#he looked so sad :( and rightfully so tbh-
unbotheredalwyn · 5 months
So obviously after the Joe breakup shit changed we had that ratty twatty and then suddenly travis. Like ratty twatty first of all made it seem like you know this person is like horrible yet you choose to be with him? Everyone called her (rightfully) out I feel like cause he is really a twat of a person and the whole ice spice collab to basically "save" Matty twattys image. I also felt like it was unfair of her fans to force her to break up with him I mean it's her life. And Joe during this time went through so much shit after the break up I remember he was papped and everyone made fun of how skinny he is and how horrible he looks (he had bags under his eyes on the photo) which is actually sad cause he lost his grandmother I think during that time and people were genuinely saying disgusting things and saying mother is looking so much better etc etc while Joe was having a downwards spiral. Again I understand no one knew his depression was that bad but fuck swifties can be more kind.
Exit ratty twatty enter travesty lord this man gives me the ick.
Swifties are blinded by their relationship but he is really not a good dude. I mean that video live of him pushing his coach and yelling? Videos online of him being openly racist, being a trump supporter (and also swifties are dumb they think bc he got vaccinated and bent the knee for black lives matter he is somehow Democrat?) honey trump is vaccinated as well. And just because he supported blm does not make him a good person. He was PAID to do all that performative shit.
I mean she has millions of fans, thousands of young girls thinking the blatant red flags of travesty is hot and shit. Tells me he can push her around too. (not to mention he supported his abusive friend that literally hit his wife.)
And it feels like she's forcing travesty tbh? Like girlie you wanted the art to be about you yet you let some man overshadow it. Because truly that's what's happening like swifties are more into him at this point and the relationship they made up in their head as Taylor.
This is where I got annoyed and took a step back. Each time they were seen Joe got thousands and thousands of hate just for what being introverted?
Then they attacked Emma (Joe's Co worker) for a cheating rumor THEY MADE UP and the shit they said were so genuinely disgusting she had to switch off her comments.
Then Ai audio dropped about Joe abusing Taylor and Ai videos circled making it seem like Joe is a cheater when he is NOT. fuck they even trended a sex scene with that Alison chick he worked with saying he said Alison (her real name) and not her character's name when he DID NOT. It was in the fucking series! This woman got slut shamed so bad she turned off comments too for literally WORKING with Joe. Swifties literally spread shit around that he cheated on Taylor with Emma and Alison when he didn't! And the fucking best of all Taylor was on the set while filming conversations with friends. She most likely saw it IN PERSON and they chose to say all this genuinely disgusting shit about Alison who I've learned is actually a pretty good person.
Here I got genuinely disgusted.
So okay again I understand that Taylor can't control all her fans but her silence while her cult mass harrases people?
Whats insane to me is Joe. Like the guy got so much hate because SHE CHOSE to lead fans on. When she announced ttpd everyone thought the title relates to Joe and Paul mescal
Joe got mass hate
Then the secret songs at eras being about cheating
Joe got death threats
she literally took ALL the hate against Joe *knowing* she's releasing an album dissing her 6 weeks situationship is genuinely disgusting. I cannot fathom it.
And AND the only thing she could say about Joe is dude did not want to marry her bc he was severely depressed WHICH IS NOT HER PLACE TO TALK ABOUT HIS STRUGGLES?
like I am SORRY this man wants to d word next to her and she just didn't care and wanted to fuck Matty?
Her partner, that got her through her darkest times BTW, did not deserve this.
She let all this mass harrasment just happen to market ttpd. Like genuinely what the actual fuck. 2 innocent women Emma and Alison were attacked and called sluts for genuinely existing and breathing the same air as Joe. And the proof he did not cheat is in her OWN lyrics. (which swifties cannot seem to fucking read bc they'd rather attack Joe than admit this album is about a sewer nazi rat)
The hate Joe got made me cry. The disgusting things they said about him. Swifties literally threatening to bash his head in with a hammer or that he needs to hang himself and they'd enjoy seeing his body swinging from the roof.
Genuinely why would any person say this to anyone at any time?
And they made fun of depression like. What. The. Fuck. Just because Joe might not see it does not mean other people with crippling depression won't.
Oh and a side note she's still bringing up Kim on albums? Not just Kim Kim's CHILD?! leave the kid alone.
Genuinely feel like the most honest Taylor we got was during lover (a time which Joe helped her voice her political opinions and shit) and idk I just feel cheated on?
My whole life I've defended Taylor against everyone and I genuinely feel like she's showing her true colors now being with travesty and ratty and I cannot fathom how this is the same Taylor I'm seeing now as she was like a few years ago.
And it's not just Joe that got death threats BTW. When midnights came out and everyone gave honest reviews cause that evil Jack antonof little gay man ruined the production there were journalists literally getting so much death threats its insane.
Taylor gets (rightfully) called out and fans can't handle it.
She needs to address them ASAP. All these parasocial freaks. The people harrasing Joe. The people literally only seeing Taylor as a breeder for travestys children.
I can't genuinely I can't this is not how I want to feel about Taylor I mean I gave her my youth I looked up to her so much I feel so disappointed in the way she's acting yk?
Yes maybe she can't do jack shit about swifties but she can try.
And her staying quiet over Palestine? Her voice her one post about a ceasefire could change EVERYTHING.
idk at this point I can't stand to be around Taylor.
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stardust-sunset · 2 months
Going off of the Sandy being openly toxic thing.
Maybe some hcs of each of the gang and their first little alarm bells about how she treated soda?
And then maybe their reactions to finding out how she left soda?
of course!
I feel like Pony didn’t really see the signs. She would love bomb him a lot and he honestly just thought she was being nice and didn’t see this as toxicity. but when he found out he was immediately livid on Sofa’s behalf and even wanted to send her a letter to show how angry he was
Darry on the other hand caught on right away. He took her aside and immediately like “Look, I can see right through you and I swear to god if you hurt Soda I will personally kill you” and she just cried for Soda and Soda got SO pissed at Darry and wouldn’t talk to him for days. When she broke up with him he just hugged Darry and sobbed out “you were right…I’m sorry.” And it’s so sad
Johnny honestly didn’t like her. He’s VERY observant and she was probably one of those girls who giggled too loud at Soda’s shitty jokes, or she would wear skimpy clothes and he doesn’t like girls like that. He doesn’t say anything but if he survived the fire he would probably just let Soda talk to him and awkwardly offer support
Dallas was open about his hate. He literally doesn’t give a shit that “she’s a chick” he would openly just be like “yeah you’re a bitch y’know that?” and if he was alive honestly he would skip town to find her (he is scarily good at memorizing license plates) and literally confronted her. He didn’t even do anything but he verbally assaulted her so hard she cried (deserved tbh)-but he would never admit to it.
Two Bit honestly didn’t give a shit. She was a blonde so he would flirt with her sometimes (sometimes as an experiment to make sure she was being loyal to Soda) and when she reciprocated he was immediately like “yeah she isn’t good for you” and he probably has told Soda. But when he finds out he’s rightfully pissed off and probably tries to do something about it but can’t think of much to do. So he encourages Dallas and maybe goes with her.
Steve at first was all “I told you so. I told you you can’t trust chicks like her. Look at Evie.” and that made Soda start bawling and he felt so awful. He noticed everything because he always hung out with Soda and Soda would go to him for advice like “I don’t know what she wants! Every time I try to help her she yells at me but every time I don’t she says I never help, I don’t know what to do!” and he was just like “oh hell no”
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hood-ex · 8 months
Your post about that dialogue from Gotham Knights (the game) made me think back on how much I miss Bruce and Dick's relationship tbh. Like obv it was never the healthiest thing ever, and Bruce was always emotionally constipated, but it always felt a little more... equal? Recently it's just felt so toxic, like Bruce will be an asshole, and Dick will be hurt by it but will still come back to him and will remove the burden of Bruce apologizing for anything from him. Like the scene between them in Nightwing 100, where Bruce is rightfully apologizing for his crap and Dick says he doesn't have to. I do like that scene (even if it was over the top), but that's not right. Like, no sir, he has a lot to apologize for lmao. But that's literally been their dynamic for so long. Whenever Bruce should be called out, Dick just forgives him and Bruce goes back to doing the same old shit again, and Dick forgives him again, and rinse and repeat.
