#he's essentially from the Addams family
animeyanderelover · 2 months
May or may not write in the next few days also some poly!relationship with Morticia and Gomez Addams (as portrayed in the two movies in the early 90s). For now I would like to try my skills with my currently other hyperfixation. We're talking about the Wolverine version as portrayed in the first 3 X-Men movies.
Tw: Yandere themes, possessive behavior, obsession, stalking, overprotective behavior, death
Wolverine Hc's
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The situation would be quite difficult and most definitely unexpected for Logan. He has spent years just aimlessly wandering around with no clear recollection of who he is and how he came to be, spent years just getting by somehow before Professor Charles and the X-Men offered him the closest thing to a family he has had since he came to be. He's loyal yet still sees himself as a loner who prefers keeping to himself. He's very conscious of his own feelings above anything else and even though he's known for his short temper and crude attitude he is by no means a bad person which is why he tries to put some distance between the two of you, fully aware that you shouldn't associate with him. At that point it is most likely too late already. For Logan to get so attached to you to the point of obsession it's likely that the two of you have known each other for a while now and that you've opened his heart up without even being aware of it. You've essentially just gained yourself a guard dog who will take any physical harm for you all too gladly.
Whilst Logan can be very possessive, especially in an established relationship, above all he is very protective. He spends most of his days just watching you from a distance, usually able to track you down by scent and sound alone. Normally his days do not require him to be overly busy unless Professor Charles needs something from him so he has a lot of time on his hands which he gladly devotes to you. All too often you have him always a few feet away from him, watching over you and willing to interfere as soon as anything or anyone should pose a threat to you. As someone who doesn't like when his own freedom is limited Logan at least gives it a try to not be too protective yet the fact that his senses are so much keener do not make this task easier. Never think that he isn't good in noticing your current mood. He hears it when your heart starts racing and his elevated sense of smell makes him very sensitive to changes in your body odor as he's able to detect the chemical changes when your emotions change. This plays a role in how he reacts and if his darling is highly emotional or on a more anxious Logan will be naturally more protective.
Your existence is a blessing as much as it is a curse for him simply because you make Logan aware just how painfully lonely he feels now that he has started yearning for you. You make him miserable in more than one way. Somehow he makes the situation even worse for himself though whilst being your devoted watchdog from the shadows. He's usually there when you spend time with friends or family outside, observing from a safe distance all whilst feeling a strange sensation tugging at his heartstrings, a strange sensation edging between warm comfort and cold loneliness. He'd like to be by your side too but knows that there are things he still has to work on. Jealousy is one of a few emotions that tends to make you aware that there is in fact a man following you around and the first time you hear that guttural growl from behind you you believe for a short moment that a beast is standing right behind you. One may call him too protective but he isn't irrational when he's jealous for neither his nose nor his ears lie to him. He knows exactly when you feel attracted to someone or vice versa.
People have insulted him more than once as being no better than an animal, a beast with no mind of his own. That is not true as Logan doesn't blindly attack people but killing others he will do if it guarantees your safety. There's a difference between arrogant stupidity that some may put up for show and the genuine bloodlust , the will that it takes to kill someone and Logan is able to tell the difference which often spares idiots their life as a few simple threats with his adamantium claws are more than sufficient enough to have grown men running away like little kids. Anyone who really comes for your life though will be met with the beast he has been called he is. Logan is fully prepared to murder anyone who would even dare try to lay a finger on you and his regenerative abilities tend to make him very reckless, fully prepared to use his own body as a shield and endure all injuries if it means that there isn't a single scratch on you. The one mistake someone could make though is triggering him to go berserk by hurting you, leaving him attacking and hurting anyone around him blindly, his mind clouded in red rage as he tears through blood and flesh.
In all the years since he has awoken without any memories of his previous life he has never been able to settle down once as a unease deeply rooted within his soul kept him moving from place to place, too restless to ever allow himself to sit still for even a moment. He has no place where he could keep you and Logan knows that yet strangely enough the longer he starts spending time near you the more he feels a previously unfamiliar ease washing over him, one that motivates him to give a permanent stay in a place a chance, something that previously used to be unimaginable for him. Even if he were to actually take that step and buy a small house he would still refrain himself from kidnapping you unless his trauma that lays dormant somewhere in his mind would resurface when he has to witness the heart-shattering situation of almost losing you, a vice on his mind that would taunt him forever that you almost lost your life because he couldn't protect you. The guilt will most likely only serve as an additional shackle around his soul yet his paranoia would ultimately outweight his guilt.
You may fall in the same trap as others do when they initially lay eyes upon the wild-looking man. Whilst Logan is gruff, crude and quite aggressive at times he is not only that. He's more but that is a side he only reserves for the people he trusts and you figure out that there is far more beneath his hardened surface. He's kind, he's loyal, surprisingly gentle and downright flirty once you get to know him better. He's usually careful with his touches, aware that his grip may hurt you more due to the adamantium that coats all of his bones. Your scent usually manages to calm him as soon as he gets a whiff of it unless it would be tinged with distress in which case his own emotions would quickly start stirring up with worry. There are still occasionally moments where he appears more uncertain and hesitant, moments where he questions just how much he should indulge in all of this and to a degree even how much he deserves it. At that point he's already aware that it is far too late to recover though as he'd leave half of his heart with you if he were to distance himself from you now, doomed to always live only half the life he could have if he were to have you.
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gojuo · 3 months
Condal had to whitewash Aemond's entire character, give him traits from others, and make Aegon look cartoonishly incompetent and pathetic so he could live out his childhood dreams in his self insert
imma need to keep it real with you i dont think condal even likes aemond bc what he made him do this ep was unforgiveable and unjustifiable and locals are turning on his ass. i just think he believes tearing down the greens' love and loyalty to the family (and giving that aspect to rhaenyra's) is essential to his quest of making the greens the unequivocal villains of the dance.
i mean, that love and loyalty the greens all held towards their little family was /their/ redeeming quality, whilst team black was betraying each other left and right (daemon betrays rhaenyra, rhaenyra betrays laenor, corlys betrays rhaenys, ulf and hugh betray rhaenyra, rhaenyra betrays addam and nettles, corlys betrays rhaenyra, rhaenyra betrays rosby and stokeworth and they betray her right back, lord mooton betrays her which in turn makes daemon betray her again, the people of king's landing betray rhaenyra, syrax betrays her, and the entire dragonstone garrison betrays her too).
instead of giving aemond a compelling character arc where he's driven mad and manic by guilt towards what his actions caused the family (he was the one that killed luke and so kickstarted the war and b&c after all), ryan condal made him a psychopathic cold blooded murderer that gives 0 fucks about his family. like, not even daemon tried to kill his own brother no matter how much he wanted the throne 💀
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vera-deville · 4 months
I told you I would send in a request, so here it is! This is an Obey Me one, if that's alright!
First off, have you ever seen Little Shop of Horrors? If not, please do! One, it's essential for this ask and it's also just a great movie! No pressure though!
Now, onto the real ask! So, if possible, I'd like to request a florist!MC. But a florist who's kind of like Seymour.
(Here's where the whole Little Shop of Horrors thing really comes in)
They come to the Devildom with Audrey II. It's got its roots wrapped around the MC's waist, and it's vines wrapped around their arms while snug. Of course, it's heavily off-putting because.. well. There's a humongous and terrifying plant just.. attached to this human.
But the brothers don't mind it, until months into the MC's stay as an exchange student when Audrey II starts talking. Then, they're all freaked out. They're even more freaked out when the MC is not only fine with it, but is willingly talking to it like it's normal!
(Bonus if they see the MC prick their finger and then just.. let Audrey II clean It off.)
(Yes, this came to me in a dream in the middle of a 20-minute-nap.)
So, what would the brothers think of this?
Feed Me Seymour!
05/17/2024 - 05/30/2024
Pairing: No pairing (you can think of the interactions as either platonic or romantic) Word Count: 3,351 Warnings: Reader pricks their finger, but they'll be alright; mentions of chapter 16 Gender: Gender Neutral (as it was not specified in the request) Tags: @g0dwat3r (if any of you would like to be added to my Obey Me taglist, please let me know)! Notes: Okay, I really love your brain Touya, because this is already a fantastic idea, but you know what I started thinking about? Morticia Addams. I don't know if you've seen the old Addams Family series, but Morticia has a carnivorous plant called Cleopatra, and I really wanted to include her in the story. I didn't, but I'm definitely thinking about writing it.
In which Y/N has a rather interesting plant friend(?)
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We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at the Royal Academy of Diavolo.
Please return this letter with your sign to confirm your participation.
We are looking forward to welcoming you as part of our new exchange program.
Yours sincerely,
Huh? Royal Academy of Diavolo? Exchange Program? What was happening?
You tried to open your eyes, but there was nothing to see. Just pitch-blackness. It would have been more terrifying, but the soothing presence wrapped around your waist and arms helped. Quite a bit, at that. Clutching the stem of rice flowers close to your chest (although careful enough to not break the stem), you kept trying to see through the darkness for something, anything.
Soon enough, there was a voice. "We welcome you, human, to the demon student council."
The voice was stern, but pleasant, drawing your attention away from the darkness and to a room that was materializing in front of your eyes. It looked like a really goth courtroom, and you truly would have spent more time admiring the place if it wasn't for the ridiculously tall man who arose from the chief judge seat.
The man in question was handsome. Very much so. With burgundy hair, and a well-fitted suit, and skin so coppery sweet, it was no wonder that you couldn't help but stare.
And if you weren't so caught up in the man's appearance and the fact that you had no idea what on Earth was happening, perhaps you would have noticed that you weren't the only one staring.
You had to physically will yourself to pay attention not only to the man when he started speaking but the others in the room as well.
"Welcome to the Devildom, Y/N."
Astonishment enraptured your being for the simple reasons that this complete stranger somehow knew your name, and that every single person in the room was blessed with extremely good looks. The astonishment, unfortunately, did not go unnoticed.
"...Oh pardon me. Feeling a bit shocked, are we?" Asked the man with red hair. "Well that's understandable. You've only just arrived, after all." Arrived? Arrived where exactly? "As a human, it will probably take a little while for you to adjust to things here in the Devildom."
Okay yeah, this was some sort of really weird dream induced by your lack of sleep this past week. That's why there were really handsome dudes and that's why one was telling you weird stuff. Since it's a dream, there was no problem with going along with it, right?
"The Devildom?" You ask, feeling yourself relax a little more, now knowing that this is a dream.
"Yes, exactly, the Devildom. I see that you catch on quickly. Excellent." He replied.
Well, that didn't really answer anything.
You were about to ask for a better reply than that when he said, "I suppose I should start by introducing myself." Curious, you give him his moment. "My name is Diavolo. I am the ruler of of all demons, and all here know me." Cool. The dude's a demon king. Still not the weirdest thing you've ever dreamt. "And someday soon, I will be crowned king of the Devildom." Oh, he wasn't king yet. Then how's he a ruler already? You know what, it's probably best not to think too hard about it.
The so called ruler of the so called Devildom proceeded to explain about a school called R.A.D. and about a bunch of other stuff. The other demons (plus one that came in really late) introduced themselves as different demons of different avatars, and the more they spoke, the more you couldn't shake off a particular feeling.
It all felt too...real. You'd dreamt all sorts of things before, but a part of you somehow always knew that it was just a dream. But you didn't feel that this time. It felt far too real. The anxiety slowly crept back into your bones, a chilling effect settling over your being as your throat seemed to have something invisible lodged in it.
You tried telling them that you weren't meant to be here. That you were meant to be back home. You still had to finish your bouquet for Mrs. Harris, and you had a new shipment of peonies arriving in an hour. You hadn't finished watering all your plants. You hadn't cleaned up the shop. You still had so much left to do! You couldn't just be whisked away to some other world (that you still weren't entirely sure was a dream or not).
But alas.
You were told that there was no way they could send you back.
And if that wasn't bad enough, you had to go to school. You had assignments. You had tests. Oh and you were in what was basically hell.
Ain't that swell?
Throughout this whole ordeal, the plant around your waist remained dutifully wrapped around your figure, even nuzzling against your neck when she felt your discomfort.
Without much of a choice, you steeled yourself for the days in this foreign world that awaited you.
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The latest human addition to R.A.D. was a little...odd. None of the brothers nor the demon prince in the room wished to point out the very large plant that had wrapped itself around the human like some manner of serpent, especially since the human was completely unbothered by it.
Most of the brothers found it odd, of course. Solomon never walked around with a giant plant stuck to him, but then again, Solomon wasn't necessarily normal himself. A few of the brothers didn't find it in themselves to keep their thoughts quiet. Mammon in particular straight up screeched when he saw the plant, and maintained his distance (both emotionally and physically) and still the human did not seem to mind the plant.
Asmo found the plant ugly.
That was really the only way he could describe it.
It was ugly.
Satan had read stories of plants like this. In one book he read, the plant ended up eating a whole bunch of people. He only hoped that this was not a case like that story.
Beelzebub didn't really have an opinion on the plant. He could eat it, but it didn't really look too appetizing.
Diavolo himself was worried at first, because he was sure that humans didn't simply walk around with giant plants attached to them. When he told Barbatos about this odd situation, the ever loyal butler offered to look into the matter discreetly.
He found nothing.
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It had been many months since you had been whisked away to the Devildom (which you are now infinitely more familiar with). It was strange at first, and it took some getting used to, but you did it. Now, whenever you woke up to face the day ahead of you, you didn't do so in fear or anxiety or anything else.
You had grown accustomed to this new world.
In fact, you'd go so far as to say that you'd grown fond of the place.
Audrey II seemed to agree with this. Every morning, Audrey demanded a large meat dish to satisfy her hunger. The brothers assumed that you were a very hungry individual (Beel felt a deep hunger coming from you at all times), and didn't think much more of it. Every now and then, Audrey would crave a Backstabbing Sandwich (apparently it was particularly delicious), and you, having no other choice, entertained her food whims. What's the worst that could happen?
It was after the whole incident with Belphegor that you brought Audrey with you more often wherever you went. Though you and the brothers had slowly gotten past the incident, the trauma it left behind did not magically go away. Audrey II being the sweet thing she is, had no qualms to being carried around the Devildom (despite the lingering stares and questions that were thrown your way).
Today was a day that Audrey II would be coming with you. You were heading off to the flower shop you owned on Dogma Street. You originally were looking to open the shop at Silent Street, but Dogma Street caught your eye. The street itself was the biggest electronic district in the Devildom, and when you first proposed the idea to the brothers (and Diavolo and Barbatos) to open a flower shop there, they were quick to advice you not to. Why would you open a flower shop at a street primarily known for its electronics?
Still, you managed to push through, and you ended up becoming the quaint owner of a little shop next to an eatery on the street.
And wouldn't you know, it actually did pretty well.
Of course, since you were a student, you couldn't be at your shop full-time, and that's where two lesser demons come in - Terror and Dolor - a pair of siblings who often fought, but shared an interest in flora. They would take care of the shop in shifts, and seeing as you gave them the housing area right above the shop to stay in, you could make sure that they would be at your precious flower shop at (mostly) all times.
Today was planned to be their day off, which was fine by you, seeing as you hadn't been to the shop in a week and you desperately wanted to see your babies (plants) again.
You opened the door, causing a sweet bell to ring, signifying your arrival to your empoyees.
"You're back!"
Smiling, you greet your employees, Audrey still wrapped around you.
Terror and Dolor fawned over Audrey (they're really the only ones in the Devildom who do that apart from you) while you went inside to get your apron. Working at the flower shop had quite a few benefits. You could make your own money, go to work at your own time, and most importantly, you could be surrounded by the things that you love the most - flora (and Audrey).
Your flower shop was quaint (despite its large capacity). Many customers have complimented it, saying that it felt homely (which is exactly what you were going for, so mission accomplished successfully you supposed). Even Asmo loved the place, and oftentimes would post selfies from just about everywhere in your shop.
"Dolor, how's that order with the Bloody Acokanthera Oblongifolias going?" You asked the demon pruning Audrey II.
"Just finished it this morning! We shipped it along with the invoice for the flowers. The customer notified us that they would be making the payment by the end of today." Dolor replied.
Shooting a smile of satisfaction at him, you shooed the brothers out your shop, wishing for them to have a lovely day to do...well, whatever it was they did outside the shop. Right before they left, Terror told you that a certain demon butler had visited the shop earlier and left a letter for you, and how she placed it in your office.
With that in mind, you walked back into your shop, petting Audrey II as she sat on a table before walking into your office and grabbing the aforementioned letter.
Even without the knowledge from the siblings that Barbatos had delivered this letter to you, you would have been able to tell that it was he who wrote the letter. By this time in your adventures in the Devildom, you had come to recognize the handwriting of those you know. And while a few had impeccable writing (in cursive too), no one's writing was as elegant as Barbatos - not even Lucifer.
