#sorry i love autobots who question their faction
straybots · 10 months
Why is flashchase a former... everything? Did his old jobs break his principles or were there specific events that got him kicked?
It was mostly about the nature of his... creation. He's an mto, specifically from a tiny team created for extremely specific assassinations that won't lead down to Who was the killer. As an autobot mto there was a lot of "we're the good guys" trash fed to him, and he was GOOD at what he was made to do (well. still is), but at some point he fulfilled the mission and there was little else he was good for.
So he joined the Wreckers. And he was good at it too. It's just at some point he realized, when he was allowed time for some thought and reflection, and understanding of himself, things they did and things decepicons did weren't too far from each other. It's just that autobots did it for the "right" reasons.
He's a loving person, at the core. It didn't really align with what he Felt was right, but at the same time he doesn't really know Different.
Basically, he disowned his badge, his teams, his past and wants to be an actual good guy, even if it's hard and he's deemed a traitor, cuz boy he's got some autobot blood on his hands.
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I have a fairly angsty idea, what if starscream discovers skyfire in the ice during his time as a rouge,gets the Autobots help to melt the ice just to see his love again only for skyfire to not recognise him, imagine the heartbreak
Hm. Interesting premise. You have no idea how hard it was to write for this. I don't know why, but writer's block decided to rear its head for this request and this one alone. Sorry it took so long to get to this.
A Less than Stellar Reunion
Coming across Skyfire frozen in the ice of the arctic was a welcome surprise, and a chance at something Starscream had long ago cast away as impossible, that being a chance at having some form of family again. While initially hesitant about the idea of waking Skyfire for many reasons, but mainly because Skyfire had disappeared just before Vos burned and would have no idea what was going on. However after much contemplation and staring at the frozen form of his only living companion, loneliness eventually won out and Starscream haggled some help from the Autobots.
The Autobots dug out the ice block Skyfire was locked in and carefully spent hours in a secure location melting it and checking his vitals. All the while Starscream stood a ways off, waiting eagerly for his old friend and once lover to wake. Even when Skyfire was removed from the ice, Ratchet still had to keep him on an IV drip in a makeshift camp for a few days until his vitals stabilized. At which point the shuttle finally started to stir.
Starscream was ecstatic and flitted about nervously until Skyfire finally unshuttered his optics. At which point the shuttle groaned and started to sit up, looking around in confusion before his gaze settled on Starscream. Unfortunately for the Air Commander, it had been far too long since their last meeting and he had since changed his frame and even his disposition to better fit the Decepticons, he was not the same Starscream Skyfire knew. Even when he tried to explain that he was still Starscream, Skyfire was hesitant to believe him. Still... being confused and unsure of what to do, he followed Starscream and snuck out of the makeshift Autobot camp before they could be stopped.
Ratchet and the Autobots were distraught at the thought of a civilian class mech being stuck with Starscream and likely roped into becoming a Decepticon, but there was little they could do. With the Skyfire on Starscream's side, it was not hard to convince Megatron to let him back into the Decepticon ranks. Meanwhile Skyfire remained confused beyond all measure, not sure of how to act around his very different friend and former lover. But most importantly, Skyfire didn't know which faction he was supposed to side with. Starscream was with the Decepticons, instantly making Skyfire want to follow him if only for the familiarity. But based on what he was seeing, the Autobots were the ones who resuscitated him, they couldn't be all that bad right?
The poor shuttle was not given any time to think on it as he and Starscream were brought to the nemesis and Megatron immediately began preaching his version of the war and the fallout of it. Skyfire wanted to be horrified at Megatron's retellings, he wanted to find it in him to hate the Autobots after hearing of all they had done... but something deep within him told him that he was only getting half the tale and that whatever was happening on the nemesis was deeply wrong. He was an explorer before the war, he had seen a great many civilizations and heard the manipulating words of all kinds of beings. Megatron was too similar to the tyrants he had witnessed to make Skyfire take anything he said without a healthy dose of disbelief.
Still he remained on the nemesis, prolonging his time before taking the brand by claiming he was still disoriented and recovering. He knew the excuse would only last so long, so he turned to the one mech he knew, at least at one point long ago. Privately he began to question Starscream, allowing the seeker to have the affection he had obviously been deprived of in return for the real story. Starscream was hesitant to get on Megatron's bad side so soon after coming back, but he had been so lonely without his trine... he needed the affection. And if gaining it meant he had to give his old friend and lover a grain of truth amidst the lies, then so be it.
He told Skyfire all he desired, leaving whatever might paint him in anything but a heroic light out all while making sure to depict the Autobots as badly as possible. He couldn't risk Skyfire leaving him again, even if it meant lying to him to keep him by his side. He told Skyfire all about the Decepticons and what they had done, and he also went to great lengths to make it seem that the oddities of the nemesis were merely due to the stress of war. He wanted, no, needed Skyfire to stay. He couldn't let his love see anything but the best in him and the worst in the enemy.
But all wrapped up in his joy at having his friend returned and keeping up the ploy of innocence, Starscream did not notice Skyfire slowly drawing away. The shuttle began to look at him differently, more so with every passing day. He had known Starscream for nearly a millennia, he knew how the seeker acted and what ploys he used. While his phrasing may have become more subtle, Skyfire was no fool and could tell that he was being lied to in at least some capacity. Still, he waited, hoping that his former lover would be honest and tell him the truth... that day did not come.
He waited until he could take it no longer and followed Starscream when he was sent into battle, and there he saw his once lover's true colors. He saw the cruel monster Starscream had become and in a rage he landed and struck Starscream down in the middle of a skirmish between the Decepticons and the Autobots. He screamed at Starscream, demanding answers and crying out in anger at being lied to, manipulated even. Every excuse Starscream came up with was shut down instantly in the face of Skyfire's anger, and before any bot could do anything, Skyfire made his choice.
Skyfire: You told me that you were honorable! That you didn't kill unless you had to!
Starscream: Skyfire please-!
Skyfire: You are not the Starscream I remember! You are not the mech and friend I loved!
Starscream: WAIT!
Skyfire: NO! I am leaving and going to the Autobots! They may not be perfect either but at least they are better than you dishonorable monsters!
And so Skyfire turned away, leaving Starscream in tears, and made his appeal to Optimus for sanctuary. His request was granted and he did not look back as he went through the swirling groundbridge with the Autobots.
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ut-girl666 · 2 years
Heyyy it’s the anon again! I’m back with more questions :3
Can we know a bit about the OCs listed under Prime partners?
And also, if any of your Rescue Bots OCs have met High Tide, Quickshadow, Blurr, and Salvage, what do they think of them?
Hey! So sorry for such a late response to this! I had a reply in the works, but Tumblr ate it, so I’m gonna type it out again.
To start with the RBs;
There’s a possibility the OCs have met High Tide in passing. But I can certainly tell you, immediately off the bat, since I’ve heard that he goes full drill sergeant on the RB’s asses, Mintracer would not be fond in the slightest. Who does this mech think he is, bossing around his adoptive son, and second-creation? Oh yeah, and his son-in-law, too, but more focus on his precious Chase. >:(. The others, it depends, haven’t decided yet.
Blurr and Salvage, it also kinda depends, and I’d say they’re probably some of Blades’s classmates from the academy, given behavior, from what I’ve heard. Most likely, they may have met Blaze as classmates, and Mintracer as one of their teachers, but the others, who knows.
Quickshadow, yes, Mintracer, Flare, & Ember have certainly met her. Mintracer is neutral, but also not quite fond of her. Her history with Chase and Heatwave is… interesting. Flare and Ember wanted her to be something of a love interest to him; didn’t work. Heatwave doesn’t swing that way, and was already with Chase. Chase and Quickshadow just didn’t really… ‘work’, as anything more than classmates, if you feel? Quite possibly she was one of the students who barely held onto a C in his class, after pretty much the whole school base bombed that final essay; might’ve gone at Chase a little after, too, claiming favoritism in some form, since he was the only one got higher than a B-. Haven’t quite decided, but Mintracer wouldn’t be fond of this particular former student, and Flare and Ember have probably forgotten about her.
Now, on the Prime Partners; for context, this is to say partner more means ‘romantic’ partner, since that’s the relationship they each had with their respective partners. So, Elita would also be classified as one, and later on, Thunderclash as well. And further, in AU Canon Divergence, context: Solus is a TransMasc/FtM using He/Him pronouns and from a former sister planet known as Femmax, Amalgamous was the original Decepticon Leader way back when long before any of the main bunch were thought of, and Zeta is a separate person from Sentinel. So in order, from first to last so far;
Luma is Solus’s partner. She was a moon/night themed femme, that Sola met at some point when the two took a trip from Femmax to Cybertron, and the two became fast friends, and developed some feelings. Luma was quite possibly the most supportive person of Sola’s feelings regarding their gender, and was happy to adapt to new pronouns and a new name for them. They held quite a lot of trust between them, and lived together on Cybertron post-transition, in a relationship. Solus was adamant that he wanted Luma with him in the afterlife, so they both reside in the Hall of Primes, which started the trend.
Wintegreen was Amalgamous’s conjux. They had a cross faction relationship, originally, since Amalgamous was a Decepticon - the Leader of that revolution, in fact! (Also the very proud holder of the title as The First/Original Autobot Fucker/Crossfaction Relationship Engagee) - and Wintegreen was some little nobody Autobot foot soldier. After lots of stress from the Autobots, and seducing and serenading from Amal, they decided they were done being an Autobot, and became a Decepticon, sitting on the throne with Amal. They ended up with two creations; the first one named ‘Thirteen’. They passed when the Autobots managed to unexpectedly siege the base, post-war/in the middle of Alchemist’s Reign. The four rest together, though their creations didn’t follow into the Hall with them, thought to have reincarnated.
Lilacwing was Zeta’s… well, it’s complicated, but not to say they’re not in love! They just don’t know what to call it, because they weren’t necessarily official, but certainly accompanied and interacted with each other a whole lot more than just the Prime and Air Commander who happened to be ‘friends’. But they did have more than their fair share of nights on the couch with some shitty romance show going as background noise. Unfortunately in normal AU, they did pass, killed at some point though only Lilac recalls who, making way for Sentinel to be picked by the council.
However, in the ‘Line of Primacy AU’, they didn’t pass, but Zeta was forced to abstain a while, due to a situation popping up, and forced to give up the ‘pop up’ in his chamber, so they lived in his place, and after Sentinel fell, they came back into reign. After a while, eventually they found the little one they’d been forced to give up, and brought him home, with the little friend he was with, since they’d been left without anyone else to go to. Therefore creating the lineage, of Zeta and Optimus. And they ended up adopting Megs, and they love their silver swan, even if he does tend to forget they’re his adoptive parents every time he visits Iacon. No, Lilacwing did not carry Op. ;)
So that’s them. I’ll probably make some more regarding the LoP!AU at some point, and such, but there we are! And again, super sorry about the delay. The original answer got erased, and then it was an ‘out of sight, out of mind’ thing, and I just got around to retrying answering. Hope this answers, dear Anon!
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adabofblessings · 4 years
Hi again!
I saw how Optimus comfort each kids
And I can't help to wonder... If children find out that OP is having a bad day
Will they try to comfort him and how?
Oof sorry it took so long to get these asks out!
Answering this question, have you seen people leave gifts randomly with no note of who it came from? Well these children will do it subtly for Optimus.
They know that Optimus works hard to defeat the opposite faction and its mentally and physically taxing on him. Having the whole Autobots stand on his shoulders cannot (and it's not) be healthy. Jack, Miko and Raf will see the worn out look on their dad during quite times or if its just too much and it'll just crease his face without even knowing.
Knowing them, they can't do anything very much for their bot friends but they'll always be with them. When it comes to their dadimus, they'll leave little homemade gifts around the base for Optimus to find them.
Optimus is a curious being, so he's always trying to figure out whos leaving these gifts. Its almost a game. He kind of enjoys it...
When he finds them, he'll pluck them and put it in his chest cavity and keep it there for safe keeping. But honestly, it doesn't long to realize that his human children have been leaving these gifts. Sooner or later he is looking closely examining these tiny gifts and it practically melts his spark. There's little encouraging notes there.
I love you dad
Best robo dad!
You can do this!
Just so many notes that he cant seem to find himself at words. Hes truly blessed with these children and all these little words of love from Miko, Jack and Raf fills his optics with tears.
He'll treasure these tiny homemade gifts and keeps it forever in his subspace where he is always reminded that his children is always with him.
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megadoomingir · 4 years
I’m rereading stop me and just noticed a line that made me laugh “Don't you dare post that selfie on Instagram, Knockout'!” When did he have time to learn about Instagram and other social media’s.
Eee~! I love when someone points out the little details~! ^^
The Decepticons have been on Earth for a long time! As have the Autobots! Here, look, look!
I have, in my possession, the Transformers: Prime IDW comics from January 2011 (this is relevant, I swear!) and in the #3 issue, we have this LOVELY picture I just took of my copy:
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(Sorry for the poor quality!)
If you haven’t had the chance to read these, it’s basically a comic version of TF:P season 2 episode 17 ‘Out of the Past’ where Arcee remembers back to when she first met Cliffjumper- yes! I swear, the relevancy- Anyway, the page! Starscream! What he says! He’s BACK, baby! On Earth! And his judgmental digit pointing at that ENORMOUS RABBIT (I said I owned a set of the comics, I never said they were well done XD)- What I’m basically trying to say, in so many useless tangents and words, is that Cybertronians are not unfamiliar with Earth. And not just from this moment, but before when stores of energon and priceless relics were cast to the planet. And what do you do when you’re in foreign lands? You learn about it. What can hurt you? What is something well enough to be avoided? Why did both the Autobots and Decepticons have this strange understanding that getting humans involved was against best insterest? I know! Another tanget! But I WILL get to the core of your question! I promise!
Human interference would have been problematic. Not just for the Decepticons but the Autobots as well. For the Cons, it meant that humans aren’t as frail as most of the faction sees them. They are capable of so much damage. This is well noticed. For the Bots, it was the guilt of dragging another species into their fight. The loss of life on their conscience. This, too, is well noticed. Humans, at least the ones who knew, also had a voice on the matter. They didn’t want to get the planet riled up in an alien war. The key here? Humans, and all that they are, are noticed. And they worth studying and watching and keeping tabs on, aren’t they? Which, by some miraculous miracle of my mumbled and jumbled mind, brings us back to the question you asked: When did [Knockout] have time to learn about Instagram and social media? Well, I’ll tell you~
It’s already canonly seen that KO and BD immersed themselves into human culture, albeit in disguise. Knockout would race with them. He would actively drive around cities and from town to town looking for his next thrill. He spent actual amounts of time with humans. Breakdown’s note on ‘time spent’ isn’t well catalogued, but it can easily be assumed that he stuck close by with Knockout. This would have begun their interests in ‘researching’ humans further.
Not everyone needs a doctor on the Nemesis. Most of his patients are actually without the need of his expertise as they are corpses on the battlefield. Harsh? Yes. But true. This would have given Knockout so much ‘research’ time. We also have to take note that some episodes span a couple of days, sometimes weeks- or months, as seen in the episodes ‘Orion Pax 1-3’ which had Optimus gone for over two months. Some days, Knockout would have nothing to do... but dedicate his time to the ‘gram.
I’ve seen other people interpret Cybertronians as ‘human illiterate’; unable to understand basic to complex metaphors or sayings, unable to understand basic human needs, unable to understand certain words pertaining specifically human attributes, unable to- I suppose continuing the explanation would be redundant. But why do people think this? Why do they believe Cybertronians don’t have a basic level of common sense and intelligence? Cybertronians have met other organic life. They’ve been to Earth before. They have the resources to more intricately monitor the inhabitants of the planet... and download a few apps for purely research purposes! And how could Megatron dare to tell Knockout not to share his beauty online?
In summary, Knockout would already have had a basic interest in humans as a whole. He’s a very intelligent mech; flirty, too. He would have been interested in knowing more about the world he races through. He would definitely have a small datapad modeled after a smartphone to handle those small human apps. He would expertly create an email address to achieve this. Most of the posts he likes are of cars.
But I ask you now, what else does this mean? My brain has come to this conclusion: with the Bots and Cons having been on Earth multiple times, taking note of the humans as something worth keeping an optic on, needing to be watched and observed and monitored closely, this would be best achieved by having access to the human’s archives, known as the ‘Internet’. And they have seen things. All the things. All. Of. Them. Cybertronians aren’t human illiterate. They don’t want to talk about those things. And Knockout deserves to be able to post his wonderful selfie. Megatron just lacks taste.
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thanksjro · 4 years
More Than Meets the Eye #28- I Sure Hope Y’all Like Megatron
“Dark Cybertron” is finally over! Woohoo!
Who’s ready for a return to hijinks and mild peril?
I know this guy is!
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Hold on a second-
We start our foray into Season 2 of MTMTE with a little meta-humor-
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-and then it’s right into the swing of things, as Brainstorm uses the thin, fragile wine glass of faction-based morality to hold his personal need to make instruments of violence. Nautica disapproves, but then why wouldn’t she? She’s not been steeped in the militant ideologies of the Autobots for millions of years.
It’s six months after the convoluted events of “Dark Cybertron”, and our beloved ship, the Lost Light, is back on track for the Knight Quest. Nautica’s joined the crew, which is neat, but there are far more interesting things going on.
Like Rung actually doing his fucking job for once.
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Wow, look at that little creamsicle man go.
It would seem that in the last half-year (by Earth standards) Megatron’s somehow gotten himself into the esteemed position of Captain of the Lost Light. This likely means that Rodimus has been defeated in battle, or perhaps fucked off on yet another space yacht to run away from his responsibilities. I suppose the narrative will have to fill us in on just what exactly happened.
Or, at least, I hope it does. Wouldn’t be a terribly good story if I had to guess on how exactly this dude’s in charge of a whole-ass Autobot crew.
Yes, yes, I know he switched sides, but goddammit, it takes a little more than saying sorry and changing your wardrobe to excuse the murder of half of NYC.
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I mean, we can do both. Both is an option. I’ll break out The Communist Manifesto right now, let’s fuckin’ gooooooooo-
Six months prior to Megatron’s therapy appointment, Rodimus is ready to high-tail it off of Cybertron yet again. This is because, as established in previous posts, Cybertron kinda sucks butt. He bursts into the meeting Optimus Prime called- even though he’s really not leader of anything anymore, Starscream is- bids everyone farewell, and is about to run back out of the room when he’s stopped.
Turns out that the populace of Cybertron want Megatron to stand trial. That makes sense, given what all he’s done. Of course, the Autobot pals we’ve got in the room want to skip due process and go straight to the part where Megatron pays through the nose for the last four million years.
Which doesn’t feel terribly heroic or good guy-ish, but I think by this point you’ve probably caught on to the fact that everyone in IDW Transformers is morally gray at BEST.
Because Megatron’s had a rough time the last few years, in relation to his bodily integrity, spark extraction- that thing that High Command lied about in relation to Overlord- isn’t an option. It would just kill him dead.
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Uh, excuse me? Optimus Prime, sir? Monsieur Premier?
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Guess Optimus hasn’t been keeping up with exRiD.
Anyway, yeah, since Tyrest fucked off in “The Sound of Breaking Glass” and also tried to commit a genocide, we’re gonna need someone to cast judgement.
Course, a military trial isn’t exactly ideal, but as long as it’s open to the public, it should be fine.
Anyway, Prowl’s also going to help. Ultra Magnus has been assigned the task of representing Megatron in court, a job which he’s positively delighted to have, if his face is any indication.
The gang breaks for lunch, and Rodimus and Optimus touch base on how the Knight Quest is going.
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Because Rodimus’ half of the Matrix had the map for finding the Knights of Cybertron in it, they’re gonna have to go with Plan B.
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Oh fuck yes, I love Plan B!
Unfortunately, finding the ideal romantic partner for all Cybertronians is going to have to wait until after the trial, because Optimus really wants Rodimus here for this. Though perhaps there’s a way to make things move a little faster…
Back in the present, Megatron’s had just about enough of Rung being a psychiatry joke, and is about to walk out of his appointment. Ravage is here, which is neat. Rung asks Megatron about the three most important people in his life, and how he met them. One of these people is, funnily enough, Rung.
Rung, if you’ll recall, was thrown into Megatron and Impactor’s table at Maccadams waaaaaay back in The Transformers #22, the first issue of the IDW run that Roberts wrote solo. It would seem that getting arrested and subjected to police brutality ruined his once-idealistic worldview. This is just a lightning-round recap of the events of the “Chaos Theory” storyline.
Being reminded of how hard he got dunked on makes Rung break out his copy of Megatron’s autobiography, Towards Peace. Of course, Megatron has to be “that guy”, and makes it out to be far more than it actually is. My dude, you used your writing to tell all your proto-Decepticon buddies to go beat up Whirl in prison. Let’s not make things sound more grandiose than they are.
Anyway, it turns out that Rung is actually just as much a nerd as he looks, as he reveals that he’s in possession of one of the only few copies of the original version of Towards Peace. And then he takes off his glasses and the fans go bonkers, even though he’s just got that Milne Same-Face going on, just like everyone else.
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There you are, you animals.
Rung discusses Revisionism, I’m reminded that the first publication of Eugenesis had a dedication to Roberts’ son of all people, and we get the question of who Terminus is to Megatron.
But alas! The X-ray vision’s been turned on, and it’s time to see… nude robots? An in-depth anatomy lesson?
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Robots are confusing sometimes. Anyways, major props to Milne for drawing all that detail. Dude does the technical stuff with a ferocity that must be awe-inspiring to behold.
Megatron’s decided that it’s time for lunch, and then he’s going to do captain stuff.
Because he’s captain of the Lost Light.
I’m convinced Rodimus is dead. That’s the only way this is happening.
Six months ago, Swerve was being awful Swerve-like, with his new buddy Crosscut- guess he finally learned the guy’s name- and Riptide, who we’ll get to a little later on. These three wonderful lads are holding a sort of “crew try-outs”, and it looks like the requirements needed for entry on Megatron’s Lost Light are stiff.
Still, maybe our new friend Nautica will make the cut.
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Oh, you are simply delightful!
Despite Nautica having interest in nearly every topic in the universe, on top of having impeccable taste in booze, she just misses the cut. It’s at this point that Nightbeat bursts into the room to stop this farce from going any further. The fact that nobody mentioned anything prior to this is surprising, given that portmanteaus don’t really seem the type of thing Ultra Magnus would approve of.
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Back six months ago, we see what Optimus Prime’s super great idea was to expedite the judicial process- Chromedome. It’s always Chromedome. He’s gonna do that thing he promised his late husband he’d stop doing. I suppose it’s a good thing- for Rewind, anyway- that Megatron is wholly against the idea of having his memories torn out of his head. Guess we’re gonna have to do the trial the normal, non brain-pokey way.
Optimus leaves the cell, because I suppose he’s remembered that there’s a conflict of interests here, but Rodimus stays behind to let Megatron know he deserves everything that’s coming his way.
Then Megatron breaks out the puzzle-box from Hellraiser.
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In the present, Chromedome isn’t so much spiraling in his depression as he is circling the drain. Nightbeat doesn’t give a shit about that though- he’s more concerned with the fact that one of the numbers on the door to Chromedome’s room is missing. But I’m sure it’s fine.
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It’s fiiiiiiiiiiine.
While Nightbeat’s busy being insensitive to his fellow man’s distress, Megatron’s arrived to his room to find his door’s been vandalized by a bunch of idiots who must have just discovered what a thesaurus is. Then he gets shot in the fucking hand with an arrow.
As you do.
Whirl’s gotten ahold of a bow, and he fully intends to use it for Megatron-directed violence. And also his fists. His very pointy fists. He punches Megatron through the fucking floor into the fuel furnace, and they fall what’s probably a good 200 feet to the ground below. Whirl yells about evening the score between the two of them, and then knees Megatron in the dick.
Turns out, Megatron remembers Whirl even better than originally thought, having gone so far as to order his forces to not kill Whirl, because, in a way, he was grateful for the lesson he learned back before the war in Rodion.
Oh man, I hope Rung’s somehow listening in on this. Like, eavesdropping is obviously bad medicine, but we’ve already established that he sucks as a professional, and he needs what few advantages he can get.
Whirl, enraged by the implication that he’s been fighting fixed battles for the last four million years, punches Megatron in the gut… and his arm gets swallowed up by an errant portal leftover from all of Shockwave’s tampering. Since you can’t really fight with only one arm, Megatron wanders off to do captainy things.
