#he's a quick thinker
I'm. I should be in bed. I should. But. Fucking hell is that a bad read lmfao. Just gonna go down the list shall we?
Stede starts off hesitant and asking about the rules because he doesn't KNOW the rules of a duel. Of which there are many, that he should have asked about before he accepted. Rules that Izzy, an experienced swordsman/fencer would know. Rules that Izzy, an experienced swordsman/fencer would follow, being 'the best sword on the seas'. Its not Izzy's fault or problem that Stede is overconfident and dumb. Stede isn't being 'proper' by entering a duel where he doesn't know the rules, he's being stupid. He’s TOLD this, in not so many words, by Ed (and the rest of the crew). Still not Izzy's fault or problem.
Izzy has been impatient with Stede throughout the season because he IS ignorant and naïve. And because he's arrogant despite being ignorant and naïve. And he's arrogant because he's a rich man/gentleman (in the original definition of the word: a land owner) who thinks he's better than people of lower stations than his own, even if its only subconsciously. Given that its subconscious and its a learned ideology that Stede is arguably working on, I'll give him the credit of 'he doesn't really mean it' but its an attitude he's turned on the crew as well and one that they haven't called him on (except Oluwande, but he was too gentle about it when Stede needs it to hit him like a brick) but they have narratively pointed it out.
He's not desperate, he's angry. And honestly, rightfully so, at least from his own point of view (and kind of like, in general too?). Stede has been nothing but unpleasant to him from the jump and his crew are following his lead. Izzy is not having a good time on the Revenge like Ed, Fang, and Ivan are. Nobody is letting him (even himself, in fairness). ANYWAY. Its not desperation, Stede is the desperate one if either of them are. He's not miraculously ‘out of reach’, he's running away. A lot. Not exactly in the spirit of the duel he accepted.
Stede's win is, by definition, unfair. He exploits a loophole, one that he didn't even know about, and he's lucky that Buttons did. Tossing the powder in Izzy's face is unfair. Getting Izzy's sword stuck is unfair. 'Rendering a weapon inoperable' in a traditional duel would likely mean 'disarming' the opponent with your own weapon. Getting the sword stuck fits on a technicality. Unfair. 'He just wanted to humiliate Izzy'? Have you been to like, kindergarten? Do you know what fairness is? That ain't it.
Izzy is a good swordsman and he's confident BECAUSE he's a good swordsman. He's not boastful/arrogant. He’s straight to the point. He's not the one who says 'he knows his shit' that's Ed. His confidence is earned. His downfall is not realizing he's one of the antagonists/the rival love interest in a rom-com. He can't adapt. If it were anyone else he was fighting but Stede Bonnet aboard the Revenge? He would have won. But because its Stede and because Izzy is following the rules of HIS world he loses. The same can be said for him in the rest of the season as well.
I can agree that the duel is a good show of personality but you're like. Wildly off about how it does so.
Not gonna reblog because anybody that has that bad a read of Izzy (and Stede tbh) is getting a block from me but I am happy to share my opinions. 3/10 read, you at least got the crew and Ed right.
IZZY. IZZY HANDS? HE doesn't care about rules or fairness? Off the top of my head, Izzy: buys the hostages from the natives instead of stealing them, apologizes to Ed when he believes he's wronged him, plays chaperone/teacher while the Revenge crew is learning pirating, reminds Ed of his OWN rules and holds him to them, challenges Stede to a DUEL instead of outright killing him, gets decked in the face by Ed for selling out Stede and calls it 'fair', he literally describes himself as captain as 'tough but fair'. THAT Izzy Hands doesn't care about rules or fairness? Okay. Okay sure. Totally. Right.
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epickiya722 · 9 months
Can we talk about it because oh my gosh...
When Megumi told Yuuji he is adept, he was not just saying that because this part is another moment that shows just how quickly Yuuji learns.
First off, look at how wide that curse's mouth is. Mind you, this happens once. Yuuji is shocked and thrown off by this.
