#he'd rather help people than address that maybe something's wrong with him too
drawbauchery · 10 months
Ok so heres some headcannons for your au imposter. :>
Although imposter is mainly shown dealing/helping with others im sure he has got some issues Besides recovering from the killing game and trying to be a better person. Ok first thing,imposter tends to serpress his emotions,like he barrys any thoughts he doseint want to deal with in the back on his mind so he doesn't have to deal with it. He doseint unpack his thoughts often like when he said "ill unpack this later" he never did. Ok next,they hate mirrors mainly because they probably hate there real face,i mean there body is one thing theres nothing extremely discernable about it. But there face is different. When ever they look at there face all he sees is an emptyshell of a man they dont remember being. They weren't allowed near mirrors for awile. And last thing, He felt guilty for lieing to them for so long that he often questions why his friends actually like him.
Also i drew some art that matches with this
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Im not good with angst so it kinda sucks BUT i hope you like it :)
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hestzhyen · 4 months
Sunken Ships and SoRiku
Hi internet void. I went feral and maybe you'll read the result.
KH has made a lot of choices around SoRiku from a narrative perspective that, in isolation, wouldn't amount to much. A heart-to-heart here, a questionable line there, and so on. The usual things that one would do to court a queer shipping audience in an otherwise het or unromantic work. And SoRiku circles have painstakingly documented every instance to show something that looks more like a consistent and intentional effort rather than a few dollops here and there to keep shippers engaged. There's... a lot. But one stupid, insignificant thing really shook me up and made me a believer in SoRiku Endgame, Actually.
Silly as it is, it's Nomura's reaction to people shipping RikuNami that gets me the most.
Generally speaking a writer doesn't want to interact with fandom shipping unless it's to urgently course correct. As in it would be catastrophic to the narrative if the fandom had the wrong idea. Otherwise it's best to just take note of how people are interpreting things and adjust the next installment accordingly, or live and let live. Keep distant and don't risk accusations of retconning/bad writing/queerbaiting in bad faith. So the normal reaction from Nomura seeing people get excited over RikuNami would have been to just do nothing. But instead, the scene was patched to downplay the smile, and Nomura went on the record to clarify that it's not a setup for a romantic relationship between Riku and Namine.
That's insane.
Why is it so important that Riku remain romantically uninterested in a girl he'd have a natural connection to, huh? What about accidentally implying RikuNami was so detrimental to the story that it was changed and explicitly addressed like that? Even if it wasn't meant to be, surely letting it play out like AkuRoku did would be enough. Just gently clarify and move on with the story (which pretty much sunk the ship on it's own anyway). You don't wade into fandom shipping and launch nuclear warheads like Nomura did against RikuNami unless you want to leave no room for doubt.
Torpedoing RikuNami also doesn't help them keep up appearances in terms of straightness at this point. Leaving it intact would only help the case of Riku and Sora being bffs with the strongest bond 5ever- a huge boon for the writing team if they wanted to avoid things looking too gay. Nomura et. al. are absolutely aware of the impressions and jokes about how gay KH is. And KH definitely would not be the first series to play in to queer ship teasing for the lols until it's time to pair everyone up at the end.
But they did the one thing you're not supposed to do if you're just aiming to queerbait: undermining the plausible straight ship. You don't eliminate the only straight option for your character like that for the sake of "he so gay" jokes! Having a straight option available is vital to make the bait; they don't have to be compelling or important to the story, they just have to exist. Yet at this point, Riku's only option is Sora. They went out of their way to ensure we wouldn't think anything else makes sense for him.
Holy. Shit.
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crusty-chronicles · 1 year
Airheaded S/O Headcannons #13: Gaara (Naruto)
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Legitimately hates you when you first meet
Which to be fair, he kinda hated everyone during the Chuunin Exams
But something about you amplified that hatred
Maybe it was the fact you always had a dopey smile on your face
Maybe it was how you won your match against the sound ninja by stumbling around (literally tripping or looking around last second so their attack barley missed you)
Or maybe, just maybe it was because you were so nice to him.
Didn't you have a clue what he was?
What he was capable of?
All the horrible things he was planning on doing to one of your peers? (That Uchiha kid really did get on his nerves.)
It was truly disgusting, that smile of yours filled with so much warmth.
Then you'd volunteered to be his opponent when Sasuke was late. Your own opponent he'd killed the night before.
"Why don't we fight each other since the people we're supposed to fight are missing? It's better than sitting here and doing nothing."
And it was the audacity of you to address him so formally that made him agree.
He was going to enjoy defeating you. Finally shut you up once and for all.
But when the fight started, something about your demeanor changed.
It was more focused, your chakra somehow stronger.
There was no longer a fool in front of him.
And when the match started, he once again found himself on the offense.
Sand barely able to protect him against your speed. It was like he was fighting Rock Lee all over again
And that made him mad.
So mad that he became more aggressive with his attacks.
You now the one being pushed back.
It would have been evenly matched. Key word: would've.
But like the fool you were, you mis-stepped and took a direct hit from his sand.
The granules wrapping around you and preparing to crush you into nothing.
But before he could put you down for good, you extended your arm out.
"I surrender." And that bright smile was back.
"That was a good match. It truly was an honor to fight you, Gaara."
He stopped his attack immediately out of sheer confusion.
You were the enemy.
He was supposed to help destroy your village
Yet here you were treating him like he was more than that.
Like he wasn't just a monster.
You called fighting him an 'honor'. Something you enjoyed rather than being a nuisance like he thought.
What was wrong with you
Gaara thought a lot about that day.
How he almost destroyed the Leaf
How Naruto had completely changed his perspective on life.
But more often than not, he thought about you.
And when he finally got to see you again during Rock Lee's battle with Kimimaro, the first thing he did was apologize.
"It's a pleasure to be meeting you again. I'd like to apologize for my behavior during the Chuunin Exams, especially towards you."
The way your face lit up had his own reddening.
"Thank you! And it's nice to see you're doing better."
He realizes he's actually grown fond of your dopey smile.
Because of Gaara's soft spot for you, you're constantly doing runs for the Hokage to the Sand Village
It's mostly to keep relations peaceful between the villages, Gaara being the new Kazekage and all.
But you don't have a clue. You just think you get a free trip to see your friend 🥺🥺🥺
It's during your time there that Gaara really notices your lack of brain.
No, you can't put a smiley face as a signature on important documents.
Please stop jumping from tall heights so his sand will catch you. He can only control it so much.
You cannot be lost at a time like this. You were just behind him five minutes ago????
He practically follows you around like a lost puppy so you don't get hurt.
That means being your personal escort between villages.
Even though he knows you're more than capable of protecting yourself.
He just can't risk something happening to you.
You're too precious. (Being one of his first friends alongside Naruto.)
After confiding in Kankuro once, it's then he's told all warmth he feels from being near you is love.
Something he never thought he'd ever experience.
Something he was told he never deserved.
And he figures you must like him too with how adamant you are to stay by his side, right?
Maybe not
He doesn't exactly know how these things work.
Courting you is a process he is extremely unfamiliar with.
Tries to ask for help from his siblings
Kankuro suggests buying you gifts and 'flirting'
Tamari suggests he just outright tell you his feelings.
Both prove to be a trial-and-error process.
You're thankful for the little things he gives you, but your face doesn't redden as his does with you.
He tells you he likes your eyes only for it to turn back to him when you tell him he has a kind heart.
How is he to top that?
Tries Tamari's method and just feels more defeated.
"I enjoy the time you spend here with me."
"I like being here with you two 😃"
"I should rephrase. I like you."
"Me too. I'm so glad we're friends!"
He decides to go about it his own way and maybe, just maybe you'll return his feelings.
"Do you remember how I was back then?" He asked as the both of you sat atop a building. The sun just beginning to set.
"Yup. You were a little mean at the Chuunin Exams. I thought you were gonna kill me for a second."
And that makes him panic for a second because if you thought that back then, there was no way you'd return his feelings. But he pushed on. No use going back now.
"There's a reason for that. When I was a child, I was told I was undeserving of love. That I was brought into this world hated. My only purpose was to live for myself, everybody else wanted me to die."
He was stunned when you placed your hand on his.
"You are deserving of love and happiness. I love you, you know?"
He was not expecting this turn of events. He planned of finishing his rant with 'Now I have plenty to live for. You are one of those reasons.'
Not for you to outright say you loved him
It was so unexpected that he didn't realize he started crying until you fussed over him.
"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to make you cry!!! Please don't be sad!!!"
And he has to reassure you they're tears of happiness. That right now he was the most content he's ever been.
Because of your smooth brain, you ask him how he can be happy when he's crying.
He ends up pulling you into a kiss and that's where the dots connect for you.
Gaara has the biggest soft spot for you. It only makes sense that everything he calls you is with all the love he has.
Love, sweetheart, honey, dear, precious, my heart.
Not ashamed to call you all those things in public like some of the other candidates in this series.
Surprisingly, Gaara doesn't get jealous. He's very secure in his ability to make you happy and about your feelings for him. He doesn't doubt that for a second.
However, if you're gone too long on a mission, he might get a little insecure. The feeling is quickly gone as soon as you get back.
He is completely enamored with you and your heart. Your empty head is a quirk he's also learned to enjoy.
An: The final chapter to our main Airhead Stronk S/O series. That doesn't mean the series is officially over!!!! I'll be doing bonus chapters via requests or characters I think deserve love. They're probably gonna take a while tho so I can focus on finishing my Moon and Sun series. THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR SUPPORT
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moonsvillain · 5 months
hotwings au where hawks is a fallen angel who happens to crash-land in dabi's backyard on his way down.
hawks' wings are from his status as an angel rather than a separate quirk
i'd like to imagine that quirks aren't really a thing that they're up to date on, as well as being pretty behind in, like, everything else
imagine hawks going into this with an ariel-like disposition
anyway this kicks off with hawks crashing into dabi's backyard in the middle of the night
dabi, who's obviously awake, gets up to go investigate what the fuck that was (naturally assumes someone's here to kill him, as any normal, not-paranoid-at-all person would think)
hawks is very upset (landed on his wing wrong and maybe broke it, which, like, "OWWW...." this guy has never felt pain before and now he's human, which is cool conceptually but why do humans feel pain?? are they like this all the time?? who would do this to them??)
which leads to dabi finding hawk in a pile of limbs armed with a broken wing tangled in the clothes lines that he never bothered to take down after he finally saved up enough for a washer-dryer unit
at this point in time, dabi hasn't been scouted by the league yet, but he's not struggling to survive. he's found a small townhouse to reside in, one story, one bedroom, and a small backyard
(the backyard was an important detail to him—sometimes dabi needs to just. bask in the sun. feel warm when he can)
hawks sees dabi and assumes that he must be someone from hell, and it was some sort of cosmic fate that brought the two together
(hawks has always been the hero-type, even as an angel. he doesn't want to defeat people, rather, he wants to help them.
(hawks is just terribly naive, which impedes this goal of his by a lot)
dabi drags hawks inside once he's figured out that he isn't with the hero commission after threatening to burn the rest of his feathers off (which, the fire isn't helping hawks' case against him)
hawks can't really just say he's an angel, mostly because he gets the feeling that saying as much to someone like dabi would go very sideways
so he spins a story about being kicked out of his home and having nowhere to go and no family to take him in even if they wanted
which, it's not really stretching the truth at all. that is what happened. he just omitted a few details
dabi is stabbed by a violent wave of sympathy that he tries to suppress at first, until remembering that he'd have done anything to have support from someone like dabi is now back when he had been scared, alone, confused and hurt
and even though hawks is cheerful enough, dabi can see the mask he's wearing—he's hiding something. something that hurts
so dabi nods, accepts this answer, and offers hawks the couch for the night, which hawks gladly accepts (and ignores the way his eyes get wet)
the next day both wake up, remember the night before, realize it wasn't a dream and think, fuck
dabi's gotten himself saddled with a roommate—cuz even if he wanted to ignore him, it's too late now, he spent the whole night turning the situation over in his mind and kicking him out would make dabi's already fragile emotional stability skew out of control
and its finally settling into hawks' head that he's been kicked out and he doesn't know where he's going or if he'll ever get the chance to go back even if he wanted to and he's doomed to spend the rest of his life wandering the earth looking for acceptance that will never last
tldr both are having mild panic attacks
dabi finally tries to address the situation by like, asking what hawks plans on doing or if he knows anyone that could help him out
which gets dabi a look so pathetic he immediately regrets asking
("fuckkk he's so sad and lame. what am i supposed to do. it's like staring at a miserable puppy with a bag full of treats in your pocket and pretending you don't know they're there.")
dabi grits out an offer:
stay here and figure out a way to pay rent, and dabi will do his best to fix up hawks' wing so he can fly again but also so it doesn't cost a million dollars to pay for the treatment in the first place
(dabi's plans consist of roaming the underground to find a doctor that could help the both of them out and threatening them—dabi's been putting off finding one for himself after his skin grafts start looking nastier than they should and this is the push he needs to get to it)
hawks, oblivious to this, agrees pretty readily
dabi nods
a moment of silence. then:
"is your real name dabi, or—"
"i'm not hearing this from you, hawks."
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whiskey-bumblebee · 1 year
hairy situations
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner/Reader
Accessibility/Diversity notes: Reader is gender neutral/gender not-specified. I think that's it!
Word Count: 2028
Warnings: smut! MDNI! mentions of body hair, and description of trimming. brief mention of vaccination. oral (Aaron receiving). one use of 'daddy' by hotch.
@ssamorganhotchner @criminalskies
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Maybe it's a holdover from his religious upbringing, maybe it's an insecurity he hasn't yet addressed, but Aaron cannot face the idea of pulling you aside and asking you about something as... intimate as this. It's something he never really thought about, a mere fact of life. Maybe when you first started seeing each other, he'd wondered about it, but your appreciation of his body put him at ease.
There was nobody he trusted enough to ask about it, so when he saw an article in a men's magazine, the question ate away at him.
five things YOU'RE doing WRONG that turn your partner OFF!
He was in the doctor's office for a tetanus shot, and the wait was proving arduous. He glanced at the cover, then at the clock. He cleared his throat and sat back in the chair, flicking a piece of lint off his slacks. Then he glanced around the room, taking note of each of the people in it. You'd mentioned once that you sometimes looked around and came up with backstories for all of the strangers around you.
She's clearly taken the day off work to look after her toddler, who's fine, just a little fussy. Probably a first time parent, if this was her second, she wouldn't worry.
There's a construction worker who's clearly here at the behest of his coworkers. Some illness he complains about but never actually sought help for, until today. He coughs every few minutes, a smoker's cough.
The teenager, picking at their jeans. Here for something they were too nervous to mention to their parents. A rash? An STI?
Aaron glanced at his watch again. Only four minutes had passed.
His gaze flicked back to the magazine, and he picked it up quickly, flicking to the page number the contents indicated.
