#he says to your face he does not consider you a person so it doesnt matter if you die
If you like Emet Selch get the fuck off my dash I've had enough of yall
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theres something so funny to me when hermits are talking about redstone and theyre like "and then theres an etho hopper clock here-"
like. of course they use etho hopper clocks, itd be weirder if they actively avoided using it, considering its like. a redstone thingy that is very useful and still works even after all this time, and from what i understand it was like. a pretty big deal in terms of useful things you could do with redstone back when he first made it because it opened up ways to do even more things with redstone
and like for the most part theyve probably been referring to that particular thing as an etho hopper clock for longer than theyve even known etho personally, considering the etho hopper clock predates his joining hermitcraft by at least 1-2 years, and several of the other hermits joining hermitcraft by even more. so of course they still call it that
on a related note, most of them likely had at least heard of etho before meeting him, even if they didnt personally watch him (tho i know some did) since he was an old school minecraft youtuber. like his original season 1 of "lets play minecraft" started when minecraft was so new it hadnt been officially released yet. literally back in minecraft alpha. he was a minecraft youtuber OG
so with those two points taken into consideration it completely makes sense that "etho hopper clock" is something ingrained into the terminology of anyone that does stuff with redstone somewhat regularly. theres no reason it wouldnt be
but when you put it into contrast with like. their actual interactions with etho. it kind of cracks me up???
its like. in my head the vibes are this: imagine building something and being like "okay guys, for this machine we need to use an archimedes screw, which is named of course after its inventor archimedes, a man so genius that to this day he is regarded as one of the most brilliant inventors and mathematicians to ever walk this earth" and then like thirty minutes later you go to a restaurant and you see archimedes, of classic antiquity fame, trying to eat a sandwich but the ingredients keep falling out in increasingly comedic manners. so you of course call him pathetic to his face, and then ask if he wants to try out your new totally-not-a-scam product that you carry on you at all times for opportunities like these. and for some reason he doesnt just say yes, but buys two
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traffytaffy · 2 months
OP Men and proposing💍
Ft. Law, Kid, Sanji, Zoro.
Sorry i haven’t posted in a bit. I had like no ideas, but this was actually requested by my best friend who was going through “marriage fever” lmao.
Requests are open!
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-Marriage isn’t something he’s concerned with but if it is something that you’ve shown interest too, then he’ll consider it. But expect a proposal after several years of being together.
-He would prefer something quiet.
-Somewhere that only you can hear the way he speaks to you in his gentle voice as he tells you everything he loves about you. 
-He wont get on one knee but he would be right next to you, thigh-to-thigh, hand-in hand… as the close contact of his warmth radiates off of him and onto you.
-He would probably pick the night time so it would be more peaceful as the moon and stars are out (also so you don’t see his deep blush)
-He looks embarrassed at first but decides to just be upfront and honest.
-He would pull out a diamond ring. It wouldn’t be too extravagant,something minimal but filled with love.
“Would you…accept this? And make me the happiest man…once more?”
❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎
-Marriage doesnt really pass his mind. If youre with him. You’re his, not a paper or a ring can tell him otherwise.
-I dont think he would care about the logistics of it, but he decides to take matters in his own hands once he sees someone flirting with you…
You nod to get the person flirting with you away…
“I don’t see a ring on ya finger”
-After…beating their ass. Kid would make you a custom ring with an engraving of you and his initials.
-Instead of getting on one knee. He just hands you the ring, his flustered face not able to meet your eyes and all he says is:
“Keep it on, you hear me?”
-And thats all you needed to hear to know you’re a married partner now…without even saying yes.
(You can not convince me he’s not a big softie)
❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎
Do i even have to say it?
He has every…little..thing… planned..
-Its Sanji, you should know he would make a proposal the most romantic gesture he has ever done.
-He’d probably buy you bushes of flowers. Petals running up and down the beach where you find a candlelit dinner waiting for you. And of course… he cooked it all.
-French wine. The best of the best.
-His suit was fresh and crisp, not one single wrinkle in its fabric. You actually felt a bit under-dressed but he assured you that you were the most beautiful thing to him no matter what you wore.
-You felt like an idiot cause out of all the extravagant dates and romantic gestures hes done for you, it took him getting down on one knee for you to finally understand what was happening.
-He has a long speech. You probably have to shut him up by giving him a kiss midway through and saying “please shut up. Of course its a yes” in a sweet and playful way obviously.
-Cause he didnt need to say every great detail about you for you to know your answer was always going to be a yes.
❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎
Probably accidentally got lost and made it to an office where he can file for marriage.
(Kidding…well maybe..?)
-He probably would propose if its something you want. As for him, its not really a big deal.
-He actually does try to plan it out to the best of his ability, asking his crew members for help.
-He loves you so much and wants this to go as planned that he even asks Sanji of all people for help. Sanji takes care of cooking a special dinner for you two.
“Im only helping you cause its for y/n”
But secretly, he wants Zoro to be happy as well.
-When it happens, you two are alone on the deck of the ship, sharing a drink after the two of you ate the dinner Sanji had made for the two of you.
-When the time of the night came that he thought was right, he is sweating profusely.
“Can i talk to you?”
-You nod and listen as your beautiful eyes stare into his, causing him to stutter.
-He doesnt have a speech or anything, he believes the words should just come to him.
But they dont.
-He pulls out the ring and looks at everything else but you.
-He holds the ring out to you while rubbing the back of his head nervously.
“Marry me?”
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naddiesflower · 1 year
Flirting with them as a hero
Characters: Shigaraki, Dabi, Kai Chisaki, Mr. Compress
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You wouldn’t see each other often when you’d go out on patrols
But oh boy, when you did
Poor shigaraki bro
To a person who didn’t know either of you, it would like you are the one harassing shigaraki
“Can’t you go do hero stuff somewhere else?”
“I could, but i wouldn’t be able to see you.”
Scratches his neck more often in your presence because, “they make me feel nasty inside”
It’s obvious you can’t see what he looks like under the hand he wears
And Shigaraki has curiously inquired a couple of times why you’re so flirty if you don’t know what he even looks like
Like clock work you always answer:
“Well i think you probably look cute under that hand.”
And cue Shigaraki trying to escape from you claiming that
“You’re weird and annoying.”
You’re one of the few heroes who come across Shigaraki so often
Its because he finds you so interesting and he semi-memorized your patrol schedule to bump into you more often 
Anyways, during one of your guys fight you somehow manage to knock the hand off his face and-
Oh wow
And he has a mole right by his mouth?? 
Omg how does he look good with a bloody nose
You recover from your short trance
“Looks like i was right about you being cute.”
You’re so glad you were able to knock off that bothersome hand off his face or else you would have never seen his reddening cheeks
You reach for a part on your hero suit and rip off a piece of fabric
You reach towards his face, Shigaraki surprisingly doesnt pull away from you, and wipe at his bleeding nose
Shigaraki only stares at you starstruck during this
After you deem your work satisfactory you toss the fabric to the floor and stand up and walk away 
You call out to Shigaraki
“That was a cute look on your face back there.”
Shigaraki just watches you walk away and out of the abandoned warehouse you guys were fighting in
Eventually he also walks away but not before picking up the discarded piece of your hero outfit, making sure he kept his pinky far away from the fabric
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Likes you cuz you’re not the cookie cutter type of hero and you’re actually fun
“A hot guy with a fire quirk, i don’t think it’s mere coincidence.”
You catch him off guard so hard 
He thought you would be an uptight kind of hero
The last thing he ever expected from you was to flirt with him
“You seem fun.”
And you did end up being fun
From then on the both of you would bump into each other more frequently
Dabi concluded that the more buildings he burned down, the more you would show up 🤭
“Why is it that your always on my tail?”
“Well maybe it’s because i want to see your face more often…also because you keep committing arson.”
Another thought that came to you is that fire really did suit Dabi
You would never admit out loud, but he did make chaos look like such a beautiful thing
“Hey what do you say, when i finally send you to the cellar how about we have a jailhouse date?”
“It’s a shame you’re a hero or else i would take you up on your offer”
Over time you’ve come to notice his disdain for heroes
Yeah villains normally hate heroes, but something was different about his hatred
But even with your position as a hero, Dabi was fond of you despite objecting this himself
“Join us, i’m sure we could offer you more than those crappy hero agencies.”