Walking back the timeline slightly, we revisit Megatron leaving Rung’s office, and the idea of personal revisionism, the conversation becoming parallel with the strange happenings going on within the ship, as Rewind’s final message is altered so as not to end with “I love you” but instead a blood-curdling scream. Chromedome is, understandably, upset by this turn of events.
Over with Whirl, it’s revealed that the little fight we saw was intentionally set up. For what purpose, or by whom, is left a mystery.
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Please see a doctor.
One last flashback to the trial, as Prowl lists off everything that’s standing in the way of our Sympathetic Megatron Redemption Arc.
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Good fuckin’ luck, James.
Back in the present, Megatron’s slapped a bandaid on the hole in his torso, as he checks to see what’s happening on the bridge. It would appear there’s a coffin floating around in space.
Pretty fucked up.
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the-delta-42 · 3 years
Cody & Frankie
Cody & Frankie
Cody watched as Blaster lifted a barrel off of a car. Ever since Blaster had joined their team, he’d been left behind at the Firehouse with Cody, as he was a Communications Officer, which left him paired with Cody.
“Why am I completing training exercises when I’m never going to be out in the field?” Asked Blaster, as Chase observed him.
“In the event of Cody being in danger.” Said Chase, getting stares from Blaster and Cody.
“No offense,” Started Blaster, “but Autobot City is practically a fortress, any Decepticon that is stupid enough to get too close to here is scrap.”
“You mean like the ones of the Alchemor?” Asked Chase, making Blaster go silent.
“Well, if you guys are busy,” Said Cody, getting up, “I’m going to meet Frankie.”
“Cody, I must ask you to postpone your date with Francine,” Said Chase, making Cody blush, “you may be required for the training scenarios.”
“RiGht,” Cody’s voice cracked, “First thing, I’m not dating Frankie, we’re just friends, second, you have that training dummy that can stand in for me.”
Chase and Blaster both stared at Cody, “Need we remind you of the Velgrox incident?”
“That scenario doesn’t count,” Protested Chase, “You and Francine instigated that incident.”
“Yeah, but it showed that Blaster doesn’t need to go through any more scenarios,” Said Cody, folding his arms, “He protected me just fine.”
Chase remained silent, which Cody took as his que to leave. The two Autobots watch Cody limp away.
“I think he’s still upset about Prowl.” Said Blaster, frowning.
“I thought it was just me.” Agreed Chase, as Cody disappeared from view.
Cody parked his bike outside the park, the lock activating automatically, before heading off to find Frankie. He’d usually be able to find her at the memorial statue that had been erected in the middle of the park after the Decepticon Attack two and a half years ago. Cody remembered the attack, because it was when he, truly, first met Starscream.
“Cody, over here!” Called Frankie, waving at him.
Cody smiled and started towards her, she was sitting on a bench in front of Prowl and Quickshadow’s legs. The two statues’ shadows casting a shadow of the area, Brawn and Windcharger’s Statues stood over by the lake, while Huffer, Hound and Beachcomber stood in a field of trees, bushes and flowers. The seven Autobots had been killed when Starscream led his Decepticon ‘loyalists’ against the city, it was because of those seven that no humans were harmed in the attack.
“CeCe got her first Science Fair prize,” Said Frankie, showing Cody a hologram of the nine-year-old, braces and all, holding a ribbon and her project, “It collects glitter from all surfaces, Daddy wants to see if more can be made, since, well, you know glitter.”
“Small, sticks to everything and almost impossible to remove.” Said Cody, sitting next to Frankie as Fixit rolled past, “Blurr’s gotten a new paint job.”
“Yeah, blue really suits him.” Said Frankie, as Cody pulled a hologram out of his bag, “Nearly three years.”
Cody looked up at Prowl’s statue, he couldn’t get the sight of smoke pouring out of his optics and mouth as his body slowly greyed, the resulting explosion revealed that his internals had all but melted. Prowl’s corpse had landed on Cody’s leg, resulting in the limb being amputated. The only bright thing that came from that day, in Cody’s opinion, was Arcee taking Starscream’s head off.
Cody quickly looked to the ground, before placing hologram emitter at the feet of the statues. A small Autobot symbol appeared, Ratchet had told them that placing a hologram with the faction’s symbol was the Cybertronian equivalent of placing flowers on a grave.
“Jolt’s been working with Daddy on something,” Said Frankie, from her spot next to Cody, “I think it’s related to the power spikes.”
Cody hummed, before Frankie took his hand and said, “Let’s go get something to eat.”
“Anything to keep me from Chase’s scenarios.” Said Cody, walking with Frankie, their hands still entwined.
“I’m not sure if we can keep this up,” Said Frankie, her grip on Cody’s hand tightening, “Dad only not questioning why we’re meeting up so often because he’s working with Jolt, I don’t know how he’ll react to us, you know, dating.”
“Chase came close to finding out as well,” Said Cody, sighing, “he said our date would have to be postponed. I think he and Blaster are trying a little too hard to make up for Prowl.”
“HA! I knew it!” Cried Blades, making Cody and Frankie jump, “I knew you two were dating!”
“Blades!” Hissed Cody, as everyone stared at them.
“What?” Asked Blades, before looking around, “Oh…right, sorry.”
“Blades, why are you here?” Asked Cody, his face red.
“Oh, press conference, you know, live broadcasts, Q&A, that sort of thing.” Said Blades, as Cody spotted Huxley Prescott filming them.
“Y-you said ‘live broadcast’,” Said Cody, colour slowly draining from his face, “So, everyone watching heard your outburst?”
“Yup.” Said Blades, as Frankie caught on.
“Okay, maybe they’re not watching tv?” Suggested Frankie, just as their phones went off, “Oooh, it’s my Dad.”
“Kade.” Said Cody, confused, “Hello?”
Cody suddenly pulled the phone away from his ear and winced, “Dani, why are you using Kade’s phone? Oh, that noise was you, Kade.”
Frankie nervously answered her phone, as Cody’s face went beet red, “Hi, Daddy…”
Frankie was stiff for a moment, before relaxing, “Right, thank, Dad. Love you too.” Frankie hung up, before looking at Cody, who almost seem purple.
“Kade…I don’t need you to give me the Talk again,” Said Cody, “The first time was traumatising enough. No, don’t put Dad on the phone… hey, Dad. Yes, I do know how that stuff works. No, I don’t need Chase to make a diagram. I, I don’t think that’s an appropriate question Dad. Yeah, sure. Love you too. No, don’t break out the pictures!”
Cody lowered his phone and stared at the screen, “Dad’s going to break out the baby pictures.”
“Please, as if I haven’t already seen them.” Smirked Frankie, before looking up at Blades, “Where’s Dani?”
“With Taylor,” Sighed Blades, looking dejected, before looking down at Cody and Frankie, “Wanna go flying?”
“Is energon blue?” Was Frankie’s response, before Blades Transformed and Cody and Frankie climbed into his cockpit.
“Any requests?” Asked Blades, waiting for their input.
“Somewhere private.” Said Cody, immediately.
“Somewhere private coming up.” Said Blades, as he took off.
“I’m sure that could’ve gone better.” Said Frankie, as soon as Blades arrived at a waterfall that was difficult to access from the ground.
“Yeah, Kade tried giving me the Talk, again and Dad wanted to know if we were physical and if we were protection.”
“What is it with parents and thinking their kids are interfacing?” Asked Blades, making Cody and Frankie look up at him, confused, “You know, how humans make sparklings.”
Cody and Frankie blushed and looked at the ground, “Sooo, what now?” Asked Frankie, looking at Cody.
“We wait up here for a couple of hours and then head back,” Said Cody, sitting at the water’s edge, “I don’t think Kade’s going to let up on the Talk.”
Frankie smirked playfully, “Well, you know what we could do to fill that time up?”
“Oh, what?” Grinned Cody, before Frankie pushed him in the water, only to be dragged in herself when Cody grabbed her wrist.
Both teens were laughing as they threw water at each other, Frankie tackled Cody, making the young man fall on his back with Frankie on top of him. The young woman giggled and kissed Cody, resting her forehead against his.
“I love you.” Whispered Frankie, getting comfortable on Cody’s chest.
Cody returned the kiss, “I love you too.”
Frankie buried her head in the crook of Cody’s neck, getting comfortable as the pair drifted off into sleep.
Blades glanced over at the two humans, both cuddling each other in their sleep, and checked his internal chronometer before deciding to wake the pair up.
“Guys?” Said Blades, his voice soft, “It’s time to go.”
The two teens groaned, but started to get up, both shivering as the cold started to set in.
“Next time we’re up here,” Said Frankie, looking at Cody, “We bring a change of clothes.”
Cody smiled, before climbing into Blades with Frankie. Blades took off and took them back to Autobot City, landing on top of the Firehouse. The pair were greeted by their families, Doc Greene and Chief Burns holding a set of dry clothes.
“Blades said you’d need them.” Said Chief, as the pair took the dry clothes, “But, we need to talk about you running off.”
“I’m partially to blame, Chief,” Said Blades, crouching, “I suggested that we go flying and the fact I kind of outed their relationship on live TV.”
Chief sighed, before looking at the pair again, “Come on, you’re probably hungry, but, please, get changed first.”
Cody and Frankie nodded and headed off to dry off and change, leaving their parents on the landing pad.
“They do grow up fast, don’t they?” Asked Doc Greene, as Charlie frowned.
“I just wish that Cody didn’t grow up so fast.” Said Chief, as he watched Cody and Frankie messing around with each other.
“I just hope I win the next bet.” Said Doc Greene with a small smile.
Cody fiddled with the guitar strings, as Miko showed him how to play a chord.
“You’re doing great, Cody.” Said Miko, getting Cody to smile. Frankie was discussing some science stuff with Raf, while Jack was flicking through some paperwork given to him by Fowler, “I’d say we’re almost finished with the lessons.”
“It’s nice to be with you guys,” Said Cody, leaning back in his chair, “It’s almost as if things are as, they were before the Omega Lock incident.”
“Yeah, there are times I half expect Ratchet or Arcee to walk in and ask what we’re doing.” Sighed Miko, looking out the window, “I mean it’s nice having the Autobots here, I think I speak for everyone when I say we miss our partners.”
Cody’s smile turned sad, “I remember the time Prowl walked into that power line, I don’t I ever saw anyone move so fast.”
“Or that time Bulkhead screamed his head off when we showed him that mouse.” Grinned Miko, looking over at Jack.
“That’s nothing compared to Arcee calling an exhaust a ‘dowhicky’.” Said Jack, abandoning the paperwork.
“How about Bumblebee sneaking out of the base to go racing?” Asked Raf, as he joined the three.
“How about Kup’s cy-gar trick?” Asked Frankie, remembering the old bot.
“You mean the one where he turned it into a bullet?” Responded Miko, looking at Frankie.
“Yeah, that one!” Laughed Frankie, as Cody went to stand up, only for his prosthetic to buckle under his weight, “Cody!”
Jack caught Cody before he hit the ground, helping him back to the chair.
“It’s fine, it’s been acting up for a while.” Said Cody, as he rested the prosthetic on his other leg and pulled his trouser leg up. The light blue glow from the power cell flickered as the group observed it.
“I could get my dad to look at it.” Frankie offered, making Cody smile.
“I probably forgot to charge it properly.” Said Cody, getting back to his feet. Frankie held his arm, in case the leg gave out again, “You’re just looking for an excuse to steal me away, aren’t you?”
“How could you tell?” Smirked Frankie, as Jack sighed.
“Just remember to use protection,” Smirked Miko, making Cody and Frankie blush, “I’m too young to be an aunt.”
The two eighteen-year-olds quickly left the room to escape twenty-one-year-old, as Jack levelled her with an unimpressed stare.
“Old enough to be a mother, but too young to be an aunt.” Said Jack, folding his arms.
“Shut up.” Giggled Miko, as Raf decided to go back to his computer.
Cody winced as Doc Greene removed the power cell from his leg.
“Hmm, it seems that the power cells developed a fault.” Said Doc Greene, rubbing his chin, “I don’t know what could’ve cause it, unless you went for a sudden swim.”
Cody and Frankie froze and glanced at each other, thinking back to the week before and their dip in the pool of water.
“I know that look.” Said Doc Greene, folding his arms, “I’ll see about making your next prosthetic waterproof, Cody.”
“Thanks, Doc.” Said Cody, as Doc Greene reinserted the power cell.
“Frankie,” Said Doc Greene as the pair were leaving, “do try to be home at a reasonable hour tonight, your mother and I heard you knock the planter over.”
“Daddy!” Exclaimed Frankie, her face going red with embarrassment.
“I’m glad that no one heard me knock an entire shelving unit over.” Muttered Cody, as Blurr shot past.
“Higuys,byeguys,I’dlovetostopandchatbut,I’mbusybusybusy!” Said Blurr, speaking a mile a minute.
“That red energon must be some really strong stuff.” Said Frankie, as Blurr turned a corner.
“Apparently, Blurr’s body was built to use it,” Said Cody, shrugging, “Something about Velocitron and speed?”
A red and black semi with a yellow cab pulled to a stop in front of the pair.
“There you guys are,” Said Blaster, opening his door for them, “Chief has an announcement down at the Firehouse.”
“What is it?” Asked Cody, as he and Frankie climbed in.
“I don’t know,” Said Blaster, driving off, “Blurr was supposed to pick you up, but then he got called away by Bumblebee for something. Oh, and be warned, I think Chase’s sister is visiting.”
“Chase has a sister?” Asked Cody, cocking an eyebrow.
“The way Strongarm acts?” Snorted Blaster, “She might as well be!”
Blaster pulled to a stop outside the Firehouse, allowing Frankie and Cody to climb out. Blaster transformed and followed them inside, joining the joint crowd of Humans and Cybertronians. Cody and Frankie made their way through the crowd of Autobots with ease and then weaved through the humans.
“Graham, what’s going on?” Asked Cody, as soon as he spotted his brother.
“Dad has an announcement to make,” Said Graham, frowning as he looked at his notes, “Something about work.”
Cody noticed pink glittery ink on the paper, “Sarah’s really learning how to draw, huh?”
“Yeah, she’s either drawing or running Amy and I into the ground.” Said Graham, yawning.
“I heard Kassie’s been a nightmare for Kade and Hayley.” Said Frankie, folding her arms.
“Yeah, even I can hear her temper tantrums.” Groaned Graham, shaking his head.
Everyone went silent as Chief Burns walked/shuffled onto the stage.
“Okay, I’m going to keep this short and sweet,” Said Chief Burns, looking around, “I’m retiring. I spent a good 45 years serving on the police forces and, frankly, I’d love to spend more. However, I’m not getting any younger and the resident doctors, thank you Doctor Darby, have told me that my body can’t keep up with the rescue anymore. I’ll be making the official announcement tomorrow. That is all.”
Cody watched as his father left the stage, wincing as he stumbled a bit when he reached the steps. Carin helped Charlie with the last few steps. Cody felt a tug on his trouser leg, drawing his attention to the twins, Kyle and Maggie. Kyle and Maggie were Cody’s younger half-siblings, born shortly after his dad married Carin when they first moved to Autobot City.
“What’s daddy we-tyre ring?” Asked Kyle, looking up at Cody.
“Retiring?” Asked Cody, getting a nod from Kyle, “It means he’s going to stop working because he’s starting to get too old.”
“Why?” Asked Maggie, her teddy trailing behind her.
“Because he’s a grown up,” Said Cody, crouching down to their level, “and, eventually we grow up so much that we can’t work anymore.”
“Then what happens?” Asked Kyle, making Cody freeze.
“Uh, well, then we, er,um…” Cody was saved from explaining death to the twins by Carin walking towards them.
“Come on,” Said Carin, hoisting Maggie onto her hip, “time for your nap.”
Cody picked up Kyle and followed his stepmother, Frankie following behind them, leaving Graham with his work. Getting the twins in bed and a sleep was fairly easy, Maggie and Kyle were quick to nod off. Soon the family, plus their significant others, were sitting in the living room.
“I know it’s short notice,” Said Charlie, looking at his children, “but, I think it’s time to face the music, I’m not the man I was.”
“It’s fine, Dad.” Said Dani, resting her feet on Taylor’s lap, “You’ve earned it, more than any of us at this rate.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Demanded Kade, crossing his arms.
“I don’t think Dani was looking to start a fight, Kade.” Said Cody, from his place curled up with Frankie.
“I saw you explaining retirement to the twins, Cody.” Said Carin, smiling softly as he flushed red, “I also saw how you tried to avoid explaining the concept of death to them.”
“They’ll probably have to be told sooner or later.” Mumbled Cody, his grip on Frankie’s hand tightening softly.
“We will when the time comes.” Promised Carin, her smile turning sad.
Shortly after Prowl’s death, Cody had vanished, along with some weapons Wheeljack had been working on. Cody was later found next to the remains of a Decepticon known as Thundercracker. Thundercracker’s optics had been torn out and parts of his body had been subjected to small explosives. What killed Thundercracker, however, was a small vial of cosmic rust that had been poured into the remains of his optics. Just shy of where Cody was found was the burnt out remains of a Decepticon energon mine, with the melted remains of MECH agents. Ultra Magnus had said that he’d assumed some humans were working with the Decepticons, he just didn’t expect them to be wiped out in one strike.
“How’s your studying coming along?” Asked Charlie, swiftly changing the subject.
“Doctor Darby thinks I’m progressing well,” Said Cody, his frame relaxing, “if I keep at my current level, I’ll be able to continue on and become a doctor by the time I’m 25.”
“Know you,” Smirked Dani, her hands cradling her bump, “You’ll probably find a way to become a doctor before then.”
Cody let out a laugh, before the robotic lion that was Steeljaw tumbled into the room. Everyone watched Steeljaw chase something that looked like a ball of light, before he vanished down the stairs.
Kade smirked as Hayley adjusted Kassie on her chest, “So, Cody, what are your and Frankie’s plans for the future?”
“Decent paying jobs before getting married and having kids.” Said the pair, simultaneously.
“Why do I get the feeling you two rehearse that?” Asked Dani, as Sarah toddled up to her parents and presented them with a picture.
“Ta-Da!” Sang Sarah, as Amy took the picture.
“Oh, Graham, look at this,” Gushed Amy, showing Graham the picture, “it’s another work of art.”
“A Masterpiece.” Agreed Graham, picking the toddler up.
C&F (Time skip)
Cody rocked back and forth on his heels, the weight of the small box in his pocket was impossibly heavy. He’d been waiting for Frankie to turn up for nearly an hour and was beginning to think she wasn’t going to show. The sounds of a fight caught his attention, Cody spotted a guy that worked with Frankie having his ass handed to him. The guy, Matt, Cody thought, had been flirting with Frankie, despite her saying she wasn’t interested. Cody caught sight of the person knocking sense into Matt. Frankie was dressed up nicely, despite still having her lab coat on, while hitting Matt with her handbag. Cody winced as Matt hit the doorframe and slid, before walking over to Frankie. It was only as Cody got closer, did he see that Frankie’s hair was dishevelled, as if someone had pulled on it, there was a bruise forming on her neck and the necklace Cody had given her for her 21st Birthday was missing.
Cody reached and touch Frankie’s shoulder, making her whip around with a snarl on her face. Frankie completely relaxed at the sight of Cody, while Matt struggled to get up off the floor.
“What…happened?” Asked Cody, frowning.
Frankie threw a disgusted look at Matt, “He didn’t know how to take ‘no’ for an answer.”
“Are you alright?” Questioned Cody, looking into Frankie’s eyes.
Frankie sighed, “Yeah, he only turned violent when I entered the restaurant, but he only followed me here from work.”
Cody’s gaze turned to Matt, before it fell to Matt’s right hand, “Aren’t you going to give that back?”
Matt froze at Cody’s cold tone, something Cody had picked up from Prowl. Matt looked at the necklace in his grip, before throwing it into the restaurant and trying to run off. Cody grabbed the necklace from the air and looked at the damage. Cody sighed when he found only the clasp was broken.
“Your mum’s necklace.” Gasped Frankie, upon seeing the damaged necklace.
“It’s an easy fix.” Said Cody, carefully putting the necklace with the ring box, “Do you want to go home?”
Frankie took a deep breath, before nodding. Cody gave her a small smile, before going to the manager to cancel the reservation. The two twenty-six-year-olds drove home in silence, Frankie closed her eyes and leaned back in her seat.
“What did you want to talk about?” Asked Frankie, almost making Cody jump.
“Let’s, let’s deal with that when we get home.” Said Cody, suddenly remembering the box.
“Right.” Said Frankie, her tone despondent.
“Don’t worry, it’s a good thing,” Said Cody, before frowning, “well, I think it’s a good thing, I mean the others said it’s a good thing and, I’m rambling again, aren’t I?”
Frankie giggled, Frankie had been terrified that Cody was going to break up with her, after she found that ring in the draw. Cody had been giving her gifts recently, when she brought it up with Priscilla and a couple other friends, came to the conclusion that they were breakup gifts, something to help with the actual blow of the breakup. Frankie knew that Cody didn’t class breaking up as a good thing, unless he took a heavy blow to the head.
Cody pulled into his usual parking space and went inside the home with Frankie, both taking a seat on the sofa.
“Are you okay? Really, okay?” Asked Cody, looking into Frankie’s eyes.
Frankie averted her gaze and sighed, “I was scared, the entire time he was following me, I was scared he was going to do something. I took the longest possible route to try and get away from him, but when I arrived at the restaurant, I found he was already there. I thought if I ignored him, he’d leave me alone.”
“Then he decided to grab you.” Said Cody, making Frankie nod.
“He was fired today because he damaged something that the Autobots are keeping top secret,” Explained Frankie, as Cody wrapped an arm around her, “we don’t know how he got hold of it, but Hardhead found it in Matt’s locker and demanded an explanation from him. He didn’t give one.”
Cody pulled Frankie closer to him, rubbing comforting circles on her arm, “It’s like something in him snapped. I wasn’t expecting but, I kinda was? It’s difficult to explain.”
“I doubt he’ll hurt you now,” Said Cody, pulling Frankie close and allowing her to rest her head in the crook of his neck, “I saw Streetwise picking him up.”
Frankie smiled, before looking at Cody, “What is it you wanted to talk about?”
Cody swallowed the sudden lump in his throat, “Right, er, yes, well…screw it.”
Cody got off the sofa and got down on one knee, taking the ring box out of his pocket, “Frankie, you’ve made me incredibly happy in the time we’ve been together and, frankly, I don’t want that to end. Will you marry me?”
Frankie’s eyed danced between the ring and Cody’s face. The next thing Cody knew, he was on his back with Frankie laying on top of him and kissing him.
“I’ll…take that as a, yes?” Asked Cody, as Frankie grinned and nodded her head.
Cody grinned as well and slipped the ring on Frankie’s finger.
16 notes · View notes
vetoing-clocks · 5 years
Decepticon!Hot Rod Anniversary Q&A
Yes! It happened! On November 13th, 2018, I posted a vignette on Ao3 based on the idea “What if Hot Rod had become a Decepticon in ‘Autocracy’ (and dated Deadlock)?”
365 days and 44,8k words later, the deceptirod AU is still going and I still have plans and ideas for it.
It’s been a huge year for me. I learned a lot as a writer. I achieved some things in my professional path. I made friends in the fandom and got some loyal readers.
I wish I’d noticed sooner that the anniversary was coming up, I would have had something written for today. Since that couldn’t be, I want to thank everyone that sent questions for this hastily put together q&a. I hope you enjoy this glimpse into this little universe I’ve been building.
Everything’s under the cut.
As usual, thank you for reading these fics. This series wouldn’t have gone beyond that first oneshot without the interest and support of all of you.
Anon: So it’s implied events pan out the same as they do when Roddy steals the matrix for the Autobots. Have you ever thought about what happens after? Would Deadlock/Drift’s arc have still happened?
Fun fact: I’ve got this whole AU planned up to the point in which “Transformers: Lost Light” ended. Saying more would be a spoiler.
@kyrinthewarrior​: How did you come up with the idea of Thunderbird and Doctor?
Last year I was writing a canon divergent TFP fic (that’s been on hiatus for over a year, I’m so sorry) in which Starscream realized that he’d never, ever win and decided to become neutral. One of the plot points in it was that Starscream accidentally inspired the Vehicons to start a liberation movement, which included taking names and picking the pronouns they felt fit each one best. Doctor is a character from there, but the name’s different in that fic (hasn’t shown up yet in that fic, actually). I didn’t see any reason to invent a new character to be the medic in Pache when I could just grab one that already existed.
