#he wouldnt be a calico though.......
scorndotexe · 7 months
tragically i'll be a really boring little kitty cat
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mamadarama · 1 month
same anon here to elaborate on some of the cats (and other pets) in the story:
every member of knights has a descendant of little john/nyaitsu. (only one i have details on atm: izuleo have a big fat cat named king richard who's dumb as rocks[though they both insist otherwise] and spoiled rotten. they didn't know it was a girl until after she was named that. later on they got another cat who they named maid marian before finding out that was a boy. their names have not been changed regardless)
shu adopted a Fancy Pedigree Sphinx (he makes it little sweaters/outfits to keep it warm). mika has a skrunkly black cat he found in a dumpster (alternatively, also thought it could be cool to give him one of those patchwork cats, where the pigmentation on their face is like. split down the middle yanno). anywho these cats are Bonded for Life
tetohina have a Stupid Male Orange Tabby. tetora thinks the cat is a Fierce Warrior while hinata calls it a stinky dum dum (affectionately)
kohiiai actually have three pets. first was the bunny, then the tarantula hiiro brought home a day later, then a while after that, kohaku found a stray kitten in an alleyway and brought it home (by this point hiiro has adjusted to the idea of domesticated pets, and it helps that the kitten was also on the streets [just like him ;;]) kohaku and the cat are both found regularly napping in weird locations (open to suggestions on cat breeds!! i keep going back and forth on what it should be,, i liked the idea of bingus, but also like the idea of fluffy,, currently tentatively thinking oriental long hair maybe? idk. kitten with ear too big for he gotdam head)
subaru (+the rest of trickstar by extension) has a direct descendant of daikichi
similarly, koga has at least one or two corgis, if not a direct descendant of leon. also probably like a bajillion foster dogs. hes using the rockstar money to care for as many dogs as possible
souma still has kamegorou. turtles live a long time,, (also maybe one or two horses as well)
given your Cat Knowledge, i'd love to hear your thoughts on these, or any other characters who you think should have cats! :3
Aaahh thats so cute . i can totally imagine leo having a cat named king richard thats just like that, if someone told me him and izumi have that exact cat back in italy i wouldnt even question it id just take it as fact
you could give kohaku a purebred, but it wouldnt be that realistic to do that. finding a purebred stray/feral at all, much less finding one alive, is so unlikely that the only thing keeping me from saying its impossible is my personal adversity to making absolute claims like that on the possibility of some bizarre freak situation. all strays and ferals are moggies/randombreds, any purebreds you see in shelters are animals surrendered by their owners (its rare, ive been rehabbing cats for 6-7 years now and its only happened 3 times)
however that doesnt mean you cant give him a unique cat !! mutations and weird patterns happen all the time in stray and feral populations . the bobtail gene is pretty common in japanese colonies (at least more common than it is in america) so you could give him a bobtail cat? i think a little high white calico bobtail would suit him :^)
but of course realism doesnt really matter too much, hell i have purebreds in catstars au and theyre all ferals
also hiiro would have either a tarantula or a stick bug or both. idk i can imagine him absolutely adoring stick and leaf bugs for how they look like sticks and leaves , he thinks its charming
depending on how far in the future were talking souma might still have saigoudon. souma grew up with him so its safe to assume theyre around the same age, meaning saigoudon is around 20 years old. horses can live up to 30 and occasionally even longer so theyve still got plenty time left together. if he moves out of his parents house maybe hed get his own horse though
the twins definitely have their own cats and tetora definitely tells young children that meet their cat that its part tiger.
SHU HAVING A HAIRLESS BREED IS SO REAL he would love having a pet he can make clothes for its too perfect . the split face marking youre talking about is most common in tortoiseshell cats , that would be perfect for mika :D
with daikichi and leon im almost certain theyre both fixed because koga and subaru are responsible dog owners but subaru would definitely stick with shibas . i can picture koga either with another corgi or adopting a shepard mix of some kind ..... when he retires hed probably start fostering dogs but until then hed probably be busy with life and stick with only one dog so he can devote all his attention to that one . fostering more than one or two dogs at a time is kind of a full time thing (believe me my step grandmother fosters dogs and owns 11) he definitely volunteers at some sort of animal place, either domestic or exotics or whatever he just loves animals in general (thinking abt the guinea pig card..... )
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onewizardgirl · 2 years
Second mother
Sweet little lily gets her first period -marauders era au cannon divergent
Lily Evans was a loveable 4th year girl at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Since she was heading off to her first year the week before she turned 11, her parents had never told her about the seven wonders of womanhood, and as far as she believed she’d only be getting taller. She was a late bloomer like her mother, so she wouldnt know anything was any different until she was around 14.  Especially since Hogwarts didnt offer a sex education class closest thing you’d get would be in magical biology which even then its more based on the genetics and systems of which are used during pregnancy and such, and it was only offered to 6th years and older. 
Her red hair stood up in all directions when she sat up in her bed that winter morning. She’d decided to spend the christmas holiday at Hogwarts since her parents were in romania studying dragons, plus she’d be in good company by padfoot, prongs, and moony, three of the four marauders. Wormtail, better known as Peter Pettigrew was at home with his family for christmas. Lily didn’t expect Sirius, James, or Remus to be awake before noon, so she would have time to shower before her day roaming around the castle with them. 
Nature on the other hand, had other plans for the fourth year. When she sat up in bed she felt squishy, like she’d spilled water on herself, but it was warm. She looked underneath the blanket covering her and nearly screamed, but instead of a scream she let out s surprised yelp and clamped the bedsheed down onto her lap tightly. 