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However, before the second time it happens, he backtracks. And then runs at Kenjaku who then releases the catfish curses again. However, just before Yuuji would "fall" he jumps and could have made the distance had not Kenjaku sent those centipede curses.
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He had this attack happen to him once and it lasted just a couple of moments. And Yuuji figured out how to work around it.
"Sukuna's vessel is tough." And much more!
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nana2009 · 8 months
do u think dave would 👉👈 karkat bleed. or does he keep him very very safe
i dont rlly sea dave as a violent yandere??? at least not unless absolutely necessary or rlly rlly desperate. he would try to keep karkat as safe as possible while still maintaining some kind of control over him, ykno? because as much (subconsciously) controlling and manipulative dave is, he's still caring and near submissive otherwise. to drive him to wounding karkat at the point of drawing blood it would have to be reelly serious, somefin like probably hes drunk or out of himself and karkat tries somefin bold or drastic that doesn't give him enough time to think of a rational solution but attack! rarely would he ever use physical strength against karkat out of his own rational will.
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so in conclusion id say it depends on the situation, but it would have to be the kind where dave can not control himself? :3
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oh yeah, somehow this happens in the future. (///>u0///)
psst. a bonus for blood i didnt add in one image because i thought it would be too over-the-top and lowkey gross(maybe.)
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its a lil detail i wanted in, but thought my initial intentions would have been a little too obvious....(and also got a firm no from my moirail BUT IM STILL SHOWING HEHEHE!!)
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stressedjester · 8 months
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Why don't people talk about Plas beating Superman at chess more often
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becauseplot · 5 months
hi i have a question! i’ve been listening to the ordem au playlist and thinking about this au recently.
in things we lost in the fire au, how did bagi get involved in the paranormal? was her team formed before she joined them, and how long have they been together?
Question!! Okay!!! (scrambling to gather all my notes.) @factorialsotherfandoms Get in here we've got mail!
Bagi's backstory isn't detailed, but Factorial and I have discussed in the past that her story is that Bagi (who works for the police doing digital forensics*) was working on what seemed to be a normal criminal case that quickly went sideways into the Paranormal. Some of her coworkers probably (definitely) died in the process. This is how she first met some members of the Order, who she ran into during this whole ordeal. She was officially recruited by Fit. Fit's main job is training and recruitment, so once she was settled, her team was usually just her, Etoiles, and Walter Bob, with Fit and/or others joining in occasionally if it's obvious they need an extra set of hands.
((*Yeah, digital forensics. This was a choice made mainly to avoid writing op!Bagi too closely to Liz Webber, a forensic scientist who worked with the police, but honestly op!Bagi being a police detective could still work, given that's different from forensics. She still would have gone to school for digital forensics, though, then ended up landing in detective work once she joined the work force. Going to school for one thing and doing something different---it happens. It's hard for me to imagine any version of Bagi sitting behind a computer for most of her job, is my point.))
Bagi has been part of the Order for less than a year by the time the events of Relative happens. Walter Bob and Etoiles were already pretty firmly seated in the Order by this time, and of course Fit has been here for years. (Fun fact: Etoiles was Phil's last recruit before he cut ties and retired! Phil still asks how Etoiles is doing whenever he calls Fit to say hello.)
After that case gone wrong and joining the Order, Bagi is...well, at her normal job, she's not particularly close with anyone. He coworkers (fed an "official story" cooked up by the Order's cover-up team) know that the case went sideways, that some of their colleagues died, and she doesn't like talking about it. She pulls away from them when it proves too difficult to look at them knowing that they don't know and can never know.
The people at the Order tell her it's a normal thing to feel, that it happened and happens to a lot of people when they're exposed to the Paranormal for the first time, but even so, by the time Relative happens, the only people she feels close to are still exclusively other members of the Order. She has her colleagues at work, but she doesn't have much of a social life with any of them. Finding a balance is proving to be difficult for her. And once again, she's told that's normal too.
