#he protec babey
gotham-memes · 5 years
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More memes, in which gothamites rightfully love and appreciate robin
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keeahh · 4 years
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tonyglowheart · 5 years
LWJ is a strong cultivator and a trained fighter and blah blah blah  but Wei Ying has the right idea, Lan Zhan is Babey and must be Protecc’ed 
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grelleswife · 5 years
Poor baby having to wear stuff like that 😢 no wonder he gets sick!!!
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emeraldvagabond · 5 years
Y’all really out here forgiving Eris for what he deliberately did to Morrigan, but think Tamlin deserves to die for accidentally hurting Feyre?
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millirunefactoryfan · 3 years
Rune Factory 5 Initial Impressions for Love Interests You Meet at the Start
An interesting thing about the love interests is that their intro cutscenes are not always when you first meet or cross paths, so I’ll be mentioning when you see the cutscene.
Priscilla - First Love Interest you see, she runs to you when you pass out in front of the town gate and takes you to the Silo.  Her Intro Cutscene is waking you up on your second day at the Silo.  Sweet, Shy and Delicate.  She’s a cutie and I want to protec.  Even if you played RF4 listen to her farm tutorial or you’ll hurt her feelings.  Love her hair and outfit, very lovely.
Lucy - Second Love Interest you see, she’s Priscilla hype maiden.  She initially distrusts you as a new face with no past, but after her cutscene when she bumps into you on the second day she finally warms up.  She’s more interesting than I thought she’d be, being upfront on her doubts about the situation.  I wasn’t a fan of her 2D model compared to 3D but I’m warming up to it, plus I love her vibrant bows.
Murakumo - First Male Love Interest you see, he bursts in to meet you after hearing you saved his niece.  His smile?  So healing.  His kindness?  So contagious?  His nails?  His tail?  His ab-um, anyway you see his intro when you first enter the inn.  He’s just...his lovability meters are off the charts.  I’m going to go for the love interest I can confess to successfully first because I’m bad at choices, but um, is there any easy ways to fish for Skipjack?
Cecil - He briefly appears at the Silo to talk about a “case” (someone lost their glasses) and formally introduced with his intro cutscene at the General Store.  He is. a boy.  Like Alice can like him, but all I can see is Babey.  He does have a really lovely 3D face but he has BOY SHORTS.  How could I date anyone with boy shorts!?  He does act like Illuminata’s long lost son though so I think he’ll grow on me.  
Martin - Cecil’s cool older brother, his intro cutscene is when you meet him at the Blacksmith’s.  Stoic and blunt, he’s very...cool.  Definitely handsome in a subtle way, he is. a man.  I’m very interested in gifting him scrap metal everyday...NO ITS NOT JUST BECAUSE ITS EASY WHAT MAKE YOU-
Ryker - You meet him at the Carpenter’s which makes sense given he’s the carpenter’s apprentice.  He’s not fond of Seed but he thinks you’ll be alright, I guess.  Verrrrry mysterious, his intro cutscene is him running past you as the sun sets on your second day.  He has such a punchable attitude and face I love him.  I can’t stand his clothes though why the scraps of cloth is he mummy?
Fuuka - Last Love Interest you meet on your 3rd Day, you see her cutscene when you meet her at the restaurant.  Gwaur.  She is.  Wolf girl.  I.  Love her.  She’d kinda in the Cecil category where I personally wouldn’t be interested, but man she’s wolf girl who speaks in growls and like Alice’s eyes and living her best life.  Praise Fuuka, this is a Pro-Fuuka zone.
Overall I’m very endeared by Murakumo out of the seven I’ve met so far, but again this first playthrough I’m just going to whoever I manage to confess to first.  Even Cecil, I guess, because someone’s gotta do it.  But if I just chose who I want based on only the ones I met...I mean c’mon, you’ve seen his nails right?
Also the mere fact that you can woo both bachelors and bachelorettes makes all of this feel like, very gay and I’m loving the vibes.