The letter read:
"Dearest Y/N, I am pleased to inform you that Lord Diavolo requires a fresh shipment of Dark Roses for an upcoming event at the castle. I sincerely apologize for the short notice, but please note that the master and I truly would have given you more time to prepare the notice had we been able to do so. We shall need enough roses to fill out the Crimson Room. I estimate that the number be around 50. We will need the roses delivered by tomorrow. Thank you, Barbatos"
You smiled, already having a good idea as to why the roses were needed. Some of the higher officials (not including the brothers you lived with) had been a little too finicky with their positions and though not a threat to the heir of the Devildom, they were starting to get on his nerves.
No matter.
Despite how sweet Diavolo seemed (and actually is), even the Crown Prince of the Devildom had his limits. Oh well. Those officials would get what was coming to them.
Your job was to simply provide the best roses for such an event.
With a newfound vigor, you made your way next door (you had originally bought two plots in the street and simply joined them together to create one shop. This area was where you kept some of your best grown flora (the rest were in an undisclosed location only you and a few others knew about). Typically, you the plants you grew in this area were popular - loads of customers would buy them. The rest of your plants were grown in the aforementioned undisclosed location. Despite this, there was one type of flower you grew in your shop which was by no means popular, but rather extremely rare.
Dark roses.
You fondly recall you and Barbatos planting a fresh batch of dark roses at the Demon Lord's Castle, and how he had given you some seeds to grow for yourself. What started off as a few roses quickly became much more, and now you were the exclusive propagator of dark roses in the Devildom. It was a monopoly you gladly encouraged (something Mammon also did).
The first step was to cut the roses. The roses had to be cut in a specific manner - a 45-degree angle and they had to be put in water immediately. This same method was used with roses back in the human realm (and gardeners would use the stems to grow new roses out of), but there was one key difference between the roses from back home and the dark roses in the Devildom. One of them could actually survive a little while without having to be immediately placed in water.
The other could not.
And that's part of the reason why dark roses were so rare in the Devildom. They were ridiculously hard to grow in the first place, but cutting them was an even bigger pain.
Luckily, you had loads of experience with these finicky things, so you had this in the bag.
After some time, you'd harvested almost 60 roses (some extras, just in case), and it was time to remove the thorns from their stems. Removing the thorns from the roses could be done using one of two different tools you had available in your shop. The first one were rose thorn cutters (made specifically for that purpose) that didn't look too different from a pair of nail cutters. The logic was that you'd slide the tool up to the top of the stem, press down on the handles gently, and then drag it down the stem, thus cutting off the thorns.
Though very efficient, the second tool was your favorite - a simply knife. Roses were woody in nature, so all you had to do was simply slice all around the stem of the flower. Admittedly, this took a lot more time than the thorn cutters, but in a way, it was stress relieving. You were sure that you'd end up using the thorn cutters, but you'd enjoy using the knife for as long as you could.
And so you got to work - de-thorning all 60 something roses by hand.
You'd gotten through more than half of the roses when you heard the bell of your shop jingle. Turning around, you saw none other than the brothers you shared a house with. But in doing so, you'd accidentally run the blade of the tool you were using right across your finger.
Hissing, you pulled your gaze from the brothers and back to your finger. You could see the cut, but it took a moment for the blood to come out. It was painful, and you weren't too good with cuts (a little ironic, considering your profession), but before you could whisk your finger away to wash off the blood, Audrey II yelled, "Feed me! I'm starving" before she chomped down on your finger.
Of course, she didn't actually bite off your finger, but she sucked the blood out, and it made your finger more sore than it was already.
It wasn't anything out of the ordinary, of course. You'd gotten hurt loads of times when working (and even when you weren't working), and if there was blood (which there usually was), Audrey would just lick it off for your. Same old.
The brothers had seen you talk to Audrey II plenty of times before, hell (literally), you'd talk to just about every plant you came across, but never had they seen Audrey II talk to you.
If that wasn't shock enough, you just wiped your hands down on your apron before turning back to face the brothers and greet them with a smile as though you hadn't just nicked yourself and had your plant(?) lick your finger for you.
Of course, the greeting faltered on your tongue as soon as you saw the faces of the brothers.
Asmodeus spoke up first.
"Sweetie, your plant just talked!"
"Yeah?" You asked rhetorically. "What about it?" You watched as the brothers tried (and failed) to come up with words to say, although you didn't really understand why they were struggling so. Even Levi was stunned. In an attempt to make a joke (and to stifle the stifling atmosphere), you said, "It's not like you guys didn't know that Audrey could talk."
One look at their faces, and you knew that you were wrong.
"Wait, you guys actually didn't know that Audrey could talk!?" You asked, stunned at this new revelation.
At last, Lucifer gathered himself. "Ahem. We were not made...aware of the fact that your plant was sentient." He sure looked uncomfortable trying to explain his mind without offending you or Audrey.
"What do you think all that meat was being delivered for every morning Lucifer?" You asked sardonically.
"Wait, I thought that yer the one eatin all that meat!" Mammon exclaimed. Bewildered, you shot him a look conveying as such.
"How the hell would I eat 2 whole pounds of meat every single day genius?" You retorted.
"We just thought you were hungry." Beel offered.
"I'm a human. I'd literally die if I ate that much meat every. single. day." You enunciated the last words.
"I'm rather fascinated by Audrey II. How did you come to meet? Was she always this size? Did she always have a deep carnivorous craving?" Satan asked consecutively. Before you had a chance to answer any of them though, he continued, "Actually, now that I think about it, it makes sense! I've been an utter idiot! All the signs were there, and I've read about these kind of plants in A Complete Guide to Carnivorous Plants and How to Care for Them!"
You didn't even bother reminding him that you were the one who recommended the book to him.
Belphegor seemed to be the most chill (although you could still see some semblance of surprise on his sleepy visage).
Figuring that this was probably going to take a while, and you had a whole bunch of Dark Roses to prepare, you invited everyone to grab a chair and sit while you worked.
It turned out to be a good choice, because you ended up finishing a few hours after you'd originally thought you'd finish, and by the end of the day, Audrey had made (official) friends with each of the brothers. In fact, you would say that Audrey and Asmo got along particularly well.
And yes, the roses turned out spectacularly, and the House of Lords were reminded once again of who was truly in charge.
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Author's Note: I took some liberty with the Reader's personality in this fic. Seymour's a very timid guy, and (spoiler alert), that's what ultimately lead to his demise (in my opinion). Being thrust into a world full of demons, I think you're gonna need a little more tenacity that Seymour, so I made the Reader timid, but not Seymour-level timid (if that makes sense). The second thing I took a decent amount of liberty with is making Audrey II not entirely evil. She is after all a villain in the original story, but I made Audrey a little bit like Cleopatra. (Sorry if that's not what you wanted)! Masterlist
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Ok as someone with passing knowledge of She-Ra calling Entrapdak the Reylo does not. make it sound good unless you mean people THOUGHT it was like Reylo
I mean the latter. What I mean is people hating the ship so much that the fury broke fandom-containment and it all looked weird to the people not in the fandom, regardless of how poorly thought out this enemies to lovers thing...was? I mean, over in Trigun fandom, I LOATHE "Plantcest" - (sometimes called "KV") - it's a twin bother incest ship. I don't write essays about it or try to get people to stop shipping it or pretend that people are bad people for having what I think is a weird fiction-kink. I just... block tag and ignore. If you only have passing knowledge of Spop, here's the skinny: Entrapdak is basically a villain-ship. It's a pair of villains who respect each other and admire each other's work cackling it up as mad scientists, basically. It's not a hero loves villain thing - not even trying. The native fandom LOVES to compare it to Gomez and Morticia from The Addams Family. They are a pair of morally-dubious weirdos (and family! If you count Entrapta's robot that she built and Hordak's little clone-baby failed-experiment spy). Princess Entrapta starts out with the Good Guys (TM) until an accident happens and she's left for dead in the Fright Zone. She becomes enamored with the advanced technology of the Horde, as she a Chaotic Neutral type more interested in SCIENCE! than ethics. She mistakenly thinks that her friends didn't want her anymore and abandoned her on purpose, so she might as well make new friends in a new environment. By happenstance, she winds up meeting the Horde's mysterious Dark Lord Leader in THE most hilarious "Pinky and the Brain" moment and they decide to SCIENCE! together. And then Big Bad Dark Lord Hordak slowly shows his vulnerabilities and essentially becomes humanised to the audience. He's evil, but he's not pure evil. He has some interesting motivations, and in many ways is the victim of where he comes from. And then the Big Bad Ultra-Villain Horde Prime, who is made of Bastard comes in. (No one likes him. All shipping with hims in the fandom is essentially people's weird kinks with OCs or straight up crack).
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hurthermore · 5 months
First, I want to start of with how extraordinary your works are! I've taken a long overdrawn hiatus from tumblr, and only recently formed a new account and rejoined. Your work is one of the first I stumbled upon since being back, and it can not compare to any of the others I've read in the past, nor the ones that are currently on tumblr rn. You simply can not find a fic that comes anywhere close to how eloquently you write, and how brilliantly you make the characters come to life!! So thank you so so so much, as another person put, for feeding us!!!!!!
Secondly, I've been really curious to know how you think your Alastor would interact with (would he fall in love with them; ignore them; befriend them; or think of them as an enemy?) either a reader or a side character like the following:
• A character who has the same ideals/ideation but goes about it in a different way. For example, someone who agrees that its best to keep your enemy guessing, and to never really truly show what your thinking on the inside, but instead of smilling all the time, they keep a deadpan stoic feature; who also has homicidal ideation, isn't disgusted with death but doesn't hunt in the same way he does. Essentially, someone like Wednesday Addams.
• A different character who is almost the complete opposite of Alastor. Some one who has been through a lot, yes (maybe even same things as reader in Misconduct currently) , but clings onto hope. Whose vegetarian because they want to believe all life has meaning and value but also isn't opposed to death(believes in euthanasia); they've been around alot of death, all their family is gone (maybe cuse of Vincent), which is why they cling to the vegetarianism, maybe is also a nurse or something and sees alot there too. Will also shy away from others and Alastor in the beginning because they think they're the ones who cause pain, suffering and death to anyone who gets close to them (maybe cuse Vincent gaslit them into thinking so).
I hope this makes sense. And I know I'm asking alot, so please feel free to ignore if it's too much, if you don't have time, or are simply not intrested! And thank you so much for just even reading my ask!!! I wish you luck on your lengthy assignment!!!!
Ahh! Tysm for this feedback it means so much to me to hear you say such kind words T.T<33
Honestly my Alastor would only fall in love with reader regardless of how they are or what they are, (unless reader is bigoted), he wouldn't fall in love with anyone else, full stop.
I think he would be neutral to someone who has the same ideals but goes about them differently, if it was reader who was like this, he would probably try effortlessly to make them smile, because your smile is his favourite thing in the world<3
With the vegan thing, if it was anyone but reader, he'd probably hate them cause he's a proper meat man y'know? T.T but if it was reader, he would pretend to accept her lifestyle, but in reality, he's mixing bits of human flesh in your food. T.T Sorry.
I think Alastor would find reader who is a nurse to be endearing and cute, he'd probably hurt himself a lot just so you can be his special little nurse.
And ty!! I'm almost done with it so I will be able to focus on misconduct very soon!<3
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thenightling · 4 days
I think Tim Burton wants to do Dracula
For a long time both Guillermo del Toro and Tim Burton were obsessed with Frankenstein. Guillermo made little references to it in the Hellboy movies and even his Pinocchio. Tim Burton created Frankenweenie (Live action and stop motion). Sally in Nightmare before Christmas is a rag doll / Frankenstein creation. Even Delores in Beetlejuice Beetlejuice resembles something stitched together even though she used staplers. But more recently I've seen Tim Burton drifting toward vampires, one in particular, Dracula. (there will be some minor Wednesday and Beetlejuice Beetlejuice spoilers ahead). Back in Nightmare before Christmas you had the Dracula-esque vampire quartet. In Frankenweenie (the stop motion version) there was a cat version of Dracula. And there was a clip of Christopher Lee's Dracula in Frankenweenie. Christopher Lee played Dracula several times for Hammer horror and even some other companies. Since Sleepy Hollow Christopher Lee had been in several of Tim Burton's movies up until his passing. Sleepy Hollow, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Corpse Bride, Alice in wonderland and Dark Shadows. Dark Shadows was... a thing... (as a fan of the original show I was disappointed). And more recently there are vampires in Wednesday since essentially the plot is The Addams Family do Monster High (I'm not complaining, it's a fun combo). And they filmed in Romania. Wednesday's fencing coach is named Vlad. (I suspect he'll eventually be revealed as Dracula, by the way). In Beetlejuice Beetlejuice there is a montage at the end where Astrid falls for a boy dressed as Dracula outside Bran Castle (the so-called Dracula's castle used for tourists in Romania. The one where the real, historic Dracula actually lived is the now very ruined and dangerous Poenari Castle). In the end credits that boy is listed as Vlad. Astrid fell for a boy dressed as Dracula outside Castle Dracula (the tourist version) and he happens to be named Vlad. (I hope Lydia's invested in garlic! Note: before I forget, there's also an episode of the Beetlejuice animated series where a vampire has the hots for Delia). So that's two recent things with Jenna Ortega where there's an ambiguous Romanian who MIGHT be a vampire, and happens to be named Vlad. One of which was literally dressed as Dracula outside Castle Dracula. ...Someone just have Tim Burton do a Dracula film already! Here's an idea, someone pitch to him Fred Saberhagen's The Dracula tape (Dracula retold from Dracula's point of view) and have Jenna Ortega play Mina. That would be glorious!
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thevelaryons · 8 months
His bones would rest at Raventree Hall for eight years, but in 138 AC his brother, Alyn, would have them returned to Driftmark and entombed in Hull, the town of his birth. On his tomb is engraved a single word: LOYAL. Its ornate letters are supported by carvings of a seahorse and a mouse.
— Fire & Blood, The Dying of the Dragons
Although it took many years for Addam’s remains to be returned back to his family, it’s great that Alyn ensured Addam’s final resting place was ultimately at Hull. A traditional burial at sea, like what Corlys received, would’ve been okay too but I think it’s more important that he is buried at Hull, where he was born, and where his mother is from.
The mouse carved on Addam’s tomb is such a great detail as it is his mother’s symbol. While Addam obviously wanted the validation from his (grand)father/the Velaryon side of the family, after living as a bastard for so long, it’s clear that Marilda, who raised him, was still an important figure he wouldn’t let go of just to be closer to his father.
The Red Sowing presented Addam an opportunity to gain recognition as his father’s son. Though it’s noteworthy that he had his mother with him when he chose to go to Dragonstone to claim Seasmoke (none of the other dragonseeds are said to have brought along a parent):
Among these new dragonriders was Addam of Hull—a brave and noble youth who was brought by his mother, Marilda of Hull, to try for a dragon.
— The World of Ice & Fire, Aegon II
It’s often the case that when a character has contrasting identities, there is a need to seek some kind of balance between them. For Addam, this identity struggle presents itself through his highborn father’s family who were essentially absent for most of his life but now offer him a means to be one of them vs his lowborn mother who raised him. That the finality of his story is the combined seahorse/mouse sigil on his tomb feels significant.
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streaminn · 1 year
Tongues & Teeth I (wenclair)
lil au where its after season one and semester break, more explanation in my past posts tbh but essentially Enid feels like she’s doesn’t deserve to be standing by Wednesday and does smth about it until some other pack of werewolves come strolling into town.
includes more indepth werewolf lore and mannerism
Perhaps it was the fact that Wednesday finally settled down after the whirlwind of events that is her first semester but she could not help but note that something seemed off.
She curses at herself for feeling so unsettled, you would think being away from the institution she so desperately tried to escape from at the start would be relieving but instead it left her with an irritating tingling underneath her skin and she did not know why.
Was it her abode? No, she did not think so.
Everything seemed the same in the Addams manor: Pugsley’s incessant cheap attempts at assault still lingered every moment, Thing scuttled around like the spy he is and her Parents continue to scorch her eyes with their over the top affections.
(She does not mention that emptiness in her arms, the shiver in her skin everytime she brushes near someone.
Something was wrong and she can not figure out why.
Perhaps she is ill?)
It is when she goes to visit the town's mall for a family outing, two weeks away from Nevermore, that she is sharply reminded of what's missing.
It was the background song of a song that strikes her like a sword. It had a familiar nauseating tune, so loud and so Enid that she had to physically stop at the sudden ache in her chest at the remembrance of her friend.
“No wonder,” Wednesday murmurs, pointedly ignoring her Mother’s look. 
