#he’s freaking the f🤬 out
starsha-k-luna · 1 year
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OK 1st off, @blitzy-blitzwing thanks again for answering my question & for the Amazing Art you drew to go with it.
Anyway I saw the concept Art for Sentinal by @chaotictragedyarcade & I wanted to draw him myself.
I also added Optimus’ reaction (inspired by his laugh, I mean reaction to when Sentinal losing his body to Headmaster)
And I agree Sentinal would definitely have a drinking problem & may need some help with that & the massive hangover he would have the next day.
I hope you like it @blitzy-blitzwing
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box-box-stay-out · 5 months
I hate F1 fangirls so much
Especially those about Ferrari drivers
I don't know any Ferrari fan girl who loves so much and at the same level both Charles and Carlos
They just can't stop trying to create a civil war between them every 5 minutes
On a side we have Leclerc babies who think "Leclerc is a hero, he's superman, he's way better than max verstappen, he's the most perfect human being, the best pilot in history, he's constantly fighting against everything and everyone and he's always winning, even if he doesn't win a race since Austria 2022 but who cares, he is already a world champion to me"
On the other side we have Sainz babies: "Sainz is perfect in everything he does, he's never wrong, he could kill everyone, he could finish every race p20, it doesn't matter, he is perfect and he is always right, he is my dad, my daddy, my brother and my son, he is the best driver, the most clever, he is the real and only competitor against max, he's the only one who could stop the wars in the world, who could solve the world hunger problem, he is the Spanish god and everything rotate around him"
And obviously in every single fucking post in which you talk just about Leclerc alone, the formers needs to say "he is better than Sainz, no matter if Sainz win all the other races, Leclerc > Sainz, no matter if Sainz will be world champion and Leclerc won't, Leclerc > Sainz, I support Ferrari but I don't give a f**k about Ferrari, i just want to see Leclerc and if he'll join alpine even if I'm a Ferrari fan then, idgaf Ferrari, let's go alpine, but remember I'm a Ferrari fan uh and I just want Ferrari to win, but if it's Sainz to win then who cares, there is Leclerc and then 19 other drivers"
When there is a post just about Sainz alone: "this is a real pilot, not like that other shitty one, the real and only Ferrari driver, Sainz >>> Leclerc, Sainz wins and Leclerc fails, but when Leclerc finish ahead of Sainz it's unfair, I'm a Ferrari fan but they should give penalty to Leclerc, how dares him to be better than Sainz? Ferrari fan but who cares about Ferrari points when there are Sainz-Leclerc battles? Carlos should throw out of the track Charles to show who's better and if Carlos hit him and pass, it means that Carlos deserves it"
There are also other posts who totally don't talk about any of the two or maybe it's about the whole team but there is always a comment "uh oh, just to be sure, that Ferrari driver is better than the other Ferrari driver, it's clear, it's obvious, we're all Ferrari fans but the team can fail and burn, I just want to see C happy"
I hate these people, I'm a Ferrari fan, I like a bit more Carlos, but I just care about the fucking team. Leclerc is unlucky as fuck but he is very talented, people talk too freaking much about him, I hope to finally see him winning a race again soon, I like when they make some battle during a race but just for a bit, then I would kick both of them because if you two just dare to go out together and make a double DNF... 🤬
Carlos is very good too, I want them to cooperate more, I always love so much seeing p1-p2 Ferrari, no matter who first and who second
So anyway, please, I beg you, stop doing Carlos vs Charles every single day on social, who cares, just wish both the best, if you don't like one of them just ignore, I don't see this amount of civil wars in the other teams but it's a positive thing maybe you know?
Because in the other teams there is one pilot clearly better than the other always (and for real this time), I feel like Ferrari is more balanced and it's a positive thing because when things go well, we have the best pair of drivers
Sorry the very long post, but the next time I see someone writing again a sentence saying "Sainz is better, Leclerc shit" or "Leclerc is better, Sainz shit", I'll block everyone 🚫😡
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newkatzkafe2023 · 8 months
(Y/N male monkey)
My idea would be, What if Monkey King was walking he doesn't realize he's in another territory and ends up falling into a trap, then Y/N(♂️) appears hanging from a tree asking who he is and what would he be doing in his territory.
Oh Hot jungle man🥵🥵🥵
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(Lmk Wukong) He did not know home this happen. One moment he was exploring a new island he came across on one if his maps. Now the moment he's been caught in a trap by a giant, Muscular, scar....cover lion's main based fur who was less then pleased for him to be in his territory.
You know what they say What is a king to a god
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(NR Wukong) He wasn't paying attention to much to where he was going. He probably should have because now he seems to be tied up. And there was an incredibly hot hunky monkey glaring down at him with such intent.
Monkey (M/N): Who are you and what are you doing in my territory
Normally this is a no thoughts head empty moment, but there was only one thought that ran in Wukong's head that whole time
Wukong: Ho.........ly😳 Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤
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(HIB Wukong) He's unsure how to feel about any of this. He was trying to find Liuer When he got tricked into playing hide and seek with But now he's trapped by another angry but attractive looking monkey Who was very territorial apparently.
Monkey (M/N) What are you doing in my territory
Wukong Is in a state of shock and he can't really answer because of the show. Breathing on the blush on his face.
Monkey (M/N) And is this human cub yours???
You pulled out Liuer whom run into you when he was trying to find a Place to hide. He gave you sad eyes But you'd never responded to it.
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(Mk Reborn Wukong) You two were glaring into each other's souls. One was glaring because he was caught in the trap and the other was past. Because the of the invasion of territory. Wukong Couldn't even fight back The blush on his face when the much bigger monkey was glaring at him demanding He was as territory in the first place. Wukong Is a f*cking king he doesn't need to answer to you. But what he doesn't know was that you're a fucking god And you're going to make him realize that one way or another
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(Netflix Wukong) You were actually laughing at him. Here you thought it was an enemy in your territory but no. It was a cute little monkey Baby monkey boy who is nervous so you're looking at you In the trap you set up. He was so freaking cute that you I didn't even have it And you to be mad at him if anything. This cute little anxious baby made You wanna keep him for as long as you could. You released them from his trap and pulled them into your chest. Wukong Than notice how big, muscular and strong you are Youth and his mind wandered into not so innocent thoughts. If this is the beginning to a very interesting Relationship.
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catindabag · 1 year
TBOSAS on Crack short take (6)
*This ain’t a funeral!* Read [this] first.
Lysistrata: Coryo, that was so beautiful! Your voice was ✨perfection✨.☺️
Coryo: Thanks, Bestie! The Grandma’am had to ✨hit✨ me a lot to make my voice sound like an angel~.💅
Festus: Hit you?😰 What do you mean??
Coryo: My crazy Grandma’am said that I’m not allowed to ✨EAT✨ or ✨SLEEP✨ if I can’t get the tone and lyrics right!☺️
Festus: Coryo, are you okay-
Coryo: Now my voice is perfect!! Lucy Gray Who! My abdomen has never been bruiser- I mean, better.😌
Lysistrata: Coryo, my dear, do you need me to call Child Welfare Services?🥺
Coryo: Child Welfare Services? Does Panem even have such thing? And who’s gonna be the head of that department? Dean Casca Highbottom or Dr.Gaul?
