#he's rebuilt his body the way he wanted. he wants to look less... like he used to
mydarlingclaudia · 2 days
I will love you ‘til the end of time
note : divider is from @/toastray. I have nothing to say this was supposed to be a couple hundred words but yk.
wc : 2.7k
tags : @lottiies @luvrgreyy
desc : he’s been in love with the memory of you for too long, falling back in love with the newer you took a matter of seconds. fluff, bit of angst (?), au, re4rLeon, fem!reader, not proofread, I talk a tiny bit about sex at the end but there’s no smut.
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Leon doesn’t remember the sound of your voice, it’s been too long, too many years have passed since the day you died.
Six years was all the time the two of you had together. Six good years. All a really, really long time ago. Leon hates it, he knows he’s forgetting, memories are serving less and less of a purpose to him everyday. How is he to remember lying under the trees with you when those trees have been cut down and turned to homes and firewood? How can he remember you gutting fish for the two of you to eat when the fish have left the river you lived by?
The home you originally lived in had been torn down and rebuilt dozens of times by now, Leon wasn’t always there, even when he was, it wasn’t very lived in after you died. He’s been around the world more times than he can remember, before you, with you, after you. No place looks the same. Leon has many homes, stays there for a few decades, packs up, and moves to the next house in the next country.
He had been gifted with everlasting life for being some hero, for fighting monster when those were still a thing, it was well after he had married you, he didn’t tell you, but he thought you’d spend forever together. Didn’t happen, obviously. You got sick, he took care of you, nothing helped.
Leon prayed to whatever God that had bestowed his immortality to him to give it to you too, to keep you alive, to make you healthy again. He received no answer and you died not long after, Leon was left to spend the rest of his eternal life alone, but the world was his, and he has all the time that the universe has to offer. But what had he done to not be granted the one thing he wanted in the world? Why would some God reward him just to let him live the rest of his life miserable?
Leon’s seen everyone fall in love, but love evolved from courting to dating apps, he’s seen an embarrassing amount of shitty first dates. But he’s also seen a lot of good ones, ones where the first date turns to a second one, then a third, then a fourth, then before he knows it, those twenty-something-year-olds he had seen fall in love in a small restaurant were now taking their teenagers to the mall and going to high school reunions.
You would have loved this, or he hopes you would’ve. Because he really wishes that you were there to cuddle up to him on the couch and watch tv with him until midnight, he wanted to take you on cute dates, he wants to buy you things and renew your vows once every few years.
He wishes that the memories are clearer in his head, he can really only see them when he closes his eyes, or when the weather is a certain way, or when a certain smell hits his nose. Leon wants to feel your skin against his again. he wants to hear you talking directly into his ear and see that smirk on your face when you suggest something you know he won't refuse.
But it's been so long and he knows that your body has long since decomposed and your grave has been swallowed up by the ocean, a good half of the time since then he's been living on auto-pilot, the other half he's painfully aware of your absence with each day that passes.
He's not even sure he'd be able to hold you correctly, should you fall back into his arms one day. Would you still love him despite that?
He's gone so long without a lover, would he remember how to kiss? The Hollywood movies don't do it justice, kissing. But no one in those movies kissed like you had, Leon's seen all kinds of romance movies, read all kinds of books, he's always imagined you and him as the main characters, but you never kiss him the way you used to.
Would you even choose him? There were so many different men out there and so many new ways to meet someone and stay connected, there was no rush to get married or have kids, would Leon be the man you'd pick once again? He hopes so.
He doesn't remember Beowulf having a wife, and Beowulf had been great. He knows that many heroes aren't able to keep their wife and their glory at the same time, the decision is often made for them, and they go on fighting until they die. But Leon stopped fighting with the same determination when you passed, he still did it, people needed protecting, but if he wasn't there to protect you, then was there really anything to fight for?
Despite all of this, he's still here. Leon looks the same as he did all those years ago, some things have changed, a lot, really, but not just about him. The world around him has grown, he's watched generations come and go just to get to some shitty grocery store in Raccoon City twenty minutes before they close at eight.
Leon doesn't like to have to work all the time, he thinks it's crazy how he went from hero to cop, more money was needed to live now than he ever imagined would be possible. He has money saved up from years and years of work, but he can't keep using the "generational wealth" excuse when he's got no family.
He doesn't like being bugged much, either. Maybe that's why he's buying his dinner when he's already supposed to be in bed, could be why he works so much even though he can't stand it sometimes, too.
Leon should have grabbed a shopping cart, the basket he carries is overflowing with shit he doesn't even need, when has he ever even eaten Devil Dogs and Zebra Cakes? He really needs to eat more than just pasta and steak every other night, maybe stop getting deliveries from the pizza place, too. He's looking over the ingredients on the back of a cereal box he knows he's going to get no matter what when there's a soft tap on his shoulder, he sighs and stops, turning around and preparing to be asked a question a cashier would know the answer to rather than him.
But Leon freezes the second his eyes land on your face. He must've gone crazy, it can't be you, can it? You're not really standing in front of him with a basket in your arms, wearing a winter jacket over your sweatshirt and smiling at him as if you're some stranger to him.
"Where did you get those?" Your voice is quiet when you speak, his gaze doesn't even follow your hand when you point at the sweets in his basket, he just stands there and admires you for a few seconds.
Leon wants to cry, he wants to hug you, he wants to kiss you, tell you to run away with him, find someway for you to become immortal and stay by his side until the world ends. But he doesn’t, you look at him like he’s a stranger.
"Oh- Th-the uhm, the Zebra Cakes?" Leon finally asks after a few seconds, you only nod. "The e-end of aisle six." Why is he stammering? He's thought about all the things he'd say to you for hundreds of years, and he's instantly throwing every single word out the window the second you come out from whatever corner of the world you've been hiding in.
"Alright, thanks." God, it really is you. Your smile's the same, you look the same, you smell the same, you sound the same, you just- it's you. He remembers the way you sound again, God, please don’t ever take your voice away from him. He stops himself from reaching for your wrist when you walk away, knowing that you don't remember the things he does and that it'll only make you feel weird about him. But he'll settle for knowing that you're alive and that you're in the city, and that hopefully this won't be the last time he sees you.
The next time Leon sees you is on the subway a few weeks later in December.
You're not really looking when you step into the train, reaching up too high for the pole to hang onto and instead grab onto his hand. Your hands are so cold, you really need to wear gloves. But you gasp and pull your hand away when you feel his warm hand touch your skin, instantly holding lower down on the cold pole and looking at him.
"Oh my God, I'm sorry!" It's cute how quickly you apologize, it brings a smile to his face.
"No- No, you’re fine." He wants so badly to wrap his hand around yours, to hold you close and keep you warm, but he couldn’t, he was still a stranger to you. Being in a crowded train and standing a few inches apart was enough for now.
Leon just watches you, you don’t notice because you’re too busy staring down at your shoes, but his eyes are tracing over the curve of your nose, the way your eyelashes look when you blink, how kissable your lips look. He missed this view, although he'd much rather have you looking back at him with the same adoration in your eyes.
Neither of you speak again for the rest of the ride, you can feel him staring at you, though, you don’t entirely mind, you’d probably looking at him if his eyes weren’t burning holes through your skull.
You haven’t left his mind since he saw you at the grocery store, he’s been trying to figure out ways to find you again without getting put on some kind of radar, he’s too impatient to let things happen naturally, but it’s really the only choice he has.
He knows you recognize him, he can’t help but wonder if you’re getting some kind of vision from the past of him kissing you, of you resting on top of him in the sunlight, of him looking at you with awe in his eyes as you laugh at a story he told you.
But he can’t think about that for long, the train comes to a stop and you leave again, looking back over your shoulder at him and giving him a small goodbye smile. Where have you been all these years?
Sometimes, shitty dates were a good thing.
Both parties normally end up having a bad rest of their night, but if some man-child asshole you had been put on a date with hadn’t just thrown a whole tantrum and stomped out of the bar, you wouldn’t be sitting next to Leon.
He didn’t know you’d be here tonight, he was just here because he wanted to grab a drink after work, but this was better.
It’s awkward, he really, really doesn’t hope you think he’s stalking you. How small could a city be? Is it really so odd that the man you said a few words to at a grocery store and bumped into on the train would be sitting next to you at a bar?
Leon’s always had a staring problem when it came to you, he’s sure you’re too pretty for him, not that you were really his anymore. And Christ, you’re still beautiful, maybe even more so now. Modern clothes look good on you, he likes your dress, your shoes, the way you did your hair, the color you painted your nails.
He has to stop staring, because now you’re looking back at him. Leon expects for you to yell at him, or slap him, or something, but you just smile at him and turn towards him a tiny bit more.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to stare, zoned out.” Leon apologizes once his eyes snap up to yours, you had moved from your table up to the bar a few minutes ago, most likely embarrassed. You brought your drink over, too, though you didn’t really pay attention to it, just circling the lip of the cup with your fingers and taking a few sips every few seconds.
“It’s okay, I don’t mind.” Your smile only grows, Leon has to bite back a grin threatening to stretch across his lips. Once again, he’s not sure what to say. Does he ever really know what to say now, though? You take the words right out of his mouth and turn them into broken mumbles that he tries to cover up with a fake cough or forced chuckle.
That didn’t use to happen, he’d still get nervous around you, but seeing you now made him feel like he was falling in love again.
“I’d feel like I’ve seen you before…?” You say, you know you’re right, you just want him to talk to you because you haven’t been able to get him out of your head, for some reason.
“Oh, uhm, yeah- Yeah, I think I’ve seen you around, too.” Is he seriously fucking blushing right now?
“Hm, small world.” You take a sip from your drink, he does the same.
“So, uh, bad date?” Leon asks before he can stop himself, he knows the answer, but you were probably going to get mad at him, get offended and ignore him if he sees you again.
“Yeah,” You sigh, “It’s fine, though. Blind date.” Leon nodded, staring down at the ring of water his glass left on the countertop. “You just here for a drink?”
“Mhm,” Alcohol was like water to him now, not the way that he drinks it everyday, but that it hardly has an effect on him anymore. But he can’t sit here and drink glass after glass unless if he wants people to get concerned, so he just sips on one or two for an hour and leaves. You’re drinking the same drink as him, though, so he decides to stay for longer than usual.
And to his amazement, you stay, too. You laugh and nod at the stories he tells you, he listens intently to the ones you tell in return. Of course you’ve been living a different life than the one he had with you, but this is already getting better than the last. And you seem… into him? More into him than you were with your actual date, he’s not complaining.
By the time you and Leon go your separate ways, it’s pitch black outside, well, not really, it’s never completely dark in a city. The lights of driving cars and buildings illuminate you beautifully, like you’re something holy.
Leon finds a napkin with a phone number scribbled on it in his jacket pocket, it must’ve been yours, he couldn’t be happier.
Whatever higher being blessed him with another chance with you, he’d praise for the rest of eternal life. Because after a few hour-long phone calls and a couple more coincidental meetings, he’s taking you out on dates and you’re holding onto his arm and kissing his cheek.
It’s better than he remembers, the city offers more things for the two of you to do, and he’s up for anything you suggest.
Leon is finally able to feel your skin underneath his fingertips, feel your lips against his, listen to your voice in his ear, buy you nice things, have you cuddle up with him on the couch, he has you back.
You look so peaceful when you sleep, your head resting on his bicep, his naked skin pressed against yours. It’s been a year, you both still look the same, but he knows you’re changing. Leon hadn’t had sex in so long that he was sure that he would’ve fucked it up, you had taken charge, and it had been soft and slow, anyway. Nothing for him to worry about.
He’s been awake for an hour, just looking at you, trying to imprint this memory into his mind in case you were to disappear soon. But you finally start to stir, blinking your eyes a few times as you start to wake up.
“Leon…?” You mumble, he pulls you closer.
“Go back to sleep,” A kiss to your eyebrow, then the bridge of your nose, your lips twitch up into a sleepy smile.
“Mm… ‘kay. Love you.” You yawn, resting your hand on his chest as you close your eyes again and nestle into his shoulder. He hasn’t heard that from you in ages, he doesn’t know if you meant to say it, but he’s thankful you did.
“… Yeah, love you, too.”
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straybots · 1 year
Why is flashchase a former... everything? Did his old jobs break his principles or were there specific events that got him kicked?
It was mostly about the nature of his... creation. He's an mto, specifically from a tiny team created for extremely specific assassinations that won't lead down to Who was the killer. As an autobot mto there was a lot of "we're the good guys" trash fed to him, and he was GOOD at what he was made to do (well. still is), but at some point he fulfilled the mission and there was little else he was good for.
So he joined the Wreckers. And he was good at it too. It's just at some point he realized, when he was allowed time for some thought and reflection, and understanding of himself, things they did and things decepicons did weren't too far from each other. It's just that autobots did it for the "right" reasons.
He's a loving person, at the core. It didn't really align with what he Felt was right, but at the same time he doesn't really know Different.
Basically, he disowned his badge, his teams, his past and wants to be an actual good guy, even if it's hard and he's deemed a traitor, cuz boy he's got some autobot blood on his hands.
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nhlclover · 15 days
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summary: ryan reaches a breaking point and finally confronts your hesitation towards him
warnings: angst, mentions of cheating, good guy ryan alert, open ended/cliffhanger
word count: 1.12k
The dimly lit bar hummed with life, bodies crowding every area, with the low murmur of conversations filling the air. People crowded every inch of the space, but somehow, you and Ryan had managed to carve out your own little corner next to the oak bar. Shoulders brushing, the world beyond the two of you seemed to fade away as you shared a quiet moment amid the chaos.
Ryan's dark eyes sparkled under the soft glow of the overhead lights, a playful smile tugging at his lips as he looked at you. His presence was magnetic—effortless in a way that made the noise of the bar slip into the background. He had that kind of effect on you, the ability to make everything else feel less important.
“Having fun?” Ryan asked, his voice warm and teasing, laced with the hint of a smile that sent warmth rushing through your veins.
You smiled back feeling a familiar flutter in your chest. “Yeah… yeah I am.”
“Me too.” Ryan’s gaze lingered on you, his hand resting casually on the bar just inches from yours. The space between you two seemed smaller than ever, the lines between friendship and something more growing impossibly blurred.
The excitement of it all was undeniable. Yet, beneath that, something dark and heavy weighed you down—fear, the unshakable fear of history repeating itself. His fingers brushed yours again, sending a spark of warmth through your skin. A touch that should’ve felt thrilling but instead ignited a storm of anxiety deep within you.
You wanted to let go, to let yourself dive into the possibility of what was happening with Ryan, but memories of your past tugged you back like chains around your heart. Three years. You’d given three years to someone you thought you knew, someone you trusted, only to discover his betrayal. That moment had shattered something inside you, something that refused to be rebuilt easily.
Even though you had left him—cut ties, picked up the pieces, and moved on—it still lingered. You had healed, or at least you thought you had, but now, with Ryan looking at you like that, with the possibility of something real staring you in the face, all those old fears came rushing back.
Ryan’s hand drifted even closer, his fingers just barely touching yours, as if asking permission to go further. The warmth of his skin should’ve felt comforting, but instead, it pulled you back to that place—where the trust you once had was ripped away.
You pulled your hand back instinctively, slipping it into your pocket, needing space—needing to breathe. You felt Ryan stiffen beside you, his playful expression falling away like a mask.
“Why do you keep doing that?” His voice was low, barely above a murmur, but it was enough to cut through the noise around you.
You blinked, surprised by the sudden change in his tone. “Doing what?”
Ryan’s eye’s flashed with hurt. “You know what I’m talking about. You keep pulling away—every time we get close, you shut down.”
The words hit like a punch to the gut because he was right. Every time he inched closer—physically, emotionally—you retreated. You couldn’t help it. The fear was like a reflex, one that you couldn’t seem to control. Every time he tried to get closer, you felt yourself retreating into the safety of your walls. You’d open yourself up to him, and just when you’re on the precipice of finally being happy with someone again, you step back from the ledge.
“I’m sorry,” you said, eyes dropping to the floor, guilt pooling in your chest. “It’s not you… it’s me. I just—I’m scared, Ryan.”
Ryan’s brows furrowed in confusion, though his frustration simmered just beneath the surface. He took a step closer, his presence towering though never overwhelming. His voice was softer this time, but still filled with quiet determination. “Scared of what? Of me?”
“No, not you,” you shook your head quickly, heat rising in your cheeks. “I’m scared of what could happen. Of getting hurt again.”