Thunderbird was, like every TF OC I make, an accident. I needed a character with information that could interact with Hot Rod and tell him the things he had no way of finding out on his own (the Great Carrot knows I love Rod, but he’s not in charge of anything that would give him access to privileged information). Now, we have plenty of cold and serious calculating characters, so I decided to write someone that would purposefully try to get everyone to think he’s harmless and good. Someone you’d want to be friends with and would never ever suspect of having a mental file in which he keeps every sign of weakness you’ve displayed around them and who would sell you to Satan for a corn chip if they felt the corn chip was more important than you. Then I went to my list of potential OC names, picked the one I liked best, and Thunderbird was born. The heelys, though, are there because I find them funny (this AU, like many things I do, runs on a delicate balance of things that I love to read, things I find fascinating to explore, and things that appeal to my sense of humor).
@marsreds​: Favorite line you've published?
“I’m sorry, but I love you.”
@marsreds​: Favorite line you've written?
Oof, this is hard, but I’m gonna go with, “Because something has to matter. Because something has to be done. Because there’s nothing else I can do.”
Although I’m also terribly fond of Doctor’s lines about why Medicine’s patron is Adaptus, not Primus. I have a whole mental essay about why Primus being Medicine’s patron doesn’t work, and I’m turning it into a fic one day.
@marsreds​: What do you look forward most to writing?
In general, any bit that foreshadows unwritten fics, or any bit that’s a callback to a previus story (especially when it’s a fic I haven posted yet). Basically, bits that should be rewarding to anyone that decides to re-read the series.
@marsreds​: What even set you off to make this au in the first place?
We were on Discord and someone started talking about how easily Hot Rod could have become a Decepticon. We started talking about how some things would have gone differently, but also how we could keep the canon timeline pretty much the same, and it led to “Hot Rod realizes how messed up their faction has become, so he steals the Matrix anyway and gets shot.” That’s when a line started forming in my mind and I had to write it. 90 minutes later, “The cold” had been written, and from there I had to keep playing in the sandbox. There was too much to explore.
@marsreds​: Can you believe that we didn't know each other when you published the first installment of this?
Wait, we didn’t????????? Didn’t you link me to the server where this whole thing started?
Huh. Wow. You’ve been so present throughout all the plotting that I guess I can’t picture this without you at the beginning.
@marsreds​: What's something that surprised you while you were writing it?
How much it grew. Not as a plotline, but as a world. This was supposed to be an exploration of the progressive distortion of the Decepticon ideal disguised as a hotlock slowburn. I’d maybe throw in one or two OCs from “Such a big deal, though” to make the world seem more populated and believable. Then I was writing “Crash and burn” and I realized I couldn’t really talk about the Decepticons without the Decepticons, but I didn’t know enough about canon characters to fill the world with recognizable names, which forced me to create my own characters. They were supposed to be background characters, show up for a couple scenes, fulfill their roles and disappear forever, and instead they had personalities, alt-modes, and whole stories inside my mind that I can only hint at. It went from feeling like my little AU fanfic to my own alternate timeline, like maybe Brainstorm’s briefcase made it exist and it’s as “real” as everything that’s been published and has aired throughout the years.
Connected to that, I’ve also been surprised by the reaction to this bigger world. I’ve seen someone include Doctor and Thunderbird in their own AU. You declared Crystal Wing your favorite and get super protective of him. I’ve been asked what Thunderbird looks like, and everyone seems fascinated by him. It makes it all feel more and more like its own canon timeline that simply hasn’t been recognized by Hasbro, and that makes me happy.
@marsreds​: Something you would've done differently?
Not really? Nothing that can’t be edited, like the writing in “Alive”, or the bits I’ll eventually add to “Crash and burn” and “Nightlight”.
@marsreds​: How do you come up with names for things?
For characters, I mostly use rollercoasters. I went on Wikipedia one day, found a list of rollercoasters, and wrote down all the names that sounded like they could be used for OCs. Some have been given by others and one is a very unsubtle historical reference that made me feel embarrassed by how shameless it was (there’s a while until you see that name, though).
For places, I think of what happens in the fic in which they’re first named. Then I think of something associated to the events, or to the description of the planet, and then I pick a word that alludes to said events/description and which amuses me. Basically, every planet name is a joke/reference/unsubtle-nod-to-the-plot. All of them. Not very funny jokes, sure, but definitely things that made me feel very clever.
@marsreds​: Am i a good editor and do i actually contribute to the process or are you just humoring me?
Mars, if you didn’t contribute to the process I could just ignore you. When I disagree with your suggestions, I tell you so. When your suggestions make me cry inside but I agree they’re good, I follow them. When your suggestions add to the story, I gladly include them. You’re stuck as my editor until you get sick of me.
@marsreds​: Are hotlock gonna be invited to the thunderdice wedding?
Hot Rod and Deadlock won’t be invited to the thunderdice wedding.
But if there was any way for Hot Rod and Deadlock to be invited, they’d be invited by the groom. The bride doesn’t want to see Deadlock ever again.
@marsreds​: If you had to make a thesis statement for this au, what would it be?
Kindness. That might sound odd in what’s mostly been a slow burn set during a war, but kindness is what everything is built on here. Hot Rod cares about people, cares even when it might get him killed, because somebody has to. Back in Nyon, it was him and the other gutter mechs looking after each other. In “Crash and burn”, his kindness is what saved him, the fact that others remembered what he’d done for them. His kindness is what makes him stand out to Deadlock. It’s his kindness that makes him start doubting the cause and eventually steal the Matrix.
But it’s not only him. Deadlock doesn’t know how to be kind, but he can follow Hot Rod’s lead, follow his example until he can perform kindness on his own. Doctor is in Medicine for selfish reasons, but still goes and puts medgrade in Hot Rod’s hands when he looks like shit, and forces Thunderbird to take care of himself despite knowing he’s a bastard. Thunderbird cares only about himself and his best friend, but he doesn’t see any reason to be rude to people that might be dead the next day.
Kindness is not a weakness and there’s no mold for it. Kindness doesn’t mean never fighting, or never doing anything bad. It just means that, if there’s a good thing you can do, a good thing you know you can do, and there’s no reason not to do it, you should do it. It may never be repaid or it might save your life. You put some good in the world because somebody has to do it. And maybe in the real world kindness won’t be rewarded as it should, but this is fiction, and I’m allowed to write a world in which kindness is valued, even during something as terrible as a war, because it’s a promise, it’s hope, it’s something to hold on to and to remind you that things aren’t always bad.
The thesis is: Hot Rod was kind, and that was the right course of action.
@marsreds​: What would be this au's theme song?
Be More Kind - Frank Turner
@marsreds​: What's deadlock's favourite thing about hot rod? and hot rod's about deadlock?
Deadlock likes that Hot Rod lets him bite him.
Just kidding. Can I say kindness again? But yeah. The fact that Hot Rod cares for everyone. Deadlock came from the streets and was used to nobody giving a damn about him. He joined the Decepticons and got used to being valued for being a fighter. Enter Hot Rod, who values everyone no matter their rank, simply because they’re on his faction. The moment Hot Rod knows you’re on his side, you become one of his people. He’ll take care of you. To Deadlock, Hot Rod is a shelter.
As for Hot Rod? He likes how reliable Deadlock is. He likes that Deadlock seems to have clear loyalties and principles and he sticks to them. If Deadlock says he’s going to follow you until the end of the universe, you can be sure he will. If Deadlock decides to help you, he’ll be there no matter what. If Deadlock has decided that something is wrong, then you can be sure he won’t be looking for loopholes that allow him to do it anyway. He likes that Deadlock is there for him and will always be there for him as long as he deserves it. To Hot Rod, Deadlock is a pillar.
@marsreds​: Objectively, is deadlock considered hot in this universe? (i know hot rod's considered attractive but that's just his personality)
This one technically goes against my “How do I interact with my fiction” rules, because it refers to a detail I’m probably never showing/implying in the text.
What I’m saying is: you are free to ignore this answer if you don’t like it.
It amuses me to think Deadlock is average, physically speaking. People like his face when he’s not doing the murdercat expression, but he’s almost always doing the murdercat expression and has the social skills of a toothpick.
It also amuses me to think that the Autobots think he looks edgy. It’s the bad boy appeal. Hot Rod would find that hilarious.
@marsreds​: What do you like the most about their relationship that is present in this au but not in canon(ish) iterations of these characters?
I wrote three very salty paragraphs in reply to this and proceeded to delete them. Nobody needs that. To be brief, what I like about their relationship here is that their friendship means something to them. Even if this series ended with Hot Rod marrying Thunderbird and Deadlock marrying Doctor, you’d know for sure that there’s so much trust, companionship and love (and I don’t mean romantic love) between them that they’d be in each other’s lives as best friends until one of them died.
@squireofgeekdom: Any songs you associate with any of your OCs?
None yet, surprisingly?
Anon: What sort of key points do you keep in mind to keep track of where characters should be emotionally/in their arc when you're writing stories set at very different points in time, and not necessarily writing them in linear order? It's all very much coherent character/relationship arcs and I'm just very impressed - and the cohesiveness overall. Are there themes that you try to keep consistent across stories to build that?
Pre-Matrix stealing I have a clear idea of how things progress relating to key events, because it’s all very linear. The first relevant change in the relationship happens in “Triage” (still unwritten, sorry), so I know that any ideas for fics that happen before that will have to fit a certain pattern. The next big change is “Nightlight”, because it’s when the mutual pining starts. Before that, it’s only Hot Rod being invested in their friendship. Then it’s only mutual pining until “Declaration...”, and from then on things are mostly stable until “Home” (also unwritten, sorry again).
The hotlock dynamic progresses with their feelings. The only important thing I have to keep in mind is that they must be friends first and love interests second. If I can’t believe that these two genuinely like each other, then it’s time for a re-write. Cybertronians have long lives, which means their friendship must deepen as time passes, and so I can have them noticing or knowing more about each other the later in the timeline a fic is set.
Relating to OCs, there are key elements that will never ever change and which form the base of the interactions. For example, Doctor’s only goal in life is to survive; related to that, Doctor is unimpressed by, but extremely wary of, Thunderbird, despises Deadlock (I’m not talking funny rivalry, I’m talking a feeling that borders on disgust, of finding a person that so absolutely opposes the core of your being that you daydream of beating their face to a pulp and leaving them out for the wolves), and is fond of Hot Rod despite being certain he’ll get himself killed one day. Thunderbird likes to know things for the sake of knowing things and thinks life is one big cosmic joke and that taking it seriously is a mistake; because of that, he’s curious about Hot Rod and really wants to know what will become of him, is reluctanctly fascinated by Doctor, and the only person he loves besides himself is Crystal Wing. Crystal Wing is so slow that he knows he has to use his time wisely, so he’s always in a good mood (it takes too long to overcome a negative emotion), likes everyone immediately (it’s faster to dislike someone than learn to like them), and always says exactly what he means without adornments or metaphors.
As for plotting, I keep notes of key events and the rest is fluid. I know what’s going to happen in “Home”, so I’m free to foreshadow it when I get the chance. I know what happened in “Triage”, so I can write callbacks if I feel they fit the story.
About themes... There are a lot of things this AU is about, but off the top of my head I can mention:
Making one (1) person the key to your emotional development is fucked up
Who we are and who we become can’t be traced back to one moment. We’re all the result of thousands of interactions and events that pile up and which we choose to see in a certain way to justify the person we are or want to be
Everything I write must be in accordance to these ideas. Themes and cohesiveness go before everything else, even my own ego and need for approval. Surprising my audience is not as important as feeling I respected the characters and the story.
@choomchoom: Is Hot Rod’s history as an insurgency leader in Nyon commonly known amongst the Decepticons? If not, how did Deadlock find out?
Yes and no. This might count as a spoiler? Stop reading here if you don’t want to know absolutely anything about fics that I’ll write someday.
When Hot Rod arrived, his past was used as propaganda. “Look at the mech we brought in. Someone willing to do whatever it takes in the fight against the Autobots.” Anyone who was around high command or near the area when Hot Rod joined the Decepticons knows his past. After that, it was part of the information in the starter pack. After a while, it wasn’t relevant anymore, and so newer recruits don’t know about his past and might have only heard about this crazy mech that drags injured soldiers out of the battlefield.
@choomchoom: Also if no one has asked about music yet I would love some song recs to cry and swoon to the next time you post an update.
I have a playlist that’s 95% somewhat serious and/or shippy songs (the remaining 5% is “Despacito” and I have no regrets).
Highlights from it include:
The already linked “Be More Kind”, which is this AU’s thesis
The hotlock theme is Los Tres’ “Amor Violento” (loose translation of relevant lyrics: “I’ll spend my whole life in buying yours [...] Love will have to wait for a good while to rest from you and I [...] Because a violent love blinded us / A violent love fulminated us”)
For the post-Matrix stealing to the point at which the war ends, the song is Silversun Pickups’ “Growing Old Is Getting Old”. It also fits for that point at which you realize that your faction has strayed from its original vision
For the Decepticons in the beginning, Los Prisioneros’ “El Baile De Los Que Sobran” (”Join the dance of the left overs / Nobody’s going to miss us / Nobody truly wanted to help us / When we were small we were told / ‘Make studying your game’ / Men are brothers and must work together [...] And it wasn’t so true / Because in the end those games were for others / That ended up with laurels and a future / And left my friends kicking rocks”)
A bit of a post-Nyon mood: Coldplay’s “42″
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ratchetsboyfriend · 5 years
Hello, how are you? Love this blog so much! I was wondering if I could maybe get some hcs for tfp Starscream finding a much larger, much more powerful cybertronian who has been rather isolated from the war for one reason or another, who thinks him and his antics are adorable and who develops a guilty pleasure in doting on him and protecting him when his plans go awry? (1/2, ahh sorry, I’m long winded OTL)
(2/2) Maybe they’re really patient and invested in teaching him HOW to be a great leader and trying to take him on as a protege kind of thing? Kinda like do you think he’d take advantage of it, be flattered by it, actually learn, maybe catch some feels, etc? (Thank you so much for this blog and your writing and responses, you’re a total gem!)
When war had first broken out on Cybertron you had been away on a journey into deep space. By the time you received news of the conflict, things had already escalated and your home had been lost to you forever. Unable to deal with the grief you had drifted through the stars, alone and forgotten, rarely rising out of your self induced stasis. It wasn’t until your ship’s computer picked up the first Cybertronian signal you had seen since your departure that you finally shook off the last of your despair.
Arriving on Earth, you had been greeted by two factions. Autobots and Decepticons alike recognized you from the days before the war, when you had been famous throughout Cybertron for your space exploration and both sides welcomed you with open arms. But you had no wish to fight, only to live in peace, and you soon found yourself traveling the planet alone once more in your new vehicle mode, observing the indigenous life forms.
It was on your travels that you met Starscream. You knew of him, having heard of the former Sky Commander and his scientific exploits, but had never before interacted with him. His badge indicated that he was a Decepticon but it was clear to you that he had defected, scrounging for scraps of energon to survive. Unwilling to see him starve you had offered up some of your own cache. Your ship had been well stocked and during your time on Earth you had located a few untouched pockets, and while you refused to take part in the fighting, you weren’t adverse to delivering some much needed energon to the Autobots. You were sure Megatron was aware of your actions but you were strong enough to be a threat if you wanted, so for now he was turning a blind eye, and you hoped that he would overlook you taking in Starscream as well.
He was haughty, proud to a fault, and even as he accepted your help he sneered at you with ill disguised hostility. Yet you took no offense, recognizing it as an attempt to hide away any weaknesses or vulnerabilities, and as odd as it sounded his self important mannerisms only endeared him to you. Your seemingly unending patience for his harsh words and selfish actions threw him for a loop and while he initially regarded you with suspicion, over time he began to warm up to you, seeing you as his one true confidant.
He was ambitious, dangerously so, and more than once had you had to step in on his behalf. Despite his increasing displeasure with Starscream, Megatron still had no desire to engage you in combat and for good reason. Your space faring ways were not the only thing you had been known for back on Cybertron. You were old, even by your species’ standards, and strong, strong enough to have survived all those years on your own without any assistance, and while you wouldn’t win a fight against the entirety of the Decepticon army, you would decimate their forces before they managed to take you down.
When you weren’t protecting Starscream from the consequences of his actions, you were preoccupied with trying to teach him to be a better leader. He had potential, but he was reluctant to accept your teachings, brushing you off whenever you brought it up. Occasionally he would listen to you without complaint but those moments were rare and at his whim. You didn’t stop trying though and sometimes, when he was executing another one of his plots, you would notice that he incorporated some of your advice.
Your strange insistence on not just tolerating Starscream’s presence, the way others did, but on taking care of him was as unsettling as it was welcomed. It had been a very long time since anyone had even pretended to be invested in his well being and your sincerity was something new to him.
At first he planned to take advantage of your kindness for as long as it suited him. But your compassion and patience was endless, infuriatingly so, and at some point he found that his view of you had changed. No longer did he see you as a weak minded fool. Instead he saw that it took strength to be as gentle as you were, a strength that he himself lacked. The emotions that you inspired within him were overwhelming, never before had he so desperately wanted the approval or affections of another. It was frightening that one person could hold so much away over his spark and he was almost tempted to take off and never look back.
Now that he’s had some… realizations regarding his relationship with you it was hard not to interpret your actions as little more than pity, something he would loathe coming from anyone, but the thought of you seeing him only as some wretched pet project was especially painful. It hurt all the more to know that you were far too altruistic to ever consider that, and that it was simply his insecurities getting the better of him and making him lash out in defense by rejecting your advice and teachings.
He felt so unworthy of you, of all that you were, and the desire to better himself clashed with his reluctance to once again tie himself to another, to put himself in a position where he was vulnerable. But with every kind word, gentle touch, and warm smile, Starscream found himself just a little bit more in love with you and a little more willing to perhaps make the effort. The only question was whether or not you would be receptive to his advances, and the answer was something that he both feared and craved to know.
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tfwhynoy · 6 years
I actually really enjoyed the humanformers headcanons you did for knockout (with cybertronian reader). If it's not too much trouble, could you do something similar for mtmte rung, rodimus, nautica and/or megatron? (sorry if thats too many people!!)
My character limit is five so your fine! 
Mtmte Rung
He is, of course, a psychiatrist. One day his patient Red Alert goes on a rant about how a bunch of cars showed up all having the same symbol and how he got snapshots of mysterious planes flying overhead all the time. He even has photos to show Rung to. There aren’t even drivers in the cars sometimes. It’s concerning but Rung just has to do his best to calm Red down.
Now he’s noticing it to now. Why does he keep seeing the same car all the time? What does that symbol mean? He has to shake his head at it though, it’s probably just someone new in town or something and the logo is just for a company he’s never heard of.
But at one point one of the planes swoops down and at the car one day and starts shooting at it. It shakes him to his bones but then the car transforms and shoots back. He wants to run but can’t, he’s just frozen in place. Soon more cars and planes arrive and now they are duking it out in the middle of the street.
Afterward, he’s still frozen and trying to process what just happened. Then he’s noticed and the request to bring him to their leader to explain everything. He doesn’t feel like he has much of a choice and goes with them. After he talks with their leader though he isn’t scared by them. They’re still people, they just aren’t human.
He spends some time with them often and grows close to a few bots, you included.
Once his feelings develop into more he’s not sure what to do, would you even have feelings for a human? He figures it would be better to never speak of it. But then you reveal you feel the same he can’t help but be happy.
Mtmte Rodimus
He’s the type of guy that gets a job but seems to only be able to keep it for a couple of months at most. Thankfully he has good friends (mainly Drift) that he can crash at since he can’t exactly afford a house. This doesn’t mean he looks like a hobo or something though and while he does have lazy tendencies he does do what he can to make up for any cost of staying at a friend’s house.
It’s on the way to a friend’s that he sees this really fancy car just sitting on the side of the road. It’s odd since the area isn’t particularly wealthy so a car like that stood out like a sore thumb. Roddy loves a cool car though so he just has to get a closer look. He spends quite some time just looking at it. It’s a fancy car that looks flawless from afar but up close it’s littered with small scratches. It was an odd car but the symbol on the steering wheel made it especially curious. Then a thought struck him, did this car belong to a gang member or something like that?
He walked away but from behind him he heard an engine start and when he turned to look the car was driving away. There wasn’t anyone in the car before and there were no car door noises either so who was driving it?
He keeps an eye out for the car or any other vehicles like it and keeps noticing them here and there. It kinda put him on edge actually.
One day he sees the car that he first saw just sitting in an ally. He thought for a moment and decided to test something. It was stupid but that then again stupid plans and ideas was his specialty.
He cautiously tests to see if the door is locked (it isn’t for some reason) and plops himself into the driver’s seat. He plans not to move till the owner comes cause he really wants to figure out what’s happening.
An hour passes and he’s just on his phone playing games when the car itself turns one and begins to speed away. The seat belt straps him into the seat. He’s panicking now and attempts to chew through the seatbelt and the car is now telling him to quite it and that he wouldn’t be in this situation if he just didn’t get inside them.
It turns out since they wasted so much time waiting for them to leave they missed a mission. They explained the situation and was told to just bring the dude as long as they get back soon since just telling him to get out would cause a lot of rumors.
After learning about everything that was going on he sooo wants to join their team. He’s practically on his knees begging to stay with the team. After all having a human could help them since he knows more about Earth. Since you brought him you get to watch over him and make sure he doesn’t die in the fray.
He asks about what type of cool battles you’ve been in and he’s already fallen for you halfway through. You just sound so amazing.
He demands to do a good car wash, buff, and waxing. After all, you are fighting a war to protect Earth and protecting him you deserve it. The whole wash is filled with so much sexual tension between the two of you.
No one is quite sure how or when the two of you got together but he’s often seen on your shoulder shamelessly flirting and everyone learned to stop questioning it.
Mtmte Nautica
She had just been in the wrong place at the wrong time. She saw a plane get shot down by a giant robot that transformed from a car. They don’t notice her this time since she hid but she still is spooked. She ends up looking around online to try and figure out what happened. She ends up semi joining a conspiracy community. It sounds so ridiculous and she wants to scoff at some of the crazy theories but she can’t deny that she saw something. The only issue now is she is even more confused about it.
But as a quantum scientist that’s causing a lot of traction on things concerning the two factions the Decepticons decide to kidnap her. One moment she’s chilling and reading a book the next a giant robot hand is tearing through her home and snatching her up. It’s an absolutely terrible experience since they overestimated how far humans had advanced in that field. Humans are still trying to wrap their heads around quantum physics themselves yet they expect her to somehow engineer an engine to make them jump around space? Both she and the Decepticons are getting frustrated by this.
The Autobots easily find out about this and about a week later you are the first friendly face she sees saving her. Finally, she doesn’t have to work for them anymore.
Afterward, she ends up spending the most time with you. You saved her after all and since you are a completely different species she really wants to learn about you. The two of you exchange information often.
It was just a movie, the main character ends up crushing on a robot and all she can imagine is that happening between you two. That’s when she realizes that she loves you. She’s so bashful and believes she has zero chance, you’re an awesome warrior and she’s just her little human self.
You notice how easily flustered she gets and you confess that you love her. You have to double check she’s okay since you’ve seen her tint pink but bright red is new.
Mtmte Megatron
He’s an old war veteran who regrets dedicating his life to fighting the wars he fought.
He was just trying to live a calm life and get over his PTSD but things take a turn when he finds a giant robot attempting to change a tire on his lawn. You were only trying quickly change it so you could drive away quickly but megs came back home to see you struggling with the nuts and bolts.
He just deadpans asks what you are. He’s too old and tired to care at this point. You explain everything. You end up telling him to come with you to meet your leader since if the cons found out they met he would be targeted. Why did this have to happen?
It’s up to you to protect him. He doesn’t have to participate in the war but you still keep an eye on him just in case. He’s gotten used to seeing you around to the point it’s kinda comforting.
Soon he actually talks and interacts and you two spend down time together. It’s great for both of you since you finally get some down time to relax and he actually has someone he can speak to. Win-win
Then he notices that his poems tend to be about you and that he’s thinking about you when he’s not there. Your absences on days when you’re normally with him are filled with worry and dread and the next time he sees you are filled with relief. He was so worried you had died on a mission. Is this what it’s like to wait for someone to return from war? He had never been on this side of a war before and he’s not used to it.
You reveal how you feel to him first and he’s shocked. He never thought you would feel the same. He tells you that you deserve better but you reassure him that you do in fact love him.
It’s a very calm relationship full of resurgence but you two really do love each other.
