#he’s also rlly busy tho so I get that but I’d rlly like an answer from him
bbibbirose · 1 month
We had such a nice hug
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cherryluvrx3 · 4 months
meat lovers amirite??
Dave Strider x Reader x Karkat Vantas
Chapter 5
I went home with an extra pep in my step, resisting the urge to hop, skip and frolic around like a cutsie whimsical princess or something.
I shut the door to my room and kicked off my shoes, plopping into bed, stomach first with my legs kicking behind me.
I decided against texting Dave- and Karkat and John for that matter, because I didn’t wanna come off as weirdly clingy and desperate for “friendship”. Besides, they’re still working anyway. So instead, I go to text the group chat so I can report the good news.
It takes a few seconds before anyone answers but like always, Roxy is the first to respond.
Roxy <3
- hey babe! What’s up?
-You would not believe what just happened omhggg
Gamz :o)
-I went to see Dave right
Nepetita :3
-Oooh really?? :0
-N I got his number xP!!
Roxy <3
-omg rllyy!!
Gamz :o)
- u text him yet
-No ima wait a bit
-He’s still working
-I got his coworkers numbers too xP
-They’re named John and Karkat
Roxy <3
-girl you just
-3 dudes numbers!!??
Tezi >:]
-Since when did you have the sweet talking abilities for that?? >:0
-I know I knowww
-Ima smoooooth opertatorrrr
-The men flock to me and bow at my feet as I walk by
Gamz :o)
-wait wait
Tezi >:]
-Wat >:?
Gamz :o)
-A guy named Karkat
-I might know that motherfucker
Nepetita :3
-a furriend of yours??
Gamz :o)
-Just a guy I met on a field trip like 2 years ago or smn
-we both got lost at the motherfuckin zoo freshman year
-like ours n his school was there at the same time n shit
-kinda just walked around tryna find like the groups we came with or whatever but I kinda gave up
-n he didn’t wanna walk around alone so he just stayed with me
-we was just chillin with the stingrays
-he was still tweakin tf out tho so I gave him a edible
Gamz :o)
-motherfucker didn’t know it was an edible tho or else I don’t think he would’ve ate it
-we were tripping hard by the time we made it back to the buses lol
Roxy <3
-gamzzz 😭😭
-i don’t think u shld giv edibles to strangersss
Nepetita :3
-Yeah that's a little
Gamz :o)
-was jus tryna help the guy
-Well anyways
-I’m not like
-Actually interested in them or anything
-Just wanna be friends with them
Tezi >:]
-I thought you wanted to date pizza boy??
-Oh Dave yeah
-I meant just him tho lol
Gamz :o)
-yeah for a sec I thought u were rlly tryna juggle 3 hoes at once
Roxy <3
-yeah righttt
-they can barely juggle dave alobe!!
-I could totally have multiple hoes if I wanted???
Roxy <3
Gamz :o)
Tezi >:]
Nepetita :3
-...well.. *sweats nervously*
-WHAT EVA!!!!!
-I see you guys are just some hating ass bitches
Roxy <3
-not hating just being #real babe
Nepetita :3
-Anyways!! It’s great that you got Dave’s number!! Are you planning on texting him first or letting him come to you?
-Do you want to be the purredator or purray? :3
-well I was thinking
Tezi >:]
-Wat >:?
-He literallyyyyy just texted me
-brb teehee
Roxy <3
-omgg? the stars r aligningg for u to hav ur momenttt
Gamz :o)
-get his ass
While John gave me his pesterchum user, Dave and Karkat gave me their regular numbers because they “weren’t fucking nerds” and so I put them into my phone’s contacts.
Pizza Dave
-hey dawg
-hiiiii ? aren’t you still working? Lol
Pizza Dave
-yeah I’m still on the clock for like 2 hours but not much is going on
-there was one more call for delivery and I made Kat deal with it because I’m still recovering from that last traumatic experience
-told him I might have some serious PTSD induced panic attacks if I had to hold another pizza in my hands
-Oh haha
-So are you likee
-Just chatting to pass the time?
Pizza Dave
-bingo. pretty much.
-I’d chat with John but right now he’s busy talking to like
-some other friend??
-like what the helllll
-I was the OG bestie yknow
-but now he’s over there getting all cozy with some dude he met on some online forum that’s just a cesspool for shitty movie lovers
-guess he wanted a guy who’d listen to him rave about nick cage without bitchin but I mean I was just keeping it real
-we’re literally on the clock. being on the phone while working is NOT allowed. you’d think he’d know better
… hmm..
-Kinda sounds like you’re a jealous boyfriend lol
Why did I say that? Don’t know, thought it was funny and hit send before I could rethink.
He’d been typing consistently but I could see in real time his speech bubble stop.
I headed back to the group chat to update them, cutting off whatever they were talking about.
-So he’s texting me rn bc he’s bored at work
Nepetita :3
-well that at least shows he’s thinking of you?
-welllllll he just said he’s only talking to me bc his other friends are busy lol
-but I mean this is my chance to slide myself into his personal circle!!
I went back to me and Dave’s convo and- holy shit. While I was gone he was typing up a storm
Pizza Dave
-no way dude
-me and john are just buds
-that's my home dawg yknow
-like if I was jealous it would just be because of the friendship we have being threatened
-yknow what I mean
-not at all like a jealous boyfriend those are like two totally different things
-besides I’m not gay
-and John isn’t either
-I think
-and if he was I still wouldn’t be gay
-cuz I think girls are really hot and have had a few crushes
-on girls
-so there’s like no way
-not that I have any problem with gay people
-and if John was gay that’d be cool and all
-I really don’t care
-cuz at the end of the day I’m not gay so that’s not an issue
-I was just joking bro
-You don’t gotta get all freaked out lol
Pizza Dave
-I’m not freaked out
-who’s freaking out?
-not me
-I’m chill
-chill as hell dude
-look up chill in the dictionary and you’ll see my face
-what school do you go to?
Yeesh. I guess that boyfriend comment opened up a can of worms. I screenshotted the convo to share with the group chat.
-Soooo… guys..??
Gamz :o)
Roxy <3
-Yikes he’s definitely closeted
Tezi >:]
-Totally. That’s actually kinda embarrassing
Nepetita :3
-Aww I feel kinda bad… but I mean he said he’s alright with gay people so
-it probably won’t be that long until he opens up and accepts that part of himself?
-Yeah I think so too
-I don’t think he has a crush on John specifically but he’s def fruity
-even if this whole relationship thing doesn’t work out ima stick to with him to support him cuz boyyy does he need it!!
I go back to chatting with Dave and he seems to have calmed down. We both learn a bit more about each other after 15 minutes he says he has to get back to work. We said our goodbyes and I headed to take a shower so I could process all the information I learned today.
Maybe I’ll talk to him tomorrow during lunch? Even though we have different schools, apparently our bell schedules matched up and we even had lunch at the same period.
I yawn and tuck myself into bed for a few hours of scrolling on my phone.
a/n btw John was talking to Jake, no I'm not shipping them
Also Dave is closeted and in denial.
I see both him and Karkat as bisexual but since this fic is supposed to be gender-neutral I don't think I'll go into too much detail on how that could affect his relationship with reader bc it's different depending on who you are. I might end up making reader bisexual too but idk bc I don't want readers who aren't bi to be 'forced' into it. I mean all I know for sure about you guys reading this is that you're attracted to men (or just reading this bc you're bored lol)
Also Karkat is also a bit closeted but he's very much aware of who he is, he's mainly closeted because he knows Dave is iffy around his own sexuality and is worried Dave will see him different if he comes out to him.
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lqfiles · 9 days
dude… everyone hear me out… “come do it for me?”… yeah, YEAH, i would’ve been on my way to his room and knocking on the door and i would’ve been singing him a lullaby or something and then bicker with him so he can call me sweetheart again
(also i noticed the “watch your mouth” and i just stayed silent bc he was being a little bitch so he wasn’t gonna have me fawning over him 🙂‍↔️)
ALSO Spanish lesson:
“la mano” = the hand
“el hombre” = the man
the first one is feminine and the second is masculine. you can use them in a sentence
“la mano del hombre está quebrada” = the man’s hand is broken
so, no, you won’t be able to tell immediately if they’re a woman.
again, mind you, i didn’t even realize we had gendered words 😭 i need to go back to AP Spanish… ive let down my ancestors! 😭😭
(answering your questions from before) and yes I’m busy!! but i have so many ideas im just excited about everything. so, im focusing on the series since i update twice a week, and am focusing on this other imagine that is almost done. so those two are my main priorities for now, and when the imagine is done, imma focus on this imagine that is so far 9k words and im barely in the beginning 🥲
AND SNEAK PEAK?! oooh i would but, i write for a different fandom (BTS *cough*) so imma just stand here 🧍🏻‍♀️🙂
and yes! i have a digital camera like those 2000s ones and i think i might be able to connect it to my camera so if i can!! i’ll send you Bella’s pictures!!!
(bella is looking like a stuffed animal lately. her breed “maltipoo” are known to be called teddy bears and you should see how she looks 😭)
you best believe i would show up to his door with milk and a bed time story like don’t you worry one bit haechannie~ and you not reacting to that just because you don’t wanna be seen fawning HSJDHSK you stood on business sis i respect it..
that’s actually so confusing like why would you use feminine terms for a HAND, i didn’t know spanish was complicated like this 😭😭 (though i feel like its not that complicated, you just have to memorise patterns) PLSSS if it makes you feel better i can barely speak my own mother tongue like it’s an actual disgrace 💔
i wanna say 9k is crazy but i literally have a jaemin fic drafted that’s like 10k+ rn that has barely started loll WE TWO TAKE SLOW BURN SERIOUSSS.. that sounds fun tho i hope you’ll have the motivation to finish them off ^^ and you can still share a snippet don’t worry i’ll just pretend it’s haechan 🤫
AAAACKKK lets hope i will ive already started writing the mark fic and it’s at like 2k (or 3) words rn, i kinda got the gist of what i wanna do so the rest is just prayers that i stay motivated, thank you tho :D <3333 THATS SO COOL BTW real y2kish of you, i will patiently wait for the pics of bella when they’re ready 😋 i bet she looks rlly cute as a stuffed animal (not in a threatening way..) if i ever could get a dog i’d probably want that breed too lol
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nightphans · 3 years
wanna read a fic where hama raises zuko so bAd ( i would write it but i have commitment issues and i’d abandon it before even posting the first chapter mwah)
like instead of leaving alone, ursa takes zuko with him. she knows she can’t keep him of course, they’d be found in days. no, instead she prays to a spirit to take him some place safe. the spirit answers, and when ursa wakes the next day and zuko is no longer by her side, she knows.
hama finds him, an 8 (???how old was zuko when ursa was banished) year old boy with a fresh burn scar (zuko isn’t rlly zuko without his scar. so yes, the implication is that ozai burnt an 8 year old child- maybe that’s why ursa took him??), passed out on her doorstep. the spirit (the blue spirit? painted lady maybe?) leaves once she arrives. hama raises zuko and stops terrorising incident ppl because uh she’s a little busy with the mess of the child that is zuko . anyways zuko being fire nation also makes her less bitter towards civilians ig cuz like yes fire nation sucks but?? how many more of the fire nation is like her sweet grandchild?? so she’s a bit more compassionate than we saw in canon when the gaang meet her for the first time in that blood bending episode.
she’s still a blood bender ofc tho. and maybe she does do blood bending shit if it’s fire nation soldiers,,,,maybe she even opens zuko’s eyes to darker forms of fire bending ( concepts of heat bending?? hello??make them so hot/cold they die/lose feeling ?? or even setting someone on fire from the inside by converting their inner flame?? )
and then fast forward many years the gaang meet hama and her grandson. and zuko is a fire bender??? a GOOD firebender??? cue aang begging for him to be his teacher. cue protective hama being all nu uh that’s my grandson he’s not getting involved in this shit. cue the gaang kidnapping zuko because it’s for the greater goOD. cue the blood bending scene when hama finds out....
idk just the possibilities,,,
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sparklingpax · 3 years
TFP Group Chat Stories - Autobots (#2)
The more popular request was for me to do another one of these, this time with the Autobots; here goes! I’ll be doing that rlly cool Decepticon idea sometime soon as well tho dw ;) Thanks y’all! ^^’’
So I’d like to note that after much talk, Optimus has at last dropped his habit of making an email out of every text, but still refuses to text casually 😹😹
Also also! The humans have their own groupchat (the kids) which I may or may not do a chat thing for as well ^w^’’ But this gc is for “all Autobots,” so the humans are a part of this one as well~ 
Except for Agent Fowler because he adamantly refused and was not swayed on that verdict. 
Ah, so with that aside, hopefully I can at least make you smile :’D 
Enjoy! <3
🔥✨🚑 *Tragic Hero Noises* 🚚✨🔥
Matrix-Bearer: Good afternoon, Autobots. I have been given lengthy instruction as to how this “group-chat” is supposed to function. You may thank the human children for our....suitable chat name. I have started this “group-chat” so we may better communicate as a team, coordinate plans, and altogether bond more deeply. I pray this marks the beginning of a new era in the midst of this bleak war, and that this shall bring a greater hope and chance for success against the Decepticons. Thank you, and please follow the rules posted on the fridge. Optimus out. 
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_Wrench_Wrath_: Thank you, Optimus, but a speech was not necessary. Just text normally, like we talked about ok? 
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DestinysBoi: @ MikoMikoNii you get me ;)
MikoMikoNii: BRO OFC ;)) 
DestinysBoi: *finger guns*
Its_Jack_: it’s bee two minutes and this chat is already cursed 
Its_Jack: @ Whizkid @ Cee_HowULikeMe_Now help me out please 
Bumbleowo: Hes studying for a test! Sorry if we mute you for now ^~^’’ 
_Wrench_Wrath_ : What material is he going over, Bumblebee? 
DestinysBoi: oop ok then 
MikoMikoNii: Later Bee!! Tell Raf I said good luck!! 
Bumbleowo: Will do! :)
Its_Jack: oh shoot my mom wants me for chores bye!
MikoMikoNii: later chump~
Its_Jack: and you wonder Why I never like being part of your groupchats 
MikoMikoNii: U_U
_Wrench_Wrath_ : Can someone answer my question??
BladesandGrenades: lol
MikoMikoNii: OOF 
DestinysBoi: Rip 😔👊🔥
DestinysBoi: only old people get their caps lock stuck 😂😂
MikoMikoNii: oo bulkhead should see this 🤣 @ Gentle-Giant get your metal hide over here!!! 
DestinysBoi: 😳😳😳
BladesandGrenades: our definitions of “a little” seem to be at odds 
Cee_HowULikeMe_Now: Oh hey awesome I got my regular keyboard back! I’m still mad though 🙃
MikoMikoNii: think happy things arcee!! 😳
Cee_HowULikeMe_Now: No 🙃💙
Cee_HowULikeMe_Now: You have five minutes smokescreen 🙃🙃
DestinysBoi: wait why me??!
BladesandGrenades: Oh that reminds me; @ _Wrench_Wrath_ just an fyi, bulky broke his tablet again so hes gonna need a lil help
Shoulderpads: Wheeljack, all of you, it is not professional to use improper grammar and punctuation in any form of communication. Take that to your private chats please. 
BladesandGrenades: lol 
BladesandGrenades: how bout 
BladesandGrenades: shove it up your tailpipe ;)
_Wrench_Wrath_: HE DID WHAT
Matrix-Bearer: Ratchet, I understand you are upset. Could you perhaps calm down? You are scaring certain residents of this base. 
<  _Wrench_Wrath_ has left the chat >
BladesandGrenades: Well then
MikoMikoNii: OOF WOAH
DestinysBoi: u think hes coming back??
MikoMikoNii: Nah 
BladesandGrenades: nope lol 
BladesandGrenades: and ig @ Shoulderpads decided to actually shove it up his tailpipe ;) mission accomplished
DestinysBoi: ...ahah o///o’‘
DestinysBoi: Wouldnt be too sure of that one Jackie..
