#he loves hearing viktor talk about anything and everything
nightlilly0110 · 2 years
Jayce likes to read fantasy novels. It was a habit that he’d had long before he met the mage, and only got out of hand after the fact. He does, however, have tact about the way he organizes his book shelves and makes sure guests can only see his textbooks and academic journals, the fantasy books tucked into corners where no one else can see them. It’s a very normal book preference but Jayce acts as if it’s a guilty pleasure due to how he’s expected to act. He treats all his books with care and reorganizes his collection once every few years.
Viktor, you’d think from his professional appearance, would be the type to read only nonfiction and have a taste for books about as interesting as a saltine cracker. He does have his textbooks and academic journals like Jayce, and he does have books on astronomy as well, but that makes up the minority of what he has. On the contrary, he loves to read those cheap, mass-produced novels that are meant to sell a lot of copies but not get any notoriety. The shittier and more nonsense the plot, the better. Horribly written, cheesy (and borderline questionable) romances are his go to. He hate-reads this nonsense, gets extremely invested, and it’s his favourite thing ever. He loves all his books (derogatory). Half of his collection is second-hand, most he’s gotten for less than five dollars apiece. Most are dog-eared and old before he even got them. He uses the ones he doesn’t plan on reading again as coasters. They all have those weird painted covers that probably have a shirtless man and a woman who looks like she’s fainting on them from like the 90s. Collectively, the books are worthless and will probably make you want to wash your brain in bleach. Don’t get him started on any of them. You’ll be there for hours.
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dr3c0mix · 1 year
could you ever try writing a poly between 3 vampires and male reader? like, reader is a painter and the vampires ask him to paint them something while in their house, and is just.. evolves. sorry if it doesn't make sense
Love Bites
Poly!Vampires x Male!Painter!Reader
CW: implied kidnapping, murder, implied vampirism
holy shit this is like one of the chillest fics ive made so far :0 anyways enjoy the funny vampire men !!
🌙 You always had a knack for finding beauty in everything, from the calming dance of raindrops amongst the smell of petrichor or the lovely reds and oranges of the fall when the leaves withered.
🌙 It was very handy considering what you did for fun.
🌙 You loved to paint, anything and everything you saw was inspiration for you. After a long day of delivering bread and pastries to the people in your village from your bakery, you would run up to your room and continue on the latest masterpiece you were working on.
🌙 Everyone in the village loved your work, many of them paying you for a painting of their own.
🌙 Life was simple and calm, and you wouldn't have it any other way.
🌙 But life decided fuck that bullshit.
🌙 Rumors and whispers filled the streets of the town, it wasn't like the usual talk like someone's daughter getting married or the like, it was much more...unusual.
🌙 News spread from neighboring towns of coffins being found unearthed and opened, shadowy figures roaming around in the late hours of the night, and bodies being found in the morning, drained from their blood.
🌙 It was a terrifying thought, but you didn't dwell upon it, you weren't the type to believe such rumors so easily, and yet a feeling of uneasiness lingered within your soul.
🌙 Your town was no longer the vibrant, happy place it once was before. Windows that once had lovely flowers and laundry lines hung on them were shut day and night, the busy streets you once traversed were covered in a gloomy fog. It really was like an evil has brought itself to your home.
🌙 Or should I say evils?
🌙 In the midst of all the tension, 3 men came to your town. Eccentric was an understatement when describing them, it was like the horrors and whispers of death and murder didn't faze them a bit.
🌙 Even so, you were happy to see something other than terrified faces and panicked expressions.
🌙 You greeted them politely during a cloudy day and noticed how covered they were. One had a large hat on, the other draped in a black cloak and the last holding a parasol that shrouded him in darkness.
🌙 "Good afternoon to you too, me and my friends here are just visiting this quaint little village, how uhm...calm..it is here..hah.."
🌙 The cloaked one chuckled whilst looking to the empty streets.
🌙 "My, my! Aren't you that famous painter I've been hearing about! I'd love to get a painting done from you, but it seems everyone here is quite busy with other things.." says the one in the hat.
🌙 "Oh no! I'd love to paint for you! Come, let's talk more in my bakery. Painting is more of a secondary job for me." You guide the men to your home as you hear the cawing of crows overhead.
🌙 Days pass and you grow closer to the men. You learned that their names were Viktor, Garrick and Silas.
🌙 Viktor had long, silky hair the color of raven's feathers. His eyes shone like two rubies in the dim light of the lanterns you lit around the house. He wore a black cape which hid a wine-red vest.
🌙 He was a gentleman and had a love for poetry. He would recite his favorites to you as you painted next to him. One interesting thing you learned was that he's scared of mice. 'Dreadful things' he calls them, you found it quite adorable once when you two were talking and he suddenly squealed and pulled his feet up at the sight of a small mouse crawling passed your floors. His face, although still as pale as the moon, turned into a light red.
🌙 Garrick had messy, dark hair. His fingers were always adorned with golden rings, and he wore a somewhat stained white, ruffled shirt, you can't tell what it's stained with though. His eyes were a deep purple, one of them covered by his locks. He was unusually flirtatious with you. You joked how he should be courting women, not a baker's son such as yourself, but he whined and cooed how irresistible you were to him, why wouldn't he be interested in a boy like you!
🌙 Silas is a bit darker skinned than the others, who were unusually pale. he had round black glasses and silver hair under a dark hat. Over his shoulders draped a coat, you weren't able to decipher what he kept under it, only that they were vials of strange substances. His eyes were the color of amber, like the hues of leaves that fell in the autumn. Rather shy, he was, always looking away from your eyes whenever he talked with you. He had an interest in flowers, always handing you one whenever he visited for inspiration purposes of course...
🌙 You wouldn't notice it at first, but they've gotten quite a liking to you, protective even. They would always check up on you, if you've been eating, who you've talked to today, things like that.
🌙 It was only until they scared off a young lady for making small talk with you that you started to notice something was off about them.
🌙 When you heard the next day her body was found dead with bite marks on her neck and drained of her blood, you started to worry.
🌙 You started avoided them after that, making excuses to not invite them over to your bakery, walking the other way the moment you see them down the street. They noticed your strange behavior towards them and knew something was wrong with you.
🌙 They didn't buy your silly act at all...
🌙 "You just had to leave the body there, didn't you?!"
🌙 "What? It's fun seeing them all scared and panicky!"
🌙 "Hahah yes but uhm...there's no food out anymore..."
🌙 You heard their voices by your door during the late hours of the night. The feeling that your new friends were not what they seem festered in your mind, but your kind nature overrode your fear and you opened your door.
🌙 "Hey! It's dangerous out there! Do you want to be gutted or something?"
🌙 The 3 of them were walking along the moonlit streets when they heard your voice.
🌙 "A-Ah! Yes! Uhm...of course, excuse us, we just came back from uh..."
🌙 "A pub-"
🌙 "A pub! Yes! And we've somehow lost our way! Could you, by chance, let us stay the night? Our inn is particularly far you see.."
🌙 You unlocked your door and let the 3 gentlemen in, going to the kitchen to warm up some bread and tea for them.
🌙 "Make yourselves at home! Apologies for the mess, I been really busy lately..." you say sweetly. Viktor nods with a smile and they all sit down, whispering softly amongst one another.
🌙 As you wait for the tea to warm, you get a good look at the 3 men.
🌙 Pale skin, pointed ears, not to mention their eyes, they have to be. You had to stop yourself from gasping when Garrick laughed, revealing his sharp fangs. Fear bubbled in your stomach once more until you heard the whistle of your kettle.
🌙 After giving them their tea, you feigned a yawn and told them you were off to bed, giving directions to the spare quarters before going in your room and waiting by your door for any sounds, grabbing a broken paintbrush you accidentally snapped, a makeshift wooden stake..
🌙 You then hear the men climbing the stairs, a conversation being exchanged between them.
🌙 "Shame we must drink from him now, he was such a darling though.."
🌙 "Oh, but I believe I'm quite well off with those wonderful treats he offered us. It's a mystery how someone as wonderful as him isn' married yet..."
🌙 "Unfortunate as it is, I don't think it would be in our best interest if the boy lives.."
🌙 Your heart pounded faster as you heard them talk about you. Your hunch was true, these men are the demons that have ravaged your town. You scrambled to your bed as you hear them walk to your room.
🌙 Your door creaks open as you grip your blanket tight. Footsteps approach you as you feel a dip in the bed.
🌙 "I can hear your cute little heartbeat darling~ I know you're awake~" You hear Viktor purr, tears start to well up in your eyes as they open.
🌙 A hand caresses your cheek and brushes your hair away from your face. You brace yourself as you feel Viktor's cold breath near your neck. You dare not move lest the beast lying next to you devour you whole.
🌙 "Do we have to Viktor?" You hear Silas say in a sorrowful tone.
🌙 "I'm with Silas with this one, why can't we just..I don't know, bring him with us?"
🌙 Viktor pulls back as he pauses for a moment. You could hear the smirk on his face when he chuckles. "Actually, that's not a bad idea Garrick.."
🌙 The next morning, the townspeople saw that your front door was wide open, a window or two was broken and paintings that hung on every wall was gone. There was no sign of you. The only thing that remained was a stain of blood on your bed and claw marks on the walls of your bedroom...
oOOoOooooOo cliffhanger or whatever :00000 part 2 soon !! sorry this one took so long, i had a hard time with the story and such..
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And as usual, gay men doodles <3
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cheeriecherrymain · 9 months
papa!Viktor blurb, anyone?
A/N: slowly, slowly, recovering from the creative drought ive been in
it's nowhere near a waterfall again, more like a frustrating dribble, BUT. It's something. But anyways, here is a Papa Viktor Thought Blurb (listen, my sister is almost three months old now, and I am so besotted with her, she's my favourite tiny person, and i am full of Caretaker Feelings)
Content Warning: 18+ MDNI (not explicit, but very very suggestive), afab!Reader, pregnancy, labour and birth (again, not explicit, but still with some depth), papa!Viktor, no beta no editing we simply die
Imagine Viktor, and him believing he'll be alone for his entire life - working so hard to make some kind of legacy for himself, putting everything he has into his creations and his machines. Every calculation, every experiment a labour of love.
This is how the world will remember his name.
At least, he hopes.
But then he meets you.
You're charming, he has to admit. You make friends wherever you go, and you have a weird habit of bringing people out of their shells. There's just...something about you that makes others want to bare their souls to you. Something that draws people in.
Like you have a tangible sort of gravity, and wherever you go, someone ends up in your orbit.
He won't mean much to you, he thinks, after conversing with you a couple times. You're creative, like he is, and you're enjoyable to talk to. But nothing more. Sooner or later, you'll continue on somewhere else, making waves and drawing attention. And in your wake, he will be left to sink. It's what expects.
You don't leave.
Your chats start out small. Short and sweet, a How are you today? wondered whenever you pass each other in the halls a couple times a month, curious about the goings-on of his life.
He never has anything interesting to tell you about. No adventures or tales to tell, nothing beyond the walls of a cramped and cluttered office.
You must be bored, he thinks.
But then you start seeking him out. Instead of just catching up for a couple minutes whenever you happen to walk past each other, you hunt him down in his office - and god, he wasn't lying when he'd told you it was cramped.
You're amazed he even has the space to think in there, with how tight it is. Yet you still shimmy yourself into the tiny room, careful not to disturb any piles of papers, and find a careful seat on a spot of open floor beside his desk. There's no room for a second chair, and you've always made it clear that you dislike standing when you're having a long conversation.
It's nice to sit down and rest somewhere together, you'd told him one time.
You grow closer after that. From seeing him a couple times a month, to a couple times a week, to literally every day. You don't seem to care that he never has anything 'exciting' to share with you, even going so far as to chastise him for calling himself uninteresting.
Your experiments are cool, you'd insisted, while leafing through one of his old journals. It's incredible to get to see how your mind works, and how creative and inventive you are. You have so many ideas, Viktor, and I really believe that they could help people.
Something changes in him, after that. He'd always been quieter around you, listening to your stories, and dutifully answering your questions: never quite letting you in.
Now he looks forward to seeing you.
His heart skips a beat every time he hears you knocking on his office door, a chipper little pattern reserved only for him. You know that he doesn't always like dealing with students after hours, so you'd come up with a way to let him know that it was you who was greeting him.
Things progress...surprisingly natural.
He's not subtle by any means, even if he thinks he is. The moment he realizes that he has feelings for you, all bets are off. His cheeks dust pink whenever you're around, his palms get sweaty and he fidgets, and the staring.
Looking at you with ill-contained admiration and affection.