Enid truly left her mark and to think she had slipped Wednesday’s mind is inexcusable. An Addams always honours their words and distance wasn’t supposed to make her forget.
Safe to say, after some scouring through the brick of a phone for the necessary information, she goes and sends a message.
Wednesday knows that her roommate is a phone addict, always having it on her body when she could and she vaguely remembers how fast it would appear whenever a notification would sound.
She was not unsettled when after an hour or so, no reply had come with her message. She also had not reread her words to make sure she came off wrong.
Enid, How has your early break treated you? It has been a while since we have come in contact and the fault lies with me. I may have forgotten to exchange information when Xavier has gifted me this phone. Do tell me about your recent days. Sincerely, Wednesday Addams.
Was it too blunt? Too sharp, too uncaring?
Wednesday didn’t know and so she settled with ending the night early, anything to pass the churning in her gut.
In the morning, she felt the crawling of bugs scuttling along her stomach when she opened the phone. Her heart felt like the repeating banging of the doorbell as she stood up fully.
Enid Sinclair has sent (6) message.
OMG WEDNESDAY?? THE Wednesday Addams!?
You type like a nerd 😮
Pls dont kill me, this isi all slash jay
Joking! All jokin
My days just go so much better now! Bc leik omg, i genuinely didnt expect this
This is amazing weds im telllin u
It brings something to her face, to see such familiar words. Although some of the diction was confusing, Wednesday chalked it up to being an Enid thing. Just with her words, it's almost like Enid was chattering right away next to her.
Wednesday and Enid continue to text all throughout their break like this. Always in the mornings then picking up in the afternoon.  One totally unaware of what is happening to the other.
Enid doesn’t frequent the library, simply because it isn’t exactly one of the most well known places in her town. Why was this being brought up? Well her mother kicked her out of the house, murmuring to stay out of trouble because another pack of wolves is coming to town. 
It made Enid slouch, a frown on her lips. She’s a little high strung but she doesn’t cause trouble unless someone starts it.
It's not her fault her brothers got too physical, she was just repaying the favour.
So now here she is, in a library. Why is she in the Library? Well, it's because the smell of old books caught her attention. It was so irritating, being so sensitive to smells because holy moly do people stink but here? In the aisles of dusty shelves and old paper, it's almost like she’s standing next to Wednesday again.
A part of her whines at the loss of lavender and ink, that was what's missing. She was missing Wednesday and she got reminded of it when she got her texts just this morning.
God, she really really missed that girl.
Who knew being in such close proximity made her so clingy?
But it's okay! They were texting and omygod does that make her heart race. She could spend her whole day doing this, except Wednesday has stuff to do and she’s left staring at the block of text.
With a sigh, Enid pulls a random book from the shelf, admiring the simple name pressed on its side. Ravens and Wolves, how curious. She was about to open it until the chime of the library bell alerts her to a newcomer.
Normally she wouldn’t really care, a glance maybe and then back to her own world. Until a smell hits her sensitive nose and she staggers back like a newborn deer.
The scent of overwhelming ash fills the building, one that makes her hiss and attempt to plug her nose with a hand. God, these powers! so infuriating. There's something else in the air, something the other wolf is projecting but it's so hard to focus when her eyes are watering.
It's when she sees someone's shoes on the corner of her vision does Enid finally look up. In the sea of overwhelming fear pouring over her head, a flash of confusion and annoyance strikes her brain. Who does this wolf think he is? To corner a teen like this, it almost makes her wonder what Wednesday would do.
Probably stab him but that isn't allowed here.
So her hand tightens on the spine of the book as her body screams at her to run. She does want to follow but a part of her doesn’t want to move and she agrees.
Because honestly, what's with people and prodding and pushing? 
She’s just here, trying to read and then some asshole comes to stare her down. This wasn’t just over some book either because she has never felt such curiosity and amusement oozing off someone more than now.
With a frown, Enid places the book back and quickly shuts off her phone before pocketing it. Not liking the way his eyes seem to stare at it for a moment.
He certainly didn’t seem that imposing, but he just had this serial killer vibe that made her give a shaky smile in turn, anything to try and keep the peace.  The man just tilts his head in reply, giving a lip closed smile in turn. 
It makes the hairs on her neck rise.
Honestly, she would’ve assumed the guy was harmless if it weren't for the amount of edgy vibes wafting off like smoke, just about threatening to choke her out. It claws at her senses and Enid doesn’t know if he’s even doing it on purpose.
It's like the air around him was naturally dense, making it hard to even stand so close.
“So you’re the blood moon pup,” he starts and the mention of that night has Enid growling, eyes narrowed as she stands straight. When had she slouched?
Blood moon this, blood moon that. She doesn’t know much of the significance other than the fact that it's a special night and that her parents told her to be hush about it. The other werewolf gave her side eyes but it never went more than that.
Almost immediately, the air went from slowly suffocating to thick and absolutely choking and Enid swallows on another instinctive growl. Oh shit-
The wolf is still smiling and in fact, it seems to have gotten bigger - amused - but Enid can see the hint of anticipation, of threat in his lips. Her mind screams at that, clawing at her shoulders and she steps back, trying to push down such bothersome instincts.
“Don’t be like that,” he chides, stepping forward as his lips pulled into a showcase of teeth. “I’m just curious about the late bloomer and it's not everyday a pup shifts in a blood moon.”
He says it's important, like a symbolism from some god. Enid is reminded of a delusional preacher at this moment. Honestly she should care about why so many people seem to care about the moon, but there was no point. She could shift now, she could protect now- 
That's all that matters.
Protecting what hers.
Protecting Wednesday.
“What about it?” she grits out.
He taps at his cheek and Enid remembers the scar on her face. She has it bared to the world to see, even securing a clip to keep her hair. She should be slouched about it, vanity was all she had before she shifted but now?
It was a trophy, a sign that she had taken care of what's her.
“I simply wonder what a pup like you had to go through to shift on that night,” he murmurs, all easy words and shrugging shoulders. “You’re an abnormality, did you know that?”
Those words nearly make her see red. Abnormal, outcast, not like the rest-
Who is this asshole to think he can say what he wants?
“What about it!?” she barks back, voice rising as she steps forward, ignoring the aching pressure rising in her chest. “I had to fight for someone and I would do it again and again if I had to!”
(Wednesday was choking and so small in that fuckers hands and she never felt such rage before, burning and coiling under her skin.
She blacks out after Wednesday calls for her. 
Enid wakes up naked and there's blood under her nails and something sticking onto her throat.)
Her words immediately tempered off as unease began scratching up her spine. Something is screaming at her to shut up, to stay away. Normally she would’ve chalked it out as her instincts being crazy about someone unnecessary but she has never felt like this before and the want to run suddenly comes. 
Other packwolves don’t feel like this, not even the pack leader that takes charge of her family. It's like there's a shroud hanging around the wolf’s shoulders, like a curl of death’s veil so ready to swallow her whole.
He’s terrifying, but if there’s one thing Enid is good at, it’s fake it till you make it.
“It's not everyday I meet such a pup with no manners,” he says. “You can call me Romulus and you’re Enid Sinclair, yes?”
“Just Enid,” she chokes out, trying to force down the churning in her stomach. His name rings a few bells and it suddenly hits her. This was the alpha, the pack leader of the wolves visiting.  What's the leader doing interacting with a kid like her? “What do you want from me?”
It makes her step back and she watches how the older wolf seems to follow her movements easily, trailing after like a creep until she’s caught against a wall. It makes a sound bubble out from her chest as she scowls. 
He laughs, throaty and almost borderline a growl. “Right, sorry Just Enid.” He waves his hand and she watches the tips of sharp nails.
It's not like she can just run, he’s standing at her only exit and despite the pride in her stomach, Enid has no choice but to cower. Her lips pulled back into a snarl and fully unleashed the low growl from her throat.
“So feisty,” he says, giving a lil chuckle.
Romulus laughs, all teeth in display as he leans to meet her eyes. Ice blue, she notes. Similar to hers.
It makes Enid’s face scrunch.
“Is that all you came here to say?” she asks, staring at him with a face completely open to her distaste. She knew other werewolves can be weird as hell, but to think that they were this weird. He looked too calm and if the glimmer in his eyes said anything, entertained as well. Even with her growling, he didn’t seem to take her as a threat.
If he keeps pushing, then she’ll fully fight back. Pack leader or no, no one is going to push her around like this. It's insulting- Wednesday would never stand for this!
It was unnerving. Even the sight of her teeth or claws was enough to make someone pause but not this guy.
“Hmm…” Every bone in Enid's body tensed as the older wolf reached out, and her eyes widened as the hand drew closer to her face. She briefly believed the man was going to destroy her eyes, but instead, he gently plucked at a lock of her coloured hair while twirling his finger over it.  "Every other day, go to the library. You're a very interesting kid. I want to know more."
No, no way.
Romulus didn't react negatively to the blatant disrespect; instead, he just hummed softly, his eyes gleaming brightly in the faint light of the building and his face expressionless. Enid would have been concerned, even terrified, but she is too furious to give a damn.
Enough with the passivity, Wednesday would not stand for this stuff any longer!
“Back away! Don't you see how weird you seem right now?” Smacking the hand away from her head, Enid growled. "You're sounding like a creep!"
"I'm the creep?" he laughs. "weren't you the one staring at that gadget off yours? Addams was it?"
Enid felt all of the air leave her lungs, shoulders rising as she tensed up. What did he say?
"What're you trying to imply you sick fuck!?"
She expected a shout back, instead...
For almost three seconds, everything in their small space was silent - aside from Enid's growls - before a louder, more menacing rumbling literally halted the younger blonde in her tracks.
Romulus didn't growl. He wasn't showing teeth, and neither were his lips pushed back. He no longer has that unsettlingly blank expression; instead, a slight smile is pulling at the corner of his lips and he looks pleasantly amused. He doesn't appear to be a threat at all, but the deep rumbling from his chest startled Enid and caused her to spill out a whine before she could control herself. Even though it sounded like a warning rather than a typical growl, this one  seemed more like a gentle reprimand aimed to get her to stop acting out without actually scaring her.
That only scared Enid even more.
Enid's eyes widened as her whining subsided, completely dumbfounded by her own response. She was used to being growled at by other pack leaders, who have also warned and scolded her but she's never felt a reaction like that, not even when some of the wolves at school snapped at her in the beginning. Sure,  she may have grudgingly stopped, but she never complained and she never caved so quickly. Enid was right. This wolf was a problem; something about him was off; like every part of her knew he wasn't a typical wolf.
“That’s better.” The older blonde cooed, hand reaching forward to comb through the pup’s hair gently and this time Enid was too in shock to slap the hand away. “I assure you, I have no interest in anything like that. Late shifting at a blood moon is particularly odd in my life so I'm curious.” Enid could only weakly glare at the title. “So humour me, you wouldn’t want anything to happen to that…” he seems to humm before giving a smile, all teeth and fangs on display. “Wednesday, right? You should really keep your phone shut, pup.”
“Leave her alone!” She hissed, tone on the verge of sounding desperate and far from the angry, defensive growling from before. She barely got out of a Hyde attack and a part of her fears what will happen if she goes against a whole pack but she isn’t going to turn her back to one person that holds her like she’s precious. “If you think I won't claw your face out simply because you're some bigshot then you're wrong!”
“Then just talk with me, come to the library every other day and i don't need to drag not just your friend but your whole pack." The subtle threat wasn’t even subtle at all and Enid just glared harder. “That’s all I want.” Romulus continues, removing his hand from Enid’s hair and trailing down the side of her face before drawing back.
So she tears her eyes away and nods because fuck, she couldn’t exactly say no, now could she?
She grits her teeth as she searches the other man’s face for a minute, trying to find something, anything, that could show this was a trick. But his expression is frustratingly equal parts soft and terribly amused. There’s no hint of danger nor anger there, even after he growled at Enid, even after the pup had been constantly disrespectful as a way to get the man to just go away.
Enid clenched her hands into fists to stop them from shaking. She was never this violent, never this quick to anger and that made her hesitate, made her think. This is fine, she tries to reassure herself. If she can handle a pompous werewolf, she can handle whatever dumb noble Wednesday’s family could throw at her.
Her scars ache at the touch and it's a reminder of what Enid is willing to do for Wednesday.
“That’s it?” She whispered, the fire burning in her slowing down to ambers.
“That’s it.” The wolf echoed.
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wenclairfamily · 3 months
"A Girl and a Ghost" - A Love Story Starring Enid and Wednesday Addams' Future Daughter!
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*Cover Art by: @emeriart
*Author's Note - This chapter is a direct sequel to "Ana's Amazing Adventure". Reading that chapter is essential to understanding today's story.
Wednesday Addams and Enid Sinclair. They were a duo that shouldn't have worked... but they did... and somehow their relationship resulted in marriage. Now, Wednesday and Enid work at their old school: Nevermore Academy as teachers, raising up an entire new generation; including their own twin eighteen year old daughters: Harmony and Ana. Harmony, who carries both of her mother's special abilities, continues to grow and explore the world alongside her newlywed wife: Megan. Ana meanwhile is a different story. *Several weeks ago, Ana became friends with a teenage ghost named Gerard. Gerard had remained on Earth as a ghost to see a friend of his he loved... only for in the end, a special loving spark surprisingly ignited between him and Ana. Today we explore what happens next in their relationship...
"A Girl and a Ghost"
Written by: "Fun But Shy Girl" and "DrDoom2006"
Inside of a large bank, several men were carrying barrels of money bags into a large truck sitting outside the bank. As the men loaded their bags into the truck, the shortest of the men said, "Hey, are you sure we ain't gonna get into any trouble for taking all this money?" The largest man chuckled, and then said, "Come on. The rich have gotten so rich, they don't even know what to do with their money anymore. Plus, the boss needs to raise capital for his big plans. Now lets hop in Freddy's car, while Charlie takes this truck to the warehouse." The large man then turned his head... and suddenly realized several men were laying on the ground around him knocked out. The short man looked scared as he said, "I told you we were gonna get in trouble for taking all this money! I told you!" The large man then took out a taser as he yelled, "Okay, who's trying to play vigilante!? Show yourself!"
Then suddenly swinging down from a hole in the ceiling was Ana Sinclair Addams (wearing a purple sweater, black pants, and a blue feather in her medium length hair). Ana immediately kicked the short man to the ground, and quickly got into a fist fight with the larger man. The large man tried to hit Ana with his taser, but Ana dodged every attack, and soon kicked the taser out of the man's hand. Ana then punched the large man in the chest several times, and then pushed him against the wall. The large man now began to look very scared as he said, "Who are you?" The young woman then moved her face towards the large man, made a big smirk, and with a low gravely voice - Ana excitedly said, "I'm Batman!"
Suddenly Ana heard the sound of foot steps running up some nearby stairs. Ana then pushed the large man down, and then ran up the stairs herself as she yelled, "Like hell you're getting away!" Ana then quickly rushed up the stairs, and soon ran through a door that took her to the roof of the bank. Ana quickly saw a teenage boy with spiky blonde hair running from her as she yelled, "Stop right there!" The teenage boy then turned to look at Ana as he said, "Anarchy Sinclair Addams. So... we meet again... for the last time!" Ana glared forward, realizing who the boy was, as she said, "DJ. I should've known." The teenage boy began to shake a fist as he angerly yelled, "My name is Duncan J Folkwin the 3rd, and this time you won't stop me my long time arch nemesis!" Ana looked confused as she said, "Long time arch nemesis!? Dude, we've like encountered each other only a handful of times. I've honestly spent more daytime hours interacting directly with a dark alternate universe version of my mother than you."
The teenage boy: Duncan began to look more angry as he said, "It matters not! You destroyed my life when you had the closest member of my family leave me!" Ana looked confused as she said, "Are you talking about your cat, Princess Snuggles? I heard you weren't taking enough care of her, and so your parents sent her to go live with your cousin Kaitlyn." Duncan began to look more angry as he took out a sword while yelling, "It matters not! She became the mate to your cat, and so now I am raising funds to create a death laser that will allow me to seek vengeance on both you... and the entire world!" Then Duncan ran at Ana with a sword out. Ana quickly took out her own sword, and quickly began to fight back against Duncan as she said, "Dude. Having your cat taken from you has really screwed with your head! Maybe you should volunteer at an animal shelter or something like that." Then as Duncan swung his sword at Ana, he angerly yelled, "Will you just shut up!?"