One, not brushing your teeth. That seemed obvious enough. The article suggested keeping mints on the nightstand, gum in a pocket or briefcase. He definitely wasn't guilty of that one, except some particularly early mornings, when he'd kiss you quickly while rushing to the airport.
Two, falling asleep directly after sex. Again, not something Aaron was prone to doing. He always felt a need to shower, or at the very least to wipe himself down, and besides, falling asleep had never come easily to him. The article exclaimed that men who fell asleep after sex were seen as older, tired, unfit. Aaron filed it away as a warning sign to keep an eye out for in the future.
Three, "letting the jungle grow wild." Aaron's eyes widened slightly at that. He'd never thought that was something you cared about. Now that he thought about it, you had always been attentive to his body hair, often stroking his arm and running your thumb over the hair there, or lightly teasing him about his near-bare chest. He knew his body hair was thick and dark, especially on his legs, and around his groin. It was a consequence of his dark hair, and he thought he'd much rather be hairy than hairless. Several men his age, and even younger, had started losing their hair, or watched helplessly as it thinned.
The doctor called for Aaron, and he shot to attention, quickly placing the magazine back where he'd found it, and heading into one of the exam rooms.
"Quick pinch," The doctor warned. Aaron nodded, but his mind was still turning over the new information. Was it secretly turning you off? His mind turned to the many, many, memories of you on your knees for him. All this time, had it been a chore?
But of course, he could never ask you about it. That was... He couldn't even imagine how that conversation would go, nor how to broach the subject with you. So on the way home from his appointment, he stopped at a drugstore and picked up a trimmer.
Once home, he gave you a quick kiss and headed for the shower while you finished cooking dinner.
He exhaled shakily, turning on the shower to muffle the sound of the trimmer. Studying his body carefully in the mirror, he ran the trimmer over his pubic bone in slow, even, strokes, moving down, down, until he reached the shaft of his cock. He left a bit of hair above it, thinking that he didn't want to be completely bare.
Next, he widened his stance, trimming at the apex of his thighs. He held his balls taut and ran the trimmer over the skin, even more careful than he had been before.
Once he was finished, he hopped into the shower to clean up, giving his body a quick wash. He made sure the bathroom was spotless, and glanced at his electric toothbrush, setting a mental note to use it after dinner.
"I'm the one who should be thanking you," Aaron smiled. "Dinner was great."
You smiled up at him from your position on your knees. "Oh this isn't to thank you. This is because I love the feeling of your cock in my throat."
His cheeks reddened immediately. You pulled down his briefs, and his cock sprung up to meet you. The expression of delight on your face made his heart skip a beat, but your face quickly changed.
You ran your fingers over the freshly revealed skin.
"What happened?"
"I just gave everything a trim."
You pressed your lips together. "Well, it's your body, but... Is there a particular reason you decided to trim it?"
He cleared his throat. "Does it look bad?"
You shook your head. "Very... smooth. Different, that's all."
If he worked in any other profession, he would've dropped it. Maybe he would've been able to believe you. But this man read people for a living.
"You don't like it."
He noticed his erection starting to sag, so he pulled his briefs back over his hips and took a seat on the bed.
"I love your hair, Aaron. It's so sexy," You ran your hands over his arms. "And I'm the only one who gets to see it, so it feels like... This is going to sound weird, but it's kind of like lingerie."
He flopped back on the bed with a sigh. "There was this article, saying that women don't like excessive pubic hair, that it might be putting you off from doing oral."
Your eyebrow quirked at that. "Baby, I blow you almost every day. Is that... not enough?"
He shook his head quickly, and you made your way onto the bed, straddling him as he lay on his back.
"It's perfect, you're perfect. God, I lose my mind, you're so good at it."
You ran your hands over his chest, over his arms. "I love your hair. All of it."
"So... trimming it was actually a turn off?"
You laughed and shook your head. "Oh, honey. To turn me off you, I think you'd have to do something really drastic. But, if you want my opinion, I like it longer, thicker."
"Not the only thing you like long and thick," He murmured under his breath, his hands caressing your body as you started to grind back and forth over his bulge.
"Can I say something controversial?"
He nodded, his brown eyes searching your own.
"I like your hair visually, but it also... God, this sounds so dirty. It smells like you, and it's soft. I love... I love when I'm blowing you, and I manage to take your cock really deep, and I can bury my nose at the base of you and it's just like... All I can see is you, all I can taste is you, and all I can smell is you."
He blushed, but a wide smile came over his face. "That's... erotic."
You nodded. "And when it's trimmed, I feel like it looks like something from porn. Almost too smooth, overproduced."
You made your way down his body, slipping his briefs down his legs and discarding them. Gently, you pried his legs apart, settling between them.
"I guess," You kissed his inner thighs. "I should ask what you think of my grooming."
He shook his head emphatically. "Just the way you are is-"
You nipped at his thigh, stopping him in his tracks.
"Perfect," He breathed.
Almost instinctively, you nuzzled at his cock, rubbing your face against the soft skin. Your hand wrapped around the shaft as you licked at his tip, soon able to take more of him into your mouth. He was right about you loving something long and thick, and without his fingers in your mouth to warm up, you struggled.
Doing your best to compensate for what your mouth couldn't take, you moved your hand up and down. You used your tongue to stimulate as much of him as you could.
He took your head gently, guiding you off him. As he stroked your cheek with the back of his hand, he stared at you, open-mouthed. You imagined that you probably looked pornographic, his pre-come glistening on your lips, hair mussed.
"I don't know how you do it, but if you want me to last, you'll have to give me a minute," He breathed heavily.
You shook your head.
"You're being so good for me, let me help you. Here, let go," He continued. He guided your hands to his hips, and took his cock in his hand, stimulating the base, where your lips weren't able to reach.
The sensation of his hand knocking against your lips and chin added a whole new dimension of arousal. He was so big, the base of him disappearing into his fist, and still, inches in your mouth.
With one particularly rough jerk, one of his knuckles hit your bottom lip, and he stopped immediately, looking over your face attentively to make sure that he hadn't hurt you.
"I love it," You gasped. "Don't worry. I like it when you're rough."
His tone was grave. "You're okay when I say you're okay. Daddy doesn't want you hurting yourself."
"Okay," You nodded, maintaining eye contact with him.
He gave you a small smile, then guided your head back down to his cock.
With his hands working in tandem with your own, you were able to trace his sensitive inner thighs with one of your hands, while teasing his balls with the other. One of his hands worked over his cock, while the other held your shoulder tenderly.
You took a deep breath through your nose and took him as deeply as you could, distracting yourself from the slight discomfort in your throat by intensifying your attention on his balls.
He yelled something that wasn't quite a word, and both of his hands flew to the sheets either side of his body, capturing handfuls of fabric in white-knuckled fists. His body thrashed against the sheets, his hips bucking into your face as he came. You used one hand against his pubic bone to keep him from moving too violently against your face, and the slight restraint had him gasping.
You stroked his skin affectionately as his cock gave a few more exhausted spurts into your mouth. He loved it when you swallowed around him, so you were planning to do just that when he whimpered, and not in the good way. You withdrew immediately, swallowing and wiping your mouth with your hand.
"What do you need?"
Hotch reached for you desperately, already curling in on himself. He frowned, and you quickly moved to hold him, covering the both of you with your comforter.
"Better?" You asked.
He nodded against your hair, still catching his breath.
"Good." He wrapped his arms around you. "You?"
"Can you roll over so you're facing me?"
As always, he did just as you said, unquestioning.
You wrapped your arms around him, burying your face in his chest. The skin-to-skin contact was just what you needed, and you suspected that he was feeling the same, with a tinge of embarrassment and the sudden coldness that came from an intense orgasm. He wrapped his arms around you too, effectively hugging, your legs tangled with each others'.
"Perfect," He breathed.
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realcube · 2 months
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✦ for @4unnyr0se
✦ tw: i have no clue what i'm talking about
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BAKUGO KATSUKI — my hero academia
✦ hmm i imagine his love language starts out as quality time but when you guys get more comfortable together (and he gets busier with pro hero work) it'll become physical touch
✦ and you're gift giving love language makes you so compatible with him because he's accept the gift like 'thanks.. i guess??' but inside his heart is racing and he'd keep all the trinkets you give him in a small box in his cupboard that he secretly cherishes but (unlike physical touch or words of affirmation etc) it means he gets to keep his 'tough guy' look in front of you
✦ also something i noticed is the nicknames you give lmao
✦ 'pookie princess' I'M DEAD imagining you call bakugo that 😭
✦ he'd be so angry yet so flustered
✦ also the fact you are a sarcastic is good but you're going to need that wit to combat bakugo's mouthiness lol
✦ omg and when something annoying happens, like a fast food place getting your order wrong or the delivery driver dropping it off at the wrong address, bakugo would be immediately pissed and you'd be like a voice of reason trying to calm him down but as soon as those workers try to get sassy with you two, chaos ensues lol
✦ like everyone else would know you are a couple not to be messed with
✦ so competitive and would try to out-spice you all the time and lose 💔
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OSAMU DAZAI — bungo stray dogs
✦ i literally have not watched bsd in so long
✦ but i do think this man fits the majority of your criteria
✦ bc in terms of personality, you are kinda similar to kunikida (smart but scary at times)
✦ but with qualities that would help you and dazai get on a lot better than how he does with kunikida (like you're sarcastic and he would find that so charming. and a lot less serious, for example, how you'd rather do a casual house date than a formal one)
✦ dazai is shocked when you invite him to your house bc thats probably his first ever date that's not in a bar LOL
✦ but good idea to keep him in your house and away from other woman.. with the way that man behaves
✦ but what shocks him even more is home much he enjoys himself like??
✦ so lowkey yet so romantic and intimate, and you're so much fun to talk to so he doesn't get bored for even a second
✦ he's a changed man 😌 (kinda)
✦ the only thing is that you said you didn't want to date clown and unfortunately dazai is the ultimate clown..
✦ but you can change him!! you did it once, after all
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TŌRU OIKAWA — haikyuu!!
✦ ok maybe i'm on drugs but HERE ME OUTTT
✦ you said you give good advice and TRUST this man needs it
✦ you are like the whole reason he hasn't taken a selfie with his middle finger up and tagged the whole swedish adlers team (#i'm so done with you nerds #kawa-chan out!)
✦ omg and we've seen how he is with iwa
✦ so when you get angry on his behalf (after he tells you about the audacity of first year tobio kageyama, or the whole 'should've come to shiratorizawa' thing) and you start angrily tweeting, he's like 'yes! let them have it!'
✦ you're his little demon angel
✦ that he sends off to beef with people for him
✦ and yes ofc he will listen to you bitch and complain!! literally what he was made for and he hangs on every single word
✦ i can imagine y'all doing a spa day bc you've had a shitty week , so you're complaining about it while he is applying some sort of paste mask to your face (while he's got one on too), and he's nodding along and agreeing with every single thing you say
✦ and if you have beef with a person in particular , like a specific co-worker that's annoying or a particularly terrible teacher, he automatically hates them too
✦ EVEN if you don't hate them
✦ 'and then wendy said—'
✦ 'UGH wendy. i hate that bitch. such a moron. and a loser for what she said to you.'
✦ 'haha it's okay, tōru. i'm kinda over it.'
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MORISUKE YAKU — haikyuu!!
✦ the husband of all husbands. you're favourite blorbo's favourite blorbo.
✦ can't talk about this man for too long before i start foaming at the mouth so this is brief
✦ BUT i think it's funny how he's kinda the opposite of you in a sense that he's very easy to piss off , however he isn't very intimidating when he's mad
✦ meanwhile you're not as quickly ticked off , however when you do get mad, you're super scary
✦ that would make for power couple vibes
✦ also the tiny trinkets you give him will be kept in his jersey while he plays for good luck <333
✦ (but he doesn't need a good luck charm as long as you are there to support him at his games!!)
✦ his love language his probably mainly quality time or acts of service
✦but once he gets russian super league money , he will most definitely become a gift giver too
✦ he will get you one of those really expensive drawing tablets
✦ and all the cooking supplies you could ever need
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KAORU HITACHIIN — ouran highschool host club
✦ of the two twins he's definitely more mature and (argubly) smart which would suit you
✦ also less psychology troubled of the two ....
✦ he's not used to girls being 'smartasses' and sarcastic but most girls at the club were very doting and not like that at all
✦ so he's charmed by how different you are
✦ he likes that you get him gifts, he thinks its cute and he treasures them
✦ and he likes to get you "lil trinkets" too except he's obscenely rich so the trinkets in question are like... swarovski crystals and antique pendants that probably cost for than a house
✦ has never been on a casual, stay-at-home takeaway date
✦ is shocked amazed by all of it , every aspect
✦ 'so you .. order the food from your phone? how does that work? does it summon a waiter to your door who will take our order?'
✦ 'the food is on it's way?? how?? it's only been twenty minutes since we placed our order.. they couldn't have made it that fast.'
✦ 'why is the sauce yellow??? is it supposed to be that colour??' he asks while dubiously prodding the chip with a fork
✦ would choke down takeaway food for your sake so you don't think he's fussy, but still prefers your cooking ;)
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KAIDOU SHUN — the disastrous life of saiki k
✦ would listen to you complain about all your problems but would unlimately blame it all on dark reunion
✦ in awe of absolutely anything and everything you draw
✦ BEGS you on his hands and knees to draw him a cool pose and/or teach him how to draw as good as you
✦ and handle the heat of your cooking but would never admit it because he wants you to think he's all badass and can take anything
✦ so when he's eating your food , he's like visibly bright red and sweating but when you ask him how it is, he'll just nod and go '😁👍'
✦ bc you know him so you secretly lower the spice of the meals by a little bit , every time you cook for him
✦ so he thinks he's quickly getting used to the spice levels, but really you're just making it less spicy lol
✦ it makes him feel manly tho !!
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CHOSO �� jjk
✦ i've never seen jjk so this is based off of vibes + trin the weirdo skits haha
✦ so pls tell me if i'm spreading misinformation
✦ but this guys seems chill asf
✦ would appreciate a calm, takeaway and pjs date
✦ not interested in anything you're interested in but he's not interested in very many things so don't take it personally
✦ doesn't seem funny either but he's funny looking so close enough
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for @4unnyr0se: so sorry i haven't seen aot, jjk or black clover (#fake anime fan 😔) so there are probably some from shows you've never seen before lol , but hopefully i introduced you to some new faves?? anyway this was fun eeee
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notmaplemable · 2 years
Ghosts of Summer: Prelude: Jaune decides to take a quick stop at Patch before continuing to Vale and finds this Hot redhead walking around looking sad which is strange as no one seems to notice her. Welp Better go say hi and see what's wrong like Mama Arc always said to.
Ghosts Of Summer 12: Pining On The Stem
Patch, one of Vale's safer frontier settlements. Though one could argue it wasn't really on the frontier. Being as close to the city of Vale as it was. Jaune could have seen the city's skyline from where he was standing, if he weren't busy depositing his breakfast into the sea surrounding Patch.
