#he wont feel better until he gets to stand on the finals floor in a jersey bcs the grind NEVER stops NEVER surrenders 💪🏿😤‼️
b-00-biez ¡ 2 years
"Slashers with an S/o who cries when people shout at them"
Warning: cursing and a bit of angst
Characters: Bo Sinclair, Thomas Hewitt, Brahms Heelshire
Bo Sinclair
You and bo have fights but never to the point he yells or shouts at you. This time he was really angry because a victim escaped.
You bite your lip refusing to talk back as you lower your head until he is finished.
He sighed and made you look up at him. You were crying, big tears flow from your eyes as you looked at him. Your lips quivering and you looked away.
You both stood there until Bo broke and gave you a hug
It wasnt like those apology hugs your mom made you do to make up with your siblings
It was very sincere and tight
"I'm sorry doll, I don't know what came over me. I'm sorry for raising my voice at you. " he whispered in your ear so soft and gentle.
He sat you both down while you're in his lap as he caresses your back. You both stayed there holding each other in your arms.
He told Lester to find the victim which he did and killed so it was problem solved.
From today on he never raised his voice when he got angry, you both communicated better and you two would make up pretty quickly.
If any of his brothers did the same to yell at you then he would be throwing hands
All in all he learned to be gentle with you which his brothers never ever thought he could do
Thomas Hewitt
Thomas already knew you cried when being shouted at
Hoyt was never really a good tempered person and will degrade your self esteem the chance he gets but you would suck the tears back up and wont let Thomas know what happened.
This time it was something different
You were shivering, Luda mae was not there to save you or beat this bitch and tommy was busy in the basement.
Hoyt raised a hand at you, as you squinted your eyes to brace yourself of the impact you hear..
"Aye tommy i-i was kidding.. hehe.. your little doll there was..AAAAA"
Tommy was standing in between you and hoyt , holding the man's hand back.
Tommy almost choked him to death if it werent for Luda Mae finally getting home.
Your boyfriend kept you in his arms like a baby as he rocks you.
He mumbles and grunts to give encouragement
He wont let anyone of his family yell nor harm you
Brahms Heelshire
You weren't the best of care takers. You always followed the rules so you wont anger Brahms.
But since Malcohlm was running late and you needed the groceries you have no choice but to go to the store
You planned to just have a quick trip so that when you come back Brahms wont even notice. But he did , he saw you walk out that gate.
Brahms is an impatient man, a minute of you gone it's been hours to him. But when you come back.
He stormed screaming at you
You tried to explain yourself with incoherent mumbles as you shake. He towers over you going silent, Hes just looking at you!
You broke down and into a ball
Brahms started to feel bad, at least you came back for him.
He left you alone and slid your favorite snack over to you as he sits on the floor with you
In his childish voice he started to say sorry , patting your head gently
If you're both stuck in this house he might as well treat you better
He hugs you not letting go until you stopped crying
-Just a quick reminder that if you experience this in real life from a spouse its best to leave them, although fights are normal among relationships they shouldnt mistreat you either way💕
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angellurgy2 ¡ 9 days
new story! where a deeply indebted trap tries to cheat the house, and is forced to learn his lesson the hard way :)
rape cw
in the middle of a crowded floor, where gamblers and sex fiends bodies writhe against each other in movement from various games of chance, and the air fills with the noise of buzzing golden lights and loud clammoring. Salvage sits politely on top of a plush red stool. out of the corner of his eye he watches curiously as the patrons stream from table to table, while he halfheartedly throws some chips onto his own. the dealer throws him two cards, a 7 of diamonds and a king of hearts. he sighs, definitely not the best, but not the worst. he stands and the dealer deals himself his cards, busting with two face cards and a 3. salvage grins and collects his winnings. he didn’t even really see how many chips he threw in, but he struggles to carry the winnings inside just his two hands with how many there were.
his face warms with glee and he tosses the chips into his shoulderbag - NOT a purse - dashing into a lounge area before he rips off his ZOOM-OMATIC SMARTBOY SPECTACLES 300™. they worked!!! he struggles to not burst into laughter, his cheeks beginning to hurt from his own grin. if only these poor rich snobs knew he was cheating them right under their noses. he can barely believe it worked, but he saw those cards long before they were at the top and no one noticed shit! finally he’ll have a chance to make a dent in his debt- and then he wont have to be trapped in this purgatory anymore!
he uses the short space of privacy here to scruff up the collar of his leather overcoat and tug down the bottoms of his red crop so that it just covers his belly button and pull the crotch of his cargo shorts out of his junk.
he does the soft breathing exercises his therapist taught him the week prior, putting on his (literal) poker face and suavely striding back into the pit. it’s happy hour, so a decent amount of patrons have already poured out of the casino floor and into the nearby bar/lounges by the time he makes it on the scene. the dealers all look relieved to have less on their plate, which usually makes it the best time to play. he slides into another game of 21 and smiles at the dealer, “hey john.” he greets, short and to the point. its good to talk to them, since they all know his deal by now anyway, but too much and he cant be sure he wont let slip something suspicious by accident. he’s good at persuasion, but hiding a secret has never been his strong suit.
winning the next draws are easy. thanks to his SMARTBOY SPECTACLES™ and his better-than-average memory he can win while only half paying attention, giving him plenty of space to ogle all the hotties around him. though he has to make sure he loses every so often to not seem too suspicious. by the time he leaves the table, he feels like he’s won more than he has in months. one day of being a cheat and he’ll already be reaching back into the high life- it feels so good to finally have some assurance.
he mulls over what’s next. blackjack is easy winnings, but its also slow winnings, and worst of all - boring winnings. he spends some time sauntering around the various floors, until he stumbles upon a room where multiple poker games are being played. this is EXACTLY what he needs, more rich assholes to put in their place and more money to take.
he walks in confidently, eyeing up the potential competitors. most tables are full, but a few have a seat or two open. he ends up deciding on a table with one open seat, the rest filled with the crustiest of old men.
“you sure this table’s fit for you, kid?” one retorts. sal scowls. i’m literally 23, come on. the fucking privilege on these fossils.
“yeah, it’s just right.” he grins, sliding in and crossing his arms as he waits for the next round to begin.
despite the wait, he’s grateful to get some time to look up the ‘marks’, and he has to admit, a few of them look pretty damn hot. the rugged, masculine guys sorta faded in with the greyed out wrinkly dissociated guys from afar, but they could be definitely doing so much better than this joint. he’s not even that gay - he always felt a little weird about it, girls are so much easier?? - but he cant help but look when his new specs involuntraily give him a peek at what’s under their shirts.
he’s jolted out of his head by pressure on his shoulders, reminding him exactly where he is, and exactly why he can’t be bothering with physical desires. he nods and throws in the minimum bet and eagerly awaits his cards. an ace and a king, knowing before they reach his hands. the guy next to him, an older man in a dress shirt and tie, looks at his cards briefly and throws in a decent bet. if sal couldnt tell from the expression the man could barely hide, he can tell from the 4 of hearts and 7 of hearts staring right back at him. he raises the bet double.
the rounds go by quick, the bluffing man folds after the river shows a king and a ten, and other two join shortly after. him and 2 other guys get to a pretty tight finish, one of them having a 2 pair and the other having a three of a kind. but sal knows the river will end in his favour. the dealer throws down the last card, raises the bet once more, and wins handedly. he scrapes the chips to his front and gives them all an egotist grin.
one hand down, the rest of theirs to go.
it’s by the 5th game that something comes to stop his reign.
“Sally. Vance wants to see you. now.”
fuck. “cant you see i’m in the middle of something?” hate this asshole. i was just about to finish up here.
“he said now. i wouldnt make him wait.”
“fuck. fuck. fine.”
by the time he arrives back at his usual games, the atrium is crowded almost to full. he loses his sense of time utterly when he’s in play, no clue how long he was at that poker table, but it had to have been decently long if the post-work gamblers have arrived already. he scans over the floor managers looking for Vance. the senior of them all, and the asshole who watched over his debt and servitude. sal thought he wouldn’t have been here on the weekend, thought he’d probably be at home with his whore wife or something- but he thought wrong.
vance leans against the wall like a jock on a lightpole, donning his typical pristine checkered suit and slick black sunglasses. he thinks he’s so cool, just because he has power in this little pocket of space. its honestly pathetic. vances eyes dart up spotting him, and he whistles beckoning sal.
“whatcha been up to today, kid?” stay cool.
he shrugs, manifesting casual. “blackjack and poker, mostly.”
“that it?”
“yeah. been getting pretty lucky today, actually.”
“that so?” vance kicks his leg up, “cause’ i’ve heard you’ve been getting very lucky.”
sal shrugs again and looks away and vance steps closer to close the gap between them. he smells like cigarettes and some shitty strong cologne with a scent probably named something like ‘SPORTS DELUGE’.
“yeah man i just said that-” he stumbles backwards a step, he feels his heart drop in his chest and shouts shame at it in his head. “what gives??”
a heavily silence weighs down the oxygen around them. vance’s breath reeks, but it also overpowers.
he reaches a hand out to salvage’s cheek. sal tries to dodge backwards but vance moves it quick enough to grab his hair in retaliation. hand tight on the bottom of his pony, forced to look him dead in the eyes, right into his own mirrored reflection.
“c’mon sally, you know we don’t take kindly to cheats here-” he lowers his lips to sal’s ear, “you were supposed to be the example of that.”
sal tries to push him but his body is so blocky and his position is so firm that all it does is make an embarrassing thump.
“you want an assault charge too, sally?” the grip on his hair moves down to the back of the neck. he speaks quieter, looking around for prying eyes “i dont think you wanna see what’ll happen if we get that too”
“fuck off vance i’m not fucking cheating-” ringing shoots through his ears alongside a loud pop, red welters his cheek and vance looks down at him with the same happy-yet-still-scowling look as always.
sal can barely see through the blur and daze, and vance takes advantage. grabbing him by the collar and ripping them off the sides and into the middle of the floor, where everyone’s still gambling as if everything is of the ordinary. which it is, of course. who would ever care about what the managers are doing to some random guy? he’s probably just an unruly addict.
vance slams salvage’s back into a golden railing that outlines the table space, coursing pain up through his spinal. he’s never going to get his brains back at this rate. vance grabs his hair again, pulling it taught and shifting his other hand up sal’s side, and grabbing his waist, hard. sal bares his teeth in some sort of stupid attempt at looking confident.
“fuck. you.”
another slap leaves tears dribbling out of his plical and fading down his sweltering cheeks. vance’s filthy boney manhands continue dragging further down, until he’s groping sal’s ass through his shorts, grinning like an egotistical child, stealing another kid’s toys.
“get off me vance i didnt fucking cheat i was just trying to play leave me alone dont do this in front of all these people stop it please man cmon”
vance rips the glasses off of sal’s face.
he gives them a glance over, gaze looking deep into the where the little cameras are hidden. he looks up at sal, grins, and crushes them in his hand. sal almost bursts into tears. he payed so much to get those in his subscription- so deep in debt he had to take a loan out with a DIFFERENT shady entity, but it was supposed to be his one good chance at breaking at all- was supposed to save him.
now his dreams lay shattered at his feet.
he doesn’t even realize his shorts are at his ankles until vance’s hands are groping his taint thorugh his panties.
“fucking trap.” he mutters.
sal starts screaming in his head knowing he can’t make even more of a ruckus here. they’re just comfortable man i’m not a girl they’re just cozier okay god its not gay and so what shut up shut up shut up fuck!!!
two fingers wrap under the waistband, tugging. wait- wait no not here not in front of everyone not “here not here stop please vance don’t do this we can go to your office we can- just not like this please? please.” he can only make himself whimper.
and theyre at his feet too. his little- his dick flops out uselessly as they drop. he immediately notices eyes beginning to stare, some hungrily, some scowling, but none speaking.
“this won’t make the tiniest dent in your debt. but you’re already our property so, who cares right?”
vance grabs sal’s legs and pulls them over his shoulders. sal’s completely suspended now, if he tries to rip himself out or if vance moves too far back he’ll fall and hit his head on the hard wood floor. he looks down and just the foot or two of space between them and the ground is enough to make him lightheaded, terrified.
vance moves forward and spreads sal to the air. he cant look, but he can feel beady eyes staring it down, watching with glee as vance shoves himself inside, shamefully easy.
“do this often, huh girlie?” vance laughs heartily. sal dreams of stabbing a straight razor through his veiny ugly neck, watching the blood spurt out and coat him happily.
“kill yourself.”
sal feels so full, more than he ever has. he hasn’t taken a real dick since, what 2 years ago? back in his college ‘exploration’ phase. he mostly keeps it to the knotted and monster toys now, not that that makes it any less embarrassing as his hole easily and eagerly stretches to fit vance’s huge cock. he has to close his eyes once he sees his own harden in response to his enemy’s thrusts.
“y’know. you should probably talk nicer to the people who decide if you get to live here, or if you get sent to the kennel.”
“ ‘wHaT’, do you really think that, the people who own the biggest casino company in the state, wouldn’t have other ‘ventures’?” vance’s smile finally seems to droop. but the thrusts only get harder, only force more pathetic self-hating squeaks out of salvage, choking his words into tattered paper.
“what- are- you- t-a-aalking about”
vance leans in closer, brushing a hand through salvage’s locks falling out of his ponytail. he feels pulsing, heat rising, the tip digging deeper into his guts then hes ever felt, and then hears vance grunting in deplorable satisfaction, voice glowing with pride.
