#he might think regression is a bit silly at first but when he sees how much of a good time you and dan are having....
littlejazzy · 2 years
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I made my first moodboard! Featuring CG!Dan and CG!Herbert!!!
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mothfables · 2 months
Legend Meets Groose
Legend has been having a good day.
They’re in Sky’s era, taking the day off to relax in his surface home. Legend had decided he even felt alright enough to regress, so with the others’ encouragement he dressed in some of his comfiest clothes and settled on the floor in the main room to play.
He’s feeling particularly small today, so instead of his usual chewy necklace he has a teether- made by Sky and Wild just for him. His brothers don’t feel comfortable letting him have his necklace when he’s this small, something about a choking hazard (which he personally thinks is silly, but whatever), so the teething ring it is.
He doesn’t mind — the ring itself is solid but squishy enough it feels good between his teeth, secured by a small wooden bunny (carved by Sky) that’s nice to rub his fingers over. Legend won’t admit it, but it might be one of his favourite items when he’s small.
He’s playing a game with Wind, something simple but fun that helps him settle comfortably into his headspace. He hums and squeaks happily, feeling content and safe with his brothers here with him. His mind is calm and soft and he feels himself sink a little deeper.
Everything is fine.
Of course, that’s when things decide to take a turn.
The door opens with a bang! that makes him jump. In comes one of the largest men he’s ever seen.
Legend freezes. Distantly, he registers his teether falling out of his mouth and to the floor with a muted thud. Somewhere in his mind he knows who this is, but all he can focus on is how big the man is, and how loud, and how scary.
The stranger turns away, maybe to talk to Sky, and Legend takes the chance to bolt.
He scrambles to his feet, aiming for the hallway he faintly remembers Sky mentioning holds the bedrooms. The first door he tries refuses to open. Frantic, he throws himself at the next one he sees. This one opens easily under his hand and he tosses himself through - barely remembering not to slam it behind himself. He sweeps a panicked gaze over the room before diving under the bed in the far corner.
He shoves himself as far back as he can, startling when he hits the wall. He curls up, bringing a hand to his mouth and biting down. He has to be quiet. He has to stay hidden. He has to-
The door opens.
Groose hurries toward the house he shares with Link and Zelda. Link is back and he didn’t tell him!
Obviously such a thing must be corrected immediately!
He finally reaches the house and without thinking bursts through the door. Inside he sees Link, as well as the group of heroes he’s been traveling with. “LINK! YOU DIDN’T TELL ME YOU WERE BACK!!!”
Some of them flinch at his volume and he winces. “Oops! Sorry, got a bit excited there, haha.”
Link laughs and moves to wrap Groose in a hug. “Hey! I was just about to go find you and tell you we were back!” He pouts up at him and Groose claps him on the back with a grin.
He goes to tease his best friend but is interrupted by a quiet patter of footsteps and the faint creak of a door.
“Uh, hey guys?” Groose turns around to see one of the smaller boys kneeling on the floor with a worried look on his face. “Lege just ran.”
Worried exclamations sound before Link steps over to the boy and joins him on the floor. “What happened, Wind?”
“We were playing and then Groose came in and he got spooked, I think. As soon as he looked away Lege ran that way,” Wind points towards the hallway leading to the bedrooms.
Link worries his lip.
“Sorry, Groose,” he offers an apologetic smile. “I guess I should’ve warned you-”
“Aw, don’t worry about it. It’s my fault for comin’ in without knocking. Not surprised I spooked at least one of ya.” Groose waves him off.
Link looks like he wants to argue but Groose shakes his head and moves towards the hallway. He needs to apologize to the little guy, and he only hopes he doesn’t scare him further.
He hears worried muttering behind him but ignores it in favour of figuring out which door the missing hero might have gone through.
Link and Zelda’s door is locked, since Link’s been on his quest and Zelda’s been out doing some surveys to find the best places for building new houses and farms. So that strikes that as a potential place to hide. Groose turns and notices his own door is slightly open.
…He’s sure he closed it when he left this morning. The little guy must be in there then.
Groose is careful as he opens the door and peeks inside. It’s empty upon first glance, and he almost leaves to continue searching the rest of the house before his eyes land on his bed and-
That makes sense.
As quietly as he can, he slips inside, making sure to leave the door open a crack. He makes his way over to the bed and sinks down to sit beside the nightstand - that way there’s plenty of room for a frightened hero to make an escape if needed.
There’s no sound besides his own breathing and for a minute he worries he’s got the wrong room; that the little guy isn’t in here after all. Then - the tiniest, squeakiest sound he’s ever heard. It sounds a bit like a remlit sneezing, only a thousand times cuter.
“Bless you,” he says on reflex. There’s a tiny startled sound. “Ah- right. Sorry for scaring you earlier. I was excited to see Link again and just rushed in. I forgot you guys would be here too.”
No response from the hero under the bed. That’s okay. Groose is content to wait; sometimes it would take Link hours to stop being scared when something triggered him. He wouldn’t be surprised if these other heroes were similar. Worse comes to worse, he can go get one of the others and let them help the poor guy.
A few more minutes pass before he hears the shuffling of fabric, like someone is crawling. Then pink appears, followed by grey, and soon there’s an entire hero kneeling at the other end of Groose’s bed, watching him apprehensively from under soft pink hair.
The kid’s dressed in a soft grey woolen dress and leggings coloured in a mix of muted pinks and blues. He looks like he’s ready to spend a nice relaxing day at home; Groose feels a little bad for potentially ruining that with his sudden arrival.
He sends the little guy a warm smile. “Seems like you’re feelin’ a little better, huh?”
He gets a shy nod in response. The kid’s clutching the blanket in one hand while the other creeps towards his mouth. The action reminds Groose of the little kids back on Skyloft - how they’d cling to their parents’ clothes and chew their own tiny fingers. He feels a sudden urge to tell him to stop, get him something else to chew on, but he’s not sure it would be welcomed.
Instead, he shifts to face him, leaning back against the bed with another smile.
“Say, you see anything cool on your travels?”
The kid lights up.
Sky is pacing the living room, wringing his hands and constantly glancing back at the hallway Groose disappeared down.
It’s not that he doesn’t trust Groose; he does, really he does. But he doesn’t know about Legend’s regression. Sky had planned to mention it to him when he went to get him, but then Groose had taken it upon himself to find him, and then-
Here they are.
So here he is, pacing a hole in his carpet as he worries about his best friend and his little brother and everything that could be going wrong.
The only reason he didn’t immediately take off after Groose is because he knows, for all he seems big and goofy and not all that bright, Groose is smart and clever and much better at handling situations like this than he appears. Sky remembers the many, many panic attacks and meltdowns, and how Groose did his best to be there for all of them; providing support and a steady shoulder to lean on- and cry on, as was often the case.
So, though he’s close to chewing his nails down to the quick with worry, he chooses to wait and let his friend do what he does best.
It’s only when he can’t wait any longer that he spins towards the hallways and makes to march down it. He’s stopped by a hand on his shoulder and nearly snaps his teeth into it before registering something is being held out to him. Blinking, he realizes it’s Legend’s teether. Following the hand holding it up and back, he sees Warriors behind him.
“I figured he might want it, so I washed it while you were busy putting a new track in your carpet.”
Sky inhales, holds it, then exhales; it’s only a little shaky. Taking the teether from Wars, he smiles gratefully. “Thanks. I’m sure he’ll appreciate it.”
Wars returns it with his own small smile before squeezing his shoulder and stepping away.
Feeling a little calmer now, Sky heads down the hall. Groose’s door is slightly open, so that’s where he goes. He goes to open it but pauses at the sound of voices; one deep and warm, the other high and soft. Neither sounds angry or upset, which lifts a bit more weight off his shoulders.
Pushing open the door, Sky is greeted by the sight of Legend sitting cross-legged on the floor at the end of Groose’s bed: he’s rocking and waving his hands as he babbles eagerly to an intently-listening Groose. His best friend is also on the floor, leaning against the bed with a warm smile on his face as he watches the boy talk.
“-bunnies go hop-hop!” Legend tells Groose, who nods and makes an intrigued sound. “They also like to, um- t’ eat lots an’ lots of plants! They can’t have too many carrots, though, cause they coul’ get sick. Eve- even though ev’ryone says th’t’s what bunnies eat. An’ they- um, they also like t’ burrow! Th’t’s when they dig an’ dig lots of tunnels an’ rooms t’ live in an-”
He breaks off when he sees Sky, immediately reaching for him with an excited “‘ky!”
“Hi, baby!” Sky coos, kneeling down to draw his little brother into his lap. Legend goes easily, tucking close and grasping at Sky’s shirt with a happy sound.
“Ohhh, you’re little little, huh baby?” Legend hums in answer, squishing his face against Sky’s neck. Sky coos and cuddles him some more. After a moment he remembers he’s still holding the teether and nudges Legend until he looks up, then lets him grab it and eagerly pull it to his mouth.
Groose clears his throat. Pulling his attention away from his baby brother, Sky sees him glancing between the two of them, brows pinched in confusion. “Uh… not to be rude or anything, but… Can you explain what’s going on? Why’s the little guy, uh, ‘little?’”
Oh, right. Sky had been going to explain it before everything happened. Well, no time like the present.
He clears his throat and shifts so he’s sitting a little more comfortably. “Right, so, essentially… You know how hard my quest was on me, right?” Groose nods. “Well, Lege had six of them, that we know of. This is his seventh. And he… he started really young. So, to cope with everything, his brain goes back to being a kid sometimes. And sometimes even younger than that.”
“…So it helps? The- the ‘being small’ thing?” Groose’s expression is a mix of worry, sadness, and dawning understanding.
“And you all take care of him when he’s like this?” Sky nods and Groose leans back with a thoughtful sound.
“Well… Can’t say I totally get it, but he seems to be doing alright. And he’s got you lookin’ out for him, so he’s got nothing to worry about.”
Sky’s chest warms at Groose’s faith in him even as he blushes, flustered, and hides his face in Legend’s hair. The little boy coos and reaches up to clumsily pat his head in an attempt at comfort; Groose chuckles as Sky groans dramatically. He nuzzles his little brother’s hair and presses a kiss to it to show he’s not mad, and Legend squeaks happily, cuddling closer.
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starsurface · 6 months
Hello!!! ^_^ i really enjoy your headcanons like... a lotSHSJSJNE. And i was wondering if you could write some hcs about CG!Syzoth with a babyspace regressor? :3 its totally fine if not!!!
Hi!!! I'm so glad you like them!!!! <3
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
CG Syzoth w/ Babyspace Regressor Hcs
🦎 Really good CG!!! Absolutely adores regressors!!!
🦎 He’s really good with almost any headspace too!!! Might get a bit confused with middle regressors, but he’s learning <3
🦎 If you thought you were clingy, you haven’t meet Syzoth 🙄
🦎 Syzoth loves cuddles!! Adores them even!!!
🦎 He constantly wants to hold you, or have you on his hip, or hold you hand while walking about
🦎 This is very good with clingy or dependant regressors
🦎 But if you like your personal space or being slightly independent? He’ll give you some space, but would atleast like some cuddle sessions every now and then
🦎 Was actually so scared to turn into his lizard form while you were small
🦎 He knew you could handle it when you were big, but even that took a lot of convincing
🦎 What if your were scared of him! What if you start crying, or his teeth scare you, or his claws terrified you? Or-
🦎 Bap him on the nose and call him silly for thinking all those bad thoughts
🦎 Lizard Syzoth is also super cuddly, but even more so!!! (Your so warm and squishy!! Not at all like his reptile form)
🦎 Although he’s also very careful around you, he has sharp claws and teeth, and is also pretty big, so if you wanna cuddle with the big lizard, he makes sure he’s extra careful <3
🦎 Doesn’t matter what CG nickname you use, but Dada is definitely one of his favorites
🦎 The first time you called him any sort CG nickname, he kinda . . . broke down
🦎 Not that you did anything wrong!!! He just got really sad, remembering his son calling him all kinds of nicknames
🦎 But he does encourage you to continue calling him whatever you want, and apologies for scaring you
🦎 ^ A nice cuddle session would help him feel better, but if you wanna color him a picture instead, he would be over the moon
🦎 Calls you many nicknames!! Hatchling, Little One, Tiny, Sweetheart, and more!!
🦎 Keeps any pictures you make!!! He thinks they’re all beautiful, and got a binder just for them!! :D
🦎 From scribbles to detail, or coloring pages, all your drawing get praised!! <3
🦎 And if you wanna hang up any on the wall or fridge, he’s all for it!! 