As it turned out, traveling by ferry with motion sickness was not a fun experience. He'd almost thrown up on a blond guy making his way off the ferry, but luckily he avoided soiling anyone's shoes. This time at least.
Once Jaune had finished feeding the fish and making sure nobody had stolen his bag he looked to Vale. Leaning on the dock railing. His mother had given him an address on Patch. Apparently one of her old friends from Beacon lived on the island. She'd said that he'd maybe be able to help Jaune be a bit more prepared, and something about a cute daughter.
But before Jaune could figure out his mother's matchmaking scheme he was distracted. By a woman standing just a few feet from him staring out into the sea with a solemn look on her face.
She looked to be in her mid twenties, and fairly short. With dark brown hair that transitioned into red. And she liked to wear black. With a black blouse, skirt, and black and white corset. Though her most striking feature would be her silver eyes. Jaune had to admit she was quite pretty.
And by the looks of it she was having a rather bad day. So Jaune decided to do what his mother had always told him to do. Help out a friend, or at least a potential friend. So he walked up to his silvered eyed friend to be.
"Hello! Umm, do you need any help? Or to talk to someone?" He said, it didn't seem like she heard him though. Maybe she was just that deep in thought, or was trying to ignore the random guy trying to talk to her. "I know I'm just a stranger, but my mom says strangers are just friends you haven't met yet. And I wouldn't want to leave a friend crying on a random pier."
She seemed to hear him this time. Chuckling a bit to herself, but still not turning to him. "That sounds like something Blanche would say."
"Oh do you know Blanche Arc? Because if you do that's my mom." He said smiling. If he was right it and this woman did know his mom maybe it would help break the ice a bit, but she didn't answer at first. Just turning and staring at Jaune with a look of surprise replacing her previous solemnity.
"You can hear me?" She said with hope in her voice.
"Yeah? I can see you too. Do people usually have trouble hearing you?"
"Nobodies been able to see or hear me since I died."
"Since you died?" It was at this point that Jaune noticed a few things. First being that this woman was slightly translucent. Second being that she was floating. And third being that the wind wasn't moving her hair. Yep, Jaune was talking to a ghost.
(Lot more description than usual with this one, and a bit of a different style than I usually use on here. Hopefully it turned out well. Tune it next time when Jaune and Summer go to the address that Jaune's mother gave him.)
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quickspinner · 2 years
What do you think of Adrien redemption fics, and would you ever write one?
Wow I kind of spun out on a tangent so here's the teal deer and you can read the full word vomit under the cut:
More power to the writers who enjoy such things, but personally I'm just not interested at this point, so unless it's a side plot of a Lukanette story, I wouldn't seek one out to read, nor would I write one myself. The closest I really have is Something Just Like This, where all three characters work things out not always amicably, which I tend to think of as a prequel to All in the Family, where Adrien becomes the most welcome third wheel in history. At this point in time though, I'm just tired of Adrien and all the drama, canon and fandom, that comes along with him, and I don't care enough to put the effort in.
Since I've said it in the discord I might as well say it here--if I ran the world, I would have had Adrien take all his sad about being left out in Season 4, and decide he's going to be such a good hero that LB won't need anyone else, and he'd go off to get Su Han to teach him Mirakung Fu or whatever it is and actually step up to help LB and prove he can be the partner she needs--and maybe learn along the way that it's okay not to be LB's everything and that relying on other people is actually a good thing, he doesn't have to be perfect to be important. (That plot is free to anyone who wants to use it, feel free, drop me a link so I can see what you do with it.)
Now that I've written the longest run on sentence ever, here's the actually wordy stuff under the cut. 😂
I don't think Adrien's irredeemable, in fact I don't even think he'd be all that hard to redeem, but...let me think how can I put this, because I don't want to be like love square/Adrien stans are evil because they are not. They're just people who like something different than I like and that's totally okay. Ship and let ship.
But there are a vocal number that are, shall we say, annoying. Because of that it becomes a bit of a pain to write anything because you're always going to get comments trying to argue with you (spoiler alert: I'm not looking to convince anybody nor do I care that people on the internet think I'm wrong, so I don't debate in the comments) or that sound snobby and judgey. In the past I did write Adrien into several fics and I always got weird comments on them, and the nicest ones were along the lines of, "I'm glad you don't make Adrien a complete jerk like a lot of Lukanette writers." That's not horrible, but it's also not super encouraging. Thanks, I guess? I stopped getting those comments nearer the end too so maybe people changed their mind as the story went on. 😂 (Which is fine! A very sincere thank you to anyone who quietly stopped reading and didn't leave me anything to let me know. Totally fair.)
Honestly I had similar problems with the one true salt fic I started, where a lot of the comments were just griping about the series without actually addressing my story at all, and that's kind of a bummer for me (if anyone reading this left a comment of this type please don't feel bad, I'm not saying this to guilt you, this is all about my personal preferences as a writer and none of you are mind readers).
There are a lot of things I don't like about the series, and some that occasionally make me confused or angry enough to rant about it a little bit here or on discord. At the same time, reading constant ragging and complaining about the series just depresses me. So many salt discussions spiral into this dead end of "it's such a waste what they've done and everything is awful," and there's no where to go from there. It's not going to change, and there's nothing we can do about it, and I don't like ending up at the bottom of the pit. I do this for fun and I'd rather focus on the things I like. I will be finishing Live With It, but clearly salt just doesn't make me happy, so it's not going to become my niche anytime soon.
So ultimately my reasoning boils down to, it wouldn't be fun for me, I don't think there's a huge audience out there desperately wishing I would write one, and life's too short to read or write fic that bores you. Adrien will be just fine without me.
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blametheeditor · 1 year
Jeremy Messed Up: Chapter 7
The Sequel To Mike Messed Up
First | Previous | Next
Mike was just a night guard waiting to be killed by the end of the week. Now, he is the proud, and soon to be sole owner, of Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria. Business is booming, animatronics are teeming with life, and Foxy is back in the spotlight after so many years. Even so, the dark past of Freddy's is slowly encroaching upon them. One with more ties than they could ever imagine.
Content Warnings: Mentions of death and murder, want to harm someone, cursing (lots of cursing), mentions of tracking someone down. Mentions of teasing about being in a relationship when not.
Neeeeeearly forgot to queue the Jeremy
They're not-t-t here. Th-they're not here.
Jeremy finds himself watching Mike uncomprehendingly as the man stares up at Freddy, the animatronic standing barely two feet away in the cramped office. A distance that before was much too short for him to not panic at, but now he's come to associate with safety after the reaction to being told what kind of monster tracked him here. He feels relieved when it was immediately understood what kept him sprinting for who knows how long.
How did it f-f-fin-nd me!
Jeremy forces himself to take deep breaths, watching Mike's blue eyes that have been full of nothing but kindness to keep him steady. Someone who didn't shove him away when he sounded insane, or make fun of how the animatronics made him want to run and never come back. The man has been a bit crude, and the nicknames are interesting, but there's been nothing but friendship offered toward him.
Well, there was friendship.
If he's learned nothing else, it's how to read the room. And the restaurant owner doesn't seem as fond of Jeremy as before.
What did you do this time?
"How. The fuck. Do you know his last name," Mike demands, refusing to look at him tucked away in the corner. Looking more like the man who wanted to break a desk in half, and less like the one who handed him a first-aid kit.
What did he do?
Jeremy takes one last deep breath as he forces himself to stand up. He needs to remember Freddy doesn't want it inside, either. He's just as worried about what it's capable of. He's safe...for now.
"The system will give me the full names of people they recognize-"
"-which are all wanted criminals or assholes breaking parole," Mike growls. "What the hell is he listed in there for, and why didn't you tell me!"
"It also recognizes former employees."
It takes the shortest in the room another minute before he finally pieces together why being addressed as 'Mr. Fitzgerald' had done more than make him jump because he'd rather not be affiliated with the title.
He can't remember all the details about the animatronics linked to the Fazbear franchise from the stories he was told, but something about a facial recognition immediately comes to mind with the description being given over a 'system'. So that means, if he only gave his first name, and then something with the technology to pull up the rest of his record, someone who knows where that comes from would've become suspicious by the sounds of it mostly dealing with safety via law enforcement.
A.K.A. the owner of a Fazbear restaurant. A.K.A. Mike.
Before he can properly yell about definitely not being a criminal except for maybe from a few hours ago in which he had good reason, his brain then allows the most important piece to click into place. The whole part about him potentially being a former employee.
Should I give them credit even though they're wrong?
Mike finally looks over at him and Jeremy doesn't hide the full body flinch at how angry the taller is. "Are you a spy for Henry?"
"Who- NO! Look, I-I need to explain a few things, but I promise I'm not a spy!"
A glance at Freddy and the bear only looks at him with curiosity, but no tips to help him read Mike's reaction. That being absolutely nothing but the still terrifying glare.
"Mr. Perfect doesn't seem like he pays well, anyway."
There's not even a hint of a smile. "Spill it, Not A Criminal."
It's a 50/50 chance he's getting tossed out with no mercy.
"I-I've never been an employee," Jeremy states. More like pleads, please don't throw him out. "My...dad was, though. I'm Jeremy Fitzgerald Jr. I've seen his high school photos and we actually look identical, so I'm not surprised I managed to pop up."
"When the hell was this?"
"You, uh, remember the restaurant that was open back in, like, '87?"
Mike suddenly whirls on Freddy at the information. And this time when the shorter flinches because he thought for sure something was going to happen, he feels a gentle kick of friendship at his shoe.
He's been forgiven. Holy hay he's been forgiven.
"Fazfuck," the man begins, voice dripping with amusement. "You're telling me this twelve year old made you think he's the same bastard we hired a decade ago."
Honestly it's a little fun- "Hey!"
"I did not," Freddy rumbles. "I am well aware that humans can look similar, if not copies of each other when they're related."
"I think he forgot humans can age."
"I think you're right, Jer."
The bear doesn't raise to the bait. If anything, he sounds almost desperate as his voice lowers as low as his ears. "Now that you're fully informed that your companion isn't an escaped criminal, I need us back on track, Michael."
Jeremy feels his heart skip a beat at the reminder of how close he is to something worse than death held behind nothing but a steel door. A statement of it being protected by magic charms won't calm him, either, because he swears they also possess magic after managing to track him down this far. Actually, it's a miracle the young man is even standing. Not with how many miles he ran on legs that aren't built for something like that.
Truthfully he should've crashed to the ground forever ago. From not eating in 24 hours. Not sleeping in 48. Running his body ragged and even now only managing to stay standing from pure adrenaline.
Mike folds his arms and nods. "What's chasing him?"
"We were Mr. Emily's first animatronics, but we're not the only ones." Freddy glances toward Jeremy's trembling figure and doesn't hesitate to offer a paw to immediately be taken. "I won't get into unnecessary details. But Jeremy's father worked where our successors called the toys entertained."
"And these toys...are hunting him. Like you did."
Jeremy admits he quickly files the question he's been wanting to ask as answered, but his attention is locked on the paw suddenly start to shake as Mike's stared at with so much intensity an eyebrow is raised.
He is never betting against the man if the opportunity ever comes up.
"Not like us. Michael, we were rational with our killing," and that's another question answered. "I made sure everyone that walked through that door at midnight deserved it. The toys don't care."
"ToyFreddy's been really stubborn lately, always trying to drain my flashlight."
"You didn't know a few dumbasses like me made it in the line up."
"Did you know I secretly adore BalloonBoy's laugh even when he tries to steal my batteries? Everyone says it's annoying, but it's so infectious!"
"They don't care who works the night shift. If you told them the teenager behind the cameras wasn't out of high school yet, that poor child wouldn't be spared."
"You know, I've noticed that ToyFoxy doesn't really appear anymore."
"I want to talk to them-"
"NO!" Jeremy screams, louder than Freddy. Louder than the painful memory threatening to surface with the others. So loud he manages to make Mike stare at him with concern.
"W-W-We are not talking ab-bout this. You should listen to F-Fredri- Freddy," the shorter breathes. Begs the man to not let himself get killed. All because he led those things here.
He sees the start of an argument, but Jeremy feels himself start to fall forward, wincing with the knowledge he'll slam into the hard ground.
Well, he would've, if the arms he grabbed to emphasize the importance of staying away from them hadn't immediately caught him with a soft "I've gotchya, Jer."
Jeremy attempts to find feeling in his legs and stand up, only to flop completely on the taller as his muscles decide he's already pushed himself over the limit.
"Don't worry, Parts And Nervous," Mike smirks. The man grunts with effort to keep them both standing at the sudden weight but he doesn't ask Freddy for support as he drapes an arm over his shoulder. "I said you looked like hell, and two band-aid's aren't doing shit. Besides, I've got a cot in the back room. You don't mind sharing with your boyfriend, right?"
He shakes his head weakly because Mike doesn't look any better than he does. Something that's quickly proven as the first step taken nearly ends with both of them face-planting on hard tile.
"I've got you, Michael."
He doesn't know how they got to the room, how much time it took to get them situated so the shared blanket covers both of them, but the next thing Jeremy knows is he's back to back with Mike and grey eyes unable to stay open as Freddy ruffles a few chunks of dirt out of his curls.
"What, Jer?"
"You don't, toys..."
Jeremy pauses as he feels the man tense up. They might've only just met, but he knows any attempt to tell him not to do something will end up with being done secretly behind their back. He'll be the one that gets his friend at best, murdered, and at worse...
He'll regret not finding a better compromise when he wakes up. "Alone."
"...I promise."
Prologue  |  Chapter 1  |  Chapter 2  |  Chapter 3  |  Chapter 4  |  Chapter 5  |  Chapter 6  |  Chapter 7  |  Chapter 8  
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mimisempai · 3 years
I will never give up on you
Now that things are back to normal, Mobius begins to wonder if he is the right person for Loki and is willing to let him go so he can be happy. Loki will prove to Mobius that he too can lean on Loki.
🌈 Happy Pride month ! 🌈
To celebrate, 1 day, 1 story.
Be ready for smiles, laugh, fluff, tooth rotthing fluff, positive vibes and a lot of love!
2170 words - Rating G
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"Oh my! Did you see Loki at the briefing this morning?!"
"He had that adorable smile again!"
"You mean the smile that would light up the whole room if it was night?"
Mobius couldn't help but smile as he heard the gossip of the latest recruits.
After all it was not uncommon for people, girls or boys, to rave about his lover who really had the figure of a god.
Sometimes it made Mobius conscious of his own appearance and he wondered what could attract Loki to him, while the TVA was full of female or male specimens much more attractive than himself.
He continued on his way, with a slightly less energetic step when Miss Minutes' small, knowing voice called out, "That smile is not for you!"
The group of girls cried out, "What?!!! Then who is it for!"
"That's not for me to say." She replied in a mysterious tone. Then she continued clapping her little white-gloved hands, ending the discussion. "Come on, the class on time travel paradoxes is about to start!"
Mobius, continuing on his way to his office, thought about what Miss Minutes had just said.
