#he's so jealous back there
fruchtchen · 9 months
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Jesus Christ Superstar (1996) - Steve Balsamo (Jesus), Joanna Ampil (Mary), Zubin Varla (Judas)
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nerdpoe · 3 months
Harley has a relapse. Well, up until she realizes the teenager she kidnapped needs help.
She hadn't meant to, she really hadn't. But.
There'd been a store alarm, smoke had started filling the aisles, there were gunshots, she'd gotten scared taken by surprise, and someone was laughing nonstop.
Very abruptly, she was back under the Joker's thumb, and the only way to survive was to play along so hard she herself believed it.
Later, she'd learn it was a bunch of teenagers from out of town lighting the firecrackers that had been on display for the Chinese New Year.
But she'd kidnapped another teen, one that had nothing to do with it.
She was outpacing the Bats with said teen thrown over her shoulder, when she started to slow down.
His ribs kept digging into her shoulder, and he wasn't putting up a fight. He wasn't even panicking.
That was...not right. That was not something that had ever happened when she'd been with the Joker.
She came to a complete stop.
She put the kid down on his feet.
She noted the lack of baby fat, even though the kid definitely wasn't even sixteen. Bruises that disappeared into his shirt. Dead, almost bored eyes that stared back at her, blurred by clear sleep deprivation. Scars that did not look good on a civilian. The world-weary expectation the kid held himself with, like getting hit was going to happen and he just had to be prepared for it.
"Babe, you back?" Ivy asked, voice tentative.
Harley turned and pointed at the kid.
"I want this one."
Or; Danny was getting beat up by his bullies, got kidnapped by a lady with wild eyes, went with it because he didn't really want to be with the school group anymore, and now said lady is trying to adopt him because he's "too skinny". Later, when he's awake enough to understand that Harley Quinn and Batman are fighting over who gets to adopt him, he realizes this is a good opportunity to get Dani a family, considering he's taken. (If anyone can keep tabs on her and make sure she's safe it's Batman after all) (But if she doesn't like Batman he just knows she'll love Harley)
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kimbapisnotsushi · 8 months
haikyuu is NOT realistic!!!! and it's not because of the underdog plotline or the insane athletic skill or funky character designs but because in the timeskip everyone gets a job that they are perfectly content with and more or less suits them to a tee and don't seem concerned for their futures whatsoever all before the age of thirty
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19burstraat · 4 months
Idk why you would hc or interpret that Kaz would be possessive of / excessively jealous with Inej once they're 'official' post-canon (major misreading of their relationship imo) when instead you can have shit like Sailor's Wife Brekker:
Kaz, ten seconds after Inej leaves: It Has Now Been Twenty Years Since Inej Put Out To Sea And I Am Certain I Will Never Live To See Her Return, Or That She Has Found A Superior Man Who Truly Deserves Her On Some Distant Shore. I Tragically Make My Peace With Being A Sailor's Widow And Never Seeing Her Again. I Will Dedicate My Life, My Anger Issues, And My Demonic Intellect To Her Noble Cause.
Inej, somewhere on the True Sea on the boat he bought her: hope my ketterdam mobster husband is still alive and hasn't been beaten to death in a gang brawl! miss him :)
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hawnks · 2 months
It’s not a date. You make that known, loud and clear from the outset.
“Yeah, yeah,” Gojo murmurs absently. “Whatever you say sweetie.”
It’s not a date when he picks you up from your apartment. It’s not a date when he insists you change out of your ratty sweats, or when he buys you a new outfit to his exacting standards (how did he know your measurements?).
It’s not a date when he treats you to Fancy Lunch, or when he splits his desert with you, feeding you from his own fork.
It’s not a date when he takes your hand, doesn’t let go.
And it’s definitely not a date when you finally arrive at the luxury leathergoods store, the whole point of this outing. He hovers around you, watching. He seems to be waiting on you to do something, but since he’s the one who insisted on this you’re not sure what he wants.
Finally he’s had enough of you floundering.
“Pick one,” he murmurs, eyes bright as he corals you to the collar section.
Suddenly your throat is dry as you look down the long row of them. Shiny and bold. Precious. “You want me to… pick a collar for you?”
He’s watching you, keen and hungry. He’s so close you can feel the heat of him all along your side where he’s huddled against you.
