#he's just a curious boy :( he's just a curious almost 30 year old boy :( :(
saccharinescorpion · 16 days
i've been debating on whether to post about this but what the hell, it's relevant both to today's episode and the topic of people trying to smooth over the flaws of Dungeon Meshi characters.... so, uh, remember what i said yesterday about Laios forgetting the basics of human decency when interacting with Izutsumi
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i was intially worried about people reading this scene in uhh certain ways but was thankful to see most fans were chill with it... before i realized that. uh. maybe people were being a little too chill
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okay............ so,
1. for the record: i believe that it is clear from what we know about him and what we know about the entire series as a whole that, yes, Laios didn't have "untoward" intentions towards Izutsumi in this scene. there's even an aside in Izutsumi's profile in the Adventurer's Bible that says as much. he likely saw it in basically the same way Falin did when she was observing the reproductive organs of the caterpillar in that one scene. FOR THE RECORD this excuse would basically never fly in real life, but for Laios, it actually honestly makes sense... he has a habit of ignoring people's boundaries, he gets ahead of himself when it comes to learning about monsters... he didn't have bad intentions, no, but it doesn't change the fact that he's an adult man (not a [my face contorts with a great pain] "curious boy") who was being really invasive about a teenage girl's body. it was weird. it was 100% weird, lmao, i don't think fans are "lacking media literacy" by saying "uh yeah that was kind of creepy and inappropriate of Laios"
2. and i also don't think it's villifying ND people to say that. if i were to be honest, i would argue the whole "he's just a curious boy :(" thing is a lot more offensive to neurodivergent people. Laios clearly knows about the concept of bodily autonomy- he felt weird and bad about touching Marcille and Senshi in "intimate" ways just to heal them. literally one scene after this one he expresses embarassment about accidentally touching the leg of (who he thinks to be) Marcille. he very obviously possesses the capacity to understand why it would be inappropriate to observe a stranger's body like they were an animal. i can accept the explanation that his monster curiosity temporarily overpowered his "oh actually maybe i shouldn't try to get up close and person with this teenager who i literally just met," but that doesn't change that he had to be restrained from doing that. i'm not even saying he's a "bad person" or anything because of this scene- i just am baffled at the idea of fans being presented with the slightest bit of messiness (he was creepy to a young girl, however unintentionally) and jumping to try and "justify" it (he's just silly, he's socially awkward, he's autistic, he's a Curious Boy) and even mock others who rightfully point out that that was uncomfortable behavior. Laios was creepy to Izutsumi. he didn't mean to, but he did (and to be quite frank he was lucky to get off with a smack from Chilchuck and a blindfold)
3. "I would also ask" excuse me?
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movedtodykedvonte · 11 months
*Spidey and the Sinister Six having their usual fight*
Doc Ock, landing a hit: You’re getting slow Spider-Man! Age finally catching up to you?
Spider-Man: You wish! I haven’t even hit my 30s! From those costumes I can already tell I failed to save you guys from those midlife crises! Sorry by the way.
Vulture: Watch it wallcr- wait… Did you just say your not in your thirties yet?
Spider-Man: Surprised that this spiders so young and spry? Well-
Electro: Dude I’ve been fighting you for at least 5 fucking years! How old even are you?
Shocker, joking cause he’s the only one who picked up no grown adult acts likes Spidey: Don’t swear in-front of the boy you don’t want him to pick it up.
Rhino: Christ! You’re tellin me I almost crushed some 12-year-olds skull all those years ago?
Spider-Man, regretting his quipping: I was not that young! Like just starting freshman year but-
Sandman, horrified as he’s the only one with a kid and dad instincts(as of my iteration): I could’ve killed a kid…
Shocker, genuinely curious: Are you even old enough to drink? Cruel to kill a man who ain’t had his first drink yet.
Electro: Please tell us you’re at least over 25 as of this fight. Hell, I’ll take over 21!
Sandman, realizing just how young he really is: Oh my god.
Spider-Man: My birthday’s coming up soon so I guess it counts?
Doc Ock, exacerbated: It. Does. Not!
Vulture: What would your mother think if she knew her son was out here risking his life telling poorly constructed jokes?
Spider-Man, offended cause it quips slap: 1. My jokes are great 2. She and my dad are dead so-
Sandman, hysterical cause holy shit he almost killed a kid orphan: OH MY GOD!
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yndrgrl · 1 month
your boyfriend, katsuki bakugo, loves you dearly, but you're scared you'll never be deserving of him
cute lil dabble. lowkey songfic. fem! reader. angst to comfort. fluff. established relationship. any au. overthinking! reader.
warnings: there are none :D
a/n: picture a "too sweet" by hozier girl x "i wanna be yours" by arctic monkeys boy relationship !
katsuki is always characterized as hostile yet calculating, a man who knows exactly what he wants. he's destined to be the top of the food chain, everyone knows it. he's powerful man with a deadly gorgeous face, his fangirls would describe.
& in comes you. plain old you.
you honestly have no idea what katsuki sees in you. like, if you're digging deep in yourself, maybe he likes your for your dark, crude sense of humor that always seems to make him belly laugh.
it's said that he's an early bird. he's awake before you every single day, asleep & sound by 8:30-- on the weekends, he'll push it to 10:00. before you've said your first words of the day, he's already made his side of the bed, made & ate breakfast, put away the laundry, & is off to his morning run after his morning workout. his good habits he's developed early in life has benefited him in every way.
he never procrastinated on chores, his paper work is flawless, & you could learn a thing or two from his time management skills. he's always making time for spontaneous dates you wanna go on, festivals you wanna visit, & he makes sure that the pantry is stacked with your favorite snacks. any of your interests are his interests, even if he doesn't fully understand it.
when it comes to katsuki, you ought to wonder if he ever wants to experience something different from his strict, repetitive lifestyle. you sometimes feel stupid for wanting more out; you want to travel somewhere far away, you want to go out clubbing with a bunch of strangers, you want to move to the country side & live in a cottage. katsuki always reels in your dreams, encouraging you but also reminding you that you need to stay consistent to achieve them. you're jealous with how fast he can accept reality.
"babe? you listening?" katsuki questioned, snapping you out of your thoughts. you blinked a couple of times then nodded almost-too enthusiastically. he let out a little chuckle & stroked your cheek with his thumb. "what're you thinking about?"
"nothing, i'm sorry," you sighed with your hands in your lap. you both were on the couch, doing your own thing. he was on his phone, & you were supposed to be doing some work on your laptop, but you found yourself spacing out again.
"don't apologize. i'm just curious about what's going on in that pretty, little head of yours," he told you before he took your hand & pressed his lips against your knuckles. you thought to yourself, i'm not good enough for this man.
you debated whether or not to tell the truth. on one side, he has been your devoted boyfriend for years now, but on the other, he could just be asking out of curtesy. like, what if he actually does not care at all- "(y/n)? talk to me. i know you have something you wanna say," katsuki commented, scooting closer to you. he set the pillow that you placed your laptop on the coffee table so he could get your undivided attention. he caressed your thigh to help ground you.
you stayed silent for a moment, & he waited patiently. you swallowed, your eyes darted from his piercing red ones to the floor to his hands. finally, you said, "you're too sweet for me." he laughed & laughed, & you couldn't help but crack a smile. "what? what's so funny?" you pouted.
"sorry for laughing, princess. it's just no one ever calls me sweet. like, ever," admitted katsuki as he settled down from his fit of laughter. what he said was true though, he didn't have a problem with it. he was not sweet at all, he was rough around the edges & egotistical with the skills to back him up. he only ever thinks about himself & you. "but what makes you say that, hm?"
"well, for one, you always treat me out & take me anywhere i want. we never go where you wanna go," you pointed out, jabbing your finger in his toned chest playfully.
"that doesn't make me sweet. i have the money, & i don't fuckin' care about where we go to eat."
you chose to ignore him, rolling your eyes at him because that was his excuse every time. "two, you're literally in the prime of your life, & you choose to go to sleep at 8:30? how do you sleep so well?"
"(y/n), what is this really about?" he questioned. katsuki brushed your hair away from your face, tucking the silky strands behind your ear. "& don't lie to me, i know you."
"ugh, fineee," you groaned as you threw your head back. maybe it was for comedic effect, or to gather your thoughts & regulate the tears that started to well in your eyes. "do you think i'm like, worthy of you?"
"worthy of me?"
"yeah, do you think i'm good enough for you?" you rephrased, pulling your hands away from him to rub your upper arm. it's embarrassing to admit something, it's scary too. what if, once you point it out, he'll agree & leave you?
"'course i do! i'm the best around & i got the best fuckin' girl, why are you thinking this shit?" katsuki exclaimed, his passion that you wish you had seeping through to his tone. a moment of thick silence followed, you took a deep breath. you suck at emotions.
"you're too good for me, okay! you're so much stronger than everyone, & if that wasn't enough, you're insanely smart! i'm just... here. average at best. people praise you like the morning after an eternity of darkness. you're the rain after a heatwave. everything works out for you, & i'm just the one holding you back from even better things-"
"babe, you're not holding me back or whatever. you've never held me back," he stated like it was a fact, but you felt as though he was just saying that to calm you down. it angered you, & you were ashamed that you were angry because it wasn't even directed at him, it was directed at the fact you felt unworthy.
"no, you don't get it! i aim low because it's realistic for me, i can't afford to aim for anything else because i'm destined to fail. you, on the other hand... you have so much potential. don't you get embarrassed about having a girlfriend like me?"
"no." he answered so quickly, like it was rehearsed, like he knew what you were going to say. "i've never felt embarrassed of you ever. you're so fuckin' dense, you know that?"
you paused just to stare at him. katsuki sure had a way with comforting people. even after years of being a hero, he never learned how to traditionally comfort people. tough love, everyone would call it. but with you, he forced himself to be tender because you deserve treatment no one else gets from him.
there were so many things he wanted to say to you. don't you realize what you do for him? god, katsuki would go mad living without you now that he knows what life is like with you, his missing rib. the two of you are meant to be, you're two sides of the same coin. so what if he's as bright as the morning? you were his darling night, the very universe was visible through your eyes.
"you must be dense if you really thing you're just average. would i go for an average girl?"
"i mean-"
"no, the answer is no. you're deserving of love, my love. everything you've accomplished, everything you've overcome, you're just diminishing it because what? you think you're dumb or something? you- you..." you're the reason my world goes round, you are so talented, he was so desperate to shout these praises at you.
he was never one for romantic gestures through words. if he did, he would've been the best damn poet in the game. "i am yours."
it was such a simple sentence, yet it shook you to the core. you stared into his lively, crimson eyes. the look he gave you in return made your breath hitch; he was so deeply devoted to you, as deep as the pacific ocean.
you leaned in, capturing him in a kiss. tears rolled down your cheeks, your despair melting away. you felt like the two of you were kids again, sharing your first kiss. how could you doubt a man who so clearly, who so desperately, loves every bit of you.
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ivystoryweaver · 9 days
Happy 1k! 🎊🥳 I love your work and I can't wait for the release of Perfect fit part 2 (take yr time tho no rush)
Anyways, I was wondering how high do you think the moonboys' sex drive are. Just a lil tehee curious 👀
Moon Boys' Sex Drives
I am answering this wayyyy too late nonnie - thank you for the congratulations! Perfect Fit Part 2 is on the way. It's long and I'm trying to get the ending just right and edit it. I'm excited!
Word Count: 366 Not at all Suitable For Work
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You can read similar/additional thots in Moon Boys + Where They Like to Put it and Moon Boys' Kinks
Okay once Steven and you are together, and he's no longer alone, he's going to be like - so addicted to you.
To his dick inside you. Like anywhere. He just wants to be inside you. He wants to come home from his stupid job and he wants his cock in your mouth. Or wherever else you'll let him put it.
He feels so connected to you - he can't ever fuck you deep enough. He tries though, thrusting over and over, sometimes agonizingly slowly.
"Feels so good - so deep in you, love."
He wants to come inside you and stay inside you - he almost feels as if he could fuse with you if you fucked you long enough, like some sort of ancient legend.
His sex drive is HIGH because he's been waiting his whole life for this.
✧ ˚ · .✧ ˚ · .✧ ˚ · .✧ ˚ · .✧
Marc is more measured. More routined. In his late 30's with a steady partner, he could get a little methodical with Saturday and Wednesday sex.
Which can sometimes be nice because you can be all clean and put on whatever scent he loves, dress in lingerie or whatever you both prefer.
But let's not kid around.
Marc may not have the urges of his 18-year-old body, but he wants you. And he wants sex. And once he gets going...
He may not paw at you naggingly like a singleminded, selfish teenager but this man can marathon fuck. He's going to wring every orgasm you have waiting inside your body until you can't even.
Just because you're in a committed, routined relationship does not mean the sex isn't life altering when he wants it to be.
✧ ˚ · .✧ ˚ · .✧ ˚ · .✧ ˚ · .✧
Jake doesn't see you quite as often so when he does, he is ready.
He wants to mark you - with his teeth, his lips, his fingernails...he wants you to see the evidence of all he did to your body for the next few days.
He wants every sensation involved to the extreme. He'll fuck you in front of the mirror, make you watch.
He wants to hear every whimper, every moan and he's not satisfied until you're crying or screaming in ecstasy.
It's intense, it's passionate - he has to make the most of his time with you.
✧ ˚ · .✧ ˚ · .✧ ˚ · .✧ ˚ · .✧
1000 Follower/Holiday Celebration Masterlist
Moon Knight Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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delopsia · 5 months
Ok so I’m assuming Rhett is 30 ish because Lewis is 30 (almost 31 in like a month) but like Rhett with reader who is younger than him by a good number of years (reader being 23 at youngest probably) what’s the relationship like? Was he super reluctant at first because of the gap? How do we meet him? How does the family feel? What if he’s her first “real” boyfriend? How would he react to reader asking him to take their v card?
