#he plays the game and collects jude cards
padparadschaaa · 4 months
i hope people know that jude’s voice actor is infatuated with jude
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Let's play a game
A/N - Who remembers the snippet I posted ages ago with the bad boy / good girl. Well, I finally did something with it.
Please enjoy, Chapter one.
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The warmth of the sun was the first thing I felt when I woke up, coating me in a blanket of warmth. It was too much warmth, and I was rapidly becoming uncomfortably hot. The second was the throbbing in my head, undoubtedly brought on by all the alcohol I had consumed the night before. And the third was the heavyweight of an arm across my torso. Who did the arm belong to? Well, to be honest, I wasn’t quite sure.
“Shit,” I whispered, cautiously turning on the plush bed, careful to not startle the owner of the arm that lay all too casually around my waist. “Shit, shit.” I moved the arm carefully off my waist, putting it beside its owner.
The owner of the arm was none other than Jude Hastings, the boy I’d known since I was eight, and the boy who’d mercilessly teased me throughout school and somewhat into our adult lives.
People, primarily our parents, often called it teasing— a bit of harmless flirting between an adolescent boy and a dorky adolescent girl, so they said. I, on the other hand, referred to it as warfare.
Which would lead to a lifelong war between Jude Hastings and me.
“Fuck,” I stood from the bed and looked down at what was covering my body… It wasn’t much. All I had on was what I’m assuming was Hastings’ button-down shirt, and that was it. No bra, no pants… And I had no clue where my underwear had gotten to. “Pull yourself together, Darcy,” I whispered to myself. “Just find your shit and get out.” I pinched the bridge of my nose, taking five deep breaths. My mother always told me it was a way to destress, but guess what, mom, I am still stressed. “Okay. Pull it together.” I had seven things I had to find in this apartment, and hopefully, it was all contained to this one room. Anything I couldn’t uncover would just have to be left as a sacrifice to the apartment demon.
My pants and top were the easiest to find, laying at the end of the bed a dead giveaway of where Hastings and I had ended our night standing, or at least standing for the most part. I vaguely recall him pulling me off the bed just to bend me over the desk he had pushed against the wall… I guess that counts as sort of standing.
“Jacket…” I crept around the room, trying to find where my favourite corduroy jacket had landed in the thralls of passion I had shared with the still sleeping demon. “Gotcha,” I pulled on the sleeve bringing it out from behind the chair that sat pushed into the corner. Another memory of Hastings and I making out on the very chair flashed through my mind bringing a blush hot enough to make the top of my ears burn. “Shoes, bra and underwear,” I sat on the floor, pulling my jacket over my arms looking around for a sign of any of the missing clothing. I quickly spotted my bra hanging over the bedpost at the top end of the bed. “Ahha.” I pushed up from the floor and padded across the carpet, keeping a keen eye on Hastings to make sure he didn’t suddenly wake up and catch me in the shameful morning after clothes collection. If I was lucky, I’d leave with all my belongings and whatever scraps of dignity I had left. “Four down, three left.” I scooped the bra off the bedpost and shoved it in my pocket. Watching Hastings, I dropped to my knees and looked underneath the bed in hopes of finding at least one of the remaining items, if not all of them. “Shoes.” I gripped the heel on one of my boots and pulled it towards me, half an item down… The second boot was more brutal to get to. I had to crawl at least halfway under the bed to reach it, somehow it had landed so far underneath the bed last night, but at least now I had shoes to wear for my solemn journey home.
Was underwear really that necessary for a journey home? Could I just leave without them? And my purse, I mean, I’m sure any decent human being with any dignity would give it back to someone who’d left it at their house. Still, then again, this was Jude Alexander Hastings we were talking about. He wasn’t known to me for being a decent human being. Besides, cancelling all my credit cards and getting a new I.D sounded a lot more appealing than risking Hastings waking up with me still inside his apartment with minimal clothing.
“Fuck it.” I army crawled backwards out from under the bed, careful not to get any carpet burns on any delicate parts. Trust me, one time of having sex on some carpet, and you know the pain well enough to not do it again. Once I emerged from the pits of the bed, I took a final look around, trying to find the elusive underwear or purse. “Note to self, cancel the credit card.” I stood up and walked to the pile of items I’d begun to form at the end of the bed: pants, top, bra, shoes and jacket. Five out of seven ain’t bad in the grand scheme of things. I mean, was it my favourite purse? Yes, and were they my favourite pair of lucky underwear? Yes. Could I buy more to avoid any further interactions with Jude Hastings? Fuck yes.
“Missing something?” The husky voice that haunted my alcohol-soaked brain startled me into dropping my pants to the floor. I spun on the ball of my feet and looked at him, lazily lying in his bed. The sheet hanging from his waist was the demon man himself. Since when did he have abs? - No, not the point, Darcy.
“Two things actually,” I felt the rush of heat blossoming on my cheeks as I finally allowed myself to look over his bare chest.
“Would these be one of them?” His hand rose, hooked around his pointer finger was my black lace thong, the one I’d been crawling around this whole fucking room looking for. Bastard. “They sure look like yours.” He held the up higher, squinting with one eye.
“If they’re not mine, perhaps they’re yours,” I smirked in self-satisfaction as the smirk on his face faltered. One Edwards.
“Well, if you’re sure they’re not yours.” He bunched them up, leaning over to his bedside table. “I think I’ll keep them then.”
“Wait.” I yelped, springing onto the bed. “Give them to me,” I reached for them. Holding my hand out, waiting for the lace scrap to be returned to me. “I need them to get home.”
“No, I don’t think so.” He dropped them into his bedside table. “You said they were mine.” One Hastings.
“God, I hate you,” My eyes turned to slits as the smirk came back to his face more prominent than the one I’d managed to make him lose moments ago. He shut the drawer and returned to his previous position, his whisky coloured eyes running over my form.
“Not what you were saying last night.”
“Was that before the double shots of tequila? Or was it before the fishbowl margarita?” I moved back, standing at the end of the bed, pulling my pants up over my hips. Usually, I’d feel self-conscious dressing and undressing in front of someone I’d just had sex with. Still, by this point in our lives, Hastings had already made numerous comments about how ‘plump’ I was, as he liked to call it. I didn’t have time to dwell on the idea that I gave him a front-row pass to see how correct his childish name-calling was. “Or maybe it was before the game of beer pong?”
“Yeah,” He dropped his head and laughed. “It started about there.”
“Hastings, you know as well as I do that I don’t remember a thing about last night, right?”
“Would you like me to give you a play-by-play?” I unbuttoned his shirt with nimble fingers. For once, my skill of unbuttoning button-downs came in use.
“No, thanks. I think I can surmise what’s happened from the lack of underwear.” And the memories of him pushing me up against his front door helped with the overall picture.
“It was your idea,” I stole a look at the bedside table where the same old alarm clock I was sure he’d had since middle school sat. Nine-thirty. Shit. Fuck. Shit.
“Was it now?” I didn’t really have time to hear how this interaction was my fault, but I was curious. Even if I was supposed to be meeting my parents for brunch in half an hour, and by the looks of it, I was going to have to suffer through without underwear.
“Oh yeah.” He fell back onto the bed. “The boys and I were at the bar, and you came up to me… You know I was expecting to have another verbal sparring match with you, one I’d ultimately win.”
“When you began to flirt with me.” I could hear the smirk in his voice even with my back facing him.
“Is that so.” I sat on the edge of the bed and picked up one of my boots, unzipping the side.
“Oh yeah,” I heard the shuffle of sheets on the bed behind me and then felt the warmth of his chest pressing onto my covered back, heat radiating from where his skin touched me. “Never expected this from you, Edwards.” He moved my hair to the side, his fingers leaving goosebumps on my neck as he trailed a fingertip along the skin. “Really, I never did.” His lips touched the skin now, ghosting the same pattern his fingertips had traced.
“Alright,” I stood up, balancing on one foot as I tried to shove my foot into the boot. “I don’t know what this.” I wiggled a finger between our bodies. “Is, but last night was all there was. There will be no encore, M’kay.” I knelt down, zipping up the boot before shoving my foot into the second.
“If you’re sure you can live without one.” He moved back to the top of the bed, leaning back on one arm, watching me scamper to make myself presentable. “You know you’re still wearing my shirt.”
“Thank you, Captain obvious.”
“I’d like it back. It’s one of my favourites.”
“And those.” I jutted a finger at the bedside table where my underwear remained captive. “Were my favourite pair of underwear.” I smiled sweetly at him. “So we’ll call it even,” I brushed my hair with my fingers, trying to make some sort of progress with it so it didn’t look like I’d just been to pound town… which apparently from the ache in my legs I had been.
“You know that’s not helping,”
“What isn’t.”
“Trying to make yourself look like you haven’t just had one of the best nights of your life.”
“Bold of you to assume that,”
“Not an assumption. You told me so much yourself last night.”
Fucking Hastings. That’s it, fuck it. I was getting my underwear back. Even if it meant a small game of seduction.
“Look, Jude.” I let my voice drop into a whisper as I walked towards where he lay comfortably. I flung my legs over his body, straddling his waist. I couldn’t help but internally melt when his hands clinging to my waist, pressing me down onto him. I’m human. What can I say? The thin sheet gave everything away, and I had to admit, Hastings was packing more than I thought. Self-satisfaction flowed through me as I saw his eyes widen slightly, his pupils dilating as his fingers moving in circles on my waist. “I want you to know something about last night.” His eyes locked with mine as my right hand held onto his chin, keeping our eyes locked, my left going to the bedside table quietly pulling it open.
“Yeah?” His Adam’s apple bopped as he swallowed.
“Last night was,” I moved his head, so he was looking away from the drawer as my hand began to search for the fabric. “Was something that I…” My fingertips grazed the lace. BINGO! “I’m going to pretend doesn’t exist.”
“Oh really?” His hand quickly left my hip and grabbed around my waist. “Because I’m going to remember every little detail.” The lace slipped from between my fingertips as he flipped us. “Especially every time I open this draw.” I heard the draw slam shut and all hopes I had of leaving with my underwear gone.
“Get off me.” His right hand pulled my leg up and wrapped it around his waist. Oh god… he was good.
“Oh no, you started this.” He laughed, his chest pressing into mine with each exhaled laugh. “I’m just finishing it.”
“I need you to get off me so I can leave Hastings.”
“I dunno, I’m quite comfortable.” His hand pushed the fabric of his shirt up, revealing a tiny slither of my skin. “I like how you look in my bed, a forbidden fruit who doesn’t belong.” I let out a snort. If this was his attempt at flirting, he had a lot of work to do. “But here you are,”
“You are right. I certainly don’t look like the type of girl you’d waste your time on, so how about you let me up, and we pretend this didn’t happen.”
“No, I don’t think I like that idea,” His voice came out in a soft whisper.
“I was always told girls like you,” I felt a rush of enjoyment as his eyes ran over my body, a rush I didn’t want to feel. “The good girls who their parents think their perfect when really they’re the worst of the worst are the best,” It was beginning to be a struggle to concentrate as his fingertips brushed the hair away from my forehead. “And from what I’ve been told, you’re the best of them… So I want to find out myself.”
“Oh really?”
“Really. Why did you come up to me last night?” Why did I go up to him last night because I was lonely? Because I was sick of April talking about her fiancé? Because as much as I don’t want to admit it, verbally sparring with Hastings was a highlight.
“I heard that the reformed bad boys are the best,” His finger dragged along my jawline. “And I heard you’re one of the best.” I countered with a smirk.
“Oh really?” He mimicked.
“You tell me,” His fingertip tapped against my lips. Impulsively I nipped on the tip.
“Let’s play a game.”
“I’m listening.”
“The game to end all of our little games for good… No more practice jokes, no more telling my parents I got some random girl pregnant.” He chuckled.
“Then you can’t egg my car anymore or let down my tyres.”
“Fine.” He conceded. “Then let’s sweet talk,” His lips went to my neck, placing sweet kisses along the skin. “Let’s play fight, talk twenty-four-seven,”
“I’m no good at sweet-talking, and I don’t think I could stand talking to your for so long.” My voice came out breathy as my senses zero’d in on the feeling of his lips.
“Let’s wish each other good morning, and good night every day… We’ll take walks together.”
“I’d prefer a ride on your motorbike.” He let out a chuckle, the skin under his lips practically vibrating from the motion.
“I’ll give you a nickname,” His lips were on my jaw now, my hands we on his back, nails digging into the skin, I’m sure leaving moon-shaped indents. “Let’s hang out with each other’s friends.”
“Your friends are dicks.” His lips dropped close to mine, a chaste kiss being left on the right side.
“We’ll go on dates, talk all night on the phone… I’ll hold you, kiss you.” His lips moved to the other side. “We’ll make love, bang, fuck whatever you want to call it.”
“I’m waiting for the game part, Hastings. Right now, it sounds like you just want me to be your girlfriend. I mean, I know last night was good, but really this good?”
“The game is, Whoever falls in love first, loses.” He finally pulled away, his right hand still rubbing circles on my hip bone.
“Doesn’t seem like much of a game.”
“Then why do you seem so scared?”
Was this asshole serious? I was never scared, especially not when it came to challenging him, beating him.
“I’m not.”
“Then what do you say?”
“So you want to pretend we’re a thing to all of our friends, all of our family, just to make one of us fall in love with the other first for what? Bragging rights and heartbreak?”
“Tell me something.” His lips hovered inches from mine. I could feel the warmth of his breath, and how the hell did he not have morning breath? “How good would it feel to know you conned me into loving you, then breaking my heart,”
He had a point. After all the years of heartache and teasing he’d caused me, it would be fun to break his heart into a million tiny shattered pieces.
“What would we tell everyone?” His body moved against mine as he shrugged.
“That we’ve reconnected or connected whatever you want to say.”
“You really want to do this?” My brow raised in suspicion.