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transformerimagines · 7 years
The truest love (Tfp Megatron x reader)
It was absolute murder outside. As you stood at the window of the highest level in the medic building you could feel the heat emitted from the war outside. It had only been a day or two since the war erupted but already the Decepticons had made a dent in the Autobot forces, that's why you were here now. Your Brother, the leader of the Autobots, had given you the order of getting the femmes and sparklings to safety and now that they were safely locked behind metal doors you stood outside on guard. Ready to attack anyone with the opposing faction’s symbol. Suddenly a barrage of bullets pelted through the open window, making you quickly tuck and roll away from the opening. Once recovered you stood fully, facing the opponent only to feel your spark stop when you realised that it was the Con Leader that was now standing on the window sill.
You couldn't help the sigh that came out of your mouth when you saw the gladiator’s figure blocking out the light of the sun. His red optics that were once so familiar bored into you, a snarl placed on his lips once he realised what Orion had ordered you to do.
“This is not your fight, Y/N.” He spoke lowly, jumping down from the window so he was only a few feet in front of you. How you used to enjoy his company, it was hard to stand against him now but you knew you couldn't turn your back against Orion.
“Megatronus please,” It felt foreign for you to beg him. It's nothing you ever thought you would be doing, especially with how close Orion and Megatronus had become recently. You couldn't avoid being around the gladiator but you weren't going to complain. “You don't have to do this.”
“That's were you are wrong!” His shout sent you backing up against the doors where the femmes and sparklings were. No doubt they had heard you but they didn't dare to make even a single peep. You weren't a fighter, you doubted that you could even be more than a punch bag for Megatronus but you were going to try. “Your brother betrayed me!”
“He betrayed both of us!” You screamed back, a horrible high pitched screech but it didn't even make him flinch. After a beat of regaining your composure you looked up at him. “Or are you forgetting I was on your side?” You asked, hurt that he would group you with Orion’s decision to fight back. The gladiators deserved the same treatment as the higher caste members so you weren’t surprised when the uprising happened.
Megatronus glared at your outburst, until he saw the energon pooling at the corner of your blue optics. He wasn't the only one who had got hurt when the war began. He didn't just lose Orion, he had lost you as well…Or maybe not.
“You were on my side before,” He began softly, walking up to you. You could only stare as he approached. “Remain at my side now.” You weren't sure whether it was a command or offer but you knew no matter what you couldn't agree. Gulping, you raised your servo to caress the faceplate of the silver Decepticon, watching as he leaned in to your touch and clasped his own servo around yours.
“I'm sorry,” You finally whimpered out, tears now spilling down your faceplate at the betrayed look on his face. It was like he couldn't believe the words that were coming out of your intake. How could you refuse him? “You know I could never care for someone the way I care for you, but I need to stay with my Brother.” That was the last straw for Megatronus who ripped your servo from his person and took five long steps backwards. Once he was a fair distance, he pointed his canon at you in a threatening manner. It was at the moment you saw the rage in his optics, you suddenly felt as if you were in fighting ring as his opponent and that was a daunting thought.
“Then so be it.” After he spoke his last word he shot at you three times, pain registering through your chest plate when you fell to the ground. Vision turning black as energon leaked from your body, the last thing you saw were those eyes. The red eyes of the mech you loved.
“Wait, I thought this was the story of the mech you loved?” Miko sat impatiently on the sofa as you finished your recollection. Mind still in the past, it took Milo waving her hands until you realised she had even spoken.
“It doesn't sound very loving.” Jack commented along with Miko. You smiled down at the three human children. You were explaining how ‘marriage’ worked on Cybertron when they had asked whether you had someone you felt that way about. You looked down at your chest, three singed scars placed at the left side of your spark, marring your otherwise spectacular form.
“Well if he didn't love me, he would have killed me,” You mused in a dream state before turning back to the kids with a small smile. “Don't you think?” Your question left them dumbfounded for a moment. Their mouth hanging open at the conclusion you drew from being shot at, to them it obviously didn’t make sense
“Who is this guy?” Bulkhead asked from behind you in an amused tone, you hadn't realised you had acquired an audience when you told your tale. A smirk slowly crept over your faceplate before you looked over your shoulder at the grouping of Autobots.
“Wouldn't you like to know,” You teased them, feeling amused at the way Orion gave you a knowing smile over the top of everybody's head. “Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go and send more beacons. We need more troops.” You instantly transformed and drove out of the base so that you wouldn't have to answer any awkward situations.
You sat patiently on the cliff edge, your legs hanging over the edge as the device to your side sent out messages of the Autobot cause to the far reaches of space. Whilst your eyes were trained on the far off stars, you ears were fine tuned to the sound of a ground bridge opening behind you before loud pedes made their way to you. A grin graced your intake as the sound came closer and closer.
“I knew you would show,” You spoke to the approaching figure, one leg folding up to your chest plate as you continued speaking. “I had an in-depth discussion about the day of my injury today, how long do you think it been since that happened?” You asked as you felt the figure sit behind you, scooping you into their arms and turning you around so that you were face-to-face with the Gladiator while straddling his harsh hips.
“Not long enough for me to stop regretting it.” He admitted before placing his helm on your chest plate, softly kissing the offending marks that he had made all those years ago.
“Regretting hurting me or not killing me?” You teased as your servos grabbed his faceplate like they had done on that day. He smirked at you then, his servos covering yours before he began to speak.
“I haven't decided yet.” He whispered before you placed your intake on his, you missed him when you were with the Autobots but you knew the risks of having the two groups interact. This seemed like the best way to carry on. And at the end of the day, you loved it. Because you loved him.
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roseymoseyberry · 7 years
Samsara (4/?)
I’m gonna be v busy for the next few days so I’m posting a little earlier than I had planned to.
ALSO!!! It’s less relevant here than on ao3 but uhhhh while writing this chapter I accidentally wrote an interfacing scene. Oops. It was a surprise to me but here we are. So just know that if you weren’t expecting that to pop up in this fic, well. It’s here. But it’s p vaguely described with a much stronger focus on the emotions involved.
Anyway, hope you enjoy! Though this chapter is a rollercoaster of emotions haha.
Title: Samsara
Series: RID15 and TFP (and some tidbits grabbed from Aligned wiki pages)
Ship(s): Wildbreak/Knockout, Breakdown/Knockout
Tags/warnings: Reincarnation AU, hurt/comfort, verbal/physical abuse (though the worst of the physical abuse is barely described or off screen), past character death, age difference (but still consenting adult alien robots), a lot of filling in worldbuilding gaps and making shit up, and a lot of Wildbreak being a sweet boy who just needs some love and affection. NEW TAGS/WARNINGS: Very vaguely described sticky interfacing
Fic Summary:
From the day he was forged, Wildbreak had felt like there was something missing; some motivation or drive or desire that had been left behind in the Allspark.
Something he should know but didn’t.
|Chapter 1|Chapter 2|Chapter 3|Chapter 4|
Wildbreak wasn’t really sure what he expected at the end of the journey.
It was dark out, and made all the darker as they stood under the heavy boughs of the forest, but their combined headlights made it easy enough to make their way through the foliage. It took nearly an hour of stomping around before Knockout slowed and Wildbreak asked, “Why’re we stopping?”
Knockout gestured in front of him.
“We’re here.”
It was just a small grassy clearing. Large enough to allow a couple cybertronians at most to walk around, but still small enough that there was only the slightest spacing between leaves that allowed moonlight to fall on the center of the space. Truthfully, it looked like any other clearing in any other forest. Wildbreak wouldn’t have been able to differentiate it from anywhere else in the woods they had trekked through.
However, his spark fluttered sickly.
“At least, this is most likely the place,” Knockout continued as he took slow steps out into the clearing. “Dreadwing was polite enough to give me the coordinates, and while Breakdown’s frame was already long gone by the time I came to check, there had been enough evidence to suggest this is where it happened.”
Wildbreak stayed on the periphery, his joints locking up with an odd dread.
It was shockingly easy to imagine the spilled energon across the ground that Knockout now stood on.
“Autobots?” Wildbreak asked as carefully as he could.
Knockout’s back was to him.
“Decepticon,” Knockout corrected, his tone almost indifferent sounding. “Instead of simply doing the job himself, Megatron sent Dreadwing and Breakdown to offline her, coming up with some fake cover story. She realized, of course. Not everyone is as oblivious as that egomaniac.”
Wildbreak felt his spark twist. It occurred to him that he could ask about it, about who ‘she’ was, all the circumstances that led up to it, but the very idea only made him feel more ill. Wildbreak desperately didn’t want to know.
He didn’t want to have this horrid tale sound familiar.
“I’m sorry.”
Knockout didn’t respond right away. Instead he gracefully knelt to the ground, his digits gentle as they brushed along the fragile grass of the forest floor. A moment went by, and then another.
Wildbreak was about to ask if Knockout wanted some time alone, to have his space while he mourned Breakdown, when finally Knockout spoke.
“It’s my fault, you know.”
“What?” Wildbreak blurted, his ridges furrowing with confusion. “But you weren’t even here, right?”
“No, but I’m the reason he was here in the first place,” Knockout insisted. The cold detachment of his voice was starting to get to Wildbreak. His vents huffed. “But you don’t want to hear about that. Just go back to the road and I’ll find you in the morning.”
Wildbreak’s spark quickened its pulsing as he took one step into the clearing.
“Do you want to be alone?” Knockout didn’t respond to that, so after a moment Wildbreak gathered his courage and said, “Th-then I’ll stay. And you can talk, if you want to. Or not. I don’t mind either way.”
A small bunch of grass was plucked, ripped away from the ground strand by strand.
“It’s not a happy story.”
Wildbreak’s chest grew tight with knowledge his spark couldn’t share with him.
“I kinda figured that much out.”
After a long moment, Knockout dropped the grass in a pile.
“I had done so well to keep him from becoming cannon fodder. Once I had him as my assistant, I could keep him from the worst battlefields and out of the general command line of unfeeling generals. Sure, it became harder once we arrived here and had high command ordering us around directly, but I was so sure we could make it. The war had to be almost over. I saw the finish line and ignored all the signs.”
“Megatron didn’t care about Breakdown,” Knockout stated, and while his tone was still cold, there was a fury beneath it making itself known.
Wildbreak’s spark clenched painfully. “But he was a part of the team here on Earth, so Megatron had to care at least a little, didn’t he?”
Knockout snorted dismissively and bitterly.
“When Breakdown got captured by some filthy humans, Megatron did nothing about it. Starscream of all mecha was the one who finally went to get him, and he had to do it behind Megatron’s back, lest he anger our leader by saving his own soldier. And by the time he did, the Autobots had already gotten there and done the job for him. The Autobots rescued him before his own faction bothered to!”
Clawed digits dipped into the dirt, dragging shallow gouges into the patches of green.
“And the worst part was that Breakdown wouldn’t let himself be angry. He wouldn’t even let me replace his optic, insisting it was a reminder of his failure, as if it was all his fault and he deserved what happened. As if somehow through apologies he could convince Megatron to care!”
Knockout’s frame shook as his voice grew.  
“And I let him. I knew that Megatron didn’t and wouldn’t ever care, but I let him keep that despicable patch and we stayed with that despicable mech because I was so sure we were on the winning team, and Breakdown paid the price for it!”
He grew silent then, for just a moment, crouched and trembling with emotions that Wildbreak couldn’t name from where he stood. Wildbreak was caught between wanting to say something and dreading that saying anything at all would cause Knockout to realize what he was admitting and clam up. Knockout was always so swift to change topics when his own emotions slipped through.
When Knockout finally spoke, it wasn’t as cold as before, couldn’t detach itself from emotion, but it was softer again.
“And then that horrid human took his frame from me. Took it and corrupted it to house his weak fleshy body, and he walked right into the Nemesis like he deserved a place with us, and Megatron let him. He let that – that abomination in Breakdown’s offlined frame try to earn his way into the Decepticons.”
Wildbreak’s optics went wide, shocked when his spark didn’t pulse with familiarity in response. For the first time that night, it didn’t know what Knockout was talking about at all, though his spark still twisted tight enough to make him nauseous at the thought.
“And I still stayed. After it all, I still stayed.”
Wildbreak wasn’t sure when he had started moving, but soon enough he was kneeling in front of Knockout. The mech was so hunched over that Wildbreak couldn’t make out his face in the shadows, but there were drops of cleanser dripping to the ground and Knockout’s vents hitched with every ventilation. His servos were caked with dirt where he was crushing the ground beneath them.
“I made that abomination scream for weeks,” Knockout confessed, sounding bitter and ashamed. “I called what I was doing experimentation, but it was torture and we all knew it.”
“I mean, that’s not that weird,” Wildbreak tried to reason. Wildbreak wasn’t good at comforting, had so rarely been shown that sort of affection and his team would have never accepted it, thinking it made them look weak. So he just followed the prompting of his spark and placed his servo on top of Knockout’s where it was piercing the ground. “You had to get it out of you, and it’s not like you coulda done it to Megatron or something.”
A wretched chuckle escaped Knockout.
“Spoken like a true Decepticon.”
Wildbreak didn’t understand – he had seen time and again that mecha lashed out at weaker ones when they couldn’t fight the cause of their frustration. His teammates certainly always did. That was normal, wasn’t it?
Were – were Autobots not like that?
Knockout’s digits finally unearthed themselves and Wildbreak further wrapped his servo around Knockout’s, squeezing it. He wasn’t sure if it was for Knockout or himself anymore.
“It still doesn’t sound like it was your fault.”
That surprised Knockout enough that he looked up, and Wildbreak’s spark ached at the thick lines of cleanser streaking down his face and how his features were tight and twisted with grief and hatred.
“Breakdown died because I didn’t want to defect. How is that not my fault?!” Knockout hissed.
“I mean, you can’t control everything,” Wildbreak said, aware that his voice was strained around the tightness of his intake. “Maybe he wouldn’t have wanted to. Or even if you convinced him and had defected, you can’t know for sure something bad wouldn’t have still happened, right? He coulda died anyway.”
“But if I had just--!”
“You don’t know that!” Wildbreak insisted, his hold on Knockout’s servo tightening. “And thinking ‘bout it isn’t gonna change nothing.”
“Breakdown wouldn’t’ve wanted you to blame yourself.” Wildbreak had meant it to come out as a question, to end it with ‘would he?’, but his spark roared that it was a fact.
Knockout looked stricken. His optics were wide and his jaw was slack and his cheeks were still wet with tears. Then, slowly, his face crumpled.
When Knockout’s free servo reached up to grasp Wildbreak’s arm as he ducked his helm, frame rattling with a sob, Wildbreak let himself be pulled forward. Knockout’s tears felt as if they were burning against his neck.
Wildbreak held him tight and let him cry.
“I’m sorry you had to see me like that.”
“It’s ok,” Wildbreak said, shuffling closer when Knockout tried to pull away. He had long lost track of time, not sure when they had arrived so he had no beginning marker, but it had been a while. The heavy wailing had tapered off soon enough, but it was the lingering hiccups and relapses that took time for Knockout to work through. And even once it was finally over, Knockout had kept himself curled against Wildbreak, helm ducked, until his ventilations had finally slowed to normal.
Now, after it all, Knockout lifted his chin, and it was only because Wildbreak was looking for them that he noticed the dried residue on his cheeks.
Wildbreak’s digits itched to rub the lines away.
“Are you ok now?”
“Was I ever?” Knockout asked sarcastically, the smirk that came with it weak. He shifted, accepting the closeness that Wildbreak was trying to maintain by simply settling onto his hip instead of his knees, his frame still leaning against Wildbreak but now against his side. Knockout’s helm flopped against Wildbreak’s shoulder. “But yes, I am better now. Thank you.”
“Oh, uh, it’s no problem,” Wildbreak said, unsure what else he could possibly say. The physical closeness he could at least handle, keeping his servo on Knockout’s shoulder, doing his best to comfort. Wildbreak was still uncomfortable being in the clearing in a way he couldn’t describe, but it was obvious that Knockout needed to stay a while longer, and Wildbreak could live with the discomfort.
“You know, I can’t even remember the last time I said his name out loud before meeting you.”
“Really?” Wildbreak asked, optics widening as a flustered heat started to build around his spark.
Knockout nodded, his helm rasping against the armor of Wildbreak’s arm as he hummed, “Mm-hm.”
“Didn’t you talk to anyone after it happened?”
“Who would I have talked to?” Knockout asked. “I was barely a step above Breakdown and only because I had medical skills. And, frankly, that never kept them from treating me like a punching bag when they needed one.”
Wildbreak couldn’t imagine a mech as handsome and charming as Knockout being so alone and abused, but the evidence was there clear as day in the bitter curl to Knockout’s lips.
“But uh, Dreadwing, right? He was the guy who told you the coordinates?”
“Because he was the only one amongst them who had a shred of decency, but he was blindly loyal until the day Megatron shot a hole through his spark.”
Wildbreak winced.
“One of the vehicons?”
That got an amused huff out of Knockout.
“You sound just like him sometimes.”
With a throbbing pulse of his spark, Wildbreak turned to look at Knockout fully. Knockout seemed just as surprised at the words that came out of his mouth, his optics staring straight ahead as he lifted his helm off Wildbreak’s shoulder, not daring to meet Wildbreak’s optics.
“What I mean is Breakdown got along with the vehicons,” Knockout said, clearly trying to hide how his plating heated where it met Wildbreak’s, “and he always wanted me to get to know them better. They honestly would have been my best choice. I think they missed him too.”
“Then why didn’t you?”
Knockout shrugged.
“It took years before I let Breakdown in past my charming exterior. How could I have possibly let myself appear weak in front of some mecha I had only known for a few months?”
“You let me.”
It was hard to tell who was burning hotter where their plating met.
“Yes, well,” Knockout stammered, looking down to pick dirt from between the plates of his digits. “You’re easy to trust, I suppose. You don’t have a dishonest strut in your frame.”
“I lied to Motormaster to come with you,” Wildbreak admitted, and that just made Knockout smile.
“I’m honored to see I’m such a good influence on you.”
“That’s not what I meant--”
“I know, I know,” Knockout said as he peeked at Wildbreak out of the corner of his optic before returning to his digits. “It’s been a while since I’ve done this so you’ll have to forgive me.”
“What d’you mean ‘this’?”
“Being honest, opening up, all that nonsense,” Knockout said. He flicked his servo to scatter some of the dirt and debris that had come loose. “It just doesn’t come naturally to me.”
Wildbreak’s ridges knitted together as he replied, “But you’re – you’re good at talking.”
“Oh, don’t get me wrong, Wildbreak. I am well aware of that.” Knockout finally looked at him again, flashing him a gorgeous grin, and it was only because of the circumstances that Wildbreak realized it was completely fake. “I know how to charm mecha. I just never got the hang of actually connecting with them.”
With a frown, Wildbreak asked, “You haven’t made any friends with the Autobots?”
“Oh, they’re fine. Bumblebee’s old teammates are shockingly lovely,” Knockout admitted as the exaggerated smile started to fade a bit. “And I’m sure they would love to hear all about the trauma I have from having spent most of my life as a Decepticon, and that’s why I’ll never tell them. I don’t want to give them the satisfaction. Not when they don’t understand what it was like.”
Wildbreak remembered the anxiety he had felt when telling Knockout about his life with the Stunticons, the fear of judgment that ultimately never came.
“So you told me ‘cause I’m a Con.”
Finally the smile faded to a small, gentle curl of Knockout’s mouth.
“That’s a part of it, I suppose.”
Wildbreak’s spark raced in his chest, anxious and hopeful at once.
Knockout’s ex-vent was amused sounding as he teased, “Greedy for compliments?”
“Is that bad?”
“Quite the opposite. Which means I’ll have to reward you with an actual answer, won’t I?” Despite his tone, Knockout’s optics returned to his digits, oddly shy as he looked for any dirt left to be picked out. Wildbreak waited as Knockout cycled a ventilation. “You really do remind me of him sometimes.”
And just like that, the racing of Wildbreak’s spark shifted from what his processor could understand to something that just resulted in errors.
“You mean Breakdown?”
Knockout nodded. “Sometimes you say things, or smile a certain way, or laugh just right, and it’s uncanny.”
“Am I that much like him?”
“No. I mean, you’re sweet and too honest, and the paintjob similarity is almost scary,” Knockout replied as he flicked a few strands of grass from between his joints. “But you’re also like me in that you’re a coward. And I mean that as a compliment – I wish Breakdown hadn’t been so eager to run helm-first into a fight. Though you are even more trusting than he was which is honestly shocking and something I’m going to try to get you to break the habit of.”
“Besides, most importantly, Breakdown’s offline. I’d say that’s a rather important detail.”
“Well, maybe I’m like, a reincarnation, or something weird like that,” Wildbreak stammered, anxious and hoping against hope that it would make his spark stop threatening to break out of its casing.
Knockout stilled. Even his ventilations stalled.
And then air whooshed from his vents.
“You’re giving Primus far too much credit,” Knockout insisted as he turned to look at Wildbreak. There was something almost comforting in the way his servo grasped Wildbreak’s arm. “Coincidences are just that.”
Coincidences didn’t explain the way Wildbreak’s spark ached.
Coincidences didn’t explain the way Knockout had hesitated.
But then Knockout reached his servo out to cup Wildbreak’s face.
“And I like you just the way you are.”
The ache of Wildbreak’s spark was, within seconds, utterly overwhelmed by the rush of flustered glee. Wildbreak could feel a smile tugging at his lips as he said, “Aww, shucks, Knockout. You mean it?”
Knockout snickered at him, but there was with nothing but warmth and a fondness in the way he looked at Wildbreak.
“Primus, you’re adorable,” Knockout murmured, and Wildbreak’s temperature skyrocketed, no doubt hot against Knockout’s servo and wherever their plating met. “Of course I mean it.”
“I-I like you too,” Wildbreak blurted. It felt like his spark was pulsating out of control, and it felt like it was all his, no weirdness he couldn’t understand, no mystery. Just Wildbreak and his feelings and Knockout’s ever growing smile. “I mean, that was probably pretty obvious, but I figured I should say it.”
Knockout’s thumb stroking along Wildbreak’s cheek had his vents hitching.
“I had figured that one out, but it’s still nice to hear. Though,” Knockout drawled as he leaned that much closer, “I haven’t been able to quite put my digit on the way you like me. Are you looking for a guardian? A friend? Perhaps even a lover?”
Wildbreak’s cooling fans whirled to life as his frame finally burned too hot, and his face twisted with shame.
“Oh, n-no, I would never – I don’t expect you to like me that way, ‘cause I know you loved Breakdown, so you don’t have to worry about any of that. I’m happy with what we got.”
Knockout’s optics were wide with surprise. Slowly though the surprise faded to leave him with the small, sad smile that always came with talking about Breakdown.
“I hadn’t realized I was that transparent. But you’re right,” Knockout admitted softly. His servo was still cupping Wildbreak’s face, keeping him from looking away. “I did love him. I still do, and unfortunately it seems that I’ll never be able to stop. I--” Knockout trailed off, optics flickering down for a moment, the corners of his lips tensing as he ex-vented heavily. “I miss him so much.”
“But he’s dead,” Knockout interrupted definitively, optics finding Wildbreak’s again. “I can love and miss him all I want, but he’s still dead and I’m still alive and so fragging lonely.”
Wildbreak’s spark ached with a regret that wasn’t his. And this time, the pushing of his spark was softer. Quieter. Begging instead of demanding.
Tell him. Miss him.
“You shouldn’t be lonely,” Wildbreak murmured honestly. Knockout huffed and his digits stroked the side of his helm.
“Then it’s a good thing I’m not when I’m with you.”
Kiss him.
Wildbreak’s spark was finally in complete agreement with his processor for the first time that he could remember.
It was only when his mouth met Knockout’s a little too hard that Wildbreak realized what he was doing, and the muffled noise of surprise from Knockout mixed with the sting of impact caused embarrassment to race down Wildbreak’s lines as he jerked back.
“S-sorry, I’ve never – I don’t really know how to--”
Knockout chuckled.
“Hush,” Knockout murmured as his servo slipped behind Wildbreak’s helm. “You just surprised me.”
“But I really don’t know how to do this good.”
“That’s alright. I’ll teach you.”
When Knockout leaned in it was softly and gently, lips warm against Wildbreak’s. He couldn’t help gasping quietly because it was so nice, so unlike anything Wildbreak had ever felt, but also familiar in a way that had his spark pulsing with warmth.
Knockout’s digits trembled against the back of his neck.
Wildbreak pulled away again, concerned as he asked, “Knockout?”