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llettucestuff · 11 months
This was supposed to be a short thing about a hc I have where Chase’s frame is a bit colder than normal, and Heatwave’s a bit warmer. Instead, this kind of derailed and became… whatever this is. It’s very self-indulgent and probably a little OOC lol. This particular fic has Chase and Heatwave as Amica Endura’s btw, but I won’t always write them like that.
ALSO I haven’t written for Transformers in like, a REALLY long time so please excuse any missed terminology :]
ALSO ALSO Chase is kinda inspired by @/delkios HCs here on tumblr from like 2016, and this series on AO3, which is also inspired by delkios. More on that in the tags. Enjoy!
Chase muses about the general nuances between him and his Amica, and their overall relationship in relation to Griffon Rock.
Or, Chase runs cold. Heatwave runs hot. They make it work.
Despite his core temperature being at an optimal point for functioning, Chase still ran decidedly cold, through no fault of his own. He’d been that way ever since he was a sparkling, sitting in front of heaters trying to warm up his endlessly cool servos and pedes, never really feeling truly warm, servos always either burning hot or in their natural state of permanent cold.
His Amica, the mech after Chase’s own spark, on the other hand, ran hot like an earth furnace. Chase recalls being told various stories of Heatwave trying to cool himself down, sneaking into freezers and other places mechlings like him shouldn’t be. It was almost funny, the way they were trying to achieve the opposite of what the other was. Maybe that’s why they work so well together.
Chase’s servos were always a touch too cold to be pleasant or fully “normal,” digits sometimes stiff with inclement weather coupled with a chilled frame, Heatwave’s palms always warm and grounding, frame hot like his temper.
They were equilibrium for each other, opposites in the regard of outward frame temperature, always ready to cool one down or warm the other up. It worked, and that’s why they were Amicas.
(Not just for that sole fact, Chase would input, musing that Heatwave’s companionship meant much more to him than his admitted handiness as a personal heater).
That fact, that is, their cool and heat swapping tendencies, hasn’t changed in the many, many vorns that they had known each other, even pre-Amica Endura status. So, given that, it isn’t expected by either of them for it to change once they meet the rest of the Sigma-17 rescue team, where they meet Blades and Boulder, or when they hit Griffon Rock and discover their new mission— and it doesn’t, as they predicted so.
(It’s a touch curious and a bit of a wonder how neither Boulder nor Blades discovered their Amica status before Griffon Rock. It’s not like either we’re being particularly subtle, but they supposed that their combined general professionalism probably skewed the other two bots’ perception of them, and any private time between themselves was usually during recharge time, or so subtly done that it was overlooked. Chase would find it funny if he wasn’t so concerned about his friends perceptiveness.)
Apparently, after scanning their new vehicle modes, Chase and Heatwave’s frame temperature translated, to a degree, to the inside of their cabins. This doesn’t necessarily cause a bad problem, but, minor complications do arise.
Sometimes, Kade would gripe about the heat during the summer months, complaining that the heat made him sticky. Sometimes, Chief Burns would be a touch chilled when first entering Chase’s cab, though he never really commented on such.
Both were easily fixed and placated with the flick of a dial that had the Chief murmuring gratefully, sinking in to the warmth with a subtle but firm pat to the dashboard. On the other hand, it had Kade and Heatwave grouching at each other loudly until Heatwave finally cranked the AC as high as it would go, and, in a most petulant manner, they would spat for a few minutes longer, then acquiesce; although both Chase and Cody were proud to announce the fact that these spats and arguments had become fewer in frequency over the course of time, a fact that they took immense satisfaction in: it meant they were getting along, working together, tolerating each other’s presence. They still fought, surely, because that’s just who they were as people (and cybertronian).
(Chase would not divulge Heatwave’s late-night ramblings about his parter, ranging from words not meant for the likes of little audials, to worries about his human friend. Heatwave was shudder-to-think that Kade would actually realize that Heatwave listens to him, much less cares about him, in the covertly roundabout way that Heatwave does when he meets new people that seem to grow on him. Yes, Chase was sure Heatwave’s quiet affections were born out of nothing but pure concern about the fragileness of his squishy human partner and the rest of the Burns family.)