“Make you fall in love with me.” I nodded my head. “Oh hell yeah,”
“Fine.” I smirked. “Let’s play a game.”
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lemondoddle · 4 years
tma au where when jon is promoted to head archivist he is given a fearpocalypse punch card. you know like those little coupons you get where if you come into a store everyday they punch your card and eventually you get a free thing? it would be like that but with collecting fears, there would be 14 marks and the reward jon gets to claim for getting all fourteen is summoning the apocalypse!
during jon’s promotional meeting with elias theyre almost done but elias goes “oh wait i almost forgot something, here, it’s a little reward game i like to do for my archivists” and he hands him this
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(except there’d be 14 spaces) and jon’s just like “uhhh....haha!” and elias is smiling smugly and ominously and goes “just make sure to keep that on you alright?” and lets him leave
and jon walks out before looking at it again and going *sweats* “why is one already punched out what does that mean”
all of the avatars are pretty much aware of jonah’s weird little coupon and make fun of him for it but still end up punching jon’s card anyway because through some miraculous feat that card remains on him at all times during the story, usually in a shirt pocket, and here’s how i think it would go:
web: the first one to be punched, its already marked when elias hands it to jon
corruption: one of jane’s worms eats a hole through the card while trying to burrow into him
beholding: jon tries to throw the card away but elias hands it back to him the next day like “i believe you misplaced this” and its got another punch through it
spiral: michael takes feverish delight in poking a hole in it with his long pointy fingers during one of their encounters, jon decides not to bother trying to throw it away again
desolation: jude pokes him in the chest and burns a hole through both his shirt and the card
vast: mike idly plays with the card while giving his statement and decides to give it another punch because why not
hunt: daisy finds the card while rummaging through his stuff after kidnapping him and uses the knife on it to test its sharpness
stranger: a piece of shrapnel during the explosion at the unkowing pierces another hole in it
end: oliver shows up at the hospital and actually has a proper hole punch that he brought for this
dark: as jon Looks at the dark sun, wind kicks up around him and rips a small part of the punch card away
flesh: one of the ribs jared pulls out gets caught on the card and pokes it
buried: a nail from the coffin also gets caught on jon’s shirt and subsequently the card
slaughter: when melanie stabs jon she gets him on the inside of the arm but not without grazing his shirt pocket
lonely: peter sneaks the card out of jon’s pocket at one point while he’s distracted in the lonely and punches the final hole in it before tucking it into his own coat pocket, it disappears before peter is obliterated
in mag 160 martin brings jon an envelope that’s supposed to have a statement in it but when he opens it he finds a completed punch card with the word “congradulations” written on it in the same handwriting and then everything goes black
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laequiem · 4 years
Mal d’amour - Part 5
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/5 times the High King of Elfhame missed his exiled wife + 1 time she had enough.
The package is there, on the front porch, but it clearly was not delivered by the postal service. There is no address, just a name: her name in elegant cursive letters. The same handwriting that is on the note she keeps on her nightstand.
read on ao3 • masterlist • part 1 • part 2 • part 3 • part 4 • last part
It was already dark when I woke up from my dream and gave the package to Liliver. Due to mortals’ strange habit of living during the day, we have to wait the entire night before one of the spies can deliver the package. 
Needless to say, I do not pay much attention to the various meetings and meals I attend during the night. I doubt courtiers notice, given my usual blasé attitude. 
My participation in today’s revel consists mostly of drinking wine and asking the servants for more wine. Whenever someone approaches me for requests or conversation, I reply so shortly that they leave quickly. Nearing sunrise, the Ghost approaches and tells me the package is on its way.
I try to look like I am at least enjoying the revel in front of me. My tail is curled around my calf to prevent it from lashing wildly and betraying my nervousness. My fingers drum absentmindedly on the armrests of the throne as I stare distantly at nothing.
I only last half an hour after the Ghost’s appearance before I retreat from the throne room. 
The Bomb
The air of Portland, Maine stinks of iron and gasoline. Nothing like the mossy and flowery scent of Elfhame. Liliver lifts her scarf over her glamoured face, hoping the fabric will filter some of the iron out. It doesn't work, not really, but at least she will not be staying here for long.
High King Cardan has assigned her the task of delivering a package, as if her talents weren't better used elsewhere. She had agreed, or course—money is money. Plus, she hopes to sneak a glimpse of Jude and assess how her friend is doing. 
Ever since she left, she has been fighting the urge to peek at the contents of the package. It is about the size and weight of a dinner plate and is delicately wrapped in dark green fabric. Seeing how the King hid the thing, it must be quite valuable.
From the rooftop of the building opposite Vivienne Duarte’s apartment, Liliver can see Jude. She is sprawled on an old couch, numbly looking at some square box with moving images. She seems to be the only person in the small house right now—the perfect moment to deliver the package. The High King has made it clear that Jude has to be seen receiving it. Liliver cannot blame him for being careful. 
She makes her way across the street, climbing the stairs as quietly as she can. After placing the box on the floor, she presses the button next to the door and knocks twice. She then jumps to the roof of the adjacent building, making sure she has a good view of the door.
And then she waits.
Jude groans as she gets up from her spot on the couch for the first time since waking up this morning. Vivi left for work hours ago. Usually, she tells Jude when she is expecting a delivery. Maybe the person rang the wrong doorbell. Still, Jude makes her way to the front door. A peek through the peephole reveals that nobody is on the other side. 
It’s been 30 seconds, they better not have put one of those “sorry we missed you!” notices or else she swears—
The package is there, on the front porch, but it clearly was not delivered by the postal service. There is no address, just a name: her name in elegant cursive letters. The same handwriting that is on the note she keeps on her nightstand. 
Her chest tightens and she takes a deep breath. Is this hope or fear? It is her first time hearing from Cardan in more than six months. Part of her hopes that he will revoke her banishment and ask her to come back, but why would he? He is finally free to rule the kingdom by himself and be as cruel and unhinged as he wants to be.
The package looks out of place here, everything from the dried flowers used to decorate it to its delicate grassy smell scream Faerieland.
Jude closes the door behind her as she brings the package inside, certain that someone is out there watching her. She won’t give them the satisfaction of seeing her reaction. She shoves the clutter off the coffee table and puts the package on it as she sits on the couch once again.
For a few minutes, she just stares at it, wondering if it isn’t better to just throw it out. 
Like he threw me out, she hears the intrusive thought over the roaring in her head, loud and unwelcome. 
She clenches her jaw, then undoes the strings tying the fabric together. Inside is a nicely carved wooden box topped by a folded piece of paper. She picks up the piece of paper and unfolds it. Her hands are shaking slightly, with fear or rage she does not know. 
When she reads it, however, the rage takes over.
I miss you.
Your devoted servant,
Jude crumples the piece of paper in her hand and lets it fall to the floor. She opens the box and immediately sees red. 
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” she screams to herself as she picks up the crown, its jewels sparkling in the artificial light of Vivienne’s apartment.
She has never seen it before. Cardan either found it deep in the vault or he had it made only to send it to her as a sick joke. In a fit of rage, she throws the crown against the wall and storms to her room. 
Her clothes are scattered everywhere, some of them lying on her air mattress for what might have been weeks. She picks out the darkest, most flexible clothes, then reaches under her mattress for Nightfell.
If it’s trouble he’s after, he’ll find her. 
“I almost feel bad, Your Majesty,” the Roach says, “pay up.”
I knew trying to sleep was useless, so I headed for the Court of Shadow headquarters instead, where I have been playing cards with the Roach and the Ghost for hours now.
“I hope you’re not cheating,” the Ghost replies, “the punishment could be deadly.”
I lost every single game.
I am not paying enough attention to win.
The cards in my hands are blurry, their numbers and designs utterly meaningless. 
All I can think about is Jude.
Jude, opening my package and packing her things to come back here. 
Jude, opening my package and immediately throwing it out. 
Jude, immediately throwing the package out without looking inside.
This woman has occupied my every thought for years, and I still cannot predict her moves. She is a puzzle, a challenge I want to lose myself in solving. All I can hope for is that she opened it, at least. 
My last letter. My last gift. My last chance.
If this is all the time I had with her, I royally (urgh) fucked up. 
The Roach gathers the jewels from the middle of the table and brings them to his side.
I discard my hand and reach out to shuffle the deck when his attention snaps to the door, to the small form who just entered.
Immediately, I get up and walk to meet the Bomb.
“Did you find her?” I ask
“Yes,” she says, “She picked it up. I could not confirm that she opened it, but she brought it inside.”
“How is she?” I cannot stop the questions from pouring out of me.
“She looks… different,” she frowns.
I understand she is trying to find a way to phrase it without upsetting me. I do not even know what would upset me more, her being happy in the Mortal Realm, or her being miserable. 
“I see,” I sigh, “Thank you.”
The words feel wrong coming from me—yet they seem right in the moment. I do not know if I have ever thanked someone before. But these people, Jude’s spies, have been dealing with me for the last half-year. They have seen me at my lowest. I cannot go much lower than crying after a particularly gruesome nightmare.
I did not tell them this was my last time reaching out to Jude. From the look of pity in the Bomb’s eyes, she knows. I can’t stand it. I walk past her and leave the Court of Shadows.
The hallways are almost empty as I make my way to the cellars. The guards stand straighter as I pass the various rooms, but none of them stop me or try to talk to me. 
When I get to the cellars, I grab the worst bottle I can find. I wish the royal cellars had some really low quality alcohol—a budding brewer’s first try, anything that would taste as bad as I feel—but even the worst of the collection is still good. I drink the whole bottle.
Then another.
I drink until I forget.
Forget the responsibilities, the kingdom resting on my unworthy shoulders.
I try to forget about Jude, but I black out before I can.
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imo-chan-imagines · 4 years
『 Random acts of kindness | Haikyuu!! Headcanons 』
The everyday acts of kindness our boys do and think nothing of, but are actually incredibly sweet.
Characters: Sawamura Daichi, Kuroo Tetsurou, Ushijima Wakatoshi, Iwaizumi Hajime, Sugawara Koushi, Bokuto Koutarou, Azumane Asahi, Oikawa Tooru, Akaashi Keiji, Nishinoya Yuu, Tanaka Ryuunosuke, Kozume Kenma, Miya Astumu, Miya Osamu, Sakusa Kiyoomi, Hinata Shouyou, Kageyama Tobio, Tsukishima Kei, Yamaguchi Tadashi, Haiba Lev
Tags/warnings: Haikyuu!! (anime), no warnings, fluff, lots of characters I didn't realise how many I'd done until I came to type up the list 😳, a lot of cats and dogs, cuteness, headcanons
A/N: I've had an exhausting and busy week, and just felt like writing some comforting fluff. Thanks for reading! Please enjoy! ♡
And please consider voting in this poll (ends this Sunday 18/10/20) to help me celebrate reaching 100 followers! Thank you to everyone who's already voted! ♡
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☆ Sawamura Daichi ☆
Helps lost people find their way and regularly gives directions
We're talking off-duty, here Daichi puts the 'hot' in 'Hot Fuzz' 🥵
Hahaha, fuck 🙃
He's very approachable and warm, and gives excellent directions
He'll also walk them there if they don't understand or don't feel confident, even if it disrupts his day 🥺
And he's really good at helping lost kids and calming them down he feels so proud when he gets them back to their parents, safe and sound 🤗
☆ Kuroo Testurou ☆
Helps elderly people with their shopping bags and getting across roads
It goes against his nature to stand by and let an old person struggle, and even if they're not struggling, he always offers his services anyway
He has a soft spot for old people, 'kay? 🥺
He makes a point of getting the traffic to stop so it's safe, and letting them hold his arm as they slowly make their way across the street
They often tell him that he's 'a very sweet and handsome young man,' and 'nothing like the other young people you meet these days' and he blushes
☆ Ushijima Wakatoshi ☆
Gets things from the top shelves for people that they can't reach at the supermarket
It's a pretty normal thing to do, right? So he's chill about it
Except he will 100% walk down the entire length of the isle just to help if he sees you stuggling it's super cute 😩😍
But he won't smile or make idle conversation, or anything. He'll just nod courteously
It can be a little ominous, with his looming height and serious face, but most people take the gesture well 😊
☆ Iwaizumi Hajime ☆
Pays for the shopping of the person in front of him when their card gets declined or they don't have the right cash
He manages to offer in a way that isn't offensive or patronising he's honestly a life saver 🥺
He's very humble and casual about it
It's what he hopes someone would do for him, if he were in that awkward situation
And you never know what struggles people are facing, so his philosophy is to always be kind what goes around, comes around, my dudes 😌✌
☆ Sugawara Koushi ☆
Leaves snacks and a cute thank you note on the porch for the mailman
Or mailwoman! Or mailperson!
He hopes that the little gesture will brighten their tough day of work so precious, I can't 🥺🥰
There's usually a good selection, too no skimping here, no sirree 😌
If he's home, he'll give them a cheery wave through the window as well
Especially in this COVID-19 environment. Suga would really appreciate the services they're providing
☆ Bokuto Koutarou ☆
Spends time every week playing with the cats and dogs at the local shelters
This man is hoenstly a blessing, I physically can't 🤧
He loves seeing their little faces light up when he walks in, scruffling their ears and playing fetch, etc. and just generally showing them that they're still loved 🥺😭
And he helps take the dogs for walks too, so they get their exercise, and brushes them down, and rubs their tummies–
He wants to adopt, but he's not settled enough, so he knows he can't 😭 but it's his goal
One day 😖
☆ Azumane Asahi ☆
Always holds doors open for other people
We're not just talking the occasional, feebly held door
Asahi will ALWAYS hold a door open for anyone else
Men, women, children, old people, people with prams, whole families– literally everyone
He is TALL and STRONG, and he will be USEFUL
He will hold it open even if you're really far away, like the giant dork that he is 😂😂 you cannot escape
☆ Oikawa Tooru ☆
Often pays for the next customer's coffee in advance
Sure, it makes him feel good about himself. But, I mean, why not? What's so wrong with that?
