#he's a cringefail weirdo but he's HER cringefail weirdo
biancadavri · 1 year
something oddly sweet with how felsi has zero problems with telling you all about oghren drunkenly picking a fight with a roast (at her father's funeral!) and LOSING to the roast but then if you pick the dialogue choice that ever so much imply you think he was kind of cringe for that she proceeds to clarify that "it was a sodding good roast" like yeah anyone could have lost to it, really. maybe cut him some slack :/ he was doing his best :/
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thecrimsonjaguar · 9 months
i don't think i've seen many people talk about fionna's very clear embarrassment when simon comes back after they finished watching IK's tape. (its been overshadowed by the skeleton freezeframe, and for good reason, that part was so good)
She says "this is how he was with the crown?" which is of course her realizing that maybe cursing simon with the crown again is not a good thing, but it also seems like she's realized just how like. cringe and graceless Ice King really was. (i love u IK but youre very cringefail <3)
like. that's not the man she's been travelling with for days, the nerd who likes books and reprograms interdimensional remotes and was unflinching when someone put a blade to this throat and is well spoken and talks about his fiancé and tries to cheer her up. Ice King doesn't talk or act like simon at all. He's this weirdo who swaps from rage to tears on a dime. It's probably uncomfortable to watch precisely because she knows that it IS simon.
And i think its like when you find out something really cringe from your parent's or a friend's past and its this really strong feeling of secondhand embarrassment. and also the fact that she watched this tape containing her friend's weird fugue ramblings like- augh. it was a really brief moment but it was also very interesting to me
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foursaints · 2 months
Who do you ship Pandora with, if anyone? And how do you imagine her dynamic with said person?
lily, probably!
alright now that we’re hiding under the cut, let’s talk about the secret real answer. this is genuinely a diabolical Hear Me Out & we’re all pinky promising to put our delusion hats on okay….
lowkey…. it’s lucius malfoy 😭 i believe they ruined each other for all other people. it’s a haughty stuck-up social climbing failson & the strange sickly carnivorous girlinventor who haunts his waking dreams and nightmares.
LISTEN!!!! i know i sound completely bonkers but i’m entranced by the idea of a younger lucius (with much less status and wealth before his marriage into the black family), who is much scrappier & angrier & more pathetic & desperate & obsessed with upward class mobility & completely insane. he’s still the Worst, he’s just a lot more pitiful and unhinged and his obsequiousness is genuinely embarrassing.
and then there is pandora, who only has her brother, who turned down the option of being heir to an ancient pureblood house, who is as freakish & uncaring of other’s opinions as anyone can get . who is just as angry as him. and he pisses her off
i think they would hate each other but i also think she would sneak that smarmy slytherin weirdo into the greenhouse & he would kick petulantly at an overturned flowerpot & she might brush his hair back from his face. they would hate each other but he would be disgustingly in love with her (without admitting it) and she’d be surprised whenever he acted like a gentleman. she likes his ambition for political power and he likes hers for invention. i NEED to see lucius tortured with love for a disheveled hippie ravenclaw….
it’s bohemian artist x sleazy politician!!! it’s evilwife x pathetic cringefail husband!!!!! she could fix him (get him to share a blunt with her)!!!! they would never publicly associate with each other of course, but there’s a really combative mutual fondness / fascination there.
they’re coriolanus snow x lucy gray baird variants
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punkeropercyjackson · 5 months
Why afrolatino Jason Todd works,an analysis by an irl afrolatina and thee Jason expert
His personality is EXTREMELY realistic for a black or latino and especially both man.He's cocky asf,a (multiple time!) mama's boy but mouths off to his dad with no hesitant and for fun even,respects women by seeing the female characters as either equals or above him,roughouses with his brothers,a big ass nerd since childhood and acts tough and invulnerable for the sake of looking cool but his heart's as big as his tits and a lot of his lines are so sappy in a poetic way i feel the need to avert my eyes when i see them to give him privacy
His pre-reboot Robin self reminds me of SEVERAL canon young black boy characters(Miles Morales,Oscar Pine,Zak Saturday and possibly more)
Duke is his favorite brother despite knowing him YEARS less than the other Batboys.Do i even need to say anything on this one
Every single woman he's been attracted to have been woc,those being Rose(half cambodian),Artemis(egyptian)and Dana(black).He dosen't like white girls <3
Further proof?He had KORIAND'R HERSELF throwing herself at him but showed active disenterest.For context:We're talking about post taking away her black-coding
Him growing up poor can be explained by being a second/third gen inmigrant making finding jobs hard for his family and to this day i remember when my history teacher called us 'a poor country' because of how much damage colonizers did here.Let me have this
The Joker killing him at 15 and him getting victim blamed and a bad rep despite what a good kid he was gains a new light if it's because he was a black child and so does him becoming Red Hood because of it.Also.Red HOOD.C'mon
The artist for Red Hood:Outlaws said he headcanons him as latino because he is and an iconic event a few years back was John Boyega clowning a racist on twitter by saying he wants to play Jason.Here's how the stars can align
African-American parents commonly give their kids greek names and the original Jason was a greek mythos hero!!
Let's be deeply serious,Jason would not have even HALF the gross fans he does if he was black.You think fanon onlys would be riding that hard for an afrolatino man seeking vengeance for himself with gray morality?They'd act like he's worse than Slade and the Joker combined and call him ugly nonstop💀Comics readers would have him all to ourselves with no weirdos getting their hands on him
Canonically almost entierly uniterested in casual relathionships,smoking or drinking so there's some stereotypes off the table
Selina,Babs and Kory have green eyes.They're all black in one way or another.Jason has green eyes.You understand
He's a classical literature nerd and latino lit is some of the best there is
Bombshells him is a spaniard and that's exactly the kind of move DC would pull with an actual latino character(the run released post the hc for him becoming popular)
Legoverse and webtoons made him a gamer.Hashtag cringefail black gamer dude realness
Something something the soft uwu black boy Robin is actually kid him and not Duke
Giving him a fridge ass build and a buzzcut in Gotham Knights was DC stereotyping(/BIG JOKE,PLEASE THERE'S ACTUAL REASONS IT'S SHIT)
Five words:Dominican horror folklore based tactics
Talia and his' mother-son relathionship is made all the more heartwarming and sad
Stephanie and i are the same person so she's black like me by extension and she's the only Batfam girl he really gets along with and imo this would also include Nell and Tiffany if the writers weren't fuckasses and went through with their actual good stories
Look up Aubrey Joseph vids.There's no better fancast for him out there not in looks but in personality
Trivia finale:His birthday is the same date as Dominican Restoration Day,red represents blood on our country's flag,at our schools we sell mini packets of neapolitan cream with mini spoons to eat them and his Lego movie is called 'Family Matters'
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thelordofgifs · 1 year
Obscure Tolkien Blorbo: Semifinal
Eldacar of Gondor vs One (1) Rivendell elf who sings tra-la-la-lally
Eldacar of Gondor:
The twenty-first King of Gondor, also known as Vinitharya. During his reign the conflict known as the Kin-strife occurred and he was forced from his throne for ten years.