🦎 Likes dance parties
🦎 I dunno why, but I could see him really enjoy spinning you around or just doing tiny hops with some pretty music in the background
🦎 Really good with any kind of protection (padding), and very soft and encouraging about it
🦎 Your go-to babysitters are kinda . . . everyone, from the Earthrealm friends, to the Royal House
🦎 ^ But Tomas, Ashrah, and Kitana are probably your biggest ones
🦎 He does get really upset when he has to leave you with them, especially when your already regressed, it just makes you both upset
🦎 He wants to watch after you!! Your his baby!! Does he really need to travel to deliver this letter? :(
🦎 Learnt how to control a phone just to communicate with you when he’s not there <3
🦎 I dunno about you, but I get super squeamish around bugs (had my siblings fight D’Vorah for me in MK11)
🦎 And if you also don’t like bugs, he’ll try not to eat them in front of you, atleast when your small
🦎 . . . Also one time he ate a butterfly and you sobbed so hard, he felt terrible
🦎 But if you do like bugs, that’s great!! :D
🦎 He’ll take you outside, help you finds them, and be very excited when you show them to him (no, he won’t eat them when you show them to him . . . He’ll eat them later, when your bigger)
🦎 He’ll take you outside even if you don’t like bugs, sitting on a blankie and sunbathing, or reading you a book
🦎 Your naptime is his naptime . . . because he gets to snuggle you <3
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
I actually love Syzoth, he's super cool!! :D
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hazelnut-u-out · 1 year
(contains spoilers for ‘How Poopy Got His Poop Back’)
Okay, so I wasn’t actually expecting to like this episode? I guess I’ve always found Mr. Poopybutthole a bit annoying— end credits aside, I think I saw him as a relic from a… less savory time. @dirty-bear-rick-sanchez made me reconsider my stance on bringing him back the other day, and OMG do I completely agree now. I like that they’re taking older ‘lazy’ or ‘silly’ aspects of the show and making them much more serious/fleshed out. Anyway, that being said, I really enjoyed it!
(Plus omg, Gene is my new baby girl)
As always, some things that stuck out to me:
- Beth being a protective mother? Who is this?! Happy to see her stepping up more and more.
- Morty is so angsty and cute and grumpy!!!! Reminds me that he’s getting jaded, but the little coffee stunt was cute. Wish we’d seen more of him, though.
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- BIRD DAUGHTER AUGH. Angsty queen. I was SOOOO excited to see her. (Also BP drinking wine? A true girldad).
- I do like that they’re approaching BP in a way that shows how similar to Rick he really is. He’s an alcoholic, the father of a defiant rebellious psychopath, and a downright silly little traumatized dude!
- SQUANCHY MY BABIE! My guy is back! Loved the details of the inside of his house! Kinky lil cat!
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- LOL, Rick is so pissy about the Gene and Hugh thing. Love when he’s a petty dude.
- I laughed so hard when they were all tripping. Seeing Birdperson be such a ridiculous character and vibing so well with Squanchy was so funny and nice? Poor Squanchy with his paw, though :(
- It actually made me really emotional to see Poopy Jr. so confused and scared. (Plus that little guy is too cute omg)
- BEST BUDDIES BURRITO BOX 🥺 Justice for Gene!
Anyway, strong opening! Just heavy enough, lots of fun, plus some cool exploration of Rick’s dynamic with his rebel buddies. I thought it was cool to acknowledge that the whole friend group has a drinking problem. I liked the detail that, once again, Rick tried to do the right thing and got shamed into helping someone do something preeeetty shitty. I know it’s because it’s hard to trust that he’s not being shitty because of his past behavior, but if some people don’t start trusting him, this could get pretty regressive again.
Totally wasn’t going feral for BP for like 75% of the episode lmao.
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Solid 8/10! Hope we get more Morty soon!
Ofc, I’ll post more soon. This is just my first watch impression, as always. Who knows? I might change my mind! :)
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hii I have a request! (cg! tsuyu regressor! bakugou)
tsuyu finds bakugou regressed and hiding in a corner,crying because of stress,she decides to help him and even if he's reluctant at first (angrily telling her to 'go away') her comforting words and calm presence finally gets him to relax
i love this idea!!
tw; crying, light angst, nightmare mention, i don't think much else, let me know what else i should add!! ---
Asui had always been like a big sister to her friends. It was kind of second nature, after having helped raise her younger siblings. Sometimes being her friends 'big sister' was a bit more literal than she ever really expected.
She was trying to find Bakugou, as he was late to a study session that the class had organized. It was very unlike him, and Asui was worried. She wasn't the only one, but she was the first to volunteer to check on him. He could've just been asleep, or lost track of time studying on his own.
Asui approached the blonde's door, and was surprised and a little concerned when she heard quiet sniffles coming from inside the room. She checked the door handle, even more surprised to find it unlocked. Still, she knocked before entering, announcing herself. "Bakugou? May I come in, ribbit?" she asked.
The sniffling stopped all at once. It was quiet for a moment before she heard him say, "No! Go 'way! I w-wanna be alone right now!"
"You sound upset, Bakugou," Asui responded. "Is there anything you want me to get you? Some tea or something?"
"No! Go 'way! I don' want anythin', jus' to be alone!" Bakugou's voice cracked and it sounded like he sobbed a little. Asui slowly opened to door, just enough to peak her head in.
"Are you sure, ribbit?" She asked. Bakugou looked incredibly distraught. He had tears running down his face and had curled himself into a ball, sitting against the headboard of his bed. He shook slightly, as quiet sobs racked his body.
"Yeah! Go 'way!" Bakugou insisted.
"I'll go away if you really want me to, but something that always helps me feel better is talking about what's bothering me. Do you want talk?"
Bakugou hesitated before he answered that time, and Asui assumed that he was about to tell her to go away again, so she prepared to leave.
"I had a ni'mare..." Bakugou mumbled, curling up on himself more.
"A nightmare?" Asui asked, carefully opening the door a little wider so she could enter a little bit. She didn't want to fully invade his space, he might just get mad or feel trapped with her.
Bakugou nodded. "Is stupid... Should be o'er it by now..."
"Nightmares can be really scary, you're allowed to be upset by them," she reassured him. "I get upset by my nightmares all the time."
"But I'm no' supposed to be so- so- weak!" Bakugou sobbed. "I don' cry at dumb dreams!"
"Crying when you're scared doesn't make you weak, Bakugou. Everyone cries sometimes."
"Bi' boys don' cry..." Bakugou mumbled. "All Mi' doesn' cry..."
"Just because we don't see All Might cry a lot doesn't mean he doesn't cry at all, ribbit. And big boys are allowed to cry as much as they want. Crying helps a lot of people feel better." She smiled a bit. "You wanna know a secret, Bakugou?" Bakugou looked up at her, and wiped his eyes with his fist. His eyes were red and puffy, but he seemed to have calmed down a little.
"I like sec'ets..."
"I saw All Might cry once," she said. "Todoroki accidentally called him 'dad' and he started balling."
Bakugou laughed a little. "Tha's a stupid reason to cry."
Asui nodded. "It was kinda silly. So if All Might cries over silly reasons, why shouldn't you be allowed to cry over something scary?"
Bakugou sniffed a little bit. "Makes sense I guess.. T'ank you Tsu! You're really smart."
"Thank you Bakugou. That's very kind of you to say, ribbit." Asui positioned herself to leave. "I'm going to head down to the study group, do you wanna come with?"
Bakugou frowned. "No, you stay."
"Hm? How come?"
"Jus' until I'm big 'gain... Don' wanna go down small."
"Okay. Do you wanna play a game in the mean time, ribbit?" Asui fully entered his room and closed his door lightly. Bakugou lit up at the suggestion.
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dragon-queen21 · 5 months
regardin your latest cg!franky and little!sanji post, it gave me a lil idea thingy, just imagine the crew findin the two of them huddled in the corner, sanji in frankys lap, just chilling, while franky is two words away from bawling his eyes out because hes so happy the cook trusts him, even just a little bit, to see him and want to be near him when hes tiny when he was so scared at first
(then sanji leaves, for whatever reason, and the moment the cook isnt in the room, franky actually starts bawling, full on sobbing. the cyborg is one huge sap for his new found nakama)
also slightly derailed, but i have a minor headcanon that franky is actually really good with littles, i feel like some of the Franky Family regressed, they were all traumatized, please let them have good coping mechs PLEASE, but franky would never let his family sit there and be little all by themselves. he cant imagine how scary that could be, he’d always be there to play, comfort, or just keep them company. he honestly became quite a good caregiver in that time with the franky family, ending up becoming most of their primary caregivers.
when he found out the multiple members of the crew were regressors, no way he was letting all those years of “super caregiver training” to go to waste.
Thank you so much for this sharing! I’m so glad my silly post gave you gave you some ideas :D makes me very happy
~He would be such a sap oh my goodness. I can imagine Zoro just looking at Franky like “bro are you okay?”
~Someone, maybe Nami or Robin taking Sanji cause they think the boy might be overwhelming Franky and they really don’t want that.
~Franky meanwhile like you said, bursting into happy tears, because oh my goodness little Sanji is adorable and his Nakama trust him, and they’re family and he’d do anything for them, and it brings back a lot of happy memories and actually he’s got a song that reminds him of this-
~Super caregiver training <- I love that so much.
~I’m just imagining:
“so what are your qualifications?”
“I went through super caregiver training.” With no other explanation
~I also like to think that when they were younger Iceberg used to regress so before Tom’s death Franky would look after him
~He would be such a fun caregiver, just breaking out his guitar at any silly thing one of the littles do. Highly amusing. I feel like Nami, Luffy and Usopp would enjoy having him watch over them the most.
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duckieberry · 1 year
So I have been thinking about this for ages and I need more people to know this!
Cyno is such a regressor it hurts. Windblume this year has proven that not once but twice with two separate dialogue interactions which helped me form this fun little theory. (I know its been a while since the event, shush /lh)
First is during the cutscene in the Library when Collei and Sucrose are looking for Lisa. When Albedo asks who is older between Tighnari and Cyno, Tighnari upon Cyno saying he is physically the oldest of them says “But your mental age is younger than that. I daresay even by enough to be the youngest sibling.” This could be interpreted as a casual playful jab from Tighnari about Cyno being a regressor. It's said in a way that Cyno could understand the underlying meaning without outing him to Albedo. Cyno’s response implies that the comment hit a nerve and as well as carries a slight admission with him saying the following “No… You will never see me admit to being the youngest sibling! Except perhaps as a last-ditch effort to turn the table in a game of cards.” This can be seen as Cyno deflecting the claim of being mentally younger and therefore a regressor. It also gives the hint of him admitting he is indeed prone to acting younger than his actual age. He does it in a way that makes it seem like it's purely just an excuse to win at TCG to Albedo while Tighnari would understand that there is a bit of truth behind the statement.
The second scene where Cyno is implied to be a regressor is during a post-event interaction with Lisa in the Library. The two will have a conversation about their shared past in the Akademiya as peers with Lisa being Cyno’s senior. The two talk about their academic family with professor Cyrus. Cyno mentions how Lisa is like his daughter as she has mimicked the professor's speech patterns. Lisa then gives the following response “If you say so… I suppose that means I get to call you ‘baby brother’ from now on.” This being the catalyst to another instance of Cyno being flustered at a claim making him out to be the ‘baby’ amongst his peers. His reply to the comment being “...um… I-I’d rather you didn’t…” in a very embarrassed tone. Which holds the implication that Cyno’s regression could be triggered by nicknames and being called ‘baby brother’ could end in him regressing. Lisa’s reaction to Cyno’s embarrassment being a rather teasing response of “Hahaha, yes, there’s the baby brother I remember.” This could imply Lisa knows about Cyno's regression as she’s probably looked after him while they were in the Akademiya. Meaning she knows the nicknames set him off.
All of this has hints that Cyno could be seen as a regressor which is something I personally enjoy the idea of!
Overall this is just a fun silly thing I noticed while playing through the event. I thought the rest of the community might enjoy it too so here you are! Run wild my fellow little Cyno enjoyers!
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ahaclownnoises · 2 years
Hi, can you please do Caregivers Ming and Jin Lee (Pixar's Turning Red) headcanons?
OOO!! YES YES!! {the main 5 r the littles!! I can’t do reader for the love of me}
Also this takes place afterrrr 4 town thingyy!! {how to explain} + before in the first hcs!!
🐼 ;; Caregivers!Ming and Jin lee ;; 🍼
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Mei was an age regressor, she had never regressed infront of her parents! She was scared they wouldn’t support her coping mechanism!