Collars have a huge significance to omegas, but you’re not quite in tune with their cultural meaning. Something about ownership, claim. You feel like you should reject this, whatever he’s trying to do here. It’s not right, and you’re not right for each other. This is a job for someone who knows what they’re doing, and besides that, someone of his social standing. You should tell him as much.
But you don’t.
You spend long minutes poring over the options. Feeling the material, testing it’s texture. Careful, you choose one with a soft inner lining, that won’t catch on the neck of his button downs, that won’t chafe when he’s running around. A subtle color, unobtrusive in his loud, bold life.
(He doesn’t ask you to put it on him, knowing, somehow that it would be too much for you, cause you to recede into your shell. He can be patient.)
It’s still not a date.
So you have no reason to be pissy when yet another alpha taps him on the shoulder, says some cheesy line about his eyes.
Gojo just snorts, rolling his eyes, not even gracing the man with a response as he pulls you along down the sidewalk, talking about what to get for dinner.
But this is the fourth time it’s happened today, and you feel like you’ve reached your limit.
You yank out of his grasp.
Immediately, he makes a grab for your hand again, scowling when you pull away, no longer acquiescing to his whims.
“What?” he demands, “What is it?”
“You could be a little more put off by it,” you say finally. It sounds petulant even to your own ears. “Like… offended, or whatever.”
It takes him a second to realize what you’re talking about.
“Comes with the territory, sweetheart,” he drawls. He’s smiling, but you can tell he’s unhappy with your peevishness. Why are you denying him? Are you disturbed by what he is, too? “Omega and all that.”
You shift on your feet, uncomfortable with your own discomfort. “How often do alphas hit on you, anyway?”
He freezes. Grins. “Are you jealous?”
You can’t even get out a denial before he’s grabbing you, spinning you both in a bear hug. “Holy shit that’s so hot, baby,” he moans.
He’s got you by the shoulders as he starts dragging you down a side street, not at all in the direction of the station you were supposed to part ways at.
“Gojo, what are you doing?”
“Making it up to you,” he says, pinching your cheek. “I think I saw a hotel this way earlier.”
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winterpantsu · 3 months
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Lamb loves their spouses so much!💖 Absolutely no jealousy to be found amongst them!
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sojutrait · 7 months
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chu hua and her cousins threw a banger house party at their townhouse 😁🥳 it was one of those parties where ppl are just going in and out lmao so she met a couple new friends! also ~gasp~ emilio from her time in tartosa showed up bc turns out he goes to their uni! they caught up for lost time pretty quick
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astrobei · 7 months
tiktok is not allowed to talk about the hunger games anymore actually because why did i just see a comment saying that young snow would’ve been in love with katniss. and why were people agreeing with their WHOLE CHESTS
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kneelingshadowsalome · 5 months
Hello there again! Got another thought to share!
What or how does being territorial look like on BOTH of them? (Territorial is protecting what’s already yours; whereas, jealousy is WISHING to possess what isn’t.) Now hear me out on this; this is for AFTER she finally admits she loves him & is now just living her life with him so happily as his precious & beloved wife while she’s finally and openly is treating and loving him as her dearly loved husband after getting over the “expectations” she thought she needed to uphold.
With Konig, how does he react/behave/or even think when he notices that other men are ogling his sweet & pretty wife? Does he go into a silent but terrifying rage? Does he get more “handsy” with her to publicly show she’s completely OFF LIMITS? (Like he gentle but steadily keeps a hand at her waist while keeping her tucked at his side while slyly side-eyeing the offender(s) with a look of “don’t even think about it/I’ll kill you.”) Would it be worst or better for him when he realizes that his precious wife DOESN’T even notice the attention other men are putting on her because ALL she can see now is her beloved Konig because other men just CAN’T compare to him? (She now has tunnel vision on him only because other men aren’t even a blimp on her attention radar.) Example: like when they go to into town to shop for whatever reason or even to look at the catalogs for his wife to see about what next nice things she can ask him to buy for there home, only while she’s so busy/distracted going through the catalogs that she doesn’t notice another man is eyeing her & coming closer to her who wants to try to get her attention (stupid man either ignores or doesn’t notice Konig’s beautiful ring on her finger). Only before the poor idiot can even get close to her, here comes Konig pulling the breaks on him intentions & scaring the crap out the idiot away from his wife; all the while she’s busy in her own little situation of shopping.
