#he's intelligent he's hot he's compassionate he's my girl i want to be him he's everything
fancycassie-stayfancy · 2 months
About my The Originals DR
This is my face claim:
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My name is : Faith Marie Mikaelson (well my Aunt Bex choose my middle name) i'm sixteen years old , sometimes when needed i go under Faith Labonair or Faith Smith (like my dad = Elijah Smith)
I am a Tribid. Yes , i have a crescent birthmark on my right shoulder and no I still haven't activated my wolf side neither my vampire side so right now i am just a witch
Born : March 14
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Some nicknames : babygirl, sunshine (All by Hayley and Elijah) mini Elijah, sweetheart (by aunt Bekah and uncle Marcel) Little one and princess( by Elijah) My favorite niece ( by Klaus) honey, darling ( by Kol and Davina) Gorgeous, little one (by Freya and Keelin)
I am bisexual (just like i'm here in my CR), no S\O at the moment; i am very protective to those who i consider friends and my family, stubborn , perfectionist but very kind, intelligent, selfless, empathetic, compassionate, and friendly. 100% ambivert (a mix betweent Introvert and extrovert
I hate hot days, sharks, snakes or the though of losing my loved ones, i can speak multiples languages (thanks to my beautiful family who lived for a thousand years) but i love rainy days, cold weather, animals...
My Hobbies are : bake, ballet dance, play piano and acoustic guitar
With my parents and half-sister Hope: we are super close , somethings i tell my sister and not my parents but we are close. I love play piano with my father, in the future i would love run in my wolf form with my mom and sister; I was born in New Orleans but I spent some time as a baby in Manosque with my parents, in the Bayou
Uncle Nik and Aunt Freya are so protective of me , of course i am close to the rest of my aunts and uncles but they both are my closest uncle and aunt, uncle Nick said he would teach me how to paint
I don't always see my uncles and aunts but when I do it's a party, I want to spend hours with each one of them…
Right now , i am living in the French Quarter , I haven't added any friends yet because I'm setting it up, looking at face claims and everything (you can even help me with Stefanie Salvatore's face claim)
Me and aunt Bekah, we love to shop together, do a girl's night with spa day and everything, we talk a lot about dating to my father's jealousy hahaha
With Uncle Marcel we love explore New Orleans , he talks about when he rebuild the city and his time with our family
Aunt Freya , uncle Kol, aunt Davina , they teach me new spells , with uncle Kol we pull pranks so much on everyone...
Uncle Nik , introduce me to Beignet which i am in love now .... and of course i hope he'll teach me to paint
I don't form a close bond with Keelin but i'm hoping we develop a aunt\ niece relationship soon , she and aunt Freya had a son : Nik (which i need a face claim for him too)
i think for relationships it's this for now , some scenarios:
A witch did a spell against my family but only made me return to a baby phase which basically left my whole family trying to figure out a why to reverse it and my parents super mad at the new NOLA witches
I almost burn the kitchen down trying to make some pasta , but i didn't
I am planning a trip with the whole family , with some challenges
I tried my best to explain it to you, I didn't make the script too detailed so as not to get too distracted
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If you want to know more, my asks box are open..........and there will soon be a Materlist to make it easy to find everything about all my current and future DRs
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saintmeghanmarkle · 11 months
Revolution? by u/Cat_Woman_238
Revolution? I suspect that Harry, like the late queen's uncle David, is amoral. All his life, he must have been observing the behavior of everyone around him as if they were perfect idiots. "We must show interest in the people." Idiocy. "We must be compassionate to the poor." Idiocy. "We must never take advantage of our position to abuse or defraud those less fortunate." Utter idiocy. He has gone along with the charade for the perks, and because he didn't want to see granny upset, but he never bought into it at all. When granny's idiocy meant any inconvenience, he skirted the rules, and because he laughed about it, everyone laughed with him. But he got his way.He wants what he wants, whether that is hurling girls into fountains, or doing drugs (which may be the reason he began hurling the girls into the fountain), or collecting lots and lots of perks for no work whatsoever. It's all a show, a charade, a senseless pantomime to him. He does not understand the point of any of it. He understands, like a dog taught to do tricks, that he gets a reward for performing the tricks, and someone pats him on the head and says, "Good boy." But he is a dog whose intelligence prompts him to think, "Idiocy."Once H met M, he was done with the idiocy. An American woman with a mean streak in her and no appreciation for British tradition asked questions such as, "Why do they wear those silly hats?" And, "Why should we speak about the weather?" And "Why do I need to wear this when I look so hot in that?" She must have said many of the things he had been thinking all his life. His response to her questions would have been a gleefully expressed, "Idiocy!!! It's all utter madness!!! But we can't tell them because they take it all so seriously!!!!"And her answer was: "Wanna bet?"How many hours of fun they must have shared. He seems to be the kind of person who enjoys taunting people. He would think it a great prank to practice for some royal engagement, and to almost get it right, time after time, unless everyone else concerned is exhausted with exasperation. Does he still get to do that? Surely he does. Now that they have had their fun, what does TOS want? Does he want to be done with all that posturing to live an "authentic" life instead? Does that mean living a life of leisure free of obligations and routines? Does it mean all the drugs he wants, any day, every day? Does it mean giving speeches in which (for his own private laugh and a hefty fee) he says the exact opposite of what he really means of thinks? Does it mean private efforts, of which we know very little, to increase public surveillance and curtail free speech? Or does that mean ignoring the LOS and taking what he wants when he wants it? I can't make up my mind whether he's a complete wastrel or a sneaky devil with a plan. I'll tell you one thing, if anyone still believes in the divine right of kings, it's TOS. We are peasants, he is above that, he deserves things. He can't imagine a situation in which his life ends as abruptly and ignominiously as did the lives of his cousins the Romanovs. But he certainly has the mindset which would drive peasants anywhere to revolution. post link: https://ift.tt/WkdJ7Iq author: Cat_Woman_238 submitted: October 28, 2023 at 08:06PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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saltyground · 2 years
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Happy Birthday ROB HIRST Sept. 3, 1955
He speaks French and Japanese. He’s the man to go out cuisining with. And he’s passionate. He’s a historian. The things the guy knows. He goes to some country and you’d be looking at something and he’ll say, ‘This happened in 1868 before the Boers did such and such.’ And it’s like, ‘Wow, I was just looking at the colour of the wall.’
- Bones Hillman on Rob Hirst, 1998
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doctorstethoscope · 3 years
Birthday Boy || Aaron Hotchner x Fem Reader
just a little something something for Thomas Gibson’s birthday and @ssahotchswife Soft Hotch Saturday! 
contains: food consumption, hiking, ocean/swimming
wc: 1.3k
You had always been big on birthdays, particularly for the people you cared about. You’d decided as a teenager that anything good was worth making great, and anything worth celebrating might as well be worth a parade. So when your boyfriend Aaron’s birthday was rolling around, you were prepared to pull out all the stops.
You’re sitting on the couch together, some baseball game on in the background while you toddle away on your laptop, about to buy tickets to a whiskey distillery tour for him, Rossi, Derek and Spencer when he stops you. 
“Sweetheart, I love that you want to plan all of this for me, but I don’t really do birthdays. I’d really rather treat it just like any other day if that’s alright with you.” he’d stopped you.
“What do you mean? You made brunch and winery reservations for me and the girls on my birthday. I came home to a candlelit dinner and you and Jack made me a cake.” You argued. 
“You love birthdays, and you deserved a special birthday, so I made sure you had one. I knew you’d want one.” He had explained as if it were the simplest thing in the world.
  “You deserve a special birthday too.” You countered. 
“And I’ll have one, with you, and Jack, and probably one of his soccer games and a trip through the McDonald’s drive through before he falls asleep afterwards. And it will be everything I wanted because I spent it with the people that I love.” He had told you simply, and you melted, even if it did go against everything you believed in not to plan every second of the day out to a tee. But of course, you couldn’t do nothing. 
Which is how you found yourself awake before Aaron on his birthday, wrapped in his arms and trying not to buzz with excitement so you could let him sleep. Eventually, he stirs, and you press a kiss to his lips before he can even open his eyes. 
“Happy birthday, my love.” you whispered as sunlight filtered in through the blinds.
“Good morning,” he responds, in that raspy voice he has right when he wakes up.
“Can I get you a cup of coffee?” You ask, and he shakes his head. 
“I just want to hold you for a little bit longer,” he requests. 
“Well I guess, since it’s your birthday,” you teased him with a smirk and he smiled as he pulled you into his side. You threw your leg over both of his, bringing a hand to his chest and stroking your thumb back and forth against his sternum. 
You stay that way for a long while, simply basking in the comfort of one another’s company, before you speak up. 
“So, I know you said you wanted to treat today just like any other day… but I did plan a few things, just in case. I couldn’t let the most amazing man’s birthday pass without doing anything. I kept it simple-- just the three of us, but it’s totally up to you.” You assured him. 
Aaron let out a little laugh at your statement. “I knew you wouldn’t be able to go without planning anything.” He sits up, pulling you into his lap and wrapping his arms around you. “What’s on the docket?” He asks with a smile.
“Well, I was looking into a hike on Chincoteague Island, and then I thought maybe we could check out the lighthouse and beach. I found a couple easy hikes that Jack should be able to make with pretty summits.” 
“That sounds perfect, sweetheart. Thank you,” he said, leaning down to kiss you. Your phone buzzed, and you hopped off of his lap. He looked at you, surprised and a little betrayed. 
“Also, I ordered your favorite donuts for breakfast. They’re here. Don’t move,” you explained, dashing to the front door to pay the delivery driver and coming back a few moments later with coffee, a donut, and Jack in tow. 
“Happy birthday daddy!” Jack exclaimed, climbing up towards his father. 
“Thank you, buddy,” he said, smoothing his hand through his son’s hair as you handed him his breakfast. “Did you hear about what we’re going to do today?” he asks.
Jack shakes his head and looks over at you, knowing that you are the master of all things party and celebration prep, and you laugh. 
“I thought we might take Daddy on a hike and then go to the beach, does that sound fun Jack?” 
He nods enthusiastically, and you lead him back to his bedroom to get dressed for the day.  It takes some time, but eventually, the three of you are all packed up and make it out the door towards Chincoteague. The day is thankfully, not too hot while still being warm and sunny. The hike you’d picked was the perfect length for Jack, long enough to have a beautiful view at the summit, but not so long that he was too tired to appreciate it. 
The three of you were sitting at the summit enjoying the view when Aaron spoke up. “I’m glad you suggested this.” 
“I thought you might be,” you smiled, leaning over and pecking his cheek with a smile. 
“Thanks for wanting to celebrate me even though I’m a grumpy old man,” he joked, wrapping an arm around your shoulders.
You shook your head. “You’re not grumpy or old. You’re a compassionate, intelligent, loving father and boyfriend, and if I had it my way I’d celebrate you every day.” 
He leaned over and kissed the top of your head. “Well, you’re saying this before you have to ice my knees tomorrow. You might change your mind.” He jokes, and you give him a playful shove.
“Says the guy who still racks up more points than the twenty year old recruits during the FBI physical.” 
You sit for a little while longer, letting Jack take pictures with your cell phone to show his friends at school on Monday, and then you make your way back down the mountain, and back to the car so you can head to the beach. 
After the hike, you were more than ready to cool off, but you were shocked by how cold the water was when you ran with Jack and Aaron into the ocean. You tried to turn around and run back out, but Aaron wrapped both arms around your waist and lifted you up, much to Jack’s delight. 
“What do you think bud? Should I drop her?” Aaron teased his son. 
“Yes!!” He squealed.
“Jack!!” You pleaded, smiling. “You have to save me, not help daddy!!”
“Come on, Jack. It’s dad’s birthday. Don’t you think I should dunk her?”
“Yes, yes yes!” Jack exclaimed, already splashing you. 
Aaron, the smug bastard, winked at you before dropping you into the salty water. You gasped as you felt your skin form goosebumps from head to toe.
“You’re going to pay for that Hotchner!” You promised as you emerged from the water, jumping onto his back and dunking his head into the cold water. 
“Me next!” Jack requested, laughing uncontrollably. “Me! Me, me please!” he asked, and you obliged him, taking him in your arms and dunking his head in the water, careful to keep his face dry so he didn’t get water into his lungs. He squealed and you lifted him back up, mirroring his smile. 
You all romp around in the water for a little while longer, and then Jack decides to make a sandcastle while you and Aaron sit further back in beach chairs. 
“Jack’s having a ball,” you remark, seeing his face light up as he upends a bucket of sand to form a tower. 
“Me, too.” Aaron agrees, and you smile. 
“See, birthdays aren’t all that bad.” You tease him. 
“No, not when you’re around,” he agreed, taking your hand in his and kissing it. Now, he’d just have to buy a ring and get you to stick around for all of them.  
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On Lois Lane
Figured it well past time I got to the matriarch of the Superfamily, especially since I already wrote about the other major "LL" in Superman's life.
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Hardest part of writing about Lois is what more can be added that hasn't already been said? She's The Love Interest when it comes to female supporting characters, so iconic and successful that like Superman himself, she's inspired countless copycats: Iris West, Vicki Vale, the current video game version of MJ Watson, if your hero has a love interest who is a reporter, they're drawing on the archetype that Lois established. She was there from the very beginning, before there were Krypton, Smallville, the Kents, the Rogues, before Superman could even fly Lois was there.
And my God is she such a fantastic character in her own right.
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Whereas Clark himself is pretty damn different if you compare and contrast his Golden Age incarnation with his modern incarnation, Golden Age Lois is pretty recognizable as Lois Lane. Feisty, independent, scornful of danger and of cowardice (especially in a "peer" like Clark), a bit in awe of Superman while also eager to press him for information about himself, willing to throw herself into danger if she can get that exclusive scoop. Her personality in the early comics is much more like her modern incarnation than the lovestruck wanna-be housewife she became in the Silver Age. Lois is one of the few characters who basically came into comics perfect from Day 1.
I love the Rucka idea that she somehow has everyone's number and can call up anyone from the lowliest criminal to the highest politicians. I like when writers show that she herself is able to wear a variety of disguises, something I'm sure she and Clark can bond over once he reveals his identity to her. And I love that she is basically waging a one-woman war against corruption and evil in Metropolis long before Superman shows up, something the Superman & Lois show highlighted.
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It's easy to see why Clark would fall for her. Even putting aside that Lois is hot as hell, she's a great foil to him personality wise. They both are committed to rooting out social ills and taking the fight to crime and oppression wherever it rears it's head, from the Lexcorp boardroom, to the darkest underbelly of Metropolis. They both are kind and compassionate, but have explosive tempers if you piss them off. They both love to snark, although Lois has more bite whereas Clark is more deadpan.