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crypt1dcorv1dae · 7 years
yunobo is soft and warme like mash potatoe
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mintyfrosty · 4 years
Princy is just someone I wanna gentle hold. He doesn’t know he’s babey but he totally is one. Lol
Protec him
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starkrogerrs · 5 years
Steve is a Babey and must be protected at all costs. His muscles do not protect him from mean people nd he is too soft - Tony Stark at some point probably
steve, lifting a two ton truck and throwing it at ultron: take that, asshole
tony, hovering in the distance with rhodey: that's my fuckin baby, so pure, so soft, gotta protec
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peak-dumbass · 4 years
Ninjago Sander Sides AU cuz the last SS video was an oof for Roman plz help my poor princy boi
So I’m in love with Ninjago and I’m in love with SS so I’m combining the 2 to make an AU with Thomas and the sides replaced by the ninja
I’m gonna get the obvious ones out of the way (aka the ones that fit perfectly into the role)
Thomas is replaced by Lloyd (wholesome main character that needs some f—king help like Jesus)
Roman/Creativity is replaced by Kai (egotistical handsome sword fighter/prince that tries his best to help Thomas/Lloyd to achieve his hopes and dreams/goals)
Logan/Logic is replaced by Zane (smart sassy and secretively soft teacher figure that is that holder of the brain cell basically 90-100% of the time and knows the solution to basically every conflict)
Now here’s where I start to get if-y on the roles cuz they could fill them but I’m not 100% sure on it
Virgil/Anxiety is replaced by Morro (everyone loves them too much don’t lie we all know Morro gets more love then he should and that Virgil is getting babey-ed by most people even though Thomas made a video about Virgil saying that he’s still scary and yet people still saying he’s a soft babey bean that needs to be protecced from what I’ve heard I’m not in the fandom myself, they’re both E-boys that use too much eyeshadow and were used to be perceived as a villain but are now good/got redeemed even if Morro’s redemption only lasted 44mins)
Patton/Mortality is replaced by Jay (this is the one I’m still pretty if-y on, they’re both good soft bois and are big on the color blue but that’s basically it for similarities, Patton is a goofy father figure character while Jay is bastard babey that acts more like a child than the actual child on the team, but I can’t really think of any other character that can take this role so we’re left with Jay, and no Cole won’t work cuz though we all love Dad Cole, Patton can be pretty ignorant and can think that he’s helping people when he’s actually hurting them that was pretty clear in that latest video but Cole, though sometimes oblivious, understands when he needs to stop and let someone else help and though they both have self-worth issues they’re for very different reasons)
Name is revealed but is spoiler for new video/Deceit is replaced by Snek Jay(?) (I can’t think of sh-t for Deceit other than this I’m sorry and since Deceit is the opposite of Patton, then Snek Jay is opposite of Jay? Yeah that’s a sh-t exuse let’s move on)
Remus/Darkside to Creativity/Intrusive Thoughts is replaced by Staff Corrupted/Evil Kai(?) (same thing with Deceit and Snek Jay can’t really think of anyone plus opposite of Kai)
So yeah these are my thoughts cuz I post whatever I want so deal with it :>
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The reason I like putting Diego's hair in a ponytail when I draw him is because I have a major headcanon that he and Blackquill met and Diego was just "you are innocent babey and i will protec because you good"
Two chaotic prison men in ponytails
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jcmorrigan · 4 years
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Tagged by @gavillain​, but he said I wasn’t allowed to use any of the core WHAM ARMY, so okay, we’re going CINNAMON. HEROES ONLY IN THIS HOUSE
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1. Sora Kingdomhearts (honey I’m so sorry about what III did to you)
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2. Papyrus Undertale (is best skelebro)
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3. Stork Stormhawks (protec this anxious babey)
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4. Kazuichi Soda (problematic fave of the year)
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5. XR (ultimate husbando material)
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satellitearclightv · 4 years
Why out of the trio of brothers did you choose Satellite boi?