However Ana simply dodged and deflected all of Duncan's attacks as she excitedly said, "Or you could take a fun night class in how do people's hair like I did. I even learned how to give myself a cool hair extension with a feather attached to it. Do you see it? My cool lucky feather in my hair makes me look so awesome now! I could even teach you to do the same thing with your hair if you want. What do you say to that?" Then Duncan moved his body fast while yelling, "Arrrrgh!" Ana was just barely able to dodge Duncan's next sword attack at her... however Duncan's sword was able to cut off the feather that was attached to Ana's hair. As the feather hit the ground, Ana looked down at the feather horrified as a smirking Duncan said, "That's what I think of your stupid lucky feather. Now what do you say to that?" Ana suddenly looked very angry as she pointed her sword at Duncan... and then with a deep Spanish accent, Ana loudly proclaimed: "My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my feather. Prepare to die!" Then Ana ran at Duncan with her sword out. Again the two teenagers clashed at one another back and forth... however after several minutes of clashing, Duncan was finally able to kick Ana's sword out of her hand.
Ana was now without a weapon as she stood near the edge of the building's roof. A smiling Duncan pointed his sword forward as he said, "Do you give up?" Ana looked behind her for a moment... and then looked at Duncan with a big smile on her face. Then Ana leaned back... and had herself fall off the roof. Duncan stood confused for a moment, uncertain of how to react. But then... Duncan saw Ana slowly begin to appear once again as her body was now floating up into the air. Duncan looked very confused and angry as he said, "What witchcraft is this!?" Then Ana smirked as her body began to float over Duncan... and then suddenly Ana began falling towards Duncan with her feet out. As she landed, Ana kicked Duncan hard to the ground. Duncan then lay on the ground very hurt as Ana jumped several feet away from him, just so she could get a good look at his bruised body. While looking up at Ana, Duncan looked very confused as he said, "What the!? How did..."
Then suddenly appearing next to Ana was a ghostly glowing teenage boy smiling. Duncan began to look very scared as he said, "Who are you!?" Ana crossed her arms, smirked, and then said, "Duncan... allow me to introduce you to my new best friend: Gerard." Gerard smirked as he said, "Hi. I'm a ghost. Don't worry. I can't send you to hell or anything like that. But my spirit can create a wind that can gently move people, and I have possession powers that can control individuals for a short period of time. I can't make people do anything serious they don't want to do... but it's very easy to control people filled with tons of guilt... which is why it is going to be so easy to convince you to call the police on yourself." Duncan looked very nervous as he found his hands beginning to start a call on his phone. Tears appeared in Duncan's eyes as he began walk down the nearby stairs while saying, "Hello? Police... I need to report a crime I've committed."
Meanwhile on the roof top, Ana and Gerard began to glance at one another... and then they began to giggle. Gerard looked very impressed he said, "Wow Ana. You were awesome just now. Although you were kind of pushing your luck when you jumped off the roof like that." Ana made a big smile as she said, "Well... I just knew you'd be there to catch me." Gerard made a warm smile as he said, "Thanks. By the way... did you get a hair cut recently? It looks nice." Ana began to blush as she started to twirl her hair with one of her fingers while saying, "You really think so? I mean... it's not like I took a class in how do my hair, or spent five hours this morning working on this look to impress anyone." Gerard then moved his ghostly body closer to Ana as he happily said, "Well... I think you look absolutely stunning today." Ana began to giggle with a high pitched tone, and then said, "Really?"
Enid and Wednesday Addams were walking through town together, as a smiling Enid said, "Mmm. What a nice day to talk a walk. Thanks for coming out with me Wens. Although isn't this usually your part of the day you try to dedicate to your writing?" Wednesday made a little sigh, and then said, "You are indeed correct. However I have found myself hitting what many would call writer's block. My ongoing book series of teenage detective Viper de la Muerte became quite popular after she married her high school roommate, and then bore two twin children. However now that Viper's children are older than she was when my series began, I fear now that by continuing to age the characters and have them evolve: Viper will become too far removed from who she was originally was. However I could begin to focus my series more on Viper's children... but I'm afraid I will lose my readership if I begin to focus greatly on characters that weren't part of the original canon."
Enid made a small smile as she said, "So basically you don't know where your series is going, or what you should focus on. Well... how about just wing it? Take it one chapter at a time, see how the readers react to everything, and just slowly and carefully move the ongoing narrative along with whatever feels right in the moment, while working at your own pace." Wednesday looked a bit worried as she said, "Do you think the readers will accept a series that is beginning to reach a point that is now without any clear direction of the future? My uncertainty could lead to long delays in new stories being published going forward." Enid shrugged, and then said, "You have a pretty dedicated group of readers Wednesday. I'm sure they'll be patient as you take a little more time to come up with new stories. Although once Netflix comes out with Viper de la Muerte Season 2; I'm sure the fan excitement for that show will inspire a lot more creativity out of you."
Suddenly Wednesday and Enid saw up ahead near the local bank was Ana talking to the police. Wednesday and Enid rushed over to the scene, as a concerned Enid said, "Ana, are you okay?" A female police officer looked at the two older women as she said, "Okay? Ma'am, your daughter just single-handedly defeated an entire criminal organization trying to rob this bank. She also exposed a plan they had for world domination. You know, everyone at the department keeps saying your girl here is like Kim Possible... because she can do anything." Then Wednesday crossed her arms as she said, "Anything except turn her homework in on time." Ana rolled her eyes as she said, "Come on. I've been busy lately." Wednesday then glared at Ana as she said, "I gave you a month to turn in a one page paper on the history of any style of martial art you chose." Ana rolled her eyes as she said, "Oh, come on mother. That's so much work!"
Then as the police began to leave, a curious Enid asked, "So... did you really stop a whole bunch of criminals on your own?" Ana then looked up, and made a big smile as she said, "Well... I might have had a little help... from someone who thinks I look stunning." As Ana's smile began to grow, she also began to let out a giggle. Wednesday looked confused as she said, "Ana, are you giggling?" Ana began to giggle louder as she said, "Well... yeah." Enid also looked confused as she said, "Why are you giggling?" Ana began to laugh hysterically for a moment, and then said, "I don't know." Then Ana began to walk away from her mothers with a big smile on her face... and then began to skip down the sidewalk as she hummed to herself.
As Wednesday and Enid watched this, a still confused Enid asked, "Should we be worried?" Then Wednesday looked at Enid with an emotionless face as she said, "I'm worried any time a member of this family begins to giggle and laugh uncontrollably... however I've been married to you for over 18 years now, so it's something I've become unfazed by at this point." Enid looked concerned as she said, "I don't giggle and laugh uncontrollably." Wednesday glanced to her right as she said, "Look at the mother dog with her puppies over there." Enid then looked to the right, and began to giggle and laugh uncontrollably as she said, "OMG! Those puppies are so cute!" Then as Enid rushed towards a group of puppies nearby, Wednesday rolled her eyes and sighed.
As the sun slowly began to set, Ana sat on top of a mountain; while Gerard in his ghostly form was floating near Ana. As Ana looked a bit frustrated, she said, "So I have to still complete one more semester at Nevermore Academy in order to graduate. Do you know freaking messed up it feels to have a twin sister who is already starting college, while I'm still at the academy!? Everyone keeps asking me if Harmony graduated early, or if I got held back!? Uggh! The thing is, the only reason I skipped classes so much was to do some some freelance bounty hunter work taking down a dozen or so terrorists. I mean, okay, so I also skipped a few hundred or so classes because me and Stormageddon the Conqueror were try to track down the Trix Rabbit, and take back our breakfast cereal. But in the end, we taught that silly rabbit that kicks are for ribs! So it was totally worth it! Of course, then..." Then Ana stopped talking as she turned to look right at a smiling Gerard. Ana then began to blush, and smiled as she said, "I'm sorry I've been doing all the talking." Gerard made a warm smile as he said, "It's okay. I like listening to you talk." Ana's cheeks began to blush even brighter, as she made a warm smile while saying, "I like it when you let me talk."
Ana and Gerard then turned their heads and began to silently watch the sun set together for several moments. Then Ana turned to look at Gerard again as she said, "So have you been checking up on your other friends and family?" Gerard made a long sigh, and then said, "Well... ghosts apparently can't float at super speed, so it takes awhile to travel. However... yeah. During the week of your sister's wedding, I went to go see my parents... but I couldn't show myself to them. They still look a bit shaken up by my death... but they're doing better now. However... it's for the best they don't know I became a ghost." A curious Ana then asked, "Is that why you always choose to disappear right when the cops show up after all our missions together?" Gerard nodded his head, and then said, "Yeah. I don't need word to get out to anyone, especially my parents, that I'm still on Earth as a ghost. Also, my mom worried about me a lot when I was alive. Do you know much anxiety it would give her to learn I'm now existing on a spiritual plane she has no control of? Still... there are so many days where I wish I could just touch her and hug her again. I mean.. I wish I could touch and hug everyone I love again. However... that's just something ghost can't do." Gerard titled his head down as Ana looked at him with concern.
Eventually Ana stood up, and then said, "Well... I should be heading home." Gerard then floated towards Ana as he said, "You wanna hike down... or take the fun way?" Ana smirked and then ran very fast... and jumped off a nearby mountain cliff. Gerard then moved his ghostly form under Ana, and used the wind from his spirit to cause Ana to float in the air near him. Soon Ana held her out arms out slightly as she very slowly descended to the ground (while Gerard floated in front of her). As Ana slowly floated down, she looked around as she said, "I just gotta say... being able to fly with you Gerard... has been nothing short of magical. There are so many days where I wish I could just fly and float through anything I want like you do." A surprised Gerard then said, "Really?" Ana quickly nodded her head. Soon, the two reached the ground. The two silently looked into each other's eyes for a moment... and then Ana said, "Thank you for spending your day with me Gerard... and also for stopping those bad guys with me... and for that fun ride down the mountain... and for always listening to me." Gerard smiled at Ana as he said, "Well thank you, for making me feel more alive as a ghost, than I ever did as a mortal human. Sleep well Ana." Then Gerard floated up into the air... and then slowly flew away... as a happy blushing Ana stood still for a moment just watching him.
In the Nevermore Academy library, Ana's cat was carefully reading a book; gently using his paws to turn the pages as he intently looked at the words before him. Then suddenly Ana walked into the library with a big smile on her face. Ana's cat turned to look Ana curiously, while a grinning Ana closed her eyes, and then slowly spun around the wide open library as she sang, "So this is love. Mmm, hmm, hmmmmm. So this is love. So this is what makes life divine..." Then Ana's cat curiously said, "Rowr?" Ana suddenly looked at her cat, blushed bright red while looking embarrassed, and then said, "Stormageddon the Conqueror... how long have you been there?" Ana's cat then squinted his eyes and said, "Rowr." Ana then sat down near her cat while saying, "I was just... singing. The more important question is... what are you doing here in the library? Don't you have a litter of kittens to take care of now?"
Ana's cat then pointed to a book he was reading as he plainly said, "Rowr." Ana looked at the book as she said, "What's this? A book on parenting? Stormageddon the Conqueror, are your kittens giving you trouble already?" Ana's cat sighed, and then simply said, "Rowr." Ana looked a bit sad as she said, "Oh, I see. Your kittens call Princess Snuggles by 'mama', and they just refer to you as 'not the mama'. Well... you are at a disadvantage since you can't provide them milk. I suppose that fact typically keeps newborns closer to their birth mothers than anyone else. But your kittens will warm up to you eventually. I mean it's not like you have the kind of roadblocks I'm dealing with in my relationship right now."
Ana's cat then moved closer to Ana, looked at her curiously, and then said, "Rowr?" Ana sighed, and then said, "It's Gerard. I... I like being around him Stormageddon the Conqueror. I mean... I like being around him a lot. However... he always has to wait for me to keep up with him when we're on missions together. I can't go through walls, or casually go through locked doors like he can. Also... I can't fly in the air alongside him. He always has to carry me, so to speak. There are times where I wish I could just have the same abilities Gerard has, and be able to fly through the air alongside him, and travel into any locked room with him. If only there was some way..." Ana sat silent for a moment... but then her cat eventually said, "Rowr." Ana's eyes then lit up as she said, "Of course. This is Nevermore Academy. This place still has ancient texts that have never been digitized, that hold the secrets to all kinds of spells and transformations. Maybe I can find something here that can help me..." Then Ana quickly began looking through books in the library.
Gerard slowly floated through the evening night sky while invisible. As Gerard floated through town, he saw a young adult couple walking through town. The young man and woman were holding hands while smiling. The two then stopped at an apartment building. The young man and woman then hugged one another and gave each other a quick kiss on the lips. Gerard watched the entire scene with sadness in his ghostly eyes. Gerard then closed his eyes for a moment... and then said to himself, "There has to be a way." Then Gerard began to fly away towards a local public library.
Ana walked into a dark cave by herself as she said, "This is it. Other people have spent years trying to find this place... but they didn't have the strong will I did. Now hopefully... I'll find the special item I'm looking for." As Ana walked into the cave, the webs all around made it clear that nobody had been there for a very long time. As she expected: there was a stone bridge, three pillars on each side showed that at some point it had ropes to make it look more like a bridge. Ana knelt and took a rope from her backpack. Ana took a deep breath... and then said to herself, "If I can find the lost gem those ancient texts I found talked about... then soon I'll be able to find a way to give myself ghost like abilities, and finally be more like Gerard." Ana then tied the rope to one of the pillars and began to lower herself. As Ana lowered herself down, she continued to talk to herself: "And to think they used to throw princesses here for a dragon to eat them… all based on lies… the nerve of some PEEEEEEEOOOPLEEEEEE..."
Unfortunately for Ana, the old rocks gave way, and she found herself falling until her body hit the rocks below. When she opened her eyes, Ana felt pain all over her body, and as she sat: she felt dizzy, and said, "Darn… rocks… okay… this is not the first time I fell inside a cave." Ana felt a sharp pain as she stood up... and then fell back down while saying, "Well this is the first time I almost broke my ankle. Come on Ana… you have been through worse… like that seventh grade math class you were forced to take. God, that teacher was so boring." Resisting the pain, Ana got up and began to walk around. It didn't take long for her to find herself inside a large room. Soon, Ana could feel the smell of sulfur and ashes all around her. Ana then softly said to herself, "Something burned here, that's definite… but it doesn't mean it was a dragon…"
After walking into more caves for more than half an hour, Ana decided it was time to stop. Taking a bottle of water and an apple from her backpack, she decided to make a pause while saying, "No dragon… no treasure… this is looking more and more like a waste of time…" But as she walked into another cave, Ana's eyes opened wide as she saw what seemed to be the statue of three little dragons made of what seemed to be a mix of gold and stone. Ana looked excited as she said, "It can't be… the legend of the three princesses… then… it is… real… all of it… But then this means…"
Suddenly Ana felt the ground moving around her. She quickly looked angry as she said, "Oh, you have to be kidding me..." Moving as fast as she could, Ana entered another passage but to her dismay it was so slippery that she slid until she fell through an opening. Ana was able to get a hold of an opening; but as she began to crawl up, she realized her mistake. Ana screamed as she felt a claw closing brutally on her waist pushing her out and then pulling her inside. Ana crashed mercilessly against the stone floor and glared at the bright red eyes of a large monstrous spider before her. Ana then yelled, "Forget it! I won't end up here as the lunch of a sand spider… and certainly not one on steroids…" Ana began to crawl back to the hole where she had been pulled in... when suddenly Ana felt a piercing pain in her stomach.
Pulling a small vial out of her pocket, Ana was quick to drink the content. Ana then pulled out a small cylinder and threw it to the huge insect. The blast sent it away enough for Ana to crawl out through the same hole and made her way down holding herself from the crevices she found on the stone wall. Once safe, Ana noticed where the spider had stung her. As Ana tried to move forward, she said, "I need to get back home… this is not good… and the antidote I just took won't last forever…" Ana then rose her head as she heard a growling sound in front of her... and a mysterious voice that said, "What do we have here…"
Gerard floated into a public library while invisible. There, he saw several young adults working at some of the library computers. Gerard took a deep breath... and then floated over a young woman. Gerard then calmly said, "I'm sorry ma'am, but I have to possess you. I promise I won't hurt you, and I promise you won't remember this when you're done. However... I need you to do any research you can on how to either bring ghosts back to life... or how to at least give ghosts some ability to physically touch people." The young woman looked like she was in a trance... and then quickly began to do a lot of typing and clicking at the library computer. As the woman began her research, an intrigued Gerard began to watch what appeared on the computer screen.
Ana crawled back as she saw, right there and then, a huge black dragon glaring at her. The black dragon then opened its' mouth, and in a loud booming voice it said, "It's been a long time… since the last princess was given…" Feeling the pain increase in her stomach, Ana was still able to let out a smile as she said, "Aw yeah! A talking dragon! Man, and I thought being kidnapped by a dark alternate universe version of my mother was the most insane thing that ever happened to me! But with all that being said... sorry mister dragon; I'm not a princess." The dragon glared at Ana for a few seconds while smoke billowed out of its nostrils... and then it finally said, "Don't try to fool me; for I shall soon burn you… and then I shall enjoy eating you!" Holding herself from the stone wall, Ana stood up as she said, "So… you want to kill me… just for fun... without even giving me a freaking chance to fight you with a sword, or learn how to train you, or pour gold on you, or sail into a never ending story!? You are making my first encounter with an actual dragon so not cool! Man, TV just set my expectations for dragons too high!"