You pause and Dabi thinks for a second you might really consider his offer
But you murmur something he barely catches
“Maybe at an earlier point of my life i would have.”
You don't give him a chance to ponder on your statement before you’re charging to fight him
Something about that last encounter shifted something in yalls situationship
This was very evident when you had bumped into him in the most unexpected way
You were off duty and was walking down an abandoned alley way (because that’s totally normal)
But the sound of pained groans catch your attention and you snap quickly into hero mode, looking for what you assumed to be an injured samaritan
the injured part you guessed correctly
the Samaritan part not so much 
you stare at the bloodied form of Dabi huddled next to a garbage bin
Dabi finally takes notice of your presence and he immediately starts trying to burn you
"HEY! look im not going to hurt you!"
you bring your hands up in a surrender motion
Dabi only stops when he's aware that you're out of your hero uniform 
but he's still wary as he sneers at you
"You here to take advantage of me? finally put me behind bars like you wanted?"
"Shut up and let me help you asshole"
Dabi has no choice in the matter as you're already tending to his wounds
and quite frankly he's too tired to fight you
he stares at you and he can't help but think how much more attractive you looked up close 
and how stupid you were
You could have taken advantage of him in his weak time
But you’re here helping him
a villain
“Your kindness will be your downfall you know?”
“It is my job you know.”
when you're done you stand up with a huff and look like you want to say something but settle with
"go to a real doctor and get that thoroughly checked out."
Dabi watches you walk away and thinks
In another time maybe the both of you could have been partners in crime
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Absolutely despises you at first
He’s never seen a hero like you before (derogatory)
The first time you both met was during an undercover mission you were assigned to
Acting as a villain trying to work under Kai
You lead him down the alley way
“Sorry we had to meet in this dingy place, i’ve heard how much you despise dirty places.”
He’s almost impressed that you’d consider his ick
Almost, so the most he offers you is an acknowledging grunt
“It’s not the worst i’ve seen.”
And it truly isn’t
Just when he thinks people can’t any nastier they just somehow do
“Alright so what do you say about my proposition?”
Kai feigns thinking
He already knew who you were
And he thought you an idiot for trying to take him on your own
“I think you’re foolish.”
You hear your hero name being called through the earpiece you have
“You need to retreat right now!”
Thankfully your reflexes are fast or else you’d be reduced to nothing
You look up to where you were once standing and catch Kai’s eyes
They catch you off guard so hard you can barely hear the yelling in your ear piece
You just blurt out the first thing that comes to your mind
“Kai you have the prettiest eyes I've ever seen.”
“Another word and i’ll make you disappear”
“Not even when it’s singing your praises?”
“Sing them in the afterlife.”
Kai was never able to disintegrate you
And you got away mostly unscathed
You also got a serious tongue lashing from your company, but it’s whatever 🙄
His eyes still on your mind when you go to sleep that night
Kai’s mind is also plagued by that night 
He can’t stop thinking how idiotic you were
But his mind keeps replaying the compliment you said
He’s not great at feelings, but even he could feel the sincerity that oozed from your voice
He doesn't have to imagine about you often though
Because somehow you’re always able to sneak your way inside the hideout
He theorizes it has something to do with your quirk, since it was never explicitly stated to the public what it was
Which leads to a kind of back and forth between you guys
You usually sneak in to gather intel
But you mostly do it because you like to mess with Kai
You’ll never forget the time you had managed to get into his office
Which you weren’t aware of at the time until he walked, wide eyed upon seeing you
He’s not surprised to see you, only disappointed
Mostly in his men for letting you get past them
“What are you doing in my office?”
“Oh wow, no bird mask-? Wait, this is your office?”
You say as you spin around in his chair, you had just entered into the first room that you came across
A sly smile crosses your face
“I guess you could say it’s fate that we cross each other like this huh?”
At this point he’s used to your sugary words, but he can’t help the way his cheeks heat up, thankful for the mask he’s wearing right now
He doesn’t know why, but he feels like entertaining your shenanigans 
He walks over to his swivel chair and he can see the way you look at him
With apprehension, but mostly curiosity
He grabs the back of the chair, spins you to face him, and places both of his hands on the arms of the chair
Kai leans in, getting close to your face and manages the most sultry voice he can manage
“Fate? Or is it because you like me so much?”
He notices your expression start to change
And he’s so sure you’re going to be a flustered mess
What he doesn’t expect you do to is to hit him on the chest, effectively pushing him back, and start laughing
“What’s so funny?”
“Hahaha! No nothing- what you did was just cute.”
Honestly what he did made your heart race
And the way he looked at you omg-
Your laughing was out of nervousness, but he didn’t need to know that
Kai glares at you and huff, “get out of my office.”
Finally calming down, you stand up from the chair
“Yeah yeah, i need to get going anyways.”
You walk up to Kai and pull down his black face mask
Kai’s eyes widen and he flinches back the slightest
This causes you you smile a little bit and you lean in to give him a chaste kiss on the cheek
“I knew you would be handsome under that mask.”
With that you walk away from him and out the door all nonchalant
Kai stares at your form the entire way
He would have liked to meet you under different circumstances, but he knows that could never happen
And it never did
He’s apprehended not too long later and you knew it would eventually happen
But that still doesn’t stop the ache in your heart when you find out
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Will flirt back
“Oh you’re fun, you probably wear that mask to keep people from falling in love with you right?”
He immediately matches your energy
“Then should I take it off so you can do just that my dear?”
Compress usually has fun fighting against heroes, but not as much as he does with you
You’re like a breath of fresh air compared to the usually serious heroes he comes across
He looks forward to bumping in to you 
Him flirting back with you was an absolute surprise
It’s not that you flirt with every villain you fight, you had just assumed he would be some being filled to the brim with anger and rage
And you wanted to provoke him
Well he wasn’t one bit provoked and for once you had fun fighting
You both see each other a handful of times afterwards
But one of the meetings had stuck by your mind among the rest
You bump into compress during patrol
But this time he's not alone
He’s with a young blonde girl
You would have immediately thought the worst and jumped into fighting him if you hadn’t already been aware of the kid’s description in the League of Villains files
You can’t help but feel sad about her situation, society failing her and making her turn to unethical means to survive
You’d be sympathazing with her in your mind had she not interrupted your thoughts
And what she says catches you severely off guard
“Is that the hero you have a crush on compress? They’re so cute!”
Not once did her ever say he had a crush on you (though that doesn’t mean it wasn’t true)
He just mentioned your encounters off handedly to the group and it somehow led to Himiko gushing over one of your fansites whilst smacking his arms and saying, “look, look!”
Compress is half expecting you to be disgusted
“Is that so?” You look over to Compress and and raise an eyebrow
“Have you already fallen for me so quickly, though I can’t really blame you.”
You playfully flutter your eyelashes at him
“It would be hard not to fall for you my dear”
Himiko is squealing about how cute the entire thing is and Compress just can’t help but laugh
You begin to walk in their direction and pat Compresses’ shoulder
“Don’t make me work extra tonight.”
They weren’t doing anything yet, so you’d let them be
Before you walk away, Compress pulls a rose from one of his sleeves and hands it to you
You take it from him with a smile and walk away from the pair
Eventually you notice he’s gone for a while 
You would understand if he was making himself scarce from other heroes, but it’s like he straight up disappears
And you’re secretly kind of sad about it
But he was a villain and him disappearing should have never surprised you
But one day you spot him, funnily enough where you both met each other
You thought you might have been hallucinating because you had come to accept that he kicked the bucket
The first thing you notice is his left robotic arm
Concern flashes across your face, that surely had to have been the reason for his absence
Villains also had their own enemies, so you’re 100% it wasn’t some freak accident and someone did this to him 
You want to ask him if he’s okay, joke about it but the only thing that comes out of you is
“Who was it?
He looks at you questioningly, you’re usually so playful with him, but he likes seeing this new side of you
“Worrying over a villain my dear? I must say that’s not a very wise thing to do.”
That’s right, as much as you wanted to worry about him, your job wouldn’t allow that freedom
“I was only wondering who got to the mighty Mr. Compress before I could.”