Honestly, it feels like whoever wrote those scenes took a look at that one meme of Batman slapping Robin and said "hey, they like that, let's do that!" Like, you can't go a long time without Bruce hitting Dick. Because they think fans eat that shit up ig. They are so attached to their shock value Bruce and Dick fights and their image of brooding Bruce that they won't address their fucked-up relationship and won't change the status quo. We have gotten many scenes of them being great together and having sweet moments, but those all feel tainted by the rest of it. It's as recent as the amnesia arc where Bruce re-traumatized Dick and then didn't help him when he was living in his car and then pretty much emotionally manipulated him to become Nightwing again. Recent comics really have forgotten what Batman is about.
And it sucks, because Dick is my fave of all faves, but I also love the hell out of Bruce Wayne, and it's so sad to see him be reduced to this... only brooding, borderline abusive asshole. They won't let him grow or develop. I don't mind conflict, and I like that they have a complicated relationship. I didn't even mind Bruce punching Dick, because it's interesting. Once was fine, twice was fine, the same thing happening all the time without addressing it and with no change across years is kind of a problem. I'm only keeping up with the Nightwing run out of loyalty to my boy, but from what I've heard of the events that are happening outside of that, it seems that they are having issues again, and I'm waiting for the next Batman issue that features Nightwing to also feature another punch or something. It's always Bruce being coddled by the story and never being asked to make the step forward, it's always Dick that has to give in and make Bruce feels better about his flaws and free him of any responsibility for his actions even when it's time for Bruce to step up and grow up.
It's why I prefer the animated adaptations or the retellings. I think world's finest did a good job with their relationship, I feel like Robin: Year 1 from back in the day did too, and Young Justice animated for its many flaws has a solid dynamic between them. They still have a complicated relationship, but it isn't so dramatically awful. It allows for a more balanced and well-rounded portrayal of the character when you aren't pandering to some people by flanderizing the character ig. Anyway, sorry for ranting, you're like my fave Dick Grayson blog so I just wanted to share. Hope this wasn't a bother.
No yeah I hated that aspect of Nightwing #100. If TT wanted to do a scene like that, he should’ve built up a conflict between Dick and Bruce to give us some context as to some type of thing Bruce actually needed to apologize for. Then he could’ve had Bruce apologize, Dick accept the apology, and end it with that reconciliation.
Instead, he just had Bruce apologize like, “I’m sorry I failed you, I’m sorry I pushed you away, I’m sorry if I ever made you feel like I wasn’t proud of you,” which would’ve hit much harder if, again, they had shown some kind of recent conflict between Bruce and Dick to warrant that sudden apology. And for Dick to then express his own hurt and such over said conflict. And then for them to come to some reconciliation. But yeah it’s very unsatisfying for Bruce to just list things he’s sorry for, and for Dick to hug him and just reassure Bruce. Like nooo let Bruce feel bad. Let Dick feel bad because of what Bruce did to him. Let Dick be angry. Let them both hurt. Then let them heal.
As for the amnesia arc, I feel like they really did a disservice to Bruce by not focusing enough on his trauma from the sniper incident. If they really stressed how much it traumatized him and then showed how his actions were effected by that (like giving him a dire need to have Dick return to normal bc otherwise it’s like Dick just died in his arms on that rooftop) then that is much more sad and compelling, and we can at least kind of see where Bruce is coming from by showing Dick the sniper video (though it would’ve been better if they just… hadn’t done that all).
If I had been writing that issue, I would’ve had it from Bruce’s POV where he would’ve constantly been in a state of flashbacks. Like seeing his parents getting killed and then comparing it to Dick getting shot. And then having flashbacks of Dick when he was younger but then Bruce imagining that Dick keeps getting shot in the head in each of those memories. And all of that literally just like… pushing Bruce over the edge. And then of course when Dick wakes up and asks Bruce “Who are you?” Bruce spirals even further. And we see his descent to this very isolated and dark place where he just wants his son back at all costs. That would’ve been waaaaay more interesting. Extremely dark ofc. But interesting.
Yeah the comic Dick and Bruce relationship can definitely be toxic (and I’m not totally opposed to that bc I think it makes things interesting between them), and there are animated shows that show them in a more balanced light. The Batman (2004) is one of those shows as well. Dick was Robin then ofc, and Bruce wasn’t so dark at that point in life. But when you watch shows like that, it reminds you of the character Bruce is supposed to be, and it reminds you of what you like the most about him. So definitely nice to watch shows like that sometimes to remind yourself of the Bruce Wayne that exists outside of modern comics.
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season 1 episode 20 thoughts
oh i did NOT think the BUG episode would be the scariest one so far, but here we are!!!!
so there are some weird disappearances in the pacific northwest again. famously a spooky place (see twilight for further details)
we see the bugs start swarming and i did NOT like that <3
cut to mulder and scully in his office, he's showing her a bunch of lumberjacks that he describes as "rugged manly men in the full blood of their manhood" which is. already a lot to unpack. but he asks scully to notice anything off about them.
she is, rightfully confused, and says "what am i looking for?" "anything strange, unusual, unlikely, a boyfriend"
now mulder. you sound like you are into lumberjacks. this is a safe space to share your thoughts on the subject of rugged manly men.
(scully laughs at this. she was probably also thinking, man, he seems really into that. we can unpack that later. but she wouldn't press him on that subject because she is respectful)
but he's so excited to go! he pulled strings to get the case and he says "c'mon scully, it'll be a nice trip to the forest" which is somewhat charming but again this is the forest where people disappear so i would personally be LESS excited to visit than he was
(oh. and the fact that he told her it would be a nice trip gets a LOT sadder later)
so they trek up the mountain in their raincoats! and get stuck in the back of a truck together! all things that we want to happen to them!
there seems to be this war going on between ecoterrorists and loggers that they've stumbled into. and the logger guy says that these ecoterrorists are "treehuggers" who are the same as those who "went up to Canada in the Vietnam War... they're cowardly and so are their tactics"
and it's so rare you learn exactly what to think of a person with one sentence they say but boy. is this a prime example.
they find a suspicious cocoon in the trees and decide scully should be lifted up and investigate which i thought was RUDE. why her? hasn't she done enough? i mean i think the real answer was she was small enough to fit in the lifty contraption but still. she sees a desiccated hand sticking out and 2+2 is starting to look a lot like 4
they drag the cocoon to the ground and cut it open and she says it feels like the body has had all its fluids drained from it, which is exactly the kind of knowledge i think is attractive in a woman to possess
at this point, i made a note that as far as evils go, i certainly could believe man eating bugs. bigfoot, as they note in the episode, seems far-fetched for this case, but if i woke up tomorrow and checked the news and saw that a new bug was eating people in washington i'd be like damn, hope my mutuals there are okay. but would i have trouble believing it? ABSOLUTELY not.
the environmentalist they rescued seems to think that the bugs are coming from the old growth trees, which i found to be a very compelling argument from the show to Leave the Damn Trees Alone. logging rates must have crumbled after this hit the airwaves.
and he reveals that the bugs HATE the light, so now fuel preservation is very important. the old logger guy runs away and gets eaten and tbh i wasn't that sad sorry.
scully gets some of the bugs from a core sample of the old-growth tree and starts talking about what she learned in biology courses about them. i am very much in support of bug facts with scully and would attend many hours of this lecture.
they find an old radio but it's broken :( but mulder fixes it! which tells us he knows how to fix things. what a Rugged Manly Man.
the environmentalist takes the last of the fuel to go and rescue his friends and mulder stops him at gunpoint but ultimately lets him go. now they have like, no fuel!!!! and the others- scully included- are pissed! if it gets dark they will die because the bugs will eat them which is a lousy way to go! they argue for a bit and then realize they should patch up any sort of holes in the walls to prevent bugs getting in. scully is justified in her anger, i would say.