However in response to Ana's outburst, the dragon inhaled and his chest began to glow. Using all the strength she could muster, Ana began to run through the passage behind her just as the dragon opened his mouth and spat an inferno of flames at her. The teenage girl screamed and she tumbled to another cave, her clothes in flames. Even though she was able to roll and extinguish them, she could not avoid getting light burns on her arms and legs. Slowly Ana got up while saying, "Why do I get myself in these situations…" As Ana began to walk looking for an exit, she saw that the dark mark in her stomach continued to grow as well as the pain. Nonetheless, she climbed to another chamber where she saw several gems and gold coins among other treasures. Yet, one caught her eye. It was a round, magenta colored gem. Ana's eyes widened as she said, "Wait a minute…" With renewed strength, Ana ran to the gem and took it into her hands. With a big smile, Ana said, "It's here! Just like that book I found in the library told me! It's really real!" However Ana suddenly felt a sharp pain in her stomach again. Remembering how dangerous her situation was, Ana said, "Darn, I need to get out of here..." Placing the gem in her bag, Ana continued her way, looking for an exit to the dark cavern she was in.
In the public library, Gerard (while still in his invisible ghostly form) floated over the young woman as she was doing internet research. As Gerard look at the computer screen, he said to himself, "Come on! There's zero research on how to turn ghosts back into moral beings!? Not even from the outcast community!? Seriously; in a world where vampires and zombies and doorways to hell are a thing, no one out there has made progress in bringing life back to ghosts!? Uggh." Then suddenly the ground in the library briefly shook. Gerard immediately stopped possessing the young woman he was with, as she looked startled by the ground shaking. The young woman then stood up as she said, "Was than an earthquake!? Since when are there earthquakes in Jericho!?" Then an older librarian sitting nearby said, "Hmm. That's the first I've ever felt one too. However local legend says that the ground will shake when the legendary dragon of the mountain is awakened... but that's only just a silly story." Gerard then began to fly out of the library as he said to himself, "Hmm... but what if that's not a silly story... and if there is a dragon in some mountain nearby... I think I know the one person in this town who would be insane enough to bring themselves right up to it..."
Ana continued to run through the long dark cavern. However as she ran, she also realized that the increasing pain she was feeling was because one of her ribs was broken when the claw of the spider closed around her. Her eyes opened wide when she felt the ground rumble under her and she began to feel the heat going up. "Oh no…" Ana said. She soon ran to the end of the passageway, and jumped down to another cave just when a brutal flame came out of the hole. Turning her head both ways, Ana soon saw a light ahead of her and began to run towards it... only to find that the light came from an opening above her. Ana rolled her eyes as she said, "Great… more climbing… and this freaking pain is growing more and more…" Ana then began to use all her strength to climb up the wall... only to see the light from the opening in front of her took her to the edge of a cliff overlooking the forest. Ana looked over the edge of the cliff, and saw it was an incredibly long drop down. Ana looked extremely frustrated as she said, "Are you kidding me!?"
Then suddenly the dragon re-appeared from behind Ana in the cave. As the dragon flew towards Ana, it yelled, "You have no place to go little princess! You might as well accept your fate!" Then Ana loudly yelled, "I told you! I am not a princess, and have never been a princess! Okay, so I dressed up as the non-super powered princess from Frozen last year for Halloween! But it was my sister's idea! I mean both the character and me have the name Ana for crying out loud! Plus we both have likable quirky personalities, and we both have an emotional sister with special abilities who totally isn't attracted to men! I honestly can't believe it took us years to realize me and my sister have so much in common with the Frozen princesses. But trust me, I am not a real princess!" The dragon then angerly yelled, "Stop your words of nonsense little girl! It doesn't matter whether you are a princess or not. You entered my cavern, which caused me to awaken from my long hibernation! Thus, you shall be my first meal in centuries!" Ana's eyes opened wide. She briefly looked at the steep drop on one side of her... and then looked at the dragon on the other side of her that was inhaling deeply. Ana rolled her eyes as she said, "Well… no time to think clearly through this one..."
Ana then immediately jumped off the cliff just as the dragon shot fire at her. Ana screamed as she felt the intense flames come incredibly close to hitting her. As Ana quickly took out the magenta colored gem she had, she held it close to her face as she said, "Come on magic gem! Make me temporarily become just like a ghost like the legends say!" However... nothing was happening to Ana other than her falling. Tears appeared in her eyes as she said, "So that part I read wasn't true! Ugggh! No, no, no! I'm sorry Harmony, and mom, and mother, and..." Then suddenly Ana felt her body stop falling. Ana looked around... and immediately saw Gerard floating right below her in his ghostly form. Realizing she was no longer in danger, exhaustion finally took over Ana's face as she said, "Gerard?" As Gerard continued to use his ghostly wind abilities to hold up Ana in the air, he said, "What was just going on Ana!? Why did I just see you jumping off a cliff!? What was that fire I saw coming out of the mountain!?" As a very tired Ana began to close her eyes, she said, "I was just trying to be more like you... like doing this..." As Ana began to pass out, a confused Gerard said, "What do you mean by this? Uggh. I guess it doesn't matter. You need to get home. I'll take you as far as the front door of your house."
It was 3am. The Addams Family home was in complete silence save for the usual sounds of the night. Wednesday and Enid slept peacefully in their bedroom. Yet the silence was about to be broken as thuds on the door and the subsequent sound of it being slammed open created chaos in the house. Wednesday immediately jumped to attention, and ran down the stairs. Enid quickly followed beside her with her werewolf claws out. As Wednesday took out a sword she yelled, "Stay there and say your name. Although that won't save you from the punishment of breaking into our Sancta Sanctoru..." Wednesday stopped her speech when she realized standing at the door was her daughter Ana... who could barely stand. And it was not a moment sooner as she was able to catch the body of Ana.
As Wednesday turned her around, her eyes widened as she saw that Ana's clothes were in tatters. She had burns on her arms and legs, she had only one shoe and what seemed to be the hole of a sting above her belly button. The teenager smiled weakly as she said, "Sorry… I… guess… I should have left that cave alone…" Horror went across Enid's face as she saw her daughter look so weak and helpless. Wednesday then glared at Enid as she said, "Prepare the basement with everything I'll need to treat her NOW!" Then as Wednesday began to carry Ana to the basement... Gerard in his invisible ghostly form slowly floated into the house... feeling sad and helpless as he looked at the injured Ana.
"Wens, we should take her to a hospital!" - Enid pleaded as she stood before Wednesday who was attempting to heal an injured Ana (who was laying on a table in a basement). Wednesday turned to Enid with her usual deadpan expression as she said, "If you tell me how we shall successfully explain to them the nature of the injuries Ana has suffered, then I will." Enid remained silent. Then Wednesday coldly said, "Then be of help and stop burdening me." Ana then screamed in pain as Wednesday applied a syringe to her right arm while saying, "You brought this upon yourself. Now be quiet and accept the pain." Enid glared as Wednesday began preparing a bluish cream, and then gave it to her while saying, "Put this on all her burns. Then cover them with bandage."
It was until they removed the charred clothes off the teenager that they realized the true extent of the burns she had on her arms, legs and hands. Ana screamed as she felt the cream being applied. Wednesday then prepared a beverage that she promptly gave Ana. It took a couple of seconds for Ana's eyes to slowly close. Enid looked confused as she asked, "What did you give her?" Wednesday kept her eyes fixed on Ana as she simply said, "Something my mother taught me to make. It will make her sleep and ease her pain." Enid then looked at Wednesday confused as she said, "But… you mean you… you don't want her to keep suffering? But you said..." Wednesday quickly cut Enid off as she said, "She's my daughter Enid, and I say she has been in enough pain. Now keep applying the cream. It's made of rare herbs from my mother's garden. Once applied, it will heal all her outward injuries within hours." Enid nodded and resumed her work.
While Enid continued to tend to Ana, she realized Wednesday was making what seemed to be tests with some of Ana's blood. Enid noticed this, and said, "Hey Wens..." Wednesday then cut Enid off as she said, "Not now, I need to find out what venom Ana got injected into her." Enid's eyes opened wide as she yelled, "VENOM!?" As Wednesday focused on her work, she calmly said, "The wound on her stomach. It was clearly made by some kind of sting. I need to find out what venom it was so I can give her the proper antidote. Do not fret. It will only take me a few minutes to make the right cure." While Wednesday continued to work, a saddened Enid put her hands over her heart as she said, "Oh God…"
Enid then turned her head away from Ana as she began to cry. Meanwhile Gerard (while still in his invisible ghostly form) floated into the room and looked at Ana. With sadness in his voice, Gerard whispered into Ana's ear: "I'm sorry I can't do more for you Ana. I'm sorry I can't give medicine to your body, or hold your hand, or actually punch whatever it was that attacked you. I... I feel so helpless. I feel so worthless. I... I feel like I'm not good enough for you." Then as Enid was able to bring herself to tend to Ana's wounds again, Gerard sadly floated away from Ana, and soon floated out of the house.
A few hours later, Wednesday and Enid were sitting by the injured Ana. Enid slowly took the bandages off Ana with an amazed face as she said, "Wow Wednesday, you weren't kidding. All her injuries look almost fully healed already." Wednesday then put her phone down as she said, "Harmony and Megan just contacted us back. They said they're on their way back here... but it will still take time before they arrive." Then Ana slowly began to open her eyes, and with a groggy voice she said, "Mom? Mother?" A smiling Enid put a hand on Ana's forehead as she said, "Just rest Ana. You're gonna be okay. Everything is just fine now." Then suddenly a loud booming voice outside the house yelled, "Show yourself girl!" Then Enid looked incredibly frustrated as she said, "Oh, come on!" Wednesday then stood up, but glared at Ana as she said, "Remain here."
Wednesday and Enid then quickly went up the stairs and stepped out of their house... only to see the large black dragon standing in front of their home. A very startled Enid yelled, "A freaking dragon!? The local legends were actually real!? Those things actually exist!?" Wednesday however just coldly glared at the dragon as she said, "What do you want creature?" The dragon then angerly said, "I have been without a proper princess to eat for hundreds of years. I remained in hibernation until a certain girl came into my bedrock chambers. She dared break the sanctity of my home... so now I shall break her with my teeth!" Then Wednesday suddenly took out a sword as she said, "No one shall be consumed by you tonight beast." The dragon then angerly said, "Are you giving yourselves in her place?" Then an angry Wednesday said, "Either begone from this place... or your head will soon begone from your body."
The dragon then immediately shot fire from it's mouth. Enid quickly transformed into her werewolf form, while both she and Wednesday jumped away from the flames. Enid quickly jumped at the dragon and began to punch and scratch it many times. Wednesday similarly swung her sword at the dragon's legs, immediately causing it to bleed. The dragon roared in pain as it pushed Wednesday and Enid away. The two married women quickly glanced at each other, and then Wednesday quickly ran towards Enid. Enid immediately used her werewolf strength to throw Wednesday high into the air. Wednesday then flew over the dragon... and then gravity brought her back down towards the dragon's head with her sword out. However the dragon quickly swatted Wednesday away. Enid caught Wednesday, as the dragon angerly yelled, "No mere mortal can stop me!"
In the basement, Ana slowly began to sit up as she put a new set of fresh clothes. Suddenly a relieved Gerard floated into the room as he said, "Ana, you're okay!" As Ana began to slowly stand up, she said, "Yeah... but my moms aren't. I can tell by what I'm hearing that they're fighting that dragon out there. I have to help them." A worried Gerard then said, "But Ana, you can't! That dragon is too powerful! It could kill you." As Ana slowly picked up a nearby sword, she said, "Well... if it does... at least you and me will finally be together on the same plain of existence." An upset Gerard then floated right in front of Ana as he said, "Ana, don't say that! Trust me, you don't want to pass on sooner than you're meant to. Life... there is so much to enjoy about it. You remind me of that every day; because you are the most alive person I have ever met. It's one of the things I really like about you. Please... don't change that part of you for me Ana." Ana then looked surprised as she looked deep into Gerard's ghostly eyes while saying, "Seriously?" Gerard nodded his head as he looked at Ana with concern and affection. Ana continued to look deep into Gerard's eyes for another moment... and then she slowly look more energized as she said, "Well okay then."
Outside the house: Wednesday and Enid continued to try attacking the dragon, but the dragon kept fighting back against them. The dragon then boastfully yelled, "No mere mortal can stop me: Frederick the Destroyer!" Suddenly Ana could be heard laughing hysterically. Everyone turned their heads, and saw Ana stepping out of the house smiling as she said, "Fred!? Your name is Fred!? You're an ancient creature that lives in a cavern of bedrock, and your name is Fred!? Tell me, is your catchphrase: Yaba-daba-doom!?" Then the dragon angerly glared at Ana as he said, "Prepare to die girl!" Then as Ana revealed she was wearing special gloves with sharp claws attached to them, the teenage girl smirked as she said, "A day may come when the courage of the insane fails... but it is not this day!"
Ana then ran straight at the dragon with her metallic make-shift claws attached to her gloves. Wednesday and Enid then ran at the dragon from it's two sides as they attempted to distract it. Ana quickly used the claws attached to her gloves to slash at the dragon's legs. The dragon screamed in pain as it slowly began to fall. Wednesday meanwhile made more slashes at the dragon's arms, while Enid used her claws to wound the dragon's stomach. However the dragon looked more angry as it yelled, "Enough! Prepare mortals to die in the ultimate inferno!" The dragon then inhaled a great deal of air... and then its' chest began to glow very bright. Ana suddenly looked very worried as she said, "Oh God! This can't be good!"
The dragon's chest continued to glow as it looked like it was ready to shoot fire... but then everyone realized the dragon wasn't moving. A confused Enid then said, "Why hasn't it shot its' flames out?" However as Ana walked behind the dragon, only she could see Gerard was floating behind the beast. Gerard looked very exhausted, but very determined as he said, "I can't touch the girl I like. I'll never be able to kiss her, hug her, hold her, or feel any part of her. However what I can do... is use my ghostly powers to possess this dragon long enough to save the person that means everything to me!" A few tears appeared in Ana's eyes as she looked up at Gerard with amazement. Then Ana turned her head and yelled, "Quick! Deliver the killing blow mother!" Wednesday then gripped her sword as she said, "Gladly."
Then Enid once again used her werewolf strength to toss Wednesday in the air. Wednesday then flew up... and then came down at the frozen dragon with her sword out. Then with one strong swipe... Wednesday instantly cut through the dragon's neck, and had its' head fall off its' body. Blood covered much of Wednesday's body as Enid caught her. Enid looked relieved as she said, "Finally, the nightmare is over." Ana meanwhile looked very tired as she walked over to her mothers while saying, "Yep. The nightmare is over... and now... I think it's time to dream." Ana then slowly began to fall to the ground. Wednesday quickly jumped out of Enid's arms, and then caught Ana with her own hands. Wednesday then glanced at Enid as she said, "I'll get Ana to her room, and make sure her body is fully healed. You better contact the sheriff about cleaning up this mess." As Enid slowly transformed back into human form, she sarcastically said, "Oh yeah. I'm sure the police department is gonna have fun cleaning up a dragon. At least this place won't reek of seafood like after that incident years ago with the sea serpent..."
The next morning: a fully clothed Ana slowly opened her eyes as she laid on her bed in her bedroom. Ana then turned her head and saw Gerard floating near her. Ana made a happy smile as she said, "Hey." Gerard however could only make a brief small smirk as he said, "Hey. How you feeling?" As Ana slowly sat up, she said, "I'll survive... thanks to you. Gerard... thank you for saving me last night." Gerard however looked upset as he said, "I... I wish I could've done more. I wish I could've punched that thing attacking you. I wish I could have shielded you with a body that has a physical form." Ana meanwhile began to look guilty as she said, "No. It's my fault. The dragon only came after me because I stumbled into its' cavern it lived in... and I wouldn't have gone into that cavern if I wasn't looking for this gem I found." A confused Gerard then asked, "Why were you looking for a gem in some caves hiding in the local mountain?"
Ana made a sigh, and then said, "Well... the gem I found in that cavern... I took it because... legend says it's supposed to allow whoever holds it the ability to touch ghosts, and be able to temporarily become like a spirit that flies through air and goes through walls." Gerard's eyes widened as he said, "Seriously? That is what you were trying to do last night!?" Ana looked a bit guilty as she said, "Yeah." Gerard sighed too, and then said, "Well... to be honest... last night I tried doing my own research on how I could find a way to touch you, or even be mortal again... but that led to nothing." Ana looked down as she said, "Yeah, and I wound up with nothing too. It turns out that legend of the gem really was just a legend. The gem had no powers. So it looks like neither of us was able to change ourselves for the other."