BladesandGrenades: wh
MikoMikoNii: 🙊😳
BladesandGrenades: Whats going on what happening 
Matrix-Bearer: Good afternoon, all. This announcement pertains only to one of you. Wheeljack, please take a moment to head to Ultra Magnus’s quarters. He is requesting your assistance in the matter of....something involving his ship and something in its tailpipes. He informed me that the matter is urgent and requires immediate assistance. Thank you kindly. Signed, Optimus. 
MikoMikoNii: guess
MikoMikoNii: guess you’ll be the one shoving it 
BladesandGrenades: frag this mf 
BladesandGrenades: k boss I’ll be there in a sec 
DestinysBoi: lmao nice one Miko 😂😎🔥
Bumbleowo: Hey everyone! What’d we miss? 
Whizkid: Hello, Optimus! Thank you for the kind greeting! I hope this chat can be utilized for good as well! :) Thanks for letting me join!!
Matrix-Bearer: Hell, Rafael!  
Matrix-Bearer: I...I meant ‘hello.’ 
Cee_HowULikeMe_Now: oh wow Optimus woah--
DestinysBoi: Guys dont be so mean :( hes just expressing the reality of what this chat actually is :))
WhizKid: I--
Bumbleowo: lololol oh wow 😅😂
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Cee_HowULikeMe_Now: ok smokescreen I,,I actually have to agree with you on this one--
Cee_HowULikeMe_Now: Youre off the hook 
DestinysBoi: thank you, my queen 😭😭
Cee_HowULikeMe_Now: 🙂
Matrix-Bearer: Apologies for the sheer informalities in this message, however I must express my deepest regrets for even starting this chat. 
Matrix-Bearer: I’m beginning to think this was a mistake.
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Matrix-Bearer: I...have never before felt such fear for my life...
Shoulderpads: What in the good name of Primus is wrong with you people?? What is that? Why is it so....unnerving? 
MikoMikoNii: 👌
And so that’s that! Sorry it took so long!! I was busy and it got stuck in my drafts for much longer than intended! But I hope there arent too many mistakes or anything, and I hope you could at least find it interesting, if not funny ^^’’ 
I enjoyed making this one too~
Lmk if you want me to do some more! Drop ideas! I’ll most likely be doing a Decepticon one next if I do another~ 
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iicytodoroki · 4 years
pregame; atsumu miya (nsfw)
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‧₊˚ ↱ ᵕ̈ summary: ❝ ya ready to go to suna’s for pregame, right? ❞
‧₊˚ ↱ ᵕ̈ warnings: explicit scenes (use protection!), explicit language, mentions of drinking, f! reader, some degradation, some possession, use of pill vibrator, fingering
‧₊˚ ↱ ᵕ̈ wc: 2990
‧₊˚ ↱ ᵕ̈ a/n: sorry it look me ages to get this done, i rlly wasnt inspired to write smut during that time, so everything i wrote just didnt flow right; so hope you enjoy tho!
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You could only just cross your legs as you leaned against the wall, looking across the room. Leering eyes sharpen when Atsumu catches your gaze. A smug look as he looks down and back directly at your (e/c), darkening with a knowing thought. Holding his gaze, challenging him to just try you. But this is your boyfriend we are talking about. He loves a good challenge. Slowly he reaches into his pocket, eyes darkening. You can imagine hearing the slow click, click of the dial turn. The aching buzz against your soft, velvety wall now growing with each click of the remote. Your thighs clutching tighter to help the unsatisfied ache and to prevent the drench seeping through your bottoms. 
The vibrating pill was too much for your sensitive walls. Atsumu had to push it in deep to make sure it’s between your rings of muscle so each time you clench harder, the sleek pick just keeps going in deeper, sending intense pulses all around.
It was less than an hour when Atsumu coaxed you with his fingers on the drive here. The pisshead loved rubbing his thumb on the inner, sensitive flesh of your thigh as he drove. But since you were so busy texting the group chat about everyone’s wins, he just has to slip his thick, calloused fingers past your panties. 
First, rubbing your sweet button with his thumb, obviously tearing your attention away from your phone. Frowning at what he’s trying to get at, your face could only flush. Next, shoving two fingers in after he feels the slick collecting on his palm. Atsumu’s warm hands contrasting to his cold, metal rings added to your lewd gasps and uneven breathing. Sensing how much you want more of his nationally acclaimed fingers, he drastically sped up his pace. He was shoving two fingers in you then three while being attentive to your nub. 
Your body temperature and heart rate was so rapid now. The shoving force of his hand trying to make sure all his knuckles are in and pushing against your velvety walls was too much for a short amount of time. Atsumu was smugly driving with one hand of the wheel, smiling to himself knowing he made you a quivering mess within minutes. Every glance he took to the side, his pants just got tighter and tighter. You looked so good trying to ground yourself by grasping the grab handle above you for dear life. Your whimpers and moans for more ignited his need to to take you. Now. 
But sadly, the car came to a halt. You two arrived at Suna’s flat.
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Walking in all cheeky knowing you never got your release, he just gave you his shit-eating grin as you both walked in towards your old high school friends. Atsumu gave you a peck on the cheek as he sauntered off to go play around Aran, Suna, and Osamu in the living room. You gave an extra heated glare at the back of Atsumu’s head, conveying how mad you were for interrupting you. But as you got up to go to the kitchen, you failed to notice his fingers in his pocket turning on the remote. 
In the midst of bending down to get water from the fridge, tingles from the base to the top of your spine shot up shivers. Then that’s when you froze wide-eyed of the familiar buzzing inside your still sensitive wet, warmth. You remember Atsumu was cleaning up slick juices since you were mad at him causing such a mess, plus he insisted. Still in a daze, your cunny still remembers his presence and was dripping enough that your scheming boyfriend slipped his favorite traveler’s toy in you. 
That fucking idiot
You could only curse him out in your head and send glares his way. Only for him to give an oh-so-loving smile from a boyfriend, turning back to laugh with his friends. Which now led you to stand around, idly chatting with other members, all hiding the fact you keep crossing your thighs in order to relieve the subtle need to clench around the very prolonged vibrations. 
Maintaining your intense, anger-filled gaze at Atsumu, his own golden hues just darkened in response. To him, his appetite has now become insatiable. How could you be so tempting? Just by staring at him. Those lust-filled eyes and scarlet overcasting your radiant skin. 
Oh, you’re so ready
Atsumu got up from his seat, his friends not noticing his sudden parting. He occasionally gave nods of acknowledgement, but most of the time he just stared at you, yearning for your adorable reactions. Now he has you in the palm of his hand. Primed for his much needed savory appetite.
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“‘Tsumu, what the actual fuck --,” you hissed. But he quickly took your arm into the master bathroom. 
The slam of the door and click of the lock reverberated against the pristine walls. Only the view of his broad, toned back was visible. For a second you thought you made him mad, but then the soft humming and fluttering of your wet walls, which are also starting to leak out onto your thinly laced panties, grounded your mind again. Before you know it, Atsumu firmly grasps your hips with both his hands, digging in to make sure to keep you in place. Oh they are for sure going to bruise in the morning, yet your lower abdomen just got tingly at the prospects. 
“Ya know,” his hot breath dancing across the die of your neck, “I’ve been waiting til we got home after the party…”
Atsumu hands’ ghostly touch roamed up until his thumbs reached your underboobs. With each word he gave you hot neck butterfly kisses, while his thumbs roughly circulated your sensitive buds through the fabric.
“But you looked so desperate for my cock,” with a sudden bite and suckle at the junction of your neck, tongue smoothing with his slick over the blooming mark. Shivers down your spine from the cold and meek whimpers made by you
He continues, “like the needy slut you are.”
While your mind was focused on his attentive lips, you failed to notice the tossed skirt in the clawfoot tub. Next thing you know, Atsumu carelessly ripped off your blouse, his mouth was watering just the sight of you, pussy gleaming as the pill continued, and chest heaving from the soft, but sensitive touches. His cock ached so much being constricted. He glanced back to your face where he can read in your darkened eyes, you needed him now.
“‘Tsumu, please hur--,” not needing to finish your sentence Atsumu attached himself to one of your breasts, while the other was mercilessly pinched and rubbed to relieve the pain, over-and-over. Saliva from the rapid lapping of his tongue absorbed the cold draft, perking them. Perfect for the graze and pull of his teeth, eliciting a series of high-pitched mewls. All directed to his throbbing cock. 
Urgency finally took over your still foggy mind, nimble hands were able to tug at Atsumu’s dress shirt, reveling at his godly-sculpted body. His being just surrounds you, eyes focusing on the glistening sweat that’s perspiring all over his torso. Smirking at your glossy eyes that seem to scale all over his body he comments, “Like what you see?”
Before he could get an answer, your (e/c) caught the bulging tent of his pants. Just seeing how large the bulge is got you panting more whilst rubbing your thighs. 
Just imagine him and the pill inside...at once
While your eyes were trained on his cock, Atsumu unzipped and discarded his bottoms to the side. Standing in all his glory was his raging, red head of his cock, glistening in dripping pre-cum. A thickness you’ve never gotten used to, always need to be prepped for what feels like hours, with a protruding vein just underneath. Just remembering the rough drags that vein has against your spongy walls could make you cum right now. 
“Now, now, as much as I love you admiring my cock, I’d love it even more inside this tight pussy of yours.”
As he said this Atsumu turned you around to face the large bathroom mirror, while he atrociously shoved his thumb, index, and middle fingers up your cunt. Rapidly raking inside in the search for the pill.
“Ah! nghh--’Tsumu..!!”
“Wait a sec babe,” he kissed your temple as he smirk knowing your knees buckled, “I need to take it out first.”
In reality, he did find it, but he wanted to keep messing with you. You were making such pretty noises and your face, god he could see the mix of frustration and pleasure written on there. He kept aggressively shoving his hand while scissoring his fingers inside, insisting he couldn’t find it yet. Atsumu’s brute force and the deep intense vibrations built you up to a warm coiling in your lower abdomen. (s/c) hands clutched onto the edge of the counter in anticipation.
After what felt like brutal hours of aggressive to slow fingering, he finally took it out. So sudden, yet so close, he didn’t—would not—let you release.
All you could hear was your heaving breath and the squelching noises of your arousal, a string still connecting to the vibrating pill. Atsumu seeing how all your juices messly attached around his hand made him salivate like a man out in the desert. Your aroma wafted around both of you, igniting this primal need to delve into you and the sinful noise of your pussy, looking for something to fill it. A need to relieve its emptiness.
“Miya Atsumu, you’re an actual douchebag,” you said in frustration.
“Oh really? Then I guess I better treat you,” he brought one hand to the front and another crawling up to your blooming bruised neck.
Enticed at his movements, you watched in the mirror as he opened your lips. Pink, fleshy muscles clenching at nothing. That is until you see Atsumu’s cock slicking himself with his precum and your nectar. He let out a deep groan upwards just at the feeling of the heat your pussy gave away. 
“F-fuck y/n, you’re so wet, mmghh,” he moaned.
Biting your lip and stifle a broken moan, Atsumu entered inside, quickly becoming overwhelmed by the tight fit of his cock. No matter how many times you guys fucked, his girth always stretched you out, his plump head had to be thrusted through each muscled ring. All the while your walls kept fluttering around him. 
Atsumu’s forehead was now in your shoulder as he bit and licked the area as he thrusted into you, your hips ringing against the marble sink. Wet skin from arousal and sweat tingly as he pulled back to shove in deeper. 
Feeling all of his ridges grazing inside you.
Your fleshy walls pulsate around his cock as he eases himself into you inch by rough inch.
 “Nghh, ‘Tsumu,” you gasped at another harsh thrust, “I need you, I—I ah…!!!”
You were desperately calling for him to be inside you and shove himself all in so you can finally feel him. Just then, he sheathed himself in you. Your jaws opened in a silent cry of a moan, eyes starting to roll back at how--big and thick-- he is against your walls. Every ridge, every vein was easily recognized. You were so stretched from his sudden intrusion, it slightly burned, but pleasure soon seeped its way in. 
“Y-ya—nghh—tight!!” he panted leaving a trail of reds and violets down your neck.
Then feeling him vigorously drill into you, you look down to see his thick cock pushing in and out of your cunt. One hand holding your hips to help him thrusting into you faster. 
Overwhelmed and wanting to make this more pleasurable, your head slumped down to let you hurriedly thrust your hips back. You could feel his thick head kiss your cervix, your walls won’t let him go; even the muscley rings he had to go through contracted, so each pull-back his head just tugged on it. Every plunge of his sinful hips probed against your sensitive spot, intensifying the flames of your pleasure.
The way you feel him all around you and inside you, his heavy cock twitching with each whimper, he growled against your neck to pinch your nipples harder. Causing you to writhe in oversensitivity. 
You let out a pornographic moan, bouncing off the walls.
 “Nghhh!!! ‘Tsumu—!!! Harder!!!” you were raptured in ecstasy. But you need more.
“Look at you, desperate for my cock like the slut you are,” he murmured.
 Two fingers push past your swollen lips from constant biting and force their way to the back of your throat. Atsumu hummed in satisfaction as you began to hollow your cheeks and suck as if it was his cock in your wet cavern. Throaty moans would come out from the intense thrusting into your cervix and down your throat.
Huffing and groaning at how close you were, Atsumu used both his hands to lift your hips a little higher, now on your toes, to slam into you harder.
 “Shit, y/n, look at yourself,” he huffed, “f-fucking milking my cock…”
 He groaned, “all of t-this,” he pumped upwards, hitting that one spongy, delicate spot, “is mine, shit! nghh—this cunt is mine only.” 
His cock was impaling you with such a force. He was mindlessly jackhammering into your soft, overworked hole. Your juices have long been trickling down your legs. Allowing his cock to easily slide inside faster and harshly.
Two digits made their way to your swollen button. With his thumb he hastily rubbed down with endless figure-eight’s. Atsumu let out a muffled moan at how your pussy clasped around him.
Your cute little hole is so tight and hot. I could just drill in deeper, wanna fuck you harder.
Atsumu loved that look on your face through the mirror. God, he was so thankful he faced you that way, cause now he can see every fucked-out look you had. Each moan, each mewls from stimulation. Your heaving chest against your bouncing breasts from his thrusted looked amazing to him. Because only he can make you like this. Into this mess only thinking about his cock.
“Look at your greedy fucking cunt, look at yourself in the mirror, taking everything I give you,” he growled in your ear as his callous fingers fervently rubbed your clit.
Looking up, set your stomach feverish lust. You could not even keep yourself up, it was your luscious boyfriend pounding you against the sink that kept you from falling. 
It was then Atsumu had this surge of carnal desire, his atrocious thrusting became even more feral. Skin slapping with skin seemed to be louder than your moans and groans. Your mind could only see him, only Atsumu’s body surrounding you, and nothing else. You were so ready to snap, so close to breaking apart, the coil below was agonizingly tight to burst. But you wanted something else too. Needed it.
Using whatever strength you had left, you reached back to tug his sandy-blonde hair to pay attention to your voice, than licking all the violet blossoms on your abused neck.
 “‘T-tsumuuu, please--nghhh…! I n-need your cum baby!!” you moaned without a care how loud. 
 You could feel him smirk against your nape. 
 “Such a dirty slut, do you love my cum inside you that much?” he teased as he slowed down.
“F-fuck!!! Yess ‘Tsumu I fucking lovee your cum…!!” you shouted frustratingly. 
 Hearing those words set aflame in Atsumu, he used both his hands to bruisingly grip you higher and sheathed you down his cock. He reached deeper inside you, his head now continuously rubbing at your cervix. Your walls became even tighter. So his thick shaft and veins were scraping along your wet, fluttering walls each stroke. 
You were a moan mess, eyes shut and mind set on one thing. Your hand was still tugging at the nape of his baby hairs and the other was clawed at his forearm which was used to press down on your swollen, pink clit. 
Shit, I’m there..!! Fuck--I..!
 “‘Tsumuuu!!” you screamed; you were ready and so was he. 
He brought his mouth to your ear, golden eyes now with a sinful glint, his hot breath casting around your ear and neck, “I need you--ngh-- to cum. Now.”