There were few of them who knew about the relationship between Loki and him. Miss Minutes, Casey and Sylvie.
It wasn't that they had made it a secret.
Honestly if Mobius listened to himself, he'd be shouting it to the world.
But he couldn't help but wonder.
They hadn't really discussed their relationship yet, and Mobius was afraid to broach the subject. He was afraid that now that they were living a fairly normal life, as normal as it could be considering the circumstances, Loki would realize that he could do much better than a plain looking, not-so-young agent.
The circumstances of their meeting had been particular, he had been what the god had needed and now he wondered what he could bring him.
Before Loki, the life of Mobius had been the TVA, he had had some affairs, with Revonna for example, but nothing serious.
Then there was Loki, who had made his way into Mobius' heart very quickly.
In the next hallway, as he turned towards the door of his office, he saw the object of his thoughts surrounded by a small group of people. They were talking animatedly.
Suddenly Loki began to smile. The same smile that he had whenever he saw Mobius, the one the girls were talking about before.
But this time the smile wasn't directed at him.
Mobius' throat tightened. Maybe it was time to free Loki and let him fly away.
So he spent the day avoiding him. Every time Loki came near or wanted to talk to him, Mobius found an excuse to leave or found a way to slip away.
When Casey had picked him up for their daily lunch in the cafeteria, he had declined.
His actions did not go unnoticed by the object of his affection.
Loki sensed that something was wrong.
These last times, he had the impression that they got closer and Mobius was not averse to dispense signs of affection that Loki returned him well.
Loki wondered what he had done. Because if something went wrong, it was surely his fault. He had a gift for ruining his relationships with people. However, for once, Loki didn't want to give up until he had tried everything. Because he had changed, or rather he was who he was supposed to be and not who other people had decided was destined to be and he owed that to Mobius.
It was time for them to have a serious discussion about their relationship and it would happen now. He walked with a determined step towards Mobius' office, entered and closed the door gently behind him.
Mobius, standing in front of the window, had not heard him enter.
Loki approached him gently, embraced him from behind, put his chin on his shoulder and whispered in his ear.
"I finally caught my runaway boyfriend..."
He knew he was taking a risk by putting a label on something they hadn't defined yet, and he didn't miss the way Mobius froze when Loki said the word boyfriend.
He simply tightened his arms around Mobius.
"Hey..." murmured Mobius. He couldn't help but lean his head against Loki's on his shoulder.
Once again the god had baffled him, and he didn't know what to address first, the fact that Loki had noticed him avoiding him or the way he had called him. Boyfriend...
He turned in Loki's arms and looked up to meet Loki's gaze.
"I..." he paused, unable to sort out his thoughts at the way Loki looked at him. He could see tenderness and devotion, and something more that he couldn't define.
Loki smiled and said softly, "It's rare that you have trouble finding your words."
Mobius muttered, "Not everyone can be talkie talkie like you."
Loki took on a falsely outraged look, "Hey I thought you liked that!"
"I do."
Actually, it wasn't the only thing he liked.
His expression tightened and Loki noticed the change in his countenance. He ran his fingertips gently over Mobius' face and asked softly, "Hey, tell me what's wrong? I'm not blind, you know, I've seen how you've been avoiding me all day. Is it something I did or didn't do? Tell me Mobius, because if I don't know, I can't change anything. And what's between us is too precious to me to ruin in any way. And I-"
Mobius interrupted him by putting a finger over his mouth.He had been appalled as Loki spoke to him, because he realized that he who prided himself on being clear-headed and able to read people, had been wrong about everything, and that his fear of facing things head-on had made Loki insecure and worse, made him feel guilty when there was no reason to.
He had been appalled as Loki spoke to him, because he realized that he who prided himself on being clear-headed and able to read people had been wrong about everything, and that his fear of facing things head-on had made Loki insecure and worse, made him feel guilty when there was no reason to.
From the beginning, they had been honest and sincere with each other. Loki had not hesitated to bare his heart more than once, showing unwavering trust in Mobius and at the first obstacle Mobius was not able to show him the same trust?
He had to stop acting like an idiot. As humiliating as it might be, it was up to him to bare his heart, to expose his fears and insecurities.
"Stop Loki.This isn't you, I promise you, you didn't do anything wrong."
Not daring to look him in the eye, he told him everything, the conversation he had witnessed in the morning, which had triggered this path of thoughts, leading to his doubts and fears.
"And now I feel like such an idiot for reacting that way instead of facing the problem head on. For being jealous like a teenager."
Loki lifted his chin with his hand and Mobius saw that he was looking at him with the same fond eyes as before as he shook his head.
"I don't know where to start, but the first thing I want you to know is that just because when we first met, I was the one who needed you, doesn't mean you have to be strong all the time. I'm certainly not going to judge you for a moment of doubt. Honestly, that you were jealous of this group of people, I don't know if that's flattering or ridiculous or a little of both. But I want to reassure you of one thing. Do you know why I was smiling like that? It's because they were talking about you, that when they finished their training they wanted to become an agent like you. I was just smiling because I was proud of my boyfriend.And by the way, about the label, honestly I don't care, I called you boyfriend before because that's what came to my mind spontaneously, the most important thing is what's here." said Loki pointing at Mobius' chest.
"That's just it." intervened Mobius, "I think my doubts come mainly from the fact that I don't know what's here." in turn he pointed to Loki's chest. "We never talked about what was between us. And you know me, as much as I like a little chaos, I like to know where I'm going. It probably makes me an annoyingly serious person, but that's just the way I am."
It was Loki's turn to put a finger to Mobius' lips to shut him up.
"I don't see it that way, we complement each other, and that's fine. Mobius, you know I often talk to say nothing and not so long ago, while we were on Lamentis with Sylvie, I tried to define love, a little drunk I found a ridiculous metaphor about a dagger. When all I would have had to do was to draw inspiration from reality. I know perfectly well what I would answer now if she asked me again to define love. I would tell her love is someone who is not afraid to put you in front of your failures so that you realize that you are better than what you are, it is someone who sees the good in you and better who sees the good that you are being able to do, love is being confidently able to fall asleep in the presence of someone you trust, love is wanting the person you love to believe in you, love is knowing that if you fall down you will be helped up, it is wanting his face to be the first one you see in the morning and the last one at night. "
He wiped a tear that spilled from Mobius' eye with his thumb before continuing, "Mobius, I don't need a metaphor to describe love since I have you."
He then leaned towards Mobius, closing the little distance that still separated them and placed his lips on his and set about proving his words in the most beautiful way possible.
When they separated to catch their breath, Loki pressed Mobius' head against his chest, tightening his arms around him as Mobius tied his arms around Loki's waist.Loki simply rested his chin on Mobius' head and they stayed like that for a long time, embracing each other in front of the window, in a comforting silence.
Mobius felt Loki's heart beating fast and strong against his ear and realized how much courage it took to open his heart like that, without waiting for Mobius' answer.
No! He didn't have to hide anymore. Loki had shown courage in facing their relationship head on and he was going to do the same!
He pushed himself back, forcing Loki to loosen his grip and took his hand. He looked into Loki's eyes and with a pounding heart said, "You know I knew you before we met, I had watched your life story several times, and it was during those viewings that I fell in love with you. Don't make round eyes like that. Once you take off the shell, when you see past the mischief and missteps, it's so easy to love you. When you first came here, you showed all the qualities I saw in you and made me fall in love with you all over again, and now that you've broken free of your chains, I fall in love with you every day."
Loki grinned a little shakily before saying, "You realize that makes us the biggest sappy idiots in this world."
"No witnesses, no proof." Mobius pulled his lover's head toward him to wipe away his cheeky smile with a kiss that left them both panting.
"How about we continue this at home."
They walked out of the office, Mobius locked the door, and when he turned around, Loki was holding out his hand. He grasped it, and with intertwined fingers they walked towards their home.
Suddenly, they found themselves face to face with two of the girls Mobius had heard talking that morning.
They stopped, and he saw their eyes fixed on their locked hands. The girls started walking past them and they heard them giggling and whispering behind them.
They looked at each other, smiling.
"Do you realize that tomorrow the whole of the TVA staff will know about this?" asked Loki.
"That's fine with me, I won't need to show that you're mine."
"That's a shame, I'd like to see you possessive. Maybe I should smile more often for others than you." replied Loki with a suggestive raise of his eyebrow.
Mobius growled, "Loki..."
Only the god's mischievous laughter answered him. They continued on their way home, bickering lovingly under the watchful eyes of two witnesses who couldn't wait until the next day to spread the news: Agent Mobius was responsible for Agent Loki's radiant smile.
Epilogue here : X
Not beta'd I hope you enjoyed it 🥰
The whole series here : Together, For all time, Always
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The Perfect Bad Boy (Pt. 02 of 18)
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Pairing: Billy Hargrove X Reader
Word count: 2.5K
Summary: Working as a lifeguard in the Hawkins Community Pool, you try to fit in after moving from New York. Things were going pretty well when you notice you've been under someone's stare. Billy Hargrove, Hawkins' bad boy, has been staring at you since day one. You never intended to have anything to do with him, judging by the reputation he has. But Billy won't leave you alone, determined to show you his feelings are different this time...
As if your heart flooding you with confusing feelings wasn't enough, there are weird, strange animals lurking in the woods... But those have to be just part of the wild live of the woods surrounding Hawkins... Right?
<- Previous part (01)
Next part (03) ->
{Stranger Things Masterlist}
Car Trouble
“Are you having car trouble?” Billy asks, his eyes locked on yours.
“Judging by the smoke, yeah.” You sigh, opening the door and stepping out of the car. You avoid eye contact, looking at the light gray smoke instead.
“Pop the hood, let me check.” Doing as he says, you press the button as you sit back on the driver's seat, hoping he can actually fix whatever is wrong just so you can make it home. “Bad news.” He says after a couple of minutes.” There's nothing I can do. Not here, at least.”
“Are you sure?”
“One hundred percent.” He lets the hood fall before coming to stand by the door. “Didn't it give any signs something was wrong?”
“It has been making this funny noise since I bought it. But that was a month ago, I didn't think it would actually stop working.” Taking a deep breath, you take your bag and get out, closing the door. “I'll call the mechanics when I get home. Thanks for checking it out.” You wave at him, walking away.
“I could give you a ride home if you want.”
“I'm alright. Don't want to be a bother.”
“I wouldn't offer you a ride if you were a bother. C'mon, I'm just trying to help a co-worker.”
You stop, turning to face Billy. He doesn't have to usual cocky expression he always has. And he's right. He's just offering a ride home because your car is broken, there's nothing more. Monica and those girls are just getting under your skin, making you think too much about something that doesn't deserve much thought. “Ok then.”
“Let's go.” Billy guides you to his Camaro and you get into the passenger seat. Seconds later you're spending up through the streets, and you buckle up because he's going a little too fast for your taste. You give him your address, not really paying attention to the route he's taking. Your eyes are on the landscape outside the window, passing by in a blur.
“Do you mind if I stop to get some tacos before dropping you off?”
“No.” Shrugging your shoulders, you run a hand through your hair as he parks in a small restaurant and gets out to buy his food. As you wait, you wonder if you should tell Monica about this. If you do, you probably won't hear the end of it. But it could also snap her out of this whole mission thing. Today she was silent again, overanalyzing Billy instead of watching the pools. At least she seems to be excited about something.
A whistle gets your attention, dragging you out of your thoughts. It's Billy at the restaurant's door, gesturing for you to go there. You're a little confused when you leave the car. Did he make the order and then realized he forgot his wallet or something?
“What's up?” You ask him, crossing your arms.
“Nothing. C'mon.” Billy guides you to a table on the back, where he sits. “I ordered you some tacos too.”
What the hell. “Do you even know if I have money with me? You should've asked.”
“But I didn't, did I?” He raises an eyebrow.
Taking a deep breath, you decide not to make a big deal out of it. “Whatever,” you mumble, sitting down across from him. It's so damn obvious he's staring now. He doesn't even try to hide it. Since you're here, you could try to put a stop to this nonsense. Sorry, Mon. Your mission will be over soon. “What are you looking at?” You ask, elbows on the table, finally meeting his gaze.
“You.” He simply says, and there's no hint he'll give further explanation.
You were just about to say something when the waitress comes with your tacos. They do look good, and you're a little hungry.
“I'll get something to drink. What do you want?”
“Ice cold Coca-Cola,” you answer, watching as he gets up. You don't wait for him to come back, you just start eating. The last time you ate tacos you were in elementary school.
“Here's your drink.” He places the can down and you open it, taking a sip. “So, new girl... How do you like this dipshit place?”
“I really like it. Hawkins is exactly what I was looking for.” Billy seems a little surprised, raising his eyebrows. “What? Did you think I was dragged here? I wanted to come.”
“Can't understand why anyone would want to live here.”
“I had my reasons.” Shrugging your shoulders, a loud laugh gets your attention. It's a girl you see often in the pool. She's friends with one of those girls from the locker... The girls who were talking about Billy. “Hey. Don't you have a date today? With that Jennifer girl?” It comes back to your mind, and you burst it out. “Let's go, I can take these and eat at home.” The last thing you want is Billy being mad because giving you a ride kept him from meeting some girl. So you get up, taking the plate and the can.
“Where are you going?”
“...Home? You're taking me home now so you won't be late to be with the girl.” Why do you have to state the obvious? You doubt he'd forget about a date.
“I am with a girl. Now sit down and relax.”
If this day gets any weirder, you're calling it a night and going back home immediately. “Fine. It's your night you're ruining.” You sit back down, defeated.
“Who said my night is ruined?”
“Billy...” Leaning forward, you look into his eyes. “Whatever you're trying here, it won't work.”
“I'm not trying anything.”
Alright. Time to end this game. “I'm not the kind of girl you hang out with, ok? Put your efforts on someone hot and beautiful, don't waste your time with me.” You take another bite of the taco on your plate.
“Wait. You don't think you're hot and beautiful?” He leans forward too, pushing his empty plate away, eyes on you.
He totally got the wrong part of what you said. “I'm... Ok. I'm cute but you can aim so much higher than me.” You're not blind, so you're not immune to Billy's effect. You have to admit you stole a few glances on your first days working on the pool, but knowing his reputation, you'd never let it go further than finding him handsome. “But they say beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, so...” You're done with the tacos, and you drink what's left of your Coca-Cola.
“I wish you could see yourself through my eyes then.” Billy lowers his voice, the smirk leaving his lips as if this statement is the most important thing in the world, a fact on which the whole Earth stands.
You gasp, giggling a little. “So that's how you do it. That's what you say to get your girls.”
“No. I say very different things.” The smirk is back, and you look away for a moment. You really hope you're not blushing.
“We're both done eating. Can we go now?”
“I haven't finished my drink yet.” He gestures at is can. “You don't need to leave your guard up all the time. We're just... Two friends hanging out. No big deal.”
“So we're friends now?” He simply nods. “You don't even speak to me at work, how can we be friends?”