The blorbo of all time actually. He’s the protagonist of one of the most interesting stories in the LoTR appendices, the Kin-strife, and everything about his life story is so fascinating! His father was the crown prince of Gondor and his mother was the princess of Rhovanion so not a Númenorean. As a result all the racist nobles of Gondor made noises about how Eldacar was of “lesser race” and wouldn’t live as long as a “true Dúnadan”. One of the most fascinating examples of fantasy racism in Tolkien’s works imo – the bigotry is awful but the bigots have a shield to hide behind! Obviously their concerns are actually valid because they just don’t want their king to die young! (Their concerns aren’t valid. But I think the worldbuilding here is great.) Anyway Eldacar was born in Rhovanion and given the birth-name Vinitharya, but when he returned to Gondor aged five he was obliged to take up the Quenya name Eldacar, presumably to pacify all the racists in Gondor. He’s the EMBODIMENT of mixed-race/immigrant child trauma my beloved. Eventually his father died and he ascended to the throne of Gondor, but then his shitty second cousin Castamir (all my homies hate Castamir he’s the worst) started the civil war known as the Kin-strife and usurped Eldacar’s throne. Eldacar was forced to flee north to Rhovanion but Castamir captured his eldest son Ornendil and had him cruelly put to death which is SO SAD. But Eldacar, being brave and resourceful and clever and extremely cool, put together an alliance with his mother’s kinsfolk in Rhovanion and after ten years reclaimed his throne, which turned out to be slightly easier than expected because Castamir was The Worst and all his subjects hated him. And Eldacar PERSONALLY fought and killed Castamir HIMSELF and AVENGED HIS SON which is extremely important when you consider all the cringefail elves in the legendarium whose quests for revenge didn’t really go anywhere at all. Then he lived to be 235 proving that all the idiot racists who were worried about his lifespan didn’t have any idea what they were talking about, as is par for the course with racists. Also the Kin-strife itself has such far-reaching consequences for the history of Gondor! The Corsairs of Umbar, Gondor’s long-standing enemies, are actually followers of the descendants of Castamir. And during the Usurpation of Castamir Osgiliath was sacked and burned, leading to the beginning of its decline as Gondor’s greatest city. Even though Eldacar’s story is, to me, ultimately hopeful, it’s also such a fascinating turning point in the history of Gondor. Also ALSO he’s explicitly surrounded by textual ghosts which is really fascinating. His father Valacar has “children” plural – so Eldacar had siblings!! What were they like? How did they react to it all? And his son Aldamir is described as Eldacar’s second son and third child, meaning that he had a daughter too. Who was she?? What happened to her? He’s such a blorbo and there’s so much interesting stuff to dig into around him and he has to win this entire tournament please please please❤️
One (1) Rivendell elf who sings tra-la-la-lally:
One of the Elves of Rivendell who sing tra-la-la-lally in The Hobbit.
This one specific elf sings tra la la lally with the rest but he is slightly off key and the other elves bully him for it
they’re SILLY!!! We need NEED more silly elves!! Like who are these weirdos just hanging out in the trees of Rivendell? Did they know the dwarves were coming and gather their friends to specifically climb those trees to sing nonsense at them? Do they just normally sit there and sing about every little thing they see? Is this a traditional Rivendell thing or are those elves just really strange? I’m obsessed with them they’re everything to me. Elves are oft portrayed as being Too Serious in this fandom and silly elves need rights too! Silly elf rights!!!!
Semifinals masterpost
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sciderman · 3 months
How do you feel about different animated Peters? Do you have a favorite out of them?
hooh man, i know i say that i've consumed every little bit of spider-man media ever but it's really not true actually, and i think the thought of trying to watch every single animated version of peter parker kind of makes my brain explode. there are so many. i didn't actually grow up on spider-man cartoons, i only really got into spider-man comics in my late teens so my point-of-reference for peter parker will kind of always be the 616 comics, first-and-foremost.
i did watch a bit of ultimate spider-man as it was airing and i probably am one of the very few people on the planet who's kind of oddly soft on it! i have complicated feelings about ultimate spider-man. i feel about it the same kind of way that i feel about way's deadpool run. that it's an entirely annoying depiction of the character that is full to the brim with irritating jokes that don't land and package up the character to be a nutszo joke-a-minute lols random haha type deal but - i see oddly sincere and sympathetic and self-aware moments in there that make me inexplicably fond of that particular portrayal.
i don't know - i actually really love it when peter's portrayed as an actual weirdo. not the uptight square-boy you usually see, or this quirky boy-scout who's just kind of bland and cute and nerdy - but a peter parker that is actually unapologetically annoying. like you can't stand to be with him. i kind of love to see it. i don't know, i want him to be annoying. i think he should be annoying. and i love that he's fucking insane. like, objectively. he's not a sane man. he's adhd incarnate. and he's stupid. he has heroic moments, yeah, but he's also stupid and a jerk. i don't know. i'm probably giving it way too much credit, but compared to what came after (disney xd's spider-man (2017), looking at you) it's fun and kind of a very weird departure to your usual spider-man fare. deadpool appears in this show for one singular episode also so naturally thta is enough to make my brain go brrr.