“i’m saying we’re going to sell you, sally.”
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lacrysan ¡ 1 year
Promises from a Broken Man
Part 2 of :
Modern!AU Shanks
CW: Drinking, Cheating, Angst, Like oh lord this gets sad, Angst with comfort
Shanks, a man whom many recalled as prestigious and always professional and well, was now everything but those words. He was a mess. Just like the mess he made the moment he spilled his wine after realizing he committed adultery. As Y/N ran out the gala in tears, he felt his whole future flee with her.
He was never an affectionate husband. He knew that. He always hated it. Whenever he was in Y/N’s arms he felt safe and happy. He always loved that feeling. He always loved having her around and being able to spend his hours with her. Yet he realizes now that this wasn’t some business deal where he usually gets all the benefits. This was a promise. A promise he broke, and unlike the business contracts where there can always be a better one soon, there was no better woman than Y/N.
He was masked by the foolishness of lust. Lust that was so short term for him. For while he may enjoy the beauty of a young lady, he loves the warmth, comfort, and own beauty of Y/N. He had always been drunk with her love and yet he got rid of it all for some drink and kiss. He knew he was foolish. And he still is, for instead of being foolish enough to break your heart, he is foolish enough to believe he can somehow, just somehow win you back.
You caught a glimpse of the fool one night, you have finally settled into your own small apartment. You were getting ready to clean when you heard a knock at your door. You opened it to see a disheveled Shanks, standing there looking like he lost everything, which to be fair thats how he felt.
“Y/N…my dear-”
You closed the door. You wanted to go and close your bedroom door and stay there until he leaves for good, but you knew Shanks, you knew he wouldnt hesitate to do anything for what he wants, even if it means doing something like staying in front of your door till you give him a chance to speak. While you were really pissed off, you still couldn’t bear the idea of him just standing there like a rejected puppy. So you opened the door, to see him in tears.
“Y/N? Oh thank you so much for opening the door love.” He says through sniffs and tears. “Please, hear me out, I have nothing to say to excuse myself, however…” He proceeds to get on his knees as he broke down in front of you, revealing the cracks of his heart, just like the cracks of the wine glass he dropped that night. “My dear Y/N, I was such a fool for treating you like an awful husband. You deserve nothing less than a worshipper who would treat you like the goddess you really are. I do not expect anything, however, I do wish that we can start over…” He cries out in tears, his eyes are red as his crimson hair, his luxury suit messed up by the dirt on the floor. You recall a memory where he said he would never mess up his suits, and yet here he was.
You tried to back away, you wanted to hold him and tell him you love him. Yet you were scared, you were so scared. What if he broke his promise again? What if he drinks again and does this all over again? This was already too much for you so what if he does it all over? Your thoughts were broken when Shanks got up and engulfed you in a hug.
“I know you think that I will break your heart again, that I will break our promise that shouldve never been damaged in the first place, but I wont. I realized now that when breaking a promise like this, breaks the person who even dared to interfere with the promise in the first place. I am a broken man. Please Y/N. Please…take me back. Please hold and kiss me like you did. Please fix my heart, and Ill fix yours. Ill never break our promise again. Just please give me a chance. I dont think I can live without you my love, my heart, my soul, my world…my Y/N.”
He just clings onto you like you were the only one he was holding onto to stop himself from falling into an abyss. A void of despair and depression. A place you knew all too well after what he did. It was a pain you wouldn’t even want to wish on your own enemies. So, you decided to try and get yourself out of the void, and prevent the man you loved from falling into it. You hugged him back and just sobbed. You cried and let out a bunch of tears, strings of curse words and calling him a jerk, meanie, etc. Yet it felt so freeing. It felt amazing knowing you were back in his arms.
So, you and Shanks filled in the broken bond between you two. You were ready to mend those broken promises with him as well. Lastly, you were both ready to fix one another. The broken man and his lover, have found their missing pieces in one another.
Author’s note: Hi loves! Sorry for the holdup on this post. School years ending so I have to wrap things up. Though I hope I can write a bunch more things for yall this summer! Write any suggestions below, however I think my next idea will be a Modern!AU Ace. Anyways, stay safe and healthy. 💐
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beastofburdenxo ¡ 11 months
Night In The Tunnels
Be nice guys, this is my very first fic. Tommy has a bad nightmare and needs you. Language, Slight gun use. 1.2k words
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You lay in bed, listening to the rain falling on the old metal roof. Tommy is next to you, moonlight illuminating his sleeping form through the window. You love seeing him like this, peaceful, content. Since he came back from France he has a hard time sleeping, sometimes using his opium pipe to help him. He tries his best to hide it from you so you wont worry, but its to no use. You can tell when he uses it and when he doesn’t. You want to sleep, but at the same time you don’t want to miss a moment of his peace. You wish he would talk to you about it, but that’s tommy for you, doesn’t want to scare you with his thoughts. He keeps it all inside bottled up and locked away, but you aren’t afraid, you just want him to feel safe enough with you to let it out and get that demon off his back. You hope that by just being there for him and loving him the best you can that one day he’ll decide to let you into that part of him. But until then you just lay there tempted to touch his smooth handsome face, at the same time not wanting to wake him from his few and far between moments of sleep. So you settle for resting your head on his chest and you lightly kiss his collarbone goodnight as sleep finally takes you.  
Unknown moments of time pass as you wake to tommy twitching underneath your sleeping face. His skin no longer warm but clammy, thin cover of sweat covering him. His sleep is no longer happy as you look and see his face scrunched up, heavy breathing as you wonder if he’s dreaming about France from long ago, being in the tunnels watching his friends being picked off one by one. Before you can raise up and wake him from his nightmare to console him, he shoots up out of bed onto the hard floor. He lands on his stomach with his hands over his ears. “Do you hear that? Oh god they’re coming for us, they’re coming though the walls, they’re coming for us!!” Tommy shouts at no one in particular. “Get ready boys, man your stations, God help us all!” he cries. You get out of bed, just in time for tommy to get up and reach for his gun by his bedside. This is nothing new, you’ve told him many times not to leave his gun there for times like these, but he wouldn’t hear of it. “A peaky blinder always needs his gun, love.” he’d tell you. “Too much going on out there, too dangerous without it these days. Gotta protect you from my enemies, eh?” not realizing that sometimes he is his worst enemy.  
“Tommy, no!” you shout, but it falls on deaf ears. During episodes like this he is in his own world, oblivious to the fact that he is home and safe with you. He stands to a crouch with gun in his hand, waving it around. “I hear you bastards, come out and let’s see who gets sent to hell first!” you continue to shout his name trying to get him out of his nightmare to no avail. The very first time he did this it scared you to no end, you stood in the corner of the room contemplating leaving all together. But you didn’t, you just let him go on and on and he eventually wore himself out, curled up in the floor gun still in hand. You kicked the gun away and covered him with a blanket, as he gasped for breath in between sobs apologizing. You knew then he was sick and he needed you, as you rubbed his back telling him it was going to be okay. The nights after that was touch and go, some better than others. Tonight was a bad one, the first one in a while.  
Tommy continued to stare at the walls like he was daring them to move. Gun being waved from one wall to another. “i’m ready this time,” he shouted, sweat pouring off his shirtless body. You get up out of bed quietly to not scare him and accidentally shoot you. “Tommy! Tommy!” you cry out, “Please put the gun down, it’s me, you're home!” he turns and finally sees you, but to him you are Martin his friend that died in front of him in the tunnels. “Martin, get your gun out dammit! I hear the scratching, don’t you hear the scratching?!” he asks. He comes up to you and grabs your shoulders, “Martin I tried, I didn’t see them behind you, I failed you martin, please forgive me! You had a family waiting for you back home, and i let you die. Fuck, it should have been me! I should be the one dead in the tunnels not you!” at this point poor tommy is crying, his head on your chest in front of you, sobbing for his long lost friend that he feels extreme guilt for leaving behind. You don’t know martin, but yet you still cry for him and the pain that tommy keeps inside. You wipe your face, as you hold tommy’s, “At ease soldier,” you tell him “i’m not mad at you, you did your best you could for me. Let this guilt go. I’m at peace now tommy.”  
His breath shudders as he looks at you like he’s seeing you for the first time. “Oh god, what did I do? Did I hurt you? Oh no, please forgive me love. I didn’t mean to scare you.” you take the gun he is still holding and toss it across the room. You get down on your knees in front of him as he is crouched in shame and you hold his face. “it’s okay tommy, you’re alright, you’re safe now.” his crystal blue eyes shine with tears. “I swear I still hear scratching, it’s like im back there again.” he mumbles. “I understand if this is too much for you, im a sick man and you deserve better.” Appalled at what tommy is trying to say you kiss his forehead and his flushed cheeks. “I’m not going anywhere tommy, I need you as much as you need me. I'm always going to be here through every good night and especially during the bad. Im always going to take you out of your nightmares.” Tommy continues to sniffle “I’m real fucked up, eh?” he tries to chuckle but more tears and sobs come out instead.  
You pass him a glass of whiskey as you wipe his face off with a cool rag. He drinks it in one swig. “ I think you are a very brave man, going through what you did. Most men couldn’t go through it.” He wraps his arms around you, now exhausted as the adrenaline has worn off. “i’m so tired mama, I could sleep for days. Help me mama.” he only calls you that when he’s had a bad day and needs comfort. You pull both of you off the hard cold floor and onto the soft bed. Tommy immediately searches for your body and you pull him to nuzzle at your chest. “Mama’s got you baby, go to sleep. Im right here.” tommy’s muscles suddenly relax at inhaling the smell of your skin. “such a brave soldier, mama is so proud of you.” you whisper as you feel a small smile creep against your chest. Sleep takes you both again with no nightmares, just you and your soldier tommy against the dark.  
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ososimilar ¡ 7 months
He walked around the corner, far enough away that he figured Alex wouldnt find him and fell to the ground crying. Alex’s words echoed in his mind. “I was beginning to think you were a homo or something.” Those words played on loop his head. Is it that obvious? He knows he looks stupid, he knows it's embarrassing to sit there in the snow crying. He knows he has no explanation for this if somewhere were to stumble upon him. Pull yourself together. He willed himself to stop crying. After a few minutes he was able to compose himself enough to get up. He was still sniffling but he figured he could blame it on the cold.
He stood up, straightened his jacket and began his walk home. He kept rubbing his eyes, trying to hide the fact he was crying 5 minutes ago. I hope Robins is not working right now, I don't need her seeing me like this. He got to the door of his house, took a deep breath, twisted the doorknob and went inside. He closed the door, and as quiet as possible he dashed around the corner and down the stairs into his room. He threw open the door, took off his jacket and collapsed onto the bed. He put his face in his pillow as his sobbing continued. He hated himself for only being able to stop it for the short trip home.
He hated himself for not being stronger. Not being able to stand up to Alex. He hated himself for being gay. Should I have said something to Alex? Should I say something to Sam? Should I have even been born in the first place? That comment from Alex had sent Sebastian into a complete downward spiral. Seb felt like he could never face the world again. He felt like rotting away in his room. So he laid there, crying. Until he couldn't cry anymore.
He had no idea how much time had passed. From his position in bed he heard a chime come from his computer. He didn't want to move, all he wanted was to lay there forever. But then there was a second, and third message chime. “Ugh.” He groaned and got up to look at the messages. They were from Abby.
The first message was in a private chat with just the two of them: “Hey, are you doing okay?” The other two messages were in their group chat for D&D. From Abby: “hey we still on for tonight?” Sam responded: “Hell yeah! I’ve been waiting for this finale! You better not let us down Seb.”
He clicked on the chat with Abby and tried to think of how to respond. Should I ask her what happened last night? Should I ask her what Alex was talking about? Maybe I should have her come early so I can meet with her. But if people knew that would send the wrong message. “Ugh!”
He typed out his message, being careful of his word choice: “What exactly happened last night? I had a weird conversation with Alex today.” He read that message over a few times before hitting send. His eyes wandered to the group chat. He didn't feel like responding. Sam seems excited, if I don't respond he’ll probably just show up anyways. He stared at his keyboard, trying to think of what to say. He couldn't form the words, couldn't think of a way out of this.
His eyes wandered to his mess of a bedroom. If they're gonna show up I guess I could clean a little bit. He got up, made his bed and tried his best to hide any evidence that he wasn't currently in the best headspace. He took out the trash, picked up all the laundry from his floor, and shoved it under his bed. Trying to give the room a semblance of cleanliness. He then grabbed all the dishes from his room and brought them to the kitchen. When he came back he stood in the doorway and scanned his room for anything he should clean. He saw a pack of cigarettes sitting on his desk. His body ached for a cigarette then he thought of Sam. The thought of Sam almost cured him of his withdrawal. Sam doesn’t like me anyways. Quitting is stupid when it wont have any effect. He argued with himself. Eventually he picked up the pack and threw it in a drawer where neither he, nor Sam would see it.
He stood and went back to looking at the room and once it passed a visual inspection he took a deep breath. This deep breath however, was a bad idea. As he breathed in he was hit with the smell of his room. His room reeked of depression. The room smelled stale, like the air there hadn’t moved in ages. Now this scent, this air, was suffocating to Seb. How do I fix the smell? A candle? Where do I even get a candle from? He knew his mom had candles somewhere in the house, but he figured the scent would just remind him of her. Which is not what he wanted.