Why V? Well lets see III is the cute babey who people wanna protect as much as he will protec yuma
IV is chaotic middle child who people love for being him then V well while i’m sure he has plenty of other fans i think he’s pretty  and well i guess mature older brother characters are neat  but hey he’s a smart person too. compared to the air about rping judai  the air about V is completely different so i think difference has a small part to play last but not least though i love his huge ass satilite 
i love him too thou
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fire-bay · 5 years
Ven looks like a scarecrow and I live it. A pretty babey boy I want to protec (even if he may not need it lmao)
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Scarecrow cowboy
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wellntruly · 5 years
It’s All Hallow’s Eve in Hawkins --- time 2 get SPOOKY
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Stranger Things 2, Chapter Two: ‘Trick or Treat, Freak’
And now it’s time to return to the final moments of last season (love thaaaat, always do this in the second episode!), and catch up with whatever adventures of Eleven’s resulting in her hiding out with Hopper in his cabin eating microwaved turkey and peas.
It seems that after her really visually explosive vanquish job on the Demogorgon, El woke up in the Upside Down school, as adrift as the flakes on the cyan air. It takes our tube socked warrior a few moments to realize that she’s been vanish’ed in the manner of young Will, because amazing to realize but I don’t think she’s actually been here before, in this world where your voice echoes in such a (wonderfully) disconcerting way. Like sound itself is breaking down in this air, aah! Leave my heart here much longer and it’s GONNA BREAK TOO, watching El stumble through the halls calling for Miiiike Miike with ever more painful urgency, oh noo.
But if we know anything about El, it’s that she’s a fighter, with a real flair for visuals. Forthwith, she has lit-er-ally clawed her way back into our world, THROUGH a painting of a claw. Fucking superb, my funky little telekinetic.
However, before she can reach the warm safety of Mike’s basement & love, she is waylaid by a positive armada of law enforcement vehicles encamped around the Wheeler house, the officials already inside, pressing on the family a story of a very dangerous little girl. Which is how this very dangerous little girl ends up shivering alone in the forest, wrapping Hopper’s flannel tighter around her shoulders. Ahh. Feel the tug of those heavily woven threads, sweetheart, they’ll lead you through the narrative woods!
Today, Hopper may not understand everything, or frankly much at all, about this weird laconic child he is hiding from anyone still bent on taking her away, but he does still know what she likes, and that is breakfast sweets. So: French toast. So: rules about how she is not to risk being seen, ever, even under a ghost costume for trick-or-treating, even if her startling him in it by just being stood there when he turns around is so fucking funny that she definitely deserves a reward.
Because it sure is HALLOWEEN, BABEY.  Jonathan Byers—sorry Hop but our reigning patron saint of making breakfast—is fixing up some eggs and toast in a cozy goldenrod sweater, while Joyce bustles around putting the finishing touches on Will’s freakin’ adorable Ghostbusters costume. CHARMING AF POLAROID MONTAGE NATURALLY ENSUES. Oh my god, Finn Wolfhard’s pitch-perfect petulant embarrassed “No” to his mom gleefully going “Okay, say ‘who you gonna call?’!”....this kid’s comedic skills remain on point.
But while their costumes too are undeniably on point, even with some squabbling between Lucas and Mike over representation, there’s just one problem: no one else dressed up this year. Why can’t my boys just catch a damn break!
Meanwhile, it appears Joyce did call Hopper first when things seemed to be getting worse, oh bless this show’s ethos of taking offers of help. 💛 They conference at the kitchen table about this new drawing of Will’s, depicting the long-limbed monster he saw hulking on the horizon, though he’s been claiming to his mom that it’s just a character design. “Why would he lie to me?” Joyce pleads of Hopper. “He’s a kid, Joyce,” Hopper just replies sympathetically. Honestly so far this season Hopper is proving himself to be A Pretty Great Dad. He’s very firm, but realistic. He’s teaching his daughter about compromising. He protec. And he’s being a good platonic partner to Joyce in all this, too. He dissuades her from dragging Will off to more appointments with a very Hop dismissal that most docs are quacks, but again he affirms that he thinks this Owens one is right about trauma, about them all being on edge right now at the one year anniversary. It’s hard, but they’ll get through it together, he assures her, just like they got through high school together, chased by teachers for smoking under the stairs. Oh man I can just see it, you cute delinquents. Anyway, did u date? Are u gonna date....again?? Pls for me???