You can't not kiss him.
You spend the next couple years having the time of your lives. Moving from classes and overbearing internships, to actively working on experiments. Collaborating with each other, drawing up ideas and debating functionality and form. The two of you get so heated when you're creating things together.
Neither of you are surprised when it devolves. Wide gestures and hasty chalkboard sketches, impassioned explanations and wild eyes - you bite your lip as you let your gaze trail over him, in all his dishevelled beauty. Hair a mess, tie crooked and loose, shirt partially unbuttoned, and sleeves rolled up to his elbows.
Many nights are spent like that, cooped up in his little laboratory, surrounded by sketches and blueprints and scribbles and stray notes. His fingertips digging into the soft of your skin as he kisses the breath out of you. The rhythmic clunking of his crooked desk most telling, as he draws forth your little squeaks and sighs of delight.
Absolutely ruining you, filling you, stretching you open. Feeling the way you tremble in his hands, held tight to his slender body as he reaches so deep into you that you'll feel him for days.
Sinking his teeth into the side of your neck when he finds his own release - to stay quiet, he tells you. But you both know it's his way of marking you.
Claiming you.
You're his. You're his person, his love, his partner. Your eyes only ever shine the way they do when you look at him.
Your body, splayed out and spread before him, quivering and gasping and covered in a thin sheen of sweat - his.
Your taste, sweet on his tongue - your mouth, your skin, your arousal that drips out of you whenever he so much as looks at you.
And he knows, without a single atom of doubt, that he's also yours. So entirely entangled with each other, neither of you knowing how you'd managed to exist separately before now.
How had you possibly found beauty in every day, when you'd never heard his voice? Never caught a whiff of his sweet shampoo as he ambled past you? Never felt the warmth of his touch, or the puff of his sighs on your cheek? Never known the tickle of his hair on your bare skin as you slowly woke every morning to find him curled around you, his face smashed into your back and soft snores emanating from him?
No matter, you think. You have him now, and that's what's important.
...until everything changes.
You miss a period.
You tell him about it.
You're both on edge, but he tries to remain optimistic. Cycles can be upset sometimes, he tells you, as if you don't already know. (You're certain he's really just trying to reassure himself.)
But deep down, you know.
You can feel it in the all-encompassing tiredness you wake with every morning. In the random bouts of nausea, and the sudden food aversions. The back aches, and all the sudden new smells you can detect.
You know something is amiss.
And he knows, too, when he finds you one time in the middle of the night. Standing in your shared little kitchen, in the dark, illuminated only by the light of the open refrigerator.
Pulling pickles straight out of the jar, dipping them in mayonnaise, and sinking your teeth into them. Like they were to most delectable thing you'd ever ingested.
You're both terrified, of course.
You're not really surprised that you've managed to fall pregnant - not with the way you two lust after each other practically every night, and sometimes in the morning. Maybe even once or twice in between meetings, when you're both squished together in his compact office.
Neither of you ever thought you'd become parents.
And certainly not right now.
But...you want this, you realize. You want this with him. You want a family with him, you want the evidence of your love - you want a future with him, and you want to see what beautiful little person you'll make together.
Would they have his eyes? Yours? He hopes they have your smile, he tells you, eventually.
It takes you by surprise, his words, what with how quiet he'd been since you'd both figured everything out. You'd been worrying that he wasn't really on board with keeping the baby - with being a father. And you hadn't blamed him, really.
You'd been beyond stressed at the idea of raising a child alone. The thought of him leaving you, leaving behind something so intrinsically tied to him, had been slowly breaking your heart. You hadn't wanted him to stay simply out of obligation - you know you wouldn't be able to cope with the eventual resentment that such an action would breed.
But to know for certain now that he'd only been anxious?
That he wanted this with you, and was excited?
You're so happy that you immediately burst into tears, squeaking and sniffling and snotting uncontrollably while Viktor bites back a laugh and herds you into his embrace. Stroking your back and murmuring the sweetest things to you while you try to catch your breath, leaving gentle kisses all over your face.
Telling you all about what kind of person he hoped your little one would be.
Your smile, most certainly, he said, resolute. You have the most beautiful smile. You light up the room wherever you go. Maybe your sense of humour, too. And certainly your compassion.
Your tears slowly began to lessen, as you let yourself be lulled by the comfort of his arms around you.
Your hair, though, you insist, smushing your face into his shirt. You look so pretty in the mornings, all fluffed up and in disarray. It's the cutest shit I've ever seen.
That garners a laugh from him.
I want them to have your eyes, as well, you admit, albeit somewhat shyly. I've never seen a colour like yours, so intense and complex. Way back when we first met, and you looked at me for the very first time? I almost lost the ability to breathe. It was...it was like I knew, right then. That you were the person I wanted to spend my life with.
He squeezes you a little bit tighter, stooping down to tenderly slot your lips together. Slow, lazy, intimate. Sharing breath and warmth and love and-
He takes you again.
Right there, in the dim quiet of his office, not seeming to care if anyone passing by in the hallway might hear you. Spoiling you absolutely rotten, speaking praises against your skin as he brings you over the edge again and again and again.
Pupils blown wide as he sinks his fingers into you, crooking them perfectly as to reach the spots he knows will drive you mad. The papers strewn around the room don't matter - they don't even cross his mind, as you wriggle and squirm and quiver and cry out for him.
How could they, when all he can focus on is the way you look when your body tenses up, another wave of ecstasy coursing through your veins, culminating in your lovely little noises, and the addicting feeling of your pleasure dripping down his fingers and over his palm, soaking him thoroughly.
He would be happy to have you like this, as frequently as you would let him.
He knows how sensitive you must be by now, not only from his ministrations, but also from the way your body is changing. He's done his fair amount of reading since discovering your pregnancy - he's aware of all the ways you might be feeling.
The hunger, the exhaustion, the aches and pains.
The all-encompassing, single-minded lust you might go through.
He's ready to please you, however you might want - his fingers, his mouth. And whenever you might want. You could wake him up in the middle of the night, for all he cares. You could nudge him from the sleep that he so desperately needs, and he'd ask not a single question besides What do you need, darling? How would you like me?
What he doesn't expect is his own desire.
You're beautiful. You always have been beautiful. Even as things change, he was absolutely certain that you would never stop being beautiful.
It's you, so of course he's going to want you.
But seeing you now, whining and looking at him like he's hung the moon in the sky, specifically for you? Your tummy already growing round with the life that you've made together, visible proof of your love? Desperate whimpers falling past your lips, begging him for more, for him to fill you up again and again and again?
He can't resist you.
Even when he starts to ache, and his arms start shaking, and his throat is raw and dry from breathing hard and calling out for you.
He can't resist you.
You're insatiable.
So is he.
He's a little more careful as the months progress. Manhandling you less, digging his fingers into the soft fat of your hips a little gentler. He's cognizant of how you're most comfortable, watching in awe as you tremble on top of him, grinding down on him and taking his entire length into you like you were made specifically for him.
Nearly every day, you beg for him.
He loves you.
And when the time eventually comes for you to waddle carefully into the labour centre, meeting your midwife along the way, Viktor tries to keep his worrying quiet. Tries to stay by your side as a supportive pillar, regardless of how well or not he might actually be able to hold you up.
Holding your hand, kissing your knuckles. Trading his fingers for a stress ball when you squeeze a little too hard (and then another stress ball, stronger this time, when the first one explodes in your fist after a couple minutes. It shocks both of you, but to his surprise, you start laughing).
He tenderly dabs the sweat off your forehead as the hours go by, keeping your hairs from pasting themselves to your face and neck. Staying nearby as a source of comfort, but not so close that you feel smothered by him - allowing you the space you need to wiggle around as you see fit.
Telling you stories to distract you, listening to your complaints and observations as his words become unable to mask the pain of your contractions. Doing his absolute best to bite back a fond grin as you breathlessly curse him for doing this to you.
I didn't mean it, you tell him, as soon as the words leave your mouth, your eyes wide and tearful with sorrow.
I know, he promises, leaning forward to press his lips to your dewy skin.
You sigh happily.
It's not for another couple hours that your baby finally decides to enter the world.
You're beyond exhausted, and Viktor is starting to get fidgety with his worry. Is it supposed to be taking this long? he wonders internally, keeping his questions to himself so as not to stress you out even more.
The midwives, to their credit, are incredibly skilled. Staying by your side throughout the whole process, carefully monitoring everything they need to in order to make sure you're healthy. That the baby is healthy. He knows that they would say something, if anything was truly wrong.
And when the little one finally arrives, she does so kicking and screaming, making an absolute ruckus in the quiet room. The door is shut tight, keeping the sounds of the busy establishment at bay, and the curtain is drawn for your privacy so no one can see in when the staff come and go.
But when your girl begins shouting her absolute displeasure into the air, Viktor swears he can hear some quiet clapping and cheering from the hallway. He doesn't know if it's for your success, or for something and someone else entirely - but for a moment, he likes to believe that there are some strangers out there who are happy for him.
They don't know his story, and they don't know yours - but they've heard a great cry from somewhere hidden and full of struggle. An all-encompassing wail that confirms the presence of life, shouting to the world I am here, I am alive, and I have absolutely no idea what's going on!
He doesn't know when the tears start trailing down his cheeks.
Perhaps it's when he first lays eyes on your girl, pink and cranky and a little bit squished. Putting up a fuss on your base chest, scrunching her little face up as you speak softly and tenderly to her.
Perhaps it's when one of the midwives hands him a very soft towel, instructing him on how to carefully pat away the blood and fluid still clinging to your child. His eyes growing wide when he oh so gently cleans her off to reveal more of her tiny features.
She's still new, and needs time to decompress (so to speak), but he stares at her with such rapture. Taking in every inch of her, burning her face into his mind so that he might never forget her. Ever.
She's still new, and yet he can already tell that she has your nose. And your lips. Your smile, he realizes, with a palpable joy spreading through his chest.
His tears eventually dry, if only so he's able to better see you and the newest member of your family. Laying kiss after kiss to whatever part of your skin he can reach. Stroking the tips of his fingers over your girl's hair - her tiny arms and shoulders, her chubby cheeks, the bridge of her nose and over her brows.
But some two hours later, when you're finally allowed to rest in your comfortable hospital bed: when your baby is now dry and fed and swaddled up happily in Viktor's arms?
The tears begin again.
Privately, in the dim of the room, while you snooze a couple feet away from him, he weeps. Silently, and without so much as a sniffle. He cannot stop the wetness that rolls down his face, even if he wanted to.
Your girl is finally relaxed, after her grand, dramatic entrance. On the edge of sleep, warm and with a full tummy, making funny little expression while she dozes.
Much to Viktor's delight, she has a head of fuzzy brown hair - dishevelled and sticking in every direction, not matter how the midwives had tried to tame it. It'll settle down in a few days, they'd promised. But he didn't care.
The wild mop on top of her head rivalled the chaos of his own. The same shade of chestnut, though perhaps less coarse in texture. Maybe it will grow to the same thickness eventually, he thinks, a fond smile pulling at the corners of his mouth as he imagines how much he's going to have to help her with it as she grows.
Brushing the inevitable tangles out with a soft brush. Pulling the strands back into braids so she can run around and play easier - or maybe little buns on the top of her head, he realizes, the image conjuring up in his mind.
All at once, pictures pop through his head, so vivid and bright that he can almost see them appearing in front of him.
Watching your daughter grow. Sleepless nights of taking care of her, catering to her every whim. Making sure she's fed, and comfortable - entertaining her with silly little toys that make silly little noises, bright colours painted across them. Reading her books with bright, enticing visuals for her to stare at, despite the fact that she doesn't know what words are.
Making trinkets for her as she gets a little older. Things that help her learn, but that also keep her excited and enticed, encouraging her exploration of the world around her. Teaching her to walk, by helping her strengthen her little legs. Sitting on a footstool, a wide smile on his face, as you hold her by her arms and support her as she figures out how to use her legs while upright. Leading her right over into his waiting arms.
Until she's able to balance on her own, after a number of weeks of practising together. Pushing herself up into a wobbly stance, doing her absolute best to try and balance. Maybe she stumbles a couple of times, but she's persistent -stubborn, like he is- and continuously rises back up until she's able to make it over to him on her own. Giggling and wiggling when he scoops her up and praises her and showers he in affection.
Teaching her about anything and everything, the bigger she gets. Answering every question she has, no matter how confusing or senseless - encouraging with his own suggestions, and prompting her to discover some answers for herself. Putting together little experiments for her, so they can learn together and so he can watch her eyes widen with the joy of new information.