Compress huffs out a laugh and walks towards you until he’s right in front of you
He takes of his mask
Your breath hitches, not expecting him to ever do such a thing
And then he removes the black fabric from his face
You’re too busy admiring how handsome he is to even notice him reaching for your hand and grabbing it
“Please,” he raises your hand and places a kiss to the back of it. 
“Call me Sako.”
You repeat his name, making sure to look into his eyes the entire time
You knew nothing could bloom between you two, but it wouldn’t hurt to keep playing this dangerous game
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rizsu · 9 months
BOO! gotcha~ gojo satoru.
sum. he meticulously planned the night out, she was busy with her routine. ( basically gojo trying to be bold and manly but the bold and manly doesnt want to be him )
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voice louder than ever, gojo's curled into a ball, on the couch, diverting his eyes everywhere but the tv screen. it was movie night — or so it was supposed to be. you left him alone in the creeping dark. left him all alone to tend to your nighttime routine.
you see, truth be told, he's absolutely terrified of horrors. the setting, the music, the jumpscares, the plot — everything. poor gojo wanted to be a romantic "i'm here for you," man for his girl but it seems like that plan is screwed! he does not have a plan b in mind. there was one sole plan and it didn't consider the possibility of him being scared shitless.
you both decided on having a horror marathon. as the month of halloween dawns closer, it's only fitting to watch horror-themed stuff, right? not quite. there's one person who's covering their eyes with the blanket every time it gets intense and it's no one other than gojo satoru.
the plan was picture-perfect:
a) get the scariest horror movie.
b) watch to see when you're scared.
c) put his arms around you, bring you into his body, and whisper, "it's okay, don't fear."
d) become your knight in shining armor.
clearly, this plan was not properly thought out. he's shivering in fear, waiting for his knight in shining armor to save him from the misery — and also from the thought of some demon waiting to jump at him from behind the tv.
the movie's soundtrack quiets, only the character's hesitating footsteps towards the locked room can be heard. as they walk closer, the door creaks open. nothing's in the room..? "that's... strange," they whispered, stepping into the room with their oil-based lamp. the camera pans to the left: nothing suspicious. it pans to the right: nothing out of the ordinary. it goes back to the center and—
"FUCK no," gojo turns the tv off. he knew what was about to come, and he wasn't going to sit through it.
suddenly, as if the saying of art mimics real life comes true, he hears the same hesitating footsteps. strange, the tv's off. absolutely not, he thinks, balling up the blanket ready to leave. fastening his steps to the front door, he grabs the keys off the counter. the keys have gone in the keyhole, and so did a hand on gojo's shoulder.
he freezes. body gone stiff. breathing halted. heartbeat intensifies. what the fuck.
"babe? where are you going?" you questioned, confused as to why gojo's ready to sneak out in pajamas and a blanket.
gojo doesn't respond. he's watched that movie for long enough to realize it doesn't have to be you who's talking.
however, it is you, and you're very confused. after finishing your routine, you came down to watch the movie with him only to be met with a mess of popcorn, tv off, and a missing gojo.
"babe? you alright?" you questioned again, this time grabbing him with both hands and turning him to face you.
"who are you?" it's his turn to question. you look like you, but are you really you? a question that only makes sense to the man himself.
"i'm y/n, duh."
"then prove it," he demands. if it's truly his beloved, he knows how she'd react.
hands on hip, your face twisted into a mix of confusion, deadpan, and slightly amused. "what are you on about, satoru?"
"oh my god you're an imposter," his conclusion makes him turn back to the door, frantically twisting the keys to unlock the barrier that keeps him from safety.
without looking back, he walked out the door, tripping on himself as he sought his safety. all you can do is shrug. he'll be back in two minutes maximum.
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privitivium · 5 months
thoughts / drabbles? about a yan playboy,,, i enjoy this type of character. especially when they get a bit pathetic
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landon / pestille, just so you could refer to him as a pest... i'll go with nameless for now :p
,, to say he was a little well-known was a little understatement, no? platinum blond hair, tan skin, muscular physique.. "mesmerising" livid blue eyes.. his charismatic, utterly kind personality, he was constantly making new 'friends' all the time! women and men alike throw themselves at him, hoping for a chance - but in the back of their mind they know they have to play the "disinterested" type.. but does it really work like it does in every other media? no one has tried it yet, besides playing coy.. most of the population of the campus knew about this guy in some type of way - whether it be his little clique, several tightknit fanclubs, or merely observers in the backgrounds unwilling to take a chance..
you, he's seen you around. and he's friends with everybody, mostly. he decides to take the chance of making a new friend he could use for his pleasure? you.. are handsome. oftentimes, his plans of making "friends" are ruined. walking your way with intent to touch your shoulder in greeting or "trying to get past you" but he doesn't get close enough to or merely trying to call you over by using the color of your shirt or something other - often being interrupted by his friends pulling him away, or your friends gaining your attention..
finally - coincidentally, you bump into each other at the library.. how romantic! ( and overused? maybe. i cant help myself. ) he was alone, looking apologetic as he proceeded to apologize, puncuating his apols with your name. ( it isn't weird! he just overheard someone calling you by your name, he swears! ) a group of dude-bros in the back, his main friend group, sitting at a table and whispering, laughing quietly amongst each other from what you could see and hear - "no worries." you waved off his apology with a polite smile, slipping passed him with a thick book about ocean discoveries in hand. you knew him, you must, right? everyone knew him. everyone! a-and everyone was equally into him in some type of way - why did he prepare for a much .. dramatic moment of forgiveness?? he thought you were just ... going to stand there, blushing... giving him the chance to flirt you up, but no... hrmph.
you were pretty.. and he liked having pretty people on his arm. ugh.. why doesnt he try his luck? trying to flirt you up, but accidentally making himself flustered the longer you proceed not to give into his praise. are you dense?!!
"oh, hey, actually.. that book.. did you check it out?" he appears nervous, apologetic as he lifts his hand to the nape of his neck, rubbing it. "i need that um.. exact book for a club that i'm in." he clears his throat, berating himself for the most stupidest fucking excuse -
"oh.. yeah.. i can lend it to you, no worries." and you bought it? hm. you were supposed to be a flustered mess. guys like you, "weird and quiet", around school usually were when he was talking to them.. you seemed nonchalant. lackadaisical... huh. he enjoys this.
"yeah, yeah! sounds good - uh, take my number." he practically forces you on the spot, but in a polite manner so it isnt considered forcing, right? you, a little weirded out, nod unsurely and hand him your phone with the keypad - happy to make a new friend, your outward appearance apathetic without intent... pretty easy, he thought.
he suspected you just didnt like guys... after multiple times hanging out with you and your own friend group who were a little weirded out that he was hanging out with them - welcomed him! of course, why wouldnt they.. you were so cute, talking about quetzalcoatlus and going into a debate over which pterosaur was cooler. what a nerd, he thought, face growing warm as he admires your frame while you argue with your friend in a joking manner..
he feels himself.. getting in too deep over trying to get a good fuck... when he could easily just use someone else. he likes the chase, he assures himself.
after a little digging that he commanded his friends to do for him, he's learned you had a few male flings.. so you couldn't be not into guys, right? just... not interested.. in him? what could possibly going through your mind to not like him in some type of way-? he looks over the pictures provided of your male flings... they all look different... nothing like him... perhaps it's personality? or maybe you just.. didn't like him. and this - this fuels his affection and interest.. and once he's got you, he isn't going to get bored as some would assume,,, he's a nice person! an even nicer lover! he promises... if you would just play along and like him..
his friends - lackeys, uh... people rather infatuated with him, knew better than to question why they were keeping watch as he went through your room. why were they keeping watch if you were friends as he said? .. rooting through your clothes... going through your little trinkets.. you were so cute. god, he was utterly ecstatic to find that you didn't have a roommate, it was relatively easy breaking in and entering... maybe leave a little gift behind?
with the door closed, and the two meatheads outside guarding the door.. just a quickie... using your boxers as material to jerk off and hiding the dirtied article of clothing in your underwear drawer below your carelessly thrown in clean underwear - ( don't you fold?!! ) feeling breathless at the thought of you finding them - dick twitching.. uah. even more disgusting, the thought of cutting a hole into your pillow and cumming inside,,, sewing it up and knowing you'd be sleeping on it every night - even cuddling it.,, uagh.. usually, he'd berate himself for such perversion, but he lets you fuel these thoughts.