Knockout’s digits tightened, though there was still a subtle quiver to his grasp.
“I haven’t done this since Breakdown,” Knockout confessed.
“Oh.” Realization of where they were and just what they were doing hit Wildbreak and he felt guilt bubbling in his tanks. “Y-you don’t have to do this then.”
“Of course I don’t. But I--” Knockout glanced away then, abashed as he pulled further back. “But it’s hardly fair that you need put up with my—well, all of this.”
“I don’t mind.” Knockout’s gaze met Wildbreak’s again, surprised, and Wildbreak shrugged weakly. “I mean it. I really don’t mind. I just want to make sure you’re ok with this.”
Crimson optics flickered and for a moment Wildbreak swore he saw cleanser welling up in them.
And then Knockout was suddenly pushing up to his pedes, tugging at Wildbreak’s servos, insisting, “Come on, let’s get out of here. I’m sure I can find a better place to show you a proper first time.”
Wildbreak easily let himself be pulled since he was eager to leave the clearing behind. Every step away left his spark lighter.
And then when Knockout finally stopped, whirling around, Wildbreak had only barely managed to keep from barreling into him. An apology was already on its way out of Wildbreak’s voicebox when Knockout’s servos braced against his shoulder, helping him find his balance.
As soon as Wildbreak had his footing, though, Knockout slid his arms around his neck and leaned in.
And Knockout was kissing him again. This time it was more insistent, desperate and passionate. Wildbreak’s processor stalled so he followed his first instincts as he embraced Knockout and tried to keep up, to kiss back even if it was clumsy.
And his spark finally settled in quiet contentment.
Wildbreak didn’t question how his digits knew where to slip past Knockout’s plating and stroke sensitive receptors that had Knockout gasping against his lips.
“Beginner’s luck,” Knockout had teased as he shuddered, plating flaring to give Wildbreak room to sink in further for deeper nodes. “But Primus, don’t stop.”
Wildbreak didn’t question that with the awe that came from staring up at Knockout in pleasure – handsome face all the more beautiful for it and his frame so gorgeous and tempting that Wildbreak’s engine purred without his permission –there was also a moment of déjà vu.
And Wildbreak didn’t dare question the flicker of confusion when Knockout was knelt between his thighs and could still reach his lips for a kiss.
“How do you want me?” Knockout murmured against his neck, nipping a fuel line that had Wildbreak gasping as his back arched.
“I-inside me. I don’t think I’d – hahh – be good at spiking.”
“Don’t worry. You’ll learn,” Knockout insisted as he pushed up to his elbows, bracketing Wildbreak’s helm, and watching with bright, eager optics as he rolled his hips. With another gasp and tremble, Wildbreak’s panels shifted away, desperate and unable to control himself, weak against the pleasure. “I’ll show you by example.”
It was teasing, Wildbreak knew that, and he should have tried to tease back, or laugh, or anything to maintain that lighter mood – but instead his servos clung as he turned his helm, trying to find Knockout’s lips to kiss again as he whined, barely louder than an ex-vent, “Please--!”
Wildbreak didn’t question any of it because he desperately didn’t want to think anymore. About spark troubles or reincarnation or who he might have been; about his team or lingering injuries or the boss who gave them to him; about the terrible intersection that begged the question if Wildbreak was just going to live through the same mistakes and someday offline like Breakdown had – at the hands of a leader who would never truly care about him no matter how hard he tried.
He didn’t want to think about any of it.
Wildbreak just wanted to be here, now, with Knockout.
Thankfully, Knockout didn’t deny him. Knockout kissed him, and Wildbreak didn’t even know how many times they had kissed, or if he was any good at it now, but it was still soothing. When Knockout was kissing him, everything felt like it would be alright.
Knockout kissed Wildbreak as he slowly pushed inside him. And Knockout kissed him until Wildbreak’s frame was ready for him to move. And still Knockout kissed him while Wildbreak shuddered and bucked and clung to him as they fragged, choked by the overwhelming affection of his spark.
Until the wet drops hit Wildbreak’s face.
His optics onlined slowly, confused in the haze of pleasure, and that’s when Wildbreak saw the source. He pulled away from the kiss, panting against Knockout’s lips, managing, “K-Knockout?”
Knockout immediately jerked to a halt, his optics onlining quickly as shame crossed his handsome face. There was no mistaking the tears that were escaping or how the way his cooling systems heaved wasn’t just from their interfacing. He pushed up onto his servos, stammering, “Scrap, I’m sorry--”
“No, no, it’s ok! You don’t have to say sorry,” Wildbreak protested, reaching out to keep Knockout from retreating further and trying to tug him back in. “Should we stop? I didn’t mean to push you if you didn’t want to--”
“It’s not that,” Knockout insisted, scrubbing at his face with one servo, clearly embarrassed. “I do, and you’re fine, you’re so good – Primus, I--”
“You what?”
A fresh wave of cleanser spilled down Knockout’s cheeks as he murmured, “I didn’t think I’d get a chance to feel like this again.”
Wildbreak would swear his spark was swelling, filling his chest until it was choking him, and still pushing harder as if trying to reach further. It couldn’t reach though, not the way his servos could, pulling Knockout close while he pushed himself away from the ground, moving to hold Knockout as close as their frames could allow.
“I love you,” escaped Wildbreak, spark and processor in agreement, and he felt the way that Knockout shuddered and his hips rocked.
“Don’t say that.” Knockout’s optics were wide and wet but his servos grasped Wildbreak tight, like he never wanted to let go, and his spark was pulsing so hard that Wildbreak felt the vibrations of Knockout’s chest against his own.
Wildbreak kissed Knockout, shifting so he straddled Knockout’s lap, took Knockout inside again as they both gasped at the pleasure.
“I love you, Knockout.”
Knockout kissed Wildbreak, picking up their rhythm again while clutching at each other.
Knockout still had tears streaming down his face and Wildbreak was desperately ignoring the the déjà vu that came with telling Knockout he loved him. But he wouldn’t have asked to be anywhere else doing anything else with anyone else.
So Wildbreak let himself drown in Knockout’s kisses and the sound of his name – “Wildbreak, frag, Wildbreak” – on Knockout’s lips.
16 notes · View notes
5amanthus · 7 years
1, 2, 5, 11, 17, 19, 25, 34, 40, 48, 50 I hope these aren't too much
AAAAHH too many questions! Goodness! XD No, I’m just kidding, thank you!
1: Your first OC ever? That’s definitely going a while back. I can’t possibly remember my very first OC but my first written one was a mermaid that could fly named Scarlet. She was for an incredibly crappy TMNT story I wrote XD
2: Do you have a personal favourite among your OCs? Oh god, I so do. I’m going to be a parent who chooses favourites, aren’t I? Although it’s more of a group of OCs rather than just one favourite. I have way too may for just one. 
5: If you could make only one of your OCs popular/known, who would it be? Okay this is a really hard one XD I mean I want all of them to be popular but the first one that pops into mind is a drone named Troy. He’s still my proudest and first angsty creation (In the series he is in). He was literally created out of an angsty idea. I love him.
11: Is there any OC of yours you could describe as a “sunshine”? Fucking Lively. Definitely lively, he’s on the dim side but that’s probably why he can be happy in the middle of a war. There are quite a few other sweeties but he’s probably the l i v e l i e s t XD Unless this is sarcastic, if it’s sarcastic than probably Sheldon. He managed to ruin donuts but that’s a story for the actual story XD
17: Any OC OTPs? Ooohh boy hold onto your seat, a flood of names is about to be coming your way. Alright so Troy x George, Lively x Lynx, Bill x Nye, Phil x Bartholomew, Carlos x Pablo x Tony, Deepstrike x Tyler x Soundblaster, Wreckcircuit x Error, There is an OT10 and I love every single one of them, Ominous x Oscar, Py x Darius, Romeo (I actually have a drawing of him done) x Rico. Non-TLAD (Rust Dusk x Break-Bulk)  And like so many more that I’m gonna be like ‘damn it I forgot them!’ later but honestly I think that’s quite a few right there XD I’d go into more detail but I doubt there is enough room on here. 
19: Introduce an OC that means a lot to you (and explain why) Honestly all of them mean so much to me but again I’ll probably have to go with Troy. When it doubt, go with him XD I mean most of the characters I have are either pieces of me or things that I want to be. Troy is kind of both of those things, what I am and what I want to be. He tries to be there for everyone and sometimes it feels like there is no one there for him. Though he does have friends and he does his best, it doesn’t stop him from becoming down. When ever I’m having a depressed night, I can always put it in him, translate my thoughts into his own and it always makes me feel better because I can give him someone to help him with his issue (my issue) at any given moment. It’s therapeutic and he means a lot to me even as his own individual self, I’d honestly love to meet him in real life XD
25: The OC that resembles you the most (same hobby, height, shared like/dislike for something etc?) Troy X’D Although he is much taller than me. 
34. Do you have any twin characters? Yes I do! I have Ominous and Neuro who don’t really get along too well and first get split up by faction and then by alternate dimensions! Ominous sees Neuro again but alas Neuro never sees Ominous again. Also ‘Damien and Desmond. Demetrius and Violet’. But those ‘’ are drone babies. And then Renegade and Genocide are twins although they don’t look alike because they had the same carrier but not the same sire so it’s a little bit complicated! I really need more twins though honestly. Only non-TLAD ones I have are Dakota and Dubstep. 
40. Any fond memories linked to your characters? Feel free to share! Honestly just getting to create characters is amazing. Especially ones from TLAD which is a series I’m working on with a friend. So just getting to share ideas, laugh, cry, and create new lives is amazing! Not to mention it’s pretty fantastic when I pull out my ‘Angst Beast’ card and start throwing some heart breaking shit into the mix XD
48. OC who is a perfect cinnamon roll, too good for this world, too pure. Goodness there are so many! I’m a sucker for sweeties. Honestly Inter Phy with all her symbionts, Troy, Ominous, Oscar, Tyler, Lively, Soundblaster, Ethan, Tyson, Noah or Neil (I can’t remember which is which but they’re both nice though I love to refer to one of them as a glazed cinnamon roll cause he’s sweet and pure, but so not when it comes to the berth XD) Bill, just like, so many of them. And then non-TLAD ones would have to be Data Axis, Static Surge, Grappler (Alien), (Humans) Amelia, Keena, Celeste, and Amber. 
50. Give me the good ol’ OC talk here. Talk about anything you wantIf you want. Ah, this question holds too much power!!!! Honestly 90% of my Ocs are Transformers and 70% of those are Drones. I should probably talk about some of the more Cybertronian ones cause they deserve just as much love! It’s hard to remember names when you’re actually being asked but I’ll just roll with ‘1st generation’ TLAD Cybertronian characters (yes there are so many that generations are needed) So Inter Phy is going to be the first character anyone is going to be introduced to in the TLAD series once I get her story up. She’s a Minicon-Seeker hybrid in Vos, and as would probably be expected, she is not welcomed. Abandoned as a child she is left to fend for her own, and as if things weren’t bad enough, she made a small mistake that got her in trouble so her face, her wings, and her alt-mode were removed. What she did? You’ll just have to read Memory when it comes out XD Next up is Ominous, an incredibly large and awkward Decepticon boi. His upbringing was a bit better even if he rejected his family and ended up in the gladiatorial pits! And then into the Decepticon ranks where we was reunited with his twin only to have their relationship shaken again by betrayal and then split even further across dimensions. But he’s a good, pure child, who tries his best and makes a few horrible jokes along the way. Those are just my favourite Decepticon’s though. My favourite Autobot OCs would have to be Error and Wreckcircuit. Error is a white and black jeep who has pink optics. He tried to join the Decepticons at first but was literally such a screw up they didn’t want him. Now he gets to make mistakes on the Autobot side but he tries his best and actually ended up getting a bf from a mistake. Wreckcircuit is a lil black Minibot with green and blue highlights. He turns into a smart car and has who different coloured optics which he is embarrassed about and wears glasses to cover it. He’s actually quite sneaky and usually frequents on the Nemesis as a spy giving Soundwave a run for his money. Honestly though there are just too many characters for this meme X’D
Sorry if this is a long read! 
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all i know abt transformers is the shia movie and the fact that darren criss plays one in the cartoons i think? should i get into transformers is what i'm asking
Oh god this is my favorite question. I’m not sure how to answer it but its my fave. Pull up a chair. I hope you’ve got some time on your hands.
The short answer: yes. You should at least give it a try. Transformers is a 30+ year old muti-media franchise that gets rebooted almost every 3 years so it basically has something interesting to offer almost any fan. If you end up not liking it that’s cool but there’s a lot to try before you decide.
The long answer is: yes you should and here’s why and here’s a rough idea of all the options you have to sample. I’m about to go on a long rant anon so you can check it out now or later or whatever but I’m just warning you ahead of time.
The basic Transformers plot (which I’m sure you know but I’m gonna go more in depth in a minute) is that a race of giant robot aliens who can turn into vehicles and other things have been engaged in a civil war that has lasted millions of years. This is the basic plot that all tf franchises spawn from although some explore slightly different subject matters. If that doesn’t appeal to you I mean there /might/ be a few other things you might find worth sticking around for because there’s just so fucking much of it, but you’re welcome to turn back now because that’s the basic things tf has to offer: giant robot aliens, cars and planes, fighting, some drama. Those are what tf is best at, with some variation.
It has a very active and long lived fan base and each section of the fan base is interested in different stuff with some crossover. There are people who literally only care about collecting the toys, people who wont try any other series except g1, people who only like the comics, etc. Etc. You’ll probably find people who like what you do pretty readily. If you like the toys there are toy forums and blogs. If you like the cartoons there are forums and blogs made for that too. If you like the comics, same. There’s a pretty active following of the comics and cartoon series on Tumblr alone; I would try searching the #maccadam tag since most tf activity has been moved there since the bay movies came out. Id also use the tf wiki liberally because it has pm all the information you’ll need to know about the fandom and the canon lore. There’s also plenty of fan fiction on Ao3 and ff.net if you’re into that and pm anyplace that hosts fan art has tf fan art.
Now there are several series, including comics, cartoons, the Michael bay films, the cartoon movie, spin off books, and video games. I’m gonna go over my personal favorites because I like and know them best but there are more than these if you’re interested in digging deeper.
(More under the cut)
G1: there are a lot of forms of what fans refer to as Generation 1 or G1 but if you live in the US its likely they’re talking about the very first cartoon series.
Summary: the autobots and the decepticons stripped their planet of resources and went looking for a new planet to continue surviving on. They both crashlanded on earth where they lay dormant for millions of years until conveniently awakened somewhere during the 1980s, where they continue their war all over again
Why you should try it: listen its cheesy as hell and full of nonsense plotlines and animation errors but not only is it good fun but at least watching an episode or two might give you a decent grasp on what spawned this enormous franchise in the first place.
G1 movie: this movie was a game changer. Its technically right in the middle of the g1 cartoon but it works as a standalone film too. while it has many trappings of the cartoon its better animated and has a more consistent and dramatic story.
Summary: Optimus Prime and Megatron fight, OP dies (yes he fucking DIES for the very first time. thousands of 10 year olds bawl their eyes out), Megatron gets mortally wounded, and the Matrix of Leadership (aka an autobot holy item/macguffin [this is the proto-cube btw]) has to choose a new leader.
Why you should try it: decent animation, classics lines, tons of 80s rock music, and it establishes a lot of tf conventions that would be carried over to all series that come after it.
Beast Wars: haha the 90s couldn’t be left out of the transformers fun, now could it? This was one of the first all-cg cartoon series in history and while its not much to look at nowadays, it was a big step in the 90s.
Summary: the series doesn’t center on Optimus Prime and Megatron but their decendants. The war is long over but some factions are starting to clash once again. Several members of these factions do the whole “crash land on earth while fighting” thing except they wake up during times before humans and instead of taking vehicle modes, they take animal forms, thus the name.
Why you should give it a try: it establishes the idea of Sparks for the first time, it has historical significance in the cgi realm, and it has a decent storyline with interesting characters. If you can muscle through the 90s-computer-animation look it might be the show for you!
Transformers: Animated: I dont think its a secret that this is one of my favorite tf series of all times. It was the first cartoon series I ever watched of tf and it also features my favorite toy line.
Summary: Optimus Prime is much less a war hero and more of a ..janitor really. He flunked out of the academy and spends his time repairing space bridges. One time during repairs though, they stumble across the Cube and just their luck, Megatron and some nearby cons are looking for it. They portal away to earth where they, you guessed it, crashland, until they’re awoken sometime in the future and go on adventures in futuristic Detroit.
Why you should give it a try: I like tfa’s art style and story and characterisation best tbh; Optimus is younger and more unsure of himself but also more earnest, with more visible baggage. The rest of his team feel like a ragtag band of misfits (which I have a weakness for no lie lmfao) who are still trying to find their place in this conflict and the future ahead of them. Sari is also one of the more beloved human companions and the show’s take on classics characters feels fresh and interesting, and the interpretation of the autobots and decepticons themselves is surprisingly nuanced.
Transformers: Prime: remember that 90s animation? Kiss that shit good bye my friend. This cgi is some beautiful shit. More than a few fans wish tfp is the art direction the movies had taken, storyline aside.
Summary: the autobots are already on earth, staking it out and fighting a more subdued sort of conflict with the cons. One day they get some human kids involved and stumble across some conspiracy shit and it all spirals out of control from there.
Why you should give it a try: great animation and atmosphere, gorgeous character designs, a solid interpretation go the characters, and it offers a more serious take on the story over all.
Rescue Bots: I’ve noticed this show doesn’t make the list a lot which is a shame? It has a much younger audience than any of then other series but its still quality and one of my fave tf series.
Summary: the ship of four non-combatants who were left in stasis before the war detect a transmission telling autobots to go to earth, so it…goes to earth. There they wake up on some island and are told they’ve gotta start building a repatoire with the native species…but they can’t reveal that they’re sentient aliens yet.
Why you should give it a try: ok ok, most of the series are made for 7-12 year olds with the teen and adult fans sort of in mind, this show…is a show made for pre-K kids, no joke. Its a lot less…murder-y, and this is especially saying something because it came out at the same time TFP did and in fact is supposed to take place in the same universe!
BUT, but it has a consistently well-written story and characterization, it addresses stuff I never thought it would, and its a nice break from the ridiculously high stakes of the other series. Honestly Rescue Bots is great and I wish more people talked about it because its a series totally worth watching, certainly as much as any of the others.
More Than Meets the Eye comics: there are a lot of comic series but so far this is my favorite one lol
Summary: the war is over, Optimus is done with everyone’s shit and splits the matrix in half, giving one to rodimus and they other to bumblebee. And what does roddy do with his newfound matrix half? Decide he’s going on a quest of course! And who better to go with than literally every unqualified misfit the autobot and neutral factions have to offer?
Why you should give it a try: ridiculous shenanigans, horror, drama, intrigue, strong characterisation, and a killer aesthetic. Damn it may not always give me what I want but its got a lot of exactly what I’m always looking for.
There are some video games (Fall of Cybertron, War For Cybertron, Transformers: Devastation), other comic series (Robots in Disguise, G1/UK comics), and the Robots in Disguise cartoon, however I don’t have a decent enough grasp on them to describe them super well I just know they’re pretty good and have had people recommend them to me. You’re welcome to try those as well of course.
Also if you’re into toy collecting or want to get into it there’s a lot of materials you can read and such but my personal advice is pretty simple:
1) go to walmart, target, a store that sells collectibles, a convention, or a garage sale
2) buy a cheap toy that you like. Don’t spend over like $20
3) decide if that was a fun experience or not and if you like having this toy or not
If you liked it enough to keep buying, then congrats, toy collecting might be right for you! Do your research, Don’t blow too much money too quickly, take it easy, have fun.
But yeah sorry this is really long but I do hope you consider giving transformers a try since I know I love it a lot and it really has a lot to offer. I hope this wasn’t like…a crazy response. That a crazy person might give. And that I didn’t scare you away or anything XS
the key is to try some stuff and have fun and if its not your thing that’s cool too! Have a chill night anon
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verdigrisprowl · 7 years
Mar 20 Random Stream in a Room They Took Over at the Hospital - A League Of Their Own
Prowl continued to be unable to shut up. And now everybody knows he and Soundwave are dating. I mean, half of them already knew. But now they KNOW.
The crowd generally considered Whirl’s footrest to be a bit more obnoxious than usual.