(i've actually been really wanting to write a fic set in this universe. it's a universe i'm kind of interested in exploring, actually. been rotating it in my mind for a really, really long time. i'm almost ashamed to admit it, but every version of wade wilson fires up my brain, and i'm really, really interested in fleshing out this strange, i-was-a-child-soldier-turned-teenage-mercenary wade wilson. sorry. off-topic now. spider-man. we're meant to be talking about spider-man.)
disney xd's spider-man (2017) sorry you are so ugly and so boring. she doesn't exist to me. i hate that stupid nerdy off-brand tom holland ass twink with the green eyes. hate her. she is so boring. and her voice is even worse than drake bell (how could that be possible)
60's spider-man fucks. binged it so hard during my college days because it put me into the flow-state while i was working on my animation projects. i love that square boy. i love how macho he sounds when he's in the suit. i love his stupid fucking spider with the six legs. i love that they didn't have the budget for the extra two legs. i love him. he got me through college. almost tempted to do a stream of 60s spider-man so you all can enjoy it with me. it's a treasure. and thank you, 60s spider-man, for all the reaction images.
spectacular spider-man is very beloved, and i NEAARLY watched it all the way through, but – i don't know, i kind of just... don't like that peter parker very much. i couldn't tell you why. he's just a little boring to me. maybe it's the same criticism people slam onto andrew garfield's spider-man, the "he's too cool" argument. he's just not cringefail enough. he's kind of a bit boring. and his stupid SHIRT TAG that is NEVER TUCKED IN makes me FROTH at the MOUTH. i didn't wind up finishing the series because the love-triangle stuff just got way too exhausting for me. usually i eat up the peter parker drama but this particular case it really is a "why on earth is everyone in love with him. he's so boring." kind of situation. sure, it's a universal constant, but in this series it really is true. i wouldn't waste my time with him. sorry. mid. 5/10 peter parker portrayal. but the art and animation and theme song fuck.
i don't think i've watched enough of the other series to talk about them - which i feel kind of embarrassed about. i wanted to watch the animated series (1994) but just - never got around to it. i just prefer the comic-book format over animation, funnily. the irony, of me being an animator by trade, but preferring the medium of comic books. but like - i don't know. i prefer books over movies too. i just like doing more brain-work. it's why i like to write and draw more than i like to watch things. i don't like passive consumption. i want to put my brain to work. so - soooo, when it comes to watching things, i'm kind of terrible at it.
i think i should do a massive research session where i watch every spider-man series (or at least as much of them as my brain is willing to) - so i can do a comprehensive ranking of all peter parkers. if i have the time for that sort of thing (i don't.)
one day, maybe, one day. it could make a very fun video essay. i'd love to make a video essay, one day.
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pryzzm · 9 months
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wait I'm being more mentally ill abt Camp Lazlo than I anticipated Edie got to reconnect with her childhood crush and meanwhile across the lake the once camp cringefail weirdgirl now looks like the guy who does your taxes (he does. he does do your taxes.) I was always lowkey a Samson/Almondine shipper but now I'm being gay and trans about it!! I am blasting them so hard with my gay weirdos in love mindbeams. Local dorks actually the coolest couple at the reunion you WISH you had whatever they have Nobody invites the kids that they went to camp with to their wedding so nobody knew they got married till they showed up to the function. They have to spend some time at both campgrounds, naturally. @tangelojack and I got into the funniest discussion about how Samson and Raj would still activate each other's kill instinct on sight and they would drag each other's asses up the beach not lazlo returning to the campground with edie the next morning to find samson and raj looking a little worse for wear 'raj. what the hell happened??' 'i kicked samson's ass. where were you last night?? you were here but you left. i thought you went home.' not lazlo and edie pointedly looking away from eachother '.......oh uh. it's. not important,' 'you kicked my ass. that's funny.' 'do not START samson' edie and lazlo leave with each other’s addresses and numbers and samson cuts raj’s brakes before hauling ass out of there with his husband I'm still laughing okay byyyeee <3
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qprstobin · 10 months
Oh Eddie 100% was meant to be the king of the underworld, another mirror for Steve. I think that they feel a lot of frustration over how Steve turned out, otherwise I don’t get why they keep making weird doubles for him (we have three! why do we need so much!). I think maybe Eddie is a starter character that they would have developed into a Steve later? Like a character who becomes the confidant for the kids (a very boring choice btw)
The only reason people make Eddie into a victim is to give him the higher ground so that Steve can feel insecure and ashamed, which is a kink for the majority of Steve shippers (like even with Billy which is weird that Steve is sometimes apologizing there too. like guys???? what??????). Canon Eddie is a feral stinky teenage boy. “Mr Cringefail Mr Attentionwhore” to Steve’s “Mr Funny Mr Cool”. Like in order to be the king of the losers and freaks you kinda sorta NEED TO ALSO BE ONE. Steddie are so funny together, like a satirical piece on Romeo and Juliet, whyyyy did people decide to focus on the bullying and victimhood. It doesn’t suit the characters at all
I miss canon Eddie so much, Quinn put so much work into the feral stinky aspect AND YET
I think they also keep trying to, like, recreate the hype they got with Steve accidentally. (Which to an extent they did in Eddie I guess but in a weird way.) But it's hard to do that kind of thing on purpose, you know?
I agree also that Eddie definitely was meant in his own way to be like "king of freaks" or something similar. I think the king titles get tiresome after a while but social hierarchy wise? Most definitely. Which honestly is so much fun! I don't know why people don't lean into it more in a fun way instead of making it angsty. The rivalry they may or may not have could be so incredibly funny but they also make it "oh no :((((( look how mean everyone was". Honestly everyone in this show is casually kinda mean, with a few exceptions (Billy, Troy & James, later Jason) thats all it seems to be, at least if the characters we're introduced to.
Honestly, I'm not sure a lot of these people are actually Steve fans 😭 they don't seem to like Steve very much??? Like Steve fans do enjoy some good whump - either emotional or physical (some of the fics my mutes have read.... Insanity) - and I can attest to that! But like there has to be some pay off for that which a lot of these fics don't seem to have. I'm not sure if people just aren't thinking things through or what.