When I tell you that this has been stuck in my head since you sent me this, oh my GOD. I've been meaning to write this concept with Rhett and Bobby for over a year and keep forgetting to 🤤 I got a little carried away. Hope y'all don't mind 🤍
Canonically, Rhett is twenty-four, but I think we as a collective have chosen to ignore that 💃 here's my proof post on that, if you're curious 💕 TLDR: Rhett was born June 12th, 1996, and OR S1 takes place in November 2020
For the sake of this post, I'll just leave it and say he's noticeably older than the reader ✨ I don't want to set a specific age for him and accidentally exclude someone :(
I like to view an older version of Rhett as someone who's still into the rodeos; he's gotten up there in the bull riding ranks, and though he's a year or two away from aging out of it, he's still up there kicking ass when you first encounter him. It's your first time coming to this rodeo, and you're not sure what to think when you see him leaned up against the fence in that quiet, rugged glory so many cowboys seem to carry. Older than the rest of the riders, so jaded by buckle bunnies that he hardly notices the ones trying to get his attention.
The first time you walk past him, he lifts the corner of his lip and nods his head toward you as if to say hello. Some simple little thing that gets you smiling, hoping to high heaven that your friends don't notice the sudden weakness in your knees. Three Sundays in a row, you go to the rodeo with your friends, and three Sundays in a row, you walk past him on your way to the food trucks. Three Sundays in a row, he smiles and nods his head at you.
You think he's just being nice.
Rhett just thinks you're hot.
But he's too tired of entertaining relationships with folks who only want him for what lurks beneath his championship buckle and to tell all their friends they fucked a real cowboy. It was fun when he was younger, but after a while, like most things, it gets old.
So when he sees you at the bar after a rodeo one night, he doesn't think too much about it. Sneaks a few glances at you out the corner of his eye, sure, quietly wondering how pretty his name would sound coming out of your mouth, but that's it.
Until some hotshot decides that he's going to give you hell while your friends are in the bathroom. And Rhett's within the perfect earshot to get rightfully pissed off. He's not particularly one to get into someone else's business, but he's also not too fond of this whole "badger someone 'till they give what you want" technique the younger boys have been employing recently.
"'s this guy botherin' ya?" He asks, in that gravelly voice, his elbow propping against the bar, speaking to you but his eyes never once leaving the steer wrestler giving you trouble. He's got a history with this kid; this isn't their first confrontation.
Of course, you don't know that when the younger man goes nose-to-nose with Rhett. But oh, if it doesn't make you the slightest bit dizzy when Rhett's jaw hardens at your meek 'yes.'
He only means to scare the guy off and go back to watching his buddy eat shit at the pool table, but your friends are taking forever to come back, and he's found himself offering to sit with you until they do. You're asking his name, and he's ashamed to admit that his heart jumps at the sound of his name on your tongue.
You don't seem to care all that much about the age difference, and Rhett's got no reason to be concerned; your age doesn't end in 'teen,' and you can legally drink, but he's found himself a touch hesitant to flirt with you. Isn't all that fond of breaking his heart over another sweetheart who stumbled into Wabang.
But you just keep running into each other. You're in line with him at a food truck; he sees you at a rodeo bonfire and chats you up until your friends are begging to head home. He's given you his number, and he's catching himself looking for you at the end of his rides.
And then he's busting his left shoulder after a ride, and somehow, he's found himself outside of the ambulance, being backed up against a wall as you kiss him hard on the mouth. It's the first kiss he's had in years, and your hands on his big chest are the sweetest thing he's ever felt. It's everything, and it takes every ounce of his will to draw your hand off of his belt buckle.
"Y' don't wanna do that," his whispered warning drips off his tongue like honey, and oh do you want a taste, "'m 'fraid if I let ya have me, I might follow ya 'round for the rest of my life."
He really doesn't know what to do when you smile and ask, "But what if that's what I want?"
How he survived that, he doesn't know. But a kiss-filled conversation ends in him agreeing to take you on a real, proper date. He takes you to Odessa's diner for lunch, pulls your chair out for you, and never lets you touch a door, and he gets along with you so well. It helps a lot that he's been on a funky little life path that has given him many of the same experiences as you. There's an age gap, sure, but his stage of life isn't too different from your own. Especially because he was a bit of a late bloomer with this whole 'adult' thing. The perks of being emotionally stunted by Royal...
Rhett doesn't differ that much if he's your first boyfriend; he's sickeningly sweet, regardless. No amount of experience or inexperience will stop him from going all out on you; if there's one thing his momma did, it was raise him right. You might as well be royalty. That being said, he's happy to take the lead (or give it up) depending on your experience level.
The relationship isn't all that different from how it would be if he was your age. There are some generational references that take time to understand, and Rhett's age shows the most when you try teaching him to use Instagram, but that's a given. He's a little bit smug when you're with him in public, especially at rodeos. He knows he's struck gold, and he intends to show you off as much as you're comfortable with. Protective, too. Those bull riders know better than to linger and try their luck with you. More times than you can count, you've overheard the whispered warning, "That one's Rhett's."
Rolls his eyes when you (affectionately) call him old man...
To be fair, Rhett does try to wait until a few weeks into your relationship to start getting intimate; he wants to take things slow with you, but then you're cupping him through his jeans, and he's breathless as you massage him through the fabric. And when you sit in his lap, wrap your arms around his broad shoulders, and grind your ass down into him? He's a goner.
If you're a virgin, then he's extra careful with you. Takes some more time to draw your clothes off, slow as he kisses down your belly until he can run his tongue up your sweet little pussy. But he's obscene about it, regardless. Groaning around your clit, letting you yank on his hair all you need. Frustrates you to no end because you're trying so hard to get him to fuck you, and all he wants to do is eat you out. Four times. Four times, you rile him up, and the most progress you make is getting his jeans off. He doesn't mean to upset you, he's just a whore for giving oral.
Until that one time at the bar when you hauled him into a bathroom stall, dropped to your knees, and wrapped your mouth around him before he could get under your skin.
That got him. You couldn't take all of him, gagging every time his plush tip hit the back of your throat, but his knees were shaking. Moans muffled by the palm of his hand. Trying his best to pull you off when he came and damn near hit the floor when you instead chose to swallow him down.
Again, if you're a virgin, then there isn't a huge difference in how he treats you when he takes your virginity. Not out of impatience or anything of the sort, but it's your first time together. He's going to treat you like a virgin regardless. Overusing the lube as he introduces you to a thick, calloused finger, watching your reaction for the slightest hint of pain. "'s this hurt? No? You sure?"
Annoyingly pushes the tip of his cock against you, then lets it slide through your folds, obsessed with the sight of it. But just as you're going to complain, he finally nudges inside, and it silences you completely.
If there is one thing about Rhett Abbott, it's that he's huge in more ways than one. Splitting you open in all the right ways, big hands stroking up and down your skin, whispering the filthiest things into your ears. "Think 'm almost too big for your lil pussy, angel." "Shhh, we'll make it fit. Jus' relax 'round me." "'s that feel good, sweetheart? Y' like bein' stretched 'round my cock like that?"
He ruins you either way. You never pegged yourself to be this insatiable, riding him in his truck, fucking him outside the bar, in bathroom stalls, cheap hotel rooms, bending over the hood of his truck while he had a flat tire. It's not your fault; Rhett's just that damn good, and he's somehow able to match you entirely. Rolls his eyes a little, sure, but he's just doing that to annoy you. "This old man fucks you that good, hm? Cute little pussy ain't satisfied 'till I pump it nice 'n full of my cum?"
Sometimes, he tells you he's too tired for sex and then turns around and pounces on you because he heard you whimper once and had a second burst of energy.
Which...is how your relationship gets found out. He's left a mark on your collar, and at some point, you bend down to pick up a fork you dropped, and it gets noticed. So you either got in a fight with a vacuum cleaner and lost, or you have a little someone.
The worst part is telling everyone how old he is. Rhett's got this funny charm where he looks younger than he actually is, and it nearly makes someone choke at the dinner table. And Rhett's not the best with people, but he's quick to make a good impression. He's like a fine wine; he's gotten better as he's aged.
You'll likely never meet Rhett's family, and if you do, it's a handful of times for no longer than two hours. After Rhett moved out, there's been tension every time he sees his folks. He was supposed to stay and spend his life helping the ranch, to honor his family loyalties, not run off and find love in someone else. Cecelia's sweet, doesn't say anything about the age gap, so long as you're both happy. Royal...you don't know what he said, but you had to grab Rhett by the belt to reign him in.
All that being said, Rhett's a sweetheart to you, regardless of your age gap. There are some differences that wouldn't be there if he was your age, but he's keen to work on those things together. Rhett doesn't fall in love often, but when he does, he falls hard, and he's going to give you the world. Even if you do call him old man every now and then.
Like I said...I got carried away
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orpheusredux · 2 years
Ride the Lightning
Summary: Eddie is hanging out in his girlfriend's bedroom when he discovers something... naughty and delightful.
Rating: NC17
Pairing: Eddie Munson/Reader. Established relationship
Warnings: Very, very smutty. No Minors! 18+ only. Canon compliant.
A/N: I have been writing this is fits and starts for weeks, but I just couldn't stop. I meant it to be a quick and dirty little drabble about a boy, and girl and her vibrator, but then I went and got feelings all over it and it turned out way longer than I intended too. Please consider reblogging, it really helps. Also, this way for my AO3 and my masterlists. 5433 wds
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“Baby… what’s this?” 
You look up from where you’re lying on your tummy on your bed reading a trashy romance novel to see your boyfriend of six months holding…
“Oh my God, Eddie! Put that back!”
…Your vibrator. 
You met at a punk show in Indianapolis in the depths of Winter. Eddie was working the door, and when you walked up late to meet your pals who were already inside, he’d looked you up and down, given you a wrist stamp, and a wink, and ushered you in without asking for a dime.  
It was almost as if he’d known the way to your heart was free gigs. 
Later he’d “bumped into you” at the bar and bought you a drink. Then you bought him one. Then there were shots with the band. The next thing you knew the two of you were back at your apartment, sprawled across your ratty old sofa, his tongue in your mouth and your hand in his pants. You’d been dating ever since. 
Being with Eddie was both delightfully easy, and head-fuckingly bizarre at the same time. 
First of all, he was a metaller, and you’d only ever dated punks, stoners and on one less than stellar occasion, a party guy from California who wore pastel exclusively. You were not prepared for the level of energy Eddie brought to your relationship, the earnestness and often kind of confronting honesty. He told you he loved you three months in, and then proceeded to spend the next three months showing just how much. 
“I learned the hard way not to fuck around,” he told you once, when you’d pressed him on how he could tell someone he loved them so easily. “I know for a fact you don't always get that tomorrow you're putting things off till. You know?”
Which brings you to the second thing: Eddie was from Hawkins, that town down state that had caught fire and burned to the ground - like the whole town. They called it Indiana’s Centralia, now, after that town out East that’d been burning for 30 years? That was Hawkins. Everyone had been evacuated and there was still a danger zone three miles deep around the place.
Eddie talked about it sometimes, not a lot, but enough for you to know he wasn’t over what had happened to him there. All you knew was he’d seen some shit, been badly hurt and never wanted to go back. Except… as much as he hated the place, as much as it scared him and he never wanted to see it again, it was like he knew one day he’d have to. 
It was eerie, honestly.
He never took off his shirt, either. Not even in bed. You’d felt that the skin on his ribs and chest wasn’t entirely smooth, and once in bed he’d rolled over in his sleep and you’d glimpsed some shiny pink skin at his waist. You knew it had been bad, you knew there’d been fire, but those scars looked… well, they didn't look like burn scars. They almost looked like... well, it was silly what you'd thought. Besides, it had been dark and what the fuck did you know, anyway?
Glimpsing them hadn’t made you any less curious about him, but it did make you stop trying to get him to take his shirt off in bed.
You didn’t know how to tell him that he was safe with you, that he was the best boyfriend you’d ever had. Kind, considerate, thoughtful; that you thought it was quick, sure, but maybe you were falling in love with him. 
He’d introduced you to his only family, his uncle Wayne, who lived in Wyoming now, but came to visit him a lot, and the guys from his band - Gareth, Jeff and Dave - Corroded Coffin.
He shared a place with them in Speedway, you'd stayed there a few times. You loved the guys, really you did, but it was kind of a dump, so you spent a lot of time together at your studio on Canal Walk.
He wasn’t perfect - he could be impulsive, your dad worried about his “fiscal stability”, and for someone with so many secrets, he sure was nosey. 
Which was why he was currently standing in your bedroom holding your goddamned vibrator with a look on his face like he’d just won the sexual lottery. 
In his defense - not that he deserved any - you are the one who left the draw open, which was practically an invitation to pry as far as Mister Sticky Beak here was concerned. But still, a girl could keep some secrets, couldn’t she? 
You leap off the bed and make a grab for it - or try to - before he can push the little black button on the base of the thing. 
Eddie, being Eddie, holds it above his head, just out of your reach and says, “Now now, let's not be hasty,” as you try vainly to grab it.
“Eddie,” you whine and consider elbowing him in the ribs - but the other thing that glimpse of his scars has given you is a healthy respect for his body. You’d rather die than hurt him. You’ll have to resort to pouting and pleading instead. “Give it back. That’s private.” 
You give him a pointed look and hope he’ll pick up what you’re putting down. Naturally he doesn’t. 
“Is it though?” He leers at you, trying not to laugh right in your face. “I mean, I am sort of in charge of delivering the orgasms around here now, aren’t I?” 
You bark a laugh, despite yourself. “Oh, who are you, again? Cruise director of the love boat? My orgasms are my business, mister!” 
“That’s not what you were saying last night,” he says slyly, before putting on the worst - also the most annoyingly accurate - impersonation of you in the throes of passion, pitching his voice just below a falsetto squeak. “Oh Eddie! Oh Eddie, you’re gonna make me… I’m gonna… Oh, oh, oh!” 
Scars be damned, you poke him right in the armpit, and he drops the vibe with an “oof”. You grab it before it can hit the ground, and make to run away with it, but he grabs you - playfully -  around the waist and mock-wrestles you onto your bed. You land on top of him, both of you breathless and laughing by now, the vibe clutched tightly in your fist, up by his head. 
His hands slip down you back, over your hips and he grabs two good handfuls of your ass. In the six months since you started fooling round he has never missed an opportunity to show you how much he loves touching you, kneading your flesh, tracing all your curves. He likes it almost as much as he seems to like being touched by you. It’s one of the things you adore the most about him - he has a healthy respect and fulsome admiration for your big, bouncy body. 