What was underneath the blanket was startling to put it lightly. On her golden sheets and bright yellow nightgown, was a dark burgundy stain; blood. And to her it looked like a lot of it even if it wasn’t all blood. But she didn’t know this, atleast not yet. 
Surprisingly Sirius, and James were awake, Remus was still passed out since he’d recently had to deal with a full moon. To Lily’s dread they knocked on the door to the 4th year girls dormitory. 
“Lils baby! Are you awake?” James asked her through the door even though there was no one else in there he still made sure to knock just incase Lily was in any way indecent since Sirius accompanied him most of the time.
“Yes,” Lily said quietly 
“Can we come in?” Sirius asked 
“Yes,” the redhead answered once more. 
The boys opened the door and saw Lily sitting on her four poster, with the curtains open. Looking almost as if she’d been petrified, her skin was even paler and her freckles weren’t nearly as vibrant as usual on her skin. She shifted uncomfortably in the boys’ gazes, until Sirius broke the silence 
“Lily? Are you alright? You look like you’ve seen a ghost,” he asked 
“Really padfoot? We’re used to seeing ghosts! Its nothing new to see nearly headless nick roaming the tower,” James said, 
“Anyway, are you alright? It’s not dragonpox is it? Witch cold? Calico flu? How do you feel? Sniffly? Tired? Feverish? Have you bee-” Sirius was questioning frantically before being cut off by Lily’s frustrated shout, “I’M FINE,” 
This outburst brought the boys to silence and Lily nearly to tears. How could she be so mean as to shout at Sirius when all he was doing was trying to help. 
“I’m bleeding,” she added after a few moments of the boys stunned silence.  The boys immediately began worrying over her again asking where the blood was coming from, if she was coughing it up, the whole lot. Lily’s face turned red with embarrassment, as she finally decided to tell them. “If i tell you’d better not breathe a word of this to another soul or you’ll join the headless hunt before sir Nick,” Lily threatened. 
“Ok we solemnly swear to keep our mouths shut,” Sirius and James chorused. 
“Ok,” Lily breathed, “down…. there,”  Lily whispered to the boys 
“Lily baby, do you want me to take you to the hospital wing? I don’t think your supposed to be bleeding, like at all,” James asked. 
“Can you get my dressing gown love, then we can go, wanna walk Sirius?” Lily asked 
“Of course I do! I want to make sure you’re ok,” Sirius said giving her a hug. 
James wrapped the fluffy fabric around Lily and allowed her to put her arms in before she slipped out of bed, making sure to keep the golden sheets out of view from James and Sirius. 
They got to the hospital wing in record time since James had decided to try his hand at apparating, something they had all just learned about in charms. When they walked into the hospital wing Madame Pomfrey and Professor McGonagall were talking.  They walked in and Madame Pomfrey rushed over leaving Professor McGonagall sitting at her desk in the corner with tea. 
“Oh dear what happened now?” Madame Pomfrey questioned. 
“Lily’s bleeding,” James said and as a response Lily smacked him on the shoulder. 
Madame Pomfrey looked Lily over and her red face, and arms around her waist told her all she needed to know. 
“Come with me miss Evans, you two stay put,” Madame Pomfrey told escorting Lily towards the back of the infirmary. 
“Lily dear! Are you alright?” McGonagall asked, concerned for Lily. She’d known Lily’s mother Amber Evans from her days of attending Hogwarts, they’d been best friends both being gryffindor and very inteligent. By extension of this Lily aw McGonagall as a second mother because she’d known McGonagall since she was a baby. 
Madame Pomfrey gave a quick whisper to McGonagall and immediately McGonagall’s face softened. Before she could say a word Madame Pomfrey told 
“Minnie, if you want to help, James and Sirius are worried and curious, maybe give them a little run down,” 
Mcgonagall nodded, and started toward the boys while Lily was led into a small office. 
“You’ve started your menses haven’t you,” pomfrey asked the poor girl 
“I dont know! Mum never told me anything about menses,” Lily said 
 Good godric Amber,  pomfrey thought. 
“Right then, basically your menses; or period as everyone calls them now, is a process that prepares your body for pregnancy. The details are unnecessary since you’ll be taking wizarding biology soon, but each month as a result of not being pregnant, your body has to get rid of extra blood and tissue that was built up, ergo resulting in your bleeding. Take these, the instructions are on the side of the box. Oh and this is perfectly normal for a witch your age,” Madame Pomfrey explained showing Lily the box that contained pads. It was small and the label was blue. Madame Pomfrey directed Lily to her personal lavatory so Lily could sort herself out, and once Lily had emerged finally, Madame Pomfrey taught Lily the cleaning spell scourgify  doing Lily the favor of performing it on her bloody backside. 
Once Lily finally walked out to McGonagall and the boys she could see they looked horrorstricken and McGonagall was suppressing a laugh. 
“Ah there you are Lily, you two can head off now if you’d like, Lily, if you’d come with me for a moment,” McGonagall told.
Lily and McGonagall walked to her office and living quarters at the bottom of gryffindor tower, and once the thick wooden door had shut, Lily basically threw herself into McGonagall’s arms. 
Minerva happily pulled Lily up onto her lap after seating herself on the sofa nearby,
“How about i owl your mum, and she can come for today and the three of us can spend some time together,” Minerva suggested. 
“That’d be nice auntie Minnie ,” Lily said 
Minerva decided to let the informal name slide for today since the poor girl had already been through a lot and was more than likely an emotional wreck much like her mother is during times like this.  And once Amber had arrived through the floo in Minerva’s office the three witches shared chocolate frogs and happy, embarrassing stories from Amber and Minerva’s years boarding at Hogwarts.  