The vulnerability in your voice hit him, and for a moment, his features softened. But he didn’t let it go entirely. “I’m not him,” Ryan said, his tone firm but gentle, trying to break through your barriers. “I know what he did to you was horrible, and I’m sorry you had to go through that. But I’m not him. I’m not going to cheat on you, or lie, or do any of the crap he did. But you have to stop treating me like I will.”
The words hung in the air between you, heavy and raw. Your throat tightened, and you swallowed hard, willing yourself to hold it together. “I don’t mean to,” you whispered, feeling a lump form in your throat. “It’s just… I trusted him, and it destroyed me. I don’t know if I can go through that again.”
Ryan let out a slow breath, his eyes never leaving yours as he gently took your hand, his thumb brushing over your knuckles in slow, soothing circles. “I get that,” he said quietly, “but if you don’t take a chance—if you keep running away—how will you ever know?”
You stared down at your intertwined hands, the warmth of his touch calming the storm in your chest, but the fear still loomed. He could break your heart, just like your ex. But what if he didn’t?
Ryan squeezed your hand, drawing your attention back to him. “Look,” he said, his voice steady, “I’m all in. I like you—a lot. More than that, I care about you. I’ve been waiting, giving you space to figure things out, but I can’t keep doing this forever. If you don’t want this—if you don’t want me—then I need to know. I need to know now because I’m done waiting for you to decide.”
There was a finality in his words that sent a cold rush of panic through you. His eyes searched yours, desperate to find some sort of resolution in them, however he just watched them dart around his face laced with uncertainty.
Ryan sighed, pulling his hand away from yours. The loss of his warmth was immediate and sharp, a reminder of what you were risking. He fished out his wallet from his back pocket and tossed some cash onto the bar, enough to cover both your drinks.
“I’m not going to wait forever,” he said softly, his voice filled with an aching sincerity. “But I want this. I want you. You just need to figure out if you want the same.”
And with that, he turned and walked away, disappearing into the crowd. You stood there, alone by the bar, the weight of his words pressing down on you, your heart caught in a battle between fear and longing.
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pparadiselost · 10 months
kageyama tobio x fem reader tobio is fascinated by your hands and wrists. warning(s): nsfw, slight yandere kageyama, size kink, bruising mention
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kageyama never thought about what he looked like until his professional career started. it wasn’t until his teammates started teasing him about the fans who started paying attention to him because of his appearance, and it really never cemented anything important into his volleyball-obsessed mind until kuroo had brought it up. 
he had only responded with a calm statement that he was aware that his fans found him hot. it wasn’t meant to be smug or conceited, but it did make him a bit more cognizant about appearances. not just his, but yours as well.
specifically, the differences between your body and his. he was used to being surrounded by big burly athletes on the regular that coming home to someone like you has made him take note a bit more of the small things. like how much softer your body feels when he holds you as you sleep, or even the way your eyes crinkle up as you smile at him before he leaves for work, his cheeks still tingling from where you kissed him goodbye.
but there’s something else about you that kageyama’s noticed thoroughly. something so trivial and everyday that it’s almost weird to him that the thought has lodged itself so deep inside his mind.
it’s your hands. 
he loves thinking about them in contrast to his. he’s never thought about his hands either, at least outside of his professional needs, too much. they’re his lifeline; without them, he could never dream of playing volleyball. he takes care of his hands as needed: he massages them, stretches them, and does everything his medical and managerial team tells him to do.
his palms are adorned with callouses, the layers of hardened skin and muscle built up over a lifetime of dedication to his sport. they’re nothing like the average layman’s hands, far more tattered, always rebuilt, constantly pushing further beyond what he thinks will be enough.
“t-tobio!” you sound so small, so weak to him. it drives kageyama wild. it awakens something primal in him, something that makes him want to rip you to shreds in every way possible. 
your thighs shake around his waist, your toes curling into his creaking mattress. his hips keep ramming into you, his cock thrusting wildly up into your drenched cunt. you don’t know how long he’s kept this brutal pace up—all you can make out is the wild look in his eyes and his sweat-drenched body, fucking into you as if he’s gone into heat.
“fuuuuuuck-,” his voice is low and drawn out, the guttural noise coming from somewhere deep in his throat. his adam’s apple bobs when he swallows thickly, and his shaking eyes are blown open wide as he drinks in the sight of you folded underneath him. 
your wrists are unbelievably smooth. he grips at them with one hand, easily pinning them over your head and pinning you down underneath him. his thumb runs over the soft flesh of your wrists, and his cock twitches dangerously inside you when he can feel the lively thrum of your veins underneath.
you wince when his grip on your wrists tighten. your stomach lurches and twists into knots as kageyama pounds into you, every inch of his swollen cock burying into your tight hole. “you’re being so rough…! so rough- you’re so deep inside me!”
“good,” he drawls. he draws his hips back and snaps them at a harsh angle. heat floods your heavy head, and it makes your back arch involuntarily. “i know you can take it. you’ve taken me like this before.”
kageyama thinks you look absolutely ravishing. your hands, your pretty wrists, are just so small when they’re held captive under his palm. your tits bounce every time he fucks his cock deep into you, and the knot that coils inside of his abs drives him insane. you’re just so pretty, and kageyama is obsessed with you. he knows he’s someone that enjoys a lot of international attention given his successful career, but when you’re thrown into the mix, he feels less like the handsome setter people know him to be and more like a hormonal teenage boy that’s popping a boner after looking at his class crush.
except this time, you’re actually folded underneath him, all for him to lavish his attention onto.
pleasure flashes behind your eyes, shooting straight to your brain. your legs are shaky and numb. the sheets underneath you are wet and damp, all thanks to kageyama holding you in this mating press position for what felt like eternity, fucking you over and over until both of your orgasms were making a mess. your thighs are sticky, the remnants of your own juices and spurts of his white cum staining your skin.
you can’t think past the overstimulation buzzing in your mind. there’s something mounting inside your guts, and it throbs. it has a pulse of its own, craving so much more of kageyama’s body. you want him to fill you up with more of his cum, to stuff your womb full, to have him break you body and soul, for him to indulge in that awful greedy part of him that can’t seem to get enough of you.
“tobio- tobio, please-,” you beg. you know how intense he can get, especially when he’s staring down at you more like prey than a human, and your pussy unconsciously clenches around him. he groans under his breath, but his gaze on you doesn’t waver. “it’s too much- you’re too much, tobio!”
“it’s your fault.” a line of sweat trickles down his face, and a bead of it dangles from the tip of his nose. you’re acutely aware of every muscle in his body: the edge of his pecs, his toned abs, the pretty v-lines on his stomach that lead you down into his long dick, ramming into you. every part of him was made to torture you lovingly like this, morphing you from his picture perfect girlfriend into a toy made to serve only his pleasure.
“ah-! haah- you’re going to kill me- please, ‘m gonna cum again! i can’t- i can’t cum anymore-,” you sob pathetically. you whimper and squirm to no avail as his hips keep grinding up against you. his length slides in and out of you with little resistance, your own wetness providing him the right amount of lubrication for kageyama to mold your hole into the perfect shape of his cock.
“it’s all your fault,” he repeats. he sounds downright animalistic and cold. “it’s all because of how pretty you are. walking around in shorts with your bare legs out, rubbing your eyes when you’re tired, flashing me your tits when you get out of the shower… it’s like you want me to fuck you.”
a strangled cry escapes you, and the sound goes straight to kageyama’s cock. your face twists in pleasure again, and kageyama’s determined to rip another orgasm straight from your cunt. the pressure around your wrist spikes, his nails digging into you. the flash of pain that shoots through your eyelids grounds you a little, but not before his obscene thrusts grow faster.
his other hand clutches the headboard, and your pussy throbs when you hear how forcefully the headboard crashes into the wall. kageyama’s being uncharacteristically rough with you, and the sound of the bed moving with his thrusts spins inside your head.
“‘m gonna make you feel so good,” he mutters.
“you feel good, don’t you?” his knuckles whiten as he grips the headboard.
“‘m gonna make you cum. gonna use that pussy of yours and make myself cum too,” he pants. “that sounds good. i’m going to give you another creampie. fuck! fuuuuck-! you’re so fucking tight-” 
“tobio-,” you sound like a broken record, but you can only gasp out his name. your pussy keeps milking him, and just imagining kageyama forcing another round of his cum into you turns you on more than it should. “please, tobio- tobio- ah- ahh- hmnnh…! g-give it to me- i want you to give me another creampie…”
kageyama likes it. he likes hearing you moan out his name. he likes knowing that he’s the man on top of you, making sure that you know you belong to him. he also loves it when you beg for him to cum inside of you like that. his balls tighten dangerously at the thought of cumming inside your hole again. just thinking about you whimpering as he explodes inside of you or the way his semen might slowly drip out of your abused cunt is almost enough to make him bust right there and then.
he grits his teeth, and he barely holds himself back. he can’t, not yet. he’s going to make you cum first and only then will he let him lose complete control of himself.
the bottom of your palms and your delicate wrists keep rubbing against his bigger hands. you’re just so small compared to him, and your hands—your fucking hands! lust blinds kageyama momentarily. your hands are so tiny, so smooth, and they’re nothing like his. his are rough and hard and made to slam his opponents down to maintain his superiority, to establish his beloved throne as the unchallenged king of the court, and they’re exquisitely made to shove you underneath into perfect submission.
he wants to see your hands in every way that you can offer him. he needs to see your fingertips trickle down his chest and waist, feel you wrap your fingers around his hardening cock, hold your palms down as he fucks you over and over again. you’re his, all his, and he needs to just physically feel the way you give in to him. he’s always gripping onto your hands and wrists, either pinning you down or lovingly interlacing his fingers into yours as he has his way with you.
“okay,” he almost laughs. “yeah- i can do that- i’ll give you another creampie. i’ll give you as many fucking creampies as you want.”
you throw your head back, making a bunch of incoherent cries. your body shakes uncontrollably underneath kageyama, and your lower half aches from brutally taking him for so long. but when he’s being this possessive over you and making it clear that he won’t accept anything other than you taking all of his love, how could you not want to soak it all up? 
your horny mind can only think of one thing. all you can register and think of his dick pounding into you, fucking you, making you melt under his touch. no matter how much you squirm or arch your back against him, kageyama has you held down so firmly in place that you just have to take him.
“take it- take it!” he hisses through gritted teeth. “you’re not going anywhere. you’re not running away from me. you said you wanted it, so i’m going to give it to you. you’re mine- c’mon, be good for me…!”
red hot pleasure claws at your skin. it prickles and drips over you like molten metal, covering you from head to toe. your hands curl helplessly into fists, and the callouses on kageyama’s palms rub against your wrists.
“yes- please- i need more of you, tobio!” your begging is sweet to his ears. he wants to bottle it at all up and keep it forever. he could do the sleazy thing and record it for his own whims, but why do that when he can just fuck you and make you sound like this again? every bit of you is too much for his dense mind, and all he can register is how perfect you are in his eyes. he loves hearing you. swapping between your airy gasps and mewls of his name, he just wants to devour you whole. you have him entranced, and kageyama doesn’t ever want to escape.
your hips start moving in rhythm with him, and you clench your eyes shut. “cum in me, cum in me, please…! i don’t need anything else- need only you! i wanna cum- wanna cum with you- tobio, i can’t take it anymore…!”
some deep sadistic part of him enjoys hearing you this desperate for him. he’s sure it’s only a fraction of the madness he holds for you, but you’re getting a taste of it. kageyama’s never been too lucky in love ever since he was young, always being the selfish weirdo who only cared about volleyball, so when he fell for you, it was like he fell without even thinking about any of the consequences. why wouldn’t he give his everything to you wholeheartedly? in his mind, there was no room for regret, no need to look behind.
the headboard rattles violently against the walls, scraping and banging and slamming against it. if the neighbors are in, they definitely know what the two of you are up to. good. kageyama wants them to hear, wants someone else in the world to know that you belong to him. no one else could ravish you like this, make your body writhe and coil in pleasure like this, utterly entrance him like this.
he growls, “go ahead. cum for me."
his dick twitches and throbs like a second pulse deep inside your cunt, and the stretch your walls feel is nothing short of heavenly. he won’t quit barrelling into you, that awful competitive streak in him refusing to die out even during sex.
your eyes are glossing over. the pounding in your head refuses to abate, and you’re teetering dangerously on the edge. your boyfriend’s thrusts are more frantic, faster, cock slipping in and out of you fully as his tip bullies your abused insides.
“c-cumming…!” you can’t physically take anymore. the pleasure bleeds in between the liminal space of goodness and pain, of heaven and hell, leaving you shaking in its aftermath. you throw your head back, your spine arching like a cat. your chest collides with his, and you squirm violently, pressed down onto the mattress helplessly against his full weight. “i’m cumming! cumming, cumming, tobio! fuck- tobio- ah…!”
warmth shoots through you as if you’ve been dragged underwater. you can’t breathe, your windpipe frozen as pleasure overwhelms you. heat blooms inside your chest and spreads through you, like a poison paralyzing you within your own skin from inside out. your nerves can’t register anything else. all that’s on your mind is your boyfriend and how good he’s making you feel, the inches of his cock dragging painfully in and out of your clenching hole, fucking you violently through your orgasm. 
your insides clench up, coiling like a fear-stricken beast. your vision swims, and the edges grow hazy. tears gather in the corners of your eyes, clinging to your lashes as they threaten to fall over and onto your cheeks. kageyama gasps, the sight of you breaking down making him falter just a beat.
you mewl out, “tobio-! tobio, tobio, please- cumming feels so- soooo good…!”
kageyama flinches, and a high-strung hiss escapes his teeth. he squares his jaw as you flutter all around him, body going limp underneath him as your high overtakes you. the bed creaks as his hips grind up against you, and when you let out one final pathetic mewl of his name, he grips onto your wrists with a fervor you’ve never felt before.
you’re so small. so beautiful, so delicate, everything that he isn’t.
kageyama comes with a strangled cry, the feeling of your smooth wrists underneath his pushing him over. he buries himself as far as he can into you. you cry out as spurts of hot cum invade your insides, stretching your walls out further as they struggle to take both his load and his cock buried inside you. it burns, but it feels good, like proof of you taking a physical part of his unconditional love.
his hips stutter, and he barely chokes back his moans. you’re squeezing him so tightly, milking every drop of cum out of his length. he wants to keep rutting against your cunt, rubbing every single inch of his needy cock against your insides until your hole is molded to the shape of his dick. 
his balls twitch against the curve of your ass, and you’re held down in place. his fingers curl into the headboard, steadying himself as he sucks in a shaky inhale. your mind feels foggy, and you can’t push yourself through the hazy fuzz that settles on you. maybe kageyama’s mind is a bit clearer, but you doubt it, not when he spent the past few minutes fucking into you as if he was going into heat.
“...did you take it all?” his voice is hushed, quiet, like a whisper in a holy place. because that’s what kageyama does: cherish you until the end. 
you nod weakly, your head heavy against the pillow. he grins down at you, practically glowing with a kind of possessive pride. you know that competitive streak in him all too well, and you know how insatiable he can get especially when you’re involved. you’re his, and he wants to devour whatever love you hold in your heart for him over and over again. if it weren’t so reverent, it would be almost dangerous.
he stays firmly planted inside of you, nearly crushing you underneath his weight as he lays on top of you. kageyama doesn’t want to pull out just yet, savoring the feeling of your bodies together as one. it’s warm, and it makes his chest feel tight, itching to feel more of your presence. but burying his face into the crook of your neck and inhaling your scent is enough for him, especially when he’s done such a thorough job of railing you.
it amazes him, the difference between your bodies and yet how well you’re made to fit him. like two puzzle pieces connecting, he’s sure you’re his soulmate. no one else can fit that mantle, none other than you.
you blink slowly, and his hands trickle back to yours again. this time, they trail past your wrists, and his fingers carefully intertwine with yours. his calloused palms brush against yours, lithe fingers caressing your smaller ones. 
he hopes your wrists are bruised because of him tomorrow. they're manifestations of his deeply driven devotion, after all.
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sgt-seabass · 2 years
For your open requests: Omega!Reader + Dark Alpha!Bucky + Heat Triggered + “You really should be more careful in the field, doll. You never know what could have happened if they found you. But, it’s okay, I’m here now. I’ll take care of you.”
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pairing — dark!alpha!bucky barnes x avengers!omega!reader w/c — 1.6k (was meant to be a drabble, whoops) this is a dark fic. 18+ only. warnings — dark bucky, a/b/o elements, choking, general dark themes a/n — beta-ed by @sweeterthanthis and looked over by @navybrat817 and @maladaptivexxdaydreaming. my brain has been in a self-critical place recently, so thank you friends for helping me get this out.
