamebunny-advance · 1 year
New Favorite Freak
*Light Pikmin 4 Spoilers*
I still really like Shepherd, but Yonny might be the new fave.
I want to feed him sour cream & onion pringles.
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Buck & Eddie: They're Soulmates!
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Buck and Eddie share a once in a lifetime love of each other's lives type of love that transcends space and time.
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The love they share is not platonic, it's romantic and the natural chemistry they have is OFF THE CHARTS.
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There are people who wish they could have one tenth of the love they share with each other and that's why over the years, the show has made it a point to highlight and compare their love interests against the other one as a way to prove Buck and Eddie are meant for each other.
Therefore, can it once and for all be acknowledged that the possible reason why NONE of Buck’s previous relationships with AC, AM, TK and ND never worked was because THEY WEREN'T SUPPOSED TO?
The same goes for Eddie because NONE of his relationships ever worked either including the one he had with Chris' mother. SD, AF and now M (who the show still hasn't given a last name and that speaks volumes as to how long she'll possibly be around) didn’t or won't work for Eddie because THEY WEREN'T/AREN'T SUPPOSED TOO EITHER?
It's interesting to see all these takes on how some people view their previous relationships with those women through rose colored glasses and saying things like they could have been great if... (_______ fill in the blank with whatever randomness you'd like). The point is they weren't meant to be anything but a placeholder until Buddie goes CANON.
There have been so many takes on Buck and TK being perfect because they were cute together but did everyone who thinks that forget she was willing to throw the 118 and their captain under the bus in 2x6? Don't even try to rebutt it with logic from that fake redemption arc that was included in 5x7 for her because in 5x17 she ultimately accomplished her goal by doing exactly what she intended four years earlier when she broke a promise she made to Buck and ran with the Jonah story then wrote a raggedy book about it exactly one year later in 6x17. It's true that Buck knew who she was but he still dated her (which speaks more to his poor decision making than hers) but they both knew it was wrong from the start. They were never going to work and they were never FRIENDS. Friends don't treat each other like $hit so they can get their way then expect for you to just be ok with it and follow it up with a half @ssed apology like, "I'm sorry you're still upset about the story" 🙄. With friends like that, Buck doesn't need enemies.
AC literally ABANDONED him but there are still people who think she would have been good for him. It appears they forgot she FOUND a man with two kids in another country and in 3x18 she came back two years later to rub Buck’s face in it. She didn't even have the decency to apologize to him.
AM was the worst of all because SHE WAS NEVER THERE WHEN BUCK NEEDED HER. Was she nice, yes but she didn't know him at all and when his leg got crushed by the ladder truck in 2x18, she dipped and ABANDONED him too. But for some reason, she's being heralded as his best relationship ever which is so far from the truth it's funny sad not funny haha. She left him in his loft with a cast on his leg because she didn't know what she wanted.
ND was/is only interested in Buck because he DIED! THAT'S IT! There's nothing else to the story. She clearly COULDN'T SEE HIM because they only knew each other for two seconds so please stop romanticizing their hookup like it was some "Gone with the Wind" love story because that's a bunch of BS since they didn't and still don't know each other.
SD was NOT the perfect wife and mother people who wanted her to stick around and coparent Chris with Eddie have made her out to be. The show clearly retconned her character in 6x15 like she was so young and she didn't deserve to die but be clear, the relationship she had with Eddie was toxic as F%ck! All they did was argue and instead of talking, they had sex. They didn't communicate and when she was ready to leave again, she thought she would have time to come back and be "someone's wife and someone's mother" (her words but notice she didn't say Chris' mother or Eddie's wife, she said someone's) but her time ran out and she didn't get the chance, hence the title of the episode she died in, "Careful what you wish for". Trust and believe she had a lot of faults and Eddie did too but her being young wasn't an excuse for her leaving Chris and not contacting him for almost 2 years. If Eddie wouldn't have contacted her about her interviewing at Durand, would she have ever come back? Who knows but probably not since she was out there living her best life like she didn't have a kid.
AF was nice but just because her and Eddie were cute together, it doesn't mean they were soulmates. Did the people rooting for them to stay together even realize that she was Chris' schoolteacher in 3x12 but she DIDN'T OFFER EDDIE ANY SUGGESTIONS ON HOW TO HELP CHRIS SKATEBOARD? That was literally her job but she was career driven which isn't a bad thing but it seemed like she was in love with the idea of being in love just like Eddie was. She was trying to avoid dealing with the issues that were prevalent in their relationship and she didn't even ask Eddie about his panic attacks to try and find out what was causing them. But she did throw them in his face when he broke up with her.
M is IN LOVE WITH HER BROTHER! It was clear she was in 6x5 when she almost kissed him on the mouth while they were in the ambulance. Also, she's a loner, hence the meaning of her name, Marisol, it literally means solitude. When Eddie met her, she was doing upgrades on her home by herself until her brother showed up and made a complete mess of things. If Eddie does try to pursue something formidable with her in season 7, everyone knows how it will end because EDDIE TOLD THE AUDIENCE IN 6X14... he'll be performing and trying not to panic and his performance anxiety will be at a level 100.
Who's never left Buck? EDDIE!
Who loves both Eddie and Chris? BUCK!
Who takes care of Buck? EDDIE!
Who listens to Eddie? BUCK!
The list can go on and on but the point of this post is for those who chose to see what they want to see instead of what 9-1-1 has CLEARLY been depicting for Buck and Eddie over the past six years. None of Buck’s or Eddie’s love interests were written to work because they weren't/aren't supposed to.
No one has natural chemistry with them like they have with each other and it's written that way on PURPOSE!
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prettyinpwn · 2 months
What is your opinion on Filbrick Pines?
Oh boy... long story short, my opinion on him is pretty low, not gonna lie. I went into his character a lot in my analysis post on Ford's writing (found here), since Filbrick had a large effect on Stan and Ford's characters, even if only in subtle ways. To summarize my points on Filbrick:
Definitely abusive, in my opinion. I don't think physically, but for sure emotionally and mentally. He's the type of father who provided materially, but otherwise didn't seem very good at it.
Was way too focused on money. Now, I think it's very possible that Filbrick could have a great backstory reason for this. My biggest guess is a life of poverty and wanting to provide better for his family, but the cruel irony is that in seeking wealth, he hurt his family (e.g "Stanley, by "sabotaging" Ford you hurt our whole family, because he was going to make us millions, so I'm gonna throw you out, ignoring the fact that by throwing you out I'm currently hurting the family in the way I'm accusing you of."). He also hurt Ford. The way Filbrick treated Ford was like a Willy Wonka golden ticket. "Oh, you're smart? This college might make you a millionaire? I'm impressed!". He didn't care about what Ford wanted, he cared about what Ford's brains could get him. Case in point: he didn't seem to give a rat's ass about Ford's brains or college dreams until the principal implied it could make money.
Iirc, according to Hirsch, the quote Stan says in Little Gift Shop of Horrors ("Movies are great! You watch the movie, you scare the girl, the girl snuggles up next to you, next thing you know you gotta raise a kid. Your life falls apart. Forget that last part.") was actually something Filbrick used to say. Like DEAR GOD Filbrick said that in front of Stan and Ford? "Hey kids, my life was great until I got your ma knocked up with Shermie, and then my life was pure suck after that.". Like... who... who just says that in front of their kids? Who even THINKS that about their kids? Yikes.