Also I totally agree I ADORE canon Eddie. He's awkward and a little cringe, and probably is a huge flirt but is very, very bad at it. (Joe Q.'s comment that 'Eddie is never as successful with girls as he thinks he is' lives rent free in my head.) He's dramatic and probably a little gross (at the very least his van must always smell like weed). He is soooo ADHD coded to me, and honestly is just a hilarious outsider pov type character (a dude who thinks he is a freak and a weirdo and then finds out the priss the jock and the loner are all in an actual monster fighting club with his mentees, what's better than this).
I think also when people go too hard into the "he was bullied :(((" thing as opposed to how he actually comes across in canon, is that you lose that narrative foil that makes him so interesting in the first place. Firstly, the obvious Steve parallels, but also I think people miss out on the fact that all of the Spicy Six (minus Argyle 💔) are portrayed when they're first introduced as very much caught up in their own worlds and opinions. Steve is the one who everyone points out because he's definitely has the like biggest and most obvious re-evaluation. But Nancy, Jonathan, and Robin I would argue do too?
Nancy is much more concerned with her new boyfriend who isn't her boyfriend than anything else, very focused on rebelling. She's seen as someone who is uptight and a priss acting out. Barb's disappearance and death completely shakes her foundation, causes her to completely reprioritize her life and what's important.
Jonathan's isn't done in like a great way, because the resolution with the pictures was lazy as hell. But arguably he is going through the same foundation changing first with Will disappearing and then with the pictures. He even says that he saw Nancy as shallow and forgot she was a real person. Them working together is - as poorly done as it is - a similar journey.
Robin's is less on screen, but she goes through a similar thing with the others, overcoming dumb high school biases and befriending Steve. Though hers like I said starts off screen because you get the vibe she started liking Steve before the Russians thing happened.
Eddie is literally going through the same thing. He says himself that he thought Steve was an asshole and that both Steve and Nancy were forcing him to reevaluate his prior biases. A big part of the older crowds upside down journey has always been growing as a person and learning that there's more than meets the eye with others, and moving past stupid high school cliques and biases. The fact so much of fandom ignores that Eddie is also super biased and is also reevaluating his thoughts completely detracts from his character and growth. Like I know the duffers love doing the petty high school "jocks suck and nerds rule" thing, but that doesn't mean fandom has to lol. I feel like giving Eddie all these reasons to not just hate jocks but hate Steve specifically just kinda undermines part of the journey.
Anyway I got WAYYYY off track. Wkenedk this has just been in my head for a while
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oc-siblings-bracket · 9 months
OC-Siblings-Bracket 1.1
info down there because these posts are long ↓
Steele & Celestina of Bellicamore by @strawberryking
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Celestina (red hair) and Steele (blonde hair) are total opposites, but are attached at the hip. Steele is a fairy, and a loud, outgoing jock at that, while Celestina is a soft spoken and shy scene witch. Steele has, on more than one occasion, gotten into fights to protect her sister, and will gladly do it again.
Celestina is soft hearted, most likely due to her ability to see emotions. This ability is hereditary, and decently common amongst her people.
The two have been through so much together, even going through being kidnapped together. Thankfully, neither were injured, as their fathers were quick to rescue them.
Steele is the fairy of weaponry and Celestina is the witch of emotion.
Redd & Kellyanne "Kelly" Lastname Middlename by @gailynovelry
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Redd (She/They) Kelly (He/Him). They are trapped in a time loop, and the time loop can go a lot of different ways, but the most frequent way is that Kelly murders everyone else on the off chance that it gets Redd out of the loop. Sometimes Redd decides to murder on his behalf instead. They don't enjoy it very much though!
She's a communist, he's a weirdo, both of them try to explain homestuck and anime to the pre-2000s people trapped in the time loop and mostly fail. They also have fucked up homoerotic relationships with the other time loop victims, all of which are willing to murder them in certain loops. Redd has a checkers motif, Kelly is a jumprope. They definitely had tumblr accounts. They have opinions on what actually counts as an isekai. They're slaying absolute cringefail both together and separately, your honor.
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ddarker-dreams · 1 year
As the same anon who talked about having both GAD and SAD, I’m so excited for Idée Fixe! (Great title by the way—you always come up with such creative titles for your fics)
I am super excited to see a darling with anxiety! And as some people have been saying, I have a feeling I may just end up falling for cringefail darling by the end of the fic. Such are the consequences of being a lesbian, I suppose. But regardless, I am very intrigued by the warning, especially Chrollo giving darling medication without her consent…Mr. Chrollo sir what the hell are you up to 🫣
i told myself i am perfectly normal about writing fanfic but this past week may have challenged this idea . i avoided making plans just so i could sit at my dilapidated laptop and tip tap away, but i think it was worth it, even if my backspace key was sacrificed along the way.
thank you so much for the encouragement!! i currently have this big ol list of fancy sounding words/phrases that i pick from at random. i always feel fancy giving the letter e its little hat. é just looks so nice.
it really was an interesting experience to write for a darling that already has anxiety before the yandere has even like. done anything. because then your sympathetic nervous system gets to say "haha told you so" when the yandere reveals their shady tendencies. i think cringefail darling will win many hearts, she really does deserve better 😭 maybe i need to write an AU where miss paku happens upon her first and romances her properly, without being a weirdo <3 that'd be the ideal world.
AND THE WARNINGS ON THIS FIC ... it wasn't until i wrote the last one that i went oh wow this got long. what is chrollo up to indeed... 👀 that could be a good new blog tagline. he's always scheming. always plotting. never in a fun way either.