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blackbeards-bonnet · 2 years
one thing i havent seen anyone in the fandom talk about yet (whether thats bc im looking in the wrong places, or bc maybe most people wouldnt think of this idk) is that, while the idea of ed having a sweet tooth is adorable, well. you know what group of people almost always have a sweet tooth? people with an alcohol dependency.
alcohol is a sugar and so its a noted fact (supported by every alcoholic ive ever known) that people with alcohol dependencies have lots of sugar cravings, especially people who are trying to drink less than usual or stop alltogether.
idk that david jenkins and the other writers necessarily did this on purpose but its all i could think of in those scenes, and i see lots of people talking about it being a sign of eds softness but to me ive always seen it as implying that ed is drinking less than usual during most of the show, probably bc hes actually happy for once and doesnt need the escape as much.
I love this! I haven’t seen anyone else talk about it either but the implications of it have me crying in the club rn
We know that Ed has a history of drinking (very heavily), though we don’t see him drink very often when he’s aboard the Revenge. Maybe Stede doesn’t have as much alcohol on his ship (at least, not the grog type of alcohol that Ed and other pirates would be accustomed to, though most pirates of that time wouldn’t work without alcohol, no matter how much they loved their captain, so this is unlikely) or maybe you’re right and he is trying to drink less. In fact, the only times we see Ed drink (if my memory serves me correctly) are with Stede as they agree to become co-captains, when Calico Jack comes aboard, and when Stede leaves.
Drinking is so heavily entrenched in pirate culture that his sweet tooth could very easily serve to highlight his desire to escape the drunken violence he’s always known (both in his childhood and over the course of his pirating career) and his desire to join the “upper crust” who don’t drink in excess, who place emphasis on self-control and restraint
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gaetoeinhaler · 4 years
𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐭 𝐛𝐞𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐭
satan x female reader fluff
words : 1.3k words
warnings : fluff, 70’s themed au
was listening to hotel California and other songs from the 90’s (most from the 70’s) and got the idea
        waiting for the person my friend had set me up with, without my permission or consent of course, i looked amongst the white and pastel blue checkered patterns on the wall. my friend said i needed to get with someone, hook up. feel that energy of love. though, i think its because he's tired of seeing me being the only single person within our friend group.
        my friend isn't exactly that type of person that someone would see me get along with. he's more chaotic. childish. he goes by the name of diavolo, though he never specified why. all i know is that he's a mix of cuban, irish, and bit of venezuelan. while another friend of his, who's name is pretty questionable but if you ask, he just smiles and shrugs it off like its nothing. his name is barbatos. he's from the faroe islands.
        diavolo said he knew someone who was single as well and needed to get together with someone, sort of like me, but he didn't specify who it was, nor what they were like.
        leading to this silly date. a date where the person i was supposed to meet hasnt shown up. sighing, i slumped my cheek against the palm of my hand. my finger tips tapped against the table, the root beer float sitting untouched in the middle of the table, two straws in either side.
ready to get up, pay and leave, with the root beer float of course, a small ding from the bell sounded as a person walked through the door.
he was panting and had a bit of sweat dripping down his cheek, as if he came back from running a marathon. he had blonde hair with emerald colored eyes. his eyes soon met mine, a smile upon his pale features. wiping the sweat away from his forehead and cheeks, he walked his way towards my table until he stopped.
        a small blush settled upon his cheeks. "apologies if i mistake you for the wrong person, but are you (y/n)?" he asked. nodding, i watched as he sat down on the opposite side of the booth. "sorry for behind late. i had to stop on the way here."
        i nodded and flattened out the wrinkles in my dress, trying to advert my eyes from his. he was attractive, that much was certain. "what exactly did you stop for?" i asked, curious. what was it that made him late?
        his eyes stared out the window, his smile still present on his face. "there was a kitten in a alley that was wounded. i gave him to my brother, who works a veterinarian, to help. it was a small calico kitten too."
        "will he be alright?" worry evident in my voice. he nodded, his head turning to mine as his eyes pierced within mine. "i believe so. my brother's a cat person so i think the kitten will be taken good care of."
          humming lightly, i took the moment to study the emotion held within his eyes. joy. maybe because the kitten was in good hands? and interest. "ah. i apologize, i don't believe ive told you my name. i'm satan."
        "like the devil?" my eyebrows raised, a stupid smile spreading across my face. he merely shook his head. "ive been called that, but im nothing like the devil."
"ah, i see." my eyes adverted to the root beer float. "um, have you ever tried one?" i asked, pointing to the sweetened beverage on the table. he shook his head once more. "i don't believe i have. what is it?" he asked, eyes staring at the beverage. surprise and shock was written over my face before it was replaced with a smile. "its a root beer float."
leaning forward, i gently pinched the pink and white striped straw between my finger tips, before taking a small sip. the mixture of vanilla icecream that had melted into the root beer was evident on my tongue. savoring the sweet taste, i hadn't noticed that satan had grabbed ahold of the blue and white straw that was settled on his side of the sweet drink. he hummed softly before pulling away. "it has a unique taste."
"it's consisted of root beer, vanilla ice cream, and whipcream." i informed the blonde. he nodded, going in for another sip.
as i was drinking, enjoying the soda and vanilla flavoring collaged into one flavor, my eyes spotted the juke box at the other side of the restaurant, as well as what seemed like a few couples dancing to a song. interested, i looked to satan to see him enjoying the drink.
"hey, satan." i called out. "give me your hand." his attention moved from the beverage and towards me, confusion amongst his face. he settled his hand in mine, his fairly larger though warmer then mine. gently gasping ahold, as if he was fine china and could easily break, i pulled him up from the booth and towards the other side of the restaurant.