Speaking of Dr. Owens, he and the boys at the lab are replacing equipment fried in the Upside Down storm, I believe, which continues to be very interesting. It also appears that Joyce is not alone in being concerned over poor Will, as Owens is literally squeezing a stress ball re-watching the footage of his last appointment. I gotta say, it really seems like Owens is worried on behalf of Will... I wonder how much he might be stuck in a situation where he’s been instructed not to tell the Byers how much he really knows.
Circumstances Nancy is all too familiar with herself, suffering through a great deal of stress of her own over how no one seems to remember or care what happened to her best friend last year. Distressing! Nancy, a straight-A student used to adults letting her break rules, wants to flout the very serious warnings from the Vague Yet Menacing Government Agency, and tell Barb’s parents what they know. But Steve, the boy who so worried last season that his parents might find out about his party, continues to be scared of authority figures.
“Hey,” he says gently. “It’s hard, but, let’s just go to Tina’s stupid party. Wear our stupid costumes that we’ve been working on for a stupid amount of time. And just, pretend. Like we’re stupid teenagers, okay.” Wow!!!! This is kind of a really emotionally complex ~teen plot~ going on here? Gosh I’m having a whole feeling over this couple! I was going to say “popular couple” but honestly, this whole bit of their “pretending” really seems to speak to how Steve and Nancy have ended up rather separate from their peers by what they’ve gone through. Welcome 2 Weirdos Club, my darlings: you live here now.
Other residents include: these idiots, be-Ghostbusted Dustin and Lucas, who have screwed up their courage (they ain’t afraid!) to tell Max….that they’ve decided to extend an invitation to her to go trick-or-treating with them. Aw, puppies. But Max, who has learned to protect herself with an ironic remove, just tosses a few quips back at them that mostly go over their little heads, and departs without a backwards glance for Dustin’s happily hopeful face.
We see why Max is so guarded in her next scene though, in which her older brother drives her home and in the course of one car ride manages to a) make sexist comments about the girls at the high school, b) threateningly demand Max say it’s her fault they’ve moved to Hawkins, and c) nearly runs down Lucas, Dustin, and Will on their bikes. Presumably he WOULD have swerved at the last second, but as plays it is only Max yanking at the wheel as he races toward them that keeps him from murdering three children in a horrifyingly reckless game of chicken, while he hollers about getting bonus points if he can sweep through all three. HOLY SHIT HE’S TERRIFYING?!
Yeeesss good let’s get back to the PUMPKIN PLOT, that has a ton of spooky simple charm. Eerie crop failure during the harvest, g o d it’s so old school magic, I adore it. And the plot thickens: another farmer has come to Hopper with a field of rotting gourds. Hopper, in a tired but thorough recap: “So you’re telling me that Merrill poisoned your farm, because he thinks you poisoned his, which of course, you didn’t.” The reality though is looking to be much, much stranger. Farm after farm is getting swept with this weird rot, far too many to be the work of some escalating series of U-pick sabotages. The rot itself extends off the fields into the surrounding woods even, and is oddly….slimy.
Hopper instructs his deputies to start marking how far it has spread. “That’s going to take some time, Chief,” they radio over. “Then take it,” he rumbles back, and asks the farmer if he has marking flags. Hopper, for all his front of grumbling disinterest, is actually a very dogged man. This is the form his patience takes: task patience. His patience for people is limited, but only insofar as they do or don’t intersect with his missions.
