#he looks like a grandpa that forgot to put his teeth in
chapel-of-rizztual · 1 year
I can’t stop laughing at this why does he look like that
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teenrickwubbadubdub · 3 months
A writing piece of two of my dear friends. Morty C-137 and Eff- I'm sorry,that name sucks. Em. I'm calling them Em. Here it is.
Effie and Morty ( By Rick Sanchez D-127)
The day was happening. It happening,it was day. Then Evil Mor- sorry, Effie,dumb name,said," Hey,Pookie,look who I killed." Then Morty C-137 (the c stands for cunt,and the 137 is how many times Rick Prime should've hit him when he kidnapped him) said," Wowie,even though it would be in character for me to be scared and concerned, I instead am gonna kiss you even through you have nearly killed me numerous times and constantly do violent and evil things,but because you got mean words said to you by an old guy,it excuses you for nearly killing me and my grandpa, even though your trauma is more of a reason than an excuse, and you took hundreds of mortys from their families for nobodys goals but your own." Effie the Terrorist,slave owner and dictator,shook their head and said," Come here and kiss me,ya big lug." The two kissed. Then....LIGHTNING CRASHES! NIGHTHAWKS SWARM THE SKY AS HE EMERGES.........TEEN RICK (dun dun dun!) " Hey guys." Teen Rick said,forgetting why he was there. Morty says,"Oh,look who it is? The fucking [CENSORED] [REDACTED]". Morty and Effie high five,and [####] each others [#########]. Teen Rick goes," You guys are kinda dumb,to be honest. You're kinda stupid,the way you act." Effie stands up (I forgot mention,they're laying on a blanket) and says," Hey,don't talk to my shnuckums that way!". Morty says," Pookie,that was so manly,I might faint. Oh,I'm so dependent on you! You're my OOoooOooOoonly personality trait now! Somehow I consider hanging out with you better than hanging out with Rick! Maybe it's cuz you can legally kiss me and I'm attracted to you! Which kinda implies that I'm just attracted to myself! I also view a girl that I liked but I was still friends with as meaningless even though I literally killed for her multiple times!" Teen Rick raises an eyebrow," Uh...I.... wh-what? You know what-uh...you wanna hear a joke?" Effie puts a hand in their pockets,(they as in multiple people. They also put their hands in Morty's pockets because he's so dependent on Effie he can't even put a hand in his own pockets.) Teen Rick,with his chiseled jaw, shiny hair, muscular teeth and his strange choice of adjectives, says..." I'll take that as a yes? Uh.... Hey,you know what? I'll do some jokes from the audience." Morty raises a hand," Ooh! Ooh! Me! If...if that's alright with you,Effie..." Effie says,with a chuckle and a smirk that has lived through genocide that they have caused completely by themselves, " Sure,bitch." They smack Mortys ass. "Aw,geez,okay. Well,yeah,do some jokes about me,You fucking fuckhead! Fuck!". Teen Rick says, " That sounded forced- uh,okay. Hey,what's up with that hairline-" Effie stands even more up...somehow,and they yell, while charging at Teen Rick, " DON'T TALK TO MY LITTLE MOONPIE CHERUB THAT WAY!". Effie pins Teen Rick to the ground,and starts punching him in the face while yelling at the top of his lungs. Morty watches with a smirk even though he should be concerned because the whole point of him is that he's more human and concerned about the safety of other people,but oh wait,he's dating the person who's doing the violence,so it's fine. Teen Rick yells, " OH GOD JESUS NO NO NO OH THIS IS NO LIFE FOR ANYONE THIS IS ACTUALLY HAPPENING IN THIS MULTIVERSE OH GOD THIS IS REAL FOR ME I'M SO MUCH PAIN HE'S EATING MY ARM HE'S EATING MY- AAAAAAHHHH!". Effie gets off of teen rick,and turns to Morty. "Heh...he shouldn't have awoken the alpha." Morty smiles and nods," It's like I say,baby sweetie pie, Hurting Someone's feelings is worse than senseless murder and violence." Effie and Morty leave while teen Rick is choking on the floor. Then Teen Rick Prime rescues him and heals him he doesn't die. The End.
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alwaysteveswife · 2 years
Snow Ball | Steve Harrington x Fem! Reader.
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a/n: This is a moderately short piece of writing I found in my notes 😃 it's one of the first ones I wrote in general like with Steve, so it's not as amazing as others, still I'm fond of it, hope you like it <3
It happens in the finale of the second season, on the same night as the winter formal. In this version Steve was going to attend the ball.
Warnings: Nothing, maybe a little bit of dislike towards Nancy, but only that (in my defense, I was very angry with her after what she did to Steve 😞).
Number of characters: 4,533
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"Are you sure you don't want to go? We still have time to go to your house and find something you can wear" Steve muttered, looking at Y/N.
"I already told you I'm not going, Steve" she laughed, finishing adjusting the collar of his shirt, "The idea of going to a dance is dancing, and doing that with a broken foot doesn't sound like fun to me at all" she picked up the tie, ready to start adjusting it, "Besides, Nancy's going to the party, and I don't feel like seeing her tonight.
"I still don't understand why you hate her so much" He grabbed the car keys and hugged Y/N's waist to start down the stairs.
"I don't hate her, it's just that if given a choice between being with her or a wild tiger, I'd definitely choose the tiger."
"That sounds like you hate her to me" He opened the car door once they were outside, helping her into the passenger seat.
"We're going to go get Dustin, right?" She changed the subject quickly once he got in the car, she didn't feel like talking about Wheeler right now.
"That's right, after I pick him up I'll drop you off at your house" Steve started the engine and put the car in gear.
She nodded softly, opening the window to get some fresh air. The ride was silent, neither had a topic to talk about, and Y/N didn't want to distract him while driving either, so she preferred to stay quiet as they made their way to Dustin's house.
Unfortunately, Dustin had never been good at keeping quiet.
"Hi, Steve" The boy greeted as he got into the car with a big smile on his face, "Hi, Y/N."
"Hi, Dustin!" Y/N turned quickly to give him a high five.
"Are you ready to party, kiddo?" Steve started the car again, this time smiling big.
"Sure am!" He rested both hands on the seat backs, leaning out to look at them both "Are you going dressed like that, Y/N?"
"Oh, I'm not going" she lifted her leg as best she could, pointing at it with her hand "Fracture."
"Right, I forgot" he turned to look at Steve "Does that mean you don't have a date for the dance?"
"No, I might ask some other girl to be my partner for tonight, I'm not too worried about that."
"Dustin, keep a close eye on Steve, there's never a shortage of girls after the one with the girlfriend" Y/N joked, laughing under her breath.
"Roger that, Miss Y/L/N" He nodded proudly.
Steve just laughed as he parked the car in front of her house. She wasn't in the mood to spend the night watching Nightmare on Elm Street and eating whatever knick-knacks her parents had left behind before heading off to Grandma and Grandpa's house, but she didn't have a choice either.
"Well, gentlemen, I guess this is goodbye" she unbuckled her belt and opened the door, ready to have a 'spectacular' night "By the way, the suit looks great on you, Dustin."
The boy smiled at her, showing her his new teeth. She got out of the car and walked to the door, pulling out his keys to unlock it.
He turned to look at them one last time to wave goodbye.
Once inside her house she sighed heavily. She was exhausted by everything that had happened these past few days and couldn't understand how those guys had the energy to go to a party after the hell they went through.
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Just as Y/N had predicted, today was nightmare on Elm Street, which meant spending an hour and a half watching youngsters being chased by a psychopath appearing in their dreams, while she enjoyed a nice jar of chips and a glass of booze.
She was getting to the part where Freddy was taking his first victim and, just then, her doorbell rang. Her paranoid side came out. She stood up, gripping the TV remote tightly in defense. Y/N turned the knob, ready to strike whoever was on the other end.
"Hello again."
It was Steve. He was no longer wearing his suit jacket, just his shirt and untucked tie.
"What are you doing here?" a sense of relief and happiness washed over her.
"I didn't feel comfortable being at a party while you were here, alone, so I decided to keep you company" he smiled as he held up his hands full of bags "And I brought burgers."
"God, you're the best non-boyfriend in the world" Y/N stepped back from the doorway so he could walk through, smiling big.
"What do you mean, not-boyfriend?" he asked teasingly, sitting down on the couch and setting the burgers on the little table.
"It's the term I put on our relationship, it will be that way until one of us takes the final step" she sat down next to him, resting her head on his shoulder.
After all, the night didn't turn out to be as boring as I thought it would be.
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hapalopus · 8 months
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A few gunshots away from Toksværd church sit two great hills called Låddenbanke and Addebanke. In the old days, these hills were home to terrible troldfolk [TN: direct translation is "troll people" but general meaning is magic/parallel/hidden/supernatural people] called jætter [jotnar]. In the evenings one could always see lights at the hills but people were too afraid to go near. They were small and horrible to look at. Every once in a while they walked up to the reapers, wanting to help with the harvest, but Christian people made the sign of the cross and wanted nothing to do with them. They always disappeared immediately. They wore a type of hide or dwarf-hat that could make them invisible. Thus they could steal seed from the fields and beer from the pantry, and of that they filled whole buckets. But when one drew a cross with chalk on the barrel, you could hear them yell "Krös, krös!" and they would grind their teeth in anger, but they were too afraid to go near the barrels. Once, a man forgot to draw crosses on his barrels and a jætte drained two buckets worth of beer, but before he could finish, another one was heard yelling "Adder, have you heard that Madder has died?" The other answered "No, is Madder dead?" and, in his sorrow, forgot to put the spout in the barrel, so all the good beer ran onto the floor. He forgot his buckets, and my father's father's great-grandfather personally saw them. I can't remember if my grandpa knew what these buckets looked like.
Told by Stine Lauritsen from America
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ethanharli · 4 years
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Resentment: Jujutsu Kaisen x Male Reader
[Ch.1|Episode One]
“Ngh” A small groan slipped past my parted lips as I rubbed the scar on my neck, feeling it itch and burn as I tried not to scratch at it. “Does it still hurt?” My gaze flicked down towards Itadori, his sudden presence not much of a shock to me since him popping up out of no where is a regular occurrence to me. Yet the slight worry in his eyes caused a small smirk to tug at my lips as he rested his hand on my shoulder, “Jus’ itches, nothin’ more than that.” My voice came out low and gruff, with a bit of strain, something I still haven't gotten used to after I had damaged my vocal cords years ago. However Itadori just smiled and patted my shoulder, “Don’t forget to take care of it okay? I don’t wanna keep slapping your hands if you try to scratch at it” I couldn’t help but laugh along with him at the memories.
“Ah- Yuji I forgot to mention that I wont be able to come with you to visit your grandpa, I promised I’d stay with Sasaki and Iguchi after school today” I couldn’t help but frown at the slight waver in his smile, and the hint of disappointment in his eyes. I’d always go with him to see his grandpa, as emotional support and for the fact that his grandpa and I always had a father-son like relationship, but I couldn’t tell my classmates no when they looked at me with such excitement about the surprise they had for me. “It’s alright, I’ll tell him you said Hi!” His smile seemed a bit fake at this point, and in hopes to make him feel a bit better I rested my hand on his head, ruffling up his hair like I used to do when we were younger. “I’ll see you tomorrow then, but you really should go, it looks like coach is waiting for you?” I spoke awkwardly, finally noticing the coaches piercing gaze behind us.
“Oh yeah! I’ll see you later then!” Itadori turned to leave, but before he could I gently took ahold of his wrist, catching his attention with slightly widened eyes. “Remember, I’m always a call away if you need me” I smiled softly, finally letting go of his wrist as he stared at me for a moment, before breaking into a wide grin with a happier aura now surrounding him. “I know, but be careful okay? I’ll see you tomorrow!” I merely nodded and waved as he ran off alongside the coach, knowing exactly how that was going to end. Yet, before I could take another step a familiar disgusting stench made its way to my nose, along with some unsettling memories that I quickly pushed back down.
“What the hell was that..?” I couldn’t help but mumble it out, my hand instinctively moving toward the scar on my neck, the raised flesh once again started to itch and burn, irritating me to no end. Taking a deep breath I stuffed my hands in my pockets and headed towards the occult clubroom, deciding I’ll just wait out in there until Sasaki and Iguchi got back.
An hour or two passed since I got to the clubroom, and since I already cleaned the room when I first arrived I decided to lean back in one of the chairs and read the books we have in here, actually finding most of them quiet interesting. However I nearly doubled over at the familiar scent that I had smelled earlier as a prickly feeling danced over my skin, sending an unpleasant shiver up my spine. My ears immediately perking up at the sound of footsteps approaching the clubroom. Something felt off, and as it got closer I couldn’t help the small growl that reverberated throughout my chest, the sudden alarm of my flight or fight responses kicking in as the door slid open, revealing Sasaki and Iguchi. The familiar faces not doing anything to help calm my nerves as I glared at the object in Sasaki’s hand.
“What’s that?” I didn’t hesitate to voice my thoughts, my tone now surprisingly harsh as I continued to glare at the medium sized object. My fellow second years looked at me in shock before a wide grin spread across Sasaki’s face, “Itadori grabbed it for us! it’s supposed to contain an evil spirit” Even though she spoke with a carefree tone I couldn’t help but tense up when she held it up to me, the alarms in my head continuing to rattle my core as I got a better view of it.
That’s.. a special grade object.
“I don’t think that's a good idea, what if something goes wrong and someone gets hurt?” I tried to be a voice of reason, hopping she’d put the damn thing away, or at least hand it over so I can get rid of it. It didn’t help that my hands were practically trembling under the desk as I glared at the object with unease as she pulled up a chair and sat in front of me. “Simple! Nothing will happen, and if something does happen then we got you here Mr. Underground boxer” Her teasing smirk caused my unease to settle for a moment, and the mention of my old hobby causing a blush to spread across my cheeks. However she’s as stubborn as a mule, so if I can’t convince her not to open it then I’ll at least be here when it happens, “Fine, lets get to it before I change my mind.”
So for the next ten minutes we moved the desks around and turned off the lights as I took a seat besides Sasaki, watching carefully as she slowly unwrapped the talisman, keeping my guard up until finally the talisman came off, “A finger?” I mumbled softly, looking closely at the decayed limb. Until finally it clicked, “Move!” My nose twitched at the new scent approaching and reaching behind me I grabbed my chair and threw it up at the curse above us, grabbing both Sasaki’s and Iguchi’s wrists to force them out the room. ”Run!” I growled out, a small hiss slipping past my lips as I slammed the sliding door shut, feeling the hands of the curse crash into it behind me. ”And I thought I was finally done with this shit-” Taking a deep breath I pushed against the door and sprinted down the hallway, searching for my classmates.
I have to find Sasaki and get that finger from her, at least that way I know she won’t be the main target. With that in mind I tried tapping back into my own curse as I ran down the halls, but every time was a failed attempt. I stopped when I heard a high-pitched scream, I wasted no time bolting towards the sound, Sasaki and Iguchi both coming into view, however my blood nearly ran cold at the sight of the curse on their trail, it’s hands reaching out towards them, successfully grabbing Iguchi, “Fuck!” In an desperate act I ran towards Sasaki, a light green glow surrounding my body as I managed to make it to her in time, pushing her out the way as the hand that tried to grab her got to me instead, slamming my body into the wall besides me. The air got knocked out of my lungs from the impact, black spots slowly clouding my vision as my teeth gritted in pain.
“Run..” I managed to mumble out, the curse dragging me back into its body as fatigue slowly weighed me down. In the blur of my vision I caught a glimpse of someone new standing before the curse, a sigh slipped past my lips as I used the last bit of my energy to reach for Iguchi, the faint green glow returning to my body as I grabbed Iguchi’s arm, the flow of my cursed energy managed to make the curse shy away from my body a bit as I yanked Iguchi out of its body and threw him onto the titled floor. The shattering of glass and a familiar blur of pink hair being the last thing I saw before it all went black.
The cool air nipped at my skin as I shifted a bit, a groggy groan slipping past my lips as my eyes fluttered open, being met with a familiar plain, cream colored ceiling. “Y’know it was a surprise to see you there,” Almost instantly I bolted up, the familiar voice causing my eyes to narrow as I glared at the masked male, a smirk playing at his lips as he leaned back in the hospital hair. “It’s good to see you again, wild child” The old name caused my nose to twitch in irritation, a few strands of my [H/c] hair falling in front of my eyes, as a dull ache started to appear in my lower back, “Wish I could say the same.. Satoru.” His presence unsettled me for the simple fact that I knew my finally normal life would go back downhill once again, yet I can’t deny that seeing him again made me a little bit happy.
Like hell I’d tell him that though, his ego’s already to big.
“Wait, what happened after I passed out?” I asked, remembering all the events until after that moment, however I didn’t like the amusement in his smile as he leaned forward, slowly beginning to explain the situation to me. The image of Itadori eating Sukuna’s finger made me wince in disgust, but it felt like my whole world came to a stop at the mention of his future execution. Anger slowly bubbled up within my chest but I made sure to bite it back down as I glared at my fists, “The higher ups are nothing more than pathetic little insects.. I hate them, all of them.” I couldn’t help but grit my teeth, my fists slowly beginning to tremble as a low growl slipped past my lips. “Then come back to Jujutsu tech, you’ve been gone for about six years now, if they hear about your return it’ll cause an uproar.”
Before I could answer him the door opened, revealing Itadori, and I couldn’t help but jump out of the bed and make my way towards him, startling him slightly, “[Y/n]! You’re Okay-!” He tensed in my arms as I engulfed him in a hug, my fingers desperately gripping onto the back of his shirt as I hid my face in the crook of his neck. Not caring that Gojo was watching in amusement behind me, or the fact my body still felt so heavy after what happened. The felling of his arms finally wrapping around my waist catching me off guard, but I didn’t make any act to move as everything I learned slowly came to mind. A small sigh slipped past my lips as I pulled away, looking at Itadori’s face for a moment, noticing the new marking under his eyes, that must’ve appeared after eating Sukuna’s finger.
“I’m glad you’re okay” It was all I could mumble out in the moment, the pit in my stomach growing at the thought of the higher ups executing him someday. “I should be the one saying that, you’re the one in the hospital” He laughed and I couldn’t help but laugh along with him, “Touché.”
Taking a step back I turned towards Gojo, my eyes narrowing in determination, “I’ll go back.”
And I’ll protect him too.
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deejadabbles · 3 years
Heres some post-canon-Atem-stays-AU headcanons bc I will forever be in denial that the ending of ygo ever happened.
First off can we all address the fact that Atem would have an accent!?! He knows Japanese bc of Yugi but once he has his own body back, his muscles and brain are used to different speech patterns, therefore we get an accent! The first time the gang hears him talk and this (adorable) accent they're floored but love it, it kinda helps further cement that he really is his own person apart from Yugi (not that the gang really needs that but still).
I think this would also lead to Yugi asking Atem to teach him some Ancient Egyptian. He says it just because he's interested but really he wants Atem to feel slightly less alone now that literally no one else speaks his language.
Also. Contrary to what some (*cough*Kaiba*cough*) think, Atem knows how to work modern tech. Like, come on he shared Yugi's body for years, he knows how to work a phone and computer. Now, he may be a bit of an old man and prefer not to use some modern things, but he's competent at least.
(okay okay but can we entertain the idea of Atem making "back in my day" jokes bc he thinks it's funny and Honda n Jonouchi take to calling him "old man" and it's just a big running joke between everyone?? that'd be great.)
Another misconception I think Atem would prove wrong is that he actually doesn't have all too much trouble adjusting to being a "commoner" and having to live a normal, rather un-luxurious, life. Again, he spent years watching Yugi interact with the world and live in it as someone who wasn't royalty, or even rich, and did that with no context of his previous life.