You throw your head to the side of his shoulder, toes curling, and your pussy clenching everything on his cock. Your cunt was milking him for all he got. Your gushing cum didn’t relent. Atsumu couldn’t take it anymore. Everything around him was so tight he barely could move his cock an inch, so hot he needed release.Until he gave in, too. He thrusts himself as deeply as he can, pressing hard against your cervix as you feel thick ropes of hot cum shooting inside of you. He pumped his cum into you, cock twitching as you felt hot gushes of mixed white juices flood your trembling cunt. You were limp but your pussy continued to milk Atsumu who still kept cumming in hot, white ropes inside. 
 His momentum began to slow as his cock was now softening. Both of his strong, sculpted arms support you as you tried to recover. Your head is still in a delirium of what just happened. Atsumu slowly pulled out, a shit-eating grin at his work. Dried cum of yours and his trailed down your legs. And more nectar drips out with your cunt contracting at the emptiness. Before he could shovel them back inside your overly-sensitive pussy, bangs on the bathroom door resonated in the place. 
“Fucking shit Atsumu,” the voice huffed. “We’re ALL fucking leaving without you guys!!”
 Oh my--
 Before Suna could leave, he yelled out again, “And you guys better be outta MY bathroom and flat!!”
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wincore · 3 years
AGREEEE, WORKING OVER THE WEEKEND IS THE WORST esp since im in uni full time and i work 9-5 on the weekends which means... no breaks for me ever.. 🥲
MASSIVE CRUSH ON OIKAWA OMGGG I SUPPORT THIS!!!!! but i am unfortunately much older than 15 and still enamored by 2d men 😔 life’s rough like that HDJWKDJ YES ATSUMU CAUSES PROBLEMS ON PURPOSE.. HES THE WORST!! btw.. ive heard that the oikawa to atsumu stan pipeline is very real... so if u get to s4.. u may develop atsumu brain rot like me 👁_👁
OOO alright run on, extracurricular, vincenzo, true beauty, love alarm, & perfect crime. NOTED!! ive actually been meaning to watch extracurricular for a while now, it looks so interesting!! now that it has the wincore seal of approval i must watch 😤 OMGG SAKURADA DORI I SAW HIM IN ALICE IN BORDERLAND!! super good show but really gore heavy at some points 👁
ahh ok thank u for the reccs, ive been thinking about starting demon slayer too!! shoplifters sounds really interesting :oo crime??? i havent watched a full movie in a while so i will def check it out!! THESE R ALL GOING IN MY NOTES APP.
NEXT YEARRR omg it sounds far away but i know time passes so quickly nowadays so I WILL WISH U LUCK ONCE AGAIN 💛 i hope u update us when the time comes!!
UGHWHHD EVEN THIS SYNOPSIS IS MAKING ME MISS UR WRITING?!? I LOVE THE WAY U WORD IT... “given a choice to pretend, you find that jaehyun is the lesser of the two burdens to bear” AHHHHHHH omg “he’s in a relationship and doesn’t rlly care about the soulmate system” THIS IS ALWAYS SUCH A PAINFUL SCENARIO IN SOULMATE AUS PLSS!!! Wait is the soulmate of yn gonna be an oc/vague character or another member :O EITHER WAY... PAIN! THIS IS GETTING ME SO EXCITED AND U HAVENT EVEN MENTIONED ANYTHING ABOUT WHAT JAEHYUN’S LIKE IN THIS FIC YET
RUNWAY CHARACTER CAMEOOOS YESS I LOVE RUNWAY YN!!!! i actually reread it last night and ugh i was reminded how much i love yns personality... just the process of experiencing all tht self doubt with them!!! so real & makes u root for them :’)
“if jeno plays edward i need him to that apple scene like taemin did” WHHHHHWJDJJWJDBW THIS MADE ME CHOKE ON THE WATER I WAS DRINKING LMFAO
GODDDD THESE TROPE/MEMBER PAIRINGS, HARD AGREE HARD AGREE!!! HAECHAN AND RENJUN ARE E2L 100%!!!! i think bc the ppl in the bff2l category cant convincingly hate yn back LOL
“gets complimented on his lyricism often but like every song’s about you” STOPPPPP HES SO PERFDCT FOR THIS TROPE!!!!!
OMG I SEE EXACTLY WHAT U MEAN ABT SICHENG IN ROYALTY/CHAEBOL AUS... i think like u said it’s because of his poise & the way ppl are generally in awe of him but also bc of his reluctance to open up!! more reserved until he trusts u... funny and kind but sometimes perceived as aloof... those r some prince tendencies! “what are corporate businesses but modern day kingdoms” LMFAOOWJDJ SERIOUSLY THO
“mans really said i will not give you any onscreen idol personality to work with” HDJWJDJWJSJ LITERALLYYYY this is why i have trouble reading jaehyun fics sometimes bc sometimes they can feel “inaccurate” but its mostly just bc there’s no Standard Personality Stereotype to go off of. but a random & uncommon trope i think he’d pair well with is exes to lovers!! Yes im basically just a jaehyun + angst advocate.
“i think most of them would pair well with bff2l??” FACTTTTTTT and no im not just saying this bc its one of my favorite tropes.. heh... i think i told u this before?? but ur like the main reason i started enjoying e2l!!! i didnt like it before bc i love the PINING in bff2l but then i started reading ur works n was like OH SHIT! THERES LOADS OF PINING HERE TOO...
i think yangyang is not bff2l or e2l, he is in his own category which is Annoyer2Lover HDJWKDJ ex: troublemaker, wasted nights
OMGGGG I DID NOT EXPECT ROYALTY AU TO HAVE SUCH A LARGE LEAD IN THE SURVEY??? and cryptids is so low 😔😔 cmon guys, vampires r fun!!!
WE R LITERALLY WRITING ESSAYS TO EACH OTHER RN BUT I LOVE IT 🥺🥺 its a such a nice break to read ur response when im burnt out from studying!!
“—and when this whole game you’re playing is over, you’re going to say I rejected you.” ?!?!???? THE WAY JAEHYUN IS A LITTLE SHIT! THEIR PERSONALITIES ARE BOTH SO FUN PLSJWJDJEJ IM MORE EXCITED NOW!!
pls disregard the part in my last ask where i asked abt romeo roulette.... i had no idea all of the information i needed was sitting right in front of me 😔😔
- tata
WHAT 9 TO 5 ON EVERY WEEKEND???? the system has failed you this honestly feels like a villain origin story 😭 when does it get better???
ALSO let me answer the other asks separately for better readability lol we really out here writing essays GOOD THING i have practice writing but like. this is infinitely better to write 🥰
PLSSS SOMETIMES I WILL SEE AN EDIT/TIKTOK OF OIKAWA AND BE LIKE DAMN I REALLY NEED TO CATCH UP I MISS THIS MF also are you daring me to ruin my life for 2d men bc i will do it without hesitation. wait till i watch hq again and get that atsumu brainrot with you he seems annoying enough for me to like ^_^
AND YES PLS I WAS SO ABSORBED IN IT!! extracurricular was the most gripping show i’ve watched in a while like yes enough teen romance give me two unhinged teenagers doing crime 🤩 AND OMG??? THAT’S WHERE WE SAW HIM TOO and although niragi was literally vomit-inducing human trash, sakurada dori is like. a good actor. except i hated coffee&vanilla which starred him it was literally so cringe i couldn’t 😭 i blame the writers for that though. IM EXCITED FOR S2 OF ALICE IN BORDERLAND THO i really like horror (and i can tolerate gore if ive been desensitized enough) and like i read the manga too!!! the games were really interesting (although morbid).
😭😭 MY NOTES APP IS FULL OF RECS FROM FRIENDS ALL OF THEM HATE ME FOR NOT WATCHING THE SHOWS BUT LIKE. i binge 3 or 4 at a time and strike them off and then go 6 months without watching a single tv series hhh.
THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I SURE WILL UPDATE !!! it’s so exciting to think about grad school sometimes :33
AHHH IM SO GLAD YOU LIKE IT AND THE PREVIEW TOO SGSDJKDS there’s a few differences in the actual fic i think bc i changed up the language (and i dont remember what else bc i refuse to look at my writing) JAEHYUN RLLY IS A LITTLE SHIT he’ll be like hm yeah im pretty chill :) and then proceed to beat yn at her own game at times. (she wins mostly dw) the fact that i made her soulmate cha eunwoo like girl if i were you i’d crash their relationship 🥱 (jk) but like. jaehyun too is 🤩 despite being dry af
ASDKDSKDS YOU REREAD ALL (ALMOST) 19K WORDS ??? IM SO GLAD YOU LIKE THAT FIC SM AAAAHHH IM FEELING LIKE AN ACTUAL AUTHOR 🥰 i loved runway yn too they were like boss attitude with 20% anxiety.
LOOK JENO BETTER BE PULLING MOVES LIKE THAT TO IMPRESS THE GIRLS 😤 if he hits himself in the forehead with the apple, bonus points bc that was true comedy (as invented by taemin)
AND YES. LIKE I KNOW MARK HATED DONGHYUCK SO MUCH HE WANTED TO LEAVE SM BUT LIKE HE’S TOO NICE WITH EVERYONE ELSE 😭😭😭 i cannot picture him pissed off apart from that summer fight </3
thinking about dejun getting rejected by a girl he wrote a song for. rip brother.
IM GLAD YOU PUT THAT INTO WORDS BC THAT’S EXACTLY WHAT IT IS!!! he’s got all of these regal qualities but he’s still human ykyk so it makes for the most amiable person on earth 😌 i love this characterization of him!!
oof exes to lovers with jaehyun... i had a similar idea a while ago (with theme song sincerity is scary by the 1975) that i discarded bc i don’t think i’m cut out to write that 😭 (YET) so i will keep this is mind. u r so right about jaehyun feeling inaccurate bc it’s like he’s very mild in personality onscreen sometimes?? so him having strong personality traits makes me go 🤔🤔 that man is overreacting. (jkjk but like you get the idea)
WAIT RLLY OMG BC OF ME???? i would never enjoy e2l irl bc irl dudes are 🤢🤢 and if they annoy me i will end them. but in fiction the mutual pining and initial disgust at yourself for liking the other??? helllooo 🤩🤩🤩 especially if it’s in a romcom style <3 bff2l is also better in fiction bc if the relationship doesnt work out irl and the person become uncomfortable with me i will just get annoyed jskshdl
LMAO YOU ARE SO RIGHT ABOUT YANGYANG HE’S JUST THAT™ DUDE skgkhs he feels like someone fun to hang out with but he would annoy you the whole time. also he is cute 🥰
AND EXACTLY!!!! IM HAPPY FOR ROYALTY AUS BUT CMON. LOOK AT THOSE VAMPIRE TEETH. feel like media ruined vampires for people 😔 
THIS IS SUCH A NICE BREAK FROM STUDYING HONESTLY!!!! im like working on two semi-large projects AND studying course and out-of-course material simultaneously so my brain is a little fried. thank u for this 😘
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dudeboyyyy · 4 years
1, 7, 8, 13, 15, 18, 23, 25, 30, 32, 37, 39, 40. Hope that isn't too much :D
1: what’s your favorite way to dress?
I absolutely LOVE button ups. Specifically wearing an open button up with a tank top underneath tucked into high waisted jeans or shorts. If I had like 10 different button ups I would just cycle through them and never wear anything else dksmkdks
7: what song is your aesthetic?
There’s a lot of songs that could fit this, but I really like Green by cavetown. It gives me soft love song vibes, and the song is about just wanting the best for the person you love; wanting them to be happy, even if it means they aren’t with you. I really like that message, and a big part of my personality is helping other people. Also I can play it on guitar and it’s rlly fun :)
8: what color do you think goes best with your personality?
Definitely lavender. It’s soft but bright, like me. In middle school everyone knew me for wearing lavender a lot and having a lavender backpack dksmslsl
13: talk about an au or a story you came up with
Okay, I have only written one fic, and I’m actually not great at coming up with aus/headcanons, so I only really have like two to talk about. I came up with a dancer!suki au, where the Kyoshi Warriors are a dance troupe. Aang and katara bring Sokka with them to go watch one of their recitals, and sokka gets all cocky like “I could do that that’s not that difficult” etc (keep in mind this is season one Sokka, it’s like a parallel to when he was being sexist in the first ep with Suki) and Suki hears him saying this so she’s like “lmao alright let’s see it then” and she forces him to go to the studio early the next morning. They have kind of a dance-off (oof cringey ik djdkkd sorry) and Suki absolutely destroys him. I think that’s as far as I got (I wrote it out, if you wanna see it tell me cuz I’ll post it if u want👀) but I also mentioned that Azula mai and ty lee are in a rival dance troupe and mai and ty lee eventually leave to join Suki’s. Anyway
15: do you prefer space or the ocean?
BFKDKDK THE OCEAN. ok this is also cringe but I have always loved and felt connected to the ocean. I THRIVE when I’m there, and when I’m there with friends? HOO boy. I am at my HAPPIEST. The ocean really is my happy place, when I go to college I’d love to go somewhere off the CA coast near San Francisco.
18: what animal would you keep as a pet, if you could?
I have one puppy rn, and I love her with all my heart, but I have always wanted a cat. I’d love to have a cat. Also a fire ferret like pabu would be fun hahafkdkxksljx
23: do you like soft, fluffy blankets or rough/smooth blankets?
Hmmmm ok depends
If I’m getting cuddly like on the couch or something, or just chilling, soft and fluffy and super heavy. But if I’m going to sleep, definitely smooth like my down comforter. Either way tho I LOVE heavy blankets. It’s because I’m touch starved
25:what country’s history do you find the most interesting?
Tbh I don’t really like history djnzksn sorry. I like Europe’s history tho, especially like historical clothing and art.
30: what instrument do you wish you could master?
PIANO. I so desperately wish I could just sit down and learn piano in one sitting. It’s SO helpful for vocals, too, because then I know how to read sheet music, and I can play vocal  warmups and find harmonies, it would be great.
32: do you have any strange interests?
Umm I don’t think so? I mean idrk what you would consider strange lmao. I’m a theatre kid? I guess that’s strange 😂 I also really like analyzing media and looking for symbolism etc, that’s why I can never shut up during a movie 😅
37: what do you listen to music on?
Idk if this is referring to the platform I listen on or the actual device so I’ll give both. I listen on Musicana (shh it’s a bootleg YouTube premium) and with my AirPods. (I’m rich I know djdkkd)
39: earbuds or headphones?
Earbuds :)
40: do you like light blankets or heavy blankets?
Haha I already answered this, but heavy blankets all the wayyyyy. It’s because I’m touch starved and lonely
Tysm for the ask! Sorry it took me a bit to get to, just been busy with school and all and that was a lot of questions 😅 it’s great tho I needed a distraction rn :) 💕
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imaginethathaikyuu · 5 years
ACTUALLY WAIT! Not asahi!!! I’m sorry I know I asked for him a while ago 😅 I use love him :( but maybe if you have more inspiration for bokuto! :) sorry for the confusion! I love your posts!
this is. the longest thing i’ve ever written. i think it reads well tho so its ok. i just love bokuto. and i could write for him forever and ever. also! i tried rlly hard to keep this gender neutral and i think it turned out well! * lovey-dovey nsfw ahead *
word count: 4073 (holy fucking shit)
“Give me a fucking break,” Bokuto grumbled as he checked the time on his phone. It was nearing 9 pm, and you still weren’t home.
Just when he had that thought, though, he heard the rustling of the doorknob. He stood from the couch and walked to the door, waiting for you to stumble in.
“Stop it! I’ll see you tomorrow, I’m not hugging you goodbye again,” he heard you say with joyous laughter.
Bokuto’s suspicions were correct - you were with that guy again.
Apparently, you had been best friends with him since you were kids, or something. Bokuto didn’t care to know the details - he even pretended he didn’t know his name.
As soon as the door closed behind you, you saw your boyfriend standing in front of you with crossed arms.
“What are you doing?” he asked you.
You blinked - there are a lot of ways to answer that question. “Taking off my shoes… and now my jacket… what are you doing, babe?”
You felt your forehead wrinkle as your brows drew together at his tone.
“Do you even give a shit about me anymore? Or is that friend of yours finally getting what he wants and stealing you from me?”
Bokuto didn’t curse at you often - and even less often did he raise his voice in that way.