She kept her regression to herself, only ever regressing infront of her friends! Now Abby and her were regressors! But Miriam and Priya were flips but still! When they’d all regress together they stay at one of their houses and watch cartoons, Make forts and play with toys! It was fun to them
But that was until.. the incident, The 4 town incident. Mei had been sick of her mother! So she was gonna stand up for herself.. But when her mother was knocked out she.. she couldn’t handle it. She wanted her mommy, She wanted her mommy to be okay. She felt terrible
But after going the mind palace (?), she saw her mommy had been upset for a while.. But she was okay soon enough “Mommy.. ‘M sorry.. for thi’..” her mother had known, Ming had known “Oh my sweet little panda.. this wasn’t your fault, I promise.. Mommy just got angry.. Now mommy’s gonna go, Okay? You’ll see me soon I promise.” Mei nodded, her mommy had been okay and that was important to her
Mei had come back, she looked into Ming’s eyes. Ming had pulled her into an embrace “My sweet little panda..” Mei was happy.. She was finally with her amazing mommy.. But?.. what about daddy?..
Mei not expecting it, her daddy pulled her into an embrace aswell! Her parents were glad she was okay..
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Ming and Jin were extremely supportive in every way! So when the kids told them they were age regressors, they went into immediate supportive parents mode
Mei and her friends regress to 4-7 they think they’re all big kids but Jin and Ming know the truth!
They’d help the littles do everything because “Ah ah, you’re too small to do that, little one.” Which made the kids regress into a smaller headspace
They built a nursery for the littles to stay in, It’s filled with lots of toys and everything they really need!
Ming has nicknames for all of them! But jin just calls them ‘little ones’! Ming calls mei ‘Mei-Mei or little panda’ She calls abby ‘Silly one n Lovebug’, she calls Miriam ‘Little moth n pumpkin’ she calls priya ‘Little bat n Boo’ n last but not least! She calls Tyler ‘sunshine n button’
They are extremely protective over their littles, they’ll do anything for them! But If you hurt them, ohoho you’re in for a terrible time! Better start apologizing to the littles
Jin makes the littles the bestest meals ever! He’s gentle and kind with you, he might feed you if you want!
Ming is also gentle and kind with you but she’s a bit strict with rules! Gotta have an early bedtime and no candy after 8 pm! She just wants the best for her littles
But overall, Ming and Jin make a great team together and they absolutely love their littles!
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Divider 💕
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juicezone · 2 years
story 2: unsupervised shopping
obligatory disclaimer: i sometimes write stories for tl and av, most of tl’s stories are themed around hermit craft. i don’t really watch it myself (sometimes etho), but generally write off the vibes of the episodes i have watched with him. characters have potential to be ooc. any similarities to other minecraft original characters are purely coindental. don’t like it, don’t read it.
word count: 3000, characters: tl’s self-insert/minecraft oc, sheepard, xisuma, doc, and impulse. (somewhat of a direct sequel to the first story.) after xisuma comes to check in on how sheepard was feeling, and get a general overview of things, sheepard decides to take care of his to-do list. only thing is, he’s a little bit regressed. surely old enough to take care of his own list, he heads out anyway. besides- he has his shark with him, right? so he’s technically not alone. plus, he can totally act old normal and big. no one will have any idea.
    several days had passed since sheepard had first regressed and been looked after by ren. at first he had felt embarrassed the day after, but ren assured him he was fine and that he didn’t mind at all. sheepard had returned to his farm with the gifted shark and the names of a few other hermits who didn’t mind serving as caregivers for when he regressed again. 
    the when was a gentle but firm suggestion, ren had said. no schedule, but putting it off helped no one and only made it worse.
    he was back to work now, finishing the crop farm he’d started before and was planting the last seed when he heard the distant sound of rockets. sheepard looked up to see a figure growing closer until he was able to pick out enough detail to tell it was the server admin, and he waved.
    to his surprise, xisuma waved back and changed his angle as if aiming to land nearby.
    “just who i was looking for!” the admin said once he’d landed. sheepard blinked and looked behind him before turning back and pointing at himself questionably. xisuma nodded, and added, “just wanted to check up on you, see how you’re doing.”
    “oh, uh, yeah. i was kind of a hot mess a few days ago,” sheepard spoke awkwardly and rubbed the back of his neck, “you want to talk inside?”
    at the nod, sheepard wiped the loose dirt from his hands and led xisuma into his house. the admin took the offered seat and waited patiently while sheepard washed his hands clean and took his own seat at the table.
    “now- you aren’t in trouble, you know that right?” xisuma leaned forward a small amount, “regressing in a new place with new people can be scary, or if it’s your first time regressing. nothing to be ashamed about.”
    “it wasn’t my first time, just uh… just been a while. and new place and people and all that,” sheepard mumbled and xisuma nodded but didn’t add anything else.
    “guess i was nervous you guys’d think i was weird or.. something,” he added. it felt a bit silly now, knowing what he knew about the others.
    “i understand. i’m glad we can support you better now though- we want to, it’s not a problem!” xisuma replied, adding the last part before sheepard could say anything. “we might fight and argue on occasion, our little wars and all that, but we’re all friend and family here. you’re our friend and family too.”
    sheepard didn’t say anything in response, just nodded.
    “now, i do have a few questions for you, if that’s okay? you don’t have to answer anything you don’t want, i won’t press.”
    “uh yeah, go ahead.”
    “do you know how old you usually regress to?”
    “um. around five or six i guess. maybe sometimes around seven or eight, but not usually less than three.”
    “alright- do you need anything for when you do?”
    “ren gave me a shark and a list of others that are caregivers too. and some clothes in a drawer at the- the play house.”
    “mm. okay, i suppose maybe i should rephrase. is there anything you want?” xisuma spoke again, putting emphasis on the word want.
    “i’m fine with whatever we’ve got, or i’m given. i don’t really want to ask for a whole bunch of things,” sheepard replied with a shrug, avoiding looking straight at the admin. xisuma hummed but didn’t press the topic.
    “any preference in who looks after you? you don’t have to pick anyone, but sometimes there are people you want more than others when you’re young.”
“no. i don’t think so, at least. whoever’s available and doesn’t mind.”     a few more questions and xisuma was done. he thanked sheepard for answering what he could, and told him to send a message his way if he wanted or needed anything. with that the admin was off and on his way.
still inside his house, sheepard left the kitchen and wandered to the bedroom and flopped on the bed. he reached for the shark laying on his pillow and squeezed it close to his chest.
    he’d successfully pushed it all down and blocked it out while on the public servers, and to be doing it all over felt as if he was doing it for the first time again, nervous and unsure. he groaned and sat up with the shark.
    as tempting as it was, he couldn’t lay in bed all day, he had jobs to do. reluctantly, sheepard placed the shark down and got up. he made it to the door before he looked back at the bed.
    “i suppose.. it wouldn’t hurt to bring you along,” he spoke out loud to himself and picked up the shark.
    he took the stuffed animal around his base as he worked, carefully tucked between his layered shirts in the front, chatting with it as he went. he showed the shark his farm and pointed out all the different crops before moving to the barn.
    “this is where the animals are going to go! there’s space for cows and chickens and pigs and a horse!” sheepard pointed out each stall to the stuffed shark. “i’m building a sep- a sep- another barn for my sheep!” he added as he left the barn and sat on the steps of his house to decide what to do next.
    it was clear enough to him that he’d regressed a bit, though he didn’t feel as young or fuzzy-headed as before.
    “i’m plen’y old enough to do my to do list for today,” he decided out loud, “i don’t have any mining or anything, just some shopping.”
    that of course, meant going around to the various starter shops set up around spawn, as the main shopping district hadn’t been set up yet. the spot they’d previously picked apparently wouldn’t work as well, and so they were choosing another.
    “i should probably leave you here to keep the farm safe, right?” sheepard spoke to the shark still tucked into his shirt. it stared up at him with large button eyes, and sheepard stared back down at it.
    “you are absolutely right, i should take you with me to watch my back,” sheepard agreed. he adjusted the shark so it was in the back of his shirt instead of the front, the head poking out over his shoulder. it made the neck of the shirt a bit tight, but he’d survive.
    a quick trip through the nether and his first destination was impulse’s i-enchant store to pick up books for his armor and tools. the standard unbreaking, efficiency, mending and protection. the first two were no problem but the other two were in barrels too high for him to reach.
    he was carefully creating a plan to climb the wall and get the books somehow when he heard a door creak behind him, and sheepard turned around to see impulse in the employee’s only doorway, looking amused.
    “i don’t know whether to offer you help reaching a book or help with the shark attacked to your back.” he gestured to the stuffed animal.
    “he’s watching my back,” sheepard informed the other hermit, bothered by the idea that his faithful shark would attack him. he glanced up at the barrels and and pointed to the two he wanted.
    “canya help and grab some of the mending and protection please?” he asked and moved aside to let impulse grab two of each book and exchanged them for the payment.
    “so, who’s running errands with you?” impulse asked, leaning against the wall. sheepard looked a bit confused and impulse added, “you know, chaperone? adult? who’s watching you?””
    “me? i’m watching me. i’m old enough!” sheepard replied with a frown. he resisted the urge to stick his tongue out at impulse when he raised an eyebrow in response, but said nothing else.
    deciding he’d just ignore the other, sheepard put the books away in his travel shulker and took his list out.
    “where are ya goin’ next?” impulse asked as he peered over his shoulder. sheepard shrugged and studied his list. he had the gigapies store, doc’s sand shop, the log store behind keralis’s house, and a question mark for random wandering.
    definitely not gigapies, he thought to himself. if impulse was suspicious, then ren would certainly clock him. he shrugged and offered the list to impulse who looked it over thoughtfully.
    “been to gigapies? ren’s stocking today, i’m sure he’d love to see you.”
    “already went and saw him,” sheepard lied and shifted from foot to foot. impulse looked as if he didn’t quite believe him and sheepard quickly took his list back and excused himself, saying he’d made up his mind. he felt impulse’s eyes on his back until he turned the corner.
    “that was close,” he sighed and reached over his shoulder to pat the shark. he felt a little bad to have lied about gigapies and seeing ren, but he was very able to watch and take care of himself. he wasn’t too young at all, and he wasn’t technically alone because he had his shark.
    “you still don’t got a name but i don’t got any ideas yet,” sheepard said to the shark as he stepped into the sand shop. he set his travel shulker down with a thunk and started shuffling sand into it. once he’d taken as much as he wanted, he started to put diamonds in the chest to pay for what he’d taken, and stopped once he realized he was unsure of how much to pay.
    “...i’ll just put a bunch of diamonds in, just in case.” sheepard decided, splitting his stack and putting it in the chest. finished paying, he turned and bumped into doc, the creeper hybrid steadying him when he stumbled backwards.
    “paying for the future?” doc rumbled as sheepard shot a cross look over his shoulder to his shark for not warning him.
    “don’t wanna figure the maf- the math out.” he answered, correcting himself when his words got sloppy. doc didn’t reply for a few seconds, and sheepard could feel a frown forming. was doc going to pick up where impulse had left off?
    “fair enough,” doc shrugged, “show me how much you got, i’ll figure it out for you.”
    relieved, he opened his shulker and showed what he’d taken and after a few moments doc reached into the sand chest and took a few diamonds and returned them. sheepard placed them back within the travel shulker and started to head out but fond his path blocked by doc’s arm.
    “look. it’s pretty obvious you aren’t as big as you want to seem right now,” doc started and sheepard looked down, frustrated at being caught again. “give me an age check, and then i’ll decide what to do next.”
    “fine,” sheepard grumbled, “i’m no baby or anything, i’m.. i dunno.. seven or eight or something. i’m old enough! and i got my shark so i’m not alone.”
    “well, i still want you to check in with someone later on, no longer than an hour from now. sooner if you finish shopping early or if you start slipping younger, message me if you want.”
    doc’s tone was firm and left no room for argument, and sheepard had no other option but to nod in agreement to the older hermits’ rule. as soon as doc lifted his arm, sheepard escaped outside with his shulker and continued along until he was sure doc couldn’t hear or see him.
    “that’s so unfair!” sheepard complained out loud and kicked a nearby rock. if he was little like the other day, then the hermits could fuss and worry. but he was way older! practically a teenager. he kicked a few more rocks out of his way before remembering to check his list.
    the two shops left were keralis’s log shop and gigapies- aimless wandering was out because of doc’s rule. he was tempted to continue to avoid gigapies and ren and go to the log shop first, but it was all the way across the river and still more walking. gigapies was a lot closer considering he could already see the building sign.
    his stomach growled, making the final choice for him, and sheepard continued along the path towards gigapies.
    he crept up to the entrance and peeked in the door and looked around for ren, not wanting a third person to be fussing over him. ren didn’t seem to around anymore, so he took the opportunity to scamper to the counter and swap diamonds for stacks of pies.
    on his way out he took a pie and broke off pieces to eat as he started the journey across the river and towards keralis’s house, finishing a second one by the time he’d arrived.
    for the last time that day, he placed his travel shulker down and started swapping diamonds for logs. once he’d bought a stack of each log type he stopped and yawned, rubbing his eyes as he picked up the shulker again. he was feeling awfully tired all of a sudden, despite evening being a ways away.
    he sat down in the grass outside the shop to rest a moment and decided to message doc.
    you whisper to docm77: done shopping
    you whisper to docm77: tired
    docm77 whispers to you: who are you checking in with? early bed won’t hurt
    sheepard huffed a sigh as he got up and started his way towards the nearest bridge to cross the river and sent off another message.
    you whisper to docm77: just wanna go bed
    docm77 whispers to you: lol. why don’t you come by my place for the night instead of going all the way back.
    sheepard sent a short “k” in response and started towards doc’s base once he’d crossed the bridge. he was waiting in the doorway of his base, and ushered the regressed hermit inside as he rubbed his eyes.