Gerard however began to look confused as he said, "But Ana... why would you want to change anything about yourself? You're already amazing just the way you are." Ana however also looked confused as she said, "Maybe, but what I really wanted last night was to be like you. I wanted to fly, go through walls, and finally have the ability to be a spirit like you. I mean you can do so many amazing things as a ghost Gerard! You can stop bad people from doing bad things with your possession powers. You can float through walls and help expose crimes. You're like a Super Hero Spirit!" Gerard however had pain in his eyes while he said, "Ana... you don't want to be a spirit like me. I can't feel the sensation of eating or drinking or even sleeping anymore. I just... exist all the time. Even when I use my wind abilities to lift things up, I still can't feel myself touching anyone or anything. Do you know how badly I just want to find a way to finally touch you!?" A few tears then appeared in Ana's eyes as she said, "I know... because when I was really hurt last night... a part of me actually wanted to pass on... because then I could finally be a ghost with you."
Gerard then moved his ghostly face upwards slightly as he said, "Ana... I meant what I told you last night. You are the most alive person I have ever met. It's your most attractive quality. Don't purposefully change that for me Ana... ever!" With a small smile on her face, Ana then stood up as she said, "And I don't want you change anything about yourself either Gerard... because I like you just the way you are. I mean... I really, really like you." With a happy look on his ghostly face, a smiling Gerard said, "Well... I really, really like you too Ana." A look of complete happiness went across Ana's face as she said, "Wow." However a small look of worry went across Gerard's face as he said, "But... how could this work? We can never touch each other. I could never... pleasure your body. We won't be able to have kids. I mean would it even be possible for us to..."
But then Ana quickly put a hand up as she interrupted Gerard and said, "Stop thinking about what isn't possible Gerard, and start thinking about what is. I mean... we live in an angry world now where people constantly complain about all the things other people cannot do. However rather than waste my time focusing on what someone isn't capable of... I instead focus on what someone is capable of... and Gerard, you are capable of understanding me, caring for me, and appreciating me in a way no one else can. So if you're willing to see if this can work... just know I am all in." Gerard floated in the air silently for a moment... and then he slowly floated behind Ana as he calmly said, "You know this isn't going to be easy." Ana then smirked as she closed her eyes and said, "Hey. If Casper and Christina Ricci could make it work... I think we'll have no problem." Gerard then laughed for a moment as he had his ghostly arms go around Ana's body... but as always, his ghostly hands were unable to touch Ana. However after keeping his arms around Ana for just a few seconds, Ana (with her eyes still closed) smiled. Seeing that Ana was smiling, Gerard smiled too. Both teenagers remained exactly where they were, unable to come into physical contact one another... and yet Ana's heart deep down... felt deeply touched.
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...or maybe not...
In the family kitchen: Wednesday and Enid sat at a table, while sitting across from them was Harmony and Megan. As everyone was sharing a meal together, a relieved Harmony said, "Well I'm glad to hear Ana is okay. I hope she wakes up before we have to head back to school." Enid smiled as she said, "Well... thank you for sacrificing your time to check up on her. How is college life going anyway?" A happy Megan then said, "Well... the two of us already getting straight A's. Classes are still tough at times though... but it looks like we're going to manage."
Wednesday then raised one eyebrow as she said, "Naturally. You're both Addams now. The world would expect nothing less. However... if you achieve less... you will receive a fierce vengeance from me for tainting our family name." Megan chuckled for a moment as she said, "Nice one Mrs Addams." However as Megan looked into Wednesday's eyes... she saw Wednesday's face looked very angry. Megan then began to look very nervous as she turned to Harmony and said, "Is she being serious?" Harmony meanwhile looked a bit nervous herself as she said, "There are some things you don't want to test in life."
Suddenly a smiling Ana walked into the kitchen as she said, "Hey everyone!" A happy Harmony jumped up, and immediately hugged Ana as she said, "Ana, you're okay! I'm so glad! We left school as soon as we heard you were hurt." A smiling Ana hugged Harmony back as she said, "Thanks sis. But I'm okay... and actually, I have some big news." Harmony then sat back down as she said, "Really? What is it?" As Ana began to look very excited, she put her hands behind her back while saying, "Well... I know it seems like I've been hiding an important part of my life from you all for awhile. However... I'm finally ready to put the truth completely out there. So... here it is." Then suddenly Gerard in his ghostly form quickly flew into the room, and floated next to Ana.
Upon seeing Gerard: Enid, Harmony, and Megan immediately screamed in fear. A panicked Enid then yelled, "Is that some demon spirit!?" Then a freaked out Harmony yelled, "Is that a creepy ghost!?" Then a scared Megan yelled, "Is that something I have to call my grandfather about!?" Then an intrigued Wednesday raised one eyebrow as she said, "Is it my birthday already? I've always wanted a home that was haunted." However a very happy and excited Ana simply said, "Everyone... this is my new boyfriend Gerard. Gerard, this is my family." Gerard meanwhile looked very nervous as he waved his ghostly hand while saying, "Um... hi everyone..."
*Author's Note - Thank you to everyone for supporting me these last thirteen weeks I have posted the last ten chapters of this series (along with the three chapters of my Gomez and Morticia series). These last several stories are some of my proudest works yet, and I couldn't have done it without help from several people I want to shout out to. First, thank you to "DrDoom2006" for being a good friend and fun writing partner on this chapter and several others we worked on. Also, shout out to "Shadow From the Past" for helping me with another recent chapter, and inspiring/recommending several creative choices in this series. And finally, thank you to "Annie the Artsy Artist" for her art she has provided in recent chapters, and ESPECIALLY big thanks to "Emeriart" for making some of the most beautiful "cover pictures" to several of my chapters (including this one).
However, the time has come to take a break from this series. Not a permanent break... but an indefinite break; as I am now out of ideas, and also hitting a bit of burnout. However this feeling occurred to me last Fall as well, only for my first break from this series to be followed by a wonderful comeback. So I expect to make new chapters in this series at some point... but I can't tell you when that will happen. The wait may be short, the wait may be long... or it may extend to around the time Wednesday Season 2 premiers. However my hope was that by ending this chapter on a cliffhanger, it will allow people to have the sense that there is indeed unfinished business here that will indeed be resolved at some point. Simply think of this chapter as a "season finale". The next "season" will come at some point... I just can't tell you when. But until we meet again... thanks for allowing the stories of my world to regularly be a part of yours...
My stories can be found on various sites:
https://www.wattpad.com/user/WenclairFamily (T-rated version of my stories)
https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14168842/1/The-Passion-of-a-Moment-Enid-and-Wednesday-s-Family-and-Legacy (M-rated version of my stories)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/43420609 (alternate link for M-rated version of my stories)
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twistedtummies2 · 11 months
Top 15 Skeleton Characters
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Happy Dia de los Muertos, everybody! Anybody who knows about the Day of the Dead knows it is really a celebration of life…and they also know that a major part of this holiday’s iconography is the imagery of skeletons and skulls. The human skeleton, in fact, is quite the ubiquitous visual: skeletons unsettle many people, on a fundamental level. Everybody has one, but if you’re actually SEEING one, that’s not a good sign: bones are the last vestiges of something long dead, and so there is always this automatic gut reaction of perturbation that comes with them. Of course, there’s also a recognition that life was present, which can, in its own odd way, be heartwarming. Skeleton characters - or even characters who are simply skulls or have skull faces - are thus a major part of many fictional worlds. They can be used to mock death, or celebrate life, or they can be used to represent fear and destruction. Regardless, they are always interesting to see, as commonplace as some may claim them to be. So, I decided, if today is a day about celebrating life through the imagery of death, it was only fitting to do something to celebrate the many characters who, effectively, do the same thing, one way or another. Now, I’m only going to be counting ACTUAL skeletal characters here, so to speak; characters like the Phantom of the Opera, Red Skull from Marvel, or Skull Face from “Metal Gear Solid V,” will not count. They evoke the imagery of a skull, but they’re really just deformed human beings, not actual collections of living bones. Also, I won’t be counting gatherings of skeletons (with one exception), such as the various skeleton-themed enemies you’ll find in video games, or the famous Harryhausen skeletons from “Jason and the Argonauts.” They aren’t really “characters” so much as “creatures,” so I don’t think they fit the bill. With that said, let’s waste no more time! Here are my Top 15 Skeleton Characters!
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15. Skelly, from I Spy: Spooky Mansion.
Here’s a more obscure option to start things off. How many of you had I Spy books or played the I Spy PC games when you were younger? I know I did. This picture-puzzle series could be surprisingly challenging, and I was always fascinated by the way they organized the photos in the books, not to mention the animation in the PC titles. “Spooky Mansion” was always my favorite game and book, mostly because…well…I like Spooky Mansions! (Even did a list about them, go and take a look at that, tis the season.) Skelly was essentially our Tour Guide for the game: a mischievous but not malicious skeleton who loved to play games with people and spook them silly. She traps us inside her haunted house and challenges us to find various pieces of a puzzle in order to escape; none of this is done with evil intent, she simply wants to play! I always found Skelly a wonderful mix of creepy and sweet, almost like an Addams Family character; that’s always a great blend.
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14. Skeleton King, from Super Robot Monkey Team Hyper Force GO!
Imagine Skeletor on a REALLY bad day. That would basically be this monstrosity in a nutshell. The main antagonist of this (incredibly weirdly named) superhero series, the Skeleton King was once a good-hearted scientist, who wished to help the world; it was he who created the titular Monkey Team. However, things changed when the man began to study the dark forces of the Netherworld; assured in his safety from them, he later paid the price of his hubris, as the dark spirits were released, and ending up possessing and corrupting the scientist, body and soul. He thus became the Skeleton King: a cyborganic ghoul who plots to destroy the entire universe. The King was a deliciously creepy villain, and much of his menace can be owed to his voice actor: none other than the Joker himself, Mark Hamill. Honestly, if that name alone doesn’t interest you in this character right away from the start, there’s not much more I can say that will convince you to give him a look.
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13. Sir Daniel Fortesque, from MediEvil.
Sir Daniel is a tragically comic case: for ages after his death, this knight was hailed as a hero, believed to have been a mythical and powerful figure who died nobly for a righteous cause. In truth, he was a bungling coward who was killed in the very first seconds of battle, and never really did anything grand at all; somewhere along the line, the facts of his life got all twisted up. When the evil he once fought (or, at least, wanted to fight) rears its ugly head again many years later, Sir Daniel Fortesque is brought back from the grave to do battle once more...but, of course, not being a hero at all, he now has to prove himself. “MediEvil” becomes a typical quest of an unlikely hero; someone trying to live up to the reputation he garnered over time, trying to earn respect from those who know the truth. It’s a classic kind of setup, only enhanced by the unique, Tim-Burton-esque visual styling of the game…not to mention Sir Daniel’s absolutely hilarious running cycle. I guess he went to the Ministry of Silly Walks before his demise.
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12. Bob, from The Dresden Files.
So far, I’ve only finished the first six books of “The Dresden Files,” but it’s already a favorite series of mine. (Also, if you’re only familiar with the TV series…that doesn’t count here, since their version of Bob is rather different.) The series details the many adventures of “consulting wizard,” Harry Dresden, and blends elements of noir-style detective mystery storytelling with doses of dark fantasy and Gothic horror. One of my favorite characters is undeniably Bob: an eccentric ghost who inhabits a skull in Harry’s home. Bob is intended to be a sort of living encyclopedia for Harry to consult when on a case; he has been around for centuries, and helped many wizards in his time, making him an extremely valuable source of information. However, Bob is also…well…freaking hilarious. He’s always got his mind in the gutter, and he’s always filled with snark and a ready-to-whip-out insult or quip, leading to some pretty funny dialogue any time he’s featured. Generally, whenever Harry consults Bob, that’s when things are about to get truly serious…but it’s hard to remember that past all the pure, glorious silliness he provides. The only reason Bob doesn’t rank higher is that he is literally JUST a skull, and on top of that, the skull probably isn’t even his own: it’s just his way of communicating with Dresden in the world of the living, sort of like a crystal ball or other conduit of knowledge. Still, I feel he counts enough.
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11. Captain Bones, from Crashbox.
Made for HBO, this series was one of my favorite shows EVER when I was a kid. “Crashbox” was a show that really went outside the box with how an educational program could also be entertaining! It used various styles of animation in numerous scenarios and skits to showcase all kinds of different skills. Basic stuff like math, history, sciences, social studies, and so on were featured, but you’d also have things that challenged your critical thinking or problem solving skills, with puzzles and riddles that weren’t necessarily things you’d be taught at school, but were still important things to learn. It was all done with this irreverent tone; the series was utterly bonkers, so it was always a joy to watch even as it taught you all the skills it tried to push. Captain Bones was one of the most frequent skits in the series, and also one of my favorites. “The Incredibly Dead Captain Bones” was a skeletal ghost pirate cursed to Sail the Seven Seas for an eternity. “And I’ll tell ya,” the Captain would sigh, “I’m a Bored Stiff.” (Har Har.) To keep himself from dying of boredom (…presumably a second time…), the old pirate would use his own bones to create math and picture puzzles, which the viewer would be challenged to try and figure out before he showed them the answer. What made Captain Bones hilarious…were his insults. This guy was the KING of Insult Comedy, able to come up with all kinds of incredible, colorful phrases without ever getting dirty or lewd, given the fact this WAS made for kids. If you don’t agree…“THEN YER NOT FIT TO WALK THE DECK OF ME GHOST SHIP, ye crustacean-sucking, knock-kneed, squid-faced, plank-walking sack of soiled, sea-salted, unwashed fish buckets of barnacles for brains!”
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10. Lord Ainz, from Overlord.
I haven’t seen a whole lot of “Overlord” yet, which is the primary reason Ainz only BARELY crosses the threshold into the Top 10. Trust me, if I’d seen more, he’d probably be WAY higher. “Overlord” is a classic Isekai anime series: the plot focus on a young man who ends up zapped into a video game world, which he had once been a player of. He finds that he has been transformed into the character he created: a hyper-powerful dark skeleton warlord, known as Ainz Ooal Gown (or “Lord Ainz” for short). The interesting thing about this isekai is the way Ainz is played, and how he evolves over the course of the series; as time goes on, he loses more and more of his humanity, as his personality, morality, and ethical viewpoints start to merge and become less like his own back on Earth, and more like those of the character he created. This leads to a lot of gray area in the morality of Ainz, as he seeks to conquer the world - the typical goal of many a great dark lord - but has surprisingly understandable motivations for doing so. From what I’ve seen so far, the series is quite interesting, and Ainz is an equally interesting character…but I’ve only scratched the surface of this show, so I don’t think it’s fair to give him TOO high a rank JUST yet. But still, Top 10 ain't bad, right?
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9. Bonejangles, from Corpse Bride.
There’s really not a whole lot to say about this guy, I just really love him. Though a fairly small part on the whole, Bonejangles is arguably one of the most recognizable characters in the Tim Burton animated picture “Corpse Bride.” A hollow skeleton with a single eyeball, which he rolls back and forth between his sockets, this limber, jazzy fellow appears to be pretty close to the titular character, Emily - the ghost of a bride-to-be who died mysteriously. It is he who tells the story of the Corpse Bride to our protagonist, Victor Van Dort, via the song “Remains of the Day,” easily the best song in the film’s soundtrack. While his time onscreen is small, he makes an immediate impression, and Danny Elfman’s gravelly, raspy vocals only add to the clattering, rambunctious skeleton’s fun personality. In short, Bonejangles is proof that big characters can come in small packages.
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8. The Horned King, from The Black Cauldron.
This movie was HATED when it came out - notoriously, “The Black Cauldron” lost to the CARE BEARS when it premiered. (I wish I was joking about that.) However, over time, the movie has garnered something of a cult following, mostly for its dark and often rather brutal atmosphere (which is still rather pale compared to the Lloyd Alexander novels the film is loosely based upon). One thing almost everybody loves about the film is the villain: the lich-like Horned King, voiced impeccably by John Hurt. A cross between the character of the same name from the first book, “The Book of Three,” and the evil Lord Arawn, the main antagonist of the series, Disney’s incarnation of the character is easily one of the most mysterious and frightening of their animated baddies. Essentially a living corpse (who has horns growing out of his head, for some reason), the Horned King is a powerful sorcerer who wishes to destroy all of mankind. (Why? Probably because he’s tired of everyone around him having noses.) To this end, he and his goblin-like assistant, Creeper, seek out Hen-Wen, a pig who somehow has gained oracular abilities, allowing her to find the hiding place of the titular Black Cauldron. The Cauldron is an ancient piece of crockery possessed by the spirit of a long-dead king, which can create an army of living dead brutes, “The Cauldron Born.” In the end, the King is thwarted by Taran, a young farm boy who has been thrust into a quest to stop him, and is sucked into the Cauldron itself. In arguably the goriest death scene in a Disney movie, the King is stripped of his soul, and his FLESH (what little he has), as his life force is sucked into the Cauldron’s hellish depths, before EXPLODING in a flash of light and dust. A fittingly gruesome end for this bony fiend.