“OK,” he says. “Let’s settle this like gentlemen. Let’s play a game…” 
You squint at him, not trusting him one inch - you trust him completely, but you also do. Not. Not one inch. 
“Like gentlemen, old sport! What what,” you reply, in a mock English accent.
“Let’s play Quid, Pro, Quo.” 
Now, you’ve never played a game called Quid, Pro, Quo before, but he just took you to see Silence of the Lambs last week - you don’t care what anyone says about psychological thriller, that was a dang horror film in disguise - so you think you have a pretty good idea what it means. 
“Ew, Eddie, I am not role playing sexy serial killers with you,” you say, and put up a bit of a struggle to get off him. 
That really makes him laugh, but instead of letting you get away, he wraps his arms around you and gives you a squeeze. 
“Oh Jesus Christ, no. That does nothing for me, either,” he says with a theatrical shudder, that only serves to rub you forcefully all over his body, your soft squishy boobs against the hard, warm planes of his chest. It makes something delicious tingle deep in your core. How’s that for quid pro what-the-fuck-ever, you get plenty of pleasure and enjoyment out of his body, too. 
“No, in my version of the game, we take turns offering each other something we think the other might want, and if they do, they have to…” 
He lifts a hand off your derriere and waves it around suggestively. 
“What like, I offer you a BJ, and if you want one - “ 
“If!” Eddie snorts. 
“ - you have to offer me ‘something of equal or greater value’?” 
“Yeah,” he says with a grin. “Something like that. And then you can counter it with something of greater value again.”
“Like a sexy version of ‘chicken’?” 
“Well, I was trying to make it classy, but we can go with ‘Sexy Chicken’ if that works. My idea, so I start…”
“Nuh huh, Big Fella,” you say, tweaking his chin with the hand not currently holding a goddamned vibe. “Ladies first… OK, what will you give me to get the hell off you.” 
“Oh no,” Eddie replies, nose scrunched up. “I wouldn’t even give you a dime for that. You’ll have to stay exactly where you are.” He grabs your ass again, and kind of settles in with a sigh. 
“Ungh, OK,” you say, rolling your eyes. “What if I… take off my bra.” 
“Without getting off me?” 
“Without getting off you, you perv.” 
He laughs and then bites his lip considering. “OK, I will give you a foot rub. Both feet. On… Thursday, straight after your shift at the coffee shop.” 
You gasp. You work nights at the campus beanery and your feet are routinely absolutely battered by the end of the night. 
Once, early in your courting, Eddie had been waiting for you at your place when you came home from one of those shifts. He’d waited for you to kick off your shoes, and slump in your favorite chair, before kneeling down next to you, and starting to knead your instep, heels, calves and the pads of your toes. Without being asked.
No offence to the many wonderful orgasms you’d shared with each other since you met, but that massage had been better than sex. 
Now that he was working the door at the club more regularly, Eddie wasn’t around when you finish work much anymore, so this offer was kind of a big deal. 
You start reaching behind yourself to unclasp your bra without saying another word -  only to then realize you are still holding the Goddamned vibrator. You chuck it up the bed by the pillows, and he grins down at you cheekily. 
“I’m on a goddamned promise, Munson,” you say, from somewhere inside your tee shirt. 
“Yeah, yeah, you know I’m good for it.” 
His eyes slip over your shoulders and arms as you wriggle and twist, pulling your straps off under your tee shirt and pulling the bra out the sleeve. Through two layers of denim you feel his cock twitch when your unfettered boobs press against his torso. He bites his tongue and sweeps his hands up and down your arms. His gaze is just as warm and soft. 
“Ta dah!” you say, flinging the bra away. You’re immediately jostled a bit by his laughter. “My turn again?” 
“Your turn,” Eddie agrees. 
You take your time thinking, trying to remember some throw away snippet of kinkiness he’d hinted at, or a time when he’d wanted to try something, but  you hadn’t. Finally, you mind settles on a movie you’d watched together one rainy afternoon that had ended in a mind blowing fuck on the floor of your en suite bathroom. 
“I will let you do that - you know - that thing, from 9 1/2 Weeks.” 
Eddie goes very still. “OK, I need to be clear here, are you talking about the striptease?” 
“Nope… the other thing.” 
“With the - the ice and the -” 
“And the blindfold.”
“Holy fuck,” Eddie said, eyes like saucers.  
You cross your hands on top of his chest and rest your chin on the back of them. “I play to win, Munson,” you say, all cocky. 
He laughs at you. “Oh my God, what have I got that would match that?” 
“What indeed?”
He looks at you thoughtfully, reaches up and tucks a strand of hair behind your ear tenderly, and then in the smallest voice you’ve ever heard him use, he says, “The next time we fuck - I’ll take off my shirt. I’ll take it off. For you.” 
It’s so not what you were expecting, so not where you thought this teasing, titillating game was going, that for a second you’re too shocked to say anything. Your voice just deserts you, until finally…
“Baby, you don’t have to do that.” 
“No, I know,” he says with a sigh, his eyes slipping away from yours, to focus on a tendril of your hair he’s playing with. “But I also know it’s weird - ”
You do push away from him then, because you’ve suddenly got this horrible weight in the pit of your stomach. Did you give him that idea? Had you made him feel pressured? 
“It’s not weird,” you say. He sits up too, as if he’s going to argue the point. So you stop him, with a hand to his chest. 
“It’s not weird,” you say, firmly. “It’s private. It’s none of my business, it’s - you don’t have to tell me or show anything you don’t want to.” 
He covers your hand on his chest with one of his own. 
“But what - what if I want it to be your business,” he says. “God, that sounded way better in my head. I mean - “ 
You turn your hand, take hold of his and squeeze, nodding for him to go on. 
“I don’t want us to have secrets anymore. I feel like I’m keeping something from you every time we fuck, and I don’t want to any more.”
“Then I’m happy for you to tell me anything you want to tell me. But Eddie, you have to know -” 
His eyes are so big and limpid in the dim light of your room and you just - you don’t want any secrets any more either. 
“You must know I l-love you,” you say finally, tripping over the biggest four letter word in the language. 
He smiles, warmly, but you can’t help noticing there’s sadness there too as he scoots up the bed. 
“Sweetheart,” he says, reaching behind his head to pull the back of his shirt over his shoulders and off. “You really do play to win.”
The tee shirt sails off the side of the bed and then there’s just him, his arms out wide, head lowered so you can’t really see his face, just his mottled torso and the top of his dear, beloved head. 
You knew it was going to be bad, but it’s actually even worse than that. He’s not looking at you, so you have time to school your face into a placid, relaxed gaze, to not to show what you’re really feeling, because you know the shock and horror would hurt him, even if he pretended it didn’t. 
Now you understand exactly why he’d never shown you before; why it took him half a year to trust you with this. You’re honest enough with yourself to admit if you’d seen the ruin of his chest in the first few blushy weeks of your romance, you might have run for the hills. 
Low, on his right side, there are gouges - not burns - angry-looking welts of pinkish, reddish skin that bulge and buckle like an infection that’s healed badly. Dotted around this scar are little rosy contusions, like blood has burst under the surface and congealed there. Deep scores - healed, but puckered - rake across his hip. They look like they could pop open again at the slightest provocation. 
You can’t keep back the gasp that comes when you take in the extent of the damage to his right side, though. There’s almost nothing there but scar; no nipple, or curve of skin over fat, muscle and bone. Instead it’s just a horribly twisted rent in the flesh where those parts of his anatomy should be. 
Without thinking, you reach out - to what? Sooth? Map? Verify? You don’t know - only to pull back before you can touch him. He catches your hand, pulling it towards his ruined pec, flattening your fingers, gently, like he’s trying not to spook you, and pressing them to the skin. 
“It’s OK,“ he says. “It doesn’t hurt. It’s healed. It’s actually…I was going to try and say it’s not as bad as it looks. But, ah, it is - it was - exactly as fuckin’ bad as it looks.”
“Oh Eddie,” you whisper, because there’s really nothing else you can say. The skin under your fingertips is warm and hard, feels rubbery and artificial. You feel what’s left of his muscles flex a little under it.
He lets go of your hand and takes hold of your shoulders. 
“You can’t tell anyone,” he says, urgently, whispering your name rather than one of his many pet names for you, squeezing your shoulders for emphasis. “Everything they say about Hawkins, the - the fire, the chemical spills. It’s all bullshit. I’ll tell you all of it, one day, if you want. But, it’s a long story. Can we - another time?”
You nod as if you understand, but you don’t. You’re not sure you ever will, or even want to.
“Do they - can you feel me?” You ask, sliding your hands so gently over the scars, touching. mapping each one. 
“Yeah, I can feel you,” he says. “I always feel you.” 
With your hand still on his chest, you kneel up, straddling his thighs, press yourself closer to him, leaning in to kiss to his mouth, slowly and thoroughly, so he knows - so he can be certain - this knowledge changes nothing except to make things more real, more sure between you. 
“I'm so sorry this happened to you. And I am so glad you survived.” You hear your voice catch on that last bit, feel the tears choking up at the back of your throat. 
He makes a soothing sound and wraps his arms around you. 
“I was mad about it, for a long time,” he says, his voice muffled where his face is pressed into your neck. “But - this is going to sound fucking insane - everything that happened brought me here.” 
He leans back and looks up into your eyes. You cup his dear face in your hands. 
“I don’t think I’d change a fucking thing - not even losing my goddamned nipple - if it meant I didn’t get to have you.”  His voice is gentle, soothing, and so full of love he’ll never need to say the words if he just keeps talking to you like that.
You kiss him then, because you’re not sure what will happen if you try to speak. You don’t want to cry all over him. He’d only end up taking care of your messy feelings, when you’re pretty sure he’s got big enough feelings of his own to deal with. 
You lean back and smoothing your hands over his bare shoulders and back to his neck, you say, “so, I guess that makes it my turn again, huh?” 
He barks one of his big braying guffaws, wraps his arms around you and squeezes. 
“Oh, we’re still playing? OK, OK, sure, babycakes. Whaddaya got?“ 
Out of the corner of your eye you catch a glimpse of that goddamn vibe sitting by your pillow. The idea pops into your head before you’ve really thought about the logistics, but once it’s there, you almost can’t get it out. Could you? Should you? Really? 
You pull yourself off his lap and crawl up the bed, collapsing onto your back, the pillows under your head. Eddie twists to watch, and his eyes go soft when you pick up the vibe and turn it over in your hands. 
“What if I… ride the lighting, right here, right now, while you watch?” 
You both stare at each other for a second, until Eddie cracks, snickering like a naughty school boy. 
“Ride the what now?” 
“Ride the - the lightning, baby,” you say, giggling and waving the vibe. “That’s what they call it right? ‘Cause it’s electrical? “ 
“Oh my God, seriously? What the hell have you been reading?” 
“Wouldn’t you like to know? 
“I’m pretty damned sure I would,” Eddie says, bemused. He crawls up the bed after you to lie on his side looking down at the little pink vibe in your hands. 
He reaches out, and thumbs the little black button on the bottom. The little thing starts up with a buzz that makes the breath catch in both your chests. Eddie hmms, and runs the tips of his finger over the soft, curved edge. You know he’s picturing it, picturing you spread out for him, pleasuring yourself while he watches. 
“OK,” he says, lifting the vibe out of your hands, and gently rolling it over the curve of your breast. It feels so good, even through your tee shirt, you can’t help squirming a little at the sweet, tingling hum of it. “I see your offer of a wanton display of feminine lust, and I raise you… me fucking you with this - where does it - oh, I see where that goes - me fucking you with this, while we both watch.” 
Without saying a word, you start pushing your sweatpants down your legs and trying to wriggle out of your tee shirt at the same time, which ends up getting you all tangled, so Eddie has to put the vibe down and help you get the shirt off.  
“Leave your panties on,” he says, breathless as he lies on his back to thumb open the button on his own jeans and start kicking them off. 
“I think we messed up the game,” you say, as you scoot back on the bed, and watch Eddie pulling off his boxers and socks. “I think I got too many turns.” 
“Hmmm?” Eddie hums, thoroughly distracted by your breasts and thighs, and his eyes are fixed on the damp patch you can feel slowly spreading across the crotch of your white panties. He’s not thinking about the game or his scars, or Hawkins. Just you. The joy floods through you like sweet honey in your veins, warm and delicious. You get to have him, have this. Fuck, yes. Life, God, the Universe - whatever - may suck ass sometimes, but sometimes, it’s also this good. 
He guides you to lie back as he slides up next to you. His cock, half hard and leaking, is pressed against your hip as he leans over you to kiss your mouth. Then there’s a click, and a hum as the vibe starts again. Still kissing you he starts to roll it, so gently from your collarbone, over the swell of your breast, to your nipple. 
“Eddie,” you hiss, arching your back. He pulls away from you, to turn his head and look down the length of your torso to the stiff, pink peak of your tit. 
He hums again, almost to himself, like he’s considering where to go next. When it seems like he’s decided, he drags the vibe slowly across your sternum, to your other nipple, and rolls the buzzing silicone over your tender flesh. He looks down at your chest. 
“God, baby, look at these pretty little titties,” he says, biting his plush lower lip. 
You look down at yourself, but the sight of him holding the buzzing tip of the vibe to your quivering nipple is too much. You mewl, and grip the sheets beneath you in your fists, pushing yourself into the warmth the vibe is creating. 
“Do you - oh, God - do you like them, Eddie?” 
He leans down to suck the stiff peak of your other nipple into his soft, wet mouth and lets it go with an obscene pop. 
“Oh Princess, you know I do.” 
You’re just holding on as the buzzing against your tender flesh starts to verge on pain. But it’s the kind of pain that shoots right through your core to your aching cunt, makes it flutter and clench. 
“Fuck, Eddie,” you whine, arching your back and rubbing your thighs together, before letting your legs fall open and tilting up your hips. 
“Hmmmm, so sensitive,” he says, his voice deep and rough. He tilts his face again to look down your body to your sex and his hair brushes across your cheek like a butterfly’s kiss. “Oh ho ho, what do we have here?“ 
“Please, baby," you whine, canting your hips again. “Please.”
“Needy girl,” he sing-songs, and starts dragging the vibe across your sternum and down, over your belly to the edge of your white cotton panties. “Oh no, you’ve made a bit of a mess here, Princess.”