Jonathan, meanwhile, is loyal as salt to his little family---his top tier mission always. He’ll be shadowing Will tonight trick-or-treating with his friends, to keep an eye on him and be there if he needs him. All the weight of people’s attention on him is steadily bearing Will down though—he looks almost muffled under it, sad and tired. When Jonathan, on an impulse, decides he’ll just drop Will off at Mike’s and let him be a free unfettered kid tonight, Will’s face just lights up, that heavy blanket lifting right off his shoulders. How can you feel other than that you’ve done the right thing, with that much joy radiating out of his little body??
His heart warmed and his evening now free, Jonathan sighs, and betakes himself to Tina’s party. Time to live a little.
Unfortunately, Tina’s party is gonna prove DEATHLY, and not just because, eurgh, Billy is there. Though that does not help. For some reason, as soon as he sees Steve and Nancy he literally steps over a coffee table in order to make a beeline right to them, all while maintaining an unbroken stare. He is unnerving. Steve’s ex asshole friend (ex friend not ex asshole, he is still Full Asshole) starts taunting Steve that there’s a new keg stand champion in town. This implies Steve was the reigning champ, which I’m sorry is hilarious. Joe Keery?? Naww. Anyway Nancy is just immediately like “I’m out”, and we follow her over to the punch bowl, so do not actually see Steve’s response to this proclamation.
In fact, he too might have just bounced without a word, because an instant later he’s pulling a Captain Kirk reminiscent half-speed wall spin off the fridge to try to intercept his tiny girlfriend darkly chugging half of this red-black liquid wreathed in dry ice vapor. It’s a fantastic dynamic, Nancy looking fatalistic and hollow cheeked and glowering, dabbing bloody droplets from the side of her mouth in a really excellent gesture, while Steve tries to look after her with the same soft dumb worried caretaker vibe with which he oh-no’ed over her cut palm last season. This is all just very good.
Hey here’s something: slow-dancing in Joyce’s living room awaiting trick-or-treaters, Bob asks if she’d want to move out of Hawkins with him. PARDONE, Bob?? You can’t leave, all your people are here!
Such as Hopper, now deep in a foggy forest alone on Halloween night, which is, amazingly, not what at last dissuades him from what he’s doing. What is though is suddenly remembering he’d promised El he’d be home early tonight to eat candy and watch scary movies. See this is the conflict with his task responsibility, it can supersede his emotional responsibility! He wires over to her right away though to let her know he’s late, a Morse code message tapped out on channel 11—*her channel* soobbb.
El reads it, and flashes back to being a sad feral little squirrel hunter in the frozen woods, and then finding those Eggos in the dark, a lifeline made of toaster waffles. She followed it to a kind of home, where sometimes people break their promises, but do always come back. God I’m really emosh.
Meanwhile, the boys are out painting the town in nougat. Max arrives, scaring the living shit out of them, to her great delight, then sticks around to start getting slowly won over by Lucas and Dustin’s dorky charms, to their own. Will, a sweet and tender soul, is happy to see his friends happy. Mike is BETRAYED. “She’s ruining the best night of the year,” he declares to Will with just stupendous casual drama.
Before Will can quite work this out, a group of older kids try to startle “Zombie Boy”, and guess what it works. :( Stop, leave him alone! With a little gasp Will tips right off his feet and falls backward—into the Upside Down. Like most people in the Upside Down these days, he starts calling for Mike. Oh Mike, such a soft spot for the quiet, hunted ones, who love you so much in return.
And it’s again Mike who saves him, clasping his shoulders as Will cowers in nerve-icing terror behind a little brick wall, hiding from the massive shadowy beast now very clearly stalking him whenever he strays into this realm. But now he’s back in the warm-dark light of this suburban street on Halloween night, and while the fear is still there in his big lost searching eyes, he has Mike’s gangly arms around him, sheltering him from the monsters, from the questions from the others, from all of it. Hey gang I can hardly take it!!!