(actually thought this was a great detail. mulder is so trusting. he genuinely believes that people can be good, or rehabilitated if they aren't. he trusts the deepthroat figure and is deeply hurt when he tries to lead them down the wrong path. and when that one guy who vowed to kill him was on the loose, he still wanted to take him alive. he seems to fully believe that people can be good, even at the expense of his own safety)
i sat back to watch the next scene and things got very intense VERY FAST. the bugs start getting into the cabin despite their best preparation and scully freaks the fuck out. she's panicking, swatting her arms, backed up against the wall, screaming "mulder, get them off of me" and he holds her while he tries to explain that they're okay, the bugs won't swarm while they're in the light.
this, to me, was excellent. exactly the level of angst/comfort i can hope for when i click play on an episode. i love to see our normally stoic characters lose their minds, and i think this is the wildest we have ever seen her (with a close second being the time she told the psychic that if he hurt mulder she would kill him herself) and i loved that she asked mulder to get them off of her, seeming so desperate to believe that was a thing he was capable of doing. she trusts him so entirely.
so after that they sit on the bed next to each other with their shoulders touch. which is fine! i'm fine. toooootally fine. and she explains to him how the bugs are like fireflies in their biological processes. more bug facts with scully.
mulder says again that he hasn't given up hope that their environmentalist will return to come and get them, once again reiterating that he is deeply trusting and in many ways a sad puppy dog
in the day they make a break for it and they find the old logger guy having been eaten and left in a cocoon and ohh my skin was CRAWLLLLLING.
but the environmentalist comes back!! mulder's faith in humanity was well-placed!!! he tells them to get in the jeep NOW.
just when we think everything is in the clear the environmentalist hits one of the spikes he set to pop the logger's tires and NOOOO. THEY'RE IN THE DARK... NOOOOOOO THE BUGS ARE GETTING IN. NAURRRRR. I WAS SHOCKED. THE BUGS COCOON'ED THEM. IT WAS HORRIFIC.
but the people mulder had called for help with the fixed radio came and got them shortly after. they took their cocooned bodies and brought them to a quarantine. and somehow they had not yet had all their fluids drained.
we see mulder come out with an oxygen tank attached and horrific burns/rashes and i wrote "dude the bugs Fucked them up". scully and the forest agent are still out. he asks the doctor if scully will be okay; he says she's not out of the woods yet (poorly timed pun) and lost a ton of fluid. for once, she cannot do the doctoring.
(and this is where my heart shattered and dropped onto the cold floor) mulder says, "i told her it would be a nice trip to the forest"
oh, mulder, who is driven to the brink by the need to keep everyone around him Safe at all times, led them straight into this scenario. and now her unconscious body laying on that bed while the doctor does everything he can to try and get her back to life is going to haunt him forever, just like every other person he couldn't protect from the world.
the doctor says that the government WILL succeed in eradicating the bug species through controlled burns and pesticides. when mulder says what if that actually doesn't cut it, he says it'll have to. and thus ends the episode.
i was at the edge of my seat throughout this, and did not think it was going to get as dark as it did, but it certainly did! i feel like they will need a few weeks to recover but i've gotten use to this show just. putting them back in the office after a near death situation. so i doubt the long term bug trauma will be addressed here. however, i bet that it will make any future visits to the doctor by our three survivors very uncomfortable.
"any changes to your medical history?" "i was eaten by ancient bugs that drained my fluids and wrapped me in a cocoon so i'm not sure if that will have any long term effects" "...okay"
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endversewinchester · 4 months
Final thoughts on "Shadow and Bone"
Again, what a gorgeously complex universe did Leigh build here. I'm done with the first book and thinking of how impossible it is to judge Genya for being happy about the Darkling taking over for the king after a lifetime of abuse, and of how that is exactly the level of loyalty Sasha was aiming to build here from her when he gifted her to the queen.
But there's yet another layer to that situation. If you know me you know I believe the darkling too was abused by the royals ever since the show (thanks to Ben's superb acting), and the book only cemented that for me. He probably reasons it as collateral damage for the greater good, and that is terrible and sad all combined.
So no, I don't judge Genya. And I do think she genuinely liked Alina as a friend, which is why she had conflicting feelings that night in the tent, before Alina was taken into the fold against her will to kill thousands. It was also really meaningful that she forgave David for what he did.
And then we also need to think about the ending, and how many times Alina repeats that the Darkling's eyes are hollow, empty, just like his mother's. I think he genuinely loved Alina, but just the same he doesn't remember what that looks like after who knows how many lifetimes of battling opression. You can see he longs for it. It even took over him enough to make him kiss Alina, and he was spooked by his own actions afterwards.
Still, love did not protect Grisha. It did not keep him safe, did not stop him from having to bow to god knows how many kings and do their bidding. So he trades Alina's love for the slaughter he believes is rightful and ugh I cannot with them. Darklina makes me so sad but I love them so much. What a heartbreaking storyline!
We also need to talk about Alina leaving an entire boat of people to die. She doesn't in the show, and I'm still not sure how I feel about it here tbh.
What I do know is Leigh was drawing a parallel between her and the darkling, because while she (rightfully) thinks he is a horrible person for killing an entire village moments earlier, she had no problem in killing a boat full of equally innocent people for her own goals when they didn't obey her either. It is yet another layer on a book full of them and I cannot wait to see what's next.
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jlf23tumble · 2 years
Fic Rec Anon - The best fics are deleted?!? No…
Canon, AU, Older or Newer, No ABO, No Mpreg.
Allstars? As in greatest of the greats? Yes please.
I loved Balm that you rec’d and that recent Oli fic. Of Mates and Men too.
Yeah, some of the very best authors have opted to delete, and rightfully so--fanfic is a gift, and if people are gonna be assholes, well, then no gifts! And I fully support any author who makes that move. I tend to download my faves so I can read them later, it just means that when I go look for a bookmark, it's sad to see the whole "this fic was deleted" (paraphrasing) notification..thank god I jot down author and fic name! Anyway, I digress, you have an ask, and I have a rather lengthy answer that I'll put under the cut:
So yeah, I use collections for bookmarks, and two of them are all-stars, the greatest of the great, so this was a relatively easy ask to answer, thanks to past me. The trick was editing back: each collection has close to 100 faves, so I decided to go with a theme. Welcome to the 21 club, I'm going to give you 21 all-star AUs and 21 all-star canons! To cheat, I went with different authors in both categories, and I picked authors whose work I love across the board, so do yourself a favor and go check out everything else they wrote, too--tbh, these were some REALLY hard choices to make!!
Self-cest, @jaerie, 2k. Is as it says!
Us, Me, We, @homosociallyyours, 2.3k. More self-cest!
No Control, thegirlwthekittentattoo, 2.6k. The bra's name is Christi, with an i!
she makes you want her love, enbyharry/ @non-binharry, 2.7k. BLs can't take this top!harry!
Feel my breath upon your thighs, cuckootrooke/ @larrydoinglaundry, 3k. This happened!
Want It Tonight, @lovingstheantidote, 3.4k. Teach me!
like craters in the moon, orphan_account, 3.9k. Dimple kink!
She Feels so Good, zedi, 4k. Late Late Show antics!
Fertile Ground, blaaake, 4.4k. If you've read Balm, come on!
mon petit, little one, publunchesownmyass, 5.6k. That sweater!
Google Says Cut That Out, littlemousling, 6k. Baby bdsm!
You Don't Need Me to Show the Way, loadedgunn, 6.5k. Tourbus shenanigans!
Only Thing That Can Quench My Thirst, eyesofshinigami, 6.5k. My beloved pubes fic!
One day to believe in you, mediaville, 7.7k. To tell the truth!
no one's gonna know, @jishlerfics, 9k. Oh, they'll know!
give you my fever, beautlouis, 10k. A literal virgin!
Temporary Tattoos, Hotel Hearts, Horizon Homes, teumessian, 17k. The only time travel fic I love!
The bootyverse is expanding series, yeah_alright/ @uhoh-but-yeah-alright, 21k. Every story, a GEM!
yeah, he's a looker, @thedevilinmybrain, 40k. Oli's sex-related errands!
Time Passed, coffinofachimera, 66k. A heart-clencher!
It's About Time, @kingsofeverything, 3.5k. Older and clueless!
With Just One Look, @littleroverlouis, 4k. Vampire Louis!
sensitive to pressure, momentofclarity/ @gaycousinlarry, 4.4k. I want moreeeeeeeee sweat kink!
this is my jam, @disgruntledkittenface, 4.5k. '90s bath house!
Copy of a…, nonsensedarling/ @absoloutenonsense, 5.5k. Return of the clone-a-willy!
Make Me Feel, @bananaheathen, 10k. Can u believe this was mid-omam!
Tuxedo Dress-Up, blaaake, 11k. Hands down, my very fave!
into another (another) serotonin overflow, mercutionotromeo, 11k. So much goin' on!
A Slow and Steady Rush, godots, 11k. The title matches the vibes!
it ain't trickin' if ya got it, sarcasticfluentry, 10k. UNPARALLELED smut writer!