You know that by “mess” he means the damp patch. You’ve been wet since he started this game, and now you’re practically flooding. Any other time you’d be embarrassed about that, and the noises you're making as he rolls the vibe across your pubic bone and your mons, but you just can’t summon an ounce of shame right now. All you want is that vibe where it belongs, buried in your pussy, or on your clit. You fucking want it. 
“Please, Eddie, don’t tease me,” you say, and your voice sounds so shaky, you’re shivering so hard your teeth are almost chattering. 
He slips the vibe over the thin cotton, to the damp patch. He rolls the vibe around pressing in. It almost makes you jerk, like he’s touched a live wire to your core. 
“Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,” you start chanting, pressing your hips up into that hot buzz. “Fuck, yes. Right there, oh, oh Eddie.” 
Your head is thrown back, eyes clamped shut as you chase that feeling, fisting the sheets under you. You can feel it building so you chase it. If he keeps this up you’ll come just like this. 
“Hold on there, sweetheart,'' he says, not removing the vibe, but easing some of the pressure. “We’ll get you there, but not too soon, OK?” 
You can’t help the whine that follows. It sounds so needy and pathetic. Again, you’d be embarrassed, but it’s all you’re capable of right now. It makes Eddie chuckle, and worse, lift the vibe away from you altogether. 
“Edd-ie,” you pout. But he just taps your hip and starts to slowly peel your panties down. You lift your ass long enough for him to get them out from under your butt, and then he’s drawing them down your thighs, and calves, over your feet and off. And then, like the wild goddamned animal he is, he smooshes them against his nose and mouth and breathes deep.  
“Fu-uck, baby, you smell so good.” 
You respond to his teasing by spreading your legs wide and slipping your fingers between your wet folds. “Yeah? How does it look, Daddy?” You ask him, as his eyes fix on your cunt. 
He knows what a fucking buzz you get from him looking at your sex. You don’t know why, or what it means, but any time he looks at your pussy, you feel yourself get exponentially hotter, infinitely wetter. Part of you thinks you could just come from him watching you spreading while he tells you how good your little kitty looks, how much he wants it. Which is kind of what’s happening right now, God have mercy. 
He throws your panties over his shoulder, and leans down to nose your hand out of the way and suck your little rose bud into his mouth. It’s kind of an awkward angle, but that just makes it feel even better, unexpected and strange.
“Taste fucking good, too,” he says, pulling off your clit, breathless and a little dazed. His cock, hard and red, is jutting up from his lap, the tip wet with pre-come. You want to suck it, but before you can ask for it, he rolls the vibe over your mons, and presses it hard, against the left side of your clit. 
That really does make you jackknife up off the bed. You can feel the buzz everywhere, in everything, all at once. It’s humming in your cunt, your ass, even your nipples, it reverberates through your teeth and out the top of your head, where every single follicle is standing on end. There are thousand tiny bubble bursting under your skin, and you never want it to end. 
“Fuck yeah, baby,” you hear Eddie say, as if from a distance. “Fuck yeah, fucking ride it.” 
You realize there’s someone in the room wailing… it takes you a second to understand that that someone is you. You’ve got one hand fisted in the sheets, and the other is gripping Eddie’s knee. Your toes are curled into the blankets, and your eyes are clenched shut as the orgasm arcs through you like he’s just flicked the on switch and lit you up. 
It seems to go on forever, every muscle in your body going into spasm for long, hot seconds of pleasure, until it slowly starts to ebb away. 
You slap feebly at Eddie’s hand when it’s too much, when the intense pleasure has melded into a keen pain. He gently lifts the vibe away from you, thumbs the button and leans over to put it on your bedside table. 
For a couple of minutes, you can’t open your eyes or move a muscle. It’s like all your bones have turned to jelly. You lie there, spread eagle, panting, your hand still gripping his thigh.
“Fucking hell, Eddie,” you whisper, finally. “Fucking hell.” 
You peel open one eyelid to look at him, leaning by your side. “Yeah,“ you breathe, only just able to nod your head. 
You attempt to sit up and turn to him. It’s a pretty pathetic attempt, all things considered and you end up sort of limply rolling towards him, the vision of that big, red, weeping cock of his is still fresh in your mind. “What about…” 
He’s got one arm across his lap, covering his groin. 
“Yeah, about that…” 
“Oh my God, did you just bust a nut from watching me come?” 
“You make sound so romantic,” he says wryly, reaching over the edge of the bed and snagging his Metallica shirt to cover his slowly deflating junk with. 
“Eddie,” you say, reaching for him. “Baby, that is the hottest fucking thing that has ever happened to me.” 
“Sure, sure,” he says, as he wipes up his lap and throws the tee shirt into the far corner of the room. But he lets you pull him on top of you, your loose, sweaty bodies sliding together a perfect fit. 
“You’re just too… God,” he says, snuffling into the crook of your neck and wrapping his arms and legs around you and under you in a sticky, sexy bear hug. “Too fucking sexy. I had to bust.” 
You both laugh, giddily. 
Eventually he rolls off you, and leans up on his elbow, his tousled head resting on his palm as he looks down at you. He’s so lovely, those chocolate eyes, and his plush, beautiful mouth, even the road map of pain on his chest that leads all the way back into his past, all the way to you two here, in this bed… even that has a kind of raw beauty. He’s a survivor, your man. 
“Eddie,” you say, reaching up to twine a lock of his hair around the finger. “I think I was wrong.”
He grunts a little as he leans over you to grab a pack of smokes from the bedside table. He pops two out and lights them both at the same time, like some Beatnik from the 60s, one for him and one for you.
He takes a lit smoke from between his lips and holds it out for you. You take it, wait for him to take his own out of his mouth and blow a plume of smoke over your heads, before you lean in and press a kiss to the corner of his mouth.  
Leaning back again, you take a drag, blow a plume of smoke of your own, and smile. 
“Yeah,” you say, stretching languidly. “I think you are in charge of dispensing the orgasms ‘round here now.”
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faithst · 10 months
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‧₊˚ ⋅ oh, he's charming ! ‧₊˚ ⋅
THREE michyeo
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⊹˚. ♡ synopsis ever since y/n’s favourite artist has been obsessed with giving most fanservice to the noona’s, she thought ‘must be nice to be a noona’. y/n has had a few relationships in the past but they were always the same age or older. so she starts wondering ‘what if.. i became a noona..?’ she didn’t think that would’ve happened until she met a charming younger boy.
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⊹˚. ♡ written part here ! you anxiously waited for school hours to be over. this was the first thing you’ve ever helped host in your four years of highschool and you’re a senior next year! better late then never, right?
you were alone, waiting for gyuvin at the school gate as minji had some delay in classes and gyuvin didn’t go to school because he overslept. gyuvin exited his car with bags in his hands as he waved his brother goodbye. you quirked an eyebrow at the bags “what is this?” you asked as all the equipment you needed for today was already in the language room. “i got us boba! sorry for not coming today..” he smiled, bringing the bag with him to the language room where you met up with minji.
there was about 30 minutes before the tournament started and you guys spent that time gossiping and enjoying your boba. mrs. n arrived a bit later, smiling endearingly as she saw the three of you sitting on the floor, softly hitting eachother after every dumb remark. as the lower years started arriving one by one, you entered the language room and started dividing them into pairs depending on their classes and years.
gyuvin handed each of them another piece of bright yellow paper that were guides on how to play the game. minji laughed at the familiar yellow paper, helping gyuvin to pass them around. mrs n. had asked minji and gyuvin to supervise two tables each as she had asked you to explain the rules outloud.
there was a thrill in you, passionate about some board game you were good at but you contemplated making someone else do the speaking as fear washed over you. you look to your teacher who was waiting for your explanation as you took a deep breath and started explaining how the game worked. you felt relieved after everyone had started playing and listened to you. since you didn’t have a table to watch over, you walked around, looking at every table and how they played.
you paid no mind to who was playing, more to how they played but everytime you passed by this one table, they had barely even played two turns yet. this one kid was curious, he kept asking questions on everything every few minutes. you noticed his partner was a bit more quiet and reserved; seeming like she knew what she was doing. “have you played scrabble before in your old school?” you asked, looking to her. she simply nods as she placed the tiles onto the board. she’s played before.. no wonder..
you start to think if her partner, the boy who keeps asking a question every 5 minutes was weighing her down. to your surprise, he knew alot of big words. he just barely knew how the game was played. one by one, other tables finished their matches and had already left. except for this table who was barely halfway into the game. you grabbed the sack that contained the remaining tiles, feeling that there were still many left.
you sighed “don’t you guys wanna go home? let’s finish this..” many were huddled around their table, looking at their gameplay. you looked over to their scores.. ‘318’ and ‘120’.. that’s an almost 200 point difference.. this duo is good. upon realising this, you looked up to the curious boy who had his sleeves rolled up, hand resting his head and his hair a bit messy “did you ever play scrabble before?” you asked him, he glanced at you before looking back to his tiles and placing them onto the board “yeah, only a bit though.” you nod, taking one more good look at him.
you couldn’t lie, he looked.. nice..? you tried to erase any weird thoughts about this kid, although he was only a year younger. there wasn’t anything wrong with thinking someone was attractive, right? the game eventually ended and they won. seeing their score, it was too similar to what you and gyuvin, the ‘star players’ would’ve gotten. you also learnt that their names were park gunwook and kim jiwoo.
you don’t know what took over you as you immediately asked if they wanted to duel you and gyuvin the next day when the upper years compete. jiwoo instantly agreed whilst gunwook took a look at his watch “i might have handball practice..” he glanced at you before taking another look at his watch and picking his stuff up “yeah, i’ll make it tommorrow.” you smiled, satisfied with his answer.
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just-an-assbutt · 5 months
Why do you think max and charles aren’t dating? Besides their public girlfriends. Just genuinely curious. I’ve seen some arguments that they are dating and I’m just gathering info :)
For two reasons:
1) As a political statement: I think we’re too wired into romantic relationships we forget the existence of other forms of connections between people. No matter what culture you’re part of, when two people are close, the others usually assume they are romantically involved. In a world that started digging into feelings more, specially thanks to the lgbt community, believing that two people are dating just because they love each other is just not enough. People love other people differently, people love a lot of people at the same time on different ways. And we feel platonic love way more often than we love romantically. There’s always that special friend you’d die for, that friend that no matter what, you always know you can go to, or even that person you trust instantly, and don’t even know why. So when I noticed this I decided to do something: like I don’t ever assume people are heterosexual by default, I also won’t assume that people love each other romantically by default. It the way I found of unwire myself from these concepts and learn to be more open minded.
2) Because I don’t see their relationship there: I believe that Max’s relationship with Kelly is real, totally wrong, but real. She definitely is his girlfriend and he believes he loves her. But as I explained before, their relationship just look terrible to me. It’s not about the age gap, I don’t think a 26 year old shouldn’t date a 35 year old, but it’s how they met and how their relationship evolved. She met him when he was a kid, he was her little brother’s friend and she was almost 30 then. Max was a promising kid, but still a nobody compared to her. She was a stablished model, the daughter of a champion and a full grown adult. She rizzed him up (groomed him), had a “magical night” and once he was hooked she told him that he was too young and started dating the guy who had the Red Bull seat at the moment. People often forget that women can be abusive and manipulative, and assume that men (boys) have to always be witty and can never be vulnerable. Max is extremely vulnerable. On those terms is where their relationship was born, so I do believe that they are dating for real, and when you are dating a guy you groomed you’re definitely not letting him date anyone else, so there’s no room for Charles there. But also I don’t think that Charles is as whipped as Max seems to be. He likes Max and cares for him, no doubt about that, but he looks more like he worries about him. Charles is always there to make Max feel better, like he knows that he can have a positive impact on Max’s mood so he tries to intervene and help whenever he sees him struggling, like that time Max got angry at George for a contact they had and then Charles winked and said something to Max that definitely calmed him down, Max went from extremely angry to happy with just that interaction. Maybe Charles finds Max cute, but more like the kid he used to know than the hyper competitive grown up he is now. Charles always brings up their karting days and talks about their awful relationship back then as if he’s constantly reminding everyone that they don’t hate each other anymore. I still see this more like a protective instinct, the one you get with vulnerable people, more than a romantic trait. So maybe they can evolve into something romantic, but I just don’t see them there yet.
I hope this helped you out!
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sequinsmile-x · 1 year
Aaron and Emily sickfic plzzzzz!!!
Hi bestie!!
here's one I was already working on <3
I hope you like it!!
A Life of Ease
One by one, the Hotchners come down with the flu.
Words: 2.7k
Warnings: None!
Read over on Ao3 or below the cut
Emily yawns as she paces the nursery, her eyes flicking to the clock on the wall that let her know it was almost 7 am.
It had been a rough night with very little to no sleep for her, Aaron or their flu-ridden 18-month-old son. Jack was the first to come down with it, bringing the virus home from school towards the end of the previous week. He’d recovered relatively quickly, cured by the meds he willingly took and cuddles that Emily was always willing to give, but had passed it on to his little brother and, if her hunch was correct, his father. 
So far, only Emily and Hazel, their quiet and reflective four-year-old, were the only ones who hadn’t shown any symptoms. 
Oscar had started showing signs in the evening. The usually energetic little boy lethargic as he leant against his mother when they all sat down to watch a movie. It had got progressively worse throughout the night, and Oscar had barely slept. Crying because of the pain in his head and throat and the upset stomach that had come along with it. He was only soothed by the baby Tylenol he could take every few hours and by Emily singing, or Aaron pacing back and forth with him in his arms. During the night, as both she and her husband were torn from the lightest of sleep by Oscar’s cries, she’d noticed Aaron’s skin was warmer than usual, that he couldn’t seem to clear his throat, and she knew it wouldn’t be long until there was another man down in the Hotchner household.
Oscar whimpers as he rubs his face into her neck, his skin warm against hers, and she shushes him softly, her hand running up and down his back as she continues to pace back and forth, singing quietly as she hopes that he’d sleep for at least a little while. 
It takes another 30 minutes, but she feels her son get heavier in her embrace, his breath evening out across her skin. She tilts her head to look down at him and smiles when she sees he’s asleep, the same slack-jawed expression on his face that Aaron always had when he was sleeping, and she presses a kiss to his forehead. She places him back in his crib with the same gentle touch she would use if she was putting down an activated bomb, and she walks out of the nursery, ensuring the door is pulled closed behind her. 