    “do you need anything before bed? something to eat?” doc asked as he plucked the shark from sheepard’s shirt and handed it over. sheepard clutched it close and shook his head, not wanting to bother with getting his pj’s. doc seemed to have other ideas though, and gestured at sheepard’s clothes.
    “can’t sleep in your day clothes, buddy. why don’t you brush your teeth and get ready while i have someone bring something for you. bathroom’s upstairs, i’ll come up in a few.”
    sheepard made a face and went up the stairs slowly, dragging out the process. he shuffled into the bathroom and placed the shark on the tile floor before turning to the sink and grabbing the toothpaste.
    not bothering to figure out if there was a free toothbrush or not, sheepard just smeared the paste on his finger and sloppily brushed his teeth. once satisfied, he rinsed his mouth out and left the bathroom to wait for doc.
    he heard the sound of rockets and the thump of someone landing outside, as well as doc speaking to someone. a few moments later and the rockets went off again and doc came up the stairs with a familiar pair of purple pajamas and held them out to sheepard.
    he quickly changed and left his clothes in a pile by the door. once sheepard was done, doc led him to the bedroom, where instead of a regular bed, doc had a massive nest made of pillows and blankets. there were a few discarded old hoodies, too worn to use but too loved to toss, and even a few labcoats in the mix. unsure of how to get in, sheepard waited for doc to climb in and the creeper hybrid helped him get in and get settled.
    he wasn’t cuddled right up to doc like he’d been with ren, though he was still easily within arms reach. it was practically perfect, though there was a strange rumbling sound that had started up. it wasn’t unpleasant, but it was strange and sheepard was curious about where it was coming from- he couldn’t see any redstone that might be causing it.
    it almost seemed to be coming from doc.
    “are you makin’ that sound?” sheepard asked, feeling somewhat confused. doc briefly looked surprised and then laughed and motioned for sheepard to come closer.
    he scooted over and cautiously laid his head down on doc’s chest as instructed. the rumbling was coming from doc! he looked up wide-eyed at doc as the sound continued.
    “you… purr?” he whispered, fascinated by this new fact, and doc’s chest shook as he laughed.
    “yeah, creepers purr. just way more common to hear hissing instead, since most creepers aren’t player friendly. now, off to sleep with you.” doc replied and waited for sheepard to get comfortable before tucking a free blanket around him.
    cozy and tired, sheepard reached out to pull his stuffed shark closer to him , and realized he couldn’t feel for it. he patted around his side and sat up straight, frantically searching the nest when it didn’t appear.
    “whoa whoa, what’re you looking for?” doc asked and caught sheepard’s hands before he could continue tearing up the nest.
    “m-my shark’s missing!” sheepard replied, voice wavering. doc made a sound and slowly got up and out of the nest, instructing the younger hermit to stay and wait a moment. sheepard clutched a pillow anxiously as he waited, and a few moments passed before he heard a faint, “aha, there you are,” and doc returned with the lost stuffed shark in hand.
    “here you go, buddy, now lay back down,” doc instructed as he climbed back into the nest.
    content now that he had his shark, sheepard squirmed under the blankets until he was nice and cozy again. he didn’t usually have trouble sleeping, and tonight was proving to be no exception, especially with how tired he was. it only took a few moments for him to close his eyes and be out like a light.
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babybearcookie · 2 years
Stray Kids Age Regression/Caregiver HC
this was requested
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this is an age regression headcanon; if you don't like that, don't read it. age regression is a sfw coping mechanism, so i will be blocking anyone who might sexualize it
as a caregiver
first of all,,
chan is probably one of the most patient caregivers you'd ever have
if not THE MOST patient
he never wants to hurry you or push you further than what you need and are comfortable with
he'll help you of course
but with things like figuring out your emotions
or maybe smaller things like wanting to pick a snack to have
or building or colouring something
those things he'd never hurry along
time is precious in his eyes, and so is giving you space to figure things out on your own
and THEN if you ask for help, he'll come and help
or if you're in a situation that he can feel you wanting to step away from
then he's there too, showing that you can always rely on him when you want to
he's also the type take pics of you on his phone every time you do something cute
you're playing with a kitchen set he bought you?
you're into something playing on the tv?
you're pouting while sleeping?
and if you're okay with it, he'll want to show his friends the pictures
boasting about "look how cute my baby is"
the two of you also take walks in the park
he loves the times where you'd find a little bug or creature or just nature that you're intrigued by
he'll sit down on the ground, pull you into his lap and tell you about the thing, rly dad-like
maybe even pick it up if you're hesitant to, showing you that there's nothing to be scared of
when regressed
when regressed, chan has a lot of trouble articulating
which is why his words comes out slurred when he's speaking
he'll most likely mix english words into his korean sentences
unless he can talk only in english
and then there might be korean words mixed into his sentences there as well
he's most likely to regress when he's sleepy, head already fuzzy
he's mostly pretty quiet when he's small
unless he has a lot of energy heheh
he likes sitting back and look at people being silly
always with a biiiig smile and clapping while laughing
but even though he's a calm soul, he loveslovesloves play fighting!!!
when he has to climb over someone to get something or try to grab it from their hand as they're keeping it from him
idk,, he loves doing that, he finds it so much fun!!
if it goes on for long enough and he starts to get frustrated he might,,,
stomp his tiny foot and cross his arms, exaggerated pout on his lips :(((
he also just likes playing pretend
sometimes he's someone from a movie (most likely a superhero)
but sometimes he'll just be anything that he can think of
a dog, a bull, maybe even a dragon
he's been a bull a few times, loving the reactions he gets when he runs head-first into someone's legs hehh
also,, if he's going somewhere with someone
holding hands is a requirement!!
he will not go if one of his hands aren't being held
if you want a happy cutie chan, feed him
he'll most likely show you his adorable lil happy dance
wiggling his body
beware though, because he has a habit of playing with his food
so,, either contain him to an area where he can't do much damage or,,, be ready to clean up after him
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as a caregiver
i already wrote how i think he'd be like as a cg here
but i'll expand a bit more on some ideas ^^
being homeschooled by cg minho>>>>>>
tiny words of encouragement
you're working on a korean language book for kids
tracing over the characters in the book
spelling out some animals and simple words
like 안녕하세요 and 감사합니다
he sits behind you and runs his hand over your hair while he watches as you fill out the pages
so! much!! praise!!!
he'd probably smile and fluff your hair when you look to him to see if an answer you wrote down was correct
maybe even kiss your temple when you are working
just because you look SO CUTE while being concentrated
after you're finished and he has checked your worksheet for mistakes he says that it's time to go to the playground
as soon as he says the word 'playground' you're up and running after your jacket and shoes
you're always so excited to go to the playground
there's mostly empty when you go
minho somehow always knowing when there'll be no kids
so you get to go on the swings and the slide without having to wait, and there's no parents looking at you weird
you even get to play in the sandbox with minho :D
when regressed
he absolutely LOVES being called baby
his favourite thing to be called ever!!
better if it's in korean
"minho aegi~~"
gone is minho, melted away
right under 'being called baby' on his list of what he loves most in the world is being cuddled
every chance he gets, he WILL cuddle someone
he will pull you to him and lock around you, koala style
he loooves when he's the one being the little spoon
held so dearly
warmth all around him
then he really feels cared for
like nothing in this world can hurt him
small and soft and just tiny
he comes with small sound effects
barely audible but they're there
he mostly doesn't mean to let out the small sounds, it's just something he does when he's doing something while small
loves when you play with his hair,,
like make tiny ponytails or pigtails
he looks adorable and he knows it!!
will poke you at random
he just loves the weird look he gets when he pokes you and doesn't say anything
will be like :o or laugh at most things
very curious baby
will giggle randomly after saying something
you have no idea why he does this, but it's pretty cute hearing it
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as a caregiver
i think he's not very outspoken about the care he shows as a caregiver
he'd rather be silent about any good deeds
like he'd do something for you without you realizing it and he'll just sit back and watch everything go smoothly with a smile
but with other caregivers he might share his concerns
he always thinks he can be a better caregiver, even if he's trying his best
he'd be the type to carry you in from the car if you've fallen asleep instead of waking you up
that's the best way to describe it
suddenly you wake up in your bed, last thing you remember is sitting in the car with binnie
and he won't acknowledge it if you don't do it first
he'd gladly lend his body to you if it makes you comfortable
you need a lap to sleep in? he's sitting down for you to use his immediately
you feel a bit cold? he's hugging you tight from behind to share his body heat
you're in need of something to hug? well, his arm is free and there for you to use for all your hugging needs
the second you're left alone for some reason, he'd have an itch to constantly check up on you to make sure you're alright
other caregivers might look at him and think that he's a bad caregiver because he doesn't coddle you and interact with you all the time
but the more they see him in action, the more they see that he always puts his baby's needs first, before anything else
he'd let you use his body as a tree to climb if you got too much energy
he'd also never get mad at you
if he can feel himself get irritated, he takes a breather bc he knows he can look really scary when he's mad and he never wants you to be scared, especially when you're regressed
when regressed
okay but little binnie is a jokester
he likes pulling his hyungs or caregiver(s) along with his little shenanigans without telling them anything
he's also LOUD
like very very loud
and hyper, but mostly loud
like, you'll never doubt that he's feeling small, just bc of the sheer volume this boy has
he likes hugs and skinship but gets easily flustered when that happens in front of other people he may consider his friends in headspace or people he looks up to
but he's also a little silly about it
like, as soon as someone cuddles him in any way, he'd run off, acting like it's the most outrageous thing ever
but when he turns around and sees he isn't being followed with the "threat" of more cuddles, he seeks the person who tried to cuddle him again, looking for more, secretly loving the closeness
but if he's sad or hurt you better give him hugs and cuddles STAT
he needs the tight hugs and the patting on his back with small shushes, or else he will NEVER feel good again (that's how he feels anyway)
his voice is DEFINITELY lighter when he feels small
like, he sounds so cute, no matter if he baby talks or not, just bc his voice is so light and he giggles loads :(((
he's also talking about himself in third person a lot
"can binnie have-" "changbinnie baby"
also, cute noises galore
those cute noises are mostly "da"
and he'll say them randomly and sometimes when he doesn't wanna say actual words
then it's his caregiver(s)' job to find out what the meaning behind "da!" is this time
and he's a v v scared baby, so remember to choose cartoons and movies and such carefully bc you might end up with a crying binnie or a binnie with nightmares
also, please give this boy a fidget toy
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as a caregiver
hyunjin,,, he's the type to baby you so much that you become very much dependent on him
changbin was the type to only fix problems when they presented themselves too much of a challenge for you?
well, hyunjin is the complete opposite
how dare there be anything in your way?
he'll fix all of your problems and then coo at you like you'd just experienced something bad
hyunjin with 1000% babytalk to you
i don't care that you may not regress young, he will babytalk you regardless
like,, the cringe way that you see those overly attached parents do to their spawn
he's also the type to have his entire focus on you
the building he's in could be burning and he wouldn't care bc you're there
...that's an exaggeration bc he'd save you from said burning building
bottom line is that he's not ever taking his eyes off you by his own free will
and if he can get away with it, he's definitely carrying you everywhere
he's also the first/only one i see being cool with being a caregiver for multiple littles
and he'll still try to give each one the same amount of attention, but he figures out at some point that it's just not possible
he'll still try though
he's the type to yell
but in fake/silly anger
"Yah!! why is my baby so adorable when asking for ice cream for dinner?! how can i say no to that when they're so cute??!! aaaahhh!!!"
he just loves his baby a lot (maybe too much) and he's not afraid to show and/or yell it to the world
when regressed
i don't know what it is about small hyunjin or why he's like this, but a big thing for him when he's little is saying small things in english
maybe it's the praise that goes along with it when he does it
maybe it's bc it's a language he's not the best at, so he feels smaller
but sometimes he'd just say some small english sentence, looking around at the people around him when he's done
he loves oversized clothing when he's small
he wants to be able to pitch his sweatshirts like a tent, that's how big he wants them
sometimes he wants them so much that if there aren't any oversized clothes for him to wear, he threatens you with not wearing clothes at all until he gets to wear a huge hoodie or something like that
he's a brat and loves teasing people but as soon as there's a chance of there being some sort of consequence for his actions, he's apologizing profusely and backtracking
either that or he's doubling down
it can be either in any given situation, you can never predict how he'll react
he's cute and he knows it, but if anybody else calls him cute he finds somewhere to hide
mostly under blankets but sometimes you'll also find him under the couch
completely flustered
he's almost always giggling
hiiiiigh giggles
cute n light
and he keeps jumping around, like a little bunny, mostly when he doesn't know what to do with himself
i feel like someone who'd be well equipped to handle him when he's small, would be minho
whether he's hyunjin's caregiver or just an uncle type, he's the one who can read hyunjin the best and deals with his antics effortlessly
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as a caregiver
physically reassuring !!!!!!