Sejanus: I wish!😡 *glares at Strabo Plinth*
Coryo: Babe, why is your father even here?
Sejanus: He’s going to drive us back to school after-
Strabo: *leans down and whispers to Coryo* Hello, my little son-in-law. How are you?
Coryo: Hello, Father-in-law. I’m fine. Thank you.
Strabo: Do you want to know about the time when your gorgeous father and I went “stargazing” together in the middle of the night?🥰
Coryo: No.
Lysistrata: I want to know!
Festus: Me too!
Strabo: My darling Crassus and I were roommates.😏
Sejanus: Pa, don’t embarrass me in front of my boyfriend!😫
Strabo: But-
Sejanus: Go away or wait in the car!
Strabo: Strabo is sad now.😞
Sejanus: Goodbye, schemer.
Strabo: Goodbye, my idiot heir.
Sejanus: Shoo.
Strabo: See you later, Little Snow.
Coryo: Father-in-law, can you buy 3 gallons of peppermint ice cream and 2 boxes of spinach pizza on the way out? I’m hungry.
Strabo: Anything for Little Snow.😊
Coryo: Thanks.
Festus: Yo, Coryo, can you also ask old Mr. Plinth if he could buy us burgers and fries-
Coryo: No.
Festus: *turns to Sejanus* Bestie, can you ask your old man to buy us burgers and fries?
Sejanus: No.
Festus: Pretty please?🥺🙏
Sejanus: My Coryo said no.
Festus: But I want burgers and fries!😭
Arachne: *on a hospital bed with a neck brace* Oi! Oi, idiots! Why are you even here?! Visiting hours are over!
Coryo: To be fair, the doctors said that we can have a sleepover-
Arachne: Inside my hospital room?! Are you crazy?! I told the school that I’m not dying! Dammit!😡
Sejanus: Our dearest Felix Ravinstill told us to visit and sing you the ✨Gem of Panem✨, Arachne~.☺️
Festus: He’s so considerate.
Arachne: Well, tell our stupid Class President to suck ass and leave me be!
Lysistrata: Why?🥺
Arachne: Because Gem of F*ckin’ Panem is only sung in good or bad occasions!
Coryo: This occasion is pretty good to me-
Arachne: It’s not my freaking wedding or funeral, you dumbass!
Festus: To be fair, me, Lizzie, and Coryo are only here for the food.😋
Coryo: Your evil mom’s apple pie is to die for.
Arachne: But why is idiot Plinth even here?!
Sejanus: I’m Coryo’s sugar daddy- I mean, boyfriend. So. . .
Arachne: Get the f*ck out.
Lysistrata: *pulls out a camera from her bag* Can’t do that. Sejanus and I were tasked by Felix to take pictures. So smile-
Arachne: Get that f*ckin’ camera off my face!
Coryo: Nope. Felix said that as the Class President, it is his duty to prove that you��re still alive and kicking-
Arachne: Get out.
Lysistrata: What was that? We can’t seem to hear-
Arachne: GET OUT!!🤬🔪
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horizon-verizon · 3 months
There is a post that says that Alicent is not delusional to think that Rhaenyra agreed to make peace after Luke's death and begins to make comparisons with Cat who freed Jaime because it was more important for her to get her daughters back than her revenge for Ned, so it wasn't delusional to expect that Rhaenyra would rather keep her other children safe than avenge Luke.
My initial reaction was 🤨 something is very wrong here, but then the more I thought about it my reaction changed to 🙄😒🫨😫😠😡🤬 and I can finally articulate it well.
First, yes, Alicent is totally and completely delusional, I want to clarify that from the beginning and that comparison and hope that Rhaenyra will kneel after Luke's death is many levels because it omits and erases the emotional and political contexts of both situations
A. The first thing that bothered me was the implication that Rhaenyra by choosing to fight is actively putting her children in danger (but not apparently Aegon 🙄).
B. Cat's daughters (daughter) were hostages who tried to use them as leverage to prevent Robb from moving forward. The whole point of getting Jaime and why so many bothered that they would release him It is because he was an ideal hostage precisely to force the return of the girls (Sansa) and good peace talks.
None of Rhaenyra's children are hostages, Rhaenyra could have done what she did later and kept her children out of the battle and close to her.If under that scenario she had lost, the normal thing in that society is that the eldest were sent to the wall and the youngest and most innocent were taken as 'wards' like Theon was or even locked up as the English kings historically did.
C. Freeing Jaime was an emotional response to the death of Bran and Rickon along with the loss of Winterfell, Sansa's marriage (with her possibly being raped), Robb in possible danger and the failure of alliances with the Baratheon brothers. That is why Cat acts at that moment when before Robb was winning the war and had a valuable hostage. This is what motivates Cat to decide that the war has to end NOW and she has to get her daughter back.
Rhaenyra is once again in the middle of raven conversations where it was essentially going to be a penis measuring "Look at my dragons and how many houses support me" that was the strategy of both sides while they sweetened the pot with other terms.
The real comparison on a political level is with Robb already having his army assembled BEFORE Nedd's beheading and on an emotional level to Rhaenyra when Corlys betrays her and Daemon and Joffrey die.
D. The implication that expecting Rhaenyra to act more like a mom and not like a politician was the right thing to do when the serious problem that women in power have had is precisely being labeled as emotional and this is already a criticism that Rhaenyra receives in and out of the universe really pisses me off.
E. I need someone to explain to me why the reaction of her son being murdered under what was essentially political immunity should cause her to submit to the mercy of those people. There is a reason why this is the cessation of peace talks and the beginning of hostilities
F. This sounds like Rhaenyra must have freaked out and bared her neck while handing over the knife herself. So I also need they to explain to me why kneeling would put her children in less danger by submitting to people who have already proven to be a threat.
G. Since the argument is apparently based on the fact that Rhaenyra must have felt intimidated by the danger her children faced because Vhagar is an unstoppable threat. and at this point I'm furious again I'm going to be petty and say that after B&C Alicent should give up and be scared, after all they are not safe inside their house and still their sons and granddaughters can die if they don't surrender!
H. I'd be more inclined to believe that Alicent isn't delusional and thinks Rhaenyra is stupid if the in-universe implication (even by others on the council) wasn't that her letters say: "ops on your dead son, bend the knee or we'll eat another one" because apparently no attempt has been made to smooth things over, more so because they have to be aware that after this THEY are the ones who have to make the repairs and the only thing they could do for peace is say "sorry for your son, here is the crown we stole from you, do you think you can forgive Aemond? Maybe send him to the wall instead of taking his head?"
Even if Aegon didn't make a banquet at the show Aemond has been promoted to best strategist without even a speech or display of censure after, once again, committing assassination of someone with essentially diplomatic immunity using the equivalent of a nuclear weapon
I. My last point is that I also want to know why people defend this line of thinking when, even if Rhaenyra doesn't know it, WE the audience know that the original plan was the murder of her and her family and Aegon and Otto lament how difficult things are because that didn't happen. Seeing that even Alicent admits that she has no power over Otto, Aegon and Aemond (because she never had it over her father and her children are getting out of hand) What exactly does that universe where Rhaenyra kneels look like?