NoodlesAtNight: *Soundwave's projecting this on a blank wall and he's gathered a bunch of seats together. The hospital staff can deal with it.* Prowl: *an escaped patient has claimed a chair against the back wall. he's got a temporary patch over his right optic, but at least his left one is mostly functional again* Prowl: *the doctors probably didn't authorize this excursion, but Hook did and Prowl's bored, and that's good enough. NoodlesAtNight: *Is certainly not going to tattle on him.* terminatedApathy: *He finds the location to be a strange, but intriguing choice. Shockbox nods to Soundwave after entering and moving over to some seat a safe distance from the projection.* Chillsins: Spoopy. Chillsins: *Slinks in* NoodlesAtNight: *Bobs his helm and settles down by Prowl. It may not be a couch but he's taking this opportunity, damn it.* NoodlesAtNight: [[Greetings Windchill, Shockwave.]] terminatedApathy: Greetings. Chillsins: You guys know we might get germs, right? Prowl: The germs are your problems. I've been here a week. I've caught all the germs I'm likely to catch. NoodlesAtNight: [[That's why you update your firewalls.]] terminatedApathy: (( Ah, there's the video.)) terminatedApathy: (( Had to refresh.)) Prowl: *glances at Soundwave* ... I'm going to touch your hand. NoodlesAtNight: ((i'll give it about 10m longer before starting, 's a longish movie)) terminatedApathy: ((Ah, alright.)) Prowl: *they've fixed his hearing and improved his vision but they haven't done anything about his broken brain-to-mouth filter yet.* NoodlesAtNight: *Glances over with the tiniest ! on his screen. Oh so calmly turns his arm to make his hand available.* NoodlesAtNight: [[You were missed, Windchill. Ill lately?]] Prowl: *very lightly laces the tips of his fingers between the tips of Soundwave's* Prowl: ... I am touching your hand. Good. terminatedApathy: *Had been questioning Prowl and Soundwave's relationship for a while, but this is too blatant for even /him/ to miss.* terminatedApathy: *Isn't going to remark upon it.* chronosmith: *comes in just in time to have a Youtube ad question whether he's pregnant or not* ....... NoodlesAtNight: *Boy, that's gonna be hard to explain if/when Shockwave ever does. But since everyone already knows, he carefully squeezes the fingertips with his AND DOES NOT READ ANYTHING* Prowl: ((whirl's got such a motherly figure)) chronosmith: ((The youtube ad Knows)) terminatedApathy: *Just makes a barely audible 'hm' and focuses on the ridiculous display being projected.* terminatedApathy: *He can't imagine his Soundwave dancing like this.* Chillsins: Me? Sick? Chillsins: Yeah kinda. NoodlesAtNight: *He can. He sees them in his club now and then. They trade secrets.* Chillsins: *He's going to sit towards the back where the shadow of his enormous head won't interfere with the projector.* NoodlesAtNight: *Well, not Shockwave's in particular. But others.* chronosmith: *trots over to a table and claims it as his own. ...by just sitting at it really he's not done anything Weird to it* terminatedApathy: *Well, he's never attended a club with his Soundwave either. Shockbox is ignorant to his Soundwave's true dancing capabilities.* chronosmith: ((aight brbr food time)) NoodlesAtNight: ((7 minutes and it's go)) Chaoit: m'kay!)) Chaoit: -wonderful timing for him to enter- NoodlesAtNight: *Doesn't regret it at all.* Chaoit: -THANKS- Chaoit: ....I should be used to these by now, but I don't think I will ever be. Chillsins: *Winces a little.* NoodlesAtNight: [[He would be surprised if any of you were.]] Prowl: I'm a little bit used to them. But not very. Chaoit: True, these are a bit...uh...odd? Strange? Chillsins: *Ah, so they're being tormented DELIBERATELY. He should have known.* terminatedApathy: (( Rabbit crashed. 8'] )) Chaoit: Entertaining, yeah, but...? NoodlesAtNight: *Yes, you should have.* NoodlesAtNight: ((And welcome back Shockbox)) Prowl: It's weird seeing soldiers across faction lines dancing together. Chillsins: You must not get out much... Chaoit: Yeah Prowl: I would suspect there's no war in their timeline, but they're all clearly wearing their brands. Prowl: No, I know that lower-ranked soldiers often interact amicably. The less-committed Autobots and less-committed Decepticons. Chaoit: ...yeah, the Jazz from mine would have already made several attempts to murder the 'cons. Chillsins: What the heck is that supposed to mean? Prowl: But the people featured in these videos tend to be very highly ranked officers, and the most zealously committed to their respective causes. Chaoit: The dancing thing Chaoit: It wouldn't happen Chaoit: Period Prowl: What the heck is what supposed to mean? I don't know which of us you'e replying to. Chillsins: *Time to pay attention, he missed what sort of movie they were watching this time.* terminatedApathy: Back to human documentaries, I see. NoodlesAtNight: [[Yes. He has no other tales of his own timeline to tell.]] Prowl: That's a baseball glove! She plays baseball. Is this a movie about baseball or is it an incidental reference to baseball? terminatedApathy: What is 'base ball'? Prowl: Baseball is a sport from Earth that's highly enjoyable to watch. Chillsins: It's when you're balls deep in your base Prowl: That's not what baseball is. Chillsins: It is TOTALLY balls deep. NoodlesAtNight: *Soundwave places a baseball on his visor. He accepted Eject's suggestion through Frenzy with a certain seat partner in mind.* terminatedApathy: *clearly confused* Balls....deep... terminatedApathy: Mm. Prowl: It's a movie about baseball. I am happy. Chillsins: I'm not a liar. Prowl: I like baseball. Chillsins: I'm practically an Earth expert by now. chronosmith: ((AIGHT BACK. c'mon rabbit i need u to cooperate)) Chillsins: I think I know what baseball is. Prowl: You're lying and I know because I know what baseball is. I enjoy watching it. The Chicago Cubs won last year. They're my team. Prowl: By which I mean they're the team I root for. I don't own them. Chillsins: Or maybe you're lying. Prowl: I am not lying. Prowl: This movie is about baseball. It will demonstrate what the game is. Chillsins: Not if the movie is lying, too. chronosmith: Hey, 'Chill. Take it easy on him. terminatedApathy: *Taking Prowl for his word. Nods politely at the Autobot.* chronosmith: If Prowl seems off, it's 'cos he is. He's got a pole in his head. That's the brain damage talking. Prowl: You're being disagreeable and throwing up hypotheticals to try to frustrate me by arguing against senseless claims. Chaoit: Pole? Chaoit: Wait, pole? Chillsins: Exactly. chronosmith: Yes. You got those, where you come from? Chillsins: I'm darned good at it, too. Crosscut: ((Its working~!)) Prowl: I got the pole out of my head. *points at the patch over his right optic* But my optic is still embedded in my head and putting pressure on my brain module. NoodlesAtNight: [[There was a pole there. It's gone now.]] chronosmith: ((oh, whoops. Is Prowl here in person?)) Crosscut: -Pokes head in before entering- Hello..Sorry if I'm a tad late. Prowl: (yes. we are in The Hospital.) Chillsins: Sounds gruesome. Prowl: (took over a waiting room to project a movie on a wall.) NoodlesAtNight: [[Greetings, Crosscut.]] chronosmith: ((HAHA WHOOPS... GJ ME)) Chillsins: (Windchill is here collecting germs with his butt.) Prowl: ((IT'S OKAY)) Chaoit: Yeah, but...yikes chronosmith: *IN THAT CASE instead of sitting at a table he's sprawled in 1 1/2 chairs* chronosmith: Oh, right. Yes. HAD a pole. chronosmith: hey, now we've got THREE cyclopes in the room. Nice. Chaoit: HAD a pole in his... chronosmith: ...I know you said your eye is still in there but it might as well be gone. Chillsins: Some beautiful overacting here. I love it. NoodlesAtNight: *Places a single optic on his screen.* Prowl: Technically I still have a pole. Hold on. chronosmith: You don't count, Soundwave. Crosscut: ((Who is Guste?)) Crosscut: *Guest Chillsins: *He's just not going into a pole-comparing contest right now.* NoodlesAtNight: ((Prowl)) Prowl: ((yeah I changed my name but it didn't stick)) NoodlesAtNight: *Soft laughter huffing at Whirl* Prowl: ((to me, YOU'RE guest too. 0u0)) chronosmith: ((yeah you're showing as Guest for me, too, CC)) NoodlesAtNight: [[You still have a pole?]] Crosscut: ((Huh, I changed it too. Guess it doesn't really work)) Prowl: *arches to reach over his shoulder and under his back kibble* Yes. chronosmith: *glances Soundwave's way, amused and a bit surprised by the laugh, but quickly turns his attention to the Prowl* chronosmith: What're you gonna do with it? Prowl: Here. *pulls it out. it is the pipe.* Chaoit: ........... NoodlesAtNight: *Vaguely startled if the puff of his armor is anything to go by* Chillsins: *Makes eye contact with the nipples.* Crosscut: ((Is Prowl really here or hologram Prowl?)) NoodlesAtNight: [[You kept it?]] NoodlesAtNight: ((Prowl is really here)) Prowl: ((prowl's really here)) Prowl: ((we are in The Hospital)) Crosscut: ((Oh?)) Prowl: *one end is slightly crumpled and stained with dried... better not think about it.)) Chaoit: You kept the pole Prowl: I kept the pole. chronosmith: Why wouldn't he? NoodlesAtNight: [[....Why?]] terminatedApathy: (( Capitalizing its name makes it sound as if we're in Awful Hospital.)) Crosscut: ((Who was in the hospital that we're supposedly visiting?)) Prowl: ((Prowl was. he got a pipe embedded in his face.)) chronosmith: ((Prowl)) Chillsins: *Points* Chillsins: Cows. Prowl: ((it's out now. he's showing it off.)) Crosscut: ((Oh god!)) Chaoit: -facepalms- Prowl: ((he's got a patch over his right optic and his face is kinda messed up on that side)) Prowl: I don't really know. It seemed like a good idea. NoodlesAtNight: [[...He supposes it is evidence for the investigation.]] chronosmith: You should frame it. Prowl: This thing almost killed me. And you know how the phrase goes, "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer." Crosscut: ((Can I re-enter then now that I know the circumstances? )) terminatedApathy: *Casually observing the pipe. He's seen worse.* chronosmith: *snickers* NoodlesAtNight: ((sure!)) Prowl: That was a joke. I made a joke. I hope it was a successful joke. Prowl: ((go ahead)) chronosmith: You did. Chaoit: -snickers- NoodlesAtNight: *Soundwave's trembling a bit. It was a good joke.* Chaoit: It was good. Crosscut: -Comes in, spotting Prowl and quickly making his way over to the injured mech- Prowl: Crosscut. Hello. Did you come to visit? A lot of people have been coming to visit. I'm popular. NoodlesAtNight: ((a whole field of whirls)) chronosmith: ((everyone's nightmare)) Crosscut: -Smiles- Of course!...Here I brought you some reading material. Sorry I didn't visit sooner. Crosscut: By the sounds of your tone, I trust you're heavily medicated at the moment? Prowl: It's okay. You're on a ship, you're busy. I understand. Your duties are important. Prowl: No, I'm not heavily medicated. A lot of people think I am. Whirl thought I was. My right optic is still inside my head and putting pressure on my brain module. Crosscut: Oh...Oh my.. Crosscut: Are you in, pain? Prowl: No, I turned my pain receptors off right after the injury. Crosscut: I see, what h-..Oh, may I sit here with you? Prowl: Yes. I would like it if you sit with me. Crosscut: -Takes a seat before further inquiring- Crosscut: So, may I ask what happened? Prowl: Someone was using a buzzsaw incorrectly and it launched a pipe at my face. NoodlesAtNight: @Prowl: (txt): Crosscut does not know. Prowl may let go if necessary. Chillsins: *Snorts.* Prowl: Does not know what? NoodlesAtNight: *Answers with tiny squeeze. Please, Primus, he doesn't ask much. Give Prowl the sense to either let go or say something relatively nonrevealing.* Prowl: The manager is mean. Prowl: ... Oh. yes. I should let go. chronosmith: Pipes: *EVEN MORE FASHIONABLY LATE THAN CROSSCUT; he skids in* Prowl! Prowl: *very subtly lets go and pulls his hand back. Or it WOULD be subtle if he hadn't, y'know, said he was going to do it.* NoodlesAtNight: [[Greetings, Pipes.]] NoodlesAtNight: *So close, and yet, so far.* chronosmith: Pipes: Hey, mech! Prowl, they got it out! *immediately trots up to him, pauses, when he spots the movie, and whispers* Oh, sorry guys. NoodlesAtNight: [[Ah. The rude human is leaving? Good.]] Chillsins: *SPUTTERS* Chillsins: A pickle tickle... NoodlesAtNight: *The innuendo flies RIGHT over his head.* NoodlesAtNight: *And he quietly turns his hand back to face himself. It's disappointing, but... he knows what he agreed to.* Prowl: Pipes. Hello Pipes. Soundwave and Crosscut are already sitting with me. You should sit in front of me. Prowl: Yes. They got the pipe out. *holds it up. observe.* Crosscut: ((Ok, I can see the chat but not the screen, I guess that'll have to do.)) chronosmith: Oh! ...you kept it. Well. Neat. chronosmith: ((that was pipes ofc)) Crosscut: -He's a bit confused about the exchange that just happened but before he has tome to ask Pipes is skidding into the room- Chillsins: *Briefly glances at Pipes, and the pipe. He's overheard enough that he might as well look.* Prowl: Yes. I kept it. I don't know why. It seemed like the thing to do. chronosmith: Pipes: Oh, sure, as long as I won't be in your way, mech. *he will take a moment to wave at Windchill, too* Chillsins: *Waves at Pipes, and the pipe. Amazing.* Crosscut: -CC smiles and greets Pipes quickly in an alien language the two had been studying- Prowl: The pipe almost killed me, and they do say "keep your friends close and your enemies closer." Prowl: Everyone said the joke was good so I'm telling it to you too. Crosscut: And...When, exactly did they say they'd be fixing that little optic issue of your's? chronosmith: Pipes: *snickers* Heh, they were right! *and as he sits down, crossing his legs on the floor, he twists and returns Crosscut's greeting in the same alien dialect* Crosscut: -happily claps at Pipes' reply, glad to see he's remembering the information- Prowl: In the next couple of days. chronosmith: Pipes: Well, I hope it goes smoothly, Prowl. *half-reaches up, catches himself* Mind if I pat your knee? Is that all right? Crosscut: I see, I do hope it won't cause you any distress or discomfort. Crosscut: I'll be sure to visit again when I get the chance. chronosmith: Whirl: *snickers* chronosmith: Whirl: That girl knows what she's about. ...also I can think of a few people who'd benefit from a trip to charm school. Chillsins: *Looks innocent.* NoodlesAtNight: [[And who might they be?]] NoodlesAtNight: *Other than, say, Whirl?* Chaoit: .... Chaoit: That looks like a pain Prowl: I'm already distressed and discomforted. Crosscut: Oh dear, my apologies Prowl: It's not your fault. It's because I have an optic in my head and can't control what I'm saying. Crosscut: Really though, if there is anything I can do to help please feel free to ask. Crosscut: I feel awful I didn't hear about this sooner chronosmith: Whirl: *hey, he possesses the ability to behaving "gracefully and grandly." Just not the inclination* Let's see,,, my old nemesis, Killmaster, for starters. The buggest, most ungraceful creature I've ever seen in my life. Prowl: It's okay. It wasn't your fault. Prowl: But a lot of people did hear about it. I was surprised. They were concerned. chronosmith: (( * biggest)) Chillsins: (( I still approve of buggest)) chronosmith: Whirl: Him. *gestures to Windchill* Teach might benefit. I mean, I like Teach but if he wants to, y'know, interact with people who AREN'T half as crazy as he is... then it might be beneficial. Crosscut: Really? I'm not, you're well liked at least on our ship, Prowl. Chaoit: ....... Chaoit: right, uh...that's...no chronosmith: Pipes: *will take that as a "no," and lowers his hand, settling in to watch* terminatedApathy: *Has to avert his eye* Crosscut: Well...not by everyone, but more than one might guess. Chillsins: *Turns to blow a kiss at Whirl.* terminatedApathy: *What the hell, humans.* Prowl: No I'm not. Three people in the crew like me. Chillsins: I'm the most graceful creature you've never seen, chronosmith: Whirl: *pantomimes catching it, and then slapping it on the chair, where he sits on it* Prowl: Admittedly, three people in a crew of over two hundred is pretty good for me. terminatedApathy: *Primus, it's over.* Chillsins: *GASPS, places a hand on his chest. OFFENDED.* chronosmith: Whirl: *blinks* I just winked. Figured I'd help you tell. Crosscut: Not true, I can think of at least four Chillsins: *Squints.* NoodlesAtNight: [[What does Killmaster look like?]] Prowl: You, Pipes, Getaway. Who's the fourth one? Crosscut: ((Tom Hanks pees in movies a lot..)) Crosscut: Hoist doesn't have any issue with you that I know of. chronosmith: Whirl: Imagine, the only being alive uglier than me. He's also HUGE. He's like four times my size. And he has... a little wand. Prowl: Oh. Does he like me? I thought he was only neutral. NoodlesAtNight: [[A... wand.]] chronosmith: ((Hoist worked w/Prowl and found him to be perfectly agreeable)) Chillsins: Is that a euphemism, Whirl. Crosscut: And what about Whirl? He's here to visit is he not? chronosmith: Whirl: I'm here because I'm bored. I don't like Prowl. Prowl: Whirl dislikes me and doesn't respect me. I think he came for the movie. chronosmith: Whirl: See? He got it in one. Crosscut: ((Pfft)) chronosmith: Whirl: And, amazingly, Windchill, no. It isn't. He has a literal wand that he uses to kill people. Chillsins: Wow. Crosscut: Ah... Crosscut: -this isn't going well.- Chillsins: I've never even heard of the like. NoodlesAtNight: [[Hmph. Cheating.]] Crosscut: Well, you have quality over quantity. Prowl: I've noticed a pattern. *points at movie* Male humans are disproportionately rude and disrespectful to female humans. Why? chronosmith: Pipes: Hey, mech, I'm sure there are plenty of other people who'll be happy to hear you're all right! Y Crosscut: Its actually pretty universal in their culture, sadly. NoodlesAtNight: *Listens in. He is curious about this himself.* Crosscut: Males are many times seen as the more superior of the two for some odd reason. Prowl: I do have other friends. They're just not on the ship. Soundwave likes me and he came. And Tarantulas. And all the Constructicons, although they didn't have a choice and I don't like them. Crosscut: Pipes is correct though, I didn't like you at first. Getting to know you was a pleasure though, and now I quite enjoy your company! Prowl: And Jazz hasn't come but he's probably just very busy, because I know he likes me. NoodlesAtNight: *What in Primus' name does coffeemaking have to do with baseball.* Prowl: I liked you at first. Prowl: The reporter isn't talking about their baseball abilities at all. Prowl: Stop talking about their cooking and coffee and give me their batting averages. I want statistics. Crosscut: Hah, well thank you, Prowl. chronosmith: Pipes: *considers* You seemed pretty cool to me right off the bat, Prowl. Even if you didn't believe me about the samples, heh. Chaoit: ...ugh Prowl: Samples are amazing. It's an astounding economic model. They hand out food for free. chronosmith: Whirl: *shudders* Enough with the spitting, good Lord. NoodlesAtNight: [[Why is he spitting oral lubricants everywhere. This human is disgusting.]] Chillsins: I can spit too, you know. chronosmith: Whirl: *snorts and shoots a sidelong look to Soundwave* NoodlesAtNight: [[Please do not.]] chronosmith: Whirl: I'm regrettably aware. Chillsins: *Looks insufferably smug* chronosmith: Pipes: Yeah! It's an unusual business strategy, but it works better than you'd think it would. And you won't find better places for free food than the strips at Hedonia. Prowl: I like free food. Crosscut: -chuckles, this more loopy Prowl is kind of adorable- chronosmith: Pipes: What's there not to like, heh? Prowl: That's a good question. There's probably something not to like. But I can't think of anything. terminatedApathy: (( Oh. terminatedApathy: That was only part /one/?)) chronosmith: Whirl: Don't you give me that look. Chaoit: ((oh boy terminatedApathy: (( Of /four/.)) NoodlesAtNight: ((it's a two hour movie)) terminatedApathy: (( Ah alright, two hours.)) Chillsins: *Looks more smug. Flicks his tongue, even.* terminatedApathy: ((That's doable.)) Crosscut: So, besides the injury how has your time in the hospital been, Prowl? chronosmith: *shakes his head* Prowl: It's been boring. I wasn't able to see or hear for the first couple of days. Chillsins: *Traitor.* Crosscut: Oh, how awful. Prowl: But I've had a lot of visitors. And my holomatter avatar can still see, so I went to some movies. NoodlesAtNight: *This looks damned entertaining.* Crosscut: That's good, I'm sure it won't be long till you're completely on your feet again! chronosmith: Whirl: *he has to admit, this style of dance looks pretty damn fun* Prowl: They're very good at dancing. I'm not good at dancing. chronosmith: Whirl: Ha! That sounds like my style. Crosscut: I can say for a fact that's not true, Prowl. Chillsins: *That looks way too intense for him.* NoodlesAtNight: [[That remains to be seen.]] Crosscut: Don't even try to lie about it chronosmith: Pipes: I've seen you dancing! You're pretty good, Prowl! Better than me, at least. Prowl: I hope I'm completely recovered soon. Right now all the evidence suggests that I don't have permanent damage to the important parts of my processor. NoodlesAtNight: *So Pipes and Crosscut have seen it? Maybe he can get footage from them somehow.* chronosmith: ((wasn't SW there?)) NoodlesAtNight: ((nooooope)) chronosmith: ((it was during an infomercial night)) chronosmith: ((omg)) Prowl: You were both drunk at the time, you aren't good judges of my dancing. chronosmith: ((THE ONE TIME HE MISSED IT...)) chronosmith: Pipes: Pfft, I wasn't DRUNK. I was a little bit tipsy. It takes more than a couple of hours of straight to drinking to get ME drunk. Prowl: You were too tipsy to judge my dancing skills accurately. Crosscut: I don't recall being drunk at the time. chronosmith: Pipes: If I wasn't too tipsy to pronounce "Shoshtakovich" then I wasn't too drunk to judge your dancing NoodlesAtNight: [[He would prefer to see for himself.]] Prowl: Some people lose their ability to speak properly later than others. chronosmith: Pipes: Well, I'm a hauler, not an orator, so obviously I don't. chronosmith: Whirl: Quick way to solve this problem would be to knock the deadbeat coach out. Chillsins: *Snickers.* Chillsins: I approve of whatever she's reading. Crosscut: Pffft Prowl: I would prefer you not to see for yourself because until you see you can imagine I'm good at dancing. chronosmith: Pipes: Hey, it's not bad if it keeps her interested! Chillsins: *Also that she's reading, but erotica is A+ okay.* Crosscut: Don't believe it, he really is quite good. Chillsins: Wow. Prowl: He deserves to get fired as their manager. He's abusive and incompetent. He treats people like dirt and then blames them for reacting like they've been treated like dirt. chronosmith: Pipes: Agreed! chronosmith: Pipes: Though I... have a sinking feeling he's going to get "redeemed" somehow. I really hope they don't make him a romantic lead... Chillsins: *Sighs.* Crosscut: Sadly that's usually the way these films go.. Prowl: I hope not. That would be gross. He doesn't deserve any of these players. They're wonderful and he's scum. chronosmith: Pipes: Yep. Chillsins: That looks like it hurt. chronosmith: Whirl: That ain't hard. Chillsins: Humans are squishy and they scrape easily. chronosmith: *snickers* I like her strategy. chronosmith: ((....that was whirl)) NoodlesAtNight: @Prowl: (txt): Soundwave prefers Prowl, not imagination. This, same regardless of dance skill. Interest unchanged, remains open if Prowl's mind changes. chronosmith: Whirl: It works a lot better when you have guns attached to your "bosoms," though. Chillsins: ...The bosom strategy? Prowl: Even if I'm bad at dancing? Because I am. Chillsins: *Looks contemplative, at least.* chronosmith: Whirl: The very same. NoodlesAtNight: @Prowl: (txt): Even if. Prowl: I get the steps correct but it has no emotional expression. chronosmith: Whirl: *glances over briefly; he knows very well that is probably the exact same issue his dancing has. Too technical, no feeling* Crosscut: Well the type of dancing I've seen you do usually aren't the sort known for that sort of thing anyhow. NoodlesAtNight: @Prowl: (txt): Still acceptable. However, further discussion holds until Prowl brain module not stressed. Reassurance intended only. chronosmith: Whirl: Maybe you should try something that's faster, then. Something more about moving quick than having those, y'know, slow and graceful movements. Prowl: The type of dancing you've seen be doing is the type I was told I was bad at because I have no emotional expression. NoodlesAtNight: [[It pleases him to see these humans gathering larger crowds now.]] Prowl: My brain module isn't stressed right now—more than normal. I'm not thinking particularly intellectual thoughts right now. Chillsins: *Snorts.