So yeah when Atem returns to earth with his own body he doesn't like...expect to have everything provided for him, or be waited on hand and foot like some ppl expected since he was royalty. Sure, he may not actively think "oh, I have to get a job in order to live now" on his own (mostly bc I think he's just still amazed he's alive at all, a lot of things don't come to mind), but when the subject comes up Atem isn't astonished or taken aback by the idea or anything weird, logically he knows he has to provide for himself now and knows at least the basics of how to accomplish that in modern times.
Okay but seriously can we all take a minute imagining Atem getting a fast food or clerk job to get by until he figures out what he wants to do next. Jou and Honda thought he'd be too prideful to "stoop that low" as ppl say, but Atem's fine with it. If dishing out fries to shitty customers or ringing up cigarettes at a gas station ensures that grandpa and Yugi don't have to carry him through life he's fine with it.
That being said, I can see Atem just being...forgetful that he has to take care of himself sometimes. He's not ignorant of the modern world, but he also has his memories back now, so I can see him laying in bed for a good 10 min before he finally remembers "oh yeah servants aren't coming to dress me, okay lets do this". And sure he knows the basics of life from his time with Yugi, like cooking and doing laundry for himself. But there's times where he just runs out of clean clothes bc he forgot to do laundry, things like that, but hey that's stuff even us non-ex-royals do as Adults so that's okay.
My point is that Atem adjusts to the modern world and not being royalty really well. He's just a forgetful dork sometimes.
Okay but going back to my "Atem gets an entry-level job" headcanon. Now I'm thinking about Kaiba finding out that Atem got a fast-food job instead of coming to him for work. Next thing Atem knows Kaiba storms in (probably cutting the line because of course he would) and starts this melodramatic speech about how no one has the right to employ the rival of Seto Kaiba besides SETO KAIBA himself.
Atem, who was already chewed out by a customer for getting the wrong sized drink, is having NONE of this and is completely ignoring him, trying to serve the next customer in line. When all Atem will say to him is "sir if you wont buy anything please leave" the petty giraffe known as Kaiba slams a pile of bills on the counter ....this then leads to Atem matching his pettiness! You know that tiktok, it's basically that. Atem takes the entire stack of bills, looks Kaiba dead in the eye, and tells him to get his own chicken nuggets.
Next thing we know Atem's managers are trying to pry them apart because Kaiba hopped the counter. There are nuggets and fries everywhere, someone threw a large coke, the customers are filming. It's a big mess.
OMG imagine the headline "Local billionaire has melt down at McDonald's"
Okay, moving on from that, sorry I just had to get that outta my head.
Once again I'm going to drive home my "touch starved Atem" headcanon by saying that Atem actually likes not being royalty in his 2nd life because Yugi and his friends aren't afraid to show him affection. This boy craves touch so much and is loving the fact that no one thinks it's offensive to hug him. Atem's the type that once he's comfortable with someone, expect hugs for every hello and goodbye. He's also known for putting his hands on shoulders and sometimes playing with hair (only if the other is comfortable with it of course!).
The hair-playing thing is because he has these precious memories of brushing and styling Mana's hair when they were younger (and once or twice being able to beg Mahad to join their hairstyling sessions). Now he loves doing it because he equates it with affection and unconditional friendship. He especially loves playing with Ryou's hair since it's so long and soft, and even bought Ryou these tarot card themed hairpieces just so he could style his hair with them.
After experimenting with alcohol a bit, Atem finds that he likes some wine cooler-type drinks but sometimes he'll crave a beer, since that was the drink of choice in ancient egypt. He weirds ppl out though because he prefers them warm, cold beer is too harsh on his sensitive teeth and he's just not used to it. Also, it took a long time to find a beer brand he likes because most aren't up to the quality he had "back in his day" lol.
At first Atem only knows how to cook basic things (again, what Yugi knows) but he soon realizes that he enjoys cooking. He gets a Pinterest account just so he can save recipes he wants to try (he starts saving other things though, he likes aesthetic boards and interior design!). The whole gang ends up loving this because he cooks meals for them sometimes and they're so good! While they're still in high school he makes Bentos for everyone about once a week and it's the highlight of their week <3
He does get a bit sad though, when he tries to recreate meals from his culture and they just don't taste quite right.
oKaY I WAS going to go on about what career I think Atem would eventually pursue, but they got really long and this is already long so I'm going to put them in their own post. All I'll say right now is: college student Atem and later, professor Atem.
That's all for now, expect more in the future though because I will never not support Atem stays AUs <3
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mickeyhenrysgf · 4 years
Pick Me
Summary: After making a tough decision, you still get to have your way with  both of your boyfriends. It’s just virtual.
Pairings: Bucky x reader, Steve x reader
Warnings: smut! heavy use of daddy kink, spanking, degrading language, slight humiliation, voyeurism, unprotected sex
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Your two men stared at you from across the living area. Bucky and Steve were both chosen to go on a mission but one could stay behind. Tony left it up to them. It would be a small and quick. Therefore, they didn’t need more people than what the aircraft could handle. Ever since the pandemic hit, even the avengers were taking the necessary precautions on limiting their travel. If the less could travel, the better.
You looked at both of your boyfriends in distress. They decided to leave the decision up to you. Their favorite girl. Whoever you chose would stay at home with you, while the other would go. If any one of them got hurt, it wouldn’t be your fault. Not even a scratch. They promised that the mission only consisted of surveillance and reporting.
But that wasn’t the problem. The problem was you didn’t want them to think you were picking favorites. Because, you loved them both... truly.
Steve stood up and sat on the couch next to you. “Sweetie... who do you want to stay with you?” He hummed lightly, rubbing your thighs innocently.
“She wants to stay with me, obviously” Bucky stated in a cocky tone, flashing the both of you a smile. You bit your bottom lip as Bucky winked at you.
“I-I don’t know-”
“Sweetheart. Yes you do... come on. Is it me?” Steve asked softly as he leaned in and pressed a wet kiss on your collarbone. You shuddered lightly, your hands running through his hair as a reflex.
“Woah—! Hey! You’re kissing her!” Bucky announced, standing up from across the room and heading over to you.
“Yes, she’s my girl...”
Steve’s lips found their way from your collarbone to your neck.
“Our girl.” Bucky corrected, sitting down on the opposite side as you were squished in between two super soldiers. Your boyfriends.
Bucky tucked some loose strands of hair behind your ear, as he looked at you. “Doll, one of us needs to start packing our bags. We leave tomorrow morning. Who is it?” Bucky’s lips now kissed your neck as well.
You felt overwhelmed. The two of them sending you over the edge for one little answer. It was too much.
“Listen Daddy takes such good care of you... don’t you love it when Daddy buries his face in that sweet little pussy?” Bucky whispered in your ear before kissing that sweet spot on your neck. Your toes already curling.
“Yes...” Bucky smiled brightly at your answer. He’s got you right where he wanted.
“I can hear you-“ Steve rolled his eyes. You almost forget about their super hearing. You giggled softly, your head falling onto Steve’s shoulder. His hands combing through your hair. Wonder, if they could also smell your arousal...
“And might I add, I’m the one who wrecks this pussy every morning and night. Grandpa over here complains about how tired he is” Steve stated.
“You son of a bitch”
You rolled your eyes pushing away from them both, standing up. Steve & Bucky quickly shut their mouths and looked up at you.
“I’m tired of hearing the two of you bicker over this. I just want to get over with it. So, I choose Bucky.”
The two men look at each other before Bucky breaks out into a wide smile. Steve rolls his eyes at him. He didn’t care. He knew you loved him just the same as you loved Bucky. They promised each other that whoever you chose, they wouldn’t take it to heart. Plus, whoever you didn’t choose was going to fuck you all night long.
“Thank you, baby girl, I always knew you loved daddy’s cock a little more” Bucky said playfully and Steve shoved him away, lightly scoffing as he stood up from the couch. His hands pulled you in.
“Come on, sweetie. Help daddy pack, gonna miss you...” you smiled and wrapped your arms around Steve’s neck before he hooked his arm under your ass and picked you up swiftly.
As Steve carried you to the room, you stuck your tongue out at Bucky in a mocking tone. Before you could even put your tongue back where it belonged, Bucky was jumping out his seat and slapping your ass as the three of you went to go help Steve pack.
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“Baby, help! This thing is not working” Bucky grumbled as his hands tapped the laptop multiple times.
You walked over to where Bucky was sitting on the couch and sat on his lap. You giggled softly once you noticed his frustrated face.
“Whatcha tryna do ?” You looked at Bucky’s screen.
Poor Connection. The video will resume automatically when the connection improves.
Bucky sighed at the message as he wrapped his arm around your waist and kissed your shoulders.
“Video chat with Steve” he mumbled against your skin. You looked at the laptop and quickly found the problem.
“You have to turn the WiFi on, silly.” You explained and Bucky pretended like he knew what that meant. He watched in awe as you pressed a few more buttons on the keyboard. Before he could even speak, Steve’s face appeared on the small screen.
“Steve!” You gushed brightly and Bucky smiled too. It was supposed to be a surprise but technology was never his strong suit.
“Hey, baby girl...” Steve smirked slightly leaning against his chair. He was in a cabin hideout, the one thing he asked for Tony was WiFi. And well, his wish was thankfully granted.
“Now, who figured this whole video chat out. I know it wasn’t grandpa.” You laughed softly, and shook your head.
“It was our princess... of course. She’s so smart.” Bucky bragged, kissing your temple and you blushed.
“And has our princess been a good girl?” Steve questioned and you bit your bottom lip, watching the two boys exchange words.
“She sure has. Tell Steve how many orgasms daddy gave you last night...” the cool metal from Bucky’s hand sent goosebumps as it slid down your shorts but to his surprise you weren’t wearing anything underneath.
Shit. You forgot about that. Your breath hitched lightly as Bucky’s movements stopped. It wasn’t your fault. You were sore from last night & couldn’t even bear to put on underwear.
“What is it?” Steve asked again and Bucky chuckled darkly. His fingers rubbing against you folds and collecting your wetness. You shivered, your hips already bucking up into his hands. Bucky’s hard-on growing beneath you.
“Why don’t you tell daddy what’s goin’ on? Or maybe you’d like to show him...” Bucky cooed as a finger easily slipped into your hole. Your moans covered the silence in the room, your head falling back onto his shoulder. Steve already clicked the two things together. 
“Daddy is touching me...” you sucked in your bottom lip and Bucky added in a second finger, stretching you wider as he groaned. You heard a belt being unbuckled and thrown onto the floor.
Then, you heard it. Steve’s grunt.
“No, you know that’s not it. Don’t start acting dumb, tell him” Bucky slapped your cunt harshly making you yelp out. Shit, he was angry now. You could hear on the other end of the video, Steve sucking in a breath and his phone moved lightly. He was touching himself.
“I didn’t wear underwear today...” you stutter through your teeth, scared to look at the camera. You felt tears welled up in your eyes from the pain, pleasure, and embarrassment.
“Did Bucky say you could act like a little slut today?” Steve challenged, pulling his cock out from his underwear & began to stroke himself slowly.
“No, daddy! I’m sorry!” Bucky laughed from the tone of your voice, instantly spreading your legs wider. Your ass grinded against his painful hard-on straining against his sweats as he continued to pump his fingers into you.
“She’s so fucking wet— I’m thinking this was her plan all along.” Bucky pulled his fingers out of you, sucking on your wetness and then shoved his fingers inside your mouth. You moaned heavily around his fingers, the taste of your wetness and his salvia evident.
“Fuck. Let me see her pussy...” Bucky smirked at Steve’s words, pulling his fingers out your mouth and you nervously looked around.
They’ve seen you multiple times, but you never used any type of cameras or recording devices during intimate moments. This was new. Bucky leaned forward and and angled the laptop to your dripping pussy.
“Isn’t this the prettiest little pussy you’ve ever seen, Steve?” Bucky narrated as his fingers ran against your folds, before spreading your lips. You felt exposed but it was erotic, especially hearing Steve’s moans on the other end. You were a moaning mess, your breath getting faster, and he wasn’t even doing much.
“You know Daddy has to punish you, right? I’m not there but Bucky is...” Bucky pulled the laptop back, showing his face and yours again. You were too nervous to actually turn your head and look at Bucky. However, as you looked at the camera, he had a smirk plastered on his face.
“Because you wanna be a slut and walk around the house with no panties, you’re going to ride Daddy’s cock for me on camera, right now” Steve demanded as Bucky quickly stood you up and slapped your ass harshly. His hands wasting no time in pulling down his sweats and boxers to expose his angry cock. It was fully hard and already had the perfect amount of pre-cum where you wanted to get on you knees and kitten lick it right off. Your legs pressed against each other at the sight.
“Daddy is not waiting all day... strip” Bucky barked causing you to flinch heavily as you quickly took off your shirt and then shorts.
“Look at my little girl, only if she didn’t act like a fucking slut— go ahead, sit on your daddy’s dick” you heard Steve speak and turned to look at the camera.
Steve was naked. Fuck. He even positioned the camera, so you could see his cock as well. You didn’t even notice how long you were staring until Bucky slapped your ass again. His arms wrapped around your waist and sunk you down. The two of you moaning out. The sudden burn caused you to wince and close your eyes for a moment.
Bucky’s lips pressed and sucked against your skin as he began to thrust up into you. His thumb flicking your clit which only increased the pleasure. “Baby... eyes up here.” Steve snapped. Bucky grabbed your jaw forcing you to look forward. Your eyes fluttered open slowly as you saw your other boyfriend stroking himself. His cheeks were flushed. Head thrown back. Abs collecting sweat. It was utter blissfulness.
“I can’t believe my baby is such a slut, You like Steve watching us fuck, huh?” You moaned, clenching around his cock in response, moving your hips to match Bucky’s thrusts. “Tightest pussy in the whole goddamn world, Fuck-!”
“Shit—! you’re going to let Daddy fuck you too when he gets home, yeah?” Steve teased, thrusting into his hand.
You nodded, your mouth opening and eyes rolling back as Bucky began to pick up the speed. “I think Steve asked you a question.” Bucky slapped your cunt once more causing you to dig your nails into his thighs.
“Yes, daddy. You can fuck me whenever you want...”
“That’s my good girl” Steve grunted lowly. “Fuck- You close, Bucky? I’m bout to cum and I need to see my pretty girl cum with us...” Bucky nodded heavily, licking a stripe up your neck, his thumb pressing down against your clit.
“Daddy... I’m close—“ you announced, turning your head to look at Bucky and he moved in, kissing you deeply. It was all tongue, teeth, & salvia which only caused Steve to become chaotic on the other end. The sound of skin slapping against each other and his throaty moans increased by the second. Steve was getting off from the show you and Bucky put on for him.
“Cum with us” Bucky mumbled against your lips, as his thrusts become sporadic, the familiar knot in your stomach forming. With one look at Steve on the screen, you lost it, the wave crashing as you clenched and came around Bucky. Bucky was close behind, his thrusts stopping and filling you up to the brim before leaning against the couch. Steve watched everything unfold, saving himself until the last minute. And to your surprise, you got to witness as he unleashed ropes of cum across his chest, abs, and face.
“Holy shit...” Bucky announced and chuckled softly. I guess he was also watching Steve. The only thing you could hear now was the three of you panting. Bucky pressed soft kisses on your neck and shoulders as he occasionally whispered soft affirmations in your ear. You leaned back and closed your eyes, listening to Bucky’s soft voice, the two of you waiting for Steve to regain his energy.
“You’re an asshole” you heard Steve finally mumble as he grabbed a tissue and started to wipe his cum off his chiseled chest and then chin.
“Round 2, anyone?” You playfully slapped Bucky’s chest and he laughed, shrugging his shoulders. You forgot he had stamina for days. You heard the laptop beep, and as you looked closely, the battery was dying.
“Battery’s about to die...”
“That’s okay, doll. We can use our phones.” Bucky winked and you heard Steve laugh on the other end.
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sprnklersplashes · 3 years
cw for mentions of suicide, self-harm, death, drugs, and also for making out while naked (but not sex)
Seeing an accident happen in Sunnyvale feels unnatural. It’s like seeing a two-headed deer, or a car flying in the sky. Sam can’t even focus on how terrible it is, or hope that nobody was hurt. All she can think is how unnatural it is, to see such a horrible sight in such a near-perfect place.
It’s the price for a curse breaking, she supposes. The scales of fate are even now.
Her shoulders twitch, her feet move to go over and help, as is her instinct, but before she can, Deena’s hand is on her shoulder, a pained gasp escaping her mouth, that turns into a whimper that almost stops Sam’s heart. Again. She turns, her mouth running dry, and finds Deena’s free hand pressed against her stomach. She remembers, sees it in her mind like a movie, even if the picture is hazy. The tunnels. Her hands, Deena’s throat. Deena’s house. A drumstick breaking over her knee. Deena hitting the floor beside her, and her not caring.
“No,” she mutters. “Oh, no.”
“Sam,” Deena whispers. She sounds so tired, so beyond exhausted, yet she’s still strong. Her Deena. She’s always thought she was tough,everyone did, but now she’s learned she’s tougher than the actual Devil himself. “It wasn’t you.” Sam opens her mouth-to protest, to apologise- but Deena shakes her head, the movement making her wince, and that crooked half-grin she loves appears on her face. She always loved that smile, and would love it now if the situation weren’t so dire. “Don’t even try with me.”
She gasps again, her knees buckle, and Sam gently guides her to the ground, one hand around her torso, Deena gripping her other for dear life.
“We can talk about all that later,” she interrupts. She takes Deena’s face and tilts it towards her, trying desperately to remember her first aid training. Her eyes are clear, or clear-ish, but her skin is ashen and pale and her cheek is clammy against her palm. “Right now, we just need to worry about getting you to a hospital.”
For the first time in a long, long time, she feels like luck or fate must be on her side, because no sooner have the words left her mouth than the siren of an ambulance pierces the air, and a miniature fleet of the white vehicles comes into view. They’re all rushing towards the scene of the accident, obviously, but Sam sees into the window of one. A young driver looks through and her eyes double in size when she sees the pair of them, then triple when she sees Deena. What they must look like to her. They’d look a wreck to anyone, even the lowest of the low in Shadyside, but here in Sunnyvale, where not even the grass grows out of place, she’d wager they’re a scary sight.
Thankfully, this one ambulance pulls up beside them, and the driver calls something into the radio as she jumps out and runs their way. Sam would feel guilty for taking someone else’s help, but as she looks across the road, her guilt eases, for this anyway. There are three ambulances at the scene of the crash, and a siren signalling another’s approach. The lack of emergencies these past 30 years has clearly made them unsure of what to do in this case, and when folks don’t know what to do, they do everything.
“Are you two okay?” 
“She’s hurt,” Sam replies. “Please, please, help her, she’s hurt.” The paramedic runs to Deena’s side, and Sam watches her cringe as she moves her hand away. Sam takes a deep breath and hopes that the lack of practice for Sunnyvale’s medical staff doesn’t have any other consequences. Deena rests her head on her shoulder, and panic flares up in her for a moment before she sees her eyes are still open. Will she ever stop panicking? She’s been doing scared almost her whole life.
“Okay, sweetie,” the paramedic said. “The good news is, it’s not too deep and you got here in time.” The girl gives Deena what is meant to be a supportive smile and shakes her shoulder slightly, keeping her from slipping away. “And we’ll have to get you checked out at the hospital, but I don’t think anything’s ruptured in there okay?”
“Okay,” she pants.
“Good girl. Now, we’re going to get you into the ambulance okay?” She looks over at Sam, seriousness creeping into her face like clouds across a blue sky. “Can you help carry her?” She nods, her grip already tightening. She doesn’t say that she’ll carry her forever if she has to. It doesn’t feel fair to dump that on this poor unsuspecting girl. “Okay, great. On three, right hon? One… two… three.”