One word, that’s all you were able to say - your throat felt too dry to speak. But that one word made Bokuto feel even worse.
“Did you forget, Y/N? That I had a game today? That you were supposed to be cheering me on with my new college team? Or were you so busy with him that you just didn’t fucking care?”
Your heart sank. 
“Kou -”
“It’s alright,” he said, interrupting you - his words were as much of a lie as any. He wasn’t alright. His brown eyes became glossy, though his glare held strong. “Don’t even bother. I don’t want to hear it. You can go be with him, and I won’t stop you - it’s obvious who’s more important to you.”
With that he turned away from you, walking to your shared bedroom and closing the door - leaving you stood alone in the foyer.
With him? Why would he even say something like that - why would you want to be with anybody else?
You had to do something, you decided - the longer Bokuto sat alone, the more upset he’d be.
After searching your kitchen up and down for ingredients for a perfect dinner, you came up empty. Luckily, it is Bokuto, and he appreciates nothing more than ordering out.
You did make some tea, though, and left it sat on the counter to cool while you went to talk to him.
After standing outside the door for what felt like an eternity, you took a deep breath and walked inside. You found your boyfriend lying face down on the bed, very obviously sulking. His hair was a mess now that he had flattened it into the pillow, his shirt was rising up on his back, showing off his tanned skin. It’d be cute, if the situation was any lighter.
He didn’t even flinch when you placed a hand on his back.
He didn’t reply - he didn’t move an inch. You weren’t even sure if he was awake.
“I’m so, so fucking sorry.” You moved your hand across his back, massaging his stiff muscles firmly.
“I love you, Kou. I’m sorry I haven’t been showing it. I’m sorry I’ve been making you think the opposite. But please believe me, babe. I love you.”
You heard him mumble a sad “okay…” into the pillow. After a moment, you lied down next to him, your hand still moving across his broad back.
“I love you,” you said again, this time much quieter. You knew what’d make Bokuto feel better: words of affirmation. “And I love watching you play - I’m so sorry I missed another game. I promise nothing will keep me from the next one.”
He still hadn’t moved much, but you hadn’t run out of things to say, either.
“I love how passionate you are, on and off the court. It really shows when you’re playing, though,” you continued with a quiet laugh. Your hand had now made its way up to the nape of his neck, your fingers combing through his surprisingly soft hair. “I love that you love me. I’m so happy that you do. Thanks for doing that, by the way.”
You heard him chuckle quietly, and you giggled with him. Finally, he pulled his face out of the pillow and turned to you. His face held a small smile, to your surprise.
“You believe me, right?”
Bokuto shook his head, his grin widening, your laugh like music to his ears.
“Yes you do!”
“No I don’t! You have to tell me everything you love about me, or I won’t believe you.”  
“Kou…” your laughter died down, your hand caressed the side of Bokuto’s face, and his smile dropped as your voice took on a more serious tone. “Please forgive me, baby. I’ll tell you all the things I love about you every day for the rest of my life.”
Bokuto’s eyes closed, he released a shaky breath, his brows drew together. “I don’t…” he started, but he wasn’t sure he was able to finish the sentence.
This wasn’t like him, and he was embarrassed.
He couldn’t speak louder than a whisper - his fear and insecurity kept him quiet.
“I… don’t want you to leave me.”
Bokuto had never doubted the security of your years long relationship - not even once. Not until you reconnected with this old flame. You started coming home late, missing his games, cancelling dates - always to hang out with your old friend. And the guy was funny and attractive and sweet - above all else, he was touchy. Even while Bokuto was around, he couldn’t stop poking your sides or throwing an arm over your shoulders or hugging you - even kissing your cheek!
And you saw nothing wrong with it.
You must’ve been enjoying all the attention your friend gave you - and who could blame you?
Bokuto tried - he tried so hard to be the picture perfect boyfriend. But that just isn’t who he is - he doesn’t have the time to be.  He has to be the perfect volleyball player.
And he would never, ever admit it - but time after time, you came second to volleyball.
He’d cancelled dates because of surprise practice matches, he had tournaments on your birthday, he’d come home late almost every night at the beginning of this first year of college - and you never complained, not once.
So who was he, to complain about you putting him second? When all he has ever done was hold your relationship at a lesser importance than something else?
“Fuck -” he was crying, and he couldn’t help it - he wiped his face as fast as he could, but the tears wouldn’t stop flowing.
He wasn’t a good boyfriend to you - not by any definition of the word. And here you were, getting the attention you needed and deserved from someone else - he had no right to be surprised that this happened.
“ - this is fucking -” he struggled to inhale through his nose, which was now stuffed and runny, “ - stupid.”
You’d never seen Bokuto so upset - and you had no idea your actions had such an effect on him. You never pegged him as the jealous type - and he wasn’t. But this was obviously much, much different than jealousy. This was insecurity, this was fear. And you didn’t want to know how long he’d been keeping it in.
Based on the tears he shed, it was a long time.
“Kou… what do you want me to do?”
You were lost - completely and utterly lost, and your map was gone with the wind.
Bokuto was emotional, but you could deal with his mood swings. You had never seen him so hurt. The sight hurt you to the core.
“Stay with me.”  
“I’m not going anywhere,” you said, a loud sigh to follow. “Come here.”
You pulled him into your chest, and he happily took the invitation, wrapping his arms around your waist tightly. Your arms wrapped around his shoulders.
“I love you - I’ll do anything to show you.”
His sniffles were slowing down, and he was drying his face on your shirt.
“I love being with you. We’re meant to be, Koutarou, I’d never leave you for somebody else.”
“Are you sure?” His words were muffled, and he sounded so sadly sweet.
“Yes,” you said. Taking a chance, you pulled his face away from your chest to look him in the eyes. They were puffy and red, his cheeks were still a bit wet, but his tears had stopped flowing. “No one’s more perfect for me than you are.”
“Even though I’m a bad boyfriend?”
“You’re not a bad boyfriend - you’re not a perfect boyfriend, either, but I didn’t sign up for a perfect man, I signed up for you.” You brushed some of the loose strands of hair from his face. “And I knew what I was getting into when we started dating, Kou. I’m here for the long run. I love you.”
He nodded, and after that, you couldn’t help yourself - you had to kiss his pouty lips. Just a peck, then you pulled away.
“And I love kissing you,” you whispered before going in for more. “You’re such a good kisser, have I told you that?”
Another soft kiss, “Once or twice,” Bokuto said against your lips. You smiled; his flirtatiousness was back - a little bit, at least.
You tried kissing him deeper, running your tongue along his bottom lip before attempting to pry his lips open with your own - but he pulled away quickly, and when he did he looked scared.
“I’m sorry, I -” he said, interrupting himself with a sigh. His hands found your hips and pulled you closer to him. “I haven’t been saying it back. I love you, too.”
“You don’t have to say it back for me to know it.”
Maybe he didn’t have to say it - but he sure as hell liked to. The privilege of calling you his, holding you here, telling you he loves you was one he had taken for granted. And it was only now that he feared losing you did he realize that.
He was selfish. But so were you - and you took what you could from Bokuto. Despite his devotion to his sport, you never felt neglected. Always, you felt loved and needed and damn near worshiped - your boyfriend was never afraid to speak his mind or to show you affection.
You kissed his lips one time, before pushing him to lie on his back.
“Let me show you how much I love you, Kou.” You slid your hand into his and he nodded, looking at you with such a trusting gaze; Bokuto was completely vulnerable to you. He’d make himself your prey, if that’s what you wanted. He’d let you consume him.
You kissed his forehead, then his cheek, then his lips - that’s often the order he’d kiss your face in, as well. This time you didn’t hesitate to pry his lips open, you didn’t give him the chance to think about anything but your lips kissing his.
You had to hold back a smirk after the gasp he made when you bit his lip; while you weren’t trying to be rough, you still wanted to be playful.
“I love kissing you,” you repeated, as if saying it again would take away the fluttering in your heart that Bokuto’s soft lips on yours caused - it didn’t.
In fact, that fluttering only grew stronger when you slid a leg over his waist and straddled him while continuing your kiss. Bokuto’s arms wrapped around your body, his hands lied flat on your back, holding you close to him.
Your own hands slid underneath his shirt, sliding up and down his sides. “Can I take your shirt off?” you pulled away to ask, and when he nodded you sat up and helped him pull the fabric away.
As you looked at him, at his tanned skin and muscular frame, you couldn’t hold back your words. “God, your body is so perfect.”
You watched his chest rise and his lips curl into a shy smile. Bokuto hadn’t always been very body-confident around you - which took you for surprise at first - but you knew he had no reason to be insecure.
And just looking at him like this turned you on more than anything else so far.
“You can play volleyball forever if it means you’ll always look like this.”  
Bokuto snorted and rolled his eyes.
“Take yours off too,” he said, referring to your shirt, and he helped you pull it off.
Now that you were topless, Bokuto had even more of a reason to be into this; he moved his hands to your hips, gripping them tightly. He pulled his bottom lip between his teeth, his heavy lidded eyes examined your body.
As a test, you lifted yourself and moved from where you sat on his stomach and straddled his hips instead. The moment your core connected with his, Bokuto gasped. You would have too, except you expected to feel his hardness through your pants.
“You’re hard, babe,” you cooed, and the man nodded. “Do you want to keep going?”
He nodded quickly, stuttering out, “yeah,” before pulling your hips down to grind into him again, savoring any friction he could get.
“Oh, you’re so needy,” you teased again. “It’s so hot when you’re like this.”
“Babe, stop teasing me.”
“I’m not teasing!” you said with a giggle. You leaned down to kiss him once. “But I really want to be closer to you.”
He nodded in agreement, and that’s all you needed to sit up and pull your pants off. Bokuto did the same, undoing his belt and allowing you to pull his pants down his legs before you situated yourself on top of him again.
You took his dick into your hand, giving him a teasing squeeze before sliding your thumb around the head of his cock.
“Y/N -”
“I love your dick, Koutarou,” you told him. You tried your best to keep your voice steady as your hand began pumping. “It’s so big and so perfect, it fills me up so well.”
His moans were getting louder as your hand moved faster. “Fuck, Y/N -”
“Nobody else could make me feel as good as you, Kou.”  
You took your hand away, and grabbed both of Bokuto’s hands, pulling him to sit up. He was a bit confused, but he scooted back so he could lean against the bed’s headboard.
His confused look went away when you wrapped your arms around his neck and pressed your lips to his ear. “I need your big cock inside me, Koutarou.”
“Please,” he said, voice sounding desperate. Your words, your voice, the way you said his name all drove him crazy - his hips had been bucking up involuntarily every so often, and he needed to cum so bad that he felt like he was going to burst.
He was able to reach for a condom from the nightstand, which you slid onto him.
“Do you…” he started, but the feeling of your hands on him caused him to lose his train of thought. “Do you want my… my fingers first?”
“It’ll be okay -”
“No, babe,”  he said. “Let me get you started.”
You nodded, smiling at how considerate he was. You knew he was right - you could rarely have sex without getting you accustomed to at least three of Bokuto’s fingers first, the girth of his cock being too much to take with no prep.
His hand moved down to your center, and he slid two fingers into you immediately. You took them easily, and his long fingers were curved in just the right way, hitting just the right place, to make you a moaning mess.
“Kou -”
“What?” he asked teasingly, moving his fingers at an even faster pace.
Your hands gripped his biceps, your forehead rested on his bare shoulder, and your hips moved into Bokuto’s hand.
“Do you want another finger?” he asked, already knowing the answer. His third finger was already entering you by the time you nodded.
“Koutarou,” you moaned loudly - his fingers felt so good.
“What, baby?” he teased again. “Use your words.”
You weren’t even sure how to do that - the only thing you knew were his fingers inside you and, now, his lips attached to your neck. “I… Kou, I -”
“Are you gonna cum for me?”
“Yeah -”
“Yeah? You’re going to cum around my fingers?” He felt your walls tighten around his digits, and he pumped them into you even faster.
He knew you were right on the edge, it’d take no time for you to be cumming - and he loved it. He loved knowing that the only thing on your mind is him, the only thing you could think about is him. He could tell, because the only thing leaving your lips was his name, the only thing pleasuring you was his fingers, the only thing making you feel so good was him.
“That’s it, baby, cum for me.”
And you did, and Bokuto couldn’t take his eyes off of you. Watching you cum made him feel the same euphoria you were feeling - it made his dick throb, it made him moan, it made him needy for more of you. The face you made, the way your body moved, how tight you were around his fingers - it was all heavenly. And he wanted to experience it again and again.
“Fuck, you are so hot,” he said. His free hand grabbed his cock and pumped up and down at a fast pace as he watched, listened, felt you cumming for him. For him.
When he knew you were finished, he pulled his fingers out of you, but he didn’t stop jerking off.
You could watch him fucking his hand all day, but you’d much rather him fuck you.
“Please, put it in - I need it, I need your big dick, please.”
He didn’t need to be told twice - he helped position you over is cock, and then he buried himself inside you with a groan.
“Oh, fuck,” he moaned, “fuck, you’re tight.”
You didn’t move - you were busy trying to collect your thoughts in a coherent way, trying not to get lost in the feeling of being so connected to him.
“Kou?” you said.
Bokuto pulled his head from your neck to look at your face. “Yeah?”
You moved your hips slowly, the need for friction and movement becoming too strong.
“I love you,” you said through broken moans, and before he could reply you kissed him - you moved your lips against his slowly, but you didn’t bother lapping your tongue into his mouth like you had before.
He was going to reply, he was going to say it back, but he could hardly even think words - let alone say them. His heart was filled with so much love, so much admiration, and there was no way in hell he could ever think of a way to explain it.
All of his thoughts led back to you - your lips, your moans, your warmth. All of you. He figured that this is the closest he had ever been to making love; he never believed sex could actually feel this way. How could something so raunchy, so primal, make him feel so loved and needed? Maybe he was going crazy - his mind was spinning - but he didn’t even feel close enough to you, even though you were as close as you possibly could be.
He hadn’t even realized you stopped kissing him, or that he’d been moaning your name over and over, or that his arms were wrapped around you and pressing your body against his so tightly you could hardly even move your hips.
“I love you,” he said, before he even realized he was saying it. And he said it again and again; your forehead was resting on his, and he wanted to open his eyes and look at you, but he couldn’t figure out how to open them.
You were moaning his name and telling him you were about to cum, but Bokuto was already there; his hips thrust up into you so he could be inside of you as deep as he possibly could be before he came, filling the condom while imagining he was filling you instead.
His body felt like it was on fire, everywhere you touched him sparked another flame that burned through every tense muscle. But when you lifted your body off of his, when you pulled his cock out of you, when your forehead was no longer resting on his, it was as if you had just dumped a bucket of ice water over his head. And he could actually open his eyes again, he could think without being interrupted by his own loud moaning.
You had moved away from him, standing on your knees and hovering over him with your eyes closed, your hands holding yourself up on his shoulders being the only place you were touching him.
He looked up at you. “Come here,” he said, breathless and desperate. You simply nodded, Bokuto took the condom off and tossed it into the trash without moving from where he sat underneath you, and then you relaxed on his lap once again.
And he held you gently - as if he was holding a broken doll or an injured child. His calloused hands tried so hard to touch you softly, one of them resting on your back, the other running up and down your arm. While you rested your head on his shoulder, kissing his skin repeatedly, he slid so he was lying down, with you on top of him.  
No words were shared. It wasn’t necessary. Nothing needed to be said that hadn’t been, neither of you felt the need to speak. Bokuto was still catching his breath. You were trying to ignore the ache in your thighs. You had shifted your position, preferring to rest your head on his chest; his heart was beating quickly, and you were dedicating all of your attention to listening to it.
And then your phone rang. You felt Bokuto tense up underneath you, you heard his sigh at the familiar ringtone.
Way to ruin the moment.
You had to pull your phone out of the pocket of your pants, which were laying on the ground. Bokuto caught a glance at the caller ID when you were back on the bed.
Of course, it’s him.
Bokuto could hear the guy’s voice just slightly; he couldn’t pick up on every word, but he could make sense of the conversation.
“…got home, and I was thinking… and tomorrow would be a great day to go! So I’ll pick you up at noon -”
Bokuto scoffed and rolled his eyes - how rude of him, he didn’t even ask you, he just assumed you’d go. And you probably would.