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bonefall · 1 year
Ok here is an ask about SPOILERS FOR SHADOW, don't look if you haven't read it:
You really got my hopes up that they were actually going to play into deconstructing Sunbeam's people-pleasing nature and how Nightheart barely knows Sunbeam and might be convincing himself he loves her because in the flawed Clan-swapping system that's' the only way to leave a Clan you are dissatisfied with, and actually portray consequences for Nightheart basically suddenly declaring he's the mate of someone he barely knows and pressuring her into complying. I loved your idea of the Sunbeam rule of three arc. But NO it seems like they are playing this off as True Love after all. Do you have any plans for how you can still include the dynamic you thought they were planning for Night and Sun in your rewrite? (I was thinking maybe she realizes throughout Rewrite Shadow she realizes she is just trying to not make waves and please Berryheart and Nightheart without standing up for herself as you posted about, BUT when Nightheart leaves she sees an out for what she really wants to do, which is get away from Berryheart and not to be forced to fight battles on behalf of the takeover of RiverClan, which she morally objects to. So she's like, hey, they don't let you switch Clans for conscientious objection yet, but there's this weirdo who thinks we're in love who I CAN use as an excuse. And perhaps they end up developing a genuine bond (ideally as friends, though if canon makes it absolutely necessary they could fall in love for real by the end of the series after much more development then they got) in fighting together against Berryheart and xenophobia. Please, you have to figure out a way to fix that because I liked your predictions so much and now it seems the authors just weren't that clever...
I haven't engaged with the leaks yet but I will soon, I'm not a dude who minds spoilers tho so don't worry
I do always read the books before making up my mind though! So I'm going to be taking all the fandom discussion with a grain of salt. Lmao maybe I'll be the final Booboo the Fool with a big chart like "HERE'S HOW CRINGEFAIL NIGHTHEART CAN STILL WIN"
In any case though, don't worry. I don't revamp arcs until they're done but I would never allow Unironic, unexamined Nightsun in my redux lmao. If Nightheart stops being a pathetic loser and his family apologizes to him and kisses his ass, I'm gonna take him out back and beat him like a rug. Spray him down with a hose. Blow dry him until he's fluffy.
Likewise with Sunbeam, if they try to pull a Bristlefrost and ignore her actual personality in favor of "oough i love this boy..." for a whole book, she's going to the pet groomer too. Sunbeam is a people pleaser who ignores problems until they're too large, period.
At bare minimum, Canon Nightsun Endgame in a way I can't avoid, they will at LEAST be queerplatonic after Nightheart confronts his impulsivity.
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aroenbydisaster · 9 months
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im going to go fucking insane i love this oc so much i made him with my best friend and hes a weirdo cringefail hellspider bastard who loves being a messy bitch and also cherishing her loved ones. wears a bandana but it doesnt successfully hold her hair back because he lets a singular person assist him with visual tasks (he is blind!) and their best friend can only reach her hair while on a stepstool or when he is seated and she is not specifically
silly tallass mf who lives in a spaceship planet in an infinite void of horrors minecraft void but worse style
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subsequentibis · 8 months
2, 7, 9 and 10 for laz, sal and john?
wooo let's put this one under a cut!
2. Why does your oc look the way they do? What are your reasons for their appearance?
sal is pretty heavily inspired by most of the tall gangly awkward sweaty weirdo scientist/researcher characters i recall fondly from a lot of media i liked growing up, plus hair that's fun to draw and that mimics the fungus's tendril shapes. she started out looking fairly different as my vtm character, but then i fell a little in love with dev patel (and this was also when i was still drawing her as a man) so she ended up closer to his look in david copperfield. purple is a color that doesn't exist much in nature, or so i've heard, so it can have a mystical/spooky/unnatural feeling to it, especially i think a kind of paler ghostly purple, which is why i chose it for her sweater. similarly i gave her grey eyes because i feel like they give off a slightly unusual or unnatural vibe while also being very beautiful. she gets a turtleneck because i gave her my fear of/discomfort with having my neck touched to an extreme degree, she doesn't even like feeling the wind on it. the rest of her clothes are brown/dark tones to give her an earthy and grounded feel. i'm not very good at thinking of outfits so i made her like a cartoon character that only has one set of clothing but just gave her sensory issues so she has a whole wardrobe of nearly identical sweaters, pants, and jackets for comfort. originally i was going to have the fungus able to chameleon-esque shift color so it would be mimicking her hand and eye almost exactly except for almost imperceptible lines where the tendrils meet, but i ended up not liking that idea so much and gave her gloves & a glass eye to hide the bits that she loses over the course of the story. she's long and spindly because i tend to think of her hunched up and curling in on herself, like she's always felt just a little bit too big and is trying to compensate for it, and also because that's very fun to draw.
lazarus is pretty heavily inspired by john constantine, sam vimes, columbo, hellboy, any cigar/cigarette-chomping long coat-wearing detective or investigator with a dry sense of humor. he's gone through a couple versions actually, he was my character in several different ttrpgs until i settled on him as a detective npc for an urban shadows campaign i ran and that really nailed down a lot for him looks and attitude-wise. grey raincoat to help him blend in a little more with the city, i like to think he could lean against a concrete wall and almost disappear. big stompy boots or heeled shoes because he's short as hell and wants to look taller. red as an accent color for blood/fire/etc. actually i debated red eyes as well for a bit and finally settled on orange because, of all things, pilferingapples drew bahorel with these really lovely orangey whiskey colored eyes and that always struck me as gorgeous. i just cranked up the orange to make them obviously not natural and as a connection to lava. he's a bit of wish fulfillment for me as a trans man - short but with a broader build, fairly strong shoulders and hips but a bit of stomach to fill out between so he's not really hourglass-y at all. hairy all over, big obvious top surgery scars that will get an update to probably look like flames or claw marks soon, and covered in interesting scars. i always wanted to come up with a story behind all of them but i only ever figured out ones for two, one on his knee and the brand on his chest that ties him to his demonic patron. he had a shitty tiny ponytail for a long time because i love getting my hair just long enough to have a tiny shitty ponytail, but his hair started getting longer over time and now i like him with long hair. cringefail facial hair. he cannot grow a mustache to save his life but that's not gonna stop him.
ok so john. john was originally a hotel podcast oc, as in like i had this idea that the owner might have once been a human guy and got yoinked and twisted to fit the hotel's needs. so john was just my design for the owner but a little more saturated, like he goes semi-greyscale when he gets got. i ditched the turquoise bolo tie when i decided i wanted him in underbelly and i'm trying to fill his wardrobe out a little more with clothes that a divorced dad trying to find his feet again after a painful break up might pick for 'fun'. where laz was my wish fulfillment as a trans man back in college, when i was barely beginning to believe i could possibly be genderweird, john is my wish fulfillment as a trans man now. tall, beefy, hairy, big shaggy sideburns. he's got less thought put into him than the others because he's not been around as long, give him a few years to mature in the soup and i'm sure he'll develop.