Fixing her toys for her whenever they break, as she brings them to him with misty eyes and a wobbly bottom lip. Papa, it fell apart, she says sadly. To which he pulls her onto his lap, regardless of what work he was doing, and helps her repair the damage. Letting her watch and observe when she's still too small to hold a screwdriver, and carefully explaining things to her when her motor skills start to develop more.
And then helping her figure out in what way her toy broke, when she's a little bigger. Asking specific questions, so she can work to connect all the dots herself. Helping her gather the materials that she needs in order to fix things herself, and praising her to the high heavens when she presents the finished product to him.
The little thing is slightly lopsided, but he fully believes that it adds to its charm - tells her as such, when she sighs about it not being the same as before.
It's a little uneven, just like me, he says, with a laugh.
And, much to his complete shock, she wraps her little arms around him, and gives him her strongest possible squeeze.
It adds to your charm, she parrots back to him with complete honesty. I like you, Papa.
And once again, for the umpteenth time throughout his daughter's life, his eyes well with tears and he presses a kiss to the top of her head.
She could go anywhere she wanted, once she grew up. Learn anything, do anything, be anything. Perhaps she'd enjoy the sciences, like he does - machinery, and building, and designing, and inventing. Maybe she'd get into art, and spend her days painting or sketching, or writing, or making music - inspiring other people with the things she makes.
It doesn't matter, though. Because no matter what she ends up enjoying, or where she goes in her life, Viktor will support her with his entirety. Even when she grows all the way up, and inevitably leaves home to begin her own life, whatever that may be.
He knows he's going to cry then, too. So many years together, and yet it will still never be enough.
But for now, he sighs, staring adoringly down at the tiny infant in his arms. For now, they have time. He vows silently to never waste a single moment with her, and never pass up the opportunity to spend time with her. No matter how busy or frustrated or tired he gets, he won't let her grow up feeling unwanted or unloved or unimportant.
He'll give her a better life than he grew up with, and that is both a promise and a threat.
After all, he would do anything, for her.
His greatest creation.
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sivyera · 2 years
Arcane characters as Disney couple.
ft. vi, jinx, ekko, silco, caitlyn, vander, sevika, cassandra, viktor, jayce
WARNINGS: bad grammar
SONG: Rosyln - Bon Iver
photos are not mine
Jinx - Anna and Kristoff
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You as Kristoff - Jinx as Anna Jinx is very hyperactive as Anna. She is also very funny and can fall in love easily. Jinx wants everything good for you and she will make you little surprise. She will make sure she's never out off line and that she give you all her time. Your relationship is like roller coaster. Once you are high which is unicorns and rainbows, but there is a fall and that comes when she needs your help. With her conditions like panic attacks, schizophrenia, PTSD, etc...
Ekko - Pocahontas and John Smith
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You as Pocahontas - Ekko as John Smith You would die for each other. Protecting each other with your lives. Traveling around the world. Having very domestic relationship and fully trust each other. You're from Piltover and Ekko is from Zaun. You can only imagine how Piltover people are reacting on it but be honest, you don't care. You love Ekko most than anything and you don't care if he's from Piltover or Zaun. He does the same but sometimes he think that you deserve someone rich and someone with whom the relationship would not be life-threatening.
Vi - Mr. Incredible and Elastigirl
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You as Elastigirl - Vi as Mr. Incredible Vi is very stubborn like Bob so she hate see you fight with someone. She just scared, she can't lose you. She can't live without you. But she is proud of you as well. She know that you're strong and you can protect yourself. But it become her instinct. When she hear you say 'ouch' she's next to you in a second. She is very protective. You're calmer and more reasonable in this relationship. Very powerful couple. She would do anything for you. And if someone wants to stole you away, she won't hesitate a second to beat the person up.
Viktor - Tarzan and Jane
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You as Tarzan - Viktor as Jane I don't mean it like you are some wild animal or something, no, no. But Viktor is very smart just like Jane. Viktor likes learning new things but because of his sick leg he can't do sports or any other strenuous activities. So he appreciate when you describe him those things. Like running for example. He likes to see the world by your eyes. He loves reading you books and overall just talk to you about everything. He think you deserve someone better than him so reassure him that he's enough for you.
Caitlyn - Lady and Tramp
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You as Tramp - Caitlyn as Lady I think we all can agree on that Cait is Lady. She is from rich family and from Piltover. Otherwise you just want to enjoy your life so you don't care where you are. You just want to explore every crevice. You can teach her how to make her life more exciting. You bring happiness in her life. She is very grateful to you for that. She would take you on fancy dinners and after dinner you would go watch fireworks. You also help her solve problems because you know probably everything and everyone in Piltover and Zaun. She often stare at you. She is just admiring you, let her stare in peace.
Jayce - Cinderella and prince Charming
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You as Cinderella - Jayce as prince Charming You're his princess and no one can change his mind. All his life he wanted someone like you. You care for him so much. And he likes the feeling of warm you give him. When he's frustrated or sad he reach you, wrap his arms and don't let you go for hours. He would do anything for you. Lots of PDA. He loves the jealous mens/womans give him when they see that you are already taken. And he spoils you a lot.
Cassandra Kiramman - Mulan and Shang
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You as Mulan - Cassandra as Shang She is more dominant in this relationship. But she never yell at you or makes you feel uncomfortable. You two are exactly like Yin and Yang. You are not meant to be perfect, you are meant to be whole. You complete each other even in simple things. You are both very strong womans. You also know everything about each other. Favourite tea/coffee, food, colour etc.. She can't imagine her life without you. You came to her life so randomly. She is not willing to give you to anyone else. You are hers and she is yours.
Silco - Belle and The Beast
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You as Belle - Silco as the Beast/prince Adam Silco is king of Zaun. He have power and almost everything he ever wanted. Key word 'almost'. I feel like before he get into that fight with Vander he wanted someone who will complete him. He feels empty, he needs a charge to life. And the charge is you. You are the one who saved him, who make him feel like a person again. It's very hard to find a rose in Zaun so he always send Sevika or Jinx to bring him the reddest rose they can find in Piltover. He always leave the rose with little note when he have to leave before you wake up.
Sevika - Hercules and Meg
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You as Meg - Sevika as Hercules You are more cunning and flexible than Sevika. Otherwise she is more stronger and tough. Still she have a huge soft spot for you. She maybe don't seem like it. She would kill for you without hesitation. She likes to show you off. She likes trying new drinks and food with you. She stare at people who are flirting with you or making you uncomfortable. After you go away she makes sure that the person wouldn't be able to move for a months. And when she is in bad mood, the people probably won't survive.
Vander - Snow white and The Prince
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You as Snow white - Vander as The Prince we are not gonna talk about this huge age difference between these two
Vander is a huge guy so that means cuddles all the time. He likes picking you up on a princess style. You are so tiny compered to him so he calls you cutie. In his eyes everything you do is cute. He likes stroke you on your head. Every time when you are sad or insecure he kiss your whole body. From head to toes. And between each kiss he tells you how beautiful you are. Beautiful *kiss* perfect *kiss* amazing *kiss* cute *kiss* Relationship with him is like being wrapped in cotton candy.
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kizzer · 2 years
You're Fucking Pathetic Part 2| The Umbrella Academy FF
A/N: I am so sorry this took me so long to write I honestly couldn't come up with ANYTHING. But, after some hours of procrastination and some coffee up my ass I finished! =] ALSO, I ended it off in a way that's much easier for me to continue, plus I have an Idea for a part three so stay tuned for that!
warnings: MAJOR SPOILERS FOR TUA SEASONS 3, swearing, mentions drugs, death, (if you guys have any other tw's I need to add, pls let me know!)
part 1 | next part (coming soon)
After that argument you left everything tense.
As you should.
You walked around the house looking for Viktor, worried he’s hating himself right now. Honestly if you could whoop Allisons ass right now you would but checking in on Viktor was more important. You walked along the halls, tracing your hand along the wall, reminiscing about the old times. You and Diego reading books to help with his stutter. You and Klaus and Ben having random ass dance parties. You and Allison and Viktor gossiping/venting about boys that try and talk to you all the time. You and Five jumping through time together. You and Luther watching movies late at night even though you had training in the morning.
You pass Ben's old room and see Viktor laying down with Harlan’s recorder on. You also hear Ben.
“Have you been waiting for someone to come chase after you this whole time?” He asked.
“Wow! That’s so embarrassing.”
“It’s official. Our Ben was better.” Viktor says.
“Yes. Yes he was. Especially because he knew when to shut the fuck up. Why don’t you take note?” You say flipping Ben off.
“Ouch.” he says and walks out of the room.
“Hey…Are you doing okay?” You say sitting next to Viktor.
“Y/n….You know I didn’t mean to end the world right? O-Or do anything Allison is blaming me for?”
“Of course Viktor! Had we been honest about your abilities from the beginning and had father been patient with you then none of this would have happened.” You place your hand on his back, “Even when you wrote that book, everyone was mad for what? Because you told the truth? Told the world we weren't the perfect family they thought we were? I mean this with good intentions. I never cared about that book. You were outcasted all your life, ignored even by the people you called family. That book? Was your story. And I’m sorry they ignored that.”
Viktor laughs lightly.
“Thanks y/n/n. You know, even though you were never really adopted into our family, I'm glad you became my sister.” He smiles softly at you bringing you into a warm embrace.
“I hated myself for so long. I hated you all for so long, and when my powers exploded I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t know I would cause the end of the world… Allison blames me for destroying Claire but if it was up to me I wouldn’t have taken her from her child and she knows that.” Viktor sighs heavily.
“Vik, I get it. I love you and you are an amazing human now. When I told you back in ‘63 that I forgave you, that's what I meant.” You say hugging him for one last time.
“Thank you. Before you and everyone else forgave me…I-I almost…”
“Hey, hey, hey. I love you okay?” You say looking into his eyes
“Now, wanna help save the world?”
“Do I have a choice?” Viktor says walking out of the room.
You guys head down to the basement and walk down to see the Kugleblitz. It was the first time you ever saw it because according to your “older” siblings you were too fragile and small to be around something so massive and destructive. You didn’t mean any harm but you were more afraid of Viktor on his good days than you were that ball of lighting. You and Viktor enter the basement to find everyone standing around the ball of lighting. Five standing a little too close for comfort.
“Five, you’re scaring me.” You say beckoning him to your side. He sees that you are worried and steps back. You take a hold of his hand, not on no Allison and Luther stuff but the last time you let him go he slipped away for 15 years so, apologies if you are a little attached.
“Okay, how do we start?” Viktor says.
“Have you ever moved a nest of bees?” Sloane asks the group.
“No, because that’s weird…” Lila replies.
“You can’t just pick it up.” Sloane says, “You have to keep the nest calm while you build the box around it, and then you trap it.”
Allison is standing near you, with Five on the other side of you. You pull him to switch hands so that he stands in between you and Allison. He looks between you two then whispers in your ear.
“You’re being childish. Is this really what you wanna do while we are face to face with impending doom?”
“I’ll forgive her when I'm dead.” You say turning forward again.
“ Don’t say that.” He retorts, clearly not laughing.
“Sorry, force of habit?”
You weren’t really paying attention to the rest of the directions honestly because something else caught your attention. Footsteps. Who could it have been? Reginald wasn’t home and from what you could tell Grace was nowhere near the basement. It didn’t sit right with you.
“You didn’t tell me you were building a prison for God.” Grace says.
You look over and she is coming down the steps dressed as a nun holding a flamethrower.
“What the actual fuck?” You whisper under your breath to Five.
“Mom?” Diego says, looking at her.
“You have no right to do that.” She continues.
“We’re a little busy here Grace.” Luther yells.
“The day of vengeance was in my heart”
“What are you talking about?” Diego questions as he gets closer to her.
“And my year of redemption hath come.” Grace says.
Before you could react you see flames charging at you. Diego and Luther Jump out of the way but before you could move the flames catch your left sleeve on fire. You fall to the ground patting the fire out. As you lift your head you see everyone in a panic backing away from Grace but also worried about what would happen to Sloane and the others working on the Kugleblitz. You see Five running past you and pull him down to you.
“Okay I think I have a plan!” You yell over everyone so that he can hear.
“Is your arm okay???? Let me see it!” He says reaching for you.
“I’m fine! We don’t have that much time! You go and blip behind her and blip her upstairs after I charge her up with enough electricity to neutralize her!”
He nods his head and blips behind her. You stand up and give everyone a reassuring nod. You close your eyes and take a deep breath, channel all the anger you feel towards Allison, all the sadness you feel from the death of Harlan. You feel the ground rumble and feel the electricity course through your veins and you guide it through your fingertips shooting it at Grace.