The way Stan and Ford are named. The code at the end of A Tale of Two Stans is played as a joke, but when you think about it, it's... kinda sad. "A STUBBORN TOUGH NEW JERSEY NATIVE, FILBRICK WASN'T TOO CREATIVE, HAVING TWINS WAS NOT HIS PLAN, SO HE JUST SHRUGGED AND NAMED BOTH STAN.". Filbrick did not give a single f*ck. "Oh, I have twins? Eh, I'm too lazy to think about a name, just call 'em practically the same thing.". What father does this?
In the post I linked above, I also hinted at how I thought Bill's manipulations of Ford almost were a mirror echo of Filbrick (even in their character design, it's odd how they both have yellow brick and blue with hats themed designs, he's got the literal word 'brick' in his name, etc). Because when you think about it, what did Ford's father teach him but "you are a puppet to be used by me to get what I want"?
There's a reason Ford and Stan are incredibly broken people, and it all started with Filbrick. He's the one that taught Stan to believe he's worthless and a f*ckup, and the one that taught Ford that he's a tool to be used. So... nah, not a fan of the guy, if I didn't make that obvious already lol. BUT... I will say this, as this is something I did give him credit for in my Ford analysis post: a lot of Ford and Stan's positive qualities are things he passed down to them, namely their protectiveness of family and "toughness". But unlike Filbrick, who manifested that in toxic ways, Stan and Ford took a heavy albatross necklace of generational trauma and turned it around to a positive.
This goes even further when Stan passes the lesson to Dipper. Dipper learning to "fight back"? That's a family lesson that comes from Filbrick, originally, when he signed Stan and Ford up for boxing. Some have criticized the way Stan taught Dipper that lesson, but you can't argue with the end result:
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TL;DR: Filbrick mostly sucks, but... like most well-written characters, he does have some gray area. Was he a good father? No. But the gauntlet meat grinder he put Ford and Stan through - worth it or not - made them the tough family protectors they are as adults. I will give him that, at least.
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maralarsen · 6 months
He is my misfortune 🎀
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~Lorenzo Berkshire x reader~
WARNING: cursing
°Nepriateľ milovníkov°
Summary : You unhappily end up tutoring a boy who brings you more misery than life itself
• |Reader is in Hufflepuff
• | I plan to make another part/parts. But I don't know if you will like this part, so I'll see 🎀
Lorenzo Berkshire. A lot of people think of this name as a smiling face of a boy who is always positive, laughing and sometimes even kind. The only thing that comes to mind with this name is disaster. Everywhere he goes something always goes wrong. Either I'm unlucky with him or I really don't know anymore.
For example, my Hufflepuff friends and I were in Hogsmeade. It was cold, so we went to the Three Broomsticks to warm up like every student at Hogwarts. A pleasant atmosphere prevailed there, at least I felt pleasant until I saw his face. At that moment, I sighed and realized that another problem was on the way.
We sat down at the table next to his. And why ? The reason was clear. Berkshire wasn't sitting there alone, he was there with his crew. For my friends, it was literally a feast for their eyes. I don't understand what they like about guys who just drink, smoke and change girls like socks.
That's not my type at all. I'd rather have some nice boy who likes to cuddle, go on cute dates, buy me flowers and..."What the f*ck?!" I was snapped out of my reverie about a boy who might not even exist by the boy who was the most annoying to me. nerves. "Sh*t Berkshire watch out! Great, I'm all wet now," oh of course who else but Berkshire could have tripped over his own feet and spilled butterbeer on me. "I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to, this really wasn't on purpose," Berkshire apologized with a smile on his face.
I heard how his friends started laughing in the back, especially Malfoy, another icon of the school. I wanted to cry. I don't understand why he always has to do this to me. "I said sorry, don't be so relational, it's just beer, it will dry out," I looked at him in disbelief.
"Yes, it will dry out. But it's your fault that it's wet!" I stood up and left the room. Why does he always have to do this to me? Fool. I got on the first carriage I saw and went back to the castle.
This happened about a month ago, I'm currently sitting in the library completing an assignment on herbology. I really don't enjoy this subject, but somehow I still manage it. Unlike Berkshire. Whatever he is, I feel sorry for him. He's been sitting here in the library since lunch, and I can see he's still doing the same thing, with a herbology book spread out in front of him.
During that time, I managed to make elixirs, astrology and now also herbology. Maybe I would help him, but that's what he needs. Unfortunately, the butter beer cannot be washed off. He's lucky he covered my old sweatshirt and not a new one.
Curfew is in a moment. I pack my things in my bag and I look at Berkshire, but he is already looking at me. Why is he looking at me? Better do your homework, moron. I smirk, take my bag and leave the library.
The next day I enter the greenhouses, as I expected, I had a good homework and so did the others except Berkshire. "Mr. Berkshire, I don't want to worry you, but you're failing Herbology," Mrs. Sprout said sternly. Berkshire didn't say anything, just stared blankly at the ground. "Are you going to do anything about it, Mr. Berkshire?" the teacher asked him. "
Well...I...I don't know..." Mrs. Spraut just sighed and announced: "Mr. Berkshire, I suggest that someone tutor you. He will tutor you for 3 weeks, 2 times a week. And I already know who ." She suddenly turned her gaze to me. Wait. NOT. He probably can't be serious. After all, one more moment in the same room with him, and that boy will set my hair on fire with his happiness.
"M...Mind..Mind me?" I stammered back to her. "Huh? Do you have a problem with that Mrs. (y/l/n)???" "Um, no?" I replied, more of a question than an answer, "excellent! You can leave at the end of class!"
What on earth did she dip it in, and why me? I ran out of the greenhouses into the corridor to make it to the next class. "Hey! Wait!" "oh god what do you want?" I turned to face Berkshire. "Wouldn't you like to go...ah!" I reached for his shirt and pulled him to the side "You were standing in way, Lorenzo," "Oh, thank you." So wouldn't you like to go for a beer with me? We could..." "No! There's no way I'm going anywhere with you anymore. The last time you had a beer in your hand, it ended on me. So no!" I said even before he could finish the sentence and I turned to leave "Jesus, you're terrible," he said with a laugh in his voice "but I still don't like you!" I said and went into the corridor.
As I expected, it happened. He chased me. "Why are you following me like a lost puppy?" "I was waiting for you to calm down," I looked at him in disbelief. "You're kidding, aren't you?!" "When was I kidding," he replied with a grin. I swear if that boy was closer I would slap him. "Oh well, well. So what do you want so urgently that you're chasing me," "I just wanted to ask about the date of the first meeting," he said quietly. "Why didn't you ask right away?"
"Because you didn't let me talk you into it?! Did you!?" that bastard... "When is convenient for you?" I asked him with a sigh. "Whenever you want, I can do it any time," "Then Wednesdays and Fridays. I want to have peace from you during the weekend," "Mrs. (y/l/n)'s order!" he turned and left. Oh god it's going to be a month.
• | This is my second story so I apologize for any mistakes + English is not my first language ✨
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Saw your Neil Gaiman post and as someone that found comfort in Good Omens (and got hyperfixated on it), I'm finally glad that some people are finally talking about how he isn't that great.
