#he's smart in other ways but this god has HIGH charisma let me tell you
nectaric · 2 years
thinking about how actually smart zeus is and how frustrating it is when people reduce him to stupid old man thinks only with dick
anyway like this for a zeus starter bc i miss him and he ain’t even gone anywhere--
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lemonjamdraws · 3 years
Me accidentally hitting unfollow while desperately trying to get to your ask box for the character meme lol but bro I know next to nothing about Rona please tell me your thoughts about Rona lol
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WHO IS RONA (leftmost character)
Rona is a tabletop character I have for a scifi TTRPG called Stars Without Number. she is the most selfish and morally gray character i have ever made
pro martial artist & a masseuse & 1000 charisma
STRONK BEEFCAKE. mechanically, she can NEVER miss a punch. she will ALways deal damage thanks to cool buffs
she is a HENCHKEEPER which means she has "a knack for collecting lost souls to do her bidding"
GIRLBOSS GASLIGHT GATEKEEP - she is so freaking arrogant
she is literally a SNAKE she has spied on the other party members
SIMILARITIES TO LILITH: fallen from grace from an incredibly high position and ALSO she has SISTER DRAMA
she's actually perfect. some party members don't think so though
ok she is a wine alcoholic though
I've actually been the most objectively useful person around, so I should be the most-liked.
(spoilers, she is not the most-liked and she is Dumb of Ass)
Rona and party member named Garrett. The two of them are called the SNAKE SQUAD bc he helped her spy on a third party member LMFAO
Rona & Sho, her doormat henchman who she is using as a chef and then also a boyfriend. this is very problematic behavior.
Rona & Myka (15yo psychic kid PC who is her roommate. she is an awful parent and he is an awful kid who probably was grown in a lab)
Rona and Ash, ash is the most normal player character and actually confronted rona about Snakedom
ok it just wouldn't be healthy for anyone involved but right now the only potential outcome is her and her doormat boy Sho
HER otp is her and revenge
unfortunately it is a tabletop game and yall aint know anything about it
due to her fucked up arrogance, she is also emotionally reserved
UNPOPULAR OPINION (amongst the other players)
i think she's great
I don't take insults lightly If I could speak politely With just a touch I could disperse your atoms into dust With just a breath I'll bring you screaming from the brink of death I break the high and mighty I don't take insults lightly
If God's a Woman then you should be praying 'Cause I'm the only bitch that capable of sparing you Concrete cracks and crumbles Foundations fall to rubble The jaws of death are snapping The beak of Ravens cackling I break the high and mighty I don't take insults lightly
this is like the MOST girlboss song out of all my girlboss songs
Hello, it's so good to see you We met before but nice to meet you Yeah, I don't really wanna be here like, ah-ah-ah-ah What's my name, do you remember? I'm pretty sure you have my number So let's pretend we like each other like, ah-ah-ah-ah
This room is so suffocating Walking on ice, but nobody breaks it Stuck in this one-way conversation Guess I'll be here for awhile And you're blowing smoke in my face And telling me all about your paycheck Take a shot with a fake smile to chase it Guess I'll take another round
Everybody in this party feels so fake I really wish that I could say it to your face But I won't, so
this refers to ronas past life. she was basically heir to the number 1 richest most dystopian company and therefore had to do annyoing business networking. rona was a dumb party girl and her younger sister Katriane was actually like smart and fit to a run a company so they gave CEO-ship to katriane.
rona threatened to expose a company secret in exchange for ceo-ship and then her parents kicked her ass into the physical lowest level of the world. (its a vertical 3-tiered city, with the top tier being for rich fucks and bottom tier for like, 90% of the population in super poor land) and now she has to climb back for revenge.
i have a FAT playlist of songs but here a few more
PRAY FOR YOU by JARON and the LONG ROAD to LOVE (About revenge)
(thats her doormat henchman boyfriend Sho)
(she got 3d modelled)
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Can you please tell us about the whole scenario where MC gets kidnapped and Comte rescues her? The one with the CG I mean.
Sure thing! I’ll do my best to relay the events accurately, as this is one of my favorite moments in his rt~
Sizable Comte rt spoilers below, pls don’t click if you’d like to wait for the ENG release!
Okay so some much needed context before I delve too deep. In the first few chapters of the route, MC debuts in French high society (introduced by Comte as a friend’s heiress from overseas). As such, the better part of the Parisian population knows MC as somebody of noble birth. This is important moving forward.
One day while she’s in town she goes out with a friend upon request (also of high rank, somebody she met and made friends with at her debut) and Sebas encourages her to have fun before meeting up again to return home. Problem is, there has apparently been a great deal of unrest among the people in the lower rungs of the social ladder. Joblessness has been a prominent issue, and so a group of men decide to target members of the elite in order to force them to give a damn about the problem. In their desperation, they choose to abduct MC and her friend and tie them up in separate locations.
The other young lady’s butler/servant is present when they’re taken, but is unable to do anything to stop them. Surprising no one, he races over to find Sebas and tell him what’s happened. Naturally, Sebas is beside himself and takes the man with him in order to alert Comte. And Comte.........well........let’s just say he does not take the news well to say the LEAST. He hears them out, goes silent and it shows his furious sprite, and he’s about to storm out when Leonardo appears out of nowhere after he says MC’s name raggedly. (Note: not that odd bc purebloods seem to be able to sense each other’s feelings easily, and it’s likely he was responding to Comte’s acute and sudden distress). Leonardo has to grab Comte’s shoulder and tell him to calm down before he collects himself again, and then he leaves with Napoleon and Jeanne to go find them asap. 
Iirc, Sebas/the other residents take up the task of alerting the police and trying to find more information while the search party is underway. There is a hilarious tidbit I’d like to share, only because it’s uproarious and makes me laugh every fucking time I translate it fdkhdgdjfsf. So basically they’re all trying to figure out what’s going on, until Sebastian mentions the whole coalition of impoverished people looking to get back at high society for the financial inequities of the historic moment. Now Mozart, in a moment of brilliant word association, says “Oh, well yeah under those circumstances that would make MC the ideal target.” And I fucking. Isaac just turns around and is like. “Could you not. Say it like that. When our dad is hAVING A FUCKING MELTDOWN AND A DISPLACED HUMAN WOMAN IS IN MORTAL DANGER. COULD YOU MAYBE NOT???? JUST THIS ONCE.” And I just fucking lose it every time????? Like are those not the most Mozart-core and Isaac-core responses imaginable????? Mozart being so focused on the logic of the situation he just doesn’t seem to be able to read the room/keep in mind how upset Comte might be. Isaac being HYPERSENSITIVE to the emotions in the room and being MORTIFIED that Mozart wouldn’t word things more carefully.
Also a short note since I’ve been thinking about it for a while now. One parallel between Comte and Isaac I find utterly fascinating is that the two seem to share a formidable understanding when it comes to anxiety especially. Despite how composed Comte appears in the game, we later see more and more evidence of how deeply anxious he is when it comes to his future and the prospect of sudden loss. As a result, I feel like their biggest difference lies in the fact that Comte is a great deal older--so he has an easier time concealing/stifling/de-escalating his anxious responses. Even so, they seem to share difficulty in maintaining emotional distance. If Comte doesn’t exercise control, he gets too close to people, and the inevitable fallout (since they usually die first) is devastating. I think Isaac operates similarly, but his anxiety was so overwhelming he didn’t manage to get that close to most of the people in his time (Essentially, he doesn’t have the same charisma Comte possesses and he hasn’t lost as many people consecutively as Comte has). 
Moving right along. So! Comte and our swashbuckling friends (the Baguettes, as I like to call them) pinpoint the location/bunkers where MC and her friend are being kept against their will. (They find them after they receive a tip as to where the two ladies were last seen in town.) I’d like to note that in Comte’s POV of this chapter, he continuously blames himself for everything that’s happened. Saying that if he had been more careful, if he had done the right/smart thing and kept his distance, then she would have been out of harm’s way. (I disagree in that, when trouble seeks to find you it’s usually more a matter of entropy). In the midst of his agonizing, his mind goes to the worst case scenario and he forces the terror down--desperately wishing that he isn’t too late. 
So our bois split up into two groups, one being Comte and the other being Napoleon and Jeanne (yes this is Area 51 and Comte literally does Naruto run--but he doesn’t dodge the bullets bc they can’t kill him). Naturally our pureblood wonder manages to take out all the guards present and kicks down the door to where she’s tied up. The moment he sees her relief floods him and he rushes forward, untying her immediately. MC sees him covered in wounds--blood and torn clothing as far as the eye can see--and has a moment of genuine shock. She’s so used to the immaculate and ethereal appearance (not a hair out of place) that seeing him so disheveled and wild-eyed startles her. He asks her if she’s injured anywhere and she’s able to confirm she’s fine. He seems to be unable to register that she’s alright until she says those words, and he draws her close in his arms and starts shaking. She’s surprised again by his sudden proximity, but when she feels him trembling she hugs him back and strokes gently along his back, murmuring over and over again that’s she okay. She feels fine, she’s safe now.
In his POV, he speaks to the terror of her life lost that was weighing on him. He’s only able to verify that she’s alive when he feels her body heat, can feel her heart beat, can feel her arms moving--that’s why he hugs her; to have undeniable evidence that she’s still breathing. He hates himself for being so fragile, for being so needy, but melts under the gentleness of her touch.
Before the scene ends, MC hears his broken mumble at her shoulder: “Thank goodness...I don’t want to lose anyone anymore.”
And just to make it hurt even more! From Comte’s POV it reads (the brackets are his unspoken thoughts): 
"I......I don't want to lose anyone.......anymore" [I don't want to lose you... She hugs me back and her hands stroke gently along my back, as if cradling my heart. Her hands are so warm, proof that she's alive. You're so strong.....and so, so gentle. I know I should be prepared to say goodbye. I know I shouldn't be doing this. But I don't want to let you go...]
;-; I just. Every single time I read those lines I just start sobbing. He’s so tired of being alone, so exhausted. He loves her so much!!!!!!! He just wants one moment of PEACE GOD DAMN IT, LEAVE HIM ALONE CYBIRD!!!!!!!!!!!!
ANYWAY the story then skips to the aftermath, where Comte is back to his usual collected self. He’s at his desk doing his work (as usual) when MC comes in asking about how everything's going. He explains that he was able to find work for the people who attacked her, citing once again the concept of “Noblesse Oblige.” (For those unaware, it means “noble obligation” in French and alludes to this notion that the wealthy/privileged parties of society have nothing short of an obligation to use their resources in service to the less fortunate.) MC starts gushing about how both her and the police are really impressed by his ability to forgive them and help them anyway. This is where Comte drops that L E G E N D A R Y line where he says “Forgiven them? I never said I had forgiven them. On the contrary, the only reason I’m doing this is because they left you unharmed.” with that chilling smile.
So like. Get you a fucking mans that has the ability to pretend everything’s fine when you get abducted, beat the shit out of your assailants to free you, have a panic attack after you’ve been secured, and then still manages to have the grace to help the people that put him through his literal worst fear imaginable/re-traumatizing him even if they didn’t know it. This was essentially the scene that made me fall 100% in love with him. It was one of the first moments of profound, undeniable proof that not only does he care about people--he cares so deeply it shakes him to the very core. There’s just something....so moving about the fact that no matter how hard he tries to pretend that he’s distanced from something/someone, beneath that persona you just find a veritable avalanche of compassionate feeling/love. 
#asks#ikevamp#ikemen vampire#ikevamp spoilers#ikevamp comte#comte rt spoilers#man i wish i could convey how hard this chapter shook me to the core#i think that's why i don't mind the whole hot and cold in the writing of his rt--it really WORKS rather than being annoying af#i mean its so easy to believe he's removed from it all bc he stays quiet#tries not to be irresponsible--tries to be mindful of her situation and respect her feelings#bc the reality is that they have an enormous power and life imbalance#even if he does sincerely love her--and I honestly have absolutely zero doubts he does--being too hasty would be dangerous#esp given what he wants: he's not looking for a fling--he wants somebody to be with for a long long time#but he also knows that his considerable lifespan has given him quicker insight into that#this doesn't make MC stupid by any means--but at twenty-ish there are plenty of things a person has not yet seen or can't yet recognize#honestly? i think his decision to hold off and only decide when MC was sure--when she had seen every aspect of what it means#to be a pureblood--was the most responsible move. even if he was sure of his feelings early on i like that he gives her time#yet i like that his self-control is also less than perfect; i think it proves the dual sincerity of his attraction and desire to protect he#idk if i can explain it adequately but he just feels so balanced; the perfect combination of mindful but also flawed#it's even more interesting to me bc his charisma seem to function on two levels; the first kind he exudes on a basic level#being attentive to what's important to people/replying to letters and keeping in touch/conversing at parties eloquently#its the kind that draws people in initially and can often be what keeps them in his orbit (kind of like with the workers)#the second is so gradual and masterfully honed that it gets to the point where he believes himself to be insidious#though idk if he actually means any harm i'd wager it's more that he knows what he wants deep down and inevitably acts in line with it#its fascinating bc he seems to deem it premeditated and wrong but even he doesn't seem to be openly aware of his feelings until later on#he's insatiable but also capable of recognizing that--tries to tone it down if it goes too far#or at the very least offer MC something in return: all of his love and anything her heart may desire#just as he says he really IS a mass of contradictions sometimes--which explains why he seeks out someone that's firmly grounded#somebody that knows what they want/what's important to them/and can help stabilize him when he gets a little lost#I LOVE HIM IF YOU COULDN'T TELL OKAY THAT'S ENOUGH FROM ME
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barbabangme · 4 years
*a lovely mutual sent this to me and wanted to share anonymously! ENJOY SOME NICE BARBA FUCKIN*
Barba stood at the door of your apartment, a little concerned at how easy it had been to get in past security. He’d talk to you later about that, but for now he had to drop off your miscellaneous files you had left in his office. He was about to knock when he noticed the door was slightly ajar, like someone left in a hurry. Not only that, he heard loud music blasting from inside and became much more concerned. After pushing the door open, he followed the music all the way to the bathroom where he found you lying fully clothed in the bathtub, bottle of wine in your hand.
You couldn’t believe it. You couldn’t believe how badly you had bombed the case. It was open and shut, and it had been a complete surprise when the defense refused the deal you assumed they would take since the evidence was overwhelming. You had video evidence of the man committing the crime, yet the jury had been loud and clear: “Not guilty.” Never again were you going to underestimate the power of charisma a defendant could bring. In fact, you were probably never going to get the chance to have anything to do with a defendant, since you would almost certainly lose your job over this. Even an attorney that graduated at the bottom of their class could’ve secured a win, yet you graduated at the top and you didn’t. Before you had a chance to play Fernando by ABBA yet again, your colleague, the annoying yet strikingly handsome Rafael Barba stepped through your bathroom door.
“If I knew I was having company I would’ve tidied up,” you said, tequila bottle in hand, still laying at the bottom of your bathtub. At first he just stared at you with a mixture of what looked like pity and disgust. You imagined how this scene looked to him, the man who was put together with his three piece suits and expensive watches. You weren’t a slob but you certainly weren’t as anal as him about having it together. In fact, the last time you had anything together might’ve been the 5th grade when you got put in the gifted children’s class. It was honestly a surprise you got into law school, much less graduated.
“What are you doing?” he finally got out.
“Celebrating the loss of my job and my entry into the world of homelessness.”
“Come on, it’s gonna be fine. You’re better than this,” he said as he stood there awkwardly. You knew cheering people up wasn’t his strong suit, so you couldn’t imagine how uncomfortable he was then.
“You’re better than this. I’m not.” Climbing out of the bathtub, you became acutely aware that your blouse was unbuttoned, the same one you wore yesterday. You couldn’t bring yourself to care though, you were a mix of drunk plus dejected and nothing seemed to matter anymore. Who cares if Barba saw your underwear? It’s not like you would be working with him much longer.
“Now’s your chance to see what’s underneath all those three piece suits,” your inner monologue whispered.
“Oh my god shut up!”
“Excuse me?” he replied, and only then did you realize you said it out loud.
“Nothing,” you responded. “Want a drink? Most of my alcohol is cheap because I’m not exactly ballin like you are, but after enough of it it won’t really matter.”
To your surprise, he followed you to your pathetic looking kitchen. Maybe he wasn’t so straitlaced after all. After embarrassing yourself by almost falling over when you were walking, you finally got out every single bottle of alcohol you owned. It wasn’t much, but what little you had was potent.
“Take your pick, your highness,” you said as you did an exaggerated bow.
“Wow, this is, uh-”
“Awful? Yeah I know, but it’s all I have.”
“I was going to say unique, but that works too.” He grabbed your whiskey and poured himself a glass.
By the time he got to his third drink, you had seemed to forget all about the disastrous trial. You guys were laughing about something stupid, Barba honestly coudn’t have cared less what about. It was taking all his willpower not to stare at your exposed chest, willpower that was slowly decreasing the more he drank. You were wearing a lacy black bra, something that had always been a favorite of his and frankly it was driving him crazy. All those months of working in close quarters hadn’t helped him with his... interest? Crush seemed too juvenile of a word to describe it. Frankly he almost quit when he found out you were going to be his co-counsel. It was hard enough working in the same department together, now you’d be forced to be together for hours on end, day after day? He was a strong willed man but not that strong willed. But somehow he managed to do it, with the months of your hard work culminated in the sham verdict the jury gave out. At least it would be easier to avoid you now that this was over.
As you poured him another drink, Barba couldn’t help but make a slightly suggestive comment. “Trying to take advantage of me huh?”
“Maybe,” you said in such a way he almost believed there was more to it. He was about to brush it off when the glint in your eye caught his attention. He brushed it off as him reading too much into things, after all you were his colleague and it was highly inappropriate.
“God I’m so glad that trial is over,” you sighed, leaning back into your very old couch. “I can’t believe my last trial ever was a loss.”
“Okay you need to calm down,” he started. “You are going to be fine. Nobody is expected to win 100% of their cases, and the district attorney’s office has faced losses like that before. It’s not a big deal.” He genuinely thought he helped until he saw the look on your face.
“You really don’t get it do you,”you said, your voice low. “You, sir, are going to be just fine. Nothing is going to happen to you, your job is secure. Me? I’m a newbie compared to you. I haven’t been here long enough so for me to lose such an easy case? That looks badly on me, alright? I am fucked. I am so fucked. There is no way my career recovers from this.”
Barba could tell you were getting heated, but he couldn’t help but think you were overreacting and normally he might’ve understood that the smart thing to do would be to keep his mouth shut. However, he had more whiskey than he could remember and his mouth was looser than usual today.
“Honestly, you’re overreacting. The DA might be mad but at the end of the day we’re going to be equally blamed for it and eventually people will forget and they’ll move on. It’s-”
“It’s going to be a god damn disaster that’s what,” you almost yelled. “I don’t get how you don’t see it. I am supposed to be a lawyer that graduated at the top of her class, yet I can’t even secure a win from one of the easiest cases this state has ever seen? Yeah, you were there too but you’ve been in the game longer, you have more wins under your belt than I do, you’re more established. Compared to you I’m just starting out and I started out with a fucking failiure.”
You two went back and forth for a while, until Rafael could sense you were about to reach your tipping point. As you were about to shout something else at him, he calmly raised a finger in your face to quiet you down, held his glass of whiskey with his other hand, and took a drink. You were silenced immediately, mostly trying to figure out where he got the audacity when he put the drink down and looked into your eyes, culminating in what seemed like the longest staring match to ever occur. But something else was different. You didn’t believe in fruity things like auras or horoscopes, but it felt like the energy in the room had changed. All of a sudden, there was an unbearable amount of sexual tension, and it was all concentrated right between the two of you. It was almost as if the arguing fed it, made it stronger, to the point where you knew whatever proceeded would be against both of your moral codes.