“Go!” You yell at Five and he blips her away.
After she was taken care of you guys finished the job and then went upstairs to celebrate.
It was great. Besides Allison brooding in the corner everyone was drinking, dancing, and having fun. You however, weren’t big on drinking but you did have a blunt rolled up so you lit it and started smoking. You could see Allisons face turn up at your actions. Allison was never a big fan of you smoking weed, especially after you got high before a mission and ended up “harming” a citizen. By harm, Allison meant she wasn’t the one to rescue them so when you brought them back with rope burn and a few cuts she used that as an excuse to get you benched from any missions until father said so.
“Y/n, if you’re gonna smoke take it the fuck outside. It stinks.” Allison says from across the room.
You look at her and because you just saved the world you decided not to fuss.
“Is smoking bothering anyone else? If so, I'll put it out.” You say taking a long puff before blowing it out of your nose.
Everyone shakes their heads no before going back to their activities.
You smirk at Allison and turn to Viktor, “You wanna try?”
Viktor turns pale, “Y/n! You know I don’t smoke!”
You chuckle lightly, teasing him is so fun.
Before you could blink you saw Fei going to clink her glass with Christopher. Oh no. You knew that if disturbed with a different vibration than its own the Kugleblitz would react and destroy everything getting worse. You go to stand and call her name but you’re too late. You watch as Christopher starts to shake and Fei and Ben start to back up. Next thing you know you feel a Kugleblitz wave flow through your body and knock you over. When you look up Chris and Fei are gone….
There is no time to be sad as you watch the Kugleblitz get bigger and bigger.
———---------------——TAGLIST---------------------------@beakami @birbtweettweet @sleep-yv
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Divinely Unlucky (Iron Bull x Levellan reader)
Summary: your lover died in the conclave. Iron bull has just come forward saying that he wishes to form a relationship with you. Yours terrified
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You stared at Iron Bull from your desk, shocked at the words that flew from his mouth. "Bull, what?" You asked. "I... I don't know I just.. I can't get you out of my head. You're always in there. Just... I feel something for you Y/n, something strong." He admitted.
You could hear Viktor's voice. "I love you."
"No." You breathed, putting down your papers. "Bull I-I can't. I can't I'm sorry." You said. You seemed weirdly freaked out. "I can't." You repeated. You left him alone, him standing there. Under normal circumstances, he'd be crushed. But there was something about your reaction that seemed... off. It wasn't like you were rejecting him. It was like you were saying that, to yourself.
Iron Bull went to a source he knew would help him. Your best friend in the Inquisition who seemed to know the details of your life. "Dorian, can I talk to you?" He asked. Dorian looked over his shoulder. "No, I don't want to- what was it Y/n said: 'Ride the bull'." Dorian stated before going back to his book. "No, not that. It's about Y/n though." He sighed. Dorian put down his book. "What about her?" Dorian asked. "I really like Y/n. And I told her this. I'm not exactly a man who likes to beat around the bush here- but Y/n had a really strange reaction. She seemed... terrified." He explained. Dorian nodded knowingly. "She could be grieving Viktor still." Dorian said. "Who?" Bull asked.
"Viktor." Varric said, walking over. "He was the man that went with her to the conclave. Her lover." Varric said. Iron bull blinked. "She lost someone?" He asked. "Ever since Adamant... she's blamed herself for it all. She's been having god awful nightmares. Half of the time, she sleeps in my room because she needs to feel something real when it happens." Dorian explained.
Iron Bull was aware that you had nightmares. He used to share a tent with you when you were back in Haven. You wouldn't be too loud, you'd simply wake up and stay that way. Iron bull discovered though that when he touched you in that state, you'd calm down. You'd sleep again.
"What did she say anyway?" Dorian asked. "She said no. That she couldn't." Iron Bull said. Dorian frowned. "She what?" "Didn't you hear him Sparkler, she rejected him." Varric said. "Y/n is crazy about- Give me a moment." Dorian sighed getting up.
You had gone out alone, sitting in the Dales by a river. Dorian knew you had a tendency to do that when you needed to think. You heard someone sit next to you as you pulled your legs to your face. "Iron Bull said that he confessed his feelings to you." Dorian said, looking at the water. You didn't say anything. "He also said that you rejected him." Dorian added. You didn't say anything, putting your head against your knees.
"Y/n, darling. Talk to me." He said. "I break everything I touch." You whispered. Dorian looked at you confused. "What?" Dorian asked. "I kill everything around me, I'm like a fucking wildfire that's out of control! I caused a massacre, I got Hawke killed, Viktor is dead because of me!" You cried, tears slipping down your cheeks. "What happened at the Conclave is not your fault Y/n!" Dorian said. "You saw the vision! If I hadn't gotten involved-" "Then Coreypheous would've won." Dorian halted. "You did not cause that explosion." Dorian insisted. "But we saw-" "Y/n, Viktor would not want you to dwell on this! You didn't do anything wrong- fuck I'd argue you actually did the right thing by trying to save the divine!" Dorian said. You closed your eyes.
"Hawke wouldn't want you to feel like this either." Dorian added. You looked at Dorian. "I might not have known him. But I could tell how fucking stubborn that man was from the beginning. There was no changing his mind. It was him or Stroud." Dorian said. You let out a shaking breath. "Varric hates me." You muttered.
"He does not hate you. If he did, he wouldn't be behind us at the camp." Dorian said. You looked behind you seeing Varric and Bull sitting at a campfire. "Y/n, you are a blessing in all of our lives. You said you were like a fire. You are but you're not out of control. You burn so fucking bright it's almost inspiring in its own way." Dorian said. You looked at him. "It's time to move on. It's okay." Dorian assured. "What if he gets hurt?" You asked quietly. "Then it won't be because of you. Damn oaf is rather clumsy. Watched him get stuck in a doorway yesterday." Dorian said making you let out a small laugh. Dorian wrapped his arm around you and you laid your head on his shoulder.
"You realize you spent the past five minutes complimenting someone other than yourself." You said. "Oh yes because I'm worthy of Sainthood." He insisted making you laugh.
When you finally moved from your spot, you approached Iron Bull. "Can I talk to you?" You asked. Iron bull nodded, getting up. "Back in Skyhold-" "It's okay, I'm fine-" "I didn't mean it. Bull I... I care for you too." You admitted. He felt relieved. "But it's hard for me right now. I just uhm... I don't know how to do this. I used to but it seems I've got a lot to learn." You admitted. "If it helps, I don't know a damn thing about relationships outside of sex. So..." he said. You chuckled. "I'd say you actually have things figured out." You admitted. "How so?" Iron bull asked.
"You said you knew what you were doing because you simply give your partner what they need. It seems I need to learn that." You said. "I don't need anything." He halted. "Well-" "Outside of your support, I don't need you to do anything Y/n." He assured. You smiled at him. "Bull." You breathed. "I love you." You said.
He didn't kiss you. Instead he hugged you, simply holding you for a while. "I love you too, Kadan." He said softly. You pulled away, looking at him confused. "'Kadan'? What's that?" You asked. "My heart." He said softly. You could've melted on the spot with how sweet he was. "And for the record, I agree with Dorian. You don't break anything. You fix it." He said. You let out a small chuckle. "I'll believe that when I see it." You muttered.
He rose a brow, lifting you up. "What the- Bull what are you doing?" You asked. "Look at the plains. What do you see?" He asked. "Nothing- Maybe a few Halla, seriously Bull what are you-" "exactly" he said, setting you down. You looked at him confused. "When we got here, you couldn't take a single step without something trying to kill you. But now, you can see nothing. You can explore because you fixed it. Like I said. You fix things. Not break them." He said.
You looked back at the Plains, a breeze brushing your face. He was right. You had fixed it. "Can I... Have a moment before we go back?" You asked. He nodded, kissing your head before walking back to the camp.
You exhaled. "I never do this so... okay." You muttered. "I miss you Vik. More than anything, sometimes it's unbearable. I'm finding that it's easier to live now without you here and that scares the fuck out of me... but I know you and I know your philosophical ass. I know you wouldn't want me to hold on like this.... so I guess the reason I'm talking to air right now is... because I'm letting you know that I'm moving on." You spoke. Another breeze caressed your face and you closed your eyes. "I'll always keep you with me. I just can't keep driving myself crazy with what might've been." You muttered.
You felt at peace all of a sudden. You were met with the odd sensation that let you know that you'd be okay. You were going to be okay.
You opened your eyes turning back to the camp to see the three friends waiting. "I love those idiots. All of them." You muttered before walking with them.
You felt someone looking at you though for a moment and you turned. For a brief moment, only a second... you swore you saw Viktor one last time.
Iron Bull put a hand on your shoulder and you looked up. "What do you wanna do boss?" He asked. You looked back at the spot, nothing being there. You looked back at your group.
"Let's go home"
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vendetta-if · 2 years
Hi! So, I haven't seen a question about this, but soory if this was already asked. For now I only played with "I'm happy for them" option for our uncle and Jackal, but I feel like an option like "I'm really happy for them, but if something happens to Luca he's dead", you know? Worrying a little bit cause anything can happen in this life (Mc's mom said she loved Viktor but still abandoned us, in general there are a lot of.people out to get.us and etc), so I think some MC would try to give Jackal "the talk". Like, "look I'm happy for you two and you do look happy together, but I will hurt you if you hurt my uncle. Mark my words, I'll use everything at my disposal to hunt you down if you betray him." And etc. So the question is - how would Jackal react to this? How would Luca react to this is he overhears this/is told about this?
Also, a.little question. Maybe I'm just bad at reading and missed this in.the.text, but how does Ash feel about Luca and Jackal? I mean, they also were raised by.him and consider him family.
Sorry, another question. Can you.tell us more about Jackal? He knows at least a little bit of Russian, his name is Artyom and Luka calls him Tyoma, does this mean he got at.least some.roots in Russia or a post USSR country? What's his nationality/what nationalities is he "a mix" of? (Sorry, not sure if this is the correct term, English's not my first language). I would love to hear some.bits of information about him (how he met Luca and how did they hit this off, where's he from, how did he came into his profession and etc. I'd love to hear even about his favorite ice cream flavor, he is an absolute delight of a character).
Sorry for this lengthy ask!
Aww ☺️ I’m really glad that you’re loving Jackal! ❤️
For your first question, I wouldn’t be able to answer that because you’ll be able to give Jackal the shovel talk pretty soon in the story 😉 So, you’ll be able to see for yourself how he would react to that!
As for your second question, Ash is just mostly confused and also a little worried. They have heard the rumours spreading around about Luka seeing someone, but they thought they were merely that, rumours. But seeing that Luka is actually in a relationship makes them happy, but also worried, especially considering Jackal is a professional hitman. Ash really loves and cares for Luka; Luka has been a part of their life for a long time and he took them in and raised them and MC after both Viktor and Cara died. So, Ash also felt indebted and is very loyal to him and the family.
And you’re correct; Jackal/Artyom Zhang is half-Russian and half-Chinese (his mother was Russian and his father was Chinese), but he was born in China and grew up there for a while, so his nationality was Chinese. He’s pretty fluent in Russian, Chinese, and English.
He was the one who first sought out Luka not long after he stepped foot in Elysium City. He had been running away from home and moving from one place to the next trying to evade and shake off his pursuers for years and years, to no avail.
He was about to solemnly accept that running away and not staying in one place for long might be his sealed fate until he died, either from a job gone wrong or his pursuers finally catching up to him for real and execute him.
That was until a sympathetic fixer decided to tell him about the top of the food chain in Elysium City, the Morozov Family and suggested that he met with the head here, Luka, to ask or negotiate some kind of protection deal. The fixer also told him to speak in Russian when first introducing himself to Luka to gain as many points with Luka as possible 😂
The idea sounded crazy, but Jackal was desperate enough that he’d be willing to give it a shot. The only problem was how to even ask an audience with Luka? He was infamous for having little patience in listening other people’s—many of which are more influential than Jackal—petitions and was known to not be a pretty sociable man, only selectively choosing people to meet face-to-face with in a specific amount of time.
As to how Jackal actually pulled off meeting Luka in the first place, it’ll be a tale for another time 😄 But he actually did and they did strike a deal: Jackal is under the Morozov’s protection and in return, whenever Luka needs his hitman skills, he won’t be able to refuse taking the jobs.
Eventually, they actually got closer and got into a friends-with-benefits arrangement with Luka. As it went on, the both of them ended up with real romantic feelings for each other.