Even as a Fan, GOmens fandom is so...weird. See, in other fandoms people won't give much of a flying f/ck about the authors besides some mild respect or praise, but GOmens praise Neil SO HARD, despite giving off some iffy vibes (that now I understand why, after that big post) Never liked how almost every single POC character in GO has such a minimal role, same with women characters, the fact he's been caught (and that can be easily checked) lying about his ideas surrounding GOmens, the way he went from "Is not a romance, but it can be if you want to" -> "i always wrote it as a love story" also how he went from "There won't be another season because of Terry and because the ideas for the next book were incorporated in the show" -> "It was in 2019 when I finished writing S2 with the ideas I discussed with Terry before he died" and like seriously no one never noticed how much of a clown he his lying and backpedalling all over again again? Then there's how bad rep for fat people Sandman was and instead of accepting criticism he just keeps giving some "vague intelligent answer" and sits and waits for his legion of fans with a parasocial relationship to defend him. But somehow he's treated as a world treasure and a genius with a big brain. And this is less problematic and more petty but I'll be honest. He isn't that much of a good writer anyway? The prose is okay is good, but the worldbuilding and lore and characters is mostly edgy and lacks deepness. His fans seriously want to make a sea out of muddle puddles,,, and that's fair! Is such a big part of fan culture to dig into the smallests of things and make an universe out of a cardbox background character, but please, don't give Neil the credit that he doesn't deserve. And what proves more to me that he isn't that good of a writer, is just...take a look at that mess of a S2 of Good Omens, it was so bad that some people had to THEORIZE that it was bad on purpose. I have such a beef with S2, characters like Muriel, Saraqael and Michael and Maggie and Nina were so heavily promoted and of course everyone was hyped, finally more POC, more disabled characters, and yay, women! And they're lesbians! And and...and hold on, how it is that Muriel didn't do that much at all? How it is that Saraqael after being so hyped BARELY had almost nothing to do, is really that all the disabled rep we got? How is it that Michael and Uriel barely had anything to do and were just background characters again? It just angers me with how with so many fem-presenting characters, and POC and disabled persons cast, they literally add nothing to the series, AND NO ONE EVER TALKS ABOUT IT. Is just this endless praise for Neil and his oh big brain. All praise Neil Gaiman, our lord and saviour of queer people. HOW IT IS, THAT THE TWO LESBIANS HYPED ROMANCE WAS ALL RELATED TO AZIRAPHALE MEDDLING WITH THEM TRYING TO SHIP THEM? And it also was bad, very badly done, is really this the women representation we got, seriously??? Talking about misleading advertising.
S2 was such such a mess, it just shows how much Good Omens needed Terry to be, well, Good Omens. I really suspect Neil stole ideas from the fandom because S2 was just a trainwreck of all the fanfic tropes you could find in GO fandom and is almost disrespectful to Terry's work in Good Omens, and I don't care for how much Neil makes his friendship with Terry as a pity party and as a "it gives me so much joy, Terry would be so happy", because seriously it's almost manipulative. Talking about Manipulative. His meddling with fandom is starting to feel unprofessional, but this ask is already long... Sorry lmao, something on me snapped after getting finally the solid evidence that Neil .Is. Not. Great
Oh he’s always been completely unprofessional but since he types in a mixture of corporate-speak and “cool dad” talk his fanbase doesn’t notice.
Here’s the thing about Neil, he’s both petty and extremely insincere. People criticized lolicon sin his presence and he was so offended on the behalf of weirdos who pleasure themselves to Hentai depicting child molestation that he wrote a several paragraph long response dismissing simulated child pornography as simply being “icky speech” that should be protected by the sacred American constitution despite, you know, the fact he’s not even American so his weird obsession with the first amendment and only ever really bringing it up to defend simulated child porn is and always has been suspicious.
As for his backpedalling, the man sees $$$$ and just goes for anything he can find to make more. People love to say “oh but he donates tens of thousands to charity!” yeah, usually to HIS charity for bailing out pedophiles. With funds typically out of the wallets of his fans due to fundraising it rather than coming out of his own checkbook so it’s not exactly a charitable action as much as it’s an empty gesture. And frankly he almost certainly just does it for tax benefits if we’re going to be honest here. He continued good omens because it would make money and generate more attention towards him and he’d be the brave hero who brought back show that did well. That’s it.
He’s just discount, off-brand Elon. Rich white man who thinks he’s gods gift to man despite bumbling through even the most basic concepts because his fans would walk into traffic blindfolded to defend him from even the mildest of criticism.
People on here just like him because they’re starstruck that a creator of a popular IP is active on this site and because he produces media that’s adapted with white middle aged twinks who are dubiously romantically affiliated.
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moth-p · 2 months
Tpot 12 ramble because if I dont infodump to anyone I will unironically fucking explode
Spoilers obviously.
1. Since in my tpot 11 ramble I discussed Three on point nr.3 i think its only fair that I talk about One first.
Okay so they went in a completly different direction with one that I thought they would. I thought that she was gonna be a co-host, but honestly? I like the direction they took her character in. We didn't really have a true "villan" in bfdi like. Ever? I think? I mean yeah there are characters that are sadistic, antagonistic, live in your walls and make bad decisions but I don't think we ever had a real villan. A threat. Because you CANNOT. CANNOT tell me that One doesn't have sinister intentions. She's unnerving, and if I learned one thing from the Shrek franchise its that you dont fucking make deals with people that are clearly evil (im talking to you Fanny, Ice cube and possibly anyone else who made a deal) also, she knows a lot more that I think she has the right to. I mean, yeah. She's the stalking type, i get it but she came out of the fucking moon at the END END of tpot 9. (I think?) So thee fact that she knows so much about the contestants is kinda scary. I think the obvious motive for her is uh.. Three. I AM STILL STANDING BY MY POINT THAT THE HAND FROM TPOT 11 IS THREE. I KNOW EVERYONE AGREES ON THIS BUT. I SWEAR.
Also one is very silly. So uhh. Yeah
Point 2, the teams. I will be very honest I did not expect a team swap so soon but then again Just not had exactly three people so I don't think it would be very fair (No teardrop what are you doing here no no no you are not a part of this discussion shoo shoo /aff)
I thought I would dissect them one by one.
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Point 2.1 - Death Pact yet Again (DPYA)
Ill be honest? Probably the best team. I like every single character on here.
Gaty is literally top 5 of my favs
Astrobiology is on a team together (yet) again, were winning. I love them both separately too, esp Black Hole after the recent-kinda-still-ongoing-arc. Tree's sass is something I need.
Pin! One of the "Top 4" of the original season. I love her, she was the first character I humanized, and she is actually acting like herself because early Tpot did her dirty as hell.
Marker is silly as always,
And Fanny. Need I say more? Besides, she's the only one we have actually witness make the deal with one. She's getting a lot of screen time lately and I am NOT complaining.
Oh and also Robot Flower I guess. If my tpot 13 predictions are correct, Basketballs deal with one will help her go back to normal. Good. I miss her actual self. (And Flower, I love you. Honest to god I love you. But you did really act like a bitch in the first season huh. Still top 5)
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Point 2.2 - Team 2/Two
ERASER. I am so sorry you got separated from your boyfriend 💔💔💔 Probably my favorite from the team, his "rivalry" with Bottle might be interesting.... if she doesn't get voted out next. (I think she will) I think his dynamic with Snowball might be interesting since they are already friends. I think. Right?
Book and Taggy! To be honest JnJ are feeding my heart wholesome yuri and I am very happy. Books dynamic with Ice Cube will be fun to explore because uh... yeah. Also Taggy is developing which is great. Before tpot 10 I thought of them as more of a Naily 2.0, so I'm very glad that JnJ did something with them. Thank goodness they didnt get eliminated, I was kinda worried.
Snowball. Big guy. My man. I was hugely neutral about him before TPOT but god he kinda stole my heart. His relationship with grassy is so cute, and I'm begging for some interactions between him and Ice cube.
Grass boi. Thank you for not being annoying as f-ck anymore. I think youre cool. (Though he is the one I would care the least about if he god eliminated.)
Icyyyy... glad you got your legs back girl.... uhh...