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also thinking about this playboy x reader x grunge jerk type of guy?? both pining after same crush and tries to sabotage the other.. maybe you'll see that in the future.,,,
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moonshynecybin · 23 days
what would you consider essential marc and rosquez watching? i don’t mean races but the stuff happening around it, there seems to be so much and idk where to start 😭
BIG ass question. i think it depends what you want outta this and how you best interact with content slash consume information. for me (not to brag but. winner of multiple historical essay writing competitions in high school. for context on the kind of freak i am bringing to the table here.) the research is kind of the fun part ! like i just started googling shit! i would go to inactive blogs and just search 'marquez' on them to see what would happen ! a lot of the times that works ! but it also takes a lotttt of time lol so i'll chuck some good resources your way, why not...
okay im not sure how basic we're talkin here but um. background. so the documentaries are, i think. the best place to start. theyre entertaining and offer a good amalgamation of clips to provide context for the actual racing. and like i know you de-emphasized racing (which is fine lol who cares) but it really is like the most important thing in the world to these fools and its a pretty visual sport so i think its at least helpful. like yes sepang IS about the press conference, but its also about the conversation they have ON the race track using their motorcycles. which is also somewhat a conversation that they HAVE been having all year long...
i'd start with hitting the apex (2013), its a GREAT introduction to the "characters" that does a lot of legwork to contextualize everything. lays the scene for where vale is at coming into his relationship with marc (both personally, wrt to marco simoncelli, and career-wise concerning his flop at ducati), and also how insane marc's whole deal is in general. the second half is. materially a study on what him entering the premiere class did to the sport as a whole. the introductory chapter in many respects
marc marquez: all in. MY introduction and blissfully free online. marc comma in his own words, with all the implications of that. a self-produced documentary where he is giving feedback about the edit of said documentary straight to camera and no less vulnerable because of it which is very marc imo. revealing both intentionally AND unintentionally about his whole deal with injury, vale, and his image.
motogp unlimited. im gonna be real kind of boring. like i would still watch it ! but do it kind of later, once you know the major players so youre automatically more invested. it doesnt really give you more than marc says himself in all in tbh, and i get the sense him and vale were NAWWWT interested in doing more than the bare minimum for it.
marc's rookie doc. free and subtitled on the youtubes. the first half of this is deadass just him wanting to fuck vale so bad while every comment from vale has me saying GIRL. out loud because the foreshadowing would be genuinely shocking if this was fiction. anyways the laguna seca of it all....
next i would hit up PODCASTS ! i think it makes sense after the documentaries, because these are all podcasts that arent strictly about rosquez (even if they are in many ways the main characters lmao) and personally it helps to put faces to lesser known names that might pop up before i listen to a purely audio product and get lost in the soup of sounds. the paddock pass podcast has two retrospective episodes about the 2015 season that are really good at context, oxley bom pod has a fun recent episode on valentino that i love, again just poke around a lil
videos. these guys have never filmed a lot of content together tragically. what i wouldnt give for someone to make them do an escape room. anyways ranch visit HERE (post explaining the ranch visit here). sepang presscon (sowwy) here. vale unhinged podcast interview the month after marc's documentary came out here. vale retirement interview where he gets asked about marc here. vale talking about asking marc to the ranch here. vale postrace at argentina 2018 here. UCCIO postrace at argentina 2018 here. theres a lot moreeeee just go on my blog archive and filter for rosquez and vids its easier lol
journalism. hello. okay so you should genuinely spend some time reading through mat oxley's stuff he can write (theres a paywall but you can run that shit through wayback machine). he also loves an insane comparison which i do enjoy.... again this is one that can be solved by googling his name and tacking on 'marquez' or 'rossi' or a specific time period or race it will probably reap some dividends. in terms of specific ass articles this one is kind of load bearing in terms of sepang and some of the interpersonal competitive tensions at play. that being said there are manyyyyyy crazy interviews and snippents of articles from other journos floating around motogp tumblr (like literally too many to link) adn its fun to dig around to find them, but mat oxley gets a shoutout because i was reading this article TODAY !
other content. honestly one of the best resources I'VE found for plotting out the arc of their relationship is @kingofthering's everyrosquezpodium series. you can REALLY see it play out lol. also her tagging system rules she very neatly lays out years and races... so if something jumps out at you, CLICK ITTTT ! also all of @ricciardoes fave presscon moments series. insane.
all this to say a small little rpf fandom like this rewards some digging! i would just recommend following narrative threads that interest you ! its also a small fanbase that is pretty research oriented, so if youre ever confused about somethin, just shoot an ask or run a search on someone's blog (@kwisatzworld has endless vale resources and @batsplat is one of the most thorough researchers ive ever seen, for example) like for real theres so much... i also have a primer that i made forever ago that has some links on it so you can peruse that if you so wish. but frankly a lot of it is just using those research muscles and being sufficiently deranged enough to be screenshotting reddit threads at one am so you can post them to tumblr because they mentioned marc and vale in the same sentence and that lit up some of the neurons in your brain
(and i know you said outside of races but i think theyre good benchmarks as turning points soooo you should do some diggin on laguna seca 2013, jerez 2015, argentina 2015, ASSEN 2015, sepang 2015 obvi, argentina 2018, and misano 2019. those are the big tentpoles of insane rosquez relationship drama imo. i mean theres many more but. im limiting myself.)
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chiiyuuvv · 7 months
First time asking for riize but can u do a riize anton imagine like when he was a swimmer and both of yall become friends and u get injured and he helps u recover and get back on track hope u see it and ilysm girl 🫶🫶🫶
• PAIRING — anton x fem!reader (can always ignore)
• GENRE — pool party!! Idk the dynamic i just wrote, shy anton, mention of sungchan and shotaro
• WORD COUNT — 786
• AUTHOR'S NOTE — sorry this took so long. And i also dont know shat about swimming, so if it doesnt maken sense now it does 🤷‍♀️
• TAGLIST — @eun-luv (welcome 🤗)
It was a hot day in the summer, the house surrounded with cold drinks, bikinis, and a big pool at the edge. After his friends convinced him, anton went around the school to invite people to his house. A pool party, in short.
He wasnt surprised when people showed up, considering he was giving out free food and a warm pool to dive in. But he was surprised when he saw you walk through the door, your hair in a loose pony tail and a dry towel wrapping your shoulders.
Although he was quiet in class, he was extra nervous around you, beating himself up when you left for his constant stuttering and rosy cheeks. He wanted to impress you, show you that he wasnt always quiet, that he had a wild side to him. Maybe thats why he agreed to the party in the first place, his friends knowing his oh so obvious feelings for you.
With a nervous wave he beckons you over, taking in a deep breath to calm down his raging heart. "Hey!! You made it!" His voice was higher than how he anticipated since he really, really thought you weren't going to show up.
"Of course! How could i turn down some free food?" You joke, going in for a hug which anton awkwardly accepts, his arms wrapping around your bare waist, as you were already in your bikini. Since he was taller, you head layed on his chest, his fast heart beating in your ears.
You finally release the hug, a smile tugging at your lips when you look up at the pink boy that was avoiding your eye contact. "Stop looking at mee!!" He whines, covering your eyes with his hands as you laugh.
"Would you stop coupling and come on!!" A boy calls, sungchan. "R-right, be right there." Anton shouts back, turning his head to look down at you. "Let's go.." he quietly mutters, leading the way as you run beside the boy, grabbing his hand.
The party goes on as usual, different classmates taking turns to jump off the singular diving board in the lee family, each person showing off their cool skills.
After getting a drink spilled on, anton had no choice but to take off his shirt, revealing his toned chest and abs. The boys teasing as per usual and your cheeks flushed.
It was your turn to jump off the diving board. With each step of the ladder, you felt a new ounce of confidence wash over you. Finally at the top, you give anton a quick wave, steadying your legs to prepare your jump.