The biggest contrast, and honestly the biggest turn on for Clark, is that Lois is free from doubt. Clark is constantly second-guessing himself, worrying about how others see him, worrying about whether he's making the right choices or if he's approaching his heroics/journalism the right way. Lois? Lois never second-guesses herself, never allows the doubts or opinions of others to affect her course in life. She knows her dad is disappointed and upset with her and she couldn't care less. She knows others think she's a bitch and that only amuses her. She's confident and self-reliant and those are attributes Clark wants desperately to posses himself. How could he not fall head over heels in love?
Why Lois would fall in love with Clark is a bit trickier. It's easy to see why she would love Superman, which is part of why Clark wants her to love the "whole" of him and not just the public persona. Superman is confident, Superman is powerful, Superman kicks ass, he's kind and intelligent, he's a huge celebrity, who wouldn't love him? Clark? Eh he's easy on the eyes but he doesn't really have much of a presence. That's how everyone else views Clark. Lois, I think, would start off viewing Clark as a dweeb who will be gone in a week, the big city too much for him. That he sticks around and toughs it out impresses her. That he manages to outscoop her multiple times infuriates and intrigues her. That he manages to live in Metropolis and see how rotten it can be beneath the shiny gilded exterior, yet doesn't lose his sense of optimism, his faith in other peoples inner goodness, his "naivety" so to speak? I think that's what would make her fall in love with him.
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Lois is at heart a "cynical idealist" in my estimation. The cynical side is she's someone who will always fight for the truth, for justice, but I don't think she believes that peoples inherent goodness will win out in the end most of the time. She's seen how selfish people can be, how uncaring, and I think before Clark shows up there's a part of her that thinks she's just bashing her head against a wall trying to change things. The idealist part of her is that she will continue to bash her head against that wall of public indifference anyway. Lois will always fight even if nobody else will fight alongside her, she'll keep writing articles and investigating long after a lesser woman would give up, because it's the principles that matter damnit, even if only to her. That Clark is someone who will join her in that fight while still believing that the rest of the public can be swayed to join them is what I see as the reason why she finally gives him a chance, that optimism remaining in Clark is refreshing and uplifting to her. That he's also hot and can trade banter with her doesn't hurt his chances any.
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Lois becoming a mom has been really interesting, even if I haven't always been wholly satisfied with how they've handled the relationship between her and Jon. I haven't seen enough of Lois traits in Jon to really buy him as her offspring, I hope that changes. While I'm not the biggest fan of Tom Taylor to put it mildly, I liked that he emphasized Lois' importance with regards to Jon becoming Superman in interview leading up to the first issue, and I hope we get lots of Lois/Jon interaction in Superman: Son of Kal-El that really flesh out their relationship. At the very least I want to see Jon get some of that Lois patented verbal bite to him.
One last thought with regards to Lois: how the hell was Tom King the first one to realize that Lois and Selina would immediately hit it off?
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They're both so similar when you think about it: Brunettes who are willful and independent, who flaunt the rules to get what they want, who outright laugh when their male significant others try to order them around, yeah I totally can see the two of them becoming friends. I really hope that gets continued under someone else, since I don't think anyone other than King has really played with it, but I love the idea of Lois having a "gal pal" that's also caught up in the insanity of life with a superhero.
If not Selina I'd like to see Lois being shown to have a friendship with her copycats such as Vicki or Iris or the rest. Definitely with Cat (even though Cat Grant can drive her up the wall sometimes). More girls' nights out/double dates for Lois, that's all I'm saying.
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cweetpea · 3 years
Law School Characters And Their Zodiac Signs
i’m not a professional astrologer and i read about zodiacs only as a hobby so the stuff i write may not be the most accurate but these are just my opinions and based on knowledge i have on zodiacs! but feel free to disagree respectfully, thank you :)
p.s. i used some stereotypical traits of the signs so please don’t get offended lmao
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Han Joon Hwi - CAPRICORN
Protective and caring (overall, a gentleman to his friends and especially his girl. like how he changed seats to keep Sol A away from Lee Man Ho and how he is just so concerned every time something happens to our pretty Sol A)
Lots of integrity and strong moral principles (to the point he exposed his own uncle believing that his uncle should turn himself in for his wrongdoings)
Down-to-earth (free of pretension, humble and straight-forward)
Uses his knowledge and proficiency to get what he wants 
Behind the serious and aloof exterior, he is actually a big softie and someone you can turn to for help
Kang Sol A - ARIES
Determined and bold (just look at that interview she had with Yangcrates for the special admission exercise and how she takes stuff into her own hands)
Direct (not afraid to speak her mind)
Cheerful disposition and youth-like innocence (Sol A literals brightens up my life and makes me smile whenever I look at her, just like how she makes Joon Hwi do the same heheh)
Selfless (she is not one to show her selflessness overtly but the little things she does tells you a lot, for example, going all out to help with the Bad Fama case and basically things she does for Joon Hwi)
Optimistic (throughout the show, no matter what kind of challenges she is plagued with, she never complains/break down. like nothing can get her down really. remember when the test she did really well for was said to not be counted into their grades or something, she kind of fretted over it a little but then she told Yangcrates that she’ll be fine after awhile)
Yangcrates - AQUARIUS
Eccentric (he can be a little bit weird and have an unconventional and strange way of thinking and behaving)
Unpredictable (he never fails to surprise me and his students throughout the show and does stuff at the most unexpected times, for example, giving hints to Sol A on what resources she can use for Prof Kim’s Civil Law class and helping Yeseul as her public defender)
Sees right through everything (he just knows everything, from Sol B plagiarising to Assemblyman Ko’s hidden intentions)
Non-judgemental (never indulges in the weaknesses/negativities of others and sees things objectively, explaining why his students trust and favour him)
Old soul with a wise, emotionally detached attitude
Professor Kim - SAGITTARIUS
Fun loving and enthusiastic
Speaks the truth and fair-minded (she is honest with her opinions and even though she favours Seungjae, she does not try to defend his serious offence of cheating. she even pushed for permanent exclusion for his own good, was open about it and did not try to hide the fact that she requested for it)
Devoted and generous (look how devoted she is to her students, and even considered resigning to be Yeseul’s attorney)
Hot-headed (I can’t really remember instances of her hot-headedness but she sure looks like that aunt you would not want to mess with)
Kang Sol B - SCORPIO
I smell burning ambition
Headstrong and stubborn (she was so persistent on the fact that she did not plagiarise that I almost believed her had not Joon Hwi be the smoking gun)
Honest and blunt (ouch)
Aura of mystery and darkness around her
Pretty loyal (she is always with the gang even though sometimes I question whether she truly likes them lol. and she also helped Yeseul’s case by searching for precedents that could help, and it did)
Seo Jiho - VIRGO
Practical and logical
Dependable and reliable
Hard to decode actually and proves that he is a worthy challenge (even Joon Hwi agrees)
Stubborn (but in a good way, look at how he tried to seek justice for his father relentlessly despite Jin constantly deriding him)
Uptight as hell (like bro chill you have friends like Sol A and Joon Hwi. if i had friends like them i would LOVE life :)
Jeon Yeseul - PISCES
One of the purest characters in Law School with a good heart
Highly compassionate and empathetic (how she took pity for Yeong Chang and did not want to press charges)
Loyal (still called Joon Hwi ‘Oppa’ despite her bf being salty about it and not showing an ounce of jealousy when her friends all did better than her on a test)
Private and closed off (keeping her abusive relationship a secret and also, when the gang is together, she hardly talks sometimes and acts in ways that may sometimes be hard to read)
Min Bokgi - CANCER
Caring (shows care and concern for his friends, especially Yeseul)
Sulky (i do remember him sulking a lot more than the other characters)
Likes romance (openly shows his affection for Yeseul and he is the only one that shows reactions/interest in solhwi’s interactions)
Yoo Seung Jae - LIBRA
Sweet and chivalrous (the way he talks and treats others like Prof Kim assures me that chivalry is not dead)
Detached (he doesn’t seem that emotionally invested in the things happening around him, like he is there but not or maybe he is just caught up in his own problems)
Indecisive (i just ran out of traits to talk about but the fact that he went from medicine to law makes me think he is indecisive lol)
Jo Ye Beom - GEMINI
Talkative and chatty (pretty self-explanatory)
Two-faced (look how this kid betrayed his own friends)
Actually intelligent and bright not gonna lie
Nosy af (like stop trying to take notes from a study group you don’t belong to like damn)
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hereforthespopocs · 4 years
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First post! Hi guys, these are my spop fankids from my story in the works “Xe-Ra: The Absolution of Heart”! (More information here). I just wanted a little side account to dump my concepts and stuff on. Hope you like!
FINN - …The Future Xe-Ra? Finn was brought into the world of Etheria with an enormous title on their shoulders since before they could walk: “The Child of She-Ra, Etheria’s Champion and Savior of the Galaxy”. On the flip side, they also balance that grand title with “The Kitten of a Powerful and Cunning ex-Warlord who Nearly Destroyed Space and Time Out of Spite”. Quick on their feet, a big talker and one hell of a hero complex are all traits that get them in massive hot water a little too often, but they always go into danger with the best intentions and what they think is right in their heart. With the thirst for adventure matched with the burden of prophecy always on their plate, Finn finds themselves tangled in so many destinies. One of their moms tells them not to get up in “Princess stuff”, but they can’t help but have that same curious nature that brought their other mom to the Sword of Protection in the beginning… (ORIGINAL DESIGN BY NOELLE STEVENSON @gingerhazing
FLORA - Princess of Plumeria Flora is the Princess of Plumeria and the younger of Empress Scorpia and Queen Perfuma’s two children, although she finds herself to be a huge contrast to her fellow Plumerians. On top of only being able to grow poisonous plants with the help of her runestone the Heart Blossom, Flora has a spunky, boisterous and off-the-wall personality and much prefers digging in the soil for bugs and fungus than helping her mother grow beautiful flower bouquets. Like her Aunt Entrapta, Flora is on the autism spectrum and feels like she is very misunderstood by other people, turning to insects and her best friends as a comfort from the wedge she feels is between her and her kingdom, specifically her own mother Perfuma. Even with her fear of being misunderstood, Flora remains kind, strong and compassionate to everyone she meets and her dedication to being the most authentic version of herself in the face of that insecurity is not overlooked by ones she loves. Her family and friends slowly begin to understand and adore the many ways Flora expresses herself and her affection in her own unique ways…even if it means putting her favorite pet grasshopper on your shoulder without a heads up. (ORIGINAL CHILD DESIGN BY RAE GEIGER @raegeii
ARBOR - Prince of Pandinus Arbor is the future Emperor of what was once the Fright Zone, and the heir to the Black Garnet runestone. Though he loves his kingdom, his family and the electrokinesis granted by his Runestone, something about the heirloom doesn’t sit quite right with him…something shadowy attached to it. Fearing that his anxieties caused by this lingering darkness will be dismissed or found to be disturbing to his family, he keeps many of his anxieties, feelings and even parts of his personhood under wraps and puts others before himself. This masking may cause him to come off as distant or cynical, but Arbor would do anything to protect the people that matter most to him, and maybe just needs a little more reassurance to come out of his shell (no pun intended). He may not be a hugger, but he’s still got a big heart.
CASPIAN - Prince of Salineas The only child of King Sea-Hawk and Queen Mermista, Caspian is a slick, confident (bordering on cocky) and care-free flirt who is constantly running away from his home in Salineas. His high energy attitude and love of attention has him wanting to be in a million places at once – except on the throne where he’s expected to be. But then again, why would he want to be stuck in the palace? He’s an extremely talented musician, a self-proclaimed lady (and gentlemen) killer, and a literal merman with the Pearl runestone’s power to manipulate water to his will. He has everything he wants! Or maybe he would have more incentive to come home if he felt like his parents weren’t caught up in shanties and “cool-girl princess” attitudes to see him as their son instead of a friend…
ANGELLA “ANGIE” - Princess of Bright Moon Angella the II, more affectionately known as “Angie”, will follow in her mother’s footsteps as the Queen of Brightmoon and is the heir to the Moonstone. Not only does Angie harness the Moonstone’s powers of teleportation and shimmering energy, she’s amazingly smart thanks to years of knowledge absorbed through the endless books of her grandfathers’, George and Lance, extensive First-Ones library. Angie usually never has a moment to spare between her studies, hobbies, and training to use her powers, but she would drop everything to get closer to her little brother Sky. Angie’s family is her whole world, but as the sibling duo got older and older, she can feel Sky’s resentment of her prolific lifestyle growing and her cherished brother pulling away from her. Even with her intelligence, strength, and tender heart, Angie feels like if she slips up once, her entire world will crash down. Getting her family back together while balancing her royal duties is a responsibility she felt she had to take on, but letting herself be human is the real journey she will need to accept eventually.
SKY - Prince of Bright Moon Sky is the second child of King Bow and Queen Glimmer, the Prince of Brightmoon, and a very gifted sorcerer. Working alongside his grandfather, the now retired King Micah, he puts his entire life and dedication into his sorcery. Unfortunately, being the younger brother of the future Queen of Bright Moon and heir to the Moonstone leaves Sky feeling forever trapped in Princess Angie’s shadow. Though Sky is loyal and passionate to his friends and good at the core, his envy and recklessness slowly creeps up on him again and again as he pushes himself further and further into his magic. His heart is torn in two ways, and he may need all of the reassurance from ones he holds dear to choose the right path… 
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whydoyouwantmyname · 4 years
Imagine being Sirius’s daughter {Part 3}
Part one
Part two
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-Remus never told you that he still believed your father was guilty, his heart was in a state of heartbreak whenever he would look at you, your eyes filled with hope that you could somehow set him free. Remus wanted so desperately to have your blind, bias belief, I mean what little girl wants to believe her dad was a spy for the enemy and was responsible for the death of most of your family, which was the only reason he couldn’t forgive Sirius for his crimes.
-You and the boys wrote each other daily during the winter break.
-On Christmas Remus surprised you with a book by Lockheart, “Everyone says he is very popular amongst the female readers.”
“He also is a fiction writer, I mean there is no way that someone with a face like his could be the smartest ravenclaw there ever was.”
-Remus chuckled at your response, and then surprised you with a trip to Hogwarts, his backpack filled with presents from you both. When you arrived in Dumbledore’s office you immediately wanted to go find Hagrid, to which the two men stated was okay, “We will meet you at his hut shortly.” Dumbledore answered as you raced from the office towards the spiral stairs.
“I know that look Remus, what is on your mind?”