Thought the Song Was Sung, 100percentsassy, 12k. The banter!
Alien Roadtrip!, @helloamhere, 16k. Is as it says!
Ever Since I Tried Your Way, flowercrownfemme, 25k. 1940s dreaminess!
Take Our Bodies Higher, @littlelouishiccups, 26k. Phone sex operator Harry!
Buried Like Treasure, QuickedWeen/ @becomeawendybird, 40k. This heist, plus some Marcel!
hush., wankerville, 41k. The SWOON of this story, holy shit, it's cinematic.
Tied Down, HamPalpert, 48k. This absolutely SHOULD be a movie!
Harry Styles Cooks…, sunsetmog, 61k. A wip that'll never finish, but who cares, god tier as is!
Not That Gone series, abrighteryellow/ @a-brighter-yellow, 66k. High school reunion results!
Turning Page, purpledaisy, 67k. Another movie I wanna see!
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weltato · 2 years
I'm watching the most recent US Ghosts episode (2x14 Trevor's Body) and I need to write down all of the points that make me go either "oh!" or "oh?" or "holy shit" etc. Warning for excessive use of caps lock bc I got excited and tbh this is mostly just my thoughts as I'm watching. Fangirl mode: engaged.
First thing's first: Trevor's body has indeed been found! Of course he gets fished up XD
And the ant club, the ant club is back! They have Pete as a new member, oh my gosh I didn't know I needed to see Pete & Thor friendship so much
Alberta said Yiddish words and I'm so proud of her, look how happy she looks and Sass is so resigned we love him
(side note: I'm not Jewish so I've no idea what she said but I'm guessing it's something akin to "parents" or the like, someone pls teach me)
He's about to get smacked I swear
He even tried to stop them getting together in the first place, man is so bitter, Nigel just talk to him and explain pls
Oh no his parents are divorced oh Trevor no I'm so sorry, look at him he looks so broken HETTY THIS MAN NEEDS A HUG ASAP
"Peter, as our resident cuckold-" 😂 Thanks Hetty
FLOWERRRRR Flower bestie, the one time we wanted you lucid
oh no sad Trev again, aw he looks so upset bless him
oh my gosh, Jay is just sat there reading 🤣 iconic does he do this every time they're all plotting together?
aw noooo, Trev it wasn't you, it wasn't your death that did it (probably hopefully maybe) they might have had problems before who knows?? just have Sam ask them
my goodness Jay is so invested, look at him being a good husband and friend, he just accepted the parent trap idea
and of course Thor takes "trap" literally XD
Lenny and Esther, amazing names (I actually really like the name Esther this makes me so happy)
Oh no... This is the look of a man who knows he done goofed
Tumblr media
Nigel....what did you do?? Answer me honestly, what happened??
Isaac has enough self-confidence issues as it is DO NOT COMPOUND THINGS!!
a respite doesn't cut it buddy, Isaac is hurt now, you have hurt him, how dare you, you're gonna have Hetty and Thor coming for you mate
damn it Jenkins!!
oh my gosh it's Nancy! the cholera ghosts are getting a shoe in the door, good for them!
"Isaac is now second most famous cuckold in the house" you didn't have to kill him again Thor
oh Alberta, no. as much as I know you're wanting to help Isaac that is not going to help
please don't suggest he goes for Jenkins this will stir up more problems
omgosh Thor you beauty
but a Puritan? really? at another household? oof, that's gonna be heavy
THANK. YOU. SASSAPIS! clever boy
and Isaac asks about the Puritan anyway 🤣 of course he does
and now we're back to Trevor- IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT I PROMISE T^T
"we're going to hell" don't tell Hetty, she can make you go down on 'em
and of course Albert and Flower watched XD that tracks with them so well
Sass being the good guy until Hetty appeared....yeah, sure pal, sure
and Hetty found it "educational" uh huh, yeah, sure thing Hetty, you keep telling yourself that
Trev looks rightfully disgusted
shouting through windows, lovely ngl I find this so awkward
yes Isaac I'm just as uncomfortable as you are buddy
Trevor 1968-2000 he's 40! he doesn't look it honestly
aww, that's actually a sweet little memorial
yay! Isaac is forgiving Nigel! yay!!
Jenkins is in fact a son of a bitch, well said Isaac It's all your fault, Jafar Jenkins
ohmygosh moving in? moving in? yes?
yes you are baby stepping Nigel but Isaac needs this let him have it
told you Trev, told you, not your fault - DAMN IT LENNY WHILE THEY WERE IN SCHOOL?? DO YOU HAVE NO SHAME SIR?
someone give Trevor a hug or so help me I will scream
thank you Alberta TvT lowkey wanted Hetty but you work too, that's so sweet
yeah, you guys ARE #couplegoals you totally are, you're so sweet, the only people that I can say are also goals are Alison and Mike
(who wants another crossover episode?)
oh so is Thor 35 then? good to know
yep, the ghosts are children confirmed
and of course we end with Trevor trying to kill Tara Reid
Ok so that was a trip and a half, I'm excited for next episode now.
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aita-blorbos · 10 months
AITA for destroying an entire world.
I was born in a family of over 10 pair of twins and I lost my twin when I was very young. We were living in a terrible environnement where we could die or get killed for being deemed as incompentent failures and we were send off a battle field at a young age. On top of that, my other half siblings were often ploting against one another and killing their own twins. I had to deal all alone with all of this. One day, I met one of my half brothers. It was a shy kid who happen to look exactly like me. We quickly became the best friends ever and he became the one person who could replace the void left by losing my twin. But he soon died on the battlefield and he begged me to replace him so that his older sister wouldn't feel sad. And I accepted to change place, partly because I wanted to live to honnor his memory. I think I should have been the one dying in his stead since I had no one, no meaning to my existence. But for him, I did it anyway. I ended up becoming attached to my half sister, to the point of feeling as if were twins, like I did with my brother. But I couldn't help but feel guilty, as if I were stealing what's rightfully his, what doesn't belong to me, as if the love I received from her was just deceit. This feeling eventually extended to my friends, were I felt like they didn't belonged to me, but to my brother. That I was just an impostor. But my father, the man who would send us on the battlefield promised me to make me his heir. At that time I didn't realized he put a spell on my chest to control me. I so needed to feel validated and felt so haunted by the guilt and feeling as though I had to grant and live in my brother's stead that I became an easy puppet and ended up doing something horrible. I took advantage of the fact that one of my most precious friend entrusted me with a secret to set a plot to bring my father back when my friend successfully defeated him, destroying the world that my friend died to save. I also killed and revived some of our previous allies and leaded to the death of one of my knights. I hurted my sister by betraying her when I was the only one she used to trust and even tried to kill her and someone who ressembled that friends and came here to save this world. My sister sacrificed herself to break the spell I was under. I lost the only thing that actually mattered, wished to protect. I was so enraged at myself that I refused to let anyone take the blame for my actions and I spend 1000 waiting for her to wake up, offering my life energy in exchange. That would mean I would have lost some of my life span as well but it didn't mattered. I waited alone, hoping she would wake up and that I wouldn't be alone anymore, ever again. Eventually, she did. And she forgave me. And after that we came to join our friend who invited us to arrive, as we promised. And ever since, I did everything I could to atone and make up for my sins. I still live with the guilt however, and I know i don't deserve forgiveness which leads me to be cold to other and make them believe I didn't changed. However, talking to certain people made me being more open to my sweeter side but I still feel largely underserving of their kindness and friendship. But I really want to atone for what I did. I would even die if that means paying for what I did and tbh I do deserves to die.
So... ? What do you think ?... That's useless, I already know that I am just an irrdeemable monster who doommed an entire world
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nightmarist · 10 months
now that i actually have a minute let me go on a (positive) tangent about how much I Loved the epilogue party.
I love that its so sweet and silly for Grandpa Withers to throw us a reunion party. I did a version letting Karlach die, and a version where we went to Avernus. In the death version, he asks us several questions about us and how we're doing, about her absence, and how much we miss her, and even makes a Joke in order to help us feel better. It was genuinely the sweetest thing for the bag of bones.
I howled and wanted to throw something in pure joy when Halsin gave us a whittled duck. I WANT that duck. I want to paint it. It's so sweet he gets to have fun with the kids under his ward and his version of balance isn't pure nature, it's the challenge of nature and civilization working together.