Sam hates hospitals. Hospitals mean grandpa forgot to take his heart medication again and it’s her last chance to say goodbye. It means another person was beaten up behind the school, or drank too much at a party, or popped all those pills she can’t name. It means someone has thrown themselves off the bridge because it was the only way out of Shadyside. It means she just watched her boyfriend get stabbed through the heart and is now running from an undead murder, brandishing a knife meant for her.
She hates hospitals, and this is no exception. Even if the news is good.
Deena sits on the bed, her skin as white as the sheets she rests on, her shirt rolled up to show the new scar that graces her abdomen. Right in the side, just above her hip. The doctor found specs of wood in it. Tiny splinters buried in the skin.
“Well, she’s incredibly fortunate,” the doctor says. He talks about her like she isn’t here, and on the one hand that annoys Sam, because it’s almost certainly linked to that ‘Shadysiders are subhuman’ bullshit. The curse may be broken, but assholes are assholes, and a prejudiced town is even harder to get rid of than blood magic. But on the other hand, Deena’s on so much pain medication she might as well not be here. Her eyes are clouded, but not from shock, and she alternates between running her fingers along her new scars and tracing patterns on the back of Sam’s hand. “Like she said, nothing was ruptured, although I’d say you got here in the nick of time. Good thing she patched herself up.”
Deena’s makeshift bandage sits on the table behind her, little more than a bloodstained cloth. Sam can’t bring herself to look at it.
“But I have to ask, Samantha,” he says. She avoids his eyes deliberately, keeping them trained on Deena and her scars. “What happened?”
She considers lying, because she’s too tired and how would she ever explain? How could she explain the hell they’ve been through in the past day? Who would believe her if she did?
She could lie, and maybe she should, but she doesn’t. Because this whole horrible, ugly story began with lies, and continued with them. They lied and lied, and this town was built upon it while Shadyside was ruined by it. It’s over, and she’s making sure it stays over.
“Nick Goode.” She says the words through gritted teeth, against a raw throat. The Doctor shakes his head, as if he misheard her. And Deena frowns, clarity beginning to come to her, silently asking what she’s doing. Sam just takes her hand, a whisper of a smile on her face. This must be what taking revenge feels like. Damn, it feels good.
“What happened to her was Nick Goode.”
Deena is discharged from hospital within a few hours. In that time, Sam gets a few things done. First off, she tells the lady at the front desk to put it under her mother’s insurance. Second, she waits until Deena falls asleep, a combination of her own body and the meds, and slips out to the payphone outside. She slides a quarter in and calls Josh, tells him that Deena’s okay, that she’s with her, that she’s in the hospital, and that she’s going to be okay. She rattles them off like they’re facts for a school presentation and doesn’t breathe until she’s finished, sagging against the wall of the booth. On the other line, Josh absorbs what she said and she said, her nails scratching against her wrist. She expects a colourful array of curse words, or for him to hang up on her without a word. She’d hardly blame him.
“And are you okay?” is what he says instead.
“Um… yeah,” she says. “Heart still beating. Lungs still breathing. And um…. I’m me.” She shrugs and rakes a hand through her hair. “It’s gone. It’s over.”
“Yeah.” He sounds so happy, so triumphant, and she can feel his smile even if he’s all the way over in Shadyside. “It’s over.”
Once those two words had broken her heart, spat at her by Deena in an angry, bitter wave, a final goodbye from the best thing in her life. Now they keep her heart beating, a promise that the darkness that ruined so many lives is gone now. Forever.
Having Deena Johnson in her house also feels unnatural. Like seeing a lion wandering around the mall. She looks so out of place here and well, so does Sam. Because this house, and everything in it, it’s all fake. It was all part of her and her mom’s so-called New Life, out of Shadyside. A Better Life, with a better school and better jobs and better extra-curriculars and better people. Better friends, her mom had said out loud. Better influences, she had said with her face. It was going to be better, safer, happier. Her mom believed it, and for the briefest period of time, she believed it too. Thought that the big house and the red cheer uniform would fix all of her problems.
She was never meant to be in this house, she realises. That’s why it didn’t feel right to her, even when all her things were moved in here. She was always meant to be in Shadyside, not because of the curse not letting her escape. But because of Deena. Wherever Deena is, that’s where she’s meant to be.
“God I need a shower,” Deena announces, her voice half-shaking with laughter. It’s also rusty and hoarse, from screaming and overuse and who knows what else. She holds out her arms, a shaky smile on her face. Her face is streaked with red, her hands caked in dirt, her nails rimmed with grey. Sam looks down and finds her own hands looking similar. Her clothes stick to her body, almost feeling like a second, grimy skin. Her body has been put through everything it can be put through, her bones feel so weary and fragile she fears she could break if she moves too suddenly. It’ll take weeks, months, years to fix herself, if she ever can. But a wash might be a good start.
“Me too,” she says, and she takes Deena’s hand and leads her upstairs.
They shower together, it’s decided with just a glance. Sam isn’t comfortable letting Deena out of her sight for longer than two minutes. It might be over, but they can’t be sure. They don’t know what could be sitting in the darkness, behind the corners, on the other side of doors. If the past days have taught them anything, it’s that nothing is certain. Nothing is set in stone. The curse wasn’t, in the end, but peace isn’t guaranteed either.
So Deena follows her into the little ensuite bathroom, letting out a low whistle as she enters.
“Fancy,” she says. “Like one of those little hotel bathrooms.”
“It’s not that fancy,” she mutters. But it is. Because of Goode. Her house, like everyone else’s in Sunnyvale, is built on the blood of those victims. This house was built some time in the 1920s, according to the realtor. 
Billy Barker. He was 1922.
The pretty house isn’t quite so pretty in this light.
“Hey.” Deena’s hand is on her shoulder, her hair tickling her cheek. Her other arm wraps around her waist and pulls her closer, and it’s only then Sam realises she’s taken her shirt off. Deena rests her chin on her shoulder and she feels, rather than sees, the coy grin on her face. “You need some help?”
She lets Deena pull her shirt off her body, her fingertips leaving goosebumps in their wake. In return, her hands slowly undo the button on the waistband of Deena’s jeans and pull them off her legs as she pulls her shoes off with considerably less grace. In other circumstances, the sight of Deena in her underwear would send her mind straight to the gutter, and she’d take her to the bed rather than the shower. But her mind has been invaded and pulled apart and literally brought back from the dead. So she just pulls Deena’s underwear off her, leads her into the shower, and lets the hot water run off them both.
She hadn’t realised how cold she was until the water hits her, a yelp escaping her body as it does so. It burns her skin, turning it from white to red. Deena’s eyes widen, and her hand reaches up to turn it off, but she just shakes her head, her hand grasping Deena’s. The water might be hot, but she can feel it. It’s the first thing, other than Deena, that she can feel since she first heard her name be whispered in Deena’s room, and so she embraces it. Deena doesn’t question it, an understanding in her eyes without anything being said.
Sam’s eyes roam over her girlfriend’s body, but it doesn’t bring the rush of heat to her cheeks it normally would. Instead all she can focus on is the dirt and dust smeared across her skin, followed by trails of blood. It almost forms a barrier around her body, save for the pristine bandage on her side. Without thinking, her hand reaches out and her fingertips graze the fabric, her touch gentle over the wound.
“You’ll get it wet,” she whispers.
“It’s okay. The doctor gave me a couple more just in case.” Sam nods, but doesn’t look away from it until Deena lifts her chin, making her eyes meet hers. “It’s okay,” she says, more forcefully this time.
“Okay.” She looks at Deena again before lifting a bottle down from the shelf and squeezing  a generous amount onto the palm of her hand, a gentle orange fragrance filling the air between them. “Here.” She rubs her hand over Deena’s shoulder before running it down her side, and watches as the dirt of the past few days begins to strip away. She keeps going, her hand moving across her stomach, over her hip, along her chest, bending down to get her legs. She keeps looking up at Deena, searching for a sign to stop, but she doesn’t get one. She only gets a soft, contented smile, and so she keeps going. She only applies pressure where she needs to, where stubborn bits of dirt refuse to come off. She gets them, and watches with satisfaction as it peels away, revealing the brown skin beneath. She lifts Deena’s hand and turns it over, her fingers pusing between Deena’s, her thumb rubbing at her girlfriend’s wrist until it’s clean again. She takes the chance to press a kiss to the skin, the gesture quick and simple. She smells faintly of oranges and overwhelmingly like her, like the jackets Deena used to hang around her shoulders.
Excitement curls her toes when she thinks about the possibility of wearing that jacket again.
“Here,” Deena says. “Turn around.” Sam does as instructed, and then feels Deena’s hands on her skin; her fingers running down her spine and back up before she pushes her hair off her shoulder and scrubs at the back of her neck, on her shoulders. She hadn’t realised how dirty she was, nor how much she needed this. Not just the wash. Deena’s hands on her body. Not fighting or begging or holding her back. Gentle. Careful. Handling her like she’s something precious, rather than pushing her away. How much she needed to care for Deena too, after everything. To embrace her rather than claw at her neck, not stopping until it snapped. It wasn’t her, Deena said, but she now knows exactly how it feels to have her hands wrapped around Deena’s throat.
She closes her eyes and pretends the water running down her face is from the shower.
“Babe.” Deena’s hands are on her hips, rubbing in slow, small circles. “You okay?” Sam exhales slowly. She doesn’t answer because the word ‘okay’ seems to have lost all meaning now. ‘Okay’ now just means ‘alive’. Not perfect, not sane, maybe not safe, but alive. She doesn’t answer, instead turns around in Deena’s arms. She reaches up to caress her cheek, wiping away the grime as she does so. She still looks the same, despite everything they’ve been through. Wrecked and exhausted and broken, but still her. Still Deena. Still perfect.
“I love you,” she says. Deena smiles, and opens her mouth to say something else, but her lips touch hers before she can. The kiss is desperate, hungry, making up for so many lost months and driven by raw need for both of them. Teeth tug on her bottom lip, a small moan escapes the back of Deena’s throat. Sam tilts her head as her hand comes up the back of Deena’s neck, tangling in her hair. It all comes crashing down, the past days hitting her like a waterfall; everything she did, everything they lost, everything Deena risked, and it just makes her kiss her harder. Like she’ll die if she doesn’t feel her touch again. Their bare legs tangle until they’re only standing up through luck and will power, their hips pressed against each other’s like jigsaw pieces.
“I love you too,” Deena replies when they come up for air. “Here, let me do your hair.”
She turns around as Deena’s fingers comb through her hair, shaking out the knots and the God-knows-what-else. A shiver runs up Sam’s back as she works, and she doesn’t need to turn around to see the teasing smile on her girlfriend’s face. 
“We should do this more often,” she says. It almost slips out without thought. “You. Me. Showering.”
“Sounds like a plan,” Deena replies. She feels the water on her head, followed by Deena’s fingers running through the now-clean strands. “Will you do me?”
She obliges, of course. She delicately works the shampoo through her curls, pausing to ask if she’s hurting her. Deena chuckles warmly and assures her she’s doing fine. Her fingers catch on knots and she undoes them gently, and she rubs and rubs until the blood matting her hair is gone, leaving only soft, glossy curls behind.
While she works, Deena lifts her hand and writes in the steam on the door. She writes an S and a D, and a cross between them. She draws a heart, big enough to capture their two initials. Sam laughs, really laughs, and it feels both wonderful and alien.
“That is so middle school,” she says.
“I think we’ve earned a little middle school,” she replies. She turns around in her arms, the water soaking her newly-cleaned hair. She leans in, slowly, and begins the kiss tentatively, as if it’s their first. Sam responds in kind, too tired to go any further.
Soon, they’ll realise they can’t stay in the shower forever, and they’ll get out and dry off. Sam will hand Deena a sweatshirt and her cheeks will turn pink. Soon they will fall asleep on Sam’s bed, still on top of the covers, their exhaustion finally catching up with them. Deena will wake first, images of Sarah Fier tangled in her mind, so much she needs to say to this girl who lost so much. Then Deena will fall back asleep, and then Sam will wake, a scream caught in her throat. Deena will hold her, and whisper that she’s here, that she’s okay. Deena will doze off, and wake with Kate’s name on her lips this time, and this time Sam will hold her until the tears stop. Eventually they’ll pick a video, something easy they liked in middle school, and watch it on the TV in Sam’s room, bodies pressed together, Deena’s head on Sam’s shoulder, two shaking hands joined atop the covers. Sam’s mother will come in, and bawk at the sight of Deena, and Deena’s chin will raise triumphantly. And Sam will fall in love all over again.
But that’s for later, and for now they just kiss, and kiss, and kiss.
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boldlyvoid · 3 years
Amoreena | Chapter ten
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chapter ten
main summary: Heaven is a real place and it's located exactly 14.6 miles away from the FBI, Quantico Headquarters. Off behind a small park, under a fantastical willow tree surrounded by wildflowers, in every colour young minds can imagine.
Don't forget, heaven also comes with angels.
Chapter Warnings: immense amounts of fluff, discussion of bad dreams death and past trauma at the end all related to canon
word count: 5.3K
from the beginning <3
Dreaming wasn’t something that came easily to Spencer. When he did dream they never made any sense, dark and twisting basements, endless staircases, treading a deep dark sea for hours as the waves swallowed him whole. Wind chimes that he couldn’t find wouldn’t stop twinkling as he aimlessly ran around a trailer park. It was never peaceful.
Then his mind found the park and couldn’t stop re-creating it, over and over again in his mind every single night when he closed his eyes.
He was in the middle of the most perfect dreamscape, his girls reading under the sun as Y/N’s head rested on his shoulder…
Then his phone started to ring, opening his eyes to the sun barely waking up as well. He answered the phone before Y/N could wake up beside him, “hello?”
“Spence, I’m so sorry to wake you,” JJ’s voice slipped into his mind and woke up right up, she wouldn’t call unless she needed to. “We have a really bad case, we have to leave like right now and the babysitter can’t take the boys and Henry is still too little to make sure Michael eats during the day and he’s still so little—“
“Hey it’s fine,” he cut her off as he sat up, waking Y/N in the process. “I’m only 12 minutes from Quantico, leave them with Anderson and I’ll be right over.”
“Thank you so much, Spence, oh and they need breakfast, I’ll leave some money with Henry, can you make sure they eat?”
“Absolutely, don’t worry, good luck and be safe,” he reminded her, feeling weird that he didn’t have to go as well.
“Thanks again Spence,” he could hear her smile before hanging up, leaving him to stretch and finally get out of the bed.
“Was that JJ?” Y/N asks, getting out of bed and putting on her housecoat to follow him to the bathroom.
“Yeah, the boys need someone to watch them if you don’t mind?”
“They’re family,” she reminded him with a sleepy smile.
“They need lunches for today, I can drive Amoreena to school with them too?” He’s splashing water on his face so he can wake up enough to drive safely to Quantico, wiping the water from his eyes as he hears Y/N laughing softly.
“It’s Saturday silly, and Monday is their last day anyway if they need to stay that long,” Y/N reminds him, “I’ll try and have breakfast ready when you get back.”
“Tomorrows the 14th, shit,” he remembers his calendar. “I have to take my mom to get her yearly scan and cognitive test done tomorrow morning, I won't be able to send her off on her last day.”
“That’s okay, as long as you’re there for the little graduation and the all about me display ceremony it’ll be fine, it starts at 1:30,” she didn’t mind him missing it but everything in him felt like the worst person ever if he did.
He never wanted to miss anything ever again.
“You’re sure that’s fine?”
She nodded again, wrapping her arms around him and looking up into his beautiful, tired eyes. “Family comes first, that means Diana was in the calendar longer so you go with her. Amoreena just wants to come home with you from school, for the next 10 years of school she’ll be coming home to you.”
“Why don’t we wake Amoreena and go get breakfast with the boys? I’d like to get to know my god kids too…” her voice cooing as she soothed his morning anxiety, blessing him with more time with her, he nodded.
“You go get the boys and come back and pick us up, I’m sure she’ll take a few minutes to contemplate feeding chickens or breakfast,” Y/N smiled, leaning in to kiss his cheek softly.
She pulled away but he pulled her right back in, pressing his lips right against hers again and again until they were both laughing, teeth bumping into each other in their early morning delirium. She finally pulled away from his grasp, rushing to the bedroom door so he couldn’t follow her.
“Go get the boys!”
He fake huffed, “fine!”
Slipping into his jeans and a sweater, placing her grandpa’s hat back on his head once more. He made sure he had his wallet and identification, the guards knew him it’s not like he wouldn’t be allowed into the building with a visitors pass.
And then he was out the door and driving down the road. Pulling into Quantico with a strange feeling in his gut, he didn’t realize how much he hated it here until he didn’t need to be there all the time. He was granted a visitors pass, parking in the garage and taking the elevator right up to the BAU.
He walked into the briefing room to find Henry on his phone and Michael sound asleep again on the couch.
“Hey, uncle Spencer!” Henry cheered, not waking Michael in the process somehow.
“Hey buddy,” he said, scooping the now 13-year-old Henry into his arms for a quick hug. He was still cuddly and sensitive and quiet, much like Spencer at that same age.
It was almost like JJ picked him as the godfather knowing he would need him. Choosing to text or call Spencer about cute girls and chess games and new star wars movies, instead of going to his dad for chats about football and beer… or whatever Will was into. Spencer really didn’t give him a chance to get to know him over the last 15 years, harbouring a hatred for him that he didn’t really understand until he met Y/N.
Now will was the jealous one in a sense, wondering what he could do to get his own son to come to him for advice and support. But he understood it, Henry was exactly like Spencer and he needed to see that being awkward and quiet doesn’t last forever.
“So, I’m not sure if your mom and dad told you, but I got married and my wife has a daughter and we’re going to take you boys out to breakfast, okay?”
“She said you’re Nini’s dad, like for real?” Once again someone from the LaMontagne called Amoreena Nini and he had no idea why.
“I donated sperm when your mom got pregnant with you, I didn’t think I’d get to have a family,” he was honest with him. He was old enough to know how it worked and mature enough to hear the word sperm without freaking out.
“Cool, Nini and Mike are normally friends.”
“Why do you guys call her Nini?”
“Michael couldn’t say Amoreena when he was 4 so he called her Nini, and then Dad would call her that when he teased Mike about his crush on her,” it made complete sense for a kid to not be able to pronounce it.
But his brain got stuck on the crush part, turning to Michael who was still sound asleep with his face pressed into his backpack, drooling slightly. JJ’s kid had a crush on his, a weird fantasy he had coming true where he and JJ can be friends forever as in-laws.
It was too bad Amoreena really didn’t like boys, not even in the 8-year-old ‘ew cooties’ way either. She was raised around women and she was comfortable with them, and she had no problem punching Michael in the face if he ever pissed her off. It was going to be interesting seeing them interact today.
“Okay, well let’s get your things and bring them back to our house and then we’ll go get breakfast with my girls,” Spencer smiled, seeing Henry’s face light up at the day he gets to spend with Spencer. “You’re going to love Y/N.”
And he did… walking into Spencer’s new house to drop off his backpack, dropping his jaw when he saw Y/N instead. He was so much like Spencer it made him laugh, patting Henry on the shoulder, “I know,” he teased him.
Henry turned to him with wide eyes, “I’ve never met Nini’s mom, that’s her mom?” He whispered that same anxious boy Spencer used to be staring right back at him.
He nodded with a smile, “yeah, she’s really nice don’t worry.”
“Henry! It’s so nice to meet you,” she says as she walks into the main room.
Henry turns around to see her when she’s pulling him into a big hug, Spencer can see his eyes are closed as he takes a moment to hug a pretty girl. Spencer couldn’t help but bite his tongue, not wanting to laugh and embarrass the poor boy now that he was noticing pretty girls. Even if that girl happened to be his wife, it was inevitable for Henry to crush on one of Spencer’s girlfriends with how much he copied him.
