#heehee fish boy
oddthesungod · 4 months
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Blue like the ocean and the sky above.
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gunnrblze · 2 months
Kept forgetting to ask you this request, but could you try ranking the ghost boys as songs from the band Fish in a Birdcage? Include Strike too in the ranking pretty please, I wanna see what you think :33
Fish in a Birdcage is one of my favorite bands, they're not very popular but they got bangers<3 was gonna make music recoms but figured this is better lol
Of course, love a good band rec too lol. After listening to most of their discography, these are the vibes I get :)
Hesh- Rule #2-Moonlight (reminds me of him n Logan, in a familial/brotherly way ofc)
Logan- Rule #4- Fish in a Birdcage (makes me think of how he may try to cope being in the pit, imagining Hesh etc etc something brotherly like that, to add from above lol)
Elias- Rule #15- Four Aces (him and Rorke HELLO? Lol all I can think about here)
Merrick- Rule #31- Calamity (getting big operation sand viper energy here…)
Keegan- Rule #34 (purely based on vibes here lmao)
Kick- Rule #19- Amigo (also based on vibes heehee)
Rorke- Rule #8- Otherwise (‘Take me with you, take my life’…mhm yeah)
Strike- Rule #9- Child of the Stars (him n his momma…his mommy issues lore goes crazy tbh)
Also I love the art for these album covers
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gingerlee-holds · 11 months
March 13, 1745.
The next chapter! Featuring some new characters heehee (Don't worry, there will be more of them in the future!) I'm afraid that this chapter suffers from severe TWNFSTS (They Would Not Fucking Say That Syndrome), which I blame purely on the fact that I wanted my little Mr. Fernsby flustered and tworded a little. Is that a crime? But yeah, strangers irl don't act like this unfortunately, I just want everyone to adore my little scientist Anyways, I hope you all are enjoying these so far! They're very very fun to write. I just hope it's not too anachronistic.
Word Count: 2282 (holy crap i really let that get away from me huh) Reading Time: ~17.5 minutes Warnings: Mentions of alcohol, un-proofread ofc
I am most certainly now on the right track. I arrived in the little Welsh town two days ago, and immediately, the quaint charm of this place struck me. Really, calling it a town is a bit of a mischaracterization of the location. It is more of a village. Llandeilo, the village in question, is quite, quite picturesque. The streets are cobbled and flanked by brick buildings which show their age. There is not a library here, to my chagrin - this village’s proximity to Talley Abbey, I had hoped, would grant me access to more documents, some of which might have helped in my search. However, it does have a market square, a tavern, and a coffeehouse, each of which may have some inhabitant willing to share their knowledge on the subject. 
Cousin Barnaby's guest house is very fitting for my needs! The brute of a man does not truly understand what I am studying, and in his defense, I don't truly know either. Still, the house he has lent me is small, but with a spacious interior. Cousin Barnaby is the high constable for the village, and the poor man does not find intellectual pursuits in the least fascinating. Nevertheless, he has provided me with ample food and firewood for my little cabin, and if there is anything else I require, he has made it known that he is more than happy to provide for my needs. 
By that time, I still did not know what was causing the featherflakes, and I was determined, yesterday, to find out what they were, and if it were possible to become exposed to them again - purely for research purposes of course.
That morning, I had decided to first try my luck at the market square. There were merchants from all over, coming to and fro, shouting their wares. The air was filled with many smells - spices, fish, cheese, and various medicinal herbs (which I had perhaps tarried too long in perusing). 
The sounds of the market square were far more foreign than the smells. There were words shouted in Welsh, English, French, Irish - all of which I knew, of course, yet the combination of them all had a powerful effect on me. I believe I even heard singing from far off. There were numerous stalls filled with bartering and haggling townsfolk and merchants eager to swindle. I had walked up to one such tradesman at an empty stall, whose curly blonde hair, broad shoulders, and gap-toothed smile made him… quite appealing to the eyes. He seemed young and spoke in a smooth tone.
I straightened my tie and walked up closer. “Good morning, my good sir!” I had said to him, smiling confidently as I rested my hands on his stall, trying to emulate with every fiber of my being that I knew what I was doing. I did not in the slightest know what I was doing.
The tradesman chuckled softly, and spoke with a silky voice that, I admit, had a significant effect on my heartstrings. “Why, what do I have here! A university boy, come to pay a visit to my stall~!” He rested his chin on his elbow and looked me in the eye, almost smugly. “What can I do for you, stranger~?”
The confident, almost flirtatious, tone with which the man spoke put me at once off guard. Despite my best efforts, a blush found its way onto my face, and I found I could not meet his eye without a giggle. My hands fidgeted with the edges of my coat. “W-well!” I had said, “I’ve come to study a p-particular phemonenon- phenomemom- phenomenon!” 
The man chuckled and motioned for me to continue with his eyebrows.
“Ah-! You see, I had encountered what seemed to be- a storm of feathers last year at around this time, and I had read accounts that it may have been an event more common around here- I was wondering if-”
“Heh heh… a storm of feathers, huh~?” 
His voice stopped me and I looked back up at him. He was smiling smugly, as if he had known something about me that I did not. 
“No, sir! I mean- yes, sir!” I stood up at attention, trying to organize my frazzled mind. How was I failing to speak to this man so wholly?
Another alluring giggle escaped his lips. “Well, I don’t think I know much about feathers, and far less about storms of feathers. I’m a traveler, you see - I don’t stay in one place for long. Perhaps you,” he emphasized that word with a single finger-tap on the tip of my nose, “might find better information at a place where the locals reside, hm~? The tavern, perhaps?”
The blush on my cheeks grew hotter, I knew it for a fact without needing a looking-glass. I nodded, eagerly wanting to escape his eyesight to retain my dignity. “Yes, sir! Thank you very much, sir!” I turned my back and began walking quickly away, pushing past a few others who had stopped to watch the conversation.
I heard a few giggles from the tradesman. “Ohohoh, so formal~! Well, I shall see you again soon! I am in town all this week, dearest~!” At those words, a squeak escaped my lips and I broke into a run, wanting nothing more than to escape from the giggles of that quite handsome and flustering man. 
I went to some other shopkeepers, but none of them could provide any more information. The market square was clearly a poor start to this investigation. I just hope that word doesn’t spread around town too much about my… disposition.
I had planned on traveling to the tavern next, with or without that merchant’s advice. As I arrived, the sun had arisen over its peak and began sinking into the afternoon. 
The tavern was a small one, but it was crowded when I entered. The room was filled with people larger than myself, a scenario with which I was, by that time in my life, thoroughly familiar. There was an out-of-tune fiddle being played raucously in an adjacent room, and other such sounds of frivolity were abundant. 
Walking up to the bar, I noticed that the only two inhabitants were a woman and the bartender himself. The woman had a rough look about her, clearly someone used to hard work, if her muscles showed anything. She had her dark brown hair in a bun over her head, and wore a dark leather overcoat. The bartender was cleaning a wine glass with a rag, smiling at a joke the woman must have just told. He had an easy smile and his suave tuxedo suggested he was brought up in more high-class society than this.
I walked up and sat down at the bar next to the woman, motioning for the bartender to come over. “A glass of sherry, if you’d please, my friend!” I smiled at him, nodding when he looked at me with an arched eyebrow. 
The woman next to me chuckled and turned to me in her seat. “You new here? I think I would have remembered you if I’d seen you here before.”
The bartender brought me my glass and I set down a shilling for his troubles. He took it happily and put it in the pocket of his waistcoat, smoothing his pomaded black hair. “He certainly seems new. That sherry had been collecting dust.”
“Yes, well, you see, I have a particular quandary, and I was hoping one of you fine people could help!”
The two of them looked at each other, smiled with their eyes, then turned back to me. The woman said, “Why, we’d be happy to help!” 
I happily took a sip of my drink, finding it very delicious to taste. “Oh, splendid! All right, it goes like this. Last year, I had an encounter with a flurry of feathers. They had blown in and covered the house I was living in. They were a nuisance, but they caught my interest and held it.”
The gentleman behind the counter hummed, tapping his fingers on the counter as he listened and nodded. The woman, however, seemed uninterested. 
“So, you came here trying to find out more? You came all this way to find a bunch of feathers?” She grinned at me and did the same as the bartender, tapping her fingers on the counter.
Trying my best to ignore the finger-tapping and simply focus on the question, I said in reply, “Well, these were no ordinary feathers! They clumped up and invaded my home, and there was an uncountable supply of them!” My speech was stopped by a quick poke to my side. I squeaked and looked down, but saw nobody’s hand.
“Of feathers~?” That was the gentleman behind the bar, now sharing the smile the woman had. They looked at me like two hungry dogs would look at a lambchop. Their finger tapping had increased in speed.
At this point, my face was beginning to heat up again, and I nervously drank the rest of my glass to avoid thinking about it. “Yes, do you…  know where I might find these?” I felt a quick poke to my side again and jumped, gripping onto the counter to keep from falling, but when I looked back, there wasn’t a hand there.
The woman smiled and put her hand on my shoulder. “Oh, I think I know where we may find some!”
I smiled eagerly at her, ignoring the hand on my shoulder giving a gentle squeeze. “Where? I’d be delighted to know!”
“Why, outside! There’s a tree right next to here. There’s a rook’s nest up there, it should have some feathers.” With that, she gave me a quick poke to my side, which, with a rather embarrassing yelp, sent me off my stool and onto the floor. I flew to my feet in a huff, looking at her indignantly to hide the blush that had reached my ears.
“Madam! Never before in my life-”
The bartender interrupted my sentence with a chuckle, ruffling my hair. “Why don’t you run along, university boy? …Or else we’ll have to keep you here a while longer~.” His eyes narrowed as his smile grew wider. His finger-tapping on the counter had reached an almost scribbling-speed, making my blush grow wider as I looked at the woman a final time, then fled out of the tavern.
The woman and bartender laughed, the woman bringing her mug to her lips. “What an adorable little morsel. Hope he’s not leaving town soon.”
The market square was unhelpful, as was the tavern, but I was determined not to give up. In a last-ditch effort, I walked over to the coffeehouse. It was evening by then, and I hoped, perhaps naively, that I could still find some information on the featherflakes.