“You promised me he would never get in contact with her while she was here.” His voice was low
“I did, and I have...”
“He has been writing her since she arrived Albus, and now I just had to tell my daughter that he has been writing to her constantly! I had to look my daughter in the eyes and lie to her that I believed her father was innocent. How can I believe a man who betrayed his friends, who murdered them all, almost got his own godson killed, and not once thought about his incredibly smart, talented, humble, compassionate little girl? I wanted to avoid this Albus, but it seemed I can not trust anyone but my daughter.”
“Your daughter?” Albus asked, Remus hadn’t even realized he kept calling you his daughter, normally he would just call you his niece, or by name. His eyes softened towards the headmaster as he hissed, “Well she might as well be.”
-Dumbledore reassured him that Sirius posed no real threat to you or him, “He is locked away in a cell, never to be freed again.”
-When they went to the Hut with McGonnagall, and some of the other professors, when they opened the door, they saw you sitting on the couch opposite the armchair, your coat discarded, revealing your maroon and gold stripped sweater. A mug was in between your hands, whip cream towering over the top of it as you looked at Hagrid, who was telling you a story about Bowtruckles. Your giggles filled the small space as they all filed into the room. That’s when Hagrid turned around and stood, ready to prepare hot chocolate for everyone, as Remus pushed by and sat beside you on the couch.
-The day after Christmas you went to Diagon Alley to try to find a good gift for Fred. You searched high and low, but nothing stood out to you. That was until you saw the window display of the Quality Quidditch Supplies.
“Uncle Mooney, how realistic would it be to hex my bag with the Undetectable Extension Charm?”
-Quite, why?”
“Because I think I found the gift I want to get Fred.” You answered with a smile before opening the shop door.
-One night while Remus was sipping his tea, he looked up at you, curled up at the end of the sofa, reading a book in one of your oversized sweaters, the glow of the fire illuminated your face, as your tea sat beside you, “You know who you look like right now?”
“Your niece?”
“No, you look just like your Aunt Lily. I mean she was a bookworm, intelligent witch, who was somehow involved with the pranksters of Gryffindor.”
“I’m glad.” You smiled, before Remus smiled, a ping of sadness overcoming him as he missed his friends... the only real family he ever had. You could tell he was off suddenly, and looking at him as he sipped his tea again you asked, “Uncle Mooney, tell me about your time at Hogwarts?”
-You both stayed up most of the night, chuckling at the stories he told. By the time you went to bed, the fire was down to just glowing embers, both of your teas cold, but you were happy, and that night you both slept in until noon.
-When the full moon occurred you went to Hagrid’s hut, and spent the day with him walking in the forbidden forest in the snow.
-When you left to go back to Hogwarts, you looked at your uncle on the station, “Uncle Mooney?”
“Yes Love?”
“No more secrets okay, I mean I would hope you trust me enough to tell me anything, cause I certainly trust you.”
-Of course Love.” He smiled before pulling you in for a hug, and handing you a chocolate bar, “For the journey.”
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-When you found the booth that the twins and Lee were hiding in your whole face lit up, and you were quick to slip in next to Fred as they all were laughing at the story of how Fred and George turned Percy’s hair pink by adding some of their mom’s herbs to his shampoo, and how it backfired when everyone’s had turned pink.
-Once the train started to move however you smiled, “Okay, so shall we exchange?”
-In a circle you each gave your gifts one by one, Fred got Lee, Lee got George, George had gotten you, and you had gotten Fred. You decided to go in the same order you drew names, meaning Fred went first.
-Fred reached in his bag and pulled out a rectangular box, and handed it over to you, “Here, I hope you like it.”
When you opened it, you noticed the dull blue of the tissue paper, and slowly pulled it back to reveal the knitted yarn, the collar was a pastel purple color, while the rest of the sweater was a minty green, your first initial in the same pastel purple. As you held it up, you couldn’t suppress a smile, “I love it.”
-George got Lee the same present, except his was Gryffindor colors.
-Both boys were estact that you liked their gifts.
-Lee handed George a box, and when he opened it, it was filled to the brim with all different sorts of candy. However when he reached inside he withdrew a gameboy.
“The muggles use it to play video games, I figured it might be an interesting gift, and something your dad would love to learn about.”
-Once it was your turn you smiled towards Fred, “You can’t be mad.”
“How could I ever be mad at you?” He chuckled as you smiled wide, before opening your charmed bag and reaching all the way into it, the boys eyes widening as you exclaimed, “Got it.”
-The package was as neatly wrapped as it could be, the paper was a matte blue, with a green ribbon on top. Using both hands you extended it towards Fred, “I figured if you and Georgie were going to someday be real quidditch players, you might as well have a good broom.”
-When he unwrapped it, he was blown away to see the Comet 260, his hands slightly going over the wood as he admired it. However he stopped for a moment at the handle, “Why did you engrave a G in it?”
“Oh bloody hell, that one was meant for George, give me a second.” You exclaimed reaching back in to pull out another one, this time wrapped in orange paper with a yellow bow, “This one is yours Freddie, I mean I couldn’t get one brother a broom and not the other.”
“You got a present in there for me too?” Lee joked as you reached in and withdrew a box wrapped in green paper, which held a box microphone. “Of course.” However they didn’t see the second small box you withdrew, and as George and Lee admired the Gameboy, you gently tapped Fred on the leg, “Here’s one more gift, and I promise, it isn’t another broom.”
- As he opened it, he noticed it was also charmed with the Undetectable expansion charm. Reaching inside he withdrew a Jersey, which was maroon and gold, and had the snitch embroidered onto it.
“Figured you could be the most official looking player when you match up with your siblings.” You whispered
“You really didn’t have to.” He replied, tears in his eyes as you rested your chin on his shoulder, “No, but what are friends for, we are supposed to support each other’s dreams.”
-After that, you and Fred were always close, Lee used to joke that he liked hanging out with you far more than his own twin brother.
-About a month after arriving, at the feast table Albus leaned over to McGonagall, “10 Galleons says that Fred and [Y/N] are dating by their seventh year?”
“I say it will be by their fifth year.” She replied, before reaching her hand out to shake on it
-You never told the boys you knew who created the map, nor did you tell your father that George and Fred were using it to prank students and staff during the school year.
-Sirius wrote you once a week.
- You were in all the same classes as the boys, and it made it so much easier for you to help them with homework. The boys were pretty bright, however they would sometimes get carried away thinking about who to prank and how. Occasionally you would chime in, but most times you would just chuckle and shake your head.
-Percy always looked at you and asked how you could be friends with people like his younger brothers, to which you always gave a witty response. The responses would always cause Fred and George to laugh.
-One night Lee looked at you, both of the twins were running late to dinner, meaning it was just you and Lee for a while. Knowing that the food would disappear probably before the boys made it to the Great Hall, you made a plate for both boys, and made sure to grab an extra pudding for Fred.
“You never get me an extra pudding?” Lee faked whined as you raised an eyebrow, “Lee, I literally gave you my pudding yesterday.” 
-When the boys arrived Fred sat across from you, and smiled, “No way, you snagged me an extra pudding.”
“What are friends for?” You smiled as George looked at his plate, which you had put extra turkey on for him, a smile on his face as he looked at his friends.
“You know something, we should all get together this summer.” George suggested, as you raised an eyebrow, “George it’s only March.”
“Yeah, and school ends soon. Then we have to go 3 months without seeing each other. We could ask our mum, I am sure you all could stay in our room.”
“My parents would probably be okay with that, what about you [Y/N]?”
“I’m sure it would be okay, I can ask him.” You let it slip, as they all looked towards you.
“Don’t you mean them?” George asked
“Um..... no. I ummmm live with my uncle.” You answered, you had never told them you didn’t have a mom, or that your father was in Azkaban on a false charge, or that your uncle who you lived with was a werewolf.”
-The boys went silent, and after several seconds, they began their regular banter.
-The next day you wrote Remus, and asked what he would think about you spending some time with the Weasleys at the burrow. He replied within the week and said it would be fine with him, as long as you never returned on a full moon, or the day after.
-When George and Fred asked their parents, Arthur expressed some concern to Molly in private, “I mean how do we know we can trust her, what if she is just like her father?”
“She is just a little girl Art, besides she has basically lived with Remus her whole life. He would never let her grow up to be a monster. Let’s just give her a chance, besides the boys will be heartbroken if we say Lee can come and not [Y/N].”
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- The first time you went to the Burrow, you used Floo powder to get there, your eyes widened as you took in the scenery. Everything about the burrow looked homey, and you were fascinated by the use of magic throughout the home. The needle moving to create a sweater, the sponge moving itself in a circular motion on the dishes, the stove turning itself off as the kettle whistled, the broom sweeping into the dust pan, as the mop followed behind. The dry dishes putting themselves away, as you exited the mantle.
-Molly rounded the corner as you stepped out, her round face dressed with a smile as she extended her arms, “You must be [Y/N], it is so nice to finally meet you my dear.” She quickly advanced towards you as she wrapped you in a hug, “I hope you got here alright.”
“Of course Mrs. Weasley, thank you so much for allowing me to stay for a while in your lovely home.”
“Of course my dear, and no need for formality here, Molly is fine.” She smiled, before calling, “Boys! [Y/N] is here!”
-You couldn’t help but smile as 3 pairs of feet came raising down the stairs, and tackled you onto the couch. The room erupting into a fit of laughter as the boys all dog piled you, and as they stood up (After Molly telling them to), Fred reached out to help you up.
-You slept in the twins room, the boys had made up two cots for you and Lee. Your cot was closer to Fred’s bed. Most nights after the rest of the house had fallen asleep, you and the boys would stay up quietly giggling at future pranks.
-Ron and Ginny loved having you around, whenever they would try to hang out with their two older brothers they would say that they were busy with their friends, yet you would say, “If you want we can do something, who needs these losers anyway to have fun.”
-You always offered to help Molly with the chores, and some nights you even convinced the boys to help.
-One night while you were doing chores with Molly, she leaned over, “I never thanked you by the way.”
“For what?”
“Fred and George were so excited when they got home, they wanted to show us the new brooms they had written us so much about. I know it is just a material object, but most people don’t know that the boys are skilled quidditch players. They just see the jokes, and the pranks, which leads them to get labeled as the general prankster. I can’t tell you how many times the boys have gotten rubber chickens, and whoopie cushions, or little fireworks. You actually showed that you listen to them, and that is all a mother can ask of her children’s friends.”
“No problem Molly, they are wonderful boys.” You smiled, as Ginny raced into the kitchen, “Hey [Y/N], do you think we can have a girls night?”
“Of course.” You smiled.
-You always helped with the twin’s chores, which Molly thought was wonderful.
-You hated weeding the garden though, so you would just lay in the grass and read while the boys labored in the dirt.
-You were only supposed to stay for two weeks, however you ended up staying for a whole month. Lee left after the two weeks though.
-Whenever they would play quidditch in the garden George was insistent on having you on their team, you were an okay player. Whenever you all had some free time between chores, Fred and George would teach you how to play, helping you learn strategies.
-When you went home each of the Weasleys gave you a hug, Molly of course looked at you and smiled, “Now don’t be a stranger, you are welcome anytime.”
“Really, if you don’t mind me asking, may I come stay August 6th?”
“That’s next week?” George replied, his tone questioning as you smiled, it wouldn’t be for too long, just a day or two, my Uncle is going to be out of town for those days. I didn’t want to spend the day alone.”
“Of course Love, whatever you need.” Arthur smiled, his whole attitude towards you altered after your first visit to the burrow.
-After that visit, you spent all the full moons at the Burrow. None of them ever asked why you always stayed on full moons, nor did the professors ask why you stopped coming to Hogwarts.
-Remus hated when you were away, the cabin was so quiet, but he couldn’t stop you. He knew your father was the same way during summer breaks so he could only imagine it was the Black genes in you. You however always came back with a smile plastered on your face, and spent the week telling him all about what you did.
-When you went shopping for your supplies for your second year, Molly and Arthur invited you and Remus to join them, which you eagerly agreed to.
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-The plan was to meet at the Burrow, as soon as the twins heard the sound of an Apparition spell, they were out the door. Immediately they had you wrapped in a hug, your arms hanging around both of their necks as they gripped you tightly. Pulling away they then looked at Remus.
“You must be Mister Lupin, pleasure to see you again sir.” They both said at the same time, hands rocketing out for a handshake. He just looked at the pair and replied, “And you must be George,” he pointed to George, “And Fred.” He pointed to Fred before reaching out and shaking both of their hands.
“Blimey, not even our own mum can tell us apart like that.” George joked as you immediately piped up, “Your mum can tell you apart just fine, it is just the two of you that like to switch identities to see if anyone will notice.”
-Next out the door was Ron, his kind of grown out red mop blowing in the wind as he raced over and into your arms, “I missed you.”
“I missed you too kid.”
-Fred and George rolled their eyes at the interaction, both of them had figured out during your first stay that Ron had developed some little crush on you, Remus of course saw the eye rolls and whispered, “Now don’t tell me you never had a crush on one of your brother’s friends when you were his age?”
-while all the kids raced around the yard before going, Remus talked with Arthur and Molly. Of course the awkward subject came up, “So does she know...”
“Yes, she knows exactly what her father did, and as much as I hate it, she believes he was framed. However we don’t discuss the topic of her father unless absolutely necessary. I would hope the same is being done here.”
“Of course Remus.” Molly replied, shooting Arthur a disapproving look, “Our kids don’t know anything about him, and I doubt she has told any of them.”
“I mean Fred and George might know, seeing how close they are.” Athur piped up, but Remus just looked at him, “No they don’t, she would never risk losing your boys. I dare say she would protect them with her life if she had too.”
“Just as her father was supposed to?” The response was automatic, Arthur hadn’t even thought of it when it slipped out, and he immediately regretted it, whispering an apology as Remus shot him a disapproving look, as Molly gave him the look of death. However all Remus replied with was, “She is nothing like her father.”
- The twins and you wanted ventured out on your own as soon as you arrived to Diagon Alley, Remus chuckling as you looked at him quickly, “You can join us if you like.”
“Are you sure darling, I would hate to spoil your fun?” He replied as George laughed
“Nonsense Mr. Lupin, [Y/N] tells us you were quite the prankster when you were our age, we would love to hear more about it. Maybe get some ideas.” Fred smiled, as Remus looked towards the ground, a ping of sadness entering his heart as he chuckled, “Now Fred, I was not the prankster of the group, that title was held by [Y/N]’s father, and her Uncle James.”
-After going to a few shops looking for supplies, the four of you all went to Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour, and got some ice cream. As you sat at the table Fred and George asked Remus what it was like when he was at Hogwarts. As you licked your cone you couldn’t help but chuckle as Remus’s face lit up, telling Jame’s and Sirius’s prank stories to the twins.