7. Does your oc have any notable skills or good personality traits? Why did you give them those traits? Why do they exist in-universe?
see prev answer for sal!
lazarus is somewhat similar to sal in that he's quick to pick up on tiny details, but i would call him more street smart than book smart. i wanted the two of them to have a bit of a battle of the minds going on, not quite like death note levels but more like your average columbo episode. laz is in total control of himself at pretty much all times, as well - he is driven primarily by anger, but he's had enough time to figure out how to use anger instead of being used by it. sometimes he loses control but it's rare. he has a good relationship with a lot of people in the underbelly, he makes a point to help out where he can and engages in a lot of favor-swapping. i really want him to be a pillar of the community sort of guy, someone really intensely invested in the space they've helped to build because he's been aimless and wandering in the past and it's no way to live. he's a bit world weary and can come across as cynical, but deep down even if he doesn't believe in the inherent goodness of man, he thinks man can be dragged kicking and screaming towards some kind of goodness.
john is a good natured and good hearted kind of guy, despite his flaws he has a fairly strong sense of right and wrong and he's really fiercely loyal and protective of his loved ones. frankly see that one post that's like 'character that's submissive in the way a guard dog is submissive'. he's lost people and relationships in the past for various reasons so when he finds something that sticks he's desperate to keep them close and safe and intact.
9. In a group dynamic, what kind of role does the oc usually fill? Are they a worry wart? A troublemaker? The straight man?
sal is the worrier for sure and the one who goes home early because she's not having fun. laz is the one you think is the straight man until a third act subversion and then he's either covered in other people's blood or has challenged the biggest guy in the bar to a drinking contest that he will win and then make out with said guy. john is the designated driver.
10. What is your favorite trait regarding your oc?
i love sal's cowardice. it's really meaningful and special to me how little she wants to do with anything happening to her and how she figures out how to deal with it anyway and succeed while never really getting over how much she wants to just go home and get in bed.
my favorite lazarus trait is his anger, because i love a character who lets their rage bubble and boil under the surface while appearing completely calm until they just explode, but like a controlled demolition.
i love john's ability to adapt. when he ends up in the underbelly it's not long at all before he's got a stable job & a place to live & people who call him friend because he just goes with the flow and makes it work. yeah he's got goat eyes and horns and he sleeps on a pile of hay now bc he's too big for his bed most nights but hey, could be worse!
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phantastragoria · 8 months
Hey I’m not sure don’t remember if I sent this too you already or if I sent it to someone else but if I didn’t, I’d like to ask, what would you want in a sequel to the 2021 guardians game if they made one in terms of gameplay, characters and story?
Omg what don't I want LOL. This is opening the floodgates of my mind so reader beware, you're in for rambling insanity...
I'd want it to heavily focus on Nikki! I feel the first game boils down to being her story and I'd like if we continued that but with her having a more direct presence, obviously. Eidos Montréal giving Pete a daughter is the realest outcome ever they were so right for that and I desperately need to see his cringefail dad escapades of figuring out how to raise an emotional preteen girl like this is literally a sitcom setup I NEED to see the outcome of it all.
Joking aside I really want to see how Nikki actually is on the team (Is she allowed on missions? Is she a goofus like her dad and running off into danger??) and how she's dealing with everything post the Magus/Promise/Church shenanigans. The teen years are already really hard to navigate, especially for a young girl, but also adding on having been a bit sheltered from growing up on a Nova Corps ship AND going through the events of the first game... It's definitely going to be rough as hell and I really doubt the Guardians' chaotic lifestyle would help at all. And what's with her immediate connection to the soul stone/gem when it hurt everyone else? Something is going on there with her origins...
I don't want Gamora getting defaulted to a mother figure, but I'd like to see how her and Nikki get along, if at all. I'm sure she's crazy protective of her even if she's not projecting onto her as bad anymore but... only time will tell.
A thought that might not be important to anyone else, but I hope there's a discussion about how Peter needs to deal with Nikki's schooling. I'm sure he'd want better for her than he had had (see- no education past the 7th grade because of the whole being imprisoned thing.) I really really hope he DOESN'T decide to homeschool her though 😵‍💫 She deserves an actual education, but... the Guardians are poor so I'm sure it's going to be a problem of some sort and a struggle unless there's resources for that in their version of the Andromeda galaxy. 🤔
The most important thing ever... I need Drax to learn a musical instrument (saxophone) for fun. Our world will never be at peace until we get to hear him play a little musical tune for real. The character has existed since the 70s and I have no clue as to what kind of jazz music he even played... please let him play :( Less important (jk) but are the eternals like Mentor going to get on his case for not finishing the job with Thanos..?
Obviously, i want to know whatever is up with Richard Rider and his absence. The way the first game continually references him... I don't particularly want it to only devolve into romance, but i do want to know more about what sort of relationship he had with Gamora and exactly why he just vanished without a word to her about it.
Also, why does Peter seem to dislike him? Have they met beforehand? Is he just uncomfortable with another human?? Was he an extreme weirdo to Peter if they had met for real before??? (In the prequel novel Peter saw him during a 3D communications thing, but they didn't speak to each other.) I need answers!!! I want to assume wherever he went, he left willingly, considering he left his Nova helmet with Tivan... but why he trusted the Collector with that, I'm unsure and find it suspicious.
I've seen people suggest there's an obvious setup to some sort of infinity stone/gem and Thanos plot but I dunno... I definitely want to know where the hell his goofy ass went and it'd likely deal with that but if anything, I very much feel the plot would be dealing with more fallout of the War + recent Magus stuff that happened BUT especially dealing with political unease. Specifically the Spartoi Empire and why they went into extreme isolation, cutting themselves off from the dozens of planets they had under their control. I wouldn't rule out the possibility of there being another plot revolving partly around another single stone/gem, or one making a small appearance at the very least, however.