She’s barely a step back towards his bedroom when Jack’s door opens, his hair askew as he rubs his eyes, his mouth wide open with a yawn.
“Morning, Mom,” he says, smiling sleepily at her. 
Even after all this time, there were still moments when it took her aback that Jack called her mom. It was a conversation he’d started when she was pregnant with Hazel, curious as to what his place in Emily’s life would be once the baby arrived. Her assurance that nothing would change, that she would love him in the same way she would love her daughter, had clearly gone a long way. Just a couple of days later, out of nowhere, he’d called her mom and they’d never looked back.
“Morning, honey,” she says, returning his smile, “Did you sleep ok?”
He nods, yawning again, “Oscar cried a lot.” 
She winces, humming in sympathy, “He’s not very well,” she explains, “Neither is Dad so I think I’m going to have to stay home with them today.” 
That was a conversation she knew she was going to have to have with her husband, but if he got sick as quickly as Jack and Oscar had she knows he wouldn’t be in the position to argue with her. 
Jack frowns, his eyes going wide, “Did I make them sick?” 
“Oh, sweetie,” she says, tugging him into a hug that he gratefully returns, “It’s not your fault these things just happen, ok?” She pulls back just enough to look at him, ruffling his hair in a way that makes him laugh and move out of her embrace as he agrees, any feelings of guilt long gone, “Good. Now I’m going to wake up your sister, would you mind getting the cereal and everything out for breakfast?” 
He nods, always willing to help, and walks down the stairs to the kitchen. She turns into her daughter’s room, surprised as she walks in to find the light already on and Hazel standing in the middle of the room, clothes pulled out of her closet. Brightly coloured tutus that Penelope had bought her all lined up on the bed. 
“Morning, Haze,” she says, smiling as the little girl turns around to look at her, her smile bright, her love of the morning something she had inherited from her father. 
“Morning Mommy!” She replies, bounding over and wrapping her arms tightly around her waist. 
“What’s all this?” Emily asks, tilting her head towards the bed. 
“My outfit for school.” 
Emily clears her throat to stop herself from laughing. She didn’t have it in her to argue with her daughter about whether tutus were appropriate for preschool, so instead she nods, brushing the little girl's hair from her face.
“Of course, silly mommy,” Emily replies, “I’ll be back in a bit.”
She leaves her daughter’s room and walks towards the master bedroom. As she opens the door she hears a groan from the bed, a sound that only gets deeper as she turns on the light. 
“Turn off the light.” Aaron’s voice is rough, his throat sore, and he turns his head from where it had been buried in her pillow to look at her. The light is harsh against his eyes and he feels his lungs crackle as his breath catches in his chest, “I think I caught whatever Oscar has.” 
She chuckles and walks over, “You think?” She says, raising an eyebrow at him as he throws the covers off of him as if he was getting ready to get up for the day, “Where do you think you’re going?”
“Work,” he replies gruffly, not getting up yet as he tries to build up the nerve, well aware that the churning in his stomach would only get worse.
“You’re kidding right?” She asks, scoffing, “You’re not going anywhere.”
“Honey, we both know you’re too sick to do anything other than lay there, so let's just skip this whole part of the process, ok?”
It was something they had in common - they were terrible sick people. They often had to convince the other to stay home when they were ill like this, a strange ritual that had only got complicated as their family got bigger. 
Aaron grumbles, well aware he didn’t have the energy to argue, “What about the kids?” 
She smiles, “Oscar is having what I’m assuming will be the shortest nap on record, and Hazel is picking her outfit for preschool. Jack is being nothing short of an angel and getting breakfast sorted, and I’ll text Jess to ask if she can take him and Haze to school. And then I’ll call work to say you’re too sick to be there and that I need to stay here to look after you and Oscar.” 
He sits up, grimacing as it makes his head swim, “Hazel’s ok?”
Emily nods, smiling as that’s the only part of what she had said he addresses. She sits on the edge of the bed as she forces him to lay back down, her hand firm on his chest before she places her hand on his forehead to check his temperature. She winces at the heat of his skin against hers, well beyond the usual warmth that always seemed to radiate off of him. 
“Your fever is only going to get worse, I’ll get the kids sorted for the day and then come back with some Tylenol for you.” 
“How come you and Hazel aren’t sick?” He asks, swallowing thickly against his sore throat. 
She hums as she tucks the sheets around him like she so often did for their children, smiling as she cups his cheek he leans into her palm, “Clearly the Hotchner women have stronger immune systems than the Hotchner men.” 
“You’re a Prentiss, not a Hotchner” he grumbles, and she has to stop herself from laughing at him, hiding the reaction as she leans in to kiss his forehead. She knows his irritation is more from the fact that he’s sick than because she’d never changed her surname when they married. He’d never asked it of her and she loved him for it. 
“Maybe not legally, but I am at heart,” she replies, standing up and smiling softly at him, “I’ll be back in a little bit ok, try and get some sleep.” 
She’s barely out of the bedroom when she hears something hit the floor downstairs and then scatter, followed by a loud gasp from her four-year-old daughter. 
“Mom,” Jack shouts up the stairs, making her wince as he unintentionally wakes up his little brother, Oscar’s cries following only seconds later, “Hazel dropped the cereal.” 
Emily blows out a breath and runs her fingers through her hair, giving herself a moment to herself before she turns to the nursery. 
“It’s ok sweetie, I’ll come clean it up,” she replies, “I’ll be down once I’ve got Ozzie.” 
It was going to be a long day.
Emily shifts from side to side in the bed, not quite stretching as much as her muscles need, before she settles back down. She had the TV on low, one the reality shows she loved on the screen as she laid inbetween Aaron and Oscar, both of them fast asleep. Oscar was on top of her, his congested sinuses making him snore in a way she found equally endearing and heart breaking. 
She isn’t sure how much time had passed, how many hours she’s laid there between her sick husband and son, when she hears a groan from Aaron, followed by a sound that was close to a whimper. She turns to look at him and sighs as she watches him screw his face up in sleep, fighting off a demon she can’t see. 
Her heart aches at the sound of her name, of how afraid he sounds, and she knows this isn’t a normal nightmare. That his fever was making it worse, making it harder for him to escape. She gently shifts Oscar off of her chest and places him next to her on the bed before she shifts closer to Aaron. She runs her fingers through his hair, hoping to draw him back to her with her touch.
“Aaron,” she says gently, “Aaron, you’re ok, you’re having a nightmare.” 
His eyes snap open, but she knows he’s still in it, that he’s still seeing whatever it is he’s dreaming about.
Although, she’s sure she has a pretty good idea. 
“Not safe,” he mumbles, trying to sit up but she stops him, her hands against his chest, “Foyet.” 
She shushes him and encourages him to look at her, “You’re ok,” she says, “You’re ok sweetheart it’s just a nightmare. We’re safe. Foyet is long gone. You made it safe.” 
His chest stutters and he nods, the first sign that he was coming out of it, “The kids?”
She smiles and leans down to kiss his forehead, “They are ok. Jack and Hazel are at school, Jess is going to pick them up soon and take them back to hers for a little while,” she looks over her shoulder and checks on Oscar, still fast asleep on her side of the bed, “And Ozzie is right here with us. Fast asleep.”
He nods again but she can still see the confusion in his eyes, the fever making it difficult for him to know what was real. She lays down and then encourages him to shift towards her, his warm forehead resting against her collarbone. 
“How about I sing you the get better song?” She says, keeping her voice quiet so she doesn’t wake up Oscar. It was something that had started when she first started dating Aaron and Jack was sick. He’d asked her to sing to her and she sang the first thing that came to mind, and it had become a family tradition of sorts. Something that each of her children would ask for if they were sick, grumpliy asking the “get better” song as Hazel called it. She feels Aaron nod against her and she smiles, turing her head to kiss the top of his, before she starts. 
“In the town where I was born
Lived a man who sailed to sea
And he told us of his life
In the land of submarines”
She carries on until she reaches the chorus, only stopping when she feels Aaron laugh against her, the rumble of it passing from his chest to hers. 
“I can’t believe you’re singing me a Beatles song.” 
She chuckles, “I can’t help it that your kids seem to think that song makes them feel better.” 
“Why are they always my kids when they do something you don’t like?” He asks, lifting his head to look at her, his eyes clearer now.
She cups his cheek as she smiles at him, “When it comes to liking the Beatles, they’ll always be your kids,” she leans forward and kisses the tip of his nose, “Are you feeling ok?”
He nods, clearing his throat, the noise painful as it catches, “As ok as I can be.”
She nods, encouraging him to lay his head back on her shoulder, “Try and get some more sleep, I’ll be right here.”
“You’ll get sick,” he says, as if she hadn’t been here all day. As if she hadn’t been the one who had soothed Oscar all of last night. 
“Like I said earlier,” she replies, running her fingers through his hair again, “Us Hotchner women have strong immune systems.” 
It’s only two days later when she wakes up feeling like crap. She’d gone to bed denying she had the start of the same flu that had hold of their home for the last several days, despite Aaron forcing meds into her hands before they went to sleep. 
Her stomach churns as she rolls over to find he was already gone, his sheets almost cool to the touch. She groans as she buries her face in Aaron’s pillow, her head pounding as she listens to the boys downstairs. 
“We’ve got another one for the sick bed.” 
She pulls her face out from where she’d hidden it and is met with the sight of Aaron standing in their bedroom doorway, Hazel settled on his hip as she looks very sorry for herself. Aaron steps towards the bed and puts the little girl down, and she immediately crawls towards her mother. 
Emily sits up slightly, just enough to open her arms out for her daughter, “Oh my sweet girl.” 
Hazel settles against her and presses her face into her chest, “I feel icky.”
Emily smiles at Aaron over Hazel’s head, “Mommy feels icky too.”
Aaron clears his throat to get her attention, a wry smile on his face, “What was it you said about the Hotchner girls having stronger imm-”
She narrows her eyes at him and covers Hazel’s ears, holding her little girl's head to her chest, cutting him off  “If you ever want to have sex again you won’t finish that sentence,” she whispers, her eyebrows raised in challenge. 
Aaron nods, his eyes wide, “I’ll go make sure the boys eat breakfast.” 
She hums in response, “Smart man.” 
She keeps her eyes fixed on him as he walks away until Hazel shifts in her embrace, “I’m sleepy.” 
Emily smiles and lays down, pulling Hazel closer as she wraps the cover around them both, “Me too, baby,” she says, kissing the top of her head, “Let’s try and get some sleep.”
Hazel murmurs, her voice slightly muffled by Emily’s t-shirt, “Sing me the get better song?” 
It makes Emily smile as she thinks of just a few days ago when she sang for Aaron. Despite how sick she was feeling, and that it felt like she had swallowed razorblades, she starts to sing quietly, her fingers trailing through her little girl's hair as she lulls her to sleep. 
When Aaron comes to check on them after Jack has gone to school he finds his girls both fast asleep, Emily’s hand still buried in Hazel’s hair. 
Tag List:
@ssa-sparks, @lukeclvez, @lyds102, @glockleveledatyourcrotch, @hotchnissenthusiast, @danadeservesadrink, @ssamorganhotchner, @emilyprentissisgod, @notagentprentiss, @freesiasandfics, @emilyshotchniss, @thecharmingart, @paulitalblond, @hancydrewfan, @camille093, @whitecrossgirl, @moonlight-2-6, @rawr-jess, @florenceremingtonthethird, @jareauswife, @ms-black-a, @beebeelank, @aubreyprc, @zipzapboingg, @psychopath-at-heart, @criminalmindsgonewrong, @fionaloover, @kinqslcys, @prentissinred, @ccmattis-22, @denvivale317, @thrindis, @hotchsguccitie, @cmfouatslota77, @alexblakegf, @aliensaurusrex, @prentissxhotch, @emobabeyy, @victoiregranger, @stormyweatherth, @wanderingdreamer009, @ssablackbird, @luhwithah, @lex13cm, @prentiss-theorem, @dont-emily-me, @mrs-ssa-hotch, @jocyycreation, @itsmytimetoodream, @hotchnissgroupie, @controversialpooh, @capsshinyshield, @canuck-eh
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wanderlustmagician · 4 months
Hello!! I just want to say that I’m obsessed with your Atlantis au. It’s brilliant!! I have a quick question and I apologize if you’ve answered it already! For the Atlantis au what is everyone’s name and age? Thanks again for writing this au! And you can just ignore my question if you want! I’m just curious! 😁
Ahhhh hello! Thank you! I’m so glad you enjoy it <3
I haven’t answered this yet and am more than happy to. :)
So I’ve already stated Wind and Twi’s ages for a prompt fill, but I’ll explain a little the reasoning. I’m also only doing the boys… mostly because I haven’t fully done anything for all the girls. Some of these I only decide when it becomes necessary. So for those not familiar… in the movie, Kida says she’s like almost 9,000 years old. We know she was a small child when the city sank and that she’s biologically in her mid-20s at the time of events in the movie. This is where I draw my inspiration.
Wind, AKA Leon (Latin, lion) - Red Lion Mask
Role: Border Guardian // Age: 340 - 624 years old
Physically he looks 16 years old, but having been born several hundred years after their area sank as an effect on his aging. It’s much slower hence why at over 600, he still looks 16. He also has the brain age of a 16 yr old boy. So expect dumb boy things out of him.
Twilight, AKA Lykos (Latin, Wolf) - Grey Wolf Mask
Role: Child of the Pillars // Age: 150 - 411 years old
Mentally 19 yrs old, physically 19 years old, chronologically like 6 - well maybe not exactly, but point is that it’s really murky. Technically a ‘foreigner’ but the story of his arrival is a bit cloudy for most. He pretty much just appeared, sans the memories of a roughly 7 month span prior to his arrival. This is because of the nature of what happened when The Pillars yoinked him from the Surface.
Sky, AKA Caelum (Latin, Sky/Heaven) - Sheer White Half Face Veil
Role: Temple Sky Knight // Age: 1,200 - 1,500 years old
Looks like he’s in his early 20s. Sky Knight’s don’t wear masks because it’s seen as dishonorable to wear them in the temple. They wear half face veils to show their piety while also keeping their eyes free of anything that could blind them to potential dangers.