Luka fell really hard though 😆 Artyom also fell hard, but tried to play it off, deny it, or fight it off for the longest time until he finally can’t lie to himself anymore and caves in. Their date in Chapter 3 was really supposed to be their very first proper date as boyfriends 🥺
So, yeah, Luka and Jackal have known each other for quite a while, even though they just pretty recently gotten into a serious and steady relationship with one another.
Jackal becomes a professional hitman because killing people with his power has been what was trained and ingrained in him ever since he was young. It’s what he’s good at. And he basically needed to do something to get some money and survive while also running away from his pursuers not long after his mother’s death.
That’s all I can answer about Jackal’s backstory. You’ll be able to ask a little bit more stuff about him later on in his conversation. Although, he might not be 100% fully open to MC considering he has just met them. Although MC got special treatment for being Luka’s nephew/niece/nibling 😁 I also currently plan for one ‘hangout’ session with him and Luka that might reveal more about his backstory 😉
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Jenna Rolan liked to pride herself on knowing things. Since she’d moved to Middleborough in 7th grade, she’d figured out everything there could be to figure out. For example, she knew that Chloe Valentine’s first kiss was with a senior when she was 15. She knew that Mr Reye’s had an ex-wife who played in the West End production of Heathers. Hell, she even knew that Chloe and Jake Dillinger hadn’t actually kissed in 8th grade, they just lied about it so people would think they were cool! So yeah, Jenna Rolans knew everything. 
And how might she know everything? Well, just a handy little thing called listening. She was the middle child of a family with 7 kids, she had learned that if you’re a little friendly to someone and say the things they want to hear, then they’ll tell you every piece of gossip they’ve ever fucking heard. Even the popular kids told her everything. Especially them, the popular kids had the most secrets that could ruin their high school careers. And sure, they might not have actually been Jenna’s friends, but they treated her like she was their best friend since kindergarten.
Who cares if all Jenna wanted was actual friends? Having people want her for her information was enough, right? 
Jenna’s feelings were currently inconsequential at the moment, Jenna was on a fucking case. The case? Rich Goranksi and Jake Dillinger’s relationship
Why? They were just best friends, right?
Wrong. Something was UP. 
Rich had joined the popular kids in early October of sophomore year. It was currently early June of sophomore year. Now why was this peculiar? Because all of the popular kids had known each other since the beginning of middle school (excluding Jenna). Now not only did Rich join the popular kids,  but he joined the inner circle. So how did a brand-new kid immediately become best friends with the most popular kid in school, Jake Dillinger?
Therein lies the first piece of evidence. Rich wasn’t new, not at all. In fact, he’d lived in Middleborough his entire life. Except that no one, sans Jenna, ever noticed him. Now this wasn't hard for Jenna to understand. Rich had talents sure, won the 6th-grade Writing Competition, had the best grades in English out of the entire goddamn high school, and not only that but he qualified for State Choir as a freshman.
But how did no one know him if he was this accomplished? The answer was simple, he was a stereotypical loser. He wore all black, never talked to anyone, was 5’1 in 9th grade, only grew 2 inches in the next year, had glasses and a lisp, and was probably gay. Usually, the gay thing would be a benefit popularity-wise (the novelty of queer in the school.) but Rich was a literature nerd who liked dnd, so the whole “probably queer” thing docked popularity points for him.
So how did a scrawny choir kid manage to charm the one and only Jake Dillinger?
Easy, Jake was gay. 
What? How? Jenna explain! Please!
Unbeknownst to literally everyone, Jenna herself was queer, and she had had her own unrequited crush on a straight girl. So when she had a class with both Rich and Jake in 9th grade, it wasn’t very hard to notice that Rich would gaze at Jake when he thought no one was watching and vice versa.
For example, take this interaction from March of last year.
It was Friday and the last period of the day and Jenna did not want to be in class. They had a sub so they were just doing spare worksheets. Well, the overachievers and nerds were doing worksheets while Jenna and the rest of the class were on their phones.
Jenna looked around the room, trying to see if anyone was talking about something she could talk about. Jake was in front of her, but he was working on homework and he rarely knew anything interesting.
Behind her was Dustin, he was talking to Viktor and Jace who were next to him. Sadly, it was about NFL rankings and not gossip.
The seat to her right was empty and the person to her left was Christine, who was too nice to say anything bad about anyone to Jenna. 
Shit, there was literally no one to talk to.
“Ah fuck,” Jake said.
Jenna whipped her head from her phone, this could mean anything. Jake could’ve a text from and that meant Jenna had someone to talk to.
But looking at Jake, he didn’t have his phone, he just broke his pencil. Booooring.
Before Jenna could go back to endlessly scrolling on Instagram, the kid to the right of Jake handed him a pencil and whispered something Jenna couldn’t hear.
Starved for any real conversation material, Jenna tried to discreetly watch the interaction. She watched as Jake took the pencil, eyes a little wide.
And, wait, what?
Jake’s hand accidentally brushed the kid’s hand and then both of them blushed?!
Oh, Jenna could- wait no.
Jenna paused, she knew the kid, his name was Rich and she was pretty sure only she knew he existed. She also knew Jake, one might even call them friends. Jake was the perfect student, smart, charming, athletic, and hot. People knowing about what just happened would ruin him.
Jenna couldn’t risk that, Jake was the one who was able to convince Chloe to let her sit with them. If he was gone, so we’re the closest things Jenna had to friends.
So Jenna never fucking told anyone.
Jenna was aware that this barely counted as evidence.
But then two weeks later, Jake blew off a date with Chloe.
Now, Jenna was not, and is not, a stalker. She wouldn’t stoop that low.
But Jenna did have a younger brother, and he wanted to go to the park.
And who did she see? Jake and Rich, at the neighboroughing skate park.
Of course, this could always just be guys being friends.
Flash forward to the current day though. Jenna was walking from Mrs Burbank’s classroom after making up a test. When she turned sixteen last week, her one present was her family’s shitty old Volkswagen, that was from 2001.
Jenna parked by the gym today and was calmly walking by the boy’s lockers, when she heard voices. Not just any voices though, Jake and Rich’s.
Since Rich had joined the popular kids, he quickly became well-known throughout the school. He was the angrier, shorter, and louder version of Jake, somehow managing to maintain perfect grades without ever trying. (Side note, in 8th grade, Jenna saw Rich write a 5 page essay for extra credit in English. Not that he needed it, according to their teacher he had a 100 in the goddamn class. She did ask Rich’s 9th grade Math teacher about his grades and turns out, he had 78 on his report card, so how did he have a 97 now?!)
Rationally, Jenna knew she shouldn’t eavesdrop but she had had her suspicions about Jake and Rich’s relationship since that fateful day in freshman year.
Jenna dropped her backpack on the ground, careful to make sure none of the handcrafted keychains made a sound, and sneaked to the entryway to the locker room.
Jake and Rich were talking quietly, so Jenna could only make out a few words.
“Sorry… hiding… coward… Chloe…”
Their conversation started growing in volume and from what Jenna could make out, it was something about… Chloe finding they were in a relationship?
Before the argument became loud enough for Jenna to hear full sentences, there was a thud of something  hitting a locker,
and. Oh… OH. Yeah that was Jenna’s cue to leave.
As Jenna walked to her shitty car, she considered what she heard. The last time Jenna decided not to say anything, it was to save her own skin.
But Jenna knew this sorry excuse for a school. Literally everyone was homophobic, especially Rich. And Chloe? Chloe would die before anyone got their hands on Jake.
As Jenna shut the door to her care and pulled up Chloe’s contact on her phone, she texted,
guess what I heard????? dustin k cheated on his gf w/ madeleine!!!!!!!!
(Final note, he actually side cheat on his gf)
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mxpotter · 2 years
A Little Before The End of The World Secret: Viktor H. x Reader
A/N: okie first things first im so happy a that over 20+ enjoyed my last post about Viktor. I'm so going to write more about him(cause this man needs MORE love)! And again if you want more TUA stories, drabbles, headcanons, etc. Please feel free to write me a request in my dms I don't get many ideas currently. But anyways here's another Viktor x reader! (and stay tunned cause there might be a Five x Reader headed your way but you didn't hear that from me!)
Warnings: none really, kissing(if there's anything else lmk) and it's also not spell checked completely. I don't want to currenly.
Summary: You share a secret with a loved one. *wink wink*
A little song to set the stage!
'Doomsday Is Upon Us!'
Well, in less than 24 hours that is.
You were amongst the Umbrella's and the Sparrow's. There was some shared laughter, some shared goodbyes between both families. You didn't really talk much every time your mind heightened a thought, you tried shoving it into the back of your mind, where all the other hidden memories from your past and secrets remained occasionally moved to the front only to be pushed back by other thought or sometimes a drink.
But this time your thought was determined to be shared verbally, it then got caught in your throat. Only for you to swallow it down with the champagne in your hand.
"Hey there, future-sibling-in-law!" Klaus ran out to you. You sighed with a prominent frustration that was in your voice. As much as you wanted to be alone right now, you couldn't help but find that Klaus was always so optimistic even in the inevitable doom that was heading towards us, in a few hours tops.
A "Hey Klaus" was all you can muster. You wish you were just as optimistic as he was. But you also wish that you could tell every thing as if it were to be shared with the entirety of the world; universe even. But 'some secrets aren't meant to be shared especially one that harbors true feelings towards another.... another that your not destined to have.' you thought silently.
You were to far into your head to realize you were practically sulking, and that your face had drooped from frustration to just down-right sadness Klaus could see that...
"You should tell him!!" Klaus said out of the blue.
"What?" You tried to act suprised and completely oblivious to that fact that you knew what they was talking about.
...his brother Viktor.
"Oh come on, Y/N! I see the way you look at him, it's the same way like when Five looks at mannequins!"
You giggled a little at Klaus's (very true) observation. Then found yourself glancing in the direction of Viktor
He was standing alone. Watching everything unfold from afar. He then looked in your direction and smirked slightly.
Klaus saw this interaction and shoved you forward towards Viktor. You silently cursed like a sailor. As you made your feet move closer to Viktor who seemed visible nervous. It make you sad.
You flashed a smile trying to lighten his mood and unsuprizingly it made him a little happier and you as well in the process.
Viktor then straightened himself out, dusted off the invisible specks of dust, adjusted his tie and put his hand out. You were slightly confused, he sensed your confusion then he gestured his head to the dance floor with very few people on it.
You reached for his somewhat larger hand and it actually fit like a glove.
"But there's no music." You said with the smile and you followed behind.
"Yes but silence does speak louder than words." He stated.
His eyes searched yours for your consent. Which you happily obliged. And he snakes his arms around your waist and you placed yours right around his neck and played with his hair and you both swayed to the "music".
You briefly looked into each others eyes. You instantly remembered why you fell in love with him all these years ago. The way his eyes light up when looking at something(or someone) he loves. The way he looks down and kicks his feet when he's nervous. When he tells those stupid(yet funny) dad jokes and puns.
You both sat in a comfortable silence with your head in his chest and his on your head. He then starts mumbling something.
You move your head off his chest and look deeply into his eyes. You can tell he's nervous. Then you remove one of your hands from his hair and you move it to his left cheek caressing his cheek adorningly.
He immediately leans into your touch and you tell him to take deep breaths and watch silently as he does so.
"Its okay, Viktor. I'm here." You promise quietly.
Without thinking Vitkor ingulfs you in a hug. He then muffles an "I love you."
You pull away as soon as you heard those three simple words, that are unforunately really hard to say, as you desperatly look into his eyes to find any ounce of honesty and truth and to your luck, it was there; it was ALWAYS there.
When he looks down and kicks his feet, when his eyes light up- it wasn't just out of nervousness, it was also out of love. it was always because of you that in his presence, never did that anybody else, even his other partners.
"I love you too, Viktor." You say proudly.
He smiles the biggest; most head-over-heels smile, you've ever seen.
You both stand in a comfortable silence then.
"Can i kiss you?" Viktor says out of blue.
"Wow, Mr. Hargreeves! You didn't even take me out to dinner yet." You joked lightly as Viktor lightly chuckled and you nodded to his prevous question.
He then pulls you in with one hand on your waist and the other caressing your cheek as he pulls you in closer and kisses you passionately as your lips move in sync.
You both pull away, quietly trying to grasp a thing called air.
Maybe you were wrong some secrets can be shared; even with the ones you love.
Little Continuation~
Klaus sighs happily and whistles out to the new couple!
"Isn't that so romantic?" Klaus asks Ben will looking at Viktor and Y/N being happy and swaying.
Ben groans in disgust as he eats his shrimp. "It's gross." he mumbled out.
Klaus shoves him lightly. Then they sigh once more. "I'm such a matchmaker." He said.