Oikawa calls it SAOK-ing people (pronounced 'soaking') meaning: Secret Acts of Kindness Iwa-chan has told him to change the name, but he won't 🙄
Oikawa would love the touching joy of a stranger paying for his coffee in advance, so he gets a warm, tingly feeling when he thinks about it happening to someone else because if him he's literally beaming for the rest of the day 🥰
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☆ Akaashi Keiji ☆
Buys food and drinks for homeless people when he passes them
He sometimes stops to have a chat with them, too 😔🤧
He's the least condescending person you could meet if you're in trouble he's so genuine, I can't
Except for maybe Iwa-chan and Daichi. They're also very down-to-earth
He'll also give them all his food vouchers that he's been collecting in his wallet to help spread their costs
Akaashi finds it hard to watch other people struggling and suffering, and so always makes the time for it when he can afford to
☆ Nishinoya Yuu ☆
Helps make up the numbers for the kids playing games in the park
Be it soccer, dodgeball, basketball, volleyball, tag, or something else entirely, Noya loves to see the kids running around in the park, playing games and enjoying themselves
So he's only too happy to join in when they need more players he'll sometimes recruit Tanaka to help as well
Yuu fits right in with them, both in height and mentality 😂😭😂😭
He may or may not get them to call him 'senpai' 🙄😂
☆ Tanaka Ryuunosuke ☆
Helps fix people's cars on the road
Tanaka's one of those people that knows how to change a flat, and so can't drive past someone having car trouble without stopping and helping
He's also a pretty good handy-man in general, and is always willing to help out his friends and neighbours with their jobs that need doing
Like plumbing problems, putting up shelves, building furniture, etc. He's good with his hands!
Kiyoko: 👁👄👁
And he'll never charge a penny! He's all too happy to do it out of friendship and the kindness of his heart 😇
☆ Kozume Kenma ☆
Hosts gaming charity livestreams for various causes on a regualr basis
All the donations go directly to the charity of choice for the stream, not through him, so everyone knows it's legit 😇
He also donates gaming consoles etc. to charities and organisations that help kids who are in hospital
He's a huge advocate for charities and organisations that focus on helping people through gaming, like AbleGamers and St Jude PLAY LIVE, and regularly donates to them
Honestly, Kenma is an angel 🥺 👉👈
☆ Miya Atsumu ☆
Gives up his seat on public transport for old/pregnant/disabled etc. people
Look, Tsumu can be a little selfish and grouchy at times, but he's not a complete asshole 👉👈
There's a line, and hogging seats on public transport when someone else clearly needs it more than him is, indeed, the line 😌
He'll do it without a second thought or a fuss, and with a smile on his face but will be low-key proud of himself, ngl
He will also get offended if someone else doesn't give up their seat when they should, and may confront them about it 😳 like, what makes you so special that you can't do that simple courtesy that even he does??
☆ Miya Osamu ☆
Donates food to charities and shelters
Both store-bought food and from his own shop
Literally gets so depressed at the thought of people not getting to eat 🥺
This man LOVES FOOD. And people are out there not able to?!
He also has a scheme set up where homeless and stuggling people can come into his shop for some free onigiri
This man 🥺🤧 can I please marry him already?!
☆ Sakusa Kiyoomi ☆
Donates sanitary supplies like soap, toothpaste, antibacterial gel, pads, tampons, etc. to shelters on a regualr basis
Literally cannot abide the idea that people are forced to live without these basic necessities, simply because they can't afford them
It's almost for his own peace of mind rather than theirs? 😅😂 almost. He does actually care on their behalf, too
But he doesn't like to make a big deal out of it, and so donates anonymously
His donations are literally a godsend to those people, though 🥺😭
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☆ Hinata Shouyou ☆
Reads books to kids at the library when he's there with Natsu
And he's really good at it! He reads very animatedly, and really gets the kids engaged with the stories you can just imagine it
The kids all love him and bring him their favourite books to read!
And the parents all watch and compliment him on how good he is with kids
And this goofball just blushes and grins like a doof 😚 so freaking sweet
☆ Kageyama Tobio ☆
Always carries a spare umbrella with him to give to someone
He hates getting caught in the rain himself, so he keeps a spare just in case this precious baby 🥺
He's had to use it quite a few times, sometimes giving it to people he doesn't even know, so he ends up not getting it back and has to buy a new spare
But it makes him smile, if a bit awkwardly, to know that he's helped someone out, even just a little Tobio!! 😭🤧🥺
☆ Tsukishima Kei ☆
Steps into the road to allow room for people with pushchairs and prams
I know it might not seem like much, but this is Tsukki, guys 🙄
*Narrator voice* this is one small step for man, one giant leap for Tsukishima!
And this just goes to show that he's not as tough of a cookie as he looks
He doesn't like the idea of parents etc. and young children having to walk in the road he gets worried for them...🤭
And he does it consciously, which is important
☆ Yamaguchi Tadashi ☆
Spends time each week looking for the animals on the 'lost' and 'missing' posters around town
He hates to think of them out there, cold, alone, frightened–
It makes him feel nauseous just thinking about it 😣
My poor, precious baby!! He's too pure for this world!! 😭
It's not often, but sometimes he actually manages to find one and bring it back to its owner safely, which is a huge boost for his mood and confidence
He feels so valued and appreciated, and just happy that the little guy is SAFE 😇🤧
☆ Haiba Lev ☆
Helps strangers get their cats out of trees and other high places
What else is a tall, handsome, goofball-of-a stranger to do? 😌
Legit, he doesn't think twice. Tall people should use their height to help people, shouldn't they?
Sure, it doesn't always go to plan, and his arms sometimes end up looking like well-used scratching poles, but he's just glad to help 😇
It's good to see the cats safe and with their owners
If you enjoyed, please consider voting in this poll (ends this Sunday 18/10/20) to help me celebrate reaching 100 followers! Thank you to everyone who's already voted!
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aion-rsa · 3 years
DJ Skee Partners with eBay for Post Malone Inspired Exclusive Cards
This article is part of our Collector’s Digest editorial series powered by: 
If you’ve been looking for a reason to make the return to in-person conventions this fall, eBay, DJ Skee, and Gen Con just might have what you’ve been waiting for.
One of the most popular places to buy and sell rare TCG cards online, eBay is bringing a slew of merchandise and rare items to their booth at Gen Con, along with an exclusive collaboration with DJ Skee.
During the event, eBay will be showcasing multiple rare, high-value Magic: the Gathering and Yu-Gi-Oh! cards at their booth, with an online auction for the cards running concurrently. A charity auction of Flesh and Blood items through the founder of FAB James White will also be held at their booth, with all proceeds benefiting St. Jude’s Children Hospital.
On Sept. 17, eBay will also be hosting a signing for well-known Magic: the Gathering artist Aaron Miller. Miller will be signing custom playmats that eBay will be giving away for free.
Rare card auctions and artist signings are cool, but the best part about conventions is exclusive merchandise. For Gen Con 2021, eBay is teaming up with music industry titan DJ Skee to give out just under 2,000 MTG and Pokémon style cards remixed with a Post Malone theme.
DJ Skee and eBay have designed four custom cards: two inspired by Pokémon and two inspired by Magic: the Gathering. Each set will have a base card numbered out of 999 and a rare card numbered out of 99 and will be foiled on 130pt card stock in a 1 touch case. Each card will also feature a QR code on the back linking to a curated Post Malone Spotify playlist from DJ Skee.
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The Pokémon cards (cleverly titled “Postémon”) feature a Post Malone-inspired character in the style of the classic Pokémon anime. Those lucky enough to get their hands on the card’s rare version will be treated to a full art “Postémon TX.” While neither card is playable in the real Pokémon TCG, fans of Malone will be treated to a slew of references to Posty’s career that will surely bring a smile to their faces.
DJ Skee’s take on MTG cards might feature fewer references to Post Malone’s career, but the base card features a cool gimmick: it’s technically playable. Inspired by the “Hollywood is Dead” album “Hollywood’s Bleeding” album, “Zombie Post,” is a Zombie token proxy card that is ready to be sleeved and put in your deck. After all, there’s no better way to impress an enemy than with a card that has less than 1,000 copies in circulation.
The rare MTG in the set, titled “Posty Ri Berit,” is a play on the Commander card “Merieke Ri Berit” which Post Malone recently used to win Game Knights on YouTube and claims is his favorite card to use. While this one isn’t playable, its art, references, and rarity are enough to make it a coveted piece for any collector. eBay will only be handing out one random card per person at the event, but those looking to get a whole set will be able to buy, sell, or trade the cards at the event. Anyone lucky enough to get all four cards will notice that the four backs combine to produce a single image with a Black Lotus in the middle.
“I’m excited to launch my first TCG drop and blend cultures together with music, art, games, and cards,” DJ Skee said. “eBay has empowered me to organically bring this project to life at the biggest event in the space and give back to the community.”
DJ Skee is a prevalent producer in the music industry that has generated over four billion views and has a network of over two million followers. He is best known for introducing the world to artists including Kendrick Lamar, Lady Gaga, Post Malone, Travis Scott, and more, and has produced for legendary artists such as Michael Jackson and Snoop Dogg.
DJ Skee is no stranger to the world of nerd culture, having produced music for video games such as Halo and Ghost Recon. He is also an owner of Cards & Coffee in Hollywood and runs the collectible alternative asset fund, Mint10.
Gen Con is the largest tabletop gaming convention in North America, pulling in numbers close to 70,000 pre-pandemic. Gen Con puts a highlight on the best and brightest games on the market and is considered by many to be the biggest event in tabletop and CCG gaming each year.
Last year, Gen Con pivoted the convention online due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. This year, it’ll be a hybrid in-person event in Indianapolis, with an online component for fans at home. Fans eager to return to the event will be spoiled for choice as Gen Con 2021 will feature over 350 exhibitors, 31 artists, and 23 authors.
The post DJ Skee Partners with eBay for Post Malone Inspired Exclusive Cards appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3ltBHKx
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skittymon · 4 years
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Finally finished Tales of Eternia!! 
And that makes 11th tales games finished and 15th overall played in some degree (Phantasia, Legendia, Innocence, and DotNW being the ones I havent finished yet).
Once I started again in December I decided that instead of liveblogging I’d make a review at the end instead.
So here we go! I will keep this spoiler free as possible!
I’m pretty scatterbrained but I’ll try to divide this into: combat, story, characters, and other game mechanics.
Combat: So obviously, the combat is above Phantasia and Destiny’s, being made after them. I honestly have grown fond of the 2d linear style format. There’s so many different boss fights in this game that can only work in a 2d field rather than 3d. 
On the flip side, that’s not always a good thing. I count bosses like the wild dog thing in Vesperia, and Fodra Queen of Graces to be among the hardest mandatory boss fights in tales. Welp, Eternia added one to the ranks. Rem (aka Aska the light spirit) is one of the most frustrating boss fights I’ve done. Apart from constantly slowing healing itself, on the field it brings a shiny ball with it. You cannot destoy the orb, it’s there all fight, and if you touch it it hurts you. And of course it blocks the way to Rem. There is a way past it, it moves up and down so you just have to wait until its up to move past. BUT GUESS WHAT THE AI DOESNT DO. So your party will probably either be dying or constantly in pain. AND REM CAN MOVE THE ORD ANYWHERE. Also you cant physically hit Rem while its casting a spell only far away skills. So if you ever play this game just cheese it and spam variations of Sonic Blade.
Of course, on the flip side it’s every easy for you to cheese boss fights and just back them up into a corner unable to move or do anything until they die, so it evens out.
The sprite animations for the artes are gorgeous. Reid moves so fluidly in his artes, he’s honestly my third favorite protag to play as behind Yuri and Ludger because of this. The caster animations are great as well, granted it can become cluttered and hard to see in when artes like blizzard and earth shaker are used. BUT GOD DAMN I CAN WATCH MEREDY USE METEOR ALL DAY IT LOOKS SO COOL.
Nitpicks about the combat system are, Life, the reviving spell Farah has, takes to long to charge, and for Meredy and Keele to use healing artes you have to mix and match who has what craymel (spirit). There might be a guide but I didnt look beyond reddit so Life was the only resurrection spell I had. 
Last nitpick comes from the Aurora Artes. Aurora Artes are skills only Reid can use, but in order to use them you have to have health below 15% and press circle, square, and x at the same time, so it’s very easy to mess up and die. Then to use more Aurora Artes you press the same buttons repeatedly, and after you use them Reid is left with 1 hp. AND the final boss has an automatic kill skill, you have to press the buttons at the right time to activate it and keep everyone alive, or you can cheese it like I did and have Farah hold a reverse doll to revive her after she dies. Did I also mention this skill happens in phase 2 of the fight when the bosses health is less than 20,000 after starting from 300,000? If you fuck up thats like 10mins of redoing.
But to end on a better note for this section, I love the way artes are learned. You have to use certain artes a number of times before you can unlock it (I THINK abyss and vesperia and many others are like this but this is the first time I found it rewarding). I grinded like hell to get the best artes for Reid AND YOU BET IT WAS WORTH IT. Omega Demon Chaos I love you,,,,
Story: Like countless other Tales titles, the conflict comes from two worlds being at odds with each other. However this game does something that none of the other games have done with this story beat. Language barriers! It’s super cool in the first couple of hours theyre just trying to figure out how to talk with Meredy. Of course by the end this point is nearly dropped entirely, everyone else just getting the special ear ring I spent 3 hours to get so the plot can move on.
Like most tales, theres a moment you thought the story would end but BOOM the twist. I wasn’t shocked by it, but that’s because I knew who the final antagonist of the game was prior to playing it, but still it was executed well. 