I'm not sure how it'd come together but I think it'd be fun if Mantis + Lady Hellbender + Adam/Pip and Nikki had a B-Team sort of moment if the main team was incapacitated. I'd also be remiss to not mention wanting to see a sort of Infinity Watch reunion/meetup if Heather makes an appearance.
And related to the above, I'd like if we got a moment where specifically Pete is out of commission and we have to play as someone else, if even for only a single chapter (I would love a stealth-like segment where you play as Gamora. Maybe if the team ends up on Spartax she has to snoop around for information?) I do acknowledge that'd be a hard sell for the devs though to add in a completely new gameplay style for just a singular short segment, so I could live without it.
I WOULD like to note I'm in the minority of players who like Peter being the main player character however! I'm biased in finding the concept of the element guns so fun and wanting to be the devil on his shoulder telling him what to say or do lol. That said, I WOULD like to see the base gameplay style expanded upon, especially if it went more of a puzzle focused route! I'm not good at explaining what I'm visualizing in my head, but I doodled a quick diagram that hopefully gets the point across of what I mean about that LOL.
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AND!! This is something that bothered me gameplay wise with the first game, with how you can't backtrack to previous levels with your element gun upgrades. This makes sense in-universe since the plot is one linear story but the element additions don't even roll over to New Game+!!! I am haunted by those teal cat beasts on Seknarf-Nine having an elemental weakness icon above their heads and how you can't go back and beat them with plasma and such 😔 I also think it would just add fun replayability and encouragement to find new puzzles in old levels when you get new elements. Maybe this is how you could find more outfit boxes in previously locked off areas? Speaking of outfits...
I NEED new costumes AND all the previous ones used in the first game to be included... this is not a want it is an absolute need. There are so many possibilities for outfits, there's too many to even list here. One outfit related suggestion I have is that, not necessarily having to swap every part of an outfit for different ones, but I'd like to be able to change helmets/hats/hair separately from the clothes themselves. That last one isn't a need, though. I just want more dress up options lol.
Maybe an inclusion of silly in-game visual filters? Like a black and white mode or a faded 70s filter, perhaps one with harsh dark shadows and saturated colors... I doubt this is possible and it's definitely not needed, but who knows where game development will be by the time a sequel happens! (I'd also like silly cheat codes... let me fly out of bounds in godmode and explore the level boundries... jk)
I'd like if the music choices started including 90s/2000s music, perhaps through Nikki collecting Earth junk and her bonding with Peter through that? Very inconsequential, but I would like it if Peter found out that the Star-Lord band DID make a new album at some point and he just never knew. He needs a small win in his little fanboy life (I feel deep within that this metaphorical album would have a blue cover... don't ask me why it just feels right.)
Quick last second list of people I would like to see appear/have some form of significance in the plot:
1. VICTORIA OF SPARTAX!!! Genuinely I want to see her more than anyone, even more than Richard (RICHIE IM SORRY!) I just need to see someone actually write her with respect and not as the second to her brother 😭 I'm absolutely certain she exists in this universe, so please...
2. Phyla-Vell (either as this universe's Captain Marvel or as the new Quasar incase something happened to Wendell between the first and metaphorical second game- Personally I think it would be more creative getting to see how Eidos would adapt Quasar's abilities.)
3. Heather/Moondragon (WHAT is she up to since her Nova Records mark her current whereabouts as unknown? From the same Records she's already been connected to the Dragon of the Moon and -was- prophesized as one out of three people to be the Celestial Madonna, but Mantis holds that title. Did they already fight over the right to it?)
4. SHIP/Aurora/the sentient spaceship from Peter's original 70s comics LOL LISTEN... I have faith in the madlads at Eidos to see the potential in her... PLEASE... It would be so funny.
5. Bug (😔 I know most people don't like him but I swear we can fix him... We already know he exists in-universe by his appearance in the prequel novel AND Mantis literally stating that, in regards to making a comment about Bug during the attack on Sacrosanct "I forgot you guys haven't met him (Bug) yet." Like come on, he's out there!!!)
6. Aradia and Mors, which I know will never happen, but let me believe.
7. ANY of the cosmic/abstract entities... we already know that Lady Death exists + Eternity and The Living Tribunal are known to the general public. I'd like to know where exactly they are because it's a bit concerning that they disappeared when the War had started years ago... perhaps Thanos had a hand in that. 🤔
8. If any Heralds of Galactus happen to show up, even if briefly, I would like the current herald to be Stardust.
9. Halfworlders like Blackjack and Wal-Rus or this universe' equivalents... Theory moment, but the prequel novel confirming that similar experiments happening on Halfworld were also going on in the Mercury base during the War makes me think that they have to be out there. I'd also like to see that Lylla survived and Rocket just didn't know. It'd be nice to see her get to exist outside of being a sad backstory thing that she's been relegated as for the last decade+ in media tbqh.
AND IMPORTANTLY if we indeed get more humans or extremely humanoid aliens in the cast, we desperately need some more diversity because there's no way every single human that makes it to space is white lol...
We're nearing the end now... so miscellaneous wants:
If it wasn't obvious by all my talk of Spartax by now, I want to see what Eidos had in mind for Spartoi culture so badly because the possibilities make my mind race! There's a bunch of little things I took as hints about them scattered throughout the first game, and it's part of why I think the sequel would involve them heavily in some way.
Related to that, I need Peter to think more deeply on his connection to his element guns and the implications of what they're actually capable of. Another gameplay specific suggestion, but I'm SO extremely curious if there being two of them means he could dual-wield two elements at once if he was more confident in using them?? I've been thinking about this for everrr.
And, just throwing this out there, I think it'd be very funny if/when Peter encounters J'son he has the option to just punch him square in the jaw without saying anything LOL.
I hope the epilogue stating that Peter is teaching Groot sign language becomes a significant thing that appears in the sequel :o it'd be really cool to see ASL in a game honestly because I can't recall seeing it elsewhere... and I want the others to learn it to communicate with Groot too!
I want Jack Flag in his prison cube that was drifting off into space to crash land on a tropical planet... but he is then eaten by a space whale RIP...