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7. Arc, from Skeleton Knight in Another World.
Much like Overlord, this is another fantasy isekai anime series, in which the main character is transformed into a character they played in a video game. And, just like then, said main character is an extremely powerful skelly-dude. HOWEVER, that’s about where the similarities between this show and “Overlord” stop. In “Skeleton Knight in Another World,” Arc is not a villain who plays the hero of his own story…but instead just a hero, period. In fact, a big part of the series is that he worries about people seeing his true bone face, as he knows the sight of a giant living skeleton will probably be seen as a bad sign by many. Arc is a wonderfully fun protagonist: like many characters in this sort of scenario, he is equal parts bold and admirably strong…and sort of a total dork. The human life he left behind clashes constantly with the uber-heroic facade he tries to put on (complete with a bold and daring laugh, which is absolutely glorious), leading to a great deal of humor. While Ainz is probably the more popular character between these two, I’ve actually finished all of “Skeleton Knight” (at least with what’s available thus far), and I generally prefer Arc a little bit more, based on what I’ve seen. Therefore, he gets higher marks on the list. Also, on a side note…the theme song to this show is absolutely freaking GLORIOUS, seriously, go take a listen to it.
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6. Basically the Entire Cast of “Coco.”
This is the exception to the "no groups of characters" rule I made. I know it’s cheating to include a whole bunch of skeletons, instead of just one, but I felt that, in this case, it was warranted. It’s fitting I’m posting this on the Day of the Dead, because that’s what this film is actually inspired by and based around. This Pixar movie tells the story of a young boy named Miguel, who loves music. However, due to personal tragedy, his family has banned any member from being a musician. Believing his great-grandfather to be a legendary musician, Miguel goes on a quest to rekindle the love of music in his family…and, in the process, ends up in the Land of the Dead, which is populated by a whole world of Dia de los Muertos-inspired skeletons. Ranging from friendly sorts, like the eccentric Hector, and multiple late members of Miguel’s family, to the more villainous Ernesto de la Cruz, choosing just one character to represent an entire film of colorful, whimsical bunches of bones seemed next to impossible. So, yeah, I’m just counting the entire movie here. My list, my choice. So sue me. :P
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5. Ghost Rider, from Marvel.
A prominent anti-hero of the Marvel universe, the Ghost Rider has gone through many incarnations. One early interpretation, later re-named the Phantom Rider (big difference, I know), isn’t a skeleton at all, nor a supernatural entity of any kind. Instead, the first Ghost Rider was a Wild Western hero and horseman, who used his ghostly costume and magic tricks to frighten his enemies - think of a cross between the Lone Ranger and Batman. Later interpretations, however, took a different path. The most famous Ghost Rider is Johnny Blaze: a stunt daredevil who was tutored largely by his adoptive father, Crash Simpson. (Good lord, these names sound like video game characters from Nintendo…) When Crash developed an inoperable cancer, a grief-stricken Johnny made a deal with the Devil himself to try and save him. Needless to say, it didn’t go so well. Now, Blaze - and others who would share his curse - must roam the land hunting down evildoers, fighting both mortal and supernatural villainy in an endless quest to avenge the innocent. The Ghost Riders all share common visual elements: fiery skeletal bodies, leather clothes, chain-based weapons, and of course, AWESOME motorcycles to ride upon. Their power over the fires of Hell itself are their primary weapons, however, with a variety of different attacks and powers available to Blaze and his later compatriots in the war to seek out the evil and punish them for their sins...hopefully while avoiding ending up in terrible Nicolas Cage outings. No promises on that one.
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4. Sans & Papyrus, from Undertale.
Oh, God, I LOVE Undertale. And more than that, perhaps, I LOOOOVE Sans and Papyrus! The Skeleton Brothers are easily my favorite characters in the game, and the most identifiable for me, in many ways. Sans is, in some ways, Undertale’s equivalent to the Doctor from “Doctor Who”: he is a comedic, laid-back, somewhat eccentric character who uses his unassuming appearance and “dopey” personality as a facade. As many a player quickly learns, Sans is far more powerful, far more DANGEROUS than he looks or seems, able to go from cracking a terrible pun to threatening you with painful death in a split second. If you get on his bad side, “you’re gonna have a bad time.” His brother, Papyrus, on the other hand, is sort of the reverse: at first glance, Papyrus seems like your typical “over-the-top villain.” His signature laugh, twisted design, and sense of self-importance all make him about as fiendish as can be...all he’s missing is a top hat or a moustache to twirl! But it quickly becomes clear that Papyrus is neither as evil, nor as clever, as he likes to seem: in reality, he’s really a rather harmless sort of bony fellow, and would much rather befriend you than murder you with his incredibly elaborate, Wile-E.-Coyote-esque death traps. (Much like with Wile E., the traps never work the way they should.) Dealing with these brothers is a BIG part of figuring out the events of Undertale, and the path your adventure will take in the game. Whether you love them as much as I do or not, I advise you to decide wisely.
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3. Skeletor, from He-Man and the Masters of the Universe.
There have been several different takes on Eternia’s greatest villain over the years (my favorite will always be the original, but I do like many, if not all, of the other interpretations out there). No matter which one you look at, Skeletor is a very fun villain, and is easily one of the most iconic skull-faced scoundrels out there. A dark wizard who longs to take over Castle Grayskull, and learn all its secrets for his own evil ends, Skeletor’s evil ranges from cartoonish to truly cruel, depending on which version you look at, but there’s always a wonderful blend of both creepiness and genuine menace that accompanies him. It’s hard to not make references to this guy when looking at other bony characters, and he’s given rise to more memes than you can shake a sorcerer’s scepter at. Really, what more can I say? It’s Skeletor: by virtue of his recognition alone, he’s more than earned a spot in the Top Three.
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2. The Grim Reaper.
Arguably the single most iconic skeletal figure in history, the Grim Reaper - the embodiment of death itself - could really take up an entire list of his own. (And he probably will, one day.) There are so many versions of the Reaper out there, it’s kind of amazing: when people imagine what death’s avatar looks like, it’s likely that the typical imagery of a skeletal figure, garbed in a dark cloak and carrying a scythe, is the first thing they will imagine. Sometimes the Reaper is depicted as a humorous and comical figure, such as the version found in “The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy.” On many occasions he is depicted as an evil monster, such as the version of Death found in the “Castlevania” franchise. Other times, he is something of a neutral force, as death is neither truly good nor evil when you think about it; probably my favorite example of this is the one found in Terry Pratchett’s “Discworld” universe. Bottom line, I think the fact that skeletons so often represent death, to the point where the very embodiment of the Angel of Death is depicted AS a skeleton, speaks for itself as to why this ranks so highly. Honestly, I was tempted to make this choice number one, but I decided against it for several reasons. Still, iconic as the concept of the Grim Reaper is, the character - in pretty much all his forms - has more than earned high praise here.
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1. Jack Skellington, from The Nightmare Before Christmas.
“Nightmare” is one of my favorite films of all time, if not my absolute favorite. It’s not a complex movie, really, but its simplicity is part of what makes it so wonderful! Jack is, by extension, one of my favorite characters of all time: hailed as “The Pumpkin King With the Skeleton Grin,” this dapper, noble, gentlemanly bonehead is the ruler of Halloween Town, a world of ghosts, goblins, and ghouls (oh, my!) whose only job is to make Halloween as frightening as possible. But, despite his undead state, and wicked sense of humor, there is no malice in Jack’s mischief; he just sees it as a job. A job he’s apparently very, VERY good at, from the few examples the film and other spin-offs give us. Jack’s really a very good sort; charming and debonair, but also rather naive. A cockeyed optimist in his own way, and a bit of a prima donna, Jack’s over-the-top antics and spirit of adventure are what often get him into trouble; he has a problem with thinking things through. However, when things go wrong, Jack is ready for action, and quick to take responsibility, take charge, and take chances. His heart is in the right place at all times, even if his brain doesn’t always get there right away. Mixing intelligence and charisma with a childlike simplicty - much like the movie he hails from, in fact - Jack Skellington is an endearing and interesting character who deserves every bit of love he gets from myself and the world over. He’s just as iconic as the Grim Reaper, Skeletor, and others on this list, if not more so! And for all these reasons and more, I happily (albeit pointlessly) name Jack Skellington my Favorite Skeletal Character!
Captain Barbossa, from Pirates of the Caribbean. (He really only counts for the first film, which is why I didn’t include him on the main list.)
The Speaking Skull, from The Last Unicorn.
Manolo Sanchez, from The Book of Life.
Spinal, from Killer Instinct.
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weissaddams · 1 year
Date With Death
Chapter 6
Her conversation with Ajax was as short as she’d predicted, but more reassuring that she thought it would be.
Enid would have her happy ending. With or without.
An unwelcome heaviness fills her body when she realizes that the remaining hours of her life will be her last hours with Enid Sinclair. She can only hope she does nothing to anger the blonde in those last hours. Though seeing her canines come out would certainly be a treat.
Wednesday was proud of her Addams heritage. It was both revered and feared. Loved and hated. Envied and yearned for.
The only price for being an Addams was the curse placed upon one at birth.
It seemed the curse took someone from each generation. Once someone born into the Addams family fails to win over the affections of their one and only love, the curse would set in. What constituted as failure and the timing of the curse seemed to vary, but not materially.
Most were taken the moment a legal and binding document meant they had lost the fight to win the affections of the one they loved. Essentially, once the marriage contract is signed, defeat was official. Sadly, the curse which had been placed on their family centuries ago had no knowledge of proceedings such as divorces which could technically give them a way to nullify a contract. 
She could die the moment Enid said I do or the moment Enid and Ajax sign their marriage contract or any moment in between. It varied, due to different marriage customs any Addams found themselves in, but it seemed that one could fight off the curse's effects for a short period of time out of sheer will.  
A myocardial infraction would take them instantly or within the span of a few minutes. Just enough time to call for an ambulance? Hardly. There was no point in trying. Defibrillation would not beat a century-old curse.
It should, however, be just enough time for Wednesday to walk herself back to the family hearse. She’d rather not be a burden that had to be carried around even after her demise.
Now, as she exited the boys’ suite and made her way back to the girls, her last adventure would be to make Enid happy. Devote all her remaining hours to the love of her short-lived but begrudgingly colorful life.
She read that it was almost tradition, if not expected, for the groom to cry the moment he first sees his bride walk down the aisle. Dressed in white.
Wednesday was no groom, but the tear she felt run down her cheek the moment Enid smiled and waved her over certainly made her wonder if this was how she would feel had they been the ones to get married today.
“Willa? Are you okay?” The werewolf bunched up her dress and walked hurriedly over to a wide-eyed Wednesday Addams, hands hovering close enough to wipe off the tear but not daring to. Was it her color allergy again? Did they have too many colorful items in the room?
Wednesday takes a breath and lets herself be selfish. Just one more time. She will allow herself the greed of wanting Enid. She was essentially dying, after all. 
“Tu es magnifique, mon loup.” Wednesday took Enid’s hand as she bowed her head slightly and placed a light kiss on the werewolf’s knuckles. 
The blush on the Enid’s cheeks was delicious as Wednesday finally stood up straight to look at her, a slight smirk replacing the awe on her face. She could hear the other girls sniggering and squealing behind her but she could not care less. She was enjoying this moment with Enid. She was breathtaking.
“Translation please?” Enid asked with a nervous laugh, not taking away her hand because she would never dare to deny Wednesday touch when she initiated it herself.. She wasn't sure if she should be worried that Wednesday was acting a bit weird today, but she was Wednesday and Wednesday Addams never did anything normally.
The raven sighed amusedly before finally, finally smiling at Enid. Her heart clenched at the respect the werewolf continuously gave her. She could have easily learned French. Morticia and Gomez were more than willing to teach her but she’d opted not to in order to give Wednesday her space. Her space in the form of language in case there were things she had to process out loud without Enid understanding.
Not unlike how Wednesday chose not to learn Greek for the sake of giving Enid her own space to process things Wednesday didn’t need to know right away.
What a pair they would have made. Alas, the glint of the engagement ring on the hand she had not kissed reminded her of a certain impossibility.
“Words could not express how magnificent you are, Enid.”
Could magnificent encompass all the awe that was trying to burst out of Wednesday’s 5′2″ body? It could try, but it would surely fail.
From the off shoulder design to the intricately weaved patters of her white dress. From the tiara that sat atop the blonde’s head to the strands of blonde hair perfectly framing her face while the rest were braided in a crown.
From the pink of her lips to the blue skies in her eyes.
How could a singular word ever encompass the ethereal being that was Enid Sinclair?
Date With Death master post
I was in the mood to write so here you go.  Another short chapter, though.
Can you tell that I’m winging the flow of the story? Lol. 
If anyone has any idea how I can get this fic out to more readers, please let me know. :)
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starrypawz · 3 months
I've randomly had some over analysing thoughts about classifying goth characters in media and essentially I think we can create the following categories
Explicit Goth
This character is described as a goth, (either in universe/character descriptions or word of god) will generally aesthetically be goth, and will often in some way depicted as engaging with the subculture
Examples: Gerard Keay, Sam Manson, The Goth Kids from South Park*, Richmond Avenal, Crimson and Ennui, Gwen, Nemi, Vince Noir**
(*Don't @ me they count ok)
(**Briefly, he still counts)
Implicit Goth/Coded Goth
This character is not described as a goth but is depicted in a way people are like 'This character would be Goth' this includes characters from settings where the Goth subculture doesn't exist
Examples: Death of the Endless, Raven from Teen Titans, Ruby Gloom, Misa Amane*, Nancy Downs, Alice Liddell (American McGee),
(*I am not quite sure if I would pit Misa in Implicit or Resonate I can see either, I would say she belongs here rather than Surface goth or Mislabeled Goth)
Resonate Goth
Potentially a subsection of the Implicit Goth but these are characters that are not described as goths, and likely were not coded as Goths as these characters in some cases pre date the Goth subculture but have resonated with the subculture enough they've been adopted and often are an influence on the subculture
Examples: Lydia Deetz, The Hex Girls, Dracula, The Addams Family, Neo and Trinity, Eric Draven, Jack Skellington,
Surface Goth
These characters often aesthetically look goth and could potentially fall into Implicit or Resonate but often do not have quite enough substance to put them in either section. I think this type tends to pop up a lot in kid's cartoons and sitcoms etc
Examples: Mavis, Laetitia Bowers , Pandora
Mislabeled Goth/Non Specific Alternative
The character is described as a goth either in canon or by fans but doesn't actually quite fit, these characters are often alternative but this is often a case of 'anyone wearing black and kind of moody is a goth obvs' depending on when these characters were created they tend to actually be Emos, this character type also pops up a lot in kid's cartoons and sitcoms
Examples: Gaz (Invader Zim), Robby Valentino, Johnny and Lacie
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Wednesday Character Nevermore Students Descriptions:
Wednesday Addams:
An artistic teen with a morbid world view. Wednesday is intelligent, sarcastic, sharp edged, introvert and sadistic. She has a penchant for torture and violence. Wednesday is a essentially a Jack of all Trades. She is a writer, she can play cello and is an expert in hand to hand combat. Wednesday is incredibly protective of her family and friends, she has a distaste for bullying and always defends the defenseless.
Enid Sinclair:
Enid is a Werewolf and Wednesday’s roommate. She is cheerful, bubbly, perky and optimistic in other words Wednesday’s Nightmare. Enid loves colors, stuffed animals, gossip, hockey and kung fu movies. She is a late bloomer and hasn’t managed to wolf out yet, but she knows she will get there eventually. Despite her sweet appearance, Enid is actually tougher than she seems.
Bianca Barclay:
Bianca is a siren and the Queen Bee of Nevermore. She is competitive, haughty and ambitious. Bianca is willing to do whatever it takes to win, but he has a strong moral code and loathes the idea of controlling the minds of her peers. She always does the right thing in the end and is incredibly loyal to those, she cares about.
Xavier Thorpe:
Xavier is Nevermore’s resident tortured Artist. He met Wednesday when he was 10 years old and she saved him from being cremated. Xavier is mature, reasonable, charismatic and sweet. He is a talented artist and loves it to draw and to paint. His father is a famous psychic, who is always busy with work, which is why he never attends Parents Day at Nevermore, but Xavier is already used to his father’s constant absence.