After who knows how long, Rafael decided he had enough. “I think we both know how this is going to end,” he said in a deep, husky voice. You tried not to let on how much he affected you, but you just couldn’t help it. He looked so fucking good, with his sleeves rolled up and his jawline taut. You were so nervous, but now wasn’t the time to be nervous. With someone as confident as Rafael, you needed to act like you knew what you wanted and you were going to get it. You leaned in, until your faces were mere inches apart. “Oh really? Because I’m not sure I do.”
Getting up as carefully as you could, you slowly started walking towards the bedroom and began to unbutton the rest of your shirt. You kept forcing yourself to not turn around, you didn’t want to see what he was doing or you would psych yourself out. Right before you got to your bedroom, you felt a strong hand grab your entire arm and spin you. Again, you were eye to eye with him and you swore you felt your heart stop.
“If we’re going to do this, we’re going to do it my way,” he whispered in your ear. The dom in you didn’t even care, all you needed right now was him and you were going to do whatever it took to have him. Nodding slowly, he led you to the bedroom and sat at the foot of your bed.
“Strip,” he ordered, as he took a sip of whiskey from his glass. You unbutton your shirt as slowly as you could, partly out of fear and partly out wanting to tease him. You could that glint in his eye again, and it only turned you on even more.
After what felt like forever, you dropped your shirt on the floor. Standing in front of him in only a lacy black bra and a pair of fitted pants, you started to unclasp your bra when he held a finger up and stopped you.
“Pants first,” he pointed down. You obeyed, loving how bossy he was, a quality of his that often rubbed you the wrong way. Once you stood in front of him in your matching lacy underwear, it finally hit you how exposed you were. You started to cross your arms when he stopped you.
“I want to see you. Turn around.”
You almost didn’t, just to see what he’d do to you, but you eventually turned around. Once you were facing him again, he stood up slowly and began to unravel his tie. You couldn’t help but stare at his arms, they were just so fucking perfect. He put his hand under your chin and gently lifted your face so your eyes met. “Up here.” Staring into each other’s eyes was a strangely intimate gesture, but not an unwelcome one. You ran your hands under his suspenders as he unbuttoned his shirt. You couldn’t even wait for him to take it off before you ran your hands all over his chest and his back, pulling him closer and he glanced in your eyes for a split second before your lips met.
The first kiss was gentle and soft. He pulled back quickly to gauge your reaction. The second one was much more intense, his hand coming around the back of your neck, pulling you even closer. He slid his hands down your back and unclasped your bra, throwing it on the floor. He turned you around and you two fell back on the bed together, him on top. Your bodies kept moving close together, as if it was physically impossible for them to be apart. He started kissing your neck, and you made sounds you had never made with any other man before. So far, he had exceeded every expectation you ever imposed on him in your day dreams, and you hadn’t even gotten to the main course yet.
He was breathing heavily in between kisses when he whispered in your ear. “Take it out.” Your hands slid down and began to unbutton his pants when you felt it against your leg.
“I hope it’s not that big, my insurance doesn’t cover that,” you thought to yourself. You reached in and took it out and not only was it bigger, the girth was unmatched.
“I think you know what to do.” It may have sounded like a suggestion, but you knew better. Barba was always in control, even when it felt like he wasn’t and that was an order not a suggestion. Sliding the rest of your “clothing” off, you did the same to him with his shirt and pants while he moved around from your neck to your chest to collarbone.
You didn’t even notice it going in because he didn’t warn you. It went so deep you were speechless for a moment, all thoughts void. When you could finally breathe again, he didn’t go easy on you, instead he put one hand on the headboard and used to to drive himself deeper. You could feel your bed slamming against the wall, which was surely going to get a complaint from your neighbor but you didn’t care. He slowed down for a moment to come down and kiss you, so you took the opportunity to run your hands down his surprisingly wide back. He pulled away for a moment, and then flipped you around so your back was arched in the air. Grabbing your hips, he pulled you back onto himself with surprising accuracy.
“He’s done this move before,” you thought to yourself. After almost slamming you down on him, he moved one hand up to your waist to arch your back and the other to your neck and grabbed it.
“Good girl,” he whispered in your ear. You felt a shiver run down your spine and Rafael knew it too, smirking to himself before pulling you back onto him. It wasn’t long before you finished, letting out yet another noise no man had made you make before. You had no idea what it was: the sex, the moves, or the man himself but your never came close to finishing from sex alone before. You figured it was probably the fact that you had spent so long fantasizing about this man, only to have him exceed expectations. You couldn’t stop thinking about his hands on your hips, the way his mouth felt all over your body, how big he was-
Your train of thought was interrupted by his abrupt stop. You looked back at him to see him more fucked out than you had ever seen him before. You turned around to face him.
“What’s wrong?” you said, hoping he wasn’t regretting his decision.
“I’m not usually- I mean, it doesn’t usually happen this fast,’ he said, out of breath. You just smiled at him, stretching your legs out until they were around his waist and brought him closer to you. “That is just fine with me,” you whispered in his ear. The two of you lowered down, once again looking into each other's eyes. You locked your legs around his waist, he wasn’t going anywhere until he finished and when he did, he let out a guttural noise that only ignited a fire within you despite the two of you just getting done. The both of you collapsed on the bed, just the noises of heavy breathing filling the air while you tried to comprehend what just happened. You glanced over at him, half expecting him to have a look of regret but instead you saw something you could only describe as primal in his eyes. After a brief moment of staring at each other, he reached over with his hand to hold your face gently, then gave you the softest kiss in the world. You held his hand with yours, not wanting him to let go.
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peter-parcoeur · 4 years
“When you’re gone” - part 3
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Post Thanos snap, Peter has to live in a world where Tony Stark is gone. But what happens when Tony’s daughter enters his life...?
Summary + Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Going back to school felt weird.
Though Peter always seemed to struggle to find a balance between his ordinary teenager life and being an Avenger, this time, the wake-up call was hitting harder. His body was definitely walking across the High-School Hall, but his head was somewhere else.
All around him were familiar faces, some looked obviously different after what they all called “the blip” but most of his school seemed back to normal, which was harder to digest as he felt like nothing would ever be the same now that his mentor was gone.
How could he live in a world without Tony Stark?
Luckily, his best-friend was there to show some support and bring random chit-chats back into his routine. Even MJ had given him a hug as she seemed genuinely happy to see him back, but when it should have been the most amazing, unexpected moment of his day, Peter had felt nothing but comfort from catching up with a friend. No tingles at the pit of his stomach, no burning red cheeks, not the usual stiffness down his abdomen. Nothing.
It was like a part of him had died too.
They were all sat in history class when Ned tapped him on the shoulder from behind, his voice filled with some unusual excitement.
“Wow mate, check out the new girl!”
Peter had to roll his eyes and smile at his friend’s typical enthusiasm over the opposite gender. Every time a remotely ‘hot’ girl walked by, Ned turned into a little kid on Christmas Day with a massive sugar rush.
His smile faded as soon as he locked eyes with the girl sitting at the back of the class.
“God” Ned moaned “I would gladly let her step on my face, who’s she?”
“That’s Y/N Stark.” Peter stated as she looked away as soon as their eyes met.
“What do you mean--- Stark? As in...?
-         As in Tony’s only daughter.”
Ned was left gobsmacked at this new revelation, quite oblivious to his friend’s sudden change of attitude. Peter looked like he had seen a ghost, writhing on his seat with complete nervousness. He could tell her anger was still running through her blood from the way she avoided his look, but for some obscure reason, he also felt relieved. Now that they had to spend an entire year in the same room, maybe they would get to talk at some point.
When the bell rang, Peter wisely waited for Y/N to exit the room before he made any move. It had been the longest hour of his entire school experience and he had been sat in chemistry before, listening to Mr. Wyatt spreading bullshits about things Peter himself could teach better.
“You should talk to her” Ned said after being quiet for longer than anyone would expect him.
“I’m not sure she wants me to…
-         When was the last time you spoke?
-         Her dad’s funeral?
-         Yeahhhh…. Ned winced, maybe not the perfect time to have a chat?
-         I know, but she seemed so upset
-         Dude, her father died, you think she’s gonna give you a lapdance?”
Peter rolled his eyes at Ned’s obvious answer. He couldn’t quite process how he felt about Y/N. Part of him wanted to avoid her at all costs to save himself the embarrassment, but mostly, he wanted to walk down the hallway as confident as possible and just… talk to her. There was this weird attraction between them that made it seems like, somehow, this reunion was meant to be.
“Alright, I’m gonna talk to her” Peter sighed as he caught a glimpse of Y/N grabbing a few books from her locker across the hallway.
His palms were sweaty as he tried his best to brush them to the sides of his pants, air caught in his throat like he was about to give an inspiring speech to a bored audience. Nobody had ever made him feel this way, not even his high-school crush, MJ.
“Hi, Y/N!”
Y/N turned around to see Peter standing there awkwardly, both his hands buried in his pockets.
For a second, it seems like she was about to speak, her eyes daunting him from head to toes. As he stood closer to her face, Peter realized just how much she looked like Tony. She had his eyes, his cocky expression but her slim nose and perky lips were definitely Pepper’s. Her long brown hair was tamed on a sid braid and her ankle boots made her seem taller than him, which was embarrassing enough if she had chosen not to talk to him.
But with the snap of her locker door, she simply turned her back and walked away, leaving him speechless and embarrassed once again.
“Well done, Don Juan!” MJ teased as she walked past him.
On the other side of the corridor, Peter saw Ned biting his lip so he wouldn’t laugh at his misery.
Things were going to be tougher than he had thought.
Economics was the worst.
Peter and Ned usually discussed any other topic that didn’t involve money and budget throughout the whole course, but today, Peter was just lost in his own daydream, looking out the window with his chin buried into his palm. It was a nice autumnal day, the kind that brought him back to better times where he and his Aunt would start decorating their apartment with Halloween/spooky stuff, their favorite time of the year. It was hard to think that life would go on after the blip but Peter was willing to be an optimistic. Happier days would come.
“Alright, today’s class will be sorely about your final assignment… I want you to pay close attention because this will be half of your grade for the exam.” Mr. Andersen spoke louder so the distracted students could hear.
At least half of the class moaned in complete despair. Mr. Andersen’s assignments were known as chaotic and frankly awful. This one was no exception.
“You will be working as a pair”
Ned smiled brightly at Peter, knowing they would definitely team-up, as usual.
At least it would make it less horrible to be working as a team.
“But don’t get too excited” Mr. Andersen added abruptly as he watched his students stare at each other, building up the usual team partners. “I have written half of the class’s names on papers. These papers I have folded and put in this box so the rest of you can draw”.
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me” Ned burped out.
“Mr. Leeds, since you seem so pleased, we’ll start with you!”
Mr. Andersen walked closer to Ned and offered him a chance to pick a name inside the tiny white box he was holding. Ned reluctantly picked a piece of paper and pulled a worried face.
“Betty Brant…”
Sitting at the front of the class, Betty Brant looked over her shoulder and gave him an unenthusiastic thumbs up. At least, she was smart, but her good looks would definitely make it hard for Ned to focus on their homework. Shivers ran down his spine at the thought of having a girl in his bedroom, his temple, the architectural equivalent of a Jedi farting the Game of Thrones theme song, aka the shameful natural habitat of the biggest geek.
Things went on as everyone picked a team partner with more or less enthusiasm and soon enough, it was Y/N’s time to draw a name into the box.
She quite obviously hesitated before she composed herself and spoke.
“Mr. Andersen, is there any way I can switch partner?”
“Well, Ms. Stark, what would be the point if anyone just decided who they’d like to collaborate with? I’m sorry you didn’t pick your crush’s name but I’m afraid things are what it is. Now, would you be kind enough to share your designated partner?”
There was a silence before she spoke again, her hand fiddling with the piece of paper.
“Peter Parker”
“Dude, what are the odds???” Ned squealed as he sat next to Peter at the cafeteria.
It was lunch time and the whole room was buzzing with chatty students and cutlery grazes.
“Yeah, wow, I’m the luckiest guy in the world, am I?” Peter mumbled, still baffled at the complete humiliation he had been given in front of the entire class. The second one that day.
“Now she has no other option than talk to you, think positive!”
“Amazing, it must be as pleasant as being held at gunpoint somehow, I mean… did you hear what she said?” he sighed “Mr. Andersen, can I switch partners?” Peter was mimicking her disgusted tone when Ned gave him the big eyes, nodding towards a point behind him.
“Brilliant, why wasting your time here when you could have a one-man show?” Y/N bluntly stated. Her arms were crossed against her chest, her eyes glued to his face like she was trying to read his soul for some reason.
“Shit, Y/N, I’m sorry I didn’t mean—it’s just—
-         Let’s spare us both this conversation, alright? It seems like we’ll have to do this assignment, so… your place or mine?”
Ned couldn’t help but chuckle at the ambiguous comment, but as Peter gave him the dead eye, it was definitely too late to take his nervous laughter back.
“What are you, 12?” Y/N pulled an unimpressed look, eyeballing Ned until he went slightly red. This time, it was Peter’s turn to contain his laugh. Her attitude and comebacks definitely reminded him of the great Tony Stark. In a weird way, it was comforting, like wrapping yourself into a warm blanket in a cold morning. She irradiated with that famous Spark Confidence.
“Whatever suits you best” Peter finally said after what seemed like an eternity of quietness.
“What suits me best is to not be doing this with you but it seems like this isn’t an option, so…”
“Okay, my place then? Peter blurted out all of a sudden
-         What time?
-         Six thirty
-         Good” she turned to Ned “You got a pen?”
Ned fiddled with his backpack and handed her a black ballpoint pen.
“Text me your address” she simply said, writing down her number on a napkin.
She walked away without further word, leaving both Ned and Peter speechless for a while. Peter watched her sit at a table with a bunch of fellow classmates and for a minute, it felt like his brain had stopped to frame-freeze the scene in front of him. Everyone around her seemed captivated, whatever she was talking about. She had inherited that charisma from her father, that ability to catch everyone’s attention in the blink of an eye.
As he stared at her for a couple more minutes, Peter realized this weird, tingly feeling was back at the pit of his stomach.
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thelastdragneel6417 · 4 years
𝗗𝘂𝘀𝘁𝗧𝘂𝗯𝗲 𝗝𝗔𝗚𝗮𝗺𝗲𝘀 part 1
(Ok sooo here’s my first time trying to write something original and good god am I nervous soo I hope you all enjoy)
The sun has now just rose above beacon academy signaling the start of a new day, while many would view this day to train or study to improve themselves as huntsmen and huntresses. For the (SUPER AWESOME AMAZING AND SERIOUS) team called team RWBY their is only one word that they would call this day
*At Team RWBY’s dorm room*
Yang: *laying on her bed looking throw her scroll before tossing it next to her* uggg I’m booored.
Weiss: * gruntingas she stops working on next weeks homework* normally I would scold you on your bluntness I agree it is quite boring today.
Blake: * siting on her bed reading her por - u mm I mean Um her “high class literature” yeah I agree but what do you ya think we should do?
Yang: *in a thinking pose* ummm how about we got the club?
Blake: *shaking her head* seriously is that all you can think of?
Yang: *in a hurt tone* HEY!!!
Weiss: besides we can’t the bullhead terminals are shut down for repairs after YOU AND NORA ALMOST DESTROYED IT BECAUSE OF YOUR IDIOTIC FIGHT *glaring at Yang*
Yang: *waving her hand defensively* hey in my defense Nora started it server her right for saying that pancakes are better that wallfls and besides I won it in the end.
Blake: no you didn’t Nora clobbered you into the ground.
Yang: *angry* hey whose side are you on anyway!?!?
Blake: *rolling her eyes* anyway how about we head to the library?
Weiss: that’s an excellent idea Blake. I think some time in the library would do us all some good.
Yang: ugggg no not the library I though we decided to kill our boredom not to kill me!!!
Weiss: you can stand to improve your book smart you barbaric bimbo *glareing at Yang knowing fill well that she probably a single second in the library during the new semester*
Yang: hey I’ll have you know that physical strength and training are more valuable than reading a few book right sis?
Yang: *confused* umm sis???
*yang and the girls all turn to look at Ruby’s bunk to see that she’s laying on her stomach kicking her feet in the air in a childish manner headphones on her head humming along to a song not paying attention to the argument going on*
Yang: Ruby? *no answer* hey Ruby?? *still no answer frustrated Yang walks over to Ruby lifts one side of her headphones and screams in her ear* RUBY!?!?!
Ruby: *leaps I. The air in shock before landing on her butt in shock* owww *rubbing her butt to suve the pain before glaring at Yang* why would you do that?
Yang: sorry sis but I could get your attention what were you doing anyway?
Weiss: yes I would like to know too? *internaly* probably reading on of her childish comic books uggg what a dolt?
Ruby: ohh I was just listening to JAGames *ploping herself off the ground before jumping back on top of her bunk*
Weiss: *confused having never heard of what that dolt they called a leader was talking about* JA who???
Ruby: *gasping in shock before using her semblance to bolt over to Weiss getting right up to her face* YOU’VE NEVER HEARD OF JAGAMES!?!?
Blake: *anoyingly picking rose petals out of her hair and book* let’s assume we haven’t who are you talking about?
Ruby: *wipping her head around to Blake before screeching* HE’S ONLY THE GREATEST DUSTTUBE SINGER OF ALL TIME!!!!
Weiss: DustTube??? You mean that stupid website where people post those idiotic videos of themselves???
Blake: I wouldn’t say that DustTube it that bad you can make some serious money if you’re committed to it.
Yang: yeah but a DustTube singer is not a good thing to hear cause most of them are absolutely horrible *cringing as she remembers that Oum awful rap named “It’s Just Today Mate” by Ten Team*
Ruby *scoffs like she’s offended* ugh JAGames is nothing like them he’s a thousand times better than them his singing, his rhythm, and his music makes it look like all those other wanna bees are just babies playing with a baby piano.
Blake: huh seems like you know this guy a lot?
Ruby: of course I do I’m his number one fan after all I’ve listened to all of his music and bought all of his merch and all his albums JAGames’ music have gotten me through some tough times so I will always love him even though he has never shown his face.
Yang: huh soo that’s where all that stuff came from I’ve always wondered about that also *grinning* aren’t you already dating a certain noodle boy right now for shame Ruby how could you break jaunes heart by having an affair?
Weiss: I still don’t know what you see in that dolt *rolling her eyes back not truly understanding why ruby would want to date that idiot but nether the less grateful that he has stop relentlessly trying to ask her out*
Ruby: *beet red embarrassed* Yannng stop that it’s not like that all *blushing* even though I really like him and his music I will always love my sweet knight more.
Ruby: anyway I’ve got an idea since I’ve talked about JAGames this long *an ear to ear smile creeps up on her lips before shouting* WOULD YOU LIKE TO LISTEN TO SOME OF HIS MUSIC WITH ME!?!?
Weiss: *appoled* are you crazy!?!? No why would we ever want to listen to your stupid music!?!?
Yang: I’m in sounds like fun
Yang: it sounds fun anything to beat this boredom and besides I’ve been trying to find some new music for a while now.
Weiss: fine then be that way but know that Blake and I won’t be bothered to listen to your childish music.
Blake: actually I’ll join in too.
Weiss: *absolutly shocked* WHYYYYYYYYY!?!?!?!
Blake: same as Yang seems like fun also I’ve just finished reading my book so I e got nothing else better to do.
Yang: see even kitty cat wants to watch with us *blake glares at Yang for saying that* so whatcha say I’ve queen care to join us?
Ruby: *giving Weiss the worlds most dangerous weapon known to man the dreaded puppy dog eyes* plweeessszzzzzzzzzz?????
Weiss: *unable to resist the deadly powers of the puppy dog eyes* I— umm I ohhh alright I’ll listen to your stupid music what kind of music does he make anyway?
Ruby: *jumping up and down excited* yay thank you bestie ohh he mostly makes rock -metal songs some time a little bit of pop and always follows a certain theme.