Out of the corner of your eye, you watch as anton frantically at your direction, causing you to turn around. The board was already slippery because of the wet water, so you slide off, your ankle twisting as you let out a scream.
Everyones heads turn at the noise, antons eyes widening as he quickly jumps into the pool to fetch your body.
"Is she dead?? HYUNG I THINK I KILLED HER!!"
"You didnt kill her ton, i told you your waving was going to get her attention. Shes just unconscious."
"Well thats because you kept saying i liked her-"
"And was i wrong?"
Your eyes slowly open to find shotaro sending anton a sideways smirk, the boy quickly looking down as his cheeks pinken. "Guys..?" You groan, the boys putting their attention back on you.
"Hey! We- i mean I gotta get some stuff, soo anton will stay with you." Shotaro quickly scurries away before anton can even reject, a nervous smile plastered on his face as he looks back at you.
"Hi.." he awkwardly waves, feeling a little better that youre able to wave back. "What happened?"
"You had slipped off, and twisted your ankle." He quietly informs, rubbing your red ankle with some ice. "Shotaros gonna get some more ice, and whatever else you need." He offers a small smile, giving a nod.
"Thanks." You tiredly smile at the boy, using your arms to prompt yourself up to lay your head on a chair. "Oh! Lemme help you.." anton scoots beside you, taking your head and laying it on a pillow. "Thanks." You repeat, noticing how anton was a little too close to you. His pink lips catching your attention as your eyes drift from his eyes, anton quickly noticing.
He gulps, his adams apple bobbing as he leans down, placing a soft kiss on your lips. You let out a giggle at the feeling, wrapping your arms around the boys neck to deepen it.
"Alright i got all the supplies and- anton i meant ask her on a date not make out with her!!" -shotaro
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sillyyuserr · 3 months
ever since chapter 108 tbhk has been getting progressively worse, after reading chapter 112 i had to take an hour long lap around my room before i could write this 😭
Chapter 112 analysis/thoughts
❗️obviously, chapter 112 spoilers❗️
aoi is seemingly less popular, and the burden of that has been lifted, her and nene also being much closer.
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ALSO WHAT?? Like ok lesbians
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Mei’s alive, which kind of confused me because she died due to illness?? But i guess not if shes here
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This page really intrigued me, not because of kou or anything but because of what aoi says
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She refers to teru as “teru-kun” differing to that of what she used to call him
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Which i guess means she’s close to him too
after kou runs back to the stand it shows this
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Kou and mitsuba??? HE’S ALIVE?? This is literally all we get of them so i don’t have much for this part
Nene singing at the play, having a thought just at the back of her mind, thinking she was wanting someone to watch her, but not sure who
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Until they’re finally done, everything’s quiet, she looks up at the crowd to see
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Hanako?? Im not quite sure if he was actually there or if she was hallucinating or something but she remembered him, enough to remember his name. ALSO HE KEPT HIS PROMISE AUGH 😭💔
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i dont have much to say for this because i really dont know whats going on but im interested to see what happens next w/ them
This next part especially killed me
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Teru is distressed, he’s fucking devastated, he feels betrayed and hurt by the only person he’s trusted as much as he has, teru reacts impulsively when it comes to something that weakens him. akane was right when he referred to him as a little kid, he is like a child, he does not know how to control his emotions since he wasn’t taught, and sure as hell not having a mom made it worse
also his face 😭 my mans is HURT
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Him not knowing if he should treat akane like a human or like a supernatural hurts me. this reminds me of the picture perfect arc with hanako and nene, akane being in hanako’s place and teru being in nene’s. akane making the decision for the greater good that he doesn’t even fully believe in, just as hanako did when he made shijima make the painting
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I have so much to say about this panel its insane
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The tension goes CRAZYY but also wtf
The demotion from “aoi” to “clock keeper” back to “aoi” shows he really doesnt know. Also showing he really did trust him, but now that he’s done what he did, he doesnt know how to feel about him. The “you really let me down” again suggests he didn’t at one point, and he did like him. GOSH AidaIro sleep with one eye open tonight
Akane looking worried like that shows he really did care about teru too, and what he thinks of him, i mean like look at him he looks disappointed too, but in himself
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His face he feels so bad 😭😭
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Teru gripping his tie like he’s onna run away 😭 my mans ur ON TOP OF HIM i think you got him
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Teru looking progressively more worried/concerned as akane continues explaining whats happened
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Teru’s perspective shot on the top left is painful like the rest of this chapter, him looking down at akane with a face of disbelief, as akane removed his hand from his tie, and redoes it, explaining the rest.
again, reminding me of the picture perfect arc, with the whole “be here long enough and you’ll forget your past life” with again, akane in hanako’s place and teru in nene’s
Akane says this could be a better present for Nene, and we see her initial hope of being popular come true (also taking aoi’s problem away, as stated at the beginning)
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but he also says this could be a better/more preferable present for teru aswell, which makes me want to see how teru’s life changed, and what akane considered something teru would want, and what he lost to gain it. (like how nene gained popularity but lost hanako and the connections she made bcs of meeting him)
Fuck i just realized something. Akane was under the impression teru has a crush on aoi so what if he made them closer as in like dating closer SHE CALLS HIM TERU-KUN is this what akane meant by “some people might prefer this ‘present’ over the former one. could be you president.” HUUH
i have a problem with saying “this will never happen, i know it wont, and i wont even consider it” and genuinely will be under the belief that it wont, but then it fucking happens and if thats what happened here i might as well archive my acc
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Back to the current topic, as a wielder of time, an important part of making this present, is making sure there is no way his memories will be replaced too, or so im guessing. He says "some" and “their” instead of "we" or “people like us” when talking about the people that will forget the old present. Meaning if akane des remember, he will be so indefinitely alone and self aware (him knowing so much more than the rest of them) and have to play along with everything. Everyone else has the comfort of forgetting, which will make it much easier to adjust, meanwhile if things stay the same, akane will be the only one to remember and will be like this for as long as they stay like that.
Which i like this new one, as mitsuba and kou can be friends without one of them literally being dead, and how aoi can be more open and is closer to nene, but if this is how it ends (obviously not this chapter but if it ends with them staying in the new present) tbhk is so fucked.
its kind of a win-lose, lose-win type of thing, but either way akane’s cooked.
Todays a rough day for everyone 😭
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st4r-bby · 1 year
hi!! this is my first req but i was wondering if you could write something about jack champion having feelings for actress!reader who plays as his love interest on scream? like everyone knows he likes her but her and he doesnt know what to do because they are best friends? just lots of fluff
movie : none really but they both play in scream 6 together
character / person : jack champion
pairing : !shy-ish jack x !actress reader
contains : fluff, lots of fluff, fluff that rots your teeth, jack being head over heels for the reader, reader being oblivious.
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both y/n and jack were actors in the new scream movie, jack played ethan landry and y/n played (whatever name) as his love interest. one of the scenes in the movie is when y/n has to kiss jack. jack tells mason and now they're yelling at each other in jacks trailer.
"but mason!" jack squeaks, "i don't wanna hear it. it's just a peck anyways." mason says, "but it's y/n! i'm her best friend, she's mine, i have a crush on her, she doesn't have one on me! it's going to crush me when we kiss!" jack starts whining. mason rolls his eyes, "come on, it's not that big of a deal." jack clears his throat dramatically, "yes it is! and you do not tell jenna about this or i'll stab you in real life too."
mason gives him a confused look. "i read the whole script." mason rolls his eyes again. "jenna already knows you like y/n, everyone does!" jacks eyes widen and he yells, "WHAT?!" mason covers his ears slightly, "yeah!" jacks jaw drops, he looks flabbergasted. "EVEN Y/N??" mason laughs, "everyone expect y/n. somehow." jack lets out a huff of relief. "good, i don't want y/n to know.." they hear the door to jacks trailer open and shut. "you don't want me to know what?" y/n says, confused while carrying a box of dunkin donuts.
"oh and i brought dunkin." she opens the box showing all kinds of donuts. while jack is sitting there shocked at her timing, mason runs to the box and grabs a chocolate one, praising y/n for it. y/n smiles at mason then looks at jack, waiting for an answer she tilts her head. any other person would've moved on, but jack, jack thinks that was one of the cutest things she's ever done.