The coffeehouse had a warm glow, and a piano was being softly played in a corner. The landlord was stoking the fire from his seat next to it. I walked in, but upon seeing that there weren’t many people there, I sighed, and was about to leave. Then, however, I spotted a figure slumped over in a booth. Their head face-down on the table seemed… familiar. 
I approached and sat down next to them, tilting my head in curiosity. Finally, with a gentle tap on the shoulder, I mumbled, “Hullo?”
The figure shot up with a start, mumbling about Suffolk in delirium before looking at me, and her eyes adjusted in recognition. I gasped softly.
“Clara?” I whispered. Her face erupted into a happy smile and she threw her arms around my shoulders.
“EREN! How have you been, my dear, dear friend!”
With a squeak, I pushed on her shoulders as much as I could. “Uh-! Mr. Fernsby, if you please-!”
“Nonsense! You are and forever shall be my little Eren!” 
I growled a little and heaved her off, straightening my coat. “Mr. Fernsby, Clara.”
My old university roommate smiled her easy smile and pinched my cheek. “Whatever you say, Eren~!”
“Why does nobody in this accursed town take me seriously! I am on an investigation!”
“I believe it may be because you’re one of the cutest people ever born?”
“No, do not be ridiculous, Clara.”
She giggled and leaned back in the booth. “You just caught me on my mid-evening nap!” 
I hummed an affirmative. “Tell me, which one is that? The fifth nap of the day of the sixth?”
She giggled and winked. “The sixth! You have a good memory, Eren!”
“Mr. Fernsby. Now, you wouldn’t perhaps know of any feathers around here?”
Clara put a finger to her chin and thought. “Well, there are those feather things that look like snowflakes. You mean those?”
I jumped and turned, wide-eyed, and exclaimed, “Yes! Yes, those! What do you know of them?”
She sighed, smiling, and pressed me back down into the seat. “I’ve been researching them for a bit. I could tell you what I know, if you’d like?” She yawned and wrapped her arm around me, pulling me close to her. “On second thought, maybe tomorrow.”
“No, no you-” I tried to protest, but the soft lighting and music, along with that glass of sherry were having a profound effect on my mind. I yawned after she did, and I nestled close to her - for warmth, though, and nothing else. She told me afterward that I was “a good cuddler,” despite the fact that it absolutely was not cuddling. 
I fell asleep next to her rather swiftly, unfortunately, leaving the conversation about the featherflakes for the following day. I must admit… it wasn’t the most unpleasant end to the day.
Read the previous entry in The Fernsby Journals! Read the following entry in The Fernsby Journals!
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leggerefiore · 2 years
Eel boys haven't been on the menu in a hot minute? Got any yummy content on how they'd be spending the cold months with their mate?
High Five Anon
I feel like I need to give Emmy more love
cw: eelektross hybrid emmet
You watched as the equivalent merman shift around in the tub again.
It was a bigger, box-style tub that you had bought specifically for your lovely boyfriend to hide himself in whenever he wanted a break from aquatic life.
Of course, he currently felt like he was here outside of his own volition.
In winter, Eelektrosses tended to find a nice rocky cove to hide in deep under the water and rest until spring returned. It preserved their energy while prey numbers were low and allowed them a safe place to sleep without risk of other predators attempting an attack. Emmet, however, did not want to rest deep in the ocean without seeing you for months on in. No, instead, he thought of a genius plan to stay with you in a tub of water.
“I think I'd be better off looking into an aquarium at this point,” you sighed as he kept trying to find a comfortable position. It was too small for his long serpentine tail to rest with him in the tub. You hated seeing him like this and felt that him hibernating may have been the better choice, despite his protests to this.
“Mmm,” he hummed, choosing to rest on his stomach and face you with his head resting on his hands, “Could you? It would be good exercise! Heehee, you could even dump prey in and let me chase them around.”
“Even Magikarp have a high price during these months, Emmy,” you shook your head. Still, he seemed quite cute all posed to face you. Leaning forward, you pecked a sweet kiss to his face near a group of his eel skin. A giggle came from him. “Hmm, I'll talk with Ingo about getting you somewhere more comfortable to stay,” you decided. Emmet nodded and returned to his endless shifting.
You jumped awake in the night as a gross chill shot down your spine. A slimy tail curled around your legs as wet arms pulled you tightly against their chest. You felt rough skin rub your own. For a moment, horror aerated your brain until you realised what it was. Emmet had appeared to crept into your bed and taken you into an embrace. You could feel his chest rise up and down slowly as his weak lung sacs worked to process the pure air outside of the water he normally submerged himself in.
You let out a breath as you pondered if it was worth scolding him over this again. Ever since he had moved in for the winter, he had begun to sneak into your bed during nights. While he had done this previously on your lifeboat, it was a pleasant thing as his cooled body often took away from the extreme heat that the summer brought. In the winter, the effect was quite the opposite. “Emmet,” you whined, “I told you to stop doing this.”
He nuzzled his face into your hair and hummed. You could already tell he did not care, and felt – oh, so - cosy in your bed while stealing your body heat. “I will stop,” he offered, “When you stop being the warmest person I know.” His tail loosened and tightened for a moment as began to pepper kisses to your head. You decided to accept your fate for now. Wrapping your arms around Emmet, you nuzzled against him and returned back to sleep.
The most entertaining part of dating an Eelektross hybrid and having him live with you in the winter was watching him lose his mind over whatever fish you brought him. A clear preference for Feebas was noted, but anything that lived in or around the ocean was enough to satisfy him. Which is why you had taken him to the beach to let him hunt out Krabby. They attempted to scuttle away from the apex predator, but failed to make it far. Emmet then thoroughly enjoyed his hunted meal and even tried to offer some to you (which you denied for quite a few reasons).
When there was little to hunt on the beach, or he found himself craving true fish, you bravely bought some at a fish market and proceeded to play what was equivalently fetch with your boyfriend. His speeds in the sand despite lacking legs was astounding. The same arms the pinned you to the beach underneath when you had first met carried him quickly after the poor fish that was already gone. Your cheering when he caught it in his mouth was likely uncalled-for, but it was definitely exciting to see in action.
It served to keep him active and near his natural environment, too, which was good for him. Even if he was adamant about staying at your side through the winter to prove what a devoted and good mate he was (and how lonely it would be to go months without seeing you or Ingo would be), you knew he missed the ocean. The lazy days of laying on him in the summer sun as you were floated along the water by him were gone and replaced with little action at the beach besides an occasional brave bonfire.
You sat down to watch the sun set beneath the distant ocean waves, and the twin joined you. Resting your head on his shoulder, you smiled to yourself. His head rested atop yours before his hand imitated it.
“I can't wait for summer again,” you admitted to him, “Playing in the water with you became such a pleasant thing.”
“Me, too,” he cooed, “I can go for a short swim. If you want?”
You denied his offer immediately and instead turned to cup his cheeks. His eel skin felt smoother than his human skin. His silted pupils were instead a rounded black that nearly consumed the silver of his irises. Leaning forward, you pressed a tender kiss to his lip that he eagerly reciprocated. His hands held your shoulders softly as you remained connected for as long as your lungs could handle. Pulling away, Emmet's sweet smile made your heart warm with emotion.
For all the annoyances brought by him staying with you during these times, you found yourself enjoying it more than anything.
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crow-ooc · 5 months
Grabs you throttles you. Analyse my fish boy. Do it. =:)
heehee. i will try my best.
the world is against you. you're not supposed to exist, but you do and you can't stop crying blood, and that makes you weak. you know that. that's why you have cameras everywhere. you need to be in control, you need to survive, you need to protect diphda. because god knows that she shouldn't have to deal with this responsibility. she's the reason why you're alive today- the reason why you haven't stepped down.
and then it all falls down. and then your mother, the person you idolised so much, beats you into the ground. and then diphda. and suddenly, everything is out of your hands. you're left drifting, going where others go, being taken along and being manipulated and controlled. you are malleable, like gold.
all you want to be is safe. you just don't want to think about it anymore. you just want to rest. but you're a heir- you can't do that. there are mutants to cull. it's either them or you. it's so lonely. and maybe that's why you open up to everyone you encounter- maybe that's why you let yourself be controlled. what else can you do? everything has left your hands.
raveri is... so easily influenced. maybe it's a result of him being in a cultlike situation. being on grumblr is foreign, almost- unfamiliar compared to the city he's used to overseeing. a fish out of water, if you will. what do you do when you were isolated for so long and you finally get a taste of what friendship feels like? of course you want more. he is so. lonely. :[
bonus: binary (corrveri)
you witnessed his descent. he messaged you two separate times, half-incoherent from the sopor and the crying.
and yet, you can't bring yourself to do anything.
raveri is raveri. you aren't going to try to change him or manipulate him; you won't mold him like everyone else has. if this is the course of action he chooses, then so be it. all you can do is watch, and then leave. and then maybe you both will finally be able to go your separate ways.
isn't that what you wanted?
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littleguypumpkinsheep · 9 months
Another addition to childhood au heehee. Cw for violence and murder, Simon kills someone.
“Hah. Go fish.” 
Felix rolled his eyes, drawing another card from the pool. 
“Ugh. You are such a cheater. I know you have my cards, you’re just hiding them.” 
“Non! I’m insulted you’d even accuse me of cheating!” 
“Liar! You cheat at every game we play, this one’s no different.” 
Simon smiled slyly to himself, observing his hand of cards. 
“Do you have a 5?” 
Felix glanced down, brow furrowed in frustration. 
“Nein. Go fish.” 
Simon drew from the pool fairly, shifting his cards to one hand as he crunched the last part of the lollipop he’d been holding in his mouth. The stick was discarded, and he took out another one from inside his blazer.
“Those were different. We made bets on them, this is just a simple card game.” 
“If it’s so simple then get those stupid cards out of your stupid sleeves!” Felix snapped, and then apologized almost immediately after. Simon thought it was more funny than anything and snorted in response. 
“Perhaps we should stop playing before you try to attack me.” He said, and Felix shook his head with a huff. 
“No, you’re my friend. …But yes, we should. The bells going to ring soon anyway.” 