My Shadowheart got her parents back and I just love that she decided to live on a little abandoned cottage with them, making apple cider. Getting a letter for her from Nocturne was lovely, I hope they could be friends again someday.
I LOVED that Wyll decided to be a ranger. I think that suits him so well. I want to do a new run with him as a ranger - I don't think I've ever played one, even in DnD so I don't know how they work, all I know is they get animal companions and "favored enemies" which I think suits his folk hero and adventuring background well. I also just think its the cutest thing he was SO excuted to share his stories and adventures with us, he gives you the Biggest, Wettest Puppy Eyes known to Faerun and asks "Please?" if he could tell you a story. I thought I was going to die.
In my Astarion Romance Ending, and sadly Karlach dies, I initially chose I wanted to help him find a way to walk in the sun again (and tbh I guess it depends on your DM but Wish or True Resurrection could possibly do the trick to cure vampirism, but "cure vampirism" and "stand in the sun without dying" are two different asks, Wish might be able to fix the former if some enchantment or enchanted item doesn't). Anyway, it was interesting to see him a little excited if not desperate to want to look for a potential aid. In the Avernus ending I loved that he accepted the shadows and darkness as part of himself, it was a nice juxtaposition without necessarily making it "bad" for the player and him to want to help him walk in the sun again. It was rather bittersweet to see him in an ended romance but still call you pet names.
My Gale became Dekarios the Divine, the Galerian God of Ambition. I tried to find a way to prevent it but it seems te only way (I think, anyway) is to prevent him from acquiring the Book about Karsus. Every permutation led him to becoming a God, and it was so cold. I LOVED this ending, as much as I hated what Gale became. It really turned the dial up on his hubris and ego. He hadn't bothered to even visit his mother, and Tara (rightfully) scolded us, and asked us to visit his mother to "hold on to" the old Gale. It was really sad. As a Warlock, and my Tav being Ambitious (and would have encouraged Astarion to Ascend if it were not for a bug preventing the ritual) he asked Gale if he could potentially be patron / find a better patron. Gale said it would take a few millennia for Ao to allow such direct contact. And it was Alarming to hear (and fascinating) that he has worshipers primarily located in Thay.
I have NOT seen Gale's alternate endings yet, I'll be doing more playthroughs as soon as I figure out who tf I want to play next.
My Lae'zel became the new diplomat betweeh the two Gith clans, to unite the sky. I was obsessed with I saw the opprtunity to give her that. When it came up as an option after orpheus (whom I convinced not to die after he became an Illithid), i wanted to give that woman Everything. So I encouraged her to take up the sword and Orpheus' offer and I felt SO PROUD when she called his dragon(s) and stood on one's back like she'd been admiring since Day Fucking One. SO. PROUD.
I saw two separate letters from Dammon depending n Karlach's alive-or-dead status. He sends his condolences to us if she died and blames himself for not trying harder, dedicating his life to working with Infernal Iron. If he's alive, he asks s to ask Karlach to write to him, its very simple but I think it's so sweet. She's just so fun and happy, and relays to us that there may be a way to fix her engine with blueprints she's found the location of, which sounds so hopeful without actually giving us a "canon" (similar to astarion's "maybe there's a way to walk in the sun" - i prefer the ambiguity than total fix-its). The hope feels better than the confirmation, tbh.
It was also interesting, i think, that with the a non-karlach romance there's the addition of after I help Karlach with her engine in the aforementioned fixing plot she's found, I could potentially return to Astarion's side so it's a lot less dreary feeling like we're both permanently trapped in the Hells and instead the hopeful promise of a future where Karlach can return to the surface alive and forever well, and we can return to our loved ones.
This directly connected to one of the new Raphael epilogues - I LOVED how threatening Raphael was with it. On one hand, Asmodeus would tear him to shreds if he tried to overtake the Hells even with the crown, that I feel is inevitable. But either Gale as his Ambitious Patron of sorts, or perhaps as a distraction (remember: even gods can die) tearing apart the pantheons, he could very well take advantage of that to overtake Asmodeus, I think. It seems even more on par with his style of planning, he seems very min-maxed when it comes to working towards a goal - the less he has to do himself, the better.
YOU CAN HUG THEM. I talked to Halsin first and I screamed when "you look like you need a hug" came up. My god. I went to shadowheart after and saw you could hug her, too, and I wasn't expecting it, I genuinely just thought it'd be a Halsin thing only bc he just seems like the obvious "gives good (bear) hugs" choice. Oh my god you can hug your party members. I lost my fucking mind.
Also, Milil..... very nice little lore, I loved how excited he got when we passed our check if we knew who he was. The floating instruments around him was a lovely little touch.
Getting letters and newspaper clippings from all our saved comrades was incredible. I Liked everyone's letters yes but i was MOST excited and happy to hear from our tieflings after they've been through Literal Hell and back. Rolan got an interview, Lakrissa bought Alfira a house and dedicated a plaque to us for their music school, Bex and Danis opened a bakery together. The tieflings collectively built a whole new district for themselves in Baldur's Gate. It'd be excellent for comradery - that they can share with one another as a tiefling community, weave a rich tapestry of tiefling culture, to have people to be safe around, and people who know what its like whether theyre from Elturel or not.
ZEVLOR MY BELOVED. I was so happy to hear from him. He said his hands shook the whole time he stayed at the temple "with the other veterans" - other tiefling hellriders - and it was rather bittweserrt, both inspirign an sad to read his hands only stopped shaking when the city shook, and all the Rider paladins restored their oaths by being devoted to preventing Baldur's Gate from becoming the next Elturel. He said "Come see us, when you can" OF COURSE Im going to visit, oh my god. It was just nice to hear he's doing fine and is volunteering at the temple that helped him.
I loved the epilogue so fucking much. It felt really nice.
I like to think that our heroes do it often, maybe annually or just casually see each other on adventures. maybe an occasional "Hey, I'm on a bit of a quest and need the expertise of my favorire [class]" it felt so cozy.
Did Withers put up all those decorations himself. I Love the old bag of bones so much. He just wanted to give us a little party. Let me hug Withers please he deserves it.
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fluffywolverine · 1 year
a bunch of random thoughts on the new TEASER trailer for pjotv (remember folks it's still not a full-on proper trailer) because i don't have any friends to talk to about it :')))
- them using "riptide" as a main theme has absolutely no sense, but we all love it <333 also this makes me emotional
- "am i a troubled kid? yeah, you could say that" i'm not crying, you are
- the letters mixing made me remember the movie helpppp
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- this is a pen. this is a pen! (i hate the movie as any self-respecting fan, but we all know this is an iconic line)
- ms dodds looks surprisingly good! maybe it's just the fact it's so short, but the cgi looks really decent, especially knowing the usual disney cgi quality
- sally jackson our queen, long may she reign <333
- ZEUS HSDAHDGASD every time i see him, it hurts, rip lance :(
- i'm not convinced by how olympus looks tbh, i'm willing to change my opinion when i see it fully though!
- there is this tiny little cameo of luke when they run to capture the flag, but IT'S NOT ENOUGH GIVE ME LUKE AT LAST
- "grover why is there half a goat in your pants?!" "...so the important thing is not to panic" ICONIC
- ummm are cabins mixed?? like not in the order from the books?? interesting
- chiron was white in the books, but i never liked it anyway, so i kinda like they changed him to black
- CLARISSE. not a fan of her, but she looks dope as hell. i might stan her in the show. also when she goes after percy, she goes to KILL
- annabeth in her camp half-blood t-shit my beloved <333 also there wasn't enough annabeth in this trailer, i need more
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- what is that though? i'm like 90% sure it's hades welcoming them in his throne room - this looks a little bit like olympus as it is stated in tlt that hades' palace looks like he modeled it after olympus + there is this big throne, and a smaller one next to it, most likely for persephone. the person greeting the trio looks kinda like jay duplass (the actor for hades) too, but why does he seem so happy to see them?? weird
- the scenes with statues are 10000% in medusa's garden, but why does it look so dark and grim?
- THE LOTUS CASINO ARE YOU READY TO LOOK FOR A BOY WITH BLACK HAIR. also, again, hate the movies, but poker face made history and i'm a little sad they probably won't use it. a different song from lady gaga perhpas?
- edge looks SO GOOD as ares and i'm so excited to see him in this role!