Same as with Fanny. remember kids! Don't make possibly soul binding contracts with unnerving strangers!
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Point 2.3 - 🎶🎶/BAGGED
Pen. I'm gonna say the same thing but I am so. So sorry that you got separated from your boyfriend 💔💔💔. His rivalry with Need- NEEDLE, I SAID NEEDLE was cool and I like how he got more competitive. (I voted for him Btw. If he gets eliminated I WILL. Cry. Vote 4 pen propaganda
TV, this one is kinda short because uh.. I dont uhh. Really. Care? I think he has a lot of potential but I dont really remeber him doing anything huge sooo
Needy! Oh. Oh no. *gets slapped into outer space* I like her. The thing with Pen was cool and I just generally enjoy her. Shes the gaslight gatekeep girlboss of the group and honestly? I hope she gets a bigger role.
Tennisball. How many times will I have to do this bit. I am so so so so so so sorry you got separated from your girlfriend 💔💔💔💔 you malewife. Its like actually the first time he and GB weren't on a team together and I think it could be interesting to see him try to kinda. Cope with that. (And also with being a leader, my boy was not made for this kinda stuff)
Basketball! .. dont make deals children.
Also, she is being set up to be an important character (obviously). With the robot flower stuff, her thing with one and rivalry with gb that i think the writers forgot about (or did it get resolved. Idk) she has had a shit ton of screen time and will play a major role in the one stuff.
And Bottle! I uhh. Yeah! Your thing with Eraser is interesting I guess! ... (She will get eliminated)
And finally (but not really)
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Point 2.4 - CloudYAY
This is the last time I do this. Gb. I am. So, so so so so sorry that you got separated from your malewife boyfriend 💔💔💔
But seriously I love GB. Your team cant handle your girlboss levels. I seriously hope they will listen to you because if it turns into the 8ball situation again I will do something. (Seriously, why do people hate GB as a leader that much? She is bossy as hell, yeah, but like. Shes a pretty good leader imo)
WINNER! My non-binary pal. My sassy gender neutral gay i mean gay i mean guy. I really hope they do something big with your character again. The clock thing was pretty fun and I hope to get to know them more. Besides, Loser is like. Free. He's probably still being a celebrity like usual. I hope we get to expand even more on their past together. (I voted for them btw)
Barf bag, my dear. Jnj, please do something with her. (Ooh, but Moth, tpot 9 this tpot 9 that she played a big role in tpot 9) DONT CARE. GIVE ME MORE CONTENT OF HER.
Donut. .. so. I really like donut. His friendship with Barf bag is cool, his connection to four back in bfb was cool and i generally like him as a character. That being said.. i dont have high hopes for him. Don't get me wrong, I DONT want him eliminated, but... i dont know. Its a hunch, okay? I dont feel good about this.
Yellow face. You racist motherfucker. You took Icy's legs, donut's arms (possibly creating two traps for one, con fucking gratulations) and you also live inside my fucking walls. Despite what I said i think hes hella entertaining even if his morals are uh.. far from great.
And finally, Pillow. If i had a second guess to who would be getting eliminated, I would say its her. She has had a shit ton of haters recently and uhh.. i can see WHY.. I would love to explore her relationships within the new team. But if she gets eliminated then eh,, whatever.
. Whew, finally we got trough that, huh?
So. In my Tpot 11 ramble i therorised that Three was locked away in Fours for possibly doing something terrible, and while that theory still stands...
Why did they close the door?
I think Three uhh.. lets say.. isnt feeling the best in terms of sanity right now. I mean, the whole vibe of their cage is creepy as hell. Maybe they went insane enough to develop the need to stay there? I dont know
They could have just closed it because they are afraid of four, but the whole vibe off the scene suggests otherwise (but then i am a deltarune fan and we all know about the ending of chapter 1 being a fakeout?? Whatever. sooooo)
4. Four is acting kinda strange. Is it just me? His voice sounds different and they got a very unnerving vibe from them, kinda like one does. Also why do they need the couch? I am kinda concerned.
Okay thats it its almost one am i have enough bye
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rocketyship · 11 months
What don't you like about the '' i have no mouth but i must scream'' game versions of the characters? ( except ellen's story because that's understandable …)
OH HONEY LET ME TELL YOU!!!! As you said like most people I don’t like Ellen’s and it is understandable. But besides her I strongly dislike what they did with Gorrister, Benny, and especially Nimdok.
Gorrister: In the original text before AM took him he was a peace activist, a rights marcher, he was a man with intense morals that AM broke. That concept alone is just so fascinating to me. Our morals are what shapes as a human being, they affect every aspect of our daily life and AM took them and broke them and he ruined this man with a great sense of justice and turned him into just another shoulder-shrugger. Whilst what the game did to him was not that outrageous, I just don’t like him being a truck driver red-neck type. Personally I imaged Gorrister as someone very educated, well-spoken, and likely someone who may have played a role in the war which would add so many more layers to the story if that was the case.
Benny: This man was the biggest missed opportunity, and what they decided to do to him in the game just breaks my heart. In the og story and the radio adaptation there was the idea of Benny being a brilliant scientist, well respected, world renowned, he was handsome, and he was gay. AND AM TOOK ALL OF THAT FROM HIM. AM literally broke and blended this man so much that when you put his life during the war and the one after it, it’s like to different people. And then there is this opportunity, this idea that game missed out on. In the book Ted called him luckily because he’s had everything taken from him and doesn’t even know it, but like what if he does? What if he is still conscious and trapped in his head and literally unable to do anything about it. And when AM decides to turn his eyes to jello, then Damn!!! He is just stuck in this dark void where he feels this pain, hears it, but can do nothing about it. AM turned what seemed like a cool dude into a horrific animal and that’s so fascinating to me. The problem with game Benny being “a monster” before AM took them, also kind of defeats the horror of the whole twisting him into one. Like I don’t care that this terrible war person has been forced to devolve, he kind of deserves it, like what is he gonna learn about himself? What is he gonna confront? “Oh I’m such a bad person!” I’m pretty damn sure he knew that already and just didn’t care. Where’s the tragedy? What reason do I have to be entertained, horrified and sympathetic to this dude? No reason. He just sucks
Nimdok: Why the actual f*ck is he a n@zi?!?! Like I like the idea of all the survivors being from all over the world and not just American, but why in every damn piece of media are German characters always n@zis?!?! In fact, since he is one I don’t care what happens to him, I don’t care about his regrets, or the “nice” things he decides to do in the HOLOGRAPHIC WORLD. HE DESERVES TO SUFFER AND THAT IS THAT. I HATE IT. I HATE IT. AM’s hate and torturing of humanity is meant to pointless. He picked these humans cause they were either everything he desired to have and be, or by possible chance. Normal people, perhaps even good people, he twisted into this way. In the og story it was so vague what was up with Nimdok, the only clue to him being German was Ellison’s dramatic reading of the story where he puts on a accent for him. The horror is that this older man has been given a speed run on Alzheimers, which in itself is Damn scary in real life, he has this fake childlike bravery, this way to aimless believe whatever AM tells him. He doesn’t know his name! His identity is gone! No one is there to help him figure it out, cause the other survivors can’t, there is nothing he can and that’s just that. (I’m actually getting very frustrated right now, so I’ll just stop here).
So yeah. There. That’s my hot takes. Maybe someone will disagree with me, but never in my life have I seen anyone like Nimdok or really his story in the game.
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nastasya--filippovna · 10 months
A funny little story full of funny little coincidences and sweet serendipity, but I know people on this site love that
This is a funny story of how I got into the Good Omens fandom. And it is so weird that sometimes I even amaze myself when I tell someone. But I love to tell this one....... so....................................