Or how about with her? After finally admitting to herself & him that she heads-over-heels in love with him, how would she react if she ever noticed that another woman actually finds her husband attractive & actually tried to grab for his attention? Like would she see her as a threat trying to steal her lover from her? Because she cares more about having his love for her being stolen by a potential home-wrecker hoe then the lifestyle she has with him (she found her happily ever after and she’s NOT gonna let another woman steal it from her). Would wifey actually get possessive over him? Would she jab passive-aggressive remarks to the shameless cunt trying to get her husband’s attention? How would she react if she actually notices that her husband is completely oblivious to the attention another woman is giving him (like because since no other woman can hold his attention the woman’s flirting completely goes over his head & he just thinks this woman is being overly friendly with him)? *LE GASP!* 😱 Would WIFEY for ONCE get handsy with HIM?! Like she’s so ANGRY at the situation that this shameless bitch is trying to steal her husband right in front of her, that she doesn’t even care that they’re in public, and actually wraps her arms around his waist to possessively hug him and actually slyly keeps her hands on his ass while giving the hoe a serious look that states “You see this I’m holding? ALL of this is MINE! If you don’t back off, I might actually have to kill you.” (Would Konig go blue screen from her getting handsy with him for once?) Because although he’s tall with an European background, has an accent & is a bit awkward that made him unpopular in most social situations; she finally realizes that there ARE actual others out there who DO get attracted to those traits that her husband has. (Guilty bitch right here 🙋🏻‍♀️; tall guys with accents who just happen to be great lovers are a weakness for me!🤷🏻‍♀️) How would Konig react when he finally realizes that his wife was acting as she did because she didn’t like that another woman was trying to get his attention? Would he feel so honored & blessed that his wife will fight for him? Or would that just make him super horny that he wants to plow her as a thank you for loving him so much?
Basically would both go into a “I will kill you” state of mind if someone drew unwanted attention on their spouse? Like below.
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The reason why this is such an endearing imagine is that, to my knowledge, any kind of PDA was abhorred as scandalous during this era!
Even König has to keep his hands off if he wants to avoid shocked gasps and excited whispers, and truth be told, he doesn’t give a shit about those. But what he does give a shit about is not disappointing his beloved... Grabbing her waist borders on treating her like some common whore, so as much as she loves it when he does that, as much as König’s hands ITCH to get a little “gropey” in public, all they can do is act decent and docile, like a married couple just strolling through town 🙄
The same applies to her: even if they’re married and in love, she can’t just drape herself all over him even if she wants to :( She’s too proud with her reputation, appearances and such. She was taught to be a lady, and even if she rides him like a horse at night or lifts her skirts for him like she’s just an animal to be bred, she’s going to be in her most ladylike demeanour when they’re in public! She puts her gloves on, her nose up, deals out distant looks and cultured, pretty speeches – unless she’s looking at or talking to her husband, oh, um, well. Anyone can see this lady is neck deep in love and would do anything to get him to touch her... What a horrible flirt, using God’s gift of marriage for such lustful activities! And her husband is even worse… He’s probably corrupted this poor little thing, trying to act all snobby in the frontier; one can only imagine how these two are like when no one can see, probably like animals, yes!
But even our pompous little lady can get riled up if she sees someone flirting with her husband... And it’s so funny because other women are simply air to König, the only pair of lovely eyes he sees is hers. He wants her attention and love like a man dying of thirst even if he now has it and then some more. And she has it no better: his love and worship are like the daily bread for her now. Other men have looked like boys compared to König ever since she stood on that altar next to him... She lied to herself for so long that she wanted a cultured, civilised man. That manly traits would, of course, be more than welcome, but that she didn’t want some rough creature to live with… And then fooled herself into thinking that that’s not exactly who she’s writing to when she entered correspondence with this man. When she stepped out of that train and saw this hulking beast of a man, speaking with a foreign accent and looking at her like a piece of meat and angel feathers, she still foolishly thought that she was not into men like him.
But now that she has made peace with herself, her mind is more at ease and she can enjoy him to the full. She waits for their nightly activities like it’s Judgment Day and she gets to ascend to heaven, she even bathes with him sometimes, too starved to feel how those strong arms wrap around her when she demurely enters the tub... But seeing that there are other women, most of them very unladylike, who look at her husband with the same eyes she looks at him in the bedroom – that will just not do!