“I'll change that, don't worry. You don't seem to have many friends, anyway.”
“I do. Monica and her little crew.” It's actually mostly just Monica, but he doesn't have to know that. “They're nice.”
“Well, you can just add me to your list of new friends then.” Billy smiles at you, and now that you get to see it, from up close, it's so damn beautiful. There's a secret behind it, something he's hiding, and it looks like he knows you're aware of that. “What do you say?” He reaches out his hand over the table. “Try to get to know me instead of judging by what you heard.”
You hesitate for a while before shaking his hand. You won't fall for his game, so there's no problem befriending the guy. And you must admit it's a little mean to judge someone by what people say. You rather judge him by his actions. “Fine, Billy Hargrove. We can try to be friends. But that's it. Nothing else.”
You stay at the restaurant for another hour before he finally takes you home. Your aunt is organizing some papers, so she doesn't make many questions. She's just happy you were out with someone. And you don't really give much thought to what happened. You actually had some fun today, and since you're still struggling to fit in, you're in no position to refuse any friendship you can get.
And it was kind of Billy to offer you a ride home. You're so attached to everything you heard of him that you didn't even felt thankful for his help. If he was the asshole people say he is, he'd just leave you in the parking lot, or take you straight home. But he didn't. Billy even paid for the tacos. It's mean of you to judge the guy so harshly, before exchanging any words with him. He does sleep with a different girl every night, but they go out with him because they want to. They know he won't stick to them. But this is just something he enjoys, it doesn't mean he's a total jerk. Right? Jennifer and her friend seemed okay with a one night stand, so it's obvious he's not forcing them into it. They know it's a one-time thing.
So if you take this part away, you're left with a normal guy. So, if he's not trying to make you fall on his game, maybe his intentions aren't what you think they are. It's harmless to try and get to know him. Maybe he can become a good friend, who knows?
During the next day in the pool, you're still thinking about it. You don't really understand why you're feeling a little guilty for thinking so low of Billy. So, as you're walking back to your post and Billy is coming from his chair, to take his lunch break, you decided to talk to him.
“Billy, can I talk to you for a sec?” You say when you're close enough.
“Of course. C'mon.” He tilts his head, gesturing for you to with him back into the cafeteria. You were just going to say it right here, but since he's already walking, you just follow him. Monica gives you a meaningful stare once she notices you're following Billy. But you shake your head no, trying to tell her this is nothing.
“I'll be quick. I have to get back to my chair.” You say as he sits down on the table. “I just wanted to say thank you for yesterday. For the ride home and for the snack you bought me.”
“That's it?” He seems genuinely confused.
“Yeah...” You stand there awkwardly, watching as his lips break into a smile.
“What happened to your car?”
“It'll be ready in two days. Mon is giving me a ride until then.” Shrugging your shoulders, you start making your way out. “Well, that's it. I gotta go.”
“Keep doing the good job.” He winks at you, and you can't hold back the smile that comes to your lips.
“I will.” Turning your back at him, you go back to your chair.
By the end of the day, you're sitting shotgun in Monica's car, the windows opens to let the fresh wind come in.
“I have great news.” She says, smiling.
“Let's hear it.”
“Jennifer was super mad today. Now guess why.” You exchange a glance as you think if you should tell her or not. But she's so excited about it, and Jennifer has always been mean to her... So you decide to just say it.
“Because my car wouldn't start, so Billy offered a ride home. And in the process, he stopped by this restaurant and bought me tacos.” She hits the breaks so suddenly that your heart skips a beat. “Holy shit, Monica! Are you trying to get us killed?”
“What did you just say, (Y/N)?” She's dead serious, looking at you. “Explain it. And don't hold back the details.”
She drives slower, just to give you more time. She forces you to remember everything he said, and everything you said, overanalyzing every single word. She doesn't seem too convinced that Billy just wants to be friends, going on about how he looks at you. With affection, admiration. But you don't really believe that.
“Just the fact that he was straight forward with wanting to be your friends is impressive. You gotta understand this is not usual of Billy.” She says as you walk into your house since you invited her to stay for dinner. “Believe me, I know. I wouldn't be talking about Billy with you if I wasn't utterly perplexed.”
“Who's Billy?" Your aunt asks, coming from the kitchen, an amused smile on her face.
“Good evening, Mrs. Florence," Monica says, matching your aunt's tone.
“Call me Diane, dear. And tell me about this Billy.”
“He's just a friend, aunt. He gave me a ride home yesterday.” You and Monica follow her into the kitchen, sitting on the table.
“Yesterday? You came home late yesterday.” She rests her back on the counter, looking at you. You feel like you were busted doing something wrong.
“He wanted to eat tacos so since I was with him, we just stopped by a small restaurant at the side of the road.” Shrugging your shoulders, you try to act casual. But why are you trying to act casual? It was a casual meeting.
“Did he pay?”
“Yes, but–”
“Then it was a date,” Diane states before turning around, her attention back to her current task.
You feel your cheeks burning as you exchange a glance with a smirking Monica. “It wasn't a date.” You have no idea how you could make this more clear than that. “If it was a date he would have kissed me goodnight.” You use the cliche every romance movie implements, trying to change their minds. “If that doesn't happen, it's not a date.”
“Well, say whatever you want. But tomorrow you'll be going out with me and the guys. No Billy.” Monica says, gesturing at you.
Whatever. You don't have to explain anything, and time will show them there's nothing between you and Billy. “Count me in,” you tell her, looking down at your hands for a moment. It will be good. No Billy, nobody talking about Billy for a change. It's your second week here, and it feels like it's all been about him from the start. You can't wait until people realize that everything that's ever gonna happens, if it happens, is just a friendship. Nothing more.
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writing-mlm · 4 years
Heyo! May I request a Denki Kaminari x support course male where Denki is crushing hard and attempting to ask reader out?
Kaminari Denki X Male reader
word count: 3.6k 
warnings: cursing suggestive scenes, make-out scene
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Four years. It's been four years; one thousand, sixty days, two hundred eighty weeks since Kaminari Denki had first developed a crush on the quiet boy in the back of his seventh-grade classroom. He had been pining after him since the first day he transferred from Shirakawa, a village in the Ōno District, Gifu Prefecture. Coincidently, that day happened to be Denki's birthday so he had the opportunity to give the new kid a somewhat relaxed first day. 
While he never learned much about you, other than the things you shared during class or what he overheard you talking about, he was absolutely hooked on the idea of you. He was sure he had a thing for people who were somewhat rude to him, like the small crush he had on Jiro and Shinsou throughout his first year at UA but you weren't. Whenever you talked- which was rare even though you had gone to the same school twice, it was brief and rushed. Once he managed to get a whole sentence out of you before you were whisked away by another support course kid.
You were popular among your course's peers, more outgoing than you were in middle school, so you hardly had a moment to yourself outside of your workshop. And- in the most respectful way he could put it, you got hot. You always did have your own style that he could pick out even with the school's uniform but with the support kids slack on uniforms he really got to see how you dressed. 
Normally, you were a pair of plain gray coveralls but never fully. They always hung around your hips, the arms pulled inside out like you had worn them but had gotten tired and took it off. Unlike Mei, you hardly ever tied them around your waist, usually, they stayed up with the folds you created. Along with the coveralls, you wore a pair of (f/c) steel-toed boots, without any laces, instead, there was a cuff keeping the shoes tight and like Mei, you wore a sleeveless black tank. 
He guessed it was from the constant picking up of heavy objects but he couldn't help but notice the shadows of your muscles whenever you stretched. Or when you put your hands on your hips to catch your breath after running, or when you wiped the sweat from your forehead on hot days. 
If he could draw, he knew he'd have entire books how he pictured you. Maybe he would have drawn you his confession rather than how he actually planned on doing it.
An email.
Kaminari Denki's best way of asking his biggest crush was an email. It was laughable, he knew that all too well when Mina and Sero laughed for nearly ten minutes at the idea but he thought it better than his original idea. Confessing in the middle of everyone at school, that would for sure embarrass not only him but you. Plus it would out the both of you to random strangers if you said yes- just him if you said no which was something he didn't want to deal with just yet.
So, yes, an email was the perfect idea in his mind. He even wrote it out first- to get an idea of what he wanted to say first before he never sent it. Nope, he wasn't going to send it. The email remained sent, a draft for nearly two weeks before he deleted it. Not even noticing he had the wrong email the whole time, it was addressed to your older sibling who had a similar name. 
"Just go do it," Mina drew out as she slumped on Denki's back during their free class. She was getting tired of hearing about his long time crush, in the beginning, she thought it was cute and gave him pointers- having gotten a boyfriend with those same ones she knew they worked well. But now she almost wished he got over the crush. 
    "Please," Sero agreed. "This is painful." Sero was in the same boat as Mina, only he had that idea for a month now. If he could pinpoint it, he lost all hope the moment Denki had the idea of confessing via an Instagram account. He would make a page for anonymous UA student confessions and once it was popular enough he'd send one in as gossip.
Maybe that email wasn't such a bad idea, looking back on it. 
"Guys," Denki drew out, tossing his pencil down to his desk and watched as it rolled off. "He's gonna say no! He's like- totally hot and out of my league," The two looked at each other then and Denki as he slammed his head on his desk, the loud thump echoed throughout the room before a soft ow came from him. 
   "He's not Todoroki level hot," Mina shrugged, her eyes drifting to said boy as he studied up the upcoming test. "Or Bakugou," She looked over at Bakugou who looked as if he was close to blowing his lid while he helped Kirishima study. 
    "He blows them out of the water! What're you talking about?" Denki gushed, his hand snapping up to glare at Mina, unaware of Sero's knowing grin.
"Tell him that then," She suggested and before she could get another word in, Denki stood up, his chair rolling into the desk behind him and his palms flat on the desk.
   "I will!" He swore before leaving the classroom as Sero and Mina sighed, hopefully, all went well because if it didn't they'd lose their minds hearing Denki sulk for no doubt a year.
While Denki marched down the hallways and through staircases, his pace slowed into a stroll, now unsure if he was going to tell you. He didn't have a plan, he didn't even know where you were! He knew the general area but he didn't know if you had a group lab or a personal lab- he learned that from Iida when he was talking about Mei getting upgraded to her personalized room. But he hoped it was a solo room, he could handle the number of people always working on stuff if he truly was going to finally confess. 
"I could follow you to the beginning," He heard from a room near the end of the hall, the sound was a mix of a song and- your voice? He knew you sang from middle school when you did theater- it was one play but he went to every showing with you in it just to hear the one verse you had, but he never heard you sing by yourself or in English. 
Despite having had English lessons for two years, Denki didn't know much. He knew greetings, some food, pronouns, the days of the week, and a couple of random words but that was about it. He never really tried to learn English because he had no plan on moving out of Japan but Bakugou told him he had to for press conferences when he was a pro hero. 
"Just to relive the start," He heard you continue, the door to the room was slightly open, a faint handprint in oil was on the handle so he grabbed it by the panel and carefully opened the door. "And then maybe you'd remember to slow down at all of our favorite parts," He watched as you worked on something, a blueprint hung just behind whatever you were working on but it was too far for him to see. But as you continued to sing, you placed the wrench on the table beside you and grabbed a screwdriver and a nail.
It seemed like you remembered the song you were singing and dropped the nail before using the screwdriver like a mic when the next lyric approached.
"All I wanted was you!" You belted, your body tensing as you drew out the last work leaving Denki at the door with wide eyes. The lyric repeated a couple of times but never as intense as the first one and as the singer remained the same tone, he noticed you were going higher.
"God!" Someone shouted, slamming the door connecting two labs together open making both of you jump. "Just do it already, you've been singing this damn song for two days! I've never been more jealous of Yuki for being deaf!" The girl, who looked to be in the same year as the both of you, ranted, her red hair flopping around in the messy bun on the top of her head. 
    "Sonoko," You whined, picking the nail up from the floor and got back to your work. "It's not that easy," Sonoko sighed, her gloved hand pressed against her slightly dirty face much like Mina did when Denki said the same thing. But before she said anything, she saw Denki and grinned.
"Kaminari, whatcha need?" She asked, ignoring the way you stiffened and paused the insertion of the flat head nail. 
   "Ah-" He snapped out of his sort of trance and looked at Sonoko, both of her eyes were completely green but he could've sworn they had just been a red. "(l/n)? I sorta wanted to talk with him," He pointed at you as if you both had no idea who (l/n) was.
"Crap," You whispered, had he heard everything? Did he see the post you made last night before deleting it no less than five minutes later? His friend had, Sero, you recalled. "What's up?" Spinning around in the chair, you grinned to act as if you weren't sweating bullets at the thought of him knowing your crush on him.
It wasn't a huge crush, you insisted anytime anyone brought it up. The crush was probably going to fade in a month was another excuse you came up with but everyone knew it was a lie. 
"In private?" Denki's face scrunched at the (hopefully not) weird request. He should've turned around when he had the chance, he was going to blow it and look like a total idiot again.
   "Yeah, sure," You nodded, hurriedly glancing at Sonoko to get her to leave the both of you alone. Not that she needed to be told twice as she was already making her way back to her room. 
"So," You trailed, turning back to the Roomba you stole from your dad in an attempt to make it better.
   "Right," He nodded, stepping further into the room and looked around. "Nice… lab," The awkwardness was killing him, he just needed to say the most seven words and that's it.
"Thanks, I just cleaned it," Skipping the song that played next, you turned around and looked at Denki. "How've you been? Since middle school and everything- did you ever get over that fear of butterflies?" Around the middle of eighth grade, a rumor started spreading that Denki had run away from a butterfly during a trip to the zoo.
    "That wasn't me!" He whined, his shoulders slumped and head tilted back. "It was another blond kid! I wasn't even near the butterfly house!" As much as he wished you had forgotten all about the rumor, he couldn't deny he liked the way you laughed.
He watched as you covered your mouth and tried to not look at him during your failed attempt to hide the bellowing laughter that made his stomach churn. That feeling was in no way foreign to Denki, he always felt it when he heard you laugh when you smiled, even when your nose wrinkled whenever you sketched out a design.
"Sorry," You waved as your laughter died down, a smile still on your face when it was gone. It wasn't that funny but the fact that the rumor was still around two years later was hilarious to you. "But what's up? You don't see hero course kids in the support course halls just to complement our workspace," Denki blanked, he had all that time to think of something to say but he was too focused on you.
"Do you have any open slots?" He asked, hoping that the question would buy him time to actually think of something to say. And, it did, he watched as you got up from your seat to a whiteboard on the other side of the room. Names were messily scribbled on the board, notes written around with arrows pointing to the names it corresponded to.
   "Yeah," You nodded, erasing the top name and its notes with your hand before turning to him. "It might take me a bit longer than usual but I have time to work on something new. Shoot," He watched as you crossed your arms over your stomach, your arms unintentionally flexing made him almost short circuit.