Something that makes this Tales stand out is how they deal with backstory. So the main fours backstory is vital to the story and their characters but they don’t show it till like 20 hours in. It’s like if Graces you start off in main arc and learn about the childhood arc 2/3 of the way through and went “ohhhh that’s why they were distant with each other.” And other stuff about it but I won’t spoil it.
Overall a good story, though I do feel like I’m missing things either from missing some side quests, or because of no skits.
Characters: The main ones to shine are the four main characters (Reid, Farah, Keele, and Meredy), everyone else literally is either one dungeon and/or optionable. Chat does still feel like a character being the owner of the Van Elita aka means of transportation for half the game. Max and Ras tho rip. ESPECIALLY MAX. Ya know how every tales there’s the mandatory Talk Before The Final Battle? Yea well they all get one except Max. You see him, but he doesnt talk, YET THEY CRAYMELS DO.
Another odd, yet charming, thing is that there’s no big moment of character development for anyone like Luke cutting his hair, Magilou keeping the portal open, or punch in the face like Alvin. They just. Slowly change. And its really weird cause for all of disc 1 Keele is basically an unbearable asshole and he just? Learns to be a better person from everything he sees? There’s no callout or moment of realization, he just slowly learns and it’s super refreshing. 
Reid is probably one of the most relatable protagonists up there with Jude. I’m sure most of you know the “he doesn’t want to do shit lol” persona he has BUT GOD WHY HE’S LIKE THAT BABY I LOVE YOU. Farah’s personality is also explained in the backstory, so for any of you crestoria players that Farah’s backstory is really different like how Emil’s is, but the sentiment of why she’s like that is the same and stem for a similar event.
Meredy’s also great. I thought I’d get annoyed of her and her “You bet!” but god when she says it the last time at the end of the game, I was pretty moved. I wish I knew more about her backstory but I’m pretty sure a certain section of her life info was left to skits and ya know we didn’t get those till Symphonia :)))
As antagonists go, besides the Craymels who are there to test you before you get their power, there’s just two. Main boss and their lackey. The lackey is eh. You see him once at the beginning of the game, then see him destroy a  city, then one last time where you kill him. You do get his backstory and stuff but eh I’m usually not fond of tales mini villains minus Chimerad, God Generals, and Artorius’s lackeys
The main antagonist tho, I really don’t wanna spoil it but it’s hard to talk about why I’m conflicted on it without spoiling. So it’s like Destiny’s final boss but written better in some part and worse in others. So at one point it’s super emotional and pretty powerful with the message eternia wants to send but at the same points its a jrpg where you gotta kill god cause he doesn’t think humans are worth it. 
Oh one more thing thats honestly hilarious, there’s literally SINGLE animated cutscene by Production I.G in this entire game minus the op. 
Other things: the amount of mini games in this game is insane, but the amount you have to do IN JUST THE SECOND DISC to continue the plot is more than any other tales game I can recall. Some of them are fun like the card game, others like the bomb one I want to throw in a fire. 
There’s also so much Destiny pandering in this game. There’s portraits of the characters, you can collect lens, I’m 95% sure the way a certain character is done is because they wanted another Leon, you can SUMMON THE SWORDIAN USERS ARE AS AN ACTUAL SUMMON. While all Phantasia gets is the cameo battle and the Eternal Sword. I mean I didn’t mind cause I’ve finished Destiny and it’s one of my fav tales games but damn it was pretty obvious. 
In conclusion: A fun game! I don’t think it was worth 133 dollars tho consider my play file was 35 hours and thats with a good chuck of side quests and ex bosses. Probably in my top 5 combat systems of tales and final villains, but not in terms of story or characters. A really hope it gets remastered soon I’d love for more people to play it.
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garethandjude · 4 years
Sam’s Eulogy
Sam’s funeral was 1 year ago today. Writing Sam’s Eulogy was emotionally the hardest thing I’ve ever done. Reading it in the service was beyond me. Jude and I are ever indebted and thankful to Marc for doing this so well on the day.  It read as follows:
I stand before you today, a representative of a family that feel truly blessed to have such amazing support not just through the numbers here but throughout Sam’s journey. Family, friends, the Russell school, social clubs, the medical teams, work colleagues, the whole Chorleywood community and beyond, we are all united in our love, and desire to pay our respects to our wonderful warrior Sam.
Samuel George Hanson, was born in St George’s hospital on St George’s day, the most precious present on his Dad’s birthday. He was instantly welcomed and loved by his brother Rhys and his family. Whether from his brother’s tickles, or the delight of smearing food all over his face, it wasn’t long before he was smiling and chuckling in his unique way, filling our lives with Sammy sized fun.
As a baby and toddler Sam was seldom without a muslin blanket for comfort – Mum and Dad wouldn’t dare leave the house without one. This set a theme for the rest of his short life. The muslin was eventually superseded, by George bear, Sven, Camo. He loved his teddies and each had a name. Over the past few years there was one teddy that Sam would never be without - Rabbity. Rabbity was so precious to Sam that the internet was scoured for an identical backup to be used when Rabbity was washed. Shipped in from the US, Rabitto was always on standby. Rabbity went everywhere with Sam. Every night he cuddled him, during all his stays in hospital, every operation Rabbity was in the theatre with Sam. Up until the very end, right now, and forever – Rabbity will be with Sam to comfort him.
As Sam grew up, some other Sammy traits soon appeared. With his white blond hair, and golden skin he was a beautiful toddler, with a propensity to wear nothing on his feet. Was he destined to be a surfer dude? He had the look. If he could, he would always be barefoot. At a push he would be in crocks, as a last resort trainers. If he went out, shoes and socks were always the last things on and the first things off. When home, he was easy to find as his shoes and socks would leave a Sammy trail from the door to wherever he was going.
As all children should be, Sam was full of life, a little mischievous and very inquisitive. He loved finding crystals in rocks and bringing pretty stones or fossils home. If it sparkled, it got his attention. Was he a budding geologist or was it a palaeontologist? He was encouraged to do it all. Only a few weeks ago he was busy foraging on the beach intently studying what the tide was washing in. Crab shells, dismembered crab claws, pretty shells, he was intrigued by them all and they all went into our bucket to bring home. Maybe he was destined to be an ecologist?
In hospital Sam would relax by watching his favourite movies. Whether they were Disney animations, classics like Oliver or epic compilations like the Lord of the rings, Star wars, DC and Marvel, he enjoyed them all. He also loved dressing up. Inspired by the heroes and villains in all the movies, when he dressed up, his imagination would whisk him away and he became that character. Woody or Buzz, the Gruffalo, a Dinosaur, a Rabbit, Captain Phasma or America, Kylo Ren or Thor. He would boisterously tear around the house in character, wielding his weapon of choice. Rhys was usually the victim and would laugh out loud as Sam battered him with a foam sword or hammer (most of the time!)
There was one costume, more than any other that Sam just loved – his reindeer onesie. He would wear it around the house, camping trips, on visits to the hospital, he even wore it to school. His size 3-4 years was worn until the legs looked like ¾ lengths and the body was skin tight. He didn’t care, he’d say it was snuggly, and it tickled us to see him in it. Sam loved being snuggly and snuggling up to his teddies or under blankets. But if there was some snuggling to be done, top of the list was always snuggling with his Mummy.
Even when Sam was poorly one of the activities he’d still find the strength to do was Nerf battles. If it rained, the battle would be indoors, if it was dry it would be outside with bullet guns or water pistols. When Sam was less mobile, whole house or garden battles were reworked so that Sam could take up a static sniper position, and take pot shots at his victims, family or friends. Rhys has a fond memory of when he and a friend were speaking and playing with some girls in a neighbouring garden. The talk soon became squeals and laughter as Samster the Gangster popped around the edge of the shed, naked, brandishing a water pistol and soaked them all.
When Sam was young he had always been a healthy child. When the family had colds he seemed to be unscathed, but in the autumn of 2015 Sam became pale, he was low on energy, and he had a rash. At first the GP thought it may be viral, but after a couple of weeks nothing had improved and his tummy was starting to swell. By this point the family were fearing this could be something bad but the odds said they should be wrong. A blood test was done on the 1st of December 2015, a day the family will never forget. Sam was diagnosed with Leukaemia and their Sky fell in.
Sam’s journey since then has been a tough one. His beads of courage are a lasting memory to the 100’s of procedures he endured over the 3 and a half years of treatment. He amassed 1,850 beads in all and the family give thanks to the medical staff here today, representing everyone that has worked at every hour of the day to care for Sam during his battle with Leukaemia. He was inspired so much by your commitment and professionalism that he’d said he wanted to grow up to be a nurse. Would that have been his future? Sadly we will never know.
If there is one thing that blossomed in hospital, and epitomises Sam it would be his love for Lego. Over the years we had various activities to fill the time. Card games, dart guns and dart boards, Qixels and crafts. He would enjoy them all but the favourite was definitely LEGO. What started with a small Lego set to help while away the time, grew into a ritual fuelled by both Sam’s and his Dad’s enjoyment of it. If Sam was spending any length of time in hospital he’d be doing Lego. The anticipation and the walk to collect a new set from the Amazon lockers in GOSH were all part of the excitement. The real magic was watching him build; so focussed and determined, his tongue out during the tricky bits. When he completed something, the sense of achievement was always evident on his face - in the big beaming smile. From timid beginnings, he fumbled through his first few sets but soon became a master builder completing multi bag sets intended to last days in just a few hours. If there is one thing that demonstrates how much time Sam spent in hospital, and particularly the months in isolation it would be the size of his Lego collection. On display in his room he was always proud to show it to people.
The last 9 months were particularly tough. The disease and treatment taking its toll. Sam was a third heavier, had lost his hair again, and then grew dark hair back almost everywhere. His hearing was impaired and his legs were weak. He would be unrecognisable to those that had not witnessed the change. But to those that had it was still Sam and he was a fighter, he would get through this. His attitude to all the pokes, prods and procedures was inspirational “let’s just get it over with” he would say. He hated general anaesthetics, but to overcome the fear he developed his own routine of yoga breaths and a snuggle with Mummy or Daddy while he had his sleeping milk and just got it over with. His animated moral – “Never give up” that we are so blessed that he made, will live with us forever. Sam you’re a trooper - thank you for being so brave.
Despite everything he’d been through he was still the cheeky, inquisitive boy we all loved. He always had a willingness to learn and would look forward to his lessons in hospital, at home or in school. Even on days post BMT when his mouth was too sore to speak he still had his lessons, writing or using the iPad to communicate. It would be the highlight of his days only missed if he was asleep.
Sam was doing so well in his treatment, he was winning his battle with leukaemia. He was in remission, his transplant was a success and his diseased white blood cells had been replaced 100% by his brother’s donor cells. His recovery was not without issues, that would, and did make him feel lousy, but the bigger picture was always good and in a few more months he was going to get through this. One day, he was going to ring the bell in Hospital that signified the end of his treatment.
On the 21st March Sam was taken by his parents to Watford because of his rapid breathing. This was thought to be a visit like many other. On the 22nd of March suddenly and unexpectedly Sam’s condition deteriorated and after many hours he was stabilised in Watford and transferred to intensive care in GOSH. Sadly, despite battling his biggest battle and supported by an overwhelming number of people and well-wishers, Sam was never to leave. He passed away peacefully in his parents’ arms on the 4th of April 2019. Sam never got to ring the bell.
Sam didn’t quite make the 8th Birthday that he was so excited about, but during his short time with us has achieved more than many may achieve in a lifetime. In his name, 10’s of thousands of pounds have been raised for charities that have benefited him or his family; CLIC Sargent, Be child cancer aware, Children with Cancer and Spread a Smile. The Radio 5 Live broadcast for the ‘No Isolation’ robot has over a million views and touched thousands of people. The hope is that these contributions may bring unforgettable memories, or lead to new treatments that help save the lives of other children in a similar situation and maybe one day ensure nobody has to endure the loss of a child from Leukaemia. Sam, you should be proud.
Everyone gathered here today has been touched in some way by Sam’s life. It may take a long time for friends and family to adjust, but after the grief and mourning, we will be left with the memories and sparkle that Sam brought to our lives. We will reflect on a life full of amazing adventure, love and bravery. Sam’s courageous battle and attitude should and will inspire us to never give up. We will all miss you Sam but may your star forever shine bright. ⭐
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Some recent, unedited sims! I love them! 
I made a lair for the first one because he’s a vampire. It has his coffin room--it’s a sunken room and I’m so proud of that fact--and it has a pool area that is meant to look like blood. I used the ability to change the light colors to make the pool look vampy. Making the lair made me realize how well Vampires, Vintage Glamour, Romantic Garden, and Get Famous work together. He started out as an elder sim because I have never seen a vampire that was an elder, but his face looked more like a middle aged face to me. Thus, I changed him into an adult. I feel like adults should look like they are between like 35 and 55. He’ll be the first of that set. 
The second one is part of my leisurely, off-the-grid save and he has a daughter. His name is Jude and her name is Raelynn. Rae just aged up to a child so I’m excited for that. I’m using them to explore Sulani because I never cared to. I figure the more I actually play the game, the more I can get over being a completionist and be buying the game exclusively for my enjoyment and not to finish a collection. I feel like that mindset will protect me from just buying packs willy nilly. (I know it’s kinda too late for that because I have all the packs except for Eco Living...er...Lifestyle. I did not spend a lot of money on the packs because I bought all of them on sale and with gift cards from birthdays and Christmas.) I am still mulling over if I want to get Eco Living. I just feel like I should enjoy my other packs first. Maybe I should do a LEPacy. I just want to get past buying stuff just to have it and move towards buying things because they add to my life. That goal is something more general for my life right now. 
The third one, I made a little story about. She’s basically a country singer who is getting up in age. She dedicated most of her life to her career, now she’s trying to reevaluate her life and what matters. I kind of want her to adopt a teen. I’m trying to do more variations in families. I just thought of how vonehilda has this elder sim challenge that I forgot I wanted to try, maybe I should try it with her. Oh and I actually used the story mode to make her and the first sim. I kind of like it because it makes it kind of easier to come up with a story. 