And all waited for imminent doom to be upon them.
A/N: That's all folks. I hope you liked it and please request if you have anything, love you all, Bye!
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suspendedcosmos · 1 year
Seal Them Up With Care
Viktor, like clockwork, jumps on his phone as soon as the notification pings. Just in time to wind down for the evening, too.
• word count: 1.4k
• part one of To Feel Like Home
• references to grief and depression
read on ao3 or below the cut;
Viktor, like clockwork, jumps on his phone as soon as the notification pings. Just in time to wind down for the evening, too. He rushes through the nighttime checklist he keeps in his phone to aid his poor memory — making sure Makkachin is tuckered out enough for bed, turning off all of the living room lamps, brushing his teeth, getting his freshly washed blanket from the dryer, et cetera.
He curls up in bed with Makkachin cuddled against his stomach and drapes the blanket and the duvet over them, finally settling in to open Youtube. He’s going to sleep better tonight than he has for weeks.
Confiding In You + Helping You Fall Asleep
1 hour ago
Hello, today I’m talking to you a little bit about how I’ve been feeling over the past few months and then tucking you in for bed. I touch on some sensitive subjects in this video so please take care of yourself and…
The video fades in slowly to a familiar sight; Katsu sitting in front of the camera, face obscured save for a tiny sliver of what look to be chubby cheeks and a soft jaw. He gives a small wave of his hand and then reaches out to run it over the camera, as if to gently pat the viewer. Viktor feels himself sink just a little further into his pillow.
“Hello, it’s nice to see you again.” Katsu murmurs, “I‘m sorry about the lack of videos recently. I wasn’t going to explain any of the reasons for my absence when I returned but I started thinking about the messages some of you send me and I thought you might want to hear about some of the things I’ve been experiencing too. I think it’s helpful to remember that we all deal with something difficult, it feels less alone.
That being said, I understand that listening to explanations of my shortcomings isn’t why people view my videos and it may be that you’d rather not for various reasons. I’ve added the time stamp for when I finish speaking about it in the description box so please feel free to skip ahead if you want to.”
Viktor already finds that he’s beginning to feel a little more droopy than he had been when he first got into bed, but he wants to listen. Katsu hasn't ever been particularly candid by nature.
A deep breath, “My situation has been difficult over the past few months, mostly through my own failures but also some things that were out of my control and anyone else’s. Grief is…” He pauses, tapping his fingers softly over his desk, “It’s unlike anything else I can think of. When you lose someone who you haven’t had the chance to spend a lot of recent time with, the pain grows into something more abstract. Their presence wasn’t tangible in the first place so to others it looks like nothing has changed, and the hurt festers internally.
I harbour a lot of guilt for the time I didn't spend with this loved one and how I’ve let this affect other areas of my life in the time since their loss. Isolation is the worst thing you can do for yourself in difficult periods, please surround yourself with people who love you when you need help.”
Viktor listens as the words flow from his left ear to his right and then back again, spoken with the care of a friend, someone safe to trust. Viktor’s not under any kind of illusion that Katsu cares about him specifically, but it’s a comfort to know that there’s someone as giving as him somewhere, someone who wants to help others put their worries aside even just for an hour in their day. Everything feels a little less bleak like that.
“I’ve considered myself quite weak — mentally — in the past. I don’t cope well when I’m anxious and I shut down. I still think of myself this way often, but I try to remember that I’m doing my best. I skate at my local ice rink when I need to clear my head and I make these videos when I want to feel connected to others. It doesn’t always soothe me as much as I want it to but that’s okay. Progress isn’t a linear concept, I hope you can remember this too if you’re struggling.”
Katsu runs his hand over the camera again and Viktor just catches the bottom of a softened smile before it shifts out of the frame. He’s quite wonderful, in Viktor’s opinion, he should spare kindness to himself. Viktor can’t imagine bringing himself to bare his vulnerabilities so freely to people he doesn’t know, let alone those he does.
“It can be hard to get out of bed. Sometimes, I sleep longer than I need to just to avoid what I know is going to be a difficult day. This week particularly has been strange,” Katsu huffs out a chuckle, “But it’s getting better, I think. The worst of it is over, at least, and I know what I can do for myself when I don’t feel good. Take some time to think about what those things are for you, too.”
He sighs and clasps his hands together firmly, shoulders relaxing, “That’s all I wanted to say. I should be uploading more frequently now, and I hope you understand if things do fall out of balance again for any reason. I hope you’re understanding of your own struggles too. Ah, let’s move on. Thank you for your kindness, please enjoy the rest of the video.” He gives another little wave, and the clip dissolves to black.
When the shot fades in once more, Katsu is sitting further above the camera, no longer at the desk. His arms and whole torso are in frame and the lights in the room have been dimmed. He slides his hand along something just beneath the frame and Viktor is treated to the crinkling of a fresh duvet surging through his earphones, urging him to burrow into his own.
“I think it’s time to sleep now.” Katsu transitions from his earlier soft speaking into a full whisper, Viktor’s favourite. Really, Viktor only finds himself fond of Katsu’s soft speaking, nobody else does it in a way that scratches his brain just right, but he still loves the whispering more at bedtime.
“I know it can be hard to settle the mind when the time for rest comes so I’m here to help. I get quite anxious about sleep, I check the clock constantly and worry myself about how much time I have left before I have to wake up, how tired I’ll be in the morning. You don’t have to do that tonight, let me carry that for you and you can drift off.”
Katsu turns to the small table on his left and plucks a box of matches from it, sliding one out and striking it against the rough side of the box to light the red candle next to it. His hands are soft-looking, gentle. Viktor sometimes thinks he’d maybe like to hold one. Not in a strange way — he just thinks he’s rather lovely, gifted with a feathery voice and a warm presence. Someone Viktor might like to be close to.
“Today has been long, hasn’t it? You’ve used up a lot of energy, you deserve to rest well.” He breathes slowly, encouraging the viewer to follow his lead, “Even if you didn’t do a lot today, sometimes just existing can be quite tiring. You’re doing okay.”
He drifts through some triggers that Viktor is personally quite fond of — gentle scratching on the microphone, waving his hand slowly in front of the lens in a way that Viktor feels is bordering on hypnotic, whispering occasional affirmations from the left ear to the right. Some twenty minutes into the video, Viktor’s phone falls from his hand and onto the pillow beneath him. He doesn’t make it conscious to the end of the video.
He’ll wake up tomorrow a little disappointed, though fond in the knowledge that he never really does get that far. At least he sleeps well, he hadn’t expected to with the way he’d been jittering around the apartment for hours after spending the morning clicking through Aeroflot’s website. This way, he can wake up early enough to get both him and Makkachin ready in ample time. He may be godawful with time management and memory, but tomorrow matters more. He’s got a flight to catch, after all.
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silver-heller · 1 year
For your Lackadaisy AU- if this isn’t a huge spoiler, how did Atlas and Mitzi react to Silver coming out to them as trans? And what was the order of characters he came out to?
Ooo, good question!
It's discussed more later in the main fic and the first prequel fic. But, to summarize (since it isn't a huge spoiler at all, more of a footnote), it was Mitzi's attempts to get Silver to wear a dress for a party that caused them to figure out. Silver became deeply upset, locking himself in his room and refusing to talk to anyone. It was only Atlas that managed to make Silver open up through hearing Silver's story.
Atlas is completely accepting, if anything, he finds this concept fascinating and probably went off on a ramble about how little our bodies actually connect to one's true identity (or something). When he told Mitzi, she was pumped to have a son, and already began brainstorming father and son activities Silver and Atlas could do together lol. I love her!
Atlas pretty much knew all along, since he'd heard Silver was known to "cross-dress". This is why he also included male names when brainstorming names with Mitzi in "First Days". So he learned first, then Mitzi, then later Mordecai (You can see Silver's confession to Mordecai in chapter 9 of Silver Bullets & Black Dandelions), and Viktor after that. Rocky was last mostly because he came so late into the game, and guessed it completely on his own due to Silver's attire. No idea about the band, though Zib takes me as the type that must have some idea from just observing everything quietly. Mitzi tells Wick after the events of the main fic.
Outside of the Lackadaisy crew, Serafine (and, in extension, Nico), were last, having some idea Silver must be a man due to Mordecai being gay. However, they still use "she/her" and terms like "wife", not only to not out Mordecai, but because gender is very flexible for them and they don't really gender terms. (Although, so far he only outright confessed to Serafine in the fic so, thanks for inspiring me to have him come out to Nico!)
Thanks for asking, I enjoyed rambling about this!
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cheeriecherrymain · 1 year
(5 of 5) #21 - listening to them rant (OH GOD PLEASE, please please please give the reader just listening to Viktor just talk up a storm about his inventions. The whole type of scene where he might start to apologize and stop talking - only to have the reader ask him to keep going and his face just lights up. Gah, I would die)
man i love listening to people talk about things. like hell yeah bby infodump at me!
Viktor x Reader
-So listening to him talk extensively is probably a habit that actually deepened your friendship (and eventual romance). 
-You weren’t more than classmates and occasional lab partners at first. You were on good terms, often choosing to work with each other whenever pairs or groups were required - he thought you were reliable and creative, and on top of that, you always treated him kindly. You listened to his ideas, and he didn’t have to fight to be heard by you.
-But he never sought you out. If someone were to ask, he would say that you were on friendly terms, though he wouldn’t outright call you a friend.
-At least not until one chilly winter night in the library.
-He was up late trying to gather as much information as he could about his next project - surrounded by towers of books that were filled with tabs he’d stuck to the pages that held relevant facts. He’s got his notebook open in front of him, hastily scribbling his thoughts and observations. But he’s growing frustrated.
-He can’t figure out where he’s going wrong. He’s triple checked all his math, gone over every inch of blueprint that displayed drawings of every single part. And…nothing. To add insult to injury, the snow-filled winds from outside must have been getting in through gaps in the building - the library was frigid, and it was making his leg ache something fierce.
-He feels like giving up for the night, even though he knows he’ll be behind on the project if he does so. He’s addled and distracted, and he’s not getting anything done, so…
-Until he hears a quiet utterance of his name.
-He turns in his chair, glancing around for a couple seconds before his eyes adjust to the change in brightness, and he sees you standing by one of the nearby bookshelves.
- “I thought it might be you,” you say, with a soft smile. “I saw the lamp when I walked in, and you’re the only person I could think of that would be here at two in the morning.”
-You wander over to him to stop beside his desk, and it’s then that he notices the large object in your hand, dangling by your side.
- “What are you doing here so late?” he wonders, eyeing the contraption in your grip.
-You follow his gaze, and offer him another smile before dropping into a crouch beside him. “I work part time here,” you explain, pulling a panel off the object to reveal what looks like a single-bladed fan. “But because I’m a student, I get stuck with the worst shifts. Technically I’m not supposed to be in for another four hours, but it’s downright freezing in here. I thought I might try and warm the place up a bit before the rest of the student body comes in.”
-You press a couple buttons on the top of the little machine, until it quietly hums to life. The fan starts spinning slowly, and he almost complains when you turn it towards him. Until he realizes it’s blowing blessedly warm air, instead of chilling him.
-He sighs, and melts into his seat, slouching back while he soaks up the heat.
-But you don’t leave after that.
-Instead, you pull up a chair beside him, and situate yourself to stare at him expectantly. “So?” you prompt, “What’s got you looking so ready to rip all your hair out?”
-He can hear the amusement in your voice. Usually such a thing would annoy him, but your sweet little smile only serves to relax him, and make his stomach fill with flutters.
- “It’s the project I’m working on,” he admits, his features pinching into a perturbed frown. “I’ve done everything correctly, looked over every possibility, and still! Nothing is doing what it’s supposed to!”
-You cross your arms over the back of your chair, and rest your chin on them. “Explain it to me,” you tell him. 
- “What?”
- “Explain it,” you repeat, nodding at his work. “Sometimes saying it out loud can help you find the error. Plus, if I know what you’re working on, maybe I can offer some insight.”
-He seems dubious by your plan, but you look so earnestly happy to be there with him, to help him. And he knows you’re smart, even if the two of you have vastly different working styles. It might help to have a different point of view, he thinks, and starts to walk you through his work.
-It takes a good half an hour for you to fully grasp the complexity of his project, and understand every little niche and function, but you’re patient. You let him talk your ear off and prattle through every section of his notes. You even write your questions down for later instead of asking them outright, just so you don’t interrupt his flow.