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- i was thinking what scene it might be, and figured it's probably in the tunnel of love. i suspect the statue is aphrodite and since she is holding a shield with a hog's head on it i assume it belongs to ares + there are painting on the walls we see in one of the next scenes
- annabeth hugging percy makes me too emotional help
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- that's the scene i mentioned above. they are most certainly jumping out of the boat in the tunnel
- i'm veeery excited to see the st louis arch scenes, they look promising in this and the previous teaser!
- i might cry during the minotaur scene. a lot. :)
every snippet we get, i get more and more excited, damn. what i fear is that these dumb assholes in d*sney won't agree to pay the writers and actors what they rightfully deserve, which will result in a total lack of promotion from the cast. i need that! the main actors do too! i want to see them happy, proud and excited to share with us what they worked so hard on! so, folks, remember to support WGA and SAG-AFTRA strike!
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retrorealityrecap · 8 months
Jersey Shore S1
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Episode 5: "Just Another Day At The Shore"
So, it's the aftermath of Snooki getting punched. The guy is RIGHTFULLY arrested - the girls pick Snooki up and get her together.
What's interesting is everyone is rallying around her except Mike - he's creeping, and everyone has noticed.
They're less than pleased.
Ronnie blames Mike for the punch because he was buying the jackasses shots - I'm kinda torn about that. He's the most disgusted by Mike by a long mile...I don't know if it's really all about Snooki.
After all, this is his former rival...
So, morning comes and Ronnie's parents are here. Sammie keeps them waiting for at least 30 mins but she wants to make a good impression - make it make sense.
Ron actually says his mom is being rude for pointing out that Sam is keeping them waiting. The way he talks to her is so crazy tbh...just very rude for no reason.
This is the 4th girl to meet his family and he's like 23?? That seems crazy to me but that might just be me 😂
This is the real start of Snooki and JWoww, she takes out recovering patient out for some drinks and they have a blast. I love these two and will likely cover their spin off as well so just know I'm biased.
The girls have a bit of a spa day after this which is also pretty cute tbh.
I love the Sunday Family dinners too, I am a total sucker for that kinda stuff. What I don't like is how upset Mike is about the girls not helping even though the guys are helping him.
Weird control shit.
Mike starts just calling up all the girls numbers he knows, phishing to see which one is willing to be his date for the night. Seems kinda sad to me, why are you always looking for girls??
It's cringe.
Seeing the think eyebrows is such a throwback though 😂
I just noticed that Snooki is wearing blue contacts which is also such a throwback to that era.
Mike's date stands him up which is so necessary for his ridiculous ego.
Tommy sends JWoww a bouquet of blue roses and I have to agree with the boys - he's simping hard. You're rewarding her for cheating.
We finally get to see Pauly do his thing, DJing at Karma and idk if he's good or what but I mean - he's still going so must be good enough.
Of course, Ron and Sam leave early without telling anyone.
21 year old Vinny hitting on an older woman. Like definitely at least 26/27?? And on their way home, he realizes he's just sniped Danny's girl. That doesn't stop him from making out with her though.
Notable Moments:
• The boys walking around Seaside looking to fight and Vinny kicks a store shutter.
• JWoww punching the girl in the club who called Snooki fat.
Notable Quotes:
•"You tackled her like a monkey." -Snooki.
•"I'd send a picture of my dick and bubblegum and say suck on this." - Ron.
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jennibeultimate · 2 years
Personal recap Skate Canada 2022 - Men FS
I didn't write a personal recap for the SP because tbh I just watched a few skaters and looking at the protocol of the SP I didn't want to watch much more 😅 what a horrible men SP...ofc Shoma was still great and Kao Miura well done and deserved 1st place after the SP!
Now let's go to the Men FS in starting order:
Stephen Gogolev - he is the typical hyped junior skater who just has a rough time in seniors, too much hype, too much pressure, too much difficulty at a very young age imo. I think with better pacing he could have had a smoother start in seniors. Anyway a very good skate from Gogolev! Just like in juniors I think he lacks artistry, he still skates quite juniorish.
Aleksandr Selevko - quite the opposite from Gogolev. Jumps that worked smoothly landed and with wonderful body language and skating flow. But he lacks the difficulty to really make up for the bad SP. It wasn't error free either. I do like his skating style a lot! ❤️
Jimmy Ma - I wish we would have seen more of what he showed the last 30 seconds in his choreo sequence. I usually think Jimmy's programs are unique and interesting but this one is quite bland except for the ending seconds. Not that bad of a skate but without interesting programs you can see that he lacks flow and that his basic skating is not that strong.
Lukas Britschgi - I like the concept and music cut of the program. Good choreographic elements throughout. Not perfectly skated but well enough keeping that SP score in mind.
Deniss Vasiljews - I love his skating. ❤️ A classical piece like Dvorak suits him very well. Wonderful spins, wonderful choreography just none of that helps if the jumps don't work at all. The already low TES plummeted rightfully tbh...sad to say but the last place would have been fair too. 😥 So sad to see him be so down 😭😭😭
Conrad Orzel - weird landings all over the place, not sure what to think of this program...he is rather slow and not very expressive, he only came a bit more alive in the step sequence...
Camden Pulkinen - I always rooted for him since juniors. Such beautiful skating. It was a typical Camden like program, some stuff worked, some not at all. I still think he can be quite happy with his performance despite the mistake. Good fight! ❤️
Keegan Messing - if you see Keegan you just get a smile on your face, always such positive mood around him. 🥰 This program is such an amazing fit! How did he save that first 3A? 😲 Not perfect but boy this was a great skate! ❤️
Matteo Rizzo - Great skate! Program fits him well! I have never seen his 4Lo be so good. It was a close call between Keegan and Matteo, both very similar level of skates of the day, both good PCS skaters too. I dunno who I would have placed where tbh
SHOMA ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ Baroque king! 👑
Shoma Uno - Love love love this program! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ Love love love his skating! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ Love love love the costume! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️League of his own! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ Not getting irritated by the less than perfect landings in the first two jumps, who cares for that last 4T going awry. We don't need perfect Shoma now...the K&C was cute...the girl screaming his name 🥰🥰🥰 (btw I do think it was ok for his TES to drop just not sure that much is ok, but anyway...let's wait and see the protocol) Congrats to your first GP victory! 🥇
Kao Miura - what was up with him having to adjust his boots in the warmup? So glad he managed well afterwards. I said before I cannot really judge Beauty and the Biest programs as I love the musical very much, but I do think with each performance Kao gets more into character. He took out the 4Lo. That 4S fall looked really hard. I really admire how much time he has to spot his landing in the jumps. Great talent! Totally lived up to the expectations from Skate America! Bravo👏👏👏👏And again an 8 point gap to the winner! 😅 Congrats on 2nd place! 🎉🥈 Welcome to the GPF! 🎉🎉🎉
This was a pleasantly good free skate from most men! Let's not forget it's still quite early in the season!
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mariahcarreyyy · 8 months
pls forgive me for ranting on your tl but i’m wondering if anyone on here could help me place a few f1 dots together bc i truly am so new to the community that im not sure if i have some missing pieces or something:
i’m actually so devastated for carlos?? idk it feels like a lot of ppl don’t like him (there could be very valid reasons but im absolutely clueless as of rn bc i haven’t seen anything) but like? he gave so much to ferrari and they don’t give a fuck? but at the same time i’m not mad at lewis either bc i feel like something truly truly soul-crushing had to happen for him to want to leave merc.
i also always felt like that moment where charles & lewis posted that pic where they both got disqualified was a pre-curser to something bigger. although it’ll be a weird fight for 1st driver between LH44 & CL16, i think there’s so much mutual respect between the both of them that they will find a way to work. lewis seems like a driver who could POSSIBLY acknowledge that it’s time for new drivers to get more spotlight, and maybe make some more way for charles to shine (and i think fred also wouldn’t have signed LH w/o keeping this in mind
i hope carlos still has a seat in 2025, i think he has a lot to offer still, and i can’t bare to not see/think ab carlando on the grid every race
crying screaming at the fact that i got some very rare ferrari cs55 merch it literally feels like a vintage item now jesus christ
i have more thoughts but let me shut the fuck up for now 😭
— ❄️❄️
hmmm i mean me personally i dont hate or love carlos, he's just there most of the time LMFAO but i feel SO FUCKING BAD like esp his story on insta while ferrari didnt even talk about him?????? sobbing.