My ultimate goal is to make my own save file, even if it’s something small like a reno and repopulating of Forgotten Hollow, which I’m sure still has the least amount of lots. 
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carolinenicolettes · 5 years
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“ this is taking too long ! i’m going to miss the farmer’s market ! ” —scary terry or scary caroline? who knows
“ she liked messy beds and movie nights without any lights on. she liked the quiet company of a few good friends. her idea of love was gentle and silent, like a whisper of a touch. some things are magical and magic, contrary to popular opinion, is often found in the most ordinary of places. ”
NAME: caroline estelle nicolette NICKNAMES: n o p e it is caroline or NADA  AGE: 21 BIRTHDAY: may 1st SPECIES: starchild  GENDER: cisfemale PRONOUNS: she/her
MOTHER: amelia nicolette — born into money, massive name in the fashion industry, only wears fashionable power suits and celestial themed jewelry, drinks expensive whiskey neat FATHER: unknown PARENTS: raised by her mother, kind of. had a nanny named maggie growing up whom she loved dearly and was very good friends with a doorman named robert as well. it takes a village, you know. FAMILY: direct relation to the nicolette family that you all know and love aka odette. caroline’s mother is odette’s father’s sister. SIBLINGS: not at all.
FACE CLAIM: scarlett leithold NATIONALITY: american HEIGHT: 5′7 WEIGHT: 139lbs BUILD: slender, and a bit insecure about that HAIR: long with a subtle wave , nearly down to her waist for now  HAIR COLOR: golden blonde with a few summery platinum highlights EYE COLOR: baby bluuuue DOMINANT HAND: left ANOMALIES: during warmer months, and nearly year round since moving to california, there are little freckles dusted across her nose  SCENT: seasalt, cocounut, sunscreen . . . . and occasionally mon paris by ysl ACCENT: she fought against that new york accent tooth and nail so none ALLERGIES: cats but also bullshit DISORDERS: dbd — dumb bitch disorder FASHION: an odd mix of vintage. corduroy dresses, plaid skirts, ribbed turtlenecks, velvet headbands, doc marten boots. a lil 60s, a lil 70s, a lil 90s. despite having quite a bit of money, she’s always wearing at least one thing that looks hand-me-down and that’s because her mother never threw anything away, so it likely is.  NERVOUS TICS: rocks back and forth from her toes to her heels, death grip on a camera strap, tucking her hair behind her ears QUIRKS: collects enamel pins, always has a camera on her, closes her eyes when trying to focus on listening
RESIDES: east side, victoria BORN: new york city RAISED: new york city VEHICLE:  black 1969 chevy camaro, rarely ever drives it though as she bikes/skates most places PHONE: iphone 11 pro :\ COMPUTER: mac desktop collecting DUST PETS: too busy sneezing bc of odette’s cat
HIGH SCHOOL EDUCATION: graduated COLLEGE EDUCATION: senior MAJOR: museum studies, photography MINOR: film studies CAREER: freelance photographer, current waste of space living off of that family $$$ EXPERIENCE: apprenticeships in fashion photography, internships in museum curation  TRAINED IN: photography and classical ballet (reluctantly) OTHER: literally just .... she’s had a camera of some sort in her hand since she was like 12
POLITICAL AFFILIATION: liberal RELIGION: worships the ground stevie nicks, cher, and debbie harry walk on but that’s about it BELIEFS: you have to be really careful when buying sweaters from thrift stores because 80% of them are absolutely haunted MISDEMEANORS: none FELONIES: none  TICKETS AND/OR VIOLATIONS: NONE  DRUGS: once or twice but she’s strung out enough on her own  SMOKES: weed, on occasion. cigarettes are gross. ALCOHOL: leisurely, mostly socially. Queen of Beer Pong™ DIET: fairly healthy, not at all picky, a little bougie.
ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: labels are stupid SEXUAL ORIENTATION: and sexuality is fluid MARTIAL STATUS: never going to happen CHILDREN: *nervous laughter* AVAILABILITY: not at all LOOKING FOR: she’s actually legally blind so
LANGUAGES: english, french
PHOBIAS: fuck spiders SPECIFICALLY. might cry but also doesn’t want you to kill it just... take it out and awaaaay HOBBIES: photography, film — the act of and the watching of, hiking, live shows, bothering odette. literally has/had 3294328049 of them but is really only good at photography/film TRAITS: + adaptable, loyal, charismatic, clever, playful, adventurous ; - flighty, forgetful, cynical, unforgiving, disorganized, impatient SOCIAL MEDIA: the works - snapchat, twitter, instagram
LOCATION: photo pit at small venue concerts, anywhere within 10 feet of the pacific SPORTS TEAM: whomst  GAME: playin w people’s HEARTS ...... jk ....... kinda MUSIC: haim, fleetwood mac, the aces... any band with a female lead singer SHOWS: ghost adventures, big little lies MOVIES: frances ha, almost famous, bob dylan: don’t look back RADIO STATION: anything that strictly plays oldies FOOD: loves baked goods BEVERAGE: cold brew coffee, cinnamon spice tea COLOR: a nice dusty rose :\
MORAL ALIGNMENT: chaotic good MBTI: isfp — the adventurer ENNEAGRAM: type 7, the enthusiast  ZODIAC: taurus HOGWARTS HOUSE: hufflepuff TAROT CARD: the empress TV TROPES: max mayfield, serena van der woodsen, ainsley howard, donna sheridan and honestly? eloise  SONG: summer girl - haim
IDEOLOGIES: shove it down shove all the emotions DOWN do not feel. you can tell a lot about a person based on the music they listen to when they’re sad. three is the luckiest number.
amelia nicolette never intended to be a mother. she was freshly 21, inches from a moment that could launch her career in the fashion industry, and she hadn’t been in love or even interested in the idea since she was seventeen. so when a one night stand with a wealthy older man, left her with morning sickness and an odd appetite for two, she was less than thrilled. 
he was even less thrilled, insisting that she terminate the pregnancy. i’ll drive you, he’d said in a hushed tone. only then did she see the tan line wrapped around his ring finger. a married man. a one night stand. and a complete bastard . amelia decided, then and there, to carry to term and then put the baby up for adoption.
until may 1st at 3AM on the dot when the most obnoxious scream split through the air. a baby, just slightly too small, kicking and screaming relentlessly was born in manhattan. a baby who wouldn’t shut up until she was placed in the arms of her mother, where she fell quiet and calm and she slept. 
amelia nicolette never intended to fall in love, but holding her tiny baby girl, she knew then and there that she was a goner. caroline, as a song that sounded like joy played from a radio at the nurse’s station. estelle, for the stars. nicolette, the only family name she’d ever need. 
for three years, it was just the two of them in a new york penthouse, and amelia learned quickly that she was good at being a mother. but that didn’t change her free-spirited nature or the way her heart had a tendency to yearn for more. she had the resources, and caroline was old enough — . . . and she’d been sketching for years, sitting on top of a portfolio that piled a mile high.
along comes nanny, maggie, and thus began the life she’d lead for the rest of her childhood. mom spent a lot of time at work, building a fashion brand that went international by the time caroline was 6. because of this, she was gone more often than not, leaving caroline to grow up under the watchful eye of a nanny.
but she called every night. made it home for every big holiday, every recital, every birthday. in the summers, caroline would spend her time split between visiting her mother, visiting odette, and visiting a beach house in victoria. there was a certain lack of permanence that caused her to be adaptable, allowed her to be comfortable with change and give into the whims of a free spirit like her mother’s.
but people filtered in and out, came and went, and on the flip side of the same coin, there was a sense of detachment , a fear of getting too close to people who would move out or move on.
despite this, caroline never found herself to be lonely. she was a friendly little thing with bright eyes and a sparkling curiosity, picking up hobbies instead of toys, but never quite being exceptional at any of them. she made friends with doormen and caused problems for the people behind the desk. she became good, early on, at keeping herself busy, making her own fun – . . . all things that have very much carried into adulthood.
she was lucky, and she’s fully aware of it which is why, from a young age, she always did her best to find ways to give that luck to people who seemed to need it. 
things had a tendency to be tumultuous, what with her mother coming and going and her very best friend being in and out of the hospital, but she tried to go with the flow as best as she could. things were good but never truly exceptional.
until she met jude. he’d been in the same children’s wing as odette, and they’d known each other for a little bit before caroline met him. the three of them were inseparable, at first, simply best friends. but as they got older, feelings shifted and two friends became more than that.
our girl was in love for the very first time. and it was sweet and gentle and everything a first love is supposed to be. over time, that love grew, just as they did, and it was visible to anyone with eyes that they were in love. for two years, it was good, he was good. 
and then he wasn’t. despite two years of remission and a healthy life, he fell ill again. there was nothing to do but stand by and watch as six months passed by, far too quickly, and he slipped away into nothing. ultimately passing away just a week before his 20th birthday. 
caroline didn’t allow herself to feel it, for a while, lingering in the denial stage of grief for far too long. new york felt empty without him, without odette, without her mother, and it didn’t take much for her to pack her things and join her mother overseas, taking a gap year from school and focusing on herself, on her photography.
she spent a lot of time with a press pass around her neck. fashion shows and fashion shoots. major events and sports games. concerts and festivals. but there was one thing she loved more than anything else, and that was capturing the off-guard joy of life in candids of strangers on the street or in the crowds of bars and concerts. she found her own style, her own way of storytelling through a lens, and slowly but surely she began to heal.
still, there was no way around the way her heart felt a little heavier, a little darker, and how smiles from strangers at the other end of the bar made her stomach churn. she developed an aversion to new relationships of any sort, anything deeper than surface level becoming a bit too close for comfort. 
and while life traveling was fun, she missed having a sense of home, so she went to where the only other person who felt like home was, finding herself moving into a house with odette in victoria.
she’s been around for a couple of months, coming out of a gap year and looking to finish her degree in the spring. victoria, for now, is home.
these days she’s a little bit more cynical. a little bit less likely to let people too close. a little bit lost but also who isn’t when they’re 21
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schlemptime · 6 years
Less Than Lavender (2017)
Every one of the boys on my team had gotten new helmets this year except for me. Mine was grass stained, scratched, its stickers peeled off the back. The white with its blue stripes had faded from the sunlight. It smelled a bit, but that only bothered my mom. None of my teammates had said anything about my old helmet to my face, but I knew they would talk about after practice once I had ridden my bike home and while they waited for their moms or dads or older siblings to come pick them up. And they did talk about it. Harrison told me that night at our sleepover while we were brushing our teeth. He said it then because he knew he’d be hard to understand him with a mouth full of toothbrush and toothpaste. We dropped the subject as soon as he brought it up, which was fine with me.
“What do you think of that girl?” Harrison asked me as we sat on my bedroom floor that night. I started shuffling the deck of cards in my hands.
“That new girl on our team?” I asked.
“Yeah, duh. I think her name’s Jude.” I couldn’t remember her name, but I knew it wasn’t Jude. Maybe it was. Truly, I couldn’t remember.
“Don’t know yet.” I shrugged and dealt the cards out, four to each of us. “Kind of weird that she’s on a football team, I think.”
“Is there not a girls’ team?” I asked. Harrison shrugged.
“You got any threes?” I looked down at my cards and shook my head.
“Go fish. You got any Jacks?” He groaned and handed me two of them. It went back and forth until we heard someone coming up the stairs to my room and we jumped into the bed. Lights were still on and we were stifling a laugh. After my mom peaked into the room and turned off the overhead light, we sat up and played more cards. It must have been so late, like a ten o’clock kind of late. Some crazy Friday night idea. The next morning I could hardly get out of bed, I could hardly make it to football practice.
Harrison was the type of kid who was picked on alot, but kind of for no reason. Some boys on our football team made fun of his weight, other boys made fun of his red hair or his bad grades or his very, very slight lisp. But even though I didn’t mind him at all, I still made it a secret that he was my best friend. On Saturday mornings after our usual sleepover, I’d tell him to race me to practice by going down a different street. I’d always get there first; he would arrive a few minutes later out of breath and throw his bike on the ground.
He was the first boy on the team to reach out to the girl. After practice, he’d tell me what he’d learned about her that day to dilute any rumors. Like her name was Lavender even though her favorite color was yellow. And apparently Lavender thanked Harrison when he didn’t say stuff along the lines of yellow is a boy color. He let her be, and it worked out.
He invited me to the park with them sometimes. We’d all sit underneath the trees around the playground or sometimes at the picnic benches. Lavender would point out weird things younger kids did and laughed at teenage babysitters who ran after babies. Harrison would butt in every once in awhile, attempting to say something funny. It didn’t work. He only got glares from Lavender in the end, putting him in his place. She ran us all. And even though I would usually intervene at times like that, I never did. Afterall, her ranking was far above me. She ran faster during football practice. She beat me when we raced bikes. I blamed it on how small she was; she was more aerodynamic, I guess. But sometimes I just let her win.
“So, what do you think of a girl being on our football team, Jimi?” I turned my head to see Paul walking faster to catch up with me. “I think it’s weird.”
“Huh. Doesn’t bother me too much,” I responded. He nodded and said he agreed. That usually happened. Because I was a little older than the other boys, I was a decision maker for them.I could probably tell them I believed the color blue didn’t exist, and they’d agree. Ahead of us was some of the team heading towards their treehouse. Ever since Harrison had been hanging out with Lavender than with me, I was going to their meetings together.
“I heard David’s gonna try to get her off the team,” Paul said. We got to the bottom of the tree and I began climbing up the flimsy ladder. I told him that wouldn’t happen.
But as soon as the last boys entered the tree house, David pulled the curtain that worked as a door and stood at the front of the treehouse. He held his chin up so high that I could hardly see his eyes. His shaggy hair fell to the sides of his round face, the same style of hair every boy in the room had, including me.