He didn't know where to get a candle but he knew one thing; he couldn't stay here after noticing it, and he couldn’t let his friends notice it either. He grabbed his coat and wallet then headed out the door. He walked into town with his hands in his pockets, not wanting to see anyone. I could go to Pierre's place, but then I’d run into Abby. But maybe that's a good thing? But there may be other people there. At the end of the day he didn't have much of a choice as Pierres was the only store in town. He walked in and made a quick pass of all the shelves but he didn't see any candles. He went to look again when Pierre called out.
“Can I help you find something Sebastian?”
“Umm…” His voice got caught in his throat, maybe going out wasn't the best idea. “I’m… um… looking for scented candles.” He looked down at his feet, avoiding eye contact with Abbigails father.
“I dont sell scented candles, all the candles I have are unscented. But I know my wife has some. I think she bought them from Emily, I'd go check with her.” Pierre was awfully kind to Sebastian. Even though Sebastian knew Pierre Thought he was a bad influence on his daughter.
“I… Thank you.” He nodded to Pierre and turned to the door.
“So, I hear there's a chance you become my new son in law.” He said, his voice was incredulous. “You better treat my daughter well.”
“I will sir.” He didn't look back and left the door. It seemed like every time he left his house there was someone waiting to bombard him with questions. The worst part of it all was he still had no idea why people thought all of this. He walked toward Emily's house, looking at nothing but the path in front of him. In his mind if he didn't see them then they didn't see him.
He entered Emily's house and walked to her room. “Hey,” he said in a nervous voice as he knocked on the door.
”Come in!” She called from the other side, he opened the door and looked at her meekly. When she saw him she did a double take then swiftly put whatever was in her hand in the drawer. “You are not the visitor I was expecting.” She gave him a warm smile.
“Y-yeah.” he hesitated, avoiding eye contact with Emily, looking around the room instead. “Pierre told me you had scented candles I could buy.”
“Well he sent you to the right place, what kinda scent are you looking for? OOH! Even better, what kind of energy are you trying to bring with this candle?” She looked at him, her large eyes full of curiosity.
“Umm… I… uhh…” he looked at her trying to tell her he didn't know. “I just wanted my room to smell good .”
“Okay, is there an issue with the smell? What kind of smell do you want?” She walked over to a shelf and started listing off the scents. “I have pine, sea spray, lavender, cinnamon, vanilla, rosemary, peppermint, sage…” She listed a few more but Sebastian was already lost. She turned and looked at him. She saw his confusion and gave some suggestions. “I think if you want a natural smell, pine or sea spray, but if you want an herbal scent I’d say, sage, lavender, or vanilla.” He still didn't get it so she continued. “Sage is good for cleansing, lavender will help you sleep and help calm you, and vanilla is for attraction.”
Sebastian's face flushed as he heard the comment about vanilla. Emily must be very observant because she grabbed the vanilla candle and brought it to him.
“Smell this one.” She held it out at face level for him to sniff and he took in the sweet aroma.
“This one smells good. But… Love’s not really what I wanted it for.”
She looks at him unconvinced, but she's not one to argue.
“I'm having a group thing with Sam and Abigail so, it's a group thing. Not really the setting for love.” He gave a nervous chuckle hoping she’d drop it.
“Then try this one.” She brought him one with an earthy smell he couldn't place.
“Its sage, good for cleansing negative energy.” She handed it to him practically forcing him to take it from her.
“I guess ill take this one. H- how much do I owe you.” He set down the candle and fumbled with his wallet.
“20 dollars.”
He pulled out 20 dollars, handed it to Emily then put his wallet away. “T-thanks.” He picked up his candle.
“Wait.” Emily stopped him and brought him the vanilla candle. “Take this one too, it's on the house, I'm sure you'll need it.” She winked at him causing him to blush. He took the candle in his free hand before leaving. He felt better after talking to someone who wasn't digging for relationship gossip. But that comfort was short lived. As he left Emily's house he saw in the distance, Sam and Penny chatting on the bridge. Sebastian's heart dropped.
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starry-night333 ¡ 9 months
Posting these two parts together to give more
Warnings: lots of talk about being treated like a animal or horrible treatment of the ghouls from sister imperator(she’s a bitch) that’s all I can think of.
When I awoke again I still couldn’t open my eyes. I could feel the not so comfortable cell bed under me, a fluffy blanket covering me to make up for the uncomfortable bed. I set up and feel for the wall to lay against it. I sniff around a bit trying to map out the room. I remember being able to see before in the pits, yet now I couldn’t, everything felt so bright even in dim light. I move to get up felling for the walls around me until I end up falling. I hadn't felt it before but my leg was chained to the bed. I get back up and get back to the bed to just sit down since I couldn’t go anywhere. Hours had passed at this point and I was starting to feel hungry and thirsty, I didn’t remember when I had last hunted in the pits or the last time I had clean water. I was scarily thin and didn’t look very healthy, my hair was a matted mess and I was hard to see my element from how dirty I was. Once a few more hours passed I was whimpering in pain from hunger laying there. I hadnt heard them but someone had came to check on me, they leave pretty fast but are soon back. I could smell food, fresh and still warm, the person knocks on the cell door before opening it. “I..um promise you I wont hurt you, just please, eat some food.” The voice was so soft and gentle, He sounded young but most likely the same age as me. I move to the corner of the bed as he sits down. He sits down the tray he brought then on the opposite corner of the bed. He pushes the tray towards me hoping id be able to find it. I attempt to feel for it but I almost knock the cup of water over. The guy catches it before it spilt everywhere, then he moves closer and cuts of the food for me. “I hope you’re ok with this but I think this would be better” he picks up a bite of food and brings it to my mouth. I at first refuse to eat it, but I soon do eat it finding it delicious. “My names phantom by the way, I hope papa can convince sister imperator to let you stay” he sounded so concerned and caring as he spoke, he continued to spoon feed me and helped me drink the water he brought me.
I had been visited by phantom everyday he could sneak off to the cells, he had been trying to help me find a way to open my eyes again. One day he came down dragging something with him “I-I think I found something! You always say how light is what’s hurting your eyes right?” He paused for a moment as he grabbed things out of his bag, “what if I blocked out all light? Do you think it will work?” He sounded to be struggling to hang up what ever he found to block out the dim lights around. “It’s worth trying” I spoke softly I wasn’t very strong still, being weakened by the dry and cold cell I was being held in. He continued to block all the light until I only see darkness and hear him trip over his own feet in the darkness. I open my eyes, finally I see everything around me, the cell I’m in was stone floor and walls covered in cracks and dark dried blood in a corner. I stand being able to see the cuff on my leg finally, I walk and reach a hand out to help phantom up. “Y-you’re glowing! Wow…” he looked shocked but soon seemed mesmerized by how my skin glowed softly. I was colorful but it was a very dull glow, though I was more distracted by how phantom looked. His dark glossy horns and raven hair, his beautiful purple eyes and the black around them that shined like stars, his patchy gray and white skin. I had never seen a thing like it, I only every seen my own element or my elements sworn enemy.
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artistic-endchamber ¡ 2 years
♥ --Work-- [] Bakugou x GN! Reader ♥
♥ 𝘽𝙖𝙠𝙪𝙜𝙤𝙪 𝙓 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧 ♥
♥ 𝘾𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙜𝙤𝙧𝙮: angst & 𝙁𝙡𝙪𝙛𝙛 ♥
♥ 𝙂𝙚𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧: 𝙂𝙣! 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧 𝙓 𝙈𝙖𝙡𝙚! 𝘽𝙖𝙠𝙪𝙜𝙤𝙪 ♥
•❣•୨୧ "If You don't take care of yourself, I wont let you take care of me." ୨୧•❣•
-- @bakucuddles --
"--" Means Y/N is speaking
"--" means Bakugou is speaking
Y/N - Name the character usually calls you (Your Name)
F/N - First name
L/N - Last name
N/N -nickname
Work, Study, Sleep, Classes, Repeat.
This was your everyday life, except the fact that there was much less sleeping involved. It was merely there for the say of it.
"Oh. My. God- DOES X EQUAL 3 OR 3.5?!?!"
You were starting to snap, but unfortunately, it was getting to be a very long process, the act of you breaking down. It felt as if not just your mind, but your entire body was trying to rip itself apart as well while you snapped.
the fact that you had a bunch of other homework and midterms coming up didn't help. For some reason, none of the teachers could understand the fact that homework was supposed to be spread out, not crammed together.
Without notice, however, you started seeing everything go blurred. and you hadn't even realized the fact that your lips were trembling either. And suddenly, it hit you.
You were crying.
You tried standing up, but you couldn't even walk over to the corner in your dorm that you usually sat in when you needed comfort, you just fell. No, wrong word,
Your body was numb, it had gotten used to sitting so much that it was practically only getting the minimum amount of blood required for your body to keep living, nothing more.
A gruff, but familiar voice embraced your name, and you felt a warmth lean down, by your shoulder as you were hunched over on the floor.
You squinted up, holding your head, the tears still not going away.
"What's wrong?!?! Why the hell are you- What the fuck??"
You let out a mumble at the question, trying to answer, he didn't hear it, just as you expected.
You kept trying to get it out, but were utterly failing, however, he finally caught the key words.
"Katsu-... Wan'.. go...H-home..."
His eye widened, and he instantly dropped whatever he was holding.
Picking you up, he carried you over to the bed.
"Y/N, What the hell was that?!?!"
You flinched, it had been an hour since you collapsed, and you felt better, at least, better enough to respond properly with emotion and be attentive.
"Goddamn it, ANSWER ME!"
You snapped back into reality, yet again. Seeing the expression Katsuki had put on, you realized that he was concerned for you. It wasn't anger, it was just pure concern.
"Y/N. I swear, answer. Me. I am not going to be patient about this. Explain to me why the hell my significant other was laying on the ground crying when I got here??!!!"
You couldn't respond. But for some reason, you did.
"It's so frustrating... It feels like I have no time for anything. Even if I wanted to stay organized, I would have no time to. I-"
You choked, your body didn't want you to continue, it felt like. So, you paused, and let him take over yet again.
"... Okay."
You felt your head be pulled down, slanting your torso frame a slight bit. He had put your head on his chest.
You listened to the sound of his heart beat, rythmic.
Everything was silent until you felt vibrations on his torso, understanding that he was about to talk.
"I said, Cry, Y/N."
Your body started to tremble, quaking at the words themselves. As if someone who didn't know how to do anything but follow orders, you cried. Sobbing, sniffling, choking, quaking. But this time...
... He was here to listen to it all.
@bakucuddles >> ASDFGHJKL- I'm so sorry It took so long! Buttt, tysm for the request-!! (Yes, I am fully aware I asked first- -///-) Aaand, here's the final product!
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jrueships ¡ 2 years
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.... interviewing players ... but STILL 😭
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dr4cking ¡ 3 years
Hello lovely - Could plz you do draco smut on the hogwarts express with breeding kink? but they keep going after he finishes 😶‍🌫️🤪
Hogwarts Express.
masterlist taglist
draco malfoy x reader | smut | anon requested.
a/n : hii bby thank you for requesting, this one is wild i admit and was kinda hard to write but i like it nonetheless 😩💞
the 9 3/4 platform are full of wizards and witches coming back from their home, hagrid already waiting and calling them to come inside the train, but he still waited as he saw the blonde haired guy still standing outside.
“malfoy, you gonna miss the train if you keep standing there!” hagrid shouted at him getting impatient by the time.
“a minute hagrid. i’m waiting for my girlfriend!” hagrid rolled his eyes at him taking a seat on the nearest bench while the train already honking at them.
finally, draco spotted his girlfriend running to him with her belongings, he quickly wrapped the girl in his arms.
“hey my love, how’s your summer?” draco asked taking her stuff in his hand helping her as both of them now entering the train.
“it was good i had so much fun with my parents! what about you?”
“it was nice i guess but it would be better if you were there with me..” y/n chuckles at her boyfriend.
“next time i promise, pinky promise!” he laughs as he opened the empty cabin and motioning y/n to go inside.
“why dont we sit with our friends, dray?” y/n asked him in confusion while draco placing her stuff in the trunk.
“i miss you too much to sit with them today, love” draco sits beside her, cupping her face in his hands as he finally gets the taste of her after being separated from summer break, y/n kissed him right back until they broke the kiss.
draco and y/n talked about how their break, random things for hours as the train still on its way to hogwarts, y/n is currently eating her snacks that she bought from the trolley lady but she stops when she watched draco swished his wand and the window covered instantly. she widen her eyes as one of draco’s hands squeezed her thigh under her skirt and rubbing small circles on it, she looks up at him who now held a lustful gaze in his eyes.
“draco.. not here.” y/n warned him but its only made his hand trailed higher, draco gives her a cheeky smirk.
“cant blame me.. you’re too hot to resist and i cant wait until we get to hogwarts i miss you too much..” draco leans into her face biting and licking her earlobe then kissing her jaw making the girl letting out soft whimpers.
“b-but what if someone comes in, draco? its too risky.”
“and thats what it made this more fun, right?” draco chuckles lowly as he took out his wand from his pocket and casted a locking and silencing spell at the door.
“you’re unbelievable” y/n laughs, her hand removing his blazer and unbuttoning his black shirt and draco does the same to her.
“i can tell you that you wanted this too. i bet you’re thinking of me while touching yourself in your room, wishing it was my fingers instead, hmm?” y/n moaned at his dirty words she hated to admit but it was true.