ASoIaF fandom actually read the books and pick up on the blatant AND nuanced differences b/t several diff female characters challenge---FAILED.
Rhaenyra is once again in the middle of raven conversations where it was essentially going to be a penis measuring "Look at my dragons and how many houses support me"
D. The implication that expecting Rhaenyra to act more like a mom and not like a politician was the right thing to do when the serious problem that women in power have had is precisely being labeled as emotional and this is already a criticism that Rhaenyra receives in and out of the universe really pisses me off.
Yeah, damned if you do, damned if you don't. Continuously moving the goalposts. No escape. So you co think that being less politically minded is how she should have been? (not that giving up her kids was politically beneficial, as you pointed out: unlike Cat's daughters who were already hostages, Rhaenrya's kids were all with her...Cat was more compelled to save her kids' lives with them not already by her side).
F. This sounds like Rhaenyra must have freaked out and bared her neck while handing over the knife herself. So I also need they to explain to me why kneeling would put her children in less danger by submitting to people who have already proven to be a threat.
It's exactly they want her to utterly give up. they hate how bk!Rhaenyra refused to assert herself--they already decided that her going against status quo of female behavior condemns her and her sons and/or they are fed up-cornered by how woefully inferior show!Alicent is as a mother, so they collapse the whole meshes of nuance for both situations that and go after Rhaenyra's motherhood with paltry and narrow-minded "critiques".
Great breakdown anon, definitely going in my personal list of posts to reference. I don't have any notes.
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chanothy · 1 year
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lost in the puzzle of a teenage mind
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-F lure is surprisingly well known in the school
-(Partially because Lato is attached to him on the days he comes to school)
-like everyone seems to know him but he doesn’t have a lot of friends
-The theater club is where he THRIVES and is basically a celebrity there
-He makes all the costumes for the play and musicals they put on, and that saves them massive budget sometimes.
-Mans has never come to school in a half put together outfit and gets asked for fashion advice by half the girls in his class.
-But you get special privileges >:)
-your basically the female lead for EVERY school play since middle school.
-And you’ve been wearing his clothes since middle school
-Thats right, you’ve heard it here folks, you’ve known this guy since beginning of middle school.
-but Flure, being as shy as he is, has never been able to get close to you.
-mf definitely didn’t have many friends in middle school
-and he wanted to your friend 🥲
-but he literally cannot function around you
-You would think after working with you for so long he’d be comfortable around you
-imma make things hard fo you no happiness
-Middle school passed and ya’ll were nothing more than members of the same club
-much to flure’s dismay
-At this point you just wanted to hold a freaking conversation with him thats NOT related to theater
-but he seems so uncomfortable around you so you come to the conclusion that he hates you
- i don’t make the rules anxiety and misunderstanding do.
-But then there is the magic that is the first year of highschool
-And my god did it do wonders for you guys
-Mostly because the awkward phase of middle school was over and you were both first year theater kids that didn’t know anyone :’)
-and slowly you got to actually know Flure as he did you.
-flure was more sassy then you thought he would be from your few conversations with him
-and Flure could see why you were popular in middle school
-no matter what you think your a joy to be around
-flure is now apart of your fan club
-you guys had more than half your classes together so you basically spend every school hour together
-and after school since you guys are in the same club
-after a while Flure started inviting you over to his house
-(he had to hype himself up for that)
-but he managed in the end and y’all probably spent half the school year messing around at his house after school.
-Flure definitely tried to show you how to sew but he didn’t prepare enough bandaids 💀
-…..it didn’t go well
-but he also found out YOU BAKE?
-like you always have sweet on you and you share them with him cuz sweet toothed people unite.
-he’s helped you bake a few cakes and he’s not that bad actually.
-and eventually you get added to a small friend group with Lato and Miyaji
-but since lato doesn’t come to school often and miyaji is a senior it’s usually y’all just ducking around all day with each other
-and this just further solidifies Flure’s crush on you.
-it seemed like anytime he planned to do something cool to impress you it goes horribly wrong.
-Did you see his super cool moves in the gym?
-…..no he did not get hit in the face with the ball
-yeah he made you this super cool bow to match your dress
-your dress got shredded by your cat
-yeah he studied extra hard to show off in class
-he studied the wrong materials and knew nothing
-oh here’s white day chocolates
-no they’re not obligatory 🤬
-let’s you borrow his phone and you find the folder he made that I’d JUST PHOTOS OF YOU.
-(and yes he has a bunch of pictures of you cuz your his muse and his inspiration 😤)
-teases flure about his obvious favoritism forward you.
-he’s both lucky and unlucky that your dense
-But also unlucky for him by the time second year came around you made other friends
-he, in fact, did not make new friends
-he’s shy and really just content with hanging around y’all’s little friend group.
-that guy is so cool ;-;….. and Flures not….
-you also started skipping some of the club activities to the point you lost your part as female lead for the upcoming play.
-now he has to get measurements for a new girl but he has your memorized >:(
-although he doesn’t know how to say it he’s distressed by you not sticking to him like usual
-like besides Miyaji and Lato he doesn’t have any other close friends and your not even showing up at the lunch room anymore ;-;
-And he literally likes you so much, but your too dense for your own good like—
-you still go to his house after school, but not as often anymore.
-went from having you over five days a week to two or three.
-and it wasn’t like anything else had changed.
-you still acted the same and brought them sweet treats
-Flure starts to think he’s just being sensitive ;-;
-he also doesn’t know how or if he should even bring it up.
-but he gets kinda desperate to confess to you cuz what if you grow apart and he never gets to tell you?
-anxiety go 📈
“I think telling them would be best,” Miyaji said one day while at lunch. Miyaji always being the mature soul he was, was more than happy to give Flure advice where he could. Flure played with a straw of his drink in thought, “this is troublesome.”
“You both value honesty,” Miyaji pointed out, but he knew Flure likely would struggle to vocalize his thoughts in your presence. “Living honestly,” was all Flure could mumble in response. Flure wanted to be honest with you. He wanted more than anything to tell you that he was upset with you spending less time with him. He wanted to be honest about how he wasn’t sure if it was proper for him to be upset about these things, because he didn’t own your time.
“Why not write a letter,” Miyaji came to a final resolution, “You can be honest about how how you feel, and not have to face her directly,” Flure lit up at that. Because it was perfect! And with this is he ended up being rejected it could be non verbal and hopefully you both could just ignore that this ever happened!
-Flure spent three days pouring his heart and soul into a letter that he rewrote at least seven times.
-but the real challenge came when giving it to you
-he couldn’t give it to you in the morning cuz you would read it and it’s be awkward the rest of the day (preparing himself for rejecting guys)
-he has some confidence >:)
-but here’s the problem
-He never really learned where you went during lunch.
-so he goes on an adventure to find you
-he eventually came to find you in the garden.