“Today we have some important stuff to discuss,” he announced. Out of his pocket he pulled a crumpled piece of paper. He read, “the new football team, I think, needs some mending. Can we all agree?” Everybody nodded.
“Jude needs to go!” somebody shouted. Lavender. It was Lavender. How the name got to Jude was a mystery to me. But everybody around me nodded.
The rest of the “meeting” went on like that, making plans on how they could all make the team boys only again. After about ten minutes, we side-tracked and started making game plans that would never be approved by Coach. When David’s mom yelled up to treehouse that dinner was ready, we all agreed on coming back next Friday (as we usually did) and left.
“Let’s go somewhere else,” Lavender said. She stood up and brushed dirt off her skirt. As she strutted to her bicycle, her ponytail bounced back and forth. Harrison groaned and pushed himself off the ground; I had him help me up.
He asked where we would go, and she yelled The treehouse! and took off on her neon pink bike.
I don’t think I ever rode a bike any faster. Trying to keep up with her, yelling No! You’re not allowed there! until I was out of breath and just followed. Lavender only stopped when we got to the tree trunk. She dropped her bike, and I did the same, breathing too heavily. I followed her up the rope ladder, through the curtain door, into the elaborate treehouse. When she took a seat on the floor, I stood above her.
“You’re not allowed in the treehouse,” I said, my arms crossed over my chest. She shrugged.
“Is anybody else here?” she asked mockingly. I shook my head, but obviously no one was in the room with us. “Then it doesn’t concern me, Jimi.” She took out her ponytail and tied her hair back up again. We didn’t acknowledge the fact that Harrison hadn’t come with us. At least he knew that he wasn’t allowed in the treehouse. Not that I truly cared about the place, but I surely didn’t want to betray David. He was harsh about his rules.
Lavender started talking about Mrs. Holly’s science class as she messed with her hair more. How they collected bugs for extra credit, took fire to some powdery stuff that smelled awful, planted flowers in the school playground. On Mondays, she said, they did fun things like that. But I had a different science teacher, one that didn’t let our class collect bugs.
“That sucks,” she mumbled. I never heard a girl say that before, and I cringed.
She laughed and took off her shoes. “But do you know what really sucks?” she asked, almost mocking me. “The fact I can’t play football again next year. Coach said he didn’t want me to get hurt because we’ll be in sixth grade next year and you boys will be too strong. I don’t think he knows that I beat David in an arm wrestling competition and-”
Suddenly, David bursted into the treehouse. We didn’t even hear him climb up the ladder.
“Hey! Get out of here!” he yelled.
He grabbed me by my elbows with the help of another boy and threw me out the curtain door. Actually threw me from six feet above the ground. That sucked. And they did the same to Lavender. Repeatedly she shouted Get off me! Get off me! Get off me! until they threw out of the door too. Her body made a loud thud as it slammed against the dirt. All I saw after that was her stand right back up, climb the ladder, and burst back into the treehouse. Through the open curtain, I saw her send a punch straight to David’s face and spit on his feet.
“I can’t believe you,” she mumbled. I could hardly make out the words from outside the treehouse. David was silent. She continued, “actually throwing us out from up here. You’re disgusting, David.”
She went right back down the ladder, helped me up, and got on her bike. That was Lavender. Some sort of immortal girl.
David asked me to come back to his meetings only two weeks later. And surprisingly, he also invited Harrison. The Saturday after he asked me I went. Nothing was said about being thrown out of the treehouse, but I made sure he saw my color changing bruises and sprained wrist. Maybe it made him hurt a bit, too. The meeting went the same as all the other ones. David held his chin unreasonably high and occasionally blew the hair out of his face. He announced that Lavender was off the team for the next year and the boys around me cheered; he made sure that his dad would do that, as he was the coach’s son.
“I think she should stay on the team,” I said, staring David down. Harrison quickly turned towards me shaking his head. “She’s a fast runner and has made a few touchdowns.”
“Somebody’s got a crush on the football girl, huh?” David asked, not necessarily to me I didn’t think. A few boys nodded in agreement and chuckled.
“No.” My cheeks got hot.
“Prove it.”
David paused for a second.
“Destroy her fort!” somebody called. I turned around to see Paul with his hand in the air and a smirk on his face. His curly blond hair seemed to stick out in all directions that day.
Lavender had a fort made of small, fallen trees in the woods behind her house that only her older brother, Harrison, and I could hide out in. It was covered with a tarp so she could stay in it even when it rained. A yellow sign hung above the entrance that read Get out!!!!!!!!! in her loopy cursive.
“What does that have to do with anything?” I asked.
“Everything,” David told me.
Some of David’s friends followed me and Harrison to the fort that night after we all had dinner at home. It could only be found in the vast woods if we followed the trees with yellow spray painted stars on them. When we reached the fort, the boys immediately took to destroying it. Harrison and I, however, stood to the side.
The sunset painted a bright red behind the shadowed trees. Everything was silent except for a few birds and the sound of the boys pacing on the forest floor and kicking in the fort, stepping on leaves and pinecones and twigs, cracking wood. I stood there unmoving.
“What, are you a wimp, Jimi?” David yelled over to me from the other side of the fort. He saw I wasn’t destroying the fort with them. “You in love with Lavender?” A few of the boys chuckled. I felt my cheeks get hot and was thankful for the darkness. But David stalked over and pushed me towards the fort. My shoulders burned, still bruised from the fall. I knew what he wanted me to do.
So I did it. I drew my leg back and kicked the fort in. The large branch that had supported the leaning, toppling over fort snapped and almost the entire place fell in. Only a couple of branches still stood. It echoed throughout the woods and I could feel the crash inside of me.
“What are you doing?” I turned around to Lavender who had just come out from behind a group of trees. Harrison must have gotten her to come. The woods were lit up only by the boys’ flashlights. Shadows of branches made Lavender look scary. And it was a pretty good portrayal of her at that moment. She stomped completely past me with her arms crossed.
For the second time (and not the last), I watched as she landed a perfect punch on David. His nose, this time. The only evidence of blood was the black dripping down his nose, down his lips, off his chin, onto the dirt below.
“That was my fort. And he’s my friend,” she spat, pointing at me. David grabbed his nose and, with his other hand, made an awful attempt at punching her. A complete miss. “Don’t you know you can’t hit girls?” One of the boys behind him ran off, and the others followed. Harrison sulked off in the opposite direction.
As I walked back to Lavender’s house with her once everyone had gone, I felt kind of like a wimp. After all, I hadn’t ever swung a single punch at David. Lavender had done all that fighting for me, leaving me bloodless. Not exactly the type of Jimi I thought I was.
I guess what I really was as a boy was a treehouse. Or a fort in the woods. Something people just sort of made for no reason at all, using it on weekends. Mostly, though, I was less of a fighter than Lavender was. Never threw that punch. Only took too many of them. Hardly stood up for the things I should have been breaking kids’ noses over.
When we reached the edge of the woods, she kissed my cheek. Only I blushed, though. Maybe she did it out of pity for me; we both knew I’d be teased about her for ages and the guilt I would feel for years for destroying her secret fort. Before we parted, she handed me my bike off of the ground.
“Thanks,” I said. Once I got on my bike, I balanced myself on my tiptoes and waved goodbye. She gave me a weak smile, wiped her bloody knuckles on the end of her skirt, and walked off towards her house.
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ts-autumns-world · 3 years
Episode 4: “Tua supremacy babey” - Lily O
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me waking up to see that im in the new tribe: https://media.tenor.com/images/93212119a4887f9fa0ad945c7ae2a5d0/tenor.gif
tbh i expected the swap since like we have 14 rn so its a reasonable number to do a swap before the merge.. but like this swap sucks not only me being the only one from og eener but its also me having to be with these 4 whites ppl. you know i don't trust white ppl except mikki SDFSDFSDFSDF so this absolutely SUCKS. and geekoffilm is on another tribe too.
URGH i hope i can team up with jinx and jude. and joey and i used to play together in CoW so hopefully, i am able to make him want to work with me again.. but monty... monty is very skeptical cause like they could just vote me off now. BUT THEN, i know that either jinx or raffy has the idol for sure, so maybe i need to ask jinx for that. or i just ask the person who i'll be up against with in the tic tac toe to throw a challenge if they are the og eener too. 
much to think about bestie booth. i wanna trust these ppl so bad but i have trust issues
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naur this is the plan if we go to council
imma be like joey
you are the only cis white man on the team
you have to go. 
you wanna be an ally?
so im pushing for u FEWEJFEEFJEFEIFEFIJW 
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I have to start this out by saying Giraffez, I’m so sorry! I tried my best but too many people wanted to keep us comp strong and wanted Lily O to stay. I really wish we would have had the chance to play longer together but sometimes it’s just not in the cards.
As far as swap goes, I’m really happy about my team. We have a majority from my original group which is pretty wild. I wish Chips was here and I really hope he makes it work somehow but I’m ngl I’m a little worried about him.
I was so so thrilled to see Jinx on Tua with me. I also have started talking with Captain and Jude. They both seem super nice so as always I’m hoping to avoid tribal once again.
I’d like to the think that original Llih (was that how you spelled it?) will stay together but Giraffez told me that Lily O told her that she was voting for me. Now obviously we all voted Giraffez but I think Lily O knows I was plotting. So. I hope we can stick together. But. Yeah. Your girl is worried. And excited. She is excited cause this group seems cool. But nervous because yeah I’m not ready for another vote out. Mkay. Bye.
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This swap went pretty well for me all things considered. I still have a bunch of people from my OG Tribe, and the new people seem active and really nice! So, I like my tribe. Blake offered to me today to work together closely in the game which I am down for. The semi-inactive people need to stick together and all that lmao. Other than that, I am straight Vibing
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Swap time! honestly its time to kick it into high gear and win this immunity challenge! make some real allies!
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HELLO AUTUMNS WORLD!!!!!! So I have arrived in a swapped team with 3 of my old members! SOOO happy Mikki is here firstly since we can discuss basically anything. Blake and Raffy im also cool with but not like as close with them. Maybe a bit more with Blake. Of the new people my fav is Chris !! Already liking our chats and hope it can turn more strategic later maybe!! Ricky is also cool and funny and chips I was allies with him in Kili which is cool but probably the weakest connection of the new people so far!! It looks like we are gonna lose and if so its kinda hard like on one hand we have easy majority to vote off idk probably chips or maybe ricky or we could go against tribal linesI think Blake truly does wanna work with me tho but is just busy. Like going against tribal lines is kinda fun but maybe dumb. And chips being the 1 in a 4-2-1 swap sucks too!! Idk kind of evaluating the vibe with Mikki and will see what we think later if we lose… we would probs be safe regardless being protected by tribal lines on one side and having developed sorta good vibes with Chris and Ricky from the other side so probs wouldn’t be targeted from that angle either?? Hopefully… I did have kind of a delayed start with the new people cuz of irl stuff but yah we will see!
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My opinion on swap was initially sad because I was missing out on Jinx/Jude/Joey/Captain BUT then I realize I like this tribe?? Im with Ricky still, Mikki probably is sitting at the cookout as we spesk, Chips is lowkey goody but I got my eye on him, Benj and I bond over Agatha Christie <3, Blake I knew from TDI so we have been goofin like a Goofy movie, Raffy I actually enjoy that we chat of the most mundane things, and that's everybody! I think I have a chance to survive on this tribe
My thoughts are that I've got Ricky and Mikki at minimum. I know Mikki/Raffy got beef but I doubt they go for each other. Chips is like a level-headed Joey but I reckon one of him/Blake/Benj will be targeted if I had to guess. Nevertheless me and Captain talked during our matchup and exchanged info. My hope is me or Ricky are in Outhouse but I also hope not so we have higher odds to keep the goodies all goodie and safe
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so idk where my last confessional left off but i think it was before tribal. so after tribal, jinx’s manifestations came true, we swapped, i ended up on a tribe with no one i knew except chris, so that was kind of…nnng. but hey, gotta roll with the punches. me and jinx were paired up for the challenge which game me a bit of time to talk with them, and they gave me some insight on ppl i didn’t really know on my tribe, and also they gave me a tarot reading, and it basically said that while i’m probably gonna have to deal with some bullshit, i just have to use everything i’ve learned to get over any obstacles, and stay calm and collected through it all. i’m really really praying for this one, since we just lost immunity, and now chris is going to the outhouse, i’m afraid that i’m truly all alone now. and if there’s one thing that scares me it’s being alone. i really like mikki tho, and i heard benj was good ppl. maybe if i let them know that raffy might have the half idol then maybe they’d be more inclined to work with me, but i also really enjoy raffy’s presence, so i don’t really want him to be a target. blake and i have had a good amount of dialogue so i’m hoping that he’d be willing to work with me, to be honest. ughhhhh why why why tribal. WHY TRIBAL. in all my years of playing tumble survivor i’ve never been sent to like…and exile or redemption island ONCE. not once….ever…. please god let me get to the outhouse just one time.