Simon nodded, and the two boys set to piling the cards together in a stack to make putting them back in the box easier. The other boy didn’t help as much, more focused on watching his friend count each card in the deck before snickering when he suddenly stopped. 
“We’re missing five.” 
Simon didn’t hear, too caught up in his fit of laughter. 
“Dein Mutter ist HÄSSLICH! I am leaving immediately! You know where to go if you manage to stop LAUGHING at your ABUSE!!” 
Felix was a little miffed, sure, but not nearly as angry as he was making himself out to be. He made a big show of packing his things and stomped out of the classroom among the crowd of children who also had leaving on their minds. Simon cleared his throat, having almost choked on his candy, and finally started to gather his things. He shook out the cards in his sleeves and tucked those into his blazer as a trophy, shoulders shaking with laughter again.
It had started to drizzle a little by the time he finally got out, and it had to of course be the one time Felix neglected his mother’s advice on bringing an umbrella. She’d get him for that, no doubt about it. It wasn’t too much of a concern, though. It didn’t seem like it was going to start pouring anytime soon. 
Felix followed his normal route carefully, a trail of pre-established back alleys and shortcuts that he made absolutely sure no one would find him through. There’d been too many instances of people following him home, so the route was made early on in the year. And so far, it’d worked. Simon and Misha were the only other two who knew about it, and they made sure to follow him as discreetly as possible when they were meeting up. Felix wasn’t the only one who had problems with bullying; they all did. 
Misha was too intimidating for anyone to start physical fights with or to say anything to his face. It was an emotional kind of bullying. Talk amongst crowds behind his back, excluding him, avoiding him, making it seem as if he wasn’t even there. For Simon, it was a lot more physical. He was smaller in frame than the other boys, so they’d rip him away from the protection of his friends to get him alone. Sometimes it’d get so bad it was like they were playing with a rag-doll. 
But, that was why they stuck together. They had to put some distance between them on the route home to avoid detection, but they always were following each other. No one was ever truly by themselves, and this was a method that wor-
“Found you, freak.” 
Felix scrambled to get up and clutched his bleeding hands, crimson skid marks on the ground underneath him. A layer of skin had been scraped from being shoved into concrete. 
“How?! HOW?! I did everything I was supposed to! Why are you still HERE?” 
“Aw, poor baby. Are you gonna start crying? Gonna tell all your communist friends about it?” 
Glass crunched under the other student's foot. Felix’s glasses. 
“Leave us alone.” 
“You did this yourself. You dragged them into your stupid, pathetic life, and now they have to suffer just along with you. Don’t you get it? You ruin everything you touch,” they spat, shoving Felix back into the ground with the heels of their hands.  
This time papers and glass bottles clattered and spilled out of his bag, and when he shot his hand to grab them the strap fell from his shoulder. The other boy ripped it from him, dumping the contents out. More glass shattered upon impact, all the chemicals and ingredients he’d spent months collecting sinking into the ground.
“No!! NO! STOP IT!!” 
He couldn’t see. Everything was so blurry. 
“What the hell is all of this? You’re.. everyone was right, you’re a nazi!” 
He still had the same syringe in his pocket and with it he made a wild swing the boy, digging it straight into their calf. They screamed, and Felix dragged the needle down his leg until it snapped off the inside of his muscle. They grabbed his neck with both hands and crushed it, smashing him down onto the pavement. Felix clawed at their hands, ripping at the skin until blood piled underneath his nails. 
He couldn’t move. 
He couldn’t breathe. 
And he was alone here. 
Simon drew his butterfly knife from his side, flipped it in his hand, and plunged it into the back of Felix’s attacker. 
And then again. 
Again, again, again, until a hand grabbed his wrist. 
“Simon! Stop it, that’s enough, please!” 
He blinked, only just registering his friend’s voice. He was gripping the knife so tightly it left dents, like he couldn’t physically drop it. Felix tapped his shoulder, and then shook him when he didn’t respond. 
“Hey-Hey, can you hear me? Simon. Look at me.” 
He did, although he couldn’t focus. 
“Can you understand me?” 
He nodded, made some kind of noise in the back of his throat. 
“Okay. Calm down for a second. Alright? Calm down. It’s.. okay. Things will be. Fine.”
The rest of what he said was inaudible. 
“I think I killed someone.” 
“Let’s go. We have to go.” 
Felix picked up the remainder of his belongings and grabbed his friend's hands, pulling him out of the alleyway. Both of them were covered in blood, and the walk home was completely silent. The sun had sunk low into the sky by now, the streetlights along the road acting as lighthouses. They were about 2 blocks away from home when Simon suddenly stopped walking and collapsed onto the curbside. Felix stopped and sat next to him under the light, everything quiet and slow except for the sounds of crickets chirping.
Simon was shaking uncontrollably. He had his arms wrapped tightly around his waist, clutching at his blazer to stop the tremors in his hands. He hadn’t said anything, he hadn’t done anything, he never cried. There was just this glazed, shocked expression on his face. Felix hadn’t ever seen anything like that before. He didn’t feel curious about it this time. 
“Draw something.” He said, cutting through the heavy, sick feeling silence. From his bag he pulled out a sketchbook and a pen, offering it to Simon. 
“Make something, anything. You know, take your mind off things.” 
Simon took the sketchbook stiffly, staring at the blank page it was flipped to. He couldn’t get his fingers to hold the pen properly. 
“I don’t know what to draw,”
“What’s your favorite animal? Do that.” 
And so he did, making clumsy, shaky, marks along the page that hardly looked like anything at first. He kept trying, and eventually, he managed to make the icon of a cat. Circle for the head, triangles for the ears. Simple features. The more he repeated these shapes the more confident his lines became, and he started to draw more realistic cats further down the page. 
“Katze? Fitting.” 
“I used to have one, in France. We had to give her away before we moved, though.” 
“I’m sure she understood! Cats are very interesting creatures, intelligent too, but personally I like birds. Did you know pigeons were used as messengers? They would always find their way back home, even if they traveled to entirely different states.” 
His interest in birds led him to ramble a little more than he intended until he noticed his friend had gone very quiet next to him. 
“…Are you okay?” 
“I don’t know. I-… I killed someone today and I’m drawing cats. And you’re talking about birds.” 
He thought about what to say for a few minutes. Nothing he came up with sounded good at all.
“That’s true.” 
Another bout of silence. 
“What even started it?” 
“They- Called me something. I don’t want to say it.” 
Simon nodded. He didn’t have to for him to understand exactly what he meant. He’d heard all kinds of variations of that word, for different groups of people. Slurs, he remembered. Derogatory insults he’d only ever dealt with upon moving. It didn’t matter who the person was; if they weren’t originally from America, you were a target. 
And, in a way, the butterfly knife still in his pocket coated with the blood of someone he didn’t know, was justified. 
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cryss-heart · 4 years
I missed wamuu Wednesday 😔
please accept this tiny wham as apologies
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✧...Kiss Me Once Again : Genshin Impact
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warnings // none!
summary // when your one more kiss turns into a million, he asks himself just how he's meant to react.
featuring // aether, kaeya, razor, xingqui, bennett, chongyun, diluc, venti, childe, zhongli, albedo, xiao, kazuha, tohma, scaramouche, gorou, itto, ayato, dainsleif
requested by // anonymous
Hi! May i request u the factions of genshin bois when u kiss their whole face? And between each kiss, you say somethings like "I love you" "you're so so so pretty" "I really want to marry you" <3
notes // hello frendo :) of course you can!! vv much in a softie mood rn and this is feeding into it. i feel like they’re kinda similar? minus what they say and such, but i hope you enjoy them nonetheless! <3
aaaand i hope you don't mind the format i used for this one heehee, and sorry it took so long :((
masterlists // genshin impact + tokyo revengers + haikyuu + obey me!
✧ rules and guidelines ✧
✧ like // comment // reblog if you enjoyed! ✧
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he smiles lazily, accepting your affection and attention wholeheartedly and even taps his lips when you pull away to vocalize how much you love him, "mmm, i love you too, now i think you missed a spot?" or, "if you truly love me, you'd do that again,"
✧...Kaeya, Venti
it feels a little overwhelming to him, maybe because he isn't sure of what he could have possibly done to receive such compliments and love from you, so he just sits there, taking it with warmed cheeks and a lovestruck grin, shyly repeating whatever declaration of love you say to him back to you.
✧...Bennett, Aether, Gorou, Xiao, Razor
"can i help you with something?" he chuckles, the kisses on his nose tickling him a little. after a while of letting you have your fun, he'd then cup your cheeks between his hands to get you to hold still before he presses unstrategically placed kisses on your face, "now, i can't let you do all the loving can i?"
✧...Childe, Itto, Tohma 
does he resist? yes. he pulls away to look at you strangely, lips in a straight line as he tried to comprehend what sort of feeling the warm kisses and loving words were sending that reverberated through his body. this, affection, isn't exactly his scene so he struggles to process it, mouth opening and closing like a fish before saying, “maybe one at a time would be better?”
✧...Scaramouche, Xingqui, Chongyun, Albedo, Dainsleif
since it’s either you having to ask for him to shower you in affection or he does the you showering in affection, his heart beats quicker with every kiss you lay on his face, “this is nice, i see why you like receiving it so much,” he hums, rubbing your arm softly as his eyes slowly shut, surrendering to the love that fills him from head to toe. vulnerable and peaceful isn’t his style often, but maybe, just maybe, he’ll grit through it if it means he’ll feel like this more often, floaty and like this is where he’s meant to be.
✧...Zhongli, Diluc, Kazuha, Ayato
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Heya! Thank you for answering my request! Now, can I get yandere big bro. Not an incest obviously l. teru, kou and tsukasa and hanako with little sis/bro gn s/o?
Now the thing is s/o usually got a mistreat at school due to people jealous of them (kou,teru) on tsukasa & hanako case (a yokai seems to wanting tsukasa & hanako beloved dead)
However s/o seems to not mind it at all. Btw, s/o is student at the school. And seems to be reincarnated after they die, and seems to believed hanako & tsukasa after they said they were s/o ghost brother and s/o reincarnated.