-Their personal favorite was when Sirius and James had discovered a new muggle song, and somehow disguised a boom box in the Great Hall, and turned it to Maximum volume. The entire day the Hall was filled with Don’t Go Breaking my Heart by Thin Lizzy, on a loop. They earned two days of detention with Flich, in which he had them polish all of the trophies in case.
-At one point while you were shopping, Fred picked up a flower on the side of the road, and paid 15 Sickles for it, he then walked up beside you and leaned over, “Figured you might like this.”
“You bought me a Garden Rose, is it bewitched?”
“Course not, can’t a boy just buy his best friend a pretty flower?” He smiled as you cautiously took it from him, and thanked him.
-Remus was watching you both from a distance, and smiled as he thought of his niece falling in love, and was hopeful that it was at least with one of the Weasley boys.
-When it was time to part ways Fred asked Remus, “Sir, do you mind if one day, George and I come over, and stay for a week? We would love to see what your home looks like, and to hear more stories?”
“Unfortunately boys, I don’t think that is possible, however I would be more than happy to come to the burrow whenever you want to tell you more.”
-Remus didn’t know how to explain the scratches that were randomly scattered along the interior and exterior of the cottage.
-When you got home, Remus looked at you with a smile, “I like those two.”
“I knew you would.” You smiled, as you put your bags down, and dropped your garden rose into a vase.
-You sent your father letters all about the Weasley twins, and told him how they looked up to him and Uncle Prongs after Remus shared their stories. You had no idea how much it meant to him that Remus was still talking about him.
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-When it was time for you all to go back, Remus stood on the platform with you, “Now don’t let those boys rope you into any pranks that will get you expelled.”
“Course Uncle Mooney.” You replied, before wrapping him into a hug. As you pulled away you saw two tuffs of red hair race over, “Come on [Y/N], Lee’s already on the train saving us a booth.” George whined as they both grabbed your hands and led you away, while shouting, “Good to see you Mr. Lupin.”
-When you started your second year you noticed you were in all the opposite classes as the boys. Your smile dropping as you tried to envision classes without your best friends.
-That first night in the common room the four of you all sat around in the corner, the moonlight pouring into the window as you watched Lee and Fred compet in a game of Wizards Chess, George scribbling down prank ideas. Finally he looked at you, “How do you think we can pull off your father’s prank?”
“You know the one where they blasted muggle music throughout the Great Hall?”
“Don’t you think that will be too odvious, I mean the only people who would know about that would be [Y/N], we would be had for sure.” Lee replied, before saying, “Pawn to E6.”
“Besides, I think we can pull off far better pranks then my dad and his friends, I mean you two are the Weasley Twins, greatest pranksters to ever attend Hogwarts.” You smiled as Fred slightly blushed.
-Lee and George both noticed how Fred blushed, and when you went to bed that night both of them looked at him, “Okay, spit it out.”
“Spit out what Lee?” He asked confused.
“Do you have a crush on our very own Miss Black?” George asked, as Fred began to stutter, causing both boys to smile.
“Blimey Fred, why don’t you just tell her then.”
“It’s not that simple Georgie, I mean... what if she doesn’t feel the same, how will that affect the group. We can’t lose her, she is the brains behind a quarter of these pranks.”
-The rest of the term you helped the boys with all of their schoolwork, as normal.
-You were the top of your class, all the professors were proud of your work, even Snape.
-Most nights you and the boys would end up sitting at the table in the corner, or on the love seats that were against one of the farthest walls. Whenever you were on the loveseats, Lee and George would make sure you and Fred were on the same sofa, and whenever you’ll would sit at the table they would arrange the seats so that you were also next to Fred. You didn’t think anything of it, but Fred knew what they were trying to do, and he would always just stare at them with dirty looks when you weren’t looking.
-When they tried out for the Quidditch team, you were sitting in the stands, your scarf and hat on as you watched them prove their skills, your applause Louder than everyone else’s as you cheered them on.
-When George and Fred made the Quidditch team, you were the first person to congratulate them, a huge smile on your face as you leapt into Fred’s arms, as he twirled you around. Then you went to hug George, and looked at them both, “I am so bloody proud of you.”
-Hagrid sat with you at every game, and afterwards you would go to the hut with him and share a cup of tea.
-Remus wrote you often, and told you about the woods, and the lilies. However he wasn’t a fan of how quiet it was, and often found himself playing music throughout the cabin. The records that he had were classics that he had collected over the years, but he always found himself gravitating towards the small collection of records that Lily had given him. They were some of her favorites, and he had given him a few copies of them once they were out of school. The genre of them varied.
-Every once and a while however his fingers would find the section of records that were not his... they belonged to Sirius. He had taken them when he went to the house to collect your things, he wasn’t sure why he had the urge to take them from the house with your stuff, but he didn’t feel right leaving the house without them. He would take the vinyl disk out of the sleeve and spin it between his fingers a few times before placing it on the player, his body slumping into the armchair after putting the needle on. His eyes would shut as he put his fingers to his temple, the familiar melodies filling the space as he remembered the days he would go to Sirius’s flat and he would be blasting the record player. Most times you were resting on his hip, a huge smile on your face as he twirled you around and danced to the beat. Your giggles almost drowned out by the guitars, and drums. As Remus listened to them, tears would normally slid down his cheeks, as he thought to himself, “Why Pads, why did you do it?”
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-Before leaving for Christmas break, you did the secret Santa again, this time you drew Lee’s name.
-That Christmas break you went to the cabin, and stayed with Remus the whole time, both of you just enjoying the comfort of being together. He would sometimes find himself chuckling as you sat at the dining room table and wrote letters to the boys, and your father.
-You were laughing when on Christmas Day you found a present under the tree addressed to you from the Weasleys. You opened it to find that you once again had received a Christmas sweater, this time it was purple and blue, there was a note attached that read, “You might as well be part of the family.”
-On the last night you and Remus were sitting in the living room, the fire roaring as you looked toward Remus, “Uncle Mooney?”
“Yes love.”
“Do you ever wonder how Harry is?” This wasn’t the first time you had asked about Harry, but this was the first time in a while. Your head was resting on your knees as he spoke, “I am sure Harry is just fine, I am sure he is sitting at his Aunt Petunia’s right now surrounded by all his presents, and is filled with fmdread that school is going to start back up.”
“I hope so.” You answered with a smile. You had no idea though that Remus was slightly filled with doubt. Every time he would think about Harry, he would remember what James used to tell him about Petunia Evans, and how she was a arrogant, closed minded bitch when it came to anything in her sister’s life.
-When you got on the train you were excited to see the three boys, all of them wearing their Weasley sweaters. George laughing as he looked towards you, “I love that we are all matching, it’s almost like we planned this.”
“Too bad we didn’t.” Fred barked, as you plopped down next to Lee, your back leaning against the wall of the booth as you put your legs over his lap. His arms laying over your legs as you spoke to the twins across from you both.
-Finally after swapping stories of the break Lee smiled, “Time for secret Santa?”
“Course it is, I’ll go first.” George replied, as he reached into his bag and withdrew a small box, thrusting it towards Fred, “Here you go Fred.”
“You got me?” He asked, taking the box in hand, “You told me that you had gotten Lee.”
“What was I supposed to do, tell you that I drew your name out of the hat and that I bought you your present right in front of you. That would ruin the whole tradition.” George replied as you smiled, “He has a point Freddie.”
-When Fred opened the box he was greeted by a whole box full of dungbombs. He chuckled as he carefully removed one and whispered, “Wicked.”
-Next was Lee, who handed a gift towards George, “I can’t top the gift [Y/N] got you last year, but I sure as hell can try.”
-In the box was a Gryffindor colored Hackey Sack which George twirled between his fingers, “What is it?”
“You kick it, when we get to Hogwarts I can show you how to play with it.” Lee smiled as you reached into your bag and withdrew a box, the boys all chuckling at the fact that your bag was still charmed from last Christmas. “Here Lee, just promise me you won’t use it to blow us up.”
“I promise, however are you trying to tell me you bought me a bomb?”
“You’re just gonna have to open it to find out.” You smiled as he tore the paper slightly and revealed that logo of Dr Filibuster's Fabulous Wet-Start, No-Heat Fireworks. “No way.” Lee gasped as you smiled.
“Figured we could light it off down by the lake.” You replied as Fred pulled a rectangular, brightly wrapped present out of his bag, the ribbon on top of it still in tact as he placed it on his lap. Your eyes still on Lee, he was taking in the smallest details of your face, and watching how the fluorescent lighting in the booth made your eyes twinkle slightly. After a few minutes though he noticed you had looked towards him, a smile plastered on your face as you asked, “So guess that just leaves you Freddie.”
“Ummm yeah.” He answered, looking down quickly, before sticking his hand out towards you, the present grasped tightly between his fingers as he said, “Looks like I got you again.”
-You carefully unwrapped the paper, and smiled as you revealed the limited edition cover of Fantastic Beast and Where to Find Them. You smiled wide as you looked up, “Fred, I love it.” You smiled as you slowly opened it and looked at the updated drawings.
-You spent the rest of the train ride reading, while the boys groaned about going back to class.
-When you went to get off you were walking beside Fred, and bumped your shoulder into his, “Thank you again, I really do love it.”
“I’m glad.” He smiled
- After a month back at Hogwarts you found yourself sitting in the common room, and heard the portrait open, the room filled with the giggles of the three boys you valued, your eyes raising from your parchmentad you looked at them. “What did you do?”
“We may have just set off a bunch of dungbombs in Snape’s classroom.” George gasped while trying to maintain his composure.
“Oh bloody hell.” You sighed, “he is going to assign your class extra homework now you know?”
“Worth it.” Lee replied as Fred flopped down on the couch next to you, and added, “Besides he will have no clue who did it.”
“You really think he won’t put it together?” You asked, your eyes meeting his as he answered, “Nope.”
-The next day they came in with a groan, and looked at you, “Want to help us with our Potions homework?”
“He figured it out, didn’t he?” You smiled, your eyes never leaving your book as George groaned, “Yup.”
“Told you.” You responded, as the three boys flopped around you.
-You used to sit in your dormitory with the Marauders Map, and study it for hours, watching as the little footsteps moved across the parchment. It made you feel closer to the Marauders.
-You alternated which spare jersey you wore to the games, since George and Fred had both given you their spares to wear.
-Towards the end of the year you found yourself helping the boys more with the pranks, which they loved because you were always telling them how not to get caught.
-At the end of the year you went straight to the Burrow, since it was a full moon. You smiled walking into the Burrow, a sense of home washing over you as Ron raced into the kitchen, and looked at you, “Bloody hell, I am starting Hogwarts this year, where did the year go?”
-And that’s when it hit you... Harry Potter was starting at Hogwarts next term.
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-When you went back to the cabin you closed the door and slowly slid down it, the sounds of your father’s records filling the space as Remus sat in the armchair. Your trunk abandoned next to you as you leaned your head back, your thoughts filled with the idea of Harry coming to Hogwarts. You wondered if he knew who you and Remus were, or if you were long forgotten. You wondered if he knew about your father, you were sure he would have, even if he lived with muggles. Would he judge you? Would he be angry at you for your father’s false crimes?
-Remus turned in the chair, and watched you sit there, knowing that the wheels were turning in your head. Finally after five minutes he rose slowly as turned the music down, before making his way towards you and kneeling in front of you, “Would you like to go out tonight?”
“Anywhere you want my love.”
-You chose Hogwarts, and you ended up sitting in Dumbledore’s office with Remus, Hagrid, Dumbledore, and McGonagall. You were all smiles and laughing as you listened to them share stories.
-That summer you spent another month at the Burrow, most days you would lay in the sun with the Twins, and discuss possibly opening a joke shop in the future, which was the twin’s dream.
-Molly always told you that you didn’t have to help with chores, however you would always smile and reply, “You really think Freddie and Georgie will do chores if I don’t help.”
-Sometimes at night you and the boys would lay out in the grass and look at the stars, the cool summer air breezing over your forms as you all laid with your heads pointed towards each other. A few times you had fallen asleep while you all were out there, which resulted in Fred carrying you upstairs to your cot. George would always trail behind, slightly chuckling as he wondered when you and his older brother would get together finally.
-Ginny and you would sometimes sit in the couch and just talk, or you would braid her long, ginger hair. Ron would occasionally join as well but Ginny always looked at him and snapped, “Piss off, she doesn’t like you like that.”
-One day while you brushed her hair she asked you if you could ever see yourself dating one of her brothers. You smiled and replied, “Who knows, maybe one day I will, however that is probably going to be the day that I lose all my sanity.”
-On your last night there, you and the twins snuck out to the roof, and sat out there for hours. However at one point George went inside to pee, leaving you and Fred alone.
“Hey.” His voice was quiet as you looked towards him, the wind picking up a strand of your hair as you smeirked, “Hey.”
“I want to ask you something, but I don’t want it to make things awkward between us.”
Your heart rate escalated, and your palms became sweaty, you were hoping he would finally ask you out, “Nothing you ask me would make stuff awkward Freddie.”
He scooted closer to you, maintaining eye contact as he did, soon you were shoulder to shoulder as he took a deep breath.
“You gonna ask me, or should I wait for tomorrow?” You teased as he let out a chuckle.
“No.” He looked at his hands, which were entangling in each other, and then back at you, his eyes glassy as he whispered, “Why do you live with Mr. Lupin?”
“Like what happened to your parents?”
“Well... my mom didn’t tell my dad at first that she was pregnant. He didn’t find out I even existed until I was 6 months old, when she dropped me off at his flat and disappeared. I was starting to display accidental magic, and she freaked out because she was a muggle. I lived with my dad until November of 1981, that’s when I moved in with Uncle Lupin. My dad, ummm, got arrested on false charges.”
“What were they?”
“Murder, and everyone also pinned him as a death eater. He didn’t do anything though.”
“So your father is in...”
“Azkaban.....” you were silent for a second, before looking up towards the stars, “Yeah, he is.”
-There was silence between you and Fred, neither one sure what to say, until his hand slowly glided towards your leg, and he gently placed it down on your thigh, “We don’t have to talk about it again, I just wanted to know.”
“It’s fine Freddie, really.” You replied, before leaning over and resting your head in his shoulder, your eyes closing as you took a deep breath of the summer air, wishing that life could have been slightly different.
Part Four
Part Five
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veethewriter · 3 years
Hello darling! This is @hinox-headcanons btw, this is my main blog. I'm working on your Botw Matchup right now, I really hope you like your results. Here's a description for my botw matchup, please!