okay now THATS where i disagree HAHAHAHA🙈 lewis wants nothing more than his eighth, and rightfully so. charles wants nothing more than to a be a world champion at ferrari, and again, rightfully so. But at the end of the day, only ONE of them will be able to win races. its a selfish sport yk, and you cant really blame them for that. Just look at nico and lewis, both extremely talented drivers who had a lot of respect & love between them and still, the pressure of racing got to them.
im not saying that charles and lewis will end up like brocedes, but i also dont think that they can manage both being no.1 drivers. And, i also dont think that either one of them would settle for being no.2.
i dont think they'll bring in someone new to the sport so im pretty sure carlos will stay on the grid. Honestly, the best case scenerio: lewis to ferrari, the open merc seat goes to fernando, the open aston seat goes to yuki, and then the open alpha tauri (i am choosing not to believe its rebrand is real) seat can go to liam lawson, cus tbh he deserves it way more than 1/2 the drivers on the grid. ALSO i think the best decision redbull could make, now, is kicking checo tf out and replacing him with sainz. I js think sainz would be a PERFECT teammate to max and a good no.2 driver, and then he'll probably go to audi in 2026
THE MERCH😭😭😭 dont ever call that vintage again i will cry. i keep seeing sad charlos edits on my fyp and it makes me wanna puke
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tkblythofficial · 8 months
news from twitter: there's public fighting between supporters of R + J and not, led by some courageous individuals who hate J and also happen to ship Zeglyth lmao. It's interesting because I've been following these accounts for a while and it's been some time since there was chaos to this level. I even saw someone going "you don't even care about R, you just want her to get with T". Drama, and someone poured fuel on the fire by posting those screenshots of T defending R lol.
Someone also screenshotted J back in 2021 congratulating R on graduating which is... not a good look no matter how you spin it. i just can't believe that there are R fans who saw that post and the person rightfully going "this is sick" and still defend him? Something about how "it's their relationship and why are you judging", like they wouldn't be up and at arms for smaller things if this was anyone else.
If I were them and so desperate for a R notice that I'm willing to compromise my morals and pander, I would just ignore the post. Pretend it doesn't exist. Very entertaining but also mindboggling to me as to how brave they are in defending that with their whole chest.
Side note: I feel like R might be aware of this going on, since people have been outright quote tweeting on public accounts..wonder if this will affect what she posts for T's birthday, since he got dragged into the conversation.
The same Twitter drama…again? *sigh* that happens every few weeks. I remember seeing it back in Dec and rolling my eyes.
How did that start? Why do R + J even have supporters? They sound delusional every time they defend him.
Wait. I know why it started again. Because R declared her love for T yesterday and her supporters are using J to gain a like or comment from R. Very envious and jealous that mentioning T gets a notice from R now.
What does calling out J have to do with T? Regardless of T, J still met R when she was 17 years old lol. Shipping Zeglyth doesn’t change the facts of that situation.
Someone posted T defending her? LOL R/J supporters always shit their pants when those screenshots go viral
J congratulated R on graduating from hs? Ew. We should judge groomers. Doesn’t matter if R loves him, their relationship is nasty. I will never support them. I don’t care.
I mentioned this before but R’s fans are desperate for her attention. It’s very sad and pathetic the depths they will go to just to get a notice from her. Calling her “my best friend” she’s not your best friend. A proper friend wouldn’t want her with J.
R definitely knows tbh. She’s very active in her fandom and will probably like age gap discourse tweets again to be passive aggressive about it.
I hope R/J supporters don’t ruin Zeglyth for T’s bday! If we don’t get anything from R, it will because of them and I will be pissed.
It’s like J supporters are doing this purpose and trying to drive a wedge between Zeglyth. I hate them.
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writerfae · 9 months
Hi! Hmmm Talon questions...
First, I want to hear a little more about his hawk!
Second, I am actually really curious about Silver lining Talon because Aiden can't really read him that well, and so me as a reader can't either. Like, he seems like he almost feels bad for Aiden (I just really like Silver lining, okay?)
Third, does he find Aiden attractive from the start? Of course he does! (right?)
Also, I might have asked this before but what is the age difference between him and his sister?
Oh those are all great questions once again! Thank you so much for asking ^^
Theres not much to tell about Talon’s pet hawk tbh.
Amon used to be a wild hawk baby that Cyrus brought from a hunt and gifted to Talon.
Talon’s mom wasn’t really thrilled about her husband gifting their little son a wild animal.
And Talon was afraid of Amon at first, too. But since he was a gift from his father and Talon was always someone who liked a challenge and is very stubborn, he decided to train him.
Every day he went to the hawk and tried to bond with and train him. And over time he succeeded. He won the hawk’s respect, you could say and the two actually grew close.
Talon liked to go spend time with Amon, talk/vent to him and go to the woods with him. Especially later when Sera leaves.
As Talon grows older and so does his hawk he starts thinking about how Amon is a wild animal that needs and deserves his freedom (projecting much?). So one day, he lets Amon go.
He takes Amon to the woods and sets him free. He’s sad about it, but he knows it’s the right thing to do.
However, Amon is just about as attached to Talon, so the same night already, he came back, sitting by Talon’s bedroom window. And though Amon is outside more than anything, he still comes to visit and chill with Talon ever since.
Silver lining Talon is especially one thing: angry about his father forcing him to marry. He doesn’t want to marry, especially not someone he doesn’t know.
She he’s kinda pissed. Rightfully so.
The reason Aiden (and with him the reader) can’t read Talon is because he is distancing himself from him. He’s doing what he does best, keeping his guard up.
He is uncomfortable with the situation. And he is sure that so is Aiden and that’s why you are right, he does feel sorry for him. But he’s still pretty denying of Aiden.
Aiden thinks it is cause Talon doesn’t like him. But that’s not true. He doesn’t like having to marry him.
And he’s pretty distant, seemingly even uninterested in Aiden, which is mainly because Talon has promised himself not to let that person his father chose for him get too close to him (can’t have his dad winning) It is almost a bit childish.
But Talon is so against his arranged marriage (and arranged marriage in general) that when he starts developing feelings for Aiden despite his best efforts (who can resist him anyway) he’s fighting it a bit.
He has this inner conflict going on with not wanting to fall in love with Aiden (kind of stupid, I know, it’s a bit of a way of rebellion from Talon to resist Aiden but he failed that attempt).
But that’s not the only thing he’ll worry about, in his mind he’s also like “well no one like that could like me for me so he must feel pressured to be nice/flirty when interacting with me”.
All this won’t stop him from slowly warming up to Aiden. While he’s still acting like he doesn’t care, he still tries to make Aiden indirectly feel comfortable by letting servants bring him stuff he likes (he’s very attentive) and give him as much freedom as possible.
An important part of the Silver Lining AU is that Talon, quote Aiden, “doesn’t even look at me”. It bugs Aiden, because when he starts to like Talon, Talon still doesn’t seem to care for him.
Aiden is like “he can’t even look at me, he must really hate me”, when in truth it’s not Aiden Talon hates, it’s the arranged marriage.
I like Talon in this au because he has these moments where he’s so soft to Aiden (like carrying him to bed - idk if I shared it but I loved that lil scene) and seems almost shy. I also like how he’s fighting falling for Aiden but miserably fails.
Silver Lining is an au I liked writing very much (not just cause it was my first one), I should try to pick it up again but as of now I failed all my attempts to do so, so I’ll give it more time.
If you should have questions about it though, you know you can always ask me ^^
To answer your third question: Despite not liking him at first, Talon does acknowledge that Aiden is attractive, yes. The thing is, Aiden is totally his type. Not in a million years would Talon admit it, but he’s a kinda attracted to him right from the start.
And lastly, Talon’s and Sera’s age gap is four years, like that of my brother and mine. Sera is about two years younger than Henry.
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theroyalmisfitmess · 1 year
NHIE Farewell Season Reactions
Reactions were all typed real time as I was watching the show.
Ep. 1
- ohhhh they’re awkward
- Ben thinking Devi’s disappointed it’s him
- Ben looks constipated while working out
- loving nalini and devi’s relationship 🥺
- the go-gurt mention reminded me of laura marano and ross lynch (iykyk)
- noooo paxton not fitting in :((((((((((
- can’t take michael cimino seriously rn because of himyf
- where is aneesa tho?? :((
- dr. ryan scenes are the absolute best. i love seeing devi’s growth
- damn i’m loving these character growth moments. paxton not fitting in hits so hard and eleanor not being completely blinded by love is kinda refreshing
Ep. 2
- HSHAJDKDHD pati and nalini going all indian mom is always entertaining
- FINALLY ANEESA IS BACK. girlie i miss you. i hate how they forgot about you.