"where are we going?" he asked, his head looking left and right before seeing the jukebox and people.
"to dance, silly!" i chuckled, stopping when we got there. "do you know how to dance?" i asked. he shyly shook his head, adverting his eyes to the ground.
        "that's alright! i'll show you! its really simple." i said right before pulling the both of us in with the other couples. moving his hands to wrap around my waist, i moved step by step, his feet following mine. sometimes they stepped onto mine, and a small apology muttered out from his mouth as he does.
        he soon got the hang of it, before being able to dance without stepping on my feet. my smile widened, as i stared into his eyes. the same emotions were held within them earlier, except this time it was joy and excitement. as we danced along the floor, passing the other couples, the song started to fade out, before fading in as it started to end. letting go of my waist and instead moving his hand to my own, he lifted my arm and twirled me gently before catching my fall as i leaned more towards him.
         a small chuckle passed his lips, imploding into the air. "careful now, wouldnt want to scratch you up now." he spoke.
        the song ended, and the couples faded away from the floor. moving away from the floor near the jukebox, i held his hand firmly in mine. walking back to the table, one of the waiters came by to give the bill. paying for it and finishing our root beer float, we headed out.
        pushing the door open, he let me out first before following after me. walking down the sidewalk. he halted to a stop, causing me to stop as well. "is there something wrong satan?" i asked, turning my head to him.
        he shook his head, his hand leaving mine. "thank you for a wonderful night, (y/n). i had a lot of fun." he offered one of his soft smiles. "i'll have to thank diavolo later to practically forcing this date on me." he stepped forward, his hands reaching down and cupping my cheeks.
        despite the heat from the sun, his touch made warmth throughout my whole body. i could feel the blush creeping onto my cheeks as he leaned down, his lips ghosting over mine. leaning in, he planted his mouth against mine in a soft kiss.
        his lips were soft, and plush. his kiss soft and gentle, filled with care and joy. he pulled away, his eyes never leaving mine. "i'll be expecting a second date soon, and this time i'll be the one paying." he chuckled before retracting his hands and turning on his heel, walking down the sidewalk.
        watching his figure fade into the crowd, a smile crept amongst my cheek, my heart pulsating within my chest as my fingers lingered over my lips, missing his touch already.
        i knew then, that i loved him. that i had found my missing half.
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izzyliker · 4 years
john you gotta like. List the names of all the kittens + basic design ideas (hair colour, ear/tail type). I Need To Know
OH JESUS OK..... i have the VAGUEST of ideas for this but i will think some specifics rn... bc i rly need to. 
also like OK! dont pay too much attention to the like, issues w genetics i dont know anything abt them, but jon i imagine to have black ears, black tail, and a white tail tip... kinda fluffy but not excessively so! hes kinda going grey though so theres little white hairs both in his like, human head hair and ears/tail!
- bee, who i imagine to also have black ears and tail, same white tip,
- harper, sorta cream colored ears nd tail? i want seal point... but that wouldnt really show, unless they were like, blond? but mixing human and cathuman genetics is so strange, i mostly imagine them as having same color hair and ears, just bc it feels less odd to me? so instead of seal point... just Cream
- charlie, who.... just feels orange to me..... orange kitty <3 
- sage, also black ears n tail, more blue tinted than pure black,
- poppy; id imagine as kind of charcoal grey, 
- river, i imagine..... also as somewhere on the grey-black axis... 
- sasha; kinda ambivalent here... my brain wants me to say sort of cinnamon brown? i think thats not that common as a cat color, but i like the warm brown 
- and this name doesnt come up in the fic itself but i imagined a riley? who i imagined as a (black haired) calico! 
nd i mostly imagine them as having medium fluffy normal length tails, and regular pointy triangle ears! and now im thinking abt bumper car kitten tails.... 
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doglovingwriter · 4 years
PROMPT: The burden of looking after Kankuro’s cat(s) has fallen on Gaara. How does he handle the task of pet-sitter?
-Kankuro only has 1 cat but don't ask where he got it and dont touch the cat or he'll flip.
-no one knows about the cat since Temari wouldn't let him keep the small animal that is NOT suited for the desert
-this also includes Gaara who is too busy to get into whatever is living in Kankuro's workshop.
-(because there is SOMETHING living in his workshop the siblings are THAT oblivious)
-Until Kankuro has to go to Kumo as diplomat since Temari has moved to Konoha.
-Gaara is confused and is wondering if he spent too much time in the sun (even though he hasnt been in the sun hardly at all today) when Kankuro bursts into his office with a cat in his arms
-Kankuro gives no fucks as he dumps the cat on his brother's desk muttering "just feed/water her" and takes his scroll and leaves
-Gaara is still frozen staring at the calico until the door closes and it meows at him and-WHAT THE FUCK IS HE SUPPOSED TO DO WITH A CAT AGAIN
-he scrambles to get up and chase his brother when he notices a note attached to the cats collar
-the note is instructions on how to take care of 'Yoko' and Gaara breathes a sigh thinking this wouldnt be that hard-WHERE DID THE CAT GO????
-he spends half the day visibly distressed that he lost his brothers cat as he wanders the Kazekage mansion trying to call for it.
-(At some point the elders politely ask if he spent too much time in the sun today and they stop asking once he gives them a look)
-Gaara eventually finds it sitting in his chair looking pleased that it lead him on a wild goose chase and Gaara is too relieved to be annoyed.
-he feeds it and gives it a bowl of cool water and jumps when Yoko jumps into his lap and curls up to sleep.