✨ Autistic Girl who would like a male ship. Also Chronically Ill and Disabled, so I need to take a lot of naps and I have quite a few health issues. I stim by pacing in circles too, especially when thinking or daydreaming
✨ Very short, under 5’, with an androgynous build. I have a very long, messy mane of brown hair, glasses and lots of moles. I either wear my hair loose, or in a low messy bun. I’m also working to build muscle at the moment.
✨ In case this means anything, I’m an INFJ, 4w5 and Aquarius. I’m idealistic, creative, mysterious, artistic, compassionate, highly empathetic, intellectual, protective, and deeply existentialist and both a thinking and feeling type. However I can be overly sensitive, stubborn, aloof, and a little hot-tempered. I’ve also been told that I’m very eloquent and am really good at metaphors and explaining things.
✨ I think very deeply about things, and am simultaneously very smart and incredibly stupid. High wisdom / Low intelligence, I suppose, since I’m “wise beyond my years” but can lack common sense
✨ My loved ones always say that I know a little something about basically everything. My Special Interests include Herbal Medicine, Lord of the Rings, Dungeons & Dragons, Witchcraft, Superstitions, Horseback Archery, Animation and Legend of Zelda. I’m a random fact machine, basically
✨ I also do a LOT of Writing, Archery, Baking, Leatherworking, Metalsmithing, Candle-making, Sewing and other activities. My ideal career and aesthetic is basically a renaissance fair. I also work out a lot with my punching bag and taking walks.
✨ I'm actually doing some apprenticeships for Sewing and Leatherworking right now, and I'm a published author who also does writing commissions. I am VERY busy most of the time
✨ Love Language is Physical Touch and Gift Giving. I always hold somebody’s hand or arm when I’m nervous, and I LOVE cuddling.
✨Nothing turns me off more than possessiveness, but I also need a partner who will protect and support me. I’m pretty small, so I get nervous about defending myself
✨ I can get stuck in my head too much and overthink, so I need a partner who can pull me out of my funk and get me started on an activity or something. Pretty much all my coping mechanisms are distraction techniques to keep me from thinking too much
✨ I’m not afraid to advocate for myself and can be really blunt sometimes, but because I’m used to being bullied or ignored, even small acts of kindness stick out to me. I have a habit of never forgetting people, no matter how simple the interaction. Little things go a very long way for me.
Thank you so much hun, I can't wait to see my results! Your matchup will be done shortly, love
I know currently I said I am not writing matchups however this author wrote one for me and I promised them would write one back so here you go. For botw I ship you with Sidon!!
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Sidon may be a prince but he'll always be there to help you when you need it and if he can't be there, he'll leave on of his guards with you just incase he wants to make sure you feel safe at all times.
Sidon may accidentally act possessive but if you tell him he is he'll fix it right away most of the time he doesn't even mean to do it.
Sidon knows sometimes you get stuck in your thoughts so in random spots around the castle he'll leave some things you like to do so you won't get stuck in them but if you do it around him, he'll softly get your attention by kissing your cheek.
Sidon is always kind to you and tends to buy you small gifts a lot, he also loves to give you affection whether it be holding you while walking a crossed zora's domain or kissing you softly.
Whenever your gone for your apprenticeships Sidon will write letters to you some including small gifts. He'll spend a lot of time with you when you return since you were gone for a while.
Sidon is surprised at all the things you can do and even ask if you could teach him some of them. (Of course anything the doesn't require electricity because that hurts zora's.)
Sidon loves how smart you are and loves to hear all the facts you can tell him about certain things in return he'll give you facts about things he knows.
When ever you get mad a Sidon, he'll give you time to cool down and than calmly talk it out with you but if he knows its his fault he apologize.
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softrozene · 4 years
Hellooo! I hope you're okay. Can I get a scenario for Benn Beckmann, Crocodile and Smoker with a female reader who confesses her feelings, please ?
I’m doing amazing Lovely. I hope you’re doing wonderful too! <3 I am such a sucker for requests like these. They feed into my love for fluff and cuteness, so I hope you enjoy this! Because of the theme requested and the characters personalities I gave the reader more of a shy girl kind of personality!
Benn, Crocodile, Smoker x Female Reader
Warnings: Fluff to the max
Words: 1818
Benn Beckmann-
Benn has a bad feeling the second he saw your cute form go up to the captain. He always gets an uneasy feeling when you talk to Shanks and yes, he is aware he is jealous, and he does not hide it very well, but this time felt different. Mostly because Shanks is giggling like a girl and your face looks beyond flustered.
Normally, he would go to your rescue but the second he sees Shanks look at him he had the urge to run away from his captain’s idiocy. He could not do so after you turn as well and give him a look that makes his heart ache. Whatever is going on he does not like it but seeing that look you gave him, makes him stay in place.
Benn is usually a quiet man and one who definitely does not wear his heart on his sleeve but the crew members who he’s been with from the start of the Red Hair Pirates can see through him. They know how smitten he is with you just as you are with him. It is almost painful that the two of you are not together and that is why while Benn is keeping an eye on you and Shanks from afar, Shanks is trying to convince you to confess to Benn.
The thought terrifies you. Your face heats up like a fire and you feel dizzy just thinking about it. Shanks is making fun of you and you want to hit him but of course, you do not dare. It is all in good faith that he is teasing you anyway.
The worry practically paints your being and Shanks gives in to give you his captain talk.
“Listen (Name), you are a strong, beautiful, intelligent woman. I can promise you that Benn will reciprocate your feelings. On the highly slim chance that he does not I will owe you a date night to lather you up with the romance you deserve,” Shanks promises.
The thought makes you want to gag immediately since you are not interested in your captain and Shanks laughs since you did not hide that. His words did reach you though and you turn around yet again to see Benn staring at you.
It is now or never.
As you walk up to Benn, he kicks himself for staring for so long. Even more, he wishes he knew what Shanks said to you to make your face so flustered.
“Benn?” Ah. The way you say his name makes him smile as he hums in response.
You go for it. “I like you. A lot. I know I may not be the most confident of women but-“
This is really happening. Benn can’t hear your words as the smile on his face grows. He glances back towards his captain who in return gives him a thumbs up. He cuts your now stuttering sentence off as he places a hand on your shoulder.
“I like you too, (Name). If you are sure you want to pursue a relationship with me then by all means I accept,” Benn says.
And that was how Benn accidentally killed a crewmember, his new partner, with Shanks as a witness when your body hit the ground and you went to cloud nine.
“Do you know why you are here?” Crocodile questions.
You look a bit nervous but overall, pretty composed. He is impressed since anyone else would have usually pissed their pants by now. You do not answer him and even though that agitates him he lets it pass since you are one of his most valuable assets.
“You have been distracted. It is affecting your work. Would you like to tell me why?” He asks leaning into his hand.
Despite the way he asked it with a certain gentleness to it, his hook starts to carve into the desk leaving the silent threat. Any other person would be terrified, and it looks like you are, but you are just nervous. Your heart is racing wildly as you try to distract yourself from feeling a bit too hot from the threat of his hook.
“I have a perfectly reasonable explanation,” You start.
You want to tell him, but it may mean your death sentence. This man does not tolerate distractions. The only reason why he has not murdered you on the spot for your suddenly slow work is because your loyalty is as high, maybe even higher than Mr. 1’s loyalty. That is a great feat and one Crocodile appreciates even if he has no problems getting rid of his loyal followers.
He raises an eyebrow and you decide that saying your feelings for him would be worth it even if he decides to take your life.
“I like somebody… Romantically,” You begin.
Your eyes widen however when his hook crashes into the desk leaving a big and ugly scratch. The veins on his neck are prominent and for a moment you believe that he is jealous. It is a silly little thought but one that could bring you to tears with joy. It’s impossible though. You want to cry from embarrassment now. Crocodile is just angry that your romantic feelings got in the way of your work, you convince yourself this.
In reality, the second you admitted this, Crocodile saw red. You have feelings for someone? Nobody but he deserves your kind and loyal personality. You fit him perfectly and he would protect you no matter what. So, he is angry at whoever has your mind and heart right now.
He lost his composure for a second and he regrets it upon seeing your saddened face. Slight pride is in him for being able to get that reaction out of you though because that means you know your feelings for another are unacceptable.
Crocodile decides to go straight to the point. “Tell me who he is so I can destroy him. You are aware that feelings only cause distractions.”
The words sting and hard. He can see you flinch from this and your hesitation is strong. This is a first and he astounded that you out of everyone else may withhold this information. It almost makes him scoff. Of course, he should have known better. Even among the most loyal, they may betray him.
He is ready to crush all his feelings for you at this moment when you open your mouth and freeze. He allows you the moment to say the stupid name, but his eyes widen at what you do say.
“It is you. I like you romantically.”
He can sense your need to go run and hide and honestly? With what he does next he does not blame you. He laughs. Anyone would take this the wrong way which is why he is quick to compose himself and say, “This changes everything. Especially since I return your feelings. It would only make sense that we get involved with each other officially to avoid any more distractions, doesn’t it?”
He seems to have broken you as you stare at him awe that he really feels the same way. He accepts that as an answer.
“Prepare for a date tonight. Expect nothing but the best now that I can freely call you my woman.”
Today felt funny to Smoker for some odd reason. Usually, he is not this dense especially when his subordinates are involved which is why he is getting heavily annoyed that they are whispering amongst themselves while sending him glances.
He can’t recall what he did to warner these glances, but he suspects it has something to do with you as soon as he sees them glance your way. You, as always, are stuck in your head. It makes him stop as he thinks about you for a moment.
You are a strong and resilient woman. At first, he did not believe this with how much of an airhead you were but then he saw you in battle and honestly? He saw you more than a subordinate. He realized how compassionate you were for others. Seeing you in a different light alone made him angry but whenever you are around, he becomes fully aware of his body’s and emotion’s reactions to you. He becomes aware of how the subordinates treat you.
Getting a bit irritated with his feelings, he looks away from you and begins to glance over the ship. Though from the corner of his eye he can see Tashigi talking to you. He huffs more at the thought of you two being closer seeing as you both are the only females on this marine ship.
He looks away and grits his teeth as the irrational thoughts in his head begin to deepen.
“Sir? Sir!” You call out making him jump.
He immediately tries to fight off the blush trying to paint his cheeks as he realizes how close you are to him. You are trying to peer into his face to see if he is okay.
“Are you okay?” You ask genuinely concerned.
Smoker forces him to cough as he nods his head. “Yes. Fine. What is it you need, (Last Name)?”
“I, uh, it really is nothing. I just wanted to say how much I appreciate you and that I actually find you really attractive and I know it’s against the rules since you are my superior and all but when I look at you I see a handsome man that I can really build a future with and I haven’t felt this way about anyone else before and I just can’t help admire the way you look and behavior sometimes and-”
Many ands later, Smoker’s face has turned beet red and he can feel the need to vanish into the smoke but from sheer happiness. You, you confessed to him? Even more, you gave a whole speech with your confession and somehow you manage to look adorable as you try and retract your confession. You seemed to realize that you ended up rambling and now became a mess as you try and backtrack the conversation to the original question of if he was okay.
He finally as enough. He can’t help it, especially when he finds out that your feelings are mutual. He grabs your face with one hand, pinching your cheeks as he makes you pucker your lips and he pushes his on top with ease.
It made you shut up… Oh… It made you almost pass out. He can feel the heat off your face as your brain sizzles from malfunctioning.
“Go finish your duties (Name)… I’ll request a night off for the two of us for a proper date,” Smoker whispers as he returns to his serious face.
Even if he does get serious again, you can’t help but notice the slight pink on his cheeks still that is proof you accomplished something with your confession.
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princekoo · 4 years
goodnight n go | one | pjm.
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pairing. single dad! jimin x female teacher! reader
synopsis. jimin was a single dad of three and one unfortunate mishap caused him to meet you: his best friend’s coworker and daughter’s teacher. will feelings of petty loathing develop into something more?
genre/prompt. fluff, angst
word count. 4.3k
content. jimin is a pole dancer and has 3 kids as well as is 9 years older than oc. even if they’re both well over legal age, if that makes you uncomfortable, please consider not reading. thank you <3
writer’s note. I deleted it originally because I was unhappy with it as I wrote it when I was younger and didn’t have much experience in writing and my approach to it wasn’t as elaborate as the one I managed to develop all these months of practicing. so! here she is! she’s longer and has less parts so you won’t be annoyed with the constant changing haha. an important thing to note is that the oldest son’s name Songyoon was changed to Haneul, the little girl’s name Sooyeon was changed to Eunbyul, and the youngest’s name Sanghoon was changed to Hayun as their names were too similar and made it difficult to remember who was who. There was also many major plot changes as well as small ones, so it’s somewhat completely different to the earlier version. Anyways! Enjoy :)
parts. one / two
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    The window curtains glittered under the moonlight’s loving, motherly kiss, this gentle caress closely similar to the unnaturally blond man’s embrace of a little girl–his precious little girl– in his arms. She was quite positively almost a copy of himself, down to his natural jet-black hair and plump, pink lips. The expensive curtains—most notably one of the most expensive things in the vicinity as what his little one wants his little one gets— danced with the wind let in by the open window softly, bringing the loud car horns and yelling of bustling city life with it. They’d been rendered to a simple ambient hum, considering how high up in the building they lived, however. The glitter scattered all throughout its length caused it to look like various constellations spread gracefully, causing his little one to refuse any other option that wasn’t it, unfortunately for his bank account. The neon lights of signs outside their New York City apartment, which would otherwise be annoying, entered only carefully tonight, as if to not disturb the gentle moment between the father and daughter.
“And so, the little princess was elated! The dragon had taken her to his cave filled with shiny little things all around, away from the princess life she hated.”
The raven-haired girl’s little eyes had shined in anticipation; the blonde man often mused it seemed like the night sky was trapped in her gaze since her birth, hence her name. She practically shook from excitement, her little brain unable wrap itself around how the princess pulled it all off so effortlessly! She didn’t know what to do with herself, so she clung to her dad’s silk night shirt as tight as her little fists would let her (which kind of hurt but he wasn’t going to stop her, he loved her too much to repress her). She liked to think of herself as close to that of a big, scary typhoon. He begged to differ with the more accurate description of the whirlpool one makes when circling their fingers in water repeatedly.
“The dragon taught her all she came to know! He taught her to read and write. Taught her to do basic things and they lived happily for just a few months. Then, the guards in the palace found her and came to get her! Do you know what they assumed, my beautiful little star?” Jimin had started looking at her fondly, the term of endearment coming out in their native tongue of Korean, accent prominently and endearingly laced in his English, soothing into every word he spoke. The nickname made her chest fill with warmth and her cheeks puff in reluctant happiness. No matter how many times her dear daddy would say it, it was her very own little term of endearment. Just for her and no one else. She loved it.