"When I short circuit-" He found an idea from his wandering eyes. "It pretty much puts me out of commission and I wanted to see if there was a way that I won't go all whey whey," He mimicked what happens when he overuses his quick and smiled when you nodded instead of making fun of him like his classmates did. 
   "Yeah, okay, totally," You hummed, walking back over to where you just were and picked up a notebook. There were burn marks and stains all over but the pages were relativity spotless, save for the bleed through. "What type of item do you want? Like a pair of gloves, a vest, a choker," You listed off, honestly throwing the idea of a choker out there as a joke (and maybe because you wanted to see him wear one) but he took it seriously.
"My costume has a collar!" He grinned while you quickly jotted down notes and ideas. "We could just swap the two-out," 
"Okay, so, come back tomorrow and I should have a basic idea where we can work from. If you want I can give you my number- so y'know, we can talk about… the collar," You drifted, your eyes slowly raising to meet his hoping he would say yes.
   "S-Sure!" He nodded and gave you his phone, already unlocked when he passed it over. 
Once he was gone, you closed your door and ran to Sonoko's lab before slamming the door open. The sudden noise jolted her from her power nap she usually took around that time.
"I got his number!"
Two days later, you were taking measurements of Denki's neck, the two of you were close enough that you could hear his breathing. While you kept your composer Denki was focusing on not accidentally electrocuting you as his eyes hardly ever left your head while you wrapped the tape around his neck.
"Is this too tight?" You muttered, looking up at him and he swore his heart stopped. His throat went dry and he forgot words until he remembered that this wasn't a dream. That you were actually in front of him, awaiting his answer.
   "K-kinda," He nodded, blinking away the rush he got as you turned your attention back to his neck. 
   "Okay… and how is this?" You asked, loosening the tape by a couple of centimeters.
   "Pretty loose feels like it's gonna slip off," He laughed, doing his best to ignore the feeling of your soft breathing on his neck. It was almost hypnotizing, the soft breeze mixed with the hum had him on cloud nine and he intended to ride it out as long as possible.
Still, he tried to not let his mind wander like it did the day before when you were actually touching his neck. It was only because you had used your pinky to describe what you were thinking about for his support item. Denki hardly remembered the things you said but gushed to Mina and Sero about it for an hour as soon as he could.
You, on the other hand, you were relishing in the feeling of his neck, the way your body ghosted over his, and how if you just leaned in you could kiss him. His feelings for you were obvious at that point since he did a terrible job at hiding then so you decided to ride out the wave you were on. Sonoko had probably said I told you so more times than you could count within the past two days that you felt stupid for not realizing it sooner.
"Okay," You nodded, taking down the numbers of both measurements and grabbed a small page of different fabrics. "Tell me which you like the most, that'll be the fabric for the choker," You muttered, pulling a chair out for him with your foot while working on the inner workings for the actual support piece. 
Being around Denki had gotten substantially easier within the past forty-eight hours, now knowing that your crush wasn't as one-sided as you believed you felt an odd sense of security around him. Now, just because you knew he shared the same feelings for you didn't mean you were going to ask him out- no, there was no way you'd find the confidence. You weren't really the outgoing type, sure you could be, people assumed you were but you thrived of being alone. Being with your ideas and tinkering was where you felt the most secure, not in a crowd of people or when you're being whisked from your work to go and hang out with friends.
Don't get it twisted though, you loved your friends and hanging out but it just wasn't the same as the peace you got when they weren't around. You didn't have to find social cues or hold your tongue during conversations. It was relaxing to be alone, it was fun to be with others.
"I like this one," He said after a moment passed, his fingers brushing against the patch of white fabric. You looked over and hummed, taking the page from him, your fingers accidentally brushing against each other.
   "Rayon- a good choice. It's lightweight and absorbent," Rayon wasn't your favorite fabric but it was one you used often but in truth, Denki forgot what he was doing and picked a random one. 
His mind was wandering again, this time to what Sero had jokingly said when he announced that he was going to be spending lunch with you.
"Ask him if he's into guys, then ask if he's into blondes!" The last part was meant to be a joke but it wouldn't hurt to ask.
"So," He trailed off. "Any cute girls caught your eye yet?" As soon as he said it, Denki knew it was a dumb question. You were obviously into Sonoko, he caught the two of you whispering and laughing just before he walked into the room.
   "Na," You shook your head and threw him a glance. "I'm into guys. How about you?" Something in Denki's mind acted as if he had overused his quirk and he froze. Answers disappeared from his head as he frantically tried to find one and when he did he blurted it out.
   "I'm into you!" Oh, how he wished he had walked away from your lab the first time and then the second time, the third time, and now the fourth time. In any one of those situations, he could have avoided the inevitable rejection. 
"That's nice to know," You laughed, hiding your face in hopes of not giving away the obvious wide eyes. Sure, you knew he liked you- but for him to blatantly say it? You didn't know how to react. And neither did Denki.
   "Um- I-" He stopped himself and looked down at the table. "I was gonna ask you out- I was gonna make a fake Instagram and have people send in anonymous confession, then I was going to write you notes like they do in manga, and then an email and um- well, I was gonna ask is the point." Being nervous was nothing new to Denki but man- that was a new level of nervousness. He could feel his heart in his throat and his face felt like it was on fire the whole time (not that it stopped when he stopped talking). 
"I know," You told him, scribbling on the black rayon fabric with a white color pencil. Lines marked the places you wanted to cut and remember for future use. 
   "You knew?!" He shouted, his heart rate got even faster as ideas raced through his mind.
   "Not for long," You reassured him. "Just like- two days. You're bad at hiding it. But- ah- I like you, too," 
"You do?" He asked, his head snapped up from the desk, and over to you, a wide grin on his face only got wider when you nodded. "Now you're embarrassed!" He laughed as his confidence came back and pressed his hands against your face before bringing his own towards yours. "I hope this is okay, (y/n)!" He whispered before his lips met yours.
It didn't take long for you to kiss him back, your hands went to his waist as you pulled him onto your lap. With his legs on either side of yours, you pulled away, only to go right back into kissing.
"What the fuck?" Sonoko groaned as she walked into your lab but Denki didn't pull away. Instead, he ground his hips against yours, the friction caused him to moan into the kiss. "Stop fucking already!" Slightly annoyed, you opened your eyes and flicked her off, silently telling her to leave you alone before kneading the flesh on Denki's thighs.
"You're hella horny," You rasped, pulling away after a couple of tries. "Ever thought of rubbing one out?" Denki smiled and shrugged, his lips moving down to suck the flesh on your jaw, his mouth slowly moving down. 
   "Do you mind?" He whispered into your neck, only continuing when you agreed. 
As the both of you fixed your clothes, you helped Denki fix his hair before wiping spit from his mouth.
"So," He trailed, shyly fixing his tie. 
"Are we dating?"
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datastate · 3 years
about that one fic you wrote about aster writing letters to lurien (i really like it! it's some good writing.) i always can't help but think about how lurien would feel about finding the later ones. or even worse, if he got to talk to aster afterward. i imagine it would be... pretty awkward lolololol. (although, i suppose that lurien would maybe decide to not read the letters, for privacy's sake, but i still find it interesting to think about.)
i'm really happy that you like it!! (i've. honestly been thinking of rewriting it because it is a little old at this point + i have a better grasp on how the city works this time around) it's always so weird thinking that some people here actually do know me from the fics i've written aghsmgs <3
and... yeah;;; a lot of that is just mostly aster trying to sort out their own thoughts on these things and, well... they used to always talk to him about these thoughts they had, but the letters post-dreamer plan are a much less uncensored version where they're mostly writing on a whim rather than actually planning for him to see this, seeing as he's functionally 'dead'.
there was actually something i was considering for a while where i'd actually write out another part to this where it's post-etv and aster didn't survive the infection, but... even as the writer of this i am torn between whether or not lurien would read them to keep that part of them with him or if he'd feel as if it's too invasive.? he was always respectful of their space and privacy and to violate that in death would feel wrong, even if these letters were addressed to him, it was clearly under a strained mindset and... hm. if he did read them, it'd probably only be months after finding them when he finally reasons to himself that these were their final words, they were meant for someone to hold, and better he first witness it than some archivist who never knew who aster was, who never cared for or valued them.
if aster was alive, he'd subtly return the letters he'd found as soon as he could. aster would've probably made a few flustered comments, expected he already read them - if he said he hadn't, they would... probably give him permission to. it's post-etv, they're dealing with the infection's aftereffects, and they're tired. even if he says he'd rather not, they'd shrug it off with something like 'they were meant for you, anyway' and let him take them again... he'd be a little reluctant, but eventually read them. and then they could sort it out from there.? waugh ! i do not know. it would be. a little funny if he read them not yet realizing and then this was how he found out they had feelings for him though, and, being lurien, he'd quickly just excuse it on their behalf like... 'well you have to consider the situation, they could be exaggerating it, they weren't in a stable state of mind, etc.' and then if he asks for clarification, then aster's like 'ah...' and hide their face in their hands and he's like 'oh...' and they are. such messes. i love them.
i might consider adding either of these though if i do end up rewriting it ahgmsgs but. yeah... i think what i had in mind if i didn't continue would've just been that they were also the letters that were a bit soaked by the downpour - even if they weren't completely ruined, if you didn't know hallownest's language well, it'd be entirely indiscernible.
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ambivalent-anarchy · 4 years
Hurts So Bad... (Part 3)
The Week That Flashed By (Part 1/3)
Pairing: Peter Parker x reader
Summary: For the first time, Peter Parker meets someone he has no idea how to save...
Warning: angst(obviously), mentions of suicide, depression, self-harm, drug use, me just exposing myself
A/N- if you only see Flash as a villain at all times then these chapters ain't for you. Not a lot of Peter this chapter but it's integral to the story so don't skip lol
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Maybe he was hoping it'd go away.
Maybe he was wishing for the best.
Maybe he was just disregarding and ignoring you completely.
But for whatever reason, it took Peter a week to finally act. A week.
In the grand scheme of life, a week is incredibly short. However, circumstances can always change the way you perceive things.
When you have an essay due, a week seems to fly by. But when you're waiting for the new episode of your favorite tv to come, a week seems to just drag on.
The normal, busy people don't realize is that when you don't have anything to do, and when you're so far gone into the abyss, a week can genuinely seem like forever.
And your week had been nothing short of endless.
You might've finally been done with the physical low, but the mental low was practically just as bad. You could exert energy without feeling like you'd drop if a feather were to touch your shoulder, but your brain was tired.
On the upside, no one bothered you.
On the downside, no one bothered you.
You hated the silence, but strangely that's what followed you everywhere you went. Deafening silence.
You wanted so much for someone to just talk to you. Talk with you. Even if they were lying. Doesn't matter. You just wanted someone to speak. To have some type of change in your life that forced you out of the mundane, redundant, silent cycle you lived in.
Flash Thomspon was your lab partner.
You'd seen him around. He was hard to miss. Always with his jokes and his livestreams. Forever with a smile on his face. Just like Cecilia.
You remember asking her once why they weren't friends. She'd called him obnoxious.
You wouldn't call him obnoxious though, just... loud.
That Monday when lab partners were chosen, you were completely out of it.
Staring at nothing, not making a sound, setting your head down on the table, obviously not wanting to be bothered by anyone.
So when Flash got to your table, he hadn't bothered you. He walked over, simply looked at you for a bit, and once it was clear you weren't moving any time soon, he started on his notes alone.
Which you respected. That meant he was at the very least a bit sensible, if not just lazy.
The next day wasn't much different. You still weren't up for doing anything and Flash still wasn't up to bothering you.
The day after though, Wednesday, that was the day everything changed.
"Hello?," you said into your phone.
"Hey, is this [Y/N]? That quiet chick in a.p chem?"
You chuckled at the beyond simplistic description of yourself. "Uh, yeah this is she. Who's this?"
"Flash Thompson," he responded. "Coolest guy in the class."
You rolled your eyes. "Mhm, and why are you calling my phone?"
"Well-" you heard a bottle open "-we kinda have a project that's due at the end of the week. And, believe me, as much as I love doing duo projects on my own, you need to do something."
His upfrontness took you aback, but not particularly in a bad way.
And besides, you were getting sick of moping. Your curiosity wanted to see where this was going to go.
"Um, okay. So we'll crack down tomorrow then."
"How about now?" You could practically hear the smirk on his face.
"No," you quickly responded. "You mean come to your house right? Hell no."
"Why not?," he snickered. "Strict parents? Or is the pole really just that far up your ass?"
You rolled your eyes once again. You really didn't have the patience for this. "Okay I'm hanging up-"
"Wait! I'll text you my-" Click.
You stared at the wall for a good minute in complete irritation after that phone call. You had to have lost at least a hundred brain cells during that small conversation. The last thing you needed on your plate right now was some guy giving you shit.
A notification on your phone caught your attention.
3069 Oak Street
"Oh so you text me your address and now I'm just supposed to show up at your door?," you scoffed.
In retrospect, ringing that doorbell was probably the smartest dumb thing you ever did.
When you told your parents you were going to a friend's house, they just paused and then smiled. Your parents had no problem at all with you going out. They hadn't even asked questions. Heck they encouraged you to go out. That meant you were trying.
But fuck them. You were trying everyday. Trying not to just take the kitchen knife and slit your wrists after every dinner.
When the door to Flash's house opened you immediately noticed three things.
1) The alleged butler he'd been rumored around school to have was nowhere to be found.
2) This was an extremely nice house. Maybe even nicer than Cecilia's.
3) And Flash's eyes were red.
"Yo!," he greeted with an obnoxious grin. "Wassup?"
"We literally just stopped talking like ten mintues ago dude," you responded as you stepped into the house. "And what's with the shirt?"
This idiot actually had a Spider-Man t-shirt on.
"Excuse me? This is drip in the finest form," he defended, hopping onto his couch. "So anyway, the project or whatever. What're we gonna do for it?"
You sighed. "Well, unless I was actually invisible for all the class periods, it's obvious I wasn't paying much attention the last couple of days."
"Yeah I guess," he chuckled. "What was all that about anyway?," he asked, to which you simply shrugged. He squinted at you, but then rolled his eyes and then picked up the remote for the tv. "Oh well, you're better now, right?"
You winced, but you were glad Flash still wasn't looking your way. "Sure."
"Wanna take off your jacket? You're not outside anymore y'know."
And that's where the problem started.
You didn't know why, but you could look over knowing you were depressed. You'd easily come to terms with it. But it was the small things in normal conversations that hit you harder than anything else. Small little suggestions that you couldn't hide it all from everyone. Hell, you couldn't even take off a damn jacket like everyone else.
"I'm fine," you answered. "So... um, about that project?"
"Yeah," he said leaning forward. "You got the instruction papers or whatever?"
You gave him a look, confused. "I never picked them up. I thought you had the papers."
"I don't fucking pay attention in that boring ass class."
"So what was the purpose of me even coming here if we can't even do anything?," you snapped.
He just shrugged.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
He shrugged again.