Now what would be the scenario when they find s/o is sitting on the floor. Wet around their hair and their clothes seems to be been damaged. When they Ask what happen s/o said.
"oh, big brother, I'm sorry...i'm really is...today is your birthday...but..." S/o keep cry and then said this while sobbing so hard "today, there's a girl who want me to introduce her to you. But I want to give you the gift and reject her, the girl obviously didn't take it well and...she make her group do this" "i-i...keep...trying to saving money to buy you this caused i want it to be secret...but-i..guess..there's nothing to give to you" while showing a blue (blue sky) (blue light) kou.
Tsukasa & Hanako Case
"big brother...since this is your both birthday I thought it would be better to get you both a gift. But there's a girl who hate me. I didn't even knew why?" And then s/o just said while sobbing "I..know big brother hanako love donut, and and I'm sure big brother tsukasa loves it too...so I baked a homemade donut, but that girl destroy it...she...she said my cook is the worst and people who eat it will puked and not even a ghost want it" "also she steal the necklace that I buy for you two since she say I did not deserved that"
Green (hanako) red (tsukasa)
Headcannon and oneshot again please!
The Minamoto brothers and the Yugi twins with a bullied younger sibling❣︎
Warings: Hinting to murder?, bullying, abuse, slight cursing
A/n: Hey! Of course of course, I try to answer requests to the best of my ability!
I did this with the siblings combined so hope you don’t mind shshjsh
Heehee hope you enjoy, my love~
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Teru was your older brother and he made that known to the school
You loved the fact that you were known as Teru’s younger sibling
You loved your brother
But you knew you would be used for it
People would fake being your friend just to get close to Teru
Then once they got rejected, they always blamed you
You didn’t mind, you still wanted to be Teru’s younger sibling
Teru slowly picked up on this
He knew something was up so he told Kou
Those two tried to keep a close eye on you
But while they were there, it look like you had lots of friends
But when they left the bullying begun again
But sooner or later, the other girls true colors will start to show
Teru and Kou are protective brothers
The girls in your class should have known to not get on your brothers bad side
“Teru-nii! Looks like you got a lot of presents!” Kou called out, running to his older brother who was standing at the entrance of the school. Teru chuckled and looked back at his backpack which was full with presents from fangirls.
“Well, I guess I do...” Teru patted his younger brother on the head, making him smile brightly. “Where’s Y/n? Aren’t they supposed to be with you after cleaning the bathroom?”
“They are…” Kou's expression turned into a slightly worried one “but they said they had to go early. They told me something about wanting to get something prepared to give to you for your birthday…”
Teru sighed, he was worried. He already had suspicions that you were getting mistreated in your class but he didn’t know for sure so he never confronted you about it. He has confronted Kou about this and he had the same suspictions as well.
“Well let's go get them!” Teru clapped his hands and made his way towards the building.
“Do you think it's…” Kou didn’t want to finish the sentence.
“Let's hope not.” Teru’s carefree expression lowered at the thought. “Do you know where they went?”
Kou thought for a moment.
“No, but I know they aren’t in the old school building…”
Teru and Kou walked around the school for a while, looking for you in no avail. Kou pointed out little droplets of water that slowly got bigger reaching to the school's lockers. The boys froze when they heard sounds of sobbing. They turned the corner to see you facing your lockers drenched in water. You leaned onto your locker, closing it.
“Y/n..!” Kou called out, making you turn to him. “What happened?!”
“Who the hell did this to you…?” Teru asked, examining your ripped close and abused appearance. You looked at him and only cried more.
“I’m sorry big brother Teru…”
“Y/n, you don't need to be sorry, this isn’t your fault..!” Teru hugged you “What happened..?”
“I-its your birthday today… but there was this girl who wanted me to introduce you to her... but I said no, she didn’t take it too well and did this…” You sobbed into his shoulder. Teru’s grip on you tightened thinking about how this only happened while he was outside with Kou.
“I-I saved my money… to buy you a nice sky blue necklace… and I even got big brother Kou light blue one as well… b-but she destroyed it and I don’t have anything to g-give you…”
“Y/n that’s so sweet! We are extremely thankful!” Kou tried to lighten the mood a bit, giving you a gracious smile. You could see tears pricking the corner of his eyes. Teru was still angry that his suspicions were true, he was praying they weren’t.
“Who did this?” Teru sternly asked.
“I-it’s fine Teru…” You kneeled to the ground picking up pieces from the necklace she destroyed “She already left… there is nothing I can do now…”
“Y/n… please…” Kou kneeled down next to you and put his hand on yours.
“Guys, what would make me feel better is if we got home… can we please go home?” Your voice was begging. You just wanted to be in a warm blanket watching T.V. with your siblings.
That's all you wanted right now.
“Okay… I’m sorry Y/n, let's go home okay!” Teru gave you his jacket which you happily accepted.
“Even though I couldn’t get the gift, it meant the world to me!”
You sighed walking to your classroom. It was early and you were tired. You were happy your brothers didn’t ask you about it for the rest of the night, you didn’t want them to worry. You thought you would get a load from the girls who did this to you yesterday but you were shocked when she bowed in front of you instead.
“Y/n! I am so sorry! Please forgive me for what I did to you yesterday! It was very rude of me and I am very sorry!” She was shaking.
“Oh, uh, it’s alright..! No need to bow, I forgive you…” You put your hands in front of your chest, genuinely confused. Once she stood straight up you saw a big red mark on her cheek. She had tears in her eyes but ran to her desk before you could get a better look at her. You looked to Tsuchigomori who only nodded with an apologetic look on his face.
‘What happened this morning…?’
“Teru? You still look down?” Kou faced his brother as they both walked to class.
“Sorry Kou… just a little upset by the person who did this to Y/n…” Teru apologetically smiled.
“Well you slapped her, that taught her a lesson!” Kou encouraged.
“Trust me Kou,” Teru’s smile turned into a frown
“If a teacher wasn’t there, I would have kicked her ass.”
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Amane found it unforunate you were caught in the crossfire of him and his brothers conflic causing you too kill yourself as well
Tsukasa thought it was great that his younger sibling was now dead too
Gosh Tsukasa-
But what they didn’t expect was for you to get resurrected
You were able to see supernaturals yourself and you couldn’t age from the day you died but you weren’t a ghost like your brothers
Tsuchigamori helped you establish a somewhat normal school life
It was all good for the most part, you were back in school, Hanako was the leader of the 7 mysteries, and Tsukasa was just crazy happy
The fact you are getting mistreated is mostly Tsukasa’s fault
Like he can make a lot of enemies so when the fish yokai (that he killed) saw how close you and Tsukasa were, of course they wanted to kill you
It was also a perk that you were Hanako’s sibling since they wanted to get back at him as well for stealing their princess Yashiro away from them
You were weak and had a human body, you were perfect
Amane had no idea about this, Tsukasa didn’t know you were being abused but he did know he pissed off those fish AND HE PISSED EM OFF GOOD-
You figured you would be a target for yokai since your older brothers are powerful
Of course, you didn’t mind this
You knew this would happen so it’s alright!
But the thing was, it wasn’t so alright with your older brothers
Hanako watched the cherry blossoms fall from the tree that he sat under. It was November 25, his birthday, and you said you wanted to have a talk with the two boys. Normally you would talk to them separately because you knew how Amane felt towards his twin brother, but today you wanted to talk to them together. Hanako cancelled his normal cleaning duty and waited where you said to meet up.
“Amane!!” He heard a scream from behind him but before he could turn around he felt someone hug him, wrapping their legs around his waist.
“Oh, Tsukasa…” Hanako said softly, personally finding this kind of awkward.
“Where’s Y/n?? It’s been so long since I’ve seen them!” Tsukasa removed his head from Amane’s neck looking around for you.
“Oh, they aren’t here yet, and I remember them saying they saw you two days ago…”
“So long ago!” Tsukasa whined and Amane sighed at his childish behavior. It went silent but thankfully Tsukasa quickly broke it.
“Didn’t Y/n say to meet them here 15 minutes ago??”
“Yeah they did…” Amane started to get worried.
“They're late!” Tsukasa pouted.
“You’re late as well Tsukasa… And we should go look for them.”
“I’ll lead the way! I know where their last class is!” He stood up and started marching, Hanako closely behind him.
They walked around the school for a while, watching students run across the halls to their clubs, laughing and gossiping with one another. Tsukasa continued to march, not losing the bounce in his step. They came closer to the sound of someone crying, sobs getting louder as they approached a classroom. The twins looked at each other before Tsukasa opened the door.
You jumped slightly, removing your head from between your legs to look at who came in. You only began to cry more realizing it was your two brothers.
“Y/n…?” Tsukasa slightly whispered to himself, staying at the door's entrance.
“Y/n! What happened?!” Amane ran to you, fearing you were hurt in any way. He put his arm on your wet shoulder, looking around to see if there were any visible bloody wounds. He looked at your uniform which was damaged and had a few cuts in it. Your hair was also wet like if someone poured water on you. Tsukasa slowly made his way over to you, examining you up and down. You couldn’t make out the expression on his face but you knew anger was there.
“I-I’m sorry…” You said a little above a whisper.
“You’re sorry for what..?” Amane asked, moving the wet hair out of your face to get a better look at your soaked, tear-stained face.
“Big brothers...since this is both your birthdays... I thought it would be better to get you both a gift. But there are these fish yokai who don’t like me..!” You picked up a couple red and green gems from the floor. Hanako’s eyes widened.
“I... know big brother Amane liked donuts and I assume big brother Tsukasa likes them as well… but they took the donuts I made you saying my cooking was t-the worst and you wouldn’t want it..!” You continued “And they took the necklace I bought for you guys saying I don’t deserve it…”
“Were they talking fish..?” Tsukasa's voice was cold, eyes wide with rage. You only nodded your head.
“Amane, will you stay with y/n? I have something I need to do.” Tsukasa turned to Amane. Hanako already knew what he was going to do.
He was going to go after the mermaid and her fish. There was nothing he could say to stop him.
“O-okay… do what you have to do…” Amane nodded and Tsukasa left the room.
“W-wait… where is he going..?” You started to get up but Amane sat you back down.
“Hey, don’t worry Y/n… older brother Tsukasa is going to take care of this okay?” Amane hugged you.