Weiss: *annoyed by knowing that she’s going to be listening to that barbaric type of music* and that I is???
Ruby: *embarrassed* umm video games?
Weiss: WHAT THOSE STUPID IDIOTIC CHILDISH GAMES THAT ARE A WASTE OF TIME WHY DID I EVER AGREE TO THIS *exclaimed loudly but secretly at the same happy because deep down she is a HUGE gamer a secret that she will take to the grave* AND YOU *pointing to Blake* ARE OK WITH IT!?!?!
Blake: why not? I don’t have a problem with video games sometimes they can tell a story better that a book.
Yang: welp too late to turn back know soo sis what song are we listening to today?
Ruby: *excitedly grabs her scroll unplugs her headphones and sets her scroll near her freinds* how about his newest one it’s a remake of one of my favorites I’m sure y’all will love it!!!
(Here’s the song if you want to sing along)
🎶following total atomic anihilation🎶
🎶the rebuilding our this great nation our ours my fall to you🎶
🎶that’s why we at vault-tech have prepared these educational materials🎶
🎶for you to better understand the seven defining attributes that make you🎶
🎶the future fotells a tale of when the world goes🎶
🎶BOOM🎶 (when the world goes BOOM BOOM)🎶
🎶nobody prepared🎶
🎶don’t think anybody cared about the🎶
🎶SOLE TRUTH (nobody cared about the SOLE TRUTH)🎶
🎶oh the bombs🎶
🎶they rose🎶
🎶 now everybody knows the🎶
🎶catostrophic hell🎶
🎶will be soo🎶
🎶and be up in the sky🎶
🎶even when the world feels🎶
🎶lonely and cold inside🎶
🎶even when the heart feels🎶
🎶for they will fall🎶
🎶For they will rise🎶
🎶for they would tear apart the view 🎶
🎶from your very eyes🎶
🎶take your hindsight and Change the world🎶
🎶for its now your chance🎶
🎶to use your hands🎶
🎶descend through the cracked in the dirt🎶
🎶take on the vast open🎶
🎶following total atomic anihilation🎶
🎶the rebuilding our this great nation our ours my fall to you🎶
🎶that’s why we at vault-tech have prepared these educational materials🎶
🎶for you to better understand the seven defining attributes that make you🎶
🎶resources are scarce prepare yourself for homicidal🎶
🎶 claim you’re rightful place🎶
🎶mark the writing on your face turn a🎶
🎶well the bomb🎶
🎶they took🎶
🎶your land and now you’re🎶
🎶Thers masses of🎶
🎶proposterous, demonical🎶
🎶use your senses and you’ll🎶
🎶you’re the hero of this🎶
🎶for they will fall🎶
🎶For they will rise🎶
🎶for they would tear apart the view 🎶
🎶from your very eyes🎶
🎶take your hindsight and Change the world🎶
🎶for its now your chance🎶
🎶to use your hands🎶
🎶descend through the cracked in the dirt🎶
🎶take on the vast open🎶
🎶now let’s begin with some simple instructions on what makes you a
🎶build your ability’s to carry more🎶
🎶will keep your aim right where you want it to be🎶
🎶bronze will tackle foes but how long for?🎶
🎶socialize enemies are closer than you think🎶
🎶outsmart your foes with gadgets capable of removing harm🎶
🎶agilety 🎶
🎶build your reflexes to defend from approaching scum🎶
🎶Tatic and strength is one thing🎶
🎶but some times all it takes is good luck🎶
🎶now take your world and throw it upside down🎶
🎶one man pushes through🎶
*insert guttiar solo*
🎶for you will rise🎶
🎶through hell and back🎶
🎶you fortell of time when you were under attack🎶
🎶put your hindsight and change the world🎶
🎶for they will fall🎶
🎶For they will rise🎶
🎶for they would tear apart the view 🎶
🎶from your very eyes🎶
🎶take your hindsight and Change the world🎶
🎶for its now your chance🎶
🎶descend through the cracked in the dirt🎶
🎶take on the vast open🎶
Ruby: *nervous* sooo what do you girls think???
Yang:That. Was. Awesome Sis that has got to be one of the best songs I’ve ever heard it was soo action packed.
Blake: I have to agree that was a very good song not my cup of tea but still very good nonetheless.
Ruby: YAY that two for three sooo bestie did you like it???
Weiss: *quiet as a mouse and as stiff as a board before throwing her hands up in the air and screaming*HATED IT THAT WAS THE WORST SONG IVE EVER HEARD
RUBY: *almost as pale as a ghost and on the verge of tear* W-w WHAT!?!?!?
(That’s all I can type was it good or shit (sorry if it was) this is the longest thing I’ve ever typed here I hope you all enjoy) (don’t worry jaune comes in next part with a secret)
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tigerkirby215 · 4 years
5e Twisted Fate the Card Master build (League of Legends)
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(Artwork by Riot Games)
Never lost a fair game, or played one.
Twisted Fate is one of the oldest champions in the game and despite never being extensively changed he’s always found his way in and out of the meta. A very simple kit makes him a great champion for skill expression among pros.
There isn’t much reason for this build other than “I thought it would be cool.” Twisted Fate has always been a champ that I wanted to learn and while doing some brainstorming I felt it would be fun to try to make him in 5e!
It's all in the cards - Throwing cards aren’t the most practical choice of weapon, but they’re Tobias’ weapon of choice. By the way did you know that Twisted Fate’s real name is Tobias?
Shinin' gold - Twisted Fate’s iconic ability is to pick a card for either more damage, an AoE burst, or a stun. We’ll be taking all of them.
No fightin' destiny - It wouldn’t be Twisted Fate without the ability to teleport behind you. Nothing personnel, kid.
The people of the Serpentine River are human, and henceforth Twisted Fate’s a Variant Human with some card skills. You can increase two skills by 1: choose Dexterity and Intelligence for card reading and slight of hand. And for your skill you have to persuade people to sit at the table after all, so take Persuasion.
As for your Feat take the Observant feat to watch the cards: increase your Intelligence further and watch for any cheats at the table. And for your language there are no doubt a lot of sea creatures that speak Aquan in Bilgewater, so pick Primordial to speak to them and any other elementals.
15; DEXTERITY - Jack be nimble and Jack be quick, since you need mobility to survive in Bilgewater.
14; INTELLIGENCE - Poker is a game of smarts as well as luck, and while lady luck is smiling you also need your own skills.
13; CHARISMA - Not as high as I’d like but we need other skills more, and 13 is still more than enough to charm I’m sure.
12; WISDOM - Wisdom is tied to both Perception and Insight which you need to watch the cards.
10; CONSTITUTION - A little lower than I’d like (feel free to swap the 12 in WIS for this) but Twisted Fate’s hardly a tank.
8; STRENGTH - Again: Twisted Fate’s hardly a tank and it’s up to Malcolm to do the heavy lifting. (Oh god now I need to do a Graves build...)
Fun fact: Twisted Fate is a Gambler, which is a background in Acquisitions Incorporated. You get proficiency in Deception and Insight (not Slight of Hand, for some reason?!), one language (pick your poison), and one gaming set (which will of course be a Playing Card Set.)
Your feature is Never Tell Me the Odds, letting you scout out tables to swindle or more rough pirates who won’t take kindly to being scammed.
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(Artwork by Riot Games)
Starting off as an Artificer because I really like this class and we need both their saving throw proficiencies and their skill proficiencies for Slight of Hand and Perception at the table. You also get an Artisan’s Tool of your choice and I’d pick whatever since it really doesn’t matter.
As an Artificer you have Magical Tinkering which lets you do a bunch of fancy tricks to your cards. You touch a tiny non-magical object and can make it shine light, play a message, let out a smell or a sound, or change in visual appearance. Read over the ability to see everything you can do but the effect lasts indefinitely but you can only have a number of these active equal to your Intelligence modifier. You can touch an object you Tinkered with to end the property early but if you try to make a new one the oldest effect ends.
You also get access to Spellcasting as an Artificer. You get two cantrips from the Artificer list: Guidance will give you some luck with the cards and Acid Splash will let you throw out a red card for some AoE damage.
Artificer’s are a prepared spellcaster, meaning you can swap out your spells for others on the Artificer list at the end of a Long Rest. Regardless these spells will be suggestions for the most in-character spells to take: Detect Magic and Identify are both good to make sure no one’s cheating at the table, and Disguise Self is useful to hide in a crowd if needed.
Second level Artificers can Infuse Items to create a variety of magic items. As I say whenever I make an Artificer build I’d suggest picking Artificer Infusions that help your party but with only two levels we won’t be getting many.
The Returning Weapon infusion is the main one we’re here for. It lets you turn a thrown weapon magical and will cause it to return to your hand immediately after throwing it. Playing cards aren’t a “weapon” but a Dagger is pretty close, and it’s the only Finesse Thrown weapon you can take.
An Enhanced Arcane Focus is better if you want to go straight for spells. You don’t have any spell attacks yet but...
Is Graves asking you to look over his gun? Well pass him a Repeating Shot weapon so he doesn’t have to waste as much time reloading.
Fun fact: as an Artificer you can recreate common magic items from Xanathar’s Guide. Feel free to craft yourself some Loaded Dice with the Charlatan’s Die.
You can only make two of your infusions, and since one will be more-or-less permanently locked into Returning Weapon I’d choose your other option wisely.
You also get another spell: the Sanctuary spell will force any enemies that attack you to make a Wisdom save or be forced to attack someone else, which can be good in case they get pissed off when you swindle them. The effect does go away as soon as you attack though.
Now that we’ve got our cards it’s time to stack the deck. Level 1 Fighters can choose a Fighting Style and the Thrown Weapon Fighting style from the Class Feature Variants UA is perfect for a card-slinger. 
IF UA ISN’T ALLOWED see if they count Archery for thrown weapons. If not I’d probably opt for Dueling so if you get into a melee fight you won’t be completely defenseless.
You also get a Refillable Potion with Second Wind, letting you regain hit points equal to 1d10 + your fighter level once per short or long rest.
Level 2 Fighters can use their Stacked Deck to Action Surge, letting them take one additional action on their turn once per short or long rest. The cool thing about Action Surge as a spellcaster is that you can use the extra action to cast a spell and then attack or do something else, but you can only cast one leveled spell per turn. Why am I telling you this when most of your spells are utility-based? No particular reason.
Level 3 Fighters can choose their Martial Archetype and Battle Masters are great at card tricks. I assume because you’re throwing a knife not a playing card. Regardless Battle Masters are Students of War, letting them gain proficiency in one Artisan’s Tool of their choice. Again pick whatever or see if your DM can let you take a Gaming Set instead.
But more notably you Combat Superiority die. You have four superiority dice, which are d8s and regain any expended dice when you finish a short or long rest. You can use your Superiority die to do a variety of Maneuvers:
Trip Attack will be your golden ace in the hole. When you hit a creature with a weapon attack you can expend one superiority die to attempt to knock the target down. You add the superiority die to the attack’s damage roll, and if the target is Large or smaller, it must make a Strength saving throw. (8 + your proficiency bonus + your Dexterity modifier btw.) On a failed save, you knock the target prone. Note that knocking a target prone will make it harder to hit them with ranged attacks but it will make it easier for melee characters to hit them, and also slow them down for a moment.
If you’re fine with your stunned target moving then Distracting Strike will give your allies an opening to attack with Advantage, and also let you add the Superiority die to the damage.
Disarming Strike isn’t something TF can do in the Fields of Justice but it’s very in-flavor to knock the weapon out of an enemy’s hand (with a Strength save) and do some more damage.
That uneven Charisma score is annoying me, and you can’t be a silver-tongued swindler without the Silver-Tongued Feat from the Feats for Skills UA. Your Charisma score increases by 1 and you get Expertise in the Deception skill since you already had proficiency in it to begin with.
IF UA ISN’T ALLOWED feel free to grab the Prodigy Feat instead for Expertise in Deception (or Slight of Hand) and some more skills. This won’t increase your Charisma however so you’ll have to find another way to even out your ability scores.
In addition when you take the Attack action you can replace one attack with an attempt to deceive a humanoid you can see within 30 feet of you as long as they can also see and hear you. Make a Deception check contested by the target’s Insight: if you succeed your movement doesn’t provoke opportunity attacks from the target and your attack rolls against it have advantage; both benefits last until the end of your next turn or until you use this ability on a different target. If your check fails, the target can’t be deceived by you in this way for 1 hour.
You do only have one attack currently but with Action Surge this will let you have Advantage on that attack and any attack on your next turn. And speaking of extra attacks...
5th level Fighters can get value out of that silver tongue with an Extra Attack. This means that by replacing one attack with a Deception check you can get Advantage on three attacks over two turns, or up to five attacks if you Action Surge.
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(Artwork by Riot Games)
Now that we’ve got our deck it’s time to du-du-du-du-du for a date with Destiny. As a level 1 Wizard you get access to Spellcasting with 3 cantrips and 6 spells known. For your cantrips Prestidigitation and Minor Illusion will allow you to do some more card tricks and Friends will let you con your way through life with ease. As for your spells...
Color Spray will let you toss out a whole deck of cards, blinding your opponents with blues and reds.
Distort Value is good for any con, allowing you to make an item seem more valuble.
Ice Knife can be red, since it’ll explode in an AoE and chill your opponents. (But not slow them.)
Jim’s Magic Missile will let you throw out three cards that do considerably more Force damage than a regular Magic Missile.
Protection from Evil and Good can be good help for your partner in crime.
And Tenser’s Floating Disk will be helpful to haul all that loot.
You also get Arcane Recovery, letting you recover spell slots equal to half your Wizard level rounded up.
Now you’re probably wondering what Wizard Twisted Fate would be right? You’re thinking obviously Divination, or maybe Illusion? Perhaps even Enchantment to further the con?
Nope; Conjuration baby! Put bluntly Twisted Fate conjures cards into his hand, which you can do with Minor Conjuration. You spend an action to conjure up an inanimate object that’s no more than 3 feet cubed and weighs no more than 10 pounds. The object must look like a non-magical object you’ve seen before and is visibly magical, radiating dim light out to 5 feet, and it lasts for 1 hour unless it takes damage or you use this feature again, so you can only have one fake card at a time. There’s a lot of really funky stuff you can do with this and it’s up to your creativity to make it shine!
For your spells of choice Magic Missile is a far more accurate blue card, and Feather Fall can help you make sure you don’t lose your hat.
3rd level Wizards can learn second level spells like Jim’s Glowing Card Coin to distract the table while you make your getaway and Darkvision, to help with the fact that your pitiful human eyes can’t see in the dark.
At 4th level you get an Ability Score Improvement: increase your Dexterity for more precise card throws and an easier time avoiding damage.
You also learn another Cantrip: seeing as we’re still a pitiful human who can’t see in the dark the Light spell will let you light up a golden card to illuminate the path ahead.
You also learn two spells: Hold Person will let you Paralyze (not stun!) a target for your teammates to beat them down and Misty Step to pickup Flash.
5th level Wizards can prepare third level spells like Melf’s Minute Meteors for a whole pack of red cards! As an action you create six floating red cards around your person and as a bonus action you can shoot one or two of them up to 120 feet away. Each creature within 5 feet of the point where the card explodes must make a Dexterity saving throw or 2d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
Alternatively if Malcom is looking for you grab the Nondectection spell to make hiding just a little bit easier when he doesn’t have any tricks up his sleeve.
6th level Conjuration Wizards get Benign Transposition, allowing them to use an action to Flash up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space they can see. You can also instead choose a space within range that is occupied by a Small or Medium creature and swap places with them if they’re willing. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest or you cast a conjuration spell of 1st level or higher. Remember that this does take your action, meaning that you most likely can’t cast spells or attack after using this, but it’s still an insanely good utility.
You also learn more spells and I think everyone knows what Fireball is; full-AP red card go boom. If you’re looking for someone to give a date with Destiny then Clairvoyance will let you create a sensor in a familiar location to either see or hear what’s going on within.
7th level Wizards get access to 4th level spells, which is what we were looking for with Dimension Door. As an action you teleport up to 500 feet away to a location you can either visualize or describe. You can bring objects that you can carry and also bring one willing creature of your size or smaller who is carrying gear up to its carrying capacity. This spell actually pairs very well with Clairvoyance that we got last level because you can use that spell to peek into an area so you can visualize it for Dimension Door.
For your second spell? Eh; how about you jump back to third level for Counterspell? You’ve gotta protect the gang after all. And remember that as a Wizard your spell list is only restricted by what spell scrolls you can find.
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(Artwork by Riot Games)
Now that we’ve finally made out date with Destiny it’s time to learn some more card tricks. 6th level Fighters get another Ability Score Improvement and we’re going to want to cap our Dexterity for sharper cards and thicker leather chaps.
7th level Battle Masters get one more Superiority Die and two more Maneuvers: Maneuvering Attack is great to set up an ambush, letting your jungler use their reaction to speed up at your command. Precision Attack helps if your opponent is building armor, letting you add your Superiority Die to your accuracy.
You can also spend one minute to Know Your Enemy. For every minute your study your enemy you can learn if any of the creature’s following stats are equal, superior, or inferior to you:
Strength score
Dexterity score
Constitution score
Armor Class
Current hit points
Total class levels (if any)
Fighter class levels (if any)
Considering that you have levels in Wizard this can be very useful to determine what saving throws to go for when you start the fight! Is their Dexterity equal to yours? Maybe don’t hit them with the DEX save. Is their AC high? Maybe do hit them with the DEX save.
8th level Fighter? Lady luck is smiling! Take the Lucky feat for an Ace up your sleeve when the going gets tough.
9th level Fighters get Indomitable, letting them reroll a failed Saving Throw once per Long Rest. Consider it a bit of Serpentine luck helping you when you really need it, so use it wisely; preferably on something you actually have a chance of rolling well on your save for?
10th level Battle Masters get Improved Combat Superiority dice, turning them into d10s. You also get two more Manuevers and we’ll be jumping over to the Class Feature Variants UA for Silver Tongue, letting you add your Superiority die to any Deception or Persuasion check you make. The Snipe meanwhile will let you sneak a card into your combo, allowing you to spend your Bonus Action to make a ranged weapon attack with the Superiority die, adding the dice to the damage if you hit. This can be a good way to sneak a bit more damage in if you teleport behind a squishy carry.
Our capstone is the 11th level of Fighter for a third Extra Attack, letting you attack three times per round or six times with Action Surge. If you activated Silver Tongued this equals a total of 5 attacks with Advantage over the course of two turns, or 8 attacks with Advantage if you use Action Surge! With that many cards in the deck someone’s going to have to fold.
Lady luck is smilin' - You have an immense amount of utility with magic and maneuvers to help you both in and out of combat; tons of mobility with Conjuration spells and a good bit of roleplay utility with some strong skills, a great passive perception, and Roguish proficiencies.
Cheater's just a fancy word for winner - If your DM allows you to use the Silver-Tongued feat then you’ll be making almost all your attacks with Advantage, allowing you to maximize your maneuvers. And +14 Deception is great for RP in its own right.
I never bluff - Despite having several abilities that only come back after a Long Rest you’re quite capable of surviving on just Short Rests and Refillable Potions. With Arcane Recovery giving you back up to 4 levels worth in spell slots, Benign Transposition coming back whenever you use a Conjuration spell, and all your Fighter abilities coming back on a Short rest you can keep trucking on even after a bad teamfight.
Nobody touches the hat - Wizard levels plus a 0 in Constitution results in about a hundred health. Invest in some Ruby Crystals (Amulet of Health) when you can or else you’re just a Power Word: Kill away from death.
All or nothin' - Throwing knives honestly aren’t that practical as a ranged weapon. If you don’t mind not having a melee backup try making a Repeating (Cross)bow instead.