Legend, AKA Veteran - Bunny Mask (in Pink)
Role: Royal Cartographer // Age: [Redacted]
Physically appears around the same age as Twilight. His true age is [Redacted] due to a disparity on when he actually arrived. He technically doesn’t do exactly what is usually expected of those with his sort of mask. Instead of holing up in the city, he goes out to explore and charts all their maps.
Hyrule, AKA Rue - Korok Leaf Mask
Role: Apothecary (Apprentice) // Age: 490 - 711 years old
He’s physically around the age of 18. Similarly to Twi and Legend. He wanders the islands and caves a lot, hunting for herbs and things for remedies.
Time, AKA Celatum (Latin, hidden/secret) - Mask Unknown
Role: Advisor to the Queen // Age: 2,000+ years old
He was in his early teens when the city sank. Hasn’t appeared to age since he reached the appearance of roughly early to mid 30s. No one has seen his mask, usually wears either a beaded veil or sheer eye band in Court.
Four AKA Vir (Latin, man) - Mouse Mask
Role: Blacksmith // Age: 2,000+
He looks like he’s 16, so same age as Wind. He was a small baby when the city sank. Doesn’t usually wear his mask due to concerns it will catch fire.
Wild AKA Trux (Latin, Wild/fierce) - Unknown
Role: Unknown // Age: 18 years
He’s new to their way of life so he’s not in the same boat of being centuries old. Yet.
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Nancy’s Twin (Stranger Things Fanfic)
VOL 1 Chapter 1: The Start of It All
It took me 30 minutes to figure out a title for this chapter. This is gonna give me a headache to having to make sure everything is not an error or out of place.
ENJOY. Let me know if there's errors or punctuation errors.
November 6, 1983, Hawkins, Indiana.
Years past since the Jaws movie for Mickey, and not once has she past the opportunity to watch more horror movies. During those years, she would give her Dad a chance to watch horror movies as long as she takes her the times he goes during when he's done from work. Of course he said no that she's too young to watch them, but a little deal was made with a 8 year old girl and her 37 year old Dad.
"Daddy if you let me watch the horror movies that you go to with me having all the snacks I want, I won't tell mom you went to see Jaws." Mickey keeping the professional stance with her notebook hugged to her chest.
"How do I know she'll believe you honey?" Ted was just ready to leave the house.
"I can recite the entire movie to her step by step."
"Ok I can take you, but no snacks."
"Did I mention that I know you're the one that took Mom's 20$ that she was gonna use for our candy bags on Christmas to buy yourself a 10 pack of beer?"
That's how the deal started. Every certain days, Ted would use his breaks during his work to pick up Mickey from school and go see movies.
Movies like Deep Red, Race with the Devil, Rocky horror picture show, legend of the werewolf, terror of Frankenstein, Jaws 2, don't hang up, and assault! Jack the Ripper.
Her favorites started listing like crazy.
Carrie, King Kong, The clown Murders, Halloween (she's really into Micheal Myers), Alien, Tourist Trap (It did scare her a little), Dracula, Friday the 13th, The shining, Evil Dead, Poltergeist, and Creep-show.
Of course she still watched other movies like Rocky, Freak Friday, Star Wars, The rescuers, Pete's Dragon, Cinderella, Grease , Lord of the rings, Battle star Galactica, Star Trek, Muppet Movie, Lupin III, Indiana Jones, Annie, The dark crystal and Pop eye.
You can say she found ways to watch movies almost every day. She would save up her money from the amount of toy cars she sells to kids in her school including secretly selling money worth of candies from Halloween to buy herself movie tapes to rewatch.
Until the years gone by and she just stopped the deal with her Dad. Ted didn't know why, but she just acted quiet for almost a whole year. He didn't make it a big deal and decided to just let it be.
Mickey stopped having physical touches with her family after she was 10. No hugs, no shoulder pats, no surprises, no grabbing her face to kiss it. No touching.
On her 11th birthday, Ted gave her a cassette tape player that she can hear music in. Of course Nancy just wanted new dolls and dresses, but all Mickey wanted was the opposite. She would never want to wear a dress again.
Now 8 years of complete hell was coming and going for Mickey. In her room listening to The Poppy Family as she reads a spider man comic while laying on her bed wearing a graffiti t shirt.
"I can't help crying"
Honestly, Mickey can relate to that one sentence.
"You are my whole , babe"
"My heart and soul, babe"
Distracted from the song, she just tosses the comic to the floor and keeps listening to the song instead. Even at the age of 16, she's curious to how people find such a perfect partner. After watching The Goodbye Girl, Mickey never really sees herself falling in love with a man. Of course she got a huge crush on certain guys from movies, but in an actual relationship, hell no.
After everything that's happened in those 8 years, Mickey would never in her life settle with the boys in Hawkins.
A slight open of her door snaps her back to reality. She removes her headphones and lifts her self up to see it's Dustin, one of her brother's friends.
"You need something Dustin?"
"Actually I wanted to ask if you wanted this last slice of pizza? It's sausage and pepperoni." He says with his adorable childlike smile.
Mickey gets off her head and walks to him. Looking down at the pizza, it's pretty good to eat, so she takes it and thanks him.
"For this free pizza, I shall honor you one of the great trades of them all good sir."
Dustin is already excited.
"What would that trade shall be, oh Lady of the Village Halla?"
Mickey goes to a box under her bed, takes something out of it, and gives it to him.
"8 dollars in cash." She said with a smile.
"Holy shit!! You serious?!"
"It's also a thank you for buying me some big league gum and skittles. Spend wisely my freind."
He smiles and starts to leave, while she goes to eat the pizza, which is pretty good for a free slice.
"There's something wrong with your sister."
Mike looks at Dustin with confusion. When it comes to having two sisters, it's a little hard to know which one any person is talking about depending how you describe them. Mickey and Nancy always have something wrong with them, but simple things.
Like when Dustin asked what's wrong with Mickey of why she allows her brother and his friends hug her but not anyone else, or the time when he asked what's wrong with Nancy with why her and Mickey don't get along. 
"What are you taking about?" Mike asked.
"Nancy has a stick up her butt."
Now he knows which sister he's talking about.
Lucas adds, " Yeah. It's because she's been dating that douchebag, Steve Harrington." While preparing to ride his bike back home.
"She's turning into a real jerk Mike." Dustin getting on his bike.
"She's always been a real jerk." Mike clarifies.
Dustin disagrees. "She used to be cool. Remember when she dressed up as an elf for our Elder Tree campaign."
"That was four years ago!!"
"Just sayin!!" Before he could leave, he turns to Mike.
"If there was a chance I can date your sister, can I date her?"
Mike raises his brow with a "wtf" look.
"Which one?"
"Obviously the badass one. Mickey."
"Oh my god no Dustin, I mean she is a badass but I'm not allowing you to date her."
"She likes me!!"
"As a brother, and you're too young for her plus it's a Hell no!!"
"4 years Mike!! 4 years!!"
"You can't blame him Mike." Lucas says with a side smile.
"Nancy don't even lie about stealing my damn lip balm, either give it back or I'm taking one of your pants as my own."
Nancy holds Barbara on the phone again and looks at her with an impatient look on her face.
"Why do even have one? You hate makeup."
Mickey raises her brow.
"For your information, the lip balm keeps my hot blood lips from drying like a mummy while makeup is just an enhancement for certain girls to wear to impress their target."
"Their target?"
"Yeah. Boys, boys with bikes, boys with cool cars, boys with CuTe hair, boys that are nice, and boys who you just feel In LoVe."
Mickey mocking the words "cute" and "love".
"Is this about me dating Steve? He's nice and is really cute, and his hair is cute too. Sounds like someone is just jealous that I have a boyfriend."
Mickey just laughs.
"HAH!! First of all I was just telling you to give me back my lip balm, and second of all, I don't see any reason to be jealous over a guy that probably doesn't even use actual hairspray for his hair."
She looks around for the lip balm until she sees it on a table close to the door. As she grabs it, she looks back to Nancy.
"Does Mom and Dad even know you have a boyfriend?"
Nancy eyes widen a bit, which means to Mickey that it's a no. Why is she not surprised? Nancy tries to counter a comeback.
"Do they even know you have a monster truck without their knowledge?" She smiles.
"I'm making money out of that badass truck, thank you so much for reminding me." As she leaves, she hears Nancy mutter "druggie" before she continues on the phone with her freind. As Mickey closes the door, she mutters "Princess" before she opens her door and closes it to lay back down on her bed.
It is getting late so she'll have to sleep. That means she'll have to wish graduation comes quick. She changes into a simple oversize Christine movie shirt and heads to bed.
"Please just for once let tomorrow be okay." She whispers before closing her eyes. The entire room only lighten by a nightlight of a candle that makes the whole room smell like roses.
Let tomorrow be okay? If only Mickey Wheeler knew.
I gotta practice on Computer for putting Wattpad works of mine to Tumblr. The plan is to use Ao3 and Tumblr when I finish anything for Wattpad. Wish me luck!!!
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xivvany · 2 years
My thoughts on the latest Metal Family episode (Season 2 Episode 3)
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⚠️ spoilers down below ofc! ⚠️
I was SO EXCITED to see that the episode lasted for like almost 30 mins
but I think I got too spoiled from the previous episodes and expected too much angst from this one LMAO
lowkey wanted to see the story with younger Ches, Glam, Lordi, and Bob with that opening scene
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LMAO 😭 the elephant in the room
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‼️CW// mentions of drug use
but fr, it was so hard to see Ches in his addiction state
For me, the way it was handled felt somewhat out of pacing? At the beginning of the episode, we know that he does dr*gs but it’s not really clear how long he’s been on them and I just assumed it was a recent thing for him (Glam was also just like “stop it 😀” when he talked to Ches about it.) And then at the end of the episode, he kind of just doesn’t anymore? Which is good, definitely. But it also felt weird cos his addiction was supposed to be the main problem in the episode but it didn’t feel too serious because of how he just gave it up at the end of the episode. Which, again, was weird to me cos the topic of vices isn’t really something to be taken lightly. I feel like with this sort of problem present in a story, it should really be talked about a bit longer. His problem would have also gotten more depth if they brought up how long he’s been on the p*wder. Maybe I’ll need a rewatch to make my thoughts on this clearer and more composed. Maybe we'll see more about his addiction story in later episodes.
Also, it may just have been me but I couldn’t really feel too sad about Ches’s mom passing away. Not that I didn’t feel bad at all! But we only got to know her for like a bit in the past episodes and not a lot of their history was explored so I couldn’t ugly cry (also she threw a fricking bottle at the boys lmao). I was also lowkey shocked that Ches had an aunt cos where the hell has she been 😭
I’m not gonna talk about Lordi and Bob mistaking Ches and Glam for exploring each other’s bodies because all the so-called “thoughts” I have regarding those moments are frantic laughter and animal noises
But it was really sweet of Ches to find Glam those earrings
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I also liked how Glam didn’t tell the band about the death of Ches’s mom out of respect for Ches’s wish not to do so, but deep down I was also begging him to just spit it out.
I also really liked how we got more Lordi and Bob dialogue (especially Lordi)
I was enjoying the last minute Chesglam interactions then I suddenly realized that the ending was the opening to glam seeing Vicky for the first time WKWKAKSA
I AM also curious about how old were Ches and Glam in this episode. Because if the ending of the ep was the beginning to the MF music video in 2018 then like?
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bro aged 10 years after the first 4 mins of walking
ANYWHO that’s all of my thoughts for the recent ep. I am still anticipating the English dub!! I wanna draw fanart so bad after watching but i still have like 7 academic responsibilities to tend to LMAO
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marchsfreakshow · 2 months
You're my next victim Duckie (3rd person for whom I'm making a personal imagine in their askbox). Featuring one of your dream 3somes as you stated (since ur my 3rd target you get a 3some) (For the record, Dandy is like 19-20 ish in this, he gets called a boy bcs he's childish and March died at like 30)
Dandy was so tired of his mother's whining. Yes, LA is on the other end of the country, but why was she making such a big deal out of it? He could withstand a long travel, of course he could! What an annoying worm she was...
So after multiple heinous tantrums and 17 dead rats, Mother agreed. And so they went to one of the trending hotels, the Cortez. Dandy was simply just overjoyed. Unfortunately... it was boring. God, it was so dull! Nothing to do but wander and wander. He could drink at the bar, but all of the drinks tasted like burnt cow poop. And he did not. Like. Cow. Poop. It was dreadful. LA was, at its core, a bore.
But to the hotel's owner, the young man provided nothing but curious entertainment. He was rowdy and uncouth, yelling at staff and behaving weirdly, no shred of empathy in his young heart. March hated spoiled brats like him. Everything came easy to Dandy, handed on a silver platter. James had to fight tooth and nail for his wealth, never hesitated to kill and cheat, but also worked, worked hard, day and night for many years just to spite the bastard of a father and to achieve something great in life. But the Mott's wealth was a great feat - the rich went largely unpunished until there was hard proof against them, as James knew from experience.
And, as it dawned on March that his hunting grounds were limited to the hotel territory, he realized he needed a successor, someone of equal sickness of mind and inventive in terms of death. He needed a spineless, psychotic, easily steered young man such as Dandy Mott.
March's plan was simple - get a pretty little thing, one with a sweet gaze and soft lips, and convince the young bastard to murder her. He was humming to himself as he arranged a tray of weapons - two knives, a hammer, a gun, four types of deadly kitchen utensils and even a good quality blow torch. An array of torture devices ready for the cutie he had spotted at the bar earlier - and that cutie was you! Oh you were so easy to get drunk and lead into room 64, you didn't even protest as he tied you to the bed, sprawled out... well, he did spike your drink, but that is but a detail, isn't it? Surely you'd be a good little victim and awaken soon, so the new boy can see your scared little expressions and sweet pained screeches. There was nothing sweeter than a girl begging for a quick death, after all.
Dandy showed up to the room, as invited, out of pure boredom. He wore his white suit and sprayed himself with cologne, the smell soon filling James' suite. It made him almost choke, but no matter; he would test the boy soon and get him to leave. The young Mott stood there surprised at the sight of you, waking up and groggily realizing your predicament. He looked at March.