as a caregiver, he loves making sure his baby is okay by holding their hand,, placing a hand on their shoulder or back, or maybe even just hugging them
it's all to get their attention and feel him there
he does so much for his baby's sake, even if he doesn't really care for it
like, if you like a particular tv show but he doesn't, he'll go out of his way to watch it with you, just because he knows you enjoy it
he's also really good at giving praise
if he wants you to know that you did something that made him happy he'll say that ofc, but also the small things, like putting one of your toys away
"good job, baby!"
but if he's praised as a caregiver, make sure to keep an eye out for red ears, bc he's so easily flustered when the praise is for him
he may act like he's receiving it well and he's most likely like "of course, i'm the greatest caregiver of all time!" but his ears don't lie
he's silly but not in a very obvious way when he's in caregiver mode
he likes to make little jokes, inside jokes mainly, things he knows will get a laugh, to get his baby to giggle a bit and then he goes back for more cuddles
he tries to be so brave for his baby when it comes to animals, but when you're not looking, he lets out his scared expressions
he complains a bit if his baby wants to look at or touch creepy crawlers, but he will never limit your curiosity
he will usually just keep a good distance, himself
he may forget the small details sometimes
like, if you don't like peas or if you prefer your drink a special way
but he always knows things like how to make you happy, how to comfort you when you're sad
and when you know stuff like that, the little things don't matter all that much
when regressed
clumsy clumsy baby
like, if you go out with him, parks are probably the best bc then he has something soft to fall on when he stumbles
flappy hands when he's excited
now, because of his social anxiety, jisung needs extra special care when he's regressed
he needs personal grounding methods, an emergency plan for panic attacks and a list of comfort items
he also does better if he has one primary caregiver
then he knows who to go to and they'd know how to handle bad moments
a grounding method of his is probably the 54321 method
yk, list 5 things you can see around you, 4 things you can touch around you, 3 things you hear, 2 things you can smell and 1 thing you can taste
though, he does need to be guided through that, which is why a caregiver for him is a little essential
at least a babysitter
his caregiver/babysitter also has to make sure he has mobile games available or a hand console for video games
while he may not regress very young, he still needs a lot of care, equivalent to the care someone regressed younger would need
i imagine him being non-verbal if he's not somewhere he's comfortable and with people he trusts completely
so, a lot of tugging on clothes when he needs attention or tapping his cg's shoulder
very very easy to tears
bc when he's regressed, he doesn't hold anything back
it's his safe space to do so
also, pls pls pls bring his stuffie wherever you go
one he can hug when he's overwhelmed or feeling the need to self-soothe
overall happy baby unless he's in an uncomfortable environment with people he doesn't know
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as a caregiver
felix is such a sensitive person
like, we all know he's a big sunshine but he's also blames himself a lot and feels guilty easily
so, he might need to be reassured a lot that he's doing a good job
otherwise he might start thinking that he's a bad caregiver and isolate himself
he'd have some idea of what to do when caring for someone younger, as he does have a little sister, but he's also the middle child, so he would probably need a bit of help
i'm thinking that, yes, he'd take care of things like making you snacks, helping you with clothes, and all the other essential things, but as more of an older brother type of caregiver than as a parental figure
his go-to thing to do with you is cuddle
cuddle while watching tv, cuddle while reading books, cuddle while getting you to sleep/waking you up, it's just his favourite way to do anything
he's also rly possessive over you, so it just works out rly well if you're constantly in his arms
if his members were to talk to you when you're regressed or baby you, even if you weren't regressed, he'd quickly bring is arms around you, pouting that you're his
one of his other fave things to do with you is 'beauty salon'
you get all kinds of creative freedom with putting nail polish and makeup on him
when you're done, sitting in anticipation, waiting for him to pick up the mirror and tell you what he thinks, he always makes sure to be 'pleasantly surprised'
he knows, of course, that it wouldn't be anywhere near the professional looks he gets in comebacks and such, but he always loves what you do
(and even if it looks absolutely terrible, he always finds at least one thing to praise)
when regressed
so, have we all seen him patting himself to self-soothe? bc i have
anxious little bean
he just wants to be comforted more than anything
he will cling onto his caregiver at any given chance, but sometimes doubt gets the best of him and he thinks that people around him hate that he's this clingy
and then he tries his best to self-soothe with touch he remembers being comforting
like wrapping his arms around himself
or, in situations where he's trying to be lowkey or feels a bit worse about himself, he pats or strokes his hair
be on the lookout for these !!!!!! bc that means that he needs a prescription of ALL THE HUGS!!!!
cuddle piles are the best
he might also try to lighten his voice bc it doesn't sound right in his ears to have such a deep voice when being 4 or so years old
just making sure that he knows he doesn't have to do it and that's he's a tiny kid regardless should do the trick
oh yeah, and remember those animal onesies that were rly popular some years ago? the rly soft and snuggly ones? (ahem i have 3 ahem)
he will practically live in one if he had the chance
even better if the one he got is of a kangaroo
bc he miss home and then he got extra pockets heheh
he's the kind to silently tuck himself into his caregiver's side
like, under the cg's arm and head tucked into a crevice, most likely the chest or neck
and, for some reason, that mostly happens in the kitchen, when the cg is cooking something
speaking of kitchen!! he loooves baking cake with his cg
it's a time where he can have a dance party while baking and maybe even have a flour fight and then end up with delicious baked goodness
and if his cg tells him he can't have cake as a snack all the time, that's okay!!
he likes fruit too when he's regressed, so give him the job of rinsing the fruit while an 'adult' cuts it, and he'll be very content with that
also, be patient with him when he's just woken up bc he's pretty dazed
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as a caregiver
very very soft-spoken
could look like he's just a pushover bc he lets his baby get away with a lot of things
but he does have a limit
people just aren't quick to notice bc he's very soft about it
when he says "no more" he says it quietly
he doesn't need it to be broadcasted to anybody who isn't the one he's saying it to
and that's partly why his baby listens to him so well
he doesn't make a big scene about when his boundaries have been met, nor does he put you on the spot
he handles things privately and quietly
doesn't mean he isn't filled with sass that is ready to be unleashed at any moment
i don't think he'd sass his baby too much, but he'd sass his members a bit extra when you're around bc you always giggle and clap your hands at it
and maybe once in a while you'd also sass his members
the reaction from him is a bit of pride but most of all he thinks it's funny, when you haven't crossed a line
the other members can't believe how much his sassy nature has rubbed off on you though
the look at you and him in shock, mouths wide open while seungmin just smiles and shrugs
always has his camera ready for shooting some pictures of his baby
probably has a whole photo album just of his baby when they're regressed
his favourite thing is to take you to the aquarium or to the zoo
just somewhere you don't normally go
and then he gets to take pics of you being fascinated by all the things around you
when regressed
i feel like seungmin is the most independent when regressed
most times he's just in his own little world
he doesn't need a whole lot
of course, it'd be nice to not have to do things like cook for yourself, but when snacks exist and when you can buy entire meals, finished
he's old enough to work a microwave when he's regressed
so really, he doesn't need a cg
wouldn't complain if one fell into his lap though
that doesn't mean he doesn't thoroughly enjoy it when there are people around him
he loves being a little menace to his hyungs
so so so giggly!!
like, he giggles almost all the time when he's small
when he's watching tv, when he's eating, when he's running around, etc.
he doesn't treat stuffed animals all that nicely...
maybe it's because he's a little older than most of the group when they're regressed
he might, once in a while, like to cuddle with a soft stuffed animal when he's going to sleep but other than that, nah
he just pokes them in their eyes, pulls on their ears, just doing something that would make other littles gasp in horror
he's the only one where i'm pretty certain he also pet regresses
or at least likes to pretend that he's a puppy when he's regressed, i don't know but he's a tiny puppy sometimes
which means being even rougher with the stuffed animals, because if he can fit even an arm or ear of the plushie into his mouth, it's getting chewed on and roughed up
you know the way that dogs swing a toy around when they're playing?
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as a caregiver
if you don't care about if your stuff gets dropped or maybe ruined, go ahead and give them to jeongin
but um,, don't give him stuff that breaks easily
he's broken a few of his baby's figurines and it's rly a wonder that it happens sometimes
there's a shortage of bowls that aren't made out of plastic
so, he may be the caregiver, but you really look out for each other, since he needs a hand too
he loves singing songs to have his baby dance to them
(it's mostly gonna be trot songs, and if you complain enough; trot versions of skz's songs)
as he's not in a position to take care of anybody usually, yk with being the youngest in the group, he's not too sure in a caregiving role
he'd probably be more at ease being called a baby sitter, instead of a caregiver, as he usually just feels like he's making sure no fatal accidents happen on his watch
and that the house is relatively clean in the process
you'd think he may not be one for a lot of hugs and cuddles, but i'd say almost the opposite
idk, there's just something about being the one to take care of another person instead of being the youngest that makes him wanna cuddle his baby
not a lot but enough
like, for movies or when you ask for cuddles on nights you can't sleep
and ofc he'll hug you if you asked for it (of if you're too adorable for him to stop himself but shhh)
i think one part of being a caregiver that he rly excels at is brushing teeth
he'll be so careful when brushing his baby's teeth
he knows how to angle the toothbrush to get all the crevices from years of figuring out how to effectively brush his teeth with braces
and he knows how it can hurt if people are not careful when dealing with teeth and gums so he's super gentle
when regressed
now, not to be harsh
but he's a little shit
and he knows he's safe when he's regressed bc no one would dare hurt him when he's small
so he won't even get the usual shoulder punch he'd get when he isn't regressed
and he's about to make that fact everyone's problem
and when he knows he's on the verge of a punishment, he runs to hyunjin to save him
and he does. every. single. time
baby jeongin eats a lot and he does it quickly
you've made him a snack and turn around for a second to get some for yourself?
he's already finished and asking for more
you fear that one day he'll get an upset stomach bc of the speed of which he's eating but that day never comes
fortunately for you
if you want a little baby innie who's just cute and sweet and adorable, then you have to be there when he's just woken up
he's just soft and fuzzy there, just a tiny baby
when it's time for bed, he's also a bit quieter and lowkey
you tend to be that way after a whole day of annoying everyone around you
it's draining
but it's one of his cg's favourite time of the day
he's still a silly little boy, but he's more prone to doing what's asked of him
like, he'll be all silly, making jokes and talking back but when you ask him to raise his arms to get him in pajamas, he'll do it
the same with going to sleep
he's not a difficult one to get to go to sleep
he just needs a night light and sweet words beforehand and then he's good to go to dreamland
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A/N: this took me sooo long to finish, i'm so so sorry for the wait. i love doing headcanons bc i put a lot of thought and research into it, but it's also a lot of work, especially when it's an entire group and for both the caregiving and age regressing side PHEW i hope you enjoy it though!!
also, pls don't come for me, these were just some small thoughts on how i think they might be. i'd say i don't know them well enough to come to these conclusions easily, so yeah
feedback would be awesome if you could spare a second <3
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strawbabys-blog · 3 years
Regressor!Bucky Cg!Sam
Hiiii, I know not a lot of people headcanon Bucky as a regressor but some people do and I'm one of them, hehe, so I thought I'd write some headcanons for him and Sam!
-Bucky only started regressing after he was saved from hydra, it was completely involuntary at first and when he learned what it was he thought it was silly so he didn't indulge in it
-He doesn't regress voluntarily ever until and Sam finds out about it, he can usually fircr it down until night time while he's in Wakanda
-Speaking of Sam, he finds out because Bucky accidentally regresses in front of him after a particularly stressful night
-Sam already knew what regression was from when he was trying to find coping mechanisms for himself and naturally slips into a caregiver mindset, he carries Bucky around (which is a bit of a challenge for someone without super strength) and takes care of him with what he has around at the time.