Only a fool plays the hand he's dealt - The biggest truth however is that the 2 levels in Artificer really doesn’t do much for you. All you get is a bunch of spells you could’ve gotten from Wizard and the Returning Dagger. If you have a reliable way to get some throwing cards (either from a DM or an allied Artificer giving you a more reliable ranged weapon) I’d suggest splitting those two Artificer levels among Fighter and Wizard for more Ability Score Improvements and a 20 in Intelligence.
But you can work well alone and with a crew. You’re the ace in the hole for any party, even a party of 1. Keep your cards close to your chest and play what you need at the right time. Just be sure to know when to put down your cards and pull out the big guns.
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(Artwork by Riot Games)
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tslasvegas · 4 years
Episode 13: “What a depressing trip to Las Vegas” - Jaiden
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I just have one thing to say.
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HAPPY THANKSGIVING! It worked! I didn't expect Joey to vote with us. I feel bad about that, but hey, we couldn't see him being sincere. If he told us who the others were voting for, then maybe we would have changed votes. Jaiden was open to it already. Kailyn is probably the one who voted with John for Liv. Maybe she thought he would play and idol or maybe jury management. Anyway, she should have told us. 
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Joey got voted out. Which was not supposed to happen this round. Pat and Jeff are just so naive and easily to manipulate. I’m sure they could be convinced to self vote without any real effort. I don’t even want to bother working with them moving forward because of it. But I might have to. I can’t let grudges get in the way of getting to the end game. Honestly at this point I’d be happy going to F3 with Liv and Kailyn. Xavier is too nice. Jaiden is too... out there? Love him, but I don’t want to sit next to him at the end. And Pat and Jeff i just don’t think they deserve to make it that far
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I still can’t believe tribal tonight was real. It’s been like six hours and I’m still in shock that Joey finally went home. Like... what??? I’ve been dealing with that dude for three weeks and I’ve held his little secret in until it finally came of use to me, and... now I’m in the final seven. The game has NOT been won yet and while I feel like cheering and celebrating, I need to maintain my focus and center myself as the game is nowhere close to being over yet. We’ve still got at least four tribals to go, but after tonight I might be able to say that I’m exactly halfway through the merge (assuming it’s a final three... dear god please be a final three). Top eight was a really hard mountain to climb and once I lost immunity I felt a little out of touch with what was gonna happen next. I really felt like my time was going to come, and I’m so thankful that it wasn’t. Tbh Kailyn might’ve gone home today had Jeff not told me about a Palazzo chat still being alive and well. I don’t know how I’m gonna turn this bad situation around again but I need to convince Keegan and Livingston to work with me, Kailyn, and Xavier. It is critical now that Jeff or Pat go home because one of them is going to win. Before Joey left, he told me that there is a rumor that Jeff or Pat have an idol nullifier. While a nullifier won’t affect me right now, it’s not something that I want to see in the game going forward period and I want to use that little piece of information to my benefit and finally get rid of Pat. I’ve been saying for SO LONG that we need to get rid of Pat and now the time is ticking down. He has to go as soon as possible, fuck whatever Jeff says. Tbh I want to fly into the final six with no votes cast against me, still. I wonder if I can get Jeff and Pat to target like Keegan or Livingston and I really just need Xavier or Kaitlyn to bring up Pat’s name first before Jeff.. I doubt they have the smarts to recognize the danger that they pose, but we will see... Keegan is DEFINITELY pissed off at me now too. I made the mistake of telling him that I was “a little annoyed” about how tribal went, which was such a dumb thing to say bc tribal went exactly how I wanted it to. I’m playing off the fact that Kailyn must’ve known abt Joey voting for Livingston because her name was on the chopping block too so that’s why it went 4-2-2 rather than 5-2-1 like it was supposed to. I don’t want anybody to know that I was playing for Joey’s advantage which I’m sure people think I have right now lmfao... Anyways really I need to just make Keegan NOT hate me because he’s still part of my plan long term (I think)... he’s really smart tho and I’m not counting him out to win the whole thing but he hasn’t really done much of anything whereas people like Jeff and Pat and Xavier have kinda done a lot... If Keegan isn’t prepared to be fully loyal to me til the end then there’s nothing I can say to him except adios. All I really need right now is an immunity run til the end. I hope that the next challenge is something that doesn’t require a lot of skill because I am INCREDIBLY anxious just thinking about a competition, live. I need final seven immunity because then I’m guaranteed top five... the furthest I’ve ever been in Tumblr Survivor by a mile. I’ll break so many of my own personal records with that one single immunity win. In fact, if I make it to final five, that will be the best I’ve literally ever done in a Skype survivor org. I haven’t done that good since April and it’s just really affirming to me that this was the right decision for me to come back to Tumblr. Aside from winning challenges and making more moves, I also have gotta start fixing my bad relationships. Like I mentioned earlier, Keegan seems REALLY pissed off at me for how things went down with him being left out of the vote again. I can only apologize so many times before I am simply unforgivable. Maybe say sorry less and work to do better??? Idfk. But if Jeff or Pat can just say Keegan’s name, I’ll do what I can to prove to him that I’m loyal to HIM and not them. I hope that the Palazzos are falling to pieces now and realize that the only way to the end is to stick by us and nobody else. Jeff was also pretty mad at me for pushing his buttons a lot today. But honestly he was feeding me utter bullshit. I don’t buy that he was my savior and guardian Angel today, protecting me from having my name come up. I should honestly tell Livingston that Jeff sold him out to me not too long after Livingston said my name in their little chat. That would be hilarious. Kailyn and I are pretty close, but it could be better. I think I tend to revert all game-conversations with Xavier, so I don’t consider Kailyn my main ally unfortunately. If I want to go to the final three with her and Xavier, I need to really work on building that GAME relationship up because as a person I think we vibe well but it’s gonna come down to a couple factors and if she *has* to be sacrificed for me to get further, I can’t do anything but let it happen unfortunately.. As I just said, Xavier is kind of my main strategic ally right now which is super weird to say. He has definitely stepped it up A LOT in the strategic department and I have a lot of respect for him just as a person and I want to try and pick his brain a little bit more. The only thing with Xavier is that he seems to be playing really “safe” right now - I think had the opportunity presented itself to vote for Jeff with Joey, Xavier wouldn’t have gone for it and would’ve wanted to stick strong with voting Livingston instead. Which I totally get, but this game right now kinda requires we make bolder decisions than just what kinda didn’t work last time, you know? Okay now for Pat - god our relationship is just so weird. I have virtually not ties to Pat except the one alliance with Jeff and I feel like Jeff wants to control Pat rather than let Pat be his own player. It’s weird. I wonder if Pat would be down to vote out Jeff but fuck it’s gonna be hard to pull that off. I don’t want to hold off on Pat BECAUSE if I can’t get him out next, I will need him at final six and hopefully final five to serve as a sacrificial lamb or something. I’m wondering now if maybe Livingston needs to go because people are gonna always view Pat as a huge threat to win, even though he might not necessarily do so if he gets there. Livingston... yeah I really don’t like Livingston lmfao. I think it’s because of his super close connection to Rachael but it might also be because he is like, cool and nerdy and a bit of a try hard “around camp” so to speak. What REALLY gets on my nerves about Livingston is that he possesses zero of the charisma to convince me that he sucks at this game but enough social finesse to make me think that he’s actually gonna win if he gets to the end. He’s like, that cool dork everybody was friends with in high school. Even though parts of his game have been lackluster as fuck, he’s still a massive threat to win and I might just need to kick him off to the jury as soon as possible. :) And finally... me! I’m gonna try hard to be unbiased and self-aware but it’s so difficult to do that bc I genuinely don’t know how ppl are perceiving me this time.. I THINK it’s mostly positive but tonight was definitely one of my most negative episodes bc of how stressful I was being before tribal. Just ask Jeff. I think I’m definitely succeeding in getting votes to go my way and I have had a LOT of things go right for me since the merge. From Stephanie leaving right when I needed her to, to the double removal, to the super idol coming out and getting rid of Joey... It’s been so good so far. BUT I’m not being subtle about it. Subtlety is not a strength of mine that’s for sure.. I think I succeeded in being “subtle” about the Steph thing bc I was not making it overly obvious I wanted her out but otherwise I’ve been very clearly controlling other decisions and how certain votes went. Leaving two people I don’t trust in the game (Pat/Jeff) is tough but at least I worked with them on something, right? Joey was telling me so much that he was gonna lose to me and I think he was right. Now Jeff is saying that he’s probably going to lose if we’re in the end, but he doesn’t want to vote me out. Do I trust that? Not really... But fuck, I don’t even know anymore!!! I think if the game was over right now, I’m going to be grilled to DEATH for being fake as hell to Joey. I think that’s gonna come back to bite me so I need to start talking POSITIVELY about Joey to EVERYBODY. Read him for game, not for personal reasons. And maybe I’ll even talk his game up going forward just so that the person who goes into jury at least relays that I made a “good move” voting for Joey to leave (even tho I didn’t vote for Joey hehe). I wonder if people think I’m just playing tjem as pawns and not as real people.. bc these are definitely real people we are playing with here and I recognize that, but honestly in my mind nobody here wants this as badly as me. If that makes me the villain, I’m fine being the villain. But I’m not a human being that will ever play this game with a passion to play humanely. I want to win so badly. I’m going crazy in my own head, the wheels turning in hyperspeed. I’ve never been hungrier for something like I am for this win... I can hold out another year in this environment if I have to. I can and I will 🤠
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Darn third world slow internet connection! Anyway, it made others look like challenge threats more than me, so hopefully that gets me through more rounds if they think other people can win more :) 
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That was a very stressful and very tense immunity challenge. Jeff was the clear front runner for the first five rounds, being the first person to advance in all of them. He’s a quick typer which made me very worried I wouldn’t be able to pull off a win. However, the last round was “Name That Song” and with the help of Siri, I snagged the immunity necklace! Final 6 here I come! This round presents me with an interesting dilemma. Since I have immunity I can be a little more ballsy. So I could throw Jeff or Pat under the bus, try to sway Jaiden, Kailyn and Xavier to vote one of them out. Or I can stick with the OG Palazzo group that is saying (for the fifth time I might add) that they want to stick together. That hasn’t worked out at all yet this merge and we’ve voted 4 people out. Pat and Jeff seem pretty interested in targeting Xavier for being a social threat which I don’t disagree with. But Jaiden is a very strong player. This is one of those rounds where I’m insanely grateful to have immunity because there’s also a bunch of advantages out there. I know Livingston has a regular idol now. But there’s vote steals and extra votes and idol nullifiers out there somewhere and that’s so nerve-wracking. Also, Jaiden mentioned to me that this is the last round for a lot of those advantages and I just don’t think I buy that. Final 7 is a weird place for that. Regardless, I’m fully expecting this to be a wild and crazy tribal tomorrow. Can’t wait to see what happens because I get to sit there looking pretty with my new bling. Xoxo Gossip Girl
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I am terrified of tribal today and I have a bunch of different ideas in my head but I just want to survive. Kind of where I am at is I feel like I am getting 7th no matter what because I have never tasted top 6 in an ORG. I could play an idol here at 7, waste it, and then just get fucked at 6. One thing I thought about was "finding" the idol part of the way through tomorrow and then letting OG Palazzo know to build trust. The only issue with this is that the idol nullifier is in play. It could still be on the board. It was on the board when I got my auction advantage. But if it isn't, and Pat and Jeff turn on me, I could be fucked idol or no idol if the nullifier is played. I suppose that Pat and Jeff have both never voted me as far as I can tell, unless I have miscalculated one of the vote counts for the past 2 tribals. Maybe it'd be safer to hold onto the idol quietly and just hope I don't leave with it in my pocket. This is so stressful because if I leave with it in my pocket, I look like an idiot that had the luck to get two advantages but couldn't traverse the game much past that. 
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Okay so, Jeff is my closest ally at this point. Voting out Joey was our move and I am very happy we did. I don’t express the anger that I’m feeling and I think that helps keep my relationships good with people. I think I’m good with Livingston and Keegan and also Jaiden and Kailyn. I was Xavier out this round but I feel like something is going to happen. No one knows I have an idol which is amazing and I hope I don’t have to use it til final 5 and I have immunity and can play it on someone else for the fun of it. I can’t believe I made final 7 and am actually kicking up playing the game by voting correctly on Joey. I think so far I have 2 of the 4 votes at final tribal council, Andrew and Steph. I think I have a road there, I just hope I make the right decision because I’m still in I a weird phase of the game and anything can happen. 
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This tribal feels very weird. Jaiden is insisting he hasn’t heard anything at all about the vote. Which I find very strange considering he’s basically been running things most of this merge. Why would suddenly no one tell him anything? Especially Kailyn and Xavier. Seems like those three are fairly open with each other. I could not be more happy to have immunity this round. No matter what happens, I am safe and have not a thing to worry about. I really really hope that Pat and Jeff are being honest and actually voting for Xavier like they say they are. If they’re flipping and voting for Livingston.... I don’t even want to imagine that. But I’m getting some sketchy vibes. Fingers crossed it’s just me being paranoid, though any time I say that something unexpected happens.
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Ok I'm calling it, I'm going home tonight ! Literally nobody is telling me anything and it's really quite pathetic to see Keegan, who says we're super cool and good friends and will be friends once this is all over, win immunity and then not make a single attempt to pick me up and flip me to his side. Unless he's so confident that the Palazzo four will stick loyal to the very end... which they probably will, but Jeff is gonna beat all of them in the end and I think they see me as a big threat or something LOL I guess it's good gameplay for them but I hate it either way. I don't really have a lot to say bc now I just feel dumb. I wish I had an idol, but of course, I do not. Anyways, I'm going to have to stick with the fact that people are voting for Xavier tonight and hope my name doesn't come up at all. I'm going to lie and tell Xavier that I'm certain its me or Kailyn tonight and hope he holds an idol if he has it... or plays it on me heh. We'll see though... What a depressing trip to Las Vegas if it ends like this. 
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The last Confessional :( 
0 notes
Sanders Sides RPG AU
Ok so hear me out
new au, Dungeons and Dragons / Savage Worlds / generalized RPG, work in progress, definitely gonna draw for it so dont worry about that
hoping to make it into an ask blog if there’s interest, or if there isnt, because I still like it lol
definitely a lot still mold-able here, if you have some ideas or additions or head cannons to add, please pile them on! :D
LOGAN - (moon elf) Half-elf, Lore Bard (wizard was too obvious) - inspires through teaching moments, inspirational speaking, encouragement, and maybe a rap or poem on a special day - despises the stereotype that all bards sing and dance - raised by the elven parent, this + longer lifespan = detachment from emotion - Wisdom and Intelligence high, Charisma and Strength mid, Dexterity and Constitution low - Lawful Neutral (doesn't bother himself much with arbitrary rules of morality but definitely isn't evil) - Weaknesses: bad at emotions, tends to over-speak, short fuse
PATTON - Stout Halfling, Open Hand Monk - loves good food and companionship - focus on the wellness of the body and purity of the heart and soul - calls himself a ‘way of the open arms’ monk (hugs!) - Dexterity and Wisdom high, Charisma and Constitution mid, Intelligence and Strength low - Lawful Good (lying bad, stealing bad, killing bad) - Weaknesses: a bit judge-y and strict(practically raised by a bunch of old monks and a therapist, he cant help it), quick to trust, fear of spiders
ROMAN - Protector Aasimar, Oath of the Crown Paladin (bard was too obvious) - son of Sune, goddess of beauty and passion and the color red, who really just lets him do his own thing cause she's about as close to 'drunk/cool mom but to the point of negligence' that you can get while still being loved by ur son - so, stick with me here, paladins get their powers from their belief in what they swore their oath to, right? - ideas are EITHER boy is a prince literally/emotionally and swore an oath to himself like a g OR he swore an oath to his king, thomas - either is wholesome and good - Charisma and Strength high, Dexterity and Wisdom mid, Constitution and Intelligence low - Chaotic Good (will break the rules to do what he knows is right, happens to do so frequently) - Weaknesses: super-inflated ego, insecurity issues, v strong but not actually very hardy
VIRGIL - Drow, Wild Magic Sorcerer - during an event he doesn't remember well, while travelling with his old party, they came across Some Shit® that sorta fucked them all up - he went into the experience without magic and came out of it with magic he couldn't control and some pretty bad nerves about some impending doom something something he doesnt remember - left his old party cause he didn't want to hurt them, found three new guys after a while - Strength and Constitution high, Intelligence and Dexterity mid, Wisdom and Charisma low - Lawful Neutral (follows his own code of rules, not necessarily the laws of the land) - Weaknesses: has some trust issues, Some Shit®-related/induced nightmares keeping him from sleeping good, can't control his powers and lost confidence in his previous skills (range-based fighter)
DECEIT - Yuan-ti Pureblood (I mean, clearly), Warlock (either great old one or demonic, still deciding on that) - one one of them who remembers the Some Shit®, came out of it with a deal, knowledge he can't safely share, and some new powers - seems to want the best for everyone, but harbors so many secrets... can he be trusted? - Charisma and Intelligence high, Dexterity and Wisdom mid, Strength and Constitution low - True Neutral (driven purely by self preservation and personal goals, not 'good' but def not evil) - Weaknesses: compulsive liar, short patience, the awareness of impending doom
REMUS - Fallen Aasimar, Wild Soul Barbarian - son of Sune, goddess of beauty and passion, brother of Roman. Mom hardly talks to either of them if at all, but they're pretty sure Roman is the favorite. Remus doesn't appreciate that her views of beauty are so restricted to traditionally attractive things, and started wearing green as part of a rebellious phase, but it really stuck when he started hanging around faries and they seemed to like it so much. (his mom is mega petty and condemmed him as fallen when he said red wasn't his favorite color. this is not a joke) - spent a lot of time planehopping to the nearby feywild, underdark, and shadowfell, met some strange people, and adpoted some strange tendencies and beliefs - Met virgil first, then they found deciet, becoming The Boys® - also saw the Some Shit®, doesnt remember it, but pretty sure that's because it just wasn't very interesting compared to a usual Saturday - Constitution and Strength high, Dexterity and Wisdom mid, Charisma and Intelligence low - Chaotic Chaotic (he cannot be defined with a moral tag and you know he can't) - Weaknesses: unpredictable to the extreme, some inadequacy issues, maybe crazy a little bit This is a fantasy world with several of Thomas and Friends and various skit characters inside, as follows: (I only have thomas joan and talyn rn, no idea for terrence and valerie and camden and the others yet... any ideas lol)(i hope i'm spelling everyone's names right)
REMY - Half-Elf, Inquisitive Rogue - Logan's older brother, formerly a spy for the kingdom they live in, actually very high level but prefers to sleep and otherwise do absolutely nothing - obscenely good at reading people, which Logan desperately envies - hangs around picani a lot, used to go to him for therapy (wouldnt tell logan what about) but now they're just good bros - Charisma and Dexterity high, Constitution Dexterity and Wisdom mid, Strength low (higher levels, less lows) - True Neutral - Weaknesses: debilitatingly lazy, blunt, Curious with a capital C
EMILE PICANI - Lightfoot Halfling, Circle of Dreams Druid - uses his abilities to read and sooth people really well and works as a therapist - sweet boy and housemate to patton, known each other since patton was a child - also pretty high level but doesnt really use it - Charisma and Wisdom high, Dexterity Constitution and Intellegence mid, Strength low - Lawful Good - Weaknesses: first language is refrences, refuses to display negative emotions (more of a 'i will philosophy and cartoon my way out of my sad asap' than an emotion-bottler, but don't put it past him) THOMAS
- Human, Glamour Bard (pretty 👏 boy 👏) - inspires through singing, dancing, performing, encouragement, speeches, literally breathing - Charisma and Intelligence high, Dexterity Strength and Wisdom mid, Constitution low - Lawful Good - Weaknesses: quick to trust and sympathize, puts others first (strengths AND weaknesses) - Lord of base town, with Joan and others as his Advisers
JOAN - Tiefling, Mastermind Rogue (sneaky spooky smart one, good with knowing about people without being necessarily good with people) - Thomas's primary adviser and master of secrets, Remy worked for them - looks scary, very pure. cuts cute little horn holes in their beanie for god's sake i mean come on - Wisdom and Dexterity high, Charisma Intelligence and Strength mid, Constitution low - Neutral Good - Weaknesses: You assume??? Joan can be bested??? Joan cannot be killed. Joan cannot be overcome
TALYN - Forest Gnome, Abjuration Wizard (protective spells) (cute small) - A prime adviser and Master of Knowledge (lore, history, scientific developments, etc) - favors defensive and ally-boosting spells - Logan's teacher; Logan respects and admires them very very much - Intelligence and Charisma high, Dexterity Constitution and Wisdom mid, Strength low - Neutral Good - Weaknesses: its Talyn, Talyn has no weaknesses. thoughts?? interest?? suggestions?? thank you for reading this long post lol
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Review #57-61
Old Review #57: 500 Days of Summer Written 31/08/18
Directed by Marc Webb Written by Scott Neustadter, Michael H. Weber
I was really, really surprised. I honestly thought they’d showed us the ending at the very beginning, so even when Summer was getting married, I had the confidence that things would turn out well in the very end. But no. She actually did get married to someone else and they didn’t end up together. I LOVED THAT. It was heartbreaking but I LOVED IT. It’s so unique! So unconventional! Even the very last scene was unconventional, how Autumn declined when he first asked. It was both funny and unexpected. This entire movie was full of unexpected twists and turns and I absolutely loved that.
