#heart&039;s desire
tom4jc · 1 month
Romans 10:1 Desire For All To Be Saved
Brethren, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they may be saved. Romans 10:1 One of the most common desires people have all over the world is for world peace. People want there to be no more wars or fighting amongst any groups of people or nations. The desire is for everyone to get along. How this looks is often different for different people. The world then wants everyone to…
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livingwellnessblog · 1 year
Detaching Love from External Factors: Building Genuine Self-Love
Discover the power of authentic manifestation in love and relationships. Learn how to avoid manipulative tactics and embrace the 'going to the end' approach for genuine and lasting connections. Explore insights from Neville Goddard's teachings
Detaching Love from External Factors: Building Genuine Self-Love Associating love with external elements like beauty, fame, or wealth can unwittingly expose you to potential manipulation and abuse. Real love transcends these surface-level attributes. Let’s explore the consequences of tethering love to external validations and delve into the power of cultivating authentic self-love. The Fallacy…
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thinkingonscripture · 2 months
King David: An OT Example of Submission to God
David provides a good example of an OT believer who lived in regular submission to God. The Bible describes David as a man after God’s own heart (1 Sam 13:14; cf. Acts 13:22). David walked faithfully with the Lord and surrendered to His will. David was an obedient king, for the most part, and subsequent kings were measured by him (1 Ki 3:14; 9:4-5; 11:4-6, 31-34, 38; 14:7-8; 15:1-5; 11-15; 2 Ki…
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kdmiller55 · 4 months
When Sin Clouds Our Thinking
6 While there was war between the house of Saul and the house of David, Abner was making himself strong in the house of Saul. 7 Now Saul had a concubine whose name was Rizpah, the daughter of Aiah. And Ish-bosheth said to Abner, “Why have you gone in to my father’s concubine?” 8 Then Abner was very angry over the words of Ish-bosheth and said, “Am I a dog’s head of Judah? To this day I keep…
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gregnrealestate · 4 months
Navigating the Maze: Unveiling OLF 8's Latest Bidder Saga
Exploring the Intricacies of Escambia County Contracts and Conflicts
Exploring the Intricacies of Escambia County Contracts and Conflicts A Bidder Emerges: The Mysterious Case of OLF 8 In a development that has sent ripples across Escambia County, Moorehead Law Group recently submitted a letter-of-intent to Escambia Commission Chair Steven Barry, representing Pensacola businessmen Cliff Mowe and Ryan Chavers. Their offer of $22.5 million for 290 acres of the OLF…
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markmcole · 1 year
Seeking God's Answers
In Matthew 7:7-8 – Jesus says, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” In these verses, Jesus uses the imagery of asking, seeking, and knocking to convey the idea of persistence in prayer and seeking a relationship with God. The…
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dwuerch-blog · 1 year
Bless Your Pea-Pickin’ Heart
When my niece, who is now an Assistant District Attorney here in South Texas, was first sworn in at Austin’s Texas Supreme Court as a Texas Attorney, I gave her a book called “Y is for Y’all”. It is a book of Southern ABC’s. It’s a great and hilarious gift for a newcomer to the South, because, yes, darlin’, we are bilingual in the South — with speakin’ Southern talk! So, of course, when I…
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stubaby777 · 2 years
Stu's World: Post Picks For August Thru November
Stu’s World: Post Picks For August Thru November
Man, there have been some amazing posts shared here of late. And of course, I can’t wait to share them with you😊 But before I do that allow me to introduce you all to a very dear friend of mine. Her name is Dana and we go way back! Also like most of us she has a story. One that she is working on sharing through her blog From Past To Present. Check out her latest post entitled Going Back To 1974…
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hannahecareyauthor · 2 years
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“Captain Otho says the men have been calling him The Hunter,“ Alekos said.
Rhiannon cared little for the talk of war, but the comment piqued her interest. In spite of the way those around her referred to the natives inhabiting the island, there was something intriguing about the wild tales she heard of the land across the water; such mystical talk was not common in Talekos. Rhiannon was particularly fascinated by the stories of the strange warrior queen of Arth who held Stelios at bay, something Nikos and Alekos found distasteful. Chloe and Kassandra continued to drone on and Rhiannon turned her attention to the men at the far end of the table.