She pulled back softly, Henry’s arms still around her waist, she brushed his beautiful blond hair behind his ears. “You look so much like your mom, you’re so handsome!”
Henry forgot how to breathe, trying to stutter out a thank you as he backed up out of her space and turned to Spencer, “he’s always looked like JJ, you should have seen how tiny he was originally,” Spencer jumped in to save him. “Where is Amoreena?”
“She’s trying to pick between 2 different dresses, I’ll go make sure she’s in one by now,” she smiled at them before leaving the room, heading up the stairs to Amoreena’s room.
“You good?” Spencer nudged Henry, laughing lightly. “She’s your aunt now, she’s not going to think you’re a dork so you can calm down around her, I promise.”
Henry released a deep shaky breath, “you’re right, sorry.”
“It’s fine, I was like that around your mom before you were born, you should have seen me,” he tried to sympathize with the boy, only making a disgusted face arise on him.
“Ew, that’s completely different she’s my mom!”
Spencer wrapped his arm around him, “and Y/N is my wife!” He whispered as loud as he could so that it wouldn’t be heard by her.
Henry sighed, “and she’s like what 50?”
“35,” Spencer looked at him and laughed as he shook his head, “how old do you think I am?”
“Mentally? 6-years-old,” Henry bullied him right back for all the brotherly teasing, “but physically you look 79.”
“Thanks,” Spencer said, tucking the boy under his arm and messing up his hair, “now you look like a dork.”
He loved Henry more than he could express, unlike Amoreena he knew he wasn’t his kid, it wasn’t fatherly at all. Henry was his best friend's kid, his godson and his little brother, and as he got older he was becoming more of a best friend than he thought he would.
After breakfast when everyone was awake and happily full, Y/N took them all into town to visit the farmer’s market. Letting the kids look around and see if there was anything they wanted to all make for dinner, she was the best mom and aunt in the whole wide world and Spencer kept falling more and more in love every second he spent with her.
She was glowing in the sunlight, walking through the booths looking at all the fresh vegetables and fruit, Spencer followed her with Michael’s hand in his and Henry not far behind. Amoreena was off talking to her favourite vendor, an older woman who reminded her of her great-grandma, it was sweet.
Spencer thought about how their future would be much of the same, Y/N and him with a couple of kids while the rest of them did their own thing. He couldn’t wait to see all the little faces they’d create together, to get to know all the personalities and raise them into being just as wonderful as their sister and cousins.
“Ugh,” Y/N stopped dead in her tracks then, they were heading towards the butcher’s booth when she turned around, almost green as she reacted to the smell. “Nope, not going down there.”
Spencer couldn’t stop smiling at her as she tried to not throw up in the middle of the market, people watching her dry heave as she walked away. Spencer knew JJ was pregnant with Michael before she even told Will because she was the exact same way very early on. Living on ginger ale and baby cookies to stay sane, Y/N was going to need that hack.
He didn’t say anything, just profiling her in his mind as he followed her again.
Henry and Michael used the money JJ left them to buy some homemade candies from the market, Y/N picked up some donuts to bring home to her parents, and Amoreena only wanted fresh strawberries. Spencer however snuck away from the group really quickly to get something they passed earlier, something he wanted to get for Amoreena.
There was a vendor with homemade shirts and dresses, knitted hats and all sorts of collectables. If he was going to miss her last morning before kindergarten, he wanted to get her something to wear that morning so he’d be there in spirit.
There was a beautiful handmade purple dress hanging on the wall behind the vendor, the same kind old woman that reminded Amoreena of her GG. “Hello, how can I help you today?”
“We haven’t met, but I’m Amoreena’s father,” he introduced himself with a smile, and the old woman face beamed.
“Yes you are,” she smiled. “She has your nose, it’s lovely to finally meet you!”
“you too, um, I was interested in that purple dress,” he points behind her, “it looks like the one from tangled, I’m sure she’d love it.”
“that’s exactly how she described it when she saw it today,” the woman explains as she takes it down from the wall for him. “It’s $35, but I’ll do $20 for my favourite little friend.”
“That’s very kind, but I don’t mind,” he says, taking $35 dollars out of his wallet and laying it beside the cash box. “Thank you for always making my girl smile.”
“Thank you,” she smiled again, folding the dress nicely and placing it in a white bag, “would you like some tissue paper so she can’t see what it is?”
“That would be great, thank you,” Spencer smiled too, incredibly happy that this was his life now.
She handed him the bag then, stuffed to the brim with purple and pink paper, Amoreena was going to love it. He said his goodbyes and met the rest of his family at the car, hiding the present between his legs in the passenger seat as they drove home.
Henry and Michael did end up having to stay the night, switching into their PJs after dinner and joining them all in the living room for a movie night. They let the kids stay up later to watch the whole movie, watching Michael fall asleep once again on the carpet, he had been so well behaved all day it was like he was afraid of Amoreena now.
Michael was perfectly happy sleeping on the couch all night, Henry, on the other hand, slept in Y/N’s old room to have some privacy and so he could sleep in on Sunday.
By the time JJ and Will got home on Sunday night, Y/N and Spencer were just putting some burgers on the grill, they had enough for the whole team and so sure enough, the crew made a short trip from Quantico to Heaven.
Matt called his wife, she drove their handful of children over, Luke of course let Penelope know, the two of them still happily seeing each other now that she wasn’t on the team, it was cute to see them together. Then Penelope, of course, invited Derek and Hank. Emily, Rossi and Tara coming along just to witness Spencer being happy.
It was the best summer party they’ve ever had. Bob and Linda were beyond excited to have so many new faces in their yard, throwing on 2 more packages of burgers, feeding a whole army like normal.
The kids were all running around together in the field, playing with the cats and the goats, rolling down the big hill towards the cows, chasing fireflies as the sunset.
It was all of their last day of school on Monday, a weird day to end on but they were excited nonetheless. Y/N’s father lit up a bonfire in celebration, setting up every lawn chair and log they had to make sure everyone had a seat, they all gathered with marshmallows on sticks and drinks in their hands, smiles on their faces and love in their hearts.
Spencer made a happy life for himself that he was no sharing with them, and they call understood perfectly why he chose this one. It was peaceful, perfect and the most loving environment he’s ever been in. They were beyond proud of him.
“This place is amazing,” Tara leaned towards Spencer, “your family is wonderful.”
“Thank you,” Spencer smiled at her, raising his voice then as he looked at the rest of the team, “I just want to thank all of you actually, you’re all my family and it’s been so surreal introducing you all, I’ve never been happier.”
He was swarmed with hugs then, everyone also using it as their queue to gather their kids and hit the road. They watched everyone get in their cars one by one, Penelope did everything in her power not to leave with at least 3 cats, Matts's kids asked if they could come back, often, with Y/N reminding everyone that the gates are always open.
It was everything he ever wanted.
Amoreena jumped into his arms then, he held her against his side as they both waved at everyone, saying goodbye to all her new aunts and uncles and cousins. Her family kept getting bigger and bigger by the day and she was so incredibly happy about it. She’d take in a million more family members if they let her, her heart didn’t have a capacity level for love.
He carried her up the porch stairs then, bringing her into the kitchen where the white bag with purple tissue paper was waiting for her. Her eyes lit up as she saw it, “is that for me?”
“You bet it is,” he enthused, “I’m not going to be here in the morning, grandma Diana has a doctor's appointment, so I got you something for tomorrow morning.”
He set her down on the floor, handing her the bag and watching her carefully remove all the tissue paper. She laid it on the table softly to keep it for later, saying it was good to make barbie dresses with. When she finally saw the dress her jaw dropped.
Y/N was there too now, watching in awe as he surprised both of them.
“Did you buy this from Candace?” She asks softly as she takes it out of the bag. Holding it to her chest as she twirls around lightly.
“I did, I thought you’d like to have something to remind you of me there, I’m sorry I’m going to miss sending you to the bus on your last day,” he tried not to cry as he crouched down to her level, taking her into his arms and giving her a soft hug.
“That’s okay, you’re always in here,” she took his pointer finger in her hand and poked her own chest with it, “I love you, dad.”
“I love you more, Amoreena,” he smiled through the tears, scrunching his nose so they wouldn’t roll down his cheeks, giving her another hug before Y/N started her bedtime routine.
For the past two weeks, his dreams have been filled with lush fields of green draped in the most beautiful golden glow. Both his girls sitting beside him as they read, each of them has a book and it’s silent. It’s serene, the dictionary definition of peace.
However, it took him a while to fall asleep tonight, he was too anxious for Amoreena’s last day of kindergarten in the morning and the fact he wouldn’t be there for the drop-off.
Y/N was sound asleep on the pillow beside him as he stared at her, for what felt like hours, brushing her hair off her face lightly and making sure the blankets were still covering her. His eyes adjusted to the darkness of the room just enough that he could see her face twitch into a smile as she fell deeper into her slumber.
Seeing her happy relaxed him enough to follow her. Blinking into his dream realm and finding a few new faces waiting for him by the tree…
“Dad!” Another little girl he’s never seen before was running towards him, wrapping herself around him as he held her.
Suddenly, 7 other children he doesn’t know are surrounding him in hugs, tacking him to the ground in a fit of giggles and tickles, “we missed you! Why were you gone for so long?”
He’s so confused, he knows he’s dreaming but he chooses to stay, to wander the world and ask the questions his mind was so obviously trying to answer. “I’m sorry,” is all he can reply, taking Amoreena’s hand and following her towards Y/N as she sat on the picnic blanket.
She was older, which meant he should be too, looking in the pond quickly for his reflection to see’s his wrinkled face, the white in his hair and beard. Their kids had all grown up but where was he for it?
“Welcome home,” she smiled as he sat down. “it’s about time you met the girls.”
“Where was I?”
“You don’t remember?”
He shakes his head, “I was supposed to be here.”
“Amoreena got into Yale, did you hear that, cutie? Elly, Junie and Theo are in high school now, look how beautiful they are…”
He watched his children frolic in the field, running around without a care in the world that he missed everything. Why did he miss everything? How could he miss everything?
“It’s too bad you missed Cordelia and the other twins, can you believe we had 3 sets of twins, Spence?” She laughed like it was funny, “how could you leave me alone with 9 babies?” Still smiling, staring into his soul as he died a little inside.
He started to panic then, breathing heavily as he tried to remember where he was to miss everything, “I was supposed to be there for them!?”
Suddenly he’s ripped awake by Y/N shaking him and pulling him against her skin, “hey, shhh, it’s okay.”
He was crying and shaking in his sleep, sweating as he tried to fight off the dream, his anxiety in full swing for absolutely no reason, “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry for leaving you.”
“You didn’t go anywhere, Spencer, you’ve been there the whole time,” she reminded him, rubbing her hand over his back as he settled into her arms. “You were mumbling and then yelling.”
“I got to the park and you told me I missed all of them growing up,” he whispered the painful words into the open, freeing them from his mind and letting them exist somewhere else.
“Them?” She coo’s, holding his head against her chest as she rests her cheek against it, holding him as close as humanly possible.
“We had like 9 girls, they were all so beautiful as you and Amoreena, they all had my nose and your lips and the curliest blowing hair in the whole world, and I missed everything, again,”
“I won't let that happen, do you have any handcuffs leftover? Because I can keep you here for good?” She teased him in a hushed whisper, playful and happy to prove that he was fine, they were fine.
“I’m sorry for waking you up,” he whispered again shimmying down lower to lay his head on her lower stomach, kissing her stomach softly. “I’m not leaving you all, never.”
“I had a bad dream too, that’s what woke me up first,” she replies softly. “Yesterday was the 11th anniversary of Stephen’s death, and the first time I never visited him.”
Spencer felt the need to sit up then, making eye contact with her to see her true feelings. “I don’t want you to stop loving him because you also love me. He’s special to you, you should go see him soon.”
“Spencer,” she smiles at the concern in his voice, “I will, I only didn’t because I’m pretty sure I’m pregnant, I was bleeding a little yesterday and then it stopped, that probably means the implantation worked and I don’t want to tell him yet. And I tell him everything.”
“Everything?” He asks in a way that she hears; “even about me?” inside his thoughts.
She nods softly, “I went on that first Monday after I dropped you off at your apartment, I needed him to know I was finally ready and I thanked him for sending you to me.”
“What was he like?”
“He was from Boston, accent and everything,” she smiled with sad eyes as she recalled him to her mind. “He was in theatre school, I met him in the summer at a music festival in Chicago, he was playing guitar and we had too many beers and I lost my virginity to him in a tent in some field.”
She recalled it like it was a fond memory, missing him but not enough to be sad about it now. “I ran into him again when I went to college in Boston and we were talking outside before the rain hit, like one of those classic movie scenes, and my apartment was closer, the rest is history.”
“Hey Stephen is the one song you always skip, I never wanted to ask why but I don’t think you’ll mind telling me?” He wonders out loud, still a little delirious from the lack of sleep.
“He looked like an angel when I first saw him, he was standing under a street light reading his music sheets and the light was glowing perfectly, it was amazing I wish I had a picture of it. But then the Fearless album came out for the first time and it was my favourite song because it was like she wrote it for us. He was my perfect angel, my superstar, he was going to be on Broadway one day and we were going to move to a cottage in England, we had lots of plans and that song just makes me think of the life me and him must be living in the universe where it all worked out.”
It’s long-winded and she doesn’t seem to be over-emotional by the end, in a shocking turn of event’s it seems like she feels freer after getting it off her chest.
“I haven’t always been this happy and cheerful Spencer,” she adds, “I had a really dark spot after he died, it was horrible for me. I was so angry, I was reckless and mean and hurtful, and in that time I wasted precious moments I could have spent being happy with my grandma, and so my dream tonight was just the fight I had with Evan and my grandma dying and the cops saying Stephen was dead and placing that stupid fucking flower on his coffin thinking it made up for the fact I couldn’t even look at him in there.”
“How you respond to trauma isn’t really up to you, that’s why it’s trauma. Your brain can’t really cope and so it does typically the stuff you’ll regret the most in that time of grief, it’s not your fault and I’m sure everyone understood. You had every right to be mad, hell, I’m mad you lost him because I know how much you hurt in silence for so long,” Spencer can’t help but wish he could have been there for her.
“What happened to you after Maeve died?”
It was only fair that he shared too, “I locked myself in my apartment and didn’t take care of myself, I didn’t talk to anyone, I just sat in my living room and almost died reading every book I had because I didn’t feel like I was worthy of being taken care of so if I starved to death, so be it.”
“You still haven’t told me what happened with her and the kidnapping,” she reminds him of their little chat a few weeks ago at the school. “I get it if you’re not ready, I’m sure it’s a lot.”
“I was getting headaches, really bad ones, and so I reached out to a geneticist to see if she could help me. I sent her my brain scans and some blood tests and she helped me find supplements and natural ways to help my body rest from the stress of my work,” he explained it easily like the feelings didn’t hurt anymore.
“We talked on the phone a lot and I finally asked her why she was so afraid to meet me or have me know anything about her. She had me call her from a payphone, always a different one each time, I was to call and let it ring once, then hang up then she’d call me back. She thought she had a stalker, she was getting weird messages and threats and she felt genuinely unsafe, and she had every right to,”
“10 months went by and we thought she was safe, but her ex-fiancé got a private investigator to find her and in return found me instead. It turns out that Maeve had a student who felt wronged by her and wanted to outdo her, so she dated her fiancé and scared her underground but then she wanted me.”
Y/N’s face is full of concern like she’s listening to a true-crime thriller where she knows the ending won't be good.
“I tried to talk her stalker down, I almost had her and then she kissed me and I keep looking at Maeve, she saw right through me. She threatened to kill Maeve, she had a gun to her head but at the last minute she killed herself, but Maeve’s head was too close to hers,” the words hurt on the way out.
“And someone also had you sent to prison?” She asks, wanting all the trauma in one night to save him the trouble.
“Yeah, she was an assassin, I tricked her into thinking I found her dad and I was so smart she thought I was her soulmate, it was all an elaborate plan to bring me down to her level.”
“Did you kill someone?”
“I’ve killed too many people,” he answers with complete honesty once again. “I’ve killed mostly murderers and rapists, I typically don’t have to. I really try not to, but I’ve also killed people to keep myself safe. And I’d probably kill someone to keep you or Amoreena safe too.”
“Get in line,” she laughs, able to make every single conversation easy even when they shouldn’t be.
“I uh,” he wants to tell her more but he doesn’t know-how. “I was also sexually assaulted in prison, and I was kidnapped and drugged in 2007, I OD’d and died but then I was resuscitated, I wasn’t kidding when I said it was a lot.”
“I am so sorry Spencer,” she rests her hands on his cheeks, looking into his eyes as best as she could in the dark, still seeing the goodness in there. “You’re safe here with me, forever and always, I can promise you that.”
“Thank you,” he’s never going to stop thanking her.
Settling down on the bed once more, he cuddles back into her side. She brushes his hair behind his ear softly, humming a soft melody as she soothes him back to sleep. He snuggled right against her, holding her gently as he fell back to sleep on her, dreamless as she was everything he needed.
love you all for all the support thank you x100 <3
tag list: @shemarmooresfedora @spencers-dria @spookyspence @reidsfish @manuosorioh @mochionly @samuel-de-champagne-problems @jswessie187
122 notes · View notes
sopxhiea · 4 years
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Alfie Solomons X Reader
Summary: Alfie shows the wild girl around and he’s surprised to find out just how quickly she picks up on things but before he can do anything about it, she pulls at the ropes she’s set him up on.
Part 1 | Part 2
“This is an excellent time for me to go missing.”
“Are you going to get me into bed or what?”
Keep them on their toes.
That’s what the lady had said, that a woman needed to keep a man on his toes if she wanted him to stick around. It made it more thrilling according to the old lady, it made it far more exciting than if she were to just give the man what he wanted, the sweet kiss of release.
The kiss could be obtained in many ways, a woman’s body was a world of wonders and it could entice any man if she were to use it correctly, to her advantage.
And maybe that’s when it all started.
The windows on the lines of the street were mostly closed due to the chilly morning weather, the thin layer of snow made no difference to those who chose to reach their destination by feet but it added a whole lot more to the spirit that was coming around with the new year. There were no more kids playing around the streets anymore, just the sound of laughter from the inside of the stone cold houses.
Alfie’s broad form walked in front, with a curly haired and fidgety man following behind. They seemed to fit well together in a sense when you compared their auras, Alfie was composed and the curly haired man was certainly not. Your footsteps trailed behind them, they were much taller than you in comparison so it took you a while to catch up to their speed.
There was no cane in his hand today, no sign of physical weakness as his eyes looked around for the cheery sound of kids playing around but there was none, just the dead silence birthed by the cold of winter, or something that felt too cold to bear.
He heard your lighter footsteps trailing behind, no feeling of uneasiness as he led you to his infamous bakery. You had offered to come and he had no opposition to that, although Ollie had many but he’d chosen to not listen to the lad, which mostly proved to be a mistake but he was hoping it would pay off this time.
Ollie had taken one look at you, and even though he hadn’t seen you before, he knew who you were. Word traveled fast around Camden, especially if it was about a young woman who just wouldn’t behave. The gossip’s description of you checked most of the boxes, the lad thought. Your eyes were as bright as they’d said and he was sure there was no one else around Camden with your delicate features.
He was sure it was you, the infamous wild lady.
You were much younger, though. You didn’t behave in a way that he’d seen girls your age do, you carried yourself with more maturity but he’d almost overlooked all that when you’d flashed him a smile. 
He’d felt his throat dry up and he almost forgot how old you were. Poor lad, Alfie thought when he saw the state Ollie was in when you’d started speaking to the man with a wicked smile. Alfie was glad the lad hadn’t seen you dance or he wouldn’t be able to control him from god knew what. Any man would have nothing but trouble keeping their hands to themselves when it came to you.