“use your words and answer me.” draco slapped her thighs making her gasped.
“y-yes” she stutters as he starts to rubbing her from her panties.
“yes what?”
“yes draco.. p-please touch me” y/n begged desperately at him getting more aroused at his touch.
“i’m touching you.”
“no.. you know what i mean, dray..” y/n leaned back to her seat and widen her legs for draco making him chuckles deeply.
“you’re just a needy slut, aren’t you?” y/n nodded eagerly at him, running her hands around his bare chest and abs causing him to rolled his eyes back at her simple touch.
“yes i am, please i need you” draco pulled down her panties throwing it to her side, y/n’s breath got stuck in her throat as his thumb made a contact with her clit.
a moan left her lips as he thrusted his fingers into her, she quickly put her hand over her mouth to muffle her moans making draco stop.
“dumb slut, be as loud as you can i’ve casted a muffliato.” draco put her hand off of her mouth and replacing it with his lips instead, he kissed her roughly, their tongue dances together fighting for dominance. draco won of course as y/n moan into the kisses when he inserts his fingers back into her and starts to pumping faster.
y/n’s hand going down to his clothed boner rubbing it causing draco to let out a hiss but he quickly slap her hand away.
“you dont get to touch me. dont be a bad girl or you wont get to cum” draco curls his fingers inside her and thrusting faster hitting her spot making y/n squirmed in her seat.
“draco please i’m so close..” and with that draco pulled out his fingers making y/n whining in frustration.
“not yet little slut” he pulled y/n from her seat and stood her up against the window.
draco quickly unbuckled his belt and and letting his trousers falls onto the floor, he pushed her skirt up to her waist and hooking one of her legs to his waist as he lining his cock up and down her slit.
“beg for it, slut.”
“please dray please please fuck me fill me up with y- ah- yes- oh my god!” y/n screaming out loud instantly as draco gave her no warning and pushed his cock all the way inside of her, he gives her no time to adjust as he starts to rocking his hips against her.
“fuck you’re so tight- wrapping my cock so tight.. such a good girl-” draco pounding into her harder and faster making both of them feeling heavenly. one of his hands squeezing her breast, twirling and pinching her hard nipple making y/n dug her nails deeper on his back.
draco’s thrust getting sloppier as he feels the knot tighten in his stomach, he forced his cock deeper inside her nearly brushing her cervix making y/n screaming louder.
“i’m gonna cum.. please let me cum!” y/n pleaded at him cant hold her high anymore as draco doubled up her pleasure by rubbing her clit with his fingers.
“shit- cum baby, now.” y/n came instantly with loud moan left her lips after he said that, her legs began to shake, her walls clenching and pulsing around him making his cock throbbing inside her.
“thats it- ‘m gonna fill you up baby, stuffing you full with all my hot cum, fucking hell-” draco came to a full stop as he shoots all of his cum into her, spraying his cum inside her filling her up like he promised, he ride out their high.
fuck, he was still hard.
draco made no move to pull out, he captured y/n’s lips back on his as he still rocked in and out of her snapping his hips against her making the girl moaned again.
“im not done yet with you baby, now bend over the seat” y/n obeyed getting into the position, getting all fours, draco gives her a few spanks on her ass making them printed with his hand print.
“safeword?” draco said as he lining his cock back on her cunt, their juices making it slippery and made his tip slipped into her causing y/n to winced.
“no need draco, please just fuck me again.” and with that draco slammed his entire length into her, granting her wishes, profanities left their lips.
“such a greedy girl, only for me”
“yes yes only for you, harder please” draco was surprised that y/n hasnt sensitive yet, he thrusted harder and sped up his pace at inhumanly pace, clapping sounds and moans filling the cabin.
“fuck draco!” y/n couldnt contain her scream anymore she only wanted to screaming his name while she came undone around his cock.
“holyshit- y/n!” draco grabbed her neck pulling her up to his chest as he shoots his cum for the second time inside her, y/n moaned feeling so full. draco lazily ride out their highs and pulling out as he softening. their mixed cums dripped out of her and he quickly pushed it back inside. he reached for her panties and pulling it up.
“keep it there, wanna see you walking around with my cum inside you” y/n blushes madly at his order.
they quickly redressing themselves, their bodies feels so sticky. and to their luck the train has stopped at the same time. they quickly bring their stuff before opening the door.
“merlin it smells like sex in here” theodore nott said as he passed through their cabin.
“thats because we just had sex” draco replied without hesitation making the poor guy scrunched his face in disgust.
“you guys are so gross i dont ever wanna sit there again!”
tagging : @dracoscum @hellounicorn @onyourgoddamnleft @whoreforgeorgeandfred @turn-to-page-394-please @malfoysbiitch @f4iryluvy @arzfia @slut4dracoo @alexthealexthealex
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ayyezhongli ¡ 3 years
horny hungry dom zhongli x innocent slutty childe
where zhongli is horny asf and childe has this lusty energy around him which makes it hard for zhongli to concentrate bc he just wants to ravage and fuck childe using him as a fucktoy
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ok so its late in the day n zhongli jus came back from a mission. he has paper work he needs to finish but forst he needs to shower bc he’s sweating like crazy.
so he says “good work today”
trying to contain himself with all this lust and sexual desire that was pouring out of childe. childe smiled saying.
“yeah thx, you too”
n zhongli walked over to take a shower. the lust was too strong. like a tornado. if he stood there any second longer he would’ve for sure fucked childe stupid right there. he turned on the shower water to hot and stripped revealing his member hard asf.
“fuck not again.”
so now zhongli steps in the shower, cheeks tinted pink and one of his hands against the tile wall.
“i’ll just get it over with now”
with his free hand wrapped around his dick, he starts pumping himself as images of childe flash in his brain. childe in a maid outfit. childe with a lewd face. childe moaning….all he could think about were these abstract images and dirty scenarios about childe he made up in his head mumbling childes name under his breath.
“Fuck! fuck! fuck!”
so zhongli cums shooting his load all over the tile wall panting. after a few minutes of washing himself he turns off the water and wraps a towel around his waist and gets out. he puts on a fresh pair of boxers and has the towel over his shoulders. when he looks up to his surprise, he sees childe standing in front of him with a bright red face.
“how long have you been here?”
“w-well i went to go shower bc i thought you were done b-b-but….”
zhongli stares childe down biting his lip. childe could see the hungry look in zhonglis eyes. he looked like a beast who captured his pret and ready to devour it any second. n he suddenly found himself backing up as zhongli approached him until he was pressed up against a wall kabedoned.
He’s gonna eat me alive!!
“u saw enough.”
zhongli couldnt hold back anymore. he jus couldn’t. he has been for so long and too long. and with the way how childe was acting, his flushed face. He REALLY couldnt.
childe was squirming around trying to escape and oh that turned him on so much. watching childe squirm underneath him. and so he fiercely attacked childes neck marking and claiming every spot he can which in response to this action childe gripped his shoulders letting out tiny little pants and moans right into zhonglis ear.
“Sensei p-p-pls stop”
childe begged while zhongli ignored him. childes begging only made him harder. there was no going back now. zhongli slid his hands up childes shirt mouth still attached onto childes neck. he went up pinching his nipples causing a loud moan to escape his mouth.
“F-Fuck Sensei!!”
he moved up to nibble on his ear and reached his hand down into his pants to palm him.
“you’re already so hard for me childe….”
childe moaned into his ear. childe had the lewd face that zhongli always dreamed of. It turned him on so much he almost came.
“D-d-dont to- Ahh~!!”
it was too late, zhongli had a tight grip around his dick and started pumping him fast. childe came within seconds all over zhonglis hand and in his pants. zhongli rid childe of his pants and started rubbing against him through his boxers.
“Mmmnn S-sensei dont stop ahh~”
“i never planned too”
He’s even hotter than i imagined
“kiss me.”
n so childe did. wrapping his arms around zhonglis neck kissing him passionately. he wanted to have all of childe for himself. have him all to his self. violate and claim every orifice or non orifice of his body. all of it should n would belong to him by the time he’s done. pulling away breathless a string of drool attached from the mouth he went back in and childe rubbed back harder and needier than before.
“S-sensei….i want you….”
zhongli felt himself blush but kept a calm composure.
“prostrate yourself in front of me and maybe i’ll consider it.”
childe did so all shame going down the drain. n zhonglis view was nothing short from perfect. it was beautiful. seeing childe’s pink innocent little hole with his ass high up in the air. he couldn’t hold back. it was so plump, so untouched, so round, so innocent looking he wanted to destroy it. and so he bit down marking and claiming what belongs to him which made childe yelp. with a loud smack childe came as a red hand print formed on his ass.
“you came just from that? what a slutty little masochist”
childe quivered while zhongli spanked him a few more times. he could feel his legs going weak until they finally decided gave out and he dropped to the floor unable to hold himself up any longer.
“i’m not finished with u yet. get back up.”
childe struggled to follow his directions but eventually did wobbling.
“good little slut.”
zhongli bent over and planted a gentle kiss on his head.
“turn around and suck”
zhongli said pulling down his boxers revealing his hard member. childe just stared. that wouldn’t be able to fit inside him!! how was he gonna take all that it!!
“stop gawking at it n suck it!”
childe gulped and started licking his shaft sucking on the balls from time to time. he slowly lowered himself down gagging at every inch. he wanted to see zhonglis reaction through it all so he maintained eye contact as he watched zhonglis face flush and his hand covering his mouth. it was hot ngl and childe could feel himself becoming harder. after a few zhongli came and he could feel the slimy liquid go down his throat and drip down the side of his mouth. he pulled away but before he could fully zhongli held him down.
“keep going.”
childe did the best he could. and he could feel zhongli’s throbbing cock in his mouth.
“stick out ur tongue”
zhongli said panting slightly
and he came all over his face and getting sum on his tongue. catching his breath he looked down at childe to see such a slutty cum covered face panting with his tongue sticking out and tears forming from the side of his eyes.
“you look so hot covered in my cum, such a slutty whore all for me~….”
zhongli put his fingers in childe’s mouth.
“suck and get them nice and lubricated.”
childe did so until zhongli pulled them out.
“prostrate yourself for me again.”
and when he did, zhongli shoved his fingers inside causing childe to moan in pain, crying.
“S-s-sensei it hurts…”
“it wont for long just hang in there. this isnt even the part that hurts the most.”
zhonglis fingers wiggled around inside childe
“god ur squeezing my fingers so tightly”
his fingers searched for that one g spot.
“where is it now….”
zhongli said still looking until childe arched his back and let out a loud moan drool dripping down the side of his mouth.
“found it.”
what was he feeling? what was this immense amount of pleasure? has he have no shame? it all felt too good childe couldn’t think straight. as a puddle of drool formed from the side of his mouth n on the floor zhongli pulled out and aligned himself.
“woah woah wait sensei thats not all gonna f- AHH SHIT!!”
but before childe could finish zhongli pushed himself inside him. all of him. and childe choked on his own spit, eyes widening and crying clawing at the floor to escape as zhongli thrusted into him fast and rough showing no mercy.
“Sensei it hurts! It hurts! It hurts so much!”
childe cried out clawing and scraping at the floor.as much as he tried to escape zhonglis grip on his hips was too tight.
“shhh its okay….it’ll feel better soon.”
and like zhongli said, the pain started fading away n all he could feel was pleasure. all he could think abt was zhongli. zhonglis dick deep inside him. destroying him. ruining him. claiming him.
childe moaned out.
“fuck that was hot. moan out my name again. moan the name of the person who’s fucking u stupid. claiming you for themselves.”
zhonglis pace quickened and by now he was slamming into childe ruining him like he always got off too.
and with that childe came dropping to the floor.
“this isnt over yet childe, not even close~….”
zhongli flipped him around placing each of his legs on his shoulder and pounded into him harder n faster than childe could ever imagine.
“I’m gonna cum again…”
“n im gonna cum too….”
giving a few more thrusts zhongli came inside him and childe came again on his chest cum dripping out of him and panting heavily and twitching.
“ur still so hard for me.”
zhongli palmed the twitching childe and he came once more all over zhonglis hand. zhongli lifted his hand up to childes mouth.
“lick it clean”
hesitating, childe sucked his hand clean tasting himself. the bittersweet slimy consistency. he couldn’t help but scrunch up his nose.
“good boy.”
zhongli said picking childe up and carrying him bridal style.
“lets take a shower shall we?”
and so they stepped into the shower to bathe but it turned out to be another round. the end :)
(but guess what- i wrote an alt ending so enjoy 😈)
“good boy.”
zhongli said picking childe up and carrying him bridal style. when zhongli raised his head he could see diluc standing in there eyes widen is shock to speechless to say anything. Childe looked at diluc face flushed
diluc was too speechless he couldn’t say anything.
“i’m just gonna-”
diluc said turning around.
“dont tell anyone diluc”
“i never planned too.”
diluc said walking out.
“Besides…i dont wanna risk the chance of me n kaeya getting out.”
(ok now thats the alt ending. hope you enjoyed the story. it’s pretty rushed but don’t mind that)
409 notes ¡ View notes
teyvat-imagines ¡ 3 years
Hiiiiii! I like your content a lot and I was wondering if I can request some angst+ fluff for Diluc, Xiao and Childe.
Reader has abilities and they're good at fighting, one day they're helping the boys (separately) with some mages but something happened and a cryo mage freezes reader causing hypothermia. How the boys would react?