Things go so far with one woman who must be a courtesan of some sort, that she actually flits across the street, looking like an angry little cupcake in that new dress König got her, and slaps her. With her gloves on, of course, she wouldn’t want to dirty herself with the likes of this “lady”!
König has been oblivious to this woman’s attempts to flirt and is only shocked to find that his little lady is so upset about something, she never slapped him even if he was being rude and needy and far from a gentleman, so whatever crime this woman has done to his wife must be horrible! She refuses to talk about it and just leaves this saloon lady laughing and rubbing her cheek as they hurry back home; nothing he does or says makes her confess why she hit her.
She’s all pouty for the rest of the evening, eyeing him like this is all his fault, all in all looks like a cat who has burned her paws on a hot stove and has then been thrown to an ice cold river :( She’s so adorable he can’t keep his hands off, he wishes she would just tell him what stone has found its way in her tiny little shoe now, see if he could fix it... His pet name for her seems so very fitting now, she’s like a princess whose subjects have betrayed her trust, his poor little queen is in a foul mood all evening and even more so when he starts to slowly take off her dress.
It seems she’s just in need of a good fuck, and he’s become an expert in that with her; why not let him unlace her corset? He’s not as clumsy as he was, hmm...?
She melts in his arms slowly like a small, adorable ice cube, and after she has had her fill of his cock, moaned and mewed and clenched around it until they’re both just a sweaty heap of limbs on the bed, she finally sniffles and tells him what the problem is.
When he can’t stifle his smile, and then the bubbling laughter in his chest, she gives him a very nasty look, a look that could kill.
His poor princess was just jealous… What else can he do but smile? Does this mean that she loves him?? :)
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nicollekidman · 3 months
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if it's not a boss-employee relationship with toxic codependency and a constant battle for power/attention i do not want it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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qkmlh · 5 months
Still ducking hilarious to me that Zoro & Sanji began their beef because they thought the other was misogynistic and it came to a head of no return when Zoro felt his title of ‘Luffy’s specialest boi’ threatened by Sanji’s comment
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avatar-aaang · 15 days
wait hang on, Monty's "kind and considerate... like Charles" and the way Edwin whips around. Monty was like okay so you hurt me so i'm gonna flirt with your boyfriend xoxo the silly crow plays dirty and i'm loving it
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aioliravioli-69 · 2 months
Thank you so much @tmkalp for creating that wild west au 🙏 and for being ok with me making my own :D
So here, have Chase being hog-tied to a train track!
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First things first(because you KNOW I gotta add a description to every image lol)
I hate that goddamn train. I'm gonna admit I traced the hell out of it and it took me hours??? It came out so ugly brooo
It's WAYY too small but not a single cell in my body is motivated to redraw it
Aight, train rant over
Buddy is supposed to be a western prostitute(the pants were supposed to be non-transparent fading into a transparent tone) because I couldn't think of any other villainess role in a western movie.
Not that I was more creative with Chase 💀
I literally just looked up 'western film female protagonist' and stole ideas off of there
Also yes, Chase is in extreme back pain
Buddy: Well hello there
Chase: *muffled insults*
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mamawasatesttube · 4 months
i think we also need simon valentine back bc his possessiveness and jealousy over kon is so funny (sorry simon). i need him to witness bart just casually using kon as a jungle gym and grind his teeth about it. i want him to try to infodump about frogs to kon but tim interrupts like oh thats cool. hey i modded my car this weekend do you wanna see!! and simon is like. excuse me. i was infodumping first. sims negative reaction. and bart is STILL sitting on kon's shoulder like a weird parrot.
peak comedy to me is simon valentine stuck in a room with tim kon and bart. kons in the middle of it and doesnt even realize. simon is radiating intense jealous vibes but tim and bart are both like lmao ok anyways, this is OUR kon. <3 Autistic Hostility (intensely one-sided) (but also somehow 3x combo?) (kon is oblivious but he can pick up on the vibes) (the vibes are rancid bro) (Autistic Hostility.)
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bicheetopuff · 1 month
Y’all are getting annoying with all of this hate. This chapter didn’t go the way you wanted it to so you start calling hori a terrible writer? You start saying it’s disgraceful? Are you for real?