At the end of the day, when they had the time to spare and a near-certain guarantee of no impending emergencies to disrupt them, Heatwave would sit on the bot-sized couch, Chase’s helm cradled delicately in his lap, and they could bask in each others’ presence and talk in their native vernacular, occasionally watching human TV or reading datapads and books alike. Of course, they would swap positions interchangeably— it all depended on how the two felt on that particular night.
Heatwave’s heat would leach into Chase’s cool, and the two mechs would sit there, basking in the steady, familiar equilibrium of their soothed sparks and evenly-temperatured frames.
Sometimes, one of them would instead lay down on the couch like it was a squishy berth, and the other could lay on top, trading coolness for warmth (and vise versa), and let the steadiness wash over them, EM fields melding lazily, and systems shutting down to fall into an easy, quiet recharge.
It was peaceful. Routine, when they could afford it. Nice, even, though they would argue on separate fronts that any one-on-one time with their Amica was beyond just “nice”.
It was the perfect way to recharge, Heatwave thought, never one to shy away from physical affection (in the many gruff forms he typically dished it out in) with someone he loved. If Chase could have it his way, they would do this every night, holding servos and muttering halting words and conversations half-thought out to each other into the gentle quiet of the bunker.
Chase’s normally rigid, borderline inexpressive field going almost wiggly and boneless, blanketing over them as he grumbled tiredly over his Amica, shifting as he knocked their helms together gently in a spur of the moment bout of (what sometimes felt like an overwhelming amount of) affection.
Heatwave gave his servo a gentle squeeze, making soothing little sounds to calm the policebot back into recharge and settling his own field over the two of them, engine purring quietly in contentment. Heatwave was quick to glare and snap at any of the other bots that might come near them that were in the “living room” part of the bunker with them, mostly for fear that they might make a nasty comment on their admittedly compromising condition, though that happening in and of itself was a rare occurrence due to the timing of their little quiet moments, and the sheer respect the other two held for them.
It was actually Boulder who found them the first time it happened on Earth, Heatwave recharging so deeply his engine was stuttering, with his helm cradled in Chase’s lap with one of Chase’s servos supporting his neck plating.
Boulder had stopped and looked, eyeridge quirking up in a decidedly learned human gesture, to which Chase merely brushed him off with a wave of his free servo and a flick of his field dismissively, returning to his datapad. Boulder, ever the calm, non-confrontational mech, had never mentioned it after the fact, drawing his own conclusions in the privacy of his mind (with maybe a few snapped photos for his memory files, just in case).
The second time, it was Blades who found them, Chase soundly recharging while leaning against Heatwave, their servos clasped between one another even in his recharge. Heatwave glanced up from the TV and glared at Blades with a viciousness that would earn him a scolding later, who skittered off without a word of question, a touch too skittish to try and ask the angry firemech until much, much later.
Heatwave was protective and touchy when it came to his Amica and their status, sue him.
Over the months, Boulder finally gathered some courage to ask Chase about their potential relationship, with all the grace of a thudding ballerina.
“We’re Amica Endura,” Chase had simply said after Boulder’s shy, stuttered question, almost smiling and most definitely pleased with himself, if the way tender emotion seeping onto his faceplate was any indication, “and have been for many vorns.”
“I see,” Boulder had replied, grinning and nodding, grateful that admittedly tactless way he asked the question hadn’t upset the policebot. “You two were partners back in the Academy.” It’s more of a statement than a question, prodding at the prospective double-meaning of the word.
“Heatwave was the only mech who wanted to be around me back in the Academy, given my… unique circumstances.”
“Unique—? Oh. Right. Sorry, Chase, I didn’t—“ realize, didn’t remember, didn’t know it affected your life like that— a frown, field tugging in, then Chase’s reassurance:
“It’s quite alright, Boulder. No bodily damage or any vulgar obscenities said, as the Chief says.”