“That he was a big scary mean dragon! Right, daddy?!”
Jimin beamed at her intelligence. Then again, he does read her this story whenever she asks—and that’s nearly every weekend. He tickled her and held her tightly in his arms, her soft giggles reaching his ears just as the melodies he would dance to as a young boy would. Although he could still fit her in his arms, she was getting big. Give it two more years and he couldn’t do this anymore with her, hold her without difficulty and discomfort. The thought of such a cruel future made his heart sink a little. He had to stop himself often from thinking about how she would act when she became a teenager, it would be too much for his fragile heart to handle.
Jimin had always chastised her, as he was the only parent she had left. He took care of her and taught her valuable life lessons, sang her to sleep, and learned to make pretty hairstyles “just like a princess”, she’d say. He corrected her when needed as well as took on the role of both mother and father to her younger brother, Hayun (she preferred to call him Sunny after Jimin told her the meaning in English, which always made his heart melt), which was only a month old when their mother decided to pack her bags. Her older brother, although still a junior in high school, helped as much as he could to alleviate the toll that taking on both roles took on Jimin.
He was a great father, as one wouldn’t really expect. He was the right mixture of incredibly compassionate, well-humored, and empathetic with a dash of sternness to go along with it. He wasn’t a tyrant ruler, he listened to all three–well two, Hayun hasn’t even been able to string together a coherent longer-than-3-words sentence, only simple sentences, as a toddler does– and implemented all change that was agreed on by the majority. He always tried to pay equal attention to all of them, although most of it went to her younger brother. She didn’t mind though, she enjoyed playing with her older brother, Haneul. Jimin always packed him lunch, even as he whined that he didn’t have to do that, but he always enjoyed when he did it. She knew, noticing he always left to school with a small smile on his lips after.
Jimin has to assume complete responsibility once their… “mother” … turned up one day and decided she wanted nothing to do with her kids anymore. After taking her routine every night visit to the bar, she found someone older. Wealthier. “Much more fun” and “like you used to be before they showed up” she also gracefully added. Not like it was his fault he’d grown up once his first child was born, unlike her. Always looking for convenient fun, never tied down to anything. Proposing to her would just be in vain since it’s not like she would’ve accepted marriage anyway. Even during high school, when she first had come to him announcing her pregnancy, he knew how little care she held for him. She always thought of him as harmless fun, a man on the side and he couldn’t say the same of himself.  The first child was purely an accident, the other two was him desperately trying to convince himself it could all work out and she could change. After their third, he knew how wrong he was. He held feelings for her at one point, although, with time, it all disappeared. He could only hold feelings of loathing towards her at that point. She thought of the kids as nuances. She got sick of it. Sick of him. Sick of having just one person to kiss. She couldn’t be tied down, but just because he knew that, it didn’t mean it hurt any less. She’d left once Hayun was born, but Eunbyul didn’t know why. She always thought she didn’t love them anymore after seeing her mom with a man that looked uglier than her daddy for sure, but she seemed happy. Her mom said something to her before she’d left, looked at her weird, and screamed at her dad some more, but she couldn’t remember what it was. Often, she’d ponder when her mommy was coming back. Well, not like she could, anyway. They did move across the globe after, from Busan to New York, with no way to contact them. She didn’t mind not having a mommy for now, though, it’s not like she was ever home before anyway. It was always comfortable with daddy.
“Daddy! Please continue the story! Why’d you stop?! Pleeeeeeease…!” She pouted and looked up at him with those puppy eyes children knew to use when they wanted something to make their parents cave in fast in response to his hesitance to continue the story, her fake tiara skewing just a little to the side. One day, he’ll buy her a new one. One with diamonds and various other gems. His features seemed to light up and playfully mirror her own, his nose scrunching up as well. She, of course, as a sensitive, princess-y 4-almost-5-year-old, did not know how to differentiate someone being mean between someone playing, so she smacked him on the shoulder as hard as she could in her blind anger. Jimin yelped at the contact and sobered up, expression turning stern. Had she messed up? Did she do something wrong? Daddy’s face did the same face he always did when he was mad at her for doing something wrong. Eyes sharp. Lips in a straight line. Eyebrows drawn together.
“Eunbyul, you can’t hit anyone ever, you hear me? Especially me...” His voice was stern, but less confident as he trailed off. One look in her eyes and one could easily tell she was on the verge of tears. Why had the atmosphere changed so much? Why did the breeze still? Why was it so hot all of a sudden, but just on her face? Her tears were almost spilling out of her doe eyes, so his expression softened and panic flashed through his face. He had too soft a spot for her.
“...Not without expecting payback!” He announced out as a save and initiated a tickle attack by removing his arms supporting her back and wiggling them on her sides, causing a sea of reluctant giggles and laughter to erupt from her lips, tears of sadness now turned into ones of happiness. A wave of relief passed through her consciousness. He wasn’t mad at her anymore!
After he stopped tickling and her giggles piped down, he took her in his arms again and minimally rocked her back and forth again, attempting to continue the story. She gazed into his eyes. There, were two crescent moons filled with stars picked carefully right from the universe. They held warm nights of him wrapped in a blanket and always holding her in his arms while rocking her back and forth, looking back at her like she was his most valuable treasure. Nights of drinking lukewarm chocolate and sharing it with her while telling her countless stories he remembered or made up, her brother’s occasional snorting making her giggle. Those crescent pools of love staring right back at her with so much fondness, she couldn’t not trust him. He loved what he created with every inch of his being, even if she resembled her mother somewhat. She never felt so safe in any other person’s hold, even in Haneul’s. She felt safe and happy, sure, but not to the extent of her dad’s.
Pouting and closing his eyes as well as lifting his head up high in mocked snub, he opened one of his closed eyes.
“Well, if you’re done being rude, I’d like to finish this story for this week.”
A beat of silence went by as she looked at him with slight shame and tucked her head against his armpit. He sighed, breathily chuckled and shook his head slightly.
“You were right, princess. They did think he was a big, mean, and scary dragon that took the pretty little princess as his own treasure! The princess came back from getting berries just before the guards decided to kill the dragon!”
A gasp. A smile.
“She explained what happened and the guards decided to keep to themselves that they had seen the princess. The dragon and the princess lived what, my little star?”
“Happily ever after, right, daddy?!” She looked at her dad excitedly, completely engrossed in the story despite it being probably the hundredth time he told it to her since her birth.
A pause.
“That’s right, my love. The end…”
Although little Eunbyul understood simple Korean, she could barely speak it. Jimin planned on teaching her a little more down the line. Now, she barely understood some of the words, any longer than two syllables being too dang hard for her little brain to grasp at this late hour, right before her bedtime, but she didn’t care at this time. Not when his soothing voice graced her ears with the background noise only that of the far away beep of cars, the rhythmic rumbling in his chest every time he’s uttered a word soothing her to sleep. As she laid there in his arms, fast asleep, little snores leaving her nose, all that was in his mind was how he could never bear losing her.
He felt absolutely heartbroken and stressed, raising three kids on his own was unbearably hard. He loved them so much he had to look for a job in this new country. A job that paid well but let him work while the kids were asleep so he could care for them while they were awake.
He also made friends with his co-workers and shift manager, so it wasn’t too bad re-adjusting. They barely hired new employees since they had a very high criteria, so he barely had to deal with new hires that made his job harder. His kids are growing up, though. He knew that.  He feared they would leave like their mother did almost two years ago, so he’d decided to enjoy them and raise them as well as he could while it lasted. He was scared they’d decide they were sick of him just like she did. Irrational since his kids shared a strong bond with him and each other, but valid.
Jimin got up, arms still wrapped around her, she was growing and he could no longer able to hold her like how he used to. He moved the covers to make place for her and gently laid her down, taking her plastic tiara off her head. Covering her and laying a gentle kiss on her forehead, tears dangerously threatened to spill. The moonlight hit his face, making his eyes’ shine intensify into thousand galaxies in his beautiful, soft chocolate eyes as he got up to turn off her mermaid lamp.
“Sleep tight my little universe,” he chokingly whispered as tears freely fell from his eyes.
An abrupt sound made way to his ears and he turned around, finding his sixteen-year-old son holding Sunghoon. Jimin vigorously wiped his tears and gave Haneul a weak and quivering smile. The boy moved to put down the toddler he was holding in his crib and turned on the mobile, then mouthed to his father if he was okay, used to him being bubbly and strong for them, though it certainly wasn’t the first time he’d seen him cry. He took the role of confidant, listening to his father whenever he let himself be anything less than closed. He always looked so small, like a little boy. It always scared him. This wasn’t his big and amazing role model of a dad, was it? The one he bragged about to all his friends and anyone who would listen? Would he become like that, too? Out of the three kids, he was the one who remembered his mother the clearest, having been fourteen. He despised her, to put it nicely. He was the one that got to see to the extent that that woman caused their father to feel anguish, he got to know what not being loved by his mother was like.
Nodding, he ushered his oldest son out the room, more unrestrained tears rolled down his tear-stained cheeks. No matter how vigorously he wiped at them, they’d come back anyway, so maybe he should give up on wiping his tears just as he’d given up on trying to make his relationship work. It didn’t help that Haneul was the spitting image of his mother, either. Haneul wanted to press on, to question him and help him, but he decided to leave it. Glancing at both of his younger siblings sleeping, he decided maybe some things were better left unsaid. He slowly made his way to the door and once he reached it, pat his dad in the back and continued to his room. As Jimin tried to control his upcoming violent sobs, he shut the door behind him.
He couldn’t do this alone anymore. It was too much. He needed someone there.
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   The cool autumn wind blew against Jimin’s cheek as he shook his hair to clear his fringe from his eyes. He brought his dainty hands into his jacket pockets as he puffed out air. While his breath may not have been visible, it sure as hell felt like it could be.
It was cold as fuck, to put it simply. Having a car would be absolutely beautiful right now, but circumstances really don’t line up with his wishes on the regular. He always kept forgetting to look into which car he would like best and to go purchase it, but the subways facilitated his route home and to work somewhat. His life would improve tenfold once he remembers to buy a car. He was very forgetful since there’s only so much he can keep up with, his brain take up with his three kids and problems. He could do that in the three days he had left, he guesses. Maybe tomorrow if he sets a reminder, even, would he be able to get a car. Before he left, he had saved up money for a living space able to hold all 4 of them and a mode of transportation. He could get rid of his subway card and buy a car or something, anything but dealing with the surplus of rats and drunkards at the time he used it. His credit wasn’t bad either, which could probably lower his purchase a little. His oldest used the same transportation he did, but he just wanted to drive his kids to school in the mornings and drop them off. Even more so, Eunbyul was starting school in just a few days, so he couldn’t afford to just walk her to school as it was half an hour away from their apartment building or even use public transport. It just didn’t feel right to him. All those cute hairstyles he planned on doing on her would be ruined by the time they got there.
Jimin kept pacing along the sidewalk towards the apartment complex where his kids are expected to be sleeping. Expected. It was 1:05 A.M., after all. A father can only hope his children listened well to him. He could probably assume Haneul was studying or something and the other two were knocked out, children being unable to be awake for very long.
He sighed as he scratched his itching nose and gazed around the well-near-empty streets, save the occasional drunk or workers of the same hours as himself.
Work was everything but slow, as always. Obviously, as an exotic dancer, he should’ve expected that. He really thought he’d made it clear to the manager that he had to be home early to put his kids to bed and give Eunbyul her first out of five pep talks before she starts kindergarten for the first time ever in a week, but maybe he didn’t remember. He’ll put his money on that, Seokjin was always preoccupied with everything in the club and the additional two other locations. Being a considerate manager and good owner is hard work, after all. His forgetfulness caused Jimin to be overbooked and end his shift two hours later than he’d requested. At least he was getting paid very well for that, anyway, so he had next to no complaints.
Checking his phone, he saw 5 collective texts from his friends, Yoongi and Taehyung. These were two childhood best friends of his, every summer when he would visit his grandma in Seoul he would hang out with them. They were both neighbors from Daegu and would go to Seoul for the summer for the same reason Jimin did which caused his grandmother to meet them. A chance encounter leading to a life-long friendship. Taehyung, however, moved away to become an art major at NYU and Yoongi had followed behind, falling victim to Taehyung’s prettily warpped descriptions of the city. He was a kindergarten teacher and assumed the same role in the states and Taehyung became a critically acclaimed, wildly successful painter. Taehyung actually had children of his own in his time in New York and his twins were the same age as Eunbyul. He, however, was married to their mother, and happily too. For that, he always felt jealousy, despite not wanting to.
Tapping the notification to see all the texts displayed, he saw Yoongi whining about the fact that the first day of school is way too close for comfort and Taehyung’s smiley face reply to Jimin’s own “i’m going home now, if i don’t text you that i’m home within 20 minutes, use find my friends to go after me”. Nothing out of the ordinary. He lived in a crime-filled part of town. He was saving up to be able to buy either a nice enough house close to the school or an apartment of the same caliber in cash. Mortgages seemed messy to him, in all and he was frankly scared to do it.
Now, Yoongi’s whining is normal, but now it has increased tenfold as the news of him getting an assistant teacher was broken to him. Yoongi felt as though the school was insulting his ability to teach by putting another adult in the classroom (they’d assured that he needed an extra hand in the classroom as there were more kids than before in his class–he called bullshit though), but nonetheless, all Jimin could hope for is that he doesn’t “accidentally” show up to class with vodka in a water bottle again. Not after what happened last time.
Locking his phone and walking faster, his longing for the warmth of what he liked to call his “luxury” apartment shining through and suddenly beginning to be extremely prominent which resulted in a whine of I-have-to-walk-like-five-more-steps-to-get-inside-so-life-isn’t-fair escapes Jimin. He stared ahead, gaze landing on the once-silver gate. It was once beautiful, but since the new owners bought it, they paid no attention to outside view, or so he was told by the old lady next door, Janet. They knew everyone went there for the cheap prices anyway, she’d sigh. He really had to move into a house or something. He already had the money for a nice enough house or better apartment where all 4 of them could live happily though his job. Maybe he could look for a house only a few minutes away from the school. Mental note: look for house around school.
Quickly opening and speed walking to the elevator, he checked his phone once again. More drunk texts from the absolute best friend that he loves so very much in this very moment, Yoongi. He really did take his devastation seriously, as he shared a selfie with him and vodka with a text after saying “my news befrenddf!!!!!!!!”. Jimin let out a huff of amusement and disbelief. The man was almost in his late 30s and he still acted like he could be the age of his students.