-Bucky flat out avoids Sam for as long as humanly possible after it happens, stops answering calls and texts and any way that Sam tries to communicate with him
-It gets to the point where Sam genuinely gets worried and goes to see him in his flat
-Then he not only sees how Bucky is living but sees how lonely he is
-Its awkward at first but Sam pretty much invites himself to stay at Bucky's for a while because he wants to help him not only with the regression but he wants his friend to be happy
-The first time Bucky regresses while Sam's home, he cries a lot. He feels like he's being a bother and in his small mindset it's hard to focus on the way Sam is hugging him and telling him it's okay
-After the first time, Bucky slowly (and I mean very slowly) warms up to the idea of Sam being around when he's regressed
-He still tries to hold off until Sam leaves the house and he won't go get Sam of he slips in another room
-But if Sam happens to find him small then hes not exactly opposed to the idea
-At first, Bucky is a very shy little, he's almost completely non-verbal and doesn't have any little gear so Sam just tries to play games with him until the little boy laughs (Sam likes making Bucky laugh)
-Sam starts buying Bucky things without really thinking about it. He sees a purple stuffed elephant with crinkly ears and can't help but think Bucky will love it. Then he picks up a few colouring books and a few more teddies and some wooden blocks and before he knows it he has half a shopping cart full of stuff for the little
-Bucky cries the first few times Sam comes home with stuff for him. He's not used to anyone being that nice to him except maybe Steve and even then, they were poor when they were kids so this was totally new terrain for him
-That didn't mean he didn't love absolutely everything he got
-His favourite toy is a wooden play cube with puzzles and twisty things and buttons all over the sides, the first time Sam gave it to him he didn't put it down for two hours
-He loves his teddies too though, he named them all (Sam thought some might he named after other Avengers but he didn't mention it to the little) and he lets Sam choose which one he sleeps with if he goes to bed little
-After staying with Bucky for maybe a month, Sam asks him if he maybe wants to come home with him, he'd talked to a lot of people (he might have yelled a bit too but that doesn't matter) and the US agreed to move Bucky to Sam's hometown with a new therapist to see due to the fact that in Brooklyn, he was completely isolated and it wasn't good for him (The US government wasn't happy about it, but being falcon still has its perks)
-It took Bucky a while (he grew up in Brookly, he and Steve lived together in Brooklyn) but he eventually agreed to go with Sam
-Bucky doesn't take long to warm up to Sam's family and friends (as we seeing tfatws hehe) and being able to slip with his (unofficial) caregiver so close by is great
-From Sam's point of view, he enjoys being in control. After losing so many people in his line of work, having a person to protect and look after makes him feel calm and comfortable
-Both of them benefit from their situation, Sam loves watching Bucky so happy and confident around his friends and family
-They're both very grateful that Sam was such a mother hen that he went to Brooklyn to help bring Bucky to his new home
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I don’t know if it’s appropriate for me to ask this, but I would like to see what happened to the Vanny suit after “I had strings”. I imagine destroying it would be next on Vanessa’s list after the wires, not to mention the cathartic release everyone would feel.
I certainly don’t see anything wrong with asking that! Since I’m an impatient “need to share writing NOW” kind of author, I’m doing this as a lil medium-sized ficlet instead of a big ao3 story, since this comes way after the current plot/timeline. It might eventually make its way over there, too, but for now… tumblr exclusive, lol!
Y’all might notice the tone/voice in this little ficlet is pretty different from everything else that exists so far in the strings ’verse! It’s ’cause this bad boy takes place a year after the implant was removed, so Vanessa’s in a way better headspace, and she and Gregory have settled into a familial relationship somewhere between parent-child and siblings. 
Vanessa stared at the calendar on her phone, seated at her kitchen table. She scrolled back a bit and counted for the third time. She got the same number as the past attempts. Shocked, she leaned back in her chair and gazed unseeingly at the far wall. 
She hadn’t moved by the time Gregory’s footsteps approached from the hall, stopping where the carpet became tile. “Uh. Are you okay?” He tread closer like he was approaching a bomb, and Vanessa knew him well enough by then to know his hesitance wasn’t from fear that she’d regressed. 
It was probably more because the last time she’d ended up staring at a wall, he’d wandered in just as she muttered, “Did I have sex?” 
(“Context!” she’d shrieked after him when he went speeding away far faster than he had ever run from Vanny. Cheeks burning, she had run after him, waving the questionnaire she’d been given to fill out for her first appointment with a new doctor.
With the question of where the implant came from still up in the air, Vanessa hadn’t been willing to risk herself on the off chance her previous doctor had something to do with it. And even if he was innocent, the fact he’d somehow missed both the implant and the mind control really didn’t inspire confidence in his abilities. 
Regardless, the form had asked if she was sexually active. The mind control aspect of her last two years made that an extremely uncomfortable question. She was pretty sure the answer was no, though. 
If Gregory’s loud “Nah, nah, nah, I can’t hear you!” was an indication, her attempts at explaining all that were… unappreciated.)
Instead of saying something that would mentally scar him, Vanessa merely pushed her phone in his direction. 
Gregory did little more than glance at it before casually saying, “Oh, hey. It’ll be a year since we met soon.” 
He didn’t sound surprised, the little turd. Whereas she was. Holy hell was Vanessa surprised that she’d made it—survived—a whole year of Trauma City. With how never-ending it had felt in the beginning, it was a shock she even passed six months. 
Once in the privacy of her room, she’d probably break down about it. Have a nice cry, contemplate what her life would be like if Gregory hadn’t pulled back the curtain surrounding her mind, probably abandon the privacy to go blubber all over him in thanks for refusing to let her curl up and die in a hole. He’d take it like a champ, and then he would have a turn at getting all sniffly about never having thought he’d find such a wonderful family after the death of his parents. 
Communication was vital, and they were masters at it. Look at how healthy her silly little brain was now.
Gregory took a deep breath, drawing Vanessa out of her self-congratulatory thoughts about not being a zombie anymore. “I kind of have something planned,” he said. “I thought about doing this at the six-month mark, but… I don’t think you were ready, then.” 
Vanessa turned to face him, offering him her full attention. “Even though I don’t know what you’re talking about, you were probably right.” 
He snorted. “Okay, so. Basically, did you know the pizzaplex has an incinerator?” 
“I did not,” she said evenly. “Why the hell do you?” 
“Don’t ask questions you don’t want the answers to. Follow-up question.” He hesitated a moment, which gave Vanessa enough warning for her to brace herself. “Did you ever wonder what happened to the Vanny bunny costume?” 
She made the logical leap. “You incinerated it?” 
“Not yet,” Gregory cheerfully corrected her. “I figured you’d want to do that. I asked Freddy to hide it until you were ready.” 
Ready, in this case, meaning “until you could stand to look at the suit without having a complete mental breakdown.” And, whaddya know, Vanessa found herself agreeing. She was ready. 
• • •
The whole gang—minus the pets, because, wow, that was a game no one wanted to play—gathered around the incinerator door exactly one year after Gregory ripped a wad of wires out from Vanessa’s neck. 
Gregory stood on one side of her, Roxy on the other, and the rest gathered around in a circle with her at the head. Vanessa stared down at the suit in her hands. The fabric was pretty nasty after a year of being tucked in some dusty storage room where she was practically guaranteed to never wander across it. 
It was exactly as she remembered it. Exactly as it was in her nightmares. 
She hadn’t been wearing it during their final confrontation at the end of that night, so long ago. She’d changed in and out of it during the chase, as if Gregory wouldn’t connect the dots between Vanny and Vanessa. For that reason, of all the victims who faced her, Gregory was the only one whose blood would never stain the suit. 
He survived it; now, he’d outlive it. She could think of no better middle finger to the purpose of this costume.
Vanessa considered making a speech or something, but she didn’t want this to be a funeral. This was more like… a public execution. 
“Good riddance,” she decided on, stepping forward to the incinerator. 
Freddy obligingly opened the door for her, the heat making the air waver. Even in standby, it was unpleasant. 
Roxy flipped the suit off, teeth bared, as Vanessa wadded it up and tossed it inside. 
“It won’t be missed,” Chica said. She was holding a cake topped with a bubbly candle shaped like the number one. 
Monty didn’t offer it even a speck of his attention, and based on the rips in the fabric, Freddy had already said his piece. 
The incinerator hummed as the flames kicked in, ready to consume the last remnant of Vanny. 
Though, that did remind her of something. Turning around, Vanessa asked Gregory, “What about the head?” 
“Oh, I took a sledgehammer to that ages ago.” 
“I supervised,” Freddy added, which wasn’t the reassurance he possibly thought it was. 
Roxy snorted and threw her arms over Monty and Chica’s shoulders. “Now that the trash has been taken out, the DJ’s waiting for us.” 
“Dibs on the first song!” Monty hollered, leading the charge down the hallway to the elevator. 
“No!” Chica cried, carefully passing the cake to Vanessa before running after him. “You’re just going to ask him to play that stupid meme song again!” 
Monty cackled. 
Roxy pulled ahead, flashing Vanessa an attempt at an apologetic look. “You guys cool catching up? You know I can’t miss an opportunity to watch Chica throw down with Monty over something.” 
Freddy sighed long-sufferingly, and Gregory snickered. 
“Go,” Vanessa said, rolling her eyes. “We’ll be right behind you.” 
“So,” Gregory said, once it was down to just the three of them walking down the hall. He eyed the candle’s flickering flame. “Do you still get to make a wish?” 
“I’ll defer to the expert on that one.” She peeked up at Freddy, beseeching. “Does this count for a ‘make a wish and blow out the candle’ situation, or is that strictly for birthdays?” 
“I think you are very deserving of making a wish, birthday or not,” Freddy replied as they all paused so she could blow it out.
Vanessa thought for a moment, the background hum of the incinerator not quite able to cover up the shrieking coming from the floor above them. 
Once upon a time, she would have wished for something big. Something abstract. For happiness, or to have a good year, or to continue to recover. But even though those things didn’t feel unattainable like they would have a few months ago, she didn’t. Some of the most important lessons she’d learned in the past year, both from Gregory and others, were that baby steps were necessary, setting small goals kept her from feeling defeated, and wishes were meaningless if she couldn’t fulfill them herself. 
There was no magic spell or fairy godmother or shooting star that would solve her problems. Every step she’d taken from the starting line had been under her own power. With a hell of a lot of help, sure, but still. 
She wouldn’t waste this on something that would require a genie. Not when she could grant her own wishes.
“I wish,” she said, ignoring Gregory’s protests about not saying it out loud, “that we’ll get another pet. Maybe a dog. Or a cat. Or a ferret. Not a raccoon, though.” And with that, she blew the candle out. 
Gregory sighed exasperatedly. “Adults are so weird,” he muttered to Freddy. 
“What would you have wished for, superstar?” 
“Another reason to use the incinerator.” He grinned when both Vanessa and Freddy made disapproving noises. “All right, all right, I won’t turn to a life of arson.” Then, to Vanessa, “I take it we’re going to the shelter this afternoon?” 
Vanessa laughed. “Would you look at that, my wish is already starting to come true!” 
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starsurface · 7 months
I got you!! :D (I'm gonna use Reiko as main CG still :3)
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
CG Reiko w/ Regressor Shao Hcs pt 2
🛡 As I’ve said before, bossy, bossy baby
🗡 He's very dependent on Reiko, but swears that Reiko's just clingy when Shao's small >:/
🛡 Shao's race isn't deliberately said, but i'm pretty sure he has some sort of dragon blood (not much but enough to give him some scales on his body)
🗡 This scale fact (hc) makes him very happy whenever he's dragon regressing
🛡 But means he probably has some sort of shedding thing he goes through for a small while once a year
🗡 He becomes very fussy during this time because while its not painful, it's really uncomfy >:(
🛡 Will require bathtime to help soothe and soak the skin
🗡 Also just loves bath time itself
🛡 But it has to be his bath because he's too big for normal ones 🥺
🗡 Sometimes he actually gets really upset over how physically big he is, thinks hes too tall or too old for age regressing
🛡 During these times, Reiko will let Shao sit on his lap and he’ll talk about how he’s just a baby, and he doesn’t need to think of all these icky thoughts, and that age regression is for everyone no matter how big or small, young or old someone it
🗡 To help emphasize the point, he’ll carry Shao around with princess or on his hip, he’s strong enough!!
🛡 He might even try to swaddle Shao with his blankie (Shao actually really enjoyed it, and he got a bunch of cuddles)
🗡 One of Shao’s biggest secrets is that he’s always wanted to try out diapers but is too scared to try (he has a reputation, he can't risk it ruined if someone found out)
🛡 The first time someone other than Reiko ever saw Shao regressed was when Shao’s blankie ripped
🗡 ^ My goodness, it was a mess . . . a disaster fire really
🛡 He was playing peek-a-boo with Reiko by throwing the blankie over his head and pulling it off, and it got caught on his thorns and ripped!!