-He’s never met someone who has just…let him speak. Not only that, but let him speak and genuinely listened to what he was saying. He thinks for sure that you’ll be impatient by the end of his impromptu lesson, but you only present him with your list of questions, asking about things he’d mentioned all throughout his speech.
-It makes him feel weird and squishy, so know that you see him.
-The two of you figure things out by five in the morning, much to his relief. You’re both fatigued and about to fall asleep, but…you figured it out. With his formulas corrected and his design altered to fit them, his final creation should work as intended. It wouldn’t even take long to make! He could sleep for the rest of the day, and he’d still have ample time to finish putting everything together-
-His silent celebration is interrupted by a quiet snore.
-He glances away from his notes, over to you…and his heart melts.
-You’ve fallen asleep in your chair, your face mushed into your arms. He never thought he’d ever see your sleeping face, but now that he has…you’re cute. Your cheek is squished in just the right way to make your lips form a pout, and…
-His stomach flutters again, and he looks away. It’s just because they helped me, he thinks, trying to convince himself that nothing else is coming into play.
-Joke’s on him though, because three months later you ask him on a date, and you spend the entire time helping him talk through another project. It becomes a routine over the years - every couple weeks, he seeks you out to ask for your ear, and you happily let him talk until his throat gets sore.
-You genuinely love seeing him so passionate about something, and you love being able to get a peek into the way his mind works. Even if the two of you are tucked into bed together, in the dark, and you’re thirty seconds away from sleep - he’ll start talking about something that he can’t figure out, and you’ll stave off your drowsiness so you can listen. Your replies are usually useless at that point of the day, but he appreciates you nonetheless.
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theprettyarachnid · 2 years
If you have time, can you do head canons of the Arcane Characters that have a chubby and insecure S/O please! I really love your writings!
a/n: of course and thank you :) <3 <3 <3
i need to stop writing in the middle of the night but its also the only time i can get shit done on the blog
warnings: none
characters: jinx, vi, caitlyn, ekko, viktor, jayce, silco, vander
🕷 I feel like Jinx goes for people who are on the bigger side, whether that's with height or weight, so she thinks your chubbiness is one of your best features
🕷 besides like personality
🕷 Because Jinx loves that about you, she kind of just automatically assumes you do too
🕷 So when she finds out that you don't feel the same way/are insecure about it, she'll just probably just ask you why
🕷 Jinx deals with her own insecurities so she won't give you the whole 'well don't think about yourself that way' pep talk because she knows it can be invalidating at times
🕷 So instead she just listens, she may interrupt you at times to tell you that she doesn't see your so-called flaws at all but for the most part she tries to stay quiet while playing with your hair or hands
🕷 Since she's more aware of your insecurities now, everytime she notices you looking self-conscious she will distract you by either jumping up behind you and hugging/kissing you or suggesting to do something fun
🕷 Vi has a pretty good read on people most of the time, so she knows most of your insecurities (including this one) already
🕷 Not to say she won't hear out your point of view but whenever she does, she has this look on her face that pretty tells exactly what she's thinking
🕷 It's the 'babe you're being ridiculous' look
🕷 Whenever she hears you ridicule yourself about your chubbiness, she will not hear you out
🕷 Vi will pick you up bridal style and give you something in between of a smile and a smirk
🕷 "okay? that's not stopping me from picking you up"
🕷 gets offended on your behalf
🕷 I can see Caitlyn getting upset whenever she sees that you're insecure mainly because she just wants you to see yourself the way she sees you
🕷 She's kind of a fashion icon so she will buy you clothes that fit you well and are comfortable if she thinks it'll make you feel better/more confident
🕷 Other than that she really just tries to assure you that she loves everything about you including your insecurities
🕷 You cannot tell me that Ekko wouldn't be your number 1 hype man as a boyfriend
🕷 This goes for like anything but especially about your insecurities
🕷 Anytime you wear something that compliments you, he's right there next to you telling you how nice you look
🕷 Similar to Jinx, he will listen to you rant about them while he just quietly listens
🕷 If he sees you start to cry while talking about it, this poor boy goes into an absolute panic trying to make you feel better
🕷 Will just pull you into a hug, letting you lean into his chest while he quietly hushes you
🕷 When you start to feel a little bit better, he will tell you all the gossip/rumors he heard throughout the day
🕷 I can imagine Viktor being one of the best people in the bunch when it comes to helping with insecurities just because he's had to deal with a lot of his own while dealing with Piltover bullshit all at the same time
🕷 If you two are out and someone makes a comment while passing by, he'll actually get really pissed off and say something about it
🕷 When he sees you being extra critical, he will just come up behind you and rest his chin on your shoulder kissing either your cheek or neck
🕷 Viktor knows that talking about it doesn't always make you feel better, so he doesn't push it
🕷 Sometimes he will either quietly listen while gently stroking your hand or will leave featherlight kisses starting up your wrist while you talk it out
🕷 Is literally obsessed with you and doesn't care what anyone else thinks
🕷 If you're being a smartass about something, he'll caress your face and gently squeeze your cheeks before kissing you
🕷 Likes to pick you up whenever you two hug so you're eye level
🕷 If you ever ask him if you're too heavy or etc, Jayce just kind of gives you a look of 'no?? where did that come from?'
🕷 i love jayce just as much as any other dumb bitch but i feel like in some scenarios if you don't tell him exactly whats bothering you, he won't pick up the hint
🕷 It won't be until he's talking to Caitlyn about how you're shrugging off his usual affections where it kind of just hits him
🕷 feels like such an idiot
🕷 The second he comes home, he'll just pull you into a hug and apologize
🕷 he will make you talk about it sorry
🕷 Will reassure you that he loves you regardless of how you look and will tell you that he really likes your chubbiness
🕷 Someone's getting fucking clipped when he finds out you're feeling insecure
🕷 Silco considers it a possibility that you may be feeling this way unprovoked but he's taking 'precautions'
🕷 Anyone that you've mentioned giving you an attitude in the past month becomes some botched experiment
🕷 obviously this is in the scenario where you tell him that it wasn't a big deal
🕷 If it is you just feeling extra self-conscious, he makes a mental note not to tell you anything about said people
🕷 Silco will pull your head into his chest and says that you're being ridiculous
🕷 A part of him is scared he might've made you feel that way, no matter how many times you may tell him it wasn't something anyone did, so he will ask you why
🕷 If you just shrug your shoulders giving him a small 'i don't know' or 'im not sure', he won't particularly like that answer but if notices you getting quieter or more upset he won't say anything b/c the last thing he wants to do is make you cry
🕷 So instead, Silco will spoil you with new jewelry or new clothes that he thinks will look flattering on you
🕷 It's his way of telling you that he doesn't want you thinking that views your chubbiness the same way you do, he just can't say it in words because he doesn't want to screw it up by accident
🕷 Vander isn't exactly Ms. Skinny unlike his adoptive ex-brother
🕷 He can tell pretty much right away when you're feeling self-conscious so there isn't much of a point in hiding it
🕷 It would be closing time when Vander would offer you a drink and ask what's bothering you
🕷 He'll be upset that you feel and view yourself that way but it wouldn't be directed towards you of course
🕷 "hm.. well i can tell you no one comin 'ere is considered as Zaun's next athlete."
🕷 Whenever he sees you going into that self-conscious and critical thinking, he tries to gently nudge you in the opposite direction trying to make you understand that it isn't anything bad
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child-of-the-nights · 2 years
𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐚𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐩𝐭 𝟐 // 𝐀𝐫𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 //
A/N: The continuation of my previous post. Pure fluff. Gender neutral reader, pronouns not mentioned. 
Featured: Viktor, Sevika, Ekko
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You have to physically tore this man from his work if you want him to sleep. Viktor will complain of course, saying that he needs to finish this one experiment but he always ends up doing much more. 
So you didn’t have any of his excuses tonight and made him go to bed with you. 
When you two finally made it to the bedroom, you asked him about his day, so he told you about the thing he’s researching currently. Even if you don’t understand what he is talking about, he appreciates the fact that you listen. 
Stroke his hair and place a kiss on his forehead and he will melt in your arms. No more stress of the day bothering him, just relaxing in your arms. 
As he gets closer to falling asleep, you can hear the change in his voice. It gets lower and he just start talking nonsense. You can barely hold back your chuckled as he says something you can’t make anything out of. 
“Sounds interesting, dear.” you whisper as you caress his face. 
That’s everything he needed to fall asleep in your arms. God, he finally got what he deserved. 
Soon enough you could hear quiet snores coming from him, which made you smile. You closed your eyes as you listened to the little sounds he made. 
“Good night, Viktor.”
It didn’t take you long to fall asleep either. The last thing you remembered was some mumbling noises Viktor made in his sleep. 
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It’s really rare for the two of you to sleep together. Mainly because she is always working. Not that she minds though. Sevika always says that Zaun won’t have it’s deserved freedom just by sitting around and doing nothing. 
So when one day she comes home sooner than you expected, you’re confused. Once you see the look on her face, you understood it. The mission she was sent on was succesful but too tiring, so Silco let her go home sooner. Rare occurrence might I add. 
You run her a bath and prepared some dinner for her while she was bathing. Once you two had dinner, you ask her about her day. She tells you about the mission and how some thugs wanted to sabotage it. Thankfully she took care of everything, with minor bruises here and there. Wasn’t anything new. 
“Silco was in a good mood, but don’t get used to this.” she finished her story. 
So you bring her straight to bed. This is one of those rare moments when you see her shoulders relax and she becomes peaceful. It’s hard to have this in Zaun, especially if you have a target on your back. That’s Sevika was so thankful to have you. 
As she nuzzled her face into your neck, you knew she was ready to fall asleep. The problem was that Sevika is a light sleeper and it’s hard for her to fall asleep. So she just laid there waiting for the dreams to finally come. 
She pressed a kiss on your neck, which made you chuckle and hold her even closer. As you two were entangled in each other’s arms, you both fell asleep soon. 
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You woke up to the sounds of footsteps. That was in fact really unnerving, since you knew half of Zaun and halfof Piltover wanted the Firelights dead. So you scanned around the room, already reaching for a possible weapon, when you saw Ekko trying to sneak around silently. 
When he saw that he woke you up, Ekkor smiled at you with an apologetic look in his eyes. 
“Don’t worry, love, it’s just me.” he came closer to the bed. 
“You can’t sleep again?” you sighed.
He shook his head and sat down beside you, putting a hand on your tense shoulder. With a smiled, he placed a kiss on your forehead. 
You asked him to sleep with you and he just couldn’t say no to that. Even though he wanted to work on some of his creations, he cuddled in bed with you. You nuzzled your face into his hair, which made him laugh and press a kiss to your jaw. 
“You’re too needy.” he whispered. 
“Shut up and sleep.” you gently punched him. 
He smiled and pulled you closer to him. It was quiet moments like this that he cherished the most. Even though the Firelight base was well hidden, he always feared that somehow Silco’s people will find you. He already lost everyone once, he doesn’t want to experience it again. 
So when you pressed a kiss on his forehead and whispered a silent ‘good night’, he felt like he was already dreaming. 
Ekko stayed up long after you, just trying to enjoy the moment of you holding him. He felt safe in your arms. And that was able to make him fall asleep. 
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ransprang · 2 years
Hii! If it's okay, can i have the prompt 'forbidden love' with Viktor falling in love with one of Silco's people? (The reader)
100 follower event ~ SFW
Viktor x Reader: Forbidden love
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The first time you saw Silco, you were mesmerized. He was stunning and he stood for everything you believed in. He wanted good for your people, for the new nation of Zaun. He was the messiah you had been waiting for your whole life. So naturally as soon as you thought you could be of use to him, you joined his group. They were a rough group but after growing up in the Undercity you were used to that type of crowd.
You were on one of Silco's missions to Piltover, trying to get more information about the Hexcore that Jinx could use. You sneak into the Piltover labs in the middle of the night, quiet as a mouse. You enter the dark room and see strange glowing runes on a desk surrounded by a sea of papers. You examine them but they seem full of complicated equations and diagrams. Unsure if they would be useful you try to take as much as you can but suddenly the lights come on and you hear a heavily Russian accented voice shout, "You there! What are you doing here?" You spin around and find yourself staring into shocked caramel brown globes.
A dishevelled man stands behind you, leaning heavily on a cane. It looked like he had been napping on the sofa at the back of the room and had just woken up. Your partner, Sevika, emerges from the shadows behind the man and clasps his mouth shut, and holding a knife at his throat. "Shut the fuck up if you don't want to die," she says. You see the man swallow thickly as his adams apple bobs. You really had gotten yourself into a right mess.