“We’re going to the distillery?” you spoke once your feet were in line with Alfie’s as he walked down the street to where the ‘bakery’ was.
You weren’t stupid. Alfie knew that but his eyes still widened when you said it.
Only people who worked in the same line of business knew what Alfie did, most of them at least. He’d killed people for less and he stopped dead in his tracks when he heard you refer to his bakery as a distillery, Ollie’s eyes widened too but the lad was too busy trying to figure if Alfie was going to pound your head onto the cement or just warn you off and he decided on the last option, Alfie didn’t hit women.
“What the fuck did ya’ just say, lass?” he spoke, leaning down to face you which made you smile faintly. The man was at least twice your size.
You upped your volume and made motions with your hands in the air like you were talking to a grandpa and not a thirty year old man, Ollie almost snickered while Alfie watched you with bewildered eyes. “I said, Are we goin-”
He cut you off quick enough, your hands stopping mid-air when he started speaking in a lower tone than usual which only made you wanna bite your lip.
“Where the fuck did ya’ hear that?” he asked, genuinely curious for a second before you bit your lip and all his energy went south. He gulped and you chuckled, he was just a man after all.
“Word travels fast, Mr. Solomons.” you said, emphasising on the last word and you watched his eyes go deeper than usual, some animalistic urge taking over him before he realised that he was standing right in front of the factory.
“Don’t I fuckin’ know it. he said under his breath before putting his large hand on the small of your back and pushed you towards the wooden doors of the entrance.
And you were in.
The inside was bigger than what it seemed on the exterior, the two factories were connected from the inside, most of the inside space absent from any doors. There was a wooden stair that led up to somewhere but you couldn’t see it from where you were standing. You saw barrels, dozens of them as men carried them around. 
“Nice place.” you whispered but Alfie heard it, it only brought a smirk to his lips. You weren’t so stupid to think to believe that a man like Alfie could only make profit off of protection or ‘bread’, there had to be more and this was it.
Alfie walked in front as he led you through the corridors of the distillery and it was obvious that having women around was not so common, especially none like you. No one said anything and you soon came to realise that it was because you had come in with the boss and not on your own. Some did give you strange looks, seeing as you were half Alfie’s age and almost half his size and yet Alfie seemed to not mind it at all.
Everyone had different moral codes, so did a gangster.
His office was the space the unknown stair led to, all smelling of musk and power like he did. You were sure he had a vanilla scent somewhere in there but it was hard to tell, he didn’t give you openings to lower your guard, not really.
The inside of the office had no decorations, just piles and piles of papers and a shelf just for drinks but you noticed that none of them were rum, just whiskey and other strong drinks. You were sure there was at least a couple guns hidden somewhere but you had pushed him far enough already for the day even though Alfie didn’t seem to mind all that much.
You sat on one of the chairs in front of his table, all wooden but worn out unlike the ones in his home. The space had the same atmosphere as his living room which made you think that he spent entirely too much time around his office, Ollie would vouch for that. Taking your gloves off with your teeth, you didn’t realise he had been staring with a smirk on his lips.
You truly were something else, he thought.
He had seen your classmates, girls around your age who spoke in a posh accent and curtsied each time they greeted someone. They didn’t speak unless they weren’t asked something and they sat in a proper way like Annabelle had taught all of you to do. But you didn’t do any of the things they did, quite the opposite.
It only enticed him further.
“You know..” you spoke, a charming smile on your lips as Alfie watched your lips move. “This is an excellent time for me to go missing.”
Alfie’s roaring laugh was the only thin that could be heard in the air after that.
He was a lethal man, you knew that and so did everyone who lived around London. You’d hard of the things they did, although it wasn’t quite clear which ones were true but you were sure he had killed many before and that didn’t bother you all that much but it would if that were you.
And it could very well be you in that given moment.
With no one to come with you, no one to follow or keep you company, you were in his office with his assistant. It was his place, not a place of comfort like his home but a place he’d killed before and you knew that for a fact as you eyed the blood stains on the wooden furniture, it was faint and small but you knew what blood looked like on wood.
You were in the lion’s den and he was staring right at you.
But you weren’t a sheep, and he seemed to forget that for a second.
“I ain’t gonna do anythin’, luv, believe me, yeah.” he spoke with a low smile as he searched through some papers, seated on his big chair with you in front of him.
“I don’t have a reason to...” you spoke with raised eyebrows as he watched you, hand on his beard and you kept on speaking. “..but why wouldn’t I believe in a gangster.” you spoke, eyes landing on him at last and you saw a hint of a smirk on his plump lips.
Alfie understood the weight of your words but he knew you didn’t mean them. You wouldn’t be in his office, sitting the way you were if you had. And he had heard of the lads you hung out with, some of them known criminals just for the thrill of it, he knew you weren’t afraid of him in the slightest bit so he just raised his eyebrows.
“Ya’ ain’t fuckin’ afraid of me, I know that, yeah, I do.” he spoke in a monotone voice, as emotionless as he could muster up and you just clicked your tongue once he was done and looked around while speaking. He wanted to kiss you, he concluded.
“I refuse to be afraid of you.” your voice was soft, like how he’d heard woman talk to babies as if you were cooing him. He didn’t like to be treated that way but he’d let it go, it was you after all.
And it was the full truth, he was sure of that.
Alfie knew you had lied to him a couple of times already but your sweet words covered the rest and he saw no reason to poke at it, you did it exceptionally well. But you were telling the truth now, the full and bare truth for him to know and he knew it for a fact because you’d stopped smiling and just stared at him with stern eyes.
“Alright.” he spoke, feeling his throat dry at the way you looked at him but a man like Alfie was hard to fluster, although you’d done it couple of times already. “Fuckin’ brave of you, that ‘s.” he spoke under his breath but you’d heard it, it was loud and clear.
You didn’t look for praise or approval anywhere, your record would speak for that. If anything, you looked for discontent in people’s faces, it made you think that you were doing something worth the risk but seeing Alfie approve of your recklessness awakened something in you, something you weren’t ready to name yet.
“How much of your income comes from this place?” you asked, genuinely curious as you tried to put two and two together. He had a big house, multiple maids and a distillery, he also had people pay for him for protection and so you figured, he was loaded.
He didn’t answer, just stared at you with hard eyes. Alfie had killed for less and he was not planning on shooting your pretty brains out but you were pushing it, you both knew it. You crossed your legs and uncrossed them again, pulling his attention elsewhere but he was quick to compose himself, it was quite impressive of him.
“I just figured, since you have other....side businesses, this is just a small part that provides your entire income. Is it not?” you spoke in a sweeter voice than before. You knew he would pull a gun on you soon if you kept going this way which gave you all the reason to.
The sparkles in his eyes were something else.
You shot him a smile as he remained silent. You had hit the nail on the head but he wouldn’t tell you that. He tried to figure out just how you got to where you were but soon realised he had taken you home the first night which would give you sufficient information about his wealth but you seemed far too quick to pick up on the distillery side of the business. 
He chose to pay no attention to it for the time being. 
He pulled a glass bottle from one of the shelves, the one that was hidden behind all the whiskey and foreign drinks. You eyed the crystal glass he filled with the brown liquid. You didn’t really drink rum but a gangster was offering you the glass so you’d take it.
You took the glass from his hand, your fingers feeling the cold material of his gold rings for a split second before you chugged it down, instead of taking a sip like most people did. Alfie then could tell that you really did drink, just maybe not rum. You grimaced afterwards, the liquid tasted different than what you were used to.
“It’s too sweet.” you spoke while licking lips and he watched at first. A scoff followed afterwards. 
Alfie sold these out like crazy and there you were, a thing half his size telling him that the drink wasn’t good enough for your taste. He then thought that maybe you were as posh as the rest of the girls in your school but the way you swallowed the drink in one go told him afterwards. His eyes dropped to your cheeks, now a bit more flushed compared to usual and he made a mental note of always offering you a drink so that you’d look as pretty as you did after you’d chugged the drink.
He then remembered how old you were, despite the way you looked at him, and scratched the idea.
“Ya’ don’t fuckin’ like it then, hm?” he asked, leaning on the desk by his elbows and you watched the way his rings caught the light in his office before you met his eyes.
“I don’t usually go for rum..” you spoke, eyebrows scrunched and a look of distaste on your pretty face as you looked at the glass in your hand before putting it on his table. “But yours is okay.” you spoke, seeing no reason to lie.
You didn’t like rum, whiskey was better and did the job a bit faster but Alfie’s was alright. You could even grow to like it, you thought, if he kept you around long enough.
He smiled then, a sweet grin on his face as you looked at him through your eyelashes. He was a hard one to crack, you gathered, but that wouldn’t stop you. You’d make him wait anyway but not before confusing the man. Men liked to be told what to do, you knew that. Especially if it was by a little young thing like you.
Well, at least most men.
“Mr. Solomons..” you spoke, a little pout on your painted lips and he swore you would kill him, you would run a man like him in a heartbeat and he was more than willing to give you the opportunity. “Are you going to get me into bed or what?”
Alfie considered.
He wanted to, oh god he so badly wanted to. But you were young, old enough to know what you wanted but still young, he knew of the danger you possessed. You’d ruin a man of Alfie’s wrath and you didn’t even need to fuck him for that, all you’d do is to kiss him once and he’d do anything, he thought. 
He knew that you’d had your fair share of lads around London, he’d heard. He wasn’t sure how much experience you had in bed but he was sure you could take it, whatever he had in stock for you. He was sure that you weren’t all talk and no play, that you could very well paint a picture from his fantasied only if he were to ask nicely.
“That why you’re ‘ere, pet?” he spoke, hand tugging at his beard as he looked at you through lustful eyes. That wasn’t the reason and you wouldn’t fuck him right at that given moment but you wanted to, and that was rare.
You’d toy with him and push all the buttons he had but there was no denying that you were attracted to the man. Maybe that was why you’d make him wait longer, torture every nick of his soul before he surrendered. It sounded fun but you also had your limits and seeing him riled up like this didn’t help.
You smiled at the nickname first and then at his face, he was a sight to see.
“Depends.” you spoke, loud and clear as his hands brushed through his beard. You were never too tired to play the games and as dangerous as Alfie was, he was still a man.
“On what?” he spoke in a heartbeat. He was thankful Ollie wasn’t here to hear the conversation, Alfie didn’t have the upper hand for once and he had no intention of telling anyone that.
“On how long you’ll last.” you said, telling him the full truth. You didn’t usually tell men that but Alfie clearly stood out. You smiled then, liking the way his eyes widened for a second before he nodded thoughtfully.
Alfie knew the game you were playing. Most women, hell, most people were too dumb or scared to play it and he soon came to realise that you already had him on the ropes. He’d been the one to take you to his home, the one place of comfort the very first night and he was the one seeking you out today when he came over to your school. You were just waiting and he’d done everything you’d expected him to do, with a little delay but he was still a man.
And he’d been the one to take you to his office, the one to give you the rum and the one asking when you’d sleep with him. 
He cursed at himself for being so blind. 
This was how you got man, and all that property and business. He was sure no man had ever lasted longer before and he was right but that didn’t mean that you didn’t have any more cards to play. You were just getting started for all he knew.
“You, yeah, are far too fuckin’ dangerous, pet.” he spoke, eyes glossing over yours and you delivered him your sweetest smile with a small wink.
He lost.
Only this round, he told himself. He’d only lose this one time.
“So?” you spoke in a breathy voice and he found it hard to stop looking at your lips.
God, he was fucked.
But it didn’t matter, he realised. Alfie always had the upper hand, he was the one to end a conversation and not the other way around but he found out that he didn’t mind changing the dynamic if it was for you. 
And it didn’t matter from which angle he was looking at this situation, he was the one who lost and you’d won, in all of the realities of the scenario. He sighed once more, hand glossing over his beard but not quite brushing through it like it had been. One look at you, the rum on the table and your pretty hands that were decorated with paint and he had made his decision.
He’d wait on his toes.
You’d make him anyway but he liked it better if it was his choice. He took one good look at you, from head to toe as you sat in front of him with a smirk he had grown accustomed to and came to the conclusion that you were worth the risk of danger that came with it, as a flip side of the coin.
You shot him another smile as you spoke, your delicate features turning into one of satisfaction and content.
“Say, Mr. Solomons, what would you like me to do while I wait. I assume you have loads to do.” your voice was sweet as your hand signalled at the papers before him.
He shook his head, cleared his throat and began speaking. “Nah. This is nothin’, pet. I’d much rather talk about you, yeah.” he said, not using a curse word like he usually did because you were the one controlling the ropes and he didn’t like having his buttons pushed, he was sure you’d do just that if he didn’t give you your way.
“Well, I’m gald we finally agree on something.” you spoke as you giggled and he joined with a snicker of his own.
You’d be the death of him, and he knew.
And so the game of question for question started again, but this time there were no unanswered questions and a lot more risks taken from both sides.
Tagging: @clairecrive  @parkbearum @sourirez  @vetseras​ @mollybegger-blog @babylooneytoonz @peakascum @fuseburner​ @r-rose08​ @innerpaperexpertcloud  a/n: If I forgot to tag anyone, do let me know please!
I did read all your lovely comments on the last part and forgive me for not replaying to all of them but I wanted to say thank you for leaving the sweet comments and I’m so so glad you guys like this one! I will keep them coming <3
And happy Holiday season! <3
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miyaniacs · 4 years
Dämmerlicht - Sukuna x gn!reader
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Wortzahl: 2853
Warnung: mentions of death and slightly sexual, alcohol
Charakter: Sukuna x gender neutral reader 
A/n: hey guys, this is the first real part of my collab with @laceymorganwrites , it was really fun to write this and I really hope you all enjoy it - I’d be really great to tell us what you think of it ^^ Alsoo comment if you wanna be tagged for the other parts (Gojo, Fushiguro and Geto) and yes, we’re both German haha 
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Placing down the small glass filled with whiskey, you smile at the male in front of you. His hair was white and looks incredibly soft. A soft smile is shown on his lips while his eyes are covered by a dark blindfold, matching the color of his shirt.
“Thank you.” He says in a soft gentle voice.
“My pleasure.” You respond cheerfully. While the male walks away, to a group of people sitting in the back of the room, you hear someone huff. Looking to your right, your eyes are met with red ones.
“You want anything?” You smile politely.
“A new one.” He places the cup on the counter, in his other he holds his phone, while another hand runs through his hair.
“As you wish.” Taking the glass, you quickly clean it and start mixing a new Cosmopolitan.
“You forgot the small umbrella.” He says with a teasing voice. With more force than needed and a smile as bright as the sun, you place the small umbrella in his drink.
“Better?” You ask between gritted teeth.
“Say, how do you do that?” He asks curiously and rests his head on one of his hands.
“Well, I take this liquor right here and mix it with those… and then I decorate it with a small umbrella.” You respond with a sarcastic undertone.
“Well sweetheart, you know I didn’t mean that.” He smirks.
“And what do you mean?” You ask while mixing a drink for another customer.
“Working here. Shouldn’t it be annoying for someone as pretty as you?” He tilts his head, his eyes following every single one of your movements. You shrugged, “You mean because of all those creeps that try to hit on me and calling me beautiful?” You tease. Rolling the upper pair of his eyes, his other one on the right watches you.
“Well… I like getting to know different people.” You mention after a small break.
“Oh… and by meet you mean?” Now all four of his eyes are fixed on you, studying your expression.
“Y/n, you shouldn’t talk too much with someone like him.” Nanami says while sitting down on one of the chairs in front of the bar.
“Oh and why shouldn’t they?” The other male asks in a mocking tone.
“Same as usual?” You ask Nanami ignoring their conversation about you.
“Yes please.” He smiles at you before turning his attention back at the other. “You’re never up to something good Sukuna - and they are way too important.”
A sigh leaves your lips.
“Oh? Important? Are you a royal sweetheart?” Sukuna laughs at his own joke.
“No, just a grandchild of one of the elders.” You smile bitterly and slam Nanamis Guiness on the counter.
“Just be careful Y/n.” He grabs the Guiness and walks to the group the white haired one, Gojo, walked to earlier.
You watch the others smile and greet Nanami, Gojo pulling him down and throwing an arm around him. Nanami pinches his nose embarrassed while some pink haired guy laughs holding his stomach, earning a smack from the black haired one next to him. Then a hand appears in your view.
“What?” You sigh and turn around to Sukuna.
“Why is the grandchild of an elder working in a bar like this?” He underlines his words with one of his hands waving through the room.
“And why should I tell you?” You huff now annoyed.
“Ohhh they got some spice.” Sakuna teases a smirk now playing on his lips.
“How about I kindly ask you to shut up and let me finish my shift in peace.” You roll your eyes and walk to the other side of the bar, switching positions with the other bartender.
“Mhhhh, no sorry, I was quiet for way too many years.”
Looking up you’re met with the same red eyes. You’re about to leave again, when you feel a hand grabbing your arm. Spinning around you hiss a “Let go!”.
He looks at you calmly, his head resting in two of his hands, while his fourth hand holds his Cosmopolitan. You knew who he was. You’ve known it the second he walked into the bar. You know he is dangerous, but the more you think about it the more you’re drawn to him.
“Oh? Am I seeing that right? Is your face relaxing? Oh - could this even be a smile? Is the ravishing Y/n gifting me with a smile?” The second those words leave Sukunas lips, your flat hand meets his cheek.
“I said let go.” And with that you wiggle yourself out of his grip.
“Ohhh, sweetheart, you’re getting more interesting with every second.” He smirks and his hand moves to the spot you’ve hit him.
“Ahhh, I got myself a masochist?” You respond teasingly.
“I’d say I’m more of a sadist, but for you I would mind getting some … punishment.”
“I don’t think I got enough ropes and blindfolds for you,” you smile.
“I can lend you mine.” Gojo walks by and sends you a peace sign.
“Yes please Gojo, bless all of us with your beautiful eyes.” Sukuna says in a high pitched voice and claps two of his hands over his cheeks.
“Everything for my number one fan!” Gojo flips his imaginary long hair.
“Nanami!” You call out, “Come and collect your man!”
“He’s NOT my man.” He huffs while grabbing Gojo on the collar of his shirt, pulling him back towards the table they came from.
Laughingly you roll your eyes and finish cleaning a glass, throwing the towel over your shoulder.
“Let me guess - you’re working here to act up against your grandpa and all his rules?”
Clenching your jaw you look over at Sukuna.
“Ahh, I see, 100 points for me.” He smiles evilly and leans over the bar.
“Tell me sweetheart, how about you annoy him even more? I’ll promise, you’ll enjoy it.” He looks up at you.
“What kind of fun?” You ask, the idea of acting up against all those stupid rules making you exited. 
Getting revenge on all the times you’ve been wrapped up in a big layer of overprotection. It was more than annoying, the feeling of not being able to grow, to find out who you truly am, everything was taken away from you, due to never being able to do what you want. Every time you had to think of what consequences your actions have for your family.
“Well... that’s a secret you’ll discover when you come with me.” An evil and mischievous smirk appears on his face. A smirk that screams ‘do not accept, warning, danger, keep away, walk in the other direction immediately, scream for help.’
“Hey Dan, I have to go now, can you cover the last hour of my shift?” You ask your coworker, who just rolls his eyes and nods.
Walking around the bar you stop right before Sukuna : “Where are we going?” You smirk and look down at him.
Quickly your gaze shifts upwards, as Sukuna gets up and now towers over you. One of his hands extends and he waits for you to place your hand in his. Taking a deep breath you keep your eyes locked to his red ones, as you lay your hand in his. Immediately he pulls you into his chest, two of his arms wrap around your waist while his forth one gently grabs your chin and lifts it up.
“Ohh you’re a bad one, aren’t you?” He leans closer, his lips almost touching your ear. “So hopeful to anger ... who? Your grandfather? Or...” his lips now gaze over the soft skin on your neck, “No... your dad - Daddy’s good little child is acting up?”. With his last words he looks straight in your face, leaning closer and closer.