🗡 There were a few seconds of silence before Shao bursted into tears (Reiko completely panicked, and no matter how much he tried, nothing calmed Shao’s crying)
🛡 Eventually Reiko got Rain (I like to believe they’re childhood friends), who knows how to sew, a secret skill of his Reiko uses whenever his clothes get damaged in battle
🗡 Shao sat teary eyed on Reiko’s lap as he watched Rain help his blankie feel better (and Reiko scratched Shao’s horns because they hurt a bit from being pulled by the blanket)
🛡 Shao doesn’t like Rain babysitting him, but he can be in the room while he’s small (Reiko MUST be there though!!! He does not like not having his protector)
🗡 Might be willing to have a playdate with Rain when Rain’s also small
🛡 Not when Rain's in middlespace though, he's scared Rain will be mean
🗡 Shao likes watching Rain make small shapes with his powers (Rain doesn’t like using his magic for ‘silly’ things, but he likes how happy and amazed Shao and Reiko get by it)
🛡 I said last time that Shao was a dragon regressor and I stand on that
🗡 Reiko has a lot of shiny things (mostly war trophies) and Shao will steal All. Of. Them.
🛡 The only things he’s not allowed to grab are very specific items that Shao gifted Reiko over the years, he cherishes them too much for them to be taken and will freak if he finds them missing or moved
🗡 Shao is usually a softer baby? Bratty and bossy, but likes calmer activities
🛡 But dragon Shao is more active, playing hide and seek with Reiko (he’s really bad at hiding because of how big he is so Reiko will purposely act like he can’t see him to make Shao happy), playing tag (which almost always ends horribly . . .)
🗡 Shao likes curling onto Reiko’s lap (and suffocating him) and receiving headpats :3
🛡 Shao has stolen some shiny things of others (Sindel’s earring, a necklace of Kitana’s) and Reiko’s taken the blame everything
🗡 Reiko personally lights rougher activities (like wrestling and
🛡 ^ Shao was wrestled him once and only once, and it was more just rolling on the ground because Shao wasn’t giving much energy because he’s too little (Reiko told him he was so strong for beating him!!)
🗡 Has decided that if Reiko suggests it again, he’ll play wrestle again (he likes the praise)
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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shadowqueen1220 · 4 years
Analysis on C! Tubbo's Emotional State
Disclaimer: I am in no means a professional and I am heavily basing this off of my own experiences and general observations. (Please let me know if my wording is bad)
This is all about the roleplay characters if it wasn't clear
Warning: self harm, self sacrifice, self destructive behavior and talk of mental health and canon typical violence
Tubbo has always been a self sacrificial character. He always helps his friends at the expense of his own safety (ie disc war and L'manburg). He is a bit of an overachiever and that has gotten worse when combined with tendencies of paranoia. (all og members of L'manburg have paranoia issues, stemming from the final control room)
After the Independance War, Tubbo was involved with the elections. He made a secret bunker, saying "hope for the best plan for the worse" in case the electrons went wrong. He was proven right and then had to endure a harsh dictatorship.
Spy Tubbo was constantly under stress. He not only was secretly slipping information to Pogtopia but had his role of Security of State as well. At the Elections, Schlatt verbally abused Tubbo and scared him into following his orders. Most of the things Schlatt had told Tubbo to have shaped him into the Tubbo that internalizes and represses all his emotions. (ie don't complain, don't cry, don't talk back, agree with everything I say). Tubbo, who already naturally liked to help his friends, was forced to become a yes man in order to stay safe.
The Festival was a disaster and a huge blow to Tubbo's self esteem. The famous line here is "Wilbur said he wasn't going to hurt me" and Tubbo wholeheartedly believed that he could trust Wilbur, his former president and older brother figure. However, all he got was the fact that he was now expendable to Wilbur. His death was brushed aside and it seemed like the only person who cared was Tommy. Even Tubbo quickly became desensitized to the fact that his own pain did not matter in the chaos of the situation.
His life becomes even more chaotic when he is thrust into the role of President and his self sacrificing nature kicked in when no one else would take the presidency. And then in the first 10 minutes into his presidency, he is shot and his nation is blown up.
Tubbo takes this all in stride, repressing everything in order to rebuilt but his cabinet does not listen to him and constantly talks over him. When his vice president and best friend gets into trouble, Tubbo learns that he must be louder in order to be heard.
Tubbo felt betrayed by Tommy's actions during the exile negotiations. He felt as if Tommy didn't respect his power and the pressure of living up to President Wilbur, the threat of becoming like President Schlatt and the expectations of the entire nation all depended on him.
Tubbo once again choose sacrifice but this time, he was not only sacrificing himself but harmed Tommy in his decision as well. Immediately Tubbo regretted his decision and regressed into his yes man habits to cope with the situation.
From here on out, this may be a bit of a stretch but I love putting lore goggles on to every scene for analysis purposes and with a character like Tubbo who is rarely played, we can get some character depth from seemingly "silly" bits.
Tubbo after exiling Tommy shifted from being self sacrificial to self destructive. Both presidents before him had died and the odds were not looking good for Tubbo, already he had made an awful decision that he immediately regretted. Yet he couldn't reverse it and didn't feel worthy enough to see Tommy.
Tubbo never built himself a home in L'manburg. No stuff, no place to sleep, no roots. He told Ranboo that the presidency was all his when the elections came around. He didn't want to be president anymore. He's worryingly self depreciating.
I don't quite remember the timing of this stream but Tubbo and Ranboo once went nether exploring. Ranboo panicked as Tubbo was extremely reckless during this adventure, jumping into lava without fire res, speed bridging with few blocks and jumping off of tall places without checking his health. In addition, Tubbo went through a series of projects as a President, always doing something new and often involving things that could hurt him (ie Ravenger teleportation, tnt jumping). We can see Tubbo become subtly self destructive during this time.
(sidenote: tubbo has a habit to jump off of high things and expecting the person at the bottom to water bucket. Tommy usually is the person to "catch him" and I find it interesting that they both had self destructive tendencies while the other was gone. I'll come back to this point soon)
We never get Tubbo's opinion on the Butcher Army. He heavily opposed the idea at the beginning of the presidency but agreed to take part in it despite Techno killing him being a traumatizing event.
And then Logsteadshire. The guilt of exiling his best friend and being the cause to his death is too much for his mind to handle and he passes out. We never learn how Tubbo got back to L'manburg and the next time we see him, he is back to throwing himself into project after project.
The next time we really see Tubbo is when Tommy and Technoblade take Connor hostage. Ranboo says that Tubbo is just staring at a grass block and when Tommy appears, Tubbo is severely shaken. He is glad that his best friend is alive and upset that he's teamed with his murder but has to all shove it aside to fulfill his role as president. Tubbo takes Tommy yelling at him and Techno's accusations with no protest and once again, represses everything to move on.
Already the Green Festival reminded Tubbo of familiar events but at this time he was in control or so he thought. He had already failed an execution so he was determined to make this word so L'manburg could be safer. He had failed Tommy so he might as well try to make the server a better place by killing Dream. Yet Tubbo had doubts about it.
Dream was manipulating Tubbo during his entire presidency. Tubbo truly believed that Dream was his friend and thought that Dream supported him as a president. His self esteem was so low that he searched for validation anywhere (ie "rate my kidnapping", "phil tell me I'm doing good pls") and Dream willingly gave him companionship.
But then Dream started screaming at him and calling him and awful president, Tubbo agreed with Dream. Tubbo saw himself as weak and stupid and no one came to his defense so it had to be true.
His fight with Tommy was very impactful and led Tubbo to believe that the discs mattered more than him but we'll get back to that soon. Most of the things said during this fight were forgiven by both parties so I hope it doesn't affect him much.
Sidenote: when Quackity suggests to execute Ranboo, Tubbo chooses forgiveness for Ranboo having been in that position before and snaps at Quackity. Here we get a glimpse of Tubbo's inner emotions and we can see clearly that the events of the festival have hurt him.
Doomsday is further proof to Tubbo that he is the worst President that L'manburg had. He stares at the destruction in mute disbelief and even throws himself into tnt and in front of a firework for Tommy. By the end of the experience, Tubbo is so drained that he has given up on government, the fight beaten out of him and he lets L'manburg go, thinking it was his fault it fell.
Tubbo has suffered the most from government yet strives to make a community. Snowchester was supposed to be his healing. However, Tubbo's paranoia from all the violence and the lessons that he has learned from the others, caused him to built a way to defend himself. He doesn't even make a bed for himself in his new house.
Then his life gets shaken up by the Disc War Finale. He refuses to talk about his feelings on the odds, accepts defeat instantly as they were "doomed from the beginning" and doesn't seem to mind the fact that he might die.
In fact, he says "It was about time anyway"
Tubbo thinks he is living on borrowed time. All of the presidents before him are dead and he is in a seemingly impossible situation. Death seems to be the only option and he has accepted it before hand so he is fine with it. Even Tommy seems shaken by this as Tubbo was so positive about the situation before. But Tubbo had been hiding that all for Tommy's sake as he is very self sacrificial.
When everything seems to return to "normal" Tubbo tests his nukes and later tells Ranboo that be had expected everything to go horribly wrong. He is trying to heal and does a decent job at it, starting a family and building Snowchester.
But then he gets the memo that Tommy has been trapped in prison with Dream. He checks out the prison, being a inconvenience to the guards and is hardly fazed when Sam threatens to kill him. He leaves feeling disappointed that he cannot help but that is what it is and Tubbo thinks that Tommy is the strongest person he knows.
So that's why Tommy can't be dead. Tubbo denies Sam's words and when they finally register, begins an investigation to find out who's to blame. He becomes self destructive again, wearing Dream's armor and building a familiar panic room to research the crime.
He is once again extremely reckless when investigating. With Ranboo's help, they go and investigate the egg and Tubbo shows his lack of care for his own safety. He tries to break open the egg, challenges Bad and Ant to a pvp and suggests to continue investigating. But at this point, Ranboo has noticed this recklessness and gently reminds Tubbo of Michael.
From this point, Tubbo seems to be healing again. And then to make things better, Tommy is back and they are going to kill Dream but that's okay because it hasn't really settled yet. Tubbo is once again shaken by Tommy's return and follows him in silence to make sure he is really there. He is so worried about Tommy, he reaches out to MIA Ghostbur to help him.
Tubbo is still self destructive but less so after this. He still jumps off high places but does so more out of trust. He finally gets a bed in Snowchester and things seem to be looking up.
But then Tommy's words about Dream settle in. Dying is no longer permanent and Tubbo has things he wants to protect. To do this he recommissions the nukes but is panicked when one is stolen.
We have no idea where it is going to go from here, but I can already see some problems with Tubbo's increasing paranoia.
In addition, the details about the nukes and their suicide button and Tubbo's willingness to sacrifice himself for the greater good does not bode well.
Overall, Tubbo is a complex character and I greatly enjoy how he is played.
Thank you for reading and let me know if you have any comments!
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depressed!peter gets into a fight with some classmate which leads to him getting a skull injury. He wakes up in the psych ward regressed and cuffed to his hospital bed. Tony is his assigned psychiatrist and is trained in Littles. Especially ones with mood disorders.
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anything for my auntie!!🥺🥺💗💗 this got a bit heavy, but i hope the comfort makes up for it!!
Psychiatrist Tony, +18 Little Peter, Littles are Known, doctor Stephen, depression, suicidal thoughts, crying, head injuries, hospitalisation, psych hold, whump, comfort
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“Hey, Doctor Stark.”
“Doctor Strange called from the ER. He says he has a patient who he thinks should be put on psych hold.”
“All right, I’ll head down in a bit.”
The psychiatric ward of the hospital is at the far west side of the hospital, so Tony has a bit of walking to get to the ER at the other end of the huge hospital. He brings a coffee with him, sipping on it while he walks, his mind already racing a bit with what Stephen Strange has for him at the ER.
For once, the ER is surprisingly quiet when Tony walks in. He throws away his empty coffee cup before he finds Stephen in trauma room 3. The neurosurgeon is stood at the foot of the hospital bed, his nose in a chart scribbling away. He smiles a little tiredly at Tony.
“Hey, he’s the one.” Stephen says, pointing at the patient with his pen.
The patient is a male in his late teens or early twenties. He is unconscious, although it seems like he is just sleeping peacefully where he is tucked in the blankets. The bandage on his head tells another story.
“Peter Parker, 18 years old. Someone found him knocked out unconscious and bleeding after what seems like a fight. He woke up in the ambulance, but he didn’t make much sense. My guess is he fell or was pushed over and knocked his head on the ground. He was bleeding from his head and vomitied once when he woke up. CT confirms a skull fracture, but there’s no other damage luckily. 12 stitches on his scalp, and he’s stable now.” Stephen lists, hanging the chart back on the boy’s bed.
“So, why did you bring me here?” Tony asks.
“He said he wanted to die in the ambulance. Multiple times.” Stephen says, his tone more serious. “Will you take him?”
“Of course. No doubts about it.” Tony nods, putting his hands in the pockets of his lab coat. “I’ll talk to the nurses to have him transported.” He adds, turning on his heel to walk out, but Stephen speaks up.