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First of all, lemme just say I'm so amused by how quickly my chances of no-votes went RIGHT out the door. But also thank god that it went off without a hitch! And right before a swap, no less New tribe is definitely iconic. LOVE Jinx, Captain and Jude are cool too, and then my Llih buddies are also v nice to have (shoutouts monty and joey)
Tua supremacy babey
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hello confessional booth... i'm here to give you um. something i hope!!!! 
well since the swap, i feel like i've managed to fit in better than i expected cause ive been feeling under the weather and i don't rlly have energy to talk to anyone (which is so great that our tribe won this IC) but i rlly need to work on that more for sure..
joey wants to work with me.. like a lot. we worked together for a bit in CoW before he was voted out and he was a great ally to me back then so i think i can trust joey a little bit? and he rlly wants the pocs to go far so i think this is a good sign.
with jinx, we've been wanting to talk about the outhouse thing but jinx wants to call and i've been feeling sick so we haven't called but hopefully we can do that soon. i trust jinx a lot and i know they're gonna take care of me.
jude.. you know i like her since i saw her intro vid so yup gonna need to talk to her more!!!
lily c.. my fellow teacher pls SFSFSDFSD i enjoy our chat a lot like idt its much but every time we talk, with her, it just feels great and nice and like we just get to know each other so far so i hope we can talk game a bit more but we'll see
lily o.. we haven't talked since the day the swap happened. idk why. maybe she's busy or maybe i should dm her first so i think i'm gonna do that tmr my time if i have the energy.
and monty... PLEASE idk if i can trust monty or not. like he's a good friend of mine but my experience in orgs with them is that they tried to break the swp apart (which was smart but then mikki and i are both playing so gotta keep an eyes on them)
i'm just trying to feel good and hopefully recover soon cause i hate being sick. idk i'm scared of covid!!!!! but i haven't gone outside for a week or two methinks so we're gonna pray and see.
missing mikki and hope she will be fine
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Blake suggested starting an OG Eneer alliance to Mikki and Benj. They took them up on the offer so I guess I am in my first alliance of the game based on arbitrary reasons. In any case, they seem to want to vote out Chips which is a RIP. But whatever keeps me safe for one more round.
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I don’t have an obsession with the Mr. Robinson’s Neighborhood sketch from SNL... No I clearly don’t... https://youtu.be/whfQf3Pd5bU
It’s my chronic overthinking in this swap that is going to do me in, I feel. It’s the pressure of having to actually think differently, and coming off of EVERYTHING I’ve seen in this community over the past 6 months, oh good Lord have mercy, I feel as though its so hard for me to want to not sacrifice my game, but at the same time... I feel all the pressure in the world to flip. I did have a lucid dream that if I got to a point where I consistently voted only white people at every Council, it would make my game look REALLY good by comparison, since I literally did everything I could, and no, I don’t want to hear anyone post season say this was rigged for Jinx, it’s not, we’re only going to go against each other down the road because of how this season has been set up, and it breaks my heart
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So here's some tea I suppose. I was a pretty big fan of the tribe swap because people talked more in general. This was particularly interesting considering their different timezones but continued ability to keep up conversation. It was pretty apparent that I was at a numbers deficit from my original tribe but my hope was that people didn't want to play like "that" and then if they did that my former tribe would throw it to keep the numbers. Apparently that is not true as Lily C went as hard as possible to win a challenge she could have convincingly thrown as an "accident" multiple times. At any rate, based on the total lack of communication with me concerning who I am voting it is evident that either the plan is to vote someone without telling me or that it is to vote me. This means that regardless of the situation I am in a terrible position and will be leaving sooner rather than later. I don't know that I've been swap screwed in the past (perhaps, I've been playing for too long) but it really stinks. 
For the TL;DR watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzftXB28gBE
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As I'm writing this, I have a big gulp from... you guessed it... 7/11. I need to flip on one of the three of Monty, Lily O, and Lily C. My best option is going to vote for Lily O, I need Monty and Lily C to know I'm only doing this because yanno, things look awfully awful, and the pressure of making the right move and yet making sure I don't lose relationships is starting to get to me.
I also need them as shields because theyre the only winners in this game, and I need them here as shields for down the road heading into a merge.
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I can't even believe I found TWOA IDOLS! I had to think a lot about who to give it too but I decided to do what felt like the smartest thing to do. Jinx and Captain already trust me and I enjoy Ricky but he gives semi chaotic energy. With that in mind, I had to give it to Jude as a sign of faith. Not only am I wanting her to do well, but I want to prove to her I legit want to work with her come merge 😊
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for Chips: https://youtu.be/lSeDZdSEl4o
0 notes
aion-rsa · 4 years
Space Sweepers and the History of Working Class People In Space
This week saw the release of Space Sweepers, Korea’s first big budget special effects space movie extravaganza. There are a lot of interesting things to say about this movie, but one of the things that makes it stand out is it’s an excellent portrayal of people in space who are skint.
See, I hate to break it to you, but you’re probably never going into space. Unless you’re a highly trained technical specialist (well done!) or a billionaire (pay your taxes!), your best shot at seeing Earth from space within your lifetime is the development of realistic-yet-cheap VR headsets.
And the thing is, a lot of the time this holds up in sci-fi as well. Space travellers are either living in a post-scarcity utopia, are part of the military, or are some kind of genius scientists.
Even where we see supposedly salt-of-the-Earth relatable types, like Han Solo or Mal Reynolds, their scruffy outfits and roguish ways can’t quite cover for the fact that they own and live in the equivalent of a massive luxury yacht or private plane. Serenity may look like a rust bucket, but it’s far from the equivalent of a white van, and while Mal is constantly complaining about the costs of fuel and repairs, that doesn’t change the fact that he seems to own the ship outright, and in “Oxygen” he appears ready to buy the ship for cash.
As for Han Solo, leaving for a moment his humble origins and that he won the ship in a card game, within the Galaxy Far Far Away the ratio of space travellers to non-space travellers doesn’t seem that different from the one on Earth. Yes, there are lots of smugglers and Tie-fighter pilots and interplanetary bounty hunters, but for every one of them there are millions of Tusken sand raiders, Jawa scrap merchants, moisture farmers and Corellian street rats. Spacecraft might come and go from the spires of Coruscant as regularly as buses, but the population density is such that most people on that planet will be lucky to see sunlight, let alone the stars.
Meanwhile, back in the real world, the chances of an ordinary person getting into space even in the foreseeable future vary between Willy Wonka Golden ticket level lucky, or truly dystopian. On the one hand, Elon Musk has announced the first all-civilian mission to space, led by billionaire Jared Isaacman (so, not what you’d call an everyman), two seats given to people who have won a place by donating to St Jude’s Hospital (it probably won’t be one of the smaller donors), and finally, one lucky front-line health worker.
But Elon Musk wants to colonise Mars, and sadly billionaires still need people to clean the toilets, so Musk has other ideas for how ordinary people might get into space. Unfortunately that idea is indentured slavery, demonstrating that the most prescient science fiction writers of our generation are the writers of first-person shooters.
This is why, outside of post-scarcity-fully-automated-luxury-space-communism, and the military, science fiction is always oddly quiet about money. With a few honourable exceptions.
We Just Work Here
The first and most obvious reason why any ordinary working-class person would end up in space is “they’re paid to”.
Pretty much the codifier of working-class people in space is Alien. The crew of Nostromo aren’t scientists, they’ve not got The Right Stuff. Nobody on that ship is getting a high school named after them. The crew of the Nostromo are basically truck drivers who venture off the highway and run into something nasty. Yes, ironically they show a great deal more competence, professionalism and intelligence in encountering an alien threat than the actual scientists in the prequel movie, but the first conversation these characters have when they come out of hyper sleep is about money. From the outset, these are people in a place of work.
It’s a model that set the format for gritty-industrial-working-class-people in space movies going forward for better or worse. Event Horizon just lifts Alien’s aesthetic completely for the rescue ship Lewis & Clark, as does the videogame series Dead Space, like Alien, set aboard a mining ship.
Away from the horror genre, Outland sees Sean Connery play sheriff in a final frontier mining town that could have taken place in the same world as Alien.
And of course, Red Dwarf, which not only made good use of the Alien aesthetic, but also cast the colony commander from Aliens as their Captain, to tell the story of chicken soup repairmen in space.
Across all of these stories, and of course the aforementioned videogames, the life of the blue collar space traveller is an unpleasant one, exploited by a company that not only controls your life while you work, but also owns all of your food, water and air. Indeed, it’s not rare for them to go further. In Moon, another film where the spacemen-to-earthmen ratio seems not far what it is now, Sam Bell’s employer decides to save the cost of training employees and ferrying them back and forth from Earth to the Moon by taking one employee and filling a cellar full of his pre-programmed, short-lived disposable clones.
Space Sweepers
Public Transport
But maybe you don’t want to work for “the Man”, not an unwise call given the Man is probably trying to feed you to something horrible in the hope of creating a new bioweapon. One surprisingly under-utilised method of getting into space is public transport.
In The Fifth Element, Bruce Willis plays a special-forces-operative-turned-cab-driver who, as part of his cover, wins a ticket to go on a space cruise. Although looking at the sets and the extras in this movie, as well as the packed-in-as-tightly-as-we-can apartments back on Earth, one gets the impression this is not an option open to the majority of working joes.
Perhaps the best example of this is in the shockingly under-loved 2018 flick, Prospect, featuring future Mandalorian Pedro Pascal.
In Prospect, the spaceship is little more than a rotating framework filled with cargo containers in front of a massive engine. The father and daughter prospecting team are on board a lander that resembles nothing so much as an old Apollo Lunar Lander on the inside, and as the mothership approaches their destination the ship doesn’t even stop, it just releases the lander, tells them when the ship is going to be passing back that way and warns them the line is being terminated, so there won’t be another ship passing that way.
This is a model it would be fantastic to see more of. The landing module is small enough that it’s entirely plausible that even these not-very-well-off characters could buy, hire or rent one. Rather than having the freedom of the space ways like Mal or Han, their travel options are entirely restricted by what destinations are profitable for large shipping companies and whether they’ll let you tag along. And while on the surface the aesthetic looks a bit Alien, in truth it feels far more like it’s cobbled together from relics of the actual space age.
Borrow Your Way Into Space
And finally, of course, there’s the Elon Musk solution. Borrow your way into space. One of the early places to use this idea was Gateway, by Frederik Pohl. Frederik Pohl in particular is fantastic at writing science fiction worlds where people actually have to worry about money. In Gateway and its sequels humanity has discovered Ancient Aliens left a space station nearby, stocked with a lot of spaceships. Being alien technology, humans can’t control the ships accurately, they’re limited pretty much to pressing the “Stop” and “Go” buttons, and when the ship flies off it might land on a world of fabulous riches, or it might chuck you into the heart of a star.
Prospectors who want to try their luck in these ships have to take out a loan to get to the station, and throughout the novel the protagonist is constantly aware of how many credits are in his account.
Which brings us back around to Space Sweepers. At first glance the Space Sweepers set-up might seem similar to that of the Millennium Falcon or Serenity – an extremely “used” looking ship run by a rag-tag bunch of misfits. But the first time we see the protagonist, Tae-ho, he’s in a pawn shop. As soon as he gets back to the ship we learn the crew are still paying off the cost of the ship, as well as the costs of repairs and parts.
We see an awful lot of “Space sweepers” throughout the film, junk collectors gathering up salvage from Earth’s orbiting collection of derelict spacecraft and defunct satellites. But these people don’t seem like roguish space pirates, the impression they give is more akin to app-based gig workers.
This is compounded by another issue – that to work in space you need a visa, with citizenship limited to the wealthy few who are able to afford a place on the deluxe orbiting space habitats.
Everything in Space Sweepers is driven by money, whether it’s Tao-Ho’s attempts to raise enough money to find his daughter, the robot, Bubs, and her attempt to get a humanoid body that reflects her gender, and of course, the $2 million reward for “Dorothy” which drives the whole plot.
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Often space-based sci-fi is about the fantasy of freedom, of exploration. Even shows like Star Trek give us characters whose job isn’t much more than to fly around having adventures. But there is rich storytelling to be done about the people who have to clean the space toilets.
Chris Farnell’s novella series, Fermi’s Progress, is about a ship whose FTL drive vaporises planets, and features at least one space traveller who isn’t a scientist, super soldier or billionaire (although to be fair the other three characters are exactly that). You can find part one here.
The post Space Sweepers and the History of Working Class People In Space appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/375jTzb
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hollyoaksloversx · 7 years
A Week of Nostalgia...
Rounding up a week in Hollyoaks (11th-15th December 2017)
There was some serious nostalgia in Hollyoaks this week as Tony organised a ‘come as you were party’ at The Loft. Cue the return of Darren’s string vests, Tony’s curtains hairstyle and Nancy’s tattoo! Despite organising the event, Tony was being a right party pooper as he continued to worry about Harry whilst refusing to tell a concerned Diane what the problem was. At her wits end, Diane called in reinforcements in the form of Tony’s old mate, Finn, who arrived to try and give Tony a kick up the backside. Finn advised Diane to flirt with other men at the party in order to make Tony jealous, an idea she wasn’t too keen on until she saw Tony and Cindy getting cosy under the mistletoe.  Tony and Diane eventually made up after a quick bunk-up in an alleyway (how romantic) but Tony ruined the moment when he decided to confess that Harry had killed Amy...
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Meanwhile, Luke met Mark’s wife, Jenna and ended up agreeing to be her personal trainer. As Luke and Jenna chatted, Luke came to realise that Mark had not been honest with her about why he’d been in prison and Luke’s anger was clear for all to see. Later, Nancy gave Luke her bank card and asked him to pick up a Chinese but instead, Luke went round to Mark’s and trashed the place and in his haste to get away, dropped Nancy’s card. The following day, the police came round to question an oblivious Nancy about the break-in. Realising that Luke was responsible, Nancy claimed that her card had been stolen earlier in the day. Whilst down at the police station, Nancy bumped into Mark, who recognised her from the photos Luke had been using online. Nancy quickly realised who she was talking to and made a quick get away, but not before Mark had spotted Luke....
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That night, whilst Luke was alone at the Osborne’s getting ready for the party, Mark called round and questioned why Luke was unable to leave the past in the past. An argument broke out between the two and Mark warned Luke that his rape would seem “like Christmas” compared to what would happen if he didn’t leave him alone. Later, Luke followed Mark as he went to meet Jenna and told her exactly what her husband had done to him 17 years ago. As a stunned Jenna stormed off, Mandy was on hand to comfort Luke and the pair returned to the Osborne’s.