- KAMALAAAAA (also nawt the teen hamilton auditions 😭)
- “Why tell me he’s white? I can see him!” 😭
- eleanor… pls be single for now it might do you good…
- if i had a dollar every time victoria moroles played a main couple obstacle, id’d have two dollars—which isn’t a lot, but it’s funny (and sad) that it happened twice
- no but honestly, i appreciate how ben is setting boundaries. that’s correct. that’s right.
- YES DEVI STAND USE TO YOURSELF. i miss paxton’s crew lmao
- LMAO PAXTONHDJSKDHSKDHD teacher era let’s good
- ugh no michael cimino in his softness feely again but also pls devi don’t fix your shit with benjamin first
Okay. We’re back from the shackles of uni…
Ep. 3
- devi no… gosh please… fix your thing with ben first
- the line between paxton and devi is so clear now. i love paxton trying out new things.
- ugh i’m not liking thissss 😭
- awww paxton :(( i hope he finds what he wants to do again. i am not liking this super into parties thing
- oh myyyy i kinda get nalini’s concern about the stairs and renovations tbh… when a home is LIVED IN it’s kinda hard to detach. not to mention,, it must remind her of mohan :((
- devi pls stop this.
- OMG NOOO NOT BEN ACTUALLY HAVING THE IDEA 😭 but then again, i see the effort of trying to protect his feelings
- awww eleanor still loves trent (don’t rlly care for them but i loved that looking at the same moon thing)
- words cannot describe how much i love paxton. justice for paxton hall-yoshida.
- UGH why does michael cimino have to be a cutie??? i prefer him as a soft boi tho
Ep. 4
- oooo okay college fair devi you better not mess this up
- ms warner is NOT confident with devi HSHDJDH
- succ-sexy is such a term lmao also wow the turn around from devi’s friends being so bad with advice to rightfully concerning is something i didn’t expect
- paxton and this sub teacher have CHEMISTRY + i feel so bad for him
- okay ethan that was good on you but i still don’t trust him completely
- margot is such a sweetheart i just can’t hate her !!
- OH MY GOSHJFKSJDJD i’m getting feelings ben and devi being supportive friends has my heart UGH
- so i saw the script and devi doesn’t get in right? + FABIOLA’S GONNA GET IN INSTEAD OF DEVI IS SHE?? 😭
Ep. 5
- yes mr shapiro. taylor swift is a great american writer.
- honestly true. fabiola should stop not prioritizing herself
- eleanor having an ego break is kinda hard and disheartening to watch
- oh so this is an ep where they find out that college isn’t what they thought it would be isn’t it :000
- awwww nalini is lonely :(((
- honestly why won’t ben just buy tickets for everyone he’s hella rich LMAOO
- nooo burnout :(( blair is so real so right
- AWWW PAXTON FOR WISDOM SCENE WE LOVE TO SEE (love daxton as friends)
- “Devi you know who you are” ONCE AGAIN. I AM TEAM BEN BECAUSE BEN IS TEAM DEVI.
- ok but the realization that canonically aaron tveit is still in moulin rouge at this point of the story is nice
- awwww nalini kinda finding love again
- devi and ben doing good again has my heart
Ep. 6
- knew it. it was fabiola.
- FINALLY ANEESA IS BACK. also slay she got recruited !!
- so len is cheating on pati???
- paxton is such an older brother now i can’t believe he and devi they dated HDKSJFKDJ
- awww ben and margot are actually good together
- oh i think i spoke too soon
- but the way mcenroe is now narrating ben’s story as in-depth as devi’s means something… yeah i’m gonna be correct. benvi endgame
- noooo fab and devi :(((
- i kinda understand why ben is like this. devi mssed him up fr fr 😭
- paxton talking about his dreams of becoming a scholarship swimmer, devi ruining it, but him still forgiving her :”))
- i am really loving paxton’s wise era !! he may be underutilized but i enjoy every scene he’s in
- okay but aneesa rlly just showing up once in this episode???
- “But do YOU think you’re good enough?” Y E S
- AWWWW SO SHE WANTS TO GO TO PRINCETON BC OF MOHAN 🥺😭 brb crying in the corner
- i could be wrong but the doctor looks like mrs. montez (gabriella’s mom from hsm)
- nalini and devi 🥺
Ep. 7
- no bc paxton as a swim coach is a vibe
- DEVI BE NICER WITH YOUR PHRASES 😭😭😭 but i am loving the daxton friendship so much
- the identity crisis is so bad </3 i’m hoping paxton finds his way
- is paxton gonna end up dating lindsay/ms. thompson? i’m confused bc i read something about this
- “It’s okay if I fail as long as I tried” AWWWWW
- watching paxton be a coach is so endearing !!
- oof the lockeroom scene
- PAXTON IS SUCH AN OLDER BROTHER AT THIS POINT 😭 i promise this isn’t the benvi in me but their dynamic seems so platonic now
- paxton’s mom looks so close to his age 😭
- awwww the closure 🥹 i love closure moments
- PAXTON FEELING THE VIBES HAHDKSHDKD YEAH YOU TELL THEM (i am so gonna be right about benvi endgame)
- i wonder if paxton will go back to college :00
Okay. Will continue watching this tomorrow. I am a tired uni student first.
A night’s sleep, whole day of uni, and stressful cleaning later. WE’RE BACK!
Ep. 8
- oh nice devi is cool with it?!??? the maturity
- “You two are the best relationships I’ve had in high school” 🥺🥺🥺
- i can’t with this aneesa erasure though,, mindy did her so dirty 😭
- also where is manish
- ben x trent subplot 👀👀👀
- ooof eleanor’s mom
- always a kitchen moment
- awwww devi being mature with her reaction about the texts even if it hurts 😭
- what if,, baby is len’s daughter 😭
- BEN????????? WHATS HAPPENING????????
- awww i love this vishwakumar bonding 🥹🫶
- i’d support a narrative about devi and margot just forgetting about ben lmao
Ep. 9
- noooo this is hitting me too hard i was in a devi situation where i only got in one college despite being a decorated overachieving student 😔
- okay everyone find a trent he honestly seems like the best hype man lol
- “David? You okay?” BEN’S DELIVERY IS SO SOFT 🥺😩😭
- awwww devi offering to help ben has my heart 🥺
- devi and nalini’s moments hit homeeee i am emotional
- “I didn’t get into college. I didn’t get into anywhere.” 🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭
- “Bevi, our best student, didn’t get into a single college” THEN BEN’S CONCERNED REACTION MY HEARTTTT
- okay fine maybe i do like trent and eleanor they’re the unhinged couple every sitcom has
- ben asking how paxton went up through her window 😭
- the way my vision is coming to life i love winning i love being a pophet
- “Maybe I was wrong, David” BUT DEVI ENDS UP SLEEPING
- “I thought he was one of your dolls” NALINIHSJSKDHD
Pause. About to do something.
Okay. We’re back…
- Dr. Ryan 🥺
- i love paxton finally knowing what he wants to do
- i’m crying at devi writing her essay about her dad 🥺😭 MY HEARTTTT
Okay. Here we go.
Ep. 10
- AWWWW THE HUGGGG (and aneesa and fab’s reaction 👀)
- LAW FIRM WOW. okay ben i wish i were you.
- yeah end of nemesis era bc start of LOVERS ERA
- wait who was the valedictorian??
- the grad videos felt like the cast not the characters 🥺
- also i love how paxton was there posing with them 🥺🥺🥺
- nalini not being ready to take off the thalli awwww
- devi and her friends trying to look for a common date go hang with her hs friend group is so me and my hs friends when we got to uni 😭
- awwww devi’s friends being at the wedding 🥺
- greeting guests (especially the pretentious family friends and relatives) is truly dreadful
- kamala being the older sister devi never had is something i always love seing
- “I AM SO PROUD OF YOU” *sobs*
- at the start of the series, devi could care less about her heritage but now here she is dancing
- awww paxton 🥺 i really love his character growth
- LI’L D 🥺🥹😭
- benvi endgameeeee
Ended watch on June 09, 2023. 11:54 PM.
Separate overall thoughts soon.
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