#heavenly host elementary
mishima shouldn't be in heavenly host elementary school (corpse party)
Kazumi Mishima shouldn't be in the hallway between the main building and second wing of Heavenly Host Elementary School!
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shinozaki-ayumi · 4 months
every once in a while i have to listen to corpse party's chapter 5 theme to feel alive again
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suicideenthusiast · 2 months
date idea: we perform a totally not suspicious charm and get stuck in a nexus of realms that holds the space called heavenly host elementary
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SUMMARY: High school students are whisked away to a haunted graduation ceremony for Heavenly Host Elementary School, forced to close after a series of gruesome murders. What fate awaits Naomi and her friends at the cursed school…?
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school-of-all-time · 1 year
Round Two, Bracket 8
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theyareweird · 5 months
Corpse Party: Sachiko Shinozaki —Aesthetic
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Sachiko Shinozaki's Character & Personality
Sachiko is the seven-year-old daughter of Seiji and Yoshie. She was a student at Heavenly Host Elementary School. While she was alive, Sachiko was a shy and reclusive girl who loved her mother dearly. Sadly, her death caused her to become a bitter and vengeful spirit. Consequent to her death, Sachiko became the sinister and murderous tyrant of Heavenly Host. She used her fatality to ensnare innocent victims to secure their demises. Customarily, Sachiko doesn't want to simply kill her victims but play with them, pretending to be their friends or letting them free to kill them later. She's typically accompanied by Yoshikazu Yanagihori, who brings and traps the victims for her. Sachiko first started trapping children in the school to prevent her mother from being lonely. Eventually, it became solely a source of amusement. In the end, Satoshi and the others proved to her nothing she did made her mother happy, which consumed Sachiko with remorse and substantiated her love for her mother is what mattered most to her. This earned her rights to enter the afterlife. Thereby, Sachiko conserved her loyalty to the Kisaragi survivors in Blood Drive. There, she's helpful and gives crucial information to help save others against a sadistic killer. Near the end, Sachiko saves the students by sacrificing her spirit energy without hesitation to do what's right and redeem herself.
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auss-umpkin · 2 years
Here's a question.
How would Alucard/Seras react to being in Heavenly host elementary (Corpse Party)? My husband says Alucard would probably obsorb the souls (either out of pity or strength , we can't decide), and I believe Seras would go full berserk on the adults trapped there that are still preying on the kids. Maybe on a few of the kids themselves like Sakutaro.
Or even better, how would father Anderson react?
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uebermacht · 2 years
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To celebrate Halloween this year, I’m thinking of exploring Heavenly Host Elementary School and finally playing Corpse Party. Is that a good idea?
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An elementary school was torn down following the murders and disappearances of several of it’s staff and students, Heavenly Host Elementary School -- But another school Kisaragi Academy was built over the elementary school site.
One night, a group of students at Kisaragi Academy were telling ghost stories --- unfortunately... sometimes stories become reality. Especially when you perform a ritual in a place of the DEAD
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This event can likely contain the following triggers and more--
Being buried alive, Cannibalism, suicide, suicide idealization, abuse, murder, plenty of gore. You name it, it’s in this fucking franchise. Please blacklist the tag if that triggers you (and to my event participates please USE this tag.):  HALLOWEEN STORY; SACHIKO EVER AFTER
I am happy to write your muses into this thread idea/storyline, but keep in mind, I am controlling the school, the enemies, the outcomes. Play it safe. Or don’t.
Will you survive Heavenly Host Elementary?