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Meanwhile, Holly and Tom were having a clear out at the Cunningham’s and discovered some paraphernalia from when they’d played at being detectives as kids. Their inquisitive streaks certainly haven’t gone away as the pair tried to figure out just what Milo was hiding after Tom spotted his strange tattoo. Whilst rifling through his bedroom, Tom discovered that Milo’s real name was ‘Simon Jones’ and both he and Holly were left concerned by Milo’s reaction to their questioning. However, Milo eventually came round and told Holly and Tom about his past, conveniently leaving out the bit about being responsible for the deaths of Gordon and Helen, though. 
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Elsewhere, Adam was reeling following last week’s revelation that he’s not Toby’s Dad and decided to confront Darcy during the Donovan’s Christmas meal at Nightingale’s. Adam threw Darcy out but she soon found shelter at the Osborne’s, much to Nancy and Maxine’s horror. Meanwhile, Toby was upset when he overheard Adam discussing the situation but was soon put at ease when Adam told him he would always love him, even though he wasn’t his real Dad. The following day, Darcy arrived to collect Toby but was in for a shock when he refused to go with her, telling her he didn’t want her to be his Mum and wanted to stay with Adam. Determined to get her life back on track, Darcy accepted Jack’s offer of a job at The Bean, something which Nancy and Maxine tried to sabotage by attempting to plant the takings in Darcy’s bag. Unfortunately for them, their plan went tits up when the takings ended up in Maxine’s bag instead!
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Finally, Sienna and Maggie bonded over board games at their chemo session and Sienna confided in Maggie about Sophie. Later that evening, Sienna was shocked to find Sophie on her doorstep, with a note saying that she’d been stolen back. Believing that Warren would be on the warpath, Sienna made plans to leave the village. The following day, Maggie called round to see Sienna and was left concerned when Sienna told her she’d got Sophie back. Maggie told Joel of her worries and the pair went off in search of Sienna and the twins. Realising she was being followed, Sienna ran away but lost control of Sophie’s buggy, which began hurtling towards a pond. Joel saved the day and prevented tragedy but after looking into the buggy, discovered it was empty. Sienna was admitted to hospital and was left devastated and confused when Misbah told her she had been experiencing hallucinations. 
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5 Things We Learnt This Week:
1. James’ singing voice can easily be mistaken for that of a woman.
2. “Esther’s bean tote bags” are a thing. Where can I get one? 
3. The sight of Cindy and Diane brawling turns Darren on. 
4.  Milo’s favourite sandwich is banana, strawberry jam and peanut butter. If you didn’t already know he was weird, you do now! 
5. Joel enjoys seeing how quickly he can wash and sterilise Sebastian’s bottles. He needs to get out more. 
Characters Featured:
Adam, Cindy, Darcy, Darren, Diane, DS Roxy Cassidy, Esther, Finn, Glenn, Grace,  Holly, Jack, James, Jenna, Jesse, Joel, Luke, Maggie, Mandy, Mark, Maxine, Milo, Misbah, Nancy, Sebastian, Sienna, Toby, Tony and Tom. 
Past Characters Mentioned:
Jade Albright, Rhys Ashworth, Kurt Benson, James ‘Jambo’ Bolton, Izzy Cornwell, Dawn Cunningham, Gordon Cunningham, Helen Cunningham, Jude Cunningham, Max Cunningham, Ben Davies, Debbie Dean, Liam Donovan, Tracey Donovan, Warren Fox, Dan Hunter, Alistair Longford, Julie Matthews, Adam Morgan, Andy Morgan, Lewis Richardson, Finn O’Connor, Sinead O’Connor, Frankie Osborne.
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It’s Still (Pixelated) Hot Dog Legs Season
Fall should officially be in full swing by now, yet here in NYC (and many other parts of the US), it still feels like summer. Which I’m not thrilled about, though at the very least, I don’t feel so bad for sharing the above (by Robert Penney) so late into September.
On that note, time for a way overdue game culture round up! It’s been a while, and a LOT been going on. And not to be a downer, but the chaotic weather has been in the news, obviously.
Here’s a pic from Gamer Geek Nation on Facebook, who shared the aftermath of the Hurricane Harvey, along with: “… This is a time when we collectors need to remind ourselves that ultimately, this is just stuff, and our lives are more important. And make sure your collection is insured properly.”
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Elsewhere in the world, the Tokyo Game Show just wrapped up, and not to repeat the obvious, but yes… the biggest, most exciting news was the Sonic X Hooters collab…
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Though the one between Hello Kitty and Game Center CX is far, far better (photo courtesy of Kotaku)…
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You also have this comically large Rockman doll, which apparently was available on Amazon but is now out of stock…
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Though I mostly wished I had been there to pick up some primo looking attire, like this Mega Drive track jacket that miki800 gave the heads up on before show time (there was also a Dreamcast hoodie that I personally don’t think looks as nice, hence why I’m skipping it)…
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I also really like this Pac-Man shirt…
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This Galaga shirt as well…
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Also taking place in Japan was an exhibition held by the JARGA (Japan Retro Game Association); miki800 was there and captured some interesting bits of hardware, with the highlight being (IMHO) this Mega Drive clone that resembles a perfect mix of the model 1 MD and the original Wondermega…
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There’s no preview of the music yet, though may as well share the recently unveiled cover to the third (and final) installment of 8 BIT MUSIC POWER…
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Meanwhile, according to Original Sound Version, Mitch Murder has released yet another soundtrack to another game that never existed. In this it didn’t come out for the Mega CD and doesn’t involve mecha…
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Remember that Jet Set Radio figure I showed a while ago? Well, it's finally available for pre-order! Alas, it's not cheap, at least over at Big Bad Toy Store...
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BTW, videogamesdensetsu shares with us what Beat looks like, sans-cel shading…
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Sticking with VCD for a tad bit; here’s what Pulseman looked originally looked like, and he sure was cute!
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Whereas NiGHTS looked goofier… as well as more menacing….
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Am confident most people will not give a rat’s ass about seeing hand drawn Virtua Racing track designs, but as a massive fan of the series, oh man, oh man, oh man...
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Two never before seen Saturn prototypes that must be: “[taken] with a grain of salt!”
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Apparently Looney Tunes X The Matrix was actually a thing? Somehow this does not surprise me…
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The work of Hideaki Kodama was recently highlighted, which was also recently auctioned; I wonder how much this painting of various PC Engine hardware went for?
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Yet another Kickstarter mention? Yup. And this one is Jed Henry's third crowdfunding campaign: this particular variant of the Ukiyo-e Heroes concentrates on boss battles, with perhaps my fave piece being his depiction from The Breath of the Wild...
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Am particularly fond of this image from the Street Fighter 25th Anniversary art book that grease-howard spotted, of old Chun Li chumming it up with her younger self...
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Any and all BoJack Horseman fans out there may want to pick up this piece by Jude Buffum...
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legendofnes reminds of that time Batman visited New Donk City…
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It's just a bunch of cyber kids, all just hanging around, by sanigo...
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Speaking of the gang, here we have the kids from Persona 5, by @aranciart…
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Apparently, if Jedah (from Darkstalkers) ran a juice stand, it wouldn’t be the best, according to dreaminerryday…
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The individual who runs SPLENDID LAND describes SLN-003 Gacha Man as a: "vendor robot who dispenses toys. even he doesn’t know what’s inside the capsules, so he always gets excited to find out"...
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Meanwhile, here’s official artwork of Mario and Peach, courtesy of the thevideogameartarchive’s catalogue of the Mario Golf N64 manual; am pretty sure I’ve seen images of Mario looking distressed, though never to this degree…
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The above is something Super Mario Broth would normally deliver, and speaking of, may as well share some recent faves on that end! Like these photos from a promotional campaign with a Japanese sports drink when promoting Mario Sports Superstars…
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Instructions found on the arcade cabinet for Vs. Super Mario Bros (which I remember so distinctly, and fondly)…
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From some Japanese video guide for the same game (am assuming the home Famicom version this time)…
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A greeting card (am assuming a Valentine’s)...
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Mario without his hat, as he appears in a Game Boy controller test cart that Nintendo service reps used to calibrate buttons on a the handheld…
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And he we have a shortcut in SMB3 that I had no idea existed, and it’s a safe bet that most don’t either: “In Super Mario Bros. 3, the rock between the path to the first fortress in World 4 and the Spade Panel can be destroyed with a Hammer item, allowing the player to bypass the fortress. There is no obvious indication that this rock is destructible, as it is surrounded by decorative rocks. In fact, many guides for Super Mario Bros. 3 do not mention this shortcut.”
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As for Super Mario Broth’s counterpart, Sonic the Hedgeblog has seen plenty of action as well… largely pinpointing all the obscure references found in Sonic Mania, So head over for that if that sounds like fun to you! Otherwise, there’s also the Mario Bros having a Sonic Panic…
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A reminder of how Sonic looked at one point as he was being prepped for the Dreamcast; it would appear that at a certain point, in Sonic Adventure, he was going to look a lot more realistic…
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And this issue with EGM featuring a sneak preview of Sonic 2 is the very first video game magazine that I ever picked up!
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Meanwhile, oldgamemags recently posted a page from an issue of GamePro, circa 2000, on a peripheral that allowed the Game Boy to play mp3s. Am sharing it cuz I really want a GB-looking mp3 player…
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So someone on Twitter (who has since protected his account, so I’ll have to refer to nintendolife they snagged the pic before it was locked down) cracked open a electrocardiogram measurement instrument and found... a GBA? It’s theorized: “perhaps earlier revisions of the unit had different screens, and once the supply chain dried up MiE was forced to source the next best thing?”
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vice-s-assistant sez: "OK Guys, I’m ready to hack."
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According to bunney: "i was working at a convention arcade this weekend and some guy cosplaying ryu was playing street fighter with a blunt in his mouth"...
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Can anyone tell what's being played here? At the very least, it's a nice shot (via rekall)...
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Much like Arcade Crusade, I have no idea what’s going on, and I agree that whatever it is, it looks intense...
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If you’ve ever wanted an artist’s rendering of the Raspberry Pi, then look no further than the work of retronator…
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rasec-wizzlbang states: “those square cross sections of the human skin layers you always see in biology books but as like, a minecraft block”…
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Courtesy of Arcade Crusade once again comes a very tender moment…
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Is it just me or does this promo image for Food Fight sure does look like a Norman Rockwell painting? As seen on thedoteaters...
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Here we have a flyer for a really old SNK arcade game (we’re talking really old; almost a decade before the Neo Geo was a thing) that looks like it was made with today’s sensibilities, doesn’t it?
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Also via obscurevideogames is a moment of pathos from Hacchake Ayayo-san 4 - Sexy Olympics - Ayayo’s Live Affection. It’s… pretty obscure alright…
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Yup, that's Hieronymus Bosch-styled Tetris all right (via freeindiega.me)...
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crashcarnival presents: "true facts of the Ice Age"...
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Hey, it’s the Ninja Turtles playing Pong (via rewind01)…
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Behold, Fighters Megamix version 2017 (via lonelyfrontier)…
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Yup, that is definitely a Chu Chu Rocket skirt  (via radicalhelmet)...
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For those who have ever wondered what their Sonic character’s political leanings are, in relation to the rest of the crew (and can’t be bothered to sift through DeviantArt; via erratticusfinch)…
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Face to face (via futureisfailed)…
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It’s been out for a while, though it’s not too late to pick up this Xenogears tribute zine, right?
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Just a friendly reminder of how bat-sh*t insane Sin & Punishment is (via n64thstreet)...
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Zimmerit.moe has everything you need to know about a game by Square involving mecha that you’ve probably never heard of. And no, am not talking about Thexder; it’s even more obscure than that (am talking about Cruise Chaser Blassty BTW/FYI)...
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Meanwhile, Michael “Kayin” O’Reilly discusses the “Barrel Distortion” look that emulators use to recreate the look of playing something on a CRT display and why it’s total crap…
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And… that’s  it! You’ve made it to the end! Enjoy a cool, refreshing drink with Pac-Man (on the behalf of arcade-crusade)...
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Don’t forget: Attract Mode is now on Medium! There you can subscribe to keep up to date, as well as enjoy some “best of” content you might have missed the first time around, plus be spared of the technical issues that’s starting to overtake Tumblr.
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beaumontrpg · 5 years
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The following characters have been accepted to Beaumont! Please go over the checklist, and send in your account in 24 hours. We welcome you home, to Beaumont.
Olivia Harper [Cara Delevingne] played by allie
Cindy Eggers [Elle Fanning] played by rose
Charlotte “Charli” Rivers [Kat McNamara] played by pearrs
Cohen Rutledge [Casey Deidrick] played by taylor
OLIVIA HARPER is a 24 year old from LONDON, living in Beaumont for the past 3 YEARS. SHE is a BARISTA and in her downtime loves MUSIC and PHOTOGRAPHY. She looks an awful lot like CARA DELEVINGNE. (ooc: allie, 24, she/her, cst)
CINDY EGGERS is a NINETEEN year old from ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, living in Beaumont for the past FOUR MONTHS. SHE is a VETERINARY INTERN and in her downtime loves COLLECTING COOL ROCKS and LOLLYGAGGING. She looks an awful lot like ELLE FANNING. (ooc: rose, 26, she/her, cet)
CHARLOTTE “CHARLI” RIVERS is a 24 year old from BEAUMONT, living in Beaumont for the past 24 YEARS. SHE is a RUNS HER FAMILY’S BOARDING/RIDING BARN and in his/her/their downtime loves HORSEBACK RIDING and GAMING. She looks an awful lot like KAT MCNAMARA. (ooc: pearrs, 27, she/her, est) *Jude’s catfish connection 
COHEN RUTLEDGE is a 32 year old from BEAUMONT, TN, living in Beaumont for the past 32 YEARS. HE is a HOCKEY PLAYER FOR THE NASHVILLE PREDATORS and in his downtime loves HORSE RIDING and CARD GAMES. He looks an awful lot like CASEY DEIDRICK. (ooc: taylor, 26, she/her, est)
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