“You mean ‘no harm, no foul’, Chase?” Heatwave entered the room with thudding pedesteps, looking between the two with half-formed suspicion lingering in his optics, arms crossed right against his chest. “What’s this about?” His field tugged at Chase’s with question and apprehension lingering between them, a silent what’s going on both said and not.
“Boulder was just inquiring about our Amica Endura status,” Chase informs, tone bordering on bright, his audial twitching in a different direction— most likely he heard something from upstairs, “And I find that we are the most probable source of reliable information about the subject, Heatwave, and our friend was merely curious.”
“Right.” Heatwave grunted, field tugging Chase’s briefly in something like relief and acceptance before patting his shoulder armor firmly and moving on, the brief contact exchanging both pleasant warmth and much-needed coolness.
“I think he’s a little…” Boulder trailed off, searching for a word that was less-rude than “prickly” or “overly worried”.
“Protective?” Chase hummed in question, helm tilting to the side, “I feel the same, but it is entirely warranted, given our past, and he is my Amica.” Chase says, like it explains everything, and, well, maybe it did, “I will stick by him, rites-willing.”
Boulder smiled in that soft, knowing way of his, optics warm. “Must be nice, having a sparkner all this time. I’m glad you have each other.”
“As am I. I’m grateful to have Heatwave for so long, and I’m want for nothing more in a partner.”
“That’s awfully sweet,” Bounder’s field went all soft, his affection tugging at Chase’s stiff field. “You balance each other out, now that I think about it.” Remembering all of the times Chase was able to calm Heatwave when he was on an irate, angry warpath with a servo to the shoulder plate and some hushed words exchanged in soft Cybertronian; all of the times Chase was stuck in a cyclical, logical thought-process and couldn’t see things from a different light had Heatwave telling him the facts point-blank, trying to drill his way through and urging Chase to attack the issue from a different, still somewhat logical connection.
Now that he thinks about it, Boulder recalls how Heatwave was always the mech that ran the warmest when they were on the Sigma, practically radiating heat in the endless, desolate cold of space that even they could feel. Chase was always the coldest, seemingly emanating a unique sort of cool that seemed permeated the space around him in some circumstances.
Opposites, indeed. But, Boulder thought, it was kind of fitting. Chase’s mouth tugged into that half-grin of his, “That we do. Now, if you’ll excuse me, Boulder, I have some studying to do.” And with that, Chase sauntered off, likely in search of his police manual.
“Huh. Wonder how we didn’t see it before.” Boulder mumbled to himself, shaking his helm fondly and turning around to go back to the bunker through the garage.
“See what?” Blades asked, turning the corner, “If there’s any gossip, I want to know!” Primus, he was sounding more and more like Dani every day.
“I, uh. Well, you see,” Boulder attempted, still unsure if the two Amicas wanted their relationship aired out.
Blades shot him a look, both teasing and intrigued. “Well?”
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smoreal · 2 years
Had a very srs discussion with my brother about Sonic and his level of intelligence
Bc sure he’s fast on his feet, but to do the other things he does, you’ve gotta be a quick thinker too
Maybe he doesn’t calculate numbers and angles on the go like, idk Peter Parker, but he’s able to jump at a specific angle with enough momentum to get where he needs to go and maintain his speed, and maybe it’s just something that comes natural after doing what he does for so long
Tails would probably be astonished the first few times he notices how Sonic’s able to chart the quickest path through a hallway filled with badniks within a split second, and I could see the little guy squinting suspiciously at his big brother thinking ‘maybe he’s holding out on me???’