“But I don’t mind the fish… it’s fine-”
“No. It’s not.” Amane’s aura grew darker before his loving brotherly smile appeared again.
“And hopefully by tomorrow, you won’t have to deal with those disgusting fish!”
“Y/n! Amane!” Tsukasa called out as he walked down the halls. When he approached the door he opened it revealing you and Amane laughing. You were somewhat dry and you stopped crying.
“Tsukasa!” You got up and gave him a hug.
“What happened to those fish…?” Worryness in your voice.
“Don’t worry about it Y/n! You don’t need to worry about them anymore!” He childishly smiled, bringing ease to you.
“Amane approached you two, smiling. He looked to see Tsukasa’s hand that was behind his back covered in blood. Hanako's smile dropped and he went silent. He quickly regained his composure and turned to you.
“Yeah, Y/n you don’t need to worry about those fish. Your big brothers will kill any other supernatural that dares hurt you!”
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littlefreya · 4 years
What do you think Henry and his characters would cook for you on a first date?
Thanks for the prompt, beautiful lady.
Nothing’s better than a man who cooks you a mouth watering dinner on the first date, yes? Thanks to my awesome friends @thelastsock @wolvesandhoundshowltogether and @the-soot-sprite for brainstorming.
Henry’s characters cooking you dinner on a date
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Don’t look at the captain like this, Syverson loves to be in the kitchen and he is specifically favours red meat. A juicy roast, medium rare with rosemary, pepper and steamed veggies with a bottle of Merlot should do the trick. 
And yeah, Sy loves him a girl who not scared of some meat 😈(sorry vegans, veggies, he’d still date you though)
More under the cut
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August is proficient with a knife, any kind of knife, he heard that Sushi is your favourite and since August has been travelling around the world he learned how to make any type of dish. His skills in the kitchen are impressive and mouth watering too, but not as much as you.
Now take off that dress and go lie down on the table and let August put some sushi on you...
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Our true Irish warrior, Melot, will cook you an Irish stew, beef, vegetables, some herbs and spices over the firepit with a drop of ale to improve the taste. He will dine with you next to the fire and tell you of his adventures.    
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Our farmer from Kansas is quite the cook, Martha would not allow it otherwise. And like a good farm boy, he would cook you a fantastic shepherd’s pie which was passed on from the Kents. No worries if you are Vegan, he can make a veggie version too. 
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Sorry @emyearns​, your boyfriend haven’t mastered cooking yet, but he is going to be very romantic, paying extra for a heart shaped pizza just for you. And maybe later you can give him some cooking lesson? 
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Our sea man (heehee) or man of the sea, Will, will fry you a fish he caught on his own while sailing his yacht. Fried lemons, rosemary and white wine to seal the taste. I hope you love fish @killjoy-assbutt-1112​
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It smells like feet, very expensive feet. Risotto with Truffles and a glass of Sauvignon is Leon’s choice of a dinner-date. He brags a bit about picking up this recipe while working Italy. @iloveyouyen is indeed a lucky wife.  
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Much like Will, Geralt is going to catch your dinner first. He comes back from the hunt with a wild boar and roasts it on a spit. Some black peppercorn and salt should do the trick. Don’t expect anything too fancy, my love. 
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Walter loves to cook for his woman, and he especially favours Italian dishes. Whether you are vegetarian, vegan or omnivore, he will make you the perfect Lasagne and he does love to add a lot of fresh basil he grows in his kitchen.  
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Charles ain’t much of cook, he has servants who will do that for him, so come hungry and prepare for a medieval feast, swans, ham, stinky cheese fresh fruits and loads of wine awaits you. 
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Sherlock will do his best to learn how to cook, labouring at the kitchen for hours after shooing the estate’s cook away. It just so happen that he caught a really fat goose and it seems perfect for a romantic dinner. Stuffed with sweet plums, herbs and potatoes, it will turn out just perfect and by the book. 
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One word - rotisserie chicken. NO!!! NO!!! That’s Cannibalism! Being Greek, Theseus will prepare your a traditional Mousakas! Large slices of eggplants, minced lamb and some hard cheese and you are set for the most delicious dinner ever.
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S/O who likes to pick up shells
h/cs for bakugou with a s/o who always picks up shells from the beach when they go? and maybe on the class trip they make him a necklace with a super pretty shell on it
A/N : asdfghkl i hope you like it heehee
words : 1,279
Bakugou x reader
Sure Bakugou had never gone to the beach with you before, but he had a good idea of how much you loved the sea. 
He had come over to your house one day and nothing could’ve prepared him for the aquarium that was your room. 
The desk and shelves were littered with shells of all sizes, a fish tank sat next to the door and he had seen a good few chains of shell necklaces strewn across your bed. 
“Are you trying to become a fish?” he remarked, closing the door before picking up a few small shells on the floor and placing them on your desk, not wanting to accidentally step on them. He cared too much about you 
After the intial shock ebbed away, he grew to like some small features in your room, like how your light casted a dim blue against the ceiling and the photos of you laughing and playing in the sea. 
Bakugou had the perfect idea of where to go once the second year of school had finished, telling you it was none of your business before booking a hotel close to the sea. He wasn’t a huge fan of the satly water, given his quirk was explosions and much more fire based, yet he was willing to spend a few days with his S/O if it made you happy. Truely whipped
His friends had teased him to no end, him cursing at them at lunch on the last few days as you watched humorously from another table, eating away at your food. 
Your weekend getaway went better than expected, having close to no hiccups anywhere. Bakugou had managed to keep his temper down, now having over 2 years of his friends helping him release his frustration in different way, not that he was frustrated with you, perhaps more so the strangers who eyes lingered on you for a few more seconds than he liked. 
The only slight inconvience in his plans was your damn shell collecting hobby. You had nearly missed your hotel’s dinner slot as you spent the entire evening picking up shells. Bakugou still hadn’t understood why you took such a liking to them, they looked exactly the same, just like the next one over. 
But instead of complaining, he let you pick as many to your heart’s delight, training his quirk in the sea and rocks next to it, accidently blowing a few to pieces. 
Maybe he shouldn’t have let you pick so many. Two tote bags full? Where on earth were you finding these, he didn’t even realise there were that many on the beach to begin with. Still he carried the bags for you, watching as you ran up to the hotel in glee, waving your arms at the fairy lights and then the purple sky. 
Back at home, you framed a photo of you and Bakugou at the beach together, hanging a small shell bracelet on the corner of the decorated silver photo frame, before stepping back and admiring your desk. 
It was nearly the end of the third year at school. A school trip was more than certainly deserved. 
It was only a few hours bus ride to the beachside village, Bakugou grabbing both of their suitcases before following Aizawa. He was slightly dreading the day to the beach, knowing how some of the boys in his class where like, mostly just Denki since Mineta’s been replaced by my favourite boy Shinsou, he would be sure to bring along an extra hoodie and scare Denki into not teasing you.
Everyone had run off to do their own things once the class arrived, Kirishima dragging him off to play volleyball as you went with Tsuyu to explore the cliff area by the sea. 
You had only climbed a few steps when you misplaced your foot and slipped right into the water. 
Tsuyu had immediately reached her tongue in after you, finding your body after a few moments and lifting you back into the air as you turned to her in glee. 
“Look what I found!” you grinned, showing her a red tinted scallop shell, her placing you back onto the rocks as you squeezed some water out of your hair.
“Please be careful.” she said, before giving you a thumbs up at your excitement of the shell. 
“It matches Katsuki’s aesthetic.” you nodded to yourself, placing the shell carefully in your bucket and placing it far away from the tide. “Alright, let’s find some pretty shells.” you stated, Tsuyu gladly joining you. 
It was close to lunch time when you had manage to find the perfect shells. The red shell would be the center piece, adorned by two halves of a dark green coquina clam on either side and then the rest being coffee bean trivia shells. You began threading everything as everyone began to gather for lunch, Bakugou automatically making his way to you.
When he called out to you, you quickly shoved the necklace behind you, him raising his eyebrow as you looked up at him.
“What you hiding?” he asked, rolling his eyes as he pulled you to your feet. “It better not be another two bags full of shells.”
“No no, it’s better!” you answered, tugging him along to the class’s picnic before he could ask anymore questions. As much as you sitting with him, it would mean having to put his surprise present on pause, making you pout a little as he passed you a sandwich.
Returning to the lodging area, you rushed off to your room, telling him a quick ‘night’ and a hug before you disappeared for the rest of the night. 
Bakugou was beyond confused, you had been acting a little restless the entire afternoon, but his friends reassured him.
You were working late into the night when you finally finished it. A long, single loop necklace made from some natural thread and sea shells that matched your boyfriend’s colour pallete. You were beyong happy with the outcome, tucking it gently into a small gift bag before turning off the lamp and wishing Tsuyu goodnight, despite her being sound asleep already.
You woke up early the next day, exhilarated to see Bakugou, knocking on his door early as the rest of the class woke up for breakfast. 
“Morning.” he grumbled, walking down the corridor towards you instead of being in his room.
“You woke up early.” you said, grinning as you stepped aside so he could go back into his room. He unlocked the door, quickly grabbing his hoodie before closing the door again. 
“Yeah, might as well go for a morning jog.” he answered. “Give my your hand.” he demanded, placing a small object onto your palm before walking towards the dining area. 
“Oh my god.” you gasped. “It’s so pretty.” You ran after him, loopng your arm around his as you held up the iridescent shell to the hallway lights.
“Yeah yeah, found it outside and thought some shell maniac might like it.”
“Well this shell maniac absolutley adores it.” you replied. “Oh, we can have matching necklaces! I still have a few trivia shells left.” you said to yourself. “Since we’re doing the gift exhange so early, let me grab yours.” you said, rushing off further along the coridor and entering your room, picking up the small silk gift bag before locking the door behind you.
“Here!” you said, stretching your arms out in front of you as he picks the bag from your hands.
You watched in anticipation as he got out the necklace, his face scrunching up in a smile. 
“Thanks.” he said softly, pulling you in as he ruffled your hair. 
“Hey, come on, let go of me! Katsuki my hair!” you shouted as he refused to let go. 