“Y-Yes.” You breath out. Sukuna licks his lips and his eyes darken. Looking at you with hooded eyes he closes the gap between your lips. Closing your eyes the second you feel his, surprisingly soft, lips on yours. You melt into the kiss, it feels as if your whole body’s on fire, a fire that tickles right underneath your skin, all the hairs on your skin set up, your fingers grab his shirt, pulling him even closer.
“Ohhhh No... NO no no no no! I’m not working right now, but I still feel like it’s my duty to not just sit here and watch you making out with him.” Nanami angrily screams and somehow manages to pull you out of Sukunas four arms.
A deep growl escapes Sukunas throat.
“Nanami. Why can’t you leave them alone. They’re old enough to make their own decisions.” All of his eyes are fixed on Nanami now.
“I know them since they’ve been a child, sorry that I feel the need to keep them away from stupid decisions.”
“Hey, no fights! That’s the rule!” Dan shots from behind the bar.
“No need to paniccccc, they're just trying to figure out who has the bigger one. You know, they’re still kids at heart, right guys?” Gojo walks over and puts an arm around both of them.
“Gojo, that’s none of your business.” Nanami says and tries to escape Gojo’s grip, without any success.
“And it’s also none of yours Nanami.” You step up, arms crossed over your chest and look at him.
“Y/n, don’t be stupid. I’m just trying to protect you... like always.”
“I am not a small helpless child anymore, I don’t need your protection.”
“Judging by the people you keep on talking with... or hooking up with, you’re neither an adult nor in any way only a bit more grown up than the day I first met you.”
“Oh yeah? Am I? Well MAYBE I am doing all of this because all of you rather keep me locked in my room and never let me leave. I have no freedom.” Nanami is about to say something, but you’re quick to interrupt him, “ NO don’t come with the ‘but you’re working here, your dad trusts you enough to work here’ - I see all the agents that visit the bar whenever I have my shift. Even here I’m getting watched.” Angrily you take Sukunas hand and pull him with you, as you storm to the entrance.
“No, Y/n, WAIT! Please.... I’ll talk with your dad I-“ Nanami calls out but you’re already out of the bar.
“Well that was interesting.” Sukuna chuckles beside you, swinging your arms back and forth. The night is warm, the streets are lightened up by all the non sings, it must have rained recently, the ground is still wet, making all the light reflect. It was beautiful, no one else seems to be outside, but you couldn’t really acknowledge the beauty around you, your head still filled with countless thoughts and regrets.
Nanami just wanted the best for you and you’re not even mad at him, you’re mad at your family, you know that Nanami keeps many secrets from your father, protecting you and helping you having a rather normal life.
“Hey, little brat, how about we get something to eat?”
“BRAT?!” You exclaim and spin around standing right in front of him. “I AM NOT A BRAT!”
“Well... your behavior now tells me otherwise.” He raises an eyebrow and tilts his head in a provocative way.
“I know how to fight okay? Don’t you think I can’t kick your ass.” You say between gritted teeth.
“Oh? That’s tempting, my little brat is acting up now?”
“Your?!” You laugh and raise your brows, “One kiss and you already believe I’m yours?”
“Well... no, but I promise by the end of the night you’ll be screaming my name and mine only.” His voice is low and deep, he takes a step towards you and another one and another one. With every step he takes, you take one backwards, until your back is now pressing against the stone wall behind you.
“Are you going to kill me?” You ask, even though you try your best to sound confident, your voice still shakes.
“I will yes, the only question is, in what kind of way?” His eyes are locked with yours, his hands rest on the wall, caging you between him.
“You know with one thing Nanami was right. You are acting extremely childish, only thinking about angering your family and not thinking about your own safety.” He tilts his head and one of his hands moves towards your face, his index finger traces over your skin, going from your jaw upwards to your temple, down over the bridge of your nose, until he finally outlines the contour of your lips. You shiver underneath his touch.
“It’d be so easy for me to just kill you right here, right now.” His hand wraps around your throat.
“There are so many curses, jujutsu sorcerers and just simple humans, that would take advantage of a naive child like you.”
The pressure around your neck increases.
You’re unable to speak, too afraid of what he’d do.
If you haven’t been this harsh to Nanami, he and Gojo would have already found and saved you.
“You have no idea of how many curses I heard of that want to kidnap you and use you as a leverage.”
The pressure increases even more.
At this point it’s getting harder and harder to breath, your vision gets blurry.
Desperately you wrap your hands around his, yet he just laughs.
“Curses, just like them-“ one of his hands points behind him, “that asked me to get you out so they can kidnap you.”
His hand leaves your neck and you fall to your knees.
Your hands wrap around your sore throat, while you let out some rattling breaths.
“Wa-wait.... curses?” The words Sukuna said finally reach your mind.
Panic rises up inside of you as you look around, curses appear from everywhere.
“Yes... I brought you here... for them.. but well.... you see.” He turns towards one of the curses, who seems to be the leader, “ I changed my mind. They’re mine now, so you have to leave now.” He smiles calmly.
“Oh no, we paid you!” The curse hisses.
“Well... and you’ve really been that stupid to think I would work for one one like you?” He laughs and with every second it starts to sound more evil.
“We’re more than you.” The curse says and the other curses move forward.
“Gosh you annoy me, I’m just trying to have a nice night out with them now.” He rolls his eyes and looks down to you. “Little brat, Stay here I’ll be right back.”
In a matter of seconds all of the curses lay dead on the ground.
It starts to rain, Sukunas shirt is ripped, exposing his toned body, the blood, which drips down his hands, gets washed away by the rain. He looks up at the night sky, yet the second you try to move, he’s already kneeling down next to you.
“No no no... don’t be afraid. I never wanted to give you to them.” He says, his voice soft. “Well, to be honest, at first my plan was to just kill you along with them, but seeing your little fight with Nanami... I changed my mind... so in some way he actually saved you again.” He chuckles and gets up extending his hand, waiting for you to take it.
“Come on now, I told you I make you scream my name by the end of the night, isn’t this what you want?” He smirks and you roll your eyes.
“No more choking .” You sass and let him help you get up.
“Keep that bratty attitude and that’s all you get.” The smirk on his face grows and he pulls you closer.
“I really shouldn’t do this right now.” You sigh and get on your tiptoes, wrapping an arm around his neck you press your lips against his.
No, you really should not kiss the person that planned on killing you.
But the thrill of doing something, which feels so forbidden, is like a drug and the longer you kiss him, the more intoxicated you get.
“Now, let’s make your daddy angry shall we?” Sukuna growls and takes out his phone.
“Yes please.” You smile against his lips.
“Three... two... one.” You kiss him again and he picks you up, your legs wrapping around his torso, your back pressed against the wall.
Your head is filled with Sukuna and only him.
He’s your perfect drug.
Filling up all your senses and every inch of your body.
You know how wrong this is, but this is nothing you have to think about now, tomorrow you will deal with the consequences. You could easily blame it on the adrenaline or the whole situation you were in just seconds ago, yet both of you know, that you want this, that you needed this, that you needed him.
Pressing the send button Sukuna puts his phone away.
Now your father needs to increase the amount of your ... bodyguards, which will only make it more fun for him to steal you away every night, beginning now.
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Taglist (open) : @kenmasgameboy​ , @dixonsbugaboo​
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masqueradeball · 3 years
How about number 3? Like, tell us all about it if you want :)
Oh my gosh 🥺 thank you so much for giving me my first ask! 💖 I'm eternally grateful I get to spill all my pheels out.
3. What is my favorite Phantom tv/film adaptation?
My absolute favorite Phantom is the 1925 Lon Chaney silent film. He just embodies everything that I like about Gaston Leroux's Erik for me and he is both horrifying and pitiable. I dislike the ending but I can live with it given it's what test audiences wanted at the time. I truly love his Red Death costume. You can find it on Youtube and the Tubi app for free.
My first runner up would be Claude Raines in the 1943 because his Erique so soft and tragic in that film I cannot help but love him. This was one was my grandma's favorite 'classic monster' movies that she loved, so I have a special place in my heart for this one. I love his hair and appreciate that he was one fine silver fox before the revenge and jealousy issues set in. The opera parts are a little boring, but the costumes and the sassy diva rival to Christine are worth the watch. We get 2 handsome Raouls who end up going to dinner together at the end of the movie and a Christine who gets to bask in the limelight of her career while not choosing any suitor, which is the best possible outcome for her. Double play for the win in my book! You can watch it for free on the Peacock app.
My next runner up is a 3 way tie between Robert Englund, Gerard Butler, and Charles Dance.
I honestly enjoy all their performances because they each bring something unique to the role.
I cannot stress enough how violent the Robert Englund version is if you want to give it a go, but Erik Destler is insane, twisted, and fabulously murdertastic in this. I love the creepy, evil vibes the man gives off. Think of this film as a time travel AU of the original novel. I feel like he nailed Leroux Erik's darker, snarky personality that some people tend to forget he had and the gothic horror parts of the original novel are there. Bonus: they keep the Faust parallels like in the novel!
I'm gonna say it: I love the Charles Dance miniseries. I know it's not the best, but damn, he is so dry and sarcastic I cannot help but enjoy his performance. I want to pinch his cheeks and smother Cherik with the love his father never gave him everytime I see him. Again, this one focuses on the operas a lot, and for me it's a bit boring. But the backgrounds, settings, and props in this thing are fantastic and the costumes are wonderful too.
That leaves Gerard Butler in the 2004 movie. No he is not the world's greatest singing Phantom, but I don't care. I absolutely love his facial expressions and body language. The Phantom is an emotional, expressive dude and the Red Death costume scene is pretty good. I love how kind and sincere Emmy feels in this film and I appreciate she's not overracting and doesn't feel fake compared to some other Christines *coughSierracough* Being the film version of the ALW musical, this Phantom story focuses on the romance and Gerard excels at that. When he and Christine are singing Past the Point of no Return, I FEEL THEIR PASSION! And that's what counts more so than hitting the same notes we've all heard a million times before.
Now for the versions in the 'I will eternally like this' category 😊 :
The Phantom of the Paradise from 1974. This is also a very violent and dark film so fair warning if you haven't seen it. It's a bizarre rock musical, but if you're weird like me and enjoy Rock & Rule or the Rocky Horror Picture Show, this might be a film you'd like too. I don't want to spoil it too much but the Faust/devil parallels are here too, as is various pop culture references. His teeth and mask are terrifyingly cool, and so is the electronic voice box he uses. It makes sense Daft Punk was inspired by this film. Maybe G1 Soundwave was inspired by this film too, but that's a debate for another day 😉
Next is the animated 1988 film. This one features animation on par with other 80s tv cartoons of the time. I love that they kept the Persian and the torture chamber from the novel. The Phantom's death scene is pretty damn epic. Christine is kind of a flake, but animated Leroux Erik is hilariously insane and terribly charming, especially when he calls himself a Don Juan. It's worth watching just for his antics and his dialouge.
You might not expect a Goosebumps episode to do a Phantom story any justice, but here we are: 1995, The Phantom of the Auditorium is a spooky fun take on the story and honestly, I'd like to see the full play the kids at that school are putting on cause it looks better than some of the live Phantom stage scenes I've seen. Both young boys playing the Phantom are fantastic actors and the plot twist at the end is great.
I absolutely have to give a shout out to Wishbone's Pantin at the Opera. He is the best, cutest, most adorable Raoul de Chagney ever and I will fight you if you dare talk smack about this version. I'm not even a Raoul stan by any means but like, this dog is precious and I enjoy this episode so much.
Also in the animated category and cute dog category is Scooby Doo Stage Fright made back in 2013. This movie is one of my fave Scooby Doo films (yes I own almost all of them on dvd) and there are multiple Phantoms, a reality tv show contest, and Fred and Daphne finally kiss each other! Lots and lots of hidden Phantom references in the background and lots of voice acting talent for those of us who appreciate that.
Now for the versions I intensely dislike 😏
The 1962 Herbert Lom version. UGH where to start. The sets are so small and everything looks dirty and of the wrong time period. The color in the film looks washed out. The clothes look too modern somehow (maybe it's their hairstyles?) and it bothers me. It feels low budget in a bad way and it shows. This phantom is not likeable or pitiable even though his backstory is similar to the Claude Raines version. He has no romantic interest in Christine, so it feels off. This guy is such an old a$$ piece of sh*t, he literally slaps Christine as she's singing for him for no damn reason. His paper mache mask looks like a Kindergartener's botched art class project. His personality is like somebody locked up cranky grandpa in the basement and he's PMS-ing because y'all forgot to give him his daily prune juice. This squatter's lair lacks creepiness, and his bizarre sidekick is annoying and yet somehow more interesting than the Phantom. The pervert manager trying to bang Christine aggravated me and simultaneously made me want to vomit. Raoul is the only likeable character in the whole damn movie. The Joan of Arc opera scene makes up for some of the film, but it's still terrible.
Next on my meh list is the 1983 made for tv movie starring Micheal York and Jane Seymour. Now, this one has some likeable and applaudable scenes: the various murders and general creepiness of the Phantom, and the lair scene when she wakes up in his bed and the Phantom gets all up in her face is so intense and so Leroux I absolutely love it. The rest of the film is a jumbled hot mess at best, but Jane Seymour is 🔥 and she gets some damn good sex, so hell yeah to that!
And lastly, I do not like the Royal Albert Hall 25th anniversary recording. I should preface this by saying it is Sierra I don't like. I like Ramin, I love Hadley, everyone else is wonderful but I cannot stand Sierra. She tries too hard to make Christine a Disney Princess- and that doesn't fly with me. It comes off as insincere or mocking the source material at best, and at worst it makes Christine look like an airheaded ditz. Apparently Sierra played Ariel at one point which is hilarious because of all the Disney princesses, I dislike her the most. But that's a different rant for another day.
And finally, the one I hate most of all:
The 1998 Argento film. This is the worst Phantom adaptation I've ever seen. It is a whole lotta nope for me. Between the rats, the unecessary and pointless telepathy, the r*pe scene, and the unfunny weird vibe from the murder going on in this film it's a disaster from start to finish. Honestly, it's the rats and his hair that bother me from a visual standpoint alone and it's beyond disgusting the way this a$$🤡 treats Christine. I don't like any of the characters in here and for good reason. It's not worth watching and if you do, be ready to bleach your brain afterwards.
💖 Sorry if this was a long read! Thanks again for giving me an ask and I will cherish it forver!!!! 💖
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soyouthinkucanwrite · 3 years
Trip to the store with Tom and Harry
*This is actually part of a chapter of something I've been writing for myself, just for fun. Basically, the reader is staying with them for the weekend, things are still pretty recent with Tom, she's famous too, whatever, whatever... there are 15 chapters tho (48k + words)! This blurp doesn't contain smut, but the others do, so let me know if you like this, and I might post the full series.
Minor warning: people taking unsolicited pictures, panic attack foreshadowing. Also, this is in a world pre-pandemic (the series happens in June 2019) that's why no maks. But you live in 2021, so please wear yours!
Overall, just pure fluffiness and brother's bickering. Enjoy and please, please give me your feedback!
This is 2k+ words, btw
*edit! I did it you guys, here's chapter 1 of the whole series
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“Just leave it, baby” Tom calls out when I get up from the breakfast table taking the dishes to the sink to wash them.
“It’s fine, just a couple plates” I say already washing them. “You wanna go to the store now or later?”
“Let’s go now” Tom says.
“I call shotgun!” Harry announces.
“Absolutely not! I’m driving and(y/n)'s my-” I keep my ear open for the end of that sentence, which apparently won’t be coming out because Harry starts to laugh and I can tell Tom wants to kill him for that. I just shake my head and keep washing the plates, pretending I didn’t hear anything.
We go back to his room to brush our teeth before heading out and I consider changing my clothes, but decide this is fine (out of laziness). Tom changes into a pair of joggers and shirt, he looks like he’s going to work out, but handsome as always. I wonder if he’s going to wear the cap and sunglasses that he keeps on his car for quick disguise. He grabs his wallet and the car keys and we’re heading out when I remember my wallet.
“Hold on, forgot my wallet” I say going back the hallway.
“What you need your wallet for?” He asks when I get back, he was waiting for me at the end of the corridor. We go down the stairs, Harry is already there waiting, flipping through his phone.
“You see, a wallet is where you keep your money and these plastic card thingies, which are like money, but virtual. Money is something you need to give the people at the store-”
“Alright smart ass, I get it. You won’t need to buy anything, it’s what I’m saying”
“Please don’t get him started” Harry pleads with me when we get outside the door.
“What?” I laugh. Tom unlocks the car and I go straight to the backseat, trying to avoid another awkward sitting discussion.
“Tom insists he pays for everything around the house. Part of the reason why we go grocery shopping without him” Harry says from the front seat. “He’s pretty good at making money, got admit. But terrible at managing it, the lads don’t even pay rent!”
“Would you like to pay rent?” Tom asks, reversing the car and taking a glance at me, winking.
“I’m your brother! Dealing with you IS my rent” I laugh the whole way to the store at their banter about money, the radio, the car temperature. I catch glances at Tom through the rear mirror, smiling every time he sees me watching him.
“Why are we here? I though it was only food” Harry asks with an annoyed voice when Tom turned to get in a parking lot.
“We’re getting other stuff too” Tom explains, parking and getting out of the car, taking my hand. He didn’t get his cap and sunglasses. We left the car at a parking lot and walked to a discreet door that read ‘collect by car’, was this some kind of celebrity special entrance? We take an elevator and when it opens it’s like a mall, or a department store. A fancy Target, I’d say. ‘Marks & Spencer’. Uh…very British. Harry takes a cart and Tom gets another. I follow Tom but notice that Harry goes solo on his shopping trip. Tom’s still holding my hand and I look around to see if anyone’s watching but apparently not. “Let’s look at the blown dryers first, huh?” He says and I nod, following his lead.
When we get to the beauty tools section (is that what they call it?) Tom reaches for the fancy, expensive blow dryer models and I reach for the travel-sized ones. I look at him smiling. “You were thinking about getting a blown dryer for the house, weren’t you?”
“Weren’t you?”
“Tom, you’re seriously buying a blown dryer just because I asked to borrow one?” I laugh at him.
“I could use one too, you know? It’s not just for when you come around” He says in a tone that gives away he was thinking exactly the opposite.
“Okay then. Not that brand, though. This one” I put back the travel size and step closer to him to look at the models, reading the boxes and considering the options. When we settle for one he puts it on the cart and we keep walking through the store, reaching the products section. “Shampoo” I indicate, walking towards the shelf with all the options.
“Hi, can I help you guys?” A store attendant asks approaching us.
“Hi” I say smiling at her. “Just looking for some shampoo and conditioner”
“Something specific?”
“Not rubbish” Tom jokes. And she looks confused.
“He uses Head & Shoulders and is offended I called it rubbish” I explain to her laughing.
“Oh…that’s not good” She grimaces and Tom shakes his head.
“I know! Thank you! It doesn’t have to be anything fancy…I don’t know any of these brands though…” Me and the attendant start talking about shampoo and Tom zones out, looking around. When I finally pick one, along with conditioner, hair mask and styling gel I put it all in the cart and thank her. Tom was looking at a shelf with bath products, bath salts and bombs.
“Hi” I step to his side.
“Bath bomb? Doesn’t sound very relaxing” I laugh at that. Boys. When I was going to explain it to him two girls approach us.
“Hi, Tom!” One of them says, blushing furiously.
“Uh…hi!” He answers, slightly startled. “How’s it going?” He recovers his composure.
“Fine…Uh, is it ok if we ask you for a selfie?”
“Sure, no problem” He smiles. They look in between him and I.
“Could you take one, (y/n)?” Does she mean with me, or she want’s me to take the picture?