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v8mpvrse · 5 months
girl help my sense of justice won’t let me move on from this game ‼️
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prophecydungeon · 1 year
the more i chew over the mercs trilogy from rvb14 the more i think my initial reaction to it was kind of a complete misread actually lol
i had to dig through some old posts to find where i talked about it but initially i approached/read it as showing a pivotal, critical moment in felix and locus's history where they tipped over the line from being This to being That, and in that regard, the episodes are definitely still super fun and charming and Good but they also fall very flat. what exactly was pivotal about that? honestly, not much unless you want to do an insanely close read with some reaching. i guess maybe the whole "surprise, guess we're down to do a ransom and also kill a guy" part but... not really? they definitely murdered n+1 people at the club and are not new to murderizing (eg. the "mason wu, trained killer of men" comment). that was not a moral high ground situation in any way and nothing about it really points to it being The Moment that something changed fundamentally.
but what it was, actually - and i feel silly that i didn't read it like this at first - was honestly just a show that felix and locus did actually come from a place of doing net positives at some point in their lives. and that's not something to be dismissed! the fact that they weren't terrible horrible no-good dirty rotten mercenaries from the day the left active service is really interesting! and the trilogy showcased all of that in a super fun and charming and Good way and sometimes the point is just to show that things used to be different.
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saltbind · 9 days
anyway not to post abt something other than spn but i am still always thinking abt how jack traven in speed is just stiles stilinski as an adult
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forwomenbiwomen · 4 months
please excuse me 😭🙏
#I'm having a moment please excuse my degenerate ranting#Baby fever has hit me HARD and FAST#A real life baby would basically ruin me rn but the demons 😩#I would be such a good mother I know it in my heart and soul and mind#I have incredible role models and support and I would do and be everything in my power to make sure it's healthy#Is this evolution??? Like innate????? Idk it feels like it#The demons........ 😈#Idk but I've wanted kids since I realised I could#I had a wonderful sweet safe happy childhood and I know I'm biased (?) but still#I'm also committed to dressing them comfortably (not femininely) bcs god KNOWS that kids wanna romp#Idk the idea of starting a family makes me want to live my life to the absolute fullest so that they#(2 kids max I know my limits)#Can have a mother who's well-rounded and prepared and happy and educated and stable#I also want to be a teacher so my affinity for kids extends to that#I think they're neat!#I'm EXTREMELY empathetic and a quick thinker and I just love the creativity and knowledge and patience that's needed for dealing with them#The demons 😩😫#No kids until my boyfriend has fucking PROVEN himself to hell and back tho#I think I'll be vetting him until the day I die tbh#He's done very well so far and wants kids as much as me#Luckily he's sensible too so. None for now#And after being ill for about 5 years now I finally feel like I have a future again and this is part of it#If I want it badly enough then I'm going to make my health happen for my future children#🫡💪
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orangeocelotmartyn · 5 months
Etho: Dear Scar, we have to settle the-the-the shame you brought upon me before. I need to…defeat you. Scar: (snickers) I'll wash you just like your mother (?) Ren: Theater kid Etho is my second favorite theater kid. Scar: (snickering) It got weird. Ren: (laughs) xB: Second favorite--wait, what? (giggles) Ren: Marteen is my favorite theater kid, of course. Etho: I shall wash you like a pair of socks.
Ren: --it's true. Bdubs (about Etho): I hope he never roleplays again. Gem, Ren, Bdubs: (all laugh) Gem: Gonna discourage that. We like the-the Etho. Bdubs: Yeah, yeah yeah yeah. Ren: Well, I'm going to encourage it. Etho's my second favorite theater kid. Bdubs: Oh no, leave him-leave him alone. Ren: He's so good! His British accent is amazing. It's so good. Bdubs: Okay, okay. Everybody buckle up. Ren: You'll be next, Bdubs. You've got a theater kid in you. I know it's in there. Gotta squeeze it out, somehow. Bdubs: Yeah, yeah, it's the quick thinking of words, you know? Ren: Yeah. Bdubs: My whole persona is based off of, I can't think of words. (Ren laughs) And, and (Bdubs clears his throat) You-you and Martyn, you guys are quick thinkers. You think of words real fast. Ren: Yeah, when you theater kid you've gotta be (snaps fingers) snappy.
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phas3d · 2 months
Hi there! I’m not sure if your still taking requests, but I would love to know your thoughts on how Lorenzo, Theo, Draco, Mattheo, and Tom would react to their s/o wearing their hoodie/sweater. I was thinking headcanons or a Drabble but anything would be great! I really love writing and hope you feel inspired to write even more soon!