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it is time.
uh i mean- i'm bored so. only seems logical to name every rhythm heaven character. i have no idea how to word some of these but whatever- it is time.
samurai drummer
karate joe
hair vegetables
air batter
space umpire
the clappy trio
the barista
sneaky spirits
the wandering samurai
miss whiskers
doctor cutlery
the wizard
uhhh. girl
gwen (gray penguin)
glacier (big penguin)
gonzales (small/white penguin)
space dancers
space gramps
mini chounin
uh. do the akai mono count- cuz uh. them
the rapmen (pretend that's in caps. it ruins my typing style otherwise and i am lazy)
akata to. something or other. i don't know the names that're gay-up (yes i did just say that) japanese-
lord (such great names here)
the toss boys (aka-chan, ao-kun, kii-yan)
g i r l
(do i wait to list tanata orrrrr,,, ?)
cosmo dancers
cosmic girl
the rap women (wow can't believe they don't get capitalization rights)
salu (/mak-k. i never know what's something silver made up and what isn't)
uh. the ninja reincarnate girl. her
electric fish
i'm not a hundred percent sure on some of tengoku's character names but everything else should be good so onwards.
g i r l (i think she's a different girl-)
the conductor
the chorus kids
pop singer
shoot-'em-up radio lady
the blue birds
captain blue bird
moai kids (they have separate names but i do not remember them)
moai birds
the love lizards/güiro lizards
stomp farmer
t.j. snapper
the dazzles
munchy monk
dj yellow
(they're the best ones- i mean uh-)
taiko rally squad
rally girls
research scientists of love lab
the three synchrettes
the tiny ghosts (spooky, ecto and boo-boo)
dog ninja (is the exclamation point required-)
the frogettes
space kicker
j.j. rocker
student rocker
(god what is it with students and not getting name rights-)
heehee i'm a master at ds' lore but anyways.
miss ribbon
a boy
his crush
weasel couple
f o r k
small monkeys
dough dudes
muscle doll
employee (insert the numbers here, if you read it as text its eee-a-spider)
treat spider (almost forgot-)
ann gler
captain tuck
huebirds of happiness
rhythm rockets (don't remember the individual names apart from the family model)
uh... these guys? (clearly the best rhythm heaven characters)
the love posse ft. mc adore (why's she just tacked on at the end-)
tall tappers
the shrimp scamperers
the library school pep squad
thank god we're almost done-
(i'm doing story characters too)
translator tom
(do the tongue lashing guys have names-)
woodcutter bear
the sumo brothers (idk their separate names but they have them)
monkey/josé (french rhythm paradise megamix)
tibby's mom
monkey/emma (french rhythm paradise megamix)
karate joe's father
hooooo boy i'm never doing this again- this took like. half an hour-
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animebaby00 · 4 years
Haikyuu!! Headcanons: Waking Up Their S/O and Bringing Them Breakfast in Bed 
(My very first set of headcanons >.<)
Characters: Shoyo, Kageyama, and Sugawara
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Three words. Ball. Of. Sunshine.
Whenever he wakes you up, he is full of giggles.
Blows little raspberries on your cheek
"Y/NNNNN Wake uppppppp."
If you don't arise from your slumber he softly boops you on the nose or gives you eskimo kisses until you do.
It's the cutest kind of annoying so you don't mind in the slightest.
He's bouncing on the balls of his feet once you're up and sitting.
"Okay I'm up…" you slurr. (He loves your groggy state by the way) 
"Heehee, it's about time. I have something for you." 
You're confused as he reaches behind himself then lays out the tray before you.
This foodie baby makes you the sweetest breakfasts….literally.
Anything from homemade pancakes and waffles to fresh doughnuts or muffins from the bakery down the street.
And for something healthy...fruit skewers made into little hearts and stars >.<
"Aweee Shoyo...this is so sweet."
And of course everything is delicious.
He sits beside you as you eat, making small talk.
You feed him small bites every so often but he still manages to get food on his face.
His face scrunches as you clean it off with a napkin.
Maple syrup flavored kisses.
Overall, just a sweet and fluffy morning.
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He's actually really nice in waking you up.
Rubs your shoulder and arm through the covers or bends down to press his forehead to yours.
"Hey, you can't sleep forever you know."
You stretch, eyeing him with a teasing smirk, "Is that a challenge?" 
He rolls his eyes but you didn't miss that little smile as he pulled on your arm.
"Come on and sit up, idiot, your foods gonna get cold." 
"Huh? What do you mean?"
You watch as he brings the tray over and sets it down in front of you.
Despite what others think, he's actually a decent cook.
Typically, any breakfast he makes you consists of rice with an egg since it's the most common, but he never fails to surprise you.
Omurice, poached, perfect sunny side up. You name it, he can do it.
The rice is always warm and fluffy and he sometimes makes it into rice balls.
Sometimes he'll throw in leftover pork or chicken from the night before for extra flavor. 
It's simple, but perfect
"It's really good." You smile warmly, "Thank you Kageyama."
He's still not completely used to compliments so the tiniest bit of a blushy blush coats his face as he sits down next to you on the edge of the bed, scratching his cheek.
"Y-you're welcome…"
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No wonder this boy's name is close to the word "sugar" because he is the absolute sweetest when it comes to waking you up.
All of the forehead kisses in the world. 
"Good morning beautiful. Time to wake up..." 
Ohhhh the butterflies.
Sometimes being around him felt like actual heaven.
"Mmmmm...Good morning." You hum.
Suga always has to ask how you slept. He worries if you sleep poorly since he's convinced that an ideal day starts with a good night's sleep...and a nutritious breakfast.
"What's that behind you, Suga ?" 
He smiles. Good god this boy is an angel. 
"Oh, just a little something."
He places the tray on your lap and...wow.
Suga is the mom of the volleyball club, but that trait exists in his cooking too.
You would have been fine with a simple plate of eggs and toast…but with Suga in your life, you were guaranteed intricate perfect nutrition. 
Baked fish, miso soup, rice, crisp vegetables and a rolled omlet complete with fresh squeezed orange juice and a cup of tea or coffee.
"Oh my gosh...Suga you didn't have to do all of this." 
But he brushes it off like it's nothing and sits next to you. 
"Your right. I didn't have to." He kisses your cheek and puts his arm around your waist "I wanted to. Now go ahead and enjoy it, okay?" 
"Okay...but I'm making you lunch later !"
"Haha, deal."
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angelmichelangelo · 4 years
analyze all Phil emojis pls
i’m gonna do examples of each one in the context of which i think phils uses these emojis
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1. 👌🏼
definitely uses it after dan suggests something like “hey lets order takeout” or “i just passed ur fave muffin place do u want anything” and phil’s all “👌🏼👌🏼 bring me a croissant biatch”
2. ✨
i imagine dnp send this emoji to each other a lot as a joke like “love you dumb bitch ✨” and “stop leaving coffee granules on the counter or i will literally kill you ✨” and so on
3. 🎈
i’m guessing maybe it was someone’s birthday and he used it? i couldn’t even find this emoji at first so yeah unless he and dan are sending balloons to each other to see who can do their best pennywise impression, idk
4. 📅
just for the tweet, nothing fun about this one
5. 🤔
probably dan asking him what he wants for dinner and phil sending a million of these bastard emojis as he thinks in real time because phil lester shall not be rushed
6. 🥳
again, guessing it’s someone’s birthday
7. 😱
i like to imagine that if phil’s working on a new video dan goes to sit in the lounge and keep an eye on things and gives him hourly updates on the wildlife of london which earns him a load of shocked face emojis once dan tells him steve has been eaten by barry the fox
8. 😊
the kind of emoji he’d send to kath because who else do you send this emoji to?
9. 😆
*straight friend texts him something mildly funny* phil: ten of these bad boys in a row
10. 🧐
11. 📆
again was just used to for the tweet. rip the emojis that came before them
12. 😁
dan: did you eat my mf cereal??? phil: yes 😁
13. 🐟
definitely a norman emoji. how many updates does he send out to everyone he knows ?? how do i subscribe to the norman text thread???
14. 😇
another example of phil being a shit.
dan: where are my snacks i specifically left in the fridge for me ?? phil: heehee
15. 🐠
what can i say another norman emoji. he really loves his fish child huh
16. 😰
for when dan does actually go out to kill phil when he leaves coffee granules on the kitchen side again...
17. 🦓
phil: this is u rn :)
dan pulling his stripped sweater over his face whilst flipping phil off
18. ❓
when dan doesn’t answer his texts and he’s him alone bored
19. 🐆
for when dan decides to step out of his comfort zone with stripes and goes for spots and phil just makes fun of him again
20. 🐌
dan texting phil a picture of the snails he saved on the way home and phil offering his support in the form of emojis ;_;
21. 🐦
some pigeon updates im sure
22. 😎
phil is a cool dude, okay? he 100% does not use this ironically and will send it after making a terrible joke because phil is king
23. 😭
dan and phil send each other cute shit all the time, mans needs a good cry at something adorable from time to time, get it out babes
24. 🏳️‍🌈
mother fucking gay rights baby. and whenever dnp send each other some gay shit they definitely use this :)
25. 🍹
dan and phil cocktail night helllllll yes
26 & 27. 🥂🏠
i actually wrote a fic about this uh cough cough spon
28. 🏚
phil: hey babe just fyi i blew the entire house up so don’t come home yet also can u pls bring back some food because ours is currently on fire rip forever home thanks xox
29. 🍕
phil: get me dominos, bitch
30. 🥑
after dan refuses because he’s trying to be more healthy
phil: fuck avocados philly want sizzler
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What’s wrong? (Tj Hammond) (Pt. 3)
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Characters: Bi!TJ Hammond x Asian!Female!Reader
Summary: You're an overseas worker and is in a relationship with TJ, but people can't seem to accept the differences between you both even by financially and background wise. (PART 3!) (Read part 1 and 2 before this which is located in my Sebastian Stan Oneshots Book 1! Heehee!)