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In order to participate, LIKE OR REBLOG THIS POST (reblogs preferred), and join our DISCORD SERVER it is extremely likely your muse will die in HORRID ways in this storyline.  Keep in mind this is an 18+ Only event
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kon-konk · 2 years
A new question has come to mind about Corpse Party’s lore and the Sachiko Ever After charm, which is:
What would happen to someone in the room with the group doing the charm that isn’t involved in it?  Like, if they’d told Yuka or Ms. Yui not to grab the doll with them?  Would they have just watched the entire group disappear?  Would they have been swept away, too, with absolutely no hope of coming back since they wouldn’t have a scrap of the doll?  Would they go about their business like nothing happened if they were left behind, their memories of those who were just sent to Heavenly Host Elementary already taken from them?  Or would they remember them, slowly forgetting them as they die and not be aware of it, just having the nagging feeling that there’s someone missing from a memory?  If one of those who went to Heavenly Host comes back, would the person who was left behind in the room still remember the ones who died like the survivor would?
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This school looks leagues above Heavenly Host elementary.
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Well I mean, this is the tragedy and sadly a lot of schools got hit pretty hard by Ultimate Despair, I'm honestly surprise this school was still standing.
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theotakufiles · 11 months
Corpse Party Manga
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In the eerie halls of a demolished school, a group of high school students find themselves trapped in a nightmarish reality known as Heavenly Host Elementary. With no way out and a dark past haunting each of them, they must work together to uncover the mysteries behind this cursed place and escape before it claims their lives. The Corpse Party series is a gripping tale of survival filled with supernatural horrors, twisted friendships, and heartbreaking decisions that will test the strength of their souls. Delving into the depths of fear and despair, it explores themes such as guilt, redemption, and the unyielding bonds forged through shared trauma. Brace yourself for an intense journey where every step brings them closer to salvation... or to their doom.
Support the incredible talent behind 'Corpse Party Manga' by purchasing your copy today at gekimanga.com. Immerse yourself in this captivating series, filled with suspense and thrilling twists, while also directly contributing to the success of the dedicated manga author. Don't miss out on this opportunity to indulge in a gripping story – place your order now!
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redwidowym · 1 year
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You think if I were in Corpse Party they'd allow me to use a bat on the ghosts and demons at Heavenly Host Elementary?
Eh, whatever. I have a bat.
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somesaiyanarts · 1 year
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I hope you enjoy this video! Please for give my rambling! I have been a fan of Corpse Party for such a long time! Its what really got me into horror games! I wonder if I will end up surviving heavenly host elementary?
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whatisonthemoon · 1 year
Rev. Moon's followers turn Brazil swamp into paradise
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▲ Pictured: First map shows both Puerta Leda / Project Leda in Paraguay and Jardim in Brazil, and the smaller map below the first map points out Jardim / New Hope. 
Reuters, Dec. 7, 1999 By Noriko Yamaguchi
JARDIM, Brazil, Dec. 7, 1999 (Reuters) - The Rev. Sun Myung Moon was on vacation in Brazil, fishing on the fringes of a huge marsh, when he decided to turn the uncultivated land into paradise.
In just five years since that revelation, the controversial leader of the Unification Church has built a secretive community for his followers -- known to their critics as "Moonies" -- in an area roughly the size of Chicago.
It is found amid wide stretches of rocky infertile farmland in the middle of nowhere, at the end of the world's largest swampland called the Pantanal and a good four-hour drive from Brazil's southwestern city of Campo Grande.
Moon's disciples say he was attracted to the area precisely because it was so remote.
"Why Brazil? Because this place is so underdeveloped and protected from the evils of civilisation. The Reverend thinks this is the best place to practice heavenly life on Earth," said Joo Hyun Lip, education leader for Moon's believers in Jardim.
An imposing white gate at the entrance says "New Hope -- East Garden," a reference to both the surrounding town of Jardim -- Garden in Portuguese -- and to the Garden of Eden. Security guards protect the sprawling community that already has apartment houses for up to 2,000 people, an elementary school, a market and a big temple.
Several hundred church members from the United States, Japan and South Korea flock to this no-man's-land every month, paying a $1,000 fee to pray under the scorching sun and fish in "sacred" lakes once visited by their leader.
Moon's landing in Jardim originally mystified locals who wondered what interest a Korean could have on this side of the world. The 80-year-old religious leader responded by opening up the doors to his empire, allowing dozens of local peasants to come and experience a disciple's life.