Wearing Their Clothes | Slytherin Boys
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type :: fluff
tw/cw :: calling theo a man whore, calling enzo a twink,
contains :: draco, tom, mattheo, theodore, lorenzo
notes :: inspired by uhh, nothing really - this prompt has been in my draft for ages and i finallyyyy finished it - THANK YOU to everyone who sends requests, I'm finally getting to them
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When you complained about being cold, he instantly started lecturing you
"I told you it would get cold but your little pea brain didn't process that"
But while he's lecturing you, he's taking off his jumper and handing it to you
It smells like him and it's super soft
He only buys the best material for his clothes, because duhhh
He lets you wear it until you're somewhere warm
Although he loves you, he loves his jumper more
But he does sacrifice some of his jumpers by letting you wear them because, he hates to admit it, but you look super cute in his clothes
He watches you shiver for a few minutes until he decides to offer his jacket
You could literally be turning blue but he won't offer his jacket until he feels like it
He sighs, as if you asked for his jacket, and drapes his jacket around your shoulders
And guess what,,, he even ZIPS IT UP FOR YOU
Even though he's a dickhead at times, he's still a gentleman
When you put on his jacket, he slightly smirks at how big it is on you
Not cause you're cute, but because it makes him feel powerful to know he's bigger
Is so so happy when he sees you out in the cold during his quidditch match
He's beaming and passes by you in the bleachers for a quick second as he throws his spare jersey in your arms
When you put it on, you smell his sweat and musk
Which would smell disgusting to some but to you, that's your boy :)
During his game, he glances over at you and smiles when he sees you wearing it
It helps push him to win even more
Sadly, Theo is a man-whore
Meaning he is always serving cunt,,, meaning he rarely wears jackets or sweaters
So if you're cold,,, so is he
Buttt on the lucky chance he is actually wearing a jacket and hiding his muscles, he doesn't hesitate to give you his jacket
And his jackets are 10 times better because not only is it always great material, clean, but it's also stylish
He always takes pictures of you when you wear his jacket, it makes him feel so happy and giddy
It kinda inspires him to try and style outfits for you to wear
Possibly plans matching outfits, that way if you get cold and he needs to give you his jacket - it will match both of you :)
This man is a THINKER!!! mwah
This man is a twig, twink, pocket sized
He will fly away in the wind like a napkin
BUT luckily, he loves getting massively oversized hoodies
It smells like the woods, a hint of lavender, but mostly fresh grass and sunlight is his scent
He loves to cool and comfy looks it gives - always gets a cool ass design on it as well
When you borrow his hoodies, he gets so giddy
He loves it so much since it's like he's claiming you in a way
Similar to how you leave hair ties, claw clips, and extra lip glosses all over his room
Definitely stacks up on big hoodies, that way you have a bunch of options to choose from
Even gets you guys matching designs in different colors
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rhenuvee · 5 months
Hoyoverse men who are not used to receiving affection, and get absolutely flustered when you do the tiniest things.
They are usually the ones who flatter- with the elegant words rolling off their silver tongues, it is hard not to be enamoured by someone like him. He is a quick thinker, coming up with the most witty and clever quips that puts up a challenge, even when you don't expect it. The way he says these things as well and how smoothly they flow don't help you resist him either. It's no fair that his charm is also paired with his good looks.
And for you, he is no different. In fact, he amps it up to 200% when it comes to you. How else will he praise your beauty and intelligence? He never fails to pay you compliments with such eloquent sayings that you'd never think of yourself. There's always something new with him as his sharp thinking allows him to come up with antics to tease you with. The best part to him is when you get flustered- cheeks getting warm, eyes clenching shut a little meek to his affection, your shy "thank you" you manage to utter... he loves it all.