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The world was cruel.
You knew it as soon as you presented as an omega.
Your mother cried. Your father was so angry he punched a hole in the wall. Your friends turned up their noses, and everyone started to treat you as lesser.
You were no more than the bottom of the barrel.
That was until aliens invaded New York, and you presented for the second time. This time, your powers became apparent after being struck with a weapon alight with electricity. Hawkeye tried to save you, but as it turned out, he didn’t need to.
The aliens used advanced technology, something you quickly learned you could manipulate. You could feel the electrical currents and your mind's eye could visually see the circuit paths to infiltrate any electronic device.
Unsurprisingly, the Avengers took you in for their training program only weeks later.
While New York rebuilt, you trained.
In the sparring circle, no one cared what designation you were. Opponents threw their punches hard regardless. And you learnt what it meant to be an agent; to be respected by your peers.
In the years that followed, after the rise and fall of S.H.I.E.L.D., you met Bucky Barnes. His friend, none other than Captain America, had found him not long after being fished out of the Potomac River.
He was damaged, but who wasn’t? You all had your vices.
You’d tried to befriend him while others cowered away, but all you ever got was a narrowed glance in return. It was obvious he didn’t like you. That much was evident with how he’d sit as far away from you as possible or leave the gym when you entered, not even acknowledging your existence. Asshole. You’d tried to be kind since every other agent wanted nothing to do with him, but if he wanted to be a dick, so be it.
It’s fine. You didn’t need Bucky's approval. But you needed him to be civil on missions after you were placed on the same team. Which he seemed to be, for the most part. The occasional snide comment was passed.
“You really should be more careful, agent. You almost got hit.”
“Perhaps you should spend more time training and less time making yourself look pretty. Nice hair does nothing to assist on missions.”
“Stop dragging behind, agent. I can’t help you when you get your ass beat.”
But overall, it was bearable. Plus, you’d always come out of those missions with a shit-eating grin when you proved him wrong, using power and prowess to take down enemies effortlessly.
You may be an omega, but you were powerful. And that felt good.
But the higher you climb, the harder you fall.
And you were plummeting.
You’d been on heat suppressants since you entered the Avengers tower all those years ago. The medicine helped to reduce your omega scent to barely nonexistent and stopped the quarterly throes of heat.
Bruce always provided you with the medication you needed, but something tells you he might have made the batch wrong.
You’re standing in the lab of a Hydra base, one of many that still exist. Cut off one head, and two shall take its place. The cramps that are overtaking your body are intense, and they almost have you blacking out on the floor from the pain.
Sweat beads along your brow, your tactical suit feeling suddenly claustrophobic, the fabric too tight with how hot you’re getting. Your fingers grip the side of the metal counter, shuddering breaths coming from you.
It was all wrong. There’s no way you’d just entered your heat, right?
The whimper that bubbles in your throat indicates otherwise. You can still smell the alpha scent coming off the bodies of the Hydra agents near your feet. You’d taken them down shortly before the cramps began. And now all you want to do is scent their cold corpses.
Fuck. This is unprofessional.
God, Bucky is going to wring your ass for this.
A particularly sharp shoot of pain has you gasping and keeling over, your head resting against the cold counter, the various bottled substances around you rattling.
You bang your fist against the metal, frustrated tears welling in your eyes.
It all becomes worse when a phenomenal scent wafts into the room. Like a forest fresh after a storm. Earthy, woodsy, and cozy. It’s the kind of smell that entices adventure, to find the unknown hidden within the humid forest.
You’d know that smell anywhere.
Your legs give way, and you slide to the tiled floor. Heat pools in your core, slick beginning to coat your folds.
You look away when Bucky enters, but you can hear the way he sniffs into the air with a dry, mocking chuckle.
“You really should be more careful in the field, doll. You never know what could have happened if they found you. But, it’s okay, I’m here now. I’ll take care of you.”
Doll? He’s never spoken to you so softly before. Confused, you turn to look at him, and fuck, you want to jump him. Hair that’s just begging to be pulled on, that damn silver arm and beefy stature. He’s the picture of a perfect alpha.
You’ve always been attracted to him. How could you not be? Despite his shit attitude, he is a fucking Adonis.
You take a deep breath, attempting to compose yourself and not drool. “I am careful. There must be something wrong with my meds. Blame Bruce and not me,” you snipe, your fever beginning to worsen with each second, your tactical suit sticking to your skin uncomfortably.
“Oh, no, you can blame me for that. I swapped them with placebos,” Bucky says nonchalantly, moving to lean against a nearby counter with a smirk.
The shock freezes you, your mind momentarily short-circuiting. “What?”
“How else was I meant to mate you, omega?” Like it’s a simple, obvious answer, Bucky shrugs his shoulders, nostrils flaring as he continues to take in your scent.
“But— but you hate me. You can’t stand being near me.”
Bucky lets out a growl, and it has your pussy clenching around nothing. “I can’t stand being near you knowing you’re not mine, knowing I couldn’t smell the real you. I need to fuck you, bite you, consume you. But I couldn't do that with those drugs pumping through your system. You have no idea how difficult it was holding myself back with you around, omega.”
His words give you clarity, and you recall all the moments he’d looked at you. In the gym. In the common areas. On missions. In the quinjet after. Pupils dilating, shoulders squared, jaw clenched. You thought he acted like that because he hated you. But it’s because he wants you.
Bucky starts to approach, but you frantically scramble backwards across the floor, covering yourself in the blood of the dead agents as you pass their bodies. “G-Get away from me. I’ll tell everyone what you did. I-I’ll tell Bruce. Steve. Anyone who will listen.”
“Oh, omega, who do you think helped me set all this up? Don’t you think we’ll make a great duo? The little electric omega and her alpha,” Bucky laughs, not stopping his long strides.
His scent is getting more robust and enticing, and it's hard to hold back the moan that wants to escape from the mere smell of him. “Fuck off. You’re not my alpha.”
“I will be.”
Bucky gets closer, and in a split-second decision, you extend your arm and use your powers. You’d never dared try this before, but there was no time like the present.
You feel the currents and wires of Bucky’s arm, your eyes fluttering as you follow the electric path until you find the needed area. You clench your fist, shutting down the primary receptor, and his metal arm goes limp like dead weight.
Bucky bows to the side for a moment before he straightens himself. Even with the arm disabled, he has the strength to hold up the hunk of metal like it's feather-light. His grin widens. “You cannot stop me, even with your tricks, sparky. Give in to me, and I’ll make it all better, omega.”
A whine rips through you the moment his hand touches your knee, the simple touch sending need coursing through you. You look around, but there's nothing there to help you. No electronics nearby as Bucky corners you against the lab counter.
Pulling your gun is dumb, you know this, but you do it anyway. You unholster your handgun, whipping it up and aiming it at Bucky’s legs, just to get him to back off. He’s lost his goddamn mind.
The super soldier doesn't take kindly to the threat. Before you can aim it at him, Bucky grabs your wrist, nearly crushing your bones in his grip before he spins you in the blood on the floor, allowing him to snake his arm around your neck with your back flush to his chest.
The pain in your wrist causes you to yelp and drop the gun, the weapon clattering against the ground as you wheeze. Bucky’s forearm, tight against your throat, begins to squeeze. Even with his metal arm dormant, he still easily overpowers you. “Didn’t have to be like this, sparky. Could’a been nice and sweet.”
“S-Stop, Bucky–” You claw against his arm, but the fabric covering it was bulletproof, so your nails can't even dig in. “L-Let me go.”
“That’s enough, omega. Sleep,” Bucky’s hot breath fans against your ear as he nips at your lobe. “And when you wake up, I’m going to fuck you like a goddamn animal. You’ll be screaming my name so loud the whole compound will hear how good my cock feels.”
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To be updated on when I post please follow @sgt-seabass-library and turn on post notifications.
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weafurry · 9 months
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(Sorry I didn't get to this till now it was late when I saw the ask and I didn't wanna answer it while I was half asleep. Also apparently tumblr doesn't let you edit asks anymore?? )
Leaving this under a cut tho cuz I know this shit will get LONG
ANYWAYS. The. Big one related to that™ post came from a combination of me wondering how the FUCK Cedric got the yellow phosphor needed to rebuild proto + consequences of the revival of characters my beloved
And uh. Yea any yellow phosphor he does end up getting his hands on I. DOUBT WOULD BE ENOUGH.
So uh. Proto being rebuilt with less yellow phosphor then is probably even remotely adviseable and that causing a whole ton of issues™ . And Cedric not even knowing cuz of the whole just. Scanning the blueprints in.
Also this is proto we're talking about here. There's no fucking way he'd tell anyone until shit got BAD.
LEMME JUST. Screenshots from when I was brainrotting over this in my first OneShot fixation
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And yea. The author probably would have had yellow phosphor stored in the lab somewhere just incase. (Esp with the head canon that. Proto predicted his own death a long time ago cuz. Prophet moment. And. Told the author and the prophet but never cedric and rue cuz everytime he went to he would get another vision of them trying to intervene and things only going worse)
BUT. since I want my angst goddammit. That part of the lab collapsed first and while Cedric was abled to salvage some yellow phosphor it ends up not being enough.
BUT LIKE. YEA. the way I always imagined Cedric and Rue actually finding out is. One of those moments where a bunch of errors and shit happens . Happens when him Cedric and Rue are walking in the refuge. And this one's bad enough that he can't just metaphorically grit his teeth through it like the other times this has happened in public. Once it's over Cedric and Rue are reasonably extremely concerned and. Fuckin rush him to the lab to try and see if there something they can do to fix this.
AND UH. That segways into another little detail of this headcanon. BECAUSE. he let this go on for so long with the damage all the errors and malfunctions overtime have caused. It probably would just be better to rebuild him and reuse the yellow phosphor they already have. BUT UH. since the situation around him being rebuilt made it so stressful the first time around, he. REALLY doesn't wanna do that again. I have. Such a vivid idea of a scene in my head for that. They're like. Talking with kip. And shes like halfway through saying the word rebuild and. She doesn't even get to finish he just cuts her off.
So what they end up doing is, in the meantime, using red phosphor to prevent any further damage until they can go to the barrens to get blue phosphor so said phosphor won't have to be replaced as often.
I ACTUALLY. made a dumb little chart of how. I imagined them looking different a few days ago
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I imagine that. Actually having a normal level of phosphor would. Definitely HELP. But. There would still be some issues partially because it's not one uniform type of phosphor and partially because of the damage the issues caused. And you couldnt pry this headcanon out of my cold dead hands. Consequences of the revival of characters go brrrrrrr
AND THEN UH. Don't get me started on the night terrors as a result of the whole squares thing headcanons.
that whole thing. Came from me going. "do robots still need sleep?" and ultimately deciding yes when i came up with the other headcanon that. only tamed robots dream.
When I made this headcanon I actually hadnt played solstice in a while, and for some reason I always remembered it as, him handing Niko the disk while the lower half of his body was already in the squares. which. no he actually hands it to them while the squares are directly behind him BUT. I still choose to remember it that way HSHSH. anyways uh. Important and related to this headcanon. He remembers what that feels likeeee. and hes probably the only oneee because in the solstice ending everyone only sayss they remember the squares surrounding themm not actually touching themmm and even robots who have gotten caught in them and liveed probably dont rememberrr especially since most of them arent tameddd and uhh even if he only remembers the beginning of ittt hes probably really good at filling in the gapss with the whole prophet thingg (thanks @malwarechips for that last idea/silly)
ANYWAYS UHm. so the whole. tamed robots dreaming thing right. HIM. having night terrors about the fucking squares.
I always imagined it as like. about a week after solstice, once things are starting to calm down and return to normal, one night cedric and rue wake up to proto just fuckin screaming at the top of his (metaphorical) lungs. And. they fuckin burst into his room to him tossing and turning in his sleep and then fucking jolting awake. and like.this keeps happening like. practically every other night. he's losing sleep over this shit. Which probably isn't helping all the other issues from the whole phosphor ordeal which he still hasn't told Cedric or Rue about at this point. And I mean. I doubt the nightmares would be restricted to just. in the mines. cuz dreams are weird like that esp when traumas involved AND UH. With the whole prophet thing. That. PROBABLY WOULDNT MIX WELL. (once again thanks eve for that last part/silly)
(On a lighter note I did have the thought of Cedric and Rue sleeping in his room one night and him actually finally getting a good nights sleep and thus that just. Becoming routine for them. The thing about my angsty headcanons is 99% of the time there's hurt/comfort potential in there)
I DO HAVE. some more lighthearted not angsty headcanons, but i wanna save most of those for their own posts cuz theyre small enough that i can actually draw them and finish them.
I will say one more though. this one is 100% projection but *points at proto* chronic migraines
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lewis-winters · 2 months
Wrt dæmon body horror it's so good because dæmons change by their nature. When they're young they're elastic, shrinking and growing and shedding fur for feathers and back again. But then they settle and that's meant to be it. Trauma and circumstance might change them a little, sure, but only by degrees. A change of coat, like Malarkey's hare keeping her winter fur all year, or a step sideways in species, like Buck's eagle becoming a snowy owl. To change so entirely? To lose what had become comfortable, what had become a sense of self in its shape? For Sledge's dæmon to go from a loyal dog at his heels to a bird that seems to show his wounds to the world? For Thomas Foster's to become a silent, nameless, wolfhound? It's quite literally like being torn apart and rebuilt as something unrecognisable. - Nathan
EXAAAACCCTTTLLLYYYYY LIKE SCREAMS i spent the whole night staring at the ceiling thinking about this because like.
we, by virtue of being human, tend to lean more toward the POV of the human in a human-dæmon relationship, that we totally forget that it is the dæmon that is changing. the horror, for the human, is that they FEEL different, and they can see physical evidence that they ARE different, but when they look in the mirror, they look relatively the same. the horror for the dæmon, though, is that their very SHAPE is now different. the way they navigate space is now different! the way they hear things smell things do things!! it's all different!!
though that interpretation is rooted very much in the feeling of individualism that maybe we need to shake off. in our world, the dæmon is a part of us, in our own bodies, so we're the only ones who can feel this change. maybe sometimes we don't even notice it, because we're living it. but in the world of his dark materials, the dæmon is outside and physical to some extent. we can feel it. we can talk to it. we can hold it. so of course we'd be HORRIFIED when you realize that its changed so much that they're nonlonger in a form you recognize. or a form you may want or expect.
and i also do think... is it painful? changing when you're older? is it painful, for your dæmon's bones to break and grow or shrink, resettling into a different shape? is it tender? is it excruciating? does the pain go away or are do you simply get used to the pain? is it QUICK????
deacon changing for eugene sledge was not quick. he sprouted feathers, his bones crunched, his paws shrunk into claws... all in a span of WEEKS. is that wound on deacon's chest just coloring... or is it an actual wound?
buck compton's dæmon didn't even change in front of him. he was robbed of the intimacy of it that, before, was so easily shared between them. she just flew off one day, then flew back, a ghost of who she was! but did he feel it? did he feel it and was numb to it?
don malarkey didn't even NOTICE. the change was small but it was still change. and he carries that with him his whole LIFE.
david webster's dæmon didn't even change physically, but psychologically and mentally she was different. he never even knew the savageness and vindictiveness of the raven until he and annabel went to war.
all his life, all thomas foster had was his dæmon. what happens when he doesn't anymore? when she won't even talk to him, much less look at him?
UGH, being unable to recognize yourself in the mirror is one thing. but being unable to recognize your soul????? that's fucked up.
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Kids and Coffee Dates Ch 11
(set to the tune of the lamby song from Gravity Falls) Who wants a tiny little update? I do! I do! Because I haven't written in like 4 months Sorry! My bad!
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“Kids are learning fast. They know the T-birds kick some ass. Be sure that there’s no coming last if your on…”
The music pouring out of the Bluetooth speaker on a shelf in the garage trickled out of the open garage door and down to meet Geralt underneath the body of a 67 impala. The car had been an absolute nerd vanity purchase and Geralt knew it. It had needed a new interior; the thing ran like dirt when he first bought it and Geralt was sure he had almost rebuilt the engine at this point with all the parts he had replaced in it. Yet every time he opened the garage and he saw it, a little bit of giddiness bubbled up in him. He had been working with his therapist about defining his emotions and letting himself feel them. The car it turned out had ended up being his little get away to think. A place neither of the women in his house wanted to really be in for any length of time that he could just feel in. He could get upset, frustrated, excited and curious completely unfiltered and it felt good.
Yennifer still called him a nerd for getting The Impala, which he always felt were bold words coming from someone with a Gossip Girl phase, that he witnessed no less.