But your next words caught him off guard.
“No, I’ll pass on it. I can’t keep hanging out with you every day, okay? We see each other too much - I have a boyfriend and other friends and, look, I’ll see you in a few weeks, okay? I’ve got to go.”
You hung up without giving your friend the chance to put up a fight or say goodbye, and you turned off your phone so there would be no more interruptions.
“You’re off tomorrow, right?” you asked Bokuto as you lied down next to him. He was happy that you remembered. “I wanna spend the whole day in bed with you.”
He chuckled and nodded, knowing he’d have to come up with something to get you out of the house.
“Lets go order a pizza. And then eat it in the bath.”
As he pulled your body closer to his, he nodded again. “Later. At least let me bask in your beauty a little while longer.”
You laughed at him.
“Ten minutes, that’s all I’m giving you.”
“Hey, what a coincidence,” he mumbled, “that’s all the time I need for round two.”
“And then we can order a pizza?”
got a request? send it in. i’ll write it.
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seijch · 4 years
send me selfship questions!!
for @raevaioli because i wrote too much the first time and didnt have space to answer everything else 🧍🏻‍♂️
(there’s a lot of shit under the cut NDJKDKS be Warned)
1. where was your first date?
well, youve already heard about the first date that we realized was indeed A Date with futakuchi, but my first Proper Date with him would have to be somewhere like an arcade where we can have fun but still talk?? personally movie (theater) dates aren’t good first dates bc you Have to stay silent until the movie is over?? what’s the APPEAL...
there’s a shared exhale of relief as the large stuffed pokemon gets dropped by the crane into the pickup zone. “i can’t believe you pulled that off,” i tell him.
“you know, just for that, i’m keeping it.”
“you don’t even like pokemon! what happened to ‘this one’s for you, baby?’” i ask, voice dropping an octave to imitate him.
“i never said that, first of all. second of all,” he continues, grip tightening on the rowlet, “i won it. so it’s mine.”
“you fucking suck.”
(he says all this, yet when he drops me off, he insists i take the rowlet with me and name it after him. i graciously oblige, dubbing it coochie jr.)
when it comes to kuroo, he probably Says it’s some kind of unplanned affair but it ends with him unloading a picnic basket as we watch the sun set bc he’s a SAP... hate that fool 😔
“you’ve got good taste in music,” i tell him as the next song on his playlist begins. he’s definitely planning something, but i don’t say anything as his driving becomes less aimless.
“oh, i know,” he grins. “good enough for you to ask me for recommendations, i’d say.”
i’m crossing my arms before his sentence gets to finish. “listen,” i start, “you can’t tell me it didn’t work. we’re together now, aren’t we?” he doesn’t choose to grace that with a response.
before we know it, kuroo’s parked the car. “we’re here.”
“here? at the park? what are you gonna do, hold my hand while we watch the sunset?” i tease, getting out of the car. he doesn’t respond. “tetsu?”
“you really think you know me, don’t you?” he appears from the other side, picnic basket in hand and a resigned smile on his face. “what do you suggest we do now that my surprise has been torn to shreds, hm?”
“i mean...can we still eat? i’m kinda hungry.” i point to the basket. (i’m clearly deflecting ,, i was Not expecting kuroo the simp to jump out so early and my heart Cannot Take It)
2. who normally plans the dates?
between me and futakuchi i’m going to say none of us! we don’t really go on Dates dates, it’s just Us Hanging Out !! with kuroo, at first it’s him tbh but after we get comfortable everything becomes a date... idk tbh i’m not the type to sweat that kind of thing 🕺🏻 i do like to Go Out and do things w my s/o no matter who they are but a date doesn’t always have to be going out nor does it have to be a Special going out yk??
3. what kind of dates would you two mostly go on? do you have a “date spot?”
i mentioned this in my answer for 24, but w kuchi we have this ritual of going out to eat every friday and after we get together that doesn’t change!!! if we’re feeling extra lazy we might order takeout but we always always spend our friday nights together... it’s def smth we look forward to even Before we start dating (and it’s smth we both wonder Why we anticipate before we get tgt)
in terms of a date spot? we have our favorite places (like the ramen joint i mentioned in 24) but other than that maybe a few other restaurants and that’s kinda it! our other dates are the occasional study date but i cannot study when he’s around,, just looking at his face pisses me off 😃 nah but we can’t focus on school together + we’d get heated over a meaningless argument and get kicked out NDNSJSJ
when we get domestic w each other (like in uni or beyond) kuroo and i have all our dates at the grocery store... idk abt you but the INTIMACY of buying groceries w someone you love is so [clenches fist] yk?? but before and sometimes after that point rlly it’s like Things To See and Things To Do whenever kuroo puts himself in charge of planning it bc he knows we both like to be engaged and have fun!! (i alr said it but our date spot is the grocery store <3)
4. what kind of date do you think the both of you would enjoy the most? why?
that’s a very good question... i mentioned it alr but kuroo and i vibe heavy w things that are engaging and give us things to talk about while we keep busy,, like maybe an amusement park or smth w all the rides (we’re definitely spinning the shit out of the teacups) mostly bc i think he likes being kept on his toes and i do too! i think we’d challenge each other to do better by setting an example for the other to follow just in general,, also ngl places w a lot of ppl are good too so we can peoplewatch,, the two of us are the type to read people with a glance and when we need downtime we’d sit down somewhere and just kinda . 👁👁 yk
“i might barf,” i announce, gait crooked from the dizzying ride.
“no, you won’t,” kuroo replies, allowing me to drape myself over him though he’s not walking straight either. “didn’t you hear? vomitting is banned in this country and thirteen others.”
“a shame. anyway, let’s go on the pirate ship ride next.”
(we sit at the outer edge. it’s not a good time for the folks in the two seats in front of us. we wipe our vomit—mostly my vomit—from the corners of our mouths and apologize profusely.)
when it comes to kuchi, i think he’d like smth where we would end up competing against each other! i mentioned this when i answered question 50, but kenji and i are almost TOO competitive over stupid shit so smth like laser tag (where everyone is like ... why don’t you want to work together aren’t you DATING) would be SO fucking fun
“it’s not too late to surrender,” he simpers, my body sandwiched between his and the wall. my gun’s been knocked out of my hand—that’s gotta be against the fucking rules—and part of me feels like i’m on a real battlefield, as fleeting the thought is. “some battles, you just can’t win.” he punctuates this statement with a sage nod, leaning so close his breath fans against my face. “so, what’ll it be?”
i close the gap, pressing my lips against his and relishing in the strangled groan that comes from the back of his throat as he reciprocates, free hand moving to the nape of my neck. the hand holding the gun drops. that’s all the opening i need.
i let him deepen the kiss, take his bottom lip between my teeth and gently tug as my hands reach for his gun while his brain is still between his legs.
aim. fire.
i’m the last one standing, and the lights turn on around us. “it’s always good to have goals,” i tell him, granting him a consolation peck to the lips. “but i suggest making them more realistic next time.”
9. what do you think your first impression of them would be?
now THIS is a question i knew the answer to going in bc my best friend (honestly she doesn’t get paid enough ,, or at all ,, for all the shit she has to put up w from me NDNSKSK) had to hear all abt my elaborate fantasies regarding these two but!!
my first impression of kuroo is 1) 😳😳 and more importantly, 2) I Want To Know What He’s About... bc he’s not the kind of person i’d get the full picture of w just one look and maybe a few words spoken? he’d pique my interest a LOT (and this is smth he shares w tsukishima, tho i don’t see myself in a long lasting relationship w him like i do w kuroo and kuchi!) and i’d end up worming my way into his life whether he likes it or not until i find out :-)
unlike kuroo i see kenji and go Wow. What An Asshole. ok no i don’t NDNSJSN i probably think he’s cute first THEN go what an asshole and there’s definitely a long period of time where we’re genuinely getting on each other’s nerves before it goes into the romantic relationship-adjacent dynamic you see in my answer to 24!
10. what do you think their first impression of you would be?
kuroo’s definitely curious. i don’t imagine him being unable to see thru me from the start but i prove myself to be Good Conversation so he’s fine (and ends up being more than fine) with me bothering him as much as i do. kenji probably sees me the way i think most people see me at first? very soft and sweet ,, and then he tries to rile me up, tries to test the waters and pretty quickly finds out that right under the nice girl is someone that won’t hesitate to mirror the shit he tries to dish out.
(again) 24. would you confess first or would they? how would it have gone?
i saw you said in the tags you wanted to see the kuroo one so here it is 🤝 i had all my fun writing kenji’s so this one is shorter than that but!!!
NDNSNSN anyway !!! with kuroo it’s kinda 50/50 bc i’m not shy when it comes to my feelings but at the same time i like to have the lowest chances possible for failure when it comes to things like this... but i simp SO heavy for him so lbr it’ll prob be me just bc i literally Cannot pretend that my intentions are platonic anymore and he’s not gonna do it first (later i find out he was trying to see how long he could go before one of us mentioned the elephant in the room)
(5:38 PM) me: anyway for the weekly song rec
(5:38 PM) me: khalid ft. john mayer - outta my head
(5:39 PM) me: specifically 1:16-1:25 :-)
the messages have sent before i can think twice or even consult anyone about it. there’s a beat of silence. then two. then three. i throw my phone down onto the bed as it bounces off the mattress and onto the carpet.
what the fuck!!!!!! bitch why did you do that!!!!!!!
there’s no taking it back now. he reads it ten minutes after it sends (not like anyone’s checking, that would be preposterous). the picture i took of him mid-sneeze two months ago lights up the screen, a facetime call from shithead 👺 bringing me to yet another crossroads. do i answer it and face the music (literally), or do i pretend to have been busy and act as though i didn’t just confess to one of my best friends through text and with music, of all things?
i pick up the call.
“i liked the song,” he says as soon as the call opens, “though i can’t help but wonder if there was a hidden meaning to it.”
“and if i told you there was?”
“well,” he replies, sounding a little out of breath (where is he?), “i’d tell you to open your door because i’m outside.”
true enough, when i race downstairs and open the door, he’s waiting for me. “and if i told you that was my way of asking you to be my boyfriend?”
“well, i think i’d want to ask if i could kiss you. assuming, of course, it was alright to do something like that so soon-“
he doesn’t finish his sentence. his lips are a little bit chapped, but pleasant nonetheless, and i tuck the newfound fact away in my file of things i know about kuroo tetsurou.
(for reference, the song lyrics for the part i mention are can you feel the tension / you’ve got my attention / i know we’re just friends but / i’d rather be together instead)
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hiyaaa!! could i pls get a written matchup for ikesen, ikerev, & mlqc? 💞 bi but i prefer guys! i have an older twin sis~ 5'4 young girl~ medium-length straight-ish black hair & dark brown eyes. ambiverted INTP! hufflepuff/ravenclaw. fun-loving & friendly scorpio. if not given attention, i feel unwanted/sad. quiet w/ people im not close w/. easily annoyed but guilty after 'cause im soft-hearted. playful/serious, childish/mature, competative/laidback, funny/shy, talkative/good listener, loud/soft, kind/quiet, emotional/solemn, sweet/smart, bright/deep, poetic/intellectual, daydreamer/studious, annoying/lovable. hopeless romantic! sorta socially anxious, i have a fear of judgement. my personality is like half fun/happy and half deep/quiet- very awkward. i want to be the best! im not innocent but ppl think i am at first. its easy to make me smile & laugh but i also get jealous often. i have trouble asking for help even if i help others a lot! im the type to do fun stuff and loosen up, but im also the type to just cuddle and have long conversations about life and the world. emotionally mature but a bit emotionally unstable (mental health problems-) i look fine on the outside but on the inside its a MESS. im actually a complex person, and i rlly think a lot to myself. i feel rlly scared tho if im not completely sure if im correct abt smth, n i get rlly anxious when ppl r looking at me blankly w/ smiling- likes: diff kinds of jokes, testing myself, affection, animals, doing exhilirating things, music, movies, books, games, family, friends, astrology, astronomy, learning new things, & mythology. dislikes: too much heat, school presentations, creepy dolls, being under pressure, dirty things. i love weapons (esp swords n guns, i like magic too tho)!! i think they're super cool- omg im super srry cause i think this is too much- tysm anyway!! feel free to take your time (health comes first!) n have a great year! 💞
Aww, thank u so much! This was submitted to me quite a while back and I’m really sorry for the major delay. However, I’ve finally gotten to this. Hope you still enjoy it :)
Ikemen Sengoku
I’d pair you with.................. Hideyoshi Toyotomi!
Honestly, I was having difficult picking just one person since you have such a complex personality (don’t worry, this is a good thing). For a while, I was leaning towards Mitsuhide at first because your personality would’ve made the perfect MC for his route. You’re sweet enough to get him to open up, but not a complete ditz. He’d love to learn all the different sides of your personality, falling for every single piece. After all, there’s no puzzle that he can’t solve.
However, I’m gonna go with Hideyoshi on this one. His simple attitude would best compliment all your different traits, creating the perfect balance. Whenever he’s being hard-headed, your multi-dimensional personality will provide him with another side that he hadn’t considered.
Don’t want to ask for help? Not a problem because Hideyoshi is going to help you anyways (whether you want or not). He’ll be at your side all day, making sure that even the smallest of tasks have dealt with. Once your work is done, he’ll linger around for a little bit, waiting for that last good-bye kiss. 
You manage to pull him out of his comfort zone, going on small adventures together! He’s not the biggest fan of them, but he always tags along to make sure you’re alright. His favorite adventures are when you two go into the forests, observing all the different animals. There’s nothing like seeing the sweet smile on your face to brighten up his day.
The day always ends with the two of you heading back to his room, laying on his bed, and looking at all the cool stuff that you found. He’ll have his arms wrapped around your waist, resting his chin on top of your head, listening to you rave about the adventure. But when you remind him that there’s no place that you’d rather be than in his arms, Hideyoshi can’t help but turn into a puddle. It’s just a night of cuddles and endless affection.
Hideyoshi is also the best person to go to when you’re feeling like a complete mess. Even if he’s busy, he’ll always put time aside to comfort you. If you’re feeling scared or unsure, the warlord will stroke your hair and remind you about all the times that you’ve been right (and all the things you’ve accomplished because of that). Even if things go awry, he’ll always be there to hold your hand for comfort’s sake. After all, you’ve guided him through his messes, so now it’s his turn to repay the favor.
Another Possibility: Mitsuhide Akechi
Ikemen Revolution
I’d pair you with............... Ray Blackwell!
So there’s not a lot of leeway here since your description really just screamed “RAY” to me. However, I feel like I could throw you at Blanc! He’d do his best to make you feel welcome in the Cradle and slowly crack through your quiet demeanor. Once he learns what’s inside, bunny boy is absolutely charmed! It’s hard for him to stay away, especially since he just gravitates towards your cheery energy. Nevertheless, the Black Army King won over in the end.
When Ray first meets you, he appreciates your quiet side. Not too noisy or annoying, unlike certain members in the Black Army. Besides, you seem to have your head screwed on straight, so he won’t have to worry too much about you getting into endless trouble. Your maturity throughout the entire situation will only garner his respect.
When Fenrir cracks a crude joke and you stifle your laughter, Ray raises an eyebrow. There’s definitely more to you than meets the eye and he’s interested in what exactly hides behind your quiet exterior. While he may not go out of his way to search for it, Ray takes mental notes when you do something that pleasantly surprises him.
Bookworm buddies!! Every now and then, you two engage in a reading competition: who can read the most books throughout the week? For the prize, the loser has to listen to the winner’s commands for an entire day. While the winning party varies, it’s always a close call.
Ray is always teasing you for being a hopeless romantic. However, that’s just his way of hiding how he thinks that your mentality towards love is adorable. If he’s completely honest, you remind him of the main heroine in most romance novels. Does that mean he’s willing to be your love interest? Why don’t you ask him and find out ;)
Ray notices the twinkle in your eyes when you watch him practice with his sword. When you ask him about it, he’ll happily show you all the types of swords and guns that are used in the Black Army. He even gives you confidential information about the latest gun prototypes. At one point, he’ll even gift you with the weapon of your choice (you can customize it however you want). Whether you choose to use it is up to you (but little tip here: Ray finds it hot when you carry it around on your belt).