Finally, Rocket and Drax should start a space Etsy account selling gadgets/knitted items. Perhaps that is how the Guardians will get out of their financial hole once and for all.
#gotg game#guardians of the galaxy game#lex thoughts#gotg thoughts#universe: eidos game#none167#ask tag#genuinely so sorry for disappearing for so long... ive thought about this ask ever since i got it 😭#thank u for letting me ramble about the game literally i need a sequel so bad. i will wait as long as it takes to get it.#what would YOU like to see from a possible sequel dear readers?? i also wanna know#kept everything in me to not go on a whole thing about wanting more gay stuff but also i want way more gayness. that's very important to me#peter has the perfect opportunity come to terms being a cringefail single bi dad it's right there in front of him...#and when richard gets involved... well...#this all sounds so peter focused because i suck but i wanna know where the others could end up too!! l#there's sooo many things to explore i cant keep it all in. -passes out-#long post#if phylla and heather end up both appearing id like it to be their first meeting and us getting to see them bond/date btw. it could be swee#also what is kammy's deal... my current theory is that she's an aspect of an abstract entity or one of them cursed into a beast-like form.#or shes just an evil looking but normal galaxius omnipacus. it could go both ways really#... she eats through metal... can she eat vibranium lol...#the fear i felt in how i thought i lost this omg for some reason this overwrote the other ask you had sent when i saved it as a draft???#not complaining IM GLAD THIS WAS SAVED AFTER ALL LOL#anyway. thank u for asking 🫶 i hope this makes a little bit of coherent sense LOL#genuinely i have too many wants and thoughts on a sequel... so many possibilities...
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bitegore · 2 years
Do you have the tea on Tumblr user quetzalpapalotl? I've heard she's no good
yeahhhh ive heard some, uh, some bad things
she likes cannibalism. she even asks people who would otherwise write normal, unobjectionable things to add cannibalism to their stories and therefore SPREADING the freak shit
apparently she uses "she/ella" pronouns. idk what neopronoun set ella is from but neopronouns are obviously kind of cringefail, especially ones that no one knows, so it's weird that she does this
she likes IDW 2005 Optimus Prime, which as we all know is like FIVE HUNDRED red flags in a bundle. normal, morally acceptable people know that he needs to be shunned as a character and completely ignored forever
despite those obvious freakish and weird things she has a pink blog and posts a lot of pictures of like flowers and butterflies, which is clearly a scheme to manipulate people into thinking she's not a huge freak and a weirdo. very suspicious behavior
she's also like really active in the fandom and runs a really well curated blog of transformers posts, which as clearly stated above is CREEPY AND SUSPICIOUS. it has to be for an ulterior reason, like getting more cannibalism in fanfiction
she associates with a person i shan't name here but who likes b*mber m*gatron better than post-redemption autobot megatr*n. Liking either incarnation of the character obviously valorizes abuse and suggests you shouldn't kill everyone who ever wronged you but liking bomber m//egatro//n after spotlight: megatron is proof you're fucked up and dangerous
there's more, of course, but you can see where i'm going with this. tumblr user quetzalpapalotl is an actual vampire in real life, trying to manipulate people into thinking that vampirism is okay by making people read fanfiction about megatron drinking people's blood so she can SNEAK INTO CONS and DRINK YOUR BLOOD!!! we can't let her get away with it
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yellowistheraddest · 1 year
sending you my hcs that are varying degrees of quality but. eh. it's my media perception so i have no shame in them
1. obviously asd/autistic miles because that is the truest thing ever? i don't think it's something he discovers as an adult, more like he got diagnosed before dl-6
2. maya to me is a girl that wears leg hair with pride. i'm sorry i can't imagine her in any other way and i picture her chubbier than capcom made her just bc she deserves that powerful look
3. miles edgeworth is a quiet rebel to me. this hc started when i saw a post about how putting your hands in trousers pockets isn't proper etiquette and miles does it anyway so... i just think he does these small things to feel mischievous and like his own person, maybe he did them more in his youth. and i also think the steel samurai and watching it also feels like rebellion to him and gives him a certain thrill? idk if this makes sense honestly
4. i think i made fanart of this one before but i basically hc that the short animations we see before a case (esp the ones in aa1 revealing the culprit) are phoenix's dreams that he barely remembers but they guide him like an intuitive sense. because yk how in aa2 the animation we see is an actual nightmare of his... and he definitely has some spiritual ties there somewhere.. and in aa4 he deadass predicts the future ominously to apollo sometimes... and he goes through spirit medium training with maya bc she makes him.....it makes sense
5. pearly's aged-up design is way different in my eyes. like i'm sorry but she should rebel so much after the ways she was raised, let her have the most unfortunate haircut in the world and funky makeup and cool clothes
6. yeah that's it im not going to embarrass myself further 👍
damn, let me get my reading glasses (i don't have reading glasses)
1. miles is the final form in the evolution line of the autism creature, so agreed. although i think gregory is not around enough/too old fashion to notice it, and von karma is a dick and would purposefully avoid getting him diagnosed; i think he got diagnosed after moving out. overall a strong 9.5 out of 10
2. i can definitely see her with body hair, but idk about the body fat because she has to stand under waterfalls for days so the training probably requires a restrain from food (kinda how monks fast) but im not in opposition of her being chubbier. 7 out of 10, capcom give us more details about the training plsss
3. lets just say ive been planning to draw something related to this idea... so 10 out of 10, hes shy and unsure about it but hes still a rebel at heart.
4. i think he just smokes weed when he reads case files and we just get to trip with him (yes this chronologically doesn't make sense but idc). Brother is the plainest cringefail guy - hes the last person anyone should give magic powers to, theres like 7 billion people who'd be better off with them. this one is a 6 put of 10, im not big into magical powers.
5. i hate pearl. well more like i hate children and pearl is a child, but they failed with her so bad the design... 9 out of 10.
pearl, send me a dm and well go clothes shopping and get you a haircut so it actually looks like youve actually been affected by 7 years of no longer dealing with your bitch of a mom
6. 0 out of 10, be shameless its the internet noone knows who you are. just don't be a weirdo!
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