Late 2021 I watched Wilde and I absolutely loved it. And the best thing out of the movie was that I discovered Michael Sheen. I remember at the time being struck by two things: a) how this actor who had a side character and a small role was so magnificently out-acting great actors like Jude Law (just my personal opinion plz don't come at me for that) and all because of these beautiful micro-expression which I find myself criticizing many big actors like Brad Pitt even for that they lack good subtle micro expression and its as if their faces are dead, nothing is going on there. But Michael is always acting even when the camera is not focused on him he is in character. And (b) his fine beauty. I mean as a lesbian and more than that a portrait artist, I was mesmerized by the artistic beauty in the most non-sexual way.
And I found myself spiraling down the MS hole. And I watched literally everything he has ever done. Except one thing.
Good Omens.
That was because I love Neil Gaiman as a writer. His books have saved me during some very dark times in my love and his work is absolutely sacred to me. To be honest I didn't enjoy his other adaptations. They sucked the juiciness out of the books and kinda confirmed my earlier conviction that no filmed adaption of a book will ever do justce to the written word.
And it's so weird that I had seen all the other adaptations but I hadn't ever heard of GO adaptation.
And then one day I was like yk what just f^ck it. I'll just watch it and strike this one of my list (I'm a cinephile on a mission to watch almost everything ever made in the world).
So I'm watching it and I'm like oh look MS looks so ethereal. Born to play an angel. Look at those floofy wings.
BUT something was bugging me. Usually in most MS movies/shows he keeps out-shining, out-acting his co-stars. Just out there being the best making everyone else look flimsy. But here there was one person who is NOT looking flimsy with MS. Infact he keeps complementing him so perfectly it looks like a graceful waltz.
'Yeah so the demon guy is a great actor I guess'
But that's not why my mind is bugging me. There was something else some weird deja vu kind of familiarity.
I try to ignore it.
Two days later my sister is scrolling through her Pinterest and she goes "What's a Doctor Who?"
And I was like "It's an old childhood show I used to watch, you wouldn't know (she has never seen Doctor Who btw).... why're you asking?"
And she holds up her phone and she's like "Idk it says he's a Doctor Who?" (btw I love the way she says 'a Doctor Who')
And my mind went whoooooooosh!
It's such a strange feeling when stuff you'd forgotten, stuff that was once really special to you, but seems to be lost, and yet is only nestling in some corner of you chaotic mind waiting for the day it'll one day come into the light again, that's tuff comes whooshing back.
I grew up loving DW. Especially Ten. Well I was a tad bit pissed when Nine regenerated into DT and I was like noooooooo who's this skinny f^cker.... I don't want it. But I just fell in love with Ten. To my little lonely-kid-in-school-weirdo-nerd-wallflower self Ten was a best friend who made me feel that it's okay to be different to be geeky and childlike without being embarrassed. Ten was a secret best frined.
And when he regenerated I stopped watching the show. And I forgot about it because I was so busy adulting I lost track of everything I had cherished as a kid.
Now almost 15 years later I found out that my new favorite character (along with Aziraphale cz they're equally special to me) was played by the same person who played my childhood favorite character. And that he's also the best actor I have ever seen so I spiraled down DT hole and I am obsessed (not ashamed to say this). And guess what I found.... almost every show or movie I had watched as kid, he was there.... Ducktales, Harry Potter, Loud House, Einstein and Eddington, Mary Queen of Scots...... its endless.
And the 60th Anniversary special, well it's the most specialist thing to me. I feel like a child again.
GO and DW. Best things that ever happened to me
So thanking Neil Gaiman and Russel T. Davies and MS and DT for making my childhood better....... constantly, because it's never over..... the child lives in me constantly...... she's alive again. Thank you for keeping that child alive and helping her through the darkest nights .
Meena x
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sakuraharuno156 · 7 months
Let's face it, we all know who is the most useless character in Naruto Shippuuden.
I personally love that character, but come on!
That person is either being saved or already down. All their power is given to them or stolen from someone else - nothing original. They just took their abilities from another person and boom, we have to think it's great?
And I know, I know, the fans of that character will say that "ooo they got praised by Shinobi God!" but that person said themselves that they couldn't do anything and just watched Naruto and Sasuke fighting.
I do respect their self-awareness, wow you can admit you just watch them and just "talk" but HOW ABOUT YOU AT LEAST TRY TO DO SOMETHING? Like???
Let's be honest in every arc they did nothing.
Garra retrieval? (The arc when that character had supposedly "their biggest glow up" untill war) - one good blow and boom, they are on the floor. Don't get me wrong, that was good in the moment, but what else did they do? Nothing. They had to be carried out.
Pain arc? Wow, they fulfill their basic ninja duties, again one attack on the enemies... and you are waiting to be saved.
Even during war arc, they have one ability and they do just that, basic ninja work. THEY DO WHAT THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO DO.
At the end, they give one blow to Kaguya (mind you, not with their own power, but THE ONE FROM ANOTHER NINJA) and we are supposed to say: "wow, what a great Shinobi!".
Not to mention, as one of the main cast, they should be more useful, but they are uselessness in cleanest form.
And i love that character, but like, be reasonable - THEY WERE USLESS 🙄
Literally, I love Kakashi, but you have to admit that in terms of being useful? Nothing.
Because yes, I literally described Kakashi.
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Yes we get it, a God of shinobi praised him, but did he really deserve it? He was just watching his team fight and when he stood next to Naruto and Sasuke? USLESS.
Like I said I respect the self-awareness:
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But just talking you can't do anything WON'T MAKE YOU DO MORE 🙄
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During Gaara retrieval, we thought he was gonna be useful, wow Mangekyo Sharinngan! Kamui! Wow... but let's face it, without Naruto, he wouldn't do s*it. He got one good blow and then fell.
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Don't forget he had to be healed after that bare minimum that he did. AGAIN.
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In Pain arc - yes, one useful thing and then - HE HAS TO BE SAVED AGAIN.
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Then we have war, but he is just doing what he is supposed to do. Fighting, he is a ninja, so he is fighting. Wow... Incredible 🙄
What did he even do? Kakashi didn't even finish, they had to wait till Itachi released Edo Tensei. Otherwise? Wow, the same thing he did in og Naruto.
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And then yes, the famous "one blow to Kaguya" but what else did you do? Yes, it allowed them to seal her, but like, Naruto and Sasuke did all the work.
Some people think he is a "great ninja", but realistically, he just got everything gifted. He is great only because of Obito. Obito gave Kakashi his whole power, like he is known as "Sharinngan Kakashi", wtf?!
How can his fans be proud that he got this far? What could he do without Obito? We can call him second Obito! Only he still couldn't use the powers he took from Obito as good as original Uchiha 🙄
Let's face it, USLESS.
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aluminumneedles · 3 days
The Great Knitted Christmas Gifts Bonanza of 2024
(Working title)
Besties and beloved mutuals, welcome to the chaos.
This will be wacky. Zany. Incredibly boring at times and possibly excessively dramatic for no reason at all except my (and hopefully your) amusement. We will laugh! I will cry! We will perhaps commiserate over things and also I will aggravate my carpal tunnel! I will ask for advice on things I don't know how to do! I will make polls because audience participation is enrichment for me! Good shit good shit let's get started
At the time of writing it is September 18, 2024, also known as 98 days before Christmas Eve, which will heretofore be known as The Deadline™️. I have, at present, four family members for whom I am making gifts. Now you may be thinking "Kay, that's only four people. That does not warrant a big post." But I'm making one anyway so here we goooo
Mom. I already decided on my mom's gift, she's getting a shawl. It's my first shawl and I'm kinda geeked about it. It's the Cosmos Textured Knit Wrap from Mama in a Stitch
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(photo taken from Mama in a Stitch's website I hope that's ok??)