-which is shocking because you kill any plant you touch—
- you skip lunch with him to talk with Ammon? ;-;
“I don’t really know how to describe it,” you hummed playing with the flower Ammon had handed you. Visibly lost in deep thought as you gently touched the soft petals of the flower. This particular flower was going out of season, there's no way Ammon would pluck his precious flowers for any reason. As a matter of fact he refused to let you touch the flowers in the garden knowing your reputation with plants. “Is it possible to just wake up one day and decide I don't enjoy something? Especial when i revolved my entire life around it…”
Ammon only hummed as he finally sat down by your legs, hands covered in dirt from his previous working. “People fall in and out of love all the time,” He said after giving it some thought, “People, foods, hobbies, it's okay to fall out of love.”
“I,....” It seemed as though the words almost hurt to admit to yourself but after a moment you were finally able to accept it, “I don’t… really like doing theater.” The words were heavy, and it made you feel anxious just admitting to this, and it felt shameful in a way. Like you were ashamed to be honest about your feels. But you valued honesty, and you couldn’t lie to yourself anymore.
“And that's okay,” He hummed, tapping his foot, “But you can't run away forever,” he said, poking you in the leg with a grin on his face. “Don't get me dirty,” you hissed, swatting his hand away, “And I'm not running away! I'm just… easing myself out of the situation. So it’s not a big deal when I do leave”
“Your just nervous what your little boyfriend will feel betrayed so your running away,” he leased further only causing youtube blush even more. “He’s not my boyfriend!” you denied kicking Ammon over onto the grass, while he only laughed at your flushed face.
-Whta. the . FAWK
-Your leaving theater? ;-; AND not telling him??? Jail.
-You indeed did not get the letter then
-But you did indeed get a text to come over to his house after school
-You were done being stupid if Flure had anything to do with it.
-The letter? Somewhere in his backpack.
-You? All over his mind.
-And you could tell
-You’ve known him long enough to know when something is bothering him
-And the fact that he wouldn’t tell you was stressing you out royally.
-Like Flure would sometimes open up to you?
-But when he didn’t it made you nervous, especially when you could tell it was seriously bothering him.
You’ve been to his house a thousand times but his was very different. Your anxiety was doing loops as you sat on his bed, a bed you have concluded was wayyy better than yours. Many of the blankets he had made himself, and were all the most comfortable. He even made you one before, one you had religiously kept on your bed since you received it as a Christmas present. You always preferred things made by Flure, the quality was something you could count on when he made it himself. Scarfs, sweaters, and other sloth gifts he had spent his time on just to make you happy. Giving gifts and acts of service were his love languages and you knew that more than anyone.
“You should have told me you didn’t enjoy theater anymore,” he saw quickly breaking the silence. He had been thinking of what to say to you on the walk here. He had thought of a thousand things to say. But when it came down to it his thoughts scrambled themselves and he could only string together half baked ideas that struggled to fit together. “I mean just not showing up is more inconvenient- and it made us scramble to put things together- And I know you’ve been avoiding me and honestly that made thins worse-” He spoke quickly in a scramble to try and convey his thoughts. But for some reason it felt like you guys were back in middle school. When he struggled to put together any sort of thoughts around you. And before you had properly gotten to know each other. Four years just to be back to square one.
“I-...” You bit your lip as you struggled to put together one coherent thought, trying to defend yourself in any way you could. But there was no denying that you were selfish to run away. “I’m a big coward aren't i?” you mumbled in responses. You pulled your legs up to your chest and buried you face in your knees. You wanted to hide, once again you wanted to be a coward and hide away from the stress of simply admitting you did something stupid. But Flure didn’t deserve that.
“I was scared you would hate me,” you mumbled with your eyes closed. Your chest felt heavy, but relieved at the same time. Admitting your flaws was hard, but you wanted to be honest with yourself as well as lure.
“That is by far the most stupid thing you could have thought,” He said plainly, which caught you off guard. You looked up from your knees to see Flure’s face was almost a red as yours. Being this honest with each other was new for the both of you, but that was okay.
So you laughed
You laughed at how stupid you were, at how you were worrying over nothing, “Yeah.. i guess your right,” was all you could say as you finally recovered from yout fit of laughter. With a huff, Flure moved to sit in front of you, “And don’t think ill just forgive you!” he said crossing his arms with a huff, which only made you laugh once again. Finally you felt like you could lift yourself.
“Alright Flure,” you said, unfolding yourself, feeling more comfortable, “i'll bake you your favorite cupcakes? How's that sound?” But Flure looked unsatisfied, but also became more red you waived patiently for him top agree aesthetically. But he never did, instead he looked away from you. “Flure?....”
He mumbled.
“I can’t hear youuuuuu.”
“.well ..Date….. Just once?” He mumbled through his words and you could barely pick out what he said. But what you could make out made your face flare up with red. Flure sputtered at your quiet reaction, “Well I-! If you're okay with it then…”
“Yeah okay,” Your said with a bright red face leaning into his side, “Let's do it.”
“That…sounds nice”
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lunarspiral1127 · 1 year
Well, I guess Talos and G'iah ain't gonna reconcile after all cause TALOS IS DEAD!!! I thought the ending scene was gonna show him right about showing who the skrulls can be and it'll be returned. He helped get the President out, even though he was shot and getting weaker, and the British soldier would help him cause he help the humans. But, nooooooooooo. The soldier had to be freaking Gravik. And, of course he can't die cause of freaking Extremis. 😒
I don't think the show would do another death fakeout, so Talos has to be dead for real. Which freaking sucks, cause he was one of the few good skrulls left that had so much hope and faith that it never wavered and he never gave in, even when he went through so much crap.
Also, screw you end credits! Special Guest Star Colbie Smulders again?! She only appeared in the recap and video footage of her death!
God, I'm pissed off. See y'all next week for episode 5. And, show? You better not make me feel sorry for Gravik. I don't care what he went through or his reasons, dude is a terrorist trying to wipe out an entire race of beings and killed off two characters I liked. So, don't you dare try to garner any sympathy from me and have him actually face some major consequences for his actions!
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pstelwitchcraft · 2 years
Critical Role - C3EP52 (After the break)
We're back with more Sending fails!
F.r.i.d.a looks so cool i love themmm
Also the kids are starting to get strong i love it
Feels like yesterday when imogen had like, 10 hit points
Also this is absolutely the leylines being fucked
Something happened and magic everywhere is going heywire
I'm now convinced the exaltants are being "awakened" to be Predathos' army and it's all gonna go balls to the wall
Imogen has to be this campaign's double agent right? They're absolutely gonna have to fight her at some point and it's gonna wreck me
Now that I think about it does it mean they'll have to fight fearne too??? 😳
i'm getting vibes from imogen and f.r.i.d.a and i don't hate it? 👀
Exandria's Greatest Bake-Off: Pike Trickfoot vs. FCG and their easy-bake oven
Ooooo fearne has pass without a trace now? Thank God
Once again i got sad we won't see marisha, liam and tal tonight 😔 hope we have robbie with them tho, maybe even more people from EXU?? I hope we get to see Opal!
Chetney still struggling 😅
I don't know Dustel but I f*cking hate him 🤬
Chetney backstory finally!
Don't get me wrong I'm very excited but I knew it was gonna be some bullshit 🤣
Travis is NOT here for anything serious this campaign AT ALL
He "kneecaped" someone?????