Warning: ANGST. SAD AND ANGRY TJ HAMMOND. (I'M SORRY? 😢) Pertaining that they've did the birds and the bees but there is no actual smut or anything. Y'all are safe. This is a sad, wholesome one but with kisses? 😅
Words: 2,900+ words. (Damn long again. Hehehe)
A/N: BE CRAZY WITH YOUR FEEDBACKS! TJ HAMMOND IN DA HOUSEEEE YOO! Italics meant that some flashback happened, ayt?
Disclaimer: GIF'S and pictures used are not mine. Only the edits are and the oneshot of course. 😉 Credits to the owners of the GIFS.
Dedicated: @fandomgalcentral​ 
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"Marry me,"
Tj tenderly whispered, his hot breath fanning your face. Affectionate cerulean eyes peering at you with the softest look he could give as he was on his knees, and you were somewhat in a pretty dominating position especially that your dress was bunched up around your waist.
You were having your wondrous pee-time alright, yet Thomas James Hammond thought it was actually a good time to propose with all that alcohol you took.
Knotted eyebrows and a blink was all you've given. "Marry...marry Lee? Whyyy would I even marryyyy Lee?" You drunkenly slurred with a hiccup and a youthful smile. Your baby boy took your face in both of his hands, grasping your jaw in the most delicate way as possible. He was too good to be true, and too good for you.
He was the best you've ever had. Despite of the negativity of what he has been saying about himself.
His pretty blue eyes were dazzling against the yellow, incandescent lights of his bathroom and you were pretty enamoured by the bountiful love that was surrounded in his irises. Only him. Only Tj. "I know you thought I was actually really--and when I meant really, like fully gay at first and that I look like a complicated playboy who is scared of marriage but," he paused, taking a breather. Smiling the nervous ticks that was making his hands tremble.
"Marry me, please. That's not a question and please don't say no. I know you're drunk but a drunk mind speak sober thoughts, right?"
You hiccuped and giggled like a drunkard, your cheeks feeling all warm from all the alcohol you've drank. A single boop on his nose was what he got from you, and an answer that made him sigh that released all the anxiety and fear which was bubbling up inside his healing heart.
"Of course, silly. I'll marry chuuu' with all my heart!" Thus, the ring was about to come up later than the actual proposal because of certain circumstances that won't make it happen.
"Don't even bother coming to The Dome for its one year anniversary," Tj mumbled as he scrambled to his feet, he was completely drowning in his thoughts for you. He needed to find you because the room was beginning to choke him alive. "Even though, you guys fucking know how important you are to me,"
You were at the end of the room, hazy, dreary eyes seeing Tj striding across the room to find you. You fiddled with the lapels of his black coat resting on your shoulder. Basically, you looked like a drunk, kicked abandoned puppy who seemed to not be liked by his family.
A hug was all you wanted right now, and by the looks of your furious, teary eyed, healing Hammond, he desperately needs one too.
"Let's go, Y/N." Tj's warm, comforting hand grabbed yours. Roughly tugging you along in your heels. You were struggling in your shoes and by how fast and long his legs were. "T-Tj..Slow down, please?" you stuttered, alcohol running in your veins and it wasn't helping that the world was twirling in a vortex.
He abruptly stopped in front of their door, your forehead hitting his back with a soft thud. Automatically uttering a tender apology towards the latter. Tj spun in his heels, his long, soft, pretty fingers wrapping around your wrist a little too tightly. Probably because of his anger towards everything, yet you weren't complaining because you were too drunk to even retort. You were even numb from the alcohol and from the piercing words that went straight to the heart.
If only it was all but a dream..
"You guys are the fucking best," you heard Tj sarcastically spat towards his family who were shooting daggers at the both of you. They couldn't understand yet. No, not until they wanted to understand where Tj was coming from then they wouldn't get to.
They wouldn't get to because they've never understood him since he was in the white house.
Thomas James Hammond only needed love, understanding and affection. He just wanted to be loved. He has ever been a soft boy.
Y/N Y/L/N came along and gave him what he wanted, yet she wasn't downright accepted.
Just like TJ Hammond, and that was probably why they were good for each other.
Then the door slammed shut, vibrating their stunned souls. Nana revealed herself from the kitchen, a disappointed look on her pretty, aging face. She knew she liked Y/N's pure heart. More so for her grandson because she knew how he was whipped and ready to climb mountains for this woman.
Elaine's mother sipped on her martini, her voice cracking from age as she finally addressed the elephant in the room. "Elaine," she grabbed her daughter's attention. "You won't be getting to save Tj for the second time now because you've just showed how invalid he was. Y/N will." Elaine frowned tightly, trying hard not to roll her eyes as she was trying to process everything at hand.
Margaret huffed as she glanced at Elaine's ex-husband. "As for you, Bud.." She eventually snickered, twirling the glass in her feeble hands with a stressed out tone.
"You're a dick,"
The eventful night you've had with your boy was full of interesting surprises. One sore, tiring night came with a peaceful morning with Tj. Those tranquil hours you spend with him which included coffee, cuddles and light morning kisses was a highlight of your day before actually overworking yourself with work.
Up until today..
Heavy, quick footsteps faded in as you prepared breakfast for the both of you. Tj had accidentally snooped in your conversation that you had with Karina. A close friend of yours whom have been elated to know that you've managed to catch Tj's bisexual heart which were a mystery to many and probably a dream for every women and men to have.
Fortunately, you've caught the most glorious fish in the sea.
But, unfortunately he was looking mad.
"So, what's this thing that Karina said?" Your man huffed as he stopped beside you, leaving you no space. You've flipped the pancakes when you finally noticed bubbles. "What?" With eyebrows cinched and a very questionnable tone made Tj wrap his fingers around your arm with a slight force, turning you to look at him.
You didn't budge. Confusion written all over your face as you began to place those pancakes on a white, ceramic plate with only a hand. Once the pancakes were settled, you tried to hide the confusion with a smile. Still, those eyes of yours weren't on Tj and it was just making him even more frustrated.
"Eyes on me, Y/N." Your baby boy grumbled. Only to see his bright, cerulean eyes filled with dread. You finally laid your eyes on him, completely fixated and when you did, that's when he began to talk. His words slowly breaking him to pieces if that was even possible because of the previous agenda at hand.
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He huffed to himself. Red, cherry kissable lips forming a thin line, "--About planning on leaving the country," he continued sarcastically. "Wanting to work somewhere else--"
"--Where.I'm.not.there?" Tj emphasized his words, leaving pauses that made him sound more serious and definitely furious. His jaw began to tighten and that's when you realized he was serious and mad as a bear with a sore head.
"What was that suppose to mean, huh?" he sounded more hurt as he added, "Shouldn't I be the first to know these plans of yours?"
"Tj," you started thoroughly calm despite of his assumptions which have been true. Karina didn't grew up to be a liar and he'd seen the conversation you had with her. Therefore, it was no joke.
"No, Y/N. I know what I heard," It was a stern tone that made you shut up. Tj had been all but very rabid in a year that you've been with him. Lots of vexations and petty fights but definitely no tough fights like the one you're currently arguing on. He has just been a total sweetheart with you despite of his uncertainty in settling with a woman permanently.
Yet, those uncertainies came tumbling back when he'd read all your plans of leaving the country and working somewhere else where he wasn't there.
"Are you..." his voice began to turn quieter with vulnerability written in his Steele blue eyes that made your heart ache. He was hurting again, and the sad fact was that it was about you and his family. His heart was healing, but because of what happened last night, it began to trigger something inside of him which made everything come back the way it is. "--Leaving me?"
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You held onto his hand that was wrapped around your arm, untangling them and slipping your own in between the spaces of his fingers. A reassuring gaze was all you gave. "That's not what I meant, Love."
Tj bit his own lip apprehensively. "W-Was it something I said?" His voice sounded small, quieter and it teased the strings of your heart with a knife. "Was it something I did last night?"
His eyes cascaded downwards, avoiding your eyes and you couldn't help but slip your fingers on the side of his stubbly 5 o'clock shadow. "I'm...I'm sorry I was rough! I didn't mean to!" Thomas added, feeling like he was to blame. "I'm sorry I kept you up all night!" The latter kept trailing off, thoughts caught up in a fiery landslide of messages that kept him stuttering. "I..I was just frustrated, I--I--"
"Thomas, you got it all wrong--"
"No..no. Not you too, no please.." Your baby boy pleaded wholeheartedly, Cerulean eyes flashing and turning reddish from how he was trying not to let the tears slip. "Please! Don't leave me,"
"You're all I have, Y/N. You're the only one," he grabbed the sides of your face and you were met with dreaded eyes that was terrified of having the need to be alone. Tj was scared that the only person he could count on and he'd love will actually end up like his previous relationships. Thus, he didn't want you away from him even an inch. "Honey," you started, cupping the side of his jaw and reassuring that you'd be with him till the end of the line.
"N-No, please..you're the only one who actually cares," your baby boy desperately pleaded, much more to your pity. This was the only time you've seen him like that again and you wanted nothing more than to see him smiling that reaches the ends of his eyes.
"Hush, baby." you wooed him over and Tj leaned against your touch, like a lost, touch deprived puppy.  "I'm not leaving you..." you reassured with much emphasis, "I just wanted to earn more than what I do. It's for our future--"
He cut you off, very zealous of what solution he could see with that certain problem of yours. "You know I can help! I'll help you!"
"I love you," Those passionate three words was all it took for your decision to come crushing down. Apparently, Tj didn't want you working overseas even though you already were. He just didn't want you away from him, the idea of being separated is killing him inside. You were his stronghold, he lives for you and it was crushing him to know that you didn't know that he was six feet under for his love for you. "I love you very much," he emphasized, saying those words very tenderly as he peered down at you.
You bit your lip, finally deciding that he should get a snippet of your thoughts. "Tj, you know I don't want to feel as if I'm such a heavy baggage for you. You know your father doesn't like me because I'm poor and not a daughter of one of any politicians,"
Tj tried to chuckle and it appeared to sound like he was trying to sound happy. "Why do we even need to care about what my father thinks of you, Y/N?" Pause. "You're it for me, Baby. You know you are," he pushed himself to smile and it was hurting to smile when all he wanted to do was frown and cry from what how his actually life turned to.