"What is this? Is she a prodtitute? Mother told me not to sleep with those, they all have tubermacossis"
James chuckled at how geniuenly dumb the boy was, he couldn't even spell tuberculosis. Oh this was going to be easy.
"Well, dear boy. This is your chance to truly feel... like a man. Take your preferred weapon and inflict on her whatever you wish. I, James March, shall be your guide in the world of murder."
You trembled. You tried to protest, but all that came out was a bunch of whines, as you were tied up, gagged and allll helpless. You cowered at the younger man approaching you, picking up a knife from the tray. His buldge was showing through his white pants, and his eyes were wide.
"Hey, old weirdo... can I take her mouth first? Mother always forbid me... but I am a man, and a man with needs. You understand, right, little whore?", he said the last part to you in the most innocent tone possible. He then undid his pants and then your gag. You were too terrified and groggy to talk.
"Freak man? Help me with her here! Every girl needs her fruits touched, it's the basic rule of pleasure, don't you know it!?", he said in a pretentious tone.
March quirked a brow. Well, he hadn't slept with a victim since '46, if he remembers correctly... ah, such a sweet treat, she'd be. All scared, yet he knew she would love his attention.
"My dearest", March said to her, ignoring Dandy's weirded out frown and nervous undressing, "We shall kill you no matter what you choose. Do you wish for us to give you a... glorious last hurrah, miss? Or shall I stop this... overexcited young man?"
You gasped, horrified but aroused. The younger man's half bare body was surely enticing, and if you were going to die anyway... huh... what she couldn't comprehend was being given a choice in the matter at all. Was it a rhetorical question? Or was it geniuine and gentlemanly? Perhaps the man knew you had secretly dreamed of such a night at this hotel, two beautiful man ravishing or ravaging your body from both ends, taking you and coming so deep their releases meet in the middle?
Do you wish for it?
- love, Nika
Nika despite nothing being described I just came from that idea. Thank you for just giving me some giggles, desperately need them tbh.
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ni-kol-koru · 1 year
KnB 30-Days Challenge
Day 10 : Favorite Team
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Shūtoku High School BC 🏀🧡
Another very difficult choice for me. Every team in this show has unique characters, an interesting dynamic and their own unique playstyle and something special, like a quirk. I kind of know what my TOP 3 teams are, but choosing one of them seemed like an impossible mission... So, I made a little system that will help me pick my favorite team. When I added and substracted some points, Shūtoku won!     
Shūtoku, as a team, has some of my most favorite characters ever. It is also the only team (after Rakuzan) in which I love and adore absolutely every member! Since I rambled about Shintarō and Kiyoshi, and am going to ramble about Kazunari very soon, let me just talk about the forgotten two of Shūtoku: Taisuke Ōtsubo and Shinsuke Kimura. A lot of people seem to forget that these two guys exist. They don't look super flashy, like Shintarō and Kiyoshi for example, because they have dark brown hair and dark brown eyes and generic hairstyles. They don't have prominent personalities either, like the other 3 members, who have their own very distinctive quirks and personality traits. But, that is just the surface. I was very curious one day and decided to scratch it and dive a little more into the lives and personalities of these two handsome boys. Well, after researching about them, they turned out to be very interesting, and dear to me.    
Taisuke Ōtsubo. He is a serious, responsible, determined captain and a great sportsman. He is the pillar of his team on the court and is there to cover up the mistakes of his fellow members by saving every rebound he can. Everybody seems to think he is just tall, strong and scary and rough, but seriously, this guy is just a teddy bear. Other than being very kind and showing it in form of great sportmanship, he has some really surprising hobbies. It's cooking, cleaning, and knitting! In Extras, he is shown to be really skilled with needles and yarn, knitting a scarf almost 2 meters long during a boring class! He also carries things he made in his bag all the time, like mittens, hats... These things he does are not usually something that men do, and I just love how he looks like the manliest man ever and has these hobbies, breaking the patriarchal norms. He also really loves his team and always takes care of his teammates, knowing how to motivate them and cheer them up when it's needed, and tending to them when practices get tough and they feel sick. My favorite thing about him is that he likes spending his free time with his little sister, Ōtsubo Tae! Her age was never confirmed, but she is somewhere around 15, or maybe even 16, if we think about what Yūya said. Now, a lot of big brothers seem to, for some reason, find it boring, and even embarrassing, to hang out with their little sisters, but no, not Taisuke Ōtsubo. This guy loves it, we know it because he chooses to spend his free time in her presence! Taisuke is 18 years old, a grown man, basketball player, graduate student, preparing for college and adult life, and in a busy time like that, when he finds free time, he still spends time with his little sister. I can totally see them cooking together and cleaning together, but another activity that I can see them doing is just, talking. Taisuke can sit and talk with his sister all day, listening to her without feeling the need to interrupt her of mansplain anything if she just needs to let things out, or offering honest advice and support when she needs it. He is also surely protective of her, making sure to let everybody in her life know that if they hurt her in any way, he will find out and they will pay for it. He is just ready to do anything for his sister, I think. Another little detail about his character, that I really love, is that he is part of the Library Committee, which means he likes to read, and help people find books they like! Not only that, but his favorite subject is physcis, which means he is good at it, and that only reveals how smart he actually is! This man literally has the words 'Perfect Guy' on his forehead, how can people sleep on him like that? The only thing he can't do is kill a cockroach (actual canon and his actual only shortcoming).   
Shinsuke Kimura. Calm, hard-working, doesn't like the spotlight and prefers to stay out of trouble. That's pretty much the only things people know about him. Though, reading between the lines of his behaviour, I found a couple of really endearing character traits! I He is a really supportive person, but he is doing it rather quietly most of the time. In games, he sets up solid screens to give his teammates freedom to move and opportunities to score, though. He also brings delicious fruits when practices get exhausting, and he is there to help his teammates if they ever feel sick, like when he was rubbing Kazunari's back and called for help when he felt like throwing up. He is even supportive in the strangest way possible, by always offering a pineapple to Kiyoshi when he is irritated, supporting his dear friend's anger issues. When times call for it, he knows how to motivate his teammates and give them a reason to stand up on their feet and continue fighting. He is extremely hard-working and he proved it by practicing harder than everyone until he finally reached the starter line. That's a thing I really admire him for. Something that caught my attention when reading his Wiki page and exploring his character was how he likes to spend his free time. He spends it by helping at home. Now, if you know that his family owns a convenience store and grows their own fruits, it probably means that he helps with taking care of the said plants, carries heavy boxes, cleans the store, helps in organising new arrivals, works as a cashier and so on... However, if you ever happened to notice the fact that he doesn't have a mother, it adds another, whole different meaning. Having only a father means that all the house and store responsibilities fall onto him when his boys are at school, which is difficult to balance. So, taking care of the house, cleaning it and cooking meals, probably sometimes falls onto his two sons, and very likely Shinsuke, as the older brother, takes care of most of those things. This boy is another level of hard-working. We can even gyess that he gave up college to continue the family's bussiness, because he is never shown worrying about any college entrance exams, like the other two Third Years. He is just, wow. The moment I completely fell in love with him was when I listened to a Special CD. In the said CD, he reveals such a beautiful side of himself and he tells us about something really important for him. He talks about wrestling. He has been doing it since he is 8 years old, it's something that he loves a lot and is extremely passionate about! I wish you guys could hear his voice when he talks about wrestling, he just sounds so happy and passionate! Oh, and he gets so excited when he finds out Shintarō knows a thing or two about his sport! Listening to that part of the CD always makes my little heart melt! Shinsuke is so precious to me and I just love him so much!
If you get into typology, Shinsuke and Taisuke both have a Kanji in their names that means 'Support', showing how important they are for the Shūtoku team. Also, they are really handsome, and it's a hill I will die on. If anyone disagrees with me on this one, I am willing to argue until the end of time.   
Now, the characters aren't even the best part of this team. What I endlessly love is the chemistry and all the different friendships between all of them!
Three Third years and two First years in a single team is a really interesting combination itself. Almost like parents and children. Getting along with each other, as two separate generations, was probably something that they had to work on a lot, but in the end, they did it! Since the beginning, the First years had respect for their Seniors by listening to them and respecting their opinions. Sometimes, the Third years had to pick their younger members up and give them motivation to keep fighting. They are also there to tend to the boys when they feel unwell and are always willing to offer their help when they get in trouble, like in the Midorima's Unlucky Day Extra! An important step towards the team working well was Third years getting along with the fact that the First years, were indeed, special, and needed to be cut some slack for such behaviour from time to time. Honestly, realising that they will be on the same team only for a single year breaks my heart every time, it breaks theirs as well... The moment Shintarō and Kazunari pointed that out in their game against Rakuzan was the only time I cried in the show. Seriously, I love these guys so much.     
Shūtoku has some really interesting friendships as well, one of the most precious friendships being the one between Kazunari and Shintarō. It is obvious that these two are inseparable! After all, they are always there for each other, on the basketball court, in school and even in private life, offering support and having fun! Kazunari cares for Shintarō really deeply, and he shows it by carrying some of his neccesities, such as tape for fingers and sometimes even lucky items with himself, and always being there to cheer him up and protect him if the upperclassmen are picking on him. Shintarō is pretty tsundere, usually trying hard to not show how much he actually appreciates Kazunari and his thoughtfulness, but every time he softly smiles and relies on his dear friend he reveals to us how much he appreciates him.
Another friendship that is very dear to me is the one between Kiyoshi and Shinsuke! These two share the same story on how they got their well deserved positions as the starter members of the basketball team. They worked harder than everyone, stayed late to practice and got close because of that, possibly practicing with each other a bunch of times. But that's not everything, The Extras really reveal just how close these two are! They are actually classmates as well! Being in the same class with someone surely brings two people together, so these two being in the same classroom for 3 consecutive years surely did its wonders! Now, their personalities might clash a little, because Shinsuke is calm and Kiyoshi is rather uptight, Shinsuke prefers to stay out of trouble while Kiyoshi attracts a lot of trouble, but they are also similar in their determination, seriousness and hard-work, which is why they can probably get along. In the anime, we can also see these two tease each other sometimes, in the besties way, of course. The Extras also show how sometimes, when paired up, these two know how to 'have fun' by poking at their underclassmen (which is a little mean, but they never really hurt anyone, as far as I know, so they are forgiven). Oh, and of course, they have this famous pineapple/pick-up truck deal, where Shinsuke always offers his fruits or vehicle to his dear friend when he is irritated. It is just so iconic, like their own little inside joke!
There is also something very interesting going on between Taisuke and Kiyoshi. At one point in the anime, Taisuke reveals to Shintarō and Kazunari that they go to idol concerts together and that idols are actually their common interest! As someone who is into idols myself, I can see them collecting albums, CDs and photocards and trading them with each other all the time, which is something that is fun when done with friends! But that's not quite it... Remember when Taisuke said he was really used to seeing Kiyoshi work so hard? Well, I somehow came to an idea that they practiced basketball together, more specifically, that Taisuke helped Kiyoshi with polishing his fundamentals and mastering dribbling against an opponent with good defense. This duo kind of makes sense, because Taisuke is just supportive like that, he is the type of a guy who would help others in need with no hesitation, and Kiyoshi just screams 'someone help' as a character and a person, and especially in that period of time, I think. So, naturally, they were kinda drawn to each other, and later when they realised they have some things in common, they became good friends! I can kind of see Kiyoshi always feel so grateful for Taisuke because he supported him and helped him in some really tough times, and probably even picked him up when he fell. Also, before Taisuke revealed their shared interest to his underclassmen, he was about to say something about Kiyoshi, but he cut himself in the middle of his sentence and never said it. I can feel that he was about to say something really nice about him, groundbreaking for their relationship even, and I am still mad he never finished it...
Shūtoku is also a team with a lot of brothers and sisters, where every regular memeber we know has a younger sibling! Shintarō, Kazunari and Taisuke have younger sisters, while Shinsuke and Kiyoshi have younger brothers! Sadly, we never got to truly meet any of them. We only know something little about Yūya, only know Tae's name and looks, and the appearance of little Kimura. Unfortunately, we have nothing for little Midorima and little Takao. Well, still, it's really something interesting to think about, all the possible big brother tropes that the regulars of Shūtoku might be! It's sad that we don't have almost anything for some of these younger siblings, but that doesn't have to be all that bad! It leaves room for our own imagination and creativity to shine, we can make up our own fun headcanons for their looks, ages, personalities and relationships!
I just love this team so much! 🧡
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Ahsoka 1x01 1x02 Thoughts/Questions
Spoilers for Ahsoka of course, and spoilers for Star Wars Rebels.
WHAT IS SABINE’S CAT’S NAME???? This is unironically my number one question. What if she named it Ezra.
Where is Jacen? My broccoli boy 💚
Wtf is up with Morgan Elsbeth being a nightsister? She’s very clearly human and not the same species as Talzin, Ventress, and Merrin, etc. Is Dave bringing back the concept of a group of human Nightsisters from the EU? (In which case, I’d like to see Teneniel Djo please.) Morgan says she’s a “descendant of the witches of Dathomir,” does that mean she could be part Nightsister but mostly human? Worth noting she is clearly able to do at least a bit of Nightsister magick in the scene with the map- she summons green smoke while opening it. Why the inconsistency in species? It seems silly to suddenly have a human Nightsister character when it’s needlessly confusing.
Also, the instant she said she was a Nightsister and a survivor I was like “who does she think she is ripping off Merrin like this?!” I will not tolerate this dollar store knockoff wannabe.
Update: checked the wiki and apparently there were a few small human Nightsister clans (the Singing Mountain clan is apparently still canon!), but mostly it was the big Dathomirian Nightsister clan led by Mother Talzin. Morgan could be from one of the smaller human clans. I think she just feels annoying to me because it’s like someone saw how cool Merrin is, thought she’d be a good villain for this, and then took the character concept wholesale for a piece of Star Wars media that’s more mainstream, but didn’t put in the work so it falls flat. And then her being human just makes it weirder. I wonder who made the decision to use the Nightsisters for this storyline, because doesn’t… fit. Even Morgan’s name is odd. Just feels like no effort was put into the character.
How did Ahsoka find Huyang? I’m so curious when and how this happened. I’m really happy to see him in this though, I loved him in Clone Wars.