The unlocking to the apartment was bittersweet. Suppressed memories always seemed to float into his conscious one by one when coming through the door, when silence and darkness met him. That house of cards-like mirage he’d fabricated all on his own tormented him because how could he be so stupid and naïve to believe two children would fix their doomed relationship. He was never happy, not after she barely showed up at home after giving birth. Not after she’d come home often with the stench of alcohol, cigarettes, and sex on her. She was the one who could never be a parent. The one that selfishly left when offered money and riches. The one who didn’t even think twice about accepting the offer. The one that left him for a richer man despite their various kids. The one he’d had to lie to his daughter about when asked of. The one that never thinks of her own kids and has started a new life with brand new kids and husband. The one that’s too late to fix things. The one he and his teenage son loathe with every fiber of their being.
He really had to move away to a nicer place. Sighing, he dragged his boot cladded feet along the living room towards his room to begin his night routine. His two jobs relied on his face and his body, so taking care of both was extremely important, mental stability somewhat important too. He kicked off his shoes and snaked out of his clothes, took his pj’s, and padded towards the bathroom. The most relaxing parts of the day for him were most simply when he saw his kids in the morning and taking a shower after being in a packed and hot night club, full of dried sweat which gave him a not-so-pleasant stench. Eunbyul just knew her daddy was a dancer; she didn’t need to know the explicit details. At least not until the age of thirteen, or maybe older (he hoped), when her very own older brother found out.
He scrubbed every inch of his body until his skin turned red because god, he could not stand the stench just rolling off him in waves. Now, he was fine. He was happy, scent of the bubblegum body wash Eunbyul insisted on buying filling his senses. He was finally home, and his daughter was turning a new chapter in her life. She was going to learn how to read and he would teach her the same things he’d taught her brother. How he loved that, the feeling of satisfaction reached after your child now knows something they didn’t before. He loves the way her eyes light up when she learns something. He loves it all, and he hopes it’ll last forever.
He remembered he should probably invest in a car and a house closer to the school, a 30-minute walk was no joke. He finally dragged his fatigued fingers to set the reminder.
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© princegguk — all rights reserved. reposting/modifying of any medium and translations are not allowed.
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reidecorating · 4 years
the bau team and their star signs based on science
hotch: clearly an aries. this is not up for debate and i don't take criticism. natural born and excellent leader? maybe. but bossy boots because he is just a bossy boss man who probably sleeps in a suit or those pyjamas that have suit graphics on them? most definitely. when he speaks, his voice sounds like it’s coming out in all lower case, when he yells, it’s all caps. angery. down to throw hands at anything in his immediate line of vision probably. will exterminate you like a roach if you mess with someone he cares about. don't break the rules or my boss will kill me 😡 to you're breaking the rules under MY supervision, that way my boss will kill US 🥰. probably microwaves food a lot. type of dad to say no to getting a dog, then two months later get matching christmas costumes with said dog. never stops working because he is an absolute UNIT built like the circuit of one of those infinity pools in bali. could use another sabbatical.
rossi: i saw his birth certificate and the rumours are true, he’s a november sagittarius. two wives away from being a modern day king henry the eighth. it’s rossi’s world and we’re all just living in it. he is a prophet. his third eye has been opened and he ascended to the seventh dimension at the age of 24. when he takes leave, the only way to contact him is through a ouija board in latin or maybe greek depending on the position of the sun. he will only die when he chooses to die but will dissolve at the words ‘what are we?’. the major arteries in his body are just long pieces of macaroni. definitely has hooked up with one person from every state the jet has landed in. no filter between his brain and mouth, will destroy your self confidence intentionally. uses abbreviations when texting. liberal - because of the experimenting back in college. probably friends with your mum on facebook.
prentiss: imagine her being anything but an air sign. you can't because she's clearly an aquarius?? work comes first (first equal with her girlfriend). if you tell her to do something she simply won't do it, especially if it was something she was just about to do. she once came home from a run with her mother in the summer and her mother politely suggested that she should drink some water. emily, an anarchist, did not drink water and was hospitalised for heatstroke in due course of proving her point of nonconformity. has been to jail. sucks on candy canes and makes them pointy because christmas is one of her least favourite days. on probation. no, i really like him *deletes his number*. maybe moves to iceland to become a sheep herder to avoid having to ever see anyone she has romantically affiliated with ever again. actually quite the jester, joke levels exceed 4000, but can make you laugh and cry in the span of approximately the length of a short youtube ad. the antichrist.
morgan: has at some point caused someone to question their sexuality. am i really a straight man? do i really only like women? - direct quotes from anyone who has seen him. if that doesn't scream libra i don't know what does. i’m trying to refrain from using the words ‘hot’, ‘sex god’, ‘rail me’. the kinda guy who will hold open a door for you, but also have no problem kicking one down for you. has never ditched class before. momma’s boy. tries to make his pecs move in the mirror. he KNOWS he’s hot okay??? but THEN its not just that because people are like ‘oh he's attractive’ but then they find out he’s RESPECTFUL, and INTELLIGENT and COMPASSIONATE and then that awkward moment when you just DIE because he is not flawed??? it’s like he’s a lucid dream??? probably secretly is really good at baking some obscure european good. uses colognes that have really manly man sounding names for instance, ‘Man Musk’, ‘Mystical Muscles’, ‘Beards and Buttercream’.
garcia: the epitome of a female pisces. a baddie™. definitely owns a pair of those really skinny sunglasses that influencers wear and looks like god herself while in them. spirals from being the momma bear to the wine-aunt. she will care about you so hard but if that's not reciprocated, will hack into your my eyes only and fax those pictures to every machine she can connect to. accidentally has flirted her way into at least 19 relationships. really good at writing fan fiction??? like - seriously good. knows 4 different synonyms for the word “member” iykyk. researches things the people she loves most enjoy, so when she talks to them she can have more detailed conversations. catches feelings for people who are definitely not good for her. sometimes just takes off her glasses because she's tired of, well... seeing. hand makes cute lil earrings for her friends. a master at fireboy and watergirl and will never play with anyone else because ‘another player just slows you down, i can do it myself in half the time’. THAT FRIEND WHO WILL WAIT FOR YOU TO TIE YOUR LACES.
jj: virgo. she was definitely that girl who had notes with pretty titles and colour coded highlighters in school. also did extracurriculars in the weekends so she’d have to be picked up from sleepovers early to go to soccer games. when she takes the time to learn something she learns it well and perfects any craft handed to her because anything less than 100% is failure in her eyes. gets annoyed when other people cry for too long probably. will judge you. so much. silently. especially if you cry. don't make her mad because she has caused civil unrest in 13 continents. live, laugh, love signs in her kitchen. security footage surfaced in 2007 of her roundhouse kicking a middle aged man, in the junk food aisle of a trader joe’s, after he took the last re-stocked bag of cheetos. has a ‘mom first, agent second’ mug that garcia got her. likes family walks which will most likely be planned out meticulously, involving a detailed itinerary of the day i.e. Henry’s toilet break, 10AM
reid: he despises star signs and anyone who gives them any thought because “where is the SCIENCE?” this bitch is a scorpio. definitely only knows his sun sign. so intense! have you seen the way he looks at things?? the way he stares??? the way he analyses dead bodies??? the way he loves??? ridiculously put together to everyone around him but emotionally life is soup and he is fork. kinky. breaks off bananas little by little with his hands before eating each piece individually because eating them normally is too sensual and he’s paranoid morgan might see him doing it and take a picture. wants the kind of love he reads about. has a superiority complex about having a superiority complex. keeps a straight face while saying literally anything so you cannot tell if he’s being serious or not like one day he’ll just be like “yeah i killed a man with an axe once to enable myself to more easily empathise with future unsubs who potentially work as lumberjacks or have a history of logging. it’s called method axing,” and then leave the room to draw circles on maps or something. believes that parallel parking should work, in theory, but never seems to work for him in practice.
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dirtyrottenraskel · 4 years
my take on yueki's personalities
notes / personality
cocky (but also like understated confidence - r e g a l af) 
kind of a nerd
maybe a little entitled, and a little bratty and suki loves to indulge her or to rile her up depending on her mood
seems soft but made of steel
strong sense of duty
socially intelligent - can be manipulative and suki (the dork) thinks it is so hot 
aloof queen bee typa beat
supportive, both in ur day to day and in going after your big moral life goals 
deep water - steady and powerful, often underestimated
untold depths, private yet surprisingly nurturing - master of deflecting away from herself
political nerd - well read, and when she has someone she trusts not to take advantage of her, she goes OFF 
distrusting of most people, has been used and ignored and underestimated her whole life
patient - homegirl knows how to play the long game
excellent at pai sho / chess 
she and suki have epic battles of wits - dif types of strategy but both are really into it and get a little too competitive (multiple board games have had to be replaced over the years)
loves travel bc wasn’t allowed to much, esp when she was sick 
was super repressed growing up - never let her be herself or really have any sort of independence
used to sneak out and wander around in rebellion and casually sabotage plans and decisions she didn’t agree with 
introverted, many opinions but keeps them to herself, discreet but well spoken
weaponizes secrets and information - doesn’t often use it but...she could
definitlyyyyy worries and overthinks and re-evaluates - worries ab social politics a lot
obsessive about picking things - wants it to be perfect
shes growing into her confidence as a leader
prefers quite intimate places
incredibly romantic
classic lit
planner for the future - visionary
kind / sweet / gentle - yes, but that’s also her “front” to a degree (seriously, i feel like she gets painted as so sweet and submissive and one dimensional by the fandom a lot of times and it freakin kills me)
INFJ-T (The Advocate) ((yes this is from 16p which i know is not super accurate but u can still catch her overall vibes from it ya know)
sensitive/reluctant to open up/perfectionist/prone to burnout/not a fan of the ordinary
friendships / relationships
(<> indicates that they’re one of her best friends)
sokka - puppy love crushes, laugh ab it now, get into deep late night talks about responsibilities and leading, water tribe culture, prank wars (no one believes sokka when he says yue is a mean prank master (expect suki comes to see it in action lol))
katara - <> badass women friendship, totally would go to matches and protests together, tough girl shit, waterbending practice/duels - start of cautious, but then get rough in a good way bc they trust each other, they do water tribe food adventures together
toph - indulges her chaos, bonding over stupid royal upbringings, odd yet weirdly endearing pair
zuko - both sort of standoffish gay royals, but once they come to see that they are friends - take up similar spaces though, so only hang out in a group or rarely by themselves, they do hang out at like political parties and stuff when they get more comfortable together
aang - <> he has an impressive world view, yue is super studied and well read, so she and aang nerd out over past cultures together, and also their peace keeping nature, they have tea together often - usually after she and katara wipe the floor w/ each other
clothing / aesthetic:
blues and pale colors
classy and understated wealth
like those cute feminine button down shirts
like cold weather classy
complicated braids
sort of soft girl aesthetic?
pleated skirts !!!
i feel like she would wear ethically sourced fur (i don’t wear fur but idk how to get it in an ethical way - maybe it’s just fake??)
knit sweaters and skinny jeans and heeled ankle boots
light academia !!!
hella funky earrings - to mark her native pride and also cuz gay
from my readings, tattoos have a lot of cultural significance for Inuit women, and so i feel like yue would totally have some (when she comes of age ofc) 
notes / personality 
also very strategic 
more spontaneous tho - will totally calculate the odds in a spilt second in her head and then just go for it
like still a careful planner, but willing to say fuck it, yolo if it seems right 
reflects on her mistakes, but more in like a healthy way - unless it was a leadership mistake, then it eats her up inside - worries more ab keeping her girls safe and making the right call
likes lively places
total bashful romantic
manages the present and the short term - realist
loves to do lists 
a little punch happy - loves to make violent threats, but also does it out of excitement and she’s just a really physical person tbh
steady, can come off as stubborn and abrasive but she really just wants what’s best for everyone she loves
harsh on herself and worries about her girls a lot 
always ends up in the oddest situations 
totally would kick someone’s ass for being racist/sexist/homophobic/etc 
dedicated to her training and her regime 
not a great cook, but she can manage 
would drink monsters 
has a weird relationship with femininity - took her awhile to reconcile strength and toughness and being assertive and aggressive with also wanting to feel pretty and feminine and embracing being a girl and how those things can coincide and amplify each other
abandonment issues - parents absent/dead 
was imprisoned - obvi she had several almost successful escape attempts, but she got really close to breaking 
was incredibly independent really early, grew up really fast and tries to make up for that now by sometimes being reckless 
tough/assertive/woman of action 
dry sense of humor/sarcastic - not good at nickname/pun humor tho
stubborn/judgmental/difficult to relax/difficulty expressing emotions/too selfless 
friendships / relationships
(<> indicates that they’re one of her best friends)
sokka - <>  man they’re like platonic soulmates - she beat him up, and now they spar all the time, totally funny and crack jokes all the time, go skating together, they do shitty art together, and then show their lovers after zuko and yue come back from their high society mixers, broke her out of prison, m/f friendship !!! 
katara - also sparring buddies (suki will throw down at any literally moment (and tbh so will katara)), not close but will hang in a group - go to each other for advice 
toph - <> listen these two wreak havoc together, they help each other out a lot, i feel like they’re shopping buddies (similar enough style to frequent the same shops) toph knows suki won’t judge her for wanting to feel pretty and suki knows toph will be honest, they are both blunt sarcastic assholes and get along like a house on fire 
zuko - <> shows zuko how to like,,,enjoy things (and how to let go of some of that pressure to be always right and the adult and in charge bc they were raised with so much responsibility on their shoulders even tho they were just kids)? she is also super protective of him (once she trusts him), one of the only ppl who can match suki fully in hand to hand combat, both do the Disappointed Parent Look when the group falls into chaos, but by themselves, the two of them end up in hijinks
aang- suki enjoys his optimism and they’re just chill bros, they love exploring abandoned placed together 
clothing / aesthetic
sporty and skater mixed 
ripped jeans, crewnecks, vans 
green and yellow and dark red 
gym clothes/athleisure - lifting style gym clothes - cut off t-shirts and bike shorts
skirts too, likes to play into femininity
she’s a gold jewelry kinda girl - but stuff that won’t hinder her movements 
necklaces that end in the hollow of her throat & occasionally rings
definitely cuffs all of her jeans (it’s just bisexual culture ya know)
so many crop tops - some came like that, some were more of a diy project
yueki’s relationship!!!
nerd/jock solidarity 
feel the burden of responsibility and the weight on their shoulders 
they create a safe space between them, full of trust and warmth and vulnerability 
yue will read suki sappy passages from poetry books while suki polishes her fans 
they slow dance in the kitchen a lot 
they get good at ordering takeout - and they have some weird decision making process that only they understand - bc neither of them are great cooks 
yue would feel jealous of suki and sokka, if it weren’t for how stupid in love sokka was with zuko and yue can see that suki really only has eyes for her 
yue is taller than suki and it amuses her to no end to pick suki up and carry her away from a fight (we all know suki could get away if she wanted to, but when ur hot tall sexy gf throws u over her shoulder,,,,,,u don’t complain)
joke they’ve adopted kataang and zukka, bc they’re all dummies, but in reality every last one of them is stupid LMAO 
they love to do each other’s hair and it’s like super intimate and really cute 
sometimes it’s these epic elaborate hairstyles and then at other times, they try to see how many ponytails they can fit on suki’s head and how many little braid yue can do 
they travel EVERYWHERE 
since yue is royalty and suki is her body guard,,,, well i mean, they totally have to see these kingdoms they are doing trade deals with in person 
it helps that they're friends with a lot of them 
they stay over in everything from camping so they can stargaze to ritzy hotels with hot tubs in the bathroom 
yue gives suki rocks she finds on all their travels and suki lines them up on their mantle around the pictures of them in increasingly weird locations 
suki loves guarding yue’s meetings bc she gets to watch her absolutely rip a new one into misogynistic old men and it never fails to bring her joy 
While yue doesn’t love getting attacked, the ruthless efficiency suki defends her with is like,,,,,stupid attractive 
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kaepopsicle · 4 years
Hiiii! Ship your moots? your posts seems like u are clever with energies and that stuff :o i mean i can be wrong but it feels like it!