Buying Land To Help Illiterate Peasants
Some 100 locals, mostly unmarried, now come to New Hope every month to learn how to read and write. They also receive free meals if they will tolerate several hours of sermons.
New Hope also recruits a handful of young workers to brave long, sweaty days ploughing dusty soil and building dams around mosquito-infested swamps as well as constructing a retirement house for Moon. In return, all the workers get three meals a day with rice and traditional Korean pickles.
This is Moon's way of enlisting new followers from Brazil -- the country with the world's largest Catholic population -- after suffering a drop of popularity in South Korea, Japan and his adopted home, the United States.
"We are educating the poor locals, whose grandfathers were illiterate, whose fathers were illiterate and whose sons will also probably be illiterate," said Cesar Zaduski, the group's Brazilian leader in Jardim.
But millionaire Moon's unusually large purchase of land has started to raise official eyebrows. He took advantage of the country's steep currency devaluation this year to snap up more land around New Hope and cast his net into Paraguay, Brazil's neighbour on the other side of the Pantanal swamps.
Moon says he needs the land to construct a university and a giant soccer stadium to hold his famous mass wedding ceremonies in Brazil. Cash-strapped local landowners were more than happy to trade their uncultivated property for his generous dollars.
The local population had already warmed to Moon after he donated 28 ambulances to poor municipalities and hosted barbecue parties where he gave away imported television sets as prizes. But some Brazilian officials doubt his goodwill.
Officials Worry About Drug Paradise Or Tax Haven
Authorities started questioning Moon's ambitious expansion plans after local police reported two foreigners were found drowned in nearby lakes last year. Police said the victims had actually drowned fishing, but the incident aroused suspicion and the state government of Mato Grosso launched an investigation with the Federal Police into Moon's activities.
They want to know where the money for the land purchases is coming from and what the territory is being used for.
"The Federal Police's major concern is that a lot of drug trafficking goes on in the very region where Moon is buying land," said Rilton Araujo, police chief in Jardim, some 50 miles (80 km) from the border with Paraguay and not far from Bolivia.
Authorities say Brazil is a gateway for selling illegal drugs produced in those two countries.
Jardim Mayor Marcio Monteiro also fears New Hope could be used as a tax haven, pointing to Moon's history of being jailed for tax evasion in the United States in the 1970s.
"They should be paying taxes in Jardim. They are not just a religious organisation but they are actually in a business of accommodation," he said of the thousands of Moon's followers who stay at New Hope.
Moon, who has spent $30 million buying land around Jardim, already owns a bank, hotel and newspaper network in Uruguay as part of his financial ventures. His varied assets in the United States include a Washington-based newspaper, a New York travel agency and an Alaskan seafood canning business.
While locals generally welcome his largess, the Catholic Church is not happy to see his preaching, blending Buddhism, Christianity and Confucianism, spread its influence in Jardim.
"Their geographic expansion is worrying," local priest Bruno Brugnolaro said. "Moon's belief of substituting for Jesus Christ is absurd."
While the religious threat posed by Moon seems remote since Brazil already has a wide range of obscure religious groups of its own, the authorities have definitely tuuned in their radar toward possible drug-related problems or tax-avoidance issues.
"At this point it's more like the locals are just trying to find out what they are all about," said Jardim police chief Araujo. "I think a lot of them are actually opportunists who are even trying to make money out of the Moonies' presence, but it's certainly becoming a big issue."
Related articles below
New York Times: Suspicion Following Sun Myung Moon to Brazil (1999) $16,000.00 Life Offering and the Brazilian providence. Unification Church under siege in Brazil (2002) Brazil FFWPU has many corruption problems Ferabolli of FFWPU Brazil may be a child predator Sun Myung Moon’s Drug Paradise Emperor of the Universe video ‘Privatizing’ covert action: the case of the UC / FFWPU
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school-of-all-time · 1 year
Round 1, Bracket 8
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