"oh.. uhm.. well.. you.." jack rambles, not finding the right words to say. y/n laughs, making his heart skip a beat. she grabs his favorite kind of donut, walks up to him, and shoves some into his mouth to shut him up. "okay, okay pretty boy. i get it, you don't want me to know. just eat the donut." after she calls him that, he feels blood rushing up to his face already. he eats the donut she shoved into his mouth and she smiles. "good boy!" she pats his head.
mason looks at them both and smirks, he grabs two more donuts and leaves the trailer silently. y/n sits down on a chair and messes with things in his trailer. "interesting trailer, j." she spins around. "you know why i'm here right?" he shakes his head, not being able to speak after those names she called him. "we have to rehearse the kiss scene remember? the directors changed it up a little and said it shouldn't be a peck and it should just be a longer kiss." he curses at the directors in his head but just nods.
she gets up and walks up to him, "so it goes a bit like this.." she grabs his hands and puts them on her waist then she takes her own hands and puts them on his cheeks. "and then we kiss for like five seconds." she smiles. jacks heart skips a bit and he thought he stopped breathing for a while but they both pulled in and they kiss.
y/n would consider it amazing, jack considered it being on cloud 9. they pull away after five whole seconds and she smiles at him. "wow jack, i didn't expect that to be as great as that was." somehow jack gained the confidence to speak again, "can we.. do it again?" he gets embarrassed and y/n realizes what's going on. "jack.. if you want to kiss me as y/n and not (characters name) you could've just said so." she smiles and they pull in for another kiss, and many more after that.
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okay i admit this was kinda good- BUT THE BEST IDEA CONGRATS ANON
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pastanest · 1 year
A/N: if you’re wondering why I’m having to repost this, or why you were perhaps previously following me but no longer are, please refer to this post
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Cuddling Daryl Would Include
- so, Daryl Dixon is a bitch for cuddles. that goes without saying but is very much still worth saying
- however cuddling takes TIME, he’s gotta warm up to you a lot first
- and if you expect HIM to make the first move? hA! you waitin to die of old age too, gumdrop?
- bless him
- anyway
- Daryl is a very attentive lover, he pays very close attention to every aspect of you, even before you’re together. he cant help it, he feels this magnetic, gravitational pull to you
- he makes a mental note of things that have made you smile, jokes you have found funny, the kinds of reassurance you appreciate
- and he realises that you like giving people hugs, including him
- the first time you hugged Daryl it was like that Spongebob episode where there’s tiny Spongebobs running around inside his head and everything’s on fire and they’re all screaming but Daryl’s just standing there like 0.0
- but then he gingerly hugs you back and in a few seconds he relaxes and awh what a cutie
- but y’all werent even together then and that wasnt a cuddle so that isnt technically part of this SO
- cuddles first happen when you’re sitting next to him on his porch one night. you’re facing the street, but he’s sitting to the side, facing you
- and you’re like *sigh* and he’s like “What?” and you’re like “Well-“ and then you rest your head on his shoulder and he’s once again 0.0
- once you notice him relax, you lean into Daryl a little more, and he gets brave enough to wrap an arm around you and pull you closer, so your head is on his chest rather than his shoulder
- and he’s like dang I been missin out on THIS are you KIDDIN me????
- and you’re like *sigh* and he’s like “What now?” and you’re like “This is nice.”
- again technically not a cuddle but Daryl counts it as a cuddle so your cuddle judging is invalid go away
- as a certified cuddling champion, cuddling comes naturally to you
- literally. if you dont fall asleep cuddling Daryl then you can trust that as soon as you are asleep, you’ll be snuggling him and he’s like smh this cute ass
- at first, even tho you’re asleep he doesnt cuddle you back. cuz he’s scared, but also cuz he cant tell if you actually want to hug him cuz you’re asleep and he doesnt want you to wake up in his arms feeling uncomfortable
- but one day you ask Daryl about it and tell him that you absolutely want to cuddle him all the time wtf how does he even think u think otherwise wh???
- so that night, when you’re asleep and you snuggle into him, Daryl pulls you closer and wraps his arms around you
- he stares down at you for a while, brushing strands of hair out of your face to admire you, but his fingertips dont stop caressing your face even when he cant see it clearly in the dark anymore
- you’re just so damn beautiful, and he truly cant understand how of all the people left in the world, you gave your heart, and your cuddles, to him
- but Daryl couldnt be more grateful that you had
- his personal favourite cuddling positions involve him holding you, usually. Daryl likes to know you’re safe, and considering he would quite literally take a bullet or a bite or both for you, he knows you’re safest whenever you’re shielded in his arms
- but sometimes, he just needs you to hold him. on days like that, he cant always put it into words. you’ve been helping him verbalise his feelings, but sometimes he still struggles, and that’s often how you can tell when he needs you, so you dont wait for him to try and get the words out again. you just take him over to the nearest couch or bed to cuddle, or if there’s neither of those available you’ll let him drop his head to your shoulder and you’ll hold him while he falls into you
- you’ve really made up for all Daryl’s touch starved years, and be cant believe he survived so long without knowing how perfect your cuddles felt
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the-s1lly-corner · 1 year
When their s/o has a nightmare
Very rushed and kinda half baked idea; I apologize for any typos or anything of the sort, or if the hcs are kinda uuuuughhh
Its nearly 2am and I feel not very good (I think I'm coming down with something <\3)
Nevertheless, I hope you guys enjoy
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He does a lil headtilt when he notices you writhing around
He watches for a while, trying to see if you can wake yourself up; but if you can't and it gets worse, he'll gently shake you awake
I feel like he just barely goes above and beyond to comfort you; it's not that he doesnt care, it's just that he never really.. helped someone recover from a nightmare; and considering he himself doesnt sleep, he's kinda at a loss
Just guide him through what to do, and he'll do it! Communication is key! Need some water? Hes got it! Need to be held? Hes crawling into bed! Want him to stay by your side? Hes now stationed at the bed! Want to talk about it? Hes all ears!
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Unlike his brother, splendor has a better idea of what to do; and thats mostly due to the whole "he meddles with humans more, on a more personal and up close level,"
As soon as you seem uneasy hes springing into action and gently shaking you awake
"Hey hey! Are you alright, sweetheart :(?" As he sits himself at the edge of the bed; close enough for comfort, but not too close... doesnt want to make you feel trapped
Hes already using his tendrils to make the situation more comfortable; turning on a light, getting some water; and if you have one, hes grabbing a plushie
His go to way to comfort someone is to distract them, lighten the mood
Laughing Jack;
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I'm sorry but hes gonna be aggressively shaking you around; and admittedly that might make it worse depending on the nightmare and your personal boundaries
Probably slapping your face like in movies/j
No but I feel like hes one of the worst, what with him being all high energy and still trying to grasp boundaries and all that
If this is the first time he will tone it down if you tell him; or at least try, it'll take time
As for the actual comfort thing he'll probably let you talk about it but he'll be cracking jokes the entire time
Is it to lift the mood, or is it because he cant shut up for 2 seconds? Could be both
Gives you candies instead of water and snakes his arms around you
Probably says something cheesy, like
Idk something about how hes the only monster around or something
Eyeless Jack;
Jack doesnt sleep much, and when he does he commonly has nightmares; so he gets it, unfortunately
Shakes your shoulder, makes sure your awake, and immediately goes into filling the silence
He'll hold you and run his fingers through your hair while telling stories; mix of stories about his experiences and random shit
Its actually.. nice and sweet in its own way, since jack isnt much of a talker otherwise
He'll also be logical, offer some advice and straighten out any worries that you have
Generally just a tender moment
Tldr; slenderman is kinda neutral, almost robotic and taking commands. Splendorman has experience in comforting people, laughing jack will toss you around and make jokes about it. Eyeless jack distracts you via stories while holding you
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oukabarsburgblr · 8 days
Hello! I am new, and wanted to ask 3 things for you:
1.) Is Daichi a type of yandere, and why is he obsessed with the reader?
2.) Are you maybe interested in writing JJK?
3.) Can I be 🎃 anon?