Thank you so much!
Hiya!! Thank you so much!! >w< Some angst and fluff coming right up!! :D
Reader Gets Hypothermia:
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○ He had been a little unsure about bringing you with him to fight against the Abyss. He knew you were more than capable of handling yourself, but at the same time he loved you so much and couldn't stand the thought of you getting hurt.
○ Still, you promised him you would be okay, and he trusted you. So you joined him on the battlefield, taking down Abyss forces and Hillichurls that had been drawn into the fight.
○ While he was distracted dealing with a particularly stubborn mitachurl, you had gotten cornered by a cryo Abyss Mage. In your attempt to get away, the Abyss Mage struck and you were hit with a strong blast of cryo that left you frozen in place.
○ While you struggled to break free, Diluc was still busy with the mitachurl, so he hadn't noticed right away that you had been hurt. You could feel the freezing cold seeping under your skin, chilling you to the bone and causing horrible pain. Still, with the effects of cryo on you, you couldn't move.
○ Finally Diluc realised he couldn't hear you, and he started to look around for you, panic rapidly growing in his chest. When he spots you, the Abyss Mage is about to strike a potentially fatal blow.
○ Moving quickly, he closed the distance between himself and the mage, weapon raised ready to strike down his enemy. He wanted to use his vision, but you were nearby and he couldn't risk you getting caught in it.
○ Thankfully, his attack had been enough, and the mage dropped to the floor, defeated. Breathing heavily, he turned to look at you, panic written on his face as he reached out for you. The initial cryo had melted, and you could move again, but you were so painfully cold still. It was taking all your energy just to remain conscious, let alone to even think of moving.
○ He wanted to warm you up, to use his vision to provide you immediate warmth, but he knew that could be dangerous. While he wasn't exactly an expert, he was wary that you could have caught hypothermia. It would be better to warm you slowly.
○ With that in mind, he carefully bundles you into his arms, his jacket wrapped around you for a small bit of warmth, as he begins his trek back to the city. You feel so weak and you're constantly shivering, and it pains him to see you like this.
○ Diluc stays by your side the entire time it takes you to recover. Anything you need, he runs to bring to you, waiting anxiously until you're warmer and no longer at risk. He cups your cheek softly, smiling at you for the first time in a while. It's small, and tired, but it's still nice to see a smile on his face.
"Please get plenty of rest dear~ I can handle things while you recover. And, promise me you wont go up against a cryo enemy without me again, okay? I know you're strong, but even you cannot fight the bitter cold."
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○ Xiao was an incredibly stubborn man. He consistently turned you down every time you offered to join him on the battleground. It wasn't that he thought you couldn't handle yourself, he knew you were strong. It was one of the features he admired in you after all.
○ No, it was more the fact that you were human. Human's were fragile and broke so easily. He was already going to outlive you, the idea that he could lose you to anything other than old age? Unthinkable. He wouldn't allow it to happen.
○ Yet, where Xiao is stubborn, you are just as tenacious. You continue to ask at each opportunity, and it reaches a point that you finally grind down his willpower, and the adeptus finally relents and agrees to let you help.
○ He would soon come to regret that decision when he got seperated from you. Stuck having to manage his own fight, he could only pray to the Geo Archon that you stayed safe and sound while he was away.
○ Unfortunately, the Geo Archon had already long since lost his Gnosis at this point, and neither luck nor the aid of the Archons was not on your side as a cryo Abyss Mage snuck up on you from behind and hit you with a powerful cryo attack.
○ Xiao could hear your cry of pain, and that was enough for him to decide to end this now. Mask adorned, he moved with greater speed than ever before, cutting down enemy upon enemy until only he and you remained. It was only when he was certain there were no other threats that he removed his mask and ran to your side.
○ You were barely conscious, your skin so cold to the touch as you shook in his arms. Even as he spoke to you, you didn't seem to be taking the words in, staring up at him with blank confusion and fear.
○ He had no clue what was wrong with you, but he knew he had to get you somewhere warm. The Inn wasn't far, and he would be able to make good time even while carrying you. With a small nod, Xiao decided on his plan of action, picking you up with a gentleness others would have sworn the adeptus wasn't capable of.
○ Even though you weren't answering him, and quite possibly weren't even able to answer him, the entire time Xiao talks to you. Soft begs for you to stay with him, to hang on just a little longer. It's cute, and had you been alert enough to try and memorize this moment, you would have definitely brought it up later to tease him.
○ It takes hours for you to warm up, but Xiao is a patient man and he has the added bonus of not needing to sleep. So the entire time, he waits by you and watches over you. Adding more warmth when needed, bringing you small things to snack on, and ensuring you've always got a drink nearby.
"Take as long as you need (Y/N), I'm not going anywhere so you can rest easy. I'll watch over you. Just, please... get better soon. I love you..."
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○ Childe knows you can handle yourself in a fight, so when you ask to join him he's eager to accept your offer for help. He absolutely adores you, even more so when he gets to watch you taking down enemies.
○ Your strength in battle is admirable and you find more often than not after a long fight he's always eager to spar with you, in his own odd way of unwinding.
○ Because of this, he had no issues with leaving you to handle yourself while he went on ahead to pursue the initial target. Some chump who thought he could get away with not paying his protection fees.
○ Typically, neither you nor Childe would have gotten involved in a job like this, but this particular case was intriguing to the Fatui. The debtor in question seemed to have ties to the Abyss, and that was a worthy enough connection for them to want to investigate.
○ Unfortunately for you, that connection meant you were going to be in far more danger than you realised. While you were concentrating on some petty enemies in front of you, a cryo Abyss Mage had snuck up on you, answering the debtor's call for help from the Abyss.
○ Before you could react, you were struck from behind with a cryo attack, one strong enough to force you to freeze. You could feel your body going numb all at once, the cold absolutely overwhelming you and sending your body into shock.
○ The Abyss Mage takes that moment to make an escape with the debtor. Childe was so determined not to let them get away, when he realised that you had been hurt pretty badly in the fight. There's no hesitation from him as he switches gears, ignoring his target and focusing on getting to your side.
○ He can recognize the signs of hypothermia when he sees them, knowing far too many who had succumb to it back home in Snezhnaya. He puts his scarf around you to try and provide some warmth as he lifts you up.
○ He'll carry you back home, where he can work on steadily warming you up again, bringing you warm drinks and food when you're up enough to be able to eat again.
○ There's dark circles under his eyes from where he'd stayed up all night, waiting by your side for you to recover, far too concerned with the idea of you getting worse overnight if you weren't taken care of.
"Ah, comrade~ Good to see you awake again~! Hm? Don't worry about me, I can rest up later. How are you feeling? I'm sorry I didn't keep you safe. I'll teach you how to combat the cold better, just promise me you'll be more careful next time, okay?"
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contemplativepancakes ¡ 3 years
let me just ease your mind
sharing something vulnerable for @whataboutthebard
Lambert/Jaskier, E
“If I tell you, you have to promise not to laugh at me,” Jaskier says, his hand on Lambert’s bare chest.
Lambert raises an eyebrow at him. “When have I ever laughed at you?”
“Every single day, you brute!”
Lambert mouths at Jaskier’s neck, his breath hot against Jaskier’s face. “I’ll attempt to contain myself. No promises.”
Jaskier fixes him with a glare, and Lambert sighs. “All right, I promise. Happy?”
Jaskier grumbles. “Not particularly.”
Lambert raises his eyebrows expectantly, and Jaskier looks down, tugging at the bed spread instead of making eye contact. A blush colors his face.
“I’ve…never slept with a man before.”
A flurry of emotions crosses Lambert’s face, settling on something soft. Jaskier shoves him in the chest. “Don’t look at me like that!”
Lambert carefully fixes his gaze into something more akin to a leer before he grins. “Better?”
“This was a terrible idea. I should have just strung you along forever. What was I thinking, inviting you into my bed?”
“We don’t have to do anything,” Lambert says cautiously.
“I want to.”
“Okay, okay,” Lambert placates as Jaskier crosses his arms. “What do you want to do?”
Jaskier buries his face into his hands. “Melting into the floor sounds nice right about now.”
Lambert carefully tugs his hands away, making Jaskier look at him. “Hey, I’m not going to be a dick about this, okay? I’ll make it good for you.”
He kisses Jaskier’s temple, before moving down to his neck, and across his chest, stopping to play with his nipples and run his fingers through his coarse chest hair. Jaskier lays back and spreads his legs, letting Lambert take the lead. Lambert moves to the end of the bed, where he kisses the crease of Jaskier’s thigh. His fingers trail over the sensitive flesh of his inner thighs, and he has to stop his legs from trembling at the tenderness of it all. “Touch me,” Jaskier pleads.
Lambert gives him a grin that makes Jaskier think he’s in for a very long night. He looks at Jaskier’s swelling cock, starting to stand up from his belly. Putting a hand on his chin, he says, “Hmm. Not yet, I don’t think.”
He continues his torment of Jaskier, touching him absolutely everywhere except his cock. His fingers brush the shells of Jaskier’s ears, and Jaskier keens in frustration. “Aren’t you always telling me to be more patient?” Lambert wonders aloud.
“Do as I say, not as I do,” Jaskier says, before he can’t take it any longer, and he hauls Lambert by the shoulders up to him so he can kiss him.
Jaskier jams their mouths together, but Lambert puts a hand on his chest, making him lean back until he can barely reach Lambert’s lips and slow down. The kiss becomes tender. Jaskier squirms on the bed, trying to rut up against Lambert to find any sort of friction he can. As soon as he rubs his hard cock against him, Lambert immediately backs up.
“Lambert!” he protests.
“Told you I was going to make it good,” Lambert murmurs.
“And so you’re planning on teasing me endlessly?”
Lambert shrugs, a devious expression on his face. “I’m having fun; aren’t you?” Lambert sobers for a moment. “Do you want to fuck me, or do you want to get fucked? Or whatever, we can do something else, too.”
Jaskier pauses to think. “You’d let me do that to you?”
Lambert squints at him. “Yes? It feels good. I’m not particular.”
Jaskier gives him a disbelieving look.
“About this,” he amends, laughing as Jaskier’s sure he thinks about all the things he’s very particular about.
While the idea of having Lambert all spread out in front of him and panting is certainly appealing, he also doesn’t want to mess this up. People tend to think he’s so much more experienced than he really is, and it’s led to many misunderstandings throughout the years. Besides, there’s no guarantees they’ll sleep together again after this, and if anyone is going to enter him for the first time…having it be Lambert might not be so bad. Enjoyable, even, if the tales he’s heard are to be believed.
“Fuck me,” Jaskier decides. “And touch my fucking prick!”
Lambert ghosts a teasing touch over his cock, and Jaskier lifts his hips, chasing after it. It doesn’t help since Lambert gets up from the bed, Jaskier makes a displeased noise at the loss of his weight and heat. He digs through his bag until he finds a jar of something. “Made it myself,” he preens. “With seaweed.”
Jaskier wrinkles his nose. “I’m sure it’s delightful.”
“Hey, I see that face! This is the best quality stuff you’re going to find.” Lambert sighs wistfully. “Fucking carrageenan, man.”
“I see you’ve been hanging about with your sorceress too much again.”
“After tonight, you’ll be begging me to go meet her so you can thank her yourself, trust me.”
Jaskier hums, unconvinced, but his tune quickly changes after Lambert strokes Jaskier’s cock using it, his hand unimpeded as it glides up and down the shaft. Jaskier’s cock is red and weeping by now, but Lambert still doesn’t take pity on him, pulling his hand away after the few tugs.
“Do you want to do it on your stomach or back?”
Jaskier thinks about it for a second. “My back.”
He doesn’t want to say as much, but he does think the experience will be enhanced if he’s able to see Lambert during it. His muscles look good while he’s clothed, and they’re doubly enchanting now. Jaskier drifts a finger across one of Lambert’s scars. Lambert glances down as he manhandles Jaskier into the position he wants him in, tugging him to the edge of the bed while he stands in front of him. “That one’s from a harpy, I think,” he says.
“A harpy got the better of you?” Jaskier asks in mock disbelief.
“Shut up. It happens.”
The lines around Lambert’s eyes crinkle, and Jaskier can’t help but return the smile. Lambert bends Jaskier’s leg, leaning down to kiss the delicate skin of his ankle and licking it a little just to be an ass because he’s Lambert, before situating himself in between Jaskier’s legs. He puts more of his slick on his fingers, before he circles them around Jaskier’s hole. Jaskier looks down in fascination as two of Lambert’s fingers breech him. Rotating his hand, Lambert looks at Jaskier to make sure nothing hurts, and Jaskier nods at him eagerly, just an odd sensation of something foreign being inside of him. Nothing mind blowing yet, but so far, so good. Lambert soothes his hand down Jaskier’s flank. “Gentle, remember?”
Jaskier scowls at him as Lambert pulls his fingers back out, spreading more slick on them before he introduces a third finger. He wiggles them inside Jaskier, crooking them about as he presumably looks for the little bundle of nerves that Jaskier’s heard so much about. There’s a sense of cognitive dissonance as he looks down at where Lambert’s fingers disappear into him, but he gasps when Lambert presses up against the spot he was looking for. “Right there,” Jaskier tells him, and Lambert rubs him relentlessly, making Jaskier moan and light up from the inside out.
His cock throbs. He reaches down to touch it halfheartedly, but Lambert slaps his hand away, as he expected. “Touch me, please,” he begs.