Your jaw clenched. Cecilia was right. "Obnoxious dumbass..."
You turned to walk back out of the front door before turning back around. "Hey Flash?"
He looked at you and grunted in acknowledgment.
"Were you just crying before I came in or are you just high?"
"High," he said rather quickly. "Why? Are my eyes red?"
You nodded. "Yeah."
"Fuck," he mumbled. "Want some?"
"Nah I'm good-" But he was already gone down the long hallway of his home. "Flash?"
You stood there, waiting for about five minutes before deciding that he wasn't coming back. Great.
So now you could either go get him, leave, or just continue standing there awkwardly.
And due to your lack of better judgment, you did the most classic horror movie move and walked further into a house that you weren't familiar with to go look for a guy you barely knew. If I die, I die, you thought with a shrug.
Walking into the long hallway the first thing you noticed was the abundance of doors. You weren't a stalker, so you didn't bother to look into any, but you could've swore you saw a room full of spiderman pictures and newspapers through the crack of one of them. Fucking weird.
In an attempt not to succumb to your curiosity, you walked faster down the hall. You stopped in your tracks when you heard sniffles. Whimpering? Whatever noises someone makes when they're crying. Someone was crying, that's for sure. And you were also pretty sure Flash was the only one in the house.
'Walk away [Y/N]. This isn't your business.'
But of course you walked closer, and the sniffles got louder. Until you found yourself opening the door and coming face to face with a crying Flash on the floor in the middle of some gaming room.
"Shit!," he yelled, turning away and attempting to cover up his crying with obnoxiously fake coughing.
"Are you okay?," you asked.
"I'm high," he kept repeating in mumbles, desperately reaching for something. "I'm just high, okay? Fuck."
You watched as he continued to search for whatever he was making it seem like he looking for. You wanted to reach out and maybe say something, anything that would make him feel better. But you knew that probably wouldn't help.
After all, it never helped you.
"I'm just... really fucking high right now, alright?"
He seemed incredibly off, even with the squirrelly, rude way he was being earlier. Like he was just trying too hard at something.
You were at a loss for words. You knew it was wrong, but the only thing you could think of was, hm. Rich boy's actually got some issues.
When he finally turned around, his face was dry and he carried a bong in his hands, lighting it and practically shoving it into his mouth in a weak attempt to cover up his unsteady breathing.
"Thought you left," he said, staring at the floor.
Realizing you'd been standing at the doorframe awkwardly, you moved to sit on the floor, opposite to him. "Well, you kinda offered me some weed and then left, I think."
"I thought I heard you say no though."
"I did..." you gulped. "But..I still stayed though."
And now you sat here with Flash and his bong.
He sat back on the side of the chair, his back leaning against it as he blew out the smoke. "Wanna try?," he offered, holding the small object up to you. He didn't wait for you to respond before setting it up again for you and passing it.
Without a word, you took it and breathed the smoke in. You sucked it up and felt it fill your lungs before leaning back and blowing it out, letting out a small cough afterwards. "Thanks."
"Fuck, you're a pro," Flash chuckled.
You shook your head and shrugged. "No. Common sense just tells you how it works, I guess."
"I feel that."
You hummed in amusement.
And then suddenly it was quiet again.
You fucking hated silence.
Luckily, Flash was a talker. Or so you thought.
At school there wasn't a dull moment if he was there. But now, seeing him in his home, he was quiet as a mouse. Contemplative. Searching.
"Say something," you said, earning a confused look from the boy in front of you.
He squinted. "Say what? I don't even know you."
You rolled yours eyes, shrugging. "Look, whatever was going on before I came in here, it's not my business, man. I only said to fucking speak."
Flash groaned. "About what?"
"I dunno," you answered. "I just don't like the quiet. Say anything you want. Just... talk."
"Um.." he looked up at the ceiling. "I got some new shoes the other day." He pointed at the Jordan's on his feet. "My mother got it shipped in from where she's out on business in Bora Bora."
Something about the way he said it made you sure that she wasn't out "on business".
"My butler is out today cuz it's his niece's birthday. She'd be cute enough, if her nose wasn't so big. It's like the wicked witch of the west."
You scrunched up your nose, imagining a younger version of wicked witch minus the green skin.
"Umm, I dunno uh, chocolate chip cookies are better than sugar cookies?"
You snorted at that. Now he was just thinking of anything.
"And uhh, I'm having spaghetti tonight.. and- well I don't know what you really want dude I'm just kinda.. life is just too boring to always have something to say for every second of every day, [Y/N]!," he suddenly snapped.
"Woah dude, chill." You blew out another round of smoke and handed Flash the bong. "I'm sorry, I didn't realize I was asking for too much."
He held his hand over his forehead. "Nah you're fine," sighed. "It's just- you ask that cuz I talk alot at school right? Yeah that makes sense I guess. I-I'm sorry," he rushed out before going back to the small contraption.
You'd been snapped at alot in your life. Way too many to count. But from those experiences you gathered a small truth; if someone has snapped at you over the smallest thing, they probably have something else going on. Or most likely a couple of things, piled up and ready to blow.
And you could smell that on Flash from a mile away.
"Flash, what's your real name?"
He paused, lifting his mouth from the bong. "Flash is my real name," he lied before passing it back over to you.
"No it's not," you stated, picking up another bag and the lighter up beside you for the bong, no longer satisfied with the loss of flavor. "I don't pay that much attention but I know for a fact that's not your name."
He rolled his eyes, quickly becoming frustrated with the conversation. "Eugene."
"Nice," you said, contemplating your next move. "So.. what does Eugene feel right now? Not Flash, but Eugene."
He reached over each practically snatched the bong away from you.
"Eugene is feeling annoyed, and frankly aggravated because some girl he barely knows is asking too much of him."
"Hey I'm only asking for what you'll give me," you said, throwing your hands in your defense.
"Well what about you?," he accused. "You're always down in the dumps, staring at the wall, looking all depressed 24/7 so how about you start talking? I mean, are you fucking okay?"
"No," you answered blandly. "Not in the slightest. Your turn. What does Eugene feel, Flash? Is Eugene, quote, 'fucking okay'?"
Flash scoffed. "What're you trying to say, that I'm depressed?"
"I never said that."
"Oh fuck that, you implied it!"
"I didn't-"
"You don't fucking know me, [Y/N]," he spat out, throwing the bong on the floor, watching as you picked it up before the water spilt. "You don't fucking know what I'm going through everyday, so please don't be like everyone else and tell me what I am, okay?!"
Were you being rude prying into his life? Totally.
Had you reached the level of nonchalantness with your and practically anybody else's wellbeing that you really couldn't possibly bring yourself to care? Yes.
And was Flash finally cracking? Completely.
"Flash is fake. And obnoxious. And rude," you deadpanned. "I wanna meet Eugene. See how he's doing."
Flash scoffed, looking for a comeback. You could see the expressions on his face flickering like random. Annoyance. Sadness. Want.
You were no psychologist but anyone with a brain could see what he was going through.
The two of you sat in silence again. But you didn't really mind it this time. You were waiting. Even without actually speaking, Flash was telling you everything about him.
Takes one to know one.
"Eugene's aggravated," he finally said, his eyes becoming watery. "Eugene's fucking angry all the time because people only seem to want Flash." He gave you a bitter smirk before averting his eyes to the ground. But you let him. If that's what was easiest for him, then whatever.
"And people assume things about Eugene all the damn time so eventually he decided -what the hell- he'll just give em what they want. And Eugene's fucking pissed because he knows for a fact that if he were to just disappear, no one would fucking care. His old man would just put him in the ground and everyone would be back to normal before fucking dinner." His breath was heavy and you could see mocha skin begin to turn a dark red. "And most of all he's pissed because he's been able to hide for so long and some girl just strolls in and figures him out."
And now here you were just there with Eugene and his bong.
You'd lost count of how much you'd smoked, and you knew he did too. But it didn't matter.
Nothing did anymore.
Not the pressure from your parents. Not the endless cycle of running through all the motions without actually taking anything in. Not even the stupid project that was worth half your grade that'd brought the two of you together in the first place.
Life was full of nothing just in millions of various forms.
Things dressed up and decorated to seem all fancy and important but in the grand scheme of things were just was worthless as you were.
You looked at Flash's home and all you saw was fancy nothing. Wealthy nothing. And you looked at his clothes and all you could possibly see was nothing.
And looking at Flash, you saw a nothing that was attempting to cover up something.
But looking at Eugene, you saw something.
Sadness. Neglect. Pain.
He was completely naked to you.
"You should probably stop," he mumbled, finally opening his eyes and sitting up a bit. "You're looking at me all weird." He reached for the bong, laying it aside once he grabbed it.
"Is that a bad thing?," you asked.
"No," he responded with a small shrug. "...just scares me is all."
You smirked. The only resemblance of a smile you'd been able to make in a long while. "And how do I, of all people, scare you, Eugene?"
You could see his jaw clench. Could see him debating with himself. Even relaxed from the weed, his eyes still darted around the room, and he was shaking his head the tiniest bit. Finally he looked back at you.
"Because -fucking somehow.. you see me-" a tear rolled down his face. "You actually see me. Not Flash... You see Eugene."
His mother's words rang through his ears like a cautionary tale. Real men don't cry. Don't be weak, like your father...
But he wanted to be. So badly he wanted, just for one moment, to be weak and to be able to fall into someone's arms and not act like he was always okay on his own. To not act like he didn't desperately yearn for someone's compassion. Someone's trust.
Flash was fun. Flash was the cool, funny side character in everyone's story. Flash was the picture perfect of everything he wanted to be.
"-And Eugene's a mess," he let out in a small, quiet sob, his expression not moving, though the tears streamed down his face. "I'm just high... that's why I'm saying all this crap. I'm just being dumb and high. Forget all this. I never said anything okay?"
You wouldn't see him break. Not some girl he just met...
Regardless of how he already felt about you.
He slowly looked back up at your face, fully expecting to see pity or disgust. Instead, your face remained neutral like his, and you were crying too.
"I don't think you're a mess Eugene." You sat up straighter, moved a little closer. "Just hurt."
He gave a bitter chuckle. "Isn't basically everybody?"
You shook your head slightly. "No...at least I don't think so. Everyone goes through something- and then there are those people that, in some sick way, want to be hurting.. but with people like us.." You found yourself grabbing his hand, not even thinking for what reason. You just did. "With us.. it's real. And not some temporary problem," you whispered. "It won't ever stop."
Eugene looked back at you again and it was over for him. He felt small. He felt naked. He felt fucking pure.
And then it happened.
You went in for a hug and he went in for a kiss.
But he made it first... and you didn't push him away.
Feeling his lips on yours.. wasn't bad. It surprised you at first, but ultimately it was pleasant.
He sighed against your lips and you could taste the smoke in between the two of you. You hadn't had much experience with guys before. Practically nonexistent if you were being honest, but that didn't matter. Eugene pressed his kiss firmer on yours, and you began to reciprocate his movements.
He held the side of your head lightly as he pulled away, his face growing further apart from yours the slightest bit. He rubbed his nose against yours. You both closing your eyes.
"Stay here with me," he pleaded softly, his breathing slightly erratic. "I-i won't try anything, I swear. I just..." He sniffed and used his shoulder to wipe away at some of the tears on his cheek. "You really see me. A-and I see you, y'know? And we're just-"
You nodded, taking your hand to run through his hair. "Okay," you whispered. "I'll stay."
A small smile started to break through his tears. "Thank you," he mumbled against your cheek before planting a soft kiss onto it.
Your mind was blank. You couldn't think of more than one thing at a time. But you knew one thing; you wanted to be there. That much you were sure of. You still weren't happy. You weren't safe. Just content with this idea of change.
For once, you weren't overly sure of what you were doing. It wasn't routine.
For once, you felt like something was different.
----------Back on the other side of town-----------
You weren't home.
Peter had finished his patrol, swung to your apartment, and you were nowhere to be found.
"No. N-no please don't do this," he pleaded to himself. "Be in the bathroom. Please just be somewhere. Come on, get in here."
He'd already looked through every window available and he could only hope you were in some inside room. Your bed was completely untouched.
"I should've reached out to you. Fuck! I should've done something. Just please be alive..."
He waited anxiously to see if you'd show, even sending a drone to Cecilia's address to see if you were there in the meantime. "I-I'm so sorry I- just please! Be at a friend's house! Something!"
He didn't even realize how much he was shaking. How much your life was in his hands. If you were dead, he'd never forgive himself.
"She's not at the Gulliver residence, Peter. Are there any other places you'd like for me to check?," E.D.I.T.H asked.
"She's somewhere!," he yelled out. "It's one in the morning on a school night. Find her! Please...."
He looked back toward the window. After while he didn't even know how much time had passed. He was just staring. Waiting for you to walk through that door. And when you never came he could only hope that you'd be at school.
"I'll help you," he whimpered. "Just..please. Please just stay alive long enough for me to try."
Lmao don't worry y/n won't end up with Flash and this certainly won't end up being a love triangle
Taglist - @eridanuswave, @imahardcase, @jules-and-gemss, @yetchann, @captainamericasdaughter, @starlight-starks, @everydaymj, @rubberducky-jrr, @chiaramrvl, @dreamofaprilsblog, @hello--zuko-here, @spidey-mads, @cuddlefishpeter
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thenexusofsouls · 3 years
"I- I know." Carter swallowed thickly, still fiddling with her bracelet as the hair on the back of her neck prickled uncomfortably. She knew he didn't want anything happening to her, and... it somehow made her feel worse. Because she knew how hard he tried to do good with her. Knew how much he wanted to protect her from everything else that he'd seen despite how much she'd already gone through at no fault of his. But... she had already experienced how cruel people could be, and it had stolen most of her childhood. She wasn't a child, and she couldn't let herself live with the fear that had plagued her since she had been. But she didn't want this to hurt her father as well. Didn't want him hurting because of the decisions she made. She was still scared and she just... wanted to make this better somehow.
But the moment Obadiah's name left Tony's lips, Carter flinched - turning her head away as her jaw tightened, her face paling just enough to be noticeable. Her heart thudded before it picked up pace, and she did her best to keep her breathing under control. Did her best to swallow the rising panic in her chest as she forced herself to take note of everything around her. To take note of the feeling of her bracelet against her wrist and beneath her fingers. Of the fact her father was right there and wasn't lying on that couch with a hole in his chest--
She couldn't respond as she forced herself to remain as steady as possible. And she hated herself for still being unable to hear that name without having a panic attack. Hated that she couldn't seem to move on. But... even despite his apology, Carter was hurt that he'd remind her of that. As if she hadn't been there when Obadiah showed his true colors. As if she hadn't seen her father dying because of him. And she felt... angry. Because it was easier to deal with anger. Easier to distract herself from the panic that threatened to consume her.