* chronosmith: Pipes: *sighs* Crosscut: I don't think its bad....you calling that bad is calling MY dancing bad, Prowl. Crosscut: Its the only sort I can do without tripping over my big feet. Prowl: I'm unqualified to judge other people's dancing. Prowl: How would being quick help? Quick dances require emotion too. Crosscut: Mhmm, sure. Chillsins: Is that a weed? chronosmith: Whirl: Slow dancing really... shows it more. You notice when someone's movements are exact, instead of graceful, when they move slowly and stuff. chronosmith: Whirl: Now, I'm not an expert or anything, I'm not a dance instructor, but it seems to be that if you've got trouble really showing it, y'know, that you FEEL it, then something that's more focused on fast, precise movement would sort of place emphasis OFF the emotion, and more on the technical ability. NoodlesAtNight: [[Human advertisements leave him to believe the drink is a distillation of coal or crude oil.]] Chillsins: It's rhinoceros sweat, actually. Chillsins: I know, I'm an Earth expert. chronosmith: Pipes: ...humans don't drink rhinoceros sweat! Chaoit: I have a feeling you say that when you know no one is gonna buy what your selling Chaoit: *you're Chillsins: They totally do drink exotic animal sweat. chronosmith: Pipes: This fella with the glasses is more responsible and good to the girls than their quote-unquote coach. Chaoit: Try that again, I swear I can keep a straight face Chillsins: I swear that humans drink rhino sweat. Chillsins: Recreationally. chronosmith: Pipes: Okay, maybe. I'll grant it. But I have yet to see any instance of mass-marketed rhinoceros sweat. Chaoit: -snorts in laughter- Prowl: ... Maybe faster dancing, then. I don't know. I don't think that would help. I think I would be bad at any speed. chronosmith: Pipes: If they do, it's gotta be a niche market. Chaoit: Sorry, my bad, couldn't do it Chillsins: You callin' me a liar? Chaoit: Yep Prowl: Pipes, you shouldn't believe anything he says. He lies about humans and I've never heard him say anything that was accurate about them. chronosmith: Pipes: No...? chronosmith: Whirl:  Maybe. Like I said, I'm no expert. Chillsins: I've lived among humans for YEARS. Chillsins: I know what I'm talking about. Prowl: He probably lies about other things too, but humans are the ones I know about. Chaoit: So? Chaoit: Doesn't mean you're being honest chronosmith: Pipes: It's just--I had assumed you were mistaken. But then again, I don't know much about the humans in your dimension...? *looks to Prowl, and then to Windchill* Chillsins: If you can't prove it, doesn't count. Chaoit: And can you? chronosmith: *well. he trusts Prowl, but he also considers Windchill a friend* Windchill, are you telling me the truth? IS rhinoceros sweat a mass-marketed beverage? Chillsins: If you challenge me then the burden of proof is on you, bud. Crosscut: -stretches out a bit- Chillsins: That's okay though, I'll go easy on you. Chillsins: I've never told the truth in my LIFE. NoodlesAtNight: *That whisper train looks like his home.* Prowl: Whirl's footrest likes making wild claims inaccurate claims to try to frustrate the people who know what they're talking about by trying to prove him wrong. chronosmith: Pipes: So you WERE lying? Chillsins: I'm always lying. chronosmith: Whirl: *bursts out in an abrupt bark of poorly-modulated laughter at "Whirl's footrest"* Chillsins: There's a whole meme about it. Prowl: The only appropriate response is to ignore his claims entirely and not entertain him by arguing with him. chronosmith: Whirl: Look, Windchill. Prowl knows your place. Chillsins: *POINTS ACCUSINGLY AT WHIRL. TRAITOR.* Prowl: And ask people who aren't him for the truth if you have doubts. Chaoit: Eh. It was entertaining chronosmith: Pipes: *sighs* Chillsins: And yet, here I am, sitting all by myself. Chillsins: I've rebelled. chronosmith: Pipes: *he just nods, rests his chin in his hand, and watches the movie* Chillsins: I don't see why most of you don't find it funny. Chillsins: *He does, he's still LYIN'* chronosmith: Whirl: *gestures to the 1/2 chair he's occupying in addition to his own, which has his feet in it* I've replaced you, for now. Chillsins: *Sticks his tongue out at Whirl.* chronosmith: Pipes: I'm going to make a prediction that I HOPE doesn't come true--now that they've killed off her husband, which I kind of suspected, she's going to get with Tom Hanks' character. Prowl: Gross. chronosmith: Pipes: I know. Prowl: Oh. chronosmith: Pipes: Oh! chronosmith: Pipes: GOOD. I am happy to be wrong. Chillsins: That's really not better. chronosmith: Pipes: Well, obviously no. I'd never be happy that someone lost their loved one in a war. Prowl: Either way somebody's loved one dies. chronosmith: Pipes: *has, in fact, been in this precise situation* I'm just talking about the course of the narrative. Chaoit: ........ Prowl: But either somebody's loved one does; or, somebody's loved one dies and the jerk of a manager is rewarded for being a jerk by getting to date a character who's too good for him. Prowl: So this way is better. chronosmith: Pipes: Agreed. Chillsins: Only from a narrative standpoint. chronosmith: Pipes: ...yes? Crosscut: ((Im back)) chronosmith: Pipes: That's exactly what we're talking about...? NoodlesAtNight: *Tilts his helm. They had even less personal informing by mid-war...* Chillsins: I know what you're talking about. Prowl: Yes. We are talking about the narrative of the movie. As long as somebody has to die, at least a jerk isn't going to get rewarded in the process. Crosscut: -is a sucker for sappy stuff like this though- chronosmith: Pipes: *stares at Windchill, baffled. He'd always thought they'd gotten along, and he has no idea why he's giving him such a hard time tonight* Prowl: I don't want any of the baseball players to be unhappy, but I also do not want that awful manager to be made happy by one of the girls. He doesn't deserve them. chronosmith: Whirl: *SNICKERS* NoodlesAtNight: [[Avoid clapping?]] NoodlesAtNight: [[...Is this a human superstition?]] Prowl: I don't know what avoid the clap is. Based on his character, it's probably crude. chronosmith: Whirl: *I* know this one. ...wait, you don't? chronosmith: Whirl:  Wait a moment. Let me soak this in. It's not every day I know something Soundwave doesn't. Let me just... bask. For a second. Chillsins: I don't think his unhappiness should outweigh their happiness, that's all. That's just spiteful. chronosmith: Whirl: *deep, satisfied breath* ... it's slang for a venerial disease. Prowl: It doesn't outweigh their happiness. Prowl: But one player will be unhappy no matter what because her husband will be dead. NoodlesAtNight: *Venereal disease? Venereal... oh. OH.* Prowl: "one dead husband" and "one dead husband plus the manager getting an unjust reward" both involve "one dead husband." chronosmith: Pipes: And I'm talking more in terms of the story itself, regardless of happiness or unhappiness. Just, whether or not it's put-together well. NoodlesAtNight: [[Ah. Interface viruses. He sees.]] Crosscut: Who's husband died? Chillsins: Maybe you should stop thinking about it as a reward for him, then. NoodlesAtNight: [[The Betty human's.]] chronosmith: Whirl: *nods* Crosscut: Ah. Prowl: That's how fictional movie narratives are framed. NoodlesAtNight: [[That is a strange name for one. He hopes it is not descriptive of a symptom.]] Prowl: If a good thing happens to a character at the end of the movie, the narrative treats it like it's a reward for the character that they deserve for doing a good job. chronosmith: Pipes: Well, I mean, you kind of have to, right? If the narrative rewards him, then it's a reward. I certainly wouldn't be this spiteful of REAL people. chronosmith: ((first whirl and soundwave hivemind. Now prowl and pipes)) chronosmith: ((it's catching)) chronosmith: Whirl:  I couldn't tell you, one way or the other. ...that'd be a hell of a thing though, right? Just. Uncontrollable clapping. Chillsins: ((Then there's Windchill, perpetual butthead outlier. )) Prowl: I don't want to talk to you. Somebody else talk to me so that I can stop thinking about him and talk about something different. Chillsins: *Shrugs.* chronosmith: Whirl: I'll talk to you about venereal diseases, Prowl. Prowl: Okay. chronosmith: Whirl: ...I already told Soundwave everything I know, actually. Crosscut: I'd rather not hear that.. Chillsins: What are they looking at? Prowl: I only have one venereal disease. chronosmith: Whirl: I don't really... know much about them. Chillsins: That's so weird. chronosmith: Whirl: ...oh? Prowl: And at least it's the harmless one. NoodlesAtNight: ((god i know prowl can't help himself but JEEZ)) Crosscut: You aren't talking about.. NoodlesAtNight: ((i'm laughing)) Prowl: And I'm only barely sparkly. chronosmith: Whirl: Um. chronosmith: Pipes: ...oh! Oh, I know what you're talking about. Prowl: So that's good. But I'd rather not glitter at all. NoodlesAtNight: [[Ah. The glittering crotch virus.]] chronosmith: Pipes: *gives a little laugh* Leave it to Rodimus, right? NoodlesAtNight: [[He remembers hearing about that.]] Prowl: Apparently. Although I didn't get it from him. chronosmith: Whirl: I have no idea what any of you are talking about. WHAT exactly is glittering? Why is it glittering? Crosscut: -Sighs- I've heard of what you are referring to as well.. Chillsins: Glitter is...good. Prowl: My transfluids. Did you miss the week that Rodimus was handing out pamphlets with glittery dongles? Crosscut: I'm thankful I haven't been unfortunate enough to encounter it luckily. chronosmith: Whirl: Yes. I made a concentrated effort to avoid Rodimus's pamphlets. Prowl: If you have glitter crotch, your interfacing lubricants glitter. If you interface with someone else, they catch it too. chronosmith: Whirl: So, let me get this straight. There is a... it's. You just. chronosmith: Whirl:  *stares* Prowl: Each strain away from patient zero is progressively less glittery. Chillsins: *Chin, meet hand.* Prowl: Mine is only mildly pearlescent, but that's because I was part of a study trying to cure it. It didn't work but it reduced the intensity of the strain. Prowl: You didn't finish your question. I don't know what you're asking. Chillsins: ((I think I have a gif of that omg.)) Chillsins:   NoodlesAtNight: ((HA)) Chillsins: (( Amazing. Now back to our regular programming. )) chronosmith: Whirl: *pauses, rallying his thoughts* You're telling me, that your dimension has a disease that's passed via interface that makes your fluids GLITTER? And it's just. There. And--incurable, apparently? chronosmith: ((EXCELLENT)) Chillsins: *He's staying out of this conversation.* Prowl: I don't think it's incurable. But it hasn't been cured. It happened during the early part of the war, and there were much higher priorities than curing a harmless disease. Crosscut: -Prowl. God. We don't need to all hear about your jizz- Prowl: *guess who's physically incapable of filtering what comes out of his mouth right now* Chillsins: *He noticed.* chronosmith: Whirl: *nods* Right. Well. *looks to Windchill* You said glitter is good, right? Well. Here's your chance. Find someone in this dimension who'll touch your butt. Crosscut: (Ooooh boy) Prowl: Our medical research had to be turned toward curing horrific injuries caused by strange weapons. Chillsins: Besides, you? Crosscut: -Rubs his helm- chronosmith: Whirl: I haven't touched your butt YET. chronosmith: Whirl:  You still have to seduce me. Chillsins: *Gun fingers.* Chillsins: A 'yet' is good enough for me. chronosmith: *lifts his helm and attempts to look imperious* Impress me, and we'll see what happens. Crosscut: -yawns and sinks slightly in his seat- Chillsins: How many gun-tits will that take? Chillsins: (( All of them. )) chronosmith: Whirl: Save yourself the trouble. I've got the best gun-tits, and nobody else's are gonna impress me. chronosmith: Pipes: Aww, that was really sweet. Chillsins: Fantastic, I'm not big on mods anyway. Chaoit: -is paying more attention to the audience- Crosscut: Baseball is one of the few sports from Earth I do enjoy watching on occasion. Chillsins: *He thinks sports have too many rules..* chronosmith: Pipes: I've never really gotten into watching sports... or played one. Maybe I should give 'em a shot. Crosscut: You should, they can be pretty interesting. Crosscut: Normally I'm not the type either but it caught my interest Prowl: I like baseball a lot. Even if the movies aren't very good because you can tell that the trajectory and velocity of the ball changes between shots. Chillsins: She must face...her nemesis... Chillsins: Her own inferiority complex. Prowl: They're good besides that though. chronosmith: Whirl: It's not like it hasn't had help. Chaoit: ....? chronosmith: Whirl: Absolutely nobody has taken her seriously. *shrugs* chronosmith: Pipes: Hmm. Maybe someday! Maybe if we ever start any sports back up on Cybertron. Chillsins: True, and it's been annoying to watch. Chaoit: -okay show is interesting now- Crosscut: Yes, I found the signs they use in game to be rather interesting. Chillsins: *That's okay, he can relate just fine.* chronosmith: Whirl: I want her to do it. chronosmith: Whirl: Excellent. Crosscut: Hah, goodness won't that be the day? -he chuckles- Chillsins: The enemy is defeated. chronosmith: Whirl: Good. Prowl: If her sister dropped it on purpose I hope she never finds out. Chaoit: Beat it by literally hitting it head on chronosmith: Whirl: Solved her problems with violence, the way they were meant to be solved. chronosmith: Pipes: Me, too. I hope she didn't, though. Chillsins: *He was going to get angry if the older sister cheated that way, but he's not speaking to Prowl so too bad.* Prowl: *good* Chillsins: Nice shades. Chillsins: At least that was...kind of mature. Prowl: I'm glad they don't hate each other. chronosmith: Pipes: *nods* Crosscut: mhmm chronosmith: Pipes: This is a much better relationship to focus on than some rushed and ham-fisted romance. NoodlesAtNight: [[Mm. There are plenty of sibligs who do.]] NoodlesAtNight: siblings* Crosscut: Yes indeed Chillsins: "Dirt in the skirt?" Chillsins: That sounds awful. Chillsins: *Why did he read that.* Chillsins: *UGH* chronosmith: Whirl: So what you're saying is, you want me to make you a plaque that says, "Dirt in the skirt," right? Chillsins: How did you get that out of my sounds of disgust? Chillsins: ...I wouldn't say no. chronosmith: Whirl: I speak your secret language. Chillsins: *Sputters some fart noises just for u, Whirl. The most secret not secret language.* chronosmith: *imitates them back, near-perfectly* Prowl: *looks at Soundwave* ... I want to hold your hand again. Chillsins: *He'll play a song just for u.* NoodlesAtNight: *Oh! Well. So much for Crosscut not knowing.* Crosscut: -Oh don't mind him, he thinks it's very cute- chronosmith: *blinks and looks back , as he was unsure who Prowl was talking to* NoodlesAtNight: *Well, that's out of the bag now, so there's his hand again.* Prowl: *this lack-of-verbal-filters is going to be the death of all Prowl's secrets* chronosmith: ((...that was Pipes, Whirl is already well aware)) Prowl: ... I wasn't asking, I was just saying I wanted to. Prowl: ... But it's there now so I'm taking it. Prowl: *takes* Chillsins: *Well lookie there, Mr. Tom Hanks the Butthead Manager got a whole lot of nothing after all.* Chillsins: *Besides dead. Eventually.* Crosscut: I wasn't aware you two were an item now! NoodlesAtNight: *...Isn't sure how he should take that? But all right. There may have been a very, VERY quiet hum in there somewhere. Curls his fingers.* Chillsins: What the heck nobody warned me this was a musical. Prowl: Good. Good. *hand is hold.* terminatedApathy: *Oh boy. /That/ exclamation didn't go unnoticed.* NoodlesAtNight: ((PS: A lot of these ladies are the real players.)) Chillsins: (( GOOD. )) terminatedApathy: (( Oh, that's nice. )) chronosmith: ((:3c )) Prowl: *to Crosscut* Yes. We're keeping it secret. Chaoit: ((holy crap really? NoodlesAtNight: ((Yes really)) chronosmith: *also wasn't. Is now* Chaoit: ((that's awesome Prowl: ......... Were. Were keeping. Crosscut: -chuckles- Prowl: ..................... I should get my mouth welded shut until my brain is fixed. chronosmith: Oh! Um. Well, your secret's safe with me, guys. *thumbs up* Crosscut: I see, a well kept one. I'll be sure to stay quiet. NoodlesAtNight: [[Thank you.]] Crosscut: That's very nice to hear though, when did it start if I may ask? chronosmith: Of course! it's really nobody's business but your own. chronosmith: ((...both Pipes)) Chillsins: Wow, what an acronym. Prowl: I trust you two. *points at Crosscut and Pipes.* I don't trust anyone else here to keep quiet about it. terminatedApathy: *Isn't going to go around telling people, but he has Questions. And Opinions.* chronosmith: Whirl: You guys aren't exactly subtle about it, let's be real here. Chillsins: No worries, some of us don't care. NoodlesAtNight: @Prowl: (txt): Distracting topic needed? Chaoit: ...? Prowl: ... maybe Shockwave but he probably doesn't care. terminatedApathy: ....I assure you, I'll not be spreading word of this. chronosmith: Whirl: You're always holding hands or leaning on each other and Soundwave's lights always do that little THING, y'know? You're very obvious. Chillsins: ((How long before Chill is escorted out by da police. How long. )) NoodlesAtNight: *Makes note to see that Shockwave leaves with a few handfuls of energon today.* Prowl: The hand-holding is for emotional support instead of dating purposes. It was an unavoidable slip. terminatedApathy: *That is an acceptable temporary bribe.* Prowl: Except today. Today it's because I can't not vocalize my thoughts even if I didn't actually want to act on them. Crosscut: Well even so, I'm happy for you. chronosmith: Yeah, congrats! chronosmith: ((...Pipes again)) Crosscut: ((Man I am enjoying watching these old ladies playing ball a lot)) NoodlesAtNight: [[...And his lights do not always do a little thing.]] Prowl: They only do a little thing some of the time. I like it. chronosmith: They very very OFTEN do a little thing. chronosmith: You're pretty twitterpated, mech. *his optic is a gleeful curve* Crosscut: -trying now to gush too much about how cute it is- Prowl: I don't think he's twitterpated. chronosmith: You're BOTH twitterpate. chronosmith: ((....whirl) Prowl: Am I? chronosmith: You are. chronosmith: ((WHIRL)) Prowl: I don't think I am. I've been twitterpated before. It's uncomfortable. chronosmith: Whirl: I've seen it often enough. Certified. You're almost as bad as HIM *points to Windchill* When he gets to talking about his junxy. Almost. Chillsins: I am not bad... Chillsins: I'm TERRIBLE. Chaoit: . . . chronosmith: Whirl: Because, really, NOBODY is as bad as him when it comes to--you absolutely ARE. Chillsins: Stop picking on me! chronosmith: Whirl: It's hilarious. Prowl: I'm not uncomfortable and therefore I'm probably not twitterpated. chronosmith: Whirl: Never! terminatedApathy: @Soundwave: "Twitterpated"? Chillsins: *Points at Whirl.* Chillsins: He's picking on me. Chaoit: -he's lost, and has a feeling it's better that he is- chronosmith: Whirl: *cackles* Prowl: Yes, we can see that he is. Chillsins: Wait, so. Crosscut: Perhaps you've just found someone in which you are comfortable with, so there isn't a strain in how you feel? NoodlesAtNight: [[He is not "twitterpated". He is...]] Grasps for a word. Any word. Where are all of his words? [[...Comfortable.]] chronosmith: Whirl: I think maybe you and I have different definitions of twitterpated. Prowl: Yes. Comfortable is good. Chillsins: Look it up in the dictionary. Prowl: I am comfortable. chronosmith: Whirl: Don't you tell me what to do, LOVER-BOY. NoodlesAtNight: @Shockwave: [[His apologies. Twitterpated is a human phrase. It is to be enamored and flighty.]] NoodlesAtNight: @Shockwave: [[Obviously, he is not flighty.]] Chillsins: Well EXCUSE ME for being the only one smart enough to suggest research over arguing about it. chronosmith: Whirl: *his own definition does not include the "flighty" part; just someone who's obvious mooning over someone else* terminatedApathy: @Soundwave: Hm. I agree, you're not the sort to behave in such a manner. chronosmith: Whirl: What, and deny myself the joy of arguing? Chillsins: Well, if I have to deny MYSELF... Chillsins: You might as well suffer with me. chronosmith: Whirl: Which you absolutely never do. Chillsins: I did for a while there actually. NoodlesAtNight: @Shockwave: [[It pleases him that -someone- recognizes this.]] Crosscut: Well, I enjoyed the film and even more to see you all after such a long time it seems. chronosmith: Pipes: Yeah, me too! Chillsins: *Except for Windchill, obviously.* NoodlesAtNight: [[He is certain Rumble will regret missing your presence, Crosscut.]] Prowl: Yes. I'm glad to see you. I like you. chronosmith: Pipes: *hops up* I hope you get completely better soon, Prowl. I'm glad you've got the pole out of your face, though! Prowl: I'm glad it's out of my face too. Crosscut: -chuckles- I like you as well, and yes of course. NoodlesAtNight: ((this is NOT an ic video but i can't not)) Crosscut: A shame, do tell Rumble I said hello though. NoodlesAtNight: [[He will.]] chronosmith: ((GOOD)) Prowl: ((it should be IC)) Chillsins: (( I haven't seen this film in over a DECADE. )) NoodlesAtNight: ((he wouldn't dare humiliate himself like this are you kidding)) chronosmith: *waves I'll try and visit you again soon, mech! NoodlesAtNight: [[Farewell, Pipes.]] chronosmith: ((it;'s whirl's solemn duty to make fun of everyone who is caught in the throes of romance.)) terminatedApathy: (( I don't think I've ever actually seen bambi. )) Prowl: ((he could use it to prove how twitterpated they aren't)) Crosscut: Good bye Pipes, be sure to remember our next tutoring lesson. Chaoit: ((I want to make a pun about Pipes and pipe but bad chronosmith: Pipes: *waves to Soundwave, as well!* Yep, I've got it on my calendar, Crosscut, no worries, heh! Chillsins: *Waves bye bye, Pipes.* chronosmith: *he'll wave to you, too, Windchill, even though u were Such a Butt* Chillsins: (( Ew what is THAT was that the sequel/prequel.)) Crosscut: ((Yep)) NoodlesAtNight: ((i apologize for not being fast enough to save your eyes from it)) Chillsins: *Sorry little dude but if you're gonna take a minor debate personally then...suit yourself.* Chillsins: (( I forgive u...this time.* Chillsins: )) Chillsins: (( It looks ugly tho. )) NoodlesAtNight: ((Victor if you haven't seen Bambi it's a decent-ish watch as I recall? For old school Disney anyhow.)) Chillsins: *But yes, he is...the hugest butt of all.* Chillsins: *WAIT...second hugest butt.* chronosmith: *this is more about the whole "unnecessary lying and attempts to make Pipes look stupid" thing; but he is friendly enough not to hold a grudge* Chillsins: *But still huge.* chronosmith: ((Yeah I thought the prequel was decent!)) chronosmith: ((if nothing else u get to see Patrick Stewart as a deer)) Chillsins: *No no no the only person he was trying to make look stupid was himself.* Crosscut: -Stands to his feet with a stretch- Chillsins: *Oh well.* Chillsins: (( I avoid the sequel/prequels as a matter of principle because...Why even. )) chronosmith: *fair enough, fair enough--either way, it won't be in the ledger* Prowl: The people I like are leaving and the people I don't like are staying. chronosmith: ((dude but then you deprive yourself of, like, Cinderella 3, which is a masterpiece)) Prowl: Except Soundwave. You're staying. Chillsins: *Rolls his optics.* chronosmith: *and Pipes is gone* Chillsins: (( IIs that the one where the sister has her own story. )) Chillsins: (( I have seen the gist of it. )) chronosmith: ((and the one where the prince jumps out the damb window)) NoodlesAtNight: [[Of course he is staying.]] Chaoit: ((wait, he what? NoodlesAtNight: ((cinderella 3 is one of the only excusable sequels and it is great.)) chronosmith: ((WATCH IT)) Prowl: Otherwise the people I like are leaving and the people I don't like are staying. chronosmith: ((it is indeed)) Chillsins: (( I don't remember a window but then, I barely paid attention to anything but the sister's character arc sooooo. )) Chaoit: ((now I wanna because he what? Prowl: ((I'm personally extremely fond of Aladdin 2.)) Prowl: ((as far as sequels go)) terminatedApathy: *He stands up, obviously preparing to walk out.* Chillsins: (( Aladdin 2 wasn't made like 50+ years later so I don't count that as the same thing PER SE )) chronosmith: Don't worry, I'm leaving soon, too. NoodlesAtNight: *Stretches a feeler out to block Shockwave's way for a moment.* Prowl: ((fair enough. it kind of kicked off the trend.)) terminatedApathy: *He is stopped. And looking to Soundwave curiously.* NoodlesAtNight: *Waves the end at him. Please accept the fuel held in its claws and keep quiet.* Prowl: ((and it was the lead-in to a pretty damn good TV spinoff series)) Chillsins: (( I saw a chunk of the series and it was Vastly Entertaining. )) Prowl: ((i watched it religiously as a kid)) Chillsins: (( Mirage = A+ villain, I love )) Chaoit: ...Right. G'night. I have a meeting tomorrow. Thanks for the movie. chronosmith: ((YESSS the show man)) NoodlesAtNight: [[Farewell, Blaster.]] Prowl: ((mechanicles is my favorite villain)) chronosmith: *hops up and streeetches* terminatedApathy: *He accepts the offer as discreetly as possible. Not much he could really use the information for, but he'll take this nevertheless.* Chillsins: *Well, if he's going to be left here with Prowl the Butthead then maybe he should go too. NoodlesAtNight: *You'd be surprised. Soundwave withdraws the feeler.* Prowl: ((if i ever decide to stream something for a few weeks, it's gonna be either the aladdin cartoon or the buzz lightyear cartoon)) Chillsins: *And he'll take his newly acquired butt germs with him. Gotta spread 'em around.* chronosmith: ((i would be so down to watch the aladdin cartoon omg)) chronosmith: Seeya, loser. *nods to Windchill* Chillsins: Bye, sucker. terminatedApathy: *He nods farewell to Soundwave.* Chillsins: *Rolls to his feeties.* NoodlesAtNight: *Nods to all leaving in turn.* terminatedApathy: (( /feeties./)) Chillsins: (( THEY ARE FEETIES. )) chronosmith: Anyway, get better soon. *nods to Prowl* You should consider keepin the eyepatch look. Very rakish. terminatedApathy: (( I have been slain.)) chronosmith: ((feetsies)) Prowl: It's harder for me to track trajectories without binocular vision. chronosmith: Don't I KNOW it. Chillsins: *Wow* chronosmith: If you've got sonar, it's absolutely indispensable when you've only got one eye. terminatedApathy: *Snorts at this line of conversation. He'd join, but he's leaving.* Prowl: Sonar isn't good enough for the rapid calculations I need to do. terminatedApathy: *Out the door he goes.* Prowl: And tracking trajectories is the only thing I'm good for, so I can't afford to stick to one optic just because it looks rakish. Prowl: And I don't think it looks rakish anyway. It looks delinquent. chronosmith: ...yeah, I can see how that'd be an issue. Sound isn't as fast as light. And the whole... there and back again thing. Prowl: Yes. NoodlesAtNight: *Has nothing against lone optics, obviously, but it isn't his face, so he'll not chip in on that one.