Lambert relents with another teasing touch, just dragging the fingers not currently inside Jaskier up his shaft before pulling at the foreskin a bit. Lambert keeps this up until Jaskier is a boneless, panting, mess. “Just fuck me,” Jaskier cries.
“I’m going to finger you for another minute, just for that.”
Jaskier throws his head back against the pillow and shuts his eyes, trying to keep his overwhelming arousal from crashing over him. Finally, blessedly, Lambert pulls out his fingers. He lines up his cock with Jaskier’s hole, pressing the head in. He scoots Jaskier up on the bed so he can bracket his arms around Jaskier as he pushes in farther, waiting for Jaskier to adjust with each bit.
Their faces are close to each other, and Jaskier can’t help but pull Lambert into a sloppy kiss as the blunt sensation of fullness settles in his gut once Lambert’s all the way sheathed inside of him. “Okay?” Lambert asks, and Jaskier nods. He’s a little amazed that it doesn’t hurt. There was only a slight burn as Lambert first entered him, then the overwhelming feeling of knowing that Lambert’s cock was inside of him.
Lambert buries his face in Jaskier’s neck, sniffing at him as witches are wont to do, while he shallowly thrusts his hips, his cock rubbing against the walls of Jaskier’s hole maddeningly. After a few minutes of this, Jaskier is blubbering from the sensation of exactly what he wants being so close but out of reach. His hands come up to grip at Lambert’s thighs, urging him to go faster.
Melitele smiles down at him when Lambert finally repositions himself so he has better leverage, starting to slam inside him. Jaskier shuts his eyes and listens to the slap of their skin echo in the room, crying out whenever Lambert gets a particularly good thrust past his prostate. Lambert reaches down between them to take Jaskier’s aching cock in hand, stroking him quickly. He twists his hand as he does, sometimes reaching down to brush his thumb over Jaskier’s sack and fondle it. Jaskier nearly bites through his lip at the stimulation of it all.
It’s a pathetically short amount of time after that when Jaskier spills, shouting Lambert’s name and squeezing his hand around Lambert’s wrist. Lambert slows his thrusts and strokes Jaskier through it, until Jaskier pushes his hand away.
Lambert pulls out of him before Jaskier can protest, leaving his hole clenching around nothing and bereft as it begins to tighten again. Lambert jacks his cock quickly, Jaskier tracking the microexpressions that flit across his face as he brings himself his own pleasure until he comes, spurting onto Jaskier’s crotch and stomach. Jaskier gives him a put upon sigh at the mess, but he’s not sure how convincing it is when he’s so tired he can barely do anything but lay there.
Lambert grins at him and tugs at his hair before he retreats to grab something off the floor that Jaskier recognizes as his doublet. “Hey!” he protests, but it doesn’t stop Lambert from cleaning them up with it.
“You’re buying me a new shirt,” Jaskier says.
Lambert hums. “I’ll wash this one for you. Maybe. If you’re lucky.”
Jaskier throws an arm over his eyes. “You’re so cruel to me.”
He keeps his arm there until Lambert prods him in the side.
“How was that?” Lambert asks. “World shaking?”
Jaskier looks up at him, brushing his fingers through Lambert’s bristly hair and making him flush. “It was everything I wanted.”
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iwadori ¡ 3 years
When they leave you on your wedding day (Sakusa, Bokuto)
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Genre: angst
Word count: 1.7K
Sakusa’s will make more sense if you read this you don’t have too but it’ll help.
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“Y/N,” you hear knocks on the door outside your dressing room “I-I need to talk to you.”    
“But Omi, a groom must never see their bride until they meet at the alter,” you say behind the door.
“I-It’s important, and I must tell you right now.” he says a bit more intensely
“Okay, Okay... you can come in but im hiding in the closet since my dress is already on.”
You hear the door open and shut, and a lot of pacing around of what you can presume was his fresh wedding shoes trotting against the hard wood floors.
“Omi,” you call wondering why he hasn’t spoken yet “Is everything okay?”
“Umm yes I-it's fine...it just I-” he says pausing
“Just what?”
“I don’t really know how to say this Y/N, I don’t really know how to say it’s just-” he says again pausing himself taking a deep breath.
“Just what Omi? Don’t tell me you’ve got cold feet love,” you say laughing at the thought of it, but your laughter ceased when you don’t hear the ‘Of course I don’t have cold feet Y/N’ that you were expecting.
“Omi?” you asked again, hoping he had he was still going to give you the response you wanted.
“Omi..” you repeated.
“Omi!” you say finally, now exiting the room (with your wedding dress on) to see why your fiance was not responding.  
To your shock, Omi was sitting down on a couch with his face in his hands with soft sobs coming from his mouth and runny tears and snot coming from his eyes and nose. “Omi whats wrong?” you say loudly, alerting him,
“Y/N you look beautiful!” he says sniffling.
“Omi you were meant to say that at the alter, but now that your crying forget about the dress... what’s wrong?” you say sitting down next to him.
“I don’t know how to say this...” he starts, looking away from you  
“Say what? Omi look at me...” you say feeling anxious  
“We...We can’t get married today,” he says still with his eyes off you.
“What do you mean, we can’t get married.” you ask but you get no answer,
“Omi answer me,”
“Say something please!” you say turning his body so that he’s facing you, his eyes are all puffy and bloodshot from the crying and now tears are filling yours “What do you mean Omi,”
“Remember Ex’s name?” he says confusing you cause what did she have to do with anything.
“Yes I remember her, I remember vividly being the girl you cheated on her with after you claimed you were ‘breaking up with her’ so I had to tell her.” you scoff “so yes, I definitely remember Y/N, what about her?”
“We recently umm how can I say this,” he says struggling for words “reconnected... and I do truly miss her and she’s made me rethink some things, see some things...”
“And those things are?”
“I’ve always loved her, she’s always been my one. The one.” he says smiling a bit at the thought of her making you feel sick.
“But Omi what about us? What about the wedding that’s going to happen in less than an hour?”
“Im sorry Y/N I’ll tell everyone what has happened.”
“I don’t want you to do that, I want you to marry me.” you say desparetly “please Omi, why her? Why now..”
“It’s always been her, and you’ve known that.” he says standing up “The day you told her about our ONE NIGHT stand, was the day that I thought I couldn’t live on, but when you came and accepted the pathetic mess I was, I gladly dated you since I had nothing else to loose...but its been 4 years since then I'm a changed man and EX NAME is a changed girl, a forgiving girl and the spark we had wasn’t lost I guess...and Im happy now”
“But what about me?” you say crying “What about me? And my happiness, don’t I deserve that? Don’t I deserve to finally be happy.”  
“Y/N, you do deserve to be happy. But not with me, not at the stake of my own happiness, I wont allow it.”
“Omi bu-”
“God Y/N, don’t be so desperate!” he said agressively “Im sorry for stopping the wedding, I know your parents have put in alot of money in it and I will certainly pay them back... in due time of course.”
“You’re sorry for stopping the wedding?” you say angrily “Not sorry for stopping this relationship. Stopping the longlasting feelings ive felt for you since the day I met you?”
“Cut the crap Y/N, all we did was have one night stand.” he says rolling his eyes and unbuttoning his top botton of his shirt and loosening his tie I dont know why but this Is what guys do when theyre mad in the movies.
“Your such a liar Omi, you used to come into my work place everyday flirting with me talking about how much you wanted me, PINING AFTER ME, making me fall in love with you and not even telling me you had a girlfriend at the time.” you yell “and you summarise that all to me falling in love with you after one measly one night stand.”
“I don’t want to do this Y/N,” he says heading to the door “We’re finished. No more wedding. No marriage. And definitely don’t contact me after this. We’re through.” he slams the door behind him, leaving you alone and jilted in your wedding dress.
You get why he broke it off with you, and technically you do play a small part to blame. You were the one that told his girlfriend that you slept with him and then dated him afterwards, so I guess ‘how you get them, is how you lose them’ definitely works in this case.
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The bokuto and L/N wedding was going to be a joyous occasion. Your soon to be husband told everybody he saw that he were to be wed with you, he couldn’t contain his excitement.
“Bokuto calm down, we’ll be married soon.” was what you always said, whenever he started his rambles to which he always replied “I know Y/N, I cant wait.”
When it came to your grand day, you were excited from the moment you woke up you were buzzing, wondering if Bokuto was feeling even a half of the feelings that you felt.  
You looked beautiful in your dress, anticipating the look on Bokuto’s face when he sees you at that alter. Your wedding party was already at the hotel you were getting married at whilst Bokuto’s got ready at the houe and decided to drive there.
So after you got ready, all you had to do is wait for Kuroo, one of Bokuto’s best men, to tell you when it’s time for you to walk down the aisle.  
You were impatient, your leg was shaking now you knew how Bokuto felt when he rambled on how excited he was for you to become Bokuto Y/N. You finally heard a knock on the door and you dashed to open it,
“Kuroo, thank god you’re here!” you exclaim giving him a hug “I’ve been waiting ages for you, lets go! Take me to my future husband.” You pull his arm practically trying to run and see your man before Kuroo pulls your arm halting you.
“Y/N...” he says shifting his eye sight from left to right “I think we should sit down for a minute.”
“Why? Is he not here yet, gosh he’s always been late to things” you joke “but fine we can sit for a minute or two.”
As you sat, Kuroo turns his body to you putting his hands on your knees with his eyes looking sad “Y/N. I don’t know how to say this but...” he gulps putting his head down “there’s been an accident.”
“Accident? What do you mean accident? What happened? Is everyone okay.” you ask a bit frantically, since it would sad for someone to be hurt on your wedding day.
“That’s the thing Y/N, Bokuto he..”  
“Bokuto what? He’s okay.. Right?” you ask staring at Kuroo “He’s fine right?”
“No he isnt,” he says
“What do you mean he isn’t what happened, where is he? I need to see him.” you say getting up before Kuroo pulls you back down.
“He isn’t anywhere... well anywhere for you to see him. There weren’t enough cars for us, well there were but one of them the engine wasn’t starting and it sound a bit dodgy. But Bokuto said, he insisted for us all to be there. I even offered to let him take my spot in the other cars, I did Y/N I really did, but he promised us that he’d be fine. He left a bit before he did, saying that if he had chance to wander around the hotel it may calm his nerves. But when we were driving, we saw this car all mangled up on the side of the road, it was his. I told him not to drive that car, I told him and he did and I-” he rambled with tears pooling in his eyes “Im sorry Y/N im really sorry.”
“But why why didn’t you call?”
“He told us not too, he said that he wanted you be to as happy as you could be on this day as he knew it wouldn’t end with you becoming his wife.”
“But the ambulance, you called an ambulance right?”
“He was D.O.A, Akaashi went with him since he knew that he probably wouldn’t be able to deliver the news to you.”
“Why? Why did he leave me? On our wedding day, it was supposed to be our day and now hes gone Kuroo hes gone.” you wail, but kuroo wraps his arms around you in a brotherly hug as he cries too.  
That’s how you spend your wedding night, crying in your friends arms over the loss of your ‘husband’ and his ‘brother.’
Bokuto’s funeral was the week after, and it was not an event you were excited for. It was a hard day to get through, but you did it with the help of Kuroo and Akaashi. You visit Bokuto every year on your wedding anniversary talking to your husband even though it always reminds you of the day that never came to be.
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This is the wedding angst that is a gift from me to you sweetheart @teesumu you can totally block me after this cause girll I cried whilst writing it.
If you want a nice ending to the bokuto story to make you feel better read this
General taglist [bold can’t be tagged]: @sakuxxi, @iimoonii, @hamdehlesmis, @Shoyosupremacy, @iambashfulperson, @kayleighbeccaa, @dearkousei, @bakugouswh0r3, @xedspirits @borpcorp, @soft-angel-clouds, @foxxtrot-116 @Xogiaaa, @jesssobs, @apple-poptarts @galagcica @letssssus, @random-734, [join the taglist here]
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431 notes ¡ View notes
sunarinluvr ¡ 3 years
|| haikyuu boys after a long day ||
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includes: sakusa kiyoomi, miya atsumu, & suna rintarou
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a/n- hi!! heres some fluff for haikyuu boys after a long day post time-skip,,,this was also not proofread and i’ve written these at 4am so please bear with me ;_; hope u enjoy it! also i apologize for only posting now T^T
warnings: none! (lmk if theres anything i missed)
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today was just extremely draining. he was woken up by you panicking as the both of you had overslept, and was about to be late. he also couldnt get his spikes right during practice which frustrated him more since he had a match in a few days.
when sakusa finally arrived home he was greeted by you and your smile that always made his day a little bit better. "rough day?" you asked tilting your head slightly so that you could get a better view of him.
he gave you a little nod as he dropped his bag and put his shoes away. padding over to the couch where you were seated, he plopped down and tilted his head back. “omi do you want to eat anything? wait no you probably want to shower—”
you couldn’t even finish your sentence as sakusa leaned closer to you and nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck “can we..stay like this for awhile?” he muttered softly. you smiled and wrapped your arms around him “of course my love”
after awhile, you noticed it was getting late and it would be best for him if he took a bath and got to bed, so despite wanting to stay like that for a little longer you rubbed his back gently “omi, why don’t i start you a bath? so that you can sleep right after”
sakusa groans in your neck and you giggle because you rarely got to see this side of him,, he was absolutely adorable. nevertheless he sat up and let you start a bath for him.
when the bath was ready you called for him and just as you were about to leave he grabbed your wrist. you looked at him but he switched his gaze onto the floor “aren’t you going to join me?” he asked so softly that if you weren’t listening carefully you would’ve missed it.
you cupped his cheeks and tilting his face so that both your eyes met. not missing the slight blush on his cheeks you smiled softly “your so cute when you’re like this omi, you get in first i’ll go grab my towel” with a quick kiss to his forehead you were out the door.
once the two of you were cleaned up, you both climbed into bed and sakusa was quick to wrap his arms around your waist and pull you closer to him. with a gentle kiss to your lips he nuzzles his nose in your hair as he muttered a sleepy but endearing “i love you so much” and with a content sigh you cuddled closer to him “i love you too omi.”
he was tired to say the least. the coach was ruthless today and made everyone do their drills twice to make up for their previous loss. atsumu wanted absolutely nothing more than to cuddle with you.
once practice ended he quickly showered and rushed home to you. dropping his duffel bag at the door and messily removing his shoes “y/n? baby! am home!” he called out. “in here babe”
you replied while stirring the dinner you were currently making. seeing atsumu you gave him your brightest smile as you walked towards him to give him a hug and his welcome home kiss, not missing the tired look in his eyes “welcome home. did the coach make you do more drills today?” you asked lightly chuckling
atsumu buried his face into your neck with a small smile on his face— groaning and hugging you a bit tighter “coach was ruthless princess, made us do drills twice” he mumbled
“sounds like my tsum had it rough today, go get changed dinners almost ready” you said softly while gently rubbing his back. “no... a just wanna cuddle with ya. a missed ma baby so much” he said whining. at that you laughed and slowly shook your head, atsumu couldn’t help but feel his heart do a small flip at the sound of your laugh.