-he tries (he really does) not to pet the cat but he pets the cat and now Yoko is his cat Kankuro go get another one.
-(until he realizes Yoko used his gourd as a liter box and yeah Kankuro take your cat back and no more diplomatic missions again)
-((he also doesnt find out until the day before Kankuros return when he goes to clean the liter box and finds it unused))
-Kankuro returns to find an annoyed Gaara, an extraordinarily unused litter box, and his cat quite happy that he doesnt have to leave anymore.
This is my first time doing a prompt in this format. Hope it was worth the read! And this was actually really fun to do!
@justgaara. (I forgot the TAGS 😰)
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pbandjesse · 4 years
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Today was a really excellent day but jesus christ can money just. Stop??? I know I am lucky and have family that can help but I hate asking for the help. Its so frustrating. 
But like I said. Today was a pretty excellent time. I slept pretty well but also got scared so bad by my alarm that I was very awake at 815. Amazing. I am trying to wake up earlier because I might have a job and I will have to leave the house around 8 so I gotta get a handle on that. 
I laid in bed for a while though. James had put the heater on me and that helped when I did eventually get up. I got showered and dressed. Felt cute. It was a nice morning. 
James made me an omelet and we hung out in the dungeon. We had a few plans today but it hinged on if the car was ready or not. But when we called they were like. Nope! Call you in an hour. And then when they called back they were like. Ugh oh! Something is worse. Gonna cost another $1000. And I was just like. Are you serious. So now between the car needing to be fixed, and our year of insurance payment, its going to be like $7k. Amazing. I still want to like. Bail on it. But also we need a car now. For jobs and camping and its just so frustrating. But dad told me to call him and we talked it out and its going to be okay. I just wish things were not so much all the time.
I told James I just wanted to go out. So we biked to the park. And walked around for a bit. I was scared to bike on all the leaves. And hills were still really hard on my lungs. But I had a really nice time with James and it was so pretty out. And we saw two deers! We saw a doe and a buck! Incredible. 
We went up to Hampden to sit in the park for a while. Watched the boys in the skate park. And then went to get lunch. 
I got a pancake and he got a burger. We sat outside. It took a while but I enjoyed just sitting with him and I felt good and it was just a nice time. 
We walked the avenue for a bit. Went in the antique store that was open. I got a few miniatures but the bit get was a bunny bunny bunny toy! These guys go for up to $100 a piece (this specific one is on ebay for $60 right now) and she sold it to me for $3. I still have my kitty kitty kitty from when I was a kid so this was very exciting. 
I used to have a few of these toys. This specific cat I have was part of a set, there was a black and an orange one. But I used to hold them by the tail and beat the ever loving shit out of my brother. And one time I hit him so hard its eye came out so mom took it away and I dont know the exact specific reason the other was taken, but I only have the calico left. And I love her still. 
We went and have some seasonally flavored ice cream. A bee wouldnt leave me alone. But it was a nice time. 
We walked back to the bikes. I told James to call the car shop but they said it still wasnt done. I hope its done tomorrow morning. Cause I have my job thing in the afternoon and I am nervous about how I will get there. But it will be okay. 
We had a really nice ride home. Almost no hills. 
I was a little sad to leave the outside. But it was nice to be home. After we rested for a little, we played a new video game together. It was a little hard for me but I had a good time still. 
I started to get tired. So I went to lay in the studio to watch a video. James joined me for a bit. But he left to go do other stuff. And eventually I got up to work on art. 
Someone messaged me and asked if I would consider making hair clips. And I was already thinking about making felt frogs so I sent them a mock up and they were like yes! So I made a handful of those. Very pleased with the work and the support. 
I worked on those for a couple hours. James made churro waffles. And then I went to take a shower and I am feeling pretty good. Just tired. 
I hope tomorrow the car is done and is no big deal to get back and I get to the job thing super easy. Wish me luck. Sleep well everyone. 
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thestarsveil · 5 years
🌿 (and whatever that first emoji is akdhakhsaj)
  🌿 will there be a starclan/dark forest? are they called something else? are they different from the canon series? Starclan is more powerful and cruel in the tsv world. They can punish cats for breaking the warrior code, like making them mute or deaf or something.  some of starclan doesnt agree with being so cruel and some do, so it’s kind of..split into two halves. the dark forest is relatively the same, the cats who go there are constantly reminded of their actions. i havent figured it out much though. still need to develop the dark forest. theres also spirits! lost spirits and corrupt spirits. basically. if a cat dies somewhere they dont have a view of the sky, they become spirits. theres a time limit though?? so like, if a cat dies in a den theres a small amount of time a cat can move them into view of the sky and theyll go to starclan (or the df)  if not, or if they drown or die in a cave or an avalanche or something and arent moved, theyll become lost spirits. who can be spoken to and guided by mediums to the afterlife, if not, they become corrupt. like demons in a way. it’s usually cats who were shitty and evil who become corrupt, since they know theyll go to the dark forest, theyd rather stay on earth and continue to fuck things up and haunt cats. usually driving them to do horrible actions, so they have a control over the living world in a way. corrupt spirits cant be guided, and its advised mediums dont ever come in contact with them. 💮 who is the main character/s? describe personality and appearance I havent figured it out yet but??? as of right now im thinking maybe itll be Mousepaw or Sparrowkit (smokeclan), Squirrelkit maybe?? (mistclan), and Loonpaw or sheepkit??  