* Prowl: I can see and calculate the velocity of a car before I even hear it. chronosmith: Still, if you get stuck this way for a while, take my free, highly valuable advice: sonar, mech. terminatedApathy: ((Goodnight, all.)) NoodlesAtNight: ((night!)) Chillsins: *Time to go. Whether he returns for another round of people taking stuff personally, well, we'll see.* chronosmith: *Whirl, obviously, doesn't either, but he's well-acquainted with adjusting to a drastically reduced field of vision he wasn't designed for* Prowl: I've got sonar. *hikes doors up.* But it's very bad sonar. It can only detect vague lumps. chronosmith: ((gnight!)) NoodlesAtNight: ((night chillmun)) chronosmith: ((and you too, butthead)) Prowl: ((gnight)) Chillsins: (( Thanks for the film. I don't really like sports films but that one was good. )) NoodlesAtNight: ((You're welcome-- and I share that opinion 😄 )) chronosmith: Well, I doubt you'll be stuck that way long enough to need an upgrade. Prowl: I hope not. NoodlesAtNight: [[It would not surprise anyone here to know that his is quite good. Though he is interested in seeing Whirl demonstrate his some time.]] chronosmith: I do it every damn day, mech. Prowl: I would be disappointed if a mech named Soundwave didn't have good sonar. chronosmith: *sly look* Even if I'm not looking at you, I see you. NoodlesAtNight: *So that's how he knew.* chronosmith: Half the times I noticed you two holding hands was with sonar. NoodlesAtNight: *Also, isn't sure if the door hike is because Prowl is indicating that's what he uses for his? Must ask in a bit.* Prowl: That explains it. I've tried to not be very overt with it. chronosmith: Well, you two ARE also pretty obviously into each other. chronosmith: I mean both of you have the body languages of a plank of wood so when you DO start to throw your tells it's kinda obvious. chronosmith: ...no offence. chronosmith: *offense wtf Prowl: What kind of body language do I give off? Besides holding hands and leaning. NoodlesAtNight: [[Apparently not little things with your lights. That's -his- problem.]] Prowl: My lights don't do very much. chronosmith: MAINLY those two. Now, I could be mistaken, don't take this for gospel, but I'm pretty sure your fans have clicked on at LEAST once when Soundwave mentioned something impressive he could do. chronosmith: And yeah, your lights get pretty bright, too. chronosmith: *his tone isn't actually mocking or disparaging, it's mostly amused* Prowl: Yes. My fans have clicked on multiple times. He's very attractive and I would like to interface with him. NoodlesAtNight: *The tiniest vent hiccup* NoodlesAtNight: *Look at that, another tell.* Prowl: ... That's a new sound. chronosmith: That, too, is obvious. *dryly* chronosmith: And look, the feeling's mutual. NoodlesAtNight: [[...He cannot tell if you are indicating -his- interest or -yours-.]] chronosmith: *sputters and LAUGHS* NoodlesAtNight: *LOOK, UNCLEAR WORDING IS UNCLEAR WORDING* chronosmith: I meant YOU. I don't know about you yet, mech, I've not seen you fight. *snickers* Prowl: He didn't say that. I think it was a startled sound. I'm not going to assume interest until he explicitly confirms it. I've made that mistake before and it's horrible. NoodlesAtNight: @Prowl: (txt): For Prowl's personal record: interest explicitly confirmed, when Prowl not in hospital, house arrest cleared, discussions completed, Soundwave asked. NoodlesAtNight: [[You will see him fight when he has a reason to expend the effort. No sooner.]] Prowl: Good. Thank you. I am pleased. NoodlesAtNight: *Small nod.* chronosmith: *shrugs; if he does, he does. If he never does, he never does. Whirl's content either way. Soundwave can read Whirl's mind, so he doesn't have to say it out loud* NoodlesAtNight: *Yep.* chronosmith: All right, all right, I've lingered here long enough, I'll leave you two lovebirds be. *salutes them* Prowl: I don't like being called a lovebird. chronosmith: Well, you are one. NoodlesAtNight: [[Thank you for attending.]] Pause to listen. [[Please do not call him one.]] chronosmith: Pfft. Prowl: No. Lovebirds are twitterpated. chronosmith: And you two AREN'T? Prowl: No. chronosmith: Okay, so, as I understand it, twitterpated means: you're very into someone and still kind of excitable about it. Right? Prowl: Twitterpation feels nervous and frazzled and distracting and twitchy. Prowl: Yes—excitable. Excitable is uncomfortable and nerve-wracking. Prowl: Within the context of our relationship, I'm not nerve-wracked. I'm calm and secure. NoodlesAtNight: [[His understanding is that it also includes flightiness. He is not flighty.]] Pause to consider. [[He flies. That is not the same.]] chronosmith: Well, that's not MY definition. The Whirl Definition. Prowl: Words are difficult, and right now I can't consciously choose them. I am not explaining myself well. chronosmith: Now this is the part where I WOULD scoff at you saying you're "secure" when obviously you feel the need to HIDE it but I'm not a complete idiot, I know it's for skulduggery reasons. chronosmith: No, you're actually doing a pretty good job, mech. NoodlesAtNight: *Quietly takes the "I'm calm and secure" and settles his mind on that like a cat on a warm spot* Prowl: Yes. It's a lot of skulduggery. I'm afraid that if it's widely known, people like Starscream might decide to threaten him in order to control me. chronosmith: Well, that'd give us a good excuse to blow him away, then. NoodlesAtNight: [[Desist. This is a public space.]] Prowl: In addition, the people who date me or interface with me are mocked for it. chronosmith: *raises claw* I'll volunteer. They're already one step away from tossing me in jail anyway. I'm ready to go rogue if I gotta. chronosmith: *Prowl is saying incriminating things because he's ill; whirl has no excuse. he's just whirl* NoodlesAtNight: [[Let us move away from the topic of reasons for secrets.]] NoodlesAtNight: [[He believed you were going somewhere?]] chronosmith: For the record, OFFICIALLY, I'm not making fun of you cos you're you. I'm making fun of you 'cause it's my solemn duty to gently mock all my acquaintances when they get lovey-dovey. Prowl: Yes, I understand that this is a reflection of who you are as a person. NoodlesAtNight: [[Comforting.]] No, honestly. It is. chronosmith: Oh, right. Sorry. Hint taken. Prowl: I dislike it but I recognize where it's coming from. chronosmith: *waves again and starts trotting out; unless he is called back and/or addressed again, he will leave them in peace* NoodlesAtNight: @Whirl: [[A protective measure. Starscream cannot hear these things. Farewell.]] Prowl: I don't mind being mocked so much as I mind the people I like being mocked because they're close to me. They don't deserve it and it's my fault. chronosmith: *pauses because, well. he was addressed again* Prowl: Technically it's not my fault, it's the fault of the people who make a choice to mock. But it's my fault. chronosmith: Nah, if I'm doing it, it's one hundred per--yes. My fault. Prowl: I'm not talking about you. I'm talking about everyone in general, but most particularly the ones who do the mockery specifically because I am involved in the relationship. chronosmith: Yeah, well, screw those guys. chronosmith: ...metaphorically. NoodlesAtNight: *Nods.* Prowl: When I was with Chromedome, everybody called him "Unlucky." He never disagreed with them. chronosmith: It's damn hard being happy as it is, so frag them and enjoy yourself while you can. Prowl: I don't want the people I care about to be mocked and ostracized for their enjoyment. chronosmith: Well, that there is what I would call a red flag, mech. NoodlesAtNight: *Hand curls tighter. What he would do to Chromedome if he got the chance...* chronosmith: Then sock 'em. chronosmith: Or, if YOU can't, cos I know you've got a reputation to uphold--get someone who will. Prowl: Yes. He had a whole lot of red flags. I didn't recognize them at the time because he was the first person I was ever in a relationship with and I didn't think anybody else would ever want to put up with me. chronosmith: *holds up a claw* Prowl. Prowl: I don't like punching people. chronosmith: I think you better pump the brakes, you're getting personal. Prowl: I don't know how to pump the breaks. NoodlesAtNight: [[Subject changes.]] chronosmith: Switch subject. Punching. Prowl: If I did, I would have pumped them about five comments ago. chronosmith: I can't really help if you if you don't like punching. Prowl: Actually, I would have pumped them two hours ago. NoodlesAtNight: [[Rumble would punch them.]] Prowl: That's a good metaphor. My breaks are broken. I'm verbally out of control. Prowl: I don't like it when people punch people on my behalf, either. I don't want people to be punched. chronosmith: There ya go. Rumble's a good guy, I bet he punches like a god damned avalanche. Prowl: Rumble has punchy arms. NoodlesAtNight: [[That is -before- he brings his weaponry into it.]] Prowl: I like them. Prowl: I don't like them. Devastator likes them. Prowl: I like them through Devastator. I don't like it. chronosmith: They're pretty cool. NoodlesAtNight: [[But if punching is not wanted, there are other methods. He knows of plenty.]] Prowl: Are you going to blackmail the hypothetical people who mock the mechs I date. chronosmith: I dunno, speaking hypothetically, how could you NOT wanna punch someone who's giving your beau a hard time? *squints* I don't think I could NOT punch 'em. chronosmith: Or, well, there you go. That works, too. Prowl: I'm not a punchy person. Prowl: Or a blackmaily person, outside of work. Prowl: People don't deserve to be physically harmed or threatened over jokes. That will not increase the sum total of happiness in the universe. chronosmith: Yeah but it'll sure as hell stop them from putting down someone you care about. NoodlesAtNight: [[It is not himself being mocked he is concerned with. He was disliked and mocked in his own faction and now by the majority of a planet.]] NoodlesAtNight: [[He is accustomed to it, if displeased with it.]] Prowl: That's bad. Prowl: The thing Ratchet said was cruel. I was shocked and I hated it. Prowl: Yesterday NoodlesAtNight: *Waves a hand.* [[He did not experience it, and Ratchets have - a streak.]] Prowl: But you still heard it. And it still should not have been said, even if it wasn't directed at you. chronosmith: Well. You do you, mechs. If not-punching someone gives you more satisfaction than punching someone, then knock yourself out, you crazy kids. *he's saying this half as a joke, he is aware Soundwave is many times older than he is* NoodlesAtNight: [[His point is, yes, he would consider blackmail. Or other, mostly legal options, if preferred.]] NoodlesAtNight: *Nods to Whirl. Thank you.* Prowl: I would prefer legal options. Prowl: With maximum results for minimal harm. chronosmith: *he's definitely older than Prowl, though& NoodlesAtNight: [[Noted.]] chronosmith: Okay, dammit, I did it again. RIGHT. THIS TIME. For real. Your alone time starts.... chronosmith: NOW chronosmith: *scoots on out* NoodlesAtNight: *Shakes his helm a little. That was something of a mess, wasn't it.* chronosmith: ((i'm sorry y'all it was The Whirl That Wouldn't Leave night)) NoodlesAtNight: ((lmao is ok)) Prowl: I need to weld my mouth shut until my processor is fixed. Prowl: I've said a lot of things I shouldn't have said. Prowl: Maybe when I'm back to normal, I can pretend it was all brain damaged delusions and none of it was true. Prowl: ... No. That won't work. NoodlesAtNight: (txt): This one would be disappointed. Prowl cannot smile with welded mouth. However... perhaps temporary block: appropriate, when activation needed. Prowl: The Constructicons have been covering my mouth when they think I'm about to say something I shouldn't. But they're not here. NoodlesAtNight: (txt): Soundwave should repeat action? This, not disrespectful? Prowl: That would probably be helpful. Can you read more of my mind if the place where you touch me is closer to my processor? NoodlesAtNight: ((txt): Irrelevant. Prowl's mind never read. Prowl: I want to know anyway. NoodlesAtNight: (txt): Faster, not deeper. Depth: different matter. Prowl: And the fact that you didn't answer is somewhat anxiety-inducing and increases the probability that the answer is "yes." Prowl: Faster. I see. NoodlesAtNight: (txt): Anxiety inducement not intended. Question relation not understood when asked. NoodlesAtNight: (txt): Understood now. NoodlesAtNight: (txt): Answer stands. Soundwave does not read. Prowl: I don't know if that's true. You could be reading it silently so I don't know that you're in there. Now that we're in close physical proximity again it would be easy. I wouldn't have any way to know. Prowl: But I'm choosing to believe you. I'm choosing to believe you. NoodlesAtNight: (txt): ...Acknowledged. These, possibilities. Not performed, never performed. Choice appreciated. NoodlesAtNight: (txt): Safety feeling increased if physical contact reduced? Prowl: Yes, but it decreases my overall satisfaction level because then we're not holding hands. NoodlesAtNight: (txt): Which preferred? Safety, satisfaction? NoodlesAtNight: (txt): Compliance offered regardless. Prowl: Safety decreases as physical contact increases but emotional fulfillment that comes from touching somebody I like increases as physical contact increases. Both safety and emotional fulfillment contribute to overall satisfaction. Holding hands is the point of physical contact at which the sum total of safety and emotional fulfillment yields the highest satisfaction. Prowl: I can send you the graphs. NoodlesAtNight: (txt): Graphs requested. Sum total acknowledged. Soundwave will continue. Prowl: *sends graphs* NoodlesAtNight: *Pings receipt acknowledgement, tries to lift hand toward helm. Here. This is as close as he can give to putting himself in danger too, right now.* Prowl: *helm touch* NoodlesAtNight: (txt): Prowl's math abilities often admired. Demonstrations wanted, in future. Prowl: ... You worry more about my satisfaction than your own. Prowl: We should be comparing both our graphs so that we achieve conditions in which the sum total of both our states of satisfaction are maximized, not just the satisfaction of one of us. Prowl: If I'm 100% satisfied and you're 30% satisfied that's worse than if we're both 70% satisfied. NoodlesAtNight: (txt): ...Satisfaction graph formation method unknown. Soundwave not - math understood well, not Prowl's level. Cannot produce accurate percentage. Estimation alone. Prowl: Well. Yes. I'm not going to make you produce a graph. That's hard for people who aren't me. I meant we should be comparing our metaphorical graphs. Prowl: Your metaphorical graph and my literal graph. NoodlesAtNight: *Slightly confused tilt.* Prowl: Am I unclear? NoodlesAtNight: (txt): Worse history, uncomfortable ability, opposing faction background possessed. These, not good reasons own satisfaction given lower priority? Prowl: No. Prowl: Will the sum total of happiness in the multiverse be increased if your emotional needs are disregarded? NoodlesAtNight: (txt): Uncertain. Regardless; higher satisfaction not possible under house arrest restrictions. That, known when relationship started. Accepted. Patience exercised. *gesture to his and Prowl's hand on his mask* This, unexpected opportunity. Satisfying. Prowl: Even under my current restrictions, there are conditions under which you would be more or less happy. Prowl: I would prefer for you to be more. Prowl: You do a great deal to see to my comfort. It's uncomfortable because I am bad at doing the same in return and I am afraid you do more for me than I possess the skill to balance out. NoodlesAtNight: (txt): ...Ensuring comfort pleases. Content companion contents self. Prowl assists more than believed understood - documentary, other comforts well noticed. Soundwave... does not believe Prowl estimation reduced after events. If true, that, appreciated. Other secrets known, kept. Few trusted with knowledge. NoodlesAtNight: *He doesn't quite understand what Prowl wants. Everything he can think of that he brought up to Tarantulas is dependent on access he doesn't have.* Prowl: Nobody is contented ONLY by ensuring another's comfort. I... hadn't thought of the things I have done for you. But, that's... it comes... naturally. It's the correct thing to do. Prowl: You—you spend a lot of time asking if you should do more or less of a thing for me. I don't do that for you. I don't think of those questions. I wouldn't know where to start. NoodlesAtNight: (txt): Comfort ensuring, suitable replacement when other activities, interactions unavailable. Returned starting point.... Prowl: And, it—makes me—feel... *he's searching for a word. he's probably not going to find it.* NoodlesAtNight: *That's all right, he's struggling with his own. You try throwing something out first.* Prowl: ... coddled. Weak. Fragile. NoodlesAtNight: (txt): ...Unintentional. Prowl: I know. NoodlesAtNight: (txt): Prowl not - not fragile, weak. Damaged only. Many lies also believed. This, disliked. Prowl worth more, better. Greater admiration deserved. Chromedome, actions: hated. Further damage, continued lie belief unwanted. Return to best self desired. Nothing else meant. Prowl: ... What lies believed? Prowl: I don't want to believe lies. NoodlesAtNight: (txt): ...This - satisfaction question - useful starting point. NoodlesAtNight: (txt): Many, regarding self behaviors, worth. Belief received mockery: own fault, others all dislike, will not find companions, cannot socialize, cannot empathize/care, Prowl: burden, others not concerned about Devastator connection, more. Prowl: ... Some of those are exaggerations. NoodlesAtNight: (txt): Negative, basic descriptions. Explicit detail translation more difficult. Prowl: ... I think they're exaggerated basic descriptions. NoodlesAtNight: (txt): Perhaps. Many based in Prowl's words. Companion item stated earlier. Prowl: Companion item? That I won't find companions? When did I say that? NoodlesAtNight: [][][]I didn't recognize them at the time because he was the first person I was ever in a relationship with and I didn't think anybody else would ever want to put up with me.[][][] Prowl: Oh. I used to think that. I don't think that anymore. Prowl: I know now that there are lots of people who will put up with me. NoodlesAtNight: (txt): Negative, not [][][]put up with[][][]. That, suggestion presence not truly enjoyed. Prowl: ... That's difficult. Even when my presence is enjoyed, I think some putting-up-with is involved. NoodlesAtNight: (txt): Perfection not possible. Prowl: No. It's not. NoodlesAtNight: (txt): More trust wanted. That, satisfaction increase source. More - tasks, secret safeguarding, belief Soundwave protects self from Starscream, general trust. Problem: cannot deliver trust on request. Other sources... occasional additional contact liked. Soundwave understands want/not want issue, minimal Prowl self preference. Devastator-related upset not desired. Distance difficulties acknowledged. Prowl: You have a lot more secrets to safeguard. That's good. For you it's good. I'm not happy about it but it's not your fault I shared them. NoodlesAtNight: (txt): Soundwave offers own, when Prowl filter repaired. Prowl: Oh. Thank you. I appreciate that. You don't have to, so I'm glad you are. NoodlesAtNight: (txt): Prowl: important. Imbalance disliked, unwanted. Also safety matter. Equal reasons. NoodlesAtNight: *In other words, he doesn't see Prowl on the same level as the average Cybertronian. From them, he'd run away laughing with his hands full and never give anything back.* Prowl: Thank you. I think you're important too. I wouldn't want to be imbalanced in a way that disadvantages you. NoodlesAtNight: (txt): Pleasing. Prowl: ... Although if we became imbalanced in a way that disadvantages you, I don't know if I would pay it back. Not because I want the advantage but because I fear the disclosure. Prowl: ... I think I would. I think so. But I would choose what I shared carefully. Prowl: I'm self-disclosing a lot of things that make me look bad. Note to self, don't give gifts to anyone until my filter is back in place or I might end up accidentally married to them. NoodlesAtNight: (txt): Careful choice accepted. Own choices: similar. Soundwave understands Prowl cannot hide truth; appreciates truth regardless. NoodlesAtNight: *Sudden 'laughter'* (txt): Prowl cannot marry Soundwave. Fear unnecessary here. Avoid giving -others- gifts. Prowl: Yes. You're safe. I can give you a gift. I don't have any gifts to give you but I could if I wanted. NoodlesAtNight: *Motions to the hand.* Prowl: I should give you a gift. Prowl: No no, the hand is a different step. NoodlesAtNight: *Question mark on screen* Prowl: You don't know the conjunx ritus? NoodlesAtNight: (txt): Paperwork, optional spark exposure known. Vague witnessed declaration recall. Never subject of interest. NoodlesAtNight: (txt): Explain. Prowl: The traditional way to propose conjugation is to take someone to a place you associate with each other—that part's optional—make sustained physical contact with him, tell him something shameful about yourself, and give him a gift. If he reciprocates, he'll make a grand gesture to prove his devotion, and that's the final step. The gestures can vary widely. Prowl: Sustained physical contact can't also be the gift. That's cheating. NoodlesAtNight: *Soundwave doesn't want to move his head too much and dislodge the hand, so he uses a feeler to to look around to make his upcoming point* NoodlesAtNight: (txt): This, not Prowl association place. Additional thought: not considered cheating if ritual not involved. NoodlesAtNight: (txt): Contact remains gift. Prowl: No. And I'm not proposing. I'm just touching your mask and talking too much. Prowl: ... Fair. NoodlesAtNight: *...To Pit with it, there's nobody else here.* NoodlesAtNight: *Gonna RC that mask to lift it up a lil bit and nom the palm once, then put it down again.* NoodlesAtNight: (txt): Imbalance corrected. Prowl: Mouth. Prowl: *that's it that's the sum total of Prowl's thought* NoodlesAtNight: (txt): Now Prowl not talking too much. Prowl: Mouth. Good. Prowl: *give him a second* Prowl: *he's recovering* NoodlesAtNight: *Oh, Prowl can have as long as he likes. Soundwave is terribly pleased with himself* Prowl: ... I'm uncertain which imbalance that corrected but I'm pleased that it was corrected all the same. NoodlesAtNight: (txt): Gift, time, explicit thoughts, total speech. Choice: Prowl's. Prowl: Gift. Prowl: Time? Do we have a time imbalance? NoodlesAtNight: (txt): Affirmative, unavoidable. Hologram biting less effective. NoodlesAtNight: *Is mostly trying to help lighten the mood a bit since Prowl started them falling off the serious subject track with the conjunx ritus comment.* Prowl: ... You should bite me again. Prowl: And if you ever want to bite off any of my fingers, this is a good time to do it, I'm already in a hospital. Prowl: *sadly, that WASN'T an attempt to lighten the mood. 100% serious.* NoodlesAtNight: *Huge red exclamation point on his screen.* (txt): Metal, rubber, plastic, glass piece not personal consumption interest. Fingers not severed. *A pause.* Would consider secondary bite. Uncertain this intended comment, setting. Uncertain brain module can handle. NoodlesAtNight: *This went off in a direction he didn't quite expect.* Prowl: All right, if you don't want to. Prowl: I would like a secondary bite. My brain module can handle that. But we shouldn't go any farther because my processor fans probably wouldn't be able to keep up. NoodlesAtNight: (txt): That not said. However, processor fan: sensible delay reason. Prowl: No, I meant, if you don't want to eat one of my fingers. You looked... surprised. That was a very surprised exclamation point. I think. Prowl: No finger removal. Yes one bite, maybe. NoodlesAtNight: (txt): Affirmative. That, old rumor. Disliked. Hard bites enjoyed. Energon, when allowed. Not solid piece consumption. Prowl: Oh. I'm sorry. I hadn't heard the rumor. I've dated other people who DO like biting off pieces of me. Prowl: I'm okay with hard bites and drawing energon as long as it's not from a main fuel line. NoodlesAtNight: (txt): Negative. Not main fuel lines. That, attacking, not sharing. Prowl did not know; forgiveness granted. NoodlesAtNight: *Pulls the hand away from his face and looks at it for possible scrapes or dents he can use to disguise a second nibble.* Prowl: *there's a great many tiny scrapes all over, especially on the palm side of his hand and fingers. construction work.* NoodlesAtNight: *Ah, very good. Then, because the fingers were brought up, once his mask is up he will steal the first one, pull it into his mouth, and very, VERY carefully bite just hard enough to leave almost-pierced pinprick points on either side of the lowest joint. That'll be a nice pair of visible dotted lines whenever Prowl writes with something, until he has that fixed.* NoodlesAtNight: (txt): There. Request, Soundwave satisfied. Many more promised if Prowl recovers, earns better visitation opportunity. Suggestion: obey recuperation orders. Do not cheat, attempt resuming work early. Prowl: *holds very still during this process. but whispers "good" a few times.* Prowl: I will not cheat in any way that could possibly endanger my processor. Prowl: And I don't like my work. I can use this as an excuse to not do construction and nobody will be able to blame me. NoodlesAtNight: *A fleeting glimpse of a toothy smile just before it finishes lowering again.* (txt): Secret loophole utilization. Amusing, pleasing. Prowl: *and another whispered "good."* Prowl: *he's figured out whispering. that's progress.* NoodlesAtNight: *It is indeed!* NoodlesAtNight: (txt): Prowl now gone several hours. Perhaps return: wise. Doctors will seek soon. Prowl: Yes. Good idea. NoodlesAtNight: *Rises and offers an arm if one is needed. He will see Prowl there, if Prowl wishes.* Prowl: *excuse me did u say More Hand Holding* NoodlesAtNight: *Just about* Prowl: *if they pass anyone during the walk he'll pretend that he's being led. His vision is better, but not great.* NoodlesAtNight: *Will post a map on his screen so they can't question it* Prowl: *brilliant strategy* NoodlesAtNight: *Onward, Rakish One.*
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