“tsumu, we can cuddle all you want later. right now i’m starving and i’m sure you are too” without saying another word and a quick peck to your lips he retreated slowly to your shared bedroom to get changed while you prepared the food.
as you ate dinner he made sure to always have a hand on your thigh—this just made you laugh because your boyfriend was being so needy it was adorable. after he put the dishes away, you called for him “tsum come here! let’s watch a movie” you said with your arms opened and he walks to you with a huge smile on his face.
dropping himself on the couch he immediately wrapped his arms around your waist as you played with his hair. “thank you a love ya so much princess”he said softly. “i love you more baby” you reply as you start the movie. a few minutes in you wonder why he got so quiet all of a sudden, so you quickly check on him
only to be met by him softly snoring while his face was nuzzled into your chest. you always thought atsumu was adorable, but his sleeping face is just unmatched, the way his bangs fell over his eyes and his little content smile. knowing that you’re the only one who gets to see this side of him makes your heart swell. with a gentle kiss to his forehead you say “goodnight tsumu.”
to say suna had a hectic day would be an understatement. right after a long day of training he had to rush to an interview, he forgot he had after rescheduling it for the 3rd time this month (i mean you can't blame him, he finds interviews very draining). during the interview all he could think about was being in your arms, so he rushed home the moment it ended.
quickly opening the door to your apartment, he took off his shoes and carefully placed his bag on top of a table. “babe? i’m home.” he calls out, but he gets no response. he tries again, “babe?? im home!” no answer. he makes his way to the living room, then to your shared bedroom.
with a sigh of defeat he walks back to the living room getting ready to text you where you were when he remembered. “rin....rinnie...baby!” you said with a huge smile on your face. he hummed looking at you with a raised brow “i’m going to be out late next friday, it is my friends birthday. don’t worry i wont be out too long!”
“ughh why’d she have to be out today” suna mumbled to himself with a little frown on his face. he decided to wait for you to come home, so he put himself in a comfortable position on the couch as he scrolled through his phone, slowly his eyelids got heavier and heavier, until next thing you know he’s sound asleep on the couch.
a few hours later you finally came home. “i’m home” you say gently as you make your way to the living room. as you passed by the couch you noticed suna’s sleeping figure. ‘he looks so cute’ you think to yourself. quickly whipping out your phone to take pictures of him so you can tease him about it later.
after taking a lot a few photos, you quickly get changed out of your work clothes into some sweats and an oversized sweatshirt. walking back into the living room you give him a quick kiss on the forehead, but before you could fully stand up you felt suna’s arm wrap around you. gasping at the sudden movement, you lose your balance and ended up plopping on top of him.
suna laughs as you playfully hit his chest. “hi pretty baby. welcome home, did you have fun today?” giggling softly you lift your head a bit so you can see his face “hello to you too rin, and yes today was pretty eventful. what about you? have you eaten?” he just shrugs as he hugs you tighter and nuzzles his face into your neck.
“i ate dinner before going to the interview, my day was pretty tiring, but its ok now because you’re here” you can feel his smirk on your neck as you roll your eyes at him. “whatever you say.” 
after a few minutes of catching up with each other, you forced him to get out of the couch and move to your shared bedroom. once you both got under the covers he turns to you with a small smile and gives you a soft kiss on your lips. “goodnight rin, i love you” burying his nose into your hair he replies with a soft “goodnight, i love you more.”
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reblogs are highly appreciated!!
510 notes ¡ View notes
make-me-imagine ¡ 3 years
I'll Stay
Prompts: 'Hands brush as you stand next to each other, you think it's on accident until their hands gentle wrap around yours.' + 'Shielding the other with their body to save/protect them.' Requested by: @spuffyfan394
Pairing: Din Djarin x Gn!Reader
Warnings: None.
Words: 3.5k
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* * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ * *
"What did you do, fly through a meteor field?" You asked amused as you walked around the ship, The Mandalorian following behind as you assessed the damage. The Mandalorian had barely made it to the planet, practically crashing the ship into the bay.
"Something like that." His voice said smoothly.
You stopped and turned towards him, your eyes flicking over the small child in the bag at his side 'Cute'. "If you want to be able to make it to another planet, you're gonna have to wait around here for a week or so."
You heard him huff out "I can't do that."
"Well, lest you want to drop out of the sky halfway to the next system you'll need too. Unless you know how to fix the ship while you're flying, which can be done, but it being just you flying, it wont work that well. Unless that little guy knows how to pilot a ship." You said gesturing to the child, who cooed and looked up at the Mandalorian.
The Mandalorian looked down at the child "Yeah, that wouldn't work out well." He said with a mild hint of amusement in his voice. Looking back up at his ship, he let out another breath, clearly not satisfied with what was going on.
You knew that the damage done to the ship was not done by meteors, but gunfire. He's probably on the run, but you didn't want to assume. Looking at the child again, you felt a sense of worry and guilt fall over you. You didn't want the child to get hurt, and you felt bad for not being able to fix the ship quick enough. Looking around your shop, you suddenly got an idea.
"How long can you stay here?" You asked.
The Mandalorian looked over at you "I can spare a couple days."
You nodded your head as you turned and looked at the damaged ship "Okay. I have an offer for you." You turned to him and he seemed to stand at attention. "I'll fix the ship as much as I can in the next two days, get it so she can fly well enough. And, I will stay on as an onboard mechanic, get the ship fixed as you go. The only payment I need is a basic ship parts fee, and a ride far away from here."
The Mandalorian seemed to size you up for a moment "I know you know that damage wasn't done by a meteor field. It would be dangerous to ride with me."
"Any more dangerous than for a child?" You asked.
He glanced down at the child who was looking back and forth between the two of you. He cocked his head "That's fair." He mumbled before looking back at you "I wont say I can protect you if things go bad."
"I wont expect you to." You replied back quickly.
"You sure you want to leave?"
You nodded firmly "Anywhere is better than here."
Din was intrigued by this, but said nothing. Looking at his ship one more time and then back to you, he nodded his head "Alright, deal."
You nodded your head and reached out your hand, which he took with a firm shake. "We leave in two days." He said before he walked past you and out the door, probably into town.
You watched as he went before looking up at the battered ship. You needed to get to work fast. This would probably be the only time you'd be able to get a ride out of here. Grabbing your toolbox you begun to assess the damage and working on the ship, a feeling of excitement and hope coming over you.
* * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ * *
You let out a satisfied sigh as you sat back on the floor, finally having fixed some damage to the ship that had been giving you trouble.
Wiping the sweat from your forehead you looked around the ship, eyeing some smaller damage that needed to be dealt with at some point. But probably not by you. You'd be reaching your destination soon, thus leaving Din and the Child behind.
Feeling a bit of melancholy at the thought, you toyed with the idea of asking Din if you could stay for a bit longer. You could tell him you found some more damage that needed to be fixed urgently. But you didn't really want to lie to him.
You'd been on The Razor Crest with Din and the Child for about two weeks now. The Damage to the ship had been more extensive than you previously thought, so you stayed on to help fix it for a bit longer than originally planned.
You and Din had become close to being friends, sharing stories and jokes. You had also grown fond of the child. Din trusted you enough to tell you what had happened with the child, and how he was now trying to find his people to return him too. It was admirable. Din was admirable, and trustworthy. You had grown quite fond of him as well, much more so than you ever intended.
Part of you hoped that he was starting to develop feelings for you as well. As you'd often catch him staring at you out of the corner of your eye. But, maybe it was just that he was watching you to make sure you didn't mess up his ship even more. There wasn't much too you, at least not enough that Din would be interested. Or so you told yourself.
"We're about ten minutes away." Din's voice shook you from your thoughts.
Turning, you saw him standing in the doorway, how long hand he been there? "Okay." You replied as you stood up.
You were stopping at a small planet to get some food, fuel and some parts for the ship. You were running low on money, and so was Din. He mentioned something about taking a job on the next planet you'd stop at after this one, but you weren't really involved in that part of his life. Bounty hunting, meaning.
Getting cleaned up, you changed your clothes and met Din in the cockpit just as you were landing. "Can you take him?" He asked, referring to the child.
"Of course." You smiled as you grabbed his satchel, to carry him around in. As you grabbed him he smiled and cooed getting comfortable in your arms.
Again, from the corner of your eyes, you saw Din watching you. Oh how you wondered what he looked like under that helmet. What color his eyes were, if he had as kind of a face as you pictured. Looking at him, you smiled "How long will you need?"
He suddenly stood "Only an hour most likely. Is that long enough for you?"
You nodded as you turned to begin leaving the Crest "Should be. I only need a few more parts." You said, before realizing what you said and cursing yourself silently. Well, there goes your chance at any excuse to stay longer.
"So you're almost done fixing the ship?" He asked.
You nodded, not looking back at him "Yeah. You can get rid of me soon enough." You joked, though you felt a pang of disappointment in your chest.
As you walked down the ramp and out of the Razor Crest, you heard Din speak softly behind you "I see." You swore you heard disappointment in his voice, but tried not to linger on the hope of it.
You finally turned back to him, and he was already watching you, you smiled lightly "See you in an hour." You said quickly before turning and walking towards the market.
Din watched you go. An unusual feeling swelled up in his chest as he remembered you were leaving. But that was the deal right? You get dropped off far away from the planet you met on, once you fix the ship. He knew that. But why did he feel so disappointed. As you disappeared into the crowd of people and shops he let out a sigh before walking the other direction into town.
- - - - -
You walked around town with the child, grabbing some small bits of food, having already bought the parts you needed. Suddenly, you felt a weird feeling crawl up your neck.
Looking around you, you spot a Rodian leaning against a wall, watching you with a rather intense gaze. You remember having seen him on the other side of the market too. You quickly looked away and began to hand the food to the vendor.
You had a bad feeling about this. Acting as casual as you could, you paid the vendor for the food and began walking back towards the Razor Crest. The hour was almost up, so you hoped he would be there.
Rounding corner after corner on the way back to the ship, you noticed more people watching you. Not in the normal way of, why does that human have a green child? But in the way of, why does that human have THE child. These were bounty hunters, you could feel it. Covering the child up in your jacket, you heard him coo in annoyance.
Finally seeing The Razor Crest come into view, you began to walk a bit faster. Your eyes caught on a figure in the crowd in front of you, looking around. Din. Taking a chance, you looked behind you. And seeing none of the men who had been following you, you felt relieved.
Turning back around, you collided with someone. Gasping, you looked up in fear, only to breath out in relief as you saw a familiar helmeted face looked down at you. His hands gripped your arms gently, as to keep you steadied.
Din could tell something was wrong "What happened?"
"I think there are bounty hunters here for the child."
That was all you needed to say. No excuses, no 'how do you knows.' Din kept one hand on your arm as he turned "Okay, lets go."
Walking quickly beside him, you felt safer in his presence. The closer you got to the docking bay of the Razor Crest, the less people there were, and eventually as you entered the bay, there were none.
As you got closer to the ship, you were feeling more and more relieved. But when two men stepped out in front of you, blocking your way, your heart sank. It was the Rodian from before, paired now with another.
Din stepped forward a bit, and you felt his gloved hand brush against yours. If you weren't so afraid, you'd be blushing. His hand remained in place, and you were sure it was an accident, but, as he moved a bit to the side, as if to shield you, his hand slid into yours, and he gripped it. Not tightly, but enough to be comforting.
Now you felt your heart pounding in your chest, the blush threatening to rise. But as the Rodians took a few steps forward, your thoughts reverted back to the impending danger, your hand unconsciously tightened around Din's.
"Can we help you" Din asked, his voice casual, but carrying an air of warning.
"We want the kid." One of the Rodians said in his native tongue, his voice harsh.