i may do like. a mix of main chars depending on the chapter, or switch between them every few pages depending on the plot of the chapter. itll be a good mix so you get all views, and ill also be doing short little spinoff comics to cover things which are mentioned but not expanded on in the main comic and get some coverage for side chars and subplots mousepaw already has a ref, shes a tall grey tabby apprentice with big ol ears. cynical and the voice of reason towards her siblings. Sparrowkit is dumb as hell and super lovable, perfect protag material. hes my favourite boy. his sister is Jaykit, they were born to a rogue and a kittypet but the rogue came back and the clan decided the kits were better off with them than her. since sparrow and jay were so young they dont remember their mom much, other than That One Time she kidnapped them, so obviously they like their adopted mom Junebug more. (whos name i might change) Squirrelkit is a jealous, troublesome kit whos sister is so “perfect” and her mom favours her more due to squirrelkits resemblance to their less-than-ideal father. she has a dark red tabby pelt with spiky fur, while her sister is white and pale brown with a soft silky pelt  and finally Loonpaw and SHeepkit. ok so loonpaw is fallenstars kid, she resembled her mom Hollylight a lot. she also has vitiligo like the line of royalty is known to have. she has silky fur and obviousy resemvled a loon. shes competitive and gets along will with her father, but hates his mate, and will grow to spite her dad and hold a grudge one she finds out The Truth about their mom so :) !  Sheepkit is a kit who..is definitely going to fail the holiness test that cloudclan puts kits through so only the best and most holy cats will become warriors/cloudclan members. kits who fail will be driven out or in worst case scenario, killed. a lot of queens train their kits vigourously, even teaching them to lie (which is illegal)  Sheepkits mom is Super Worried about him, so shes been teaching him to lie and such. hes naive and trusting so, he does what she says. he looks up to Fallenstar and the rest of the “royal family” a lot. he thinks theyre super cool! hes also infertile, due to being a male calico. which is also frowned upon, it’s like..a curse? they view as Starclan thinking that theyre so unholy/undeserving that they wouldnt dare give them the right to pass down their genes. so sheepkits mom is also. Extremely Worried about that
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greeds · 3 years
i had a cat that was my shadow. she was a beautiful longhair dilute calico with a pink nose. we took her in because she wasnt adjusting well to her first home, and she was shy and matted. she first opened up to me when she had a problem with her eye and i sat near her side for hours talking to her even though she wouldnt let me pet her then.
over time i was able to pet her and cut her matts off and we finally saw her true personality. she loved sitting in the sun and sitting on my lap and shoulders, kneading into me, and she slept at my side every night, and she had adorable little plurping trills. even when i took a bath she sat next to the tub. somehow she knew when i was upset, she would always run to find me, sit and knead on me, and purr. she was My cat and i was Her person.
its been over two and a half years without her and i still will see a picture of her and cry. sometimes i will still have a dream where she’s back and fine. i love and miss her so much
she is with you always, never forget that. i miss the tactility of my baby, but i know he is everywhere, especially in those patches of sun, same as your dear cat
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prideandpen · 7 years
okay this is kinda late but i wouldnt pass up an opportunity to ask u stuff lmao ok: cameo pink, burnt sienna, mellow yellow (ok i would've asked canary but i know your answer lol), mantis, iris, mauve, bronze and sepia :)
hahaha oh my god there are so many! Thank you for always sending me stuff, you’re such an angel. :)Cameo Pink - Favourite movie?All time fave is pride and Prejudice 2005.Burnt Sienna - Favourite smell?I don’t actually know. I like beachy, rain, or lake scents, or citrus scents. They make for the best candles. I like sharper spicier scents for perfumes though.Mellow Yellow - How calm are you?I try to be pretty go with the flow but tend to have a lot of anxiety about my own life.Right now I’m good though!Mantis - Favourite animal?Foxes! I love foxes! They’re so cute and silly.Iris - Grow plants at will?I would love to be able to grow plants! Mine always start off well and then I forget to take care of them and they die. I should probably get something easy to take care of if I want plants in the future.Mauve - What would you name your kids/pets?Man I have no idea. I’m probably never gonna have bio kids so they’ll already have names. Otherwise I’d probably pull inspiration from people I know or fictional characters.With pets I feel like its easiest to name them after their personalities. But I have some ideas:A tuxedo kitten named Tux.A calico cat named Callie.A large dog of any breed named Smol Bean. (or a really tiny runt of the litter mutt of a dog. I haven’t decided which would make this name better)A tabby cat named Bullseye (in memory of the tabby I had growing up named Target - he was the best cat. Like really. I was his favourite. He and I were buds.)A cat named Wichita. I don’t remember why but it was a joke that came up years and years and years ago with one of my friends when we were on vacation and hanging out in the hot tub being idiots.This makes it sound like I’m way more likely to have cats than dogs, but really it’s probably the other way around.
Bronze - Would you follow my blog?Yes! Yes? Am I not already? I am, right? Do you have another!? Because yes.Sepia - Do you like photography?I do! I don’t like photography “rules” though. By dad’s into photography as well and he has a very specific way of doing things and the photos can’tr have any sunspots and he has to know all his settings and I’m just like“What does this function do!? Is it pretty!? What if I took the photo from this weird angle!?”We have very different styles, and I think I usually work better when I don’t have my dslr because I find all the settings overwhelming and I’m not good at being taught things.But I do love photography, I have a lot of fun experimenting with it.
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yabbyabb · 7 years
Heres  a go at my OC masterlist!
Fan OCs
Dixie- a young ghoul who’s age seems to be around 10. Extremely curious, adventurous, and imaginative, though naive with youth. She does not talk about her past, since she grew up an orphan “adopted” by cruel scavengers who abused her and eventually left her for dead in the glowing sea. After escaping and living on her own for a few years, she met Hatch who has truly adopted her as well as others who she considers family. Works as a courier around the wasteland, and loves any Nuka Cola- especially Quantum and Cherry! 