Aabria somehow has great chemistry with everybody she ever roleplays with it's the Iyengar effect istg
That little talk with chet was so cute
And then... fearne tells deanna he has horrible diarrhea
They keep making it worse 😅
This IS indeed a wild group to meet out of nowhere
"Be nice to us, we're trying our best" 🤣 they're so stupid but I love them sm 💖
This is probably the most vulnerable and reasonable FCG has been all campaign for real
I don't think the real problem here is whether or not the gods are good, it's whether or not the Godeater is good, and even before we worry about that, it's about whether or not its gonna wreck everything and everyone in it's path to the Gods
Imogen herself is most likely gonna die for whatever this whole thing is if they let it happen
Like are we really willing to do all this shit and possibly extinguish all life on Exandria when you could like... not worship the Gods? It's not like they're forced to or smtg
Wait. WAIT. So if Ruidus is wherever (whenever?) the other half of the group is and it's NOT in Exandria anymore there are really only two possibilities for where the others are: back in time or in another realm and both are big problems for us
Matt please let my babies see each other I'm getting sad rn
Oh shiiiiiit this is a big big mess yall 😳
So ruidus is in exandria it just doesn't move?? So the others are actually still in Marquet then
It's the Reilora 😱 this is baaad
Yup, they're already trying to pull her to the dark side. This is gonna be a mess. I'm preemptively so upset for how much this is going to hurt.
I have a feeling this is how they really got to Liliana and all those people. Whatever Predathos is, it has some sort of pull on people that makes them want to give into it, specially the ruidusborn and even more specially the exaltants.
Do not listen to the robot right now
Laudna would be slapping yall in the face for even SUGGESTING IT
Do NOT let Imogen go into the freaking alien godeater hivemind or so help me GOD
See? This is why I get worried when they're separated they're like each other's emotional support pet, two days and Imogen is already considering going into the damn light
This scene with f.r.i.d.a is giving that scene from twilight without the homoerotic undressing
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Why, why would he go to chetney alone like that?? He has almost taken half the party once this is BAD!
Tho we know robot boy is a heavy hitter so I guess it could go either way🤷
This is the only place where we can get heartfelt, beautiful monologues about the meaning of death and life and morning toot in the same episode and that's why I love this show
This fight is giving one of those old chihuahuas that keep snapping at your ankles but that has for some reason taken a burning passion rage against your robot vacuum
Also you can't convince me a dog wouldn't absolutely hate this thing
It would just feel like a threat, this weird human that isn't human and it can mimick stuff but also it sounds weird? My dogs would go NUTS
Listen. I'll be a chetney apologist for this one. I'm a wildlife veterinarian and animal behaviorist and idk where dude thought he was gonna get off approaching a wolf like that, or honestly approaching him alone at all
Surprising he survived all this time in wildemont tbh but I'll give him a pass bc it's is D&D
Love that Deanna is so horrified by them when this is not even the full party 😅 like, ma'am we're missing- *checks notes* one tree/cadaver/goo person, a magic rock rainbow sparkle barbarian and a 4ft tall widowed ballerina that is prob covered in monster blood as we speak 😀
Final thoughts:
Overall I loved this one, it was light and fun and everything I needed after all the stress from the last few weeks
I also enjoyed the split party dynamic more than I thought it would and I am hopeful it's gonna lead to some good things in the long run
It's a bold move ngl. One of the quintessential, funnest things about D&D parties is the found family, the unity of it all, it's seeing them spend time with each other and develop different dynamics, games, inside jokes
In any other situation it might alienate party members from each other and make it not feel as cohesive, maybe even jeopardize the forming of a tight bond.
But with Bell's Hells we have such close pairings that this almost feels like it has to be done
Fearne and Orym, FCG and Ashton, Laudna and Imogen are all pairings that came together and rely deeply on each other, to the point where it felt a little stiffening to the other members of the group bc these people very rarely sought deeper companionship and support from anyone other than their initial pairing
Also we can get a closer look at Chetney's backstory and hopefully Ashton's next episode when I'm hoping we'll see how the others are doing
I also was hoping there would be some time fuckery or realm travel and still kind of am, but it's sounding like the other half of the Hells were still in Marquet by the end of 52
If they are still in close proximity to the beam it's going to be a mess and I have no idea what to expect but chaos, specially since they can't call the others and I'm guessing shit is going DOWN over there
If they are indeed in the shadowfell, close to the key that Beau and Caleb tried to take down, I wonder if they could go after that connection and weaken whatever they are doing to Ruidus, hopefully even sever that connection completely.
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hashtagonlyingotham · 2 years
I'm the one who got spat out of that bluish purplish portal. This is my 3rd and final (hopefully) update.
After spending over a YEAR in another world, avoiding the BatFam and any other hero at every chance and - mostly - succeeding, I got caught. By Batman. And that world's Flash. Which was just wonderful, really! 🙃
Before anything could really happen, ANOTHER PORTAL OPENED. Guess who stepped through?! My husband, the Batman of my home world, our eldest Son, who is Nightwing in the world I've been stuck in, and The Flash of my world. Both Batman's immediately went on the defensive. My husband demands I be handed over or 'there will be blood.' He's very possessive and VERY protective of our family, and will, without hesitation, kill for us if there isn't another option. The Baman who has been hunting me doesn't like it.
Big fight ensues, I'm mentally cursing my Husband and the Flash of my world - who was apparently THE REASON I GOT STUCK IN THE FIRST PLACE, MAN YOU ARE LUCKY YOU HAVE THAT SPEED! - while trying to avoid actually injuring the heroes I'm being forced to f**king fight. Seeing the Hero!Batman had thrown me off and I'd completely missed that Nightwing and Red Hood were with him and Flash, so I had to avoid getting hurt, and avoid hurting them; it was really hard, and I didn't actually walk away unscathed. One of Hood's bullets grazed my side when I tried to dodge.
It only ends when it's determined that both Batman's, and both Flash's are too similar in fighting style and experience to actually beat each other. We're at a stalemate when I finally get to SAY something. I plead to the Hero!Batman, saying I just want to go HOME. That I've been away from my family, and my HUSBAND for over a year, I miss them, and I want to go home. I haven't hurt anyone while I've been stuck here - as I don't enjoy doing so, even if I'm married to a villain and will do anything to protect my family - until now, and my Husband and The Flash only showed up looking for me. We'd never bother them again - because wtf would we? - if we just got to GO HOME.
Hero!Bats was silent for a long time, but he shared a look with the other three heros. After the look, Hero!Bats nodded once and I nearly freaking COLLAPSED in relief. We went back home, portal closed, I demanded to know I ended up there. My Flash pipes up, mentions it was his fault, and when I lunged at him, he sped away 🤬 He's lucky he has that gd speed! But it's good to be home!
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I need more petty drama in fanfiction okay?