So, one day when you do something- that's not even a grand gesture, he doesn't know what to do with himself. And it's more embarrassing for him when he knows you mean it genuinely, and though you weren't trying to fluster him, you did. You could be paying him a compliment back, except your tone is much more innocent than his playful one. In fact, you didn't even have to say anything, for you could just be showing him a new outfit you got and instantly- he's at a loss for words.
He covers his face: bringing up his hand, turning his head so his bangs shield him, a hat, or anything. Anything so you wouldn't see him blushing over such a small gesture. Though, sometimes you catch him anyway. No matter, he will compose himself and show you he thinks the same. He's willing to accept, because it's you after all.
Kaeya, Childe, Ayato, Lyney, Wriothesley, Argenti, Aventurine, Dr. Ratio, Jing Yuan, Sampo, Vyn, Marius
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aeskairo · 1 month
We need to take a moment to appreciate the details of this incredible scene.
So Ogata looks surprised and terrified when Usami grabs his arm.
Usami flips him and he lands on his back.
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He rolls over on his side and moans.
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You'd think he's moaning in pain, but he's not.
He's intentionally doing it to distract Usami from the fact that he's taking the cartridge into his mouth.
See the cartridge?
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In the next panel he has the cartridge inside his mouth already and begins crawling towards his rifle.
He continues to moan, which prompts Usami to stand there and gloat at his handiwork.
Usami is clearly enjoying seeing him like this, saying " What's the matter?! Get up!"
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Ogata crawls right up to his rifle.
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He starts to slide the cartridge out of his mouth, but as you can see from the flat end, the cartridge is backwards.
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Ogata KNOWS Usami is a psychopath and gets turned on by torturing his victims.
By moaning and crawling pathetically towards his rifle, he gave Usami an erection.
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Usami is really getting off to this and wants more.
He takes a pack of cartridges and throws it on the ground in front of Ogata, so he can prolong this delicious pathetic display.
He starts to really get into it and degrade and verbally abuse Ogata, calling him "son of a whore".
This gives Ogata the time to use his tongue to turn the cartridge around so that it's facing the right direction to be loaded into the gun.
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Ogata gets the cartridge into the right position and slides it in.
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Having gotten past the foreplay, Usami take the bayonet and goes for....penetration.
It's too late.
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Ogata may be terrible at hand-hand combat but he's a quick thinker. The moment he was flipped over on the ground, he wasted no time and put his plan into action.
Ogata KNOWS Usami.
He intentionally put on a display that he knows will appeal to Usami to buy time and give himself the upper hand.
Ogata is so damn awesome.
Thank you @goldenkamuyhunting for posting the scans
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lildoodlenoodle · 1 year
Thinking about the way noir and Hobie were most likely treated because of how they look and being severely underestimated because of it.
Hobie looks and acts like a punk. He is just unserious enough to not be taken seriously. The dude is smart enough to recreate a dimension jumping watch from scraps, that people WATCH him steal and go “ugh sorry about that, he’s always like that”. And they treat him like an instigative child. Meanwhile this man is staging an interdimensional coup and is essentially a rebel freedom fighter in his own world. He is incredibly strategic and a genius while also being kind and sticking to his guns. And as a reminder, without knowing Miles or how his powers worked for even two minutes he was able to accurately help him improve his abilities! Man is observant and a quick thinker! But he’s quiet about it!
Noir dresses and sounds like an ‘oldtimer’ bc he’s from the 1930s. People probably went “ah yes grandpa” with the assumption of a mild mannered, old, and jaded private eye. Probably thought of as behind the times and not as intelligent because of lack of experience with technology. But overall first impression was of a sensible hardworking guy, and at worst melodramatic. In reality, dude is more than mildly neurotic, has severe anger issues, and prone to getting into fights. A raised socialist activist, who has very little to lose, and has canonically burned down the Statue of Liberty, shockingly he is a bit of a wildcard. And more than likely got kicked off/quit the ‘elite strike force’ for those reasons. But he’s also resourceful, smart, and quick to adapt.
Both of these characters are going to be a force to be reckoned with when they get together. Very much house on fire that burns down the entire neighborhood type relationship. I’m very excited.
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