Another Possibility: Blanc Lapin
I’d pair you with............ Victor!
Before I unveil first place over here, I think you and Kiro would also have amazing chemistry too! You two would mesh so well together, being the biggest balls of sunshine. When you’re feeling down, you can always expect his teddy-bear smile to cheer you up in an instance. It gives me such “wholesome couple vibes” that I’m not even sure how to put it into words.
So you must be wondering, “Why Victor?” It’s because our loveable grump needs some sunshine of his own (a ray of sunshine that he won’t throw out the window or chastise to death). From the beginning, Victor takes a liking towards you. You’re mature, dependable, and want the best for the company. Even if you’re not directly involved, he appreciates your efforts towards becoming the best. There’s something about you that makes him want to root for you.
And so he does, pouring a decent amount of money into your dreams. However, Victor will constantly watch you from the side (after all, he’s gotta see how his investment is being used). This may cause you some discomfort, but he’s doing it to make sure that you get to the top of your dreams. 
When you’re feeling unsure of yourself, Victor will give you the guidance that you need. He’ll try his best to give his input on the situation, making sure that it gets you closer and closer to the answers that you need. Once you manage to pull everything together, he can’t help but feel a little tug on his chest. It’s a combination of both pride and something a little sweeter.
Victor also finds your multi-faceted personality quite impressive. It’s amazing how you can show a range of emotions and feelings, especially when you’re dealing with different types of people. He doesn’t have such a range of emotions, so he tries to pick up on a few of your traits. It doesn’t always work, but you always get a good laugh out of it.
Whenever Victor has had a long day at work, the two of you lay on the grass and watch the night sky. There’s something about the stars that calms him and he wouldn’t have known it if he never met you. So he’ll always be grateful for the peace that you’ve given him. 
Another Possibility: Kiro
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bo0zey · 4 years
Pick your favorite questions from the list.
i will do them all for u 0.o
1. Name cianna [see-ah-nah]
2. Nationality mexican irish german romanian hungarian french
3. Age 20
4. Birthday december 17, 1999
5. Zodiac sign (or your primal zodiac sign) sun: sagittarius; ascendant: leo; moon: aries
6. Gender female
7. Sexuality uhhhhhhhhhhhh idk but i will willingly kiss either gender
8. Your looks (add a picture or describe yourself) /tagged/my-face or u could just google pictures of fat rats
9. What do you/did you study? I’m currently a sophomore nursing major!
10. What's your current job like?/What job would you like to have? I’m currently a microbiology TA and I love it :) My dream job would be something with animals, like a vet tech or veterinarian
11. Your birth order i’m the oldest!
12. How many siblings do you have? 2 younger brothers
13. Do you have good relations with your family? my mom was my best friend, my dad and i get along better now that i’m in college, my brothers and i get along pretty well & we’re staring to get closer now that they’re getting older n growing up n developing their own personalities lol
14. How many friends do you have? errrr idk this is a hard question. i have a lot of acquaintances but i’d say i have maybe like less than 10 real friends??
15. Your relationship status single :D
16. What do you look for in a SO? funny!!!!!!!!!must be humorous!!!!and sarcastic and a little weird w darker sense of humor so we can laugh n be dumb together!!!!!!! also i would like them to be kind to me and those around them bc mean ppl suck. also they have to like animals. also i would like them to be loyal and trustworthy and 110% in love w me. and for physical stuff idk kinda attractive but NOT CONVENTIONALLY ATTRACTIVE like i personally don't really like the typically ‘attractive’ person??? 
17. Do you have a crush? currently in love w the cute chinese boy who lives across from my dorm room even tho i have never even spoken to him n he is totally unaware of my existence!!!!!!!! hahah oops :D
18. When did you have your first kiss? i mean technically 3rd grade i think but that doesn't really count so like maybe 16????
19. Do you prefer serious and meaningful relationships or casual dating/one night stands? i mean in the long term i would definitely like to have a serious relationship but at the moment i’m only into casual stuff bc my heart isn't ready to be broken again sknfkjdbnkjd
20. What are your deal breakers? errrr i’m not sure....cheating is a no no, ppl that are interested in fucking every single person they see is a turn off, DUMB PEOPLE like ppl you can't even have a proper conversation with bc they're so DUMB, and ppl who r mean/judgmental/arrogant
21. How was your day? ok! accidentally slept thru my math class but caught a glimpse of my crush across campus when he was abt to smoke a cig and i got chipotle n i online shopped a ton from shein
22. Favourite food & drink deep dish spinach pizza from giordano’s & orange vitamin water
23. What position do you sleep in? i fall asleep on my left side hugging a body pillow
24. What was your last dream about? ate a braid of hair and inside the braid was bacon
25. Your fears not going to make it thru nursing school, not being financially stable as an adult, not having a family of my own, probably more but those r currently top 3
26. Your dreams i don't have any idk....maybe having like a house of my own and having as many animals as i want?? and i would like a loving partner with a daughter of our own
27. Your goals survive nursing school and lose 40 pounds and don't die before my cat
28. Any pets? i have a dog named cherry Cola, a cat named Leto, and a betta fish named Perc
29. What are your hobbies? writing stories about people in love, listening to music
30. Any cool places in your area? in my college town??? NO it sucks. in my hometown??? Not really it’s a small lil village with only restaurants and parks. but at home i’m near downtown chicago so that’s cool i guess
31. What was your last awkward situation? the first thing that comes to mind is my FIRST and so far ONLY encounter with my crush. we live in the same dorm building and i was wearing my nursing scrubs and had no make up on and about to go upstairs to my dorm, and then i heard footsteps and i was like ‘hahaha what if its my crush’ AND THEN HE FUCKIGJNG appeared from down the hallway to go back to HIS DORM [which is RIGHT ACROSS FROM MINE] and i literally STARED at him, then threw open the door and RAN UP THE STAIRS LIKE I LITERALLY DIDNT EVEN HOLD THE DOOR OPEN FOR ME AND HE WAS LIKE SO CLOSE BEHIND ME I WAS JUST SO NERVOUS MY FLIGHT OR FIGHT RESPONSE TOOK OVER AND I FUCKING FLED I LITERALLY RAN AWAY FROM HIM I AHTE MYSELF SO MUCH IM SUCH AN IDIOT!!!!!!!!!
32. What is your last regret? errrrr idk i regret a lot of dumb things.......
33. Language/s you can speak English n a LITTLE bit of Spanish
34. Do you believe in astrological stuff? (Zodiac, tarot, etc.) i’m really into zodiac stuff and i have got to say they are pretty spot on in accuracy idk
35. Have any quirks? ummmm ofc!!i am the quirkiest person i know hajnjfxbkjx like if u asked my roommates/friends they’d probably be better at answering this than me bc i don't see anything abt me as quirky but they always tell me i am quirky and do weird things but idk man I'm just existing 
36. Your pet peeves err idk currently its ppl that constantly brag about dumb shit
37. Ideal vacation somewhere warm with me + the ocean + the loml + unlimited alcohol
38. Any scars? yeah :D both emotional AND physical!!!!
39. What does your last text message say? ‘ok thats a more than fair statement’
40. Last 5 things from your search history how many carbs should i eat, chipotle bowl calories, is the grim reaper the angel of death, ceftriaxone adverse effects, red man syndrome
41. What's your [device] background? lockscreen is a peach-theme background i made and home screen is my weight loss goals
42. What do you daydream about? the characters in my stories.................and being skinny 
43. Describe your dream home pretty brick house??? flowers outside??? 3 floors--main floor, basement and upstairs??? 3 bedrooms n 3 bathrooms maybe??? master bedroom has its own bathroom!!! and open concept main floor. big kitchen and very homey n warm all around. as for like an apartment i want something cozy and aesthetically pleasing and warm 
44. What's your religion/Your thought about religion i don't have a religion but if ppl do have a religion then thats not my business
45. Your personality type entj but only bc i got 3% extraverted; i am very closely related to intj tho n i think i fit that one better
46. The most dangerous thing you've done uhhhhhh probably operating a vehicle while high out of my mind. definitely the dumbest thing i ever did 0/10 would recommend anyone ever doing that
47. Are you happy with your current life? its ok but it could probably be better. i want to be done w college and skip to the part where i have a successful career and my own home and i can lay up w the loml every night
48. Some things you've tried in your life alcohol???weed??gummy edibles....
49. What does your wardrobe consist of? sweaters/sweatshirts/leggings
50. Favourite colour to wear? black, maroon, peach, purple, gray, idk
51. How would you describe your style? oh jeez idk i wear whatever i want so like e-girl when i really try and basic white girl when i don't care
52. Are you happy with your current looks? no i hate everything about myself lol
53. If you could change/add something to your appearance - impossible or not - what would it be? more freckles on my face....also be thinner n have longer hair
54. Any tattoos or piercings? my nose and septum are pierced!
55. Do you get complimented often? kinda by my friends but i always yell at them to stop so they don't compliment like as much bc they know i hate it but they still do it sometimes idk
56. Favourite aesthetic? i wanna be an e-girl yo!!!!!!!!! 
57. A popular trend that you dislike nobody has a crush on me and i hate it
58. Songs you're currently obsessed with? pied piper by BTS
59. Song you normally wouldn't admit you like. anything by BTS lol i used to like be embarrassed for how much i like k pop but now i don't really care lol #stanBTS2020
60. Favourite genre? rap/r n b/alternative
61. Favourite artist/band/genre? i listen to every genre except country sooooooo yeah i really like billie eilish, BTS, the weeknd, juicewrld, lil nas x, trippie red, post malone,
62. Hated popular songs/artists? i don't rlly like selena gomez or justin bieber or taylor swift
63. Put your music on shuffle and list first 5 only - RY X i.f.l.y. - Bazzi novacane - frank ocean jungle - drake bang! - trippie redd
64. Can you sing or play any instruments? no and no
65. Do you like karaoke? no but i like to sing along to songs when I'm alone
66. Own any albums? haha noooo i got apple music son
67. Do you listen to radio? What stations? errr RARELY i used to listen to r n b stations tho
68. Favourite movie/series? idk donnie darko?? i also just finished tharntype n that was really good. also i liked tokyo ghoul. AND GIVEN IS REALLY GOOD
69. Favourite genre of movies/books/etc i like horror/scary/paranormal/funny movies and i like love stories in books
70. Your fictional crush/es danny phantom, ken kaneki
71. Which fictional character is you? uhhhh idk...
72. Are you a shipper? List your otps, if so frerard, ryden, taekook, mewgulf
73. Favourite greek god? idk they all kinda suck but maybe hades
74. A legend from where you live that you like i don't really know any:(
75. Do you like art? What's your favourite work or artist? i like to look at art! i think van gogh is cool
76. Can you share your other social media? ig: ciannnna venmo: ciannnna
77. Favourite youtubers? i don't really watch youtubers but maybe shane dawson and emma chamberlain
78. Favourite platform? twitter
79. How much time do you spend on the internet? too much time
80. What video games have you played? Which one's your favourite? i once played GTA5 that was fun!
81. Your favourite books (manga also counts) idk i don't really read anymore:/ i was into the hunger games and the twilight series when i was young. now i kinda read online manga and i really liked BJ Alex and killing stalking. and like for online books the unholyverse series, a splitting of the mind, the anatomy of a fall
82. Do you play board/card games? no but i like to play checkers and uno and cards against humanity
83. Have you ever been to a night marathon in cinema? nopee
84. Favourite holiday halloween is cool also christmas is alright bc gifts
85. Are you into dramas? i’ve been getting into thai boys love dramas lol sue me
86. Would you use death note, if you had one? um YES.
87. What changes would you make in the world, no matter how impossible, if you had the power to? everyone needs to be a little kinder and have a crush on me
88. Could you survive a zombie apocalypse? absolutely not I'm not physically fit and don't have useful skills
89. If you had to be turned into a paranormal being, what would it be? vampire duh [or maybe ghost]
90. What would you want to happen to you after your death? i want to see my mom
91. If you had to change your name, what would be your pick? idk something cool ... i love the name Daisy
92. Who would you switch your life with for a week? idk probably kylie jenner
93. Pick an emoji to be your tattoo idk the alien? 94. Write 3 things about yourself - only one of them must be true -im very productive with my time management skills -my favorite color is purple -i don't get nervous when I'm alone in public
95. Cold or hot? cold
96. Be a hero or be a villain? anti-hero
97. Sing everything you want to say or rhyme? sing if i’m good at it but if I'm not good then rhyme
98. Shapeshifting or controlling time? shapeshifting
99. Be immortal or be immune to everything aside from natural death?immortal
100. ..... or .....? ......?
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wilroses · 4 years
[HE/HIM & 23/AUGUST 2] Is that LUKE HEMMINGS ?! No it’s just WILLIAM "WILL" BELROSE. From our interview we have heard that the THE CAVALIER is apparently a GUITARIST/SINGER who’s been living a lavish lifestyle in NEW YORK CITY, NY with 7.3 MILLION followers! Now that they’ve signed a contact to pricelesshqs fans will be ecstatic to see them on screen. But rumor has it they are hard to deal with as they’re POSSESSIVE, MANIPULATIVE, DISINTERESTED. Fortunately for us we’ve heard they’re actually CHARMING, RESOURCEFUL, RATIONAL. Let’s see how they survive our show while they arrive in the luxurious life of pricelesshqs! (kale, 19, EST)
hi guys ur favorite vegetable back at it again. you’ve seen jess a woman of many words!!! now meet will, a man of much fewer (but that’s not saying a lot in comparison to jess)
-will was born into a pretty nice family. he has a little brother (three years younger) who will teased the HELL out of (he says it’s his right of passage). his dad worked (stockbroker) while his mom was stay-at-home. she was an absolute sweetheart, but she was also terribly naive and forgiving, as in, Will never really got punished. he’d do stuff wrong but his mom never really wanted to be mean, so he kind of lived without much consequence. even when she tried to talk to him about anything he did wrong, he could usually talk (cough manipulate cough) his way out of it. with that being said, will grew up never really thinking about consequences (dont get me wrong !! he loves his mama n will punch anyone who talks bad about her. he just.. takes advantage of her kindness :/ ). he doesn’t exactly take other people’s feelings in account for and even if he did i doubt that would ever really make him change his mind about something. ruh roh he’s selfish.
but dont ya know! people who don’t think about the consequences can be fuuuun. laws shmaws, he smokes (he’s actually pretty delightful when high!), has enough alc in his room at all times for a mini party(when he was living at his flat in LA before priceless, he was known for throwing down almost every weekend he wasnt touring), does stupid shit like stacks benches at parks bc why not, and is always willing to get out his guitar n play (and no, it will NOT be Wonderwall).
speaking of guitar, he’s in a band! he started a pop/punk/rock band (which has 5sos’s discography) n he’s the lead guitarist, has a p big hand in the songwriting process, n is sometimes a vocalist. the little group started when he was in HS with some friends, and oh! how it has grown! but he still hates their first release bc it was more pop than punk or rock (aka she looks so perfect era). (which btw i would love bandmates oop).
his dad actually taught him how to play guitar!! his dad actually was in a band when he was in highschool n that’s how he met will’s mom aww cute
he invited his dad to play guitar on stage together once during a show. cute
altho his dad is so busy n has the same indifference will does, so his dad never really cared about will’s success, n that makes will a bit bitter. his mom is so proud she bakes the whole band pastries
honestly mama belrose is a trophy wife and is perfect and you can bet she brought the capri suns to little league soccer games and wears aprons while she bakes pies that she sits on the window sill. wait can i rp his mom
he’s a bit hypocritical. he just doesnt see much wrong with what he does honestly
he’s got good memes tho
but he uses 2-in-1 shampoo/conditioner like the despicable man he is
however he is resourceful! he has used tablespoon measurers as spoons bc he was too lazy to wash the dishes before. is that resourceful? or just embarrassing? idk
people call him like a variety of things: william, will, belrose, wilroses, whatever he answers to anything that sounds semi like his name
some connections i’d love: band mates (bassist, vocalist, drummer) best friend side flings/hook ups  on and off again relationship idk anything rlly just message me n we can work smth out xx
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lunebinnie · 5 years
(1/14)I am so sorry for taking so long! (I also had to spend a lot of time studying this week bc I had my first exam for my Anatomy Lab on Wednesday... And then we had our first exam for *Lecture* Thursday (which also was the day I had a bunch of powerpoints due for my very intimidating adviser...) and then I had to substitute teach all day Friday (and then I meant to respond sooner but I got so busy 😭) so yeah I completely understand about school getting in the way no worries abt it!)