I wanna read about how you and deku have a freaking argument that ends in you being like “FINE” and walking out that door and he’s equally pissed off so (even though he’s in his own freaking house💀) he walks right out that door after you too and does his little jumpy jump into the freaking sky messing up your freaking hair 🤬 making you even more pissed off than you already where(and he def did that on purpose too)- after walking around a while you’ve calmed down but your petty af so there’s no way your gunna go back to dekus place no way 🙄 who cares that his home is way more lavish then yours! f him 👊🏽 So once you’ve finally settled yourself in for the night in your OWN home-KNOCK KNOCK who’s that at your balcony ( cause god forbid he knows how a door works) it’s freaking Deku😤 like bro we don’t wanna see you!!! So what we do? Look him straight in the eyes and close them curtains-can’t see him cant see the problem😌 problem solved right? Except when you get up in the morning to go open up them curtains who’s there? Deku. Man did not leave at all after you shut them curtains and now he’s leaning against those glass doors drool all over them dead asleep 💀 and okay-okay it’s not been a horribly cold night but you can see the morning dew in his hair making his curls tighten up just a little and maybe a few bruises from a villain fight he had the day before and he deff looks like he needs a shower and no way his neck is okay sleeping at that angl-OkAY! Okay, you feel guilty. BUT you got pride so there’s no way you’re gunna act TOO guilty so you open up that sliding door and he just flops in and the first thing out if you mouth is “Take a shower you stink”- LOOK I just know no matter the argument he Will probs try to apologize completely for both of you so at some point in his blubbering you’re gunna have to be like “ yeah I fucked up too…sorry🙄🫥” and he’s like “🥺 yeah I know 🙄🫶🏽” shut up b
I want bakugou to snap at you meaner then he intended and haha no sir you can’t snap at ME like that but you’re the ‘bigger’ person here so you understand and are going to give him a chance to make up 👏🏽 except, this is bakugou. And the reason he probs snapped at you was because he was already riled up so you being the ‘bigger’ person rn is not working-you’re there like “where’s my apology” arms crossed and all that good shit, and he’s like I said what I said 👹 and fine he wants to play petty you can also play petty. Your silent treatment begins. You turn around and walk right out of that room- and you know what? I dont think he would ‘care’( he deff would he’s in his feels). I think y’all’s argument could actually go on for tops 3 days (y’all can hold out 😮‍💨) but I think throughout this silent treatment your doing he’s not really acting like your doing it? Make sense? Like he will talk at you and stuff (honestly aggravating you more- just fueling the fire) but he’s not saying very sweet things cause he’s trying to get a reaction I think eventually he’s gunna say something a litte too mean and really hurt your feelings ( he just wants a reaction he dosnt mean it 🥺) and maybe you start to tear up and ‘oh no’ shit. Cause he was expecting you to snap at him not cry and now he feels like shit. And your like fuck this and turn to walk out and just-“Sorry” and there It is. He’s finally apologizing but at what cost? 👏🏽🙄 at that point your upset not angry you just kinda let the tears keep falling cause, c’mon? It’s been a few stressful days. (This literally could have been fixed in less then 30 min smh) and your just sobbing at that point and he’s coming up behind you hugging you and just apologizing over and over and being all like ‘I didn’t mean it’ cause Jesus did he fuck up. And your all like ‘you were so mean 🥺😞’ and yeah his hearts breaking, cause, yes, he can be mean and he knows this, let’s just say he’s deff not gunna be forgetting this anytime soon you might have accepted his apology but that didn’t make him feel any less guilty. He probs thought you were going to leave him for good😬
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scream-bag · 2 years
Hi! If its not much trouble, may I please request some relationship headcanons for Anko and Kurenai (separate and poly) dating female reader?
Dating headcanons + drabbles with Anko and Kurenai!
Thank you for the request, Anon! Ily sm ♡ I love these girls a lot, and honestly, used have a tiny crush on Kurenai 💖
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ᴛᴀʙʟᴇ ᴏꜰ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛꜱ:
♡ Anko x f!reader
♡ Kurenai x f!reader
♡ Anko x Kurenai x f!reader
★ ° :.  . • °   .  * :. ☆
Cw: noob writer, unedited (later on) poly relationship, “modern” pet names, a tiny touch of angst? Homophobes dni 🤬
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Anko Mitarashi
Anko has always had issues with figuring out when she’d be burnt out due to Orochimaru “telling” her that she wasn’t good enough for him
So being her girlfriend, you felt like you needed to let her know when she should occasionally take a break and just relax
But between her workaholic tendencies and her bounciness that rivals what of Naruto, it can be a bit hard
Especially when she’s on her period
As terrible as she feels, she feels like if she took even one break, she’d feel worse
It hurts you to see her suffering like that
All you want is her to be happy with who she is and what she has
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Period Scenario | Drabble
“Oh gosh, (Y/N), I feel like absolute shit,” the usually hyperactive Mitarashi Anko growled as she slipped on her house robes and crawled into bed beside you. Your heart fell when you saw her like that, but it wasn’t like you hadn’t told her to take it lightly that day. You knew that Anko had always struggled with being able to find her limit. She was always trying to prove that she was not inadequate and more than just good enough. You loved her, and you had made it your duty to make sure that she knew that she was perfect the way she is.
“Aww, babe, you should just take the day off tomorrow, alright? I don’t want you pushing yourself like this, ok?” you told your girlfriend as she nestled her head into your chest. You shifted your heat pack so that it was between her stomach and your waist. “Fuckkk, Cupcake, thanks for that,” Anko mumbled to you, lazily pressing a kiss on your collarbone, “I’ll take tomorrow off as long as we can stay like this.” You smiled, “That’s exactly what I had in mind. We can make it our little self-care day.”
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Kurenai Yūhi
This girl is your biggest supporter
She loves you so much and will defend your every action
Feeling down in the dumps?
Kurenai is there to save the day!
Self-care and importance are very important to her
So she brings out the chocolate and face masks to set a calming mood
Little kisses and pecks are a huge yes
On the cheek, forehead, lips, palms, head, anywhere she can quickly get her hands on
Of course, she is a bit shy about her romantic life in public
As much as she tries to be discrete about it, pretty much everybody knows
Thanks to Izumo and Kotetsu gossiping about catching you two on a date, the rumors spread like wildfire
Kure couldn’t help but turn into a tomato when her students (more like just Kiba, being the drama and gossip queen that he is) confronted her about it
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Take a break | Drabble
“I’m so done with these month-long jobs, ‘Renai.” You groaned, flopping onto your bed and girlfriend’s stomach, “My fingers are going to actually fall off if I have to throw another shuriken this week.” Propping herself up onto her elbows, Kurenai stroked your hair and whipped the tears that had pooled in the edges of your eyes, “Take the rest of the week off, ok Babe? My kids are leaving for a D-rank with Gai’s kids tomorrow, so we’ll have the rest of the time for ourselves.” She smiled sweetly and peppered your face with kisses; her cherry chapstick leaving a bit of stickiness in a few spots. “I’m gonna spoil you so much that you’re gonna forget about your stress,” Kurenai affirmed lovingly. You didn’t know what you would do without her. She was your anchor to sanity and kept you full of all the love and affection that a girl could ask for.