-🎃 Have nice day studying/whatever your busy doing, keep up the good work ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧
Hello there and 3) yes u can be 🎃 anon, reminds me of that one game kubz scouts played for days on end. Pumpkin race? The one with the time that he tried to one up haha
1) to be honest, its been a while since i wrote that fanfiction and ever since then ive been focusing on my ocs so much hshsh. I do think daichi can be classified as a psychopath. A yandere? I wouldnt say he loves the reader (during his third year) and i could say for a fact even he acknowledges he doesnt harbor romantic feelings for the reader until much later (after the training camp shenanigan) however, he did harvest some type of attraction to the reader. An unhealthy one. Where the dynamic is between an object and an owner? Not a pet or a partner, but an object instead. Something he can switch on and off, mold into his liking and reader just so happened to be a perfect victim for it. Although he does grow to be fond of you, ever since how obedient you became. So many screaming nights passed in your house.
Now came the question of why? Why did he do all of this? Why did he instigate it the second the reader came into his view? I tried explaining it in the second part of the fic. Sugawara and Asahi would have treated reader like any other first year if it werent for Daichi. Maybe suga a bit sociopathic but daichi was the match that started the flame.
I think it came from the canon fact that Daichi was the rock of the team, their anchor, their foundation. I thought of him as someone youd look up to, youd rely on but there had to be days where he wasnt feeling himself right? Where he finds all of them a tad bit annoying, but that wouldnt be nice, they were his friends after all. And you came into the picture. On a bad day, where he just felt shitty and you suddenly came stumbling into the club, making a ruckus, curse words from your mouth scratching his eardrums and a thought slipped his mind where he found you so fucking annoying. However, it wouldnt be fair to thrust all that negative energy onto you so he did what he could, ignoring you until he could cool himself down. Maybe the day after he could find himself talking to you again. Wrong. He still finds you annoying and rude. Then there was this urge that came from deep within his stomach, this feral desire to grasp at you, clench at your face, pulling your skin back so you would behave- Too much blood so no can do. He still found you annoying though, hence, the snowball rolls where he decided to just change you. Sugawara and Asahi was a massive help, pinning you into the corner until he had you cumming around his finger.
If given the chance, where there would be no repurcussions, no trace of any evidence whatsoever, Daichi Sawamura would have murdered you, killing you in cold blood and burying your body deep within the mountains. A heavy burden would lift from his shoulders and he felt like the world would work his way again. But there was no solid plan for it so he never took the chance nor thought to.
Can you tell that Daichi is my favourite? Hahaha ive said this like three times now. I loveeeee him.
2) would i ever write jjk! One of my favourite readers have requested a satosugu x bottom male reader in my inboxes and i will consider but heres the thing.
I dont watch jjk😭
Well, i did, until i dropped it. I think it was at episode 20+ on season 1. I used to be a huge shounen person but now im a slice of life fan (although they can be quite boring sometimes) i guess im more into thrillers but in a normal setting? But i know jjk characters.
I used to have an obsession w sukuna haha. Ik maki, ik zenin naoya, ik todo aoi, like ik them and ik what happened to them (rip nanami) but idk i think i have to get hooked on really well for me to watch jjk so that i can write it. We'll see deffo! But i plan to watch chainsaw man first hshshs
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himabyul · 2 months
Satan & Violins
I share a lot of similarities with Satan, even when before they canonized something about him; one of them being violinist!Satan😭 In spite of me having a mini identity crisis following the drop of his canon violinist card, i think it makes sense! heres why.
1. I have not picked up an instrument in years
2. This is purely bcuz my brain is so busy thinking abt Satan so its kinda rambly. . Pls bare w me T_T
4. Not too used to tumblr writing just yet sorry if it's messy
(Uploaded on my twitter aswell :D)
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The violin and its family, unlike other string instruments (ex. the guitar), doesnt have these little things (that i forgor the name of because im a bad musician) that separates every note. those little separating thingies are the reason why people who dont know shit about playing a key on guitar but memorize musical scales (me) is at least able to strum a simple one octave melody.
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Obviously, the two come in with their one difficulty (i prefer the violin myself), but it's a little bit harder to pull that trick with the violin. As you can see, theres not exactly something to tell you where each note begins or where they end. Nothing to determine where is where. You simply have to memorize the placement and the distance between each note. You basically play the violin with Your Gut (1). We'll keep this in mind for now.
Moving on, let's talk about body posture.
Beginner violinist usually directlty face towards the strings when playing, as they aren't used to letting their 'gut' lead the show. However, more experienced players would find no need to do so. A quick glance at Satan's art could tell us he was at least above beginner level to be brave enough to face (us) instead.
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When you're not facing your violin, you would usually lean your head towards it, resulting in your ear becoming the closest thing to it- here's a real life example:
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Now, if there was anything my teacher warned me before starting violin, is that even without having your ear be the closest thing to it, the strings are already LOUD😭 so its even louder when you alr have ur ear on it. The violin is considered one of the most emotional instruments ever, their lower sound resemble what we use to express sadness in speech. Basically, what I'm trying to say is, you as a player are forced to feel what you're playing. Thus is also why you play the violin with Your Heart (2).
So, how does this tie into Satan? It's no secret that our handsome man is incredibly romantic, and to me if he ever wants to express something to us and making sure the message is clearly received, the equally emotional violin is his best bet! The violin allows Satan to play heartwrenching notes that would quickly be felt by the listener.
Lets get technical.
There's still another side of the violin, as there is another side to Satan. The way you stroke your bow matters, the way you angle it so you'll only hit the notes you want. (thankfully if you mess up, the violin is made to still sound graceful😂). Satan too, is quite the detail oriented person. He is tactical, analytical, observant, a man obsessed with striving to be the perfect one, etc etc. The need of preciseness of the violin is definitely right up his alley. The way you need everything to be correct to be rewarded for a beautiful sound. Idk exactly where I'm going with this but it's basically intelligence meets emotion kinda thing, do you see it too?!?!
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In conclusion, the violin is a wonderful instrument that both requires great attention to detail yet is also incredibly emotional and heartfelt, an instrument that requires your gut and heart guide your play without abandoning technique. Satan, the incredibly smart yet fluffy softie, is quite literally made for this and I LOVE HIM for that RAAAAAAHHHH. im normal.
THATS IT RLLY im soooo sorry if it's incredibly messy please have a sugarry picture <3 ily
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ankiebitez · 21 days
Nsfw alphabet for my whb MC Judith
warnings: NSFT (ofc), mentions of SA but not gone into detail, not really a warning but he is trans so mentions of afab anatomy and hormones
note: did this because im bored and he's a silly guy
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
very affectionate and attentive. he's not the best with it regularly but he definitely craves some nonsexual affection afterwards. gets you anything you need, food, drink, a shower, comfortable clothes, he just wants you to be happy. he's cuddly though, either holding you close to him or climbing into your arms.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
he really likes hips and the stomach area, both on himself and his partner. he got the tattoos on his hips mostly because of it too and likes when he or someone else wears something that shows hips/midriff. he cant even really explain why he likes it so much, during sex he'll either be kissing, sucking, or biting at your hips and stomach area, or running is hands over it just to feel the smoothness under his fingertips. he'll go feral if you have tattoos/piercings there or a happy trail.
bonus: he also Really likes his nipple piercings too 👀
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically)
he really likes it if his partner cums inside him, inside his holes or his mouth he'll be satisfied. has a slight breeding kink, but wouldn't ever want to actually have kids or get pregnant, the thought of it just freaks him out too much. lowkey wishes he had a dick so he could cum inside his partner, he's tried some toys that simulate that when he's the one topping, but he still wants to try the real thing.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
not exactly a dirty secret but he's pretty into being praised. he wont ask for it on his own because he feels kind of embarrassed for some reason, usually preferring to be degraded. he'll deny it, however, if you call him a good boy in the middle of fucking his brains out, he's immediately squirming and releasing with a heavy blush on his face. go ahead and tease him about it too, he is still into humiliation after all.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
he has a good amount of experience and knows what he's doing, he's been with a good few hookups and casual stuff, so he knows that everyone is into different things. he'll be very attentive to your reactions and make sure you're enjoying anything he's doing. he's pretty open minded to anything you wanna try too.