"You- you don't need to- to remind me," she said quietly, a sharp edge to her shaky voice. "I- I know people lie. I- I know how- how terrible people can- can be. I've- I've been on- on that end, too." More times than I care to count. "And I- I wouldn't let him- him hurt you if that- that was his goal. I- I know I've- I've fucked up before, but I wouldn't- wouldn't do that to you. I- I wouldn't let someone get to- to you through me." Because... while she knew she hadn't been a good daughter, she wasn't going to let anything like that happen. Not if she could help it. And she trusted Pietro enough to be certain that wasn't even remotely a risk she'd be taking with him.
That frightened anger faded despite the panic still causing her heart to race, and Carter winced. She hadn't meant to snap at Tony. Not when she knew he was trying. Not when she knew he was looking out for her, and not when he was understandably worried about himself as well. And, slowly, she moved over to him before sitting down next to him - staying silent as he apologized once more and explained himself. She... wasn't quite sure what to say or how to react.
"You- you should probably see a- a doctor about that." Her gaze flickered towards him as he popped an antacid - humor weakly lacing her tone. But she turned her gaze away again and swallowed thickly, her hand going still as she stopped fiddling with her bracelet. "You- you could get Stark- Stark Industries to work on- on that. I'm- I'm sure your lot could- could find a- a way to make them taste better." She sighed, and pursed her lips before she reluctantly addressed the issue of... mistakes.
"Isn't that- that the thing, though? That I- I need to make mistakes to find- find my own way?" she sounded weary, and she rolled the beads of her bracelet beneath her fingers as her panic slowly began to subside - her shoulders slumping. "I've- I've already made enough- enough of them, dad. I- I wish I could change them, but... I- I can't." She wished she could say they were little things. Something like failing to hold a door open for someone else. But... they were things she couldn't speak about - especially not to him. Not when she had stayed quiet for as long as she had. But she didn't blame him - she couldn't. Not when it was her own fault.
Carter leaned against her father - resting her head on his shoulder as he promised she would never lose him. She believed him, she did, but... she still felt terrible. Still felt like she only managed to cause more harm instead of trying to mend things. "You're- you're not gonna lose me- me either, y'know," she mumbled, "you're kinda- kinda stuck with me."
Slowly, she lifted her head and finally looked up at him - staying quiet even as Tony agreed to speak with Pietro. She felt relieved, but... it didn't make her feel much better. "Thank you." She turned her head away once more - fidgeting with her bracelet. "I'll- I'll be there if... if that- that helps. Unless... it'd be- be easier if I- I wasn't."
Tony hadn’t meant to upset Carter with the reference, but that was just it. he hadn’t been thinking about her in the moment, he was only lashing out with his own emotion, his own trauma surrounding Obadiah. As soon as he remembered that she would have as bad a reaction or maybe even worse, he regretted saying it and wished he could take it back. But of course, no one could ever take anything back in life. “I’m sorry... I know, I’m sorry...” he said, feeling like the biggest dick in the world. “I don’t think before I speak, as you well know,” he said, self-loathing creeping in. “I’m less worried about someone getting to me than I am about them getting to you. You’re my daughter, my absolute responsibility, duty, and heart. If I fail myself, I can apologize to myself later, but if I fail you...” His face said it all. He’d never forgive himself. “How do I protect you without holding on too tightly?” he said, a strange sort of smile coming to his lips. It was the kind of smile one showed when they were at a loss, and have to show some humor or they might cry instead.
The topic of disgusting antacids was a welcome reprieve, however brief. “Been there, done that. You know what the doctor told me? Reduce my stress, don’t eat spicy foods, and don’t drink alcohol.” He laughed that special sort of high-pitched laugh he got when he found something genuinely hilarious. “Yeah, I’ll get right on that.” He looked at her. “What d’you think, honey? You wanna work with me on a little side project to create a tastier antacid? Could be fun. Quality time with your old man. Making the world a better place one bubblegum-flavored chewable at a time?” He chuckled, enjoying the light moment before they got right back into the thick of the conversation again.
“Yeah, that is the thing... but... I’d really rather you not have to live with regret. Take it from someone who has a ton of it, it’s not fun.” That wasn’t right, though, to shelter her so much that she never made her own mistakes. How was she supposed to learn anything that way? Knowing that didn’t help, though. “If I could fix all your mistakes and change everything and everyone who ever hurt you, myself included, to make your life better... I would do it in a heartbeat. But I can’t do that any more than you can go back and not make those mistakes yourself. Life sucks that way. It’s a constant game of gotcha.”
Tony smiled as she leaned her head against his shoulder, lifting his arm to curl around her shoulders. “How about... we’re both stuck with each other? The family that sticks together... sticks... together. Wow. That was terrible, I’ll... I’ll workshop that one and get back to you. That was so bad it wouldn’t even pass for a decent dad joke.” 
So this was happening. Tony took a deep breath. It was probably better than it happened sooner rather than later. “Nope, I definitely want you there. We all need to iron this out somehow. Heh, get it? Iron it out. Because I’m... Iron Man? God, what is wrong with me and jokes that aren’t funny today? No, but seriously, let’s do it. Now. I’m game. Let’s just rip it off like a band-aid. Wait... is Wanda gonna be there? I don’t care, really. Well, I do, but... Mostly I just wanna mentally prepare for this event, so... just... to get an idea...” he asked awkwardly.
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orange-waterfalls · 5 years
Then Leave
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Yancy x gender neutral!reader
@spycii ty for the prompt!
A/N: holy shit this took so long lol. I suck at writing angst unless it's with my own characters,,, this is so very bad I'm sorry,,, also Yancy has anger issues apparently. Rated T for some cursing. Angst(?) w/fluff at the end. I'm sorry I can't write straight angst it's too much for me.
Word Count: 2k
Yancy was elated when you decided to stay with him. He'd been pretty interested in you since you showed up, and didn't want you going and breaking out. When you told him you were staying, he was happier than he had any right to be. Yes! He got to spend more time with yous! That's amazing!
The first few weeks were great. You two loved talking and hanging out. Yancy could sense the others were a bit jealous of you, but he really didn't care much. You were all he really needed. After about two months, he noticed you distancing yourself. You were keeping a space between you and him when you hung out, and not talking as much. Half a year had passed and you just stopped. You stopped talking, stopped actively hanging out with him, stopped acknowledging him. He was disappointed, to say the least. The other inmates started to be around him more, but he didn't pay any attention to them. He thought of different ways to get you back. He convinced one of the cooks to bake you a cake for your birthday. You seemed to appreciate the effort and started talking to him again. You talked to him about how you missed your family, and Yancy tried to convince you to not care about it.
"C'mon, yous has a new family! We're your family!" He consoled. "Yous needs to leave the past in the past." You smiled at him appreciatively. He loved it when you smiled. So when you stopped smiling altogether, he got worried. He told you about his worries, and you told him you were fine. He didn't believe you. To sell the fact that you were fine, you forced yourself to smile more often. He'd tell you a joke to make you feel better, and you'd smile at him. But he could tell it wasn't a real smile. It was a smile to make him feel better.
It didn't, really.
But he pretended like it did so you didn't have to worry.
You two would always meet out in the yard at the same time every day, but one day, you hadn't shown up. Yancy waited in you guys' spot for half an hour before thinking to look somewhere else. He started to go back inside when Bambam stopped him.
"Hi, Yancy!" He greeted happily. "How've you been?" Yancy smiled at him, slightly aggravated, not wanting to show it.
"Hey, Bambam. I've been alright," he answered. Bambam looked around.
"So, where's the new family member?" he asked. The fact that Bambam was stopping him from finding exactly who he was talking about angered Yancy. He knew you wouldn't want him to snap at his family, so he kept it to himself.
"That's what I was hoping to find out. They's been… upset lately…" he explained. Bambam frowned.
"Oh. What do you think the problem is?" He asked worried.
"I'm not sure…" Yancy sighed, "they's… talked about missing their family…" Bambam scratched his neck.
"You know, Yancy, they seemed pretty attached to their family… maybe it'd be better for them if they left…" he suggested. Yancy clenched his fists.
"No, it wouldn't. They like it here. They don't want to leave," he growled. Bambam stepped back at his violent tone, and Yancy walked past him and into the prison.
He wandered the halls, looking for you. You weren't in any of the places you two hung out. Finally, he checked your cell, where you've said you don't like going. You were there on the bed, curled up on your side in a fetal position. He sighed in relief and opened the door. You flinched as you heard the door creak. He walks into the cell quietly.
"There yous is! I was starting to get worried you'd taken parole." He joked. You didn't respond or even acknowledge he'd walked in. He stood there for a minute, not knowing what to do. Eventually he sighed.
"Ok, can yous just… tell me what's wrong? I've been worried about yous and… I'm not sure what to do about it… tell me?" You don't respond. "Please?" You sighed.
"I miss Mark." You said bluntly. Yancy stood there, not really knowing how to respond.
"Mark? Didn't he… you know… die? Or did he just… take parole? There's really nothing I can-"
"I miss Mark, I miss my friends, I miss my family…" you said, voice wavering. Yancy knits his eyebrows, not understanding what you want.
"So? I don't know what you want to-"
"I want to leave, Yancy." You finally turned to look at him and he saw your red eyes and tear-stained cheeks. He frowned at you.
"Leave? But… you decided to stay!" He started to get angry. "Why would you want to leave?!" You stood up.
"Because I miss the people in my life Yancy!" You raised your voice at him.
"Then why did you stay?! Why haven't you broken out or taken parole or… or…" he was cut off by you.
"Because I'm in love with you, you fucking moron!" You yelled. He steps back at your accusing tone. In love… with him? That made him happy, but the tears flowing from your eyes destroyed that feeling and replaced it with guilt. "You love it here. You love your family. And I love you and I want you to be happy. So I stayed." You explain. "I had a family! I had people who loved me and now they don't even visit me! I am not happy! I haven't been happy in awhile! I want to leave!" Yancy stopped thinking clearly and blurted the first thing that came to mind.
"Then leave! Just fucking go, then!" He said, his voice venomous. You stare at him and compose yourself.
"Maybe I will."
And you did.
You broke out of the prison after two days. All the inmates were happy that you'd be with your people again, but they saw something was different with Yancy. He was more distant. More angry. He snapped at them a lot and made rude comments. Tiny decided that she was going to confront him about it. He had no right to do this to them. She was gonna march into his cell and give him a piece of her mind. That's what she'd do.
She walked into his cell and…
He was there. On his bed. Sobbing into his hands. She could see the tears seeping through his fingers.
And all her plans were flung out the window.
She tiptoed over and gently sat next to him. He flinched before turning away, wiping his face.
"What do you want?" He asked, attempting to sound tough. He just sounded sad. Tiny put a hand on his shoulder. He turned to her, looking at her hand weirdly. She sighed.
"What's the problem, Yancy?" She asked gently. He tried to glare at her, but his lip started quivering and he let out a sob, burying his face into his hands again. Tiny patted his back in an attempt to make him feel better.
"I miss them… I miss them so much…" he cried. Tiny frowned and furrowed her eyebrows.
"Yancy..." She began. She was going to try to convince him to get over you. But before she could, he just went on rambling on and on about everything he loved and missed about you. Your skin, your eyes, your smile…
She could tell this wasn't going away anytime soon.
"Yancy…" She sighed. "You need to make parole." Yancy looked up at her.
"You need to be good. You need to not be seen as a threat anymore. You need to leave."
"You love them. There's nothing you can do about that, except be with them."
"Tiny… I've done-"
"Yeah, yeah, bad things. You killed people. Yancy, I'll be honest, none of us really care about that. You're the only one. We think you deserve to be happy, and if being with them is how that's gonna happen, then so be it," She explained. Yancy was about to argue, but he thought about your face when he told you to leave, and he closed his mouth.
He turned into the perfect prisoner. He did everything he was told, he didn't speak out of line, he worked as a cook in the cafeteria, he got rid of his shank. He eventually made parole. That was great, but he wasn't exactly sure where to go from there. How was he supposed to find you? He was on his way out when he saw the guy you came in with. What was his name… Mark? You had mentioned that you were roommates, so he figured this was his best chance. Yancy walked up to him and tapped his shoulder. He turned towards him, startled.
"Uh… hi? Can I help you?" He asked.
"Where do you live?"
"Sorry… I'm Yancy. I want to find your friend and… I figure… you would know where they live… since you live together…" he explained awkwardly. Mark stared at him for a moment.
"Why do you want to find them?" He asked, suspicious. Yancy blushed a bit and scratched his neck. Mark rolled his eyes before taking a piece of paper and writing an address on it. He handed Yancy the piece of paper.
"Knock when you get there." He explained. "You don't look like a serial killer… this may be a bad idea but… I suppose I can trust Y/N to take care of themselves. Besides, this year's already been weird as hell... I'm sure it'll be fine." Yancy nodded and thanked him. He asked his parole officer to take him to the address. On the ride there, he bounced his leg, anxious for what you'd say. Would you forgive him? Would you still be mad? Would you hate him? He'd deserve it…
"Here." The officer said as they parked near a house. Yancy nodded and got out of the car, approaching the house. He stopped at the door and raised his fist to knock. He stopped, suddenly realizing that he'd rather not have you tell him he wasn't worth a visit every three weeks. He slowly lowered his arm to his side and sighed. He turned back towards the cop car and-
Yancy spun back around to look at the door, where you were standing. You looked… better than in the prison. Less tired. Less sad.
"Hey! How's it going?" He asked nervously. You weren't smiling, you weren't asking a bunch of questions about him, you didn't seem very interested in him or what he was doing there. That made him nervous. He shifted in his spot. You both were silent for a moment. You crossed your arms and took a breath.
"I thought… I thought you liked prison, Yance." He smiled at the nickname.
"Oh, uh… I…" he swallowed, his throat dry. "I-I like yous a little more than I do prison…" you stared at him. He shuffled his feet. You sighed.
"Ok, look. I know I messed up. I know. But I want to make it right, and I want to be with yous." You raised an eyebrow.
"Be with me… as in…?"
"Dating. Yes." He said quickly. You tap your arm.
"Yancy… I don't…" you start. He can feel his heart shattering already. "You're the one who told me to leave the past in the past… that's what I was doing with the prison." You explained.
"Well… maybe… since I'm in yous' present… I can be part of your future!"
"I'm not sure…"
"Yancy…" you started. He looked at you hopefully. You sighed. "I'll… think about it."
"Oh… right, sure…"
"You have a place to stay, right?"
"Yeah! Yeah, I'm good."
"Ok, good."
"Yeah… well…bye" he turned back towards the police car and started walking. You stood at the doorway, watching him. You bit your lip before taking a breath.
"Yancy!" You called. He spun back towards you. You grin slightly. "Let's get coffee sometime." His eyes widened.
"O-Okay! Sure!" He agreed. You closed your door. He got back into the police car, smiling widely.
"So…" the officer started. Yancy turned to him.
"That was the most Hallmark thing I've ever seen…"
"Shut up…"
"Seriously! That looked so cliche!"
"I thought I was about to hear some romantic violin,"
"Please just drive…"
GOD this SUCKS I'm so sorry
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