And also sleeping in on a day off when you’ve been busy studying lately is completely valid hon 👌 I hope that your midterms go well and that you’re able to stay healthy and take care of yourself in the midst of preparing! (not that you wouldn’t, I just have a bad habit of neglecting things like healthy sleeping and eating habits when I get caught up studying, so hopefully you’re not like me in that way) And yeah me too! I mean on the one hand I understand *why* they have that limit
3)If u could just send as many as u want there would be so much more spam and ppl would definitely abuse that. But also?? Um? I have a chronic condition called ‘Can'tShuttheFuckUp-itis’? 🤷 This policy is so discriminatory towards people like me who suffer from this crippling condition! I feel oppressed honestly 🙄 tumblr rlly has something against ppl just trying to get to know each other huh? Lol, but at least now we know why it eats them I’ll be sure to try to prevent that in the future
4)And oh my gosh that’s so cool! I’m super jealous!! 😮 lol. I wish they hosted kpop nights at my local bar! 😭😭 But no, I’m here at my little state college in a little 2 mi2 town just under pop 5500 (and idek if that’s before or after counting college students) in the middle of the 'farm zone’ of my state. All we get is country night @Riley’s 😩 RIP. But ya I wish I had more ppl around me who were into kpop! So far I’ve only met 3 ppl who listen to it. One was that roommate I told you about
5)One is just a casual listener who isn’t really into 3rd gen groups and mostly just listens to Girl’s Generation but that’s valid, and one isn’t even rlly a fan of any groups in particular, she just puts the kpop station on when she studies bc she says she needs music but if it’s in English she gets distracted, lol And omg that is insane! $500?? And 5 copies of the same album? 😲 (Says the girl who’s been a Monbebe for a hot 2 months and has already bought three (3??) Monsta X T-shirts… 😂
6)in my defense tho one of them was only $10 bc it was Black Friday? And u can’t blame me, Hot Topic is my krypotonite lmao) but yeah I already feel guilty about spending 30+ dollars on one copy of an album (thx international shipping) That’s so wild. And yeah I don’t get why ppl feel the need go out of their way just to insult other ppl’s music taste. I’m also pretty self conscious abt sharing my music taste and obviously the way everyone around me talks abt kpop has made me even moreso now 🙃
7) I haven’t gotten into too many groups yet bc I’m trying to go slowly and focus on getting into one group at a time but I do have a long list of groups I plan on getting into eventually! NU'EST is one that I’ve heard some of their songs on my Spotify based on my listening history and they’re on the list haha 😂 And omg I feel really similarly about Got7! I tried to get into them after I got into Monsta X and right before I got into Astro and although I did really like some of their songs
8)I haven’t really been able to get into their music as much as MX and Astro’s yet. I do think they seem like a really fun group in terms of personality though. As for the comeback I know right?? I mean I know a lot of ppl were freaking out abt the comeback being a 'sexy’ and how it wasn’t gonna be the same cute Astro we all love anymore. But they filled the MV with flowers and glitter and still managed to make it sexy as fuck! This album has a very different vibe but it still felt like them
9) They managed to pull off a more mature and sexy concept while still staying true to themselves and I’m so here for it! I don’t know if I could really pick a favorite era because I love them all! I mean Spring Up was an excellent era and every era since then has been great. They really don’t know how to have any bad concepts or make any bad songs huh? Lol. Since I’m still pretty new I really love the title tracks since I’ve heard them the most. (I have listened to their full discography
10)But I haven’t listened to their Bsides enough to pick out my favorites from those) I also really love Again though! The first time I saw the dance practice I was super into it and then I looked up the lyrics and was like 'this is supposed to be sad/regretful song it has no reason to be this much of a BOP?!’ 😂 I have such a hard time picking favorites though. Since All Light is new though I actually have listened to it enough times to pick some 'non-title song favorites’ from there haha
11) Other than All Night (which is great, obvi) I also really like Starry Sky, Moonwalk and Role Play 😂 and Bloom is so pretty oh my god! 😭😭 the album is great and has no bad songs but those are the ones I particularly like. I feel u about the dances honestly. I think that’s actually what drew me to kpop initially. I mean I like listening to the songs ofc but it wasn’t until after I actually watched an MV/saw the choreography that I actually was like… Oh shit I’m gonna have to be a fan now
12) It was the visual aspect that really made me want to be a kpop fan bc I haven’t really seen that level of performance with any western music. Which isn’t to say I think all western music is bad but I think it’s really impressive to watch kpop groups singing and also doing really impressive choreography and performing at the same time. Plus that’s the part I can show my family and say 'even if you don’t like the music because of the language barrier you have to admit they’re talented dancers’
13)And yes! With Astro especially I think the dance practices rlly succinctly capture the reason why I love them so much. They are *super* talented but they also have such great chemistry and u can rlly tell that they just love each other and have so much fun together! I love a family of six hardworking dorks! 🤧💗 lol. And yeah it’s too bad that neither of are able to see them this cb ☹️ (I also did the 'hypothetically…’ research but it wouldn’t have worked out 😒) I hope you’re right though!
14)Hopefully the success of this comeback is the catalyst to Astro getting more of the attention they deserve and there will be many more opportunities to see them in the future! (Although it is too bad we won’t be able to see live performances from this cb, since it’s so pretty 😭 tho with their track record I’m sure future cb’s will be just as good lol) But what about you? Do you have any favorite songs from this cb in particular? Talk again soon! (I’ll try 2 b better @ responding 😭) -AHA
FUCKKK okay so after like a million years of midterms + 2 days straight of sleeping ya girl is BACK to answer these asks after getting through the hurdle of copying and pasting and italicizing 14 asks onto one response on my phone. Did I perhaps fail at least 3 of my midterms? Quite probably. Do I have the energy to care atm? No. Did I need to get away from everything and fly to Boston to visit my friend for reading week? Yes.
How did all your exams go? That sounds crazy though! I hope you got through everything ok!
Tbh I have the same unhealthy habits too, I essentially became nocturnal and lived on like one meal a day + snacks and coffee 😭 fr, I would be writing my midterm from 11:30-1:30, go home to eat, sleep from 4-7pm, then wake up to study all night for the next one, and repeat,,,,, I’m like an actual mess tbh
Honestly as much as I’ve enjoyed the Aroha secret admirer thing (it was sooo nice getting to meet new people) rn I’m just so glad that post-reveal we don’t have to deal with tumblr ask limits and writing entire essay responses all in one go.
Honestly 3 shirts isn’t even THAT bad especially if they weren’t all like ordered from overseas so they wouldn’t have been that expensive. When I went to the Myeongdong underground shopping centre I went craaaazy with Kpop merch despite stanning (at that point, pretty much only) BTS for a whole 3 weeks, so I ended up coming back with 2 albums, a bunch of stickers, a photocard pack (also bonus: got an Astro one too) and like a BUNCH of bt21 stuff. Speaking of, my All Light album finally came in!! I ended up getting a Moonbin, MJ, Jinjin, and Sanha photocard plus the a Rocky lyric booklet and ik I basically got THE best set for someone who loves all of them w my whole heart 😩✊ but I’m still sad I didn’t get any Eunwoo cards since he was my first Astro bias 😭 it’s soooooo pretty I love it sm and like lowkey I’ll probably end up buying more of their albums anyway oopsss
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Speaking of Monsta X btw, I heard their new song and I thought it was really good! What did you think of it?
Regarding favourite songs, I swear my moods change so much, so it’s pretty common for me to not love a song at first and sort of rediscover it months later, and tbh that’s kind of what happened with Innocent Love, Baby, and Again. In this album though, I’d say my favourite Bsides are probably be Bloom, 1 in a Million, and Heart Brew Love.
And I toootally agree with the performance aspect of kpop being the thing to attract me it, even before I got really into it I’d sometime like to watch dance practices (and lowkey even learned a bunch of choreos a with my friend last term just bc we had access to a frequently empty dance studio). It’s just super impressive to see people singing and dancing at the same time mostly live, and for the same reasons I’m also super into musicals as well, which isn’t so say I think like lip syncing or just dancing/singing is bad, it’s just refreshing to see it done all at once, you know?
Also side story it turns out that I actually DO know another Astro fan irl!! Her older sister (who I’m closer to bc we’re closer in age) is the one who bought the million got7 albums. Even though she’s been a fan of Astro since before debut, her sister doesn’t even know she listens to kpop since she was afraid of getting roasted at first, but now she’s in too deep to say anything. I’d mentioned liking Astro to her before, but she didn’t say anything bc she didn’t want to expose herself in front of her sister but on Friday I saw her while her sister was out and she was like “oh btw here’s a secret I went to the Toronto fanmeet last year but my sister doesn’t know” I was SHOOK but tbh I’m just super glad now to have someone to talk about it and go to concerts with (I’m banking on the fact that they’re coming back)
Anyway, THANK YOU SO MUCH for waiting 2747287482 million years for my response, and it was so great to finally (officially) meet you Kjersten!
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imagine-wannaone · 6 years
Let That Ship Sale
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Lmao once again can’t title but I’m back, and the request was for an award show or something but the isac’s where the other day and wanna one has never gone and I like to dream okay so I hope this is okay, i could do another at an actual show w another member if you’d like idk. Also props to whoever can tell whoever the idols faces at the isac’s I edited out of the pictures (That I don’t own btw credit to owners) for the header board thingy belong to hehe.
Summary: All your fans are shipping you with Daniel and you can’t say you disagree.
 • The ISAC’s were always something you had mixed emotions about,  • Your group was pretty popular and didn’t exactly need the promotion, but your company was small so it was a good idea to go anyway, even if it was just to have a bit of fun,  • You enjoyed spending time with friends from other groups and sending your fans things you’d made, but you could be working on new songs and just the fact the day was so long,  • But at least you got to wear a tracksuit like damn,  • You were a self producing group who tried out most genres, generally more hiphop and R&B so you’d had many different clothing styles, but nothing beat the black tracksuit the event organizer handed you and the four others in your group,  • But at way too early o'clock (honestly any time before 11 am) you pulled yourself out of the car with your group and made your way to the stadium, you all had unique styles; braided hair or sunglasses,  • Wow y'all so beautiful and powerful looking I’m quaking,  • Y'all known for singing about important matters and independence and basically being badass and are actually rlly respected for it and popular,  • Don’t take no shit from no one, you’re out to win today,  • And to compliment your friends about all their comebacks and catch up of course,  • And then there’s the small matter of Mr Kang Daniel,  • One of the boys of the Monster Rookie™ group Wanna One that had taken the nation’s hearts pretty much overnight,  • The fans of your group and his had, continuously since their debut, been shipping you nonstop,  • And yeah, you thought he was cute and funny but you’d never even met; the most you’ve done was nod to each other or complimented his group on passing after a performance,  • And you’re slightly afraid that the shipping would now make it awkward for the two of you to meet and interact; afraid your Stan’s would take it way too far,  • You just hope you can get a ‘hi’ or a quick conversation in today with him, although you know it may be difficult,  • But your whole group is about not really caring about others’ standards, so you’re going have to remember that,  • The opening runs smoothly, and you manage to sneak up to where the fans are and hand out your lunch boxes yourself, although the rules say you really shouldn’t go to the fans area,  • (VIXX what trolls this year tho I love them)  • You’re sat with Irene and Yeri, Seulgi quite literally asleep on your lap and your members teasing your fans not 10 feet away and honestly wow,  • But then the archery gets called up and you have to slide yourself away,  • Which breaks your heart because yanno when a puppy is asleep on you so you can’t move?  • Like that,  • But you grab Tae, the member you’re going to do archery with, and wander off,  • You go second, so while you’re waiting you slip some black face paint out of your pocket, before painting some black streaks across Tae’s cheeks as she paints 3 down your face,  • Because how else you gunna show you’re ready for war?????  • As soon as your competitors look over to you they burst out laughing at the funny faces you pull, one of those competitors in waiting including Kang Daniel himself,
 • You make sure to send him a goofy fake scowl, challenging him, to which he cracks up,
• Omg a beautiful sight, Daniel smiling? Those cresent eyes? Soft cheeks? WoW,  • In essence - face paint is a very effective way to distract your competitors as well as amusing your fans,  • And you totally ace the archery,  • You walk away with a Silver medal and that’s totally good enough for you,  • But then an interview reporter grabs you and you’re whisked away,  • At this point you’re used to it, them Interviewers - they’re everywhere,  • “Y/N congratulations on the silver medal! It must have something to do with the face paint?”  • The lady smiles brightly and you laugh a little,  • “It must be, it was Tae’s idea to show we meant business,”  • The lady laughs at this, and starts to ask questions about your latest comeback and the paint, noting how you may have started a new fashion trend, the concept of your new song and making you rap a little bit of your verse, to which your fans scream,  • Wow we love a supportive family,  • They make your heart race as always as you wave to them,  • “One quick thing before you go, Y/N, I don’t suppose you’ve heard your fans talk about you and wanna ones Kang Daniel?”  • You’re heart drops at that and you blush, laughing nervously,  • “I’ve seen a few things, but don’t know a lot about it,”  • You’re such a great liar damn no one suspects a thing,  • “Ah, quite a lot of fans are shipping you; saying you’d make a very cute couple,”  • You know this is very much a breach of privacy and kinda rude, but you’re known for being quite laid back in your group, so you’re not thrown, although maybe a little lost for words,
 • And answers,  • And anything that won’t give away your small crush on the member of wanna one,  • “ Ah, I think our fans are right, Daniel is very cute and charming, although I’ve not really got the opportunity to get to know him yet,”  • Lmao smooth,  • Yeah right, you’re pretty obvious,  • Although you’re sort of mortified by the fact you’ve inadvertently just said 1) Daniel is very cute to thousands of people and 2) you basically ship the two of you,  • You do your natural thing and play it off as if you just told them your first name,  • You hear some laughing nearby and quickly glance to spot where you recognise Ong Seongwoo and Kim  Jaehwan slapping Daniel himself on the back, way too close, his cheeks bright red and a soft smile on his face as the cameras, no doubt, zoom in on him,  • He waves a little when he sees you looking,  • Wow what is a normal heart rate,
 • You laugh,  • At least you’re not the only one to get a taste of this embarrassment,  • You’re not alone in your suffering,  • And you nearly run away to hide when the interviewer motions Daniel to come closer and he actually complies,  • What a snake,  • He greets the interviewer and the two of you bow to each other all flushed, not knowing how to stand next to each other,  • It’s all very awkward wow,  • You know you’ve all been in the situation where you’re with that family member and they’ve already asked about school/work and now have nothing to say,  • yeah idk if that’s too specific,  • “Daniel, I don’t suppose you’ve heard about the fans shipping either? How do you feel about it?”  • You want to melt as Daniels eyes meet yours and a smile stretches across his face,  • “I think y/n’s music is incredible and she’s very cute and I’d like to get to know her more,”  • You’re dead,  • Daniels whole face is red as his eyes skim everywhere and he laughs a little,  • This is so weird and unheard of, don’t fans usually not want their idols to date? Aren’t there many things and rules about this?  • (y'all it’s stupid it’s their own life let idols date if they want)  • But here you are, stood next to your crush, both of you blushing messes, getting set up by your own fans,  • “Well that’s very interesting, make sure to get to know each other later,”
 • The MC/interviewer chirps and you laugh and stay cool as always, proud you haven’t let anything show except for maybe a slight blush,  • Daniel goes to leave but quickly throws his arms around you, giving you a hug at the speed of light before flying away,