Ahsoka can do psychometry now! Can we please get some canon Ahsoka and Cal Kestis interactions? Rebellion era would probably be best but I’m not picky. Obviously Cal’s abilities in that area are a lot stronger, but it’s nice he’s not alone and it’d be great to see them interact. They’re almost the same age, but just far enough apart that their experiences since Order 66 have been radically different.
Mando/Din spending seasons raising a Jedi foundling and Ahsoka taking on a non-Force-sensitive Mandalorian as a padawan is so funny to me. The irony of the inverse.
It’s also the perfect continuation of the disaster lineage attitude imo. Obi-Wan “I’ll train the kid you all say is too old to train” Kenobi, then Anakin and Ahsoka’s… you know, Anakin and Ahsoka-ing, and now Ahsoka’s like “I’ll take a regular non-Force-Sensitive person as a padawan.”
Merrin and Sabine would get along, I think.
Sabine being like 30 and still acting exactly like a rebellious teenager feels like a cry for help to me. :( I’m glad Hera seems to have her back, and it’s good that she has a cat, but I’m worried about her. It makes sense, but gosh poor Sabine. I’m sensing depression. She’s had such a tough life and a tough time with the concept of family, it feels like losing Ezra was the last straw for her emotionally.
Actually, where is Sabine’s biological family? Are Ursa, Tristan, and Alrich okay? Or did they not survive the Mandalorian Purge? (God no I WILL cry. Also @ Dave where is Korkie, why is Bo-Katan calling herself the last Kryze.)
So wait, the rest of the crew has spent 15 years thinking Ezra’s dead?? He said to come find him! I always felt like he was pretty clear he wasn’t dying when he pulled his purrgil stunt. Did they all just turn pessimistic and lose hope? That’s so sad.
I actually really love Sabine kind of being the Republic��s version of Thrawn as an expert art analyst. Continues the Sabine/Thrawn contrast Rebels started where Thrawn analyzes art in a more academic fashion and treats the culture it came from as a curiosity- he’s very into cultural appropriation!!- while Sabine makes her own art and is more capable of stepping into other people’s shoes to appreciate their art.
Ahsoka refusing to train Sabine because she’s too busy being sad and lonely, and Sabine refusing to talk to Ahsoka or train (or give speeches) because she’s too busy being sad and lonely. This is so sad and I want to hug them both.
It works because we have a new actress playing Ahsoka, but I’m so curious what this would have been like animated. Ahsoka feels similar enough to herself but very different, because she’s in such a different place emotionally, and I’m curious how this would’ve felt in animation with Ashley doing the voice.
There were a few scenes where I felt like I was watching a live action Rebels episode and it was the best! The entire sequence with Sabine on the hover bike getting away from her own New Republic squad lol, Hera in the Phantom with Chopper chasing after the ship and planting the tracker. Chopper not being able to find the tracker until Hera told him where it was felt SPOT ON.
The T-6 actually looks pretty roomy and comfortable so far. Like, not the best living situation, but it looks way bigger than the Falcon! Heck, it looks bigger than Ezra’s tower that Sabine’s living in.
That said, Ahsoka having not had a real home since leaving the Jedi Temple is killing me. She really has some abandonment/attachment/commitment issues she needs to work on. Extremely understandable issues given what happened, but it’s like after the end of Rebels she just… quit. Maybe finding out Kanan was gone and then coming back to find Ezra gone was the last straw for her.
I also feel like her giving up on Sabine’s training was because of how her own training ended and Anakin’s fall shortly after. She doesn’t feel capable of dealing with the feelings stirred up by having a student. So she just doesn’t.
Sabine’s collecting little brothers. :) Tristan, Ezra, and Jacen.
I yelled at Senator Jai Kell!!! Good for him!!!
Had a watch party with my friends for this and we all screamed the instant Chopper showed up!! And here I was thinking maybe he was off babysitting Jacen.
What in the world is with the map showing another galaxy?? Yuuzhan Vong vibes. (The way they were almost canon because we were supposed to get a Clone Wars episode with them… :’( )
Why DO the Nightsisters have a map to another galaxy? Didn’t they mostly stay on Dathomir? I can buy them having outposts like the ruins where Ahsoka found the map in an era when they left the planet more, but a map to whole other galaxy seems a bit off. Space exploration on that scale doesn’t seem like something they would do. I wonder if maybe the map is a relic from someone else that they picked up. I like the Rakata theory I saw floated by someone. I could see the Nightsisters picking up a Rakatan map. Those guys left random stuff everywhere iirc.
Does the Eye of Sion have anything to do with Darth Sion? (Of KOTOR 2 fame)
WHERE IS MORAI??? This is a really big question for me!!
Also wondering where Ahsoka’s Gandalf the White outfit is? Guessing she won’t get it until the end of the show. She has to go through her journey first. I wonder if the if it’ll mirror the Topps cards Filoni did after Twilight of the Apprentice at all.
It’s really sad to me that this show is coming out during the strike, because I really need Filoni commentary on things. Actor commentary would be great as well. This is ridiculous, the studios need to pay the people who make things a fair wage.
Shoutout to Natasha Liu Bordizzo’s portrayal of Sabine so far. She feels JUST like Sabine and it’s great. We haven’t really seen enough of Hera yet for me to comment on Mary Elizabeth Winstead’s acting. (It was so weird seeing Hera be taller than Ahsoka though lol.) And Sabine had much more of an arc in these two episodes than Ahsoka did so I can’t really comment on Rosario’s Ahsoka either. Will say she’s been excellent so far, especially in her first appearance in the Mandalorian episode. Looking forward to seeing more!
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spnfan1998 · 1 year
Second Wind (Samxreader)
word count: 2158
Sam and Dean had just gotten back from a hunt, later than they anticipated. What they thought would be a djinn ended up being a small nest of vamps. The two missing persons were found alive thankfully but in bad shape, the vamps didn’t turn them but kept them hostage to feed on. The last hunt the boys went on wasn’t as successful so when they got back home this time around, Dean was ready with a six pack and bottle of bourbon to celebrate. You could tell Sam was happy with their win but was exhausted.
You got back to the bunker a few days before the boys. The hunt you went on with Garth was for a werewolf. When you found what you thought was the wolf you were tracking, he seemed scared and explained he didn’t know what happened to him but he was just hungry. It turned out that the wolf you were tracking was a part of the pack that turned the one you found. The wolf you found didn’t join the pack and lived off livestock hearts. Garth decided to take mercy on him and brought him home to teach him how to survive without murdering. Garth gave you his word he would “take care” of things if he got out of line or was too far gone. You put out a hunter’s APB for the pack that turned him since they skipped town and didn’t leave any leads.
Sam decided to go shower. Dean broke out the bourbon first and blasted Black Sabbath over the bunkers PA system.
“(y/n), how was your hunt with Garth? Old dog doing good these days?” Dean asked. you explained the situation to him to which he responded “sounds like a win to me. No one got hurt and Garth is handling the situation. I’m sure we’ll hear back on the APB in a few days.” You wanted to feel like this was a win but the pack still got away. Dean could tell you were vilifying yourself over this.
“I got you something on our way back. Garth may have texted us and told us what happened. We figured you’d go hard on yourself like you always do” Dean smirked and pulled out a bottle of your favorite wine and poured you a glass. Your face lit up, “thank you Dean, I’m just praying we get a ping on the APB”.
Sam walked into the kitchen drying his hair with a towel “you did good work (y/n), you didn’t anticipate the pack leaving. Everything that you could’ve done right, you did”. Sam opened a beer and all three of you clinked glasses together toasting to “kicking ass”. The bourbon must’ve gotten to Dean because he excused himself from the table about 30 minutes later and within minutes of him closing his bedroom door, you could hear the snores.
“You want to watch a movie? We got some popcorn during our last supply run” Sam offered. “...or we could go grab something to eat? Check out that new spot in town?” Sam got a second wind and you two decided to go out for the night, the bunker can make you feel cooped up if you don't get out enough outside of hunting.
You and Sam had a great time out, after grabbing dinner you guys stumbled on this vintage pinball arcade and decided to play a few rounds. Any chance you, Sam, and Dean got to do a fun and mindless activity, you took it.
When you two got back to the bunker it was a little past midnight. Dean was still knocked out so you and Sam decided to stay up and keep each other company.
After shooting the shit for a while Sam asked “So, what was your plan before hunting?” he had never asked you before.
“I was actually a registered nurse for six years before I encountered a ghoul. We were short staffed at the hospital so I helped security take a deceased patient to our morgue and there it was. Snacking on another dead person’s pancreas” Sam jokingly made a gagging noise. “After that I got too curious and learned that there was much worse out there. As someone who works in a helping field, I decided I wanted a change. To help in a different way, ya know?” Sam almost looked a bit shocked
“I respect your decision wanting to hunt but why? You’re smart, talented, young…beautiful.” Sam did this a lot, probably because he left law school for hunting. He doesn’t like seeing people give up their lives for this lifestyle if they don’t have to.
Jokingly you said “well, I heard hunters are better looking than doctors and EMTs”. Sam laughed and looked you in the eyes to see if you were being serious or not. The way he looked at you struck a chord. You always found him attractive but never considered acting on it. “I appreciate your concern but I promise, the life I left behind wasn’t anything special”. You started creeping your hand over to Sam’s and tapping your fingers on his, trying to give him the hint. Sam isn’t oblivious but also isn’t one to flirt or date, not after both Jessica and Amelia. It's not that he is hung up on them but he doesn’t allow himself to get close to people.
Curiously you decided to ask him “Sam, have you ever considered us going furth…” Before you could finish your sentence he replied “yes”. You locked eyes trying to read him. Before you could make out what he was thinking he stood up, grabbed your hand, and led you to a room in the bunker you’ve never been in before. It had a TV, a pull out couch, and a mini bar, nothing too extravagant.
“I was wandering around the bunker one day and realized I never ventured in here before” Sam said while he was pouring you a drink. You took your jack and coke and plopped down on the couch. “I made it my own, I come in here sometimes just to get away. I figured if Dean can have the Dean cave, I can have my own space too”. You motioned to him to sit next to you so he took you up on the invitation. He put the TV on and turned the lights off.
For the first 25 minutes of the movie you were both watching intently. You worked up the courage to move closer to Sam. You were practically sitting on his lap at this point. Between drinking that night and realizing how you feel about Sam, it felt like your body was warm and vibrating. You looked up at him and he noticed, turning his attention towards you.
You made the first move, interlacing your fingers in his hair and gently tugging him into a kiss. Sam gladly accepted and took some initiative. He sucked lightly on your bottom lip while running his hand under your shirt to your back to pull you in closer. His hands traveled up higher and he realized you weren’t wearing a bra. You felt him smile when he realized. He lifted you up with ease onto his lap and gently started pushing your hips back and forth to create some friction. You let out a soft moan from this, it's been awhile since your last. Sam slid his hand up to caress your nipples which caused another moan. Sam used this as motivation to carry you to his room.
He sat down on his bed with you still in his lap. He pulled away from your kiss “are you sure you want to do this?”. you asked “don't you?” with some concern in your voice. Sam smirked and replied “more than anything” and kissed his way down your neck and chest slowly. He picked you up off his lap and laid you down on the bed to start undoing your jeans. Everything he did was so soft and deliberate, he knew exactly what he was doing and how to care for you without having to ask. Sam stood up momentarily to take off his shirt and your jeans but before he made his way back to your lips he said to you “you’re breathtaking”. You smiled and turned bright red, unable to come up with a response quick enough before Sam started to nip at your neck.
Sam finally brought his hand to meet your clit. He started to rub you rhythmically with the perfect amount of pressure, you could just feel the heat building up between your thighs. For Sam though, this wasn’t enough. You could tell all he was worried about was you feeling good, so he slid your panties off and tossed them to the side. Sam slowly made his way down your chest and stomach, planting a kiss every so often. Once he made it to your thighs, he decided to tease you for a bit. He could tell it was driving you crazy but, while he wanted to pleasure you, he loved the build up.
“Easy now, I’m not in a rush. We have all night” Sam whispered when he felt you lift your hips up to get closer to him. He gave in though, unable to restrain himself anymore you felt him start sucking on your clit. He circled it with his tongue and decided to introduce a finger. Sam probably thought you were touch starved because you came out with a loud moan, borderline scream that you had to cover your mouth to muffle. Sam smiled and took this as his cue to keep doing what he was doing, which was a nice surprise for you. In your past experiences, most men would start to speed up once they heard you, throwing everything off. Sam kept at the same pace until he felt you close in around his finger. It felt like your whole body was on fire, in the best way possible. Sam stood up and undid his belt, he looked you up and down -almost hungrily- while he did this. He managed his way out of his jeans and laid down on top of you, you met his lips with yours and while you did this, he pushed himself into you slowly. This caused him to groan into you “fuck, you feel amazing”.
At this point, you had your legs wrapped around him and your hands in his hair pulling him into you. Sam wanted to test the waters so he grabbed both of your wrists and pinned them above your head, restraining you. He looked at you and gave a slight nod, assuming this was him asking you if you were okay with it, you nodded back with a smirk and bit your lip. He used his free hand to gently play with your nipples, all while still kissing and embracing you. You came again and in this moment, you felt like this would last forever and you were beyond content with that. Sam kept his speed and stroke controlled until he let out another long and drawn out groan mixed with “oh fuck” you could feel his body stiffen slightly and you felt him finish inside of you. After he came, he stayed inside of you and gave you a few short and slow pumps before pulling out.
Sam rolled over next to you and was trying to catch his breath. “That was amazing, I never thought that we would..” you cut him off saying “me neither” and laughed quietly. Sam smiled at you and gave you one more kiss before getting up and putting his jeans back on “I'm going to get you something to clean up with”. He came back to his room with a damp washcloth and a clean pair of boxers. He turned around and kept himself busy cleaning up his desk to give you some privacy, as if he hadn’t just seen all of you. You put your shirt and boxers on and walked up behind him and hugged him and kissed his neck. Sam turned to you and embraced you and kissed your forehead. “Should we head to bed? I think I found a case earlier for us to look into tomorrow.” While you were happy and excited with what happened, you were worried this would be a one night stand especially since he brought up work right after. Sam could see the worry on your face and how your body language changed a bit, more reserved. He grabbed you by your hips and pulled you in closer and reassured you with “you've got me”.
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