It wasn’t Yennifer or Ciri however that disrupted Geralt from his musing while working underneath the car, rather it was the rumbling of an engine and the sound of tires slowing over asphalt in the drive. As he was pulling himself up from under the car Lambert was already out and beelining toward him.
“That girl that Eskel went on a date with, what did she look like?” Lambert was breathing heavy like he had ran over to Geralt’s house instead of driving.
“Why?” Geralt quirked up an eyebrow, the frown on his face contouring as he reached for a rag to wipe his hands.
“Well you know how Dad got on my ass about looking nice for company things? Well I was going over to Eskel’s to get steal some stuff of his because I was thinking about it and you know my thing about doing things when I think about them. “
“Yes I am aware that your ADHD ass works in mysterious ways” Geralt threw back at him.
Lambert gave him a quick dirty look before dropping it to continue.
“Well anyway I went to his house this morning and—”
Lambert’s rant was drown out by the very familiar rumble of a bike engine, which abruptly shut off as both brothers turned. Eskel stood a few feet from the bike, arms crossed over his chest and a glare directed at Lambert. The two brothers seemed to have an entire conversation for a few seconds solely with there eyes and facial expressions before Lambert bolted off like a shot to the side to try and reach his vehicle. Eskel however had strategically place himself between the two and sidestepped to grab his brother. The force of the two colliding knocked them both to ground.
It really was something watching two grown men—both built like lumberjacks—wrestling in a driveway at 7 in the morning.
Geralt only wished he had brought a drink out with him to watch the show.
The wrestling match lasted a few more seconds before Eskel had completely pinned Lambert to the ground with his hands pinned behind his back.  
“What in the hell is going on out here? You men are in your thirties, are you really acting like this?” Yennifer had stepped out on the front porch to observe the scene that was being made in her front yard.
“Hey don’t you lump me in with these old men” Lambert picked his head up from the pavement to retort back at Yennifer. Eskel gave out a huff before standing up and letting Lambert go. Which the younger man readily accepting quacking jumping back up.
Yennifer had made her way down to the driveway, turning to Geralt for answers.
“What’s going on out here?” Geralt gave her a shrug before answering.
“I genuinely don’t know this just kinda happened to me.”
“I saw Eskel’s girlfriend .” Lambert bluntly explained, all preamble lost after losing his impromptu wrestling match.
Eskel let out a groan dragging his hands through his hair and pulling before straightening back up and rolling his shoulders.
“Yeah look listen I’ve been meaning to tell you guys for a while I just could never find the right time, and then I started feeling guilty for waiting so long which made me wait ever more and I fuck” Eskel’s shoulders were slumped slightly as he looked mildly downtrodden off to the side.
“Does she have a name?” Yennifer tried to make the tone of her voice as light as possible to try and steer the conversation away from its sober state to at least some mild love or gaiety.
“Uhh yeah” Eskel awkwardly ruffled a hand behind his head. “Her name’s Y/n, she runs a farm, she’s been helping me with Bleater a lot actually, I’ve been seeing her for about six months. “
Lambert began to tsk and place his hand over his chest in overdramatic fashion.
“Eskel I just tsk I thought we were brothers. Six months you hide this girl from us? Six months I—”
“Oh my fucking God, you fucking knew?” Eskel’s eyes shone with irritation once more as he turned toward Lambert
“That not what i—” Lamber was once again cut off.
“No you wouldn’t be joking like this if this was the first time you were hearing about this. You fucking knew didn’t you?”  
Geralt stood up at this, knowing that Eskel would be even more upset if they lied any further.
“We found out by accident.” As Geralt spoke Eskel turned to him. The direct, vaguely angry eye contact would have probably brought any other man to his knees, but Geralt knew Eskel too well to be scared. He knew Eskel too well to fall for this act of anger that was hiding embarrassment and hurt.
“We found out by accident and we weren’t sure if it was anything serious so we figured you would come to us when you were ready.” While Geralt’s words were far from flowery or soft, he could tell by the lessening tension in Eskel’s shoulders that they were working.
“None of us wanted to pressure you or anything okay?” Relief filled Geralt as Eskel broke eye contact to close his eye and take a deep breath letting it out with an “okay”.
“Are we cool?” This was more for Geralt’s peace of mind than anything. Eskel was and always had been the closest person Geralt had had in his life, having Eskel upset at him for any length of time caused a big black hold to well up in his stomach that threaten to swallow him whole.
Eskel let out another long exhale from his nose before his eyebrows lifted slightly and he gave out a “Yeah were cool” with a few nods.
As the air cleared of tension Eskel could feel a few rapid fire vibrations radiate from his pocket.
Babe: Hey I think I’m gonna make waffles.
Babe: you have some strawberries in the fridge, should I make like a strawberry topping?
Babe: or blueberry?
Babe: blueberry and strawberry?
Babe:……… I love you!
Eskel let out a little snort from his nostrils before putting the phone back in his pocket.
“Well as… pleasant as this morning has been I have waffles waiting for me at home and I” Eskel looked around the driveway a second before flicking off a piece of gravel from his shoulder “am going to take advantage of them”
As the sound of the motorcycle faded into the distance Yennifer leaned into the side of the house.
“That could have gone a lot better”
“could have also gone a lot worse” Geralt responded, leaning over to pick up tools from around the car.
“I never did get my tie-tacks” Lambert piped up. “How mad do you think he’d be if I went back to his house to snag a waffle?”
Suhuyini: Hey were going to have a party for Purnima at the Stable for her birthday on October 1st. Just wanted to let you know.
Eskel: Nice, do you want me to bring anything?
Suhuyini: Your little girlfriend.
Eskel: You know what I meant, like what food do you want me to bring?
Suhuyini: Technically people are edible.
Eskel: Were not eating my girlfriend.
Suhuyini: Eskel I am sure you eat your girlfriend 😉
Eskel: Would you cut it out??
Suhuyini: Only if you bring your girlfriend.
Eskel: I will ASK my girlfriend. I’m not going to tie her up and drag her to the stable
Suhuyini: Tie her up you say 😉
Eskel: I’m leaving
Suhuyini: You can’t leave a text, if could also bring like a fruit or veggie tray that would be great.
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titanicfreija · 11 months
"Reya. T'ree," Yol said, standing to look for them. Ken leapt to his feet, scanning the courtyard. Freija slowly emerged with her hands up. Ken lunged at her with a war cry.
Yol tried to grab his arms, momentarily getting hold before her grip failed. That moment of slow-down gave Freija what she needed to catch his head and force it down and backward, flipping him to his back where he landed with a heavy whumph! The Titan put her boot on his chest, but didn't lift any weapons, instead leaving her hands out where he could see them.
He stared blankly and didn't move.
<"See? Not killing each other.">
"Am I gonna have to fight him for real?" Freija asked.
"Give him a second," Fynch pleaded.
Freija lifted her boot slowly and stepped back. The Knight rolled to his feet and got into stance. Yol stepped firmly between them. <"Not killing each other.">
The Knight glared at Yol, and his Light rolled and rippled as he considered his next move.
Freija called hers in and sent a flare to compete with Ken's pressing energy. She overdid it, and the burst of flame startled him. He visibly fought the urge to fight and failed, lunging at her with a cry.
"Oh, for--" Freija groaned, pulling a hammer and smashing his head with a single blow, dropping him. The fires disintegrated half of his body before they petered out, and Freija looked to Fynch with her lips pulled. "Sorry," she mumbled.
Fynch didn't even bother looking at her while he rebuilt and revived his Guardian.
"You didn't have to threaten the poor guy," teased Three as she appeared next to the Titan. "You scared him." Ken hardly looked up at her, instead kneeling and putting his head forth.
"I'm not gonna kill you," Three promised him for her Ghost to translate. He grunted and Fynch chittered while Freija eased her way around to Ken's side.
He didn't move, even as she got closer. Fynch stopped talking when she moved a step away, and he watched the Titan nervously as she stood next to the kneeling Knight. Even crouched, his shoulder stood almost as high as hers.
"I had to give Yol a hand up before she trusted me," Freija explained. "What can I do to help?"
"Uh... Well, you're scaring him but it's wearing off," Fynch explained. "He thinks there's a bigger trick going on."
Freija grinned and laughed, startling the Hive. "I would, too. Let me get surrounded by Lucent Hive and one Guardian, and let Sunny tell me they're not gonna hurt me. I wouldn't believe it, either."
She touched a glove to the Knight's bony pauldron and lumbered to a perch she liked. "Okay, well, answer to that one is to leave him alone and let him figure it out. Let us know if he wants to get violent," she told Fynch. "Might can play Deathmatch if we can protect the player Ghost, will need to keep up if he's just gonna fight. Actually, Deathmatch would probably be good for him period, get him used to the idea of sport. Yol thought it was neat."
Three stared at the Titan blankly, and Freija shrugged. "Look, if I was in his shoes, I'd hold off violence until I felt threatened, and as soon as I felt a threat, I'd kill everyone and run. If we do this right, he'll figure out we mean no harm. If we don't, he'll fight. If he decides to fight for the sake of it, we can take him down."
Fynch drifted closer to Ken, finally hovering over his shoulder and spinning idly. Three perched on top of a statue, turning a shoulder but not a blind eye.
Yol, after nearly two full minutes of waiting to see what he was going to do, sat in front of Ken with her legs folded, and she shaped a knife to twirl in her fingers. Eventually, he lifted his head to watch, and he muttered at her. She answered briefly. He said something else. She answered less briefly, ending the line with a sense of finality. Ken sat on his butt and lifted his head again to look at the Guardians. They didn't pay him any mind, and the Knight slowly sat back to talk to his broodmate.
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evermorehqs · 1 year
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Beau Max is based on Baymax from Big Hero 6. He is an immortal artificial intelligence, nursing assistant, and uses he/they pronouns. They have the power of rocket fists, super strength, super intelligence, flight and defibrillator hands. Beau is portrayed by Lee Jong Suk and he is taken.
To be someone's proudest achievement was quite the honor, and Beau was, without question, Tadashi Hamada's. Put together with hope, love and pure intentions, he knew from the moment he was created that his goal was to help people. He wasn't meant to be anything more or less. But as time went on, Beau felt like they... felt. When he found out that his creator had died, it became his job to look after his younger brother, the way Tadashi would want him to. They were not programmed to understand loss or grief, only to help others through it. But when Beau was alone in their charging port, there was something new that surrounded the incident; an inkling of what he imagined was akin to sadness for humans. By their side every day he grew closer to Hiro and his friends, began to care about their well-being more than the average person. It was something beyond his computing abilities. And when it came down to it, he gave his "life" for them without a second thought. Because his chip was fortunately saved in the destruction, Beau was rebuilt after some time, reactivated with all of his memories. When they awoke from darkness they found they were given a new body that was a little less... marshmallow-like. One that could blend in with everyone else! He was just beginning to get used to it when he and Tadashi's friends were seemingly magically transported to Evermore, yet another thing his superhuman intelligence was lost on. As hard as he tried, he could not think up an explanation... or a way out. Which made them feel -- at least, they thought -- useless. This time, Beau could not help any of the people that had brought him back. After failing to find answers, they started working at the local hospital in hopes he could be a beneficial addition to the town for however long they were there... while keeping an eye on the younger Hamada brother who seemed determined to work himself to death if someone didn't stop him.
❀ Brynn Utonium: She reminds him of Hannah; a strong, nice, intelligent woman who doesn't need anyone to look out for her. But he does it anyway. It's kind of programmed into him. ❀ Wallace Ellis: He is like them! Sort of, anyway. Beau had never met such a functional robot before, one that also seemed to be their own being, and they would say that Wallace has become a real friend to them since being here. ❀ Elsa Munster: They are very smart. If he did not scan her to know for sure, Beau would think she was also artificial intelligence. Though, it is a little odd she has two hearts...
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spacebugarts · 1 year
Okokok so I've had this silly little idea trapped in my brain/jotted down in my notes for a LONG time and since my sister just reawakened my ST fixarion I think now is a good time to bring it to light: Kas!Eddie but not as a creation of Vecna or general Upside-Down weirdness, but as a vessel of the Mindflayer. More under cut bc this is definitely gonna be a long post lol
So, when it seemed safe enough to return without Vecna taking notice, due to his power being weakened in the fight, the Mindflayer returned, searching for a vessel it could hide in while regaining its strength. It found Eddie, and breathed life back into him by using the bodies littered around him to rebuild what was damaged, and give him a form more suitable for survival in the Upside-Down.
So, basically, my idea was that a tiny portion of the Mindflayer (particularly the one that escaped Will) managed to escape Vecna's control, but couldn't truly act on it until the rest of the hivemind was destroyed in Russia. The Mindflayer had learned a lot from its time under Vecna's control, through the vessels he had forced it to possess, about humanity. And it wanted revenge on the man that destroyed the land it once called home.
Eddie was the one to name it Kas after he woke up, using his new form to take shelter from Vecna's watch. It liked that name a lot better than the ones it had been given before, and over time its image evolves to look less like Billy, reflecting its growth into its own person. As they grow stronger, Kas is able to reach out to more of the inhabitants of the Upside-Down, connecting them to the hivemind and helping them escape Vecna's grasp. They all wanted him gone, just as Kas and Eddie did. They began amassing an army, subtly using their influence to help those that fell into the Upside-Down, guiding them to take refuge in the school. Eddie couldn't help them directly, but he and Kas could lead them to people that could.
It initially takes the form of Billy in order to communicate with him while his body was being rebuilt. It explains how Vecna— or The Invader, as those in the Upside-Down call him— had taken control over it, using it as a puppet to enslave the creatures of the Upside-Down and later Hawkins. It was conscious of everything, watching as its home was distorted and warped into something it didn't recognize, and then as it was forced to corrupt the minds of humans. It saw and felt everything they did, everything they were, and it grieved as they were slowly destroyed under Vecna's influence. It mourned the loss of this beautiful new form of life it had been forcibly made a part of. It explained to Eddie that it only wanted to help him fix it.
Jason Carver was the one they brought the survivors to, not knowing that he had died that night at the Creel house. He was Vecna's new puppet, along with the other bodies littering the Upside-Down, as Vecna built his army of the dead. He used Jason to influence the survivors, sending them on fruitless tasks that should have led to their deaths; but they somehow came back, chased away by a strange monster he didn't recognize. He never got a good enough view of it, but it somehow always evaded his control...
Eddie doesn't realize what was wrong with Jason until he's reunited with the party, and learns that Jason Carver is very much supposed to be dead. Then things start to make sense, and both halves of Kas are filled with dread at the realization that they had been putting the survivors right into Vecna's hands. They have to save as many as they can, but there's no way to tell how many had been corrupted, and they couldn't put their friends in danger to fix their mistake. Eddie and Kas have to find a way to save the remnants of a town that believe they're the monster, now for more reasons than one.
So yeah thats a summarized version of the story in my head, its all pretty loose but it takes a lot of inspiration from the D&D lore, but in a bit of a different light. I'm not sure if I'll ever do much with this concept, espescially since I don't have the attention span to write out a long, drawn-out storyline like this, so I might as well toss it out there for others to maybe take some inspiration from!
Please send me a link if you do, as I'd love to see what you do with it!
(Also sorry for the tense changes my brain is weird and thats just how it fits ig)
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spicywhenspeaking · 8 months
Star-Crossed Connection: Chapter One
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Nick Folio x Original Female Character
this is a complete work of fiction, some characters while based on real people are totally made up. :)
Seraphina Holloway is Hollywood’s new it girl. But, when an embarrassing viral video of her ex / costar publicly dumping her goes viral, she thinks she needs a quick fix to help maintain her image. When she’s set to appear at her new movies premier she scrambles to find a date to bring that will help take the white hot spotlight away from her public dumping and show that she’s still desirable to all. Enter Nick Folio, drummer of the metalcore band that’s taking over the scene, Bad Omens. He’s a sweet down to earth guy with a heart of gold and when a smokin hot movie star asks him to be her fake boyfriend for a week he agrees to help. But will the line between fake feelings and reals ones start to blur when Seraphina lets her true self show.
word count: 3.3k
Taglist: @cookiesupplier @lma1986 @to-be-written @bngurngheart @jessicafg03 @knivesforapro @thatchickwiththecamera @somewhere-diamond @sorrowsofsilence @malerieee @dsireland86 @collapsedglasshouses
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FLASH Seraphina! Seraphina!!  Right here!” FLASH
FLASH Seraphine! Hey! Let’s see a smile over here!”  FLASH
FLASH Seraphina! How are you feeling after the breakup?!”  FLASH
“Have you seen Conner's latest tweets? What do you have to say about him calling you a spoiled brat? and a controlling alcoholic?” 