Ajax Petropolus:
Ajax is a Gorgon, who is often stoned. He is a nice guy, but he has the tendency to say exactly what he think, even if it’s inappropriate. Ajax is shy and awkward. He always avoids eye contact with others, because he doesn’t want to risk turning anyone into stone. He hides his snake hair under a beanie or a hoodie and always covers the mirrors, when he has to take a shower.
Yoko Tanaka:
Yoko is a vampire and one of the cool kids at Nevermore. She is clever, laid back, witty and effortlessly charming. She has a gothic fashion sense and a love for red lace. Yoko tends to avoid other people’s drama, but she is often sucked into it against her will. Yoko is very artistic and has a penchant for nail art.
Eugene Otinger:
Eugene is a sweet nerd who is obsessed with Bees. He is the president of Nevermore’s Bee Keeping club. Eugene is perky. intelligent, nice, funny and charismatic. He has a crush on Enid, who unfortunately doesn’t feel the same way. Eugene has the ability to control bees and is very willing to size them against his enemies.
Pugsley Addams:
A mischievous boy genius with a penchant for explosives, violence and mayhem. Pugsley is a brilliant inventor and an expert on technology. He is a bit more approachable, sweeter and emotional than his older sister Wednesday. He has a big appetite and would literally eat you alive if you try to mess with him.
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clarasghosts · 2 years
i am five episodes in now, so i feel ready to write a critical post, but it won't be too spoilery. wednesday has been an unfortunate disappointment. it's lacking all the humor and energy of the sitcom and 90s films (i haven't read the original comics), and seems to miss the point of them entirely. it really feels like the only addams family story tim burton has ever interacted with is addams family values, but that he also misunderstood the film entirely. wednesday in the 90s films is a fun character! she is not allergic to the concept of fun! while morticia and gomez are always incredibly kind and understanding, we saw wednesday in the films grow into someone more suspicious of others than her parents, which is a fine way to distinguish her character from theirs. in values, though, she is not being contrary for contrary's sake. wednesday doesn't hate that people are having a good time at the summer camp, her hatred of them is the film being critical of 90s conservatives and white suburban conformity. wednesday is the champion of the outcasts and the voice of reality.
what is wednesday the series being critical of? it claims patriarchy, but it's only critical of that in the vaguest, most ineffective sense. it fully feels like wednesday's declaration to never fall in love or marry is seen as a flaw in her that the show intends to fix, rather than a normal life experience for a lot of people (also, why is it that every teen girl story involves romance? are teen girls allowed to have other adventures?? starting to realize beetlejuice is burton's best work, actually). wednesday criticizes her mother for being a housewife, and while morticia being a housewife is a product of the time in which the character was invented, it also dismisses the fact that gomez is essentially a househusband. literally both gomez and morticia spend all their time at home pursuing the things they want to pursue. they are living the dream. morticia doesn't need a job; she spends the whole sitcom practicing different art forms. kind of like, you know, wednesday in the series wanting to be a writer.
if wednesday (both the character and the show) wanted to fight the patriarchy, why did she spend the entire first episode antagonizing every girl she came across, and only befriending boys? she straight up not-like-other-girls-ed herself. wednesday finding out that bianca is the queen bee, and then immediately making her the enemy is not subversive. it's clear that the show is developing bianca into a more complex character, which is good, but even that is not subversive. it's been done a million times. a more subversive (and addams world) tactic would have been for bianca to be a friendly queen bee, and for her and wednesday to quickly become friends. they're both matched in skill and intelligence, so it's awful how the show tries to pit them against each other. while it is good that the show does seem to want to maybe criticize that, nevermore is supposed to be a school of outcasts, is it not? so why is it being developed the exact same way as every other high school in american media? where's the flavor? why is this school itself not a fun subversion, with the town set up as its real-world reflection that it criticizes?
and again, if the show wanted to criticize the patriarchy, it could have taken a stronger stance against tyler getting upset that wednesday was 'sending him mixed signals'. no she wasn't! she was being friendly, like a normal person. a girl being friendly is not her inviting romantic advances, and it's incredibly entitled for tyler to get upset that she didn't ask him to the dance. but instead of the show pointing out how bullshit that is, it had thing apologize on wednesday's behalf. that's stupid at best, and dangerous at worst.
lastly, gomez and morticia. while both actors are decent choices for their roles, it feels like they forgot to do a chemistry test with them. but that aside, i don't know why the show wants to butcher their characters, especially morticia. gomez, at least, is fun, and the show acknowledges that he's a great father. but pitting wednesday against morticia? morticia has always been wholly supportive of her children's endeavors - i am trying to give the show the benefit of the doubt here, since wednesday is a teenager, and may be going through an awkward rebellious period (though what is she rebelling against, even? the whole family is a rebellious period). and they completely forgot to make morticia fun.
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taintedblud · 8 months
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―   ◜   ❏  . ― . / / 𝚄𝙽𝙻𝙾𝙲𝙺𝙸𝙽𝙶 𝙰𝙲𝙲𝙴𝚂𝚂 𝚃𝙾 𝙲𝙰𝚂𝙴 𝙵𝙸𝙻𝙴 ’1985’, subject: feyrah demir. according to our records, they are 35 years of age and their last known status of employment is pathologist. our sources in the field have described their behavior as stubborn, but assure us they have the potential to be fervent. we've observed they seem to have a personal attachment to the necklace given to her by leon & heckler & koch usp match pistol , though our research on feyrah has only just begun ―   ◜   ❏  . ― tw : murder , death , serial killer .
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FULL NAME﹕ feyrah demir .
NICKNAME(S) / TITLE(S)﹕ fey , morticia addams .
D.O.B﹕ december 21st .
AGE﹕ 35 .
ZODIAC﹕ sagittarius-capricorn cusp .
GENDER﹕ cis woman .
PRONOUNS﹕ she / her .
SEXUAL ORIENTATION﹕ heterosexual .
OCCUPATION﹕ pathologist .
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FACECLAIM﹕ hande ercel .
EYE COLOR﹕ brown .
HAIR COLOR﹕ brown .
BUILD﹕ slim .
HEIGHT﹕ 5’8’’ .
WEIGHT﹕ 54 kg .
MARKS / SCARS﹕ n/a .
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TROPES﹕ beware the nice ones , daddy issues , violently protective girlfriend , dark is not evil , i am not my father , little miss snarker , wise beyond her years .
MORAL ALIGNMENT﹕ neutral good .
TEMPERAMENT﹕ sanguine .
DEADLY SIN﹕ lust .
ELEMENT﹕ water .
FEAR(S)﹕losing the people she loves .
ALCOHOL USE﹕ socially .
PRONE TO VIOLENCE?﹕ no , but she will get protective .
HABITS + QUIRKS﹕ biting her lesser lip , playing with her necklace when nervous .
DRIVES / MOTIVATIONS﹕ people she loves .
POWERS + SKILLS﹕high-intellect , some-marksmanship , knife mastery , multilingualism , photographic memory , engineering .
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―  born the youngest daughter of the demir family , feyrah was born as the favored child of mustafa demir , a well known doctor and morgue owner in his community , all while secretly moonlighting as a serial killer . still he never faltered in showing love to his only daughter or at least what was thought to be love .
― as a baby ,  mustafa would work around his daughter until she was old enough to retain memories and he stopped  brining nadia down to the basement . at  7  feyrah , had gone to her father’s ‘workshop’ where she  discovered a Girl in a Box after a study session with her father .  feyrah would then proceed to tell her mother what she saw but her mother regard it as a nightmare and imagination due to her father’s line at work .
―  When nadia was around 10 years old, Mustafa took her on a camping trip with his friend Paul . There, he had decided he was going to kill his daughter because he was remembering too much information about mustafa’s victims ( essentially, the chloroform he was using to regularly sedate feyrah with was no longer working ).  struggling with the knowledge that his daughter seemed to be realizing that he was a serial killer . However, mustafa had a sudden change of heart, and so Paul decided to take care of feyrah instead, a plan that was thoroughly botched when a 10-year-old feyrah successfully stabbed him. After this incident, mustafa decided to keep feyrah around, and they both returned from the camping trip, mustafa getting rid of his protagee and wanting to make feyrah his new one .
―  Of course secrets cant stay hidden for long when her mother discovered her husband’s doing which unfortunately forced mustafa to kill her . unknowingly feyrah was awake that night and watched as her mother bled out before her father took her into the basement .
―   a week after she called the police with her findings, which was initially assumed to be a prank call. The responding officer was invited in by feyrha's father, who fixed him a cup of coffee. feyrah entered the foyer where the officer was waiting, aware of her father’s tactics. she informed the officer to take out his gun, as her father was getting ready to poison him. Fortunately, the officer took his warning seriously, and this led to the arrest of the wanted serial killer . However, after making a deal with with the judge, he was sentenced to spending his life sentence in the Psychiatric Hospital, instead of a regular prison
―  feyrah would visit her father, despite what happened and their somewhat fractured relationship . she went on going to college and getting her degree to inherit the family morgue which she ended up selling and would go on with her career as a pathologist .
― At the start of her career she met leon . someone she loves and could see her future with and while she never knew his actual work and what he did, she knew they were dangerous and unfortunately seemed to love the job more . Feyrah tried and she understood loving the job but it got too much and she left . she would never make leon decide : the job or her ... thus she made it easier and decided for him .
― feyrah would move from place to place , working wherever she was needed. this time being called by a friend for a consult on the dead bodies in buffalo . not knowing what she is walking into .
― despite her upbringing and who her father is , feyrah is kind hearted and has a strong sense of right and wrong. she is an extremely confident, brave, and smart individual with a great sense of dark humor, who has a tendency to see things others do not due to her high intellect. she also has an unshakable loyalty and love for the people closest to her. although , her faults would be her stubbornness and temperament when pushed far enough. most who don't truly know her would think she is cold-hearted and at times brutal. The fact is, she tends to be pragmatic and a keen observer, focusing on what needs to be done instead of her emotions . Putting the needs of others ahead of herself .
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eviltothecore13 · 2 years
Sometimes it seems like half the Addams Family fandom want them to be totally harmless and the other half want them to have no standards whatsoever when neither of those have been true of any version
Like, I’ve seen 60s show fans objecting to the 90s films because “it’s no fun if they KILL PEOPLE!” when there were plenty of references to the 60s Addamses being willing to kill people (Fester wants to shoot people in the back all the time, Gomez’s only objection is that it’s not honourable but he’s fine with killing people in a fair fight).
On the other hand we get nonsense criticisms of the Wednesday show like “Wednesday would have LIKED that Tyler turned out to be a murderous monster, she’d have been into it!” like...I do not think the 60s OR 90s Addamses (or any other version I can think of, since the musical versions are also explicitly anti-bigotry) would like a *bigot who committed what were essentially a fantasy version of hate crimes against a marginalised group*, Wednesday in particular has been very strongly established as against all forms of bigotry. (Also Tyler tried to kill Eugene, someone she’d already been established as caring about--and no, it’s not OOC for Wednesday to care about people, she’s always cared about her family and sometimes a few other people too--and who is only 13...even the 90s films decided to show Amanda alive at the end after people working on the films decided murdering a child was too far for the Addamses.)
And I just don’t see why people keep taking things to either extreme when I feel like it’s always been the case, for any version of the Addamses, that what they are OK with and what they’re not can be surprising/not easily predictable/seem skewed from a “normal” person’s perspective, but it’s never been either “they think every single bad thing is wonderful” or “they’re actually totally harmless”.
Though I do feel like some things are overall pretty consistent...
1)  Killing bigots is fine (whether that’s the racist adults at the summer camp, or Laurel Gates, or even the fact that Morticia and Gomez were members of the Nightshades back when it was--in Morticia’s words--a “deadly” solution to oppression--I was rather surprised by the number of people I’ve seen claiming that the Wednesday show versions of Morticia and Gomez would never be willing to kill anyone...they joined and were high-ranking members of an entire secret society that apparently considered it very much a valid option.) BEING a bigot is never acceptable (ignoring a few throwaway lines in older media where it was the writers fucking up and unintentionally making a character sound bigoted).
2) Setting piranhas on bullies is fine, even killing them would have been OK (yes, there’s concern for how it would look on Wednesday’s record--because Morticia wants Wednesday to get a good education and, if the “college first” line in the 90s films is anything to go by, go to university, which is hard if you keep getting expelled from schools and are potentially getting in trouble with the law--but no-one’s actually horrified by it or sees Wednesday as a bad person for it)--by extension, BEING a bully is not OK (Wednesday in particular has hated bullies in all versions, whether the 60s show, the 90s films, or the Wednesday show...there was even a deleted line in the script for the 90s films about her planning to kill and taxidermy a school bully).
3) Killing an unarmed person is dishonourable, and something Gomez in particular is personally very unwilling to do (even when the person was armed and trying to kill him moments before, shown on multiple occasions including the 60s show and the 90s live action reboot show--so Wednesday’s comment about how he wouldn’t have had it in him to simply stab an unarmed Garrett Gates as he was initially accused of is a pretty accurate assessment), but it’s not an unforgiveable crime (as shown by the fact Fester is at least willing to do so and to shoot people in the back and the other family members discourage him but don’t see him as some kind of monster--also, in general, they seem quite welcoming and forgiving towards non-bigoted murderers even if the murderer in question has done something that the Addamses might consider too far to do themselves.) And even Gomez will break that rule in certain circumstances (he was pretty clearly about to kill Tully--very much justified imo given that Tully nearly tore the family apart with his actions--and did also eventually kill Vlad--his reluctance to kill an unarmed man there pretty much evaporated as soon as Morticia made it clear that she wasn’t interested in Vlad and therefore that Vlad had just kissed her without consent.)
4) “Torturing” family members etc in a fun way is totally normal--Fester even cut open Gomez’s head and removed his brain when they were kids and they still clearly care about each other and saw this as just a bit of fun--but actual abuse is not (Gomez and Morticia are horrified by the suggestion of hitting or even otherwise harshly punishing their kids).
5) Death is not nearly as serious and horrible a thing as many ordinary people see it, partly because they know the afterlife is real and ghosts come back regularly to talk to them, so they don’t really fear death much and will do very dangerous things for fun, but they still don’t want their lives to be over all that soon (well, Gomez has attempted suicide more than once but it’s always been depicted as like...this is bad and the rest of the family are worried and don’t want him to do it) and will generally be concerned to some degree at the idea of one of the family dying (Morticia is worried about the idea of Gomez being killed in a duel in the 60s show and shows some concern for him when he comes to her rescue in the first film as well, and she’s clearly very worried and sad when he’s dying in the second film, Wednesday and Pugsley are worried about Debbie killing Fester, in the 90s live action reboot show Wednesday gets quite protective of Gomez and tries to stop his cousin Vlad from killing him).
6) In interactions with ordinary humans who haven’t done anything bad or made an enemy of them, they might do things that could get someone killed, but generally don’t seem to understand that it would--e.g. offering someone cyanide in their tea with apparently no understanding that that would harm them--though Wednesday’s spent more time around ordinary humans than her parents and sometimes seems to be a bit more knowledgeable about them e.g. in the musical. If someone DOES get killed, it can be seen as a bit unfortunate, but not a huge disaster (”that poor girl [...] c’est la vie!”). (Note: in any version except possibly the original comics, they are not just going around randomly murdering people like your average cliche serial killers--they’re far more interesting than that. That being said, if they meet someone who really is that murderous, they’ll usually be welcoming to them and even fascinated by them--at least as long as that person isn’t a bigot or similar.)
7) Piracy, robbing the rich, “swindling the rich and notorious”, etc are very much encouraged. Being greedy in a way that hurts poorer people, less so--although Thing did steal a dress from a small shop and apparently has picked people’s pockets in some previous versions... but Thing aside (do hand-creatures have the same concepts of property as humans?), that one episode of the 60s show where Gomez is robbing the neighbours while sleepwalking treats it as something he wouldn’t normally do, in any version except the comics they consider it important to treat Lurch well and don’t take kindly to classism or their one relative who mistreats her “handmaiden”, Gomez is very generous with money and Wednesday in the 60s show convinces Pugsley that when they get given multiple of the same present at Christmas they should give the extra ones to charity.
8) They at least sometimes eat people, but it doesn’t seem to be that regular, and does seem to be people who were enemies/a threat to them in some way rather than just any random person (the motto is specifically “we gladly feast on those who would subdue us”, an ordinary visitor to their house never seems to be in any danger of being killed and eaten).
And I feel like the Wednesday show overall sticks with most of those fairly well?
I don’t get why we have people on the one hand going “Wednesday shouldn’t be solving the murders, she should be committing the murders! She should like Tyler MORE for being the killer! It’s OOC for her to care about anyone!” and people on the other hand going “the piranhas thing was Too Far and makes her too evil!”.
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