"So, what's the problem, huh? You know I'm always here to help,"
He locked his eyes on your lips, brushing his lips on yours like a thunderbolt as it caught you off guard. Tj's lips locked with yours as he hopelessly kissed you with all his might. His fingers digging harder on the sides of your face with a need to keep you there and never leave. You answered his kisses with the same ferocity, murmuring his name once you get the chance to. "Tj," yet, he was still kissing you like his life depended on it.
A hand on his chest and a slight push was all it took for him to give you a breather, he didn't even want to stop and probably wanted you to drown in his kisses. His other hand slipped down towards your hips, leaning in to give you more than just warm, hot kisses as he tried to gamble the idea of keeping you beside him by giving himself to you like you were a deity he ought to praise and believe in.
"It's not you, Tj. It's me," you breathed against his dewy, Crimson lips. He let out a loud huff and a snicker which showed his tight frown. "Fück!" your baby boy cussed out loud. Totally disappointed by the words you just said.
The latter took a step back to have his hands on his hips, walking back and forth as he was murmuring cusses to himself. He couldn't believe you just said that to him. It was certainly upsetting.  "Don't get started on that because that line is for a person who simply wants to break up with their boyfriend,"
His Cerulean eyes were piercing, his disappointment shooting straight towards your heart and you couldn't help but stutter as you find the right words to it. Sometimes, having a language barrier sucks big time and as of the moment, it really does sucks ass.
"Am I hearing you right?" Tj bellowed, spitting his words with animosity and his upset state was shocking you to say the least. "Are we on the same page right now? Or do you really want to break up with me?" his eyes was turning bloodshoot red. The urge inside of you, wanting nothing but to hug him tight again just like last night as you held him in your arms while you both slept was itching your nerves. Instinctively, you took a step forward to be in his arm reach but he was quick to stop you with a hand in front of him.
Tj's face morphed into a crestfallen state that actually broke your heart. Big time. "Go on! Leave me too!" he loudly declared, tightly gnawing on his lip till it turned red and swollen. Those next words that left his lips added stones on top of your heart, creating a numbing pain that could get your eyes visible with tears.
"Everybody does, Y/N. Everybody does."
Your baby boy spun against his heels, striding towards his back pack that was placed on a chair on your dining table and you were tailing behind him like a lost puppy. Tj was upset, clearly upset from your mistake. Technically, you didn't know what left your mouth and you swore to the heavens that you should've thought it through before saying it to him.
Life was always like that. It's either your regret never doing things or you regret it in the end. A lesson leaving with the experience you had.
"Tj--" you padded through the other side of the room to where he was, he shuffled in his place and had his back on you. You tried wooing him over, yet he wouldn't budge. Ignoring you in the process. "Tj! No, you got it all wrong, Sweetheart! Tj!" Y/N pleaded with desperation in her voice because she knew Tj at the back of her hand. This was the state where Tj shouldn't be left alone and broken. It was dangerous for him to be an island when his mind was in a pained world.
"No, no, no..no.." you murmured to yourself. Thoroughly hopeless of the fact that he was now walking away from you, bag in hand and with a grudge in his heart. "Baby, please..." Tears began cascading your face like waterfalls. Every step Tj took was giving his heart a pinch. More so when his fingers turned the knob of your door. A pleading holler was sent to him as he didn't saw the broken look on your face which could get him to give in.
But, you were too late as the door was loudly shut.
You've made a mistake and now you were going to suffer from it.
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hazelandglasz · 5 years
klaine, “we work out at the same gym and you always look super legit but i know you sing hannah montana in the shower and you know i know” au heehee
On AO3
There are a lot of reasons why Kurt goes to this particular gym.
One: it’s two minutes away from work, which means he has no excuse not to go before going home.
Two: all things considered, it’s fairly cheap.
Three: there are no mirrors in that gym, except in the changing rooms, so there are no possibilities for some hunks to just flex and admire themselves.
Four (last but not least): the Super Legit Cutie.
SLC is just another patron of the club, one who happens to visit the gym around the same time as Kurt.
Who appears to be around his age.
Who is, as the moniker would suggest, very, very cute, unbearably so even, and doesn’t look out of place on the different machines he uses with an ease Kurt can only envy from afar while he sweats his cheesecakes away on the rowing machine and the treadmill.
Every now and then, they run side by side. The first time it happened, Kurt nearly had to save his neck from breaking because he stopped running, jaw dropping, at the way SLC’s thighs looked in motion in his teeny, tiny green shorts.
Dear Lord on a cracker, these shorts are s-i-n-f-u-l, accent on the full.
Between the shorts, the ease with the machines and the rocking body, SLC is what one could call a Gym Bunny if one was into that sort of name calling.
(Kurt, it seems, is one such individual, given the right amount of alcohol.)
Except for one little bit of information that Kurt treasures like a well-curated McQueen accessory.
See, most of the Gym Bunnies have one thing in common: even without the mirrors, they like to posture as Alpha Males, testosterone-vaganza, my muscles have muscles, etc.
True, SLC is more on the compact size, but his muscles cannot be denied--did Kurt mention the Thighs? Yes, they deserve their capital letters.
(And their own altar of worship, Kurt volunteers his bed as tribute to their grandeur.)
As gay as he may be, SLC does follow that pattern of looking, well, extra-manly.
But Kurt caught him off-guard in the showers--okay, that sounds even worse outloud than it did in his head, rewind.
But Kurt heard something in the showers that made him reconsider the whole Gym Bunny scenario.
One evening, Kurt was already exhausted by his long day and he decided to cut his training session short--45 minutes was more than enough, right, especially after a day of getting yelled at for no good reason by an incredibly annoying customer and then missing the last slice of pizza and having to deal with the rest of his day with a plate of grated carrots.
Healthy, sure, but at what cost?
Cutting his training session short brought him back to the changing room sooner than usual--which means Kurt ended up in the changing room before the big rush of late comers, regular leavers.
Right in time for SLC’s post-training shower.
And that’s how Kurt heard him sing.
For starters, there is the fact that prior to that moment, Kurt had never heard the man’s voice, and what a shame it was. SLC sounded like a smooth singer, with just a little raspiness to make it interesting.
And then.
There is the choice of song itself.
“No way to know for sure
I’ll figure out a cure
I’m patchin’ up the holes …”
Kurt had to pause in his tracks. Hannah Montana? Really?
Not that there's anything wrong with Miley Cyrus earlier body of work, of course. It’s just so unexpected in his present environment …
“Nobody’s perfect, oohoo
I gotta work iii-iit
Again and again till I get it ri-iight…”
Kurt can only applaud SLC for his commitment to the song. If anything, he’s a dedicated performer and Kurt salutes him.
Besides, there is something in this choice of song that tugs on Kurt’s heartstrings.
A vulnerability, almost, and a desire for growth and change with which he can relate.
Kurt loses himself in his thoughts, in his wishes to find a kindred spirit, in his regrets about high school.
“And if I’m messing up sometimes, heey,
Nobody’s p--oh, hello?”
Kurt looks up in alarm and finds himself face to face with a towel-clad SLC.
A towel, and nothing else.
Sweet rollerblading Jesus.
Kurt would like to thank the goblin in a teapot on the Moon for the opportunity to be blessed with such a vision.
SLC is clutching his towel--wise move, hombre--and looks hesitant. Probably because Kurt is staring and has not said a word, like the world’s biggest creep.
“Hi!” Kurt scrambles to stand on his feet, thanking whomever is to be thanked for wearing a not totally atrocious outfit today of all days. “I--sorry, I was just--”
“No worries, no worries.” SLC rubs the back of his neck which has turned an alarming shade of red. “I wasn’t sure what you were doing here, I’m usually, well, usually alone this time of the afternoon.”
“I wasn’t stalking you.”
A frown appears on SLC’s face. “I didn’t say or think you were--should I?”
“N-no, no, just a coincidence.”
“A happy one, then.” SLC takes the couple of steps separating him from Kurt and holds his free hand. “I’ve meant to introduce myself for a while now. I’m Blaine.”
Kurt blinks, and blinks again, before shaking Blaine’s hand. “K-Kurt.”
“Nice to meet you Kurt.”
The smile on Blaine’s face is boyish and small and adorable. Kurt can feel his own cheeks stretched by a smile of his own, and he can only hope that it doesn’t bare a resemblance to the expression on Mowgli’s face in the Jungle Book.
Then something Blaine just said finally registers and is processed.
“What do you mean, you wanted to introduce yourself for a while?”
The flush on Blaine’s skin intensifies. “I mean--I’ve seen you. Around.” Blaine steps back to his locker, hiding his face in his belongings. “Around the gym, you know.”
“For a while.” Somehow, Blaine’s embarrassment makes him more approachable, and Kurt doesn’t feel as awkward as he previously did. ‘Who’s the stalker now?”
Blaine snorts and looks at Kurt over his shoulder. “Not a stalker either,” he says, his smile visible in the crinkles around his eyes. “Scout’s honor.”
Kurt cannot stop smiling. He turns to his own locker, fishing his shoes and bag. “Were you really a scout?”
“I could tell you all the tales of summer camps adventures around a cup of coffee?”
Kurt is 99% sure there is steam coming out of his ears. “Uh?”
Blaine pulls on a t-shirt--thank God, Kurt needs his brain okay--and cocks his head to the side. “If you’re free, maybe we could grab a cup of coffee, I would tell you all about being a boy scout in the middle of Ohio and you can tell me more about yourself, confirm a theory of mine.”
Kurt considers it. He is still tired, sure, but this is a far better prospect for his evening than the rerun of Project Runway and the industrial ramen waiting for him at home.
“Deal,” he finally replies. “If by coffee you mean pizza.”
“Of course.”
“And if you explain your choice of shower song.”
Blaine’s cheeks turn a tender shade of pink. “Of course.”
“Then lead the way, oh rockstar.”
Blaine smiles and shoulders his bag. That’s when Kurt finally pays attention to his outfit.
Gym attire Blaine was hot and legit, sure, a true Gym Bunny.
Civilian attire Blaine?
Preppy and Brooks Brothers material and Kurt wants to tear that bowtie off with his teeth.
“Come on,” Blaine says, “I know where to get the best pizza in the city.”
(Not that evening,, but a couple of pizza-coffee dates later, Kurt gets his wish.)
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