Now, about how I could relate to the film. I think I could really relate to Summer. Not in terms of attractiveness and all that, but the difficulty she had in commitment and how private she was. And it’s weird but Summer’s right, you can just tell. You know when you fall in love.
All in all, a great movie. I loved the twist in the end. I also loved the message. It made me kind of sad though. The message is true, but it made me a little sad. That there really isn’t something like fate and in the end, even the most painful breakup, even the most compatible relationship, even the most unforgettable person, can be replaced by someone new. Christians tend to believe that God has prepared someone special for them. But that’s probably not true.
Old Review #58: The Dark Knight Review Written 20/07/17
Directed by Christopher Nolan Written by Jonathan Nolan, Christopher Nolan, David S. Goyer, Bob Kane
Just finished The Dark Knight, then had a brief squeal fest over the fact that Netflix had the sequel as well. I’d really wanted to rewatch it. I loved it so much when I first saw it. I still can’t forget that well scene. I personally think it’s one of the best I’ve seen in any Hollywood film.
As for The Dark Knight, amazing, amazing, amazing. THE AMOUNT OF SUSPENSE. Honestly, if anyone wants to learn how to write suspense, they should study this film page by page, beat by beat. I’m just going to jot down the amazing bits in bullet points cause I can’t think straight to write full paragraphs right now. But one thing – the Joker wasn’t as terrifying as I thought he’d be. Harvey Dent’s face was much more terrifying.
The amount of choices. CHOICES. CHOICES!!!!
The choices were always equally DIFFICULT. The balance was astounding. Rachel or Harvey? The wife or the boy? The ship full of civilians or prisoners?
The amount of TWISTS. You honestly never knew what was going to happen. I loved that so much. I absolutely loved the scene where that one prisoners gets up and throws the detonator out the window. He was a better man than the police officer. Those kinds of scenes. Where you think someone will be a certain way, and then they totally surprise you.
The Joker was smart. I loved that. I love a smart villain. When you don’t know what the villain is going to do and how, that’s when it gets amazing.
I also love how Harvey turned into a villain too. I also love how they used the two-face concept. That was great. Terrifying, therefore great.
I LOVE HOW THEY KILLED RACHEL. Look, it was great. It was one of the best things the film did. How many times in a superhero film does the hero save the damsel in distress? ALL THE TIME. It was refreshing seeing that NOT happen for once. It was new and positively shocking to see the death of an important person ACTUALLY happen. It was the best motivator, the best trigger for the story to be pushed forward. There was so much force now. The story, the characters, their motivations, became rich and meaningful. Rachel had to die. It was good that she died. (I’m talking about this all from the point of view of a screenwriting freak. Of course I didn’t ACTUALLY want her to die.)
I just love how the film presents choices, and then actually ACTS ON THOSE CHOICES. There are so many films where someone’s in danger, or something terrible is about to happen, and then the film saves it in the last moment. It’s kind of like a cheat. They build up the tension immensely, and then destroy it by making everything all well in the end. ‘Oh, were you scared? Hehe. It’s okay now!’ They’re teasing us.
But this film actually follows through, and that’s what makes it so terrifyingly good. With other superhero movies, whenever a threat is introduced, of course I’m scared at first, and tense, but after a while I’m like, “The hero’s going to save the day anyway.” And it happens.
But with this film, no. If time runs out, the hero doesn’t get to save the day. No deus ex machina. He can’t get there on time? She dies. It’s that simple. They don’t cheat the audience by suddenly presenting a miracle. Things go to plan. How come the good people always get a second chance? Keep things real.
The coin. Leaving it up to chance, Harvey’s coin was the most suspenseful token I’d seen in a film. AND AGAIN, HE FOLLOWED THROUGH. I really love that. That’s honestly what makes the film truly suspenseful. It follows through. So when the next decision making moment comes up, you KNOW they might actually die. The stakes are high and the stakes are fucking REAL. They actually will die. Decisions HAVE to be made, actions need to be taken.
I love that.
Review #59: Fight Club Written 18/07/17
Directed by David Fincher Written by Jim Uhls Based on the novel by Chuck Palahniuk 
I want to, no, need to, talk about Fight Club.
It’s a fucking crazy movie. I really don’t like this movie. I can’t stop watching it, but I really, really don’t like it. I guess as a viewer, I could be told the same thing: Just stop caring and let go, and watch the fucking movie for what it fucking is.
But I CAN’T. I’m typing furiously right now because I just really can’t. I can’t bear to see all this crazy insane yoloness. I want it to stop. I want them to stop fighting and I want them to stop doing crazy shit and get their FUCKING LIVES TOGETHER.
I want the main character (do I even know his name?) to honestly get a grip and stop making a mess out of his life. He knows it’s wrong. But he’s so affected by Tyler’s words and his useless charisma all the time that he thinks it’s cool to be so crazy.
I think the movie is kind of glorifying Tyler, putting him up on the same level as a god. There was even a crucifixion moment. And the main character is trying really hard to look good to Tyler (like all his other 꼬봉s) and honestly it’s all a matter of self-esteem. Main character, you don’t need to do all that insane shit to feel like you’re worth it. So Tyler is a charismatic dude. So what. He’s not worth all that effort for you to feel accepted and appreciated. I just can’t with this film.
Review AFTER the film ended:
My mind… is blown away. Has been blown away. Not literally. Thank goodness not literally. I’m really amazed. I wasn’t really surprised at the split personality twist, for some reason. I was just sitting there going meh a little. It was a nice save, though, is what I thought. It was the right move to make in order for us to start understanding and liking the main character. A good move. A redemptive move.
The last 15 minutes? or so? were pretty amazing. Full of tension, and I had no idea what would happen. I loved it when the gun shifted from Tyler’s hand to… uh… Tyler’s. The movie turned out to be so much more different to what I thought it would be. At first I thought it was about fighting, and letting it go, and then it got way too much and I started feeling really uncomfortable, and then it turned out to have some fantasy aspects and got really good.
I’m kind of shaken right now, and I have to go home. But uh, let me talk briefly about what I think the message was.
Don’t FAKE IT. You are who you are. Even if you’re going through hard times. That’s who you are. Don’t hide yourself, don’t fake yourself. Don’t create a fake personality to slip into whenever you feel vulnerable. Let yourself be vulnerable. 강한 척… 하지 말자. I’m really shaken by the film right now. I can’t believe that gun shot didn’t blow his head off. Wtf.
Review #60: Catch Me If You Can Written: 13/07/17
Directed by Steven Spielberg Written by Jeff Nathanson Based on the book by Frank Abagnale Jr., Stan Redding
It’s a really good film. It made me think a lot, and I was never bored. I was always kept in suspense, and I was emotionally moved. I think that’s pretty much enough for it to be a great film. All around amazing in terms of action line and relationship line and character depth and development.
Frank was such a great character. He just felt so multi-dimensional and real. That’s the amazing thing about great characters. You never get the thought that they’ve been made up. You never get the thought that some writer sat at their desk for hours on end developing this “character”. I guess DiCaprio’s acting made it more realistic, but in general, Frank’s character was just really raw. I really loved him. He was interesting, dynamic, and had an intention behind everything. He was really active, he led the story. He was always making decisions. Argh. Amazing. He was always pushing the story on by making decision after decision. Even though he was the one being chased, he was the one making all the decisions and leading the story. Isn’t that amazing? You’d think that the person being chased would be the passive one, reacting to the fact that they’re being chased. Running away and escaping all the time. But no, even his escaping seemed like a feat, a beat, an extravagant decision.
And underneath all that, was his broken soul. That was the most amazing part about his character. He was doing all that because he was broken inside. All he wanted, was for his dreamy, perfect life to be put back into place. And he thought money could solve that. He thought if he tried hard enough, he could get his parents back together. He thought he could give them money, and the three of them could live as a happy family again. He always, always had fantasies of happy families – you see it so clearly and deeply in his eyes when he’s staring at his parents dancing, or when he sees Brenda’s parents washing the dishes together. That was his dream, deep deep inside. And he tried to achieve that and failed. He became disappointed with himself and his life, and came face to face with the fact that he couldn’t save anything – never could turn back time and put things right again – and made the decision that the real life wasn’t worth living. And so he began running away, living a lie. Remember what Carl says in the end. It’s easier living the lie (I think?).
I was so glad Frank came back in the end though. I’m glad he made that decision. See? Until the end, Frank is very much a strong, active character. HE makes the decisions.
I learned a lot. I think this just became one of my favourite films. (2020 me: Really?)
Review #61: Beauty and The Beast (2017) Written 18/03/17
Directed by Bill Condon Written by Stephen Chbosky, Evan Spiliotopoulos
The main problem I had with this film was some of the dialogue. It felt forced, cheesy, too economical. I know that each line of dialogue needs a purpose and you should only write what is needed, but I felt that it was a bit too much here (for example, the scene where Belle talks to her dad for the first time).
However, other than that, I was more than happy about what I saw on screen last night. It was truly enchanting. That is the perfect word for it. It reflected the animated film enough to feel joyfully and uncontrollably nostalgic, but also challenged several aspects of the original to create a more logical, credible, interesting story. It was a perfect adaptation.
When we see Belle for the first time in that small provincial town, in her blue and white dress, we are completely floored and can only watch mesmerized as she walks through the town, the townspeople singing one of the most famous Disney introduction songs.
Said simply, I gained immense pleasure from two things:
Recognizing things from the original film. Seeing how they made it into live action.
The things they did differently. They added bits and pieces to the story to make it perfect.
I'd love to watch it again just to jot the differences down. Also, I was holding my breath during the ballroom dancing scene. Perfect. And when she picked up the plate to drink from it. That was perfect. She didn't teach him to use the fork and spoon. It was like she got down to his level and tried to understand him while also showing him a better way to do things.
It had just the right amount of difference to make people wonder what might happen next. And that's amazing for an adaptation.
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sparda3g · 5 years
Kimetsu no Yaiba Chapter 194 Review
Tanjiro is all there’s left to stand. Fortunately, Muzan is aging rapidly, slowing him down within each minute. This grants an opportunity to win for the Pillars. But, it also grants an opportunity to change the plan and charge after Tanjiro without a minute to spare. This leaves to Yushiro and others to help the injured, so they can get back and fight. Will it be too late?
I wasn’t expecting to see the cat again, but I also didn’t expect to see it in pieces. It was like a cruel joke from Croc-sensei. Fortunately, that’s not the intention, though it wouldn’t surprise me. It’s Chachamaru and Yushiro turned it into a demon right before the battle. The best part, it’s still alive. That’s a good cat; who said it can’t be a man’s best friend. I’ll bet Yushiro will garnered more fans for his soft side.
The medics are off to treat the Pillars as well as the uprising candidates like Inosuke and Kanao. My concern is whether they have treated Kanroji already. Likely they have, but what’s her condition? Will she be able to fight? My bigger concern however is Himejima. Yushiro treats his wounds, but notices his condition is severe. He won’t be fighting anymore, but I have a feeling he will force himself. That translate to his death flag; arguably the highest one raised so far.
Part of me was afraid of medics treating them, mainly due to my selfish desire to keep them alive. Realistically, Tanjiro can’t win alone and it shows later on. As appreciative I am with realistic take without overpowering a hero in one swoop, this is one time I wish it was the case. The Pillars have to fight to the very end; to victory or death. It’s a heavy toll to say the least. Yushiro lost Tamayo, even if it’s for the greater good. He and others can’t afford to lose. Tanjiro needs help now before it’s over. It’s downright serious.
The action grows intense with Tanjiro slowly losing focus. Realistically, his condition, let alone not Yorichi’s God-like body, wouldn’t allow him to keep the flow going from last chapter. I still give credit for him to do all forms in one sequence. As soon as his focus begins to wear off, it was only matter of time before he would slip up; literally if I may add. That moment could have been his death, but a snake appears to save him on time. Again, really like the realistic take on not having one man defeating the main boss, even if it is Tanjiro.
On one hand, I was thrilled to see Iguro back in action. On the other hand, his death flag has rise up to the same level as Himejima’s. It was all nice for Tanjiro, until his vision restored. I recalled saying Iguro’s injuries looked bad, but the gruesome scars across his face startled me. He no longer has any eyes to see, but thanks to Kaburamaru, his snake pet, it will do the senses for him.
I don’t think he was treated by the medics since no one else has returned. It’s worrisome when it’s only those two against Muzan, who may be aging but still pose a threat. The snake must be kept alive for Iguro to survive. Otherwise, his death will be guaranteed. So far, my bet is on him and Himejima to go out before it ends. I hope others’ condition aren’t as bad. The sad part is, Iguro won’t able to see Kanroji’s beauty anymore. At this rate however, it’s better to return alive than unable to see.
Muzan’s fighting style has changed, now that he is desperate mode. It’s telling and alarming when he doesn’t stand still anymore and chases after them. It’s even worse timing for Iguro to return. That said, it does exhilarate the tension higher. The danger is real and the monster coming after you is the worst feeling. It’s two-on-one, but even then, it’s about surviving. It’s all on the two to work together.
The action does heats up with Iguro’s life on the line. Kaburamaru informs him to dodge here and there. Muzan notices to be the case, which is concerning. I’ll bet he’s going to aim for it to make things much easier. If only he wasn’t so smart. Tanjiro keeps him at bay, combining their techniques to save themselves. It’s quite the accomplishment for those two to gel well together as a team. It helps the matter with Muzan yet to adapt the aging potion as of yet. I hope that doesn’t mean he will eventually.
Tanjiro wants to pay the favor for Iguro after being helped many times. Not too long ago, the anime adapted the moment when those two have a bad first impression. Iguro is still stubborn, but he means no harm. I’m already won over by his action and charisma. The two came a long way. Although I bet on Iguro is next to go, it lies on Tanjiro to keep him alive.
The chapter ends with a potential game changer; a miracle if you like to call it. Muzan seems like immortal who can’t be wounded or scarred eternally, but when dealt with a God, it won’t matter. Muzan’s scars appear across his body. Thanks to Yorichi, he never recovered because those damages were burnt at a cellular level. Seriously, no one can’t match to Yorichi if he did all that in one fight. That being said, I like how the past contribute the future, even if it’s hundreds of years later. He created weak points for Tanjiro and others to target. More and more the battle heading to the epic climax and I’m hyped as hell.
This was a pretty good chapter. The medics are healing the Pillars, indicating that they will return soon. There are concerns with Himejima and Iguro’s injuries, more on the former. The death flags are high for them. The action was engaging, now with the pattern alternating with Muzan moving and the Pillars on the verge of death. The intensity will only increase further. The artwork is solid, especially on the nasty scars on Iguro’s face. The cliffhanger promised a hopeful solution to slow down Muzan until dawn, thanks to Yorichi. It’s better late than never.
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gem-quest · 5 years
[ B A L E S T R A  . . . ]
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“A great battle is a terrible thing,“ the old knight said, "but in the midst of blood and carnage, there is sometimes also beauty, beauty that could break your heart.” – George R R Martin
Real Name: Esther Meier (Nicknamed Essie at school, but she hates it)
Age: 19
FC: Alexia Giordano
Species & Class: Celestial Knight
Guild: Moonstone
Description of In-Game Powers: (Sorry this is super long. This is largely based off of DnD Aasimar and Paladins, but without trying to bring in actual divine powers. Instead I tried to make it more centered around a player’s perception of themselves and their actions. If this doesn’t fit with other species or the world, let me know!)
Celestials are what could arguably be defined as a light-based typically Moonstone-aligned species similar to sylphs or fae but without the connection to the environment around them. Instead, they seem to draw power from their own actions and convictions, making them a lot more internal than elemental species. Their path and their thoughts about their path define their progression. This makes their dialogue options, interactions with other PCs, and their approaches to passing certain levels very important in how they develop and the skills they gain. But it also makes their own assessment of their actions pivotal in their direction, unlike many other species. They don’t gain skills just by completing tasks, but based on how they perceive how they completed these tasks. Usually Celestial players tend to go for high Psyche/Charisma stats to boost their mental fortitude and balance. But Balestra doesn’t really understand balance beyond proper footwork. She makes up for this with a high willpower that shot even higher after her return to level 1. Willpower is a double-edged sword for Celestials since it enhances however a Celestial feels about their own actions regardless of whether this has a positive or negative effect, whereas other stats merely increase the potential for a Celestial to regard their action as good or heroic.
The interaction between player actions, player perspective, and leveling opportunities makes them a relatively unpopular species choice except for those gamers who like to save before every major NPC interaction and religiously google the different effects of game routes and encyclopedic lore entries before making any choices. In other words, most people find them tedious with a slow ramp and unpredictable leveling. Now that players can’t exit the game or return to save points, they’ve become pretty rare as they tend to die off quicker. But if they survive long enough and can find a good balance between mental stats, goals, and their class, they can become power houses. If not, they tend to be ineffective or even self-detrimental. An unstable Celestial can be equally powerful, but usually just as destructive to themselves as those around them…whether intended or not.
While they have the ability to learn flight, like sylphs, they have large feathered wings instead of diaphanous insect wings. Unlike fae, some classes of Celestials can even use these as melee weapons or shields, especially with specialized armor. Celestials also tend to have a strong affinity to light and some classes can practice light magic. The power of this is also connected to their perception of their actions, along with stats like psyche and charisma.
Regardless of other stats, Celestials’ main buff is in their luck, which extends to the rest of their party when in close proximity. In truth, Balestra didn’t even want to be a Celestial (or a Moonstone player, for that matter). But her school friends wanted that luck buff, and as always she played along. There was some fault with her copy of the game though, and when facing an attack against her party where she should have died, she ended up using up all of her luck buff (and even her luck stat) to reset to the beginning level while her friends died. In turn, her luck stat points randomly shifted to other traits. She can’t decide if she’s one of the luckiest or unluckiest Gem Quest players. In effect she died. All her items are gone, which happens to dead players. And all of her level progress disappeared. But something happened when she was reset. Not only does she have a luck of zero while still retaining all the negatives of the Celestial species; she lost the wings, flight abilities, and light affinity that are the only other Celestial perks. And moreover (and much more pressing), she can’t seem to use potions or magic on herself. Who knows if she can even get out of the game now if she can’t use Relinquium on herself.