F = Favourite Position(s) (This goes without saying.)
depends on what mood hes in. if he's using a strap then his favorites are missionary, doggy, pronebone, reverse cowgirl, he likes being able to see it going inside the other person. if he's the one getting fucked he likes missionary, mating press, full nelson, doggy, pronebone, reverse cowgirl. he also likes 69 on occasion.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
a good mix of both, most of the time he's pretty goofy and flirty during it, unless you're doing something a bit more kinky. he's not against being goofy then either, he just gets too into it to really think about making jokes then.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
has a bit of hair but keeps it groomed and neat. his natural hair color is purple so the same goes for down there as well.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect...) 
it depends, he enjoys romantic and intimate type of sex sometimes but gets way too flustered by it especially if he's on the receiving end. other times he doesnt mind if its a bit rougher or lust driven, but if he is being more intimate or romantic its definitely a sign that he trusts you since he's not very used to it.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
doesn't do it that much anymore considering a lot of the nobles are ready and willing to offer assistance if he's feeling horny. he also just doesn't find it as pleasing just by himself, but before he'd probably do it once a day or a few times a week unless he was meeting up with someone casually instead, it helps him to sleep too so why not.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
besides humiliation since thats his main one, he really likes recieving overstimulation. gag him, tie him up with a vibrator in each hole and one pressed to his tdick, then leave him for a few hours. you'll come back to a sobbing, whiny little mess for you to clean up. he'd love it if you keep him tied up and fuck him like that too, he wants his partner to make him cum so many times that his mind just goes completely blank.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
he's good anywhere honestly, as long as you're both alone thats good enough. he likes it in the bedroom or bathroom most though.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
being teased. teasing kisses touches, words, or actions will have him like putty in your hands
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
anything involving cnc, it reminds him too much of when he was SA-ed and he just cant do it. he doesn't want to see his partner in that light or associate them with that in anyway.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
prefers giving, he thinks its more entertaining. he has pretty good skill at it too
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
it depends on the mood honestly, if its a sweet romantic moment thrn slow and sensual, if its a bit more... passionate or he's pent up then its fast and rough
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
he likes them okay but he prefers proper sex, he likes to take his time with his partner. probably occasionally but if its constantly quickies he gets pretty bored
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
definitely, he thinks its pretty hot doing more risky stuff honestly
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last...)
pretty good stamina! he'll keep going as long as his partner has the energy for it, he also really likes being over stimulated so just keep that in mind.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
he owns a good amount of toys in the human world and has no problem using them with his partner. he'll use them occasionally for himself but if he's feeling horny he'd much rather do it with a partner, he likes using toys with his partner too and thinks they make it way more fun
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
he definitely likes to tease if he's in more of the dominant mood, and he's very unfair about it. he'll tie you up and make you on the very edge of cuming before denying you, cooing and shushing you right after if you complain because he thinks its adorable
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
not very loud, but pretty whiney. during sex he'll mostly just whine, whimper, and gasp, hell grunt a couple times but he's pretty quiet (unless you overstimulate him, then he'll need a muzzle to keep quiet.)
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
he really likes double penetration, would like to get double pentrated by beelzebub and one of his clones but would refuse to ask for it. also wouldn't mind if it was beelzebub and bael or amon.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
from being on testosterone his clit grew into a bit of a nub, kind of like a tiny dick but its only about an inch long. he likes it though, and if you're going down on him suck on it while fingering him, he'll cum practically instantly.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
pretty high, most of if not all the time he's a bit horny. you can blame it on the hypersexuality or his heightened sex drive from testosterone, but he's always down.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
he'll fall asleep after his partner falls asleep usually. it takes him a bit to actually fall asleep but right after yall are done he'll automatically be cuddled up beside you, very clingy.
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wuucchoo · 2 months
‘The real reason why the binding vow penalty didnt trigger (yet)’
a theory. yes 212 is still living in my head rent free coz there is a lot that still needs explaining about that whole incident
First the binding vow
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Sukuna spontaneously planned this binding vow after he got interested in Megumi, coz he’s real plan was letting Yuji die - since he has more fingers around. When sukuna first offered the binding vow, he only had two conditions: he will take over for a minute when he says ‘enchain’ and Yuji will forget the binding vow. I have a lot to say about how the second condition shouldn't even make sense, but that's not what this is about. It's about the third condition that he just added in there without much thought: ‘sukuna won't harm or kill anyone in that one minute’ and how sukuna broke that condition in chapter 212. Im sure that this has been said before but im just trying to get to something.
Chapter 212
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When the moment came for sukuna to take his reward for reviving Yuji in chapter 11, the very first thing he does is break that damn vow. When he got control of Yuji, he first went to Hana/angel (the biggest threat around for him) and put her to sleep. Now, when you forcibly knock someone unconscious, that is harm and I will fight gege on this, i mean look at hana's face 😭. Let's say sukuna had a technique where the person getting knocked out won't feel pain and maybe Hana didn't feel pain, BUT putting someone to sleep like that involves tweaking around with their brain activities which causes harm to a person. Idk, I'm not a doctor. But it should be counted as harm. >:(
Then he goes and turns Yuji’s pinky into a cursed object and cuts it off.
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It is the one thing he considers harm, so for sukuna ‘knocking someone out = not harm’ but ‘cutting off someone’s finger=harm’. He took that risk coz he was ready to die that day just to get inside Megumi, and he threw a party when no penalty was triggered. Of course sukuna is a smart bastard, he had to think of a reason why it didn't trigger. And ever since the beginning, he had always looked down on Yuji so the reason he thought of was ‘it didn't trigger because Yuji is a dumbass who didn't include himself in the people that shouldn't be harmed’.
Now, this is what sukuna thought happened, and we know he has been wrong before. He’s smart, but he isn't always right. He thought gojo made some sort of binding vow at the beginning of their fight coz the purple he threw was at 200% output. When in reality, the purple was as strong as it was because of a buff from a cursed technique sukuna doesn't have knowledge of. What I'm saying is, sukuna’s conclusion on why no penalty triggered shouldn't be trusted coz he doesnt know everything.
AND THEN he goes to Megumi, grabs his hands to stop the summon, grabs his jaw and just jams that cursed (cursed!) finger in there. Now THAT is undoubtedly harm. There's just no way that possessing somebody without their consent is not considered harm. Maybe I'm wrong about Yuji and hana, but what sukuna did to Megumi was harm. Sukuna friggin broke that vow in 212. he harmed every soul in that damned rooftop!
Why it didn't trigger
Sukuna's conclusion on why the penalty didn't trigger will immediately fall apart when it's very clear that he harmed Megumi in that 1min. MAYBE Yuji did not include himself in there, but even if he didnt - sukuna still harmed Megumi. The penalty should've triggered when sukuna shoved that finger down megumi’s throat. But it didn't, because of something we have been told in higuruma vs Yuji in the culling game.
Yuji’s guilt
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In higuruma vs Yuji, we saw Yuji wholeheartedly admit to commiting mass murder even though everyone knows it was sukuna's fault. Yuta tells him ‘its not your fault’ and he just goes ‘you don't understand’. Higurama was shocked when Yuji pleaded guilty to a crime he didn't commit, and at the end of that trial Yuji was still ‘nah, it was my fault coz I'm weak’.  Megumi however knows what to say to Yuji and instead of telling him ‘its not your fault bestie’ Megumi just says ‘its our fault dummy <3’. Yuji’s guilt is a very huge part of his character, its what his whole culling game arc revolved in. And I think it is the reason why the penalty for the binding vow didn't trigger yet. 
For Yuji, sukuna's crimes are his crimes since it was all done using his body. So for Yuji, the one who harmed everyone in that 1 min in chapter 212 was him, not sukuna. and since sukuna's condition said "I wont harm or kill anyone", the penalty didnt trigger coz the binding vow does not recognize those acts as his as long as yuji feels guilty of it.
this whole binding vow business is just making me think a lot, and i just know we havent seen the last of it yet. it will come back and nerf sukuna i think. and since it has been established that no one knows the penalty of breaking a vow that's done between two sorcerers, then the penalty could be just about anything.
(if anyone actually sees and reads this, hello! |ʘ‿ʘ)╯and feel free to debunk it ✧ദ്ദി( ˶^ᗜ^˶ ))
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