"What kid?" Din asked, having noticed that the child was now hidden in the satchel under your jacket.
"Don't play with us Mandalorian, we know they have him." The Rodian said as he pointed at you, your eyes now noticing the rifle in his hand. You stepped back a bit, and Din moved in front of you entirely.
Looking behind you, you see another bounty hunter creeping up on you. Grabbing Din's elbow, he looked back, seeing the approaching threat. Bringing his hand to his gun he moved so that you were at at least hidden mostly by each oncoming threat. You found yourself placing your hands on Din's back as your fear grew, your hands gripping the fabric of the cloak draped down his back.
Stepping backward with the same movement of Din, you eyed the Razor Crest, trying to see a path to get to it.
"I don't think you want to do this." Din said to the bounty hunters, his voice now obvious with warning.
"Oh, I think we do." The newer hunter said as he quickly unsheathed his gun.
As he began firing, with one hand Din raised his gun and fired, and with the other, he reached back to wrap around you, pulling you closer to him. You heard the shots bouncing off his impenetrable armor, but also heard his grunts as they impacted him.
As your eyes caught on the spare gun Din had at is hip, you grabbed it, pulling it out. Reaching out over his shoulder, you fired at the Rodians. You had no clear line of sight on them from your place behind Din, but as their shots faltered, you knew you were at least aiming in the right spot.
Din took this opportunity to fire at the Rodians too, successfully shooting them down. Aiming back at the other bounty hunter, who was dodging behind a crate, Din called back to you "Go for the Crest!" He yelled.
As soon as he said this, you pulled away from him and began towards the ship, ducking down behind any crate or object you could just in case. You kept your eyes on the Rodians in case they were still alive. Making your way up the ramp to the ship, a laser shot right past your face making you gasp and duck.
Din quickly returned fire, glancing back to make sure you were okay. As you got the door open and jumped inside Din took out one of his charges and threw it towards the hunter before running into the ship.
As you both climbed up into the cockpit, you threw yourself down into the seat, checking on the child, who looked up at you in fear. You brought him to your chest to comfort him as Din started the ship and began to take off.
Only until you were out of the planets range and knew you were not being followed, did you feel relieved and safe again.
As the child finally calmed down, you stood up silently and began to take him to his bed to rest. Din looked back at you, and felt guilt for what happened. You knew what could happen, but this was the first time you had to deal with it. You'd surely want to leave now. Letting out a small sigh, he looked back out of the window at the dark unending space. Maybe it was better if you left. You'd be safer if you did.
After the child fell asleep, you went and sat on your small cot. Your mind went back through what happened today. You sighed as you realized how useless you felt. You couldn't help when the hunters were baring down on you. You fired a gun but couldn't even aim it. And if you had ended up being grabbed by one, what could you have done? You would try to fight sure, but you were sure they'd had the upper hand in skill.
Din had to protect you. You looked at your hand, remembering how he held it in his own. He shouldn't have to risk himself and the child to protect you. No matter how much you wanted to stay, it would be better if you left. Surely Din felt the same, even if he wouldn't say it.
Standing up you walked quietly past where the child slept and grabbed your tools. You'd fix the ship now, so that Din could drop you off at the next stop.
So you did work, silently, quickly, your thoughts constantly fighting each other. The closer you got the ship to being fixed, the worse you felt. You wanted to stay. But thinking back on what happened, you pushed yourself forward. Through your busy mind, you never noticed Din watching you from the door.
He watched as you grabbed tool after tool, and the occasional part to put back in. You were fixing the rest of the ship, you wanted to leave. Of course you did. After what happened today anyone would. He didn't blame you. But, part of him hoped you'd stay. No, not part of him, all of him.
When the bounty hunters attacked, he wanted so badly to protect both you and the child. And when he took your hand in his, it felt right. He was so afraid you'd get hurt, and when you didn't he felt so relieved. In that moment, that was when he really accepted it. That he had feelings for you. It was irrational, he knew it, surely you'd never want to be with him. But that would no longer stop him from hoping you did.
Silently, he turned and returned back to the cockpit, leaving you to finish what you needed to. You'd probably want to leave at the next planned stop. Maybe he'd slow down the ship a bit, so he wouldn't have to say goodbye so soon.
- - - - -
"We're about twenty minutes away." Din said as you entered the cockpit.
"Alright." You replied as you sat down, smiling at the child as he looked at you.
You had not spoken to Din since the previous day, having spent all of your time finishing the ship. You were so close to the planet, where you would part ways, but you still hadn't brought it up.
"I saw you packed your stuff up. You finished fixing the ship?" Din said suddenly.
Guess you didn't have a choice now. "Uh, yeah I did. There are still some minor repairs needed but they can wait until you have the money to get them fixed. I uh- I guess I'll be getting off today." You said awkwardly.
"I understand." He said, making you frown slightly.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean I get why you want to leave. What happened yesterday was...intense. I'm sure you don't want to have to deal with that again. So I, uh, I get it."
"Oh, no. That's not why I'm leaving. I mean, not really."
Din stopped and turned in his seat a bit "Then why?"
You looked at him blankly for a moment before speaking softly "Don't you want me to go?"
"What?" Din asked, his voice obviously confused.
"I mean...I was useless yesterday, you had to protect me. You shouldn't have to protect the child and me, that's too much, I'll end up getting you killed." You blabbered quickly before looking down at your hands "It's probably better for the both of you if I go. Then you wont have to worry about someone else."
Din stared at you for a moment, and when the child cooed he looked over at him. He was looking between you and Din, he must sense that something was wrong. Din shook his head lightly before looking back at you "Do you want to leave?"
You looked up at him and opened your mouth "I-" You were going to repeat what you said, about why you should, but stopping you shook your head lightly "No. No really. But, I will, if you want me to, and I wont hold it against you, I promise." You let out a chuckle, but it was dry and humorless.
Din looked over at the child "Hey kid." The child looked over at him quickly "Do you want Y/n to leave?"
You looked from Din to the child, surely he wouldn't understand that question. But as the child looked at you, his eyes seemed to flicker with realization. You watched at the child stood up, somewhat clumsily before taking a few steps to the edge of his seat. Reaching his little hand you towards you, you reached over and gently held it. He cooed and looked up at you with a smile.
"I think that's a no." You couldn't help but smile brightly at the child, which made Din smile under his helmet. Turning back forward in his seat, he spoke casually "That makes three."
Your head snapped towards him "You mean, you...don't, want me to leave?"
"It's good, having a mechanic on board, useful." You felt your heart drop a little at his answer, but he continued "Plus, I'll teach you to fight, to use different weapons, to protect yourself. That way you don't have to think about being useless, 'cause you're not." Your heart picked back up in pace "You can even help on the job I'm gonna take on this planet. It'll help you train." You smiled at Din, though he was still turned away. He spoke one more time, a little softer "And to answer your question. No, I don't want you to leave."
Your smile widened at this, and you felt your heart beating rapidly in your chest, it was almost painful. "Alright then. I'll stay."
Din nodded his head, and you swore you could hear the smile in his voice "Good."
xx End xx
I hope you liked it! If you did please consider reblogging! It helps to spread the fic past my followers, and helps my blog grow!
If you'd like to be added to be Star Wars or Din Djarin taglist let me know!~
General Taglist: @criminaly-supernatural; @caswinchester2000
Din Taglist: @furblrwurblr, @startrekkingaroundasgard
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reidsnose ¡ 4 years
horror film
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overview: reader and spencer watch a scary movie and spook themselves into cuddling
genre: fluff/angst?(yall are scared bc of the movie)/kind of humor
warnings: light swearing, mentions of idk like spooky ghost stuff
a/n: i definitely have been watching far too many horror movies for my own good but i dont have a spencer reid to cuddle up with lmao anyway i hope you guys enjoy it !!! please please let me know what you thing :)
Spencer didn't understand. after all you guys see throughout the day, you want to come home and watch a horror movie. your whole lives were like one big horror movie.
but, regardless, he would walk to the ends of the earth for you (though he did not plan on telling you that), so watching a scary movie with you wouldn't be so bad. in fact, anything would be good with you. he would happily get a root canal if it meant spending more time with you.
he tried to convince himself: a scary movie is like halloween! and he loves halloween. reading about it. learning about it. but getting his adrenaline pumping via jump scare? hmmm..maybe not.
he didn't watch many horror films when he was a kid. his mom didn't do very well with them. and he liked his foreign films better. but watching the light in your eyes twinkle when you asked him to come over to watch together because you were scared to watch alone? how could he say no?
and you were beyond excited to have him over. even though you guys had already hung out outside of work before, you almost never got to pick the movies. truth be told that was because you went along with almost anything he said so you could get closer. and you planned on watching the movie at a friendly distance.
keyword: planned.
but it was now halfway through the movie and you were both cuddled up together in the corner of the couch. and from the beginning of the movie, anytime something remotely creepy happened, Spencer would lean over and whisper what a reasonable explanation could be. or tell you how statistically improbable the events of a certain scene was. and so you two drew closer and closer. and he convinced himself he was telling you the statistics and facts to make sure you dont get too scared; but really it was himself he was trying to calm down.
the movie was what it said it was; scary. but you had watched your fair share of horror movies, and though a couple of the jump scares got you, you were getting a little disinterested and distracted.
every time he leaned over (rather, now he was leaning down) and whispered something to you, you had to fight the urge to kiss him. not to mention. you were snuggled up to you're best friend who you were secretly crushing on and he was pulling you impossibly closer with every creepy scene that flashed on screen. and you were more exhausted than you knew. and Spencer was just so damn comfortable its like the guys arms were made to dream in!
so you started dozing off.
not Spencer.
he couldn't tell if his heart was beating from using you as his own personal teddy bear, or from the horrifying, ghastly scenes unfolding on screen. he didnt even notice you had fallen asleep until he leaned down, eyes glue to the screen, to whisper how unlikely the existence of ghosts was, and you didn't answer. he looked down and let himself audibly sigh. a smile cracking on his lips at the irony of you falling asleep during a horror movie.
one last jump scare had woken you up at the very end of the movie. not so much the jump scare, but the jerk of Spencer's entire body and the slight yelp he let out. and you found yourself feeling sad that Spencer was going to go home.
you told him he could stay if he was scared, to which he replied he was completely not scared (though his lie was very obvious). and having not watched most of the movie, you were able to fall back asleep in no time.
that was not the case for Spencer.
he was incredibly paranoid as he walked up the stairs, afraid an evil spirit would be waiting to scare him in his apartment. and when he lied down to sleep, every shadow that appeared in his room seemed to resemble a ghost. he tossed and turned petrified for about an hour before deciding he couldn't stay alone in his apartment.
so he found himself driving back to your apartment at about midnight to ask if he could sleep in the guest bedroom.
when he arrived at your door you let out a chuckle at his request, giving him a sort of "told you so" talking to as you made arrangements in the guest room so he'd be comfortable. and boy did this make him feel better. he was still very scared, but it wasn't nearly as bad because he knew you were just a room away. he opted to get a glass of water to try and calm down.
you, however, had just now started to be scared as images replayed in your head of things that go bump in the night. you tossed and turned trying not to look at the shadowy corners of your room, but you just couldn't fall back asleep. so you decided to make your way to the kitchen for some water, keeping your head down to avoid spooking yourself via the various oddly shaped nicknacks in your home.
Spencer stiffened as he felt a presence in the room, and he turned to see the shadowy figure of a woman, hobbling towards him, head trained on the floor. he couldn't scream, he couldn't run, he couldn't do anything but stare terrified at the figure.
you looked up as you neared the kitchen, letting out a blood curdling scream when you saw a tall shadow man standing in your kitchen.
Spencer could scream now that the figure began screaming. he let out a high pitched yelp as he stumbled along the wall looking for the light switch. he felt the need to protect you from the ghost, so in a fit of deranged manliness he let out a string of words that in or out of context is completely laughable.
"fuck off you spooky bitch!" the shadow man yelled, finally finding the light switch.
when the light flicked on the confusion and horror stopped. and instead you and Spencer stood equally spooked, in your fight or flight response.
"Spencer?" you croaked, lowering a raised fist. you planned on fighting a ghost?
"y/n?" he asked back equally confused.
"i was getting water what are you doing?" you asked, laughing slightly as you realized what he had yelled out.
"i was too," he chuckled, remembering what he had called out, "sorry for telling you to fuck off and calling you a spooky bitch."
"its ok, sorry for being 100% ready to punch you in the neck."
you two stood in a silence that wasn't exactly comfortable but not awkward either as you got a glass and filled it with water.
"hey do-" he began.
"could i-" you started at the same time.
"you go first," he chuckled, taking a sip of his water.
"i wont be mad if you say no, but could i sleep in the guest bed with you? my room has way too many spooky corners." you asked shyly.
"i was just about to ask that," he smiled.
you let out a relieved sigh before gulping down your water and heading to sleep in the guest room.
you two lied weirdly far at first but after mentioning how the coat hanger looked like a man with horns you two both reached for each other. falling asleep wrapped tightly in each others arms. hearts beating together quickly; but not because of fear.
utra mega super cool taglist:
@mac99martin @imhreid @spencersmagic @hollydaisy23 @raelady1184 @a-broken-pact @padfootswife @hey-there-angels @star-stuff-in-the-cosmos @sonnydoesrandomshit @coffeereid-deactivated20210303 @averyhotchner @laurakirsten0502 @reidyoulikeabook @remariiana @spencerreid9
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