“And one more thing. He’s a Little.”
Oh. That complicates things.
Peter wakes up to a pounding headache. He sometimes does that when he hasn’t had enough to drink the day before, so the pain in itself isn’t surprising. However, as he starts to come to his senses, he realises it’s not his head that hurts. It’s his scalp.
The boy opens his eyes, realising with a soft gasp that he is in a room he doesn’t recognise. It is white, bare and far from homey. It’s a hospital room, Peter realises, closing his eyes again in agony.
What happened?
He was going to class, although he didn’t want to. Some of his classmates bumped into him, wanting to cause trouble. And Peter saw an opportunity, and he took it. He had ended up exactly where he wanted, but then again he didn’t.
The confusion, the fear and the uncertainty of it all crashes down on Peter, and he regresses into his Little headspace. It just makes it worse, but at least it lets him cry. So, Peter cries.
Peter tries to lift his hands to his face to wipe his eyes, but he feels something holding him down. Looking down at his wrists, Peter finds he has been restrained to the bed. The restraints have soft faux fur on the insides, but the emotional hurt still pains him.
Peter cries louder, so he doesn’t hear the knocks on the door to his hospital room. A man in a white coat walks in, and he hurries to the bed with a concerned look on his face.
“Hey, it’s okay. I’m Doctor Stark. You’re safe here, it’s okay. Are you in pain?”
At first, Peter nods his head. He is hurting, but then he realises that’s not what the doctor is asking about. He shakes his head, and his lips wobble as he looks up at the doctor.
“It’s okay, it’s okay. I know you must be scared, but it’s okay, and you’ll be okay. Can you try and breathe for me?”
Peter does as he is told. Being given simple instructions to follow makes Peter feel a lot better, in fact. It’s a common thing for Littles, wanting to please their caregivers by doing as they are told. The boy clings to the doctor’s calm and reassuring aura.
“My hands- I…”
“I’ll take them off.” The doctor says with a kind smile. Peter cannot help but notice how nice and warm the doctor’s hands are on his wrists. Peter wants to hold onto him, but he resists the urge with all his might. “There, that’s better. Here, I’ll raise your bed a bit. You should blow your nose too.”
Again, Peter does as he is told. He blows his nose, whimpering a bit at the pain that spreads through his head in the process.
“What happened…?” Peter asks, holding his head. He feels the bandage that’s wrapped around his head and the dressing above his left ear.
“You hit your head on the ground, and you fractured your skull.” The doctor says. He is leaning his hands on the side rail of Peter’s bed. His hands look strong.
“Wha- I dunno… what that means…” Peter mumbles. The words are hard to find, and Peter is not sure whether that is due to his head injury or his current headspace. It’s been months since he last dropped.
“Tell me, Peter, how old do you feel?”
“It says in your file that you’re a Little. You’re regressing now, right? It’s important for me to know how old you are in your headspace, so that I can explain things to you so that you understand.”
“Oh…” So, they know. They must know about everything. Peter has to lean back on the bed and cover his eyes with his hands to keep himself together. Otherwise, he will just burst into tears in front of the nice doctor, like a silly baby. “I- 10, maybe? I- I dunno…”
“Okay, thank you. You’re doing great, Peter. Now, about your head…”
Doctor Stark is easy to understand. Despite his upset and the pain, Peter finds it easy to follow the doctor’s explanations. There’s a fracture in his skull, a part of the bone that’s broken, but nothing else has been damaged. The bone will heal on it’s own, and he’ll be okay. But, Peter still doesn’t feel okay. He hasn’t in a long time.
“Peter, I can see that something is eating at you. Tell me what it is.”
A long pause. The sobs are pushing at Peter’s throat again, wanting to get out so bad.
“It’s okay. It’s safe to tell me.”
Maybe, just maybe.
“I- I said I wanna die…”
“You said you wanted to die.” Doctor Stark repeats. Hearing it back like that makes Peter sob finally. “Do you want to die now?”
If only he wasn’t feeling 10 years old, Peter would be able to explain. He doesn’t want to die, but he wants to die. He wants everything to stop, and he hates himself for wanting such a thing. What would May think? His palms are wet with tears.
It started a few weeks after he got classified officially and his first regression started. Peter never thought he would be one of the rare Littles to suffer from depression after classification, but he did.
“Okay, Peter. I see how upset you are, and I’m going to help you. I’ll get a nurse to start a ketamine treatment. It helps people who are in similar situations as you.”
Peter nods a little, wiping his tears. He is too embarrassed and snotty to look the doctor in his eyes, but his ears are zoned in on the doctor’s calming voice.
“I’ll look after you, Peter. I bet you’ve had it rough for a while, and I know how to help you. We’ll get this sorted out, so you don’t have to worry. You’ll be okay, I’ll make sure of it.”
Peter nods again. He wants to cry more, but he finds the strength to hold back now, thanks to Doctor Stark.
“I’ll help you, Peter. We’ll sort this out.”
And Peter believes him.
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ana-benn · 3 years
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Just Be You
Warnings: DDlg, smut, slight degredation, fluff, size kink, angst, body image issues, Dom Male, sub female, edging
Navigating a hockey season with your little side was always really difficult, but it was typically compounded when for some reason or another you felt stress or anxiety. Like right now as you stood off to the side, trying to make yourself as small as possible while very attractive women seemed content to throw themselves at married men. You normally didn't mind, but you'd been fighting your little side for what felt like months and you just wanted to leave so you could regress.
It was just your luck that tonight was the night that Jamie was feeling social. Your normally stoic and shy husband decided tonight was the night to shake hands and sign autographs. It would be humorous if it wasn't adding to your anxiety honestly. The more you watched the smaller you felt. Dallas was a hotbed of tall, attractive women who were more then willing to flaunt their assets. It had been a shock initially, but you'd adjusted pretty well. Right now though, in this vulnerable place, it was just a reminder of how frail and broken you felt.
You tried to self soothe by going through your affirmations, honestly Jamie was your Daddy for a reason and it wasn't because he was all put together. He was someone who craved control and thrived on the possessive side of your relationship. You needed that from him and he craved your submission to him. These other women who were strong and beautiful didn't have the one thing you gave him, which was typically comforting. Still as you met Jamie's eye from your pseudo hiding spot you felt yourself try to shrink into invisibility.
You want to be in his arms, but you couldn't do that here, going little meant you wanted his touch constantly and you got clingy. Around all of these much more attractive women you couldn't do that, it would just remind him of your flaws. Eventually Jamie did get to you, and as soon as his arm wrapped around you waist as he lead you to the car you felt yourself melt. The guiding hand a reminder that he did know you. He could see how much you needed his firm hand tonight, and just how close to the edge you really were.
You got in the car and Jamie, in his way knowing what you needed actually buckled you in.
"Jamie," you hissed. "Someone might see."
He gave you a slight glare at your reprimand, "I really don't give a fuck." He said as he pecked your lips pulling away to get in himself.
You allowed yourself to relax slightly, letting some of your control go as Jamie place his large hand on your thigh.
"Were you going to tell me baby?"
"Tell you what?" You feigned confusion.
"Don't play games," he growled. "Were you going to tell me you needed me?"
"Yes Daddy I was," you slipped further at his domineering tone. "I just wanted to wait until we were home. Didn't wanna be a baby around all those girls." The more you spoke the littler you felt. Melting into your own confession.
Keeping his eyes on the road Jamie scrunched his eyebrows, "What do they have to do with it baby girl? Daddy needs to know when you're feeling this way so I can take care of you." He was so matter of fact you almost felt dumb, which shrunk you further into yourself.
"No," you shook your head petulantly. "Don' wanna. Wanna preten' I'm big 'round pretty girls."
"How come?" Jamie asked, he was prying because it was rare you fought your little side and even rarer when it made you insecure. You'd overcome a lot of that early in your relationship, and to him it was a mark of how much you trusted him with this vulnerable side to you.
"Cuz," you whispered as you played with the hem of the jersey you were wearing.
You didn't even notice when Jamie stopped the car in the garage. He got out and unbuckled you, immediately pulling you into his arms. You wrapped your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist before nuzzling your face into his neck, just wanting to hide in the fresh soap scent mixed with old spice and the unequivocal smell of Jamie that resided there. As he carried you to the bedroom you peppered tiny kisses into his skin, wanting him to focus on you and not your attempt to hide at the arena.
When he deposited you on the bed and pulled away the leggings you had on you thought you'd succeeded, but Jamie left the jersey on and nestled his hips between your legs as he loomed over you. Normally you loved this position, because it made you feel small and safe with his larger body over yours. Now it just made you feel little and pathetic.
"Baby, tell Daddy why you wanted to pretend you were big around the other girls," Jamie commanded. He wasn't harsh, but there was no room for denying him.
"I didn't wanna be silly," you tried to explain.
"Why would taking care of my girl be silly?"
"Cuz," you repeated, falling into yourself as you avoided talking about the one thing that made you the most insecure. Jamie stayed over you, gripping your chin softly to bring your eyes to his. Silently telling you to give into him. Allow yourself to completely be vulnerable in this safe spot. "I jus' didn' wanna be small in front of the prettier girls. Didn' wan' you to see them look pretty while I was so small. I feel silly, an' I thought you would like them better."
"Is that what you think baby?" He asked, his eyes now full of mischief, "You think I want someone whose big all the time?"
You nodded solemnly. "Oh my sweet girl," he cooed.
Before you could register what was happening Jamie had pulled the jersey off you body and raised your arms about your head. He held both wrists in one of his large hands, while the other worked your panties off, moving only enough to get you how he wanted you before settling between your thighs again. You were surrounded by Jamie in that moment, his smell, his touch, the warmth radiating off his body. It was everywhere and you could only bask in the masculinity of it all.
Jamie leaned down next to your ear, "You seem to have forgotten, little one, just how much I like having control." He bit lightly onto the lobe of your ear, before plunging two fingers into your core. You were positively dripping for him, and he watched as a look of sweet bliss came over your face as he pumped his fingers a few times, before abruptly stopping.
"Do you know who the only girl I saw all night was, little one?" Jamie hummed against your neck, as he placed small kissed against your skin.
You shook your head, and he tutted as he started moving his hand again, "Such a shame." He mumbled.
You felt yourself become close to the edge, and again Jamie stopped. "Did you figure it out yet?" He asked. Again you shook your head. He wasn't making sense in your lust-filled, age regressed mind. He saw a bunch of girls all night.
This time he removed his fingers and snaked down your body, attaching his lips to your clit as he worked you back to the edge with his tongue. He'd released your wrists when he moved and you could've cum just from seeing how big his hands looked holding your thighs open. You were starting to feel the first signs of overstimulation, and as Jamie dove into you like you were his last meal you felt the edge of that cliff right there once again.
Unfortunately he knew your body just as well as, if not more than, you did and he pulled away right before you could tip over.
You shook your head again when he asked, and round and round you went. You'd lost complete track of how many times you'd been brought to the edge. His tongue, his fingers, he'd even brought out a vibrator at some point. Each time he would stop and ask you if you knew, and at some point stubbornness met your regressed state and you'd decided that you wouldn't say it. You didn't want feel comfortable in the confession he wanted, and honestly the bratty side of your little liked pushing his buttons.
Still you couldn't help but cry out as he lifted away from your core again before suddenly sheathing you on his hard cock, "Daddy!" You cried out, breathless.
"Tell me little one, you know the answer. So tell me," he purred in your eye. You felt tears prick your eyes slightly, overwhelmed by the whole of it, as you shook your head again.
"Aw, my poor little dumb baby doesn't want to answer Daddy does she?" You nodded this time, which cause a grin to take over Jamie's face.
"You want Daddy to let you cum little one?" There was a hint of playful malice in his voice, and his grin grew when you nodded. "Do you want Daddy to stay home and color with you tomorrow? Let you wear my clothes and have a tickle fight while we watch you movies?" It was all so much of what you craved, and you nodded again as he held you impaled on his cock. "Then you need to quick being a fuckin' brat and tell Daddy what I want to hear."
He thrust hard and deep into you with that and you couldn't stop the word from flying out of your mouth, "Me!" You felt tears fall from your eyes and this time he didn't stop.
"Whose my favorite girl?" He cooed.
"I am," again he rewarded you.
"That's right, you're my good-fuckin'-girl," his thrusts were erratic and had you a whimpering mess under him.
As he finally let your cum, you swore you could have blacked out it felt so intense. It took a few more thrusts before Jamie was following you over the edge, and as he stayed on top of you catching his breath you felt yourself finally relaxing.
Jamie placed a few kisses on your sternum before rolling off you, as he did he wrapped an arm around you pulling you into his chest. You lay like that tracing the tattoos littering his skin. Just enjoying the touch and closeness.
"Just be you little one," Jamie said pressing his lips to the side of your forehead. "That's what I want, just you."
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