Place of Birth: Berkshire, UK
She is most well known for defeating the wyrm Miro in nothing but the default character attire of white tunic and leather pants (mostly because she was on her second playthrough by then, trying frantically to regain all her lost ground, and partly not caring whether she died or not). While she does have a suit of engraved silver armor which she tends to wear in more active levels, and isn’t opposed to trading out her more martial attire for something a bit more flowy and delicate (god knows she needs whatever charisma bonus she can get on the levels that don’t rely on stabbing things), the beginning character outfit has become a bit of a calling card for her, along with her wild halo of curls. No matter what, she prefers to stick to more medieval or renaissance inspired clothing.
“Delicate in every way but one (the swordplay) God knows we like archaic kinds of fun (the old way) Chance is the only game I play with, baby We let our battles choose us” – Glory and Gore, Lorde
Places Most Likely to be Found In-Game: When not clearing levels, she tends to wander the Valley of Monsters since it’s Destrier’s home level. She’s found he’s easiest to deal with in a setting where he belongs, and becomes increasingly harder to control in more incongruous places (Few can forget that disastrous foray into the peaceful Moonstone haunt of the Gardens of Finvarra where Balestra and Destrier learned that no, eating fae NPCs does not count as eating fairy food. Balestra is needless to say not very popular among her guild). Beyond being known as a strange pariah figure people tell stories about having glimpsed speeding through levels in little more than the default character attire, she has gained a reputation as a pretty capable monster hunter for those in the market for parts but unable to handle battling beasties themselves. So she tends to spend more time in the monster-infested areas of levels than most players.
Current Inventory:
Not really inventory, but has somewhat tamed (keyword somewhat) a griffin she calls Destrier. To her that’s basically naming something horse, but she’s killed so many other mounts that she tries not to get attached. The two get along like a house fire. He has all the worst attributes of cats and birds; namely wanting to steal and then eat anything remotely shiny, wanting to kill and then eat anything that moves whether alive or not, not wanting to eat anything actually given to him as food because he didn’t get to kill it himself, being at once stubborn and proud while impressively lazy, and being altogether too smart for his own good and too stupid for Ess’s.
Halberd x 1
Quicksilver Longsword x 1 (This magical sword has the ability to change forms, shifting between rapier, longsword, knife, zweihander, and other bladed weapons which provide different stat bonuses. But it does have the distinct drawback of slowly poisoning its wielder with every use, lowering their hp and psyche dramatically for a period of time. The more its transformation powers are activated, the longer this effect lasts, which can eventually lead to an almost permanent madness. It has also been rumored to be addictive, causing the user to want more and more to shift between its forms.)
Rope x 1
Fire Salamander Gizzard x1 (Rare drop from Fire Salamanders used as a fire starter. Not as fast or reliable as a potion, and a lot more work to acquire. But if you can’t use potions you learn to make due)
Astragali Fortuna x6 (hippogriff knucklebones covered in runes which must be coated in the intended target’s warm blood to be used. They are rolled and then either buff/nerf a stat or induce the effect of a random potion in the game’s database depending on the symbols rolled. The probability of which potion effect is induced depends on the rarity of the potion. This effect does not last as long as a real potion’s. It is about as often detrimental as helpful to its target and is regarded by most players as unreliable for both personal and offensive use. A high luck score increases the chance of a positive outcome, as in part does willpower. But the exact formula for the RNG behind the item is unknown, and most players regard it as a possibly disastrous joke item.)
Venison Jerky x10
Full suit of armor x1 (she usually just wears bits and pieces since it does tend to lower her dexterity)
Beastmaster’s Gorget x1 (Ess actually isn’t a rider, but she needed that speed of a mount to regain her level progress, and she desperately wants to fly again. So she still uses a mount despite not having any of the helpful traits of a Rider player like knowing where your mount is, being able to call it, or being able to control its actions in battle. The gorget helps limit some of those problems. She thinks of it as a “Rogue Griffin GPS” with a bit of a defence buff. It ties him to her by a certain distance though it doesn’t really force him to obey her at all)
Strongest character trait: Stubborn, and she hates that about herself despite how many times it has saved her.
Strengths: creative and determined when she has a goal. She’s had to go about the game very differently her second time around, but she hasn’t succumbed to any of her handicaps yet and in many ways is a stronger player now than she ever was with her original group as her original Celestial Knight self.
Weaknesses: Conflicted, overthinking, and overly controlled when in reality she’s a lot more instinctive than she allows herself to be. She still has a hard time trusting herself 
Player Stats: (I’m going based off of an average individual stat score being 5, so the average total should be around 50. But if that doesn’t seemed balanced, please let me know! Also, after Balestra used up all of her luck returning to level 1 instead of dying, her luck stat was redistributed randomly to her other stats –hence her having 2 sets of numbers. She thinks of herself like a paladin pre-glitch and something entirely different afterwards. The closest she can think of is cursed).
STRENGTH: 6  || 7
DEFENCE: 5  || 6
CHARISMA: 2  || 2
PSYCHE: 2  || 2
WILLPOWER: 6  || 9
AGILITY: 8  || 8
ENDURANCE: 6  || 7
LUCK: 6  || 0
Destrier Stats: He was once a fightable monster, right? So that means he has to have stats. I just figure he’d have fewer stat points than a PC, so I arbitrarily gave him 2/3 the total points I gave my PC. Again, let me know if that’s unbalanced. Since Balestra’s not a Rider (despite acting like one a lot of the time), she doesn’t get any stat bonus from him. He just does his own thing, which only sometimes aligns with what she wants him to do. She’s only able to marginally control him based on having a higher willpower and charisma, though only barely.
tld;dr: She’s goal/cause driven but without a cause, has spent so long being a malleable persona shaped by family and peer expectations and status but has found that without that microcosm she’s just a hollow shell reeling with misplaced anger and stifled independence that’s eating her from the inside out. She is quite intelligent and has taught herself to be disciplined despite actually being much more volatilely reactive than she’d like to admit.
Inscrutable, private, and quiet
Determined (when she has a goal, although she gets frustrated and dangerously unpredictable even to herself when she feels aimless)
So used to carefully crafting her image that she’s lost a lot of her internal sense of self and self-worth. She’s also quite comfortable with blanketing herself in little lies rather than show people the more vulnerable reality underneath. This doesn’t always mean she tries to make herself more appealing, sometimes she tries to push others away with lies instead.
Creative and Resourceful
Does best when faced with a problem. She likes solving things, and tends to pull herself together when faced with an external threat.
Vacillates between a guilt complex and a rigid disregard for the effects of her actions. In reality, she’s somewhere in the middle, but it’s unsettling having to face both what she’s done and how she’s not entirely sorry about it in order to actually come to terms with herself.
Overthinker to the extreme, but more because she’s trained herself to be so. In reality she’s pretty instinctive and reactive. But from family, school, and friends she’s learned to gauge every possible effect of her actions before taking a step. This led her to be paralyzed by indecision and more of a follower in real life, but now that she’s on her own and in charge of an even more instinctive and wild creature she’s had to chip away at that protective calculation and just act. It’s terrifying and freeing all at once.
Has a hard time reconciling her softer side with her sharp and harder tendencies. She tends to come off as biting, rigid, and distant but has a softer and more delicate side she tries to bury. 
Quite independent but doesn’t fully trust herself. She’s so used to being part of something and deferring to others that she feels at times lost being on her own. She has cycles of loneliness and defiance where she just wants to push people away and forge her own path.
Has a very dark sense of humor, but she doesn’t let that out for just anyone. She’s gotten most comfortable with Destrier, just by sheer amount of time spent with him and the fact that she has few other people to talk to. Sure, he doesn’t quite talk back, but he has his own brand of snark and the two have a weird back and forth.
“And each man stands with his face in the light. Of his own drawn sword, ready to do what a hero can.” –Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Why was she here? Esther asked that often, as she stared down the slathering maw of some fabled beast with nothing but a halberd between them, as she grasped tight to a half-tamed griffin’s feathers and fought it all the way into the sky for some semblance of control, or as she sat alone beside a sputtering fire and stared up at the false constellations of another simulated night which seemed to hulk too low and too heavy above her.
Why was she here, in this chaotic mess of monsters fighting for nothing, in this broken body which couldn’t remember how to heal or shine or fly? Of course, she knew the answer. Every time a blow missed, or a lingering wound ached as she tried to find some substitute for a potion, or a new party passing on a trail gave her the wide berth of a plague ship, she knew. Helena. Everything had always been Helena.
It was Helena who found her when she first started Wellington, when she was just some state school scholarship kid whose father was a jumped-up real estate agent with notions. It was Helena who dragged Esther to her family’s events like some new toy to show off, where Esther would sit still as a statue while Helena left her to talk with old friends, afraid to touch anything, afraid they would know she didn’t belong. It was Helena who had crowned her “Essie” and stared down the boys who threw pencils in her curls to see if they would stick. But it was Helena who would braid her hair into messy pigtails and make sure to tug, just a few times, just to see if she would wince. It was Helena who tasted like candy apple vodka and stifled laughter at a pre-exam party, all the grace and perfect ease of a sun with its planets in orbit. But it was Helena who kissed her full on the lips and left her wide-eyed and speechless, and then told her in that whimsical tone that made it seem like you had a choice through the underlying bite of a command, “I think you and Thom would be cute together. I think I would like that.” It was Helena who threw the two of them together. Thom with his clumsy, grasping hands and his jealous streak. Thom who only had two things in common with her; the fencing team (where he waddled about like a safety hazard with an epee), and Helena, who they would do anything for.
It was Helena who was beautiful and bright, shining and sharp, commanding and fickle and cruel. So of course, after graduation when their group was thrown to the wind and Esther found herself at the Sorbonne for Medieval Studies which Helena had always called “pointless, dull old nonsense,” when Helena had called up “on a whim,” Esther dropped everything. In all honestly, there hadn’t been much to drop. Her father had called the day before. Something about a bad deal and money troubles, how they couldn’t afford her program or apartment anymore. Something about money for the next train from Paris. Something about problems at home, something with his secretary, of course because her father didn’t have the creativity for an affair beyond the cliche. So of course Helena appeared like salvation, something to follow, something to hide in, something to drown herself in so she wouldn’t have to think. Instead of packing up her apartment and buying a ticket home, she spent the last of her money on a VR headset for this new game Helena had heard of. 
It was Helena who wanted to be in Moonstone; she heard there was a level just for Moonstone players to throw wild parties, that the simulation was better than any drug on the street. It was Helena who wanted Esther to be a Celestial; it would be more fun for everyone with that luck bonus, and that much easier for them all to get to that party level. And nobody else wanted to play as one, they were “hopelessly dull” after all.
But it was Esther who got them through the levels. It was Esther whose fencing skills saved them from beast after beast, whose studies gave her hints to riddles the rest of the group were too impatient and bored to puzzle through. It was Esther who first heard the announcement, that there was no way out of the game anymore, that relinquium was off the market and chances to bribe Jacqueline were disappearing. And she heard the whispering, how Thom and Helena and the others wondered how much their parents would pay to bribe their way out, how it really wasn’t that much fun here anyways, how they all just wanted to leave. They were all so sure, so confident with their parents’ money behind them that nothing could hurt them, that they could just leave when they were bored. They didn’t even spare a thought for her, they didn’t even stop to wonder what would happen if they left her behind, just like they never stopped to wonder what would happen to them if they didn’t have her there in the first place. 
It was Esther who suggested storming the dragon’s lair. She told herself she just wanted to convince them why it was worth staying, why they needed her, why they couldn’t just leave her behind. But she knew it was a lie. Thom was the first to die, and she didn’t have to do anything. He was always rash, thoughtless, always trying to impress and always falling short. Those clumsy hands that had fumbled with her uniform as she disgustedly lay there and thought, ‘this was what Helena wanted,’ never really got the hang of the in-game sword mechanics. Not even Esther’s luck bonus could help him. For a glorious, fire-choked moment somewhere between heaven and hell as the dragon slashed him to pieces and charred the remains, Esther felt right. She felt free. Some tried to fend off the beast, but they were of little use without her there to lead the charge. The others tried to flee, desperately trying to search through inventories for any potions or scrolls to help. But Esther had always been the fastest, and she had luck on her side. Their blows came to nothing. Their magic fizzled in their hands. They were left shocked and frozen as she swung at them in perfect, practiced confidence. Helena didn’t even have time for fear. She just stared with offended disbelief, as if somehow she was more upset Esther had acted without her approval than that Esther was plunging a sword into her chest. And then there was nothing, Esther had killed not just some random NPC, not just some nameless member of another guild or even some unknown from her own guild; she had killed her friends. She had swung the sword with the vicious satisfaction that they would well and truly die. And worse, she didn’t care. For once, it felt right. She didn’t stop to think. She didn’t worry. She just swung her blade.
The last thing Esther remembered was the dragon reaching down for her; the sharp kiss of its claws; the warmth of flames as her hair and face and glorious wings charred away. And then she was back at the beginning, with nothing.
Char 1 -
Balestra Playlist
Heretic Pride || The Mountain Goats
Falling || HAIM
Glory and Gore || Lorde
Horse & I || Bat for Lashes
Arsonist’s Lullaby || Hozier
Torches || The Oh Hellos
Miracle || CHVRCHES
Shrike || Hozier
I of the Storm || Of Monsters and Men
The Yawning Grave || Lord Huron
Fire Rides || MØ
Esther Playlist
Oxford Comma || Vampire Weekend
Friends || RAYE
Don’t Save Me || HAIM
Karma || Years & Years
The Hamptons || Transviolet
Academia || Sia
Mirror || IDER
Only if For a Night || Florence + the Machine
After she glitched out she can’t use any potions. She doesn’t know exactly why, but she simply can’t affect herself with temporary magic without horrible glitchy side effects (this does not make her immune to spells from other players though, much to her general dismay). It’s made regaining levels a bit of a nightmare, but mostly she just misses being able to fly. It’s also meant that she’s had to get creative on some levels, especially those tailored to other guilds where the main strategy for non-guild members is a specific magical item. Also, because of this she doesn’t know if she even can leave the game, since the only method now is the potion Relinquium.
Hasn’t been the member of a party since her original party was wiped out and she reset back to level 1. She also has little to no guild loyalty. In fact, she seems much better suited to Obsidian and enjoys most of their claimed levels more than those of Moonstone, which tend to have more goals and interactions which wreak havoc with her corrupted Celestial nature.
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/euclidice/balestra/
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God's Children (Fem!reader x The Seed Family, part 3.)
Description: In the year 2018, a huge nuclear attack took place, having its epicenter on Hope County, Montana. All the people were supposed to be gone, but the reality turned around to be much different from that.
A/N: Okay, I should have posted like a week ago, but exams from laws are shit, dawg.
Tagging: x
Warnings: None here, clean as John's butt.
Masterlist: H E R E
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East Coast, Atlanta, 2014:
After finishing his studies definitively, John moved back to Atlanta, bought his own flat in one of the best, most modern and most secured buildings in the whole town. It was a very expansive and very luxurious apartment, just as John was used to.
His lifestyle was excessive, full of the most expansive stuff, John wasn't counting his money. He had loads of it, almost gross loads of it. His works were one of the best in Atlanta, he was working at one of the advocate offices with a big name in the business, and until that day, he hadn't lost any of his cases. He was one of the most expansive and the best-paid lawyers in the state.
Some told that he had a gift from God himself. Or that he might be the Devil, because of his non-disappearing grin, confidence and persuasion skills.
His sexual life was just getting wilder and wilder. He started to visit high-class swinger parties, used many varieties of drugs and alcohol, John had access to the best escort services in the whole town thanks to his friendship with the city ambassadors. They were beautiful, slim, flexible, but John couldn't find the resemblance he wanted. He couldn't find any other matching dark sparks on someone else's eye. So he still thought about you and those countless nights, sometimes he was getting off during watching your old pictures where you were together.
Sometimes he even though of you in his work. You were really clever, so sometimes he was playing with the tip of the pen with his mouth, thinking about what you would tell on his current case. John was sometimes inclined to call you or he tends to write you an e-mail, but he never truly contacted you.
He knew that you got work in one of the good Georgia advocate offices, he knew that you're there, but he never searched for you.
In the summer of 2014, it all had started. The slow "colonization" of Hope County. One day, John came home really late. He was tired, sobering and all he wanted to go was to go to sleep. But he had about twenty missed calls from an unknown number. Thinking it's one of his clients from the current case, he called back as soon as he took the clothes off and sat to his table with a glass of water.
"John Duncan, the advocate office of Adelaide Maine. Can I be at your service?" - John mumbled tiredly, covering his face with his palm, sighing out loud. He just wanted to sleep.
"They told me that you stopped using your real name, but I wasn't inclined to believe that." - A male, really pleasing voice chuckled from the other side.
"Okay. That's not funny. Do I know you?" - John dropped, drank the whole glass and started to walk around the apartment, looking down on Atlanta all naked. He needed to get his beard cut in a barbershop asap. And the sooner, the better. But the mysterious called was making him frown at the moment.
"Of course you do. My name's Joseph. Joseph Seed." - That made John almost fall to the ground. He loudly gasped for breath and took hold of a table in order not to fall down. Was it even possible that it could be...? No. Their family was torn apart years ago. And since them, any of his brothers called him, texted him or provided any form or making contact with him.
John learned how to pretend that he is an only child. When somebody asked about his family, he was used to answering that he's the son of Duncans, that he has one older sister and that they adopted him when he was small. He never told anyone that he was born in Rome, Georgia or that he had two older brothers.
And now some man was calling him, saying he's Joseph who used to take beatings for John to protect him. John tried to forget his own past, he cleaned after himself - he burned every case file he got his hands onto, always lied about his roots and identity. Nobody could just search it up.
"If you're just making fun of me, I'm warning you that I don't find it funny at all. Who the hell you are?" - John asked and leaned his palm into the glass of the wall and looked down with a dead expression.
"I told you already told you that I'm Joseph Seed. Your brother, John." - The man told again in a persuasive tone again. He was nice, he seemed to be happy. Just as John remembered his older brother. They were fourteen years apart and Joseph disappeared when John was only four years old. The third brother became a soldier, he was called Jacob, and John had absolutely no memories of him at all. John was in denial. He was wiggling his head from side to side and couldn't just accept what the man was telling him.
He managed to avoid that man's texts and calls for two weeks, sometimes he turned his phone off, sometimes he just simply blocked the number on his decide... But the man always found a way to call him again. Whether it was a different number or contact him through social media, Twitter, e-mail, anything. But one day, a man showed at the office where John was working.
He was an average built man in his height and weight, but way neat and charismatic. He had a perfectly cut beard, his hair was in a man bun. He had a black suit on, yellow aviators over his eyes and he was smiling at everyone with grace in his eyes.
He was kinda similar to John, in the way he spoke and in the way how people listened to him. That man was smart, using almost Shakespearean langue and Bible quotations, smooth with the constructions of his sentences. The people inclined to listen - he had charisma just like John could use some mind play.
"A man is looking for you. You have a client appointment today?" - Carol looked into John's office. He sat behind a desk, playing with his lips between his fingers and though about the file he had opened up. She had dresses which were hugging her waist in a seriously sexy way and her boobs were on a complete display for John. They were fucking, almost every day during the lunch break. She seemed to be smart, but she was just another object for John to fuck.
Just as he told, any of the women who he had in his arms, had not got that deadly insane look in their eyes. But he could talk to her whenever he felt like or needed help.
"No. I should have the first appointment after the lunch break." - John furrowed his face and closed the file, putting it back on its place. - "Let him in. Maybe it'll turn out into a million-dollar contract."
And so the mysterious man came into his room. He had a shy, kind smile on his lips, sitting close enough to hold John's hand if necessary. He was strangely calm in every move he made, which made John frown a bit.
John hadn't got any single idea that a different man will come out of the office after the appointment. The man brought everything with him - John's right birth certificate and his whole adoption file, he talked about finding John for the last whole year until he learned that he's using name Duncan, discovering how far was he able to go with his successful career. They talked about John's childhood memories, bringing up the worst ones. And it was matching Joseph's in an almost scary way.