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Poly Relationship | Anko x Kurenai x f!reader
Dating these two has been so freaking good for you
Especially for your self-esteem
Between all the chaotic cafe/mall dates and the calming spa dates
You always feel like you’re cared for to the max
These three of you are literally the most badass throuple ever
They keep you sane but with a touch of insanity because things honestly wouldn’t be fun without a bit of chaos
You don’t know what you would do without the two of them
Every day before them seemed so bland and dull compared to what it’s like now
They are literally two of the most understanding and kind people you know
Anko with her hyper and stubborn mind
Ready to give you and Kurenai a list of why she loves the two of you
And her lack of hesitance to track down and beat up anyone who talks shit about any of you
Kurenai and her quick thinking and ability to higher understand both of your mental states
The immediate comfort that just her presence provides
And the warmth of her smile and embraces
“I love you two so much…”
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sonicstalker123 · 3 years
Fuyuhiko x Reader who finds a spider and fREAKS out
CW:Mentions of bugs, specifically spiders, arachnophobia
S/O is getting ready to go on a walk with Fuyuhiko and Peko because the weather looked not to bad today.
S/O is humming to themself while they are making sure they are 100% ready to leave. They do a cute little twirl.
Little do they know that a spider makes it’s way down a spider web and lands on S/O’s shoulder.
They scream and tremble like crazy. They flick the damn thing on the floor and bolt into their shower, thinking that that could protect them from the spider.
Fuyuhiko hears the scream and bolts towards the front door and knocks on the door like crazy.
Nothing, so he basically kicks the door open, looking around frantically.
“S/O?! What the fuck happened!!”
Just imagine that the cottage has a second floor pls
The spider has the AUDACITY to move just a little bit, they scream again.
“Peko, come with me!” Fuyuhiko exclaims as he bolts up the stairs.
Peko runs with him up the stairs.
My god that takes sKILL
As Peko and Fuyuhiko arrive, Peko gets out her sword.
Fuyuhiko opens the door, ready to fight.
He then looks at his S/O, trembling like cRAZY in their shower.
“S/O? What are you doing in the shower…? Did somebody have the fucking audacity to scare you?!” He asks!
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“O-Over there….” They point at the spider on the floor
Fuyuhiko and Peko turn their heads and Peko gets out her sword.
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A pause. They’re looking at the spider, who stays still but looks up at them.
Fuyuhiko looks at the spider, and then at his S/O.
“Y-Yeah…?” S/O asks.
“That… Is a spider… you know that, right?” Fuyuhiko asks.
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“Y-Yeah, I-I know! I just… have extreme arachnophobia and bugs scare the fucking shit out of me, e-especially spiders.” They exclaim.
“But…. You like butterflies…” Fuyuhiko states, sounding confused.
“That’s because THOSE are the only ones I can tolerate. They are cute, unlike that.”
Peko giggles a bit. “I can agree with S/O. They are really cute. Just like that spider.” She goes to pick it up, but it runs away.
S/O looks frustrated and then gets the courage to chase it.
They angrily yell as they get it cornered.
Fuyuhiko and Peko leave the room and look down at S/O from the stair railing, who is just angrily stomping on the now dead spider.
They are also yelling profanities left and right at the dead spider too. They then flip it off. “FUCK YOU, YOU STUPID GOD DAMN MOTHER FUCKING SPIDER! I HOPE YOU ROT IN SPIDER HELL!!!!”
They angrily flips it off. Almost like this:
Fuyuhiko gasps and then smiles.
“Go S/O, GO!!! Show that motherfucker who’s boss!!!” The Ultimate Yakuza yells.
Peko Pekoyama was just at an absolute loss of words. Like, she’s trying to process what she’s seeing. “Young master, what am I witnessing right now..?”
“Just my S/O beating the shit out something they were afraid of!”
S/O finally stops, trying to catch their breath and then they turn around.
“H-Hey Fuyu…? You witnessed that, right..?” They ask, embarrassed.
“Yeah! That was… badass! You fuckin’ kicked it’s ass and gave it hell!!!” Fuyuhiko exclaims, smiling.
He runs downstairs.
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“I’m proud of you, S/O. You conquered your fear of spiders… right?”
“Haha, well, something like that. I need to get the dead spider off of the ground.”
Fuyuhiko smiles. “Here, I’ll get it for you.” He winks at them.
Peko walks down the stairs. “I am also proud of you, S/O. I knew you could do it.”
Fuyuhiko picks up the mess. “Are you ready, everyone? It still looks nice outside, we can all walk around together.”
Peko and S/O nod. Fuyuhiko then finds Thiccakuya Twogami. “Watch over this cottage, like your life depends on it.”
Peko, Fuyuhiko and his badass S/O all leave, with smiles on their faces.
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rose-wine-selfships · 3 years
1-6 from the vibes meme? (kittyandco)
1) If your f/o drew you, how would they draw you? The pose, the style, the coloring?
He. Is. SHAMELESS. Joe is so the type of guy to draw me completely naked, hair tousled all over, and legs spread wide open on the couch. The “Titanic draw-me-like-one-of-your-French-girls” kind of borderline pornographic artist. And the worst part is…he’s f*cking good at it. You know those Rubenesque beauty artist styles from the 17th century? Yeah, THOSE GUYS.
He’s amazing at drawing me in every little detail from the location of my freckles and acne, to the cellulite and stretch marks all over my body. He has every part of me mesmerized. And my art in comparison looks like a toddler drew circle ass and tits compared to his Leonardo De f*cking Vinci ass! Seriously, I’m jealous of his talents lol!
And you know what’s the worst part? Even if he didn’t draw me naked? He’s totally the type of guy to draw me bent over pin-up style in the sexiest red dress known to man while drinking wine. His usage of colors is phenomenal, and he makes me so embarrassed because he puts so much effort into making me look beautiful in his drawings. Then he gets “inspiration” and has his way with me after looking at my drawings for so long. 😉😉😉
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2) What kind of outfit would your f/o pick for you, if they had to?
If he had to dress me up, Joe would be the happiest damn guy on Earth. He’d make sure I wear nothing but the sexiest dresses and lingerie for him, but only in private. He can’t stand the thought of anyone else looking at my “luscious Latina curves” and gets quite possessive of me. In public, he loves seeing me in fuzzy sweaters with maxi skirts or sundresses.
As for shoes he loves it when I wear high heels or knee high boots to top off the look. Joe thinks it’s classy yet tasteful for peak fashion. Plus I look so damn adorable and sexy in his eyes like that. He’ll also take this opportunity to adorn me with the prettiest of jewelry he bought for me on previous dates. It’s a not-so subtle reminder to let other “admirers” (aka any people in a 50 mile radius) know to,” back off b*tch, she’s MINE! ” as his statement.
3) You and your f/o are in a crisis. What’s the first thing you two do?
Joe is definitely the type of guy to keep his cool in emergency situations. His literal motto is and I quote,” Never let yourself panic. No matter how bad it is, you find a way to stay calm, and keep your wits.” He’s been in enough dangerous and traumatic situations in his lifetime to react almost instinctively like a wild, bloodthirsty animal. He also uses his sharp intellect to outsmart and overcome his usually stronger opponents.