The nonstop lights flashing in my face and the condescending questions have me feeling irate. I’m just trying to get to my fucking car. “No! I actually didn’t see his tweets! I could care less what he has to say and you can fucking quote me on that!” I yell back at the paparazzi as I climb into my car and slam the door as they continue clicking pictures over and over again. 
Ugh, I’m never getting away from this embarrassment. The stupid video was a drunken fight with Conner, my on-again-off-again boyfriend of the last year and a half. That fight ended up with us wanting to never speak to each other again.
Unfortunately, he’s my co-star in the movie we just made and we have loads of scheduled press to do along with a week-long film festival in snowy Colorado. I need to figure something out quickly, no way am I showing up to that alone. Conner Frank is a lot of things, talented, gorgeous, charming, but he’s also a petty douche. He’s been subtweeting like a dejected teenage boy since the video leaked. I look like such a primadonna, crying outside of a party sloppy drunk, and yelling at Conner about flirting with some other girl.
I looked like a wild woman, my makeup was smeared and my outfit was barely hanging on my body, he looked like an innocent bystander being berated by a drunkard. But I'm not exaggerating when I say he and this girl were hanging all over each other.
We had gone to the party together and this girl was in his fucking lap, if I had been sober? Maybe I would have handled it better. Instead, there's video evidence of me yanking her off of him and dragging him outside to hurl insults at him and cry about how he doesn’t love me anymore. And just my luck about forty people were video taping it on their phones. It was all over the news the next day, DailyMail, E!, TMZ, my hometown news station even talked about it. Ugh, and now the fucking paparazzi won't leave me alone.
I managed to get out of the parking lot without much hassle. The paparazzi have always been relentless, but I guess they have some regard for their own lives. They moved out of the way pretty fast before they met the underside of my vintage Bronco. My dad practically rebuilt the whole car, It’s all I have left of him since he died five years ago. He was a firefighter and died in a house fire after saving a family of five. I miss him a lot, I’m thankful that I have the memories of fixing up this car together.
 Pulling onto the road I roll down my windows and turn up the radio. “Coming up next we have a band that’s taking over the rock charts with their new single, here’s Bad Omens with Just Pretend,” the radio DJ says as the song begins to play. I’ve never heard of Bad Omens before but I like this station so I’ll check it out. 
I'm not afraid of the war you've come to wage against my sins
I'm not okay, but I can try my best to just pretend
So will you wait me out
Or will you drown me out?
So will you wait me out
Or will you drown me out? 
(I might have to let you go)
“Oh shit, this is pretty good,” I mumble to myself as the song plays on and I turn the volume up louder. 
I can wait for you at the bottom
I can stay away if you want me to
I could wait for years if I gotta
Heaven knows I ain't getting over you
We'll try again
When we're not so different
We will make amends
'Til then I'll just pretend
I listen to the rest of the song and make a mental note to listen to more of their music when I get home. I’m on my way to meet my manager, Alyssa, and my assistant, Jules, for lunch to discuss what next steps I want to take with my career and how to get out of this stupid embarrassing viral expose of my life. 
When I arrive at the cafe where I agreed to meet Alyssa and Jules there is a bit of a commotion but thankfully the manager at the restaurant doesn’t allow the paparazzi inside. Once settled into a corner booth I sigh exasperated. “I am so done with this fiasco, I need an image revamp immediately,” I say to the two others at the table. “Well we can get you booked on Kelly’s show to talk about the movie, she’s great for positive press. Her clips on TikTok do really well.” Alyssa suggests. “Oh yeah, and you could do that karaoke game! People will hear your singing voice and forget all about this shit with Connor.” Jules adds. “I like the talk show idea but not the singing, let’s not forget how horribly received my single did a few years ago. Sometimes actors should just stick to acting. Myself included.” 
“What I need is a new guy, I need to make it seem like I could care less about Connors’s stupid comments and cheating. If I could find a hot, mysterious guy I could make myself look like the hot superstar I’m supposed to be.” 
God, If my dad could hear how fucking full of myself I sound he would throw me in the car and take me right back to grandmas ranch to get rid of this attitude. But I don’t know how else to survive in this world. It’s toxic to a core so I’ve just adapted to be toxic along with it. 
“What kind of guy?” they ask in unison. “What about Jacod Elordi, hes so dreamy,” Jules asks. “I think he’s dating that nepo baby whose mom went to jail.” Alyssa says as she scrolls through her Instagram feed, “What about this TikTok guy? Noah Beck? He’s a cutie.” she flips her phone to show me some photos but I’m unimpressed. “No, I don’t want some cookie-cutter Instagram hunk, I want someone cool and hot. Like….Like….like that guy over there.” 
I point off to the far side of the cafe where a group of guys is sitting at a table, I’m singling out the one with the baseball cap and red cut off shirt. “In between the two long-haired guys across from the one with the neck tattoo. That’s the guy.” I say, admiring his side profile. “Wait a guy like him? Or that guy? Just some random guy?” Jules questions and I don’t answer, I just scooch out of my seat and head over towards the boy’s table.
A few people notice me as I walk over and I offer a small smile. I reach the table where the four boys are seated and clear my throat to announce myself. They look up confused and I begin introducing myself, “Hi, I’m sorry this is kind of weird but I’m-” 
“Holy shit!! You’re Seraphina Holloway!" one of the long-haired guys says. "Haunted Drive-In is one of my favorite indie horror movies, you were so awesome in that! oh!, I’m Nicholas by the way, sorry for interrupting. This is Jolly,” He points across from him, “and Noah” who is sitting to his left, “and this is also Nick, but we call him Folio.” who is the last of them sitting on his right side. They all give a head nod of acknowledgment and Folio offers a little “hey.” 
“Hey! Nice to meet y’all. Wow, I can’t believe you saw that movie! It was one of my firsts but definitely a personal favorite. Goes to show that it’s not the budget that makes the movie, It’s all about writing and having a good director.” I start to ramble and remember the reason I came over. “So this is kind of random but I was wondering,” I turn to the guy he introduced as Folio, “if I could get you’re number?” 
He does a double-take between me and the rest of the guys almost like he’s making sure I’m talking to him. “Me?” he gestures to himself and raises his eyebrows. “Yes, you.” I giggle. “What? Are you not interested?” 
He eyes me up and down and shakes his head, “oh no, I’m definitely interested, Just surprised is all. Um but yes, my number, can I see your phone?” Nodding I hand him my unlocked phone and let him put in his contact information. “Listen are you busy tonight? Maybe we could go out for drinks?” I am never this forward and honestly, it feels kind of cool, but is it empowering or desperation? Shut up inner monologue. It can be both..right? 
“We actually have a show tonight, why don’t you come and we could do something after?” 
“A show? Oh, are yall a band?” I ask and the guy with the neck tattoo looks almost offended that I didn’t know. Like omg sorry but pretty much everyone in L.A. is in a band or some public access soap opera, sue me for not knowing them all. But Folio is the one who responds, “Yeah, Bad Omens, have you heard of us?”
Wow, if that isn’t cosmic intervention at work before my very eyes, “I just heard you guys on the radio! You guys are awesome, you’re playing tonight? Where?”
“Text me your info and I’ll send you some passes for the show”
“Okay, perf. Looking forward to it! Wow, so awesome meeting you guys. I will text you and see you guys tonight” I say with my pageant smile and while turning back towards my table almost completely run into a waitress.
“Oh! I’m so sorry, are you okay?” I say throwing out my hands to keep them from crashing onto the floor, “Yes, I’m okay, it’s fine- oh my god! You’re Seraphina Holloway! Oh my god! Did they really cast you as Ferye in the live-action ACOTAR series, omg that’s my favorite book series, can we get a picture please?” 
Laughing I agree to the picture, “Thats just a rumor, but I would love to play Ferye, could you imagine? I’ll have to call my agent” I joke as we take the quick selfie and with one last wave to the table that was watching my whole interaction I head back to my table to quickly text Folio back with my contact info.
“Sooo? How did it go?” Allyssa asks and her and Jules both lean in to get the details. “Well.. It looks like we’re going to a concert tonight girl!” I say and turn my phone to show the three backstage all-access tickets he just sent over. 
Later that evening the three of us are outside the venue preparing to show our passes. “Wow, I’m so glad we became friends in middle school, movie premies all over the world, free stuff, and now VIP concert tickets. We did good Jules” Allysa says high-fiving Jules and I roll my eyes. “Wow, so that’s all I’m good for now? Free stuff and access to shows and movies?” I joke and we all laugh.
“No no, of course not. You also offer amazing medical benefits.” That makes me burst out laughing. I’ve known Allyssa and Jules since the sixth grade and when my acting career started talking off the choice between some random Hollywood leech and my best friends helping me out I went with my friends and It’s been such an amazing journey so far. Besides the current shit-storm, I’ve found myself in. But, that’s all on me. 
We make it into the venue and head towards the VIP area a few minutes before the opening band goes on. The music is cool and different from what I typically listen to. 
When Bad Omens finally takes the stage I’m transfixed, the show they put on is electric and so fucking fun. I can’t keep my eyes off Folio, he’s a drummer, so hot. Their music is great, the song on the radio was such a gentle introduction to them, they have some really headbanging stuff and I never thought I could be so turned on by someone banging against a drum kit for an hour.
Folio had texted me earlier to wait for them at the backstage exit so when he was done with the show and showered we could head out to hang out. 
When he and the other guys exited he waved and they walked towards us, “the guys are going to the Dave & Busters down the road if your friends want to join? I thought we could take a ride to a coffee spot by the pier” he asks me and I almost swoon on the spot. “That sounds great.” my friends excitedly agree and we say our goodbyes and head our separate ways. 
I follow along side Folio as we walk further into the parking lot, “so should we call an uber? Or did you drive?” I ask and he laughs under his breath as we stop next to a big black motorcyle. “I road here since it was a show in town. How do you feel about riding on a bike?” he asks and my eyes widen a little. Hmmm the risks are falling off and becoming mangled and possible dying and the pros are riding on a motorcylce with a hot drummer..”Sounds fun!” I tell him and accept the hemet he offers me. “But it will mess up my hair.” I fake pout and he laughs, “I think you’d prefere a bad hair day over your brains spilled out over the side of the road. Plus, it would take a lot more than bad hair to make you look bad.” 
I blush slightly and put on the helmet, “how do I look?” I ask and do a spin. 
“Very nice,” he says looking me up and down, “have you ridden before?” 
“Yeah, my dad had bikes and use to take me on rides. He died a few years back so its been a while but I know the drill.” I tell him and try to push down the emotion the clogs my throat. It’s still hard to talk about him. “Oh, I’m sorry for your loss. Was your dad a harley man?” he asks and I can’t help the big smile that speads across my face. “Yeah he had a 1959 Harley-Davidson Duo Glide FLH, it was his baby. It’s still in the garage at my mom’s, I havent been able to ride it. But, maybe someday.” 
“Thats a sick bike, maybe that someday we can go on a ride together?” he asks and I smile and nod as he throws his leg over the bike to start it up. I climb on behind him and wrap my arms around his waist. A few minuets later he takes off out of the parking lot. We fly past or friends walking towards the D&B and give them a quick wave before Folio takes a sharp left towards the coastline. 
It’s been so long since I’ve been on a bike I forgot how much fun it is, the speed, the wind whipping against your skin, the world buzzing past you in a blur of color and lights. 
The closer we get to the pier the stronger the salt air of the air hits my system, the beach is my favorite part of living in California. I love the warm breeze and the sand and the freezing cold water, It’s my little slice of peace in the world.
We make it to the coffee shop about twenty minuets later and once inside I order and green tea and Folio orders a hot chocolate with extra whipped cream. He finds us a seat on the patio facing the water. The coffee shop has warm twinkly lights all along their patio and small unscented candles at each table. “This is a cute place, you come here often?” I ask taking a sip of my tea. “Yeah, I like riding near the water, the air is nice out here.” 
I’m starting to forget why I originally asked for his number in the first place, I figure I should just rip the bandaid off. The worst he can do is say no and then I awkwardly uber home and never listen to his band again. I could try this the old fashion way, and date and maybe we would eventually get there but this premier is next week and I don’t have time for traditional dating right now. 
 “Look I don’t know how to ask this and not sound awkward but I have a new movie premiering next week at the Colorado Music and Film Festival and I need a fake boyfriend to make me look hot and my ex look like a loser. I don’t know if you saw but this embarrassing video of me went viral and it’s my literal nightmare to show up to this thing next week with no one when he’ll have the newest victorias secret lingerie model draped all over him.” I blurt it all out like a toddler after eating broccoli for the first time. “Um I know that sounds crazy, but I need you to pretend to be my boyfriend? Would you? It’s in colorado! So snowboarding, good food, parties? Um weed? If thats your thing.” 
“Wait what? Do you just regularly ask people you barely know to movie premiers? And ask them to be your fake boyfriend? How do you know I’m not crazy? And how does a girl like you need a fake boyfriend?” he asks with a small giggle. 
“Ugh, I need a fake boyfriends for the exact reason of being myself. I’m a mess, I just need to not look like a total loser infront of my ex and really the world. I’m some sick joke because I acted like a drunk idiot. Have you ever been a meme? It sucks, and I’m not even a meme I can use ironically with my friends." I take a deep breath before continuing. "Listen I know it’s a lot to ask a stranger, but it would just be a week and if you hate me at the end of it we never have to speak again.” 
He’s quiet for several minuets and I don’t say anything else, I’m sure he’s just thinking of a nice way of letting me down. 
“So a week in colorado with you, at a film festival and I just have to pretend to be your boyfriend?” he asks and I just nod as confirmation. 
“You know what? What the hell, sounds like it might be fun. What do I need to do?”
I don't stop the smile and squeal that break out of my mouth and I practically shoot over the table to hug him. “Oh thank you! thank you! You just need to show up and be the cool motorcycle driving metal drumming guy that you are. Oh and send me your measurements and I can have my stylist pull some stuff for you to wear. I will send you the itinerary tomorrow, this is going to be great.”
As we finish our drinks and head back to the bike I notice movement in my peripheral vision and then a sudden sucussion of bright flashes. 
“Hey Seraphina who's the new guy?” FLASH
“Is this a new guy?” FLASH “whats his name?” FLASH “hey Seraphina give us a smile” FLASH
“Are you going to mess this relationship up like the last one Seraphina?” FLASH “come on give us a smile?” FLASH
“Ugh, I’m sorry. I guess they found out I was here.” I whisper to Folio and he quickly moves to defensively wrap his arm around me and walk us closer to his bike. “No need to apologize, let's just get out of here.” 
He hands me my helmet and we quickly climb onto the bike as the flashes continue going off. Soon I can’t hear their harassing comments as Folio kicks on the engine and speeds down the road. “So I guess that’s the start huh? This is gonna be fun” he laughs and hits the throttle harder sending us blazing down the dark city streets. 
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thanks for reading ! :)
Chapter two ->
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thesffcorner · 2 years
Avatar: The Way of Water
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Avatar: The Way of Water is the sequel to James Cameron’s Avatar, finally out after 13 years in development. It follows Jake Sully (Sam Wortington), now fully integrated in Na’vi society, living at the rebuilt Hometree with Neytiri (Zoe Saldana) and raising a family. When humans return with a massive army as well as plans to terraform Pandora and make it humanity’s new home, Jack is forced to face everything he thought he left behind, and make some tough decisions about how best to protect his family. 
I was never a huge fan of the original Avatar; I found the story predictable and unoriginal, most of the characters boring and underdeveloped, and the only real draw for me was the world of Pandora. Even 13 years ago, as derivative as the Na’vi were of an amalgamation of various Native American tribes, I genuinely enjoyed the world and hoped that if there ever were sequels they would build it up even more and explore the other clans. 
In preparation for this sequel, I rewatched the first film, and I’m sad to report that I was in fact wrong about several things. For one, not all the characters are flat; Jake, Commander Quaritch (Steven Lang) and Dr. Grace Augustine (Sigourney Weaver) are actually developed characters with their own goals, motivations, and personalities. Jake especially, gets a lot of internal struggle, and his journey from a jarhead whose only motivation is to get paid and get his spine fixed, to someone who deeply connects with the forest and with the Na’vi way of life is very well done, even if Wortington’s acting leaves a lot to be desired. 