Hatch Hutton- fairly new ghoul who travels around the commonwealth as an easygoing, laid back musician. He’s never seen without his straw boater, wrapped hands/ gloves, and his guitar. Hatch is very empathetic, helpful and kind, wanting only to spread smiles and ease some of the hardships people face in the wasteland with his music. Like Dixie, he does not talk about his past and quickly dismisses any questions regarding his injured hands. He is currently in a very loving relationship with Vomer (@dunesand), to whom he’s engaged.
Quinn Dugell- My SoSu, who did not have a son like in game. She was engaged to her fiance before the bombs dropped, but she was killed through the cryopod malfunction. Quinn stumbled around the wasteland in a daze and in shock at first, but quickly adjusted to her new life by killing raider scum. Personality wise, Quinn is fun loving, sarcastic, laid back, and doesnt take things too seriously. She viewed her new life in the wasteland like a fresh start, and has little to no inhibitions. She also REALLY loves puns/mom/dad humor, and is a skilled sniper. Romanced Hancock and Curie in game, and is BFFs with Deacon and Nick. 
Donald Hutton- Hatch Huttons infamous, sleezy, greasy brother. Back in the good old days when Donald and Hatch were still humans, they traveled around as a performing duo. Donald has had strong vocals, while Hatch played the guitar/did backup vocals. Hatch is also very attached to his guitar because it was the one that him and Donald built together, and is a reminder of what Donald used to be like for Hatch. But then their mother fell ill, Donald became in debt with the raiders, and secretly sold himself and Hatch as slaves to pay for it, leading to the worst 2 years of their life- as well as turning into ghouls. Now that hes not only a ghoul, but a glowing GREEN ghoul, Donald makes a living in the wasteland by working under Mercury (@amummy) for her drug cartel and being a general informant by selling information. Hes a tease, a dog, and loves money and drugs/booze. He doesnt sing anymore due to holding a grudge against Hatch (found in their detailed backstory) and also through self hatred of what he did. He might sing again one day though, through lots of convincing. 
Bones- a new addition to the raider group called the Strangers (@ohmdo), Bones is a pre-war ghoul who is a wiz when it comes to hacking and coding and is a stealthy scout. Bones himself very rarely shows his face that he hides under his mask, but his personality is far less intimidating than his looks. He jokes about everything and is honestly kind of lazy, unless something piques his interest. He is neutral about pretty much everything, though can turn pretty serious and intimidating in a split second. Hes very good buddies Krip (@surke). 
Thorn- a 3rd gen/human hybrid who takes her job as Steph’s (@lemonlulz) bodyguard and right hand gal. Thorn is a deadly assassin/merc who utilizes her heavily modified syringe rifle, sting, as well as an assortment of poisons and chemicals to take care of her enemies. Since Steph runs an all girl raider group, Thorn is also a member and protects her comrades fiercely. Not much is known about Thorn aside from her serious, quiet, and lethal personality. She has a high interest in plants and science, due to her background. She has a sister, Calico, who she is low key looking for.
Fire Emblem 
Miyoshi “Miyo”- An unusual Basara who loves to fight and roughhouse. Miyo joined the service under the Hoshido family from a young age, and fell under Hinoka’s ranks. Though she is short tempered and hot headed/zealous, Miyo also loves and values meditation and focus. She has a longtime close friendship to Nobu (@dunesand) who constantly act like bickering young siblings though considers family and protects at all cost. Miyoshi is head over heels for Kagero, who she’s dating. 
Dragon Age
Fiiris Lavellan- Anxiety ridden with low self esteem and self worth, Fiiris is forced to join the Inquisition due to her mark, much to her horror. She is very reluctant and not at all confident in herself in the first part of the game, and tries often to push the responsibility she didnt want onto her advisors. But during the game, she slowly grows to have confidence in herself and in her skills/intuition, as well as getting help from her close friends she makes. By the end of the game, she is a highly skilled Rift mage who is a force to be reckoned with though she still has hints of her anxiety and humble personality. Shes very sweet, caring, shy, and loves Halla. Her closest friend is Cole, quickly followed by Varric and Josephine. I have two different files for her where she romances Bull and Cullen. 
Orianna Cousland- My Grey Warden who is the fierce Queen of Ferelden, alongside her husband Alistair. She is similar to Miyo- short tempered, loves to fight, and loves to help people in need. A nimble rogue with the Duelist spec, she hates nobles especially after dealing with Howe. Even though shes Queen, she doesnt act like it- but in all honesty she uses her royalty to get away with some wild stuff lmao. Is off finding a cure to the blight to save her and Alistair. Her mabari pupper is named Meatball. 
Rillan Lavellan- Fiiris’s cousin, who is nothing like her at all. He ran away from the clan to help/support Fiiris, and to also get a taste of the world and put his skill to use. Hes a charming rogue who specializes in duel blades and eventually becomes an assassin under Lelianna. He is arrogant, a flirt, and likes to show off as much as he can. He teases Fiiris all the time, though he does deeply care for her deep down though he has odd ways of showing it. Hes often running away from Cassandra’s Ire. 
WIP OCs- Jeca Cadash, Wyatt Trevelyan, Ozol & Yasin Adaar 
Personal Project OCs
Hunger Pains (based on WoD)
Twinny Okuda- young and brash, and hates school.  Very level headed about most things, and seems to come off as cold and unsympathetic. Wont go off on someone randomly, but if pushed to her limits and emotionally strained, she can get hot headed and make angry outbursts.She loves to tinker with things and figure out how they work. Very loyal to her close friends, and will always be Ride or Die. Her parents are almost always working, so her relationship with them isnt the best. Eventually it is revealed that she is a force mage. 