“Sure, give me your phone” I say reaching for her phone. And they laugh nervously.
“We meant with us”
“Oh, yeah” I laugh. “Course” Tom is watching and laughing at me. “But do you want me to take one of you guys with him too? So you don’t have only selfies”
“Oh would you? Thank you!” They say giving me their phones and posing along him. He keeps staring at you the whole time. I snap multiple pics with both phones and give them back to them.
“See what you think” I gave their phones back.
“Oh it’s great! Thank you”
“You didn’t even look at it. What if she’s a shitty photographer?” Tom laughs.
“Excuse me? I’m a great photographer” I answered him. “I bet the one’s you take won’t look so great” I said posing with the girls, who were just staring at the two of us in awe. I smiled while Tom snapped the pics and then he gave their phones back.
“Thank you!” One of them smiled.
“Yeah thank you!” They were walking away when one of them looked back and shouted. “You guys are really cute together!” And they sprinted away laughing.
“Teenagers” Tom says shaking his head and laughing.
“Don’t know, we ARE really cute together” You tease him, poking his side.
“I know, wasn’t disagreeing” He says defensively. “You can’t make every fan encounter this long though, or else you’re never gonna get anything done”
“Okay grandpa” You laugh. “Common, it didn’t even take that long”
“Not this time. Probably made their day, though” He says. “Just don’t get frustrated if every fan isn’t this nice”
“I don’t expect them to be. It’s just, they liked whatever we do and it’s part of their lives. Doesn’t cost anything to be nice, and besides, it’s a positive reinforcement. Next time they need courage to do something, it’ll be easier for them. People make too much fuss about celebrities, but like, asking a date out is way scarier and more common” Tom just smiled and shakes his head. “What?”
“I really love your mind, you know?”
“What did I said?”
“The positive reinforcement thing. I though you were going to say we’re leaving a good impression” You scoff.
“Bath bombs” I say trying to change the subject. “It’s like aspirin, for your bath. They’re really nice, wanna pick some?” He nods picking one up and trying to smell them. You guys joke around and pick some bath bombs as well as some bubbles and shower gel. “We got so much stuff” I say looking at the cart.
“Only essentials” He says and kiss me on the cheek. “I like this, get used to it”
“Spoiling you. I’m like a sugar daddy”
“Oh my god, you didn’t just say that” I laugh. “That makes me a toiletries sugar baby” He laughs and pushes the cart along the corridor. We find Harry on the beverages section, picking up some beer boxes.
“So much for groceries” Tom says looking at his cart. Chips, candy, beer and milk. We get a few more items like some fruits and vegetables, yogurt, eggs and of course a bunch of ready meals, which seem to be a must for them.
“You guys don’t cook much, do you?” I joke.
“Only when Sam’s around. Which then he cook’s for us, of course” Harry answers and I laugh.
“Is he at school?” I ask.
“Cooking school. In Paris” Harry tells me, putting the groceries on the cashier belt.
“That’s so cool” I look at Tom. “That’s really cool”
“I know. Wait, are you really more impressed by my younger-chef-brother than my acting career?” He laughs.
“I mean…” I shrug and Harry laughs at us. We see a flash and turn our heads at the same time to the woman on the line behind us, who had her phone pointed to us. I look down and Tom puts his arm around me. “She’s taking pics” I whisper to him getting out of his embrace.
“So?” He says and puts his hand on my back, standing with his back to her in front of me. Harry hurries up and finishes putting the groceries on the belt, bagging everything up. I go to help him while Tom pays for our shopping. We put the stuff back on a cart and get out of the store. When we get out of the elevator and in the parking lot again, I hear Tom saying to Harry ‘Ride on the back now, yeah?’. We put everything on the trunk and Harry gets on the backseat, so I get on the passenger seat. Tom starts to drive and takes my hand laying on my thigh, he rubs his thumb over the back of my hand and I’m glad he’s being mindful because these encounters with paparazzi and random people taking pics really stress me out.
“I don’t really mind taking photos” I say out of the blue. “When they introduce themselves and ask for it”
“It’s so disrespectful, pisses me off” Harry agrees. “Like, you want a photo? Fine, just ask for it. You don’t simply snap photos of random people on the street, what makes you think you have the right to do it if you saw the person on a movie before?”
“We only saw that because the flash was on too. Makes me think of all the times I never see it. Like you’re always being watched. It’s…” Scary? Stressful? An invasion of privacy? All of the above?
“I’m sorry” Tom says, tightening his grip on my hand.
“It’s not your fault” I say.
“I’m still sorry” I give him a half smile. Nothing we can do about it, is there?
“Nice record Tom, where did you get it?” Harry asked lifting the Lime Cordiale record I bought Tom at Camden.
“That’s (y/n)'s” He says.
“I bought it for you” I smile.
“What? Did you?” I bit my lip smiling and nod. “I’m an idiot, sorry”
“That you are. An ungrateful idiot apparently” Harry says.
“It’s ok” I give Harry a glare. “It’s ok, really” I repeat looking over at Tom. “As long as you listen to them now”
“I will, promise” He smiles and lifts my hand to kiss it. Harry makes a gaging sound and I just laugh.
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hurricanery · 4 years
If You Went Away - pt. 6
A/N: Here’s part 6 of If You Went Away! Thank you for the encouraging messages <3 This fic might only have one or two more parts, but I have other exciting things planned!
Other parts here: part 1 // part 2 // part 3 // part 4 // part 5
(present day)
“You look….cheerful?” Maggie gives Amelia a once over as the brunette walks into the attendings lounge.
Amelia squints back at her as she reaches for her purse and starts changing out of her scrubs. “I don’t know if cheerful is the right word, Maggie.”
“Okay….happier than usual as of late?”
Amelia smirks as she pulls her jacket on, then sits down to zip up her boots. She hadn’t realized her current emotional state was such a topic of conversation, or even observation.
“Scout’s got his last check up with Nico today. Right now, actually. So I’m out of here early.” She relaxes back into the seat.
“Oh? And where’s Link?” Maggie questions, sitting at the table across from Amelia.
“He’s in surgery. So it’s just me,” Amelia explains. “But, we’re just….excited he doesn’t have to have his arm wrapped up in that sling anymore. Especially for this weekend.”
“What’s this weekend?” Maggie’s eyebrows pull together in confusion and she watches as Amelia huffs out an exasperated sigh.
“Link’s parents' wedding….” Amelia mutters under her breath. If her outlook seemed cheerful when she walked into the room, it was definitely dwindling now.
“Oh my god, I totally forgot about that! I thought that already happened?”
“I wish,” Amelia breathes. “They started planning this years ago. But then, ya know, the whole pandemic….and some other stuff got in the way….but that’s all over now and they’re finally ready, I guess. And so….yeah, that’s happening this weekend….” She trails off, zoning out as she thinks about the event ahead.
There’s brief silence as Maggie watches her sister’s anxiety overcome her previously lighthearted disposition.
“How’s Link feeling about all of this?”
“Ha,” Amelia laughs sarcastically. “Not great. He still feels pretty….betrayed? By his parents? Maybe that’s the feeling?”
“Hm.” Maggie hums, digesting the information and slowly coming to terms with another realization about the situation.
“His parents put him through a lot,” Amelia explains, becoming more animated as she continues. “But I just keep trying to tell him not to take it so harshly....You know? I mean….they found their way back to each other after all this time. Why is that so bad?”
“Hmmmm,” Maggie hums again, drawing the sound out a bit more. She smirks, scanning Amelia’s face like she’s onto something.
“I mean, it’s kind of inspiring, right?”
Maggie pauses for a moment, deciding her next words. “Let me get this straight….you find it inspiring?”
Amelia shrugs, still not catching onto Maggie’s perception of her words.
“You find it inspiring….that two people can make their way back to each other after….certain difficulties?” Maggie smirks.
And Amelia frowns, the comprehension of Maggie’s attempt at an analogy settles in.
Maggie watches as Amelia’s face goes blank with realization. But then the brunette is standing up suddenly, pushing away from the table.
“Maggie no!” She throws her bag over her shoulder, getting ready to leave. “That’s not….no. That’s not what I’m saying. You’re putting words in my mouth.”
“Hey,” Maggie smiles as she folds her arms across her chest, watching Amelia as she hurries towards the door. “You’re the one that said it. I’m just putting two and two together.”
Amelia turns around once more before reaching the door, but Maggie’s smug look causes her to roll her eyes. She pushes through the door, letting it slam shut harshly.
The following day Amelia runs around the house anxiously, trying to make sure everyone is ready for the wedding.
“Scout!” She yells from the kitchen as Scout sits with his eyes glued to the TV. “Come on, time to get ready!”
After some convincing, Scout finally follows his mother up the stairs and into his bedroom.
“You can go back and watch your show once you get dressed, okay?” Amelia walks to the closet, pulling out a tiny suit jacket and matching pants. She smiles to herself as she pulls the garments from the hanger, running her hands over the fabric before laying them across Scout’s bed.
“Why do I have to wear that?” Scout whines.
“Because weddings are like fancy parties,” Amelia smiles as she crouches down to help Scout into his wedding attire.
Scout frowns, adjusting to the uncomfortable suit jacket that his arms have just been guided into.
“Why are Grandma and Grandpa having a wedding? Are they already husband and wife?”
“Well….” Amelia bites her lip. Mentally sighing at just how smart Scout can be sometimes.
“You can do a wedding as many times as you want?” He questions, squinting up at Amelia.
“Uh, yeah….” She slightly frowns at the accuracy of his question. It was an easier explanation than the reality. “Yeah, you can.”
“You and daddy aren’t married.” Scout says matter-of-factly.
“Um, no,” Amelia mutters as she begins helping Scout into his dress shoes. Her pulse quickens at the direction this conversation is taking.
“Why not?”
Amelia sighs, out loud this time. She hears the shower turn off in the next room and knows that Link is probably finishing up getting ready, while she remains completely unready.
“We just aren’t….” She offers shortly, standing up once she’s satisfied with how Scout’s outfit comes together. “Not everybody gets married.”
Scout looks up at her curiously. “But you said you can have as many weddings as you want. I think you and daddy should have a lotta weddings!”
Amelia can’t help but to laugh at this.
“Okay, buddy,” She grins down at him. “Let’s see how you like this wedding, first.”
“Can I go finish my show now?”
Amelia nods, and Scout takes off down the stairs while Amelia heads to get ready herself.
45 minutes later and Amelia has her dress and heels on. She’s done her hair in soft waves and she’s just finishing up the final touches of her makeup when Link enters the bedroom, walking past the adjoining bathroom, Amelia hears him softly gasp.
She pauses her lipstick application, glancing at Link through the bathroom mirror. She raises her eyebrows at him.
“You look….” Link stutters, scratching at the back of his neck anxiously. “The dress…..the blue is a really nice color on you. You look really nice.” He shrugs, dropping his hands to the side.
Amelia suppresses a blush. It was a dress she’d worn to Alex and Jo’s wedding years ago. She was relieved at the chance to re-wear it, since nobody she knew would be at this wedding, or know she was recycling it for the occasion. She was just happy to not have to purchase another dress.
“Thank you,” She smiles slightly, resuming her task in the mirror. “So do you.” Her eyes dart back to him briefly. “I’m almost ready.”
“No rush.”
“Well, I don’t want to be late. So….there’s kind of a rush.” She laughs under her breath. “You’re just not excited about this at all, are you?”
Link sighs as he sits on the edge of the bed, still in Amelia’s line of sight through the mirror. He shakes his head. “No….but, starting now, I’m going to be positive about this.”
“Hey,” she mutters, starting to put away her makeup products. “I’m nervous, too.”
“Hm?” Link looks up at her as she re-enters the bedroom.
“I’m nervous to be around your family….I don’t know,” she mutters anxiously, reaching for her coat and purse. “They have no idea we were even….apart….” she cuts herself off from going in that direction. “They just don’t know me very well.”
Link nods. Knowing there is so much more to it. So much more that Amelia didn’t say.
“Let’s just make the best of it tonight,” He offers.
And Amelia nods in agreement.
After a short ceremony in which Amelia and Link struggle to keep Scout settled in his seat and non-disruptive, they are completely relieved to have moved on to the reception part of the night.
They smile their way through introductions and explanations. And Amelia grits her teeth at the repetitive questions from distant family members.
‘How long have you guys been together?’
‘So nice of you to finally bring Scout around!’
‘What are your plans for the future?’
Amelia holds back her discomfort. And holds a tight smile. The only thing anchoring her being the equal dismay on Link’s part. The impatient tightness in his voice as he answers the same questions over and over weirdly brings her comfort. Just to know that she’s not the only one feeling totally out of place here.
The question that sets her off the most though, comes from Link’s uncle. But, when Link is asked whether or not he’s ‘being courted by the Mariners for another contract this upcoming season,’ Link reaches over and squeezes Amelia’s shoulders assuringly.
She sighs in relief at the vagueness of his answer.
“We like to take things one step at a time.”
And Amelia turns away from Link’s uncle, gazing up at Link, surprised by the feeling that swells in her chest.
As the night continues, the energy becomes much less stressful. Although Link was very much not looking forward to this event, the energy of the room is having an effect on him. His relatives are dancing and talking and celebrating. It’s an overall joyful atmosphere. And Link is relieved. Relieved to be not so burdened by his initial distaste at the idea of this wedding in the first place.
Link smiles as he glances across the room. He watches as Amelia pulls Scout onto the dance floor, reaching forward for his little arms. She bends slightly as she twirls him around, Scout in a fit of giggles.
Link watches the two of them for a few more minutes, until the fast-paced song switches over to a slower one. There’s a round of cheers from family members and friends as the atmosphere changes and couples begin arranging themselves for a slow dance.
The next thing he knows, Link is crossing the dance floor himself.
“May I cut in?” He asks as he approaches, looking pointedly at Scout, his tone playful.
Scout glances between his parents as Amelia drops his hands. He looks around the room at the couples swaying slowly, then he’s nodding excitedly as he turns back to his parents.
“I can take him over to where some of the other kids are playing,” one of Link’s family friends chimes in suddenly and Link smiles, nodding a thank you as Scout runs off to be with the other kids.
Then they are alone. Just the two of them surrounded by other couples.
“Dance with me?” Link reaches a hand out to Amelia.
And she hesitates only briefly before taking it. Her pulse quickens out of nowhere and she tries to suppress the feeling that grows, the feeling that’s reminding her of every high school dance ever. Because she isn’t in high school. And this isn’t some high school crush. This is Link. The father of her child. And this is his parent’s wedding.
His hand clasps around hers, pulling her forward, and his other arm settles around her waist. Amelia’s free arm automatically rests over his, her hand coming down to rest against his shoulder.
There’s still a slight distance between them, the uncertainty of their positioning quite evident. Until Link pulls her even closer, so that she’s putting more of her weight against his chest. Amelia suppresses a gasp, looking briefly between his eyes. Before the eye contact becomes too much and she glances past him, over his shoulder instead.
“So,” Link murmurs, allowing her eyes to drift away from him. “Tonight wasn’t so bad.”
“Mhm,” she hums in agreement, her eyes settling on Link’s parents behind them. “Your parents are cute.”
Link shifts them around, so he can have a better view of his parents in the center of the dance floor.
“It took them a while to get to the cute stage, in my opinion,” Link looks back down at Amelia. He still towers over her, even when she’s wearing heels and it makes Link smile. Amelia laughs at his words, rolling her eyes.
“You’re always going to hold it against them, huh?”
Link shakes his head, like he’s deciding something. “No….no I won’t. I can be happy for them.”
Amelia nods up at him, and holds eye contact. She adjusts herself, letting her arm slide up further, resting around the back of his neck.
“This was fun. Scout had fun.”
“He did,” Link murmurs, letting his hand begin circling a repetitive pattern across her lower back.
Link notices the song change. Back to an upbeat tune, not so much fit for a slow dance. But it seems to take Amelia a moment to catch on. Because before she’s noticed the beat change, her head drops momentarily to rest against Link’s chest. They’re still swaying back and forth slowly, as if the song hasn’t changed.
But then the DJ makes an announcement, something about requests for other songs. And Amelia shakes from her reverie. Stepping out of Link’s embrace, she takes in the atmosphere of the increasingly crowded dance floor.
“We should probably find Scout,” she mutters, eyes scanning the room.
Link follows after her as she begins crossing the room. They approach the kid’s table to see Scout sitting with his head resting down in front of him. He’s surrounded by other kids but he’s fighting off sleep with his head resting against his arms on the table.
“Think we should call it a night?” Link mutters, and Amelia nods, gently stepping forward to wake Scout up.
Link hears light snoring as he drives them home. He glances in the rearview mirror, to the backseat, and smiles to himself at the sight of both Amelia and Scout sound asleep. She’d insisted on sitting back there with him for the drive home. Link shakes his head now, realizing it was probably because there was more room back there for her to drift off, too.
The car pulls into the driveway and Link turns the engine off, stepping out and around to Scout’s side of the car. He opens the door gently, not wanting to wake him up. He lifts Scout as carefully as possible, and that’s when Amelia stirs. She sits up suddenly, eyes darting around in confusion.
“Hey,” Link whispers. “I’m going to carry him up. You should head to bed, too.”
Amelia nods, realizing her surroundings. She climbs out of the car, following after Link and Scout inside.
Amelia takes a makeup wipe to her eyes as she rests tiredly against the bathroom counter. She blinks sleepily despite herself, but would never go to bed without taking her makeup off first.
Link huffs as he enters the bedroom, glancing at Amelia through the open bathroom door before sitting on the edge of the bed to slip his shoes off. “He is not as light as he used to be,” he laughs, referring to carrying Scout to bed.
“Mhm,” Amelia hums, “He’s growing up so fast.”
Link disappears from Amelia’s line of sight, entering the closet to hang his suit jacket and slip on some sweatpants. He collapses into bed shortly after while Amelia finishes getting ready for bed.
She’s still wearing her dress as she heads to the closet and Link’s voice causes her to pause for a second. “You should wear that dress more,” He mumbles sleepily.
And Amelia rolls her eyes, holding back a smirk, as she enters the closet to change.
She appears a moment later, dressed for bed. Her equally exhausted state leads her to collapse onto her side of the bed in similar fashion to Link.
“I’m serious,” Link mutters. Amelia turns her head to the side, noticing how his eyes remain closed. She’s relieved that he can’t see her sheepish expression.
“I want to start over, Amelia.” His eyes open now, searching for hers. And Amelia swallows her nerves. “I want to take you on a date.”
She laughs. Because this is not what she was expecting.
“What?” She mumbles through her uncertain laugh.
“And I want you to wear that dress.” He sounds like he’s fighting off sleep again and Amelia finds herself hesitant to agree to him while they’re both so exhausted. Hesitant because she doesn’t know how much he means it.
“You don’t have to answer me right now,” Link continues, muttering into his pillow a bit as he settles onto his side, eyes closing again. “But promise me you’ll think about it?”
Amelia breathes a sigh, biting her lip as she glances at Link’s resting face.
“Okay,” she whispers. And then lets her own eyes shut, too.
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brightest-ideas · 3 years
(Continuation of this fanfic, again pretend it was posted yesterday lmao. Trigger warning for abuse and misgendering)
Jack had been waiting on the porch for roughly two hours now. During the first hour, his eyes had been firmly focused on the road, straining to see against the dark night if the next passing car was his father's, hoping that the next one would slow down and turn into their driveway. That enthusiasm slowly died down as time passed. Now, the middle Bright brother had been leaning against the railing for some time, looking down on the ground below him with his head resting on his hand, the light from his house only dimly illuminating the outside, he could barely spot the dark asphalt road just up ahead. Still, every time he heard the distant roar of the engine and the tires against the road, his head would perk up and he would look over, only to get disappointed once more as the car sped right past him.