My main gripe with the first film really is the plot; the white savior narrative is the main driving force of the film, and there is something so intrinsically insulting about Jake being a random alien nobody who is not only someone who wants to help the Na’vi, but who is blessed by their goddess Eywa herself to be Pandora’s savior, not to mention how easily he beats the humans and unites the many clans. Just simply becoming Toruk Makto and uniting the clans could’ve been a full film, and yet Avatar squanders it in less than 20 minutes of screentime. 
The Way of Water suffers from many of these same problems, while introducing a whole host of new ones. Before I get into my long list of complaints, let me say some positives first. 
Visually, the film is gorgeous. CGI has come a long way since 2009, and the attention to detail is staggering. I love everything about the Na’vi designs, from their bioluminescent skin to the way they move and their animal-like mannerisms. The new clan introduced in this film, the Metkayina look amazing, especially the way their bodies and arms are adapted to water. Likewise the designs of the tulkuns are beautiful, as these truly massive, deeply intelligent creatures. 
Generally, all the designs from the animals in the water, to the locations new and old, like the Cove of Ancestors, or the Hallelujah mountains are beautiful. The CGI combined with the film being shot and cut with 3d in mind makes the experience of watching it in the cinema worth it, even if it ends up being more of  spectacle rather than a compelling story.
While I didn’t love how Quaritch was brought back, his design was very well done. I loved how his squad still clung onto the human way of dressing, walking and hunting even in their new Na’vi bodies. There was also generally a better integration of the characters who were meant to be humans in Na’vi bodies into said Na’vi bodies; in the first film both Jake and Grace looked very close to the uncanny valley, especially their faces. This film avoids that; Jake and Quaritch look a lot better. Kiri is the only character who sometimes looks awkward which is ironic because her face is the one on all the posters. 
Now let’s get into some gripes. 
The first one is the plot. There isn’t one. This film is 3 hours and 15 minutes of vibes. Stuff happens, but one cannot call it a plot, since there’s no real progression of events or even a heightening of tension. To explain this I will have to go into SPOILERS, so if for some reason you don’t want this film spoiled, skip this section. 
The film starts with Quaritch and his squad waking up in Na’vi bodies. In the last film, supposedly, they gave their DNA and memories to scientists on Earth who have somehow fused them (?) with Na’vi DNA and now they are all Na’vi. The new squad remembers everything the OG people remembered up until the point where they handed off their DN, but they are not actually those people. 
Here we run into problem nb. 1: why would Quaritch, a man who was so racist and hostile to the Na’vi, so determined to exterminate them from Hometree by any means necessary, so dedicated to the survival of the humans, agree to give his DNA to this type of project? And if this new Quaritch has enough of the OG’s memories and personality, so much so that he cares about Spider enough to risk his life to save him twice (we’ll talk about Spider later) why isn’t he more conflicted about this? 
General Ardmore (Edie Falco) tells the Na’vi squad that their mission is to find and kill Jake Sully because apparently he’s what’s stopping them from relocating the Na’vi and terraforming Pandora. I don’t understand how Jake’s guerilla strikes are doing any damage to the insane amount of military power these humans have, especially because in the first film, the humans on Pandora had been there for years, and had one base. Here, they have a massive compound and have made rail tracks into the forest and spread all the way into the ocean. How would Jake, even with his successful attacks stop them?  
Quaritch is the luckiest man in this movie, because Jake’s kids chose this very moment to explore so both groups end up at the compound where Jake and Neytiri killed OG Quaritch. Jake has 3 kids with Neytiri: Neteyam, Lo’ak and Tuk, and he has also adopted Kiri who is Grace’s daughter, born out of her avatar body after Grace died. Jake also semi-adopted Spider, who is in fact Quaritch’s son. Spider was born before Quaritch died, but because he was a child, he got stranded on Pandora since he couldn’t be put in a cryopod. 
The two groups fight and eventually Quaritch captures Spider. Afraid that Spider would betray their location (and not even once considering rescuing him from his deadly enemy) Jake decides to quite literary ABANDON the Na’vi and even worse, force Neytiri, their literal Tsahik and LEADER to abandon them as well, under the excuse that Quaritch would come for them and put the clan in danger. 
I have NO idea why suddenly now Jake is afraid of Quaritch; he doesn’t know about the terraforming plan and he killed Quaritch once before, and that was before he was even fully Na’vi. What’s so different about Quaritch now that makes him more of a threat? He doesn’t have an army, he has a squad of 10 people!  
So at this point, one might assume that Jake’s kids would maybe rebel and go after Spider? Nope, Spider is entirely forgotten about; Kiri mentions him once. 
Ok, maybe Jake realizes that he can’t run from the war and must convince the new clan he’s hidden himself among into helping him win the war? Wrong. Jake actually is the one who convices the Metkayina not to fight, which leads to Quaritch capturing the leaders’ children. 
So what is the plot? Well, there isn’t one. After Jake and co arrive at the Metkayina village, he and Neytiri drop out of the film and we follow the kids learning to swim, breathe, ride, speak and hunt underwater, for 2 hours. 
In those 2 hours we are introduced to a dozen subplots which either lead nowhere or grind the film to a halt. I am not kidding when I say that most of this film felt like a Fallout 4 playthrough; sure I am in a rush to find and save my kidnapped child, but why don’t I spend several hours doing side-quests in Boston harbor or customize my settlement?
What doesn’t help is that none of the new characters are interesting, entertaining or at all developed. The two new adults we have are Tonowari (Cliff Curtis) and Ronal (Kate Winslet), the leaders of the Metikayina clan. They have a collective 15 minutes of screentime as stock characters: Ronal is feisty and doesn’t trust outsiders and Tonowari is strict, wise and good at fighting. That’s about it.  
For the kids we get Tsireya, Aonung and Rotxo. Tsireya is the beautiful princess who falls in love with one of the outsiders, in this case Lo’ak, and the one who is kindest and most easily charmed by the newcomers. She is actually the best character out of the 3, because the 2 boys are interchangeable; they are both assholes, and are both mean to the Sully kids, especially Aonung who takes it to a whole new level by literally trying to murder Lo’ak and leaving him stranded in a bay full of dangerous, carnivorous fish.
Jake’s kids fare no better: Tuk is an annoying cold who only serves to tag along and needs constant rescuing; she could be replaced by a lamp and nothing would change. Neteyam is the older brother who is Jake’ favorite and supposedly perfect. He has no personality and serves to take the fall for every stupid thing Lo’ak does, and dies. I would call him the Boromir of the group, but that would be a huge insult to Boromoir. Lo’ak for his part is extremely stupid, annoying and whiny. He has a strained relationship with Jake which could be half-interesting if the film ever actually committed to exploring it. 
As it stands, Jake comes off as a wildly incompetent and abusive father, but Lo’ak consistently makes every wrong decision ever, in order to justify Jake’s abuse. 
The only remotely interesting characters are weirdly, Kiri and Spider. Kiri is interesting because no one knows who her father is or how she was born; she also seems to have a very strong connection to Eywa; she can hear her, she can control nature, she can breathe underwater longer than anyone else, and sometimes goes in a trance that seems to be caused by Eywa. At one point, while bonding with Metkayina's version of the Tree of Souls, she manages to speak to Grace, but before we get any answers, she suffers some kind of stroke. The film seems to suggest she has epilepsy (?) but it never follows up on it, adding it to the list of dropped plot points. 
Spider is similarly interesting because he’s a human raised by the Na’vi. He ends up developing a relationship with Quaritch, seeing him as a second chance to have a father. Quaritch for his part also cares for Spider and takes his advice, and later his please seriously. The issue with Spider is that the film tries to have him teach Quaritch’s group how to become Na’vi, and suggests that he’s bonded with them, and might actually betray the Sullys. However, Spider never once falters in his beliefs; even at the very end when Neytiri quite literary threatens to kill him, and actually hurts him, his sole priority is saving Kiri, so at no point did I or anyone believe he would turn to Quaritch, especially because what Quaritch is doing is so painfully, obviously wrong. 
About 2 hours in, the film introduces more characters and a subplot that turns into the main plot. In the first film, the human mission on Pandora was to mine unobtainium. The reason they wanted the Na’vi to move was because Hometree was on top of the largest quantity of the metal on Pandora. This film never once mentions unobtainium; instead there’s a new Mcguffin, which is the fluid extracted from tulkuns which stops aging in humans. I don’t need to explain how bad on a story level this is; instead I think they should just invent a new expensive thing that the humans are after in each subsequent film, and pretend like the previous things were never mentioned. 
The way the substance is extracted is by elaborate tulkun hunting, which Quaritch uses to lure Jake out after torching Na’vi villages along the coast didn’t do the trick. 
In one of the many subplots, Lo’ak, as mentioned, is stranded by Aonung. A banished tulkun, Payakan saves him and befriends him. Because Payakan is banished, when Jake tells the Metkayina to send the tulkun away, to save them from Quaritch, Payakan doesn’t know so he gets tagged by the hunters. In incredible dramatic irony, Quaritch once again captures the kids and forces Jake to come out of hiding. 
There is a very stupid fight between Jake and Quaritch, during which all of Quaritch’s squid and Neteyem die, and the fight ends in a stalemate as Lo’ak saves Jake and Spider saves Quaritch. 
In the end Jake realizes what he should’ve known from the start, BEFORE a bunch of Na’vi, including his son died for NOTHING, which is that no place is safe while the humans are on Pandora. Except this film can’t even do that right, because in the end it’s not like Jake returns to the Forest with Metkayina reinforcements. 
Once again, it makes NO sense that Jake a) ran and b) actually believed that Quaritch wouldn’t find him or wouldn’t hurt his kids to get to him. Moreover the fact that Neytiri, THE best hunters on Pandora, and literal leader of the Na’vi agreed to let Jake do this is ridiculous. She already killed Quaritch! She is able to destroy whole planes with one arrow! 
Moreover, if Jake ran because he was worried Spider would be used by Quaritch to find him, why wouldn’t he try and save him? 
The thing that really gets me is that the film is on Jake’s side. No one ever stands up to him, and even when people challenge him, the movie contorts itself to somehow make him right in the end. How do you take a character whose whole motivation was that he was the chosen one, who changed into a different alien race to protect the people he met, the people he was so devoted to he LITERARY died for them, and makes him a coward that selfishly runs and hides? And for what? Because the man who he already killed once is back? 
Jake Sully deserves better than this. His arc in the first film was so simple, yet so effective; he was self-involved, he was reckless, he was selfish, and he learned how to become a leader, he sacrificed everything to help right the wrong he recognized humans were doing. 
This film takes that character and downgrades him back to being selfish and self-involved, and worse, makes him a coward. Jake Sully from 13 years ago would never use civilians as a shield between him and Quritch. The Jake who learned what Hometree means, and why the Na’vi have to fight, and can’t just move, would never tell the Metkayina to send their tulkun away. And worse, this time the movie thinks he’s right. 
The Way of Water is a case study in how not to make a sequel. It retreads the original, but it also devalues it. Watching it made me yearn for the simple yet competent storytelling of the first. This is just a mess. 
If you only care about the visual splendor of Pandora, maybe go see it. If you care at all about the story, stay far far away. 
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fanficimagery · 2 years
Guns, Claws & Teeth pt. 2
On the way back from running an errand for your brother, you stop by an auto garage for a tune-up for your car. Once there, you run into a bit of trouble but it's nothing you can't handle. Unfortunately, the humans you've made friends with are dragged into the mess.
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Words: 4.1K Author's Note: Violence. Some good 'ol fashion wolf vs. wolf action.
The parking lot of Teller-Morrow Automotive is tense.
Gemma and the men had taken your words seriously, pulling out weapons from their hiding spots and arming themselves. Though they do keep a respectable distance from you as you angrily pace back and forth, texting your brother every now and then.
"So.. werewolves, huh?" Juice wonders. You glance at him, eyes narrowing as you try to determine whether he's actually curious or what.
And seeing that he actually does look curious, even as his brothers nudge him to shut him up, you grin. "Yeah. There's so much you don't know about the supernatural world, man. I'll tell you about it later if I live through this night."
That stops everyone short. "You don't think you're gonna make it?"
"M'not sure," you answer distractedly. "Alphas are more powerful than a beta or omega, but it is possible for them to fall to a less powerful wolf."
"So your family," Gemma says, arms crossed and foot tapping as she stares you down, "was that all bullshit or..?"
"Definitely not bullshit. I just left out a few key details."
"Such as?" She asks.
"Such as the fact that the bitch who targeted my family came from a family of werewolf hunters. They had a code to only hunt wolves who hunted humans, but she defected. She killed all wolves, no matter if they were good or bad, and who better to take out than the one wolf family who was highly respected in the werewolf community."
"And the relationship with your brother? That true too?"
"Yeah. She needed to know the ins and outs of our home, and when a majority of the Hales would be in the same place at the same time. I had family who were human, including the ten month old, and she didn't care. As long as they bore the name Hale, she thought they deserved to die."
"You said your uncle got justice for the family. He kill her?" Opie asks.
You glance at him and give him a nod. "He ripped her throat out. And then my brother ripped his out."
Everyone frowns, but it's Jax who mutters, "What the fuck."
You chuckle, scenting the air real quick to make sure no one is approaching, and then explain. "When they pulled my uncle from the fire, his body had trouble healing. He was basically trapped in his mind, slowly going crazy. Fast forward years later when my sister gets lured back to Beacon Hills and my mostly healed uncle kills his own niece for her alpha power." The men and Gemma all stare at you in shock. "He wanted her alpha power to start his own pack and hunt down those responsible for the fire. So when me and my brother came back, and figured everything out, we let him get his revenge before my brother tore his throat out and became the next Hale alpha."
"So what, you both just picked right back up in the place your family was burned alive?" Jax asks.
"Yes. We rebuilt our home and opened the garage. Those kids I told you about, the ones who work in the garage? My brother gave them the option to take the bite since it was fifty-fifty it would take. A bite from an alpha can either kill you or turn you. It cured Erica of her epilepsy, let Isaac be strong enough to stand up to his father, and gave Boyd a new family. It's our job to protect Beacon Hills and it's people from supernatural threats."
Everyone goes quiet as your words sink in.
Eventually, Juice snorts. "So do you like get furry on the night of the full moon?"
Opie, Jax and Chibs all start to laugh.
"Only those with great power can turn into an actual wolf. I only have a-" Your ears perk up at the sound of slowly approaching vehicles and you tense. You glance over your shoulder, scent the air, and let loose a low growl. "Enough about me. We've got incoming."
"How many?" Jax is immediately at your side as you face the gates.
He scoffs. "Easy."
"Four wolves against one wolf and five humans? I don't know, Jax." Two vehicles park outside of the opened gates, but only one man gets off. "Stay behind me," you mumble.
You're not surprised to have these bikers spread out on either side of you, but you are surprised when Gemma joins them. Red eyes flare, which causes an automatic warning growl to reverberate through your throat, and a smirk spreads across the man's lips as he steps under a street lamp. "It appears we've brought claws to a gun fight," the alpha muses. "Let me rectify that real quick."
Three more wolves get off the vehicles, joining their alpha with weapons in hand.
"You don't want to do this," you tell him. "You're gonna start a war you have no hope of winning the moment alpha Hale catches wind of your scent."
"You're trespassing on my land, beta."
"You didn't claim it with the alpha in charge, pup." The alpha's smile falls and you raise an eyebrow at him. "What? Didn't think I could smell the difference," you say. "You're not a born wolf. You're newly bitten and in way over your head. You start this fight right now and alpha Hale's gonna rip your head off."
He stares at you before a cruel smirk forms. "I'll take my chances."
The wolves open fire, causing the humans to duck and take cover before they can fire back. Your instincts are telling you to take cover as well, but you quickly realize they're not firing at you or the humans. They're firing at the shops and vehicles.
The sound of glass shattering has you whirling around and your eyes widen at the sight of the back windshield of your car having been shot out. You face the wolves once more, eyes glowing and teeth elongating as you let out a heart stopping roar of rage.
You rush forward, meeting one beta head on as the gun fire ceases. You deflect a punch, raising a hand full of claws and slashing the wolf across his torso. Another beta approaches, but you're quick to kick out and catch them in their gut. A gunshot rings out, too close for comfort, and you roar as you feel your right shoulder jerk back upon impact. Someone wraps their arms around you from behind and you're quick to throw your head back, grinning viciously at the snap of bone you hear before dropping and sweeping their feet from underneath them.
The gunfire picks up once more and you feel a searing pain in your thigh, but you ignore it. You take claws across the chest before the beta attacking you takes a bullet to the side of his head, and you glance back at the men you'd gotten to know earlier who are clearly watching your back now. The alpha roars something awful, which makes you flinch, but your focus is still on the other two betas.