Then Joseph went on with talking about his big plan, about creating a whole church. He was talking about some doomsday coming and God's voice sounding in his head, telling him what should he do. He was sure that they should start building their church in a small region of Montana. It was named Hope County and Joseph was perfectly clear about buying an old, abandoned church area in the Henbane River region. Somehow, he had the money and Joseph wanted specifically John to rejoin the family.
Joseph had a vision - he wanted to start a religion and slowly save the whole country before an event called “the Collapse” comes. Joseph was a good, influential speaker. So good that he was successful in persuading John to listen. Joseph made John terrified when he was describing the Collapse in specific details. He insisted on saving John because he loved him. Even when destiny has separated them, Joseph was completely sure that he needs to cleanse John from God's wrath.
His plan was just as simple as complicated - to buy the properties at Hope County, one by one, to start a religion, get followers and save them by building bunkers. And when the doomsday comes, they'll be safe and sound in those bunkers. That would be expansive. Extremely expansive.
They needed to find someone who would fund the whole thing. Joseph had the biggest hope in their followers when they'll gain some. Then the businesses they'll buy, the gas stations and groceries. The plan was actually structured pretty well, the layouts were determined perfectly. Joseph was a smart guy.
And so, John agreed just like that. He wanted to belong and Joseph sent him signs that he's offering him the family he always dreamt of. Brothers who would keep each other safe no matter what. And Joseph fucked his head up perfectly - he got under John's skin in a matter of an hour.
When the Seed brothers left his office, John immediately canceled all of his appointments and went to study the map of Hope County. He needed to study it, to know the money ranges they actually were talking about.
John completely closed himself in his own head. The cases he was working on at the time when the Seeds have visited him were the last ones he finished before he quit at the office. He full concentrated on Joseph's plan - he was negotiating with the authorities around Henbane River, he was corresponding with the sellers, but those things are so ridiculously intricated that he knew that he won't be able to finish the contract negotiation on his own.
Georgia, 2014
"It was extremely intricate. It was almost genius-like. He must've thought about all of it for months, maybe years prior." - You told your colleague, drinking a cup of coffee and among at her. It was a chocolate latte and you were discussing the last case you've been working on. It was a delicate one evolving a whole big ass web of lies, neglecting and drugs, almost everything. But you managed to get that fucker to the jail, just where he belonged.
Your BlackBerry phone suddenly vibrated in your ass. You pointed a finger on your colleague and excused yourself from the dialogue. You looked at the display, reading the small letters when the sun shone on it.
"What's that? You contact #42?" - Your colleague jokes. You were famous for having a lot of men contacts in your phone - wherever you just went with them to grab dinner or to have a long, fun night. But you hadn't named them on your contacts list. They had just numbers - but you knew who is #2 or #35.
"Shut the fuck up. That's an e-mail. From some guy named John Seed. Don't have an idea about who that is, but he wants to have an appointment. This Friday at three. Pays in cash, extremely important." - You made a surprised face at her and she giggled. We were fun to work with, your faces were the best and you had just the dumbest shit to say. But you were a hella good lawyer.
Everyone was surprised with your two years lasting practicum at Phelps & Black's at such a young age. And you were nuts good as a lawyer, so they were just taking her as a miracle happening that you ended up at that exact advocate office. So your co-workers liked you and you were good at your job. Score 10/10, bingo!
So your life went on its own pace for the other two days - working on cases during the day, being present trials at the local court and having plans with the numbers in your contacts in the evening. You even went to a family dinner on Wednesday.
Your father still wanted to have control over you, even when you were a grown woman and you had a great job. He was watching over you, every step you took. Your father has dreamt about your future before you were born - he was just like that to your siblings and mom as well. Now he wanted you to build a career. So you worked hard.
But the appointment came sooner than you anticipated. So you took yourself some coffee and a cake before three a.m., prepared the paperwork that needed to be done when accepting a new client. You hoped that it would be at least something partially strange or exciting. You didn't want to just advocate some white ass rich woman who was racist to a man of color and called him a slave. Yes. Those things were pretty normal at the court and you had two fucking cases like that.
You lighted up some candles who smelled really nice to lighten up the atmosphere, you prepared the office to be subtle, intimate, to relax the client.
Your office phone rang, so you picked up. - "Miss Y/L/N? A man is here. He says that his name is John Seed. Should I tell him to go?" - Myrtle was so sweet to you. She was the assistant for the whole office, letting the people in, giving you the mails from postmen. She thought that mister Seed is another of your numbers.
"This one is alright. Let him in, show him my office. Be my angel. Thank you." - You sang in a laughing voice. By the time your office's door opened, John has already ordered a coffee and a glass of water. You heard that man flirting with Myrtle and you smiled to yourself. Myrtle was a nice, shy girl.
You were seriously sure that this poor girl didn't even know what sex is - that's how innocent she actually looked. So she was glad every time a man actually tried something on her. She was all hearts, chocolates and flowers girl. She wasn't even ashamed, just a long time run. Maybe the mysterious John was a guy for her in the end?
"That would be lovely. Give me two chocolates and hurry up, can't wait to see your face again." - He laughed and you stood up, making sure your jeans were perfectly clean and tight on your body, you checked out your face, your hair and the shirt you had on were showing just the nice portion of your cleavage. Physical appearance made the clients more inclined to believe you.
"Good day, Mr. Seed..." - You smiled at the neat man a offered him a hand with a big smile, but your heart stopped when the man actually looked at you. - "John?" - You whispered in a guessing tone.
You haven't seen him for two years. He still looked just as you remembered him. Perfectly cut beard, baby blue eyes, nicely cut hair, and a beautiful smile. Neatly clothed, looking like a million-dollar baby, his expression smiling at you.
"I was looking forward to finally see you again." - John hugged you and closed his eyes. He was enjoying your smell, inhaling your the smell of your shampoo and your very own personal smell. - "No call, no message, no nothing. I'm personally touched."
You sat opposite to him, smiling, automatically getting the paperwork done. You still remembered his name, his date of birth, the town where he was born. You just knew all of that.
"You shouldn't be. I told you I don't have time for personal relationships. Men in my life gave only numbers now. You had a name. That's a fucking privilege" - You chuckled and when you were done, you leaned into the chair, sipping another sip of your chocolate latte. - "I was just thinking that Myrtle finally found some normal guy to go out with. How naïve am I?"
"Well. I can take her out, you know, try to make her feel alive?" - John grinned and you chuckled.
"Dear Lord, don't you dare. She is a good girl."
"Am I a bad boy?" - He asked with portrayed drama in his voice. Myrtle shyly knocked on your door, bringing John the coffee he was waiting for along with two small milk chocolates. He was checking her out in front of you, being completely shameless. Some things don't change with time.
"I haven't even said that, John. I just think that your needs don't... Suit hers." - You told him when Myrtle left, being all nervous and reddened because of John. She clearly felt affectionate towards him. John was like that.
"You seemed to like the things I was doing to you." - John chuckled in a darkened tone and you rolled your eyes. Sex. He always thought of sex. But this was a business meeting. You couldn't exactly say that you would not like to fuck John right on the spot, but you were in your lawyer mode.
"So tell me what's up? Haven't heard of you as of 'John Seed'. Never ever." - You asked curiously. You kept intense eye contact with him, he didn't look away from you. That man was a piece of fucking work.
"That's why I came to you. I needed to talk with you about a very delicate family case." - He took a sip of his coffee and gave you a big smile. Myrtle was a coffee brewing miracle. That was the best coffee he had in a long time. - "I thought you personally, so I know how you think like. You know how I think like and I just really need you by my side now. I thought more like... The personal case then an office case."
"You want to hire me?" - You asked curiously and John just answered with a nod.
"Will you help me? I will pay you for overtime, I will pay you for taking extra care of me as your client, I don't want just any lawyer. I specifically need you." - John leaned over to catch your hand. John Duncan... Now John Seed, your laws mentor, and idol needed your help. And he was willing to give you a ton of cash. You had a good payment, but extra cash was a thing that always made you smile. And you knew that John really likes to be extra fancy in those sorts.
You liked fancy things. Fancy jewelry, nice clothes, good electronics. Like any other woman.
"I don't want this to be the office's case. I want this to be your own case. Can you do that for me?" - John kissed your knuckles and gently bit the tip of your middle finger while looking you in the eyes. So now you were using chemical bangs in your brain and your pussy. Great. And those chemicals were just brewing within you. He was still doing a thing to you, after all that time.
"John... Are you trying to make a deal here or you're trying to clear the path to my panties?" - You took your hand out of his gentle grip and laughed. - "You're fucking unbelievable."
"Maybe I want to have a deal with some really fancy services, miss Y/L/N?" - John sat back to the chair and smiled. You sighed out loud, drinking your coffee and taking a piece of your chocolate cake.
"Let's see the deal first. What do you need?" - You asked with a serious face. John needed to cut off the topic of sex to speak with you about the thing he wanted to speak about actually.
"My brothers came back to me, both Jacob and Joseph. We spoke for an hour and since then, I feel like a new, reborn man. They spoke with me about the faith God destined for our family. It's huge and so important you're not going to believe me." - John said in a joyful tone. You heard that he's happy. His brothers made contact with him, that made you smile. The last time you spoke about his family, he thought that he will be forever alone. His brothers reaching out to him? Great news.
"I want to buy a property in Henbane River, Hope County. An old church. But at this moment, it's the property of the state of Montana." - John said in a calm tone. - "Joseph is a prophet. He... Saw things that are kinda hard to explain. But we knew that we should start a church, do let people know that God loves them and he wants them to be safe. And we want to start there."
"Only one church in Montana which is the property of the state? You obviously have some connection to the ambassadors, you can talk it out. You're a smart man. You certainly don't need my help in such a small task." - You wiggled your eyebrows playfully. You were right. That was child's play. He needed to help with something else. So he dropped a bomb on you.
"Are you fucking with me?" - You asked unbelievably. That was ridiculous. Those guys had a plan - not to own one fucking old church, but to slowly buy the whole country. John showed you plans of properties in the order he was thinking about buying it. There were a lot of them, but... - "You want to own a whole fucking region of a state. You want to own Hope County? Isn't that slightly immoral?" - You asked and chuckled at the map. That was insanity. That plan had no chance to work out.
"I'm sorry to tell you, John, but this is madness. There would be so many contractors, many people, you will most probably have a problem with the state when I look at the count of state-owned property. And money... That's just too much. I'm sorry to be the one to tell you, but you have like a 10% probability of it actually working out." - You said to him and you believed yourself. That was pure madness, the stunt John and his brothers planned on doing.
"That's why I need you during the negotiations and in the charge of finances and to help me with contracts. We can work as a team because we're capable of doing this on our own." - John looked you in the eyes. You gulped out really out and leaned back to your chair. He had the money for buying some of it, sure, but... This was like a megalomaniac fantasy. You won't pay anything in the end, and you will even get paid.
It will be just some negotiations. Nothing more. Just a friendly help. And with the money, he was offering you for your help? It was just a business.
"Okay. I'll help you, John."
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rovvboat · 5 years
Painting Trip - Reader x dad!Colossus
Summary: You and Piotr take a family trip down to the art gallery for some bonding time with Misha - and though being together like this was nothing short of wonderful, you wonder if moving back into the mansion would be a good idea.
 A/N: Lotsa Dad!Colossus moments that makes me melt to just think about aljdhjdnfjbdjkfdjn all fluff!!
Word count: 2.9k
  “Tickets for 2 adults, please.”
 Piotr hunches down to ask the ticketing booth attendant through the small opening of the counter – holding onto a squirming Misha, disgruntled from having been woken up by the sudden bouts of movement conversation around the convention hall.
  His white knit baby beanie sits snugly over his head – the one with small bear ears that made you feel mushy on the inside whenever you saw Misha with them – and there were hundreds of pictures of Misha in that very beanie that you had saved in your phone; so much so that you had to buy extra storage for them.
His feathery soft, jet black hair sat in a messy awoken fuzz; Piotr takes off his beanie before tenderly pushing his little tuft back into a more settled state. ‘’Are you up, myedvyezhónak moya?’’
Are you up, my little bear?
 “Oooo…” Misha purrs as he brings one hand to rest up on his mouth. You bring out a damp napkin to wipe his face and clean the area around his eyes. He scrunches them closed at the touch of the cool wet fabric, and promptly flips his head away from the sudden darkness.
  “Hmm looks like someone’s come back from la la land.” You remark at Misha, brows furrowed and smiling, as your little one looks back for the sound of your voice.
 “Misha! You ready for a good and artful day?” You switch into your slightly more high-pitched baby talk voice.
Misha’s mouth opens, gums and all, as he beams at you; and the appearance of his one baby tooth makes you laugh. He squeals in delight as his arms wave about in your direction.
 He stops to give a heavy yawn – his thin pink lips stretched as far as he could, before his hand once again moves back to its favourite position; into his wide-open mouth, gently gnawing at it as his saliva gets all over.
You instinctively use your fingers to move his small hand away; a habit that you’d soon learn you’re better off to just let be.
 “That’ll be $24.” The attendant recites the total, and notices Misha’s head turn, his large innocent eyes curiously staring from his papochkas’ arms behind the glass panel – focused entirely on the person in uniform.
 The attendant gives a broad smile, “Well, aren’t you just the most adorable thing. Cute babies get free entry, y'know?”
 Misha returns a toothless grin, eyes bright and hopping in place, his arm flailing about – gurgling at the attendant in assumed conversation.
 Piotr chuckles as he watches Misha’s unabashed glee – and so do you and the attendant.
 Piotr brings up Misha’s hand and waves at them – “Misha, skazhý privyét. Say hello! skazhý, kak tyebyá zavút. My name is Mikhail!“
 Misha watches the attendant intently, then looks back to his papochka with a giggle.
 "Well Misha, you’ve just made my day.” The attendant cheerily passes you the tickets once you’ve made the payment.
 “Hope your family has a great day with us today! And for having such a lovely kid, I’ll even give you guys free entry for the children’s painting class we’re having this afternoon.”
 “Oh? Thank you so much for that!” You express with a smile, before turning to Piotr.
 “See? He has your dashing good looks, but all of my charisma.” You jest, as you both make your way down to the hallway into the exhibition hall.
 “Is that so?” Piotr hums, as he turns to face Misha. “Ty tak dumayesh, Misha?”
do you think so, Misha?
 Misha observes his papochka for a moment, before offering another one of his flashy smiles.
 Piotr presses a warm kiss on the side of Misha’s cheek and remarks, “Always smiling, this one.”
 Piotr adjusts Misha’s body, holding him faced forward, with Misha’s little bottom seated on his forearm, as his other hand holds him steady and upright against his chest.
  You hover alongside your two boys, one hand placed comfortably on the side of Piotr’s waist, watching the way Misha’s cute little button nose pokes up into the air at the sound of his papochkas’ deep utterances.
 Piotr exhales in awe as he surveys the studio filled with abstract paintings.
 “Bhoze moi… these are truly beautiful.”
 He walks over to one particular piece – a painting with a black and white background, split down diagonally, with a gold paint splatter around the edges that mark the silhouette of a mountain.
 “Misha, look. These are paintings by your papochkas’ favourite artist!”
 Piotr raises Misha’s tiny form, clothed in his comfiest light blue baby coat – nice and warm from the chill of the approaching winter months – and up towards the painting.
 It was endearing, the way your husband would make it a point to include Misha in every and all activities you partake in together – “it will help him grow strong and smart!” He would say when you’d commend him for it, followed by a peck on the cheek.
 Misha stares at the painting for a while, but starts squirming and grunting around as he looks back to his papochka.
 “Maybe he doesn’t like abstract art, babe.” You giggle as you adjust Misha’s beanie, gently pulling his hand away from his mouth, before wiping away the shiny saliva painted around his mouth. “This one just loves his own hand right now.”
 Piotr lifts Misha to his face, humming a kiss onto his cheek. – “Hmmm. Is mamochka correct? tyebyé nrávitsa?”
Do you like it?
 Misha twists towards him and grunts in response, mouth held loosely closed; his baby blues innocently watching his papochka.
 “Maybe you’ll like some landscape paintings, huh, Misha?” You prompt, you and Piotr making your way into the other section of the exhibition.
   Piotr holds Misha up towards the paintings, slowly maneuvering around the walls; giving time for Misha to take in the paintings.
 “Ah, Misha look.” Piotr points at a picture of a beautiful off-white cathedral, stark against the setting amber hues of the sun.
 “This is a white – byélyj – cathedral. And the sun is orange – aránzhevyj.”
 Misha coos at the painting, and you watch as Piotr repeats the colours in Russian, and Misha’s cooing turns into drawn out vowels.
 “Ahhh… Buh buh buh.”
 “That’s right, Misha.” Piotr encourages, giving you a wink. “You are doing well! maladyéts.”
 Well done.
 Your head tilts into a smile, and it was moments like these that you knew you’ll have etched into memory. But for the moment, you’ll live them as they came and –
 A familiar voice breaks your thoughts; and both you and Piotr turn at the sound.
 “That is about the cutest thing I’ve ever heard and seen and felt in my entire fuc–”
 “Wade!” Piotr chides as he covers Misha’s ear on one side, pushing his head against his chest to cover his other ear.
 “Oh right, okay, entire fudging life. How’s that?” Wade corrects himself.
 You laugh at Wade’s switch up, as you notice Nate walk up to your group right behind him.
 “Wow, I didn’t know this was going to be an X-Force outing.” You say as you give both Wade and Nate a hug.
 Nate gruffs a laugh. “This ass–”
 Piotr’s head swivels to Nate – set in a comically displeased stare.
 “Sorry, I meant Wade here had a gift for our little Misha. Gotta admit though, I miss hearing this one crying all night when we first brought him home to the mansion.” Nate turns to Piotr, and smiles at Misha. “You’ve grown since I last saw you, haven’t ya?”
 Misha squeals when he hears Nate speak; hopping in place as his papochka holds him close, his small chubby arms outstretched towards Nate and calling at him through gurgles, asking to be held.
 Nate laughs, before taking Misha into his arms with a deep exhale of breath. “You really don’t play hard to get, do you kid?”
 It was a wonder how unafraid and daring Misha could be – what baby squeals with glee at the sight of a rough looking man with a glinting eye?
To Nate’s credit, though, he would always smile and be an absolute fatherly figure to Misha.
 “Oh lookie here! There’s a kids’ painting class.” Wade points out the separate room; which had parents and children filtering in and out. “Hey, Misha. You wanna go for a painting class, buddy?”
 Misha coos from his spot in Nate’s arms.
 “Fine by me!” Wade turns to you and Piotr. “Well, if you’ll excuse us, we have some catching up to do with our little polar bear over here.”
 “You guys alright if we brought him in? Maybe you could take some time off for a little bit. Catch a breather.” Nathan offers.
You and Piotr give each other a questioning look.
 “Well, I suppose…” Piotr begins
 “Yeah, I’m sure he’d love to spend some time with his God-dyádyas.” You affirm. “If he gets fussy later on, bring him to us.”
 “He hasn’t had his bottle yet, has he?” Nate inquires knowingly, looking over at Misha in his arms.
You hum an affirmative, before saying goodbye to Misha by way of a kiss on his baby soft cheek, as the smell of baby lotion latches onto you.
 “You guys are taking way too long! Come on Misha–” Wade gently carries Misha from Nate before taking quick strides towards the art room, “We’re gonna have a God damn great day – Shhh don’t tell papa bear over there that I said that.” Where Misha only grunts back at Wade. Nate follows close behind as Misha watches from Wade’s shoulder.
 You and Piotr finally give out a huge sigh of relief. Being a parent – rewarding though it may be – was tough, and any reprieve you could get felt like a God-send.
You hold your gaze over Piotr, as you let an arm snake around his thick waist, pulling him closer to you. You tiptoe to speak into his ears, whispering as you do.
 “What do you say we get out of here for a bit, Daddy?”
 Piotr’s cheeks flush a quick redish tint, before regaining his composure as you giggle at his reaction.