 • You can hear the fans in the stadium squeal jeez,  • Wow, what just happened???  • You quickly jog back to your group who’s hanging out with GFriend and Seventeen after having to send some aegyo to the crowd,  • You nearly died of the embarrassment and cringe, but soldiered through,  • Let’s just say you get roasted,  • Apparently everyone in your group is a savage???? Do they hate you???? Wish for your torment?????  • Nah they’re just your best friends,  • And just when you’re forgetting about your interview ordeal, your group gets called for the relay race you’re all determined to conquer, having perfect harmony for the change over,  • While you may not be the tallest, you’re all fast as hell, having run away from your manager a couple of times,  • Lmao you just wanted boba tea,  • But you draw more paint, all slightly different, onto the others’ faces before heading over to the track to show everyone what running actually is,  • You run last, which is a lot of pressure wow,  • And your member is running towards you and they’re neck and neck with a member of twice like damn,  • But you take the baton smooth as hell and your legs move quicker than you can compute, almost leaving your torso behind as you focus your whole mind on faster, smoother, faster,  • As you’re speeding past you spot Daniel out of the corner of your eye yelling and you can hear your name and wow,  • Your heart starts hammering even harder and your head goes a little dizzy, your legs stumbling a little,  • But nah you don’t let no boy get in the way of your gold medal as you steam ahead and wow,  • 1st place what a gem,  • I mean it’s your 3rd gold medal in relay, you guys holding the title, just champs I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  • When sport 💪💪 is life ✌✌✌ can’t let anyone 👨👩 beat you 💃💃  • I hate myself,  • But then Daniel’s doing relay as well so you make sure to cheer equally as loud,  • Which is hard when you’re still catching your breath,  • Who needs Oxygen anyway???  • And the little shit has the audacity to, very obviously, send you a wink,  • An unmistakable wink,  • What sort of out of the world confidence does he have, he was in 2nd place as well,  • As much as you’re shook, it makes you a little soft, but no one will leT yOu lIVE,  • All slapping your back or ruffling your hair,  • The DeFianCe???  • But you go to get a water bottle and who do you run into?  • Yeah, Daniel,  • “Congrats on gold~”  • His soft tone,  • wow,  • His soft smile,  • Wow,  • The two if you actually talking?  • W o w,  • “Hey I’m sorry about earlier, I didn’t mean to put you in the spot and-”  • Lmao yeah, maybe you feel bad a lil for dragging him into what may be a nightmare of always being asked about each other,  • “No it’s okay, I’ve wanted to talk to you for a long time, I meant it when I said you where cute,”  • Wow you’re a goner for this rookie,  • “So did I,”  • Wow smooth, not awkward at all,
 • “I like the paint by the way, but it makes you a little scary when you’re not smiling,”  • Lmao the idea was for you and the squad to look scary and badass especially for the broadcast,  • Little do the fans know the next Comeback has a fierce concept,  • Lmao playing with fans wow that’s always fun 🙃🙃🙃  • “Here,”  • You bring your face paint tub out and hold it up for him, raising an eye brow in question,  • He laughs and nods goofily, to which you crack the paint out,
 • You run a finger from his forehead down to his jawline in neat straight lines doing down, his skin soft and warm, the look when he closes his eyes so innocent and pure,  • Get you a soft man,
• It makes your hand tingle and you’re heart race at the close proximity, standing on your tiptoes and resting a hand on his shoulder for support,  • It’s only when you’ve finished do you realise his is now pretty much identical to yours,  • WhoOps ACcIDenTS HaPPEn,  • But he still looks damn cute,  • And you know a fancam of this will be all over the internet later,  • Hey; you may even share it on a private account who can say?????  • And wow if you don’t continue to spend the rest of the ISAC’s together, taking stupid pictures with people and giving the internet a heart attack,  • By the end of the day it seems almost all idols have some sort of facepaint?  • A star or a couple of lines of just a smudge done by a member of their group,  • A trend starter?  • But you’re all leaving the arena with the SqUAD,  • But then a hand gently takes your wrist and Daniel leads you to the side of the corridor with your group mates sending teasing smirks over the shoulder to you,  • With a shy smile he holds out a piece of paper folded neatly and you can see the outline of numbers written on it,  • You laugh lightly, taking the paper and carefully tucking it into your pocket,  • “Text me when you get home?”  • You nod, knowing you’ll spend too long deciding whether to say 'heya’ or 'hi’ and then make a split second decision and put something else entirely,  • And Daniel is just way too cute for you to take,  • He makes a move to leave, eyes hovering over you, before slowly leaning over and gently placing his lips on your forehead, ever so sweet, before nodding, smiling quickly and sliding away
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realmzenith · 6 years
answer All the questions for your newest oc
DEAD U HAD TO ASK FOR NEWEST DIDN’T YOU. welp in that case have ya boi eneko
What’s the maximum amount of time your character can sit still with nothing to do?he’s a patient dude! eneko can likely sit still doing nothing for as long as his physiology will allow aka until he needs to go to the bathroom or smth. he does well w low activity as he’s an introspective person
How easy is it for your character to laugh?FAIrly easy?? on a level of one to ten w one being laughs at anything that moves or doesn’t move i’d say he’s a.. 6. ok so not that easily like he IS fairly taciturn but he will smile and laugh at a good joke esp if he’s comfy around the person making it
How do they put themselves to bed at night (reading, singing, thinking?)by crying- no jk he doesn’t… cry… emotions? what are those??? (thats a lie he’s an emotional mess) he will plan for the next day, strategizing and such but that’s honestly rlly bad for him. he stresses easily. on nights when he’s got a clearer head he’ll hum softly or read if he’s not feeling too guilty abt burning off candles. he does like night walks they always clear his mind
How easy is it to earn their trust?oh oof that’s a tricky one. not that easy but at the same time- OKAy yeah just not that easily from one being the easiest to ten being the hardest he’s likely a 8
How easy is it to earn their mistrust?VERY hard. once you’ve gained his trust he will be LOYAL af to u eneko is quiet n not the most expressive but he will absolutely go down in flames for someone he’s deemed trustworthy. a solid 9. 
Do they consider laws flexible, or immovable?laws are flexible defo. he PREFERS structure but if morality trumps laws he will break them. it also helps that he’s lowkey part of a rebellion so technically his existence in the present is breaking the law
What triggers nostalgia for them, most often? Do they enjoy that feeling?god save us all. he’s a nostalgic dude so uh, oh damn i dont have backstory for him yet i made him last night rainy stop bullying me but ykw we’re doing this. flowers defo. queen anne’s lace n bluebells esp? bring back memories n also pumpkin stew. mixed memories w that one. queen anne’s lace mean sanctuary n bluebells mean gratitude which is LOWKEY ironic considering they spawn memories of burning along w memories of his older sisters so yes?? he does like remembering his sisters but no not in that context. the stew is a weird reminder of his first love n that’s. also complicated 
What were they told to stop/start doing most often as a child?talk more and talk better. he’s got a bit of habit of being short abt things and the middle sister of the fam was ALWAYS getting on his case abt no u can’t word it like that but the eldest was and is a terrible influence n absolutely encouraged it bc she found it hilarious. it’s good they love each other i swear
Do they swear? Do they remember their first swear word?yes he’s part of a rebellion and a soldier what more do u eXPECt and no he doesn’t remember his first swear word. he also doesn’t curse that much dont get me wrong. he has to be comfy around u
What lie do they most frequently remember telling? Does it haunt them?gosh uh. eneko is still v underdeveloped so i .. WELL I CANNOt tell u in the present it’s prbly smth angsty involving his sisters or his lovER but the answer to does it haunt him? yes absolutely he must Suffer :)
How do they cope with confusion (seek clarification, pretend they understand, etc)?it depends on the situation’s levity. if it’s smth important he will absolutely bluntly ask for clarification if it’s smth casual he’ll just nod and pretend like he knows what ur talkin abt bc social anxiety is a b
How do they deal with an itch found in a place they can’t quite reach?Suffer in Silence
What color do they think they look best in? Do they actually look best in that color?he doesn’t rlly think abt this. he likes green tho but he wears a lot of black (that’s partially required by his associations and partially bc idk what other colors exist thanks @ god) he looks best in hmmm red
What animal do they fear most?himSELF 
How do they speak? Is what they say usually thought of on the spot, or do they rehearse it in their mind first?he’s usually fairly forthright so he sounds like he’s saying whatever comes to mind but the reality is he says abt 1% of what he’s thinking and he won’t say things that are quite obviously rude. who knows tbh maybe he gains secret enjoyment from watching ppl squirm under his bluntness eyes emoji
What makes their stomach turn?torture n he hates the sight of bones. blood he can stand but bones? no thanks. unfort in the business they’re in he comes across both of those more than he’d like. he also hates working in the theoretical. it’s unnerving but he’s fine if someone he trusts is wading thru the abstract for him aka thank u @ kent for being the resident intuitive 
Are they easily embarrassed?nah not particularly 
What embarrasses them?if u slap his BUTT in public jkjk i mean that would embarrass him if u caught him by surprise but hmmm he doesn’t like attention if u draw attention to him he’ll freak a lil that would fluster him also excessive praise esp if it’s expressed publicly. he squirms beneath the spotlight
What is their favorite number?19. day of the month he last saw his sisters smiling
If they were asked to explain the difference between romantic and platonic or familial love, how would they do so?he’d prbly say smth deep which i cannot truly replicate but prbly smth like. “familial love is steady. it’s the mountain beneath which u were born. it’s the protection n the stability n the impossible sheer volume of it that can’t quite be comprehended. platonic love is like cords linking u to them. it’s the promise, the assurance of i will pull u up if u fall and if i can’t ill fall w u. it’s a tug o war and an anchor. romantic love is a stallion. it’s the passion and the chance but if u know how to tame it it serves to make u a better man than u could ever become on ur own. it’s the teamwork and the flames”
Why do they get up in the morning? to execute justice and to experience each new precious day he’s been gifted
How does jealousy manifest itself in them (they become possessive, they become aloof, etc)? it’s ugly when jealousy rears its head in him. he doesn’t SAY anything but his actions become more erratic and he has a harder time focusing. it’s likely he’ll become more impulsive. he’s not DANGEROUs per se but it’s not a situation u want him in
How does envy manifest itself in them (they take what they want, they become resentful, etc)? envy he’s better about. mostly bc unlike w jealousy he doesn’t already have the thing. it’s smth he’ll just push down and soldier thru like he does w most uncomfy things in his life
Is sex something that they’re comfortable speaking about? To whom? oh MY GOD DONT TALK ABT SEX that’s SCANDALOUS- the answer is no he finds it unprofessional in his line of work but he would be comfortable discussing it w his s/o
What are their thoughts on marriage? good. he approves. however, for himself he finds the prospect unlikely considering the high risk nature of what he’s involved himself w. he expects to die before 35 in all seriousness
What is their preferred mode of transportation? in the sweet embrace of death horseback
What causes them to feel dread? the knowledge that everything’s falling apart. that fate and circumstance are slowly but surely chipping away at the very foundation of what u live for and there’s absolutely nothing u can do to stop it. also freaking the appearance of the antagonist or his minions
Would they prefer a lie over an unpleasant truth? in theory? no. in practice? he’s actually p sensitive that’s a difficult one to answer. it would greatly depend on the circumstance but in the long run he prefers the truth
Do they usually live up to their own ideals? yes but in his own eyes, no. he holds himself to extremely high standards and is very self critical. also he has rlly unachievable ideals he’s a lil bit idealistic beneath the guise of realism
Who do they most regret meeting? ohohOHO jk i have no idea not there yet in the story but prbly the antagonist he’s a b
Who are they the most glad to have met? funnily enough? he could almost say the antagonist. he’s the reason why eneko’s working as hard as he is for what he is. without the introduction of the antagonist he would’ve been oblivious to the terrible injustice around him and likely ended up a victim by some obscure mindless death order. however the person he truly admires is the rebel member who took him under her wing however she’s still in the works so i can’t give u much on her
Do they have a go-to story in conversation? Or a joke? i don’t think so, no
Could they be considered lazy? NOPE not in any sense of the word. eneko works extremely hard. he’s v dedicated n dutiful
How hard is it for them to shake a sense of guilt? oh, very hard. he’s naturally altruistic so he tends to take failures to heart and internalize them and considering the dangerous line of work he’s in he oftens has guilt building up inside him. he’ll likely carry it w him for the rest of his life once he’s decided to be guilty abt smth. if someone doesn’t help him w it it can break him down in ugly ways
How do they treat the things their friends come to them excited about? Are they supportive? yes!! he’s a pure son. you’ll definitely get a smile out of him if smth good has happened to u. he’s very supportive of his friends. he would die for his friends and likely all of u i just want u all to know this 
Do they actively seek romance, or do they wait for it to fall into their lap?neither. he finds seeking romance irresponsible w his lifestyle. as i previously stated he expects to die young
Do they have a system for remembering names, long lists of numbers, things that need to go in a certain order (like anagrams, putting things to melodies, etc)? he has fairly good memory esp w faces! but otherwise? i would say he learns best by touch. he’s a tactile person and also fairly auditory. music defo helps him remember things
What memory do they revisit the most often? prbly the day he separated from his sisters. it’s not a particularly good memory but it’s seared in his mind
How easy is it for them to ignore flaws in other people? he doesn’t ignore ppl’s flaws per se? he’s p perceptive so it’s difficult for him to just turn a blind eye at least within his own mind but eneko is v tolerant of ppl and accepting. even if he dislikes u it’s doubtful you’ll know he’s fairly good at keeping up the same respect for most everyone he comes in contact w. but yeah? he knows what flaws are there but he will simply accept ppl bc he knows everyone, including himself, esp himself, has many flaws
How sensitive are they to their own flaws?oh oof yeah he’s?? a p sensitive guy so while he recognizes his own faults jabs to his weak spots will hurt him and he’ll prbly sit on the accusation or callout for days esp if someone accuses him of being selfish or immoral or not having done enough for the ppl he cares abt (smth along those lines) he’d absolutely hate that. but if u tell him he’s blunt he’s going to be like im well aware of that
How do they feel about children? he’s SUCH A DAD he loves kids and he’s rlly good w them they love him bc he’s SOFT ok but he doesn’t plan on having them himself even tho he’d like to for the exact same reasons he isn’t pursuing romance/marriage
How badly do they want to reach their end goal? enough that he’d die to reach it
If someone asked them to explain their sexuality, how would they do so?eneko is either demi or grasexual w pan preferences. he’s also panromantic. if someone asked for explanation he’d be like “i’m attracted to people of all genders” and just leave it at that unless ofc they were like RLLY curious or smth but he doesn’t rlly consider himself demi or pan or anything he just knows he isn’t straight LOL
A) Why are you excited about this character?…strong silent type. that’s all i have to sayB) What inspired you to create them?i’ve taken some inspiration from other characters from shows, etc. i’ve written so he’s a bit of a love child of the best of my musesC) Did you have trouble figuring out where they fit in their own story?im still figuring it out so that’s a probable yesD) Have they always had the same physical appearance, or have you had to edit how they look?he’s been edited a bit there were a few reincarnations of him like at first he had straight black hair in an undercut style but now it’s WAVY and dark brown and he also got darker. id say he’s like latino w a lil african blood this is esp amusing considering i literally created him last nightE) Are they someone you would get along with? Would they get along with you?i think we’d get along alright if we could get past the initial awkwardness bc we’re both kind of crap at interpersonal relationships actually he isn’t that bad it’s mostly me and i THINK he might find me slightly abrasive n energetic (even tho im PLOT TWIST low energy compared to most extroverts) but he’s tolerant it wouldn’t be too badF) What do you feel when you think of your OC (pride, excitement, frustration, etc)?love…. i love my soft boi i usually hate my ocs aka i would slap them if given the chance but eneko? deserves happinessG) What trait of theirs bothers you the most?he is not real in general and non existent in actual writing as of the present. the latter tragedy i will soon solve. in all seriousness it’s prbly his bluntness it has the tendency to give me second hand embarrassmentH) What trait do you admire most?his tolerance and patience i have none loLI) Do you prefer to keep them in their canon universe?for now, yes! i dont have a solid grasp of him so until then he’ll stay where he was BIRTHEDJ) Did you have to manipulate or exclude canon factors to allow them to create their character?not rlly! the entire story he’s in is still in the works so everything’s rlly flexible
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