PFFT you’re quite sweet ! i have some sort of thing where I can sense peoples energies idek
butttt anyway
let’s get it
ill do like a couple of my moots and then if you guys want me to ship you then let me know and i will bc im literally on one hour of sleep and 3 cups of coffee bc im an responsible young adult :’D
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ten & sarah @sarahbkwl
you know they have been my biggest otp, idk if it’s the pisces x pisces energy, but they’re both extremely artistic and intelligent individuals, not only that but they have this just beautiful way of living whether it be sarah going on walks in the dark just feeling the air and enjoying the world, or ten drawing and relaxing, expressing his emotions through his form of dance. it’s beautiful!not only that they give me the art hoe bf and egirl alt gf. It’s just hot, they would equal each other out so well 😭 not only that but he’s an infj & she’s an infp, which are very compatible, and them both being okay with hanging with friends but enjoy staying inside. they would probably spend their time playing on their switch, with music in the background, louis purring in their lap., cooper on the floor chewing a toy, just enjoying each other’s company, bc the silence of their breathing speaks so much louder and means so much more to them than the constant sound of talking
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jae & sami @rr0zu
ugh this ship, they’re just so HOTTTTTTT
okie anyway, no matter what sami says i think that they’re quite compatible for each other, whether it be the gentle touches underneath the moonlight with cigarettes after sex playing in the background, gently spinning on the record player, much similar to ten and sarah they’re both extroverts, but chill ones, ones who when they go to a party they sit together and laugh, observing their loved ones and sorroundings, not needing to be the center of attention bc they just enjoy being apart of the group. sami is quite in independent person (same girl same) she’s a strong woman and idk something about jae just seems like he would be attracted to that. so getting into the astrological part of it, jae is an aquarius bc of course he fucking is, and she’s a sexc taurus 😩 i know for some people air + earth don’t match well but i personally think they match up very well, his free spirit, down to earth vibes fit so well with her independent, humble vibes
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faye & taeyong @starrdustville
let’s discuss these two. okay? ooo a cancer 😩 Idk why but they would be super super super cute together ! Faye is such a sweet pure human that needs to be protected at all times, which yong would def be attracted to at first (water sign tings) but she also has this inner fire about her, could be her mc being in sag- who knows anyway but she has this inner passion about supporting others and making others believe in themselves and have their voices be heard that i think yong will find so so endearing! he would want to learn from her and grow, he would want him to lead him and show him these new things and show him her passions. but also since they’re both water signs they’re highly intuitive & compassionate, which means they will always be looking out for each other’s feelings. Faye will support yong and be a shoulder to cry on and a person to cuddle, while tae could protect Faye and help her with things she’s going through and let her know she’s not alone
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hanna & taeil @himitsu-luna
oh my god, these two, it’s the Aries & Gemini couple, hmm which you wouldn’t think would work but it surpsingly does for them, taeil being a quirky, quiet, loving gemini while hanna is that pure hearted, nurturing, soft aries. they’re both introverts but okay with it, cold winter nights they would definitely prefer laying in bed cuddling, their soft fingers caressing the warm cheeks of your beautiful faces. it’s hard to explain but it’s like their souls are just on the same wavelength in life, it’s like they find each other again and again every lifetime.
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ivet & mark @hunjins
OMG these two, another interesting astrology combo, virgo & leo. both are quite beautiful and humble. funny and a strong sense of justice, mark would definitely enjoy ivets cute quirks, he’ll find them adorable and these two would 100% laugh in the middle of the night at NOTHING and then continue to keep laughing bc they just keep talking and it just turns into a big mess and it’s too funny not to watch, their life will be a sitcom istg. anyway but i feel like mark isn’t super open but ivet is warm, comforting person it can help him trust and open up more :’)))
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charlie & johnny @dundun-baby
now okay , i ship these two for a couple of reasons, they both have similar senses of humor, they’re both aquas, they both just have this magnetic energy about them that just make you want to keep talking to them, not only that but i feel like you would never have a dull moment with them, they’re so fun, kind, and just all around the light in people’s lives that you just can’t help but smile around them, which is why they would make an amazing couple bc you’re just always in a good mood with them, their energies would just equal each other so well that’s all i can say
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typinggently · 4 years
More about Feral/Thot Bruce and his relationship with his villains, please~ <3
Ahhhhh yes of course!!!!! ❣️❣️ I’ve taken this to just brainstorm a little, so it’s a bit messy! (sorry 🌹)
I have to say, for quite a while I had this strict division in my mind between Thotty Bruce and Feral Bruce but I’ve come to realise - “crazy and perverse”, right?! So??!! I really think Feral Bruce would have every reason to start something with his villains. Good for him, honestly. (And we KNOW he likes bad girls so you can’t tell me that he doesn’t like bad boys too. You can’t. It’s practically canon that he’s into it)
But all my justifications for horny bs aside -
Firstly I once again have to bring up Lil Kim? How many Licks?! The fact that “startin’ fights in your yard” wasn’t just her ego talking but, according to genius, there was a problem in the 90s with inmates legit starting fights over who got to jerk off to her magazine shoot?! I- Hello?! That’s the energy we want for the villains.
(That got me thinking whether the Gotham underground is as hot for Brucie as they are for The Bat, considering Brucie is much more...out there. But I think that wouldn’t be very public since it’s known that Harvey Dent will hurt you if you talk badly about Brucie)
Now. What’s Bruce into?
For one, there are people he genuinely has connections with in real life and who he just genuinely crushes on - which is basically just Harvey, isn’t it? Those two have a very complicated relationship, there’s a lot of angst and all that, of course. But we can’t deny the fact that back in the day they had incredible chemistry. I still really like the whole Matthew McConaughey idea for Harvey, which would mean he’s a whole 10 years older than Bruce, but...man that’s sizzling?! 20somerhing Bruce at the beginning of his HottieThottie Brucie phase making absolute moon eyes at this serious-friendly lawyer?! I could talk about it for ages. If we go with the idea that Harvey knows who he is (which just seems very likely to me), I wonder how that translates into their villain-Bat relationship. There’s a LOT to be explored here.
So. There’s another group with villains who Bruce most definitely could (or did) fuck around with, such as Slade, Bane or Croc. Mr Freeze, too, for that matter. Also I’m putting Ra’s into this category. :). Powerful people who have a relationship with him that goes beyond schemes and fights, or who are intelligent and mayhaps compassionate at times, who Bruce may not agree with but nonetheless respects. And who are hot!!!! I have to say it!!!! Bruce has to sit in his cave and listen to recordings of Bane’s speeches or watch Croc in confinement just tear through metal and ??!!! He’s just?! Not supposed to drool all over that?!
Absolutely ridiculous to expect that of him. Instead, we should all applaud him that he manages to keep his cool and actually fight those people?! Most of them can definitely tell that there’s chemistry there (And by that I mean anyone but Bane honestly. I love him and I love the “what do you MEAN ‘suck my cock’ I’m here to crush your skull” vibe for him so much).
Just like good guys can get a bit hot for the bad guys, bad guys can have a very intense reaction to guys who’re just...good. You’re going to try to stop me? You think you can just put on your tight little suit and punch me? Oh that’s cute, that’s hot
Additionally, The Bat has something very irresistible about him. It’s the feral energy, it’s the black outfit, the sexy claws, the weirdly acrobatic fighting style. Even people like Penguin and Mad Hatter, Scarecrow and Riddler aren’t really immune to it. It’s not like they would actively pursue anything like Slade might, but they can feel a certain pull. The Bat to them is what those sexy villanelles and femme fatales are to detectives. Danger, someone you want to avoid, but also incredibly appealing.
So when I say that The Bat’s got their dick’s hard, starting fights in their yard, I don’t just mean that Croc and Slade get into an argument about wether the other is lying about making the Bat come untouched (neither of them is lying btw), or Harvey breaking some crook’s nose because he said The Bat is nothing but a guy in a slutty costume. I mean that when someone brings that guy up, there’s an immediate tension. Silence falls.
Unfortunately, there’s no photo shoot with Bat in an aqua green wig, playing around in a foam-filled bathtub, but the memories of a rough voice, sharp nails, a flash of a trim waist are MORE than enough to have the villains foaming at the mouth.
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sleepingdeath-light · 3 years
I would like to request match up for death note please. I am female. Pronounce she/her. I am bisexual. I would like to prefer match up with male. I am a huge procastinator suffering from night anxiety. I get stressed easily. I get super excited if I learn something new. I love to talk informative or deep conversation. I am tend to be a critical thinker. I am very introverted and grew up being known as quite girl. Due to my introverted nature I sometimes scare away people but once you get to know me I tend to be cheerful towards you and loyal. My three preferred qualities on a person are intelligence, empathy, calmness. Three qualities I dislike loud, very extroverted and hot tempered. P. S if possible could you please give match for both male and female. If not please go with male. For Death Note
Match Ups | Death Note (1)
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thanks for participating!
i match you with light yagami and halle lidner.
Light Yagami
before becoming obsessed with the god-like powers of the death note, light was simply a hardworking and intelligent student with a calm, compassionate disposition - especially when it comes to those he cares about. equally, given his positions in his school and within his family, he’s likely to be an incredibly polite, patient and well tempered young man - more than able to take the time to help you with your procrastination and help you work through your stress with kind eyes and a warm smile.
your passion for conversation and your cheerful disposition would be things that light highly values about you because they’re much like a breath of fresh air compared to the drone-like mentalities and dull demeanours of his peers. in fact, once he broke through your introversion, your strong personality would be what endeared him to you.
other notes:
your critical thinking and eagerness to learn would be parts of you that probably caused him to get close to you in the first place; he values your passion and intelligence
for him, it’s rare that he’ll meet someone that he can actually converse with without feeling the need to limit himself or dumb down his language
and, your response to learning is something that never fails to make him smile because of how endearing and adorable it is - you give him hope and light through these cheery responses, which is something that he appreciates in a partner
your loyalty would also be something that is invaluable to him because it’s something that he wants a relationship to be built off of - so to already have a foundation of complete loyalty and trust would both put you on the same page from the beginning and set the stage for a more open, comfortable and loving relationship down the line
light would also be quick to try and deal with your night anxiety - researching potential causes and solutions and discussing his findings with you
he won’t stop until he finds something that at the very least reduces it to a manageable extent, but until then he’s more than willing to stay on call with you and verbally assure you until you fall asleep
similarly, he’d help you establish schedules and bring a more structured element to your life to help you minimise procrastination and better deal with stressors in your life
he’d help you research and memorise routines that can help calm the nerves and settle the mind
when you’re actively stressed, he’ll hold you close and console you with physical affection and verbal reassurances before preparing you a warm drink to calm you down
and, he’d even help your procrastination through polite encouragement and offering rewards at each milestone - understanding that it isn’t something that you can get rid of overnight or even rid yourself of completely
you’ll most likely get referred to as “bunny”, “love” or “honey” - maybe “wallflower” if you’re more open to light teasing on occasion
Halle Lidner
halle is a woman with a professional, calm disposition who is more than willing to help those she cares for or believes in (such as mello). furthermore, being a member of the spk, she is also incredibly intelligent and uses that to fight for what is right - even if her initial motivation for fighting kira could be seen as selfish.
she’d highly value your critical thinking and your willingness to engage in deep, critical conversations; especially if those conversations involve the case she’s working on (in which case she’d likely consult you for some fresh insight into it). your quiet nature would also be particularly useful as she wouldn’t feel obligated to entertain you constantly whilst she works - another benefit for her.
other notes:
your excitement and eagerness to learn both independently and from her would be something she finds both endearing and attractive - feeling more able to openly (or as much as she’s allowed) discuss what she’s working on without the fear of disgusting, frightening or upsetting you
cheerfulness and loyalty are both things that she’d value if not require from a partner due to her highly stressful and dangerous line of work - so having you there to brighten her long days without needing to worry about you betraying her and her team takes an immense weight off of her shoulders
likewise, having a bright and cheery partner would make her feel more safe and content - if only because it feels like a part of her life that hasn’t been corrupted by her line of work and, honestly, it’s probably the main aspect of yourself that drew her to you
of course, she’d reflect that loyalty and care back to you when she lets her walls of professionalism fall
she’d comfort you through your night anxiety through whatever means she can - whether that’s staying with you physically in the evenings or being on call with you until you fall asleep
When she’s working on the kira case, she’d most likely have to rely on the latter method - only able to come home on rare occasions (however frustrating she finds it)
though, the moment that case is closed, she’ll be rushing home to you; eager to see your cheerful face again and be able to sleep beside you - in a position to comfort you through your anxiety and stress again and know that you were truly safe
as for your procrastination, halle would do what she can to help you try to set a functional schedule - offering rewards and encouragement for sticking to it
but she’ll be patient with you and will be happy to be with you regardless of any of your flaws because of the light, calm and solace you bring to her life - and the opportunity for deep genuine understanding and conversation you provide
halle is most likely to refer to you as “sweetheart” and “my girl” - with the latter being used most often when she’s referring to you in conversation with friends colleagues that she trusts
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