Yarn is Red Heart worsted weight acrylic in Royal. Now here's the situation: I haven't made a wearable with acrylic yarn in awhile and I wasn't a huge fan of how it felt last time. But I know people do it literally every day, so: when the time comes I will be soliciting advice on how to make it soft and comfy. Plus I hate blocking and I'm gonna have to block this so yay growth!!
My sister. Adorable, likes a pastel, super long hair, so I was thinking...scrunchies? And then I was thinking scrunchies are not necessarily on the level of gift I was aiming for so I thought...scrunchies + matching leg warmers (babydoll goes to the gym sometimes so i thought it would be cute)? And then. AND THEN. Was scrolling Pinterest instead of sleeping and I found these!!!
Now there are pros and cons
I have been wanting to knit lace
I have been wanting to knit socks
I have no experience knitting lace or socks
Oh well f*ck it we ball! Will still try to match the scrunchies to the socks. Send thoughts/prayers/advice/yarn recs, because idk what I am doingggg
My brother. So, at the first of the year I started knitting a blanket kind of just because--I really liked the pattern and I wanted the feeling of starting something new in the new year. In April I decided it would be a gift for my boyfriend at the time, in May it became too hot to knit with wool, and in July the relationship ended. My brother has expressed interest in a blanket from the same pattern and has offered to take this one off my hands. I'm about 3/4 of the way done. Should be an easy gift, right? Maybe I'll throw in a matching pillow?
However, I once promised to make him this sweater:
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(image snagged from the MomentsinTwine Etsy shop)
I bought the pattern, I bought the yarn, and I never delivered. (I started it and frogged it twice because my gauge was so so off.)
So uhhh PLEASE do the poll I need help deciding. Yarn would probably be a golden yellow wool blend, because that is the color he wanted 3 years ago and if I ask for an updated color choice he'll know what I'm working on 😭
My dad.
I have no idea what to do for this man. He is a very classic "I don't want anything" person, and I am a classic "Must. Give. Gift." person. So already, times are tough!! What am I supposed to knit this man???
So I was thinking slippers-- I found a pattern for Woodland Loafers on Ravelry (pattern by Claire Slade) and I thought they were adorable. But then I was thinking why not make a whole, like, cozy care package? So I thought slippers, mug rug + mug cozy, maybe something else? He likes music, he likes to relax and watch his lil shows, he likes M*rvel?? Open to so many suggestions babes.
So...yeah. That's the show. I'll update as I go along, and if you're ever curious about how things are going or want to bully me about not making progress, please nudge me!! Sorry this was so long okay bye
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sleepdeprivedsimp234 · 9 months
*Holds New York and Gov in each hand like how cats grab their kittens by the neck with their teeth and slams open your door with my foot* : Their current caretaker is stressing about her exams too much to take care of them right now so I am putting you in temporary charge of them for a while and Kota. Kota. Listen here. Be. Nice. To. Them. (/j) They should be smiling when I return to pick them up again.
Anyway in the meantime, while you're babysitting them, can I get some fluff hcs for these two please and thank you <3 (for your request for requests)
Awwww yayyyy I get to babysit :) dw this can only end good I prommy 🙏
Sometimes NY will just sit next to Gov’s desk at night while he works and sometimes Gov will give him headpats with on hand whilst using the other to work.
^though, if NY is having a rough night with anxiety and ptsd, Gov will hold him in his lap as he works and whisper comforting things to NY 😭
NY is the only reason Gov has ever worn anything other than a suit. And is the only reason that Gov has anything besides suits/formal clothes in his closet.
When Gov told NY about how PA kinda neglected him as a kid, NY went right up to PA and punched him in the face with no regard for his own safety (did he get beat tf up? Yes. Was it worth it cuz he felt that in a way he defended someone he loves? F*ck yeah).
NY loves cooking for other people (tho he would rather die than admit it), and sometimes cooks something for Gov to eat, drops in through the vents, and hops back up before Gov can say anything or process wtf just happened. He’s very greatful though.
This has definitely happened before:
"New York. Don’t you dare."
"[nudges the mug closer to the edge of the desk whilst staring him in the eyes]"
"New York."
"[bap and run]"
Gov thinks that no one can hear him crying but oh boy oh boy he’s wrong (shocker 🤯). New York can hear it. He can hear it very well. And he comforts Gov every time cuz that’s what friends/lovers do.
I see them both with long-ish messy hair, so NY will sit behind Gov and play with his hair. It feels very nice to Gov and makes him really really tired.
(If they’re dating) Gov got the shovel talk from Connie, NJ, and Mass, and NY got the shovel talk from PA (which was literally just PA pinning him down and yelling a bunch of death threats and making NY almost cry-). IDC would’ve given him a shovel talk, but she trusts NY and knows that he wouldn’t hurt her brother.
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This subreddits is one of my favorite to go onto and actually laugh at people. But despite that people are still genuinely pretty ignorant on that subreddit. Even the top result that I saw was SO CLOSE but still missed the mark. 
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And of course the top voted at the time:
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Living wage as a concept is a joke. It’s not a real idea that can be made into a reality. And I might hear in the comments and reblogs, “ehum well akchewaly, in *insert much smaller, basically monocultural country here* it’s actually possible and it works great”. Or in other words. Tell me you can’t do basic reasoning without telling me you can’t do basic reasoning. 
Fact of the matter is living wage is a concept that is impossible to live by. Let me elaborate. Living wage is an ambiguous idea based on over a dozen factors that can not be accounted for and certainly can not be legislated. Ok why is that? Well first off what is “Living Wage”? Is it:
Enough money to survive off of?
Enough money to survive well off of?
Enough money to live with plenty of breathing room?
Enough money to literally never have to worry about money ever again. 
If your answer isn’t the first one, then you are NOT asking for a living wage. You are asking for living wage, AND breathing room for anything else that can arise. BUT, this is still an impossible concept to go off of. What dictates “living wage”? Is it just rent? Do we include food? Utilities? Transportation? Clothing? How much clothing if so? Toiletries? Luxuries? 
There is no answer to that. There CAN’T be. And the reason why is pretty simple. Where do you live? Do you live in Texas? Ok where in Texas? Do you live in Dallas? Austin? Tyler? Longview? Gladewater? Ok suppose I live in Gladewater and I work in Tyler. Costs in Gladewater are cheaper for living. But I’m paying much more in transportation. What about food costs in the area? Probably less in Gladewater. Though could be that depending on where you shop, it’s more. 
Why is any of that important? Well for starters it’s extremely important because MAYBE I think whoever hires me should pay me enough to shop at the POSH supermarket. You know. I want the high end stuff. Electric company? Yeah my job should totally pay for that too. Except I have Bitcoin mining rigs and keep my lights on all day. Water? Yeah I just turn it on and leave it on. Showers? Every hour because I can. Clearly I’m being stupid here but people ARE stupid. 
What’s more, if companies had to hire you for whatever your “living wage” was, they’d have to investigate your life in depth. AND this would end up causing a lot of hiring discrepancies. Why? If you live too far away and your bills are too high, AND they were required to match what it would cost for you to live, they’d be FAR more selective when hiring people. And you could not stop them from doing it. What’s more who all would have to pay those wages? Mom and Pop shops? Small business owners? A business who just opened a second store? Ok and are we also paying 16y/o much more? Much less? Their living costs would be next to nothing if they are living with an adult. Same for people living with their parents or roommates. 