More searing pain erupts in your side as you throw yourself at another beta, slashing claws across their throat before falling into a crouch before launching yourself at the third beta. The fight with a third beta is a struggle and you can feel your control slowly slipping. And when you feel yourself losing the upper hand, you growl before sinking your fangs into the side of their throat and ripping out a chunk of flesh.
More gunshots ring out and you whirl around just in time to see the last wolf stumble in surprise at all the gunshots now littering his chest. And in your blood lust, you lunge up and dig your claws into his throat before yanking out his trachea.
As quiet takes over the parking lot, you become aware of your heavy breathing. You're still on high alert as you glance around at the bodies littering the lot and you let loose a warning growl when you hear a pebble skip across asphalt. The five humans freeze, two of them halfheartedly raising guns in your direction.
"Hey, weren't your eyes blue before?"
Those words knock the angry haze from your mind and you blink in confusion at Juice. "What? They are blue."
"Nah, they're red now."
"What?" Your heart stops and you glance around at the bodies littering the ground, bile rising in the back of your throat when you see the then-alpha staring blankly up at the sky. "No, no, no."
"Honey, I don't know what you're freaking out about, but we really need to remove those bullets from you," Gemma says, though she keeps her distance.
You look at her, brow furrowing. "What?"
"You've been shot three times. You need to get those bullets out."
Gemma's words slowly sink in and you glance down at yourself. Sure enough, there's a wound on your right shoulder, your right side, and your left thigh. "Oh."
"So come on. Come join us in the clubhouse while Chibs dig those out for you."
"Y-Yeah. Okay."
You're in a bit of a daze as someone leads you into what they call the clubhouse, then over to a table where everything is swiped off before you're told to lay down.
"Shirt's gonna have to come off, lass."
Without a care, you strip off your shirt which leaves you in just your bra and shorts. Before you lay down, your eyes land on a bar and the liquor shelf behind it. "Can someone grab me a bottle? I don't care what it is, I just need something stronger than beer."
Juice jogs over behind the bar, picking up a random bottle of liquor and running it back to you. You twist off the lid and take a long pull from it, only stopping when Jax puts his hand on the bottle to push it down. "Hey, take it slow."
Your nose wrinkles at the brief burn of alcohol. "Don't need to. I can't get drunk unless it's a special mix." You take another long pull of the liquor before setting the bottle aside, and lay down. "Okay. I'm ready."
Chibs dig into your shoulder first and you can't help the flare of your eyes or the elongation of your teeth. But you don't snarl or glare, instead you grit your fangs and bear it.
The moment the first bullet comes out, Juice is there with a dish towel to press against the wound. You wave him off before he can ruin it. "Don't bother. It's already closing." Everyone freezes and glances at your shoulder wound, and you tiredly smile at their awe. "Perks of being a werewolf. We heal quickly."
As Chibs works on the other two bullets, you dig your phone out of shorts. You unlock it and scroll down to your brother's contact, tapping on it and then placing the phone on speaker before letting it clatter to the table top.
It rings and rings, and then, "What happened?"
"The pack attacked." You grunt as the bullet in your thigh gives Chibs a bit of trouble. "I'm currently laid out on the table as a friend digs out a bullet from my thigh."
"Shit. Did any get away?"
"Only four came- three betas and the alpha. M'not sure if there's more to his pack, but-" You trail off, unsure how to say what you have to next.
"But what, YN?"
"I killed the alpha." Your brother goes quiet and tears slowly fill your eyes. "I didn't mean to, Der. It just happened. I was so caught up in the fight and-"
"We'll figure it out, little sister. Just sit tight. We'll be there soon."
The phone beeps, signifying that Derek's hung up and you sigh. "Are cops going to be an issue?"
"Nah," Jax says. "We have them in our pocket."
Just as Chibs tells you you're all done, numerous sounds of roaring engines fill the air.
"Shit." Jax cusses.
"Don't worry. I'll hold them off," Gemma says. "But they will want an explanation."
You sit up and gratefully accept a shirt Opie holds out for you. "That's fine. So long as they can keep this between us, they can know." The shirt is black with the words SAMCRO stamped across the front and you grip it one hand. "Is there a bathroom I can wash all the blood off in?"
"Yeah. Ope, get her a shower," Jax says.
Opie nods and gestures for you to follow. "Thank you." Staring at Jax once more, you ask, "Do you think some of the boys can get the bodies in the vehicles and park them out back? I'll have my brother get rid of it all later."
You follow Opie further into the clubhouse just as there's a bit of a commotion outside, but you don't pay it any mind. Opie opens the door to what appears to be a dorm room and he points to another door inside. "There's the bathroom. My wife has some leggings here if you want a pair."
"Yes, please."
The tall biker turns towards the dresser, pulling open a drawer and pulling out a pair of dark gray leggings. You flash him a smile as you accept them and then head into the bathroom.
A quick rinse off and some fresh clothes later, you're stepping out into the room where Opie is still waiting. Upon seeing you, he chuckles. "You're so unassuming. If I hadn't seen what you did earlier, I wouldn't believe whatever Gem and Jax are telling the boys outside."
You shift nervously in front of him. "That's what's scary about the supernatural world. You never know who is human and who is not." He hums in agreement. "So, uh, is there a place I can burn my bloody clothes?"
"Yeah. I'll tell a Prospect to get a fire going."
"Thanks. And if you can have someone catalog the damage those assholes did to the garage and club, I'll pay for all damages."
Opie looks at you in surprise. "I'll let Gemma know."
Walking back out into the club, you grab up your bloody shirt and follow Opie. Outside in the lot, it seems like Jax is holding court to a bunch of bikers that are listening intently to everything he's telling them about the fight that took place and werewolves. The scent of bleach assaults your nose, and you watch as one individual pours bleach on the now body-free parking lot and another washes it away with a water hose.
Opie pulls someone aside, murmuring something in his ear, and the man glances at you with wide eyes. He nods and hesitantly makes his way towards you, holding his hands out for your bloodied clothes that you readily hand over. As he scampers off, you glance back up to see several people staring at you.
One individual with a head of curly dark hair and receding hairline scoffs. "She's a werewolf? I don't know what you've been smoking, kid, but werewolves don't-"
You snarl, flashing red eyes and very sharp teeth at him.
Nearly everyone pulls a weapon, but you stand your ground and don't say a word. Instead, you let your supernatural features fade away as Jax yells at his people. "ENOUGH! I didn't tell you about werewolves so you can shoot the one we're on friendly terms with as of right now. YN came here as a client to the garage- nothing more, nothing less. She didn't know she was bringing a fight to the club, but she made damn sure to eliminate the threat. Show her an ounce of respect."
There are several unhappy grumbles, but everyone listens. Weapons are holstered and everyone eyes you warily as Opie leads you to the picnic tables. You sigh, stepping up onto the bench so you can sit on the edge of the table itself. You're surprised as Jax joins you, and Opie and Juice sit near your feet on the bench. The other picnic table is brought in front of the one you're sitting on, and Gemma takes a seat along with Chibs and two other individuals.
"YN, this is Clay and Happy." Jax introduces you to a white-haired man who still looks like he has a lot of fight in him and another individual whose stoic expression unsettles you. Both nod in greeting.
"Hi." You fold your arms in your lap, looking at Gemma head on. "I already told Opie, but since you're here.." She perks up, listening. "If you can have someone catalog the damages to your garage and club, I'll pay for it all."
Jax nudges you. "You don't have to do that."
"I do." You look at him, smiling faintly. "These wolves came because of me, so I'll pay for any and all damages."
Gemma slowly smiles. "Thanks, baby."
"Don't even mention it."
Gemma yells for someone and tells them to start logging the damage and it's worth. Then after they run to get started on the job they were assigned, Chibs looks up at you.
"I got a question for 'ya, lass."
"Why were 'ya so freaked to have red eyes instead of blue?"
You exhale tiredly. "Because red eyes signify alpha status. No pack can have more than one alpha unless they want to constantly butt heads, which means I'll have to leave my pack and start anew elsewhere."
"I have a question too," Clay suddenly speaks up. "Why tell us all of this? If you creatures are dead set on keeping the secret of your existence, why tell my family?"
It takes you a moment to think about it.
"Have you ever met someone and just instantly clicked with them?" You ask. "Someone you met that you just felt at ease with even though they were a complete stranger?" Clay shrugs. "Well when I met Chibs, Jax, Juice and Gemma, that's exactly how I felt. Like I knew them for years and was reuniting with an old friend."
Jax coos next to you and you immediately nudge him, chuckling as you shake your head at him. Clay has a few more questions for you and, though he's not the one in charge, you feel like you should answer anything they throw at you.
A couple hours later, after all the remnants of a gunfight having taken place have been discarded and beers have been passed around to those sitting around you, three vehicles pull up to the lot. Everyone tenses, but when seeing the Camaro that's nearly identical to yours out front, you tell them it's okay.
"It's my brother." When Derek and the betas get off their vehicles, you're surprised to see Peter trailing after them. You hop off the table to greet your brother, hesitating briefly upon touching him before giving in and hugging him. He chuckles and then you stare at your friends before asking, "Can I?"
After all, you didn't want to trigger your brother's wolf by another alpha getting too close to his betas.
"Of course."
Erica, Isaac and Boyd can immediately tell the difference when you hug them, and you smile faintly when you flash red eyes at them.
"Holy shit," Erica says.
"Yeah." Looking at your brother, you say, "There's two vehicles out back with the bodies. Can they take them far out of the county and stage a scene? I don't wanna bring suspicion to the garage's doorstep."
"What's the scene gonna look like?"
"Shootout and an animal attack." You shrug. "I used claws and teeth, and the humans used guns."
Derek gestures for the betas to do as they're told as Juice tells them where to find the vehicles around back. Boyd mentions he'll follow in one of their cars, and Isaac and Erica jog around the garage to go find the vehicles they need to dispose of.
Left alone with just Derek and Peter, you quickly introduce everyone to each other.
"Hold on," Juice says, frowning. "I thought you said your uncle Peter was dead? That your brother ripped his throat out?"
All gazes dart to Peter and Derek who are only a few feet apart, and Peter chuckles as you roll your eyes. "Uncle Peter has an awful habit of not staying dead. He's a nuisance, but as the Pack Enforcer, he's kind of needed."
"Thank you, darling niece. It's so nice to hear that you only keep me around because of my role in the pack and not because we're family."
"I stopped caring for your well-being the moment we found out you cut Laura, your other darling niece, in half," you deadpan.
Gemma gasps and suddenly the humans are on edge.
From the corner of your eye, you see Happy sit a little straighter at that information as he stares at your uncle. Everyone kind of reshuffles around then so that Peter and Derek are not at anyone's back, and you end up between Jax and Opie once more as they stand close by on either side of you.
"So what's your plan?" Derek asks, arms crossing over his chest.
"I'm not sure." You copy his posture. "I don't want to risk making betas. The bite has a 50/50 chance of taking, and I don't want to risk killing someone."
"You and I both know that it's possible to have a pack with members who are human." His eyes dart to the men standing next to you and you frown. "So long as you bond with these people and treat them as family, they're pack."
"What happens if she doesn't form a pack?" Jax asks.
Derek's gaze darts to him as he answers. "If an alpha remains packless, it'll slowly make them feral to the point they need to be put down."
Every gaze then turns to you and you try not to shrink under their gaze.
"I have a better idea," Peter says. "Why not give the alpha power to another wolf who actually wants it?"
"Yeah? And who would that be?"
Peter smirks as his eyes flare blue, but the moment he takes a step in your direction, Jax and Opie are closing ranks on you and putting you just behind their shoulders. You glance at the backs of both men in surprise, head whipping in the direction of Happy and Juice who now have guns resting casually in their laps.
Peter freezes and scoffs, and Derek smirks. "It seems you might already have that pack of yours without even realizing it." Wide eyes meet the gaze of your brother and he chuckles. "Charming is in need of an alpha now, little sister. And it seems you're a new alpha who unknowingly formed a bond with men permanently attached to the town."
You gape at Derek, your expression not changing as Jax and Opie grin over their shoulders at you. When no one says anything, you sigh. "Does anyone know of a house for rent? I'm gonna need a place to stay while I purchase some land and build a house away from nosy neighbors."
"Juice, get on that," Jax says. "Find a house with a decent landlord and then look for land that can be built on."
"Got it, Prez."
Juice jogs away to get started on his new task and you shake your head at your brother. "Congratulations. Charming and its people are now your responsibility," Derek says. "Problem solved."
Clay clears his throat. "That's pretty much the job of the Sons here. We look out for Charming and the locals."
Derek nods at him. "That's great. But if another pack rolls into town, looking to cause trouble, or a rogue werewolf wanders into town and starts killing people for food, how are you going to take care of that problem? Do you know the signs to look for to determine whether or not it's a supernatural threat?"
Clay frowns. "No."
"Then that's where YN steps in. She's going to be a fountain of knowledge. Tap into it."
"I don't have to be a part of whatever operation you have going on here," you say while gesturing towards the building, "but apparently my wolf has shown interest in these knuckleheads," this time you gesture to Opie and Jax, "and any attack on them is an attack on me. And if a supernatural threat comes to town, you're gonna want me in your corner."
Clay seems to think over that before he subtly nods and tucks Gemma under his arm, accepting whatever may come next. Jax slowly smiles, playfully punching his friend's arm. "Werewolf bodyguard.. sweet."
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ash-rigby · 3 years
Come To Me (Male Spirit) [M/F]
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Featured Characters: Bisexual, latina human and a male spirit. Both are adults.
Description: When Ramona divorced from her wife of three years, her uncle gave her a mask inhabited by a dear friend of his; a spirit named Kalon. He has been a godsend to have around what otherwise would have been an empty, lonely apartment. Ramona rebuilt her life, ignoring what she assumed was just a rebound interest in Kalon. But now that she is settled, she discovers that it’s not a passing thing and wants to indulge. Kalon is more than happy to do so with her.
Contains: Size Difference, Slit Play, Tail Fucking, Knotting, Multiple Orgasms.
Completion Date: February 23rd, 2022
Word Count: 3564
Mask spirits had a natural tendency to come into the lives of people who needed them most. At least, that’s what Ramona’s uncle told her when he gave her Kalon. And while it wasn’t the most organic way to fulfill that supposed truth, she couldn’t deny he had been right.
To say that Kalon found Ramona in a rough patch would have been an understatement. She and her wife of three years had divorced; not surprisingly, if she had to be honest. But despite the messiness of it all, the separation hadn’t hurt less. There had been a time when they loved each other—or so she thought—and her heart wouldn’t let that go even though it no longer held that love. Such a stupid muscle.
Ramona had done her wallowing at her uncle’s house where she had been forced to move after the divorce. In between the tears, she looked for a new place and worked to save up enough buffer money to afford said place by herself. The day she left for her new apartment was the day Uncle Santiago gently passed Kalon’s mask into her hands.
“Tío, are you sure?” she had asked, her voice scarcely a whisper as she recalled the spirit’s long friendship with her uncle.
Santiago merely smiled. “He and I both know that you need him more than me. It’s not like I’ll never see him again. You’ll just be down the street.”
Ramona hadn’t questioned it any further, carefully packing Kalon into his own box. His mask was a myriad of dark greys and sharply angled. Three, short horn-like protrusions graced the chin and jawline. Six blue eyes were painted in a half-circle array on the top half, permanently set narrowed and pensive. He made an intimidating vision, but Ramona knew that the spirit was kinder than it implied—despite that she had never actually met him before then.
She had always wondered why Kalon never appeared to her throughout her childhood of visiting her uncle’s home, but the reason became very clear when he manifested in her apartment for the first time; he wasn’t a fan of clothes. Though it wasn’t so much that he didn’t like them. He had a long tail that started thickly off of his body which made pants nearly impossible. And walking around in just a shirt was a bit ridiculous.
It took some getting used to, but Ramona’s thankfulness of having Kalon’s help around the place outweighed any awkwardness over his constant state of undress. His presence was a godsend; someone to help keep things tidy and remind her to eat and shower when even that got hard. But most importantly, he was company to come home to. No lonely, empty rooms that would grind in the reality of Ramona’s failed relationship. What he did was simple, but it was the scaffolding for her to stand on as she slowly rebuilt herself.
The attraction was unexpected. At first, Ramona thought it was her rebound talking; an itch that needed scratching. Kalon was stability and she was fragile, but she wasn’t about to use him. She couldn’t actually want him like that, she initially thought.