As for me, I try hard to stay calm but I’m actually freaking out on the inside. Joe can easily tell if my whole body is shaking, or if I’m swallowing my tears back. Joe then guides me through the process firmly but calmly. Once I know what to do he backs off and lets me do the rest.
Afterwards Joe engulfs me in the warmest hug, kisses my head, and tells me how proud he is for being so strong. He knows it’s not easy, and he knows I’m not used to situations like this at all. When it comes to the committing crimes like killing people, preserving organs, and burying the bodies he does it completely by himself. Unless if he desperately needs help from me he prefers to keep the dangerous activities with me to a minimum. He’s considerate that way. 👍
4) Your f/o sends you a drunk/sleepy text. What does it say?
When Joe is drunk, he’s usually the type to slur and misspell his texts even when he’s sexting me lol. Emojis will be all over the place and he’s a lot more expressive. His grammar is horrible too which makes it even funnier! 😂👌
For example,
“ Goddddd I love uuuu soooo muuuuch! 😫😫
I wanna stud, you like a burrito 🌯 with my special sour cream if, you knew what I menn? 😉😉
Hol on wait!
Ducking autocorrect!
Arrrgghhhhh! 🤬🤬🤬”
5) How does your f/o get your attention when they need you?
Joe gets very naughty by having his hands all over my body while kissing the nape of my neck. He usually does that in private or when I’m making a long phone call. If I’m still too focused on something, then he starts clearing his throat or groaning quite loudly to snap me out of it. He then starts visibly pouting and it’s the most adorable thing I’ve seen my yandere man do. 😫💕
6) How does your f/o introduce you to their friends?
Honestly, Joe does it as normally as any guy would do to introduce his lover to his friends which is happily and proudly. The only difference is that he’s subtly more visibly affectionate. He loves rubbing circles into my lower back while he hums and nods listening to other people. He also loves pulling me closer into his arms midway through conversations.
Sometimes if his friends get a little “too close” to me he starts kissing my cheek or the top of my head. Then while I’m not looking he sends the most iciest and intimidating glare at them for good measure. If they still don’t take the hint…well let’s just say he’ll take things into his own bloody hands. After all, he knows how to easily dispose of a body so you better sleep with one eye open. 🔪🩸
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A Kilos trying to Joker's door kill blamed on Texan (Part 2)
Warning: Strong Languages, Violence, Harassment of transcripts!
*Texans shooting at Joker's Door*
Texan: Wha- 😧
Oaklen: Who killing door of Joker! 😠
Joker: Not me. 😒
Link: Not me either. 😑
Kilos *being a negativity prick to a Texan Houston*: Probably this Houston Texan did it. 😡👉
*Texan was raging as he punching his Kilos in face*
Joker: WHO- 😶
*Than a Kilos got very furious with his Store people as he turn into a devil transsexual purple and yellow ghost*
*Than Kilos vacuuming all Store people and than Kilos as yellow and purple ghost devil chocking Texan in neck*
*A rude Link was hiding behind Joker as she feel scared of angry Kilos*
Link: Yikes! I knew it Kilos have ghost transformation power to allow him to attack us. We shouldn't messing with Texan in first place Especially human back than. 😨
*Than Texan furious start beating up his abusive hometown peoples for his revenge payback*
*All boys were lying in injured and bleeding*
*Texan packing up his dvds, games, computers and other stuff into his suitcase*
*Joker crossed his arm as his expression changed shocked to smiled in evil way*
Joker: What you do, Kilos knows should I say.. devil transexual ghost you freak?! Moving out to your dumb Fantasy world Store instead of our real life Supermarket? 😈
Kilos: THAT'S RIGHT, JOKER PRICK! I DONE WITH THIS DRAMA HYATTSVILLE! 😡 *Kilos throwing potion from Joker's Room*
*A escape zone door from Hallway appearing in nowhere*
*Texans jump into a portal while door was open, than door close and vanished*
*A grown Oaklen of abusive students look at each other in shocked expression*
Link: What just happened? 🗡️😟🛡️
Joker: Wait! Come back! 👿✋
*A evil person gives glares at his Texan's friend*
*a angry Oaklen start slamming door so easy*
Oaklen: *He gasps as see Joker's door of Kilos's room vanished*
Joker *in shocked expression*: This is crazy! 😑
Link: I know, right? I guest Texan probably doesn't want live this real life Shoppers amymore. 😕
Kilos: At least Texan's gone for good! Let's PARTY! 🥳
*Kilos throw a 24 hours party and dancing like idiot jerk around Oaklen and her boys*
*However, Link, Flik, Alex, Blue and Topher gives glares at Kilos*
*Policeman get arrested at Kilos*
Kilos: *Sobbing like idiot* 😭
*Kilos turn into unisex human form after he calm down*
(Meanwhile at Texan)
Texan: Finally. I'm freed from my NFL Stadium. No more abusive peoples from Houston Texas. Best part is, no more dealing with drama fight. Even better, no more every singles rivals. 😏💼
Be continued.
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domnq88 · 3 years
Ok ok ok ok
So….I’m a big BTS fan. An ARMY.
This girl I work with acts like she HATES BTS but knows I’d cuss her out if she says something freakin racist. 🤬
But she loves The Jonas Brothers.
Now, I like the Jonas Brothers….but I’m an ARMY bro. I listen to Jonas Brothers, especially Nick. But no I choose my babies every time.
So we always get Into these “what if” scenarios and “my-band-is-so-cool- look-at-them-”band battles. Usually its just fun to go back and forth…..
But when I mention JIMIN…..
She gets so pissed.
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Look at this f*ckin man, OMG.
People can agree or disagree but when I showed her him, she was like, “he looks like a GIRL.”
I said, “so what do you think an attractive man look like?”
She said, “I don’t know….a man.” BRUH.
she describes someone that sounds dirty. Not in a woodsman, scruffy sexy way.
Cause sexy woodsman is hot. C’mon.
But what she described was……
Like they don’t wash their ass dirty. 🥴
I’m like….I’m American….is this what people think is sexy? Manly?(in America) I’m confused.
I’m like, you like what you like which is fine but don’t knock my Jiminie.
He’s my ultimate bias. I love my Yoongles, BUT I’d shoot my shot with Jimin. Lol 😝 Dont play with me. Haha.
지민 씨 원하는 도미니크를 데이트 해요?
응 그래 데이트 어때요?
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Not every guy is in your face masculine, and not every guy needs to be.
But oddly enough I think Jimin Ssi is very masculine cause he is comfortable with being soft, and flirtatious and seems like a cool person to chill with.
I thought it was interesting. I mention him cause he’s a Libra like her. She was like, “yeah we get along so well!” Apparently Aries and Libra are opposites so they make the best of friends and what not. So that’s why I was like yeah, if I met him, he’d probably be a cool person to be around.
I’m technically a hot head compared to him. Ahahahhaaha.
Again she hates it. I think cause he’s not the norm. For her. She’s got this fixed ideal on gender norms. She tries to be more open so I give her that. 💖
IMO I don’t think he really fits a gender norm, which is fine by me……Maybe that’s why she freaks out about him….? 🤔
Anyways,we still have our band battle talks. I don’t know why she acts like that with Jiminie but it’s whatever.
Ok, rant over.
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