Why’re we acting like the story is over? Was there a “the end” somewhere that I missed? Was there a conformation that Shigaraki was completely dead that I also missed? You guys are right that there are some things that didn’t make sense and that it felt a little rushed and how Nanas connection with Shigaraki was off screened but, we still have chances to see all of that.
The thing with Nana might come up with All Might and Gran Torino incase y’all forgot that he’s apart of that whole thing. There could a flashback for Tomura Shigaraki: Rising. Shigaraki could manifest overhaul and put himself back together.
Here’s the thing though, Deku was never motivated to save Shigaraki, he wanted to save the crying child inside of him. AFO was rewinding his age every time he died for like 30 fucking chapters, are you really convinced that he didn’t make sure Shigaraki, his vessel/escape goat, didn’t have the same quirk just incase? Wouldn’t it come full circle for Shigaraki to come out of this as young Tenko? Wouldn’t that even make MORE sense than Deku trying to save someone that’s already too far gone physically? Shigaraki was literally falling apart, wtf was Deku gonna do? Glue him back together? Stop punching him while he was still possessed and trying to kill him and others?
Why is this fandom always mad when Deku does anything? Some people are saying he didn’t have any emotional investment in Shigaraki and that he didn’t show emotion when he died but, we haven’t even gotten the chance to see his reaction yet. The last page he’s super far away and facing away from the camera, how tf do you know he’s not upset? How do you know he’s not looking at Tenko right now?
All of this to say, can y’all just be patient for once? Wait a few chapters before you start literally wishing death on Hori for writing something that didn’t please you in a shonen manga. At this point, some of you need to just drop the series if it’s gonna get under your skin this much. I’m really tired of defending this fandom and being associated with it when y’all are being this outrageous. Some of you need to start thinking and reflecting after you read rather than just go straight to your keyboard and start throwing metaphorical rocks into Horikoshis metaphorically online window.
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sammygender · 11 days
i’ve never been as angry on behalf of a character as i am for sam winchester
#currently thinking about season four and five. absolutely fuckibg mental#the world literally reshapes itself around him to prove him wrong#its all framed as God. Sam was so stupid and selfish and reckless for drinking demon blood. He just liked the power of it and he chose a#DEMON over DEAN.#but. that’s not the story they tell in s4.#like even aside from every single other complexity. Sam is literally right. he has ZERO WAY of knowing that killing lilith is the final seal#AND DEAN DOESNT KNOW TJAT EITHER. like sam is literally right he can kill lilith and he does kill lilith. dean wants lilith dead just as#much. sam’s cardinal sin is disobeying dean and then the world flips around on him and plot twist sam and dean were both wrong all along and#killing lilith is what will bring back lucifer :)#but. it’s not framed like that either. it’s framed like SAM BROUGHT BACK LUCIFER BY KILLING LILITH WHILE HIGH ON DEMON BLOOD#dean you wanted to kill lilith too?????????#but. doesn’t matter dean despite being mostly motivated by jealous anger is retroactively proven to be Right#and sam is retroactively proven to be Wrong. he is bad#i just. jesus. sam’s not evil ever. he’s hardly even that fucking morally grey#and he still thinks there’s something wrong with him that he’s a freak that he’s inherently evil and needs to be purified#why?? cause of something fucked up that happened to him when he was a baby#and because he’s disobeyed his father and his brother and been angry at awful things that have happened to him#makes me feel fucking insane actually#no wonder narrative frames sam as evil no wonder he’s inherently marked as Bad by the forces in supernatural like even on a meta level#in supernatural gods just another shitty father. embodiment of the familial patriarch. and from sam’s very first moment on the show he’s in#opposition to that he’s ran away from john and he argues with dean. therefore he is evil#i don’t think my words r really making sense right now but. fucking hell#and sam is so swamped in guilt all of season five and he just fucking accepts that everything bad is his fault#and he gets tortured in the cage to save the fucking world and it’s STILL not enough. not to appease his own guilt and not to appease deans#anger at him. dean is still throwing his perceived violations back at him in like season nine!!#and whenever he tries to get out it’s treated as yet another Sin. narrative acts like sam thinking dean was dead and having a life outside#of hunting is The Worst Thing He Ever Did#worst sin sam ever commits in the eyes of the show is disobedience. Absolutely awful actually#spn#sam winchester
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