NOT HELPING, at Tina’s the ~stupid teenagers~ storyline is just REALLY out to sink me in the depths of the emotional currents swirling here! Forget the punch, Nancy has a whole other cocktail in her system right now, an admixture of grief and guilt and powerlessness all shaken up with the dissonance between how she’s supposed to behave and what she knows. Say Nothing, And Drink To Forgeeett. Well she sure did try, and now Natalia Dyer gets to show off her INCREDIBLE incredible incredible drunk acting. 
In the bathroom, her shirt stained red, her eyes just...I don’t even know how to describe them, damned and accusing? pained and taunting? These riveting eyes just turned up at Steve, as she slurs that it’s bullshit. All of it. This situation is bullshit, this party is bullshit, this, the two of them, is bullshit. Like she’s supposed to be in love with him? Bullshit.
Steve is devastated and angry and hurting, and so he leaves, because he’s a 17 year old boy and he can’t deal with this. Frankly, no one 17 year old boy can handle being someone’s boyfriend. But if we had two 17 year old boys, that’s like one 34 year old boy, and together they might be able to make one functional human! Luckily, Nancy in fact has the only adequate amount of teenage boyfriends, which is two, so Jonathan steps up to take her home.
Mike and Will are already there, safe in the basement surrounded by a litter of candy on the carpet. It’s confession hour for our pumpkin tarts---it’s Halloween, what ghosts are haunting you? Will reveals to Mike that he’s been dropping Upside Down, like he can’t leave that place and its terrors, those claws still in him. And Mike reveals to Will that he still feels like Eleven is out there, harboring this secret tender fool’s hope, because at times he almost feels like she’s almost....right there.
Mike: “I don’t know, sometimes I feel like I’m going crazy.” Will: “Me too.” Mike: “Hey well, if we’re both going crazy, we’ll go crazy together right?”
Will smiles at him, he has tears in his eyes to match the tears in Mike’s voice, and it’s too much for me!!!!! You sweet things?? My poor traumatized little boykittens, oh my god, you support each other, cling to one another’s love and understanding, this is the episode where characters tell each other that it’s so hard, but we’ll get through it, just take my hand.
His own hands holding a plastic pumpkin offering of candy he bought at mark-up off a miniature cowboy, Hopper finally returns home tonight. But while El eventually undoes the locks on the door so he doesn’t freeze on the front porch, she herself remains icily distant. Hopper tries to talk to her through her door, explaining that he got stuck on something, lost track of time, “and I’m sorry.” When the direct approach does not work, the door remaining resolutely closed, he tries a new tactic: loudly eating candy on the couch without her. A good effort, Dad. But still no dice.
Inside her room, El knocks the TV she’s dragged in to static, wraps a blindfold around her little head, and with this makeshift low-grade sensory deprivation set-up, steps out into that inky blackness to find Mike, naturally reaching out for her as well. For one heart-stopping moment, it seems like he sees her too. Their beautiful eyes search for each other, inches yet miles apart, and then, his heart pitching down with remorse, because of course she’s not there, Mike crawls out of the blanket fort. The veil between worlds is thin on All Hallow’s Eve, but not thin enough to bring these two together. THIS TRAGEDY. El pulls the blindfold off in her room, crying. Oh noooo!
But the night is not out of drama yet—Dustin arrives home, to find that trash bin outside still rattling and like, chirruping? He pulls out one of his prop ghost-busting weapons, oh DUSTIN, and with a gulp, flings the lid off.
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Love Letters to Stranger Things Stranger Things (2016) Stranger Things 2: Chapter One
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I just read ashes and stardust on wattpad (even tho theres only about 3 chapters) and i love it. i've only had Roan for a day but if anything happened to him i would kill everyone in this room and then myself. do you have a posting schedule for chapters?
Okay but this is a MOOD with Roan, okay? Hes babey. Must protec
I do not have a post schedule. Sorry :((
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