And even then, just imagine. You get hired on to a job same day as another guy. Same experience and education as them. But he lives in a nicer area. So he now gets 5$ more an hr that you. Pretty shitty idea to live by. Maybe I want to live where they live. That company gonna pay me more? Not if they can help it. And what about low/no skill jobs? Should I just sit pretty while some guy doing f-all is getting paid as much as me doing a job significantly harder and more stressful? Or would doing something like scaling wages to “living wages” cause more people to opt for those types of jobs rather than jobs that are harder and more involved? And that’s another point these people miss completely. 
This idea of living wage is based on ignorance and often by people who are decently well off. OR by lazy f*cks that just don’t want to work hard. Fact is “barely getting by” is by the very definition, “living wage”. Because it IS enough to live off of. Granted, you might be strapped and not able to buy whatever you want to, but that is just life. Just be happy most of you live in a first world country. Because I can promise you that in a lot of second and third world countries they WISH they could make half of what we make in wages compared to the costs of thing where they live. 
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smokeybrandreviews · 1 year
Multiverse of Madness
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I am an unapologetic Adventure Time apologist. i think it was one of the greatest shows ever created and deserves all the love it gets. AT saved Cartoon Network back in the day and spawned so many creators who would, in turn, leave their mark on the industry. Without AT, there is no Steven Universe or that other one with the fighting i guess? The influence of Adventure Time gave credence to the potential popularity of shows like nuShe-Ra and nuVoltron. Those characters are iconic and full of so much depth. Finn Mertens, Jake the Dog, Bonnibel Bubblegum; All of them have become stalwarts of cartoon history. Like, Marceline Abadeer is one of my all-time favorite characters in fiction. When Distant Lands aired, i was emotionally devastated. Obviously, Obsidian was mys sh*t but Together Again brought me to tears. That's how much this show meant to me, so when Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake was announced, i was all over it. I was mad curious how this would play out. Would it be just a romp through a gender-swapped Ooo? Would the target audience still be kids or would the show be a more mature take since the original kids were now wayward adults? So many questions. Well, Fionna and Cake is over and i have thoughts.
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First thing first, This show is not about Fionna and Cake. It is on a superficial level but they're more a plot device who participates in the narrative. Fionna and Cake is about Simon Petrikov coming to terms with the loss of Betty Groff and how his relationship with her, was toxic as f*ck. Like, holy sh*t, was it bad! The co-dependency was insane! I mean, you got glimpses of that throughout Betty's arc in the original AT (Betty literally leaping through a Hambo powered time rift, her problematic Magic Woman phase, and the eventual wish that turned her into f*cking GolBetty, all for her "love" of Simon) but this chick was as obsessed with Simon as Simon was with her. When she transcended and become a deity of pure chaos, Simon was left in a depression spiral that, ultimately, shook the core of the goddamn multiverse. And i say that with no hyperbole. F*cking Ice King, put the entire multiverse of Adventure Time in jeopardy, because he missed his boo. What follows is, one of the most well thought out and executed romps through a multiverse narrative I've seen outside of f*cking comic books. I don't want to spoil anything but the first nine episodes of this show are brilliant, rivaling the very best Adventure Time has to offer. The tenth? Not so much.
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Fionna and Cake definitely botches the landing, especially coming off such incredibly strong episodes as the three right before it. Again, no details, but, holy sh*t, were those three episodes great. Seriously, watch this show, it's f*cking fantastic. The Simon stuff is definitely the heart of this narrative but what about the show's namesake? The Fionna and Cake bits are good but i never really felt as invested in their story as i was in Simon's trials. It's not like their stuff was bad, per sey, it just didn't feel as... dire? I don't know, i felt more for the characters around them than i did the characters themselves? Don't misunderstand me, i enjoyed their arc. Fionna and Cake struggling with their own identities and coming to terms with who they are was cool and all but, ultimately, it felt more sub than main plot, which is weird because it's their show. Fionna and Cake are basically the inciting action which informs the entire plot but i never really feel like that's a thing. Plus, there is this very important aspect to their character which, kind of never really plays into the overarching conflict, with the exception of a particularly gruesome scene, and i feel like that was a missed opportunity. As an overall production and viewing experience, Fionna and Cake is f*cking exquisite.
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The stuff i said about Fionna and Cake is true, to an extent. True for me, i guess. People may get more out of their arc than i did, which is fine, that's a point subjectivity. What isn't subjective is how well this show is produced. Seriously, the art style is familiar, yet, more detailed. The characters are well performed, each true to their own personality beats. But it was the worlds we visited that truly hammered home the butterfly effect, the effect Simon had, on all of those worlds. I loved every second of that experience and, while they didn't fully stick the landing, there were great aspects of that tenth episode. Fionna and Cake turned out to be ten episodes of solid, adult, Adventure Time narrative that felt organic. It didn't feel like a cashgrab or desperate attempt at Max to pull in viewers. It felt like, after the absolutely brilliant reception to Distant Lands, that HBO understood there was a market for a show like that and they just let the staff create. Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake isn't perfect, it's definitely got it's flaws, but of the content I've seen this year, it's easily some of the best. Whether you're a fan of the old world of Ooo, or just interested in what "adult" animation has to offer, this show is one of the best examples of the art form. It was a strong watch and i definitely recommend a viewing.
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emyluwinter · 2 years
Damn it, I didn't even think that my guess about the betrayal of the three fairy aunts would be used in Chapter 7….
Sorry for the spoilers.
Three fairies just dumped information on Aurora that
She is a princess, she will no longer be able to live in a hunter/gamekeeper's house deep in the forest in isolation. What will happen to the house?Abandoned most likely, as before the arrival of Aurora.
She has a real family and now she still needs to marry a f*ck knows who, because her parents have already agreed everything at birth. Has anyone ever asked the poor girl about this?Nope, why.
They will no longer look after her as before and will not live together so closely as a family (because now she will already be a wife and under the protection of her husband)
Let's take it in order.
Lilia is going to drop out of college and move to another country. He just throws it in Silver's face like an anvil. As if their home, memories, and time spent meant nothing to him anymore. And for Silver, it's priceless. Lilia is his parent, the father about whom he tells with such tenderness and love of a child every time.
There are hints that Silver had a family before Lilia. Which has never been mentioned before. A thing that has belonged to Silver since infancy? (just like Aurora's crown) It is quite possible that they are even alive and some very significant family.
Lilia literally won't be around. Such a sudden excuse "throwing" is a strong shock for Silver. Yes, Lilia may have been gone for several months before. But now Silver understands that he will need at least two more years to finish his studies and see Lilia. In any case, for Silver, it is perceived that Lilia does not value the time spent for them. Or he so furiously wants to escape from everyone "because you are already big, and I am an old man. I need a rest" (Partly I understand it …)
The moment that Lilia lost her magic for a long time. But didn't say it because I didn't think it was necessary.
A few funny moments.
All elderly people keep some things in such things, not cookies. This is already some kind of classic behavior. My grandmother had threads and needles, buttons and all sorts of small things.
And this moment with Lilia's weapon.
Sebek IS THE LEGENDARY WEAPON OF THE GREAT HERO LILIA!! Silver - wait….Father, is that the thing that was lying in the barn? Sebek - what… Lilia - and yes. Do not throw it away, but it will be very useful in the household. It's so easy for her to chop wood. Sebek is almost crying because all this "legendary wrapper immediately went bad" - a legendary weapon ………used as an axe …..stored in an old barn…
the poor crocodile has a trauma for life now.