But Ramona discovered that it was mutual; whatever it was. There were times when things certainly almost happened. Nothing more than some touches that went a little beyond what was the norm for friends. She had always pulled away though; frightened, not ready to be that vulnerable with another yet. But Kalon never pushed. He never angered.
“How about you come to me when you’re ready?” he had calmly suggested after one such occasion. “If you’re ever ready…this doesn’t have to be what you want from me. I won’t try anything until then.”
He was faithful to that from then on, keeping things strictly casual with her. It was a relief, being able to put making sense of her feelings towards the spirit on the back burner while the proverbial dust cleared. No temptation to do something that she might regret later.
Ramona was eventually able to muscle the boulders off of her life’s tracks. She fell into the routine of her job, reconnected with friends, and found a smile that she didn’t have to plaster on. But as a year and a half went by, she found that her interest in Kalon hadn’t dissipated. So when she felt truly settled and the iron grip of stress and grief around her sex drive had let up, all Hell broke loose.
It happened on one of her days off. Ramona had taken a late-morning shower and hadn’t felt like getting dressed, instead choosing to lounge around in nothing but her bathrobe for a bit. ‘A bit’ turned into hours spent watching TV in the living room. Kalon didn’t manifest until the afternoon, filling the hallway with his broad-shouldered, seven-foot bulk as he came out to find her.
His skin was light blue and carried a faint, otherworldly shimmer. The blue was interrupted by dark, almost black grey that extended over his large hands up to his biceps and then again from his clawed feet to middle-thigh. Twin horns stood among a thick, pure white mane of hair that framed his face; the mask he inhabited permanently affixed to him.
Ramona’s heart thudded against her rib cage as she watched Kalon enter the room. She had already thought about this being the day. Her eyes roamed him casually; the defined muscles, his big hands, that darkly-coloured slit between his legs which hid away what she could only imagine. His cock had to be as magnificent as the rest of him. Ramona couldn’t stop her thighs from shifting together.
He didn’t seem to notice, or just chose not to say anything about it, and hummed at the sight of her.
“One of those days, huh?” he asked lightly, canting his head in Ramona’s direction as a clear point to her non-productivity. The basket of clean but unfolded laundry by the coffee table wasn’t helping her case.
Ramona shrugged. “I’m allowed to just exist for one day.”
“Never said you weren’t,” Kalon said, an invisible smile in his tone.
He moved closer, standing angled towards the television with his arms crossed over his wide chest.
“But you know what cooping yourself up in here does to you,” he said. “Maybe think about taking a walk later?”
Ramona picked at the couch seam with her fingernail. She took a deep breath; now or never.
“Or I could think about doing something a bit more strenuous,” she said, standing up and bringing her hands to the loose, plush belt at her waist.
Before she could psych herself out of it, Ramona stripped off her robe. Kalon’s attention was visibly grabbed, snapping over to her at the sound of fabric hitting the floor. His masked face was unreadable, but something seemed to flash in the painted eyes. He dropped his arms slowly to his sides as Ramona walked fully nude towards him.
She put her hands on Kalon’s chest. A low, playfully inquisitive noise rumbled through him as he allowed her—despite his much larger size—to lightly push him back, stepping slowly until he was against the wall. His skin ran hot and she could feel his deep, even breath under her touch. Ramona looked up into his face.
“Does your offer still stand?” she asked.
“Of course,” Kalon said. “And it won’t be the only thing standing if you keep this up.”
Ramona smiled as her hands wandered, trailing down and over Kalon’s abdomen. One strayed between his legs. Her palm cupped the fleshy bulge there; a gentle, exploratory prod. There came an excited twitch from under the skin and she dipped a finger shallowly inside his slit.
“There you go,” Kalon encouraged. “Get me wet. Has to…has to be wetter for it to come out.”
Further emboldened by the spirit’s enthusiasm, Ramona added a second finger and delved deeper. Slick internal folds gave little resistance to the penetration. Kalon groaned lowly as she started stroking his yielding heat. He was quick to begin leaking, arousal making his slit pulse fervently. Ramona upped her pace, aided by his increasing wetness.
Kalon was trembling. His hips would occasionally buck, accompanied by a louder, more desperate sound escaping him. Need rose higher inside Ramona; listening to him, feeling him flutter and squeeze her fingers, seeing him thrust even without his cock having been worked out. How long had it been since he was touched like this? Perhaps longer than Ramona.
Kalon’s slit was fully dripping, all but dousing Ramona’s hand and wetting the hardwood with excessive, clear drops. The heady scent of it permeated the small space between them. Ramona added a third finger, teasing the folds wider as she explored further inward. She stopped when she met something that made Kalon gasp. His breath grew heavier as she teased what could only be the head of his cock.
“Fuck, Ramona,” Kalon hissed. “There…right th—oh, fuck. It’s…it’s coming.”
There was a shift inside him, a loosening of previously squeezing folds. His dick started pushing outwards, pressing against Ramona’s fingers. She exited him with a lewd, wet noise. Her eyes were fixed on the twitching slit, watching as the head emerged from the outer fold and was followed by a shaft that glistened slickly. Kalon gave a pleasured sigh as his full length strained into the open.
Ramona had been right; it was magnificent. Thick and dark grey with ridged segments. Around the base was a ring of bulbous shapes, all of them the same shimmering blue as Kalon’s skin. There were four smaller bulges spaced out on the shaft. Two on each side. The dark head was weeping, pearls of his natural lubricant dripping down the length.
Swallowing hard, Ramona took Kalon into her hand. The sheer weight and girth of his cock made her head briefly spin. She imagined the stretch it was about to bring. How such a thing would surely stir her up in delicious ways she had never been before. She pumped Kalon’s dick in her palm, her pussy giving an excited throb; if she were wearing underwear they would have been drenched by then.
“I knew you’d be big, but…” Ramona said, trailing off as she became lightly mesmerized by the textures she felt along his shaft. Fuck, she couldn’t wait to get him inside her.
Kalon let out an appreciative groan. “Which is why I’ll have to get you nice and loose for me first.”
He took a hold of Ramona and pulled her forward until their bodies were flush. She gasped at the sudden motion, but didn’t resist the manhandling and readily fell against him. Her face bumped into his toned, sweaty chest and the scent of him went straight to her already raging libido. His cock was caught in the press of their flesh, hot and pulsing. Ramona trembled as his huge hands moved to her ass, her heart in her throat with anticipation.
There was a strange sound of heavy shifting against the wall and floor. Before Ramona could question it, something began lightly trailing itself up and down the length of her pussy. It was far from anything satisfying, but she found herself whimpering from it.
“Soaked before I’d even touched you,” Kalon said. “That’s the best compliment a man can get.”
Both of his hands were still on her so that only left—.
“Is that your tail?” Ramona asked.
Kalon hummed affirmatively, his palms and fingers squeezing. “Do you want it?”
As much as Ramona wanted his cock, the smarter part of her knew she had to work up to it. The horny part didn’t care what was fucking her at that moment; just that something was. Her pussy was aching for it.
“Y-yes,” she said.
Kalon kept stroking her with his tail, but ground it in harder, making the rounded point of the tip swirl around her clit. She moaned and leaned heavily into his solid form. Smooth scales relentlessly caressed her swollen folds, gaining speed as they gathered her wetness. Her hole seemed to twitch every time it was passed by; so empty and dying to be filled.
Ramona was about to beg, but then the tip of Kalon’s tail moved, abandoning its place at her clit and sliding back to her entrance. She bit her lip on a desperate, whining sound as it teased the needy hole. It ran around the rim before probing its way inside.
Kalon moved slowly, careful as he passed through Ramona’s walls and worked deeper. His tail minutely increased in girth with every inch that he pushed inside her. He twisted and wriggled the appendage, making her gasp and shake in his hold. Her pussy throbbed around him and, despite it not being his cock, Kalon groaned at the squeeze. His intent shifted then and he began to truly fuck her with his tail.
He hit her as deep as it could go; wet, filthy noises punctuating each thrust. This had started as a way to prep her for the real show, but Kalon had quickly become dead set on making her cum this way. His pace steadily grew wilder, his tail writhing and stretching her insides. Ramona rode the pleasure of this sudden pounding. She moaned, her fingers digging into Kalon’s skin.
“You’re taking me so well,” he praised. “Cum on my tail. I know you can. I feel how much you love it.”
Ramona felt weak. Kalon’s grip on her was most of the reason that she was still upright. She threw her arms around his torso, her head resting on his chest. His heart pounded in her ear, beating in time to the frantic throbbing of his dick trapped between them.
A breathy curse left Kalon as he tightly grasped Ramona’s ass. He began to lightly thrust his hips as much as he could in their position, getting some much-needed friction against her stomach. His cock was leaking profusely, its slick and their combined sweat mingling on her skin. The groans that vibrated through him stuttered in his barely-contained desperation.
Ramona’s release was working swiftly to the surface. The air was humid in their tight, aroused embrace, clinging to her heated body. Her legs wanted to buckle from underneath her. She could barely feel them. Her voice rose but choked into a brief silence when, like a sprung trap, she was suddenly gripped by climax. A loud moan ripped itself from her as radiating pleasure made her hips twitch and her fingernails scramble at Kalon’s back.
The spirit stilled, feeling her come apart around him. His hands didn’t leave her, conscious that she would likely drop otherwise. He breathed heavily, his cock continuing to pound and broadcast his excitement. Ramona looked up into his masked face and saw his throat work as she met the painted gaze. She could only imagine the blissful, wanton expression she was giving him without conscious effort.
“Kalon,” she said breathlessly. “More…please.”
Kalon huffed, his head tilting slightly to the side. “As if I could deny you.”
He carefully let her go, waiting to see if she could stand on her own. After a moment, he curled his hands over her shoulders and guided her to turn. As he stood at her back, she could feel the hot tip of his cock gracing the small of her back. A smear of his slick fluids slid down towards her ass. She shivered as he spoke lowly.
“Over the couch,” he said.
On legs that had only just regained their strength, Ramona walked the short distance to the loveseat. She bent herself over the arm with her hands resting on the seat cushion.
Kalon was quick to follow her. “There’s a good girl.”
His palms found their way to her ass once more, one giving her a smack that was light but still made her jolt. He chuckled before moving on. A single, thick finger found her pussy, rubbing her sensitive folds before slipping inside her. She rocked back against it as he began a teasingly slow pump.
“Shit,” Kalon breathed. “You’re still twitching inside. No question here that you still want more after you’ve already cum. I love an insatiable fuck.”
Ramona felt his finger slide out. Her heart raced; she knew he didn’t have it in him to wait a moment longer. The soft, leaking head of his dick was then pressed against her. It entered her with ease and she whimpered, urging Kalon to keep going. He slowly sheathed himself and her pussy hugged his every detail.
“Fuck…fuck…you’re sucking me in,” Kalon said as his fingers dug into her hips. He suddenly growled, the sound positively feral and dripping with arousal. “Too long. Too long since I’ve had a warm hole to—to pump full of cum…oh, gods!”
He gripped Ramona hard and started thrusting. His pace steadily gathered, driving his burning, throbbing shaft deep. The sensation was intense; Ramona felt like she was being hollowed out. Lubricant was streaming from him, splashing her insides in hot spurts. Her pussy went wild as his ridges and bumps rubbed in quick bursts along the stretched walls.
Kalon was letting out an endless stream of noise; grunting, groaning, cursing, praising Ramona’s body. His strength was endless, the fevered thrusts not tapering for a second. She moaned as she was rocked by the force of it. Her knees knocked against the side of the couch, but she didn’t care. There was no pain in this. Just pleasure that seemed to ignite in every cell.
Ramona’s mind was hazy, lost to the building throb inside her and the low, gravelly sound of Kalon’s aroused voice. “K-Kalon! Kalon, I’m—!”
She came again with a loud cry, squeezing onto him as he kept up his pounding. Her eyes rolled and her body was caught in an uncontrollable shake. A bit of drool that might have embarrassed her later dripped over her bottom lip and soaked into the couch fibre.
Kalon all but snarled through her pussy’s orgasmic spasms. He pulled her into his thrusts, his hips colliding with her ass in loud, wet slaps. His cock somehow pulsed even harder within her confines which relentlessly milked him. She could feel him trembling.
“Ramona!,” he groaned. He spoke frantically through laboured breathing. “Shit…my knot…I…can I?”
Knot? Ramona never knew that was something about Kalon’s body. But she didn’t consider it for long, her pussy twitching at the thought of it.
“Yes! Yes, please!”
Kalon’s thrusts stuttered. He pushed in deeply, switching to short passes. His voice grew louder, more desperate, mingling with Ramona’s cries. She felt a swift swelling at his base nestled just inside the rim of her entrance. A large, throbbing bulb heralded a flood of thick cum. Locked inside of her, Kalon moaned as his cock unloaded, his hips jolting forward with every powerful burst. He bowed over her as it ended. One of his hands left her to brace on the back of the couch and keep his bulk from collapsing onto her.
Ramona could feel his copious cum inside her and his hot, hard cock refusing to calm down. She couldn’t help herself. She wanted more. Biting her lip, she began grinding back against him as much as the knot would allow.
Kalon gasped, thrusting just once out of surprise. It did nothing but shove Ramona forward a bit. She kept it up as his cock’s pulse built up again. He choked on a broken moan.
“Ramo-ah! Ramona.”
He neither said nor did anything to stop her. She whimpered, squeezing his dick and that beautiful knot. Her body craved a third release, to feel Kalon fill her with more of his seed. It was all-consuming, heat claiming her throbbing pussy. It sucked and clenched him in its desperation. Kalon panted and Ramona could hear his hand tightly grasping the couch’s back cushion.
“Fuck!” he gasped. “I’m…again. Oh, fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck!”
Like a shot, Kalon was cumming with a series of strained grunts. The flow was no less intense than the last. Ramona’s passage was painted once more as she joined him in ecstasy. As their voices faded in favour of breath-catching, she dropped to her elbows. Sweat stuck strands of hair to her face and her body felt like it was shimmering in her bliss.
Kalon sat up a bit straighter after some time. His still-swollen knot prevented any further movement, but he didn’t seem to want to part from her any time soon. Ramona assumed he enjoyed his cock being cradled by her walls just as much as she did. He let out a breathy groan and brought his hands to her ass—he couldn’t seem to get enough of it.
“Damn,” he hissed. “You’ve opened up a whole new world here, Ramona. I haven’t had anyone to play with in so long…and there are so many ways I like to play.”
Ramona gave him a sideways look over her shoulder and smiled.
“Then show me,” she said.
Kalon chuckled. “With pleasure…guaranteed.”
Ramona behaved and did nothing that would prevent Kalon’s knot from going down. She closed her eyes and reveled in the feeling of him seated deep inside her as he gently massaged her lower back and the areas he had been gripping; always looking after her. The connection made her feel full in more ways than one.
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lotus-duckies · 2 years
I think Zane was built to look and function like a human, to the point where he was indistinguishable from real people, but he would defy this when he rebuilt himself, looking more robotic and able to exist without needs such as oxygen, food, or sleep. He lived his entire amnesiac life not knowing who he was and being told he was weird and then he discovers what is essentially a vital part to himself and it becomes a part of his personality. He identified as a nindroid, it became his reasoning for everything and he began to erase the very real facts of his humanity in the name of his robotics, because, well, that's who he was, right? But it wasn't. He was a person beyond his parts. He began to embrace both his gears and his humanity, utilizing his systems and functions to engage in his life like all his friends, downloading movies and novels just to be goofy and pretend to be a pirate or a detective, playing video games and consuming food and sleeping for enjoyment like others, rather than out of necessity, but still in much the same way as he did before, in an off, strange way but no less a human than they.
Pixal was built to look like a human, but an idealized human, a perfect one. She needs to recharge, but it's not the same as sleeping, she needs power but not in the form of nutrition. She was programmed to be an assistant and that's what she's going to do. She can't just deviate from that, it's essential. But then she meets someone just like her, someone with a programming but allowed to exist outside of it, someone perfect in a way she isn't, perfect in being flawed and human. She begins to slip and it scares her. All she's ever known were numbers and probability and doing her one job without error, but now she's in a place where all of that is meaningless, where she physically can't rely on them without causing problems. She has to come to terms with humanity to both do and defy her programming, and it's something she comes to regard with fondness. But then her body is taken from her and she's nothing more than code. She misses the sensation of being physical, of being closer to humanity than she's ever known, of having purpose other than just an assistant. When she has a body again, it's a joy, it's fulfilling, but she can't lose her original purpose. She's idealized and perfect in the idea of being human, and she wants to help, help the one who helped her realize her humanity and defy her code. It's a paradox, and she's okay with that.
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