“Captain Otho should be spending more time quelling the unrest in Blaidd than listening to ghost stories,” Stelios said as he slammed his goblet of wine down on the table, drops of the dark red liquid sloshing over the rim.
“Does Captain Otho truly think there is a ghost?” Rhiannon interrupted, recalling Nikos’ earlier comment.
Stelios scowled and she turned her eyes back to her plate, preparing to be chastised for her impulsive desire to speak out of turn.
“It is an uneducated savage!” Stelios bellowed, using the knife in his hands to cut into his fish with quick, agitated movements, the tender fillet shredding with every slice, “And someone had best give me good reason why the best soldiers in my army can’t seem to catch a simple peasant.”
Celtic inspired epic romantic fantasy with Robin Hood vibes, enemies to lovers, found family, a broody outlaw king, a lost heir, wolves, and low spice romance. Get The Hunter: Tales of Pern Coen in eBook for FREE! Also available in paperback, hardcover, and audio.
Download the eBook for FREE here:
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kmac4him1st · 2 years
God’s Heart Desire
God is great! Nothing about this life is fair, yet... we have Jesus, from every moment to every choice. Explain that... only Mercy can! AweGOD!
The Father’s Heart The heart of our Father God, has never been anything but personal. We can see His desire is for heart to heart relationship with us, in His way, by His truth, and life. He wants us to be wholly-holy-his. This has always been His desire, it has never changed, no matter what we have done, He keeps reaching for us, to be in personal relationship with us. How can we dishonor a…
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gailgoodwinnow · 2 years
What Your Soul Needs
It’s not easy to align your will with the needs of your soul. It’s an act of pure surrender. Scary business.
It’s easy to forget that the real purpose of the manifestation process is to deepen your relationship with your body, mind, emotions, soul and spirit. It’s not about generating more stuff. That’s just an off-shoot. With so many dimensions to it, the manifestation process becomes a massive, life long learning curve once you commit to it. Hyper-intention can be a challenge. It can get in the way…
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fearlesswriterblog · 4 years
Advent Reminds us to Trust God with our Heart's Desires
Advent Reminds us to Trust God with our Heart’s Desires
Zechariah was a priest and as such had duties infrequently inside the temple. His division was called to place the incense before the morning sacrifice. The priest who went into the inner part of the temple was determined by lot, like drawing straws. It was not by chance that Zechariah was chosen as God used this time to send an angel to talk with him. Luke 1: 11-16 “While Zechariah was in the…
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mythsteps · 6 years
fable of the bumpkin who walked down the road
fable of the bumpkin who walked down the road
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One afternoon, as the young bumpkin worked his small bean field…
…he spied, in the distance, an old man slumped with fatigue beside the road.
Being kind by nature and upbringing, he filled a pitcher from the well bucket and gave the traveler a cup.
Sometimes when you help a stranger, you are rewarded beyond your imagining.  And so it was with the bumpkin…
After the old man had drained the…
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monarchies-history · 4 years
The Champion’s Desire
The Champion’s Desire By Marie Lipscomb Description: Can forbidden love overcome the pull of duty and tradition? No longer the Lady of Blackmere, Natalie joins the champions as a squire, aiding them in their pursuit of the traitor who organized the bandit attack which cost so many lives. But when their chase ends at the Champion’s Guild, she and Brandon must keep their love a secret, or risk…
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serataino · 5 years
Nights of Lights
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Image by Susanne Jutzeler, suju-foto from Pixabay
Nights of Lights
Suspended lights whose glow glides against a smoldering sunset,
While the color of navy eyeshadow creeps an ashy stroke along a darkening sky.
Lightning bugs flutter between incendiary bodies,
Propagating waves across the uncompromising emptiness of space,
Landing like stardust on our already over-heated skin.
We wait for talismans,
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thenaturalsage · 3 years
 “Living Wide Awake™” Like A Mystic 1-28-22
 “Living Wide Awake™” Like A Mystic 1-28-22
Like a mystic, you may know things before they happen! It’s another great day for being intuitive! This may be new to you, take it in stride, and avoid any confrontation. Opposing Energies: Self doubt, fear, exhaustion, argumentative We’re all more receptive and practical today, so refrain from arguing and/or dominating, as negativity blocks this terrific receptivity. Instead, connect with others…
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