Jai Kamaat- Dragon Beast passed down through his bloodline. Radical; lives life on the edge (or tries to, but he can be pretty lazy too). Parkors and hangs with Twinny a lot. The two are pretty close, and even though twinny wouldnt admit it, she considered him her best friend. Had a troubled past, but is working to fix it. Hides a dangerous temper that comes out only if poked enough. Confident, likes to tease/pull pranks, hides insecurities with overconfidence. 
Estelle LaFille “Bloodhound”-  an ancient beast with the Rake monster soul inside of her. Born in the 13th Century, Estelle was born in the French countryside but quickly showed signs of “possession” of a demon, to which her fear stricken parents gave he away to the church to be saved. There, Estelle was raised and entered nunhood. She dealt with night terrors and random sporadic hallucinations/visions of horror from her Beast, until one day it tried to take her over. Estelle, possessing a tremendous amount of willpower and fueled by her religion, made a pact with the Rake. She would comply to its hunger- but act as a righteous hand of God on Earth, delivering his judgment onto the worst of the sinners. The Rake, who was sustained through carrying out acts of punishment, agreed. Quickly becoming a legend, Estelle had stayed true to her code, never giving into the Beast’s desire for carnage for simple “sins”. The early years adjusting to her killing almost broke Estelle, who knew her soul was bloodied from her sin- but justified her actions with “religious righteousness”, receiving small “signs” from god that her path was a just one and it was meant to be. Bloodhound became a stone cold, efficient, deadly killer, striking fear into the underground all over the world
Celio- A local renowned tattoo artist, who also happens to be a powerful Mage and protects the city. Celio used to have a troubled past because of growing up a mage, but has come into his own pretty well and made a name for himself. He is covered in tattoos that he did himself that are inscribed with magic, each one holding its own spell. He utilizes unpredictability, and constantly tattoos new spells onto himself when he has used them. He is a mentor to Twinny and Jai, and also uses his tattoo parlor as a safe haven for supernaturals. He is stubbornly neutral when it comes to turf wars in the supernatural world, much to the dismay of groups around the city. 
WIP OCs- Osirus, Emmett 
Jinorin- a Desire demon who runs a high end brothel in the Monster Realm. IN the human world, they are a high end CEO to a company, considered a business shark. Jinorin is gender-fluid and a hermaphrodite, and takes good care of his service workers. They offer housing to workers if they need it, as well as good pay and living essentials. 
Yarah- Assistant to Jinorin and self proclaimed “Hostess” to the Brothel, Yarah is a seaslug monster who works at the brothel and helps keep things running. She loves exotic plants, especially aquatic plants. 
Saurii- another worker in the brothel, Saurii is a small, stout Stingray monster who resides at the brothel. He spends a lot of time in the hot spring bath, as well as the lavish pool. Saurii is playful and mischievous, loving to tease both friends and clients.
WIP OCs- Najii, Glowstick, Lucien
DND Characters
Tenna Galeborn- My first official DnD character. A classic Rogue, tenna is a sylph with messy, wind swept curly black hair, yellow eyes, and has light blue tattoos swirling on her skin. She is highly curious about people, and loves to travel and gamble. Shes a restless spirit, but also enjoys helping out others when they need it. (CG) 
Lucia- Captian Lucia is a pirate queen, who owns her own ship and ragtag loyal crew. Most notable about her is the three deep scars running along her right eye made of gold with its pupil made of glowing turquoise. Shes a Swashbuckler who, by putting ammo into her eye to charge, can make her own magic ammo with different effects. When she first finds people she wasnt to recruit into her crew, she convinces them to sign their name on a contract that magically binds them to her service- not to their knowledge of course. (CN/NE) 
Samiri- The Bastard child to a Lord, Samiri is a half orc Brawler who was hidden away in her fathers castle to hide his shame. She constantly snuck out and rebelled against him, until one night she got away for good. She’s naiive and was sheltered all her life, but wanted to experience the life of an adventurer and set out to make a name for herself to become more than a bastard child no one wanted. Has an Ogre skull helmet, an orcish warhammer that was her mothers that she named Pansy (her favorite flower), and two hands ready to whoop some ass. (CG) 
Ghastooth- A wandering skeleton (obito) Magus who is simply wandering around trying to find out who he is, his purpose, and to make up for whatever horrible sin he did in his past life that made him into what he is now. He has no past memories of his life before becoming an Obitu, only waking up in a decrepit overgrown temple. (NG)
Ellie Mae-  A sweet, upstanding southern belle Thri-Kreen Summoner who is passionate about her faith, spreading good will, and taking care of her dear Eidolon Alais who is a giant lion made of crystalline Obsidian, whose eyes and claws are a glowing white. He also has a cute white ruffle collar made by none other than Ellie Mae. Her parents are tailors, who passed down their craft to her- before she became an adventurer, of course. They send her a new ruffle dress every so often, since adventuring is never kind to your clothing. Some iconic props and accessories of hers are her white hand fan, parasol, and long smoking pipe with smoking tobacco. (Though this character was sadly part of a game run by someone i now hate, I still hope to bring her back in full force!) (NG)
Klinko- the newest edition to my beloved characters, Klinko is a small Grippli Warlock who worships the “Big Frog” in the sky (AKA Cthulu). Despite being a frog, he can actually be quite the charmer (thanks nat 20s!) and is also wandering the land to seek more knowledge about his faith and the arcane. He also really loves to eat meat. (CG?)
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