“That was very cheeky, Y/N.” He playfully scolds, before you made your way out onto the back garden.
 You had planned to have a picnic lunch, but having Misha tended to meant that you could take this time to have a leisurely walk through the large back garden – where other families also had the same idea as you did.
 You interlock your smooth fingers against Piotrs’ – thumb purposefully rubbing over the back of his hand as you walk along the dirt path.
It was a much-needed moment of silence, neither of you speaking; content to just listen to the rustling of the wind in the trees – punctuated with the ruffling of feathers, as you both watch the ducks glide back onto the pond surface.
 “Feels good to be relaxed like this, huh? It’s been a while since we took some time for ourselves.” You remark, wistfully glancing over the wide-open greenery.
“Da.” Piotr squeezes your hand in agreement. “But a part of me… doesn’t really want to be away for too long either.”
 “Yeah, it’s kinda odd right? I mean, maybe not too odd, but still… it’ll be healthy for us to step away from time to time. You know how we tend to go overboard with things.” You smile sheepishly over at Piotr; who snorts as he catches your drift.
 “Well, not without good reason, myshka…” He voices, almost to himself.
You knew, though he had this fatherhood thing on lock, he also wanted to return to some semblance of being an X-Man. You knew Pete better than astronomers knew the stars, and you knew he felt guilty about wanting to get back to his duties. You mentally decide that your next decision was going to help Piotr out through all of that.
 You find a serene spot next to a tree, picking out an area where the sunlight had pooled onto the grass. You spend the rest of your time sitting next to Piotr. You tap at his shoulders, and when his kind eyes meet yours, he somehow still looked troubled.
You pat at your lap expectantly, as you place a hand to the back of his neck, signaling him to lay down; he obliges with a tired smile, and gently reclined his head, as your legs lay outstretched onto the picnic mat you had laid out.
Your fingers occupy themselves with Piotr’s silky black hair, wading through them without a worry. His eyes were closed, relishing the familiar grazes of your fingertips over his forehead, up and through his hair. His breathing slow and uninterrupted, listening to the world around him, with you.
You watch as families and children giggle and laugh around you. Running about with childish carefree reign across the garden, falling and tripping over each other as they do.
 A few moments later, you speak up about one thing that’s been on your mind ever since Misha started being more and more vocal, clearly heading fast into his next developmental stage, not to mention, ever since Piotr seemed to overly exert himself into the fatherhood thing.
 “Pete? I feel like… maybe we should move back into the X-Mansion.”
 His eyes opened instantly.
 “Really? I was going to say the same!”
 You breathe a laugh at his excitement. “I know we said Misha would be safer out of the mansion… but I think it might be better for him right now if we moved back in. I mean, look at how loved and cared for he is. Even when he’s not living there. Plus, it has a big garden that I know he’d love. And Misha absolutely adores his dyádyas and syestrás. What do you think?” You pause for Piotr’s input.
 He looks up at you from your lap, lips stretched into a loving smile.
 “I agree. But whatever you wish, I know it will be the best. Though, we might want to move in slowly, Misha might not like the sudden change.”
 He was always thinking about Misha first and foremost, and you adored him for it.
 You hum at him as you cup his face in your warm hand, smiling as you dip into a quick, gentle kiss.
 ‘’Yeah, once he gets used to it, we might even have the time to make another one. It’s been a while since we last fuc–‘’
 Your sentence gets cut-off just as you saw Piotr’s ear perk up, his eyes already scolding you for your language.
“We give you a few minutes to relax, and you lovers just use that time to smooch it the hell up, huh? Get a room!”
 Wade’s bellowing makes you shift your regard to his direction, as he saunters over to you with Misha in his arms. The moment Misha’s eyes set on you, he’s wriggling and whimpering to be held, arms finding you in the air.
 You hold both hands up towards Misha – who immediately shifts his torso towards you, as you grab him under his arms and carry him close to you.
 “Somebody’s missed me, huh?” You smooth out his coat, which you just then notice, has paint stains all over it. “Um… I don’t think he’s meant to have painted his own clothes, though.” You laugh, trying to wipe away the stains – which had already made their mark and made no effort to disappear.
 “Sorry, Y/N. He had too much fun.” Nate reasons, as he brings up a small circular canvas-like painting. “Besides, I think it’s worth it. Look what came out of it. He made it himself.”
 You and Piotr look at the painting in awe, the blues and yellows and reds blended, dashed and patted and smoothed over by your little one, into one amazing painting. Misha gurgles at the painting, and it makes you laugh.
‘’’Like father, like son.’’ You state proudly, when Wade chimes in.
 “You know where this would look great? At the X-Mansion over by the stair wall!” Wade recommends, hinting at something else entirely, when he gives himself away with “Misha would look great there, too. Won’t you, bud?” – as Wade curls a finger at Misha’s chin.
 “We’ve been thinking the same, actually.” You finally let on.
 The look on Wade’s face was priceless, “What? You mean it? You won’t regret it, Y/N! I’ll breastfeed him myself if I have to!”
 You immediately look to Piotr, who has the most horrified expression plastered on his face, before mellowing it out with a facepalm.
 “Perhaps this is not that great of an idea.” He whispers to you.
 “Too late, papa bear.” You smile.
 “Come on, Misha! Nate! Grab him before they change their minds, I’ll go get the car!” Wade hurries off into the carpark up ahead.
 “I’m with Wade on this one, surprisingly. If I may–” Misha happily obliges as Nate carries him off from you “– we have a mansion to get to, don’t we Misha?”
 You chuckle at their enthusiasm to get Misha back to the mansion, when you feel Piotr’s large hands joining yours – the both of you following behind Nate.
 ‘’You know, this might even mean you could get back to being a hero sooner… I know you miss doing hero stuff, Petey. And I want you to do the things that make you happy as well.’’ You give a heads-up to Piotr – who looks to you, wide-eyed and laughs at the encouragement.
 ‘’Perhaps… But I would like to spend as much time with the both of my treasures for as long as I can before I begin again.’’ He pulls your face to him, placing a soft kiss on your temple. ‘’Even if I miss being an X-Man… I know I would miss the both of you more.’’
 A loud screeching of tires makes the both of you stop in your tracks, followed by repetitive honking, and a Wade yelling “GET IN THE CAR BINCHES! I SAID BINCHES, NOT THE OTHER BAD WORD!”
 You only chuckle at the thought of having to readjust to Wade’s shenanigans, and though this meant you needed to make some moving works, there’s nowhere else you’d rather Misha be, growing up, than with your found family back at the mansion.
 @emma-frxst @fluffymadamina @candle-light-writings
 (ask to be tagged if you want more of this aslkdjaslkdj)
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kittycatgundam · 5 years
Odd Omen
Chapter 2
I have one tiny problem two actually. My accent and my charisma. The more I stay at one place more my accent begins to adapt once it does it hard to change it. Then there my charisma, it make thing easy sometime and harder other times. Like I said I'm not interesting in dating. I mean I trying to stay under Heaven and Hell radar here. I also don't stay in one place long enough for that sort of thing.
One day I went to a theater in London since those were now becoming popular to watch a new play by a new guy call William Shakespeare. The play was call Hamlet.
I watch the play and noticed two men in the front, one look like just like the angle I met in the garden many centuries ago. The other guy he was with I didn't know.
They were watching play too. They were whispering to each other. What I didn't know what they were talk about since I was to far away to hear untill I hear the guy who look like my angel friend try to cheer on Hamlet. I think he was ask what his friend thought about the play because he then told them that the guy I didn't know was not his friend. I just roll my eyes at this.
Why are you talking to him if he not your friend. You seem like you know him. I left the theater and became a fox again.
I don't like deal with people. Humans have too much of a ego sometime. I went back to been in my human form once again. Why you ask me because sometime I'm too curious for my own good. Sometime I like to eat food even though I don't need to, listening to music is always good, looking for a good book, or just see how the world changes. I never need a reason to be either in my human form or my fox form.
And so the world changes from one century to the next. New thing pop up everwhere citys, cars, tvs, and phones.
Yes, I have a smart phone who doesn't these days.
I was in my human form. I been in my human form for awhile now. I just try to survive so I had to adapt to my surroundings.
One day I took a walk in St James's Park. I very fond of this park. It has a pond too bad it's duck pound. Duck can be such bullies. I was walking to the pond when I noticed I was being followed by some guy. Great, this is not what I need today. Oh by the way I decided to make my human form a woman from now on. I was try to lose the guy who was following me but I couldn't shake him.
"Damn!" I said under my breath.
I need to stop guy from following me. If I couldn't shake him the next best thing to do was to find some people to talk to which work most of the time.
I saw two guys setting on a bench feeding the ducks. Perfect, just what I needed to get this stalker to leave.
One guy setting on the bench had white hair and his friend had dark hair. I walk along the pond and wave at them.
"Hi guys, fancy meeting..."
I didn't get finish this sentence because I didn't know where I was going and was too close to the pond. I slipped and fell right into the water. I was now wet from head to toe. I looked at my stalker to white who seem to be worry if I was ok but dark just look at me like he was thinking how much more stupider can this girl get. I blushed at this and looked away.
The stalker and white seem to be getting ready to come to my rescue but stop because dark had beat them to it. He stood in fornt of me offering his hand to help me up.
"Here let me help you miss." He offered.
I give him my hand and he pull me helping me up but as soon as I was up on my feet dark took this opportunity just to sweep me off my feet and carry me out of the water and to the closest bench.
I held on to dark as he carry me. I saw my stalker was not happy and stormed off.
"You need to be more careful miss." Dark warned me.
"Ok." I manage to get out.
My attention was now on dark. He was hot, like male supermodel hot! He was tall, strong, and wore very stylish clothing which I bet now needed to be taken to the dry cleaners which I was probably end up paying for.
I try keep myself from look at him. It didn't stop me from smelling his cologne which smell really good. I held on tighter to him. My chest begin to tighten as well. I started to think happily that I wouldn't mean if dark never put me down.
Before I knew it I was setting on the bench. White came to see if I was hurt. Dark bend down and gently took my high heel boot off. He move up the pants leg of my jeans and took a look at my left ankle.
"She did a great job of twisting her ankle." Dark told white.
"Look really bad, don't worry my dear we take to the hospitals. You poor thing, you're shaking! Crowley give me your jacket so she can warm up." White said worryingly.
"No." Crowley said angrily. "We are not take her the hospitals. I'm not letting her set a foot in my Bentley so you can forget about it Aziraphale. If you want to help her get on your phone and call for someone else to help her."
"But she hurt, wet, and cold. I'm not going to just stand by and wait for someone else to help her. Look now you are scaring her. Don't worry miss Corwley may look all mean and scary but deep he just a big soft teddy bear." Aziraphale said try to reassuring me by patting my shouder.
Crowley shot him a look of pure anger. If looks could kill this one would have.
"Fine!" Said Crowley angrily. "Here, wear my jacket. I'm going to pick you up and carry you to the car ok?"
I nodded that I understood.
Once again Crowley pick me gently and carry me to his car. I rested my head on his chast has his cologne hit my nose again. I was started to having weird feeling. I was warm, safe, and happy in his arms. Yes, there were alarm Bells screaming in my head but I didn't care.
Aziraphale open the car door so Crowley could sit me down in the front seat of the car. Aziraphale got in the back seat and Corwley got into the driver side.
Crowley's driving can be described like he was in a car chase like in the movies. He was going 90 miles per hour which I knew wasn't speed limit in central London. I thought I was going to die on the way to the hospitals.
Thank to Crowley driving we got to the hospitals in no time. Crowley park the Bentley as close to the hospital entrance that he could get. He got out of the and came to my side and open the door.
"Put the jacket on and put your arms around my neck." Cowley said as he getting ready to pick me up again.
I did as I was told.
"That a good kitty." Crowley teased me.
"Just to let you know this kitty got claws! I might scratch you." I teased him back.
He stop and put his face close to mine.
"I wouldn't mind some scratching and bitting a little later after this if you catch my drift my little sex kitten." Crowley whisper teasley in my ear.
I turn bright red and try to hide my face.
"Damn you to hell!" I mumbled.
"No thank you, been there not a fan." Crowley mumbled.
Oops guess he heard me. Damn I need to work on my teasing game. Wait, what am I saying!
Been carry by Crowley I could tell that had he great body. Oh my god, I just want to shut my mind off. If you were thinking my imagination was running away with me with thoughts I dare not mention you would be right. I wish I wasn't immortal because I just wanted to die.
And Crowley was enjoying evey minute of torturing me.
We found a seating area and Crowley sat me in a chair. Aziraphale went up to the fornt desk to tell a nurse about my twisted ankle. Crowley set next to me. There a noise as my stomach rumbled.
"Are you hungry? I can get a treat as long you keep been a good kitty." Said Crowley enjoy this a bit too much for my taste.
"I'm little hungry but I can wait you needn't worry about me." Told him as I looked round the rest area so I didn't have to look at his face anymore.
This first time someone was make me hissing mad. I wish he just stop.
Crowley walk off and disappeared for a while. Aziraphale sat down on the chair on the other of me.
"We might be here awhile. Were did Crowley go?" Aziraphale wondered.
"I don't know and I don't care." I said as I folded my arms in front of me.
"I'm guessing Crowley been have some fun picking on you. I can tell him to stop if it annoys you." Said Aziraphale.
"No, that ok."
"Are you sure?"
"Yep, I'll just ignore him when he tries to pick on me again." I told Aziraphale and give him smile.
Aziraphale didn't seem so sure about it.
Crowley finally came back and sit down next to me.
"Here!" Crowley drop a bag in my lap.
I opened the bag and inside was a sandwich, a bag of crisps, a couple of candy bar, and a coke.
"You didn't have to but thank you Crowley." I said happily.
I guess he really can be a nice guy not just a jerk.
"Well, later we can just ask the vet what kind food our little kitty should eat." Crowley tease me again.
"Crowley, I think that enough teasing her." Aziraphale told him.
"Here I through there hope for you become a better man but I guess even I can be wrong." I tease Crowley.
"You not helping yourself my dear. You might want to stop egging him on." Aziraphale try to warned me.
"Sorry I can't be a better man but maybe later you can find out what I really am." Crowley patting my head as he said this. "And since you're been such a good kitty we'll go buy you a catnip mouse. What do you think Aziraphale?"
"I think you two are out of your minds." Azriphale took out his phone and started to ignore us.
I ate the food Crowley gave me and hug Crowley jacket closer to myself.
I guess Crowley through I was getting cold because he put a arm around me and pull me closer to him to warm me up. I was almost in his lap. I smell his cologne again and I put head on his shouder. The smell of Crowley cologne seem to make me relax and I fell sleep. By the way I don't need to sleep but I do fine it help me to distress and cleared my mind. So I do sleep from time to time. Same with eating since I don't need to.
"Come on wake up, or do you want me to wake you with a kiss like in that stupid fairy tale." Crowley whispered in my ear.
" Eww, no thank you." I was grossed out at the thought of Crowley kissing me.
"You two stop that." Aziraphale warned us to behave ourselves.
A nurse came up to us with a wheelchair for me.
"Get in and I will wheel you to an examining room miss." The nurse said.
Crowley pick me up and put me in the wheelchair. The nurse wheel into a examininh room. The doctor came a few minutes later and examine my angle. Told me what all doctor will tell you about a twisted ankle. Stay off of it for a few days and let it rest. Also put some ice on it.
I was wheel back to rest area after I paid the bill.
Crowley and Aziraphale were waitting for me.
"Doctor told me to stay off my ankle for a few days." I told them.
"Tell us were you live and we will take you home." Asked Aziraphale.
I look down sadly. I must have worry Crowley a bit too.
"You don't have a home do you?" Asked Crowley.
"What?!" Aziraphale was shocked.
"I had a flat I share with a flatmate. My flatmate was a guy and he kick me out because I wouldn't go out with him." I told them. "But it ok I can alway stay at a hotel untill I fine another flat no big deal."
I try to get up out the wheelchair but Crowley stop me before Aziraphale could get to me. He pick me up out wheelchair.
"Hey, put down I can walk on my own you know." I told him.
"Stop, bad kitty! Stop acting so proud. You are staying at my place and I'm not take no for answer." Crowley yell at me.
Aziraphale look at me sadly. I couldn't get any words to come out. Why is Crowley been nice to me? I didn't trust anyone. I been alone for so long. Part of me want to trust them. I guess even I in my long immortal life get lonely.
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obsidiancreates · 5 years
Ooooh, what emoji is that? Stars chasing each other? I’m gonna call you Galaxy Anon. Hello Galaxy Anon!
Malum. My boy, my sweet boy, the Tragedy Demon with a heart of gold, the winner of the ‘Best Husband of the Year’ award! A Gentle giant, a loyal protector! Looks like he could kill you but is actually a cinnamon roll! He is... the best. His hugs are the best, for sure.
When he and Haley got married, he didn’t have a last name, because he was a demon and all. Haley didn’t want to keep her maiden name, so he picked out a last name specifically because he thought she liked it. And she did! And that made him super happy! Because he loves her so, so much! He’s just full of love and kindness! He gets nervous about if small animals will like him or not! He loves small animals and is super good with kids! He’s just so sweet!
Haley! She strong, she’s kind, she’s really feminine and really badass! She came from an emotionally abusive family, she got the best revenge and now lives a wonderful life without said family in it. She’s emotionally strong, she’s willing and able to fight for those she loves, and she is very much a mom friend! She’s wonderful!
I also need to develop her a little more and I feel bad that I haven’t developed her enough because she one of the oldest and I absolutely love her! I haven’t given her many hobbies yet... let’s make one up now! Hmm... she makes her own beads and bracelets! Malum wears at least three at all times!
Evelyn! My favorite! She’s so cool! She’s badass! She has my favorite character design out of all of them! She has my favorite backstory! My favorite power set! My favorite manner of speech! I love her so much!
Her backstory? I am developing it, and it... will have some sad. But! I must first do the right research.
She loves sewing because it’s relaxing, but she has also used it in fights. She can, and will, sew people’s sleeves and/or pant legs together if she can get them distracted or pinned.
She flies! She has plant magic! She has glowy slit-pupil eyes! She has a leather jacket! She seems all tough and edgy on the outside but she is a soft, loving, kind, chaotic, smart-yet-dumbass on the inside! She likes knives and heavy boots and stuff, but she also likes pretending to put on fashion shows with her friends and helping bake cakes and stuff! She’s my most well-developed of the bunch and I just- I adore her so much.
Carter! My high intelligence, low wisdom boy! The god of the letter C, basically! Carter Clevman, god of Cleverness, Craftiness, Charm, and Charisma. He knows it’s stupid. He knows it’s annoying. He enjoys that fact! He chose the last name Clevman because it’s stupid! Clever + man = Clevman! He knows it’s not clever at all and he loves it for that reason!
He’s a little shit, but he’s also a great friend! He annoys Malum on purpose, but never to a point of actual anger! He always eats as much of whatever Ashlyn has baked for the group as he can! He tells her often how she has the best baked goods in the whole multiverse! He’s right, by the way.
He is seen by the other gods as weak, annoying, troublesome, soft. They’re totally wrong, of course. Well, he is troublesome and soft and annoying, but he’s not weak! He’s a very capable warrior, he just prefers words and wits to swords and knives. Though he’s not opposed to using weapons, especially if someone if harming his found family friends.
Ashlyn! The best baker in the entire multiverse! My ADHD, slightly clumsy, very arts-and-craftsy girl! She’s bubbly, she’s cheery, she’s an amazing shot with bow and guns! She may only be mortal but Carter likes her more than any of the other gods! She’s as sweet and warm as fresh baked cookies!
She’s usually got the braincell when she, Evelyn, and Carter hang out. She’s the most supportive friend you could ask for! She’s super huggy but also knows how to respect personal boundaries! She gives away her baked goods to anyone she can! She loves seeing them make people happy! I would write more but I feel like this is super long!
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