You debate what to do with him and the solution pops into your mind easily. Your only real choice is to kill him but before that you decide to get as much information as you can out of him. "What is that?" You ask him, indicating the glowing runes with a jerk of your chin. "That is the hexcore," comes the petulant response, "Nothing you two could understand." Sevika lets the knife slip a little against his skin and he hisses in pain. "Oops," she smirks. "I created it using hextech. It's our tool to bring about the glorious revolution." The man continues, his posture stiff and brows drawn into a tight frown. "You?" you question him. "Yes." You feel your lips curve into a satisfied smile as a dangerous idea begins to form in your mind.
"So you know what all those papers mean then?" "Yes, they are my notes." the man replies cautiously, eyeing you with suspicion. "And your name?" "Viktor." The plan clicks into place perfectly in your brain. "Well, Viktor, you can continue work on bringing about your glorious revolution, but from now on you'll be doing it for Zaun."
You nod at Sevika and she knocks out Viktor with a quick bonk on his head and you both carry him back to Silco's headquarters along with anything in the lab you could get your hands on, keeping in mind to also bring Viktor's cane. Silco's eyes light up when he sees what you two have brought and as a reward for your quick thinking he honors you with the duty to interrogate Viktor. You are thrilled and get on the task immediately. You try the gentle approach first, noticing his weak physical state and not wanting to risk anything. You talk to him about your principles, about Silco's goals and what the Undercity really needs is to be independent.
Viktor listens sullenly and first but when you describe how you and your family have been starving, living in fear of the enforcers his lips twist into a sympathetic grimace. You notice that whenever you talk about your own life, he seems more responsive so you come to his cell every day, give him his meals and talk about your family, friends and day to day activities. But as the days roll by, Silco gets increasingly more impatient and orders you to double your efforts. Jinx had been unable to understand Viktor's notes as well since she lacked a formal education.
One day as you're taking Viktor's meal down to the cells, Sevika corners you in the stairwell knocking the tray out of your hands and delivering a solid punch to your nose. She pins you to the wall and threatens to take over Viktor's interrogation claiming her 'methods' would get answers quicker. You see the bloodlust in her eyes and promise her you'll have something by the end of the week. You go back to get another tray for Viktor and when you're back you're surprised to see him standing near the bars of his cell, waiting for you. He eyes your wounded face and asks if it hurts. When you don't respond, he says that he heard Sevika's threats and he's willing to cooperate.
From then on, Viktor is given a bigger cell with all the equipment he asks for as he begins to create another hexcore. You continue to bring him his meals and this time when you sit to talk about your day, Viktor actually responds and shares about his own life. You get to know each other better and you find yourself caring more and more for him. The two of you get close over time. You're the only person Viktor can talk to in this place and you find yourself entranced by how his mind works. You listen to him ramble on about what he does. A few days later, Viktor takes you aside and asks you to stay away from Silco's headquarters tomorrow. You're confused at his request and ask him why but he refuses to answer.
Tomorrow comes, and you come to visit Viktor as usual. You are going about your daily duties when you hear a huge explosion coming from where Viktor had been working with the hextech. Sevika had been in charge of keeping watch over him. You rush downstairs to see what has happened and see Sevika injured, with her mechanical arm broken, lying unconscious under some debris. Viktor stands beside her, holding his cane in front of him threateningly like a staff. You see that it has been augmented almost beyond recognition and you take a step back. Viktor points his cane at you, and it glows with an unearthly light but then he hesitates upon catching your eye.
"Y/n..." he murmurs. "Viktor, what have you done?" You ask horrified at the ruins. You see Viktor flinch at your words but then set his jaw and take a step towards you, "Come with me, y/n." "What?" You couldn't. You could never betray Silco like that. "Please y/n, let's leave this place. You can come back with me to Piltover. There are good people there. People who don't care about whether you're Undercity or Piltover," he pleads. You feel tears brimming in your eyes but your feet stay fixed on the ground. "No. I can't. I belong here. I thought... I thought you were ready to help us," your voice sounds broken and lost even to you. "Hextech isn't for weapons." he states firmly. "Then what is that you're holding in your hands," you challenge back, Viktor stutters briefly before saying, "It's mining equipment.." Your mouth hangs open but snaps shut when you hear more of Silco's men approaching. "I- I can't let you escape..." you tell Viktor. He simply smiles sadly and says, "But you will," before turning and limping away and disappearing into the dust clouds. You fall to your knees and begin to weep.
Silco's men find you alone and unhurt, with Sevika buried in the rubble. They are immediately suspicious and bring you to Silco to be punished. You accept your fate at his hands, feeling as though you've lost everything that would ever matter to you. Silco looks at you for long while before deciding to spare your life but kick you out of his organisation, judging you as harmless- a broken chesspiece.
You wander Undercity feeling abandoned and utterly bereft playing the scene of Viktor leaving you again and again in your mind. "Come with me," his words echo, and you clasp onto them desperately. One night, you break into the Piltover labs once again and return to a familiar scene. Except this time you notice the thin, frail young man lying on the sofa at the back of the rooms. You pad over to him and gaze at his sleeping face for a long time. As dawn breaks he awakes to find you snoring softly at the foot of the sofa. He smiles and caresses your hair, gently waking you up. Your eyes lock and you see so much love and gratitude in his eyes that you realise that this is where your true home was and where you truly belonged.
your forbidden girl,
admin san
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mang0tang00 · 2 years
hi, if alright, can u maybe do a viktor scenario where his s/o always says "yes" to everything and Viktor finds it concerning sooner or later?And they tell him that their feelings aren't valid and that's why!Ty!(I just rlly love angst, but u don't have to do this if u don't want to!)
Scenario: You have a hard time saying no to anyone.
Viktor x Nb!Reader
Word count: 1.6k
Warning: description of panicking, panic attacks, description of anxiety, angst
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God, your week has been stressful. All these projects decided to take up your free time as well as skipping nights of sleep for Research. You finally have time to relax-
You hear one of your friends come and walk up to you with Tickets in their hands.
“Y/n!! I got some Tickets to one of those fancy plays!”
“Aren’t those extremely expensive?…”
“Yeah but, I was able to Save up for us to go!”
“Let me Check if I have anything planned…”
As you dig through your bag for your calendar. You begin to tense. You didn’t want to go because all you wanted to do was rest and take a bath and spend the night with Viktor, if possible. But he might not even be back tonight so it wouldn’t hurt to go. You haven’t given yourself attention though, you had a talk with Viktor about taking care of yourself already. You don’t want to anger or worry him again, but this can be a nice night. You hated plays though, it was too boring and most of the catastrophes can be revealed in the First Act. But they had been saving up for both of you to go, you can't say no to them. Taking your calendar out of your bag you look through the pages and check if anything is happening and as you suspected, Nothing.
“Oh! Would you look at that… I'm Free!…”
“Great! Dress nice and I’ll Come get you so we can head over. I heard there’s supposed to be a really cute actor playing one of the main roles” you smile softly. They were so excited, no way you could say no to them. You’ll just have to push off your self care day to another weekend. Now you just have to tell Viktor. Walking home with the ticket in your hand, you begin to regret the decision you just made. You finally had a weekend to yourself and to spend time with Viktor. Getting home you collapsed onto the couch and grabbed the pillow and yelled. As you were yelling into the pillow you felt a hand on your shoulder. You quickly turn around and smack the person with a pillow and yelp. You hear a thump and look at who you hit, it was Viktor.
“Oh my god, I’m sorry Vik!” You hear him groan as he rubs the side of his face.
“You’re stronger than you look…” He mumbles.
“You scared me! Did I hit you hard?”
“I’m okay but why were you screaming into a pillow?”
“Oh um… no reason but I didn’t expect you to be home…”
“Well I started taking the weekends off to spend more time with you.”
“Aw thats sweet-” you remembered you agreed to go to the dumb play,” we can hang out tonight if you’re still awake my friends wants to go to a play with me tonight.”
“But- I thought you hated plays?...”
“I do but they're my friend and it's super expensive and I don’t want them to go to waste!” You smile nervously hoping he doesn’t over analyze you after the last incident.
“Alright, I’ll be up when you get back.” You nod and go to get ready.
That was a few months ago when things were easier and more manageable. You hadn’t been able to say no to everyone and now you dug yourself your own grave. You wanted to help Heimerdinger with his projects that he was so excited about. He gave you so many opportunities and chances at a better life, you couldn’t turn him down even if that meant fewer moments to spend with Viktor. Then your friend needed help on their assignments and projects even though you had your own to work on. You couldn’t say no to them, they have been there for you for so long. They helped you so much and it didn’t feel right saying no. Here you are now opening the door to yours and Viktor's apartment on the verge of collapsing. Your mind was exhausted from everything you agreed to do. You drop your bag to the floor and hold onto the door frame to take your shoes off. You started to feel your eyes become heavy standing there, you then realized you hadn’t even started your own project. You mentally decided to take a small nap before doing anything else. Then there was a knock at the door.
“Who is it?”
“It’s me (friends name)!”
You mentally groan and take a deep breath. Opening the door you smile and look at them.
“What are you doing here?...”
“Oh, I was wondering if you could help me?”
“With what?”
You didn’t realize Viktor was behind you listening to the conversation. Your exhaustion is evident on your face and the awareness of your surroundings was not good at the moment.
“Oh with my project!”
“But didn’t we just work on it?”
“Yes but you agreed to helping again for a few more hours”
“Oh yeah- sorry I forgot, let me just get my things.”
Viktor decides to cut in,
“Actually me and Y/n are busy tonight, they promised me it was a date night.”
“Oh-” your friend looked startled by his interruption, “ sorry I'll come back another night then.”
Your friend leaves and once they are out of ear shot, Y/n looks at Viktor.
“Why’d you do that they needed my help-”
“You’ve been saying yes to everyone who needs your help.”
“No I haven’t”
“You have and it's concerning that you can't put your foot down.”
“I can-”
“No, my dear. You can’t, you were just about to agree to go help your friend even when you're exhausted! You didn’t even notice me when I was right in front of you.”
“So, I'm tired because I just have a lot to do.”
“And you have a lot to do because you didn't say no to your friend and heimerdinger!”
You go to respond to his remark but you stop yourself. He’s right. You just feel so bad saying no because of how much everyone's helped you, you feel the need to repay them or to feel useful in some way to them. Everytime you wanted to say no you couldn’t. The words would get caught in your throat, you’d begin to tense up whilst your body temperature began to rise. Shame took over you after realizing you were too scared to say no. Everytime you said no to the person they would get mad, you didn’t want to lose the only people in your life because of saying no too much. Viktor saw you begin to fidget with the bottom of your shirt. Your shoulders rose trying to hide yourself from his eyes. The silence wasn’t bearable anymore so you confessed all your feelings,
“You’re right Viktor, I don’t say no because I want to feel useful to the people in my life. They have always helped me and have always been there for me. I can’t just not help them, that would be selfish and mean. Plus it’s just a few things I’m helping with. I want to say no but I feel ashamed for even thinking of denying someone help. I’d do anything for anyone in my life to be happy even if I have to forfeit my own happiness. It’s how it's always been… with my friends at least… “
The words were spewing out like vomit. You feel yourself breathing heavier and the shame rises in your throat. The bile forms a lump as you stare at the floor.
“I’m exhausted Vik but if I can push my exhaustion out further to see my friends happy even if they’ll replace me- I’m at least useful to them in some way… “
Your eyes slowly trail up from Viktors feet to his face. You looked at his expression, he looked shocked, sad, concerned, and mad all at once. His anger wasn’t at you but at the people who were using you. He walks closer and hugs you tightly. Your body weight leaning onto him as exhaustion takes over. You both gently sit on the floor as you hide from him in his arms.
“Y/n, you are worth so much more than you think. You are one of the kindest people I have ever encountered in Piltover. Saying no should always be an option for you no matter the person or circumstance. You are worth more than just the help you can provide and shouldn’t feel obligated to say yes to everything. People are vile and would use your niceness to their advantage. I mean look at you now, you’re exhausted to the point you couldn’t even stand. You are exhausting yourself and it's worrying. I know you want to help people but you need to take care of yourself as well. There are also no if, and’s, or but’s to this because you’re my partner and I need you. I love you for who you are Y/n not what you could provide or give me or help me with, my love for you runs much deeper than that.”
You sigh but it comes out shaky. A tear rolls down your cheek. The shame you had been feeling subsided as you lay in his arms. Sometimes Viktor could be a bit harsh and blunt but it helps you see reality much clearer than when your mind is clouded by your emotions. He is the person that you needed to help ground you. You couldn’t ask for anyone better than the one who's willing to stick through these rough weeks with you.
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