He never got why Mikell liked dark, cold evenings so much. The crickets chirping were more irritating than anything, and you could only stare at the same starry sky so much before it became repetitive and boring, not to mention the annoying bugs trying to bite him. Jack much rather preferred staying inside, where it was warm and pleasant, with the yellow light illuminating everything perfectly, no scary dark corners or shadows to be found anywhere. He only ever liked staying on the porch if it were with his brothers.
The boy had long since lost sense of time and was about to head back home, when he heard yet another car, this time slowing down and pulling over into their dirt driveway. Jack's face lit up with the biggest grin and he practically jumped off the porch stairs as he saw his older brother come out of the car.
"Mikell!" He raced over, practically crashing into his brother and almost sending them both flying to the ground, thankfully for them both the older boy managed to catch himself on his crutches before he lost his balance.
Mikell wheezed as his brother made an impact with his chest and hugged him tightly, thankfully not too hard as to not hurt him...much. He visibly winced, but his expression softened as he looked down at the teen who had by now buried his face tightly against his older brother's chest.
"Ow, hey, asshole-" He patted Jack's shoulder. "Mind my ribs."
"Oh-" Jack pulled away slightly, his face flushing in embarrassment as he realised his mistake. "Sorry."
"Jennifer," Before Mikell could reply, their father's harsh tone had gotten both of their attention, Adam walking around the car towards them. "I thought I told you to be in bed before we came back."
"But, I- I wanted to see Mikell." Jack stammered out.
"And for fuck's sake, take that ridiculous hat off your head."
Before Adam could grab the cowboy hat, Mikell had already placed his hand on top of it, holding it firmly on his sibling's head as he met their father's gaze.
"I think it looks good on her."
Adam scoffed and turned back to his car, locking it. "Whatever. Just take the brat to her bed."
"Sure thing, your majesty." The eldest mocked before quickly hopping away on his crutches before their father could make a scene, Jack very quickly following him, leaving their parents to talk near the car alone.
As they neared the stairs, the younger boy started to pull the hat off of his head, only to have it firmly put back into place by his brother.
"You can keep it." Mikell pulled his hand away, grinning. "It suits you."
"It's a bit big for me, don't you think?"
"You'll grow into it." He carefully started to hop up the stairs.
"Or you just have a huge bubblehead."
Mikell laughed out as he stopped at the very top of the stairs, watching his brother climb up after him. "If you think some broken bones are going to keep me from drop-kicking a child down the stairs, you're wrong."
"I think you'd just fall over because of that massive head of yours if you tried."
"Why you-!"
Before he could grab him, Jack had already dived for the door, getting away from his brother as fast as possible.
"I think you'd be surprised how fast I can go on these crutches if you keep testing me, pipsqueak."
"Not fast enough, old man!" Jack stuck his tongue out at him and quickly disappeared into their house.
"Old?!" Mikell huffed, limping after him, squinting a bit as the warm yellow light hit his eyes. "I'm only twenty-two." He turned briefly to close the door behind him. He leaned against the wall, balancing mostly on his crutches as he managed to kick his shoe off.. "If you keep calling me old, you're setting yourself up for one hell of a life crisis in a few years."
He stood back up and hopped ahead towards his brother, but before Jack could even come up with a comeback, they were quickly cut off by a loud pair of footsteps coming towards them from the living room.
Mikell yelped as he had almost lost balance once more as he felt his youngest sibling crash into him, thankfully on the side of his healthy leg, and grip tightly onto his waist. He could only briefly look down at the small girl who had buried her face in his stomach before he remembered something, quickly bringing one of his crutches up, stopping TJ in his tracks as the boy almost rammed into the tip of it. A sense of dread creeped onto the eldest's expression.
TJ's face fell, though he stepped away, he knew more than enough what would happen if he made accidental skin contact with the man. "Sorry…"
Mikell put his crutch down with a soft tap as it hit the wooden floor, looking at his brother for a moment. He missed TJ a lot and he was sure the boy missed him too. He laid one hand on Claire's back, still looking at TJ, before he let out a long sigh. "Alright…but be very careful."
The youngest of the brothers lit up instantly, practically jumping over in excitement. Careful as to not touch Mikell's skin, the youngest boy wrapped his arms around him and nuzzled his face against his chest, with a bright smile on his face.
Mikell tried to relax into the hug, leaning back on his crutches and lifting his chin up, trying to make sure that TJ would not touch him. He let out a loud exhale, letting the tension leave his body as he closed his eyes, smiling just slightly. It felt so good to be back home, with his family. He missed the warm light and chatter, he missed their hugs and talking to them, he missed singing Claire to sleep, telling TJ stories and bickering with Jack. He missed it all, even the little annoyances.
"I missed you all too." His tone was soft and soothing, he gently ruffled Claire's hair and even hesitantly rubbed TJ's back as the two pulled away eventually. He slowly readjusted himself, pulling his crutches closer to his body so he could properly stand on them again. He then looked at the teen leaning against the wall and grinned. "Except for you, Jack, you're a nuisance."
Mikell chuckled and gestured for his youngest siblings with one of his crutches, waving it towards upstairs. "Now come on, it's late and you two should have been in bed a long time ago."
TJ looked at his sister, walking ahead of her with a slight bounce to his step. "Hey Claire, wanna race me to your bedroom?"
"Yeah, yeah!" She giggled happily and ran ahead as fast as her little legs could carry her, her brother quickly gaining on her but sliding on the wooden floor just near the stairs, grabbing the railing to not fall on his face.
"Try not to hurt yourself, alright?" Mikell called out after them, a slight worry in his tone, but it's not like they were going to listen to him anyway. He limped along past Jack and the living room, heading towards the stairs as well.
Jack watched as his two younger siblings climbed up the stairs like a pair of rabid animals then glanced at his older brother with that usual bastard grin of his. "You need help going up the stairs, grandpa?"
Without a word, Mikell brought his crutch to his brother's shin, making him yelp loudly. He fell to his knees, gripping where his brother has hit him.
"Fuck!" He hissed, looking up at his brother who just snickered at his misery.
"That's what you get, I warned you already." There was a hint of amusement in Mikell's tone as he circled around the teen and continued on his way.
"You think you're gonna win this fight, mister cracked-ribs?" The boy quickly jumped up to his feet and raced ahead of Mikell, spinning around to face his brother. He immediately paused when he saw his expression visibly fall, amusement being quickly replaced with worry.
"Jack, your eye…"
Ah. Fuck. He almost forgot. "Oh, it's-" He pulled the cowboy hat over his face in an attempt to hide the mark. "It's nothing. I just fell."
But Mikell wasn't that easily fooled. He reached over and gently stroked his brother's cheek with his thumb, making him wince in pain. "He hit you, didn't he?"
Jack frowned, lowering his head, though his eyes still focused on his older brother. "Please don't get angry at him."
"He hit you." Mikell hissed through gritted teeth, feeling his blood boil.
"You're hurt." Jack had already grabbed Mikell's arm, fearing he was already planning to storm out the front door and scream at their father. And he wasn't exactly wrong. "Please, don't do anything stupid, he'll hurt you."
"Mikell, please." He pulled himself closer, wrapping his arms around the older man's torso. "Please. You won't win this argument, he's just going to hurt you. Please just let it go…"
"I…" Mikell sighed heavily, letting his frustration leave his body with the big exhale and his shoulders falling, propping his chin against the top of Jack's head. "...Fine. But the second I'm healthy again, that bastard better watch his back."
"Thank you."
"...Okay, well, TJ and Claire are waiting for us. Come on."
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crystalirises · 3 years
I just binge read all your fundy one shots and had an idea.
Sooooo you know how the little mermaid has a sequel???? Ariel has a daughter named Melody, and during her baptism they're attacked day Ursula sister. Ariel builds a wall around the castle and Melody hates them and sneaks out all the time.
I was just thinking red haired mermaid + handsome prince who likes music + walls and didn't know where to go from there
Oh god I loveddddd the sequel to that movie! It was just so good, and omg you’re totally right! I didn’t realize how kinda similar some of the stuff are when it comes to Fundy’s life. :333
Anyway, I made this short (again, is this even short lol) one-shot about this idea. Some stuff are different cause well, I honestly forgot some stuff about the movie since I watched it when I was like 12 skskks. Anyway, hope you like this!
Sally cradled the precious bundle closer to her chest as Wilbur guided her down the steps that led from the captain’s quarters to the deck of the ship. She scoffed as he quickened his pace, stretching out a hand as though to help her down the last steps. Ever the gentleman, her king of music. She took his hand, refraining from jumping down with the precious cargo in her hold. The sun was bright in the sky as they looked out into the sea, her people flocking near the edge of the boat to catch a glimpse of the small prince of the land and sea. The baby gurgled happily in her arms as she rocked him back and forth, waving a hand towards her sister who had settled nearby. Niki waved back, crooning sadly that she wouldn’t be able to actually see their new addition to the family. Fundy wasn’t quite like the mermaids - like Sally - taking on a more human-form with the addition of fox-like attributes that Sally just knew came from Wilbur. There was no other option.
“They seem excited.” Wilbur chuckled, hands against the rails as he gazed down at the mermaids. There was a twinkle in his eye as he wrapped an arm around Sally, cooing down at their beloved boy. “He’s just so small... so fragile. I’m going to cry, Sal.”
“Like you don’t do so every night each time you put Fundy to sleep.”
Sally leaned into his touch, resting her head against his shoulder as she continued to rock Fundy in her arms, the small baby giggling as he tried to reach for a strand of her long curly hair. She leaned down to boop his little noise, smiling as Fundy reached up a hand to boop hers too. Wilbur kept his family close as they stared out into the waves, the party was in full-swing behind them, but they stayed where they were. She could hear Wilbur’s younger brothers arguing in the background on a matter regarding what she could only assume was Tommy stealing some of Techno’s stuff. From the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of her father-in-law, Phil, heading towards him. There was a serene look on the man’s face, his stance relaxed as he approached the couple with an ease and regality that only a king could ever hold. He had retired from the position recently, trusting Wilbur with the kingdom and now here they were, celebrating the first birthday of the kingdom’s heir. Sally held Fundy closer as Phil finally reached them, patting Wilbur on the shoulder and pulling Sally into a one-armed hug. She never knew the comfort of a parent, having only her younger sister, Niki, for company.
“Not going to join in the  festivities, mate? I could watch Fundy for both of you, if you’d like.” Sure enough, Fundy began to reach his little arms towards his grandfather, whining as Sally continued to hold onto him.
“In a minute, dad. Sally and I were just enjoying the view.” Sally let Wilbur take Fundy from her, the newly crowned king rubbing a hand against Fundy’s soft ginger curls before pressing a kiss to the babe’s forehead. Wilbur chuckled as Fundy suddenly gripped a loose brown curl from Wilbur’s hair, the baby holding onto it tightly that Wilbur couldn’t escape. Phil shook his head at the small display, Sally giggling at the sight as Wilbur looked up at them with pleading eyes. Soon enough, Fundy got bored and started to squirm in Wilbur’s arms, reaching towards Phil with grabby hands. The baby’s eyes were fixed to Phil’s wings, clearly wishing to pluck a feather or two if Wilbur and Sally were to allow it. Phil wasted no time in scooping his grandson up, the small baby yipping in the older man’s hold as he settled into his grandfather’s arms. Sally mentally crooned as she looked down at her baby. At least he’ll always have the love of his family. Fundy would grow up with his mother, his father, his grandfather, and his three uncles. “Although, maybe we could spare a few minutes. My little champion seems to want to spend some time with his grandpa, hm?”
“Don’t call me that, mate, you’re making me feel old.” Phil scoffed, holding Fundy in his arms with a gentleness that the king only ever showed towards family. Sally took the opportunity and looped an arm around Wilbur’s, dragging him off towards the center of the deck where most of the partygoers were. Phil gave her a small smile as they left before turning to look out into the distance, cradling a cooing Fundy in his arms. Wilbur looked down at her in surprise, eyes blinking as those deep dark brown eyes - that reminded her so much of the dark ocean depths that she once resided in - looked at her with such love and endearment. How could she have been so lucky as to have him? It had been his heart-song that had made her so deeply in love with him. That and he wasn’t that bad of a looker either.
“If you wanted me all to yourself, you should have just said so, love.”
“Now where would the fun be in that, my king?” She leaned in closer, their faces nearly touching when the band began to play a familiar tune. She gasped, Wilbur’s eyes widening before wrapping his arms around her. The band was playing their song, the song that they had danced to on the night of their wedding. It wasn’t quite the traditional slow song that Wilbur said most weddings had. It was a fast-paced yet short tune, a ditty if you will, that left the dancers breathless and nearly exhausted once it finally concluded. His hands were on her waist, her hands pressed against his shoulders in a sort of faux waltz despite the music that was playing. From the corner of her vision, she could see that the crowd had dispersed, leaving space for Wilbur and Sally to dance if they so wanted to. She smirked, leaning up until her lips were close to Wilbur’s, her breath against his face as she looked up at him with a raised brow. “Well, my king, care for a dance?”
“As if you have to ask, love.” Wilbur grinned. Then they were dancing, their steps hurried and quick as they heard the crowd cheer and clap. Of course, Sally led the dance - as if she’d ever let Wilbur lead. Wilbur adjusted to her steps accordingly, knowing exactly what she was doing and feeling great pleasure at letting his wife take control of a skill that she had tried so hard to master.
As they danced, the creak of the wood pierced through the air as the band started another round of songs. The crowd began to join in, Sally catching a glimpse of Techno, Tommy, and Tubbo amongst the crowd - though Techno was simply standing in the sea of people with an awkward look on his face. Wilbur noticed and left Sally to dance by herself. She watched as Wilbur headed towards Techno, no doubt to help his brother with the sudden influx of people in the small space of the center deck. After a few minutes, she broke off to let herself rest, whizzing through the crowd until she reached Phil who had his wings raised in the air. She ducked beneath his left wing, glancing down towards her son who had managed to fall asleep in Phil’s arms. She pressed a gentle kiss on the sleeping babe’s forehead, glad to know that she can trust Phil to put his grandson to sleep. There was a small feather clutched in Fundy’s arms, a content smile on the baby’s face as he snuggled closer to what he was holding. Phil shook his head, chuckling before pulling Sally into a one-sided hug.
“Wilbur went to help Techno. I hope Fundy wasn’t too much of a nuisance... and that him plucking one of your feathers off didn’t hurt.” Phil laughed, shaking his head as he passed Fundy over to Sally. The baby stirred, but didn’t wake as Sally held him closer, cooing about how adorable he was when he wasn’t awake trying to pull other people’s hair or feathers off. She remembered Phil shrieking the first time it had happened during the first time she had let him carry his grandson. Now, Fundy’s crib consisted of feathers hanging overhead - although those came from the ones that naturally fell off Phil’s wings. “I’m glad you got him to sleep so easy, it usually takes forever━”
She felt the shift in the air before she noticed the dark clouds that had rolled in. Phil tensed up, his wings wrapping around her and Fundy protectively as they all took an instinctive step back. Everyone had gone quiet, the band that had played so loudly ceasing to a lull as the crowd began to disperse. The clouds roiled overhead, yet not a single drop of rain came from above. There was a static crackle in the air that didn’t felt like lightning poised to strike. Sally looked down, her people that were once there having vanished back into the sea with only her sister left on the surface. Niki gazed up at her, worry dancing in her eyes before she too vanished into the depths. Sally felt her breath caught in her throat, clutching Fundy closer as she realized what was causing this chaos.
“Sally! Sally!” She heard Wilbur’s voice call out from across the deck, his curly brown hair appearing within view as he tried to reach for her. She felt the arm around her shoulder tense up, the air screaming to a halt as Phil shouted for Wilbur to get back. There was a low whistle in the air and she heard Wilbur scream as a trident sailed past him, nearly grazing his cheek as it lodged itself into the wood of the main mast. She shrieked, teeth clenched together in anger at the thought of anyone daring to hurt her Wilbur, but Phil kept her where she was. They all stood in utter silence, until a flash of lightning - actual lightning - broke through the sky, a figure appearing at the front of the ship. The familiar painted smile on that damned porcelain mask seared itself into her memory.
Dream tilted his head, “Hello.”
Fundy watched curiously as a bit of ocean water seeped past the tall blackstone walls that kept him prisoner within the palace. He laughed as the water tickled his feet, reaching down to feel the cool water against his face as he patted his hands against the water. He looked up, noticing a small grate on the side of the wall that led directly to the ocean. He held back his excited gasp, before deciding to make a break for it.
A pair of arms caught him just as he was squirming his way between two bars, the familiar scent of salt hitting his nose as his mom held him in her arms. He blinked up at her, ears pressed against the top of his head, whining as he was taken away from the grate that presented freedom. He could see his dad by the doorway, a hand clutching at the stone wall as his mom brought him back into the palace. He tried to squirm out of her grip, but she was unrelenting and only let him down once his dad had closed and locked the door behind them. He stomped a foot against the floor, tail bristling in indignation. 
“I wan’ go out.” He pointed towards the window, locked (he should know, Fundy had tried it before he realized someone had left the door unopen) but it served a greater purpose of showing him the outside world. The walls had always blocked the ocean view, but his parents knew that he wanted to see it. So why weren’t they letting him? His mom sighed, crouching down so she could look him in the eyes. She cupped her cheek, pain dancing in her sea green eyes as she stuttered to answer him. He huffed, looking away as he crossed his little arms in front of his chest. His dad had moved to stand at his side and he could feel a hand rubbing the top of his head and scratching behind his ears. It would have been nice if they hadn’t kept him from leaving. He wanted to see the vast blue ocean that his storybooks always talked about, to see the shells and the fish that he’d occasionally see pictures of. “Don’ wanna talk, I angy.”
“Sorry, baby. But you know how dangerous the ocean is... We can do something else if you’d like, honey. Anything you want for the entire day, how does that sound?” Despite the anger he held in his tiny little body, he slowly began to forget as his dad began to pet his ears and his mom began to pick him up again. They held him in their arms, doting on him as if trying to make him forget what he wanted in the first place. He purred, happy to be the center of his parent’s attention. Even if he did feel a bit coddled, he wouldn’t pass up the chance to spend an entire day with his parents.
“Go nyoom!” His parents laughed as he raised up his arms, both of them setting him back onto the ground as they both counted from 1 to 10. He giggled, turning to leave the small room they were in. He wouldn’t be caught so easily.
And as Fundy ran away, he spared a single glance back, catching a glimpse of the grate that he had tried to escape from.
‘Someday.’ He thought to himself, and then he was running, his parents chasing after him as they tried to coax him to come back. He giggled, happy to play chase with them even if it meant giving up momentary freedom.
Somewhere, a man clad in a white mask sits upon a throne, trident in hand. He had sensed the little one call out to the ocean. Truly, it was a pity that his own kind would ever interact with a human.
Ah, well. He’d just have to take both of them back then.
‘Someday, indeed.’
*brain processing noises*
Listen. I don’t know XD
Okay, explanation. Sally is not royalty, she is just a normal mermaid who happened to have fallen in love with Wilbur - who was the crown prince but in this one-shot he is now the king of L’Manburg. Sally’s only family is Niki here while Wilbur has Phil, Tommy, Techno, and Tubbo.
Essentially, mermaids in this world have the ability to transform into a human form but they usually don’t do so cause they fear humans.
Now, yes, Dream is kinda king Triton and Morgana in this AU (no he is not related to Sally XD). Essentially, Dream is the king of the mermaids and he really does not want his people to associate with humans, so Sally has pretty much angered him for deciding to fall in love with human. However, he won’t hurt them, he just wants them back in the ocean and stuff. Yes, he also considers Fundy as one of his people since one of Fundy’s parents is a mermaid. So ye...
This is confusing and I apologize. I hope you guys like this tho! Also, to the anon, I cross-posted this on ao3. I hope that’s alright with you!
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