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thebettybook · 2 years
The emotional damage that is Leona coming home at exactly 100 pulls…
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Screenshot taken by me; Leona Kingscholar SSR Tsumsitter card belongs to Twisted Wonderland
You’re rich, Leona…you don’t need my keys and gems…so I’m gonna need compensation for the emotional damage you caused me
Floyd came home on the first free ten pull and I’m like “great” bc Tsum Floyd is adorable and totally not at all menacing like Floyd /hj
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Screenshot taken by me, Floyd Leech SR Tsumsitter card belongs to Twisted Wonderland
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Screenshot taken by me, Leona Kingscholar R School Uniform card belongs to Twisted Wonderland
It was like he was saying, “Heh, try harder, herbivore.” This Leona in his school uniform would continue to show up in my next pulls at the end of each pull as if to taunt me 😭
Didn’t even get any new SSR cards that aren’t Leona’s, just a new Trey SR Labwear card
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Screenshot taken by me; Trey Clover SR Labwear card belongs to Twisted Wonderland
Thank you my good man Trey for appearing; he gave me a slice of cake to ease the pain of not getting SSR Tsumsitter Leona yet (real)
Jack and Ruggie would also come throughout the pulls and catfish me with the yellow Savanaclaw light from the coffins, but Jack in his Dorm Uniform and PE Uniform would appear in my pulls more than Ruggie as if to tell me “I don’t think SSR Tsumsitter Leona is coming home to you”
Had to stop by Sam’s Mystery Shop to buy a single pull key using my exam tokens, and had to level up some cards to LVL 60 to get free 10 gems through general goals….
I was in literal tears and shambles when SSR Tsumsitter Leona came home, as if he was waiting till the 100th pull to make his grand entrance
So I came up with this lil scenario:
Me: *On the verge of tears and does my 100th pull*
Leona: *Emerges from his coffin all smug with his Tsum on his shoulder*
Leona: I’m here, miss me? *Expecting a hug or something*
Leona: *Surprised by my reaction* Oi, aren’t ya glad to see me? *Tsum Leona wiggles on Leona’s shoulder in agreement*
Me: YOU CAME HOME TO PEOPLE IN JUST THE FREE TEN PULL BUT YOU CAME HOME TO ME AT MY 100TH PULL! 😭 *Sobbing because I actually was sobbing irl because of this*
Tsum Leona: *Hops down from Leona’s shoulder and onto my shoulder and nudges its face against my cheek affectionately*
Leona: What’s wrong with surprising you with a grand entrance? And look, that little guy was lookin’ forward to seeing you. So ‘course I’d come through.
Me: *Narrows eyes* Oh, so Tsum Leona was the only one looking forward to seeing me?
Tsum Leona: *Comically looks at Leona with the same expression as mine”
Leona: T-tch, no. That little guy’s just copyin’ me. *Crosses his arms and looks away all flustered*
Me: *Throws my arms around Leona*
Leona: *Wraps his arms around my waist, satisfied that he’s finally getting his hug*
Me: Leona…
Leona: Yeah? *Nuzzling the top of my head*
Me: Gimme back my gems and keys.
But fr though because I need to save up for this lion man’s birthday card with his varsity jacket outfit in July which is four months away and not enough time 😭
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smokeybrand · 1 year
Multiverse of Madness
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I am an unapologetic Adventure Time apologist. i think it was one of the greatest shows ever created and deserves all the love it gets. AT saved Cartoon Network back in the day and spawned so many creators who would, in turn, leave their mark on the industry. Without AT, there is no Steven Universe or that other one with the fighting i guess? The influence of Adventure Time gave credence to the potential popularity of shows like nuShe-Ra and nuVoltron. Those characters are iconic and full of so much depth. Finn Mertens, Jake the Dog, Bonnibel Bubblegum; All of them have become stalwarts of cartoon history. Like, Marceline Abadeer is one of my all-time favorite characters in fiction. When Distant Lands aired, i was emotionally devastated. Obviously, Obsidian was mys sh*t but Together Again brought me to tears. That's how much this show meant to me, so when Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake was announced, i was all over it. I was mad curious how this would play out. Would it be just a romp through a gender-swapped Ooo? Would the target audience still be kids or would the show be a more mature take since the original kids were now wayward adults? So many questions. Well, Fionna and Cake is over and i have thoughts.
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First thing first, This show is not about Fionna and Cake. It is on a superficial level but they're more a plot device who participates in the narrative. Fionna and Cake is about Simon Petrikov coming to terms with the loss of Betty Groff and how his relationship with her, was toxic as f*ck. Like, holy sh*t, was it bad! The co-dependency was insane! I mean, you got glimpses of that throughout Betty's arc in the original AT (Betty literally leaping through a Hambo powered time rift, her problematic Magic Woman phase, and the eventual wish that turned her into f*cking GolBetty, all for her "love" of Simon) but this chick was as obsessed with Simon as Simon was with her. When she transcended and become a deity of pure chaos, Simon was left in a depression spiral that, ultimately, shook the core of the goddamn multiverse. And i say that with no hyperbole. F*cking Ice King, put the entire multiverse of Adventure Time in jeopardy, because he missed his boo. What follows is, one of the most well thought out and executed romps through a multiverse narrative I've seen outside of f*cking comic books. I don't want to spoil anything but the first nine episodes of this show are brilliant, rivaling the very best Adventure Time has to offer. The tenth? Not so much.
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Fionna and Cake definitely botches the landing, especially coming off such incredibly strong episodes as the three right before it. Again, no details, but, holy sh*t, were those three episodes great. Seriously, watch this show, it's f*cking fantastic. The Simon stuff is definitely the heart of this narrative but what about the show's namesake? The Fionna and Cake bits are good but i never really felt as invested in their story as i was in Simon's trials. It's not like their stuff was bad, per sey, it just didn't feel as... dire? I don't know, i felt more for the characters around them than i did the characters themselves? Don't misunderstand me, i enjoyed their arc. Fionna and Cake struggling with their own identities and coming to terms with who they are was cool and all but, ultimately, it felt more sub than main plot, which is weird because it's their show. Fionna and Cake are basically the inciting action which informs the entire plot but i never really feel like that's a thing. Plus, there is this very important aspect to their character which, kind of never really plays into the overarching conflict, with the exception of a particularly gruesome scene, and i feel like that was a missed opportunity. As an overall production and viewing experience, Fionna and Cake is f*cking exquisite.
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The stuff i said about Fionna and Cake is true, to an extent. True for me, i guess. People may get more out of their arc than i did, which is fine, that's a point subjectivity. What isn't subjective is how well this show is produced. Seriously, the art style is familiar, yet, more detailed. The characters are well performed, each true to their own personality beats. But it was the worlds we visited that truly hammered home the butterfly effect, the effect Simon had, on all of those worlds. I loved every second of that experience and, while they didn't fully stick the landing, there were great aspects of that tenth episode. Fionna and Cake turned out to be ten episodes of solid, adult, Adventure Time narrative that felt organic. It didn't feel like a cashgrab or desperate attempt at Max to pull in viewers. It felt like, after the absolutely brilliant reception to Distant Lands, that HBO understood there was a market for a show like that and they just let the staff create. Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake isn't perfect, it's definitely got it's flaws, but of the content I've seen this year, it's easily some of the best. Whether you're a fan of the old world of Ooo, or just interested in what "adult" animation has to offer, this show is one of the best examples of the art form. It was a strong watch and i definitely recommend a viewing.
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